
working in the fields on fine days and reading books on rainy days


英語の文と文のつなぎの言葉はたくさんあり、 英語の文章を書くときにどんなものがあったのかいちいち思い出すのも面倒だし、忘れやすいのでメモ。 ここにメモするのは必ずしも接続詞だけではないです。副詞もあれば、熟語もあります。

どちらかというと書き言葉中心に偏りがちになるかもしれないし、 分類の仕方がいまいちかもしれませんが、ご留意ください。

Note: 主に話し言葉で使われる語には(話)という印をつけています。


〜しかし but, and yet, while, however, where, whereas
〜だけれども but, though, even though, although, however, while, yet, though yet, as
対照的に in contrast, in contrast to A
〜に反して contrary to A
一方で・対して on the other hand/side, on the flip side, while, meanwhile, conversely, whilst
悪い面は on the downside
同様に like, as, similarly, similar to, equally, likewise, equally, in the same way, as with, as is the case with
〜の場合と同様に as is the case in/for
〜と違って unlike
でなければ otherwise
少なくとも at least, at the very least
前者は for the former
後者は for the latter
比較的 relatively
比較して言えば relatively speaking


〜だから so, so that, because, since, as, for, on account of,
therefore, thus, hence
〜が原因で for, because of, due to, on account of, owing to,
this is caused by ~
〜したので for doing
したがって consequently, accordingly
〜のおかげで thanks to
〜なので・〜を考えると with
〜なので・〜という点で in that
〜の結果 as a result (of ~), consequently, accordingly, in doing so
〜であるにも関わらず despite, in spite of, for all ~ , with all ~,
nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding
〜を考慮して in consideration of, in light of,
(take A into account, make allowances for)
〜を考慮すれば considering


つまり in short, in sum, in brief, in conclusion, in summary,
to summarize, in other words, i.e.,
basically(話), in a nutshell(話), in a word (話)
すなわち namely, to wit
より正確に言えば more precisely, namely, or rather
正確ではないですが "not precisely, but"
言い換えれば that is, or, in other words, i.e., I mean, this means
概して generally, in general, generally speaking, overall, all in all,
on/as the whole, altogether, by and large(話)
結局 after all, in the end, eventually, in the event, finally, lastly,
at the end of the day(話)
やっと・ついに at last, at length, eventually, finally
一般的に in general, generally, usually, most commonly, on average
普通は usually, normally, commonly
規範的に canonically
どちらにせよ either way, in either case


〜するためには in order that, in order to, so that, so as to
〜しようとして in an effort to do


そして and, then, and then
そのうえ〜 also, in addition, additionally, besides, plus, furthermore,
moreover, over and above, as well(話)
〜に加えて apart from, aside from, as well as, not only/merely, along with,
other than, and again, again
〜に加えて・一緒に along with
〜だけでなく〜も not only/merely … but also
例えば such as, like, including, for example, for instance, say,
e.g., ex., : (colon), — (dash)
具体的にいうと concretely, specifically
(例えば)〜のように as in
とりわけ especially, specially, specifically, particularly, in particular, not least
代わりに instead, instead of, alternatively, in place of, in lieu of
〜を除いて except, but, apart from, aside from, other than
〜は別として apart from, aside from
about, on, as for, as to, with regard to, with respect to, w.r.t.,
in regard to, as regards, regarding, concerning, relating to,
in terms of, -wise(話)
〜の観点から in terms of
私の考えでは in my view
私にとって to me, for me
〜と言うよりむしろ rather, or rather
この場合は in this case, in some cases, in those cases
何よりも above all (things), most of all, first and foremost
主に mainly, chiefly, mostly, largely, typically, primarily


初めに (at) first, firstly, to being with, to start with, primarily,
in the first place, first of all(話), first things first(話), foremost
初めは initially
最後に finally, lastly, in conclusion
留意すべきことは note that, keep in mind that, nota bene, N.B.
〜で説明されている通り as described/shown above/below, as I said before/earlier,
as seen earlier, as discussed in Section N
〜によれば according to
私の意見では in my opinion, in my book(話)
ここでは here
理論上は in theory, on paper, theoretically
実際には in practice, in effect, effectively


さて・ところで well(話), now, now that, by the way, in the meantime
ついでに・ところで incidentally
とにかく anyway, at any rate, in any case, in any event, at all events
〜と言えば speaking of, as for, as to, about


もちろん of course
確かに certainly, surely, true, admittedly
絶対に absolutely, definitely(話), positively(話), hell(話)
明らかに clearly, obviously, certainly, undoubtedly
実際 actually, realistically, indeed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality
ところが実際は as it turns out, as it is
繰り返して言うが once again, again(話)
最も重要なことに most importantly


もし〜ならば if, in the event that/of
もし〜でなければ unless
〜とすれば・〜と仮定して assuming (that), providing (that), provided (that),
given (that)
〜になるという条件で providing, provided that
〜である限り only if, as long as
〜の場合を除いて except if, unless
〜の条件なら only do
場合によっては in some cases
もしもそうなった場合には in which case
if and only if, iff


いつ when, at which time, at what time
〜するときに when, as
〜する前に before
〜した後に after
その後 later, afterward(s), subsequently, thereafter
〜するまで till, until
〜するまでには by the time ~
〜して以来 since, ever since
〜している間 while, meanwhile, in the meantime, whilst
〜している間はずっと all the time
しばらくは for the meantime
今では now, today
現在 now, today, currently, at present, presently
最近では these days, recently, nowadays
かつては formerly, in the past
将来 in the future, someday, one day
近い将来 in the near future, in the not too distant future
今頃はもう by now(推量の助動詞と共に)
今のところ for now, for the moment, for the present, for the time being, so far
これまで so far, up to now, up to this point, up until this point, thus far
同時に at the same time, at once, simultaneously with
突然 suddenly, all of a sudden, all at once, unexpectedly
〜するとすぐに directly, immediately, right away, at once, (as soon as ~)
あっという間に in no time
それまでの間 in the meantime
するにつれて〜 as(As time passed, ~)
たまに occasionally
よくあることだが as is often the case
衝動的に impulsively, on impulse, on the spur of the moment


必ず surely, certainly
まず間違いなく arguably
十中八九 probably, in all likelihood
おそらく maybe, perhaps, apparently, very/more/most likely, seemingly,
supposedly, presumably
ひょっとすると possibly


〜のように as(前置詞)
するような〜 ~ as do(関係代名詞としての as)
驚くべきことに to my surprise, to my astonishment, remarkably
喜ばしいことに to my delight
がっかりしたことに to my disappointment
不快なことに to my discomfort
不名誉なことに to my disgrace
むかつくことに to my disgust
恥ずかしいことに to my embarrassment
恐ろしいことに to my horror
ほっとしたことに to my relief
満足なことに to my satisfaction
残念なことに unfortunately, to my sorrow, to my chagrin


〜する時はいつでも whenever
〜のところへ where
〜であるが whereas
〜のところはどこでも wherever
〜かどうか whether
それによって〜する whereby
〜でなければ without(米)-> unless
個人的に personally
事実上・実際には practically
統計的に statistically
厳密には technically
大体 roughly
厳密に言えば strictly speaking
個人的に言えば personally speaking
現実的に言えば practically speaking
統計的に言えば statistically speaking
技術的に言えば technically speaking
大まかに言えば roughly speaking
もともと originally
基本的には basically, essentially
〜の限りでは as far as
別名 a.k.a., AKA
私が知る限りでは as far as I know, AFAIK
私見を申し上げますと in my humble opinion, IMHO
私の率直な意見では in my honest opinion
正直に言うと・実を言えば to be honest, honestly, truly, really
本当に(心から、純粋に) genuinely
大まじめに in all seriousness
〜しないように lest, for fear that
いったん〜すると once
ただし・ただ〜なので(できない) only reason
いつものように as always
一見すると〜 at a glance
ある意味で in a way, in a sense, in the way, in the sense
希望としては hopefully
ありがたいことに thankfully
幸運にも fortunately, happily, luckily
あいにく unfortunately, unhappily, sadly
この点については in this regard
慣例によれば by convention
単に merely, simply
(どんなに良くても)せいぜい at best
最悪の場合 at worst, worst case
可能な限り wherever possible
この点において at this point
歴史的に historically
慣習的に traditionally
直感的に見れば intuitively
実験的に・経験的に empirically
皮肉をこめて sarcastically
個人的には personally
意図的に intentionally, by intention, purposefully
意識的に consciously
潜在的に subconsciously
現状では as it stands, as things stands
はるかに、圧倒的に by far
長い目で見れば in the long run
目先の計算では in the short run
なるべく・できれば preferably
デフォルトでは by default
オプションで optionally
便宜上 for convenience
簡単/簡潔にするために for simplicity, for brevity
原則として in principle
言うまでもなく needless to say
参考までに言うけど for what it's worth(話)
当然 naturally
まさか as if(話)
あらかじめ in advance
考えてみると come to think of it
なぜか somehow, for some reason(話)
このままでは at this rate
少しずつ gradually, little by little
当該の in question
うっかり、無意識に inadvertently
表向きは ostensibly
後から考えれば in/with hindsight
もしそうなら if so
もしそうでないなら if not
Bとは言わないまでもA A if not B
興味深いことに interestingly
些細なことだが trivially
〜かどうかによる depend on/upon whether
皮肉にも ironically
仮に hypothetically
意外にも surprisingly
理想的には ideally
真面目な話をすると seriously(話)
このようにして In this way
というか、っていうか actually
そういう訳で that being the case
以上です this is it (話)

Special thanks


  • Eugen Dück

See also

  • Weblio英語例文検索
  • Nyanglish – 世界最大の英語例文検索エンジン (nyanglish.com, サービス終了)