- BENE: well: p1
- AM: to love: p3
- BELL: war: p5
- PAC: agree, peace: p6
- CRIM: fault or crime, accusation: p9
- PROB: prove or proof, honesty or integrity: p10
- GRAV: heavy, weighty, serious: p13
- LEV: light, to raise or lighten: p14
- MANIA: madness: p23
- PSYCH: breath, life, soul: p25
- CEPT: take, seize: p27
- FIN: end, boundary: p29
- JECT: throw, hurl: p31
- TRACT: drag, draw: p33
- DUC/DUCT: to lead: p35
- SEQU: to follow: p36
- AMBI: on both sides, around: p45
- EPI: on over, attached to: p46
- HYP/HYPO: below, under: p49
- THERM/THERMO: warm: p51
- POLY: many: p54
- PRIM: first: p56
- HOM/HOMO: same, similar: p58
- DIS: apart, opposite, not, deprive of, exclude or expel from: p60
- VOR: to eat: p69
- CARN: flesh, meat: p70
- CRED: to believe, to entrust: p73
- FID: faith, trust: p74
- CURR/CURS: to run: p77
- FLECT: to bend: p81
- POST: after, behind: p82
- MAL: bad: p91
- CATA: down: p92
- PROT/PROTO: first in time, first formed: p95
- ANTE: before, in front of: p96
- ORTHO: straight, right, true: p99
- RECT: straight, right: p101
- EU: well, good, true: p103
- DYS: bad, difficult: p104
- EQU: equal: p113
- QUIS: to seek or obtain: p114
- PLE/PLEN: to fill: p117
- METR/METER: measure: p118
- AUD: hearing: p121
- SON: sound: p122
- ERR: to wander, to stray: p124
- CED: to proceed, to yield: p126
- VIS: see: p134
- SPECT: to look at: p135
- VOC: voice, speak: p138
- PHON: sound, voice, speech: p139
- CUR: care for: p142
- PERI: around: p143
- SENS: feeling, sense: p146
- SOPH: wise, wisdom: p148
- PORT: to carry: p157
- PEND: to hang, to weigh: p159
- PAN: all, completely, while, general: p162
- EXTRA: outside, beyond: p163
- PHOT: light: p166
- LUC: light, to shine or glitter: p168
- MOR/MORT: to die, death: p170
- TROPH: nourishment: p172
- HER: to stick: p181
- FUG: to flee or escape: p182
- COSM: order: p185
- SCI: to know, to understand: p186
- JUNCT: to join: p189
- PART: part: p190
- MIS: to send: p193
- PEL: to move or drive: p194
- PUT: to think, consider, believe: p202
- LOG: word, speech, reason: p203
- TERR: earth: p206
- MAR: sea: p208
- PATH: feeling, suffering: p210
- PEN/PUN: penalty, to punish: p212
- MATR/MATER: mother: p214
- AQU: water: p215
- CANT: sing: p224
- LINGU: tongue, language: p225
- SPIR: breath, breathe: p228
- VER: truth: p229
- TURB: to throw into confusion or upset, crowd, confusion: p232
- VOLU/VOLV: to roll, wind, turn around, or twist around: p233
- FAC: to make or do: p235
- LUM: light: p237
- UMBER: shadow: p245
- VEST: to clothe, to dress, clothing, garment: p246
- THE/THEO: god: p249
- ICON: image: p251
- URB: city: p254
- CULT: care: p255
- DEM/DEMO: people: p259
- POPUL: people: p261
- CORD: heart: p269
- CULP: guilt: p270
- DICT: to speak: p272
- GNI/GNO: to know: p274
- GRAPH: to write: p277
- ART: skill: p278
- FORT: strong: p281
- CIS: to cut, cut down, slay: p283
- CRYPT: hidden: p291
- AB/ABS: from, away, off: p293
- PED: child: p295
- TROP: turn, change: p296
- NEO: new: p299
- NOV: new: p301
- POS: to put, to place: p304
- TEN: hold, hold on to: p305
- MONO: along, single: p308
- UNI: one: p309
- TERM/TERMIN: to limit, bound, set limits to, limit or boundary: p314
- GEO: earth: p315
- SPHER: ball: p318
- VERT: to turn, to turn around: p320
- MORPH: shape: p323
- FORM: shape, form: p324
- DOC/DOCT: to teach: p327
- TUT/TUI: to look after, guide, guard, teach: p329
- DI/DUP: two: p331
- BI/BIN: two, double: p333
- TOP: place: p338
- CENTR/CENTER: sharp point, center point of circle: p339
- DOM: house, master: p342
- OMNI: all, in all ways, in all places, without limits: p344
- HOL/HOLO: whole: p346
- RETRO: back, backward, behind: p348
- TEMPOR: time: p351
- CHRON: time: p352
- TRI: three: p355
- ANIM: breath, soul: p361
- FIG: to shape or mold, a form or shape: p362
- ANN/ENN: year: p365
- EV: age, lifetime: p366
- CORP: body: p369
- TANG/TACT: to touch, sense of touch: p370
- CODI/CODE: trunk of a tree, document written on wooden tablets: p373
- SIGN: mark or sign: p374
- QUADR/QUART: four, fourth: p376
- TETR: four: p378
- CAPIT: head: p382
- ANTHROP: human being: p384
- KINE: movement: p387
- DYNAM: power: p389
- GRAD: step, degree, to step, walk: p392
- REG: rule: p393
- CRIT: to judge, to decide: p396
- JUR: to swear, take an oath: p397
- PENT: five: p400
- QUINT: five: p401
- BIO: life: p407
- GEN: birth: p409
- FUNCT: to perform, carry out: p411
- MUT: to change: p413
- FRACT: to break or shatter: p416
- TELE: distance, at a distance: p417
- PHIL: love: p420
- NEG: to say no: p422
- DEC: ten: p424
- CENT: one hundred: p426
- NOM: name: p431
- PATER/PATR: father: p433
- LEGA: to appoint, to send as a deputy: p436
- GREG: herd, flock: p437
- FLU: to flow: p440
- PREHEND/PREHENS: to seize: p441
- TEMPER: to moderate or keep within limits, to mix: p443
- PURG: to clean or cleanse: p445
- MILL: a thousand, a thousandth: p448
- HEMI/SEMI: half: p449
- SUB: under: p455
- HYPER: above or beyond: p457
- PRE: before, in front of: p460
- PARA: beside, closely related to: p461
- META: behind, beyond: p464
- PER: through, throughout, thoroughly: p466
- ANT/ANTI: against: p469
- CONTRA: against, contrary to: p470
- ACER/ACR: sharp, sour: p479
- STRICT: to draw tight, to bind, to tie: p480
- STRU/STRUCT: to put together, to build, to arrange: p483
- PROP/PROPRI: own: p485
- TORT: to twist, to wind, to wrench: p488
- VIV: to live, be alive: p489
- SERV: to be subject to: p492
- CLUS: to close: p493
- TEXT: to weave: p502
- PLAC: to please or be agreeable to, to soothe or calm: p504
- AUT/AUTO: same, self: p506
- GRAT: pleasing, welcome, agreeable, grace, agreeableness: p508
- CLAM/CLAIM: to shout or cry out: p510
- CRAC/CRAT: power: p512
- PUNC: point: p514
- POT: able: p516
- MAND: entrust, order: p525
- UND: wave, to rise in waves, to surge or flood: p526
- SANCT: holy: p529
- LOQU: to talk: p531
- VIR: man: p533
- VAL: strength, to be worthy, healthy, strong, to have power or influence: p534
- CRE/CRET: to come into being, to grow: p537
- FUS: to pour out, to melt: p538
- VERB: word: p548
- SIMIL/SIMUL: like, resembling, similar, to make like: p549
- SCEND: to climb: p552
- ONYM: name, word: p554
- SCRIB/SCRIP: to write: p557
- FALL: to deceive: p558
- SOLU: to loosen, free, release: p561
- HYDR: water: p562
- MUR: wall: p572
- POLIS/POLIT: city: p573
- NUMER: number, to count: p576
- KILO: thousand: p578
- MICRO: small: p581
- MULTI: many: p582
- PAR: equal: p585
- PHOB: fear: p587
- HEM/HEMO: blood: p589
- ITIS: disease, inflammation: p591
- NANO: dwarf: p596
- SUPER: over, higher, more than: p598
- DE: down, away: p601
- NUL/NULL: none: p602
- ARM: weapons, tools: p605
- SURG: to rise, spring up: p607
- STRAT: spread, bed: p609
- LATER: side: p611
- TOM: cut, dissection: p614
- IATR: healer, physician: p615
- MEDI: middle: p620
- OID: appearance, form: p622
- SCOP: to look at: p624
- TRANS: through, across, beyond: p626
- PRO: for, favoring: p629
- PRO: before, in front of: p631
- RE: again, for, favoring: p634
- RE: back, backward: p635
- DERM: skin: p638
- ENDO: within: p639
- NECRO: dead body: p644
- PALEO: ancient: p646
- CIRCU/CIRCUM: circle: p649
- MINI/MINU: small, least: p650
- INTER: between: p653
- SUR: over, above: p655
- CO: with, together: p658
- SYN: together, at the same time: p660
- TOXI: poison: p669
- TEN/TENU: thin: p671
- TECHNI/TECHNO: art, craft, skill: p674
- LONG: long: p675
- IDIO: one’s own, private: p678
- AER/AERO: air: p680
- CAD: to fall: p683
- TRIB: to give, to pay: p684
- IN-: in, into, on, upon: NA
- IN-/IM-: not: NA
- EX-: out of, from, utterly, thoroughly, not, without: NA
- OB-/OC(C)-/OF(F)-/O(M)-/OP(P)-/OS(T)-: toward, on, over, against, reversely: NA
- AD-/AC(C)-/AF(F)-/AG(G)-/AC(K)-/AL(L)-/AP(P)-/AS(Q)-/AT(S)-: toward, near
- BIBLIO-: book: NA
- -MENT: action, result, means, instrument: NA
- -FY: cause to became, make