/                                                      \
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     | terminal  |                    | terminal  |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----+-----+    |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |     |     | Request connection |     |     |    |
   UCLA {     |     |     | -> over link 25    |     |     |    } SRI
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |   +-+-+   |    |
        |     |   | OS|---+-=|I|----------|I|=-+---| OS|   |    |
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |   +---+   |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |      HOST: UCLA                        HOST: SRI      |
         \                                                     /

         /                                                      \
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     | terminal  |                    | terminal  |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----+-----+    |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |     +-----+-----+ "Please send front"+-----------+    |
        |     |     |     | end control"       |     |     |    |
   UCLA {     |     |     |        ->          |     |     |    } SRI ___
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |  +--+---+ |    |    /   |
        |     |   | OS|---+-=|I|----------|I|=-+--|OS|NLS| +----+---|    |
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |  +------+ |    |   |___/
        |     |           |       DEL prog.    |           |    |   |    |
        |     |           |        <-          |           |    |   |____|
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |      HOST: UCLA                        HOST:SRI       |
         \                                                     /

         /                                                     \
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     | terminal  |                    | terminal  |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----+-----+    |
        |           |Trivial                         |          |
        |           |Responses                       |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |     +-----+------+                    +-----------+   |
        |     |     |      |                    |     |     |   |
   UCLA {     |     |      |  Major Responses   |     |     |   } SRI ___
        |     |  +--+--+   |  +-+          +-+  |  +--+---+ |   |    /   |
        |     |  |DEL  |---+-=|I|----------|I|=-+--|OS|NLS| +---+---|    |
        |     |  |front|   |  +-+          +-+  |  +------+ |   |   |___/
        |     |  | end |   |                    |           |   |   |    |
        |     |  |prog.|   |                    |           |   |   |____|
        |     |  +-----+   |                    |           |   |
        |     |  | OS  |   |                    |           |   |
        |     |  +-----+   |                    |           |   |
        |     |            |                    |           |   |
        |     +------------+                    +-----------+   |
        |      HOST: UCLA                         HOST: SRI     |
         \                                                     /

            | |              |
               \          +--+
          ADD   CARRY---> |  |

              | FIELD 4 | FIELD 3 | FIELD 2 | FIELD 1 |

              | FIELD 8 | FIELD 7 | FIELD 6 | FIELD 5 |
            | |         |         |         |         |
             |      |        |         |         |
             |      |        |         |         v
             |      |        |         |    +---------+
             |      |        |         |    |         |
             |      |        |         |    +---------+
             |      |        |         |
             |      |        |         \    +---------+
             |      |        |          `-> |         |
             |      |        |              +---------+
             |      |        |
             |      |        \              +---------+
             |      |         `-----------> |         |
             |      |                       +---------+
             |      |
             |      \                       +---------+
             |       `--------------------->|         |
             |                              +---------+
             \                                    +---+
              `-----CARRY------------------------>|   |
                                  |         |         |
                                       \        +-----+
                                    ADD `-----> |     |

          +-                                                     -+
          |8080 (max host message length) - 32 (heading + marking)|
          |                8 (byte = 8 bits)                      |
          +-                                                     -+

                           HOST (Sigma 7) <--|/|--> Outside world
   Users                                     |/|
    |                                        |/|
    |                                        |/|   Special  Standard
    V                                        |/|      |       |
         +--------------+   +------------+   |/|      V   |   V
    o----|              |   |            |   |/|   +------+------+
         |   Output     |-->|   Output   |-->|/|-->|      |      |-->IMP
    . . .|              |   |            |   |/|   |             |
         |              |   |            |   |/|   |      |      |
    o----| (Multiplex)  |   |            |   |/|   |             |
         |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ |   |_ _ _ _ _ _ |   |/|   | _ _ _| _ _ _|
    o----|              |   |            |   |/|   |      |      |
         |   Input      |<--|    Input   |<--|/|<--|             |<--IMP
    . . .|              |   |            |   |/|   |      |      |
         |              |   |            |   |/|   |             |
    o----|(Distribution)|   |            |   |/|   +------|------+
         |              |   |            |   |/|       HARDWARE
         +--------------+   +------------+   |/|       Interface
             NETWORK          HANDLER        |/|
             Program          Program        |/|
                                             |/|    (Fig. 1)

                                                   | | |              |
                                                   | | | interface    |
                                                   | | |              |
                                                   |                  |
                                                   | ====> Data       |
                                                   |                  |
                                                   | ----- Logical    |
                                                   |       information|

                      + - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
                      |                            |
                              interface table
                      |        +----------+        |               | |
        | |              +---->|          |<----+                  | |
        | |           |  |     +----------+     |  |   interrupt   | |
        | |           ^  |                      |     +----<-------| |
        | |           |  |    +-          -+    |  |  |            | |
        | |           |  V    |  _________ |    V  V  V            | |
   o----| |-+  +---------+-+  | |         ||  +-+--+--+---+        | |
        | |  \ |+---------+|  | |_________||  |+---------+|        | |
        | |   \||         ||  |            |  ||         ||        | |
        | |    +|         ||  | - - - - - -|  ||         ||        | |
        | |    ||         ||  |            |  ||         ||        | |
    - - - - - -|| NETWORK ||=>-  _________ -=>|| HANDLER ||=======>| |
        | |    +| Progr.  ||  | |         ||  || Progr.  ||        | |
        | |   /||         ||  | |_________||  ||         ||        | |
        | |  / |+---------+|  |            |  |+---------+|        | |
   o----| |-+  +-----------+  |  _________ |  +----+------+        | |
   ^    | |                   | |         ||       |               | |
   |    | |                   | |_________||       +--->---------->| |
   |     ^                    +-    ^     -+         Commands      | |
   Users |                          |                              | |
         |                    Pool of buffers                      | |
       User's                                                       ^
      Interface                                                     |

             HOST(x)        Control link                     HOST(y)
                          ACK ENQ PRIM 0 1 2 0 1 5

             HOST(x)     Prim. Link #12                       HOST(y)
                         ! S I G N - I N : X X

             HOST(x)     Prim. Link #15                       HOST(y)
                         ! ! R E A D Y

             HOST(x)     Prim. Link #12                       HOST(y)
                           ! U R S A

             HOST(x)           Control link                  HOST(y)
                               ENQ AUX 0 2 5

             HOST(x)           Control link                  HOST(y)
                             ACK ENQ AUX 0 2 5 0 2 1

             HOST(x)        Aux. Link #25                    HOST(y)
                               X X ..... X X

             HOST(x)         Aux. Link #21                   HOST(y)
                             X ......... X

             HOST(x)           Control Link                  HOST(y)
                               EOT 0 0 1 0 1 2

             HOST(x)           Control Link                  HOST(y)
                            ACK EOT 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 5

|<---32 bits--->|<---32 bits--->|<----16 bits---->|<------?------>|
|    leader     |    marking    |    checksum     |    padding    |

    Terminal        ______                                 ________
    _________      |      |     ______          ______    |        |
   |         |     | USER |    |      |        |      |   |SERVING |
   |         |-----| HOST |----|      |---//---|      |---| HOST   |
   |_________|     |  A   |    |      |        |      |   |  B     |
                   |______|    |______|        |______|   |________|
                  University                               Stanford
                   of Utah                                 Research

  B  \ b7 ------------>| 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
   I  \  b6 ---------->| 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   |
    T  \   b5 -------->| 0   | 1   | 0   | 1   | 0   | 1   | 0   | 1   |
     S                 |-----------------------------------------------|
               COLUMN->| 0   | 1   | 2   | 3   | 4   | 5   | 6   | 7   |
|b4 |b3 |b2 |b1 | ROW  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0    | NUL | DLE | SP  | 0   | @   | P   |   ` |   p |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1    | SOH | DC1 | !   | 1   | A   | Q   |   a |   q |
| 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2    | STX | DC2 | "   | 2   | B   | R   |   b |   r |
| 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3    | ETX | DC3 | #   | 3   | C   | S   |   c |   s |
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4    | EOT | DC4 | $   | 4   | D   | T   |  d  |   t |
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5    | ENQ | NAK | %   | 5   | E   | U   |  e  |   u |
| 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6    | ACK | SYN | &   | 6   | F   | V   |  f  |   v |
| 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7    | BEL | ETB | '   | 7   | G   | W   |  g  |   w |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8    | BS  | CAN | (   | 8   | H   | X   |  h  |   x |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9    | HT  | EM  | )   | 9   | I   | Y   |  i  |   y |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10   | LF  | SUB | *   | :   | J   | Z   |  j  |   z |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11   | VT  | ESC | +   |  ;  | K   | [   |  k  |   { |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12   | FF  | FS  | ,   | <   | L   | \   |  l  |   | |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13   | CR  | GS  | -   | =   | M   | ]   |  m  |   } |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14   | SO  | RS  | .   | >   | N   | ^   |  n  |   ~ |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15   | SI  | US  | /   | ?   | O   | _   |  o  | DEL |

               <-------------32 bits --------------->
               |           HEADER                   |
               |      |       |           |         |
               | mark |  l    |  <L1>     |  <L2>   |
               |                 |                  |
               |     checksum    |     Padding      |
                 typical control message (please
                 establish auxiliary link #L2
                 parallel to our primary link #l)

   0     3  4   7  8  9   10   14   LINK#      24              31
   |       |      |     |       |               |////////////////|
   | FLAGS | TYPE |  H  |  SITE | 00000001      |////////////////|

   Figure 1 Initial network configuration |<------------ 24bits ----------->|
   |                                 |
   |                                 |
   |        Leader (32 bits)         |
   |               __________________|
   |              | 100 ---    ----0 |<----16 bits of marking
   |                                 |
   |                                 |
   |   Text of messages (96 bits)    |
   |                                 |
   | 100-----          ----0|
           |______16 bits of padding added
                  by the interface

          24                    8          8
   |  User Number         |           |          |
                                |          |___AEN
                                |___HOST number
   Figure 3 A typical socket

              |<--- connection --->|
   +---------+                      +---------+
   |         |        link          |         |
   | process |--(|--------------|)--| process |
   |         |   ^              ^   |         |
   +---------+   |              |   +---------+
                 |              |
             send socket    receive socket

                     Socket    Port
                     |    |      |    ____________
                     |    V      V   /            \
                     V              /              \
                         |=|    /==|                |
             -------(+)->|Y|--><   |                |
                         |=|    \==|                |
                                   |    PROCESS     |
                                   |                |
                         |=|    /==|                |
             -------(-)->|X|<--<   |                |
                         |=|    \==|                |
                                    \              /

              H O S T  A                      H O S T  C
    ______________________________       ______________________
   |                              |     |                      |
   |  ____   ____   ____   ____   |     |  ____   ____   ____  |
   | |Proc| |Proc| |Proc| |    |  |     | |Proc| |Proc| |    | |
   | | A  | | B  | | C  | |UCC |  |     | | D  | | E  | |UCC | |
   | |____| |____| |____| |____|  |     | |____| |____| |____| |
   |    |     |      |      |     |     |    |     |      |    |
  - - - - - - |- - - |- - - |- - -|- - -|- - |- - -|- - - |- - - - - -
   |    |     |      |      |   NCP NETWORK  |     |      |    |
   |    |     |      |      |     |     |    |     |      |    |
   |   _|_____|______|______|_    |     |   _|_____|______|_   |
   |  |                       |   |     |  |                |  |
   |  |      N C P   A        |   |     |  |   N C P   C    |  |
   |  |_______________________|   |     |  |________________|  |
   |                     ||       |     |       ||             |
   |_____________________||_______|     |_______||_____________|
                         ||                     ||
  - - - - - - - - - - - -|| - - - - - - - - - - ||- - - - - - - - - -
                         ||     IMP NETWORK     ||
                      ___||___              ____||__
                     |        |            |        |
                     |  IMP   |------------|  IMP   |
                     |   A    |            |   C    |
                     |________|            |________|
                         |                     |
                         |       ________      |
                         |      |        |     |
                         +------|  IMP   |-----+
                                |   B    |

          HOST  A               |          HOST B
          INITIATOR             |          ACCEPTOR
          PROCESS 'a'           |          PROCESS 'b'
                                |  a. LISTEN 'socket code 9'
 b. INIT 'socket code 12' 'Bb9' |
      RFC 'AA12' 'Bb9' 'link 47' ==========>
                                | c. ACCEPT 'socket code 9'
                                |        RFC 'Bb9' 'Aa12'
                                | d. TRANSMIT 'send buffer' 'len'
                                |                        'socket 9'
                     <============== IMP message 'link 47' 'send buffer'
 e. TRANSMIT 'rec buffer' 'length'
                    'socket 12' ============>
                                | f. CLOSE 'socket code 9'
                             last RFNM ===>
                      <============== CLS 'Bb9' 'Aa12'
     closes socket 'Aa12'       |

                              |  I M P  |
                                v     ^
                                |     |
    |                           |     |                              |
    |   /\/\/\/\/\/\/\          |     |     /\/\/\/\/\/\/\           |
    |   \            / <--------+     +---< \            /           |
    |   /  Input     \                      /  Output    \           |
    |   \   Handler  /                      \   Handler  / <----+    |
    |   /            \ >------+             /            \      |    |
    |   \/\/\/\/\/\/\/        |             \/\/\/\/\/\/\/      ^    |
    |                         v                              +-----+ |
    |                      +-----+                           | OH  | |
    |                      | IM  |                           | Buf | |
    |                      | Buf |                           +-----+ |
    |                      +-----+          /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\    ^    |
    | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\        v      +----> \              /    |    |
    | \              /        |      |      /  Output      \ >--+    |
    | /              \ <------+      ^      \              /         |
    | \  Input       /           /-----\    /   Scheduler  \         |
    | /              \ >-------->| HIQ |    \              /         |
    | \  Interpreter /           |_____|    /              \         |
    | /              \ >----+    \_____/    \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/         |
    | \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/      |                ^     v    ^            |
    |   ^   ^    ^   \      |    /-----\     |     |    |    /-----\ |
    |   |    \    \   \     |    |  O  |     |     |    |    |  O  | |
    |   |     \    \   \    +--->|  C  |>----+     |    +---<|  R  | |
    |   v     v     v   \        |  C  |           |         |  M  | |
    | +---+ +---+ +---+  \       |  Q  |           v         |  Q  | |
    | |   | |   | |   |   \      |_____|      +---------+    |_____| |
    | |ILT| |LAT| |OLT|    \     \_____/      |         |    \_____/ |
    | |   | |   | |   |     \       ^         |   R T   |       ^    |
    | +---+ +---+ +---+      +------|-------->|         |       |    |
    |         v                     |         +---------+       |    |
    |         |                     ^              ^            |    |
    |         |            /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\        |            |    |
    |         |            \              /        |            |    |
    |         +----------->/    System    \<-------+            |    |
    |                      \     Call     /                     |    |
    |                      /  Interpreter \>--------------------+    |
    |                      \              /                          |
    |                  +-->/              \>--+                      |
    |                  |   \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/   |                      |
                       |                      |
                       +---< system calls <---+

   Request Connection, Receiver to Sender
                     |       |             |               |        |
                     |  RTS  |  my socket  |  your socket  |  link  |

   Request Connection, Sender to Receiver
                     |       |             |               |
                     |  STR  |  my socket  |  your socket  |

                     |       |             |               |
                     |  CLS  |  my socket  |  your socket  |

                     |       |        |         |
                     |  ALL  |  link  |  space  |

   Interrupt Sent by Receiving Process
                     |      |        |
                     | INR  |  link  |

   Interrupt Sent by Sending Process
                    |      |        |
                    | INS  |  link  |

   Echo Request
                     ____________________________   _________
                    |       |                    \  \        |
                    |  ECO  |  length            /  /  text  |
                    |_______|____________________\  \________|

   Echo Reply
                     ____________________________   _________
                    |       |                    \  \        |
                    |  ERP  |  length            /  /  text  |
                    |_______|____________________\  \________|

   Error Detected
                     ____________________________   _________
                    |       |                    \  \        |
                    |  ERR  |  length            /  /  text  |
                    |_______|____________________\  \________|

               ^      |                      Fig. 4.1
         |                 |
         |     System      |
         |      Call       |
         |   Interpreter   |
         |_________________|              _____________
            ^  |      |                  |             |
            |  |      |  +---------------|    Input    |
            |  |      |  |         +-----| Interpreter |
            |  |      |  |         |     |             |
            |  V      V  V         V      -------------
          |======| |=========| |=======|     |      ^
          | D Q  | | O C C Q | | H I Q |     |      |
          |======| |=========| |=======|     |      |
            |  ^        |          |         |      |
            |  |        |          |         |      |
            |  +--------)----------)---------+      |
            |           |          |                |
            +-------+   |   +------+                |
                  __V___V___V__                     |
                 |             |                    |
                 |   Output    |                    |
                 |  Scheduler  |                    |
                 |_____________|                    |
                        |                           |
                        V                           |
                  (===========)               (===========)
                  ( O H B U F )               ( I H B U F )
                  (===========)               (===========)
                        |                           ^
                  ______V______               ______|______
                 |             |             |             |
                 |   Output    |             |    Input    |
                 |   Handler   |             |   Handler   |
                 |             |             |             |
                  -------------               -------------
                        |                           ^
                        |                           |
                        +----------+    +-----------+
                                   |    |
                              |              |
                              |     I M P    |

                     |              |       CLOSE
      CONN/          |    CLOSED    |<---------------------------+
      send RFC       |     (0)      |       LISTEN               |
    +----------------|              |-----------------------+    |
    |                |______________|                       |    |
    |                     |    ^                            |    |
    |              [E]RFC |    |  CLS/send CLS              |    |
    |                  ___V____|____                     ___V____|____
    |  non-matching   |             |                   |             |
    |  CONN/send RFC  |   PENDING   | LISTEN        RFC |  LISTENING  |
    |   +-------------|    (1)      |----------+   +----|     (2)     |
    |   |             |_____________|          |   |    |_____________|
    |   |       matching     |                 |   |
 ___V___V_____  CONN/send RFC|               __V___V______
|             |              |     ACCEPT/  |             | CLS/
|   RFC-SENT  | RFC          |     send RFC |   RFC-RECD  | send CLS
|     (5)     |----------+   |   +----------|     (3)     |---------+
|_____________|          |   |   |          |_____________|         |
   |   |                 |   |   |               |                  |
   |   |              ___V___V___V___  SND&CLOSE |   ____________   |
   |   |    RCV&CLS/ |               |-----------)->|            |  |
   |   |    send CLS |      OPEN     | SND&CLS   |  |  DATA-WAIT |  |
   |   |   +---------|      (6)      |--------+  |  |    (8)     |  |
   |   |   |         |_______________|        |  |  |____________|  |
   |   |   |      RCV&CLOSE/ |                |  |   |              |
   |   |   |       send CLS  |                |  |   |              |
   |   |   |                 |                |  |   | CLS          |
   |   |   |           ______V______          |  |   |              |
   |   |   |   CLOSE/ |             |CLOSE/   |  |   |              |
   |   |   |  send CLS|   CLS-WAIT  |send CLS |  |   |              |
   |   +---)--------->|     (8)     |<--------)--+   |              |
   |       |          |_____________|         |      |              |
   |       |                 |             ___V______V_       ______V___
   |       |                 |            |            |     |          |
   |       |                 |            |  RFNM-WAIT |     |   ABORT  |
   |       |             CLS |            |     (9)    |     |    (4)   |
   |       |                 |            |____________|     |__________|
   |       |                 |                   |                 |
   |       |           ______V_______  RFNM/     |                 |
   |       |          |              | send CLS  |                 |
   |  CLS/ +--------->|    CLOSED    |<----------+                 |
   | send CLS         |     (0)      |                ACCEPT|CLOSE |
   +----------------->|              |<----------------------------+

                    SITE K              SITE L
                  ________            ________
                 /        \          /        \
                /          \        /          \
               /            \      /            \
              |  Process A   |    |   Process B  |
              |              |    |              |
              |              |    |              |
               \            /      \            /
                \          /        \   port M /
                 \________/          \____^___/
                                      RECEIVE ANY

                   SITE K                        SITE L
                 ________                      ________
                /        \                    /        \
               /          \                  /          \
              /            \                /            \
             |  Process A   |              |   Process B  |
             |              |              |              |
             |              |              |              |
              \            /                \            /
               \  port N  /--->SEND FROM --->\  port M  /
                \________/       ANY          \________/

                    SITE K                         SITE L
                  ________                 R    ________
                 /        \                e   /        \
                /          \               n T/          \
               /            \              d a            \
              |              |             e b  Process B |
              |  Process A   |             z l            |
              |              |             v e            |
               \            /              o \            /
                \  port P  /  RECEIVE ---> u  \          /
                 \________/   MESSAGE      s   \________/

                    SITE K                         SITE L
                  ________                 R    ________
                 /        \                e   /        \
                /          \               n T/          \
               /            \              d a            \
              |              |             e b  Process B |
              |  Process A   |             z l            |
              |              |             v e            |
               \            /              o \            /
                \  port P  /               u <--- port Q /
                 \________/    SEND        s   \________/
                                to site L
                                containing P & Q

                SITE K                                SITE L
              ________                              ________
             /        \                            /        \
            /          \                          /          \
           /            \                        /            \
          |   Process A  |                      |  Process B   |
          |              |                      |              |
          |              |                      |              |
           \  port P    /                        \  port Q    /
            \          / <---- transmission <---- \          /
             \________/    to port T, site K       \________/
                            containing data and L

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \                  /          \
                    /            \                /            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |              |   Process B  |
                   |              |              |              |
                    \            /                \            /
                     \          /      RECEIVE--> port M      /
                      \        /       ANY          \        /
                       \______/                      \______/

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \                  /          \
                    /            \                /            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |              |   Process B  |
                   |              |              |              |
                    \   port N   /                \   port M   /
                     \          /--->SEND FROM --->\          /
                      \        /        ANY         \        /
                       \______/                      \______/

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \        Rendezvous/          \
                    /            \            table            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |           ^  |   Process B  |
                   |              |           |  |              |
                    \   port P   /            |   \            /
                     \          /             |    \          /
                      \        / <--RECEIVE __/     \        /
                       \______/     MESSAGE          \______/

                        ______                       ______
                       /      \                     /      \
                      /        \                   /        \
                     /          \       Rendezvous/          \
                    /            \           table            \
                   |              |             |              |
                   |   Process A  |             |   Process B  |
                   |              |             |              |
                    \   port P   /        <--------- port Q   /
                     \          /                 \          /
                      \        /        SEND       \        /
                       \______/                     \______/
                                        to site L

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \                  /          \
                    /            \                /            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |              |   Process B  |
                   |              |              |              |
                    \   port P   /                \   port Q   /
                     \          /<--transmission<--\          /
                      \        /                    \        /
                       \______/   to port P, site K  \______/

         _________________           __________________      _____________
        | rendezvous site |  <6>    | destination site |    | source site |
        |-----------------|         |------------------|    |-------------|
        |    RECEIVE port |         |   RECEIVE port   |    | RECEIVE port|
        |-----------------|         |------------------|    |-------------|
        |    SEND port    |         |   SEND port      |    | SEND port   |
        |-----------------|         |------------------|    |-------------|
        |                 |         |   source site    |    |             |
        |                 |         |------------------|    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |     data        |         |     data         |    |   data      |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |_________________|         |__________________|    |_____________|
         transmitted                 transmitted             received
         by SEND                     by Network              by RECEIVE
         process                     Controller              process

0                        17           0                           31
--------------------------            ------------------------------
|        leader          |            |           leader           |
--------------------------            ------------------------------
|               | 0 0 0 1|            | 0 0 0 1 |                  |
--------------------------            -----------                  |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
| message                |            | message                    |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |

   0                                       23
   |             leader                     |
   |                   ----------------------
   |                   | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   | <- contents of
   |-----------------------------------------    sending Host memory
   |                                        |    (24 bits)
   |            Message                     |
   |                                        |

   0                             15
   |                              |
   |                              |
   |         leader               |
   |                              |
   |                              |
   |   message                    |
   |                              |

0                        15      0                                   35
------------------------------   --------------------------------------
|                            |   |                                    |
|       leader               |   |     leader                  | 0000 |
------------------------------   --------------------------------------
|                            |   |                                    |
| message                    |   | message                            |
|                            |   |                                    |
|                            |   |                                    |

      1            2            1                 L        bits
   |OUT-   |               |  CLASS  |                           |
   |PUT    |       L+8     |   DEP.  |             DATA          |
   |CLASS  |               |  FIELD  |                           |

                                 This acknowledges proper usercode and
                                 sends any appropriate notes on system
                                 The exclamation point (!) is the escape
                                 character which flags direct input to
                                 the PDP-11 OS:

              | Half Duplex |  Full Duplex
              |             |
Character     |             |
   Oriented   |   type1     |    type2
              |             |
              |             |
Line          |             |
  Oriented    |   type3     |    type4
              |             |

            1            4                     4
         | STR |      SS + 1        |          US        |
         | RTS |         SS         |        SS + 1      | Q |

            1             4                    4
         | STR |       US + 1       |         SS         |
         | RTS |          US        |       SS + 1       | R |

         1            4                    3         1     1
      | RTS |         US         |       SERV     |  1  |  P  |

         1           3          1             4
      | CLS |      SERV      |  1  |         US          |

         1             4                     4
      | STR |       SS + 1       |          US         |
      | RTS |         SS         |        US + 1       | Q |

         1              4                     4
      | STR |        US + 1       |        SS + 1      |
      | RTS |        US + 1       |          SS        | R |

    |                                |
    |              ________________  |
    |             |   local        | |     one
    |             |   reference    | | <== site    ____________
    |             |    material    | |            (            )
    |             -----------------| |            (            )
    |                                |         => (____________)
    |                                |        ||       \\
    |                                |        ||     Other sites
    |                                |        ||         \\
    |                  ________      |        ||      ____________
    | local =====>    |        |================     (            )
    | users           |  agent |=====|===============(            )
    |       =====>    |________|     |               (____________)
    |                                |

                        |     "2741"      |     "33, 35, 37"  |
                        |    hard wire    |      2 separate   |
                        |   local echo    |     lines all     |
                        |  computer does  |     printed       |
                        |   not echo      |                   |
            Process     |     hard        |          X        |
            each        |                 |                   |
            character   |                 |                   |
            Process     |      X          |          easy     |
            only after  |                 |                   |
            EOL         |                 |                   |

                   |     |     |     |
                   |     |     |     |
                   |     |     |     |
                   |     |     |     |

                      1   2               n       1    2          m
               |  n |   |   |           |   | m |   |   |       |   |
               <------- record -----------> <-------- record ------->

Term Format 1
|                                                                     |
|     name ( data  replication  .   value     :    length    )        |
|            type   expression    expression      expression          |
|                                                                     |

   CHECK <---     '10101111'BYTE + 01010000'BYTE + '11111010'BYTE +

           REMOTE SITE             CENTRAL SITE (CCN)
      +---------------------+    +--------------------+
      |                 a   |    |                    |
      | Console Input  o----------->o f               |
      |                 b   |    |                    |
      | Console Output o<-----------o g               |
      |                 c   |    |                    |
      | Card Reader    o------------o h               |
      |                 d   |    |                    |
      | Printer        o<-----------o i               |
      |                 e   |    |                    |
      | Card Punch     o<-----------o j               |
      |                     |    |                    |
      +---------------------+    +--------------------+

36-Bit Words Transmitted
From MITDG's PDP-10 to
Harvard's PDP-1
                      |               |    count      |
First word of results |                               |
Specified in Image+0. |                               |
                      |      results                  |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
Last word of results  |                               |
specified in Image+1. |                               |

       Host Providing                        Host Providing
   Computational Facility                Reconfiguration Service
   +--------------------+  STANDARD  +-----------------------------+
   |                    |   FORMAT   |  +----------+ +-----------+ |
   |                    |------------|--|  Inter-  |-|  Display  | |
   |                    | (of Macro  | /|  preter  | |  Handler  | |
   |                    | Form Data) |//+----------+ +-----------+ |
   +--------------------+            //--------------------|-------+
                                    //                     |
                                   /(                +-----------+
                                  /  \               | Terminal  |
                                 /    \              +-----------+
                                /      \
                               /        \
                              /          \
                   NON-STD.  /            \  NON-STD.
     (Terminal Order Codes) /              \ (Detailed Data)
                           /                \
                          /                  \
                         /                    \
                        /                      \
                       /                        \
                      /                          \
                     |                            |
             +-------|-------+            +-------|-------+
             |       |       |            | +-----------+ |
     Minimum |       |       |            | |  Display  | | Minimum
      Host   |       |       |            | |  Handler  | |  Host
             |       |       |            | +-----------+ |
             +-------|-------+            +-------|-------+
                     |                            |
               +-----------+                +-----------+
               | Terminal  |                | Terminal  |
               +-----------+                +-----------+

                 |                          |
                 |_ _ _ _  LEADER   _ _ _ _ |
                 |                          |
                 |                          |
                 |        BYTE COUNT        |
                 |            |             |
   BYTE SIZE-----|---->       |             |
                 |            |             |
                 |            |<------------|--Beginning of first
                 |____________|_____________|       data byte
                 |                          |
                 |                          |

    1       1       1            variable         1
+-------+-------+-------+  / +------//--------+-------+ \
|       |       | BREAK | /  |                | BREAK |  \
| x'00' | x'00' | CHAR. | \  |  CARD  IMAGE   | CHAR. |  / ...
+-------+-------+-------+  \ +------//--------+-------+ /

    1       1            1       2      L bits
+-------+-------+  / +-------+-------+-----//-----+ \
|       |       | /  |       |       |    TEXT    |  \
| x'00' | x'80' | \  | x'01' |   L   | card image |  / ...
+-------+-------+  \ +-------+-------+-----//-----+ /

    1       1                  80
+-------+-------+  / +--------------------+ \
|       |       | /  |                    |  \
| x'00' | x'C0' | \  |     card image     |  / ...
+-------+-------+  \ +--------------------+ /

                |                                   |
                |              leader               |
                |                                   |
                |        |        |                 |
                |   M1   |    S   |        C        |
                |        |        |                 |
                |        |        ^                 |
                |   M2   |        |                 |
                |        |        |                 |
                +--------+        |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                                   |
                |                Text               |
                //                                 //
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |        +--------+
                |                 |        |        |
                |                 |        |   M3   |
                |                 v        |        |
                |                 |
                |  10 --------- 0 | <-- Padding
                |                 |

      |  8  |          32           |          32           |  8  |
      |     |                       |                       |     |
1.    | STR | send socket           | receive socket        |     |
      |     |                       |                       |  ^  |
      |  8  |  8  |   16      |           32          |        +-- byte size
      |     |     |           |                       |
2.    | ALL | link| msg space | bit space             |
      |     |     |           |                       |

      |  8  |  8  |   16      |           32          |
      |     |     |           |                       |
3.    | RET | link| msg space | bit space             |
      |     |     |           |                       |

      |  8  |  8  |  8  |  8  |
      |     |     |     |     |
4.    | GVB | link|  fM |  fB |
      |     |     |  ^  |  ^  |
                     |     |
                     |     +-- bit fraction
                     +-------- message fraction

      |  8  |  8  |                       80                        |
      +-----+-----+---------------------- // -----------------------+
      |     |     |                                                 |
7.    | ERR |     |  text                                           |
      |     |  ^  |                                                 |
      +-----+--|--+---------------------- // -----------------------+
               +-- error code

                   |     Hex Code
             ASCII |-------+--------
            Symbol | ASCII | EBCDIC
               DC3 |  13   |  3A
                   |       |
                `  |  60   |  70
                   |       |
                \  |  5C   |  71
                   |       |
                ^  |  5E   |  72

                         | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
                                   Code Structure

   | <code><filler count><NUL><data count><NUL> |    <data><filler>   |
   | |____||____________||___||__________||___| |    |____________|   |
   |   |         |         |        |       |   |          |          |
   | 24-bits   8-bits    8-bits  24-bits  8-bits|    variable length  |
   | <-------descriptor field 72-bits---------> |<--data and filler-->|
   |                                            |                     |

  8     16                                              32
|    |     |        |        |            |         |         |      |
| OP |     |        | ACCESS |MODIFICATION|   NEW   |         |      |

      8         8*LENGTH
  |        |                    |

                                  A       C
                                  C       A
                                  C       T
                                  E       I      N
                                  S       O      E
                                  S       N      W
                            F     P       P      F     I
            O               I     A       A      I     T
            P               L     S       S      L
                    F       E     S       S      E     C
            C       L       N     W       W      N     O     D
            O       A       A     O       O      A     U     A
            D       G       M     R       R      M     N     T
            E       S       E     D       D      E     T     A
   ALF      X       X       X     X       X            X
   UDF      X       X       X             X            X     X
   RPF      X       X       X             X            X     X
   RTF      X       X       X     X                    X
   SPF      X       X       X     X                    X
   DLF      X       X       X             X
   RNF      X       X       X             X      X
   FNO      X
   NOP      X

       8                8       32
    | OP  |          | CMPL |         |          |

        8         8*LENGTH
    |        |              |
    | LENGTH | FILENAME     |

                    F         T         B
                    I         I         I
          O         L         O         T
          P         E         N
          C         N         C         O         D
          O         A         O         U         A
          D         M         D         N         T
          E         E         E         T         A

   RTF    X         X         X         X         X

   SPF    X         X         X         X

          Receiver                   NCP                    Sender
          -+---+---+---+---+      +--------+      +-----+-----+---
           |000|001|010|011| <--- | Buffer | <--- |00000|10100|11
          -+---+---+---+---+      +--------+      +-----+-----+---

                        31                 1
     1.   |         Arbitrary             | | <-- gender

                        24             7   1
     2.   |        User ID         | tag  | | <-- gender

      +---------------------   ---------------------+
      |                                           |
      | Fixed, unique       /  /  Variable          |
      | Identifier         /  /  Identifier         |
      |                                           |
      +---------------------   ---------------------+

      _________  _________/   _________  _________/
                /                       /
       Identifies the           Identifies a particular
       program uniquely         connection of the program

                24                   7     1
       | Program Number         |Multiplex| | <-- Gender
       |                        |  Code   | |

|<------- 32 ------->|<-8->|<-8->|<-- 16 -->|<-8->|<---
|       leader       |  x  |size |  count   |  x  | TEXT
|<---- level 1  ---->|
    message leader

|<------------------  level 2  ------------------>|
                  message preamble

       USING HOST                                       Serving HOST
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------
                        |                      |
    \                   |                      |                  /
     \ -----------------|  +-+            +-+  |-----------------/
      \           NCP   |  |I|            |I|  |   NCP          /
       \       ^      <--->|M|---NETWORK--|M|<--->      ^      /
        \ -----|-----+  |  |P|            |P|  |  +-----|-----/
         \     v     |  |  +-+            +-+  |  |     v    /
USER      \          |  |                      |  | TELNET  /  USER
PROCESSES,  ) TELNET |--|                      |--|Protocol(   PROCESS
Sub     <===>        |  |                      |  |Routing<--->Sub
Systems,  /    ^     |  |                      |  |    ^^    \Systems
ETC      /-----|-----+  |                      |  +----||-----\ETC
        / TTY  v      <---> Local     Local  <===> TTY vv      \
       /  Handles       |   Terminals Terminals|   Handles    <===>
      /-----------------|                      |-----------------\
     /                  |                      |                  \
                        |                      |
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------

      +-------------+   CC   +-----------+   SC   +-----------+
      | ORIGINATING +--------+    DRS    +--------+ SERVER    |
      |    USER     |   ^    |           |    ^   | PROCESS   |
      +-------------+   |    +------+----+    |   +-----------+
                        |          /          |
                     Telnet       / <------ Simplex or Duplex
                    Protocol   UC/            Connections
                   Connection   /
                        | USER      |
                        | PROCESS   |

                         +--------+  CC   |              |
                 +-------+ TELNET +-------+     DRS      |
                 |       +--------+       |              |
                 |                        +--------------+
      |      USER          |

               +--------+  CC  +--------+      +------+
               |        +------+        |  SC  |      |
     +------+ /| TELNET |  UC  |  DRS   +------+  SP  |
     |      |/ |        +------+        |      |      |
     | USER | /+--------+      +--------+      +------+
     |      |/

     +------+ /|  USER  |  CC  +--------+      +------+
     |      |/ |  SIDE  +------+        |  SC  |      |
     | USER |  +--------+  UC  |  DRS   +------+  SP  |
     |      |\ | SERVING+------+        |      |      |
     +------+ \|  SIDE  |      +--------+      +------+

       /\/\                                                  /\/\
  ^    |  |                     FORM                         |  |   ^
  |    |  |                -----------------                 |  |   |
  |    |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |   |
  |    |  |            |   CURRENT PART OF     |             |  |   |
INPUT  |  |<= CURRENT <    -----------------    > CURRENT => |  | OUTPUT
       |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       \/\/                                                  \/\/
              Figure 5.  Application of Form to Data Streams

           |                  +-----------------
           |                 /:
           |                / :
           |               /  :
           |              /   :
           |             /    :
           |            /     :
           |                  a

|<------- 32 ------->|<-8->|<-8->|<-- 16 -->|<-8->|<---
|       leader       |  x  |size |  count   |  x  | TEXT
|<---- level 1  ---->|
    message leader

|<------------------  level 2  ------------------>|
                  message preamble

       USING HOST                                       Serving HOST
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------
                        |                      |
    \                   |                      |                  /
Sub- \ -----------------|  +-+            +-+  |-----------------/
Sys-  \                 |  |I|            |I|  |   NCP          /
 tems+--->            <--->|M|---NETWORK--|M|<--->      ^      /
     |  \     NCP       |  |P|            |P|  |  +-----|-----/
     |   \              |  +-+            +-+  |  |     v    /
     |    \             |                      |  | TELNET  /  USER
 TELNET     )___________|                      |--|Protocol(   PROCESS
     |      )           |                      |  |Server <--->Sub
     |    /             |                      |  |    ^^    \Systems
     |   /     TTY      |                      |  +----||-----\ETC
User +--->   HANDLER  <---> Local              |   TTY vv      \
Pro-   /                |   Terminals          |   Handles      \
cesses/-----------------|                      |-----------------\
     /                  |                      |                  \
                        |                      |
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------

      +------------+              +------+          +---------+
      | ORIGINATING|     CC       | DRS  |    SC    | SERVER  |
      | USER       |--------------|      |----------| PROCESS |
      +------------+     ^        +------+     ^    +---------+
                         |           /         |
                         |        UC/ <-----\  |
                         |         /         \ |
                         |   +-----------+    \|
         TELNET ---------+   | USER      |     +-- Simplex or Duplex
         Protocol            | PROCESS   |         Connections
         Connection          +-----------+

                            +---------+   CC  +---------+
                  +---------| TELNET  |-------|   DRS   |
                  |         +---------+       +---------+
      |         USER          |

   +-------+    +--------+   CC    +-----+        +----+
   |       |----|        |---------|     |   SC   |    |
   | USER  |    | TELNET |   UC    | DRS |--------| SP |
   |       |----|        |---------|     |        |    |
   +-------+    +--------+         +-----+        +----+

   +------+    /| USER    |   CC   +-----+
   |      |---/ | SIDE    |--------|     |   SC   +----+
   | USER |     +---------+   UC   | DRS |--------| SP |
   |      |---\ | SERVING |--------|     |        +----+
   +------+    \| SIDE    |        +-----+

       /\/\                                                  /\/\
  ^    |  |                     FORM                         |  |   ^
  |    |  |                -----------------                 |  |   |
  |    |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |   |
  |    |  |            |   CURRENT PART OF     |             |  |   |
INPUT  |  |<= CURRENT <    -----------------    > CURRENT => |  | OUTPUT
       |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       \/\/                                                  \/\/
              Figure 5.  Application of Form to Data Streams

         |    Type          |     I send          |     I receive       |
         |                  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |
         |     B3           |0|0|BA|B2|B9|B1|B8|B0|0|0|BA|B2|B9|B1|B8|B0|

         |    Type          |     End Code     |
         |                  |            | |R| |
         |                  |            |G|E| |
         |     B4           |           F|R|C|U|
         |                  |           I|O|O|N|
         |                  |           L|U|R|I|
         |                  |           E|P|D|T|

         |    Type          |     Error Code    |     Sequence #  |
         |                  |                   |                 |
         |     B5           |                   |                 |

         |    Type           |    Function        |
         |                   |            | | |R| |
         |                   |            | |G|E| |
         |                   |            |F|R|C|U|
         |                   |            |I|O|O|N|
         |                   |            |L|U|R|I|
         |                   |            |E|P|D|T|

          Read / List_file_directory request
    User            <File -- data>              Server
                End of file indication

    User          Store / Append request        Server
                  <File -- data>
                  End of file indication

    User          Rename_from request           Server
                  Rename_to request

    User              Delete                    Server

    O           15 16             23 24          30 31
   |              |                 |              |   |
     ^              ^                 ^              ^
     |_ zero        |                 |              |_ gender
                    |                 |
                    |                 |_ zero for initial
                    |                    contact, otherwise
                    |                    dynamically assigned
                    |                    by 3rd level user
                    |                    program
                    |_ administratively assigned (fixed
                       and associated with programs)

   1    4         3            2                     2    3
 +-----------------------+  +-----------------+   +-------------------+
 |    |    |             |  |     |           |   |     |     |       |
 |  B | BL |     CLR     |  | TX  |           |   | OR  |  SZ |       |
 |    |    |             |  |     |           |   |     |     |       |
 +-----------------------+  +-----------------+   +-------------------+

NETWORK  |    Using Host
         |                +-------+
         |                |       |
         |                | NGDL  |          +--------+       +-------+
         +--------+       |       |--------->|        |       |       |
         |        |------>|       |          |  NGLI  |------>|  NGS  |
         |  NGDS  |       +-------+          |        |       |       |
         |        |       +-------+          |        |       |       |
         |        |------>|       |--------->|        |       +-------+
         +--------+       |IMAGE  |          +--------+
         |                |AREA   |              ^
         |                |DEFINI-|              |
         |                |TIONS  |              V
         |                +-------+          *--------+
         |                                   |  NGLES |
         |                                   |    &   |
         |                                   |  NGLP  |
         |                                   +--------+

   |                            |                _______
   | +---------+-----------+    |               /       \
   | |         |OUTPUT     |    |              /         \
   | |     /-->|PROCESSOR  |----|------------>|           |
   | |    /    +-----------+    |              \         /
   | |    |                |    |               \_______/
   | |    |                |    |             OUTPUT DEVICE
   | |    |    +-----------+    |              ______
   | |    \    |INPUT      |    |             |      \
   | |     \---|PROCESSOR  |<-- |-------------|_______\
   | +---------+-----------+    |
   |     Graphic Application    |             INPUT DEVICE
   |         Program            |
   \USING  /

+-------------------------------------+                        ______
|                                     |                 /---->/      \
|                      +-----------+  |DEVICE-DEPENDENT/  ___/___     \
|                    +-----------+ |--|---------------/  /       \    |
|        STANDARD    | OUTPUT    | |  |DISPLAY LIST     /         \   /
| +-----+DISPLAY LIST|PROCESSOR  |-+  |                 |         |__/
| |  ---|----------->|           |----|---------------->\         /
| |  |  |            +-----------+    |                  \_______/
| |  |  |                             |                 OUTPUT DEVICE(S)
| |  |  |                             |
| |  |  |              +-----------+  |DEVICE-DEPENDENT       ______
| |  |  |  STANDARD  +-----------+ |<-|----------------------|      \
| |  |--|<-----------|INPUT      | |  |INPUT DATA         ___|___    \
| +-----+  ATTENTION |PROCESSOR  |-+  |                  |       \____\
|                    |           |<---|------------------|        \
|                    +-----------+    |                  |_________\
|    Graphic Application Program      |                  INPUT DEVICE(S)
|                                     |

   The initializing call is GRIDSET(N, M, IRNGE)
                                              |<--- I ------>|
   where N is the number of spaces       ---  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
   across, M is the number down,          ^   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   and IRNGE tells how many grey          |   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   levels to use.  This is primarily      J   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   for grey-scale displays or             |   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   pseudogrey-scale displays.             v   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
                                         ---  |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|

The display mode is raster                ________________________
oriented, and each "pseudo-              |  _   _   _   _   _   _ |
character" will be on a N x M            | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_||
matrix of dots.  (A later                |  _   _   _             |
embellishment for printers               | |_| |_| |_| . . .      |
would include matrix of characters.)     |  _   _                 |
Parameters DEFINITION and CODE           | |_| |_| . . .          |
are both arrays, used together to        | .    \ \               |
specify the "pseudo-character" set.      | .     \  \             |
DEFINITION is packed with bits           |________\___\___________|
according to the following scheme:                \     \
                                                   \      \
                                                    \    __\_______
                                                     \  /           \
                                                      \/  ________   \
                                                      /   |_|_|_|_|   \
                                                     /    |_|_|_|_|    \
                                                     |    |_|_|_|_|    |
                                                     |    |_|_|_|_|    |
                                                     \    |_|_|_|_|    /
                                                      \   |_|_|_|_|   /
                                                       \             /

                             _ <-----------------------------------+
                              |                                    |
                              |                                    |
                               - <--If WAR here, it is set to here,+
                              |     and error condition 5 is
                              |     recognized.

         Establish network connection
         SETUP,,0                       ; start
         2n,,0                          ; data representing "n" line
                                        ;   segments follow
         +----------------+             _
         |                |              |
         |                |               - 2n coordinate pairs
         |                |             _|
         TRANSMIT,,2                    ; request ARDS transmission
         0,,1000                        ; convert and transmit the
                                        ;   whole "program"
         FLUSH,,0                       ; signoff

    +-->length,,2000          ; length of display pgm
    |    -                    ; large output area
    |   |  -----
    |   |  -----
    +-->   -----
        | program
        |  -----
        |  -----

                       |      NC     |
                       ---------------           ^
                              |                 /
         ---->  in            |         out    /
               |      Express Exchange        |
        <----  --------------------------------
                out                     in  ^

                           Net Controller
                   |             |            |
                NJID(1)       NJID(2) - - - NJID(N)
              ---------------------- . . . . .
              |              |
          Stepname       Stepname
           |             |             |
        LMID(1)       LMID(2)       LMID(n)
        |                                 |
      LMSN(1)       LMSN(2)             LMSN(n)

                                        <----  n text bytes  ------>
               +--+-----+   +--------+   +--------+        +--------+
TRUNCATED <--> |11|Devid|   | n (8)  |   | Text   | . . .  | Text   |
RECORD         |  | (6) |   |        |   | (8)    |        | (8)    |
               +--+-----+   +--------+   +--------+        +--------+

                          /                                         \
                          | +---+----+                               | *
                          | |110| n  |  (n blanks)                   |
                          | |   |(5) |                               |
                          | +---+----+                               |
                          |                                          |
               +--+-----+ / +---+----+   +--------+                  |
COMPRESSED<--> |10|Devid|<  |111| n  |   |Char-   |  (n replications |
RECORD         |  | (6) | \ |   |(5) |   |  acter |  of "Character") |
               +--+-----+ | +---+----+   +--------+                  |
                          |                                          |
                          | +--+-----+   +--------+      +--------+  |
                          | |10|  n  |   | Text   | . . .| Text   |  |
                          | |  | (6) |   | (8)    |      | (8)    |  |
                          | +--+-----+   +--------+      +--------+  |
                          \                                          /
                                                 | X'00'|
                                                 |      |

              NCP- ICP User   Server like     Log-on    Accessed
        NCP-1 107  80  Telnet Telnet Protocol Procedure Services
SDC     |  x |    |   |      |      |        |         |        |
UCLA-91 |    |  x |   |  x   |   x  |        |         |        |
UCLA-S7 |  x |  x | x |  x   |   x  |        |    x    |    x   |
SRI-10  |    |  x |   |      |      |    x   |    x    |        |
UCSB    |  x |  x | x |      |      |        |    x    |    x   |
MIT-10  |    |  x |   |  x   |      |        |         |        |
MIT-645 |    |par-|   |      |      |        |         |        |
        |    |tial|   |      |      |        |         |        |
LL-67   |  x |    | x |      |   x  |        |         |        |
BBN-10  |    |  x |   |      |      |    x   |    x    |    x   |
UTAH    |  x |  x | x |      |      |    x   |         |        |

   +------------------+                +------------------+
   |Initial Input Ptr.|                | Output pointer   |
   +------------------+                +------------------+

   +------------------+                +------------------+
   |Current Input Ptr.|                | True/False Flag  |
   +------------------+                +------------------+

                |  length n in bytes  |
           +--  +---------------------+
           |    |                     |
           |    |     compiled        |
           |    |     16-bit          |
        n <     |     instructions    |
           |    |                     |
           |    |                     |
           |    |                     |
           +--  +---------------------+

                                 |  length n       |
                                 |  in bytes       |
        +--   +------------------+-----------------+
        |     | numeric value of |  byte offset    |
        |     | statement number |  in inst. seq.  |
        |     +------------------+-----------------+
        |     |        :                :          |
     n <      |        :                :          |
        |     |        :                :          |
        |     |                                    |
        |     |                                    |
        |     |                                    |
        +--   +------------------------------------+

            1         1      | length n    |    length n  |
         ___/\____ ___/\____ | in bytes    |    in bytes  |
     /  |         |//////////|             |              |
     |  | Type    |//////////| bit length  |  byte offset |
     |  |         |//////////|             |              |
     |  +---------+----------+-------------+--------------+
5*n <   |                           :                     |
     |  |                           :                     |
     |  |                           :                     | Identifiers
     |  |                                                 |
     \  |                                                 |
     /  |                                                 |
     |  |            literals are                         |
     |  |            byte-aligned                         | Literals
  m <   |                                                 |
     |  |                                                 |
     |  |                                                 |
     \  +-------------------------------------------------+

 +---+---+-----+-------+       +-------------------+    word-aligned,
 | T |///|  L  |    ---+-----> |                   |    32-bit right-
 +---+---+-----+-------+       +-------------------+    justified

                                 byte-aligned, L <= 256
 +---+---+-----+-------+       +------------------------+
 | T |///|  L  |    ---+-----> |                        |
 +---+---+-----+-------+       +------------------------+

     |    4   |          12            |
     LD = 0  literal or identifier reference (12-bit positive integer)
     IC = 1  12-bit two's complement integer constant
     OP = 2  operator
     AD = 3  address (12-bit positive integer)
    ARB = 4  indefinite replication factor
   NULL = 5  missing attribute of term

         4        4            8
     |  0010  |        |////////////////|
        OP        |
                  +----------> 0 = binary operator
                               1 = unary operator
                               2 = special operator

                     +---+ <-- TOS  +-----+ <-- TOS
                     | y |          | x-y |
     e.g.     x-y => +---+     ===> +-----+
                     | x |          |/////|
                     +---+          +-----+

                     4        4        4        4
                |  0010  |  0000  |        |////////|
     0 = integer +
     1 = integer -
     2 = integer x
     3 = integer : (or /), no remainder
     4 = concatenate ||

         4        4        4        4
     |  0010  |  0001  |        |        |
                          |         |
           +--------------+         |
           |                        |
           V                        |
    0 = integer minus               V
    1 = load identifier          0 = evaluated contents
                                     (after dec - binary
                                 1 = length field
                                 2 = type field
    2 = Label Table Reference

                4        4        4        4
            |  0010  |  0010  |        |        |
                                 |         |
         +-----------------------+        /
         |                               /
         V                              /
   0 = store TOS                        |
   1 = return                           V
   2 = branch               0 = true, 1 = false, 2 = unconditional

            8          8            16             16
      | Op code  |     0    |   X - coord.  |    Y coord.   |
            0          1         2     3         4     5

 8   8    8     8      16      16      16     8     8        8     8
+--+---+-----+-----+---.---+---.---+---.---+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
|Op| 1 |Flags|Scale|  N.o  |   .   |   .   |delta|delta|..|delta|delta|
|  |   |     |     |poi.nts| X0.   | Y0.   | X1  | Y2  |  | Xn  | Yn  |
+--+---+-----+-----+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
 0   1    2     3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10     11     2n+10 2n+11

 8  8   8     8    8     16      16    16    8     8        8     8
+--+-+-----+-----+----+---.---+---.-+---.-+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
|Op|2|Flags|Scale|Rate|  N.o  | X0. | Y0. |delta|delta|..|delta|delta|
|  | |     |     |    |poi.nts|   . |   . | X1  | Y1  |  | Xn  | Yn  |
+--+-+-----+-----+----+----------+--+-----+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
 0  1   2     3    4    5   6  7  8  9  10   11   12      2n+11 2n+12

         ---- +-------------+-----
          ^   |             |  ^
          |   |             |  |
              |             |  W
          2W  |  Xp, Yp   __|__v__
              |             |
          |   |             |
          v   |             |
              | <-- 2W -->  |

8  8   8     8     8     8      16    16   16   16    16    16    16
  |3|Flags|Scale|Rate |Window|  #   | X0  | Y0 |Xmin|Ymin |Xmax |Ymax |
  | |     |     |     | Size |points|     |    |    |     |     |     |
 0 1   2     3     4     5     6  7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

  8     8     8        8     8     8
delta|delta| RCP1| //delta|delta| RCPn|
X1   |Y1   |     |    Xn  | Yn  |     |
 20    21    22       20     21    22

8  8   8     8     8     8      16    16   16   16    16    16    16
Op|3|Flags|Scale|Rate |Window|  #   | X0 | Y0 |Xmin |Ymin |Xmax |Ymax |
  | |     |     |     | Size |points|    |    |     |     |     |     |
 0 1   2     3     4     5     6  7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

  8     8     8        8     8
-----+-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
X1   |Y1   |  X2 |   |Xn   |Yn   |
-----+-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
 20    21    22       2n+20 2n+21

            CURSOR m                           |
            WRITE n, text                       - URSA writes a request
            LOCAL                              |
                       +-          +-+         |_ User types response
                       |   _BREAK_   |         |
      - -User Presses  | _TRANSMIT_  |key - - -+
                       +-           -+        -+
              SAVE                             |
              CURSOR p                          - URSA reads response
              SREAD                            |

                   |                    |
           +------>|       LOCAL        |------+
           |  +--->|       State        |      |
           |  |    +--------------------+      |
           |  |        |              |        |
           |  |        |              |        |
           |  |        |Break         |        |
           |  |        |              |        |   INS received
   LOCAL   |  |        | key          |        |
           |  |        |  [send INS   |        |
   Command |  |        |   and X'80'] |        |
   Executed|  |        |              |Transmit|
           |  | Reset  |              |        |
           |  |        |              |  key   |
           |  |  key   |              |        |
           |  |        v              v        |
           |  |   +--------------------+       |
           |  +---|       Control      |<------+
           |      |        State       |
           +------|                    |
            |     +--------------------+
            |      ^
            |      |  Keyboard locked,
            |      |  Execute Commands
   After INS is
   received, LOCAL
   command is ignored
   until SYNC (X'80')
   is encountered

To  |              | Also     |Push  |   Or    |Code Sent  |Upon receipt
Send| (Explanation)| Known as |Either|         |is (in hex)|Displayed as
NUL |NULL          |    ^@    | [2]  |         |    00     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
SOH |Start of      |  [3]^A   | LS   |[4]CASE A|    01     |
    |     Heading  |          |      |         |           |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
STX |Start of Text |    ^B    | ATAN | CASE B  |    02     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
ETX |End of Text   |    ^C    | LOG  | CASE C  |    03     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
EOT |End of        |          |      |         |           |
    |  Transmission|    ^D    | REFL | CASE D  |    04     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
ENQ |Enquiry       |    ^E    |  [4] | CASE E  |    05     | [5] <ENQ>
    |              |          |      |         |           |
ACK |Acknowledge   |    ^F    |  UP  | CASE F  |    06     | <ACK>
    |              |          |      |         |           |
BEL |Bell          |    ^G    | DOWN | CASE G  |    07     | <BELL>


|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |-+
|                UCSB OLS INIT STATS                           | |Feed-
|                                                              |-+back
|                                                              |-+
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |OLS
|                                                              | |Dis-
|                                                              | |play
|                                                              | |Area
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              |-+
 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |Input
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |tons
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
||CAS|   |   |   |   |   |   |DIS|<<<|BEL|   |ERS|RST|   |     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|         ABCDEFG       + = / #   12345                        | |
|         HIJKLMN       , ; = .   67890                        | |
|         OPQRSTU       <-<-<-<-  ()?                          | |
|         VWXYZ b       ' \ \                                |-+

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |-+
|                UCSB OLS CONNECTED                            | |Feed-
|                                                              |-+back
|  ENTER USER NUMBER 196                                       |-+
|  ID NUMBER=                                                  | |
|  USER NAME= ARPA                                             | |
|  JOB NAME= RAND/RFC                                          | |
|  AUTOSAVE CODE = 3                                           | |
|  LOAD MOLSF                                                  | |
|  FILE LOADED                                                 | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |OLS
|                                                              | |Dis-
|                                                              | |play
|                                                              | |Area
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |Input
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |tons
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
||CAS|   |   |   |   |   |   |DIS|<<<|BEL|   |ERS|RST|   |     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|         ABCDEFG       + = / #   12345                        | |
|         HIJKLMN       , ; = .   67890                        | |
|         OPQRSTU       <-<-<-<-  ()?                          | |
|         VWXYZ b       ' \ \                                |-+

|                                                              |
|                          ___        ___                      |-+
|                         /   \      /   \                     | |
|                        /     \    /     \                    | |
|                       /       \  /       \                   | |
|                      /         \/         \                  | |
|                     /          /\          \                 | |
|                    /          /                              | |
|                              /   \          \                | |
|                   /               \          \               | |
|                  /          /                                | |
|                                    \          \              | |
|                 /          /        \          \             | |
|      ___________________________________________             | |
|                                                              | |
|      \         |          |          \                       | |OLS
|               /          /                                   | |Dis-
|       \                               \                      | |play
|              /          /                                    | |Area
|        \               /               \                     | |
|             /                           \                    | |
|         \  /          /                                      | |
|          \/          /                   \                   | |
|           \         /                     \                  | |
|          / \       /                       \                 | |
|         /   \     /                         \                | |
|      __/     \___/                           \__             | |
|                                                              |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |Input
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |tons
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
||CAS|   |   |   |   |   |   |DIS|<<<|BEL|   |ERS|RST|   |     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|         ABCDEFG       + = / #   12345                        | |
|         HIJKLMN       , ; = .   67890                        | |
|         OPQRSTU       <-<-<-<-  ()?                          | |
|         VWXYZ b       ' \ \                                |-+

    User                 < File -- Data>            Server
                    End of file indication

           Create / Store / Append / Append_with_create requests
    User                 <File --- Data>            Server
                   End of file indication

    User              Rename_from request           Server
                      Rename_ro request

    User                   Delete                   Server

   A.   User site sending at time path is broken:
      /   Append at sequence number
     |    ------------------------------------------->
     |    Acknowledge
     |    <------------------------------------------
     |    Data
     |    ------------------------------------------->
      \   The server site agrees to resume at the user-chosen point.
       \  The first data transaction is numbered with the chosen
        \ sequence number.

       /  Append at sequence number
      /   ------------------------------------------->
     |    Use this sequence number
     |    <-------------------------------------------
     |       /       Data
     |      /        --------------------------------->
     |      \        The user site agrees to use the server-chosen number
     |       \       and the first data transaction is numbered with the
     |        \      chosen number.
     |                       or
     |         /      Unsuccessful Terminate
      \       /       ------------------------------->
       \      \       The user site cannot restart at this number for
        \      \     some reason.

               /  Resume Retrieve
              /   ------------------------------------>
             |    Unsuccessful Terminate
              \   <------------------------------------
               \  The server site is unable or unwilling to restart the
                \ transmission.

               /  Retrieve at sequence number
              /   ---------------------------------------->
             |    Data
             |    <----------------------------------------
              \   The server agrees to resume at the user-chosen
               \  point. The first data transaction is numbered
                \ with the chosen sequence number.

               /  Retrieve at sequence number
              /   ---------------------------------------->
             |    Unsuccessful Terminate
             |    <----------------------------------------
             |    The server site will never permit restart for some
             |    reason.
             |    Retrieve at sequence number
             |    ---------------------------------------->
             |    Use this sequence number
             |    <-----------------------------------------
             |            /    Acknowledge
             |           /     ---------------------------->
             |          |      Data
             |          |      <----------------------------
             |           \     The user site agrees to use the
             |            \    server-chosen number.  The first data
             |             \   transaction is numbered with the chosen
             |              \  number.
             |                               or
             |             /   Unsuccessful Terminate
             |            /    ----------------------------->
             |           |
              \           \    The server cannot use the user-chosen
               \           \   number and the user cannot use the
                \           \  server-chosen number. Therefore the attempt
                 \           \ to restart must be abandoned.

               /            \
               | PR [INTER] |  _         _
               |            | |           |
    O [PEN] # <  PU [NCH]    >| (jobname) | [ =socket-number[ /host-name ]]
               |            | |           |
               | R  [EADER] | |   (*)     |
               \            / |_         _|

                _            _
               | # PR [INTER] |
               |              |
      CL [OSE] | # PU [NCH]   | [,A [CCEPT]]
               |              |
               | # R  [EADER] |
               |_            _|

                                 /               \
      RJT # R [ECFM] (device) = <  T [ELNET]      >
                                 | A [SA]        |
                                 | R [ECORDS]    |
                                 | C [OMPRESSED] |
                                 \               /

         +---------+                  +--------+
         ! INPUT   !                  ! OUTPUT !
      +--! routine !<------||---------! driver !<--+
      !  +---------+                  +--------+   !
      !                                   ^        !
      V                                   !        !
 +---------+---------+      +---------+   !   +---------+
 !         ! Graphic !      ! Graphic !   !   !         !
 ! PROCESS ! Data    !      ! Data    !<->!   ! DISPLAY !
 !         ! Base    !      ! Base    !   !   !         !
 +---------+---------+      +---------+   !   +---------+
      !                                   !        ^
      !                                   V        !
      !  +---------+                  +--------+   !
      !  ! OUTPUT  !                  ! INPUT  !   !
      +->! routine !-------||-------->! driver !---+
         +---------+                  +--------+

1.        USER                                             SERVER
          ----                                             ------
                    Set data type '02' (Network ASCII)
                    Store File X
                    File X (in Network ASCII)
                    End of File

                    Retrieve File X
                    File X in Network ASCII
                    End of File

2.        USER                                             SERVER
          ----                                             ------
                    Set data type'03' (EBCDIC)
                    Retrieve File Y
                    Set data type '00' ("bit-stream")
                    File Y as stored (no conversion)
                    End of File

                    Set data type '02' (Network ASCII)
                    Retrieve File Z
                    File Z in Network ASCII
                    End of File

                                                   |               |
                                                   |      DCF'     |
                                         Sending   |               |
                                           Host    `---------------'
                                            \              ^           /
                                            /              |    ^
                                      File /               |    |
                                     Xfer /                |
                                Protocol /             DRS |    |
                                        /         Protocol |
                                       /                   |    |
                                      /                    |
,----------.        /\    ,---------./       /\    ,------------|--.
|          |       /  \   |         |       /  \   |               |
| TELNET   |---\  /    ---|  DCF    |---\  /    ---|      DRS   |  |
|          |    \/        |         |    \/        |               |
`----------'              |         |\             `------------|--'
   ^                      `---------' \File                |
   |                         ^  |      \Xfer           DRS |    |File
   |                         |  |       \Protocol Protocol |     Xfer
   v                         |  v        \                 |    |Proto-
,----------.              ,---------.     \                |     col
| USER     |              |         |      \               |    |
| TERMINAL |              | CATALOG |       \              |    v
|          |              |         |        \ _______________________
`----------'              `---------'         /            |          \
                                             /             v           \
                                        Receiving  ,---------------.
                                          Host     |               |
                                                   |      DCF'     |
                                                   |               |

                    RAND                                     UCLA
               ________________                        ________________
              |    PDP-10      |                      |     360/91     |
    ______    |                |                      |                |
   |      |   |   __________   |                      |   __________   |
   |File  |   |  | RJS      |  |                      |  |          |  |
   |System|___|__| Access   |__|___/\/\ Network /\____|__|    RJS   |  |
   |      |   |  | Program  |  |       \/     \/      |  |          |  |
   |______|   |  |__________|  |                      |  |__________|  |
              |       |        |                      |                |
              |       |        |                      |                |
              |_______|________|                      |________________|

TENEX 1.28,RAND EXEC 1.33.1                          Rand Exec Prompt
@_LOGIN_                                        \
(USER) _HARSLEM_                                 \   User Logs In
(PASSWORD)______                                 /
(ACCOUNT #)_1__                                 /
JOB 12 ON TTY10 25-FEB-72 11:12                      System Acknowledges
@_RJS_                                               User Starts RJS
                                                     Access Program

                   16         16
word 0         |  Day #   |  Time      |
                  |            |
 1 - 365 (6 on leap year)      |______
                                Time in minutes at which sample was
                                started.  Ranges from 0 (midnight) to 1439.

                8      8
word 1      | Source | Byte |   N   |  Format  |
            |   Host | Size |       |          |
                |       |       |       |_____________
     ___________|       |       |                     |
    |                   |       |                     |
Network                 |       |        +-----+-----+--+--+--+--+
Host number             |       |        |     |     |C |R |B |M |
                        |       |        +-----+-----+--+--+--+--+
                        |       |                     |  |  |  |
                        |       |                     |  |  | message
                        |    number of HOST           |  |  | statistics
                        |    related entries          |  |  |
                        |    in message               |  |  |__byte
                        |                             |  |  statistics
                        |                             |  |
            number of bits per                        |  |__average
            byte in byte statistics                   |  round-trip
                                                      |  time

                |   Foreign HOST #    |      always present
              / +---------------------+
              | |  messages received  |      if FORMAT bit M set
              | +---------------------+
              | |    Bytes received   |      if FORMAT bit B set
   N of these | +---------------------+
   entries    | |     message sent    |      if FORMAT bit M set
              | +---------------------+
              | |      Bytes sent     |      if FORMAT bit B set
              | +---------------------+
              \ |   Average delay     |      if FORMAT bit R set
                                             This is average RFNM
                                             delay in milliseconds

                 +---------------+                +---------------+
     ______      |      UTAH     |    NETWORK     |      UCLA     |
    /      \     |  +---------+  |                |  +---------+  |
   +        +    |  |         |  |        / /     |  |         |  |
   |\______/|    |  |         |>-|-------/ /------|->|         |  |
   |        |----+--| NETRJS  |  | :    / /       |: |   RJS   |  |
   | FILE   |    |  |         |<-|-----/ /--------|-<|         |  |
   | SYSTEM |    |  |         |  |    / /         |  |         |  |
   \        /    |  +---------+  |                |  +---------+  |
    \______/     |       |       |                |               |
                 +-------|-------+                +---------------+

   1     UCLA         SIGMA-7        Server # Limited         Jon Postel
  65     UCLA         IBM-360/91     NETRJS now               Bob Braden
                                     (Telnet in April
   2     SRI(NIC)     PDP-10         Server                   John Melvin
  66     SRI(AI)      PDP-10         Server                   Len Chaiten
   3     UCSB         IBM-360/75     Server                   Jim White
   4     UTAH         PDP-10         Server                   Barry Wessler
  *5     BBN(NCC)     DDP-516        Never                    Alex McKenzie
  69     BBN(TENEX-A) PDP-10         Server                   Dan Murphy
 133     BBN(TENEX-B) PDP-10         Server(Exper.)           Dan Murphy
   6     MIT(Multics) H-645          Server                   Mike Padlipsky
  70     MIT(DM)      PDP-10         Server                   Bob Bressler
*134     MIT(AI)      PDP-10         User Now                 Jeff Rubin
  *7     RAND         IBM-360/65     User Only                Eric Harslem
  71     RAND         PDP-10         Server                   Eric Harslem
  *8     SDC          IBM-360/155    Server                   Bob Long
   9     HARVARD      PDP-10         Server                   Bob Sundberg
 *73     HARVARD      PDP-1          User Only                Bob Sundberg
  10     LINCOLN      IBM-360/67     "Soon"                   Joel Winett
  74     LINCOLN      TX-2           Server                   Will Kantrowitz
  11     STANFORD     PDP-10         "Soon"                   Andy Moorer
 *12     ILLINOIS     PDP-11         User Only                John Cravits
 *13     CASE         PDP-10         June                     Charles Rose
  14     CARNEGIE     PDP-10         "Soon"                   Hal VanZoeren
 *15     AMES         ILLIAC         Server                   John McConnell
  16     AMES         IBM-360/67     "Soon"                   Wayne Hathaway
*144     AMES         TIP            User Only
*145     MITRE        TIP            User Only
 *19     NBS          PDP-11         User Only                Robert Rosenthal
*147     NBS          TIP            User Only
*148     ETAC         TIP            User Only
 *23     USC          TIP            User Only
*158     BBN          TIP            User Only
*Host not included in daily testing.
#The NMC is a research site and would like
 to have prior arrangement with each user.

   1     UCLA         SIGMA-7       Server # Limited         Jon Postel
  65     UCLA         IBM-360/91    NETRJS now               Bob Braden
                                    (Telnet in April)
   2     SRI(NIC)     PDP-10        Server                   John Melvin
  66     SRI(AI)      PDP-10        Server                   Len Chaiten
   3     UCSB         IBM-360/75    Server                   Jim White
   4     UTAH         PDP-10        Server                   Barry Wessler
  *5     BBN(NCC)     DDP-516       Never                    Alex McKenzie
  69     BBN(TENEXA)  PDP-10        Server                   Dan Murphy
 133     BBN(TENEXB)  PDP-10        Server (Exper.)          Dan Murphy
   6     MIT(Multics) H-645         Server                   Mike Padlipsky
  70     MIT(DM)      PDP-10        Server                   Bob Bressler
*134     MIT(AI)      PDP-10        User Now                 Jeff Rubin
  *7     RAND         IBM-360/65    User Only                Eric Harslem
  71     RAND         PDP-10        Server                   Eric Harslem
  *8     SDC          IBM-360/155   Server                   Bob Long
   9     HARVARD      PDP-10        Server                   Bob Sundberg
 *73     HARVARD      PDP-1         Server                   Bob Sundberg
  10     LINCOLN      IBM-360/67    "Soon"                   Joel Winett
  74     LINCOLN      TX-2          Server                   Will Kantrowitz
  11     STANFORD     PDP-10        "Soon"                   Andy Moorer
 *12     ILLINOIS     PDP-11        User Only                John Cravits
 *13     CASE         PDP-10        June                     Charles Rose
  14     CARNEGIE     PDP-10        "Soon"                   Hal VanZoeren
 *15     AMES         ILLIAC        Server                   John McConnell
  16     AMES         IBM-360/67    "Soon"                   Wayne Hathaway
*144     AMES         TIP           User Only
*145     MITRE        TIP           User Only
 *19     NBS          PDP-11        User Only                Robert Rosenthal
*147     NBS          TIP           User Only
*148     ETAC         TIP           User Only
         USC          IBM-360/44    "Soon"
*151     USC          TIP           User Only
*152     GWC          TIP           User Only
*158     BBN          TIP           User Only
*Host not included in daily testing.
#The NMC is a research site and would like to have prior arrangement
with each user.

+--------------------+     +----------+     +--------------------+
|HOST SND            |     |          |     |HOST RCV            |
|                    |     |          |     |                    |
|                    |     |          |     |                    |
|       (PROCESS)    |     +----------+     |                    |
|       (   S   )    |         HOST         |                    |
|              \     |         RNDZ         |          (PROCESS) |
|              [DATA]|                      |          (  R    ) |
+--------------------+                      +--------------------+

|HOST SND            MSP   _ _ _    |
|           ------------->|_ _ _|   |
|         /        ^      |_ _ _| <-|-------RENDEZVOUS
|        /         |      |_ _ _|   |         TABLE
|(PROCESS)         |                |
|(   S   )         +-- SEND (from=S to=R; rend=RNDZ)
|        \                          |
|         [DATA]                    |

  HOST SND                               HOST RNDZ
+------------+                    +---------------------------+
|         MSP|  "OUT" + DATA      |MSP  _____  RENDEZVOUS     |
|            |--------------------|--> |_ _ _| TABLE          |
|            |  from=S; to=R      | \  |_ _ _|                |
|            |                    |  \ |_ _ _|                |
+------------+                    |   \             __        |
                                  |    \---------->|  | DATA  |
                                  |                |__|BUFFER |
                                  |                           |

     HOST RNDZ                          HOST RCV
+------------------------+       +-----------------------+
|                 MSP    |       |  MSP                  |
|       TABLE    _____   |       |   _____  TABLE        |
|             +-|_ _ _|  |  "IN" |  |_ _ _|              |
|             | |_ _ _|<-|----------|_ _ _|<-\           |RECEIVE
|             | |_ _ _|  |       |  |_ _ _|   \       <--|(from=S
|             |          |       |             \         |  to=R
|            _V_         |       |              \        | rend=RNDZ)
|    BUFFER |   |        |       |             (PROCESS) |
|           |___|        |       |             (   R   ) |
+------------------------+       +-----------------------+

   HOST SND                                           HOST RCV
   +------------------+        +------------+         +-------------+
   |                  |        |   TABLE    |         |             |
   |   TABLE  ___     |  "IN"  |    ___     |  "OUT"  |   ___  TABLE|
   |         |___|    |        |   |___|    |  + DATA |  |_ _|      |
   |         |___|<---|--------|---|___|----|---------|->|_ _|      |
   |         |___|    |        |   |___|    |         |  |_ _|      |
   | ( S )            |        +------------+         |        ( R )|
   |                  |          HOST RNDZ            |             |
   +------------------+                               +-------------+

      ------         _________           ------
     (      )       |         |         (      )
     (      ) SEND  |         | RECEIVE (      )
     (      )------>|--+  +---|<--------(      )
     (      )       |   \/    |         (      )
     (      ) (IN)  |   /\    |  (OUT)  (      )
     (      )<------|--+   +--|-------->(      )
     (______)       |_________| +DATA   (______)

      ----         _______               ______          ----
     (    )       |       |             |      |        (    )
     (    ) SEND  |       |      IN     |      | RECEIVE(    )
     (    )------>|-+  +--|<------------|------|<-------(    )
     (    )       |  \/   |             |      |        (    )
     (    ) (IN)  |  /\   |  OUT+DATA   |      | (OUT)  (    )
     (    )<------|-+  +--|------------>|------|------->(    )
     (____)       |_______|             |______| +DATA  (____)

      ----         ______                _______          ----
     (    )       |      |              |       |        (    )
     (    ) SEND  |      |   OUT+DATA   |       | RECEIVE(    )
     (    )------>|------|------------->|-+  +--|<-------(    )
     (    )       |      |              |  \/   |        (    )
     (    ) (IN)  |      |      IN      |  /\   | (OUT)  (    )
     (    )<------|------|<-------------|-+  +--|------->(    )
     (    )       |      |              |       | +DATA  (    )
     (____)       |______|              |______ |        (____)

  ----         ______            _______            ______         ----
 (    )       |      |          |       |          |      |       (    )
 (    ) SEND  |      | OUT+DATA |       |    IN    |      |RECEIVE(    )
 (    )------>|------|--------->|-+  +--|<---------|------|<------(    )
 (    )       |      |          |  \/   |          |      |       (    )
 (    ) (IN)  |      |    IN    |  /\   |OUT+DATA  |      | (OUT) (    )
 (    )<------|------|<---------|-+  +--|--------->|------|------>(    )
 (    )       |      |          |       |          |      | +DATA (    )
 (____)       |______|          |______ |          |______|       (____)

 |<---- Host K ----->|<--Net-->|<-Host->|<--Net-->|<----- Host L ----->|

   |             |            ////////// = unused
   |             |            //////////
       8 bits

   0             8            16            24            32     36
0  | HOST/IMP    |   FOREIGN   |    LINK     | ////////////////// |
   |  FLAGS      |   HOST      |             | ////////////////// |
1  | //// |        TO PORT ID                        |  MESSAGE   |
   | //// |                                          |   TYPE     |
2  |               FROM PORT ID              |   TABLE     | //// |
   |                                         |   POSITION  | //// |
3  | //// |   SOURCE    | RENDEZVOUS  |          BIT COUNT        |
   | //// |    HOST     |  HOST       |                           |
   |                                                              |
4  |                                                              |
   //                          DATA                              //
   |                                                              |
   |                                                              |

|char 0| 1// n | null |char 0| 1// n | null | port | number| delay |
|      |  //   |      |      |  //   |      |      |       |spec   |
 \                   /\                     /\             /\      /
  \_________________/  \___________________/  \___________/  \____/
   Parameters given:

   | byte 0 |   1   |   2   |

              |                          Full ASCII |
              | a b ... z  | ` ^ { }  ~             |
              |                                     |
        |33/35|                                     |   AT&T TWX   |
        |     |          `   [   ]                  | (Mod 33/35   |
        |     |                                     |      tty)    |
 +------+-----+------+-----------------------+      |              |
 |Basic |     |      |                       |      |              |
 |EBCDIC|     |      |     <SP>              |      |              |
 |      |     |   "  |     A B ... Z         |      | <left arrow> |
 |      |     |   !  |     0 1 ... 9         |      |              |
 |      |     |      |     + - * / ( )       |      |  <up arrow>  |
 |      |     |      |     . , ' =           |      |              |
 |      |     |      |     $ &               |      |              |
 |      |     |      |   < > : ? % # @       |      |              |
 |      |     |      |                       |      |              |
 |      +-----+------+-----------------------+------+--------------+
 |            |      |                       |      |
 |            |      |        _              |      |
 |            |      |                       |      |
 |            +------+-----------------------+------+
 |                   |                       |
 |                   | PL/1   <bent bar> |   |
 |                   |  Set                  |
 |                   +-----------------------+
 |                           <cent sign>     |
 |  Basic EBCDIC                             |

File      Server    Server<------------ User     User      File
Systems<->  FTP  <->TELNET FTP Commands TELNET<->FTP    <->System
          Process         ------------>          Process

                        Data Connection(s)         |

ftp (host) multics CR         ICP to HOST S, socket 3,
                              establishing TELNET connections.
username Doe CR               USER DoeCRLF ---->
                              <---- 330 passwordCRLF
password mumble CR            PASS mumbleCRLF ---->
                              <---- 230 Doe logged in.CRLF
retrieve (local type ASCIICR
(local pathname) test 1 CR    USER-FTP open local file in ASCII.
(for. pathname) test.pl1CR    RETR test.pl1 CRLF ---->
                              <---- 255 SOCK 1233CRLF
                              Server makes data connection to (U+4).
                              <---- 250 File transfer startsCRLF
                              <---- 252 File transfer completeCRLF
type imageCR                  TYPE |CRLF ---->
                              <---- 200 Command OKCRLF
byte 36CR                     BYTE 36CRLF ---->
                              <---- 200 Command OKCRLF
store (local type) ImageCR
(local pathname) file dumpCR  User-FTP opens local file in Image.
(for. pathname) >udd>cn>fdCR  STOR >udd>cn>fdCRLF ---->
                              <---- 451 Access deniedCRLF
terminate                     BYECRLF
                              <---- 231 Doe logged outCRLF
                              Server closes all connections.

        |            |          |              |   USED   |          |
        |            |          |              |          |          |
        |            |          |              |          |          |

              %               State
         |        |  Unable to Log in to any site.            |
         |        |  Unable to Log in to Desired site.        |
         |        |  Foreign site suddenly crashes.           |
         |        |  Local site crashes.                      |
         |        |  Trouble free operation.                  |
         |        |  Other                                    |

  -1 -2 -3                 -16         0 -1 -2                 -15
 -2  2  2  ...          ...2         -2  2  2  ...             2
 +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+       +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+
 |  |  |  |  |         |  |  |       |  |  |  |  |         |  |  |
 +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+       +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+
 ^                                      ^

             |  |  |  |  |  |  | ...         ... |  |  |  |  |
Bit position   0  1  2  3 ......                        14 15

                        16         16
   word 0        |  Day #   |  Time      |
                    |            |
   1 - 365 (6 on leap year)      |______
                            Time in minutes at which sample was
                         started. Ranges from 0 (midnight) to 1439.

                8      8
   word 1   | Source | Byte |   N   |  Format  |
            |   Host | Size |       |          |
                |     |       |          |__________
         _______|     |       |                     |
        |             |  number of HOST             |
   Network Host       |  related entries  +---+---+---+---+---+---+
    number            |  in message       |   |   | C | R | B | M |
                      |                   +---+---+---+---+---+---+
           number of bits per                       |   |  |   |
           byte in byte statistics         ____ ____|   |  | message
                                           |         ___|  | statistics
                                           |        |     byte
                                       control      |  statistics
                              message distribution  |
                                               round-trip time

        HOLIDAYS   MON.   TUES.    WED.  THURS.    FRI.     SAT.
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |   Z   |       |       |        |       |
       |        |   Z   |       |   Z   |   Z   |        |       |
   0400|   Z    |       +-------+       +-------+   Z    |   Z   |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
   0600|        +-------+       +-------+       +--------+       |
   0700|        |   R   |   *   |   R   |   *   |   R    +-------+
   0800+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+  R    |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
   1000|        |       |       |       |       |        +-------+
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |   R    |   M   |   M   |   M   |   M   |   M    |   M   |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |   R   |
   2000|    Z   |   R   |   R   |   R   |   R   |   R    +-------+
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
   2200|        |       |       |       |       |        |   Z   |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |

   (a)   ______      for authentication     ______
        |      |            |              |      |
        |      |<-----------+------------->| User |
        |______|            | /            |______|
          Host              |/
             _______      / |
            |       |    /  v
            |       |<---

         ______                             ______
        |      |                           |      |
        |      |<--\             ^     /-->| User |
        |______|    \            |    /    |______|
          Host       \           |   /
                                 | /
                               / |
                              /  | authentication
             _______         /   | complete
            |       |       /
            |       |<------

   NY Terminal     NY Enroute    Boston Enroute  Boston Terminal
     _____            _____            _____         _____
    |     |      /   |     |   \      |     |       |     |
    |_____|  \ /     |_____|     \ /  |_____|       |_____|
              X        move       X
             / \        |        / \
             |  \       V       /  |
             V   \    _____    /   V
      reconnect   \  |     |  /   reconnect
                    NY Enroute

     H2          H3                  H2           H3
    ___         ___                 ___          ___
   |   |       |   |               |   |        |   |
   |  C|<-+    |D  |               |  C|<------>|D  |
   |___|  |    |___|               |___|        |___|
          |   ___                             ___
          |  |   |                           |   |
          +->|A  |                           |A  |
             |___|                           |___|
               H1                              H1

          H2                                   H3
        ______                               ______
       |      |                             |      |
       |   C  |                             |  D   |
        ---\--                               -/----
            \       /-->          <--\       /
              \- -/--- --- --- --- --- \---/
               \ /                      \ /
                X                        X
               / \                      / \
              /   \                    /   \
    reconnection   \                  /   reconnection
                    \    ________    /
                     ---|A      B|---
                        |        |

     H1            H4                H1            H4
    ____          ____              ____          ____
   |    |        |    |            |    |        |    |
   |   C|        |E   |            |   C|--------|E   |
   |____|        |____|            |____|        |____|

     H2            H3                H2            H3
    ____          ____              ____          ____
   |    |        |    |            |    |        |    |
   |   B|--------|D   |            |   B|        |D   |
   |____|        |____|            |____|        |____|

                        ___                 ___
                       | P |---------------| Q |
                       |___|               |___|
   | P --> Q ||  R R Q  |
   |         ||         |             |         |
   | Q --> P ||  R O K  |  R N O  ----|  R R Q  |
   |         ||         |         | E |         |
                   |                       |
      +------------+                       v
      |                      Yes   +----------+   No
      |   +------------------------| NP > NQ? |------+
      |   |                        +----------+      |
    __v___v_______________________________           |
   |         ||             |             |          |
   | P --> Q ||  R D O  ----|  R N O  ----|          |
   |         ||         | E |         | E |          |
   |_________||_________|___|_________|___|          |
   |         ||             |             |
   | Q --> P ||  R D O  ----|  R N O  ----|
   |         ||         | E |         | E |

     H2           H3                    H2           H3
    ___          ___                   ___          ___
   |   |        |   |                 |  C|--------|D  |
   |_C_|        |_D_|                 |___|        |___|
     |            |
     |            |        ===>
     |    ____    |                          ____
      ---|A  B|---                          |    |
         |____|                             |____|
           H1                                 H1

          __      __      __      __      __
      ___|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |___
         |__|    |__|    |__|    |__|    |__|

                  |  ASCII  |   EBCDIC
   Not Print File |         |
   Print File     |         |

   A          Process 1                        Process 2
                         neither end echoes

   B          Process 1  <--+                  Process 2
                        one end echoes for itself

   C          Process 1  <--------------+     Process 2
                        one end echoes for the other

   D          Process 1  <--+           V       Process 2
                            ^           +--->
                        both ends echo for themselves

   E          Process 1  <--+  V               Process 2
                            ^  +------------>
                        one end echoes for both ends

case 1)   message (1) + implicit req (1)--->
                                        <--- RFNM (arrived ok)
          [discard copy of msg]

case 2)   message (1) + implicit req (1)---> no room, don't respond
                                        <--- All (1)  (room available)
          message (1)                   --->
          [discard copy of msg]         <--- RFNM (arrived ok)

H-> I line
----------> First packet of multipacket
            arrives. Halt H->I line and
            send REQ (8)  -------------->
            start 30 sec. Time-out

            If time-out, resend
            REQ (8) and restart -------->
                                <--------ALL (8) when available. Start
                                         long term (2 min.) time-out.
                                         On time-out, reset all
                                         outstanding reservations.

                         P                              A
                          O                              C
                           E                              K
typical packet |       |     |                        |     |          |
               |       |     |                        |     |          |

                     IMP A                           IMP B
                     -----                           -----
                   ROE | SOE                       ROE | SOE
                       |           POE   ACK           |
                       |         +-----------+         |
IMP A blocks send    1 | 0    (1)|  0      1 |->     1 | 0 IMP B NOPS,
channel.               |         +-----------+         |   flips ROE
                       |                               |
                       |           POE   ACK           |
                       |         +-----------+         |
IMP A frees send     0 | 1     <-|  0      0 |(2)    0 | 0 IMP B blocks
channel,               |         +-----------+         |   channel for
Flips SOE              |                               |   new traffic
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A blocks send      |         +-----------+  crashes|
channel                |      (3)|  1      0 |->or gets|
                       |         +-----------+  lost   |
                       |                               |
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A detects packet   |         +-----------+         |
duplicate (POE=ROE)  0 | 1     <-|  0      0 |(2)    0 | 0 IMP B
so does not change     |         +-----------+         |  retransmits no
SOE bit.               |                               |  ACK received
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A retransmits      |         +-----------+         |   IMP B flips
packet 3               |      (3)|  1      0 |->     1 | 1 SOE, unblocks
                       |         +-----------+         |   channel, and
                       |                               |   flips ROE.
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A flips ROE,       |         +-----------+         |
      flips SOE      1 | 0     <-|  1      1 |(4)      |
                       |         +-----------+         |
                       |                               |

 start state                                      F = free
        |                                         I = in use
        V                                         X = don_t care
       +-----+                 +------+           N = new packet
       |  FX | --------------> | I, N |           O = old packet
       +-----+                 +------+
          ^                       |
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |                       |
   ACK    |                       |
 received |                       |
          |                       V
          |                   +------+
          +-------------------| I, O |---+
                              +------+   |
                                  ^      | re-transmissions

+-----+   +-------+   +------+           +------+   +-------+   +-----+
| File|<->|Server-|<->|Server|<----------|User  |<->|User-  |<->|File |
|Sys  |   |FTP    |   |TELNET|  FTP Cmds |TELNET|   |FTP    |   |Sys- |
| -tem|   |Process|   |      |---------->|      |   |Process|   | tem |
+-----+   |       |   +------+FTP Replies+------+   |       |   +-----+
          |       |                                 |       |
          |       |<------------------------------->|Data   |
          |       |         Data Connection(s)      |Socket |
          +-------+                                 +-------+
                                                    |      |
                                                    | USER |
                                                    |      |

                   | Don't care  | Descriptor  |               |
                   |    12 bits  |  code=4     | Byte count=2  |

                   |    | Marker  | Marker  | Marker | Marker  |
                   |    | 8 bits  | 8 bits  | 8 bits | 8 bits  |

                   |    | Marker  | Marker  | SP     | SP      |
                   |    | 8 bits  | 8 bits  | 8 bits | 8 bits  |

           STRU           F               |        R
   TYPE   |\ MODE                         |     |     |      |
          |  \                            |     |     |      |
          |    \     S       T       B    |  S  |   T |   B  |
          | FORM +--------+-----+---------+-----+-----+------+
       A  |   U  |   8    |  8  |    8    |  8  |   8 |   8  |
          |      +--------+-----+---------+-----+-----+------+
          |   P  |   8    |  8  |    8    |  8  |   8 |   8  |
      E   |   U  |   8    |     |    8    |  8  |     |   8  |
          |      +--------+-----+---------+-----+-----+------+
          |   P  |   8    |     |    8    |  8  |     |   8  |
      I   |   U  | 1-255  |     | 1-255   |     |     |1-255 |
      L   |   U  | 1-255  |     | 1-255   |     |     |1-255 |

         BYE CRLF   ----------------->
         <----------252 File transfer completed

ftp (host) multics CR             ICP to HOST S, socket 3,
                                  establishing TELNET connections.
username Doe CR                   USER Doe CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 330 password CRLF
password mumble CR                PASS mumble CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 230 Doe logged in. CRLF
retrieve (local type) ASCII CR
(local pathname) test 1 CR        User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
(for.pathname) test.p11 CR        RETR test.p11 CRLF
                                  <---- 255 SOCK 1233 CRLF
                                  Server makes data connection to (U+4).
                                  <---- 250 File transfer starts CRLF
                                  <---- 252 File transfer complete CRLF
type ImageCR                      TYPE I CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 200 Command OK CRLF
byte 36CR                         BYTE 36 CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 200 Command OK CRLF
store (local type) image CR
(local pathname) file dump CR     User-FTP opens local file in Image.
(for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd CR      STOR >udd>cn>fd CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 451 Access denied CRLF
terminate                         <---- 231 Doe logged out CRLF
                                  Server closes all connections.

                                  n bytes of data
              1    B-1        /   B              B \
             +---+------+    +--------+     +--------+
Byte String: | 0 |  n   |    |   d    |. . .|   d    |
             |   |      |    |    1   |     |    n   |
             +---+------+    +--------+     +--------+
                  String of n data bytes d(1),...,d(n)
                  Count n must be positive

                     2     B-2            B
                   +----+------+    +---------+
Replicated Byte:   | 1 0|   n  |    |    d    |
                   +----+------+    +---------+
                 String consisting of n replications of the data byte d

                     2    B-2
Filler String:    | 1 1|   n  |
                 String of n filler bytes.  The filler byte is a "space"
                 character for ASCII or EBCDIC type, or a binary zero
                 byte for Image or Local Byte Type.

                                B            B
                          +----------+ +----------+
Control Escape Sequence:  | 0......0 | |      C   |    (see below)
                          +----------+ +----------+

                            |               |
                 +----------| USER PROCESS  |----------+
                 |          |       A       |          |
               telnet       +---------------+        telnet
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
          +-----------+                         +-------------+
          |           |-------->      --------->|             |
          |  SERVER   |data sockets  data socket|   SERVER    |
          |     B     |    Sb           Sc      |     C       |
          |           |<--------      <---------|             |
          +-----------+                         +-------------+

   USER A TO SERVER B                     USER A TO SERVER C
   __________________                     __________________

                           __                   __
                          |                       |
                          | ;D[DOCUMENT]          |
                          | ;M[MESSAGE]           |
               <userid>   | ;C[COPIES]= <integer> |
                          | ;BIN= <integer>       |
                          |__                   __|

                     UCSB                                UCLA
|------------------------------------------|       |-----------------|
 +--------+                       +-------+          +-------+
 |        |                       |       |          |       |
 |        |      500 Kb/s         |       |          |       |
 |SEL810-B|  +------+ | +------+  |IBM    |          |IBM    |
 |        |<-|INTER-|<->|INTER-|->|360/75 |          |360/91 |
 |        |->|FACE  |   |FACE  |<-|       |          | +----+|DISCARD
 |        |  +------+   +------+  |       |          | | NCP|-->+----+
 |        |                       |       |          | +----+|  |    |
 +--------+                       +---^---+          +----^--+  +----+
       |                           |  |<--100 Kb/s-->  |  |
       V                           V  |                V  |
    +-----+                       +-----+            +-----+
    | D/A |                       | IMP |<---/  /<---| IMP |
    +-----+                       |     |--->/  /--->|     |
        |                         +-----+  \     /   +-----+
  -|\   |                                   \   /
  -| \<-+                                  50 Kb/s
  -| /
                Figure 1.  Hardware configuration of data path used
                           for sending real-time data from the
                           SEL 810-B to the UCLA host discard socket.

     ^    1    2    3    4          n-4  n-3  n-2  n-1   ^
     |                                                   |
     0                                                   n
     B                                                   E

          +--------+        +--------+        +---------+
          |  IMP  2|--------|3 IMP  4|--------|5  IMP   |
          |   1    |        |        |        |    6    |
          +---|----+        +--------+        +----|----+
              |                                    |
          +---|----+                          +----|----+
          |        |                          |         |
          |  Host  |                          |  Host   |
          +--------+                          +---------+

                                         !!   User  !!    --------
                                         !!Interface!<--->! User !
                                         !\----:----/!    --------
               ----------                !     V     !
               !/------\!  FTP Commands  !/---------\!
               !!Server!<-----------------!   User  !!
               !!  PI  !----------------->!    PI   !!
               !\--:---/!   FTP Replies  !\----:----/!
               !   V    !                !     V     !
   --------    !/------\!      Data      !/---------\!    --------
   ! File !<--->!Server!<---------------->!  User   !<--->! File !
   !System!    !! DTP  !!   Connections  !!   DTP   !!    !System!
   --------    !\------/!                !\---------/!    --------
               ----------                -------------

                 TELNET     ------------    TELNET
                 -----------! User-FTP !------------
                 ! -------->! User-PI  !<--------- !
                 ! !        !   "C"    !         ! !
                 V !        ------------         ! V
         --------------                        --------------
         ! Server-FTP !   Data Connection      ! Server-FTP !
         !    "A"     !<-----------------------!    "B"     !
         -------------- Socket(A)    Socket(B) --------------

      ftp (host) multics<CR>         ICP to Host S, socket 3,
                                     establishing TELNET connections
                                     <---- 330 Awaiting input <CRLF>
      username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 330 password<CRLF>
      password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 230 Doe logged in.<CRLF>
      retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
      (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
      (for.pathname) testp11<CR>     RETR test.p11<CRLF> ---->
                                     Server makes data connection to
                                     <---- 250 File transfer starts
                                     <---- 252 File transfer
      type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      byte 36<CR>                    BYTE 36<CR>LF ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      store (local type) image<CR>
      (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
      (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 451 Access denied<CRLF>
      terminate                      BYE <CRLF> ---->
                                     Server closes all connections.

       Weekday Hourly Load Averages
                                 July 1973
          ^                                        B  BBN-TENEX
          |                                        I  ISI-TENEX
       10 +
          |                            B
          +                              B
   Load   |
   Avg.   |                                B
          |                            I
          |                          *
          +                              I
          |                      B         I B
          |                        B
        5 +
          |                    B   I
          |                                  I
          +                      I
          |                  B
          +                                    I       B
          |                                    B
          |                                      I
          |                    I                   I B   B
          +                                          I
          |                  I                     B   I
          |                                      B
          |                B                             I B
          +  I             I                                 I
          |  B *                                             B
          |      * * I I *
          |          B B
          | 0-1 AM      6-7 AM     12-1 PM      6-7 PM      12
           (midnight)              (noon)            (midnight)
                    Time of Day (Eastern Daylight Time)

                   SPECIAL PACKET BIT ___
      ___HELLO/I-HEARD-YOU BIT           |      ___ UNUSED __
     |                                   |     |             |
     |                                   |     |             |
     V                                   V     V             V
   |   |   |                       |   |   |///////|   |   |///|   |
   |   |   |                       |   |   |///////|   |   |///|   |
     ^   ^     PACKET WORD COUNT     ^               ^   ^       ^
     |   |         ( 6 BITS )        |               |   |       |
     |   |                           |               |   |    CHANNEL
     |   |                           |               |   |    NUMBER
     |   |                           |               |   |
     |  PACKET                  HOST/IMP BIT         |  CHANNEL ZERO
     |  ODD/EVEN BIT                                 |  ACKNOWLEDGE BIT
     |                                               |
    LAST PACKET BIT                                CHANNEL ONE
                                                   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BIT

                                  |                        +++ (3)
                                  |                    ++++
                                  |                  ++
                                  |                 +
                                  |               ++
             ooo   ****         --+--   ooo   ***+
            o   o**    **         |    o   o**  + **
           o    *o       *        |   o    *o  +    *
          o    *          *       |  o    *   +      *
         o    *   o        *      | o    *   o        *
             *     o        *     |     *   + o        *
        o  **                **   |o  **  ++            **
|         *      |  o          *  |  *  ++     o   |      *   (1)   |
|-4.0            |   o     ++     |             o  |          (2)   |4.0
                         ++      o|                         o
                      o +         |              o
                       o        o |               o        o
                      +        o  |                       o
                     +  o     o   |                o     o
                    +    o   o    |                 o   o
                   +      ooo   --+-- -1.0           ooo
                 ++               |
                +                 |
              ++                  |
          ++++                    |
       +++                        |
                                --+-- -2.0

                                               Data from Plasma
                 |Msb|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|Lsb|P|  <----------------
                   |  | | | | | | | |  |  *    Terminal
                   |  | | | | \ \ \ \  \    Parity for Keyboard
                   |  | | | |  \ \ \ \  \   data is regenerated
                   |  | | | |   \ \ \ \  \  at the PLATO System
                   |  | | | |    \ \ \ \  \ end.
                   |  | | | |     \ \ \ \  \
                   / / / / /       \ \ \ \  \
                  / / / / /         \ \ \ \  \
      Data to    | | | | |           | | | | |
      <-------- |x|x|x|x|x|1|1|0|<--|x|x|x|x|x|1|0|0|

|                                     |        / /
|  ______     ___________             |        \ \
| |      |---|           |            |        / /
| |      |   |   DATA    |            |        \ \
| |      |   |DESCRIPTION|   _______  |    DATALANGUAGE     ___________
| |      |   |___________|  |       |<-------------------->|           |
| |STORED|         |________| USER  | |        PATH        |APPLICATION|
| | DATA |__________________|REQUEST| |                    |  PROGRAM  |
| |      |                  |_______|<----!--------------->|___________|
| |      |               ___________  |   !   DATA PATH
| |      |              |           | |   !    / /
| |      |              |   PORT    |-----!    \ \
| |      |              |DESCRIPTION| |        / /
| |______|              |___________| |        \ \
|_____________________________________|        / /
                               Figure 2-1
                A Model of Datacomputer/User Interaction

 ___________________________________________      _______________
|                             ____________  |    |  ___________  |
|                            |APPLICATION | |    | |APPLICATION| |
|                           _|    DATA    |_|____|_|  PROGRAM  | |
|                          | |DESCRIPTIONS| |    | |___________| |
|                          | |____________| |    |_______________|
|                          |       ^        |          HOST 1
|  ______                  |       |        |
| |      |                 |  _____|______  |
| |      |                 | |    DATA    | |
| |      |                 | | FUNCTIONS  | |
| |      |                 | |____________| |     _______________
| |      |   ___________   |  ____________  |    |  ___________  |
| |      |  |  STORED   |__| |            | |    | |APPLICATION| |
| |      |__|   DATA    |____|            |_|____|_|  PROGRAM  | |
| |STORED|  |DESCRIPTION|__  |            | |    | |___________| |
| | DATA |  |___________|  | |____________| |    |               |
| |      |        ^        |  ____________  |    |  ___________  |
| |      |        |        | |            | |    | |APPLICATION| |
| |      |   _____|_____   | |            |_|____|_|  PROGRAM  | |
| |      |  |   DATA    |  |_|            | |    | |___________| |
| |      |  | FUNCTIONS |    |____________| |    |_______________|
| |______|  |___________|                   |          HOST 2

                                |           _______
                                           |       |____
                                |        __|GENERAL|____
                                        |  |  DMS  |____
                                |       |  |_______|
 _________     ________     _________   |
|         |   | HIGHER |   |         |__|   _______     ________
|PRIMITIVE|___| LEVEL  |___|LOW-LEVEL|_____|COBOL  |   | COBOL  |
|_________|   |________|   |_________|  |  |_______|   |________|
                                |       |   _______
                                        |__|ON LINE|
                                |          | QUERY |_______
                                           |_______|       |
                                |                       ___|____
                                |                      | USERS  |
                                         APPLICATION  APPLICATIONS
                                |          SERVERS

               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      X      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |        ____________
               |___________|_____|       |            |
                OBJECT     |____________\|   "ABC"    |
               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      Y      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  BOOL  | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |        ____________
               |___________|_____|       |            |
                OBJECT     |____________\|    TRUE    |

              |  _____________  |
              | |    SMITH    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |        ____________
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
              |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |____________|
              | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
              | |_________|___| |
              |  CHILD    |     |
               OBJECT     |
              |  _____________  |
              | |      X      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |       _________________
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
         _____|_|____         | |      | |      Y      | |
        |     | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
        |     |  DESCRIPTION    |      |  NAME           |
        |     |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
        |   __|_|____         | |      | |         ____|_|_____
        |  |  | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |     |
        |  |  |  VALUE          |      |  DESCRIPTION    |     |
        |  |  |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |     |
        |  |  | |         ____|_|_____\| |         ____|_|__   |
        |  |  | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |  |  |
        |  |  |  SIBLING        |      |  VALUE          |  |  |
        |  |  |_________________|      |_________________|  |  |
        |  |   OBJECT                   OBJECT              |  |
        |  |   _________________        _________________   |  |
        |  |_\|      "ABC"      |      |      FALSE      |/_|  |
        |    /|_________________|      |_________________|\    |
        |      VALUE                    VALUE                  |
        |      _________________        _________________      |
        |     |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |     |
        |     | |    STRING   | |      | |     BOOL    | |     |
        |____\| |_____________| |      | |_____________| |/____|
             /|  TYPE           |      |  TYPE           |\
              |_________________|      |_________________|
               DESCRIPTION              DESCRIPTION

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      R      | |       | |    STRUCT   | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
 _____|_|____         | |        DESCRIPTION |
|     | |_____________| |        ____________V____
|     |  VALUE          |       |  _____________  |
|     |  _____________  |       | |    STRING   | |
|     | |             | |       | |_____________| |
|     | |_________|___| |   ___\|  TYPE           |        _____________
|     |  CHILD    |     |  |   /|  _____________  |       |  _________  |
|     |___________|_____|  |    | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING  | |
|      OBJECT     |        |    | |_____________| |      /| |_________| |
|                 |        |    |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE       |
|      ___________V_____   |    |_________________|       |_____________|
|     |  _____________  |  |     DESCRIPTION           DESCRIPTION    A
|     | |      A      | |  |                                          |
|     | |_____________| |  |     _________________                    |
|     |  NAME           |  |    |  _____________  |                   |
|     |  _____________  |  |    | |      B      | |                   |
|     | |         ____|_|__|    | |_____________| |                   |
|     | |_____________| |       |  NAME           |                   |
|     |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  _____________  |                   |
|     |  _____________  |       | |         ____|_|___________________|
|   __|_|____         | |       | |_____________| |
|  |  | |_____________| |       |  DESCRIPTION    |
|  |  |  VALUE          |       |  _____________  |
|  |  |  _____________  |       | |         ____|_|____
|  |  | |         ____|_|______\| |_____________| |    |
|  |  | |_____________| |      /|  VALUE          |    |
|  |  |  SIBLING        |       |  _____________  |    |
|  |  |_________________|       | |             | |    |
|  |   OBJECT                   | |_____________| |    |
|  |                            |  SIBLING        |    |
|  |                            |_________________|    |
|  |__________                   OBJECT   _____________|
|      _______|__________________________|_______
|____\|  _____V_______            _______V_____  |
     /| |    "ABC"    |          |     FALSE   | |      Figure 4-3
      | |_____________|          |_____________| |     A STRUCT with
      |__________________________________________|      two members

              |  _____________  |
              | |      L      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |        ____________
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |  LIST  | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
              |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |             | |       | |        | |
              | |_______|_____| |       | |______|_| |
              |  VALUE  |       |       |  CHILD |   |
              |_________|_______|       |________|___|
               OBJECT   |          DESCRIPTION |
                        |                      |
               _________V_______         ________V___
              |                 |       |  ________  |
              |  _____________  |       | | STRING | |
              | |    "ABC"    | |       | |________| |
              | |_____________| |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |____________|
              | |     "XY"    | |        DESCRIPTION
              | |_____________| |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    "ZLM"    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |        :        |
              |        :        |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    "BBBF"   | |
              | |_____________| |

              |                 |
              |  _____________  |
              | |     STAR    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |        ____________
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
              |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |____________|
              | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
              | |_________|___| |
              |  CHILD    |     |
               OBJECT     |

               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |    BLOCK    | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |
                OBJECT     |
               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |  TOP/LEVEL  | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |         ____|_|___     DESCRIPTION
               | |_____________| |   |
               |  SIBLING        |   |
               |  _____________  |   |___\ ALL BLOCKS AND
               | |             | |       / LOCAL T/OBJECTS
               | |_________|___| |
               |  CHILD    |     |

               _________________        _________________
              |                 |      |                 |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |      X      | |      | |      Y      | |
              | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |_______|_____| |      | |_______|_____| |
              |  VALUE  |       |      |  VALUE  |       |
              |_________|_______|      |_________|_______|
               OBJECT   |             OBJECT     |
                        |                        |
               _________V_______        _________V_______
              |                 |      |                 |
              |      "ABC"      |      |      "DEF"      |
              |_________________|      |_________________|
               VALUE                    VALUE

               _________________        _________________
              |                 |      |                 |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |     X       | |      | |     Y       | |
              | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |_______|_____| |      | |_______|_____| |
              |  VALUE  |       |      |  VALUE  |       |
              |_________|_______|      |_________|_______|
               OBJECT   |             OBJECT     |
                        |                        |
               _________V_______        _________V_____
              |                 |      |                 |
              |     "DEF"       |      |     "DEF"       |
              |_________________|      |_________________|
               VALUE                    VALUE

       _________________         _________________
      |                 |       |  _____________  |
      |  _____________  |       | |             | |
      | |      L      | |       | |_____________| |
      | |_____________| |       |  TYPE           |
      |  NAME           |       |  _____________  |
      |  _____________  |       | |             | |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |__________|__| |
      | |_____________| |      /|  CHILD     |    |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |____________|____|
      |  _____________  |        DESCRIPTION |
      | |             | |                    |
      | |_________|___| |        ____________V____
      |  VALUE    |     |       |  _____________  |
      |___________|_____|       | |    STRING   | |/___
       OBJECT     |             | |_____________| |\   |
                  |             |  TYPE           |    |
       ___________V_____        |_________________|    |
      |                 |        DESCRIPTION           |
      |  _____________  |                              |
      | |    "ABC"    | |        _________________     |
      | |_____________| |       |                 |    |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |    |
      | |     "XY"    | |       | |      M      | |    |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |    |
      |  _____________  |       |  NAME           |    |
      | |    "ZLM"    |/|___    |  _____________  |    |
      | |_____________|\|   |   | |         ____|_|____|
      |        :        |   |   | |_____________| |
      |        :        |   |   |  DESCRIPTION    |
      |  _____________  |   |   |  _____________  |
      | |    "BBBF"   | |   |___|_|____         | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |_________________|       |  VALUE          |
       VALUE                    |_________________|

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      L      | |       | |             | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
      | |             | |/__     DESCRIPTION |
      | |_________|___| |\  |    ____________V____
      |  VALUE    |     |   |   |  _____________  |
      |___________|_____|   |   | |    STRING   | |/___
       OBJECT     |         |   | |_____________| |\   |
                  |         |   |  TYPE           |    |
       ___________V_____    |   |_________________|    |
      |  _____________  |   |    DESCRIPTION           |
      | |    "ABC"    | |   |    _________________     |
      | |_____________| |   |   |                 |    |
      |  _____________  |   |   |  _____________  |    |
      | |     "XY"    | |   |___|_|____         | |    |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |    |
      |  _____________  |       |  LIST           |    |
      | |    "ZLM"    | |       |  _____________  |    |
      | |_____________| |       | |             | |    |
      |        :        |       | |_________|___| |    |
      |        :        |       |  MEMBER   |     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |     :     |     |    |
      | |    "BBBF"   |/|___    |     :     |     |    |
      | |_____________|\|   |   |___________|_____|    |
      |_________________|   |    OPD        |          |
       VALUE                |    ___________V_____     |
                            |   |  _____________  |    |
                            |   | |      M      | |    |
                            |   | |_____________| |    |
                            |   |  NAME           |    |
                            |   |  _____________  |    |
                            |   | |         ____|_|____|
                            |   | |_____________| |
                            |   |  DESCRIPTION    |
                            |   |  _____________  |
                            |___|_|____         | |
                                | |_____________| |
         Figure 4-9             |  VALUE          |
    OPD, LIST and member        |_________________|

 _________________         _________________
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |      F      | |       | |   STRUCT    | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
| |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
|  _____________  |       |____________|____|
| |             | |        DESCRIPTION |
| |___________|_| |        ____________V____         _________________
|  VALUE      |   |       |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|  ___________|_  |       | |    STRING   | |       | |    STRING   | |
| |           | | |       | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
| |_________|_|_| |       |  TYPE           |       |  TYPE           |
|  CHILD    | |   |       |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|___________|_|___|  ____\| |             | |       | |             | |
 OBJECT     | |     |    /| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
            | |     |     |  SIBLING        |       |  SIBLING        |
            | |     |     |_________________|       |_________________|
            | |     |      DESCRIPTION               DESCRIPTION    A
            | |     |      ______________________________________   |
            | |     |     |  ____________          ____________  |  |
            | |     |     | |    "ABC"   |        |    FALSE   | |  |
            | |_____|_____| |____________|        |____________| |  |
            |       |     |________A_____________________________|  |
            |       |  ............:                        VALUE   |
 ___________V_____  |  :   _________________                        |
|  _____________  | |  :  |  _____________  |                       |
| |      A      | | |  :  | |      B      | |                       |
| |_____________| | |  :  | |_____________| |                       |
|  NAME           | |  :  |  NAME           |                       |
|  _____________  | |  :  |  _____________  |                       |
| |         ____|_|_|  :  | |         ____|_|_______________________|
| |_____________| |    :  | |_____________| |
|  DESCRIPTION    |    :  |  DESCRIPTION    |
|  _____________  |    :  |  _____________  |
| |         ....|.|....:  | |             | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  VALUE          |       |  VALUE          |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
| |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
|  SIBLING        |       |  SIBLING        |
|_________________|       |_________________|        Figure 4-10
 OBJECT                    OBJECT            Effect of GET/STRUCT/MEMBER

              |  _____________  |
              | |      L      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |     LIST    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |             | |
              | |________|____| |
              |  CHILD   |      |
             DESCRIPTION |
              |  _____________  |
              | |      M      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    STRING   | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |  _________  | |
              | | |  FIXED  | | |
              | | |_________| | |
              | |  _________  | |
              | | |    3    | | |
              | | |_________| | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  PARAMETERS     |

              |  _____________  |
              | |      R      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    STRUCT   | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |             | |
              | |_________|___| |
              |  CHILD    |     |
             DESCRIPTION  |
              |  _____________  |
              | |      A      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    STRING   | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |        _________________
              |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
              | |             | |       | |      B      | |
              | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
              |  PARAMETER      |       |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |    BOOL     | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
              |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE           |
              |_________________|       |_________________|
               DESCRIPTION               DESCRIPTION

               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      X      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |   DIR  | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  CHILD    |     |
                OBJECT     |
               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      Z      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  OPD   | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |        ____________
               |___________|_____|       |            |
                OBJECT     |____________\|            |

|  _____________  |
| |      X      | |
| |_____________| |        _________________
|  NAME           |       |  _____________  |
|  _____________  |       | |     DIR     | |
| |         ____|_|______\| |_____________| |
| |_____________| |      /|  TYPE           |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |_________________|
|  _____________  |        DESCRIPTION
| |             | |
| |_________|___| |
|  VALUE    |     |
 OBJECT     |
|  _____________  |
| |      Y      | |
| |_____________| |        _________________
|  NAME           |       |  _____________  |
|  _____________  |       | |     BOOL    | |
| |         ____|_|______\| |_____________| |
| |_____________| |      /|  TYPE           |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |_________________|
|  _____________  |        DESCRIPTION
| |             | |
| |_____________| |
|  VALUE          |
|  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|______________
| |_____________| |              |
|  SIBLING        |              |
|_________________|        ______V__________         _________________
       OBJECT             |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
                          | |      Z      | |       | |     OPD     | |
                          | |_____________| |    __\| |_____________| |
                          |  NAME           |   |  /|  TYPE           |
                          |  _____________  |   |   |_________________|
                          | |         ____|_|___|    DESCRIPTION
                          | |_____________| |
                          |  DESCRIPTION    |
                          |  _____________  |        _________________
                          | |         ____|_|______\|                 |
       Figure 4-14        | |_____________| |      /|_________________|
    X, Y, and Z after     |  VALUE          |        OPD
        L/CREATE          |_________________|

 _________________         _________________
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |     STAR    | |       | |      F      | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  NAME           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |     LIST    | |
| |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|  CHILD    |     |       |  TYPE           |
|___________|_____|       |  _____________  |
 OBJECT     |             | |             | |
            |             | |___________|_| |
 ___________V_____     __\|  CHILD      |   |
|  _____________  |   |  /|_____________|___|
| |      F      | |   |    DESCRIPTION  |
| |_____________| |   |                 |
|  NAME           |   |    _____________V___
|  _____________  |   |   |  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|   |   | |      R      | |
| |_____________| |___|   | |_____________| |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |  NAME           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |    STRUCT   | |
| |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|  VALUE    |     |       |  TYPE           |
|___________|_____|       |  _____________  |
 OBJECT     |             | |             | |
            |             | |___________|_| |
 ___________V_____        |  CHILD      |   |
|                 |       |_____________|___|
|                 |        DESCRIPTION  |
|_________________|        _____________V___
 VALUE                    |  _____________  |
                          | |      A      | |
                          | |_____________| |
                          |  NAME           |       _________________
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |    STRING   | |      | |      B      | |
                          | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
                          |  TYPE           |      |  NAME           |
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |         ____|_|_____\| |  STRING     | |
       Figure 4-15        | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |
   F immediately after    |  SIBLING        |      |  TYPE           |
        creation          |_________________|      |_________________|
                           DESCRIPTION              DESCRIPTION

 _________________         _________________
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |     STAR    | |       | |     OPF     | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  NAME           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |             | |
| |_________|___| |       | |_______|_____| |
|  CHILD    |     |       |  VALUE  |       |
|___________|_____|       |_________|_______|
 OBJECT     |              OBJECT   |
 ___________V_____         _________V______
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |      F      | |/______|_|____         | |
| |_____________| |\      | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  LIST           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |             | |
| |_________|___| |       | |________|____| |
|  VALUE    |     |       |  MEMBER  |      |
|___________|_____|       |__________|______|
 OBJECT     |              VALUE     | OPD
            |              __________V______
 ___________V_____        |  _____________  |
|                 |       | |      M      | |
|       LIS       |       | |_____________| |
|_________________|       |  NAME           |
 VALUE                    |  _____________  |
                          | |             | |
                          | |________|____| |
                          |  CHILD   |      |
                           OBJECT    |
                           __________V______        _________________
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |      A      | |      | |      B      | |
                          | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
                          |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |         ____|_|_____\| |             | |
                          | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |
                          |  SIBLING        |      |                 |
                          |_________________|      |_________________|
                           OBJECT                   OBJECT

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      M      | |       | |    STRUC    | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
 _____|_|____         | |        DESCRIPTION |
|     | |_____________| |                    |
|     |  VALUE          |        ____________V____
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|     | |             | |       | |    STRING   | |
|     | |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|     |  CHILD    |     |   ___\|  TYPE           |        _____________
|     |___________|_____|  |   /|  _____________  |       |  _________  |
|      OBJECT     |        |    | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING  | |
|                 |        |    | |_____________| |      /| |_________| |
|      ___________V_____   |    |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE       |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |_________________|       |_____________|
|     | |      A      | |  |     DESCRIPTION           DESCRIPTION    A
|     | |_____________| |  |                                          |
|     |  NAME           |  |     _________________                    |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |  _____________  |                   |
|     | |         ____|_|__|    | |      B      | |                   |
|     | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |                   |
|     |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  NAME           |                   |
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |                   |
|     | |             | |       | |         ____|_|___________________|
|     | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|     |  VALUE          |       |  DESCRIPTION    |
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|     | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
|     | |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
|     |  SIBLING        |       |  VALUE          |
|     |_________________|       |_________________|
|      OBJECT                    OBJECT
      |  _____________            _____________  |
      | |             |          |             | |
      | |_____________|          |_____________| |
      |__________________________________________|       Figure 4-17
       VALUE                                         After L/OPEN/MEMBER

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      M      | |       | |    STRUC    | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
 _____|_|____         | |        DESCRIPTION |
|     | |_____________| |                    |
|     |  VALUE          |        ____________V____
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|     | |             | |       | |    STRING   | |
|     | |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|     |  CHILD    |     |   ___\|  TYPE           |        _____________
|     |___________|_____|  |   /|  _____________  |       |  _________  |
|      OBJECT     |        |    | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING  | |
|                 |        |    | |_____________| |      /| |_________| |
|      ___________V_____   |    |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE       |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |_________________|       |_____________|
|     | |      A      | |  |     DESCRIPTION           DESCRIPTION    A
|     | |_____________| |  |                                          |
|     |  NAME           |  |     _________________                    |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |  _____________  |                   |
|     | |         ____|_|__|    | |      B      | |                   |
|     | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |                   |
|     |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  NAME           |                   |
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |                   |
|   __|_|____         | |       | |         ____|_|___________________|
|  |  | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  |  |  VALUE          |       |  DESCRIPTION    |
|  |  |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|  |  | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
|  |  | |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
|  |  |  SIBLING        |       |  VALUE          |
|  |  |_________________|       |_________________|
|  |  OBJECT                    OBJECT
|  |___________
|              |
|      ________|_________________________________
|     |  ______V______            _____________  |
|____\| |   "AB"      |          |             | |
     /| |_____________|          |_____________| |
      |__________________________________________|       Figure 4-18
       VALUE                                        After first L/ASSIGN

    _________________         _________________
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |     STAR    | |       | |     OPF     | |
   | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
   |  NAME           |       |  NAME           |
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |             | |       | |             | |
   | |_________|___| |       | |___________|_| |
   |  CHILD    |     |       |  VALUE      |   |
   |___________|_____|       |_____________|___|
    OBJECT     |              OBJECT       |
    ___________V_____         _____________V___
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |      F      | |/______|_|____         | |
   | |_____________| |\      | |_____________| |
   |  NAME           |       |  LIST           |
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |             | |       | |             | |
   | |_________|___| |       | |___________|_| |
   |  VALUE    |     |       |  MEMBER     |   |
   |___________|_____|       |_____________|___|
    OBJECT     |              VALUE        | OPD
               |              _____________V___
 ______________V_________    |  _____________  |
| ______________________ |   | |      M      | |
|| _________  _________ ||   | |_____________| |
|||  "AB"   ||  "CD"   |||   |  NAME           |
|||_________||_________|||   |  _____________  |
||______________________||   | |             | |
|                 /      |   | |___________|_| |
|                /       |   |_____________|___|
|_______________/________|    OBJECT       |
 VALUE         /       /      _____________V___        _________________
              /       /      |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
             /       /       | |             | |      | |      B      | |
            /      LIST      | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
           /                 |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
          /                  |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
 NEW MEMBER VALUE            | |         ____|_|_____\| |             | |
                             | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |
                             |_________________|      |_________________|
                              OBJECT                   OBJECT

                     |  _____________  |
                     | |      F      | |
                     | |_____________| |
                     |  NAME           |
                     |  _____________  |
                     | |         ____|_|_________\
                     | |_____________| |         /
                     |  DESCRIPTION    |
                     |  _____________  |
                     | |             | |
                     | |_________|___| |
                     |  VALUE    |     |
                      OBJECT     |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "AB"   |  |  "CD"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "EF"   |  |  "GH"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "AB"   |  |  "IJ"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "CD"   |  |  "LM"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |

IMP(0)  | pkt(0) | pkt(1) | ... | pkt(m-1) |
        |        | ------------------------------------
IMP(1)  |        | | pkt(0) | pkt(1) | ... | pkt(m-1) |
        |        | ------------------------------------
        |        | |                    :
        |        | |                    :
        |        | |        ------------------------------------
IMP(h-1)|        | |        | pkt(0) | pkt(1) | ... | pkt(m-1) |
        |<------>| |<-      ------------------------------------
            \     \
             \     `---> propagation delay from IMPO to IMPl
              `-->  packet transmission delay

   | PDP-11           |
   | SPEECH FRONT END |________
   | 50.=62(8)        |      __|_________
   |__________________|     |            |
    __________________      |   IMP-50   |________\ NCC-TIP
   | PDP-10           |     |____________|        /
   | SYSTEM D         |________|   |   |
   | 114.=162(8)      |            |   |
   |__________________|            |   |________________________
    __________________             |                            |
   | PDP-10           |            |                            |
   | SYSTEM A         |________    |                            |
   | 197.=305(8)      |        |   |                            |
   |__________________|        |   |                            |
    __________________       __|___|_____                       |
   | PDP-11           |     |            |                      |
   | LPT              |_____|   IMP-5    |________\ CCA         |
   | 69.=105(8)       |     |____________|        /             |
   |__________________|        |   |                            |
    __________________         |   |                            |
   | PDP-11           |        |   |                            |
   | PACKET RADIO     |________|   |                            |
   | 133.=205(8)      |            |                            |
   |__________________|            |                            |
    __________________             |    ________________________|
   | PDP-10           |            |   |
   | SYSTEM B         |________    |   |
   | 49.=61(8)        |      __|___|___|_       ____________
   |__________________|     |     49     |_____|    161     |
    __________________      | BBN10X-TIP | VDH | ANALOG TIP |  Local
   | PDP-10           |     |____________|     |____________|  Terminals
   | SYSTEM C         |________|
   | 241.=361(8)      |

                              0-no TCB
                       OPEN    |    A   CLOSE           CLOSE    A
                    ---------- |    | ----------      ---------- |
                    set up TCB |    | remove TCB      remove TCB |
                               |    |                            |
                               |    |       collision retry,     |
        SYN arrives          __V____|__       SEND, INTER        |
       -------------        / S1=0     \    ----------------     |
       send SYN, ACK       |  S2=0 F=0  |       send SYN         |
     ______________________|  R=0  C=0  |_____________________   |
    |                      |  U=0/1     |                     |  |
    |                      |            |   SYN arrives       |  |
    |      error,timeout   |   1-OPEN   |   -----------       |  |
    |      -------------    \__________/    collision;        |  |
    |        clear TCB         A    A       set timeout       |  |
    |     _____________________|    |_____________________    |  |
  __V____|__                                             _|___V__|_
 / S1=1     \                                           / S1=1     \
|  S2=0 F=0  |                                         |  S2=0 F=0  |
|  R=1  C=0  |                       SYN, ACK arrives  |  R=0  C=0  |
|  U=0/1     |  ACK arrives          ----------------  |  U=0       |
|            |  -----------              send ACK      |            |
| 3-SYN rcvd |_________________       _________________| 2-SYN sent |
 \__________/                  |     |                  \__________/
    |                        __V_____V__
    |                       / S1=1      \
    |  CLOSE               |  S2=1 F=0   |
    | --------             |  R=1  C=0   |     FIN arrives
    | send FIN             |  U=0        | -------------------
    |                      |             | tell user, send FIN
    |      ________________|4-established|______________________
    |     |    CLOSE        \___________/                       |
    |     |   -------                                           |
  __V_____V_  send FIN                                   _______V__
 / S1=1     \                                           / S1=1     \
| S2=0/1 F=1 |     timeout or                          |  S2=1 F=1  |
|  R=1   C=1 | FIN, error, arrives            CLOSE    |  R=1  C=0  |
|  U=0/1     | -------------------          ---------- |  U=0       |
|            |     remove TCB               remove TCB |            |
| 5-FIN wait |_____________________       _____________| 6-FIN rcvd |
 \__________/                      |     |              \__________/
                                   |     |
      /                                                          \
                                  0-no TCB

      |       _____________            _______________       |
      |      |             |          |               |      |
      |      |             |          | INPUT PACKET  |<---->|
      |      | REASSEMBLER |          |    HANDLER    |      |
      |      |_____________|          |_______________|      |
      |             |_______________          |              |
      |                             |         |              |
      |       _________             |         |              |
      |      |         |          __V_________V____          |  NETWORK
      |<=====| SYSTEM  |         |                 |         |    or
      |      |  CALLS  |<========|       TCB's     |<========|   some
USERS |=====>|   or    |         |        and      |         |  NETWORK
      |      |  USER   |========>|ASSOCIATED QUEUES|========>| INTERFACE
      |<---->|INTERFACE|         |_________________|         |  PROGRAM
      |      |_________|            A         A              |
      |                             |         |              |
      |               ______________|         |              |
      |       _______|_____            _______|_______       |
      |      |             |          |               |      |
      |      | PACKETIZER  |          | OUTPUT PACKET |      |
      |      |             |          |    HANDLER    |<---->|
      |      |_____________|          |_______________|      |
      |                                                      |

FIGURE 2.2a:                               ________
Address Check                             / Begin  \
                                           .'     '.
                                         .' packet  '.
                                       .'   foreign   '.
                  ___________________.'  socket matches '.
                 |                no  '.  a TCB local  .'
                 |                      '.   socket  .'
                 |                        '.   ?   .'
                 |                          '.___.'
                 |                             | yes
                 |                            _V_
                 |                         .'     '.
                 |                       .' packet  '.           ___
                 |                     .'local socket '.        /   \
                 |                   .'  matches fully  '.____\| YES |
                 |                    '. specified TCB .'     / \___/
                 |                      '.fgn socket .'
                 |                        '.   ?   .'
                _V_                         '.___.'
             .'     '.                         | no
           .'   SYN,  '.                      _V_
         .'FIN,INT,DSN, '.                 .'     '.
  _____.'or text length>0 './_____       .' matches '.
 |  no  '.   or QUERY    .' \     |    .'partly spec. '.
 |        '.           .'         |___.'  or unspec. TCB '.
 |          '.   ?   .'            no  '.     foreign   .'
 |            '.___.'                  '.   socket  .'
 |               | yes                   '.   ?   .'
 |     __________V_________                 '.___.'
 |    |                    |                   | yes
 |    |   Create error 7   |                  _V_
 |    | packet. Signal OPH |               .'     '.
 |    |____________________|             .' packet  '.
 |               |               ______.' has SYN set '.
 |           ____V____          |   no  '.           .'
 |          |         |         |         '.   ?   .'
 |_________\| discard |/________|          '.___.'
           /|_________|\                      |
                 |                           _V_
                _V_                         /   \
               /   \                       | YES |
              | NO  |                       \___/

FIGURE 2.2b-1:                         _______
Input Packet Handler                  / Begin \
|                              A         /|\                         |
|                              |          |                          |
|                              |         _V_                         |
|                              |       .'   '.          _______      |
|                              |     .' input '.       | go to |     |
|                              |   .'  packet   '.____\| sleep |     |
|                              |    '.available.'  no /|_______|     |
|                              |      '.__?__.'                      |
|                              |          | yes                      |
|                              |         _V_                         |
|                              |       .'   '.                       |
|   .->SPECIAL FUNCT. Fig 4.7  |     .'address'.                     |
|   | .->ERR Fig 4.5,4.6       |___.' check OK  '.                   |
|   | | .->SYN Fig 4.1,4.2      no  '.    ?    .'                    |
|   | | | .->INT Fig 4.3              '._____.'                      |
|   | | | | .->FIN Fig 4.4                | yes              ________|_
|   | | | | |                            _V_                | discard  |
|  _|_|_|_|_|___________               .'   '.              |(or queue)|
|  |                    |            .' error '.            |__________|
|<-| Control Processing |/_________.'or control '.                   A
   |____________________|\     yes  '.    ?    .'                    |
        |                             '._____.'                      |
        | (INT with data)                 | no                       |
        |                                 |                          |
        V                                _V_                         |
      to "X"                           .'   '.              .        |
  in Fig 2.2b-2                      .'(estab)'.          .' '.      |
                              _____.' R=S1=S2=1 '.----->.'seq.#'.--->|
                             | yes  '.    ?    .'  no    '.OK .'  no |
                             |        '._____.'            '.'       |
                             |                              | yes    |
                             |    _______________           |        |
                             |   | Set S2=1, U=0 |          V        |
                             |   | Notify user   |         .'.       |
                             |<--| with event 2  |       .'ACK'.     |
                             |   | if U was 1    |<-----'.  OK .'--->'
                             |   |_______________|  yes   '. .'   no
                             |                              '
                           to "Y"
                       in Fig 2.2b-2

           .'.              _V_
         .'txt'.          .'   '.        ______________________________
       .'lgth>0 '.      .'within '.     |Use ACK to advance send window|
,<----'. or DSN  .'<---'. window  .'--->|Release ACK'ed packets from   |
|  no   '.  ?  .'   no   '.  ?  .'  yes |retransmit or send queues. If |
|         '._.'            '._.'        |any packet had EB bit set     |
|           | yes                       |remove buffer from Packetized |
|   ________V____________________       |buffer queue and inform user  |
|  |Create ACK packet. Put on    |      |(success). Signal Packetizer. |
|<-|Send packet queue. Signal OPH|      |______________________________|
|  |_____________________________|                      |
|                                                       |
|          _____________________________________________|
|         |
|         |
|         |                      "X"
|         |                       |
|        _V_                     _V_              _____________________
|      .'   '.                 .'TCB'.           |Put packet on        |
|    .' text  '.   yes       .'Receive'.   yes   |Receive packet queue |
|  .' length>0  '.-------->.'  buffer   '.------>|in the right order.  |
|   '. or DSN  .'   A       '.available.'        |Signal Reassembler.  |
|     '.  ?  .'     |         '.  ?  .'          |_____________________|
|       '._.'       |           '._.'                           |
|         | no      |             | no                          |
|         |         |            _V_                            |
|________\|         |          .'   '.                          |
         /|         |        .' seq # '.         ________       |
          |         |      .' of packet '.  yes |Discard |      |
          |         |     '.  highest so .'---->|packet  |----->|
          |         |       '.   far   .'       |________|      |
          |         |         '.  ?  .'                         |
          |         |           '._.'                           |
          |         |             | no                          |
          |         |      _______V______________               |
          |         |     |Discard packet with   |              |
          |         |_____|highest seq. no from  |              |
          |               |Receive packet queue. |              |
          |               |______________________|              |
          |                                                     |
                      to "Begin" in Fig 2.2b-1

      / Begin \
          |                      _____                    | yes
    ______V_____               .'     '.                 _|_
   |Get ready   |            .' Receive '.   yes       .'any'.
   |for next TCB|--------->.'Packet Queue '.-------->.' more  '.
   |____________|     A     '.  empty ?  .'     A     '.work?.'
                      |       '._______.'       |       '._.'
                      |            | no         |         | no
   "R"------>---------'          __V__          |     ____V____
                               .' is  '.        |    |  Go to  |
                             .' packet  '.      |    |  Sleep  |
  .--<----------------------'.DSN with no.'     |    |_________|
  |                     yes   '. data? .'       |
  |                             '.___.'         |
  |                                | no         |
  |                              __V__          |
  |                            .'     '.        |
  |                          .' Receive '.  yes |
  |                        .'Buffer Queue '.--->|
  |                         '.  empty ?  .'     |
  |  ________________         '._______.'       |
  | |Copy from packet|             | no         |<-------------"S"
  | |to buffer until |           __V__          |
  | |one is exhausted|         .'First'.        |
  | |Update receive  | yes   .' packet  '.   no |
  | |window.         |<----.'matches Recv '.--->'
  | |________________|      '.left window.'
  |         |                 '. edge ?.'
  |       __V__                 '.___.'
  |     .'Send '.
  |   .' Packet  '.   yes  _____________________________
  | .' Queue empty '.---->|Create ACK packet containing |
  |  '.     ?     .'      |new window. Signal OPH.      |
  |    '._______.'        |_____________________________|
  |      no |                            |
  |         |                            |
  |         '--------------------------->|
  |                                      |
  V                                      V
to "T"                                 to "U"
in Fig 2.3-2                        in Fig 2.3-2

     "T"                                "U"
      |                                  |
      |                                  |           _____________
   ___V____           ___              __V__        |Mark progress|
  |process |  yes   .'   '.    yes   .'whole'.  no  |in packet.   |
  |  DSN   |<-----.'  DSN  '.<-----.' packet  '.--->|Return buffer|--->.
  |________|       '. set?.'        '.copied?.'     |to user.     |    |
      |              '._.'            '.___.'       |_____________|    |
      |                | no                                            |
      '--------------->|                                               |
                       |                                               |
                     __V__              __________________________     |
                   .' EOL '.  yes      |Return buffer to user.    |    |
                  '.  set? .'--------->|Return packet to free     |--->|
                    '.___.'            |storage. Signal Packetizer|    |
                    no |               |__________________________|    |
                       |                   A                           |
                     __V__                 |                           |
                   .' full'.               |                           |
                  '. buffer.'--------------'                           |
                    '.___.'   yes                                      |
                       | no                                            |
                       |                                               |
    ___________________V__________________                             |
   |Mark progress in buffer. Return packet|                            |
   |to free storage. Signal Packetizer.   |                   ,--------'
   |______________________________________|                   |
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
                       V                                      V
              to "R" in Fig 2.3-1                    to "S" in Fig 2.3-1

    _______               ________________________
   / Begin \____________\| Get ready for next TCB |/___________________
   \_______/            /|________________________|\                   |
                                      |                                |
                                    __V__               _____          |
                                  .'Send '.           .' any '.        |
                            no  .' Buffer  '.  yes  .'  more   '.  yes |
                 .-------------'.   Queue   .'---->'.   work    .'-----'
                 |               '.empty? .'   A     '.   ?   .'
     ____________V____________     '.___.'     |       '.___.'
    |Pick packet size depend- |                |          | no
,-->|ing on send buffer, TCB  |                |    ______V______
|   |buffer space, window, etc|                |   | go to sleep |
|   |_________________________|                |   |_____________|
|                |                             |
|              __V__                           |
|            .'Send '.                         |
|          .' window  '.  no                   |
|         '.has room ? .'--------------------->|
|           '._______.'                        |
|                | yes                         |
|              __V__                           |
|            .' TCB '.                         |
|          .' buffer  '.   no                  |
|        .'space avail- '.---------------------'
|         '.  able ?   .'                   A
|           '._______.'                     |
|                | yes                      |
|   _____________V____________     _________|_______     ____________
|  |Copy from Send buffer to  |   |Move buffer from |   |Set EOL bit |
|  |packet until packet full. |   |Send queue to    |<--|in packet   |
|  |Put packet on Send packet |   |packetized queue |   |header      |
|  |queue. Signal OPH.        |   |_________________|   |____________|
|  |__________________________|             A                  A
|                |                          | no               |
|              __V__                      __|__                |
|            .'whole'.                  .' EOL '.              |
|          .'  Send   '.  yes         .' set in  '.  yes       |
|         '.  buffer   .'----------->'.   Send    .'-----------'
|           '.copied?.'                '.buffer?.'
|             '.___.'                    '.___.'
|                | no
|   _____________V__________
|  |Note in TCB where in    |
 --|Send buffer we stopped. |

FIGURE 2.5a:
Output Packet Handler
                                       / Begin \
                               ____________V___________                |
                              | Get ready for next TCB |               |
                              |________________________|               |
                                      |                                |
,------------------------------------>|                                |
|                                   __V__               _____          |
|               _____             .'Send '.           .' any '.        |
|        yes  .' ACK '.     no  .' Buffer  '.  yes  .'  more   '.  yes |
|      .-----'.bit set.'<------'.   Queue   .'---->'.   work    .'-----'
|      |       '.___.'           '.empty? .'    A    '.   ?   .'
|      |       no |________        '.___.'      |      '.___.'
|      |                   |__________          |         | no
|  ____V__________________            |         |         |
| |Put latest receive left|   ________v______   |   ______V______
| |window edge in ACK.    |->|Transmit packet|  |  | go to sleep |
| |_______________________|  |_______________|  |  |_____________|
|                                     |         |
|     ________________              __V__       |
|    |Return packet to|           .'pckt '.     |_________________
|    |buffer pool as  |    no   .'seq # to '.                     |
|    |it has been     |<------.'rgt of Send  '.                   |
|    |ACKed           |        '.left window.'                    |
|    |________________|          '.  edge .'                      |
|             |                    '.___.'                        |
|             |                       | yes                       |
|             |        _______________V________________           |
|             |       |Move packet to retransmit queue;|          |
|             |       |set new retrans. time for it.   |          |
|             |       |________________________________|          |
|             |                       |                           |
|             '---------------------->|                           |
|                                   __V__                         |
|                            no   .'Time '.   yes                 |
 -------------------------------.'to switch'.---------------------'
                                 '.TCB's? .'

                               / Begin \
                       ____________V___________                        |
                      | Get ready for next TCB |                       |
                      |________________________|                       |
                                   |                                   |
 .-------------------------------->|                                   |
 |                               __V__                                 |
 |                             .' Any '.                _____          |
 |                           .'packet's '.            .' any '.        |
 |                         .'retrans. time'.  no    .'  more   '.  yes |
 |                        '. has occurred  .'----->'.   work    .'-----'
 |                          '.  for this .'          '.   ?   .'
 |                            '. TCB ? .'              '.___.'
 |                              '.___.'                   |
 |                                 | yes                  | no
 |                                 |                ______V______
 |                         ________V________       | go to sleep |
 |                        |Move packet to   |      |_____________|
 '------------------------|Send Packet      |
                          |queue. Signal OPH|

                                / Begin \
                                .'User '.          _______
                              .'permitted'.   no  |       |
                            .'  access to  '.---->|error 1|------------.
                             '.this local .'      |_______|            |
                               '.socket?.'                             |
                                 '.___.'                               |
                                    | yes                              |
                                  __V__                                |
                                .' fgn '.                              |
                         yes  .' socket  '.  no                        |
                       .-----'. specified .'----.                      |
                       |       '.   ?   .'      |                      |
                     __V__       '.___.'      __V__         _______    |
   _______         .'conn-'.                .'space'.  no  |       |   |
  |       |  yes .' ection  '.             '.for TCB.'---->|error 4|-->|
,-|error 6|<----'.  already  .'              '.___.'       |_______|   |
| |_______|       '.exists?.'                   | yes                  |
|                   '.___.'                     |                      |
|                      | no                 ____V__________            |
|   _______          __V__                 |Create TCB. Set|           |
|  |       |   no  .'space'.               |S1=S2=R=F=C=1  |           |
|<-|error 4|<-----'.for TCB.'              |Set U=1        |           |
|  |_______|        '.___.'                |_______________|           |
|                      | yes                       |                   |
|                      |                           |                   |
|             _________V__________                 |                   |
|            |Create TCB. Set U=0 |                |                   |
|            |Set S1=S2=R=F=C=1   |                |                   |
|            |____________________|                |                   |
|                      |                           |                   |
|                      '-------------.-------------'                   |
|                                    |                                 |
|               _____________________V__________________               |
|              |Return local connection name and Success|              |
|              |________________________________________|              |
|                                    |                                 |
                                / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                                        |
                  .'conn-'.                 _________            |
                .' ection  '.   no         |         |           |
              .'    open     '.----------->| error 3 |---------->|
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                                        |
                  .' fgn '.                 _________            |
                .' socket  '.  no          |         |           |
               '. specified .'------------>| error 5 |---------->|
                 '.(U=0)? .'               |_________|           |
                   '.___.'                                       |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                                        |
                  .'conn-'.                 _________            |
                .' ection  '.  yes         |         |           |
               '. closing ? .'------------>| error 12|---------->|
                 '.(F,C=1).'               |_________|           |
                   '.___.'                                       |
                      | no                                       |
  ____________________V________________________________          |
 |Put buffer on Send Buffer queue and signal Packetizer|         |
 |_____________________________________________________|         |
                      |                                          |
                 / Return \

                      |                                          |
                      |                                          |
  ____________________V_________________________                 |
 |Return any pending Send buffers with code 10. |                |
 |Create INT packet on outgoing packet queue.   |                |
 |Signal Output Packet Handler.                 |                |
 |______________________________________________|                |
                      |                                          |
                 / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                     _V_                                         |
                   .'   '.                                       |
                 .'       '.                                     |
               .'connection '.                                   |
             .'     state     '.                                 |
            :___________________:                   _________    |
               |      |      |                     |         |   |
           1-4 |  5,6 |    0 '-------------------->| error 3 |-->|
               |      '---------------------.      |_________|   |
     __________V__________                  |                    |
    |Put buffer on Receive|                 |       _________    |
    |Buffer queue. Signal |                 |      |         |   |
    |Reassembler          |                 '----->| error 12|-->|
    |_____________________|                        |_________|   |
               |                                                 |
          / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                     _V_                                         |
                   .'   '.                                       |
                 .'       '.                                     |
               .'connection '.                                   |
             .'     state     '.                                 |
            :___________________:                   _________    |
            5|   |3,4  |1,2,6  |0                  |         |   |
             |   |     |       '------------------>| error 3 |-->|
,------------'   |     '-------------------.       |_________|   |
|  ______________V______________________   |                     |
| |Return all buffers to user with error|  |     ___________     |
| |12; clear all packet queues, create  |  |    |Remove TCB |    |
| |FIN packet, signal Output Packet     |  '--->|Return     |--->|
| |Handler, set C=F=1                   |       |Success    |    |
| |_____________________________________|       |___________|    |
|                      |                                         |
                  / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                   __________           |
                  .'conn-'.                |Return    |          |
                .' ection  '.  no          |state=0 or|          |
               '.   open ?  .'------------>|error 3   |--------->|
                 '._______.'               |__________|          |
                      | yes                                      |
           ___________V___________                               |
          |Fill in reply from TCB.|                              |
          |Return Success to user.|                              |
          |_______________________|                              |
                      |                                          |
                 / Return \

SYN (no ACK)
                             / Begin \
                              .'   '.
                            .'       '.
                          .' S1, S2, R '.
                        .'       ?       '.
                       :___________________: 1,1,1        _________
 __________             |     |     |     | (states 4-6) |         |
|Treat as a|      1,0,1 |     |     |     '------------->| error 6 |-->.
|duplicate.|<-----------'     |     |                    |_________|   |
|Retransmit|                  |     | 1.0,0                            |
|SYN, ACK  |            0,0,0 |     | (Syn sent)   ________________    |
|__________|      (listening) |     '------------>|Collision: Clear|   |
     |                        |                   |S1, set timeout,|   |
     |   _____________________V________________   |remove SYN from |-->|
     |  |Set R=S1=1. If U=1 set foreign socket |  |retransmit queue|   |
     |  |in TCB to match packet local socket.  |  |________________|   |
     |  |Send SYN, ACK. Signal OPH. Fill in TCB|                       |
     |  |with send window, receive sequence #. |                       |
     |  |______________________________________|                       |
     |                        |                                        |
     |                        |                                        |
                          / Done \

                       / Begin \
                       .'     '.
                     .' State 2 '.  no
                      '.   ?   .'                  |
                        '.___.'                    |
                           | yes                   |
                         __V__              _______V______
                       .' ACK '.   no      |              |
                     .' correct '.-------->| send error 6 |
                      '.   ?   .'          |______________|
                        '.___.'                    |
                           | yes                   |
                  _________V_________              |
                 |Set S2=R=1. Process|             |
                 |ACK. Send ACK.     |             |
                 |___________________|             |
                           |                       |
                       / Done \

INT (from net)
                   _______       ____________
                  / Begin \____\|Process ACK |
                  \_______/    /|(may set S2)|------.
                                |____________|      |
                        ____________            .' in  '.
                       | Discard    |     no  .' state 4 '.
              .<-------| (or queue) |<-------'. S1=S2=R=1 .'
              |        |____________|          '. F=0 ? .'
              |                                  '.___.'
              |                                     | yes
              |                                   __V__
              |         ____________            .'     '.
              |        | ACK and    |     no  .' within  '.
              |<-------| discard    |<-------'.  window   .'
              |        |____________|          '.   ?   .'
              |                                  '.___.'
              |                                     | yes
              |         ____________________________V_______________
              |        |Move Receive Left window edge to sequence   |
              |        |number of INT. Return event 10 with any     |
              |        |pending Receive buffers. Ruturn event 11 to |
              |        |user. Send ACK for INT.                     |
              |        |____________________________________________|
              |                                     |
              |                                   __V__
              |                 see       yes   .'data '.
              |              Figure<----------.' in this '.
              |                 2.2            '.packet?.'
              |                                  '.___.'
              |                                     | no
                                                / Done \

                 _______       ____________
                / Begin \____\|Process ACK |
                \_______/    /|(may set S2)|------.
                              |____________|      |
                                              .'     '.
                                        no  .'S1=S2=R=1'.
                            .--------------'.  (estab-  .'
                            |                '.lished).'
                            |                  '.___.'
                            |                     | yes
                            |                   __V__
                      ______V_____            .'     '.
                     |            |     no  .' within  '.
   .-----------------| discard    |<-------'.  window   .'
   |                 |____________|          '.   ?   .'
   |                                           '.___.'
   |                                              | yes
   |                                            __V__
   |                             (state 4) 0  .'F bit'.  1 (state 5)
   |                            .------------'. value .'------------.
   |                            |              '.___.'              |
   |   _________________________V________                           |
   |  |Return all user buffers (event 12)|     _____________________V__
   |  |Clear all packet queues. Send FIN |    |Return success to User's|
   |  |packet. Set F=1. Inform user      |    |CLOSE.  Remove TCB.     |
   |  |"connection closing" (event 12)   |    |________________________|
   |  |__________________________________|                 |
   |                  |                                    |
                  / Done \

               / Begin \
               .'     '.
             .'refers to'.
           .'current pckt?'.                      _________
         .'(ACK matches seq '.  no               |         |
        '.  # of packet on   .'----------------->| discard |-----------.
          '.retrans or send.'                    |_________|           |
            '.  queues?) .'                                            |
              '._______.'                                              |
                   | yes                                               |
                   |                                                   |
                  _V_                                                  |
                .'   '.   1 (state 3)                                  |
              .' value '.--------------------------------.             |
               '. of R.'  bad SYN,ACK                    |             |
                 '._.'                                   |             |
                   |                                     |             |
                   | 0 (state 2)                         |             |
                   | bad SYN                             |             |
 __________________V__________________            _______V______       |
|Other side is established. Send RESET|          |Clear S1, R   |      |
|(put error packet's seq. # in ACK    |          |Remove SYN,ACK|      |
|field. Return all user buffers with  |          |from retrans  |      |
|code 14. Inform user with event 14   |          |queue.        |      |
|_____________________________________|          |______________|      |
                   |                                     |             |
                   |                                     V             |
               / Done \

                  / Begin \
                  .'     '.
                .'refers to'.                     _________
              .'   current   '.  no              |         |
             '. packet (check .'---------------->| discard |-----------.
               '.   ACK)?   .'         A         |_________|           |
                 '._______.'           |                               |
                      | yes            |                               |
                     _V_               |                               |
                   .'   '.             |                               |
                 .'       '.           |                               |
               .'connection '.         |                               |
             .'     state     '.       |                               |
            :___________________:      |                               |
           4|   5|   3|   2|   6|      |                               |
    .-------'    |    |    |    '------'                               |
    |            |    |    '-----------------------------.             |
    |            |    '-------------.                    |             |
    |            |                  |                    |             |
 ___V___     ____V_______     ______V_______     ________V_________    |
|Pass to|   |Remove TCB. |   |Clear S1, R.  |   |Discard. SYN will |   |
|user   |   |Return      |   |Remove SYN,ACK|   |be retrans to     |   |
|_______|   |success to  |   |from transmit |   |avoid receiver    |   |
    |       |user's CLOSE|   |queue (go to  |   |having to queue it|   |
    |       |____________|   |state 1).     |   |__________________|   |
    |            |           |______________|            |             |
    |            V                  |                    V             |
                                / Done \

                               / Begin \
                           no  .'Reset'.  yes
                 .------------'. All ? .'------------------.
                 |              '.___.'                    |
                 |                                _________V_________
                 |                               |Clear all TCB's for|
                 |                               |foreign TCP. Inform|
                 |                               |users with event 14|
                 |                               |___________________|
               __V__                                       |
             .' Is  '.             _________               |
           .'  RESET  '.   no     |         |              |
         .'believable ? '.------->| discard |------------->|
          '.(check ACK .'         |_________|              |
            '.field) .'                                    |
              '.___.'                                      |
                 | yes                                     |
 ________________V________________                         |
|Clear all queues for this TCB.   |                        |
|Return event 14 for user buffers.|                        |
|Inform User with event 14.       |                        |
|_________________________________|                        |
                 |                                         |
             / Done \

Limitations of Procedure Calling Across Machines___________ __ _________ _______ ______ ________

        / ------\                   /-------\           /-----\
        !       !BEGIN(new index)   !       !           !     !
        !       !->--------------->-!Index  !           !     !
        !Index  !LISTEN(new index)  !Open   !           !     !
        !Closed !                   !Pending!           !Index!
        !       !           REPLY(N)!       !REPLY(A)   !Open !
        !       !-<---------------<-!       !->------->-!     !
        !       !                   \-------/           !     !
        !       !                                       !     !
        !       !             /-------\      END(Path=0)!     !
        !       !             !       !-<-------------<-!     !
        !       !     REPLY(A)!Index  !                 !     !
        !       !-<---------<-!Close  !REPLY(N)         !     !
        !       !             !Pending!->------------->-!     !
        \-------/             \-------/                 \-----/

        /------\BEGIN       /----------\
        !      !->-------->-!          !
        !      !LISTEN      !Connection!
        !Path  !            !Pending   !REPLY(A)        /-------\
        !Closed!    REPLY(N)!          !->------------>-!       !
        !      !-<--------<-!          !                !       !
        !      !            \----------/                !Path   !
        !      !                                        !Conn-  !
        !      !            /-----\     RESPONSE(CODE>0)! ecting!
        !      !            !     !-<-----------------<-!       !
        !      !            !Path !                     !       !
        !      !    REPLY(A)!Abort!          END(PATH>0)!       !
        !      !-<--------<-!Pend-!-<-----------------<-!       !
        !      !            ! ing !                     !       !
        !      !            !     !REPLY(N)             !       !
        \------/            !     !->----------------->-!       !
                            \-----/                     !       !
                                                        !       !
                             /-------\                  !       !
                             !       !  RESPONSE(CODE=0)!       !
           /----\            !Path   !-<--------------<-!       !
           !    !            !Open   !                  !       !
           !Path!            !Pending!REPLY(N)          !       !
           !Open!    REPLY(A)!       !->-------------->-!       !
           !    !-<--------<-!       !                  \-------/
           \----/            \-------/

        /----\MESSAGE             /-------\             /-------\
        !    !->---------------->-!       !REPLY(A+NR)  !       !
        !Path!INTERRUPT           !Command!->--------->-!Message!
        !Open!                    !Blocked!REPLY(N+NR)  !Blocked!
        !    !                    !       !             !       !
        !    !          REPLY(A+R)!       !    INTERRUPT!       !
        !    !-<----------------<-!       !-<---------<-!       !
        !    !          REPLY(N+R)\-------/             !       !
        !    !                                  REPLY(R)!       !
        !    !-<----------------------<---------------<-!       !
        !    !                                          !       !
        !    !END(PATH>0)         /-------\  END(PATH>0)!       !
        !    !->---------------->-!       !-<---------<-!       !
        !    !                    !       !             !       !
        !    !          REPLY(N+R)!Path   !REPLY(N)     !       !
        !    !-<----------------<-!Close  !->--------->-!       !
        \----/                    !Pending!             \-------/
                                  !       !
        /------\          REPLY(A)!       !
        !Path  !-<--------------<-!       !
        !Closed!                  !       !
        !      !                  \-------/

An equivalent tree representation follows, for those
who prefer it.
start with high order bit
 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |   PADDING
0|    0|    0|    0|    0|    0|    0|    0|
 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
 X     |     X     |     X     |     X     X
 (7)   |   (5)     |    (3)    |   (1)
       |        0| |           |
   SINTEGER        |          XTRA
      (6)          |           (2)

                        _______         _______
      foreign RFNB  ___!       !_______!       !________

                        _______         _______
   receiver's RFNB  ___!       !_______!       !________

       User                                          User
          \                                          /
           \                                        /
            \                                      /
         --+----------------------------------------+-- Service
           !   \                                /   ! Interface
           !  +--------+                +--------+  !
           !  ! Module ! <--Protocol--> ! Module !  !
           !  +--------+                +--------+  !
           !        \                       /       !
           !        +-----------------------+       !
           !        ! Communication Service !       !
           !        +-----------------------+       !
           !                                        !

     User                                                    User
       \                                                      /
        \                                                    /
         \                                                  /
      !    \                                              /     !
      !  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  !
      !  ! MPM ! <--Protocol--> ! MPM ! <--Protocol--> ! MPM !  !
      !  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  !
      !     !                    /   \                    !     !
      !  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  !
      !  !Communication Service A!   !Communication Service B!  !
      !  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  !
      !                                                         !

                     +-----+     DATA       +-----+
             other-->! MPM !-->STRUCTURES-->! UIP !-->USER
             MPMs    +-----+    +-----+     +-----+
                                !     !
                                !  +-----+
                                +--!     !
                                   !  +-----+
                                   +--!     !
                                      !     !

          !                                                !
          !  processing      DATA         DATA             !
          !  routines   ---> ENCODER ---> COMPRESSOR --->  !
          !                                                !
                             Send MPM

          !                                                !
          !      DATA              DATA         processing !
          ! ---> DECOMPRESSOR ---> DECODER ---> routines   !
          !                                                !
                            Receive MPM

   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
   !Telnet! ! FTP ! !Message! !Voice! ... !     ! Application Level
   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
           \   !   /             !           !
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
            ! TCP !           ! RTP ! ... !     ! Host Level
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
               !                 !           !
              !       Internet Protocol       !   Gateway Level
                 !   Local Network Protocol  !    Network Level

    1  Padding        !  0   !     octet count    ! Data ...

    4  Integer        !  4   !            Data           !

    5  Bit String     !  5   !      bit count     ! Data ...

    6  Text String    !  6   !     octet count    !  Data ...

    7  List           !  7   !     octet count    !  item count ! Data

    8  Proplist       !  8   !     octet count    ! Data ...

    !   8  !     octet          ! pair !
    !      !           count    ! count!
                         ! name !    value    ! name    ! value   !
             repeated    ! count!    count    !      ...!      ...!

  !                          1         2                            !
  ! sending --> originating --> relay --> destination --> receiving !
  !   user          MPM          MPM          MPM            user   !
  !                                                                 !
  !                          4         3                            !
  !             originating <-- relay <-- destination               !
  !                 MPM          MPM          MPM                   !

       User                                          User
          \                                          /
          UIP                                      UIP
            \                                      /
         --+----------------------------------------+-- Service
           |   \                                /   | Interface
           |  +--------+                +--------+  |
           |  | Module | <--Protocol--> | Module |  |
           |  +--------+                +--------+  |
           |        \                       /       |
           |        +-----------------------+       |
           |        | Communication Service |       |
           |        +-----------------------+       |
           |                                        |

     User                                                    User
       \                                                      /
       UIP                                                  UIP
         \                                                  /
      |    \                                              /     |
      |  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  |
      |  | MPM | <--Protocol--> | MPM | <--Protocol--> | MPM |  |
      |  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  |
      |     |                    /   \                    |     |
      |  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  |
      |  |Communication Service A|   |Communication Service B|  |
      |  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  |
      |                                                         |

                     +-----+     DATA       +-----+
             other-->| MPM |-->STRUCTURES-->| UIP |-->USER
             MPMs    +-----+    +-----+     +-----+
                                |     |
                                |  +-----+
                                +--|     |
                                   |  +-----+
                                   +--|     |
                                      |     |

   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
   |Telnet| | FTP | |Message| |Voice| ... |     | Application Level
   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
           \   |   /             |           |
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
            | TCP |           | RTP | ... |     | Host Level
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
               |                 |           |
              |       Internet Protocol       |   Gateway Level
                |   Local Network Protocol  |     Network Level

        +------+   +-----+   +-------+
        |Telnet|   | FTP |---|Message|            Application Level
        +------+   +-----+   +-------+
              \     /
    +-----+   +-----+
    |Voice|---| NCP |                             Host Level
    +-----+   +-----+
                 |                                Gateway Level
         |    ARPA NET    |                       Network Level

    |   9  |     octet count    |  item count |
                          repeated   |      element    |

    |  10  |     octet count    | pair |
              repeated   | name element    | value element   |

    |11 - 9|01 - 9|  <a> |  12  |   0  |   1  |  <b> |  11  |
                      |10 - 9|  <c> |  13  |   0  |   1  |  11  |  11  |

  |                          A         B                            |
  | sending --> originating --> relay --> destination --> receiving |
  |   user          MPM          MPM          MPM            user   |
  |                                                                 |
  |                          D         C                            |
  |             originating <-- relay <-- destination               |
  |                 MPM          MPM          MPM                   |

                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
                 |Telnet| | FTP | |Voice|  ...  |     |
                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
                       |   |         |             |
                      +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
                      | TCP |     | RTP |  ...  |     |
                      +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
                         |           |             |
                      |       Internet Protocol       |
                        |   Local Network Protocol  |

       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
       |Telnet| | FTP | |Voice|  ...  |     |  Application Level
       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
             |   |         |             |
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
            | TCP |     | RTP |  ...  |     |  Host Level
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
               |           |             |
            |      Internet Protocol        |  Gateway Level
              |   Local Network Protocol  |    Network Level

                RCV.NXT                         RCV.NXT+RCV.WND
                   |                               |
                |  |         |                  |  |
                |            |                  |
             Segment 1    Segment 2          Segment 3

            |           Buffer 1            |   Buffer 2
            |                               |
            |                    |          |
            |<-----SEG.LEN------>|          |
            |                    |          |
            |                    |          |
         SEG.SEQ                 A          B

                                            ||   User  ||    --------
                                            ||Interface|<--->| User |
                                            |\----:----/|    --------
                  ----------                |     V     |
                  |/------\|  FTP Commands  |/---------\|
                  ||Server|<---------------->|   User  ||
                  ||  PI  ||   FTP Replies  ||    PI   ||
                  |\--:---/|                |\----:----/|
                  |   V    |                |     V     |
      --------    |/------\|      Data      |/---------\|    --------
      | File |<--->|Server|<---------------->|  User   |<--->| File |
      |System|    || DTP  ||   Connection   ||   DTP   ||    |System|
      --------    |\------/|                |\---------/|    --------
                  ----------                -------------

                    TELNET     ------------    TELNET
                    ---------->| User-FTP |<-----------
                    |          | User-PI  |           |
                    |          |   "C"    |           |
                    V          ------------           V
            --------------                        --------------
            | Server-FTP |   Data Connection      | Server-FTP |
            |    "A"     |<---------------------->|    "B"     |
            --------------  Port (A)     Port (B) --------------

                               3      +---+
                          ----------->| E |
                         |            +---+
      +---+    cmd    +---+    2      +---+
      | B |---------->| W |---------->| S |
      +---+       --->+---+           +---+
                 |     | |
                 |     | |     4,5    +---+
                 |  1  |  ----------->| F |
                  -----               +---+

              |                                    |
      Begin   |                                    |
        |     V                                    |
        |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
         -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
            |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
         -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
        |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |               |
        |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
        |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
        |     |             |            |   |
        |     |             |            +---+

      ftp (host) multics<CR>         Connect to Host S, port L,
                                     establishing TELNET connections
                                     <---- 220 Service ready <CRLF>
      username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 331 User name ok,
                                               need password<CRLF>
      password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 230 User logged in.<CRLF>
      retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
      (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
      (for.pathname) test.pl1<CR>    RETR test.pl1<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 150 File status okay;
                                           about to open data connection
                                     Server makes data connection
                                     to port U
                                     <---- 226 Closing data connection,
                                         file transfer successful<CRLF>
      type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      store (local type) image<CR>
      (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
      (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 450 Access denied<CRLF>
      terminate                      QUIT <CRLF> ---->
                                     Server closes all

   0        1        2        3                              length
   | length | command|   data                                     |

                  ------------                ------------
                  |          |                |          |    --------
                  |          |      MTP       |          |<-->| User |
                  | Receiver-|Commands/Replies|  Sender- |    --------
      --------    |   MTP    |<-------------->|    MTP   |    --------
      | Mail |<-->|          |      Mail      |          |<-->| Mail |
      |System|    |          |                |          |    |System|
      --------    ------------                ------------    --------

                       Old                       New
                  ...|M|A|I|L| ... |IAC|IP|IAC|DM|...

              |                                    |
      Begin   |                                    |
        |     V                                    |
        |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
         -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
            |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
         -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
        |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |               |
        |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
        |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
        |     |             |            |   |
        |     |             |            +---+

                         AU0   |    AU2
                          |    |     |
                         |             |
                         |     VT2     |
                         |             |
                         |             |
                                |       _______________
                                |       |             |----AU0
                                |_______|     VT0     |
                                |_______|             |
                                |       |             |----AU1
                                |       _______________
                         |              |
                         |              |
                         |     VT1      |
                         |              |
                          |     |     |
                         AU0    |    AU2

                    ___  ___               ___  ___
                   |VT1||VT2|             |VT1||VT2|
                   ____ _____             _____ ____
                    |     |                 |    |
                  | |     | |             | |     |  |
                  |  REMOTE | -CONTROLLER-|  REMOTE  |
                  |   KEYS  |             | DISPLAYS |
                  |         |             |          |
                  | VIRTUAL |             |   DATA   |
                  |   KEYS  |             |  STORE   |
                  |         |<----------->|          |
                  |  LOCAL  |             |   LOCAL  |
                  |   KEYS  |             | DISPLAYS |
                  |         |             |          |
                    |     |                  |     |
                   ____ ____               _____ ____
                  |AU0||AU1|               |AU0||AU1|
                   ____ ____               _____ ____

 |                                 |                                   |
 |        VIRTUAL TERMINAL         |         ADAPTATION UNIT           |
 |             DOMAIN              |              DOMAIN               |
 |                                 |                                   |

 + - - - - - - - - - +   + - - - - - - - - - +        - - - - - - - - -
 |  +--->  x(m)      |   |                   |       /                /|
 |  |                |   |            x(i)   |      /                / |
 |  v  y(m)          |   | +---------------> |      - - - - - - - - -  |
 |                   |   | |              |  |     | +------------+ |  |
 | +--------------+  |   | |              |  |     | | VIEWPORT 1 | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |   A<---------|--|-----|-|->A         | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |  / \         |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |     <--------|--|---|-|->   \        |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |    /         |  |   | |      \       |  |     | |        <---|-|--|+
 | |    A         |  |   | |       \      |  |     | +------------+ |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |        \     |  |     |                |  ||
 | |     WINDOW   |  |   | |         \    |  |     | +------------+ |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |          \   |  |     | | VIEWPORT 2 | |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |-----------\--+  |     | |            | |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |            \    |     | |            | |  ||
 | +--------------+  |   | v  y(i)       \   |     | +------------+ |  ||
 |                   |   |                \  |     |                | / |
 |                   |   |                 \ |     |                |   |
 |                   |   |                  \|      - - - - - - - -     |
 |     /             |   |       /           |            |  |          |
 + - -/- - - - - - - +   + - - -/- - - - - - +\           |  |          |
     /                         /               \     - - - - - - - -    |
    /                         /                 \   |    KEYBOARD   |   |
  MASTER WORKSPACE         INSTANCE WORKSPACE    \  + - - - - - - - +   |
                                                  <-/   []  []  [] /|   |
                                                   /   []  []  [] / |   |
                                                  + - - - - - - - - +   |
                                            PHYSICAL DEVICE WORKSPACE --+

           +-----+   +-----+   +------+   +------+
           | MTP |   | MTP |   | USER |   |OTHER |
           | TCP |   | NCP |   | MAIL |   |MAIL  |
           | RCV |   | RCV |   | PGM  |   |SOURCE|
           +-----+   +-----+   +------+   +------+
              |         |          |         |
              |         |          |         |
              |         |          |         |
              v         v          v         v
            +----+    +----+     +----+     +----+
            |    |    |    |     |    |     |    |
Pending   +----+ |  +----+ |   +----+ |   +----+ |
Files     |    |-+  |    |-+   |    |-+   |    |-+
          |    |    |    |     |    |     |    |
          +----+    +----+     +----+     +----+
                \      |         |       /
                 \     |         |      /
                  \    |         |     /
                   v   v         v    v

                    +------------------+       TABLES
                    |                  |       +----+
                    |    DISPATCHER    |<----->|    |---+
                    |                  |       |    |   |
                    +------------------+       +----+   |
                    /      /     \      \          +----+
                   /      /       \      \
                  /      /         \      \
                 v      v           v      v
           +-----+   +-----+   +-------+   +-----+
           | MTP |   | MTP |   | LOCAL |   |OTHER|
           | TCP |   | NCP |   |MAILBOX|   |MAIL |
           | SND |   | SND |   | FILES |   |SINK |
           +-----+   +-----+   +-------+   +-----+

User of (N)-services                       User of (N)-services
 [an (N+1)-entity]                           [an (N+1)-entity]
        \                                           /
         \                                         /
          \ /-----(N)-service-access-points-----\ /     (N+1)
            \                                   /        (N)
             \<-----services provided to------>/
              \          (N+1)-layer          /
               \                             /
        ,------------,                 ,------------,
        |            |                 |            |
        | (N)-entity |<----"Peers"---->| (N)-entity |    (N)-LAYER
        |            |                 |            |
        '------------'                 '------------'
               \                             /
                \<----services required---->/
                 \     from (N-1)-layer    /
                  \                       /              (N)
                    \                   /               (N-1)
                     \                 /
                      \               /
                       \             /
             |                                |
             |                                |
             |           (N-1)-LAYER          |
             |                                |
             |                                |

  (N)-  |          |                     (N)-  |          |
connect |          |(N)-connect        connect |          |  (N)-
------->|          |indication         ------->|          | connect
request |          |                   request |          |indication
        |          |------->                   |          |------->
        |(N)-LAYER |                           |(N)-LAYER |
  (N)-  |          |<-------            (N)-   |          |<-------
connect |          |                disconnect |          |  (N)-
<-------|          |(N)-connect        <-------|          |disconnect
confirm |          | response       indication |          | request
        |          |                           |          |

  (N)-  |          |                     (N)-  |          |
  data  |          | (N)-data            data  |          |
------->|          |indication         ------->|          |  (N)-
request |          |                   request |          |  data
        |          |------->                   |          |indication
        |(N)-LAYER |                           |(N)-LAYER |------->
        |          |                     (N)-  |          |
        |          |                     data  |          |
        |          |                   <-------|          |
        |          |                   confirm |          |
        |          |                           |          |

(N)-dis |          |                           |          |
connect |          |                     (N)-  |          |  (N)-
------->|(N)-LAYER |(N)-disconnect   disconnect|(N)-LAYER |disconnect
request |          |indication         <-------|          |------->
        |          |------->         indication|          |indication
        |          |                           |          |

                |                       |
      (N)-data  |                       |
       request  |                       |
      --------->|                       |
                |       (N)-LAYER       |
                |                       |--------->
                |                       |  (N)-data
                |                       | indication
                |                       |

      (N)-data  |                       |
       request  |                       |
      --------->|                       |
                |                       |  (N)-data
                |       (N)-LAYER       |--------->
                |                       | indication
      <---------|                       |
      (N)-data  |                       |
       confirm  |                       |

         ,---------------------,            ,---------------------,
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 7  |  Application Layer  |<---------->|  Application Layer  |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 6  | Presentation Layer  |<---------->| Presentation Layer  |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 5  |    Session Layer    |<---------->|     Session Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 4  |   Transport Layer   |<---------->|   Transport Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 3  |    Network Layer    |<---------->|    Network Layer    |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 2  |   Data Link Layer   |<---------->|   Data Link Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 1  |    Physical Layer   |<---------->|    Physical Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         '---------------------'            '---------------------'

                ^                              ^   (N+1)-LAYER
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
   ,-------------------------,    ,-------------------------,
   | Offers a connectionless |    |   Offers a connection-  |
   |       (N)-service       |    |   oriented (N)-service  |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |        (N)-LAYER        | OR |        (N)-LAYER        |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |   Uses a connection-    |    |  Uses a connectionless  |
   | oriented (N-1)-service  |    |      (N-1)-service      |
   '-------------------------'    '-------------------------'
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
                v                              v   (N-1)-LAYER

                ^                              ^   (N+1)-LAYER
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
   ,-------------------------,    ,-------------------------,
   | Offers a connectionless |    |   Offers a connection-  |
   |       (N)-service       |    |   oriented (N)-service  |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |        (N)-LAYER        | OR |        (N)-LAYER        |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |  Uses a connectionless  |    |   Uses a connection-    |
   |      (N-1)-service      |    | oriented (N-1)-service  |
   '-------------------------'    '-------------------------'
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
                v                              v   (N-1)-LAYER

                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+     +-----+
                 |Telnet| | FTP | | TFTP| ... | ... |
                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+     +-----+
                       |   |         |           |
                      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
                      | TCP |     | UDP | ... | ... |
                      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
                         |           |           |
                      |    Internet Protocol & ICMP   |
                        |   Local Network Protocol  |

                   | Internet Protocol & ICMP & GGP|
                           |                 |
                 +---------------+   +---------------+
                 |   Local Net   |   |   Local Net   |
                 +---------------+   +---------------+

       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
       |Telnet| | FTP | |Voice|  ...  |     |  Application Level
       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
             |   |         |             |
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
            | TCP |     | RTP |  ...  |     |  Host Level
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
               |           |             |
            |    Internet Protocol & ICMP   |  Gateway Level
              |   Local Network Protocol  |    Network Level

            |                                                          |
            |    -------------------<-------------------------------   |
            |   |                  1                               |   |
            |   V                                                  |   |
      ----------------                       -----------------     |   |
      |              |                       |               |     |   |
      |              |          010          |               |     |   |
   |->|      2       |---------------------->|       1       |->|  |   |
   |  |              |                       |               |  |  |   |
  0|  |     B-W      |          101          |      W-B      |  |1 |   |
   |<-|              |<----------------------|               |<-|  |   |
      |              |                       |               |     |   |
      |              |                 ----->|               |     |   |
      ----------------                 |     -----------------     |   |
          |   ^                        |      |     |   ^          |   |
          |   |     ------------>------|      |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |           1             |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          ^   V
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
      0111|   |1    |                         | 1000|   |1         |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |            1011         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |    ----------<-----------     |   |          |   |
          V   |     |    |                          V   |          |   |
      ----------------   |                   -----------------     |   |
      |              |<---                   |               |     |   |
      |              |          0            |               |     |   |
      |      3       |<----------------------|       0       |------   |
      |              |                       |               |         |
      |     B-B      |                       |      W-W      |         |
      |              |---------------------->|               |<---------
      |              |          0            |               |
      |              |                       |               |
      ----------------                       -----------------
          |    ^                                   |    ^
          |    |                                   |    |
          ------                                   ------
           run                                      run
                               Figure 1.
     Non-deterministic finite-state machine diagram for RAPICOM 450

      |  24-bit  |    37-bit   |         512-bit         |    12-bit   |
      |sync code |    header   |           data          |   checksum  |

      | 2-bit |5-bit|  10-bit  |   12-bit  |  3-bit   |   3-bit  |2-bit|
      |seq num|flags|data count| x position|black size|white size|state|

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |  Telnet  |         |  Telnet  |         |
         | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
         |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |  Telnet  |         |  Telnet  |         |
         | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
         |  Host   |   NCP    |   Host  |   TCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

            +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
            |         |  Telnet  |         |   FTP    |         |
            | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
            |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
            +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

            +---------+          +---------+
            |         |   FTP    |         |
            | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |
            |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |
            +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |   SMTP   |         |   SMTP   |         |
         | Source  |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->|  Dest.  |
         |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |   SMTP   |         |   FTP    |         |
         | Source  |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->|  Dest.  |
         |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |   FTP    |         |   SMTP   |         |
         | Source  |<-------->|Forwarder|<-------->|  Dest.  |
         |  Host   |   NCP    |   Host  |   TCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

       1              8 9                              24
      |                |                                 |
      |  Host number   |           IMP number            |
      |                |                                 |

                1                             16
               |                                |
               |           1822L name           |
               |                                |

               1   2  3          8 9             16
             |   |   |            |                |
             | 0 | 0 |   host #   |   IMP number   |
             |   |   |            |                |

                            Destination Host
  Host    | 1822 on C/30   | 1822L          | 1822 on non-C/30
          |                |                |
  1822 on | 1822           | 1822           | 1822
  C/30    |                | (note 1)       |
          |                |                |
          |                |                |
          | 1822L, using   | 1822L, using   | 1822L, using
  1822L   | 1822L name or  | 1822L name or  | 1822L address
          |address (note 2)| address        | only (note 2)
          |                |                |
          |                |                |
  1822 on | 1822           | 1822           | 1822
  non-C/30|                | (note 1)       |
          |                |                |

                    |          |          |
                ... |  x(1,j)  | x(1,j+1) | ...
                ... |  x(2,j)  | x(2,j+1) | ...
                    |          |          |
                      Direction of scan ->

           |                                                        |
           |   .-----------------<------------------------------.   |
           |   |                1                               |   |
           |   V                                                |   |
     .--------------.                     .---------------.     |   |
     |              |                     |               |     |   |
     |              |        010          |               |     |   |
  .->|      1       |-------------------->|       2       |->.  |   |
  |  |              |                     |               |  |  |   |
 0|  |     B-W      |        101          |      W-B      |  |1 |   |
  \<-|              |<--------------------|               |<-'  |   |
     |              |                     |               |     |   |
     |              |               .---->|               |     |   |
     \--------------'               |     \---------------'     |   |
         |   A                      |      |     |   A          |   |
         |   |     .--------->------'      |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |         1             |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          A   V
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
     0111|   |1    |                       | 1000|   |1         |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |          1011         |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |    .-------<----------'     |   |          |   |
         V   |     |    |                        V   |          |   |
     .--------------.   |                 .---------------.     |   |
     |              |<--'                 |               |     |   |
     |              |        0            |               |     |   |
     |      3       |<--------------------|       0       |-----'   |
     |              |                     |               |         |
     |     B-B      |                     |      W-W      |         |
     |              |-------------------->|               |<--------'
     |              |        0            |               |
     |              |                     |               |
     \--------------'                     \---------------'
         |    A                                 |    A
         |    |                                 |    |
         \----'                                 \----'
          run                                    run

        .-----------.                     .-----------.
  .-----|           |                     |           |-----.
  |     |     9     |                     |     6     |     |
  |   .-|           |<--.             .-->|           |-.   |
  |   | \-----------'    \           /    \-----------' |   |
 1|  0|                   \         /                   |1  |0
  |   |    .->Error        \       /        Error<-.    |   |
  |   |   0|                \     /                |1   |   |
  |   | .-----------.        \   /        .-----------. |   |
  | 1 | |           |         \ /         |           | | 0 |
  | .---|     7     |          \          |    10     |---. |
  | | | |           |         / \         |           | | | |
  | | | \-----------'        /   \        \-----------' | | |
  | | |       A             /     \             A       | | |
  | | |       |            /       \            |       | | |
  | | |      1|           /         \           |0      | | |
  | | | .-----------.  0 /           \ 1  .-----------. | | |
  | | | |           |---'             \---|           | | | |
  | | | |     5     |                     |     8     | | | |
  | | | |           |                     |           | | | |
  | | | \-----------'                     \-----------' | | |
  | | |       A                                 A       | | |
  | | |       |                                 |       | | |
  | | |      1|                                 |0      | | |
  | | | .-----------.                     .-----------. | | |
  | | ->|           |                     |           |<- | |
  | |   |     1     |                     |     2     |   | |
  | |   |    B-W    |<-----.       .----->|    W-B    |   | |
  | |   \-----------'      |       |      \-----------'   | |
  | |      |     A         |       |         A     |      | |
  | |      |     |         |0     1|         |     |      | |
  | |      \-----'         |       |         \-----'      | |
  | |         0          .-----------.          0         | |
  | |                    |           |                    | |
  | |                    |     4     |                    | |
  | |        RUN         |           |         RUN        | |
  | |      .-----.       \-----------'       .-----.      | |
  | |      |     |         A       A         |     |      | |
  | |      |     V         |       |         V     |      | |
  | |   .-----------.   1  |       |  1   .-----------.   | |
  | \-->|           |------'   0   \------|           |<--' |
  |     |     3     |<--------------------|     0     |     |
  \---->|    B-B    |-------------------->|    W-W    |<----'
        \-----------'          0          \-----------'

   | Sync Code | Leader |        Data       | CRC Code |
        24    /    37    \       512             12
     .-------'            \----------------------.
    /                                             \
   | Flags | Count | X Pos | Black | White | State |
   |   7    \ 10      12       3       3       2
   |         \--------------------------.
   |                                     \
   | Seq | RUN | COFB | RPT | Spare | SUB |
      2     1     1      1      1      1

                    |                       |
                    |     *************     |
      *********  ------>  *  Message  *  ------->  *********
      * User  *  Posting  * Transfer  *  Delivery  * User  *
      * Agent *  Protocol *  System   *  Protocol  * Agent *
      *********  <------- *************  <-------  *********
                    |                       |
                    |                       |
                 Posting                Delivery
                  Slot                    Slot

                          Message Flow
      Originator --------------------------------> Recipient

      +---+  interface
      !   !    +--+    +-----+
      !   ! == !  ! == !     ! computer
      +---+    +--+    +-----+
                           - - - - - -    computer
                         /             \  network

                         \             /             facsimile
                           - - - - - -               machine
                                      |    interface  +---+
                                   +-----+    +--+    !   !
                          computer !     ! == !  ! == !   !
                                   +-----+    +--+    +---+

                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                !  a  ! -> !  b  ! -> !  c  !
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

                   +-- !             ! --+
                   |   +-------------+   |
                   |          |          |
                   V          V          V
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                !  a  !    !  b  !    !  c  !
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

                   +-> ! * -> * -> * ! --+
                   |   +-------------+   |
                   |         | A         |
                   |         V |         V
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                !  a  !    !  b  !    !  c  !
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

              (0, 0)
                +-------------------------------> x
                |  (x0, y0)     w
                |     +--------------------+
                |     !                    !
                |     !                    !
                |     !                    ! h
                |     !                    !
                |     !                    !
                |     +--------------------+
                |                       (x1, y1)

             |<--- header ---->|<------ 74 bytes ------->|
             ! length !  code  !       DACOM block       !

     UCL facsimile
       system          - - - - - - - -
     +--------+      /                 \      +------+
     !        ! ----    Cambridge Ring   ---- !  PE  !
     +--------+      \                 /      +------+
                       - - - - - - - -            |
                         /         \              |
                   +------+       +------+        |
                   !  XG  !       !  SG  ! --- SATNET
                   +------+       +------+
                   /       \
                 PSS    SERC NET

        X A
          |                                 (511, 511)
      511 +-------------------------------+
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |             (x, y)            |
          |            +                  |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
         0                               511    Y

          (0, 0)                     width  X
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |   (x0, y0)              |
             |     +---------+         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     +---------+         |
             |            (x1, y1)     |
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |                         |
      height +-------------------------+
           Y V

          (0, 0)                     width  X
             |                         |
             |   (x0, y0)              |
             |     +---------+         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     +---------+         |
             |            (x1, y1)     |
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |       (back ground)     |
      height +-------------------------+
           Y V

             |                         |
             |            upper        |
             |                         |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |  left   XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |            width        |
             |                         |

      start of the facsimile data
      !EOL! DATA !EOL! DATA !

                    end of the facsimile data
                    |<------   RTC  ------->|

      start of the facsimile data

                             end of the facsimile data
                       |<---------   RTC   --------->|

   |0|  NET <-7-> |      LOCAL ADDRESS  <-24->                    |

   |1 0|       NET  <-14->        |  LOCAL ADDRESS  <-16->        |

   |1 1 0|           NET  <-21->                  | LOCAL ADDRESS |

                       / | \
                     /   |   \          U -- Naming Universe
                    ^    ^    ^         I -- Intermediate Domain
                    |    |    |         E -- Endpoint Domain
                    I    E    I
                  /   \       |
                 ^     ^      ^
                 |     |      |
                 E     E      I
                            / | \
                           ^  ^  ^
                           |  |  |
                           E  E  E

     Application                                   Application
       Process                                       Process
          |                                             |
   SINS   |                                             |
   -------|---------------------------------------------|-----  Application
   |     AIP                                           AIP   |   Interface
   |      |                                             |    |  . . . . . . .
   |     DNS  - - -  DNS  - - -  DNS  - -  . . .  - -  DNS   |  Domain Name
   -----------------------------------------------------------    Service

       Application                                   Application
         Process                                       Process
            |                                             |
     SINS   |                                             |
     |   Endpoint                                      Endpoint  |
     |     DNS  - - -  DNS  - - -  DNS  - -  . . .  - -  DNS     |
     |                                                           |

                                      /          \
                               --- ARPA (DNS)
                             /       |
                           /        SRI (DNS)
                         /           |  \
                       USC (DNS)        TSC (DNS/AIP)
                        |                |
                        |          [TCP/FTP/RFT]
                       ISI (DNS)
                        D (DNS/AIP)
                      /   \

    ARPANET/SATNET          __     __               UCL
    Gateway           Simp (   \  \  )  Simp        Gateway
               ____    ___(    /  /   )____          ____
              | B  |__| S1 |   \  \   | S2 |________| G  |_____ rsre
              |____|  |____|   /  /   |____|        |____|
                |         (    \  \   )                |
                |          (__ /  /__)          _______|____
        ________|____                          (             )
       (             )                        (               )
      (   ARPANET     )                      (     UCL NET     )
      (               )                       (                 )
       (_____________)                         (               )
        |        |                              (_____________)
      __|_       |            VAN/                     .
     | H  |      |         Public Data Nets            .
     |____|      |          _____________              .
    Diagnostic   |         (             )             .
    Host       __|__      (    VANNET     )           _.___
              | VAN |* * (* * * * * * * * *)*  * * * |     |
              | gw------(--- IP Tunnel -----)--------|  U  |
              |_____|* * (* * * * * * * * *)*  * *   |_____|
          VAN             (               )
          Gateway          (_____________)

            BBN             __     __               UCL
            Gateway   Simp (   \  \  )  Simp        Gateway
               ____    ___(    /  /   )____          ____
              | B  |__| S1 |   \  \   | S2 |________| G  |_____ rsre
              |____|  |____|   /  /   |____|        |____|
                |         (    \  \   )                |
                |          (__ /  /__)          _______|____
        ________|____                          (             )
       (             )                        (               )
      (   ARPANET     )                     (     UCL NET     )
      (               )                      (                 )
       (_____________)                        (               )
        |        |                             (_____________)
      __|_       |                                         |
     | H  |      |        Public Data Nets                 |
     |____|      |          _______________               _|___
    Diagnostic   |         (               )             | M1  |
    Host       __|__      (                 )            |:::::|
              | VAN |* * (* * * * * * * * * *) * *       |:::::|
              | gw------(--- IP Tunnel -----)------------| M2  |
              |_____|* * (* * * * * * * * * *) * *       |_____|
          VAN             (   VANNET        )              M
          Gateway          (_______________)             "Header

      Process 1    /              Process 2
             One end echoes for itself

      Process 1              /    Process 2
          One end echoes for the other

                   \         /
      Process 1    /         \    Process 2
          Both ends echo for themselves

                   \ /
      Process 1    / \            Process 2
           One end echoes for both ends

      PROCESS A    TELNETconnection    PROCESS B           Terminal
      +-----------+                +---------------+ Timing+-------+
      |           |WILL TIMING MARK|     BUF 1     |  Mark |       |
      |           |<---------------|--|-|-|-|-|-|--|<------|       |
      |           |                |  |-|-|-|-|-|  |   ^   |       |
      |           |                |     BUF 2     |   ^   |       |
      |           |--------------->|--|-|-|-|-|-|--|------>|       |
      |           | DO TIMING MARK |  |-|-|-|-|-|  |       |       |
      +-----------+                +---------------+       +-------+
                                     (NVT process).ME;
                         Figure 1

                |                  |                  |
              COLORS            FLAVORS             TRUTH
                |                  |
          +-----+-----+            |
          |     |     |         NATURAL
         RED  BLUE  GREEN          |
                   |               |               |
               CHOCOLATE        VANILLA        STRAWBERRY

                 |                  |                  |
                DDN               ARPA               CSNET
                 |                  |                  |
           +-----+-----+            |            +-----+-----+
           |     |     |            |            |           |
          JCS  ARMY  NAVY           |           UDEL        UCI
           |        |               |               |        |
          DTI      MIT             ISI             UDEL     NBS
                    |               |
                +---+---+       +---+---+
                |       |       |   |   |
               DMS     AI       A   B   F

                |                  |                  |
               DDN               ARPA               CSNET
                |(JCS.DDN)         |(F.ISI.ARPA)      |(UDEL.ARPA)
          +-----+-----+            |(A.ISI.ARPA)+-----+-----+
          |     |     |            |            |           |
         JCS  ARMY  NAVY           |           UDEL        UCI
          |        |               |               |        |
         DTI      MIT             ISI             UDEL     NBS
                   |(AI.MIT.ARPA)  |(F.ISI.ARPA)
               +---+---+       +---+---+
               |       |       |   |   |
              DMS     AI       A   B   F

                   Local Host                        |  Foreign
      +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+
      |         | user queries  |          |queries  |  |        |
      |  User   |-------------->|          |---------|->|Foreign |
      | Program |               | Resolver |         |  |  Name  |
      |         |<--------------|          |<--------|--| Server |
      |         | user responses|          |responses|  |        |
      +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+
                                  |     A            |
                  cache additions |     | references |
                                  V     |            |
                                +----------+         |
                                | database |         |
                                +----------+         |

              NSAP   -------                    NSAP  -------
               |     (NSAP)                      |     (NSAP)
               |       |                         |       |
               |       |-------------------------|--------
               |                                 |

Octets  1  2  3  4           n  n+1          p  p+1
        ------------      --------------   --------------   --------
        LI|  | |  |  ...    |  |   |    .... | |    |   .... |
        ------------      --------------   --------------   --------

         <--- Fixed Part -----><-- Variable Part->
                                   (including checksum
                                    where applicable)

      | LH |                     data                        | TH |
           ^                    (  ^  )                      ^


                         A _______________ F
                        / \  \
                     3 /   \10\15
                      /     \  \
                    B/___5___\D \E
                     \      /  /
                      \    /  /
                     1 \  /  /5
                        \/  /
                         C /

          |       |---------------+---------------+
    +---->| Idle  |               A               A
    |     |       |-----------+   |               |
    |     +-------+           |   |               |
    |       |   A     Request |   | Cease         | Cease
    | Start |   | Cease       |   |               |
    |       V   | Refuse      V   |               |
    |     +-------+ Confirm +-------+    Up   +-------+
    |     |       |-------->|       |-------->|       |
    |     | Aqsn  |         | Down  |   Down  |  Up   |
    |     |       |----+    |       |<--------|       |
    |     +-------+    |    +-------+         +-------+
    |                  |        |                 |
    | Stop             |        |                 |
    | Cease-ack        | Stop   | Stop            | Stop
    |     +-------+    |        |                 |
    |     |       |    V        V                 V
    +-----| Cease |<---+--------+-----------------+
          |       |

             0 Idle      1 Aqsn      2 Down       3 Up       4 Cease
Up        |0          |1          |3/Poll     |3          |4          |
Down      |0          |1          |2          |2          |4          |
Request   |2/Confirm *|2/Confirm  |2/Confirm  |2/Confirm  |4/Cease    |
Confirm   |0/Cease  **|2          |2          |3          |4          |
Refuse    |0/Cease  **|0          |2          |3          |4          |
Cease     |0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|
Cease-ack |0          |1          |2          |3          |0          |
Hello     |0/Cease  **|1          |2/I-H-U    |3/I-H-U    |4          |
I-H-U     |0/Cease  **|1          |2/Process  |3/Process  |4          |
Poll      |0/Cease  **|1          |2          |3/Update   |4          |
Update    |0/Cease  **|1          |2          |3/Process  |4          |
Start     |1/Request  |1/Request  |1/Request  |1/Request  |4          |
Stop/t3   |0          |0          |4/Cease    |4/Cease    |0          |
t1        |0          |1/Request  |2/Hello    |3/Hello    |4/Cease    |
t2        |0          |1          |2          |3/Poll     |4          |

                                Passive Gateway
Active     0 Idle      1 Aqsn      2 Down      3 Up        4 Cease
Gateway   +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
0 Idle    |stable     |           |           |           |unstable   |
1 Aqsn    |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |
2 Down    |           |           |stable     |unstable   |           |
3 Up      |           |           |unstable   |stable     |           |
4 Cease   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |

                                                        #        %
                                                          ?  *     !
                                                                 @  )
       +------+         +-----+         +----+          $  =   ^   +
       |      |Messages |     |Segments |    | Datagrams   *
       | User |<------->| RDP |<------->| IP |<------->    Internet
       |      |         |     |         |    |          ,            ?
       +------+         +-----+         +----+               !    )
                                                          *   %     $
                                                        @    ^   !

         /                                                 \
        /                      ARPANET                      \
        \                        10                         /
         \                                                 /
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
      +-------------+      +-------------+      +---------------+
      | ISI-PNG11   |      |             |      |               |
      | Arpanet     |      | ISI-GATEWAY |      | ISI-HOBGOBLIN |
      | Address     |      |             |      |   Vax 11/750  |
      | logical     |      |  Core EGP   |      |   Unix 4.2    |
      | multiplexer |      |             |      |               |
      +-------------+      +-------------+      +---------------+
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
      ---------------          ----------------------------
     /               \        /                            \
    / 3 Mb/s Ethernet \      /           ISI-NET            \
    \     net 10      /      \            128.9             /
     \               /        \                            /
      ---------------          ----------------------------
                               |  ISI-TROLL   |
                               |  Vax 11/750  |
                               |  Unix 4.1a   |
                               |  Non-routing |
                               |      |       |
                               |      | 9600  |   ISI-TROLL, UCI-750A
                               |      | baud  |   and the link form a
                               |      | link  |   single logical gateway
                               |      |       |
                               |  UCI-750A    |
                               |  Vax 11/750  |
                               |  Unix 4.2    |
                           /                      \
                          /        UCI-ICS         \
                          \        192.5.19        /
                           \                      /

      ______________OSI Network Service Definition______________
                    |                             ^
                    |                             |
         Protocol     Reference to aims __________|

      Specification | Reference to assumptions ___
                    |                             |
                    |                             |
                    |                             v
      ______________Subnetwork Service Definition(s) ___________

            | Network Layer Protocol Identifier  |     1
            |         Length Indicator           |     2
            |   Version/Protocol Id Extension    |     3
            |            Lifetime                |     4
            |S |M |E/R|         Type             |     5
            | P| S|   |                          |
            |          Segment Length            |    6,7
            |             Checksum               |    8,9

          |                                      |
          | Destination Address Length Indicator |      10
          |                                      |
          |                                      |      11
          |         Destination Address          |
          |                                      |      m-1
          |                                      |
          |   Source Address Length Indicator    |       m
          |                                      |
          |                                      |      m+1
          |           Source Address             |
          |                                      |      n-1

                      Bits   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
            | Octet  | Address parameter Length Indicator |
            |   n    |           (e.g., 'm')              |
            | Octets |                                    |
            |  n+1   |     Address Parameter Value        |
            | thru   |                                    |
            |  n+m   |                                    |

                |  Data Unit Identifier  |     n,n+1
                |     Segment Offset     |    n+2,n+3
                |      Total Length      |    n+4,n+5

                   |                    |       n+6
                   |      Options       |
                   |                    |       p

                          BITS    8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
             |  Octets  |                               |
             |    n     |  Parameter Code               |
             |   n+1    |  Parameter Length (e.g., 'm') |
             |   n+2    |  Parameter Value              |
             |  n+m+1   |                               |

     |  Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |      1
     |           Length Indicator           |      2
     |   Version/Protocol Id Extension      |      3
     |              Lifetime                |      4
     |SP|MS|E/R|      Type                  |      5
     |           Segment Length             |     6,7
     |              Checksum                |     8,9
     | Destination Address Length Indicator |     10
     |         Destination Address          |     11 through m-1
     |    Source Address Length Indicator   |      m
     |            Source Address            |     m+1 through n-1
     |         Data Unit Identifier         |     n,n+1
     |            Segment Offset            |     n+2,n+3
     |             Total Length             |     n+4,n+5
     |                Options               |     n+6 through p
     |                 Data                 |     p+1 through z

            |  Network Layer Protocol Id  |     1
            |           Data              |     2 through n

     |   Network Layer Protocol Identifier  |       1
     |           Length Indicator           |       2
     |     Version/Protocol Id Extension    |       3
     |               Lifetime               |       4
     |SP|MS|E/R|       Type                 |       5
     |             Segment Length           |      6,7
     |                Checksum              |      8,9
     | Destination Address Length Indicator |      10
     |         Destination Address          |     10 through m-1
     |     Source Address Length Indicator  |       m
     |             Source Address           |     m+1 through n-1
     |          Data Unit Identifier        |     n,n+1
     |             Segment Offset           |     n+2,n+3
     |              Total Length            |     n+4,n+5
     |                Options               |     n+6 through p-1
     |           Reason for Discard         |     p through q-1
     |       Error Report Data Field        |       z

  | Function                   |  Send  | Forward | Receive |
  | PDU Composition            |   M    |    -    |    -    |
  | PDU Decomposition          |   M    |    -    |    M    |
  | Header Format Analysis     |   -    |    M    |    M    |
  | PDU Lifetime Control       |   -    |    M    |    I    |
  | Route PDU                  |   -    |    M    |    -    |
  | Forward PDU                |   M    |    M    |    -    |
  | Segment PDU                |   M    | (note 1)|    -    |
  | Reassemble PDU             |   -    |    I    |    M    |
  | Discard PDU                |   -    |    M    |    M    |
  | Error Reporting            |   -    |    M    |    M    |
  | PDU Header Error Detection |   M    |    M    |    M    |
  | Padding                    |(note 2)| (note 2)| (note 2)|
  | Security                   |   -    | (note 3)| (note 3)|
  | Complete Source Routing    |   -    | (note 3)|    -    |
  | Partial Source Routing     |   -    | (note 4)|    -    |
  | Record Route               |   -    | (note 4)|    -    |
  | QoS Maintenance            |   -    | (note 4)|    -    |

  | KEY:                                                    |
  |       M : Mandatory Function; must be implemented       |
  |       - : Not applicable                                |
  |       I : Implementation option, as described in text   |

          |            STATE                 |
   Greet  |  2   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   #NNN   |  1   |  3   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   =CCC   |  1   |  1   |  4   |  1   |  6   |
   data   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  5   |  6   |
   + Bye  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   Close  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   other  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   Timeout|  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |

          |              STATE
   Open   |  2   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |
   HELO   |  1   |  3   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |
   FOLD   |  1   |  1   |  5   |  5   |  1   |  1   |
   READ   |  1   |  1   |  6   |  6   |  1   |  1   |
   RETR   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  7   |  1   |  1   |
   ACKS   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  8   |  1   |
   ACKD   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  8   |  1   |
   NACK   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  8   |  1   |
   QUIT   |  1   |  4   |  4   |  4   |  1   |  1   |
   Close  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  9   |
   other  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |
   Timeout|      |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |

         0      7 8     15 16             31
         | packet |  port  |     sequence    |
         |  type  | number |      number     |
         |      length     |    checksum     |
         |                 |                 |
         |                                   |
         |       optional data octets        |
         + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

            0      7 8     15 16             31
            |00000000|00000000|00000000 00000000|
            |        8        |    checksum     |

            0      7 8     15 16             31
            |00000001| unused |     snd_una     |
            |        10       |    checksum     |
            |      rcv_nxt    |

            0       7 8     15 16             31
            |00000010|port num|     snd_nxt     |
            |     length      |    checksum     |
            |           data octet(s)           |
            + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +

         0      7 8     15 16             31
         |00000011|port num|     rcv_nxt     |
         |        8        |    checksum     |

         0      7 8     15 16             31
         |00000100|port num|     rcv_nxt     |
         |        8        |    checksum     |

                                           subnetwork point of
                                           attachment identified
                                           ________ by SNPA
  ________________                         |      | /\
  |              |                         |______|/  \_______
  |   Real End   |    ____________   Layer |  * <-/   |\-> * | Layer
  | system, real |    |          |     3   |______|   |______|    3
  |subnetwork, or|____|  Real    |         |      |   |      |
  | interworking |    |Subnetwork|         |      |   |      |
  |     unit     | ^  |__________|         |______|   |______|
  |______________| |
           subnetwork point of               End    Intermediate
          attachment identified            System      System
          by subnetwork address

   layer 4
   ______________________________  0  _____________________________
   layer 3                           \____NSAP identified
                                          by NSAP address

                      *****              *****
                   ***                        ***
                ***                              ***
              **   **                          **   **    <-- Global
            **       *                        *      .**     network
           **         **                    **      .  ** addressing
          *              *                 *       .      *   domain
         *                *               * .     .       *
        *                  *             *   ..  .         *
       *                    *           *      ..         +  *
      *                     *           *        ..   <-----------\
     **                      *         *           ..   +    **    |
     * +                     *         *             ..+      *    |
     *  +                    *     <------------------------------\|
    *    +                    *       * ...          +         *   |
    *     +                   *       *    ...      +          *   |
    *      +                  *       *       .... +           *   |
    *       +                  *     *            +            *   |
    *        +  ************************************           *   |
    *  *********           +            +           *********  *   |
     **                    +            +                    **    |
     *                    +              +                    *    |
     **                   +              +                   **    |
      *                  +                +         <-------------\|
       *                 +                +                 *      |
        *               +                  +               *       |
         *              +                  +              *        |
          *            +                    +            *         |
           **          +                    +          **          |
            **        +           <--\       +        **           |
              **      +               \      +      **             |
                ***  +                 \      +  ***               |
                   ***                  \     ***                  |
                      *****              \****                     |
                           ***************\                  Network
                                           \------------- addressing

                     |           |        |        |
                     |           |        |        |
                   -----       -----    -----    -----
                   | W |       | X |    | Y |    | Z |
                   -----       -----    -----    -----
                     |           |        |
                     |           |        |
              ---------------    @    --------
              |      |      |         |      |
              |      |      |         |      |
            -----  -----  -----     -----  -----
            | a |  | b |  | c |     | a |  | b |
            -----  -----  -----     -----  -----
                                   |      |      |      |
                                   |      |      |      |
                                 -----  -----  -----  -----
                                 | p |  | q |  | r |  | s |
                                 -----  -----  -----  -----

                        *****              *****
                     ***                        ***
                  ***               Z              ***
                     **                          **
                       *                        *
                  ***   **                    **   ***
                **   **   *                  *   **   **
              **       *   **              **   *      .**
             **         **   *            *   **    r .  **
            *             *   *          *   *       .      *
       X   *               *   *        *   * . ------------>*   Y
          *                 *   *      *   *   /.  .     s   +*
         *                   *   *    *   *   /  ..         +  *
        *                    *   *    *   *  /     ..      +   *
       **                     *   *  *   *  b        ..   +    **
       * +                    *   *  *   *  |          ..+      *
       *  +                   *   *  *   *  |    q      +       *
      *    +                   *   **   * ..|          +         *
      *     +                  *        *   |...      +     a    *
      *      +                 *        *   | p .... +           *
      *       +                 *      *    V       +            *
      *        +  ************************************           *
      *  *********                                    *********  *
       **                                                      **
         *********           +            +           *********
       **                    +            +                    **
       *                    +              +                    *
       **                   +              +                   **
        *                  +                +         c        *
         *         a       +                +                 *
          *               +                  +               *
           *              +          b       +              *
            *            +                    +            *
             **          +                    +          **
              **        +                      +        **
                **      +                      +      **
                  ***  +                        +  ***
                     ***                        ***
                        *****              *****

  NSAP Address Semantics------->Allocation by------->Abstract Syntax
                           |-->Representation in--->External
                           |   Humanly-readable     Reference
                           |   Directories          Syntax
                           |-->Encoding in--------->Concrete Syntax

     <----------------------NSAP ADDRESS------------------------->

     |           |                                               |
     |     IDP   |               DSP                             |
                 :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     |           |                                               |
     |     AFI   |               IDI                             |

                   |   DSP Syntax      |
                   |         |         |
         __________| Decimal | Binary  |
        |IDI format|         |         |
        |  X.121       36        37    |
        | ISO DCC      38        39    |
        |  F.69        40        41    |
        |  E.163       42        43    |
        |  E.164       44        45    |_____________________
        |______________________________|Character | National |
        |ISO 6523-ICD  46        47    |(ISO 646) |Character |
        | Local        48        49        50         51     |

                   |   DSP Syntax      |
                   |         |         |
         __________| Decimal | Binary  |
        |IDI format|         |         |
        |  X.121       24         9    |
        | ISO DCC      35        14    |
        |  F.69        30        12    |
        |  E.163       26        10    |
        |  E.164       23         9    |_____________________
        |______________________________|Character | National |
        |ISO 6523-ICD  34        13    |(ISO 646) |Character |
        | Local        38        15        19          7     |

                    |  \  a  |      |      |      |
                    | d \    |  0   |   1  |  2   |
                    |   0       0       1     2   |
                    |   1       3       4     5   |
                    |   2       6       7     8   |

    |             | DSP Abstract  |  Binary DSP     | Decimal DSP  |
    |  IDI Format |   syntax      | concrete syntax concrete syntax|
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |   X.121     |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  39 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |  ISO DCC    |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |    F.69     |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |    E.163    |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  39 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |    E.164    |    Binary     |   18 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    | ISO 6523-ICD|   Binary      |   16 octets     |  39 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |   LOCAL     |   Binary      |   16 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             | Character     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |National Char. |   15 octets     |  37 digits   |

      |0|  NET <-7-> |         LOCAL ADDRESS <-24->               |

      |1 0|      NET  <-14->        |  LOCAL ADDRESS <-16->       |

      |1 1 0|            NET  <-21->               | LOCAL ADDRESS|

      |0|  10 or 26  |    HOST      | LOGICAL HOST |   PSN (IMP)  |

           0               16               32
           |               |               |               |
                                     decimal point

                           0               16
                           |               |               |
                                     decimal point

                                            ||   User  ||    --------
                                            ||Interface|<--->| User |
                                            |\----^----/|    --------
                  ----------                |     |     |
                  |/------\|  FTP Commands  |/----V----\|
                  ||Server|<---------------->|   User  ||
                  ||  PI  ||   FTP Replies  ||    PI   ||
                  |\--^---/|                |\----^----/|
                  |   |    |                |     |     |
      --------    |/--V---\|      Data      |/----V----\|    --------
      | File |<--->|Server|<---------------->|  User   |<--->| File |
      |System|    || DTP  ||   Connection   ||   DTP   ||    |System|
      --------    |\------/|                |\---------/|    --------
                  ----------                -------------

                    Control     ------------   Control
                    ---------->| User-FTP |<-----------
                    |          | User-PI  |           |
                    |          |   "C"    |           |
                    V          ------------           V
            --------------                        --------------
            | Server-FTP |   Data Connection      | Server-FTP |
            |    "A"     |<---------------------->|    "B"     |
            -------------- Port (A)      Port (B) --------------

            | Descriptor     |    Byte Count                   |
            |         8 bits |                      16 bits    |

            |Descrptr|  Byte count     |
            |code= 16|             = 6 |

            | Marker | Marker | Marker |
            | 8 bits | 8 bits | 8 bits |

            | Marker | Marker | Marker |
            | 8 bits | 8 bits | 8 bits |

                               3      +---+
                          ----------->| E |
                         |            +---+
      +---+    cmd    +---+    2      +---+
      | B |---------->| W |---------->| S |
      +---+       --->+---+           +---+
                 |     | |
                 |     | |     4,5    +---+
                 |  1  |  ----------->| F |
                  -----               +---+

              |                                    |
      Begin   |                                    |
        |     V                                    |
        |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
         -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
            |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
         -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
        |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |               |
        |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
        |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
        |     |             |            |   |
        |     |             |            +---+

      ftp (host) multics<CR>         Connect to host S, port L,
                                     establishing control connections.
                                     <---- 220 Service ready <CRLF>.
      username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 331 User name ok,
                                               need password<CRLF>.
      password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 230 User logged in<CRLF>.
      retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
      (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
      (for. pathname) test.pl1<CR>   RETR test.pl1<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 150 File status okay;
                                           about to open data
                                     Server makes data connection
                                     to port U.

                                     <---- 226 Closing data connection,
                                         file transfer successful<CRLF>.
      type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      store (local type) image<CR>
      (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
      (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 550 Access denied<CRLF>
      terminate                      QUIT <CRLF> ---->
                                     Server closes all

      check-    SNP      TTL    where    a     reass    ICMP
       sum     params   valid    to     frag   done    check-
      valid?   valid?     ?       ?      ?       ?      sum?
      YES      YES      YES     ULP    YES     YES      d      reass_
                                                               state :=

      check-    SNP      TTL    where    a     reass    ICMP
       sum     params   valid    to     frag   done    check-
      valid?   valid?     ?       ?      ?       ?      sum?
      YES      YES      YES     ULP    YES     YES      d    reassemble;
                                                               state :=

      check-    SNP      TTL    where    a     reass    ICMP
       sum     params   valid    to     frag   done    check-
      valid?   valid?     ?       ?      ?       ?      sum?
      YES      YES      YES    ICMP    YES     NO       d    reassemble;

      check-    SNP      TTL    where    a     reass    ICMP
       sum     params   valid    to     frag   done    check-
      valid?   valid?     ?       ?      ?       ?      sum?
      YES      YES      YES    ICMP    YES     YES      d    reassemble;
                                                               state :=

DEACTIVATE WORKSTATION (GKSM-OUT)                disable output
CLEAR WORKSTATION (GKSM-OUT,...)                 1
UPDATE WORKSTATION (GKSM-OUT,...)                3
SET DEFERRAL STATE (GKSM-OUT,...)                4
MESSAGE (GKSM-OUT,...)                           5 (message)
ESCAPE                                           6

POLYLINE                                         11
POLYMARKER                                       12
TEXT                                             13
FILL AREA                                        14
CELL ARRAY                                       15

SET ASPECT SOURCE FLAGS                          43
SET PICK IDENTIFIER                              44

INSERT SEGMENT                                   (21-44), (11-16), (61)

SET VISIBILITY                                   92
SET HIGHLIGHTING                                 93
SET SEGMENT PRIORITY                             94
SET DETECTABILITY                                95

WRITE ITEM TO GKSM                               > 100

 Type       CCITT        MMM         NBS         XEROX       Sun
 END    | End-of-   | ENDLIST   | End-of-    |    --     |    --
        |  Contents |   (11)    | Constructor|           |
        |    (0)    |           |    (1)     |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
 PAD    | Null (5)  | NOP (0)   | No-Op (0)  |    --     |    --
        |           | PAD (1)   | Padding    |           |
        |           |           |   (33)     |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
 RECORD | Set (17)  | PROPLIST  | Set (11)   |    --     |    --
        |           |   (14)    |            |           |
        | Sequence  | LIST (9)  | Sequence   | Sequence  | Structure
        |   (16)    |           |   (10)     |           |
        |           |           |            | Record    |
        |           |           | Message    |           |
        |           |           |   (77)     |           |
        |    --     |    --     |     --     | Array     | Fixed Array
        |           |           |            |           | Counted Array
        | "Choice"  |    --     |     --     | Choice    |Discriminated-
        | "Any"     |           |            |           |   Union
        |           |           |            |           |
        | "Tagged"  | "name"    | Field (76) |    --     |    --
        |           |           |Unique-ID(9)|           |
        |    --     | SHARE-TAG |     --     |    --     |    --
        |           |   (12)    |            |           |
        |           | SHARE-REF |            |           |
        |           |   (13)    |            |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     | Compressed |    --     |    --
        |           |           |   (70)     |           |
        |    --     | ENCRYPT   | Encrypted  |    --     |    --
        |           |   (14)    |    (71)    |           |

 Type       CCITT        MMM         NBS         XEROX       Sun
 BOOLEAN| Boolean(1)| BOOLEAN(2)| Boolean(8) | Boolean   | Boolean
        |           |           |            |           |
 NUMBER | Integer(2)| EPI (5)   | Integer(32)| Integer   | Integer
        |   SV      |   SV      |   SV       |   S16     |  S32
        |           | INDEX (3) |            | Cardinal  | Unsigned Int
        |           |   U16     |            |   U16     |  U32
        |           | INTEGER(4)|            |Unspecified|Enumeration
        |           |   S32     |            |   16      |  32
        |           |           |            | Long Int  |Hyper Integer
        |           |           |            |   S32     |  S64
        |           |           |            | Long Card |Uns Hyper Int
        |           |           |            |   U32     |  U64
        |           |           |            |           | Double Prec
        |           |           |            |           |   64
        |    --     | FLOAT (15)|     --     |    --     | Float Pt
        |           |   64      |            |           |   32
        |           |           |            |           |
 BIT-   | Bit String| BITSTR(6) | Bit-String |    --     |    --
  STRING|   (3)     |           |   (67)     |           |
        | Octet-    |    --     |     --     |    --     | Opaque
        |  String(4)|           |            |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
 STRING | IA5 (22)  | TEXT (8)  | ASCII-     | String    | Counted-
        |           |           |  String (2)|           |  Byte String
        |           | NAME (7)  |            |           |
        | Numeric   |           |            |           |
        |   (18)    |           |            |           |
        | Printable |           |            |           |
        |   (19)    |           |            |           |
        | T.61 (20) |           |            |           |
        | Videotex  |           |            |           |
        |   (21)    |           |            |           |

 Type       CCITT        MMM         NBS         XEROX       Sun
 OTHER  | UTC Time  |    --     | Date (40)  |    --     |    --
        |   (23)    |           |            |           |
        | Gen Time  |           |            |           |
        |   (24)    |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     | Property-  |    --     |    --
        |           |           |   List (36)|           |
        |    --     |    --     |Property(69)|    --     |    --
        |           |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     |    --      | Procedure |    --
        |           |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     | Vendor-    |    --     |    --
        |           |           |  Defined   |           |
        |           |           |   (127)    |           |
        |           |           | Extension  |           |
        |           |           |   (126)    |           |

                   (4)     (7)     (2)     (9)     (6)
              orig o------>o<=====>o------>o------>o dest

      I                           I                           I
      I        I D P              I          D S P            I
      I                           I                           I
      :                           :
      :                           :
      V                           V
      I     I                     I
      I AFI I     I D I           I
      I     I                     I

   +-------------+                                      +-------------+
   |   TS-user   |                                      |   TS-user   |
   +-------------+                                      +-------------+
           |                                                   |
           | TSAP interface                     TSAP interface |
           |  [ISO-8072]                                       |
           |                                                   |
   +------------+   ISO Transport Services on the TCP    +------------+
   |   client   |----------------------------------------|   server   |
   +------------+              (this memo)               +------------+
           |                                                   |
           | TCP interface                       TCP interface |
           |  [RFC-793]                                        |
           |                                                   |

  +--------------------------------------+                   +--------
  |  Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |  1                :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |           Length Indicator           |  2                :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |   Version/Protocol Id Extension      |  3                :   Fixed
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |              Lifetime                |  4                :    Part
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |SP|MS|E/R|      Type                  |  5                :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |           Segment Length             |  6,7              :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |              Checksum                |  8,9              :
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  | Destination Address Length Indicator |  10               :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |         Destination Address          |  11 through m-1   : Address
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |    Source Address Length Indicator   |  m                :    Part
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |            Source Address            |  m+1 through n-1  :
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  |         Data Unit Identifier         |  n,n+1            :
  |--------------------------------------|                   : Segment
  |            Segment Offset            |  n+2,n+3          :   ation
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |             Total Length             |  n+4,n+5          :    Part
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  |                Options               |  n+6 through p    : Options
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  |                 Data                 |  p+1 through z    :    Data
  +--------------------------------------+                   +--------

      |                                                          |
      |              Upper-Layer Protocol Modules                |

   --------------------- IP Service Interface -----------------------
      |                            |              |              |
      |                            |     ICMP     |     IGMP     |
      |             IP             |______________|______________|
      |           Module                                         |
      |                                                          |

   ---------------- Local Network Service Interface -----------------
      |                            |                             |
      |           Local            | IP-to-local address mapping |
      |          Network           |         (e.g. ARP)          |
      |          Modules           |_____________________________|
      |      (e.g. Ethernet)                                     |
      |                                                          |

       MAC Header|      Length     |                     802.{3/4/5} MAC

      | Dsap=K1| Ssap=K1| control|                             802.2 SAP

      |protocol id or org code =K2|    Ether Type   |         802.2 SNAP

             MAC Header|      Length     |               802.{3/4/5} MAC

            | Dsap=K1| Ssap=K1| control|                       802.2 SAP

            |protocol id or org code =K2|    Ether Type   |   802.2 SNAP

    |                                                                     |
    |                            ISO/TC 97/SC 6                           |
    |                TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION                   |
    |                     EXCHANGE BETWEEN SYSTEMS                        |
    |                       Secretariat: USA (ANSI)                       |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |

   --------------------+--- ISO NETWORK SERVICE PROVIDER -----^-----------------
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
           PROTOCOL    |  REFERENCE TO AIMS  -----------------+
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
   --------------------+---SUBNETWORK SERVICE DEFINITION(S)---v-----------------

          |             PRIMITIVES                    PARAMETERS        |
          |____________________________________________________________ |
          |  N_UNITDATA         .Request    |  N_Source_Address,        |
          |                     .Indication |  N_Destination_Address,   |
          |                                 |  N_Quality_of_Service,    |
          |                                 |  N_Userdata               |

          |             PRIMITIVES                    PARAMETERS        |
          |____________________________________________________________ |
          |  SN_UNITDATA        .Request    | SN_Source_Address,        |
          |                     .Indication | SN_Destination_Address,   |
          |                                 | SN_Quality_of_Service,    |
          |                                 | SN_Userdata               |

              |        PRIMITIVES               PARAMETERS      |
              |    S--TIMER     .Request  |  S-Time,            |
              |                           |  S-Name,            |
              |                           |  S-Subscript        |
              |                           |                     |
              |                 .Response |  S-Name,            |
              |                           |  S-Subscript        |

|                                |    FULL     |       NON       |  INACTIVE  |
| FUNCTION                       |  PROTOCOL   |    SEGMENTING   |   SUBSET   |
|                                |             |      SUBSET     |            |
|PDU Composition                 |     1       |        1        |     1      |
|PDU Composition                 |     1       |        1        |     1      |
|Header Format Analysis          |     1       |        1        |     1      |
|PDU Lifetime Control            |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Route PDU                       |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Forward PDU                     |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Segment PDU                     |     1       |       N/A       |    N/A     |
|Reassemble PDU                  |     1       |       N/A       |    N/A     |
|Discard PDU                     |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Error Reporting (Note 1)        |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Header Error Detection (Note 1) |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Security                        |     1       |        2        |    N/A     |
|Complete Source Routing         |     1       |        2        |    N/A     |
|Complete Route Recording        |     2       |        2        |    N/A     |
|Partial Source Routing          |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Partial Route Recording         |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Priority                        |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|QoS Maintenance                 |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Congestion Notification         |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Padding                         |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |

                           Part                      Described in
             |          Fixed Part             |      Section 7.2
             |          Address Part           |      Section 7.3
             |       Segmentation Part         |      Section 7.4
             |          Options Part           |      Section 7.5
             |              Data               |      Section 7.6

             |   Network Layer Protocol Identifier  |    1
             |          Length Indicator            |    2
             |     Version/Protocol Id Extension    |    3
             |              Lifetime                |    4
             |    SP  vline M S vline e/R | Type    |    5
             |            Segment Length            |   6,7
             |               Checksum               |   8,9

              |         | Bits               5   4   3   2   1 |
              | DT PDU  |                    1   1   1   0   0 |
              | ER PDU  |                    0   0   0   0   1 |

               |    Destination Address Length Indicator   |   10
               |                                           |   11
               :              Destination Address          :
               |                                           |  m - 1
               |     Source Address Length Indicator       |    m
               |                                           |  m + 1
               :               Source Address              :
               |                                           |  n - 1

                | Octet  | Address parameter Length Indicator |
                |   n    |                (e.g., 'm')         |
                | Octets |                                    |
                |  n + 1 |       Address Parameter Value      |
                |  thru  |                                    |
                |  n + m |                                    |

                    | Data Unit Identifier |       n, n + 1
                    |    Segment Offset    |   n + 2, n + 3
                    |     Total Length     |   n + 4, n + 5

        |                                                  | n + 6
        :                    Options                       :
        |                                                  |   p

                |     n      |       Parameter Code       |
                |   n + 1    |  Parameter Length (e.g.m)  |
                |   n + 2    |                            |
                |     to     |     Parameter Value        |
                | n + m + 1  |                            |

            |                                                  | p + 1
            :                      Data                        :
            |                                                  |   z

             |   Network Layer Protocol Identifier    |       1
             |            Length Indicator            |       2
             |      Version/Protocol Id Extension     |       3
             |                Lifetime                |       4
             |  S P  vline  M S vline e/R |  Type     |       5
             |             Segment Length             |      6,7
             |                Checksum                |      8,9
             |  Destination Address Length Indicator  |      10
             |                                        |      11
             :          Destination Address           :
             |________________________________________|     m - 1
             |    Source Address Length Indicator     |       m
             |                                        |     m + 1
             :             Source Address             :
             |                                        |     n - 1
             |          Data Unit Identifier          |    n, n + 1
             |             Segment Offset             |  n + 2, n + 3
             |              Total Length              |  n + 4, n + 5
             |                                        |    n + 6
             |                 Options                |
             |                                        |      p
             |                                        |    p + 1
             |                  Data                  |
             |                                        |      z

                  |Network Layer Protocol Identifier |  1
                  |                                  |  2
                  |                Data              |
                  |                                  |  2 - n

              |     Network Layer Protocol Identifier      |   1
              |              Length Indicator              |   2
              |        Version/Protocol Id Extension       |   3
              |                   Lifetime                 |   4
              |   SP= 0  vline MS= 0 vline Reserved | Type |   5
              |               Segment Length               |  6,7
              |                 Checksum                   |  8,9
              |    Destination Address Length Indicator    |  10
              |                                            |  11
              :            Destination Address             :
              |                                            | m - 1
              |     Source Address Length Indicator        |   m
              |                                            | m + 1
              :               Source Address               :
              |                                            | n - 1
              |                                            |   n
              |                   Options                  |
              |                                            | p - 1
              |                                            |   p
              |             Reason for Discard             |
              |                                            | q - 1
              |                                            |   q
              |          Error Report Data Field           |
              |                                            |   z

   Parameter Code:      1100 0001
   Parameter Length:    two octets
   Parameter Value:     type of error encoded in binary.  Values are listed
                        in Table 7:
| Parameter Value  |   Class of  |  Meaning                                    |
| Octet 1   Octet 2|    Error    |                                             |
| 0000      0000   |             | Reason not specified                        |
|           0001   |             | Protocol Procedure Error                    |
|           0010   |             | Incorrect Checksum                          |
|           0011   |  General    | PDU Discarded due to Congestion             |
|           0100   |             | Header Syntax Error (cannot be parsed)      |
|           0101   |             | Segmentation needed but not permitted       |
|           0110   |             | Incomplete PDU Received                     |
|           0111   |             | Duplicate Option                            |
| 1000      0000   |  Address    | Destination Address Unreachable             |
|           0001   |             | Destination Address Unknown                 |
| 1001      0000   |             | Unspecified Source Routing Error            |
|           0001   |   Source    | Syntax Error in Source Routing Field        |
|           0010   |  Routing    | Unknown Address in Source Routing Field     |
|           0011   |             | Path not Acceptable                         |
| 1010      0000   |  Lifetime   | Lifetime Expired while Data Unit in Transit |
|           0001   |             | Lifetime Expired during Reassembly          |
| 1011      0000   |             | Unsupported Option not Specified            |
|           0001   |     PDU     | Unsupported Protocol Version                |
|           0010   |  Discarded  | Unsupported Security Option                 |
|           0011   |             | Unsupported Source Routing Option           |
|           0100   |             | Unsupported Recording of Route Option       |
| 1100      0000   | Reassembly  | Reassembly interference                     |

    | Function                   |     Send   |   Forward |   Receive |
    | PDU Composition            |      M     |  (Note 1) |  (Note 1) |
    | PDU Decomposition          |      M     |     -     |     M     |
    | Header Format Analysis     |      -     |     M     |     M     |
    | PDU Lifetime Control       |            |     M     |     I     |
    | Route PDU                  |      -     |     M     |     -     |
    | Forward PDU                |      M     |     M     |  (Note 1) |
    | Segment PDU                |      M     |  (Note 2) |     -     |
    | Reassemble PDU             |      -     |     I     |     M     |
    | Discard PDU                |      -     |     M     |     M     |
    | Error Reporting            |      M     |     M     |     M     |
    | Header Error Detection     |   (Note 3) |     M     |     M     |
    |                            |            |           |           |
    | Security                   |      -     |  (Note 3) | (Note 4)  |
    | Complete Source Routing    |      -     |  (Note 4) |     -     |
    | Complete Route Recording   |      -     |  (Note 4) |     -     |
    | Partial Source Routing     |      -     |  (Note 5) |     -     |
    | Partial Route Recording    |      -     |  (Note 5) |     -     |
    | Priority                   |      -     |  (Note 5) |     -     |
    | QoS Maintenance            |      -     |  (Note 5) |     -     |
    | Congestion Notification    |      -     |  (Note 5) |     -     |
    | Padding                    |      -     |  (Note 5) | (Note 3)  |

    |                                                                     |
    |                            ISO/TC 97/SC 6                           |
    |                TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION                   |
    |                     EXCHANGE BETWEEN SYSTEMS                        |
    |                       Secretariat: USA (ANSI)                       |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |

 |This document is a progression of SC6/N3862, edited to incorporate member |
 |body comments and discussion at the Florence meeting of SC6/WG2. Pursuant |
 |to Recommendation 5 of that meeting, comments from member bodies on this  |
 |revision text are requested for discussion at the Tokyo meeting of SC6    |
 |and WGs.                                                                  |

     |    SN_UNITDATA          .Request    | SN_Destination_Address, |
     |                         .Indication | SN_Source_Address,      |
     |                                     | SN_Quality_of_Service,  |
     |                                     | SN_Userdata             |

         |                          |               |
         | S--TIMER     .Request    | S-Time,       |
         |                          | S-Name,       |
         |                          | S-Subscript   |
         |                          |               |
         |              .Response   | S-Name,       |
         |                          | S-Subscript   |

    | Function                      |   Category |   System Type |
    | Report Configuration          |      B     |      ES,IS    |
    | Record Configuration          |      B     |      ES,IS    |
    | Configuration Response        |      A     |       ES      |
    | Flush Old Configuration       |      B     |      ES,IS    |
    | Request Redirect              |      C     |       IS      |
    | Query Configuration           |      B     |       ES      |
    | Record Redirect               |      C     |       ES      |
    | Refresh Redirect              |      D     |       ES      |
    | Flush Old Redirect            |      C     |       ES      |
    | PDU Header Error Detection    |      A     |      ES,IS    |

      |    Network Layer Protocol Identifier |    1
      |           Length Indicator           |    2
      |      Version/Protocol Id Extension   |    3
      |        reserved (must be zero)       |    4
      | 0 |0 |0 |           Type             |    5
      |           Holding Time               |   6,7
      |             Checksum                 |   8,9

   |            | Bits               5   4   3   2   1 |
   |ESH PDU     |                    0   0   0   1   0 |
   |ISH PDU     |                    0   0   1   0   0 |
   |RD PDU      |                    0   0   1   1   0 |

         | Octet  | Address parameter Length Indicator |
         |   n    |                (e.g., 'm')         |
         | Octets |                                    |
         | n + 1  |       Address Parameter Value      |
         |  thru  |                                    |
         | n + m  |                                    |

         |Source Address Length Indicator (SAL) |   10
         |                                      |   11
         :           Source Address (SA)        :
         |                                      |  m - 1

   |Network Entity Title Length Indicator (NETL) |  10
   |                                             |  11
   :           Network Entity Title (NET)        :
   |                                             | m - 1

    |Destination Address Length Indicator (DAL) |  10
    |                                           |  11
    :           Destination Address (DA)        :
    |                                           | m - 1

    |Subnetwork Address Length Indicator (BSNPAL) |   m
    |                                             | m + 1
    :         Subnetwork Address (BSNPA)          :
    |                                             | n - 1

    |                                                  |   p
    :                    Options                       :
    |                                                  |   q

          |     n      |  Parameter Code  |
          |   n + 1    | Parameter Length |
          |   n + 2    |                  |
          |     to     | Parameter Value  |
          | n + m + 1  |                  |

       |    Network Layer Protocol Identifier     |   1
       |             Length Indicator             |   2
       |       Version/Protocol Id Extension      |   3
       |         reserved (must be zero)          |   4
       |0 |0 |0 |              Type               |   5
       |               Holding Time               |  6,7
       |                 Checksum                 |  8,9
       |    Source Address Length Indicator (SAL) |  10
       |                                          |  11
       :           Source Address (SA)            :
       |                                          | m - 1
       |                                          |   m
       :                  Options                 :
       |                                          | p - 1

   |        Network Layer Protocol Identifier    |   1
   |                 Length Indicator            |   2
   |          Version/Protocol Id Extension      |   3
   |             reserved (must be zero)         |   4
   |0 |0 |0 |                  Type              |   5
   |                   Holding Time              |  6,7
   |                     Checksum                |  8,9
   |Network Entity Title Length Indicator (NETL) |  10
   |                                             |  11
   :           Network Entity Title (NET)        :
   |                                             | m - 1
   |                                             |  m
   :                      Options                :
   |                                             | p - 1

   |         Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |    1
   |                  Length Indicator           |    2
   |           Version/Protocol Id Extension     |    3
   |               reserved (must be zero)       |    4
   |0 |0 |0 |                   Type             |    5
   |                    Holding Time             |   6,7
   |                      Checksum               |   8,9
   |   Destination Address Length Indicator (DAL)|   10
   |                                             |   11
   :              Destination Address (DA)       :
   |                                             | m - 1
   |Subnetwork Address Length Indicator (BSNPAL) |   m
   |                                             | m + 1
   :          Subnetwork Address (DBSNPA)        :
   |                                             | n - 1
   |Network Entity Title Length Indicator (NETL) |   n
   |                                             | n + 1
   :            Network Entity Title (NET)       :
   |                                             | p - 1
   |                                             |   p
   :                        Options              :
   |                                             | q - 1

   |         Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |    1
   |                  Length Indicator           |    2
   |           Version/Protocol Id Extension     |    3
   |               reserved (must be zero)       |    4
   |0 |0 |0 |                   Type             |    5
   |                    Holding Time             |   6,7
   |                      Checksum               |   8,9
   |   Destination Address Length Indicator (DAL)|   10
   |                                             |   11
   :              Destination Address (DA)       :
   |                                             | m - 1
   |Subnetwork Address Length Indicator (BSNPAL) |   m
   |                                             | m + 1
   :          Subnetwork Address (DBSNPA)        :
   |                                             | n - 1
   |                   NETL = 0                  |   n
   |                                             | n + 1
   :                   Options                   :
   |                                             | p - 1
   |              Quality of Service             | n + 1

         /                                                      \
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     | terminal  |                    | terminal  |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----+-----+    |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |     |     | Request connection |     |     |    |
   UCLA {     |     |     | -> over link 25    |     |     |    } SRI
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |   +-+-+   |    |
        |     |   | OS|---+-=|I|----------|I|=-+---| OS|   |    |
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |   +---+   |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |      HOST: UCLA                        HOST: SRI      |
         \                                                     /

         /                                                      \
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     | terminal  |                    | terminal  |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----+-----+    |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |     +-----+-----+ "Please send front"+-----------+    |
        |     |     |     | end control"       |     |     |    |
   UCLA {     |     |     |        ->          |     |     |    } SRI ___
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |  +--+---+ |    |    /   |
        |     |   | OS|---+-=|I|----------|I|=-+--|OS|NLS| +----+---|    |
        |     |   +-+-+   |  +-+          +-+  |  +------+ |    |   |___/
        |     |           |       DEL prog.    |           |    |   |    |
        |     |           |        <-          |           |    |   |____|
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |      HOST: UCLA                        HOST:SRI       |
         \                                                     /

         /                                                     \
        |     +-----------+                    +-----------+    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     | terminal  |                    | terminal  |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     |           |                    |           |    |
        |     +-----+-----+                    +-----+-----+    |
        |           |Trivial                         |          |
        |           |Responses                       |          |
        |           |                                |          |
        |     +-----+------+                    +-----------+   |
        |     |     |      |                    |     |     |   |
   UCLA {     |     |      |  Major Responses   |     |     |   } SRI ___
        |     |  +--+--+   |  +-+          +-+  |  +--+---+ |   |    /   |
        |     |  |DEL  |---+-=|I|----------|I|=-+--|OS|NLS| +---+---|    |
        |     |  |front|   |  +-+          +-+  |  +------+ |   |   |___/
        |     |  | end |   |                    |           |   |   |    |
        |     |  |prog.|   |                    |           |   |   |____|
        |     |  +-----+   |                    |           |   |
        |     |  | OS  |   |                    |           |   |
        |     |  +-----+   |                    |           |   |
        |     |            |                    |           |   |
        |     +------------+                    +-----------+   |
        |      HOST: UCLA                         HOST: SRI     |
         \                                                     /

            | |              |
               \          +--+
          ADD   CARRY---> |  |

              | FIELD 4 | FIELD 3 | FIELD 2 | FIELD 1 |

              | FIELD 8 | FIELD 7 | FIELD 6 | FIELD 5 |
            | |         |         |         |         |
             |      |        |         |         |
             |      |        |         |         v
             |      |        |         |    +---------+
             |      |        |         |    |         |
             |      |        |         |    +---------+
             |      |        |         |
             |      |        |         \    +---------+
             |      |        |          `-> |         |
             |      |        |              +---------+
             |      |        |
             |      |        \              +---------+
             |      |         `-----------> |         |
             |      |                       +---------+
             |      |
             |      \                       +---------+
             |       `--------------------->|         |
             |                              +---------+
             \                                    +---+
              `-----CARRY------------------------>|   |
                                  |         |         |
                                       \        +-----+
                                    ADD `-----> |     |

          +-                                                     -+
          |8080 (max host message length) - 32 (heading + marking)|
          |                8 (byte = 8 bits)                      |
          +-                                                     -+

                           HOST (Sigma 7) <--|/|--> Outside world
   Users                                     |/|
    |                                        |/|
    |                                        |/|   Special  Standard
    V                                        |/|      |       |
         +--------------+   +------------+   |/|      V   |   V
    o----|              |   |            |   |/|   +------+------+
         |   Output     |-->|   Output   |-->|/|-->|      |      |-->IMP
    . . .|              |   |            |   |/|   |             |
         |              |   |            |   |/|   |      |      |
    o----| (Multiplex)  |   |            |   |/|   |             |
         |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ |   |_ _ _ _ _ _ |   |/|   | _ _ _| _ _ _|
    o----|              |   |            |   |/|   |      |      |
         |   Input      |<--|    Input   |<--|/|<--|             |<--IMP
    . . .|              |   |            |   |/|   |      |      |
         |              |   |            |   |/|   |             |
    o----|(Distribution)|   |            |   |/|   +------|------+
         |              |   |            |   |/|       HARDWARE
         +--------------+   +------------+   |/|       Interface
             NETWORK          HANDLER        |/|
             Program          Program        |/|
                                             |/|    (Fig. 1)

                                                   | | |              |
                                                   | | | interface    |
                                                   | | |              |
                                                   |                  |
                                                   | ====> Data       |
                                                   |                  |
                                                   | ----- Logical    |
                                                   |       information|

                      + - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
                      |                            |
                              interface table
                      |        +----------+        |               | |
        | |              +---->|          |<----+                  | |
        | |           |  |     +----------+     |  |   interrupt   | |
        | |           ^  |                      |     +----<-------| |
        | |           |  |    +-          -+    |  |  |            | |
        | |           |  V    |  _________ |    V  V  V            | |
   o----| |-+  +---------+-+  | |         ||  +-+--+--+---+        | |
        | |  \ |+---------+|  | |_________||  |+---------+|        | |
        | |   \||         ||  |            |  ||         ||        | |
        | |    +|         ||  | - - - - - -|  ||         ||        | |
        | |    ||         ||  |            |  ||         ||        | |
    - - - - - -|| NETWORK ||=>-  _________ -=>|| HANDLER ||=======>| |
        | |    +| Progr.  ||  | |         ||  || Progr.  ||        | |
        | |   /||         ||  | |_________||  ||         ||        | |
        | |  / |+---------+|  |            |  |+---------+|        | |
   o----| |-+  +-----------+  |  _________ |  +----+------+        | |
   ^    | |                   | |         ||       |               | |
   |    | |                   | |_________||       +--->---------->| |
   |     ^                    +-    ^     -+         Commands      | |
   Users |                          |                              | |
         |                    Pool of buffers                      | |
       User's                                                       ^
      Interface                                                     |

             HOST(x)        Control link                     HOST(y)
                          ACK ENQ PRIM 0 1 2 0 1 5

             HOST(x)     Prim. Link #12                       HOST(y)
                         ! S I G N - I N : X X

             HOST(x)     Prim. Link #15                       HOST(y)
                         ! ! R E A D Y

             HOST(x)     Prim. Link #12                       HOST(y)
                           ! U R S A

             HOST(x)           Control link                  HOST(y)
                               ENQ AUX 0 2 5

             HOST(x)           Control link                  HOST(y)
                             ACK ENQ AUX 0 2 5 0 2 1

             HOST(x)        Aux. Link #25                    HOST(y)
                               X X ..... X X

             HOST(x)         Aux. Link #21                   HOST(y)
                             X ......... X

             HOST(x)           Control Link                  HOST(y)
                               EOT 0 0 1 0 1 2

             HOST(x)           Control Link                  HOST(y)
                            ACK EOT 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 5

|<---32 bits--->|<---32 bits--->|<----16 bits---->|<------?------>|
|    leader     |    marking    |    checksum     |    padding    |

    Terminal        ______                                 ________
    _________      |      |     ______          ______    |        |
   |         |     | USER |    |      |        |      |   |SERVING |
   |         |-----| HOST |----|      |---//---|      |---| HOST   |
   |_________|     |  A   |    |      |        |      |   |  B     |
                   |______|    |______|        |______|   |________|
                  University                               Stanford
                   of Utah                                 Research

  B  \ b7 ------------>| 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
   I  \  b6 ---------->| 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   |
    T  \   b5 -------->| 0   | 1   | 0   | 1   | 0   | 1   | 0   | 1   |
     S                 |-----------------------------------------------|
               COLUMN->| 0   | 1   | 2   | 3   | 4   | 5   | 6   | 7   |
|b4 |b3 |b2 |b1 | ROW  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0    | NUL | DLE | SP  | 0   | @   | P   |   ` |   p |
| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1    | SOH | DC1 | !   | 1   | A   | Q   |   a |   q |
| 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2    | STX | DC2 | "   | 2   | B   | R   |   b |   r |
| 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3    | ETX | DC3 | #   | 3   | C   | S   |   c |   s |
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4    | EOT | DC4 | $   | 4   | D   | T   |  d  |   t |
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5    | ENQ | NAK | %   | 5   | E   | U   |  e  |   u |
| 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6    | ACK | SYN | &   | 6   | F   | V   |  f  |   v |
| 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7    | BEL | ETB | '   | 7   | G   | W   |  g  |   w |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8    | BS  | CAN | (   | 8   | H   | X   |  h  |   x |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9    | HT  | EM  | )   | 9   | I   | Y   |  i  |   y |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10   | LF  | SUB | *   | :   | J   | Z   |  j  |   z |
| 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11   | VT  | ESC | +   |  ;  | K   | [   |  k  |   { |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12   | FF  | FS  | ,   | <   | L   | \   |  l  |   | |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13   | CR  | GS  | -   | =   | M   | ]   |  m  |   } |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14   | SO  | RS  | .   | >   | N   | ^   |  n  |   ~ |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15   | SI  | US  | /   | ?   | O   | _   |  o  | DEL |

               <-------------32 bits --------------->
               |           HEADER                   |
               |      |       |           |         |
               | mark |  l    |  <L1>     |  <L2>   |
               |                 |                  |
               |     checksum    |     Padding      |
                 typical control message (please
                 establish auxiliary link #L2
                 parallel to our primary link #l)

   0     3  4   7  8  9   10   14   LINK#      24              31
   |       |      |     |       |               |////////////////|
   | FLAGS | TYPE |  H  |  SITE | 00000001      |////////////////|

   Figure 1 Initial network configuration |<------------ 24bits ----------->|
   |                                 |
   |                                 |
   |        Leader (32 bits)         |
   |               __________________|
   |              | 100 ---    ----0 |<----16 bits of marking
   |                                 |
   |                                 |
   |   Text of messages (96 bits)    |
   |                                 |
   | 100-----          ----0|
           |______16 bits of padding added
                  by the interface

          24                    8          8
   |  User Number         |           |          |
                                |          |___AEN
                                |___HOST number
   Figure 3 A typical socket

              |<--- connection --->|
   +---------+                      +---------+
   |         |        link          |         |
   | process |--(|--------------|)--| process |
   |         |   ^              ^   |         |
   +---------+   |              |   +---------+
                 |              |
             send socket    receive socket

                     Socket    Port
                     |    |      |    ____________
                     |    V      V   /            \
                     V              /              \
                         |=|    /==|                |
             -------(+)->|Y|--><   |                |
                         |=|    \==|                |
                                   |    PROCESS     |
                                   |                |
                         |=|    /==|                |
             -------(-)->|X|<--<   |                |
                         |=|    \==|                |
                                    \              /

              H O S T  A                      H O S T  C
    ______________________________       ______________________
   |                              |     |                      |
   |  ____   ____   ____   ____   |     |  ____   ____   ____  |
   | |Proc| |Proc| |Proc| |    |  |     | |Proc| |Proc| |    | |
   | | A  | | B  | | C  | |UCC |  |     | | D  | | E  | |UCC | |
   | |____| |____| |____| |____|  |     | |____| |____| |____| |
   |    |     |      |      |     |     |    |     |      |    |
  - - - - - - |- - - |- - - |- - -|- - -|- - |- - -|- - - |- - - - - -
   |    |     |      |      |   NCP NETWORK  |     |      |    |
   |    |     |      |      |     |     |    |     |      |    |
   |   _|_____|______|______|_    |     |   _|_____|______|_   |
   |  |                       |   |     |  |                |  |
   |  |      N C P   A        |   |     |  |   N C P   C    |  |
   |  |_______________________|   |     |  |________________|  |
   |                     ||       |     |       ||             |
   |_____________________||_______|     |_______||_____________|
                         ||                     ||
  - - - - - - - - - - - -|| - - - - - - - - - - ||- - - - - - - - - -
                         ||     IMP NETWORK     ||
                      ___||___              ____||__
                     |        |            |        |
                     |  IMP   |------------|  IMP   |
                     |   A    |            |   C    |
                     |________|            |________|
                         |                     |
                         |       ________      |
                         |      |        |     |
                         +------|  IMP   |-----+
                                |   B    |

          HOST  A               |          HOST B
          INITIATOR             |          ACCEPTOR
          PROCESS 'a'           |          PROCESS 'b'
                                |  a. LISTEN 'socket code 9'
 b. INIT 'socket code 12' 'Bb9' |
      RFC 'AA12' 'Bb9' 'link 47' ==========>
                                | c. ACCEPT 'socket code 9'
                                |        RFC 'Bb9' 'Aa12'
                                | d. TRANSMIT 'send buffer' 'len'
                                |                        'socket 9'
                     <============== IMP message 'link 47' 'send buffer'
 e. TRANSMIT 'rec buffer' 'length'
                    'socket 12' ============>
                                | f. CLOSE 'socket code 9'
                             last RFNM ===>
                      <============== CLS 'Bb9' 'Aa12'
     closes socket 'Aa12'       |

                              |  I M P  |
                                v     ^
                                |     |
    |                           |     |                              |
    |   /\/\/\/\/\/\/\          |     |     /\/\/\/\/\/\/\           |
    |   \            / <--------+     +---< \            /           |
    |   /  Input     \                      /  Output    \           |
    |   \   Handler  /                      \   Handler  / <----+    |
    |   /            \ >------+             /            \      |    |
    |   \/\/\/\/\/\/\/        |             \/\/\/\/\/\/\/      ^    |
    |                         v                              +-----+ |
    |                      +-----+                           | OH  | |
    |                      | IM  |                           | Buf | |
    |                      | Buf |                           +-----+ |
    |                      +-----+          /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\    ^    |
    | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\        v      +----> \              /    |    |
    | \              /        |      |      /  Output      \ >--+    |
    | /              \ <------+      ^      \              /         |
    | \  Input       /           /-----\    /   Scheduler  \         |
    | /              \ >-------->| HIQ |    \              /         |
    | \  Interpreter /           |_____|    /              \         |
    | /              \ >----+    \_____/    \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/         |
    | \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/      |                ^     v    ^            |
    |   ^   ^    ^   \      |    /-----\     |     |    |    /-----\ |
    |   |    \    \   \     |    |  O  |     |     |    |    |  O  | |
    |   |     \    \   \    +--->|  C  |>----+     |    +---<|  R  | |
    |   v     v     v   \        |  C  |           |         |  M  | |
    | +---+ +---+ +---+  \       |  Q  |           v         |  Q  | |
    | |   | |   | |   |   \      |_____|      +---------+    |_____| |
    | |ILT| |LAT| |OLT|    \     \_____/      |         |    \_____/ |
    | |   | |   | |   |     \       ^         |   R T   |       ^    |
    | +---+ +---+ +---+      +------|-------->|         |       |    |
    |         v                     |         +---------+       |    |
    |         |                     ^              ^            |    |
    |         |            /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\        |            |    |
    |         |            \              /        |            |    |
    |         +----------->/    System    \<-------+            |    |
    |                      \     Call     /                     |    |
    |                      /  Interpreter \>--------------------+    |
    |                      \              /                          |
    |                  +-->/              \>--+                      |
    |                  |   \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/   |                      |
                       |                      |
                       +---< system calls <---+

   Request Connection, Receiver to Sender
                     |       |             |               |        |
                     |  RTS  |  my socket  |  your socket  |  link  |

   Request Connection, Sender to Receiver
                     |       |             |               |
                     |  STR  |  my socket  |  your socket  |

                     |       |             |               |
                     |  CLS  |  my socket  |  your socket  |

                     |       |        |         |
                     |  ALL  |  link  |  space  |

   Interrupt Sent by Receiving Process
                     |      |        |
                     | INR  |  link  |

   Interrupt Sent by Sending Process
                    |      |        |
                    | INS  |  link  |

   Echo Request
                     ____________________________   _________
                    |       |                    \  \        |
                    |  ECO  |  length            /  /  text  |
                    |_______|____________________\  \________|

   Echo Reply
                     ____________________________   _________
                    |       |                    \  \        |
                    |  ERP  |  length            /  /  text  |
                    |_______|____________________\  \________|

   Error Detected
                     ____________________________   _________
                    |       |                    \  \        |
                    |  ERR  |  length            /  /  text  |
                    |_______|____________________\  \________|

   <my socket> and <your socket> are 32 bits long,
                    |               |       |
                    |  User number  |  AEN  |

               ^      |                      Fig. 4.1
         |                 |
         |     System      |
         |      Call       |
         |   Interpreter   |
         |_________________|              _____________
            ^  |      |                  |             |
            |  |      |  +---------------|    Input    |
            |  |      |  |         +-----| Interpreter |
            |  |      |  |         |     |             |
            |  V      V  V         V      -------------
          |======| |=========| |=======|     |      ^
          | D Q  | | O C C Q | | H I Q |     |      |
          |======| |=========| |=======|     |      |
            |  ^        |          |         |      |
            |  |        |          |         |      |
            |  +--------)----------)---------+      |
            |           |          |                |
            +-------+   |   +------+                |
                  __V___V___V__                     |
                 |             |                    |
                 |   Output    |                    |
                 |  Scheduler  |                    |
                 |_____________|                    |
                        |                           |
                        V                           |
                  (===========)               (===========)
                  ( O H B U F )               ( I H B U F )
                  (===========)               (===========)
                        |                           ^
                  ______V______               ______|______
                 |             |             |             |
                 |   Output    |             |    Input    |
                 |   Handler   |             |   Handler   |
                 |             |             |             |
                  -------------               -------------
                        |                           ^
                        |                           |
                        +----------+    +-----------+
                                   |    |
                              |              |
                              |     I M P    |

                     |              |       CLOSE
      CONN/          |    CLOSED    |<---------------------------+
      send RFC       |     (0)      |       LISTEN               |
    +----------------|              |-----------------------+    |
    |                |______________|                       |    |
    |                     |    ^                            |    |
    |              [E]RFC |    |  CLS/send CLS              |    |
    |                  ___V____|____                     ___V____|____
    |  non-matching   |             |                   |             |
    |  CONN/send RFC  |   PENDING   | LISTEN        RFC |  LISTENING  |
    |   +-------------|    (1)      |----------+   +----|     (2)     |
    |   |             |_____________|          |   |    |_____________|
    |   |       matching     |                 |   |
 ___V___V_____  CONN/send RFC|               __V___V______
|             |              |     ACCEPT/  |             | CLS/
|   RFC-SENT  | RFC          |     send RFC |   RFC-RECD  | send CLS
|     (5)     |----------+   |   +----------|     (3)     |---------+
|_____________|          |   |   |          |_____________|         |
   |   |                 |   |   |               |                  |
   |   |              ___V___V___V___  SND&CLOSE |   ____________   |
   |   |    RCV&CLS/ |               |-----------)->|            |  |
   |   |    send CLS |      OPEN     | SND&CLS   |  |  DATA-WAIT |  |
   |   |   +---------|      (6)      |--------+  |  |    (8)     |  |
   |   |   |         |_______________|        |  |  |____________|  |
   |   |   |      RCV&CLOSE/ |                |  |   |              |
   |   |   |       send CLS  |                |  |   |              |
   |   |   |                 |                |  |   | CLS          |
   |   |   |           ______V______          |  |   |              |
   |   |   |   CLOSE/ |             |CLOSE/   |  |   |              |
   |   |   |  send CLS|   CLS-WAIT  |send CLS |  |   |              |
   |   +---)--------->|     (8)     |<--------)--+   |              |
   |       |          |_____________|         |      |              |
   |       |                 |             ___V______V_       ______V___
   |       |                 |            |            |     |          |
   |       |                 |            |  RFNM-WAIT |     |   ABORT  |
   |       |             CLS |            |     (9)    |     |    (4)   |
   |       |                 |            |____________|     |__________|
   |       |                 |                   |                 |
   |       |           ______V_______  RFNM/     |                 |
   |       |          |              | send CLS  |                 |
   |  CLS/ +--------->|    CLOSED    |<----------+                 |
   | send CLS         |     (0)      |                ACCEPT|CLOSE |
   +----------------->|              |<----------------------------+

        |     OVF     |     my socket     |     your socket     |

                    SITE K              SITE L
                  ________            ________
                 /        \          /        \
                /          \        /          \
               /            \      /            \
              |  Process A   |    |   Process B  |
              |              |    |              |
              |              |    |              |
               \            /      \            /
                \          /        \   port M /
                 \________/          \____^___/
                                      RECEIVE ANY

                   SITE K                        SITE L
                 ________                      ________
                /        \                    /        \
               /          \                  /          \
              /            \                /            \
             |  Process A   |              |   Process B  |
             |              |              |              |
             |              |              |              |
              \            /                \            /
               \  port N  /--->SEND FROM --->\  port M  /
                \________/       ANY          \________/

                    SITE K                         SITE L
                  ________                 R    ________
                 /        \                e   /        \
                /          \               n T/          \
               /            \              d a            \
              |              |             e b  Process B |
              |  Process A   |             z l            |
              |              |             v e            |
               \            /              o \            /
                \  port P  /  RECEIVE ---> u  \          /
                 \________/   MESSAGE      s   \________/

                    SITE K                         SITE L
                  ________                 R    ________
                 /        \                e   /        \
                /          \               n T/          \
               /            \              d a            \
              |              |             e b  Process B |
              |  Process A   |             z l            |
              |              |             v e            |
               \            /              o \            /
                \  port P  /               u <--- port Q /
                 \________/    SEND        s   \________/
                                to site L
                                containing P & Q

                SITE K                                SITE L
              ________                              ________
             /        \                            /        \
            /          \                          /          \
           /            \                        /            \
          |   Process A  |                      |  Process B   |
          |              |                      |              |
          |              |                      |              |
           \  port P    /                        \  port Q    /
            \          / <---- transmission <---- \          /
             \________/    to port T, site K       \________/
                            containing data and L

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \                  /          \
                    /            \                /            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |              |   Process B  |
                   |              |              |              |
                    \            /                \            /
                     \          /      RECEIVE--> port M      /
                      \        /       ANY          \        /
                       \______/                      \______/

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \                  /          \
                    /            \                /            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |              |   Process B  |
                   |              |              |              |
                    \   port N   /                \   port M   /
                     \          /--->SEND FROM --->\          /
                      \        /        ANY         \        /
                       \______/                      \______/

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \        Rendezvous/          \
                    /            \            table            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |           ^  |   Process B  |
                   |              |           |  |              |
                    \   port P   /            |   \            /
                     \          /             |    \          /
                      \        / <--RECEIVE __/     \        /
                       \______/     MESSAGE          \______/

                        ______                       ______
                       /      \                     /      \
                      /        \                   /        \
                     /          \       Rendezvous/          \
                    /            \           table            \
                   |              |             |              |
                   |   Process A  |             |   Process B  |
                   |              |             |              |
                    \   port P   /        <--------- port Q   /
                     \          /                 \          /
                      \        /        SEND       \        /
                       \______/                     \______/
                                        to site L

                        ______                        ______
                       /      \                      /      \
                      /        \                    /        \
                     /          \                  /          \
                    /            \                /            \
                   |              |              |              |
                   |   Process A  |              |   Process B  |
                   |              |              |              |
                    \   port P   /                \   port Q   /
                     \          /<--transmission<--\          /
                      \        /                    \        /
                       \______/   to port P, site K  \______/

         _________________           __________________      _____________
        | rendezvous site |  <6>    | destination site |    | source site |
        |-----------------|         |------------------|    |-------------|
        |    RECEIVE port |         |   RECEIVE port   |    | RECEIVE port|
        |-----------------|         |------------------|    |-------------|
        |    SEND port    |         |   SEND port      |    | SEND port   |
        |-----------------|         |------------------|    |-------------|
        |                 |         |   source site    |    |             |
        |                 |         |------------------|    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |     data        |         |     data         |    |   data      |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |                 |         |                  |    |             |
        |_________________|         |__________________|    |_____________|
         transmitted                 transmitted             received
         by SEND                     by Network              by RECEIVE
         process                     Controller              process

0                        17           0                           31
--------------------------            ------------------------------
|        leader          |            |           leader           |
--------------------------            ------------------------------
|               | 0 0 0 1|            | 0 0 0 1 |                  |
--------------------------            -----------                  |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
| message                |            | message                    |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |
|                        |            |                            |

   0                                       23
   |             leader                     |
   |                   ----------------------
   |                   | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   | <- contents of
   |-----------------------------------------    sending Host memory
   |                                        |    (24 bits)
   |            Message                     |
   |                                        |

   0                             15
   |                              |
   |                              |
   |         leader               |
   |                              |
   |                              |
   |   message                    |
   |                              |

0                        15      0                                   35
------------------------------   --------------------------------------
|                            |   |                                    |
|       leader               |   |     leader                  | 0000 |
------------------------------   --------------------------------------
|                            |   |                                    |
| message                    |   | message                            |
|                            |   |                                    |
|                            |   |                                    |

      1            2            1                 L        bits
   |OUT-   |               |  CLASS  |                           |
   |PUT    |       L+8     |   DEP.  |             DATA          |
   |CLASS  |               |  FIELD  |                           |

                                 This acknowledges proper usercode and
                                 sends any appropriate notes on system
                                 The exclamation point (!) is the escape
                                 character which flags direct input to
                                 the PDP-11 OS:

              | Half Duplex |  Full Duplex
              |             |
Character     |             |
   Oriented   |   type1     |    type2
              |             |
              |             |
Line          |             |
  Oriented    |   type3     |    type4
              |             |

            1              4                 3          1     1
         | RTS |          US         |      SERV     |  1  |  P  |

            1           3          1            4
         | STR |      SERV      |  1  |         US         |

            1     1            4
         | ALL |  P  |       SPACE        |

            1            3         1             4
         | CLS |       SERV     |  1  |         US         |

            1            4                     4
         | STR |      SS + 1        |          US        |
         | RTS |         SS         |        SS + 1      | Q |

            1             4                    4
         | STR |       US + 1       |         SS         |
         | RTS |          US        |       SS + 1       | R |

         1            4                    3         1     1
      | RTS |         US         |       SERV     |  1  |  P  |

         1           3          1             4
      | CLS |      SERV      |  1  |         US          |

         1             4                     4
      | STR |       SS + 1       |          US         |
      | RTS |         SS         |        US + 1       | Q |

         1              4                     4
      | STR |        US + 1       |        SS + 1      |
      | RTS |        US + 1       |          SS        | R |

    |                                |
    |              ________________  |
    |             |   local        | |     one
    |             |   reference    | | <== site    ____________
    |             |    material    | |            (            )
    |             -----------------| |            (            )
    |                                |         => (____________)
    |                                |        ||       \\
    |                                |        ||     Other sites
    |                                |        ||         \\
    |                  ________      |        ||      ____________
    | local =====>    |        |================     (            )
    | users           |  agent |=====|===============(            )
    |       =====>    |________|     |               (____________)
    |                                |

                        |     "2741"      |     "33, 35, 37"  |
                        |    hard wire    |      2 separate   |
                        |   local echo    |     lines all     |
                        |  computer does  |     printed       |
                        |   not echo      |                   |
            Process     |     hard        |          X        |
            each        |                 |                   |
            character   |                 |                   |
            Process     |      X          |          easy     |
            only after  |                 |                   |
            EOL         |                 |                   |

                   |     |     |     |
                   |     |     |     |
                   |     |     |     |
                   |     |     |     |

                      1   2               n       1    2          m
               |  n |   |   |           |   | m |   |   |       |   |
               <------- record -----------> <-------- record ------->

Term Format 1
|                                                                     |
|     name ( data  replication  .   value     :    length    )        |
|            type   expression    expression      expression          |
|                                                                     |

Term Format 2
|                                                                     |
|           name (label)                                              |
|                                                                     |

Term Format 3
|                                                                     |
|   name    (  programming    connective        operand  )            |
|              variable                       expression              |
|                                                                     |

   CHECK <---     '10101111'BYTE + 01010000'BYTE + '11111010'BYTE +

           REMOTE SITE             CENTRAL SITE (CCN)
      +---------------------+    +--------------------+
      |                 a   |    |                    |
      | Console Input  o----------->o f               |
      |                 b   |    |                    |
      | Console Output o<-----------o g               |
      |                 c   |    |                    |
      | Card Reader    o------------o h               |
      |                 d   |    |                    |
      | Printer        o<-----------o i               |
      |                 e   |    |                    |
      | Card Punch     o<-----------o j               |
      |                     |    |                    |
      +---------------------+    +--------------------+

36-Bit Words Transmitted
From MITDG's PDP-10 to
Harvard's PDP-1
                      |               |    count      |
First word of results |                               |
Specified in Image+0. |                               |
                      |      results                  |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
                      |                               |
Last word of results  |                               |
specified in Image+1. |                               |

       Host Providing                        Host Providing
   Computational Facility                Reconfiguration Service
   +--------------------+  STANDARD  +-----------------------------+
   |                    |   FORMAT   |  +----------+ +-----------+ |
   |                    |------------|--|  Inter-  |-|  Display  | |
   |                    | (of Macro  | /|  preter  | |  Handler  | |
   |                    | Form Data) |//+----------+ +-----------+ |
   +--------------------+            //--------------------|-------+
                                    //                     |
                                   /(                +-----------+
                                  /  \               | Terminal  |
                                 /    \              +-----------+
                                /      \
                               /        \
                              /          \
                   NON-STD.  /            \  NON-STD.
     (Terminal Order Codes) /              \ (Detailed Data)
                           /                \
                          /                  \
                         /                    \
                        /                      \
                       /                        \
                      /                          \
                     |                            |
             +-------|-------+            +-------|-------+
             |       |       |            | +-----------+ |
     Minimum |       |       |            | |  Display  | | Minimum
      Host   |       |       |            | |  Handler  | |  Host
             |       |       |            | +-----------+ |
             +-------|-------+            +-------|-------+
                     |                            |
               +-----------+                +-----------+
               | Terminal  |                | Terminal  |
               +-----------+                +-----------+

                   8        32          32         8
                | RTS |     US     |   SERV     |  P  |

                   8        32          32
                | CLS |    SERV   |     US     |

                   8        32          32
                | CLS |     US    |    SERV    |

                   8        32          32
                | STR |    SERV   |     US     |

                   8        32          32
                | CLS |    SERV   |     US     |

                   8        32          32
                | CLS |     US    |    SERV    |

                 |                          |
                 |_ _ _ _  LEADER   _ _ _ _ |
                 |                          |
                 |                          |
                 |        BYTE COUNT        |
                 |            |             |
   BYTE SIZE-----|---->       |             |
                 |            |             |
                 |            |<------------|--Beginning of first
                 |____________|_____________|       data byte
                 |                          |
                 |                          |

    1       1       1            variable         1
+-------+-------+-------+  / +------//--------+-------+ \
|       |       | BREAK | /  |                | BREAK |  \
| x'00' | x'00' | CHAR. | \  |  CARD  IMAGE   | CHAR. |  / ...
+-------+-------+-------+  \ +------//--------+-------+ /

    1       1            1       2      L bits
+-------+-------+  / +-------+-------+-----//-----+ \
|       |       | /  |       |       |    TEXT    |  \
| x'00' | x'80' | \  | x'01' |   L   | card image |  / ...
+-------+-------+  \ +-------+-------+-----//-----+ /

    1       1                  80
+-------+-------+  / +--------------------+ \
|       |       | /  |                    |  \
| x'00' | x'C0' | \  |     card image     |  / ...
+-------+-------+  \ +--------------------+ /

*This restriction is temporary; a fix is in the works and will be

Installation __________________________  Prepared By _______________

System**  _____________________________  Date  _____________________




       Remarks: ____________________________________________________










                |                                   |
                |              leader               |
                |                                   |
                |        |        |                 |
                |   M1   |    S   |        C        |
                |        |        |                 |
                |        |        ^                 |
                |   M2   |        |                 |
                |        |        |                 |
                +--------+        |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                                   |
                |                Text               |
                //                                 //
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |                 |
                |                 |        +--------+
                |                 |        |        |
                |                 |        |   M3   |
                |                 v        |        |
                |                 |
                |  10 --------- 0 | <-- Padding
                |                 |

      |  8  |          32           |          32           |  8  |
      |     |                       |                       |     |
1.    | STR | send socket           | receive socket        |     |
      |     |                       |                       |  ^  |
      |  8  |  8  |   16      |           32          |        +-- byte size
      |     |     |           |                       |
2.    | ALL | link| msg space | bit space             |
      |     |     |           |                       |

      |  8  |  8  |   16      |           32          |
      |     |     |           |                       |
3.    | RET | link| msg space | bit space             |
      |     |     |           |                       |

      |  8  |  8  |  8  |  8  |
      |     |     |     |     |
4.    | GVB | link|  fM |  fB |
      |     |     |  ^  |  ^  |
                     |     |
                     |     +-- bit fraction
                     +-------- message fraction

      |  8  |  8  |                       80                        |
      +-----+-----+---------------------- // -----------------------+
      |     |     |                                                 |
7.    | ERR |     |  text                                           |
      |     |  ^  |                                                 |
      +-----+--|--+---------------------- // -----------------------+
               +-- error code

                   |     Hex Code
             ASCII |-------+--------
            Symbol | ASCII | EBCDIC
               DC3 |  13   |  3A
                   |       |
                `  |  60   |  70
                   |       |
                \  |  5C   |  71
                   |       |
                ^  |  5E   |  72

                         | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
                                   Code Structure

   | <code><filler count><NUL><data count><NUL> |    <data><filler>   |
   | |____||____________||___||__________||___| |    |____________|   |
   |   |         |         |        |       |   |          |          |
   | 24-bits   8-bits    8-bits  24-bits  8-bits|    variable length  |
   | <-------descriptor field 72-bits---------> |<--data and filler-->|
   |                                            |                     |

  8     16                                              32
|    |     |        |        |            |         |         |      |
| OP |     |        | ACCESS |MODIFICATION|   NEW   |         |      |

      8         8*LENGTH
  |        |                    |

                                  A       C
                                  C       A
                                  C       T
                                  E       I      N
                                  S       O      E
                                  S       N      W
                            F     P       P      F     I
            O               I     A       A      I     T
            P               L     S       S      L
                    F       E     S       S      E     C
            C       L       N     W       W      N     O     D
            O       A       A     O       O      A     U     A
            D       G       M     R       R      M     N     T
            E       S       E     D       D      E     T     A
   ALF      X       X       X     X       X            X
   UDF      X       X       X             X            X     X
   RPF      X       X       X             X            X     X
   RTF      X       X       X     X                    X
   SPF      X       X       X     X                    X
   DLF      X       X       X             X
   RNF      X       X       X             X      X
   FNO      X
   NOP      X

       8                8       32
    | OP  |          | CMPL |         |          |

        8         8*LENGTH
    |        |              |
    | LENGTH | FILENAME     |

                    F         T         B
                    I         I         I
          O         L         O         T
          P         E         N
          C         N         C         O         D
          O         A         O         U         A
          D         M         D         N         T
          E         E         E         T         A

   RTF    X         X         X         X         X

   SPF    X         X         X         X

          Receiver                   NCP                    Sender
          -+---+---+---+---+      +--------+      +-----+-----+---
           |000|001|010|011| <--- | Buffer | <--- |00000|10100|11
          -+---+---+---+---+      +--------+      +-----+-----+---

                        31                 1
     1.   |         Arbitrary             | | <-- gender

                        24             7   1
     2.   |        User ID         | tag  | | <-- gender

      +---------------------   ---------------------+
      |                                           |
      | Fixed, unique       /  /  Variable          |
      | Identifier         /  /  Identifier         |
      |                                           |
      +---------------------   ---------------------+

      _________  _________/   _________  _________/
                /                       /
       Identifies the           Identifies a particular
       program uniquely         connection of the program

                24                   7     1
       | Program Number         |Multiplex| | <-- Gender
       |                        |  Code   | |

|<------- 32 ------->|<-8->|<-8->|<-- 16 -->|<-8->|<---
|       leader       |  x  |size |  count   |  x  | TEXT
|<---- level 1  ---->|
    message leader

|<------------------  level 2  ------------------>|
                  message preamble

       USING HOST                                       Serving HOST
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------
                        |                      |
    \                   |                      |                  /
     \ -----------------|  +-+            +-+  |-----------------/
      \           NCP   |  |I|            |I|  |   NCP          /
       \       ^      <--->|M|---NETWORK--|M|<--->      ^      /
        \ -----|-----+  |  |P|            |P|  |  +-----|-----/
         \     v     |  |  +-+            +-+  |  |     v    /
USER      \          |  |                      |  | TELNET  /  USER
PROCESSES,  ) TELNET |--|                      |--|Protocol(   PROCESS
Sub     <===>        |  |                      |  |Routing<--->Sub
Systems,  /    ^     |  |                      |  |    ^^    \Systems
ETC      /-----|-----+  |                      |  +----||-----\ETC
        / TTY  v      <---> Local     Local  <===> TTY vv      \
       /  Handles       |   Terminals Terminals|   Handles    <===>
      /-----------------|                      |-----------------\
     /                  |                      |                  \
                        |                      |
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------

      +-------------+   CC   +-----------+   SC   +-----------+
      | ORIGINATING +--------+    DRS    +--------+ SERVER    |
      |    USER     |   ^    |           |    ^   | PROCESS   |
      +-------------+   |    +------+----+    |   +-----------+
                        |          /          |
                     Telnet       / <------ Simplex or Duplex
                    Protocol   UC/            Connections
                   Connection   /
                        | USER      |
                        | PROCESS   |

                         +--------+  CC   |              |
                 +-------+ TELNET +-------+     DRS      |
                 |       +--------+       |              |
                 |                        +--------------+
      |      USER          |

               +--------+  CC  +--------+      +------+
               |        +------+        |  SC  |      |
     +------+ /| TELNET |  UC  |  DRS   +------+  SP  |
     |      |/ |        +------+        |      |      |
     | USER | /+--------+      +--------+      +------+
     |      |/

     +------+ /|  USER  |  CC  +--------+      +------+
     |      |/ |  SIDE  +------+        |  SC  |      |
     | USER |  +--------+  UC  |  DRS   +------+  SP  |
     |      |\ | SERVING+------+        |      |      |
     +------+ \|  SIDE  |      +--------+      +------+

       /\/\                                                  /\/\
  ^    |  |                     FORM                         |  |   ^
  |    |  |                -----------------                 |  |   |
  |    |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |   |
  |    |  |            |   CURRENT PART OF     |             |  |   |
INPUT  |  |<= CURRENT <    -----------------    > CURRENT => |  | OUTPUT
       |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       \/\/                                                  \/\/
              Figure 5.  Application of Form to Data Streams

           |                  +-----------------
           |                 /:
           |                / :
           |               /  :
           |              /   :
           |             /    :
           |            /     :
           |                  a

|<------- 32 ------->|<-8->|<-8->|<-- 16 -->|<-8->|<---
|       leader       |  x  |size |  count   |  x  | TEXT
|<---- level 1  ---->|
    message leader

|<------------------  level 2  ------------------>|
                  message preamble

       USING HOST                                       Serving HOST
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------
                        |                      |
    \                   |                      |                  /
Sub- \ -----------------|  +-+            +-+  |-----------------/
Sys-  \                 |  |I|            |I|  |   NCP          /
 tems+--->            <--->|M|---NETWORK--|M|<--->      ^      /
     |  \     NCP       |  |P|            |P|  |  +-----|-----/
     |   \              |  +-+            +-+  |  |     v    /
     |    \             |                      |  | TELNET  /  USER
 TELNET     )___________|                      |--|Protocol(   PROCESS
     |      )           |                      |  |Server <--->Sub
     |    /             |                      |  |    ^^    \Systems
     |   /     TTY      |                      |  +----||-----\ETC
User +--->   HANDLER  <---> Local              |   TTY vv      \
Pro-   /                |   Terminals          |   Handles      \
cesses/-----------------|                      |-----------------\
     /                  |                      |                  \
                        |                      |
 -----------------------+                      +----------------------

      +------------+              +------+          +---------+
      | ORIGINATING|     CC       | DRS  |    SC    | SERVER  |
      | USER       |--------------|      |----------| PROCESS |
      +------------+     ^        +------+     ^    +---------+
                         |           /         |
                         |        UC/ <-----\  |
                         |         /         \ |
                         |   +-----------+    \|
         TELNET ---------+   | USER      |     +-- Simplex or Duplex
         Protocol            | PROCESS   |         Connections
         Connection          +-----------+

                            +---------+   CC  +---------+
                  +---------| TELNET  |-------|   DRS   |
                  |         +---------+       +---------+
      |         USER          |

   +-------+    +--------+   CC    +-----+        +----+
   |       |----|        |---------|     |   SC   |    |
   | USER  |    | TELNET |   UC    | DRS |--------| SP |
   |       |----|        |---------|     |        |    |
   +-------+    +--------+         +-----+        +----+

   +------+    /| USER    |   CC   +-----+
   |      |---/ | SIDE    |--------|     |   SC   +----+
   | USER |     +---------+   UC   | DRS |--------| SP |
   |      |---\ | SERVING |--------|     |        +----+
   +------+    \| SIDE    |        +-----+

       /\/\                                                  /\/\
  ^    |  |                     FORM                         |  |   ^
  |    |  |                -----------------                 |  |   |
  |    |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |   |
  |    |  |            |   CURRENT PART OF     |             |  |   |
INPUT  |  |<= CURRENT <    -----------------    > CURRENT => |  | OUTPUT
       |  |            +-  -----------------  -+             |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       |  |                -----------------                 |  |
       \/\/                                                  \/\/
              Figure 5.  Application of Form to Data Streams

         |    Type          |     I send          |     I receive       |
         |                  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |
         |     B3           |0|0|BA|B2|B9|B1|B8|B0|0|0|BA|B2|B9|B1|B8|B0|

         |    Type          |     End Code     |
         |                  |            | |R| |
         |                  |            |G|E| |
         |     B4           |           F|R|C|U|
         |                  |           I|O|O|N|
         |                  |           L|U|R|I|
         |                  |           E|P|D|T|

         |    Type          |     Error Code    |     Sequence #  |
         |                  |                   |                 |
         |     B5           |                   |                 |

         |    Type           |    Function        |
         |                   |            | | |R| |
         |                   |            | |G|E| |
         |                   |            |F|R|C|U|
         |                   |            |I|O|O|N|
         |                   |            |L|U|R|I|
         |                   |            |E|P|D|T|

          Read / List_file_directory request
    User            <File -- data>              Server
                End of file indication

    User          Store / Append request        Server
                  <File -- data>
                  End of file indication

    User          Rename_from request           Server
                  Rename_to request

    User              Delete                    Server

    O           15 16             23 24          30 31
   |              |                 |              |   |
     ^              ^                 ^              ^
     |_ zero        |                 |              |_ gender
                    |                 |
                    |                 |_ zero for initial
                    |                    contact, otherwise
                    |                    dynamically assigned
                    |                    by 3rd level user
                    |                    program
                    |_ administratively assigned (fixed
                       and associated with programs)

   1    4         3            2                     2    3
 +-----------------------+  +-----------------+   +-------------------+
 |    |    |             |  |     |           |   |     |     |       |
 |  B | BL |     CLR     |  | TX  |           |   | OR  |  SZ |       |
 |    |    |             |  |     |           |   |     |     |       |
 +-----------------------+  +-----------------+   +-------------------+

NETWORK  |    Using Host
         |                +-------+
         |                |       |
         |                | NGDL  |          +--------+       +-------+
         +--------+       |       |--------->|        |       |       |
         |        |------>|       |          |  NGLI  |------>|  NGS  |
         |  NGDS  |       +-------+          |        |       |       |
         |        |       +-------+          |        |       |       |
         |        |------>|       |--------->|        |       +-------+
         +--------+       |IMAGE  |          +--------+
         |                |AREA   |              ^
         |                |DEFINI-|              |
         |                |TIONS  |              V
         |                +-------+          *--------+
         |                                   |  NGLES |
         |                                   |    &   |
         |                                   |  NGLP  |
         |                                   +--------+

   |                            |                _______
   | +---------+-----------+    |               /       \
   | |         |OUTPUT     |    |              /         \
   | |     /-->|PROCESSOR  |----|------------>|           |
   | |    /    +-----------+    |              \         /
   | |    |                |    |               \_______/
   | |    |                |    |             OUTPUT DEVICE
   | |    |    +-----------+    |              ______
   | |    \    |INPUT      |    |             |      \
   | |     \---|PROCESSOR  |<-- |-------------|_______\
   | +---------+-----------+    |
   |     Graphic Application    |             INPUT DEVICE
   |         Program            |
   \USING  /

+-------------------------------------+                        ______
|                                     |                 /---->/      \
|                      +-----------+  |DEVICE-DEPENDENT/  ___/___     \
|                    +-----------+ |--|---------------/  /       \    |
|        STANDARD    | OUTPUT    | |  |DISPLAY LIST     /         \   /
| +-----+DISPLAY LIST|PROCESSOR  |-+  |                 |         |__/
| |  ---|----------->|           |----|---------------->\         /
| |  |  |            +-----------+    |                  \_______/
| |  |  |                             |                 OUTPUT DEVICE(S)
| |  |  |                             |
| |  |  |              +-----------+  |DEVICE-DEPENDENT       ______
| |  |  |  STANDARD  +-----------+ |<-|----------------------|      \
| |  |--|<-----------|INPUT      | |  |INPUT DATA         ___|___    \
| +-----+  ATTENTION |PROCESSOR  |-+  |                  |       \____\
|                    |           |<---|------------------|        \
|                    +-----------+    |                  |_________\
|    Graphic Application Program      |                  INPUT DEVICE(S)
|                                     |

   The initializing call is GRIDSET(N, M, IRNGE)
                                              |<--- I ------>|
   where N is the number of spaces       ---  +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
   across, M is the number down,          ^   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   and IRNGE tells how many grey          |   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   levels to use.  This is primarily      J   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   for grey-scale displays or             |   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
   pseudogrey-scale displays.             v   |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
                                         ---  |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|

The display mode is raster                ________________________
oriented, and each "pseudo-              |  _   _   _   _   _   _ |
character" will be on a N x M            | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_||
matrix of dots.  (A later                |  _   _   _             |
embellishment for printers               | |_| |_| |_| . . .      |
would include matrix of characters.)     |  _   _                 |
Parameters DEFINITION and CODE           | |_| |_| . . .          |
are both arrays, used together to        | .    \ \               |
specify the "pseudo-character" set.      | .     \  \             |
DEFINITION is packed with bits           |________\___\___________|
according to the following scheme:                \     \
                                                   \      \
                                                    \    __\_______
                                                     \  /           \
                                                      \/  ________   \
                                                      /   |_|_|_|_|   \
                                                     /    |_|_|_|_|    \
                                                     |    |_|_|_|_|    |
                                                     |    |_|_|_|_|    |
                                                     \    |_|_|_|_|    /
                                                      \   |_|_|_|_|   /
                                                       \             /

                             _ <-----------------------------------+
                              |                                    |
                              |                                    |
                               - <--If WAR here, it is set to here,+
                              |     and error condition 5 is
                              |     recognized.

         Establish network connection
         SETUP,,0                       ; start
         2n,,0                          ; data representing "n" line
                                        ;   segments follow
         +----------------+             _
         |                |              |
         |                |               - 2n coordinate pairs
         |                |             _|
         TRANSMIT,,2                    ; request ARDS transmission
         0,,1000                        ; convert and transmit the
                                        ;   whole "program"
         FLUSH,,0                       ; signoff

    +-->length,,2000          ; length of display pgm
    |    -                    ; large output area
    |   |  -----
    |   |  -----
    +-->   -----
        | program
        |  -----
        |  -----

                       |      NC     |
                       ---------------           ^
                              |                 /
         ---->  in            |         out    /
               |      Express Exchange        |
        <----  --------------------------------
                out                     in  ^

                           Net Controller
                   |             |            |
                NJID(1)       NJID(2) - - - NJID(N)
              ---------------------- . . . . .
              |              |
          Stepname       Stepname
           |             |             |
        LMID(1)       LMID(2)       LMID(n)
        |                                 |
      LMSN(1)       LMSN(2)             LMSN(n)

                                        <----  n text bytes  ------>
               +--+-----+   +--------+   +--------+        +--------+
TRUNCATED <--> |11|Devid|   | n (8)  |   | Text   | . . .  | Text   |
RECORD         |  | (6) |   |        |   | (8)    |        | (8)    |
               +--+-----+   +--------+   +--------+        +--------+

                          /                                         \
                          | +---+----+                               | *
                          | |110| n  |  (n blanks)                   |
                          | |   |(5) |                               |
                          | +---+----+                               |
                          |                                          |
               +--+-----+ / +---+----+   +--------+                  |
COMPRESSED<--> |10|Devid|<  |111| n  |   |Char-   |  (n replications |
RECORD         |  | (6) | \ |   |(5) |   |  acter |  of "Character") |
               +--+-----+ | +---+----+   +--------+                  |
                          |                                          |
                          | +--+-----+   +--------+      +--------+  |
                          | |10|  n  |   | Text   | . . .| Text   |  |
                          | |  | (6) |   | (8)    |      | (8)    |  |
                          | +--+-----+   +--------+      +--------+  |
                          \                                          /
                                                 | X'00'|
                                                 |      |

              NCP- ICP User   Server like     Log-on    Accessed
        NCP-1 107  80  Telnet Telnet Protocol Procedure Services
SDC     |  x |    |   |      |      |        |         |        |
UCLA-91 |    |  x |   |  x   |   x  |        |         |        |
UCLA-S7 |  x |  x | x |  x   |   x  |        |    x    |    x   |
SRI-10  |    |  x |   |      |      |    x   |    x    |        |
UCSB    |  x |  x | x |      |      |        |    x    |    x   |
MIT-10  |    |  x |   |  x   |      |        |         |        |
MIT-645 |    |par-|   |      |      |        |         |        |
        |    |tial|   |      |      |        |         |        |
LL-67   |  x |    | x |      |   x  |        |         |        |
BBN-10  |    |  x |   |      |      |    x   |    x    |    x   |
UTAH    |  x |  x | x |      |      |    x   |         |        |

   +------------------+                +------------------+
   |Initial Input Ptr.|                | Output pointer   |
   +------------------+                +------------------+

   +------------------+                +------------------+
   |Current Input Ptr.|                | True/False Flag  |
   +------------------+                +------------------+

                |  length n in bytes  |
           +--  +---------------------+
           |    |                     |
           |    |     compiled        |
           |    |     16-bit          |
        n <     |     instructions    |
           |    |                     |
           |    |                     |
           |    |                     |
           +--  +---------------------+

                                 |  length n       |
                                 |  in bytes       |
        +--   +------------------+-----------------+
        |     | numeric value of |  byte offset    |
        |     | statement number |  in inst. seq.  |
        |     +------------------+-----------------+
        |     |        :                :          |
     n <      |        :                :          |
        |     |        :                :          |
        |     |                                    |
        |     |                                    |
        |     |                                    |
        +--   +------------------------------------+

            1         1      | length n    |    length n  |
         ___/\____ ___/\____ | in bytes    |    in bytes  |
     /  |         |//////////|             |              |
     |  | Type    |//////////| bit length  |  byte offset |
     |  |         |//////////|             |              |
     |  +---------+----------+-------------+--------------+
5*n <   |                           :                     |
     |  |                           :                     |
     |  |                           :                     | Identifiers
     |  |                                                 |
     \  |                                                 |
     /  |                                                 |
     |  |            literals are                         |
     |  |            byte-aligned                         | Literals
  m <   |                                                 |
     |  |                                                 |
     |  |                                                 |
     \  +-------------------------------------------------+

 +---+---+-----+-------+       +-------------------+    word-aligned,
 | T |///|  L  |    ---+-----> |                   |    32-bit right-
 +---+---+-----+-------+       +-------------------+    justified

                                 byte-aligned, L <= 256
 +---+---+-----+-------+       +------------------------+
 | T |///|  L  |    ---+-----> |                        |
 +---+---+-----+-------+       +------------------------+

     |    4   |          12            |
     LD = 0  literal or identifier reference (12-bit positive integer)
     IC = 1  12-bit two's complement integer constant
     OP = 2  operator
     AD = 3  address (12-bit positive integer)
    ARB = 4  indefinite replication factor
   NULL = 5  missing attribute of term

         4        4            8
     |  0010  |        |////////////////|
        OP        |
                  +----------> 0 = binary operator
                               1 = unary operator
                               2 = special operator

                     +---+ <-- TOS  +-----+ <-- TOS
                     | y |          | x-y |
     e.g.     x-y => +---+     ===> +-----+
                     | x |          |/////|
                     +---+          +-----+

                     4        4        4        4
                |  0010  |  0000  |        |////////|
     0 = integer +
     1 = integer -
     2 = integer x
     3 = integer : (or /), no remainder
     4 = concatenate ||

         4        4        4        4
     |  0010  |  0001  |        |        |
                          |         |
           +--------------+         |
           |                        |
           V                        |
    0 = integer minus               V
    1 = load identifier          0 = evaluated contents
                                     (after dec - binary
                                 1 = length field
                                 2 = type field
    2 = Label Table Reference

                4        4        4        4
            |  0010  |  0010  |        |        |
                                 |         |
         +-----------------------+        /
         |                               /
         V                              /
   0 = store TOS                        |
   1 = return                           V
   2 = branch               0 = true, 1 = false, 2 = unconditional

            8          8            16             16
      | Op code  |     0    |   X - coord.  |    Y coord.   |
            0          1         2     3         4     5

 8   8    8     8      16      16      16     8     8        8     8
+--+---+-----+-----+---.---+---.---+---.---+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
|Op| 1 |Flags|Scale|  N.o  |   .   |   .   |delta|delta|..|delta|delta|
|  |   |     |     |poi.nts| X0.   | Y0.   | X1  | Y2  |  | Xn  | Yn  |
+--+---+-----+-----+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
 0   1    2     3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10     11     2n+10 2n+11

 8  8   8     8    8     16      16    16    8     8        8     8
+--+-+-----+-----+----+---.---+---.-+---.-+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
|Op|2|Flags|Scale|Rate|  N.o  | X0. | Y0. |delta|delta|..|delta|delta|
|  | |     |     |    |poi.nts|   . |   . | X1  | Y1  |  | Xn  | Yn  |
+--+-+-----+-----+----+----------+--+-----+-----+-----+  +-----+-----+
 0  1   2     3    4    5   6  7  8  9  10   11   12      2n+11 2n+12

         ---- +-------------+-----
          ^   |             |  ^
          |   |             |  |
              |             |  W
          2W  |  Xp, Yp   __|__v__
              |             |
          |   |             |
          v   |             |
              | <-- 2W -->  |

8  8   8     8     8     8      16    16   16   16    16    16    16
  |3|Flags|Scale|Rate |Window|  #   | X0  | Y0 |Xmin|Ymin |Xmax |Ymax |
  | |     |     |     | Size |points|     |    |    |     |     |     |
 0 1   2     3     4     5     6  7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

  8     8     8        8     8     8
delta|delta| RCP1| //delta|delta| RCPn|
X1   |Y1   |     |    Xn  | Yn  |     |
 20    21    22       20     21    22

8  8   8     8     8     8      16    16   16   16    16    16    16
Op|3|Flags|Scale|Rate |Window|  #   | X0 | Y0 |Xmin |Ymin |Xmax |Ymax |
  | |     |     |     | Size |points|    |    |     |     |     |     |
 0 1   2     3     4     5     6  7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

  8     8     8        8     8
-----+-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
X1   |Y1   |  X2 |   |Xn   |Yn   |
-----+-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
 20    21    22       2n+20 2n+21

            CURSOR m                           |
            WRITE n, text                       - URSA writes a request
            LOCAL                              |
                       +-          +-+         |_ User types response
                       |   _BREAK_   |         |
      - -User Presses  | _TRANSMIT_  |key - - -+
                       +-           -+        -+
              SAVE                             |
              CURSOR p                          - URSA reads response
              SREAD                            |

                   |                    |
           +------>|       LOCAL        |------+
           |  +--->|       State        |      |
           |  |    +--------------------+      |
           |  |        |              |        |
           |  |        |              |        |
           |  |        |Break         |        |
           |  |        |              |        |   INS received
   LOCAL   |  |        | key          |        |
           |  |        |  [send INS   |        |
   Command |  |        |   and X'80'] |        |
   Executed|  |        |              |Transmit|
           |  | Reset  |              |        |
           |  |        |              |  key   |
           |  |  key   |              |        |
           |  |        v              v        |
           |  |   +--------------------+       |
           |  +---|       Control      |<------+
           |      |        State       |
           +------|                    |
            |     +--------------------+
            |      ^
            |      |  Keyboard locked,
            |      |  Execute Commands
   After INS is
   received, LOCAL
   command is ignored
   until SYNC (X'80')
   is encountered

To  |              | Also     |Push  |   Or    |Code Sent  |Upon receipt
Send| (Explanation)| Known as |Either|         |is (in hex)|Displayed as
NUL |NULL          |    ^@    | [2]  |         |    00     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
SOH |Start of      |  [3]^A   | LS   |[4]CASE A|    01     |
    |     Heading  |          |      |         |           |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
STX |Start of Text |    ^B    | ATAN | CASE B  |    02     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
ETX |End of Text   |    ^C    | LOG  | CASE C  |    03     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
EOT |End of        |          |      |         |           |
    |  Transmission|    ^D    | REFL | CASE D  |    04     |
    |              |          |      |         |           |
ENQ |Enquiry       |    ^E    |  [4] | CASE E  |    05     | [5] <ENQ>
    |              |          |      |         |           |
ACK |Acknowledge   |    ^F    |  UP  | CASE F  |    06     | <ACK>
    |              |          |      |         |           |
BEL |Bell          |    ^G    | DOWN | CASE G  |    07     | <BELL>


|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |-+
|                UCSB OLS INIT STATS                           | |Feed-
|                                                              |-+back
|                                                              |-+
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |OLS
|                                                              | |Dis-
|                                                              | |play
|                                                              | |Area
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              |-+
 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |Input
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |tons
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
||CAS|   |   |   |   |   |   |DIS|<<<|BEL|   |ERS|RST|   |     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|         ABCDEFG       + = / #   12345                        | |
|         HIJKLMN       , ; = .   67890                        | |
|         OPQRSTU       <-<-<-<-  ()?                          | |
|         VWXYZ b       ' \ \                                |-+

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |-+
|                UCSB OLS CONNECTED                            | |Feed-
|                                                              |-+back
|  ENTER USER NUMBER 196                                       |-+
|  ID NUMBER=                                                  | |
|  USER NAME= ARPA                                             | |
|  JOB NAME= RAND/RFC                                          | |
|  AUTOSAVE CODE = 3                                           | |
|  LOAD MOLSF                                                  | |
|  FILE LOADED                                                 | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |OLS
|                                                              | |Dis-
|                                                              | |play
|                                                              | |Area
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              | |
|                                                              |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |Input
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |tons
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
||CAS|   |   |   |   |   |   |DIS|<<<|BEL|   |ERS|RST|   |     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|         ABCDEFG       + = / #   12345                        | |
|         HIJKLMN       , ; = .   67890                        | |
|         OPQRSTU       <-<-<-<-  ()?                          | |
|         VWXYZ b       ' \ \                                |-+

|                                                              |
|                          ___        ___                      |-+
|                         /   \      /   \                     | |
|                        /     \    /     \                    | |
|                       /       \  /       \                   | |
|                      /         \/         \                  | |
|                     /          /\          \                 | |
|                    /          /                              | |
|                              /   \          \                | |
|                   /               \          \               | |
|                  /          /                                | |
|                                    \          \              | |
|                 /          /        \          \             | |
|      ___________________________________________             | |
|                                                              | |
|      \         |          |          \                       | |OLS
|               /          /                                   | |Dis-
|       \                               \                      | |play
|              /          /                                    | |Area
|        \               /               \                     | |
|             /                           \                    | |
|         \  /          /                                      | |
|          \/          /                   \                   | |
|           \         /                     \                  | |
|          / \       /                       \                 | |
|         /   \     /                         \                | |
|      __/     \___/                           \__             | |
|                                                              |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     |-+
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |Input
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |tons
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
||CAS|   |   |   |   |   |   |DIS|<<<|BEL|   |ERS|RST|   |     | |
|+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     | |
|         ABCDEFG       + = / #   12345                        | |
|         HIJKLMN       , ; = .   67890                        | |
|         OPQRSTU       <-<-<-<-  ()?                          | |
|         VWXYZ b       ' \ \                                |-+

UCLA-NMC  SIGMA-7  SEX Network address 1.

UCLA-CCN  IBM 360/91 Network address 65.

SRI (NIC) PDP-10 TENEX Network address 2.

SRI(AI) PDP-10 TENEX Network address 66.

UTAH  PDP-10  TENEX  Network address 4.

BBN PDP-10 (A) TENEX Network address 69

BBN PDP-10 (B) TENEX Network address 133.

MIT H 645 MULTICS Network address 6.

MIT PDP-10 (DMCG) ITS Network address 70.

MIT PDP-10(AI) ITS Network address 134.

RAND 360/65 MVT OPERATING SYSTEM Network address 7.

RAND PDP-10 TENEX Network address 71.

SDC IBM 360/75 Network address8.

HARVARD PDP-10 DEC 10/50 MONITOR Network address 9.

LINCOLN LABS IBM 360/67 CP-CMS Network address 12.

LINCOLN LABS TX-2  Network address 74.

STANFORD (AI) PDP-10  Network address 11.

ILLINOIS PDP-11  Network address 12.

CASE PDP-10 DEC 10/50 MONITOR Network address 13.

CARNEGIE PDP-10 DEC 10/50 MONITOR Network address 14.

PAOLI B6500 ILLIAC Network address 15.

         |Type             |     I receive       |
         |        B3       |                     |
         |                 |0|0|BA|B2|B9|B1|B8|B0|

         |Type        |  End Code  |      Sequence Number    |
         |     B4     |            |            |            |
         |            |            |            |            |

         |Type        |  End Code  |      Sequence Number    |
         |     B5     |            |            |            |
         |            |            |            |            |

         |Type        |  Function  |
         |     B6     |            |
         |            |            |

    User                 < File -- Data>            Server
                    End of file indication

           Create / Store / Append / Append_with_create requests
    User                 <File --- Data>            Server
                   End of file indication

    User              Rename_from request           Server
                      Rename_ro request

    User                   Delete                   Server

   A.   User site sending at time path is broken:
      /   Append at sequence number
     |    ------------------------------------------->
     |    Acknowledge
     |    <------------------------------------------
     |    Data
     |    ------------------------------------------->
      \   The server site agrees to resume at the user-chosen point.
       \  The first data transaction is numbered with the chosen
        \ sequence number.

       /  Append at sequence number
      /   ------------------------------------------->
     |    Use this sequence number
     |    <-------------------------------------------
     |       /       Data
     |      /        --------------------------------->
     |      \        The user site agrees to use the server-chosen number
     |       \       and the first data transaction is numbered with the
     |        \      chosen number.
     |                       or
     |         /      Unsuccessful Terminate
      \       /       ------------------------------->
       \      \       The user site cannot restart at this number for
        \      \     some reason.

               /  Resume Retrieve
              /   ------------------------------------>
             |    Unsuccessful Terminate
              \   <------------------------------------
               \  The server site is unable or unwilling to restart the
                \ transmission.

               /  Retrieve at sequence number
              /   ---------------------------------------->
             |    Data
             |    <----------------------------------------
              \   The server agrees to resume at the user-chosen
               \  point. The first data transaction is numbered
                \ with the chosen sequence number.

               /  Retrieve at sequence number
              /   ---------------------------------------->
             |    Unsuccessful Terminate
             |    <----------------------------------------
             |    The server site will never permit restart for some
             |    reason.
             |    Retrieve at sequence number
             |    ---------------------------------------->
             |    Use this sequence number
             |    <-----------------------------------------
             |            /    Acknowledge
             |           /     ---------------------------->
             |          |      Data
             |          |      <----------------------------
             |           \     The user site agrees to use the
             |            \    server-chosen number.  The first data
             |             \   transaction is numbered with the chosen
             |              \  number.
             |                               or
             |             /   Unsuccessful Terminate
             |            /    ----------------------------->
             |           |
              \           \    The server cannot use the user-chosen
               \           \   number and the user cannot use the
                \           \  server-chosen number. Therefore the attempt
                 \           \ to restart must be abandoned.

               /            \
               | PR [INTER] |  _         _
               |            | |           |
    O [PEN] # <  PU [NCH]    >| (jobname) | [ =socket-number[ /host-name ]]
               |            | |           |
               | R  [EADER] | |   (*)     |
               \            / |_         _|

                _            _
               | # PR [INTER] |
               |              |
      CL [OSE] | # PU [NCH]   | [,A [CCEPT]]
               |              |
               | # R  [EADER] |
               |_            _|

                                 /               \
      RJT # R [ECFM] (device) = <  T [ELNET]      >
                                 | A [SA]        |
                                 | R [ECORDS]    |
                                 | C [OMPRESSED] |
                                 \               /

         +---------+                  +--------+
         ! INPUT   !                  ! OUTPUT !
      +--! routine !<------||---------! driver !<--+
      !  +---------+                  +--------+   !
      !                                   ^        !
      V                                   !        !
 +---------+---------+      +---------+   !   +---------+
 !         ! Graphic !      ! Graphic !   !   !         !
 ! PROCESS ! Data    !      ! Data    !<->!   ! DISPLAY !
 !         ! Base    !      ! Base    !   !   !         !
 +---------+---------+      +---------+   !   +---------+
      !                                   !        ^
      !                                   V        !
      !  +---------+                  +--------+   !
      !  ! OUTPUT  !                  ! INPUT  !   !
      +->! routine !-------||-------->! driver !---+
         +---------+                  +--------+

1.        USER                                             SERVER
          ----                                             ------
                    Set data type '02' (Network ASCII)
                    Store File X
                    File X (in Network ASCII)
                    End of File

                    Retrieve File X
                    File X in Network ASCII
                    End of File

2.        USER                                             SERVER
          ----                                             ------
                    Set data type'03' (EBCDIC)
                    Retrieve File Y
                    Set data type '00' ("bit-stream")
                    File Y as stored (no conversion)
                    End of File

                    Set data type '02' (Network ASCII)
                    Retrieve File Z
                    File Z in Network ASCII
                    End of File

                                                   |               |
                                                   |      DCF'     |
                                         Sending   |               |
                                           Host    `---------------'
                                            \              ^           /
                                            /              |    ^
                                      File /               |    |
                                     Xfer /                |
                                Protocol /             DRS |    |
                                        /         Protocol |
                                       /                   |    |
                                      /                    |
,----------.        /\    ,---------./       /\    ,------------|--.
|          |       /  \   |         |       /  \   |               |
| TELNET   |---\  /    ---|  DCF    |---\  /    ---|      DRS   |  |
|          |    \/        |         |    \/        |               |
`----------'              |         |\             `------------|--'
   ^                      `---------' \File                |
   |                         ^  |      \Xfer           DRS |    |File
   |                         |  |       \Protocol Protocol |     Xfer
   v                         |  v        \                 |    |Proto-
,----------.              ,---------.     \                |     col
| USER     |              |         |      \               |    |
| TERMINAL |              | CATALOG |       \              |    v
|          |              |         |        \ _______________________
`----------'              `---------'         /            |          \
                                             /             v           \
                                        Receiving  ,---------------.
                                          Host     |               |
                                                   |      DCF'     |
                                                   |               |

                    RAND                                     UCLA
               ________________                        ________________
              |    PDP-10      |                      |     360/91     |
    ______    |                |                      |                |
   |      |   |   __________   |                      |   __________   |
   |File  |   |  | RJS      |  |                      |  |          |  |
   |System|___|__| Access   |__|___/\/\ Network /\____|__|    RJS   |  |
   |      |   |  | Program  |  |       \/     \/      |  |          |  |
   |______|   |  |__________|  |                      |  |__________|  |
              |       |        |                      |                |
              |       |        |                      |                |
              |_______|________|                      |________________|

TENEX 1.28,RAND EXEC 1.33.1                          Rand Exec Prompt
@_LOGIN_                                        \
(USER) _HARSLEM_                                 \   User Logs In
(PASSWORD)______                                 /
(ACCOUNT #)_1__                                 /
JOB 12 ON TTY10 25-FEB-72 11:12                      System Acknowledges
@_RJS_                                               User Starts RJS
                                                     Access Program

                   16         16
word 0         |  Day #   |  Time      |
                  |            |
 1 - 365 (6 on leap year)      |______
                                Time in minutes at which sample was
                                started.  Ranges from 0 (midnight) to 1439.

                8      8
word 1      | Source | Byte |   N   |  Format  |
            |   Host | Size |       |          |
                |       |       |       |_____________
     ___________|       |       |                     |
    |                   |       |                     |
Network                 |       |        +-----+-----+--+--+--+--+
Host number             |       |        |     |     |C |R |B |M |
                        |       |        +-----+-----+--+--+--+--+
                        |       |                     |  |  |  |
                        |       |                     |  |  | message
                        |    number of HOST           |  |  | statistics
                        |    related entries          |  |  |
                        |    in message               |  |  |__byte
                        |                             |  |  statistics
                        |                             |  |
            number of bits per                        |  |__average
            byte in byte statistics                   |  round-trip
                                                      |  time

                |   Foreign HOST #    |      always present
              / +---------------------+
              | |  messages received  |      if FORMAT bit M set
              | +---------------------+
              | |    Bytes received   |      if FORMAT bit B set
   N of these | +---------------------+
   entries    | |     message sent    |      if FORMAT bit M set
              | +---------------------+
              | |      Bytes sent     |      if FORMAT bit B set
              | +---------------------+
              \ |   Average delay     |      if FORMAT bit R set
                                             This is average RFNM
                                             delay in milliseconds

                 +---------------+                +---------------+
     ______      |      UTAH     |    NETWORK     |      UCLA     |
    /      \     |  +---------+  |                |  +---------+  |
   +        +    |  |         |  |        / /     |  |         |  |
   |\______/|    |  |         |>-|-------/ /------|->|         |  |
   |        |----+--| NETRJS  |  | :    / /       |: |   RJS   |  |
   | FILE   |    |  |         |<-|-----/ /--------|-<|         |  |
   | SYSTEM |    |  |         |  |    / /         |  |         |  |
   \        /    |  +---------+  |                |  +---------+  |
    \______/     |       |       |                |               |
                 +-------|-------+                +---------------+

   1     UCLA         SIGMA-7        Server # Limited         Jon Postel
  65     UCLA         IBM-360/91     NETRJS now               Bob Braden
                                     (Telnet in April
   2     SRI(NIC)     PDP-10         Server                   John Melvin
  66     SRI(AI)      PDP-10         Server                   Len Chaiten
   3     UCSB         IBM-360/75     Server                   Jim White
   4     UTAH         PDP-10         Server                   Barry Wessler
  *5     BBN(NCC)     DDP-516        Never                    Alex McKenzie
  69     BBN(TENEX-A) PDP-10         Server                   Dan Murphy
 133     BBN(TENEX-B) PDP-10         Server(Exper.)           Dan Murphy
   6     MIT(Multics) H-645          Server                   Mike Padlipsky
  70     MIT(DM)      PDP-10         Server                   Bob Bressler
*134     MIT(AI)      PDP-10         User Now                 Jeff Rubin
  *7     RAND         IBM-360/65     User Only                Eric Harslem
  71     RAND         PDP-10         Server                   Eric Harslem
  *8     SDC          IBM-360/155    Server                   Bob Long
   9     HARVARD      PDP-10         Server                   Bob Sundberg
 *73     HARVARD      PDP-1          User Only                Bob Sundberg
  10     LINCOLN      IBM-360/67     "Soon"                   Joel Winett
  74     LINCOLN      TX-2           Server                   Will Kantrowitz
  11     STANFORD     PDP-10         "Soon"                   Andy Moorer
 *12     ILLINOIS     PDP-11         User Only                John Cravits
 *13     CASE         PDP-10         June                     Charles Rose
  14     CARNEGIE     PDP-10         "Soon"                   Hal VanZoeren
 *15     AMES         ILLIAC         Server                   John McConnell
  16     AMES         IBM-360/67     "Soon"                   Wayne Hathaway
*144     AMES         TIP            User Only
*145     MITRE        TIP            User Only
 *19     NBS          PDP-11         User Only                Robert Rosenthal
*147     NBS          TIP            User Only
*148     ETAC         TIP            User Only
 *23     USC          TIP            User Only
*158     BBN          TIP            User Only
*Host not included in daily testing.
#The NMC is a research site and would like
 to have prior arrangement with each user.

   1     UCLA         SIGMA-7       Server # Limited         Jon Postel
  65     UCLA         IBM-360/91    NETRJS now               Bob Braden
                                    (Telnet in April)
   2     SRI(NIC)     PDP-10        Server                   John Melvin
  66     SRI(AI)      PDP-10        Server                   Len Chaiten
   3     UCSB         IBM-360/75    Server                   Jim White
   4     UTAH         PDP-10        Server                   Barry Wessler
  *5     BBN(NCC)     DDP-516       Never                    Alex McKenzie
  69     BBN(TENEXA)  PDP-10        Server                   Dan Murphy
 133     BBN(TENEXB)  PDP-10        Server (Exper.)          Dan Murphy
   6     MIT(Multics) H-645         Server                   Mike Padlipsky
  70     MIT(DM)      PDP-10        Server                   Bob Bressler
*134     MIT(AI)      PDP-10        User Now                 Jeff Rubin
  *7     RAND         IBM-360/65    User Only                Eric Harslem
  71     RAND         PDP-10        Server                   Eric Harslem
  *8     SDC          IBM-360/155   Server                   Bob Long
   9     HARVARD      PDP-10        Server                   Bob Sundberg
 *73     HARVARD      PDP-1         Server                   Bob Sundberg
  10     LINCOLN      IBM-360/67    "Soon"                   Joel Winett
  74     LINCOLN      TX-2          Server                   Will Kantrowitz
  11     STANFORD     PDP-10        "Soon"                   Andy Moorer
 *12     ILLINOIS     PDP-11        User Only                John Cravits
 *13     CASE         PDP-10        June                     Charles Rose
  14     CARNEGIE     PDP-10        "Soon"                   Hal VanZoeren
 *15     AMES         ILLIAC        Server                   John McConnell
  16     AMES         IBM-360/67    "Soon"                   Wayne Hathaway
*144     AMES         TIP           User Only
*145     MITRE        TIP           User Only
 *19     NBS          PDP-11        User Only                Robert Rosenthal
*147     NBS          TIP           User Only
*148     ETAC         TIP           User Only
         USC          IBM-360/44    "Soon"
*151     USC          TIP           User Only
*152     GWC          TIP           User Only
*158     BBN          TIP           User Only
*Host not included in daily testing.
#The NMC is a research site and would like to have prior arrangement
with each user.

+--------------------+     +----------+     +--------------------+
|HOST SND            |     |          |     |HOST RCV            |
|                    |     |          |     |                    |
|                    |     |          |     |                    |
|       (PROCESS)    |     +----------+     |                    |
|       (   S   )    |         HOST         |                    |
|              \     |         RNDZ         |          (PROCESS) |
|              [DATA]|                      |          (  R    ) |
+--------------------+                      +--------------------+

|HOST SND            MSP   _ _ _    |
|           ------------->|_ _ _|   |
|         /        ^      |_ _ _| <-|-------RENDEZVOUS
|        /         |      |_ _ _|   |         TABLE
|(PROCESS)         |                |
|(   S   )         +-- SEND (from=S to=R; rend=RNDZ)
|        \                          |
|         [DATA]                    |

  HOST SND                               HOST RNDZ
+------------+                    +---------------------------+
|         MSP|  "OUT" + DATA      |MSP  _____  RENDEZVOUS     |
|            |--------------------|--> |_ _ _| TABLE          |
|            |  from=S; to=R      | \  |_ _ _|                |
|            |                    |  \ |_ _ _|                |
+------------+                    |   \             __        |
                                  |    \---------->|  | DATA  |
                                  |                |__|BUFFER |
                                  |                           |

     HOST RNDZ                          HOST RCV
+------------------------+       +-----------------------+
|                 MSP    |       |  MSP                  |
|       TABLE    _____   |       |   _____  TABLE        |
|             +-|_ _ _|  |  "IN" |  |_ _ _|              |
|             | |_ _ _|<-|----------|_ _ _|<-\           |RECEIVE
|             | |_ _ _|  |       |  |_ _ _|   \       <--|(from=S
|             |          |       |             \         |  to=R
|            _V_         |       |              \        | rend=RNDZ)
|    BUFFER |   |        |       |             (PROCESS) |
|           |___|        |       |             (   R   ) |
+------------------------+       +-----------------------+

   HOST SND                                           HOST RCV
   +------------------+        +------------+         +-------------+
   |                  |        |   TABLE    |         |             |
   |   TABLE  ___     |  "IN"  |    ___     |  "OUT"  |   ___  TABLE|
   |         |___|    |        |   |___|    |  + DATA |  |_ _|      |
   |         |___|<---|--------|---|___|----|---------|->|_ _|      |
   |         |___|    |        |   |___|    |         |  |_ _|      |
   | ( S )            |        +------------+         |        ( R )|
   |                  |          HOST RNDZ            |             |
   +------------------+                               +-------------+

      ------         _________           ------
     (      )       |         |         (      )
     (      ) SEND  |         | RECEIVE (      )
     (      )------>|--+  +---|<--------(      )
     (      )       |   \/    |         (      )
     (      ) (IN)  |   /\    |  (OUT)  (      )
     (      )<------|--+   +--|-------->(      )
     (______)       |_________| +DATA   (______)

      ----         _______               ______          ----
     (    )       |       |             |      |        (    )
     (    ) SEND  |       |      IN     |      | RECEIVE(    )
     (    )------>|-+  +--|<------------|------|<-------(    )
     (    )       |  \/   |             |      |        (    )
     (    ) (IN)  |  /\   |  OUT+DATA   |      | (OUT)  (    )
     (    )<------|-+  +--|------------>|------|------->(    )
     (____)       |_______|             |______| +DATA  (____)

      ----         ______                _______          ----
     (    )       |      |              |       |        (    )
     (    ) SEND  |      |   OUT+DATA   |       | RECEIVE(    )
     (    )------>|------|------------->|-+  +--|<-------(    )
     (    )       |      |              |  \/   |        (    )
     (    ) (IN)  |      |      IN      |  /\   | (OUT)  (    )
     (    )<------|------|<-------------|-+  +--|------->(    )
     (    )       |      |              |       | +DATA  (    )
     (____)       |______|              |______ |        (____)

  ----         ______            _______            ______         ----
 (    )       |      |          |       |          |      |       (    )
 (    ) SEND  |      | OUT+DATA |       |    IN    |      |RECEIVE(    )
 (    )------>|------|--------->|-+  +--|<---------|------|<------(    )
 (    )       |      |          |  \/   |          |      |       (    )
 (    ) (IN)  |      |    IN    |  /\   |OUT+DATA  |      | (OUT) (    )
 (    )<------|------|<---------|-+  +--|--------->|------|------>(    )
 (    )       |      |          |       |          |      | +DATA (    )
 (____)       |______|          |______ |          |______|       (____)

 |<---- Host K ----->|<--Net-->|<-Host->|<--Net-->|<----- Host L ----->|

   |             |            ////////// = unused
   |             |            //////////
       8 bits

   0             8            16            24            32     36
0  | HOST/IMP    |   FOREIGN   |    LINK     | ////////////////// |
   |  FLAGS      |   HOST      |             | ////////////////// |
1  | //// |        TO PORT ID                        |  MESSAGE   |
   | //// |                                          |   TYPE     |
2  |               FROM PORT ID              |   TABLE     | //// |
   |                                         |   POSITION  | //// |
3  | //// |   SOURCE    | RENDEZVOUS  |          BIT COUNT        |
   | //// |    HOST     |  HOST       |                           |
   |                                                              |
4  |                                                              |
   //                          DATA                              //
   |                                                              |
   |                                                              |

|char 0| 1// n | null |char 0| 1// n | null | port | number| delay |
|      |  //   |      |      |  //   |      |      |       |spec   |
 \                   /\                     /\             /\      /
  \_________________/  \___________________/  \___________/  \____/
   Parameters given:

   | byte 0 |   1   |   2   |

              |                          Full ASCII |
              | a b ... z  | ` ^ { }  ~             |
              |                                     |
        |33/35|                                     |   AT&T TWX   |
        |     |          `   [   ]                  | (Mod 33/35   |
        |     |                                     |      tty)    |
 +------+-----+------+-----------------------+      |              |
 |Basic |     |      |                       |      |              |
 |EBCDIC|     |      |     <SP>              |      |              |
 |      |     |   "  |     A B ... Z         |      | <left arrow> |
 |      |     |   !  |     0 1 ... 9         |      |              |
 |      |     |      |     + - * / ( )       |      |  <up arrow>  |
 |      |     |      |     . , ' =           |      |              |
 |      |     |      |     $ &               |      |              |
 |      |     |      |   < > : ? % # @       |      |              |
 |      |     |      |                       |      |              |
 |      +-----+------+-----------------------+------+--------------+
 |            |      |                       |      |
 |            |      |        _              |      |
 |            |      |                       |      |
 |            +------+-----------------------+------+
 |                   |                       |
 |                   | PL/1   <bent bar> |   |
 |                   |  Set                  |
 |                   +-----------------------+
 |                           <cent sign>     |
 |  Basic EBCDIC                             |

File      Server    Server<------------ User     User      File
Systems<->  FTP  <->TELNET FTP Commands TELNET<->FTP    <->System
          Process         ------------>          Process

                        Data Connection(s)         |

ftp (host) multics CR         ICP to HOST S, socket 3,
                              establishing TELNET connections.
username Doe CR               USER DoeCRLF ---->
                              <---- 330 passwordCRLF
password mumble CR            PASS mumbleCRLF ---->
                              <---- 230 Doe logged in.CRLF
retrieve (local type ASCIICR
(local pathname) test 1 CR    USER-FTP open local file in ASCII.
(for. pathname) test.pl1CR    RETR test.pl1 CRLF ---->
                              <---- 255 SOCK 1233CRLF
                              Server makes data connection to (U+4).
                              <---- 250 File transfer startsCRLF
                              <---- 252 File transfer completeCRLF
type imageCR                  TYPE |CRLF ---->
                              <---- 200 Command OKCRLF
byte 36CR                     BYTE 36CRLF ---->
                              <---- 200 Command OKCRLF
store (local type) ImageCR
(local pathname) file dumpCR  User-FTP opens local file in Image.
(for. pathname) >udd>cn>fdCR  STOR >udd>cn>fdCRLF ---->
                              <---- 451 Access deniedCRLF
terminate                     BYECRLF
                              <---- 231 Doe logged outCRLF
                              Server closes all connections.

        |            |          |              |   USED   |          |
        |            |          |              |          |          |
        |            |          |              |          |          |

              %               State
         |        |  Unable to Log in to any site.            |
         |        |  Unable to Log in to Desired site.        |
         |        |  Foreign site suddenly crashes.           |
         |        |  Local site crashes.                      |
         |        |  Trouble free operation.                  |
         |        |  Other                                    |

  -1 -2 -3                 -16         0 -1 -2                 -15
 -2  2  2  ...          ...2         -2  2  2  ...             2
 +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+       +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+
 |  |  |  |  |         |  |  |       |  |  |  |  |         |  |  |
 +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+       +--+--+--+--+---------+--+--+
 ^                                      ^

             |  |  |  |  |  |  | ...         ... |  |  |  |  |
Bit position   0  1  2  3 ......                        14 15

                        16         16
   word 0        |  Day #   |  Time      |
                    |            |
   1 - 365 (6 on leap year)      |______
                            Time in minutes at which sample was
                         started. Ranges from 0 (midnight) to 1439.

                8      8
   word 1   | Source | Byte |   N   |  Format  |
            |   Host | Size |       |          |
                |     |       |          |__________
         _______|     |       |                     |
        |             |  number of HOST             |
   Network Host       |  related entries  +---+---+---+---+---+---+
    number            |  in message       |   |   | C | R | B | M |
                      |                   +---+---+---+---+---+---+
           number of bits per                       |   |  |   |
           byte in byte statistics         ____ ____|   |  | message
                                           |         ___|  | statistics
                                           |        |     byte
                                       control      |  statistics
                              message distribution  |
                                               round-trip time

        HOLIDAYS   MON.   TUES.    WED.  THURS.    FRI.     SAT.
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |   Z   |       |       |        |       |
       |        |   Z   |       |   Z   |   Z   |        |       |
   0400|   Z    |       +-------+       +-------+   Z    |   Z   |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
   0600|        +-------+       +-------+       +--------+       |
   0700|        |   R   |   *   |   R   |   *   |   R    +-------+
   0800+--------+-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+  R    |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
   1000|        |       |       |       |       |        +-------+
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |   R    |   M   |   M   |   M   |   M   |   M    |   M   |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |   R   |
   2000|    Z   |   R   |   R   |   R   |   R   |   R    +-------+
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |
   2200|        |       |       |       |       |        |   Z   |
       |        |       |       |       |       |        |       |

   (a)   ______      for authentication     ______
        |      |            |              |      |
        |      |<-----------+------------->| User |
        |______|            | /            |______|
          Host              |/
             _______      / |
            |       |    /  v
            |       |<---

         ______                             ______
        |      |                           |      |
        |      |<--\             ^     /-->| User |
        |______|    \            |    /    |______|
          Host       \           |   /
                                 | /
                               / |
                              /  | authentication
             _______         /   | complete
            |       |       /
            |       |<------

   NY Terminal     NY Enroute    Boston Enroute  Boston Terminal
     _____            _____            _____         _____
    |     |      /   |     |   \      |     |       |     |
    |_____|  \ /     |_____|     \ /  |_____|       |_____|
              X        move       X
             / \        |        / \
             |  \       V       /  |
             V   \    _____    /   V
      reconnect   \  |     |  /   reconnect
                    NY Enroute

     H2          H3                  H2           H3
    ___         ___                 ___          ___
   |   |       |   |               |   |        |   |
   |  C|<-+    |D  |               |  C|<------>|D  |
   |___|  |    |___|               |___|        |___|
          |   ___                             ___
          |  |   |                           |   |
          +->|A  |                           |A  |
             |___|                           |___|
               H1                              H1

          H2                                   H3
        ______                               ______
       |      |                             |      |
       |   C  |                             |  D   |
        ---\--                               -/----
            \       /-->          <--\       /
              \- -/--- --- --- --- --- \---/
               \ /                      \ /
                X                        X
               / \                      / \
              /   \                    /   \
    reconnection   \                  /   reconnection
                    \    ________    /
                     ---|A      B|---
                        |        |

     H1            H4                H1            H4
    ____          ____              ____          ____
   |    |        |    |            |    |        |    |
   |   C|        |E   |            |   C|--------|E   |
   |____|        |____|            |____|        |____|

     H2            H3                H2            H3
    ____          ____              ____          ____
   |    |        |    |            |    |        |    |
   |   B|--------|D   |            |   B|        |D   |
   |____|        |____|            |____|        |____|

                        ___                 ___
                       | P |---------------| Q |
                       |___|               |___|
   | P --> Q ||  R R Q  |
   |         ||         |             |         |
   | Q --> P ||  R O K  |  R N O  ----|  R R Q  |
   |         ||         |         | E |         |
                   |                       |
      +------------+                       v
      |                      Yes   +----------+   No
      |   +------------------------| NP > NQ? |------+
      |   |                        +----------+      |
    __v___v_______________________________           |
   |         ||             |             |          |
   | P --> Q ||  R D O  ----|  R N O  ----|          |
   |         ||         | E |         | E |          |
   |_________||_________|___|_________|___|          |
   |         ||             |             |
   | Q --> P ||  R D O  ----|  R N O  ----|
   |         ||         | E |         | E |

     H2           H3                    H2           H3
    ___          ___                   ___          ___
   |   |        |   |                 |  C|--------|D  |
   |_C_|        |_D_|                 |___|        |___|
     |            |
     |            |        ===>
     |    ____    |                          ____
      ---|A  B|---                          |    |
         |____|                             |____|
           H1                                 H1

          __      __      __      __      __
      ___|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |___
         |__|    |__|    |__|    |__|    |__|

   A          Process 1                        Process 2
                         neither end echoes

   B          Process 1  <--+                  Process 2
                        one end echoes for itself

   C          Process 1  <--------------+     Process 2
                        one end echoes for the other

   D          Process 1  <--+           V       Process 2
                            ^           +--->
                        both ends echo for themselves

   E          Process 1  <--+  V               Process 2
                            ^  +------------>
                        one end echoes for both ends

H-> I line
----------> First packet of multipacket
            arrives. Halt H->I line and
            send REQ (8)  -------------->
            start 30 sec. Time-out

            If time-out, resend
            REQ (8) and restart -------->
                                <--------ALL (8) when available. Start
                                         long term (2 min.) time-out.
                                         On time-out, reset all
                                         outstanding reservations.

                         P                              A
                          O                              C
                           E                              K
typical packet |       |     |                        |     |          |
               |       |     |                        |     |          |

                     IMP A                           IMP B
                     -----                           -----
                   ROE | SOE                       ROE | SOE
                       |           POE   ACK           |
                       |         +-----------+         |
IMP A blocks send    1 | 0    (1)|  0      1 |->     1 | 0 IMP B NOPS,
channel.               |         +-----------+         |   flips ROE
                       |                               |
                       |           POE   ACK           |
                       |         +-----------+         |
IMP A frees send     0 | 1     <-|  0      0 |(2)    0 | 0 IMP B blocks
channel,               |         +-----------+         |   channel for
Flips SOE              |                               |   new traffic
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A blocks send      |         +-----------+  crashes|
channel                |      (3)|  1      0 |->or gets|
                       |         +-----------+  lost   |
                       |                               |
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A detects packet   |         +-----------+         |
duplicate (POE=ROE)  0 | 1     <-|  0      0 |(2)    0 | 0 IMP B
so does not change     |         +-----------+         |  retransmits no
SOE bit.               |                               |  ACK received
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A retransmits      |         +-----------+         |   IMP B flips
packet 3               |      (3)|  1      0 |->     1 | 1 SOE, unblocks
                       |         +-----------+         |   channel, and
                       |                               |   flips ROE.
                       |           POE   ACK           |
IMP A flips ROE,       |         +-----------+         |
      flips SOE      1 | 0     <-|  1      1 |(4)      |
                       |         +-----------+         |
                       |                               |

 start state                                      F = free
        |                                         I = in use
        V                                         X = don_t care
       +-----+                 +------+           N = new packet
       |  FX | --------------> | I, N |           O = old packet
       +-----+                 +------+
          ^                       |
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |                       |
   ACK    |                       |
 received |                       |
          |                       V
          |                   +------+
          +-------------------| I, O |---+
                              +------+   |
                                  ^      | re-transmissions

+-----+   +-------+   +------+           +------+   +-------+   +-----+
| File|<->|Server-|<->|Server|<----------|User  |<->|User-  |<->|File |
|Sys  |   |FTP    |   |TELNET|  FTP Cmds |TELNET|   |FTP    |   |Sys- |
| -tem|   |Process|   |      |---------->|      |   |Process|   | tem |
+-----+   |       |   +------+FTP Replies+------+   |       |   +-----+
          |       |                                 |       |
          |       |<------------------------------->|Data   |
          |       |         Data Connection(s)      |Socket |
          +-------+                                 +-------+
                                                    |      |
                                                    | USER |
                                                    |      |

                            Integral data bytes >= 24
                   | Don't care    |   Descriptor  |  Byte Count  |
                   | 0 to 231 bits |     8 bits    |    16 bits   |

                        Two 7-bit bytes
                   |          | Marker Char|
                   |          |    8 bits  |

                   | Don't care  | Descriptor  |               |
                   |    12 bits  |  code=4     | Byte count=2  |

                   |    | Marker  | Marker  | Marker | Marker  |
                   |    | 8 bits  | 8 bits  | 8 bits | 8 bits  |

                   |    | Marker  | Marker  | SP     | SP      |
                   |    | 8 bits  | 8 bits  | 8 bits | 8 bits  |

           STRU           F               |        R
   TYPE   |\ MODE                         |     |     |      |
          |  \                            |     |     |      |
          |    \     S       T       B    |  S  |   T |   B  |
          | FORM +--------+-----+---------+-----+-----+------+
       A  |   U  |   8    |  8  |    8    |  8  |   8 |   8  |
          |      +--------+-----+---------+-----+-----+------+
          |   P  |   8    |  8  |    8    |  8  |   8 |   8  |
      E   |   U  |   8    |     |    8    |  8  |     |   8  |
          |      +--------+-----+---------+-----+-----+------+
          |   P  |   8    |     |    8    |  8  |     |   8  |
      I   |   U  | 1-255  |     | 1-255   |     |     |1-255 |
      L   |   U  | 1-255  |     | 1-255   |     |     |1-255 |

         BYE CRLF   ----------------->
         <----------252 File transfer completed

ftp (host) multics CR             ICP to HOST S, socket 3,
                                  establishing TELNET connections.
username Doe CR                   USER Doe CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 330 password CRLF
password mumble CR                PASS mumble CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 230 Doe logged in. CRLF
retrieve (local type) ASCII CR
(local pathname) test 1 CR        User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
(for.pathname) test.p11 CR        RETR test.p11 CRLF
                                  <---- 255 SOCK 1233 CRLF
                                  Server makes data connection to (U+4).
                                  <---- 250 File transfer starts CRLF
                                  <---- 252 File transfer complete CRLF
type ImageCR                      TYPE I CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 200 Command OK CRLF
byte 36CR                         BYTE 36 CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 200 Command OK CRLF
store (local type) image CR
(local pathname) file dump CR     User-FTP opens local file in Image.
(for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd CR      STOR >udd>cn>fd CRLF ---->
                                  <---- 451 Access denied CRLF
terminate                         <---- 231 Doe logged out CRLF
                                  Server closes all connections.

         8           8
   |    RCS    |   link    |   Reset connection by sender

         8           8
   |    RCR    |   link    |   Reset connection by receiver

                                  n bytes of data
              1    B-1        /   B              B \
             +---+------+    +--------+     +--------+
Byte String: | 0 |  n   |    |   d    |. . .|   d    |
             |   |      |    |    1   |     |    n   |
             +---+------+    +--------+     +--------+
                  String of n data bytes d(1),...,d(n)
                  Count n must be positive

                     2     B-2            B
                   +----+------+    +---------+
Replicated Byte:   | 1 0|   n  |    |    d    |
                   +----+------+    +---------+
                 String consisting of n replications of the data byte d

                     2    B-2
Filler String:    | 1 1|   n  |
                 String of n filler bytes.  The filler byte is a "space"
                 character for ASCII or EBCDIC type, or a binary zero
                 byte for Image or Local Byte Type.

                                B            B
                          +----------+ +----------+
Control Escape Sequence:  | 0......0 | |      C   |    (see below)
                          +----------+ +----------+

                            |               |
                 +----------| USER PROCESS  |----------+
                 |          |       A       |          |
               telnet       +---------------+        telnet
                 |                                     |
                 |                                     |
          +-----------+                         +-------------+
          |           |-------->      --------->|             |
          |  SERVER   |data sockets  data socket|   SERVER    |
          |     B     |    Sb           Sc      |     C       |
          |           |<--------      <---------|             |
          +-----------+                         +-------------+

   USER A TO SERVER B                     USER A TO SERVER C
   __________________                     __________________

             8       8        8        8
         |  GVB  | link  | f =255 | f =255 |
         |       |       |  m     |  b     |

              8      8        16         32
          | RET  | link | msg space | bit space |

                           __                   __
                          |                       |
                          | ;D[DOCUMENT]          |
                          | ;M[MESSAGE]           |
               <userid>   | ;C[COPIES]= <integer> |
                          | ;BIN= <integer>       |
                          |__                   __|

                     UCSB                                UCLA
|------------------------------------------|       |-----------------|
 +--------+                       +-------+          +-------+
 |        |                       |       |          |       |
 |        |      500 Kb/s         |       |          |       |
 |SEL810-B|  +------+ | +------+  |IBM    |          |IBM    |
 |        |<-|INTER-|<->|INTER-|->|360/75 |          |360/91 |
 |        |->|FACE  |   |FACE  |<-|       |          | +----+|DISCARD
 |        |  +------+   +------+  |       |          | | NCP|-->+----+
 |        |                       |       |          | +----+|  |    |
 +--------+                       +---^---+          +----^--+  +----+
       |                           |  |<--100 Kb/s-->  |  |
       V                           V  |                V  |
    +-----+                       +-----+            +-----+
    | D/A |                       | IMP |<---/  /<---| IMP |
    +-----+                       |     |--->/  /--->|     |
        |                         +-----+  \     /   +-----+
  -|\   |                                   \   /
  -| \<-+                                  50 Kb/s
  -| /
                Figure 1.  Hardware configuration of data path used
                           for sending real-time data from the
                           SEL 810-B to the UCLA host discard socket.

     ^    1    2    3    4          n-4  n-3  n-2  n-1   ^
     |                                                   |
     0                                                   n
     B                                                   E

          +--------+        +--------+        +---------+
          |  IMP  2|--------|3 IMP  4|--------|5  IMP   |
          |   1    |        |        |        |    6    |
          +---|----+        +--------+        +----|----+
              |                                    |
          +---|----+                          +----|----+
          |        |                          |         |
          |  Host  |                          |  Host   |
          +--------+                          +---------+

                                         !!   User  !!    --------
                                         !!Interface!<--->! User !
                                         !\----:----/!    --------
               ----------                !     V     !
               !/------\!  FTP Commands  !/---------\!
               !!Server!<-----------------!   User  !!
               !!  PI  !----------------->!    PI   !!
               !\--:---/!   FTP Replies  !\----:----/!
               !   V    !                !     V     !
   --------    !/------\!      Data      !/---------\!    --------
   ! File !<--->!Server!<---------------->!  User   !<--->! File !
   !System!    !! DTP  !!   Connections  !!   DTP   !!    !System!
   --------    !\------/!                !\---------/!    --------
               ----------                -------------

                 TELNET     ------------    TELNET
                 -----------! User-FTP !------------
                 ! -------->! User-PI  !<--------- !
                 ! !        !   "C"    !         ! !
                 V !        ------------         ! V
         --------------                        --------------
         ! Server-FTP !   Data Connection      ! Server-FTP !
         !    "A"     !<-----------------------!    "B"     !
         -------------- Socket(A)    Socket(B) --------------

      ftp (host) multics<CR>         ICP to Host S, socket 3,
                                     establishing TELNET connections
                                     <---- 330 Awaiting input <CRLF>
      username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 330 password<CRLF>
      password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 230 Doe logged in.<CRLF>
      retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
      (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
      (for.pathname) testp11<CR>     RETR test.p11<CRLF> ---->
                                     Server makes data connection to
                                     <---- 250 File transfer starts
                                     <---- 252 File transfer
      type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      byte 36<CR>                    BYTE 36<CR>LF ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      store (local type) image<CR>
      (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
      (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 451 Access denied<CRLF>
      terminate                      BYE <CRLF> ---->
                                     Server closes all connections.

       Weekday Hourly Load Averages
                                 July 1973
          ^                                        B  BBN-TENEX
          |                                        I  ISI-TENEX
       10 +
          |                            B
          +                              B
   Load   |
   Avg.   |                                B
          |                            I
          |                          *
          +                              I
          |                      B         I B
          |                        B
        5 +
          |                    B   I
          |                                  I
          +                      I
          |                  B
          +                                    I       B
          |                                    B
          |                                      I
          |                    I                   I B   B
          +                                          I
          |                  I                     B   I
          |                                      B
          |                B                             I B
          +  I             I                                 I
          |  B *                                             B
          |      * * I I *
          |          B B
          | 0-1 AM      6-7 AM     12-1 PM      6-7 PM      12
           (midnight)              (noon)            (midnight)
                    Time of Day (Eastern Daylight Time)

                   SPECIAL PACKET BIT ___
      ___HELLO/I-HEARD-YOU BIT           |      ___ UNUSED __
     |                                   |     |             |
     |                                   |     |             |
     V                                   V     V             V
   |   |   |                       |   |   |///////|   |   |///|   |
   |   |   |                       |   |   |///////|   |   |///|   |
     ^   ^     PACKET WORD COUNT     ^               ^   ^       ^
     |   |         ( 6 BITS )        |               |   |       |
     |   |                           |               |   |    CHANNEL
     |   |                           |               |   |    NUMBER
     |   |                           |               |   |
     |  PACKET                  HOST/IMP BIT         |  CHANNEL ZERO
     |  ODD/EVEN BIT                                 |  ACKNOWLEDGE BIT
     |                                               |
    LAST PACKET BIT                                CHANNEL ONE
                                                   ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BIT

                                  |                        +++ (3)
                                  |                    ++++
                                  |                  ++
                                  |                 +
                                  |               ++
             ooo   ****         --+--   ooo   ***+
            o   o**    **         |    o   o**  + **
           o    *o       *        |   o    *o  +    *
          o    *          *       |  o    *   +      *
         o    *   o        *      | o    *   o        *
             *     o        *     |     *   + o        *
        o  **                **   |o  **  ++            **
|         *      |  o          *  |  *  ++     o   |      *   (1)   |
|-4.0            |   o     ++     |             o  |          (2)   |4.0
                         ++      o|                         o
                      o +         |              o
                       o        o |               o        o
                      +        o  |                       o
                     +  o     o   |                o     o
                    +    o   o    |                 o   o
                   +      ooo   --+-- -1.0           ooo
                 ++               |
                +                 |
              ++                  |
          ++++                    |
       +++                        |
                                --+-- -2.0

                                               Data from Plasma
                 |Msb|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|Lsb|P|  <----------------
                   |  | | | | | | | |  |  *    Terminal
                   |  | | | | \ \ \ \  \    Parity for Keyboard
                   |  | | | |  \ \ \ \  \   data is regenerated
                   |  | | | |   \ \ \ \  \  at the PLATO System
                   |  | | | |    \ \ \ \  \ end.
                   |  | | | |     \ \ \ \  \
                   / / / / /       \ \ \ \  \
                  / / / / /         \ \ \ \  \
      Data to    | | | | |           | | | | |
      <-------- |x|x|x|x|x|1|1|0|<--|x|x|x|x|x|1|0|0|

|                                     |        / /
|  ______     ___________             |        \ \
| |      |---|           |            |        / /
| |      |   |   DATA    |            |        \ \
| |      |   |DESCRIPTION|   _______  |    DATALANGUAGE     ___________
| |      |   |___________|  |       |<-------------------->|           |
| |STORED|         |________| USER  | |        PATH        |APPLICATION|
| | DATA |__________________|REQUEST| |                    |  PROGRAM  |
| |      |                  |_______|<----!--------------->|___________|
| |      |               ___________  |   !   DATA PATH
| |      |              |           | |   !    / /
| |      |              |   PORT    |-----!    \ \
| |      |              |DESCRIPTION| |        / /
| |______|              |___________| |        \ \
|_____________________________________|        / /
                               Figure 2-1
                A Model of Datacomputer/User Interaction

 ___________________________________________      _______________
|                             ____________  |    |  ___________  |
|                            |APPLICATION | |    | |APPLICATION| |
|                           _|    DATA    |_|____|_|  PROGRAM  | |
|                          | |DESCRIPTIONS| |    | |___________| |
|                          | |____________| |    |_______________|
|                          |       ^        |          HOST 1
|  ______                  |       |        |
| |      |                 |  _____|______  |
| |      |                 | |    DATA    | |
| |      |                 | | FUNCTIONS  | |
| |      |                 | |____________| |     _______________
| |      |   ___________   |  ____________  |    |  ___________  |
| |      |  |  STORED   |__| |            | |    | |APPLICATION| |
| |      |__|   DATA    |____|            |_|____|_|  PROGRAM  | |
| |STORED|  |DESCRIPTION|__  |            | |    | |___________| |
| | DATA |  |___________|  | |____________| |    |               |
| |      |        ^        |  ____________  |    |  ___________  |
| |      |        |        | |            | |    | |APPLICATION| |
| |      |   _____|_____   | |            |_|____|_|  PROGRAM  | |
| |      |  |   DATA    |  |_|            | |    | |___________| |
| |      |  | FUNCTIONS |    |____________| |    |_______________|
| |______|  |___________|                   |          HOST 2

                                |           _______
                                           |       |____
                                |        __|GENERAL|____
                                        |  |  DMS  |____
                                |       |  |_______|
 _________     ________     _________   |
|         |   | HIGHER |   |         |__|   _______     ________
|PRIMITIVE|___| LEVEL  |___|LOW-LEVEL|_____|COBOL  |   | COBOL  |
|_________|   |________|   |_________|  |  |_______|   |________|
                                |       |   _______
                                        |__|ON LINE|
                                |          | QUERY |_______
                                           |_______|       |
                                |                       ___|____
                                |                      | USERS  |
                                         APPLICATION  APPLICATIONS
                                |          SERVERS

               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      X      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |        ____________
               |___________|_____|       |            |
                OBJECT     |____________\|   "ABC"    |
               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      Y      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  BOOL  | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |        ____________
               |___________|_____|       |            |
                OBJECT     |____________\|    TRUE    |

              |  _____________  |
              | |    SMITH    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |        ____________
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
              |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |____________|
              | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
              | |_________|___| |
              |  CHILD    |     |
               OBJECT     |
              |  _____________  |
              | |      X      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |       _________________
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
         _____|_|____         | |      | |      Y      | |
        |     | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
        |     |  DESCRIPTION    |      |  NAME           |
        |     |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
        |   __|_|____         | |      | |         ____|_|_____
        |  |  | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |     |
        |  |  |  VALUE          |      |  DESCRIPTION    |     |
        |  |  |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |     |
        |  |  | |         ____|_|_____\| |         ____|_|__   |
        |  |  | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |  |  |
        |  |  |  SIBLING        |      |  VALUE          |  |  |
        |  |  |_________________|      |_________________|  |  |
        |  |   OBJECT                   OBJECT              |  |
        |  |   _________________        _________________   |  |
        |  |_\|      "ABC"      |      |      FALSE      |/_|  |
        |    /|_________________|      |_________________|\    |
        |      VALUE                    VALUE                  |
        |      _________________        _________________      |
        |     |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |     |
        |     | |    STRING   | |      | |     BOOL    | |     |
        |____\| |_____________| |      | |_____________| |/____|
             /|  TYPE           |      |  TYPE           |\
              |_________________|      |_________________|
               DESCRIPTION              DESCRIPTION

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      R      | |       | |    STRUCT   | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
 _____|_|____         | |        DESCRIPTION |
|     | |_____________| |        ____________V____
|     |  VALUE          |       |  _____________  |
|     |  _____________  |       | |    STRING   | |
|     | |             | |       | |_____________| |
|     | |_________|___| |   ___\|  TYPE           |        _____________
|     |  CHILD    |     |  |   /|  _____________  |       |  _________  |
|     |___________|_____|  |    | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING  | |
|      OBJECT     |        |    | |_____________| |      /| |_________| |
|                 |        |    |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE       |
|      ___________V_____   |    |_________________|       |_____________|
|     |  _____________  |  |     DESCRIPTION           DESCRIPTION    A
|     | |      A      | |  |                                          |
|     | |_____________| |  |     _________________                    |
|     |  NAME           |  |    |  _____________  |                   |
|     |  _____________  |  |    | |      B      | |                   |
|     | |         ____|_|__|    | |_____________| |                   |
|     | |_____________| |       |  NAME           |                   |
|     |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  _____________  |                   |
|     |  _____________  |       | |         ____|_|___________________|
|   __|_|____         | |       | |_____________| |
|  |  | |_____________| |       |  DESCRIPTION    |
|  |  |  VALUE          |       |  _____________  |
|  |  |  _____________  |       | |         ____|_|____
|  |  | |         ____|_|______\| |_____________| |    |
|  |  | |_____________| |      /|  VALUE          |    |
|  |  |  SIBLING        |       |  _____________  |    |
|  |  |_________________|       | |             | |    |
|  |   OBJECT                   | |_____________| |    |
|  |                            |  SIBLING        |    |
|  |                            |_________________|    |
|  |__________                   OBJECT   _____________|
|      _______|__________________________|_______
|____\|  _____V_______            _______V_____  |
     /| |    "ABC"    |          |     FALSE   | |      Figure 4-3
      | |_____________|          |_____________| |     A STRUCT with
      |__________________________________________|      two members

              |  _____________  |
              | |      L      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |        ____________
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |  LIST  | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
              |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |             | |       | |        | |
              | |_______|_____| |       | |______|_| |
              |  VALUE  |       |       |  CHILD |   |
              |_________|_______|       |________|___|
               OBJECT   |          DESCRIPTION |
                        |                      |
               _________V_______         ________V___
              |                 |       |  ________  |
              |  _____________  |       | | STRING | |
              | |    "ABC"    | |       | |________| |
              | |_____________| |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |____________|
              | |     "XY"    | |        DESCRIPTION
              | |_____________| |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    "ZLM"    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |        :        |
              |        :        |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    "BBBF"   | |
              | |_____________| |

              |                 |
              |  _____________  |
              | |     STAR    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |        ____________
              |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
              |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
              |  _____________  |       |____________|
              | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
              | |_________|___| |
              |  CHILD    |     |
               OBJECT     |

               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |    BLOCK    | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |
                OBJECT     |
               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |  TOP/LEVEL  | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  DIR   | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |         ____|_|___     DESCRIPTION
               | |_____________| |   |
               |  SIBLING        |   |
               |  _____________  |   |___\ ALL BLOCKS AND
               | |             | |       / LOCAL T/OBJECTS
               | |_________|___| |
               |  CHILD    |     |

               _________________        _________________
              |                 |      |                 |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |      X      | |      | |      Y      | |
              | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |_______|_____| |      | |_______|_____| |
              |  VALUE  |       |      |  VALUE  |       |
              |_________|_______|      |_________|_______|
               OBJECT   |             OBJECT     |
                        |                        |
               _________V_______        _________V_______
              |                 |      |                 |
              |      "ABC"      |      |      "DEF"      |
              |_________________|      |_________________|
               VALUE                    VALUE

               _________________        _________________
              |                 |      |                 |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |     X       | |      | |     Y       | |
              | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
              | |             | |      | |             | |
              | |_______|_____| |      | |_______|_____| |
              |  VALUE  |       |      |  VALUE  |       |
              |_________|_______|      |_________|_______|
               OBJECT   |             OBJECT     |
                        |                        |
               _________V_______        _________V_____
              |                 |      |                 |
              |     "DEF"       |      |     "DEF"       |
              |_________________|      |_________________|
               VALUE                    VALUE

       _________________         _________________
      |                 |       |  _____________  |
      |  _____________  |       | |             | |
      | |      L      | |       | |_____________| |
      | |_____________| |       |  TYPE           |
      |  NAME           |       |  _____________  |
      |  _____________  |       | |             | |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |__________|__| |
      | |_____________| |      /|  CHILD     |    |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |____________|____|
      |  _____________  |        DESCRIPTION |
      | |             | |                    |
      | |_________|___| |        ____________V____
      |  VALUE    |     |       |  _____________  |
      |___________|_____|       | |    STRING   | |/___
       OBJECT     |             | |_____________| |\   |
                  |             |  TYPE           |    |
       ___________V_____        |_________________|    |
      |                 |        DESCRIPTION           |
      |  _____________  |                              |
      | |    "ABC"    | |        _________________     |
      | |_____________| |       |                 |    |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |    |
      | |     "XY"    | |       | |      M      | |    |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |    |
      |  _____________  |       |  NAME           |    |
      | |    "ZLM"    |/|___    |  _____________  |    |
      | |_____________|\|   |   | |         ____|_|____|
      |        :        |   |   | |_____________| |
      |        :        |   |   |  DESCRIPTION    |
      |  _____________  |   |   |  _____________  |
      | |    "BBBF"   | |   |___|_|____         | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |_________________|       |  VALUE          |
       VALUE                    |_________________|

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      L      | |       | |             | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
      | |             | |/__     DESCRIPTION |
      | |_________|___| |\  |    ____________V____
      |  VALUE    |     |   |   |  _____________  |
      |___________|_____|   |   | |    STRING   | |/___
       OBJECT     |         |   | |_____________| |\   |
                  |         |   |  TYPE           |    |
       ___________V_____    |   |_________________|    |
      |  _____________  |   |    DESCRIPTION           |
      | |    "ABC"    | |   |    _________________     |
      | |_____________| |   |   |                 |    |
      |  _____________  |   |   |  _____________  |    |
      | |     "XY"    | |   |___|_|____         | |    |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |    |
      |  _____________  |       |  LIST           |    |
      | |    "ZLM"    | |       |  _____________  |    |
      | |_____________| |       | |             | |    |
      |        :        |       | |_________|___| |    |
      |        :        |       |  MEMBER   |     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |     :     |     |    |
      | |    "BBBF"   |/|___    |     :     |     |    |
      | |_____________|\|   |   |___________|_____|    |
      |_________________|   |    OPD        |          |
       VALUE                |    ___________V_____     |
                            |   |  _____________  |    |
                            |   | |      M      | |    |
                            |   | |_____________| |    |
                            |   |  NAME           |    |
                            |   |  _____________  |    |
                            |   | |         ____|_|____|
                            |   | |_____________| |
                            |   |  DESCRIPTION    |
                            |   |  _____________  |
                            |___|_|____         | |
                                | |_____________| |
         Figure 4-9             |  VALUE          |
    OPD, LIST and member        |_________________|

 _________________         _________________
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |      F      | |       | |   STRUCT    | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
| |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
|  _____________  |       |____________|____|
| |             | |        DESCRIPTION |
| |___________|_| |        ____________V____         _________________
|  VALUE      |   |       |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|  ___________|_  |       | |    STRING   | |       | |    STRING   | |
| |           | | |       | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
| |_________|_|_| |       |  TYPE           |       |  TYPE           |
|  CHILD    | |   |       |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|___________|_|___|  ____\| |             | |       | |             | |
 OBJECT     | |     |    /| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
            | |     |     |  SIBLING        |       |  SIBLING        |
            | |     |     |_________________|       |_________________|
            | |     |      DESCRIPTION               DESCRIPTION    A
            | |     |      ______________________________________   |
            | |     |     |  ____________          ____________  |  |
            | |     |     | |    "ABC"   |        |    FALSE   | |  |
            | |_____|_____| |____________|        |____________| |  |
            |       |     |________A_____________________________|  |
            |       |  ............:                        VALUE   |
 ___________V_____  |  :   _________________                        |
|  _____________  | |  :  |  _____________  |                       |
| |      A      | | |  :  | |      B      | |                       |
| |_____________| | |  :  | |_____________| |                       |
|  NAME           | |  :  |  NAME           |                       |
|  _____________  | |  :  |  _____________  |                       |
| |         ____|_|_|  :  | |         ____|_|_______________________|
| |_____________| |    :  | |_____________| |
|  DESCRIPTION    |    :  |  DESCRIPTION    |
|  _____________  |    :  |  _____________  |
| |         ....|.|....:  | |             | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  VALUE          |       |  VALUE          |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
| |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
|  SIBLING        |       |  SIBLING        |
|_________________|       |_________________|        Figure 4-10
 OBJECT                    OBJECT            Effect of GET/STRUCT/MEMBER

              |  _____________  |
              | |      L      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |     LIST    | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |             | |
              | |________|____| |
              |  CHILD   |      |
             DESCRIPTION |
              |  _____________  |
              | |      M      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    STRING   | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |  _________  | |
              | | |  FIXED  | | |
              | | |_________| | |
              | |  _________  | |
              | | |    3    | | |
              | | |_________| | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  PARAMETERS     |

              |  _____________  |
              | |      R      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    STRUCT   | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |             | |
              | |_________|___| |
              |  CHILD    |     |
             DESCRIPTION  |
              |  _____________  |
              | |      A      | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |
              | |    STRING   | |
              | |_____________| |
              |  TYPE           |        _________________
              |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
              | |             | |       | |      B      | |
              | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
              |  PARAMETER      |       |  NAME           |
              |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
              | |         ____|_|______\| |    BOOL     | |
              | |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
              |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE           |
              |_________________|       |_________________|
               DESCRIPTION               DESCRIPTION

               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      X      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |   DIR  | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  CHILD    |     |
                OBJECT     |
               |                 |
               |  _____________  |
               | |      Z      | |
               | |_____________| |
               |  NAME           |        ____________
               |  _____________  |       |  ________  |
               | |         ____|_|______\| |  OPD   | |
               | |_____________| |      /| |________| |
               |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  TYPE      |
               |  _____________  |       |____________|
               | |             | |        DESCRIPTION
               | |_________|___| |
               |  VALUE    |     |        ____________
               |___________|_____|       |            |
                OBJECT     |____________\|            |

|  _____________  |
| |      X      | |
| |_____________| |        _________________
|  NAME           |       |  _____________  |
|  _____________  |       | |     DIR     | |
| |         ____|_|______\| |_____________| |
| |_____________| |      /|  TYPE           |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |_________________|
|  _____________  |        DESCRIPTION
| |             | |
| |_________|___| |
|  VALUE    |     |
 OBJECT     |
|  _____________  |
| |      Y      | |
| |_____________| |        _________________
|  NAME           |       |  _____________  |
|  _____________  |       | |     BOOL    | |
| |         ____|_|______\| |_____________| |
| |_____________| |      /|  TYPE           |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |_________________|
|  _____________  |        DESCRIPTION
| |             | |
| |_____________| |
|  VALUE          |
|  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|______________
| |_____________| |              |
|  SIBLING        |              |
|_________________|        ______V__________         _________________
       OBJECT             |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
                          | |      Z      | |       | |     OPD     | |
                          | |_____________| |    __\| |_____________| |
                          |  NAME           |   |  /|  TYPE           |
                          |  _____________  |   |   |_________________|
                          | |         ____|_|___|    DESCRIPTION
                          | |_____________| |
                          |  DESCRIPTION    |
                          |  _____________  |        _________________
                          | |         ____|_|______\|                 |
       Figure 4-14        | |_____________| |      /|_________________|
    X, Y, and Z after     |  VALUE          |        OPD
        L/CREATE          |_________________|

 _________________         _________________
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |     STAR    | |       | |      F      | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  NAME           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |     LIST    | |
| |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|  CHILD    |     |       |  TYPE           |
|___________|_____|       |  _____________  |
 OBJECT     |             | |             | |
            |             | |___________|_| |
 ___________V_____     __\|  CHILD      |   |
|  _____________  |   |  /|_____________|___|
| |      F      | |   |    DESCRIPTION  |
| |_____________| |   |                 |
|  NAME           |   |    _____________V___
|  _____________  |   |   |  _____________  |
| |         ____|_|   |   | |      R      | |
| |_____________| |___|   | |_____________| |
|  DESCRIPTION    |       |  NAME           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |    STRUCT   | |
| |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|  VALUE    |     |       |  TYPE           |
|___________|_____|       |  _____________  |
 OBJECT     |             | |             | |
            |             | |___________|_| |
 ___________V_____        |  CHILD      |   |
|                 |       |_____________|___|
|                 |        DESCRIPTION  |
|_________________|        _____________V___
 VALUE                    |  _____________  |
                          | |      A      | |
                          | |_____________| |
                          |  NAME           |       _________________
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |    STRING   | |      | |      B      | |
                          | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
                          |  TYPE           |      |  NAME           |
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |         ____|_|_____\| |  STRING     | |
       Figure 4-15        | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |
   F immediately after    |  SIBLING        |      |  TYPE           |
        creation          |_________________|      |_________________|
                           DESCRIPTION              DESCRIPTION

 _________________         _________________
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |     STAR    | |       | |     OPF     | |
| |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  NAME           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |             | |
| |_________|___| |       | |_______|_____| |
|  CHILD    |     |       |  VALUE  |       |
|___________|_____|       |_________|_______|
 OBJECT     |              OBJECT   |
 ___________V_____         _________V______
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |      F      | |/______|_|____         | |
| |_____________| |\      | |_____________| |
|  NAME           |       |  LIST           |
|  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
| |             | |       | |             | |
| |_________|___| |       | |________|____| |
|  VALUE    |     |       |  MEMBER  |      |
|___________|_____|       |__________|______|
 OBJECT     |              VALUE     | OPD
            |              __________V______
 ___________V_____        |  _____________  |
|                 |       | |      M      | |
|       LIS       |       | |_____________| |
|_________________|       |  NAME           |
 VALUE                    |  _____________  |
                          | |             | |
                          | |________|____| |
                          |  CHILD   |      |
                           OBJECT    |
                           __________V______        _________________
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |      A      | |      | |      B      | |
                          | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
                          |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
                          |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
                          | |         ____|_|_____\| |             | |
                          | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |
                          |  SIBLING        |      |                 |
                          |_________________|      |_________________|
                           OBJECT                   OBJECT

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      M      | |       | |    STRUC    | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
 _____|_|____         | |        DESCRIPTION |
|     | |_____________| |                    |
|     |  VALUE          |        ____________V____
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|     | |             | |       | |    STRING   | |
|     | |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|     |  CHILD    |     |   ___\|  TYPE           |        _____________
|     |___________|_____|  |   /|  _____________  |       |  _________  |
|      OBJECT     |        |    | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING  | |
|                 |        |    | |_____________| |      /| |_________| |
|      ___________V_____   |    |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE       |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |_________________|       |_____________|
|     | |      A      | |  |     DESCRIPTION           DESCRIPTION    A
|     | |_____________| |  |                                          |
|     |  NAME           |  |     _________________                    |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |  _____________  |                   |
|     | |         ____|_|__|    | |      B      | |                   |
|     | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |                   |
|     |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  NAME           |                   |
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |                   |
|     | |             | |       | |         ____|_|___________________|
|     | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|     |  VALUE          |       |  DESCRIPTION    |
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|     | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
|     | |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
|     |  SIBLING        |       |  VALUE          |
|     |_________________|       |_________________|
|      OBJECT                    OBJECT
      |  _____________            _____________  |
      | |             |          |             | |
      | |_____________|          |_____________| |
      |__________________________________________|       Figure 4-17
       VALUE                                         After L/OPEN/MEMBER

       _________________         _________________
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |      M      | |       | |    STRUC    | |
      | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
      |  NAME           |       |  TYPE           |
      |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
      | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
      | |_____________| |      /| |__________|__| |
      |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  CHILD     |    |
      |  _____________  |       |____________|____|
 _____|_|____         | |        DESCRIPTION |
|     | |_____________| |                    |
|     |  VALUE          |        ____________V____
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|     | |             | |       | |    STRING   | |
|     | |_________|___| |       | |_____________| |
|     |  CHILD    |     |   ___\|  TYPE           |        _____________
|     |___________|_____|  |   /|  _____________  |       |  _________  |
|      OBJECT     |        |    | |         ____|_|______\| | STRING  | |
|                 |        |    | |_____________| |      /| |_________| |
|      ___________V_____   |    |  SIBLING        |       |  TYPE       |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |_________________|       |_____________|
|     | |      A      | |  |     DESCRIPTION           DESCRIPTION    A
|     | |_____________| |  |                                          |
|     |  NAME           |  |     _________________                    |
|     |  _____________  |  |    |  _____________  |                   |
|     | |         ____|_|__|    | |      B      | |                   |
|     | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |                   |
|     |  DESCRIPTION    |       |  NAME           |                   |
|     |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |                   |
|   __|_|____         | |       | |         ____|_|___________________|
|  |  | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
|  |  |  VALUE          |       |  DESCRIPTION    |
|  |  |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
|  |  | |         ____|_|______\| |             | |
|  |  | |_____________| |      /| |_____________| |
|  |  |  SIBLING        |       |  VALUE          |
|  |  |_________________|       |_________________|
|  |  OBJECT                    OBJECT
|  |___________
|              |
|      ________|_________________________________
|     |  ______V______            _____________  |
|____\| |   "AB"      |          |             | |
     /| |_____________|          |_____________| |
      |__________________________________________|       Figure 4-18
       VALUE                                        After first L/ASSIGN

    _________________         _________________
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |     STAR    | |       | |     OPF     | |
   | |_____________| |       | |_____________| |
   |  NAME           |       |  NAME           |
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |             | |       | |             | |
   | |_________|___| |       | |___________|_| |
   |  CHILD    |     |       |  VALUE      |   |
   |___________|_____|       |_____________|___|
    OBJECT     |              OBJECT       |
    ___________V_____         _____________V___
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |      F      | |/______|_|____         | |
   | |_____________| |\      | |_____________| |
   |  NAME           |       |  LIST           |
   |  _____________  |       |  _____________  |
   | |             | |       | |             | |
   | |_________|___| |       | |___________|_| |
   |  VALUE    |     |       |  MEMBER     |   |
   |___________|_____|       |_____________|___|
    OBJECT     |              VALUE        | OPD
               |              _____________V___
 ______________V_________    |  _____________  |
| ______________________ |   | |      M      | |
|| _________  _________ ||   | |_____________| |
|||  "AB"   ||  "CD"   |||   |  NAME           |
|||_________||_________|||   |  _____________  |
||______________________||   | |             | |
|                 /      |   | |___________|_| |
|                /       |   |_____________|___|
|_______________/________|    OBJECT       |
 VALUE         /       /      _____________V___        _________________
              /       /      |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
             /       /       | |             | |      | |      B      | |
            /      LIST      | |_____________| |      | |_____________| |
           /                 |  NAME           |      |  NAME           |
          /                  |  _____________  |      |  _____________  |
 NEW MEMBER VALUE            | |         ____|_|_____\| |             | |
                             | |_____________| |     /| |_____________| |
                             |_________________|      |_________________|
                              OBJECT                   OBJECT

                     |  _____________  |
                     | |      F      | |
                     | |_____________| |
                     |  NAME           |
                     |  _____________  |
                     | |         ____|_|_________\
                     | |_____________| |         /
                     |  DESCRIPTION    |
                     |  _____________  |
                     | |             | |
                     | |_________|___| |
                     |  VALUE    |     |
                      OBJECT     |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "AB"   |  |  "CD"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "EF"   |  |  "GH"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "AB"   |  |  "IJ"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |
                 |  __________________________  |
                 | |  _________    _________  | |
                 | | |         |  |         | | |
                 | | |  "CD"   |  |  "LM"   | | |
                 | | |_________|  |_________| | |
                 | |__________________________| |

IMP(0)  | pkt(0) | pkt(1) | ... | pkt(m-1) |
        |        | ------------------------------------
IMP(1)  |        | | pkt(0) | pkt(1) | ... | pkt(m-1) |
        |        | ------------------------------------
        |        | |                    :
        |        | |                    :
        |        | |        ------------------------------------
IMP(h-1)|        | |        | pkt(0) | pkt(1) | ... | pkt(m-1) |
        |<------>| |<-      ------------------------------------
            \     \
             \     `---> propagation delay from IMPO to IMPl
              `-->  packet transmission delay

|     I      I      I     I
I LMR | link | LRN  | MSN I

I        I       I        I         I       I
I  LMS   I Link  I  LRN   I  MSN    I COUNT I

I       I              I                 I       I      I
I CLS2  I  my socket   I your socket     I  LRN  I MSN  I

I        I             I             I
I  ECLS  I my socket   I  your socketI

I        I        I        I       I
I SFR    I  LINK  I  LRN   I MSN   I

I        I        I        I       I
I SFS    I  LINK  I  LRN   I MSN   I

   | PDP-11           |
   | SPEECH FRONT END |________
   | 50.=62(8)        |      __|_________
   |__________________|     |            |
    __________________      |   IMP-50   |________\ NCC-TIP
   | PDP-10           |     |____________|        /
   | SYSTEM D         |________|   |   |
   | 114.=162(8)      |            |   |
   |__________________|            |   |________________________
    __________________             |                            |
   | PDP-10           |            |                            |
   | SYSTEM A         |________    |                            |
   | 197.=305(8)      |        |   |                            |
   |__________________|        |   |                            |
    __________________       __|___|_____                       |
   | PDP-11           |     |            |                      |
   | LPT              |_____|   IMP-5    |________\ CCA         |
   | 69.=105(8)       |     |____________|        /             |
   |__________________|        |   |                            |
    __________________         |   |                            |
   | PDP-11           |        |   |                            |
   | PACKET RADIO     |________|   |                            |
   | 133.=205(8)      |            |                            |
   |__________________|            |                            |
    __________________             |    ________________________|
   | PDP-10           |            |   |
   | SYSTEM B         |________    |   |
   | 49.=61(8)        |      __|___|___|_       ____________
   |__________________|     |     49     |_____|    161     |
    __________________      | BBN10X-TIP | VDH | ANALOG TIP |  Local
   | PDP-10           |     |____________|     |____________|  Terminals
   | SYSTEM C         |________|
   | 241.=361(8)      |

                              0-no TCB
                       OPEN    |    A   CLOSE           CLOSE    A
                    ---------- |    | ----------      ---------- |
                    set up TCB |    | remove TCB      remove TCB |
                               |    |                            |
                               |    |       collision retry,     |
        SYN arrives          __V____|__       SEND, INTER        |
       -------------        / S1=0     \    ----------------     |
       send SYN, ACK       |  S2=0 F=0  |       send SYN         |
     ______________________|  R=0  C=0  |_____________________   |
    |                      |  U=0/1     |                     |  |
    |                      |            |   SYN arrives       |  |
    |      error,timeout   |   1-OPEN   |   -----------       |  |
    |      -------------    \__________/    collision;        |  |
    |        clear TCB         A    A       set timeout       |  |
    |     _____________________|    |_____________________    |  |
  __V____|__                                             _|___V__|_
 / S1=1     \                                           / S1=1     \
|  S2=0 F=0  |                                         |  S2=0 F=0  |
|  R=1  C=0  |                       SYN, ACK arrives  |  R=0  C=0  |
|  U=0/1     |  ACK arrives          ----------------  |  U=0       |
|            |  -----------              send ACK      |            |
| 3-SYN rcvd |_________________       _________________| 2-SYN sent |
 \__________/                  |     |                  \__________/
    |                        __V_____V__
    |                       / S1=1      \
    |  CLOSE               |  S2=1 F=0   |
    | --------             |  R=1  C=0   |     FIN arrives
    | send FIN             |  U=0        | -------------------
    |                      |             | tell user, send FIN
    |      ________________|4-established|______________________
    |     |    CLOSE        \___________/                       |
    |     |   -------                                           |
  __V_____V_  send FIN                                   _______V__
 / S1=1     \                                           / S1=1     \
| S2=0/1 F=1 |     timeout or                          |  S2=1 F=1  |
|  R=1   C=1 | FIN, error, arrives            CLOSE    |  R=1  C=0  |
|  U=0/1     | -------------------          ---------- |  U=0       |
|            |     remove TCB               remove TCB |            |
| 5-FIN wait |_____________________       _____________| 6-FIN rcvd |
 \__________/                      |     |              \__________/
                                   |     |
      /                                                          \
                                  0-no TCB

      |       _____________            _______________       |
      |      |             |          |               |      |
      |      |             |          | INPUT PACKET  |<---->|
      |      | REASSEMBLER |          |    HANDLER    |      |
      |      |_____________|          |_______________|      |
      |             |_______________          |              |
      |                             |         |              |
      |       _________             |         |              |
      |      |         |          __V_________V____          |  NETWORK
      |<=====| SYSTEM  |         |                 |         |    or
      |      |  CALLS  |<========|       TCB's     |<========|   some
USERS |=====>|   or    |         |        and      |         |  NETWORK
      |      |  USER   |========>|ASSOCIATED QUEUES|========>| INTERFACE
      |<---->|INTERFACE|         |_________________|         |  PROGRAM
      |      |_________|            A         A              |
      |                             |         |              |
      |               ______________|         |              |
      |       _______|_____            _______|_______       |
      |      |             |          |               |      |
      |      | PACKETIZER  |          | OUTPUT PACKET |      |
      |      |             |          |    HANDLER    |<---->|
      |      |_____________|          |_______________|      |
      |                                                      |

FIGURE 2.2a:                               ________
Address Check                             / Begin  \
                                           .'     '.
                                         .' packet  '.
                                       .'   foreign   '.
                  ___________________.'  socket matches '.
                 |                no  '.  a TCB local  .'
                 |                      '.   socket  .'
                 |                        '.   ?   .'
                 |                          '.___.'
                 |                             | yes
                 |                            _V_
                 |                         .'     '.
                 |                       .' packet  '.           ___
                 |                     .'local socket '.        /   \
                 |                   .'  matches fully  '.____\| YES |
                 |                    '. specified TCB .'     / \___/
                 |                      '.fgn socket .'
                 |                        '.   ?   .'
                _V_                         '.___.'
             .'     '.                         | no
           .'   SYN,  '.                      _V_
         .'FIN,INT,DSN, '.                 .'     '.
  _____.'or text length>0 './_____       .' matches '.
 |  no  '.   or QUERY    .' \     |    .'partly spec. '.
 |        '.           .'         |___.'  or unspec. TCB '.
 |          '.   ?   .'            no  '.     foreign   .'
 |            '.___.'                  '.   socket  .'
 |               | yes                   '.   ?   .'
 |     __________V_________                 '.___.'
 |    |                    |                   | yes
 |    |   Create error 7   |                  _V_
 |    | packet. Signal OPH |               .'     '.
 |    |____________________|             .' packet  '.
 |               |               ______.' has SYN set '.
 |           ____V____          |   no  '.           .'
 |          |         |         |         '.   ?   .'
 |_________\| discard |/________|          '.___.'
           /|_________|\                      |
                 |                           _V_
                _V_                         /   \
               /   \                       | YES |
              | NO  |                       \___/

FIGURE 2.2b-1:                         _______
Input Packet Handler                  / Begin \
|                              A         /|\                         |
|                              |          |                          |
|                              |         _V_                         |
|                              |       .'   '.          _______      |
|                              |     .' input '.       | go to |     |
|                              |   .'  packet   '.____\| sleep |     |
|                              |    '.available.'  no /|_______|     |
|                              |      '.__?__.'                      |
|                              |          | yes                      |
|                              |         _V_                         |
|                              |       .'   '.                       |
|   .->SPECIAL FUNCT. Fig 4.7  |     .'address'.                     |
|   | .->ERR Fig 4.5,4.6       |___.' check OK  '.                   |
|   | | .->SYN Fig 4.1,4.2      no  '.    ?    .'                    |
|   | | | .->INT Fig 4.3              '._____.'                      |
|   | | | | .->FIN Fig 4.4                | yes              ________|_
|   | | | | |                            _V_                | discard  |
|  _|_|_|_|_|___________               .'   '.              |(or queue)|
|  |                    |            .' error '.            |__________|
|<-| Control Processing |/_________.'or control '.                   A
   |____________________|\     yes  '.    ?    .'                    |
        |                             '._____.'                      |
        | (INT with data)                 | no                       |
        |                                 |                          |
        V                                _V_                         |
      to "X"                           .'   '.              .        |
  in Fig 2.2b-2                      .'(estab)'.          .' '.      |
                              _____.' R=S1=S2=1 '.----->.'seq.#'.--->|
                             | yes  '.    ?    .'  no    '.OK .'  no |
                             |        '._____.'            '.'       |
                             |                              | yes    |
                             |    _______________           |        |
                             |   | Set S2=1, U=0 |          V        |
                             |   | Notify user   |         .'.       |
                             |<--| with event 2  |       .'ACK'.     |
                             |   | if U was 1    |<-----'.  OK .'--->'
                             |   |_______________|  yes   '. .'   no
                             |                              '
                           to "Y"
                       in Fig 2.2b-2

           .'.              _V_
         .'txt'.          .'   '.        ______________________________
       .'lgth>0 '.      .'within '.     |Use ACK to advance send window|
,<----'. or DSN  .'<---'. window  .'--->|Release ACK'ed packets from   |
|  no   '.  ?  .'   no   '.  ?  .'  yes |retransmit or send queues. If |
|         '._.'            '._.'        |any packet had EB bit set     |
|           | yes                       |remove buffer from Packetized |
|   ________V____________________       |buffer queue and inform user  |
|  |Create ACK packet. Put on    |      |(success). Signal Packetizer. |
|<-|Send packet queue. Signal OPH|      |______________________________|
|  |_____________________________|                      |
|                                                       |
|          _____________________________________________|
|         |
|         |
|         |                      "X"
|         |                       |
|        _V_                     _V_              _____________________
|      .'   '.                 .'TCB'.           |Put packet on        |
|    .' text  '.   yes       .'Receive'.   yes   |Receive packet queue |
|  .' length>0  '.-------->.'  buffer   '.------>|in the right order.  |
|   '. or DSN  .'   A       '.available.'        |Signal Reassembler.  |
|     '.  ?  .'     |         '.  ?  .'          |_____________________|
|       '._.'       |           '._.'                           |
|         | no      |             | no                          |
|         |         |            _V_                            |
|________\|         |          .'   '.                          |
         /|         |        .' seq # '.         ________       |
          |         |      .' of packet '.  yes |Discard |      |
          |         |     '.  highest so .'---->|packet  |----->|
          |         |       '.   far   .'       |________|      |
          |         |         '.  ?  .'                         |
          |         |           '._.'                           |
          |         |             | no                          |
          |         |      _______V______________               |
          |         |     |Discard packet with   |              |
          |         |_____|highest seq. no from  |              |
          |               |Receive packet queue. |              |
          |               |______________________|              |
          |                                                     |
                      to "Begin" in Fig 2.2b-1

      / Begin \
          |                      _____                    | yes
    ______V_____               .'     '.                 _|_
   |Get ready   |            .' Receive '.   yes       .'any'.
   |for next TCB|--------->.'Packet Queue '.-------->.' more  '.
   |____________|     A     '.  empty ?  .'     A     '.work?.'
                      |       '._______.'       |       '._.'
                      |            | no         |         | no
   "R"------>---------'          __V__          |     ____V____
                               .' is  '.        |    |  Go to  |
                             .' packet  '.      |    |  Sleep  |
  .--<----------------------'.DSN with no.'     |    |_________|
  |                     yes   '. data? .'       |
  |                             '.___.'         |
  |                                | no         |
  |                              __V__          |
  |                            .'     '.        |
  |                          .' Receive '.  yes |
  |                        .'Buffer Queue '.--->|
  |                         '.  empty ?  .'     |
  |  ________________         '._______.'       |
  | |Copy from packet|             | no         |<-------------"S"
  | |to buffer until |           __V__          |
  | |one is exhausted|         .'First'.        |
  | |Update receive  | yes   .' packet  '.   no |
  | |window.         |<----.'matches Recv '.--->'
  | |________________|      '.left window.'
  |         |                 '. edge ?.'
  |       __V__                 '.___.'
  |     .'Send '.
  |   .' Packet  '.   yes  _____________________________
  | .' Queue empty '.---->|Create ACK packet containing |
  |  '.     ?     .'      |new window. Signal OPH.      |
  |    '._______.'        |_____________________________|
  |      no |                            |
  |         |                            |
  |         '--------------------------->|
  |                                      |
  V                                      V
to "T"                                 to "U"
in Fig 2.3-2                        in Fig 2.3-2

     "T"                                "U"
      |                                  |
      |                                  |           _____________
   ___V____           ___              __V__        |Mark progress|
  |process |  yes   .'   '.    yes   .'whole'.  no  |in packet.   |
  |  DSN   |<-----.'  DSN  '.<-----.' packet  '.--->|Return buffer|--->.
  |________|       '. set?.'        '.copied?.'     |to user.     |    |
      |              '._.'            '.___.'       |_____________|    |
      |                | no                                            |
      '--------------->|                                               |
                       |                                               |
                     __V__              __________________________     |
                   .' EOL '.  yes      |Return buffer to user.    |    |
                  '.  set? .'--------->|Return packet to free     |--->|
                    '.___.'            |storage. Signal Packetizer|    |
                    no |               |__________________________|    |
                       |                   A                           |
                     __V__                 |                           |
                   .' full'.               |                           |
                  '. buffer.'--------------'                           |
                    '.___.'   yes                                      |
                       | no                                            |
                       |                                               |
    ___________________V__________________                             |
   |Mark progress in buffer. Return packet|                            |
   |to free storage. Signal Packetizer.   |                   ,--------'
   |______________________________________|                   |
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
                       V                                      V
              to "R" in Fig 2.3-1                    to "S" in Fig 2.3-1

    _______               ________________________
   / Begin \____________\| Get ready for next TCB |/___________________
   \_______/            /|________________________|\                   |
                                      |                                |
                                    __V__               _____          |
                                  .'Send '.           .' any '.        |
                            no  .' Buffer  '.  yes  .'  more   '.  yes |
                 .-------------'.   Queue   .'---->'.   work    .'-----'
                 |               '.empty? .'   A     '.   ?   .'
     ____________V____________     '.___.'     |       '.___.'
    |Pick packet size depend- |                |          | no
,-->|ing on send buffer, TCB  |                |    ______V______
|   |buffer space, window, etc|                |   | go to sleep |
|   |_________________________|                |   |_____________|
|                |                             |
|              __V__                           |
|            .'Send '.                         |
|          .' window  '.  no                   |
|         '.has room ? .'--------------------->|
|           '._______.'                        |
|                | yes                         |
|              __V__                           |
|            .' TCB '.                         |
|          .' buffer  '.   no                  |
|        .'space avail- '.---------------------'
|         '.  able ?   .'                   A
|           '._______.'                     |
|                | yes                      |
|   _____________V____________     _________|_______     ____________
|  |Copy from Send buffer to  |   |Move buffer from |   |Set EOL bit |
|  |packet until packet full. |   |Send queue to    |<--|in packet   |
|  |Put packet on Send packet |   |packetized queue |   |header      |
|  |queue. Signal OPH.        |   |_________________|   |____________|
|  |__________________________|             A                  A
|                |                          | no               |
|              __V__                      __|__                |
|            .'whole'.                  .' EOL '.              |
|          .'  Send   '.  yes         .' set in  '.  yes       |
|         '.  buffer   .'----------->'.   Send    .'-----------'
|           '.copied?.'                '.buffer?.'
|             '.___.'                    '.___.'
|                | no
|   _____________V__________
|  |Note in TCB where in    |
 --|Send buffer we stopped. |

FIGURE 2.5a:
Output Packet Handler
                                       / Begin \
                               ____________V___________                |
                              | Get ready for next TCB |               |
                              |________________________|               |
                                      |                                |
,------------------------------------>|                                |
|                                   __V__               _____          |
|               _____             .'Send '.           .' any '.        |
|        yes  .' ACK '.     no  .' Buffer  '.  yes  .'  more   '.  yes |
|      .-----'.bit set.'<------'.   Queue   .'---->'.   work    .'-----'
|      |       '.___.'           '.empty? .'    A    '.   ?   .'
|      |       no |________        '.___.'      |      '.___.'
|      |                   |__________          |         | no
|  ____V__________________            |         |         |
| |Put latest receive left|   ________v______   |   ______V______
| |window edge in ACK.    |->|Transmit packet|  |  | go to sleep |
| |_______________________|  |_______________|  |  |_____________|
|                                     |         |
|     ________________              __V__       |
|    |Return packet to|           .'pckt '.     |_________________
|    |buffer pool as  |    no   .'seq # to '.                     |
|    |it has been     |<------.'rgt of Send  '.                   |
|    |ACKed           |        '.left window.'                    |
|    |________________|          '.  edge .'                      |
|             |                    '.___.'                        |
|             |                       | yes                       |
|             |        _______________V________________           |
|             |       |Move packet to retransmit queue;|          |
|             |       |set new retrans. time for it.   |          |
|             |       |________________________________|          |
|             |                       |                           |
|             '---------------------->|                           |
|                                   __V__                         |
|                            no   .'Time '.   yes                 |
 -------------------------------.'to switch'.---------------------'
                                 '.TCB's? .'

                               / Begin \
                       ____________V___________                        |
                      | Get ready for next TCB |                       |
                      |________________________|                       |
                                   |                                   |
 .-------------------------------->|                                   |
 |                               __V__                                 |
 |                             .' Any '.                _____          |
 |                           .'packet's '.            .' any '.        |
 |                         .'retrans. time'.  no    .'  more   '.  yes |
 |                        '. has occurred  .'----->'.   work    .'-----'
 |                          '.  for this .'          '.   ?   .'
 |                            '. TCB ? .'              '.___.'
 |                              '.___.'                   |
 |                                 | yes                  | no
 |                                 |                ______V______
 |                         ________V________       | go to sleep |
 |                        |Move packet to   |      |_____________|
 '------------------------|Send Packet      |
                          |queue. Signal OPH|

                                / Begin \
                                .'User '.          _______
                              .'permitted'.   no  |       |
                            .'  access to  '.---->|error 1|------------.
                             '.this local .'      |_______|            |
                               '.socket?.'                             |
                                 '.___.'                               |
                                    | yes                              |
                                  __V__                                |
                                .' fgn '.                              |
                         yes  .' socket  '.  no                        |
                       .-----'. specified .'----.                      |
                       |       '.   ?   .'      |                      |
                     __V__       '.___.'      __V__         _______    |
   _______         .'conn-'.                .'space'.  no  |       |   |
  |       |  yes .' ection  '.             '.for TCB.'---->|error 4|-->|
,-|error 6|<----'.  already  .'              '.___.'       |_______|   |
| |_______|       '.exists?.'                   | yes                  |
|                   '.___.'                     |                      |
|                      | no                 ____V__________            |
|   _______          __V__                 |Create TCB. Set|           |
|  |       |   no  .'space'.               |S1=S2=R=F=C=1  |           |
|<-|error 4|<-----'.for TCB.'              |Set U=1        |           |
|  |_______|        '.___.'                |_______________|           |
|                      | yes                       |                   |
|                      |                           |                   |
|             _________V__________                 |                   |
|            |Create TCB. Set U=0 |                |                   |
|            |Set S1=S2=R=F=C=1   |                |                   |
|            |____________________|                |                   |
|                      |                           |                   |
|                      '-------------.-------------'                   |
|                                    |                                 |
|               _____________________V__________________               |
|              |Return local connection name and Success|              |
|              |________________________________________|              |
|                                    |                                 |
                                / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                                        |
                  .'conn-'.                 _________            |
                .' ection  '.   no         |         |           |
              .'    open     '.----------->| error 3 |---------->|
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                                        |
                  .' fgn '.                 _________            |
                .' socket  '.  no          |         |           |
               '. specified .'------------>| error 5 |---------->|
                 '.(U=0)? .'               |_________|           |
                   '.___.'                                       |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                                        |
                  .'conn-'.                 _________            |
                .' ection  '.  yes         |         |           |
               '. closing ? .'------------>| error 12|---------->|
                 '.(F,C=1).'               |_________|           |
                   '.___.'                                       |
                      | no                                       |
  ____________________V________________________________          |
 |Put buffer on Send Buffer queue and signal Packetizer|         |
 |_____________________________________________________|         |
                      |                                          |
                 / Return \

                      |                                          |
                      |                                          |
  ____________________V_________________________                 |
 |Return any pending Send buffers with code 10. |                |
 |Create INT packet on outgoing packet queue.   |                |
 |Signal Output Packet Handler.                 |                |
 |______________________________________________|                |
                      |                                          |
                 / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                     _V_                                         |
                   .'   '.                                       |
                 .'       '.                                     |
               .'connection '.                                   |
             .'     state     '.                                 |
            :___________________:                   _________    |
               |      |      |                     |         |   |
           1-4 |  5,6 |    0 '-------------------->| error 3 |-->|
               |      '---------------------.      |_________|   |
     __________V__________                  |                    |
    |Put buffer on Receive|                 |       _________    |
    |Buffer queue. Signal |                 |      |         |   |
    |Reassembler          |                 '----->| error 12|-->|
    |_____________________|                        |_________|   |
               |                                                 |
          / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                     _V_                                         |
                   .'   '.                                       |
                 .'       '.                                     |
               .'connection '.                                   |
             .'     state     '.                                 |
            :___________________:                   _________    |
            5|   |3,4  |1,2,6  |0                  |         |   |
             |   |     |       '------------------>| error 3 |-->|
,------------'   |     '-------------------.       |_________|   |
|  ______________V______________________   |                     |
| |Return all buffers to user with error|  |     ___________     |
| |12; clear all packet queues, create  |  |    |Remove TCB |    |
| |FIN packet, signal Output Packet     |  '--->|Return     |--->|
| |Handler, set C=F=1                   |       |Success    |    |
| |_____________________________________|       |___________|    |
|                      |                                         |
                  / Return \

                  / Begin \
                .' ection  '.               _________
              .'  legal for  '.  no        |         |
             '. this process  .'---------->| error 1 |-----------.
               '.     ?     .'             |_________|           |
                 '._______.'                                     |
                      | yes                                      |
                    __V__                   __________           |
                  .'conn-'.                |Return    |          |
                .' ection  '.  no          |state=0 or|          |
               '.   open ?  .'------------>|error 3   |--------->|
                 '._______.'               |__________|          |
                      | yes                                      |
           ___________V___________                               |
          |Fill in reply from TCB.|                              |
          |Return Success to user.|                              |
          |_______________________|                              |
                      |                                          |
                 / Return \

SYN (no ACK)
                             / Begin \
                              .'   '.
                            .'       '.
                          .' S1, S2, R '.
                        .'       ?       '.
                       :___________________: 1,1,1        _________
 __________             |     |     |     | (states 4-6) |         |
|Treat as a|      1,0,1 |     |     |     '------------->| error 6 |-->.
|duplicate.|<-----------'     |     |                    |_________|   |
|Retransmit|                  |     | 1.0,0                            |
|SYN, ACK  |            0,0,0 |     | (Syn sent)   ________________    |
|__________|      (listening) |     '------------>|Collision: Clear|   |
     |                        |                   |S1, set timeout,|   |
     |   _____________________V________________   |remove SYN from |-->|
     |  |Set R=S1=1. If U=1 set foreign socket |  |retransmit queue|   |
     |  |in TCB to match packet local socket.  |  |________________|   |
     |  |Send SYN, ACK. Signal OPH. Fill in TCB|                       |
     |  |with send window, receive sequence #. |                       |
     |  |______________________________________|                       |
     |                        |                                        |
     |                        |                                        |
                          / Done \

                       / Begin \
                       .'     '.
                     .' State 2 '.  no
                      '.   ?   .'                  |
                        '.___.'                    |
                           | yes                   |
                         __V__              _______V______
                       .' ACK '.   no      |              |
                     .' correct '.-------->| send error 6 |
                      '.   ?   .'          |______________|
                        '.___.'                    |
                           | yes                   |
                  _________V_________              |
                 |Set S2=R=1. Process|             |
                 |ACK. Send ACK.     |             |
                 |___________________|             |
                           |                       |
                       / Done \

INT (from net)
                   _______       ____________
                  / Begin \____\|Process ACK |
                  \_______/    /|(may set S2)|------.
                                |____________|      |
                        ____________            .' in  '.
                       | Discard    |     no  .' state 4 '.
              .<-------| (or queue) |<-------'. S1=S2=R=1 .'
              |        |____________|          '. F=0 ? .'
              |                                  '.___.'
              |                                     | yes
              |                                   __V__
              |         ____________            .'     '.
              |        | ACK and    |     no  .' within  '.
              |<-------| discard    |<-------'.  window   .'
              |        |____________|          '.   ?   .'
              |                                  '.___.'
              |                                     | yes
              |         ____________________________V_______________
              |        |Move Receive Left window edge to sequence   |
              |        |number of INT. Return event 10 with any     |
              |        |pending Receive buffers. Ruturn event 11 to |
              |        |user. Send ACK for INT.                     |
              |        |____________________________________________|
              |                                     |
              |                                   __V__
              |                 see       yes   .'data '.
              |              Figure<----------.' in this '.
              |                 2.2            '.packet?.'
              |                                  '.___.'
              |                                     | no
                                                / Done \

                 _______       ____________
                / Begin \____\|Process ACK |
                \_______/    /|(may set S2)|------.
                              |____________|      |
                                              .'     '.
                                        no  .'S1=S2=R=1'.
                            .--------------'.  (estab-  .'
                            |                '.lished).'
                            |                  '.___.'
                            |                     | yes
                            |                   __V__
                      ______V_____            .'     '.
                     |            |     no  .' within  '.
   .-----------------| discard    |<-------'.  window   .'
   |                 |____________|          '.   ?   .'
   |                                           '.___.'
   |                                              | yes
   |                                            __V__
   |                             (state 4) 0  .'F bit'.  1 (state 5)
   |                            .------------'. value .'------------.
   |                            |              '.___.'              |
   |   _________________________V________                           |
   |  |Return all user buffers (event 12)|     _____________________V__
   |  |Clear all packet queues. Send FIN |    |Return success to User's|
   |  |packet. Set F=1. Inform user      |    |CLOSE.  Remove TCB.     |
   |  |"connection closing" (event 12)   |    |________________________|
   |  |__________________________________|                 |
   |                  |                                    |
                  / Done \

               / Begin \
               .'     '.
             .'refers to'.
           .'current pckt?'.                      _________
         .'(ACK matches seq '.  no               |         |
        '.  # of packet on   .'----------------->| discard |-----------.
          '.retrans or send.'                    |_________|           |
            '.  queues?) .'                                            |
              '._______.'                                              |
                   | yes                                               |
                   |                                                   |
                  _V_                                                  |
                .'   '.   1 (state 3)                                  |
              .' value '.--------------------------------.             |
               '. of R.'  bad SYN,ACK                    |             |
                 '._.'                                   |             |
                   |                                     |             |
                   | 0 (state 2)                         |             |
                   | bad SYN                             |             |
 __________________V__________________            _______V______       |
|Other side is established. Send RESET|          |Clear S1, R   |      |
|(put error packet's seq. # in ACK    |          |Remove SYN,ACK|      |
|field. Return all user buffers with  |          |from retrans  |      |
|code 14. Inform user with event 14   |          |queue.        |      |
|_____________________________________|          |______________|      |
                   |                                     |             |
                   |                                     V             |
               / Done \

                  / Begin \
                  .'     '.
                .'refers to'.                     _________
              .'   current   '.  no              |         |
             '. packet (check .'---------------->| discard |-----------.
               '.   ACK)?   .'         A         |_________|           |
                 '._______.'           |                               |
                      | yes            |                               |
                     _V_               |                               |
                   .'   '.             |                               |
                 .'       '.           |                               |
               .'connection '.         |                               |
             .'     state     '.       |                               |
            :___________________:      |                               |
           4|   5|   3|   2|   6|      |                               |
    .-------'    |    |    |    '------'                               |
    |            |    |    '-----------------------------.             |
    |            |    '-------------.                    |             |
    |            |                  |                    |             |
 ___V___     ____V_______     ______V_______     ________V_________    |
|Pass to|   |Remove TCB. |   |Clear S1, R.  |   |Discard. SYN will |   |
|user   |   |Return      |   |Remove SYN,ACK|   |be retrans to     |   |
|_______|   |success to  |   |from transmit |   |avoid receiver    |   |
    |       |user's CLOSE|   |queue (go to  |   |having to queue it|   |
    |       |____________|   |state 1).     |   |__________________|   |
    |            |           |______________|            |             |
    |            V                  |                    V             |
                                / Done \

                               / Begin \
                           no  .'Reset'.  yes
                 .------------'. All ? .'------------------.
                 |              '.___.'                    |
                 |                                _________V_________
                 |                               |Clear all TCB's for|
                 |                               |foreign TCP. Inform|
                 |                               |users with event 14|
                 |                               |___________________|
               __V__                                       |
             .' Is  '.             _________               |
           .'  RESET  '.   no     |         |              |
         .'believable ? '.------->| discard |------------->|
          '.(check ACK .'         |_________|              |
            '.field) .'                                    |
              '.___.'                                      |
                 | yes                                     |
 ________________V________________                         |
|Clear all queues for this TCB.   |                        |
|Return event 14 for user buffers.|                        |
|Inform User with event 14.       |                        |
|_________________________________|                        |
                 |                                         |
             / Done \

Limitations of Procedure Calling Across Machines___________ __ _________ _______ ______ ________

        / ------\                   /-------\           /-----\
        !       !BEGIN(new index)   !       !           !     !
        !       !->--------------->-!Index  !           !     !
        !Index  !LISTEN(new index)  !Open   !           !     !
        !Closed !                   !Pending!           !Index!
        !       !           REPLY(N)!       !REPLY(A)   !Open !
        !       !-<---------------<-!       !->------->-!     !
        !       !                   \-------/           !     !
        !       !                                       !     !
        !       !             /-------\      END(Path=0)!     !
        !       !             !       !-<-------------<-!     !
        !       !     REPLY(A)!Index  !                 !     !
        !       !-<---------<-!Close  !REPLY(N)         !     !
        !       !             !Pending!->------------->-!     !
        \-------/             \-------/                 \-----/

        /------\BEGIN       /----------\
        !      !->-------->-!          !
        !      !LISTEN      !Connection!
        !Path  !            !Pending   !REPLY(A)        /-------\
        !Closed!    REPLY(N)!          !->------------>-!       !
        !      !-<--------<-!          !                !       !
        !      !            \----------/                !Path   !
        !      !                                        !Conn-  !
        !      !            /-----\     RESPONSE(CODE>0)! ecting!
        !      !            !     !-<-----------------<-!       !
        !      !            !Path !                     !       !
        !      !    REPLY(A)!Abort!          END(PATH>0)!       !
        !      !-<--------<-!Pend-!-<-----------------<-!       !
        !      !            ! ing !                     !       !
        !      !            !     !REPLY(N)             !       !
        \------/            !     !->----------------->-!       !
                            \-----/                     !       !
                                                        !       !
                             /-------\                  !       !
                             !       !  RESPONSE(CODE=0)!       !
           /----\            !Path   !-<--------------<-!       !
           !    !            !Open   !                  !       !
           !Path!            !Pending!REPLY(N)          !       !
           !Open!    REPLY(A)!       !->-------------->-!       !
           !    !-<--------<-!       !                  \-------/
           \----/            \-------/

        /----\MESSAGE             /-------\             /-------\
        !    !->---------------->-!       !REPLY(A+NR)  !       !
        !Path!INTERRUPT           !Command!->--------->-!Message!
        !Open!                    !Blocked!REPLY(N+NR)  !Blocked!
        !    !                    !       !             !       !
        !    !          REPLY(A+R)!       !    INTERRUPT!       !
        !    !-<----------------<-!       !-<---------<-!       !
        !    !          REPLY(N+R)\-------/             !       !
        !    !                                  REPLY(R)!       !
        !    !-<----------------------<---------------<-!       !
        !    !                                          !       !
        !    !END(PATH>0)         /-------\  END(PATH>0)!       !
        !    !->---------------->-!       !-<---------<-!       !
        !    !                    !       !             !       !
        !    !          REPLY(N+R)!Path   !REPLY(N)     !       !
        !    !-<----------------<-!Close  !->--------->-!       !
        \----/                    !Pending!             \-------/
                                  !       !
        /------\          REPLY(A)!       !
        !Path  !-<--------------<-!       !
        !Closed!                  !       !
        !      !                  \-------/

An equivalent tree representation follows, for those
who prefer it.
start with high order bit
 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |   PADDING
0|    0|    0|    0|    0|    0|    0|    0|
 |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
 X     |     X     |     X     |     X     X
 (7)   |   (5)     |    (3)    |   (1)
       |        0| |           |
   SINTEGER        |          XTRA
      (6)          |           (2)

                        _______         _______
      foreign RFNB  ___!       !_______!       !________

                        _______         _______
   receiver's RFNB  ___!       !_______!       !________

       User                                          User
          \                                          /
           \                                        /
            \                                      /
         --+----------------------------------------+-- Service
           !   \                                /   ! Interface
           !  +--------+                +--------+  !
           !  ! Module ! <--Protocol--> ! Module !  !
           !  +--------+                +--------+  !
           !        \                       /       !
           !        +-----------------------+       !
           !        ! Communication Service !       !
           !        +-----------------------+       !
           !                                        !

     User                                                    User
       \                                                      /
        \                                                    /
         \                                                  /
      !    \                                              /     !
      !  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  !
      !  ! MPM ! <--Protocol--> ! MPM ! <--Protocol--> ! MPM !  !
      !  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  !
      !     !                    /   \                    !     !
      !  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  !
      !  !Communication Service A!   !Communication Service B!  !
      !  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  !
      !                                                         !

                     +-----+     DATA       +-----+
             other-->! MPM !-->STRUCTURES-->! UIP !-->USER
             MPMs    +-----+    +-----+     +-----+
                                !     !
                                !  +-----+
                                +--!     !
                                   !  +-----+
                                   +--!     !
                                      !     !

          !                                                !
          !  processing      DATA         DATA             !
          !  routines   ---> ENCODER ---> COMPRESSOR --->  !
          !                                                !
                             Send MPM

          !                                                !
          !      DATA              DATA         processing !
          ! ---> DECOMPRESSOR ---> DECODER ---> routines   !
          !                                                !
                            Receive MPM

   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
   !Telnet! ! FTP ! !Message! !Voice! ... !     ! Application Level
   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
           \   !   /             !           !
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
            ! TCP !           ! RTP ! ... !     ! Host Level
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
               !                 !           !
              !       Internet Protocol       !   Gateway Level
                 !   Local Network Protocol  !    Network Level

    1  Padding        !  0   !     octet count    ! Data ...

    4  Integer        !  4   !            Data           !

    5  Bit String     !  5   !      bit count     ! Data ...

    6  Text String    !  6   !     octet count    !  Data ...

    7  List           !  7   !     octet count    !  item count ! Data

    8  Proplist       !  8   !     octet count    ! Data ...

    !   8  !     octet          ! pair !
    !      !           count    ! count!
                         ! name !    value    ! name    ! value   !
             repeated    ! count!    count    !      ...!      ...!

  !                          1         2                            !
  ! sending --> originating --> relay --> destination --> receiving !
  !   user          MPM          MPM          MPM            user   !
  !                                                                 !
  !                          4         3                            !
  !             originating <-- relay <-- destination               !
  !                 MPM          MPM          MPM                   !

    9  Encrypt        !  9   !     octet count    ! Data ...

          !0!   n   !     n data octets ...

       User                                          User
          \                                          /
          UIP                                      UIP
            \                                      /
         --+----------------------------------------+-- Service
           |   \                                /   | Interface
           |  +--------+                +--------+  |
           |  | Module | <--Protocol--> | Module |  |
           |  +--------+                +--------+  |
           |        \                       /       |
           |        +-----------------------+       |
           |        | Communication Service |       |
           |        +-----------------------+       |
           |                                        |

     User                                                    User
       \                                                      /
       UIP                                                  UIP
         \                                                  /
      |    \                                              /     |
      |  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  |
      |  | MPM | <--Protocol--> | MPM | <--Protocol--> | MPM |  |
      |  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+  |
      |     |                    /   \                    |     |
      |  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  |
      |  |Communication Service A|   |Communication Service B|  |
      |  +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+  |
      |                                                         |

                     +-----+     DATA       +-----+
             other-->| MPM |-->STRUCTURES-->| UIP |-->USER
             MPMs    +-----+    +-----+     +-----+
                                |     |
                                |  +-----+
                                +--|     |
                                   |  +-----+
                                   +--|     |
                                      |     |

   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
   |Telnet| | FTP | |Message| |Voice| ... |     | Application Level
   +------+ +-----+ +-------+ +-----+     +-----+
           \   |   /             |           |
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
            | TCP |           | RTP | ... |     | Host Level
            +-----+           +-----+     +-----+
               |                 |           |
              |       Internet Protocol       |   Gateway Level
                |   Local Network Protocol  |     Network Level

        +------+   +-----+   +-------+
        |Telnet|   | FTP |---|Message|            Application Level
        +------+   +-----+   +-------+
              \     /
    +-----+   +-----+
    |Voice|---| NCP |                             Host Level
    +-----+   +-----+
                 |                                Gateway Level
         |    ARPA NET    |                       Network Level

    1  Padding        |  1   |     octet count    | Data ...

    4  Integer        |  4   |            Data           |

       Extended       +------+------+------+------+------
    5  Precision      |  5   |    octet count     | Data ...
       Integer        +------+------+------+------+------

    6  Bit String     |  6   |      bit count     | Data ...

    7  Name String    |  7   | count|  Data ...

    8  Text String    |  8   |     octet count    |  Data ...

    9  List           |  9   |     octet count    | Data ...

    10 Proplist       |  10  |     octet count    | Data ...

    |   9  |     octet count    |  item count |
                          repeated   |      element    |

    |  10  |     octet count    | pair |
              repeated   | name element    | value element   |

      12 Share Tag         |  12  | share-index |

      13 Share Reference   |  13  | share-index |

    |11 - 9|01 - 9|  <a> |  12  |   0  |   1  |  <b> |  11  |
                      |10 - 9|  <c> |  13  |   0  |   1  |  11  |  11  |

    14 Encrypt        |  14  |     octet count    |

                             |alg id|   key id    | Data ...

  |                          A         B                            |
  | sending --> originating --> relay --> destination --> receiving |
  |   user          MPM          MPM          MPM            user   |
  |                                                                 |
  |                          D         C                            |
  |             originating <-- relay <-- destination               |
  |                 MPM          MPM          MPM                   |

                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
                 |Telnet| | FTP | |Voice|  ...  |     |
                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
                       |   |         |             |
                      +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
                      | TCP |     | RTP |  ...  |     |
                      +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
                         |           |             |
                      |       Internet Protocol       |
                        |   Local Network Protocol  |

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |                 |     |           |     |     |
      |                 |     |           |     |     |

        |00000011| length |        source route        |

        |00000111| length |        return route        |

        |01000100|00000100|        time in milliseconds       |
         Type=68  Length=6

       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
       |Telnet| | FTP | |Voice|  ...  |     |  Application Level
       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
             |   |         |             |
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
            | TCP |     | RTP |  ...  |     |  Host Level
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
               |           |             |
            |      Internet Protocol        |  Gateway Level
              |   Local Network Protocol  |    Network Level

        |01000101|00000100|    buffer size   |
         Kind=105 Length=4

                   1         2          3          4
                     SND.UNA    SND.NXT    SND.UNA

                RCV.NXT                         RCV.NXT+RCV.WND
                   |                               |
                |  |         |                  |  |
                |            |                  |
             Segment 1    Segment 2          Segment 3

            |           Buffer 1            |   Buffer 2
            |                               |
            |                    |          |
            |<-----SEG.LEN------>|          |
            |                    |          |
            |                    |          |
         SEG.SEQ                 A          B

                                            ||   User  ||    --------
                                            ||Interface|<--->| User |
                                            |\----:----/|    --------
                  ----------                |     V     |
                  |/------\|  FTP Commands  |/---------\|
                  ||Server|<---------------->|   User  ||
                  ||  PI  ||   FTP Replies  ||    PI   ||
                  |\--:---/|                |\----:----/|
                  |   V    |                |     V     |
      --------    |/------\|      Data      |/---------\|    --------
      | File |<--->|Server|<---------------->|  User   |<--->| File |
      |System|    || DTP  ||   Connection   ||   DTP   ||    |System|
      --------    |\------/|                |\---------/|    --------
                  ----------                -------------

                    TELNET     ------------    TELNET
                    ---------->| User-FTP |<-----------
                    |          | User-PI  |           |
                    |          |   "C"    |           |
                    V          ------------           V
            --------------                        --------------
            | Server-FTP |   Data Connection      | Server-FTP |
            |    "A"     |<---------------------->|    "B"     |
            --------------  Port (A)     Port (B) --------------

               | Descriptor     |    Byte Count                   |
               |         8 bits |                      16 bits    |

               |Descrptr|  Byte count     |
               |code= 16|             = 6 |

               | Marker | Marker | Marker |
               | 8 bits | 8 bits | 8 bits |

               | Marker | Marker | Marker |
               | 8 bits | 8 bits | 8 bits |

                               3      +---+
                          ----------->| E |
                         |            +---+
      +---+    cmd    +---+    2      +---+
      | B |---------->| W |---------->| S |
      +---+       --->+---+           +---+
                 |     | |
                 |     | |     4,5    +---+
                 |  1  |  ----------->| F |
                  -----               +---+

              |                                    |
      Begin   |                                    |
        |     V                                    |
        |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
         -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
            |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
         -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
        |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |               |
        |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
        |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
        |     |             |            |   |
        |     |             |            +---+

      ftp (host) multics<CR>         Connect to Host S, port L,
                                     establishing TELNET connections
                                     <---- 220 Service ready <CRLF>
      username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 331 User name ok,
                                               need password<CRLF>
      password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 230 User logged in.<CRLF>
      retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
      (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
      (for.pathname) test.pl1<CR>    RETR test.pl1<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 150 File status okay;
                                           about to open data connection
                                     Server makes data connection
                                     to port U
                                     <---- 226 Closing data connection,
                                         file transfer successful<CRLF>
      type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      store (local type) image<CR>
      (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
      (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 450 Access denied<CRLF>
      terminate                      QUIT <CRLF> ---->
                                     Server closes all

   0        1        2        3                              length
   | length | command|   data                                     |

                  ------------                ------------
                  |          |                |          |    --------
                  |          |      MTP       |          |<-->| User |
                  | Receiver-|Commands/Replies|  Sender- |    --------
      --------    |   MTP    |<-------------->|    MTP   |    --------
      | Mail |<-->|          |      Mail      |          |<-->| Mail |
      |System|    |          |                |          |    |System|
      --------    ------------                ------------    --------

                       Old                       New
                  ...|M|A|I|L| ... |IAC|IP|IAC|DM|...

              |                                    |
      Begin   |                                    |
        |     V                                    |
        |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
         -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
            |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
         -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
        |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |               |
        |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
        |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
        |     |             |            |   |
        |     |             |            +---+

                         AU0   |    AU2
                          |    |     |
                         |             |
                         |     VT2     |
                         |             |
                         |             |
                                |       _______________
                                |       |             |----AU0
                                |_______|     VT0     |
                                |_______|             |
                                |       |             |----AU1
                                |       _______________
                         |              |
                         |              |
                         |     VT1      |
                         |              |
                          |     |     |
                         AU0    |    AU2

                    ___  ___               ___  ___
                   |VT1||VT2|             |VT1||VT2|
                   ____ _____             _____ ____
                    |     |                 |    |
                  | |     | |             | |     |  |
                  |  REMOTE | -CONTROLLER-|  REMOTE  |
                  |   KEYS  |             | DISPLAYS |
                  |         |             |          |
                  | VIRTUAL |             |   DATA   |
                  |   KEYS  |             |  STORE   |
                  |         |<----------->|          |
                  |  LOCAL  |             |   LOCAL  |
                  |   KEYS  |             | DISPLAYS |
                  |         |             |          |
                    |     |                  |     |
                   ____ ____               _____ ____
                  |AU0||AU1|               |AU0||AU1|
                   ____ ____               _____ ____

 |                                 |                                   |
 |        VIRTUAL TERMINAL         |         ADAPTATION UNIT           |
 |             DOMAIN              |              DOMAIN               |
 |                                 |                                   |

 + - - - - - - - - - +   + - - - - - - - - - +        - - - - - - - - -
 |  +--->  x(m)      |   |                   |       /                /|
 |  |                |   |            x(i)   |      /                / |
 |  v  y(m)          |   | +---------------> |      - - - - - - - - -  |
 |                   |   | |              |  |     | +------------+ |  |
 | +--------------+  |   | |              |  |     | | VIEWPORT 1 | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |              |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |   A<---------|--|-----|-|->A         | |  |
 | |              |  |   | |  / \         |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |     <--------|--|---|-|->   \        |  |     | |            | |  |
 | |    /         |  |   | |      \       |  |     | |        <---|-|--|+
 | |    A         |  |   | |       \      |  |     | +------------+ |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |        \     |  |     |                |  ||
 | |     WINDOW   |  |   | |         \    |  |     | +------------+ |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |          \   |  |     | | VIEWPORT 2 | |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |-----------\--+  |     | |            | |  ||
 | |              |  |   | |            \    |     | |            | |  ||
 | +--------------+  |   | v  y(i)       \   |     | +------------+ |  ||
 |                   |   |                \  |     |                | / |
 |                   |   |                 \ |     |                |   |
 |                   |   |                  \|      - - - - - - - -     |
 |     /             |   |       /           |            |  |          |
 + - -/- - - - - - - +   + - - -/- - - - - - +\           |  |          |
     /                         /               \     - - - - - - - -    |
    /                         /                 \   |    KEYBOARD   |   |
  MASTER WORKSPACE         INSTANCE WORKSPACE    \  + - - - - - - - +   |
                                                  <-/   []  []  [] /|   |
                                                   /   []  []  [] / |   |
                                                  + - - - - - - - - +   |
                                            PHYSICAL DEVICE WORKSPACE --+

           +-----+   +-----+   +------+   +------+
           | MTP |   | MTP |   | USER |   |OTHER |
           | TCP |   | NCP |   | MAIL |   |MAIL  |
           | RCV |   | RCV |   | PGM  |   |SOURCE|
           +-----+   +-----+   +------+   +------+
              |         |          |         |
              |         |          |         |
              |         |          |         |
              v         v          v         v
            +----+    +----+     +----+     +----+
            |    |    |    |     |    |     |    |
Pending   +----+ |  +----+ |   +----+ |   +----+ |
Files     |    |-+  |    |-+   |    |-+   |    |-+
          |    |    |    |     |    |     |    |
          +----+    +----+     +----+     +----+
                \      |         |       /
                 \     |         |      /
                  \    |         |     /
                   v   v         v    v

                    +------------------+       TABLES
                    |                  |       +----+
                    |    DISPATCHER    |<----->|    |---+
                    |                  |       |    |   |
                    +------------------+       +----+   |
                    /      /     \      \          +----+
                   /      /       \      \
                  /      /         \      \
                 v      v           v      v
           +-----+   +-----+   +-------+   +-----+
           | MTP |   | MTP |   | LOCAL |   |OTHER|
           | TCP |   | NCP |   |MAILBOX|   |MAIL |
           | SND |   | SND |   | FILES |   |SINK |
           +-----+   +-----+   +-------+   +-----+

X3S33/X3T56/81-85               |          WORKING PAPER          |
X3T5/81-171                     | This document has not been re-  |
X3T51/81-44                     | viewed or approved by the appro-|
X3S37/81-71R                    | priate Technical Committee and  |
                                | does not at this time represent |
                                | a USA consensus.                |

User of (N)-services                       User of (N)-services
 [an (N+1)-entity]                           [an (N+1)-entity]
        \                                           /
         \                                         /
          \ /-----(N)-service-access-points-----\ /     (N+1)
            \                                   /        (N)
             \<-----services provided to------>/
              \          (N+1)-layer          /
               \                             /
        ,------------,                 ,------------,
        |            |                 |            |
        | (N)-entity |<----"Peers"---->| (N)-entity |    (N)-LAYER
        |            |                 |            |
        '------------'                 '------------'
               \                             /
                \<----services required---->/
                 \     from (N-1)-layer    /
                  \                       /              (N)
                    \                   /               (N-1)
                     \                 /
                      \               /
                       \             /
             |                                |
             |                                |
             |           (N-1)-LAYER          |
             |                                |
             |                                |

  (N)-  |          |                     (N)-  |          |
connect |          |(N)-connect        connect |          |  (N)-
------->|          |indication         ------->|          | connect
request |          |                   request |          |indication
        |          |------->                   |          |------->
        |(N)-LAYER |                           |(N)-LAYER |
  (N)-  |          |<-------            (N)-   |          |<-------
connect |          |                disconnect |          |  (N)-
<-------|          |(N)-connect        <-------|          |disconnect
confirm |          | response       indication |          | request
        |          |                           |          |

  (N)-  |          |                     (N)-  |          |
  data  |          | (N)-data            data  |          |
------->|          |indication         ------->|          |  (N)-
request |          |                   request |          |  data
        |          |------->                   |          |indication
        |(N)-LAYER |                           |(N)-LAYER |------->
        |          |                     (N)-  |          |
        |          |                     data  |          |
        |          |                   <-------|          |
        |          |                   confirm |          |
        |          |                           |          |

(N)-dis |          |                           |          |
connect |          |                     (N)-  |          |  (N)-
------->|(N)-LAYER |(N)-disconnect   disconnect|(N)-LAYER |disconnect
request |          |indication         <-------|          |------->
        |          |------->         indication|          |indication
        |          |                           |          |

                |                       |
      (N)-data  |                       |
       request  |                       |
      --------->|                       |
                |       (N)-LAYER       |
                |                       |--------->
                |                       |  (N)-data
                |                       | indication
                |                       |

      (N)-data  |                       |
       request  |                       |
      --------->|                       |
                |                       |  (N)-data
                |       (N)-LAYER       |--------->
                |                       | indication
      <---------|                       |
      (N)-data  |                       |
       confirm  |                       |

         ,---------------------,            ,---------------------,
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 7  |  Application Layer  |<---------->|  Application Layer  |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 6  | Presentation Layer  |<---------->| Presentation Layer  |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 5  |    Session Layer    |<---------->|     Session Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 4  |   Transport Layer   |<---------->|   Transport Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 3  |    Network Layer    |<---------->|    Network Layer    |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 2  |   Data Link Layer   |<---------->|   Data Link Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         |----------|----------|            |----------|----------|
         |                     |            |                     |
Level 1  |    Physical Layer   |<---------->|    Physical Layer   |
         |                     |            |                     |
         '---------------------'            '---------------------'

                ^                              ^   (N+1)-LAYER
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
   ,-------------------------,    ,-------------------------,
   | Offers a connectionless |    |   Offers a connection-  |
   |       (N)-service       |    |   oriented (N)-service  |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |        (N)-LAYER        | OR |        (N)-LAYER        |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |   Uses a connection-    |    |  Uses a connectionless  |
   | oriented (N-1)-service  |    |      (N-1)-service      |
   '-------------------------'    '-------------------------'
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
                v                              v   (N-1)-LAYER

                ^                              ^   (N+1)-LAYER
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
   ,-------------------------,    ,-------------------------,
   | Offers a connectionless |    |   Offers a connection-  |
   |       (N)-service       |    |   oriented (N)-service  |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |        (N)-LAYER        | OR |        (N)-LAYER        |
   |            |            |    |            |            |
   |  Uses a connectionless  |    |   Uses a connection-    |
   |      (N-1)-service      |    | oriented (N-1)-service  |
   '-------------------------'    '-------------------------'
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              |
                v                              v   (N-1)-LAYER

                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+     +-----+
                 |Telnet| | FTP | | TFTP| ... | ... |
                 +------+ +-----+ +-----+     +-----+
                       |   |         |           |
                      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
                      | TCP |     | UDP | ... | ... |
                      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
                         |           |           |
                      |    Internet Protocol & ICMP   |
                        |   Local Network Protocol  |

                   | Internet Protocol & ICMP & GGP|
                           |                 |
                 +---------------+   +---------------+
                 |   Local Net   |   |   Local Net   |
                 +---------------+   +---------------+

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
      |   PRECEDENCE    |  D  |  T  |  R  |  0  |  0  |
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |

        |10000011| length | pointer|     route data    |

        |00000111| length | pointer|     route data    |

        |10001000|00000010|    Stream ID    |
         Type=136 Length=4

       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
       |Telnet| | FTP | |Voice|  ...  |     |  Application Level
       +------+ +-----+ +-----+       +-----+
             |   |         |             |
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
            | TCP |     | RTP |  ...  |     |  Host Level
            +-----+     +-----+       +-----+
               |           |             |
            |    Internet Protocol & ICMP   |  Gateway Level
              |   Local Network Protocol  |    Network Level

        |00000010|00000100|   max seg size   |
         Kind=2   Length=4

                   1         2          3          4
                     SND.UNA    SND.NXT    SND.UNA

      0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
   |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
   |   PRECEDENCE    |  D  |  T  |  R  |  0  |  0  |
   |                 |     |     |     |     |     |


         |   26   |  ZERO  |  HOST/TERMINAL  |   IP
              8        8           16

         |  HOST  |  ZERO  |  IMP   |   ARPANET
              8        8        8

         |   10   |  HOST  |   LH   |  IMP   |   IP
              8        8        8        8

         |   18   |  ZERO  |   HID  |   PID  |   IP
              8        8        8        8

         |  HOST  |  ZERO  |  IMP   |   EDN
              8        8        8

         |   21   |  HOST  |   LH   |  IMP   |   IP
              8        8        8        8

              8        8        8

         |   18   | SUBNET |RESERVED|  HOST  |   IP
              8        8        8        8

         |   net  |  ZERO  |       HOST      |   IP
              8        8           16

         |    4   |  ZERO  |       HOST      |   IP
              8        8           16

         | HAP NUM| LCL ADD|   WBCNET
              8        8

         |   28   | HAP NUM|  ZERO  | LCL ADD|   IP
              8        8        8        8

      |    1     |    2     |    3     |     4     |     5     |
      |  width   |  width   |  width   |   width   |  length   |

      |     6    |     7    |     8    |     9     |     10    |
      |  length  |  length  |  length  |x-increment|y-increment|

      | length | command|  data  |  data  |  ...   |        |

            |                                                          |
            |    -------------------<-------------------------------   |
            |   |                  1                               |   |
            |   V                                                  |   |
      ----------------                       -----------------     |   |
      |              |                       |               |     |   |
      |              |          010          |               |     |   |
   |->|      2       |---------------------->|       1       |->|  |   |
   |  |              |                       |               |  |  |   |
  0|  |     B-W      |          101          |      W-B      |  |1 |   |
   |<-|              |<----------------------|               |<-|  |   |
      |              |                       |               |     |   |
      |              |                 ----->|               |     |   |
      ----------------                 |     -----------------     |   |
          |   ^                        |      |     |   ^          |   |
          |   |     ------------>------|      |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |           1             |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          ^   V
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
      0111|   |1    |                         | 1000|   |1         |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |                         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |            1011         |     |   |          |   |
          |   |     |    ----------<-----------     |   |          |   |
          V   |     |    |                          V   |          |   |
      ----------------   |                   -----------------     |   |
      |              |<---                   |               |     |   |
      |              |          0            |               |     |   |
      |      3       |<----------------------|       0       |------   |
      |              |                       |               |         |
      |     B-B      |                       |      W-W      |         |
      |              |---------------------->|               |<---------
      |              |          0            |               |
      |              |                       |               |
      ----------------                       -----------------
          |    ^                                   |    ^
          |    |                                   |    |
          ------                                   ------
           run                                      run
                               Figure 1.
     Non-deterministic finite-state machine diagram for RAPICOM 450

      |  24-bit  |    37-bit   |         512-bit         |    12-bit   |
      |sync code |    header   |           data          |   checksum  |

      | 2-bit |5-bit|  10-bit  |   12-bit  |  3-bit   |   3-bit  |2-bit|
      |seq num|flags|data count| x position|black size|white size|state|

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |  Telnet  |         |  Telnet  |         |
         | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
         |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |  Telnet  |         |  Telnet  |         |
         | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
         |  Host   |   NCP    |   Host  |   TCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

            +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
            |         |  Telnet  |         |   FTP    |         |
            | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->| Service |
            |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
            +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

            +---------+          +---------+
            |         |   FTP    |         |
            | Local   |<-------->|  Relay  |
            |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |
            +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |   SMTP   |         |   SMTP   |         |
         | Source  |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->|  Dest.  |
         |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |   SMTP   |         |   FTP    |         |
         | Source  |<-------->|  Relay  |<-------->|  Dest.  |
         |  Host   |   TCP    |   Host  |   NCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+
         |         |   FTP    |         |   SMTP   |         |
         | Source  |<-------->|Forwarder|<-------->|  Dest.  |
         |  Host   |   NCP    |   Host  |   TCP    |   Host  |
         +---------+          +---------+          +---------+

       1              8 9                              24
      |                |                                 |
      |  Host number   |           IMP number            |
      |                |                                 |

                1                             16
               |                                |
               |           1822L name           |
               |                                |

               1   2  3          8 9             16
             |   |   |            |                |
             | 0 | 0 |   host #   |   IMP number   |
             |   |   |            |                |

                            Destination Host
  Host    | 1822 on C/30   | 1822L          | 1822 on non-C/30
          |                |                |
  1822 on | 1822           | 1822           | 1822
  C/30    |                | (note 1)       |
          |                |                |
          |                |                |
          | 1822L, using   | 1822L, using   | 1822L, using
  1822L   | 1822L name or  | 1822L name or  | 1822L address
          |address (note 2)| address        | only (note 2)
          |                |                |
          |                |                |
  1822 on | 1822           | 1822           | 1822
  non-C/30|                | (note 1)       |
          |                |                |

                    |          |          |
                ... |  x(1,j)  | x(1,j+1) | ...
                ... |  x(2,j)  | x(2,j+1) | ...
                    |          |          |
                      Direction of scan ->

           |                                                        |
           |   .-----------------<------------------------------.   |
           |   |                1                               |   |
           |   V                                                |   |
     .--------------.                     .---------------.     |   |
     |              |                     |               |     |   |
     |              |        010          |               |     |   |
  .->|      1       |-------------------->|       2       |->.  |   |
  |  |              |                     |               |  |  |   |
 0|  |     B-W      |        101          |      W-B      |  |1 |   |
  \<-|              |<--------------------|               |<-'  |   |
     |              |                     |               |     |   |
     |              |               .---->|               |     |   |
     \--------------'               |     \---------------'     |   |
         |   A                      |      |     |   A          |   |
         |   |     .--------->------'      |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |         1             |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          A   V
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
     0111|   |1    |                       | 1000|   |1         |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |                       |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |          1011         |     |   |          |   |
         |   |     |    .-------<----------'     |   |          |   |
         V   |     |    |                        V   |          |   |
     .--------------.   |                 .---------------.     |   |
     |              |<--'                 |               |     |   |
     |              |        0            |               |     |   |
     |      3       |<--------------------|       0       |-----'   |
     |              |                     |               |         |
     |     B-B      |                     |      W-W      |         |
     |              |-------------------->|               |<--------'
     |              |        0            |               |
     |              |                     |               |
     \--------------'                     \---------------'
         |    A                                 |    A
         |    |                                 |    |
         \----'                                 \----'
          run                                    run

        .-----------.                     .-----------.
  .-----|           |                     |           |-----.
  |     |     9     |                     |     6     |     |
  |   .-|           |<--.             .-->|           |-.   |
  |   | \-----------'    \           /    \-----------' |   |
 1|  0|                   \         /                   |1  |0
  |   |    .->Error        \       /        Error<-.    |   |
  |   |   0|                \     /                |1   |   |
  |   | .-----------.        \   /        .-----------. |   |
  | 1 | |           |         \ /         |           | | 0 |
  | .---|     7     |          \          |    10     |---. |
  | | | |           |         / \         |           | | | |
  | | | \-----------'        /   \        \-----------' | | |
  | | |       A             /     \             A       | | |
  | | |       |            /       \            |       | | |
  | | |      1|           /         \           |0      | | |
  | | | .-----------.  0 /           \ 1  .-----------. | | |
  | | | |           |---'             \---|           | | | |
  | | | |     5     |                     |     8     | | | |
  | | | |           |                     |           | | | |
  | | | \-----------'                     \-----------' | | |
  | | |       A                                 A       | | |
  | | |       |                                 |       | | |
  | | |      1|                                 |0      | | |
  | | | .-----------.                     .-----------. | | |
  | | ->|           |                     |           |<- | |
  | |   |     1     |                     |     2     |   | |
  | |   |    B-W    |<-----.       .----->|    W-B    |   | |
  | |   \-----------'      |       |      \-----------'   | |
  | |      |     A         |       |         A     |      | |
  | |      |     |         |0     1|         |     |      | |
  | |      \-----'         |       |         \-----'      | |
  | |         0          .-----------.          0         | |
  | |                    |           |                    | |
  | |                    |     4     |                    | |
  | |        RUN         |           |         RUN        | |
  | |      .-----.       \-----------'       .-----.      | |
  | |      |     |         A       A         |     |      | |
  | |      |     V         |       |         V     |      | |
  | |   .-----------.   1  |       |  1   .-----------.   | |
  | \-->|           |------'   0   \------|           |<--' |
  |     |     3     |<--------------------|     0     |     |
  \---->|    B-B    |-------------------->|    W-W    |<----'
        \-----------'          0          \-----------'

   | Sync Code | Leader |        Data       | CRC Code |
        24    /    37    \       512             12
     .-------'            \----------------------.
    /                                             \
   | Flags | Count | X Pos | Black | White | State |
   |   7    \ 10      12       3       3       2
   |         \--------------------------.
   |                                     \
   | Seq | RUN | COFB | RPT | Spare | SUB |
      2     1     1      1      1      1

                    |                       |
                    |     *************     |
      *********  ------>  *  Message  *  ------->  *********
      * User  *  Posting  * Transfer  *  Delivery  * User  *
      * Agent *  Protocol *  System   *  Protocol  * Agent *
      *********  <------- *************  <-------  *********
                    |                       |
                    |                       |
                 Posting                Delivery
                  Slot                    Slot

                          Message Flow
      Originator --------------------------------> Recipient

           bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
              |P 0 x x x x x x|     P0xxxxxx uniquely identifies a
              +---------------+     data element without a Qualifier.

           bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
              |0 x x x x x x x|                   xxxxxxx is the value.

              |1 n n n n n n n|y y y y y y y y|          nnnnnnn is the
              +---------------+------//-------+        number of octets
                                                       that contain the
                                                        value yyyyyyyy.

              |0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1|               This is an example with a
              +---------------+                   value of 9 (decimal).

              |1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1|1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0|      This example has a
              +---------------+---------------+   value of 130 decimal.

           bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
              |0 x x x x x x x|             xxxxxxx is the value of the
              +---------------+                            length code.

            |10000001|11001001|                 Length code for 201

            |10000010|00000001 00101100|        Length code for 300

               |00011011|            Qualifier with value 28 (decimal).

               |10000010|00000001 00001010|        Qualifier with value
               +--------+--------+--------+              266 (decimal).

               |10000011|00000000|00000001 00001010|     Vendor-Defined
               +--------+--------+--------+--------+     Qualifier with
                                                             value 266.

                 |P0000010|Lxxxxxxx|ASCII chars|

                 |P1000011|Lxxxxxxx|Qxxxxxxx|  bits  |

                 |P0001000|Lxxxxxxx| T or F |

                 |P0100000|Lxxxxxxx| Integer|


                 |P1000110|Lxxxxxxx|Qxxxxxxx|Bit-String Element|

                 |P0101000|Lxxxxxxx| ASCII-String |

                 |P1000111|Lxxxxxxx|Qxxxxxxx|Bit-String Element|




                 | Field, Message, Encrypted, or Compressed Elements |

                 |P0100100|Lxxxxxxx|Property Elements|




                 |P0001001|Lxxxxxxx| element|


                 |P0000010|Lxxxxxxx|ASCII chars|

                 |P1000011|Lxxxxxxx|Qxxxxxxx|  bits  |

                 |P0001000|Lxxxxxxx| T or F |

                 |P1000110|Lxxxxxxx|Qxxxxxxx|Bit-String Element|

                 |P0101000|Lxxxxxxx| ASCII-String |

                 |P1000111|Lxxxxxxx|Qxxxxxxx|Bit-String Element|



                 |P0100000|Lxxxxxxx| Integer|


                 | Field, Message, Encrypted, or Compressed Elements |


                 |P0100100|Lxxxxxxx|Property Elements|




                 |P0001001|Lxxxxxxx| element|


                +========+        +===//===+
                |        |        |        |
                +========+        +===//===+
                always one        one or more
                octet long        octets long

                +--------+        +---//---+
                |        |        |        |
                +--------+        +---//---+
                always one        one or more
                octet long        octets long

                |Pxxxxxxx| Length |  Qual  | P-List |contents|


           |00100000|  0   5 |  0   1    0   0    0   0

           |00100001|  0   3 |  F   F    F   F    F   F |

           +--------+--------+---- ----+
           |00000010|  0   9 |Hi There.|
           +--------+--------+---- ----+

           Bit-String  Length   Spare
           |01000011|  0   7 |  0   4 |  0   A    3   B

                       5   F    2   9    1   C    D   0 |

           Prop-List  Length  Property  Length    PID
           |00100100|  1   1 |01000101|  0   F |  0   2 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----    ----+
                    |00000010|  0   C |Distribution|
                    +--------+--------+----    ----+

            Property  Length    PID     ASCII    Length
           |01000101|  0   F |  0   2 |00000010|  0   C |

           Compressed  Length   CID   Bit-String  Length
           |01000110|  0   B |  0   1 |01000011|  0   8 |

                    |  0   0 |  1   C    5   F    2   D

                       7   7    B   A    F   6    2   9 |

           Encrypted   Length   EID   Bit-String  Length
           |01000111|  0   7 |  0   0 |01000011|  0   4 |

                    |  0   2 |  A   3    7   8    1   C |

             Date     Length   ASCII    Length
           +--------+--------+--------+--------+---  ---+
           |00101000|  0   A |00000010|  0   8 |19800815|
           +--------+--------+--------+--------+---  ---+

           Unique-ID  Length   Integer  Length
           |00001001|  0   4 |00100000|  0   2 |  0   0    8   1 |

            Sequence  Length   ASCII    Length
           +--------+--------+--------+--------+--- ---+
           |00001010|  1   2 |00000010|  0   7 |This is|
           +--------+--------+--------+--------+--- ---+

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+--- ---+
                    |00000010|  0   7 | a list|
                    +--------+--------+--- ---+

              Set     Length   Integer  Length
           |00001011|  0   8 |00100000|  0   2 |  0   2    0   7 |

                      Integer  Length
                    |00100000|  0   2 |  0   0    4   7 |

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  1   B |  0   4 |00000010|  1   8 |

            Message   Length    Type    Field    Length
           |01001101|  5   8 |  0   1 |01001100|  1   7 |

                       FID      Date    Length   ASCII
                    |  0   2 |00101000|  1   4 |00000010|

                    +--------+----          ----+
                    |  1   2 |19800704-180000EDT|
                    +--------+----          ----+

                      Field    Length    FID     ASCII
                    |01001100|  0   8 |  0   1 |00000010|

                       Field   Length    FID     ASCII
                    |01001100|  2   8 |  0   4 |00000010|

                      Field    Length    FID     ASCII
                    |01001100|  0   8 |  0   5 |00000010|

           Extension  Length
           |01111110|  0   3 |  0   7 |  4   A    E   9 |

              User    Length
           |01111111|  0   3 |  7   2 |   P    O    E   |

              Field   Length  Keywords   ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  1   4 |  1   4 |00000010|  0   7 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+---  ---+
                    |00000010|  0   8 |Computer|
                    +--------+--------+---  ---+

             Field    Length   Text    Prop-List  Length
           |11001100|  2   0 |  0   4 |00100100|  0   9 |

                     Property  Length    PID     ASCII
                    |01000101|  0   7 |  0   1 |00000010|

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+
                    |00000010|  1   2 |Do you want lunch?|
                    +--------+--------+----          ----+

             Field    Length   Subject   ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  2   1 |  0   7 |00000010|  1   E |

             Field    Length  Qualifier   User   number
           |11001100|  1   F |  8   2 |  0   0    0   C |

                     Prop-List Length  Property  Length
                    |00100100|  0   E |01000101|  0   C |

                        PID    ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+--------+---- ----+
                    |  0   2 |00000010|  0   9 |Reply-By:|
                    +--------+--------+--------+---- ----+

                       Date    Length   ASCII    Length
                    |00101000|  0   A |00000010|  0   8 |

            Message       Length         Type
           |01001101|  8   1 |  B   4 |  0   1 |

              Field   Length    FID     ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   5 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID     ASCII    Length
           |01001100|  1   3 |  0   7 |00000010|  1   0 |

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   5 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   2 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+
                    |00000010|  1   0 |19800814-1000EDT|
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  6   D |  0   4 |00000010|  6   A |

            Message       Length         Type
           |01001101|  8   1 |  F   8 |  0   1 |

              Field   Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   9 |  0   5 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   5 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   2 |

                       ASCII   Length
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+
                    |00000010|  1   0 |19800814-1030EDT|
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  1   0 |  2   5 |00000010|  0   D |

            Message       Length         Type
           |01001101|  8   1 |  B   4 |  0   1 |

              Field   Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   5 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID     ASCII    Length
           |01001100|  1   3 |  0   7 |00000010|  1   0 |

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   5 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   2 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+
                    |00000010|  1   0 |19800814-1000EDT|
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  6   D |  0   4 |00000010|  6   A |

              Set     Length   Integer  Length
           |00001011|  8   0 |00100000|  0   2 |  0   2    0   7 |

                      Integer  Length
                    |00100000|  0   2 |  0   0    4   7 |

                    End-of-Con Length

            Message   Length    Type
           |01001101|  8   0 |  0   1 |        +--------+--------+--------+

              Field   Length    FID     ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   5 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII
           |01001100|  0   A |  0   1 |00000010|

             Field    Length    FID     ASCII    Length
           |01001100|  1   3 |  0   7 |00000010|  1   0 |

             Field    Length    FID      Date    Length
           |01001100|  1   5 |  0   2 |00101000|  1   2 |

                      ASCII    Length
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+
                    |00000010|  1   0 |19800814-1000EDT|
                    +--------+--------+----        ----+

             Field    Length    FID      ASCII   Length
           |01001100|  6   D |  0   4 |00000010|  6   A |

                    End-of-Con Length

      +---+  interface
      !   !    +--+    +-----+
      !   ! == !  ! == !     ! computer
      +---+    +--+    +-----+
                           - - - - - -    computer
                         /             \  network

                         \             /             facsimile
                           - - - - - -               machine
                                      |    interface  +---+
                                   +-----+    +--+    !   !
                          computer !     ! == !  ! == !   !
                                   +-----+    +--+    +---+

                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                !  a  ! -> !  b  ! -> !  c  !
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

                   +-- !             ! --+
                   |   +-------------+   |
                   |          |          |
                   V          V          V
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                !  a  !    !  b  !    !  c  !
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

                   +-> ! * -> * -> * ! --+
                   |   +-------------+   |
                   |         | A         |
                   |         V |         V
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                !  a  !    !  b  !    !  c  !
                +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

              (0, 0)
                +-------------------------------> x
                |  (x0, y0)     w
                |     +--------------------+
                |     !                    !
                |     !                    !
                |     !                    ! h
                |     !                    !
                |     !                    !
                |     +--------------------+
                |                       (x1, y1)

             |<--- header ---->|<------ 74 bytes ------->|
             ! length !  code  !       DACOM block       !

     UCL facsimile
       system          - - - - - - - -
     +--------+      /                 \      +------+
     !        ! ----    Cambridge Ring   ---- !  PE  !
     +--------+      \                 /      +------+
                       - - - - - - - -            |
                         /         \              |
                   +------+       +------+        |
                   !  XG  !       !  SG  ! --- SATNET
                   +------+       +------+
                   /       \
                 PSS    SERC NET

        X A
          |                                 (511, 511)
      511 +-------------------------------+
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |             (x, y)            |
          |            +                  |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                               |
         0                               511    Y

          (0, 0)                     width  X
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |   (x0, y0)              |
             |     +---------+         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     +---------+         |
             |            (x1, y1)     |
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |                         |
      height +-------------------------+
           Y V

          (0, 0)                     width  X
             |                         |
             |   (x0, y0)              |
             |     +---------+         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     |         |         |
             |     +---------+         |
             |            (x1, y1)     |
             |                         |
             |                         |
             |       (back ground)     |
      height +-------------------------+
           Y V

             |                         |
             |            upper        |
             |                         |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |  left   XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |         XXXXXXXXXXXX    |
             |            width        |
             |                         |

      start of the facsimile data
      !EOL! DATA !EOL! DATA !

                    end of the facsimile data
                    |<------   RTC  ------->|

      start of the facsimile data

                             end of the facsimile data
                       |<---------   RTC   --------->|

   |0|  NET <-7-> |      LOCAL ADDRESS  <-24->                    |

   |1 0|       NET  <-14->        |  LOCAL ADDRESS  <-16->        |

   |1 1 0|           NET  <-21->                  | LOCAL ADDRESS |

   |0|     10      |    HOST       | LOGICAL HOST |      IMP      |

                       / | \
                     /   |   \          U -- Naming Universe
                    ^    ^    ^         I -- Intermediate Domain
                    |    |    |         E -- Endpoint Domain
                    I    E    I
                  /   \       |
                 ^     ^      ^
                 |     |      |
                 E     E      I
                            / | \
                           ^  ^  ^
                           |  |  |
                           E  E  E

      |                                                             |
      |   This RFC proposes a distributed name service for DARPA    |
      |   Internet.  Its purpose is to focus discussion on the      |
      |   subject.  It is hoped that a general consensus will       |
      |   emerge leading eventually to the adoption of standards.   |
      |                                                             |

     Application                                   Application
       Process                                       Process
          |                                             |
   SINS   |                                             |
   -------|---------------------------------------------|-----  Application
   |     AIP                                           AIP   |   Interface
   |      |                                             |    |  . . . . . . .
   |     DNS  - - -  DNS  - - -  DNS  - -  . . .  - -  DNS   |  Domain Name
   -----------------------------------------------------------    Service

       Application                                   Application
         Process                                       Process
            |                                             |
     SINS   |                                             |
     |   Endpoint                                      Endpoint  |
     |     DNS  - - -  DNS  - - -  DNS  - -  . . .  - -  DNS     |
     |                                                           |

                                      /          \
                               --- ARPA (DNS)
                             /       |
                           /        SRI (DNS)
                         /           |  \
                       USC (DNS)        TSC (DNS/AIP)
                        |                |
                        |          [TCP/FTP/RFT]
                       ISI (DNS)
                        D (DNS/AIP)
                      /   \

    ARPANET/SATNET          __     __               UCL
    Gateway           Simp (   \  \  )  Simp        Gateway
               ____    ___(    /  /   )____          ____
              | B  |__| S1 |   \  \   | S2 |________| G  |_____ rsre
              |____|  |____|   /  /   |____|        |____|
                |         (    \  \   )                |
                |          (__ /  /__)          _______|____
        ________|____                          (             )
       (             )                        (               )
      (   ARPANET     )                      (     UCL NET     )
      (               )                       (                 )
       (_____________)                         (               )
        |        |                              (_____________)
      __|_       |            VAN/                     .
     | H  |      |         Public Data Nets            .
     |____|      |          _____________              .
    Diagnostic   |         (             )             .
    Host       __|__      (    VANNET     )           _.___
              | VAN |* * (* * * * * * * * *)*  * * * |     |
              | gw------(--- IP Tunnel -----)--------|  U  |
              |_____|* * (* * * * * * * * *)*  * *   |_____|
          VAN             (               )
          Gateway          (_____________)

            BBN             __     __               UCL
            Gateway   Simp (   \  \  )  Simp        Gateway
               ____    ___(    /  /   )____          ____
              | B  |__| S1 |   \  \   | S2 |________| G  |_____ rsre
              |____|  |____|   /  /   |____|        |____|
                |         (    \  \   )                |
                |          (__ /  /__)          _______|____
        ________|____                          (             )
       (             )                        (               )
      (   ARPANET     )                     (     UCL NET     )
      (               )                      (                 )
       (_____________)                        (               )
        |        |                             (_____________)
      __|_       |                                         |
     | H  |      |        Public Data Nets                 |
     |____|      |          _______________               _|___
    Diagnostic   |         (               )             | M1  |
    Host       __|__      (                 )            |:::::|
              | VAN |* * (* * * * * * * * * *) * *       |:::::|
              | gw------(--- IP Tunnel -----)------------| M2  |
              |_____|* * (* * * * * * * * * *) * *       |_____|
          VAN             (   VANNET        )              M
          Gateway          (_______________)             "Header

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     22    |       7     |     2   |  35  |     64     | 130
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     11    |       0     |     1   |   4  |      7     |  23
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    122    |       8     |     1   |  19  |     12     | 162
                   155           15           4      58        83     | 315

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     18    |       7     |     0   |  33  |     49     | 107
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     12    |       0     |     1   |   4  |      6     |  23
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    133    |       8     |     8   |  21  |     15     | 185
                   163           15           9      58        70     | 315

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      5    |       7     |     1   |  35  |     48     |  96
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     12    |       0     |     2   |   4  |      5     |  23
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    143    |       8     |    16   |  19  |     10     | 196
                   160           15          19      58        63     | 315

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     18    |       6     |     2   |  27  |     77     | 130
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     10    |       0     |     0   |   4  |     10     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     95    |       8     |     2   |  39  |     16     | 160
                   123           14           4      70       103     | 314

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     14    |       6     |     1   |  26  |     60     | 107
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     11    |       0     |     2   |   4  |      7     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    104    |       8     |     8   |  40  |     23     | 183
                   129           14          11      70        90     | 314

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      6    |       6     |     1   |  26  |     57     |  96
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     12    |       0     |     3   |   4  |      5     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    113    |       8     |    13   |  40  |     20     | 194
                   131           14          17      70        82     | 314

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |      7    |      22     |     2   |  26  |     73     | 130
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     11    |       0     |     0   |   4  |      9     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    104    |      17     |     0   |  19  |     20     | 160
                   122           39           2      49       102     | 314

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |      6    |      21     |     5   |  25  |     50     | 107
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     12    |       0     |     2   |   4  |      6     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    112    |      18     |     9   |  20  |     24     | 183
                   130           39          16      49        80     | 314

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      5    |      20     |     1   |  14  |     56     |  96
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     12    |       0     |     4   |   4  |      4     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    108    |      19     |    14   |  31  |     22     | 194
                   125           39          19      49        82     | 314

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |      3    |      26     |     4   |  36  |     61     | 130
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      9    |       0     |     0   |   4  |     11     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     96    |      10     |     3   |  28  |     23     | 160
                   108           36           7      68        95     | 314

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |      3    |      24     |     3   |  34  |     43     | 107
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     10    |       0     |     2   |   4  |      8     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |    102    |      12     |    10   |  30  |     29     | 183
                   115           36          15      68        80     | 314

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      5    |      25     |     1   |  21  |     44     |  96
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     10    |       0     |     4   |   4  |      6     |  24
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     98    |      11     |    20   |  43  |     22     | 194
                   113           36          25      68        72     | 314

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     13    |       6     |     4   |  23  |     91     | 137
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     0   |   3  |     15     |  26
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     64    |       3     |     3   |  37  |     45     | 152
                    85            9           7      63       151     | 315

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     13    |       5     |     4   |  21  |     70     | 113
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      9    |       0     |     3   |   3  |     11     |  26
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     72    |       4     |    10   |  39  |     51     | 176
                    94            9          17      63       132     | 315

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      4    |       6     |     0   |  21  |     72     | 103
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     10    |       0     |     4   |   3  |      9     |  26
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     82    |       3     |    19   |  39  |     43     | 186
                    96            9          23      63       124     | 315

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     12    |       5     |     2   |  23  |    105     | 147
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     0   |   4  |     15     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     55    |       6     |     0   |  37  |     51     | 149
                    75           11           2      64       171     | 323

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     13    |       5     |     1   |  22  |     79     | 120
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      9    |       0     |     1   |   4  |     13     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     63    |       6     |     8   |  38  |     61     | 176
                    85           11          10      64       153     | 323

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      3    |       5     |     1   |  22  |     79     | 110
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |     10    |       0     |     2   |   4  |     11     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     74    |       6     |    13   |  38  |     55     | 186
                    87           11          16      64       145     | 323

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     12    |       7     |     2   |  22  |    104     | 147
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      6    |       0     |     0   |   4  |     17     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     53    |       4     |     1   |  40  |     51     | 149
                    71           11           3      66       172     | 323

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     11    |       7     |     1   |  19  |     82     | 120
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       0     |     2   |   4  |     14     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     61    |       4     |     5   |  43  |     63     | 176
                    79           11           8      66       159     | 323

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      3    |       7     |     2   |  20  |     78     | 110
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     2   |   4  |     13     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     70    |       4     |     7   |  42  |     63     | 186
                    81           11          11      66       154     | 323

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |      9    |       6     |     2   |  20  |    110     | 147
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       1     |     0   |   3  |     16     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     58    |       4     |     1   |  30  |     56     | 149
                    74           11           3      53       182     | 323

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     10    |       6     |     2   |  18  |     84     | 120
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       1     |     2   |   3  |     13     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     64    |       4     |     8   |  32  |     68     | 176
                    82           11          12      53       165     | 323

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      2    |       6     |     1   |  19  |     82     | 110
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      9    |       1     |     2   |   3  |     12     |  27
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     76    |       4     |    10   |  31  |     65     | 186
                    87           11          13      53       159     | 323

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     13    |       7     |     4   |  29  |    161     | 214
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       0     |     0   |   3  |      9     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     42    |       6     |     1   |  33  |     13     |  95
                    62           13           5      65       183     | 328

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     11    |       7     |     3   |  27  |    150     | 198
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       0     |     2   |   3  |      7     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     50    |       6     |     7   |  35  |     13     | 111
                    68           13          12      65       170     | 328

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |      6    |       7     |     3   |  26  |    134     | 176
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     1   |   3  |      8     |  20
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     55    |       6     |     8   |  36  |     27     | 132
                    69           13          12      65       169     | 328

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     23    |      10     |     3   |  16  |    165     | 217
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     0   |   2  |      9     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     41    |       5     |     1   |  33  |     13     |  93
                    72           15           4      51       187     | 329

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     22    |      10     |     2   |  15  |    150     | 199
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     1   |   2  |      8     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     50    |       5     |     6   |  34  |     16     | 111
                    80           15           9      51       174     | 329

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |     21    |      10     |     2   |  14  |    134     | 181
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      8    |       0     |     0   |   2  |      9     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     53    |       5     |     9   |  35  |     27     | 129
                    82           15          11      51       170     | 329

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     16    |      10     |     5   |  31  |    155     | 217
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       0     |     0   |   3  |      9     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     43    |       5     |     1   |  32  |     12     |  93
                    66           15           6      66       176     | 329

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     13    |      10     |     4   |  28  |    144     | 199
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       0     |     0   |   3  |      9     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     50    |       5     |     5   |  35  |     16     | 111
                    70           15           9      66       169     | 329

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |     10    |      10     |     9   |  28  |    124     | 181
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      7    |       0     |     1   |   3  |      8     |  19
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     57    |       5     |     7   |  35  |     25     | 129
                    74           15          17      66       157     | 329

                no telnet   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/telnet |     16    |       4     |     4   |  29  |    181     | 234
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      4    |       1     |     0   |   3  |      2     |  10
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     41    |       2     |     0   |  31  |      7     |  81
                    61            7           4      63       190     | 325

   FTP                                Result
                                                           accepted or
               no tcp/ftp   unreachable   refused   dead   accepted+
C  tcp/ftp    |     13    |       4     |     4   |  27  |    173     | 221
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      4    |       1     |     0   |   3  |      2     |  10
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     50    |       2     |     3   |  33  |      6     |  94
                    67            7           7      63       181     | 325

               no tcp/smtp  unreachable   refused   dead   accepted
C  tcp/smtp   |     18    |       4     |     4   |  26  |    157     | 209
l             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
a  tcp        |      4    |       1     |     0   |   3  |      2     |  10
i             +-----------+-------------+---------+------+------------+
m  Nothing    |     47    |       2     |     4   |  34  |     19     | 106
                    69            7           8      63       178     | 325

      Process 1    /              Process 2
             One end echoes for itself

      Process 1              /    Process 2
          One end echoes for the other

                   \         /
      Process 1    /         \    Process 2
          Both ends echo for themselves

                   \ /
      Process 1    / \            Process 2
           One end echoes for both ends

      PROCESS A    TELNETconnection    PROCESS B           Terminal
      +-----------+                +---------------+ Timing+-------+
      |           |WILL TIMING MARK|     BUF 1     |  Mark |       |
      |           |<---------------|--|-|-|-|-|-|--|<------|       |
      |           |                |  |-|-|-|-|-|  |   ^   |       |
      |           |                |     BUF 2     |   ^   |       |
      |           |--------------->|--|-|-|-|-|-|--|------>|       |
      |           | DO TIMING MARK |  |-|-|-|-|-|  |       |       |
      +-----------+                +---------------+       +-------+
                                     (NVT process).ME;
                         Figure 1

              0             0 0             1
              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
           0 | R-Message Type|   R-Subtype   |

               . +---------------+---------------+
               . |        Modem                  |
               . +             State             +
               . |                  Data         |
               . +---------------+---------------+
               . :         Modem   State         :
               . :             Data......        :

                |                  |                  |
              COLORS            FLAVORS             TRUTH
                |                  |
          +-----+-----+            |
          |     |     |         NATURAL
         RED  BLUE  GREEN          |
                   |               |               |
               CHOCOLATE        VANILLA        STRAWBERRY

  |<owner> |   A    | <class>| <class specific address>information  |

        |<owner> | MD/MF  | <class>|       <domain name>        |

      | <owner>  |   SOA  | <class>|       <domain name, etc>    |

      | <owner>  |   NS   | <class>|       <domain name>         |

                 |                  |                  |
                DDN               ARPA               CSNET
                 |                  |                  |
           +-----+-----+            |            +-----+-----+
           |     |     |            |            |           |
          JCS  ARMY  NAVY           |           UDEL        UCI
           |        |               |               |        |
          DTI      MIT             ISI             UDEL     NBS
                    |               |
                +---+---+       +---+---+
                |       |       |   |   |
               DMS     AI       A   B   F

                |                  |                  |
               DDN               ARPA               CSNET
                |(JCS.DDN)         |(F.ISI.ARPA)      |(UDEL.ARPA)
          +-----+-----+            |(A.ISI.ARPA)+-----+-----+
          |     |     |            |            |           |
         JCS  ARMY  NAVY           |           UDEL        UCI
          |        |               |               |        |
         DTI      MIT             ISI             UDEL     NBS
                   |(AI.MIT.ARPA)  |(F.ISI.ARPA)
               +---+---+       +---+---+
               |       |       |   |   |
              DMS     AI       A   B   F

                   Local Host                        |  Foreign
      +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+
      |         | user queries  |          |queries  |  |        |
      |  User   |-------------->|          |---------|->|Foreign |
      | Program |               | Resolver |         |  |  Name  |
      |         |<--------------|          |<--------|--| Server |
      |         | user responses|          |responses|  |        |
      +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+
                                  |     A            |
                  cache additions |     | references |
                                  V     |            |
                                +----------+         |
                                | database |         |
                                +----------+         |

                 |        |        |                 |
                 |  Type  | Flags  |   Message-ID    |
                 |        |        |                 |
                 |                                   -
                 |           Resource-List           -
                 |                                   -
                 -                                   +
                 -           Resource-List           |
                 -                                   |

                 |        |        |                 |
                 |Protocol|IDLength|   Resource-ID   |
                 |        |        |                 |

             |        |                                   |
             |IPLength|          IP-Address-List          |
             |        |                                   |

Octets  1  2  3  4           n  n+1          p  p+1
        ------------      --------------   --------------   --------
        LI|  | |  |  ...    |  |   |    .... | |    |   .... |
        ------------      --------------   --------------   --------

         <--- Fixed Part -----><-- Variable Part->
                                   (including checksum
                                    where applicable)

      | LH |                     data                        | TH |
           ^                    (  ^  )                      ^


                         A _______________ F
                        / \  \
                     3 /   \10\15
                      /     \  \
                    B/___5___\D \E
                     \      /  /
                      \    /  /
                     1 \  /  /5
                        \/  /
                         C /

          |       |---------------+---------------+
    +---->| Idle  |               A               A
    |     |       |-----------+   |               |
    |     +-------+           |   |               |
    |       |   A     Request |   | Cease         | Cease
    | Start |   | Cease       |   |               |
    |       V   | Refuse      V   |               |
    |     +-------+ Confirm +-------+    Up   +-------+
    |     |       |-------->|       |-------->|       |
    |     | Aqsn  |         | Down  |   Down  |  Up   |
    |     |       |----+    |       |<--------|       |
    |     +-------+    |    +-------+         +-------+
    |                  |        |                 |
    | Stop             |        |                 |
    | Cease-ack        | Stop   | Stop            | Stop
    |     +-------+    |        |                 |
    |     |       |    V        V                 V
    +-----| Cease |<---+--------+-----------------+
          |       |

             0 Idle      1 Aqsn      2 Down       3 Up       4 Cease
Up        |0          |1          |3/Poll     |3          |4          |
Down      |0          |1          |2          |2          |4          |
Request   |2/Confirm *|2/Confirm  |2/Confirm  |2/Confirm  |4/Cease    |
Confirm   |0/Cease  **|2          |2          |3          |4          |
Refuse    |0/Cease  **|0          |2          |3          |4          |
Cease     |0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|0/Cease-ack|
Cease-ack |0          |1          |2          |3          |0          |
Hello     |0/Cease  **|1          |2/I-H-U    |3/I-H-U    |4          |
I-H-U     |0/Cease  **|1          |2/Process  |3/Process  |4          |
Poll      |0/Cease  **|1          |2          |3/Update   |4          |
Update    |0/Cease  **|1          |2          |3/Process  |4          |
Start     |1/Request  |1/Request  |1/Request  |1/Request  |4          |
Stop/t3   |0          |0          |4/Cease    |4/Cease    |0          |
t1        |0          |1/Request  |2/Hello    |3/Hello    |4/Cease    |
t2        |0          |1          |2          |3/Poll     |4          |

                                Passive Gateway
Active     0 Idle      1 Aqsn      2 Down      3 Up        4 Cease
Gateway   +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
0 Idle    |stable     |           |           |           |unstable   |
1 Aqsn    |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |
2 Down    |           |           |stable     |unstable   |           |
3 Up      |           |           |unstable   |stable     |           |
4 Cease   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |unstable   |

                                                        #        %
                                                          ?  *     !
                                                                 @  )
       +------+         +-----+         +----+          $  =   ^   +
       |      |Messages |     |Segments |    | Datagrams   *
       | User |<------->| RDP |<------->| IP |<------->    Internet
       |      |         |     |         |    |          ,            ?
       +------+         +-----+         +----+               !    )
                                                          *   %     $
                                                        @    ^   !

         /                                                 \
        /                      ARPANET                      \
        \                        10                         /
         \                                                 /
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
      +-------------+      +-------------+      +---------------+
      | ISI-PNG11   |      |             |      |               |
      | Arpanet     |      | ISI-GATEWAY |      | ISI-HOBGOBLIN |
      | Address     |      |             |      |   Vax 11/750  |
      | logical     |      |  Core EGP   |      |   Unix 4.2    |
      | multiplexer |      |             |      |               |
      +-------------+      +-------------+      +---------------+
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
             |                    |                    |
      ---------------          ----------------------------
     /               \        /                            \
    / 3 Mb/s Ethernet \      /           ISI-NET            \
    \     net 10      /      \            128.9             /
     \               /        \                            /
      ---------------          ----------------------------
                               |  ISI-TROLL   |
                               |  Vax 11/750  |
                               |  Unix 4.1a   |
                               |  Non-routing |
                               |      |       |
                               |      | 9600  |   ISI-TROLL, UCI-750A
                               |      | baud  |   and the link form a
                               |      | link  |   single logical gateway
                               |      |       |
                               |  UCI-750A    |
                               |  Vax 11/750  |
                               |  Unix 4.2    |
                           /                      \
                          /        UCI-ICS         \
                          \        192.5.19        /
                           \                      /

      ______________OSI Network Service Definition______________
                    |                             ^
                    |                             |
         Protocol     Reference to aims __________|

      Specification | Reference to assumptions ___
                    |                             |
                    |                             |
                    |                             v
      ______________Subnetwork Service Definition(s) ___________

            | Network Layer Protocol Identifier  |     1
            |         Length Indicator           |     2
            |   Version/Protocol Id Extension    |     3
            |            Lifetime                |     4
            |S |M |E/R|         Type             |     5
            | P| S|   |                          |
            |          Segment Length            |    6,7
            |             Checksum               |    8,9

          |                                      |
          | Destination Address Length Indicator |      10
          |                                      |
          |                                      |      11
          |         Destination Address          |
          |                                      |      m-1
          |                                      |
          |   Source Address Length Indicator    |       m
          |                                      |
          |                                      |      m+1
          |           Source Address             |
          |                                      |      n-1

                      Bits   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
            | Octet  | Address parameter Length Indicator |
            |   n    |           (e.g., 'm')              |
            | Octets |                                    |
            |  n+1   |     Address Parameter Value        |
            | thru   |                                    |
            |  n+m   |                                    |

                |  Data Unit Identifier  |     n,n+1
                |     Segment Offset     |    n+2,n+3
                |      Total Length      |    n+4,n+5

                   |                    |       n+6
                   |      Options       |
                   |                    |       p

                          BITS    8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
             |  Octets  |                               |
             |    n     |  Parameter Code               |
             |   n+1    |  Parameter Length (e.g., 'm') |
             |   n+2    |  Parameter Value              |
             |  n+m+1   |                               |

     |  Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |      1
     |           Length Indicator           |      2
     |   Version/Protocol Id Extension      |      3
     |              Lifetime                |      4
     |SP|MS|E/R|      Type                  |      5
     |           Segment Length             |     6,7
     |              Checksum                |     8,9
     | Destination Address Length Indicator |     10
     |         Destination Address          |     11 through m-1
     |    Source Address Length Indicator   |      m
     |            Source Address            |     m+1 through n-1
     |         Data Unit Identifier         |     n,n+1
     |            Segment Offset            |     n+2,n+3
     |             Total Length             |     n+4,n+5
     |                Options               |     n+6 through p
     |                 Data                 |     p+1 through z

     |   Network Layer Protocol Identifier  |       1
     |           Length Indicator           |       2
     |     Version/Protocol Id Extension    |       3
     |               Lifetime               |       4
     |SP|MS|E/R|       Type                 |       5
     |             Segment Length           |      6,7
     |                Checksum              |      8,9
     | Destination Address Length Indicator |      10
     |         Destination Address          |     10 through m-1
     |     Source Address Length Indicator  |       m
     |             Source Address           |     m+1 through n-1
     |          Data Unit Identifier        |     n,n+1
     |             Segment Offset           |     n+2,n+3
     |              Total Length            |     n+4,n+5
     |                Options               |     n+6 through p-1
     |           Reason for Discard         |     p through q-1
     |       Error Report Data Field        |       z

  | Function                   |  Send  | Forward | Receive |
  | PDU Composition            |   M    |    -    |    -    |
  | PDU Decomposition          |   M    |    -    |    M    |
  | Header Format Analysis     |   -    |    M    |    M    |
  | PDU Lifetime Control       |   -    |    M    |    I    |
  | Route PDU                  |   -    |    M    |    -    |
  | Forward PDU                |   M    |    M    |    -    |
  | Segment PDU                |   M    | (note 1)|    -    |
  | Reassemble PDU             |   -    |    I    |    M    |
  | Discard PDU                |   -    |    M    |    M    |
  | Error Reporting            |   -    |    M    |    M    |
  | PDU Header Error Detection |   M    |    M    |    M    |
  | Padding                    |(note 2)| (note 2)| (note 2)|
  | Security                   |   -    | (note 3)| (note 3)|
  | Complete Source Routing    |   -    | (note 3)|    -    |
  | Partial Source Routing     |   -    | (note 4)|    -    |
  | Record Route               |   -    | (note 4)|    -    |
  | QoS Maintenance            |   -    | (note 4)|    -    |

          |            STATE                 |
   Greet  |  2   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   #NNN   |  1   |  3   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   =CCC   |  1   |  1   |  4   |  1   |  6   |
   data   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  5   |  6   |
   + Bye  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   Close  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   other  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |
   Timeout|  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  6   |

          |              STATE
   Open   |  2   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |
   HELO   |  1   |  3   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |
   FOLD   |  1   |  1   |  5   |  5   |  1   |  1   |
   READ   |  1   |  1   |  6   |  6   |  1   |  1   |
   RETR   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  7   |  1   |  1   |
   ACKS   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  8   |  1   |
   ACKD   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  8   |  1   |
   NACK   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  8   |  1   |
   QUIT   |  1   |  4   |  4   |  4   |  1   |  1   |
   Close  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  9   |
   other  |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |
   Timeout|      |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |  1   |

         0      7 8     15 16             31
         | packet |  port  |     sequence    |
         |  type  | number |      number     |
         |      length     |    checksum     |
         |                 |                 |
         |                                   |
         |       optional data octets        |
         + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

            0      7 8     15 16             31
            |00000000|00000000|00000000 00000000|
            |        8        |    checksum     |

            0      7 8     15 16             31
            |00000001| unused |     snd_una     |
            |        10       |    checksum     |
            |      rcv_nxt    |

            0       7 8     15 16             31
            |00000010|port num|     snd_nxt     |
            |     length      |    checksum     |
            |           data octet(s)           |
            + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +

         0      7 8     15 16             31
         |00000011|port num|     rcv_nxt     |
         |        8        |    checksum     |

         0      7 8     15 16             31
         |00000100|port num|     rcv_nxt     |
         |        8        |    checksum     |

                                           subnetwork point of
                                           attachment identified
                                           ________ by SNPA
  ________________                         |      | /\
  |              |                         |______|/  \_______
  |   Real End   |    ____________   Layer |  * <-/   |\-> * | Layer
  | system, real |    |          |     3   |______|   |______|    3
  |subnetwork, or|____|  Real    |         |      |   |      |
  | interworking |    |Subnetwork|         |      |   |      |
  |     unit     | ^  |__________|         |______|   |______|
  |______________| |
           subnetwork point of               End    Intermediate
          attachment identified            System      System
          by subnetwork address

   layer 4
   ______________________________  0  _____________________________
   layer 3                           \____NSAP identified
                                          by NSAP address

                      *****              *****
                   ***                        ***
                ***                              ***
              **   **                          **   **    <-- Global
            **       *                        *      .**     network
           **         **                    **      .  ** addressing
          *              *                 *       .      *   domain
         *                *               * .     .       *
        *                  *             *   ..  .         *
       *                    *           *      ..         +  *
      *                     *           *        ..   <-----------\
     **                      *         *           ..   +    **    |
     * +                     *         *             ..+      *    |
     *  +                    *     <------------------------------\|
    *    +                    *       * ...          +         *   |
    *     +                   *       *    ...      +          *   |
    *      +                  *       *       .... +           *   |
    *       +                  *     *            +            *   |
    *        +  ************************************           *   |
    *  *********           +            +           *********  *   |
     **                    +            +                    **    |
     *                    +              +                    *    |
     **                   +              +                   **    |
      *                  +                +         <-------------\|
       *                 +                +                 *      |
        *               +                  +               *       |
         *              +                  +              *        |
          *            +                    +            *         |
           **          +                    +          **          |
            **        +           <--\       +        **           |
              **      +               \      +      **             |
                ***  +                 \      +  ***               |
                   ***                  \     ***                  |
                      *****              \****                     |
                           ***************\                  Network
                                           \------------- addressing

                     |           |        |        |
                     |           |        |        |
                   -----       -----    -----    -----
                   | W |       | X |    | Y |    | Z |
                   -----       -----    -----    -----
                     |           |        |
                     |           |        |
              ---------------    @    --------
              |      |      |         |      |
              |      |      |         |      |
            -----  -----  -----     -----  -----
            | a |  | b |  | c |     | a |  | b |
            -----  -----  -----     -----  -----
                                   |      |      |      |
                                   |      |      |      |
                                 -----  -----  -----  -----
                                 | p |  | q |  | r |  | s |
                                 -----  -----  -----  -----

                        *****              *****
                     ***                        ***
                  ***               Z              ***
                     **                          **
                       *                        *
                  ***   **                    **   ***
                **   **   *                  *   **   **
              **       *   **              **   *      .**
             **         **   *            *   **    r .  **
            *             *   *          *   *       .      *
       X   *               *   *        *   * . ------------>*   Y
          *                 *   *      *   *   /.  .     s   +*
         *                   *   *    *   *   /  ..         +  *
        *                    *   *    *   *  /     ..      +   *
       **                     *   *  *   *  b        ..   +    **
       * +                    *   *  *   *  |          ..+      *
       *  +                   *   *  *   *  |    q      +       *
      *    +                   *   **   * ..|          +         *
      *     +                  *        *   |...      +     a    *
      *      +                 *        *   | p .... +           *
      *       +                 *      *    V       +            *
      *        +  ************************************           *
      *  *********                                    *********  *
       **                                                      **
         *********           +            +           *********
       **                    +            +                    **
       *                    +              +                    *
       **                   +              +                   **
        *                  +                +         c        *
         *         a       +                +                 *
          *               +                  +               *
           *              +          b       +              *
            *            +                    +            *
             **          +                    +          **
              **        +                      +        **
                **      +                      +      **
                  ***  +                        +  ***
                     ***                        ***
                        *****              *****

  NSAP Address Semantics------->Allocation by------->Abstract Syntax
                           |-->Representation in--->External
                           |   Humanly-readable     Reference
                           |   Directories          Syntax
                           |-->Encoding in--------->Concrete Syntax

     <----------------------NSAP ADDRESS------------------------->

     |           |                                               |
     |     IDP   |               DSP                             |
                 :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
     |           |                                               |
     |     AFI   |               IDI                             |

                   |   DSP Syntax      |
                   |         |         |
         __________| Decimal | Binary  |
        |IDI format|         |         |
        |  X.121       36        37    |
        | ISO DCC      38        39    |
        |  F.69        40        41    |
        |  E.163       42        43    |
        |  E.164       44        45    |_____________________
        |______________________________|Character | National |
        |ISO 6523-ICD  46        47    |(ISO 646) |Character |
        | Local        48        49        50         51     |

                   |   DSP Syntax      |
                   |         |         |
         __________| Decimal | Binary  |
        |IDI format|         |         |
        |  X.121       24         9    |
        | ISO DCC      35        14    |
        |  F.69        30        12    |
        |  E.163       26        10    |
        |  E.164       23         9    |_____________________
        |______________________________|Character | National |
        |ISO 6523-ICD  34        13    |(ISO 646) |Character |
        | Local        38        15        19          7     |

                    |  \  a  |      |      |      |
                    | d \    |  0   |   1  |  2   |
                    |   0       0       1     2   |
                    |   1       3       4     5   |
                    |   2       6       7     8   |

    |             | DSP Abstract  |  Binary DSP     | Decimal DSP  |
    |  IDI Format |   syntax      | concrete syntax concrete syntax|
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |   X.121     |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  39 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |  ISO DCC    |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |    F.69     |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |    E.163    |   Binary      |   17 octets     |  39 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |    E.164    |    Binary     |   18 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    | ISO 6523-ICD|   Binary      |   16 octets     |  39 digits   |
    |             |               |                 |              |
    |             |   Decimal     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |   LOCAL     |   Binary      |   16 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             | Character     |   20 octets     |  40 digits   |
    |             |National Char. |   15 octets     |  37 digits   |

      |0|  NET <-7-> |         LOCAL ADDRESS <-24->               |

      |1 0|      NET  <-14->        |  LOCAL ADDRESS <-16->       |

      |1 1 0|            NET  <-21->               | LOCAL ADDRESS|

      |0|  10 or 26  |    HOST      | LOGICAL HOST |   PSN (IMP)  |

           0               16               32
           |               |               |               |
                                     decimal point

                           0               16
                           |               |               |
                                     decimal point

                                            ||   User  ||    --------
                                            ||Interface|<--->| User |
                                            |\----^----/|    --------
                  ----------                |     |     |
                  |/------\|  FTP Commands  |/----V----\|
                  ||Server|<---------------->|   User  ||
                  ||  PI  ||   FTP Replies  ||    PI   ||
                  |\--^---/|                |\----^----/|
                  |   |    |                |     |     |
      --------    |/--V---\|      Data      |/----V----\|    --------
      | File |<--->|Server|<---------------->|  User   |<--->| File |
      |System|    || DTP  ||   Connection   ||   DTP   ||    |System|
      --------    |\------/|                |\---------/|    --------
                  ----------                -------------

                    Control     ------------   Control
                    ---------->| User-FTP |<-----------
                    |          | User-PI  |           |
                    |          |   "C"    |           |
                    V          ------------           V
            --------------                        --------------
            | Server-FTP |   Data Connection      | Server-FTP |
            |    "A"     |<---------------------->|    "B"     |
            -------------- Port (A)      Port (B) --------------

            | Descriptor     |    Byte Count                   |
            |         8 bits |                      16 bits    |

            |Descrptr|  Byte count     |
            |code= 16|             = 6 |

            | Marker | Marker | Marker |
            | 8 bits | 8 bits | 8 bits |

            | Marker | Marker | Marker |
            | 8 bits | 8 bits | 8 bits |

                               3      +---+
                          ----------->| E |
                         |            +---+
      +---+    cmd    +---+    2      +---+
      | B |---------->| W |---------->| S |
      +---+       --->+---+           +---+
                 |     | |
                 |     | |     4,5    +---+
                 |  1  |  ----------->| F |
                  -----               +---+

              |                                    |
      Begin   |                                    |
        |     V                                    |
        |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
         -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
            |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
         -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
        |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |               |
        |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
        |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
        |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
        |     |             |            |   |
        |     |             |            +---+

      ftp (host) multics<CR>         Connect to host S, port L,
                                     establishing control connections.
                                     <---- 220 Service ready <CRLF>.
      username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 331 User name ok,
                                               need password<CRLF>.
      password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                     <---- 230 User logged in<CRLF>.
      retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
      (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
      (for. pathname) test.pl1<CR>   RETR test.pl1<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 150 File status okay;
                                           about to open data
                                     Server makes data connection
                                     to port U.

                                     <---- 226 Closing data connection,
                                         file transfer successful<CRLF>.
      type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
      store (local type) image<CR>
      (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
      (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                     <---- 550 Access denied<CRLF>
      terminate                      QUIT <CRLF> ---->
                                     Server closes all

 Type       CCITT        MMM         NBS         XEROX       Sun
 END    | End-of-   | ENDLIST   | End-of-    |    --     |    --
        |  Contents |   (11)    | Constructor|           |
        |    (0)    |           |    (1)     |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
 PAD    | Null (5)  | NOP (0)   | No-Op (0)  |    --     |    --
        |           | PAD (1)   | Padding    |           |
        |           |           |   (33)     |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
 RECORD | Set (17)  | PROPLIST  | Set (11)   |    --     |    --
        |           |   (14)    |            |           |
        | Sequence  | LIST (9)  | Sequence   | Sequence  | Structure
        |   (16)    |           |   (10)     |           |
        |           |           |            | Record    |
        |           |           | Message    |           |
        |           |           |   (77)     |           |
        |    --     |    --     |     --     | Array     | Fixed Array
        |           |           |            |           | Counted Array
        | "Choice"  |    --     |     --     | Choice    |Discriminated-
        | "Any"     |           |            |           |   Union
        |           |           |            |           |
        | "Tagged"  | "name"    | Field (76) |    --     |    --
        |           |           |Unique-ID(9)|           |
        |    --     | SHARE-TAG |     --     |    --     |    --
        |           |   (12)    |            |           |
        |           | SHARE-REF |            |           |
        |           |   (13)    |            |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     | Compressed |    --     |    --
        |           |           |   (70)     |           |
        |    --     | ENCRYPT   | Encrypted  |    --     |    --
        |           |   (14)    |    (71)    |           |

 Type       CCITT        MMM         NBS         XEROX       Sun
 BOOLEAN| Boolean(1)| BOOLEAN(2)| Boolean(8) | Boolean   | Boolean
        |           |           |            |           |
 NUMBER | Integer(2)| EPI (5)   | Integer(32)| Integer   | Integer
        |   SV      |   SV      |   SV       |   S16     |  S32
        |           | INDEX (3) |            | Cardinal  | Unsigned Int
        |           |   U16     |            |   U16     |  U32
        |           | INTEGER(4)|            |Unspecified|Enumeration
        |           |   S32     |            |   16      |  32
        |           |           |            | Long Int  |Hyper Integer
        |           |           |            |   S32     |  S64
        |           |           |            | Long Card |Uns Hyper Int
        |           |           |            |   U32     |  U64
        |           |           |            |           | Double Prec
        |           |           |            |           |   64
        |    --     | FLOAT (15)|     --     |    --     | Float Pt
        |           |   64      |            |           |   32
        |           |           |            |           |
 BIT-   | Bit String| BITSTR(6) | Bit-String |    --     |    --
  STRING|   (3)     |           |   (67)     |           |
        | Octet-    |    --     |     --     |    --     | Opaque
        |  String(4)|           |            |           |
        |           |           |            |           |
 STRING | IA5 (22)  | TEXT (8)  | ASCII-     | String    | Counted-
        |           |           |  String (2)|           |  Byte String
        |           | NAME (7)  |            |           |
        | Numeric   |           |            |           |
        |   (18)    |           |            |           |
        | Printable |           |            |           |
        |   (19)    |           |            |           |
        | T.61 (20) |           |            |           |
        | Videotex  |           |            |           |
        |   (21)    |           |            |           |

 Type       CCITT        MMM         NBS         XEROX       Sun
 OTHER  | UTC Time  |    --     | Date (40)  |    --     |    --
        |   (23)    |           |            |           |
        | Gen Time  |           |            |           |
        |   (24)    |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     | Property-  |    --     |    --
        |           |           |   List (36)|           |
        |    --     |    --     |Property(69)|    --     |    --
        |           |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     |    --      | Procedure |    --
        |           |           |            |           |
        |    --     |    --     | Vendor-    |    --     |    --
        |           |           |  Defined   |           |
        |           |           |   (127)    |           |
        |           |           | Extension  |           |
        |           |           |   (126)    |           |

                   (4)     (7)     (2)     (9)     (6)
              orig o------>o<=====>o------>o------>o dest

      I                           I                           I
      I        I D P              I          D S P            I
      I                           I                           I
      :                           :
      :                           :
      V                           V
      I     I                     I
      I AFI I     I D I           I
      I     I                     I

   +-------------+                                      +-------------+
   |   TS-user   |                                      |   TS-user   |
   +-------------+                                      +-------------+
           |                                                   |
           | TSAP interface                     TSAP interface |
           |  [ISO-8072]                                       |
           |                                                   |
   +------------+   ISO Transport Services on the TCP    +------------+
   |   client   |----------------------------------------|   server   |
   +------------+              (this memo)               +------------+
           |                                                   |
           | TCP interface                       TCP interface |
           |  [RFC-793]                                        |
           |                                                   |

  +--------------------------------------+                   +--------
  |  Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |  1                :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |           Length Indicator           |  2                :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |   Version/Protocol Id Extension      |  3                :   Fixed
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |              Lifetime                |  4                :    Part
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |SP|MS|E/R|      Type                  |  5                :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |           Segment Length             |  6,7              :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |              Checksum                |  8,9              :
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  | Destination Address Length Indicator |  10               :
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |         Destination Address          |  11 through m-1   : Address
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |    Source Address Length Indicator   |  m                :    Part
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |            Source Address            |  m+1 through n-1  :
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  |         Data Unit Identifier         |  n,n+1            :
  |--------------------------------------|                   : Segment
  |            Segment Offset            |  n+2,n+3          :   ation
  |--------------------------------------|                   :
  |             Total Length             |  n+4,n+5          :    Part
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  |                Options               |  n+6 through p    : Options
  |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
  |                 Data                 |  p+1 through z    :    Data
  +--------------------------------------+                   +--------

      |                                                          |
      |              Upper-Layer Protocol Modules                |

   --------------------- IP Service Interface -----------------------
      |                            |              |              |
      |                            |     ICMP     |     IGMP     |
      |             IP             |______________|______________|
      |           Module                                         |
      |                                                          |

   ---------------- Local Network Service Interface -----------------
      |                            |                             |
      |           Local            | IP-to-local address mapping |
      |          Network           |         (e.g. ARP)          |
      |          Modules           |_____________________________|
      |      (e.g. Ethernet)                                     |
      |                                                          |

       MAC Header|      Length     |                     802.{3/4/5} MAC

      | Dsap=K1| Ssap=K1| control|                             802.2 SAP

      |protocol id or org code =K2|    Ether Type   |         802.2 SNAP

             MAC Header|      Length     |               802.{3/4/5} MAC

            | Dsap=K1| Ssap=K1| control|                       802.2 SAP

            |protocol id or org code =K2|    Ether Type   |   802.2 SNAP

   --------------------+--- ISO NETWORK SERVICE PROVIDER -----^-----------------
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
           PROTOCOL    |  REFERENCE TO AIMS  -----------------+
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
                       |                                      |
   --------------------+---SUBNETWORK SERVICE DEFINITION(S)---v-----------------

|                                |    FULL     |       NON       |  INACTIVE  |
| FUNCTION                       |  PROTOCOL   |    SEGMENTING   |   SUBSET   |
|                                |             |      SUBSET     |            |
|PDU Composition                 |     1       |        1        |     1      |
|PDU Composition                 |     1       |        1        |     1      |
|Header Format Analysis          |     1       |        1        |     1      |
|PDU Lifetime Control            |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Route PDU                       |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Forward PDU                     |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Segment PDU                     |     1       |       N/A       |    N/A     |
|Reassemble PDU                  |     1       |       N/A       |    N/A     |
|Discard PDU                     |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Error Reporting (Note 1)        |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Header Error Detection (Note 1) |     1       |        1        |    N/A     |
|Security                        |     1       |        2        |    N/A     |
|Complete Source Routing         |     1       |        2        |    N/A     |
|Complete Route Recording        |     2       |        2        |    N/A     |
|Partial Source Routing          |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Partial Route Recording         |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Priority                        |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|QoS Maintenance                 |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Congestion Notification         |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |
|Padding                         |     3       |        3        |    N/A     |

                           Part                      Described in
             |          Fixed Part             |      Section 7.2
             |          Address Part           |      Section 7.3
             |       Segmentation Part         |      Section 7.4
             |          Options Part           |      Section 7.5
             |              Data               |      Section 7.6

             |   Network Layer Protocol Identifier  |    1
             |          Length Indicator            |    2
             |     Version/Protocol Id Extension    |    3
             |              Lifetime                |    4
             |    SP  vline M S vline e/R | Type    |    5
             |            Segment Length            |   6,7
             |               Checksum               |   8,9

              |         | Bits               5   4   3   2   1 |
              | DT PDU  |                    1   1   1   0   0 |
              | ER PDU  |                    0   0   0   0   1 |

               |    Destination Address Length Indicator   |   10
               |                                           |   11
               :              Destination Address          :
               |                                           |  m - 1
               |     Source Address Length Indicator       |    m
               |                                           |  m + 1
               :               Source Address              :
               |                                           |  n - 1

                | Octet  | Address parameter Length Indicator |
                |   n    |                (e.g., 'm')         |
                | Octets |                                    |
                |  n + 1 |       Address Parameter Value      |
                |  thru  |                                    |
                |  n + m |                                    |

                    | Data Unit Identifier |       n, n + 1
                    |    Segment Offset    |   n + 2, n + 3
                    |     Total Length     |   n + 4, n + 5

        |                                                  | n + 6
        :                    Options                       :
        |                                                  |   p

                |     n      |       Parameter Code       |
                |   n + 1    |  Parameter Length (e.g.m)  |
                |   n + 2    |                            |
                |     to     |     Parameter Value        |
                | n + m + 1  |                            |

             |   Network Layer Protocol Identifier    |       1
             |            Length Indicator            |       2
             |      Version/Protocol Id Extension     |       3
             |                Lifetime                |       4
             |  S P  vline  M S vline e/R |  Type     |       5
             |             Segment Length             |      6,7
             |                Checksum                |      8,9
             |  Destination Address Length Indicator  |      10
             |                                        |      11
             :          Destination Address           :
             |________________________________________|     m - 1
             |    Source Address Length Indicator     |       m
             |                                        |     m + 1
             :             Source Address             :
             |                                        |     n - 1
             |          Data Unit Identifier          |    n, n + 1
             |             Segment Offset             |  n + 2, n + 3
             |              Total Length              |  n + 4, n + 5
             |                                        |    n + 6
             |                 Options                |
             |                                        |      p
             |                                        |    p + 1
             |                  Data                  |
             |                                        |      z

              |     Network Layer Protocol Identifier      |   1
              |              Length Indicator              |   2
              |        Version/Protocol Id Extension       |   3
              |                   Lifetime                 |   4
              |   SP= 0  vline MS= 0 vline Reserved | Type |   5
              |               Segment Length               |  6,7
              |                 Checksum                   |  8,9
              |    Destination Address Length Indicator    |  10
              |                                            |  11
              :            Destination Address             :
              |                                            | m - 1
              |     Source Address Length Indicator        |   m
              |                                            | m + 1
              :               Source Address               :
              |                                            | n - 1
              |                                            |   n
              |                   Options                  |
              |                                            | p - 1
              |                                            |   p
              |             Reason for Discard             |
              |                                            | q - 1
              |                                            |   q
              |          Error Report Data Field           |
              |                                            |   z

      |    Network Layer Protocol Identifier |    1
      |           Length Indicator           |    2
      |      Version/Protocol Id Extension   |    3
      |        reserved (must be zero)       |    4
      | 0 |0 |0 |           Type             |    5
      |           Holding Time               |   6,7
      |             Checksum                 |   8,9

       |    Network Layer Protocol Identifier     |   1
       |             Length Indicator             |   2
       |       Version/Protocol Id Extension      |   3
       |         reserved (must be zero)          |   4
       |0 |0 |0 |              Type               |   5
       |               Holding Time               |  6,7
       |                 Checksum                 |  8,9
       |    Source Address Length Indicator (SAL) |  10
       |                                          |  11
       :           Source Address (SA)            :
       |                                          | m - 1
       |                                          |   m
       :                  Options                 :
       |                                          | p - 1

   |        Network Layer Protocol Identifier    |   1
   |                 Length Indicator            |   2
   |          Version/Protocol Id Extension      |   3
   |             reserved (must be zero)         |   4
   |0 |0 |0 |                  Type              |   5
   |                   Holding Time              |  6,7
   |                     Checksum                |  8,9
   |Network Entity Title Length Indicator (NETL) |  10
   |                                             |  11
   :           Network Entity Title (NET)        :
   |                                             | m - 1
   |                                             |  m
   :                      Options                :
   |                                             | p - 1

   |         Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |    1
   |                  Length Indicator           |    2
   |           Version/Protocol Id Extension     |    3
   |               reserved (must be zero)       |    4
   |0 |0 |0 |                   Type             |    5
   |                    Holding Time             |   6,7
   |                      Checksum               |   8,9
   |   Destination Address Length Indicator (DAL)|   10
   |                                             |   11
   :              Destination Address (DA)       :
   |                                             | m - 1
   |Subnetwork Address Length Indicator (BSNPAL) |   m
   |                                             | m + 1
   :          Subnetwork Address (DBSNPA)        :
   |                                             | n - 1
   |Network Entity Title Length Indicator (NETL) |   n
   |                                             | n + 1
   :            Network Entity Title (NET)       :
   |                                             | p - 1
   |                                             |   p
   :                        Options              :
   |                                             | q - 1

   |         Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |    1
   |                  Length Indicator           |    2
   |           Version/Protocol Id Extension     |    3
   |               reserved (must be zero)       |    4
   |0 |0 |0 |                   Type             |    5
   |                    Holding Time             |   6,7
   |                      Checksum               |   8,9
   |   Destination Address Length Indicator (DAL)|   10
   |                                             |   11
   :              Destination Address (DA)       :
   |                                             | m - 1
   |Subnetwork Address Length Indicator (BSNPAL) |   m
   |                                             | m + 1
   :          Subnetwork Address (DBSNPA)        :
   |                                             | n - 1
   |                   NETL = 0                  |   n
   |                                             | n + 1
   :                   Options                   :
   |                                             | p - 1
   |              Quality of Service             | n + 1