+-----+          +-------+         +------+
                     |home | =======> |foreign| ------> |mobile|
                     |agent|          | agent | <------ | node |
                     +-----+          +-------+         +------+
     1) Datagram to    /|\         /
        mobile node     |        /   4) For datagrams sent by the
        arrives on      |      /        mobile node, standard IP
        home network    |    /          routing delivers each to its
        via standard    |  |_           destination.  In this figure,
        IP routing.   +----+            the foreign agent is the
                      |host|            mobile node's default router.

                    TCP port 25 +-----------------+
         ---------------------->|                 |  #########
                                |      Queue      |<># Mail  #
         TCP port 25            |     Manager     |  # Queue #
         <----------------------|                 |  #########
                            Local *  ^ Local    * Local
                              IPC *  | IPC      * IPC
                                  *  |          *
                                  *  |          *
                                  *  |          *
                                  V  |          V
                  Non-SMTP    +----------+     +----------+
                  Protocol    | Gateway  |     |  Local   |  #########
              <==============>| Delivery |     | Delivery |>># Mail  #
                              |  Agent   |     |  Agent   |  # Spool #
                              +----------+     +----------+  #########

                          |  Application  |
                          | Specific MIBs |
  +--------+ +---+ +---+  +---------------+
  |Other   | |MTA| |DSA|  |  Application  |
  |services| |MIB| |MIB|  |      MIB      |
  +--------+ +---+ +---+  +---------------+
      |        |     |           |
  +--------------------+  +---------------+  +--------------+  +------+
  |  Network Services  |  |    System     |  |Host Resources|  |MIB-II|
  |   Monitoring MIB   |  |Application MIB|--|     MIB      |--|      |
  +--------------------+  +---------------+  +--------------+  +------+

                                     +-----------+  write to disk
                                     | Trace     | ==============>
                                     | Collector |
     ========================================|===== kernel boundary
     +-----------------+                     |
     | Transport Layer |                     |
     |-----------------|             +------------------+
     |  Network Layer  |------------>| Trace   +------+ |
     |-----------------|             | Agent   |buffer| |
     |  NI |  NI |  NI |------------>|         +------+ |
     +-----------------+             +------------------+
 This figure illustrates the components of trace collection.  The NI's
                        are network interfaces.

                   /       \
              2.3 /         \ 2.4
                 /           \
                /             \                       ANALYSIS
           METER   <----->   METER READER  <----->   APPLICATION
                     2.2                     2.7

    --- match(S->D) -------------------------------------------------+
         | Suc   | Fail                                              |
         |       |          Ignore                                   |
         |      match(D->S) -----------------------------------------+
         |       | Suc   | Fail                                      |
         |       |       |                                           |
         |       |       +-------------------------------------------+
         |       |                                                   |
         |       |             Suc                                   |
         |      current(D->S) ---------- count(D->S,r) --------------+
         |       | Fail                                              |
         |       |                                                   |
         |      create(D->S) ----------- count(D->S,r) --------------+
         |                                                           |
         |             Suc                                           |
        current(S->D) ------------------ count(S->D,f) --------------+
         | Fail                                                      |
         |             Suc                                           |
        current(D->S) ------------------ count(D->S,r) --------------+
         | Fail                                                      |
         |                                                           |
        create(S->D) ------------------- count(S->D,f) --------------+

        International                    |
        Backbones/National        ---------------
                                 /              \
        Regional/MidLevel     ----------   ----------
                             /   \     \  /   /     \
        Stub/Enterprise     ---   ---   ---   ----   ----
                            |||   |||   |||   ||||   ||||
        End-Systems/Hosts   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxxx   xxxx

                      |        32         |        64         |
           |    | W=0 |     Accept 32     |     Accept 32     |
           | 32 +-----+-------------------+-------------------+
           |    | W=1 |        N/A        |        N/A        |
   Source  +----+-----+-------------------+-------------------+
           |    | W=0 |     Accept 32     |     Accept 32     |
           | 64 +-----+-------------------+-------------------+
           |    | W=1 |      Reject       |     Accept 64     |

   +----------+                                        +----------+
   |          |                                        |          |
   |          +--------+                      +--------+          |
   |          | HIPPI  |        Cable         | HIPPI  |          |
   |          |        +--------------------->|        |          |
   |          | Source |                      | Dest.  |          |
   |  System  +--------+                      +--------+  System  |
   |    X     +--------+                      +--------+    Y     |
   |          | HIPPI  |        Cable         | HIPPI  |          |
   |          |        |<---------------------+        |          |
   |          | Dest.  |                      | Source |          |
   |          +--------+                      +--------+          |
   |          |                                        |          |
   +----------+                                        +----------+

                  | Idle |        Connected        | Idle | . . .
                        /                           \
                       /                             \
                      /                               \
                     /                                 \
                    /                                   \
                   +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
                   |I-field| |Packet | |Packet | |Packet |
                   +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
                            /         \
                           /           \
                          /             \
                         /               \
                        /                 \
                       /                   \
                      /                     \
                     +-----+ +-----+   +-----+
                     |Burst| |Burst|...|Burst|
                     +-----+ +-----+   +-----+

      REQUEST---+                                                +----
      CONNECT---------+                                            +--
      PACKET-------------+                                       +----

                       +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+   +-+
      READY------------+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +--

                         +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-----+
      BURST--------------+       +-+       +-+       +-+     +--------

    [resource]->[decoder]->[entity ]->[ SGML ]->[application]->[display]
                           [manager]  [parser]
                                ^          |
                                |          |

                         Global Internet
                            |                       |
                      +-----------+              +----------+
                      |           |              |          |
                    Reg1.1------Reg1.2          Reg2.1-----Reg2.2
                    |           |               |          |
                    |           |               |          |
                  Branch       Branch         Branch      Branch
                  1.1.1 to     1.2.1 to       2.1.1 to    2.2.1 to
                  1.1.N        1.2.N          2.1.N       2.2.N

                       |                  |
                       |                  |
             |               Router 1              |
             |                                     |
             |                |
             |                   #                 |
                |  #          |
                |                #          |
                |                #          |
                |                #          |
                |                #          |
                |                #          |
                |                #          |
                |  #          |
             |               Router 2              |
             |                                     |
             |                |
             |                                     |
                       |                  |
                       |                  |

   |             +------------+                +------------+       |
   |             |            |                |            |       |
   |          e0 |            |s0           s0 |            |       |
   |-------------|     R1     |................|     R2     |-------|
   | ||                ||       |
   |      /24    |            |                |            |       |
   |             +------------+                +------------+

                          DMZ  +--------+    Peri-
                           |---| Public |    meter
           +-----------+   |   |  Hosts |      |   +-----------+
From       | External  |   |   +--------+      |---| Internal  |
Internet...| Screening |---|   +--------+      |   | Screening |
           | Router    |   |---| Bastion|------|   | Router    |....To
           +-----------+   |   |  Host  |      |   +-----------+ Internal
                           |   +--------+      |   +-----------+  Network
                           |   +--------+      |---| Dialup    |
                           |---|  Split |      |   | Access    |
                           |   |  DNS   |      |   | Server    |
                           |   +--------+      |   +-----------+

                        GSS-API library defaults
                               V                         text, for
   text -------------->  internal_name (IN) -----------> display only
         import_name()          /          display_name()
    accept_sec_context()    /
          |                /
          |               /
          |              /  canonicalize_name()
          |             /
          |            /
          |           /
          |          /
          |         /
          |        |
          V        V     <---------------------
    single mechanism        import_name()         exported name: flat
    internal_name (MN)                            binary "blob" usable
                         ---------------------->  for access control

               +-                                                   -+
               | MTU - sizeof(IPv6_hdrs) - UDP_hdrlen - RIPng_hdrlen |
   #RTEs = INT | --------------------------------------------------- |
               |                      RTE_size                       |
               +-                                                   -+

         -----   -----         -----   -----
         |IR1|   |IR2|         |XR1|   |XR2|
         --+--   --+--         --+--   --+--
           |       |             |       |

         7 6 5 4 3  2 1 0
         1 1 0 1 1  1 1 0
         |=======|  |===|
             |      Leftmost Bits Repeated to Fill Open Bits
         Original Bits

      |  opc=1 | filename | 0 | mode | 0 | multicast | 0 | 0 |

     |  opc  | multicast | 0 | addr, port, mc | 0 |

             --------------           ---------  ---------
             |    RIP     |           |  RIP  |  |  SAP  |
             --------------           ---------  ---------
                   |                      |          |
             --------------               |          |
             |    UDP     |               |          |
             --------------               |          |
                   |                      |          |
             --------------             ----------------
             |    IP      |             |     IPX      |
             --------------             ----------------
                   |                           |
             |             Circuit Manager             |
                      |   Connection Oriented   |
                      |        WAN stack        |

|The Create Group    |<---- Command-Create Group  |                    |
|command is          |                            |                    |
|received by net     |                            |                    |
|member A.           |                            |                    |
|State 1             |                            |                    |
|                    |Create Grp Keys_1---->      |                    |
|                    |                            |State 2             |
|                    |<-----Create Grp Keys_2     |                    |
|State 2             |                            |                    |
|                    |Negotiate Grp Keys_1------> |                    |
|                    |                            |State 3             |
|                    |<-----Negotiate Grp Keys_2  |                    |
|State 4             |                            |                    |
              Figure 1:  State Diagram:  Create Group Keys

|                    |Create Session KEK_1---->  |                     |
|                    |                           |State 5              |
|                    |<-----Create Session KEK_2 |                     |
|State 5             |                           |                     |
|                    |Negotiate ess. Keys_1----->|                     |
|                    |                           |State 6              |
|                    |<-----NegotiateSess. Keys_2|                     |
|State 7             |                           |                     |
|                    |Download Grp Keys--------> |                     |
|                    |                           |State 8              |
|                    |<----- Key download ack    |                     |
|State 9             |                           |                     |
               Figure 2:  State Diagram:  Distribute Keys

|The Create Group    |<---- Command-Create Group |                     |
|command is          |                           |                     |
|received by net     |                           |                     |
|member A.           |                           |                     |
|State 1             |                           |                     |
|                    |Create Grp Keys_1---->     |                     |
|                    |                           |State 2              |
|                    |<-----Create Grp Keys_2    |                     |
|State 2             |                           |                     |
|                    |Negotiate Grp Keys_1------>|                     |
|                    |                           |State 3              |
|                    |<-----Negotiate Grp Keys_2 |                     |
|State 4             |                           |                     |
|                    |Rekey _Multicast------->   |                     |
|                    |                           |State 10             |
                    Figure 3:  State Diagram:  Rekey

|                    |<------ Request_Group_Join |                     |
|State 11            |                           |                     |
|                    |Create Session KEK_1---->  |                     |
|                    |                           |State 5              |
|                    |<-----Create Session KEK_2 |                     |
|State 5             |                           |                     |
|                    |NegotiateSess. Keys_1----->|                     |
|                    |                           |State 6              |
|                    |<-----NegotiateSess. Keys_2|                     |
|State 7             |                           |                     |
|                    |Download Grp Keys--------> |                     |
|                    |                           |State 8              |
|                    |<----- Key download ack    |                     |
|State 9             |                           |                     |
                 Figure 4:  State Diagram:  Member Join

|                    |Delete_Group_Keys ------>   |                    |
|                    |                            |State 12            |
|                    |<------ Grp_Keys_Deleted_Ack|                    |
|State 9             |                            |                    |
             Figure 5:  State Diagram:  Cooperative Delete

|                    |Delete_Group_Keys ------>     |                  |
|                    |                              |State 13          |
               Figure 6:  State Diagram:  Hostile Delete

       |                 |                       |     |
       |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
       |                 |                       |     |

       |                 |                       |     |
       |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
       |                 |                       |     |

        IP subnet X           IP subnet Y          IP subnet Z
  <---------------------> <-----------------> <--------------------->

  +-------+ Default  +-------+ Default   +-------+ Default  +-------+
  |       |     -VC  | CSR 1 |     -VC   | CSR 2 |     -VC  |       |
  | Host +=============+   +===============+   +=============+ Host |
  |  X.1 +-------------+++++---------------+++++-------------+  Z.1 |
  |      +-------------+++++---------------+++++-------------+      |
  |      +-------------+++++---------------+++++-------------+      |
  |       |Dedicated |       | Dedicated |       |Dedicated |       |
  +-------+     -VCs +-------+      -VCs +-------+     -VCs +-------+

      Ether    Ether        ATM          ATM        Ether    Ether
        |        |        +-----+      +-----+        |        |
        |        |        |     |      |     |        |        |
    S1--|   S2---|   S3---|     |      |     |---D3   |---D2   |--D1
        |        |        |     |      |     |        |        |
        |---R1---|---R2---|     |--R3--|     |---R4---|---R5---|
        |        |        |     |      |     |        |        |
        |        |        +-----+      +-----+        |        |
     subnet   subnet      subnet       subnet      subnet   subnet
       #1       #2          #3           #4          #5       #6

                         (Re-mapping location)
          |            |Source |  Home  | Routers |
 (Assoc.  |Centralized |  A1   |   X    |    X    |
  maint)-> ----------------------------------------
          |Distributed |  X    |   A2   |   A3    |

      +-----------+              +-----------+       +---------+
      | Mainframe |              | IP Router +- ppp -+ DLSw    |
      +--+--------+              +-----+-----+       | Work    |
         |                             |             | Station |
         |                             |             +---------+
      +--+--+      +-------------+     |
      | FEP +- TR -+ DLSw Router +-- IP Backbone
      +-----+      +-------------+     |
                                 +-----------+       +---------+
                                 | IP Router +- ppp -+ DLSw    |
                                 +-----+-----+       | Work    |
                                                     | Station |

                           |         DLSw Session          |
  Figure 2-1. Running DLSw on a large number of workstations creates a
                         scalability problem.

                         | DLSw Session |  | DRAP Session |
                         +--------------+  +--------------+
Figure 2-2. DLSw Remote Access Protocol solves the scalability problem.

             | DRAP Header | DRAP Data | User Data |
                     Figure 3-1. DRAP Frame Format

                       |            |       |
                       |            |       |
                      d1           d4      d7
                     /  \          |
                    /    \         |
                  d2      d3       d5
                          |         |
                          |         |
                          e1       d6

                  |       |            |       |
                  |       |            |       |
                 e1      d1           d4      d7
                        /  \          |
                       /    \         |
                     d2      d3       d5

                       |            |       |
                       |            |       |
                      d1           d4      d7
                     /  \          |
                    /    \         |
                  d2      d3,e1    d5

                       |            |       |
                       |            |       |
                      d1           d4      d7
                     /  \          |
                    /    \         |
                  d2      d3       d5
                          |        |
                          |         |
                          e1       d6

                 |10010100|00000100|  2 octet value  |

      +-----------+              +-----------+       +---------+
      | Mainframe |              | IP Router +- ppp -+ DLSw    |
      +--+--------+              +-----+-----+       | Work    |
         |                             |             | Station |
         |                             |             +---------+
      +--+--+      +-------------+     |
      | FEP +- TR -+ DLSw Router +-- IP Backbone
      +-----+      +-------------+     |
                                 +-----------+       +---------+
                                 | IP Router +- ppp -+ DLSw    |
                                 +-----+-----+       | Work    |
                                                     | Station |

                           |         DLSw Session          |
  Figure 2-1. Running DLSw on a large number of workstations creates a
                         scalability problem.

  +-----------+                                        +--------+
  | Mainframe |                                        | DCAP   |
  +--+--------+                                  +-----+ Client |
     |                                           |     +--------+
     |                                          ppp
     |                                           |
  +--+--+      +--------+                 +------+------+
  | FEP +- TR -+  DLSw  +-- IP Backbone --+ DLSw Router |
  +-----+      | Router |                 | DCAP Server |
               +--------+                 +------+------+
                                                 |     +--------+
                                                 +-----+ DCAP   |
                                                       | Client |

                    |     DLSw Session     |  | DCAP Session |
                    +----------------------+  +--------------+
     Figure 2-2. DLSw Client Access Protocol solves the scalability

                  | DCAP Header | DCAP Data | User Data |
                     Figure 3-1. DCAP Frame Format

                                             TCP Session Up
                                             CAP_EXCHANGE (cmd)
                                             CAP_EXCHANGE (cmd)
                                             CAP_EXCHANGE (rsp)
                     TEST(P)                 CAN_U_REACH
                    <--------                <-------------
                     TEST(F)                 I_CAN_REACH
                    -------->                ------------->
                     XID(P)                  XID_FRAME
                    <--------                <-------------
                     XID(F)                  XID_FRAME
                    -------->                ------------->
                     XID(P)                  XID_FRAME
                    <--------                <-------------
                     SABME                   CONTACT_STN
                    -------->                ------------->
                     UA                      STN_CONTACTED
                    <--------                <-------------
                     I FRAME                 INFO_FRAME
                    <--------                <-------------
                     I FRAME                 INFO_FRAME
                    -------->                ------------->
                     DISC                    HALT_DL
                    <--------                <-------------
                     UA                      DL_HALTED
                    -------->                ------------->
                                             TCP session down

      IP (ipaddrEntry 1 )  IP (ipaddrEntry 2)  IP (ipaddrEntry 3)
         |                    |                     |
         |                    |                     |
         |                    |              proprietary protocol
         |                    |              layer   (ifIndex 3)
         |                    |                     |
         |                    |                     |
      DLCI 20            DLCI 30            DLCI 40/41/42
      (ifIndex 2)        (ifIndex 2)         (ifIndex 2,
                                              logical ifIndex 3)
         |                    |                     |
         |                    |                     |
                      FR  DLMCI (ifIndex.2)
                   Physical Interface (ifIndex.1)

    Etc.                   / \
                          /   \
                         /  o  \
                        /  / \  \
   Replicated          /  /   \  \
   Area --------------/--/->   \  \
                     /  /       \  \
                    /  /         \  \
                   /  /           \  \
   Subordinate    /__/_____________\__\
   knowledge--------/-> o   o    o  \
                   /   /          \  \
   Prescriptive---/-> o            o  \
   ACI Subentries/                     \
                   Unit of Replication

    ,--------------------.            ,--------------------.
    |        FAS         |            |       Switch       |
    |                    |            |        CCE         |
    `--+----+----+-------'            `------+-----+----+--'
     ^ | ^  ^ |  ^ |  ^ ^              ^ ^  ^ |  ^ |  | ^ |
     | | |  | |  | |  | |     AR       | |  | |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  | |  | '--------------' |  | |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  | |  |       ARA        |  | |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  | |  '------------------'  | |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  | |          FUA           | |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  | `------------------------' |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  |            FUN             |  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |  `----------------------------'  | |  | | |
     | | |  | |               FCR                | |  | | |
     | | |  | `----------------------------------' |  | | |
     | | |  |                 FCA                  |  | | |
     | | |  `--------------------------------------'  | | |
     | | |                    FAU                     | | |
     | | '--------------------------------------------' | |
     | |                      FAA                       | |
     | `------------------------------------------------' |
     |                        FAR                         |

            Transport Service User
              |-ISO Transport Service Definition [ISO8072]
         |  Transport Service Provider                      |
         |  ISO Transport Protocol Specification [ISO8073]  |
              |-ISO Network Service Definition [ISO8348]

            Transport Service User
              |-ISO Transport Service (modified)
         |  Transport Service Provider                      |
         |  ISO Transport Protocol (modified) Specification |
              |-TCP as a Connection Oriented Network Service

   |version |reserved| packet length  |             TPDU             |
   <8 bits> <8 bits> <   16 bits    > <       variable length       >

   |           Proposed in CR TPDU               |      CC TPDU         |
   |                                             |                      |
   |Preferred class     |    Alternative class   |      Response        |
   |                    |                        |                      |
   |class 0             |    none                |      class 0         |
   |                    |                        |                      |
   |class 2             |    class 0             |      class 2 or 0    |
   |                    |                        |                      |
   |class 2             |    none                |      class 2         |
   |                    |                        |                      |

  +------+  +----+  +----+
  |x25ple|  |isdn|  |isdn|    Terminal Endpoints (X.25 or ISDN)
  +--+---+  +-+--+  +-+--+
     |        |       |
     | +------+       |       |      |   <== Interface to upper layers,
     | | +------------+       |      |       to be provided by ifStack
     | | |                    |      |       table
    ++-+-++                 +-+-+  +-+-+
    |lapd | D channel       |ds0|  |ds0| B channels
    +--+--+ Data Link Layer +-+-+  +-+-+
       |                      |      |
    |                 ds1 or isdns/isdnu                  |

|               Network Layer Protocol                  |
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
       | |       | |       | |       | |       | | <== appears active
     +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+
     | PPP |   | PPP |   | F/R |   | PPP |   | F/R |
     | for |   | for |   | for |   | for |   | for |   ifEntry with
     |Peer1|   |Peer2|   |switch   |Peer3|   |switch   shadow PeerEntry
     |     |   |     |   |  A  |   |     |   |  B  |
     +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+
                 | |                 | |           <== some actually are
    +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
    |   B   | |   B   | |   B   | |   B   | |   B   |
    |channel| |channel| |channel| |channel| |channel|
    +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
       | |       | |       | |       | |       | |
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
|             Basic/Primary Rate Interface              |

|               Network Layer Protocol                  |
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
       | |       | |       | |       | |       | | <== appears active
     +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+
     | PPP |   | PPP |   | F/R |   | PPP |   | F/R |
     | for |   | for |   | for |   | for |   | for |   ifEntry with
     |Peer1|   |Peer2|   |switch   |Peer3|   |switch   shadow PeerEntry
     |     |   |     |   |  A  |   |     |   |  B  |
     +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+   +-+ +-+
                 | |                 | |           <== some actually are
    +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
    |   B   | |   B   | |   B   | |   B   | |   B   |
    |channel| |channel| |channel| |channel| |channel|
    +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
       | |       | |       | |       | |       | |
+------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +------+
|             Basic/Primary Rate Interface              |

    +--+ Ethernet +--+   +-----+   +--+   +-----+   +--+ Ethernet +--+
    |H1|----------|R1|---| ATM |---|R2|---| ATM |---|R3|----------|H2|
    +--+          +--+   +-----+   +--+   +-----+   +--+          +--+
       trigger pkt
       |----------> trigger packet
                    |------------->   trigger packet
                       FANP          |-------------->  trigger pkt
                    <=============>        FANP        |----------->

             +--+                              +--+
             +--+                              +--+
               |           PROPOSE              |
      VCID     |       [VCID, target IP]        |
  negotiation  |          PROPOSE ACK           |
               |            [VCID]              |
               |                                |
               |            OFFER               |
     Flow-ID   |       [VCID, flow-ID]          |
  notification |            READY               |
               |       [VCID, flow-ID]          |
               |                                |
                    :         :           :
                    :         :           :
               |           READY                |
  Dedicated-VC |       [VCID, flow-ID]          |
  refresh      |           READY                |
               |       [VCID, flow-ID]          |

             +--+                              +--+
             +--+                              +--+
               |                                 |
               |             REMOVE              |
               |             [VCID]              |
               |                                 |
               |           REMOVE ACK            |
               |             [VCID]              |

             +--+                              +--+
             +--+                              +--+
               |          ATM signaling          |
               |           (release)             |
               |                                 |

                  v               v               v
                  |               |               |
                  |     Begins initialization     |
                  |               |               |
                  | _____________/|\____________  |
                  |/DHCPDISCOVER | DHCPDISCOVER  \|
                  |               |               |
              Determines          |          Determines
             configuration        |         configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |\             |  ____________/ |
                  | \________    | /DHCPOFFER     |
                  | DHCPOFFER\   |/               |
                  |           \  |                |
                  |       Collects replies        |
                  |             \|                |
                  |     Selects configuration     |
                  |               |               |
                  | _____________/|\____________  |
                  |/ DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |     Commits configuration
                  |               |               |
                  |               | _____________/|
                  |               |/ DHCPACK      |
                  |               |               |
                  |    Initialization complete    |
                  |               |               |
                  .               .               .
                  .               .               .
                  |               |               |
                  |      Graceful shutdown        |
                  |               |               |
                  |               |\ ____________ |
                  |               | DHCPRELEASE  \|
                  |               |               |
                  |               |        Discards lease
                  |               |               |
                  v               v               v
     Figure 3: Timeline diagram of messages exchanged between DHCP
               client and servers when allocating a new network address

                  v               v               v
                  |                |               |
                  |              Begins            |
                  |          initialization        |
                  |                |               |
                  |                /|\             |
                  |   _________ __/ | \__________  |
                  | /DHCPREQU EST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
                  |/               |              \|
                  |                |               |
               Locates             |            Locates
            configuration          |         configuration
                  |                |               |
                  |\               |              /|
                  | \              |  ___________/ |
                  |  \             | /  DHCPACK    |
                  |   \ _______    |/              |
                  |     DHCPACK\   |               |
                  |          Initialization        |
                  |             complete           |
                  |               \|               |
                  |                |               |
                  |           (Subsequent          |
                  |             DHCPACKS           |
                  |             ignored)           |
                  |                |               |
                  |                |               |
                  v                v               v

 --------                               -------
|        | +-------------------------->|       |<-------------------+
| INIT-  | |     +-------------------->| INIT  |                    |
| REBOOT |DHCPNAK/         +---------->|       |<---+               |
|        |Restart|         |            -------     |               |
 --------  |  DHCPNAK/     |               |                        |
    |      Discard offer   |      -/Send DHCPDISCOVER               |
-/Send DHCPREQUEST         |               |                        |
    |      |     |      DHCPACK            v        |               |
 -----------     |   (not accept.)/   -----------   |               |
|           |    |  Send DHCPDECLINE |           |                  |
| REBOOTING |    |         |         | SELECTING |<----+            |
|           |    |        /          |           |     |DHCPOFFER/  |
 -----------     |       /            -----------   |  |Collect     |
    |            |      /                  |   |       |  replies   |
DHCPACK/         |     /  +----------------+   +-------+            |
Record lease, set|    |   v   Select offer/                         |
timers T1, T2   ------------  send DHCPREQUEST      |               |
    |   +----->|            |             DHCPNAK, Lease expired/   |
    |   |      | REQUESTING |                  Halt network         |
    DHCPOFFER/ |            |                       |               |
    Discard     ------------                        |               |
    |   |        |        |                   -----------           |
    |   +--------+     DHCPACK/              |           |          |
    |              Record lease, set    -----| REBINDING |          |
    |                timers T1, T2     /     |           |          |
    |                     |        DHCPACK/   -----------           |
    |                     v     Record lease, set   ^               |
    +----------------> -------      /timers T1,T2   |               |
               +----->|       |<---+                |               |
               |      | BOUND |<---+                |               |
  DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK, |       |    |            T2 expires/   DHCPNAK/
   DHCPNAK/Discard     -------     |             Broadcast  Halt network
               |       | |         |            DHCPREQUEST         |
               +-------+ |        DHCPACK/          |               |
                    T1 expires/   Record lease, set |               |
                 Send DHCPREQUEST timers T1, T2     |               |
                 to leasing server |                |               |
                         |   ----------             |               |
                         |  |          |------------+               |
                         +->| RENEWING |                            |
                            |          |----------------------------+
          Figure 5:  State-transition diagram for DHCP clients

                                    . (root)
      |                 |                    |                 |
     edu                it                   us                fr
      |                 |                    |                 |
  +---+---+...    +-----+-----+...     +-----+-----+...     +--+---+...
  |       |       |     |     |        |     |     |        |      |
 ...     ...     cnr   X42D  infn      va    ca   X42D     X42D  inria
                        |                    |     |        |
           +------------+------------+...   ...   ...  +----+-------+...
           |            |            |                 |            |
    ADMD-PtPostel  ADMD-garr  ADMD-Master400        ADMD-atlas  ADMD-red
                        |            |                 |            |
             +----------+----+...   ...        +-------+------+... ...
             |               |                 |              |
         PRMD-infn       PRMD-STET        PRMD-Telecom   PRMD-Renault
             |               |                 |              |
            ...             ...               ...            ...

                 parse  single attribute
              (enclosed in "." separators)
            (yes)  ---  <label>$@ ?  ---  (no)
              |                             |
        map to <label>        (no)  <label>$<blank> ?  (yes)
              |                 |                        |
              |           map to <label>-        map to <label>"b"
              |                 |                        |
              |           map "\." to -d-                |
              |                 |                        |
              |           map "-" to -h-                 |
              |                 |                        |
              |    map non A/N char to -<3digit>-        |
  restart     |                 |                        |
     ^        |      remove (if any) last "-"            |
     |        |                 |                        |
     |        \------->     add a  "."    <--------------/
     |                          |
     \----------  take  next  attribute  (if  any)

                parse single attribute
            (enclosed in "." separators)
            (yes) ---- <label> ? ---- (no)
              |                          |
      map to <label>$@        (no) <label>"b" ? (yes)
              |                 |                 |
              |           map to <label>$    map to <label>$<blank>
              |                 |                 |
              |           map -d- to "\."         |
              |                 |                 |
              |           map -h- to "-"          |
              |                 |                 |
              |           map -b- to " "          |
  restart     |                 |                 |
     ^        |   map -<3digit>- to non A/N char  |
     |        |                 |                 |
     |        \-------->   add a "."   <----------/
     |                         |
     \------------- take next attribute (if any)

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

TEST_cmd      DLC_RESOLVE_C    CANUREACH_ex               TEST_cmd
----------->  ----------->     ----------->               ---------->
   TEST_rsp   DLC_RESOLVE_R    ICANREACH_ex                 TEST_rsp
 <---------    <-----------   <-----------                <----------
null XID      DLC_XID
----------->  ----------->

                           TCP Connection Setup
                            Capabilities Exch.

                             CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL
                             ----------->    ----------->
                             ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                             <-----------    <-------------
           circuit_established                circuit_pending
                              ----------->  circuit_established

                               XIDFRAME         DLC_XID       null XID
                               ----------->     --------->    -------->
        XID        DLC_XID      XIDFRAME         DLC_XID          XID
  <--------   <-----------   <-----------    <-----------    <--------
    XIDs         DLC_XIDs      XIDFRAMEs        DLC_XIDs         XIDs
<---------->  <---------->   <------------>  <------------>  <--------->
----------->  ----------->     ----------->    ----------->    -------->
              connect_pending                 contact_pending

          UA     DLC_CONTACT     CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED          UA
  <---------   <-----------  <-----------    <-----------    <--------
                  connected                      connected
IFRAMEs       DLC_INFOs        IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
<---------->  <----------->  <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

 ======                            ___                           ======
 |    |        ---------        __/   \__       ---------        |    |
 |    |      __|  _|_  |__     /   IP    \    __|  _|_  |__      |    |
 ======        |   |   |      <  Network  >     |   |   |        ======
/______\       ---------       \__     __/      ---------       /______\
 Origin       Origin DLSw         \___/        Target DLSw      Target
 Station        partner                          partner        Station

----------->  ----------->    ----------->    ----------->   --------->

<-----------  <------------   <-----------    <-----------  <---------

                              CANUREACH_cs    DLC_START_DL
                              ----------->    ----------->

                              ICANREACH_cs    DLC_DL_STARTED
                              <-----------    <-----------
            circuit_established                circuit_pending
                              ----------->   circuit_established

                              CONTACT         DLC_CONTACT     SABME
                              ----------->    ----------->    --------->
             connect_pending                   contact_pending

          UA   DLC_CONTACT       CONTACTED    DLC_CONTACTED           UA
  <---------   <-----------   <-----------    <-----------    <---------
                connected                        connected

   IFRAMEs       DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs        DLC_INFOs       IFRAMEs
<------------> <------------> <------------>  <------------>  <-------->

    | bb_high_layer_information                                      |
    |  high_layer_information_type    3            (vendor-specific  |
    |                                               application id.) |
    |  high_layer_information         00-60-D7     (EPFL OUI)        |
    |                                 01-00-00-01  (Arequipa)        |

           +------+                                +------+
           | Node +--------------------------------+ Node |
           +------+                                +------+

           +--------+                      +--------+
           | Frame  +----------------------+ Frame  |
           | Switch +--------+    +--------+ Switch |
           +--+-----+      +-+----+-+      +--------+
              |            | Frame  |                      +--------+
           +--+-----+      | Switch |      +--------+      | Frame  |
           | Frame  |      +-----+--+      | Frame  +------+ Switch |
           | Switch |            +---------+ Switch |      ++-------+
           +-------++                      +--------+       |

           |          |          |          |          |
           |   Flag   | Address  | Control  | Protocol |
           | 01111110 |  8bits   | 00000011 |  16 bits |
              |             |            |          | Inter-frame
              | Information |    FCS     |   Flag   | fill or next
              |             | 16/32 bits | 01111110 | address

             | | | | | | | | |
             | | node addr |1|
              ^             ^
              |             |
              |             +------- EA bit (always 1)
              1 : broadcast, multicast
              0 : unicast

           | | | | | | | | |
           | |port number|1|
            ^             ^
            |             |
            |             +------- EA bit (always 1)
            1 : broadcast, multicast
            0 : unicast

           I  command  I  address   I
           I<- 32bit ->I<- 32 bit ->I

                   ---- address request ----> 0x01
                      0x03 <---- address assignment ----
           +------+                                +------+
           | node +--------------------------------+ node |
           +------+                                +------+
                      0x01 <---- address request ----
                   ---- address assignment ----> 0x03

                     ---- address request ----> 0x01
           +------+  --- address assignment --> 0x03
           |      +-------------->-----------------+
           | node +                                |
           |      +--------------<-----------------+

           Switch Number(variable length)
               |      +--- Port Number
               |      |
               V      V
           | | | | | | | | |
           | |           |1|
            ^             ^
            |             |
            |             +------- EA bit (always 1)
            1 : broadcast, multicast
            0 : unicast

         The Last Update           Expiration         Garbage Collection
               |                       |                       |
    Routing    V   T       T       T   V   T       T       T   V
    Table      +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------X
    Entry             metric < 16      |       metric = 16     |

                   EXPIRATION_TIMER            GC_TIMER
                                                       Stop Advertising
    Advertised                                                 V
    Metric     --   metric <16   ------+--  metric = 16 -------X

             0F  0D  0B  09  07  05  03  01   ---   port number
           | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |  ---   1: forward
           +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+        0: inhibit

               First Update               Last Update
                   |                           |
                   V T   T   T   T   T   T   T V
   A bit in
   the routing      0   0   0   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0
   table                       ^                           ^
                    <--------->|                <--------->|
                        ^   route up                 ^ route down
                        |                            |
                  FORWARD_DELAY               PORT_EXPIRATION

           |          |                     |          |
           |   Flag   |       Address       | Protocol |
           | 01111110 |        16bits       |  16 bits |
              |             |            |          | Inter-frame
              | Information |    FCS     |   Flag   | fill or next
              |             | 16/32 bits | 01111110 | address

             | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
             | | node addr |0|  node addr  |1|
              ^             ^               ^
              |             |               |
              |             |               +------- EA bit (always 1)
              |             +------- EA bit (always 0)
              1 : broadcast, multicast
              0 : unicast

                                           *      |RT1|RT2|
                +---+Ia    +---+           *   ------------
                |RT1|------|RT2|           T   RT1|   | X |
                +---+    Ib+---+           O   RT2| X |   |
                                           *    Ia|   | X |
                                           *    Ib| X |   |

                      +---+                *
                      |RT7|                *      |RT7| N3|
                      +---+                T   ------------
                        |                  O   RT7|   |   |
            +----------------------+       *    N3| X |   |
                       N3                  *

                 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10|11|12|N3|N6|N8|N9|
              ----- ---------------------------------------------
              RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT3|  |  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT4|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT5|  |  |  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT6|  |  |8 |  |7 |  |  |  |  |5 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT7|  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          T  RT10|  |  |  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |  |
          O  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |
          *  RT12|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          *    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N6|  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |1 |  |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N7|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |4 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |2 |  |  |  |  |  |
               N9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |
              N10|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
              N11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N12|  |  |  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N15|  |  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |10|  |  |  |  |

                  |RT12|N9|N10|H1|                 |RT9|RT11|RT12|N9|
           *  --------------------          *  ----------------------
           *  RT12|    |  |   |  |          *   RT9|   |    |    |0 |
           T    N9|1   |  |   |  |          T  RT11|   |    |    |0 |
           O   N10|2   |  |   |  |          O  RT12|   |    |    |0 |
           *    H1|10  |  |   |  |          *    N9|   |    |    |  |
           *                                *
                RT12's router-LSA              N9's network-LSA

                    RT5 o------------o-----------o Ib
                       /|\    6      |\     7
                     8/8|8\          | \
                     /  |  \        6|  \
                    o   |   o        |   \7
                   N12  o  N14       |    \
                       N13        2  |     \
                            N4 o-----o RT3  \
                                    /        \    5
                                  1/     RT10 o-------o Ia
                                  /           |\
                       RT4 o-----o N3        3| \1
                                /|            |  \ N6     RT7
                               / |         N8 o   o---------o
                              /  |            |   |        /|
                         RT2 o   o RT1        |   |      2/ |9
                            /    |            |   |RT8   /  |
                           /3    |3      RT11 o   o     o   o
                          /      |            |   |    N12 N15
                      N2 o       o N1        1|   |4
                                              |   |
                                           N9 o   o N7
                                            / |
                        N11      RT9       /  |RT12
                         o--------o-------o   o--------o H1
                             3                |   10
                                              o N10

             .   +                     .
             .   | 3+---+              .      N12      N14
             . N1|--|RT1|\ 1           .        \ N13 /
             .   |  +---+ \            .        8\ |8/8
             .   +         \ ____      .          \|/
             .              /    \   1+---+8    8+---+6
             .             *  N3  *---|RT4|------|RT5|--------+
             .              \____/    +---+      +---+        |
             .    +         /      \   .           |7         |
             .    | 3+---+ /        \  .           |          |
             .  N2|--|RT2|/1        1\ .           |6         |
             .    |  +---+            +---+8    6+---+        |
             .    +                   |RT3|------|RT6|        |
             .                        +---+      +---+        |
             .                      2/ .         Ia|7         |
             .                      /  .           |          |
             .             +---------+ .           |          |
             .Area 1           N4      .           |          |
             ...........................           |          |
          ..........................               |          |
          .            N11         .               |          |
          .        +---------+     .               |          |
          .             |          .               |          |    N12
          .             |3         .             Ib|5         |6 2/
          .           +---+        .             +----+     +---+/
          .           |RT9|        .    .........|RT10|.....|RT7|---N15.
          .           +---+        .    .        +----+     +---+ 9    .
          .             |1         .    .    +  /3    1\      |1       .
          .            _|__        .    .    | /        \   __|_       .
          .           /    \      1+----+2   |/          \ /    \      .
          .          *  N9  *------|RT11|----|            *  N6  *     .
          .           \____/       +----+    |             \____/      .
          .             |          .    .    |                |        .
          .             |1         .    .    +                |1       .
          .  +--+   10+----+       .    .   N8              +---+      .
          .  |H1|-----|RT12|       .    .                   |RT8|      .
          .  +--+SLIP +----+       .    .                   +---+      .
          .             |2         .    .                     |4       .
          .             |          .    .                     |        .
          .        +---------+     .    .                 +--------+   .
          .            N10         .    .                     N7       .
          .                        .    .Area 2                        .
          .Area 3                  .    ................................

                     Network   RT3 adv.   RT4 adv.
                     N1        4          4
                     N2        4          4
                     N3        1          1
                     N4        2          3

                          |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |7 |N3|
                       ----- -------------------
                       RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                       RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                       RT3|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                   *   RT4|  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
                   *   RT5|  |  |14|8 |  |  |  |
                   T   RT7|  |  |20|14|  |  |  |
                   O    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                   *    N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |
                   *    N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |
                        N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
                     Ia,Ib|  |  |20|27|  |  |  |
                        N6|  |  |16|15|  |  |  |
                        N7|  |  |20|19|  |  |  |
                        N8|  |  |18|18|  |  |  |
                 N9-N11,H1|  |  |29|36|  |  |  |
                       N12|  |  |  |  |8 |2 |  |
                       N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |
                       N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |
                       N15|  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |

                            |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |10|11|
                         RT3|  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |
                         RT4|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                         RT5|  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |
                         RT6|8 |  |7 |  |  |5 |  |
                         RT7|  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |
                     *  RT10|  |  |  |7 |  |  |2 |
                     *  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |
                     T    N1|4 |4 |  |  |  |  |  |
                     O    N2|4 |4 |  |  |  |  |  |
                     *    N3|1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |
                     *    N4|2 |3 |  |  |  |  |  |
                          Ia|  |  |  |  |  |5 |  |
                          Ib|  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |
                          N6|  |  |  |  |1 |1 |3 |
                          N7|  |  |  |  |5 |5 |7 |
                          N8|  |  |  |  |4 |3 |2 |
                   N9-N11,H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |11|
                         N12|  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |
                         N13|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                         N14|  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |
                         N15|  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |

                              +----+       \+-------------+
                             /      \       |Routing Table|
                            /        \      +-------------+
                           /          \
              +------+    /            \    +--------+
              |Area 2|---+              +---|Backbone|
              +------+***********+          +--------+
             /        \           *        /          \
            /          \           *      /            \
       +---------+  +---------+    +------------+       +------------+
       |Interface|  |Interface|    |Virtual Link|       |Interface Ib|
       |  to N6  |  |  to N8  |    |   to RT11  |       +------------+
       +---------+  +---------+    +------------+             |
           /  \           |               |                   |
          /    \          |               |                   |
   +--------+ +--------+  |        +-------------+      +------------+
   |Neighbor| |Neighbor|  |        |Neighbor RT11|      |Neighbor RT6|
   |  RT8   | |  RT7   |  |        +-------------+      +------------+
   +--------+ +--------+  |
                     |Neighbor RT11|

          +---+            +---+
          |RT1|------------|RT2|            o---------------o
          +---+    N1      +---+           RT1             RT2

                                  +----+   UnloopInd   +--------+
                                  +----+               +--------+
                          +-------+  |               +--------------+
                          +-------+                  +--------------+
                              |   NeighborChange
          +------+           +-+<---------------- +-------+
          +------+---------->+-+<-----+           +-------+
                    Neighbor  |       |
                    Change    |       |Neighbor
                              |       |Change
                              |     +--+

                              Done  |
                    +----+          |      +-------+
                    +----+<-+              +-------+
                            |  LoadingDone     |

            Down                                          Down
                         Hello (DR=RT2,seen=RT1,...)      Init
            ExStart        D-D (Seq=x,I,M,Master)
                           D-D (Seq=y,I,M,Master)         ExStart
            Exchange       D-D (Seq=y,M,Slave)
                           D-D (Seq=y+1,M,Master)         Exchange
                           D-D (Seq=y+1,M,Slave)
                           D-D (Seq=y+n, Master)
                           D-D (Seq=y+n, Slave)
             Loading   ------------------------------>
                                 LS Request                Full
                                 LS Update
                                 LS Request
                                 LS Update

                  . 192.1.2                   Area 1 .
                  .     +                            .
                  .     |                            .
                  .     | 3+---+1                    .
                  .  N1 |--|RT1|-----+               .
                  .     |  +---+      \              .
                  .     |              \  _______N3  .
                  .     +               \/       \   .  1+---+
                  .                     * 192.1.1 *------|RT4|
                  .     +               /\_______/   .   +---+
                  .     |              /     |       .
                  .     | 3+---+1     /      |       .
                  .  N2 |--|RT2|-----+      1|       .
                  .     |  +---+           +---+8    .         6+---+
                  .     |                  |RT3|----------------|RT6|
                  .     +                  +---+     .          +---+
                  . 192.1.3                  |2      .|7
                  .                          |       .            |
                  .                   +------------+ .
                  .                     192.1.4 (N4) .

                      . Area 1 (transit)     .            +
                      .                      .            |
                      .      +---+1        1+---+100      |
                      .      |RT2|----------|RT4|=========|
                      .    1/+---+********* +---+         |
                      .    /*******          .            |
                      .  1/*Virtual          .            |
                   1+---+/*  Link            .         Net|work
             =======|RT1|*                   .            | N1
                    +---+\                   .            |
                      .   \                  .            |
                      .    \                 .            |
                      .    1\+---+1        1+---+20       |
                      .      |RT3|----------|RT5|=========|
                      .      +---+          +---+         |
                      .                      .            |
                      ........................            +

     .........................       .......................
     .                       .       .                     .
     .       h1              .       .              |-h2   .
     .       |               .       .              |      .
     .  H3---R1--------R2---------------r5----r9----+      .
     .       |         |     .       .        |     |-H7   .
     .       |         |     .       .        |            .
     .       |         |     .       .        |            .
     .  H4---R3--------R4---------------r6----r8-----H8    .
     .                       .       .                     .
     .........................       .......................
      Region A (Dual Routers)        Region B (IPv4-only Rtrs)

     T H E   I N T E R N E T
       |          ||
       |          ||
       |          ||
       |          ||
       |      +----------------------+
       |      |                      |
       |      |        PARENT        |
       |      |        CACHE         |
       |      |                      |
       |      +----------------------+
       |          ||
     DIRECT       ||
   RETRIEVALS     ||
       |          ||
       |         HITS
       |         AND
       |        MISSES
       |       RESOLVED
       |          ||
       |          ||
       |          ||
       V          \/
   +------------------+                    +------------------+
   |                  |                    |                  |
   |      LOCAL       |/--------HITS-------|     SIBLING      |
   |      CACHE       |\------RESOLVED-----|      CACHE       |
   |                  |                    |                  |
   +------------------+                    +------------------+
      |  |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |  |
      V  V  V  V  V

   ESROS      -------------------    -------------------     ESROS
   User      | Layer above ESROS |  | Layer above ESROS |    User
   (Invoker) |                   |  |                   |  (Performer)
              -------------------    -------------------
      ^                |                      |                ^
      |                |                      |                |
      v                |                      |                v
   ESROS     -------------------    -------------------      ESROS
   Provider |       ESROS       |  |       ESROS       |    Provider
             -------------------    -------------------
                       |                      |
                       |                      |
                       |                      |
             -------------------    -------------------
            |    UDP           |   |   UDP             |
             -------------------    -------------------
                     _                    _/
                       _                _/
                         _    .       _/
                           _ . .* . _/
                             . * .* .
                               * . *

                  Invoker        Performer
                 ESRO SAP         ESRO SAP
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-INVOKE.req.   |               | ESROS-INVOKE.ind.
   -------->-----------|               |-------->---------
                       |               |
   ESROS-INVOKE-P.conf.|               |
   --------<-----------|               |
                       |               |
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-RESULT.ind.   |               | ESROS-RESULT.req.
   --------<-----------|               |--------<---------
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-RESULT.conf.
                       |               |-------->---------
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-ERROR.ind.    |               | ESROS-ERROR.req.
   --------<-----------|               |--------<---------
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-ERROR.conf.
                       |               |-------->---------
                       |               |
                       |               |
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-FAILURE.ind.  |               | ESROS-FAILURE.ind.
   --------<-----------|               |-------->---------
                       |               |

                  Invoker        Performer
                 ESROS AP         ESROS AP
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-INVOKE.req.   |               | ESROS-INVOKE.ind.
   -------->-----------|               |-------->---------
                       |               |
   ESROS-INVOKE-P.conf.|               |
   --------<-----------|               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-FAILURE.ind.  |               |
   --------<-----------|               |
                       |               |

                  Invoker        Performer
                 ESROS AP         ESROS AP
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-RESULT.ind.   |               | ESROS-RESULT.req.
   --------<-----------|               |--------<---------
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-RESULT.conf.
                       |               |-------->---------
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-FAILURE.ind.
                       |               |-------->---------
                       |               |

                  Invoker        Performer
                 ESROS AP         ESROS AP
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-ERROR.ind.    |               | ESROS-ERROR.req.
   --------<-----------|               |--------<---------
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-ERROR.conf.
                       |               |-------->---------
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-FAILURE.ind.
                       |               |-------->---------

                  Invoker        Performer
                 ESROS AP         ESROS AP
                       |               |
                       |               |
   ESROS-FAILURE.ind.  |               |
   --------<-----------|               |
                       |               |
                       |               | ESROS-FAILURE.ind.
                       |               |--------->---------
                       |               |

           b      b     b-----b
            \     |     |
             \    |     |
              b---b     b------b
             /     \  /                   KEY....
            /       \/
           b         X---b-----b          X = Core
                    / \                   b = on-tree router
                   /   \
                  /     \
                  b      b------b
                 / \     |
                /   \    |
               b     b   b

        Most Significant Bit                     Least Significant Bit
        | Calling Error | Routine Error  |    Supplementary Info     |
      Bit 31           24 23            16 15                        0

                         Site | Local   |
                          A   | File A  |
      o----------------------- Mapping A ------------------------o
      |                            |                             |
      |                       o---------o                        |
      |                       | Virtual |                        |
      |                       |  File   |                        |
      |                       o---------o                        |
      |    o------------------------------------------------o    |
      |    |                                                |    |
      |    |                  ODETTE-FTP                    |    |
      |    |                                                |    |
      |    o------------------------------------------------o    |
      |      o---------o                        o---------o      |
      |      | Virtual |                        | Virtual |      |
      |      |  File   |                        |  File   |      |
      |      o---------o                        o----+----o      |
      |           |                                  |           |
      o------ Mapping B ------------------------ Mapping C ------o
                  |                                  |
             o---------o                        o----+----o
             | Local   | Site              Site | Local   |
             | File B  |  B                 C   | File C  |
             o---------o                        o---------o

          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
          |                   |             |                   |
          |   USER  MONITOR   |             |   USER  MONITOR   |
          |                   |             |                   |
          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
                  |   A                             |   A
   ...............|...|... FILE TRANSFER SERVICE ...|...|...............
                  |   |                             |   |
      F_XXX_RQ/RS |   | F_XXX_IND/CF    F_XXX_RQ/RS |   | F_XXX_IND/CF
                  V   |                             V   |
          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
          |                   |- - - - - - >|                   |
          | ODETTE-FTP Entity |   E-Buffer  | ODETTE-FTP Entity |
          |                   |< - - - - - -|                   |
          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
                  |   A                             |   A
      N_XXX_RQ/RS |   | N_XXX_IND/CF    N_XXX_RQ/RS |   | N_XXX_IND/CF
                  |   |                             |   |
   ...............|...|...... NETWORK SERVICE ......|...|...............
                  V   |                             V   |
        |                                                         |
        |                      N E T W O R K                      |
        |                                                         |

                             |            |
           F_CONNECT_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_CONNECT_IND
                             |            |
           F_CONNECT_CF <----|------------|<---- F_CONNECT_RS
                             |            |

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   called-address -> same              ---               ----
   calling-address-> same              ---               ----
   ID1 ------------> same              ID2 ------------> same
   PSW1------------> same              PSW2 -----------> same
   mode1 ----------> mode2 ----------> mode3 ----------> same
   restart1 -------> same -----------> restart2 -------> same

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   Sender-only ----> Receiver-only --> Receiver-only --> Sender-only

   Both -----+-----> Both ----+------> Both -----------> Both
             |             or +------> Receiver-only --> Sender-only
             |             or +------> Sender-only ----> Receiver-only
          or +-----> Receiver-only --> Receiver-only --> Sender-only
          or +-----> Sender-only ----> Sender-only ----> Receiver-only

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   restart = Y ----> restart = Y --+-> restart = Y ----> restart = Y
                                or +-> restart = N ----> restart = N

   restart = N ----> restart = N ----> restart = N ----> restart = N

                             |            |
        F_START_FILE_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_START_FILE_IND
                             |            |
   F_START_FILE_CF(+|-) <----|------------|<---- F_START_FILE_RS(+|-)
                             |            |

   Request         Ind.   RS(+)          CF(+)     RS(-)         CF(-)
   file-name ----> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   date-time ----> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   destination---> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   originator----> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   rec-format----> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   rec-size -----> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   file-size-----> same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   restart-pos1--> same-> restart-pos2-> same      ----          ----
   ----            ----   ----           ----      cause ------> same
   ----            ----   ----           ----      retry-later-> same

                             |            |
         F_CLOSE_FILE_RQ --->|------------|----> F_CLOSE_FILE_IND
                             |            |
    F_CLOSE_FILE_CF(+|-) <---|------------|<---- F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(+|-)
                             |            |

   Request         Ind    RS(+)          CF(+)     RS(-)         CF(-)
   rec-count --->  same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   unit-count -->  same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   ----            ----   Speaker=Y ---> Speaker=N ----          ----
   ----            ----   Speaker=N ---> Speaker=Y ----          ----
   ----            ----   ----           ----      cause --->    same

   Request           Indication
   filename -------> same
   date -----------> same
   time -----------> same
   destination ----> same
   originator -----> same

   Request                  Indication
   reason = normal -------> ----

                             |            |
             F_ABORT_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_ABORT_IND
                             |            |
             User Initiated Abort

                             |            |
            F_ABORT_IND <----|------------|----> F_ABORT_IND
                             |            |
            Provider Initiated Abort

            User  | OFTP |        Network       | OFTP |  User
                  |      |                      |      |

     F_RELEASE_RQ |      | ESID(R=normal)       |      | F_RELEASE_IND
   *--------------|->  ==|======================|=>  --|-------------->
     (R=normal)   |      |                      |      |

     F_RELEASE_RQ |      | ESID(R=error)        |      | F_ABORT_IND
   *--------------|->  ==|======================|=>   -|-------------->
   (R=error value)|      |                      |      | (R=error,AO=D)

            User  | OFTP |        Network       | OFTP |  User
                  |      |                      |      |

     F_ABORT_IND  |      | ESID(R=error)        |      | F_ABORT_IND
   <--------------|-*  *=|======================|=>  --|-------------->
                  |      |                      |      |

    F_ABORT_RQ    |      | N_DISC_RQ            |      | F_ABORT_IND
   *--------------|->  --|--------->..----------|->  --|-------------->
                  |      |           N_DISC_IND |      | (R=unsp.,AO=D)

     F_ABORT_IND  |      | N_DISC_RQ            |      | F_ABORT_IND
   <--------------|-*  *-|--------->..----------|->  --|-------------->
   (R=error,AO=L) |      |           N_DISC_IND |      | (R=unsp.,AO=D)

                     decision    |            |  f_connect_ind
               +-----------------|    IDLE    |-----------------+
               |   F_CONNECT_RQ  |    (0)     |  F_CONNECT_RS   |
               |                 o------------o                 |
               V                                                |
      o-----------------o                                       |
      |                 |                                       |
      | I_WF_FCONNECTCF |                                       |
      |                 |                                       |
      o--------+--------o                                       |
               |                                                |
               | F_CONNECT_CF                                   |
               V                                                V
      o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
      |                 |                              |                 |
      |  IDLE  SPEAKER  |                              | IDLE  LISTENER  |
      |       (1)       |                              |       (2)       |
      |   See Speaker   |                              |  See Listener   |
      |  State Diagram  |                              |  State Diagram  |
      |                 |                              |                 |
      o-----------------o                              o-----------------o

3.5.2  Speaker State Diagram
   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
   |  IDLE LISTENER  |                              |      IDLE       |
   | CD_RQ just sent |                              |     see (0)     |
   | see (3), Listen |                              |      Idle       |
   |  State Diagram  |                              |  State Diagram  |
   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
            A                                                A
            |                                                |
        decision          decision                        decision
        F_CD_RQ    +----------------+                   F_RELEASE_RQ
            |      |     F_EERP_RQ  |                        |
   o=================o              |               o-----------------o
   |                 |<-------------+               |  IDLE SPEAKER   |
   |  IDLE SPEAKER   |                              |       (4)       |
   |       (1)       |       decision               |     CD_IND      |
   |                 |<-----------------------------|  just received  |
   o=================o       F_EERP_RQ              o-----------------o
     A  A        |                                               |
     |  |        | decision and P1              decision and P1  |
     |  |        +-----------------+       +---------------------+
     |  |         F_START_FILE_RQ  |       |    F_START_FILE_RQ
     |  |                          V       V
     |  |                      o---------------o
     |  |  f_file_start_cf(-)  |               |
     |  +----------------------|    OPENING    |
     |                         |               |
     |                         o---------------o
     |                                 |
   f_file_close_cf(-)          f_start_file_cf(+)
     and not P2                        |
     |                                 V
   o---------------o           o---------------o
   |               |           |               |------------------+
   |    CLOSING    |           | DATA TRANSFER |  record to send  |
   |               |           |               |<-----------------+
   o---------------o           o---------------o    F_DATA_RQ
     |         A                   |
     |         |    end of file    |
     |         +-------------------+
     |            F_CLOSE_FILE_RQ
     |                                              o-----------------o
     |                f_close_file(+) and P2        |  IDLE LISTENER  |
     +--------------------------------------------->| see (2), Listen |
                                                    |  State Diagram  |
   Predicates:                                      o-----------------o
   P1: Mode = Both or (Mode = Sender-Only)
   P2: Negative confirmation or (positive confirmation, Speaker = YES)

3.5.3  Listener State Diagram
   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
   |  IDLE SPEAKER   |                              |      IDLE       |
   |   CD_IND just   |                              |                 |
   | received see(4) |                              |     see (0)     |
   |  Speaker State  |                              |      Idle       |
   |     Diagram     |                              |  State Diagram  |
   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
            A                                                A
            |                                                |
         decision     f_eerp_ind                          decision
         F_CD_IND  +--------------+                    F_RELEASE_IND
            |      |              |                          |
   o=================o            |                 o-----------------o
   |                 |<-----------+    f_eerp_ind   |                 |
   |                 |<-----------------------------|  IDLE LISTENER  |
   |  IDLE LISTENER  |                              |       (3)       |
   |                 | f_start_file_ind             |      CD_RQ      |
   |       (2)       |    and not p2                |    just sent    |
   |                 |---------------------+        |                 |
   o=================o F_START_FILE_RS(-)  |        o-----------------o
     A   |      A  A                       |           |          |
     |   |      |  +-----------------------+           |          |
     |   |      |                                      |          |
     |   |      | f_start_file_ind and not p2          |          |
     |   |      +--------------------------------------+          |
     |   |               F_START_FILE_RS(-)                       |
     |   |                                                        |
     |   |           f_start_file_ind           f_start_file_ind  |
     |   |              and p2                        and p2      |
     |   +-------------------------------+     +------------------+
     |               F_START_FILE_RS(+)  |     | F_START_FILE_RS(+)
     |                                   V     V
     |                              o---------------o
     |  f_close_file_ind and not p1 |     DATA      |-------------+
     +------------------------------|   TRANSFER    |             |
          F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(-)        |               |<------------+
                                    o---------------o  F_DATA_IND
   o---------------o                           |
   | IDLE SPEAKER  |  f_close_file_ind and p1  |
   | see (1), Spkr |<--------------------------+
   | State Diagram |    F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(+)

   1. Initiator <-------------SSRM -- Responder   Ready Message
                -- SSID ------------>             Identification
                <------------ SSID --             Identification

   1. Speaker  -- SFID ------------> Listener   Start File
               <------------ SFPA --            Answer YES

   2. Speaker  -- SFID ------------> Listener   Start File
               <------------ SFNA --            Answer NO
                     Go To 1

   2. Speaker  -- CD --------------> Listener   Change Direction
      Listener <------------ EERP -- Speaker    End to End Response
               -- RTR ------------->            Ready to Receive
               <------------ SFID --            Start File

   o----------o                          o-----------o
   | Loc. A   |----------- S1 ---------->| Loc. B    |
   |          |                          |           |
   | [Ba]     |<---------- R2 -----------| [Ba]      |
   +----------o                          o-----------o

   o---------o        o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
   | Loc. A  |-- S1 ->| Loc. E1 |-- S2 ->| Loc. E2 |-- S5 ->| Loc. B  |
   |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |
   | [Ba,Ca] |<- R8 --| [Ba,Ca] |<- R7 --| [Ba]    |<- R6 --| [Ba]    |
   o---------o        o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
                         A   |
                         |   |           o---------o
                         |   +----- S3 ->| Loc. C  |
                         |               |         |
                         +--------- R4 --| [Ca]    |

   o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
   | Loc. A  |-- S1 ->| Loc. E1 |-- S3 ->| Loc. C  |
   |         |        |         |        |         |
   | [Ca]    |<- R5 --| [Ca,Cb] |<- R4 --| [Ca,Cb] |
   o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
                         A   |
   o---------o           |   |
   | Loc. B  |-- S2 -----+   |
   |         |               |
   | [Cb]    |<- R6 ---------+

      Speaker  -- EERP ------------> Listener   End to End Response
               <------------- RTR --            Ready to Receive
               -- EERP ------------>            End to End Response
               <------------- RTR --            Ready to Receive
               -- SFID ------------>            Start File
               -- CD -------------->            Exchange the turn

   1. Speaker  -- SFID ------------> Listener   Start File
               <------------ SFPA --            Answer YES

      Speaker  -- Data ------------> Listener   Start File
               -- Data ------------>
               <------------- CDT --            Set Credit
               -- Data ------------>
               -- EFID ------------>            End File

   1. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFPA --            Answer YES

   2. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFPA --            Answer YES + CD
               -- CD -------------->            Change Direction
      Listener <------------ EERP -- Speaker    End to End Response
               -------------- RTR ->            Ready to Receive
               Go to Start File Phase

   3. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFNA --            Answer NO

   1. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFPA --            Answer YES
               -- CD -------------->            Change Direction
      Listener <------------ ESID -- Speaker    End Session

             Window Size m  -- SSID ------------>
                            <------------ SSID --  Window Size n
                                                   (n less or equal m)
             Note: negotiated value will be "n".

   |   | Other States                             |
   |   |--------------------------------------o   |
   | S | A_WF_CONRS                           |   |
   |   |----------------------------------o   |   |
   | T | A_NC_ONLY                        |   |   |
   |   |------------------------------o   |   |   |
   | A | I_WF_SSID                    |   |   |   |
   |   |--------------------------o   |   |   |   |
   | T | I_WF_RM                  |   |   |   |   |
   |   |----------------------o   |   |   |   |   |
   | E | I_WF_NC              |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | IDLE             |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | F_CONNECT_RQ | A | X | X | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | N_CON_CF     | X | C | X | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | V | SSRM         | X | X | H | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | SSID         | X | X | X | D | E | F | F |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | N | N_CON_IND    | B | X | X | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | T | F_CONNECT_RS | X | U | U | U | U | G | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | ESID(R=10)   | X | X | X | F | X | X | X |

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events               Next State
    A | P1:                      F_ABORT_IND                 IDLE
      | not P1:      1           N_CON_RQ                    I_WF_NC
    B | P3:                      N_DISC_RQ                   IDLE
      | not P3:                  N_CON_RS
      |                          SSRM                        A_NC_ONLY
    C |              2                                       I_WF_RM
    D | P2:          4,2,5       F_CONNECT_CF                IDLESP
      | not P2:      4,2         ESID(R=10)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)         WF_NDISC
    E | P4:          4           N_DISC_RQ                   IDLE
      | not P4:                  F_CONNECT_IND               A_WF_CONRS
    F |                          F_ABORT_IND
      |                          N_DISC_RQ                   IDLE
    G | P2:          4,2,5       SSID                        IDLELI
      | not P2:      4,2         ESID(R=10)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)         WF_NDISC
    H |              4,2,3       SSID                        I_WF_SSID

   |   | Other States                     |
   | S |------------------------------o   |
   | T | WF_NDISC                     |   |
   | A |--------------------------o   |   |
   | T | I_WF_NC                  |   |   |
   | E |----------------------o   |   |   |
   |   | IDLE                 |   |   |   |
   |   | TIME-OUT         | X | X | A | B |
   |   |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   | E | F_ABORT_RQ       | X | A | X | C |
   | V |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   | E | N_RST_IND        | X | X | A | D |
   | N |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   | T | N_DISC_IND       | X | E | F | G |
   |   |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   |   | Invalid Buffer   | X | X | H | I |

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events              Next State
    A |                          N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    B |                          F_ABORT_IND
      |                          N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    C |              1           N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    D |              1           N_DISC_RQ
      |                          F_ABORT_IND               IDLE
    E |                          F_ABORT_IND               IDLE
    F |              1                                     IDLE
    G |              1           F_ABORT_IND               IDLE
    H |                                                    WF_NDISC
    I |              1,2         ESID(R=01)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)       WF_NDISC

   |   | Other State                                                  |
   |   |----------------------------------------------------------o   |
   |   | WF_NDISC                                                 |   |
   |   |------------------------------------------------------o   |   |
   |   | OPOWFC                                               |   |   |
   |   |--------------------------------------------------o   |   |   |
   |   | OPO                                              |   |   |   |
   | S |----------------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |
   |   | OPOP                                         |   |   |   |   |
   | T |------------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | CDSTWFCD                                 |   |   |   |   |   |
   | A |--------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | SFSTWFCD                             |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   | T |----------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | ERSTWFCD                         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   | E |------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | WF_CD                        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |--------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | WF_RTR                   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |----------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | IDLESPCD             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | IDLESP           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | F_EERP_RQ    | A | A | W | F | W | U | U | U | U | U | U | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | F_START_     | B | B | W | G | W | U | U | U | U | U | X | U |
   |   |   FILE_RQ    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | SFPA         | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | K | C | C | S | C |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | SFNA         | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | L | C | C | S | C |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | V | CD           | C | C | C | H | R | I | J | C | C | C | S | C |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | F_DATA_RQ    | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | M | V | S | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | N | CDT          | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | P | O | S | C |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | T | F_CD_RQ      | D | U | W | T | W | U | U | U | U | U | X | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | F_REL_RQ(Ok) | U | E | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | X | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | F_REL_RQ(Err)| Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | S | Q |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | RTR          | C | C | N | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | S | C |

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events              Next State
    A |              1,2,3       EERP                       WF_RTR
    B | P1:                                                 UE
      | not P1:      1,2,5       SFID                       OPOP
    C |              1,2         ESID(R=02)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)        WF_NDISC
    D |              1,2         CD                         IDLELICD
    E |              1,2         ESID(R=00)                 WF_NDISC
    F |              4                                      ERSTWFCD
    G | P1:                                                 UE
      | not P1:      6                                      SFSTWFCD
    H |              1,2                                    IDLESP
    I |              1,2,10      SFID                       OPOP
    J |              1,2         CD                         IDLELICD
    K | P2:          1,2         ESID(R=02)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)        WF_NDISC
      | not P2:      1,2,7,12    F_START_FILE_CF(+)         OPO
    L |              1,2,8       F_START_FILE_CF(-)         IDLESP
    M | P3:          1,2,11,13   DATA                       OPOWFC
      | not P3:      1,2,11,13   DATA                       OPO
    N |                          Note 3                     IDLESP
    O |              12                                     OPO
      |                                                     See Note 1
    P | Protocol     1,2         ESID(R=02)
      | Error                    F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)        WF_NDISC
    Q |              1,2         ESID(R)                    WF_NDISC
                                                            Continued -->

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events              Next State
    R |              1,2,9       EERP                       WF_RTR
    S |                                                     WF_NDISC
    T |                                                     CDSTWFCD
    U |                          User Error                 UE
    V |                          User Error - Note 1        UE
    W |                          User Error - Note 2        UE
    X |                          Error

   | S | CLOP                        |
   | T |-------------------------o   |
   | A | OPOWFC                  |   |
   | T |---------------------o   |   |
   | E | OPO                 |   |   |
   | E | F_CLOSE_FILE_RQ | A | E | U |
   | V |-----------------+---+---+---|
   | E | EFPA            | B | B | C |
   | N |-----------------+---+---+---|
   | T | EFNA            | B | B | D |

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events              Next State
    A |              1,2,5,7     EFID                       CLOP
    B |              1,2         ESID(R=02)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)        WF_NDISC
    C | P1:          1,2,3       F_CLOSE_FILE_CF(+,SP=No)
      |                          CD                         IDLELI
      | not P1:      1,2,4       F_CLOSE_FILE_CF(+,SP=Yes)  IDLESP
    D |              1,2,6       F_CLOSE_FILE_CF(-)         IDLESP
    E |                          See Note 1
    U |                          User Error                 UE

   |   | CLIP                                |
   |   |---------------------------------o   |
   |   | OPI                             |   |
   | S |-----------------------------o   |   |
   | T | OPIP                        |   |   |
   | A |-------------------------o   |   |   |
   | T | IDLELICD                |   |   |   |
   | E |---------------------o   |   |   |   |
   |   | IDLELI              |   |   |   |   |
   |   | SFID            | A | A | B | B | B |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | DATA            | B | B | B | I | B |
   | V |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | EFID            | B | B | B | J | B |
   | N |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   | T | F_START_FILE_RS | U | U | H | U | U |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | F_CLOSE_FILE_RS | U | U | U | U | K |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | CD              | C | B | B | B | B |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | ESID R=Normal   | D | F | D | D | D |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | ESID R=Error    | D | D | D | D | D |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | EERP            | E | G | B | B | B |

    I | Predicate    Actions       Output Events             Next State
    A | P1:          1,2           ESID(R=02)
      |                            F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)       WF_NDISC
      | not P1:      1,2,3         F_START_FILE_IND          OPIP
    B |              1,2           ESID(R=02)
      |                            F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)       WF_NDISC
    C |              1,2           F_CD_IND                  IDLESPCD
    D |              1             F_ABORT_IND(Received
      |                               ESID Reason,AO=D)
      |                            N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    E |              4             F_EERP_IND
      |              8             See Note 2
      |                            RTR                       IDLELI
    F |              1             F_RELEASE_IND
      |                            N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    G |                            F_EERP_IND
      |              8             See Note 2
      |                            RTR                       IDLELI
    H | P4:                        User Error                UE
      | P2,not P4:   1,2           SFPA                      OPI
      | not(P2,P4):  1,2           SFNA                      IDLELI
    I | P5:          1,2           ESID(R=02)
      |                            F_ABORT_IND(R,A0=L)       WF_NDISC
      | not(P5,P6):  1,2,5         F_DATA_IND                OPI
      | not P5,P6:   1,2           F_DATA_IND
      |              6,7           See Note 1
      |                            CDT                       OPI
    J |              1,2           F_CLOSE_FILE_IND          CLIP
    K | P2,P3:       1,2           EFPA(CD-Req)              WF_CD
      | P2,not P3:   1,2           EFPA(no CD)               IDLELI
      | not P2:      1,2           EFNA                      IDLELI
    U |                            User Error                UE

   |            |   7| 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   |
   |            | B -+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|
   |            | I 6|  0  |  0  |  1  |  1  |  0  |  0  |  1  |  1  |
   |            | T -+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|
   |            |   5|   0 |   1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   1 |
   |            |----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|
   |            |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |            |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   |------------|    |  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |
   |    BIT     |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   | 4  3  2  1 |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
   | 0  0  0  0 |  0 |     |     | SP  |  0  |     |  P  |     |     |
   | 0  0  0  1 |  1 |     |     |     |  1  |  A  |  Q  |     |     |
   | 0  0  1  0 |  2 |     |     |     |  2  |  B  |  R  |     |     |
   | 0  0  1  1 |  3 |     |     |     |  3  |  C  |  S  |     |     |
   | 0  1  0  0 |  4 |     |     |     |  4  |  D  |  T  |     |     |
   | 0  1  0  1 |  5 |     |     |     |  5  |  E  |  U  |     |     |
   | 0  1  1  0 |  6 |     |     |  &  |  6  |  F  |  V  |     |     |
   | 0  1  1  1 |  7 |     |     |     |  7  |  G  |  W  |     |     |
   | 1  0  0  0 |  8 |     |     |  (  |  8  |  H  |  X  |     |     |
   | 1  0  0  1 |  9 |     |     |  )  |  9  |  I  |  Y  |     |     |
   | 1  0  1  0 | 10 |     |     |     |     |  J  |  Z  |     |     |
   | 1  0  1  1 | 11 |     |     |     |     |  K  |     |     |     |
   | 1  1  0  0 | 12 |     |     |     |     |  L  |     |     |     |
   | 1  1  0  1 | 13 |     |     |  -  |     |  M  |     |     |     |
   | 1  1  1  0 | 14 |     |     |  .  |     |  N  |     |     |     |
   | 1  1  1  1 | 15 |     |     |  /  |     |  O  |     |     |     |

 _____________________________       ____________________________
|  _______                    |     |                            |
| |       |   _______         |     |            _______         |
| |Appli- |  |       |        |RSVP |           |       |        |
| | cation|  | RSVP <---------------------------> RSVP  <---------->
| |       <-->       |        |     | _______   |       |        |
| |       |  |process|  _____ |     ||Routing|  |process|  _____ |
| |_._____|  |       -->Polcy||     ||       <-->       -->Polcy||
|   |        |__.__._| |Cntrl||     ||process|  |__.__._| |Cntrl||
|   |data       |  |   |_____||     ||__.____|     |  |   |_____||
|===|===========|==|==========|     |===|==========|==|==========|
|   |   --------|  |    _____ |     |   |  --------|  |    _____ |
|   |  |        |  ---->Admis||     |   |  |       |  ---->Admis||
|  _V__V_    ___V____  |Cntrl||     |  _V__V_    __V_____ |Cntrl||
| |      |  |        | |_____||     | |      |  |        ||_____||
| |Class-|  | Packet |        |     | |Class-|  | Packet |       |
| | ifier|==>Schedulr|================> ifier|==>Schedulr|===========>
| |______|  |________|        |data | |______|  |________|       |data
|                             |     |                            |
|_____________________________|     |____________________________|

              Senders                              Receivers
                         (                     ) ===> R1
                 S1 ===> (    Multicast        )
                         (                     ) ===> R2
                         (    distribution     )
                 S2 ===> (                     )
                         (    by Internet      ) ===> R3

           Sender   ||             Reservations:
         Selection  ||     Distinct     |        Shared
                    ||                  |                    |
          Explicit  ||  Fixed-Filter    |  Shared-Explicit   |
                    ||  (FF) style      |  (SE) Style        |
                    ||                  |                    |
          Wildcard  ||  (None defined)  |  Wildcard-Filter   |
                    ||                  |  (WF) Style        |

                     (a)|                | (c)
      ( S1 ) ---------->|                |----------> ( R1 )
                        |     Router     |      |
                     (b)|                | (d)  |---> ( R2 )
      ( S2,S3 ) ------->|                |------|
                        |________________|      |---> ( R3 )

               Sends         |       Reserves             Receives
                             |       _______
         WF( *{4B} ) <- (a)  |  (c) | * {4B}|    (c) <- WF( *{4B} )
                             |      |_______|
                             |       _______
         WF( *{4B} ) <- (b)  |  (d) | * {3B}|    (d) <- WF( *{3B} )
                             |      |_______|        <- WF( *{2B} )

            Sends         |       Reserves             Receives
                          |       ________
     FF( S1{4B} ) <- (a)  |  (c) | S1{4B} |  (c) <- FF( S1{4B}, S2{5B} )
                          |      |________|
                          |      | S2{5B} |
                          |      |________|
                          |       ________
                  <- (b)  |  (d) | S1{3B} |  (d) <- FF( S1{3B}, S3{B} )
     FF( S2{5B}, S3{B} )  |      |________|      <- FF( S1{B} )
                          |      | S3{B}  |
                          |      |________|

            Sends         |       Reserves             Receives
                          |       ________
     SE( S1{3B} ) <- (a)  |  (c) |(S1,S2) |   (c) <- SE( (S1,S2){B} )
                          |      |   {B}  |
                          |      |________|
                          |      __________
                  <- (b)  | (d) |(S1,S2,S3)|  (d) <- SE( (S1,S3){3B} )
     SE( (S2,S3){3B} )    |     |   {3B}   |      <- SE( S2{2B} )
                          |     |__________|

                     (a)|               | (c)
      ( S1 ) ---------->| >-----------> |----------> ( R1 )
                        |    >          |
                        |      >        |
                     (b)|        >      | (d)
      ( S2,S3 ) ------->| >-------->--> |----------> ( R2, R3 )

               Sends         |       Reserves             Receives
                             |       _______
         WF( *{4B} ) <- (a)  |  (c) | * {4B}|   (c) <- WF( *{4B} )
                             |      |_______|
                             |       _______
         WF( *{3B} ) <- (b)  |  (d) | * {3B}|   (d) <- WF( * {3B} )
                             |      |_______|       <- WF( * {2B} )

       _____             _____________________                _____
      |     | data -->  |                     |  data -->    |     |
      |  A  |-----------| a                 c |--------------|  C  |
      |_____| Path -->  |                     |  Path -->    |_____|
              <-- Resv  |                     |  <-- Resv     _____
       _____            |       ROUTER        |           |  |     |
      |     |  |        |                     |           |--|  D  |
      |  B  |--| data-->|                     |  data --> |  |_____|
      |_____|  |--------| b                 d |-----------|
               | Path-->|                     |  Path --> |   _____
       _____   | <--Resv|_____________________|  <-- Resv |  |     |
      |     |  |                                          |--|  D' |
      |  B' |--|                                          |  |_____|
      |_____|  |                                          |

                      a |                | c
      ( R1, S1 ) <----->|     Router     |<-----> ( R2, S2 )

             Send                |        Receive
        WF( *{3B}) <-- (a)       |     (c) <-- WF( *{3B})
             Receive             |          Send
        WF( *{4B}) --> (a)       |     (c) --> WF( *{4B})
             Reserve on (a)      |        Reserve on (c)
              __________         |        __________
             |  * {4B}  |        |       |   * {3B} |
             |__________|        |       |__________|

                      a |                | c
           R4, S4<----->|     Router     |<-----> R2, S2, S3
                        |                |
                      b |                |
           R1, S1<----->|                |

               Send     Blockade |   Reserve       Receive
                       State {Qb}|
                                 |   ________
        (a) <- WF(*{2B})    {4B} |  | * {4B} | WF(*{4B}) <- (c)
                                 |  |________|
                                 |   ________
        (b) <- WF(*{4B})   (none)|  | * {2B} | WF(*{2B}) <- (d)
                                 |  |________|

           |                   Refresh Period R                    |

           |   Flags     |              Option Vector              |

           |            IPv4 Receiver Address (4 bytes)            |

           |                                                       |
           +                                                       +
           |                                                       |
           +            IPv6 Receiver Address (16 bytes)           +
           |                                                       |
           +                                                       +
           |                                                       |

                   RSVP               RSVP
   Node            Send               Receive
   ___       _____________          _______________
   Hu         UDP(D/Ra,Pu)          UDP(D,Pu)
                 [Note 1]       and UDP(D,Pu')
                                       [Note 2]

                  RSVP                    RSVP
   Node           Send                    Receive
   ___           _____________        _________________
   Hu             UDP(G*,Pu)              UDP(D,Pu')
                                              [Note 3]
                                      and UDP(G*,Pu)

  |                   |
  |      CLIENT       |\
  |                   | \ < ---- Local Area /
  =====================  \       Enterprise Network
                         |      Telnet Interface     |
                         |                  |        |
                         |                  |        |
                         |  ACCESS SERVER   |        |
                         |                  |        |
                         |                  |        |
                         |     Com Port Interface    |
                              |                |
                              |      MODEM     |
                              |                |
  Access to Remote Service            |
  most commonly Public Switched ----->|
  Network                             |
  Could be Internet Service |                    |
  Provider, Bulletin Board  |                    |
  or FAX machine            |    REMOTE SERVICE  |
                            |                    |
                            |                    |

        LOOKUP  FH=0x0  "a"  --->
                             <---  FH=0x1
        LOOKUP  FH=0x1  "b"  --->
                             <---  FH=0x2
        LOOKUP  FH=0x2  "c"  --->
                             <---  FH=0x3

       -------------- MOUNT port ? -------------->  Portmapper
       <-------------- Port=984 ------------------

     MSB   8     7     6     5     4     3     2     1   LSB
        |  0  | 1/0 |   Octet length of address         |

          ,------------------,  USER
       __\| Unauthenticated  |_________\
      |  /| (new connection) |         /|
      |   `------------------'          |
      |            |                    |
      |            | AUTH               |
      |            V                    |
      |           / \                   |
      | 4yz,5yz  /   \   234            |
      |<--------<     >------------->.  |
      |          \   /               |  |
      |           \_/                |  |
      |            |                 |  |
      |            | 334             |  |
      |            V                 |  |
      |  ,--------------------,      |  |
      |  | Need Security Data |<--.  |  |
      |  `--------------------'   |  |  |
      |            |              |  |  |
      |            | ADAT         |  |  |
      |            V              |  |  |
      |           / \             |  |  |
      | 4yz,5yz  /   \   335      |  |  |
      `<--------<     >-----------'  |  |
                 \   /               |  |
                  \_/                |  |
                   |                 |  |
                   | 235             |  |
                   V                 |  |
           ,---------------.         |  |
      ,--->| Authenticated |<--------'  |  After the client and server
      |    `---------------'            |  have completed authenti-
      |            |                    |  cation, command must be
      |            | USER               |  integrity-protected if
      |            |                    |  integrity is available.  The
      |            |<-------------------'  CCC command may be issued to
      |            V                       relax this restriction.

      |           / \
      | 4yz,5yz  /   \   2yz
      |<--------<     >------------->.
      |          \   /               |
      |           \_/                |
      |            |                 |
      |            | 3yz             |
      |            V                 |
      |    ,---------------.         |
      |    | Need Password |         |
      |    `---------------'         |
      |            |                 |
      |            | PASS            |
      |            V                 |
      |           / \                |
      | 4yz,5yz  /   \   2yz         |
      |<--------<     >------------->|
      |          \   /               |
      |           \_/                |
      |            |                 |
      |            | 3yz             |
      |            V                 |
      |    ,--------------.          |
      |    | Need Account |          |
      |    `--------------'          |
      |            |                 |
      |            | ACCT            |
      |            V                 |
      |           / \                |
      | 4yz,5yz  /   \   2yz         |
      `<--------<     >------------->|
                 \   /               |
                  \_/                |
                   |                 |
                   | 3yz             |
                   V                 |
             ,-------------.         |
             | Authorized  |/________|
             | (Logged in) |\

       S ---+                                          +----D
            |                                          |
            +- R1 -----[zero or more routers]-------R2-+
            |                                          |
       S2---+                                          +----D2

           ____# Countries____                       ____# Countries____
   Date     I   B   U   F   O                Date     I   B   U   F   O
   -----   --- --- --- --- ---               -----   --- --- --- --- ---
   09/91    31  47  79  49                   02/94    62  51 125  88  31
   12/91    33  46  78  53                   07/94    75  52 129  89  31
   02/92    38  46  92  63                   11/94    81  51 133  95  --
   04/92    40  47  90  66  25               02/95    86  48 141  98  --
   08/92    49  46  89  67  26               06/95    96  47 144  99  --
   01/93    50  50 101  72  31               06/96   134  -- 146 108  --
   04/93    56  51 107  79  31               07/97   171  -- 147 108  --
   08/93    59  51 117  84  31

                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                   --------->|   Non-Member   |<---------
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |________________|          |
                  |                   |                  |
                  | leave group       | join group       | leave group
                  | (stop timer,      |(send report,     | (send leave
                  |  send leave if    | set flag,        |  if flag set)
                  |  flag set)        | start timer)     |
          ________|________           |          ________|________
         |                 |<---------          |                 |
         |                 |                    |                 |
         |                 |<-------------------|                 |
         |                 |   query received   |                 |
         | Delaying Member |    (start timer)   |   Idle Member   |
    ---->|                 |------------------->|                 |
   |     |                 |   report received  |                 |
   |     |                 |    (stop timer,    |                 |
   |     |                 |     clear flag)    |                 |
   |     |_________________|------------------->|_________________|
   | query received    |        timer expired
   | (reset timer if   |        (send report,
   |  Max Resp Time    |         set flag)
   |  < current timer) |

                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |   No IGMPv1    |
                             |     Router     |
                             |    Present     |
                             |                |
                        ---->|                |----
                       |     |                |    |
                       |     |________________|    |
         timer expires |                           | IGMPv1 query
                       |      ________________     | received
                       |     |                |    | (set timer)
                       |     |                |    |
                       |     |                |    |
                        -----|     IGMPv1     |<---
                             |     Router     |
                             |    Present     |
                             |                |
                        ---->|                |----
                       |     |________________|    |
                       |                           |
                       | IGMPv1 query received     |
                       | (set timer)               |

                              _______|________  gen. query timer      |
  ---------                  |                |        expired        |
 | Initial |---------------->|                | (send general query,  |
  ---------  (send gen. q.,  |                |  set gen. q. timer)   |
        set initial gen. q.  |                |<----------------------
              timer)         |    Querier     |
                             |                |
                        -----|                |<---
                       |     |                |    |
                       |     |________________|    |
 query received from a |                           | other querier
 router with a lower   |                           | present timer
 IP address            |                           | expired
 (set other querier    |      ________________     | (send general
  present timer)       |     |                |    |  query,set gen.
                       |     |                |    |  q. timer)
                       |     |                |    |
                        ---->|      Non       |----
                             |    Querier     |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                        ---->|                |----
                       |     |________________|    |
                       | query received from a     |
                       | router with a lower IP    |
                       | address                   |
                       | (set other querier        |
                       |  present timer)           |

 ----------------------------|                |<-----------------------
|                            |                |timer expired           |
|               timer expired|                |(notify routing -,      |
|          (notify routing -)|   No Members   |clear rxmt tmr)         |
|                    ------->|    Present     |<-------                |
|                   |        |                |       |                |
|v1 report rec'd    |        |                |       |  ------------  |
|(notify routing +, |        |________________|       | | rexmt timer| |
| start timer,      |                    |            | |  expired   | |
| start v1 host     |  v2 report received|            | | (send g-s  | |
|  timer)           |  (notify routing +,|            | |  query,    | |
|                   |        start timer)|            | |  st rxmt   | |
|         __________|______              |       _____|_|______  tmr)| |
|        |                 |<------------       |              |     | |
|        |                 |                    |              |<----- |
|        |                 | v2 report received |              |       |
|        |                 | (start timer)      |              |       |
|        | Members Present |<-------------------|    Checking  |       |
|  ----->|                 | leave received     |   Membership |       |
| |      |                 | (start timer*,     |              |       |
| |      |                 |  start rexmt timer,|              |       |
| |      |                 |  send g-s query)   |              |       |
| |  --->|                 |------------------->|              |       |
| | |    |_________________|                    |______________|       |
| | |v2 report rec'd |  |                          |                   |
| | |(start timer)   |  |v1 report rec'd           |v1 report rec'd    |
| |  ----------------   |(start timer,             |(start timer,      |
| |v1 host              | start v1 host timer)     | start v1 host     |
| |tmr    ______________V__                        | timer)            |
| |exp'd |                 |<----------------------                    |
|  ------|                 |                                           |
|        |    Version 1    |timer expired                              |
|        | Members Present |(notify routing -)                         |
 ------->|                 |-------------------------------------------
         |                 |<--------------------
 ------->|_________________| v1 report rec'd     |
| v2 report rec'd |   |   (start timer,          |
| (start timer)   |   |    start v1 host timer)  |
 -----------------     --------------------------

                             |                |
                             |                |
                timer expired|                |timer expired
           (notify routing -)|   No Members   |(notify routing -)
                   --------->|    Present     |<---------
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |________________|          |
                  |                   |                  |
                  |                   |report received   |
                  |                   |(notify routing +,|
                  |                   | start timer)     |
          ________|________           |          ________|________
         |                 |<---------          |                 |
         |                 |  report received   |                 |
         |                 |  (start timer)     |                 |
         | Members Present |<-------------------|     Checking    |
         |                 | g-s query rec'd    |    Membership   |
         |                 | (start timer*)     |                 |
    ---->|                 |------------------->|                 |
   |     |_________________|                    |_________________|
   | report received |
   | (start timer)   |

           +-----+         +----+                       +----+
           | COM |         | UK |                       | FR |
           +-----+         +----+                       +----+
              |             |  |                         |  |
       +---------+     +----+  +----+     +--------------+  +-----+
       | VAUGHAN |     | AC |  | CO |     | UNIV-AVIGNON |  | AXA |
       +---------+     +----+  +----+     +--------------+  +-----+
          |              |        |              |             |
      +------+    +---------+  +----------+   +-----+      +------+
      | UNIX |    | NEWPORT |  | CITYDESK |   | SOL |      | MAIL |
      +------+    +---------+  +----------+   +-----+      +------+
                       |            |
                    +----+       +-----+
                    | NS |       | FTP |
                    +----+       +-----+

                  | ISO 3166 country | . . . . . . . . .
                  +------------------+        .        .
                   |       |        |         .        .
               +-----+  +-----+  +-----+   +-----+  +-----+
               | AC/ |  | CO/ |  | OR/ |   | LTD |  | INC |
               | EDU |  | COM |  | ORG |   +-----+  +-----+
               +-----+  +-----+  +-----+

      Code   Len        Address 1               Address 2
     | 85  |  n  |  a1 |  a2 | a3  |  a4 |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  ...

       Code Len  NDS Tree Name
      | 86 | n  | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 |  ...

       Code Len  Initial NDS Context
      | 87 | n  | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 |  ...

          Code  Len    NetWare/IP Domain Name
        |  62 |  n  |  c1  |  c2  |  c3  |  ...

    Code   Len  NetWare/IP General Info
   | 63  | 11  | 2  |  0 |
                NWIP_EXIST_IN_OPTIONS_AREA (length 0)

               |  5 |  1 |  1 |
                NSQ_BROADCAST_SERVER (length 1)
                value is YES

               |  7 |  4 | IP address |
                NEAREST_NWIP_SERVER (length 4)
                value is IP address of server

      ClientHello                  -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

      ClientHello                   -------->
                                    <--------             Finished
      Finished                      -------->
      Application Data              <------->     Application Data

            |       A        |      B       |   C     |   D    |   E
            |   (Initial     |    TestOK    | Commit  | Test   | Commit
            |     State)     |              |  OK     | Fail   |  Fail
            |                |              |         |        |
    EVENT   |                |              |         |        |
            |        |              |         |        |
   Receive  | All varbinds   |              |         |        |
   TestSet  | OK?            |      X       |    X    |   X    |    X
   PDU      |   Yes ->B      |              |         |        |
            |   No  ->D      |              |         |        |
            |                |     |         |        |
   Receive  |                |  NoError?    |         |        |
   Commit-  |       X        |   Yes ->C    |    X    |   X    |    X
   Set PDU  |                |   No  ->E    |         |        |
   Receive  |                |              | |        |
   UndoSet  |       X        |       X      | ->done  |   X    | ->done
   PDU      |                |              |         |        |
   Receive  |                |     | | |
   Cleanup- |       X        |   ->done     | ->done  | ->done |   X
   Set PDU  |                |              |         |        |
   Session  |                | rollback     | undo    |        |
   Loss     |  ->done        |  ->done      |  ->done | ->done | ->done

                   |      A       |      B
                   | No transport |  Transport
                   |              |  connected
                   |              |
   EVENT           |              |
   Transport       |              |
   connect         |     ->B      |      X
   indication      |              |
   Receive         |              | if duplicate
   Open-PDU        |              | session id,
                   |              | reject, else
                   |      X       | establish
                   |              | session
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->B
   Receive         |              | if matching
   Response-PDU    |              | session id,
                   |              | feed to that
                   |      X       | session's FSM
                   |              | else ignore
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->B
   Receive other   |              | if matching
   PDUs            |              | session id,
                   |              | feed to that
                   |      X       | session's FSM
                   |              | else reject
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->B
   Transport       |              |notify all
   disconnect      |              |sessions on
   indication      |      X       |this transport
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->A

                  |     A       |      B
                  |  No session |  Session
                  |             |  established
   EVENT          |             |
                  |  7.1.1      |
   Receive        |             |      X
   Open PDU       |    ->B      |
                  |             |  7.1.9
   Receive        |      X      |
   Close PDU      |             |    ->A
   Receive        |             |  7.1.5
   Register PDU   |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.6
   Unregister     |      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |
   Get PDU        |             |
   GetNext PDU    |             |
   GetBulk PDU    |      X      |       X
   TestSet PDU    |             |
   CommitSet PDU  |             |
   UndoSet PDU    |             |
   CleanupSet PDU |             |
   Receive        |             |  7.1.11
   Notify PDU     |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   Receive Ping   |             |  7.1.12
   PDU            |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   (continued next page)

   Receive        |             |  7.1.2
   IndexAllocate  |      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.4
   IndexDeallocate|      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.7
   AddAgentxCaps  |      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.8
   RemoveAgentxCap|      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.2.4
   Response PDU   |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |
   Other PDU      |      X      |       X

                     +-------------+             +-------------+
                     |             |             |             |
         World View  |             | Local View  |             |
         Query       |             | Query       |  Relevant   |
         ----------->|             |------------>|             |
                     | Nomenclator |             |  CCSO       |
                     |             |             |             |
         <-----------|             |<------------|  Server     |
          World View |             |  Local View |             |
          Response   |             |  Response   |             |
                     +-------------+             +-------------+

                     +-------------+             +-------------+
                     |             |             |             |
         World View  |             |  Meta Data  |             |
         Query       |             |  Request    | Distributed |
         ----------->|   Query     | ----------->|             |
                     |   Resolver  |             |  Catalog    |
                     |             |             |             |
         <-----------|   (caches)  | <-----------|  Service    |
          World View |             |  Meta Data  |             |
          Response   |             |  Response   |             |
                     +-------------+             +-------------+

        +-------+    +-------+         +-------+    +-------+
        (       )    (       )         (       )    (       )
        ( ISP-A )    ( ISP-B )         ( ISP-A )    ( ISP-B )
        (       )    (       )         (       )    (       )
        +-------+    +-------+         +-------+    +-------+
            |   /\       |   /\            |   /\       |
            |   ||       |   ||            | Pref-A  (connection
            | Pref-A     | Pref-B          | Pref-B    broken)
            |   ||       |   ||            |   ||       |
         +-----+      +-----+           +-----+      +-----+
         | BR-A|------|BR-B |           | BR-A|------|BR-B |
         +-----+ IBGP +-----+           +-----+ IBGP +-----+

                    +---------+         +---------+
                    (         )         (         )
                    (  ISP-A  )         (  ISP-B  )
                    (         )         (         )
                    +---------+         +---------+
                         |                   |
                     +--------+          +--------+
                     |ISP-BR-A|          |ISP-BR-B|
                     +--------+          +--------+
                          |            /+/   |
                     /\   |  Pref-B  /+/     |
                     ||   |        /+/      \./
                    Pref-A|      /+/ non-   /.\
                     ||   |    /+/  direct   |
                          |  /+/     EBGP    |
                      +------+           +-------+
                      |E-BR-A|-----------|E-BR-B |
                      +------+    IBGP   +-------+

   +------------------------- Document Set ----------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   | +------------+            +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   | | Document * |            | Applicability * |  | Coexistence  * | |
   | | Roadmap    |            | Statement       |  | & Transition   | |
   | +------------+            +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Message Handling                                              | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Transport      |  | Message         |  | Security        |  | |
   | | | Mappings       |  | Processing and  |  |                 |  | |
   | | |                |  | Dispatcher      |  |                 |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | PDU Handling                                                  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Protocol       |  | Applications    |  | Access          |  | |
   | | | Operations     |  |                 |  | Control         |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Information Model                                             | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | | | Structure of |   | Textual      |    | Conformance   |      | |
   | | | Management   |   | Conventions  |    | Statements    |      | |
   | | | Information  |   |              |    |               |      | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | MIBs                                                          | |
   | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +----------+ +----------+     | |
   | | | Standard v1 | | Standard v1 | | Historic | | Draft v2 |     | |
   | | | RFC1157     | | RFC1212     | | RFC14XX  | | RFC19XX  |     | |
   | | | format      | | format      | | format   | | format   |     | |
   | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +----------+ +----------+     | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |

   |  SNMP entity                                                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  | Dispatcher | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem |  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  Application(s)                                             |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Proxy        |        |  |
   |  |  | Generator   |  | Receiver     |  | Forwarder    |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Other        |        |  |
   |  |  | Responder   |  | Originator   |  |              |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Message Processing Subsystem                                    |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |
   |  | SNMPv3     |  | SNMPv1     |  | SNMPv2c    |  | Other      |  |
   |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  |
   |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  |
   |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  |
   |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Security Subsystem                                              |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |  |              * |  |               * |  |                 * |  |
   |  | User-Based     |  | Other           |  | Other             |  |
   |  | Security       |  | Security        |  | Security          |  |
   |  | Model          |  | Model           |  | Model             |  |
   |  |                |  |                 |  |                   |  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

      |                                                                  |
      |  Access Control Subsystem                                        |
      |                                                                  |
      |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
      |  |             * |   |               * |   |                * |  |
      |  | View-Based    |   | Other           |   | Other            |  |
      |  | Access        |   | Access          |   | Access           |  |
      |  | Control       |   | Control         |   | Control          |  |
      |  | Model         |   | Model           |   | Model            |  |
      |  |               |   |                 |   |                  |  |
      |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
      |                                                                  |

                       (traditional SNMP manager)
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+  SNMP entity |
   | | NOTIFICATION |  | NOTIFICATION |  |   COMMAND    |              |
   | |  ORIGINATOR  |  |   RECEIVER   |  |  GENERATOR   |              |
   | | applications |  | applications |  | applications |              |
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+              |
   |         ^                ^                 ^                      |
   |         |                |                 |                      |
   |         v                v                 v                      |
   |         +-------+--------+-----------------+                      |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |     +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                 |     | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher      v     | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->+                  |  |                | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | | Transport         | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | | (e.g RFC1906)     | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |          ^            +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
   |          v                                                        |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   |           Network            |

   An SNMP entity containing one or more command responder and/or
   notification originator applications (along with their associated
   SNMP engine) has traditionally been called an SNMP agent.
   |           Network            |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+              (traditional SNMP agent)
   |              ^                                                    |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              |        | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher   v        | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | Transport         | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | | (e.g. RFC1906)    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->|  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | +-------------------+ |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   |              ^        |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY  * | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | application |   |         |   | applications |  | application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

   | SNMP engine                v             |
   |                    +--------------+      |
   |                    |              |      |
   |  +-----------------| securityName |---+  |
   |  | Security Model  |              |   |  |
   |  |                 +--------------+   |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  |                         v          |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  | Model                        |  |  |
   |  |  | Dependent                    |  |  |
   |  |  | Security ID                  |  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  +-------------------------|----------+  |
   |                            |             |
   |                            |             |

   |  SNMP entity (identified by snmpEngineID, example: abcd)        |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  | SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | | Dispatcher  | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    | | |
   |  | |             | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   | | |
   |  | |             | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem | | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  |  Command Responder Application                             | |
   |  |  (contextEngineID, example: abcd)                          | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  example contextNames:                                     | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  "bridge1"          "bridge2"            "" (default)      | |
   |  |  ---------          ---------            ------------      | |
   |  |      |                  |                   |              | |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |         |                  |                   |                |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |  |  MIB | instrumentation  |                   |              | |
   |  |  +---v------------+ +---v------------+ +----v-----------+  | |
   |  |  | context        | | context        | | context        |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  | | bridge MIB | | | | bridge MIB | | | | other MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | | some  MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |

   Command           Dispatcher               Message           Security
   Generator            |                     Processing           Model
   |                    |                     Model                    |
   |      sendPdu       |                        |                     |
   |------------------->|                        |                     |
   |                    | prepareOutgoingMessage |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | generateRequestMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |------------------+     |                     |
   :                    | Send SNMP        |     |                     |
   :                    | Request Message  |     |                     |
   :                    | to Network       |     |                     |
   :                    |                  v     |                     |
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    |                  |     |                     |
   :                    | Receive SNMP     |     |                     |
   :                    | Response Message |     |                     |
   :                    | from Network     |     |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------+     |                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |   prepareDataElements  |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | processIncomingMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   | processResponsePdu |                        |                     |
   |<-------------------|                        |                     |
   |                    |                        |                     |

   Command               Dispatcher            Message          Security
   Responder                 |                 Processing          Model
   |                         |                 Model                   |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   | registerContextEngineID |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|              |     |                    |
   |                         | Receive SNMP |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | from Network |     |                    |
   :                         |<-------------+     |                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |prepareDataElements |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    | processIncomingMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   |     processPdu          |                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|                    |                    |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   :                         :                    :                    :
   :                         :                    :                    :
   |    returnResponsePdu    |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   :                         | prepareResponseMsg |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    |generateResponseMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |--------------+     |                    |
   :                         | Send SNMP    |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | to Network   |     |                    |
   :                         |              v     |                    |

   | SNMP Entity                                                       |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Applications                                                  | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification |                               | |
   | | | Generator |  | Originator   | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Proxy     | | Other         | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Forwarder | |Application(s)|| |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | | Responder |  | Receiver     |                               | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |        ^                ^               ^           ^             |
   |        |                |               |           |             |
   |        v                v               v           v             |
   |        +--------+-------+---------------+-----------+             |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |    +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |                 |    | Message Processing  |  | Security        | |
   | Dispatcher      v    | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem       | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher   | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other       | | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model       | | |
   | | Message          | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <-------->+                  |  |                 | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based  | | |
   | | Transport        | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | | Mapping          | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model       | | |
   | | (e.g RFC1906)    | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   |          ^           +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
     |   Network        |

 |                                                                    |
 |      +-> securityModel -+                                          |
 |      |   (a)            |                                          |
 | who -+                  +-> groupName ----+                        |
 | (1)  |                  |   (x)           |                        |
 |      +-> securityName --+                 |                        |
 |          (b)                              |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 | where -> contextName ---------------------+                        |
 | (2)      (e)                              |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 |      +-> securityModel -------------------+                        |
 |      |   (a)                              |                        |
 | how -+                                    +-> viewName -+          |
 | (3)  |                                    |   (y)       |          |
 |      +-> securityLevel -------------------+             |          |
 |          (c)                              |             +-> yes/no |
 |                                           |             | decision |
 | why ---> viewType (read/write/notify) ----+             | (z)      |
 | (4)      (d)                                            |          |
 |                                                         |          |
 | what --> object-type ------+                            |          |
 | (5)      (m)               |                            |          |
 |                            +-> variableName (OID) ------+          |
 |                            |   (f)                                 |
 | which -> object-instance --+                                       |
 | (6)      (n)                                                       |
 |                                                                    |

       | DA | SA | Req Config | Allow Config |   Data   | FCS |

    host <----- router <--- Internet <----- router <-- attacker


    no route
    no route
    no route

                               router 1
         ISP <----- ISP <---- ISP <--- ISP <-- router <-- attacker
          A          B         C        D         2
              router 3

                        +-------+      +-------+
                           +----+       |      |       |
                +------+   |    | ISP A +------+ ISP B |
                | Cust.+---+    |       |      |       |
                |   X  +--------+       |      |       |
                +------+        ++-----++\     +-------+
                                 |     |  \
                                 |     |   \  +--------+
                                ++-----++   +-|        |
                                | Cust. |     |  ISP C |
                                |   Y   |     |        |
                                +-------+     +--------+

   +------------------------- Document Set ----------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   | +------------+            +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   | | Document * |            | Applicability * |  | Coexistence  * | |
   | | Roadmap    |            | Statement       |  | & Transition   | |
   | +------------+            +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Message Handling                                              | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Transport      |  | Message         |  | Security        |  | |
   | | | Mappings       |  | Processing and  |  |                 |  | |
   | | |                |  | Dispatcher      |  |                 |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | PDU Handling                                                  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Protocol       |  | Applications    |  | Access          |  | |
   | | | Operations     |  |                 |  | Control         |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Information Model                                             | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | | | Structure of |   | Textual      |    | Conformance   |      | |
   | | | Management   |   | Conventions  |    | Statements    |      | |
   | | | Information  |   |              |    |               |      | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | MIBs                                                          | |
   | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +----------+ +----------+     | |
   | | | Standard v1 | | Standard v1 | | Historic | | Draft v2 |     | |
   | | | RFC1157     | | RFC1212     | | RFC14XX  | | RFC19XX  |     | |
   | | | format      | | format      | | format   | | format   |     | |
   | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +----------+ +----------+     | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |

   |  SNMP entity                                                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  | Dispatcher | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem |  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  Application(s)                                             |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Proxy        |        |  |
   |  |  | Generator   |  | Receiver     |  | Forwarder    |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Other        |        |  |
   |  |  | Responder   |  | Originator   |  |              |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Message Processing Subsystem                                    |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |
   |  | SNMPv3     |  | SNMPv1     |  | SNMPv2c    |  | Other      |  |
   |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  |
   |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  |
   |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  |
   |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Security Subsystem                                              |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |  |              * |  |               * |  |                 * |  |
   |  | User-Based     |  | Other           |  | Other             |  |
   |  | Security       |  | Security        |  | Security          |  |
   |  | Model          |  | Model           |  | Model             |  |
   |  |                |  |                 |  |                   |  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

      |                                                                  |
      |  Access Control Subsystem                                        |
      |                                                                  |
      |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
      |  |             * |   |               * |   |                * |  |
      |  | View-Based    |   | Other           |   | Other            |  |
      |  | Access        |   | Access          |   | Access           |  |
      |  | Control       |   | Control         |   | Control          |  |
      |  | Model         |   | Model           |   | Model            |  |
      |  |               |   |                 |   |                  |  |
      |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
      |                                                                  |

                       (traditional SNMP manager)
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+  SNMP entity |
   | | NOTIFICATION |  | NOTIFICATION |  |   COMMAND    |              |
   | |  ORIGINATOR  |  |   RECEIVER   |  |  GENERATOR   |              |
   | | applications |  | applications |  | applications |              |
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+              |
   |         ^                ^                 ^                      |
   |         |                |                 |                      |
   |         v                v                 v                      |
   |         +-------+--------+-----------------+                      |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |     +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                 |     | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher      v     | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->+                  |  |                | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | | Transport         | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | | (e.g RFC1906)     | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |          ^            +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
   |          v                                                        |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   |           Network            |

   An SNMP entity containing one or more command responder and/or
   notification originator applications (along with their associated
   SNMP engine) has traditionally been called an SNMP agent.
   |           Network            |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+              (traditional SNMP agent)
   |              ^                                                    |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              |        | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher   v        | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | Transport         | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | | (e.g. RFC1906)    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->|  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | +-------------------+ |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   |              ^        |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY  * | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | application |   |         |   | applications |  | application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

   | SNMP engine                v             |
   |                    +--------------+      |
   |                    |              |      |
   |  +-----------------| securityName |---+  |
   |  | Security Model  |              |   |  |
   |  |                 +--------------+   |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  |                         v          |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  | Model                        |  |  |
   |  |  | Dependent                    |  |  |
   |  |  | Security ID                  |  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  +-------------------------|----------+  |
   |                            |             |
   |                            |             |

   |  SNMP entity (identified by snmpEngineID, example: abcd)        |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  | SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | | Dispatcher  | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    | | |
   |  | |             | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   | | |
   |  | |             | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem | | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  |  Command Responder Application                             | |
   |  |  (contextEngineID, example: abcd)                          | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  example contextNames:                                     | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  "bridge1"          "bridge2"            "" (default)      | |
   |  |  ---------          ---------            ------------      | |
   |  |      |                  |                   |              | |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |         |                  |                   |                |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |  |  MIB | instrumentation  |                   |              | |
   |  |  +---v------------+ +---v------------+ +----v-----------+  | |
   |  |  | context        | | context        | | context        |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  | | bridge MIB | | | | bridge MIB | | | | other MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | | some  MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |

   Command           Dispatcher               Message           Security
   Generator            |                     Processing           Model
   |                    |                     Model                    |
   |      sendPdu       |                        |                     |
   |------------------->|                        |                     |
   |                    | prepareOutgoingMessage |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | generateRequestMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |------------------+     |                     |
   :                    | Send SNMP        |     |                     |
   :                    | Request Message  |     |                     |
   :                    | to Network       |     |                     |
   :                    |                  v     |                     |
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    |                  |     |                     |
   :                    | Receive SNMP     |     |                     |
   :                    | Response Message |     |                     |
   :                    | from Network     |     |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------+     |                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |   prepareDataElements  |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | processIncomingMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   | processResponsePdu |                        |                     |
   |<-------------------|                        |                     |
   |                    |                        |                     |

   Command               Dispatcher            Message          Security
   Responder                 |                 Processing          Model
   |                         |                 Model                   |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   | registerContextEngineID |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|              |     |                    |
   |                         | Receive SNMP |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | from Network |     |                    |
   :                         |<-------------+     |                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |prepareDataElements |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    | processIncomingMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   |     processPdu          |                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|                    |                    |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   :                         :                    :                    :
   :                         :                    :                    :
   |    returnResponsePdu    |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   :                         | prepareResponseMsg |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    |generateResponseMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |--------------+     |                    |
   :                         | Send SNMP    |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | to Network   |     |                    |
   :                         |              v     |                    |

   | SNMP Entity                                                       |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Applications                                                  | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification |                               | |
   | | | Generator |  | Originator   | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Proxy     | | Other         | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Forwarder | |Application(s)|| |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | | Responder |  | Receiver     |                               | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |        ^                ^               ^           ^             |
   |        |                |               |           |             |
   |        v                v               v           v             |
   |        +--------+-------+---------------+-----------+             |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |    +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |                 |    | Message Processing  |  | Security        | |
   | Dispatcher      v    | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem       | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher   | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other       | | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model       | | |
   | | Message          | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <-------->+                  |  |                 | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based  | | |
   | | Transport        | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | | Mapping          | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model       | | |
   | | (e.g RFC1906)    | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   |          ^           +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
     |   Network        |

 |                                                                    |
 |      +-> securityModel -+                                          |
 |      |   (a)            |                                          |
 | who -+                  +-> groupName ----+                        |
 | (1)  |                  |   (x)           |                        |
 |      +-> securityName --+                 |                        |
 |          (b)                              |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 | where -> contextName ---------------------+                        |
 | (2)      (e)                              |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 |      +-> securityModel -------------------+                        |
 |      |   (a)                              |                        |
 | how -+                                    +-> viewName -+          |
 | (3)  |                                    |   (y)       |          |
 |      +-> securityLevel -------------------+             |          |
 |          (c)                              |             +-> yes/no |
 |                                           |             | decision |
 | why ---> viewType (read/write/notify) ----+             | (z)      |
 | (4)      (d)                                            |          |
 |                                                         |          |
 | what --> object-type ------+                            |          |
 | (5)      (m)               |                            |          |
 |                            +-> variableName (OID) ------+          |
 |                            |   (f)                                 |
 | which -> object-instance --+                                       |
 | (6)      (n)                                                       |
 |                                                                    |

                       |Global NID registry|
              (return rule or URN resolver service reference)
                                 |                                  |
                       +->(apply rule to determine RDS server)      |
                       |         |                                  |
                       |         |                                  |
                       |         |                                  |
                       |    +----------+                            |
                       |    |RDS server|          +-----------------+
                       |    +----------+          |
                       |      |   |               v
                       |      |   |   (set of choices)
                       |      |   +----+----------(...)--------+
                       |   (rule)      |                       |
                       |      |        |                       |
                       |      |        |                       |
                       +------+        |                       |
                                       v                       v
                                  +----------+            +----------+
                                  |URN       |            |URN       |
                                  |resolver  |            |resolver  |
                                  |service   |            |service   |
                                  +----------+            +----------+

                   |                               |
                   |                               |
                   |                               |
                   v                               v
         +---------------------+        +---------------------+
         |Global NID registry 1|        |Global NID registry N|
         +---------------------+        +---------------------+
                   .                               .
                   .                               .
                   .                               .

     ----------------------                   ----------------------
     |   |-------|   |-------|            |
     |                    |     ========      |                    |
     |   AS1              |      EX1  |-------|     AS2    |
     |                    |                   |                    |
     |   |------       ------|            |
     ----------------------     |       |     ----------------------
                                   |    EX2
     ----------------------        |
     |   |---------
     |                    |
     |   AS3              |

|<--------------------------- msg_controllen -------------------------->|
|                                                                       |
|<----- ancillary data object ----->|<----- ancillary data object ----->|
|<---------- CMSG_SPACE() --------->|<---------- CMSG_SPACE() --------->|
|                                   |                                   |
|<---------- cmsg_len ---------->|  |<--------- cmsg_len ----------->|  |
|<--------- CMSG_LEN() --------->|  |<-------- CMSG_LEN() ---------->|  |
|                                |  |                                |  |
|cmsg_|cmsg_|cmsg_|XX|           |XX|cmsg_|cmsg_|cmsg_|XX|           |XX|
|len  |level|type |XX|cmsg_data[]|XX|len  |level|type |XX|cmsg_data[]|XX|
points here

      Server _____ proxy _____ proxy __________ user
      x.org        cache       cache            agent

                                 < --------------
                                 |  GET ../paper
                               has the list
                               in cache
                                  -------------  >  [list response]
                                           list  |
                     < --------------------------
                     |   GET ../paper.1
                  has the variant
                  in cache
                      -------------------------- >  [normal response]
                         return of paper.1

      Server _____ proxy _____ proxy __________ user
      x.org        cache       cache            agent

        normal      |  variant list  |   structured
        entity tag  |  validator     |   entity tag
         "etag"     |     "vlv"      |   "etag;vlv"
        W/"etag"    |     "vlv"      |  W/"etag;vlv"

        < -------------------------------------
        |     POST http://x.org/cgi/submit
        |     <form contents in request body>
        -------------------------------------- >
              303 See Other                    |
              Location: http://x.org/result/OK |
        < -------------------------------------
        |     GET http://x.org/result/OK
        |      small Accept- headers
      able to choose on
      behalf of user agent
         ------------------------------------- >
              choice response with             |
              ..result/OK.nl variant           |
                                           displays OK.nl

|     Condition      |                Action               | New State |
|   SYN || SYNACK    |           Send ACK (note 2)         |   ESTAB   |
|   ACK && B && C    |           Send ACK (note 3)         |   ESTAB   |
|  ACK && !(B && C)  |              Send RSTACK            |   ESTAB   |

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

       PRIMARY IFD 0  ------------> PRIMARY IFD 1--> ...
           ImageLayer = [2,1]
           NewSubFileType = 18
             Child IFD
                ImageLayer = [1,1]
                NewSubFileType = 16

       | VersionYear*     | byte sequence: year of ITU fax standard |

       XResolution x Yresolution                  | ImageWidth
       204x98, 204x196, 204x391, 200x100, 200x200 | 1728, 2048, 2432
       300x300                                    | 2592, 3072, 3648
       408x391, 400x400                           | 3456, 4096, 4864

  StripByteCounts   |              |required
  StripOffsets      |              |required
  T4Options         | Bit 0 = 0    |MH
                    | Bit 1 = 0    |
                    | Bit 2 = 0,1  |Non-Byte-aligned,
                    |              | Byte-Aligned EOLs
  XResolution       | 204          |Units is per inch
  YResolution       | 196,98       |Units is per inch

  Field             | Values      | Minimum     | Comment
  BitsPerSample     | 1           | 1           |one bit per sample
  Compression       | 3,4         | 3           |3 for T.4 (MH, MR)
                    |             |             |4 for T.6 - MMR
  FillOrder         | 2,1         | 2           |LSB first or MSB first
  ImageWidth        | 1728, 2048, | 1728        |depends on XResolution
                    | 2432, 2592, |             |
                    | 3072, 3648, |             |
                    | 3456, 4096, |             |
                    | 4864        |             |
  ImageLength       | >0          |             |required
  NewSubFileType    | Bit 1 = 1   | Bit 1 = 1   |single page of
                    |             |             |multipage file
  Orientation *     | 1           |             |1st row=top left,
                    |             |             | 1st col=top
  PageNumber        | X/X         | 0/1         |pg/tot, 0 base,
                    |             |             | tot in 1st IFD
  PhotometricInterp | 0,1         | 0           |0 is white
  ResolutionUnit    | 2,3         | 2           |inches (default)
  RowsPerStrip      |=ImageLength |=ImageLength |
                    | or other    |             |
  SamplesPerPixel   | 1           | 1           |one sample per pixel
  StripByteCounts   | >0          |             |required

  StripOffsets      | >0          |             |required
  T4Options         | Bit 0 = 0,1 | Bit 0 = 0   |MH,MR(incl if not MMR)
                    | Bit 1 = 0   | Bit 1 = 0   |
                    | Bit 2 = 0,1 | Bit 2 = 0,1 | Non-Byte-aligned and
                    |             |             | Byte-Aligned EOLs
  T6Options         | 0           |             |MMR (incl only if MMR)
  XResolution       | 204,200,300,| 204         | If unit is per inch
                    | 400,408,    |             |
                    | 77          |             | If unit is per cm
  YResolution       | 196,98,100, | 196,98      | If unit is per inch
                    | 200,300,391,|             |
                    | 400,        |             |
                    | 77,38.5     |             | If unit is per cm

         ipoaVcTable                        ipNetToMediatable
       ------------------------------     ----------------------------
       | ipNetToMediaIfIndex        |     | ipNetToMediaIfIndex      |
       | ipNetToMediaNetAddress     |     | ipNetToMediaNetAddress   |
       | ipoaVcVpi                  |     |                          |
       | ipoaVcVci                  |     |                          |
       | ipoaVcType                 |     |                          |
       | ---> use IpoaAtmAddr TC    |     | ipNetToMediaPhysAddress  |
       | ipoaVcNegotiatedEncapsType |     |                          |
       | ipoaVcNegotiatedMtu        |     |                          |
       |                            |     | ipNetToMediaType         |
       ------------------------------     ----------------------------

         ipoaVcTable                        ipoaConfigPvcTable
       ------------------------------     ----------------------------
       | ipNetToMediaIfIndex        |     | ipNetToMediaIfIndex      |
       | ipNetToMediaNetAddress     |     |                          |
       | ipoaVcVpi                  |     | ipoaConfigPvcVpi         |
       | ipoaVcVci                  |     | ipoaConfigPvcVci         |
       | ipoaVcType                 |     |                          |
       |                            |     | ipoaConfigPvcDefaultMtu  |
       | ipoaVcNegotiatedEncapsType |     |                          |
       | ipoaVcNegotiatedMtu        |     |                          |
       |                            |     | ipoaConfigPvcRowStatus   |
       ------------------------------     ----------------------------

         ipoaArpClientTable                       ipAddrTable
       -----------------------------------     ------------------------
       | ipAdEntAddr                     |     |  ipAdEntAddr         |
       |                                 |     |  ipAdEntNetMask      |
       |                                 |     |  ipAdEntIfIndex      |
       | ipoaArpClientAtmAddr            |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientSrvrInUse          |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientInArpInReqs        |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientInArpOutReqs       |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientInArpInReplies     |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientInArpOutReplies    |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientInArpInvalidInReqs |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientInArpInvalidOutReqs|     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpInReqs          |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpOutReqs         |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpInReplies       |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpOutReplies      |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpInNaks          |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpOutNaks         |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpUnknownOps      |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientArpNoSrvrResps     |     |                      |
       | ipoaArpClientRowStatus          |     |                      |
       |                                 |     |  ipAdEntBcastAddr    |
       |                                 |     |  ipAdEntReasmMaxSize |
       -----------------------------------     ------------------------

         comb      neck             body                    feet
          |         |                |                       |
          v         v                V                       V
           ,^/'/,           ,______________________.         ,
         i'  '  /          /                       =========<-
        / <o>   `---------/                        \         `
      .;__.  ,__,--------.                         /         ,
         / ,/ vv          \                        =========<-
        '-'                `-----------------------'         `
         ^     ^                                     ^
         |     |                                     |
        beak  wattles                               legs

         comb      neck             body                    feet
          |         |                |                       |
          v         v                V                       V
           ,^/'/,           ,______________________.         ,
         i'  '  /          /                       =========<-
        / <o>   `---------/                        \_____________m
      .;__.  ,__,--------.                         /         ,
         / ,/ vv          \                        =========<-
        '-'                `-----------------------'         `
         ^     ^                                     ^          ^
         |     |                                     |          |
        beak  wattles                               legs       ethernet

         | SAP header         |
         | text payload       |

                                           *      |RT1|RT2|
                +---+Ia    +---+           *   ------------
                |RT1|------|RT2|           T   RT1|   | X |
                +---+    Ib+---+           O   RT2| X |   |
                                           *    Ia|   | X |
                                           *    Ib| X |   |

                      +---+                *
                      |RT7|                *      |RT7| N3|
                      +---+                T   ------------
                        |                  O   RT7|   |   |
            +----------------------+       *    N3| X |   |
                       N3                  *

                 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10|11|12|N3|N6|N8|N9|
              ----- ---------------------------------------------
              RT1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT2|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT3|  |  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT4|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |  |
              RT5|  |  |  |8 |  |6 |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT6|  |  |8 |  |7 |  |  |  |  |5 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              RT7|  |  |  |  |6 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |  |  |
          *   RT9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          T  RT10|  |  |  |  |  |7 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |  |
          O  RT11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |0 |
          *  RT12|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |0 |
          *    N1|3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N2|  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N3|1 |1 |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N4|  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N6|  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |1 |  |1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N7|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |4 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               N8|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |2 |  |  |  |  |  |
               N9|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |1 |  |  |  |  |
              N10|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |2 |  |  |  |  |
              N11|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N12|  |  |  |  |8 |  |2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N13|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N14|  |  |  |  |8 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              N15|  |  |  |  |  |  |9 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               H1|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |10|  |  |  |  |

                  |RT12|N9|N10|H1|                 |RT9|RT11|RT12|N9|
           *  --------------------          *  ----------------------
           *  RT12|    |  |   |  |          *   RT9|   |    |    |0 |
           T    N9|1   |  |   |  |          T  RT11|   |    |    |0 |
           O   N10|2   |  |   |  |          O  RT12|   |    |    |0 |
           *    H1|10  |  |   |  |          *    N9|   |    |    |  |
           *                                *
                RT12's router-LSA              N9's network-LSA

                    RT5 o------------o-----------o Ib
                       /|\    6      |\     7
                     8/8|8\          | \
                     /  |  \        6|  \
                    o   |   o        |   \7
                   N12  o  N14       |    \
                       N13        2  |     \
                            N4 o-----o RT3  \
                                    /        \    5
                                  1/     RT10 o-------o Ia
                                  /           |\
                       RT4 o-----o N3        3| \1
                                /|            |  \ N6     RT7
                               / |         N8 o   o---------o
                              /  |            |   |        /|
                         RT2 o   o RT1        |   |      2/ |9
                            /    |            |   |RT8   /  |
                           /3    |3      RT11 o   o     o   o
                          /      |            |   |    N12 N15
                      N2 o       o N1        1|   |4
                                              |   |
                                           N9 o   o N7
                                            / |
                        N11      RT9       /  |RT12
                         o--------o-------o   o--------o H1
                             3                |   10
                                              o N10

             .   +                     .
             .   | 3+---+              .      N12      N14
             . N1|--|RT1|\ 1           .        \ N13 /
             .   |  +---+ \            .        8\ |8/8
             .   +         \ ____      .          \|/
             .              /    \   1+---+8    8+---+6
             .             *  N3  *---|RT4|------|RT5|--------+
             .              \____/    +---+      +---+        |
             .    +         /      \   .           |7         |
             .    | 3+---+ /        \  .           |          |
             .  N2|--|RT2|/1        1\ .           |6         |
             .    |  +---+            +---+8    6+---+        |
             .    +                   |RT3|------|RT6|        |
             .                        +---+      +---+        |
             .                      2/ .         Ia|7         |
             .                      /  .           |          |
             .             +---------+ .           |          |
             .Area 1           N4      .           |          |
             ...........................           |          |
          ..........................               |          |
          .            N11         .               |          |
          .        +---------+     .               |          |
          .             |          .               |          |    N12
          .             |3         .             Ib|5         |6 2/
          .           +---+        .             +----+     +---+/
          .           |RT9|        .    .........|RT10|.....|RT7|---N15.
          .           +---+        .    .        +----+     +---+ 9    .
          .             |1         .    .    +  /3    1\      |1       .
          .            _|__        .    .    | /        \   __|_       .
          .           /    \      1+----+2   |/          \ /    \      .
          .          *  N9  *------|RT11|----|            *  N6  *     .
          .           \____/       +----+    |             \____/      .
          .             |          .    .    |                |        .
          .             |1         .    .    +                |1       .
          .  +--+   10+----+       .    .   N8              +---+      .
          .  |H1|-----|RT12|       .    .                   |RT8|      .
          .  +--+SLIP +----+       .    .                   +---+      .
          .             |2         .    .                     |4       .
          .             |          .    .                     |        .
          .        +---------+     .    .                 +--------+   .

                              +----+       \+-------------+
                             /      \       |Routing Table|
                            /        \      +-------------+
                           /          \
              +------+    /            \    +--------+
              |Area 2|---+              +---|Backbone|
              +------+***********+          +--------+
             /        \           *        /          \
            /          \           *      /            \
       +---------+  +---------+    +------------+       +------------+
       |Interface|  |Interface|    |Virtual Link|       |Interface Ib|
       |  to N6  |  |  to N8  |    |   to RT11  |       +------------+
       +---------+  +---------+    +------------+             |
           /  \           |               |                   |
          /    \          |               |                   |
   +--------+ +--------+  |        +-------------+      +------------+
   |Neighbor| |Neighbor|  |        |Neighbor RT11|      |Neighbor RT6|
   |  RT8   | |  RT7   |  |        +-------------+      +------------+
   +--------+ +--------+  |
                     |Neighbor RT11|

                                  +----+   UnloopInd   +--------+
                                  +----+               +--------+
                          +-------+  |               +--------------+
                          +-------+                  +--------------+
                              |   NeighborChange
          +------+           +-+<---------------- +-------+
          +------+---------->+-+<-----+           +-------+
                    Neighbor  |       |
                    Change    |       |Neighbor
                              |       |Change
                              |     +--+

                              Done  |
                    +----+          |      +-------+
                    +----+<-+              +-------+
                            |  LoadingDone     |

            Down                                          Down
                         Hello (DR=RT2,seen=RT1,...)      Init
            ExStart        D-D (Seq=x,I,M,Master)
                           D-D (Seq=y,I,M,Master)         ExStart
            Exchange       D-D (Seq=y,M,Slave)
                           D-D (Seq=y+1,M,Master)         Exchange
                           D-D (Seq=y+1,M,Slave)
                           D-D (Seq=y+n, Master)
                           D-D (Seq=y+n, Slave)
             Loading   ------------------------------>
                                 LS Request                Full
                                 LS Update
                                 LS Request
                                 LS Update

                  . 192.1.2                   Area 1 .
                  .     +                            .
                  .     |                            .
                  .     | 3+---+1                    .
                  .  N1 |--|RT1|-----+               .
                  .     |  +---+      \              .
                  .     |              \  _______N3  .
                  .     +               \/       \   .  1+---+
                  .                     * 192.1.1 *------|RT4|
                  .     +               /\_______/   .   +---+
                  .     |              /     |       .
                  .     | 3+---+1     /      |       .
                  .  N2 |--|RT2|-----+      1|       .
                  .     |  +---+           +---+8    .         6+---+
                  .     |                  |RT3|----------------|RT6|
                  .     +                  +---+     .          +---+
                  . 192.1.3                  |2      .|7
                  .                          |       .            |
                  .                   +------------+ .
                  .                     192.1.4 (N4) .

                      . Area 1 (transit)     .            +
                      .                      .            |
                      .      +---+1        1+---+100      |
                      .      |RT2|----------|RT4|=========|
                      .    1/+---+********* +---+         |
                      .    /*******          .            |
                      .  1/*Virtual          .            |
                   1+---+/*  Link            .         Net|work
             =======|RT1|*                   .            | N1
                    +---+\                   .            |
                      .   \                  .            |
                      .    \                 .            |
                      .    1\+---+1        1+---+20       |
                      .      |RT3|----------|RT5|=========|
                      .      +---+          +---+         |
                      .                      .            |
                      ........................            +

                   |            |
              +--->|    DOWN    |
              |    |            |
              |    +------------+
              |          |
              ^          |
              |          @
              |    +------------+
              |    |Master/Slave|
              |-<--|            |<---+
              |    |Negotiation |    |
              |    +------------+    |
              |          |           |
              ^          |           ^
              |          @           |
              |    +------------+    |
              |    |   Cache    |    |
              |-<--|            |-->-|
              |    | Summarize  |    |
              |    +------------+    |
              |          |           |
              ^          |           ^
              |          @           |
              |    +------------+    |
              |    |   Update   |    |
              |-<--|            |-->-|
              |    |   Cache    |    |
              |    +------------+    |
              |          |           |
              ^          |           ^
              |          @           |
              |    +------------+    |
              |    |            |    |
              +-<--|  Aligned   |-->-+
                   |            |

                  +-----+      +-----+
                  | MR1 |      | BR1 |
                  |     |      |     |
                  |     |      |     |
     VRID=1       +-----+      +-----+
     IP A ---------->*            *<--------- IP B
                     |            |
                     |            |
                     |            |
                                        ^        ^        ^        ^
                                        |        |        |        |
                                      (IP A)   (IP A)   (IP A)   (IP A)
                                        |        |        |        |
                                     +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+
                                     |  H1 |  |  H2 |  |  H3 |  |  H4 |
                                     +-----+  +-----+  +--+--+  +--+--+

           ---+---+---+--  =  Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI
                        H  =  Host computer
                       MR  =  Master Router
                       BR  =  Backup Router
                        *  =  IP Address
                     (IP)  =  default router for hosts

                  +-----+      +-----+
                  | MR1 |      | MR2 |
                  |  &  |      |  &  |
                  | BR2 |      | BR1 |
     VRID=1       +-----+      +-----+         VRID=2
     IP A ---------->*            *<---------- IP B
                     |            |
                     |            |
                     |            |
                                        ^        ^        ^        ^
                                        |        |        |        |
                                      (IP A)   (IP A)   (IP B)   (IP B)
                                        |        |        |        |
                                     +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+
                                     |  H1 |  |  H2 |  |  H3 |  |  H4 |
                                     +-----+  +-----+  +--+--+  +--+--+

           ---+---+---+--  =  Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI
                        H  =  Host computer
                       MR  =  Master Router
                       BR  =  Backup Router
                        *  =  IP Address
                     (IP)  =  default router for hosts

           | Application          |
           | Presentation         |
           | Session              |
           | Transport            |
           ------------------------      -------------------------
           | Network (e.g., IP)   |     / Network VNS            |
           -----------------------------                         |
           | Data Link                 |--------------------------
           -----------------------------                         |
           | Physical             |     \ data link (e.g., ATM)  |
           ------------------------      -------------------------

                 |                                |
         ________|__                        ______|________
         |         |                        |             |
         |  PSTN  [R]                      [R]  ISDN      |
         |  Cloud  |                        |   Cloud    [N]__[U]
         |         |             Internet   |             |
         |         |                       [R]            |
         [N]______[R]                       |_____________|
          |      |                                |
          |      |                                |
         [U]     |________________________________|

        37 +      g
        35 +
        33 +
        31 +
        29 +
        27 +
           |             g              blocksize   n-time   g-time
        25 +                            ---------   ------   ------
      s    |       n                      512       23.85    37.05
      e 23 +                g            1024       16.15    25.65
      c    |                             1428       13.70    23.10
      o 21 +                             2048       10.90    16.90
      n    |                             4096        6.85     9.65
      d 19 +                             8192        4.90     6.15
      s    |
        17 +                    g
           |             n
        15 +
           |                n
        13 +
        11 +                    n
           |                           g
         9 +
         7 +                           n
           |                                  g
         5 +                                  n
         0 +------+------+--+---+------+------+---
                 512    1K  |  2K     4K     8K
                    blocksize (octets)

             Session Open --------->
                            <-----------   Open confirm
                          data exchange

    Session Close ----------------->
                              <-------------------------   Session Open
   Open confirm ------------------->
                        data exchange

           +-----+         +----+                       +----+
           | COM |         | UK |                       | FR |
           +-----+         +----+                       +----+
              |             |  |                         |  |
       +---------+     +----+  +----+     +--------------+  +-----+
       | VAUGHAN |     | AC |  | CO |     | UNIV-AVIGNON |  | AXA |
       +---------+     +----+  +----+     +--------------+  +-----+
          |              |        |              |             |
      +------+    +---------+  +----------+   +-----+      +------+
      | UNIX |    | NEWPORT |  | CITYDESK |   | SOL |      | MAIL |
      +------+    +---------+  +----------+   +-----+      +------+
                       |            |
                    +----+       +-----+
                    | NS |       | FTP |
                    +----+       +-----+

      *-------------*       *-------*     |
      |Configuration|       | Path  |     |
      |   Services  |       |Control|     |
      *-------------*       *-------*     |
            A A                 A         |
            | |                 |         |
            | |                 V         |
            | |              *-----*      | APPN/HPR
            | |              | RTP |      |
            | |              *-----*      |
            | |                 A         |
            | |                 |         |
            | |                 V         |
            | |              *-----*      |
            | |              | NCL |      |
            | |              *-----*      |
            | *------------*    A        -*
            |              |    |
            V              V    V        -*
          *---------*    *---------*      |
          |   DLC   |--->|  LDLC   |      |
          | manager |    |         |      |
          *---------*    *---------*      |
               |              A |         | IP DLC
               *-----------*  | *----*    |
                           V  |      |    |
                         *---------* |    |
                         |  LINK   | |    |
                         |  DEMUX  | |    |
                         *---------* |    |
                              A    *-*   -*
                              |    |
                              |    V
                           |   UDP   |
                           |   IP    |

     |  NOF                CS                  DLC  |
         . DEFINE_DLC(RQ)   .
   1     o----------------->o
         . DEFINE_DLC(RSP)  |
   2     o<-----------------*
         . START_DLC(RQ)    .      create
   3     o----------------->o------------------->o
         . START_DLC(RSP)   |                    .
   4     o<-----------------*                    .
         . DEFINE_PORT(RQ)  .                    .
   5     o----------------->o                    .
         . DEFINE_PORT(RSP) |                    .
   6     o<-----------------*                    .

|CS              DLC             LDLC           DMUX            UDP|
 .                .                              .               .
 .CONNECT_OUT(RQ) .  create                      .               .
 o--------------->o-------------->o              .               .
 .                |        new LDLC              .               .
 .                o----------------------------->o               .
 CONNECT_OUT(+RSP)|               .              .               .
 o<---------------*               .              .               .
 |               XID              .           XID(CMD)           . XID

|CS              DLC             LDLC           DMUX            UDP|
 .                .                              .               .
 . CONNECT_IN(RQ) .          XID(CMD)            .     XID       . XID
 | CONNECT_IN(RSP).    create                    .               .
 *--------------->o-------------->o              .               .
 .                |          new LDLC            .               .
 .                o----------------------------->o               .
 .                |  XID(CMD)     .              .               .
 .                *-------------->o              .               .
 .               XID              |              .               .
 o<-------------------------------*              .               .
 |               XID              .            XID(RSP)          . XID

|CS              DLC             LDLC           DMUX            UDP|
 .                .               .              .               .
 .             DEACT              .            DISC              . DISC
 .             DEACT              .       DM     .       DM      . DM
 | DISCONNECT(RQ) .    destroy    .              .               .
 *--------------->o-------------->o              .               .
  DISCONNECT(RSP) |                              .               .
 o<---------------*                              .               .

|CS              DLC             LDLC           DMUX            UDP|
 .                .               .              .               .
 .             DEACT              .      DISC    .      DISC     . DISC
 |                .               |             DM               . DM
 |                .               *----------------------------->o----->
 | DISCONNECT(RQ) .    destroy    .              .               .
 *--------------->o-------------->o              .               .
 .DISCONNECT(RSP) |                              .               .
 o<---------------*                              .               .

     |   NO                        NOF                CS   |

|   CS                   TRS                 DLC               DMUX  |
     .            ACTIVATE_PORT(RQ)           .     create
     .            ACTIVATE_PORT(RSP)          |                  .
     o<---------------------------------------*                  .
     |  TG_UPDATE         .                   .                  .
     *------------------->o                   .                  .
     .                    .                   .                  .

         |Node A                     Node B|
                           XID3 (np, NEG)
             |XID3 (np, SEC)
                          XID3 (np, PRI)|

           time out
              XID3 (np, SEC)
                               SETMODE  |
    fail because never
    received XID3 (np, PRI)

         |Node A                     Node B |
                    XID3 (np, NEG, S, ^C)
   1         o<--------------------------o
             |XID3 (np, SEC, S, ^C)
   2         *-------------------------->o
                    XID3 (np, PRI, S, ^C)|
   3                    lost <-----------*

           time out
              XID3 (np, SEC, S, ^C)
   4         o-------------------------->o
                    XID3 (np, PRI, S, ^C)|
   5         o<--------------------------*
             |XID3 (np, SEC, S, C)
   6         *-------------------------->o
                                SETMODE  |
   7         o<--------------------------*

         |Node A                     Node B|
                       XID3 (np, NEG, ^S)
   1         o<--------------------------o
             |XID3 (np, SEC, S, ^C)
   2         *-------------------------->o
                       XID3 (np, PRI, ^S)|
   3                    lost <-----------*

           time out
              XID3 (np, SEC, S, ^C)
   4         o-------------------------->o
                                SETMODE  |
   5         o<--------------------------*

         |Node A                     Node B|
                    XID3 (np, NEG, S, ^C)
   1         o<--------------------------o
             |XID3 (np, SEC, ^S)
   2         *-------------------------->o
                    XID3 (np, PRI, S, ^C)|
   3                    lost <-----------*

           time out
              XID3 (np, SEC, ^S)
   4         o-------------------------->o
                                 SETMODE |
   5         o<--------------------------*

*--------* access link *--------*     *--------*
|  HPR   |-------------|   IP   |-----|   IP   |
|  node  |             | Router |     | Router |
*--------*             *--------*     *--------*
                            |              |
                            |              |
                            |              |
                       *--------*     *--------* access link *--------*
                       |   IP   |-----|   IP   |-------------|  HPR   |
                       | Router |     | Router |             |  node  |
                       *--------*     *--------*             *--------*

| 6.1.1  IP Format for LLC Commands and Responses                      |
|                                                                      |
|                     The formats described here are used for the      |
|                     following LLC commands and responses:  XID       |
|                     command and response, TEST command and response, |
|                     DISC command, and DM response.                   |

| IP Format for LLC Commands and Responses                             |
| Byte  | Bit | Content                                                |

|       |     | Note 3:  Rules for encoding the IEEE 802.2 LLC header  |
|       |     | can be found in ISO/IEC 8802-2:1994 (ANSI/IEEE Std     |
|       |     | 802.2, 1994 Edition), Information technology -         |
|       |     | Telecommunications and information exchange between    |
|       |     | systems - Local and metropolitan area networks -       |
|       |     | Specific requirements - Part 2:  Logical Link Control. |

   HA            FW                        MN
                  <=====================>  SKIP (AH + ESP)
    <----------------------------------->  Registration Request path

   HA            FW                        MN
    <===================================>  SKIP (AH + ESP)
    <----------------------------------->  Registration Request path

   HA            FW                        MN
                  <+++++++++++++++++++++>  SKIP authentication
    <===================================>  SKIP encryption
    <----------------------------------->  Registration Request path

   HA            FW                        MN
    <============><=====================>  SKIP (AH + ESP)
    <----------------------------------->  Registration Request path

   | IP Hdr (SKIP) | SKIP Hdr | AH | ESP | Inner IP Hdr | Reg. Request |

   | IP Hdr (SKIP) | SKIP Hdr | AH | ESP | Inner IP Hdr | Reg. Request |

   | IP Hdr (SKIP) | SKIP Hdr | AH | ESP | Inner IP Hdr | Reg. Reply |

   | IP Hdr (SKIP) | SKIP Hdr | AH | ESP | Inner IP Hdr | Reg. Reply |

   | IP Hdr (SKIP) | SKIP Hdr | AH | ESP | Inner IP Hdr | ULP  |

   | IP Hdr | SKIP | AH | ESP | mobip  | Inner  | ULP |
   | (SKIP) | Hdr  |    |     | IP Hdr | IP Hdr |     |

   | IP Hdr | SKIP | AH | ESP | mobip  | Inner  | ULP |
   | (SKIP) | Hdr  |    |     | IP Hdr | IP Hdr |     |

           | State
           |    0         1         2         3         4         5
     Events| Initial   Starting  Closed    Stopped   Closing   Stopping
      Up   |    2     irc,scr/6     -         -         -         -
      Down |    -         -         0       tls/1       0         1
      Open |  tls/1       1     irc,scr/6     3r        5r        5r
      Close|    0       tlf/0       2         2         4         4
       TO+ |    -         -         -         -       str/4     str/5
       TO- |    -         -         -         -       tlf/2     tlf/3

               |                                          |
               |                                          |   LISTEN
   SYN_SENT    |-----------------------                   |
               |                       \ syn j            |
               |                        ----------------->|   SYN_RCVD
               |                                          |
               |                        ------------------|
               |        syn k, ack j+1 /                  |
   ESTABLISHED |<----------------------                   |
               |                                          |

               | Protocol ID | Information | Padding |
               |  8/16 bits  |             |         |
                                Figure 2

               | Protocol ID | Information | Padding |
               |  8/16 bits  |             |         |
                                Figure 2

                     |Key Mgmt Daemon|
                       |           |
                       |           |
                       |           |                   Applications
                       |           |                   OS Kernel
               +------------+   +-----------------+
               | Key Engine |   | TCP/IP,         |
               |  or  SADB  |---| including IPsec |
               +------------+   |                 |
                                   | Network   |
                                   | Interface |

                     |Routing  Daemon|
                       |           |
                       |           |
                       |           |                   Applications
                       |           |                   OS Kernel
               +------------+   +---------+
               | Key Engine |   | TCP/IP  |
               |  or  SADB  |---|         |
               +------------+   +---------+
                                   | Network   |
                                   | Interface |

                     +---------------+    +-------------+
                     |Key Mgmt Daemon|    | Application |
                     +---------------+    +-------------+
                       |           |     /
                       |           |    /
                       |           |    |              Applications
                       |           |    |              OS Kernel
               +------------+   +-----------------+
               | Key Engine |   | TCP/IP,         |
               |  or  SADB  |---| including IPsec |
               +------------+   |                 |

           +---------------+    +-------------+
           |Key Mgmt Daemon|    | OSPF daemon |
           +---------------+    +-------------+
             |           |     /    /        |
             |    /------|----+    /         |
             |   /       |    +---+          |           Applications
             |           |    |              |           OS Kernel
     +------------+   +-----------------+  +---------+
     | Key Engine |   | TCP/IP,         |  | Routing |
     |  or  SADB  |---| including IPsec |--| Table   |
     +------------+   |                 |  +---------+

      +-------------+ Application Communication +-------------+
      | Application |---------------------------| Application |
      |   Program   |         "Pipe 1"          |   Program   |
      +-------------+                           +-------------+
             |                                         |
             | TIP TM API                   TIP TM API |
             |                                         |
    +-----------------+   TIP 2-pc Protocol   +-----------------+
    | TIP Transaction |-----------------------| TIP Transaction |
    |     Manager     |       "Pipe 2"        |     Manager     |
    +-----------------+                       +-----------------+

        ______________                  ______________
    --+/              \+--------------+/              \+----------
      (       P1       )    +----+    (       P3       )  +----+
      +\______________/     |    |----+\______________/+--|    |--
      |                  +--| X1 |                       +| X2 |
      | ______________  /   |    |-+    ______________  / |    |--
      +/              \+    +-+--+  \  /              \+  +----+
      (       P2       )     / \     +(      P4        )
    --+\______________/     /   \      \______________/
           |               /     \           |      |
           |              /       |          |      |
           |             /        |          |      |
          _|_          _/_       _|_        _|_    _|_
         /   \        /   \     /   \      /   \  /   \
        ( S.A )      ( S.B )   ( P5  )    ( P6  )( S.C )
         \___/        \___/     \___/      \___/  \___/
                                  |          / \
                                 _|_       _/_  \   ___
                                /   \     /   \  +-/   \
                               ( S.D )   ( S.E )  ( S.F )
                                \___/     \___/    \___/

     | 3|  13 | 8 |   24   |   16   |          64 bits               |
     |FP| TLA |RES|  NLA   |  SLA   |         Interface ID           |
     |  | ID  |   |  ID    |  ID    |                                |

     <--Public Topology--->   Site
                                     <------Interface Identifier----->

      |  n  |      24-n bits     |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |NLA1 |      Site ID       | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

   |  n  |      24-n bits     |   16   |    64 bits      |
   |NLA1 |      Site ID       | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

         |  m  |    24-n-m    |   16   |    64 bits      |
         |NLA2 |   Site ID    | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

               |  o  |24-n-m-o|   16   |    64 bits      |
               |NLA3 | Site ID| SLA ID | Interface ID    |

   |  n  |   16-n     |              64 bits                |
   |SLA1 |   Subnet   |            Interface ID             |

         | m  |16-n-m |              64 bits                |
         |SLA2|Subnet |            Interface ID             |

                                   QoS VCs
                    +-----+    -------------->   +----+
                    |     |  -------------->     |    |
                    | Src |                      | R1 |
                    |     |   Best Effort VC(s)  |    |
                    +-----+  <-----------------> +----+
                             RSVP Control

                      /      \
           +-------- / Router \ <-------+
           |         \        /         |   <....... RESVs Follow
           |          \______/          |            Hop-by-hop Path
           |                            |
           |                            |
           V           QoS VCs          |
        +-----+    ==============>   +----+
        |     |  ==============>     |    |
        | Src |                      | R1 |
        |     |   Best Effort VC(s)  |    |
        +-----+  <=================> +----+

                     ::                        Data Paths:
                     ::                        ----> Hop-by-hop (routed)
               PATHs and Data                  ====> Short-cut
              Follow Short-cut

                           +------> | R1 |
                           |        +----+
                           |        +----+
              +-----+ -----+   +--> | R2 |
              |     | ---------+    +----+        Receiver Request Types:
              | Src |                             ---->  QoS 1 and QoS 2
              |     | .........+    +----+        ....>  Best-Effort
              +-----+ .....+   +..> | R3 |
                           :        +----+
                       /\  :
                       ||  :        +----+
                       ||  +......> | R4 |
                       ||           +----+
                  IP Mulicast

                      |     |      -------------->  +----+
                      | Src |    -------------->    | R1 |
                      |    *|  -------------->      +----+
                      +-----+       QoS VCs
                       VC  ||

                        +------> | R1 |
                        |        +----+
                        |        +----+
           +-----+ -----+   +--> | R2 |
           |     | ---------+    +----+        Receiver Request Types:
           | Src |                             ---->  QoS 1 and QoS 2
           |     | .........+    +----+        ....>  Best-Effort
           +-----+ .....+   +..> | R3 |
                        :        +----+
                    /\  :
                    ||  :        +----+
                    ||  +......> | R4 |
                    ||           +----+
               IP Mulicast

                           /         \
                          / Multicast \
                          \   Server  /
                             ^  |  |
                             |  |  +--------+
              +-----+        |  |           |
              |     | -------+  |           |         Data Flow:
              | Src | ...+......|....+      V         ---->  Server
              |     |    :      |    :    +----+      ....>  Mesh
              +-----+    :      |    +...>| R1 |
                         :      |         +----+
                         :      V
                         :    +----+
                         +..> | R2 |

   IP                                                ATM
                        |        IWF         |
                        |                    |
   admission and   <--> | service mapping    | <-->  ATM
   policy control       | VC management      |       signalling &
                        | address resolution |       admission
                        |....................|       control
                        |                    |
   classification,      |ATM Adaptation Layer|       cell
   policing &      <--> | Segmentation and   | <-->  scheduling/
   scheduling           |  Reassembly        |       shaping
                        | Buffering          |

                     |     |      -------------->  +----+
                     | Src |    -------------->    | R1 |
                     |    *|  -------------->      +----+
                     +-----+       QoS VCs
                      VC  ||

                           +------> | R1 |
                           |        +----+
                           |        +----+
              +-----+ -----+   +--> | R2 |
              |     | ---------+    +----+  Receiver Request Types:
              | Src |                       ---->  QoS 1 and QoS 2
              |     | .........+    +----+  ....>  Best-Effort
              +-----+ .....+   +..> | R3 |
                           :        +----+
                       /\  :
                       ||  :        +----+
                       ||  +......> | R4 |
                       ||           +----+
                  IP Multicast

                           ATM SW      ATM SW
       +------------+ UNI  +----+ NNI  +----+ UNI  +------------+
   ____|Intermediate|--||--| \/ |______| \/ |--||--|Intermediate|____
       | (Upstream) |      | /\ |      | /\ |      |(Downstream)|
       +------------+      +----+      +----+      +------------+
             \     UNI Sig.                   UNI Sig.    /
   CONNECT  | (Q)<--------->(Q)<-------->(Q)<--------->(Q) |
   -------->|                                              |
   ACK <----|--------------------CONNECT------------------>| CONNECT
            |                                              |<--- ACK
            |                                              | ACCEPT
            |                                              |<--------
            |<-------------------ACCEPT--------------------|---> ACK
            |                                              |
            |->|----SETUP--->|            |             |  |
            |  |<-CALL PROC--|----------->|----SETUP--->|->|
            |  |             |            |<----CONN----|<-|
   ACCEPT   |  |<----CONN----|<-----------|--CONN ACK-->|->|
   <--------|<-|--CONN ACK-->|            |             |  |
   ACK ---->|                                              |
            |                                              |
   -------\ |--------------------------------------------\ |-------\
           >|                   ST2+ Data                 >|        >
   -------/ |--------------------------------------------/ |-------/
            |                                              |
   DISCONN  |                                              |
   -------->|                                              |
   ACK <----|-------------------DISCONNECT---------------->|
            |                                              |
            |->|---RELEASE-->|            |             |  |
            |<-|<--REL COMP--|----------->|---RELEASE-->|->| DISCONN
            |  |             |            |<--REL COMP--|<-|-------->
            |                                              |<--- ACK

                       /     \
                      (Origin )
                       \     /
                      A ~~|~~ A
                      |   =   | UNI Signaling
                      |   |   |
                      | +-+-+ V
                      | | X |   ATM SW
                      | +-+-+ A
                 SCMP |   |   | NNI Signaling
                      | +-+-+ V
                      | | X |   ATM SW
                      | +-+-+ A
                      |   |   |
                      |   =   | UNI Signaling
                      V   |   V
                    +-----+------+   IEEE 802.X & 802.1p
                    |            |<---------------------+
                    |Intermediate|--------------------+ |
                    |            |<-----------------+ | |
                    +------------+      L2 Signaling| | |
                      A   |   A                     | | |
                      |   =   | UNI Signaling       | | | SCMP
                      |   |   |                     | | |
                      | +-+-+ V                     | | |
                      | | X |   ATM SW              V | |
                      | +-+-+ A                   +---+-|-+
                 SCMP |   |   | NNI Signaling     |  \ /| |
                      | +-+-+ V                   |   X | |LAN SW
                      | | X |   ATM SW            |  / \| |
                      | +-+-+ A                   +---+-|-+
                      |   |   |                     A | |
                      |   =   | UNI Signaling       | | |
                      V __|__ V                     V_|_V
                       /     \                     /     \
                      (Target )                   (Target )
                       \     /                     \     /
                        ~~~~~                       ~~~~~

   |  ST   |        ST2+ data          |               ST2+
   | header|                           |               Data PDU
   :                                   :
   :                                   :
   |             CPCS_PDU              |PAD|CPCS_PDU|  AAL5
   |             payload               |   |trailer |  CPCS_PDU

   |  ST   |        ST2+ SCMP          |               ST2+
   | header|                           |               SCMP PDU
   :                                   :
   :                                   :
   |             CPCS_PDU              |PAD|CPCS_PDU|  AAL5
   |             payload               |   |trailer |  CPCS_PDU

               |  ST  |   ST2+ SCMP    |               ST2+
               |header|                |               SCMP PDU
               :                       :
   |LLC|OUI|PID|     Information       |               IEEE 802 SNAP
   |   |   |   |                       |               ISO 8802-2 LLC
   :                                   :
   |             CPCS_PDU              |PAD|CPCS_PDU|  AAL5
   |             payload               |   |trailer |  CPCS_PDU

             | Kind=19 |Length=18|   MD5 digest...   |
             |                                       |
             |                                       |
             |                                       |
             |                   |

          AS1                   AS2             AS3
      ___________        _____________      ____________
     |           |      |             |    |            |
     |           B------B             B----B            |
     |           |      |             |    |            |
      -----B-----       B-------------      --B---------
            \         /                      /
             \       /                      /
          ____B_____B____         _________B______
         |               |       |                |
         |               B-------B                |
         |               |       |                |
         |               B-------B                |
          ---------------         ----------------
               AS4                           AS5

          AS1                   AS2             AS3
      ___________        _____________      ____________
     |           |      |             |    |            |
     |           B------B1           B2----B            |
     |           |      |             |    |            |
      -----B-----       B3------------      --B---------
            \         /
             \       /
         |               |
         |               |
         |               |
         |               |

    Domain A                    Domain B           Domain C
     ____________          ___________      ____________
    |            |        |           |    |            |
    |            B1------B2          B3---B4            |
    |            |        |           |    |            |
     ------------          -----------      ------------

                8   7   6   5   4   3    2   1
              |  DLCI (high order)     |C/R|EA|
              | DLCI (lower) |FECN|BECN|DE |EA|

                                   \ | /
                                 |Backbone Router|
                               WAN |
         Stub domain border .......|.........
   {s=, 2745, v         |            {s=,  3200,
    d=, 80 } v         |             d=, 23 }
                         v +------------------+ :
                         v |Border Router with| :
                         v |LSNAT enabled on  | :
                         v |WAN interface     | :
                         v +------------------+ :
                         v       |              :
                         v       |  LAN         :
   {s=, 2745, v |            |         |:{s=, 3200,
    d=,  80  }   |         |         |  d=,  23 }
                         +--+      +--+       +--+
                         |S1|      |S2|       |S3|
                         |--|      |--|       |--|
                        /____\    /____\     /____\

                                   \ | /
                                 |Backbone Router|
                               WAN |
        Stub domain border ........|.........
   {s=, 2745, v         |           {s=, 3200,
    d=, 80   }v         |           :d=, 23 }
                         v|Border Router with |:
                         v|  LSNAT and NAPT   |:
                         v|enabled on WAN link|:
                         v      |              :
                         v      |  LAN         :
   {s=, 2745, v |            |       | : {s=, 3200,
    d=,    80  }   |         |       |    d=,    23 }
                         +--+      +--+     +--+
                         |S1|      |S2|     |S3|
                         |--|      |--|     |--|
                        /____\    /____\   /____\

                                   \ | /
                              |   Router      |
                            WAN |
   {s=, 2745, v      |                {s=, 3200,
    d=, 80   }v      |  :d=, 23 }
                         v +----------------+  :
                         v | A Router with  |  :
                         v | LS-NAPT enabled|  :
                            v | on WAN link    |  :
                         v +----------------+  :
                         v               |     :
                         v          LAN  |     :
   {s=, 7001, v|             |        |:{s=,7002,
    d=,   80 }  |          |        |  d=,  23 }
                        +--+       +--+      +--+
                        |S1|       |S2|      |S3|
                        |--|       |--|      |--|
                       /____\     /____\    /____\

    Datagram size,|
    bytes         |  64   128   256   512  1024  2048  4096  8192 16384
    Compression   |1.18  1.28  1.43  1.58  1.74  1.91  2.04  2.11  2.14
    ratio         |

      |  .----------------------------------------------------.  |
      |  |  .----------------------------------------------.  |  |
      |  |  |  .----------------------------------------.  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |  .----------------------------------.  |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |  |       <relative_reference>       |  |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |  `----------------------------------'  |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  | (5.1.1) Base URI embedded in the       |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  |         document's content             |  |  |  |
      |  |  |  `----------------------------------------'  |  |  |
      |  |  | (5.1.2) Base URI of the encapsulating entity |  |  |
      |  |  |         (message, document, or none).        |  |  |
      |  |  `----------------------------------------------'  |  |
      |  | (5.1.3) URI used to retrieve the entity            |  |
      |  `----------------------------------------------------'  |
      | (5.1.4) Default Base URI is application-dependent        |

                             S T A T U S
                     Req   Rec   Ele   Lim   Not
           Std     |  X  | XXX | XXX |     |     |
       S           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Draft   |  X  |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Prop    |     |  X  | XXX |     |     |
       A           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Info    |     |     |     |     |     |
       T           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Expr    |     |     |     | XXX |     |
       E           +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
           Hist    |     |     |     |     | XXX |

             Host 1 --- Security ---- Internet -- Security --- Host 2
              | |        Gwy 1                      Gwy 2        | |
              | |                                                | |
              | -----Security Association 1 (ESP transport)------- |
              |                                                    |
              -------Security Association 2 (AH transport)----------

                Host 1 --- Security ---- Internet -- Security --- Host 2
                 | |        Gwy 1                      Gwy 2        | |
                 | |                                                | |
                 | -------Security Association 1 (tunnel)---------- | |
                 |                                                    |
                 ---------Security Association 2 (tunnel)--------------

                Host 1 --- Security ---- Internet -- Security --- Host 2
                 | |        Gwy 1                      Gwy 2         |
                 | |                                     |           |
                 | ----Security Association 1 (tunnel)----           |
                 |                                                   |
                 ---------Security Association 2 (tunnel)-------------

                Host 1 --- Security ---- Internet -- Security --- Host 2
                 |          Gwy 1                      Gwy 2         |
                 |            |                          |           |
                 |            --Security Assoc 1 (tunnel)-           |
                 |                                                   |
                 -----------Security Association 2 (tunnel)-----------

                 |                                  |
                H1* ------ (Inter/Intranet) ------ H2*

                       |                         |
  ---------------------|----                  ---|-----------------------
  |                    |   |                  |  |                      |
  |  H1 -- (Local --- SG1* |--- (Internet) ---| SG2* --- (Local --- H2  |
  |        Intranet)       |                  |          Intranet)      |
  --------------------------                  ---------------------------
      admin. boundary                               admin. boundary

     |                                                             |
     |                 =========================                   |
     |                 |                       |                   |
  ---|-----------------|----                ---|-------------------|---
  |  |                 |   |                |  |                   |  |
  | H1* -- (Local --- SG1* |-- (Internet) --| SG2* --- (Local --- H2* |
  |        Intranet)       |                |          Intranet)      |
  --------------------------                ---------------------------
       admin. boundary                            admin. boundary

        |                                                    |
        |==============================                      |
        ||                            |                      |
        ||                         ---|----------------------|---
        ||                         |  |                      |  |
        H1* ----- (Internet) ------| SG2* ---- (Local ----- H2* |
              ^                    |           Intranet)        |
              |                    ------------------------------
        could be dialup              admin. boundary (optional)
        to PPP/ARA server

                        <-- How Outer Hdr  Relates Inner Hdr --->
                        Outer Hdr at                 Inner Hdr at
   IPv6                 Encapsulator                 Decapsulator
     Header fields:     --------------------         ------------
       version          6 (1)                        no change
       class            copied or configured (6)     no change
       flow id          copied or configured         no change
       len              constructed                  no change
       next header      AH,ESP,routing hdr           no change
       hop limit        constructed (2)              decrement (2)
       src address      constructed (3)              no change
       dest address     constructed (3)              no change
     Extension headers  never copied                 no change

     H1   ===================           H3
       \  |                 |          /
   H0 -- SG1* ---- R1 ---- SG2* ---- R2 -- H5
       /  ^        |                   \
     H2   |........|                    H4

           Socket 1 -------------------------|
           Socket 2 (ESPx/SPI-A) ---------- AHx (SPI-B) -- Internet

                 |                                |
                H1* --- R1 ----- R2 ---- R3 ---- H2*
                 ^       |

                  BEFORE APPLYING AH
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
            |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                  AFTER APPLYING AH
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |    |     |      |
            |(any options)| AH | TCP | Data |
            |<------- authenticated ------->|
                 except for mutable fields

                       BEFORE APPLYING AH
      IPv6  |             | ext hdrs |     |      |
            | orig IP hdr |if present| TCP | Data |

                      AFTER APPLYING AH
      IPv6  |             |hop-by-hop, dest*, |    | dest |     |      |
            |orig IP hdr  |routing, fragment. | AH | opt* | TCP | Data |
            |<---- authenticated except for mutable fields ----------->|

    IPv4  | new IP hdr* |    | orig IP hdr*  |    |      |
          |(any options)| AH | (any options) |TCP | Data |
          |<- authenticated except for mutable fields -->|
          |           in the new IP hdr                  |

    IPv6  |           | ext hdrs*|    |            | ext hdrs*|   |    |
          |new IP hdr*|if present| AH |orig IP hdr*|if present|TCP|Data|
          |<-- authenticated except for mutable fields in new IP hdr ->|

      |                                                               |
      +                   Initialization Vector (IV)                  +
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      ~              Encrypted Payload (variable length)              ~
      |                                                               |
       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

                 BEFORE APPLYING ESP
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
            |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                 AFTER APPLYING ESP
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  | ESP |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
            |(any options)| Hdr | TCP | Data | Trailer |Auth|
                                |<----- encrypted ---->|
                          |<------ authenticated ----->|

                     BEFORE APPLYING ESP
      IPv6  |             | ext hdrs |     |      |
            | orig IP hdr |if present| TCP | Data |

                     AFTER APPLYING ESP
      IPv6  | orig |hop-by-hop,dest*,|   |dest|   |    | ESP   | ESP|
            |IP hdr|routing,fragment.|ESP|opt*|TCP|Data|Trailer|Auth|
                                         |<---- encrypted ---->|
                                     |<---- authenticated ---->|

      IPv4  | new IP hdr* |     | orig IP hdr*  |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
            |(any options)| ESP | (any options) |TCP|Data|Trailer|Auth|
                                |<--------- encrypted ---------->|
                          |<----------- authenticated ---------->|

      IPv6  | new* |new ext |   | orig*|orig ext |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
            |IP hdr| hdrs*  |ESP|IP hdr| hdrs *  |TCP|Data|Trailer|Auth|
                                |<--------- encrypted ----------->|
                            |<---------- authenticated ---------->|

     +------------+        +--------+                +--------------+
     !     DOI    !        !        !                !  Application !
     ! Definition ! <----> ! ISAKMP !                !    Process   !
     +------------+    --> !        !                !--------------!
    +--------------+   !   +--------+                ! Appl Protocol!
    ! Key Exchange !   !     ^  ^                    +--------------+
    !  Definition  !<--      !  !                           ^
    +--------------+         !  !                           !
                             !  !                           !
            !----------------!  !                           !
            v                   !                           !
        +-------+               v                           v
        !  API  !        +---------------------------------------------+
        +-------+        !                Socket Layer                 !
            !            !---------------------------------------------!
            v            !        Transport Protocol (TCP / UDP)       !
     +----------+        !---------------------------------------------!
     ! Security ! <----> !                     IP                      !
     ! Protocol !        !---------------------------------------------!
     +----------+        !             Link Layer Protocol             !

                      | Architecture |
                        v          v
               +<-<-<-<-+          +->->->->+
               v                            v
      +----------+                       +----------+
      |   ESP    |                       |    AH    |
      | Protocol |                       | Protocol |
      +----------+                       +----------+
        v      v                           v       v
        v      +->->->->->->->->+          v       v
        v      v                v          v       v
        v      v                v          v       v
        v  +------------+     +----------------+   v
        v  | +------------+   | +----------------+ v
        v  | | Encryption |   | | Authentication | v
        v  +-| Algorithm  |   +-| Algorithm      | v
        v    +------------+     +----------------+ v
        v        v                       v         v
        v        v        +-----+        v         v
        +>->->->-+->->->->| DOI |<-<-<-<-+-<-<-<-<-+
                       |    KEY     |
                       | MANAGEMENT |

      C   n2_________                               ______ n6     S
      l   n3_________\                             /______ n7     e
      i              \\              1.5Mb, 50ms   //             r
      e               n0 ------------------------ n1              v
      n   n4__________//                          \ \_____ n8     e
      t   n5__________/                            \______ n9     r
      s                                                           s

Median Page Delays and Goodput (MB)   | Link Utilization (%) & Drops (%)
#Webs     IW=1    |     IW=3          |       IW=1    |    IW=3
      G.put   dly |  G.put   dly      |  L.util  Drops| L.util   Drops
16      35.5  0.64|  36.4   0.54      |   67      0.1 |   69       0.7
8/8     16.9  0.67|  18.9   0.52      |   68      0.5 |
32      48.9  0.91|  44.7   0.68      |   92      3.5 |   85       4.3
16/16   22.8  0.94|  22.9   0.71      |   89      4.6 |
64      51.9  1.50|  47.6   0.86      |   98     13.0 |   91       8.6
32/32   29.0  1.40|  22.0   1.20      |   98     12.0 |

+--------+  100 Mbps  +---+  1.5 Mbps   +---+  9600 bps    +----------+
| source +------------+ R +-------------+ R +--------------+ receiver |
+--------+  no delay  +---+ 25 ms delay +---+ 150 ms delay +----------+

              |                             |
              |                             |
          (we spy here)              (this router has only 3 buffers
                                      to hold packets going into the
                                      9600 bps link)

                              Q.922 control
              |                                          |
             UI                                       I Frame
              |                                          |
        ---------------------------------         --------------
        | 0x08    | 0x81      |0xCC     | 0x80    |..01....    |..10....
        |         |           |         |         |            |
       Q.933     CLNP        IP        SNAP     ISO 8208    ISO 8208
        |                               |       Modulo 8    Modulo 128
        |                               |
        --------------------           OUI
        |                  |            |
       L2 ID              L3 ID      -------
        |               User         |     |
        |               Specified    |     |
        |               0x70        802.3 802.6
        |0x51 |0x4E |     |0x4C   |0x50
        |     |     |     |       |
       7776  Q.922 Others 802.2  User

 First 6 bits | P-Bit | PLEN |  Packet              |  Remarks
 of Payload   |(payload hdr.)|                      |
 100000       |   1   |  0   |  Picture             |  Typical Picture
 100000       |   1   | > 0  |  Picture             |  Note UFEP
 1xxxxx       |   1   |  0   |  GOB/Slice/EOS/EOSBS |  See possible GNs
 1xxxxx       |   1   | > 0  |  GOB/Slice           |  See possible GNs
 Xxxxxx       |   0   |  0   |  Follow-on           |
 Xxxxxx       |   0   | > 0  |  Follow-on           |  Interior Resync

       +-+    +-+    +-+          non-empty linked list means
       | |    | |    | |     <--  that there are routes with
       +-+    +-+    +-+          defered action to be taken
        ^      ^      ^           N * delta-reuse seconds later.
        |      |      |
     +------+------+------+------+------+      +------+
     | list | list | list | list | list |  ... | list |
     | head | head | head | head | head |  ... | head |
     +------+------+------+------+------+      +------+
        ^      ^      ^      ^      ^             ^
       Nth    1st    2nd    3rd    4th           N-1
       offset to first list
       (the offset is incremented every delta-reuse seconds)

         PTag |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
         Bit 7 -- Always one
         Bit 6 -- New packet format if set

         +--first octet--+-second octet--+--third octet--+
         |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
         |5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|

                    application/batch-SMTP object
                         |                |
           +-----------+ v  +----------+  v +-----------+
           | batch     |    | MIME-    |    | batch     |
        => | SMTP      | => | capable  | => | SMTP      | =>
           | generator |    |transport |    | processor |
        ^  +-----------+    +----------+    +-----------+  ^
        |                                                  |
        +-- conventional SMTP/RFC822 message transaction --+

   +----------+                      +----------+
   |          |        iTIP          |          |
   |  Sender  |<-------------------->| Receiver |
   |          |                      |          |
   +----------+                      +----------+

      | 3|  13 | 8 |   24   |   16   |          64 bits               |
      |FP| TLA |RES|  NLA   |  SLA   |         Interface ID           |
      |  | ID  |   |  ID    |  ID    |                                |

      <--Public Topology--->   Site
                                      <------Interface Identifier----->

      | 3  |    13    |    13   |       19      |
      | FP |   TLA    | Sub-TLA |       NLA     |
      |    |   ID     |         |       ID      |

   |                                                               |
   +               Initialization Vector (8 octets)                +
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   ~              Encrypted Payload (variable length)              ~
   |                                                               |
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

      -----   -----   -----           -----   -----   -----
      |IR1|   |IR2|   |IR3|           |XR1|   |XR2|   |XR3|
      --+--   --+--   --+--           --+--   --+--   --+--
        |       |       |               |       |       |

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1             EBN2
          PLU                                    SLU
                (1)   |--------------->|
                              (2)      |---------->

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1            NN/PBN
          PLU                                    SLU
              (1)     |--------------------------->

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                    NN/PBN            EBN1
          PLU                                    SLU
                    (1)                |---------->

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1             EBN2
          PLU                                    SLU
                 COS A
                                          COS B

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                     EBN1            NN/PBN
          PLU                                    SLU
                 COS A
                                     COS B

          **subnet 1**|-----ISTG ------|**subnet 2**
                    NN/PBN            EBN1
          PLU                                    SLU
                 COS A
                                           COS B

                 __          _____/     \_____
                [__]        /                 \
               [----]-.-.-.-.   Internet       .-.
                            \_____     _______/  |
                              __  \__./     __   .
                             [__]   /      [__]  |
                            [----]-.      [----]-.

    /__\   \       .................................
            \      !             !                 !           /--\
     __      \   [-!-]         [-!-]               !          ()/\()
     \ \      \__[CO ]=========[CO ]==\\           !        ___/__\
    [Fax]________[---]         [---]   \\        [-!-]     /   __
                                        \\=======[CO ]____/    \ \
   Key: ___   Access Lines
        ===   Trunk Links (inter-CO user data links)
        ...   Inter-CO signaling network links
        CO    Central Office (Telephone Exchange)

   ()  ()
     --            .................................
    /  \<---       ^             !                 !           /--\
   /----\   \      !             v                 !          ()  ()
      A'     \   [-!-]         [-!-]               !            --
              \__[CO ]=========[CO ]==\\           v        ->-/  \
                 [---]         [---]   \\        [-!-]     /  /----\
                                        \\=======[CO ]____/     B'
   Time = 14:00                                  [---]

                             /--\         [---]
                            ()  ()        [SN ]
                              --___       [|--]
                             /++\  \       |
                            /----\  \      |
                                     \     |
                               A      \   [|-!]
                                       \->[CO ]
                            Time = 13:55

    /--\         [---]
   ()  ()        [SN ]
     --          [|--]                                           /--\
    /  \<--       |   ...............................           ()  ()
   /----\  \      |  ^             !                !             --
            \     | /              v                v            /  \
      A'     \   [|-!]            [-!-]            [-!-]     ->-/----\
              \--[CO ]            [CO ]            [CO ]    /
                 [---]            [---]            [---]___/      B'
   Time = 14:00

              __          _____/     \_____
             [__]        /                 \
            [-++-]-.-.>.-.   Internet       .-.-
                         \_____     _______/   .
                               \___/           v
                                       [----]  .
                                       [SN ]

     __          _____/     \_____
    [__]        /                 \
   [----]-.-.-.-.   Internet       .-.-
                \_____     _______/   .
                      \___/           |
                              [----]  .
                 /--\         [-%-]
                ()  ()        [SN ]
                  --          [|--]                               /--\
                 /  \<--       |    ....................         ()  ()
                /----\  \      |   ^        !          !           --
                         \     |  /         v          v          /  \
                   A'     \   [|-!]       [-!-]      [-!-]    ->-/----\
                           \--[CO ]=======[CO ]======[CO ]   /
                              [---]       [---]      [---]__/      B'

                            Internet  __                     __
                            Server   [__]        _______    [__]
                               [W3S-]-. ___/    .-.-.-[W3C-] Internet
                     _________________|/.-.-.-.-.   \         Terminal
                    /               .. .             \
                    | Internet     / .  \             |
                    \___________  .  .   .           /
                                .    .      .
                               /      |       \
                            (A)      (B)      (E)
                           .          .          .
                         _|_         _|_         _|_
                        [SN ]<-(D)--[SMS]--(H)->[SCP]
                        [|-|]        ---        [-!-]
                        /  \                      !
                      (C)  (I)   ...........(F)...!.(G).
                     /        \  !                     !
                  [--|]       [|-!]                  [-!-]
                  [CO ]       [MSC]                  [SSP]
                  [---]       [---] \|/              [---]
             /--\   |           |____|                 |   /--\
            ()/\()  |                                  |  ()/\()
             /--\___|                1                 |___/--\
    Fixed PSTN Terminal             []            Fixed PSTN Terminal
                             Mobile Terminal

    _____             _______             _____
   |[W3C]|----(p0)-->| [W3S] |<--(p0)----|[W3C]|
   |[---]|           | [WSA] |           |[FS.]|
   |-----|           |   !   |           |[-!-]|
                     |  (p1) |           |--\--|
                     |   !   |               ^
                     |   !   |               (p6)
                     |   !   |                 \
                     |  (p1) |                  \
                     |   !   |                   \
                     |[Srvlt]|                    \
                     |___!___|                     \
                         !                          \
                        (p3)                         \
 Internet                !                            !
 .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. v .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.!.+.+.+.+.+.
 PSTN/IN  _______________!_________________       ____!_____ __________
          |I         [PktFlt]            I|       |[PktFlt]| |[PktFlt]|
          |N          Gateway            N|       |   !    | |   !    |
          |A ___________________________ A|       |   !    | |   !    |
          |P |                         | P|       |   !    | |[SNMPAg]|
  -(p4)-- |A | <-(p4)-> [SCP] <-(p4)-> | A|-(p5)->|[SR/IIP]| | [SMS]  |
  \       |d |          [-^-]          | d|       |[------]| | [-^-]  |
   \      |__|            !            |__|       |________| |___!____|
    \                     !                                      !
   [-v-]                  !-----------------(p9)-----------------!
 ___| |______
 |           |
 |  /--\     |    /--\
 | ()/\()    |   ()/\()
 |__/__\     |____/__\

    _____             _______
   |[W3C]|----(p0)-->| [W3S] |
   |[---]|           | [WSA] |
   |-----|           |   !   |
                     |  (p1) |
                     |   !   |
                     |   !   |
                     |   !   |
                     |  (p1) |
                     |   !   |
                     |___!___|                                   !
                         !                                      (p8)
                        (p3)                                     !
 Internet                !                                       v
 .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. v .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. ! .+.+
 PSTN/IN  _______________!__________________________________ ____!_____
          |          [PktFlt]        Service       [PktFlt]| |[PktFlt]|
          |              !             Node                | |   !    |
          |        [SCF Adaptor]                           | |   !    |
          |               !                                | |[SNMPAg]|
          |[SSF]<-(p4)->[SCF] <-------(p4)--------> [SRF]  | | [SMS]  |
          |[|--]        [-^-]                       [---]  | | [-^-]  |
          |_|_____________!________________________________| |___!____|
            |             !                                      !
   [-v-]  (p7)            !-----------------(p9)-----------------!
 ___| |_______
 |           |
 |  /--\     |    /--\
 | ()/\()    |   ()/\()
 |__/__\     |____/__\

    _____             ________
   |[W3C]|----(p0)-->| [W3S]  |
   |[---]|           | [WSA]  |
   |-----|           |   !    |
                     |  (p1)  |
                     |   !    |
    _____             ___v____
   |[CBC]|           | [CBS]  |
   |[---]|<---(p2)-->| [---]  |-<---------------------------------
   |-----|           |___!____|                                  !
                         !                                      (p8)
                        (p3)                                     !
 Internet                !                                       v
 .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. v .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. ! .+.+
 PSTN/IN  _______________!__________________________________ ____!_____
          |          [PktFlt]        Service       [PktFlt]| |[PktFlt]|
          |              !             Node                | |   !    |
          |        [SCF Adaptor]                           | |   !    |
          |               !                                | |[SNMPAg]|
          |[SSF]<-(p4)->[SCF] <-------(p4)--------> [SRF]  | | [SMS]  |
          |[|--]        [-^-]                       [---]  | | [-^-]  |
          |_|_____________!________________________________| |___!____|
            |             !                                      !
   [---]  (p7)            !-----------------(p9)-----------------!
 ___| |_______
 |           |
 |  /--\     |    /--\
 | ()/\()    |   ()/\()
 |__/__\     |____/__\

    _____             ________
   |[W3C]|----(p0)-->| [W3S]  |
   |[---]|           | [WSA]  |
   |-----|           |   !    |
                     |  (p1)  |
                     |   !    |
                     |[WS/   ]|
                     |[ SCTPS]|
  _______             ___v___
 |[SCTPC]|           |[SCTPS]|
 |[-----]| <-(p2)--> |[-----]|-<----------------------------------
 |-------|           |___!___|                                   !
                         !                                      (p8)
                        (p3)                                     !
 Internet                !                                       v
 .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. v .+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+. ! .+.+.
 PSTN/IN  _______________!__________________________________ ____!_____
          |          [PktFlt]        Service       [PktFlt]| |[PktFlt]|
          |              !             Node                | |   !    |
          |        [SCF Adaptor]                           | |   !    |
          |               !                                | |[SNMPAg]|
          |[SSF]<-(p4)->[SCF] <-------(p4)--------> [SRF]  | | [SMS]  |
          |[|--]        [-^-]                       [---]  | | [-^-]  |
          |_|_____________!________________________________| |___!____|
            |             !                                      !
   [---]  (p7)            !-----------------(p9)-----------------!
 ___| |_______
 |           |
 |  /--\     |    /--\
 | ()/\()    |   ()/\()
 |__/__\     |____/__\

    Web Users
    O --------------------------  | Internet |-------------------
                                  ------------                  |
   ----------------            --------------               ------------
   | Service Node |     D      | Service    |       B       |Web Server|
   |     (SN)     |------------| Management |---------------|          |
   |              |            |System (SMS)|               |          |
   |              |      A     --------------               |          |
   |              |-----------------------------------------|          |
   ----------------                                         ------------
      |         |
      | I       | C
      |         |
   ----------- ---------
   |Mobile   | |Central|
   |Switching| |Office |
   | Center  | ---------
   -----------     |
        |          |
        |          |
        O          O

             1        _____   / 2   _____
    /|________________|    |________|    |   PSTN
                      |____|  \     |____|
                      Call     \    / SCF\
                      Broker    \  /  SN  \
                                /          \
                               /            \
                              /              \
                             __              __
                             /\              /\

   l              l
   l Call Broker  l                  Authentication
   l  Server      l                  Function
   l  ______      l    Interface 2a   ______
   l |      |x x xlx x x x x x x x x  |    |
   l |______|x    l                   |____|
   l       x    x  l
   l        x    xl  Interface 2b
   lSession State lx
   l   Mnmgt. x   l  x            Usage Recording
   l  Function    l     x             Function
   l _______    x l       x          ______
   l |     |      l          x  x x  |    |
   l |_____|     xl                  |____|
                   x Interface 2c
                 |     |

   +------+    +--------+       +--------+    +------+
   |      |    |        | SCTP  |        |    |      |
   |      |----|        |-------|        |----|      |
   |      |    |        |       |        |    |      |
   +------+    +--------+       +--------+    +------+
   User's PC   Web Server/      PINT Gateway  SN/SCP/Switch

                 HTML        |      |  INTERNET
   +-----+    /--------------|      |
   |     |---/               +------+
   |     |                   Web Server
   |     |---\
   +-----+    \
   User's PC   \ SCTP        +------+       +------+
                \------------|      |-------|      | PSTN
                             |      |       |      |
                             +------+       +------+
                             PINT Gateway   SN/SCP/Switch

    /__\   \       .................................
            \      !             !                 !           /--\
     __      \   [-!-]         [-!-]               !          ()/\()
     \ \      \__[CO ]=========[CO ]==\\           !        ___/__\
    [Fax]________[---]         [---]   \\        [-!-]     /   __
                                        \\=======[CO ]____/    \ \
   Key: ___   Access Lines
        ===   Trunk Links (inter-CO user data links)
        ...   Inter-CO signaling network links

   ()  ()
    /++\   \       .................................           /--\
   /----\   \      ^             v                 !          ()  ()
      A      \   [-!-]         [-!-]               !            --
              \->[CO ]=========[CO ]==\\           v        ->-/  \
                 [---]         [---]   \\        [-!-]     /  /----\
                                        \\=======[CO ]____/     B
   Key: ___   Access Lines
        ===   Trunk Links (inter-CO user data links)
        ...   Inter-CO signaling network links
        CO    Central Office (Telephone Exchange)

                 [---]           [---]  [---]
    /--\         [SRF]           [SCF]  [SDF]
   ()/\()__      [|-!]           [-!-]  [-!-]
    /__\   \     ||  \.............!......!........
            \    ||  /           !                !          /--\
     __      \   [|-!]         [-!-]              !         ()/\()
     \ \      \__[SSF]         [CCF]              !       ___/__\
    [Fax]________[CCF]=========[---]==\\         [!--]   /   __
                                       \\========[CCF]__/    \ \
   Key: ___   access relationship
        ===   trunk relationship
        ...   signaling relationship

                 [---]           [---] [---]     [---]
    /--\         [I.P]           [SCP] [SDP]     [SN ]
   ()/\()__      [|-!]           [-!-] [-!-]     [--|]
    /__\   \     ||  \.............!.....!.....     |
            \    ||  /           !             \    |        /--\
     __      \   [|-!]         [-!-]            \   |       ()/\()
     \ \      \__[SSP]=========[CO ]==\\         \  |     ___/__\
    [Fax]________[---]         [---]   \\        [!-|]   /   __
                                        \\=======[CO ]__/    \ \

       | C |                       +------------+
       | e | <-------------------->| End entity |
       | r |       Operational     +------------+
       | t |       transactions          ^
       |   |      and management         |  Management
       | / |       transactions          |  transactions
       |   |                             |                PKI users
       | C |                             v
       | R |       -------------------+--+-----------+----------------
       | L |                          ^              ^
       |   |                          |              |  PKI management
       |   |                          v              |      entities
       | R |                       +------+          |
       | e | <---------------------| RA   | <---+    |
       | p |  Publish certificate  +------+     |    |
       | o |                                    |    |
       | s |                                    |    |
       | I |                                    v    v
       | t |                                +------------+
       | o | <------------------------------|     CA     |
       | r |   Publish certificate          +------------+
       | y |   Publish CRL                         ^
       |   |                                       |
       +---+                        Management     |
                                    transactions   |
                                               |  CA  |

   |  IPv6 header  | TCP header + data
   |               |
   | Next Header = |
   |      TCP      |

   |  IPv6 header  | Routing header | TCP header + data
   |               |                |
   | Next Header = |  Next Header = |
   |    Routing    |      TCP       |

   |  IPv6 header  | Routing header | Fragment header | fragment of TCP
   |               |                |                 |  header + data
   | Next Header = |  Next Header = |  Next Header =  |
   |    Routing    |    Fragment    |       TCP       |

   |  Unfragmentable  |                 Fragmentable                  |
   |       Part       |                     Part                      |

   |  Unfragmentable  |    first     |    second    |      |   last   |
   |       Part       |   fragment   |   fragment   | .... | fragment |
   +------------------+--------------+--------------+--//--+----------+ fragment packets:

   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|    first     |
   |       Part       | Header |   fragment   |

   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|    second    |
   |       Part       | Header |   fragment   |
   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|   last   |
   |       Part       | Header | fragment |

   |  Unfragmentable  |                 Fragmentable                   |
   |       Part       |                     Part                       |

   |            128 - N bits               |       N bits           |
   |            link prefix                |  interface identifier  |

       10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
     |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

     10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
   |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

     10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
   |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

      | 3 |  13 |    32     |   16   |          64 bits               |
      |FP | TLA | NLA ID    | SLA ID |         Interface ID           |
      |   | ID  |           |        |                                |

   most-significant                                    least-significant
   bit                                                               bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   most-significant                                    least-significant
   bit                                                               bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   most-significant                   least-significant
   bit                                              bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|

   most-significant                                    least-significant
   bit                                                               bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   | 10 bits  |        54 bits         |          64 bits            |
   |1111111010|           0            |    Interface Identifier     |

                   Tunnel from node B to node C
                 Tunnel                     Tunnel
                 Entry-Point                Exit-Point
                 Node                       Node
  +-+            +-+                        +-+            +-+
  +-+            +-+                        +-+            +-+
  Original                                                 Original
  Packet                                                   Packet
  Source                                                   Destination
  Node                                                     Node
                          Fig.1 Tunnel

                   Tunnel from Node B to Node C
                 Tunnel                      Tunnel
  Original       Entry-Point                 Exit-Point     Original
  Packet         Node                        Node           Packet
  Source                                                    Destination
  Node                                                      Node
  +-+            +-+                         +-+            +-+
  | |-->--//-->--| |=====>=====//=====>======| |-->--//-->--| |
  |A|            |B|                         |C|            |D|
  | |--<--//--<--| |=====<=====//=====<======| |--<--//--<--| |
  +-+            +-+                         +-+            +-+
  Original                                                  Original
  Packet                                                    Packet
  Destination    Tunnel                      Tunnel         Source
  Node           Exit-Point                  Entry-Point    Node
                 Node                        Node
                  Tunnel from Node C to Node B
              Fig.2 Bi-directional Tunneling Mechanism

                            | Original |                              |
                            |          |   Original Packet Payload    |
                            | Header   |                              |
                             <            Original Packet            >
       <Tunnel IPv6 Headers> <       Original Packet                 >

      +---------+ - - - - - +-------------------------//--------------+
      | IPv6    | IPv6      |                                         |
      |         | Extension |        Original Packet                  |
      | Header  | Headers   |                                         |
      +---------+ - - - - - +-------------------------//--------------+
       <                          Tunnel IPv6 Packet                 >

     +---------+- - - - - -+----------------------------------//-----+
     | IPv6    | IPv6      |                                         |
     |         | Extension |        Original Packet                  |
     | Header  | Headers   |                                         |
     +---------+- - - - - -+----------------------------------//-----+
      <                      Tunnel IPv6 Packet                     >
                           | Original |                              |
                           |          |   Original Packet Payload    |
                           | Headers  |                              |
                            <            Original Packet            >

                 Outer Tunnel
                 <--links--><-virtual link-><--links--->
                              Inner Tunnel

             Outer Tunnel                          Outer Tunnel
             Entry-Point                           Exit-Point
             Node                                  Node
  +-+        +-+        +-+            +-+         +-+        +-+
  | |        | |        | |            | |         | |        | |
  | |->-//->-| |=>=//=>=| |**>**//**>**| |=>=//=>==| |->-//->-| |
  | |        | |        | |            | |         | |        | |
  +-+        +-+        +-+            +-+         +-+        +-+
Original                Inner Tunnel   Inner Tunnel         Original
Packet                  Entry-Point    Exit-Point           Packet
Source                  Node           Node                 Destination
Node                                                        Node

 +-------+   +-------+   +-----------------------+
 | Upper |   | Upper |   | Upper                 |
 | Layer |   | Layer |   | Layer                 |
 | Proto.|   | Proto |   | IPv6 Tunnel           |
 | Error |   | Error |   | Error                 |
 | Input |   | Input |   | Input                 |
 |       |   |       |   |       Decapsulate     |
 |       |   |       |   |  -->--ICMPv6--#2->--  |
 |       |   |       |   |  |    Payload      |  |
 +-------+   +-------+   +--|-----------------|--+
     |           |          |                 |
     ^           ^          ^                 v
     |           |          |                 |
     --------------------#1--    -----Orig.Packet?--- - - - - - - -
              #1                #3  Int.Error Code, #5             |
Int.Error Code,^                 v  Source Address, v              v
ICMPv6 Payload |            IPv6 |  Orig. Packet    | IPv4         |
      +--------------+    +------------+     +------------+    + - - +
      |              |    |            |     |            |
      | ICMP v6      |    | ICMP v6    |     | ICMP v4    |    |     |
      | Input        |    | Err Report |     | Err Report |
      |  -  -  -  -  +----+  -  -  -  -|     +  -  -  -  -+    + - - +
      |                                |     |            |
      |            IPv6 Layer          |     | IPv4 Layer |    |     |
      |                                |     |            |
      +--------------------------------+     +------------+    + - - +
            |                    |                  |
            ^                    V                  V
            #0                   #4                 #6
            |                    |                  |
       Tunnel ICMPv6          ICMPv6             ICMPv4
         Message              Message            Message
            |                    |                  |

       +---------+      +--------+      +-------------------//------+
       | New     |      | ICMP   |      |                           |
(c.2)  | IPv4    |  +   |        |  +   | Orig. Packet in Error     |
       | Header  |      | Header |      |                           |
       +---------+      +--------+      +-------------------//------+
                 | New     | ICMP   |  Original                 |
(d.2)            | IPv4    |        |                           |
                 | Header  | Header |  Packet in Error          |
                  <             New ICMP Message               >

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |         DSCP          |  CU   |

                               |       |-------------------+
                        +----->| Meter |                   |
                        |      |       |--+                |
                        |      +-------+  |                |
                        |                 V                V
                  +------------+      +--------+      +---------+
                  |            |      |        |      | Shaper/ |
    packets =====>| Classifier |=====>| Marker |=====>| Dropper |=====>
                  |            |      |        |      |         |
                  +------------+      +--------+      +---------+

            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |   PRECEDENCE    |       TOS       |  0  |  0  |    RFC 791

            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |   PRECEDENCE    |       TOS                   |    RFC 1122

            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |   PRECEDENCE    |       TOS             | MBZ |    RFC 1349

            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |               DSCP                |    CU     |

    Mechanism                 Use          Section      Where
   | Path-MTU Discovery     | Recommended | 3.1        | S      |
   | FEC                    | Recommended | 3.2        | L      |
   | TCP Congestion Control |             |            |        |
   |   Slow Start           | Required    | 4.1.1      | S      |
   |   Congestion Avoidance | Required    | 4.1.1      | S      |
   |   Fast Retransmit      | Recommended | 4.1.2      | S      |
   |   Fast Recovery        | Recommended | 4.1.2      | S      |
   | TCP Large Windows      |             |            |        |
   |   Window Scaling       | Recommended | 4.2        | S,R    |
   |   PAWS                 | Recommended | 4.2        | S,R    |
   |   RTTM                 | Recommended | 4.2        | S,R    |
   | TCP SACKs              | Recommended | 4.4        | S,R    |
                                Table 1

                        |        |         |         |
                        |        |         |         |
                      +---+    +---+     +---+     +---+
                      | H1|    | H2|     | H3|     | R |
                      +---+    +---+     +---+     +---+

          10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
      |1111111010|         (zeros)       |      Interface Token       |

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
   |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
   |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

|                    UPDATE STATISTICS COUNTERS                       |
|                                                                     |
|<-------------- NEAR END ----------->| |<--------- FAR END --------->|
|                                                                     |

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#A | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#B | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |                     |
   |e    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#C | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#D | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

   |               UPDATE STATISTICS COUNTERS                       |
   |                                                                |
   |<------------- NEAR END ---------------->| |<---- FAR END ----->|
   |                                                                |

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

    10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
   |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

    |        Security Association Identifier (SPI), 32 bits         |
    |            Opaque Transform Data, variable length             |

             0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           :   msb of session context ID   :  (if 16-bit CID)
           |   lsb of session context ID   |
           | 0 | 0 | 0 | I | link sequence |
           :                               :
           +         UDP checksum          +  (if nonzero in context)
           :                               :
           :                               :
           +        "RANDOM" fields        +  (if encapsulated)
           :                               :
           :         delta IPv4 ID         :  (if I = 1)
           |           UDP data            |
           :   (uncompressed RTP header)   :

      +---+     cert. publish        +------------+      j
      |   |  <---------------------  | End Entity | <-------
      | C |             g            +------------+      "out-of-band"
      |   |                            | ^                loading
      | e |                            | |      initial
      | r |                          a | | b     registration/
      | t |                            | |       certification
      |   |                            | |      key pair recovery
      | / |                            | |      key pair update
      |   |                            | |      certificate update
      | C |  PKI "USERS"               V |      revocation request
      | R | -------------------+-+-----+-+------+-+-------------------
      | L |  PKI MANAGEMENT    | ^              | ^
      |   |    ENTITIES      a | | b          a | | b
      |   |                    V |              | |
      | R |             g   +------+    d       | |
      | e |   <------------ | RA   | <-----+    | |
      | p |      cert.      |      | ----+ |    | |
      | o |       publish   +------+   c | |    | |
      | s |                              | |    | |
      | i |                              V |    V |
      | t |          g                 +------------+   i
      | o |   <------------------------|     CA     |------->
      | r |          h                 +------------+  "out-of-band"
      | y |      cert. publish              | ^         publication
      |   |      CRL publish                | |
      +---+                                 | |    cross-certification
                                          e | | f  cross-certificate
                                            | |       update
                                            | |
                                            V |
                                          | CA-2 |

                        EE            RA            CA
                         ---- req ---->
                         <--- chall ---
                         ---- resp --->
                                       ---- req' --->
                                       <--- rep -----
                                       ---- conf --->
                         <--- rep -----
                         ---- conf --->

               ------------             -----------
               |ATM       |             |ATM       |
               |X-Connect |             |X-Connect |
        VCL1   |Point     |    VCL2     |Point     |  VCL3
               |          |             |          |
               ------------             ------------
                ATM Switch               ATM Switch

               ------------             -----------
               |ATM       |             |ATM       |
               |X-Connect |             |X-Connect |
        VPL1   |Point     |    VPL2     |Point     |  VPL3
               |          |             |          |
               ------------             ------------
                ATM Switch               ATM Switch

             |                                    |
             | ----------              ---------- |
             | | ATM    |              | ATM    | |
        VCL1 | | Switch |              | Switch | | VCL3
             | |        |              |        | |
             | ----------              ---------- |
             |                                    |
             |             ATM Network            |

       +--------+           +--------+           +--------+
    pvc|  ATM   |svc    svc |  ATM   |svc    svc |  ATM   |pvc
   ----| Switch |-----------| Switch |-----------| Switch |----
       +--------+           +--------+           +--------+

              ----------             ----------
       UNI    |  ATM   |    NNI      |  ATM   |     UNI
        |     | switch |     |       | switch |      |
   O<---|---->X(UPC)   |<----|------>|   (UPC)X<-----|--->O
        | VCL |        |     | VCL   |        |  VCL |
              ----------             ----------

     +--------+              +--------+              +--------+
     |  ATM   | IF a    IF b |  ATM   | IF c    IF d |  ATM   |
     | Device |--------------| Device |--------------| Device |
     +--------+              +--------+              +--------+

       MSB                                                   LSB
         |         |         |                |               |
         ^         ^         ^                ^
         |         |         |                |
    Max bits    Max Bits    Max              Max
    supported   supported   Active (config.) current (negotiated)
    by MIB      by h/w      Bits             Bits

                 |                         |
                 |     =============       |
                 |     |    AAL5   |       |
                 |     |   Entity  |       |
                 |     =============       |
                 |           |             |
                 |         -----Prop. Virtual Interface
                 |           |             |
                 |     =============       |
                 |     |   ATM     |       |
                 |     |  Entity   |       |
                 |     =============       |
                       |  |  |  |  |
                      ---------------- ATM UNIs
                       |  |  |  |  |
                       |  |  |  |  |
                       v  v  v  v  v

                     |                |
                     |   AAL5         |
                     |                |
                     | Prop. Virtual  |
                     |  Interface     |

                 |                         |
                 |     =============       |
                 |     |    AAL5   |       |
                 |     |   Entity  |       |
                 |     =============       |
                 |     |   ATM     |       |
                 |     |  Entity   |       |
                 |     =============       |
                           __|__ ATM UNI

     --           ________________________________
     --           |                              |
     --  VPL      | ATM Host, Switch, or Network |   VPL
     -- receive   |                              |  receive
     -- ========> X                              X <=======
     -- <======== X                              X ========>
     -- transmit  |                              |  transmit
     --           |______________________________|

     --      _________________________________________
     --      |                                       |
     --  Low |         ATM Switch or Network         | High
     --  port|                                       | port
     -- _____|>> from low to high VPC traffic flow >>|______
     --      |<< from high to low VPC traffic flow <<|
     --      |                                       |
     --      |_______________________________________|

   Current lock state/  |   Shared Lock   |   Exclusive
   Lock request         |                 |   Lock
   None                 |   True          |   True
   Shared Lock          |   True          |   False
   Exclusive Lock       |   False         |   False*

                         Tier 1
                    +-- Provider <--+
                    |               |
o aggregates routes |               |  o announces customer routes
  it originates     |               |  o aggregates routes it originates
                    |               ^  o uses "no-export" if appropriate
                    +---> Tier 2 <--+
                         Provider   |
                    V               |
                    |               |
o aggregates routes |               |  o announces customer routes
  it originates     |               |  o aggregates routes it originates
                    |               |  o uses "no-export" if appropriate
                    |               |
                    |               ^
                    -> Customer AS

                         access router
                        | x.x.x.x/20 |
                         |     |    |
                         |     |    |
                         /24   /22  /25

         |    0         1         2         3         4
         | Initial    Cookie  CookieBad   Value    ValueBad
    DU13 |rto,scq/1 rto,scq/1 rto,scq/1     3         4
    SF0  |rto,scq/1     1         2         3         4
    SF4  |rto,scq/1     1         2         3         4
    SF5  |rto,scq/1     1         2         3         4
    WC   |rto,scq/1     1         2         3         4
    RCR+ |    -     rto,svq/3 rto,svq/3     3         4
    RCR- |    0         1         2         3         4
    RVR+ |    -         -         -     rto,siq/5 rto,siq/5
    RVR- |    0         1         2         3         4
    RIR+ |    -         -         -         -         -
    RIR- |    0         1         2         3         4
    RUN+ |    -         -         -         -         -
    RUN- |  sbc/0     sbc/1     sbc/2     sbc/3     sbc/4
    RUM+ |    -         -         -         -         -
    RUM- |  sbc/0     sbc/1     sbc/2     sbc/3     sbc/4
    RBC  |    -         -         -         4         4
    RRL  |    -       brto/2    brto/2    brto/4    brto/4
    RVF  |    -         -         -         -         -
    RMR  |    -         -         -         -         -
     TO+ |    -       scq/1     scq/2     svq/3     svq/4
     TO- |    -         0       scq/1       0       scq/1
    UTO  |    -         -         -         -         -
    XTO  |    -         0         0         0         0

         |    5         6         8
         |Identity IdentityBad  Update
    DU13 |    5         6         8
    SF0  |    5         6     rto,scq/1
    SF4  |    5         6     rto,scq/1
    SF5  |    5         6     rto,scq/1
    WC   |    5         6       sun/8
    RCR+ |    5         6         8
    RCR- |    5         6         8
    RVR+ |    5         6         8
    RVR- |    5         6         8
    RIR+ |  uto/8     uto/8       8
    RIR- |  svf/5     svf/6       8
    RUN+ |    -         -       sum/8
    RUN- |  sbc/5     sbc/6     se*/8
    RUM+ |    -         -         8
    RUM- |  sbc/5     sbc/6     se*/8
    RBC  |    6         6     rto,scq/1
    RRL  |    5         6       buto/8
    RVF  |  log/5     log/6     log/8
    RMR  |  log/5     log/6     log/8
     TO+ |  sim/5     sim/6       -
     TO- |    0       scq/1       -
    UTO  |    -         -       sum/8
    XTO  |    0         0         0

         |    0         7         8
         | Initial    Ready     Update
    WC   |    -         7       sun/8
    RCQ+ |  scr/0     scr/7     scr/8
    RCQ- |  srl/0     srl/7     srl/8
    RVQ+ |xto,svr/7   svr/7     svr/8
    RVQ- |  sbc/0     sbc/7     sbc/8
    RIQ+ |    -     uto,sir/8   sir/8
    RIQ- |  sbc/0     se*/7     se*/8
    RUN+ |    -         -       sum/8
    RUN- |  sbc/0     sbc/7     se*/8
    RUM+ |    -         -         8
    RUM- |  sbc/0     sbc/7     se*/8
    RBC  |    -         7     rto,scq/1
    RRL  |    -         -       buto/8
    RVF  |    -         -       log/8
    RMR  |    -         -       log/8
    UTO  |    -         -       sum/8
    XTO  |    -         0         0

   |         Protocols| SMTP |  IMAP | POP | EMSD |
   |Functions         |      |       |     |      |
   |Submission        | XX   |       |     | XXX  |
   |Delivery          | XXX  |       |     | XXX  |
   |Relay (Routing)   | XXX  |       |     |      |
   |Retrieval         |      |  XXX  | XXX |  XX  |
   |Mailbox Access    |      |  XXX  |  X  |      |
   |Mailbox Synch.    |      |  XXX  |     |      |

   | MTS                                         |
   |                                             |
   |  +-------------------------+                |
   |  | MRS                     |                |
   |  |  +---+          +---+   |                |
   |  |  |   |          | M |   |         +---+  |
   |  |  |   |<-------->| T |<----------->|   |  |
   |  |  |   |          | A |   |         |   |  |               +---+
   |  |  |   |          +---+   |         | E |  |               | E |
   |  |  |   |                  |         | M |  |               | M |
   |  |  | M |                  |         | S |  |   EMSD-P&FS   | S |
   |  |  | T |<-------------------------->| D |<---------------->| D |
   |  |  | A |                  |         | - |  |               | - |
   |  |  |   |          +---+   |         | S |  |               | U |
   |  |  |   |          | M |   |         | A |  |               | A |
   |  |  |   |<-------->| T |<----------->|   |  |               +---+
   |  |  |   |          | A |   |         |   |  |
   |  |  +---+          +---+   |         +---+  |
   |  |                         |                |
   |  +-------------------------+                |
   |                                             |
   |                                             |

  |Operation         |Invoker|Sap |Performer|Sap |Duplicate|OpId |ESROS|
  |                  |       |Sel |         |Sel |Detect   |     |Use  |
  |submit            |UA     |4   |MTS      |5   |Yes      |33   |3-Way|
  |deliver           |MTS    |2   |UA       |3   |Yes      |35   |3-Way|
  |deliveryControl   |UA     |8   |MTS      |9   |No       |2    |2-Way|
  |submissionControl |MTS    |6   |UA       |7   |No       |4    |2-Way|
  |submissionVerify  |MTS    |6   |UA       |7   |No       |6    |2-Way|
  |deliveryVerify    |UA     |8   |MTS      |9   |No       |5    |2-Way|
  |getConfiguration  |UA     |8   |MTS      |9   |No       |7    |2-Way|
  |setConfiguration  |MTS    |6   |UA       |7   |No       |8    |2-Way|

   |              64 bits            |      57 bits     |   7 bits   |
   |           subnet prefix         | 1111110111...111 | anycast ID |
                                     |   interface identifier field  |

   |              n bits             |    121-n bits    |   7 bits   |
   |           subnet prefix         | 1111111...111111 | anycast ID |
                                     |   interface identifier field  |

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|
          ^                                                     ^^^^^^^
          +--- universal/local bit        anycast identifier ---+-----+

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|
                                          anycast identifier ---+-----+

    | Type  |Length | must be zero  |        IPv4 Address           |

        |  239  |  OLS  | DST14 | DST15 |

       P(C) = TRUE <- : -> P(C) = FALSE
           +----------:----------+  This box represents some
           |          :          |  set of feature collections (C)
           | Included : Excluded |  that is constrained by the
           |          :          |  predicate P.

                                         +....... cs.columbia.edu .......+
                                         :                               :
                                         : (~~~~~~~~~~)                  :
                                         : ( location )                  :
                                         : ( service  )                  :
                                         : (~~~~~~~~~~)                  :
                                         :     ^    |                    :
                                         :     | hgs@lab                 :
                                         :    2|   3|                    :
                                         :     |    |                    :
                                         : henning  |                    :
+.. cs.tu-berlin.de ..+ 1: INVITE        :     |    |                    :
:                     :    henning@cs.col:     |   \/ 4: INVITE  5: ring :
: cz@cs.tu-berlin.de ========================>(~~~~~~)=========>(~~~~~~) :
:                    <........................(      )<.........(      ) :
:                     : 7: 200 OK        :    (      )6: 200 OK (      ) :
:                     :                  :    ( work )          ( lab  ) :
:                     : 8: ACK           :    (      )9: ACK    (      ) :
:                    ========================>(~~~~~~)=========>(~~~~~~) :
+.....................+                  +...............................+

                                         +....... cs.columbia.edu .......+
                                         :                               :
                                         : (~~~~~~~~~~)                  :
                                         : ( location )                  :
                                         : ( service  )                  :
                                         : (~~~~~~~~~~)                  :
                                         :    ^   |                      :
                                         :    | hgs@lab                  :
                                         :   2|  3|                      :
                                         :    |   |                      :
                                         : henning|                      :
+.. cs.tu-berlin.de ..+ 1: INVITE        :    |   |                      :
:                     :    henning@cs.col:    |   \/                     :
: cz@cs.tu-berlin.de =======================>(~~~~~~)                    :
:       | ^ |        <.......................(      )                    :
:       | . |         : 4: 302 Moved     :   (      )                    :
:       | . |         :    hgs@lab       :   ( work )                    :
:       | . |         :                  :   (      )                    :
:       | . |         : 5: ACK           :   (      )                    :
:       | . |        =======================>(~~~~~~)                    :
:       | . |         :                  :                               :
+.......|...|.........+                  :                               :
        | . |                            :                               :
        | . |                            :                               :
        | . |                            :                               :
        | . |                            :                               :
        | . | 6: INVITE hgs@lab.cs.columbia.edu                 (~~~~~~) :
        | . ==================================================> (      ) :
        | ..................................................... (      ) :
        |     7: 200 OK                  :                      ( lab  ) :
        |                                :                      (      ) :
        |     8: ACK                     :                      (      ) :
        ======================================================> (~~~~~~) :

              *           *
  ...........>*  Initial  *<;;;;;;;;;;
  : 7 INVITE  *           *          ;
  :   sent    +===========+          ;
  :                 |                ;
  :                 |    -           ;
  :                 |  INVITE        ;
  :                 |                ;
  :                 v                ;
  :           *************          ;
  : T1*2^n <--*           *          ;
  : INVITE -->*  Calling  *--------+ ;
  :           *           *        | ;
  :           *************        | ;
  :             :   |              | ;
  :.............:   | 1xx      xxx | ;
                    |  -       ACK | ;
                    |              | ;
                    v              | ;
              *************        | ;
              *           *        | ;
              *  Ringing  *<->1xx  | ;
              *           *        | ;
              *************        | ;
                    |              | ;
                    |<-------------+ ;
                    |                ;
                    v                ;
              *************          ;
      xxx  <--*           *          ;
      ACK  -->* Completed *          ;
              *           *          ;
              *************          ;
                    ; 32s (for proxy);

   7 pkts sent  +===============+
+-------------->*               *
|               *   Initial     *<...............
|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>*               *               :
|;              +===============+               :
|; CANCEL               !                       :
|;  200                 !  INVITE               :
|;                      !   1xx                 :
|;                      !                       :
|;                      v                       :
|;              *****************          BYE  :
|;    INVITE -->*               *          200  :
|;      1xx  <--* Call proceed. *..............>:
|;              *               *               :
|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*****************               :
|;                    !   !                     :
|:                    !   !                     :
|;         failure    !   !  picks up           :
|;         >= 300     !   !    200              :
|;            +-------+   +-------+             :
|;            v                   v             :
|;       ***********         ***********        :
|;INVITE<*         *<T1*2^n->*         *>INVITE :
|;status>* failure *>status<-* success *<status :
|;       *         *         *         *        :
|;;;;;;;;***********         ***********        :
|             ! : |            |  !  :          :
|             ! : |            |  !  :          :
+-------------!-:-+------------+  !  :          :
              ! :.................!..:.........>:
              !                   !         BYE :
              +---------+---------+         200 :
  event                 ! ACK                   :
message sent            v                       :
                *****************               :
            V---*               *               :
           ACK  *   Confirmed   *               :
            |-->*               *               :
                *****************               .

                            |            |
               +------------|  tester    |<-------------+
               |            |            |              |
               |            +------------+              |
               |                                        |
               |            +------------+              |
               |            |            |              |
               +----------->|    DUT     |--------------+
                            |            |
                              Figure 1

         +--------+         +------------+          +----------+
         |        |         |            |          |          |
         | sender |-------->|    DUT     |--------->| receiver |
         |        |         |            |          |          |
         +--------+         +------------+          +----------+
                              Figure 2

                               |           |
         +---------------------|  tester   |<---------------------+
         |                     |           |                      |
         |                     +-----------+                      |
         |                                                        |
         |        +----------+               +----------+         |
         |        |          |               |          |         |
         +------->|  DUT 1   |-------------->|   DUT 2  |---------+
                  |          |               |          |
                  +----------+               +----------+

                     ---------| in A  out X|--------
                     ---------| in B  out Y|--------
                     ---------| in C  out Z|--------

                      +--------+            +------------+
                      |        |            |  phantom   |------ P LAN
            IN A------|   DUT  |------------|            |------ P LAN
                      |        |   OUT A    |  router    |------ P LAN
                      +--------+            +------------+

        Alt |       Plot of Traffic Shaping showing carriers in flight
         2k |           ....................
            |          .                    .
            |         .                      .
         1k |        .                        .
            |   +---+                          +---+
            |   | A |                          | B |
            |   +---+                          +---+

   +--------+    .   .    +--------+    .   .    +-----------+
   |        |-- Search -->|        |-- Search -->|           |+
   |        |    :   :    |        |    :   :    |           ||
   |        |-- Locate -->|        |-- Locate -->|           ||
   |Customer|    :   :    | Broker |    :   :    |Supplier(s)||
   |        |-- Order --->|        |-- Order --->|           ||
   |        |    :   :    |        |    :   :    |           ||
   |        |<- Deliver --|        |<- Deliver --|           ||
   +--------+    :   :    +--------+    :   :    +-----------+|
                 :   :                  :   :     +-----------+
                Helpers                Helpers
             <Authentication> <Payment> <Security>

             * The rest of the Broker *
                    |  -abstract primitives
                 | Functional |
                 |    Unit    |
                    |  -technology-specific commands
             * Technology functions *

             |       Functional Unit Manager        |
                    ^                       ^
                    | -abstract primitives- |
                    v                       v
               +------------+        +------------+
               | Functional |        | Functional |
               |    Unit    |        |    Unit    |
               +------------+        +------------+
                ^                                ^
                | -technology-specific commands- |
                v                                v
              * Technology *          * Technology *
              * functions  *          * functions  *

             |           Broker Kernel             |
                  ^            ^              ^
                  | -abstract- | -primitives- |
                  v            v              v
              +-------+     +-------+     +-------+
              |  FUM  |     |  FUM  |     |  FUM  |
              +-------+     +-------+     +-------+

                        The GAIA Broker:
   (Customer))   (Alerting))  (  DS   ))  (Auth))  (Payment))
   (   FUs  ))   (   FUs  ))  (  FUs  ))  ( FUs))  (  FUs  ))
   (e.g.HTTP))   (e.g. SMS))  (eg LDAP))  (    ))  (e.g.SET))
       \/            \/           \/        \/        \/
   [Customer]     [Alerting]    [ DS  ]  [ Auth ]  [Payment]
   [  FUM   ]     [  FUM   ]    [ FUM ]  [  FUM ]  [  FUM  ]
       |              |            |         |         |
    |                  Broker Kernel                           |
       |             |            |            |            |
   [ Search ]    [ Locate ]    [ Order ]   [ Stream ]   [Discrete]
   [  FUM   ]    [  FUM   ]    [  FUM  ]   [Delivery]   [Delivery]
   [        ]    [        ]    [       ]   [  FUM   ]   [  FUM   ]
       /\            /\           /\           /\           /\
   ( Search  ))  ( Locate  ))  (  Order   ))  ( SD   ))  ( DD   ))
   (   FUs   ))  (   FUs   ))  (  FUs     ))  ( FUs  ))  ( FUs  ))
   (eg Z39.50))  (eg Z39.50))  (eg ISO ILL))  (eg RTP))  (eg FTP))

                              |Broker          |
                              |                |
                              |   --------     |
      +-----------+           |  [ Kernel ]    |
      |  Broker   |           |   --------     |
      |    or     |           |  [Customer]    |
      | Customer  |           |  [  FUM   ]    |
      |           |           |  ========== <-GAIA Customer
      |        *  |           |  *       *     | \interface
      | { O R B *}* * * * * * *{* O  R  B * }  |
      +-----------+    iiop   |            *   |         +----------+
                              |     (Customer) |         | Customer |
                              |     (   FU   ) |         |          |
                              +------------I---+         +----I-----+
                                            \      HTTP      /
                                             - - -      - - -

   | Minimal Profile                                 |
   | Customer               | HTTP 1.1 (server),     |
   |                        | HTML 2.0               |

   | Basic Profile                                                  |
   | Customer               | GAIA Customer interface/IIOP (server) |
   | Search and Locate      | GAIA Customer interface/IIOP (client) |
   |        (Discovery)     |                                       |
   | Order                  | GAIA Customer interface/IIOP (client) |
   | Directory              | Some directory access protocol,       |
   |                        | such as LDAP                          |

   | Discovery Extension Module                      |
   | Searching,             | Z39.50 (client)        |
   | Locating               |                        |

   | Order Extension Module                          |
   | Order                  | ISO ILL (client)       |

   | Discrete Delivery Extension Module                     |
   | FTP profile            | FTP (client+server)           |
   | Email profile          | Internet e-mail [SMTP,RFC822] |
   |                        |   (receiver+sender),          |
   |                        | MIME                          |
   | Document delivery      | GEDI version 3.0              |

   | Stream Delivery Extension Module                   |
   | Compression              | MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3    |
   | Data transfer            | RTP (client+server)     |
   | Mapping                  | RFC 2250                |
   | Session control protocol | RTCP                    |

   | Security Extension Module                                 |
   | Privacy, integrity, non-repudiation  | SSL v 3.0, PKCS #7 |
   | Remote, client/server authentication | GSS v5             |
   | Certification services               | PKIX certification |
   |                                      |      protocol      |

   | Payment Extension Module                           |
   | Payment                | SET v 1.0 :               |
   |                        | 1) CA server for banks    |
   |                        | 2) Cardholder wallet      |
   |                        | 3) Merchant Server        |
   |                        | 4) Payment Gateway server |

   | Alerting Extension Module                           |
   | Alerting  | Internet e-mail [SMTP,RFC822] (sender), |
   |           | SMS                                     |

   | Discovery Extension Module                         |
   | Searching,             | Z39.50 (server)           |
   | Locating               |                           |

                |             |          |    |  >
                |             |          |    |  |
                |    VT 1     |..........|VT K|   > K ifEntries
                |             |          |    |  |
                |_____________|__________|____|  >
                |               |      |      |  >
                |               |      |      |  |
                |    Path 1     |......|Path L|   > L ifEntries
                |               |      |      |  |
                |_______________|______|______|  >
                |                             |  >
                |                             |  |
                |    Line                     |  |
                |                             |  |
                |_____________________________|  |
                |                             |  |
                |                             |  |
                |    Section Layer            |   > 1 ifEntry
                |                             |  |
                |_____________________________|  |
                |                             |  |
                |                             |  |
                |    Physical Medium Layer    |  |
                |                             |  |
                |_____________________________|  >

   |                                                              |
   |    LOF   CV    AIS  CV   RDI FEBE   AIS  LOP  CV   RDI  CV   |
     |   |     |     |    |    |   |      |    |    |    |    |
     |   |     |     |    |    |   |      |    |    |    |    |
     V   V     V     V    V    V   V      V    V    V    V    V

                  !length !type!data                  !

           |                                              |
           | Client LU                    Target SNA Host |
           |                                              |
           |                               Timestamps     |
           |              request              A          |
           | ----------------------------------------->   |
           |              reply(DR)            B      |   |
           | <---------------------------------------<    |
           | |            +/-RSP               C          |
           | >--------------------------------------->    |
           |                                              |
           | DR:     Definite Response requested          |
           | +/-RSP: Definite Response                    |
           |                                              |

           |                                              |
           | Client            TN3270E           Target   |
           |                    Server          SNA Host  |
           |                   Timestamps                 |
           |                                              |
           | <---IP Network-------><---SNA Network--->    |
           |                                              |
           |      request         D                       |
           | ------------------------------------------>  |
           |      reply(DR)       E                    |  |
           | <----------------------------------------<   |
           | |    +/-RSP          F                       |
           |  >-------------------- - - - - - - - - - >   |
           |                                              |

           |                                              |
           | Client            TN3270E            Target  |
           |                    Server           SNA Host |
           |                   Timestamps         (PLU)   |
           |                    (SLU)           Timestamps|
           | <---IP Network-------><---SNA Network--->    |
           |                                              |
           |      request         D                 A     |
           | ------------------------------------------>  |
           |      reply(DR)       E                 B  |  |
           | <----------------------------------------<   |
           | |    +/-RSP          F                 C     |
           |  >-------------------------------------->    |
           |                                              |

        |                                                        |
        | Client            TN3270E            Target SNA        |
        |                    Server              Host            |
        |                   Timestamps                           |
        |                                                        |
        | <---IP Network-------><---SNA Network--->              |
        |                                                        |
        |      request         D    (BB,CD,OIC,ER)               |
        | ------------------------------------------->           |
        |      reply(DR)            (FIC,ER,EB)      |           |
        | <-----------------------------------------<            |
        |      reply                (MIC,ER)                     |
        | <-----------------------------------------<            |
        |      reply                (MIC,ER)                     |
        | <-----------------------------------------<            |
        |      reply           E    (LIC,DR)                     |
        | <-----------------------------------------<            |
        | |    +/-RSP          F                                 |
        |  >---------------------------------------->            |
        |                                                        |
        | BB : Begin Bracket    ER : Response by exception       |
        | EB : End Bracket      DR : Definite Response Requested |
        | CD : Change Direction FIC : First in chain             |
        | OIC: Only in chain    MIC: Middle in chain             |
        | LIC: Last in chain                                     |

        |                                                 |
        | Client            TN3270E             Target    |
        |                    Server              Host     |
        |                   Timestamps                    |
        |                                                 |
        | <---IP Network-------><---SNA Network--->       |
        |                                                 |
        |      request         D    (BB,CD,OIC,ER)        |
        | ------------------------------------------->    |
        |      reply                (FIC,ER,EB)      |    |
        | <-----------------------------------------<     |
        |      reply                (MIC,ER)              |
        | <-----------------------------------------<     |
        |      reply                (MIC,ER)              |
        | <-----------------------------------------<     |
        |      reply           E    (LIC,ER)              |
        | <-----------------------------------------<     |
        |     TIMING-MARK Rqst E'                         |
        | <---------------------                          |
        | |    TIMING-MARK Rsp F'                         |
        |  >------------------->                          |
        |                                                 |

            |                                            |
            |          Response Time Boundaries          |
            | |       |       |       |       |       |  |
            | |       |       |       |       |       |  |
            | |       |       |       |       |      no  |
            | 0      B-1     B-2     B-3     B-4    bound|
            | |       |       |       |       |       |  |
            | |Bucket1|Bucket2|Bucket3|Bucket4|Bucket5|  |
            | -----------------------------------------  |
            |                                            |

                          v               v               v
                          |               |               |
                          |     Begins initialization     |
                          |               |               |
                          | _____________/|\____________  |
                          |/DHCPDISCOVER  | DHCPDISCOVER \|
                          |               |               |
                      Determines          |          Determines
                     configuration        |         configuration
                          |               |               |
                          |               |  ____________/|
                          |               | /DHCPOFFER    |
                          |               |/              |
                          |               |               |
                          |       Collects replies        |
                          |               |               |
                          |     Selects configuration     |
                          |               |               |
                          |--AutoConfigs--|- NO IP ADDR --|
                          .               .               .
                          .               .               .
                          |               |               |
                          |      Graceful shutdown        |
                          |               |               |
                          |               |               |
                          v               v               v

                                                  | File  |
                             +---------+         /+-------+
          +-------------+    | Generic |        /
          | transaction |----|  I/O    |-------<
          |   stream    |    | Channel |        \  +------------+
          +-------------+    +---------+         \ | open or    |
                                                  \| listening  |
                                                   | connection |

  |                  version-number             |   2 bytes  - required
  |               operation-id (request)        |
  |                      or                     |   2 bytes  - required
  |               status-code (response)        |
  |                   request-id                |   4 bytes  - required
  |               xxx-attributes-tag            |   1 byte  |
  -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
  |             xxx-attribute-sequence          |   n bytes |
  |              end-of-attributes-tag          |   1 byte   - required
  |                     data                    |   q bytes  - optional

  |                   value-tag                 |   1 byte  |
  -----------------------------------------------           |
  |            name-length  (value is 0x0000)   |   2 bytes |
  -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
  |              value-length (value is w)      |   2 bytes |
  -----------------------------------------------           |
  |                     value                   |   w bytes |

  |                  version-number             |   2 bytes  - required
  |               operation-id (request)        |
  |                      or                     |   2 bytes  - required
  |               status-code (response)        |
  |                   request-id                |   4 bytes  - required
  |        tag (delimiter-tag or value-tag)     |   1 byte  |
  -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
  |           empty or rest of attribute        |   x bytes |
  |              end-of-attributes-tag          |   2 bytes  - required
  |                     data                    |   y bytes  - optional

   embedded printer:
                                             output device
    O   +--------+                         |  ###########  |
   /|\  | client |------------IPP------------># Printer #  |
   / \  +--------+                         |  # Object  #  |
                                           |  ###########  |

   hosted printer:
    O   +--------+        ###########      |               |
   /|\  | client |--IPP--># Printer #-any->| output device |
   / \  +--------+        # Object  #      |               |
                          ###########      +---------------+

   fan out:                                 |               |
                                        +-->| output device |
                                    any/    |               |
    O   +--------+      ###########   /     +---------------+
   /|\  | client |-IPP-># Printer #--*
   / \  +--------+      # Object  #   \     +---------------+
                        ########### any\    |               |
                                        +-->| output device |
                                            |               |

                                                      +----> canceled
       +----> pending --------> processing ---------+------> completed
       |         ^                   ^               \
   --->+         |                   |                +----> aborted
       |         v                   v               /
       +----> pending-held    processing-stopped ---+

   The following figure shows the set of documents that fit within the
   SNMP Architecture.
   +------------------------- Document Set ----------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   | +----------+              +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   | | Document |              | Applicability * |  | Coexistence    | |
   | | Roadmap  |              | Statement       |  | & Transition   | |
   | +----------+              +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Message Handling                                              | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Transport      |  | Message         |  | Security        |  | |
   | | | Mappings       |  | Processing and  |  |                 |  | |
   | | |                |  | Dispatcher      |  |                 |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | PDU Handling                                                  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Protocol       |  | Applications    |  | Access          |  | |
   | | | Operations     |  |                 |  | Control         |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Information Model                                             | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | | | Structure of |   | Textual      |    | Conformance   |      | |
   | | | Management   |   | Conventions  |    | Statements    |      | |
   | | | Information  |   |              |    |               |      | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | MIB Modules written in various formats, e.g.:                 | |
   | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +----------+ +----------+     | |
   | | | Standard v1 | | Standard v1 | | Historic | | Draft v2 |     | |
   | | | RFC 1157    | | RFC 1212    | | RFC 14xx | | RFC 19xx |     | |
   | | | format      | | format      | | format   | | format   |     | |
   | | +-------------+ +-------------+ +----------+ +----------+     | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |

   |  SNMP entity                                                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  | Dispatcher | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem |  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  Application(s)                                             |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Proxy        |        |  |
   |  |  | Generator   |  | Receiver     |  | Forwarder    |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Other        |        |  |
   |  |  | Responder   |  | Originator   |  |              |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Message Processing Subsystem                                    |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |
   |  | SNMPv3     |  | SNMPv1     |  | SNMPv2c    |  | Other      |  |
   |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  |
   |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  |
   |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  |
   |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Security Subsystem                                              |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |  |              * |  |               * |  |                 * |  |
   |  | User-Based     |  | Other           |  | Other             |  |
   |  | Security       |  | Security        |  | Security          |  |
   |  | Model          |  | Model           |  | Model             |  |
   |  |                |  |                 |  |                   |  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Access Control Subsystem                                        |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
   |  |             * |   |               * |   |                * |  |
   |  | View-Based    |   | Other           |   | Other            |  |
   |  | Access        |   | Access          |   | Access           |  |
   |  | Control       |   | Control         |   | Control          |  |
   |  | Model         |   | Model           |   | Model            |  |
   |  |               |   |                 |   |                  |  |
   |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

                       (traditional SNMP manager)
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+  SNMP entity |
   | | NOTIFICATION |  | NOTIFICATION |  |   COMMAND    |              |
   | |  ORIGINATOR  |  |   RECEIVER   |  |  GENERATOR   |              |
   | | applications |  | applications |  | applications |              |
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+              |
   |         ^                ^                 ^                      |
   |         |                |                 |                      |
   |         v                v                 v                      |
   |         +-------+--------+-----------------+                      |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |     +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                 |     | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher      v     | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->+                  |  |                | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | | Transport         | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | | (e.g RFC1906)     | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |          ^            +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
   |          v                                                        |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   |           Network            |

   An SNMP entity containing one or more command responder and/or
   notification originator applications (along with their associated
   SNMP engine) has traditionally been called an SNMP agent.
   |           Network            |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+              (traditional SNMP agent)
   |              ^                                                    |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              |        | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher   v        | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | Transport         | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | | (e.g. RFC1906)    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->|  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | +-------------------+ |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   |              ^        |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY  * | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | application |   |         |   | applications |  | application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

   | SNMP engine                v             |
   |                    +--------------+      |
   |                    |              |      |
   |  +-----------------| securityName |---+  |
   |  | Security Model  |              |   |  |
   |  |                 +--------------+   |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  |                         v          |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  | Model                        |  |  |
   |  |  | Dependent                    |  |  |
   |  |  | Security ID                  |  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  +-------------------------|----------+  |
   |                            |             |
   |                            |             |

   |  SNMP entity (identified by snmpEngineID, example: abcd)        |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  | SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | | Dispatcher  | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    | | |
   |  | |             | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   | | |
   |  | |             | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem | | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  |  Command Responder Application                             | |
   |  |  (contextEngineID, example: abcd)                          | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  example contextNames:                                     | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  "bridge1"          "bridge2"            "" (default)      | |
   |  |  ---------          ---------            ------------      | |
   |  |      |                  |                   |              | |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |         |                  |                   |                |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |  |  MIB | instrumentation  |                   |              | |
   |  |  +---v------------+ +---v------------+ +----v-----------+  | |
   |  |  | context        | | context        | | context        |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  | | bridge MIB | | | | bridge MIB | | | | some  MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | | other MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |

   Command           Dispatcher               Message           Security
   Generator            |                     Processing           Model
   |                    |                     Model                    |
   |      sendPdu       |                        |                     |
   |------------------->|                        |                     |
   |                    | prepareOutgoingMessage |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | generateRequestMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |------------------+     |                     |
   :                    | Send SNMP        |     |                     |
   :                    | Request Message  |     |                     |
   :                    | to Network       |     |                     |
   :                    |                  v     |                     |
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    |                  |     |                     |
   :                    | Receive SNMP     |     |                     |
   :                    | Response Message |     |                     |
   :                    | from Network     |     |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------+     |                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |   prepareDataElements  |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | processIncomingMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   | processResponsePdu |                        |                     |
   |<-------------------|                        |                     |
   |                    |                        |                     |

   Command               Dispatcher            Message          Security
   Responder                 |                 Processing          Model
   |                         |                 Model                   |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   | registerContextEngineID |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|              |     |                    |
   |                         | Receive SNMP |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | from Network |     |                    |
   :                         |<-------------+     |                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |prepareDataElements |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    | processIncomingMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   |     processPdu          |                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|                    |                    |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   :                         :                    :                    :
   :                         :                    :                    :
   |    returnResponsePdu    |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   :                         | prepareResponseMsg |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    |generateResponseMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |--------------+     |                    |
   :                         | Send SNMP    |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | to Network   |     |                    |
   :                         |              v     |                    |

   | SNMP Entity                                                       |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Applications                                                  | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification |                               | |
   | | | Generator |  | Originator   | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Proxy     | | Other         | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Forwarder | |Application(s)|| |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | | Responder |  | Receiver     |                               | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |        ^                ^               ^           ^             |
   |        |                |               |           |             |
   |        v                v               v           v             |
   |        +--------+-------+---------------+-----------+             |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |    +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |                 |    | Message Processing  |  | Security        | |
   | Dispatcher      v    | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem       | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher   | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other       | | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model       | | |
   | | Message          | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <-------->+                  |  |                 | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based  | | |
   | | Transport        | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | | Mapping          | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model       | | |
   | | (e.g RFC 1906)   | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   |          ^           +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
     |   Network        |

 |                                                                    |
 |      +-> securityModel -+                                          |
 |      |   (a)            |                                          |
 | who -+                  +-> groupName ----+                        |
 | (1)  |                  |   (x)           |                        |
 |      +-> securityName --+                 |                        |
 |          (b)                              |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 | where -> contextName ---------------------+                        |
 | (2)      (e)                              |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 |                                           |                        |
 |      +-> securityModel -------------------+                        |
 |      |   (a)                              |                        |
 | how -+                                    +-> viewName -+          |
 | (3)  |                                    |   (y)       |          |
 |      +-> securityLevel -------------------+             |          |
 |          (c)                              |             +-> yes/no |
 |                                           |             | decision |
 | why ---> viewType (read/write/notify) ----+             | (z)      |
 | (4)      (d)                                            |          |
 |                                                         |          |
 | what --> object-type ------+                            |          |
 | (5)      (m)               |                            |          |
 |                            +-> variableName (OID) ------+          |
 |                            |   (f)                                 |
 | which -> object-instance --+                                       |
 | (6)      (n)                                                       |
 |                                                                    |

              |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
              |              |status col.|status column|
              |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
    ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
              |         Value|           |             |
set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
active        |              |           |             |
              |              |     or    |             |
              |              |           |             |
              |              |see 2   ->D|see 8     ->D|          ->D
set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
notInService  |              |           |             |
              |              |     or    |             |      or
              |              |           |             |
              |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|see 6
set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError   ->A
column to     |              |           |             |      or
destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|see 7
set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
column to some|              |           |             |
value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D

      | C |                       +------------+
      | e | <-------------------->| End entity |
      | r |       Operational     +------------+
      | t |       transactions          ^
      |   |      and management         |  Management
      | / |       transactions          |  transactions
      |   |                             |                PKI users
      | C |                             v
      | R |       -------------------+--+-----------+-----------------
      | L |                          ^              ^
      |   |                          |              |   PKI management
      |   |                          v              |       entities
      | R |                       +------+          |
      | e | <---------------------| RA   | <---+    |
      | p |  Publish certificate  +------+     |    |
      | o |                                    |    |
      | s |                                    |    |
      | I |                                    v    v
      | t |                                +------------+
      | o | <------------------------------|     CA     |
      | r |   Publish certificate          +------------+
      | y |   Publish CRL                         ^
      |   |                                       |
      +---+                        Management     |
                                   transactions   |
                                              |  CA  |

                                                    runtime 1
                   +--------------+       SMX      +---------+
                   |              |<-------------->| O  O  O |<-+
           SNMP    |  Script MIB  |                +---------+  |
       <---------->|              |                             |
                   |  SNMP Agent  |                 runtime 2   |
                   |              |       SMX      +---------+  |
                   |              |<-------------->| O       |  |
                   +--------------+                +---------+  |
                           ^                            ^       |
                           |       +---------+          |       |
                           |       | script  |----------+       |
                           +------>| storage |------------------+

                                              ||   User  ||    --------
                                              ||Interface|<--->| User |
                                              |+----|----+|    --------
                ----------                    |     |     |
                |+------+| control connection |+----|----+|
                ||Server|<------------------->||  Client ||
                ||  PI  ||  Commands/Replies  ||    PI   ||
                |+--|---+|                    |+----|----+|
                |   |    |                    |     |     |
    --------    |+--|---+|        Data        |+----|----+|    --------
    | File |<--->|Server|<------------------->||  Client |<--->| File |
    |System|    || DTP  ||     Connection     ||   DTP   ||    |System|
    --------    |+------+|                    |+---------+|    --------
                ----------                    -------------

                        Class 1    Class 2    Class 3    Class 4
     Low Drop Prec    |  001010  |  010010  |  011010  |  100010  |
     Medium Drop Prec |  001100  |  010100  |  011100  |  100100  |
     High Drop Prec   |  001110  |  010110  |  011110  |  100110  |

                              |                |
                              |   Directory    | Directory Protocol
                              |     Server     X-------->
                              |                |
                              |                |

                              |                |
               DSP <----------X                X--------> DAP
                              |   Directory    |
             Other            |     Server     |
          Protocol <----------X                X--------> LDAP
                              |                |

         (request)          (request)          (request)
     NAS ----------> Proxy1 ----------> Proxy2 ----------> Home
         (reply)            (reply)            (reply)     Server
         <---------         <---------         <---------

         (request)          (request)
     NAS ----------> Proxy1 ----------> Proxy2             Home
         (reply)            (reply)                        Server
         <---------         <---------

         (Access-Req)       (Access-Req)       (Access-Req)
     NAS ----------> Proxy1 ----------> Proxy2 ---------->     Home
         (Access-Reject)    (Access-Accept)    (Access-Accept) Server
         <---------         <---------         <---------
                            (AcctPxStop)       (AcctPxStop)
                            ---------->        ---------->

      -------->         -------->          --------->
 NAS            Proxy1              Proxy2             Home (add class)
     <-class--          <-class-           <-class--

     (Accounting-req)   (Accounting-req)  (Accounting-req)
         w/class           w/class            w/class
  NAS ----------> Proxy1 ----------> Proxy2 ---------->       Home
      (Accounting-reply) (Accounting-reply)(Accounting-reply) Server
      <---------         <---------         <---------

      +------------+ ----Multicast SrvRqst----> +---------------+
      | User Agent |                            | Service Agent |
      +------------+ <----Unicast SrvRply------ +---------------+

 +-------+ -Unicast SrvRqst-> +-----------+ <-Unicast SrvReg- +--------+
 | User  |                    | Directory |                   |Service |
 | Agent |                    |   Agent   |                   | Agent  |
 +-------+ <-Unicast SrvRply- +-----------+ -Unicast SrvAck-> +--------+

        +---------------+ --Multicast SrvRqst-> +-----------+
        |    User or    | <--Unicast DAAdvert-- | Directory |
        | Service Agent |                       |   Agent   |
        +---------------+ <-Multicast DAAdvert- +-----------+

   +---------+   Multicast  +-----------+   Unicast   +-----------+
   | Service | <--SrvRqst-- |   User    | --SrvRqst-> | Directory |
   |  Agent  |              |   Agent   |             |   Agent   |
   | Scope=X |   Unicast    | Scope=X,Y |   Unicast   |  Scope=Y  |
   +---------+ --SrvRply--> +-----------+ <-SrvRply-- +-----------+

                                              Unscrambled Data
        +-------------------------------------+    +---+
     +->|     --> 43 bit shift register -->   |--->|xor|
     |  +-------------------------------------+    +---+
     |                                               |
                                               Scrambled Data

                                               Scrambled Data
     |                                               |
     |                                               v
     |  +-------------------------------------+    +---+
     +->|     --> 43 bit shift register -->   |--->|xor|
        +-------------------------------------+    +---+
                                             Unscrambled Data

          request chain ------------------------>
       UA -------------------v------------------- O
          <----------------------- response chain

          request chain -------------------------------------->
       UA -----v----- A -----v----- B -----v----- C -----v----- O
          <------------------------------------- response chain

          request chain ---------->
       UA -----v----- A -----v----- B - - - - - - C - - - - - - O
          <--------- response chain

     ----------------------                   ----------------------
     |   |-------|   |-------|            |
     |                    |     ========      |                    |
     |   AS1              |      EX1  |-------|     AS2    |
     |                    |                   |                    |
     |   |------       ------|            |
     ----------------------     |       |     ----------------------
                                   |    EX2
     ----------------------        |
     |   |---------
     |                    |
     |   AS3              |

         | SOF  |Frame   |Optional   |  Frame      | CRC  |  EOF |
         | (4B) |Header  |Header     | Payload     | (4B) | (4B) |
         |      |(24B)   |<----------------------->|      |      |
         |      |        | Data Field = (0-2112B)  |      |      |
                          Fig. 1 FC Frame Format

                 First Frame of a Logical FC Sequence
    |  FC Header |     FC Network_Header     | FC Sequence Payload  |

              Subsequent Frames of a Logical FC Sequence
            | FC Header | Additional FC Sequence Payload |

 | LLC/SNAP Header | IP Header | Opt.IP Hdr.|         IP Data         |
 |   (8 bytes)     | (20 bytes)| (40 bytes  | (65280 -IP Header       |
 |                 |           |   Max)     |   - Opt. IP Hdr.) bytes |

               | LLC/SNAP Header |   ARP Packet      |
               |   (8 bytes)     |   (28 bytes)      |

                  |   DSAP   |   SSAP   |   CTRL   |
                  | (1 byte) | (1 byte) | (1 byte) |
                             Fig. 6 LLC Format

                   |         OUI         |     PID     |
                   |      ( 3 bytes)     |  (2 bytes)  |
                         Fig. 7 SNAP Format

|    DSAP   |   SSAP   |   CTRL   |          OUI          |      PID     |
|  (1 byte) | (1 byte) | (1 byte) |      ( 3 bytes)       |  (2 bytes    |

 |                      Feature                  |   Support  | Notes |
 | Class of service for ELS commands / responses | Class      |       |
 |                                               | 1,2 or 3   |   1   |
 | Explicit N-Port Login                         | REQUIRED   |       |
 | Explicit F-Port Login                         | REQUIRED   |       |
 | FLOGI ELS command                             | REQUIRED   |       |
 | PLOGI ELS command                             | REQUIRED   |       |
 | ADISC ELS command                             | REQUIRED   |       |
 | PDISC ELS command                             | OPTIONAL   |   2   |
 | FAN ELS command                               | REQUIRED   |   5   |
 | LOGO ELS command                              | REQUIRED   |       |
 | FARP-REQ/FARP-REPLY ELS commands              | REQUIRED   |   3   |
 | Other ELS command support                     | OPTIONAL   |   4   |

2000 found at line 1841:
1839:  | the same connection network.                           |
1839(continued):                       |
1840:  +--------------------------------------------------------+------
1840(continued):                -------+
1841:  | Link failure                                           | X'800
1841(continued):                20000' |
1842:  +--------------------------------------------------------+------
1842(continued):                -------+
1843:  | Route selection services has determined that no path   | X'801
1843(continued):                40001' |

                       |                          |
                       |        S E R V E R       |
                       |                          |
                        |    |                   |
                        |    |     .  .  .  .    |
                        -    -                   -
                       |1|  |2|                 |n|
                        -    -                   -

  net key                         Key O
  intermediate    |                                     |
  keys            |                                     |
              Key M                                 Key N
        -----------------                   --------------------
       |                 |                 |                    |
       |                 |                 |                    |
     Key I             Key J             Key K               Key L
   --------          --------         ---------           ----------
  |        |        |        |       |         |         |          |
  |        |        |        |       |         |         |          |
 Key A   Key B   Key C    Key D    Key E     Key F     Key G     Key H
  ---     ---     ---      ---      ---       ----      ----      ----
 |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |    |   |     |    |    |    |    |    |
 -   -   -   -   -   -    -   -   -   --    --   --   --   --   --   --
|1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6|  |7| |8| |9| |10|  |11| |12| |13| |14| |15| |16|
 -   -   -   -   -   -    -   -   -   --    --   --   --   --   --   --

                                       Cryptoplugin initialization
                                     / by the operating system
     +------------------+          +-|-+-------------+
     |                  |          |   |             |
     |  Cryptoplugin's  | -------> |                 |
     |                  |          |  Cryptoplugin   |
     |     client       | <------- |                 |
     |                  |          |   |             |
     +------------------+     |    +---+-------------+
                               \ System-dependent CPI

     |               |                               |
     |              -->       Submodule of           |
     |  Submodule -  |                               |
     |               |   encrypting algorithms (1)   |
     |  wrapper (2)  |                               |
     |              <--       (cryptolibrary)        |
     |               |                               |
                      \ Cryptographic Program Interface

Receive Start Control Connection Request
Version Not OK/Send Start Control Connection
Reply with Error
  |        |         Receive Control Connection Request Version OK
  |        |         /Send Start Control Connection Reply
  |        |   +----------------------------------------+
  ^        V   ^                                        V
+-----------------+             Receive Start Ctl    +-----------------+
|      Idle       |             Connection Request   |   Established   |
+-----------------+             /Send Stop Reply     +-----------------+
        ^      ^                 Close TCP           V  V Local Terminate
        |      +-------------------------------------+  | /Send Stop
        |                                               |  Control Conn.
        |                                               V  Request
        |                                     +-----------------+
        +-------------------------------------| Wait-Stop-Reply |
                 Receive Stop Control         +-----------------+
                 Connection Reply
                 /Close TCP

    Ring/Send Incoming Call Request          +-----------------+
  +----------------------------------------->|    wait_reply   |
  |                                          +-----------------+
  |           Receive Incoming Call Reply    V  V  V
  |           Not Accepting                  |  |  |   Receive Incoming
  |         +--------------------------------+  |  |   Call Reply Accept-
  |         |    +------------------------------+  |   ing/Answer call;
  |         |    |     Abort/Send Call             |   Send Call
  ^         V    V     Disconnect Notify           V   Connected
+-----------------+                              +-----------------+
|      idle       |<-----------------------------|   established   |
+-----------------+  Receive Clear Call Request  +-----------------+
                     or telco call dropped
                     or local disconnect
                     /Send Call Disconnect Notify

  Receive Incoming Call Request
  /Send Incoming Call Reply                  +-----------------+
   Not Accepting if Error                    |   Wait-Connect  |
  +-----+                                    +-----------------+
  |     |     Receive Incoming Call Req.     ^  V  V
  |     |     /Send Incoming Call Reply OK   |  |  |   Receive Incoming
  |     |   +--------------------------------+  |  |   Call Connect
  ^     V   ^    V------------------------------+  V
+-----------------+  Receive Call Disconnect     +-----------------+
|      Idle       |  Notify                   +- |   Established   |
+-----------------+                           |  +-----------------+
        ^        ^                            |   V   Local Terminate
        |        +----------------------------+   |   /Send Call Clear
        |            Receive Call Disconnect      |    Request
        |            Notify                       V
        |                                      +-----------------+
        +--------------------------------------| Wait-Disconnect |
                     Receive Call Disconnect   +-----------------+

Receive Outgoing Call Request in Error
/Send Outgoing Call Reply with Error
  |        |         Receive Outgoing Call Request No Error
  |        |         /Off Hook; Dial
  |        |   +-----------------------------------------
  ^        V   ^                                        V
+-----------------+           Incomplete Call        +-----------------+
|      idle       |           /Send Outgoing Call    |   wait_cs_ans   |
+-----------------+            Reply with Error      +-----------------+
        ^      ^           or Recv. Call Clear Req.  V  V Telco Answer
        |      |              /Send Disconnect Notify|  | /Send Outgoing
        |      +-------------------------------------+  |  Call Reply.
        |                                               V
        |                                     +-----------------+
        +-------------------------------------|   established   |
                 Receive Call Clear Request   +-----------------+
                 or local terminate
                 or telco disconnect
                 /Hangup call and send
                 Call Disconnect Notify

                                 Packet in
                Packet in       | Unknown |
                    |           +---------+
        G-A         V                |
       Timer  +----------+   no      V
        exp   | Going to |<------[KA msg?]           Packet in
       <------|  Access  |           |                   |
       |      +----------+       yes |                   V
       V             |               V     yes      +---------+
   +--------+        V            [1-way?]------+-->| Standby |
   | Access |    [KA msg?]           |          ^   +---------+
   +--------+        |               | no       |        |
                     |               V       no |        V
                 yes |         [compatible?]----+    [KA msg?]
                     |               |                   |
                     |               | yes               | yes
                     |               V                   V
                     V          +---------+           [1-way?]
                     +--------->| Network |<--+          |
                                +---------+   ^          | no
                                     |        | yes      V
                           lost last |        +<----[compatible?]
                            neighbor |
                                 [ only? ]
         +--------------+     yes    |    no      +---------+
         | Network Only |<-----------+----------->| Unknown |
         +--------------+                         +---------+

   +--------+                                     +--------+
   | Switch |                                     | Switch |
   |   S1   |                                     |   S2   |
   +--------+                                     +--------+
      Down                                           Down
                     Hello (DS=0, seen=0)
                  Hello (DS=S2, seen=...,S1)
             DB Description (Seq=x, I, M, Master)
             DB Description (Seq=y, I, M, Master)
               DB Description (Seq=y, M, Slave)
             DB Description (Seq=y+1, M, Master)
              DB Description (Seq=y+1, M, Slave)

               DB Description (Seq=y+n, Master)
                DB Description (Seq=y+n, Slave)
   Loading                                           Full
                       Link State Request
                       Link State Update

                       Link State Request
                       Link State Update

   |                                              +-----+ |
   |                         +------------+       |  I  | |
   |                         |  CALL TAP  <--(8)-->  N  | |
   |                         +------------+       |  T  | |
   |                                              |  E  | |
   |      +-----------+      +------------+       |  R  | |
   |      |   PATH    |      |  TOPOLOGY  |       |  S  | |
   |      |           |      |            |       |  W  | |
   |      | Lnk state <------>  Lnk state <--(3)-->  I  | | Flood path
   |      |           |      |            |       |  T  <----(5,7,8)-->
   |      | Span tree <------>  Span tree <--(4)-->  C  | |
   |      +--^--------+      |            |       |  H  | |
   |         |               |  Discovery <--(2)-->     | |
   |         |               +------------+       |  M  | |
   |         |                                    |  E  | |
   |  +------^--+            +--------+           |  S  | |
   |  | CONNECT >---------+--> FILTER |           |  S  | |
   |  +--^------+         |  +--------+           |  A  | |  specific
   |     |                |                       |  G  | | netwrk lnks
   |     |       +--------^-+     +-------+       |  E  <----(2,3,4)-->
   |     +-------<  POLICY  |     | FLOOD >--(7)-->     | |
   |             +------^---+     +-^-----+       |  P  | |
   |                    |           |             |  R  | |
   | +-----------+    +-^-----------V-+           |  O  | |
   | | DIRECTORY <---->    RESOLVE    <------(5)-->  T  | |
   | +-----^-----+    +---^-----------+           |  O  | |
   |       |              |                       |  C  | |
   |       |    +---------^-----------+           |  O  | |
   |       +----<    Base Services    |           |  L  | |
   |            +-----^---------------+           +-----+ |
    Switch CPU        |
                      | Host control port
                |     ^ no cnx         |
      Layer 2   |     |                |
      SA/DA pr  |          known cnx   |
                 Switch hardware

            |    Directory       Resolve                   |
            |        ^              ^                      |
            |        |              |                      |
            |        |    +---------^-----------+          |
            |        +----<    Base Services    |          |
            |             +-----^---------------+          |
             Switch CPU         |
                                | Host control port
                          |     ^ no cnx         |
                Layer 2   |     |                |
                SA/DA pr  |          known cnx   |
                           Switch hardware

      +--------------------+                +--------------------+
      |   |-----+    +-----|            |
      |                    |     |    |     |                    |
      | AS1                |    ========    |                AS2 |
      |                    |    IX    |     |                    |
      |                    |          +-----|            |
      +--------------------+                +--------------------+

     base level             index                    index
     directory             servers                  servers
      servers                for                      for
                          base level               lower-level
                           servers                index servers
    |       |
    |   A   |__
    |_______|  \            _______
                \---CIP----|       |
     _______               |   D   |__
    |       |   /---CIP----|_______|  \             ------
    |   B   |__/                       \--CIP------|      |
    |_______|                                      |  F   |
     _______                _______  /
    |       |              |       |-
    |   C   |-------CIP----|   E   |
    |_______|              |_______|-
                                |    \
                                r     \
     _______                    e      \            ______
    |       |                   f       \--CIP-----|      |
    |   G   |-------CIP---------e------------------|  H   |
    |_______|                   r                  |______|
            \--referral---|     r      --referral-/

                                                    [Home LAN]
            [LAC Client]----------+                     |
                              ____|_____                +--[Host]
                             |          |               |
               [LAC]---------| Internet |-----[LNS]-----+
                 |           |__________|               |
            _____|_____                                 :
           |           |
           |  PSTN     |
 [Remote]--|  Cloud    |
 [System]  |           |                            [Home LAN]
           |___________|                                |
                 |          ______________              +---[Host]
                 |         |              |             |
               [LAC]-------| Frame Relay  |---[LNS]-----+
                           | or ATM Cloud |             |
                           |______________|             :

                          +-----+                               +-----+
                          |     |~~~~~~~~~~L2TP Tunnel~~~~~~~~~~|     |
                          | LAC |                               | LNS |
                          |     #######Control Connection########     |
 [Remote]                 |     |                               |     |
 [System]------Call----------*============L2TP Session=============*  |
   PPP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  |
                          |     |                               |     |
 [Remote]                 |     |                               |     |
 [System]------Call----------*============L2TP Session=============*  |
   PPP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  |
                          |     |                               |     |
                          |     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|     |
                          +-----+                               +-----+

               ______                      ______
              |      |____________________|      |
              | ATUC |                    | ATUR |
              |      |____________________|      |
              |______|                    |______|

               ______       (ifEntry=j)        ______
              |      |      fast channel      |      |
              |      |________________________|      |
              |      |        and/or          |      |
              |      |                        |      |
              |      |     (ifEntry=k)        |      |
              |      |   interleaved channel  |      |
              |      |________________________|      |
              | ATUC |                        | ATUR |
              |      |                        |      |
              |      |     (ifEntry=i)        |      |
              |      |      physical          |      |
              |      |________________________|      |
              |______|                        |______|

   ADSL    ifIndex      ifTable                       Configuration Line
   Profile Table

   1         i1         ADSL Line --           ---> Platinum Profile
             j1         Fast Chan    |        |
             k1         Int Chan     |        |
                                     |        ^
                                     v        |     Gold Profile

   x         ix         ADSL Line    ------>------> Silver Profile
             jx         Fast Chan  --------------->
             kx         Int Chan

   ADSL    ifIndex      ifTable                       Configuration Line
   Profile Table

   x         ix         ADSL Line      ------------>  Profile
             jx         Fast Chan
             kx         Int Chan

       \ | /                  .                               /
   +---------------+  WAN     .           +-----------------+/
   |Regional Router|----------------------|Stub Router w/NAT|---
   +---------------+          .           +-----------------+\
                              .                      |        \
                              .                      |  LAN
                              .               ---------------
                        Stub border

                                 (                )
                                (   External       )    +--+
                               (  Address Realm     )-- |__|
                                (     (N-Ext)      )   /____\
                                 (________________)    Host-X
                                        |              (Addr-X)
                           |              |
                           |  NAT router  |
                           |              |
                    (                )
        +--+       (     Private      )
        |__|------(    Address Realm   )
       /____\      (     (N-pri)      )
       Host-A       (________________)

                                              <Outer IP header, with
                                              src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-k>,
                                              <End-to-end packet, with
                                              src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-k>

                        <Outer IP header, with
                        src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-A>,
                        embedding <End-to-end packet,
                        with src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-k>

                        <End-to-end packet, with
                        src=Addr-k, Dest=Addr-X>

                                             <End-to-end packet, with
                                             src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-k>

                                             <Outer TCP/UDP packet with
                                             src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-Nx,
                                             Dest Port=T-Nxa>,
                                             <End-to-end packet, with
                                             src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-Nx,
                                             Dest Port=T-Nx>

                        <Outer TCP/UDP packet, with
                        src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-A,
                        Dest Port=T-Na>,
                        <End-to-end packet, with
                        src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-Nx,
                        Dest Port=T-Nx>

                                             <End-to-end packet, with
                                             src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-Nx,
                                             Dest Port=T-Nx>

                        <Outer IP header, with
                        src=Addr-Np, Dest=Addr-A>,
                        <End-to-end packet, with
                        src=Addr-X, Dest=Addr-Nx,
                        Dest Port=T-Nx>

                 * LLC Filters *
                 |      |      |
                 v      |      v
           ************ |  ***************
           * IP Spoof * |  * SNMP Access *
           ************ |  ***************
                 |      |      |
                 v      v      v
                * IP Filter In *
                * IP Filter Out *
                   * LLC Out *

                               | <== to network layer
                 |           RF MAC           |
                      |         |           |
            +---------+---+ +---+-------+ +-+---------+
            | Downstream1 | | Upstream1 | | Upstream2 |
            +-------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+

                                   \ | /
                           |Service Provider Router|
                            WAN  |
               Stub A .........|\|....
                     |Stub Router w/NAT|
                         |   DMZ - Network
      |         |              |            |             |
     +--+      +--+           +--+         +--+      +----------+
     |__|      |__|           |__|         |__|      | Firewall |
    /____\    /____\         /____\       /____\     +----------+
   DMZ-Host1  DMZ-Host2 ...  DMZ-Name     DMZ-Web       |
                             Server       Server etc.   |
     Internal hosts (Private IP network)                |
       |             |                 |           |
      +--+         +--+               +--+       +--+
      |__|         |__|               |__|       |__|
     /____\       /____\             /____\     /____\
    Int-Host1    Int-Host2  .....   Int-Hostn   Int-Name Server

   +---------------------------------+    +-----------------------+
   |                                 |    |DNS Appl. Level Gateway|
   |Network Address Translation (NAT)|--->|     (DNS_ALG)         |
   |  *IP & Transport header mods    |<---|  *DNS payload mods    |
   |                                 |    |                       |
   +---------------------------------+    +-----------------------+

                         ________________    .     External.com
                        (                )   .
                       (                  )  .   +-------------+
            +--+      (      Internet      )-.---|Border Router|
            |__|------ (                  )  .   +-------------+
           /____\       (________________)   .          |
            Root                 |           .          |
         DNS Server              |           .     ---------------
                         +---------------+   .       |         |
                         |Provider Router|   .     +--+       +--+
                         +---------------+   .     |__|       |__|
                                 |           .    /____\     /____\
                                 |           .  DNS Server   Host X
       External domain           |           .
       Private domain            |
                                 |        Private.com
                |Bi-Directional NAT router with DNS_ALG|
                |                                      |
                | Private addresses:  172.19/16        |
                | External addresses: 131.108.1/24     |
                              |      |
                      ----------    ----------
                        |                  |    DNS Server
                       +--+               +--+  Authoritative
                       |__|               |__|  for private.com
                      /____\             /____\
                      Host A           DNS Server
                                      (Mapped to

                         ________________    .     External.com
                        (                )   .
                       (                  )  .   +-------------+
            +--+      (      Internet      )-.---|Border Router|
            |__|------ (                  )  .   +-------------+
           /____\       (________________)   .          |
            Root                 |           .          |
         DNS Server              |           .     ---------------
                         +---------------+   .       |         |
                         |Provider Router|   .     +--+       +--+
                         +---------------+   .     |__|       |__|
                                 |           .    /____\     /____\
                                 |           .  DNS Server   Host X
       External domain           |           .
       Private domain            |
                                 |        Private.com
                | Twice-NAT router with DNS_ALG             |
                |                                           |
                | Private addresses:  171.68/16             |
                | Assigned External addresses: 131.108.1/24 |
                |                                           |
                | External addresses:  171.68/16            |
                | Assigned Private addresses: 10/8          |
                              |      |
                      ----------    ----------
                        |                  |    DNS Server
                       +--+               +--+  Authoritative
                       |__|               |__|  for private.com
                      /____\             /____\
                      Host A           DNS Server
                                      (Mapped to

      |   timestamp   |  timestamp    |               |               |
      |   seconds     | micro seconds |      ttl      |   ttl - 1     |
      |   32 bits     |    32 bits    |    32 bits    |   32 bits     |
      0              31              63              95             127

      |               T               |               |               |
      |     T1               T2       |      W1       |     W2        |
      |   32 bits     |    32 bits    |    32 bits    |   32 bits     |
      0              31              63              95             127

      |   timestamp   |  timestamp    |
      |   seconds     | micro seconds |
      |   32 bits     |    32 bits    |
      0              31              63

      |     (T1)      |      (T2)     |
      |               T               |
      |             64 bits           |
      0              31              63

      |   timestamp   |  timestamp    |               |               |
      |   seconds     | micro seconds |      ttl      |   ttl - 1     |
      |   32 bits     |    32 bits    |    32 bits    |   32 bits     |
      0              31              63              95             127

      |               T               |               |               |
      |     T1               T2       |      W1       |     W2        |
      |   32 bits     |    32 bits    |    32 bits    |   32 bits     |
      0              31              63              95             127

      |   timestamp   |  timestamp    |
      |   seconds     | micro seconds |
      |   32 bits     |    32 bits    |
      0              31              63

      |     (T1)      |      (T2)     |
      |               T               |
      |             64 bits           |
      0              31              63

                     |   Result   |
                     |            V
                 +-------+    +--------+
                 |       |    |        |
      Packet Stream ===>| Meter |===>| Marker |===> Marked Packet Stream
                 |       |    |        |
                 +-------+    +--------+

      | type |length| random ID  | hash | endpoint ID  |

         |remote|remote|remote|local |local |local |user  | user |
         |EPD   |EPD   |EPD   |EPD   |EPD   |EPD   |name  | name |
         |class |length|data  |class |length|data  |length| data |

        |          Management Interface            |
            |                 |                 |
     ------------     ------------------    --------------
    |    MPLS    |<->| Constraint-Based |  | Conventional |
    |            |   | Routing Process  |  | IGP Process  |
     ------------     ------------------    --------------
                           |                  |
             -----------------------    --------------
            | Resource  Attribute   |  | Link State   |
            | Availability Database |  | Database     |
             -----------------------    --------------

             [ Abstract  ]               [   Abstract   ]
             [negotiation]               [ negotiation  ]
             [  process  ]               [   metadata   ]
                   |                            |
                   V                            V
             [Negotiation]               [ Negotiation  ]
             [ protocol  ]               [   metadata   ]
             [  binding  ]               [representation]
                   |                            |
                    -------              -------
                           |            |
                           V            V
                       [Application protocol]
                       [   incorporating    ]
                       [content negotiation ]

              (channel) ===|DS0 endpoint| -------- Connections

              (line) ===|analog endpoint| -------- Connections

             | Announcement endpoint| -------- Connection

                      | IVR endpoint| -------- Connection

             |Conference bridge endpoint| -------- Connections

                  +---------------------+ |
                  |Packet relay endpoint|  2 connections
                  +---------------------+ |

                  | Wiretap endpoint| -------- Connection

         (channel) = |ATM trunk endpoint| -------- Connections

                 +---+                            +---+
   (channel1) ===|EP1|--(C1)--...        ...(C2)--|EP2|===(channel2)
                 +---+                            +---+

             Create connection
           |resource allocation|-(failed)-+
           +-------------------+          |
                    |           (connection refused)
       |            |
       |   +-------------------+
       |   |  remote session   |
       |   |   description     |----------(yes)--------+
       |   |    available ?    |                       |
       |   +-------------------+                       |
       |            |                                  |
       |          (no)                                 |
       |            |                                  |
       |      +-----------+                         +------+
       | +--->| half open |------> Delete   <-------| open |<----------+
       | |    |  (wait)   |      Connection         |(wait)|           |
       | |    +-----------+       received          +------+           |
       | |          |                 |              |                 |
       | |   Modify Connection        |         Modify Connection      |
       | |      received              |            received            |
       | |          |                 |                |               |
       | | +--------------------+     |       +--------------------+   |
       | | |assess modification |     |       |assess modification |   |
       | | +--------------------+     |       +--------------------+   |
       | |    |             |         |          |             |       |
       | |(failed)     (successful)   |      (failed)     (successful) |
       | |    |             |         |          |             |       |
       | +<---+             |         |          +-------------+-------+
       |                    |         |
       +<-------------------+         |
                             | Free connection |
                             | resources.      |
                             | Report.         |

      Command issued: N=0
       transmission: N++
              |  +------------ retransmission: N++ -----------+
              |  |                                            |
              |  |       transmission                         |
              |  |  +---to new address -+<--------------------|--+
              |  |  |        N=0        |                     |  |
              V  V  V                   |                     |  |
        +-----------+                   |                     |  |
        | awaiting  |- new call agent ->+  +------------+     |  |
        |  response |--- timer elapsed --->| N > Max1 ? |-(no)+  |
        +-----------+ <----------+         +------------+     ^  |
              |   |              |               |            |  |
              |   +- wrong key? -+             (yes)          |  |
              |                                  |            |  |
      response received                    (if N=Max1,        |  |
              |                             or N=Max2         |  |
              |                             check DNS)        |  |
              v                                  |            |  |
            (end)                       +---------------+     |  |
                                        |more addresses?|(yes)|--+
                                        +---------------+     |
                                                 |            |
                                               (no)           |
                                                 |            |
                                           +------------+     |
                                           | N > Max2 ? |(no)-+

                  all         end-user     ######## SNMP query
               +-------+     +--------+    ---- job submission
               |monitor|     | client |
               +---#---+     +--#--+--+
                   #            #  |
                   # ############  |
                   # #             |
            +==+===#=#=+==+        |
            |  | agent |  |        |
            |  +-------+  |        |
            |   PRINTER   <--------+
            |             | Print Job Delivery Channel
            |             |

                all          end-user
             +-------+     +----------+
             |monitor|     |  client  |     ######## SNMP query
             +---+---#     +---#----+-+     **** non-SNMP cntrl
                      #        #    |       ---- job submission
                       #       #    |
                        #      #    |
                         | agent |     |
                         +-------+     |
                         |    server   |
                      control *     |
                     **********     |
                     *              |
            +========v====+         |
            |             |         |
            |             |         |
            |   PRINTER   <---------+
            |             | Print Job Delivery Channel
            |             |

                all          end-user
             +-------+     +----------+
             |monitor|     |  client  |     ######## SNMP query
             +---+---*     +---*----+-+     **** non-SNMP query
                 #    *        *    |       ---- job submission
                 #     *       *    |
                 #      *      *    |
                 #       *=====v====v==+
                 #       |             |
                 #       |    server   |
                 #       |             |
                 #       +----#-----+--+
                 #    optional#     |
                 #   ##########     |
                 #   #              |
            +==+=v===v=+==+         |
            |  | agent |  |         |
            |  +-------+  |         |
            |   PRINTER   <---------+
            |             | Print Job Delivery Channel
            |             |

                                                    +----> canceled(7)
    +---> pending(3) -------> processing(5) ------+------> completed(9)
    |         ^                      ^             \
--->+         |                      |              +----> aborted(8)
    |         v                      v             /
    +---> pendingHeld(4)  processingStopped(6) ---+

MIB Object                    | LPR/LPD Parameter
jmJobKOctetsPerCopyRequested  | Number of bytes as defined in the Data
                              |  File
jmJobOwner                    | Control file command code = P (User Id)

MIB attribute         | LPR/LPD information             | Data type
jobName               | Job Name (notes 1, 2)           | Octet String
queueNameRequested    | Queue name from the Data File   | Octet String
fileName              | Source File Name (notes 1, 3)   | Octet String

MIB attribute                     | IPDS XOH DGB Group ID | Data type
jobSourcePlatformType sptMVS(7)   | Byte 2 = x'01'        | Integer
jobName                           | Bytes 4-11            | Octet String

MIB attribute                     | IPDS XOH DGB Group ID | Data type
jobSourcePlatformType sptVM(8)    | Byte 2 = x'02'        | Integer
fileName                          | Bytes 4-11            | Octet String

MIB attribute                     | IPDS XOH DGB Group ID | Data type
jobSourcePlatformType sptOS400(9) | byte 2 = x'03'        | Integer
fileName                          | Bytes 23-32           | Octet String
jobName                           | Bytes 37-46           | Octet String

   MIB Object            | PJL Job attribute
   jobOwner              | DocOwner or DocOwnerId attribute

   MIB Object            | PServer Job attribute
   jobOwner              | Client Id Number

   MIB Object      | SMB Parameter
   jmJobOwner      | SMB User Id field (note 1)

   MIB Object             | TIP/SI Parameter
   jmJobOwner             | User string

  MIB attribute         | TIP/SI information              | Data type
  jobName               | Job Name string                 | Octet String
  jobComment            | Additional Information string   | Octet String

            +---------------+  No  +---------------------------+
            |               | +--->|Forward packet in the Clear|
   Outgoing |Does the packet| |    |Or Drop, as appropriate.   |
   -------->|match Outbound |-|    +---------------------------+
   Packet   |Security       | |    +-------------+
            |Policies?      | |Yes |Perform      | Forward
            |               | +--->|Outbound     |--------->
            +---------------+      |Security     | IPsec Pkt
                                   |(Tunnel Mode)|

   IPsec packet +----------+          +----------+
   destined to  |Perform   | Embedded |Does the  | No(Drop)
   ------------>|Inbound   |--------->|Pkt match |-------->
   the device   |Security  | Packet   |Inbound SA| Yes(Forward)
                |(Detunnel)|          |Policies? |
                +----------+          +----------+

            +---------------+      +-------------------------+
            |               |  No  | Apply Normal-NAT or Drop|
   Outgoing |Does the packet| +--->| as appropriate          |
   -------->|match Outbound |-|    +-------------------------+
   Packet   |Security       | |    +---------+  +-------------+
   (Private |Policies?      | |Yes |Perform  |  |Perform      |Forward
    Domain) |               | +--->|Outbound |->|Outbound     |-------->
            +---------------+      |NAT      |  |Security     |IPsec Pkt
                                   |(IPC-NAT)|  |(Tunnel mode)|
                                   +---------+  +-------------+

   IPsec Pkt +----------+          +---------+  +----------+
   destined  |Perform   | Embedded |Perform  |  |Does the  |No(Drop)
   --------->|Inbound   |--------->|Inbound  |->|Pkt match |-------->
   to device |Security  | Packet   |NAT      |  |Inbound SA|Yes(Forward)
   (External |(Detunnel)|          |(IPC-NAT)|  |Policies? |
    Domain)  +----------+          +---------+  +----------+

                            |                |
                            |                |
                            |                |
                            |                |
                  --------->|  Non-Listener  |<---------
                 |          |                |          |
                 |          |                |          |
                 |          |                |          |
                 |          |________________|          |
                 |                   |                  |
                 | stop listening    | start listening  | stop listening
                 | (stop timer,      |(send report,     | (send done if
                 |  send done if     | set flag,        |  flag set)
                 |  flag set)        | start timer)     |
         ________|________           |          ________|________
        |                 |<---------          |                 |
        |                 |                    |                 |
        |                 |<-------------------|                 |
        |                 |   query received   |                 |
        |     Delaying    |    (start timer)   |      Idle       |
   ---->|     Listener    |------------------->|     Listener    |
  |     |                 |   report received  |                 |
  |     |                 |    (stop timer,    |                 |
  |     |                 |     clear flag)    |                 |
  |     |_________________|------------------->|_________________|
  | query received    |        timer expired
  | (reset timer if   |        (send report,
  |  Max Resp Delay   |         set flag)
  |  < current timer) |

                             _______|________  gen. query timer      |
 ---------                  |                |        expired        |
| Initial |---------------->|                | (send general query,  |
 ---------  (send gen. q.,  |                |  start gen. q. timer) |
     start initial gen. q.  |                |<----------------------
             timer)         |    Querier     |
                            |                |
                       -----|                |<---
                      |     |                |    |
                      |     |________________|    |
query received from a |                           | other querier
router with a lower   |                           | present timer
IP address            |                           | expired
(start other querier  |      ________________     | (send gen. query,
 present timer)       |     |                |    | start gen. q. timer)
                      |     |                |    |
                      |     |                |    |
                       ---->|      Non       |----
                            |    Querier     |
                            |                |
                            |                |
                       ---->|                |----
                      |     |________________|    |
                      | query received from a     |
                      | router with a lower IP    |
                      | address                   |
                      | (start other querier      |
                      |  present timer)           |

                         |                |
                         |                |timer expired
            timer expired|                |(notify routing -,
       (notify routing -)|  No Listeners  |clear rxmt tmr)
                 ------->|    Present     |<---------
                |        |                |          |
                |        |                |          |
                |        |________________|          |  ---------------
                |                    |               | | rexmt timer   |
                |     report received|               | |  expired      |
                |  (notify routing +,|               | | (send m-a-s   |
                |        start timer)|               | |  query,       |
      __________|______              |       ________|_|______ st rxmt |
     |                 |<------------       |                 | tmr)   |
     |                 |                    |                 |<-------
     |                 | report received    |                 |
     |                 | (start timer,      |                 |
     |                 |  clear rxmt tmr)   |                 |
     |    Listeners    |<-------------------|    Checking     |
     |     Present     | done received      |    Listeners    |
     |                 | (start timer*,     |                 |
     |                 |  start rxmt timer, |                 |
     |                 |  send m-a-s query) |                 |
 --->|                 |------------------->|                 |
|    |_________________|                    |_________________|
| report received |
| (start timer)   |

                             |                |
                             |                |
                timer expired|                |timer expired
           (notify routing -)|  No Listeners  |(notify routing -)
                   --------->|    Present     |<---------
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |                |          |
                  |          |________________|          |
                  |                   |                  |
                  |                   |report received   |
                  |                   |(notify routing +,|
                  |                   | start timer)     |
          ________|________           |          ________|________
         |                 |<---------          |                 |
         |                 |  report received   |                 |
         |                 |  (start timer)     |                 |
         |    Listeners    |<-------------------|     Checking    |
         |     Present     | m-a-s query rec'd  |    Listeners    |
         |                 | (start timer*)     |                 |
    ---->|                 |------------------->|                 |
   |     |_________________|                    |_________________|
   | report received |
   | (start timer)   |

  CLIENT                                             SERVER
  ------                                             ------
                                                     Certificate *
 change cipher spec
     |              -------------------------------->
     |                                               change cipher spec
     |                                               Finished
     |                                                   |
     |                                                   |
 Application Data   <------------------------------->Application Data

                          +----|        |----+
          +---+    +---+  |  ===>      <===  |
          |   |    |   |  +----|   #    |----+
          |   |    | # |     +-----#------+
          | # |  +---#-------|     v      |-----------+
         +--#----|   v       |            |           |-----+
         |  v  ===>        ===> Backbone <===        <===   |
         +-------|   ^       |            |     ^     |-----+
                 +---#-------|     ^      |-----#-----+
                   | # |     +-----#------+ |   #    |-----+
                   |   |       |   #    |   |       <===   |
                   +---+   +---|        |   |        |-----+
                           | ===>       |   +--------+

        +---------------+                      +--------------+
        |               |                      |              |
  SCN<-------->[SG]  <--+---------O------------+--> [SG]  <------> SCN
 signal |       |       |                      |     |        |   signal
        +-------|-------+                      +-----|--------+
       Signaling|gateway                    Signaling|gateway (opt)
                O                                    O
                |                                    |
        +-------|-------+                      +-----|--------+
        |       |       |                      |     |        |
        |      [MGC] <--+--------O-------------+--> [MGC]     |
        |       |       |                      |     |        |
        |       |       |                      |     |        |
        +-------|-------+                      +-----|--------+
        Gateway | controller                 Gateway | controller (opt)
                O                                    O
                |                                    |
        +-------|-------+                      +-----|--------+
  Media |       |       |                      |     |        | Media
 <------+---->[MG]  <---+-----RTP stream-------+-> [MG]  <----+-------->
  stream|               |                      |              | stream
        +---------------+                      +--------------+
        Media gateway                           Media gateway

   SS7<------>[SG]  |
   (ISUP)  |   |    |
            ST |                SGU                       MGCU
           +---|----+           +--------+                +--------+
           | [MGC]  |      SS7---->[SG]  |                | [MGC]  |
           |   |    |           |   |    |                |  | |   |
           +---|----+           +---|----+                +--|-|---+
          MGCU |                 ST |                        | |
               |                    |                     ST | |
     Media +---|----+     Media +---|----+                +--|-|---+
      ------->[MG]  |      ----->[MG/MGC]|      SS7 link-->[SG]|   |
    stream |        |    stream |        |       Media------> [MG] |
           +--------+           +--------+       stream   +--------+
           MGU                  MGU                       MGU

               SGU                                 MGCU
             +---------+                         +---------+
             |         |          ST             |         |
             |  [SG2]------------------------------>[MGC]  |
             |   ^ ^   |                         |         |
             +---|-|---+                         +---------+
                 | |
                 | |             ST
               ST| +--------------------------------+
                 |                                  |
                 |                                  |
        SS7  +---|----------+             SS7  +----|---------+
   -----------> [SG1]       |        -----------> [SG1]       |
    media    |              |         media    |              |
   ------------------->[MG] |        ------------------->[MG] |
    stream   +--------------+         stream   +--------------+
              MGU                                MGU

                             |    [MGC]    |
                             |     | |     |
                                   | |
                                   | O device control
                                   | |
                          Q.931/ST O |
                                   | |
                             |     | |     |
                       Q.931---->[SG]|     |
                      signals|       |     |
                             |       |     |
                    Media---->[MG]   |
                    stream   |             |

                            | IP SCP       |
                               |    |
            SGU                |    |                SGU
           +--------------+    |    |    +--------------+
           |              |    |    |    |              |
   SS7<--------->[SG] ---------+    |    |     [SG]<---------> SS7
   (TCAP)  |      |       |         |    |      |       |
           +------|-------+         |    +------|-------+
                  |                 |           |
                  O    +------------+           O
          MGCU    |    |                        | MGCU
          +-------|----|--+               +-----|--------+
          |       |    |  |               |     |        |
          |      [MGC]    |               |    [MGC]     |
          |       |       |               |     |        |
          +-------|-------+               +-----|--------+
                  |                             |
          +-------|-------+               +-----|------+
    Media |       |       |               |     |      | Media
   <------+---->[MG]  <---+--RTP stream---+--> [MG]  <-+-------->
    stream|               |               |            | stream
          +---------------+               +------------+
          MGU                             MGU

                 +-- +--------------------------------+
                 |   |      SCN adaptation module     |
                 |   +--------------------------------+
                 |                  |
               S |   +--------------------------------+
               I |   | Common Signaling Transport     |
               G |   +--------------------------------+
                 |                  |
                 |   +--------------------------------+
                 |   |     standard IP transport      |
                 +-- +--------------------------------+

                     /       \
                2.3 /         \ 2.4
                   /           \
                  /             \                      ANALYSIS
              METER  <----->  METER READER  <----->   APPLICATION
                       2.2                    2.7

   --- match(S->D) -------------------------------------------------+
        | Suc   | NoMatch                                           |
        |       |          Ignore                                   |
        |      match(D->S) -----------------------------------------+
        |       | Suc   | NoMatch                                   |
        |       |       |                                           |
        |       |       +-------------------------------------------+
        |       |                                                   |
        |       |             Suc                                   |
        |      current(D->S) ---------- count(D->S,r) --------------+
        |       | Fail                                              |
        |       |                                                   |
        |      create(D->S) ----------- count(D->S,r) --------------+
        |                                                           |
        |             Suc                                           |
       current(S->D) ------------------ count(S->D,f) --------------+
        | Fail                                                      |
        |             Suc                                           |
       current(D->S) ------------------ count(D->S,r) --------------+
        | Fail                                                      |
        |                                                           |
       create(S->D) ------------------- count(S->D,f) --------------+

      +-------- test ---------+    +---- action -----+
      attribute & mask = value:    opcode,  parameter;

  | from\to |    meter     | meter reader | application |  manager   |
  | meter   |     N/A      |  authent     |     N/A     |  authent   |
  |         |              |  acc ctrl    |             |  acc ctrl  |
  |         |              |  integrity   |             |            |
  |         |              |  confid **   |             |            |
  | meter   |   authent    |     N/A      |  authent    |  authent   |
  | reader  |   acc ctrl   |              |  acc ctrl   |  acc ctrl  |
  |         |              |              |  integrity  |            |
  |         |              |              |  confid **  |            |
  | appl    |     N/A      |  authent     |             |            |
  |         |              |  acc ctrl    |     ##      |    ##      |
  | manager |  authent     |  authent     |     ##      |  authent   |
  |         |  acc ctrl    |  acc ctrl    |             |  acc ctrl  |
  |         |  integrity   |  integrity   |             |  integrity |

           International                    |
           Backbones/National        ---------------
                                    /               \
           Regional/MidLevel     ----------   ----------
                                /     \    \ /    /     \
           Stub/Enterprise     ---   ---   ---   ----   ----
                               |||   |||   |||   ||||   ||||
           End-Systems/Hosts   xxx   xxx   xxx   xxxx   xxxx

   ------------+-------+-------- Statement -------+-------+-----------
               |       |                          |       |
               |       +------- Declaration ------+       |
               |                                          |

   ----------------+---- IF_statement ----------------+---------------
                   |                                  |
                   +---- Compound_statement ----------+
                   |                                  |
                   +---- Imperative_statement --------+
                   |                                  |
                   +---- CALL_statement --------------+

   --- IF --- expression ---+------------+---- Statement ----+--->
                            |            |                   |
                            +-- SAVE , --+                   |
                            |                                |
                            +-- SAVE ; ----------------------+

                      |                             |
                      +-----ELSE --- Statement -----+

   -------- term --------+------------------------+-------------------
                         |                        |
                         +--<-- term ----- || ----+    logical OR

   ------- factor -------+------------------------+-------------------
                         |                        |
                         +--<-- factor --- && ----+    logical AND

   ------------+-------- attrib  ==  operand_list --------+-----------
               |                                          |
               +------------ ( expression ) --------------+

   ----------+------------------ operand -----------------+-----------
             |                                            |
             +-- ( operand ---+-------------------+-- ) --+
                              |                   |
                              +-<-- operand  , ---+

   ------------- value ---------+----------------------+--------------
                                |                      |
                                +------- / width ------+
                                |                      |
                                +------- & mask -------+

   -------+-------------+----- { ---+---- Statement ----+--- } -------
          |             |           |                   |
          +-- label : --+           +--------<----------+

   ------+---------------------------------------------------+------ ;
         |                                                   |
         +-- SAVE attrib --+--+-----------+--+---------------+
         |                 |  |           |  |               |
         |                 |  +- / width -+  |               |
         |                 |  |           |  |               |
         |                 |  +- & mask --+  |               |
         |                 |                 |               |
         |                 +--- = operand ---+               |
         |                                                   |
         +-- COUNT ------------------------------------------+
         |                                                   |
         +-- EXIT label  ------------------------------------+
         |                                                   |
         +-- IGNORE -----------------------------------------+
         |                                                   |
         +-- NOMATCH ----------------------------------------+
         |                                                   |
         +-- RETURN --+-------+------------------------------+
         |            |       |                              |
         |            +-- n --+                              |
         |                                                   |
         +-- STORE variable := value ------------------------+

   -- SUBROUTINE subname ( --+-----------------------------+-- ) -->
                             |                             |
                             +--+-- ADDRESS --- pname --+--+
                                |                       |
                                +-- VARIABLE -- pname --+
                                |                       |
                                +------<------- , ------+

          >------+-------- Statement ---------+----- ENDSUB -------- ;
                 |                            |

   ---- CALL subname ( --+---------------------+-- ) ---->
                         |                     |
                         +--+-- parameter --+--+
                            |               |
                            +----<--- , ----+

         >---+-------------------------------------+--- ENDCALL ---- ;
             |                                     |
             +---+--+-- n : --+--- Statement --+---+
                 |  |         |                |
                 |  +----<----+                |
                 |                             |

      |   packet     |c0|    packet  |db|dd|         |c0|
                      END              ESC            END

      |  schema   |   packet (formatted according to schema)    |
      |  1 byte   |      ?? bytes (schema dependant length)     |

      | extended  |   packet (formatted according to schema)    |
      |  schema   |       ?? bytes (schema dependant length)    |
      |   2 bytes |                                             |

    Lease ID
      Type    Random Number
   |    0    |

    Lease ID     Address Family      Address    Client-specific
      Type           Number                       Identifier
   |    1    |     addrfamily    |   address   | cli-spec id |

        Code        Len
   |     0     |     0     |

        Code        Len            Lease Time
   |     1     |     4     |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

           Code        Len    Address Family     Address
   |     2     |     n     |   family  |  a1 |  ...            |

           Code        Len     Lease Identifier
   |     3     |     n     |  i1 |  i2 | ...

        Code        Len        Scope ID
   |     4     |     n     |  i1 |  ...

        Code        Len      Requested Options
   |     5     |     n     |  Option1  |

           Code        Len      Time
   |     6     |     4     | t1  | t2  | t3  | t4  |

           Code        Len      Minimum     Desired
   |     7     |     4     | min       | desired   |

           Code        Len      Language Tag
   |     8     |     n     | L1  |     | Ln  |

        Code        Len     Count  Scope List
   |     9     |     p     | m   | L1  |     | Lm  |

       Scope ID      Last Address   TTL   Name  Encoded Name List
   |  ... ID ...   | ... Last ...  | T   | n   | EN1 |     | ENn |

    Name  Lang   Language Tag      Name   Name
    Flags Length                   Length
   | F   | q   | L1  |     | Lq  | r   | N1  |     | Nr  |

            Code        Len     Count
       |     9     |     51    | 2   |

           Scope ID     Last Address    TTL Name  Name  Lang   Language
                                            Count Flags Length Tag
       |239|192| 0 | 0 |239|195|255|255|10 | 1   | 128 |  2   | en  |

        Length Name
       |  15  | Inside abcd.com |

           Scope ID     Last Address    TTL Name  Name  Lang   Language
                                            Count Flags Length Tag
       |224| 0 | 1 | 0 |238|255|255|255|16 | 1   | 128 |  2   | en  |

        Code        Len       Address Range List
   |    10     |     n     | L1  | L2  |     | Ln  |

           StartAddress1  BlockSize1 StartAddress2 BlockSize2 ...
           |  ... S1 ...   |B11|B12|  ... S2 ...   |B21|B22|       |

        Code        Len        Time
   |    11     |     4     | t1  | t2  | t3  | t4  |

           Code        Len      Supported   Requested   Required
   |    12     |     n     |    FL1    |    FL2    |    FL3    |

          Feature     Feature           Feature
           Count      Code 1            Code m
       |     m     | FC1       |     |    FCm    |

        Code        Len      Time
   |    13     |     4     | t1  | t2  | t3  | t4  |

        Code        Len            Lease Time
   |    14     |     4     |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

        Code        Len      Time
   |    15     |     4     | t1  | t2  | t3  | t4  |

        Code        Len      Error Code  Extra Data
   +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ...
   |    16     |     n     |   ecode   |  d1    d2
   +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ...

                    Server          Client          Server
                      v               v               v
                      |               |               |
                      |               |               |
                      | _____________/|\_____________ |
                      |/   GETINFO    |    GETINFO   \|
                      |               |               |
                      |               |               |
                      |\              |  ____________/|
                      | \_________    | /   ACK       |
                      |      ACK  \   |/              |
                      |            \  |               |
                      |               |               |
                      v               v               v

                    Server          Client          Server
                (not selected)                    (selected)
                      v               v               v
                      |               |               |
                      |Begin multicast address request|
                      |               |               |
                      | _____________/|\_____________ |
                      |/   DISCOVER   |   DISCOVER   \|
                      |               |               |
                  Reserves            |           Reserves
                  Address             |           Address
                      |               |               |
                      |\              |  ____________/|
                      | \_________    | /    OFFER    |
                      |     OFFER \   |/              |
                      |            \  |               |
                      |       Collects replies        |
                      |              \|               |
                      |     Selects Server            |
                      |               |               |
                      | _____________/|\_____________ |
                      |/   REQUEST    |    REQUEST   \|
                      |               |               |
                      |               |     Commits address
                      |               |               |
                      |               | _____________/|
                      |               |/    ACK       |
                      |               |               |
                      |     assignment complete       |
                      |               |               |
                      v               v               v

                    Client          Server
                      v               v
                      |               |
                      |\_____________ |
                      |    RENEW     \|
                      |               |
                      |        Extends lease
                      |               |
                      | _____________/|
                      |/    ACK       |
                      |               |
                      |               |
                      v               v

                    Client          Server
                      v               v
                      |               |
                      |\_____________ |
                      |    RELEASE   \|
                      |               |
                      |        Cancels lease
                      |               |
                      | _____________/|
                      |/    ACK       |
                      |               |
                      v               v

                    Client          Server
                      v               v
                      |               |
                      |\_____________ |
                      |    REQUEST   \|
                      |               |
                      |        Allocates address
                      |               |
                      | _____________/|
                      |/    ACK       |
                      |               |
                      v               v

                  Speed   Asynchronous   Isochronous
                |  S100 |      512     |     1024    |
                |  S200 |     1024     |     2048    |
                |  S400 |     2048     |     4096    |
                |  S800 |     4096     |     8192    |
                | S1600 |     8192     |    16384    |
                | S3200 |    16384     |    32768    |

                      ether_type   Datagram
                    |   0x0800   |   IPv4     |
                    |   0x0806   |   1394 ARP |
                    |   0x8861   |   MCAP     |

                        lf      Position
                     |   0   |  Unfragmented  |
                     |   1   |  First         |
                     |   2   |  Last          |
                     |   3   |  Interior      |

                            Value   Speed
                          |   0   |  S100 |
                          |   1   |  S200 |
                          |   2   |  S400 |
                          |   3   |  S800 |
                          |   4   | S1600 |
                          |   5   | S3200 |

              tcode   Description     Arbitration
            |  0x01 | Block write   | Asynchronous |
            |  0x0A | Stream packet | Isochronous  |
            |  0x0A | Stream packet | Asynchronous |

       opcode    Name       Comment
      |   0   | Advertise | Sent by a multicast channel owner to       |
      |       |           | broadcast the current mapping(s) from one  |
      |       |           | or more group addresses to their           |
      |       |           | corresponding channel number(s).           |
      |   1   |  Solicit  | Sent to request multicast channel owner(s) |
      |       |           | to advertise the indicated channel         |
      |       |           | mapping(s) as soon as possible.            |

       .                                  Area 1.
       .     +                                  .
       .     |                                  .
       .     | 3+---+1                          .
       .  N1 |--|RT1|-----+                     .
       .     |  +---+      \                    .
       .     |              \  ______           .
       .     +               \/       \      1+---+
       .                     *    N3   *------|RT4|------
       .     +               /\_______/       +---+
       .     |              /     |             .
       .     | 3+---+1     /      |             .
       .  N2 |--|RT2|-----+      1|             .
       .     |  +---+           +---+           .
       .     |                  |RT3|----------------
       .     +                  +---+           .
       .                          |2            .
       .                          |             .
       .                   +------------+       .
       .                          N4            .

                  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
                 |  |  |  |  | P|MC|LA|NU|

           0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
         |U |S2|S1|           LSA Function Code          |

            |       A       |      B       |   C     |   D    |   E
            |   (Initial    |    TestOK    | Commit  | Test   | Commit
            |     State)    |              |  OK     | Fail   |  Fail
            |               |              |         |        |
    EVENT   |               |              |         |        |
            |       |              |         |        |
   Receive  | All varbinds  |              |         |        |
   TestSet  | OK?           |      X       |    X    |   X    |    X
   PDU      |   Yes ->B     |              |         |        |
            |   No  ->D     |              |         |        |
            |               |     |         |        |
   Receive  |               |  NoError?    |         |        |
   Commit-  |       X       |   Yes ->C    |    X    |   X    |    X
   Set PDU  |               |   No  ->E    |         |        |
   Receive  |               |              | |        |
   UndoSet  |       X       |       X      | ->done  |   X    | ->done
   PDU      |               |              |         |        |
   Receive  |               |     | | |
   Cleanup- |       X       |   ->done     | ->done  | ->done |   X
   Set PDU  |               |              |         |        |
   Session  |               | rollback     | undo    |        |
   Loss     |  ->done       |  ->done      |  ->done | ->done | ->done

   The following table presents, from the master agent's perspective,
   the state transitions involved in transport connection setup and
                   |      A       |      B
                   | No transport |  Transport
                   |              |  connected
                   |              |
   EVENT           |              |
   Transport       |              |
   connect         |     ->B      |      X
   indication      |              |
   Receive         |              | if no resources
   Open-PDU        |              | available
                   |              | reject, else
                   |      X       | establish
                   |              | session
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->B
   Receive         |              | if matching
   Response-PDU    |              | session id,
                   |              | feed to that
                   |      X       | session's FSM
                   |              | else ignore
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->B
   Receive other   |              | if matching
   PDUs            |              | session id,
                   |              | feed to that
                   |      X       | session's FSM
                   |              | else reject
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->B
   Transport       |              |notify all
   disconnect      |              |sessions on
   indication      |      X       |this transport
                   |              |
                   |              |     ->A

                  |     A       |      B
                  |  No session |  Session
                  |             |  established
   EVENT          |             |
                  |  7.1.1      |
   Receive        |             |      X
   Open PDU       |    ->B      |
                  |             |  7.1.8
   Receive        |      X      |
   Close PDU      |             |    ->A
   Receive        |             |  7.1.4
   Register PDU   |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.5
   Unregister     |      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |
   Get PDU        |             |
   GetNext PDU    |             |
   GetBulk PDU    |      X      |       X
   TestSet PDU    |             |
   CommitSet PDU  |             |
   UndoSet PDU    |             |
   CleanupSet PDU |             |
   Receive        |             |  7.1.10
   Notify PDU     |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   Receive Ping   |             |  7.1.11
   PDU            |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   (continued next page)

   Receive        |             |  7.1.2
   IndexAllocate  |      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.3
   IndexDeallocate|      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.6
   AddAgentxCaps  |      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.1.7
   RemoveAgentxCap|      X      |
   PDU            |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |  7.2.5
   Response PDU   |      X      |
                  |             |    ->B
   Receive        |             |
   Other PDU      |      X      |       X

                        GSS-API library defaults
                               V                         text, for
   text -------------->  internal_name (IN) -----------> display only
         import_name()          /          display_name()
    accept_sec_context()    /
          |                /
          |               /
          |              /  canonicalize_name()
          |             /
          |            /
          |           /
          |          /
          |         /
          |        |
          V        V     <---------------------
    single mechanism        import_name()         exported name: flat
    internal_name (MN)                            binary "blob" usable
                         ---------------------->  for access control

      MSB                                                        LSB
      |  Calling Error | Routine Error  |    Supplementary Info    |
   Bit 31            24 23            16 15                       0

                  LAST-HOP                  Ending
     Receiver        node                     node           Sender
         __           __         __            __              __
        |  |---------|  |------>|  |--> ...-->|  |--> ...---->|  |
        |__|         |__| DREQ  |__|   DREQ   |__|   DREQ     |__|
                      ^                         .              |
                      |                         .              |
                      | DREQ                    . DREP         | DREP
                      |                         .              |
                     _|_               DREP     V              V
        Requester   |   | <------------------------------------
        (client)    |___|

                                Downstream Path                Sender
                                __         __            __       __
   Receiver             +------|  |<------|  |<-- ...---|  |-----|  |
      __          __   /       |__|       |__|          |__|     |__|
     |  |--....--|X |_/                    ^
     |__|        |__| \     Router B       |
                Black  \        __         |
                Hole    +----->|  |---->---+
                               |__| Upstream Path

     ...........             ...............            .............
               :   _______   :             :   _____    :
               :  |       |  :             :  |     |   :
     Intranet  :--| Rentry|===================|Rexit|___:Intranet
               :  |_______|  :             :  |_____|   :
     ..........:             :   Internet  :            :...........

             H1                                          H2
             :                                            :
             :                                            :
         +--------+     +---+     +---+     +---+     +-------+
         |        |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |       |
   H3... | Rentry |===================================| Rexit |.....  H4
         |        |     |   |     |   |     |   |     |       |
         +--------+     +---+     +---+     +---+     +-------+

                          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                        | H |                           |
                        | F |             0             |

          |                |
          |  Network Node  |            Policy Server
          |                |
          |   +-----+      |   COPS        +-----+
          |   | PEP |<-----|-------------->| PDP |
          |   +-----+      |               +-----+
          |    ^           |
          |    |           |
          |    \-->+-----+ |
          |        | LPDP| |
          |        +-----+ |
          |                |

              0             1               2               3
       |            R-Type           |            M-Type           |

               0             1              2             3
       |         Reason-Code         |       Reason Sub-code       |

               0             1              2             3
       |        Command-Code         |            Flags            |

               0             1              2             3
       |          Error-Code         |        Error Sub-code       |

               0             1              2             3
      |        //////////////       |        KA Timer Value       |

               0             1              2             3
       |         Report-Type         |        /////////////        |

       C-Type = 1, IPv4 Address + TCP Port
                0             1              2             3
       |                   IPv4 Address format                     |
       |  /////////////////////////  |       TCP Port Number       |

       C-Type = 2, IPv6 Address + TCP Port
                0             1              2             3
       |                                                           |
       +                                                           +
       |                                                           |
       +                    IPv6 Address format                    +
       |                                                           |
       +                                                           +
       |                                                           |
       |  /////////////////////////  |       TCP Port Number       |

                0             1              2             3
       |        //////////////       |        ACCT Timer Value     |

       |                |
       |  Network Node  |                  Policy Servers
       |                |
       |   +-----+      | COPS Client Type 1  +-----+
       |   |     |<-----|-------------------->| PDP1|
       |   + PEP +      | COPS Client Type 2  +-----+
       |   |     |<-----|---------\           +-----+
       |   +-----+      |          \----------| PDP2|
       |    ^           |                     +-----+
       |    |           |
       |    \-->+-----+ |
       |        | LPDP| |
       |        +-----+ |
       |                |

                            PEP (router)
                        |                 |
         R1 ------------+if1           if2+------------ S1
                        |                 |

                             PEP (router)
                         |                 |
          R1-------------+ if1         if3 +--------- S1
                         |                 |
          R2----+        |                 |
                |        |                 |
                +--------+ if2         if4 +--------- S2
                |        |                 |
          R3----+        +-----------------+

                     PDP1                        PDP2
                      |                           |
                      |                           |
                    +---+         +---+         +---+
                    | A +---------+ B +---------+ C |
                    +---+         +---+         +---+
                     PEP2          PIN           PEP2

       |  Length                   | POLICY_DATA |      1      |
       |  Data Offset              | 0 (reserved)              |
       |                                                       |
       // Option List                                         //
       |                                                       |
       |                                                       |
       // Policy Element List                                 //
       |                                                       |

   |  Length                   |   P-Type                  |
   |                                                       |
   // Policy information  (Opaque to RSVP)                //
   |                                                       |

       | Length                    | P-Type = Identity Type    |
       // Authentication Attribute List                       //

   | Length        |A-Type |SubType|
   | OctetString ...

   | Length        |A-Type |SubType|
   | OctetString ...

   | Length        |A-Type |SubType|
   | OctetString ...

   +-----+                                                  +-----+
   | PDP |-------+                                          | PDP |
   +-----+       |             ...................          +-----+
                 |             :                 :          |
               +--------+      :     Transit     :        +-------+
          +----| Router |------:     Network     : -------| Router|--+
          |    +--------+      :                 :        +-------+  |
          |        |           :.................:             |     |
          |        |                                           |     |
     Host A        B                                           C     D

 ________________         Policy server
|                |        ______
|  Network Node  |        |     |------------->
|    _____       |        |     |   May use LDAP,SNMP,.. for accessing
|   |     |      |        |     |  policy database, authentication,etc.
|   | PEP |<-----|------->| PDP |------------->
|   |_____|      |        |_____|
|                |

    ________________                        ____________________
   |                |                      |                    |
   |  Network Node  |  Policy Server       |    Network Node    |
   |    _____       |      _____           |  _____      _____  |
   |   |     |      |     |     |          | |     |    |     | |
   |   | PEP |<-----|---->| PDP |          | | PEP |<-->| PDP | |
   |   |_____|      |     |_____|          | |_____|    |_____| |
   |    ^           |                      |                    |
   |    |    _____  |                      |____________________|
   |    \-->|     | |
   |        | LPDP| |
   |        |_____| |
   |                |

       |                              |
       |           Router             |
       |  ________           _____    |            _____
       | |        |         |     |   |           |     |
       | |  RSVP  |<------->| PEP |<--|---------->| PDP |
       | |________|         |_____|   |           |_____|
       |      ^                       |
       |      |      Traffic control  |
       |      |      _____________    |
       |      \---->|  _________  |   |
       |            | |capacity | |   |
       |            | | ADM CTL | |   |
       |            | |_________| |   |
     --|----------->|  ____ ____  |   |
       |   Data     | | PC | PS | |   |
       |            | |____|____| |   |
       |            |_____________|   |
       |                              |

                        AD-1                    AD-2         AD-3
      ________________/\_______________     __/\___      __/\___
     {                                 }   {       }    {       }
             A           B            C            D            E
        +-------+  +-----+    +-------+    +-------+    +-------+
        | RSVP  |  | RSVP|    | RSVP  |    | RSVP  |    | RSVP  |
+----+  |-------|  |-----|    |-------|    |-------|    |-------|
| S1 |--| P | L |--|     |----| P | L |----| P | P |----|   P   | +----+
+----+  | E | D |  +-----+    | E | D |    | E | D |    |   E   |-| R1 |
        | P | P |             | P | P |    | P | P |    |   P   | +----+
        +-------+             +-------+    +-------+    +-------+
           ^                        ^                           ^
           |                        |                           |
           |                        |                           |
           |                        |                       +-------+
           |                        |                       | PDP   |
           |         +------+       |                       |-------|
           +-------->| PDP  |<------+                       |       |
                     |------|                               +-------+
                     |      |                                  PS-2

     1   2   3   4                                                32
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | ... |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

     1   2   3   4   5           8                                  32
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+     +---+---+
   | l | s |   |   |     sec_1     | ... |     sec_n     | ... |   |   |
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+     +---+---+

  1           4                                              up to 64
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | ... |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+

  1           4   5           8
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+
| s |   |   |   |     sec_1     | ... |     sec_n     |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     +---+---+---+---+

        LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 <sec-index> "path"
                            FH: length, status, {sec_1  sec_2 ... sec_n}

    LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 0x01 "/export"
        0x1c, 0x01, {0x3900 0x3901 0x3902 0x3903 0x3904 0x3905 0x3906}

    LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 0x08 "/export"
        0x0c, 0x00, {0x3907 0x3908 0x3909}

            LOOKUP FH=0x0, "/export/home"

            LOOKUP FH=0x0, 0x81 0x01 "/export/home"
                     overloaded FH: length, status, {sec_1 sec_2 sec_3}

            LOOKUP FH=0x0, "/export/home"
                                                        FH = 0x01

                 +0 (MSB)                            +1 (LSB)
   0: |                                                               |
      /                          SPECIFIER                            /
      /                                                               /

                 +0 (MSB)                            +1 (LSB)
   0: |                                                               |
      /                             DETAIL                            /
      /                                                               /

                 +0 (MSB)                            +1 (LSB)
   0: |                                                               |
      /                           CACHE-HDRS                          /
      /                                                               /

                  +0 (MSB)
   0: |             TIME              |

   0: |                                                               |
      /                            IDENTITY                           /
      /                                                               /

            |     User Plane           |       Control Plane
   Services |          IP              |   ILMI   |       UNI, PNNI
   AAL      | AAL1, AAL2, AAL3/4, AAL5 |   AAL5   |        SAAL
   ATM      |      Cell Relay          |        OAM, RM
            |       Convergence        |
   Physical |--------------------------|--------------------------------
            |         Media            |

|    Higher Layer PDU       |   Padding (If needed)     |    Trailer   |

   |   CPCS-UU    |     CPI      |    Length    |   CRC-32     |

            /  1                      , t < ts
            |  ts + 2cL(ts-) - t
  gi(t)     |  -----------------      , ts < t < ts + cL(ts-)
            |       cL(ts-)
            \  1                      , t > ts + cL(ts-)

               +--------+      -----------       +--------+
   +---+       | ISP    |     ( IP        )      | ISP    |      +---+
   |CPE|-------| edge   |-----( backbone  ) -----| edge   |------|CPE|
   +---+ ATM   | node   |     (           )      | node   |  ATM +---+
         VCC   +--------+      -----------       +--------+  VCC
  +--------+                       +--------+
   +---+       | ISP    |     IP tunnel         | ISP    |       +---+
   |CPE|-------| edge   |<--------------------->| edge   |-------|CPE|
   +---+ stub  | router |       | router |  stub +---+
         link  +--------+                       +--------+  link   :
                |   ^  |                         |   ^             :
                |   |  |     ---------------     |   |             :
                |   |  +----(               )----+   |             :
                |   |       ( IP BACKBONE   )        |             :
                |   |       (               )        |             :
                |   |        ---------------         |             :
                |   |               |                |             :
                |   |IP tunnel  +--------+  IP tunnel|             :
                |   |           | ISP    |           |             :
                |   +---------->| edge   |<----------+             :
                | | router |            :
          backup|               +--------+                 backdoor:
           link |                |      |                    link  :
                |      stub link |      |  stub link               :
                |                |      |                          :
                |             +---+    +---+                       :
                +-------------|CPE|    |CPE|.......................:
         +---+    +---+
   |Host|-----    LAC      -------------     LNS
   +----+   /   +-----+   (             )   +-----+     ---------
           /----| NAS |---( IP Backbone )---| GW  |----( Corp.   )
        dial    +-----+   (             )   +-----+    ( Network )
        connection         -------------                ---------
   |Host|-----             -------------      
   +----+   /   +-----+   (             )   +-----+     ---------
           /----| NAS |---( IP Backbone )---| GW  |----( Corp.   )
        dial    +-----+   (             )   +-----+    ( Network )
        connection         -------------                ---------

     <-------------- L2TP Tunnel -------------->
                        with                      LAC on host
     <-------------- PPP Session -------------->  LNS on gateway

                                    /           \
      [IPv6 Host]---[SIIT]---------< IPv4 network>--[IPv4 Host]
                       |            \___________/
                (pool of IPv4 addresses)

                     ___________              ___________
                    /           \            /           \
      [IPv6 Host]--< Dual network>--[SIIT]--< IPv4 network>--[IPv4 Host]
                    \___________/     |      \___________/
                             (pool of IPv4 addresses)

                   |                  +==============+
          [IPv6-A]-+-[NAT-PT]---------| IPv4 network |--[IPv4-C]
                        |             +==============+
                 (pool of v4 addresses)

               |              [DNS]------[DNS]-------[DNS]
      [IPv6-B]-+                           |           |
               |                  +==============+     |
      [IPv6-A]-+----[NAT-PT]------| IPv4 network |--[IPv4-C]
                       |          +==============+
                 (pool of v4 addresses)

   "dual stack"                                            "host6"
   IPv4    TCP/  extension  address  translator  IPv6
   appli-  IPv4  name       mapper
   cation        resolver
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
   <<Resolve an IPv4 address for "host6".>>       |         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |------|------>|  Query of 'A' records for "host6".    | Name
     |      |       |         |       |           |         | Server
     |      |       |---------|-------|-----------|---------|--->|
     |      |       |  Query of 'A' records and 'AAAA' for "host6"
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |    |
     |      |       |<--------|-------|-----------|---------|----|
     |      |       |  Reply only with 'AAAA' record.       |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |<<Only 'AAAA' record is resolved.>>    |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |-------->|  Request one IPv4 address   |
     |      |       |         |  corresponding to the IPv6 address.
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |<<Assign one IPv4 address.>> |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |<--------|  Reply with the IPv4 address.
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |<<Create 'A' record for the IPv4 address.>>
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |<-----|-------|  Reply with the 'A' record. |         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |

   "dual stack"                                           "host6"
   IPv4    TCP/  extension  address  translator  IPv6
   appli-  IPv4  name       mapper
   cation        resolver
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
   <<Send an IPv4 packet to "host6".>>|           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |======|=======|=========|======>|  An IPv4 packet.    |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |<------|  Request IPv6 addresses
     |      |       |         |       |  corresponding to the IPv4
     |      |       |         |       |  addresses.         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |------>|  Reply with the IPv6|
     |      |       |         |       |  addresses.         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |<<Translate IPv4 into IPv6.>>
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |An IPv6 packet.  |===========|========>|
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |     <<Reply an IPv6 packet to
     |      |       |         |       "dual stack".>>       |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |An IPv6 packet.  |<==========|=========|
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |<<Translate IPv6 into IPv4.>>
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |<=====|=======|=========|=======|  An IPv4 packet.    |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |

   "dual stack"                                           "host6"
   IPv4    TCP/  extension  address  translator  IPv6
   appli-  IPv4  name       mapper
   cation        resolver
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
   <<Receive data from "host6".>>     |           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |An IPv6 packet.  |<==========|=========|
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |<------|  Request IPv4 addresses
     |      |       |         |       |  corresponding to the IPv6
     |      |       |         |       |  addresses.         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |------>|  Reply with the IPv4|
     |      |       |         |       |  addresses.         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |<<Translate IPv6 into IPv4.>>
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |<=====|=======|=========|=======|  An IPv4 packet.    |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
   <<Reply an IPv4 packet to "host6".>>           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |======|=======|=========|======>|  An IPv4 packet.    |
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |         |       |<<Translate IPv4 into IPv6.>>
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |
     |      |       |An IPv6 packet.  |===========|========>|
     |      |       |         |       |           |         |

    |  Transaction |
    |  signed by   |
    |  submitter   |
           |  1
    +---------------------+  2
    |  Primary repository |---->+----------+
    |  identified by      |     | database |
    |  RPSL source        |<----+----------+
    +---------------------+  3
           |  4
    |  Redistributed |
    |  transaction   |

    |  Redistributed |
    |  transaction   |
           |  1
    +--------------------+  2
    |                    |---->+----------+
    |  Mirror repository |     | database |
    |                    |<----+----------+
    +--------------------+  3
           |  4
    ||  Redistributed ||
    ||  transaction   ||
    |  Optional        |
    |  signature       |

          ............                     ................
         .            .   +B+-->          .                *B+-->
        .              . /               .                / .
       .                *               .                +   .
       .          <---+A*---+C+->       .          <---+A+---*C+->
       .              + .               .              +     .
       .             /  .               .             /      .
        . zone X  <--  .                 . zone X  <--      .
         ..............                   ..................

    # Zone1      =      Zone2 #    ##### = large scope zone boundary
    *E-----+--->A*-----+-x    #
    #      |     =     v      #    ===== = Local Scope boundaries
    #      |     ======*===*==#
    #      |     =     B   F  #    ----> = path of ZAM originated by E
   G*<-----+--->C*->   |   ^  #
    #      v     =   <-+---+  #    ABCDE = ZBRs
    #      D     =      Zone3 #
    #######*###################        * = boundary interface

     +-----------+       +-----------+      +-------------+
     | Zone 1    |       | Zone 3    |      | Zone 5      |
     |   +------+|       |    +------+      |    .........|..
     |   |Zone 2||       |    |Zone 4|      |    : Zone 6 | :
     |   +--A---+|       |    C      |      |    D        | :
     +-----------+       +----+--B---+      +--------E----+ :

    #    B   #       =         ##### = non-convex scope boundary
    #    |->A*       =
    #    |   #       =         ===== = other scope boundaries
    #    |   ####*####
    #    |       E   #         ----> = path of B's ZCM
    #    v          D*
    #    C           #             * = boundary interface

        = Zone1      #    A Zone2 #       C   = misconfigured router
        =      +---->*E   v       #
        =      |     #    B       #     ##### = leaky scope boundary
        =      D     #    |       #     ===== = other scope boundaries
        =      ^-----*C<--+       #
        = Zone4      #      Zone3 #     ----> = path of ZAMs

                    |     PRESENCE SERVICE      |
                    |                           |
                        ^                 |
                        |                 |
                        |                 v
                 +------------+       +------------+
                 | PRESENTITY |       |  WATCHER   |
                 +------------+       +------------+

              |                                      |
              |  +----FETCHER---+  +--SUBSCRIBER--+  |
              |  |              |  |              |  |
              |  | +--POLLER--+ |  |              |  |
              |  | |          | |  |              |  |
              |  | +----------+ |  |              |  |
              |  +--------------+  +--------------+  |

                   |     PRESENCE SERVICE      |
                   |            P1             |

                +------------+       +------------+
                |   P1->P2   |       |     P1     |
                | PRESENTITY |       | SUBSCRIBER |
                +------------+       +------------+

                   |     PRESENCE SERVICE      |
                   |          P1->P2           |
                +------------+       +------------+
                |     P2     |       |    P1      |
                | PRESENTITY |       | SUBSCRIBER |
                +------------+       +------------+

                   |     PRESENCE SERVICE      |
                   |            P2             |
                +------------+       +------------+
                |     P2     |       |   P1->P2   |
                | PRESENTITY |       | SUBSCRIBER |
                +------------+       +------------+

                 |  INSTANT MESSAGE SERVICE  |
                 |                           |
                     ^                 |
                     |                 |
                     |                 v
              +------------+       +---------------+
              |   SENDER   |       | INSTANT INBOX |
              +------------+       +---------------+

      | PRESENCE INFORMATION               |
       | +-------------------------------+
       =>| PRESENCE TUPLE                |
       | +-------------------------------+
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   =>| STATUS                  |
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   =>| COMMUNICATION ADDRESS   |
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   |     | +-----------------+
       |   |     =>| CONTACT MEANS   |
       |   |     | +-----------------+
       |   |     | +-----------------+
       |   |     =>| CONTACT ADDRESS |
       |   |       +-----------------+
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   =>| OTHER MARKUP            |
       |     +-------------------------+
       | +-------------------------------+
       =>| PRESENCE TUPLE                |
       | +-------------------------------+
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   =>| STATUS                  |
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   =>| COMMUNICATION ADDRESS   |
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   |     | +-----------------+
       |   |     =>| CONTACT MEANS   |
       |   |     | +-----------------+
       |   |     | +-----------------+
       |   |     =>| CONTACT ADDRESS |
       |   |       +-----------------+
       |   | +-------------------------+
       |   =>| OTHER MARKUP            |
       |     +-------------------------+
       | +-------------------------------+
       =>| PRESENCE TUPLE                |
       | +-------------------------------+
       |    ...

                   |     PRESENCE SERVICE      |
                       ^                   |
                       | PRESENCE PROTOCOL |
                       |                   v
                +------------+       +------------+
                | PRESENTITY |       |  WATCHER   |
                +------------+       +------------+
                      ^                   ^
                      |                   |
                      |                   |
        o      +--------------+      +-------------+      o
       /|\  -->| PRESENCE UA  |      | WATCHER UA  |<--  /|\
        X      +--------------+      +-------------+      X

                  |  INSTANT MESSAGE SERVICE  |
                      ^                    |
                    IM|   INSTANT MESSAGE  |IM
                      |       PROTOCOL     v
               +------------+        +---------------+
               |   SENDER   |        | INSTANT INBOX |
               +------------+        +---------------+
                     ^                      ^
                     |                      |
                     |                      |
       o      +-------------+       +------------------+      o
      /|\  -->|  SENDER UA  |       |  INBOX UA        |<--  /|\
       X      +-------------+       +------------------+      X

    |                               |
    |       Delivery Header         |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    |       GRE Header              |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    |       Payload packet          |
    |                               |

                ---------------------------  LAN Media in a POP
                        |           |
                      -----        -----
                      |CR |        |RS |
                      -----        -----
                      / | \
                     /  |  \
                    C1  C2..Cn

            -+-+-+-+-+-   CHIMP     -+-+-+-+-+-
            | SIMIAN/ | ----------> *         *
            | MONKEY  |             *   ZOO   *
            |         | <---------- *         *
            -+-+-+-+-+-    KEEPER   -+-+-+-+-+-
                           /    \
                          /      \
               IAMB-PENT /        \ PAN
                        /          \
                       V            V
                -+-+-+-+-+-     -+-+-+-+-+-
                *         *     *         *
                *  BARD   *     *  CRITIC *
                *         *     *         *
                -+-+-+-+-+-     -+-+-+-+-+-

   | 0 | <Encrypted response following; see below>
   | 1 | "You're reinventing the wheel."
   | 2 | "This will never, ever sell."
   | 3 | "Huh?  I don't understand this at all."
   | 4 | "You forgot one little obscure reference from twenty years
   |   |  ago that renders your whole idea null and void."
   | 5 | "Due to the number of submissions, we could not accept every
   |   |  transcript."
   | 6 | "There aren't enough charts and graphs.  Where is the color?"
   | 7 | "I'm cranky and decided to take it out on you."
   | 8 | "This is not in within the scope of what we are looking for."
   | 9 | "This is too derivative."
   |10 | "Your submission was received after the deadline.  Try again
   |   |  next year."

    +----------+                            +------------------+
    | PKCS #10 |                            | CMS "certs-only" |
    +----------+--------------+             |     message      |
    |                         |             +------------------+------+
    | Certificate Request     |             |                         |
    |                         |             | CMS Signed Data,        |
    | Subject Name            |             |   no signerInfo         |
    | Subject Public Key Info |             |                         |
    |   (K_PUB)               |             | signedData contains one |
    | Attributes              |             | or more certificates in |
    |                         |             | the "certificates"      |
    +-----------+-------------+             | portion of the          |
                | signed with |             | signedData.             |
                | matching    |             |                         |
                | K_PRIV      |             | encapsulatedContentInfo |
                +-------------+             | is empty.               |
                                            |                         |
                                                           | unsigned |

    +----------------+                      +----------------+
    | CMS signedData |                      | CMS signedData |
    |     object     |                      |     object     |
    +----------------+--------+             +----------------+--------+
    |                         |             |                         |
    | PKIData object          |             | ResponseBody object     |
    |                         |             |                         |
    | Sequence of:            |             | Sequence of:            |
    | <enrollment attribute>* |             | <enrollment attribute>* |
    | <certification request>*|             | <CMS object>*           |
    | <CMS objects>*          |             | <other message>*        |
    | <other message>*        |             |                         |
    |                         |             | where * == zero or more |
    | where * == zero or more |             |                         |
    |                         |             | All certificates issued |
    | Certificate requests    |             | as part of the response |
    | are CRMF or PKCS#10     |             | are included in the     |
    | objects. Attributes are |             | "certificates" portion  |
    | (OID, ANY defined by    |             | of the signedData.      |
    | OID) pairs.             |             | Relevant CA certs and   |
    |                         |             | CRLs can be included as |
    +-------+-----------------+             | well.                   |
            | signed (keypair |             |                         |
            | used may be pre-|             +---------+---------------+
            | existing or     |                       | signed by the |
            | identified in   |                       | CA or an LRA  |
            | the request)    |                       +---------------+

              Merchant Customer Care Provider resolves   ----------
         ---------------------------------------------->| Merchant |
        |          Consumer disputes and problems       |Cust.Care.|
        |                                               | Provider |
        |                                                ----------
                   Payment Handler accepts or makes     ----------
        |    ------------------------------------------>| Payment  |
        |   |             Payment for Merchant          | Handler  |
        |   |                                            ----------
        v   v
    ----------    Consumer makes purchases or obtains    ----------
   | Consumer |<--------------------------------------->| Merchant |
    ----------             refund from Merchant          ----------
        |         Delivery Handler supplies goods or     ----------
        |---------------------------------------------->|Deliverer |
                       services for Merchant            | Handler  |

     CONSUMER                                              MERCHANT
                                                       Generate first
                                                        IOTP Message
                                   ---                        |
                                  |   |                       v
 Process incoming                 | I |                 -------------
  IOTP Message &   <------------- |   | ------------ | IOTP Message |
generate next IOTP                |   |                 -------------
     Message                      | N |
        |                         |   |
        v                         |   |
  -------------                   | T |              Process incoming
 | IOTP Message |  -------------- |   | ----------->  IOTP Message &
  -------------                   |   |                 generate next
                                  | E |                  IOTP Message
                                  |   |                       |
                                  |   |                       v
 Process incoming                 | R |                 -------------
   IOTP Message    <------------- |   | ------------ | IOTP Message |
generate last IOTP                |   |                 -------------
  Message & stop                  | N |
        |                         |   |
        v                         |   |
  -------------                   | E |                  Process last
 | IOTP Message |  -------------- |   | ------------->  incoming IOTP
  -------------                   |   |                Message & stop
        |                         | T |                       |
        v                         |   |                       v
       STOP                        ---                       STOP

IOTP MESSAGE                               IOTP MESSAGE *
 |-Trans Ref Block. ID=M1.1                 |-Trans Ref Block.ID=C1.1*
 |  |-Trans Id Comp. ID = M1.2 ------------>|  |-Trans Id Comp.
 |  |                         Copy Element  |  |  ID=M1.2
 |  |-Msg Id Comp. ID = M1                  |  |-Msg Id Comp. ID=C1 *
 |                                          |
 |-Signature Block. ID=M1.8                 |-Signature Block.ID=C1.5*
 |  |-Sig Comp. ID=M1.15 ------------------>|  |-Comp. ID=M1.15
 |                            Copy Element  |
 |-Trading Block. ID=M1.3                   |-Trading Block.ID=C1.2 *
 |  |-Comp. ID=M1.4 -------------------------->|-Comp. ID=M1.4
 |  |                         Copy Element     |
 |  |-Comp. ID=M1.5 -------------------------->|-Comp. ID=M1.5
 |  |                         Copy Element     |
 |  |-Comp. ID=M1.6                            |-Comp. ID=C1.3 *
 |  |-Comp. ID=M1.7                            |-Comp. ID=C1.4 *
 |-Trading Block. ID=M1.9
    |-Comp. ID=M1.10                             * = new elements
    |-Comp. ID=M1.11
    |-Comp. ID=M1.12
    |-Comp. ID=M1.13

   IOTP MESSAGE                               IOTP MESSAGE
    |-Trans Ref Block. ID=M1.1     Trans ID    |-Trans RefBlock. ID=C1.1
    |  |-Trans Id Comp. ID = M1.2 <-Components-|->|-TransId Comp.ID=M1.2
    |  |                            must be    |  |
    |  |-Msg Id Comp. ID = M1      Identical   |  |-Msg Id Comp. ID=C1
    |                                  ^       |
    |-Signature Block. ID=M1.8         |       |-Signature Block.ID=C1.5
    |  |-Sig Comp. ID=M1.15            |       |  |-Comp. ID=M1.15
    |                                 AND      |
    |-Trading Block. ID=M1.3           |       |-Trading Block. ID=C1.2
    |  |-Comp. ID=M1.4                 |          |-Comp. ID=M1.4
    |  |                               v          |
    |  |-Comp. ID=M1.5 <-------- -ID Attribute    |-Comp. ID=M1.5
    |  |                          and El Ref      |
    |  |-Comp. ID=M1.6            values must     |-Comp. ID=C1.3
    |  |                             match--------|--> El Ref=M1.5
    |  |-Comp. ID=M1.7                            |-Comp. ID=C1.4
    |-Trading Block. ID=M1.9
       |-Comp. ID=M1.10
       |-Comp. ID=M1.11
       |-Comp. ID=M1.12
       |-Comp. ID=M1.13

 IOTP Message                                   Signature Id = P1.3
  |-Trans Ref Block        digest TransRefBlk   |-Manifest
  |  |      ID=P1.1-----------------------------|->|-Digest of P1.1--
  |  |-Trans Id Comp       digest TransIdComp   |  |                 |
  |  |     ID = M1.2----------------------------|->|-Digest of M1.2--|
  |  |-Msg Id Comp.           digest Signature  |  |                 |
  |  |      ID = P1          -------------------|->|-Digest of M1.5--|
  |                         |   digest element  |  |                 |
  |-Signatures Block        |  -----------------|->|-Digest of M1.7--|
  |  |       ID=P1.2        | |  digest element |  |                 |
  |  |-Signature ID=P1.3    | |  ---------------|->|-Digest of C1.4--|
  |  |-Signature ID=M1.5----  | |               |  |                 |
  |  |-Signature ID=P1.4      | | Points to     |   -RecipientInfo*  |
  |  |-Certificate ID=M1.6<---|-|---------------|------CertRef=M1.6  |
  |  |                        | | Certs to use  |  Sig.ValueRef=P1.4 |
  |  |                        | |               |        |           |
  |  |                        | |               |        |           |
  |-Trading Block. ID=P1.5    | |               |        v           |
  |  |-Comp. ID=M1.7----------  |                -Value* ID=P1.4:    |
  |  |                          |                   JtvwpMdmSfMbhK<--
  |  |-Comp. ID=P1.6            |                   r1Ln3vovbMQttbBI
  |  |                          |                   J8pxLjoSRfe1o6k
  |  |-Comp. ID=C1.4------------                    OGG7nTFzTi+/0<-
  |  |-Comp. ID=C1.5
                             Digital signature of Manifest element
                             using certificate identified by CertRef

                                                 | (Offer Response)
 Brand Selection             Organisation<---    |------Signature
   Component                 Component       |   |      Component
      |                       |              |           -Manifest
      |BrandList               -Trading Role |            |
      |  Ref                     Element     | Originator |-Orig.
      v                         (Merchant)    ------------|--Info
    Brand List                                    Ref     |
  >Component                                              |
 | |-Protocol       ------>  Organisation     Recipient   |-Recipient
 | | Amount Elem   |         Component <------------------|--Info
 | |   |           |          |                 Refs      |
 | |Pay|Protocol   |Action     -Trading Role              |
 | |   | Ref       |OrgRef       Element                  |
 | |   v           |          (Payment Handler)           |
 |  -PayProtocol--                                        |
 |    Elem                  ->Organisation    Recipient   |-Recipient
 |                         |  Component <--------------------Info
 |                         |  |                 Refs
 |                         |   -Trading Role
 |                         |     Element
 |                         | (Delivery Handler
 |                         |
 |BrandListRef             |ActionOrgRef
 |                         |
  --Payment                 ---Delivery
   Component                  Component

   Brand List<--------------------------+-----------Payment
   Component         BrandListRef       |          Component
    |                                   |
    |-Brand<--------------------------  |
    | Element        BrandRef         | |
    |  |                          Brand Selection
    |  |Protocol                     Component
    |  | AmountRefs                   | |
    |  v                  Protocol    | |
    |-Protocol Amount<----------------  |
    | Element----------  AmountRef      |
    |  |               |                |
    |  |Currency       |Pay             |
    |  | AmountRefs    |Protocol        |
    |  v               |Ref             |
    |-Currency Amount  |                |
    | Element<---------|----------------
    |                  |
                     Action         Component
                     OrgRef          |
                                      -Trading Role
                                     (Payment Handler)

             IOTP MESSAGE  <----------- IOTP Message - an XML Document
              |                         which is transported between the
              |                         Trading Roles
              |-Trans Ref Block <-----  Trans Ref Block - contains
              |  |                      information which describes the
              |  |                      IOTP Transaction and the IOTP
    --------> |  |-Trans Id Comp. <---  Transaction Id Component -
   |          |  |                      uniquely identifies the IOTP
   |          |  |                      Transaction. The Trans Id
   |          |  |                      Components are the same across
   |          |  |                      all IOTP messages that comprise
   |          |  |                      a single IOTP transaction.
   |          |  |-Msg Id Comp. <-----  Message Id Component -
   |          |                         identifies and describes an IOTP
   |          |                         Message within an IOTP
   |          |                         Transaction
   |          |-Signature Block <-----  Signature Block (optional) -
   |          |  |                      contains one or more Signature
   |          |  |                      Components and their associated
   |          |  |                      Certificates
   |     ---> |  |-Signature Comp. <--  Signature Component - contains
   |    |     |  |                      digital signatures. Signatures
   |    |     |  |                      may sign digests of the Trans Ref
   |    |     |  |                      Block and any Trading Component
   |    |     |  |                      in any IOTP Message in the same
   |    |     |  |                      IOTP Transaction.
   |    |     |  |-Certificate Comp. <- Certificate Component. Used to
   |    |     |                         check the signature.
     Trading  |-Trading Block <-------- Trading Block - an XML Element
   Components |  |-Trading Comp.        within an IOTP Message that
   |    |     |  |-Trading Comp.        contains a predefined set of
   |     ---> |  |-Trading Comp.        Trading Components
   |          |  |-Trading Comp.
   |          |  |-Trading Comp. <----- Trading Components - XML
   |          |                         Elements within a Trading Block
   |          |-Trading Block           that contain a predefined set of
    --------> |  |-Trading Comp.        XML elements and attributes
              |  |-Trading Comp.        containing information required
              |  |-Trading Comp.        to support a Trading Exchange
              |  |-Trading Comp.
              |  |-Trading Comp.

                      |                   ProtocolAmountRefs
                      |-Brand Element-----------------------------
                      |  |                                        |
                      |   - Protocol Brand Element--------        |
                      |                                   |       |
                      |                         ProtocolId|       |
                      |                                   |       |
                      |-Protocol Amount Element<----------+-------
                      |  |                      |         |
                      |  |                      |         |
                      |  |CurrencyAmountRefs    |Pay      |
                      |  |                      |Protocol |
                      |  v                      |Ref      |
                      |-Currency Amount Element |         |
                      | Element                 |         |
                      |                         |         |

             IOTP MESSAGE  <-----------IOTP Message - an XML Document
              |                        which is transported between the
              |                        Trading Roles
              |-Trans Ref Block <----- Trans Ref Block - contains
              |  |                     information which describes the
              |  |                     IOTP Transaction and the IOTP
              |  |                     Message.
              |  |-Trans Id Comp. <--- Transaction Id Component -
              |  |                     uniquely identifies the IOTP
              |  |                     Transaction. The Trans Id
              |  |                     Components are the same across
              |  |                     all IOTP messages that comprise a
              |  |                     single IOTP transaction.
              |  |-Msg Id Comp. <----- Message Id Component - identifies
              |                        and describes an IOTP Message
              |                        within an IOTP Transaction
              |-Signature Block <----- Signature Block (optional) -
              |  |                     contains one or more Signature
              |  |                     Components and their associated
              |  |                     Certificates
              |  |-Signature Comp. <-- Signature Component - contains
              |  |                     digital signatures. Signatures
              |  |                     may sign digests of the Trans Ref
              |  |                     Block and any Trading Component
              |  |                     in any IOTP Message in the same
              |  |                     IOTP Transaction.
              |  |-Certificate Comp. <-Certificate Component. Used to
              |                        check the signature. (Optional)
      ------> |-Trading Block <--------Trading Block - an XML Element
     |        |  |-Trading Comp.       within an IOTP Message that
   Trading    |  |-Trading Comp.       contains a predefined set of
   Blocks     |  |-Trading Comp.       Trading Components
     |        |  |-Trading Comp.
     |        |  |-Trading Comp. <-----Trading Components - XML Elements
     |        |                        within a Trading Block that
      ------> |-Trading Block          contain a predefined set of XML
              |  |-Trading Comp.       elements and attributes
              |  |-Trading Comp.       containing information required
              |  |-Trading Comp.       to support a Trading Exchange
              |  |-Trading Comp.
              |  |-Trading Comp.

     START -----------------------------------------------------
      |                                                         v
      |                                                ----------------
      |                                               | AUTHENTICATION |
      |                                                ----------------
       --------------------------------------               |    |
                       |                     |              |    |
                       |      -------------- | -------------     |
                       v      v              v      v            |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |     |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |     |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                        |    |                   |   |           |
                        |     ---------------    |   |           |
                        |                    |   |   |           |
                        |     -------------- | --    |           |
                        v    v               v       v           |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |        |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |        |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                          |                      |               |
              -----------------------------      |               |
              v                v           |     |               |
         ----------        ---------       |     |               |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |      |     |               |
        |          |      | {second)|      |     |               |
         ----------        ---------       |     |               |
              |                |           |     |               v
               ----------------------------------------------> STOP

   START -------------------------------------------------------
                                                      | AUTHENTICATION |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |     |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |     |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |        |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |        |
                      ---------           --------------         |
         ----------        ---------                             |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |                            |
        |          |      | {second)|                            |
         ----------        ---------                             |

   START -----------------------------------------------------
      |                                                       v
      |                                                ----------------
      |                                               | AUTHENTICATION |
      |                                                ----------------
       --------------------------------------               |
                       |                     |              |
                       |      -------------- | -------------
                       v      v              v      v
                  -------------------     -----------------
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |
                  -------------------     -----------------
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |     -------------------
                        v    v
                      ---------           --------------
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |
                      ---------           --------------
         ----------        ---------       |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |      |
        |          |      | {second)|      |
         ----------        ---------       |
                                            -----------------> STOP

   START -----------------------------------------------------
      |                                                       v
      |                                                ----------------
      |                                               | AUTHENTICATION |
      |                                                ----------------
       --------------------------------------               |    |
                       |                     |              |    |
                       |      -------------- | -------------     |
                       v      v              v      v            |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |     |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |     |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                        |    |                   |   |           |
                        |     ---------------    |   |           |
                        |                    |   |   |           |
                        |     -------------- | --    |           |
                        v    v               v       v           |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |        |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |        |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                          |                      |               |
              -----------------------------      |               |
              v                            |     |               |
         ----------        ---------       |     |               |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |      |     |               |
        |          |      | {second)|      |     |               |
         ----------        ---------       |     |               |
              |                            |     |               v
               ----------------------------------------------> STOP

   START -----------------------------------------------------
      |                                                       v
      |                                                ----------------
      |                                               | AUTHENTICATION |
      |                                                ----------------
       --------------------------------------               |
                       |                     |              |
                       |      -------------- | -------------
                       v      v              v      v
                  -------------------     -----------------
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |
                  -------------------     -----------------
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |     -------------------
                        v    v
                      ---------           --------------
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |
                      ---------           --------------
         ----------        ---------       |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |      |
        |          |      | {second)|      |
         ----------        ---------       |
                                            -----------------> STOP

   START -----------------------------------------------------
      |                                                       v
      |                                                ----------------
      |                                               | AUTHENTICATION |
      |                                                ----------------
       --------------------------------------               |
                       |                     |              |
                       |      -------------- | -------------
                       v      v              v      v
                  -------------------     -----------------
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |
                  -------------------     -----------------
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |     -------------------
                        v    v
                      ---------           --------------
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |
                      ---------           --------------
         ----------        ---------       |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |      |
        |          |      | {second)|      |
         ----------        ---------       |
                                            -----------------> STOP

   START -----------------------------------------------------
      |                                                         v
      |                                                ----------------
      |                                               | AUTHENTICATION |
      |                                                ----------------
       --------------------------------------               |
                       |                     |              |
                       |      -------------- | -------------
                       v      v              v      v
                  -------------------     -----------------
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |
                  -------------------     -----------------
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        |     -------------------
                        v    v
                      ---------           --------------
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |
                      ---------           --------------
         ----------        ---------
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |
        |          |      | {second)|
         ----------        ---------
                                -----------------------------> STOP

Signature generated                  IotpMsg (TPO)
by Merchant ensures                  - Trans Ref Block
integrity of the Offer -------->  -  - Signature Block
                                 |   - TPO Block              MERCHANT
                                 |   - Offer Response Block
Signature generated by           |
the Payment Handler of           |   IotpMsg (Pay Resp 1)
the first payment binds          |   - Trans Ref Block         PAYMENT
Pay Receipt for the first ----->  -> - Signature Block -----   HANDLER
payment to the Offer                 - Pay Response Block 1 |    1
Signature generated by                                      |
the Payment Handler of           IotpMsg (Pay Resp 2)       |  PAYMENT
the second payment binds           - Trans Ref Block        |  HANDLER
the second payment to the ----->   - Signature Block <------     2
first payment and therefore        - Pay Response Block 2
to the Offer

   Auth Request Block in  =TRUE
    first IOTP Message ? ---------------------------------------
      | = FALSE                                                 |
      v                                                         v
   Offer Response Block in                             ----------------
     first IOTP Message ?                             | AUTHENTICATION |
      |=TRUE         |=FALSE                           ----------------
      |              |                                        |
      |              |                                        v

      |                ----------------------       TPO & Offer Response
       -------------                         |   Blocks in last IOTP Msg
                    |                        |     |=TRUE        |=FALSE
                    |                        |     |             v
                    |          ------------- | ----    TPO Block only if
                    |         |              |         last IOTP Message
                    |         |              |         of Authentication
                    |         |              |          |=TRUE   |=FALSE
                    v         v              v          v        |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                 | BRAND INDEPENDENT |   | BRAND DEPENDENT |     |
                 |       OFFER       |   |      OFFER      |     |
                  -------------------     -----------------      |
                          |                   |                  |
                          v                   v                  |
                       Offer Response Block contains             |
                             Delivery Component ?                |
                            |=FALSE        |=TRUE                |
                         ---               v                     |
                        |        Value of DelivAndPayResp        |
                        |    attribute of Delivery Component ?   |
                        |    |=FALSE         |=TRUE              |
                        |    |               |                   |
                        v    v               v                   |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                     | PAYMENT |         | PAYMENT WITH |        |
                     | (first) |         |   DELIVERY   |        |
                      ---------           --------------         |
                          |                      |               |
                          v                      |               |
            Offer and Response Block contains     -------------->|
                  Delivery Component ?                           |
                  |=TRUE           |=FALSE                       |
                  |                v                             |
                  |         Two Payment Components               |
                  |      present in Offer Response Block?        |
                  |           |=TRUE             |=FALSE         |
                  v           v                  |               |
         ----------        ---------             |               |
        | DELIVERY |      | PAYMENT |            |               |
        |          |      | {second)|            |               |
         ----------        ---------             |               |
              |                |                 |               v
               ----------------------------------------------> STOP

                          +-------+        +-------+
               Signaling  |       |        |       |
               -----------+  MGC  +        |  AAA  |
                          |       |        |       |
                          +---+---+        +--+----+
                              |               |
                          +---+---+         ~~|~~~
                Bearer    |       |        (      )
               -----------+  NAS  +-------(   IP   )
                          |       |        (      )
                          +-------+         ~~~~~~

       +-------+      +-----+     +------+    +-----+   +--------+
       |Router |      | Host|     | DSBM |    | Host|   | Router |
       | R2    |      | C   |     +------+    |  B  |   |  R3    |
       +-------+      +-----+     /           +-----+   +--------+
          |             |        /               |          |
          |             |       /                |          |
                    |                                   |
                    |                                   |
                  +------+                          +-------+
                  | Host |                          | Router|
                  |  A   |                          |   R1  |
                  +------+                          +-------+

            +--<--------------<-|DetectDSBM |---->------+
            |                   +-----------+           |
            |                                           |
            |                                           |
            |                                           |
            |     +-------------+       +---------+     |
            +->---|   Idle      |--<>---|ElectDSBM|--<--+
                  +-------------+       +---------+
                       |                        |
                       |                        |
                       |                        |
                       |        +-----------+   |
                       +<<- +---|  IAMDSBM  |-<-+
                            |   +-----------+
                            |   +-----------+
                            +>>-| SHUTDOWN  |

   IPv4 LAN_NHOP_L3 object: class =163, C-Type = 1
   |       Length = 8              |   163         |       1       |
   |               IPv4 NHOP address                               |

   IPv6 LAN_NHOP_L3 object: class =163, C-Type = 2
   |       Length = 20             |   163         |       2       |
   |               IPv6 NHOP address (16 bytes)                    |

   IPv4 DSBM IP ADDRESS object: class = 42, C-Type =1
           0               1               2               3
   |                       IPv4 DSBM IP Address                    |

   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       IPv6 DSBM IP Address                    +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |

           0               1               2               3
   |   ///         |   ///         | ///           | SBM priority  |

   |   ///        |   ///          | DeadInterval  | RefreshInterval|

       0       1       2       3
   | NonResvSendLimit(limit on traffic allowed to send without RESV)|
   |                                                                |

                     | +-------+  +-------+        |   RSVP
                     | |Appli- |  | RSVP  <------------------->
                     | | cation<-->       |        |
                     | |       |  |process| +-----+|
                     | +-+-----+  |       +->Polcy||
                     |   |        +--+--+-+ |Cntrl||
                     |   |data       |  |   +-----+|
                     |   |  +--------+  |   +-----+|
                     |   |  |        |  +--->Admis||
                     | +-V--V-+  +---V----+ |Cntrl||
                     | |Class-|  | Packet | +-----+|
                     | | ifier|==>Schedulr|===================>
                     | +------+  +--------+        |    data

                    from IP     from RSVP
                  | +--V----+   +---V---+        |
                  | | Addr  <--->       |        | SBM signaling
                  | |mapping|   |Request|<----------------------->
                  | +---+---+   |Module |        |
                  |     |       |       |        |
                  | +---+---+   |       |        |
                  | |  802  <--->       |        |
                  | | header|   +-+-+-+-+        |
                  | +--+----+    /  | |          |
                  |    |        /   | |  +-----+ |
                  |    | +-----+    | +->|Band-| |
                  |    | |          |    |width| |
                  | +--V-V-+  +-----V--+ |Alloc| |
                  | |Class-|  | Packet | +-----+ |
                  | | ifier|==>Schedulr|=========================>
                  | +------+  +--------+         |  data

                          to RSVP       to IP
                            ^            ^
                       | +--+----+       |      |
         SBM signaling | |Request|   +---+---+  |
         <-------------> |Module |   | Strip |  |
                       | +--+---++   |802 hdr|  |
                       |    |    \   +---^---+  |
                       | +--v----+\      |      |
                       | | Band- | \     |      |
                       | |  width|  \    |      |
                       | | Alloc |   .   |      |
                       | +-------+   |   |      |
                       | +------+   +v---+----+ |
         data          | |Class-|   | Packet  | |
         <==============>| ifier|==>|Scheduler| |
                       | +------+   +---------+ |

    SBM signaling    | +-----+   +------+   +------+ | SBM signaling
   <------------------>| IN  |<->| SBM  |<->| OUT  |<---------------->
                     | | SBM |   | prop.|   | SBM  | |
                     | +-++--+   +---^--+   /----+-+ |
                     |  / |          |     /     |   |
       ______________| /  |          |     |     |   +-------------+
      | \             /+--V--+       |     |  +--V--+            / |
      |   \      ____/ |Local|       |     |  |Local|          /   |
      |     \   /      |Admis|       |     |  |Admis|        /     |
      |       \/       |Cntrl|       |     |  |Cntrl|      /       |
      | +-----V+\      +-----+       |     |  +-----+    /+-----+  |
      | |traff |  \              +---+--+ +V-------+   /  |egrss|  |
      | |class |    \            |Filter| |Queue & | /    |traff|  |
      | |map & |=====|==========>|Data- |=| Packet |=|===>|class|  |
      | |police|     |           |  base| |Schedule| |    |map  |  |
      | +------+     |           +------+ +--------+ |    +-+---+  |
   data in |                                                |data out
   ========+                                                +========>

    |                                  |
    v                                  |
    XOR<-------------------------+     +->D0-+->D1-> ... ->D41->D42-+
    |                            |     |                            |
    +->D0-+->D1-> ... ->D41->D42-+     XOR<-------------------------+
    |                                  |
    v                                  v
    OUT (TO SDL FRAMER)                DATA-STREAM (TO PPP)

   |     ^                 ^      ^                  |
   |     |                 |      |                  |
   +->D0-+->D1-> ... ->D26-+->D27-+->D28-> ... ->D47-+

      Outgoing                           Corporate        Departmental
        Proxy                              Server            Server
       _______  Outgoing proxy contacts   _______            _______
       |     |     corporate server       |     |            |     |
       |     | -------------------------> |     | ---------> |     |
       |_____|                            |_____|            |_____|
Route 1   ^                                                    \Searches
         /                                                      \   for
Sends to/                                                        \ User
 proxy /                                                         _|
   _______                                                      _______
   |     |   Route 2                                            |     |
   |     | ---------------------------------------------------> |     |
   |_____|      Originator directly contacts destination        |_____|

    host <----- router <--- Internet <----- router <-- attacker

    no route
    no route
    no route

                               router 1
         ISP <----- ISP <---- ISP <--- ISP <-- router <-- attacker
          A          B         C        D         2
              router 3

      + - - - - - - - - - - - - +  + - - - - +  + - - - - - - - - - - -+
      | An Attack:              |  |Counter- |  | A System Resource:   |
      | i.e., A Threat Action   |  | measure |  | Target of the Attack |
      | +----------+            |  |         |  | +-----------------+  |
      | | Attacker |<==================||<=========                 |  |
      | |   i.e.,  |   Passive  |  |         |  | |  Vulnerability  |  |
      | | A Threat |<=================>||<========>                 |  |
      | |  Agent   |  or Active |  |         |  | +-------|||-------+  |
      | +----------+   Attack   |  |         |  |         VVV          |
      |                         |  |         |  | Threat Consequences  |
      + - - - - - - - - - - - - +  + - - - - +  + - - - - - - - - - - -+

      Service    Critical   Evidence   Evidence   Archive    . Evidence
      Request => Action  => Stored  => Is      => Evidence   . Is
      Is Made    Occurs     For Later  Tested     In Case    . Verified
                 and        Use |          ^      Critical   .     ^
                 Evidence       v          |      Action Is  .     |
                 Is         +-------------------+ Repudiated .     |
                 Generated  |Verifiable Evidence|------> ... . ----+

           #  +----------------- - - - -----------------+          #
           #  | Module 1 [1]     . . .            [i]   |          #
           #  +----------------- - - - -----------------+          #
           #                     o o o                             #
           #  +---------------------- - - - --------+              #
           #  | Module M [1]          . . .     [n] |              #
           #  +---------------------- - - - -----^--+              #
        One or more NxPorts   { [1] . . . [L] }<-+
                              - - - - - - - - -
   where "i", "n", "M" and "L" are some arbitrary sample integer values,
   and "L" must be less than 127.

                   Level 40
                   |                           |
                   |                           |
                   |      @ ---- @ ---- @      |
                   |      |             |      |
                   +----- | ----------- | -----+
                          |             |
           Level 60       |             |
           +------------- | ---+    +-- | --------------+
           |              |    |    |   |               |
      R1* ------#-P1------@    |    |   @---------P3-#------- * R3
           |              |    |    |   |               |
      R2* ------#-P2------+    |    |   +---------P4-#------- * R4
           |                   |    |                   |
           +-------------------+    +-------------------+

                     AS101         DMZ      AS100
                   #########                ##########
                           #                #
               |           #   |            #            |
               +-- R1 ---------+            #       R4 --+
               |           #   |            #            |
               |           #   | BGP4 on    #    OSPF on |
               | OSPF on   #   | subnet     #     subnet |
               | subnet    #   | 1.1/16     #   1.1.2/24 |
               | 1.1.1/24  #   |            #            |
               |           #   +------------------- R3 --+
               +-- R2      #   |            #            |
               |           #                #
                   #########                ##########

        __________                      _________
       |          |                    |         |
       |   OSPF   |<-------------------|Proxy-PAR|<---(Proxy-PAR query)
       |__________|  notify            | client  |
            ^        neighbor changes  |_________|
            |                               |
   send and |                               | maintain Proxy-PAR
   receive  |                               | entries in table
   OSPF msg |                               |
            |                               |
            |                               |
        ____V____                       ____V_____
       |   ATM   |                     |          |
       | circuit |-------------------->|IP to NSAP|
       | manager | check               |  table   |
       |_________| IP to NSAP bindings |__________|

          +           +                             +
          |   +---+   |                             |
   +--+   |---|RTA|---|          +-------+          |   +--+
   |H1|---|   +---+   |          | ATM   |          |---|H2|
   +--+   |           |   +---+  | Cloud |  +---+   |   +--+
          |LAN Y      |---|RTB|-------------|RTC|---|
          +           |   +---+  | PPAR  |  +---+   |
                      +          +-------+          +

       Confidentiality                    Integrity
       31 (MSB)                        16 15                 (LSB) 0
      | TS(5) | U(3) | IA(4) | MA(4) | TS(5) | U(3) | IA(4) | MA(4) |

                           /\/\/\/\/\/\/\            /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
___________                \          __/___      ___\_             \
|  PINT   |      PINT      \   PINT  | PINT |     |Exec| Telephone  /
| client  |<-------------->|  server |gatewy|=====|Syst| Network    \
|_________|    protocol    /  cloud  |______|     |____|  Cloud     /
                           \            \            /              \
                           /\/\/\/\/\/\/\            \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

    Code  Len   Type  Client-Identifier
   |  61 |  9  | 27  |           EUI-64 (node unique ID)             |

                        0       7      15      23      31
                        |      AFI      | Res.  | SAFI  |

|Initially:                                                            |
|                                                                      |
|      AVG_INTERVAL = a constant;                                      |
|      avg-rate     = CTR;                                             |
|      t-front      = 0;                                               |
|                                                                      |
|Upon each packet's arrival, the rate estimator updates its variables: |
|                                                                      |
|      Bytes_in_win = avg-rate * AVG_INTERVAL;                         |
|      New_bytes    = Bytes_in_win + pkt_size;                         |
|      avg-rate     = New_bytes/( now - t-front + AVG_INTERVAL);       |
|      t-front      = now;                                             |
|                                                                      |
|Where:                                                                |
|      now          = The time of the current packet arrival           |
|      pkt_size     = The packet size in bytes of the arriving packet  |
|      avg-rate     = Measured Arrival Rate of traffic stream          |
|      AVG_INTERVAL = Time window over which history is kept           |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|              Figure 2. Example Rate Estimator Algorithm              |
|                                                                      |

   |       avg-rate = Estimated Avg Sending Rate of Traffic Stream   |
   |                                                                 |
   |       if (avg-rate <= CTR)                                      |
   |               the packet is green;                              |
   |       else if (avg-rate <= PTR) AND (avg-rate > CTR)            |
   |                                 (avg-rate - CTR)                |
   |               calculate P0  =   ----------------                |
   |                                       avg-rate                  |
   |               with probability P0 the packet is yellow;         |
   |               with probability (1-P0) the packet is green;      |
   |       else                                                      |
   |                                 (avg-rate - PTR)                |
   |               calculate P1  =   ----------------                |
   |                                      avg-rate                   |
   |                                 (PTR - CTR)                     |
   |               calculate P2  =   -----------                     |
   |                                  avg-rate                       |
   |               with probability P1 the packet is red;            |
   |               with probability P2 the packet is yellow;         |
   |               with probability (1-(P1+P2)) the packet is green; |
   |                                                                 |
   |                 Figure 3. TSWTCM Marking Algorithm              |

          ------                                  ------
         |      |                                |      |
         | M1   |    TRIP                 TRIP   |  M2  |
         |      |\    |                    |    /|      |
          ------  \   |                    |   /  ------
                   \ \ /   -------------- \ / /
          ------    \----|              |----/    ------
         |      |        |              |        |      |
         | M3   |--------| Clearinghouse|--------|  M4  |
         |      |        |              |        |      |
          ------    /----|              |----\    ------
                   /      --------------      \
          ------  /                            \  ------
         |      |/                              \|      |
         | M5   |                                |  M6  |
         |      |                                |      |
          ------                                  ------

                       ------        ------
                      |      |------|      |
                      | M1   |      |  M2  |
                      |      |\    /|      |
                       ------  \  /  ------
                         |      \/     |
                         |      /\     |<-----TRIP
                       ------  /  \  ------
                      |      |/    \|      |
                      | M3   |      |  M4  |
                      |      |------|      |
                       ------        ------

                            |      |
                            |  M1  |
                            |      |
                           /       \ <------- TRIP
                      ------        ------
                     |      |      |      |
                     |  M2  |      |  M3  |
                     |      |      |      |
                      ------        ------
                     /      \      /      \
               ------        ------        ------
              |      |      |      |      |      |
              | M4   |      | M5   |      | M6   |
              |      |      |      |      |      |
               ------        ------        ------

           ITAD1                                ITAD2
      -----------------                ------------------
     |                  |             |                  |
     |  ----            |             |           ----   |
     | | GW |           |             |          | EU |  |
     |  ----  \  ----   |             |  ----  /  ----   |
     |          | LS | ---------------- | LS |           |
     |  ----     ----   |             /  ----  \  ----   |
     | | GW | /         |            /|          | EU |  |
     |  ----            |           / |           ----   |
     |                  |          /  |                  |
      ------------------          /    ------------------
                     --------- /----------
                    |         |           |
                    |        ----         |
                    |       | LS |        |
                    |     /  ---- \       |
                    |  ----   ||   ----   |
                    | | GW |  ||  | EU |  |
                    |  ----   ||   ----   |
                    |  ----   ||   ----   |
                    | | GW | /  \ | EU |  |
                    |  ----        ----   |
                    |                     |

                   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
                |   PRECEDENCE    |          TOS          | MBZ |

                  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                |         DSCP          |  CU   |

           |Prefix len.|  Address suffix  |    Prefix name    |
           | (1 octet) |  (0..16 octets)  |  (0..255 octets)  |

   |       +-----  Pass-Through header                                |
   |       |          +---  Response data                             |
   |       |          |            +----  Start diagnostic information|
   |       |          |            |                                  |
   | +----------++----------++--------------------------------------- |
   | |          ||          ||                                        |
   | 004912A090000560060020C0003D0000C9F9F0F2E3C1D9C7C5E34040D7C3D7D9 |
   |                                 |      | T A R G E T     P C P R |
   |                                 +------+                         |
   |                           Response Code (I902)                   |
   |                                                                  |
   | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
   |                                                                  |
   | C9D5E3C5D9400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
   |  I N T E R                                                       |
   |                                                                  |
   |                  +------- End of diagnostic information          |
   |                  |                                               |
   | -----------------+                                               |
   |                  |                                               |
   | 000000000000000000                                               |
    Figure 1. Example of a success response record.

   |       +-----  Pass-Through header                                |
   |       |          +---  Response data                             |
   |       |          |            +----  Start diagnostic information|
   |       |          |            |                                  |
   | +----------++----------++--------------------------------------- |
   | |          ||          ||                                        |
   | 004912A09000056006008200003D0000F8F9F0F2E3C1D9C7C5E34040D7C3D7D9 |
   |                                 |      | T A R G E T     P C P R |
   |                                 +------+                         |
   |                           Response Code (8902)                   |
   |                                                                  |
   | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
   |                                                                  |
   | C9D5E3C5D9400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
   |  I N T E R                                                       |
   |                                                                  |
   |                  +------- End of diagnostic information          |
   |                  |                                               |
   | -----------------+                                               |
   |                  |                                               |
   | 000000000000000000                                               |
    Figure 2. Example of an error response record.

   |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                 |
   |   |                                                              |
   |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                        |
   |   |    |                                                         |
   |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                 |
   |   |    |    |                                                    |
   |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)  |
   |   |    |    |   |                                                |
   |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                    |
   |   |    |    |   |   |                                            |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code               |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |                                        |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      +-- Diagnostic field - zero pad to|
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |   LL specified                  |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |                                 |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            +-- Printer data     |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            |                    |
   | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++ +----------+ +----------------+        |
   | |  | |  | |  | || |  | || |          | |                |        |
   | xxxx 12A0 xxxx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx ... print data ...        |
   |                                                                  |
    Figure 3. Layout of the printer pass-through header

  |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                   |
  |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                          |
  |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                   |
  |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)    |
  |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                      |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code                 |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   |      +-- Zero pad to LL specified (0A)   |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            +-- Printer data       |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            |                      |
  | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++ +----------+ +---------------------------|
  | |  | |  | |  | || |  | || |          | |                           |
  | 0085 12A0 0101 0A 1800 01 000000000000 34C4012BD20345FF2BD2044C0002|
  |                                                                    |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------       |
  |                                                                    |
  | 2BD2040D00002BD20A8501010201030204022BD20309022BD2061100014A       |
  |                                                                    |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------       |
  |                                                                    |
  | 402BD20601010000012BD306F60000FFFF2BD20A48000001000000010100       |
  |                                                                    |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------       |
  |                                                                    |
  | 2BD10705000B0090012BD2044900F02BD206404A403DE02BD2041500F034       |
  |                                                                    |
  |    end of printer data                                             |
  | -------------------------+                                         |
  |                          |                                         |
  | C4012BD10381FF002BC8034001                                         |
   Figure 4. Server sending client data with a print record

   |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                  |
   |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                         |
   |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                  |
   |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)   |
   |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                     |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code                |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |                                         |
   | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++                                         |
   | |  | |  | |  | || |  | ||                                         |
   | 000A 12A0 0102 04 0000 01                                         |
    Figure 5. Client sending server a print complete record

   |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                 |
   |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                        |
   |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                 |
   |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)  |
   |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                    |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code               |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      +-- Zero pad to LL specified (0A) |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |        +-- Printer data         |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |        |                        |
   | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++ +----------+ ++                        |
   | |  | |  | |  | || |  | || |          | ||                        |
   | 0011 12A0 0101 0A 0800 01 000000000000 00                        |
    Figure 6. Server sending client a null print record

           E1     +--+            +--+     E3
      ------------|  |            |  |------------
                  |  |     W1     |  |
           E2     |  |            |  |     E4
      ------------|  |            |  |------------
                  +--+            +--+

           E1     +--+     W2     +--+     E3
                  +--+            +--+

           E2     +--+     W3     +--+     E4
                  +--+            +--+

        P(F) = TRUE <- : -> P(F) = FALSE
            +----------:----------+  This box represents some
            |          :          |  universe of fax documents (F)
            | Included : Excluded |  from which some acceptable subset
            |          :          |  is selected by the predicate P.

                                             -----      ----
                                            | ECN |    | ECN |
                                            | ON  |    | OFF |
          data direction ---->>              -----      ----
                                              |          |
      server                                  |          |
       ----        ------        ------       |          |
      |    |      |  R1  |      |  R2  |      |          |
      |    | -----|      | ---- |      | ----------------------
       ----        ------ ^      ------             |
                          ^                         |
                          |                        -----
      congestion point ___|                       |  C  |
                                                  |     |

          |Media Gateway                                         |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | |Context                          +-------------+ |  |
          | |                                 | Termination | |  |
          | |                                 |-------------| |  |
          | |  +-------------+             +->| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          | |  | Termination |   +-----+   |  |   Channel   | |  |
          | |  |-------------|   |     |---+  +-------------+ |  |
        <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |                      |  |
          | |  |             |   |     |---+  +-------------+ |  |
          | |  +-------------+   +-----+   |  | Termination | |  |
          | |                              |  |-------------| |  |
          | |                              +->| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          | |                                 |   Channel   | |  |
          | |                                 +-------------+ |  |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          |                                                      |
          |                                                      |
          |                    +------------------------------+  |
          |                    |Context                       |  |
          |  +-------------+   |              +-------------+ |  |
          |  | Termination |   | +-----+      | Termination | |  |
          |  |-------------|   | |     |      |-------------| |  |
        <-+->| SCN Bearer  |   | |  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          |  |   Channel   |   | |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
          |  +-------------+   | +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
          |                    +------------------------------+  |
          |                                                      |
          |                                                      |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | |Context                                          |  |
          | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
          | |  | Termination |   +-----+      | Termination | |  |
          | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
        <-+--->| SCN Bearer  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          | |  |   Channel   |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
          | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | ___________________________________________________  |

          |Media Gateway                                         |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | |Context C1                                       |  |
          | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
          | |  | Term. T2    |   +-----+      | Term. T1    | |  |
          | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
        <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          | |  |             |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
          | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          |                                                      |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | |Context C2                                       |  |
          | |                                 +-------------+ |  |
          | |                    +-----+      | Term. T3    | |  |
          | |                    |     |      |-------------| |  |
          | |                    |  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          | |                    |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
          | |                    +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |

          |Media Gateway                                         |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | |Context C1                                       |  |
          | |  +-------------+                                |  |
          | |  | Term. T2    |   +-----+                      |  |
          | |  |-------------|   |     |                      |  |
        <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |                      |  |
          | |  |             |   |     |                      |  |
          | |  +-------------+   +-----+                      |  |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          |                                                      |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
          | |Context C2                                       |  |
          | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
          | |  | Term. T1    |   +-----+      | Term. T3    | |  |
          | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
        <-+--->| SCN Bearer  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
          | |  |   Channel   |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
          | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
          | +-------------------------------------------------+  |

            Context 1           Context 2           Context 3
      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |       ^  ^       |  |          ^       |  |          ^       |
      |       |  |       |  |          |       |  |          |       |
      |    +--+  +--+    |  |          +---+   |  |          +--+    |
      |    |        |    |  |              |   |  |             |    |
      |    v        v    |  |              v   |  |             |    |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
       1. No Topology Desc.  2. T1, T2 Isolate     3. T3, T2 oneway

            Context 1           Context 2           Context 3
      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |          |       |  |          ^       |  |       ^  ^       |
      |          |       |  |          |       |  |       |  |       |
      |          +--+    |  |          +---+   |  |    +--+  +--+    |
      |             |    |  |              |   |  |    |        |    |
      |             v    |  |              v   |  |    v        v    |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
       4. T2, T3 oneway      5. T2, T3 bothway     6. T1, T2 bothway

       | Transaction x                                            |
       |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
       |  | Action 1                                           |  |
       |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+  +---------+ |  |
       |  | | Command |  | Command |  | Command |  | Command | |  |
       |  | |    1    |  |    2    |  |    3    |  |    4    | |  |
       |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+  +---------+ |  |
       |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
       |                                                          |
       |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
       |  | Action 2                                           |  |
       |  | +---------+                                        |  |
       |  | | Command |                                        |  |
       |  | |    1    |                                        |  |
       |  | +---------+                                        |  |
       |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
       |                                                          |
       |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
       |  | Action 3                                           |  |
       |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+              |  |
       |  | | Command |  | Command |  | Command |              |  |
       |  | |    1    |  |    2    |  |    3    |              |  |
       |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+              |  |
       |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |

                       WAN  |
                |Enterprise Router|
                    |   DMZ - Network
                |            |                |
               +--+         +--+         +----------+
               |__|         |__|         | Firewall |
              /____\       /____\        +----------+
              DMZ-Name     DMZ-Web  ...    |
              Server       Server          |
                               (                  )
                              (  Internal Network  )
                             (   (private to the    )
                              (   enterprise)      )
                               (_________________ )

                       WAN  |
                |Enterprise Router|
                    |   DMZ - Network
            |            |                     |
           +--+         +--+              +----------+
           |__|         |__|              | Firewall |
               /____\       /____\             +----------+
               DMZ-Name     DMZ-Web   ...         |
               Server       Server etc.           | LAN
                      |                          |
                 +----------+         +------------------+
                 |   LNS    |         | Security Gateway |
                 |  Server  |         |      (SGW)       |
                 +----------+         +------------------+
                                    (                  )
                                   (  Internal Network  )
                                  (   (Private to the    )
                                   (   enterprise)      )
                                    (_________________ )

              Remote Access  +-------------+      (            )
        +--+______   Link    | Local Access|     (              )
        |__|     /___________| Concentrator|----(    Internet    )
       /____\                |    (LAC)    |     (              )
       RA-Host               +-------------+      (____________)

                                  WAN  |
                           |Enterprise Router|
                               |   DMZ - Network
            |            |                     |
           +--+         +--+              +----------+
           |__|         |__|              | Firewall |
               /____\       /____\             +----------+
               DMZ-Name     DMZ-Web   ...         |
               Server       Server etc.           | LAN
                                | Secure Remote |
                                | Access Server |
                                |    (SRAS)     |
                              (                     )
                 +--+       (    Internal Network    )
                 |__|------(     (Private to the      )
                /____\      (     enterprise)        )
                Ent-Host     (______________________)

                                      | End-to-end IP packet |
                                      | (RA-Host->Ent-Host)  |

   | End-to-end IP packet |
   | (Ent-Host->Ra-Host)  |

                                -----   inner_ctl}
               ---------------->| N |-----------------
              |  ---------------| 1 |<--------------  |
              | |  {inner_data  -----               | |
              | |   outer_ctl}                      | |
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 6 |                                 | 2 |
             -----                                 -----
              ^ |                                   ^ |
            o | |                                 i | |
            u | |                                 n | |
            t | |                                 n | |
            e | |                                 e | |
            r | |                                 r | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 5 |                                 | 3 |
             -----                                 -----
              | |                                   | |
              | |               -----               | |
              |  -------------->| N |---------------  |
               -----------------| 4 |<----------------

                                  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                  .                               .
                                -----                             .
               ---------------->| N |-----------------            .
              |  ---------------| 1 |<--------------  |           .
              | |               -----               | |           .
              | |                                   | |           .
             -----                                 -----          .
         . .>| N |                                 | N |. ..      .
         .   | 6 |                                 | 2 |   .      .
         .   -----                                 -----   .      .
         .    ^ |                                   ^ |    .      .
         .  o | |                                 i | |    .      .
         .  u | |                                 n | |    .      .
         .  t | |                                 n | |    .      .
         .  e | |                                 e | |    .      .
         .  r | |                                 r | |    .      .
         .    | v                                   | v    .      .
         .   -----                                 -----   .      .
         . . | N |                                 | N |<. .      .
             | 5 |                                 | 3 |          .
             -----                                 -----          .
              | |                                   | |           .
              | |               -----               | |           .
              |  -------------->| N |---------------  |           .
               -----------------| 4 |<----------------            .
                                -----                             .
                                  ^                               .
                                  .                               .
                                  . . . . .<. . . . . . . . . . . .

                         ^^               ||
                         ||               vv
                       |----|           |----|
                       |    |           |    |
                       |----|Rx         |----|Tx
                       |    |Buffer     |    |Buffer
                       |----|           |----|
                       |    |           |    |
                       |----|           |----|
                       |    |           |    |
                       |----|           |----|
                       |    |           |    |
                       |----|           |----|
                         ^^    Transit    ||
                         ||    Buffer     ||
                         ||    |------|   vv
                               |  H   |
                               |  L   |

               ################>| N |-----------------
              #  ---------------| 1 |<--------------  |
              # |               -----               | |
              # |                                   | |
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 6 |                                 | 2 |
             -----                                 -----
              ^ |                                   ^ |
              # |                                   | |
              # |                                   | |
              # |                                   | |
              # |                                   | |
              # |                                   | |
              # v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 5 |                                 | 3 |
             -----                                 -----
              # |                                   | |
              # |               -----               | |
              #  -------------->| N |---------------  |
               #################| 4 |<----------------

               ################>| N |-----------------
              #  ###############| 1 |<##############  |
              # #               -----               # |
              # v                                   # |
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 6 |                                 | 2 |
             -----                                 -----
              ^ # wrap                              ^ |
              ###                                   # |
           _________                                # |
           fiber cut                                # |
           ---------                                # |
              ###                                   # |
              # v wrap                              # v
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 5 |                                 | 3 |
             -----                                 -----
              # #                                   # |
              # #               -----               # |
              #  ##############>| N |###############  |
               #################| 4 |<----------------

               -----------------| N |-----------------
              |  ---------------| 1 |<##############  |
              | |               -----               # |
              | v                                   # |
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 6 |                                 | 2 |
             -----                                 -----
              ^ | wrap                              ^ |
              --                                    # |
           _________                                # |
           fiber cut                                # |
           ---------                                # |
               --                                   # |
              | v wrap                              # v
             -----                                 -----
             | N |                                 | N |
             | 5 |                                 | 3 |
             -----                                 -----
              | |                                   # |
              | |               -----               # |
              |  -------------->| N |###############  |
               -----------------| 4 |<----------------

                     |       SRP Header              |
                     |       Dest. Addr.             |
                     |       Source Addr.            |
                     |       Protocol Type           |
                     |       Payload                 |
                     |                               |
                     |                               |
                     |                               |
                     |       FCS                     |

   if (MODE == 4,5)-------------------------------->[to host]--->|
           |                                                     |
           v                                                     |
   if (MODE == 6)---------------------------------->[strip]----->|
           |                                                     |
           v                                                     |
   if (!WRAPPED                                                  |
      & WRONG_RING_ID)-------------------------------------------|--->|
           |                                                     |    |
           v                                                     |    |
   if (MODE == 0,1,2,3)------------------------------------------|--->|
           |                                                     |    |
           v                                                     |    |
   if (DA MATCH)--------------->if !(SA MATCH)----->[to host]--->|    |
           |                            |                        |    |
           |                            v                        |    |
           |                    if (unicast)------->[to host]--->|    |
           |                            |                        |    |
           |                            v                        |    |
   if (SA MATCH)-------------------->[strip]-------------------->|    |
           |                                                     |    |
           |                                                     |    v
                                        |                        |
                                        v                        |
                                if (ttl < 2)------->[strip]----->|
                                        |                        |
                                        v                        |
                                [decrement ttl]                  |
                                        |                        |
                                [fwd pkt to tb]                  |
                                        |                        v
                                  [back to top]

   if (TB_High has pkt)----------->[send pkt from TB_high]-->|
           |                                                 |
           v                                                 |
   if (TB_Low full)------------------------------------------|---->|
           |                                                 |     |
           v                                                 |     |
   if (Tx_High has pkt)----------->[send pkt from Tx_high]-->|     |
           |                                                 |     |
           v                                                 |     |
   if (TB_Low > Hi threshold)--------------------------------|---->|
           |                                                 |     |
           v                                                 |     |
   if (my_usage >= allowed_usage)----------------------------|---->|
           |                                                 |     |
           v                                                 |     |
   if (Tx_Low has pkt)------------>[send pkt from Tx_low]--->|     |
           |                                                 |     |
           |                                                 |     v
           |                                                 |
           v                                                 |
   if (TB_Low has pkt)------------>[send pkt from TB_low]--->|
           |                                                 v
       [Go to Top]

              |  -----X---------------------  |
              | |     fiber                 | |
              | v     cut       {IDLE,B,W,S}| v
             -----                         -----
             | A |                         | B |
             |   |                         |   |
             -----                         -----
              ^ | {SF,A,W,L}              i ^ | o {SF,B,W,L}
              | |                         n | | u
              | |                         n | | t
              | |                         e | | e
              | v                         r | v r

                         Local FS,SF,SD,MS req.
             ---------   or Rx{REQ,SRC,W,S} from mate
            |   IDLE  |-------------------------------------------
            |         |<----------------------------------------  |
             ---------   Local REQ clears                       | |
                ^ |      or Rx{IDLE,SRC,I,S}                    | |
                | |                                             | |
                | |                                             | |
                | |                                             | |
                | |                                             | |
Rx{IDLE,SRC,I,S}| | Rx{REQ,SRC,W,L}                             | |
                | |                                             | |
                | |                                             | |
                | v    Local FS,SF,SD,MS REQ > Active req.      | v
             --------- or Rx{REQ,SRC,W,S},REQ > Active req.  ---------
            |  PASS   |------------------------------------>| WRAPPED |
            |  THRU   |<------------------------------------|         |
             ---------                                       ---------
             Forwards                   Tx{REQ,SELF,W,S} for local REQ
             {REQ,SRC,W,L}              Tx{IDLE,SELF,W,S} for mate REQ
                                        & Tx{REQ,SELF,W,L}

                        fiber cut
              |  -----------------------------------  |
              | |                                   | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | A |                                 | B |
             |   |                                 |   |
             -----                                 -----
              ^ |                                   ^ |
            o | |                                 i | |
            u | |                                 n | |
            t | |                                 n | |
            e | |                                 e | |
            r | |                                 r | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | D |                                 | C |
             |   |                                 |   |
             -----                                 -----
              | |                                   | |
              | |                                   | |
              |  -----------------------------------  |

                        fiber cut
              |  -------X---------------------------  |
              | |       fiber cut                   | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | A |                                 | B |
             |   |                                 |   |
             -----                                 -----
              ^ |                                   ^ |
            o | |                                 i | |
            u | |                                 n | |
            t | |                                 n | |
            e | |                                 e | |
            r | |                                 r | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | D |                                 | C |
             |   |                                 |   |
             -----                                 -----
              | |                                   | |
              | |                                   | |
              |  -----------------------------------  |

              |  -----------------------------------  |
              | |                                   | |
              | v                                   | v /
             -----                                 ----/
             | A |                                 | C/| failed
             |   |                                 | / | node C
             -----                                 -/---
              ^ |                                  /^ |
            o | |                                 i | |
            u | |                                 n | |
            t | |                                 n | |
            e | |                                 e | |
            r | |                                 r | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | D |                                 | B |
             |   |                                 |   |
             -----                                 -----
              | |                                   | |
              | |                                   | |
              |  -----------------------------------  |

              |  -<--|------------------------------  |
              | |                                   | |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 ----
             | A |                                 | C | Added
             |   |                                 |   | node
             -----                                 -----
              ^ |                                   ^ |
            o | |                                 i | |
            u | |                                 n | |
            t | |                                 n | |
            e | |                                 e --- wrap
            r | |                                 r ^ |
              | v                                   | v
             -----                                 -----
             | D |                                 | B |
             |   |                                 |   |
             -----                                 -----
              | |                                   | |
              | |                                   | |
              |  -----------------------------------  |

          |              96-bits                 |   32-bits    |
          |            0:0:0:0:0:0               | IPv4 Address |
                       IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address Format

   | c !                          | c !  protocolDir  |
   | n !  protocolDirID           | n !  Parameters   |
   | t !                          | t !               |

   |                                        |
   |              4 * N octets              |
   |                                        |

   protocolDirID                   protocolDirParameters
   | c |  proto |  proto |  proto |  proto | c |par|par|par|par|
   | n |  base  | L(B+1) | L(B+2) | L(B+3) | n |ba-| L3| L4| L5|
   | t |(+flags)|   L3   |   L4   |   L5   | t |se |   |   |   |
   +---+--------+--------+--------+--------+---+---+---+---+---+ subOID
   | 1 |   4    |    4   |    4   |    4   | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | count

   |  proto |  proto |  proto |  proto |
   |   base |    L3  |   L4   |   L5   |
   |        |        |        |        |
   +--------+--------+--------+--------+ octet
   |    4   |    4   |    4   |    4   | count

   |ba-| L3| L4| L5|
   |se |   |   |   |
   +---+---+---+---+ octet
   | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | count

             Fig. 2
        base-identifier format
        |   |   |   |   |
        | f |op1|op2| m |
        |   |   |   |   |
        +---+---+---+---+ octet
        | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | count

            802-1Q  Child Layer-Identifier Format
            |  Base  |                          |
            |   ID   |   base-specific format   |
            |        |                          |
            |    1   |             3            | octet count

   +------+      +-------+      +-------+      +-------+      +-------+
   |      | auth |       | auth |       | auth |       | auth |       |
   |      |<---->|  AAA  |<---->|  AAA  |<---->|  AAA  |<---->|  AAA  |
   |      |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |       |
   |      |      +-------+      +-------+      +-------+      +-------+
   | User |          |              |              |              |
   |      |          |          +-------+      +-------+      +-------+
   |      |          |          |  BB   |      |  BB   |      |Budget |
   |      |          |          +-------+      +-------+      +-------+
   |      |          |              |              |
   |      |      +-------+          |              |
   |      |      |dial in|      +-------+      +-------+
   |      |<====>|service|<====>|network|<====>|network|<===> Experiment
   +------+      +-------+      +-------+      +-------+

                    |  AAA  |<---1---> to AAA server as in fig. 2
   request <---4--->|GateWay|
                    |       |<---2---> optionally to ASM/service

                            |                  |
             +--------------|----+             |
             | Service      2    |             2
             | Application  |    |             |
             |  +-------------+  |      +-------------+
             |  | Application |  |      | Application |
             |  |  Specific   |  |      |  Specific   |
             |  |   Module    |  |      |   Module    |
             |  +-------------+  |      +-------------+
             |         |         |             |
             |         5         |             5
             |         |         |             |
             |  +-------------+  |      +-------------+
             |  |   Service   |  |      |   Service   |
             |  |             |  |      |  Equipment  |
             |  +-------------+  |      +-------------+

               +------+      +-------------------------+
               |      |      | User Home Organization  |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
               |      |      |  |                   |  |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |                         |
               |      |      +-------------------------+
               |      |
               |      |
               |      |
               | User |      +-------------------------+
               |      |      | Service Provider        |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
               |      |      |  |                   |  |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |                         |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |  |      Service      |  |
               |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |                         |
               +------+      +-------------------------+

              +------+      +-------------------------+
              |      |      | User Home Organization  |
              |      |======|  +-------------------+  |
              |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
              |      |      |  |                   |  |
              |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |      |                         |
              |      |      +-------------------------+
              |      |                  ||
              |      |                  ||
              |      |                  ||
              | User |      +-------------------------+
              |      |      | Service Provider        |
              |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
              |      |      |  |                   |  |
              |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |      |                         |
              |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |      |  |      Service      |  |
              |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
              |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |      |                         |
              +------+      +-------------------------+

            +------+      | Service Provider        |
            |      |   1  |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |------+->|    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |<-----+--|                   |  |
            |      |   4  |  +-------------------+  |
            | User |      |          |  /|\         |
            |      |      |          |2  |3         |
            |      |      |         \|/  |          |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |      Service      |  |
            |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            +------+      |                         |

            +------+      | Service Provider        |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |      |  |                   |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            | User |      |         /|\  |          |
            |      |      |          |2  |3         |
            |      |      |          |  \|/         |
            |      |   1  |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |------+->|      Service      |  |
            |      |<-----+--|     Equipment     |  |
            |      |   4  |  +-------------------+  |
            +------+      |                         |

              +------+      | Service Provider        |
              |      |   1  |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |------+->|    AAA Server     |  |
              |      |<-----+--|                   |  |
              |      |   2  |  +-------------------+  |
              | User |      |                         |
              |      |      |                         |
              |      |      |                         |
              |      |   3  |  +-------------------+  |
              |      |------+->|      Service      |  |
              |      |<-----+--|     Equipment     |  |
              |      |   4  |  +-------------------+  |
              +------+      |                         |

            +------+      +-------------------------+
            |      |   1  | User Home Organization  |
            |      |----->|  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |<-----|  |                   |  |
            |      |   4  |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            |      |      +-------------------------+
            |      |                 |  /|\
            |      |                 |2  |3
            |      |                \|/  |
            | User |      +-------------------------+
            |      |      | Service Provider        |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |      |  |                   |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |      Service      |  |
            |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            +------+      +-------------------------+

            +------+      +-------------------------+
            |      |      | User Home Organization  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |      |  |                   |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            |      |      +-------------------------+
            |      |                /|\  |
            |      |                 |2  |3
            |      |                 |  \|/
            |      |      +-------------------------+
            |      |      | Service Provider        |
            | User |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |   1  |  |                   |  |
            |      |----->|  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            |      |<-----|  +-------------------+  |
            |      |   4  |  |      Service      |  |
            |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            +------+      +-------------------------+

            +------+      +-------------------------+
            |      |   1  | User Home Organization  |
            |      |----->|  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |<-----|  |                   |  |
            |      |   2  |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            |      |      +-------------------------+
            |      |
            |      |
            |      |
            | User |      +-------------------------+
            |      |      | Service Provider        |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |   3  |  |                   |  |
            |      |----->|  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            |      |<-----|  +-------------------+  |
            |      |   4  |  |      Service      |  |
            |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |                         |
            +------+      +-------------------------+

                 +-------------------+      +-------------------+
   +------+      | Org1              |      | Org2              |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |  | AAA Server  |  |      |  | AAA Server  |  |
   |      |      |  |             |  |      |  |             |  |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   | User |======|                   |======|                   |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |  |   Service   |  |      |  |   Service   |  |
   |      |      |  |  Equipment  |  |      |  |  Equipment  |  |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   +------+      |                   |      |                   |
                 +-------------------+      +-------------------+

                 +-------------------+      +-------------------+
   +------+      | Org1              |      | Org2              |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |   3  |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |  | AAA Server  |--+------+->| AAA Server  |  |
   |      |      |  |             |<-+------+--|             |  |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |   6  |  +-------------+  |
   | User |      |       /|\  |      |      |        |  /|\     |
   |      |      |        |2  |7     |      |        |4  |5     |
   |      |      |        |  \|/     |      |       \|/  |      |
   |      |   1  |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |------+->|   Service   |  |      |  |   Service   |  |
   |      |<-----+--|  Equipment  |  |      |  |  Equipment  |  |
   |      |   8  |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   +------+      |                   |      |                   |
                 +-------------------+      +-------------------+

   +------+      +-------------------+      +-------------------+
   |      |      | User Home Org     |      | SuperOrg          |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |  | AAA Server  |  |      |  | AAA Server  |  |
   |      |      |  |             |  |      |  |             |  |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |                   |      |                   |
   |      |      +-------------------+      +-------------------+
   |      |
   |      |
   |      |      +-------------------+      +-------------------+
   | User |      | Org1              |      | Org2              |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |  | AAA Server  |  |      |  | AAA Server  |  |
   |      |      |  |             |  |      |  |             |  |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |                   |      |                   |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |  |   Service   |  |      |  |   Service   |  |
   |      |      |  |  Equipment  |  |      |  |  Equipment  |  |
   |      |      |  +-------------+  |      |  +-------------+  |
   |      |      |                   |      |                   |
   +------+      +-------------------+      +-------------------+

            +------+      +------------------------------+
            |      |      | User Home Organization       |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  PRP  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  PIP  |
            |      |      |  |                   |  PDP  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+       |
            |      |      |                              |
            |      |      +------------------------------+
            |      |
            |      |
            |      |      +------------------------------+
            | User |      | Service Provider             |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  PRP  |
            | PRP  |      |  |    AAA Server     |  PIP  |
            | PIP  |      |  |                   |  PDP  |
            | PDP  |      |  +-------------------+       |
            |      |      |                              |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+       |
            |      |      |  |      Service      |  PIP  |
            |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  PEP  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+       |
            |      |      |                              |
            +------+      +------------------------------+

      |  AAA Server/ |
      |  AC Issuer   |
      |              |
         |Acquisition (1)
      +--+-----------+                        +---------------+
      |              |     AC in application  |   Service     |
      |     User     +------------------------+  Equipment/   |
      |              |        protocol (2)    | AAA Server    |
      +--------------+                        +---------------+

            +------+      +-------------------------+
            |      |      | Home ISP                |
            |      |      | (User Home Organization)|
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |      |  |                   |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |             /|\  |      |
            |      |      +--------------+---+------+
            |      |                     |   |
            |      |                     |3  |4
            |      |                     |   |
            |      |      +--------------+---+------+
            |      |      | Visited ISP  |   |      |
            |      |      |              |  \|/     |
            | User |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  |    AAA Server     |  |
            |      |      |  |                   |  |
            |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |             /|\  |      |
            |      |      |              |2  |5     |
            |      |      |              |  \|/     |
            |      |   1  |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |------+->| NAS (Service      |  |
            |      |<-----+--|      Equipment)   |  |
            |      |   6  |  +-------------------+  |
            |      |      |  (Service Provider)     |
            +------+  PPP +-------------------------+

                                    |             |
                                    | +---------+ |
                                    | |Bandwidth| |
                  +-------+         | |Broker   | |
                  |       |         | |         | |
                  |Service|         | +---------+ |
                  |User   |=========|             |
                  |       |         | +---------+ |
                  |       |         | | Network | |
                  +-------+         | | Routing | |
                                    | | Devices | |
                                    | +---------+ |
                                    | Autonomous  |
                                    | Service     |
                                    | Domain      |
                  ==== contractual

                        +-------------+        +-------------+
                        |             |        |             |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | |Bandwidth| |        | |Bandwidth| |
      +-------+         | |Broker   | |        | |Broker   | |
      |       |         | |         | |        | |         | |
      |Service|         | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
      |User   |=========|             |========|             |
      |       |         | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
      |       |         | | Network | |        | | Network | |
      +-------+         | | Routing | |        | | Routing | |
                        | | Devices | |        | | Devices | |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | Autonomous  |        | Autonomous  |
                        | Service     |        | Service     |
                        | Domain A    |        | Domain B    |
                        +-------------+        +-------------+

                        +-------------+        +-------------+
                        |             |        |             |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | |Bandwidth| |        | |Bandwidth| |
      +-------+         | |Broker   | |        | |Broker   | |
      |       O***********O         O************O         | |
      |Service|         | +----O----+ |        | +----O----+ |
      |User   |=========|      *      |========|      *      |
      |       |         | +----0----+ |        | +----O----+ |
      |       |         | |Network  | |        | |Network  | |
      +-------+         | |Routing  | |        | |Routing  | |
                        | |Devices  | |        | |Devices  | |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | Autonomous  |        | Autonomous  |
                        | Service     |        | Service     |
                        | Domain A    |        | Domain B    |
                        +-------------+        +-------------+

                        +-------------+        +-------------+
                        |             |        |             |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | |Bandwidth| |        | |Bandwidth| |
      +-------+         | |Broker   | |        | |Broker   | |
      |       |         | |         | |        | |         | |
      |Service|         | +----O----+ |        | +----O----+ |
      |User   |=========|      *      |========|      *      |
      |       |         | +----O----+ |        | +----O----+ |
      |       O***********O Network O************O Network | |
      +-------+         | | Routing | |        | | Routing | |
                        | | Devices | |        | | Devices | |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | Autonomous  |        | Autonomous  |
                        | Service     |        | Service     |
                        | Domain A    |        | Domain B    |
                        +-------------+        +-------------+

                               |  Certificate      |
           ....................|  Authority        |
          :                  ..|                   |..
          :                 :  +-------------------+  :
          :                 :                         :
          :                 :                         :
          :  ***************:***********************  :
          :  *          +---:---------+        +---*--:------+
          :  *          |   :         |        |   *  :      |
          :  *          | +-:-------+ |        | +-O--:----+ |
          :  *          | |{C}      | |        | |   {C}   | |
      +---:--O+         | |Bandwidth| |        | |Bandwidth| |
      |  {C}  O***********O Broker  O************O Broker  | |
      |Service|         | +----O----+ |        | +----O----+ |
      |User   |=========|      *      |========|      *      |
      |       |         | +----0----+ |        | +----O----+ |
      |       |         | |Network  | |        | |Network  | |
      +-------+         | |Routing  | |        | |Routing  | |
                        | |Devices  | |        | |Devices  | |
                        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
                        | Autonomous  |        | Autonomous  |
                        | Service     |        | Service     |
                        | Domain A    |        | Domain B    |
                        +-------------+        +-------------+

   +-------+         +-------+         +-------+         +-------+
   |       |         |       |         |       |         |       |
   |       |RAR      |       |    1    |       |   2     |       |
   | User  |-------->|       |-------->|       |-------->|       |
   |       |     RAA | BB1   |    4    |  BB2  |   3     |  BB3  |
   |       |<--------|       |<--------|       |<--------|       |
   |       |         |       |         |       |         |       |
   |       |         |       |         |       |         |       |
   +-------+         +-------+         +-------+         +-------+

   +-------+         +-------+         +-------+         +-------+
   |       |         |       |         |       |         |       |
   |       |RAR      |       |    1    |       |   3     |       |
   | User  |-------->|       |-------->|       |-------->|       |
   |       |     RAA | BB1   |    2    |  BB2  |   4     |  BB3  |
   |       |<--------|       |<--------|       |<--------|       |
   |       |    7    |       |    6    |       |   5     |       |
   |       |<--------|       |<--------|       |<--------|       |
   +-------+         +-------+         +-------+         +-------+

           adjacent BB <---------------------------> adjacent BB
                      |       | inter-domain |       |
                      |        --------------  ------|
          application |                       |  PM  |
          server  \   |                       |iface |
                   \  |-------   ---------+    ------|
                    ->| user/ | | simple  |    ------|
          user/host-->| app   | | policy  |   | NMS  |
                    ->| iface | | services|   |iface |
                   /  |-------   ---------+    ------|
          network /   |                              |
          operator    |  -------          -------    |
                      | | data  |        |routing|   |
                      | | store |        |info   |   |
                      | |       |        |       |   |
                      |  -------          -------    |
                      |                              |
                      |       ----------------       |
                      |      | intra-domain   |      |
        edge router(s) <---------------------------> edge router(s)

            +------+       +----------------------+
            |      |       | File Service         |----+
            |      |       | AAA Server           |<-+ |
            |      |       +----------------------+  | |
            |      |       |                      |  | |
            |      |       | File Server          |  | |
            |      |       |                      |  | |
            | User |       +----------------------+  | |
            |      |                                 | |
            |      |                                 | |
            |      |                                 | |
            |      |       +----------------------+  | |
            |      |------>| Print Service        |--+ |
            |      |<------| AAA Server           |<---+
            |      |       +----------------------+
            |      |       | Print Server         |
            |      |       |  and Printer         |
            +------+       +----------------------+

               +------+       +----------------------+
               |      |------>| File Service         |
               |      |<------| AAA Server           |
               |      |       +----------------------+
               |      |
               |      |       +----------------------+
               |      |       | File Server          |
               | User |       +----------------------+
               |      |              /|\  |
               |      |               |   |
               |      |               |  \|/
               |      |       +----------------------+
               |      |------>| Print Service        |
               |      |<------| AAA Server           |
               |      |       +----------------------+
               |      |       | Print Server         |
               |      |       |  and Printer         |
               +------+       +----------------------+

      +------+       +----------------------+
      |      |------>| File Service         |
      |      |<------| AAA Server           |
      |      |Get AC +----------------------+
      |      |
      |      |       +----------------------+
      |      |       | File Server          |----+
      |      |       |                      |<-+ |
      | User |       +----------------------+  | |
      |      |                                 | |
      |      |   +---authorize passing AC      | |<---Create session
      |      |   |                             | |    Using AC
      |      |   V   +----------------------+  | |
      |      |------>| Print Service        |  | |
      |      |<------| AAA Server           |  | |
      |      |       +----------------------+  | |
      |      |       | Print Server         |--+ |
      |      |       |  and Printer         |<---+
      +------+       +----------------------+

                     | +-----------------------------------------+ |
                     | |          Faculty administration         | |
                     | |+----------------+     +----------------+| |
                     | |O Student        |     | Curriculum     || |
                     | *| Administration O*****O Commission     || |
                     |*|| AAA Server     |     | AAA Server     || |
                     */|+---O------O-----+     +-----O------O---+| |
                    *//|    *       *               *       *    | |
                   *// +----*---------*-----------*---------*----+ |
                  *//|      *   ||      *       *     ||    *      |
                 *// |      *   ||        *   *       ||    *      |
                *//  |      *   ||          *         ||    *      |
               *//   |      *   ||        *   *       ||    *      |
              *//    |      *   ||      *       *     ||    *      |
             *//     | +----*---------*--+     +--*---------*----+ |
            *//      | |    *       *    |     |    *       *      |
           *//       | |+---O------O----+|     |+----O------O---+| |
          *//        | || Educator A    ||     || Educator B    || |
         *//         | || AAA Server    ||     || AAA Server    || |
        *//          | || Service admin.||     || Service admin.|| |
       *//           | |+---O-----------+|     |+-----------O---+| |
      *//            | |    *            |     |            *    | |
   +-O-------+       | |    *            |     |            *    | |
   |         |       | |+---O-----------+|     |+-----------O---+| |
   | Student |       | || Educator      ||     || Educator      || |
   |         |       | || Course A      ||     || Course B      || |
   |         |       | |+---------------+|     |+---------------+| |
   +---------+       | +-----------------+     +-----------------+ |
                     |                   Faculty                   |

                   |                                              |
                   |  +----------------+  6   +----------------+  |
                   |  | Student        |----->| Curriculum     |  |
                   |  | Administration |<-----| Commission     |  |
                   |  | AAA Server     |  5   | AAA Server     |  |
                   |  +----------------+    _ +----------------+  |
                   |    /|\ |               /|/                   |
                   |     |  |              / /                    |
                   |  2,8|  |3            / /6                    |
                   |     |  |           4/ /                      |
                   |     |  |           / /                       |
                   |     |  |          / /                        |
                   |     | \|/        /|/                         |
                   |  +---------------+ --     +---------------+  |
                   |  | Educator A    |        | Educator B    |  |
                   |  | AAA Server    |        | AAA Server    |  |
                   |  +---------------+        +---------------+  |
                   |    /|\ |                                     |
                   |2,4,8|  |3,6                                  |
   +---------+     |     | \|/                                    |
   |         | 1,7 |  +---------------+        +---------------+  |
   | Student |------->| Educator      |        | Educator      |  |
   |         |<-------| Course A      |        | Course B      |  |
   |         | 7,8 |  +---------------+        +---------------+  |
   +---------+     |                   Faculty                    |

                      .......   *******
                   ...       ***       ***        A Only hears S
                 ..        **   ..        **      B hears S and R
                .         *       .         *     C Only hears R
               .         *         .         *
               .         S<------->R         *    . TTL Boundary for S
               .         *         .         *    * TTL Boundary for R
                .    A    *   B   .   C     *
                 ..        **   ..        **
                   ...       ***       ***
                      .......   *******

                  .                          .
                 .        many hops           .
                 .                            .
                  .                          .

        . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . .
       .            scope a                 .     Scope Boundaries
      .                                      .     . = scope  a
     .  _______________      ________________ .    - = scopes b,c
     . /    scope b    \    /  scope c       \ .   # = scopes d,e,f, & g
     .|                 |  |                  |.
     .|  #####    ##### |  |  #####    #####  |.
     .| #scope#  #scope#|  | #scope#  #scope# |.
      .\ # d  #  # e   #|  | # f   #  #  g # /.
       .\ ####    #####/    \ #####    #### /.
        .\____________/      \_____________/.
         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

           Code        Len     Count  Nest State Matrix
      |    17     |     p     | m   | N1  |     | Nm  |

   +--------------------------+         +------------------------+
   |                          |         |                        |
   |       to other peers     |         |   to other peers       |
   |          ||   //         |         |      ||  //   ||       |
   |          Prefix          |         |    Prefix     Prefix   |
   |       Coordinator        |         |Coordinator  Coordinator|
   +------------||------------+         +-------||----//---------+
                ||Layer 3                       ||   //
   |          Prefix                          Prefix             |
   |       Coordinator=======================Coordinator         |
   |             ^                              ^                |
   |             +----------------+-------------+                |
   |             |       Layer 2  |             |                |
   |     MAAS<---/                |             +---> MAAS       |
   |     ^   ^                    v                    ^         |
   |     .    .                 MAAS                   .         |
   |     .     .Layer 1           ^                    .Layer 1  |
   |     v      v                 .Layer 1             v         |
   | Client   Client              v                 Client       |
   |                           Client                            |

                          |             |
                          |             |
                          |             |
                  P3a====P3b           P4a====P4b
                   |      |           / |    / | \
                   |      |   _______/  |   /  |  \
                   |      |  /          |  /   |   \______
                   |      | /           | /    |          \
                  C5a====C5b           C6a====C6b----------C7a
                    \\  //

                                  |             |
                      ............|.......      |
                      .           |      .      |
                      .   P3a====P3b     .     P4a
                      .    |      |      .    /
                      .    |      |   _______/
                      .    |      |  /   .
                      .    |      | /    .
                      .   C5a====C5b     .
                      .     \\  //       .
                      .      \\//        .
                      .      C5c         .
                      .                  .
                      . Admin Scope Zone .

   |                  version-number             |   2 bytes  - required
   |               operation-id (request)        |
   |                      or                     |   2 bytes  - required
   |               status-code (response)        |
   |                   request-id                |   4 bytes  - required
   |                 attribute-group             |   n bytes - 0 or more
   |              end-of-attributes-tag          |   1 byte   - required
   |                     data                    |   q bytes  - optional

   |                  version-number             |   2 bytes  - required
   |               operation-id (request)        |
   |                      or                     |   2 bytes  - required
   |               status-code (response)        |
   |                   request-id                |   4 bytes  - required
   |        tag (delimiter-tag or value-tag)     |   1 byte  |
   -----------------------------------------------           |-0 or more
   |           empty or rest of attribute        |   x bytes |
   |              end-of-attributes-tag          |   1 byte   - required
   |                     data                    |   y bytes  - optional

   embedded printer:
                                             output device
    O   +--------+                         |  ###########  |
   /|\  | client |------------IPP------------># Printer #  |
   / \  +--------+                         |  # Object  #  |
                                           |  ###########  |

   hosted printer:
    O   +--------+        ###########      |               |
   /|\  | client |--IPP--># Printer #-any->| output device |
   / \  +--------+        # Object  #      |               |
                          ###########      +---------------+

   fan out:                                 |               |
                                        +-->| output device |
                                    any/    |               |
    O   +--------+      ###########   /     +---------------+
   /|\  | client |-IPP-># Printer #--*
   / \  +--------+      # Object  #   \     +---------------+
                        ########### any\    |               |
                                        +-->| output device |
                                            |               |

                                                      +----> canceled
       +----> pending --------> processing ---------+------> completed
       |         ^                   ^               \
   --->+         |                   |                +----> aborted
       |         v                   v               /
       +----> pending-held    processing-stopped ---+

               |                    |
               |<--- data width --->|
               |                    |
               |              |     |        |
               |<- A1 width ->|<- A1 width ->|
               |              |     |        |
     cross  ^  |              |     |        |
      feed  |  +--------------------------------------------/
 direction  |  |//////////////|/////|        |     ^       /
            |  |//////////////|/////|        |     |      /
            |  |//////////////|/////|        |     |     /
            |  |//////////////|/////|        |     |     \
<-----------+- |//////////////|/////|        |    A1      \  roll
feed        |  |//////////////|/////|        |   height    \  paper
direction      |//////////////|/////|        |     |        \
               |//////////////|/////|        |     |        /
               |//////////////|/////|        |     v       /
                                    |<------ CUT HERE (to synchronize
                                    |                with data width)

                 |                    |
                 |<--- data width --->|
                 |                    |
                 |              |     |        |
                 |<- A1 width ->|<- A1 width ->|
                 |              |     |        |
     cross  ^    |              |     |        |
      feed  |    +--------------------------------------------/
 direction  |    |//////////////|/////|        |     ^       /
            |    |//////////////|/////|        |     |      /
            |    |//////////////|/////|        |     |     /
            |    |//////////////|/////|        |     |     \
<-----------+-   |//////////////|/////|        |    A1      \  roll
feed        |    |//////////////|/////|        |   height    \  paper
direction        |//////////////|/////|        |     |        \
                 |//////////////|/////|        |     |        /
                 |//////////////|/////|        |     v       /
                                               |<--- CUT HERE
                                               |      (to synchronize
                                               |       with data width)

   |              |              |              |              |
   |<- A4 width ->|<- A4 width ->|<- A4 width ->|<- A4 width ->|
   |              |              |              |              |
   |              |              |              |              |
   |       ^      |              |              |              |
   |       |      |              |              |              |
   |       |      |              |              |              |
   |      A4      |              |              |              |
   |    height    |              |              |              |
   |       |      |              |              |              |
   |       |      |              |              |              |
   |       |      |              |              |              |
   |       v      |              |              |              |

                    |                                   |
                    |<---------- data width ----------->|
                    |                                   |
                    |              |              |     |        |
                    |<- A4 width ->|<- A4 width ->|<- A4 width ->|
                    |              |              |     |        |
        cross  ^    |              |              |     |        |
         feed  |    +--------------------------------------------+
    direction  |    |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    ^   |
               |    |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    |   |
               |    |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    |   |
               |    |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    |   |
   <-----------+-   |//////////////|//////////////|/////|   A4   |
   feed        |    |//////////////|//////////////|/////| height |
   direction        |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    |   |
                    |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    |   |
                    |//////////////|//////////////|/////|    v   |
                                          CUT HERE ---->|
                                    (to synchronize     |
                                    with data width)    |

         172.150.0/18                                172.150.128/18
 -----------------------             ---------------------------|
             |                                       |          |
             |                                       |
             |               ROUTER 'A' (  |       |---------|
             |               #############           |       |Parts DB |
             |           ---#-----------#            |       /---------/
             |    OSPF   | #           #     ISIS    |      /----------/
             ------------|#  VR - A   #|--------------
                  |   #              |
           |------|-------|  #     #    ---------|-------|
           |  ###############       #   |############### |
           | #  VR - B    |#         #  #    VR - C   #  |
           |#-------------# ROUTER 'B'##|------------#----
(            ############### (
      -------------------------       ROUTER 'C' |   Extranet
            172.150.64/18                        V

                  0       7      15      23      31
                  |      AFI      | Res.  | SAFI  |

      | 3 |  13 |          32         |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |001| TLA |       NLA ID        | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

      |     16    |  8  |     24      |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |  0x3FFE   |pTLA |     pNLA    | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

      |  n  |      24-n bits     |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |pNLA1|       Site         | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

            |  m  |    24-n-m    |   16   |    64 bits      |
            |pNLA2|    Site      | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

                  |  o  |24-n-m-o|   16   |    64 bits      |
                  |pNLA3|  Site  | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

      |     16    |   12  |   20      |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |  0x3FFE   | pTLA  |   pNLA    | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

      |  n  |      20-n bits     |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |pNLA1|       Site         | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

            |  m  |    20-n-m    |   16   |    64 bits      |
            |pNLA2|    Site      | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

                  |  o  |20-n-m-o|   16   |    64 bits      |
                  |pNLA3|  Site  | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

      |<-----20-bit pNLA ID----->|
      |                          |
      |  8  |       12 bits      |   16   |    64 bits      |
      |pNLA1|      Site  ID      | SLA ID | Interface ID    |

     6bone _|||| |||| ||||___site
                 |||| |
     b/b site____|||| |
                    | |

     6bone _|||| |||| ||||___site
     b/b site____||||

|                                                                    |
|           Remote ping, traceroute,  Actual ping, traceroute,       |
|       +-----+or Lookup op.    +------+or Lookup op.    +------+    |
|       |Local|---------------->|Remote|---------------->|Target|    |
|       | Host|                 | Host |                 | Host |    |
|       +-----+                 +------+                 +------+    |
|                                                                    |
|                                                                    |

         | 3  |    13    |    13   |       19      |
         | FP |   TLA    | Sub-TLA |       NLA     |
         |    |   ID     |         |       ID      |

      | Was desired type |     NO      +-------------------------+
      |found in Accept?  |------------>| Is JavaScript available |
      +------------------+             |and does it show type?   |
            |                          +-------------------------+
       YES  |                            |         |           |
            |<---------------------------+         |        NO |
            |        YES                           |           |
            |                      +---<explorer<--+           |
            |                      |                           |
            |          +----------------------+                |
            |          | Is ActiveX available |                |
            |          |and does it show type?|                |
            |          +----------------------+                |
            |  YES       |        |         |             NO   |
            |<-----------+        |         +----------------->|
            |                     V                            |
   remember |               Indeterminate.            remember |
     that   |.              Take default             that type |
   type IS  |               action.                     is NOT |
   supported|                                        supported |
            X done                                             X

                 1          2          3
      01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901 23456789
     |< 1 >< 2| >< 3 ><|.4 >< 5.|>< 6 ><.|7 >< 8 >|
                                             <===> 8th character
                                       <====> 7th character
                                  <===> 6th character
                            <====> 5th character
                      <====> 4th character
                 <===> 3rd character
           <====> 2nd character
      <===> 1st character

                 key1       key2       key3
                  |          |          |
                  v          v          v
              +-------+  +-------+  +-------+
           +->| DES-e |->| DES-d |->| DES-e |-- +
           |  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+   |
           |                                    v
   INPUT --(-------------------------------->(+)+---> DATA
           |                                    |

                  key1       key2       key3
                   |          |          |
                   v          v          v
               +-------+  +-------+  +-------+
            +->| DES-e |->| DES-d |->| DES-e |-- +
            |  +-------+  +-------+  +-------+   |
    INPUT ------------------------------------->(+) ----> DATA

   key --->+------+
        +->| CAST |--+
        |  +------+  |
    INPUT --------->(+) ----> DATA

       key --->+------+
            +->| CAST |--+
            |  +------+  |
            |            v
    INPUT --(---------->(+)+---> DATA
            |              |

                | Customer Network Management Station |
                |            (SNMP based)             |
                    ^              ^               ^
                    |              |               |
                    |              |               |
           UNI      |      NNI     |       NNI     |       UNI
            |       ^       |      ^        |      ^
            | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ |
            | |           | | |           | | |           | |
Originating | |   FR      | | |   FR      | | |   FR      | |Terminating
 +--------+ | | Network I | | | Network J | | | Network K | | +--------+
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |        |---|           |---|           |---|           |---| User B |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 +--------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +--------+
            |               |               |               |
            |               |               |               |
            | PVC Segment 1 | PVC Segment 2 | PVC Segment 3 |
            |                                               |
            |              Multi-network PVC                |
            |  NNI = Network-to Network Interface           |
               UNI = User-to-Network Interface

                        In    _____________________________  Out
                       >>>>>>|                             |>>>>>>>>
                       ______|    Frame Relay Network      |________
                        Out  |                             |  In
                     Frame Relay                         Frame Relay
                         PVC                                 PVC
                       Endpoint                            Endpoint

                    Frame Relay                           Frame Relay
                     Network                                 Network
                     Low Port                               High Port
                            |                                  |
                       _____| >> from low to high PVC flow  >> |_____
                            | << from high to low PVC flow  << |

   +---------+    |       FR/ATM PVC Service IWF      |
   | Frame   |    |   ------------------------------  |    +-----------+
   | Relay   |  +--------> frAtmIwfConnIndex K <--------+  |   ATM     |
   |Endpoint |  | |               V                   | |  | Endpoint  |
   | ------- |  | |               |                   | |  | --------- |
   | DLCI X  |  | |  +------------+                   | |  |VPI.VCI Q.R|
   |  on     |<-+ |  |                                | +->|    on     |
   |ifIndex Y|    |  V                                |    | ifIndex S |
   +---------+    |frAtmIwfConnectionDescriptorIndex L|    +-----------+

       _____________                                      _____________
      |  SCTP User  |                                    |  SCTP User  |
      | Application |                                    | Application |
      |-------------|                                    |-------------|
      |    SCTP     |                                    |    SCTP     |
      |  Transport  |                                    |  Transport  |
      |   Service   |                                    |   Service   |
      |-------------|                                    |-------------|
      |             |One or more    ----      One or more|             |
      | IP Network  |IP address      \/        IP address| IP Network  |
      |   Service   |appearances     /\       appearances|   Service   |
      |_____________|               ----                 |_____________|

          _____________                  ____________________
         |             |                | Sequenced delivery |
         | Association |                |   within streams   |
         |             |                |____________________|
         |   startup   |
         |             |         ____________________________
         |     and     |        |    User Data Fragmentation |
         |             |        |____________________________|
         |   takedown  |
         |             |         ____________________________
         |             |        |     Acknowledgement        |
         |             |        |          and               |
         |             |        |    Congestion Avoidance    |
         |             |        |____________________________|
         |             |
         |             |         ____________________________
         |             |        |       Chunk Bundling       |
         |             |        |____________________________|
         |             |
         |             |     ________________________________
         |             |    |      Packet Validation         |
         |             |    |________________________________|
         |             |
         |             |     ________________________________
         |             |    |     Path Management            |
         |_____________|    |________________________________|

                        | TSN=17 |
                        |        | <- still missing
                        | TSN=15 |
                        | TSN=14 |
                        |        | <- still missing
                        | TSN=12 |
                        | TSN=11 |
                        | TSN=10 |

                       -----          -------- (frm any state)
                     /       \      /  rcv ABORT      [ABORT]
    rcv INIT        |         |    |   ----------  or ----------
    --------------- |         v    v   delete TCB     snd ABORT
    generate Cookie  \    +---------+                 delete TCB
    snd INIT ACK       ---|  CLOSED |
                           /      \      [ASSOCIATE]
                          /        \     ---------------
                         |          |    create TCB
                         |          |    snd INIT
                         |          |    strt init timer
          rcv valid      |          |
        COOKIE  ECHO     |          v
    (1) ---------------- |      +------------+
        create TCB       |      | COOKIE-WAIT| (2)
        snd COOKIE ACK   |      +------------+
                         |          |
                         |          |    rcv INIT ACK
                         |          |    -----------------
                         |          |    snd COOKIE ECHO
                         |          |    stop init timer
                         |          |    strt cookie timer
                         |          v
                         |      +--------------+
                         |      | COOKIE-ECHOED| (3)
                         |      +--------------+
                         |          |
                         |          |    rcv COOKIE ACK
                         |          |    -----------------
                         |          |    stop cookie timer
                         v          v
                       |  ESTABLISHED  |

                          |                   | (D)rcv SHUTDOWN ACK
                          |                   |--------------
                          |                   | stop shutdown timer
                          |                   | send SHUTDOWN COMPLETE
                          |                   | delete TCB
                          |                   |
                          \    +---------+    /
                           \-->| CLOSED  |<--/

                                   /--- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A,
                                  /              I-Tag=Tag_Z,
   (Cancel T1-init timer) <------/               Cookie_Z, & other info]
                                        (destroy temp TCB)
   COOKIE ECHO [Cookie_Z] ------\
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (build TCB enter ESTABLISHED

                                  /---- COOKIE-ACK
   (Cancel T1-init timer, <-----/
    Enter ESTABLISHED state)
   {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
   DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
       Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data]--\
    (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                 /----- SACK [TSN Ack=init
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/

                                        {app sends 2 messages;strm 0}
                                  /---- DATA
                                 /        [TSN=init TSN_Z
                             <--/          Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data 1]
   SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_Z,      /---- DATA
         Block=0]     --------\  /        [TSN=init TSN_Z +1,
                               \/          Strm=0,Seq=2 & user data 2]

Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
<-------------- Association is established---------------------->
Tag=Tag_A                                             Tag=Tag_Z
{A crashes and restarts}
{app sets up a association with Z}
(build TCB)
INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A'
      & other info]  --------\
(Start T1-init timer)         \
(Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)      \---> (find a existing TCB
                                      compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z
                                      with Tie-Tags to previous
                                /--- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A',
                               /               I-Tag=Tag_Z',
(Cancel T1-init timer) <------/                Cookie_Z[TieTags=
                                                & other info]
                                     (destroy temp TCB,leave original
                                      in place)
(Start T1-init timer)         \
(Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (Find existing association,
                                      Tie-Tags match old tags,
                                      Tags do not match i.e.
                                      case X X M M above,
                                      Announce Restart to ULP
                                      and reset association).
                               /---- COOKIE-ACK
(Cancel T1-init timer, <-----/
 Enter ESTABLISHED state)
{app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
     Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data]--\
(Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                              /----- SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_A,Block=0]
(Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/

   DATA [TSN=8,Strm=0,Seq=4] ------------> (send ack)
                                 /------- SACK [TSN Ack=8,block=0]
   (cancel T3-rtx timer)  <-----/

   DATA [TSN=9,Strm=0,Seq=5] ------------> (ack delayed)
   (Start T3-rtx timer)
                                          {App sends 1 message; strm 1}
                                          (bundle SACK with DATA)
                                   /----- SACK [TSN Ack=9,block=0] \
                                  /         DATA [TSN=6,Strm=1,Seq=2]
   (cancel T3-rtx timer)  <------/        (Start T3-rtx timer)

   Endpoint A                                         Endpoint Z
   {App begins to send}
   Data [TSN=7,Strm=0,Seq=3] ------------> (ack delayed)
   (Start T3-rtx timer)
                                           {App sends 1 message; strm 1}
                                           (bundle ack with data)
   DATA [TSN=8,Strm=0,Seq=4] ----\     /-- SACK [TSN Ack=7,Block=0]
                                  \   /      DATA [TSN=6,Strm=1,Seq=2]
                                   \ /     (Start T3-rtx timer)
                                   / \
   (Re-start T3-rtx timer) <------/   \--> (ack delayed)
   (ack delayed)
   {send ack}
   SACK [TSN Ack=6,Block=0] --------------> (Cancel T3-rtx timer)
                                           (send ack)
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer)  <-------------- SACK [TSN Ack=8,Block=0]

      DATA [TSN=8,Strm=0,Seq=4] ---------------> (gap detected,
                                                  immediately send ack)
                                      /----- SACK [TSN Ack=6,Block=1,
                                     /             Strt=2,End=2]
      (remove 6 from out-queue,
       and mark 7 as "1" missing report)

         \ | /              .
   +---------------+  WAN   .        +------------------------------+
   |Regional Router|-----------------|Stub Router w/NAT and SNMP ALG|
   +---------------+        .        +------------------------------+
           |                .                   |
           |                .                   |  LAN
      +----------+          .            ---------------
      | Manager  |    Stub border         Managed network

                                  |          |
                                  |          V
                 +--------+   +-------+   +--------+
      Incoming   |        |   |       |   |        |   Outgoing
      Packet  ==>|  RAS   |==>| Meter |==>| Marker |==>Packet
      Stream     |        |   |       |   |        |   Stream
                 +--------+   +-------+   +--------+

     Shaping rate  |
              MIR  |                      =========
                   |                    //
                   |                  //
           EAR(t)  |----------------//
                   |              //
                   |            //
             CIR   |============
                             CIR_th      MIR_th Buffer occupancy

   Shaping rate  |
           MIR   |                               ======
                 |                            ///
                 |                         ///
           PIR   |                      ///
                 |                    //
                 |                  //
         EAR(t)  |----------------//
                 |              //
                 |            //
           CIR   |============
                         CIR_th      PIR_th    MIR_th  Buffer occupancy

                         Status       Result
                      +----------+ +----------+
                      |          | |          |
                      V          | |          V
                 +--------+   +-------+   +--------+
      Incoming   | green  |   |       |   |        |   Outgoing
      Packet  ==>|  RAS   |==>| Meter |==>| Marker |==>Packet
      Stream     |        |   |       |   |        |   Stream
                 +--------+   +-------+   +--------+

           2.5 msec, 34 Mbps                      2.5 msec, 34 Mbps
          <-------------->                      <-------------->
     \+---+                                                     +---+/
     -| C1|--------------+                       +--------------|C1'|-
     /+---+              |                       |              +---+\
     \+---+              |                       |              +---+/
     -| C2|------------+ |                       | +------------|C2'|-
     /+---+            | |                       | |            +---+\
     \+---+            | |                       | |            +---+/
     -| C3|----------+ | |                       | | +----------|C3'|-
     /+---+          | | |                       | | |          +---+\
     \+---+          | | |                       | | |          +---+/
     -| C4|--------+ +-+----------+     +----------+-+ +--------|C4'|-
     /+---+        |   |          |     |          |   |        +---+\
     \+---+        +---|          |     |          |---+        +---+/
     -| C5|------------|   ER1    |-----|   ER2    |------------|C5'|-
     /+---+        +---|          |     |          |---+        +---+\
     \+---+        |   |          |     |          |   |        +---+/
     -| C6|--------+   +----------+     +----------+   +--------|C6'|-
     /+---+            ||||                     ||||            +---+\
     \+---+            ||||      <------->      ||||            +---+/
     -| C7|------------+|||       70 Mbps       |||+------------|C7'|-
     /+---+             |||       10 msec       |||             +---+\
     \+---+             |||                     |||             +---+/
     -| C8|-------------+||                     ||+-------------|C8'|-
     /+---+              ||                     ||              +---+\
     \+---+              ||                     ||              +---+/
     -| C9|--------------+|                     |+--------------|C9'|-
     /+---+               |                     |               +---+\
     \+---+               |                     |               +----+/
     -|C10|---------------+                     +---------------|C10'|-
     /+---+                                                     +----+\
                     Figure A.1. the simulation model.

                                          +---------+      @
                                 +      ->|         |     -+-
                                /|Protocol|         |      |
                               / |    /   +---------+     / \
                              /  | "B"
                             +   |  /
                             |   |<-
         +-------+           |   |
    O    |       |           |   |
   -+-   |       |<--------->|   |
    |    |       | Protocol  |   |
   / \   |       |  "A"      |   |<-
         +-------+           |   |Protocol
                             |   |   \
                             +   |   "A"  +---------+      @
                              \  |     \  |         |     -+-
                               \ |      ->|         |      |
                                \|        +---------+     / \

              |+====+                               |
   HTTP   <-->+|    |<------+  (Full chaining)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                 +----+|
              |             |      Referral-->|    ||
              |             |      Result  <--|    |+<--> Whois++
              |             |                 +----+|
              |+====+       |                       |
   SMTP   <-->+|    |<------+  (Full chaining)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                 +----+|
              |             |      Referral-->|    ||
              |             |      Result  <--|    |+<--> LDAPv2
              |             |                 +----+|
              |+====+       |                       |
   Whois++<-->+|    |<------+  (Chain LDAPv2/3)     |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                 +----+|
              |             |      Referral-->|    ||
              |             |      Result  <--|    |+<--> LDAPv3
              |             |                 +----+|
              |+====+       |                       |
   LDAPv2 <-->+|    |<------+  (Full chaining)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
   LDAPv3 <-->+|    |<------+  (Chain Whois++)      |
              ||    |       |                       |
              |+====+       |                       |
              |             |                       |
              |             v                       |
              |   +-----------------------+         |
              |   |  Referral Index       |<---------------> Common
              |   |                       |         | Indexing Protocol
              |   +-----------------------+         | (CIP)

        (1)  |-----+ Country A |     +-------+
      ------>|Prot1|   DAG     |     |A-WSDP1|
      <------| CAP |     +-----|     | Prot1 |
        (2)  |-----+     |Prot1|     +-------+
             |           | SAP |
      ----+  |           +-----|     +-------+
       (3)|  |    +-------+    |     |A-WDSP2|
          |  |    | RI-A  |    |     | Prot1 |
          |  +-----------------+     +-------+
          |                          +-------+
          |                          |A-WDSP3|
          |                          | Prot2 |
          +----------------+         +-------+
                           |          [...]
                           |         +-----------------+
                           |         |-----+ Country B |     +-------+
                           +-------->|Prot1|   DAG     |     |B-WSDP1|
                                     | CAP |     +-----|     | Prot2 |
                                     |-----+     |Prot1|     +-------+
                                     |           | SAP |
                                     |           +-----|     +-------+
                                     |    +-------+    |     |B-WDSP2|
                                     |    | RI-B  |    |     | Prot1 |
                                     +-----------------+     +-------+

        (1)  |-----+ Country A |     +-------+
      ------>|Prot1|   DAG     |     |A-WSDP1|
      <------| CAP |     +-----|     | Prot1 |
        (2)  |-----+     |Prot1|     +-------+
             |           | SAP |
      ----+  |           +-----|     +-------+
       (3)|  |    +-------+    |     |A-WDSP2|
          |  |    | RI-A  |    |     | Prot1 |
          |  +-----------------+     +-------+
          |                          +-------+
          |                          |A-WDSP3|
          |                          | Prot2 |
          +----------------+         +-------+
                           |          [...]
                           |         +-----------------+
                           |         |-----+ Country B |     +-------+
                           |         |Prot3|   DAG     |     |B-WSDP1|
                           |         | CAP |     +-----|     | Prot3 |
                           |         |-----+     |Prot3|     +-------+
                           |         |---------+ | SAP |
                           |         |Country A| +-----|
                           +-------->|CAP:Prot1|       |
                                     |---------+       |     +-------+
                                     |    +-------+    |     |B-WDSP2|
                                     |    | RI-B  |    |     | Prot3 |
                                     +-----------------+     +-------+

     "a" |         |                +--------+       |
   <----->  CAP a  |                | SAP A  |       |
         |         |                |        |       |
         |---------+                +-+------+---+   |
         |                            |(Internal)|   |
         |           "DAG/IP"         | Server i |   |
         |                            +----------+   |
         |                                           |
         |                                           |
         |                          +--------+       | "B"
         |                          | SAP B  <-------------->
         |                          |        |       |
         |                          +--------+       |
         |                                           |

     "a" |         |                +--------+       |
   <----->  CAP a  |                | SAP A  |       |
         |         |                |        |       |
         |---------+                +-+------+---+   |
         |                            |(Internal)|   |
         |           "DAG/IP"         | Server i |   |
         |                            +----------+   |
         |                                           |
         |                          +--------+       | "B"
         |                          | SAP B  <-------------->
         |                          |        |       |
         |                          +--------+       |
         |                                           |
         |                          +--------+       | "C"
         |---------+                | SAP C  <-------------->
     "b" |         |                |        |       |
   <----->  CAP b  |                +--------+       |
         |         |                                 |
         |---------+                +--------+       |
         |                          | SAP D  |       |
         |                          |        |       |
         |                          +-+------+---+   |
         |                            |(Internal)|   |
         |                            | Server j |   |
         |                            +----------+   |
         |                                           |
         |                          +--------+       | "E"
         |                          | SAP E  <-------------->
         |                          |        |       |
         |                          +--------+       |

     "a" |         |                +--------+       |
   <----->  CAP a  |                | SAP A  |       |
         |         |                |        |       |
         |---------+                +-+------+---+   |
         |                            |(Internal)|   |
         |           "DAG/IP"         | Server i |   |
         |                            +----------+   |
         |                                           |
         |                                           |
         |                          +--------+       | "B"
         |---------+                | SAP B  <-------------->
     "b" |         |                |        |       |
   <----->  CAP b  |                +--------+       |
         |         |                                 |
         |---------+                +--------+       |
         |                          | SAP C  |       |
         |                          |        |       |
         |                          +-+------+---+   |
         |                            |(Internal)|   |
         |                            | Server j |   |
         |                            +----------+   |

                   Local Domain                  Home Domain
                 +--------------+           +----------------------+
                 |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                 |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
                 |   | AAAL |   |           |   | AAAH |           |
                 |   |      +-------------------+      |           |
                 |   +---+--+   |           |   +------+           |
                 |       |      |           |                      |
                 |       |      |           +----------------------+
      +------+   |   +---+--+   |
      |      |   |   |      |   |       C    =  client
      |   C  |- -|- -|   A  |   |       A    =  attendant
      |      |   |   |      |   |       AAAL =  local authority
      +------+   |   +------+   |       AAAH =  home authority
                 |              |

                               +------+              +------+
                               |      |              |      |
                               | AAAL +--------------+ AAAH |
                               |      |              |      |
                               +---+--+              +--+---+
                                   |                    |
                                   |                    |
                               +---+--+              +--+---+
   C    =  client              |      |              |      |
   A    =  attendant           |   A  |              |  C   |
   AAAL =  local authority     |      |              |      |
   AAAH =  home authority      +------+              +------+

                   Local Domain                  Home Domain
                 +--------------+           +----------------------+
                 |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                 |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
                 |   | AAAL |   |           |   | AAAH |           |
                 |   |      +-------------------+      |           |
                 |   +---+--+   |           |   +--+---+           |
                 |       |      |           |      |               |
                 |       |      |           |      |               |
      +------+   |   +---+--+   |           |   +--+---+           |
      |      |   |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
      |  MN  +- -|- -+  FA  + --  --  --  --  - +  HA  |           |
      |      |   |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
      +------+   |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                 |              |           |                      |
                 +--------------+           +----------------------+

                 +-------------------------+           +--------------+
                 |  +------+    +------+   |           |   +------+   |
                 |  |      |    |      |   |           |   |      |   |
                 |  |  HA  +----+ AAAL |   |           |   | AAAH |   |
                 |  |      |    |      +-------------------+      |   |
                 |  +-+----+    +---+--+   |           |   +------+   |
                 |    |             |      |           |  Home Domain |
                 |    |  +- - - - - +      |           +--------------+
      +------+   |  +-+--+-+               |
      |      |   |  |      |               |
      |  MN  +------+  FA  |               |
      |      |   |  |      | Local Domain  |
      +------+   |  +------+               |

                      |  +------+    +------+   |
                      |  |      |    |      |   |
                      |  |  HA  +----+ AAAL |   |
                      |  |      |    |      |   |
                      |  +--+---+    +----+-+   |
                      |     |             |     |
                      |     +- - - - - +  |     |
           +------+   |              +-+--+-+   |
           |      |   |              |      |   |
           |  MN  +- -|- - - - - - - +  FA  |   |
           |      |   | Local Domain |      |   |
           +------+   |              +------+   |

                Local Domain                        Home Domain
              +--------------+               +----------------------+
              |   +------+   |   +------+    |   +------+           |
              |   |      |   |   |      |    |   |      |           |
              |   | AAAL +-------+ AAAB +--------+ AAAH |           |
              |   |      |   |   |      |    |   |      |           |
              |   +------+   |   +------+    |   +------+           |
              |       |      |               |                      |
              |       |      |               +----------------------+
   +------+   |   +---+--+   |
   |      |   |   |      |   |       C    =  client
   |   C  +- -|- -+   A  |   |       A    =  attendant
   |      |   |   |      |   |       AAAL =  local authority
   +------+   |   +------+   |       AAAH =  home authority
              |              |       AAAB =  broker authority

                                        +--------- [2 - Outer] -->>
   >>---- [1 - Before] -------- Encapsulate ------ [3 - Inner] -->>

   >>----[5 - Outer]-------------+
   >>----[4 - Inner] --------- Decapsulate ---- [6 - After] -->>

                        |                   |
                 /      |                   |       \
                        |                   |
      Ingress DS Domain        RFC 791         Egress DS domain
                            IP Precedence

             |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |
             |    1    |    2    |    4    |    5    |

             |   1   |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |
             |    1    |    2    |    3    |    5    |

                        --------       --------
                       | Host A |-----| Host B |
                        --------   |   --------
                             |            |
                          ------        ------
                         | AD 1 |      | AD 2 |
                          ------        ------
                              \         /

               |           Corporate Network            |
               | Asia |------| Americas |------| Europe |
                ------        ----------        --------
                   |                |                |
               --------         --------         --------
              |NAT/ALGs|       |NAT/ALGs|       |NAT/ALGs|
               --------         --------         --------
                   |                |                |
               |                Internet                |
                   |                |                |
               --------         --------         --------
              |NAT/ALGs|       |NAT/ALGs|       |NAT/ALGs|
               --------         --------         --------
                   |                |                |
       ------------------     --------------     ----------------
       Home Telecommuters     Branch Offices     Partner Networks
       ------------------     --------------     ----------------

                        --------       --------
                       | Host A |-----| Host B |
                        --------   |   --------
                              |   Web   |
                              |  Server |

                          --------       --------
                         | Host A |     | Host B |
                         |   Foo  |     |   Bar  |
                          --------       --------
                              |             |
                            ----          ----
                            ----          ----
                              |            |
                             ----         ----
                            |NAT1|       |NAT2|
                             ----         ----
                               |          |
                             |Rtr         Rtr|
                             | /  Internet \ |     ---
                              --------------       ---
                               |          |
                               |          |
                          --------       --------
                         | Host C |     | Host D |
                          --------       --------

                          --------       --------
                         | Host A |     | Host B |
                         |   Foo  |-----|   Bar  |
                          --------   |   --------   ---
                                    ---             ---
                                 --------      ---
                                 --------      ---
                                    ---             ---
                          --------   |   --------   ---
                         | Host C |-----| Host D |
                         |   Foo  |     |   Bar  |
                          --------       --------

              ---------------                     ----------------
             |  |--------L2TP-------| Assigned by A  |
             |    Host A     |   ---       ---   |    Host B      |
             |   |--|NAT|-----|NAT|--|   |
              ---------------    ---       ---    ----------------

     +---------------------------+      |     +--------------+
     |+--------+propr-+---------+| PINT |     |(Proxy Server)|  PINT
     ||(ICW SL)|ietary|(UAC/UAS)||--- -||-----|     ICW      |----+
     ||SCF/SDF |------|  SCGF   ||   firewall |Server System |    |
     |+--------+ i/f  +---------+|      |     +------------- +    |
     |           SCP             |      |                         |
     +------+--------------+-----+      |                         |
            |INAP          |INAP        |              firewall=====
            |              |            |                         |
        +---+---+      +---+---+                                  |
        |  IP   |      |  SSP  |                                  |
        +-------+      +---+---+                        +-------------+
                           |                   +---+    |  (UAC/UAS)  |
                       +---+---+              ||   ||   |    ICW      |
             |---------|  LEX  |--------------  + +     |Client System|
           +---+       +-------+               +++++----+-------------+
          ||   ||                             (callee)
            + +                           ICW Subscriber's Phone and PC

           +---------+        +-------------+        +---------+
           |(UAC/UAS)|PINT 1.0|   (Proxy)   |PINT 1.0|(UAC/UAS)|
           |         |--------|     ICW     |--------|   ICW   |
           |  SCGF   |        |    Server   |        |  Client |
           +---------+        +-------------+        +---------+

ICW Subscriber ICW Server    SCGF        SCF/SDF     SSF/CCF    Calling
ICW Client                                                        party
 (DN1/IP1)      (IP2)        (IP3)                                 (DN2)
     |            |            |            |            |            |
    0A            |            |            |            |            |
    0BREG(DN1,IP1)|            |            |            |            |
  1  |----------->|REG(DN1,IP1)|            |            |            |
  2  |            |----------->|            |            |            |
     |            |           2A            |            |            |
     |            |            |reg(DN1,IP1)|            |            |
  3  |            |            |-.-.-.-.-.->|            |            |
     |            |            |           3A            |            |
     |            |            |   reg ok  3B            |            |
  4  |            |            |<-.-.-.-.-.-|            |            |
     |            |   200 OK  4A            |            |            |
  5  |            |<-----------|            |            |            |
     |   200 OK  5A            |            |            |            |
  6  |<-----------|            |            |            |            |
    6A            |            |            |            |            |
     |            |            |            |            |            |

ICW Subscriber ICW Server    SCGF        SCF/SDF     SSF/CCF    Calling
ICW Client                                                        party
 (DN1/IP1)      (IP2)        (IP3)                                 (DN2)
     |            |            |            |            |            |
     |            |            |            |           setup(DN1,DN2)|
  1  |            |            |            |            |<+++++++++++|
     |            |            |            |           1A            |
     |            |            |          IDP(T-busy,DN1)|            |
  2  |            |            |            |<--.--.--.--|            |
     |            |            |           2A            |            |
     |            |            |           2B            |            |
     |            |            |           2C            |            |
     |            |        noti(DN1,IP1,DN2)|            |            |
  3  |            |            |<-.-.-.-.-.-|            |            |
     |            |           3A            |            |            |
     |         INV(DN1,IP1,DN2)|            |            |            |
  4  |            |<-----------|            |            |            |
     |           4A            |            |            |            |
     |            | 100 Trying |            |            |            |
  5  |            |----------->|            |            |            |
  INV(DN1,IP1,DN2)|            |            |            |            |
  6  |<-----------|            |            |            |            |
    6A            |            |            |            |            |
     | 100 Trying |            |            |            |            |
  7  |----------->|            |            |            |            |
     |            |            |            |            |            |

       -----> PINT Protocol             -.-.-> SCP Internal API
       --.--> INAP Protocol             +++++> ISUP Protocol
       =====> Bearer

ICW Subscriber ICW Server    SCGF        SCF/SDF     SSF/CCF    Calling
ICW Client                                                        party
 (DN1/IP1)      (IP2)        (IP3)                                 (DN2)
     |            |            |            |            |            |
    0A   200 OK   |            |            |            |            |
  1  |----------->|            |            |            |            |
    1A            |            |            |            |            |
    1B            |   200 OK   |            |            |            |
  2  |            |----------->|            |            |            |
     |            |    ACK    2A            |            |            |
  3  |            |<-----------|            |            |            |
     |            |            |Accept(DN1,IP1,DN2)      |            |
  4  |            |            |-.-.-.-.-.->|            |            |
     |            |            |            |Connect(DN1,DN2)         |
  5  |            |            |            |--.--.--.-->|            |
     |            |            |           Setup(DN1,DN2)|            |
  6  |<++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|            |
     |            |            |            |    ERB     |            |
  7  |            |            |            |<--.--.--.--|            |
     |            |            |     ok     |            |            |
  8  |            |            |<-.-.-.-.-.-|            |            |
     |            |           8A            |            |            |
     |            |    BYE     |            |            |            |
  9  |            |<-----------|            |            |            |
     |           9A            |            |            |            |
     |            |            |            |            |            |

       -----> PINT Protocol             -.-.-> SCP Internal API
       --.--> INAP Protocol             +++++> ISUP Protocol
       =====> Bearer

ICW Subscriber ICW Server SCGF     SCF/SDF    SSF/CCF    Calling Another
ICW Client                                                party   Phone
 (DN1/IP1)     (IP2)      (IP3)                           (DN2)    (DN3)
     |          |          |          |          |          |         |
    0A          |          |          |          |          |         |
     |303 SeeOther         |          |          |          |         |
  1  |--------->|          |          |          |          |         |
    1A    ACK   |          |          |          |          |         |
  2  |<---------|303 SeeOther         |          |          |         |
  3  |          |--------->|          |          |          |         |
     |          |    ACK  3A          |          |          |         |
  4  |          |<---------|Connect(DN2,DN3)     |          |         |
  5  |          |          |-.-.-.-.->|          |          |         |
     |          |          |          |Connect(DN2,DN3)     |         |
  6  |          |          |          |.--.--.-->|          |         |
     |          |          |          |          |Setup(DN2,DN3)      |
  7  |          |          |          |          ++++++++++++++++++++>|
  8  |          |          |          |   ERB    |          |<===5A==>|
     |          |          |          |<--.--.--.|          |         |
     |          |          |    ok    |          |          |         |
  9  |          |          |<-.-.-.-.-|          |          |         |
     |          |   BYE   9A          |          |          |         |
 10  |          |<---------|          |          |          |         |
     |  BYE    10A         |          |          |          |         |
 11  |<---------|          |          |          |          |         |
    11A         |          |          |          |          |         |
     |          |          |          |          |          |         |

       -----> PINT Protocol             -.-.-> SCP Internal API
       --.--> INAP Protocol             +++++> ISUP Protocol
       =====> Bearer

ICW Subscriber ICW Server    SCGF        SCF/SDF     SSF/CCF    Calling
ICW Client                                                        party
 (DN1/IP1)      (IP2)        (IP3)                                (DN2)
     |            |            |            |            |            |
    0A            |            |            |            |            |
     |           0B            |            |            |            |
     |            |Unreg(DN1,IP1)           |            |            |
  1  |            |----------->|            |            |            |
     |            |           1A            |            |            |
     |            |            |Unreg(DN1,IP1)           |            |
  2  |            |            |-.-.-.-.-.->|            |            |
     |            |            |           2A            |            |
     |            |            |     ok    2B            |            |
  3  |            |            |<-.-.-.-.-.-|            |            |
     |            |           3A            |            |            |
     |            |   200 OK   |            |            |            |
  4  |            |<-----------|            |            |            |
     |           4A            |            |            |            |
     |            |            |            |            |            |

       -----> PINT Protocol             -.-.-> SCP Internal API
       --.--> INAP Protocol             +++++> ISUP Protocol
       =====> Bearer

               | Compact    |            +-------------+
               | Service    |            | Service     |
         +-----| Node (CSN) |            | Management  |
         |     | OCC Server |            | System (SMS)|
         |     | OCC CSN SPA|            +-------------+
         |     +-------:--|-+                   |
         |             |  +-------------[ IP INTRANET ]---------+
       ===== firewall  :                                        |
         |             |                                        |
         |          +-------+                               +-------+
         |          |Central|-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-|Service|
         |      +-%-|Office |-..-..-:                       |Control|
         |      |   +---|---+       |                       |Point  |
         |      %       |           :                       | (SCP) |
         |      |    +--|---+   +-------+    +----------+   |OCC SCP|
         |      %    |  PC  |   | VoIP  |    | VoIP     |   |  SPA  |
         |      |    |OCC Cl|   |Gateway|    |Gatekeeper|   +-------+
         |      %    +------+   +---|---+    +-----|----+
         |      |                 ===== firewall =====
         |      %                   |              |
         |      |   +---------------|---+          |
         |      +-%-|                   |----------+
         +----------|  I N T E R N E T  |
                    |                   |

      |DN | PIN | IP Address | Session Key | CNF | Language ID|

   +-----------+  INAP  +-----+  SIP  +--------------------------+
   |  CSN node |--------| SCG |-------| NS (SIP Redirect Server) |
   +-----------+        +-----+       +--------------------------+

   +------+ INAP +-----+ SIP +----------------+ SIP +----------+
   |  CSN |------| SCG |-----|       NS       |-----| Service  |
   | node |      |     |     |(redirect/proxy)|     |(redirect)|
   +------+      +-----+     +----------------+     +----------+

             ________         ______________         ________
            /        \       /              \       /        \
           /          \     /                \     /          \
    |---| |        |---|   |---|          |---|   |---|        | |---|
    |Tx |-|        |ER1|---|BR1|          |BR2|---|ER2|        |-|Rx |
    |---| |        |-- |   |---|          |---|   |---|        | |---|
           \          /     \                /     \          /
            \________/       \______________/       \________/

                                          Non-Diffserv region 2
                                                   /        \
                                                  |          | |---|
             ________         _____________       |          |-|Rx1|
            /        \       /          |--\      |---|      | |---|
           /          \     /          /|BR2\-----\ER2|     /
    |---| |        |---|   |---|  |--|/ |---|      \--|____/
    |Tx |-|        |ER1|---|BR1|--|RR|      |       ________
    |---| |        |-- |   |---|  |--|\ |---|      /--|     \
           \          /     \          \|BR3/-----|ER3|      | |---|
            \________/       \__________|--/      |---|      |-|Rx2|
                                                  |          | |---|
    Non-Diffserv region 1   Diffserv region        \        /