====+=========+=====BROADCAST AREA=====+==========+=========+====
       |         |                        |          |         |
       |         |                        |          |         |
    +--+--+   +--+--+                  +--+--+    +--+--+   +--+--+
    |  B  |   |  B  |                  |  B  |    |  B  |   |  B  |
    +-----+   +-----+                  +-----+    +-----+   +-----+

   ====+=========+==========+=B'CAST AREA=+==========+=========+====
       |         |          |             |          |         |
       |         |          |             |          |         |
    +--+--+   +--+--+    +--+--+       +--+--+    +--+--+   +--+--+
    |  P  |   |  P  |    |NBNS |       |  P  |    |NBDD |   |  P  |
    +-----+   +-----+    +-----+       +-----+    +-----+   +-----+

 1      4 5      8         13  16 17    20 21 22 24 25            32
|         | FORMAT |D|T|R|U|      |        |T|LEADER|                |
|         |  (15)  |L|R|L|U|      |        |C|      |                |

 33                  40 41                                          64
|                      |                                              |
|    HANDLING TYPE     |                DESTINATION HOST              |
|                      |                                              |

 65                     76 77    80 81                              96
|                         |        |                                  |
|       MESSAGE ID        |SUB-TYPE|            UNUSED                |
|                         |        |                                  |

      +-----------+                                       +-----------+
      |  TS-user  |                                       |  TS-user  |
      +-----------+                                       +-----------+
           |                                                     |
           | TSAP interface                       TSAP interface |
           |  [ISO8072]                                          |
           |                                                     |
      +----------+   ISO Transport Services on the TCP     +----------+
      |  client  |-----------------------------------------|  server  |
      +----------+              (this memo)                +----------+
           |                                                     |
           | TCP interface                         TCP interface |
           |  [RFC793]                                           |
           |                                                     |

   |  TPE    *                   *         *                  |
   |         *                   *         *                  |
   |     ____O____           ____O____ ____O____              |
   |     |       |           |       | |       |              |
   |     |  TPM  |           |  TPM  | |  TPM  |              |
   |     |       |           |       | |       |              |
   |     |___X___|           |__X_X__| |___X___|              |
   |         V                  V V        V                  |
   |         V   multiplex      V V        V                  |
   |         >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<< V        V                  |
   |                V V     split V        V                  |
   |                V V           V        V                  |
   |              ---X----     ---X---- ---X----              |
   |              |Slave |     |Slave | |Slave |              |
   |              |__O___|     |__O___| |__O___|              |
   |                 V            V        V                  |
   |                 V            V        V                  |
                   NSAP           |<------>|

          |  user interface  |       input bus
          |    controller    |=================O==============O=======
          |__________________|                 *              *
                    *                          *              *
                    *                          *       _______*_______
                    *                          *       | data buffers|
                    *                          *    ...|     TPM1    |
                    *                          *    :  |_____________|
                    *                          *    :         *
                    *                          *    :         *
   _________   _____*__________   ________   __*____:______   *
   |  TPE  |   | TPE processor|   |shared|   |    TPM1    |   *
   |buffers|***|              |   | TPM1 |***|  processor |   *
   |_______|   |______________|   | mem. |   |____________|   *
       *         :    :    *      |______|        :           *
       *         :    :    *          *           :           *
       *         :    :    ***********O***********:********************
       *         :    :       memory bus          :           *
       *         :    :                           :           *
       *         :    :...........................O...........*........
   ____*_________:___         clock enable                    *
   |    network     |                                         *
   |   interface    |=========================================O========
   |   controller   |         output data bus
      to network

        | byte 0 | byte 1 |...|byte n-1|    0   |...|    0   |   BLOCK
        |<-----------n bytes---------->|<------r bytes------>|
        |<-----------n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)>----------->|

        (MSB)                                                   (LSB)
      |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |byte 4 |byte 5 |byte 6 |byte 7 |
      <----------------------------64 bits---------------------------->
                                                 HYPER INTEGER
                                                 UNSIGNED HYPER INTEGER

         |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |              SINGLE-PRECISION
         S|   E   |           F          |         FLOATING-POINT NUMBER
         1|<- 8 ->|<-------23 bits------>|
         <------------32 bits------------>

         |byte 0|byte 1|byte 2|byte 3|byte 4|byte 5|byte 6|byte 7|
         S|    E   |                    F                        |
         1|<--11-->|<-----------------52 bits------------------->|
         <-----------------------64 bits------------------------->
                                        DOUBLE-PRECISION FLOATING-POINT

          0        1     ...
      | byte 0 | byte 1 |...|byte n-1|    0   |...|    0   |
      |<-----------n bytes---------->|<------r bytes------>|
      |<-----------n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)------------>|
                                                   FIXED-LENGTH OPAQUE

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
         |        length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
         |<-------4 bytes------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|
                                                  VARIABLE-LENGTH OPAQUE

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
         |        length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
         |<-------4 bytes------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|

         |   element 0   |   element 1   |...|  element n-1  |
         |<--------------------n elements------------------->|

           0  1  2  3
         |     n     | element 0 | element 1 |...|element n-1|
         |<-4 bytes->|<--------------n elements------------->|
                                                         COUNTED ARRAY

         | component A | component B |...                      STRUCTURE

           0   1   2   3
         |  discriminant |  implied arm  |          DISCRIMINATED UNION
         |<---4 bytes--->|

+------+    +------+    +------+    +------+     ....   +------+
|DARPA |    |  NSF |    | DOE  |    | NASA |            |Others|
+--+---+    +--+---+    +--+---+    +--+---+            +--+---+
   |           |           |           |                   |
      |                         |                    +------------+
      | Funding                 | Representatives    |  Scientific|
      |                         |                    |  Research  |
      V                         V                    |  Community |
+-------------+              +-------------+         +----------+-+
|  Selecting  |     Policy   |    Policy   |                    |
|  Contracting|<-------------+    Board    |    Advice          |
|  Agency     |           +->|             |<------------+      |
+-----+-------+           |  +------+------+             |      |
      |Funding            |         |Management      +------+<--+
      |   Advice and Plans|         |                |  TAB |<-------+
      |   +---------------+         V                +------+<---- + |
      |   |                   +------------+            ^ ^        | |
      +---|------------------>|            | Interaction| |        | |
          |                   |    IRIO    |<-----------+ |        | |
          |    +------------->|            |<-----------+ |        | |
          |    | Interaction  +-----+------+ Interaction| |        | |
          |    |                    |                   V |        | |
          |    |        +-----------+----------+    +------------+ | |
          |    |        |Management |  Funding |    | Constituent| | |
          |    |        |           |          |    | Networks   | | |
          V    V        V           V          V    +------------+ | |
        +-------+    +--------+ +--------+  +-----------+          | |
        | IRAB  |    |Network | |  User  |  |   Other   |          | |
        +-------+    |  O&M   | |Services|  |Contractors|          | |
            |        +----+---+ +---+----+  +-----+-----+          | |
            |             |         |             |                | |
            |             +---------+-------------+----------------+ |
            |                                                        |
            +-----------------+--------------------+                 |
            |Chair            |Chair               |Chair            |
            V                 V                    V                 |
       +----------+        +----------+       +----------+           |
       |TASK FORCE|        |TASK FORCE|  .... |TASK FORCE|           |
       +----------+        +----------+       +----------+           |
            ^                  ^                 ^                   |
            |                  |                 |                   |
            V                  V                 V                   |
           +--------------------------------------+                  |
           |      Network Research Community      |------------------+

 _______    LAN       _______     WAN      _______     LAN      _______
|   1   |            |   2   |            |   3   |            |   4   |
|TCP/IP |---10 Mb/s--|  IP   |---56 kb/s--|  IP   |---10 Mb/s--|TCP/IP |
|_______|            |_______|            |_______|            |_______|

         user telnet--->TCP--->IP--->net--->IP--->TCP--->server telnet
         server telnet<---TCP<---IP<---net<---IP<---TCP<---user telnet
         user telnet--->...

    |                                            E4
    |-----hq                            |-----------------------|
    |                _                             |        |
    |-----hx        | | B1                         |        |
    |---------------| |                            |        |
    |-----h1        |_|                            |        |
    |                |     h19                     |        |      ______
    |                |    |                       | |        -----|______|  B4
    |                |    |                       | | B3              |
    |-----he       |-------------------| E2       |_|                 |
    |                    |                         |                  |
    |-----h5             |                         |                  |
    |                    |                         |                  |
    |                   ---                ---     |                  |
   ---                  | |                 |-------                  |
   E1                   | | B2              |                         |
                        | |-----------------|                         |
                        ---                 |                         |
                                            |          |---------------------
                                           ---                              |
                                            E3                              |
                      FIGURE 1.  A MULTI-LAN TOPOLOGY

             |                     |                  |
            MIL                   EDU                ARPA
             |                     |                  |
             |                     |                  |
       +-----+-----+               |     +------+-----+-----+
       |     |     |               |     |      |           |
      BRL  NOSC  DARPA             |  IN-ADDR  SRI-NIC     ACC
       |        |                  |               |        |
      UCI      MIT                 |              UDEL     YALE
                |                 ISI
                |                  |
            +---+---+              |
            |       |              |
           LCS  ACHILLES  +--+-----+-----+--------+
            |             |  |     |     |        |
            XX            A  C   VAXA  VENERA Mockapetris

                                   | A.ISI.EDU)
             |                     |                  |
            MIL                   EDU                ARPA
             |(SRI-NIC.ARPA,       |(SRI-NIC.ARPA,    |
             | A.ISI.EDU           | C.ISI.EDU)       |
       +-----+-----+               |     +------+-----+-----+
       |     |     |               |     |      |           |
      BRL  NOSC  DARPA             |  IN-ADDR  SRI-NIC     ACC
       |        |                  |               |        |
      UCI      MIT                 |              UDEL     YALE
                |(XX.LCS.MIT.EDU, ISI
            +---+---+              | A.ISI.EDU)
            |       |              |
           LCS   ACHILLES +--+-----+-----+--------+
            |             |  |     |     |        |
            XX            A  C   VAXA  VENERA Mockapetris

                 Local Host                        |  Foreign
    +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+
    |         | user queries  |          |queries  |  |        |
    |  User   |-------------->|          |---------|->|Foreign |
    | Program |               | Resolver |         |  |  Name  |
    |         |<--------------|          |<--------|--| Server |
    |         | user responses|          |responses|  |        |
    +---------+               +----------+         |  +--------+
                                |     A            |
                cache additions |     | references |
                                V     |            |
                              +----------+         |
                              |  cache   |         |
                              +----------+         |

   |  10000010    |  XXXXXXXX | SSSSSSSS    |  AAAAAAA[1]    AAAAAAA0 |
   |              |           |             |         [0]             |
                   VARIABLE      PROTECTION         AUTHORITY
                                   LEVEL              FLAGS

          | 10000101   |  000LLLLL   |  AAAAAAAA   |   add sec info  |
           type = 133    LENGTH = Var.   ADDITIONAL    ADDITIONAL
                                         SECURITY      SECURITY
                                         INFO          INFO

              MAC Header        |                        802.{3/4/5} MAC

   | DSAP=K1| SSAP=K1| Control|                                802.2 LLC

   |Protocol Id or Org Code =K2|    EtherType    |            802.2 SNAP

      +-----------+-------+                   +------------+  | | | |
      |           |       |                   |HYPERchannel+--+ | | |
      |           |       +-------------------+  Network   +--|-+ | |
      | Host      |  I/O  +-------------------+  Adapter   +--|-|-+ |
      |           |       |   Standard host   |            +--|-|-|-+
      | Computer  |Control|    data channel   +------------+  | | | |
      |           |       |
      |           |       |
      |           |       |
      |           |       |

      +-------------+        +---------------+       +--------------+
      |             |        |               |       |              |
      | Minicomputer|        |  Supermini    |       | Workstation  |
      |             |        |               |       |              |
      +-----+-------+        +-------+-------+       +-------+------+
      |     |  DMA  |        |       |  DMA  |       |  DMA  |      |
      |     |control|        |       |control|       |control|      |
      +-----+---++--+        +-------+--++---+       +--++---+------+
                ||                      ||              ||
                ||                      ||              ||
                |+----------+           ||    +---------+|
                +----------+|           ||    |+---------+
                           ||           ||    ||
                         |     |     |     |     |
                         |         x400          |
                         |    Network Adapter    |
                         |                       |
                                 | | | |

       |            |     |   Coprocessor |       |        +--------+
       |            |Host |    MC 68010   |Adapter+--------+  x400  |
       |    HOST    |DMA  |   256K memory |  DMA  +--------+ Adapter|
       |            |     |               |       |        +--------+
       |    Memory  +-----+---------------+-------+
       |            |

 +-----------+ +----+ +-----------------+ +------+
 |File Access| |Time| |Program Execution| |Naming|... Application
 +-----------+ +----+ +-----------------+ +------+      Layer
       |           |           |             |      |
                        | RPC Presentation |          Presentation
                        +------------------+          Layer
            +------+          +--------+
            |  TCP |          | VMTP   |              Transport
            +------+          +--------+              Layer
                |                  |
           |       Internet Protocol & ICMP    |      Internetwork
           +-----------------------------------+      Layer

  | Message Control Block |
  |       segment data                |

 +---------+   Request       +----------+
 | Client  +---------------->| Server 1 |
 +---------+                 +----------+
      ^                        |
      |                        | forwarded Request
      |                        V
      |   Response           +----------+
      +----------------------| Server 2 |

 |            VMTP Header             ||                     |
 +------------+-----------------------||   segment data      |
 |VMTP Control| Message Control Block ||                     |

 Delivery  1 1  1 1  1 1  1 1  0 0  1 0  1 0  1 0  0 0 0 0 0 . . .
           0000 0400 0800 0C00 1000 1400 1800 1C00
 Segment  |....|....|....|....|....|....|....|.|
          :    :    :    :    :    :  : /  /   :
          v    v    v    v    v    v  v   /|   v
          +----+----+----+----+    +----+  +---+
 Packets  |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |    |  5 |  | 6 |
          +----+----+----+----+    +----+  +---+

   | Processing |<--------------------|
   |            |<-------------|      |
   |            |<---|         |      |
   +|------^--^-+  Single    Last     |
 Transmit  |  |    Packet    Response |
    |      |  |    Response  Packet   |
    |      |  |      |         |      |
    +-DGM->+ Timeout |         |   Final timeout
    |         |      |         |      |
   +V-----------+    |       +-----------+
   |  Awaiting  |----+       | Receiving |->Response-+
   |  Response  |->Response->| Response  |           |
   |            |  (multi-   |           |<----------+
   +-|--------^-+   packet)  +----------^+
     V        |                |        |
     +-Timeout+                +>Timeout+

     (Retransmit Forwarded Request and NotifyVmtpClient)
                   V       |
                 |           |
          +-Time-| Forwarded |<-------------+
          |  out +-----------+              |
          |                                 |
          |          (Retransmit Response)  |
          |                      Request    |
          V                      Ack        |
          |                    +-Timeout-+  |
          |                    V         |  |
        +---------+ Ack/ +|---------^+ |
 +-Time-|Response |<-Timeout--| Responded | |
 |  out |Discarded|           +----^------+ |
 |      +---------+                |        |
 |  +------------+                 |        |
 |  |            |->-Send Response-+        |
 |  |            |->-forward Request--------+
 +->| Processing |<----------------------+
 |  |            |<----------------+     |
 |  |            |<---|            |     |
 |  +-|--------^-+    |          Last    |
 | Receive     |      |          Request |
 |    |   Timeout   Single       Packet  |
 |    |        |    Packet         |   Timeout
 |    |        |    Request        ^     ^
 |    |        |      ^           +|-----|--+
 |  +-V--------|-+    |           |Receiving|<-+Time
 +->|  Awaiting  |->--+->Request->| Request |--+ out
    |  Request   |    |  (multi-  +---------+
    +------|-----+    ^  packet)
        Request       |
           |        Response
      Send Probe     to
           |        Probe
       +---V----+     |
       |Awaiting|     ^
       |to Probe|

 | ControlFlags|  Interface     | Version/Procedure |
    8 bits          16 bits              8 bits

 | TypeFlags | Discriminator  |    Internet Address    |
    4 bits          28 bits                32 bits

 | TypeFlags |  Discriminator |Internet Host Group Addr|
    4 bits          28 bits                32 bits

 | TypeFlags |  Discriminator |   Internet Host Addr   |
    4 bits          28 bits             32 bits

 |     Internet Address      | Local User Identifier  |
             32 bits                    32 bits

         |                                                          |
         |              Upper-Layer Protocol Modules                |

      --------------------- IP Service Interface -----------------------
         |                            |              |              |
         |                            |     ICMP     |     IGMP     |
         |             IP             |______________|______________|
         |           Module                                         |
         |                                                          |

      ---------------- Local Network Service Interface -----------------
         |                            |                             |
         |           Local            | IP-to-local address mapping |
         |          Network           |         (e.g., ARP)         |
         |          Modules           |_____________________________|
         |      (e.g., Ethernet)                                    |
         |                                                          |

                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                   --------->|   Non-Member   |<---------
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |________________|          |
                  |                   |                  |
                  | leave group       | join group       | leave group
                  | (stop timer)      |(send report,     |
                  |                   | start timer)     |
          ________|________           |          ________|________
         |                 |<---------          |                 |
         |                 |                    |                 |
         |                 |<-------------------|                 |
         |                 |   query received   |                 |
         | Delaying Member |    (start timer)   |   Idle Member   |
         |                 |------------------->|                 |
         |                 |   report received  |                 |
         |                 |    (stop timer)    |                 |
                                timer expired
                                (send report)

                                | Update  |
                     +--------->|         +----------+
                     |          |Algorithm|          |
                     |          +----+----+          |
                     |               |               |
                     |               V               V
                +----+----+     +---------+     +---------+
                |         |     |  Local  |     |         |
                | Receive |     |         +---->| Timeout |
                |         |     |  Clock  |     |         |
                +---------+     +---------+     +-+-----+-+
                  A     A                         |     |
                  |     |                         V     V
                   Peers          Network          Peers

                        |                    |
                   t(1) |------------------->| t(2)
                        |                    |
                   t(4) |<-------------------| t(3)
                        |                    |
                   t(5) |------------------->| t(6)
                        |                    |
                   t(8) |<-------------------| t(7)
                        |                    |
                Figure 3.1. Calculating Delay and Offset

           0               16               32
           |               |               |               |
                                     decimal point

                           0               16
                           |               |               |
                                     decimal point

                   Peer 1                    Peer 2
                        |                    |
                   t(1) |------------------->| t(2)
                        |                    |
                   t(4) |<-------------------| t(3)
                        |                    |
                   t(5) |------------------->| t(6)
                        |                    |
                   t(8) |<-------------------| t(7)
                        |                    |

       0                           23                            47
       |                           |                             |
       1000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1010 xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
       |                                     |
       Multicast Bit                         0 = Internet Multicast
                                             1 = Assigned by IANA for
                                                 other uses

       0                           23                            47
       |                           |                             |
       0000 0001 0000 0000 0101 1110 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
               |                     |
               Multicast Bit         0 = Internet Multicast
                                     1 = Assigned by IANA for other uses

              \   upper| DoD IP |  PUP   | NS IP  |
         lower \       |        |        |        |
                       |  Type  |  Type  |  Type  |
         3Mb Ethernet  |  1001  |  1000  |  3000  |
                       |  octal |  octal |  octal |
                       |  Type  |  Type  |  Type  |
         10 Mb Ethernet|  0800  |  0200  |  0600  |
                       |   hex  |   hex  |   hex  |
                       |  Link  |  Link  |  Link  |
         ARPANET       |  155   |  152   |  150   |
                       | decimal| decimal| decimal|

              \   upper| DoD IP |  PUP   | NS IP  |
         lower \       |        |        |        |
                       |        |Protocol|Protocol|
         DoD IP        |   X    |   12   |   22   |
                       |        | decimal| decimal|
                       |        |        |        |
         PUP           |   ?    |   X    |   ?    |
                       |        |        |        |
                       |  Type  |  Type  |        |
         NS IP         |   13   |   12   |   X    |
                       | decimal| decimal|        |

              |00001011|00000100|   2 octet value |

              |00001100|00000100|   2 octet value |

   +------------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
   |  Region #1 INOC  |       |Region #2 INOC  |      |PC in Region #3 |
   |                  |       |                |      |                |
   |Domain=Region #1  |       |Domain=Region #2|      |Domain=Region #3|
   |CPU=super-mini-1  |       |CPU=super-mini-1|      |CPU=Clone-1     |
   |PCommunity=pub    |       |PCommunity=pub  |      |PCommunity=slate|
   |                  |       |                |      |                |
   +------------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
          /|\                      /|\                     /|\
           |                        |                       |
           |                        |                       |
           |                       \|/                      |
           |               +-----------------+              |
           +-------------->| Region #3 INOC  |<-------------+
                           |                 |
                           |Domain=Region #3 |
                           |CPU=super-mini-2 |
                           |PCommunity=pub,  |
                           |         slate   |
           +-------------->|                 |<-------------+
           |               +-----------------+              |
           |                       /|\                      |
           |                        |                       |
           |                        |                       |
          \|/                      \|/                     \|/
   +-----------------+     +-----------------+       +-----------------+
   |Domain=Region#3  |     |Domain=Region#3  |       |Domain=Region#3  |
   |CPU=router-1     |     |CPU=mainframe-1  |       |CPU=modem-1      |
   |DCommunity=secret|     |DCommunity=secret|       |DCommunity=secret|
   +-----------------+     +-----------------+       +-----------------+

                            ---------                        Remote
                           |  BFTP   |      (telnet)      o    User
             Local         | Network | <---------------- -|-
             User  o       | Server  |                   / \
                  -|-       ---------
                  / \  |       |
                       |       |
                       |       |
                       v       v
                      -----------  (Submit    +---+
                     | BFTP User |  request)  |---| Request
                     | Interface | ---------> |---| Queue
                      -----------             |---|
                              .               +---+
                               .              /
                                .            /
                    (foreground  .          / (try/retry
                      request--   .        /   request)
                      see 2.3)     v      v
                                   --------                 +---+
                                  |  FTC   | -------------> |   |  User
                                  | Daemon |     Notify     |   | Mailbox
                                   --------      Message    +---+
                                  /        \
                                 /   FTP    \
                                /   Control  \
                               /  Connections \
                      HOST S  v                v  HOST D
                       --------                --------
                      |  FTP   | ===========> |  FTP   |
                      | Server |  file        | Server |
                       --------    transfer    --------

                      <-------- (log in)
      (login confirm.) -------->
                                     (log in) -------->
                                             <-------- (login confirm.)

                      <-------- TYPE, STRU, MODE, CWD
       (confirmations) -------->
                        TYPE, STRU, MODE, CWD -------->
                                             <-------- (confirmations)

                      <--------  PASV command
          PASV confirm -------->
                                 PORT command -------->
                                             <-------- PORT confirm

                                  RETR file   -------->
                      <--------   STOR file
                      <------------------------------ Open TCP Data conn
                      <------------------------------ Send file
                      <------------------------------ Close Data conn
                                            <-------- RETR confirm
          STOR confirm -------->

                      <-------- QUIT command
                                QUIT command -------->
       Close Ctrl conn -------->

   +--------------------------------------+                   +--------
   |  Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |  1                :
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |           Length Indicator           |  2                :
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |   Version/Protocol Id Extension      |  3                :   Fixed
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |              Lifetime                |  4                :    Part
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |SP|MS|E/R|      Type                  |  5                :
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |           Segment Length             |  6,7              :
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |              Checksum                |  8,9              :
   |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
   | Destination Address Length Indicator |  10               :
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |         Destination Address          |  11 through m-1   : Address
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |    Source Address Length Indicator   |  m                :    Part
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |            Source Address            |  m+1 through n-1  :
   |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
   |         Data Unit Identifier         |  n,n+1            :
   |--------------------------------------|                   : Segment
   |            Segment Offset            |  n+2,n+3          :   ation
   |--------------------------------------|                   :
   |             Total Length             |  n+4,n+5          :    Part
   |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
   |                Options               |  n+6 through p    : Options
   |--------------------------------------|                   +--------
   |                 Data                 |  p+1 through z    :    Data
   +--------------------------------------+                   +--------

    ______U of WI (128.105)______
   (                             )
   ( 128.105.4                   )
   (   |                         )                   _U of Tudor__
   (   |         )                  (             )
   (   |         )                  (             )
   (   |------ES-----------|     )                  (   ES        )
   (   |                   |     )                  (  )
   (   |                   |     )                  (   |         )
   (   |                   |     )                  (___|_________)
   (   |                   |     )                      |
   (   |                   |     )         -------------
   (   |---ES              |     )        _|_
   (   |    |     )       (   )
   (   |                   |     )      (     )
   (   |                   |     )     (  IP   )
   (   |                   |----------(  subnet )
   (   |                   |     )     (       )
   (   |                   |     )      (     )
   (   |                   |     )       (___)
   (   |---ES              |     )         |
   (   |    |     )         -------------
   (   |                   |     )                      |
   (   |                   |     )                 _U of Fordor_
   (   |                   |     )                (     |       )
   (   |---IS/ES-----------|     )                (     |       )
   (    |     )                (    IS       )
   (    |     )                ( )
   (                       |     )                (     |       )
   (                       |     )                (     |       )
   (                  128.105.2  )                (    ES       )
   (                             )                ( )
   (_____________________________)                (_____________)

             -----           -----           -----
             | A |  code     | 7 |   decode  | A |
             | B |    ==>    | 1 |     ==>   | B |
             | C |           | 4 |           | C |
             -----           |...|           -----
                             | 2 | check     plus "valid" flag
                             ----- info

   +-----------+                                       +-----------+
   |  PS-user  |                                       |  PS-user  |
   +-----------+                                       +-----------+
        |                                                     |
        | PS interface                           PS interface |
        |  [ISO8822]                                          |
        |                                                     |
   +----------+   ISO Presentation Services on the TCP  +----------+
   |  client  |-----------------------------------------|  server  |
   +----------+              (this memo)                +----------+
        |                                                     |
        | TCP interface                         TCP interface |
        |  [RFC793]                                           |
        |                                                     |

   +---------+    +----------+                                   +-----+
   |         |    |          |  output +---------------+  input  |  n  |
   |         |    |          |<--------| de-serializer |<--------|  e  |
   |         |    |          |   queue +---------------+  queue  |  t  |
   | PS-user |----| dispatch |                                   |  w  |
   |         |    |          |  input  +---------------+ output  |  o  |
   |         |    |          |-------->|   serializer  |-------->|  r  |
   |         |    |          |  queue  +---------------+ queue   |  k  |
   +---------+    +----------+                                   +-----+

          |                                 |
          |                   +-----------------------------------+
          |  +----+           |     +----+  |           +----+    |
          |  |    |           |     |    |  |           |    |    |
          |  |    +-----------|-----+    +--------------+    |    |
          |  |    |     TP0   |     |    |  |  TP0      |    |    |
          |  +----+           |     +----+  |           +----+    |
          | TCP Host          |  Bridge Host|         X.25 Host   |
          |                   |             |                     |
          |                   |             |                     |
          |                   |             |                     |
          +-------------------|-------------+                     |
            TCP/IP Network    |                                   |
                              |                                   |
                                           X.25 Network

                 |       Management Application Processes       |

                             |       CMISE       |
                             | ISO DIS 9595/9596 |

                 +------------------+       +--------------------+
                 |        ACSE      |       |        ROSE        |
                 | ISO IS 8649/8650 |       | ISO DIS 9072-1/2   |
                 +------------------+       +--------------------+

                 |     Lightweight Presentation Protocol (LPP)   |
                 |                   RFC 1085                    |

                 +------------------+       +--------------------+
                 |       TCP        |       |        UDP         |
                 |     RFC 793      |       |      RFC 768       |
                 +------------------+       +--------------------+

                 |                     IP                        |
                 |                   RFC 791                     |

   +------------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
   |  Region #1 INOC  |       |Region #2 INOC  |      |PC in Region #3 |
   |                  |       |                |      |                |
   |Domain=Region #1  |       |Domain=Region #2|      |Domain=Region #3|
   |CPU=super-mini-1  |       |CPU=super-mini-1|      |CPU=Clone-1     |
   |PCommunity=pub    |       |PCommunity=pub  |      |PCommunity=slate|
   |                  |       |                |      |                |
   +------------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
          /|\                      /|\                     /|\
           |                        |                       |
           |                        |                       |
           |                       \|/                      |
           |               +-----------------+              |
           +-------------->| Region #3 INOC  |<-------------+
                           |                 |
                           |Domain=Region #3 |
                           |CPU=super-mini-2 |
                           |PCommunity=pub,  |
                           |         slate   |
           +-------------->|                 |<-------------+
           |               +-----------------+              |
           |                       /|\                      |
           |                        |                       |
           |                        |                       |
          \|/                      \|/                     \|/
   +-----------------+     +-----------------+       +-----------------+
   |Domain=Region#3  |     |Domain=Region#3  |       |Domain=Region#3  |
   |CPU=router-1     |     |CPU=mainframe-1  |       |CPU=modem-1      |
   |DCommunity=secret|     |DCommunity=secret|       |DCommunity=secret|
   +-----------------+     +-----------------+       +-----------------+

      H1 ---  1 --- G1 -----  2 ------ G2 ----- 3 ----- H2
              |                                 |
              |                                 |
              |                                 |
              |---- G3 -----  4 ------ G4 ------|------ G5 --- 5
                              |                                |
                              |                                |
                              |                               H4

                MAC Header        |                           FDDI MAC

     | DSAP=K1| SSAP=K1| Control|                            802.2 LLC

     |Protocol Id or Org Code =K2|    EtherType    |        802.2 SNAP

   Events|BGP_Idle BGP_Active BGP_OpenSent BGP_OpenConfirm BGP_Estab
         |  (1)   |    (2)   |     (3)    |      (4)      |      (5)
    1    |   2    |          |            |               |
         |        |          |            |               |
    2    |        |     3    |            |               |
         |        |          |            |               |
    3    |        |          |      1     |       1       |
         |        |          |            |               |
    4    |        |     2    |            |               |
         |        |          |            |               |
    5    |        |          |    4 or 1  |               |
         |        |          |            |               |
    6    |        |          |            |       5       |
         |        |          |            |               |
    7    |        |          |            |               |       5
         |        |          |            |               |
    8    |        |          |            |               |       5
         |        |          |            |               |
    9    |        |          |            |               |       5
         |        |          |            |               |
   10    |        |          |            |       1       |       1
         |        |          |            |               |
   11    |        |          |      3     |       4       |       5
         |        |          |            |               |
   12    |        |          |            |               |       1
         |        |          |            |               |
   13    |        |     1    |      1     |       1       |       1
         |        |          |            |               |

               |---------------transfer rates----------------------|
   Window Size |  no error  |  10e-7 error rate | 10e-6 error rate |
     64K       |   94K      |      53K          |      14K         |
     72K       |   106K     |      51K          |      15K         |
     80K       |   115K     |      42K          |      14K         |
     92K       |   115K     |      43K          |      14K         |
     100K      |   135K     |      66K          |      15K         |
     112K      |   126K     |      53K          |      17K         |
     124K      |   154K     |      45K          |      14K         |
     136K      |   160K     |      66K          |      15K         |
     156K      |   167K     |      45K          |      14K         |
                                Figure 1.

               |---------------transfer rates----------------------|
   Window Size |  no error  |  10e-7 error rate | 10e-6 error rate |
     64K       |   95K      |      83K          |      43K         |
     72K       |   104K     |      87K          |      49K         |
     80K       |   117K     |      96K          |      62K         |
     92K       |   124K     |      119K         |      39K         |
     100K      |   140K     |      124K         |      35K         |
     112K      |   151K     |      126K         |      53K         |
     124K      |   160K     |      140K         |      36K         |
     136K      |   167K     |      148K         |      38K         |
     156K      |   167K     |      160K         |      38K         |
                                Figure 2.

      |  10000010  |  XXXXXXXX  |  SSSSSSSS  |  AAAAAAA[1]    AAAAAAA0 |
      |            |            |            |         [0]             |
                                     LEVEL              AUTHORITY

                        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
          High-order  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  Low-order

             |  10000101  |  000LLLLL  |  AAAAAAAA  |  add sec info  |
              TYPE = 133      LENGTH     ADDITIONAL      ADDITIONAL
                                        SECURITY INFO     SECURITY
                                         FORMAT CODE        INFO

         |                                                          |
         |              Upper-Layer Protocol Modules                |

      --------------------- IP Service Interface -----------------------
         |                            |              |              |
         |                            |     ICMP     |     IGMP     |
         |             IP             |______________|______________|
         |           Module                                         |
         |                                                          |

      ---------------- Local Network Service Interface -----------------
         |                            |                             |
         |           Local            | IP-to-local address mapping |
         |          Network           |         (e.g., ARP)         |
         |          Modules           |_____________________________|
         |      (e.g., Ethernet)                                    |
         |                                                          |

                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                   --------->|   Non-Member   |<---------
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |________________|          |
                  |                   |                  |
                  | leave group       | join group       | leave group
                  | (stop timer)      |(send report,     |
                  |                   | start timer)     |
          ________|________           |          ________|________
         |                 |<---------          |                 |
         |                 |                    |                 |
         |                 |<-------------------|                 |
         |                 |   query received   |                 |
         | Delaying Member |    (start timer)   |   Idle Member   |
         |                 |------------------->|                 |
         |                 |   report received  |                 |
         |                 |    (stop timer)    |                 |
                                timer expired
                                (send report)

   |                                IDLE                           |
    ^      ^     ^        |      | ^    | ^     | ^     |       ^ |
    |      |     |        v      v |    | |     | |     v       | |
    |      |     |    +------+ +---+--+ | |     | | ########### | |
    |      |     |    | Get  | | Send | | |     | | #   Get   # | |
    |      |     |    | SPC0 | | SPC0 | | |     | | # 0,DEF,0 # | |
    |      |     |    +---+--+ +------+ | |     | | ########### | |
    |      |     |        |       ^     | |     | |     |       | |
    |      |     |        v       |     v |     | |     v       | |
    |      |     |       / \      | *********** | | ########### | |
    |      |     |     /     \    | *  Send   * | | # Switch  # | |
    | ********** |Yes/ Same as \  | * 0,VAL,0 * | | # to      # | |
    | * Change * +--<  current? > | *********** | | # default # | |
    | * to new *     \         /  |             v | ########### | |
    | * value  *       \     /    |     ***********     |       | |
    | **********         \ /      |     *  Send   *     v       | |
    |      ^              |No     |     * 0,DEF,0 *  #########  | |
    |      |Yes           v       |     ***********  # Send  #--+ |
    |     / \            / \      |                  # SPC-A #    |
    |   /     \        /     \    |                  #########    |
    | / Is ACK  \ Yes/  Same   \  |                     ^         |
    |< bit set?  ><-<  level as > |                     |         |
    | \         /    \ current?/  |                 ###########   |
    |   \     /        \     /    |                 #   Get   #<--+
    |     \ /            \ /    +-+---+             # 0,VAL,0 #
    |      |No            |No   | Set |             ###########
    |      +--------------+     | ACK |
    |                     v     | bit |      * - Client side only
    |                    / \    +-----+      # - Server side only
    |   +------+       /     \      ^
    |   | Send |  No /  Do we  \ Yes|
    +---| SPC1 |<---<   agree?  >---+
        +------+     \         /
                       \     /
                         \ /

         A. Transmission on connected network:
          | LL hdr | IP hdr |         (data)              |

           <---------- Frame ----------------------------->
                    <----------Packet -------------------->

         B. Before IP fragmentation or after IP reassembly:
                   | IP hdr | transport| Application Data |

                    <--------  Datagram ------------------>
                             <-------- Message ----------->
           or, for TCP:
                   | IP hdr |  TCP hdr | Application Data |

                    <--------  Datagram ------------------>
                             <-------- Segment ----------->

                                                  |       | | | |S| |
                                                  |       | | | |H| |F
                                                  |       | | | |O|M|o
                                                  |       | |S| |U|U|o
                                                  |       | |H| |L|S|t
                                                  |       |M|O| |D|T|n
                                                  |       |U|U|M| | |o
                                                  |       |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                                  |       |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                           |SECTION| | | |T|T|e
                                                  |       | | | | | |
Trailer encapsulation                             |2.3.1  | | |x| | |
Send Trailers by default without negotiation      |2.3.1  | | | | |x|
ARP                                               |2.3.2  | | | | | |
  Flush out-of-date ARP cache entries             ||x| | | | |
  Prevent ARP floods                              ||x| | | | |
  Cache timeout configurable                      || |x| | | |
  Save at least one (latest) unresolved pkt       || |x| | | |
Ethernet and IEEE 802 Encapsulation               |2.3.3  | | | | | |
  Host able to:                                   |2.3.3  | | | | | |
    Send & receive RFC-894 encapsulation          |2.3.3  |x| | | | |
    Receive RFC-1042 encapsulation                |2.3.3  | |x| | | |
    Send RFC-1042 encapsulation                   |2.3.3  | | |x| | |
      Then config. sw. to select, RFC-894 dflt    |2.3.3  |x| | | | |
  Send K1=6 encapsulation                         |2.3.3  | | | | |x|
  Use ARP on Ethernet and IEEE 802 nets           |2.3.3  |x| | | | |
Link layer report b'casts to IP layer             |2.4    |x| | | | |
IP layer pass TOS to link layer                   |2.4    |x| | | | |
No ARP cache entry treated as Dest. Unreach.      |2.4    | | | | |x|

                                                 |        | | | |S| |
                                                 |        | | | |H| |F
                                                 |        | | | |O|M|o
                                                 |        | |S| |U|U|o
                                                 |        | |H| |L|S|t
                                                 |        |M|O| |D|T|n
                                                 |        |U|U|M| | |o
                                                 |        |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                                 |        |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                          |SECTION | | | |T|T|e
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Implement IP and ICMP                            |3.1     |x| | | | |
Handle remote multihoming in application layer   |3.1     |x| | | | |
Support local multihoming                        |3.1     | | |x| | |
Meet gateway specs if forward datagrams          |3.1     |x| | | | |
Configuration switch for embedded gateway        |3.1     |x| | | | |1
   Config switch default to non-gateway          |3.1     |x| | | | |1
   Auto-config based on number of interfaces     |3.1     | | | | |x|1
Able to log discarded datagrams                  |3.1     | |x| | | |
   Record in counter                             |3.1     | |x| | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Silently discard Version != 4                    | |x| | | | |
Verify IP checksum, silently discard bad dgram   | |x| | | | |
Addressing:                                      |        | | | | | |
  Subnet addressing (RFC-950)                    | |x| | | | |
  Src address must be host's own IP address      | |x| | | | |
  Silently discard datagram with bad dest addr   | |x| | | | |
  Silently discard datagram with bad src addr    | |x| | | | |
Support reassembly                               | |x| | | | |
Retain same Id field in identical datagram       | | | |x| | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
TOS:                                             |        | | | | | |
  Allow transport layer to set TOS               | |x| | | | |
  Pass received TOS up to transport layer        | | |x| | | |
  Use RFC-795 link-layer mappings for TOS        | | | | |x| |
TTL:                                             |        | | | | | |
  Send packet with TTL of 0                      | | | | | |x|
  Discard received packets with TTL < 2          | | | | | |x|
  Allow transport layer to set TTL               | |x| | | | |
  Fixed TTL is configurable                      | |x| | | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
IP Options:                                      |        | | | | | |
  Allow transport layer to send IP options       | |x| | | | |
  Pass all IP options rcvd to higher layer       | |x| | | | |

                                                 |        | | | |S| |
                                                 |        | | | |H| |F
                                                 |        | | | |O|M|o
                                                 |        | |S| |U|U|o
                                                 |        | |H| |L|S|t
                                                 |        |M|O| |D|T|n
                                                 |        |U|U|M| | |o
                                                 |        |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                                 |        |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                          |SECTION | | | |T|T|e
                                                 |        | | | | | |
    UDP                                          |        | | | | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
UDP send Port Unreachable                        | | |x| | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
IP Options in UDP                                |        | | | | | |
 - Pass rcv'd IP options to applic layer         | |x| | | | |
 - Applic layer can specify IP options in Send   | |x| | | | |
 - UDP passes IP options down to IP layer        | |x| | | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Pass ICMP msgs up to applic layer                | |x| | | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
UDP checksums:                                   |        | | | | | |
 - Able to generate/check checksum               | |x| | | | |
 - Silently discard bad checksum                 | |x| | | | |
 - Sender Option to not generate checksum        | | | |x| | |
   - Default is to checksum                      | |x| | | | |
 - Receiver Option to require checksum           | | | |x| | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
UDP Multihoming                                  |        | | | | | |
 - Pass spec-dest addr to application            | |x| | | | |

                 |<------- RCV.BUFF ---------------->|
                      1             2            3
                        RCV.NXT               ^

                                                 |        | | | |S| |
                                                 |        | | | |H| |F
                                                 |        | | | |O|M|o
                                                 |        | |S| |U|U|o
                                                 |        | |H| |L|S|t
                                                 |        |M|O| |D|T|n
                                                 |        |U|U|M| | |o
                                                 |        |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                                 |        |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                          |SECTION | | | |T|T|e
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Push flag                                        |        | | | | | |
  Aggregate or queue un-pushed data              | | | |x| | |
  Sender collapse successive PSH flags           | | |x| | | |
  SEND call can specify PUSH                     | | | |x| | |

  - Default at least 2 hrs.                      | |x| | | | |
  - Tolerant of lost ACK's                       | |x| | | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
IP Options                                       |        | | | | | |
  Ignore options TCP doesn't understand          | |x| | | | |
  Time Stamp support                             | | | |x| | |
  Record Route support                           | | | |x| | |
  Source Route:                                  |        | | | | | |
    ALP can specify                              | |x| | | | |1
      Overrides src rt in datagram               | |x| | | | |
    Build return route from src rt               | |x| | | | |
    Later src route overrides                    | | |x| | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Receiving ICMP Messages from IP                  | |x| | | | |
  Dest. Unreach (0,1,5) => inform ALP            | | |x| | | |
  Dest. Unreach (0,1,5) => abort conn            | | | | | |x|
  Dest. Unreach (2-4) => abort conn              | | |x| | | |
  Source Quench => slow start                    | | |x| | | |
  Time Exceeded => tell ALP, don't abort         | | |x| | | |
  Param Problem => tell ALP, don't abort         | | |x| | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Address Validation                               |        | | | | | |
  Reject OPEN call to invalid IP address         ||x| | | | |
  Reject SYN from invalid IP address             ||x| | | | |
  Silently discard SYN to bcast/mcast addr       ||x| | | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
TCP/ALP Interface Services                       |        | | | | | |
  Error Report mechanism                         | |x| | | | |
  ALP can disable Error Report Routine           | | |x| | | |
  ALP can specify TOS for sending                | |x| | | | |
    Passed unchanged to IP                       | | |x| | | |
  ALP can change TOS during connection           | | |x| | | |
  Pass received TOS up to ALP                    | | | |x| | |
  FLUSH call                                     | | | |x| | |
  Optional local IP addr parm. in OPEN           | |x| | | | |

                                               |          | | | |S| |
                                               |          | | | |H| |F
                                               |          | | | |O|M|o
                                               |          | |S| |U|U|o
                                               |          | |H| |L|S|t
                                               |          |M|O| |D|T|n
                                               |          |U|U|M| | |o
                                               |          |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                               |          |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                        |SECTION   | | | |T|T|e
                                               |          | | | | | |
User interfaces:                               |          | | | | | |
  Allow host name to begin with digit          |2.1       |x| | | | |
  Host names of up to 635 characters           |2.1       |x| | | | |
  Host names of up to 255 characters           |2.1       | |x| | | |
  Support dotted-decimal host numbers          |2.1       | |x| | | |
  Check syntactically for dotted-dec first     |2.1       | |x| | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |
Map domain names per Section 6.1               |2.2       |x| | | | |
Cope with soft DNS errors                      |2.2       |x| | | | |
   Reasonable interval between retries         |2.2       |x| | | | |
   Allow for long outages                      |2.2       |x| | | | |
Expect WKS records to be available             |2.2       | | | |x| |
                                               |          | | | | | |
Try multiple addr's for remote multihomed host |2.3       | |x| | | |
UDP reply src addr is specific dest of request |2.3       | |x| | | |
Use same IP addr for related TCP connections   |2.3       | |x| | | |
Specify appropriate TOS values                 |2.4       |x| | | | |
  TOS values configurable                      |2.4       |x| | | | |
  Unused TOS bits zero                         |2.4       |x| | | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |

                                                 |        | | | |S| |
                                                 |        | | | |H| |F
                                                 |        | | | |O|M|o
                                                 |        | |S| |U|U|o
                                                 |        | |H| |L|S|t
                                                 |        |M|O| |D|T|n
                                                 |        |U|U|M| | |o
                                                 |        |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                                 |        |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                          |SECTION | | | |T|T|e
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Option Negotiation                               |3.2.1   |x| | | | |
  Avoid negotiation loops                        |3.2.1   |x| | | | |
  Refuse unsupported options                     |3.2.1   |x| | | | |
  Negotiation OK anytime on connection           |3.2.1   | |x| | | |
  Default to NVT                                 |3.2.1   |x| | | | |
  Send official name in Term-Type option         |3.2.8   |x| | | | |
  Accept any name in Term-Type option            |3.2.8   |x| | | | |
  Implement Binary, Suppress-GA options          |3.3.3   |x| | | | |
  Echo, Status, EOL, Ext-Opt-List options        |3.3.3   | |x| | | |
  Implement Window-Size option if appropriate    |3.3.3   | |x| | | |
  Server initiate mode negotiations              |3.3.4   | |x| | | |
  User can enable/disable init negotiations      |3.3.4   | |x| | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Go-Aheads                                        |        | | | | | |
  Non-GA server negotiate SUPPRESS-GA option     |3.2.2   |x| | | | |
  User or Server accept SUPPRESS-GA option       |3.2.2   |x| | | | |
  User Telnet ignore GA's                        |3.2.2   | | |x| | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Control Functions                                |        | | | | | |
  Support SE NOP DM IP AO AYT SB                 |3.2.3   |x| | | | |
  Support EOR EC EL Break                        |3.2.3   | | |x| | |
  Ignore unsupported control functions           |3.2.3   |x| | | | |
  User, Server discard urgent data up to DM      |3.2.4   |x| | | | |
  User Telnet send "Synch" after IP, AO, AYT     |3.2.4   | |x| | | |
  Server Telnet reply Synch to IP                |3.2.4   | | |x| | |
  Server Telnet reply Synch to AO                |3.2.4   |x| | | | |
  User Telnet can flush output when send IP      |3.2.4   | |x| | | |
                                                 |        | | | | | |
Encoding                                         |        | | | | | |
  Send high-order bit in NVT mode                |3.2.5   | | | |x| |
  Send high-order bit as parity bit              |3.2.5   | | | | |x|
  Negot. BINARY if pass high-ord. bit to applic  |3.2.5   | |x| | | |
  Always double IAC data byte                    |3.2.6   |x| | | | |

                                           |               | | | |S| |
                                           |               | | | |H| |F
                                           |               | | | |O|M|o
                                           |               | |S| |U|U|o
                                           |               | |H| |L|S|t
                                           |               |M|O| |D|T|n
                                           |               |U|U|M| | |o
                                           |               |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                           |               |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                    |SECTION        | | | |T|T|e
Implement TYPE T if same as TYPE N         |        | |x| | | |
File/Record transform invertible if poss.  |        | |x| | | |
User-FTP send PORT cmd for stream mode     |        | |x| | | |
Server-FTP implement PASV                  |        |x| | | | |
  PASV is per-transfer                     |        |x| | | | |
NLST reply usable in RETR cmds             |        |x| | | | |
Implied type for LIST and NLST             |        | |x| | | |
SITE cmd for non-standard features         |        | |x| | | |
STOU cmd return pathname as specified      |        |x| | | | |
Use TCP READ boundaries on control conn.   |       | | | | |x|
                                           |               | | | | | |
Server-FTP send only correct reply format  |       |x| | | | |
Server-FTP use defined reply code if poss. |       | |x| | | |
  New reply code following Section 4.2     |       | | |x| | |
User-FTP use only high digit of reply      |       | |x| | | |
User-FTP handle multi-line reply lines     |       |x| | | | |
User-FTP handle 421 reply specially        |       | | | |x| |
                                           |               | | | | | |
Default data port same IP addr as ctl conn |       |x| | | | |
User-FTP send Telnet cmds exc. SYNCH, IP   |       | | | | |x|
User-FTP negotiate Telnet options          |       | | | | |x|
Server-FTP handle Telnet options           |       |x| | | | |
Handle "Experimental" directory cmds       |        | |x| | | |
Idle timeout in server-FTP                 |        | |x| | | |
    Configurable idle timeout              |        | |x| | | |
Receiver checkpoint data at Restart Marker |        | |x| | | |
Sender assume 110 replies are synchronous  |        | | | | |x|
                                           |               | | | | | |
Support TYPE:                              |               | | | | | |
  ASCII - Non-Print (AN)                   |       |x| | | | |
  ASCII - Telnet (AT) -- if same as AN     |        | |x| | | |
  ASCII - Carriage Control (AC)            |959  | | |x| | |
  EBCDIC - (any form)                      |959    | | |x| | |
  IMAGE                                    |        |x| | | | |
  LOCAL 8                                  |        |x| | | | |

                                                 |        | | | |S| |
                                                 |        | | | |H| |F
                                                 |        | | | |O|M|o
                                                 |        | |S| |U|U|o
                                                 |        | |H| |L|S|t
                                                 |        |M|O| |D|T|n
                                                 |        |U|U|M| | |o
                                                 |        |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                                 |        |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                          |SECTION | | | |T|T|e
Fix Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome               | |x| | | | |
Transfer modes:                                  |        | | | | | |
  netascii                                       |RFC-783 |x| | | | |
  octet                                          |RFC-783 |x| | | | |
  mail                                           | | | | |x| |
  extensions                                     | | | |x| | |
Use adaptive timeout                             | |x| | | | |
Configurable access control                      | | |x| | | |
Silently ignore broadcast request                | | |x| | | |

                                               |          | | | |S| |
                                               |          | | | |H| |F
                                               |          | | | |O|M|o
                                               |          | |S| |U|U|o
                                               |          | |H| |L|S|t
                                               |          |M|O| |D|T|n
                                               |          |U|U|M| | |o
                                               |          |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                               |          |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                        |SECTION   | | | |T|T|e
                                               |          | | | | | |
RECEIVER-SMTP:                                 |          | | | | | |
  Implement VRFY                               |5.2.3     |x| | | | |
  Implement EXPN                               |5.2.3     | |x| | | |
    EXPN, VRFY configurable                    |5.2.3     | | |x| | |
  Implement SEND, SOML, SAML                   |5.2.4     | | |x| | |
  Verify HELO parameter                        |5.2.5     | | |x| | |
    Refuse message with bad HELO               |5.2.5     | | | | |x|
  Accept explicit src-route syntax in env.     |5.2.6     |x| | | | |
  Support "postmaster"                         |5.2.7     |x| | | | |
  Process RCPT when received (except lists)    |5.2.7     | | |x| | |
      Long delay of RCPT responses             |5.2.7     | | | | |x|
                                               |          | | | | | |
  Add Received: line                           |5.2.8     |x| | | | |
      Received: line include domain literal    |5.2.8     | |x| | | |
  Change previous Received: line               |5.2.8     | | | | |x|
  Pass Return-Path info (final deliv/gwy)      |5.2.8     |x| | | | |
  Support empty reverse path                   |5.2.9     |x| | | | |
  Send only official reply codes               |5.2.10    | |x| | | |
  Send text from RFC-821 when appropriate      |5.2.10    | |x| | | |
  Delete "." for transparency                  |5.2.11    |x| | | | |
  Accept and recognize self domain literal(s)  |5.2.17    |x| | | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |
  Error message about error message            |5.3.1     | | | | |x|
  Keep pending listen on SMTP port             |   | |x| | | |
  Provide limit on recv concurrency            |   | | |x| | |
  Wait at least 5 mins for next sender cmd     |5.3.2     | |x| | | |
  Avoidable delivery failure after "250 OK"    |5.3.3     | | | | |x|
  Send error notification msg after accept     |5.3.3     |x| | | | |
    Send using null return path                |5.3.3     |x| | | | |
    Send to envelope return path               |5.3.3     | |x| | | |
    Send to null address                       |5.3.3     | | | | |x|
    Strip off explicit src route               |5.3.3     | |x| | | |
  Minimize acceptance delay (RFC-1047)         |5.3.3     |x| | | | |

                                               |          | | | | | |
SENDER-SMTP:                                   |          | | | | | |
  Canonicalized domain names in MAIL, RCPT     |5.2.2     |x| | | | |
  Implement SEND, SOML, SAML                   |5.2.4     | | |x| | |
  Send valid principal host name in HELO       |5.2.5     |x| | | | |
  Send explicit source route in RCPT TO:       |5.2.6     | | | |x| |
  Use only reply code to determine action      |5.2.10    |x| | | | |
  Use only high digit of reply code when poss. |5.2.10    | |x| | | |
  Add "." for transparency                     |5.2.11    |x| | | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |
  Retry messages after soft failure            |   |x| | | | |
    Delay before retry                         |   |x| | | | |
    Configurable retry parameters              |   |x| | | | |
    Retry once per each queued dest host       |   | |x| | | |
  Multiple RCPT's for same DATA                |   | |x| | | |
  Support multiple concurrent transactions     |   | | |x| | |
    Provide limit on concurrency               |   | |x| | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |
  Timeouts on all activities                   |5.3.1     |x| | | | |
    Per-command timeouts                       |5.3.2     | |x| | | |
    Timeouts easily reconfigurable             |5.3.2     | |x| | | |
    Recommended times                          |5.3.2     | |x| | | |
  Try alternate addr's in order                |5.3.4     |x| | | | |
    Configurable limit on alternate tries      |5.3.4     | | |x| | |
    Try at least two alternates                |5.3.4     | |x| | | |
  Load-split across equal MX alternates        |5.3.4     | |x| | | |
  Use the Domain Name System                   |5.3.5     |x| | | | |
    Support MX records                         |5.3.5     |x| | | | |
    Use WKS records in MX processing           |5.2.12    | | | |x| |
                                               |          | | | | | |
MAIL FORWARDING:                               |          | | | | | |
  Alter existing header field(s)               |5.2.6     | | | |x| |
  Implement relay function: 821/section 3.6    |5.2.6     | | |x| | |
    If not, deliver to RHS domain              |5.2.6     | |x| | | |
  Interpret 'local-part' of addr               |5.2.16    | | | | |x|
                                               |          | | | | | |
MAILING LISTS AND ALIASES                      |          | | | | | |
  Support both                                 |5.3.6     | |x| | | |
  Report mail list error to local admin.       |5.3.6     |x| | | | |
                                               |          | | | | | |
MAIL GATEWAYS:                                 |          | | | | | |
  Embed foreign mail route in local-part       |5.2.16    | | |x| | |
  Rewrite header fields when necessary         |5.3.7     | | |x| | |
  Prepend Received: line                       |5.3.7     |x| | | | |
  Change existing Received: line               |5.3.7     | | | | |x|
  Accept full RFC-822 on Internet side         |5.3.7     | |x| | | |
  Act on RFC-822 explicit source route         |5.3.7     | | |x| | |

                                               |           | | | |S| |
                                               |           | | | |H| |F
                                               |           | | | |O|M|o
                                               |           | |S| |U|U|o
                                               |           | |H| |L|S|t
                                               |           |M|O| |D|T|n
                                               |           |U|U|M| | |o
                                               |           |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                               |           |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                        |SECTION    | | | |T|T|e
GENERAL ISSUES                                 |           | | | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
Implement DNS name-to-address conversion       |6.1.1      |x| | | | |
Implement DNS address-to-name conversion       |6.1.1      |x| | | | |
Support conversions using host table           |6.1.1      | | |x| | |
Properly handle RR with zero TTL               |    |x| | | | |
Use QCLASS=* unnecessarily                     |    | |x| | | |
  Use QCLASS=IN for Internet class             |    |x| | | | |
Unused fields zero                             |    |x| | | | |
Use compression in responses                   |    |x| | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
Include config info in responses               |    | | | | |x|
Support all well-known, class-indep. types     |    |x| | | | |
Easily expand type list                        |    | |x| | | |
Load all RR types (except MD and MF)           |    |x| | | | |
Load MD or MF type                             |    | | | | |x|
Operate when root servers, etc. unavailable    |    |x| | | | |
RESOLVER ISSUES:                               |           | | | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
Resolver support multiple concurrent requests  |    | |x| | | |
Full-service resolver:                         |    | | |x| | |
  Local caching                                |    |x| | | | |

  Information in local cache times out         |    |x| | | | |
  Configurable with starting info              |    | |x| | | |
Stub resolver:                                 |    | | |x| | |
  Use redundant recursive name servers         |    |x| | | | |
  Local caching                                |    | | |x| | |
  Information in local cache times out         |    |x| | | | |
Support for remote multi-homed hosts:          |           | | | | | |
  Sort multiple addresses by preference list   |    | |x| | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
TRANSPORT PROTOCOLS:                           |           | | | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
Support UDP queries                            |    |x| | | | |
Support TCP queries                            |    | |x| | | |
  Send query using UDP first                   |    |x| | | | |1
  Try TCP if UDP answers are truncated         |    | |x| | | |
Name server limit TCP query resources          |    | | |x| | |
  Punish unnecessary TCP query                 |    | | | |x| |
Use truncated data as if it were not           |    | | | | |x|
Private agreement to use only TCP              |    | | |x| | |
Use TCP for zone transfers                     |    |x| | | | |
TCP usage not block UDP queries                |    |x| | | | |
Support broadcast or multicast queries         |    | | |x| | |
  RD bit set in query                          |    | | | | |x|
  RD bit ignored by server is b'cast/m'cast    |    |x| | | | |
  Send only as occasional probe for addr's     |    | |x| | | |
RESOURCE USAGE:                                |           | | | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
Transmission controls, per [DNS:2]             |    |x| | | | |
  Finite bounds per request                    |    |x| | | | |
Failure after retries => soft error            |    |x| | | | |
Cache temporary failures                       |    | |x| | | |
Cache negative responses                       |    | |x| | | |
Retries use exponential backoff                |    | |x| | | |
  Upper, lower bounds                          |    | |x| | | |
Client handle Source Quench                    |    | |x| | | |
Server ignore Source Quench                    |    | | |x| | |
USER INTERFACE:                                |           | | | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
All programs have access to DNS interface      |    |x| | | | |
Able to request all info for given name        |    |x| | | | |
Returns complete info or error                 |    |x| | | | |
Special interfaces                             |    | | |x| | |
  Name<->Address translation                   |    |x| | | | |
                                               |           | | | | | |
Abbreviation Facilities:                       |    | | |x| | |

  Convention for complete names                |    |x| | | | |
  Conversion exactly once                      |    |x| | | | |
  Conversion in proper context                 |    |x| | | | |
  Search list:                                 |    | | |x| | |
    Administrator can disable                  |    | |x| | | |
    Prevention of excessive root queries       |    |x| | | | |
      Both methods                             |    | |x| | | |

                                               |           | | | |S| |
                                               |           | | | |H| |F
                                               |           | | | |O|M|o
                                               |           | |S| |U|U|o
                                               |           | |H| |L|S|t
                                               |           |M|O| |D|T|n
                                               |           |U|U|M| | |o
                                               |           |S|L|A|N|N|t
                                               |           |T|D|Y|O|O|t
FEATURE                                        |SECTION    | | | |T|T|e
Support SNMP or CMOT agent                     |6.3.1      | |x| | | |
Implement specified objects in standard MIB    |6.3.1      | |x| | | |

                    N bytes   |  physical header |
                   30 bytes   |    IPX header    |
                    8 bytes   |   802.2 header   |
           usually 20 bytes   |     IP header    |
           usually 20 bytes   |    TCP header    |
            up to 498 bytes   |    TCP data      |

      |   Flag   | Address | Control | Protocol | Information
      | 01111110 | 1111111 | 0000011 | 16 bits  |      *
                 |   FCS   |   Flag   |
                 | 16 bits | 01111110 |

                                    |                              |
                                    V                              |
        +---2---+           PO +---1---+        RTA +---7---+      |
        |       |<-------------|       |<-----------|       |      |
        |Listen |              |Closed |            |Closing|      |
    RCR |       | C            |       | PLD        |       |      |
   +----|       |----->+------>|       |<---Any     |       |<--+  |
   |scr +-------+      ^       +-------+    State   +-------+   |  |
   |                   |     AO  |                    ^   | TO  |  |
   |       +-----------+     --- |                    |   +---->+  |
   |       |                 SCR |     C              |     str ^  |
   |    C  |   RCN/TO            |   +----------------+         |  |
   |    -- | +-------->+<--------+   | str                      |  |
   |       | | scr     |             |                          |  |
   |    +---3---+      V   TO  +---4---+            +-------+   |  |
   |    |       |<-----+<------|       |<-----------|       |   |  |
   |    | Req-  |          scr | Ack-  |        scn | Good  |   |  |
   |    | Sent  | RCA          | Rcvd  | RCR        | Req?  |   |  |
   |    |       |------------->|       |----------->|       |   |  |
   |    +-------+              +-------+            +-------+   |  |
   |       | ^                                         |        |  |
   |   RCR | +<--------+                               |        |  |
   |   --- | |         |     TO        RCN         --- |        |  |
   |       | | ---     +---------+   +-----+       sca |        |  |
   |       V | scn           scr |   | scr |           V        |  |
   |    +-------+              +---5---+   |        +---6---+ C |  |
   +--->|       |------------->|       |<--+        |       |---+  |
        | Good  | sca          | Ack-  |            | Open  | str  |
        | Req?  |          RCR | Sent  | RCA        |       |      |
        |       |<-------------|       |----------->|       |      |
        +-------+              +-------+            +-------+      |
              ^                                       |   |        |
              |                                   RCR |   | RTR    |
              +---------------------------------------+   +--------+
                                                  scr       sta

         | State
         |   1       2        3        4        5        6        7
   Events| Closed  Listen  Req-Sent Ack-Rcvd Ack-Sent  Open    Closing
     AO  | scr/3   scr/3      3        4        5        6      scr/3
     PO  |   2       2        2*       4        5        6      sta/3*
     C   |   1       1        1*       1      str/7    str/7      7
     TO  |   1       2      scr/3    scr/3    scr/3      6      str/7*
    PLD  |   1       1        1        1        1        1        1
    RCR+ | sta/1 scr&sca/5  sca/5    sca/6    sca/5  scr&sca/5    7
    RCR- | sta/1 scr&scn/3  scn/3    scn/4    scn/3  scr&scn/3    7
    RCA  | sta/1   sta/2      4      scr/3      6      scr/3      7
    RCN  | sta/1   sta/2    scr/3    scr/3    scr/5    scr/3      7
    RTR  | sta/1   sta/2    sta/3    sta/3    sta/3    sta/1    sta/7
    RTA  |   1       2        3        3        3        1        1
    RCJ  |   1       2        1        1        1        1        1
    RUC  | scj/1   scj/1    scj/1    scj/1    scj/1    scj/1  1 scj/1
    RER  | sta/1   sta/2      3        4        5      ser/1      7

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |  X  | XXX |

                 |  Kind=14 | Length=3 |  chksum  |

                +---------+---------+---------+     +---------+
                | Kind=15 |Length=N |  data   | ... |  data   |
                +---------+---------+---------+     +---------+

   +------------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
   |  Region #1 INOC  |       |Region #2 INOC  |      |PC in Region #3 |
   |                  |       |                |      |                |
   |Domain=Region #1  |       |Domain=Region #2|      |Domain=Region #3|
   |CPU=super-mini-1  |       |CPU=super-mini-1|      |CPU=Clone-1     |
   |PCommunity=pub    |       |PCommunity=pub  |      |PCommunity=slate|
   |                  |       |                |      |                |
   +------------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
          /|\                      /|\                     /|\
           |                        |                       |
           |                        |                       |
           |                       \|/                      |
           |               +-----------------+              |
           +-------------->| Region #3 INOC  |<-------------+
                           |                 |
                           |Domain=Region #3 |
                           |CPU=super-mini-2 |
                           |PCommunity=pub,  |
                           |         slate   |
           +-------------->|                 |<-------------+
           |               +-----------------+              |
           |                       /|\                      |
           |                        |                       |
           |                        |                       |
          \|/                      \|/                     \|/
   +-----------------+     +-----------------+       +-----------------+
   |Domain=Region#3  |     |Domain=Region#3  |       |Domain=Region#3  |
   |CPU=router-1     |     |CPU=mainframe-1  |       |CPU=modem-1      |
   |DCommunity=secret|     |DCommunity=secret|       |DCommunity=secret|
   +-----------------+     +-----------------+       +-----------------+

Events| Idle | Active | Connect | OpenSent | OpenConfirm | Estab
      | (1)  |   (2)  |  (3)    |    (4)   |     (5)     |   (6)
 1    |  2   |    2   |   3     |     4    |      5      |    6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 2    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 3    |  1   |    4   |   4     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 4    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     3    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 5    |  1   |    3   |   3     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 6    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 7    |  1   |    2   |   2     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 8    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 9    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      5      |    6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
10    |  1   |    1   |   1     |  1 or 5  |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
11    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      6      |    6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
12    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      | 1 or 6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
13    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |

                          +--------+       +--------+
                    BGP   |  BGP   |  BGP  |  BGP   |  BGP
                  --------+        +-------+        +-------
                          |  IGP   |       |  IGP   |
                          +--------+       +--------+

        H1 --- 1 -G12...G21 - 2 -- G23...G32 -- 3 ----- H2
               |                                |
               |                                |
               |                                |
               |- G14...G41 - 4 -- G43...G34 ---|- G35...G53 - 5
                              |                                |
                              |                                |
                              |                               H4

           |   Flag   | Address  | Control  | Protocol | Information
           | 01111110 | 11111111 | 00000011 | 16 bits  |      *
                      |   FCS   |   Flag   |
                      | 16 bits | 01111110 |

                                    |                              |
                                    V                              |
        +---2---+           PO +---1---+        RTA +---7---+      |
        |       |<-------------|       |<-----------|       |      |
        |Listen |              |Closed |            |Closing|      |
    RCR |       | C            |       | PLD        |       |      |
   +----|       |----->+------>|       |<---Any     |       |<--+  |
   |scr +-------+      ^       +-------+    State   +-------+   |  |
   |                   |     AO  |   ^                    | TO  |  |
   |       +-----------+     --- |   |                    +---->+  |
   |       |                 SCR |   |                      str ^  |
   |   C   |   RCN/TO            |   | C                        |  |
   |   --- | +-------->+<--------+   | ---                      |  |
   |       | | scr     |             |                          |  |
   |    +---3---+      V   TO  +---4---+            +-------+   |  |
   |    |       |<-----+<------|       |<-----------|       |   |  |
   |    | Req-  |          scr | Ack-  |        scn | Good  |   |  |
   |    | Sent  | RCA          | Rcvd  | RCR        | Req?  |   |  |
   |    |       |------------->|       |----------->|       |   |  |
   |    +-------+              +-------+            +-------+   |  |
   |       | ^                                         |        |  |
   |   RCR | +<--------+                               |        |  |
   |   --- | |         |     TO        RCN         --- |        |  |
   |       | | ---     +---------+   +-----+       sca |        |  |
   |       V | scn           scr |   | scr |           V        |  |
   |    +-------+              +---5---+   |        +---6---+ C |  |
   +--->|       |------------->|       |<--+        |       |---+  |
        | Good  | sca          | Ack-  |            | Open  | str  |
        | Req?  |          RCR | Sent  | RCA        |       |      |
        |       |<-------------|       |----------->|       |      |
        +-------+              +-------+            +-------+      |
              ^                                       |   |        |
              |                                   RCR |   | RTR    |
              +---------------------------------------+   +--------+
                                                  scr       sta

         | State
         |   1       2        3        4        5        6        7
   Events| Closed  Listen  Req-Sent Ack-Rcvd Ack-Sent  Open    Closing
     AO  | scr/3   scr/3      3        4        5        6      scr/3
     PO  |   2       2        2*       4        5        6      sta/3*
     C   |   1       1        1*       1      str/7    str/7      7
     TO  |   1       2      scr/3    scr/3    scr/3      6      str/7*
    PLD  |   1       1        1        1        1        1        1
    RCR+ | sta/1 scr&sca/5  sca/5    sca/6    sca/5  scr&sca/5    7
    RCR- | sta/1 scr&scn/3  scn/3    scn/4    scn/3  scr&scn/3    7
    RCA  | sta/1   sta/2      4      scr/3      6      scr/3      7
    RCN  | sta/1   sta/2    scr/3    scr/3    scr/5    scr/3      7
    RTR  | sta/1   sta/2    sta/3    sta/3    sta/3    sta/1    sta/7
    RTA  |   1       2        3        3        3        1        1
    RCJ  |   1       2        1        1        1        1        1
    RUC  | scj/1   scj/2    scj/1    scj/1    scj/1    scj/1  1 scj/7
    RER  | sta/1   sta/2      3        4        5      ser/6      7

   +---------+   +-------+   +----+ Outbound
   |         |-->|  Mux  |-->| Tx |=========>
   | Link-   |   +-------+   +----+
   | Manager |
   |         |   +-------+   +----+ Inbound
   |         |<--| Demux |<--| Rx |<=========
   +---------+   +-------+   +----+

                     |    network applications  |
                     |                          |
                     |...  \ | /  ..  \ | /  ...|
                     |     -----      -----     |
                     |     |TCP|      |UDP|     |
                     |     -----      -----     |
                     |         \      /         |
                     |         --------         |
                     |         |  IP  |         |
                     |  -----  -*------         |
                     |  |ARP|   |               |
                     |  -----   |               |
                     |      \   |               |
                     |      ------              |
                     |      |ENET|              |
                     |      ---@--              |
             Ethernet Cable

         1   2 3 ...   n                   1   2 3 ...   n
          \  |      /      |               \  | |      /       ^
           \ | |   /       |                \ | |     /        |
         -------------   flow              ----------------   flow
         |multiplexer|    of               |de-multiplexer|    of
         -------------   data              ----------------   data
              |            |                     |              |
              |            v                     |              |
              1                                  1

                |    network applications  |
                |                          |
                |...  \ | /  ..  \ | /  ...|
                |     -----      -----     |
                |     |TCP|      |UDP|     |
                |     -----      -----     |
                |         \      /         |
                |         --------         |
                |         |  IP  |         |
                |  -----  -*----*-  -----  |
                |  |ARP|   |    |   |ARP|  |
                |  -----   |    |   -----  |
                |      \   |    |   /      |
                |      ------  ------      |
                |      |ENET|  |ENET|      |
                |      ---@--  ---@--      |
                          |       |
                          |    ---o---------------------------
                          |             Ethernet Cable 2
             Ethernet Cable 1

         1   2 3 ...   n                   1   2 3 ...   n
          \  | |      /    |                \  | |      /       ^
           \ | |     /     |                 \ | |     /        |
         -------------   flow              ----------------   flow
         |multiplexer|    of               |de-multiplexer|    of
         -------------   data              ----------------   data
           / | |     \     |                 / | |     \        |
          /  | |      \    v                /  | |      \       |
         1   2 3 ...   m                   1   2 3 ...   m

                           TCP      UDP
                             \      /
                              \    /
                          |     IP     |
                          |            |
                          |    ---     |
                          |   /   \    |
                          |  /     v   |
                           /         \
                          /           \
                       data           data
                      comes in         goes out
                     here               here

                  |IP address       Ethernet address |
                  |        08-00-39-00-2F-C3|
                  |        08-00-5A-21-A7-22|
                  |        08-00-10-99-AC-54|
                      TABLE 1.  Example ARP Table

                |Sender IP Address        |
                |Sender Enet Address 08-00-39-00-2F-C3|
                |Target IP Address        |
                |Target Enet Address <blank>          |
                     TABLE 2.  Example ARP Request

                |Sender IP Address        |
                |Sender Enet Address 08-00-28-00-38-A9|
                |Target IP Address        |
                |Target Enet Address 08-00-39-00-2F-C3|
                     TABLE 3.  Example ARP Response

                   |IP address     Ethernet address |
                   |      08-00-39-00-2F-C3|
                   |      08-00-28-00-38-A9|
                   |      08-00-5A-21-A7-22|
                   |      08-00-10-99-AC-54|
                   TABLE 4.  ARP Table after Response

                |address            source  destination|
                |IP header          A       B          |
                |Ethernet header    A       B          |
       TABLE 5.  Addresses in an Ethernet frame for an IP packet
                              from A to B

          A      B      C      ----D----      E      F      G
          |      |      |      |   |   |      |      |      |
        --o------o------o------o-  |  -o------o------o------o--
        Ethernet 1                 |  Ethernet 2
        IP network "development"   |  IP network "accounting"
                                   |     H      I      J
                                   |     |      |      |
                                  Ethernet 3
                                  IP network "factory"

                |address            source  destination|
                |IP header          A       E          |
                |Ethernet header    A       D          |
       TABLE 6.  Addresses in an Ethernet frame for an IP packet
                         from A to E (before D)

                |address            source  destination|
                |IP header          A       E          |
                |Ethernet header    D       E          |
       TABLE 7.  Addresses in an Ethernet frame for an IP packet
                         from A to E (after D)

                        ---------         ---------
                        | alpha |         | beta  |
                        |    1  |         |  1    |
                        ---------         ---------
                             |               |
                      Ethernet 1
                      IP network "development"

          ---------           ---------           ---------
          | alpha |           | delta |           |epsilon|
          |    1  |           |1  2  3|           |   1   |
          ---------           ---------           ---------
               |               |  |  |                |
       --------o---------------o- | -o----------------o--------
        Ethernet 1                |     Ethernet 2
        IP network "Development"  |     IP network "accounting"
                                  |     --------
                                  |     | iota |
                                  |     |  1   |
                                  |     --------
                                  |        |
                                    Ethernet 3
                                    IP network "factory"

 |network      direct/indirect flag  router          interface number|
 |development  direct                <blank>         1               |
 |accounting   indirect              devnetrouter    1               |
 |factory      indirect              devnetrouter    1               |
                      TABLE 10.  Alpha Route Table

  |network      direct/indirect flag  router         interface number|
  |223.1.2      direct                <blank>        1               |
  |223.1.3      indirect          1               |
  |223.1.4      indirect          1               |
               TABLE 11.  Alpha Route Table with Numbers

 |network      direct/indirect flag  router           interface number|
 |development  direct                <blank>          1               |
 |factory      direct                <blank>          3               |
 |accounting   direct                <blank>          2               |
                     TABLE 12.  Delta's Route Table

 |network      direct/indirect flag  router           interface number|
 |223.1.2      direct                <blank>          1               |
 |223.1.3      direct                <blank>          3               |
 |223.1.4      direct                <blank>          2               |
              TABLE 13.  Delta's Route Table with Numbers

   |                                IDLE                           |
    ^      ^     ^        |      | ^    | ^     | ^     |       ^ |
    |      |     |        v      v |    | |     | |     v       | |
    |      |     |    +------+ +---+--+ | |     | | ########### | |
    |      |     |    | Get  | | Send | | |     | | #   Get   # | |
    |      |     |    | SPC0 | | SPC0 | | |     | | # 0,DEF,0 # | |
    |      |     |    +---+--+ +------+ | |     | | ########### | |
    |      |     |        |       ^     | |     | |     |       | |
    |      |     |        v       |     v |     | |     v       | |
    |      |     |       / \      | *********** | | ########### | |
    |      |     |     /     \    | *  Send   * | | # Switch  # | |
    | ********** |Yes/ Same as \  | * 0,VAL,0 * | | # to      # | |
    | * Change * +--<  current? > | *********** | | # default # | |
    | * to new *     \         /  |             v | ########### | |
    | * value  *       \     /    |     ***********     |       | |
    | **********         \ /      |     *  Send   *     v       | |
    |      ^              |No     |     * 0,DEF,0 *  #########  | |
    |      |Yes           v       |     ***********  # Send  #--+ |
    |     / \            / \      |                  # SPC-A #    |
    |   /     \        /     \    |                  #########    |
    | / Is ACK  \ Yes/  Same   \  |                     ^         |
    |<  bit set? ><-<  level as > |                     |         |
    | \         /    \ current?/  |                 ###########   |
    |   \     /        \     /    |                 #   Get   #<--+
    |     \ /            \ /    +-+---+             # 0,VAL,0 #
    |      |No            |No   | Set |             ###########
    |      +--------------+     | ACK |
    |                     v     | bit |      * - Client side only
    |                    / \    +-----+      # - Server side only
    |   +------+       /     \      ^
    |   | Send |  No /  Do we  \ Yes|
    +---| SPC1 |<---<   agree?  >---+
        +------+     \         /
                       \     /
                         \ /

        |- 2**32       ISN             ISN
        |              *               *
        |             *               *
        |            *               *
        |           *x              *
        |          o               *
    ^   |         *               *
    |   |        *  x            *
        |       * o             *
    S   |      *o              *
    e   |     o               *
    q   |    *               *
        |   *               *
    #   |  * x             *
        | *o              *
                         ^         Time -->

        |- 2**32       ISN               ISN
        |              *                 *
        |             *                 *
        |            *                 *
        |           *                 *
        |          *                 *
    ^   |         *                 *
    |   |        *                 *
        |       *                 *
    S   |      *                 *
    e   |     *                x* y
    q   |    *           o     *
        |   *      o          *z
    #   |  *o                *
        | *                 *
                           ^         Time -->

        |- 2**32       ISN               ISN
        |              *                 *
        |       x   o *                 *
        |            *                 *
        |      o-->o*                 *
        |          *                 *
    ^   |     o   o                 *
    |   |        *                 *
        |    o  *                 *
    S   |      *                 *
    e   |   o *                 *
    q   |    *                 *
        |  o*                 *
    #   |  *                 *
        | o                 *
                           ^         Time -->

        |- 2**32       ISN               ISN
        |      o       *                 *
        |           x *                 *
        |            *                 *
        |     o     *                 *
        |          o                 *
    ^   |         *                 *
    |   |    o   *                 *
        |       * o               *
    S   |      *                *
    e   |   o *                 *
    q   |    *   o             *
        |   *                 *
    #   |  o                 *
        | *     o           *
                           ^         Time -->

                 MAC Header        |                           FDDI MAC

      | DSAP=K1| SSAP=K1| Control|                            802.2 LLC

      |Protocol Id or Org Code =K2|    EtherType    |        802.2 SNAP

                 +------------------+       +--------------------+
                          ACSE                       ROSE
                   ISO IS 8649/8650           ISO DIS 9072-1/2
                 +------------------+       +--------------------+

                       Lightweight Presentation Protocol (LPP)
                                     RFC 1085

                 +------------------+       +--------------------+
                         TCP                         UDP
                       RFC 793                     RFC 768
                 +------------------+       +--------------------+

                                     RFC 791

                 +------------------+       +--------------------+
                          ACSE                       ROSE
                     ISO 8649/8650            ISO DIS 9072-1/2
                 +------------------+       +--------------------+

                                ISO Presentation

                                ISO Session

                                ISO Transport

 | Conference Control |
+-------+ +-------+ |
| Video | | Voice | | +-----+ +------+ +-----+     +-----+ Application
| Appl  | | Appl  | | | SNMP| |Telnet| | FTP | ... |     |    Layer
+-------+ +-------+ | +-----+ +------+ +-----+     +-----+
    |        |      |     |        |     |            |
    V        V      |     |        |     |            |   ------------
 +-----+  +-----+   |     |        |     |            |
 | PVP |  | NVP |   |     |        |     |            |
 +-----+  +-----+   +     |        |     |            |
  |   \      | \     \    |        |     |            |
  |    +-----|--+-----+   |        |     |            |
  |     Appl.|control  V  V        V     V            V
  | ST  data |         +-----+    +-------+        +-----+
  | & control|         | UDP |    |  TCP  |    ... |     | Transport
  |          |         +-----+    +-------+        +-----+   Layer
  |         /|          / | \       / / |          / /|
  |\       / |  +------+--|--\-----+-/--|--- ... -+ / |
  | \     /  |  |         |   \     /   |          /  |
  |  \   /   |  |         |    \   +----|--- ... -+   |   -----------
  |   \ /    |  |         |     \ /     |             |
  |    V     |  |         |      V      |             |
  | +------+ |  |         |   +------+  |   +------+  |
  | | SCMP | |  |         |   | ICMP |  |   | IGMP |  |    Internet
  | +------+ |  |         |   +------+  |   +------+  |     Layer
  |    |     |  |         |      |      |      |      |
  V    V     V  V         V      V      V      V      V
+-----------------+  +-----------------------------------+
| STream protocol |->|      Internet     Protocol        |
+-----------------+  +-----------------------------------+
               | \   / |
               |  \ /  |
               |   X   |                                  ------------
               |  / \  |
               | /   \ |
               VV     VV
+----------------+   +----------------+
| (Sub-) Network |...| (Sub-) Network |                  (Sub-)Network
|    Protocol    |   |    Protocol    |                     Layer
+----------------+   +----------------+

    1.1. (open B,C,D)
    1.2.       +-> (routing to B,C,D)
    1.3.                 +->(reserve resources from A to Agent 1)
                         |  V
    1.4.                 |  +-> CONNECT B --------->>
                         |      <RVLId=0><SVLId=4>
                         |      <Ref=10><HID=1200>
    1.5.                 +->(reserve resources from A to Agent 2)
    1.6.                    +-> CONNECT C,D ------------------>>

    [1.4] >>-> CONNECT B -------->+--+
               <RVLId=0><SVLId=4> |  V
2.1.           <Ref=10><HID=1200> |  (routing to B)
                                  |  V
2.2.                              V  +->(reserve resources from 1 to B)
2.3.       +<- HID-APPROVE <------+     V
2.4.           <RVLId=4><SVLId=14>      +-> CONNECT B ---------->>
               <Ref=10><HID=1200>           <RVLId=0><SVLId=15>

    [1.6] >>-> CONNECT C,D ------>+-+
               <RVLId=0><SVLId=5> | V
2.5.           <Ref=15><HID=2400> | (routing to C,D)
                                  | V
2.6.                              V +-->(reserve resources from 2 to C)
2.7.       +<- HID-APPROVE <------+ |   V
2.8.           <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>  |   +-> CONNECT C ---------->>
               <Ref=15><HID=2400>   |       <RVLId=0><SVLId=25>
                                    |       <Ref=210><HID=4800>
                                    |                         Agent D
2.9.                                +->(reserve resources from 2 to D)
2.10.                                   +-> CONNECT D ---------->>

           Agent 1                    Agent B       Application B
 3.1.                                             (proc B listening)
         [2.4] >>-> CONNECT B ---------->+------------------+
                    <RVLId=0><SVLId=15>  |                  |
 3.2.               <Ref=110><HID=3600>  V          (proc B accepts)
 3.3.           +<- HID-APPROVE <--------+                  |
                    <RVLId=15><SVLId=44>                    |
                    <Ref=110><HID=3600>                     V
 3.4.                       (wait until HID negotiated) <---+
 3.5.       <<--+<- ACCEPT B <-----------+

           Agent 2                    Agent C       Application C
 3.6.                                             (proc C listening)
         [2.8] >>-> CONNECT C ---------->+------------------+
                    <RVLId=0><SVLId=25>  |                  |
 3.7.               <Ref=210><HID=4800>  V          (proc C accepts)
 3.8.           +<- HID-APPROVE <--------+                  |
                    <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>                    |
                    <Ref=210><HID=4800>                     V
 3.9.                       (wait until HID negotiated) <---+
 3.10.      <<--+<- ACCEPT C <-----------+

           Agent 2                    Agent D       Application D
 3.11.                                            (proc D listening)
        [2.10] >>-> CONNECT D ---------->+------------------+
                    <RVLId=0><SVLId=26>  |                  |
 3.12.              <Ref=215><HID=4800>  V          (proc D accepts)
 3.13.          +<- HID-APPROVE <--------+                  |
                    <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>                    |
                    <Ref=215><HID=4800>                     V
 3.14.                      (wait until HID negotiated) <---+
 3.15.      <<--+<- ACCEPT D <-----------+

                                     +<-+<- ACCEPT B <-------<< [3.5]
                                     V  |   <RVLId=15><SVLId=44>
4.1.                 (wait for ACCEPTS) V   <Ref=410><LnkRef=110>
4.2.                                 V  +-> ACK --------------->+
4.3.    (wait until HID negotiated)<-+      <RVLId=44><SVLId=15>
                                  V         <Ref=410>
4.4.  <<--+<-- ACCEPT B <---------+

                                     +<-+<- ACCEPT C <------<< [3.10]
                                     |  |   <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>
                                     |  V   <Ref=510><LnkRef=210>
4.5.                                 |  +-> ACK --------------->+
                                     |      <Ref=510>
                                     |      <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>
                                     |                       Agent D
                                     +<-+<- ACCEPT D <------<< [3.15]
                                     V  |   <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>
4.6.                 (wait for ACCEPTS) V   <Ref=610><LnkRef=215>
4.7.                                 V  +-> ACK --------------->+
4.8.    (wait until HID negotiated)<-+      <RVLId=64><SVLId=26>
                                  V         <Ref=610>
4.9.  <<--+<- ACCEPT C <----------+
              <RVLId=5><SVLId=23> |
4.10. <<--+<- ACCEPT D <----------+

                            +<-- ACCEPT B <--------<< [4.4]
                            |    <RVLId=4><SVLId=14>
                            V    <Ref=115><LnkRef=10>
   5.1.                     +--> ACK ----------------->+
                            |    <RVLId=14><SVLId=4>
                            V    <Ref=115>
   5.2.        +<-- (inform A of B's FlowSpec)
               |            +<-- ACCEPT C <----------------<< [4.9]
               |            |    <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>
               |            V    <Ref=220><LnkRef=15>
   5.3.        |            +--> ACK ------------------------->+
               |            |    <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>
               |            V    <Ref=220>
   5.4.        +<-- (inform A of C's FlowSpec)
               |            +<-- ACCEPT D <----------------<< [4.10]
               |            |    <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>
               |            V    <Ref=225><LnkRef=15>
   5.5.        |            +--> ACK ------------------------->+
               |            |    <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>
               |            V    <Ref=225>
   5.6.        +<-- (inform A of D's FlowSpec)
   5.7.    (wait until HIDs negotiated)
   5.8.    (inform A open to B,C,D)

   Appl.  Agent A                   Agent 2                 Agent E
                                               (proc E NOT listening)
1. (add E)
2.    +----->+-> CONNECT E ---------->+->+
                 <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>  |  |
                 <Ref=65>             V  |
3.           +<-- ACK <---------------+  |
                  <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>    V
4.                <Ref=65>         (routing to E)
5.                           (reserve resources 2 to E)
6.                                       +--> CONNECT E --------->+
                                              <RVLId=0><SVLId=27> |
                                              <Ref=115><HID=4600> |
7.                                    +<-+<- REFUSE B <-----------+
                                      |  |   <RVLId=27><SVLId=74>
                                      |  |   <Ref=705><LnkRef=115>
                                      |  V   <RC=SAPUnknown>
8.                                    |  +-> ACK ---------------->+
                                      |  |   <RVLId=74><SVLId=27> |
                                      |  V   <Ref=705>            |
9.                                    |  (free link 27)           V
10.                                   V              (free link 74)
11.          +<- REFUSE B <-----------+
             |   <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>  |
             |   <Ref=550><LnkRef=65> V
12.          |   <RC=SAPUnknown>  (free resources 2 to E)
13.          +-> ACK  --------------->+
             |   <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>  |
             |   <Ref=550>            V
14.          V             (keep link 23 for C,D)
15.  (keep link 5 for C,D)
16.  (inform application failed SAPUnknown)

1.                                      (network from 1 to B fails)
2. (add B)
3.   +-> CONNECT B ----------------->+
         <RVLId=0><SVLId=6>          |
         <Ref=35><HID=100>           |
3.   +<- HID-APPROVE <---------------+
         <RVLId=6><SVLId=11>         |
         <Ref=35><HID=100>           V
4.                       (routing to B: no route)
5.   +<-+-- REFUSE B ----------------+
     |  |   <RVLId=6><SVLId=11>
     |  |   <Ref=155><LnkRef=35>
     |  V   <RC=NoRouteToDest>
6.   |  +-> ACK -------------------->+
     |  |   <RVLId=11><SVLId=6>      V
7.   |  V   <Ref=155>           (drop link 6)
8.   V  (drop link 11)
9.   (find alternative route: via agent 2)
10.  (resources from A to 2 already allocated:
     V   reuse control link & HID, no additional resources required)
11.  +-> CONNECT B -------->+->+
         <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>|  |
         <Ref=40>           V  |
12.  +<- ACK <--------------+  |
         <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>   V
13.      <Ref=40>    (routing to B: via agent 3)
14.                         +-> CONNECT B -->+
15.                      <RVLId=0><SVLId=24> +-> CONNECT B --------->+
                         <Ref=245><HID=4801> V   <RVLId=0><SVLId=32> |
16.                         +<- HID-APPROVE -+   <Ref=310><HID=6000> |
                                <RVLId=24><SVLId=33>                 |
                                <Ref=245><HID=4801>                  V
17.                                          +<- HID-APPROVE --------+
                                                 <Ref=310><HID=6000> V
18.        (ACCEPT handling follows normally to complete stream setup)

1.   (open E)
2.      V                                            (proc E listening)
3.      +->(routing to E)
4.         +-> (check resources from A to Agent 2: already allocated,
           V  reuse control link & HID, no additional resources needed)
5.         +-> CONNECT E --------->+->+
               <RVLId=23><SVLId=5> |  V
6.             <Ref=20>            V  (routing to E)
7.         +<- ACK <---------------+  V
               <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>    +->(reserve resources 2 to E)
               <Ref=20>                  V
8.                                       +-> CONNECT E --------->+
                                             <RVLId=0><SVLId=27> |
                                             <Ref=230><HID=4800> |
9.                                       +<- HID-APPROVE <-------+
                                             <Ref=230><HID=4800> V
10.                                               (proc E accepts)
11.                                    (wait until HID negotiated)
12.                                   +<-+<- ACCEPT E <----------+
                                      V  |   <RVLId=27><SVLId=74>
13.                  (wait for ACCEPTS)  V   <Ref=710><LnkRef=230>
14.                                   V  +-> ACK --------------->+
15.      (wait until HID negotiated)<-+      <RVLId=74><SVLId=27>
                                   V         <Ref=710>
16.           +<- ACCEPT E <-------+
              |   <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>
              V   <Ref=235><LnkRef=20>
17.           +-> ACK ------------>+
              |   <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>
              V   <Ref=235>
18.        +<-(inform A of E's FlowSpec)
19.     +<-(wait for ACCEPTS)
20.  +<-(wait until HID negotiated)
21.  (inform A open to E)

  1.  (close B,C ApplDisconnect)
  2.      +->+-+-> DISCONNECT B ----->+
  3.         | |   <RVLId=14><SVLId=4>+-+-> DISCONNECT B ------>+
             | |   <Ref=25>           | |   <RVLId=44><SVLId=15>|
             | V   <RC=ApplDisconnect>| |   <Ref=120>           |
  4.         | (free A to 1 resrc.)   | V   <RC=ApplDisconnect> |
  5.         |                        V (free 1 to B resrc.)    |
  6.         | +<- ACK <--------------+                         V
  7.         | |   <RVLId=4><SVLId=14>| +<- ACK <---------------+
             | V   <Ref=25>           | |   <RVLId=15><SVLId=44>|
  8.         | (free link 4)          V |   <Ref=120>           |
  9.         |           (free link 14) V                       |
  10.        |                          (free link 15)          V
  11.        |        (inform B that stream closed ApplDisconnect)
  12.        |                                     (free link 44)
  13.     +<-+-+-> DISCONNECT C ---------->+
  14.     |    |   <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>     +-+-> DISCONNECT C ------>+
          |    |   <Ref=30>                | |   <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>|
          |    V   <RC=ApplDisconnect>     | |   <Ref=240>           |
  15.     |    (keep A to 2 resrc for      | V   <RC=ApplDisconnect> |
  16.     |         data going to D,E)     | (free 2 to C resrc.)    |
          |                                V                         |
  17.     |    +<- ACK <-------------------+                         V
  18.     |    |   <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>     | +<- ACK <---------------+
          |    V   <Ref=30>                | |   <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>|
  19.     |    (keep link 5 for D,E)       V |   <Ref=240>           |
  20.     |           (keep link 23 for D,E) V                       |
  21.     |                           (free link 25)                 V
  22.     |              (inform C that stream closed ApplDisconnect>)
  23.     V                                             (free link 54)
  24.     (inform A closed to B,C ApplDisconnect)

            1.                             (close E ApplDisconnect)
            2.                         +<- REFUSE E --+
                                       |   <RVLId=27><SVLId=74>
                                       |   <Ref=720>
                                       V   <RC=ApplDisconnect>
            3.                      +<-+-> ACK ------>+
                                    |  |   <RVLId=74><SVLId=27>
            4.                      V  V   <Ref=720>
            5.    +<-+<- REFUSE E --+  (prune allocations)
                  |  |   <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>
                  |  |   <Ref=245>
                  |  V   <RC=ApplDisconnect>
            6.    |  +-> ACK ------>+
                  |  |   <RVLId=23><SVLId=5>
                  |  V   <Ref=245>
            7.    V  (prune allocations)
            8.    (inform application closed E ApplDisconnect)

    1.   ->+----> CONNECT X ------>//// (message lost or garbled)
           |      <RVLId=0><SVLId=99>
           V      <Ref=1278><HID=1234>
    2. (timeout)
    3.     +----> CONNECT X ------------>+
    4.     |      <RVLId=0><SVLId=99>    +----> CONNECT X ----------->+
           |      <Ref=1278><HID=1234>   V      <RVLId=0><SVLId=1010> |
    5.     | //<- HID-APPROVE <----------+      <Ref=6666><HID=6666>  V
    6.     |      <RVLId=99><SVLId=88>      +<- HID-APPROVE <---------+
           V      <Ref=1278><HID=1234>          <RVLId=1010><SVLId=1111>
    7. (timeout)                                <Ref=6666><HID=6666>
    8.     +----> CONNECT X ------------>+
                  <RVLId=0><SVLId=99>    |
                  <Ref=1278><HID=1234>   V
    9.     +<-+<- HID-APPROVE <----------+
           |      <RVLId=99><SVLId=88>
           V      <Ref=1278><HID=1234>
     (cancel timer)

 1.                      (high precedence request preempts 10K of
                             the stream's original 30Kb bandwidth
                              allocated to the hop from 1 to B)
 2.   +<------+-- NOTIFY -------------+
      |       |   <RVLId=4><SVLId=14>
      |       |   <Ref=150>
      |       V   <FlowSpec=20Kb,...><TargList=B>
 3.   |       +-> ACK --------------->+
      |           <RVLId=14><SVLId=4>
      V           <Ref=150>
 4. (inform application)
 5. change(FlowSpec=20Kb,...)
 6.   +---------> CHANGE B ---------->+
 7.               <RVLId=14><SVLId=4> +--> CHANGE B ------------>+->+
                  <Ref=60>            |    <RVLId=44><SVLId=15>  |  |
                  <FlowSpec=20Kb,...> V    <Ref=160>             |  |
 8.           +<- ACK ----------------+    <FlowSpec=20Kb,...>   |  |
                  <RVLId=4><SVLId=14>                            V  |
 9.               <Ref=60>            +--- ACK ------------------+  |
                                             <RVLId=15><SVLId=44>   |
                                             <Ref=160>              V
              ... perform normal ACCEPT processing ...        <-----+

1.  (open B<SR=2,3>)
2.    V                                              (proc B listening)
3.   (source routed to 2)
4.   (check resources from A to Agent 2: already allocated,
      V   reuse control link & HID, no additional resources needed)
5.    +-> CONNECT B<SR=2,3>->-+-+
          <RVLId=23><SVLId=5> | |
6.        <Ref=50>            V |
7.    +<- ACK ----------------+ |
          <RVLId=5><SVLId=23>   |
          <Ref=50>              V
8.                 (source routed to 3)
9.            (reserve resources 2 to 3)
10.                       +-> CONNECT B<SR=3> ---->+
                              <RVLId=0><SVLId=24>  |
                              <Ref=280><HID=4801>  V
11.                       +<- HID-APPROVE <--------+
                              <RVLId=24><SVLId=33> |
                              <Ref=280><HID=4801>  |
                                           (routing to B)
                                 (reserve resources from 3 to B)
12.                                          +-> CONNECT B ---------->+
                                                 <RVLId=0><SVLId=32>  |
                                                 <Ref=330><HID=6000>  V
13.                                          +<- HID-APPROVE <--------+
                                                 <RVLId=32><SVLId=45> |
                                                 <Ref=330><HID=6000>  V
14.                                                    (proc B accepts)
                ... perform normal ACCEPT processing ...        <-----+

      1.     +-> CONNECT B -------------->+
                 <RVLId=0><SVLId=32>      |
                 <Ref=315><HID=5990>      V
      2.             (Check HID Table, 5990 busy, 6000-11 unused)
      3.     +<- HID-REJECT --------------+
             |   <RVLId=32><SVLId=45>
             |   <Ref=315><HID=5990>
             V   <FreeHIDs=5990:0000FFF0>
      4.     +-> HID-CHANGE  ------------>+
                 <RVLId=45><SVLId=32>     |
                 <Ref=320><HID=6000>      V
      5.             (Check HID Table, 6000 (still) available)
      6.     +<- HID-APPROVE -------------+

   1.    +->+-> CONNECT ---------------------------------->+
            |   <RVLId=0><SVLId=26>                        |
            |   <Ref=250><HID=4824>                        |
            V   <Mcast=,01:00:5E:01:12:d8>     |
   2.       +-> CONNECT --------------------+              |
                <RVLId=0><SVLId=25>         |              |
                <Ref=252><HID=4824>         |              V
   3.           <Mcast=,        V      (Check HID Table)
   4.            01:00:5E:01:12:d8> (Check HID Table)  (4824 ok)
                                        (4824 busy)  (4800-4809 ok)
                                      (4800-4820 ok)       |
                                            V              |
   5.       +<- HID-REJECT -----------------+              |
            |   <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>                       |
            |   <Ref=252><HID=4824>                        |
            V   <FreeHIDs=4824:FFFFF800>                   V
   6.    +<-+<- HID-APPROVE -------------------------------+
         |      <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>
         |      <Ref=250><HID=4824>
         V      <FreeHIDs=4824:FFC00080>
         (find common HID 4800)
   7.    +->+-> HID-CHANGE ------------------------------->+
            |   <RVLId=64><SVLId=26>                       |
            V   <Ref=253><HID=4800>                        |
   8.       +-> HID-CHANGE ---------------->+              |
                <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>        |              V
   9.           <Ref=254><HID=4800>         V      (Check HID Table)
   10.                              (Check HID Table)   (4800 ok)
                                      (4800-4820 ok) (4800-4809 ok)
                                            V              |
   11.      +<- HID-APPROVE ----------------+              |
            |   <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>                       |
            |   <Ref=254><HID=4800>                        |
            V   <FreeHIDs=4800:7FFFF800>                   V
   12.   +<-+<- HID-APPROVE -------------------------------+
         |      <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>
         |      <Ref=253><HID=4800>
         V      <FreeHIDs=4800:7FC00080>
   13.   (all parties have now agreed to use HID 4800)

  1.   +----> CONNECT B ------------------------------------>+
              <RVLId=0><SVLId=24>                            V
  2.          <Ref=260><HID=4800>                    (Check HID Table)
              <Mcast=,             (4800 busy, 4801-4810 ok)
               01:00:5E:01:12:d8>                            V
  3.   +<---- HID-REJECT <-----------------------------------+
       |      <RVLId=24><SVLId=33>
       |      <Ref=260><HID=4824>
       V      <FreeHIDs=4824:7FE00000>
  4.   (find common HID 4810)
  5.   +->+-> HID-CHANGE ----------------------------------->+
          |   <RVLId=33><SVLId=24>                           |
          V   <Ref=262><HID=4810>                            |
  6.      +-> HID-CHANGE-ADD ------------------->+           |
          |   <RVLId=64><SVLId=26>               |           V
  7.      V   <Ref=263><HID=4810>                |   (Check HID Table)
  8.      +-> HID-CHANGE-ADD ---->+              |     (4801-4815 ok)
              <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>|              V           |
  9.          <Ref=265><HID=4810> V      (Check HID Table)   |
  10.                     (Check HID Table) (4810 busy)      |
                            (4801-4812 ok) (4801-4807 ok)    |
                                  V              |           |
  11.     +<- HID-APPROVE <-------+              |           |
          |   <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>               |           |
          |   <Ref=265><HID=4810>                |           |
          V   <FreeHIDs=4810:7FD8000>            V           |
  12.     +<- HID-REJECT <-----------------------+           |
          |   <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>                           |
          |   <Ref=263><HID=4810>                            |
          V   <FreeHIDs=4810:7F000000>                       V
  13.  +<-+<- HID-APPROVE <----------------------------------+
       |      <RVLId=24><SVLId=33>
       |      <Ref=262><HID=4810>
       V      <FreeHIDs=4810:7FDF0000>
  14.  +->+-> HID-CHANGE-DELETE ---------------------------->+
       |  |   <RVLId=33><SVLId=24>                           |
       |  V   <Ref=266><HID=4810>                            |
  15.  |  +-> HID-CHANGE-DELETE ->+                          |
       |      <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>|                          |
       |      <Ref=268><HID=4810> V                          |
  16.  |  +<- HID-APPROVE --------+                          |
       |      <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>                           |
       |      <Ref=268><HID=0>                               V
  17.  |  +<- HID-APPROVE -----------------------------------+
       |      <RVLId=24><SVLId=33>
       V      <Ref=266><HID=0>
  18.  (find common HID 4801)

  18.  (find common HID 4801)
  19.  +->+-> HID-CHANGE ----------------------------------->+
          |   <RVLId=33><SVLId=24>                           |
          V   <Ref=270><HID=4801>                            |
  20.     +-> HID-CHANGE-ADD ------------------->+           |
          |   <RVLId=64><SVLId=26>               |           V
  21.     V   <Ref=273><HID=4801>                |   (Check HID Table)
  22.     +-> HID-CHANGE-ADD ---->+              |     (4801-4815 ok)
              <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>|              V           |
  23.         <Ref=274><HID=4801> V      (Check HID Table)   |
  24.                     (Check HID Table)(4801-4807 ok)    |
                            (4801-4812 ok)       |           |
                                  V              |           |
  25.     +<- HID-APPROVE <-------+              |           |
          |   <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>               |           |
          |   <Ref=274><HID=4801>                |           |
          V   <FreeHIDs=4801:3FF80000>           V           |
  26.     +<- HID-APPROVE <----------------------+           |
          |   <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>                           |
          |   <Ref=273><HID=4801>                            |
          V   <FreeHIDs=4801:3F000000>                       V
  27.  +<-+<- HID-APPROVE <----------------------------------+
       |      <RVLId=24><SVLId=33>
       |      <Ref=270><HID=4801>
       V      <FreeHIDs=4801:3FFF0000>
  28.  (switch data stream to HID 4801, drop 4800)
  29.  +->+-> HID-CHANGE-DELETE ---------------->+
          |   <RVLId=64><SVLId=26>               |
          V   <Ref=275><HID=4800>                |
  30.     +-> HID-CHANGE-DELETE ->+              |
              <RVLId=54><SVLId=25>|              |
              <Ref=277><HID=4800> V              |
  31.  +<-+<- HID-APPROVE --------+              |
       |      <RVLId=25><SVLId=54>               |
       V      <Ref=277><HID=0>                   V
  32.  +<-+<- HID-APPROVE -----------------------+
       |      <RVLId=26><SVLId=64>
       V      <Ref=275><HID=0>
       (all parties have now agreed to use HID 4801)

    |        IDP           |              DSP              |
    .                      .                               .
    .                      .                               .
    .                      .                               .
    | AFI |      IDI       |  HO-DSP  |      ID      | SEL |

                     |                               |
                +----+---+                      +----+---+
                | Router |                      | Router |
                |   X    |                      |   Y    |
                +----+---+                      +----+---+
                     |                               |
                -----+------------+-   -+------------+----
                                  |     |
                                | Brouter |
                                |    B    |

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |  X  |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |  X  | XXX |

                                        | Directory Service
                                        |    provided via DAP
               +-----------+            |            +-----------+
               |           |            |            |           |
               |    DUA    | <----------+----------> |    DSA    |
               |           |            |            |           |
               +-----------+            |            +-----------+
                         Directory User |

        Client                          Server
        ------                          ------
                                    {Wait for Connection}
    {Open session as above}
                                <-- A004 19 EXISTS
                                <-- A004 2 RECENT
                                <-- A004 OK Select complete
                                    {Wait for command}
    A005 SEARCH RECENT       -->
                                <-- A005 SEARCH (18 19) (RECENT)
                                <---A005 OK Search complete
    A006 FETCH 18:19 ALL RFC822.TEXT
    A007 STORE 18:19 +FLAGS (\SEEN)
    A008 FETCH 1:17 ALL      -->
                                <-- A006 18 Fetch (... RFC822.TEXT ...)
                                <-- A006 19 Fetch (... RFC822.TEXT ...)
                                <-- A006 OK Fetch complete
                                <-- A007 18 STORE (Flags (\Seen))
                                <-- A007 19 STORE (Flags (\Seen))
                                <-- A007 OK Store complete
                                <-- A008 1 Fetch (......)
                                <-- A008 16 Fetch (......)
                                <-- A008 17 Fetch (......)
                                <-- A008 OK Fetch complete
                                <-- A009 18 STORE (Flags (\Seen

        000A 12A0 0000 0400 000B FFEF
        |    |    |    | |    |  |
        |    |    |    | |    |  End Of Record marker
        |    |    |    | |    |
        |    |    |    | |    Opcode = Turn On Message Light ('0B'X)
        |    |    |    | |
        |    |    |    | Flags = '0000'X
        |    |    |    |
        |    |    |    Variable Header Length = '04'X
        |    |    |
        |    |    Reserved - Set to '0000'X
        |    |
        |    Record Type = General Data Stream ('12A0'X)
        Logical Record Length = '000A'X for this record

                                                       |IP/ARP | IP/ARP
                              |   Org Code   |Ethertype|       | SNAP
               |DSAP|SSAP|Ctrl|                                | LLC
|SIP..|HLPI|...|                                               | SIP L3

     |      SIP     |             LLC / SNAP                |  IP   |
     |              |                                       |       |
     |SIP..|HLPI|...|DSAP|SSAP|Ctrl|   Org Code   |Ethertype|       |
     |SIP..| 01 |...| AA | AA | 03 |    000000    |  0800   | IP... |

     |      SIP     |             LLC / SNAP                |  ARP  |
     |              |                                       |       |
     |SIP..|HLPI|...|DSAP|SSAP|Ctrl|   Org Code   |Ethertype|       |
     |SIP..| 01 |...| AA | AA | 03 |    000000    |  0806   | ARP...|

       | subnet field    | host field         |
       |     |           |       |            |
       | 0's | 1's & 0's |  0's  | 1's & 0's  |
          /\                /\
          ||                ||
        subnets can         hosts can grow here
        grow here

       | subnet field    | host field         |
       |     |           |                    |
       | 0's | 1's & 0's |     1's & 0's      |

       | subnet field    | host field         |
       |           |             |            |
       | 1's & 0's |    0's      | 1's & 0's  |
                    Both hosts and subnets can
                    grow here

                 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
               |AR|    REFUSAL CODE    |  A/R MESSAGE NUMBER   |

          Create Stream Request        ---------->
          Create Stream Reply          <----------
          Reply Acknowledgment         ---------->
          Stream Messages              --------------------->
             :   :
          Change Stream Request        ---------->
          Change Stream Reply          <----------
          Reply Acknowledgment         ---------->
          Stream Messages              --------------------->
             :   :
          Delete Stream Request        ---------->
          Delete Stream Reply          <----------
          Reply Acknowledgment         ---------->

        Create Group Request         |<-------|
        Create Group Reply           |------->|
        Reply Acknowledgment         |<-------|
           :   :
        Distribute Group Adr & Key            |---->|
        Distribute Group Adr & Key            |---------->|
           :   :
        Join Group Request (C)       |<-------------------|
        Join Group Reply             |------------------->|
        Reply Acknowledgment         |<-------------------|
        Join Group Request (B)       |<-------------|
        Join Group Reply             |------------->|
        Reply Acknowledgment         |<-------------|
           :   :
        Data Message 1 (A to B and C)         |---->|---->|
        Data Message 2 (B to A and C)         |<----|---->|
        Data Message 3 (C to A and B)         |<----|<----|
           :   :
        Leave Group Request (C)      |<-------------------|
        Leave Group Reply            |------------------->|
        Reply Acknowledgment         |<-------------------|
        Leave Group Request (A)      |<-------|
        Leave Group Reply            |------->|
        Reply Acknowledgment         |<-------|
        Delete Group Request         |<-------------|
        Delete Group Reply           |------------->|
        Reply Acknowledgment         |<-------------|

               S3  |        0        |         stream ID           |

               S3  |                  group address                |

         Any Timeout or ----->| OFF |<----------------------------+
         Device Down          `--+--'                             |
                                 |                                |
                                 | (When I/O Device Up)           |
                                 V                                |
                             .-------.                            |
                             | INIT  |                            |
                             `---+---'                            |
                                 |                                |
                   (Yes)         V            (No)                |
                  +---------RR Received?----------+               |
                  |                               |               |
                  |                            Send RR            |
                  |                               |               |
                  |                               V               |
                  |                           .--------.          |
               Send RC <-----+-------<--------+ RR-SNT |          |
                  |          |       (Rcv RR) `---+----'          |
                  |          |                    | (Rcv RC)      |
                  V          |                    |               |
             .--------.      |                    |               |
             | RC-SNT +--->--+                 Send RC            |
             `----+---'  (Rcv RR)                 |               |
         (Rcv RC) |                               |               |
                  |                               |               |
                  +------->------+-------<--------+               |
                                 |                                |
                      Initialize Status Counters                  |
                                 |                                |
                                 V                                |
                              .-----.   Rcv RR   or               |
              Rcv Any  +----->| ON  +---------------------->------+
              Other    |      `--+--'   Fail to Rcv Status message
                       +---------+      for 10 seconds

           Message Proper
          |                    |
          |                    |
          |                    |
          |     16-64 bytes    |
          |                    |
          |                    |
          |                    |

           Associated Data
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |           Unlimited length                         |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |
          |                                                    |

|  SNMP Network                   |
|  Management Station             |
|                                 |
|  SNMP Protocol                  |
      A      | Get         A
      |      | GetNext     |  GetResponse
 Trap |      | Set         |
      |      V             |
*---------------------------------*            *----------------------*
|     SNMP Protocol               |            |   DPI Interface      |
|---------------------------------|  Reply     |    *-----------------|
|                        |        |<-----------|    |                 |
|     SNMP Agent         |        |            |    |   Client        |
|     A      *-----------+->      | MIB query  |    |                 |
|     |      | Get/Set   |        |----------->|    |     or          |
| Trap|      | info      |  SNMP  |            |    |                 |
|-----+------+-------*   |        |  trap      |    |   SNMP          |
|     |      V       |   |  DPI   |<-----------|    |   Sub-Agent     |
| TCP/IP layers,     |   |        |            |    |                 |
| Kernel             |   |        |<-----------|    |                 |
*---------------------------------*  Register  *----------------------*

   |                     |            |             |                 |
   |     IP Header       | UDP Header | IPX Header  | IPX packet data |
   | (20 or more octets) | (8 octets) | (30 octets) |                 |
   |                     |            |             |                 |

                     receive    +-------+    receive
                .---------------| SIDLE |---------------.
                |    FULREQ     +-------+     PARREQ    |
                |                 ^   ^                 |
                |                 |   |                 |
                V                 |   |                 V
            +--------+            |   |            +--------+
            | FULSND |            |   |            | PARSND |
            |        |    done    |   |    done    |        |
            |  send  |------------'   `------------|  send  |
            | entire |                             | req'ed |
            |  file  |                             | blocks |
            +--------+                             +--------+

        +-----------+                               +-----------+
        |  TS-user  |                               |  TS-user  |
        +-----------+                               +-----------+
              |                                           |
              |CLTS interface                             |
              |[ISO 8072/AD1]                             |
              |                                           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |   +-----------+            UD TPDU            +-----------+     |
    |   |  TS-peer  |   <----------------------->   |  TS-peer  |     |
    |   +-----------+                               +-----------+     |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |UDP interface [RFC 768]                    |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |   +-----------+          UDP datagram         +-----------+     |
    |   |    UDP    |   <----------------------->   |    UDP    |     |
    |   +-----------+     (UD TPDU encapsulated)    +-----------+     |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |         |                                           |           |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |                           TS-provider                           |

          1       2         3                m m+1          n
          |  LI  |  UD      |  Variable Part  |  User Data   |
          |      | 01000000 |                 |              |

          --------------                    -----------
         /              \                  /           \
        /                \                /             \
       |                  |              |               |
       |     &            |              |               |
       |     +   +++++    |              |      *****    |
       |     +++++   +    |              |      *   *    |
       |             +    |              |  *****   *    |
        \            +   /  -----------  \ *       *    /  ----------
         \           ++> # *         **> # *        ***> # ++++      \
          --------------  / *        *  \  ------------  /   +        \
                         |  *        *   |              |    +         |
                         |  *        *   |              |    +         |
                         |  *****    *   |              |    +++++++   |
                         |      *****    |              |          V   |
                         |               |              |          &   |
                          \             /                \             /
                           \           /                  \           /
                            -----------                    ----------
                           Encapsulation                      User
                              Space B                        Space D

         | Encapsulating |  Encapsulation  | Clear  |  Remainder of  |
         |   IP Header   | Protocol Header | Header | Clear Datagram |

                                                |        |
                                             +->| Encap. |--+
                                             |  | Info.  |  |
                   +-------+                 |  | Table  |  |
                   | Mask  |   +---------+   |  |        |  |
       Clear --+-->|  &    |-->| Flow ID |---+  |        |  |
       Header  |   | Match |   +---------+      +--------+  |
               |   +-------+                                |
               |                                            +-->  Encap
               +----------------------------------------------->  Header

           ------------                     ------------
          /            \                   /            \
         /      +++ #   \                 /              \
        |  # +++    +    |               |    # ***** #   |
        |  +        +    |               |    *       *   |
        |  +       +     |               |     *     *    |
        |   +      +     |               |      *   *     |
        |   # ++++ # +   |               |       * *      |
         \            + /  -------------  \       # **   /  ---------
          \           + # ++            \ # ******   *** # **        \
           ------------  /  +++          *  ------------  /  ***      \
                        |      #        * |              |      # *** #|
                        |      +      **  |              |      *     *|
                        |      +     #    |              |     *    ** |
                        |      + ++++ *   |              |    *    *   |
                        |       #+     *  |              |   *    *    |
           ------------  \  ++++        */  ------------  \ *    #     /
          /            \ # +             # **           * # *****     /
         /              +  -------------  /  # ****** # *\   --------
        |   # +++++++   +|               |   *        *   |
        |   +        + + |               |   *         *  |
        |    +         # |               |   *          * |
        |    +       ++  |               |   *          # |
        |    # ++++++    |               |   * *********  |
         \              /                 \   #          /
          \            /                   \            /
           ------------                     ------------

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |  X  |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |  X  | XXX |  X  |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |  X  | XXX |

                |                               |
                |                               |

Events| Idle | Active | Connect | OpenSent | OpenConfirm | Estab
      | (1)  |   (2)  |  (3)    |    (4)   |     (5)     |   (6)
 1    |  2   |    2   |   3     |     4    |      5      |    6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 2    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 3    |  1   |    4   |   4     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 4    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     3    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 5    |  1   |    3   |   3     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 6    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 7    |  1   |    2   |   2     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 8    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
 9    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      5      |    6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
10    |  1   |    1   |   1     |  1 or 5  |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |
11    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      6      |    6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
12    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      | 1 or 6
      |      |        |         |          |             |
13    |  1   |    1   |   1     |     1    |      1      |    1
      |      |        |         |          |             |

                 +-------+         +-------+
           BGP   |  BGP  |   BGP   |  BGP  |   BGP
        ---------+       +---------+       +---------
                 |  IGP  |         |  IGP  |
                 +-------+         +-------+

              Packet  Management                         Managed
              Number  Station                            Object
                               Connection Open...
               1         >--<CTL=SYN>----------------------->
               2         <--<CTL=SYN,ACK>-------------------<
               3         >--<CTL=ACK>----------------------->
                           Connection now open,
                           SNMP Request is sent.
               4         >--<DATA=SNMP Request>------------->
                           Response comes back
               5         <--<DATA=SNMP Response, CTL=ACK>---<
               6         >--<CTL=ACK>----------------------->
                           Operation is complete,
                           Management station initiates the
               7         >--<CTL=FIN,ACK>------------------->
               8         <--<CTL=ACK>-----------------------<
               9         <--<CTL=FIN,ACK>-------------------<
              10         >--<CTL=ACK>----------------------->
                          Wait 2 MSL
                          Connection now closed.

                        our domain X
                    /    |   |   |   |
                   /                 |           C
                  /                ------       /
             Network A            /    | \     /
              -----     (diagonals        \___/____
              | | |      cross admin.      domain B

    128.252.100.X            128.252.150.X            128.253.220.X
  +----------------+       +----------------+      +----------------+
          |                        |                        |
          |                        |                        |
         / \                      / \                      / \  
         \ /                      \ /                      \ /
          |                        |                        |
            |                        |                        |
           / \                      / \                      / \  
           \ /                      \ /                      \ /
            |                        |                        |
            |                        |                        |
  +-----------------+      +-----------------+      +----------------+
      128.252.130.X           128.252.120.X           128.253.140.X

                                       / \
                                       \ /
                                      / + \
                                     /     \
                                    /       \
                                   /         \
                   |              +           +              |
                   |             / \         / \             |
          128.242  |----- -----|  128.252
                   |             \ /         \ /             |
                   |              +           +              |
                                   \         /
                                    \       /
                                     \     /
                                      \ + /
                                       / \
                                       \ /

                                  |   /   \   |
                                  |--+  1  +--|
                                  |   \   /   |
                                       / \
                                       \ /
                                      / + \
                                     /     \
                      _______       /       \        _______
                         |         /         \          |
                         +        +           +         +
                   |   /   \     / \         / \      /   \  |
                   |--+  4  +----\ /    5    \ /-----+  2  +-|
                   |   \   /      +           +       \   /  |
                         +         \         /          +
                      ___|____      \       /        ___|____
                                     \     /
                                      \ + /
                                       / \
                                       \ /
                                  |   /   \   |
                                  |--+  3  +--|
                                  |   \   /   |

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |  X  | XXX |  XX |  X  |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |  X  | XXX |  XX |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |  X  | XXX |

         | Organizationally Unique       |
         +--             +---------------+
         | Identifier    | Protocol      |
         | Identifier    |

           8   7   6   5   4   3    2   1
         |  DLCI (high order)     |c/r|ea|
         | DLCI (lower) |FECN|BECN|DE |EA|

         |               Q.922 Address                 |
         | Control     (0x03)   | NLPID  - 0x81 (CLNP) |
         | CLNP packet                                 |
         |                   .                         |
         |                   .                         |

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |                                                        |      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |                   (data content and format             |
   |                   dependent on packet type             |    data
   |                   and modifier)                        |    fields
   |                                                        |
   |                                                        |      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |                                                        |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----

       0          7 8          15 16          23 24         31
      |            |                                          |
      |  synchro   |         tri-state bitmask[12]            |
      |      message             |      packet sequence       |
      |      sequence number     |      number                |

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  member     |   transport  |  transport  |             |      |
   |  class      |   class      |  type       |  reserved   |      |
   |        minimum             |     maximum data          |    data
   |        throughput          |     unit size             |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                  multicast connection                  |      |
   |                  identifier                            |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |                                                        |      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |                   TSAPs of all networks                |
   |                   represented in the web               |    data
   |                   membership                           |
   |                                                        |      |
   |                                                        |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----

            -----     |      |
              |       |\     |
              |       | \    |
                      |\ \   |
          heartbeat   | \ \  |
                      |\ \ \ |
              |       | \ \ V|  data(n)
              |       |  \ \ |
            -----     |   \ V|  data(n+1)
                      |\   \ |
                      | \   V|  data(n+w-1) w/eow
                      |\ \   |
                      | \ \  |
                      |\ \ \ |
                      | \ \ V|  data(n+w)
                      |  \ \ |
            -----     |   \ V|  data(n+w+1)
                      |\   \ |
                      | \   V|  data(n+2w-1) w/eow
   w = window = 3     |  \   |
   r = retention = 2  |   \  |
                      |    \ |
                      |     V|  empty(n+2w)
                      |      |
            -----     |      |
                      |\     |
                      | \    |
                      |  \   |
                      |   \  |
                      |    \ |
                      |     V|  data(n+2w) w/eom
                      |      |    Packets n..n+w-1 are released,
            -----     |      |    token is surrendered.
                      |      |
                      |      |
                      |      |
                      |      |
                      |      |
                      |      |
                      |      |
            -----     |      |    Packets n+w..n+2w-1 are released.

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |                                                        |      |
   |                   uninterpreted data                   |
   |                                                        |    data
   |                                                        |
   |                                                        |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |                            |                           |      |
   |  message sequence (low)    |  packet sequence (low)    |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    data
   |                            |                           |
   |  message sequence (high)   |  packet sequence (high)   |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----

            -----     |       |     retransmission count = rx=0
              |       |\     |
              |       | \    |
              |       |\ \   |
              |       | \ \  |
              |       |\ \ \ |
              |       | \ \ V|  data(n)
              |       |  \ \ |
                      |   \ *|  data(n+1)
          heartbeat   |    \ |
                      |     V|  data(n+w-1-rx) w/eow       rx=0
              |       |      |
              |       |     /|  nak(n') of n+1
              |       |    / |
              |       |   /  |
              |       |  /   |
              |       | /    |
              |       |V     |
            -----     |      |
                      |\     |
                      | \    |
                      |\ \   |
                      | \ \  |
                      |\ \ \ |
   w = window = 3     | \ \ *|  retransmission(n+1)        rx=1
   r = retention = 1  |  \ \ |
                      |   \ V|  data(n+w)
                      |    \ |
                      |     V|  data(n+2w-1-rx) w/eow      rx=1
                      |      |
                      |     /|  nak(n') of n+1
                      |    / |
            -----     |   /  |
                      |\ /   |
                      | /    |
                      |V \   |
                      |\  \  |
                      | \  \ |
                      |\ \  V|  data(n+2w-rx)              rx=1
                      | \ \  |    Packets n..n+w-1-0 can be released.
                      |  \ \ |
                      |   \ V|  nak deny(n+1)              rx=2
                      |    \ |
                      |     V|  data(n+3w-1-rx) w/eom      rx=2
                      |      |
           -----      |      |    Packets n+w..n+2w-1-1 are released.

    0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |  protocol    |    packet   |    type     |    client   |      |
   |  version     |    type     |    modifier |    channel  |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              source connection identifier              |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              destination connection identifier         |
   ---------------------------------------------------------- transport
   |                                                        |    header
   |              message acceptance criteria               |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                                                        |      |
   |              heartbeat                                 |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------      |
   |                            |                           |      |
   |        window              |        retention          |      |
   ----------------------------------------------------------    -----
   |                                                        |
   |              target TSAP                               |
   |                                                        |

       0           7 8           15 16         23 24         31
      |                            |                           |
      |     destination port       |     source port           |
      |                            |                           |
      |     length                 |     checksum              |
      |                                                        |
      |                      client data                       |

                              |                   |
                              | SIP Level 3 [11]  |
                              |                   |
                              | SIP Level 2 [11]  |
                              |                   |
                              | PLCP [12]         |
                              |                   |
                              | DS1 or DS3 [12]   |

              ------- +----------------+
     Transport        |     Down       |<---------\
     Connect     ---->+----------------+           \
     Request    /               ^  ^                \
     -------  Setup             |  |                 \
     Send     Failed            |  |         Teardown \ Response Timeout
     Setup   /------            |  |         Success   \ ---------------
       /    /                   |  |         --------  |
       |    |                   |  |                   |
       |    |                   |  |                   |
       |    | Teardown Response |  |                   |
       |    | Success  Timeout  |  |                   |
       |    | ----------------- |  |     +----------+  |
       |    |      Send---------|--|-----| Bring Up |--|----\
       |    |      Setup        |  |     +----------+  |    | Transport
       |    |     /             |  |               ^   |    | Teardown
       |    |    /              |  |        Transport  |    | Request
       |    |   /               |  |        Connect|   |    | ---------
       |    |  /            Setup  |        Request|   |    |
       |    |  |           Failed  |        -------|   |    |
       v    |  v           ------  |               |   |    v
 +--------------+               |  |              +-------------+
 | Coming Up    |----------+----|--|--Response--->| Going Down  |
 +--------------+          ^    |  |  Timeout     +-------------+
   |    ^      |           |    |  |  --------      ^    ^
   |    |      Transport   |    |  |  Send          |    |
   | Transport Teardown    |    |  |  Teardown      |    |
   |  Connect  Request     |    |  |                /    |
   |  Request  -------     |    |  |               /     |
   |  -------  v           |    |  |              /      /
   |      \ +------------+ -    |  |             /      /
   |       -| Bring Down | ------  |            /      /
    \       +------------+ --------|--Setup-----      /
     \                             |  Success        /
      \                            |  -------       /
       \   Setup           Network |  Send         / Transport
        \  Success         Is Down |  Teardown    /  Teardown
         \ -------         ------- |             /   Request
          \                        |            /    --------
           \                       |           /     Send
            \             +---------------+   /      Teardown
             \----------->|   Up          |---

    attribute ---> surName=              Smith  <--- attribute value
             |---> telephoneNumber=   999-9999  <--- attribute value
             |---> title=              Janitor  <--- attribute value

                    .-----------------.        |  Standard MIB   |
                    |   Telnet MIB    |        | Interface Group |
                    |-----------------|        |-----------------|
                    |  Character MIB  |        |     PPP MIB     |
                    |-----------------|        |-----------------|
                    | RS-232-like MIB |        | RS-232-like MIB |
                    `-----------------'        `-----------------'

        .-----------------.        |  Standard MIB   |
        |   Telnet MIB    |        | Interface Group |
        |-----------------|        |-----------------|
        |  Character MIB  |        |     PPP MIB     |
        |-----------------|        |-----------------|
        | RS-232-like MIB |        | RS-232-like MIB |
        `-----------------'        `-----------------'

         .-----------------.        |  Standard MIB   |
         |   Telnet MIB    |        | Interface Group |
         |-----------------|        |-----------------|
         |  Character MIB  |        |     PPP MIB     |
         |-----------------|        |-----------------|
         | RS-232-like MIB |        | RS-232-like MIB |
         `-----------------'        `-----------------'

          |Kind=8 |  10   |   TS Value (TSval)  |TS Echo Reply (TSecr)|
              1       1              4                     4

                    <A, TSval=1> ------------------->
                    <B, TSval=2> ------------------->
                    <C, TSval=3> ------------------->
                             <---- <ACK(C), TSecr=1>

                    <A, TSval=1> ------------------->
                             <---- <ACK(A), TSecr=1>
                    <C, TSval=3> ------------------->
                             <---- <ACK(A), TSecr=1>
                    <B, TSval=2> ------------------->
                             <---- <ACK(C), TSecr=2>
                    <E, TSval=5> ------------------->
                             <---- <ACK(C), TSecr=2>
                    <D, TSval=4> ------------------->
                             <---- <ACK(E), TSecr=4>

                     |                    |
                     |               B(X) |
       +------+      |      +------+      |      +------+
       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
       | S(Y) |--Ra--+   Rb-| B(Y) |-Rc   +--Rd--| S(Y) |
       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
       +------+      |      +------+      |      +------+
                     |                    |
                     |                    |

   For the ARP layer, the following model is assumed:
   |  - ARP entity -                                       |           |
   |                                                       | IP frames |
   | +----------------+   +----------------+ read          |           |
   | | Cache          |   |                | entries +-------------+   |
   | | Administration |->-|  Address Cache |------>--| Address     |   |
   | +----------------+   |                |         | Conversion  |   |
   |     |                +----------------+         | Unit        |   |
   |     | ARP frames                                +-------------+   |
   |     |                                               / |           |
   |     | ___________ <- ARP requests _________________/  | IP frames |
   |     |/                                                |           |

   to ARP                                                     to ARP
   |    |                                                   | IP      |
   |    | ARP frames                            read        | frames  |
   |    |                                       entries     |         |
   | +----------------------------+   +---------+       +----------+  |
   | | Cache Administration       |->-| Address |---->--|  Multi-  |  |
   | +----------------------------|->-| Cache   |       |  plexer  |  |
   |  |        |        |        |    +---------+       |          |  |
   |  |        |        |        |                      +----------+  |
   |  | ARP    | DMARP  | ARP    | DMARP                |        |    |
   |  | frames | frames | frames | frames            IP |     IP |    |
   |  |        |        |        |               frames | frames |    |
   |  |        |        |        |                      |        |    |
   to SNAP 1         to SNAP 2                    to SNAP 1   to SNAP 2

   | Operation | 1. hardware | 2. hardware | protocol | protocol |
   |           | address     |    address  | address  | address  |
   |           |             |             | sender   | receiver |

   Operation = 1 (reply), 2 (request), 3 (error):
   | Operation | P-MAC address | S-MAC address | protocol | protocol |
   |           | sender        | sender        | address  | address  |
   |           |               |               | sender   | receiver |

   | Operation=4 | P-MAC        | P-MAC address | protocol | broadcast |
   | (search)    | address      | counter-      | address  | protocol  |
   |             | sender       | station       | sender   | address   |

   | Operation=5 | P-MAC        | S-MAC address | protocol | broadcast |
   | (found)     | address      | counter-      | address  | protocol  |
   |             | sender       | station       | sender   | address   |

   | Operation=6 | S-MAC        | P-MAC address | protocol | broadcast |
   | (query)     | address      | counter-      | address  | protocol  |
   |             | sender       | station       | sender   | address   |

   | Operation=7 | P-MAC address | S-MAC address | protocol | protocol |
   | (hold)      | sender        | sender        | address  | address  |
   |             |               |               | sender   | receiver |

                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
       ______      |      _______          _______     |     ______
      |      |     | MTS |       |        |       |    |    |      |
      |  UA  |<----|---->|  MTA  |<------>|  MTA  |<---|--->|  UA  |
      |______|     |     |_______|        |_______|    |    |______|
                   |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

           |   Flag   | Address  | Control  | Protocol | Information
           | 01111110 | 11111111 | 00000011 | 16 bits  |      *
                      |   FCS    |   Flag   | Inter-frame Fill
                      | 16 bits  | 01111110 | or next Address

   +------+        +-----------+           +--------------+
   |      | UP     |           | OPENED    |              | SUCCESS/NONE
   | Dead |------->| Establish |---------->| Authenticate |--+
   |      |        |           |           |              |  |
   +------+        +-----------+           +--------------+  |
      ^          FAIL |                   FAIL |             |
      +<--------------+             +----------+             |
      |                             |                        |
      |            +-----------+    |           +---------+  |
      |       DOWN |           |    |   CLOSING |         |  |
      +------------| Terminate |<---+<----------| Network |<-+
                   |           |                |         |
                   +-----------+                +---------+

      | State
      |    0         1         2         3         4         5
Events| Initial   Starting  Closed    Stopped   Closing   Stopping
 Up   |    2     irc,scr/6     -         -         -         -
 Down |    -         -         0       tls/1       0         1
 Open |  tls/1       1     irc,scr/6     3r        5r        5r
 Close|    0         0         2         2         4         4
  TO+ |    -         -         -         -       str/4     str/5
  TO- |    -         -         -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3
 RCR+ |    -         -       sta/2 irc,scr,sca/8   4         5
 RCR- |    -         -       sta/2 irc,scr,scn/6   4         5
 RCA  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3       4         5
 RCN  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3       4         5
 RTR  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3     sta/4     sta/5
 RTA  |    -         -         2         3       tlf/2     tlf/3
 RUC  |    -         -       scj/2     scj/3     scj/4     scj/5
 RXJ+ |    -         -         2         3         4         5
 RXJ- |    -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3     tlf/2     tlf/3
 RXR  |    -         -         2         3         4         5

      | State
      |    6         7         8           9
Events| Req-Sent  Ack-Rcvd  Ack-Sent    Opened
 Up   |    -         -         -           -
 Down |    1         1         1         tld/1
 Open |    6         7         8           9r
 Close|irc,str/4 irc,str/4 irc,str/4 tld,irc,str/4
  TO+ |  scr/6     scr/6     scr/8         -
  TO- |  tlf/3p    tlf/3p    tlf/3p        -
 RCR+ |  sca/8   sca,tlu/9   sca/8   tld,scr,sca/8
 RCR- |  scn/6     scn/7     scn/6   tld,scr,scn/6
 RCA  |  irc/7     scr/6x  irc,tlu/9   tld,scr/6x
 RCN  |irc,scr/6   scr/6x  irc,scr/8   tld,scr/6x
 RTR  |  sta/6     sta/6     sta/6   tld,zrc,sta/5
 RTA  |    6         6         8       tld,scr/6
 RUC  |  scj/6     scj/7     scj/8   tld,scj,scr/6
 RXJ+ |    6         6         8           9
 RXJ- |  tlf/3     tlf/3     tlf/3   tld,irc,str/5
 RXR  |    6         7         8         ser/9

   +---------+   +-------+   +----+ Outbound
   |         |-->|  Mux  |-->| Tx |=========>
   | Link-   |   +-------+   +----+
   | Manager |
   |         |   +-------+   +----+ Inbound
   |         |<--| Demux |<--| Rx |<=========
   +---------+   +-------+   +----+

                       C1 -- \         _ -  \       /
                           \     /             C7
                       C2  +----+                                 +----+ - \|    |                                 |    |  |    |  _ - _  |    |
                           |    | /  \ |    |
                       C3 -|    |/              C4               \|    | -   | RA |                                 | RB |   |    |___ - ___|    |
                          /|    |    |    |
                       C6  |    |               C5                |    | -  |    |                                 |    |  |    |                                 |    |
                           +----+                                 +----+
                              \\                                     \\ (C4) || (C4) || (C5) || (C5) ||  (C7) || (RB)    || (RA)    ||                                     ||
                               VV                                     VV
                     +--------------- BACKBONE PEER  BB ---------------+

       0                           23                            47
       |                           |                             |
       1000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1010 xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
       |                                     |
       Multicast Bit                         0 = Internet Multicast
                                             1 = Assigned by IANA for
                                                 other uses

       0                           23                            47
       |                           |                             |
       0000 0001 0000 0000 0101 1110 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
               |                     |
               Multicast Bit         0 = Internet Multicast
                                     1 = Assigned by IANA for other uses

              \   upper| DoD IP |  PUP   | NS IP  |
         lower \       |        |        |        |
                       |  Type  |  Type  |  Type  |
         3Mb Ethernet  |  1001  |  1000  |  3000  |
                       |  octal |  octal |  octal |
                       |  Type  |  Type  |  Type  |
         10 Mb Ethernet|  0800  |  0200  |  0600  |
                       |   hex  |   hex  |   hex  |
                       |  Link  |  Link  |  Link  |
         MILNET        |  155   |  152   |  150   |
                       | decimal| decimal| decimal|

              \   upper| DoD IP |  PUP   | NS IP  |
         lower \       |        |        |        |
                       |        |Protocol|Protocol|
         DoD IP        |   X    |   12   |   22   |
                       |        | decimal| decimal|
                       |        |        |        |
         PUP           |   ?    |   X    |   ?    |
                       |        |        |        |
                       |  Type  |  Type  |        |
         NS IP         |   13   |   12   |   X    |
                       | decimal| decimal|        |

                0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
             |                 |                       |     |
             |   PRECEDENCE    |          TOS          | MBZ |
             |                 |                       |     |

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |  X  | XXX |  XX |  X  |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |  X  | XXX |  XX |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |  X  | XXX |

                         (MAU)   (MAU)
                           \ \   / /
                            \ \ / /
                        _____\ v /_____
                  (MAU) ______   ______ (MAU)
                             / ^ \
                            / / \ \
                           / /   \ \
                         (MAU)   (MAU)

   Legend:  ---+---+---+--  =  802 network, Ethernet or FDDI
                        ||  =  Paired HIPPI link
                         H  =  Host computer
                        PP  =  Outboard Protocol Processor
                         G  =  Gateway
                       ARP  =  ARP Agent

   +----------+-----------+---------------------+-----------   ------+
   |          |           |                     | IP . . .     0 - 7 |
   | HIPPI-FP | HIPPI-LE  | IEEE 802.2 LLC/SNAP |              octets|
   |(8 octets)|(24 octets)|     (8 octets)      | ARP . . .     fill |
   +----------+-----------+---------------------+-----------   ------+

   31              23              15               7              0
   |      (not used for ULA)       |ULA octet 0|L|G|  ULA octet 1  |
   |  ULA octet 2  |  ULA octet 3  |  ULA octet 4  |  ULA octet 5  |

                      |        32         |        64         |
           |    | W=0 |     Accept 32     |     Accept 32     |
           | 32 +-----+-------------------+-------------------+
           |    | W=1 |        N/A        |        N/A        |
   Source  +----+-----+-------------------+-------------------+
           |    | W=0 |     Accept 32     |     Accept 32     |
           | 64 +-----+-------------------+-------------------+
           |    | W=1 |      Reject       |     Accept 64     |

   +----------+                                        +----------+
   |          |                                        |          |
   |          +--------+                      +--------+          |
   |          | HIPPI  |        Cable         | HIPPI  |          |
   |          |        +--------------------->|        |          |
   |          | Source |                      | Dest.  |          |
   |  System  +--------+                      +--------+  System  |
   |    X     +--------+                      +--------+    Y     |
   |          | HIPPI  |        Cable         | HIPPI  |          |
   |          |        |<---------------------+        |          |
   |          | Dest.  |                      | Source |          |
   |          +--------+                      +--------+          |
   |          |                                        |          |
   +----------+                                        +----------+

                | Idle |        Connected        | Idle | . . .
                     /                           \
                    /                             \
                   /                               \
                  /                                 \
                 /                                   \
                +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
                |I-field| |Packet | |Packet | |Packet |
                +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
                         /         \
                        /           \
                       /             \
                      /               \
                     /                 \
                    /                   \
                   /                     \
                  +-----+ +-----+   +-----+
                  |Burst| |Burst|...|Burst|
                  +-----+ +-----+   +-----+

      REQUEST---+                                                +----
      CONNECT---------+                                            +--
      PACKET-------------+                                       +----

                       +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+
      READY------------+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +--

                         +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-----+
      BURST--------------+       +-+       +-+       +-+     +--------

      31    28  26    23                      11                     0
      |L|   |W|D|PS |C|    Source Address     |  Destination Address  |

      11                       5                     0
      |     Switch Number     |      Port Number      |

      31        26    23                      11                     0
      |0 0 0 0 0|x 1|C|        Unused         |  Destination Address  |

      31        26  24                15                     4 3     0
      |0 0 0 0 0|x 1|C|    Unused     |  Destination Address  | Link  |

          ________            ________
         |        |    h     |        |
         | CLOSED |--------->| LISTEN |
         |________|          |________|
              |                   |
              | a                 | i
          ____V____           ____V___                 ________
         |        |    b     |        |      e        |        |
         |        |--------->|        |-------------->|        |
         |________|          |________|               |________|
            /                    /   |                /       |
           /                    /    | c           d /        | c
          /                    /   __V_____          |    ____V___
         /                    /   |        | e       |   |        |
      d  |                d  /    |        |------------>|        |
         |                   |    |________|         |   |________|
         |                   |       |               |         |
         |                   |       |            ___V____     |
         |                   |       |           |        |    |
         |                   |       |           |        |    |
         |                   |       |           |________|    |
         |                   |       |                   |     |
     ____V___          ______V_      |     ________      |     |
    |        |    b   |        | e   |    |        |     |     |
    |        |------->|        |--------->|        |     |     |
    |________|        |________|     |    |________|     |     |
                              |      /          |        |     |
                            c |     / d       c |      c |   d |
                              |    /            |        |     |
                             _V___V__       ____V___     V_____V_
                            |        |  e  |        |   |        |
                            |        |---->|        |   |        |
                            |________|     |________|   |________|
                                 |              |           |
                                 | f            | f         | f
                             ____V___       ____V___     ___V____
                            |        |  e  | TIME-  | g |        |
                            |        |---->|   WAIT |-->| CLOSED |
                            |________|     |________|   |________|

          ________            ________
         |        |     h    |        |
         | CLOSED |--------->| LISTEN |
         |________|          |________|
              |                   |
              | a                 | i
          ____V____           ____V___                 ________
         | SYN-   |     b'   |  SYN-  |     e'        |        |
         |   SENT |--------->|RECEIVED|-------------->|   1    |
         |________|          |________|               |________|
            /                    /   |                  |     |
         d'/                  d'/    | c             d' |   c |
          /                    /   __V_____             |    _V______
         /                    /   |ESTAB-  | e          |   | CLOSE- |
         |                   /    |  LISHED|------------|-->|   WAIT |
         |                   |    |________|            |   |________|
         |                   |       |                  |      |
         |                   |       |             _____V__    |
         |                   |       |            |        |   |
         |                   |       |            |   2    |   |
         |                   |       |            |________|   |
         |                   |       |                   |     |
     ____V___          ______V_      |     ________      |     |
    |        |  b''   |        |e''' |    |        |     |     |
    |    3   |------->|    4   |--------->|    5   |     |     |
    |________|        |________|     |    |________|     |     |
                              |      /          |        |     |
                            c |     / d       c |      c |   d |
                              |    /            |        |     |
                             _V___V__       ____V___     V_____V_
                            | FIN-   | e'' |        |   | LAST-  |
                            |  WAIT-1|---->|CLOSING |   |   ACK  |
                            |________|     |________|   |________|
                                 |              |           |
                                 | f            | f         | f
                             ____V___       ____V___     ___V____
                            | FIN-   |  e  | TIME-  | g |        |
                            |  WAIT-2|---->|   WAIT |-->| CLOSED |
                            |________|     |________|   |________|

   ________                  ________
  |        |      h         |        |
  | CLOSED |--------------->| LISTEN |
  |________|                |________|
       |                     /     |
      a|                    / i    | j
       |                   /       |
       |                  /       _V______               ________
       |           j      |      |ESTAB-  |       e'    | CLOSE- |
       |        /---------|----->| LISHED*|------------>|   WAIT*|
       |       /          |      |________|             |________|
       |      /           |       |     |                 |    |
       |     /            |       |d'   | c            d' |    | c
   ____V___ /       ______V_      |    _V______           |   _V______
  | SYN-   |   b'  |  SYN-  | c   |   |ESTAB-  |  e       |  | CLOSE- |
  |   SENT |------>|RECEIVED|-----|-->|  LISHED|----------|->|   WAIT |
  |________|       |________|     |   |________|          |  |________|
       |               |          |     |                 |       |
       |               |          |     |              ___V____   |
       |               |          |     |             | LAST-  |  |
       | d'            | d'       | d'  | d           |  ACK*  |  |
       |               |          |     |             |________|  |
       |               |          |     |                    |    |
       |               |    ______V_    |        ________    |c   |d
       |          k    |   |  FIN-  |   |  e''' |        |   |    |
       |        /------|-->| WAIT-1*|---|------>|CLOSING*|   |    |
       |       /       |   |________|   |       |________|   |    |
       |      /        |          |     |            |       |    |
       |     /         |          | c   |            | c     |    |
   ____V___ /      ____V___       V_____V_       ____V___    V____V__
  | SYN-   |  b'' |  SYN-  |  c  |  FIN-  | e'' |        |  | LAST-  |
  |  SENT* |----->|RECEIVD*|---->| WAIT-1 |---->|CLOSING |  |   ACK  |
  |________|      |________|     |________|     |________|  |________|
                                     |               |           |
                                     | f             | f         | f
                                  ___V____       ____V___     ___V____
                                 |  FIN-  | e   |TIME-   | g |        |
                                 | WAIT-2 |---->|   WAIT |-->| CLOSED |
                                 |________|     |________|   |________|

 |         domain          |   type |   record |   value           |
 |            -            |        |          |                   |
 |*.27.32.192.in-addr.arpa |   IP   |    TXT   |   RX, 10,|

                           /  |  \
                          /   |   \
                       C=GB  C=FR  C=US
                      /       |        \
                     /        |         \
                          /    |   \
                         /     |    \
                        /      |     \
                   l=abc    ou=def    l=fgi

   +----------+            +---------+            |                 |
   |your-host |---UUCP-----|forwarder|----IP/TCP--|    INTERNET     |
   +----------+            +---------+            |                 |
   "Forwarder" must be an IP host on the Internet.

      -----   -----   -----           -----   -----   -----
      |IR1|   |IR2|   |IR3|           |XR1|   |XR2|   |XR3|
      --+--   --+--   --+--           --+--   --+--   --+--
        |       |       |               |       |       |

                 MAC Header        |                           FDDI MAC

      | DSAP=K1| SSAP=K1| Control|                            802.2 LLC

      |Protocol Id or Org Code =K2|    EtherType    |        802.2 SNAP

PathLength ==> 00               01                   10            11
  ||     +--------------------------------------------------------------
  vv     |
  =  NO  |    <EGP>            <EGP>             never export   reserved
         |  <local_AS>  <local_AS,next_hop_AS>
  = YES  |    <IGP>            <IGP>             out of band    reserved
         |  <local_AS>  <local_AS,next_hop_AS>

                      !       Network         !
                         /                 \
                        /                   \
                       /                     \
              --------+------             ----+---------
              !     New     !             !    Old     !
              !  Collection !             ! Collection !
              !     Tool    !             !    Tool    !
              !---------+---!             !------+-----!
                         \                       !
                          \              !-------+--------!
                           \             ! Post-Processor !
                            \            !--+-------------!
                             \             /
                              \           /
                               \         /
                             !    Common    !
                             !  Statistics  !
                             !   Database   !
                              /          \
                             /            \
                            /              \
                           /              !-+-------------!
                          /               ! Pre-Processor !
                         /                !-------+-------!
            !-----------+--!                      !
            !     New      !              !-------+-------!
            ! Presentation !              !     Old       !
            !     Tool     !              ! Presentation  !
            !---------+----!              !     Tool      !
                       \                  !--+------------!
                        \                   /
                         \                 /
                        ! Graphical Output  !
                        ! (e.g., to paper   !
                        ! or X-window)      !

     |     |     |
     |     |     |               +---------------------+
     |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
     |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
     |h    |     |               |                     |
     |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
     |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
     |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
     |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
     |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
     |     |     |               |                     |
     |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
     |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
     |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
     |     |     |
     |     +-----+

    |     |     |
    |     |     |               +---------------------+
    |E    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#A | ds3 C-bit Parity
    |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
    |h    |     |               |                     |
    |e    |  O  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#B | ds3 C-bit Parity
    |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
    |n    |  U  |               |                     |
    |e    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#C | ds3 C-bit Parity
    |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
    |     |     |               |                     |
    |-----|  E  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#D | ds3 C-bit Parity
    |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
    |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
    |     |     |
    |     +-----+

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

    --------             Bridge           Bridge
    +------+             +----+           +----+             +------+
    | End  | +---------+ |    +-----/     |    | +---------+ | End  |
    |System+-+   LAN   +-+    |    /------+    +-+   LAN   +-+System|
    |      | +---------+ |    |  TCP/IP   |    | +---------+ |      |
    +------+             +----+           +----+             +------+

    Data Link Switching
    +------+             +----+           +----+             +------+
    | End  | +---------+ |    +-----/     |    | +---------+ | End  |
    |System+-+   LAN   +-+DLS |    /------+ DLS+-+   LAN   +-+System|
    |      | +---------+ |    |  TCP/IP   |    | +---------+ |      |
    +------+             +----+           +----+             +------+
   Info------------------->   -------------> Info
       <-------------------RR                 ---------------->

    |               DLC Interfaces                  | Protocol (SSP)
    |+------------+   DLC Request    +------------+ |
    ||    Data    |<---------------- |            | |Send SSP Frame
    ||    Link    | DLC Indication   |            | |-------------->
    ||  Control 1 |----------------->|            | |
    |+------------+                  | Data Link  | |
    |+------------+   DLC Request    |  Switch    | |
    ||    Data    |<---------------- |            | |Rec. SSP Frame
    ||    Link    | DLC Indication   |            | |<-------------
    ||  Control 2 | ---------------->|            | |
    |+------------+                  +------------+ |
    |                   Multi-Protocol Router       |

     CONTROL MESSAGES (72 Bytes)
    | Version Number                  Reserved Field                  |
    | Message Length               ---->           .                  |
    | Remote Data Link Correlator  ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Remote DLC Port ID           ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Reserved Field               ---->           .                  |
    | Message Type                    Reserved Field                  |
    | Protocol ID                     Header Number                   |
    | Header Length                ---->           .                  |
    | Reserved Field               ---->           .                  |
    | Reserved Field                  Message Type                    |
    | Target MAC Address           ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Origin MAC Address           ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Origin Link SAP                 Target Link SAP                 |
    | Frame Direction                 Reserved Field                  |
    | Message Length               ---->           .                  |
    | DLC Header Length            ---->           .                  |
    | Origin DLC Port ID           ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Origin Data Link Correlator  ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Origin Transport ID          ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Target DLC Port ID           ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Target Data Link Correlator  ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Target Transport ID          ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Reserved Field               ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
             (Even Byte)                      (Odd Byte)

    | Version                         Reserved Field                  |
    | Message Length               ---->           .                  |
    | Remote Data Link Correlator  ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Remote DLC Port ID           ---->           .                  |
    |            .                                 .                  |
    | Reserved Field               ---->           .                  |
    | Message Type                    Reserved Field                  |
             (Even Byte)                      (Odd Byte)

     DATA LINK ID   (14 Bytes)
    |Target MAC Address           ---->         .                     |
    |           .                               .                     |
    |           .                               .                     |
    |Origin MAC Address           ---->         .                     |
    |           .                               .                     |
    |           .                               .                     |
    |Origin Link SAP                   Target Link SAP                |

     CIRCUIT ID   (8 Bytes)
    |DLC Port ID                  ---->         .                     |
    |           .                               .                     |
    |Data Link Correlator         ---->         .                     |
    |           .                               .                     |

       DISC              TCP Connection Failure               DISC
    <--------     <------------------------------------>    --------->
        UA                                                     UA
    -------->                                               <--------
          +-----------+                             +-----------+
          |Disconnectd|                             |Disconnectd|
          +-----------+                             +-----------+

               DLC_RESOLVE_C+----+        +----DLC_ERROR---+
                            |    |       \|/               |
  +------------+            +>+--+---------+  CANUREACH  +-+----------+
  | Disconnect +--DL_HALTED-->|Disconnected|------------>|  Resolve   |
  |   Pending  |<+   +------->|            |<-------+    |  Pending   |
  +---------+--+ |   |        +-----+------+        |    +-----+------+
   /|\      | HALT_DL|         /|\  |/|\/|\         |          |
DLC_ERROR   +----+   |     +----+   | |  +------+   |    DLC_DL_STARTED
    |                |     |        |HALT_DL(ts)|   +------+   |
                     |     | ICANREACH|         |   HALT_DL(ts)|
       +--HALT_DL(ts)+     |        | |         |          |   |
       |               HALT_DL(ts)  | |     HALT_DL(ts)    |   |
       |                   |        | |         |          |   |
       |   +-RESTART_DL(ts)+----+   | |         |          |   |
       |   |               |   \|/ \|/|         |          |  \|/
  +----+---+---+           |  +-------+----+    |        +-+----------+
  |  Contact   |<-CONTACT--+--+   Circuit  |<-REACH_ACK--+   Circuit  |
  |  Pending   |           |  | Established| (DLC not    |   Pending  |
  +-----+------+           |  +----------+-+   contacted)+-+------+---+
        |   /|\            |   /|\ /|\   |      |          |      |
        |    |          +--+----+   |    |      |          |      |
        |    +-CONTACT--+--+--------+----+------+----------+  REACH_ACK
        |               |  |RESTART_DL(ts)      |       (DLC contacted)
    DLC_CONTACTED       |  +------+ |    |      +--------------+  |
        |               |         | |    | DLC_CONTACTED       |  |
        +---------------+-------+ | |    +-----------------+   |  |
        +-----DL_RESTARTED      | | |                      |   |  |
        |  (DLC not contacted) \|/| |                     \|/  | \|/
  +-----+------+              +---+-+------+  CONTACTED  +-----+------+
  |   Circuit  |<-DLC_RESET---+  Connected |<------------+   Connect  |
  |   Restart  |              |            |             |   Pending  |
  +----------+-+              +------------+             +-----+------+
       /|\   |                  DL_RESTARTED              /|\  |
        |    +----------------(DLC contacted)--------------+   |
        |                                                      |

                      To summarize the effect of having a conceptual row
                      with a status column having a SYNTAX clause value
                      of RowStatus, consider the following state

                 |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
                 |              |status col.|status column|
                 |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
       ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
   set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
   column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
   createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
                 |         Value|           |             |
   set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
   column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
   createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
   set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
   column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
   active        |              |           |             |
                 |              |     or    |             |
                 |              |           |             |
                 |              |see 2   ->D|          ->D|          ->D
   set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
   column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
   notInService  |              |           |             |
                 |              |     or    |             |      or
                 |              |           |             |
                 |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|wrongValue
   set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError
   column to     |              |           |             |
   destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|          ->A
   set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |noError
   column to some|              |           |             |
   value         |           ->A|      see 1|          ->C|          ->D

      +--------------+ +--------+ +-----+ +------------+
      |Teleconference| |  File  | |Email| |   Domain   |
      |   (CCP)      | |Transfer| |     | |Name Service|
      +----+-------+-+ +-----+--+ +-+---+ +-----+------+
           |       |         |__  __|           |
           |       |            ||              |
     +-----+--+ +--+-----+    +-++-+       +----+---+
     |Network | | Packet |    | T  |       |    U   |
     | Voice  | | Video  |    | C  |       |    D   |
     |Protocol| |Protocol|    | P  |       |    P   |
     +---+----+ +--+-----+    +-+--+       +--+-----+
         |__     __|            |__         __|
            |   |                  |       |
          +-+---+--+             +-+-------+-+
          | Stream |             |     I     |
          |Protocol|             |     P     |
          +---+----+             +---+-------+
              |                      |

             |          media       |
             |       application    |
             |        |RTCP| |      |
             |        +----+ |   T  |
             |         RTP   |   C  |
             +-----+-----+   |   P  |
             |ST-II| UDP |   |      |
             +     +-----+---+------|
             |     |       IP       |
             |    Data Link Layer   |

     +--------------+  +--------+ +-----+ +------------++-----------+
     |Teleconference|  |  File  | |Email| |   Domain   ||   media   |
     |              |  |Transfer| |     | |Name Service||application|
     +------+-------+  +----+---+ +--+--+ +-----+------++-----+-----+
            |               |        |          |             |
                             |Unified Protocol|
                             |Data Link Layer |

               Table 1.  VISCII 8-bit Encoding Table (v1.1)
|    | 0x  1x  2x  3x  4x  5x  6x  7x | 8x  9x  Ax  Bx  Cx  Dx  Ex  Fx  |
| x0 | nul dle sp  0   @   P   `   p  | A.  O^` O~  o^` A`  DD  a`  dd  |
| x1 | soh dc1 !   1   A   Q   a   q  | A(' O^? a(' o^? A'  u+' a'  u+. |
| x2 | A(? dc2 "   2   B   R   b   r  | A(` O^~ a(` o^~ A^  O`  a^  o`  |
| x3 | etx dc3 #   3   C   S   c   s  | A(. O^. a(. O+~ A~  O'  a~  o'  |
| x4 | eot Y?  $   4   D   T   d   t  | A^' O+. a^' O+  A?  O^  a?  o^  |
| x5 | A(~ nak %   5   E   U   e   u  | A^` O+' a^` o^. A(  a.  a(  o~  |
| x6 | A^~ syn &   6   F   V   f   v  | A^? O+` a^? o+` a(? y?  u+~ o?  |
| x7 | bel etb '   7   G   W   g   w  | A^. O+? a^. o+? a(~ u+` a^~ o.  |
| x8 | bs  can (   8   H   X   h   x  | E~  I.  e~  i.  E`  u+? e`  u.  |
| x9 | ht  Y~  )   9   I   Y   i   y  | E.  O?  e.  U+. E'  U`  e'  u`  |
| xA | lf  sub *   :   J   Z   j   z  | E^' O.  e^' U+' E^  U'  e^  u'  |
| xB | vt  esc +   ;   K   [   k   {  | E^` I?  e^` U+` E?  y~  e?  u~  |
| xC | ff  fs  ,   <   L   \   l   |  | E^? U?  e^? U+? I`  y.  i`  u?  |
| xD | cr  gs  -   =   M   ]   m   }  | E^~ U~  e^~ o+  I'  Y'  i'  y'  |
| xE | so  Y.  .   >   N   ^   n   ~  | E^. U.  e^. o+' I~  o+~ i~  o+. |
| xF | si  us  /   ?   O   _   o   DEL| O^' Y`  o^' U+  y`  u+  i?  U+~ |

             Table 2.  VIQR Mnemonics for Vietnamese Diacritics
          | Diacritic   | Char |  ASCII Code        | D<a^'>u   |
          | breve       |  (   |  0x28, left paren  | tr<a(>ng  |
          | circumflex  |  ^   |  0x5E, caret       | m<u~>     |
          | horn        |  +   |  0x2B, plus sign   | m<o'>c    |
          | acute       |  '   |  0x27, apostrophe  | s<a('>c   |
          | grave       |  `   |  0x60, backquote   | huy<e^`>n |
          | hook above  |  ?   |  0x3F, question    | h<o?>i    |
          | tilde       |  ~   |  0x7E, tilde       | ng<a~>    |
          | dot below   |  .   |  0x2E, period      | n<a(.>ng  |
          | d bar       |  dd  |  (repeated d)      | <dd>      |
          | D bar       |  DD  |  (repeated D)      | <DD>      |

                           [ Server 15 ]  [ Server 13 ] [ Server 14]
                                 /                \         /
                                /                  \       /
        [ Server 11 ] ------ [ Server 1 ]       [ Server 12]
                              /        \          /
                             /          \        /
                  [ Server 2 ]          [ Server 3 ]
                    /       \                      \
                   /         \                      \
           [ Server 4 ]    [ Server 5 ]         [ Server 6 ]
            /    |    \                           /
           /     |     \                         /
          /      |      \____                   /
         /       |           \                 /
 [ Server 7 ] [ Server 8 ] [ Server 9 ]   [ Server 10 ]

      Community: REMOTEmail
      Domain: * P=REMOTE; A=ARCOM; C=CH;
          _               __________________________
           )  +-------+  (                          )
           )--+ MTA-B +--( P=REMOTE; A=ARCOM; C=CH; )
           )  +-------+  (__________________________)
           )            /
           )  +-------+/
           )--+ MTA-C |
          _)  +-------+

          _               __________________________
           )  +-------+  (                          )
           )--+ MTA-B +--( P=REMOTE; A=ARCOM; C=CH; )
           )  +-------+  (__________________________)
           )           \/
           )           /\ _____________________________________
           )  +-------+  (                                     )
           )--+ MTA-C |--( O=Big-Org; P=REMOTE; A=ARCOM; C=CH; )
          _)  +-------+  (_____________________________________)

          |   |   |   |   |   |   |U/L|I/G|       octet 0
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       octet 1
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |FAI|       octet 2
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       octet 3
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       octet 4
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       octet 5

    |      Admin Domain     |        Network        |     Host      |

    |      Admin Domain     |        Network        |     Host      |
     [  fixed at A0 00 00  ] [ 1st 24 bits of V4 IP]   [1]   [last 8]

           [incoming routes]
           [proximity filtering/aggregation]       [static routes]
                   |                                  |
                   v                                  v
           [route database]  --->  [selected active routes]
                   ^                       |
                   |                       v
           [RIP, etc. routes]      [output filtering]
                                   [routes advertised]

   For each requested service:
   |            RQS TYP            |            RQS LEN            |
   |                            RQS SRV                            |

                            |  US   |
              |        |        |       |        |
           +-----+  +-----+  +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
           | FED |  | DNI |  | TX  |  | SD  |  | CA  |
           +-----+  +-----+  +-----+  +-----+  +-----+

   Your host is not an IP host but does talk directly with a host that
   is an IP host.
   +----------+            +---------+            |                 |
   |your-host |---UUCP-----|forwarder|----IP/TCP--|    INTERNET     |
   +----------+            +---------+            |                 |
   "Forwarder" must be an IP host on the Internet.

               | DSAP | SSAP | Ctrl |

               |         OUI        |     PID     |

               Payload Format for Routed PDUs
               |             .                 |
               |         Carried PDU           |
               |    (up to 2^16 - 1 octets)    |
               |             .                 |
               |             .                 |

                Payload Format for BPDUs
               |                               |
               |      BPDU as defined by       |
               |     802.1(d) or 802.1(g)      |
               |                               |

        |---   octet one     ---|---   octet two  ---|
        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7

        | Organizationally Unique                    |
        +--                     +--------------------+
        | Identifier            | Protocol           |
        | Identifier            |

            | Organizationally Unique                    |
            +--                     +--------------------+
            | Identifier            | Protocol           |
            | Identifier            |

                8   7   6   5   4   3    2   1
              |  DLCI (high order)     |c/r|ea|
              | DLCI (lower) |FECN|BECN|DE |EA|

                  |               Q.922 Address                 |
                  | Control     (0x03)   | NLPID  - 0x81 (CLNP) |
                  | remainder of CLNP packet                    |
                  |                   .                         |
                  |                   .                         |

                              Q.922 control
              |                                          |
             UI                                       I Frame
              |                                          |
        ---------------------------------         --------------
        | 0x08    | 0x81      |0xCC     | 0x80    |..01....    |..10....
        |         |           |         |         |            |
       Q.933     CLNP        IP        SNAP     ISO 8208    ISO 8208
        |                               |       Modulo 8    Modulo 128
        |                               |
        --------------------           OUI
        |                  |            |
       L2 ID              L3 ID      -------
        |               User         |     |
        |               specified    |     |
        |               0x70        802.3 802.6
        |0x51 |0x4E |     |0x4C
        |     |     |     |
       7776  Q.922 Others 802.2

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

    |                user        user   Message Handling Environment|
    |                 |            |                                |
    |     ----------------------------------------------------------|
    |     |           |            |    Message Handling System    ||
    |     |         ----          ----                             ||
    |     |         |UA|          |UA|                             ||
    |     |         ----          ----                             ||
    |     |           |             |                              ||
    |     |       -------------------------------------------------||
    |     |       |   |             |   Message Transfer System   |||
    |     | ----  |  -----         -----                          |||
    |user-|-|UA|--|--|MTA|         |MTA|                          |||
    |     | ----  |  -----         -----                          |||
    |     |       |    \             /                            |||
    |     |       |     \           /                             |||
    |     |       |      \         /                              |||
    |     |       |       \       /                               |||
    |     |       |        \     /                                |||
    |     | ----  |         -----                                 |||
    |user-|-|UA|--|---------|MTA|                                 |||
    |     | ----  |         -----                                 |||
    |     |       -------------------------------------------------||
    |     ----------------------------------------------------------|
                    Fig. 1.1. X.400 functional model

                   -----                          -----
       UA layer    |UAE|<----- P2, Pc ----------->|UAE|
                   -----                          -----
                   ------          ------         -----
       MTA layer   |MTAE|<-- P1 -->|MTAE|<-- P3-->|SDE|
                   ------          ------         -----
             xxxE = xxx Entity ;   SDE = Submission & Delivery Entity
                           Fig. 1.2. X.400 Protocols

    Message                                                 IP-message
    -                     ----------      --- ----------    -
    |  message-           |envelope|     /    | PDI    |    |
    |  content   IPM      ----------    /     ----------    |
    |  -         -        ----------   /      ----------    |
    |  |         |  IPM-  |heading |  /       |heading |    |
    |  |         |  body  ---------- /        ----------    |
    |  |         |  -     ----------/         ----------    |
    |  |         |  |     |bodypart|          |bodypart|    |
    |  |         |  |     ----------\         ----------    |
    |  |         |  |     ---------- \        ----------    |
    |  |         |  |     |bodypart|  \       |bodypart|    |
    |  |         |  |     ----------   \      ----------    |
    |  |         |  |          .        \                   |
    |  |         |  |          .         \                  |
    |  |         |  |     ----------      \   ----------    |
    |  |         |  |     |bodypart|       \  |bodypart|    |
    -  -         -  -     ----------        - ----------    -
                                      (PDI = Previous Delivery Info.)
                    Fig. 1.3. X.400 message structure

          address information of the gateway performing the mapping
        RFC 822 address <--->| address mapping | <---> X.400 address

            |       ------------         ---------
            |       |X: RFC 822|<------->|gateway|
            |       ------------         ---------
            | A           |                  ^
            \             |                  |
                          |                  |
            /             |                  |
            | B           |                  v
            |             |              -----------
            |             |              |Z: X.400 |
            |             |              -----------
            |             |                  .
            |             |                  .
            |             |                  .
            |             |                  .
            |             |                  .
            |             v                  v
            |        ------------         ---------
            |        |Y: RFC 822|<........|gateway|
            |        ------------         ---------

          address information of the gateway performing the mapping
        RFC 822 address <--->| address mapping | <---> X.400 address
                    domain associations (mapping rules)

              |  sdom3
              |    | sdom2
              |    |   |  sdom1
              |    |   |   |  top-level-domain
              |    |   |   |   |
           plork@         tlec.nl

              |  sdom3
              |    | sdom2
              |    |   |  sdom1
              |    |   |   |  top-level-domain
              |    |   |   |   |

      MSB                                                        LSB
      | Calling Error | Routine Error  |    Supplementary Info     |
   Bit 31           24 23            16 15                        0

         |confounder |   check  |   msg-seq   | pad |

                        (MAU)   (MAU)
                          \ \   / /
                           \ \ / /
                       _____\ v /_____
                 (MAU) ______   ______ (MAU)
                            / ^ \
                           / / \ \
                          / /   \ \
                        (MAU)   (MAU)

                       C1 -- \         _ -  \       /
                           \     /             C7
                       C2  +----+                                 +----+ - \|    |                                 |    |  |    |  _ - _  |    |
                           |    | /  \ |    |
                       C3 -|    |/              C4               \|    | -   | RA |                                 | RB |   |    |___ - ___|    |
                          /|    |    |    |
                       C6  |    |               C5                |    | -  |    |                                 |    |  |    |                                 |    |
                           +----+                                 +----+
                              \\                                     \\ (C4) || (C4) ||  (C7) || (C5) || (RA)    || (RB)    ||
                               ||                                     ||
                               VV                                     VV
                     +--------------- BACKBONE PEER  BB ---------------+


        octets |_1__|___2____|_1__|_3_|__2__|_2__|_2___|_6_|_1__|

                    Figure 2 (a): GOSIP Version 2 NSAP structure.
        octets |_1__|___2___|_1__|__3__|_2___|_2_|__2__|_6__|_1__|

      Octet 1     Octet 2     Octet 3 ...     Octet LLL-1  Octet LLLL
   +-----------+-----------+-----------+- ...-+-----------+-----------+
   | xxxx TTGM | xxxx xxxx | xxxx xxxx |      | xxxx xxxx | xxxx xxxx |
   +-----------+-----------+-----------+- ...-+-----------+-----------+

   Octet 1     Octet 2     Octet 3     Octet 4     Octet 5   Octet 6

|------------vendor code -----------|--------station code---------------|

   Octet 1     Octet 2     Octet 3     Octet 4     Octet 5   Octet 6
| 0000 0001 | 1010 1010 | aaaa aaaa | bbbb bbbb | cccc cccc | dddd dddd |

|-len&Type--|--reserved-|---------IP address----------------------------|

   Octet 1     Octet 2     Octet 3     Octet 4     Octet 5   Octet 6
| 0000 0001 | 1010 1010 | 1000 0000 | 0110 0000 | 0101 1010 | 0011 0111 |

|-len&Type--|--reserved-|---------IP address----------------------------|

        octets |_1__|___2___|_1__|__3__|_2_|__2__|_8__|_1__|

        octets |_1__|___2____|_1__|_3_|_2__|_2___|_8_|_1__|

                  v               v               v
                  |               |               |
                  |     Begins initialization     |
                  |               |               |
                  | _____________/|\_____________ |
                  |/ DHCPDISCOVER | DHCPDISCOVER \|
                  |               |               |
              Determines          |          Determines
             configuration        |         configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |\              |  ____________/|
                  | \_________    | /DHCPOFFER    |
                  |  DHCPOFFER\   |/              |
                  |            \  |               |
                  |       Collects replies        |
                  |              \|               |
                  |     Selects configuration     |
                  |               |               |
                  | _____________/|\_____________ |
                  |/ DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST \|
                  |               |               |
                  |               |     Commits configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |               | _____________/|
                  |               |/ DHCPACK      |
                  |               |               |
                  |    Initialization complete    |
                  |               |               |
                  .               .               .
                  .               .               .
                  |               |               |
                  |      Graceful shutdown        |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |\_____________ |
                  |               |  DHCPRELEASE \|
                  |               |               |
                  |               |        Discards lease
                  |               |               |
                  v               v               v

                  v               v               v
                  |               |               |
                  |             Begins            |
                  |         initialization        |
                  |               |               |
                  |              /|\              |
                  |  ___________/ | \___________  |
                  | /DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
                  |/              |              \|
                  |               |               |
               Locates            |            Locates
            configuration         |         configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |\              |              /|
                  | \             |  ___________/ |
                  |  \            | /  DHCPACK    |
                  |   \_______    |/              |
                  |    DHCPACK\   |               |
                  |         Initialization        |
                  |            complete           |
                  |              \|               |
                  |               |               |
                  |          (Subsequent          |
                  |            DHCPACKS           |
                  |            ignored)           |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  v               v               v

 --------                               -------
|        | +-------------------------->|       |<-------------------+
| INIT/  | |     +-------------------->| INIT  |                    |
| REBOOT |DHCPNAK/         +---------->|       |<---+               |
|        |Restart|         |            -------     |               |
 --------  |  DHCPNAK/     |               |                        |
    |      Discard offer   |      -/Send DHCPDISCOVER               |
-/Send DHCPREQUEST         |               |                        |
    |      |     |      DHCPACK            v        |               |
 -----------     |   (not accept.)/   -----------   |               |
|           |    |  Send DHCPDECLINE |           |  |               |
| REBOOTING |    |         |         | SELECTING |  |               |
|           |    |        /          |           |  |               |
 -----------     |       /            -----------   |               |
    |            |      /                  |        |               |
DHCPACK/         |     /  +----------------+        |               |
Record lease,    |    |   v                         |               |
set timers      ------------                        |               |
    |   +----->|            |             DHCPNAK, Lease expired/   |
    |   |      | REQUESTING |                  Halt network         |
    DHCPOFFER/ |            |                       |               |
    Discard     ------------                        |               |
    |   |        |        |                   -----------           |
    |   +--------+     DHCPACK/              |           |          |
    |              Record lease, set    -----| REBINDING |          |
    |                timers T1, T2     /     |           |          |
    |                     |        DHCPACK/   -----------           |
    |                     v     Record lease, set   ^               |
    +----------------> -------      /Timers T1,T2   |               |
               +----->|       |<---+                |               |
               |      | BOUND |<---+                |               |
  DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK, |       |    |            T2 expires/   DHCPNAK/
   DHCPNAK/Discard     -------     |             Broadcast  Halt network
               |       | |         |            DHCPREQUEST         |
               +-------+ |        DHCPACK/          |               |
                    T1 expires/   Record lease, set |               |
                 Send DHCPREQUEST timers T1, T2     |               |
                 to leasing server |                |               |
                         |   ----------             |               |
                         |  |          |------------+               |
                         +->| RENEWING |                            |
                            |          |----------------------------+

    Code   Len         Address 1                  Mask 1
   |  21 |  n  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  m1 |  m2 |  m3 |  m4 |
           Address 2                  Mask 2
   |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  m1 |  m2 |  m3 |  m4 | ...

    Code   Len         Destination 1           Router 1
   |  33 |  n  |  d1 |  d2 |  d3 |  d4 |  r1 |  r2 |  r3 |  r4 |
           Destination 2           Router 2
   |  d1 |  d2 |  d3 |  d4 |  r1 |  r2 |  r3 |  r4 | ...

    Code   Len   Data item        Code   Len   Data item       Code
   |  T1 |  n  |  d1 |  d2 | ... |  T2 |  n  |  D1 |  D2 | ... | ... |

    Code   Len           Address 1              Address 2
   |  44 |  n  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  b1 |  b2 |  b3 |  b4 | ...

    Code   Len           Address 1              Address 2
   |  45 |  n  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  b1 |  b2 |  b3 |  b4 | ...

     Logical Null XID ------------------------->
                       <------------------------ XID Request
     Logical SNA XID -------------------------->
                       <------------------------ TCP SYN
     TCP SYN ACK ----------------------------->
                       <------------------------ TCP ACK

     Logical Null XID ------------------------->
      (UDP Datagram)
     Logical Null XID ------------------------->
      (UDP Datagram)
                       <------------------------ XID Request
                                                  (UDP Datagram)
     Logical SNA XID -------------------------->
       (UDP Datagram)
                       <------------------------ TCP SYN
                                                  (TCP Message)
     TCP SYN ACK ----------------------------->
       (TCP Message)
                       <------------------------ TCP SYN
                                                  (TCP Message)

                       <------------------------ SNA ACTPU
                                                  (TCP Message)
       SNA ACTPU Response --------------------->
        (TCP Message)
                       <------------------------ SNA ACTLU
                                                  (TCP Message)
       SNA ACTLU Response --------------------->
        (TCP Message)
                       <------------------------ TCP FIN
                                                  (TCP Message)
       TCP FIN ACK     ------------------------>
        (TCP Message)
                       <------------------------ TCP ACK
                                                  (TCP Message)

                             Transition State
   Given State | No Conn | Null XID Sent | SNA XID Sent | Conn Estb
   No          |         | Internal Act. |              |
   Connection  |         | Stimulus      |              |
               |         | ---> Sends    |              |
               |         |  1st Null XID |              |
   Null XID    |         |  Internal     | XID Request  |
   Sent        |         | Timer Event   | Received     |
               |         | ----> Resend  | ----> Sends  |
               |         | Null XID      | SNA XID      |
   SNA XID     |         | Internal      | SNA XID      | Indication
   Sent        |         | Timer Event   | Received     | that TCP
               |         | ----> Resend  | ----> Send   | connection
               |         | Null XID      | SNA XID      | is estb.
               |         |               |              |
   Connection  | Indica- |               |              | SNA
   Established | tion    |               |              | Session
               | that    |               |              | Data
               | TCP conn|               |              |
               | term.   |               |              |

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

                  v               v               v
                  |               |               |
                  |     Begins initialization     |
                  |               |               |
                  | _____________/|\_____________ |
                  |/ DHCPDISCOVER | DHCPDISCOVER \|
                  |               |               |
              Determines          |          Determines
             configuration        |         configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |\              |  ____________/|
                  | \_________    | /DHCPOFFER    |
                  |  DHCPOFFER\   |/              |
                  |            \  |               |
                  |       Collects replies        |
                  |              \|               |
                  |     Selects configuration     |
                  |               |               |
                  | _____________/|\_____________ |
                  |/ DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST \|
                  |               |               |
                  |               |     Commits configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |               | _____________/|
                  |               |/ DHCPACK      |
                  |               |               |
                  |    Initialization complete    |
                  |               |               |
                  .               .               .
                  .               .               .
                  |               |               |
                  |      Graceful shutdown        |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |\_____________ |
                  |               |  DHCPRELEASE \|
                  |               |               |
                  |               |        Discards lease
                  |               |               |
                  v               v               v

                  v               v               v
                  |               |               |
                  |             Begins            |
                  |         initialization        |
                  |               |               |
                  |              /|\              |
                  |  ___________/ | \___________  |
                  | /DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
                  |/              |              \|
                  |               |               |
               Locates            |            Locates
            configuration         |         configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |\              |              /|
                  | \             |  ___________/ |
                  |  \            | /  DHCPACK    |
                  |   \_______    |/              |
                  |    DHCPACK\   |               |
                  |         Initialization        |
                  |            complete           |
                  |              \|               |
                  |               |               |
                  |          (Subsequent          |
                  |            DHCPACKS           |
                  |            ignored)           |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |               |
                  v               v               v

 --------                               -------
|        | +-------------------------->|       |<-------------------+
| INIT/  | |     +-------------------->| INIT  |                    |
| REBOOT |DHCPNAK/         +---------->|       |<---+               |
|        |Restart|         |            -------     |               |
 --------  |  DHCPNAK/     |               |                        |
    |      Discard offer   |      -/Send DHCPDISCOVER               |
-/Send DHCPREQUEST         |               |                        |
    |      |     |      DHCPACK            v        |               |
 -----------     |   (not accept.)/   -----------   |               |
|           |    |  Send DHCPDECLINE |           |  |               |
| REBOOTING |    |         |         | SELECTING |  |               |
|           |    |        /          |           |  |               |
 -----------     |       /            -----------   |               |
    |            |      /                  |        |               |
DHCPACK/         |     /  +----------------+        |               |
Record lease,    |    |   v                         |               |
set timers      ------------                        |               |
    |   +----->|            |             DHCPNAK, Lease expired/   |
    |   |      | REQUESTING |                  Halt network         |
    DHCPOFFER/ |            |                       |               |
    Discard     ------------                        |               |
    |   |        |        |                   -----------           |
    |   +--------+     DHCPACK/              |           |          |
    |              Record lease, set    -----| REBINDING |          |
    |                timers T1, T2     /     |           |          |
    |                     |        DHCPACK/   -----------           |
    |                     v     Record lease, set   ^               |
    +----------------> -------      /Timers T1,T2   |               |
               +----->|       |<---+                |               |
               |      | BOUND |<---+                |               |
  DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK, |       |    |            T2 expires/   DHCPNAK/
   DHCPNAK/Discard     -------     |             Broadcast  Halt network
               |       | |         |            DHCPREQUEST         |
               +-------+ |        DHCPACK/          |               |
                    T1 expires/   Record lease, set |               |
                 Send DHCPREQUEST timers T1, T2     |               |
                 to leasing server |                |               |
                         |   ----------             |               |
                         |  |          |------------+               |
                         +->| RENEWING |                            |
                            |          |----------------------------+

   +------+        +-----------+           +--------------+
   |      | UP     |           | OPENED    |              | SUCCESS/NONE
   | Dead |------->| Establish |---------->| Authenticate |--+
   |      |        |           |           |              |  |
   +------+        +-----------+           +--------------+  |
      ^          FAIL |                   FAIL |             |
      +<--------------+             +----------+             |
      |                             |                        |
      |            +-----------+    |           +---------+  |
      |       DOWN |           |    |   CLOSING |         |  |
      +------------| Terminate |<---+<----------| Network |<-+
                   |           |                |         |
                   +-----------+                +---------+

         | State
         |    0         1         2         3         4         5
   Events| Initial   Starting  Closed    Stopped   Closing   Stopping
    Up   |    2     irc,scr/6     -         -         -         -
    Down |    -         -         0       tls/1       0         1
    Open |  tls/1       1     irc,scr/6     3r        5r        5r
    Close|    0         0         2         2         4         4
     TO+ |    -         -         -         -       str/4     str/5
     TO- |    -         -         -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3
    RCR+ |    -         -       sta/2 irc,scr,sca/8   4         5
    RCR- |    -         -       sta/2 irc,scr,scn/6   4         5
    RCA  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3       4         5
    RCN  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3       4         5
    RTR  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3     sta/4     sta/5
    RTA  |    -         -         2         3       tlf/2     tlf/3
    RUC  |    -         -       scj/2     scj/3     scj/4     scj/5
    RXJ+ |    -         -         2         3         4         5
    RXJ- |    -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3     tlf/2     tlf/3
    RXR  |    -         -         2         3         4         5

            | State
            |    6         7         8           9
      Events| Req-Sent  Ack-Rcvd  Ack-Sent    Opened
       Up   |    -         -         -           -
       Down |    1         1         1         tld/1
       Open |    6         7         8           9r
       Close|irc,str/4 irc,str/4 irc,str/4 tld,irc,str/4
        TO+ |  scr/6     scr/6     scr/8         -
        TO- |  tlf/3p    tlf/3p    tlf/3p        -
       RCR+ |  sca/8   sca,tlu/9   sca/8   tld,scr,sca/8
       RCR- |  scn/6     scn/7     scn/6   tld,scr,scn/6
       RCA  |  irc/7     scr/6x  irc,tlu/9   tld,scr/6x
       RCN  |irc,scr/6   scr/6x  irc,scr/8   tld,scr/6x
       RTR  |  sta/6     sta/6     sta/6   tld,zrc,sta/5
       RTA  |    6         6         8       tld,scr/6
       RUC  |  scj/6     scj/7     scj/8       scj/9
       RXJ+ |    6         6         8           9
       RXJ- |  tlf/3     tlf/3     tlf/3   tld,irc,str/5
       RXR  |    6         7         8         ser/9

              |   Flag   | Address  | Control  |
              | 01111110 | 11111111 | 00000011 |
              | Protocol | Information | Padding |
              | 16 bits  |      *      |    *    |
              |   FCS    |   Flag   | Inter-frame Fill |
              | 16 bits  | 01111110 | or next Address  |

        +---------------+                 +---------------+
        | Timer Request |                 | Timer Request |
        +---------------+                 +---------------+
                         \---->\   /<----/
                                \ /
                                / \
                   /\    /<----/   \---->\    /\
                 /    \                     /    \
               /        \                 /        \
             / My primary \             / My primary \
           / network address\         / network address\
           \    is larger   /         \   is smaller   /
             \            /             \            /
               \        /                 \        /
                 \    /                     \    /
                   \/                         \/
                 MASTER                      SLAVE

                         <----------------+ Timer Response +

         Byte # +--1----2----3----4----5----6-+
                | 02 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |

         7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
         ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
         |   |   |   |   |___|___|___|___ Packet Type
         |   |   |   |                    0    Compressed
         |   |   |   |                    1    Regular
         |   |   |   |                    3    Confirmed Initial
         |   |   |   |                    5    Confirm
         |   |   |   |                    7    Unconfirmed Initial
         |   |   |   |                    9    Reject
         |   |   |   |                   11-15 Reserved
         |   |   |   |
         |__ |__ |__ |___________________ Packet Type Dependent Flags

      ________________________________ Slot Number
      |                                0    Assume same as last packet
      |                                1    Included in packet
      |   ____________________________ Checksum
      |   |                            0    Assume 0xFFFF
      |   |                            1    Included in packet
      |   |
      |   |   ________________________ Length
      |   |   |                        0    Determine from MAC length
      |   |   |                        1    Included in packet
      |   |   |
      |   |   |   ____________________ Task Number (NCP only)
      |   |   |   |                    0    Assume same as last packet
      |   |   |   |                    1    Included in packet
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   |   ________________ Reserved (Must be zero)
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ____ Packet Type
      |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |    0    Compressed Packet
      v   v   v   v   v   v   v   v
    |   |   |   |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0

        | Flags  |  Slot  |Checksum | Length  | DATA ...
        |  0xE0  | Number |2 octets |3 octets |

        | Flags  |  Slot  |Checksum | Length  |NCP Task| DATA ...
        |  0xF0  | Number |2 octets |3 octets | Number |

          7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
          ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |___|___|___|___ Packet Type
          |   |   |   |                    1    Regular
          |   |   |   |
          |__ |__ |__ |___________________ Reserved (must be zero)

          7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
          ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |___|___|___|___ Packet Type
          |   |   |   |                    3     Confirmed Initial
          |   |   |   |
          |__ |__ |__ |___________________ 0     IPX Protocol
                                           1-15  Reserved

              +---------+---------+---------+-/       /-+----------
              |  Flags  |   Slot  |   ID    |    IPX    |  DATA ...
              |   0x03  |  Number |         |   Header  |
              +---------+---------+---------+-/       /-+----------

          7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
          ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |___|___|___|___ Packet Type
          |   |   |   |                    5    Confirm
          |   |   |   |
          |__ |__ |__ |___________________ Reserved (must be zero)

        |  Flags  |   Slot  |    ID    |
        |   0x05  |  Number |          |

          7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
          ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |___|___|___|___ Packet Type
          |   |   |   |                    7     Unconfirmed Initial
          |   |   |   |
          |__ |__ |__ |___________________ 0     NCP Protocol
                                           1-15  Reserved

        +---------+---------+-/        /-+-/       /-+---------
        |  Flags  |   Slot  |    IPX     |    NCP    | NCP
        |   0x07  |  Number |   Header   |   Header  | DATA ...
        +---------+---------+-/        /-+-/       /-+---------

          7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
        | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
          ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          |   |   |   |   |___|___|___|___ Packet Type
          |   |   |   |                    9    Reject
          |   |   |   |
          |__ |__ |__ |___________________ Reserved (must be zero)

              |  Flags  |   Slot  | Rejected |
              |   0x09  |  Number |  Flags   |

               7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 0 |
               ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
               |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |___ Packet Type
               |   |   |   |   |   |   |        0    Compressed Packet
               |   |   |   |   |   |   |
               |   |   |   |   |___|___|_______ Redefined bits
               |   |   |   |
               |___|___|___|___________________ Compressed Packet flags

   |11000100|XXXXXXXX|01000000|10000010|YYYYYYYY|         |      ...
    CLNP       CLNP     CLNP     BASIC   BASIC    BASIC
    (197)                       (130)

                     ...     |  10000101  |  000LLLLL  |             |
                                EXTENDED     EXTENDED    EXTENDED OPTION
                                OPTION       OPTION          VALUE
                               TYPE (133)    LENGTH

      | 1100 0011 | 0000 0001 | 110ABCDE |
       TYPE (195)   LENGTH

      | 11001100 | LLLLLLLL | VVVV VVVV |

          |             Section            ||    Points     |
          | No.||Description               |Maximum|Scored  |
          |    ||                          |       |        |
          |   2||General Information       |  20   |        |
          |    ||                          |       |        |
          |   3||Conformance to OSI        |  35   |        |
          |    ||          |               |       |        |
          |   4||Other protocols           |   5   |        |
          |    ||          |               |       |        |
          |   5||Extensions| Schema        |  16   |        |
          +----||          |---------------|-------|--------+
          |    ||          |               |       |        |
          |    ||to the    |Replication    |  10   |        |
          +----||          |---------------|-------|--------+
          |    ||          |               |       |        |
          |    ||1988      |Access Control |  15   |        |
          +----||          |---------------|-------|--------+
          |    ||          |               |       |        |
          |    ||standard  |Miscellaneous  |   5   |        |
          |    ||Miscellaneous             |       |        |
          |   6||characteristics           |  15   |        |
          |    ||                          |       |        |
          |   7||Management tools          |  10   |        |
          |    ||                          |       |        |
          |   8||Operational use           |  10   |        |
          |    ||                          |       |        |
          |   9||Interoperability          |  10   |        |
          |    ||                          |  see  |        |
          |  10||Performance               |table 2|        |

        | Operation         ||   Cold DSA    ||     Optimum    |
        |                   ||               ||   Performance  |
        | Bind              ||               ||                |
        |    --Anonymous    ||.............. || .............. |
        |    --Simple       ||.............. || .............. |
        |    --Simple Prot  ||.............. || .............. |
        |    --Strong       ||.............. || .............. |
        | List              ||               ||                |
        |    -- 10 entries  ||.............. || .............. |
        |    -- 1000 entries||.............. || .............. |
        | Search             |single|subtree |single|subtree   |
        |                    |level |        |level |          |
        |                    |------|--------|------|----------|
        |    -- exact        |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- leading sub  |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- any sub      |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- trailing sub |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- approx       |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- complex      |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- return all   |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        | Read              ||.............. || .............. |
        | Add               ||               ||                |
        |     0 siblings    ||.............. || .............. |
        |     10 siblings   ||.............. || .............. |
        |     1000 siblings ||.............. || .............. |
        | Modify            ||               ||                |
        |     10 siblings   ||.............. || .............. |
        |     1000 siblings ||.............. || .............. |
        | Modify RDN        ||               ||                |
        |     10 siblings   ||.............. || .............. |
        |     1000 siblings ||.............. || .............. |
        | Query rate        ||.............. || .............. |

        | Operation         ||   Cold DSA    ||     Optimum    |
        |                   ||               ||   Performance  |
        | Bind              ||               ||                |
        |    --Anonymous    ||.............. || .............. |
        |    --Simple       ||.............. || .............. |
        |    --Simple Prot  ||.............. || .............. |
        |    --Strong       ||.............. || .............. |
        | List              ||               ||                |
        |    -- 10 entries  ||.............. || .............. |
        |    -- 1000 entries||.............. || .............. |
        | Search             |single|subtree |single|subtree   |
        |                    |level |        |level |          |
        |                    |------|--------|------|----------|
        |    -- exact        |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- leading sub  |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- any sub      |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- trailing sub |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- approx       |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- complex      |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        |    -- return all   |....  |......  |..... | ......   |
        | Read              ||.............. || .............. |
        | Add               ||               ||                |
        |     0 siblings    ||.............. || .............. |
        |     10 siblings   ||.............. || .............. |
        |     1000 siblings ||.............. || .............. |
        | Modify            ||               ||                |
        |     10 siblings   ||.............. || .............. |
        |     1000 siblings ||.............. || .............. |
        | Modify RDN        ||               ||                |
        |     10 siblings   ||.............. || .............. |
        |     1000 siblings ||.............. || .............. |
        | Query rate        ||.............. || .............. |

     MSB   8     7     6     5     4     3     2     1   LSB
        |  0  | 1/0 |   Octet length of address         |

                               - \
                     stick ->  -  \
                               - a \    a=shadow angle
                               -    \
                               -     \

             --------------           ---------  ---------
             |    RIP     |           |  RIP  |  |  SAP  |
             --------------           ---------  ---------
                   |                      |          |
             --------------               |          |
             |    UDP     |               |          |
             --------------               |          |
                   |                      |          |
             --------------             ----------------
             |    IP      |             |     IPX      |
             --------------             ----------------
                   |                           |
             |             Circuit Manager             |
                      |   Connection Oriented   |
                      |        WAN stack        |

                                           *      |RT1|RT2|
                +---+Ia    +---+           *   ------------
                |RT1|------|RT2|           T   RT1|   | X |
                +---+    Ib+---+           O   RT2| X |   |
                                           *    Ia|   | X |
                                           *    Ib| X |   |

                      +---+                *
                      |RT7|                *      |RT7| N3|
                      +---+                T   ------------
                        |                  O   RT7|   |   |
            +----------------------+       *    N3| X |   |
                       N3                  *

                 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10|11|12|N3|N6|N8|N9|
              ----- ---------------------------------------------
              RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT3|  |  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT4|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT5|  |  |  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT6|  |  |8 |  |7 |  |  |  |  |5 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT7|  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          T  RT10|  |  |  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |  |
          O  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |
          *  RT12|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          *    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N6|  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |1 |  |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N7|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |4 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |2 |  |  |  |  |  |
               N9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |
              N10|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
              N11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N12|  |  |  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N15|  |  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |10|  |  |  |  |

                  |RT12|N9|N10|H1|             |RT9|RT11|RT12|N9|
           *  --------------------          *  ----------------------
           *  RT12|    |  |   |  |          *   RT9|   |    |    |0 |
           T    N9|1   |  |   |  |          T  RT11|   |    |    |0 |
           O   N10|2   |  |   |  |          O  RT12|   |    |    |0 |
           *    H1|10  |  |   |  |          *    N9|   |    |    |  |
           *                                *
                RT12's router links            N9's network links
                   advertisement                  advertisement

                    RT5 o------------o-----------o Ib
                       /|\    6      |\     7
                     8/8|8\          | \
                     /  |  \         |  \
                    o   |   o        |   \7
                   N12  o  N14       |    \
                       N13        2  |     \
                            N4 o-----o RT3  \
                                    /        \    5
                                  1/     RT10 o-------o Ia
                                  /           |\
                       RT4 o-----o N3        3| \1
                                /|            |  \ N6     RT7
                               / |         N8 o   o---------o
                              /  |            |   |        /|
                         RT2 o   o RT1        |   |      2/ |9
                            /    |            |   |RT8   /  |
                           /3    |3      RT11 o   o     o   o
                          /      |            |   |    N12 N15
                      N2 o       o N1        1|   |4
                                              |   |
                                           N9 o   o N7
                                            / |
                        N11      RT9       /  |RT12
                         o--------o-------o   o--------o H1
                             3                |   10
                                              o N10

             .   +                     .
             .   | 3+---+              .      N12      N14
             . N1|--|RT1|\ 1           .        \ N13 /
             .   |  +---+ \            .        8\ |8/8
             .   +         \ ____      .          \|/
             .              /    \   1+---+8    8+---+6
             .             *  N3  *---|RT4|------|RT5|--------+
             .              \____/    +---+      +---+        |
             .    +         /      \   .           |7         |
             .    | 3+---+ /        \  .           |          |
             .  N2|--|RT2|/1        1\ .           |6         |
             .    |  +---+            +---+8    6+---+        |
             .    +                   |RT3|------|RT6|        |
             .                        +---+      +---+        |
             .                      2/ .         Ia|7         |
             .                      /  .           |          |
             .             +---------+ .           |          |
             .Area 1           N4      .           |          |
             ...........................           |          |
          ..........................               |          |
          .            N11         .               |          |
          .        +---------+     .               |          |
          .             |          .               |          |    N12
          .             |3         .             Ib|5         |6 2/
          .           +---+        .             +----+     +---+/
          .           |RT9|        .    .........|RT10|.....|RT7|---N15.
          .           +---+        .    .        +----+     +---+ 9    .
          .             |1         .    .    +  /3    1\      |1       .
          .            _|__        .    .    | /        \   __|_       .
          .           /    \      1+----+2   |/          \ /    \      .
          .          *  N9  *------|RT11|----|            *  N6  *     .
          .           \____/       +----+    |             \____/      .
          .             |          .    .    |                |        .
          .             |1         .    .    +                |1       .
          .  +--+   10+----+       .    .   N8              +---+      .
          .  |H1|-----|RT12|       .    .                   |RT8|      .
          .  +--+SLIP +----+       .    .                   +---+      .
          .             |2         .    .                     |4       .
          .             |          .    .                     |        .
          .        +---------+     .    .                 +--------+   .
          .            N10         .    .                     N7       .
          .                        .    .Area 2                        .
          .Area 3                  .    ................................

                          |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |7 |N3|
                       ----- -------------------
                       RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                       RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                       RT3|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                   *   RT4|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                   *   RT5|  |  |14|8 |  |  |  |
                   T   RT7|  |  |20|14|  |  |  |
                   O    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                   *    N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |
                   *    N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |
                        N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
                     Ia,Ib|  |  |15|22|  |  |  |
                        N6|  |  |16|15|  |  |  |
                        N7|  |  |20|19|  |  |  |
                        N8|  |  |18|18|  |  |  |
                 N9-N11,H1|  |  |19|16|  |  |  |
                       N12|  |  |  |  |8 |2 |  |
                       N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |
                       N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |
                       N15|  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |

                            |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |10|11|
                         RT3|  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |
                         RT4|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                         RT5|  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |
                         RT6|8 |  |7 |  |  |5 |  |
                         RT7|  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |
                     *  RT10|  |  |  |7 |  |  |2 |
                     *  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |
                     T    N1|4 |4 |  |  |  |  |  |
                     O    N2|4 |4 |  |  |  |  |  |
                     *    N3|1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |
                     *    N4|2 |3 |  |  |  |  |  |
                          Ia|  |  |  |  |  |5 |  |
                          Ib|  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |
                          N6|  |  |  |  |1 |1 |3 |
                          N7|  |  |  |  |5 |5 |7 |
                          N8|  |  |  |  |4 |3 |2 |
                   N9-N11,H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |
                         N12|  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |
                         N13|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                         N14|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                         N15|  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |

                              +----+       \+-------------+
                             /      \       |Routing Table|
                            /        \      +-------------+
                           /          \
              +------+    /            \    +--------+
              |Area 2|---+              +---|Backbone|
              +------+***********+          +--------+
             /        \           *        /          \
            /          \           *      /            \
       +---------+  +---------+    +------------+       +------------+
       |Interface|  |Interface|    |Virtual Link|       |Interface Ib|
       |  to N6  |  |  to N8  |    |   to RT11  |       +------------+
       +---------+  +---------+    +------------+             |
           /  \           |               |                   |
          /    \          |               |                   |
   +--------+ +--------+  |        +-------------+      +------------+
   |Neighbor| |Neighbor|  |        |Neighbor RT11|      |Neighbor RT6|
   |  RT8   | |  RT7   |  |        +-------------+      +------------+
   +--------+ +--------+  |
                     |Neighbor RT11|

          +---+            +---+
          |RT1|------------|RT2|            o---------------o
          +---+    N1      +---+           RT1             RT2

                                  +----+   UnloopInd   +--------+
                                  +----+               +--------+
                          +-------+  |               +--------------+
                          +-------+                  +--------------+
                              |   NeighborChange
          +------+           +-+<---------------- +-------+
          +------+---------->+-+<-----+           +-------+
                    Neighbor  |       |
                    Change    |       |Neighbor
                              |       |Change
                              |     +--+

                              Done  |
                    +----+          |      +-------+
                    +----+<-+              +-------+
                            |  LoadingDone     |

            Down                                          Down
                         Hello (DR=RT2,seen=RT1,...)      Init
            ExStart        D-D (Seq=x,I,M,Master)
                           D-D (Seq=y,I,M,Master)         ExStart
            Exchange       D-D (Seq=y,M,Slave)
                           D-D (Seq=y+1,M,Master)         Exchange
                           D-D (Seq=y+1,M,Slave)
                           D-D (Seq=y+n, Master)
                           D-D (Seq=y+n, Slave)
             Loading   ------------------------------>
                                 LS Request                Full
                                 LS Update
                                 LS Request
                                 LS Update

                  . 192.1.2                   Area 1 .
                  .     +                            .
                  .     |                            .
                  .     | 3+---+1                    .
                  .  N1 |--|RT1|-----+               .
                  .     |  +---+                    .
                  .     |                _______N3  .
                  .     +               /          .  1+---+
                  .                     * 192.1.1 *------|RT4|
                  .     +               /_______/   .   +---+
                  .     |              /     |       .
                  .     | 3+---+1     /      |       .
                  .  N2 |--|RT2|-----+      1|       .
                  .     |  +---+           +---+8    .         6+---+
                  .     |                  |RT3|----------------|RT6|
                  .     +                  +---+     .          +---+
                  . 192.1.3                  |2      .|7
                  .                          |       .            |
                  .                   +------------+ .
                  .                     192.1.4 (N4) .

                      . Area 1 (transit)     .            +
                      .                      .            |
                      .      +---+1        1+---+100      |
                      .      |RT2|----------|RT4|=========|
                      .    1/+---+********* +---+         |
                      .    /*******          .            |
                      .  1/*Virtual          .            |
                   1+---+/*  Link            .         Net|work
             =======|RT1|*                   .            | N1
                    +---+\                   .            |
                      .   \                  .            |
                      .    \                 .            |
                      .    1\+---+1        1+---+20       |
                      .      |RT3|----------|RT5|=========|
                      .      +---+          +---+         |
                      .                      .            |
                      ........................            +

                 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10|11|12|N3|N6|N8|N9|
              ----- ---------------------------------------------
              RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT3|  |  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT4|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT5|  |  |  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT6|  |  |8 |  |7 |  |  |  |  |5 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT7|  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          T  RT10|  |  |  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |  |
          O  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |
          *  RT12|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          *    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N6|  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |1 |  |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N7|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |4 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |2 |  |  |  |  |  |
               N9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |
              N10|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
              N11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N12|  |  |  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N15|  |  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |10|  |  |  |  |

           .     +                          .
           .     | 3+---+    +--+  +--+     . N12      N14
           .   N1|--|RT1|\1  |Mb|  |H4|     .   \ N13 /
           .    _|  +---+ \  +--+ /+--+     .   8\ |8/8
           .   | +         \ _|__/          .     \|/
           . +--+   +--+    /    \   1+---+8.   8+---+6
           . |Mb|   |Mb|   *  N3  *---|RT4|------|RT5|--------+
           . +--+  /+--+    \____/    +---+ .    +---+        |
           .      +         /   |           .      |7         |
           .      | 3+---+ /    |           .      |          |
           .    N2|--|RT2|/1    |1          .      |6         |
           .    __|  +---+    +---+8        .   6+---+        |
           .   |  +           |RT3|--------------|RT6|        |
           . +--+    +--+     +---+     +--+.    +---+        |
           . |Ma|    |H3|_      |2     _|H2|.    Ia|7         |
           . +--+    +--+ \     |     / +--+.      |          |
           .               +---------+      .      |          |
           .Area 1             N4           .      |          |
           ..................................      |          |
           ................................        |          |
           .           N11                .        |          |
           .       +---------+            .        |          |
           .            |     \           .        |          |    N12
           .            |3     +--+       .        |          |6 2/
           .          +---+    |Ma|       .        |        +---+/
           .          |RT9|    +--+       .        |        |RT7|---N15
           .          +---+               .......  |        +---+ 9
           .            |1                .. +  ...|..........|1........
           .           _|__               .. |   Ib|5       __|_   +--+.
           .          /    \      1+----+2.. |  3+----+1   /    \--|Ma|.
           .         *  N9  *------|RT11|----|---|RT10|---*  N6  * +--+.
           .          \____/       +----+ .. |   +----+    \____/      .
           .            |            !*******|*****!          |        .
           .            |1           Virtual + Link           |1       .
           . +--+   10+----+              ..N8              +---+      .
           . |H1|-----|RT12|              ..                |RT8|      .
           . +--+SLIP +----+              ..                +---+  +--+.
           .            |2                ..                  |4  _|H5|.
           .            |                 ..                  |  / +--+.
           .       +---------+            ..              +--------+   .
           .           N10          Area 3..Area 2            N7       .

                membership    +------------------+   datagrams
                    + > > > >>|     Backbone     |< < < < +
                    ^         +------------------+        ^
                    ^        /         |          \       ^
                    ^       /          |           \      ^
               +----^-----+/      +----------+      \+----^-----+
               |  Area 1  |       |  Area 2  |       |  Area 3  |
               +----------+       +----------+       +----------+

                             |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |7 |N3|
                          ----- -------------------
                          RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                          RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                          RT3|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                      *   RT4|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                      *   RT5|  |  |14|8 |  |  |  |
                      T   RT7|  |  |20|14|  |  |  |
                      O    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                      *    N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |
                      *    N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |
                           N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
                        Ia,Ib|  |  |15|22|  |  |  |
                           N6|  |  |16|15|  |  |  |
                           N7|  |  |20|19|  |  |  |
                           N8|  |  |18|18|  |  |  |
                    N9-N11,H1|  |  |19|16|  |  |  |
                          N12|  |  |  |  |8 |2 |  |
                          N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |
                          N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |
                          N15|  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |

                           |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |10|11|
                        RT3|  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |
                        RT4|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                        RT5|  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |
                        RT6|8 |  |7 |  |  |5 |  |
                        RT7|  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |
                    *  RT10|  |  |  |7 |  |  |2 |
                    *  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |
                    T    N1|4 |4 |  |  |  |  |  |
                    O    N2|4 |4 |  |  |  |  |  |
                    *    N3|1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |
                    *    N4|2 |3 |  |  |  |  |  |
                         Ia|  |  |  |  |  |5 |  |
                         Ib|  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |
                         N6|  |  |  |  |1 |1 |3 |
                         N7|  |  |  |  |5 |5 |7 |
                         N8|  |  |  |  |4 |3 |2 |
                  N9-N11,H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |
                        N12|  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |
                        N13|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                        N14|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                        N15|  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |

                                     o N4
                                    / \
                                  2/   \3
                                  /     \
                     RT3 (Ma,Mb) o       o RT4 (Ma,Mb)
                                /         \
                              6/           \8
                              /             \
                         RT6 o               o RT5
                             |               |
                            5|               |6
                             |               |
                   RT10 (Ma) o               o RT7 (Ma)
                   RT11 (Ma) o

                                     o N12
                                     o RT7
                                     o RT4 (W)
                                     o N3 (Mb)
                                   / | \
                                 1/  | 1\
                                 /  1|   \
                                /    |    \
                      RT1 (Mb) o     |     o RT3 (W)
                                RT2 (Ma,Mb)

                                |---> To application
                      |forwarding decision|
                               / \
                              /---\----> To application
                             /     \------> To application
                            /       \
                           /         \
                     +--------+  +--------+
                     |transmit|  |transmit|
                     +--------+  +--------+

                      |forwarding decision|---> to application
                               / \
                              /   \
                             /     \
                            /       \
                           /         \
                     +--------+  +--------+
                     |transmit|  |transmit|
                     +--------+  +--------+

                    Net  |
      ..................... |            |
      . +----------+      . |1           |1  
      . |  Network |     8+---+        +---+                o
      . | |------|RT1|........|RT2|...            / \
      . +----------+      +---+        +---+  .          1/   \1
      .      |              |8          8|    .          /     \
      .     8|         +----------+      |8   .         o RT1   o RT2
      .    +---+10     | Network  |  10+---+  .         |        \
      .    |RT4|-------| |----|RT3|  .        0|         \8
      .    +---+       +----------+    +---+  .         |          \
      .      |3                          |3   .         o  o
      .      |                           |    .         |          RT3
      . +---------+                  +-------+.        8|
      .      |                           |    .         |
      .    +--+                        +--+   .         o
      .    |Ma|                        |Ma|   .        RT4
      .    +--+     Area 1             +--+   .

              |                               +---+
              |             +---------+         |
              |                  |              |
              |  +---+         +---+    +---+   |
              |  |RT5|---------|RT2|    |NAZ|   |
              |  +---+    +----+---+    +---+   |
              |           |      |        |     |
              |           |   +------------------------+
              |           |                         |      +
              |           |                         |      |
              |           |                         |      |  +---+
              |   +------------+      +             |      |--|RT7|
              |            |          |             |      |  +---+
              |          +---+        |           +---+    |
              |          |RT4|--------|-----------|RT3|----|
              |          +---+        |           +---+    |
              |                       |                    |
              |               +       +                    |
              |               |           +---+            |
                              |           +---+            |
                              +                            +

                  -------------- 130.57.4
                     ------ 131.119.13 ------
                     ------            ------
                                  to BARRNet "core" OSPF system

          0                                32
          |                | OPTS   |   7   |
          |                ------------------
          |        Link-State Header        |
          |                                 |
          | Network Mask                    |
          -----------------------------------  ______
          |E| Tos  |        metric          |  .
          -----------------------------------  .  repeated for each TOS
          | Forwarding Address              |  .
          -----------------------------------  .
          | External Route Tag              |  ______

                   No Leap       Leap Insert    Leap Delete
                   UTC NTP         UTC NTP        UTC NTP
              23:59:58|398    23:59:58|398   23:59:58|398
                      |               |              |
              23:59:59|399    23:59:59|399   00:00:00|400
                      |               |              |
              00:00:00|400    23:59:60|399   00:00:01|401
                      |               |              |
              00:00:01|401    00:00:00|400   00:00:02|402
                      |               |              |
              00:00:02|402    00:00:01|401   00:00:03|403
                      |               |              |

     |                                 |
     |  SNMP Network                   |
     |  Management Station             |
     |                                 |
     |  SNMP Protocol                  |
           A      | Get         A
           |      | GetNext     |  GetResponse
      Trap |      | GetBulk     |
           |      | Set         |
           |      V             |
     *------------------------------*             *-------------------*
     |     SNMP Protocol            |             |   DPI Interface   |
     |------------------------------|  Response   |    *--------------|
     |                       |      |<----------->|    |              |
     |                       |      |             |    |              |
     |    SNMP Agent         |      |             |    |              |
     |                       |      | Get,GetNext |    |              |
     |                       |      | (GetBulk)   |    |   Client     |
     |                       |      | Set,Commit  |    |              |
     |     A     *-----------+->    |  Undo       |    |              |
     |     |     | Get/Set   |      |------------>|    |     or       |
     | Trap|     | info      |      |             |    |              |
     |     |     |           | SNMP |             |    |              |
     |-----+-----+-------*   |      |  trap       |    |   SNMP       |
     |     |     V       |   | DPI  |<------------|    |   Sub-Agent  |
     |                   |   |      |             |    |              |
     | Statically Linked |   |      |             |    |              |
     | Instrumentation   |   |      |             |    |              |
     |   (like MIB II)   |   |      |             |    |              |
     |                   |   |      |   close     |    |              |
     |       A           |   |      | unregister  |    |              |
     |-------+-----------|   |      |<----------->|    |              |
     |       V           |   |      |             |    |              |
     |                   |   |      |             |    |              |
     |                   |   |      | AreYouThere |    |              |
     | TCP/IP layers     |   |      |    open     |    |              |
     | Kernel            |   |      |  register   |    |              |
     |                   |   |      |<------------|    |              |
     *------------------------------*             *-------------------*

                       |             |          |    |  >
                       |             |          |    |  |
                       |    VT 1     |..........|VT K|   > K ifEntries
                       |             |          |    |  |
                       |_____________|__________|____|  >
                       |               |      |      |  >
                       |               |      |      |  |
                       |    Path 1     |......|Path L|   > L ifEntries
                       |               |      |      |  |
                       |_______________|______|______|  >
                       |                             |  >
                       |                             |  |
                       |    Line                     |  |
                       |                             |  |
                       |_____________________________|  |
                       |                             |  |
                       |                             |  |
                       |    Section Layer            |   > 1 ifEntry
                       |                             |  |
                       |_____________________________|  |
                       |                             |  |
                       |                             |  |
                       |    Physical Medium Layer    |  |
                       |                             |  |
                       |_____________________________|  >

                |              |              |       |            |
                |              |              | SIP   |  RFC1490   |
                |              | X.25 MIB     | Relay | (no applic.|
                |              | for IW/Encap.| MIB   |  MIB)      |
                |              |              |       |            |
                |    MIB II    |-----------------------------------|
                |              |                                   |
                |   ifTable    |      Frame Relay Service MIB      |
                |  ifXTable    |                                   |
                | ifStackTable |___________________________________|
                |              |                         |         |
                |              | Physical Layer MIBs     | ATM MIB |
                |              |  e.g., DS1/E1 MIB,      |---------|
                |              |  RS232-like MIB         | Phy.    |
                |              |                         | Layer   |
                |              |                         |  MIB    |

                | Customer Network Management Station |
                |            (SNMP based)             |
                    ^              ^               ^
                    |              |               |
                    |              |               |
           UNI      |      NNI     |       NNI     |       UNI
            |       ^       |      ^        |      ^
            | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ |
            | |           | | |           | | |           | |
Originating | |   FR      | | |   FR      | | |   FR      | |Terminating
 +--------+ | | Network I | | | Network J | | | Network K | | +--------+
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |        |---|           |---|           |---|           |---| User B |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 +--------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +--------+
            |               |               |               |
            |               |               |               |
            | PVC Segment 1 | PVC Segment 2 | PVC Segment 3 |
            |                                               |
            |              Multi-network PVC                |
            |  NNI = Network-to Network Interface           |
               UNI = User-to-Network Interface

 --     In    ____________________________________ Out
 --    >>>>>>|                                   |>>>>>>>>
 --    ______| Frame Relay Network               |__________
 --     Out  |                                   |  In
 --    <<<<<<|                                   |<<<<<<<<
 --          |___________________________________|
 --  Frame Relay PVC                            Frame Relay
 --   End-point                                 PVC  End-point

 -- Frame Relay Network                  Frame Relay Network
 --  Low Port ____________________________________ High Port
 --          |                                   |
 --    ______| >> from low to high PVC flow   >> |____________
 --          | << from high to low PVC flow   << |
 --          |___________________________________|

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

                |              |              |       |            |
                |              |              | SIP   |  RFC1490   |
                |              | X.25 MIB     | Relay | (no applic.|
                |              | for IW/Encap.| MIB   |  MIB)      |
                |              |              |       |            |
                |    MIB II    |-----------------------------------|
                |              |                                   |
                |   ifTable    |      Frame Relay Service MIB      |
                |  ifXTable    |                                   |
                | ifStackTable |___________________________________|
                |              |                         |         |
                |              | Physical Layer MIBs     | ATM MIB |
                |              |  e.g., DS1/E1 MIB,      |---------|
                |              |  RS232-like MIB         | Phy.    |
                |              |                         | Layer   |
                |              |                         |  MIB    |

                | Customer Network Management Station |
                |            (SNMP based)             |
                    ^              ^               ^
                    |              |               |
                    |              |               |
           UNI      |      NNI     |       NNI     |       UNI
            |       ^       |      ^        |      ^
            | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ |
            | |           | | |           | | |           | |
Originating | |   FR      | | |   FR      | | |   FR      | |Terminating
 +--------+ | | Network I | | | Network J | | | Network K | | +--------+
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |        |---|           |---|           |---|           |---| User B |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 +--------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +--------+
            |               |               |               |
            |               |               |               |
            | PVC Segment 1 | PVC Segment 2 | PVC Segment 3 |
            |                                               |
            |              Multi-network PVC                |
            |  NNI = Network-to Network Interface           |
               UNI = User-to-Network Interface

 --     In    ____________________________________ Out
 --    >>>>>>|                                   |>>>>>>>>
 --    ______| Frame Relay Network               |__________
 --     Out  |                                   |  In
 --    <<<<<<|                                   |<<<<<<<<
 --          |___________________________________|
 --  Frame Relay PVC                            Frame Relay
 --   End-point                                 PVC  End-point

 -- Frame Relay Network                  Frame Relay Network
 --  Low Port ____________________________________ High Port
 --          |                                   |
 --    ______| >> from low to high PVC flow   >> |____________
 --          | << from high to low PVC flow   << |
 --          |___________________________________|

                 |                             |
                c=                         o=Internet
                 |                             |
           +-----+------+               +------+-------+
           |            |               |              |
          ipNw=       as=             dbl=           asB=
           |                            |              |
          ipNd=                       ipG=           asRef=
           |                            |
          ipNwIf=                     ipRef=

                                             :              :
                                             :   IP    OSI  :
                                             :  +-+    +-+  :
                                             :  |A|    |B|  :
                             NetWork  -----> :  +-+    +-+  :
                             /    \          :   |      |   :
                            /      \         : ============ :
                           /        \        :      |       :
                          /          \       :     +-+      :
                         /            \      :     |C|      :
                        /              \     :     +-+      :
                   OSI-image        IP-image :   IP + OSI   :
                       |                |    +..............+
                       V                V
                     ........       ........
                     :      :      :       :
                 IP  : OSI  :      :   IP  : OSI
                +-+  : +-+  :      :  +-+  : +-+
                |A|  : |B|  :      :  |A|  : |B|
                +-+  : +-+  :      :  +-+  : +-+
             ....|...:  |   :      :   |   :..|...
             : ============ :      : ============ :
             :      |       :      :      |       :
             :     +-+      :      :     +-+      :
             :     |C|      :      :     |C|      :
             :     +-+      :      :     +-+      :
             :   IP + OSI   :      :   IP + OSI   :
             +..............+      +..............+

                         /      \
                        /        \
                       /          \
                  country          \
                     /              \
                    /            organization
                   /             /    |     \
                  /             /     |      \
                 /             /      |       \
                /             /       |        \
               /  organizationalUnit* |         \
              /   /             \ \   |          \
             /   /               \ \__|_________  \
            /   /                 \   |         \  \
           Person                 Network*<====>NetworkImage*
                                      |             |
                                      |             |
                                     Node      NodeImage
                                      |             |
                                      |             |
                           NetworkInterface   NetworkInterfaceImage

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

                  |                               |
                  |       IP Header               |
                  |                               |
                  |                               |
                  |       TCP Header              |
                  |                               |
                  |                               |
                  |       XOT Header              |
                  |                               |
                  |                               |
                  |       X.25  Packet            |
                  |                               |

        L=FR    L=GB<---L=GB     |   L=US--->L=US   L=FR
          \                      |                 /

                   +-------+     +-------+     +-------+
               R   |       |  S  |       |  T  |       |   U
               +---+  TA   +--+--+  NT2  +--+--+  NT1  +---+
                   |       |     |       |     |       |
                   +-------+     +-------+     +-------+

              |            |            |            |
              |            |            |            |
             _|_          _|_          _|_          _|_
            (   )        (   )        (   )        (   )
            (Net)        (Net)        (Net)        (Net)
            ( A )        ( B )        ( C )        ( D )
     - R1 --(   )-- R2 --(   )-- R3 --(   )-- R4 --(   )-- R5 --
            (   )        (   )        (   )        (   )
            (___)        (___)        (___)        (___)

           |            |            |            |
      ---- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----
     |   __|__        __|__        __|__        __|__   |
        (     )      (     )      (     )      (     )
     |  (     )      (     )      (     )      (     )  |
        ( Net )      ( Net )      ( Net )      ( Net )
     |  (  A  )      (  B  )      (  C  )      (  D  )  |
        (     )      (     )      (     )      (     )
     |  (     )      (     )      (     )      (     )  |
        (_____)      (_____)      (_____)      ( ____)
     |    | |          | |          | |          | |    |
      --- | | -------- | | -------- | | -------- | | ---
          | |          | |          | |          | |
    - R1 -   --- R2 ---   --- R3 ---   --- R4 ---   --- R5 ---

              |            |            |            |
         ---- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----
        (                                                  )
        (        Shared Medium (One Logical Network)       )
        (                                                  )
             |  |         |            |          |    |
       - R1 -   |         |            |          |    --- R5 ---
            ____|__     __|____      __|____     _|_____
           | AR Sa |   | AR Sb |    | AR Sc |   | AR Sd |
           |_______|   |_______|    |_______|   |_______|

           |       Initial Part        |
           |       Transit Part        |
           |       Options Part        |
           |                           |
           |         Payload           |
           |                           |

                                         length, in bits
                   |         Reserved          |     16
                   |    Transit Part Offset    |     8
                   |        HD Contents        |     8
                   |  Handling Directive (HD)  |     32
        ^          |        FTIF Offset        |     8
        |          +---------------------------+
        |          |        RC Contents        |     8
        |          +---------------------------+
        |          |   Routing Context (RC)    |     16
     Routing       +===========================+
                   |         FTIF 1            |     16
     Directive     +---------------------------+
        |          |         FTIF 2            |     16
        |          +---------------------------+
        |                       .
        |                       .
        |                       .
        |          +---------------------------+
        |          |         FTIF N            |     16
        |          +---------------------------+
        v          |         Padding           |     Variable

                 +---------+(next level RC)
    (decapsulate)|         |
                 |         v
                 |        /              |       |    IF Offset)
                 |       |     |
                 |       |     v
                 |       |  /  :
                 |       |<-   :(repeatedly...)
                 |       |     :
                 |       |     v
                         |  /  |
                         |<-   |
                         v     v

   <----IDP---> <----------------------DSP---------------------------->
   | AFI | IDI |Contents assigned by authority identified in IDI field|
   <----------------Area Address--------------> <-----ID-----> <-SEL->

          |    IDP    |                 DSP                     |
          | AFI | IDI |    CDP    |             CDSP            |
          | AFI | IDI | CFI | CDI |      RDAA      |  ID  | SEL |
   octets |  1  |  2  |   2..4    |     0..13      | 1..8 |  1  |

     |   IDP     |
     | AFI | IDI |<--------------------DSP------------------------>|

        \ | /                 .                                /
   +---------------+  WAN     .           +-----------------+/
   |Regional Router|----------------------|Stub Router w/NAT|---
   +---------------+          .           +-----------------+\
                              .                      |         \
                              .                      |  LAN
                              .               ---------------
                        Stub border

                                       \ | /
                                     |Regional Router|
                                   WAN |           | WAN
                                       |           |
                   Stub A .............|....   ....|............ Stub B
                                       |           |
                     {s=,^  |           |  v{s=,
                      d=}^  |           |  v d=}
                       +-----------------+       +-----------------+
                       |Stub Router w/NAT|       |Stub Router w/NAT|
                       +-----------------+       +-----------------+
                             |                         |
                             |  LAN               LAN  |
                       -------------             -------------
                                 |                 |
               {s=, ^  |                 |  v{s=,
                d=}^ +--+             +--+ v d=}
                                |--|             |--|
                               /____\           /____\

       |         ____________     ____________     ___________       |
       |        |            |   | Reservation|   |           |      |
       |        |   Routing  |   |    Setup   |   | Management|      |
       |        |    Agent   |   |    Agent   |   |  Agent    |      |
       |        |______._____|   |______._____|   |_____._____|      |
       |               .                .    |          .            |
       |               .                .   _V________  .            |
       |               .                .  | Admission| .            |
       |               .                .  |  Control | .            |
       |               V                .  |__________| .            |
       |           [Routing ]           V               V            |
       |           [Database]     [Traffic Control Database]         |
       |        |                  |     _______                     |
       |        |   __________     |    |_|_|_|_| => o               |
       |        |  |          |    |      Packet     |     _____     |
       |     ====> |Classifier| =====>   Scheduler   |===>|_|_|_| ===>
       |        |  |__________|    |     _______     |               |
       |        |                  |    |_|_|_|_| => o               |
       | Input  |   Internet       |                                 |
       | Driver |   Forwarder      |     O u t p u t   D r i v e r   |

                 Senders                              Receivers
                            (                     ) ===> R1
                    S1 ===> (    Multicast        )
                            (                     ) ===> R2
                            (    distribution     )
                    S2 ===> (                     )
                            (                     ) ===> R3

        +---------------+                 +---------------+
        | Timer Request |                 | Timer Request |
        +---------------+                 +---------------+
                         \---->\   /<----/
                                \ /
                                / \
                   /\    /<----/   \---->\    /\
                 /    \                     /    \
               /        \                 /        \
             / My primary \             / My primary \
           / network address\         / network address\
           \    is larger   /         \   is smaller   /
             \            /             \            /
               \        /                 \        /
                 \    /                     \    /
                   \/                         \/
                 MASTER                      SLAVE

                         <----------------+ Timer Response +

         Byte # +--1----2----3----4----5----6-+
                | 02 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |

         |    C     |   A1   |   Z1   |    F1      |     F2     |  S
         | Sends pkt|        |        |            |            |
         | to S  ----------------------->Intercept;|            |
         |          |        |        | requires   |            |
         |          |        |        |authenticat'n            |
         |   <-------------------------------      |            |
         |Auth'cate |        |        |            |            |
         | C to A1 ---->     |        |            |            |
         |          |Provide |        |            |            |
         |    <------- ticket|        |            |            |
         | Request  |        |        |            |            |
         |authoriz'n|        |        |            |            |
         |   -------------------> Is C|            |            |
         |          |        |allowed?|            |            |
         |          |        |  OK --------->      |            |
         |Resend    |        |        | Set filter |            |
         | first pkt|        |        |            |            |
         | to S -------------------------->(OK)------>Intercept;|
         |          |        |        |            | requires   |
         |          |        |        |            |authenticat'n
         |  <-------------------------------------------        |
         | (Repeat  |        |        |            |            |
         |procedure |        |        |            |            |
         with A2,Z2)|        |        |            |            |
         |  ...     |        |        |            |            |
         |Resend    |        |        |            |            |
         | first pkt|        |        |            |            |
         |   ------------------------------>(OK)--------(OK)------>
         |          |        |        |            |            |

              | <-- IDP -->  |
              | AFI |  IDI   |            <-- DSP -->              |
              | 47  |  0005  | DFI | AA |Rsvd | RD |Area | ID |Sel |
       octets |  1  |   2    |  1  | 3  |  2  | 2  |  2  | 6  | 1  |

           E1     +--+            +--+     E3
      ------------|  |            |  |------------
                  |  |     W1     |  |
           E2     |  |            |  |     E4
      ------------|  |            |  |------------
                  +--+            +--+

           E1     +--+     W2     +--+     E3
                  +--+            +--+

           E2     +--+     W3     +--+     E4
                  +--+            +--+

      ________      g        ________
     |        |<------------|        |
     | CLOSED |------------>| LISTEN |
     |________|  h    ------|________|
          |          /        |     |
          |         /        i|    j|
          |        /          |     |
         a|     a'/           |    _V______               ________
          |      /     j      |   |ESTAB-  |       e'    | CLOSE- |
          |     /  -----------|-->| LISHED*|------------>|   WAIT*|
          |    /  /           |   |________|             |________|
          |   /  /            |    |     |                |     |
          |  /  /             |    |    c|              d'|    c|
      ____V_V_ /       _______V    |   __V_____           |   __V_____
     | SYN-   |   b'  |  SYN-  |c  |  |ESTAB-  |  e       |  | CLOSE- |
     |   SENT |------>|RECEIVED|---|->|  LISHED|----------|->|   WAIT |
     |________|       |________|   |  |________|          |  |________|
        |               |          |     |                |        |
        |               |          |     |              __V_____   |
        |               |          |     |             | LAST-  |  |
      d'|             d'|        d'|    d|             |  ACK*  |  |
        |               |          |     |             |________|  |
        |               |          |     |                    |    |
        |               |    ______V_    |        ________    |c'  |d
        |          k    |   |  FIN-  |   |  e''' |        |   |    |
        |        -------|-->| WAIT-1*|---|------>|CLOSING*|   |    |
        |       /       |   |________|   |       |________|   |    |
        |      /        |          |     |            |       |    |
        |     /         |        c'|     |          c'|       |    |
     ___V___ /      ____V___       V_____V_       ____V___    V____V__
    | SYN-   | b'' |  SYN-  |  c  |  FIN-  | e'' |        |  | LAST-  |
    |  SENT* |---->|RECEIVD*|---->| WAIT-1 |---->|CLOSING |  |   ACK  |
    |________|     |________|     |________|     |________|  |________|
                                        |               |           |
                                       f|              f|         f'|
                                     ___V____       ____V___     ___V____
                                    |  FIN-  | e   |TIME-   | T |        |
                                    | WAIT-2 |---->|   WAIT |-->| CLOSED |
                                    |________|     |________|   |________|

| P: Passive OPEN /            |
|                              |
| Q: Rcv SYN, special TAO test |                     d'|     d|
|     (see text) / Delete TCB, |    ________        ___V____  |
|     create TCB, snd SYN      |   |LISTEN- |  P   | LAST-  | |
|                              |   |   LA*  |<-----|  ACK*  | |
| Q': (same as Q) if D < MSL   |   |________|      |________| |
|                              |    |     |            |      |
| R: Rcv ACK(FIN) / Delete TCB,|   Q|   c'|          c'|      |
|     create TCB               |    |     |            |      |
|                              |    |  ___V____        V______V
| S': Active OPEN if D < MSL / |    | |LISTEN- |  P   | LAST-  |
|     Delete TCB, create TCB,  |    | |  LA    |<-----|   ACK  |
|     snd SYN.                 |    | |________|      |________|
|______________________________|    |  |     |            |
                                    | Q|    R|           f|
         ________        ________   |  |     |            |
   e''' |        |  P   |LISTEN- |  |  |     V            V
   ---->|CLOSING*|----->|   CL*  |  |  |   LISTEN       CLOSED
        |________|      |________|  |  |
             |            |   Q|    |  |
           c'|          c'|    V    V  V
             |            |   ESTABLISHED*
         ____V___         V_______
    e'' |        |  P    |LISTEN- |
   ---->|CLOSING |------>|   CL   |
        |________|       |________|
             |           R|     Q|
            f|            V      V
             |         LISTEN   ESTABLISHED*
         ____V___                _________
     e  |TIME-   |  P           | LISTEN- |
   ---->|   WAIT |------------->|    TW   |
        |________|              |_________|
        /     |                  |    |  |
     S'/     T|                 T|  Q'|  |S'
      |  _____V_      h     _____V__  |  V
      | |        |-------->|        | |  SYN-SENT
      | | CLOSED |<--------| LISTEN | |
      | |________|   ------|________| |
      |   |        /        |   j|    |
      |  a|     a'/        i|    V    V
      |   |      /          |   ESTABLISHED*
      V   V     V           V
        SYN-SENT           ...

   +------+        +-----------+           +--------------+
   |      | UP     |           | OPENED    |              | SUCCESS/NONE
   | Dead |------->| Establish |---------->| Authenticate |--+
   |      |        |           |           |              |  |
   +------+        +-----------+           +--------------+  |
      ^               |                        |             |
      |          FAIL |                   FAIL |             |
      +<--------------+             +----------+             |
      |                             |                        |
      |            +-----------+    |           +---------+  |
      |       DOWN |           |    |   CLOSING |         |  |
      +------------| Terminate |<---+<----------| Network |<-+
                   |           |                |         |
                   +-----------+                +---------+

      | State
      |    0         1         2         3         4         5
Events| Initial   Starting  Closed    Stopped   Closing   Stopping
 Up   |    2     irc,scr/6     -         -         -         -
 Down |    -         -         0       tls/1       0         1
 Open |  tls/1       1     irc,scr/6     3r        5r        5r
 Close|    0       tlf/0       2         2         4         4
  TO+ |    -         -         -         -       str/4     str/5
  TO- |    -         -         -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3
 RCR+ |    -         -       sta/2 irc,scr,sca/8   4         5
 RCR- |    -         -       sta/2 irc,scr,scn/6   4         5
 RCA  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3       4         5
 RCN  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3       4         5
 RTR  |    -         -       sta/2     sta/3     sta/4     sta/5
 RTA  |    -         -         2         3       tlf/2     tlf/3
 RUC  |    -         -       scj/2     scj/3     scj/4     scj/5
 RXJ+ |    -         -         2         3         4         5
 RXJ- |    -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3     tlf/2     tlf/3
 RXR  |    -         -         2         3         4         5

      | State
      |    6         7         8           9
Events| Req-Sent  Ack-Rcvd  Ack-Sent    Opened
 Up   |    -         -         -           -
 Down |    1         1         1         tld/1
 Open |    6         7         8           9r
 Close|irc,str/4 irc,str/4 irc,str/4 tld,irc,str/4
  TO+ |  scr/6     scr/6     scr/8         -
  TO- |  tlf/3p    tlf/3p    tlf/3p        -
 RCR+ |  sca/8   sca,tlu/9   sca/8   tld,scr,sca/8
 RCR- |  scn/6     scn/7     scn/6   tld,scr,scn/6
 RCA  |  irc/7     scr/6x  irc,tlu/9   tld,scr/6x
 RCN  |irc,scr/6   scr/6x  irc,scr/8   tld,scr/6x
 RTR  |  sta/6     sta/6     sta/6   tld,zrc,sta/5
 RTA  |    6         6         8       tld,scr/6
 RUC  |  scj/6     scj/7     scj/8       scj/9
 RXJ+ |    6         6         8           9
 RXJ- |  tlf/3     tlf/3     tlf/3   tld,irc,str/5
 RXR  |    6         7         8         ser/9

           |   Flag   | Address  | Control  |
           | 01111110 | 11111111 | 00000011 |
           | Protocol | Information | Padding |
           | 8/16 bits|      *      |    *    |
           |   FCS    |   Flag   | Inter-frame Fill
           |16/32 bits| 01111110 | or next Address

   Numbered Mode
           |   Flag   | Address  | Control  |
           | 01111110 |1-2 octets|1-2 octets|
           | Protocol | Information | Padding |
           |1-2 octets|      *      |    *    |
           |   FCS    |   Flag   | Inter-frame Fill
           | 16 bits  | 01111110 | or next Address

    +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
    |          |   |          |   | Numbered |
    | Header   |-->| Data     |-->| Mode     |--> link
    | Compress |   | Compress |   | Header   |
    +----------+   +----------+   +----------+

                    +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
                    |          |   |          |   | Numbered |
               +--->| Header   |-->| Data     |-->| Mode     |--> link 1
               |    | Compress |   | Compress |   | Header   |
  +--------------+  +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
  | Distribution |
  +--------------+  +----------+   +----------+   +----------+
               |    |          |   |          |   | Numbered |
               +--->| Header   |-->| Data     |-->| Mode     |--> link 2
                    | Compress |   | Compress |   | Header   |
                    +----------+   +----------+   +----------+

                                                            +---> link 1
  +----------+   +----------+   +----------+                |
  |          |   |          |   | Multi    |   +--------------+
  | Header   |-->| Data     |-->| Link     |-->| Distribution |
  | Compress |   | Compress |   | Procedure|   +--------------+
  +----------+   +----------+   +----------+                |
                                                            +---> link 2

                                    . (root)
      |                 |                    |                 |
     edu                it                   us                fr
      |                 |                    |                 |
  +---+---+...    +-----+-----+...     +-----+-----+...     +--+---+...
  |       |       |     |     |        |     |     |        |      |
 ...     ...     cnr   X42D  infn      va    ca   X42D     X42D  inria
                        |                    |     |        |
           +------------+------------+...   ...   ...  +----+-------+...
           |            |            |                 |            |
    ADMD-PtPostel  ADMD-garr  ADMD-Master400        ADMD-atlas  ADMD-red
                        |            |                 |            |
             +----------+----+...   ...        +-------+------+... ...
             |               |                 |              |
         PRMD-infn       PRMD-STET        PRMD-Telecom   PRMD-Renault
             |               |                 |              |
            ...             ...               ...            ...

                 parse  single attribute
              (enclosed in "." separators)
            (yes)  ---  <label>$@ ?  ---  (no)
              |                             |
        map to <label>        (no)  <label>$<blank> ?  (yes)
              |                 |                        |
              |           map to <label>-        map to <label>"b"
              |                 |                        |
              |           map "\." to -d-                |
              |                 |                        |
              |           map "-" to -h-                 |
              |                 |                        |
              |    map non A/N char to -<3digit>-        |
  restart     |                 |                        |
     ^        |      remove (if any) last "-"            |
     |        |                 |                        |
     |        \------->     add a  "."    <--------------/
     |                          |
     \----------  take  next  attribute  (if  any)

                parse single attribute
            (enclosed in "." separators)
            (yes) ---- <label> ? ---- (no)
              |                          |
      map to <label>$@        (no) <label>"b" ? (yes)
              |                 |                 |
              |           map to <label>$    map to <label>$<blank>
              |                 |                 |
              |           map -d- to "\."         |
              |                 |                 |
              |           map -h- to "-"          |
              |                 |                 |
              |           map -b- to " "          |
  restart     |                 |                 |
     ^        |   map -<3digit>- to non A/N char  |
     |        |                 |                 |
     |        \-------->   add a "."   <----------/
     |                         |
     \------------- take next attribute (if any)

             |       File Transfer Service       |
             |           |         FTAM          |
             |           +-----------------------+
             |   FTP     |       ISO 8823        |
             |           +-----------------------+
             |           |       ISO 8327        |
             |           +-----------+-----------+
             |           |TP0/RFC1006|   TP4     |
             +-----------+-----------+           |
             |          TCP          |           |
             |    IP     |         CLNP          |

             root                      o
                                     / | \
                                    /  |  \
             countries            uk   de  fr
                                 / |   /\   |\
                                /  |  /  \  | \
             organisations     a   b c    d e  f
                               |   | |    | |  |
             persons          ..  .. ...  .... ...

            (left audio)                     (right audio)
              +------+                         +------+
              | ++++ |                         | ++++ |
              | ++++ |                         | ++++ |
              +------+                         +------+
         I                                +---------------+I
         I                                |               |I
         I                                |  (hand signs) |I
         I                                |               |I
         I                                +---------------+I
         I                                                 I
         I                                                 I
         I          (Main Video)                           I
         I                                                 I
         I                                                 I
         I                                                 I
         I                                                 I
         I  +------------------------------------------+   I
         I  |     (text subtitle)                      |   I
         I  +------------------------------------------+   I
         I                                                 I
            Figure 2: Multimedia broadcast example

|                                                                      |
|  |-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-...-o-|-o-|-o-|  right audio    |
|  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |         |   |   |  (60/sec)       |
|  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |         |   |   |                 |
|  |-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-|-o-...-o-|-o-|-o-|  left audio     |
|  |       |       |       |       |         |       |  (60/sec)       |
|  |       |       |       |       |         |       |                 |
|  |---o---|---o---|---o---|---o---|---...---|---o---|  normal video   |
|  |                       |                         |  (30/sec)       |
|  |                       |                         |                 |
|  |-----------o-----------|--------o--...--------o--|  hand signs     |
|  |                                                 |  (10/sec)       |
|  |                                                 |                 |
|  |-----------------------------o-----...-----------|  text           |
|  |                                                 |  (1/sec)        |
|                                                                      |
          Figure 3: Object ordering in multimedia application

       |a       +-----------+           |b   +----------+            |
       |        | 1         |           |    | 1        |            |
       |        |           |           |    |     +----------+      |
       |  +---------+    +----------+   |    +-----| 2        |      |
       |  | 2       |----| 3        |   |          |          |      |
       |  |     +-----------+       |   |          +----------+      |
       |  |     | 4         |       |   |    +----------+            |
       |  +-----|           |-------+   |    | 3        |            |
       |        |           |           |    |      +----------+     |
       |        +-----------+           |    +------| 4        |     |
       |                                |           |          |     |
       |                                |           +----------+     |
       |                                |                            |
       |        1;(2||3);4              |       (1;2)||(3;4)         |
                     Figure 4: Window screen refresh

                   reliable-ordered                  reliable-unordered
                      |                                 |
                      |                                 |
                      v                                 v
          zero loss-->*---------------------------------*
           min loss-->|<--                              |<--
                .     |                                 |
                .     |<--                              |<--
                      |                                 |
                      |<-- unreliable-                  |<-- unreliable-
     RELIABILITY      |      ordered                    |     unordered
                      |<--                              |<--
                      |                                 |
                      |<--                              |<--
           max loss-->|                                 |
                   ordered       partial ordered     unordered

                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   |
                      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |   |
                      v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v   v
          zero loss-->*---------------------------------*
           min loss-->| .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                .     | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                .     | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                      | .  .  .                 .  .  . |
     RELIABILITY      | .  .  .  unreliable-PO  .  .  . |
                      | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                      | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                      | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                      | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
           max loss-->| .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . |
                   ordered       partial ordered     unordered

             |  Kind=9   |  Length=2   |

                                       1 bit        1 bit    6 bits
             |  Kind=10 | Length=3 | Start_flag | End_flag | Filler |

                1 2 3 4 5 6
            1 | - 1 0 0 0 1 |         |               |       |
            2 | - - 0 0 0 1 |         |-->1-->|-->2-->|       |
            3 | - - - 1 0 1 |         |               |       |
            4 | - - - - 0 1 |         |-->3-->|-->4-->|-->6-->|
            5 | - - - - - 1 |         |               |       |
            6 | - - - - - - |         |------>5------>|       |
              +-------------+         |               |       |

                 +--------+                +----------+
        Service  | UserA  |                | UserB    |
        Profile  +--------+                +----------+
          |          |                           |
          |          |                           |
          v          |                           |
          |      +---------+               +-----------+    Service
          |      |  TCP-A  |               |  TCP-B    |    Profile
          |      +---------+               +-----------+       ^
          |          |                           |             |
          |          |                           |             |
          |          |                           |             |
          |      +---------------------------------------+     |
          v      |                                       |     |
          ------>| ---- Service Profile ------------->   |----->

               (1)Send Request                            (5)Ack Arrival
                  +------+                                +-----------+
                  |      |                                |           |
                  |      V                                |           |
                +----------+  (4) New PO Profile    +----------+      |
          +---->|          |----------------------->|   PO     |<-----+
          |     |  ESTAB   |                        |          |
      (2) |     |          |                        |  SETUP   |
      Ack +-----|          |<-----------------------|          |<-----+
      Arrival   +----------+  (7)PO Setup Complete  +----------+      |
                  ^      |                                  |         |
                  |      |                                  |         |
                  +------+                                  +---------+
                (3)Timeout                                  (6)Timeout

                1 2 3 4 5 6
            1 | - 1 0 0 0 1 |         |               |       |
            2 | - - 0 0 0 1 |         |-->1-->|-->2-->|       |
            3 | - - - 1 0 1 |         |               |       |
            4 | - - - - 0 1 |         |-->3-->|-->4-->|-->6-->|
            5 | - - - - - 1 |         |               |       |
            6 | - - - - - - |         |------>5------>|       |
              +-------------+         |               |       |

                1 2 3 4 5 6
            1 | - 1 0 0 0 1 |
            2 | - - 0 0 0 1 |
            3 | - - - 1 0 1 |
            4 | - - - - 0 1 |
            5 | - - - - - 1 |      [ F F F F F F ]
            6 | - - - - - - |        1 2 3 4 5 6

                1 2 3 4 5 6
            1 | - 0 0 0 0 0 |
            2 | - - 0 0 0 1 |
            3 | - - - 0 0 0 |
            4 | - - - - 0 1 |
            5 | - - - - - 1 |      [ T F T F F F ]
            6 | - - - - - - |        1 2 3 4 5 6

         (2)Data Segment Arrival          (5)PO Profile fragment Arrival
            +------+                          +-------+
            |      |                          |       |
            |      V    (1)First PO Profile   |       V
          +---------+     fragment arrives   +---------+(6) Data Segment
    +---->|         |----------------------->|         |<-----+ Arrival
    |     |  ESTAB  |                        |   PO    |------+
    |     |         |                        |         |
    |     |         |                        |  SETUP  |<-----+
(3) +-----|         |<-----------------------|         |------+
Terminator+---------+  (9)PO Setup complete  +---------+(7) Terminator
            ^      |                          |      ^
            |      |                          |      |
            +------+                          +------+
          (4)Piggyback Timeout             (8)Piggyback Timeout

                      ------------             -----------
                      |ATM       |             |ATM       |
                      |X-Connect |             |X-Connect |
               VCL1   |Point     |    VCL2     |Point     |  VCL3
                      |          |             |          |
                      ------------             ------------
                       ATM Switch               ATM Switch

                      ------------             -----------
                      |ATM       |             |ATM       |
                      |X-Connect |             |X-Connect |
               VPL1   |Point     |    VPL2     |Point     |  VPL3
                      |          |             |          |
                      ------------             ------------
                       ATM Switch               ATM Switch

                    |                                    |
                    | ----------              ---------- |
                    | | ATM    |              | ATM    | |
               VCL1 | | Switch |              | Switch | | VCL3
                    | |        |              |        | |
                    | ----------              ---------- |
                    |                                    |
                    |             ATM Network            |

                     ----------             ----------
              UNI    |  ATM   |    NNI      |  ATM   |     UNI
               |     | switch |     |       | switch |      |
          O<---|---->X(UPC)   |<----|------>|   (UPC)X<-----|--->O
               | VCL |        |     | VCL   |        |  VCL |
                     ----------             ----------

                        |                         |
                        |     =============       |
                        |     |    AAL5   |       |
                        |     |   Entity  |       |
                        |     =============       |
                        |           |             |
                        |         -----Prop. Virtual Interface
                        |           |             |
                        |     =============       |
                        |     |   ATM     |       |
                        |     |  Entity   |       |
                        |     =============       |
                              |  |  |  |  |
                             ---------------- ATM UNIs
                              |  |  |  |  |
                              |  |  |  |  |
                              v  v  v  v  v

                            |                |
                            |   AAL5         |
                            |                |
                            | Prop. Virtual  |
                            |  Interface     |

                        |                         |
                        |     =============       |
                        |     |    AAL5   |       |
                        |     |   Entity  |       |
                        |     =============       |
                        |     |   ATM     |       |
                        |     |  Entity   |       |
                        |     =============       |
                                  __|__ ATM UNI

               --           ________________________________
               --           |                              |
               --  VPL      | ATM Host, Switch, or Network |   VPL
               -- receive   |                              |  receive
               -- ========> X                              X <=======
               -- <======== X                              X ========>
               -- transmit  |                              |  transmit
               --           |______________________________|

               --      _________________________________________
               --      |                                       |
               --  Low |         ATM Switch or Network         | High
               --  port|                                       | port
               -- _____|>> from low to high VPC traffic flow >>|______
               --      |<< from high to low VPC traffic flow <<|
               --      |                                       |
               --      |_______________________________________|

    0                           23                            47
    |                           |                             |
    1000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1010 xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
    |                                     |
    Multicast Bit                         0 = Internet Multicast
                                          1 = Assigned by IANA for
                                              other uses

    0                           23                            47
    |                           |                             |
    0000 0001 0000 0000 0101 1110 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
            |                     |
            Multicast Bit         0 = Internet Multicast

        upper| DoD IP |  PUP   | NS IP  |
lower        |        |        |        |
              |  Type  |  Type  |  Type  |
3Mb Ethernet  |  1001  |  1000  |  3000  |
              |  octal |  octal |  octal |
              |  Type  |  Type  |  Type  |
10 Mb Ethernet|  0800  |  0200  |  0600  |
              |   hex  |   hex  |   hex  |
              |  Link  |  Link  |  Link  |
MILNET        |  155   |  152   |  150   |
              | decimal| decimal| decimal|

        upper| DoD IP |  PUP   | NS IP  |
lower        |        |        |        |
              |        |Protocol|Protocol|
DoD IP        |   X    |   12   |   22   |
              |        | decimal| decimal|
              |        |        |        |
PUP           |   ?    |   X    |   ?    |
              |        |        |        |
              |  Type  |  Type  |        |
NS IP         |   13   |   12   |   X    |
              | decimal| decimal|        |

          ______                         ______
         |      |                       |      |
         |  H1  |                       |  H2  |
         |      |                       |      |
         |______|                       |______|
              \                          /    \
               \                        /      \
            =========================  /        \
           "                         "/         |
           "       (SIPP)            "          |
           "                         "          |
           "========================="          |
                ______            "                    "
               |      |           "       CLNP         "
               |  H4  |           "                    "
               |      |           "===================="
               |______|                    |
                     \                     |
                      \                    |
             ===================        ___|___
            "                  "       |       |
            "                  "-------|  H3   |
            "     IPv4         "       |       |
            "                  "       |_______|

              | <-- IDP -->  |
              | AFI |  IDI   |            <-- DSP -->              |
              | 47  |  0005  | DFI | AA |Rsvd | RD |Area | ID |Sel |
       octets |  1  |   2    |  1  | 3  |  2  | 2  |  2  | 6  | 1  |

           user                        user
            |                           ^
            v                           |
     |      |                           ^      |
     |      v                           |      |
     |   +-----+                     +-----+   |
     |   | UA  |                     | UA  |   |
     |   +-----+                     +-----+   |
     |      |                           ^      |
     |      v                           |      |
     | +-------------------------------------+ |
     | |    v                           ^    | |
     | |    v                           ^    | |
     | |    v                           ^    | |
     | | +-----+                     +-----+ | |
     | | | MTA |.....................| MTA | | |
     | | +-----+                     +-----+ | |
     | |    v   \                       ^    | |
     | |    v    \................      ^    | |
     | |    v                     \     ^    | | NB The actual route
     | | +-----+                   \ +-----+ | |    is drawn as
     | | | MTA |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| MTA | | |    v            ^
     | | +-----+                     +-----+ | |    v            ^
     | | Message Transfer System             | |    v  >>>>>>>>  ^
     | +-------------------------------------+ |
     | Message Handling System                 |

         |                                   |
         | The rest of the e-mail world      |
         |                                   |
                     \  |  |   /
                      \ |  |  /
                       \|  | /
                        v  vv
                  |Firewall MTA A|
                    ^  /  ^  \  ^
                   /  /   |   \  \
                  /  /    |    \  \
  Default route--o  /     |     \  o---Default route
                /  /      |      \  \
               /  /       |       \  \
              /  v        v        v  \
           +-----+     +-----+   +-------+
           |MTA B|<----|MTA C|   |MTA D  |
           +-----+     +-----+   +-------+
            /  |         |         |   \
           /   |         |         |    \
          /    |         |         |     \
       +----+ +----+  +----+   +----+ +----+
       | UA | | UA |  | UA |   | UA | | UA |
       +----+ +----+  +----+   +----+ +----+

     +----------+      +---------------------------+
     |   MTA A  |      |        Shared MTA B       |
     +----------+      +---------------------------+
        |     |         /        |     |        |
     +-----------------/----+ +-----------+  +----------+
     |  |     |       /     | |  |     |  |  |  |       |
     | +--+ +--+ +--+/      | | +--+ +--+ |  | +--+     |
     | |UA| |UA| |UA|       | | |UA| |UA| |  | |UA|     |
     | +--+ +--+ +--+       | | +--+ +--+ |  | +--+     |
     | Distributed Domain A | | Domain B  |  | Domain C |
     +----------------------+ +-----------+  +----------+

     Network Layer
                    ______           ______
                   /      \         /      \
                  |  NL 1  |       |  NL 2  |
                   \______/         \______/
                     | | |             | | |
                     | | +-------------o-o-o-+
                     | +------+  +-----+ | | |
                     |        |  |       | | |
                     | +------o--o-------+ + |
                     | |      |__|_        | |
                     | |     /      \      | |
                     | |    |  MLCP  | <--- Link Layer
                     | |     \______/    Demultiplexing
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        | <--- Virtual Link
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        +          | |
                  ___|_|        |       ___|_|
                 /      \       |      /      \
                |   LCP  |------+-----|  LCP   | <--- Link Layer
                 \______/              \______/       Demultiplexing
                    |                      |
                    |                      |
                  Link 1                 Link 2

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

      -----   -----         -----   -----
      |IR1|   |IR2|         |XR1|   |XR2|
      --+--   --+--         --+--   --+--
        |       |             |       |

           /   \
          /     \
      -----     -----     -----
      |RO1|-----|RO2|=====| R |
      -----     -----     -----

      -----   -----   -----           -----   -----   -----
      |IR1|   |IR2|   |IR3|           |XR1|   |XR2|   |XR3|
      --+--   --+--   --+--           --+--   --+--   --+--
        |       |       |               |       |       |

     |           |              |       |               |
     |           |              |       |               |
     |  Gopher   |  WAIS        | WWW   | Archie        | Others ...
     |           |              |       |               |
          |                                |
          |                       _________|____________
          |                      |                      |
          |                      | Resource Discovery   |
          |                      |  System (perhaps     |
          |                      |  based on whois++)   |
          |                      |______________________|
          |                                |
          |                                |
    |                                           |
    | Uniform resource name to uniform resource |
    | locator mapping system (perhaps based on  |
    | whois++ or X.500)                         |
        |                  |                 |                 |
  ______|______     _______|_____      ______|______     ______|______
 |             |   |             |    |             |   |             |
 | Transponder |   | Transponder |    | Transponder |   | Transponder |
 |_____________|   |_____________|    |_____________|   |_____________|
 |             |   |             |    |             |   |             |
 |             |   |             |    |             |   |             |
 |             |   |             |    |             |   |             |
 |  Resource   |   |  Resource   |    |  Resource   |   |  Resource   |
 |             |   |             |    |             |   |             |
 |             |   |             |    |             |   |             |
 |_____________|   |_____________|    |_____________|   |_____________|

              octets octets octets         octets
               1&2    3&4    5&6            17&18
             |  RC  |  RD  |  RD  | ...   |  RD  |
                     <---- 0 to 8 RD fields ---->

                            octet 1         octet 2
                       |b b b l l l l l|d f f f 0 0 0 0|
                          ^       ^     ^   ^
                          |       |     |   |
     Explorer indicator --+       |     |   +-- Max frame length*
            Length of RIF field --+     +-- Direction to use RDs

                     octet 1         octet 2
                 |r r r r r r r r r r r r i i i i|
                  <---- ring number ----> <----->
                             bridge number --+

      +----+     +----+     +----+                      +----+
      | B  | <-- | B  | <-- | B  | <--  . . . . . . <-- | B  | <-+
      |  0 |     |  1 |     |  2 |                      |  n |   |
      +----+     +----+     +----+                      +----+   |
        |                     |            |                     |
        |                     |            V                  +-----+
        |                     V            +----------------> |     |
        V                     +-----------------------------> | XOR |
        +---------------------------------------------------> |     |

      |       V       |
      |  |     n      |
            |      |           +---------+
            |      +---------> |         |      +-----+
         +--+                  | Encrypt | <--- | Key |
         |           +-------- |         |      +-----+
         |           |         +---------+
         V           V
      |      V     |  |
      |       n+1     |

              +--------------+     +------+     +----------+
              |              |     |      |<--->| IP / ARP |
              |              |<--->| This |     | RFC 1577 |
              |    ATM       |     | Memo |     +----------+
              |  signaling   |     |      |<--->| RFC 1483 |
              |              |     +------+     +----------+
              |              |   -------------> |  AAL 5   |
              |              |                  +----------+
              |              |   -------------> |   ATM    |
              +--------------+                  +----------+

                   |Broadband Bearer                 |
                   |Capability                       |
                   |Broadband Bearer     | C | X | X |
                   |Traffic Type         |   |   |   |
                   |(CBR,VBR)            |   |CBR| & |
                   |Timing Required      |   |YES| &&|
                   |Traffic Descriptor               |
                   |Parameter                        |
                   |PCR (CLP=0)          |   |   |   |
                   |PCR (CLP=0+1)        | S | S | S |
                   |SCR (CLP=0)          |   |   |   |
                   |SCR (CLP=0+1)        | S |   |   |
                   |MBS (CLP=0)          |   |   |   |
                   |MBS (CLP=0+1)        | S |   |   |
                   |Best Effort          |   |   | S |
                   |Tagging              | NO| NO| NO|
                   |QOS Classes          | 0 | 0 | 0 |

          | bb_bearer_capability                                   |
          |  spare                       0                         |
          |  bearer_class                16      (BCOC-X)          |
          |  spare                       0                         |
          |  traffic_type                0       (no indication)   |
          |  timing_reqs                 0       (no indication)   |
          |  susceptibility_to_clipping  0       (not suscept)     |
          |  spare                       0                         |
          |  user_plane_configuration    0       (point_to_point)  |

    |Broadband Bearer                                                 |
    |Capability                                                       |
    |Broadband Bearer     |A,C| X |X  |C  | X |C| X |A,C| X | X |C| X |
    |Traffic Type         |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   | |   |
    |(CBR,VBR)            |   |CBR| & |   |&  | |&  |   |CBR|&  |&| & |
    |Timing Required      |   | Y |&& |   |&& | |&& |   | Y |&& | |&& |
    |Traffic Descriptor                                               |
    |Parameter                                                        |
    |PCR (CLP=0)          | S | S | S |   |   | |   |   |   |   | |   |
    |PCR (CLP=0+1)        | S | S | S | S | S |S| S | S | S | S |S| S |
    |SCR (CLP=0)          |   |   |   |   | S |S|   |   |   |   | |   |
    |SCR (CLP=0+1)        |   |   |   |   |   | | S | S |   |   | |   |
    |MBS (CLP=0)          |   |   |   |   | S |S|   |   |   |   | |   |
    |MBS (CLP=0+1)        |   |   |   |   |   | | S | S |   |   | |   |
    |Best Effort          |   |   |   |   |   | |   |   |   |   |S| S |
    |Tagging              |Y/N|Y/N|Y/N|Y/N|Y/N|N| N | N | N | N |N| N |
    |QOS Classes          | * | * | * | * | * |*| * | * | * | * |0| 0 |

                     --------        --------
      -------       |        |      |        |       -------
     |   A   |      | FR/ATM |      |   ATM  |      |   B   |
     |  (FR) |----->|  IWU   |----->| switch |----->| (ATM) |
      -------       |        |      |        |       -------
                     --------        --------

                     --------        --------
      -------       |        |      |        |       -------
     |   B   |      | FR/ATM |      |   ATM  |      |   A   |
     |  (FR) |<-----|  IWU   |<-----| switch |<-----| (ATM) |
      -------       |        |      |        |       -------
                     --------        --------

    system   printer    asset     user          user           user
    manager  operator   manager
      O         O         O         O             O              O
     /|\       /|\       /|\       /|\           /|\            /|\
     / \       / \       / \       / \           / \            / \
      |         |         |         |             |              |
+---------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+   +-----------+ +-----------+
|configur-| |printer| | asset | |printer|   |   user    | |   user    |
|ator     | |manager| |manager| |browser|   |application| |application|
+---------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+   +-----------+ +-----------+
   ^            ^         ^         ^             |             |
   |R/W         |R/W      |R        |R      +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |       |  spooler  | |  spooler  |
   |            |         |         |       +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |             |             |
   |            |         |         |       +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |       |supervisor | |supervisor |
   |            |         |         |       +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |        ^       ^     ^       ^
   |            |         |         |        |R      |R/W  |R      |R/W
   v            v         |         |        |       |     |       |
==================================================   |   =====     |
                     |                          print|        print|
                     |SNMP                       data|         data|
  +-----+        +-------+                        PCL|          PCL|
  | MIB |<------>| agent |                 PostScript|   PostScript|
  +-----+        +-------+                       NPAP|         NPAP|
                     |unspecified                etc.|         etc.|
              +=============+  +-----------------+   |             |
              |             |--|channel/interface|<--+             |
              |             |  +-----------------+                 |
              |   PRINTER   |                                      |
              |             |  +-----------------+                 |
              |             |--|channel/interface|<----------------+
              +=============+  +-----------------+

   +------+                    +--------+                  +--------+
   |      |                    |        |                  |        |
+-------+ |    +-------+    +---------+ |    +-------+   +--------+ |
| Input |-+  +--------+|    |  Marker |-+  +--------+|   | Output |-+
|       |===>|        |+<==>|         |<==>|        |+==>|        |
+-------+    +--+  +--+     +---------+    +--+  +--+    +--------+
   \            |  ||                         |  ||         \
    \           |  ||                         |  ||          \
     \          |  ||                         |  ||           \
    +--------+  |  |+-------------------------|  ||         +---------+
    |        |  |  +--------------------------+  ||         |         |
+----------+ |  |            Media Path          |+      +----------+ |
|  Media   |-+  +--------------------------------+       | Finisher |-+
|(optional)|                                             |(optional)|
+----------+                                             +----------+

--               INPUT MEASUREMENT
--     _______ |                     |
--      ^      |                     |
--      |      |                     |                    |
--      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| _________________  |direction
--      |      |                     |      ^             v
-- MaxCapacity |                     |      |
--      |      | Sheets left in tray | CurrentLevel
--      |      |                     |      |
--      v      |                     |      v
--     _______ +_____________________+ _______

--               OUTPUT MEASUREMENT
--     _______ |                     | _______
--      ^      |                     |      ^
--      |      |                     |      |
--      |      |                     | RemainingCapacity
-- MaxCapacity |                     |      |
--      |      |                     |      v               ^
--      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| ___________________  |direction
--      |      |                     |                      |
--      |      |  Sheets in output   |
--      v      |                     |
--     _______ +_____________________+

         TABLE 1 - Relationship of AFI Individual and Group Values
        |Individual  Group | Individual  Group | Individual Group |
        | 0x           FF  |                   |                  |
        | 10           A0  |     40        BE  |     70       DC  |
        | 11           A1  |     41        BF  |     71       DD  |
        | 12           A2  |     42        C0  |     72       DE  |
        | 13           A3  |     43        C1  |     73       DF  |
        | 14           A4  |     44        C2  |     74       E0  |
        | 15           A5  |     45        C3  |     75       E1  |
        | 16           A6  |     46        C4  |     76       E2  |
        | 17           A7  |     47        C5  |     77       E3  |
        | 18           A8  |     48        C6  |     78       E4  |
        | 19           A9  |     49        C7  |     79       E5  |
        | 20           AA  |     50        C8  |     80       E6  |
        | 21           AB  |     51        C9  |     81       E7  |
        | 22           AC  |     52        CA  |     82       E8  |
        | 23           AD  |     53        CB  |     83       E9  |
        | 24           AE  |     54        CC  |     84       EA  |
        | 25           AF  |     55        CD  |     85       EB  |
        | 26           B0  |     56        CE  |     86       EC  |
        | 27           B1  |     57        CF  |     87       ED  |
        | 28           B2  |     58        D0  |     88       EE  |
        | 29           B3  |     59        D1  |     89       EF  |
        | 30           B4  |     60        D2  |     90       F0  |
        | 31           B5  |     61        D3  |     91       F1  |
        | 32           B6  |     62        D4  |     92       F2  |
        | 33           B7  |     63        D5  |     93       F3  |
        | 34           B8  |     64        D6  |     94       F4  |
        | 35           B9  |     65        D7  |     95       F5  |
        | 36           BA  |     66        D8  |     96       F6  |
        | 37           BB  |     67        D9  |     97       F7  |
        | 38           BC  |     68        DA  |     98       F8  |
        | 39           BD  |     69        DB  |     99       F9  |

        |        Number of Group Address Pairs               |  10
        |   Group Network Address Length Indicator (GNAL)    |  11
        |                                                    |  12
        :           Group Network Address (GNA)              :
        |                                                    |
        |   Paired SNPA Address Length Indicator (PSAL)      |
        |                                                    |
        :            Paired SNPA Address (PSA)               :
        |                                                    |
        |                       GNAL                         |
        |                                                    |
        :                       GNA                          :
        |                                                    |
        |                       PSAL                         |
        |                                                    |
        :                       PSA                          :
        |                                                    | m-1

                | IDP | Upper DSP | Embedded SNPA address | SEL|
       octets:  |  3  |    10     |           6           |  1 |

        |          Network Layer Protocol Identifier         |  1
        |                 Length Indicator                   |  2
        |           Version/Protocol ID Extension            |  3
        |               reserved (must be zero)              |  4
        | 0 | 0 | 0 |  Type (00101 = ESGH)                   |  2
        |                    Holding Time                    | 6,7
        |                      Checksum                      | 8,9
        |          Number of Group Address Pairs             |  10
        |   Group Network Address Length Indicator (GNAL)    |  11
        |                                                    |  12
        :            Group Network Address (GNA)             :
        |                                                    |
        |    Paired SNPA Address Length Indicator (PSAL)     |
        |                                                    |
        :             Paired SNPA Address (PSA)              :
        |                                                    |
        |                        GNAL                        |
        |                                                    |
        :                        GNA                         |
        |                                                    |
        |                        PSAL                        |
        |                                                    |
        :                        PSA                         :
        |                                                    | m-1
        |                                                    |  m
        :                       Options                      :
        |                                                    | p-1
                      Figure 2 - ESGH PDU Format

        |       Network Layer Protocol Identifier            |  1
        |               Length Indicator                     |  2
        |        Version/Protocol ID Extension               |  3
        |           reserved (must be zero)                  |  4
        | 0 | 0 | 0 |  Type (00111 = MAM)                    |  2
        |                Holding Time                        | 6,7
        |                  Checksum                          | 8,9
        |          Number of Group Address Pairs             |  10
        |  Group Network Address Length Indicator (GNAL)     |  11
        |                                                    |  12
        :          Group Network Address (GNA)               :
        |                                                    |
        |     Paired SNPA Address Length Indicator (PSAL)    |
        |                                                    |
        :              Paired SNPA Address (PSA)             :
        |                                                    |
        |                       GNAL                         |
        |                                                    |
        :                       GNA                          :
        |                                                    |
        |                       PSAL                         |
        |                                                    |
        :                       PSA                          :
        |                                                    | m-1

        |                                                    |  m
        :                      Options                       :
        |                                                    | p-1
                     Figure 3 - MAM PDU Format

       |            |            |                       |
       |            |            |                       |
       |  TYPE      |   LENGTH   |     IP ADDRESS 1      |
       |            |            |                       |
       |            |            |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |  IP ADDRESS 1(Cont)     |     IP ADDRESS 2      |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |  IP ADDRESS 2(Cont)     |     ..........        |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |      ..........         |     IP ADDRESS N      |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |
       |    IP ADDRESS N(Cont)   |        UNUSED         |
       |                         |                       |
       |                         |                       |

          1                                                8
          |      |           |                             |
          | COPY |   CLASS   |    OPTION NUMBER            |  =  149
          |      |           |                             |

   Events| Idle | Connect | Active | OpenSent | OpenConfirm | Estab
         | (1)  |   (2)   |  (3)   |    (4)   |     (5)     |   (6)
    1    |  2   |    2    |   3    |     4    |      5      |    6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    2    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    3    |  1   |    4    |   4    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    4    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     3    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    5    |  1   |    3    |   3    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    6    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    7    |  1   |    2    |   2    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    8    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    9    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      5      |    6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   10    |  1   |    1    |   1    |  1 or 5  |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   11    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      6      |    6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   12    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      | 1 or 6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   13    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |

                    +-------+         +-------+
              BGP   |  BGP  |   BGP   |  BGP  |   BGP
           ---------+       +---------+       +---------
                    |  IGP  |         |  IGP  |
                    +-------+         +-------+

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

      |  opc  |filename| 0 |  mode  | 0 |  opt1  | 0 | value1 | 0 | <

      <  optN  | 0 | valueN | 0 |

        37 +      g
        35 +
        33 +
        31 +
        29 +
        27 +
           |             g              blocksize   n-time   g-time
        25 +                            ---------   ------   ------
      s    |       n                      512       23.85    37.05
      e 23 +                g            1024       16.15    25.65
      c    |                             1432       13.70    23.10
      o 21 +                             2048       10.90    16.90
      n    |                             4096        6.85     9.65
      d 19 +                             8192        4.90     6.15
      s    |
        17 +                    g
           |             n
        15 +
           |                n
        13 +
        11 +                    n
           |                           g
         9 +
         7 +                           n
           |                                  g
         5 +                                  n
         0 +------+------+--+---+------+------+---
                 512    1K  |  2K     4K     8K
                    blocksize (bytes)

                    resulting packet flow towards NET1
                     announce NET1  |  accept NET1
                    --------------> + ------------->
                        AS X        |    AS Y
                     <------------- + <--------------
                       accept NET2  |  announce NET2
                   resulting packet flow towards NET2

           B AS ---)                    "W"
           W AS ---)                    --->
           B AS ---)>>  AS A  ---> ...           AS Z .... NET 3
           B AS ---)                    --->
           W AS ---)                    "B"

                   LINK1 +----------+
                |          |
   AS1------AS2==           ==AS3-----AS4
                |          | +----------+

               +           +                             +
               |   +---+   |                             |
        +--+   |---|RTA|---|                             |   +--+
        |H1|---|   +---+   |                             |---|H2|
        +--+   |           |   +---+    ODL      +---+   |   +--+
               |LAN Y      |---|RTB|-------------|RTC|---|
               +           |   +---+             +---+   |
                           +                             +

            +---+                                        +---+
            |RTB|                                        |RTC|
            +---+                                        +---+
                          Hello (DC-bit set)
                          Hello (DC-bit clear)
                       Hello (DC-bit set, RTC seen)
                     Database Description (DC-bit set)

                                                 +  +--+
                                          +---+  |--|H2|
                                +---------|RT2|--|  +--+
                               /          +---+  |
                              / ODL              +
                +--+  +      /
                |H1|--|     /                    +
                +--+  |  +---+    ODL     +---+  |  +--+
                      |  +---+            +---+  |  +--+
                      |      \                   +
                      +       \ODL
                               \                 +  +--+
                                \         +---+  |--|H4|
                                 +--------|RT4|--|  +--+
                                          +---+  |

                    Bridge           Bridge
   +------+         +----+           +----+         +------+
   | End  | +-----+ |    +-----/     |    | +-----+ | End  |
   |System+-+ LAN +-+    |    /------+    +-+ LAN +-+System|
   |      | +-----+ |    |  TCP/IP   |    | +-----+ |      |
   +------+         +----+           +----+         +------+

   +------+         +----+           +----+         +------+
   | End  | +-----+ |    +-----/     |    | +-----+ | End  |
   |System+-+ LAN +-+DLSw|    /------+DLSw+-+ LAN +-+System|
   |      | +-----+ |    |  TCP/IP   |    | +-----+ |      |
   +------+         +----+           +----+         +------+
    Info--------------->   -------------> Info
      <---------------RR                 ------------>

   |              DLC Interfaces               | Protocol (SSP)
   |+-----------+   DLC Request  +-----------+ |
   ||   Data    |<---------------|           | |Send SSP Frame
   ||   Link    | DLC Indication |           | |-------------->
   || Control 1 |--------------->|           | |
   |+-----------+                | Data Link | |
   |+-----------+   DLC Request  |  Switch   | |
   ||   Data    |<-------------- |           | |Rec. SSP Frame
   ||   Link    | DLC Indication |           | |<-------------
   || Control 2 | -------------->|           | |
   |+-----------+                +-----------+ |
   |            Multi-Protocol Router          |

Flow #1 - DLSw Startup With XIDs
 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

              DLC_RESOLVE_C   CANUREACH_ex
              ----------->    ----------->
              DLC_RESOLVE_R     ICANREACH_ex
               <-----------     <-----------

              DLC_XID         CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                                <-----------    <-----------
          circuit_established                 circuit_pending
                              ----------->   circuit_established

                     DLC_XID        XIDFRAME         DLC_XID
                <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
              DLC_XID         XIDFRAME        DLC_XID
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->

                 DLC_XIDs       XIDFRAMEs        DLC_XIDs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>

              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
              connect_pending                 contact_pending

                <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
                 connected                       connected

                DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

TEST_cmd      DLC_RESOLVE_C    CANUREACH_ex               TEST_cmd
----------->  ----------->     ----------->               ---------->
   TEST_rsp   DLC_RESOLVE_R     ICANREACH_ex                 TEST_rsp
 <---------    <-----------   <-----------             <-----------
null XID      DLC_XID          CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL
----------->  ----------->     ----------->    ----------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                                <-----------    <-------------
           circuit_established                circuit_pending
                              ----------->  circuit_established

                              XIDFRAME         DLC_XID       null XID
                              ----------->     --------->    -------->
        XID        DLC_XID        XIDFRAME         DLC_XID          XID
  <--------   <-----------    <-----------    <-----------    <--------
    XIDs         DLC_XIDs      XIDFRAMEs        DLC_XIDs         XIDs
<---------->  <---------->  <------------>  <------------>  <--------->
----------->  ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    -------->
              connect_pending                 contact_pending

          UA     DLC_CONTACT     CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED          UA
  <---------   <-----------   <-----------    <-----------    <--------
                  connected                        connected

  IFRAMEs       DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
<---------->  <----------->  <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

----------->  ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    -------->
          UA  connect_pending                 contact_pending

          RR    DLC_CONTACT       CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED          UA
  <---------   <-----------    <-----------    <-----------    <--------
                 connected                        connected

   IFRAMEs      DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs      IFRAMEs
<---------->  <------------>  <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                                <-----------    <-----------
          circuit_established                 circuit_pending
                              ----------->   circuit_established

                              CONTACT         DLC_CONTACT
                              ----------->    ----------->
              connect_pending                 contact_pending

                <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
                 connected                       connected

                DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

----------->  ----------->    ----------->    ----------->   --------->

 <-----------  <------------   <-----------    <-----------  <---------

----------->  ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
               circuit_start                 resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                                <-----------    <-----------
            circuit_established                circuit_pending
                              ----------->   circuit_established

                              CONTACT         DLC_CONTACT     SABME
                              ----------->    ----------->    --------->
             connect_pending                 contact_pending

          UA   DLC_CONTACT       CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED           UA
  <---------  <-----------    <-----------    <-----------    <---------
                connected                       connected

   IFRAMEs       DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
<------------> <------------> <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

PU 2.0 is
in DLSw to    DLC_XID(null)   CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL
call in       ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs   DLC_DL_STARTED
                                <-----------   <-----------
           circuit_established                circuit_pending
                                ----------->   circuit_established

                    DLC_XID        XIDFRAME         DLC_XID
respond with   <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
XID configured for station or
forward XID to
station and
send response  DLC_XID        XIDFRAME        DLC_XID
               ----------->   ----------->    ----------->

  <---------   <-----------    <-----------    <------------
              contact_pending                    connect_pending

---------->    ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
                connected                       connected

   IFRAMEs       DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs
<----------->  <------------>  <------------>  <------------>

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

XID(null)     DLC_XID(null)   CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL
----------->  ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                                <-----------    <-----------
            circuit_established                 circuit_pending
                                ----------->   circuit_established

                                XIDFRAME      DLC_XID
                                ----------->  ----------->
         XID        DLC_XID         XIDFRAME         DLC_XID
  <---------   <-----------     <-----------    <-----------
XID           DLC_XID         XIDFRAME        DLC_XID
--------->    ----------->    ----------->    ----------->

  <---------   <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
              contact_pending                 connect_pending

--------->    ----------->    ----------->    ----------->
                 connected                      connected

   IFRAMEs      DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs
<---------->  <------------>  <------------>  <------------>

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw       Target
 Station        partner                          partner         Station
              disconnected                    disconnected

              DLC_RESOLVE_C   CANUREACH_ex
              ----------->    ----------->   reply if virtual MAC/SAP
                                             for SDLC station is
                                             configured, if SDLC
                                             station responds to
              DLC_RESOLVE_R    ICANREACH_ex  TEST/SNRM/DISC, etc.
               <-----------    <-----------
              DLC_XID         CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL    SNRM
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    --------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED        UA
                                <-----------    <-----------    <-------
          circuit_established                 circuit_pending
                              REACH_ACK                       --------->
                              ----------->   circuit_established

                              XIDFRAME        DLC_XID
                              ----------->    -----------> respond with
                                                           XID configured
                                                           for station
                                                           or forward
                                                           XID to
                                                           station and
                   DLC_XID        XIDFRAME         DLC_XID response
              <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
              DLC_CONTACTED   CONTACT         DLC_CONTACT     RR
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    --------->
             connect_pending                contact_pending

                <-----------    <-----------    <-----------
                connected                        connected

                DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>  <------->

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw       Target
 Station        partner                          partner         Station
              disconnected                    disconnected

              DLC_RESOLVE_C   CANUREACH_ex
              ----------->    ----------->    reply if virtual MAC/SAP
                                              for SDLC station is
                                              configured, if SDLC
                                              station responds to
              DLC_RESOLVE_R     ICANREACH_ex  TEST/XID/SNRM/DISC, etc.
               <-----------     <-----------
              DLC_XID         CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL    XID
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    --------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs   DLC_DL_STARTED        XID
                                <-----------   <-----------    <--------
          circuit_established                 circuit_pending

                                XIDFRAME        DLC_XID
                                ----------->    -----------> respond
                                                             with XID
                     DLC_XID        XIDFRAME        DLC_XID  above
                <-----------    <-----------     <---------
             ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    --------->
             connect_pending                  contact_pending

                DLC_CONTACT       CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED          UA
               <-----------    <-----------    <-----------    <--------
                connected                        connected

                DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

              DLC_RESOLVE_C   CANUREACH_ex
              ----------->    ----------->    implementer's choice
                                              (virtual MAC/SAP
                                               check to see if station
                                               is powered up using
              DLC_RESOLVE_R     ICANREACH_ex   TEST/XID/DISC, etc.)
               <-----------     <-----------
              DLC_XID         CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL    null XID
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    --------->
              circuit_start                   resolve_pending

                                ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED       XID
                                <-----------    <-----------    <-------

          circuit_established                 circuit_pending
                              ----------->   circuit_established
                              XIDFRAME        DLC_XID
                              ----------->    ----------->  respond with
                                                            XID received
                     DLC_XID        XIDFRAME        DLC_XID above
                <-----------    <-----------    <----------
                 DLC_XIDs       XIDFRAMEs        DLC_XIDs         XIDs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>  <-------->
              DLC_CONTACTED   CONTACT         DLC_CONTACT     SNRM
              ----------->    ----------->    ----------->    --------->
              connect_pending                 contact_pending

                 DLC_CONTACT       CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED         UA
                <-----------    <-----------    <-----------    <-------
                connected                        connected

                DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
              <------------>  <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

   -----SENDER-----                     ----RECEIVER----
   Granted   Window                     Window   Granted
     0         2   circuit established    2         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   2         1
     4         3   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   3         4
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
                          +- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     2         3   DATA---|----------->   3         5
     1         3   DATA---|----------->   3         4
     4         3   <------+
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
     6         3   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     5         3   FCACK-------------->   3         5
     4         3   DATA--------------->   3         4
     3         3   DATA--------------->   3         3
                          +- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     2         3   DATA---|----------->   3         5
     1         3   DATA---|----------->   3         4
     0         3   DATA---|----------->   3         3
     3         3   <------+
     2         3   FCACK-------------->   3         2
     6         4   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   4         6
     5         4   FCACK-------------->   4         5
     4         4   DATA--------------->   4         4
                                        Waiting on Buffer
                          +- FCIND(Dec)   3         7
     3         4   DATA---|----------->   3         6
     2         4   DATA---|----------->   3         5
     1         4   DATA---|----------->   3         4
     0         4   DATA---|----------->   3         3
     3         3   <------+
     2         3   FCACK-------------->   3         2
                                        Waiting on Buffer
                          +- FCIND(Dec)   2         4
     1         3   DATA---|----------->   2         3
     0         3   DATA---|----------->   2         2
     2         2   <------+
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   2         1
     4         3   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   3         4
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3

     6         3   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     5         3   FCACK-------------->   3         5
     4         3   DATA--------------->   3         4
     3         3   DATA--------------->   3         3
     6         3   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6

      -----SENDER-----                     ----RECEIVER----
      Granted   Window                     Window   Granted
        0         2   circuit established    2         0
        2         2   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   2         2
        1         2   FCACK-------------->   2         1
        4         3   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   3         4
        3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
                                             Resource Shortage
        2         3   DATA--------------->   1         2
        1         3   DATA--------------->   1         1
        0         3   DATA--------------->   1         0
        1         1   <-------- FCIND(Hlv)   1         1
        0         1   FCACK-------------->   1         0

   -----SENDER-----                     ----RECEIVER----
   Granted   Window                     Window   Granted
     0         2   circuit established    2         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   2         1
     4         3   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   3         4
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
                          +- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     2         3   DATA---|----------->   3         5
     1         3   DATA---|----------->   3         4
     4         3   <------+
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
     6         3   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     5         3   FCACK-------------->   3         5
                                          Resource shortage!

     0         0   <-------- FCIND(Rst)   0         5 (note still
     0         0   IFCACK------------->   0         0
                                          Condition eases
     1         1   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   1         1
     0         1   FCACK-------------->   1         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   3         4

   -----SENDER-----                     ----RECEIVER----
   Granted   Window                     Window   Granted
     0         2   circuit established    2         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   2         1
     4         3   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   3         4
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
                          +- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     2         3   DATA---|----------->   3         5
                          |               Resource shortage!
                          |+-FCIND(Rst)   0         5
     1         3   DATA---||---------->   0         4
     4         3   <------+|
     3         3   FCACK---+---------->   0         3 (Not IFCACK!)
     2         3   DATA----|---------->   0         2
     0         0   <-------+
     0         0   IFCACK------------->   0         0
                                          Condition eases
     1         1   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   1         1
     0         1   FCACK-------------->   1         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   3         4

   -----SENDER-----                     ----RECEIVER----
   Granted   Window                     Window   Granted
     0         2   circuit established    2         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Rpt)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   2         1
     4         3   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   3         4
     3         3   FCACK-------------->   3         3
                          +- FCIND(Rpt)   3         6
     2         3   DATA---|----------->   3         5
                          |               Resource shortage!
                          |+-FCIND(Rst)   0         5
     1         3   DATA---||---------->   0         4
     4         3   <------+|

     0         0   <-------+
     0         0   IFCACK------------->   0         0
                                          Condition eases
     1         1   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   1         1
     0         1   FCACK-------------->   1         0
     2         2   <-------- FCIND(Inc)   2         2
     1         2   FCACK-------------->   3         4

                        |            C=IN            DSA-1   |
                        |          /      \                  |
                        |         /        \                 |
                        |        /          \                |
                        |       /            \               |
                        |      /          cn=subschema       |
                        |     /           /  / | \ \ \       |
                        |    /           /  /  |  \ \ \      |
                        |   /          oid= oid=             |
  |                o=IIT, Madras      DSA-2     |
  |                 /           \               |
  |                /             \              |
  |               /               \             |
  |              /                 \            |
  |         ou=CSE             cn=subschema     |
  |         /    \             /   /| \ \ \     |
  |        /      \           /   / |  \ \ \    |
  |ipni=spark  cn=Rajeev oid=ipni  oid=         |

      |  .----------------------------------------------------.  |
      |  |  .----------------------------------------------.  |  |
      |  |  |  .----------------------------------------.  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |   (3.1) Base URL embedded in the       |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |         document's content             |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  `----------------------------------------'  |  |  |
      |  |  |   (3.2) Base URL of the encapsulating entity |  |  |
      |  |  |         (message, document, or none).        |  |  |
      |  |  `----------------------------------------------'  |  |
      |  |   (3.3) URL used to retrieve the entity            |  |
      |  `----------------------------------------------------'  |
      |   (3.4) Base URL = "" (undefined)                        |

                      DATA PATH                         CONTROL PATH
                      =========                         ============
       Upper     +------------------+                     +---------+
       Layer     | Application data |                     | Control |
                 +------------------+                     +---------+
                          |                                    |
                          |                                    V
                          |                     +-------------------+
       SCMP               |                     |   SCMP  |         |
                          |                     +-------------------+
                          |                             |
                          V                             V
            +-----------------------+      +------------------------+
       ST   | ST |                  |      | ST |         |         |
            +-----------------------+      +------------------------+
            D-bit=1                       D-bit=0

    | Conference Control |
   +-------+ +-------+ |
   | Video | | Voice | | +-----+ +------+ +-----+     +-----+ Application
   | Appl  | | Appl  | | | SNMP| |Telnet| | FTP | ... |     |    Layer
   +-------+ +-------+ | +-----+ +------+ +-----+     +-----+
       |        |      |     |        |     |            |
       V        V      |     |        |     |            |   ------------
    +-----+  +-----+   |     |        |     |            |
    | PVP |  | NVP |   |     |        |     |            |
    +-----+  +-----+   +     |        |     |            |
     |   \      | \     \    |        |     |            |
     |    +-----|--+-----+   |        |     |            |
     |     Appl.|control  V  V        V     V            V
     | ST  data |         +-----+    +-------+        +-----+
     | & control|         | UDP |    |  TCP  |    ... | RTP | Transport
     |          |         +-----+    +-------+        +-----+   Layer
     |         /|          / | \       / / |          / /|
     |\       / |  +------+--|--\-----+-/--|--- ... -+ / |
     | \     /  |  |         |   \     /   |          /  |
     |  \   /   |  |         |    \   +----|--- ... -+   |   -----------
     |   \ /    |  |         |     \ /     |             |
     |    V     |  |         |      V      |             |
     | +------+ |  |         |   +------+  |   +------+  |
     | | SCMP | |  |         |   | ICMP |  |   | IGMP |  |    Internet
     | +------+ |  |         |   +------+  |   +------+  |     Layer
     |    |     |  |         |      |      |      |      |
     V    V     V  V         V      V      V      V      V
   +-----------------+  +-----------------------------------+
   | STream protocol |->|      Internet     Protocol        |
   +-----------------+  +-----------------------------------+
                  | \   / |
                  |  \ /  |
                  |   X   |                                  ------------
                  |  / \  |
                  | /   \ |
                  VV     VV
   +----------------+   +----------------+
   | (Sub-) Network |...| (Sub-) Network |                  (Sub-)Network
   |    Protocol    |   |    Protocol    |                     Layer
   +----------------+   +----------------+

                Sender             Network             Receiver
                  |                   |                   |
     OPEN.req     |                   |                   |
                  |-----------------> |                   |
                  |                   |-----------------> |
                  |                   |                   | OPEN.ind
                  |                   |                   | OPEN.accept
                  |                   |<----------------- |
                  |<----------------- |                   |
  OPEN.accept-ind |                   |                   |
                  |                   |                   |

           |Primitive      | Descriptive                   |O/T|
           |OPEN.req       | open a stream                 | O |
           |OPEN.ind       | connection request indication | T |
           |OPEN.accept    | accept stream                 | T |
           |OPEN.refuse    | refuse stream                 | T |
           |OPEN.accept-ind| connection accept indication  | O |
           |OPEN.refuse-ind| connection refuse indication  | O |
           |ADD.req        | add targets to stream         | O |
           |ADD.ind        | add request indication        | T |
           |ADD.accept     | accept stream                 | T |
           |ADD.refuse     | refuse stream                 | T |
           |ADD.accept-ind | add accept indication         | O |
           |ADD.refuse-ind | add refuse indication         | O |
           |JOIN.req       | join a stream                 | T |
           |JOIN.ind       | join request indication       | O |
           |JOIN.reject    | reject a join                 | O |
           |JOIN.reject-ind| join reject indication        | T |
           |DATA.req       | send data                     | O |
           |DATA.ind       | receive data indication       | T |
           |CHG.req        | change stream QoS             | O |
           |CHG.ind        | change request indication     | T |
           |CHG.accept     | accept change                 | T |
           |CHG.refuse     | refuse change                 | T |
           |CHG.accept-ind | change accept indication      | O |
           |CHG.refuse-ind | change refuse indication      | O |
           |DROP.req       | drop targets                  | O |
           |DROP.ind       | disconnect indication         | T |
           |LEAVE.req      | leave stream                  | T |
           |LEAVE.ind      | leave stream indication       | O |
           |CLOSE.req      | close stream                  | O |
           |CLOSE.ind      | close stream indication       | T |

                        |            |<-------------------+
            +---------->|    IDLE    |-------------+      |
            |           |            |    OPEN.req |      |
            |           +------------+             |      |
 CLOSE.req  |      CLOSE.req ^   ^ CLOSE.req       V      | CLOSE.req
            |                |   |            +---------+ |
            |                |   |            | PENDING |-|-+ JOIN.reject
            |                |   -------------|         |<|-+
            |    JOIN.reject |                +---------+ |
            |    DROP.req +----------+             |      |
            |       +-----|          |             |      |
            |       |     |  ESTDL   | OPEN.(a/r)* |      |
            |       +---->|          |<------------+      |
            |             +----------+                    |
            |              |  ^  |  ^                     |
            |              |  |  |  |                     |
       +----------+ CHG.req|  |  |  | Add.(a/r)*    +----------+
       |          |<-------+  |  |  +-------------- |          |
       |  CHGING  |           |  |                  |  ADDING  |
       |          |-----------+  +----------------->|          |
       +----------+ CHG.(a/r)*         JOIN.ind     +----------+
           |   ^                         ADD.req        |   ^
           |   |                                        |   |
           +---+                                        +---+
           DROP.req                                    DROP.req
           JOIN.reject                                 JOIN.reject

                 |        |-----------------------+
                 |  IDLE  |                       |
                 |        |<---+                  | OPEN/ADD.ind
                 +--------+    | CLOSE.ind        | JOIN.req
                     ^         | OPEN/ADD.refuse  |
                     |         | JOIN.refect-ind  |
         CLOSE.ind   |         |                  V
         DROP.ind    |         |             +---------+
         LEAVE.req   |         +-------------|         |
                     |                       | PENDING |
                 +-------+                   |         |
                 |       |                   +---------+
                 | ESTBL |    OPEN/ADD.accept     |
                 |       |<-----------------------+

|Primitive      |IDLE|    PENDING    |  ESTBL |    CHGING  |    ADDING |
|OPEN.req       | ok | -             | -      | -          | -         |
|OPEN.accept-ind| -  |if(a,r)*->ESTBL| -      | -          | -         |
|OPEN.refuse-ind| -  |if(a,r)*->ESTBL| -      | -          | -         |
|ADD.req        | -  | queued        |->ADDING| queued     | queued    |
|ADD.accept-ind | -  | -             | -      | -          |if(a,r)*   |
|               | -  | -             | -      | -          |->ESTBL    |
|ADD.refuse-ind | -  | -             | -      | -          |if(a,r)*   |
|               | -  | -             | -      | -          |->ESTBL    |
|JOIN.ind       | -  | queued        |->ADDING| queued     |queued     |
|JOIN.reject    | -  | OK            | ok     | ok         | ok        |
|DATA.req       | -  | -             | ok     | ok         | ok        |
|CHG.req        | -  | queued        |->CHGING| queued     |queued     |
|CHG.accept-ind | -  | -             | -      |if(a,r)*    | -         |
|               | -  | -             | -      |->ESTBL     | -         |
|CHG.refuse.ind | -  | -             | -      |if(a,r)*    | -         |
|               | -  | -             | -      |->ESTBL     | -         |
|DROP.req       | -  | -             | ok     | ok         | ok        |
|LEAVE.ind      | -  | OK            | ok     | ok         | ok        |
|CLOSE.req      | -  | OK            | ok     | ok         | ok        |
                Table 2: Primitives and States at the Origin

             | Primitive       |   IDLE    |  PENDING   |   ESTBL   |
             | OPEN/ADD.ind    | ->PENDING | -          | -         |
             | OPEN/ADD.accept | -         | ->ESTBL    | -         |
             | OPEN/ADD.refuse | -         | ->IDLE     | -         |
             | JOIN.req        | ->PENDING | -          | -         |
             | JOIN.reject-ind |-          | ->IDLE     | -         |
             | DATA.ind        | -         | -          | ok        |
             | CHG.ind         | -         | -          | ok        |
             | CHG.accept      | -         | -          | ok        |
             | DROP.ind        | -         | ok         | ok        |
             | LEAVE.req       | -         | ok         | ok        |
             | CLOSE.ind       | -         | ok         | ok        |
             | CHG.ind         | -         | -          | ok        |
                Table 3: Primitives and States at the Target

                      |                           [H]
              ________|________________________    |
              |                                |   |
      ________|__                        ______|___|____
      |         |                        |             |
      |  ATM   [R]                      [R]  ATM       |
      |  Cloud  |                        |   Cloud     |___[H]
      |         |     Non-ATM Internet   |             |
      |         |                       [R]            |
      |________[R]                       |_____________|
       |      |                                |
       |      |                                |
      [H]     |________________________________|

    | IPv4 Header |  Auth Header | Upper Protocol (e.g. TCP, UDP)|

  |<--        Unencrypted              -->|<----    Encrypted   ------>|
  | IP Header   | Other IP Headers   | ESP Header | encrypted data      |

  |             Security Association Identifier (SPI), 32 bits          |
  |             Opaque Transform Data, variable length                  |

        | byte 0 | byte 1 |...|byte n-1|    0   |...|    0   |   BLOCK
        |<-----------n bytes---------->|<------r bytes------>|
        |<-----------n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)>----------->|

           (MSB)                   (LSB)
         |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |                      INTEGER
         <------------32 bits------------>

           (MSB)                   (LSB)
            |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |             UNSIGNED INTEGER
            <------------32 bits------------>

        (MSB)                                                   (LSB)
      |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |byte 4 |byte 5 |byte 6 |byte 7 |
      <----------------------------64 bits---------------------------->
                                                 HYPER INTEGER
                                                 UNSIGNED HYPER INTEGER

         |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |              SINGLE-PRECISION
         S|   E   |           F          |         FLOATING-POINT NUMBER
         1|<- 8 ->|<-------23 bits------>|
         <------------32 bits------------>

         |byte 0|byte 1|byte 2|byte 3|byte 4|byte 5|byte 6|byte 7|
         S|    E   |                    F                        |
         1|<--11-->|<-----------------52 bits------------------->|
         <-----------------------64 bits------------------------->
                                        DOUBLE-PRECISION FLOATING-POINT

         |byte 0|byte 1|byte 2|byte 3|byte 4|byte 5| ...  |byte15|
         S|    E       |                  F                      |
         1|<----15---->|<-------------112 bits------------------>|
         <-----------------------128 bits------------------------>
                                      QUADRUPLE-PRECISION FLOATING-POINT

          0        1     ...
      | byte 0 | byte 1 |...|byte n-1|    0   |...|    0   |
      |<-----------n bytes---------->|<------r bytes------>|
      |<-----------n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)------------>|
                                                   FIXED-LENGTH OPAQUE

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
         |        length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
         |<-------4 bytes------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|
                                                  VARIABLE-LENGTH OPAQUE

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
         |        length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
         |<-------4 bytes------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|

         |   element 0   |   element 1   |...|  element n-1  |
         |<--------------------n elements------------------->|

           0  1  2  3
         |     n     | element 0 | element 1 |...|element n-1|
         |<-4 bytes->|<--------------n elements------------->|
                                                         COUNTED ARRAY

         | component A | component B |...                      STRUCTURE

           0   1   2   3
         |  discriminant |  implied arm  |          DISCRIMINATED UNION
         |<---4 bytes--->|

|                                                                      |
|   +  Single unique WHOIS++ database handle                           |
|                                                                      |
|              _______                 _______                _______  |
|    handle3  |..  .. |      handle6  |..  .. |     handle9  |..  .. | |
|            _______  |              _______  |             _______  | |
|  handle2  |..  .. |      handle5  |..  .. |     handle8  |..  .. |   |
|           _______ |               _______ |              _______ |   |
| handle1  |..  .. |      handle4  |..  .. |     handle7  |..  .. |    |
|          |..  .. |               |..  .. |              |..  .. |    |
|           -------                 -------                -------     |
|      Template                   Template               Template      |
|       Type 1                     Type 2                 Type 3       |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|               Fig.1 - Structure of a WHOIS++ database.               |
|                                                                      |
| Notes: - Entire database is identified by a single unique WHOIS      |
|          handle.                                                     |
|        - Each record has a single unique handle and a specific set   |
|          of attributes, determined by the template type used.        |
|        - Each value associated with an attribute can be any ASCII    |
|          string up to a specified length.                            |

                     Virtual Interface   Virtual Interface
                           Serial 0           Serial n
                             |<---- WAN Link ---->|
                ------------------                    ------------------
                | LAN Extension  |                    | LAN Extension  |
                | Interface Unit |                    | Interface Unit |
                ------------------                    ------------------
                        |                                     |
                ------------------                    ------------------
                  |                                      |
                ------------                          ------------
                | End node |                          | End node |
                ------------                          ------------

                 Router                        LAN Extension Interface
          -------------------                  -------------------
          |   Network Layer |                  |     MAC Layer   |
          -------------------                  -------------------
                  |                                       |
          -------------------                  -------------------
     |    |Virtual Interface|                  |       Filters   |   |
     |    -------------------                  -------------------   |
     |            |                                 |                |
     |    -------------------                  -------------         |
     |    |      PPP        |                  |   RCMD    |         |
     |    |                 |                  |   Handler |         |
     |    -------------------                  -------------         |
     |            |                                 |                |
     |    -------------------                  -------------------   |
     |    |Serial Interface |                  |        PPP      |   |
     |    -------------------                  -------------------   |
     |            |                                      |           |
     |            |                            -------------------   |
     |            |                            | Serial Interface|   |
     |            |                            -------------------   |
     |            |          WAN Link                    |           |
     |            ---------------------------------------            |
     |                                                               |
     |   Outbound                                          Inbound   |
     -------------->                                  <---------------

               +-------->| WAIT |<-----+
               |         +------+      |
               |  New       |          |
               |  Connect   |          |  LOGIN Failure
     EXIT      |           \ /         |
     Received  |         +-------+     |
               |         | LOGIN |-----+
               |         +-------+
               |             |
               |             |  LOGIN Successful
               |            \ /
               |        +---------+
               +--------| PROCESS |<----+
                        +---------+     |
                             |          |  Process Commands
                             |          |

                      !       Network         !
                         /                 \
                        /                   \
                       /                     \
              --------+------             ----+---------
              !     New     !             !    Old     !
              !  Collection !             ! Collection !
              !     Tool    !             !    Tool    !
              !---------+---!             !------+-----!
                         \                       !
                          \              !-------+--------!
                           \             ! Post-Processor !
                            \            !--+-------------!
                             \             /
                              \           /
                               \         /
                             !    Common    !
                             !  Statistics  !
                             !   Database   !
                              /          \
                             /            \
                            /              \
                           /              !-+-------------!
                          /               ! Pre-Processor !
                         /                !-------+-------!
            !-----------+--!                      !
            !     New      !              !-------+-------!
            ! Presentation !              !     Old       !
            !     Tool     !              ! Presentation  !
            !---------+----!              !     Tool      !
                       \                  !--+------------!
                        \                   /
                         \                 /
                        ! Graphical Output  !
                        ! (e.g., to paper   !
                        ! or X Window)      !

                 requests from client (in)
                  |                     |     (management)
                  | cache/replicated db |<--- commands from admins,
                  |                     |     publishers, caches
         requests sent to information providers (out)

         BR11   BR12   BR1n     BR21  BR22  BR2n
           |     |  ... |        |     | ...  |
          -----------------     ------------------
          !  RS11  RS12   ! --- !  RS21    RS22  !
          -----------------     ------------------
               <RSC#1>  \           /    <RSC#2>
                         \         /
                       !  RS31  RS32   !   <RSC#3>
                         |     | ... |
                        BR31  BR32  BR3n

         BR11   BR12   BR1n     BR21  BR22  BR2n
           |     |  ... |        |     | ...  |
          -----------------     ------------------
          !  RS11  RS12   ! --- !  RS21    RS22  !
          -----------------     ------------------
               <RSC#1>  \                <RSC#2>
                       !  RS31  RS32   !   <RSC#3>
                         |     | ... |
                        BR31  BR32  BR3n

        |  |
        |  \-TITLE
        |      |
        |      \-<TITLE>
        |      |
        |      \-"Parsing Example"
        |      |
        |      \-</TITLE>
            \-"Some text. "
            |  |
            |  \-<EM>
            |  |
            |  \-"*wow*"
            |  |
            |  \-</EM>

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

   |  IPv6 header  | TCP header + data
   |               |
   | Next Header = |
   |      TCP      |

   |  IPv6 header  | Routing header | TCP header + data
   |               |                |
   | Next Header = |  Next Header = |
   |    Routing    |      TCP       |

   |  IPv6 header  | Routing header | Fragment header | fragment of TCP
   |               |                |                 |  header + data
   | Next Header = |  Next Header = |  Next Header =  |
   |    Routing    |    Fragment    |       TCP       |

   |  Unfragmentable  |                 Fragmentable                  |
   |       Part       |                     Part                      |

   |  Unfragmentable  |    first     |    second    |      |   last   |
   |       Part       |   fragment   |   fragment   | .... | fragment |
   +------------------+--------------+--------------+--//--+----------+ fragment packets:

   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|    first     |
   |       Part       | Header |   fragment   |

   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|    second    |
   |       Part       | Header |   fragment   |
   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|   last   |
   |       Part       | Header | fragment |

   |  Unfragmentable  |                 Fragmentable                   |
   |       Part       |                     Part                       |

    |                           128 bits                              |
    |                          node address                           |

    |                         n bits                 |   128-n bits   |
    |                   subnet prefix                | interface ID   |

    |              n bits            | 80-n bits |     48 bits        |
    |        subscriber prefix       | subnet ID |   interface ID     |

    |         s bits       | n bits  |   m bits     | 128-s-n-m bits  |
    |   subscriber prefix  | area ID |  subnet ID   |  interface ID   |

    |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
    |0000..............................0000|0000|    IPv4 address     |

    |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
    |0000..............................0000|FFFF|    IPv4 address     |

    |   7   |                   121 bits                              |
    |0000001|                 to be defined                           |

    |   7   |                   121 bits                              |
    |0000010|                 to be defined                           |

    | 3 |  n bits   |  m bits   |   o bits    |   125-n-m-o bits   |
    |010|registry ID|provider ID|subscriber ID|  intra-subscriber  |

    |   10     |
    |  bits    |        n bits           |       118-n bits           |
    |1111111010|           0             |       interface ID         |

    |   10     |
    |  bits    | n bits  |    m bits     |       118-n-m bits         |
    |1111111011|    0    |   subnet ID   |       interface ID         |

    |                         n bits                 |   128-n bits   |
    |                   subnet prefix                | 00000000000000 |

    |   8    |  4 |  4 |                  112 bits                   |
    +------ -+----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    |11111111|flgs|scop|                  group ID                   |

   if encrypted: random 32-bit integer
    |[------- packet -------][----------- packet -----------][-packet-]
    |             receiver reports          chunk        chunk
    V                                    item  item     item  item
   |R[SR|# sender #site#site][SDES|# CNAME PHONE |#CNAME LOC][BYE##why]
   |R[  |# report #  1 #  2 ][    |#             |#         ][   ##   ]
   |R[  |#        #    #    ][    |#             |#         ][   ##   ]
   |R[  |#        #    #    ][    |#             |#         ][   ##   ]
   |<------------------  UDP packet (compound packet) --------------->|

   [10 Nov 1995 11:33:25.125]           [10 Nov 1995 11:33:36.5]
   n                 SR(n)              A=b710:8000 (46864.500 s)
                      v                 ^
   ntp_sec =0xb44db705 v               ^ dlsr=0x0005.4000 (    5.250s)
   ntp_frac=0x20000000  v             ^  lsr =0xb705:2000 (46853.125s)
     (3024992016.125 s)  v           ^
   r                      v         ^ RR(n)
                           (5.250 s)

         [E1]                                    [E6]
          |                                       |
    E1:17 |                                 E6:15 |
          |                                       |   E6:15
          V  M1:48 (1,17)         M1:48 (1,17)    V   M1:48 (1,17)
          ^                 ^     E4:47           ^   E4:47
     E2:1 |           E4:47 |                     |   M3:89 (64,45)
          |                 |                     |
         [E2]              [E4]     M3:89 (64,45) |
                                                  |        legend:
   [E3] --------->(M2)----------->(M3)------------|        [End system]
          E3:64        M2:12 (64)  ^                       (Mixer)
                                   | E5:45                 <Translator>
                                  [E5]          source: SSRC (CSRCs)

+-----+    +--------+           +---------+    +---------+      +------+
|     |    |        |           |Received-|    |         |      |      |
|     | => |Original| => ... => |  From   | => |Reporting| ===> |Remote|
| user|    |   MTA  |           |   MTA   |    |   MTA   | <No! |  MTA |
|agent|    +--------+           +---------+    +----v----+      +------+
|     |                                             |
|     | <-------------------------------------------+
+-----+      (DSN returned to sender by Reporting MTA)

sender's environment                            recipient's environment
............................ ..........................................
                           : :
                       (1) : :                             (2)
  +-----+  +--------+  +--------+  +---------+  +---------+   +------+
  |     |  |        |  |        |  |Received-|  |         |   |      |
  |     |=>|Original|=>|        |->|  From   |->|Reporting|-->|Remote|
  | user|  |   MTA  |  |        |  |   MTA   |  |   MTA   |<No|  MTA |
  |agent|  +--------+  |Gateway |  +---------+  +----v----+   +------+
  |     |              |        |                    |
  |     | <============|        |<-------------------+
  +-----+              |        |(4)                (3)
                           : :
...........................: :.........................................

   | 3 |  5 bits  |  16 bits | 8 |   24 bits  | 8 |    64 bits     |

   | 3 |  5 bits  |  16 bits | 8 |   24 bits  | 8 | 16 bits|48 bits|
   |   |          |Autonomous|   |    IPv4    |   | Subnet | Intf. |
   |010|  11111   |  System  |RES|   Network  |RES|        |       |
   |   |          |  Number  |   |   Address  |   | Address|  ID   |

      +------------+            +------------+
      |            |            |            |
      |  Internet  |            |  Internet  |
      |  customer  +------------+  merchant  +
      |            |            |  /         |
      +------------+            +------------+
                   | CyberCash  | |
                   |     server | |
                         |      |
                         |      |
          | +--------+       +--+-------+ |
          | | card   +-------+ / charge | |
          | | issuer |       | acquirer | |
          | +--------+       +----------+ |
          |                               |
          |      The Banking System       |

              |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
              |              |status col.|status column|
              |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
    ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
              |         Value|           |             |
set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
active        |              |           |             |
              |              |     or    |             |
              |              |           |             |
              |              |see 2   ->D|          ->D|          ->D
set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
notInService  |              |           |             |
              |              |     or    |             |      or
              |              |           |             |
              |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|wrongValue
set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError
column to     |              |           |             |
destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|          ->A
set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
column to some|              |           |             |
value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D

                      context-B               context-C
         Manager <----------------> Proxy <----------------> Agent

     whois++               index                   index
     servers               servers                 servers
                           for                     for
                           whois++                 lower-level
                           servers                 index servers
    |       |
    |   A   |__
    |_______|  \            _______
                \----------|       |
     _______               |   D   |__             ______
    |       |   /----------|_______|  \           |      |
    |   B   |__/                       \----------|      |
    |_______|                                     |  F   |
     _______                _______  /
    |       |              |       |-
    |   C   |--------------|   E   |
    |_______|              |_______|-
     _______                           \            ______
    |       |                           \----------|      |
    |   G   |--------------------------------------|  H   |
    |_______|                                      |______|

       +---------------+      +----------+      +---------------+
       |               |     /    IP      \     |               |
       |  c.dmn1.com   |----+  network(s)  +----|  s.dmn2.com   |
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |     \            /     | (s1.s2.s3.s4) |
       +---------------+      +----------+      +---------------+

       +---------------+     +--------+     +---------------+
       |               |    /   IP     \    |               |
       |  c.dmn1.com   |---+ network(s) +---|  s.dmn2.com   |
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |    \          /    | (s1.s2.s3.s4) |
       +---------------+     +--------+     +---------------+
          A  |                /          \
          |  | address for   /            \
          |  | s.dmn2.com?  /              \
          |  |             /                \
          |  |            /                  \
          |  |     +--------+ s.dmn2.com?  +--------+
          |  +---->|  DNS   |------------->|  DNS   |
          |        | server |              | server |
          +--------|   X    |<-------------|   Y    |
       s1.s2.s3.s4 +--------+  s1.s2.s3.s4 +--------+

       +---------------+                    +---------------+
       |  c.dmn1.com   |                    |  s.dmn2.com   |
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |                    | (s1.s2.s3.s4) |
       +---------------+                    +---------------+
         | |                                    |   |
         | | route to S              route to C |   |
         | V                                    V   |
         |                                          |
         | A                                        | A
         | | route to C                             | | route to S
         | |                                        | |
         | |      C          S                 C    | |
       +----+    <-- +----+ -->    +----+     <-- +----+
       | G1 |--------| Gx |--------| Gy |---------| Gn |
       +----+ -->    +----+    <-- +----+ -->     +----+
               S                C          S

       +---------------+          +--------+
       |               |         /   IP     \
       |  c.dmn1.com   |--------+ network(s) +------------+
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |         \          /             |
       +---------------+          +--------+      +-----------------+
        A  |                     /          \     | (p1.p2.p3.p4)   |
        |  | address for        /            \    | proxy1.dmn3.com |
        |  | proxy1.dmn3.com?  /              \   |    ...          |
        |  |                  /                \  +-----------------+
        |  |                 /                  \
        |  |                /                    \
        |  |         +--------+ proxy1.dmn3.com?  +--------+
        |  +-------->|  DNS   |------------------>|  DNS   |
        |            | server |                   | server |
        +------------|   X    |<------------------|   Y    |
         p1.p2.p3.p4 +--------+    p1.p2.p3.p4    +--------+

       +---------------+                   |      ...        |
       |  c.dmn1.com   |                   | proxy1.dmn3.com |
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |                   |  (p1.p2.p3.p4)  |
       +---------------+                   +-----------------+
         | |                                    |   |
         | | route to P1             route to C |   |
         | V                                    V   |
         |                                          |
         | A                                        | A
         | | route to C                             | | route to P1
         | |                                        | |
         | |      C          P1                C    | |
       +----+    <-- +----+ -->    +----+     <-- +----+
       | G1 |--------| Gx |--------| Gy |---------| Gn |
       +----+ -->    +----+    <-- +----+ -->     +----+
               P1               C          P1

       | proxy1.dmn3.com |
       |  (p1.p2.p3.p4)  |          +--------+
       |                 |         /   IP     \
       | proxy2.dmn4.com |--------+ network(s) +------------+
       |  (p5.p6.p7.p8)  |         \          /             |
       +-----------------+          +--------+      +---------------+
        A  |                     /          \       | (s1.s2.s3.s4) |
        |  | address for        /            \      | s.dmn2.com    |
        |  | s.dmn2.com?       /              \     |               |
        |  |                  /                \    +---------------+
        |  |                 /                  \
        |  |                /                    \
        |  |         +--------+   s.dmn2.com?     +--------+
        |  +-------->|  DNS   |------------------>|  DNS   |
        |            | server |                   | server |
        +------------|   X    |<------------------|   Y    |
         s1.s2.s3.s4 +--------+    s1.s2.s3.s4    +--------+

       | proxy1.dmn3.com |
       |  (p1.p2.p3.p4)  |
       |                 |                 +----------------+
       | proxy2.dmn4.com |                 |  s.dmn2.com    |
       |  (p5.p6.p7.p8)  |                 | (s1.s2.s3.s4)  |
       +-----------------+                 +----------------+
         | |                                    |   |
         | | route to S             route to P2 |   |
         | V                                    V   |
         |                                          |
         | A                                        | A
         | | route to P2                            | | route to S
         | |                                        | |
         | |      P2         S                 P2   | |
       +----+    <-- +----+ -->    +----+     <-- +----+
       | G1 |--------| Gx |--------| Gy |---------| Gn |
       +----+ -->    +----+    <-- +----+ -->     +----+
               S                P2         S

            +--------+     +--------+   +--------+     +--------+
           /  Org. 1  \    | Proxy  |   | Proxy  |    /  Org. 2  \
          +  dmn1.com  +---+ system +---+ system +---+  dmn2.com  +
           \  net 10  /    |    1   |   |   2    |    \  net 10  /
            +--------+     +--------+   +--------+     +--------+

       +---------------+          +--------+
       |               |         /   IP     \
       |  c.dmn1.com   |--------+ network(s) +------------+
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |         \          /             |
       +---------------+          +--------+      +-----------------+
        A  |                     /                | (p1.p2.p3.p4)   |
        |  | address for        /      +-----+    | proxy system    |
        |  | s.dmn2.com?       /      /       \   | (p5.p6.p7.p8)   |
        |  |                  /      /         \  +-----------------+
        |  |                 /      /           \         |
        |  |                /      / s.dmn2.com? |        |
        |  |         +--------+   /              |   +--------+
        |  +-------->|  DNS   |--+   +-------+   |  /   IP     \
        |            | server |     /         \  | + network(s) +
        +------------|   X    |<---+           + |  \          /
         s1.s2.s3.s4 +--------+     s1.s2.s3.s4| |   +--------+
                                               | |        |
                                               | +        |
                                               |  \   +--------+
                                               +   +->|  DNS   |
                                                \     | server |
                                                 +----|   Y    |

                                    route to S  |
       +---------------+                   |  (p5.p6.p7.p8)  |
       |  c.dmn1.com   |                   | proxy system    |
       | (c1.c2.c3.c4) |                   |  (p1.p2.p3.p4)  |
       +---------------+                   +-----------------+
         | |                                    |   |
         | | route to S             route to C  |   |
         | V                                    V   |
         |                                          |
         | A                                        | A
         | | route to C                             | | route to S
         | |                                        | |
         | |      C          S                 C    | |
       +----+    <-- +----+ -->    +----+     <-- +----+
       | G1 |--------| Gx |--------| Gy |---------| Gn |
       +----+ -->    +----+    <-- +----+ -->     +----+
               S                C          S

       | proxy1.dmn3.com |
       |  (p1.p2.p3.p4)  |          +--------+
       |                 |         /   IP     \
       | proxy2.dmn4.com |--------+ network(s) +------------+
       |  (p5.p6.p7.p8)  |         \          /             |
       +-----------------+          +--------+      +---------------+
        A  |                     /          \       | (s1.s2.s3.s4) |
        |  | name for           /            \      | s.dmn2.com    |
        |  | s1.s2.s3.s4?      /              \     |               |
        |  |                  /                \    +---------------+
        |  |                 /                  \
        |  |                /                    \
        |  |         +--------+   s1.s2.s3.s4?    +--------+
        |  +-------->|  DNS   |------------------>|  DNS   |
        |            | server |                   | server |
        +------------|   X    |<------------------|   Y    |
         s.dmn2.com  +--------+    s.dmn2.com     +--------+

       | proxy1.dmn3.com |
       |  (p1.p2.p3.p4)  |
       |                 |                 +----------------+
       | proxy2.dmn4.com |                 |  s.dmn2.com    |
       |  (p5.p6.p7.p8)  |                 | (s1.s2.s3.s4)  |
       +-----------------+                 +----------------+
         | |                                    |   |
         | | route to S             route to P2 |   |
         | V                                    V   |
         |                                          |
         | A                                        | A
         | | route to P2                            | | route to S
         | |                                        | |
         | |      P2         S                 P2   | |
       +----+    <-- +----+ -->    +----+     <-- +----+
       | G1 |--------| Gx |--------| Gy |---------| Gn |
       +----+ -->    +----+    <-- +----+ -->     +----+
               S                P2         S

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

    Generic access
              !----> LD 1S ----> DV 1S (screen)  ---->!
    MB 1 --> SN 1                                     TU 1
              !----> LD 1P ----> DV 1P (printer) ---->!

    Specific accesses
              !----> LD 2S ----> DV 2S (screen)  ---->TU 2
    MB 2 --> SN 2
              !----> LD 2P ----> !
              !----> LD 3P ----> DV 3S (printer) ---->!
    MB 3 --> SN 3                                     TU 3
              !----> LD 3S ----> DV 3P (screen)  ---->!

                    resulting packet flow towards NET1
                     announce NET1  |  accept NET1
                    --------------> + ------------->
                        AS X        |    AS Y
                     <------------- + <--------------
                       accept NET2  |  announce NET2
                   resulting packet flow towards NET2

    .----.    .----.
    : H1 >----< S1 :         Notes:
     ----      vvvv        H#n == host #n
               / : \        R#n == router #n
              /  :  \        S#n == subnet #n
      /------/   :   \
      :          :    \        S2 to R3 breaks
   .--^---.   .----. .-^--.
   :      :   : R4 : : R6 :
   : NBMA :    --v-   --v-      See the text for
   :      :      :      :       details of the
    -v--v-       =      =       looping conditions
     :   \       = SLOW =       and mechanisms
     :  .-^--.   = LINK =
     :  : R2 :   =      =
     :   --v-    :      :
     :     :  .--^-. .--^-.
   .-^--.  :  : R5 : : R7 :
   : R8 :  :   --v-   --v-
    --v-    \    :      :
      :      \  /       :
       \    .-^^-.   .--^-.
        \   : S2 :   : S4 :
         \   --v-     --v-
          \     \      /
           \     \    /
            \    .^--^.
             \   : R3 :    path before the break is
              \   -v--    H1->S1->R1->NBMA->R2->S2->R3->H2
               \  /
     .----.   .-^^-.    path after the break is
     : H2 >---< S3 :    H1->S1->R1->NBMA->R2->S2->R5->R4->S1
      ----     ----         \------<--the-loop--<-------/

               +   .------------.      .------------.   +
   .---------. + .-:            :-.  .-:            :-. +
   : Host or >-+-< : Single ATM : >--< : Single ATM : >-+-----\
   : Router  : + : :   Domain   : :  : :   Domain   : : +     :
    ---------  +  -:            :-    -:            :-  + .---^----.
               +    ------------        ------------    + : Router :
               +                       .------------.   +  ---v----
   .---------. +                     .-:            :-. +     :
   : Host or >-+- ...          ... --< : Single ATM : >-+-----/
   : Router  : +                     : :   Domain   : : +
    ---------  +  ATM Cloud           -:            :-  +
               +                        ------------    +

            CLR--->|                      |
            OE---->|  32-bit register as  |
            CLK--->|  2 adjacent 16-bit   |<---/---> 32-bit data bus
            ICLK-->| ones-complement sums |
            ADD--->|                      |

                | Delivery header   |  SDRP header |  SDRP data
                |    (IP header)    |              | (Payload packet)

                 A test table with merged cells
       |          |      Average      |  other   |  Misc  |
       |          |-------------------| category |--------|
       |          |  height |  weight |          |        |
       | males    | 1.9     | 0.003   |          |        |
       | females  | 1.7     | 0.002   |          |        |

Code-Page| Name                      |ACP OEMCP| Windows Windows Windows
    ID   |                           |         |  NT 3.1 NT 3.51    95
   1200  |Unicode (BMP of ISO 10646) |         |     X       X       *
   1250  |Windows 3.1 East. Europe   |  X      |     X       X       X
   1251  |Windows 3.1 Cyrillic       |  X      |     X       X       X
   1252  |Windows 3.1 US (ANSI)      |  X      |     X       X       X
   1253  |Windows 3.1 Greek          |  X      |     X       X       X
   1254  |Windows 3.1 Turkish        |  X      |     X       X       X
   1255  |Hebrew                     |  X      |                     X
   1256  |Arabic                     |  X      |                     X
   1257  |Baltic                     |  X      |                     X
   1361  |Korean (Johab)             |  X      |             **      X
    437  |MS-DOS United States       |     X   |     X       X       X
    708  |Arabic (ASMO 708)          |     X   |                     X
    709  |Arabic (ASMO 449+, BCON V4)|     X   |                     X
    710  |Arabic (Transparent Arabic)|     X   |                     X
    720  |Arabic (Transparent ASMO)  |     X   |                     X

       | 1 | 2 | 3 |
       |   |-------|
       |   | 4 |   |
       | 5 :   | 6 |

                            |            |
               +------------|  tester    |<-------------+
               |            |            |              |
               |            +------------+              |
               |                                        |
               |            +------------+              |
               |            |            |              |
               +----------->|    DUT     |--------------+
                            |            |
                              Figure 1

         +--------+         +------------+          +----------+
         |        |         |            |          |          |
         | sender |-------->|    DUT     |--------->| receiver |
         |        |         |            |          |          |
         +--------+         +------------+          +----------+
                              Figure 2

                               |           |
         +---------------------|  tester   |<---------------------+
         |                     |           |                      |
         |                     +-----------+                      |
         |                                                        |
         |        +----------+               +----------+         |
         |        |          |               |          |         |
         +------->|  DUT 1   |-------------->|   DUT 2  |---------+
                  |          |               |          |
                  +----------+               +----------+

                     ---------| in A  out X|--------
                     ---------| in B  out Y|--------
                     ---------| in C  out Z|--------

                      +--------+            +------------+
                      |        |            |  phantom   |------ P LAN
            IN A------|   DUT  |------------|            |------ P LAN
                      |        |   OUT A    |  router    |------ P LAN
                      +--------+            +------------+

          request chain ------------------------>
       UA -------------------v------------------- O
          <----------------------- response chain

          request chain -------------------------------------->
       UA -----v----- A -----v----- B -----v----- C -----v----- O
          <------------------------------------- response chain

          request chain ---------->
       UA -----v----- A -----v----- B - - - - - - C - - - - - - O
          <--------- response chain

    b      b     b-----b
     \     |     |
      \    |     |
       b---b     b------b
      /     \  /              KEY....
     /       \/
    b         C               C = Core (Initial Group Key Dist'n Centre)
             / \             A, B, b = non-core routers
            /   \
           /     \           ======= LAN where host h is located
           B      b------b
             \              NOTE: Only one core is shown, but typically
host h        A              a CBT tree is likely to comprise several.
    o         |

             0     1
          ^        ^
          |        |
          |        + less significant byte = 8
          + more significant byte = 2 x 256

         |...compressed data...|    ADLER32    |

             0        1
          ^        ^
          |        |
          |        + more significant byte = 2 x 256
          + less significant byte = 8

              0   1   2   3   4...
            |  LEN  | NLEN  |... LEN bytes of literal data...|

             0        1
          ^        ^
          |        |
          |        + more significant byte = 2 x 256
          + less significant byte = 8

         |ID1|ID2|CM |FLG|     MTIME     |XFL|OS | (more-->)

         | XLEN  |...XLEN bytes of "extra field"...| (more-->)

           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         |     CRC32     |     ISIZE     |

            |SI1|SI2|  LEN  |... LEN bytes of subfield data ...|

|     Condition       |                Action               | New State |
|   SYN || SYNACK     |            Send ACK (note 1)        |   ESTAB   |
|   ACK && B && C     |            Send ACK (note 1)        |   ESTAB   |
|  ACK && !(B && C)   |              Send RSTACK            |   ESTAB   |

            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |  E  | BR  | Res | FC  | C2  | C1  |  B  |  F  |

         The format of the second Header octet (CS) is shown below:
            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |  E  | DR  | SR  | RR  | Res |(Odd-Pad Length) |

        PPP |                                        | PPP
        PID | HDR   SEQ           DATA           LCB | FCS
      | F D | C 0 | n n |   Compressed Data    | y y | z z |
                        /                      \
                       /      Compression       \
                      /      Transformation      \
                     /                            \
                    /PPP                           \
                   / PID   PPP Information Field    \
                  | x x | upper layer protocol data  |

        PPP |                                  | PPP
        PID | HDR   SEQ           DATA         | FCS
      | F D | 8 0 | n n |   Un-compressed Data | z z |
                        /                      \
                       /                        \
                      /                          \
                     /                            \
                    /PPP                           \
                   / PID   PPP Information Field    \
                  | x x | upper layer protocol data  |

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |  E  | C/U | R-A | R-R | Res | Res | Res | C/D |

    |            128 - N bits               |       N bits           |
    |            link prefix                |   interface token      |

   +---+     +---+      +---+ +---+ +---+      +---+ +---+ +---+
   |   |     | 0 |      | L | | 4 | | 3 | ---- | 2 | | 1 | | 0 |
   |   |     | +---+    +---+ +---+ +---+      +---+ +---+ +---+
   |   |     +-|   | -->      +---+ +---+      +---+ +---+ +---+
   |   | -->   | 1 |          | L | | 3 | ---- | 2 | | 1 | | 0 |
   +---+       +---+          +---+ +---+      +---+ +---+ +---+
   File   Multi Buffers  Blocks per Burst

   +---------+   +-------+   +----+ Outbound
   |         |-->|  Mux  |-->| Tx |=========>
   | Link-   |   +-------+   +----+
   | Manager |
   |         |   +-------+   +----+ Inbound
   |         |<--| Demux |<--| Rx |<=========
   +---------+   +-------+   +----+

     Network Layer
                    ______           ______
                   /      \         /      \
                  |  NL 1  |       |  NL 2  |
                   \______/         \______/
                     | | |             | | |
                     | | +-------------o-o-o-+
                     | +------+  +-----+ | | |
                     |        |  |       | | |
                     | +------o--o-------+ + |
                     | |      |__|_        | |
                     | |     /      \      | |
                     | |    |  MLCP  | <--- Link Layer
                     | |     \______/    Demultiplexing
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        | <--- Virtual Link
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        |          | |
                     | |        +          | |
                  ___|_|        |       ___|_|
                 /      \       |      /      \
                |   LCP  |------+-----|  LCP   | <--- Link Layer
                 \______/              \______/       Demultiplexing
                    |                      |
                    |                      |
                  Link 1                 Link 2

                  A                 B
               +------+          +------+
               | x.net|          | y.net|
               +------+         /+------+

           a                       b                   c
     +-------------+       +-------------+         +---------------+
     |             |       |             |         |               |
     |        a:t  |       |      b:t    |         |               |
     |   +--+      |       |  +--+       |         |               |
     |   |  |--------------|--|  |       |         |               |
     |   +--+      |       |  +--+       |         |               |
     |     |       |       |    |        |         |               |
     |   +--+      |       |  +--+       |         |               |
     |   +  +      |       |  +  +       |         |               |
     |   +--+ a:y  |       |  +--+ b:d   |         |               |
     |             |       |             |         |               |
     +-------------+       +-------------+         +---------------+

                      a             |
                   |                |                   |
                   |              +----+                |
                   |              |a:r1|                |
                   |   a:x        +----+  a:y           |
                   |   +------+  /      \ +-------+     |
                   |   |      | /        \|       |     |
                   |   |      |           |       |     |
                   |   |      |           |       |     |
                   |   +------+           +-------+     |
                   |                                    |
                   + -----------------------------------+