             |                                                    |
             |  Verification and Key Management Infrastructure    |
             |                                                    |
                    ^ |                                  ^ |
                    | |                                  | |
                    | v                                  | v
             +---------------+                    +---------------+
             |               |                    |               |
             | Foreign Agent |                    |   Home Agent  |
             |               |                    |               |
             +---------------+                    +---------------+

         |Media Gateway                                         |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context                          +-------------+ |  |
         | |                                 | Termination | |  |
         | |                                 |-------------| |  |
         | |  +-------------+             +->| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  | Termination |   +-----+   |  |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |---+  +-------------+ |  |
       <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |                      |  |
         | |  |             |   |     |---+  +-------------+ |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+   |  | Termination | |  |
         | |                              |  |-------------| |  |
         | |                              +->| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |                                 |   Channel   | |  |
         | |                                 +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         |                                                      |
         |                    +------------------------------+  |
         |                    |Context                       |  |
         |  +-------------+   |              +-------------+ |  |
         |  | Termination |   | +-----+      | Termination | |  |
         |  |-------------|   | |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+->| SCN Bearer  |   | |  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         |  |   Channel   |   | |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         |  +-------------+   | +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         |                    +------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         |                                                      |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context                                          |  |
         | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
         | |  | Termination |   +-----+      | Termination | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+--->| SCN Bearer  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  |   Channel   |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | ___________________________________________________  |

         |Media Gateway                                         |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C1                                       |  |
         | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
         | |  | Term. T2    |   +-----+      | Term. T1    | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  |             |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C2                                       |  |
         | |                                 +-------------+ |  |
         | |                    +-----+      | Term. T3    | |  |
         | |                    |     |      |-------------| |  |
         | |                    |  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |                    |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |                    +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |

         |Media Gateway                                         |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C1                                       |  |
         | |  +-------------+                                |  |
         | |  | Term. T2    |   +-----+                      |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |                      |  |
       <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |                      |  |
         | |  |             |   |     |                      |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+                      |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C2                                       |  |
         | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
         | |  | Term. T1    |   +-----+      | Term. T3    | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+--->| SCN Bearer  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  |   Channel   |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |

      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |       ^  ^       |  |          ^       |  |          ^       |
      |       |  |       |  |          |       |  |          |       |
      |    +--+  +--+    |  |          +---+   |  |          +--+    |
      |    |        |    |  |              |   |  |             |    |
      |    v        v    |  |              v   |  |             |    |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
       1. No Topology Desc.  2. T1, T2 Isolate     3. T3, T2 oneway

      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |
      |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
      |          |       |  |          ^       |  |       ^  ^       |
      |          |       |  |          |       |  |       |  |       |
      |          +--+    |  |          +---+   |  |    +--+  +--+    |
      |             |    |  |              |   |  |    |        |    |
      |             v    |  |              v   |  |    v        v    |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |
      | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
       4. T2, T3 oneway      5. T2, T3 bothway     6. T1, T2 bothway

      | Transaction x                                            |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |  | Action 1                                           |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+  +---------+ |  |
      |  | | Command |  | Command |  | Command |  | Command | |  |
      |  | |    1    |  |    2    |  |    3    |  |    4    | |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+  +---------+ |  |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |                                                          |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |  | Action 2                                           |  |
      |  | +---------+                                        |  |
      |  | | Command |                                        |  |
      |  | |    1    |                                        |  |
      |  | +---------+                                        |  |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |                                                          |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |  | Action 3                                           |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+              |  |
      |  | | Command |  | Command |  | Command |              |  |
      |  | |    1    |  |    2    |  |    3    |              |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+              |  |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |

(a) | RTP  |  VS  |  VO  | VOL  |

(b) | RTP  |  VS  |  VO  | VOL  |Video Packet|
    |header|header|header|header|            |

(c) | RTP  | GOV |Video Object Plane|
    |header|     |                  |

    +------+------+------------+  +------+------+------------+
(d) | RTP  | VOP  |Video Packet|  | RTP  |  VP  |Video Packet|
    |header|header|    (1)     |  |header|header|    (2)     |
    +------+------+------------+  +------+------+------------+

(e) | RTP  |  VP  |Video Packet|  VP  |Video Packet|  VP  |Video Packet|
    |header|header|     (1)    |header|    (2)     |header|    (3)     |

    +------+------+------------+  +------+------------+
(f) | RTP  | VOP  |VOP fragment|  | RTP  |VOP fragment|
    |header|header|    (1)     |  |header|    (2)     | ___
    +------+------+------------+  +------+------------+

    +------+-------------+  +------+------------+------------+
(a) | RTP  |First half of|  | RTP  |Last half of|Video Packet|
    |header|  VP header  |  |header|  VP header |            |
    +------+-------------+  +------+------------+------------+

    +------+------+----------+  +------+---------+------+------------+
(b) | RTP  | VOP  |First half|  | RTP  |Last half|  VP  |Video Packet|
    |header|header| of VP(1) |  |header| of VP(1)|header|    (2)     |
    +------+------+----------+  +------+---------+------+------------+

      | phoneBookName                (req)|
      | phoneBookVersion             (req)|
      | +-----------------------+         |
      | | pop                   |+   (req)|
      | +-----------------------+|        |
      |  + - - - - - - - - - - - +        |
      |                                   |
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - +         |
      | | setup                 |+   (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - +|        |
      |  + - - - - - - - - - - - +        |
      |                                   |
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - +         |
      | | support               |+   (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - +|        |
      |  + - - - - - - - - - - - +        |
      |                                   |
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - +         |
      | | provider              |+   (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - +|        |
      |  + - - - - - - - - - - - +        |

      |  entryVersion                (req)|
      | +-------------------------+       |
      | | address                 |  (req)|
      | +-------------------------+       |
      |  media                       (req)|
      |  minBitsPerSecond            (opt)|
      |  maxBitsPerSecond            (opt)|
      |  "popProperties"             (opt)|
      |  "tunnelingProtocols"        (opt)|
      |  dialScript                  (opt)|
      |  pricingInformation          (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | | "location"              |  (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | | "popSetup"              |  (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | | "popSupport"            |  (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |
      | | "popProvider"           |  (opt)|
      | + - - - - - - - - - - - - +       |

    0      1                                                    16
   |Header|     FREE     |     NODE_ADDR      |    MEM_ADDR    |

       0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |      ADDR_LENGTH      |  NET_TYPE | ADDR_CODE |

      +--------------------+              +--------------------+
      | User Application 1 |              | User Application 1 |
      +-----------------------+           +-----------------------+
         | User Application N |              | User Application N |
         +--------------------+              +--------------------+

   |     Header     |   Extension headers  |       Operands         |

                     |   Frame Relay Service   |
                           |             |
                     | MFR Bundle | MFR Bundle |
                     |    10      |     20     |
                        |     |       |     |
                      +-+-+ +-+-+   +-+-+ +-+-+
                      |T1 | |T1 |   |T1 | |T1 |
                      +---+ +---+   +-+-+ +---+

        \ | /                 .                                /
   +---------------+  WAN     .           +-----------------+/
   |Regional Router|----------------------|Stub Router w/NAT|---
   +---------------+          .           +-----------------+\
                              .                      |         \
                              .                      |  LAN
                              .               ---------------
                        Stub border

                                    \ | /
                                  |Regional Router|
                                WAN |           | WAN
                                    |           |
                Stub A .............|....   ....|............ Stub B
                                    |           |
                  {s=,^  |           |  v{s=,
                   d=}^  |           |  v d=}
                    +-----------------+       +-----------------+
                    |Stub Router w/NAT|       |Stub Router w/NAT|
                    +-----------------+       +-----------------+
                          |                         |
                          |  LAN               LAN  |
                    -------------             -------------
                              |                 |
            {s=, ^  |                 |  v{s=,
             d=}^ +--+             +--+ v d=}
                             |--|             |--|
                            /____\           /____\

                                     \ | /
                                   |Service Provider Router|
                                 WAN |
                 Stub A .............|....
         ^{s=,sport=1024, |  v{s=, sport = 23,
         ^ d=,dport=23}   |  v d=, dport = 1024}
                         |Stub Router w/NAPT|
                           |  LAN
        |        ^{s=,sport=3017, |  v{s=, sport=23,
        |        ^ d=,dport=23} |  v d=, dport=3017}
        |                                  |
       +--+      +--+                    +--+
       |--|      |--|                    |--|
      /____\    /____\                  /____\   .....

                        |        +-------+|
                        | Fb->Hb | Mc->Yc||
                        |        +-------+|

               Mc=M             H1b     H1c
          [MN1]-------+      +----[HA1]----+---------
                      |      |             | Address
                      |      |             | space C
         Address      |      |   Address   +----------
         Space       Fa-[FA]-Fb  Space
         A            |      |   B         +---------
                      |      |             | Address
                      |      |             | space D
          [MN2]-------+      +----[HA2]----+---------
               Md=M            H2b     H2d
       +----+                IF1=COA1+-------+    HAA2 +-----+
       | MN1|------------------------|  FA   |---------| HA2 |
       +----+           +------------|       |         +-----+
                        |    IF2=COA2+-------+
                    +---+               |
                    |                   |
                 +-----+                |
                 | MN2 |                |
                 +-----+                |
                                        | HAA1
                                    | HA1  |

         Q.931 Setup caller address =
                     caller port    = 1120
                     callee address =
                     callee port    = 1720
         Q.931 Alerting
         Q.931 Connect H.245 address =
                       H.245 port    = 1092

         H.245 Open Logical Channel, channel = 257
                   RTCP address =
                   RTCP port    = 1093
         H.245 Open Logical Channel Ack, channel = 257
                   RTP address =
                   RTP port    = 2002
                   (This is where User A would like RTP
                    data sent to)

                   RTCP address =
                   RTCP port    = 2003
         H.245 Open Logical Channel, channel = 257
                   RTCP address =
                   RTCP port    = 2003
         H.245 Open Logical Channel Ack, channel = 257
                   RTP address =
                   RTP port    = 1092
                   (This is where User B would like RTP data
                    sent to)
                   RTCP address =
                   RTP port     = 1093

         IP Router      ATM SW         ATM SW       IP Router
+----+                        Default VC                        +----+
| WS |   +------+  UNI  +-----+        +-----+  UNI  +------+   | WS |
+--+-+   |   /->|<------+-\-/-+--------+-\-/-+------>|<-\   |   +-+--+
   |.....|__/   |===||==|  X  |========|  X  |==||===|   \__|.....|
         |      |       | / \ |        | / \ |       |      |
         +------+       +-----+        +-----+       +------+

         IP Router      ATM SW         ATM SW       IP Router
+----+                        Default VC                        +----+
| WS |   +------+  UNI  +-----+        +-----+  UNI  +------+   | WS |
+--+-+   |   /->|<------+-\-/-+--------+-\-/-+------>|<-\   |   +-+--+
   |.....|__/   |===||==|  X  |========|  X  |==||===|   \__|.....|
         |      |<------+-/-\-+--------+-/-\-+------>|      |
         +------+       +-----+        +-----+       +------+
                            New VC is set up

         IP Router      ATM SW         ATM SW       IP Router
+----+                        Default VC                        +----+
| WS |   +------+  UNI  +-----+        +-----+  UNI  +------+   | WS |
+--+-+   |      |<------+-\-/-+--------+-\-/-+------>|      |   +-+--+
   |.....|__    |===||==|  X  |========|  X  |==||===|    __|.....|
         |  \-->|<------+-/-\-+--------+-/-\-+------>|<--/  |
         +------+       +-----+        +-----+       +------+
                                New VC

         IP Router      ATM SW         ATM SW       IP Router
+----+                     B-ISDN Signaling                     +----+
| WS |   +------+  UNI  +-----+ Setup  +-----+  UNI  +------+   | WS |
+--+-+   |   /->|<------+-\-/--Protocol--\-/-+------>|<-\   |   +-+--+
   |.....|__/   |===||==|  X  |========|  X  |==||===|   \__|.....|
         |  \-->|<------+-/-\-+--------+-/-\-+------>|<--/  |
         +------+       +-----+  Data  +-----+       +------+
                                QoS VC
 N-CONNECT |                                              |
---------->|  |             |            |             |  |
           |->|    SETUP    |            |             |  |
           |  |------------>|            |             |  |
           |  |<------------|            |             |  |
           |  |  CALL PROC  |----------->|    SETUP    |  |
           |  |             |            |------------>|  |
           |  |             |            |             |->| N-CONNECT
           |  |             |            |             |  |---------->
           |  |             |            |             |  |<----------
           |  |             |            |    CONN     |<-| N-CONNECT-ACK
           |  |             |            |<------------|  |
           |  |             |            |------------>|  |
           |  |    CONN     |<-----------|  CONN ACK   |->|
           |  |<------------|            |             |  |
           |  |------------>|            |             |  |
           |<-|  CONN ACK   |            |             |  |
<----------|  |             |            |             |  |
 N-CONNECT |                                              |

|                |     Type of     |     Type of     |     Type of     |
|       d        |      Input      |    Forwarding   |     Output      |
|                |  Encapsulation  |  Encapsulation  |  Encapsulation  |
|       0        |   Frame Relay   |   Frame Relay   |   Frame Relay   |
|       1        |       any       |  Generic MPLS   |  Generic MPLS   |
| number of hops |                 |  Generic MPLS   |                 |
|      of        |       any       |      or         |   Frame Relay   |
|  LSP segment   |                 |IP(network layer)|                 |

|                |     Type of     |     Type of     |     Type of     |
|       d        |      Input      |    Forwarding   |     Output      |
|                |  Encapsulation  |  Encapsulation  |  Encapsulation  |
|       0        |   Frame Relay   |   Frame Relay   |   Frame Relay   |
|                |                 |  Generic MPLS   |                 |
|       1        |       any       |      or         |   Frame Relay   |
|                |                 |IP(network layer)|                 |
| number of hops |                 |  Generic MPLS   |                 |
|      of        |  Frame Relay    |      or         |       any       |
|  LSP segment   |                 |IP(network layer)|                 |

                         Homogeneous LSP
        IP_ttl = n                             IP_ttl=mpls_ttl-1 = n-6
        --------->iIf                      fIi--------->
                    | mpls_ttl = n-5       ^
                    |                      |
number of hops     1|     Frame Relay      |5
                    |                      |
                    V   2      3      4    |

                          Heterogeneous LSP
ingress LSR                                                  egress LSR
IP_ttl = n                                               IP_ttl = n - 15
links   LAN   PPP        FR          ATM    PPP    FR     LAN
 --->iIg-->gGg-->gGf            fGa       aGg-->gGf       fGg-->gIi--->
hops     1     2   |     6      | |   9   |  10   |  13   ^  14    15
                   |1          4| |1     3|       |1     3|
                   V  2     3   | V   2   |       V   2   |
                  fFf-->fFf-->fFf aAa-->aAa       fFf-->fFf
       n-1   n-2  (n-2)-4=n-6  (n-6)-3=n-9  n-10  n-13     n-14

   (ingress LSR)  1     2        3      4
            x--->---+--->---+--->>--+-->>---x (egress LSR)
      o.ttl=i.ttl-4         |     2      3
    hops                   1|
                            x (ingress LSR)

                (egress LSR)x  o.ttl=i.ttl-3
    hops                    |
     (ingress LSR)          |            o.ttl=i.ttl-4
            x--->---+--->---+--->---+--->---x (egress LSR)
                1       2       3       4

                                 |            |
                   +------------>|NON EXISTENT|<--------------------+
                   |             |            |                     |
                   |             +------------+                     |
                   | Session        |    ^                          |
                   |   connection   |    |                          |
                   |   established  |    | Rx any LDP msg except    |
                   |                V    |   Init msg or Timeout    |
                   |            +-----------+                       |
      Rx Any other |            |           |                       |
         msg or    |            |INITIALIZED|                       |
         Timeout / |        +---|           |-+                     |
      Tx NAK msg   |        |   +-----------+ |                     |
                   |        | (Passive Role)  | (Active Role)       |
                   |        | Rx Acceptable   | Tx Init msg         |
                   |        |    Init msg /   |                     |
                   |        | Tx Init msg     |                     |
                   |        |    Tx KeepAlive |                     |
                   |        V    msg          V                     |
                   |   +-------+        +--------+                  |
                   |   |       |        |        |                  |
                   +---|OPENREC|        |OPENSENT|----------------->|
                   +---|       |        |        | Rx Any other msg |
                   |   +-------+        +--------+    or Timeout    |
      Rx KeepAlive |        ^                |     Tx NAK msg       |
         msg       |        |                |                      |
                   |        |                | Rx Acceptable        |
                   |        |                |    Init msg /        |
                   |        +----------------+ Tx KeepAlive msg     |
                   |                                                |
                   |      +-----------+                             |
                   +----->|           |                             |
                          |OPERATIONAL|                             |
                          |           |---------------------------->+
                          +-----------+     Rx Shutdown msg
                   All other  |   ^            or Timeout /
                     LDP msgs |   |         Tx Shutdown msg
                              |   |

       Node A           Node B
         |                |
         |--------------->|     VCID PROPOSE
         |                |
         |<---------------|     VCID ACK
         |                |
         |--------------->|     LDP Label Request
         |                |
         |<---------------|     LDP Label Mapping

       Upstream        Downstream 1   Downstream 2
         |                |               |
         |-----------+--->|               |   VCID PROPOSE
         |           +------------------->|
         |                |               |
         |<---------------|               |
         |  VCID ACK      |               |
         |<-------------------------------|   VCID ACK

       Node A           Node B
         |                |
         |--------------->|     ATM Signaling with BLLI
         |                |
         |--------------->|     VCID PROPOSE with BLLI
         |                |
         |<---------------|     VCID ACK
         |                |
         |--------------->|     LDP Label Request
         |                |
         |<---------------|     LDP Label Mapping

       Node A           Node B
         |                |
         |--------------->|   ATM signaling with VCID
         |                |
         |--------------->|     LDP Label Request
         |                |
         |<---------------|     LDP Label Mapping

      ------------------     -----------------     ------------------
      | Replica Origin |     | Master Origin |     | Replica Origin |
      |     Server     |     |    Server     |     |     Server     |
      ------------------     -----------------     ------------------
               \                    |                      /
                \                   |                     /
                                    |                 Client to
                             -----------------        Replica Server
                             |     Client    |

      ------------------     -----------------     ------------------
      | Replica Origin |-----| Master Origin |-----| Replica Origin |
      |     Server     |     |    Server     |     |     Server     |
      ------------------     -----------------     ------------------

      -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
      |     Local     |     |     Local     |     |     Local     |
      |     Proxy     |     |     Proxy     |     |     Proxy     |
      -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
               \                    |                      /
                \                   |                     /
                             |     Client    |

            --------------  --------------   --------------
            |   Origin   |  |   Origin   |   |   Origin   |
            |   Server   |  |   Server   |   |   Server   |
            --------------  --------------   --------------
                          \        |        /
                           \       |       /
                           |   Surrogate   |
                           |               |
                             |  Client  |

                        ---------------------  ---------------------
             -----------|    Intermediate   |  |    Intermediate   |
             |          | Caching Proxy (D) |  | Caching Proxy (E) |
             |(peer)    ---------------------  ---------------------
       --------------             | (parent)       / (parent)
       |   Cache    |             |         ------/
       | Server (C) |             |        /
       --------------             |       /
      (peer) |            -----------------       ---------------------
             -------------| Local Caching |-------|    Intermediate   |
                          |   Proxy (A)   | (peer)| Caching Proxy (B) |
                          -----------------       ---------------------
                              | Client |

                         ----------------------    |
                     ---------------------    |    |
                     |  (Caching) Proxy  |    |-----
                     |      Array        |----- ^ ^
                     --------------------- ^ ^  | |
                         ^            ^    | |--- |
                         |            |-----      |

      -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
      | Caching Proxy |     | Caching Proxy |     | Caching Proxy |
      |     Array     |     |     Array     |     |     Array     |
      -----------------     -----------------     -----------------
                \                   |                     /
                              |  Network   |
                              |  Element   |
                               |  Client  |

          Code   Len     Agent Information Field
         |  82  |   N  |  i1  |  i2  |  i3  |  i4  |      |  iN  |

          SubOpt   Len     Circuit ID
         |  1   |   n  |  c1  |  c2  |  c3  |  c4  |  c5  |  c6  | ...

          SubOpt   Len     Agent Remote ID
         |  2   |   n  |  r1  |  r2  |  r3  |  r4  |  r5  |  r6  | ...

                -----    ------------
     ~~~~~~~~  |req  |  |  --------  |
    |        |----------| |  http  | |
    | client | |resp |  | | server | |
    |        |----------| |        | |w
     ~~~~~~~~  |     |  |  --------  |e
                -----   |  s|  /\s   |b
               net      |  t|   |t   |
                        |e d| C |d   |s
                        |n i| G |o   |e
                        |v n| I |u   |r
                        |   |   |t   |v
                        |  \/   |    |e
                        |  -------   |r
                        | |       |  |
                        | |  CGI  |  |
                        | | prog. |  |
                        | |       |  |
                        |  -------   |

     ~~~~~~~~   req  -------   req   -------     req   ~~~~~~~~
    |        |------|       |-------|       |---------|        |
    | client | resp | server| resp  | server| resp    | client |
    |        |------|       |-------|       |---------|        |
     ~~~~~~~~        -------         -------           --------
                      |   | CGI
                      |   |
                    |       |
                    |  CGI  |
                    | prog. |
                    |       |

                                          / |server|
                                         /  |      |
                                        /   +------+
              +----------+     +------+/    +------+
              |dual-stack|     |tunnel|     |tunnel|
              |   node   |<--->|broker|<--->|server|
              |  (user)  |     |      |     |      |
              +----------+     +------+\    +------+
                                  |     \   +------+
            tunnel end-point      v      \  |tunnel|
                  /\            +---+     \ |server|
                  ||            |DNS|      \|      |
                  ||            +---+       +------+
                  ||                    tunnel end-point
                  ||                           /\
                  ||                           ||
                       IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel

                             |               |
                             |      MGC      |
                             |               |
                                     ^ \ \ \
               |                                             |
               |   Megaco IP Phone MG                        |
               |   ==================      Audio Transducer  |
               |                           Terminations:     |
               | Audio context(s):         + - - - - - - - + |
               | +---------------------+     +-----------+   |
               | |     Context A       |   | | Handset   | | |
               | |                     |     +-----------+   |
          RTP  | |  +-----+   +-----+  |   | +-----------+ | |
      <--------+-+->| Tr  |   | Ta2 |<-+-----| Handsfree |   |
        audio  | |  +-----+   +-----+  |   | +-----------+ | |
       stream  | |                     |     +-----------+   |
               | +---------------------+   | | Headset   | | |
               |                             +-----------+   |
               |                           |               | |
               |                              ETC.           |
               |                           + - - - - - - - + |
               |                                             |
               |  +----------------------------------------+ |
               |  | User Interface Termination             | |
               |  | +--------------+      +--------------+ | |
               |  | | Text Display |      | Keypad       | | |
               |  | +--------------+      +--------------+ | |
               |  | +--------------+      +--------------+ | |
               |  | | Softkeys     |      | Indicators   | | |
               |  | +--------------+      +--------------+ | |
               |  | +--------------+                       | |
               |  | | Function Keys|       ETC.            | |
               |  | +--------------+                       | |
               |  +----------------------------------------+ |

      | Package           | Name   | Support in User Interface   |
      |                   |        | Termination                 |
      |___________________|_______ |_____________________________|
      | Text Display      | dis    | OPTIONAL                    |
      | Keypad            | kp     | OPTIONAL                    |
      | Function Key      | kf     | OPTIONAL                    |
      | Indicator         | ind    | OPTIONAL                    |
      | Softkey           | ks     | OPTIONAL                    |
      | Ancillary Input   | anci   | OPTIONAL                    |

      | Package             | Name   | Support in Audio Transducer |
      |                     |        | Terminations                |
      |_____________________|_______ |_____________________________|
      | Basic DTMF Generator| dg     | REQUIRED                    |
      | Call Progress Tones | cg     | REQUIRED                    |
      |   Generator         |        |                             |

     | 3 |  13  |    32     |   16   |          64 bits               |
     |FP | TLA  | V4ADDR    | SLA ID |         Interface ID           |
     |001|0x0002|           |        |                                |

                           |                               |
                           |  Wide Area IPv4 Network       |
                                  /                    \
 _______________________________/_   ____________________\____________
|                              /  | |                     \           |
|IPv4 Site A          ##########  | |IPv4 Site B          ##########  |
| ____________________# 6to4   #_ | | ____________________# 6to4   #_ |
||                    # router # || ||                    # router # ||
||IPv6 Site A         ########## || ||IPv6 Site B         ########## ||
||2002:c001:0203::/48            || ||2002:09fe:fdfc::/48            ||
||_______________________________|| ||_______________________________||
|                                 | |                                 |
|_________________________________| |_________________________________|

            ____________________________         ______________________
           |                            |       |                      |
           |  Wide Area IPv4 Network    |       |   Native IPv6        |
           |                            |       |   Wide Area Network  |
           |____________________________|       |______________________|
                /                    \             //\           // 2001:0600::/48
  ____________/_   ____________________\_________//_
             /  | |                     \       //  |
    ##########  | |IPv4 Site B          ##########  |
  __# 6to4   #_ | | ____________________# 6to4   #_ |
    # router # || ||                    # router # ||
    ########## || ||IPv6 Site B         ########## ||
               || ||2002:09fe:fdfc::/48            ||
  __Site A_____|| ||2001:0600::/48_________________||
    as before   | |                                 |
  ______________| |_________________________________|

                   |     AS3      |
                   |_IPv6 Network_| Both AS1 and AS2 advertise
                   | AS1  | AS2   | 2002::/16, but only one of
                   |______|_______| them reaches AS3.
                    //          \\
         __________//_          _\\__________         ______________
        | 6to4 Relay1 |        | 6to4 Relay2 |       | IPv6 Network |
        |_____________|        |_____________|       |    AS4       |
               |                      |              |______________|
       ________|______________________|________             |
      |                                        |      ______|______
      |       Global IPv4 Network              |-----| 6to4 Relay3 |
      |________________________________________|     |_____________|
         |          |            |          |
     ____|___    ___|____    ____|___    ___|____
    |  6to4  |  |  6to4  |  |  6to4  |  |  6to4  |
    | Site A |  | Site B |  | Site C |  | Site D |
    |________|  |________|  |________|  |________|

                   |     AS3      |
                   |_IPv6 Network_| Both AS1 and AS2 advertise
                   | AS1  | AS2   | 2002::/16, but sites A and B
                   |______|_______| cannot reach C and D.
                    //          \\
         __________//_          _\\__________
        | 6to4 Relay1 |        | 6to4 Relay2 |
        |_____________|        |_____________|
               |                      |
       ________|_______        _______|________
      | IPv4 Network   |      | IPv4 Network   |
      | Segment 1      |      | Segment 2      |
      |________________|      |________________|
         |          |            |          |
     ____|___    ___|____    ____|___    ___|____
    |  6to4  |  |  6to4  |  |  6to4  |  |  6to4  |
    | Site A |  | Site B |  | Site C |  | Site D |
    |________|  |________|  |________|  |________|

     ********                                         **************
     *      *_________________________________________*  ********  *
     *      *                                _________*  * ASP1 *  *
     *  SG1 *   SCTP Associations           |         *  ********  *
     *      *_______________________        |         *            *
     ********                       |       |         **************
                                    |       |
     ********                       |       |
     *      *_______________________________|
     *      *                       |
     *  SG2 *    SCTP Associations  |
     *      *____________           |
     *      *            |          |                     Host2
     ********            |          |                 **************
                         |          |_________________*  ********  *
                         |____________________________*  * ASP1 *  *
                                                      *  ********  *
                                                      *            *

         /   /------------------------------------------------|--+
        /   /                                                 v  |
       /   /    +----+             act+-----+    +-------+ -+--+-|+--+-
D chan1-------->|IID |-+          +-->| ASP |--->| Assoc |       v
         /      +----+ |  +----+  |   +-----+    +-------+ -+--+--+--+-
        /              +->| AS |--+                        Streams
       /        +----+ |  +----+   stb+-----+
D chan2-------->|IID |-+              | ASP |
                +----+                +-----+

      0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
   |  0  | SPR |      SAPI                         |
   |  1  |            TEI                          |

             +----------------------|             |
             |   Alternate  +-------| ASP-ACTIVE  |
             |       ASP    |       +-------------+
             |    Takeover  |           ^     |
             |              |    ASP    |     | ASP
             |              |    Active |     | Inactive
             |              |           |     v
             |              |       +-------------+
             |              |       |             |
             |              +------>|  ASP-INACT  |
             |                      +-------------+
             |                          ^    |
   ASP Down/ |                     ASP  |    | ASP Down /
   SCTP CDI  |                     Up   |    | SCTP CDI
             |                          |    v
             |                      +-------------+
             +--------------------->|             |
                                    |  ASP-DOWN   |

                SG                       ASP1
                 |<---------ASP Up----------|
                 |--------ASP Up Ack------->|
                 |                          |
                 |<-------ASP Active--------|
                 |------ASP Active Ack----->|
                 |                          |

          SG                        ASP1                        ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<--------ASP Up----------|                          |
           |-------ASP Up Ack------->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<-----------------------------ASP Up----------------|
           |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<-------ASP Active-------|                          |
           |-----ASP Active Ack----->|                          |
           |                         |                          |

          SG                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<---------ASP Up---------|                          |
           |--------ASP Up Ack------>|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<------------------------------ASP Up---------------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------>|
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<--ASP Active (Ldshr)----|                          |
           |----ASP Active Ack------>|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<----------------------------ASP Active (Ldshr)-----|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |                         |                          |

      SG                  ASP1                ASP2                ASP3
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<------ASP Up-------|                   |                   |
       |-----ASP Up Ack---->|                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<--------------------------ASP Up-------|                   |
       |------------------------ASPUp Ack)----->|                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<---------------------------------------------ASP Up--------|
       |--------------------------------------------ASP Up Ack----->|
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<-ASP Act (Ldshr)---|                   |                   |
       |----ASP Act Ack---->|                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<---------------------ASP Act (Ldshr)---|                   |
       |----------------------ASP Act Ack------>|                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |

          SG                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<-----ASP Inactive-------|                          |
           |----ASP Inactive Ack---->|                          |
           |-------------------NTFY(AS-Pending) --------------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |<------------------------------ ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack)------->|
           |                                                    |

          SG                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<-------------------------------ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |----NTFY( Alt ASP-Act)-->|
           |                         |                          |

     SG                  ASP1                 ASP2                 ASP3
      |                    |                   |                   |
      |<----ASP Inact------|                   |                   |
      |---ASP Inact Ack--->|                   |                   |
      |                    |                   |                   |
      |---------------------------------NTFY(Ins. ASPs)----------->|
      |                    |                   |                   |
      |<-----------------------------------------ASP Act (Ldshr)---|
      |-------------------------------------------ASP Act (Ack)--->|
      |                    |                   |                   |

                        <----------- Data Request
         Data Indication ----------->
                        <----------- Data Request
         Data Indication ----------->
                        <----------- Data Request
                        <----------- Data Request
         Data Indication ----------->

                        <----------- Release Request (RELEASE_MGMT)
        Release Confirm  ---------->

                        <----------- Data Request
        Error Indication ---------->

                        <----------- TEI Status Request
      TEI Status Confirm ---------->

                               |  System   |
            .....              +--^-----^--+       .....
            .   .                1.    1.          .   .
           *.(a).*                .(b)  .(c)      *.(d).*
         +--v---v---------+       .     .        +-v---v------------+
         |  PolicyGroup   <........     .        | PolicyRepository |
         |                | w *         .        |                  |
         +------^---------+             .        +-----^---------^--+
               *.                       .         0..1 .    0..1 .
                .(e)                    .              .(f)      .(g)
               *.                       .              .         .
         +------v------+ w *            .              .         .
         |             <.................              .         .
         | PolicyRule  |                               .         .
         |             |                               .         .
         |             |                               .         .
         |             <........................       .         .
         |             |*      (h)             .       .         .
         |             |                       .       .         .
         |             |                       .       .         .
         |             |                       .       .         .
         |             |                       .       .         .
         |             |                       .       .         .
         |             |                       .       .         .
         |             |                       .*      .*        .
         |             |             +---------v-------v--+      .
         |             |             |  PolicyCondition   |      .
         |             |            *+--------------------+      .
         |             |       (i)             ^                 .
         |             <..............         I                 .
         |             |*            .         I                 .
         |             |             .*        ^                 .
         |             |        +----v----------------------+    .
         |             |        | PolicyTimePeriodCondition |    .
         |             |        +---------------------------+    .
         |             |       (j)                               .
         |             <.........................                .
         |             |*                       .                .
         |             |                        .*               .
         |             |             +----------v---------+*     .
         |             |             | PolicyAction       <.......
         +-------------+             +--------------------+

                        | Policy Repository |
                                  V retrieval of policy
                             | PDP/PEP |
                                  v application of policy
                          | Network Entity |

         |                    PolicyGroup                    |
         |                                                   |
         | +--------------------+       +-----------------+  |
         | |    PolicyGroup A   |       |  PolicyGroup X  |  |
         | |                    |       |                 |  |
         | | +----------------+ |  ooo  |                 |  |
         | | | PolicyGroup A1 | |       |                 |  |
         | | +----------------+ |       |                 |  |
         | +--------------------+       +-----------------+  |

            |                    PolicyRule                  |
            |                                                |
            | +--------------------+     +-----------------+ |
            | | PolicyCondition(s) |     | PolicyAction(s) | |
            | +--------------------+     +-----------------+ |
            |                                                |
            |        +------------------------------+        |
            |        | PolicyTimePeriodCondition(s) |        |
            |        +------------------------------+        |

      |                    Policy Conditions in DNF                   |
      | +-------------------------+         +-----------------------+ |
      | |       AND list          |         |      AND list         | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  |  PolicyCondition  |  |         |  | PolicyCondition |  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  |  PolicyCondition  |  |   ...   |  | PolicyCondition |  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |   ORed  |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |          ...            |         |         ...           | |
      | |         ANDed           |         |        ANDed          | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  |  PolicyCondition  |  |         |  | PolicyCondition |  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | +-------------------------+         +-----------------------+ |

      |                    Policy Conditions in CNF                   |
      | +-------------------------+         +-----------------------+ |
      | |        OR list          |         |       OR list         | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  |  PolicyCondition  |  |         |  | PolicyCondition |  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  |  PolicyCondition  |  |   ...   |  | PolicyCondition |  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |  ANDed  |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |          ...            |         |         ...           | |
      | |         ORed            |         |         ORed          | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | |  |  PolicyCondition  |  |         |  | PolicyCondition |  | |
      | |  +-------------------+  |         |  +-----------------+  | |
      | +-------------------------+         +-----------------------+ |

         (bl,1)+     (bl,2)            (re,U)+      (re,U)
      ----[i1]--->B---[o1]---->     ----[i1]--->B----[o1]--->

       (bl,1)       (bl,2)          (bl,1)       (gr,4)
    ----[i1]--->B----[o1]--->    ----[i1]--->B----[o1]--->

                       (bl,3)       (bl,4)

        (bl,1)       (ye,2)                  (tr,1)       (tr,2)
     ----[i2]--->B----[o1]--->            ----[i2]--->B----[o1]--->
                 ^                                    ^
                 |                                    |
     ----[i3]----+                        ----[i3]----+
        (ye,1)                               (tr,1)

          (bl,1)      (re,4)           (bl,1)       (gr,2)+
       ----[i1]--->B---[o1]--->     ----[i1]--->B----[o1]--->

           (bl,1)      (re,U)          (bl,1)       (re,U)
       ----[i2]--->B----[o1]--->    ----[i2]--->B----[o1]--->

           (tr,1)      (tr,U)          (tr,1)       (tr,2)+
       ----[i2]--->B----[o1]--->    ----[i2]--->B----[o1]--->

           .        (bl,3)          (bl,4)           |
           .     ----[i1]---+     +--[o1]---> .... --+
           .                 \   /
           .                  v /
           |                   B
                     (bl,10)+      (bl,11)

               R11 ------- R10 <-------------------- R9
                |           |                         ^
                |           |                         |
                |           |                         |
                v           v                         |
                R1 -------> R2 --------> R3 --------> R4 --------- R5
              [leaf]                     ^
                R6 -------> R7 --------> R8

               R11 ------- R10 <-------------------- R9
                |           |                         ^
                |           |(pu,U)*                  |
                |           |                         |(pu,U)
                v           v                         |
                R1 -------> R2 --------> R3 --------> R4 --------- R5
              [leaf] (re,1)      (pu,U)  ^  (pu,U)
                                         | (bl,3)
                R6 -------> R7 --------> R8
              [leaf] (bl,1)      (bl,2)

                    (or,U)             (or,U)
               R11 <------ R10 <-------------------- R9
                |           |                         ^
                |(or,U)*    |                         |
                |           |                         |(or,U)
                v           |                         |
                R1 -------> R2 --------> R3 --------> R4 --------- R5
              [leaf] (or,U)      (or,U)  ^  (or,U)
                                         | (bl,3)
                R6 -------> R7 --------> R8
              [leaf] (bl,1)      (bl,2)

               R11 <------ R10 <-------------------- R9
                |           |                         |
                |           |                         |
                |           |                         |
                v           |                         |
                R1 -------> R2 --------> R3 --------> R4 --------> R5
              [leaf] (tr,1)      (tr,2)  ^  (tr,4)        (tr,5)
                                         | (tr,3)
                R6 -------> R7 --------> R8
              [leaf] (tr,1)      (tr,2)

                          +----- R6----> R7-----+
                          |                     |
                          |                     v
                   R1---->R2                    R4----->R5
                          |                     ^
                          |                     |

       |  Trunk Type    |  Direction (w.r.t. the gateway) |
       |MF, wink start  |Incoming - originate from PBX    |
       |                |(the same as FGD terminating     |
       |                | protocol)                       |
       |MF, wink start  |Outgoing - terminate on PBX      |
       |MF, wink start  |Bi-directional                   |
       |MF, Immediate   |Incoming (originate from PBX)    |
       |    start       |                                 |
       |MF, Immediate   |Outgoing (terminate on PBX)      |
       |    start       |                                 |

       |  Trunk Type    |  Direction (w.r.t. the gateway) |
       |DTMF, Immediate |Incoming (originate from PBX)    |
       | start, wink    |                                 |
       | start          |                                 |
       |DTMF, Immediate |Outgoing (terminate on PBX)      |
       | start, wink    |                                 |
       | start          |                                 |

        | Trunk Type    |  Direction           |
        |               | (w.r.t. the gateway) |
        |Basic, DTMF and |Bi-directional       |
        |DP, Loop Start  |                     |
        |Basic, DTMF and |Bi-directional       |
        |DP, Ground Start|                     |

        | Trunk Type    |  Direction           |
        |               | (w.r.t. the gateway) |
        |FXO, loop-start|Bi-directional        |
        |FXO, ground-   |Bi-directional        |
        |     start     |                      |

       |  Trunk Type    |  Direction (w.r.t. the gateway) |
       |FGD, EANA       |Outgoing (End Office to Carrier) |
       |FGD, EANA       |Incoming (Carrier to End Office) |
       |FGD, EAIN       |Outgoing (End Office to Carrier) |
       |FGD, EAIN       |Incoming (Carrier to End Office) |

      Table 5 "MS" Package Events and Signals
|Code|Description       |Event|Signal |Additional Info                |
|ans |Call Answer       |  P  |  BR   |                               |
| bl |Block             |  S  |  BR   |                               |
| bz |Busy tone         |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
|inf |Information Digits|  x  |   -   |                               |
| oc |Operation Complete|  x  |   -   |                               |
| of |Operation Fail    |  x  |   -   |                               |
|rel |Release Call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|res |Resume call       |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|rlc |Release complete  | P,S |  BR   |                               |
| ro |Reorder tone      |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
| rt |Ringback tone     |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 180 seconds         |
|sup |Call Setup        | P,S |  TO   |Time-out when signal completes |
|    |                  |     |       |out-pulsing                    |
|sus |Suspend call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |

     Table 6 "DT" Package Events and Signals
|Code|Description       |Event|Signal |Additional Info                |
|ans |Call Answer       |  P  |  BR   |                               |
| bl |Block             |  S  |  BR   |                               |
| bz |Busy tone         |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
| dl |Dial tone         |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 16 seconds          |
| oc |Operation Complete|  x  |  -    |                               |
| of |Operation Fail    |  x  |  -    |                               |
|rel |Release Call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|res |Resume call       |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|rlc |Release complete  | P,S |  BR   |                               |
| ro |Reorder tone      |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
| rt |Ringback tone     |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 180 seconds         |
|sup |Call Setup        | P,S |  TO   |Time-out when signals completed|
|    |                  |     |       |out-pulsing                    |
|sus |Suspend call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |

          Table 7 "BL" Package Events and Signals
|Code|Description       |Event|Signal |Additional Info                |
| bz |Busy tone         |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
| dl |Dial tone         |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 16 seconds          |
| hd |Off-hook          | P,S |   -   |                               |
| hf |Flash hook        |  P  |   -   |                               |
| hu |On-hook           | P,S |   -   |                               |
| oc |Operation Complete|  x  |   -   |                               |
| of |Operation Fail    |  x  |   -   |                               |
| rel|Release           |  -  |  BR   |                               |
| rg |Ringing           |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 180 seconds         |
| ro |Reorder tone      |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
| rt |Ringback tone     |  -  | C,TO  |Time-out = 180 seconds         |

     Table 8 "DO" Package Events and Signals
|Code|Description       |Event|Signal |Additional Info                |
| ci |Caller id         |  x  |   -   |                               |
| hd |Offhook           |  -  |  BR   |                               |
| hf |Hook flash        |  -  |  BR   |                               |
| hu |Onhook            |  -  |  BR   |                               |
| oc |Operation Complete|  x  |   -   |                               |
| of |Operation Fail    |  x  |   -   |                               |
|rel |Release call      |  P  |   -   |                               |
| rg |Ringing           | P,S |   -   |                               |
|rlc |Release complete  | P,S |   -   |                               |
|sup |Call Setup        |  -  |  TO   |Time-out when signal completes |
|    |                  |     |       | out-pulsing                   |

    Table 9 "MD" Package Events and Signals
|Code|Description       |Event|Signal |Additional Info                |
|ans |Call Answer       |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|awk |Acknowledge wink  |  P  |  BR   |                               |
| bl |Call Block        |  S  |  BR   |                               |
| bz |Busy tone         |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
|cwk |Continue Wink     |  -  |  BR   |                               |
|inf |Information Digits|  x  |  TO   |Time-out when signals completed|
|    |                  |     |       | out-pulsing                   |
| oc |Operation Complete|  x  |   -   |                               |
| of |Operation Fail    |  x  |   -   |                               |
|rel |Release Call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|res |Resume call       |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|rlc |Release complete  | P,S |  BR   |                               |
| ro |Reorder tone      |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 30 seconds          |
| rt |Ringback tone     |  -  |  TO   |Time-out = 180 seconds         |
|sup |Call Setup        | P,S |  TO   |Time-out when signals completed|
|    |                  |     |       | out-pulsing                   |
|sus |Suspend call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|swk |Start Wink        |  x  |   -   |                               |

|Code|Description       |Event|Signal |Additional Info                |
|ans |Call Answer !Note |  P  |   -   |                               |
| oc |Operation Complete|  x  |   -   |                               |
| of |Operation Fail    |  x  |   -   |                               |
|orbk|Operator Ringback |  x  |   -   |                               |
|rbz |Reverse make busy | P,S |   -   |                               |
|rcl |Operator Recall   |  -  |  BR   |                               |
|rel |Release Call      |  P  |  BR   |                               |
|res |Resume Call       |  -  |  BR   |                               |
|rlc |Release complete  | P,S |  BR   |                               |
|sup |Call Setup        |  -  |  TO   |                               |
|sus |Suspend Call      |  -  |  BR   |                               |
|swk |Start Wink        |  x  |   -   |                               |
!Note: There is no indication that the operator answered the call.
       The "ans" event is an indication that off-hook was received
       from the far end which simply indicates that the destination
       address was received properly and the calling number is in the
       process of being outpulsed.

            | Symbol |MF digit         |
            |   0    |   MF 0          |
            |   1    |   MF 1          |
            |   2    |   MF 2          |
            |   3    |   MF 3          |
            |   4    |   MF 4          |
            |   5    |   MF 5          |
            |   6    |   MF 6          |
            |   7    |   MF 7          |
            |   8    |   MF 8          |
            |   9    |   MF 9          |
            |   K0   |   MF K0 or KP   |
            |   K1   |   MF K1         |
            |   K2   |   MF K2         |
            |   S0   |   MF S0 or ST   |
            |   S1   |   MF S1 or ST'  |
            |   S2   |   MF S2 or ST'' |
            |   S3   |   MF S3 or ST'''|

              Table 12 Release Reason Codes
     |Cause Code |Reason                                               |
     |    0      |Normal release                                       |
     |    44     |Requested channel/circuit not available              |
     |           |(glare or incoming seizure detected during call      |
     |           | setup)                                              |
     |    111    |Protocol/signaling error, unspecified (e.g. timeout) |

              | Parameter | MS | DT | MO | MD | DO |
              |    <ct>   |  F |  F |  F |  M |  F |
              |    <ca>   |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |
              |    <id>   |  F |  F |  M |  M |  F |
              |   <addr>  |  M |  M |  M |  O |  M |

   |Interface Type |Setup                     |     Interactions      |
   |wink start     |sup(add(<addrvalue>))     |MG|  off-hook ->   |SCN|
   |               |                          |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |               |                          |MG| <addrvalue> -> |SCN|
   |Immediate Start|(sup(addr(<addrvalue>))   |MG|  off-hook ->   |SCN|
   | or FXO)       |                          |MG| <addrvalue> -> |SCN|

   |Setup                                     |      Interactions     |
   | sup(ct(nda),addr(<addrvalue>),           |MG|  off-hook ->   |SCN|
   | id(<idvalue>))                           |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <idvalue> ->  |SCN|
   |                                          |MG| <addrvalue> -> |SCN|
   | sup(ct(nta), ca(<cavalue>),              |MG|  off-hook ->   |SCN|
   | addr(<addrvalue>), id(<idvalue>))        |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <cavalue> ->  |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <idvalue> ->  |SCN|
   |                                          |MG| <addrvalue> -> |SCN|
   | sup(ct(nta), ca(<cavalue>),              |MG|  off-hook ->   |SCN|
   |    id(<idvalue>))                        |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <cavalue> ->  |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <idvalue> ->  |SCN|

   |Setup                                     |      Interactions     |
   | sup(ct(nda),addr(<addrvalue>),           |MG|  off-hook ->   |SCN|
   | id(<idvalue>))                           |MG|  <- wink       |SCN|
   |                                          |MG| <- off-hook    |SCN|
   |                                          |MG| <addrvalue> -> |SCN|
   |                                          |MG|  <idvalue> ->  |SCN|

   | Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
   |  A1   |       NTFY[seizure] ->                                      |
   |  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
   |  A3   |                 <-  RQNT[request digits]                    |
   |  A4   |                 Ack ->                                      |
   |  A5   |       NTFY[digits]  ->                                      |
   |  A6   |                 <- Ack                                      |
   |  B1   |                 <- CRCX [M:recvonly, LCO]                   |
   |  B2   |          Ack[SDP1]  ->                                      |
   |  B3   |                     CRCX [M:sendrecv, LCO, SDP1] ->         |
   |  B4   |                                 <- Ack [SDP2]               |
   |  B5   |                 <-  MDCX [recvonly,SDP2]                    |
   |  B6   |                 Ack  ->                                     |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  C1   |                RQNT [S: ms/sup, R: ms/oc, ms/rel, ms/ans] ->|
|  C2   |                                    <-  Ack                  |
|  C3   |                                    <- NTFY [O:ms/oc(ms/sup)]|
|  C4   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C5   |                                    <- NTFY [O: ms/ans]      |
|  C6   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C7   |    <-  MDCX [M:sendrecv, S: ms/ans, R: ms/rel]              |
|  C8   |                Ack  ->                                      |
|  C9   |                        RQNT[R: ms/sus] ->                   |
|  C10  |                                   <-  Ack                   |

   | Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
   |-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
   |  A1   |    NTFY[O: ms/rel]  ->                                      |
   |  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
   |  A3   |                       RQNT [S: ms/rel, R: ms/rlc]  ->       |
   |  A4   |                                       <-  Ack               |
   |  A5   |                                    <- NTFY [O: ms/rlc]      |
   |  A6   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
   |  A7   |              <-  DLCX [S: ms/rlc, R: ms/sup]                |
   |  A8   |              Ack [perf info] ->                             |
   |  A9   |                            DLCX [R: ms/sup]->               |
   |  A10  |                                   <-  Ack [perf info]       |

   | Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
   |  A1   |    NTFY[O: bl/hu]  ->                                       |
   |  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
   |  A3   |                       RQNT [S: bl/dl, R: bl/hu]  ->         |
   |  A4   |                                       <-  Ack               |
   |  A5   |                                    <- NTFY [O: bl/hu]       |
   |  A6   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
   |  A7   |              <- DLCX [R: bl/hd]                             |
   |  A8   |              Ack [perf info] ->                             |
   |  A9   |                            DLCX [R: bl/hd]->                |
   |  A10  |                                   <-  Ack [perf info]       |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |                                      <-  NTFY[O: ms/sus]    |
|  A2   |                                      Ack  ->                |
|  A3   |        <-  RQNT [S: ms/sus, R: ms/rel ]                     |
|  A4   |            Ack  ->                                          |
|  A5   |                        RQNT [R:  ms/res]  ->                |
|  A6   |                                       <-  Ack               |
|  A7   |    NTFY [O:  ms/rel]  ->                                    |
|  A8   |                   <-  Ack                                   |
|  A9   |                   DLCX [S:  ms/rel, R:  ms/rlc] ->          |
|  A10  |                                   <-  Ack [perf info]       |
|  A11  |                                   <-  Notify [O:  ms/rlc]   |
|  A12  |                                 Ack   ->                    |
|  A13  |   <- DLCX [S:  ms/rlc, R: ms/sup ]                          |
|  A14  |     Ack [perf info]  ->                                     |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |                                      <-  NTFY[O: bl/hu]     |
|  A2   |                                      Ack  ->                |
|  A7   |    NTFY [O: bl/hu]  ->                                      |
|  A8   |                   <-  Ack                                   |
|  A9   |                                 DLCX [R: bl/hd] ->          |
|  A10  |                                   <-  Ack [perf info]       |
|  A13  |         <- DLCX [bl/hd]                                     |
|  A14  |     Ack [perf info]  ->                                     |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |       NTFY[O: do/rg] ->                                     |
|  A2   |                <-  Ack                                      |
|  B1   |              <- CRCX [S: do/hd, R: do/rel, M:recvonly, LCO] |
|  B2   |          Ack[SDP1]  ->                                      |
|  B3   |                     CRCX [M:sendrecv, LCO, SDP1] ->         |
|  B4   |                                 <- Ack [SDP2]               |
|  B5   |                 <-  MDCX [recvonly,SDP2]                    |
|  B6   |                 Ack  ->                                     |
|  C1   |                RQNT [S: do/sup, R: do/oc] ->                |
|  C2   |                                    <-  Ack                  |
|  C3   |                                    <- NTFY [O:do/oc(do/sup)]|
|  C4   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C5   |    <-  MDCX [M:sendrecv, R: do/rel]                         |
|  C6   |                Ack  ->                                      |
|  C7   |                        RQNT[R: do/rel] ->                   |
|  C8   |                                   <-  Ack                   |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |    NTFY[O: do/rel]  ->                                      |
|  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
|  A3   |                       RQNT [S: do/hu, R: do/rlc]  ->        |
|  A4   |                                       <-  Ack               |
|  A5   |                                    <- NTFY [O: do/rlc]      |
|  A6   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  A7   |              <-  DLCX [S: hu, R: rg]                        |
|  A8   |              Ack [perf info] ->                             |
|  A9   |                            DLCX [R: do/rg]->                |
|  A10  |                                   <-  Ack [perf info]       |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |       NTFY[O:md/sup] ->                                     |
|  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
|  A3   | NTFY[O:md/inf(<id>)] ->                                     |
|  A4   |                 <- Ack                                      |
|  A5   | NTFY[O:md/inf(<addr>)] ->                                   |
|  A6   |                <-  Ack                                      |
|  B1   |                <- CRCX [M:recvonly, LCO, R: md/rel]         |
|  B2   |          Ack[SDP1]  ->                                      |
|  B3   |                     CRCX [M:sendrecv, LCO, SDP1] ->         |
|  B4   |                                 <- Ack [SDP2]               |
|  B5   |                 <-  MDCX [recvonly,SDP2]                    |
|  B6   |                 Ack  ->                                     |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |       NTFY[O:md/sup] ->                                     |
|  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
|  A3   | NTFY[O:md/inf(<ca>)] ->                                     |
|  A4   |                 <- Ack                                      |
|  A5   |      <- RQNT[S:md/cwk, R:md/inf,md/rel]                     |
|  A6   |                <-  Ack                                      |
|  A7   | NTFY[O:md/inf(<id>)] ->                                     |
|  A8   |                 <- Ack                                      |
|  A9   | NTFY[O:md/inf(<addr>)] ->                                   |
|  A10  |                <-  Ack                                      |
|  B1   |                <- CRCX [M:recvonly, LCO, R: md/rel]         |
|  B2   |          Ack[SDP1]  ->                                      |
|  B3   |                     CRCX [M:sendrecv, LCO, SDP1] ->         |
|  B4   |                                 <- Ack [SDP2]               |
|  B5   |                 <-  MDCX [recvonly,SDP2]                    |
|  B6   |                 Ack  ->                                     |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  C1   |       RQNT [S:sup, R:md/swk,md/oc, md/rel,md/awk, md/ans] ->|
|  C2   |                                    <-  Ack                  |
|  C3   |                                    <- NTFY [O:md/swk)]      |
|  C4   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C5   |                                    <- NTFY [O:md/oc(md/sup)]|
|  C6   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C7   |                                    <- NTFY [O:md/awk)]      |
|  C8   |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C9   |                  <- RQNT[S:md/awk]                          |
|  C10  |               Ack  ->                                       |
|  C11  |                                    <- NTFY [O: md/ans]      |
|  C12  |                                    Ack  ->                  |
|  C13  |    <-  MDCX [M:sendrecv, S: md/ans, R: md/rel]              |
|  C14  |                Ack  ->                                      |
|  C15  |                   RQNT [R: md/sus, md/rel] ->               |
|  C16  |                                    <-  Ack                  |

| Steps |        GW-o        |         CA         |        GW-t       |
|  A1   |       NTFY[O:hd] ->                                         |
|  A2   |                 <-  Ack                                     |
|  A3   | <- RQNT S: dl, R: [0-9*#T](D)                               |
|  A4   |                 Ack ->                                      |
|  A5   |      NTFY[O: 9,1,1] ->                                      |
|  A6   |                <-  Ack                                      |
|  B1   |                <- CRCX [M:recvonly, R: hu]                  |
|  B2   |          Ack[SDP1]  ->                                      |
|  B3   |                  CRCX [M:sendrecv, LCO, SDP1, S: mo/sup] -> |
|  B4   |                                 <- Ack [SDP2]               |
|  B5   |                                 <- NTFY [O: oc(sup)]        |
|  B6   |                                 Ack  ->                     |
|  B5   |                 <-  MDCX [sendrecv,SDP2]                    |
|  B6   |                 Ack  ->                                     |

    +------+    +------+    +------+    +------+    +------+
    |      |    |      |    |      |    |      |    |      |
    | A.1  |    | A.2  |    | B.1  |    | C.1  |    | B.2  |
    |      |    |      |    |      |    |      |    |      |
    +------+    +------+    +------+    +------+    +------+
        \          |           |           |            /
          \        |           |           |          /
            \ +-----------------------------------+ /
              |                                   |
              |          Ethernet Switch(es)      |
              |                                   |
                          |        |
                          | Router |
                          |        |

         +------+           +---------------+          |
         | PSTN |           |  Frame Relay  |          |
   User--|      |----LAC ===|               |=== LNS --+ LANs
         | ISDN |           |     Cloud     |          |
         +------+           +---------------+          |

   | chunkID | fl | length       |  content

   | id |f|len| chunk | chunk | chunk | ... | chunk |

   |         |    | 00   01   2C |  content

   |      chunk header     | compr. header | compressed data
   |chunkID|flg|   length  |md | orglength |

          |          |               |           |
          |f1u       |f2u            |r2u        |r1u
      --------   --------        --------    --------   ----------
      |Feed 1|   |Feed 2|        |Recv 2|    |Recv 1|---|subnet A|
      --------   --------        --------    --------   ----------
          |f1b       |f2b            |r2b        |r1b      |
          |          |               |           |         |
         |                     Internet                     |
                     Figure 1: Generic topology

               decapsulation                     encapsulation
        /-----***************----\       /-->---***************--\
        |                        |       |                       |
        |                        |       |                       |
      --|----------------------  |       |  ---------------------|---
      | |    f1b  |  f1u      |  |       |  |    x  r1u | r1b    |  |
      | |         |       ^   |  |   IP  |  |    |      |        v  |
      | ^         |       |   |  v       |  |    |      |        |  |
      | |         |       |   |  |       |  |    v      |        |  |
      |-|---------|-------|---|  |       |  |----|------|--------|--|
      | |         |       |   |  |       ^  |    |      |        |  |
      | |         |       |   |  |   LL  |  |    |      |        |  |
      | |         |       |   |  |       |  |    |      |        |  |
      | |         |       O------/       \<------O      |        |  |
      |-|---------|-----------|             |-----------|--------|--|
      | |         |           |             |           |        |  |
      | |         |           |     PHY     |           |        |  |
      | |         |           |             |           |        v  |
      | |         | |         |             |         | |        |  |
      --|-----------|----------             ----------|----------|---
        | Bidir     | Send-Only             Recv-Only |   Bidir  |
        ^ Interf    | Interf        UDL      Interf   |   Interf |
        |           \------------>------->------------/          |
                             Bidirectional network

            |           IP delivery header         |
            |        destination addr = FBIP       |
            |          IP proto = GRE (47)         |
            |             GRE Header               |
            |      type = MAC type of the UDL      |
            |            Payload packet            |
            |             MAC packet               |

       Edge Device               Policy Server
       +--------------+          +-----------+     +-----------+
       |              |          |           |     | External  |
       |              |  COPS    |           |     | Events    |
       |   +-----+    |  REQ()   |  +-----+  |     +---+-------+
       |   |     |----|----------|->|     |  |         |
       |   | PEP |    |          |  | PDP |<-|---------+
       |   |     |<---|----------|--|     |  |
       |   +-----+    |   COPS   |  +-----+  |
       |              |   DEC()  |           |
       +--------------+          +-----------+

                    |       |          |        +--PRI
                    |       |          |
                    |       |          +---PRC-----PRI
                    |       |
                    |       +---PRC--+--PRI
                    |                +--PRI
                    |                +--PRI
                    |                +--PRI
                    |                +--PRI

                 |                AS2                   |
                 |                                      |
    -------      |     ------------     ------------    |
    | AS1 |------|-----X           |    |          |    |
    -------      |     |           |    Y          |    |        -------
                 |     |           |   /|          X----|--------| AS3 |
                 |     |           |  / |          |    |        -------
                 |     |           | /  ------------    |
                 |     |           Y      |             |
                 |     |           | \  ------------    |
    -------      |     |           |  \ |          |    |
    | AS4 |------|-----X           |   \|          |    |
    -------      |     |           |    Y          X----|------
                 |     |           |    |          |    |
                 |     ------------     ------------    |
                 |                                      |
                 |                                      |

           -----------   ------------   --------------------   foo
arriving _|classifiers|_|target group|_|traffic conditioning|_ traffic
packets   |           | |of packets  | |& marking (for foo) |  aggregate
           -----------   ------------   --------------------

                               |           |
                          -----X           |
                               |           |
                               |   DS      |
                               |   domain  X----
                               |           |
                          -----X           |
                               |           |

                  ____X________X_________X___________          /
                 /                                   \    L   |
         A<---->X                                     X<----->|  E
                |                                     |       |
                |               D                     |        \
         Z<---->X                                     |
                |                                     |
                         X                 X

            User A              Proxy               VM Service
              |                   |                       |
              |  INVITE F1        |                       |
              |------------------>|                       |
              |                   |  INVITE F2            |
              | (100 Trying) F3   |---------------------->|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |  180 Ringing F4       |
              |  180 Ringing F5   |<----------------------|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F6            |
              |  200 OK F6        |<----------------------|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |
              |  ACK F8           |                       |
              |------------------>|  ACK F9               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |      RTP Established- Play top level menu |
              |                   |                       |
              |  BYE F10          |                       |
              |------------------>|  BYE F11              |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F12           |
              |                   |<----------------------|
              |  200 OK F13       |                       |
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |

      User A            Proxy              User B         VM System
        |                 |                  |                |
        |  INVITE F1      |                  |                |
        |---------------->|  INVITE F2       |                |
        |                 |----------------->|                |
        | (100 Trying) F3 |                  |                |
        |<----------------| 180 Ringing F4   |                |
        |                 |<-----------------|                |
        |  180 Ringing F5 |                  |                |
        |<----------------| (Request Timeout)|                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 | Cancel F6        |                |
        |                 |----------------->|                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 | 200 OK F7        |                |
        |                 |<-----------------|                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |         INVITE F8                 |
        |                 |---------------------------------->|
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |         200 OK F9|                |
        |  200 OK F10     |<----------------------------------|
        |<----------------|                  |                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |  ACK F11        |                  |                |
        |---------------->|         ACK F12  |                |
        |                 |---------------------------------->|
        |                 |                  |                |
        |    RTP Established Both Ways-Deposit Msg for B      |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |  BYE F13        |                  |                |
        |---------------->|         BYE F14  |                |
        |                 |---------------------------------->|
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |         OK F15   |                |
        |  OK F16         |<----------------------------------|
        |<----------------|                  |                |
        |                 |                  |                |

      User A            Proxy              User B         VM System
        |                 |                  |                |
        |  INVITE F1      |                  |                |
        |---------------->|  INVITE F2       |                |
        |                 |----------------->|                |
        | (100 Trying) F3 |                  |                |
        |<----------------| 486 Busy Here F4 |                |
        |                 |<-----------------|                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |  ACK F5          |                |
        |                 |----------------->|                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |         INVITE F6                 |
        |                 |---------------------------------->|
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |         200 OK F7|                |
        |  200 OK F8      |<----------------------------------|
        |<----------------|                  |                |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |  ACK F9         |                  |                |
        |---------------->|         ACK F10  |                |
        |                 |---------------------------------->|
        |                 |                  |                |
        |    RTP Established Both Ways-Deposit Msg for B      |
        |                 |                  |                |
        |  BYE F11        |                  |                |
        |---------------->|         BYE F12  |                |
        |                 |---------------------------------->|
        |                 |                  |                |
        |                 |         OK F13   |                |
        |  OK F14         |<----------------------------------|
        |<----------------|                  |                |
        |                 |                  |                |

            User A              Proxy                VM Service
              |                   |                       |
              |  INVITE F1        |                       |
              |------------------>|                       |
              |                   |  INVITE F2            |
              | (100 Trying) F3   |---------------------->|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F4            |
              |  200 OK F5        |<----------------------|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |
              |  ACK F6           |                       |
              |------------------>|  ACK F7               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |      RTP Both Ways - Deposit Msg for B    |
              |                   |                       |
              |  BYE F8           |                       |
              |------------------>|  BYE F9               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F10           |
              |                   |<----------------------|
              |  200 OK F11       |                       |
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |

            User A              Proxy                VM Service
              |                   |                       |
              |  INVITE F1        |                       |
              |------------------>|                       |
              |                   |  INVITE F2            |
              | (100 Trying) F3   |---------------------->|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F4            |
              |  200 OK F5        |<----------------------|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |
              |  ACK F6           |                       |
              |------------------>|  ACK F7               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |      RTP Both Ways - VM prompts for PIN
              |                   |                       |
              |  BYE F8           |                       |
              |------------------>|  BYE F9               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F10           |
              |                   |<----------------------|
              |  200 OK F11       |                       |
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |

            User A              Proxy                VM Service
              |                   |                       |
              |  INVITE F1        |                       |
              |------------------>|                       |
              |                   |  INVITE F2            |
              | (100 Trying) F3   |---------------------->|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F4            |
              |  200 OK F5        |<----------------------|
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |
              |  ACK F6           |                       |
              |------------------>|  ACK F7               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |      RTP Both Ways - Deposit Msg for B    |
              |                   |                       |
              |  BYE F8           |                       |
              |------------------>|  BYE F9               |
              |                   |---------------------->|
              |                   |                       |
              |                   |  200 OK F10           |
              |                   |<----------------------|
              |  200 OK F11       |                       |
              |<------------------|                       |
              |                   |                       |

   | RFC# | bar | foo | foo.bar | fubar |  #  |
   |      |     |     | foobar  |       |     |
   |  269 |  X  |  X  |         |       |   1 |
   |  441 |  X  |  X  |         |       |   2 |
   |  614 |     |  X  |         |       |   3 |
   |  686 |     |  X  |         |       |   4 |
   |  691 |     |  X  |         |       |   5 |
   |  733 |  X  |  X  |         |       |   6 |
   |  742 |     |  X  |         |       |   7 |
   |  743 |  X  |  X  |         |       |   8 |
   |  756 |     |  X  |         |       |   9 |
   |  765 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  10 |
   |  772 |  X  |  X  |         |   X   |  11 |
   |  775 |     |     |    X    |       |  12 |
   |  780 |  X  |  X  |         |   X   |  13 |
   |  788 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  14 |
   |  810 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       |  15 |
   |  819 |     |  X  |         |       |  16 |
   |  821 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  17 |
   |  822 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  18 |
   |  882 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  19 |
   |  883 |     |  X  |         |       |  20 |
   |  897 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  21 |
   |  913 |     |  X  |         |       |  22 |
   |  921 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  23 |
   |  934 |     |  X  |         |       |  24 |
   |  952 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       |  25 |
   |  959 |     |     |    X    |       |  26 |
   |  976 |     |     |    X    |       |  27 |
   |  977 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  28 |
   |  987 |     |     |    X    |       |  29 |
   | 1013 |     |  X  |         |       |  30 |
   | 1033 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  31 |
   | 1035 |     |  X  |         |       |  32 |
   | 1037 |     |  X  |         |       |  33 |
   | 1056 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       |  34 |
   | 1068 |     |  X  |         |       |  35 |
   | 1137 |     |     |    X    |       |  36 |

   | 1138 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  37 |
   | 1148 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  38 |
   | 1173 |     |     |    X    |       |  39 |
   | 1176 |     |     |    X    |       |  40 |
   | 1186 |     |  X  |         |       |  41 |
   | 1194 |     |  X  |         |       |  42 |
   | 1196 |     |  X  |         |       |  43 |
   | 1203 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  44 |
   | 1288 |     |  X  |         |       |  45 |
   | 1291 |     |  X  |         |       |  46 |
   | 1309 |     |  X  |         |       |  47 |
   | 1327 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  48 |
   | 1341 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       |  49 |
   | 1343 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  50 |
   | 1344 |     |  X  |         |       |  51 |
   | 1348 |     |     |    X    |       |  52 |
   | 1386 |     |  X  |         |       |  53 |
   | 1408 |     |  X  |         |       |  54 |
   | 1411 |     |  X  |         |       |  55 |
   | 1412 |     |  X  |         |       |  56 |
   | 1459 |  X  |  X  |    X    |   X   |  57 |
   | 1480 |     |  X  |         |       |  58 |
   | 1505 |     |  X  |         |       |  59 |
   | 1519 |     |  X  |         |       |  60 |
   | 1521 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  61 |
   | 1523 |     |  X  |         |       |  62 |
   | 1524 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  63 |
   | 1526 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  64 |
   | 1535 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       |  65 |
   | 1536 |  X  |     |    X    |       |  66 |
   | 1537 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  67 |
   | 1563 |     |  X  |         |       |  68 |
   | 1564 |     |     |    X    |       |  69 |
   | 1572 |     |  X  |         |       |  70 |
   | 1573 |     |  X  |         |       |  71 |
   | 1622 |     |  X  |         |       |  72 |
   | 1635 |     |     |    X    |       |  73 |
   | 1636 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  74 |
   | 1642 |     |  X  |         |       |  75 |
   | 1645 |     |     |    X    |       |  76 |
   | 1649 |     |  X  |         |       |  77 |
   | 1664 |     |     |    X    |       |  78 |
   | 1681 |     |     |    X    |       |  79 |
   | 1697 |     |  X  |         |       |  80 |
   | 1716 |     |  X  |         |       |  81 |
   | 1718 |     |  X  |         |       |  82 |
   | 1730 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       |  83 |
   | 1734 |     |     |    X    |       |  84 |

   | 1738 |     |  X  |         |       |  85 |
   | 1783 |     |     |    X    |       |  86 |
   | 1784 |     |     |    X    |       |  87 |
   | 1786 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  88 |
   | 1813 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  89 |
   | 1835 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  90 |
   | 1856 |     |     |    X    |       |  91 |
   | 1861 |     |     |    X    |       |  92 |
   | 1866 |     |  X  |         |       |  93 |
   | 1894 |     |     |    X    |       |  94 |
   | 1896 |     |  X  |         |       |  95 |
   | 1898 |     |  X  |         |       |  96 |
   | 1913 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  97 |
   | 1945 |  X  |  X  |         |       |  98 |
   | 1985 |     |  X  |    X    |       |  99 |
   | 2015 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 100 |
   | 2017 |     |  X  |         |       | 101 |
   | 2033 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 102 |
   | 2045 |     |     |    X    |       | 103 |
   | 2046 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 104 |
   | 2049 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 105 |
   | 2055 |     |  X  |         |       | 106 |
   | 2060 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 107 |
   | 2065 |     |  X  |         |       | 108 |
   | 2068 |     |     |    X    |       | 109 |
   | 2071 |     |  X  |         |       | 110 |
   | 2088 |     |     |    X    |       | 111 |
   | 2109 |     |  X  |         |       | 112 |
   | 2110 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 113 |
   | 2111 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 114 |
   | 2141 |     |  X  |         |       | 115 |
   | 2150 |     |  X  |         |       | 116 |
   | 2152 |     |  X  |         |       | 117 |
   | 2156 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 118 |
   | 2163 |     |     |    X    |       | 119 |
   | 2167 |     |     |    X    |       | 120 |
   | 2168 |     |     |    X    |       | 121 |
   | 2169 |     |     |    X    |       | 122 |
   | 2180 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 123 |
   | 2193 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 124 |
   | 2224 |     |  X  |         |       | 125 |
   | 2227 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 126 |
   | 2233 |     |  X  |         |       | 127 |
   | 2234 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 128 |
   | 2243 |     |  X  |         |       | 129 |
   | 2255 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 130 |
   | 2280 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 131 |
   | 2295 |     |  X  |         |       | 132 |

   | 2302 |     |  X  |         |       | 133 |
   | 2311 |  X  |     |         |       | 134 |
   | 2326 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 135 |
   | 2342 |     |  X  |         |       | 136 |
   | 2348 |     |     |    X    |       | 137 |
   | 2349 |     |     |    X    |       | 138 |
   | 2359 |     |     |    X    |       | 139 |
   | 2369 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 140 |
   | 2378 |     |  X  |         |       | 141 |
   | 2384 |     |     |    X    |       | 142 |
   | 2392 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 143 |
   | 2396 |     |     |    X    |       | 144 |
   | 2401 |     |     |    X    |       | 145 |
   | 2407 |     |     |    X    |       | 146 |
   | 2421 |     |  X  |         |       | 147 |
   | 2425 |     |     |    X    |       | 148 |
   | 2434 |     |  X  |         |       | 149 |
   | 2446 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 150 |
   | 2447 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 151 |
   | 2458 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 152 |
   | 2459 |     |     |    X    |       | 153 |
   | 2476 |     |  X  |         |       | 154 |
   | 2483 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 155 |
   | 2486 |     |  X  |         |       | 156 |
   | 2505 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 157 |
   | 2518 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 158 |
   | 2535 |     |  X  |         |       | 159 |
   | 2538 |     |  X  |         |       | 160 |
   | 2543 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 161 |
   | 2554 |     |     |    X    |       | 162 |
   | 2557 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 163 |
   | 2565 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 164 |
   | 2569 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 165 |
   | 2593 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 166 |
   | 2595 |     |  X  |         |       | 167 |
   | 2608 |     |  X  |         |       | 168 |
   | 2609 |     |  X  |         |       | 169 |
   | 2616 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 170 |
   | 2622 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 171 |
   | 2626 |     |  X  |         |       | 172 |
   | 2633 |  X  |     |         |       | 173 |
   | 2640 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 174 |
   | 2645 |     |     |    X    |       | 175 |
   | 2650 |  X  |     |         |       | 176 |
   | 2659 |     |     |    X    |       | 177 |
   | 2673 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 178 |
   | 2693 |     |  X  |         |       | 179 |
   | 2704 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 180 |

   | 2705 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 181 |
   | 2717 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 182 |
   | 2725 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 183 |
   | 2731 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 184 |
   | 2732 |     |  X  |         |       | 185 |
   | 2782 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 186 |
   | 2803 |     |  X  |         |       | 187 |
   | 2806 |     |  X  |         |       | 188 |
   | 2812 |  X  |  X  |    X    |   X   | 189 |
   | 2818 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 190 |
   | 2828 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 191 |
   | 2830 |  X  |     |         |       | 192 |
   | 2831 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 193 |
   | 2839 |     |  X  |         |       | 194 |
   | 2846 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 195 |
   | 2853 |     |  X  |         |       | 196 |
   | 2863 |     |  X  |         |       | 197 |
   | 2910 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 198 |
   | 2912 |     |  X  |    X    |       | 199 |
   | 2915 |     |  X  |         |       | 200 |
   | 2926 |     |     |    X    |       | 201 |
   | 2942 |     |  X  |         |       | 202 |
   | 2965 |     |  X  |         |       | 203 |
   | 2967 |  X  |  X  |    X    |       | 204 |
   | 2970 |     |  X  |         |       | 205 |
   | 2993 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 206 |
   | 3010 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 207 |
   | 3023 |     |  X  |         |       | 208 |
   | 3028 |     |  X  |         |       | 209 |
   | 3075 |  X  |  X  |         |       | 210 |
   | 3080 |     |  X  |         |       | 211 |
   | 3092 |  X  |  X  |    X    |   X   | 212 |
   | RFC# | bar | foo | foo.bar | fubar |  #  |
   |      |     |     | foobar  |       |     |

            host A                                       host B
          ----------                                   ----------
         |    App   | (1)                             |    App   | (7)
         |----------|                                 |----------|
         |    TCP   |                                 |    TCP   |
         |----------|                                 |----------|
         |     IP   |                                 |    IP    | (6)
         |----------|                                 |----------|
         | FEP dvr  | (2)                             |  FEP dvr | (5)
         |----------|                                 |----------|
         |    TCP   |                                 |    TCP   |
         |----------|                                 |----------|
         |    IP    |         Firewall (8)            |    IP    |
          ----------              ---                  -----------
                |       (3)       | |                       ^ (4)
                +---------------->| |-----------------------+
                                  | |
                                  | |
                                Figure 1

                                / \
                                /  \
                               /    \
                              /      \
                             /        \
               /---\      +---+    +---+      /---\
              | SSP |-----|STP|----|STP|-----| SSP |
               \---/  \  /+-+-+\  /+-+-+ \  / \---/
                       \/   |   \/   |    \/
                       /\   |   /\   |    /\
               /---\  /  \+-+-+/  \+-+-+ /  \ /---\
              | SSP |/----|STP|----|STP|/----| SSP |
               \---/      +---+    +---+      \---/
                           \           /
                            \         /
                             \       /
                              \  ^  /
                               \/ \/

                         -----              +----+
                /\      /     \-------------| SG |
               /  \----|  SCN  |     +----+ +----+
              /SCP \    \     /------| SG |  |
              ------     -----       +----+  |
                         |   |           |   |
                         |   |           |   |
                         |   |           -----
                         |   |          /     \      /\
                         |   |         |  IP   |----/  \
                         |  /---\       \     /    /SCP \
                         | | SSP |       -----     ------
                         |  \---/         /   \
                         |     |         /     \
                       /---\   |        /       \
                      | SSP |  |     +---+    +---+
                       \---/ +----+  |MGC|    |MGC|
                         |   | MG |  +---+    +---+
                         |   +----+\    \     /
                         |          \    \   /
                         |           \   -----
                         |            \ /     \
                       +----+          |  IP   |
                       | MG |-----------\     /
                       +----+            -----

                 SS7 traffic       SS7 traffic
              via 56Kbps links     via TALI
       +-----------+        +----+          +--------+
       |Traditional|        | SG |          |   IP   |
       |SS7 Devices|<------>|    |<-------->| Devices|
       +-----------+        +----+          +--------+

                    SS7 traffic       SS7 traffic
                    via DS1 links     via TALI
          +-----------+        +----+          +--------+
          |Traditional|        | SG |          |   IP   |
          |SS7 Devices|<------>|    |<-------->| Devices|
          +-----------+        +----+          +--------+

      +====+                                   +============+
      |    |    +---------+ +-------------+    |            |
      |User|    | Service | | Mgmt. Open  |    | MANAGEMENT |
      |Part|<-->| Message | | Mgmt. Close |<-->|            |
      |    |    |         | | Mgmt. Proh. |    |            |
      |    |    +---------+ | Mgmt. Allow |    +============+
      +====+          ^     +-------------+
                      |            ^
                      |            |
                      v            v
      |                 TALI State Machine                     |
            ^               ^                 ^             ^
            |               |                 |             |
            |               |                 |             |
            v               |                 |             |
       +---------+  +-----------------+ +-----------+ +------------+
       | Received|  | Connection est. | | Protocol  | | T1 Expired |
       | 'test'  |  | Connection lost | | Violation | | T2 Expired |
       | 'allo'  |  |                 | |           | | T3 Expired |
       | 'proh'  |  +-----------------+ +-----------+ | T4 Expired |
       | 'proa'  |          ^                 ^       +------------+
       | 'moni'  |          |                 |              ^
       | 'mona'  |          |                 |              |
       |    or   |          |                 |              |
       | Service |          |                 |              |
       | Message |    +========================================+
       +---------+    |         IMPLEMENTATION                 |
            ^         |           DEPENDENT                    |
            |         +========================================+
        |    PEER    |
        |            |

   |        |                     | octets of SSCOP trailer is added  |
   |        |                     | to the message.  The SSCOP trailer|
   |        |                     | bytes are also included in the    |
   |        |                     | length.                           |

   |           |   via a 'mtp3' opcode, the DATA PAYLOAD begins with  |
   |           |   the SIO byte of the MTP3 routing label.  The       |
   |           |   structure for the entire DATA PAYLOAD is governed  |
   |           |   by the MTP3 message structure defined in [1].      |
   |X byte     | * ASCII text fields of sizes other than 4 bytes      |
   |ASCII text |   should be supported according to the same rules    |
   |           |   presented for the 4 byte ASCII text fields.  For   |
   |           |   instance, an 8 byte string such as 'ab01cd23' could|
   |           |   be used, where the 'a' would be the first byte of  |
   |           |   the field transmitted out the wire.                |

           |          Layer 3          |     Layer 2      |
           |                           |                  |
      |Flag|FCS|TCAP |SCCP |Routing|SIO|LI|FIB|FSN|BIB|BSN|Flag|
      |    |   |Layer|Layer| Label |   |  |   |   |   |   |    |
               |           |
               |           |
               |           |
        TALI   +-----------+---+------+----+
        Packet |  Service  |LEN|Opcode|SYNC|
               |                           |
               |                           |
               |                           |
        IP     | TALI Packet               |TCP   | IP   | MAC  |
        Packet |                           |Header|Header|Header|

           |          Layer 3            |     Layer 2      |
           |                             |                  |
      |    |   |Part|Type|   |Label  |   |  |   |   |   |   |    |
               |                         /
               |                        /
               |                       |
        TALI   +-----------------------+---+------+----+
        Packet |  Service              |LEN|Opcode|SYNC|
               |                                       /
               |                              ---------
               |                             /
        IP     | TALI Packet                |TCP   | IP   | MAC  |
        Packet |                            |Header|Header|Header|

           |      Layer 3              |     Layer 2      |
           |                           |                  |
      |Flag|FCS|Other Layer|Routing|SIO|LI|FIB|FSN|BIB|BSN|Flag|
      |    |   |3 Data     |Label  |   |  |   |   |   |   |    |
               |                       /
               |                 ------
               |                /
        TALI   +----------------+---+------+----+
        Packet |  Service       |LEN|Opcode|SYNC|
               |                                /
               |                              --
               |                             /
        IP     | TALI Packet                |TCP   | IP   | MAC  |
        Packet |                            |Header|Header|Header|

           |          Layer 3          |     Layer 2      |
           |                           |                  |
      |Flag|FCS|Other Layer|Routing|SIO|LI|FIB|FSN|BIB|BSN|Flag|
      |    |   |3 Data     |Label  |   |  |   |   |   |   |    |
               |                       |
               |                       |
               |                       |
       |SSCOP  |  Service              |
       |Trailer|                       |
       |                               |
       |Service with SSCOP Trailer     |LEN|Opcode|SYNC|
       |                                               /
       |                              -----------------
       |                             /
       | TALI Packet                |TCP   | IP   | MAC  |
       |                            |Header|Header|Header|

   +====+    +---------+                    +============+
   |    |    | Service | +-------------+    |            |
   |User|    | Message,| | Mgmt. Open  |    | MANAGEMENT |
   |Part|<-->| MGMT,   | | Mgmt. Close |<-->|            |
   |    |    | XSRV,   | | Mgmt. Proh. |    |            |
   |    |    | SPCL    | | Mgmt. Allow |    +============+
   +====+    +---------+ +-------------+
                   ^            ^
                   |            |
                   v            v
   |                 TALI State Machine                     |
         ^               ^                 ^             ^
         |               |                 |             |
         v               |                 |             |
    +---------+          |                 |             |
    | Received|   +-----------------+ +-----------+ +------------+
    | 'test', |   | Connection est. | | Protocol  | | T1 Expired |
    | 'allo', |   | Connection lost | | Violation | | T2 Expired |
    | 'proh', |   |                 | |           | | T3 Expired |
    | 'proa', |   +-----------------+ +-----------+ | T4 Expired |
    | 'moni', |          ^                  ^       +------------+
    | 'mona', |          |                  |             ^
    | 'mgmt', |          |                  |             |
    | 'xsrv', |          |                  |             |
    | 'spcl', |          |                  |             |
    |   or    |    +========================================+
    | Service |    |         IMPLEMENTATION                 |
    | Message |    |           DEPENDENT                    |
    +---------+    +========================================+
     |    PEER    |
     |            |

   |Field Type | Implementation Notes for that Type                   |
   |SS7 Point  | Used to transmit point code information for ANSI or  |
   |Code       | ITU variants of point codes across the TALI interface|
   |           | * The point code structure is 4 bytes. Byte 3 is used|
   |           |   to identify the TYPE of point code. The actual     |
   |           |   point code is then encoded in bytes 0-2 (w/byte 0  |
   |           |   being the least significant byte and the first byte|
   |           |   transmitted across the wire)                       |
   |           | * Byte 3: encoding of the type of point code (PC)    |
   |           |   0 = an ANSI Full PC                                |
   |           |   1 = an ITU International Full PC w/ a 3/8/3 coding |
   |           |       scheme for zone/area/identifier                |
   |           |   2 = an ITU National Full PC w/ a raw 14 bit PC     |
   |           |   3 = unused                                         |
   |           |   4 = an ANSI Cluster PC                             |
   |           | * For ANSI Full PC w/byte 3=0.  These point codes are|
   |           |   24 bit point codes as follows:                     |
   |           |   Byte 2 = Network                                   |
   |           |   Byte 1 = Cluster                                   |
   |           |   Byte 0 = Member                                    |
   |           | * For ITU International Full PC (3/8/3) w/byte 3=1.  |
   |           |   These point codes use 14 bits (stored in the 14    |
   |           |   least significant bits in bytes 0&1).  Byte 2 is   |
   |           |   unused.  The 14 bits should be interpreted as 3    |
   |           |   bits of zone, 8 bits of area and 3 bits of         |
   |           |   signaling point identifier.  The 3 bits of         |
   |           |   signaling point identifier are the 3 least         |
   |           |   significant bits.                                  |
   |           | * For ITU National Full PC w/byte 3=2. These point   |
   |           |   codes use 14 bits (stored in the 14 least          |
   |           |   significant bits in bytes 0&1).  Byte 2 is unused. |
   |           |   The 14 bits represent a single 14-bit quantity that|
   |           |   constitutes the point code.                        |
   |           | * For unused w/byte 3=3.  Bytes 0 through 2 are      |
   |           |   undefined.                                         |
   |           | * For ANSI Cluster PC, w/byte 3=4.  These point codes|
   |           |   are 24 bit point codes as follows:                 |
   |           |   Byte 2 = Network                                   |
   |           |   Byte 1 = Cluster                                   |
   |           |   Byte 0 = 0. This field is ignored and should be    |
   |           |   coded as 0...all members of the cluster are implied|
   |           | * Byte 0 is the first byte that is transmitted across|
   |           |   the wire, followed by byte 1, byte 2, then byte 3. |

   |           |a defined prefix of                                   |
   |           |'iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise' or          |
   |           |(                                        |
   |           |                                                      |
   |           |The PEC for each company can be found via a file at:  |
   |           |ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/          |
   |           | enterprise-numbers                                   |
   |           |                                                      |
   |           |To encode the PEC for a vendor in each implementation |
   |           |of TALI, a 2 byte integer field is used.  The contents|
   |           |of the integer field should match the PEC code for    |
   |           |that company in the file mentioned above.             |
   |           |                                                      |
   |           |For example, Tekelec, which has a PEC of 323, will    |
   |           |code this 2 byte field as '0x0143'.                   |
   |           |                                                      |
   |           |Like other integer fields, the PEC value is           |
   |           |transmitted Least Significant Byte first across the   |
   |           |ethernet wire.                                        |

   | saal   | 8-280 bytes  | The length is the number of octets that  |
   |        |              | in the MTP3 and higher layer(s) of the   |
   |        |              | SS7 MSU.  This length includes the SIO   |
   |        |              | byte and all bytes in the SIF (Service   |
   |        |              | Information Field) field.  The MTP3      |
   |        |              | routing label is part of the SIF field.  |
   |        |              | Seven (7) octets of SSCOP trailer is     |
   |        |              | added to the message.  The SSCOP trailer |
   |        |              | bytes are also included in the length.   |

   | 4      | DPC         | Destination Point Code.  Each| SS7 Point  |
   |        |             | SS7 MSU contains a DPC that  | Code       |
   |        |             | identifies the destination   |            |
   |        |             | for the MSU.  Each           |            |
   |        |             | application routing key must |            |
   |        |             | specify a specific DPC value |            |
   |        |             | that it relates to.          |            |
   Table 19: Message Data Structure DPC/SI, DPC and SI based Routing
             Key Operations

   |        |             | Bit 0=1, Override Mode       |            |
   |        |             | Bits 1-15, currently         |            |
   |        |             | undefined                    |            |

   |        |             |   willing to support when the|            |
   |        |             |   request/reply field is set |            |
   |        |             |   to Reply.                  |            |
    Table 23: Message Data Structure for Multiple Registrations Support

   | 2      | User ID     | This field is used on the    | Integer    |
   |        |             | 'User Part Unavailable'      |            |
   |        |             | operation to indicate which  |            |
   |        |             | user part is unavailable. The|            |
   |        |             | User ID field identifies the |            |
   |        |             | type of traffic that was     |            |
   |        |             | unavailable (0=SNM, 3=SCCP,  |            |
   |        |             | 5=ISUP, etc).                |            |

         |  ~   ~   ~  \ /                       \ /  ~   ~   ~   ~  |
         |              |                         |                  |
      +--+              |                         |               +--+
      |  |              |                         |               |  |
      |  |              |                         |               |  |
      +--+              |                         |               +--+
                        |                         |

   +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
   | IR State |   <-------->   | FO State |   <-------->   | SO State |
   +----------+                +----------+                +----------+

   +--------------+         +----------------+         +--------------+
   |  No Context  |  <--->  | Static Context |  <--->  | Full Context |
   +--------------+         +----------------+         +--------------+

         <------- interpretation interval (size is 2^k) ------->
      v_ref - p        v_ref                        v_ref + (2^k-1) - p

                       unused                       scaled TS
                          TSS_MAX         zero

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0 |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   0 |      CID      |

     0              x-1  x       7
    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
   :         Add-CID octet         :  if (CID 1-15) and (small CIDs)
   +---+--- --- --- ---+--- --- ---+
   | type indication   |   body    |  1 octet (8-x bits of body)
   +---+--- ---+---+---+--- --- ---+
   :                               :
   /    0, 1, or 2 octets of CID   /  1 or 2 octets if (large CIDs)
   :                               :
   /             body              /  variable length

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | profile specific information  |  1 octet

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |Acktype|                       |
   +---+---+   profile specific    /  at least 2 octets
   /             information       |

                         Optimistic approach
      |                                                              |
      |        Optimistic approach         Optimistic approach       |
      |      +------>------>------+      +------>------>------+      |
      |      |                    |      |                    |      |
      |      |                    v      |                    v      v
    +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
    | IR State |                | FO State |                | SO State |
    +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
      ^      ^                    |      ^                    |      |
      |      |      Timeout       |      |  Timeout / Update  |      |
      |      +------<------<------+      +------<------<------+      |
      |                                                              |
      |                           Timeout                            |

                |                                        |
    No Static   |            No Dynamic        Success   |    Success
     +-->--+    |             +-->--+      +--->----->---+    +-->--+
     |     |    |             |     |      |             |    |     |
     |     v    |             |     v      |             v    |     v
   +--------------+         +----------------+         +--------------+
   |  No Context  |         | Static Context |         | Full Context |
   +--------------+         +----------------+         +--------------+
      ^                         |        ^                         |
      | k_2 out of n_2 failures |        | k_1 out of n_1 failures |
      +-----<------<------<-----+        +-----<------<------<-----+

                            Optimistic approach / ACK
     |                                                              |
     |      Optimistic appr. / ACK      Optimistic appr. /ACK   ACK |
     |      +------>------>------+      +------>--- -->-----+  +->--+
     |      |                    |      |                   |  |    |
     |      |                    v      |                   v  |    v
   +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
   | IR State |                | FO State |                | SO State |
   +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
     ^      ^                    |      ^                    |      |
     |      |    STATIC-NACK     |      |    NACK / Update   |      |
     |      +------<------<------+      +------<------<------+      |
     |                                                              |
     |                         STATIC-NACK                          |

      |                                                       |
      |               ACK                         ACK         |   ACK
      |      +------>------>------+      +------>------>------+  +->-+
      |      |                    |      |                    |  |   |
      |      |                    v      |                    v  |   v
    +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
    | IR State |                | FO State |                | SO State |
    +----------+                +----------+                +----------+
      ^      ^                    |      ^                    |      |
      |      |    STATIC-NACK     |      |    NACK / Update   |      |
      |      +------<------<------+      +------<------<------+      |
      |                                                              |
      |                         STATIC-NACK                          |

                      | Unidirectional (U) mode |
                        / ^                 \ ^
                       / / Feedback(U)       \ \ Feedback(U)
                      / /                     \ \
                     / /                       \ \
        Feedback(O) / /             Feedback(R) \ \
                   v /                           v \
   +---------------------+    Feedback(R)    +-------------------+
   | Optimistic (O) mode | ----------------> | Reliable (R) mode |
   |                     | <---------------- |                   |
   +---------------------+    Feedback(O)    +-------------------+

              Compressor                     Decompressor
                   |                               |
                   |        ACK(O)/NACK(O) +-<-<-<-|  D_MODE = O
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_MODE = O      |-<-<-<-+                       |
                   |                               |

              Compressor                     Decompressor
                   |                               |
                   |        ACK(R)/NACK(R) +-<-<-<-|  D_TRANS = I
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P     |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = R      |                               |
                   |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,R) |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |->-..                  +->->->-|  D_TRANS = P
                   |->-..                          |  D_MODE = R
                   |           ACK(SN,R)   +-<-<-<-|
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D     |-<-<-<-+                       |
                   |                               |
                   |->->->-+   R-0*, R-1*          |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |                       +->->->-|  D_TRANS = D
                   |                               |

              Compressor                     Decompressor
                   |                               |
                   |        ACK(O)/NACK(O) +-<-<-<-|  D_TRANS = I
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P     |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = O      |                               |
                   |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,O) |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |->-..                  +->->->-|  D_MODE = O
                   |->-..                          |
                   |           ACK(SN,O)   +-<-<-<-|
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D     |-<-<-<-+                       |
                   |                               |
                   |->->->-+  UO-0, UO-1*          |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |                       +->->->-|  D_TRANS = D
                   |                               |

              Compressor                     Decompressor
               |                               |
               |        ACK(U)/NACK(U) +-<-<-<-| D_TRANS = I
               |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = U  |                               |
               |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,U) |
               |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
               |->-..                  +->->->-|
               |->-..                          |
               |           ACK(SN,U)   +-<-<-<-|
               |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D |-<-<-<-+                       |
               |                               |
               |->->->-+  UO-0, UO-1*          |
               |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
               |                       +->->->-| D_TRANS = D, D_MODE= U

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 0   0 |          SN           |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 0   1 |          SN           |
   |SN |            CRC            |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 0 |      SN       |    CRC    |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |          SN           |
   | M | X |          TS           |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |          SN           |
   | M | X |T=0|       IP-ID       |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |          SN           |
   | M | X |T=1|        TS         |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |          TS           |
   | M |      SN       |    CRC    |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |T=0|       IP-ID       |
   | X |      SN       |    CRC    |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |T=1|        TS         |
   | M |      SN       |    CRC    |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      | 0   0 |    SN     |    +T     |

      0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
   |  1     1  |  S  |R-TS | Tsc |  I  | ip  | rtp |            (FLAGS)
   |            Inner IP header flags        | ip2 |  if ip = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
   |            Outer IP header flags              |  if ip2 = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
   |                      SN                       |  if S = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
   /       TS (encoded as in section 4.5.6)        /  1-4 octets,
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....   if R-TS = 1
   |                                               |
   /            Inner IP header fields             /  variable,
   |                                               |  if ip = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
   |                     IP-ID                     |  2 octets, if I = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
   |                                               |
   /            Outer IP header fields             /  variable,
   |                                               |  if ip2 = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
   |                                               |
   /          RTP header flags and fields          /  variable,
   |                                               |  if rtp = 1
    ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |              SN               |

   |  Opt Type = 2 |  Opt Len = 0  |

   |  Opt Type = 3 |  Opt Len = 0  |

      /           Checksum            /   2 octets

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      /             SSRC              /   4 octets

     /              SPI              /   4 octets

     /       Sequence Number         /   4 octets

      list: | item 1 | item 2 |       | item n |

      Index i | Known | item | SN1, SN2, ... |

      Index | Known | item | Counter |

   +--------+-----+    +--------+-----+    +--------+-----+
   | type B |     |    | type C |     |    | type D |     |
   +--------+     |    +--------+     |    +--------+     |
   |              |    |              |    |              |
   +--------------+    +--------------+    +--------------+
   ref_ext_hdr A        ref_ext_hdr B       ref_ext_hdr C

   +--------+-----+    +--------+-----+
   | type C |     |    | type D |     |
   +--------+     |    +--------+     |
   |              |    |              |
   +--------------+    +--------------+
    curr_ext_hdr A      curr_ext_hdr C

   +--------+-----+    +--------+-----+
   | type C |     |    | type D |     |
   +--------+     |    +--------+     |
   |              |    |              |
   +--------------+    +--------------+
    ref_ext_hdr A        ref_ext_hdr C

   +--------+-----+    +--------+-----+    +--------+-----+
   | type B |     |    | type C |     |    | type D |     |
   +--------+     |    +--------+     |    +--------+     |
   |              |    |              |    |              |
   +--------------+    +--------------+    +--------------+
    curr_ext_hdr A      curr_ext_hdr B      curr_ext_hdr C

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      | CL  | ASeq| ESeq| Gseq|          res          |  1 octet
      :    compressed AH Seq Number,  1 or 4 octets   :  if ASeq = 1
       ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
      :    compressed ESP Seq Number, 1 or 4 octets   :  if Eseq = 1
       ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
      :    compressed GRE Seq Number, 1 or 4 octets   :  if Gseq = 1
       ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
      :    compressed header list, variable length    :  if CL = 1
       ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

                    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         PS = 1:  | X |           Index           |

              0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
            |     XI k      |    XI k + 1   |

           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         | 0 |        7-bit mask         |  bit 1 is the first bit

         | 1 |                           |  bit 1 is the first bit
         +---+      15-bit mask          +
         |                               |  bit 7 is the last bit

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |          SN           |
   | X |           IP-ID           |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   0 |         IP-ID         |
   |        SN         |    CRC    |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   0 |        SN         |
   | X |            CRC            |

      | 0   0 |    SN     |   IP-ID   |

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |  1     1  |  S  |   Mode    |  I  | ip  | ip2 |

   | RTP Sequence Number | icount | index list |

   | Gen_id | icount | index list |

                -------------- 130.57.4
                   ------ 131.119.13 ------
                   ------            ------
                                to BBN Planet "core" OSPF system

                  +---A0------Area 0 cloud------B0---+
                  |   |                          |   |
                  |   |                          |   |
                  |   |T1                   56kbs|   |
             56kbs|   |                          |   |T1
                  |   |                          |   |
                  |   |       Area 1 cloud       |   |
                  |   A1-----192.168.192/20-----B1   |
                  |                                  |
                  +---A2                        B2---+
                       |                         |
                       |      Area 2 cloud       |

        0                                 32
        |                | Options |   7   |
        |                -------------------
        |        Link-State Header         |
        |                                  |
        | Network Mask                     |
        ------------------------------------  ______
        |E| TOS  |        metric           |  .
        ------------------------------------  .  repeated for each TOS
        | Forwarding Address               |  .
        ------------------------------------  .
        | External Route Tag               |  ______

                              AS 4156
            Area 2              |
              A2                A0   Area 0      C0-----Internet
              |                 |                |      Default
              |                 |                |
              |                 |                |
                               /  \
                              /    \
         Internet------------A1    B1------AS 4156 (P-bit clear)
         Default (P-bit set)
                                 NSSA 1

            | X -> Na | Nb -> Y | payload |

               +--------+      +--------+
               | NAT w/ |      |  RSIP  |
   hosts ------+ RSIP   +------+ gate-  +----- public network
               | host   |      |  way   |
               +--------+      +--------+

               +--------+      +--------+
   RSIP        |  RSIP  |      |        |
   hosts ------+ gate-  +------+   NAT  +----- public network
               |  way   |      |        |
               +--------+      +--------+

               +--------+      +--------+
   RSIP        |        |      |  RSIP  |
   hosts ------+   NAT  +------+ gate-  +----- public network
               |        |      |  way   |
               +--------+      +--------+

            | X -> Na | Nb -> Y | payload |

     +------------+              +------------+
     |            |------------->|Registration|<-- timeout/send
+--->|Unregistered|<-------------|  Pending   |--- REGISTER_REQUEST
|    |            |              +------------+
|    +------------+ 7th timeout/recv    |
|          ^         ERROR_RESPONSE     |
|          |                            |
|          |                            |
|          |7th timeout/recv            |recv              timeout/send
|          |                            |                        ^  |
|          |                            |                        |  |
|          |                            |            send        |  |
|          |            send DE-        v        QUERY_REQUEST   |  |
| +----------------+ REGISTER_REQUEST+----------+          +----------+
| |   Registered   |<----------------|          |--------->|Registered|
| | De-registration|                 |Registered|          |   Query  |
| |    Pending     |---------------->|          |<---------|  Pending |
| +----------------+      recv       +----------+          +----------+
|         | ^        ERROR_RESPONSE        ^  |   7th timeout/recv
|         | |                              |  |  QUERY_RESPONSE or
|    timeout/send                          |  |    ERROR_RESPONSE
| DE-REGISTER_REQUEST      7th timeout/recv|  |
|                           ERROR_RESPONSE |  |
|                                          |  |
| +----------------+                       |  |
| |Go to Registered|                       |  |send
| +----------------+                       |  |ASSIGN_REQUEST
|         ^                   timeout/send |  |
|         |Yes                FREE_REQUEST |  |
|         +                       |  |     |  |
|       +   +                     v  |     |  v
|     +       +   7th timeout/ +--------+ +----------+
|   +  Are all  +      recv    |  Free  | |Assignment|<--timeout/send
| +   resources   +<-----------|Pending | |  Pending |---ASSIGN_REQUEST
|   +   freed?  + FREE_RESPONSE+--------+ +----------+
|     +       +                    ^ |         |
|       +   +                      | |         |
|         +                        | |         |recv
|         |No                 send | |recv     |ASSIGN_RESPONSE
|         v           ERROR_REQUEST| |ERROR_   |
| +---------------+                | |RESPONSE |
| | Go to Assigned|                | |         | 7th timeout/recv
| +---------------+                | |         | QUERY_RESPONSE or
|                       recv       | |         | ERROR_RESPONSE
| +---------------+ERROR_RESPONSE  | v         v          +-----------+

| |    Assigned   |-------------->+-------------+-------->|  Assigned |
+>|De-registration|               |   Assigned  |         |   Query   |
  |    Pending    |<--------------+-------------+<--------|  Pending  |
  +---------------+      send            ^  |             +-----------+
        ^  |       DE-REGISTER_REQUEST   |  |         send         ^ |
        |  |                             |  |     QUERY_REQUEST    | |
        |  |                             |  |                      | |
    timeout/send        7th/timeout/recv |  |send                  | |
      REQUEST           or ERROR_RESPONSE|  |              QUERY_REQUEST
                                         |  |
                                         |  v
                                     | Assigned |
                                     | Pending  |
                                         ^  |
                                         |  |

      Xa                    Na   Nb                       Yb
            +------------+       Nb1  +------------+
   [X]------| Addr space |----[N]-----| Addr space |-------[Y]
            |  A         |       Nb2  |  B         |
            +------------+       ...  +------------+

        Code   Length    Number    SPI             SPI
      +------+--------+---------+---------+     +---------+
      |  22  |    2   | 2 bytes | 4 bytes | ... | 4 bytes |
      +------+--------+---------+---------+     +---------+

   +---------+              +------------+   +----------+
   |RSIP     |              |Corporate   |   | IPsec    |
   |client X +--..........--+Firewall    +---+ peer Y   |
   |         |    public    | and        |   | (user's  |
   +---------+   Internet   |RSIP server |   | desktop) |
                            | N          |   |          |
                            +------------+   +----------+
                                  private corporate

      | Encoding Technique  | Encoding Name|    Payload type           |
      | PCM - Mu law        | "PCMU"       |    0 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | 32 kbps ADPCM       | "G726-32"    |    2 (Statically Mapped)  |
      |Dual rate 5.3/6.3kbps| "G723"       |    4 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | PCM- A law          | "PCMA"       |    8 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | 7 KHz audio coding  | "G722"       |    9 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | within 64 kbps      |              |                           |
      | LD-CELP             | "G728"       |    15 (Statically Mapped) |
      | CS-ACELP            | "G729"       |    18 (Statically Mapped) |
      |(normal/low-complexity)             |                           |

      | Low-complexity      | "X-G729a"    |    None, map dynamically  |
      | CS-ACELP            |              |                           |
      |Normal               | "X-G729b"    |    None, map dynamically  |
      |CS-ACELP w/ ITU      |              |                           |
      |defined silence      |              |                           |
      |suppression          |              |                           |
      |Low-complexity       | "X-G729ab"   |    None, map dynamically  |
      |CS-ACELP w/ ITU      |              |                           |
      |defined silence      |              |                           |
      |suppression          |              |                           |
      | 16 kbps ADPCM       | "X-G726-16"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      | 24 kbps ADPCM       | "X-G726-24"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      | 40 kbps ADPCM       | "X-G726-40"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      | Dual rate 5.3/6.3   |"X-G7231-H"   |    None, map dynamically  |
      | kbps - high rate    |              |                           |
      | Dual rate 5.3/6.3   |"X-G7231-L"   |   None, map dynamically   |
      | kbps - low rate     |              |                           |
      | Dual rate 5.3/6.3   |"X-G7231a-H"  |   None, map dynamically   |
      | kbps - high rate w/ |              |                           |
      | ITU-defined silence |              |                           |
      | suppression         |              |                           |
      | Dual rate 5.3/6.3   |"X-G7231a-L"  |   None, map dynamically   |
      | kbps - high rate w/ |              |                           |
      | ITU-defined silence |              |                           |
      | suppression         |              |                           |
      | 16 kbps EADPCM      | "X-G727-16"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      | 24 kbps EADPCM      | "X-G727-24"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      | 32 kbps EADPCM      | "X-G727-32"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      |n x 64 kbps Clear    | "X-CCD"      |    None, map dynamically  |
      |Channel without CAS  |              |                           |
      |per af-vtoa-78 [7]   |              |                           |

      |n x 64 kbps Clear    | "X-CCD-CAS"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      |Channel with CAS     |              |                           |
      |per af-vtoa-78 [7]   |              |                           |
      |GSM Full Rate        | "GSM"        |    3 (Statically Mapped)  |
      |GSM Half Rate        |    "GSM-HR"  |    None, map dynamically  |
      |GSM-Enhanced Full Rate    "GSM-EFR" |    None, map dynamically  |
      |GSM-Enhanced Half Rate  "GSM-EHR"   |    None, map dynamically  |
      |Group 3 fax demod.   | "X-FXDMOD-3" |    None, map dynamically  |
      | Federal Standard    |    "1016"    |   1 (Statically Mapped)   |
      | FED-STD 1016 CELP   |              |                           |
      | DVI4, 8 KHz [3]     |    "DVI4"    |   5 (Statically Mapped)   |
      | DVI4, 16 KHz [3]    |    "DVI4"    |   6 (Statically Mapped)   |
      | LPC [3], Linear     |    "LPC"     |   7 (Statically Mapped)   |
      | Predictive Coding   |              |                           |
      | L16 [3], Sixteen    |    "L16"     |   10 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | Bit Linear PCM,     |              |                           |
      | Double channel      |              |                           |
      | L16 [3], Sixteen    |    "L16"     |   11 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | Bit Linear PCM,     |              |                           |
      | Single channel      |              |                           |
      | QCELP [3]           |    "QCELP"   |   12 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | MPEG1/MPEG2 audio   |    "MPA"     |   14 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | DVI4, 11.025 KHz[3] |    "DVI4"    |   16 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | DVI4, 22.05 KHz [3] |    "DVI4"    |   17 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | MPEG1/MPEG2 video   |    "MPV"     |   32 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | MPEG 2 audio/video  |    "MP2T"    |   33 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | transport stream    |              |                           |
      | ITU H.261 video     |    "H261"    |   31 (Statically Mapped)  |

      | ITU H.263 video     |    "H263"    |   33 (Statically Mapped)  |
      | ITU H.263 video     |"H263-1998"   | None, map dynamically     |
      | 1998 version        |              |                           |
      |MPEG 1 system stream |    "MP1S"    | None, map dynamically     |
      |MPEG 2 program stream|    "MP2P"    | None, map dynamically     |
      |Redundancy           |    "RED"     | None, map dynamically     |
      |Variable rate DVI4   |    "VDVI"    | None, map dynamically     |
      |Cell-B               |    "CelB"    | 25                        |
      |JPEG                 |    "JPEG"    | 26                        |
      |nv                   |    "nv"      | 28                        |
      |L8, Eight Bit Linear |    "L8"      | None, map dynamically     |
      |PCM                  |              |                           |
      | ITU-R Recommendation|   "BT656"    | None, map dynamically     |
      | BT.656-3 for        |              |                           |
      | digital video       |              |                           |
      | Adaptive Multirate  |   "FR-AMR"   | None, map dynamically     |
      |-Full Rate (3GPP)[58]|              |                           |
      | Adaptive Multirate  |   "HR-AMR"   | None, map dynamically     |
      |-Half Rate (3GPP)[58]|              |                           |
      | Adaptive Multirate  |   "UMTS-AMR" | None, map dynamically     |
      |- UMTS(3GPP)  [58]   |              |                           |
      | Adaptive Multirate  |   "AMR"      | None, map dynamically     |
      |- Generic     [58]   |              |                           |

   | UUI  | Packet |Encoding |               |     |Packet|Seq.No. |
   | Code | Length |per ITU  |Description of |  M  |Time  |Interval|
   |point |(octets)|I.366.2  |  Algorithm    |     |(ms)  |(ms)    |
   |Range |        |  2/99   |               |     |      |        |
   |      |        | version |               |     |      |        |
   | 0-7  |    40  |  Figure | PCM, G.711-64,|   1 |    5 |    5   |
   |      |        |  B-1    |  generic      |     |      |        |
   | 0-7  |    1   |  Figure | Generic SID   |   1 |    5 |    5   |
   |      |        |  I-1    |               |     |      |        |
   | 8-15 |    40  |  Figure | ADPCM,        |   2 |   10 |    5   |
   |      |        |  E-2    | G.726-32      |     |      |        |
   | 8-15 |    1   |  Figure | Generic SID   |   1 |    5 |    5   |
   |      |        |  I-1    |               |     |      |        |

               +---------+  Protocol        +---------+
               |   MGC   |------------------|   MGC   |
               +---------+                  +---------+
                    |                            |
                    |Media Gateway               |Media Gateway
                    |Control Protocol            |Control Protocol
                    |                            |
                +------------+  (ATM Network)   +------------+
                |Originating |------------------|Terminating |
                |Media       |  Bearer Setup    |Media       |
                |Gateway     |  Protocol        |Gateway     |
                +------------+                  +------------+

                   +----+        +----+        +----+
                   | SA |--------| UA |--------| DA |
                   +----+ Link 1 +----+ Link 2 +----+

                   +----+        +----+        +----+
                   | UA |--------| SA |--------| DA |
                   +----+ Link 1 +----+ Link 2 +----+

                   +----+        +----+        +----+
                   | UA |--------| DA |--------| SA |
                   +----+ Link 1 +----+ Link 2 +----+

            +-------------+               +-------------+
            |           Tx|-------------->|Rx           |
            |    Test   Rx|<--------------|Tx   SUT     |
            |   Device    |               |             |
            +-------------+               +-------------+

            +-------------+               +-------------+
            |     Test  Tx|-------------->|Rx           |
            |    Device Rx|<--------------|Tx   SUT     |
            |    Tx   Rx  |               |   Tx   Rx   |
            +-------------+               +-------------+
                  |   ^                        |    ^
                  |   |                        |    |
                  |   +------------------------+    |
                  |                                 |

   +-------------+           +-------------+           +-------------+
   |           Tx|---------->|Rx         Tx|---------->|Rx           |
   |     SUT1  Rx|<----------|Tx   Test  Rx|<----------|Tx   SUT2    |
   |             |           |    Device   |           |             |
   +-------------+           +-------------+           +-------------+

      ---------| Rx A   Tx X|--------
      ---------| Rx B   Tx Y|--------
      ---------| Rx C   Tx Z|--------

                              ~~~~~~~~~~~                 Remote
                             {           }                Node
           +-----+ DLCI     {             }         DLCI+-----+
           |  A  |-30------{--+----+----+--}---------62-|  B  |
           +-----+          {             }             +-----+
           Local             {           } Frame Relay
           Node               ~~~~~~~~~~~  Network Cloud
                                Figure 1.

   |--------| |--------| |--------| |--------|       |--------------|
   |  HTTP  | |  FTP   | |  RTP 1 | |  RTP 2 |       |              |
   |--------| |--------| |--------| |--------|       |              |
       |          |         |  ^       |  ^          |              |
       |          |         |  |       |  |          |   Scheduler  |
       |          |         |  |       |  |  |---|   |              |
       |          |         |  |-------|--+->|   |   |              |
       |          |         |          |     |   |<--|              |
       v          v         v          v     |   |   |--------------|
   |--------| |--------|  |-------------|    |   |           ^
   |  TCP 1 | |  TCP 2 |  |    UDP 1    |    | A |           |
   |--------| |--------|  |-------------|    |   |           |
      ^   |      ^   |              |        |   |   |--------------|
      |   |      |   |              |        | P |-->|              |
      |   |      |   |              |        |   |   |              |
      |---|------+---|--------------|------->|   |   |  Congestion  |
          |          |              |        | I |   |              |
          v          v              v        |   |   |  Controller  |
     |-----------------------------------|   |   |   |              |
     |               IP                  |-->|   |   |              |
     |-----------------------------------|   |   |   |--------------|

|+--------------------------------------------ES-T-----+              |
||+------Elect.Signature (ES)----------+ +------------+| +-----------+|
|||+---------+ +----------+ +---------+| |Time-Stamp  || |Complete   ||
||||Signature| |  Other   | | Digital || |over digital|| |certificate||
||||Policy ID| |  Signed  | |Signature|| |signature   || |and        ||
||||         | |Attributes| |         || +------------+| |revocation ||
|||+---------+ +----------+ +---------+|               | |references ||
||+------------------------------------+               | +-----------+|
|+-----------------------------------------------------+              |

               +------Elect.Signature (ES)-----------|
               |+---------+ +----------+ +---------+ |
               ||Signature| |  Other   | | Digital | |
               ||Policy ID| |  Signed  | |Signature| |
               ||         | |Attributes| |         | |
               |+---------+ +----------+ +---------+ |

   |                                                                |
   | +------Elect.Signature (ES)----------+|           +-----------+|
   | |+---------+ +----------+ +---------+||           |Complete   ||
   | ||Signature| |  Other   | | Digital |||           |certificate||
   | ||Policy ID| |  Signed  | |Signature|||           |and        ||
   | ||         | |Attributes| |         |||           |revocation ||
   | |+---------+ +----------+ +---------+||           |references ||
   | +------------------------------------+|           +-----------+|
   |                                                                |

  +-------------------------------------------------------- ES-X Long--+
  |+---------------------------------------- EC-C --------+            |
  ||+---- Elect.Signature (ES)----+             +--------+| +--------+ |
  |||+-------+-+-------+-+-------+| +----------+|Complete|| |Complete| |
  ||||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|| |Time-Stamp||certi-  || |certi-  | |
  ||||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- || |over      ||ficate  || |ficate  | |
  ||||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   || |digital   ||and     || |and     | |
  ||||ID     | |butes  | |       || |signature ||revoc.  || |revoc.  | |
  |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+| +----------+|refs    || |data    | |
  ||+-----------------------------+             +--------+| +--------+ |
  |+------------------------------------------------------+            |

  +----------------------------------------------------------- ES-X 1 -+
  |+----------------------------------------- EC-C --------+           |
  || +---- Elect.Signature (ES)----+             +--------+| +-------+ |
  || |+-------+ +-------+ +-------+| +----------+|Complete|| |       | |
  || ||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|| |Time-Stamp||certifi-|| | Time- | |
  || ||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- || |over      ||cate and|| | stamp | |
  || ||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   || |digital   ||revoc.  || | over  | |
  || ||ID     | |butes  | |       || |signature ||refs    || | CES   | |
  || |+-------+ +-------+ +-------+| +----------+|        || |       | |
  || +-----------------------------+             +--------+| +-------+ |
  |+-------------------------------------------------------+           |

  +--------------------------------------------------------- ES-X 2 ---+
  |+---------------------------------------- EC-C --------+            |
  ||+---- Elect.Signature (ES)----+             +--------+| +--------+ |
  |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+| +----------+|Complete|| |Times   | |
  ||||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|| |Time-Stamp||certs   || |Stamp   | |
  ||||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- || |over      ||and     || |over    | |
  ||||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   || |digital   ||revoc.  || |Complete| |
  ||||ID     | |butes  | |       || |signature ||refs    || |certs   | |
  |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+| +----------+|        || |and     | |
  ||+-----------------------------+             +--------+| |revoc.  | |
  ||                                                      | |refs    | |
  |+------------------------------------------------------+ +--------+ |

         +-------------------------------- ES-A --------- ----------+
         |  +-------------------- ES-A -----------------+           |
         |  |  +--------- ES-X -------------- +         |           |
         |  |  |..............................| +-----+ |  +-----+  |
         |  |  |..............................| |Time | |  |Time |  |
         |  |  |..............................| |Stamp| |  |Stamp|  |
         |  |  |                              | +-----+ |  +-----+  |
         |  |  +----------------------------- +         |           |
         |  +-------------------------------------------+           |

         +----------------------------------------- ES-C ----------+
         |+----------------------------- ES-T --------+            |
         ||+--- Elect.Signature (ES) ----+            | +--------+ |
         |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+|+----------+| |Complete| |
         ||||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|||Time-Stamp|| |certifi-| |
         ||||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- |||over      || |cate and| |
         ||||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   |||digital   || |revoca- | |
         ||||ID     | |butes  | |       |||signature || |tion    | |
         |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+|+----------+| |referen-| |
         ||+------------\----------------+    ^       | |ces     | |
         ||              \                    |       | +--------+ |
         ||               \ 1                /        |      ^     |
         |+----------------\----------------/---------+      |     |
         +------------------\--------------/--------------- /------+
                             \            /2    ----3------/
          +----------+        |          /     /
          | Signed   |\       v         /     |
          |User data | \     +--------------------+     +------------+
          +----------+  \--->| Validation Process |---> |- Valid     |
                             +---|--^-------|--^--+ 4   |- Invalid   |
                                 |  |       |  |        |- Validation|
                                 v  |       v  |        |  Incomplete|
                             +---------+ +--------+     +------------+
                             |Signature| |Trusted |
                             | Policy  | |Service |
                             | Issuer  | |Provider|
                             +---------+ +--------+

  +----------------------------------------------------- ES-X ---------+
  |+---------------------------------------- ES-C --------+ +--------+ |
  ||+--- Elect.Signature (ES) ----+            +--------+ | |Complete| |
  |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+|+----------+|Complete| | |certifi-| |
  ||||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|||Time-Stamp||certifi-| | |cate    | |
  ||||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- |||over      ||cate and| | |and     | |
  ||||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   |||digital   ||revoca- | | |revoca- | |
  ||||ID     | |butes  | |       |||signature ||tion    | | |tion    | |
  |||+-------+ +---|---+ +-------+|+----------+|referen-| | |Data    | |
  ||+--------------\--------------+    ^       |ces     | | +--------+ |
  ||                \                  |       +--------+ |      ^     |
  ||                 \ 1             2/           ^       |      |     |
  |+------------------\--------------/------------|-------+     /      |
                        \          /    ---3----/             /
   +----------+          |        /    /   ------------5-----/
   | Signed   |\         v       |     |  /
   |User data | \     +--------------------+     +-----------+
   +----------+  \--->| Validation Process |---> | - Valid   |
                      +---|--^-------|--^--+ 4   | - Invalid |
                          |  |       |  |        +-----------+
                          v  |       v  |
                      +---------+ +--------+
                      |Signature| |Trusted |
                      | Policy  | |Service |
                      | Issuer  | |Provider|
                      +---------+ +--------+

   +----------------------------------------------------- ES-X -------+
   |+---------------------------------------- ES-C --------+ +------+ |
   ||+--- Elect.Signature (ES) ----+            +--------+ | |Time- | |
   |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+|+----------+|Complete| | |Stamp | |
   ||||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|||Time-Stamp||certifi-| | |over  | |
   ||||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- |||over      ||cate and| | |CES   | |
   ||||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   |||digital   ||revoca- | | +------+ |
   ||||ID     | |butes  | |       |||signature ||tion    | |     ^    |
   |||+-------+ +--|----+ +-------+|+----------+|referen-| |     |    |
   ||+-------------|---------------+     ^      |ces     | |     |    |
   ||              |                     |      +--------+ |     |    |
   ||               \ 1                 2/         ^       |     |    |
   |+----------------\------------------/----------|-------+     |    |
                       \              /   ----3---/             /
    +----------+        |            /   /  ---------------6---/
    | Signed   |\       v           |   |  /
    |User data | \     +--------------------+     +-----------+
    +----------+  \--->| Validation Process |---> | - Valid   |
                       +---|--^-------|--^--+ 4   | - Invalid |
                           |  |       |  |        +-----------+
                           v  |       v  |
                       +---------+ +--------+
                       |Signature| |Trusted |
                       | Policy  | |Service |
                       | Issuer  | |Provider|
                       +---------+ +--------+

  +----------------------------------------------------- ES-X -----------+
  |+---------------------------------------- ES-C --------+ +----------+ |
  ||+--- Elect.Signature (ES) ----+            +--------+ | |Time-Stamp| |
  |||+-------+ +-------+ +-------+|+----------+|Complete| | |over      | |
  ||||Signa- | |Other  | |Digital|||Time-Stamp||certifi-| | |Complete  | |
  ||||ture   | |Signed | |Signa- |||over      ||cate and| | |Certifi-  | |
  ||||Policy | |Attri- | |ture   |||digital   ||revoc.  | | |cate and  | |
  ||||ID     | |butes  | |       |||signature ||refs    | | |revoc.    | |
  |||+-------+ +---^---+ +-------+|+----^-----++---^----+ | |refs      | |
  ||+--------------\--------------+     |          |      | +----------+ |
  |+----------------\------------------/-----------|------+      ^       |
                      \              /  -----3---/               |
   +----------+        |           2/  /   ---------------6'-----/
   | Signed   |\       v           |  |   /
   |User data | \     +--------------------+     +-----------+
   +----------+  \--->| Validation Process |---> | - Valid   |
                      +---|--^-------|--^--+ 4   | - Invalid |
                          |  |       |  |        +-----------+
                          v  |       v  |
                      +---------+ +--------+
                      |Signature| |Trusted |
                      | Policy  | |Service |
                      | Issuer  | |Provider|
                      +---------+ +--------+

-------------------------------------------- ES-A --------------------+
----------------------------------------------------------------+     |
+------------------------------- EC-C --------++-----+          |     |
|                                             ||Time-|          |     |
|+-- Elect.Signature (ES) -+        +--------+||Stamp|  +-------+     |
||+------++-------++-------|+------+|Complete|||over |  Complete|     |
|||Signa-||Other  ||Digital||Time- ||certifi-|||CES  |  |certi- |+----|
|||ture  ||Signed ||Signa- ||Stamp ||cate and||+-----+  |ficate |Arch-|
|||Policy||Attri- ||ture   ||over  ||revoca- ||+------+ |and    |ive  |
|||ID    ||butes  ||       ||digit.||tion    |||Time- | |revoca-|Time |
||+------++---|---++-------||signa-||referen-|||Stamp-| |tion   |stamp|
|+------------|------------+|ture  ||ces     |||over  | |data   |+----|
|             |             +------++--------+|Complete\+-------+  ^  |
|             |                ^         ^    ||cert.  |        |  |  |
+-------------|----------------|---------|----+|and rev|        |  |  |
               \               |         /     |refs.  |        |  |  |
                \              |        /      +-------+        |  |  |
-----------------\-------------|-------/------------------------+  |  |
+----------+      \            |      /                            /  |
| Signed   |       \2          |3    /     /--------------7-------/   |
|User data |        \          |    |     /                           |
+-------\--+         \         |    |    /                            |
          \           v        |    |   |
          1\        +--------------------+     +-----------+
            \------>| Validation Process |---> | - Valid   |
                    +---|--^-------|--^--+ 4   | - Invalid |
                        |  |       |  |        +-----------+
                        v  |       v  |
                    +---------+ +--------+
                    |Signature| |Trusted |
                    | Policy  | |Service |
                    | Issuer  | |Provider|
                    +---------+ +--------+

   Bit  7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      |              FLAG             |
      | Upper 6 bits of DLCI  |C/R|AE |
      |   DLCI        |FE |BE |DE |AE |
      |               |CN |CN |   |   |
      |        User Data up to        |
      |          1600 Octets          |
      |      First Octet of FCS       |
      |      Second Octet of FCS      |
      |              FLAG             |

       +----------------+              .                    .
       | +------------+ |              .   +------------+   .
       | |            | |       A      .   |            |   .
       | | PINT Client|********************|PINT Server/|********
       | |            | |              .      Gateway   |       *
       | +------------+ |              .   +------------+   .   *
       |                |              .                    .   *
       |  Subscriber's  |              .                    .   *
       |                |              .                    .   *
       |  IP Host       |              .                    .   *
       |                |              .   +------------+   .   *
       | +------------+ |              .   | SPIRITS    |   .   *
       | | SPIRITS    | |       B      .   | Gateway    |   .   *
       | | Server     |********************|            |   .   * E
       | |            | |              .   +------------+   .   *
       | +------------+ |              .          *         .   *
       +----------------+              .          *         .   *
                                       ...........*..........   *
            //-------\\                           *             *
         ///           \\\                        *             *
        |   Subscriber's  |                       *  C          *
        |   Telephone     |                       *             *
         \\\           ///                        *             *
           \\ -------//                           *             *
                *                                 *             *
                *                                 *             *
      ++++++++++++++++++++++++++  PSTN   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                *                                 *             *
                *                                 *             *
                *                          +------------------+ *
                * Line                     | SPIRITS Client   | *
                *                          |                  | *
       +--------------------+          +---+----- D  ---------+-*+
       |                    | INAP/SS7 |                         |
       |Service Switching   ************Service Control Function |
       |    Function        |          |                         |
       |                    |          +-------------------------+
       |                    |
       |                    |

                Configuration Management
               Data (High-level Policies)
   Network                 V                Network
   Topology ----->   Configuration    <---- Status/performance
   Information     Data Translator(s)       Information
     |               |               |               |
   Device          Device          Device          Device
   Local           Local           Local           Local
   Conf(1)         Conf(2)         Conf(3)         Conf(4)

                  Configuration Management
                 Data (High-level Policies)
   Network                  V                 Network
   Topology ----->     Network-Wide     <---- Status/performance
   Information        Configuration           Information
                    Data Translator(s)
     |               |               |               |
   Device          Device          Device          Device
   Local           Local           Local           Local
   Conf(1)         Conf(2)         Conf(3)         Conf(4)

         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
       |         DSCP          | 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   X   0 |

         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
       |                      PHB id code              | 0   0   X   1 |

     10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
   |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

            |  Network Layer Protocol Identifier   |    1
            |           Length Indicator           |    2
            |    Version/Protocol Id Extension     |    3
            |              Lifetime                |    4
            | SP | MS | E/R |   Type               |    5
            |            Segment Length            |   6,7
            |               Checksum               |   8,9
            | Destination Address Length Indicator |   10
            |                                      |   11
            |         Destination Address          |
            |                                      |   m-1
            |   Source Address Length Indicator    |    m
            |                                      |   m+1
            |            Source Address            |
            |                                      |   n-1
            |         Data Unit Identifier         |  n,n+1
            |            Segment Offset            | n+2,n+3
            |             Total Length             | n+4,n+5
            |                                      |   n+6
            |               Options                |
            |                                      |    p
            |                                      |   p+1
            |          Data ( GRE packet )         |
            |                                      |    z

   | Package                      |   Name  | Defined     |
   | Generic Media Package        |   G     |in RFC 2705  |
   | DTMF package                 |   D     |in RFC 2705  |
   | Line Package                 |   L     |in RFC 2705  |
   | Handset Package              |   H     |in RFC 2705  |
   | Feature Key Package          |   KY    |in this spec |
   | Business Phone Package       |   BP    |in this spec |
   | Display XML Package          |   XML   |in this spec |

| Symbol   |   Definition               |   R |   S      Duration    |
| fk1-fk99 | Feature Key                |   x |                      |
| ks       | Key State                  |     |   OO                 |
| ls       | Set Label                  |     |   OO                 |

      | State | Definition   |
      |  en   | enabled      |
      |  db   | disabled     |
      |  id   | idle         |
      |  dt   | dial tone    |
      |  cn   | connected    |
      |  dc   | disconnected |
      |  rg   | ringing      |
      |  rb   | ringback     |
      |  ho   | holding      |
      |  he   | held         |

| Symbol   |   Definition               |   R |   S      Duration    |
| hd       | Force Offhook              |     |   OO                 |
| hu       | Force Onhook               |     |   OO                 |
| beep     | Beep                       |     |   BR                 |

| Symbol   |   Definition               |   R |   S      Duration    |
| xml      | XML Data                   |   x |   OO                 |

|  Name         |  Usage                                              |
|  <xml>        |  Marks the beginning of a deck.                     |
|  <card>       |  Marks the beginning of a card.                     |
|  <p>          |  Marks the beginning of a paragraph.                |
|  <select>     |  Defines a list of items that may be selected (an   |
|               |  enumerated or itemized list box).                  |
|  <option>     |  Used in conjunction with the <select> tag to       |
|               |  specify an individual item that may be selected.   |
|  <input>      |  Marks the beginning of user input (an input box).  |
|  <echo>       |  Marks the beginning of an echo box.                |
|  <calltimer>  |  Call Timer. An incremental timer usually used to   |
|               |  maintain the duration of a call.                   |
|  <timer>      |  Card timer. Allows an event to be generated when   |
|               |  the timer expires.                                 |
|  <time>       |  A tag indicating the current time.                 |
|  <do>         |  Event consumer.                                    |
|  <go>         |  Used in conjunction with the <do> tag to indicate  |
|               |  a new page to be displayed.                        |
|  <prev>       |  Used in conjunction with the <do> tag to indicate  |
|               |  that the previous card in the history should be    |
|               |  displayed.                                         |

 _______________ _____________________________________________________
|  Type         |  Format                                             |
|  String       |  Any string. May not contain any white spaces       |
|               | (tab, space or newline).                            |
|  Time         |  A string of the format hh:mm:ss where hh indicates |
|               |  the hour (24-hour format), mm indicates the        |
|               |  minutes and ss indicates the seconds.              |
|  Enum         |  Enumeration. A list of acceptable string values.   |
|  Align        |  Indicates text alignment (left justified, centered |
|               |  or right justified). Valid values are: left,       |
|               |  center, right.  The default value is: left.        |
|  Action       |  Defines a string to be sent to the Call Agent.     |
|               |  This string has the format:                        |
|               |        post?%var1[=%val1[?%var2[=%val2]]]           |
|               |  where variables that should be substituted before  |
|               |  sending the string to the Call Agent begin         |
|               |  with a '%'.                                        |
|               |  The tags that make up the card determine what      |
|               |  variables are available to this string. See the    |
|               |  following sections for variables that are defined  |
|               |  for each tag.                                      |
|  URL          |  The URL may have take several forms:               |
|               |     1. #<card> to indicate another card within      |
|               |        the same deck                                |
|               |     2. A string of type Action                      |
|               |     3. #<prev> to indicate the previous card in     |
|               |        the history                                  |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name |  Values             | Usage                         |
|  Id           |  String             | Defines the card identifier.  |
|               |                     | This identifier is referenced |
|               |                     | in XML requests.              |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name |  Values (default)   | Usage                         |
|Mode           |  Enum: wrap/nowrap  | Specifies whether the         |
|               |        (wrap)       | paragraph wraps or is         |
|               |                     | truncated when it extends past|
|               |                     | the display width.            |
| Align         |  Align              | Specifies alignment of the    |
|               |                     | paragraph.                    |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values (default)    | Usage                         |
| type          | Enum: item/enum     | Specifies the type of list:   |
|               |       (enum)        | itemized or enumerated.  An   |
|               |                     | itemized list maps options to |
|               |                     | soft keys.                    |
| name          | String              | Specifies name of the list.   |
|               |                     | This attribute is available to|
|               |                     | any Action string in the card |
|               |                     | by using the %name variable.  |
| iname         | String              | Defines an index variable with|
|               |                     | the specified name.  This     |
|               |                     | variable is used in the       |
|               |                     | <option> tag to specify the   |
|               |                     | index of an item that is      |
|               |                     | selected.  The value of this  |
|               |                     | attribute is available to any |
|               |                     | Action string in the card by  |
|               |                     | using the %iname variable. The|
|               |                     | value of the index variable is|
|               |                     | available by using the        |
|               |                     | %<string value> variable.     |
|               |                     | See examples below.           |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values              | Usage                         |
| value         | String              | Defines the value of the item.|
|               |                     | This is used when reporting an|
|               |                     | event to the Call Agent.  The |
|               |                     | value of this attribute is    |
|               |                     | available to any Action string|
|               |                     | in the card by using the      |
|               |                     | %value variable.              |
| onpick        | Action              | Defines the string to be sent |
|               |                     | to the Call Agent when the    |
|               |                     | item is selected.             |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values              | Usage                         |
| name          | String              | Specifies the name of the     |
|               |                     | input tag.  The value of this |
|               |                     | attribute is available to any |
|               |                     | Action string in the card by  |
|               |                     | using the %name variable.     |
| type          | Enum: password/text | Specifies whether the input   |
|               |       (text)        | box is in password mode       |
|               |                     | (password) or normal mode     |
|               |                     | (text). When in password mode,|
|               |                     | user input should be masked.  |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values (default)    | Usage                         |
| mode          | Enum: on/off (on)   | Specifies whether the echo box|
|               |                     | is in password mode (off) or  |
|               |                     | normal mode (on).  When in    |
|               |                     | password mode, user input     |
|               |                     | should be masked.             |
| align         | Align               | Specifies the alignment of the|
|               |                     | echo tag.                     |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values              | Usage                         |
| value         | Time                | Specifies the initial value of|
|               |                     | the call timer.               |
| align         |Align                | Specifies the alignment of the|
|               |                     | call timer.                   |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values              | Usage                         |
| align         | Align               | Specifies the alignment of the|
|               |                     | time.                         |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values              | Usage                         |
| Value         | Time                | Specifies the initial value of|
|               |                     | the timer.  The timer will    |
|               |                     | decrement the time until it   |
|               |                     | reaches zero at which point   |
|               |                     | the <do> tag is consulted.    |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values (default)    | Usage                         |
|Type           | Enum:               | Indicates the event on which  |
|               | prev/ontimer/accept | the tag operates.             |

   This tag has the following attributes:
 _______________ _____________________ _______________________________
|Attribute Name | Values (default)    | Usage                         |
| href          | URL                 | Defines the URL of the next   |
|               |                     | XML page.                     |

 ______________ _ ____________________________________________________
|ACTION        |:|<go href="HREFSTRING"/> | <prev/>                   |
|ALIGN         |:|Align=["left" | "right" ]                           |
|CALLTIMER     |:|<calltimer CALLTIMERATTRS/>                         |
|CALLTIMERATTR |:|value=STRING | ALIGN                                |
|CARDS         |:|CARD | CARD CARDS                                   |
|CARD          |:|<card id=STRING> CLUSTERS </card>                   |
|CARDREFERENCE |:|#STRING                                             |
|CLUSTERS      |:|CLUSTER | CLUSTER CLUSTERS                          |
|CONTROL       |:|<do CONDITION> ACTION </do>                         |
|CONDITION     | |type=["accept" | "prev" | "ontimer"] label=STRING | |
|              | |type=["accept" | "prev" |"ontimer"]                 |
|DIGITS        |:|DIGIT | DIGIT DIGITS                                |
|DIGIT         |:|0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9               |
|DECK          |:|<xml id=STRING> CARDS </xml>                        |
|ECHO          |:|<echo/> | <echo ECHOMODE/>                          |

|ECHOMODE      |:|mode=["on" | "off"]                                 |
|HREFSTRING    |:|CARDREFERENCE | POSTSTRING                          |
|INPUTBOX      |:|<input INPUTATTRS/>                                 |
|INPUTATTR     |:|name=STRING  | type=["text" | "password"] |         |
|              | | value=STRING                                       |
|NAMEVALUELEM  |:|%TEXT | TEXT                                        |
|OPTIONS       |:|OPTION | OPTION OPTIONS                             |
|OPTION        |:|<option value=STRING onpick=HREFSTRING> TEXT        |
|              | | </option>                                          |
|PARAGRAPH     |:|<p TXTFORMAT>  | <p>                                |
|POSTSTRING    |:|post?%deck?%id?NAMEVALUES | post?NAMEVALUES         |
|SELECTBOX     |:|<select SELECTATTRS> OPTIONS </select>              |
|SELECTATTR    |:|name=STRING  | iname=STRING | type="item"           |
|STIME         |:|<time STIMEATTRS/>                                  |
|STIMEATTR     |:|value=STRING | format=STRING | ALIGN                |
|STRING        |:|Any string enclosed in a pair of quotes ("")        |
|TEXT          |:|TEXTELEM | TEXTELEM TEXT                            |
|TEXTELEM      |:|any string outside of the < .. > and which consists |
|              | |of any symbols except '<' and '\n'                  |
|TIMER         |:|<timer value="DIGITS"/>                             |

|TXTMODE       |:|mode=["wrap" | "nowrap"]                            |

 ______________ _ ____________________________________________________
|              | |\t, \n, \r, blank space are separators.             |

   |2344         11:59|
   | MENU             |
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

   |SELECT A CAR      |
   |1. Porsche       v|
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

   |SELECT A CAR      |
   |=>Porsche<=       |
   |  Chevrolet       |
   |  Toyota         v|

   |JOHN DOE          |
   |CALL FAILED       |
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

   |DIAL NUMBER:      |
   |                  |
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

   |ENTER DIGITS:     |
   |_                 |
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

   |JOHN DOE          |
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

   |          00:00:05|
     [XX]  [XX]  [XX]

 ______________ _ ____________________________________________________
|X-UA          |:|ENDPOINTINFO                                        |
|ENDPOINTINFO  |:|MAKE/MODEL[-VENDORINFO]                             |
|MAKE          |:|1*32 MAKECHAR                                       |
|MODEL         |:|1*32 MODELCHAR                                      |
|VENDORINFO    |:|1*32 VENDORCHAR                                     |
|MAKECHAR      |:|ALPHA | DIGIT                                       |
|MODELCHAR     |:|ALPHA | DIGIT                                       |
|VENDORCHAR    |:|ALPHA | DIGIT | OTHER                               |

            +------+          H-TA            +----------+
            | Host | <----------------------> | Tracking |
            +------+                          |   Agent  |
                ^ ^                           +----------+
                | |           H-DMA                 ^
                | +------------------------------+  |
                |                                |  | DMA-TA
                |                                |  |
                | H-PA                           |  |
                v                                v  v
            +--------+         DMA-PA         +------------+
            | Paging | <--------------------> |  Dormant   |
            | Agent  |                        | Monitoring |
            +--------+                        |   Agent    |

                    +--------+ Test instrument +-----+
                    |        +-----------------+     |
                    |                                |
            +-------+--------+               +-------+--------+
            |     First RTP  |               |   Second RTP   |
            | implementation |               | implementation |
            +----------------+               +----------------+

                          |     test     |
                          |  instrument  |
              ------+-----------+-------------- LAN
            |       RTP      |
            | implementation |

                    +--------+  RTP Translator +-----+
                    |        +-----------------+     |
                    |                                |
            +-------+--------+               +-------+--------+
            |     First RTP  |               |   Second RTP   |
            | implementation |               | implementation |
            +----------------+               +----------------+

            |   Second RTP   |
            | implementation |
                     |       +-----------+
                     +-------+ RTP Mixer +-----+
                     |       +-----------+     |
                     |                         |
            +-------+--------+         +-------+--------+
            |    First RTP   |         |    Third RTP   |
            | implementation |         | implementation |
            +----------------+         +----------------+

         +------+         +---------+
         +------+         +---------+

         +------+         +-----+         +---------+
         +------+         +-----+         +---------+

         +------+     +-----+            +-----+     +---------+
         +------+     +-----+            +-----+     +---------+

         +------+         +-----+         +---------+
         |      |-\       +-----+         +---------+
         +------+  \
                    \      +-----+         +---------+
                           +-----+         +---------+

         +------+         +---------+
         |      |-\       +---------+
         +------+  \
                    \      +-----+         +---------+
                           +-----+         +---------+

         +------+         +-----+            +---------+
         |      |-\       +-----+         /--|         |
         +------+  \                     /   +---------+
                    \      +-----+      /

      | ECN FIELD |
        ECT   CE         [Obsolete] RFC 2481 names for the ECN bits.
         0     0         Not-ECT
         0     1         ECT(1)
         1     0         ECT(0)
         1     1         CE

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |          DS FIELD, DSCP           | ECN FIELD |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
      |               |                       | U | A | P | R | S | F |
      | Header Length |        Reserved       | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
      |               |                       | G | K | H | T | N | N |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
      |               |               | C | E | U | A | P | R | S | F |
      | Header Length |    Reserved   | W | C | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
      |               |               | R | E | G | K | H | T | N | N |

             0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
          |   PRECEDENCE    |       TOS       |  0  |  0  |  RFC 791

             0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
          |   PRECEDENCE    |       TOS                   |  RFC 1122

             0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
          |   PRECEDENCE    |       TOS             | MBZ |  RFC 1349

            0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
         |               DSCP                |    CU     |  RFCs 2474,
         +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+    2780

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
   |               |                       | U | A | P | R | S | F |
   | Header Length |        Reserved       | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
   |               |                       | G | K | H | T | N | N |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
   |               |               | C | E | U | A | P | R | S | F |
   | Header Length |    Reserved   | W | C | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
   |               |               | R | E | G | K | H | T | N | N |

                            |        Host 2->n ("many")         |
                            |   One-Way   |       Two-Way       |
                            |  A      B   |   C      D      E   |
                |    I/O    |             |  S(m)/  S(u)/  S(m)/|
                | Operations| S(m)   R(m) |  R(m)   R(m)   R(u) |
    |       | 1 | S(m)      |        1toM |  MtoM               |
    | Host  | 2 | R(m)      | Mto1        |  MtoM               |
    |       +---+-----------+-------------+                     |
    |  1    | 3 | S(m)/R(m) | Mto1   1toM    MtoM               |
    |       | 4 | S(m)/R(u) |                       Mto1        |
    |("one")| 5 | S(u)/R(m) |                              Mto1 |

      Data(m)     Request(m)       Request(m)       Request(u)
      ------>     ---------->     <----------       ---------->
                  Response(u)      Response(u)      Response(m)
                 <-----------      ----------->    <----------

     1toM |     b, d          c, e               a
     MtoM |       k           g, i        f, h, j, l, m, n
     Mto1 |   o, q, r         p, t               s
            Low Bandwidth                  High Bandwidth

     1toM |     b, c         a, d                e
     MtoM |               g, i, j, k       f, h, l, m, n
     Mto1 |      r        o, p, s, t             q
            Delay Tolerant                Delay Intolerant

    |                  Multicast Application                       |
    +--------------------------------------+   +-------------------+
    +-------------------------------------+|   |+--------++--------+
    |          Multicast Security         ||   ||        ||        |
    +----------------------+   +----------+|   || System ||        |
    +----------++---------+|   |+---------+|   ||  Time  || Codecs |
    | Reliable || Address ||   || Session ||   ||        ||        |
    | Delivery ||   Mgt   ||   ||   Mgt   ||   ||        ||        |
    |     Basic IP Multicast Service         ||     IP Unicast     |
    |       (e.g., UDP and IGMPv2/v3)        ||      Service       |

   1toM |    c, e          a, b                d
   MtoM |               f, j, k, n        g, h, i, l, m
   Mto1 |    r            o, p, s             q, t
          Hard-Coded       Advertised      Algorithmic

   1toM |     b             a, d               c, e
   MtoM |             f, j, k, l, m, n       g, h, i
   Mto1 |                o, p, r, s, t          q
          Loss Tolerant                   Loss Intolerant

        |                IPv4 Aggregator Address (4 bytes)      |

        |                                                       |
        +                                                       +
        |                                                       |
        +           IPv6 Aggregator Address (16 bytes)          +
        |                                                       |
        +                                                       +
        |                                                       |

    E2E Path
                           E2E Path
                      E2E PathErr(New-agg-needed, DCLASS=x)
                      E2E PathErr(New-agg-needed, DCLASS=y)
                                                           E2E Path
                           AggResv (DSCP=x)
                           AggResv (DSCP=y)
                           AggResvConfirm (DSCP=x)
                           AggResvConfirm (DSCP=y)
                                                           E2E Resv
                           E2E Resv (DCLASS=x)
       E2E Resv
   <--------------- (1)  Aggregator forwards E2E Path into aggregation region after
        modifying its IP Protocol Number to RSVP-E2E-IGNORE

    E2E Path
                           E2E Path
                                                         E2E Path
                                                          E2E Resv
                           E2E Resv (DCLASS=x)
       E2E Resv

    E2E Path
                           E2E Path
                                                           E2E Path

                        AggResv (DSCP=x, increased Bw)
                       AggResvConfirm (DSCP=x, increased Bw)
                          E2E Resv (DCLASS=x)
       E2E Resv

           ISP-BR-A                       ISP-BR-B
               |                             |
               |Primary link                 |
               |                             |
               |                             |
           | E-BR-A                      E-BR-B |
           |                                    |
           | Pref-A     <---------->     Pref-B |

           ISP-BR-A                       ISP-BR-B
               | |                         | |
               | \-----------------------+ | |
               |     Secondary link      | | |
               |  +----------------------|-/ |
               |  |                      |   |
               |  |                      |   |
               |  |                      |   |
               |  |                      |   |
           | E-BR-A                      E-BR-B |
           |                                    |
           |                                    |

                                                   runtime 1
                  +--------------+       SMX      +---------+
                  |              |<-------------->| O  O  O |<-+
          SNMP    |  Script MIB  |                +---------+  |
      <---------->|              |                             |
                  |  SNMP Agent  |                 runtime 2   |
                  |              |       SMX      +---------+  |
                  |              |<-------------->| O       |  |
                  +--------------+                +---------+  |
                          ^                            ^       |
                          |       +---------+          |       |
                          |       | script  |----------+       |
                          +------>| storage |------------------+

      | Length                    | P-Type = Identity Type    |
      // Authentication Attribute List                       //

   | Length        |A-Type |SubType|
   | OctetString ...

   | Length        |A-Type |SubType|
   | OctetString ...

   | Length        |A-Type |SubType|
   | OctetString ...

   +-----+                                                  +-----+
   | PDP |-------+                                          | PDP |
   +-----+       |             ...................          +-----+
                 |             :                 :          |
               +--------+      :     Transit     :        +-------+
          +----| Router |------:     Network     : -------| Router|--+
          |    +--------+      :                 :        +-------+  |
          |        |           :.................:             |     |
          |        |                                           |     |
     Host A        B                                           C     D

|                        | Recipient Decryption |  Domain Decryption |
| Originator Encryption  |       Case(a)        |       Case(b)      |
| Domain Encryption      |       Case(c)        |       Case(d)      |

      a) MAPOS frame header (version 1)
         | Address   | Control   | Protocol              |
         |  8 bits   | fixed,0x03| 16 bits               |

      b) MAPOS frame header (MAPOS 16)
         | Address               | Protocol              |
         |   16bits              | 16 bits               |

      c) PPP frame header
         | Address   | Control   | Protocol              |
         | fixed,0xFF| fixed,0x03| 16 bits               |

   <--- Transmission
        |   Flag   | Address  | Control  | Protocol |
        | 01111110 | 11111111 | 00000011 | 16 bits  |
        | Information | Padding |HDLC FCS  |   Flag   | Inter-frame Fill
        |      *      |    *    |16/32 bits| 01111110 | or next Address

   <--- Transmission
        |   Flag   | MAPOS Destination   | Protocol |
        | 01111110 | 0xxxxxx0 | xxxxxxx1 | 16 bits  |
        | Information | Padding |MAPOS FCS |   Flag   | Inter-frame Fill
        |      *      |    *    |16/32 bits| 01111110 | or next Address

     [MAPOS mode]  <----------------------------+
          |                                     |
   (Disable NSP)                          (Enable NSP)
   (Disable SSP)                          (Enable SSP)
   (Disable Broadcast/                    (Enable Broadcast/
    Multicast forwarding)                  Multicast forwarding)
   (C2-byte setting to 0x16 or 0xcf)      (C2-byte setting to 0x8d)
   (Enable Header Rewriting function)     (Disable Header Rewriting
          |                                     |         function)
          v                                     |
     [PPP mode] --------------------------------+

         Measurement                      Device Under Test
         +---------+  POS                 +------------+
         | IXIA 400|  Unidirectional Flow | Cisco GSR  |
         | POS-LM  |<---------------------| 12008/1port|
         | OC12c x2|--------------------->| OC12cLC x2 |
         +---------+                      +------------+
                                     (Using IOS 12.0(15)S1)

         Measurement                      Device Under Test
         +---------+  POS                 +-------------+
         | IXIA 400|  Unidirectional Flow | CSR MAPOS   |
         | POS-LM  |<---------------------| CORESwitch80|
         | OC12c x2|--------------------->| OC12c x2    |
         +---------+                      +-------------+

     +--------+        +-----------+
     | Device | -----> | Collector |
     +--------+        +-----------+

     +--------+      +-------+        +-------+      +-----------+
     | Device | ---> | Relay | -...-> | Relay | ---> | Collector |
     +--------+      +-------+        +-------+      +-----------+

     +--------+        +-------+        +-----------+
     | Device | -----> | Relay | -----> | Collector |
     +--------+        +-------+        +-----------+

   IIG Sect #         Flow                 IPP error status codes
   ----------         ----                 ----------------------
                        v             No <ipp-attribute-fidelity> ------------------+
                  <supplied?>                           |
                     Yes|                               |
                        |  ipp-attribute-fidelity = no  |
                        v          No       <Printer is>    --> server-error-not-accepting-jobs
                <accepting jobs?>
                        v          err    <Validate values of> --> client-error-bad-request
           <Job template attributes>   client-error-request-value-too-
            <(length, tag, range,>
                        v          err  <Validate values with> --> client-error-bad-request
             <supported values>        client-error-attributes-or-
                        |              values-not-supported
                        v          err   <Any conflicting>   --> client-error-conflicting-
          <Job Template attr values>   client-error-attributes-or-

        +---+  +---+  +---+
        | C |  | C |  | C |
        +-+-+  +-+-+  +-+-+
          |      |      |
      | Frame Relay Service |
      |   Physical Layer    |

   +-------------+                                       +-------------+
   | Frame Relay |                                       | Frame Relay |
   | DTE Device  |                                       | DTE Device  |
   +------+------+                                       +------+------+
          |                                                     |
         UNI                                                   UNI
      Connection                                            Connection
          |                                                     |
   +------+------+    NNI     +-------------+    NNI     +------+------+
   |  Network A  +------------+  Network B  +------------+  Network C  |
   +-------------+ Connection +-------------+ Connection +-------------+

            Device 1                               Device 2
         +-------------+                        +-------------+
         |   Ingress   |                        |   Egress    |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |(A)|     |   |      Traffic Flow      |   |     |(B)|
      -->-->--     -->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-     -->-->-->
         |   |     |   |   From Device 1 to 2   |   |     |   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |             |                        |             |
         |   Egress    |                        |   Ingress   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |(D)|     |   |      Traffic Flow      |   |     |(C)|
      <--<--<-     -<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--     --<--<--
         |   |     |   |   From Device 2 to 1   |   |     |   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         +-------------+                        +-------------+

            Device 1                               Device 2
         +-------------+                        +-------------+
         |   Ingress   |                        |   Egress    |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |(A)|     |   |      Traffic Flow      |(B)|     |   |
      -->-->--     -->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-     -->-->-->
         |   |     |   |   From Device 1 to 2   |   |     |   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |             |                        |             |
         |   Egress    |                        |   Ingress   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |   |     |(D)|      Traffic Flow      |   |     |(C)|
      <--<--<-     -<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--     --<--<--
         |   |     |   |   From Device 2 to 1   |   |     |   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         +-------------+                        +-------------+

            Device 1                               Device 2
         +-------------+                        +-------------+
         |   Source    |                        | Destination |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |(A)|     |   |      Traffic Flow      |   |     |(B)|
      -->-->--     -->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-     -->-->-->
         |   |     |   |   From Device 1 to 2   |   |     |   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |             |                        |             |
         | Destination |                        |   Source    |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         |(D)|     |   |      Traffic Flow      |   |     |(C)|
      <--<--<-     -<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--     --<--<--
         |   |     |   |   From Device 2 to 1   |   |     |   |
         |   +-----+   |                        |   +-----+   |
         +-------------+                        +-------------+

                              | detect missing tpdu
                              |   - clear data retry count
                              |   - clear NCF retry count
      matching NCF |--------------------------|
   <---------------|   BACK-OFF_STATE         | <----------------------
   |               | start timer(NAK_RB_IVL)  |            ^          ^
   |               |                          |            |          |
   |               |--------------------------|            |          |
   |       matching |         | timer expires              |          |
   |         NAK    |         |   - send NAK               |          |
   |                |         |                            |          |
   |                V         V                            |          |
   |               |--------------------------|            |          |
   |               |    WAIT_NCF_STATE        |            |          |
   |  matching NCF | start timer(NAK_RPT_IVL) |            |          |
   |<--------------|                          |------------>          |
   |               |--------------------------| timer expires         |
   |                    |         |         ^    - increment NCF      |
   |    NAK_NCF_RETRIES |         |         |      retry count        |
   |       exceeded     |         |         |                         |
   |                    V         -----------                         |
   |                Cancelation      matching NAK                     |
   |                                   - restart timer(NAK_RPT_IVL)   |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   V               |--------------------------|                       |
   --------------->|   WAIT_DATA_STATE        |----------------------->
                   |start timer(NAK_RDATA_IVL)|  timer expires
                   |                          |   - increment data
                   |--------------------------|     retry count
                      |        |           ^
     NAK_DATA_RETRIES |        |           |
         exceeded     |        |           |
                      |         -----------
                      |          matching NCF or NAK
                      V            - restart timer(NAK_RDATA_IVL)

       TXW_TRAIL                                     TXW_LEAD
          |                                             |
          |                                             |
       |--|--------------- Transmit Window -------------|----|
       v  |                                             |    v
          v                                             v
   n-1 |  n  | n+1 | ... | n+53 | n+54 | ... | n+381 | n+382 | n+383
       ^                    |   ^
       |--- Increment Window|---|

         | Res |F6|F5|F4|F3|F2|F1|

                | LSP Control Block     |
                | (original LSP)        |
             (LSP      ^  |
              Control  |  | (Next Hop Trigger Control Block Pointer)
              Block    |  |
              Pointer) |  v
                | Next Hop Trigger Control Block |
                       ^  |
             (Trigger  |  | (New Next Hop LSP
               Control |  |  Control Block Pointer)
               Block   |  |
               Pointer)|  |
                       |  v
                | LSP Control Block      |
                | (for LSP: LSR-B, LSR-E,|
                |   LSR-D)               |

             |                   |<-------------------+
   +-------->|  IDLE             |                    |
   |         |                   |----------+         |
   |         +-------------------+          |         |
   |(LDP Release)      |                    |         |
   |(LDP Upstream      |(LDP Request 1)     |         | (LDP Release)
   | Abort             |(Internal SetUp)    |         | (Upstream Lost)
   |(Internal Destroy) |                    |         |
   |(Upstream Lost)    v                    |         |
   |         +-------------------+          |         |
   +---------|                   |          |         |
             |  RESPONSE_AWAITED |          |         |
   +---------|                   |          |         |
   |         +-------------------+          |         |
   |                  |                     |         |
   |(Downstream Lost) |(LDP Mapping)        |         |
   |(LDP Downstream   |                     |         |
   | NAK)             |     +---------------+         |
   |                  |     | (LDP Request 2)         |
   |                  |     |                         |
   |                  v     v                         |
   |         +-------------------+ (LDP Withdraw 1)   |
   |         |                   | (Internal Destroy) |
   |         |  ESTABLISHED      |------------>-------+
   |         |                   |                    |
   |         +-------------------+                    |
   |                  |                               |
   |                  |                               |
   |                  |(LDP Withdraw 2)               | (LDP Upstream
   |                  |(Downstream Lost)              |  Abort)
   |                  |                               |
   |                  v                               |
   |         +-------------------+                    |
   |         |                   |                    |
   +-------->| RELEASE_AWAITED   |------------>-------+
             |                   |

      | 0 | 2 | Nonzero random bytes | 0 |      Message        |

                        Decision Process
                         ^      ^      |
                         |      |      |
                Adj-TRIBs-In    |      V
               (Internal LSs)   |   Adj-TRIBs-Out
                            ^        ^
                            |        |
                   Adj-TRIB-In      Local Routes
               (External Peers)

         0                   1                   2
         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
         |          Length               |      Type     |

    0                   1                   2
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |        Address Family         |     Application Protocol      |

         | First Route Attribute | Second Route Attribute |  ...

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |  Error Code   | Error Subcode |       Data... (variable)

            |  WithdrawnRoute1... |  WithdrawnRoute2... |...

   Events| Idle | Connect | Active | OpenSent | OpenConfirm | Estab
         | (1)  |   (2)   |  (3)   |    (4)   |     (5)     |   (6)
    1    |  2   |    2    |   3    |     4    |      5      |    6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    2    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    3    |  1   |    4    |   4    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    4    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     3    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    5    |  1   |    3    |   3    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    6    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    7    |  1   |    2    |   2    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    8    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
    9    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      5      |    6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   10    |  1   |    1    |   1    |  1 or 5  |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   11    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      6      |    6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   12    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      | 1 or 6
         |      |         |        |          |             |
   13    |  1   |    1    |   1    |     1    |      1      |    1
         |      |         |        |          |             |

                   +-----+          +-------+         +------+
                   |home | =======> |foreign| ------> |mobile|
                   |agent|          | agent | <------ | node |
                   +-----+          +-------+         +------+
   1) Datagram to    /|\         /
      mobile node     |        /   4) For datagrams sent by the
      arrives on      |      /        mobile node, standard IP
      home network    |    /          routing delivers each to its
      via standard    |  |_           destination.  In this figure,
      IP routing.   +----+            the foreign agent is the
                    |host|            mobile node's default router.

                  |                                       |
     The LLA      |    ROHC RTP,                          |
     profile      |    Profile #1       +-----------------+
                  |                     |  LLA Additions  |

     Smallest header in                 Smallest header in
     ROHC RTP (profile #1)              LLA (profile #5)
   +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+              ++
   |        1 octet        |  ----->      ||  No Header
   +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+              ++
               |                        Header field functionality
               +------------------->    provided by other means

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   1   1   0   1   0 | Packet type identifier
   :  ROHC header without padding  :
   :    see [ROHC, section 5.7]    :

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   1   1   0   1   1 | Packet type identifier
   | C |          CRC              |

                |                              |
                +                              +
   +-------------------------+    +-------------------------+
   |       ROHC RTP HC       |    |       ROHC RTP HD       |
   +-------------------------+    +-------------------------+
   |       LLA profile       |    |       LLA profile       |
   +=========================+    +=========================+
   |       Interface         |    |        Interface        |
   | ROHC to assisting layer |    | Assisting layer to ROHC |
   +=========================+    +=========================+
   |       Applicable        |    |       Applicable        |
   |     link technology     |    |     link technology     |
   +=========================+    +=========================+
                |                              |
                +------>---- CHANNEL ---->-----+

   |  Opt Type = 8 |  Opt Len = 0  |

       | Mail  |
       | User  |
       | Agent |
      +----------+      +--------+     +---------+
      |   Mail   +      |  Mail  |     |  Mail   |
      |Submission|----->|Transfer|---->|Transfer |
      |   Agent  |      | Agent  |     |  Agent  |
      +----------+      +--------+     +---------+

       | Mail  |
       | User  |
       | Agent |
      +----------+      +--------+     +---------+
      |   Mail   +      |  Mail  |     |  Mail   |
      |Submission|----->|Transfer|---->|Transfer |
      |   Agent  |      | Agent  |     |  Agent  |
      +----------+      +--------+     +---------+
                        example.org    example.net

                      |                       +----+ version
                      |   version-            |    | history
         versionable  |   controlled          +----+ resource
         resource     |   resource              |
         /foo.html    |   /foo.html             |
                      |                         v
           +----+     |     +----+ checked-in +----+ version
           | S1 |     |     | S1 |----------->| S1 | resource
           +----+     |     +----+            +----+ /his/73/ver/1

            +----+    |    +----+    |    +----+    |    +----+
            | S2 |    |    | S2 |    |    | S3 |    |    | S3 |
            +----+    |    +----+    |    +----+    |    +----+

       SubOpt   Len     Device Class
      |  4   |   4  |  d1  |  d2  |  d3  |  d4  |

      +-------+  +---------+      *~~~~~~~~~~*           +------+
      |Host A |  |   NAT   |     *   Cloud    *          |Host B|
      | 10.2  +--|10.1|2.1 |----|--------------|---------+ 1.2  |
      |       |  |    |    |     *            *          |      |
      +-------+  +---------+      *~~~~~~~~~~*           +------+

      +-------+   +----------+      *~~~~~~~~~~*           +------+
      |Host A |   |    NAT   |     *   Cloud    *          |Host B|
      | 10.2  +---+ 10.1|5.2 +-----+ 1.1<+->3.1--+---------+ 1.2  |
      | 11.2  +---+ 11.1|6.2 |     |     +->4.2--+---------+ 2.2  |
      |       |   |          |      *           *          |      |
      +-------+   +----------+       *~~~~~~~~~*           +------+

Peer 1-|                |
Peer 2-|                |
Peer 3-|     Switch     |
Transit|                |  _________                   _________
etc    |                |--|Router1|---|----|----------|Router2|---WAN-|
       |                |  ---------   |    |          ---------       |
       |                |              |    |                          |
       |                |              |    |                          |
       ------------------            [NTP] [DNS]                       |
       __________________                                              |
Peer 1-|                |                                              |
Peer 2-|                |                                              |
Peer 3-|     Switch     |                                              |
Transit|                |  _________                   _________       |
etc    |                |--|Router3|---|----|----------|Router4|---WAN-|
       |                |  ---------   |    |          ---------       |
       |                |              |    |                          |
       |                |              |    |                          |
       ------------------            [NTP] [DNS]                       |
       __________________                                              |
Peer 1-|                |                                              |
Peer 2-|                |                                              |
Peer 3-|     Switch     |                                              |
Transit|                |  _________                   _________       |
etc    |                |--|Router5|---|----|----------|Router6|---WAN-|
       |                |  ---------   |    |          ---------       |
       |                |              |    |                          |
       |                |              |    |                          |
       ------------------            [NTP] [DNS]                       |

       __________________                                              |
Peer 1-|                |                                              |
Peer 2-|                |                                              |
Peer 3-|     Switch     |                                              |
Transit|                |  _________                   _________       |
etc    |                |--|Router7|---|----|----------|Router8|---WAN-|
       |                |  ---------   |    |          ---------
       |                |              |    |
       |                |              |    |
       ------------------            [NTP] [DNS]

      |Name           | Type   | ABNF production|
      |CONFIG_VERSION | DWORD  | version_number |
      |HASHKEY        | String | key_value      |
      |ENCRYPTIONKEY  | String | key_value      |
      |SCOPE          | String | scope          |
      |ADDRESS        | String | address        |
      |PORT           | DWORD  | port           |

                     atlanta.com  . . . biloxi.com
                 .      proxy              proxy     .
               .                                       .
       Alice's  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Bob's
      softphone                                        SIP Phone
         |                |                |                |
         |    INVITE F1   |                |                |
         |--------------->|    INVITE F2   |                |
         |  100 Trying F3 |--------------->|    INVITE F4   |
         |<---------------|  100 Trying F5 |--------------->|
         |                |<-------------- | 180 Ringing F6 |
         |                | 180 Ringing F7 |<---------------|
         | 180 Ringing F8 |<---------------|     200 OK F9  |
         |<---------------|    200 OK F10  |<---------------|
         |    200 OK F11  |<---------------|                |
         |<---------------|                |                |
         |                       ACK F12                    |
         |                   Media Session                  |
         |                       BYE F13                    |
         |                     200 OK F14                   |
         |                                                  |

            |                    | +---+
            |                    | | C |
            |                    | | T |
            |                    | +---+
      +---+ |       Proxy        | +---+   CT = Client Transaction
      | S | |  "Higher" Layer    | | C |
      | T | |                    | | T |   ST = Server Transaction
      +---+ |                    | +---+
            |                    | +---+
            |                    | | C |
            |                    | | T |
            |                    | +---+

   +---------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+
   |      +-+|Request |+-+   +-+|Request |+-+   +-+|Request |+-+      |
   |      |C||------->||S|   |C||------->||S|   |C||------->||S|      |
   |      |l||        ||e|   |l||        ||e|   |l||        ||e|      |
   |      |i||        ||r|   |i||        ||r|   |i||        ||r|      |
   |      |e||        ||v|   |e||        ||v|   |e||        ||v|      |
   |      |n||        ||e|   |n||        ||e|   |n||        ||e|      |
   |      |t||        ||r|   |t||        ||r|   |t||        ||r|      |
   |      | ||        || |   | ||        || |   | ||        || |      |
   |      |T||        ||T|   |T||        ||T|   |T||        ||T|      |
   |      |r||        ||r|   |r||        ||r|   |r||        ||r|      |
   |      |a||        ||a|   |a||        ||a|   |a||        ||a|      |
   |      |n||        ||n|   |n||        ||n|   |n||        ||n|      |
   |      |s||Response||s|   |s||Response||s|   |s||Response||s|      |
   |      +-+|<-------|+-+   +-+|<-------|+-+   +-+|<-------|+-+      |
   +---------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+
      UAC               Outbound           Inbound              UAS
                        Proxy               Proxy

                                   |Request from TU
                                   |send request
               Timer E             V
               send request  +-----------+
                   +---------|           |-------------------+
                   |         |  Trying   |  Timer F          |
                   +-------->|           |  or Transport Err.|
                             +-----------+  inform TU        |
                200-699         |  |                         |
                resp. to TU     |  |1xx                      |
                +---------------+  |resp. to TU              |
                |                  |                         |
                |   Timer E        V       Timer F           |
                |   send req +-----------+ or Transport Err. |
                |  +---------|           | inform TU         |
                |  |         |Proceeding |------------------>|
                |  +-------->|           |-----+             |
                |            +-----------+     |1xx          |
                |              |      ^        |resp to TU   |
                | 200-699      |      +--------+             |
                | resp. to TU  |                             |
                |              |                             |
                |              V                             |
                |            +-----------+                   |
                |            |           |                   |
                |            | Completed |                   |
                |            |           |                   |
                |            +-----------+                   |
                |              ^   |                         |
                |              |   | Timer K                 |
                +--------------+   | -                       |
                                   |                         |
                                   V                         |
             NOTE:           +-----------+                   |
                             |           |                   |
         transitions         | Terminated|<------------------+
         labeled with        |           |
         the event           +-----------+
         over the action
         to take

      Header field          where   proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
      Accept                  R            -   o   -   o   m*  o
      Accept                 2xx           -   -   -   o   m*  o
      Accept                 415           -   c   -   c   c   c
      Accept-Encoding         R            -   o   -   o   o   o
      Accept-Encoding        2xx           -   -   -   o   m*  o
      Accept-Encoding        415           -   c   -   c   c   c
      Accept-Language         R            -   o   -   o   o   o
      Accept-Language        2xx           -   -   -   o   m*  o
      Accept-Language        415           -   c   -   c   c   c
      Alert-Info              R      ar    -   -   -   o   -   -
      Alert-Info             180     ar    -   -   -   o   -   -
      Allow                   R            -   o   -   o   o   o
      Allow                  2xx           -   o   -   m*  m*  o
      Allow                   r            -   o   -   o   o   o
      Allow                  405           -   m   -   m   m   m
      Authentication-Info    2xx           -   o   -   o   o   o
      Authorization           R            o   o   o   o   o   o
      Call-ID                 c       r    m   m   m   m   m   m
      Call-Info                      ar    -   -   -   o   o   o
      Contact                 R            o   -   -   m   o   o
      Contact                1xx           -   -   -   o   -   -
      Contact                2xx           -   -   -   m   o   o
      Contact                3xx      d    -   o   -   o   o   o
      Contact                485           -   o   -   o   o   o
      Content-Disposition                  o   o   -   o   o   o
      Content-Encoding                     o   o   -   o   o   o
      Content-Language                     o   o   -   o   o   o
      Content-Length                 ar    t   t   t   t   t   t
      Content-Type                         *   *   -   *   *   *
      CSeq                    c       r    m   m   m   m   m   m
      Date                            a    o   o   o   o   o   o
      Error-Info           300-699    a    -   o   o   o   o   o
      Expires                              -   -   -   o   -   o
      From                    c       r    m   m   m   m   m   m
      In-Reply-To             R            -   -   -   o   -   -
      Max-Forwards            R      amr   m   m   m   m   m   m
      Min-Expires            423           -   -   -   -   -   m
      MIME-Version                         o   o   -   o   o   o
      Organization                   ar    -   -   -   o   o   o

   Header field              where       proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
   Priority                    R          ar    -   -   -   o   -   -
   Proxy-Authenticate         407         ar    -   m   -   m   m   m
   Proxy-Authenticate         401         ar    -   o   o   o   o   o
   Proxy-Authorization         R          dr    o   o   -   o   o   o
   Proxy-Require               R          ar    -   o   -   o   o   o
   Record-Route                R          ar    o   o   o   o   o   -
   Record-Route             2xx,18x       mr    -   o   o   o   o   -
   Reply-To                                     -   -   -   o   -   -
   Require                                ar    -   c   -   c   c   c
   Retry-After          404,413,480,486         -   o   o   o   o   o
                            500,503             -   o   o   o   o   o
                            600,603             -   o   o   o   o   o
   Route                       R          adr   c   c   c   c   c   c
   Server                      r                -   o   o   o   o   o
   Subject                     R                -   -   -   o   -   -
   Supported                   R                -   o   o   m*  o   o
   Supported                  2xx               -   o   o   m*  m*  o
   Timestamp                                    o   o   o   o   o   o
   To                        c(1)          r    m   m   m   m   m   m
   Unsupported                420               -   m   -   m   m   m
   User-Agent                                   o   o   o   o   o   o
   Via                         R          amr   m   m   m   m   m   m
   Via                        rc          dr    m   m   m   m   m   m
   Warning                     r                -   o   o   o   o   o
   WWW-Authenticate           401         ar    -   m   -   m   m   m
   WWW-Authenticate           407         ar    -   o   -   o   o   o

                  biloxi.com         Bob's
                   registrar       softphone
                      |                |
                      |   REGISTER F1  |
                      |    200 OK F2   |

               Header field          where   PRACK
               Accept                  R       o
               Accept                 2xx      -
               Accept                 415      c
               Accept-Encoding         R       o
               Accept-Encoding        2xx      -
               Accept-Encoding        415      c
               Accept-Language         R       o
               Accept-Language        2xx      -
               Accept-Language        415      c
               Alert-Info              R       -
               Alert-Info             180      -
               Allow                   R       o
               Allow                  2xx      o
               Allow                   r       o
               Allow                  405      m
               Authentication-Info    2xx      o
               Authorization           R       o
               Call-ID                 c       m
               Call-Info                       -
               Contact                 R       -
               Contact                1xx      -
               Contact                2xx      -
               Contact                3xx      o
               Contact                485      o
               Content-Disposition             o
               Content-Encoding                o
               Content-Language                o
               Content-Length                  t
               Content-Type                    *
               CSeq                    c       m
               Date                            o
               Error-Info           300-699    o
               Expires                         -
               From                    c       m
               In-Reply-To             R       -
               Max-Forwards            R       m
               Min-Expires            423      -
               MIME-Version                    o
               Organization                    -

            Header field              where      PRACK
            Priority                    R          -
            Proxy-Authenticate         407         m
            Proxy-Authenticate         401         o
            Proxy-Authorization         R          o
            Proxy-Require               R          o
            Record-Route                R          o
            Record-Route             2xx,18x       o
            Reply-To                               -
            Require                                c
            Retry-After          404,413,480,486   o
                                     500,503       o
                                     600,603       o
            Route                       R          c
            Server                      r          o
            Subject                     R          -
            Supported                   R          o
            Supported                  2xx         o
            Timestamp                              o
            To                          c          m
            Unsupported                420         m
            User-Agent                             o
            Via                         c          m
            Warning                     r          o
            WWW-Authenticate           401         m

      Header field  where  proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG PRA
      RAck            R           -   -   -   -   -   -   m
      RSeq           1xx          -   -   -   o   -   -   -

    ............................          ..............................
    .                          .          .                            .
    .                +-------+ .          . +-------+                  .
    .                |       | .          . |       |                  .
    .                | Proxy |------------- | Proxy |                  .
    .                |   1   | .          . |  2    |                  .
    .                |       | .          . |       |                  .
    .              / +-------+ .          . +-------+ \                .
    .             /            .          .            \               .
    .            /             .          .             \              .
    .           /              .          .              \             .
    .          /               .          .               \            .
    .         /                .          .                \           .
    .        /                 .          .                 \          .
    .       /                  .          .                  \         .
    .   +-------+              .          .                +-------+   .
    .   |       |              .          .                |       |   .
    .   |       |              .          .                |       |   .
    .   | UA 1  |              .          .                | UA 2  |   .
    .   |       |              .          .                |       |   .
    .   +-------+              .          .                +-------+   .
    .              Domain A    .          .   Domain B                 .
    ............................          ..............................

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

     <---- p(n-1) ---->
              <----- p(n) ----->
                       <---- p(n+1) ---->
                                <---- p(n+2) ---->
                                         <---- p(n+3) ---->
                                                  <---- p(n+4) ---->

                +----------+                         +----------+
                |          |    IP/UDP/RTP/AMR or    |          |
                | TERMINAL |<----------------------->| TERMINAL |
                |          |    IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB    |          |
                +----------+                         +----------+

          AMR or AMR-WB
          I.366.{2,3} or +------+                        +----------+
          3G Iu or       |      |   IP/UDP/RTP/AMR or    |          |
          <------------->|  GW  |<---------------------->| TERMINAL |
          GSM Abis       |      |   IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB    |          |
          etc.           +------+                        +----------+
           GSM/3GPP network  |           IP network

   AMR or AMR-WB                                        AMR or AMR-WB
   over                                                 over
   I.366.{2,3} or +------+                     +------+ I.366.{2,3} or
   3G Iu or       |      |  IP/UDP/RTP/AMR or  |      | 3G Iu or
   <------------->|  GW  |<------------------->|  GW  |<------------->
   GSM Abis       |      |  IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB  |      | GSM Abis
   etc.           +------+                     +------+ etc.
                      |                           |
    GSM/3GPP network  |          IP network       |  GSM/3GPP network
                      |                           |

   | payload header | table of contents | speech data ...

   | 1L | 1R | 2L | 2R | 3L | 3R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

   | list of ToC entries |
   | list of frame CRCs  | (optional)
    - - - - - - - - - - -

   ILL=2, ILP=0:
   | 1L | 1R | 4L | 4R | 7L | 7R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 1   Block 4   Block 7

   ILL=2, ILP=1:
   | 2L | 2R | 5L | 5R | 8L | 8R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 2   Block 5   Block 8

   ILL=2, ILP=2:
   | 3L | 3R | 6L | 6R | 9L | 9R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 3   Block 6   Block 9

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | c0| c1| c2| c3| c4| c5| c6| c7|

     \                                       I   I \
      \---->I===I                            I C I  \-->I===I--Encaps->
            I A I           I===I--Outg_PHB->I===I      I D I   (&)
   -Encaps->I===I--Inc_PHB->I B I         \          /->I===I
      (*)                   I===I          \--------+

              /    (outmost header)  \
             /                        \
           / (outer header)             \
          /                              \
             (inner header)

        000          DF    ---->    DF
        000          CSn   ---->    CSn
        001          AFn   ---->    AFn1
        010          AFn   ---->    AFn2
        011          AFn   ---->    AFn3
        000          EF    ---->    EF

         DF         ---->      000
         CSn        ---->      000
         AFn1       ---->      001
         AFn2       ---->      010
         AFn3       ---->      011
         EF         ---->      000

    +-------+   +-------+   +-------+       +-------+   +-------+
    +       C=1=N       C=1=N       C=..1..=N       C=1=N       +
    | xtuC  |   |  xru1 |   |  xru2 |       |  xru8 |   |  xtuR |
    +       C=2=N       C=2=N       C=..2..=N       C=2=N       +
    +-------+   +-------+   +-------+       +-------+   +-------+

   | C |                       +------------+
   | e | <-------------------->| End entity |
   | r |       Operational     +------------+
   | t |       transactions          ^
   | i |      and management         |  Management
   | f |       transactions          |  transactions        PKI
   | i |                             |                     users
   | c |                             v
   | a | =======================  +--+------------+  ==============
   | t |                          ^               ^
   | e |                          |               |         PKI
   |   |                          v               |      management
   | & |                       +------+           |       entities
   |   | <---------------------|  RA  |<----+     |
   | C |  Publish certificate  +------+     |     |
   | R |                                    |     |
   | L |                                    |     |
   |   |                                    v     v
   | R |                                +------------+
   | e | <------------------------------|     CA     |
   | p |   Publish certificate          +------------+
   | o |   Publish CRL                     ^      ^
   | s |                                   |      |  Management
   | i |                +------------+     |      |  transactions
   | t | <--------------| CRL Issuer |<----+      |
   | o |   Publish CRL  +------------+            v
   | r |                                      +------+
   | y |                                      |  CA  |
   +---+                                      +------+

               |   CUA w   | -----[CAP]----------+
               |local store|                     |
          O     -----------                    ----------
         -+-                                  |   CS     |
          A                                   |          |
         / \                                   ----------
                -----------                      |
               |  CUA w/o  | -----[CAP]----------+
               |local store|

                     +------------[CAP]------ |   CS     |
                     |                        |          |
          O     -----------                    ----------
         -+-   |  CUA      |
          A    |           |
         / \    -----------
                     |                         ----------
                     +------------[CAP]------ |   CS     |
                                              |          |

          O     -----------
         -+-   |   CUA w   | -----[CAP]----------+
          A    |local store|                     |
         / \    -----------                    ----------
                                              |   CS     |
                                              |          |
          O     -----------                      |
         -+-   |  CUA w/o  | -----[CAP]----------+
          A    |local store|
         / \    -----------

          O     -----------                    ----------
         -+-   |   CUA w   | -----[CAP]-------|   CS     |
          A    |local store|                  |          |
         / \    -----------                    ----------
                                             [CAP] or [iMIP]
          O     -----------                    ----------
         -+-   |  CUA w/o  | -----[CAP]-------|   CS     |
          A    |local store|                  |          |
         / \    -----------                    ----------

              | 10111010 | 11101111 | 10011010 | 00010101 |
                MSB+58     MSB+111    MSB+26     0+21

          | inst1 | size1 | mode1 | inst2 | size2 | mode2 |

       +--------------+     +---------------+
       |              |     |    Counter    |
       |    DSMON     |     |  Aggregation  |
       | Capabilities |     |    Control    |
       |              |     |               |
       +--------------+     +---------------+
    |                              V                            |
    |                                                           |
    | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+  |
    | |           | |           | |           | |            |  |
    | | Data Src  | | Protocol  | | Net. Host | | App Matrix |  |
    | |   Stats   | |  Stats    | |   Stats   | |    Stats   |  |
    | |           | |           | |           | |            |  |
    | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+  |
    |                     |             |             |         |
    |                     V             V             V         |
    |               +-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+  |
    |               |           | |           | |            |  |
    |               | Protocol  | | Net. Host | | App Matrix |  |
    |               |   TopN    | |   TopN    | |    TopN    |  |
    |               |           | |           | |            |  |
    |               +-----------+ +-----------+ +------------+  |
    |                                                           |
    |                     Data Collection                       |
    |                                                           |

    mediaIndependentEntry            | dsmonStatsControlEntry
       mediaIndependentIndex         |    dsmonStatsControlIndex
                                     | dsmonStatsEntry
                                     |    dsmonStatsControlIndex,
                                     |    dsmonAggGroupIndex
                              Protocol Statistics

                                     | dsmonPdistTopNCtlEntry
                                     |    dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex
                  none               | dsmonPdistTopNEntry
                                     |    dsmonPdistTopNCtlIndex,
                                     |    dsmonPdistTopNIndex
                            Network Host Statistics

                         Network Host TopN Distribution

                                     | dsmonHostTopNCtlEntry
                                     |    dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex
                  none               | dsmonHostTopNEntry
                                     |    dsmonHostTopNCtlIndex,
                                     |    dsmonHostTopNIndex
                       Application Matrix Statistics

                                     | dsmonMatrixTopNCtlEntry
                  none               |    dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex
                                     | dsmonMatrixTopNEntry
       (similar to nlMatrixTopN)     |    dsmonMatrixTopNCtlIndex,
                                     |    dsmonMatrixTopNIndex

          AlgDrop                                   Queue
          +-----------------+                       +-------+
      --->| Next   ---------+--+------------------->| Next -+--> ...
          | QMeasure -------+--+                    | ...   |
          | QThreshold      |     RandomDrop        +-------+
          | Type=randomDrop |     +----------------+
          | Specific -------+---->| MinThreshBytes |
          +-----------------+     | MaxThreshBytes |
                                  | ProbMax        |
                                  | Weight         |
                                  | SamplingRate   |

            +-------+             | P S |
            | Queue +------------>+ r c |
            +-------+-+--------+  | i h |
                      |Priority|  | o e |
                      +--------+  | r d +----------->
            +-------+             | i u |
            | Queue +------------>+ t l |
            +-------+-+--------+  | y e |
                      |Priority|  |   r |
                      +--------+  +-----+

            +-------+             | W S |
            | Queue +------------>+ R c |
            +-------+-+--------+  | R h |
                      |  Rate  |  |   e |
                      +--------+  | o d +----------->
            +-------+             | r u |
            | Queue +------------>+   l |
            +-------+-+--------+  | W e |
                      |  Rate  |  | F r |
                      +--------+  | Q   |

            +-------+             | S |
            | Queue +------------>+ c |
            +-------+-+--------+  | h |
                      |        |  | e +----------->
                      +--------+  | d +-+-------+
                                  | u | |Shaping|
            +-------+             | l | | Rate  |
            | Queue +------------>+ e | +-------+
            +-------+-+--------+  | r |
                      |        |  +---+

      |                     Classifier                      |
                                | Voice
                  |           Meter        |
                       | Succeed     | Fail
                       |             |
                  +----+----+   +----+----+
                  |  Count  |   |  Always |
                  |  Action |   |  Drop   |
                  +----+----+   |  Action |
                       |        +---------+
                  |  Algorithmic |
                  |  Drop Action |
      |              Queue             |
                 |  Priority |
                 | Scheduler |

               | Diffserv      |
        Mgmt   | configuration |
      <----+-->| & management  |------------------+
      SNMP,|   | interface     |                  |
      COPS |   +---------------+                  |
      etc. |        |                             |
           |        |                             |
           |        v                             v
           |   +-------------+                 +-------------+
           |   | ingress i/f |   +---------+   | egress i/f  |
      -------->|  classify,  |-->| routing |-->|  classify,  |---->
      data |   |  meter,     |   |  core   |   |  meter      |data out
      in   |   |  action,    |   +---------+   |  action,    |
           |   |  queuing    |                 |  queuing    |
           |   +-------------+                 +-------------+
           |        ^                             ^
           |        |                             |
           |        |                             |
           |   +------------+                     |
           +-->| QOS agent  |                     |
      -------->| (optional) |---------------------+
        QOS    |(e.g., RSVP)|
        cntl   +------------+

      unclassified              classified
      traffic                   traffic
              |            |--> match Filter1 --> OutputA
      ------->| classifier |--> match Filter2 --> OutputB
              |            |--> no match      --> OutputC

      unmetered              metered
      traffic                traffic
                |         |--------> conformance A
      --------->|  meter  |--------> conformance B
                |         |--------> conformance C

              +------------------+      +-----------+
              | +-------+        |  n   |smoothing  |
              | |trigger|<----------/---|function(s)|
              | |calc.  |        |      |(optional) |
              | +-------+        |      +-----------+
              |     |            |          ^
              |     v            |          |Depth
     Input    | +-------+ no     |      ------------+   to Scheduler
     ---------->|discard|-------------->    |x|x|x|x|------->
              | |   ?   |        |      ------------+
              | +-------+        |           FIFO
              |    |yes          |
              |  | | |           |
              |  | v | count +   |
              |  +---+ bit-bucket|

                         |    A|---------------------------> to Queue1
                      +->|     |
                      |  |    B|--+  +-----+    +-----+
                      |  +-----+  |  |     |    |     |
                      |  Meter1   +->|     |--->|     |
                      |              |     |    |     |
                      |              +-----+    +-----+
                      |              Counter1   Absolute
submitted +-----+     |                         Dropper1
traffic   |    A|-----+
--------->|    B|--------------------------------------> to AlgDropper1
          |    C|-----+
          |    X|--+  |
          +-----+  |  |  +-----+                +-----+
        Classifier1|  |  |    A|--------------->|A    |
           (BA)    |  +->|     |                |     |--> to AlgDrop2
                   |     |    B|--+  +-----+ +->|B    |
                   |     +-----+  |  |     | |  +-----+
                   |     Meter2   +->|     |-+    Mux1
                   |                 |     |
                   |                 +-----+
                   |                 Marker1
                   +-----------------------------------> to AlgDropper3

      submitted +-----+
      traffic   |    A|--------> TCB1
      --------->|    B|--------> TCB2
                |    C|--------> TCB3
                |    X|------+   +-----+
                +-----+      +-->|     |
                Classifier4      +-----+

  |    Condition     |                Action               | New State |
  |  SYN || SYNACK   |           Send ACK (note 2)         |   ESTAB   |
  |  ACK && B && C   |           Send ACK (note 3)         |   ESTAB   |
  | ACK && !(B && C) |              Send RSTACK            |   ESTAB   |

              Sender                      Receiver
                |                             |
         Initial message ------>------------  v
                |                             |
               (1) ------------<--- Request alternative data
                |                             |
        Send alternative ------>------------ (2)
                |                             |
               (3) ------------<------ Confirm receipt
                                       of usable data

                  Sender                      Receiver
                    |                             |
             Initial message ------>------------  v
                    |                             |
                   (3) ------------<------ Confirm receipt
                                           of usable data

      +----------------+              .                    .
      | +------------+ |              .   +------------+   .
      | |            | |       A      .   |            |   .
      | | PINT Client|********************|PINT Server/|********
      | |            | |              .   |  Gateway   |       *
      | +------------+ |              .   +------------+   .   *
      |                |              .                    .   *
      |  Subscriber's  |              .                    .   *
      |                |              .                    .   *
      |  IP Host       |              .                    .   *
      |                |              .   +------------+   .   *
      | +------------+ |              .   | SPIRITS    |   .   *
      | | SPIRITS    | |       B      .   | Gateway    |   .   *
      | | Server     |********************|            |   .   * E
      | |            | |              .   +------------+   .   *
      | +------------+ |              .          *         .   *
      +----------------+              .          *         .   *
                                      ...........*..........   *
                                                 *             *
                                                 *             *
           Subscriber's                          *  C          *
           Telephone                             *             *
                                                 *             *
             (---)                               *             *
               *                                 *             *
              * *                                *             *
     ++++++++++++++++++++++++++  PSTN   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
               *                                 *             *
               *                                 *             *
               *                          +------------------+ *
               * Line                     | SPIRITS Client   | *
               *                          |                  | *
      +--------------------+          +---+----- D  ---------+-*+
      |                    | INAP/SS7 |                         |
      |Service Switching   ************Service Control Function |
      |    Function        |          |                         |
      |                    |          +-------------------------+
      |                    |
      |                    |

                      |---->  Registration  ----->|
              SPIRITS |<-- Event Notification <-- | SPIRITS
              Gateway |---> Call Disposition ---->| Client
                      |                   |
                                    Service Control

               +---------------+  +--------------+
               | MIDCOM agent  |  | MIDCOM agent |
               | co-resident on|  | co-resident  |
               | Proxy Server  |  | on Appl. GW  |
               +---------------+  +--------------+
                          ^           ^
                          |           |                     +--------+
                 MIDCOM   |           |                     | MIDCOM |
                 Protocol |           |                   +-|  PDP   |
                          |           |                  /  +--------+
     +-------------+      |           |                 /
     | MIDCOM agent|      |           |                /
     | co-resident |      |           |               /
     | on End-hosts|<-+   |           |              /
     +-------------+  |   |           |              |
                      v   v           v              v
                |  Middlebox Communication      |Policy     |
                |  Protocol (MIDCOM) Interface  |Interface  |
     Middlebox  |          |        |           |           |
     Functions  | Firewall |  NAT   |   VPN     | Intrusion |
                |          |        | tunneling | Detection |
     Middlebox  | Middlebox function specific policy rule(s)|
     Managed    | and other attributes                      |
     Resources  |                                           |

                          --->|   SIP   |<-----\
                         /    |  Proxy  |       \
                        |     |_________|       |
                       1|       |^    ^|       4|
                        |       ||    ||        |
                        |8     2||3  7||6       |5
        ______________  |       ||    ||        |    _____________
        |            |<-/      _v|____|v___      \->|            |
        | External   |    Na   |           |   Nc   | SIP Phone  |
        | SIP phone  |>------->| Middlebox |>------>| within     |
        |            |<-------<|___________|<------<| Pvt. domain|
        |____________|    Nb                   Nd   |____________|

      SIP Phone      SIP Proxy              Middlebox      SIP Phone
      (External)     (MIDCOM agent)         (FIREWALL      (private)
      |                 |                   Service)          |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |----INVITE------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---100Trying----|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Identify end-2-end        |              |
      |              parameters (from Caller's |              |
      |              SDP) for the pri-to-Ext   |              |
      |              RTP & RTCP sessions.      |              |
      |              (RTP1, RTCP1)             |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |+Permit RTP1, RTCP1 +>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP1, RTCP1 OKed++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |--------INVITE---------------------->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |<-----180 Ringing--------------------|
      |<--180Ringing----|                      |              |
      |                 |<-------200 OK-----------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Identify end-2-end        |              |
      |              parameters (from callee's |              |
      |              SDP) for the Ext-to-Pri   |              |
      |              RTP and RTCP sessions.    |              |
      |              (RTP2, RTCP2)             |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |+Permit RTP2, RTCP2 +>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP2, RTCP2 OKed++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---200 OK ------|                      |              |
      |-------ACK------>|                      |              |
      |                 |-----------ACK---------------------->|
      |                 |                      |              |

      |                 |                      |              |
      |-------BYE------>|                      |              |
      |                 |--------------------------BYE------->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |<----------200 OK--------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Cancel permits to   |              |
      |                 |  RTP1, RTCP1, RTP2,  |              |
      |                 |  and RTCP2 +++++++++>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP1, RTP2, RTCP1 & |              |
      |                 |  RTCP2 cancelled ++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---200 OK-------|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |

      SIP Phone      SIP Proxy              Middlebox     SIP Phone
      (External)     (MIDCOM agent)         (NAPT         (Private)
      IP Addr:Ea        |                   Service)      IP addr:Pa
      |                 |                   IP addr:Ma        |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |----INVITE------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---100Trying----|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++ Query Port-BIND    |              |
      |                 |   for (Ma, 5060) +++>|              |
      |                 |<+ Port-BIND reply    |              |
      |                 |   for (Ma, 5060) ++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++ Query NAT Session  |              |
      |                 |   Descriptor for     |              |
      |                 |   Ea-to-Pa SIP flow+>|              |
      |                 |<+ Ea-to-Pa SIP flow  |              |
      |                 |   Session Descriptor+|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Determine the Internal    |              |
      |              IP address (Pa)           |              |
      |              of the callee.            |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Identify UDP port numbers |              |
      |              on Ea (Eport1, Eport1+1)  |              |
      |              for pri-to-ext RTP & RTCP |              |
      |              sessions (RTP1, RTCP1)    |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Create NAT Session  |              |
      |                 |  descriptors for     |              |
      |                 |  RTP1, RTCP1; Set    |              |
      |                 |  parent session to   |              |
      |                 |  SIP-ctrl session ++>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP1, RTCP1 session |              |
      |                 |  descriptors created+|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |                      |..redirected..|
      |                 |--------INVITE--------|------------->|
      |                 |                      |              |

      |                 |<-----180Ringing---------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<--180Ringing----|                      |              |
      |                 |<-------200 OK-----------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Identify UDP port numbers |              |
      |              on Pa (Pport2, Pport2+1)  |              |
      |              for ext-to-pri RTP & RTCP |              |
      |              sessions (RTP2, RTCP2)    |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Create consecutive  |              |
      |                 |  port BINDs on Ma    |              |
      |                 |  for (Pa, Pport2),   |              |
      |                 |  (Pa, Pport2+1) ++++>|              |
      |                 |<+Port BINDs created++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Create NAT Session  |              |
      |                 |  descriptors for     |              |
      |                 |  RTP2, RTCP2; Set    |              |
      |                 |  parent session to   |              |
      |                 |  SIP-ctrl session ++>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP2, RTCP2 session |              |
      |                 |  descriptors created+|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Modify the SDP            |              |
      |              parameters in "200 OK"    |              |
      |              with NAPT PORT-BIND       |              |
      |              for the RTP2 port on Ma.  |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---200 OK ------|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |-------ACK------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Modify IP addresses       |              |
      |              appropriately in the SIP  |              |
      |              header (e.g., To, from,   |              |
      |              Via, contact fields)      |              |
      |                 |                      |..redirected..|
      |                 |-----------ACK--------|------------->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |-------BYE------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |----------------------|-----BYE----->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |<----------200 OK--------------------|

      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |+++Terminate the SIP  |              |
      |                 |   Session bundle +++>|              |
      |                 |<++SIP Session bundle |              |
      |                 |   terminated ++++++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---200 OK-------|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |

      SIP Phone      SIP Proxy              Middlebox     SIP Phone
      (External)     (MIDCOM agent)         (NAPT &       (Private)
      IP Addr:Ea        |                   firewall      IP addr:Pa
      |                 |                   Services)         |
      |                 |                   IP addr:Ma        |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |----INVITE------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---100Trying----|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++ Query Port-BIND    |              |
      |                 |   for (Ma, 5060) +++>|              |

      |                 |<+ Port-BIND reply    |              |
      |                 |   for (Ma, 5060) ++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++ Query NAT Session  |              |
      |                 |   Descriptor for     |              |
      |                 |   Ea-to-Pa SIP flow+>|              |
      |                 |<+ Ea-to-Pa SIP flow  |              |
      |                 |   Session Descriptor+|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Determine the Internal    |              |
      |              IP address (Pa)           |              |
      |              of the callee.            |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Identify UDP port numbers |              |
      |              on Ea (Eport1, Eport1+1)  |              |
      |              for pri-to-ext RTP & RTCP |              |
      |              sessions (RTP1, RTCP1)    |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Create NAT Session  |              |
      |                 |  descriptors for     |              |
      |                 |  RTP1, RTCP1; Set the|              |
      |                 |  parent session to   |              |
      |                 |  point to SIP flow++>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP1, RTCP1 session |              |
      |                 |  descriptors created+|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Permit RTP1 & RTCP1 |              |
      |                 |  sessions External to|              |
      |                 |  middlebox, namely   |              |
      |                 |  Ma to Ea:Eport1,    |              |
      |                 |  Ma to Ea:Eport1+1   |              |
      |                 |  sessions ++++++++++>|              |
      |                 |<+Ma to Ea:Eport1,    |              |
      |                 |  Ma to Ea:Eport1+1   |              |
      |                 |  sessions OKed ++++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |                      |..redirected..|
      |                 |--------INVITE--------|------------->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |<-----180Ringing---------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<--180Ringing----|                      |              |
      |                 |<-------200 OK-----------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Identify UDP port numbers |              |
      |              on Pa (Pport2, Pport2+1)  |              |
      |              for ext-to-pri RTP & RTCP |              |
      |              sessions (RTP2, RTCP2)    |              |

      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Create consecutive  |              |
      |                 |  port BINDs on Ma    |              |
      |                 |  for (Pa, Pport2),   |              |
      |                 |  (Pa, Pport2+1) ++++>|              |
      |                 |<+Port BINDs created  |              |
      |                 |  on Ma as (Mport2,   |              |
      |                 |  Mport2+1) ++++++++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Create NAT Session  |              |
      |                 |  descriptors for     |              |
      |                 |  RTP2, RTCP2; Set the|              |
      |                 |  parent session to   |              |
      |                 |  point to SIP flow++>|              |
      |                 |<+RTP2, RTCP2 session |              |
      |                 |  descriptors created+|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |              Modify the SDP            |              |
      |              parameters in "200 OK"    |              |
      |              with NAPT PORT-BIND       |              |
      |              for RTP2 port on Ma.      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Permit RTP2 & RTCP2 |              |
      |                 |  sessions External   |              |
      |                 |  middlebox, namely   |              |
      |                 |  Ea to Ma:Mport2,    |              |
      |                 |  Ea to Ma:Mport2+1   |              |
      |                 |  sessions ++++++++++>|              |
      |                 |<+Ea to Ma:Mport2,    |              |
      |                 |  Ea to Ma:Mport2     |              |
      |                 |  sessions OKed ++++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---200 OK ------|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |-------ACK------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |..redirected..|
      |                 |-----------ACK--------|------------->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |-------BYE------>|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |----------------------|-----BYE----->|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |<----------200 OK--------------------|
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |+++Terminate the SIP  |              |

      |                 |   Session bundle +++>|              |
      |                 |<++SIP Session bundle |              |
      |                 |   terminated ++++++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |                 |++Cancel permits to   |              |
      |                 |  sessions External   |              |
      |                 |  middlebox, namely   |              |
      |                 |  Ma to Ea:Eport1,    |              |
      |                 |  Ma to Ea:Eport1+1   |              |
      |                 |  Ea to Ma:Mport2,    |              |
      |                 |  Ea to Ma:Mport2+1   |              |
      |                 |  sessions ++++++++++>|              |
      |                 |<+Removed permits to  |              |
      |                 |  sessions listed ++++|              |
      |                 |                      |              |
      |<---200 OK-------|                      |              |
      |                 |                      |              |

                                      \ | /
                              |Service Provider Router|
                               WAN  |
                  Stub A .........|\|....
                        | NAT middlebox |
                            |   DMZ - Network
         |         |              |            |             |
        +--+      +--+           +--+         +--+      +-----------+
        |__|      |__|           |__|         |__|      | Firewall  |
       /____\    /____\         /____\       /____\     | middlebox |
      DMZ-Host1  DMZ-Host2 ...  DMZ-Name     DMZ-Web    +-----------+
                                Server       Server etc.   |
        Internal Hosts (inside the private domain)         |
          |             |                 |           |
         +--+         +--+               +--+       +--+
         |__|         |__|               |__|       |__|
        /____\       /____\             /____\     /____\
       Int-Host1    Int-Host2  .....   Int-Hostn   Int-Name Server

      |    8   |  4 |  4 |                     112                     |
      |11111111|flgs|scop|                  group ID                   |

      |   8    |  4 |  4 |   8    |    8   |       64       |    32    |
      |11111111|flgs|scop|reserved|  plen  | network prefix | group ID |

        | 1) REGISTER                                           |
        |                                                       |
        |                            +-----------------------------+
        |                            | Server runs AKA algorithms, |
        |                            | generates RAND and AUTN.    |
        |                            +-----------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |              2) 401 Unauthorized                      |
        |                 WWW-Authenticate: Digest              |
        |                                (RAND, AUTN delivered) |
        |                                                       |
    +------------------------------------+                      |
    | Client runs AKA algorithms on ISIM,|                      |
    | verifies AUTN, derives RES         |                      |
    | and session keys.                  |                      |
    +------------------------------------+                      |
        |                                                       |
        | 3) REGISTER                                           |
        |    Authorization: Digest (RES is used)                |
        |                                                       |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                            | Server checks the given RES, |
        |                            | and finds it correct.        |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |               4) 200 OK                               |
        |                  Authentication-Info: (XRES is used)  |
        |                                                       |

        | 1) REGISTER                                           |
        |                                                       |
        |                            +-----------------------------+
        |                            | Server runs AKA algorithms, |
        |                            | generates RAND and AUTN.    |
        |                            +-----------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |              2) 401 Unauthorized                      |
        |                 WWW-Authenticate: Digest              |
        |                                (RAND, AUTN delivered) |
        |                                                       |
    +------------------------------------+                      |
    | Client runs AKA algorithms on ISIM,|                      |
    | verifies the AUTN, but discovers   |                      |
    | that it contains an invalid        |                      |
    | sequence number. The client then   |                      |
    | generates an AUTS token.           |                      |
    +------------------------------------+                      |
        |                                                       |
        | 3) REGISTER                                           |
        |    Authorization: Digest (AUTS is delivered)          |
        |                                                       |
        |                                  +-----------------------+
        |                                  | Server performs       |
        |                                  | re-synchronization    |
        |                                  | using AUTS and RAND.  |
        |                                  +-----------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |              4) 401 Unauthorized                      |
        |                 WWW-Authenticate: Digest              |
        |                                (re-synchronized RAND, |
        |                                 AUTN delivered)       |
        |                                                       |

               Header field          where   proxy  UPDATE
               Accept                  R              o
               Accept                 2xx             o
               Accept                 415             c
               Accept-Encoding         R              o
               Accept-Encoding        2xx             o
               Accept-Encoding        415             c
               Accept-Language         R              o
               Accept-Language        2xx             o
               Accept-Language        415             c
               Alert-Info                             -
               Allow                   R              o
               Allow                  2xx             o
               Allow                   r              o
               Allow                  405             m
               Allow-Events           (1)             -
               Authentication-Info    2xx             o
               Authorization           R              o
               Call-ID                 c       r      m
               Call-Info                      ar      o
               Contact                 R              m
               Contact                1xx             o
               Contact                2xx             m
               Contact                3xx      d      o
               Contact                485             o
               Content-Disposition                    o
               Content-Encoding                       o
               Content-Language                       o
               Content-Length                 ar      t
               Content-Type                           *
               CSeq                    c       r      m
               Date                            a      o
               Error-Info           300-699    a      o
               Event                  (1)             -
               Expires                                -
               From                    c       r      m
               In-Reply-To                            -
               Max-Forwards            R      amr     m
               Min-Expires                            -
               MIME-Version                           o
               Organization                   ar      o

           Header field              where       proxy  UPDATE
           Priority                                       -
           Proxy-Authenticate         407         ar      m
           Proxy-Authenticate         401         ar      o
           Proxy-Authorization         R          dr      o
           Proxy-Require               R          ar      o
           RAck                        R                  -
           Record-Route                R          ar      o
           Record-Route             2xx,18x       mr      o
           Reply-To                                       -
           Require                                ar      c
           Retry-After          404,413,480,486           o
                                    500,503               o
                                    600,603               o
           Route                       R          adr     c
           RSeq                        -                  -
           Server                      r                  o
           Subject                     -                  -
           Subscription-State         (1)                 -
           Supported                   R                  o
           Supported                  2xx                 o
           Timestamp                                      o
           To                          c           r      m
           Unsupported                420                 m
           User-Agent                                     o
           Via                         R          amr     m
           Via                        rc          dr      m
           Warning                     r                  o
           WWW-Authenticate           401         ar      m
           WWW-Authenticate           407         ar      o

                Caller                        Callee
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(1) INVITE with offer 1      |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(2) 180 with answer 1        |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(3) PRACK                    |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(4) 200 PRACK                |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(5) UPDATE with offer 2      |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(6) 200 UPDATE with answer 2 |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(7) UPDATE with offer 3      |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(8) 200 UPDATE with answer 3 |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(9) 200 INVITE               |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |(10) ACK                     |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |
                   |                             |

               |                                            |
               |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |--*R*-----------(3) PRACK-------------*R*-->|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |<-*S*-------(4) 200 OK (PRACK)--------*S*---|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |  *R*                                 *R*   |
               |  *V*                                 *V*   |
               |  *A*                                 *A*   |
               |  *T*                                 *T*   |
               |  *I*                                 *I*   |
               |  *O*                                 *O*   |
               |  *N*                                 *N*   |
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |  ***                                       |
               |  ***                                       |
               |-------------(5) UPDATE SDP3--------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<--------(6) 200 OK (UPDATE) SDP4-----------|
               |                                            |
               |<-------------(7) 180 Ringing---------------|
               |                                            |
               |-----------------(8) PRACK----------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------------(9) 200 OK (PRACK)-------------|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |<-----------(10) 200 OK (INVITE)------------|
               |                                            |
               |------------------(11) ACK----------------->|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |

                  Direction  Current  Desired Strength
                    send       no        mandatory
                    recv       no        mandatory

                  Direction   Current  Desired Strength
                  local send     no           none
                  local recv     no           none
                  remote send    no         optional
                  remote recv    no           none

   Transac. status table  Local status table  New values transac./local
            no                    no                    no/no
            yes                  yes                   yes/yes
            yes                   no                   yes/yes
            no                   yes            depends on local info

               |                                            |
               |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |--*R*-----------(3) PRACK-------------*R*-->|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |<-*S*-------(4) 200 OK (PRACK)--------*S*---|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |  *R*                                 *R*   |
               |  *V*                                 *V*   |
               |  *A*                                 *A*   |
               |  *T*                                 *T*   |
               |  *I*                                 *I*   |
               |  *O*                                 *O*   |
               |  *N*                                 *N*   |
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |  ***                                       |
               |  ***                                       |
               |-------------(5) UPDATE SDP3--------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<--------(6) 200 OK (UPDATE) SDP4-----------|
               |                                            |
               |<-------------(7) 180 Ringing---------------|
               |                                            |
               |-----------------(8) PRACK----------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------------(9) 200 OK (PRACK)-------------|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |<-----------(10) 200 OK (INVITE)------------|
               |                                            |
               |------------------(11) ACK----------------->|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |

               |                                            |
               |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |--*R*-----------(3) PRACK-------------*R*-->|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |<-*S*-------(4) 200 OK (PRACK)--------*S*---|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |  *R*                                 *R*   |
               |  *V*                                 *V*   |
               |  *A*                                 *A*   |
               |  *T*                                 *T*   |
               |  *I*                                 *I*   |
               |  *O*                                 *O*   |
               |  *N*                                 *N*   |
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |  ***                                       |
               |  ***                                       |
               |-------------(5) UPDATE SDP3--------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<--------(6) 200 OK (UPDATE) SDP4-----------|
               |                                            |
               |<-----------(7) 200 OK (INVITE)-------------|
               |                                            |
               |------------------(8) ACK------------------>|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |

               | ***                                        |
               | *R*                                        |
               | *E*                                        |
               | *S*                                        |
               | *E*                                        |
               | *R*                                        |
               | *V*                                        |
               | *A*                                        |
               | *T*                                        |
               | *I*                                        |
               | *O*                                        |
               | *N*                                        |
               | ***                                        |
               |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
               |                                     ***    |
               |                                     *R*    |
               |                                     *E*    |
               |                                     *S*    |
               |                                     *E*    |
               |                                     *R*    |
               |                                     *V*    |
               |                                     *A*    |
               |                                     *T*    |
               |                                     *I*    |
               |                                     *O*    |
               |                                     *N*    |
               |                                     ***    |
               |<----------(2) 180 Ringing SDP2-------------|
               |                                            |
               |----------------(3) PRACK------------------>|
               |                                            |
               |<-----------(4) 200 OK (PRACK)--------------|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |<-----------(5) 200 OK (INVITE)-------------|
               |                                            |
               |------------------(6) ACK------------------>|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |

               |                                            |
               |----------------(1) INVITE----------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP1--------|
               |                                            |
               |---------------(3) PRACK SDP2-------------->|
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |<-*R*--------(4) 200 OK (PRACK)-------*R*---|
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |  *S*                                 *S*   |
               |  *E*                                 *E*   |
               |  *R*                                 *R*   |
               |  *V*                                 *V*   |
               |  *A*                                 *A*   |
               |  *T*                                 *T*   |
               |  *I*                                 *I*   |
               |  *O*                                 *O*   |
               |  *N*                                 *N*   |
               |  ***                                 ***   |
               |-------------(5) UPDATE SDP3----------***-->|
               |                                      ***   |
               |<--------(6) 200 OK (UPDATE) SDP4-----***---|
               |                                      ***   |
               |                                      ***   |
               |                                      ***   |
               |<-------------(7) 180 Ringing---------------|
               |                                            |
               |-----------------(8) PRACK----------------->|
               |                                            |
               |<------------(9) 200 OK (PRACK)-------------|
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |<-----------(10) 200 OK (INVITE)------------|
               |                                            |
               |------------------(11) ACK----------------->|
               |                                            |

                               |  Proxy  |
                    +--------->|         |
                    |          +---------+
                    |               ^
                  A)|            B) |
                    |              { }
                    |               |
                    |               v
                    v           +------+
                +------+   C)   | Edge |
                |  UA  |........|router|......
                +------+        +------+

   UAC         ER-o            PDP-o           OP
   |(1)INVITE   |               |               | Client Authentication
   |------------------------------------------->| and Call Authoriz.
   |            |               |               | (2)INVITE
   |            |               |               |-------------->
   |            |               |               | (3)18x
   |            |               |(4)AuthProfile |<--------------
   |            |               |<--------------|
   |            |               |(5)AuthToken   |
   |            |               |-------------->| Auth. Token put into
   |            |               |        (6)18x | P-Media-Authorization
   |<-------------------------------------------| header extension.
   |                                            |--(8)PRACK---->
   |                                            |<-(9)200 (PRACK)
   |<--(10)200 (PRACK)--------------------------|
   |            |               |               |
   |Copies the RSVP policy object               |
   |from the P-Media-Authorization              |
   |(11)RSVP-PATH               |               |
   |----------->| (12)REQ       |               |
   |            |-------------->| Using the Auth-Token and Authorized
   |            |       (13)DEC | Profile that is set by the SIP Proxy
   |            |<--------------| the PDP makes the decision
   |            |               |               |(14)RSVP-PATH
   |            |------------------------------------------------>
   |            |               |               |(15)RSVP-PATH
   |Copies the RSVP policy object               |
   |from the P-Media-Authorization              |
   |(16)RSVP-RESV               |               |
   |----------->|   (17)REQ     |               |
   |            |-------------->| Using the Auth-Token and Authorized
   |            |   (18)DEC     | Profile that is set by the SIP Proxy
   |            |<--------------| the PDP makes the decision
   |            |               |               |(19)RSVP-RESV
   |            |--------------------------------------------------->
   |            |               |               |(20)RSVP-RESV
   |            |               |               |

   UAS         ER-t           PDP-t            DP
    |           |               |               | (1)INVITE
    |           |               |               |<--------------
    |           |               |               | Proxy Authentication
    |           |               | (2)AuthProfile| and Call Authoriz.
    |           |               |<--------------|
    |           |               | (3)AuthToken  |
    |           |               |-------------->| Auth. Token put into
    |           |               |     (4)INVITE | P-Media-Authorization
    |<------------------------------------------| header extension
    |  (5)18x   |               |               |
    |------------------------------------------>| (6)18x
    |Copies the RSVP policy object              |-------------->
    |from the P-Media-Authorization             |
    |(7)RSVP-PATH               |               |
    |---------->| (8)REQ        |               |
    |           |-------------->| Using the Auth-Token and Authorized
    |           |       (9)DEC  | Profile that is set by the SIP Proxy
    |           |<--------------| the PDP makes the decision
    |           |               |               |(10)RSVP-PATH
    |           |-------------------------------------------------->
    |           |               |               |(11)RSVP-PATH
    |Copies the RSVP policy object              |
    |from the P-Media-Authorization             |
    | (12)RSVP-RESV             |               |
    |---------->|               |               |
    |           | (13)REQ       |               |
    |           |-------------->| Using the Auth-Token and Authorized
    |           |       (14)DEC | Profile that is set by the SIP Proxy
    |           |<--------------| the PDP makes the decision
    |           |               |               |(15)RSVP-RESV
    |           |--------------------------------------------------->
    |           |               |               |(16)RSVP-RESV
    |           |               |               |<-(17)PRACK---------
    |<--(18)PRACK ------------------------------|
    |---(19)200 (PRACK) ----------------------->|
    |           |               |               |--(20)200 (PRACK)-->
    |           |               |               |

 |  TE  |
  ------   Uu  -----------   Iu  -----------   Gn  -----------   Gi
 |  MT  |--+--|   UTRAN   |--+--|   SGSN    |--+--|   GGSN    |--+--
  ------       -----------       -----------       -----------

 |      |
 |  App |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(to app peer)
 |      |
 |------|                                              -------------
 |  IP  |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|      IP     |->
 | v4/6 |                                             |     v4/6    |
 |------|      -------------       -------------      |------       |
 |      |     |  \ Relay /  |     |  \ Relay /  |     |      |      |
 |      |     |   \     /   |     |   \     /   |     |      |      |
 |      |     |    \   /    |     |    \   /    |     |      |      |
 | PDCP |- - -| PDCP\ /GTP_U|- - -|GTP_U\ /GTP_U|- - -|GTP_U |      |
 |      |     |      |      |     |      |      |     |      |      |
 |------|     |------|------|     |------|------|     |------|      |
 |      |     |      |  UDP |- - -|  UDP |  UDP |- - -| UDP  |      |
 |      |     |      |------|     |------|------|     |------|      |
 |  RLC |- - -|  RLC |  IP  |- - -|  IP  |  IP  |- - -| IP   |      |
 |      |     |      | v4/6 |     | v4/6 | v4/6 |     |v4/6  |      |
 |------|     |------|------|     |------|------|     |------|------|
 |  MAC |     |  MAC | AAL5 |- - -| AAL5 |  L2  |- - -| L2   |  L2  |
 |------|     |------|------|     |------|------|     |------|------|
 |  L1  |- - -|  L1  |  ATM |- - -|  ATM |  L1  |- - -| L1   |  L1  |
  ------       -------------       -------------       -------------

    |      |
    | App. |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (to app peer)
    |      |
    |      |
    |  IP  |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (to GGSN)
    | v4/6 |
    |      |     |             |
    |------|     |-------------|
    |      |     |  \ Relay /  |
    |      |     |   \     /   |
    |      |     |    \   /    |
    |      |     |     \ / PDCP|- - - (to UTRAN)
    |      |     |      |      |
    |  PPP |- - -|  PPP |------|
    |      |     |      |  RLC |- - - (to UTRAN)
    |      |     |      |------|
    |      |     |      |  MAC |
    |------|     |------|------|
    |  L1a |- - -|  L1a |  L1b |- - - (to UTRAN)
     ------       -------------
       TE              MT
    (laptop)        (handset)

                 ---------                           --------
                |         |                         |  GGSN  |
                |         |           LINK 1        |        |
                |      -======== PDP Context A ========-   - - -> ISP X
                |         |                         |        |
                |         |                         |        |
                |         |                         |        |
                |       /======= PDP Context B =======\      |
                |      -  |           LINK 2        |  -   - - -> ISP Y
                |       \======= PDP Context C =======/      |
                |         |                         |        |
                |   MT    |                          --------
                |         |                          --------
  --------      |         |                         |  GGSN  |
 |        |     |         |           LINK 3        |        |
 |        |     |      -======== PDP Context D ========-     |
 |   TE   |     |         |                         |        |
 |(laptop)|     |         |                         |      - - -> ISP Z
 |        |     |         |           LINK 4        |        |
 |     -====PPP====-----======== PDP Context E ========-     |
 |        |     |         |                         |        |
 |        |     |         |                         |        |
  --------       ---------                           --------

    | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |  9| 12|192|
    |132|221| 3 | 0 | 9 | 18|

         +-----------------+                    +-------+
         |AlgDrop          |                    |Queue  |
     --->| Next   ---------+-+----------------->| Next -+-->
         | QMeasure -------+-+                  | ...   |
         | QThreshold      |                    +-------+
         | Type=randomDrop |   +----------------+
         | Specific -------+-->|RandomDrop      |
         +-----------------+   | MinThreshBytes |
                               | MaxThreshBytes |
                               | ProbMax        |
                               | Weight         |
                               | SamplingRate   |

      |DataPath             |
      | CapSetName ="IfCap1"|
      | Roles = "A+B"       |
      | IfDirection=Ingress |    +---------+
      | Start --------------+--->|Clfr     |
      +---------------------+    | Id=Dept |

   +-------------+      +-----------+
   |ClfrElement  |  +-->|Clfr       |
   | Id=Dept1    |  |   | Id=D1Appl |
   | ClfrId=Dept |  |   +-----------+
   | Preced=NA   |  |
   | Next -------+--+   +------------+
   | Specific ---+----->|Filter Dept1|
   +-------------+      +------------+

   +-------------+      +-----------+
   |ClfrElement  |  +-->|Clfr       |
   | Id=Dept2    |  |   | Id=D2Appl |
   | ClfrId=Dept |  |   +-----------+
   | Preced=NA   |  |
   | Next -------+--+   +------------+
   | Specific ---+----->|Filter Dept2|
   +-------------+      +------------+

   +-------------+      +-----------+
   |ClfrElement  |  +-->|Clfr       |
   | Id=Dept3    |  |   | Id=D3Appl |
   | ClfrId=Dept |  |   +-----------+
   | Preced=NA   |  |
   | Next -------+--+   +------------+
   | Specific ---+----->|Filter Dept3|
   +-------------+      +------------+

   +---------------+                     +--------------+
   |ClfrElement    |  +----------------->|Meter         |
   | Id=D1Appl1    |  |                  | Id=D1A1Rate1 |
   | ClfrId=D1Appl |  |                  | SucceedNext -+--->...
   | Preced=NA     |  |                  | FailNext ----+--->...
   | Next ---------+--+  +------------+  | Specific ----+--->...
   | Specific -----+---->|Filter Appl1|  +--------------+
   +---------------+     +------------+

   +---------------+                     +--------------+
   |ClfrElement    |  +----------------->|Meter         |
   | Id=D1Appl2    |  |                  | Id=D1A2Rate1 |
   | ClfrId=D1Appl |  |                  | SucceedNext -+--->...
   | Preced=NA     |  |                  | FailNext ----+--->...
   | Next ---------+--+  +------------+  | Specific ----+--->...
   | Specific -----+---->|Filter Appl2|  +--------------+
   +---------------+     +------------+

   +---------------+                     +--------------+
   |ClfrElement    |  +----------------->|Meter         |
   | Id=D1Appl3    |  |                  | Id=D1A3Rate1 |
   | ClfrId=D1Appl |  |                  | SucceedNext -+--->...
   | Preced=NA     |  |                  | FailNext ----+--->...
   | Next ---------+--+  +------------+  | Specific ----+--->...
   | Specific -----+---->|Filter Appl3|  +--------------+
   +---------------+     +------------+

   +--------------+    +---------+     +--------------+    +----------+
   |Meter         | +->|Action   |  +->| Meter        | +->|Action    |
   | Id=D1A1Rate1 | |  | Id=Green|  |  | Id=D1A1Rate2 | |  | Id=Yellow|
   | SucceedNext -+-+  +---------+  |  | SucceedNext -+-+  +----------+
   | FailNext ----+-----------------+  | FailNext ----+--+  +-------+
   | Specific -+  |                    | Specific -+  |  +->|Action |
   +-----------+--+                    +-----------+--+     | Id=Red|
               |                                   |        +-------+
               |  +------------+                   |  +------------+
               +->|TBParam     |                   +->|TBParam     |
                  | Type=TRTCM |                      | Type=TRTCM |
                  | Rate       |                      | Rate       |
                  | BurstSize  |                      | BurstSize  |
                  | Interval   |                      | Interval   |
                  +------------+                      +------------+

   +-----------+                     +-----------+  +--->AlgDropAF11
   |Action     |  +----------------->|Action     |  |
   | Next -----+--+  +------------+  | Next -----+--+ +-------------+
   | Specific -+---->|DscpMarkAct |  | Specific -+--->|ILabelMarker |
   +-----------+     | Dscp=AF11  |  +-----------+    | ILabel=D1A1 |
                     +------------+                   +-------------+

   +--------------------+       +------+
   |AlgDrop             |    +->|Q AF1 |
   | Id=AF11            |    |  +------+
   | Type=tailDrop      |    |
   | Next --------------+-+--+
   | QMeasure ----------+-+
   | QThreshold=2Mbytes |
   | Specific=0.0       |

   +-----------------+       +------+
   |AlgDrop          |    +->|Q AF1 |
   | Id=AF11         |    |  +------+
   | Type=randomDrop |    |
   | Next -----------+-+--+
   | QMeasure -------+-+
   | QThreshold      |   +----------------+
   | Specific -------+-->|RandomDrop      |
   +-----------------+   | MinThreshBytes |
                         | MinThreshPkts  |
                         | MaxThreshBytes |
                         | MaxThreshPkts  |
                         | ProbMax        |
                         | Weight         |
                         | SamplingRate   |

   +-------------+                                         +------+
   |AlgDrop      | +----------------+-------------------+->|Q_AF1 |
   | Id=AF11     | |                |                   |  +------+
   | Type=mQDrop | |                |                   |
   | Next -------+-+ +------------+ |    +------------+ |
   | QMeasure ---+-->|MQAlgDrop   | | +->|MQAlgDrop   | |
   | QThreshold  |   | Id=AF11A   | | |  | Id=AF11B   | |
   | Specific    |   | Type       | | |  | Type       | |
   +-------------+   | Next ------+-+ |  | Next ------+-+
                     | ExceedNext +---+  | ExceedNext |   +------+
                     | QMeasure --+-+    | QMeasure --+-->|Q_AF2 |
                     | QThreshold | |    | QThreshold |   +------+
                     | Specific + | |    | Specific + |
                     +----------+-+ |    +----------+-+
                                |   |           +---+
                         +------+   |  +------+ |
                         |          +->|Q_AF1 | |
                         |             +------+ |
                         |                      |
                         |  +----------------+  |  +----------------+
                         +->|RandomDrop      |  +->|RandomDrop      |
                            | MinThreshBytes |     | MinThreshBytes |
                            | MinThreshPkts  |     | MinThreshPkts  |
                            | MaxThreshBytes |     | MaxThreshBytes |
                            | MaxThreshPkts  |     | MaxThreshPkts  |
                            | ProbMax        |     | ProbMax        |
                            | Weight         |     | Weight         |
                            | SamplingRate   |     | SamplingRate   |
                            +----------------+     +----------------+

   Client sends in ORO            Domain Name List  IPv6 Address List
   Neither option                 SHOULD            MAY
   SIP Servers Domain Name List   SHOULD            MAY
   SIP Servers IPv6 Address List  MAY               MUST
   Both options                   SHOULD            MAY

    +---------------------+                     +---------------------+
    | +-----------------+ |                     | +-----------------+ |
   -->|   Compressor    |------------------------>|      UDVM       |<->
    | |  sending to B   | |   SigComp message   | |                 | |2
    | +-----------------+ | requesting feedback | +-----------------+ |
    |          ^     1,9  |                     |  3       |          |
    |          |          |                     |          v          |
    | +-----------------+ |                     | +-----------------+ |
    | |      State      | |                     | |      State      | |
    | |     handler     | |                     | |     handler     | |
    | +-----------------+ |                     | +-----------------+ |
    |          ^       8  |                     |  4       |          |
    |          |          |                     |          v          |
    | +-----------------+ |                     | +-----------------+ |
    | |      UDVM       | |                     | |   Compressor    | |
   <->|                 |<------------------------|  sending to A   |<--
   6| +-----------------+ |   SigComp message   | +-----------------+ |
    |                  7  | returning feedback  |  5                  |
    |     Endpoint A      |                     |     Endpoint B      |
    +---------------------+                     +---------------------+

   +----------------+                                 +----------------+
   |                |     Request compressed data     |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |     Provide compressed data     |                |
   |                |                                 |                |
   |                |    Output decompressed data     |  Decompressor  |
   |                |-------------------------------->|   dispatcher   |
   |                |                                 |                |
   |                |     Indicate end of message     |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |      UDVM      | Provide compartment identifier  |                |
   |                |                                 +----------------+
   |                |
   |                |                                 +----------------+
   |                |    Request state information    |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |    Provide state information    |     State      |
   |                |                                 |    handler     |
   |                |   Make state creation request   |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |  Forward feedback information   |                |
   +----------------+                                 +----------------+

      +--------------------+              +--------------------+
      |    Endpoint 1      |              |     Endpoint 2     |
      |  +--------------+  |              |  +--------------+  |
      |  | Compressor 1 |  |              |  |Decompressor 2|  |
      |  | [------------+--+--------------+--+--]   *       |  |
      |  +-|-------^----+  |              |  +--|---|-------+  |
      |    |       |       |              |     |   |          |
      |    |       |       |              |     |   |          |
      |    |       |       |              |     |   |          |
      |  +-|-------|----+  |              |  +--v---|-------+  |
      |  | *       [----+--+--------------+--+------]       |  |
      |  |Decompressor 1|  |              |  | Compressor 2 |  |
      |  +--------------+  |              |  +--------------+  |
      +--------------------+              +--------------------+

    Saved       Acked    |            |   Saved
   State(s)    State(s)  |            |  State(s)
  s0             s0      |            |    s0
  s1=s0+m1               | --m1(s0)-->|
                         | <--ack(s1) |  s0,s1
  s0,s1        s0,s1     |            |
                         |            |
  s0,s1        s0,s1     | --m2(s1)-->|   (m2 Lost)
  s2=s1+m1               |            |
                         |            |
  s0-s2        s0,s1     |            |
  s3=s1+m3               | --m3(s1)-->|   s0,s1
                         |            |
                         |            |
                         | <--ack(s3) |   s0,s1,s3=s1+m3
  s0-s3       s0,s1,s3   |            |

        +--------------+           (2)              +--------------+
        | Compressor 1 |--------------------------->|Decompressor 2|
        +------^-------+                            +-------^------+
               |    (1)                              (3)    |
           +---v---+                                    +---v---+
           |State  |                                    |State  |
           |handler|                                    |handler|
           +---^---+                                    +---^---+
               |    (6)                              (4)    |
        +------v-------+           (5)              +-------v------+
        |Decompressor 1|<---------------------------| Compressor 2 |
        +--------------+                            +--------------+

   Client                  Network-Proxy     Size [bytes]   Time [ms]
     |                            |
     |---------- INVITE --------->|               620      517+70=587
     |                            |
     |<-- 183 Session progress ---|               500      417+70=487
     |                            |
     |---------- PRACK ---------->|               250      208+70=278
     |                            |
     |<----- 200 OK (PRACK) ------|               300      250+70=320
     :                            :
     |<...... RSVP and SM .......>|
     :                            :
     |---------- COMET ---------->|               620      517+70=587
     |                            |
     |<----- 200 OK (COMET) ------|               450
     |                            |                +
     |<------ 180 Ringing --------|               230      567+70=637
     |                            |
     |---------- PRACK ---------->|               250      208+70=278
     |                            |
     |<----- 200 OK (PRACK) ------|               300
     |                            |                +
     |<--------- 200 OK ----------|               450      625+70=695
     |                            |
     |----------- ACK ----------->|               230      192+70=262

   Header field          where   proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
   Privacy                        amrd  o   o   o   o   o   o

   Header field                        SUB NOT PRK IFO UPD MSG
   Privacy                              o   o   o   o   o   o

      A                Controller            B
      |   INV  no SDP     |                  |
      |<------------------|                  |
      |                   |                  |
      |    200 SDP A1     |                  |
      |-----------------> |                  |
      |                   |                  |
      |   ACK  SDP held   |                  |
      |<------------------|                  |
      |                   |                  |
      |                   |   INV no SDP     |
      |                   |----------------->|
      |                   |                  |
      |                   |  486 Busy Here   |
      |                   |<-----------------|
      |                   |                  |
      |                   |       ACK        |
      |                   |----------------->|
      |     BYE (486)     |                  |
      |<------------------|                  |
      |                   |                  |
      |     200 OK        |                  |
      |-----------------> |                  |
      |                   |                  |

      A                Gateway               B
      |       IAM         |                  |
      |-----------------> |                  |
      |                   |     INVITE       |
      |                   |----------------->|
      |                   |                  |
      |                   |   100 Trying     |
      |                   |<-----------------|
      |     REL (16)      |                  |
      |-----------------> |                  |
      |                   | CANCEL (Q.850 16)|
      |                   |----------------->|
      |                   |      200 OK      |
      |                   |<-----------------|

      Header field          where   proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
      Path                    R       ar   -   -   -   -   -   o
      Path                   2xx       -   -   -   -   -   -   o

                     |               |
                     P2              |

   Header field           where        proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
   Security-Client          R           ard   -   o   -   o   o   o
   Security-Server       421,494              -   o   -   o   o   o
   Security-Verify          R           ard   -   o   -   o   o   o

   Header field           where        proxy SUB NOT PRK IFO UPD MSG
   Security-Client          R           ard   o   o   -   o   o   o
   Security-Server       421,494              o   o   -   o   o   o
   Security-Verify          R           ard   o   o   -   o   o   o

             UAC                 Proxy               UAS
              |                    |                  |
              |----(1) OPTIONS---->|                  |
              |                    |                  |
              |<-----(2) 494-------|                  |
              |                    |                  |
              |<=======TLS========>|                  |
              |                    |                  |
              |----(3) INVITE----->|                  |
              |                    |----(4) INVITE--->|
              |                    |                  |
              |                    |<---(5) 200 OK----|
              |<---(6) 200 OK------|                  |
              |                    |                  |
              |------(7) ACK------>|                  |
              |                    |-----(8) ACK----->|
              |                    |                  |
              |                    |                  |
              |                    |                  |
              |                    |                  |

            UAC                 Proxy               UAS
             |                    |                  |
             |-----(1) INVITE---->|                  |
             |                    |                  |
             |<-----(2) 421-------|                  |
             |                    |                  |
             |------(3) ACK------>|                  |
             |                    |                  |
             |<=======IKE========>|                  |
             |                    |                  |
             |-----(4) INVITE---->|                  |
             |                    |----(5) INVITE--->|
             |                    |                  |
             |                    |<---(6) 200 OK----|
             |<----(7) 200 OK-----|                  |
             |                    |                  |
             |------(8) ACK------>|                  |
             |                    |-----(9) ACK----->|
             |                    |                  |
             |                    |                  |

              /   /----------------------------------------------|--+
             /   /                                               v  |
            /   /    +----+             act+-----+   +-------+ -+--+|-+-
   SS7 link1-------->|IID |-+          +-->| ASP |-->| Assoc |      v
              /      +----+ |  +----+  |   +-----+   +-------+ -+--+--+-
             /              +->| AS |--+                        Streams
            /        +----+ |  +----+   stb+-----+
   SS7 link2-------->|IID |-+              | ASP |
                     +----+                +-----+

                                      |  ASP-ACTIVE  |
               +----------------------|              |
               |      Other   +-------|              |
               |   ASP in AS  |       +--------------+
               |   Overrides  |           ^     |
               |              |    ASP    |     | ASP
               |              |    Active |     | Inactive
               |              |           |     v
               |              |       +--------------+
               |              |       |              |
               |              +------>| ASP-INACTIVE |
               |                      +--------------+
               |                          ^     |
     ASP Down/ |                     ASP  |     | ASP Down /
     SCTP CDI/ |                     Up   |     | SCTP CDI/
     SCTP RI   |                          |     v SCTP RI
               |                      +--------------+
               |                      |              |
               +--------------------->|   ASP-DOWN   |
                                      |              |

                SGP                       ASP1
                 |<---------ASP Up----------|
                 |--------ASP Up Ack------->|
                 |                          |
                 |<-------ASP Active--------|
                 |------ASP Active Ack----->|
                 |                          |

                SGP                       ASP1
                 |<---------ASP Up----------|
                 |--------ASP Up Ack------->|
                 |                          |
                 |<--------REG REQ----------|
                 |------REG REQ RESP------->|
                 |                          |
                 |<-------ASP Active--------|
                 |------ASP Active Ack----->|
                 |                          |

          SGP                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<--------ASP Up----------|                          |
           |-------ASP Up Ack------->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<-----------------------------ASP Up----------------|
           |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<-------ASP Active-------|                          |
           |-----ASP Active Ack----->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |-----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |

         SGP                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<-----ASP Inactive-------|                          |
           |----ASP Inactive Ack---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |----NTFY(AS-PENDING)---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<------------------------------ ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |-----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |

          SGP                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
     (detects SCTP failure)
           |                         |                          |
           |<------------------------------ ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |

          SGP                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<-------------------------------ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |----NTFY(Alt ASP-Act)--->|                          |
           |                         |                          |

  <---Start Req----|<-------Establish Req-------------|<---Start Req----

  ---In Serv Ind-->|--------Establish Cfm------------>|---In Serv Ind-->

  ----Cong Ind---->|--------Cong Ind (STATUS)------->|----Cong Ind---->

   <-Rtrv BSN Req-|<--Rtrv Req (ACTION_RTRV_BSN)--|<--Rtrv BSN Req---
                               (seq_num = 0)

   -Rtrv BSN Cfm->|---Rtrv Cfm (ACTION_RTRV_BSN)->|---Rtrv BSN Cfm-->
                               (seq_num = BSN)

   <-Rtrv Msg Req-|<-Rtrv Req (ACTION_RTRV_MSGS)--|<--Rtrv Msg Req---
                               (seq_num = FSN)

   -Rtrv Msg Cfm->|--Rtrv Cfm (ACTION_RTRV_MSGS)->|---Rtrv Msg Cfm-->
                               (seq_num = 0)

   -BSN Not Rtrv->|---Rtrv Cfm (ACTION_RTRV_BSN)->|---BSN Not Rtrv-->
                               (seq_num = -1)

   -Rtrv BSN Cfm->|---Rtrv Cfm (ACTION_RTRV_BSN)->|---Rtrv BSN Cfm-->
                               (seq_num = BSN)

   <-Rtrv Msg Req-|<-Rtrv Req (ACTION_RTRV_MSGS)--|<--Rtrv Msg Req---
                               (seq_num = FSN)

   -Rtrv Msg Cfm->|--Rtrv Cfm (ACTION_RTRV_MSGS)->|---Rtrv Msg Cfm-->
                               (seq_num = -1)

        **************                              **************
        *  ********__*______________________________*__********  * Host1
   SG1  *  * SGP1 *__*________________       _______*__* ASP1 *  *
        *  ********  *                |     |       *  ********  *
        *      .     *                |     |       *            *
        *      .     *                |     |       **************
        **************                |     |
                                      |     |
        **************                |     |
        *  ********__*______________________|
   SG2  *  * SGP2 *__*________        |
        *  ********  *        |       |
        *      .     *        |       |
        *      .     *        |       |
        **************        |       |             **************
                              |       |_____________*__********  * Host2
                              |_____________________*__* ASP2 *  *
               .                                    *  ********  *
               .            SCTP Associations       *            *
               .                                    **************

                              |        |
                 +------------+  SG 1  +--------------+
     +-------+   |  SS7 links | "STP"  |  IP network  |     ----
     |  SEP  +---+            +--------+              +---/      \
     |   or  |                    |*                      | ASPs  |
     |  STP  +---+            +--------+              +---\      /
     +-------+   |            |        |              |     ----
                 +------------+  SG 2  +--------------+
                              | "STP"  |

                                        |              |
                 +----------------------|  ASP-ACTIVE  |
                 |      Other   +-------|              |
                 |   ASP in AS  |       +--------------+
                 |   Overrides  |           ^     |
                 |              |    ASP    |     | ASP
                 |              |    Active |     | Inactive
                 |              |           |     v
                 |              |       +--------------+
                 |              |       |              |
                 |              +------>| ASP-INACTIVE |
                 |                      +--------------+
                 |                          ^     |
    ASP Down/    |                     ASP  |     | ASP Down /
    SCTP CDI/    |                     Up   |     | SCTP CDI/
    SCTP RI      |                          |     v SCTP RI
                 |                      +--------------+
                 |                      |              |
                 +--------------------->|   ASP-DOWN   |
                                        |              |

               SGP                             ASP1
                |                               |
                |<-------------ASP Up-----------|
                |-----------ASP Up Ack--------->|
                |                               |
                |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|  RC: Routing Context
                |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|      (optional)
                |                               |
                |                               |

               SGP                             ASP1
                |                               |
                |<------------ASP Up------------|
                |----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                |                               |
                |<----REGISTER REQ(LRCn,RKn)----|  LRC: Local Routing
                |                               |       Context
                |----REGISTER RESP(LRCn,RCn)--->|   RK: Routing Key
                |                               |   RC: Routing Context
                |                               |
                |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|
                |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|
                |                               |
                |                               |

               SGP                             ASP1
                |                               |
                |<------------ASP Up------------|
                |----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                |                               |
                |<----REGISTER REQ(LRC1,RK1)----|  LRC: Local Routing
                |                               |       Context
                |----REGISTER RESP(LRC1,RC1)--->|   RK: Routing Key
                |                               |   RC: Routing Context
                |                               |
                |<------- ASP Active(RC1)-------|
                |-----ASP Active Ack (RC1)----->|
                |                               |
                |                               |
                |<----REGISTER REQ(LRCn,RKn)----|
                |                               |
                |----REGISTER RESP(LRCn,RCn)--->|
                |                               |
                |                               |
                |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|
                |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|
                |                               |

               SGP                             ASP1
                |                               |
                |<------------ASP Up------------|
                |----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                |                               |
                |<---REGISTER REQ({LRC1,RK1},---|
                |                   ...,        |
                |                 {LRCn,RKn}),--|
                |                               |
                |---REGISTER RESP({LRC1,RC1},-->|
                |                  ...,         |
                |                 (LRCn,RCn})   |
                |                               |
                |<------- ASP Active(RC1)-------|
                |-----ASP Active Ack (RC1)----->|
                |                               |
                :                               :
                :                               :
                |                               |
                |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|
                |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|
                |                               |

      SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
       |                        |                          |
       |<--------ASP Up---------|                          |
       |-------ASP Up Ack------>|                          |
       |                        |                          |
       |<----------------------------ASP Up----------------|
       |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------>|
       |                        |                          |
       |                        |                          |
       |<-------ASP Active------|                          |
       |------ASP Active Ack--->|                          |
       |                        |                          |

      SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
       |                        |                          |
       |<---------ASP Up--------|                          |
       |--------ASP Up Ack----->|                          |
       |                        |                          |
       |<-----------------------------ASP Up---------------|
       |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------>|
       |                        |                          |
       |                        |                          |
       |<--ASP Active (Ldshr)---|                          |
       |-----ASP-Active Ack---->|                          |
       |                        |                          |
       |---NOTIFY (AS-ACTIVE)-->|                          |
       |---------------------------NOTIFY (AS-ACTIVE------>|
       |                        |                          |
       |<---------------------------ASP Active (Ldshr)-----|
       |------------------------------ASP Active Ack------>|
       |                        |                          |

      SGP                 ASP1                ASP2                ASP3
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<------ASP Up------|                   |                   |
       |-----ASP Up Ack--->|                   |                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<-------------------------ASP Up-------|                   |
       |------------------------ASP Up Ack---->|                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<--------------------------------------------ASP Up--------|
       |--------------------------------------------ASP Up Ack---->|
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<--ASP Act (Ldshr)-|                   |                   |
       |----ASP Act Ack--->|                   |                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<-------------------ASP Act. (Ldshr)---|                   |
       |----------------------ASP Act Ack----->|                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |---------Notify (AS-ACTIVE)----------->|                   |
       |----------------------Notify (AS-ACTIVE)------------------>|

            SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
             |                        |                          |
             |<-----ASP Inactive------|                          |
             |----ASP Inactive Ack--->|                          |
             |                        |                          |
             |----NTFY(AS-PENDING)--->|                          |
             |                        |                          |
             |<----------------------------- ASP Active----------|
             |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack------->|
             |                        |                          |
             |----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)---->|                          |

            SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
             |                        |                          |
             |<----------------------------- ASP Active----------|
             |------------------------------ASP Active Ack------>|
             |----NTFY(Alt ASP-Act)-->|
             |                        |                          |

      SGP                 ASP1                ASP2                ASP3
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<----ASP Inact.----|                   |                   |
       |---ASP Inact Ack-->|                   |                   |
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |--------------------------------NTFY(Ins. ASPs)----------->|
       |                   |                   |                   |
       |<----------------------------------------ASP Act (Ldshr)---|
       |------------------------------------------ASP Act (Ack)--->|
       |                   |                   |                   |

            SGP                            ASP1
             |                              |
             |<-----ASP Inactive (RCn)------|    RC: Routing Context
             |----ASP Inactive Ack (RCn)--->|
             |                              |
             |<-----DEREGISTER REQ(RCn)-----|    See Notes
             |                              |
             |---DEREGISTER RESP(LRCn,RCn)->|
             |                              |
             :                              :
             |                              |
             |<-----------ASP Down----------|
             |---------ASP Down Ack-------->|
             |                              |

         SGP                        ASP
          |                          |
          |                          |
          |                          |

                   SGP                       ASP
                    |                         |
 --MTP-PAUSE ind.-->|---------DUNA----------->|--MTP-PAUSE ind.-->
                    |                         |

                   SGP                       ASP
                    |                         |
--MTP-RESUME ind.-->|-----------DAVA--------->|--MTP-RESUME ind.-->
                    |                         |

                     SGP                       ASP
                      |                         |
  --MTP-STATUS ind.-->|-----------SCON--------->|--MTP-STATUS ind.-->
                      |                         |

                      SGP                       ASP
                       |                         |
   --MTP-STATUS ind.-->|----------DUPU---------->|--MTP-STATUS ind.-->
                       |                         |

               IPSP-A                           IPSP-B
                 |                                |
                 |-------------ASP Up------------>|
                 |<----------ASP Up Ack-----------|
                 |                                |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RCb)------>|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |                                |
                 |<=========  DATA (RCb) ========>|
                 |                                |
                 |<-----ASP Inactive (RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |----ASP Inactive Ack (RCb)----->|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |<-----------ASP Down------------|
                 |---------ASP Down Ack---------->|
                 |                                |

               IPSP-A                           IPSP-B
                 |                                |
                 |<-------------ASP Up------------|
                 |-----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                 |                                |
                 |-------------ASP Up------------>|  (optional)
                 |<----------ASP Up Ack-----------|  (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RCb)------>|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |------- ASP Active(RCa)-------->|  RC: Routing Context
                 |<-----ASP Active Ack (RCa)------|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |<=========  DATA (RCa) =========|
                 |==========  DATA (RCb) ========>|
                 |                                |
                 |<-----ASP Inactive (RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |----ASP Inactive Ack (RCb)----->|
                 |                                |
                 |------ASP Inactive (RCa)------->|  RC: Routing Context
                 |<----ASP Inactive Ack (RCa)-----|
                 |                                |
                 |<-----------ASP Down------------|
                 |---------ASP Down Ack---------->|
                 |                                |
                 |------------ASP Down----------->|  (optional)
                 |<--------ASP Down Ack-----------|  (optional)
                 |                                |

   Host#1 **************                          ************** Host#3
          *  ********__*__________________________*__********  *   =
          *  *SGP1.1*__*_____      _______________*__* ASP1 *  *  MGC1
          *  ********  *     \    /               *  ********  *
          *  ********__*______\__/________________*__********  *
          *  *SGP2.1*__*_______\/______      _____*__* ASP2 *  *
          *  ********  *       /\      |    |     *  ********  *
          *      :     *      /  \     |    |     *      :     *
          *  ********  *     /    \    |    |     *  ********  *
          *  * SGPn *  *     |    |    |    |     *  * ASPn *  *
          *  ********  *     |    |    |    |     *  ********  *
          **************     |    |    |    |     **************
                             |    |    \    /
   Host#2 **************     |    |     \  /      ************** Host#4
          *  ********__*_____|    |______\/_______*__********  *   =
          *  *SGP1.2*__*_________________/\_______*__* ASP1 *  *  MGC2
          *  ********  *                /  \      *  ********  *
          *  ********__*_______________/    \_____*__********  *
          *  *SGP2.2*__*__________________________*__* ASP2 *  *
          *  ********  *                          *  ********  *
          *      :     *     SCTP Associations    *      :     *
          *  ********  *                          *  ********  *
          *  * SGPn *  *                          *  * ASPn *  *
          *  ********  *                          *  ********  *
          **************                          **************

                                     V    |
                       +---------------+  |
                       |  Broker       |<-+
               +------>|               |<-----------------+
               |       +---------------+                  |
               |               ^                          |
               |               |                          |
               |               V                          V
               |       +------------------+        +---------------+
               |       |  Service         |        |   Service     |
               |       |  Subscriber      |<------>|   Provider    |
               |       |                  |        |               |<-+
               |       | +--------------+ |        +---------------+  |
               |       | | Service User | |               ^      ^    |
               |       | +--------------+ |               |      +----+
               |       +------------------+               |
               |               ^                          |
               |               |                          |
               |               V                          |
               |       +---------------+                  |
               +------>|  Network      |<-----------------+
                       |  Provider     |<-+
                       +---------------+  |
                                     ^    |

   <---1--->|  Generic AAA Server |<---1--->
            |                     |            ............
            |  Rule based engine  |<----|----->:  Policy  :
            |                     |    3|      :..........:
            +---------------------+<----|--+   ............
                        ^                  +-->:  Events  :
                        |                      :..........:
            +----------------------+       ...............
            | Application specific |<--3-->: Acct Policy :
            |         Module       |       :.............:
         | Service                             |
         | +-----------+    +----------------+ |     ..............
         | | Service   |<-->|  Accounting/   |<--3-->: Accounting :
         | | Provision |    |  Metering      | |     : Data       :
         | +-----------+    +----------------+ |     :............:

                                                    |     +-----------+
                                                    |     |  Billing  |
                                                    |     +-----------+
                                                    |           ^
                                                    |           |
                                                    |     +-----------+
                                                    |     |    ASM    |
                                                    |     +-----------+
                                                    |           ^
                                                    |           |
                        +------------------+ 1. AccPolInd +-----------+
                        |                  |<-------------|           |
                        |                  |        |     |           |
                        |     AAAF         | 2.AccPolConf |   AAAH    |
                        |                  |------------->|           |
                        |                  |        |     |           |
                        |                  | 3. AccRec    |           |
                        |                  |------------->|           |
                        +------------------+        |     +-----------+
                    config  |       ^               |           ^
                            |       |               |           |
                            V       |               |           V
                        +--------------+            |     .............
                        |     ASM      |            |     : Acct.     :
                        +--------------+            |     : Policies  :
                            |       ^               |     :...........:
                            |       |               |
                            |       | Acct. Records |
                 Service    V       |               |
   +------------+ usage +-----------|----------+    |
   |            |       |  +--------+-------+  |    |
   | End System |------>|  | Accounting     |  |    |
   |            |       |  +----------------+  |    |
   +------------+       |                      |    |
                        |  Service             |    |
                        +----------------------+    |

               +------+      | Service Provider        |
               |      |   1  |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |------+->|    AAA Server     |  |
               |      |<-----+--|                   |  |
               |      |   4  |  +-------------------+  |
               | User |      |       |   ^    ^        |
               |      |      |       |2  |3   |AcctRec |
               |      |      |       V   |    |        |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |      |  |      Service      |  |
               |      |      |  |     Equipment     |  |
               |      |      |  +-------------------+  |
               +------+      |                         |

               +------+       | Service Provider        |
               |      |AccPolInd +-------------------+  |
               |      |.........>|    AAA Server     |  |
               |      |<.........|                   |  |
               |      |       |  +-------------------+  |
               | User |       |       ^   |   ^         |
               |      |       |       |2  |3  |AcctRec  |
               |      |       |       |   V   |         |
               |      |   1   |  +-------------------+  |
               |      |-------+->|      Service      |  |
               |      |<------+--|     Equipment     |  |
               |      |   4   |  +-------------------+  |
               +------+       |                         |

                 +------+      | Service Provider        |
                 |      |   1  |  +-------------------+  |
                 |      |------+->|    AAA Server     |  |
                 |      |<-----+--|                   |  |
                 |      |   2  |  +-------------------+  |
                 | User |      |              ^          |
                 |      |      |              | AcctRec  |
                 |      |      |              |          |
                 |      |   3  |  +-------------------+  |
                 |      |------+->|      Service      |  |
                 |      |<-----+--|     Equipment     |  |
                 |      |   4  |  +-------------------+  |
                 +------+      |                         |

                |                            |
     +------+   |                            |
     |      |   |                            |
     |      |   |                            |
     |      |   |   +--------------------+   |   +-------------------+
     | User |---1-->| Print Service      |---1-->| File Service      |
     |      |<--2---| AAA Server         |<--2---| AAA Server        |
     |      |   |   +--------------------+   |   +-------------------+
     |      |   |   | Print Server       |   |   | File Server       |
     |      |   |   |  and Printer       |   |   |                   |
     +------+   |   +--------------------+   |   +-------------------+

      User |         Visited ISP           |        Home  ISP
           |                               |
           |                               |  +-----------+  ..........
    <--------------------12-------------------| Charging, |<-:charging:
           |                               |  | Billing   |  :policies:
           |                               |  +-----------+  :........:
           |                               |        ^
           |                               |        |
           |                               |  +-----------+
           |                               |  |    ASM    |
           |                               |  +-----------+
           |                               |        ^
           |                               |        |11
           |                               |        |
           |          +------------+       |  +-------------+
           |          |            |       |  |             |
           |          |            |---10---->|             |
           |          |            |       |  |             |
       Acct. Records  | AAAF Server|----3---->| AAAH Server |
    <-----------------|            |<---4-----|             |
           |          |            |       |  |             |
           |          |            |       |  |             |
           |          +------------+       |  +-------------+
           |           ^  |      ^         |
           |           |  |      |         |
           |           |  5      9         |
           |           |  |      |         |
           |           |  V      |         |
           |           | +----------------+|
           |           | |     ASM        ||
           |           2 |                ||
           |           | +----------------+|
           |           |  |      ^         |
           |           |  |      |         |
           |           |  6      8         |
           |           |  |      |         |
           | +------------+------+-------+ |
        7  | |  Service   |      |       | |
    <--------| Equipment  |  +----------+| |
        1  | |            |->|Accounting|| |
    -------->|            |  +----------+| |
           | |     config |      |       | |
           | |            |  +---------+ | |
           | |            +->| Meters  | | |
           | |               +---------+ | |
           | +---------------------------+ |
           |                               |
   Figure 13: Roaming Example

              SR          +-------+
   User ----------------->|  AAA  |
                              | ASI
        +-----------------|  ASM  |--------------+--------------+
        |       Policy    +-------+  Policy      |   BW Request |
        |       Parameters           Parameters  |              |
        |                                        |              |
        |       Service Equipment                |              |
        V                                        V              V
   +---------------+    ..............    +-----------+   +-----------+
   | Accounting    |<-->: Local      :<-->| QoS       |   | Bandwidth |
   |               |    : Policies   :    | Auditing  |   | Broker    |
   +---------------+    :............:    +-----------+   +-----------+
        |                                        |
        | Meter Instructions                     | Measurement Setup
        V                                        V
   |  Measurement                                     |
   |  Infrastructure                                  |

                      |CPS| CPS-INFO|
                      |PKT|         |
                      |HDR|         |
                      |  CPS-PKT    |

               | +------------------------------------------+ |
               | |                                          | |
               | |             IPv4 applications            | |
               | |                                          | |
               | +------------------------------------------+ |
               | +------------------------------------------+ |
               | |           Socket API (IPv4, IPv6)        | |
               | +------------------------------------------+ |
               | +-[ API translator]------------------------+ |
               | | +-----------+ +---------+ +------------+ | |
               | | | Name      | | Address | | Function   | | |
               | | | Resolver  | | Mapper  | | Mapper     | | |
               | | +-----------+ +---------+ +------------+ | |
               | +------------------------------------------+ |
               | +--------------------+ +-------------------+ |
               | |                    | |                   | |
               | |    TCP(UDP)/IPv4   | |   TCP(UDP)/IPv6   | |
               | |                    | |                   | |
               | +--------------------+ +-------------------+ |

"dual stack"                                                "host6"
IPv4    Socket |     [ API Translator ]    | TCP(UDP)/IP          Name
appli-  API    |Name      Address  Function| (v6/v4)             Server
cation         |Resolver  Mapper   Mapper  |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
<<Resolve an IPv4 address for "host6".>>       |              |       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
 |--------|------->|  Query of 'A' records for host6.         |       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
 |        |        |--------|--------|---------|--------------|------>|
 |        |        |  Query of 'A' records and 'AAAA' for host6       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
 |        |        |<-------|--------|---------|--------------|-------|
 |        |        |  Reply with the 'AAAA' record.           |       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |<<The 'AAAA' record is resolved.>>        |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |+++++++>|  Request one IPv4 address       |
 |        |        |        |  corresponding to the IPv6 address.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |<<Assign one IPv4 address.>>     |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |<+++++++|  Reply with the IPv4 address.   |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |<<Create 'A' record for the IPv4 address.>>
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |<-------|--------| Reply with the 'A' record.|              |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |

"dual stack"                                               "host6"
IPv4    Socket |     [ API Translator ]    | TCP(UDP)/IP
appli-  API    |Name      Address  Function| (v6/v4)
cation         |Resolver  Mapper   Mapper  |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
<<Call IPv4 Socket API function >>   |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |========|========|========|=======>|An IPv4 Socket API function Call
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |<+++++++|  Request IPv6 addresses|
 |        |        |        |        |  corresponding to the  |
 |        |        |        |        |  IPv4 addresses.       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |+++++++>| Reply with the IPv6 addresses.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |<<Translate IPv4 into IPv6.>>
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |  An IPv6 Socket API function call.|=========|=============>|
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |<<Reply an IPv6 data    |
 |        |        |        |        |  to dual stack.>>      |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |  An IPv6 Socket API function call.|<========|==============|
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |<<Translate IPv6 into IPv4.>>
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |<+++++++|  Request IPv4 addresses|
 |        |        |        |        |  corresponding to the  |
 |        |        |        |        |  IPv6 addresses.       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |+++++++>| Reply with the IPv4 addresses.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |<=======|========|========|========|  An IPv4 Socket function call.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |

   "dual stack"                                               "host6"
   IPv4    Socket |     [ API Translator ]    | TCP(UDP)/IP
   appli-  API    |Name      Address  Function| (v6/v4)
   cation         |Resolver  Mapper   Mapper  |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
   <<Receive data from "host6".>>       |         |              |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |      An IPv6 Socket function call.|<========|==============|
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |        |        |        |<+++++++|  Request IPv4 addresses|
    |        |        |        |        |  corresponding to the IPv6
    |        |        |        |        |  addresses.            |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |        |        |        |+++++++>| Reply with the IPv4 addresses.
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |        |        |        |        |<<Translate IPv6 into IPv4.>>
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |<=======|========|========|========|  An IPv4 function call |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
   <<Reply an IPv4 data to "host6".>>   |         |              |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |========|========|========|=======>|  An IPv4 function call |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |        |        |        |        |<<Translate IPv4 into IPv6.>>
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |        |        |        |<+++++++|  Request IPv6 addresses|
    |        |        |        |        |  corresponding to the IPv4
    |        |        |        |        |  addresses.            |
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |        |        |        |+++++++>| Reply with the IPv6 addresses.
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |
    |      An IPv6 Socket function call.|=========|=============>|
    |        |        |        |        |         |              |

          administrative domain #1          administrative domain #2
       +----------------------------+    +----------------------------+
       |   +------+                 |    |                 +------+   |
       |   |      |                 |    |                 |      |   |
       |   | appl |                 |    |                 | appl |   |
       |   |      |                 |    |                 |      |   |
       |   +......+       +------+  |    |  +------+       +......+   |
       |   |      |       |      |  |    |  |      |       |      |   |
       |   |end-  |       |relay |  |    |  |relay |       |end-  |   |
       |   | point|       |      |  |    |  |      |       | point|   |
       |   +------+       +------+  |    |  +------+       +------+   |
       |   |      |       |      |  |    |  |      |       |      |   |
       |   | APEX |       | APEX |  |    |  | APEX |       | APEX |   |
       |   |      |       |      |  |    |  |      |       |      |   |
       |   +------+       +------+  |    |  +------+       +------+   |
       |        ||         ||  ||   |    |   ||  ||         ||        |
       |        =============  ================  =============        |
       +----------------------------+    +----------------------------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- attach -----> |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- attach -----> |       |
          |       |                  |       |
          |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | -- attach -----> |       |
          |       |                  |       |
          |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- attach -----> |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | <------ error -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- bind -------> |       |
          | relay |                  | relay |
          |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- bind -------> |       |
          |       |                  |       |
          |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
          | relay |                  | relay |
          |   #1  | -- bind -------> |   #2  |
          |       |                  |       |
          |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- bind -------> |       |
          | relay |                  | relay |
          |   #1  | <------ error -- |   #2  |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- terminate --> |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- terminate --> |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | <------ error -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | <-- terminate -- |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | -- ok ---------> |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- data -------> |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | -- data -------> |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |   #1  | <------ error -- |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

                      +-------+                  +-------+
                      |       | -- data -------> |       |
                      | relay |                  | appl. |
                      |       | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
                      +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | -- data -------> |       |
                                  | relay |                  | appl. |
                                  |       | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | <------- data -- |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | -- ok ---------> |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | <------- data -- |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | -- ok ---------> |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |   #1  |
       +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='cid:1@example.com'>
            <originator identity='fred@example.com' />
            <recipient identity='barney@rubble.com' />
            <option internal='statusRequest' targetHop='final'
                    mustUnderstand='true' transID='86' />
     S: <ok />
                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | -- data -------> |       |
                                  | relay |                  | relay |
                                  |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | -- data -------> |       |
                                  | relay |                  | appl. |
                                  |   #2  | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | relay |
                                  |   #1  | -- ok ---------> |   #2  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | <------- data -- |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | -- ok ---------> |   #1  |
       +-------+                  +-------+

      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
      |   APEX   |     |   APEX   |    |   APEX   |    |         |
      |  access  |     | presence |    |  report  |    |   ...   |
      | service  |     |  service |    | service  |    |         |
      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
           |                |               |               |
           |                |               |               |
   |                                                                |
   |                            APEX core                           |
   |                                                                |

      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
      |   APEX   |     |   APEX   |    |   APEX   |    |         |
      |  access  |     | presence |    |  report  |    |   ...   |
      | service  |     |  service |    | service  |    |         |
      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
           |                |               |               |
           |                |               |               |
   |                                                                |
   |                            APEX core                           |
   |                                                                |

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                    +-------+                  +-------+
                                    |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                    | relay |                  |access |
                                    |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                    +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  |access |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  |access |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  |access |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  |access |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  |access |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

        +-------+                  +-------+
        |       | -- attach -----> |       |
        | appl. |                  | relay |
        |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |       |
        +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | -- data -------> |       |
                                  | relay |                  | appl. |
                                  |       | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | <------- data -- |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | -- ok ---------> |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

          +-------+                  +-------+
          |       | <------- data -- |       |
          | appl. |                  | relay |
          |       | -- ok ---------> |       |
          +-------+                  +-------+

        +-------+                  +-------+
        |       | -- data -------> |       |
        | appl. |                  | relay |
        |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |       |
        +-------+                  +-------+

                                   +-------+                  +-------+
                                   |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                   | relay |                  | relay |
                                   |  #n-1 | -- ok ---------> |   #n  |
                                   +-------+                  +-------+

        +-------+                  +-------+
        |       | -- data -------> |       |
        | appl. |                  | relay |
        |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |       |
        +-------+                  +-------+

                                   +-------+                  +-------+
                                   |       | <----- attach -- |       |
                                   |       |                  |       |
                                   |       | -- ok ---------> |       |
                                   | relay |                  | appl. |
                                   |       | -- data -------> |   #2  |
                                   |       |                  |       |
                                   |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
                                   +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |   #1  |
       +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='cid:1@example.com'>
            <originator identity='appl=pubsub/topic=fred@example.com' />
            <recipient identity='barney@example.com' />
            <option internal='dataHopping' targetHop='all'
                    mustUnderstand='true' transID='86'>
                <dataHopping noMoreThan='2' reportErrors='true' />
     S: <ok />
                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | -- data -------> |       |
                                  | relay |                  | relay |
                                  |   #1  | <--------- ok -- |   #2  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | <------- data -- |       |
       | relay |                  | relay |
       |   #1  | -- ok ---------> |   #2  |
       +-------+                  +-------+

      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
      |   APEX   |     |   APEX   |    |   APEX   |    |         |
      |  access  |     | presence |    |  report  |    |   ...   |
      | service  |     |  service |    | service  |    |         |
      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
           |                |               |               |
           |                |               |               |
   |                                                                |
   |                            APEX core                           |
   |                                                                |

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pres. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

                   +-----+          +-------+         +------+
                   |home | =======> |foreign| ------> |mobile|
                   |agent|          | agent | <------ | node |
                   +-----+          +-------+         +------+
   1) Datagram to    /|\         /
      mobile node     |        /   4) For datagrams sent by the
      arrives on      |      /        mobile node, standard IP
      home network    |    /          routing delivers each to its
      via standard    |  |_           destination.  In this figure,
      IP routing.   +----+            the foreign agent is the
                    |host|            mobile node's default router.

    /     --------------------               --------------------     \
   |    /                      \           /                      \    |
   |   |       Cluster 1        |         |      Cluster 2         |   |
   |   |                        |         |                        |   |
   |   |                        |   *1    |                        |   |
   |   |         Ra(RR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rd(RR)         |   |
   |   |         .  .           |         |           .            |   |
   |   |       .*5    .*4       |         |           .*12         |   |
   |   |     .          .       |         |           .            |   |
   |   |   Rb(C)        Rc(C)   |         |         Re(C)          |   |
   |   |     .            .     |         |           .            |   |
   |    \    .            .    /           \          .           /    |
   |      ---.------------.---               ---------.----------      |
    \        .(10)        .(1)     AS1                .(0)            /
             .            .                           .
          ------            .     ------------      .
        /        \            . /              \   .
       |   AS10   |            |      AS6       |
        \        /              \              /
          ------                  ------------
                .                      .
                   .                   .
                      .       --------------
                         .  /                \
                           |      AS100       |-
                            \                /

   /     --------------------               --------------------     \
  |    /                      \           /                      \    |
  |   |       Sub-AS 65000     |         |      Sub-AS 65001      |   |
  |   |                        |         |                        |   |
  |   |                        |   *1    |                        |   |
  |   |         Ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rd           |   |
  |   |         .  .           |         |           .            |   |
  |   |       .*3    .*2       |         |           .*6          |   |
  |   |     .          .       |         |           .            |   |
  |   |    Rb . . . . . Rc     |         |          Re            |   |
  |   |     .    *5      .     |         |           .            |   |
  |    \    .            .    /           \          .           /    |
  |      ---.------------.---               ---------.----------      |
   \        .(10)        .(1)     AS1                .(0)            /
            .            .                           .
         ------            .     ------------      .
       /        \            . /              \  .
      |   AS10   |            |      AS6       |
       \        /              \              /
         ------                  ------------
               .                      .
                  .                   .
                     .       --------------
                        .  /                \
                          |      AS100       |-
                           \                /

   /                     -------------------                          \
  |      AS 1          /      Sub-AS 65500   \                         |
  |                   |                       |                        |
  |                   |    Rc . . . . Rd      |                        |
  |                   |    .   *2      .      |                        |
  |                    \  .              .   /                         |
  |                      .-----------------.                           |
  |                     .*40                 .*40                      |
  |      --------------.-----                --.-----------------      |
  |    /              .        \           /     .                \    |
  |   |   Sub-AS     .          |         |        .      Sub-AS   |   |
  |   |    65501    .           |         |          .     65502   |   |
  |   |          Rb             |         |         Re             |   |
  |   |          .              |         |        . .             |   |
  |   |          .*10           |         |     *2.   .*3          |   |
  |   |          .              |         |      .     .           |   |
  |   |          Ra             |         |  . Rg . . . Rf         |   |
  |    \          .            /           .             .        /    |
  |      ----------.----------           .  -------------.-------      |
   \                .(0)               .(1)              .()          /

                     .            .                     .
                      ---------  .                  ---------
                      |AS 200 |                     |AS 300 |
                      ---------                     ---------
                              .                     .
                                .                 .
                                |      AS 400     | -

      (         ) <------------------Voice----------------> (         )
      (Person A ) -----Voice---> ( Voice To Text  ) -Text-> (Person B )
      (         ) <----Voice---- (Service Provider) <-Text- (         )

(         )-Voice->(Voice To Avatar Commands) ----XMLData-->(        )
( hearing )                                                 (deaf    )
( Person A)<-Voice-( Text To Voice  ) <--------Text-------- (Person B)
(         )        (Service Provider)                       (        )

      (         ) <------------------Voice-------------->(         )
      ( hearing )                    ( PC with     )     ( hard of )
      ( Person A) -------Voice-----> ( lip-speaking)---->( hearing )
      (         )                    ( software    )     ( Person B)

(Person A) ----- Text ----> (  Text-to-SL  ) --- Video ----> (Person B)
           ---------------------- Text --------------------> (Person C)
           ----- Text ----> (Text-to-Speech) --- Voice ----> (Person D)
           ---------------------- Text --------------------> (Person E)
           ----- Text ----> (  Text-to-SL  ) --- Video ----> (Person E)
(Person B) -Video-> (SL-to-Text) -Text-> (Text-to-Speech) -> (Person A)
           ---- Video ----> (  SL-to-Text  ) ---- Text ----> (Person C)
           -Video-> (SL-to-Text) -Text-> (Text-to-Speech) -> (Person D)
           --------------------- Video --------------------> (Person E)
           ---- Video ----> (  SL-to-Text  ) ---- Text ----> (Person E)
(Person C) --------------------- Voice --------------------> (Person A)
           Voice->(Speech-to-Text)-Text->(Text-to-SL)-Video->(Person B)
           --------------------- Voice --------------------> (Person D)
           ---- Voice ----> (Speech-to-Text) ---- Text ----> (Person E)
           Voice->(Speech-to-Text)-Text->(Text-to-SL)-Video->(Person E)
(Person D) --------------------- Voice --------------------> (Person A)
           Voice->(Speech-to-Text)-Text->(Text-to-SL)-Video->(Person B)
           ---- Voice ----> (Speech-to-Text) ---- Text ----> (Person C)
           ---- Voice ----> (Speech-to-Text) ---- Text ----> (Person E)
           Voice->(Speech-to-Text)-Text->(Text-to-SL)-Video->(Person E)
(Person E) -Video-> (SL-to-Text) -Text-> (Text-to-Speech) -> (Person A)
           --------------------- Video --------------------> (person B)
           ---- Video ----> (  SL-to-Text  ) ---- Text ----> (Person C)
           -Video-> (SL-to-Text) -Text-> (Text-to-Speech) -> (Person D)

          IJ      PJS     PJS
           -> 1  2 -> 1  2 -> 1  2
                     3|       |3            IJ=Igmp Join
                      ||PPS   |             PJ=Pim Join (*,G)
                      |vPJ    |             PJS=Pim Join (S1,G)
           IJ     PJ  |    PJ |             PPS=Pim Prune (S1,G)
           ->     ->  |3   -> |
             1  2    1  2    1

                 S1                   S2
                 ||                   ||
                 v| <-   <-   <-   <- |v
          <-   <- | ->   ->   ->   -> | ->
             ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||
             |v   |v   |v   |v   |v   |v
             |    |    |    |    |    |

          tunnel ||                  S2
          <----- v|       tunnel     ||
      to R<------------------------- v|
          ->   -> | ->   ->   ->   -> | ->
             ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||
             |v   |v   |v   |v   |v   |v
             |    |    |    |    |    |

                  +--------+            +--------+
                  |   L3   |            |   L3   |
                  |  +>>+  |            |        |
                  |  |  |  |            |        |
                  +--|--|--+            +--------+
                  |  |  |  |            |        |
              ->-----+  +----->     ->------>>----->
                  |   L2   |            |   L2   |
                  +--------+            +--------+

            +--------+          +--------+         +--------+
            |   L3   |          |   L3   |         |   L3   |
            |  +>>++ |          |  +>>+  |         |        |
            |  |  || |          |  |  |  |         |        |
            +--|--||-+          +--|--|--+         +--------+
            |  |  |+---->       |  |  +----->      |      +---->
        ->-----+  |  |          |  |L2   |      ->----->>-+ |
            |   L2+----->   ->-----+>>------>      |   L2 +---->
            +--------+          +--------+         +--------+

                           | MPLS cloud  |
                           |     N       |
                           |    / \      |
                           |   /   \     |
                           |  /     \    |
                           | A       N   |
                           |/ \       \  |
                           |   \       \ |
                          /|    \        |
                         B |     C       |
                           |             |

           LSRu              LSRd      LSRu              LSRd
       -------+              +---      ---+              +-------
              |   control    |            |   control    |
       <---*<-----message-------      <-------message-------*----
           |  |              |            |              |  |
    trigger|  |              |            |              |  |trigger
           |  |    bind      |            |    bind      |  |
           +--------or--------->      <---------or----------+
              | bind-request |            | bind-request |
              |              |            |              |
              |              |            |              |
              |----data----->|            |-----data---->|

              |         |       label requested by         |
              |         |      LSRu      |      LSRd       |
              |unicast  |      Yes       |       No        |
              |multicast|      Yes       |      Yes        |

    Name                    Value  IIH   LSP   SNP  Status


        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
      |               |                       | U | A | P | R | S | F |
      | Header Length |        Reserved       | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
      |               |                       | G | K | H | T | N | N |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
      |               |               | C | E | U | A | P | R | S | F |
      | Header Length |    Reserved   | W | C | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
      |               |               | R | E | G | K | H | T | N | N |

      Host A                    Firewall or router             Host B
      Sends ECN-setup SYN     ---------------->  Receives ECN-setup SYN
                                             <- Sends ECN-setup SYN/ACK
                   <- Firewall zeros flags
      Receives non-ECN-setup SYN/ACK
      Sends ACK and data      ---------------->   Receives ACK and data
                                          <- Sends data packet with ECT
                         <- Router sets CE
      Receives data packet with ECT and CE

      Host A                    Firewall or router             Host B
      Sends ECN-setup SYN     ---------------->  Receives ECN-setup SYN
      Receives ECN-setup SYN/ACK <------------  Sends ECN-setup SYN/ACK
      Sends ACK and data      ---------------->   Receives ACK and data
                                          <- Sends data packet with ECT
                         <- Router sets CE
      Receives data packet with ECT and CE
      Sends ACK with ECE ->
                            Firewall resets ECE ->
                                                     Receives plain ACK

        Code  Len   enc   DNS name of SIP server
      | 120 |  n  |  0  |  s1 |  s2 |  s3 |  s4 | s5  |  ...

      |120|27 | 0 | 7 |'e'|'x'|'a'|'m'|'p'|'l'|'e'| 3 |'c'|'o'|'m'| 0 |
      +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 7
      |'e'|'x'|'a'|'m'|'p'|'l'|'e'| 3 |'n'|'e'|'t'| 0 | +---+---+---

       Code   Len   enc   Address 1               Address 2
      | 120 |  n  |  1  | a1  | a2  | a3  | a4  | a1  |  ...

       |           Network Layer Protocol           |
         |           |             |        |
         |         +-+--+          |        |
         |         |MPPP|          |        |    <=== PPP Multilink I/F
         |         ++--++          |        |
         |          |  |           |        |
         |       +--+  +--+        |        |
         |       |        |        |        |
         |     +-+-+    +-+-+    +-+-+    +-+-+
         |     |PPP|    |PPP|    |PPP|    |PPP|  <=== PPP I/F
         |     +-+-+    +-+-+    +-+-+    +-+-+
         |       |        |        |        |
         |  +----+--------+--------+--------+----+
         |  |           L2TP Tunnel I/F          |
         |  +------------------+-----------------+
         |                     |
       |            Ethernet          |

                        ***                    ***
                       *                         *
                      *    -------                *
                     *     |proxy|                 *
                    *      -------                  *
                |----|                            |----|
               /|MGC1|       VoIP Network         |MGC2|\
              /  ----                              ----  \
      SS7    /       *                               *    \ SS7
            /         *           -------           *      \
           /           *          |proxy|          *        \
       --------         *         -------         *     ---------
       | LEC1 |          **                     **      | LEC2  |
       --------            *********************        ---------

                      ***                    ***
                     *                         *
                    *    -------                *
                   *     |proxy|                 *
                  *      -------                  *
               |---|                             |---|
              /|MGC|       VoIP Network          |MGC|\
             /  ---                               ---  \
            /     *                               *     \
           /       *            -------           *      \
          /          *          |proxy|          *        \
      --------         *         -------         *     ---------
      | PSTN |          ***                    ***      | PSTN  |
      --------            *********************        ---------

       PSTN            MGC#1   Proxy    MGC#2          PSTN
       |-------IAM------>|       |        |              |
       |                 |-----INVITE---->|              |
       |                 |       |        |-----IAM----->|
       |                 |<--100 TRYING---|              |
       |                 |       |        |<----ACM------|
       |                 |<-----18x-------|              |
       |<------ACM-------|       |        |              |
       |                 |       |        |<----ANM------|
       |                 |<----200 OK-----|              |
       |<------ANM-------|       |        |              |
       |                 |------ACK------>|              |
       |-------REL------>|       |        |              |
       |<------RLC-------|------BYE------>|              |
       |                 |       |        |-----REL----->|
       |                 |<----200 OK-----|              |
       |                 |       |        |<----RLC------|
       |                 |       |        |              |

                        ***                    ***
                       *                         *
                      *                           *
                     *                             *
                    *                               *
                |----|                            |-----|
               /|MGC |       VoIP Network         |proxy|\
              /  ----                              -----  \
             /       *                               *     \
            /         *                             *       \
           /           *                           *         \
      --------         *                         *     -------------
      | PSTN |          **                     **      | SIP phone |
      --------            *********************        -------------

   PSTN           MGC                  Proxy              SIP phone
     |----IAM----->|                     |                     |
     |             |--------INVITE------>|                     |
     |             |                     |-------INVITE------->|
     |             |<------100 TRYING----|                     |
     |             |                     |<-------18x----------|
     |             |<---------18x--------|                     |
     |<----ACM-----|                     |                     |
     |             |                     |<-------200 OK-------|
     |             |<-------200 OK-------|                     |
     |<----ANM-----|                     |                     |
     |             |---------ACK-------->|                     |
     |             |                     |---------ACK-------->|
     |-----REL---->|                     |                     |
     |             |----------BYE------->|                     |
     |<----RLC-----|                     |---------BYE-------->|
     |             |                     |<-------200 OK-------|
     |             |<-------200 OK-------|                     |
     |             |                     |                     |

                        ***                    ***
                       *                         *
                      *                           *
                     *                             *
                    *                               *
               |-----|                            |----|
              /|proxy|       VoIP Network         |MGC |\
             /  -----                              ----  \
            /       *                               *     \
           /         *                             *       \
          /           *                           *         \
      ------------     *                         *     ---------
      |SIP phone |      **                     **      | PSTN  |
      ------------        *********************        ---------

        SIP phone         Proxy                    MGC          PSTN
     |-----INVITE----->|                       |             |
     |                 |--------INVITE-------->|             |
     |<---100 TRYING---|                       |-----IAM---->|
     |                 |<------100 TRYING------|             |
     |                 |                       |<----ACM-----|
     |                 |<---------18x----------|             |
     |<------18x-------|                       |             |
     |                 |                       |<----ANM-----|
     |                 |<--------200 OK--------|             |
     |<-----200 OK-----|                       |             |
     |-------ACK------>|                       |             |
     |                 |----------ACK--------->|             |
     |-------BYE------>|                       |             |
     |                 |----------BYE--------->|             |
     |                 |                       |-----REL---->|
     |                 |<--------200 OK--------|             |
     |<-----200 OK-----|                       |<----RLC-----|

                          Received Adjacency Three-Way State
                            Down           Initializing          Up
         Down          |  Initialize            Up                Down
   adj   Initializing  |  Initialize            Up                Up
   three               |
   -way  Up            |  Initialize            Accept            Accept
   state               |

        |      |                |                             |
        |  IP  | EtherIP Header | Encapsulated Ethernet Frame |
        |      |                |                             |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
     |               |                                               |
     |    VERSION    |                   RESERVED                    |
     |               |                                               |

   | Job Attribute     |Printer: Default Value|  Printer: Supported |
   |                   |   Attribute          |   Values Attribute  |
   | sheet-collate     | sheet-collate-default| sheet-collate-      |
   | (type2 keyword)   | (type2 keyword)      |  supported (1setOf  |
   |                   |                      |      type2 keyword) |

              Byte        1      2    3    ...   M+1
                       |level|  N1 |  N2 | ... |  NM |

   MP1 |--------------------------------------------------------------|
           |\        |\                    |\
           | \       | \                   | \
           |  \      |  \                  |  \
           |   \     |   \                 |   \
           |dTi \    |dTj \                |dTk \
           |<--->v   |<--->v               |<--->v

   MP2 |--------------------------------------------------------------|

            protocolDirID string fragment
           | resrvd |                          |
        .. | set to |  verb enumeration value  |
           | zero   |   (a)     (b)      (c)   |
        ---+--------+--------+--------+--------+ octet
           |    1   |             3            | count

                protocolDirID string
           |        parent            |  verb  |
           |    protocolDirID         | layer  |
           |        string            | value  |
           +--------+--------+--------+--------+ octet
           |   length of parent ID    |   4    | count

      | 67 | 13 | / | d | i | s | k | l | e | s | s | / | f | o | o |

      | 67 | 7 | / | d | i | s | k | l | e |

      | 67 | 6 | s | s | / | f | o | o |

   |119| 9 | 3 |'e'|'n'|'g'| 5 |'a'|'p'|'p'|'l'|

   |119| 9 |'e'| 3 |'c'|'o'|'m'| 0 | 9 |'m'|'a'|

   |119| 9 |'r'|'k'|'e'|'t'|'i'|'n'|'g'|xC0|x04|

   +-------------+       +-----+       +-------------+
   | PSTN switch +-------+ MGC +-------+ SIP UAC/UAS |
   +-------------+       +-----+       +-------------+

   +------+   +-------------+   +-----+   +------------+   +------+
   | PSTN +---+ Ingress MGC +---+ SIP +---+ Egress MGC +---+ PSTN |
   +------+   +-------------+   +-----+   +------------+   +------+

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<=========Audio===========|
         |                          |<-----------ACM-----------|3
        4|<----------18x------------|                          |
         |<=========Audio===========|                          |
         |                          |<-----------CPG-----------|5
        6|<----------18x------------|                          |
         |                          |<-----------ANM-----------|7
         |                          |<=========Audio==========>|
        8|<----------200------------|                          |
         |<=========Audio==========>|                          |
        9|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<=========Audio===========|
         |                          |<-----------CON-----------|3
         |                          |<=========Audio==========>|
        4|<----------200------------|                          |
         |<=========Audio==========>|                          |
        5|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<=========Audio===========|
         |                          |    *** T7 Expires ***    |
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
        5|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<=========Audio===========|
         |                          |<-----------CON-----------|3
         |                          |<=========Audio==========>|
        4|<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
        5|<----------200------------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
         |                          |<-----------RLC-----------|8

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<-----------REL-----------|3
         |                          |------------RLC---------->|4
        5|<----------4xx+-----------|                          |
        6|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<=========Audio===========|
         |                          |<---ACM with cause code---|3
        4|<------183 with SDP-------|                          |
         |<=========Audio===========|                          |
                     ** Interwork timer expires **
        5|<----------4xx+-----------|                          |
         |                          |------------REL---------->|6
         |                          |<-----------RLC-----------|7
        8|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
        1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
         |<----------100------------|                          |
         |                          |------------IAM---------->|2
         |                          |<=========Audio===========|
         |                          |<-----------ACM-----------|3
        4|<----------18x------------|                          |
         |<=========Audio===========|                          |
         |            ** MG Releases IP Resources **           |
        5|----------CANCEL--------->|                          |
        6|<----------200------------|                          |
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
         |                          |------------REL---------->|7
        8|<----------487------------|                          |
         |                          |<-----------RLC-----------|9
       10|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

      +----------------------->|  Idle   |<---------------------+
      |                        +----+----+                      |
      |                             |                           |
      |                             | INVITE/6.2.1              |
      |                             V                           |
      |      T7/6.2.2   +-------------------------+   REL/6.2.4 |
      +<----------------+         Trying          +------------>+
      |                 +-+--------+------+-------+             |
      |    CANCEL/6.2.3 | |        |      |                     |
      +<----------------+ | E.ACM/ | ACM/ | CON/ANM             |
      |                   | 6.2.5  |6.2.6 | 6.2.7               |
      |                   V        |      |                     |
      | T9/6.2.8  +--------------+ |      |                     |
      +<----------+ Not alerting | |      |                     |
      |           +-------+------+ |      |                     |
      |  CANCEL/6.2.3 |   |        |      |                     |
      |<--------------+   | CPG/   |      |                     |
      |                   | 6.2.9  |      |                     |
      |                   V        V      |                     |
      |    T9/6.2.8     +---------------+ |    REL/6.2.4        |
      +<----------------+    Alerting   |-|-------------------->|
      |<----------------+--+-----+------+ |                     |
      |  CANCEL/6.2.3      |  ^  |        |                     |
      |               CPG/ |  |  | ANM/   |                     |
      |              6.2.9 +--+  | 6.2.7  |                     |
      |                          V        V                     |
      |                 +-------------------------+    REL/9.2  |
      |                 |     Waiting for ACK     |------------>|
      |                 +-------------+-----------+             |
      |                               |                         |
      |                               | ACK/6.2.10              |
      |                               V                         |
      |     BYE/9.1     +-------------------------+    REL/9.2  |
      +<----------------+        Connected        +------------>+

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |-----------100----------->|                          |
        3|-----------18x----------->|                          |
         |==========Audio==========>|                          |
         |                          |=========================>|
         |                          |------------ACM---------->|4
        5|-----------18x----------->|                          |
         |                          |------------CPG---------->|6
        7|-----------200-(I)------->|                          |
         |<=========Audio==========>|                          |
         |                          |------------ANM---------->|8
         |                          |<=========Audio==========>|
        9|<----------ACK------------|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
        3|-----------200----------->|                          |
         |<=========Audio==========>|                          |
         |                          |------------CON---------->|4
         |                          |<=========Audio==========>|
        5|<----------ACK------------|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
        3|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |                          |    *** T11 Expires ***   |
         |                          |------------ACM---------->|4
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
         |                          |------------REL---------->|5
        6|<--------CANCEL-----------|                          |
         |                          |<-----------RLC-----------|7

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
        3|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |                          |    *** T11 Expires ***   |
         |                          |------------ACM---------->|4
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |    *** T1 Expires ***    |                          |
         |<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         |                          |    *** T9 Expires ***    |
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
         |                          |<-----------REL-----------|5
         |                          |------------RLC---------->|6
        7|<--------CANCEL-----------|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
        3|-----------4xx+---------->|                          |
        4|<----------ACK------------|                          |
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
         |                          |------------REL---------->|5
         |                          |<-----------RLC-----------|6

       SIP node 1                MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
        3|-----------3xx+---------->|                          |
         |                          |------------CPG---------->|4
        5|<----------ACK------------|                          |
                                    |                          |
                                    |                          |
       SIP node 2                   |                          |
        6|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
        7|-----------18x----------->|                          |
         |<=========Audio===========|                          |
         |                          |------------ACM---------->|8
        9|-----------200-(I)------->|                          |
         |<=========Audio==========>|                          |
         |                          |------------ANM---------->|10
         |                          |<=========Audio==========>|
       11|<----------ACK------------|                          |

       SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         |                          |<-----------IAM-----------|1
         |                          |==========Audio==========>|
        2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
        3|-----------18x----------->|                          |
         |==========Audio==========>|                          |
         |                          |------------ACM---------->|4
         |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
         |                          |<-----------REL-----------|5
         |                          |------------RLC---------->|6
        7|<---------CANCEL----------|                          |
         |            ** MG Releases IP Resources **           |
        8|-----------200----------->|                          |
        9|-----------487----------->|                          |
       10|<----------ACK------------|                          |

        +----------------------->|  Idle   |<---------------------+
        |                        +----+----+                      |
        |                             |                           |
        |                             | IAM/7.2.1                 |
        |                             V                           |
        |    REL/7.2.7    +-------------------------+ 400+/7.2.6  |
        +<----------------+         Trying          |------------>|
        |                 +-+--------+------+-------+             |
        |                   |        |      |                     |
        |                   | T11/   | 18x/ | 200/                |
        |                   | 7.2.8  |7.2.3 | 7.2.4               |
        |                   V        |      |                     |
        | REL/7.2.7 +--------------+ |      |      400+/7.2.6     |
        |<----------| Progressing  |-|------|-------------------->|
        |           +--+----+------+ |      |                     |
        |              |    |        |      |                     |
        |        200/  |    | 18x/   |      |                     |
        |        7.2.4 |    | 7.2.3  |      |                     |
        |              |    V        V      |                     |
        |  REL/7.2.7   |  +---------------+ |      400+/7.2.6     |
        |<-------------|--|    Alerting   |-|-------------------->|
        |              |  +--------+------+ |                     |
        |              |           |        |                     |
        |              |           | 200/   |                     |
        |              |           | 7.2.4  |                     |
        |              V           V        V                     |
        |     BYE/9.1 +-----------------------------+    REL/9.2  |
        +<------------+          Connected          +------------>+

        SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
          |                          |<-----------SUS-----------|1
         2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         3|-----------200----------->|                          |
         4|<----------ACK------------|                          |
          |                          |<-----------RES-----------|5
         6|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         7|-----------200----------->|                          |
         8|<----------ACK------------|                          |

        SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         1|---------INVITE---------->|                          |
          |                          |------------CPG---------->|2
         3|<----------200------------|                          |
         4|-----------ACK----------->|                          |

        SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
         1|-----------BYE----------->|                          |
          |            ** MG Releases IP Resources **           |
         2|<----------200------------|                          |
          |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
          |                          |------------REL---------->|3
          |                          |<-----------RLC-----------|4

        SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
          |                          |<-----------REL-----------|1
          |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
          |                          |------------RLC---------->|2
         3|<----------BYE------------|                          |
          |            ** MG Releases IP Resources **           |
         4|-----------200----------->|                          |

        SIP                       MGC/MG                       PSTN
          |                          |<-----------SUS-----------|1
         2|<--------INVITE-----------|                          |
         3|-----------200----------->|                          |
         4|<----------ACK------------|                          |
          |                          |    *** T6 Expires ***    |
          |                          |<-----------REL-----------|5
          |             ** MG Releases PSTN Trunk **            |
          |                          |------------RLC---------->|6
         7|<----------BYE------------|                          |
          |            ** MG Releases IP Resources **           |
         8|-----------200----------->|                          |

          +--------- Application Unique String
          |                 +-----+
          |                 |input|
          |         +-------+     +---------+
          |         | First Well Known Rule |
          |         +-------+      +--------+
          |                 |output|
          |                 +------+
          |                First Key
          |                    |
          |                    +----<--------------<--------------+
          |                    |                                  |
          |                   key     (a DDDS database always     |
          |                 +-----+    takes a key and returns    |
          |                 |input|    a rule)                    ^
          |       +---------+     +------------+                  |
          |       | Lookup key in DDDS Database|                  |
          |       +---------+      +-----------+                  |
          |                 |output|                              |
          |                 +------+                              |
          |                 rule set                              |
          |                    |                                  |
          |                    |      (the input to a rule        |
          |                 rule set  is the rule and the AUS.    ^
          |                 +-----+   The output is always        |
          +---------------->|input|   either a key or the result) |
            +---------------+     +------------------+            |
            | Apply Rules to Application Unique String|           |
            | until non-empty result are obtained     |           |
            | that meet the applications requirements |           |
            +---------------+      +-----------------+            |
                            |output|                              |
                            +------+                              ^
                              key                                 |
                               |                                  |
                               v                                  |
               +--------------------------------------+           |
               | Was the last matching rule terminal? | No >------+
                              Yes     (if the rule isn't terminal then
                               |      its output is the new key which
                               |      is used to find a new rule set)
              | The output of the last rule is the |
              | result desired by the application  |

   +------------------------- Document Set ----------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   | +----------+              +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   | | Document |              | Applicability   |  | Coexistence    | |
   | | Roadmap  |              | Statement       |  | & Transition   | |
   | +----------+              +-----------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Message Handling                                              | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Transport      |  | Message         |  | Security        |  | |
   | | | Mappings       |  | Processing and  |  |                 |  | |
   | | |                |  | Dispatcher      |  |                 |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | PDU Handling                                                  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | | | Protocol       |  | Applications    |  | Access          |  | |
   | | | Operations     |  |                 |  | Control         |  | |
   | | +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-----------------+  | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Information Model                                             | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | | | Structure of |   | Textual      |    | Conformance   |      | |
   | | | Management   |   | Conventions  |    | Statements    |      | |
   | | | Information  |   |              |    |               |      | |
   | | +--------------+   +--------------+    +---------------+      | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | MIB Modules written in various formats, e.g.:                 | |
   | | +----------------+ +----------------+                         | |
   | | | SMIv1 (STD 18) | | SMIv2 (STD 58) |                         | |
   | | | format         | | format         |                         | |
   | | +----------------+ +----------------+                         | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                   |

   |  SNMP entity                                                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  | Dispatcher | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem |  |  |
   |  |  |            | |            | |           | |           |  |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  Application(s)                                             |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Proxy        |        |  |
   |  |  | Generator   |  | Receiver     |  | Forwarder    |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Other        |        |  |
   |  |  | Responder   |  | Originator   |  |              |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Message Processing Subsystem                                    |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |          * |  |
   |  | SNMPv3     |  | SNMPv1     |  | SNMPv2c    |  | Other      |  |
   |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  | Message    |  |
   |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  | Processing |  |
   |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  | Model      |  |
   |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |            |  |
   |  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  +------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Security Subsystem                                              |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |  |              * |  |               * |  |                 * |  |
   |  | User-Based     |  | Other           |  | Other             |  |
   |  | Security       |  | Security        |  | Security          |  |
   |  | Model          |  | Model           |  | Model             |  |
   |  |                |  |                 |  |                   |  |
   |  +----------------+  +-----------------+  +-------------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

   |                                                                  |
   |  Access Control Subsystem                                        |
   |                                                                  |
   |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
   |  |             * |   |               * |   |                * |  |
   |  | View-Based    |   | Other           |   | Other            |  |
   |  | Access        |   | Access          |   | Access           |  |
   |  | Control       |   | Control         |   | Control          |  |
   |  | Model         |   | Model           |   | Model            |  |
   |  |               |   |                 |   |                  |  |
   |  +---------------+   +-----------------+   +------------------+  |
   |                                                                  |

                       (traditional SNMP manager)
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+  SNMP entity |
   | | NOTIFICATION |  | NOTIFICATION |  |   COMMAND    |              |
   | |  ORIGINATOR  |  |   RECEIVER   |  |  GENERATOR   |              |
   | | applications |  | applications |  | applications |              |
   | +--------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+              |
   |         ^                ^                 ^                      |
   |         |                |                 |                      |
   |         v                v                 v                      |
   |         +-------+--------+-----------------+                      |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |     +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |                 |     | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher      v     | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->+                  |  |                | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | | Transport         | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | | (e.g., RFC 3417)  | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |          ^            +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
   |          v                                                        |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |      * One or more models may be present.
      v       v              v
   |           Network            |

   |           Network            |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+
   | UDP | | IPX | . . . | other |
   +-----+ +-----+       +-------+              (traditional SNMP agent)
   |              ^                                                    |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              |        | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | Dispatcher   v        | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | +-------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   | | Transport         | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | | Mapping           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | | (e.g., RFC 3417)  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model      | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <--------->|  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher    | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | +-------------------+ |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +------------+ | |
   |              ^        |     +------------+  |  |                | |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY    | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | application |   |         |   | applications |  | application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

   | SNMP engine                v             |
   |                    +--------------+      |
   |                    |              |      |
   |  +-----------------| securityName |---+  |
   |  | Security Model  |              |   |  |
   |  |                 +--------------+   |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  |                         v          |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  | Model                        |  |  |
   |  |  | Dependent                    |  |  |
   |  |  | Security ID                  |  |  |
   |  |  |                              |  |  |
   |  |  +------------------------------+  |  |
   |  |                         ^          |  |
   |  |                         |          |  |
   |  +-------------------------|----------+  |
   |                            |             |
   |                            |             |

   |  SNMP entity (identified by snmpEngineID, for example:          |
   |  '800002b804616263'H (enterpise 696, string "abc")              |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  | SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | | Dispatcher  | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    | | |
   |  | |             | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   | | |
   |  | |             | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem | | |
   |  | |             | |            | |           | |           | | |
   |  | +-------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                 |
   |  +------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |  |  Command Responder Application                             | |
   |  |  (contextEngineID, example: '800002b804616263'H)           | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  example contextNames:                                     | |
   |  |                                                            | |
   |  |  "bridge1"          "bridge2"            "" (default)      | |
   |  |  ---------          ---------            ------------      | |
   |  |      |                  |                   |              | |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |         |                  |                   |                |
   |  +------|------------------|-------------------|--------------+ |
   |  |  MIB | instrumentation  |                   |              | |
   |  |  +---v------------+ +---v------------+ +----v-----------+  | |
   |  |  | context        | | context        | | context        |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  | | bridge MIB | | | | bridge MIB | | | | some  MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  | +------------+ | | +------------+ | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | | other MIB  | |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | | +------------+ |  | |
   |  |  |                | |                | |                |  | |

   Command           Dispatcher               Message           Security
   Generator            |                     Processing           Model
   |                    |                     Model                    |
   |      sendPdu       |                        |                     |
   |------------------->|                        |                     |
   |                    | prepareOutgoingMessage |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | generateRequestMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |------------------+     |                     |
   :                    | Send SNMP        |     |                     |
   :                    | Request Message  |     |                     |
   :                    | to Network       |     |                     |
   :                    |                  v     |                     |
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    :                  :     :                     :
   :                    |                  |     |                     |
   :                    | Receive SNMP     |     |                     |
   :                    | Response Message |     |                     |
   :                    | from Network     |     |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------+     |                     |
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |   prepareDataElements  |                     |
   :                    |----------------------->|                     |
   :                    |                        | processIncomingMsg  |
   :                    |                        |-------------------->|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |                        |<--------------------|
   :                    |                        |                     |
   :                    |<-----------------------|                     |
   | processResponsePdu |                        |                     |
   |<-------------------|                        |                     |
   |                    |                        |                     |

   Command               Dispatcher            Message          Security
   Responder                 |                 Processing          Model
   |                         |                 Model                   |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   | registerContextEngineID |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|              |     |                    |
   |                         | Receive SNMP |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | from Network |     |                    |
   :                         |<-------------+     |                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |prepareDataElements |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    | processIncomingMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   |     processPdu          |                    |                    |
   |<------------------------|                    |                    |
   |                         |                    |                    |
   :                         :                    :                    :
   :                         :                    :                    :
   |    returnResponsePdu    |                    |                    |
   |------------------------>|                    |                    |
   :                         | prepareResponseMsg |                    |
   :                         |------------------->|                    |
   :                         |                    |generateResponseMsg |
   :                         |                    |------------------->|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |                    |<-------------------|
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |<-------------------|                    |
   :                         |                    |                    |
   :                         |--------------+     |                    |
   :                         | Send SNMP    |     |                    |
   :                         | Message      |     |                    |
   :                         | to Network   |     |                    |
   :                         |              v     |                    |

   | SNMP Entity                                                       |
   |                                                                   |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | | Applications                                                  | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification |                               | |
   | | | Generator |  | Originator   | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Proxy     | | Other        || |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+ | Forwarder | |Application(s)|| |
   | | | Command   |  | Notification | +-----------+ +--------------+| |
   | | | Responder |  | Receiver     |                               | |
   | | +-----------+  +--------------+                               | |
   | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |        ^                ^               ^           ^             |
   |        |                |               |           |             |
   |        v                v               v           v             |
   |        +--------+-------+---------------+-----------+             |
   |                 ^                                                 |
   |                 |    +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |                 |    | Message Processing  |  | Security        | |
   | Dispatcher      v    | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem       | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   | | PDU Dispatcher   | |  +->| v1MP     * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other       | | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v2cMP    * |<--->| | Model       | | |
   | | Message          | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | | Dispatcher  <-------->+                  |  |                 | |
   | |                  | |  |  +------------+  |  | +-------------+ | |
   | |                  | |  +->| v3MP     * |<--->| | User-based  | | |
   | | Transport        | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security    | | |
   | | Mapping          | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Model       | | |
   | | (e.g., RFC 3417) | |  +->| otherMP  * |<--->| +-------------+ | |
   | +------------------+ |     +------------+  |  |                 | |
   |          ^           +---------------------+  +-----------------+ |
   |          |                                                        |
     |   Network        |           * One or more models may be present.

  |                                                                    |
  |      +-> securityModel -+                                          |
  |      |   (a)            |                                          |
  | who -+                  +-> groupName ----+                        |
  | (1)  |                  |   (x)           |                        |
  |      +-> securityName --+                 |                        |
  |          (b)                              |                        |
  |                                           |                        |
  | where -> contextName ---------------------+                        |
  | (2)      (e)                              |                        |
  |                                           |                        |
  |                                           |                        |
  |      +-> securityModel -------------------+                        |
  |      |   (a)                              |                        |
  | how -+                                    +-> viewName -+          |
  | (3)  |                                    |   (y)       |          |
  |      +-> securityLevel -------------------+             |          |
  |          (c)                              |             +-> yes/no |
  |                                           |             | decision |
  | why ---> viewType (read/write/notify) ----+             | (z)      |
  | (4)      (d)                                            |          |
  |                                                         |          |
  | what --> object-type ------+                            |          |
  | (5)      (m)               |                            |          |
  |                            +-> variableName (OID) ------+          |
  |                            |   (f)                                 |
  | which -> object-instance --+                                       |
  | (6)      (n)                                                       |
  |                                                                    |

      MAC-based LAN N1 +---+    |   MAPOS   |    +---+ MAC-based LAN N2
        ---------------|   |----|  network  |----|   |---------------
         |             +---+    |           |    +---+             |
      +-----+         Network   |    N0     |   Network         +-----+
      |     |         adapter   +-----------+   adapter         |     |
      +-----+            B1                       B2            +-----+
      Host H1                                                   Host H2

        LAN N1         +---+    |    MAPOS   |    +---+         LAN N2
        ---------------|   |----|   network  |----|   |---------------
         |             +---+    |            |    +---+             |
      +-----+            B1     |      N0    |      B2           +-----+
      |     |                   +------------+                   |     |
      +-----+                                                    +-----+
      Host H1                                                    Host H2

     MAPOS Net +-------- ... --------+ NA +---- MAC-based LAN
        Common Carrier Responsibility --->|<-- Customer Responsibility

                   Header Field       where  proxy  MESSAGE
                   Accept               R              -
                   Accept              2xx             -
                   Accept              415             m*
                   Accept-Encoding      R              -
                   Accept-Encoding     2xx             -
                   Accept-Encoding     415             m*
                   Accept-Language      R              -
                   Accept-Language     2xx             -
                   Accept-Language     415             m*
                   Alert-Info           R              -
                   Alert-Info          180             -
                   Allow                R              o
                   Allow               2xx             o
                   Allow                r              o
                   Allow               405             m
                   Authentication-Info 2xx             o
                   Authorization        R              o
                   Call-ID              c      r       m
                   Call-Info                  ar       o
                   Contact              R              -
                   Contact             1xx             -
                   Contact             2xx             -
                   Contact             3xx             o
                   Contact             485             o
                   Content-Disposition                 o
                   Content-Encoding                    o
                   Content-Language                    o
                   Content-Length             ar       t
                   Content-Type                        *
                   CSeq                c       r       m
                   Date                        a       o
                   Error-Info       300-699    a       o
                   Expires                             o
                   From                c       r       m
                   In-Reply-To         R               o
                   Max-Forwards        R      amr      m
                   Organization               ar       o

                   Header Field       where  proxy  MESSAGE
                   Priority             R     ar         o
                   Proxy-Authenticate  407    ar         m
                   Proxy-Authenticate  401    ar         o
                   Proxy-Authorization  R     dr         o
                   Proxy-Require        R     ar         o
                   Record-Route               ar         -
                   Reply-To                              o
                   Require                    ar         c
                   Retry-After   404,413,480,486         o
                                     500,503             o
                                     600,603             o
                   Route                R     adr        o
                   Server               r                o
                   Subject              R                o
                   Timestamp                             o
                   To                 c(1)     r         m
                   Unsupported         420               o
                   User-Agent                            o
                   Via                  R     amr        m
                   Via                 rc     dr         m
                   Warning              r                o
                   WWW-Authenticate    401    ar         m
                   WWW-Authenticate    407    ar         o

           |  F1 MESSAGE          |                         |
           |--------------------> |  F2 MESSAGE             |
           |                      | ----------------------->|
           |                      |                         |
           |                      |  F3 200 OK              |
           |                      | <-----------------------|
           |  F4 200 OK           |                         |
           |<-------------------- |                         |
           |                      |                         |
           |                      |                         |
           |                      |                         |
        User 1                  Proxy                    User 2

        ----------------< IP >--------------------
        |          |                  |          |
      -------   -------           --------    --------
      | Src |   | MP  |           | MP   |    | Dst  |
      -------   |(Src)|           |(Dst) |    --------
                -------           --------

    |                                             |
    |     (RMON-1)              (HC-ALARM)        |
    |   +-----------+          +-----------+      |
    |   |           |          |           |      |
    |   |   alarm   |          |  hcAlarm  |      |
    |   |   Table   |          |  Table    |      |
    |   |           |          |           |      |
    |   +-----------+          +-----------+      |
    |         |                      |            |
    |         V      (RMON-1)        V            |
    |   +----------------------------------+      |
    |   |                                  |      |
    |   |            eventTable            |      |
    |   |                                  |      |
    |   +----------------------------------+      |
    |         |                      |            |
    |         |                      |            |
    |         V                      V            |
    |   +---------------+    +----------------+   |
    |   | risingAlarm   |    | hcRisingAlarm  |   |
    |   | fallingAlarm  |    | hcFallingAlarm |   |
    |   | Notifications |    | Notifications  |   |
    |   +---------------+    +----------------+   |
    |       (RMON-1)             (HC-ALARM)       |

   | Functional|  Phone     |  Terminating    |  H.323 conformant     |
   | Plane     |  switch    |  Entity         |  systems              |
   | Signaling |  Signaling |  Call agent     |  Signaling exchanges  |
   | Plane     |  exchanges |                 |  with the Call Agent  |
   |           |  through   |                 |  through H.225/RAS and|
   |           |  SS7/ISUP  |                 |  H.225/Q.931.         |
   |           |            |                 |  Possible negotiation |
   |           |            |                 |  of logical channels  |
   |           |            |                 |  and transmission     |
   |           |            |                 |  parameters through   |
   |           |            |                 |  H.245 with the call  |
   |           |            |                 |  agent.               |
   |           |            |  Internal       |                       |
   |           |            |  synchronization|                       |
   |           |            |  through MGCP   |                       |
   | Bearer    |  Connection|  Telephony      |  Transmission of VoIP |
   | Data      |  through   |  gateways       |  data using RTP       |
   | Transport |  high speed|                 |  directly between the |
   | Plane     |  trunk     |                 |  H.323 station and the|
   |           |  groups    |                 |  gateway.             |

   | Functional|  Phone     |  Terminating  |  IETF conforming systems|
   | Plane     |  switch    |  Entity       |                         |
   | Signaling |  Signaling |  Call agent   |  Signaling exchanges    |
   | Plane     |  exchanges |               |  with the Call Agent    |
   |           |  through   |               |  through SAP, SIP or    |
   |           |  SS7/ISUP  |               |  RTSP.                  |
   |           |            |               |  Negotiation of session |
   |           |            |               |  description parameters |
   |           |            |               |  through SDP (telephony |
   |           |            |               |  gateway terminated but |
   |           |            |               |  passed via the call    |
   |           |            |               |  agent to and from the  |
   |           |            |               |  IETF conforming system)|
   |           |            | Internal syn- |                         |
   |           |            | chronization  |                         |
   |           |            | through MGCP  |                         |
   | Bearer    |  Connection|  Telephony    |  Transmission of VoIP   |
   | Data      |  through   |  gateways     |  data using RTP,        |
   | Transport |  high speed|               |  directly between the   |
   | Plane     |  trunk     |               |  remote IP end system   |
   |           |  groups    |               |  and the gateway.       |

              (channel) ===|DS0 endpoint| -------- Connections

              (line) ===|analog endpoint| -------- Connections

                  | Announcement endpoint| -------- Connection

                      | IVR endpoint| -------- Connection

               |Conference bridge endpoint| -------- Connections

                   +---------------------+ |
                   |Packet relay endpoint|  2 connections
                   +---------------------+ |

          (channel) = |ATM trunk endpoint| -------- Connections

                  +---+                            +---+
    (channel1) ===|EP1|--(C1)--...        ...(C2)--|EP2|===(channel2)
                  +---+                            +---+

           Create connection
         |resource allocation|-(failed)-+
         +-------------------+          |
                  |           (connection refused)
     |            |
     |   +-------------------+
     |   |  remote session   |
     |   |   description     |----------(yes)--------+
     |   |    available ?    |                       |
     |   +-------------------+                       |
     |            |                                  |
     |          (no)                                 |
     |            |                                  |
     |      +-----------+                         +------+
     | +--->| half open |------> Delete   <-------| open |<----------+
     | |    |  (wait)   |      Connection         |(wait)|           |
     | |    +-----------+       received          +------+           |
     | |          |                 |                |               |
     | |   Modify Connection        |         Modify Connection      |
     | |      received              |            received            |
     | |          |                 |                |               |
     | | +--------------------+     |       +--------------------+   |
     | | |assess modification |     |       |assess modification |   |
     | | +--------------------+     |       +--------------------+   |
     | |    |             |         |          |             |       |
     | |(failed)     (successful)   |      (failed)     (successful) |
     | |    |             |         |          |             |       |
     | +<---+             |         |          +-------------+-------+
     |                    |         |
     +<-------------------+         |
                           | Free connection |
                           | resources.      |
                           | Report.         |

       |  0                     |  Local operator             |
       |  00                    |  Long distance operator     |
       |  xxxx                  |  Local extension number     |
       |  8xxxxxxx              |  Local number               |
       |  #xxxxxxx              |  Shortcut to local number at|
       |                        |  other corporate sites      |
       |  *xx                   |  Star services              |
       |  91xxxxxxxxxx          |  Long distance number       |
       |  9011 + up to 15 digits|  International number       |

      |       | Notif | Swap | Accum | AccDi | KeSiA | EmbNo | Ignor |
      | Notif |   N   |   Y  |   N   |   N   |   Y   |   Y*  |   N   |
      | Swap  |   -   |   N  |   Y   |   N   |   N   |   N   |   Y   |
      | Accum |   -   |   -  |   N   |   N   |   Y   |   Y   |   N   |
      | AccDi |   -   |   -  |   -   |   N   |   Y   |   N   |   N   |
      | KeSiA |   -   |   -  |   -   |   -   |   N   |   Y   |   Y   |
      | EmbNo |   -   |   -  |   -   |   -   |   -   |   N   |   N   |
      | Ignor |   -   |   -  |   -   |   -   |   -   |   -   |   N   |

                 |       Verb           | Code |
                 | EndpointConfiguration| EPCF |
                 | CreateConnection     | CRCX |
                 | ModifyConnection     | MDCX |
                 | DeleteConnection     | DLCX |
                 | NotificationRequest  | RQNT |
                 | Notify               | NTFY |
                 | AuditEndpoint        | AUEP |
                 | AuditConnection      | AUCX |
                 | RestartInProgress    | RSIP |

   | hrd4/56@gw23.example.net     |  Circuit number 56 in             |
   |                              |  interface "hrd4" of the Gateway  |
   |                              |  23 of the "Example" network      |
   | Call-agent@ca.example.net    |  Call Agent for the               |
   |                              |  "example" network                |
   | Busy-signal@ann12.example.net|  The "busy signal" virtual        |
   |                              |  endpoint in the announcement     |
   |                              |  server number 12.                |

   |Parameter name        | Code |  Parameter value                   |
   |BearerInformation     |   B  |  See description (        |
   |CallId                |   C  |  See description (        |
   |Capabilities          |   A  |  See description (        |
   |ConnectionId          |   I  |  See description (        |
   |ConnectionMode        |   M  |  See description (        |
   |ConnectionParameters  |   P  |  See description (        |
   |DetectEvents          |   T  |  See description (        |
   |DigitMap              |   D  |  A text encoding of a digit map.   |
   |EventStates           |   ES |  See description (        |
   |LocalConnectionOptions|   L  |  See description (       |
   |MaxMGCPDatagram       |   MD |  See description (       |
   |NotifiedEntity        |   N  |  An identifier, in RFC 821 format, |
   |                      |      |  composed of an arbitrary string   |
   |                      |      |  and of the domain name of the     |
   |                      |      |  requesting entity, possibly com-  |
   |                      |      |  pleted by a port number, as in:   |
   |                      |      |    Call-agent@ca.example.net:5234  |
   |                      |      |  See also Section         |
   |ObservedEvents        |   O  |  See description (       |
   |PackageList           |   PL |  See description (       |
   |QuarantineHandling    |   Q  |  See description (       |
   |ReasonCode            |   E  |  A string with a 3 digit integer   |
   |                      |      |  optionally followed by a set of   |
   |                      |      |  arbitrary characters (  |
   |RequestedEvents       |   R  |  See description (       |
   |RequestedInfo         |   F  |  See description (       |
   |RequestIdentifier     |   X  |  See description (       |
   |ResponseAck           |   K  |  See description (       |
   |RestartDelay          |   RD |  A number of seconds, encoded as   |
   |                      |      |  a decimal number.                 |
   |RestartMethod         |   RM |  See description (       |
   |SecondConnectionId    |   I2 |  Connection Id.                    |
   |SecondEndpointId      |   Z2 |  Endpoint Id.                      |
   |SignalRequests        |   S  |  See description (       |
   |SpecificEndPointId    |   Z  |  An identifier, in RFC 821 format, |
   |                      |      |  composed of an arbitrary string,  |
   |                      |      |  followed by an "@" followed by    |
   |                      |      |  the domain name of the gateway to |
   |                      |      |  which this endpoint is attached.  |
   |                      |      |  See also Section         |

   |RemoteConnection-     |   RC |  Session Description.              |
   |         Descriptor   |      |                                    |
   |LocalConnection-      |   LC |  Session Description.              |
   |         Descriptor   |      |                                    |

   | Parameter name      | EP | CR | MD | DL | RQ | NT | AU | AU | RS |
   |                     | CF | CX | CX | CX | NT | FY | EP | CX | IP |
   | BearerInformation   |  O*|  O |  O |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | CallId              |  F |  M |  M |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | Capabilities        |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | ConnectionId        |  F |  F |  M |  O |  F |  F |  F |  M |  F |
   | ConnectionMode      |  F |  M |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | Connection-         |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   |   Parameters        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   | DetectEvents        |  F |  O |  O |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | DigitMap            |  F |  O |  O |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | EventStates         |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | LocalConnection-    |  F |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   |            Options  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   | MaxMGCPDatagram     |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | NotifiedEntity      |  F |  O |  O |  O |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |
   | ObservedEvents      |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  M |  F |  F |  F |
   | PackageList         |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | QuarantineHandling  |  F |  O |  O |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | ReasonCode          |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |
   | RequestedEvents     |  F |  O |  O |  O |  O*|  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | RequestIdentifier   |  F |  O*|  O*|  O*|  M |  M |  F |  F |  F |
   | RequestedInfo       |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  M |  F |
   | ResponseAck         |  O |  O |  O |  O |  O |  O |  O |  O |  O |
   | RestartDelay        |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |
   | RestartMethod       |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  M |
   | SecondConnectionId  |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | SecondEndpointId    |  F |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | SignalRequests      |  F |  O |  O |  O |  O*|  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | SpecificEndpointId  |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | RemoteConnection-   |  F |  O |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   |          Descriptor |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   | LocalConnection-    |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   |          Descriptor |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

     | L/hu        |   on-hook transition, in the line package   |
     | F/0         |   digit 0 in the MF package                 |
     | hf          |   Hook-flash, assuming that the line package|
     |             |   is the default package for the endpoint.  |
     | G/rt@0A3F58 |   Ring back signal on connection "0A3F58"   |

     | M/[0-9]   |   Digits 0 to 9 in the MF package.          |
     | hf        |   Hook-flash, assuming that the line package|
     |           |   is a default package for the endpoint.    |
     | [0-9*#A-D]|   All digits and letters in the DTMF        |
     |           |   packages (default for endpoint).          |
     | T/all     |   All events in the trunk package.          |
     | R/qa@*    |   The quality alert event on all            |
     |           |   connections.                              |
     | G/rt@$    |   Ringback on current connection.           |

     |    Mode     |               Meaning                    |
     | M: sendonly |  The gateway should only send packets    |
     | M: recvonly |  The gateway should only receive packets |
     | M: sendrecv |  The gateway should send                 |
     |             |  and receive packets                     |
     | M: confrnce |  The gateway should place                |
     |             |  the connection in conference mode       |
     | M: inactive |  The gateway should neither              |
     |             |  send nor receive packets                |
     | M: loopback |  The gateway should place                |
     |             |  the circuit in loopback mode.           |
     | M: conttest |  The gateway should place                |
     |             |  the circuit in test mode.               |
     | M: netwloop |  The gateway should place                |
     |             |  the connection in network loopback mode.|
     | M: netwtest |  The gateway should place the connection |
     |             |  in network continuity test mode.        |

   | Connection parameter| Code |  Connection parameter              |
   | name                |      |  value                             |
   | Packets sent        |  PS  |  The number of packets that        |
   |                     |      |  were sent on the connection.      |
   | Octets sent         |  OS  |  The number of octets that         |
   |                     |      |  were sent on the connection.      |
   | Packets received    |  PR  |  The number of packets that        |
   |                     |      |  were received on the connection.  |
   | Octets received     |  OR  |  The number of octets that         |
   |                     |      |  were received on the connection.  |
   | Packets lost        |  PL  |  The number of packets that        |
   |                     |      |  were lost on the connection       |
   |                     |      |  as deduced from gaps in the       |
   |                     |      |  RTP sequence number.              |
   | Jitter              |  JI  |  The average inter-packet arrival  |
   |                     |      |  jitter, in milliseconds,          |
   |                     |      |  expressed as an integer number.   |
   | Latency             |  LA  |  Average latency, in milliseconds, |
   |                     |      |  expressed as an integer number.   |

               |          Action              | Code |
               | Notify immediately           |  N   |
               | Accumulate                   |  A   |
               | Treat according to digit map |  D   |
               | Swap                         |  S   |
               | Ignore                       |  I   |
               | Keep Signal(s) active        |  K   |
               | Embedded Notification Request|  E   |

   | Parameter name      | EP | CR | MD | DL | RQ | NT | AU | AU | RS |
   |                     | CF | CX | CX | CX | NT | FY | EP | CX | IP |
   | BearerInformation   |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | CallId              |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |
   | Capabilities        |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |  F |
   | ConnectionId        |  F |  O*|  F |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |  F |
   | ConnectionMode      |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |
   | Connection-         |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |
   |   Parameters        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   | DetectEvents        |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | DigitMap            |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | EventStates         |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | LocalConnection-    |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |
   |            Options  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   | MaxMGCPDatagram     |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | NotifiedEntity      |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  O |  O |
   | ObservedEvents      |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | QuarantineHandling  |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | PackageList         |  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O |  O*|  O*|
   | ReasonCode          |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | RequestIdentifier   |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | ResponseAck         |  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|  O*|
   | RestartDelay        |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | RestartMethod       |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | RequestedEvents     |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | RequestedInfo       |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | SecondConnectionId  |  F |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | SecondEndpointId    |  F |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |
   | SignalRequests      |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O |  F |  F |
   | SpecificEndpointId  |  F |  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |  F |
   | LocalConnection-    |  F |  O*|  O |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |
   |         Descriptor  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
   | RemoteConnection-   |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  F |  O*|  F |
   |         Descriptor  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

      Command issued: N=0, T=0
              |  +------------ retransmission: N++ <--------------+
              |  |                                                |
              |  |     if T <= T-Max then                         |
              |  |      transmission                              |
              |  |  +-- to new address, <-+<----------------------|--+
              |  |  |       N=0           |                       |  |
              V  V  V                     |                       |  |
          +-----------+                   |                       |  |
      +-->| awaiting  |- new Call Agent ->+   +------------+      |  |
      |   |  response |--- timer elapsed  --->| T > T-Max ?|      |  |
      |   +-----------+                       +------------+      ^  ^
      |          |                             |    |             |  |
      |          v             +-----(yes)-----+   (no)           |  |
      |      (response         |                    |             |  |
      |       received)        |              +------------+      |  |
      |          |             |              | N >= Max1 ?|-(no)>+  |
      |          v             |              +------------+      ^  ^
      |      +--------+        |                    |             |  |
      +<(no)-| final ?|        |                  (yes)           |  |
      ^      +--------+        |                    |             |  |
      |          |             |     (if first address & N=Max1,  |  |
      |          v             |      or last address & N=Max2    |  |
      |        (yes)           |               check DNS)         |  |
      |          |             |                    |             |  |
      |          v             V           +---------------+      |  |
      |        (end)           |           |more addresses?|(yes)-|->+
      |                        |           +---------------+      |
      |                        |                    |             ^
      |                        |                  (no)            |
      |                        |                    |             |
      |                        |              +------------+      |
      |                        |              | N >= Max2 ?|(no)--+
      |                        |              +------------+
      |                        |                    |
      |                        |                  (yes)
      |                        |                    |
      |                        |            +----------------+
      |                        +----------->| T >= 2*T-HIST ?|
      |                                     +----------------+
      |                                       |       |
      |                                     (no)    (yes)
      +---------------<-----------------------+       |

   | Restart-  | Restart- |    2xx    | Service- |   Response to      |
   |    Method |    Delay | received ?|    State |   new command      |
   | graceful  |   zero   |   Yes/No  |   In     | non-audit: 2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |        (graceful)  |
   | graceful  | non-zero |   Yes/No  |   In*    | non-audit: 2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |        (graceful)  |
   | forced    |   N/A    |   Yes/No  |   Out    | non-audit: 501     |
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (forced)   |
   | restart   |   zero   |    No     |   In     | non-audit: 2xx,405*|
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (restart)  |
   | restart   |   zero   |    Yes    |   In     | non-audit: 2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (restart)  |
   | restart   | non-zero |    No     |   Out*   | non-audit: 501*    |
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (restart)  |
   | restart   | non-zero |    Yes    |   Out*   | non-audit: 501*    |
   |           |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (restart)  |
   | discon-   |   zero/  |    No     |   In     | non-audit: 2xx,    |
   |    nected | non-zero |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |      (disconnected)|
   | discon-   |   zero/  |    Yes    |   In     | non-audit: 2xx     |
   |    nected | non-zero |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (restart)  |
   | cancel-   |   N/A    |   Yes/No  |   In     | non-audit: 2xx     |
   |  graceful |          |           |          | audit:     2xx     |
   |           |          |           |          |         (restart)  |

               |              MGCP             |
               |              UDP              |
               |          IP security          |
               | (authentication or encryption)|
               |              IP               |
               |       transmission media      |

   | Symbol  |   Definition               |  R  |   S     Duration    |
   |         |                            |     |                     |
   |         |                            |     |                     |

   | Symbol  |   Definition               |  R  |   S     Duration    |
   | oc      | Operation Complete         |  x  |                     |
   | of      | Operation Failure          |  x  |                     |

   | Symbol  |   Definition               |  R  |   S     Duration    |
   | enf(##) | embedded RQNT failure      |  x  |                     |
   | oef     | observed events full       |  x  |                     |
   | qbo     | quarantine buffer overflow |  x  |                     |

    |       |               Connection A Mode                     |
    |       |-----------------------------------------------------
    |       |sendonly|recvonly|sendrecv|confrnce|inactive|  netw  |
    | |Send | Ao=Hi  | Ao=NA  | Ao=Hi  | Ao=Hi  | Ao=NA  | Ao=Ai  |
    |C|only | Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  |
    |o|     | Ho=NA  | Ho=Ai  | Ho=Ai  | Ho=Ai  | Ho=NA  | Ho=NA  |
    |n|recv |        |Ao=NA   |Ao=Hi   |Ao=Hi   | Ao=NA  | Ao=Ai  |
    |e|only |        |Bo=NA   |Bo=NA   |Bo=NA   | Bo=NA  | Bo=NA  |
    |c|     |        |Ho=Ai+Bi|Ho=Ai+Bi|Ho=Ai+Bi| Ho=Bi  | Ho=Bi  |
    |i|send |        |        |Ao=Hi   |Ao=Hi   | Ao=NA  | Ao=Ai  |
    |o|recv |        |        |Bo=Hi   |Bo=Hi   | Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  |
    |n|     |        |        |Ho=Ai+Bi|Ho=Ai+Bi| Ho=Bi  | Ho=Bi  |
    | |-----------------------------------------------------------|
    |B|conf |        |        |        |Ao=Hi+Bi| Ao=NA  | Ao=Ai  |
    | |rnce |        |        |        |Bo=Hi+Ai| Bo=Hi  | Bo=Hi  |
    |M|     |        |        |        |Ho=Ai+Bi| Ho=Bi  | Ho=Bi  |
    |d|Inac |        |        |        |        | Ao=NA  | Ao=Ai  |
    |e|tive |        |        |        |        | Bo=NA  | Bo=NA  |
    | |     |        |        |        |        | Ho=NA  | Ho=NA  |
    | |-----------------------------------------------------------|
    | |netw |        |        |        |        |        | Ao=Ai  |
    | |     |        |        |        |        |        | Bo=Bi  |
    | |     |        |        |        |        |        | Ho=NA  |

|step#|    usr1    |    rgw1    |     ca     |    rgw2    |    usr2   |
|  1  |            |    rsip -> |            |            |           |
|     |            |            | <- ack     |            |           |
|  2  |            |            | <- auep    |            |           |
|     |            |     ack -> |            |            |           |
|  3+ |            |            | <- rqnt    |            |           |
|     |            |     ack -> |            |            |           |
|  4  |            |            |            | <- rsip    |           |
|     |            |            |     ack -> |            |           |
|  5  |            |            |    auep -> |            |           |
|     |            |            |            | <- ack     |           |
|  6+ |            |            |    rqnt -> |            |           |
|     |            |            |            | <- ack     |           |

| # |     usr1    |    rgw1    |     ca     |    rgw2    |     usr2   |
| 1 |             |            | <- auep    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 2+|             |            | <- rqnt    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 3 |             |            |    auep -> |            |            |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |
| 4+|             |            |    rqnt -> |            |            |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |

| # |     usr1    |    rgw1    |     ca     |    rgw2    |     usr2   |
| 1 |  offhook -> |    ntfy -> |            |            |            |
|   |             |            | <- ack     |            |            |
| 2 | <- dialtone |            | <- rqnt    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 3 |   digits -> |    ntfy -> |            |            |            |
|   |             |            | <- ack     |            |            |
| 4 |             |            | <- rqnt    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 5 | <- recvonly |            | <- crcx    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 6 |             |            |    crcx -> |            | sendrcv -> |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |
| 7 | <- recvonly |            | <- mdcx    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 8 | <- ringback |            | <- rqnt    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 9 |             |            |    rqnt -> |            | ringing -> |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |
|10 |             |            |            | <- ntfy    | <- offhook |
|   |             |            |     ack -> |            |            |
|11 |             |            |    rqnt -> |            |            |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |
|12 |             |            | <- rqnt    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
|13 | <- sendrcv  |            | <- mdcx    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |

| # |     usr1    |    rgw1    |     ca     |    rgw2    |     usr2   |
| 1 |             |            |            | <- ntfy    | <- on-hook |
|   |             |            |     ack -> |            |            |
| 2 |             |            |    dlcx -> |            |            |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |
| 3 |             |            | <- dlcx    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |
| 4 |             |            |    rqnt -> |            |            |
|   |             |            |            | <- ack     |            |
| 5 |  on-hook -> |    ntfy -> |            |            |            |
|   |             |            | <- ack     |            |            |
| 6 |             |            | <- rqnt    |            |            |
|   |             |     ack -> |            |            |            |

   | Subparameter |    Meaning            |   Representation           |
   |     vcci     | VC connection Id      | Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (16-bit equivalent)        |
   |     cid      | Channel Id            | Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (8-bit equivalent)         |
   |ATMaddressType| ATM address type      | "NSAP", "E164", "GWID",    |
   |              |                       | "ALIAS"                    |
   | ATMaddress   | ATM address           | 40 hex digits   ("NSAP")   |
   |              |                       | upto 15 digits ("EI64")    |
   |              |                       | upto 32  chars ("GWID")    |
   |              |                       | upto 32  chars ("ALIAS")   |
   |    bcg       |Bearer Connection Group| Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (8-bit equivalent)         |
   |    vpi       |    Virtual Path Id    | Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (8 or 12-bit equivalent)   |
   |    vci       |    Virtual Channel Id | Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (16-bit equivalent)        |
   |    portID    |    Port Id            | Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (32-bit equivalent)        |
   |    vpci      |    VP connection ID   | Decimal Integer            |
   |              |                       | (16-bit equivalent)        |

   |bsscopuu |Backward       | 1-65,524                              |
   |         |maximum SSCOP  |                                       |
   |         |UU size        |                                       |

   TABLE 11: Signals and Events in the ATM package
   |    SYMBOL     |  DEFINITION           | R   |   S  |   DURATION   |
   |      sc       |  Bearer path set-up   |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  complete             |     |      |              |
   |      sf       |  Bearer path set-up   |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  failed               |     |      |              |
   |      ec       |  Enable CAS via       |     |  oo  |              |
   |               |  type 3 packets       |     |      |              |
   |     etd       |  Enable DTMF tone     |     |  oo  |              |
   |               |  forwarding via       |     |      |              |
   |               |  packets              |     |      |              |
   |     etm       |  Enable MF tone       |     |  oo  |              |
   |               |  forwarding via       |     |      |              |
   |               |  packets              |     |      |              |
   |     etr1      |  Enable MF-R1 tone    |     |  oo  |              |
   |               |  forwarding via       |     |      |              |
   |               |  packets              |     |      |              |
   |     etr2      |  Enable MF-R2 tone    |     |  oo  |              |
   |               |  forwarding via       |     |      |              |
   |               |  packets              |     |      |              |
   | uc (string)   |  Used codec changed   |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  to codec named by    |     |      |              |
   |               |  the string           |     |      |              |
   | ptime (#)     |  Packetization period |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  changed to #         |     |      |              |

   | pftrans (#)   |  Profile element      |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  changed to  row #    |     |      |              |
   | cle  (#)      |  Cell Loss            |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  threshold (# )       |     |      |              |
   |               |  exceeded             |     |      |              |
   | pl   (#)      |  Packet Loss Threshold|  C  |      |              |
   |               |  exceeded (# )        |     |      |              |
   | qa            |  Quality Alert        |  C  |      |              |
   |               |                       |     |      |              |
   | of   (#)      |  Operation failure:   |  C  |      |              |
   |               |  Loss of connectivity |     |      |              |
   |               |  with reason code #   |     |      |              |

   (1) On receiving CRCX
       do a policy-based ordered
       intersection of the C-list,
       and L-list. No R-list present.
                         (2)Send resulting ordered list
                            to the terminating gateway
                            via SDP.

                                               (3) On receiving CRCX do
                                                   a policy-based
                                                   intersection of the
                                                   C-list, R-list and
                                               (4) The highest priority
                                                   profile in the
                                                   list is the
                               (5) Send selected profile
                                   to the originating gateway
                                   via SDP.

    Code Len Destination 1    Router 1
   | 121 | n | d1 | ... | dN | r1 | r2 | r3 | r4 |

    Destination 2       Router 2
   | d1 | ... | dN | r1 | r2 | r3 | r4 |

                /        (outer header)            \
              (n-1)                                (n-i)
              /                                      \
            (I)           (inner header)            (E or P)

                /        (outer header)              \
              (N)                                  (N-i)
              /                                        \
            (I)           (inner header)                (E)

                /        (outer header)              \
              (N)                                  (N-i)
              /                                        \
            (I)           (inner header)               (E)

             IM                --> conceptual/abstract model
              |                    for designers and operators
   |          |         |
   DM        DM         DM     --> concrete/detailed model
                                   for implementors

                       IM                              --> IM
     |          |               |              |
    MIB        PIB          CIM schema      OSI-MIB    --> DM
   (SMI)      (SPPI)          (MOF)          (GDMO)


                        DB = |  lHash   |    PS   |   M   |
                  +----------+              V
                  |   seed   |--> MGF ---> xor
                  +----------+              |
                        |                   |
               +--+     V                   |
               |00|    xor <----- MGF <-----|
               +--+     |                   |
                 |      |                   |
                 V      V                   V
         EM =  |00|maskedSeed|          maskedDB          |


                                  |     M     |
                     M' = |Padding1|  mHash   |   salt   |
               +--------+----------+     V
         DB =  |Padding2|maskedseed|   Hash
               +--------+----------+     |
                         |               |
                         V               |    +--+
                        xor <--- MGF <---|    |bc|
                         |               |    +--+
                         |               |      |
                         V               V      V
         EM =  |    maskedDB       |maskedseed|bc|

       |   source symbol IDs   |   source symbols IDs  |
       |   of source block 0   |   of source block 1   |
                    |                          |
                    v                          v
       |0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |0 |1 |2 |3 | 4|5 |6 |7 |
                           FEC encoder
   |0 |1 |2 |3 | 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|
                  ^                             ^
                  |                             |
   |  encoding symbol IDs        | encoding symbol IDs         |
   |  of encoding block 0        | of encoding block 1         |

   Header field          where  proxy  ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
   P-Associated-URI       2xx           -   -   -   -   -   o
   P-Called-Party-ID       R     amr    -   -   -   o   o   -
   P-Visited-Network-ID    R     ad     -   -   -   o   o   o
   P-Access-Network-Info         dr     -   o   -   o   o   o
   P-Charging-Vector             admr   -   o   -   o   o   o
   P-Charging-Function-          adr    -   o   -   o   o   o

   Header field                    SUB NOT PRA INF UPD MSG REF
   P-Associated-URI                 -   -   -   -   -   -   -
   P-Called-Party-ID                o   -   -   -   -   o   o
   P-Visited-Network-ID             o   -   -   -   -   o   o
   P-Access-Network-Info            o   o   o   o   o   o   o
   P-Charging-Vector                o   o   o   o   o   o   o
   P-Charging-Function-             o   o   o   o   o   o   o

                                          corporate net
    +------------------+                      |
    |    externally    |        +--------+    |   !~~~~~~~~~~!
    |+-------+ visible |        |        |    |   ! rmt host !
    ||virtual| host    |        |security|    |---! virtual  !
    || host  |         |--------|gateway/|    |   ! presence !
    ||       |<================>|  DHCP  |----|   !~~~~~~~~~~!
    |+-------+         |--------| Relay  |    |
    +------------------+   ^    +--------+    |   +--------+
                           |                  |---| DHCPv4 |
                         IPsec tunnel         |   | server |
                         with encapsulated    |   +--------+
                         traffic inside

                                         target network
                                              |   +---+
   +-------------+             +-----------+  |---|   |
   |remote access|  Internet   | security  |  |   +---+
   |   client    |=============| gateway   |--|
   |   (IRAC)    |             |(SGW/IRAS) |  |   +---+
   +-------------+             +-----------+  |---|   |
                                              |   +---+

                                          target net
    +------------------+                      |
    |  Remote Access   |        +--------+    |   ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )
    |+-------+ Client  |        |        |    |   (   IRAC    )
    ||virtual|         |        |security|    |~~~(  virtual  )
    || host  |         |--------|gateway |    |   (  presence )
    ||       |<================>|        |----|     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    |+-------+         |--------|        |    |
    +------------------+   ^    +--------+    |   +--------+
                           |                  |---|  local |
                         IPsec tunnel         |   |   host |
                         with encapsulated    |   +--------+
                         traffic inside

                                           corporate net
                                                  |  +----+
     +-----+   +-----+      /---/ Internet +---+  |--|    |
     |IRAC |---|modem|------|ISP|==========|SGW|--|  +----+
     +-----+   +-----+      /---/          +---+  |

          CORP A                                CORP B
             |                                      |
    +----+   |                                      |  +-----+
    |USER|---|                                      |--| S1  |
    +----+   |   +------++              ++------+   |  +-----+
             |   +------++              ++------+   |  +-----+
             |     SGW-A                   SGW-B    |--| S2  |
             |                                      |  +-----+

                        |    Sending UA Has Marked Body Part   |
                        |      REQUIRED       |    OPTIONAL    |
   | Body Part is       |                     |                |
   | Deliverable        | Appropriate Action  |     ignore     |
   | Body Part is       |                     |                |
   | Undeliverable      | Fail Entire Message |     ignore     |

   +---------+     +-----+   |         :           |
   | Sending |=...=|[MTA]|===| Content : Receiving |
   |   UA    |     +-----+   | Gateway :    UA     |
   +---------+               |         :           |
          First Network           Second Network

      |  |
      |  +--PolicyRoleCollection (new - 5.6.2)
      +--ManagedSystemElement (abstract)
         +--LogicalElement (abstract)
            +--System (abstract)
            |  |
            |  +--AdminDomain (abstract)
            |     |
            |     +---ReusablePolicyContainer (new - 5.2)
            |     |
            |     +---PolicyRepository (deprecated - 5.2)
            +--FilterEntryBase (abstract -- new - 6.18)
            |  |
            |  +--IpHeadersFilter (new - 6.19)
            |  |
            |  +--8021Filter (new - 6.20)
            +--FilterList (new - 6.21)

   PolicyGroup 1: FirstMatching
     +-- Pri=6 -- PolicyRule 1A
     +-- Pri=5 -- PolicyGroup 1B: AllMatching
     |              |
     |              +-- Pri=5 -- PolicyGroup 1B1: AllMatching
     |              |              |
     |              |              +---- etc.
     |              |
     |              +-- Pri=4 -- PolicyRule 1X2
     |              |
     |              +-- Pri=3 -- PolicyRule 1B3: FirstMatching
     |                             |
     |                             +---- etc.
     +-- Pri=4 -- PolicyRule 1C: FirstMatching
                    +-- Pri=4 -- PolicyRule 1C1
                    +-- Pri=3 -- PolicyRule 1X2
                    +-- Pri=2 -- PolicyRule 1C3

   | PolicyGroup PG1              |
   | PolicyRoles = Ethernet, Fast |
              |        +------------------------+
              |        | PolicyRule PR1         |
              |--------| PolicyRoles = Ethernet |
              |        +------------------------+
              |        +--------------------------+
              |        | PolicyRule PR2           |
              |--------| PolicyRoles = <undefined>|
              |        +--------------------------+
              |        +------------------------+
              |        | PolicyRule PR3         |
              |--------| PolicyRoles = Slow     |

                              | SimplePolicyCondition |
                                    *         @
                                    *         @
              +------------------+  *         @  +---------------+
              | (PolicyVariable) |***         @@@| (PolicyValue) |
              +------------------+               +---------------+
                 #            #
                 #    ooo     #
                 #            #
   +---------------+        +---------------+
   | (PolicyValue) |  ooo   | (PolicyValue) |
   +---------------+        +---------------+

                          | SimplePolicyCondition |
                              *               @
                              *               @
                              *               @
   +-----------------------------------+   +--------------------------+
   | Name=SmallSourcePorts             |   | Name=Port300             |
   | Class=PolicySourcePortVariable    |   | Class=PolicyIntegerValue |
   | ValueTypes=[PolicyIntegerValue]   |   | IntegerList = [300]      |
   +-----------------------------------+   +--------------------------+
   |Name=SmallPortsValues    |
   |Class=PolicyIntegerValue |
   |IntegerList=[1..200]     |

                              | SimplePolicyAction    |
                              |                       |
                                    *         @
                                    *         @
              +------------------+  *         @  +---------------+
              | (PolicyVariable) |***         @@@| (PolicyValue) |
              +------------------+               +---------------+
                 #            #
                 #    ooo     #
                 #            #
   +---------------+        +---------------+
   | (PolicyValue) |  ooo   | (PolicyValue) |
   +---------------+        +---------------+

                  | CompoundFilterCondition         |
                  |   - IsMirrored   boolean        |
                  |   - ConditionListType (DNF|CNF) |
                   +               +               +
                   +               +               +
                   +               +               +
               SimplePC        SimplePC        SimplePC
               *      @        *      @        *      @
               *      @        *      @        *      @
               *      @        *      @        *      @
   FlowDirection    "In"     SrcIP  <addr1>  DstIP  <addr2>

+-----+    +--------+           +---------+    +---------+      +------+
|     |    |        |           |Received-|    |         |      |      |
|     | => |Original| => ... => |  From   | => |Reporting| ===> |Remote|
| user|    |   MTA  |           |   MTA   |    |   MTA   | <No! |  MTA |
|agent|    +--------+           +---------+    +----v----+      +------+
|     |                                             |
|     | <-------------------------------------------+
+-----+      (DSN returned to sender by Reporting MTA)

 sender's environment                            recipient's environment
 ............................ ..........................................
                            : :
                        (1) : :                             (2)
   +-----+  +--------+  +--------+  +---------+  +---------+   +------+
   |     |  |        |  |        |  |Received-|  |         |   |      |
   |     |=>|Original|=>|        |->|  From   |->|Reporting|-->|Remote|
   | user|  |   MTA  |  |        |  |   MTA   |  |   MTA   |<No|  MTA |
   |agent|  +--------+  |Gateway |  +---------+  +----v----+   +------+
   |     |              |        |                    |
   |     | <============|        |<-------------------+
   +-----+              |        |(4)                (3)
                            : :
 ...........................: :.........................................

                     ^        ^
                     |        |   requests to
                     |        |   origin servers
                     |        |
                 --------   --------
                 |parent|   |parent|
                 |cache |   |cache |
                 |proxy |   |proxy |
                 --------   --------
                      ^         ^
          requests for \       / requests for
               foo.com  \     /  bar.com
               content   \   /   content
                          \ /
      -------  -------  -------  -------
      |edge |  |edge |  |edge |  |edge |
      |cache|  |cache|  |cache|  |cache|
      |proxy|  |proxy|  |proxy|  |proxy|
      -------  -------  -------  -------
                          | all content
                          | requests
                          | for this
                          | client

      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
      |content|  |content|  |content|  |content|
      |server |  |server |  |server |  |server |
      |       |  |       |  |       |  |       |
      ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                     ^          ^
         request from \        / request from
            client A   \      /    client B
                        \    /
                     |  L4-L7    |
                     |  switch   |
                        ^     ^
                       /       \
                      /         \
                     /           \
             request from     request from
               client A         client B

               ----------          ----------
               |request-|          |request-|
               |routing |          |routing |
               | system |          | system |
               ----------          ----------
                 ^ |
    (1) client's | | (2) response
        content  | |     indicating
        request  | |     location of       -----------
                 | |     content           |surrogate|
                 | |                       -----------
   -----------   | |
   |surrogate|   | |      -----------
   -----------   | |      |surrogate|
                 | |      -----------
                 | |      ^
                 | v     / (3) client opens
                client---      connection to
                               retrieve content

    --Network Impairment
    |    --Fault Detected
    |    |    --Start of Notification
    |    |    |    -- Start of Recovery Operation
    |    |    |    |    --Recovery Operation Complete
    |    |    |    |    |    --Path Traffic Recovered
    |    |    |    |    |    |
    |    |    |    |    |    |
    v    v    v    v    v    v
    | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 |

      --Network Impairment Repaired
      |    --Fault Cleared
      |    |    --Path Available
      |    |    |    --Start of Reversion Operation
      |    |    |    |    --Reversion Operation Complete
      |    |    |    |    |    --Traffic Restored on Preferred Path
      |    |    |    |    |    |
      |    |    |    |    |    |
      v    v    v    v    v    v
      | T7 | T8 | T9 | T10| T11|

      --Network Enters a Semi-stable State after an Impairment
      |     --Dynamic Routing Protocols Converge
      |     |     --Initiate Setup of New Working Path between PSL
      |     |     |                                         and PML
      |     |     |     --Switchover Operation Complete
      |     |     |     |     --Traffic Moved to New Working Path
      |     |     |     |     |
      |     |     |     |     |
      v     v     v     v     v
      | T12 | T13 | T14 | T15 |

        +------------+                         +------------+
        +   PXC 1    +                         +   PXC 2    +
        +            +                 SL1,UL2 +            +
        +          1 +------------------------>+ 6          +
        +            + UL1, SL2                +            +
        +          2 +<------------------------+ 7          +
        +            +                         +            +
        +            +                         +            +
        +          3 +------------------------>+ 8          +
        +            +                         +            +
        +          4 +<------------------------+ 9          +
        +------------+                         +------------+
                           Figure 1.  Label Contention

        +------------+                         +------------+
        +   PXC 1    +                         +   PXC 2    +
        +            +                     UL2 +            +
        +          1 +------------------------>+ 6          +
        +            + UL1                     +            +
        +          2 +<------------------------+ 7          +
        +            +                         +            +
        +            +                      L1 +            +
        +          3 +------------------------>+ 8          +
        +            + L2                      +            +
        +          4 +<------------------------+ 9          +
        +------------+                         +------------+

        +------------+                         +------------+
        +   PXC 1    +                         +   PXC 2    +
        +            +                     UL2 +            +
        +          1 +------------------------>+ 6          +
        +            + L2                      +            +
        +          2 +<------------------------+ 7          +
        +            +                         +            +
        +            +                      L1 +            +
        +          3 +------------------------>+ 8          +
        +            +  UL1                    +            +
        +          4 +<------------------------+ 9          +
        +------------+                         +------------+

   +-----+                   +-----+
   |     |   +---+   +---+   |     |
   |  A  |---| B |---| C |---|  Z  |
   |     |   +---+   +---+   |     |
   +-----+                   +-----+

   notes         P1                         P2
   =====         ==                         ==
   (1)           Label Request(L1,27,-)
                 Label Request(L2,28,-)
   (2)                Label Request(L3,93,27)
   (3)                                      Label Request(L1,123,-)
                                            Label Request(L2,124,-)

   (4)                                           Label Mapping(L1,57,-)
                      Label Mapping(L1,94,28)
   (5)                                           Label Mapping(L2,58,-)
                       Label Mapping(L2,95,-)
   (6)           Address(n/a,29,-)
   (7)           Label Request(L4,30,-)
   (8)           Keepalive(n/a,-,94)
   (9)                   Label Abort(L3,96,-)
   (10)          ===== TCP Session lost =====
   (11)            :                            Label Withdraw(L1,59,-)
                   :                        <--------------------------
   (12)          === TCP Session restored ===

                 LDP Init(n/a,n/a,94)
                         LDP Init(n/a,n/a,29)
   (13)          Label Request(L4,30,-)
   (14)                Label Mapping(L2,95,-)
                        Label Abort(L3,96,30)
   (15)               Label Withdraw(L1,97,-)

   notes         P1                         P2
   =====         ==                         ==
   (1)           Label Request(L1,27,-)
                 Label Request(L2,28,-)
   (2)                Label Request(L3,93,-)
   (3)                                      Label Request(L1,123,-)
                                            Label Request(L2,124,-)
   (4)                                           Label Mapping(L1,57,-)
                      Label Mapping(L1,94,-)
   (5)                                           Label Mapping(L2,58,-)
                       Label Mapping(L2,95,-)
   (6)           Address(n/a,29,-)
   (7)           Label Request(L4,30,-)
   (8)           Keepalive(n/a,31,-)
   (9)                   Keepalive(n/a,-,31)
   (10)                                          Keepalive(n/a,59,124)
   (11)                                     Keepalive(n/a,-,59)

   notes         P1                         P2
   =====         ==                         ==
   (1)           Label Request(L1,27,-)
                 Label Request(L2,28,-)
   (2)                Label Request(L3,93,27)
   (3)                                      Label Request(L1,123,-)
                                            Label Request(L2,124,-)
   (4)                                           Label Mapping(L1,57,-)
                      Label Mapping(L1,94,28)
   (5)                                           Label Mapping(L2,58,-)
                       Label Mapping(L2,95,-)
   (6)           Address(n/a,29,-)
   (7)           Label Request(L4,30,-)
   (8)           Keepalive(n/a,-,94)
   (9)                   Label Abort(L3,96,-)

   (10)          Notification(Temporary shutdown)
                 ===== TCP Session shutdown =====
   (11)            :                            Label Withdraw(L1,59,-)
                   :                        <--------------------------
                 ===== TCP Session restored =====
   (12)          LDP Init(n/a,n/a,94)
                         LDP Init(n/a,n/a,29)
   (13)          Label Request(L4,30,-)
   (14)                Label Mapping(L2,95,-)
                        Label Abort(L3,96,30)
   (15)               Label Withdraw(L1,97,-)

   notes         P1                         P2
   =====         ==                         ==
   (1)           Label Request(L1,27,-)
                 Label Request(L2,28,-)
   (2)                Label Request(L3,93,-)
                                            Label Request(L1,123,-)
                                            Label Request(L2,124,-)
                                                 Label Mapping(L1,57,-)
   (3)                 Label Mapping(L1,94,-)
                                                 Label Mapping(L2,58,-)
                       Label Mapping(L2,95,-)
   (4)           Address(n/a,29,-)
   (5)           Label Request(L4,30,-)
   (6)           Keepalive(n/a,31,95) * with FT Cork TLV *
   (7)                   Label Abort(L3,96,-)
   (8)                    Keepalive(n/a,97,31) * with FT Cork TLV *
   (9)           Keepalive(n/a,-,97) * with FT Cork TLV *
   (10)          Notification(Temporary shutdown)
                 ===== TCP Session shutdown =====
                   :                            Label Withdraw(L1,59,-)
                   :                        <--------------------------
                 ===== TCP Session restored =====
   (11)          LDP Init(n/a,n/a,96)
                         LDP Init(n/a,n/a,31)
                      Label Withdraw(L1,97,-)

   notes         P1                         P2
   =====         ==                         ==
   (1)           Label Request(L1)
   (2)                Label Request(L2)
                                            Label Request(L1)
                                                 Label Mapping(L1)
   (3)                 Label Mapping(L1)
   (4)           Keepalive(n/a,12,-)
   (5)           Label Request(L3)
   (6)                    Keepalive(n/a,-,12)
                                            Label Request(L3)
                                                 Label Mapping(L3)
   (7)                 Label Mapping(L3)
                 ===== TCP Session failure =====
                 ===== TCP Session restored =====
   (8)          LDP Init(n/a,n/a,23)
                         LDP Init(n/a,n/a,12)
   (9)           Label Request(L3)
                                            Label Request(L3)
                                                 Label Mapping(L3)
   (10)                Label Mapping(L3)
   (11)                Label Request(L2)

   notes         P1                         P2
   =====         ==                         ==
   (1)           Label Request(L1)
   (2)                Label Request(L2)
                                            Label Request(L1)
                                                 Label Mapping(L1)
   (3)                 Label Mapping(L1)
   (4)           Keepalive(n/a,12,23) * With Cork TLV *
   (5)             :
   (6)                    Keepalive(n/a,24,12) * With Cork TLV *
   (7)           Keepalive(n/a,-,24) * With Cork TLV *
   (8)           Notification(Temporary shutdown)
                 ===== TCP Session failure =====
                 ===== TCP Session restored =====
   (9)          LDP Init(n/a,n/a,24)
                         LDP Init(n/a,n/a,12)
   (10)          Label Request(L3)
                                            Label Request(L3)
                                                 Label Mapping(L3)
   (11)                Label Mapping(L3)
   (12)                Label Mapping(L2)

   +-------------+              +-----------+    Number   +-----------+
   | Centralized |              | New Serv. |    ported   | Old Serv. |
   |    NPDB     |    +-------->|  Network  |<------------|  Network  |
   +-------------+    |         +-----------+             +-----------+
       ^  |           |
       |  |           |
      1|  |         3.|
       |  | 2.        |
       |  |           |
       |  v           |
    +----------+      |         +----------+           +----------+
    |   Orig.  |------+         |   Donor  |           | Internal |
    |  Network |                |  Network |           |   NPDB   |
    +----------+                +----------+           +----------+

   +-------------+              +-----------+    Number   +-----------+
   | Centralized |              | New Serv. |    ported   | Old Serv. |
   |    NPDB     |              |  Network  |<------------|  Network  |
   +-------------+              +-----------+             +-----------+
       ^  |                          ^
       |  | 4.                       |
     3.|  |              5.          |
       |  |   +----------------------+
       |  |   |
       |  v   |
    +----------+      2.        +----------+           +----------+
    |   Orig.  |<---------------|   Donor  |           | Internal |
    |  Network |--------------->|  Network |           |   NPDB   |
    +----------+      1.        +----------+           +----------+

   +-------------+              +-----------+    Number   +-----------+
   | Centralized |              | New Serv. |    porting  | Old Serv. |
   |    NPDB     |              |  Network  |<------------|  Network  |
   +-------------+              +-----------+             +-----------+
                           5.        |
    +----------+       4.       +----------+     3.    +----------+
    |   Orig.  |<---------------|   Donor  |<----------| Internal |
    |  Network |--------------->|  Network |---------->|   NPDB   |
    +----------+      1.        +----------+    2.     +----------+

   +-------------+              +-----------+    Number   +-----------+
   | Centralized |              | New Serv. |    porting  | Old Serv. |
   |    NPDB     |              |  Network  |<------------|  Network  |
   +-------------+              +-----------+             +-----------+
    +----------+                +----------+     3.    +----------+
    |   Orig.  |                |   Donor  |<----------| Internal |
    |  Network |--------------->|  Network |---------->|   NPDB   |
    +----------+      1.        +----------+    2.     +----------+

    |(1)INVITE(c) |             |             |
    |------------>| (2) INVITE  |             |
    |             |------------>| (3) INVITE  |
    |             |             |------------>|
    |             |             | (4) 200 OK  |
    |             | (5) 200 OK  |<------------|
    |(6)200 OK(c) |<------------|             |
    |<------------|             |             |
    |             |  (7)ACK(c)  |             |
    |-------------------------->|   (8) ACK   |
    |             |             |------------>|
    |             |             |             |
    |             |             |             |

   Topology       Gateway  CSN  IP   proxy  receiver
   IP-end-to-end                (x)  (x)    x
   IP-to-CSN      x        x    (x)  (x)    (x)
   CSN-to-IP      x        x    (x)  (x)    x
   CSN-IP-CSN     x        x    (x)  (x)    (x)

                       +--------------+             Public Internet
       ................|     NAT 2    |.......................

                       +--------------+             Private NET 2
       ................|     NAT 1    |.......................

                                         Binding  Shared  Shared  Shared
                       Binding  Binding  Error    Secret  Secret  Secret
   Att.                Req.     Resp.    Resp.    Req.    Resp.   Error
   MAPPED-ADDRESS      N/A      M        N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A
   RESPONSE-ADDRESS    O        N/A      N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A
   CHANGE-REQUEST      O        N/A      N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A
   SOURCE-ADDRESS      N/A      M        N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A
   CHANGED-ADDRESS     N/A      M        N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A
   USERNAME            O        N/A      N/A      N/A     M       N/A
   PASSWORD            N/A      N/A      N/A      N/A     M       N/A
   MESSAGE-INTEGRITY   O        O        N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A
   ERROR-CODE          N/A      N/A      M        N/A     N/A     M
   UNKNOWN-ATTRIBUTES  N/A      N/A      C        N/A     N/A     C
   REFLECTED-FROM      N/A      C        N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A

                    | User |
                       | Input and display: local interface methods
                       | (pen, keyboard, glowing phosphorus, ...)
   |                   v                               |
   |          +-----------------------------+          |
   |          |        Application          |          |
   |          |   (ToASCII and ToUnicode    |          |
   |          |      operations may be      |          |
   |          |        called here)         |          |
   |          +-----------------------------+          |
   |                   ^        ^                      | End system
   |                   |        |                      |
   | Call to resolver: |        | Application-specific |
   |              ACE  |        | protocol:            |
   |                   v        | ACE unless the       |
   |           +----------+     | protocol is updated  |
   |           | Resolver |     | to handle other      |
   |           +----------+     | encodings            |
   |                 ^          |                      |
       DNS protocol: |          |
                 ACE |          |
                     v          v
          +-------------+    +---------------------+
          | DNS servers |    | Application servers |
          +-------------+    +---------------------+

             |                                              |
             |   |-----------|           |-------------|    |
             |   |           |           |             |    |
   Telephony |   |  Media    | internal  |   Cable     |    | RF Link
   ----------|---| Terminal  |===========|   Modem     |----|-------
   Link      |   | Adapter   | connection|             |    |
             |   |-----------|           |-------------|    |
             |                                              |

      | 122  | Length | Sub-option 1 | Sub-option 2 |...| Sub-option n |

      | Sub-option Code   | Length | Sub-option information |

        Code  Len          Address
      | 1/2 |  4  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |

       Code   Len   Type        Address
      |  3  |  5  |  1  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |

       Code   Len   Type            FQDN
      +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+   +-----+
      |  3  | n+1 |  0  |  f1 |  f2 |...|  fn |
      +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+   +-----+

      Code Len   Nom Timeout     Max Timeout     Max Retries
      | 4 |12 |n1 |n2 |n3 |n4 |m1 |m2 |m3 |m4 |r1 |r2 |r3 |r4 |

      Code Len   Nom Timeout     Max Timeout     Max Retries
      | 5 |12 |n1 |n2 |n3 |n4 |m1 |m2 |m3 |m4 |r1 |r2 |r3 |r4 |

       Code   Len   Kerberos Realm Name
      +-----+-----+-----+-----+   +-----+
      |  6  |  n  |  k1 |  k2 |...|  kn |
      +-----+-----+-----+-----+   +-----+

       Code   Len    Value
      |  8  |  1  | (0..255)|

      |            | Digital Line Blanking |     | Digital Active Line |
      | EAV+LN+CRC | (Blanking level or    | SAV |  (Active Picture or |
      |            |  Ancillary Data)      |     |   Ancillary Data)   |

          <I, P, H>        <I, P, H'>         <I, P, H'>
   Issuer I --------> User H ---------> User H' ---------> Collector
           Issue            Transfer           Redemption

         ------------------------------------------->| Ad       |
        |      (1) Acquire a coupon                  | Agency   |
        |                                             ----------
        |      (2) Send payment information           ----------
        |    --------------------------------------->| Payment  |
        |   |      Acquire a gift certificate        | Handler  |
        |   |                                         ----------
        v   v  (3) Transfer the coupon &
    ----------     gift certificate                   ----------
   | Consumer |<------------------------------------>| Merchant |
    ----------     Acquire an exchange ticket &       ----------
        ^          loyalty points
        |      (4) Transfer the exchange ticket       ----------
         ------------------------------------------->| Deliverer|
                   Supply goods or services          | Handler  |

                      Exchange             Exchange
          ----------  ticket   ----------  ticket   ----------
         | Consumer |-------->| Delivery |-------->| Merchant |
         |          |<--------| Handler  |<--------|          |
          ----------  Goods or ----------  Goods or ----------
                      services             services

          | /|\
          |  |
       5  |  |  4
          |  |
         \|/ |              2
      ICAP-client    -------------->   ICAP-resource
      (surrogate)    <--------------   on ICAP-server
          | /|\             3
          |  |
       6  |  |  1
          |  |
         \|/ |

          | /|\
          |  |
       3  |  |  2
          |  |
         \|/ |            4
      ICAP-client    -------------->   ICAP-resource
      (surrogate)    <--------------   on ICAP-server
          | /|\            5
          |  |
       6  |  |  1
          |  |
         \|/ |

                          .                .
                           .    Area 0    .
                            +--+      +--+
                          ..|R1|..  ..|R2|..
                         .  +--+  ..  +--+  .
                         .        ..        .
                         .       +--+       .
                         . Area1 |R3| Area2 .
                         .       +--+  +--+ .
                         .        ..   |R4| .
                         .       .  .  +--+ .
                          .......    .......

                            .                .
                             .    Area 0    .
                              +--+      +--+
                            ..|R1|..  ..|R2|..
                           .  +--+  ..  +--+  .
                           .        ..        .
                           .        ..        .
                           . Area1  .. Area2  .
                           .        ..        .
                           .        ..        .
                           .       +--+       .
                                --+-  -+--
                                CN1    CNx

                     .......    ...........    ......
                            .  .           .  .
                            +--+    VL     +--+
                            +--+           +--+
                     Area 1 .  .  Area 2   .  . Area 3
                     .......    ...........    ......

                      .        Backbone         .
                     .                           .
                     .   ---------------------   .
                      .   |1               1|   .
                       ..|R1|.....    ....|R4|..
                      .  +--+     .  .    +--+  .
                      .   1|      .  .     /4   .
                      .    |    8 +--+ 4  /     .
                      .    |    +-|R3|---+      .
                      .   1|   /  +--+\4        .
                      .  +--+ /   .  . \ 4 +--+ .
                      .  |R2|/8   .  .  +--|R5| .
                      .  +--+     .  .     +--+ .
                      .   |       .  .       |  .
                      . --------- .  . -------- .
                      .   net N   .  .  net M   .
                      .           .  .          .
                      .  Area 1   .  .  Area 2  .
                       ...........    ..........

   +----------+                                       +----------+
   |          |    |       +----------+        |      |          |
   | Servers/ |----|       |          |        |------| Servers/ |
   | Clients  |    |       |          |        |      | Clients  |
   |          |    |-------|  DUT/SUT |--------|      |          |
   +----------+    |       |          |        |      +----------+
        Protected  |       +----------+        | Unprotected
         Network   |                           |   Network
                       Figure 1 (Dual-Homed)

   +----------+                                       +----------+
   |          |    |       +----------+        |      |          |
   | Clients  |----|       |          |        |------| Servers/ |
   |          |    |       |          |        |      | Clients  |
   +----------+    |-------|  DUT/SUT |--------|      |          |
                   |       |          |        |      +----------+
                   |       +----------+        |
         Protected |            |              | Unprotected
          Network               |                   Network
                                    |    DMZ
                             |           |
                             | Servers   |
                             |           |

Time  Command Generator --------> <--- Command Responder
----- -----------------                -----------------
A  GetPDU(wheelRotationState.1.1)
|                          ResponsePDU(error-index 0,
|                                       error-code 0)
B                          wheelRotationState.1.1 == spinClockwise(2)
C  SetPDU(wheelRotationState.1.1 =
|                   spinCounterClockwise(3)
|                          ResponsePDU(error-index 0,
|                                       error-code 0)
D                          wheelRotationState.1.1
                                           == spinCounterClockwise(3)
E  GetPDU(wheelRotationState.1.1)
F                          ResponsePDU(error-index 0,
|                                       error-code 0)
V                          wheelRotationState.1.1 == spinClockwise(2)
   ....some time, perhaps seconds, later....
G       GetPDU(wheelRotationState.1.1)
H                         ResponsePDU(error-index 0,
|                                      error-code 0)
|                       wheelRotationState.1.1
V                                          == spinCounterClockwise(3)

Manager                              Agent
--------                             ------
Set1 (Object A, Value B) --->        receives set OK and responds
                          X<-------- Response PDU(OK) is dropped by
Manager times out
and sends again
Set2 (Object A, Value B) --->       receives set OK (does nothing),
                          <-------- with a Response PDU(OK)
Manager receives OK

   |                           128 bits                              |
   |                          node address                           |

   |                         n bits                 |   128-n bits   |
   |                   subnet prefix                | interface ID   |

       0       0 0       1 1       2
      |0       7 8       5 6       3|

   |         n bits         |   m bits  |       128-n-m bits         |
   | global routing prefix  | subnet ID |       interface ID         |

   |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
   |0000..............................0000|0000|    IPv4 address     |

   |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
   |0000..............................0000|FFFF|    IPv4 address     |

   |   10     |
   |  bits    |         54 bits         |          64 bits           |
   |1111111010|           0             |       interface ID         |

   |   10     |
   |  bits    |         54 bits         |         64 bits            |
   |1111111011|        subnet ID        |       interface ID         |

   |                         n bits                 |   128-n bits   |
   |                   subnet prefix                | 00000000000000 |

   |   8    |  4 |  4 |                  112 bits                   |
   +------ -+----+----+---------------------------------------------+
   |11111111|flgs|scop|                  group ID                   |

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   Header field              where       proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
   Refer-To                    R                -   -   -   -   -   -

   Agent A                  Agent B
      |                        |
      |   F1 REFER             |
      |        F2 202 Accepted |
      |        F3 NOTIFY       |
      |  F4 200 OK             |
      |                        |
      |                        |
      |                        |------->
      |                        |  (whatever)
      |                        |<------
      |                        |
      |         F5 NOTIFY      |
      |   F6 200 OK            |
      |                        |
      |                        |

   Agent A                  Agent B
      |                        |
      |   F7 REFER             |
      |        F8 202 Accepted |
      |        F9 NOTIFY       |
      |  F10 200 OK            |
      |                        |------->
      |                        |  (something different)
      |                        |<------
      |                        |
      |         F11 NOTIFY     |
      |   F12 200 OK           |
      |                        |
      |                        |

        E1     +--+            +--+     E3
   ------------|  |            |  |------------
               |  |     W1     |  |
        E2     |  |            |  |     E4
   ------------|  |            |  |------------
               +--+            +--+

        E1     +--+     W2     +--+     E3
               +--+            +--+

        E2     +--+     W3     +--+     E4
               +--+            +--+

   mobile node            NAT           home agent
        |                  |                  |
        |                  |                  |
        | Registration     |                  |
        | Request with     |                  |
        |UDP Tunnel Request|                  |
        |                  |                  +
        |                  |                  || IP Source and
        |                  |                  || CCoA address
        |                  |                  || discrepancy
        |                  |                  || seen
        |                  | Registration     +
        |                  | Reply with       |
        |                  | UDP Tunnel Reply.|
        |                  |                  |
        | UDP tunnelled pkg|                  |
        |                  | UDP tunnelled pkg|
        |                  |                  ||absence of
        |                  |                  ||traffic for
        |                  |                  ||UDP keepalive
        | UDP keepalive    |                  ||period
        .                  .                  +
        .                  .                  .
        .                  .                  .

          | Length                    | P-Type = AUTH_SESSION     |
          // Session Authorization Attribute List                //

      +------+                                     |        |
      |      |   1     +--------------------+    2 |        |
      |      |-------->| Session Management |----->|        |
      |      |<--------|      Server        |<-----|        |
      |      |   4     +--------------------+    3 |        |
      | End  |                                     | Policy |
      | Host |                                     | Server |
      |      |                                     |        |
      |      |   5     +--------------------+   6  |        |
      |      |-------->|        Edge        |----->|        |
      |      |<--------|       Router       |<-----|        |
      |      |   8     +--------------------+    7 |        |
      +------+                                     |        |

                      +---------------------+    +---------+
                      |       SMS 'n'       |<-->|  PS 'm' |
                      +---------------------+   +--------+ |
   +------+                  : : :              |        | |
   |      |   1     +--------------------+    2 |        | |
   |      |-------->| Session Management |----->|        | |
   |      |<--------|    Server 1        |<-----|        | |
   |      |   4     +--------------------+    3 |        | |
   | End  |                                     | Policy | |
   | Host |           +--------------------+    | Server | |
   |      |           |      ER 'n'        |    |   1    | |
   |      |   5     +-+------------------+ |    |        | |
   |      |-------->|        Edge        |-+  6 |        | |
   |      |<--------|       Router       |----->|        | |
   |      |   8     +--------------------+    7 |        | |
   +------+                               <-----|        |-+

                      +--------------------+    +--------+
   +------+           |       SMS `n'      |    |        |
   |      |   1     +-+------------------+ |    |  SCD   |
   |      |-------->| Session Management |-+  2 | Policy |
   |      |<--------|      Server        |----->| Server |
   |      |   4     +--------------------+<-----|        |
   | End  |                                   3 +--------+
   |      |                                      7 ^  |
   | Host |           +--------------------+       |  v 8
   |      |           |       ER 'n'       |    +--------+
   |      |   5     +-+------------------+ |    |        |
   |      |-------->|        Edge        |-+  6 |  RCD   |
   |      |<--------|       Router       |----->| Policy |
   |      |   10    +--------------------+<--- -| Server |
   +------+                                   9 |        |

   +------+                                     |        |
   |      |   1     +--------------------+    2 |  SCD   |
   |      |-------->| Session Management |----->| Policy |
   |      |<--------|      Server        |<-----| Server |
   |      |   4     +--------------------+    3 |        |
   | End  |                                     +--------+
   | Host |
   |      |                                     +--------+
   |      |   5     +--------------------+   6  |        |
   |      |-------->|        Edge        |----->|  RCD   |
   |      |<--------|       Router       |<-----| Policy |
   |      |   8     +--------------------+    7 | Server |
   +------+                                     |        |

    Circuit                      Internet                    Circuit
    Switched         IP            or              IP        Switched
    Network        Ingress      IP Segment       Egress      Network
   -----------+              +--------------+              +-----------
              |    +----+    |     IP       |    +----+    |
      CSN     |    |    |    |              |    |    |    |     CSN
     Phone ------->| GW |----------------------->| GW |-------->Phone
              |    |    |    |              |    |    |    |
              |    +----+    |              |    +----+    |
   -----------+              +--------------+              +-----------

        Internet                             Circuit
           or                  CSN           Switched
       IP Segment            Ingress         Network
   -------------------+                 +---------------
                      |       +----+    |
      IP              |       |    |    |     CSN
     Phone ------------------>| GW |--------> Phone
                      |       |    |    |
                      |       +----+    |
   -------------------+                 +---------------

     Circuit                               Internet
     Switched                  CSN            or
     Network                  Egress       IP Segment
   -------------------+                 +---------------
                      |       +----+    |
      CSN             |       |    |    |      IP
     Phone ------------------>| GW |--------> Phone
                      |       |    |    |
                      |       +----+    |
   -------------------+                 +---------------

                            IP Network
             |                                         |
   +---------+                                         +-----------+
   |                                                               |
   |   IP                                                  IP      |
   |  Phone --------------------------------------------> Phone    |
   |                                                               |
   +---------+                                         +-----------+
             |                                         |

      Session Number  DestAddress  ProtocolId  DstPort
            1      UDP        any

         |Media Gateway                                         |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context                          +-------------+ |  |
         | |                                 | Termination | |  |
         | |                                 |-------------| |  |
         | |  +-------------+             +->| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  | Termination |   +-----+   |  |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |---+  +-------------+ |  |
       <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |                      |  |
         | |  |             |   |     |---+  +-------------+ |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+   |  | Termination | |  |
         | |                              |  |-------------| |  |
         | |                              +->| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |                                 |   Channel   | |  |
         | |                                 +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         |                                                      |
         |                    +------------------------------+  |
         |   (NULL Context)   |Context                       |  |
         |  +-------------+   |              +-------------+ |  |
         |  | Termination |   | +-----+      | Termination | |  |
         |  |-------------|   | |     |      |-------------| |  |
         |  | SCN Bearer  |   | |  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         |  |   Channel   |   | |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         |  +-------------+   | +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         |                    +------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         |                                                      |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context                                          |  |
         | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
         | |  | Termination |   +-----+      | Termination | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+--->| SCN Bearer  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  |   Channel   |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | ___________________________________________________  |

         |Media Gateway                                         |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C1                                       |  |
         | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
         | |  | Term. T2    |   +-----+      | Term. T1    | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  |             |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C2                                       |  |
         | |                                 +-------------+ |  |
         | |                    +-----+      | Term. T3    | |  |
         | |                    |     |      |-------------| |  |
         | |                    |  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |                    |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |                    +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |

         |Media Gateway                                         |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C1                                       |  |
         | |  +-------------+                                |  |
         | |  | Term. T2    |   +-----+                      |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |                      |  |
       <-+--->| RTP Stream  |---|  *  |                      |  |
         | |  |             |   |     |                      |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+                      |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         |                                                      |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |
         | |Context C2                                       |  |
         | |  +-------------+                +-------------+ |  |
         | |  | Term. T1    |   +-----+      | Term. T3    | |  |
         | |  |-------------|   |     |      |-------------| |  |
       <-+--->| SCN Bearer  |---|  *  |------| SCN Bearer  |<---+->
         | |  |   Channel   |   |     |      |   Channel   | |  |
         | |  +-------------+   +-----+      +-------------+ |  |
         | +-------------------------------------------------+  |

                  | Context     +-------+             |
                 +----+         |       |             |
   Circuit 1 -|--| TC1|---------+ Tmux  |             |
              |  +----+ (Str 1) |       |  Audio    +-----+
              |   |             |       +-----*-----+     |-----
              |  +----+         | H.22x | Stream 1  |     |
   Circuit 2 -|--| TC2|---------+ multi-|           | TR1 |
              |  +----+ (Str 1) | plex  |           |(RTP)|
              |   |             |       |  Video    |     |
              |  +----+         |       +-----*-----+     |-----
   Circuit 3 -|--| TC3|---------+       | Stream 2  |     |
              /  +----+ (Str 1) |       |           +-----+
             /    |             +-------+             |
            /     +-----------------\-----------------+
   Audio, video, and control         \
   signals are carried in frames    Tmux is an ephemeral with two
   spanning the circuits.           explicit Stream Descriptors
                                    and a Multiplex Descriptor.

                  | Context     +-------+             |
                 +----+         |       |             |
   Circuit 1 -|--| TC1|---------+ Tmux  |             |
              |  +----+ (Str 1) |       |  Audio    +-----+
              |   |             |       +-----*-----+ TR1 |-----
              |  +----+         | H.22x | Stream 1  |(RTP)|
   Circuit 2 -|--| TC2|---------+ multi-|           +-----+
              |  +----+ (Str 1) | plex  |             |
              |   |             |       |  Video    +-----+
              |  +----+         |       +-----*-----+ TR2 |-----
   Circuit 3 -|--| TC3|---------+       | Stream 2  |(RTP)|
              /  +----+ (Str 1) |       |           +-----+
             /    |             +-------+             |
            /     +-----------------\-----------------+
   Audio, video, and control         \ Tmux is an ephemeral with two
   signals are carried in frames    explicit Stream Descriptors and
   spanning the circuits.           and a Multiplex Descriptor.

     +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
     |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
     |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |
     |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
     |       ^  ^       |  |          ^       |  |          ^       |
     |       |  |       |  |          |       |  |          |       |
     |    +--+  +--+    |  |          +---+   |  |          +--+    |
     |    |        |    |  |              |   |  |             |    |
     |    v        v    |  |              v   |  |             |    |
     | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
     | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |
     | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
     +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
     1. No Topology Desc.   2. T1, T2, Isolate    3. T3, T2, Oneway

     +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
     |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
     |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |  |      | T2 |      |
     |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |  |      +----+      |
     |          |       |  |          ^       |  |       ^  ^       |
     |          |       |  |          |       |  |       |  |       |
     |          +--+    |  |          +---+   |  |    +--+  +--+    |
     |             |    |  |              |   |  |    |        |    |
     |             v    |  |              v   |  |    v        v    |
     | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
     | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |  | | T1 |<-->| T3 | |
     | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |  | +----+    +----+ |
     +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
     4. T2, T3 oneway      5. T2, T3 bothway     6. T1, T2 bothway

      | Transaction x                                            |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |  | Action 1                                           |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+  +---------+ |  |
      |  | | Command |  | Command |  | Command |  | Command | |  |
      |  | |    1    |  |    2    |  |    3    |  |    4    | |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+  +---------+ |  |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |                                                          |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |  | Action 2                                           |  |
      |  | +---------+                                        |  |
      |  | | Command |                                        |  |
      |  | |    1    |                                        |  |
      |  | +---------+                                        |  |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |                                                          |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |
      |  | Action 3                                           |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+              |  |
      |  | | Command |  | Command |  | Command |              |  |
      |  | |    1    |  |    2    |  |    3    |              |  |
      |  | +---------+  +---------+  +---------+              |  |
      |  +----------------------------------------------------+  |

   | Group  | Modulus  | Strength Estimate 1 | Strength Estimate 2 |
   |        |          +----------+----------+----------+----------+
   |        |          |          | exponent |          | exponent |
   |        |          | in bits  | size     | in bits  | size     |
   |   5    | 1536-bit |       90 |     180- |      120 |     240- |
   |  14    | 2048-bit |      110 |     220- |      160 |     320- |
   |  15    | 3072-bit |      130 |     260- |      210 |     420- |
   |  16    | 4096-bit |      150 |     300- |      240 |     480- |
   |  17    | 6144-bit |      170 |     340- |      270 |     540- |
   |  18    | 8192-bit |      190 |     380- |      310 |     620- |

      +--------+         +---------------+
      |  DHCP  |     IP x|               |IP y
      | Server |-.......-|  Relay Agent  |----+------------+
      +--------+         |               |    |            |
                         +---------------+    |         +------+
                                              |         |Modem |
                                              |         +------+
                                              |          |    |
                                           +-----+  +-----+ +-----+
                                           |Host1|  |Host2| |Host3|
                                           +-----+  +-----+ +-----+

             SubOpt   Len     subnet IP address
            |  5   |   4  |  a1  |  a2  |  a3  |  a4  |

          |                  +------------+                  |
          |                  |  MDA4 (z)  |                  |
          |                  +------------+                  |
          |                        | (z)                     |
   +------------+     (y)    +------------+     (y)    +------------+
   | MDA1 (x,y) | ---------- | MDA3 (y,z) | ---------- | MDA2 (x,y) |
   +------------+            +------------+            +------------+

                 (option2)  +------------+  (option2)
         +----------------- | MSA1 (x,y) | -----------------+
         |                  +------------+                  |
         |                        | (option1)               |
         V                        V                         V
   +----------+             +------------+             +----------+
   | MDA1 (x) | ----------- | MDA2 (x,y) | ----------- | MDA3 (y) |
   +----------+             +------------+             +----------+

      +------+    (1) MDA2's DAAdvert |                 +------+
      |      | <----------------------+                 |      |
      | MDA1 |    (2) Create a Peering Connection       | MDA2 |
      |      | ---------------------------------------> |      |
      +------+    (3) MDA1's DAAdvert                   +------+

      +------+      DAAdverts of MDA1's existing peers     +------+
      |      | ------------------------------------------> |      |
      | MDA1 |             (Peering Connection)            | MDA2 |
      |      | <------------------------------------------ |      |
      +------+      DAAdverts of MDA2's existing peers     +------+

      +------+              MDA1's DAAdvert             +------+
      |      | ---------------------------------------> |      |
      | MDA1 |           (Peering Connection)           | MDA2 |
      |      | <--------------------------------------- |      |
      +------+              MDA2's DAAdvert             +------+

      +------+                AntiEtrpRqst                  +------+
      |      | -------------------------------------------> |      |
      | MDA1 |            (Peering Connection)              | MDA2 |
      |      | <------------------------------------------- |      |
      +------+     New States via Srv(De)Reg(s) + SrvAck    +------+

+------+   RqstFwd Srv(De)Reg   +------+   Fwded Srv(De)Reg    +------+
|      | ---------------------> |      | --------------------> |      |
| MSA1 |                        | MDA1 |                       | MDA2 |
|      | <--------------------- |      |                       |      |
+------+         SrvAck         +------+                       +------+

   Data Type       Definition
   int32_t         typedef int             int32_t;

                           0            1
         |  count    | 31  ..  0 | 63  .. 32 |

   Name              #    DataType     Access   Description
   supp_attr         0    bitmap       READ     The bit vector which
                                                would retrieve all
                                                mandatory and
                                                recommended attributes
                                                that are supported for
                                                this object.  The
                                                scope of this
                                                attribute applies to
                                                all objects with a
                                                matching fsid.

   Name                #    Data Type      Access   Description
   ACL                 12   nfsace4<>      R/W      The access control
                                                    list for the object.

   Type         Description
   ALLOW        Explicitly grants the access defined in
                acemask4 to the file or directory.

   | tag | minorversion | numops | op + args | op + args | op + args |
   +-----+--------------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-- and the reply's structure is:

      |last status | tag | numres | status + op + results |

   | p1   | p2   | p3   | p4   | ...  | pN   |
   <------- ipv6 or ipv4 address ------------>

   Putting all bits together for C2C3:
   P1                        |C2      |C2C3
   00111111 11111110 00001011 01000000 00001100 00
                                 <------->    <------>
                                     growing bits

           ------------------             -------------------
           |                | *         * |                 |
           |    Partition   |-------------|   Controller    |
           |     Manager    |      C      |                 |
           ------------------             -------------------
                         1 \                / *
                            \              /
                             \ A        B /
                              \          /
                             * \        / *
                           |  --------/---   |
                           |  |Partition |   |
                           |  |          |   |
                           |  ------------   |
                           |Switching element|

      packet_1 (5 segments)          packet_2 (4 segs)    p_3 (2 segs)
     ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------
 ..  |seg_1|seg_2|seg_3|seg_4|s_5 | |seg_1|seg_2|seg_3|| |seg_1|s_2 | ..
     ------------------------------ -------------------- ------------

 page_1 (packet_1 data)   page_2 (pket_1 data)   page_3 (packet_2 data)
------------------------  ----------------  ------------------------
|H|------------------- |  |H|----------- |  |H|------------------- |
|D||seg_1|seg_2|seg_3| |  |D|seg_4|s_5 | |  |D||seg_1|seg_2|seg_3| | ...
|R|------------------- |  |R|----------- |  |R|------------------- |
------------------------  ----------------  ------------------------

pages of            |
other    --------|  |
logical         -------
bitstreams      | MUX |

              page_1  page_2          page_3
      ------  ------  -------  -----  -------
 ...  ||   |  ||   |  ||    |  ||  |  ||    |  ...
      ------  ------  -------  -----  -------
              physical Ogg bitstream

   |    IOTP Entity                SET Entity         |
   | ------------------------------------------------ |
   | Consumer        <--->      Card Holder           |
   | Merchant        <--->      Merchant (Initiation) |
   | Payment Handler <--->      Merchant (Payment)    |
   | Delivery Handler<--->      None                  |
   | None            <--->      Acquirer              |

   IOTP client (Consumer)  <--------------->  IOTP server (Merchant)
         ^                     Internet             ^
         | IOTP Payment                             | IOTP Payment
         |    API                                   |    API
         v                                          v
   IOTP/Payment Bridge                        IOTP/Payment Bridge
        ^                                           ^
        | Existing Payment APIs, e.g.,              |
        | SET, Mondex, etc.                         |
        v                                           v
   Existing Payment Software               Existing Payment Software

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |  TPO & OfferResp message
      |             |             |<------------------- From
      |             |<------------|                       Merchant
      |             | FindPayment |
      |             |   Instrument|
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             | CheckPayment|
      |             |  Possibility|
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |<------------| StartPayment|
      |------------>|     Consumer|
      |             |------------>| PayRequest Message
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To Payment
                                    (SET Init Resp/        Handler
                                         SET PInitReq)

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |  Pay Exch Message
      |             |             |<------------------- From
      | SET PInitRes|<------------|  (SET PInitRes)      P.H.
      |<------------| Continue    |
      |------------>|     Process |
      |  SET PReq   |------------>|  Pay Exch Message
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To P.H.
      |             |             |    (SET PReq)
      |             |             |  Pay Exch Message
      |             |             |<------------------  From P.H.
      |  SET PRes   |<------------|    (SET PRes)
      |<------------| Continue    |
      |------------>|    Process  |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |Response[END]|
      |             |<------------|
      |             | CheckPayment|
      |             |     Receipt |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             |ExpandPayment|
      |             |     Receipt |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             |ChangeProcess|
      |             |       State |
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |

                                 OAC        SET Bridge
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentBrand   |
                                  |  Response      |
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentProtocol|
                                  |  Response      |
                                  |GetPaymentInit- |
                                  | lizationData   |
          TPO & Offer Resp Msg.   |<---------------|
         <------------------------|  Response      |
   To  Consumer

                                 OAC        SET Bridge        SET Core
              PayRequest Message  |                |             |
   From    ---------------------->|                |             |
    Consumer  (SET Init Res/      |--------------->|             |
                    SET PInitReq) |StartPayment    |------------>|
                                  | PaymentHandler |<------------|
             PayExch Message      |<---------------|             |
   To      <----------------------|  Response      |             |
    Consumer (SET Init Req/       .                .             .
                   SET PInitRes)  .                .             .
             PayExch Mssage       |                |             |
           ---------------------->|                |             |
   From Consumer (SET PReq)       |--------------->| SET PReq    |
                                  | Continue       |------------>|
                                  |       Process  |<------------|
                                  |<---------------| SET PRes    |
                                  |  Response      |             |
                                  |--------------->|             |
                                  | Inquire        |             |
                                  |   ProcessState |             |
                                  |<---------------|             |
                                  |  Response      |             |
                                  |--------------->|             |
                                  | ChangeProcess  |             |
                                  |      State     |             |
           PayResponse Message    |<---------------|             |
         <------------------------|  Response      |             |
   To  Consumer (SET PRes)

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |  TPO message
      |             |             |<------------------- From
      |             |<------------|                       Merchant
      |             | FindPayment |
      |             |   Instrument|
      |             |------------>|
      |             |  Response   |
      |             |<------------|
      |             | CheckPayment|
      |             |  Possibility|
      |             |------------>|  TPO Selection Msg.
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To Merchant
      |             |             |<------------------  From Merchant
      |             |<------------| Offer Response Msg.
      |<------------| StartPayment|
      |------------>|     Consumer|
      |             |------------>| PayRequest Message
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To Payment
                                    (SET Init Resp/        Handler
                                         SET PInitReq)

                                 OAC        SET Bridge
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentBrand   |
                                  |  Response      |
                                  |FindAccepted    |
                                  | PaymentProtocol|
          TPO  Message            |<---------------|
         <------------------------|  Response      |
   To Consumer                    |                |
          TPO Selection Message   |                |
         ------------------------>|                |
   From Consumer                  |--------------->|
                                  |GetPaymentInit- |
                                  | lizationData   |
          Offer Response Message  |<---------------|
         <------------------------|  Response      |
   To  Consumer

   SET Core     SET Bridge       OAC
      |             |             |
      |             |             |
      |             |<------------|
      |<------------| StartPayment|
      |------------>|      Inquiry|
      | SET InqReq  |------------>| Inquiry Request
      |             |  Response   |-------------------> To P.H.
      |             |             |   (SET InqReq)
      |             |             |
      |             |             | Inquiry Response
      |             |             |<------------------- From P.H.
      |             |             |   (SET InqRes)
      | SET Inq Res |<------------|
      |<------------| Continue    |
      |------------>|      Process|
      | SET InqReq  |------------>|
      |             |    [End]    |
      |             |ChangeProcess|
      |             |        State|
      |             |<------------|

                                   OAC        SET Bridge     SET Core
              InquiryReq message    |              |             |
   From    ------------------------>|              |             |
    Consumer     (SET InqReq)       |------------->|             |
                                    |        Status| SET InqReq  |
                                    |              |<------------|
                                    |              | SET InqRes  |
              InquiryResp message   |<-------------|             |
   To      <------------------------|  Response    |             |
    Consumer     (SET InqRes)       |

   +------------+                 +----------+
   |            |                 |          |
   |            |<----------------| Merchant |
   |            | 1st SET InitMsg |          |
   |            |                 +----------+
   |  Consumer  |                 +----------+
   |            |                 |          |
   |            |<--------------->|   P.H.   |
   |            | Other SET Init/ |          |
   +------------+ SET Message     +----------+

   InProgress ---> InProgress    : When ContinueProcess Function
                                   is called
                                 : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="Failed") is called

   InProgress ---> ProcessError  : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="ProcessError") is
                                 : The Technical Error (Hard Error)
                                   is occurred in SET Bridge

   InProgress ---> Failed        : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="failed") is called
                                 : The Business Error is occurred
                                   in SET Bridge

   InProgress ---> Suspended     : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="Suspended") is
                                 : ErrorCode="ResumeRequired" is
                                   is occurred.

   Suspend ---> ProcessError     : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="ProcessError") is
                                   called (the Technical Error is
                                   occurred prior to ResumePayment-
                                   Consumer Function call)
                                 : The Technical Error (Hard Error)
                                   is occurred in SET Bridge (the
                                   Technical Error is occurred while
                                   ResumePaymentConsumer is calling)

   InProgress ---> InProgress    : When ContinueProcess Function
                                   is called
                                 : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="Failed") is called

   InProgress ---> ProcessError  : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="ProcessError") is
                                 : The Technical Error (Hard Error)
                                   is occurred in SET Bridge
                                 : SET Error Message is occurred

   InProgress ---> Failed        : When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   (ProcessState="failed") is called
                                 : The Business Error is occurred
                                   in SET Bridge

   CompletedOK ---> Failed      :  When ChangeProcessState Function
                                   or CancelPayment Function
                                   (ProcessState="Failed") is called
                                   and the payment is cancelled.

   SET Related    Setting for     Setting for        Value of
       Message       Consumer     Paymnet Handler    PercentComplete
   SET Initia- |After 1st SET  |After 1st SET     |20
   tion        |Initiation     |Initiation        |
               |Response has   |Response has      |
               |Cteated        |Processed         |
               |(See Note)     |(See Note)        |
   SET PinitReq|After Created  |After Processed   |40
   SET PinitRes|After Processed|After Created     |60
   SET PReq    |After Created  |After Processed   |80
   SET PRes    |After Processed|After Created     |100

   +------+                   +------+                   +------+
   |      |                   |      |                   |      |
   | NAS  |    --------->     | DRL  |     --------->    | HMS  |
   |      |                   |      |                   |      |
   +------+   1000 streams    +------+    2000 streams   +------+

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
   |               |           | N | C | E | U | A | P | R | S | F |
   | Header Length | Reserved  | S | W | C | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
   |               |           |   | R | E | G | K | H | T | N | N |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
   |               |           | N | C | E | U | A | P | R | S | F |
   | Header Length | Reserved  | S | W | C | R | C | S | S | Y | I |
   |               |           |   | R | E | G | K | H | T | N | N |

|<--------------------------- msg_controllen ------------------------->|
|                                 OR                                   |
|<--------------------------- msg_controllen ---------------------->|
|                                                                      |
|<----- ancillary data object ----->|<---- ancillary data object ----->|
|<------ min CMSG_SPACE() --------->|<----- min CMSG_SPACE() --------->|
|                                   |                                  |
|<---------- cmsg_len ---------->|  |<-------- cmsg_len ----------->|  |
|<--------- CMSG_LEN() --------->|  |<------- CMSG_LEN() ---------->|  |
|                                |  |                               |  |
|cmsg_|cmsg_|cmsg_|XX|   cmsg_   |XX|cmsg_|cmsg_|cmsg_|XX|  cmsg_   |XX|
|len  |level|type |XX|   data[]  |XX|len  |level|type |XX|  data[]  |XX|
points here

      | 0 | 0 | 0 |dI | link sequence |

      | F | I |dT |dI | link sequence |
      : M : S : T : P : C : 0 : 0 : 0 :  (if F = 1)

      | F | I |dT |dI | link sequence |
      : M : S : T : P : C : 0 : 0 : 0 :  (if F = 1)
      : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 :      CC       :  (if C = 1)

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      :   msb of session context ID   :  (if 16-bit CID)
      |   lsb of session context ID   |
      |F=0| I |dT |dI | link sequence |
      :                               :
      +         UDP checksum          +  (if nonzero in context)
      :                               :
      :                               :
      +        "RANDOM" fields        +  (if encapsulated)
      :                               :
      :         delta IPv4 ID         :  (if dI = 1)
      :      delta RTP timestamp      :  (if dT = 1)
      :                               :
      +           IPv4 ID             +  (if I = 1)
      :                               :
      |           UDP data            |
      :   (uncompressed RTP header)   :

   :                               :
   :      RTP header extension     :  (if X set in context)
   :                               :
   |                               |
   /           RTP data            /
   /                               /
   |                               |
   :            padding            :  (if P set in context)

         +--first octet--+-second octet--+--third octet--+
         |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
         |5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|

                        1          2          3
          01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901 23456789
         |< 1 >< 2| >< 3 ><|.4 >< 5.|>< 6 ><.|7 >< 8 >|
                                                 <===> 8th character
                                           <====> 7th character
                                      <===> 6th character
                                <====> 5th character
                          <====> 4th character
                     <===> 3rd character
               <====> 2nd character
          <===> 1st character

                        ____      +---------------+
                   +->-| FW |---> | TCP, UDP, ... |
                   |   +----+     +---------------+
                   |                   |
                   ^                   v
                   |                  _|_
                   +----<----+       | FW |
                             |       +----+
                             ^         |
                             |         Y
                           To host    From host
                            stack     stack
                             ^         |
                             |_____    |
Ingress                            ^   Y
device   ____    +-------+        +|---|--+   ____   +--------+ Egress
->----->| FW |-->|Ingress|-->---->| Forw- |->| FW |->| Egress | device
        +----+   |  TC   |        |  ard  |  +----+  |   TC   |-->
                 +-------+        +-------+          +--------+

                           Control Plane (CP)
                          |    /^^^^^^\      /^^^^^^\         |
                          |   |        |    | COPS  |-\       |
                          |   | ospfd  |    |  PEP  |  \      |
                          |   \       /      \_____/    |     |
                        /------\_____/         |       /      |
                        | |        |           |     /        |
                        | |_________\__________|____|_________|
                        |           |          |    |
         Forwarding    ************* Netlink  layer ************
         Engine (FE)   *****************************************
          |       IPv4 forwarding   |              |             |
          |       FE Service       /               /             |
          |       Component       /               /              |
          |       ---------------/---------------/---------      |
          |       |             |               /         |      |
   packet |       |     --------|--        ----|-----     |   packet
   in     |       |     |  IPv4    |      | Egress   |    |    out
   -->--->|------>|---->|Forwarding|----->| QoS      |--->| ---->|->
          |       |     |          |      | Scheduler|    |      |
          |       |     -----------        ----------     |      |
          |       |                                       |      |
          |        ---------------------------------------       |
          |                                                      |

                    Control Plane (CP)
                   |    /^^^^^\        /^^^^^\          |
                   |   |       |      / CPC-2 \         |
                   |   | CPC-1 |     | COPS   |         |
                   |   | ospfd |     |  PEP   |         |
                   |   |      /       \____ _/          |
                   |    \____/            |             |
                   |      |               |             |
                ************* BROADCAST WIRE  ************
   FE---------- *****************************************.
   |      IPv4 forwarding |    |           |             |
   |               FEC    |    |           |             |
   |       --------------/ ----|-----------|--------     |
   |       |            /      |           |       |     |
   |       |     .-------.  .-------.   .------.   |     |
   |       |     |Ingress|  | IPv4  |   |Egress|   |     |
   |       |     |police |  |Forward|   | QoS  |   |     |
   |       |     |_______|  |_______|   |Sched |   |     |
   |       |                             ------    |     |
   |        ---------------------------------------      |
   |                                                     |

          ++    ++                 +-----+   +-------+   ++     ++ .++
          || .  ||     +------+    |     |-->| Qdisc |-->||     ||  ||
          ||    ||---->|Filter|--->|Class|   +-------+   ||-+   ||  ||
          ||    ||  |  +------+    |     +---------------+| |   ||  ||
          || .  ||  |              +----------------------+ |   || .||
          || .  ||  |  +------+                             |   ||  ||
          ||    ||  +->|Filter|-_  +-----+   +-------+   ++ |   || .||
          || -->||  |  +------+  ->|     |-->| Qdisc |-->|| |   ||->||
          || .  ||  |              |Class|   +-------+   ||-+-->|| .||
   ->dev->||    ||  |  +------+ _->|     +---------------+|     ||  ||
          ||    ||  +->|Filter|-   +----------------------+     || .||
          ||    ||     +------+                                 || .||
          || .  |+----------------------------------------------+|  ||
          ||    |          Parent Queuing discipline             | .||
          || .  +------------------------------------------------+ .||
          || . . .. . . .. . .                 . .. .. .. .      .. ||
          |                 Parent Queuing discipline                |
          |                  (attached to egress device)             |

    |   .-----.                                              |
    |  |                         . -------.                  |
    |  |  CLI   |               /           \                |
    |  |        |              | CP protocol |               |
    |         /->> -.          |  component  | <-.           |
    |    __ _/      |          |   For       |   |           |
    |                |         | IP service  |   ^           |
    |                Y         |    foo      |   |           |
    |                |           ___________/    ^           |
    |                Y   1,4,6,8,9 /  ^ 2,5,10   | 3,7       |
     --------------- Y------------/---|----------|-----------
                     |           ^    |          ^
                   ************* Netlink  layer ************
           FE        |           |    ^          ^
           .-------- Y-----------Y----|--------- |----.
           |                    |              /      |
           |                    Y            /        |
           |          . --------^-------.  /          |
           |          |FE component/module|/          |
           |          |  for IP Service   |           |
    --->---|------>---|     foo           |----->-----|------>--
           |           -------------------            |
           |                                          |
           |                                          |

   if encrypted: random 32-bit integer
   |[--------- packet --------][---------- packet ----------][-packet-]
   |                receiver            chunk        chunk
   V                reports           item  item   item  item
   R[SR #sendinfo #site1#site2][SDES #CNAME PHONE #CNAME LOC][BYE##why]
   |                                                                  |
   |<-----------------------  compound packet ----------------------->|
   |<--------------------------  UDP packet ------------------------->|

   [10 Nov 1995 11:33:25.125 UTC]       [10 Nov 1995 11:33:36.5 UTC]
   n                 SR(n)              A=b710:8000 (46864.500 s)
                      v                 ^
   ntp_sec =0xb44db705 v               ^ dlsr=0x0005:4000 (    5.250s)
   ntp_frac=0x20000000  v             ^  lsr =0xb705:2000 (46853.125s)
     (3024992005.125 s)  v           ^
   r                      v         ^ RR(n)
                           (5.250 s)

         [E1]                                    [E6]
          |                                       |
    E1:17 |                                 E6:15 |
          |                                       |   E6:15
          V  M1:48 (1,17)         M1:48 (1,17)    V   M1:48 (1,17)
          ^                 ^     E4:47           ^   E4:47
     E2:1 |           E4:47 |                     |   M3:89 (64,45)
          |                 |                     |
         [E2]              [E4]     M3:89 (64,45) |
                                                  |        legend:
   [E3] --------->(M2)----------->(M3)------------|        [End system]
          E3:64        M2:12 (64)  ^                       (Mixer)
                                   | E5:45                 <Translator>
                                  [E5]          source: SSRC (CSRCs)

      channels  description  channel
                                1     2   3   4   5   6
      2         stereo          l     r
      3                         l     r   c
      4                         l     c   r   S
      5                        Fl     Fr  Fc  Sl  Sr
      6                         l     lc  c   r   rc  S

   name of                              sampling              default
   encoding  sample/frame  bits/sample      rate  ms/frame  ms/packet
   DVI4      sample        4                var.                   20
   G722      sample        8              16,000                   20
   G723      frame         N/A             8,000        30         30
   G726-40   sample        5               8,000                   20
   G726-32   sample        4               8,000                   20
   G726-24   sample        3               8,000                   20
   G726-16   sample        2               8,000                   20
   G728      frame         N/A             8,000       2.5         20
   G729      frame         N/A             8,000        10         20
   G729D     frame         N/A             8,000        10         20
   G729E     frame         N/A             8,000        10         20
   GSM       frame         N/A             8,000        20         20
   GSM-EFR   frame         N/A             8,000        20         20
   L8        sample        8                var.                   20
   L16       sample        16               var.                   20
   LPC       frame         N/A             8,000        20         20
   MPA       frame         N/A              var.      var.
   PCMA      sample        8                var.                   20
   PCMU      sample        8                var.                   20
   QCELP     frame         N/A             8,000        20         20
   VDVI      sample        var.             var.                   20

                   1         2         3        3
         0         0         0         0        9
         <---V1---><---V2---><---V3---><---V4---> vectors
         <--B1--><--B2--><--B3--><--B4--><--B5--> octets
         <------------- frame 1 ---------------->

               field  field name  bits  field  field name  bits
               1      LARc[0]     6     39     xmc[22]     3
               2      LARc[1]     6     40     xmc[23]     3
               3      LARc[2]     5     41     xmc[24]     3
               4      LARc[3]     5     42     xmc[25]     3
               5      LARc[4]     4     43     Nc[2]       7
               6      LARc[5]     4     44     bc[2]       2
               7      LARc[6]     3     45     Mc[2]       2
               8      LARc[7]     3     46     xmaxc[2]    6
               9      Nc[0]       7     47     xmc[26]     3
               10     bc[0]       2     48     xmc[27]     3
               11     Mc[0]       2     49     xmc[28]     3
               12     xmaxc[0]    6     50     xmc[29]     3
               13     xmc[0]      3     51     xmc[30]     3
               14     xmc[1]      3     52     xmc[31]     3
               15     xmc[2]      3     53     xmc[32]     3
               16     xmc[3]      3     54     xmc[33]     3
               17     xmc[4]      3     55     xmc[34]     3
               18     xmc[5]      3     56     xmc[35]     3
               19     xmc[6]      3     57     xmc[36]     3
               20     xmc[7]      3     58     xmc[37]     3
               21     xmc[8]      3     59     xmc[38]     3
               22     xmc[9]      3     60     Nc[3]       7
               23     xmc[10]     3     61     bc[3]       2
               24     xmc[11]     3     62     Mc[3]       2
               25     xmc[12]     3     63     xmaxc[3]    6
               26     Nc[1]       7     64     xmc[39]     3
               27     bc[1]       2     65     xmc[40]     3
               28     Mc[1]       2     66     xmc[41]     3
               29     xmaxc[1]    6     67     xmc[42]     3
               30     xmc[13]     3     68     xmc[43]     3
               31     xmc[14]     3     69     xmc[44]     3
               32     xmc[15]     3     70     xmc[45]     3
               33     xmc[16]     3     71     xmc[46]     3
               34     xmc[17]     3     72     xmc[47]     3
               35     xmc[18]     3     73     xmc[48]     3
               36     xmc[19]     3     74     xmc[49]     3
               37     xmc[20]     3     75     xmc[50]     3
               38     xmc[21]     3     76     xmc[51]     3

            DVI4 codeword  VDVI bit pattern
                        0  00
                        1  010
                        2  1100
                        3  11100
                        4  111100
                        5  1111100
                        6  11111100
                        7  11111110
                        8  10
                        9  011
                       10  1101
                       11  11101
                       12  111101
                       13  1111101
                       14  11111101
                       15  11111111

               PT   encoding    media type  clock rate   channels
                    name                    (Hz)
               0    PCMU        A            8,000       1
               1    reserved    A
               2    reserved    A
               3    GSM         A            8,000       1
               4    G723        A            8,000       1
               5    DVI4        A            8,000       1
               6    DVI4        A           16,000       1
               7    LPC         A            8,000       1
               8    PCMA        A            8,000       1
               9    G722        A            8,000       1
               10   L16         A           44,100       2
               11   L16         A           44,100       1
               12   QCELP       A            8,000       1
               13   CN          A            8,000       1
               14   MPA         A           90,000       (see text)
               15   G728        A            8,000       1
               16   DVI4        A           11,025       1
               17   DVI4        A           22,050       1
               18   G729        A            8,000       1
               19   reserved    A
               20   unassigned  A
               21   unassigned  A
               22   unassigned  A
               23   unassigned  A
               dyn  G726-40     A            8,000       1
               dyn  G726-32     A            8,000       1
               dyn  G726-24     A            8,000       1
               dyn  G726-16     A            8,000       1
               dyn  G729D       A            8,000       1
               dyn  G729E       A            8,000       1
               dyn  GSM-EFR     A            8,000       1
               dyn  L8          A            var.        var.
               dyn  RED         A                        (see text)
               dyn  VDVI        A            var.        1

               PT      encoding    media type  clock rate
                       name                    (Hz)
               24      unassigned  V
               25      CelB        V           90,000
               26      JPEG        V           90,000
               27      unassigned  V
               28      nv          V           90,000
               29      unassigned  V
               30      unassigned  V
               31      H261        V           90,000
               32      MPV         V           90,000
               33      MP2T        AV          90,000
               34      H263        V           90,000
               35-71   unassigned  ?
               72-76   reserved    N/A         N/A
               77-95   unassigned  ?
               96-127  dynamic     ?
               dyn     H263-1998   V           90,000

      What Alice and Bob think:
      Alice  <---------------------------------------------->  Bob

      What's happening:
      Alice  <---------------->  Attacker  <---------------->  Bob

   +--------+                     +----------+
   |TERMINAL|-------------------->|  ENGINE  |
   |        |                     |          |
   +--------+                     +----------+

   +--------+  DSR over      +-------+                +----------+
   | Non-IP |  Circuit link  |       | IP/UDP/RTP/DSR |IP SPEECH |
   |  USER  |:::::::::::::::>|GATEWAY|--------------->|  ENGINE  |
   |TERMINAL|  ETSI payload  |       |                |          |
   +--------+  format        +-------+                +----------+

   +--------+                  +-------+  DSR over       +----------+
   |IP USER |  IP/UDP/RTP/DSR  |       |  circuit link   |  Non-IP  |
   |TERMINAL|----------------->|GATEWAY|::::::::::::::::>|  SPEECH  |
   |        |                  |       |  ETSI payload   |  ENGINE  |
   +--------+                  +-------+  format         +----------+

    -----------------     ------------------      -----------------
   |                 |   |                  |    |                 |
   | Select Criteria |   |Linkage Instance  |    |Usage Instance   |
   |                 |   |-instance ID      |    |- instance ID    |
   | -instance ID    |<--|-PRID of selection|--->|- PRID of Linkage|
   | -conditions...  |   |-PRC of usage     |    |- counts...      |
   |                 |   |                  |    |                 |
    -----------------     ------------------      -----------------

   |          |          | Control/ | Protocol |
   |   Flag   | Address  | Address  |  16 bits |
   | 01111110 |  8 bits  |  8 bits  | (0x0057) |
      |             |            |          | Inter-frame
      | IPv6 header |    FCS     |   Flag   | fill or next
      | and payload | 16/32 bits | 01111110 | address

   MSB                                                               LSB
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   MSB                                                               LSB
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   MSB                                              LSB
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|

   MSB                                                               LSB
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   +-----+         {      }     +----------+     [   IP    ]
   |     |-[M]-----{ PSTN }-----[SM]       |.....[ network ]
   +-----+         {      }     +----------+     [         ]
   Remote                           NAS

  +-----+       {      }   +-----+   [ packet  ]   +-----+   [  home   ]
  |     |-[M]---{ PSTN }---[SM]  |...[ network ]...|     |...[ network ]
  +-----+       {      }   +-----+   [         ]   +-----+   [         ]
  Remote                     LAC                     LNS

      --         ----       ************       ---------
     |UE|- ... -|GGSN|--+--* IPv4/v6 NW *--+--|Peer node|
      --         ----       ************       ---------

             +-------------+  +-------------------------------------+
             |             |  |                           +------+  |
             |             |  |                           |S-CSCF|---
       |     |             |  |                           +------+  |
     +-|+    |             |  |                            /        |
     |  |    |   SIP Sig.  |  |    +------+          +------+       |
     |  |----|------+------|--|----|P-CSCF|----------|I-CSCF|       |
     |  |    |             |  |    +------+          +------+       |
     |  |-----------+------------------------------------------------
     +--+    |  User traf. |  |                                     |
      UE     |             |  |                                     |
             | GPRS access |  |     IP Multimedia CN Subsystem      |
             +-------------+  +-------------------------------------+

       |             |
       |     UE      |                                    +------+
       |             |                                    | IPv4 |
       |             |                                   /|      |
       |------|------+                                  / +------+
       | IPv6 | IPv4 |                     +--------+  /
       +-------------+       IPv4          |        | /
           |      |------------------------|        |/
           |                               |        |
           |                 IPv6          |  GGSN  |\
           |-------------------------------|        | \
                           +-----------+   |        |  \  +------+
                           | GPRS Core |   |        |   \ | IPv6 |
                           +-----------+   +--------+    \|      |

        +------+                  +------+
        |      |                  |      |                 +------+
        |  UE  |------------------|      |-----------------|      |
        |      |    +-----------+ | GGSN |     +---------+ | IPv6 |
        | IPv6 |    | GPRS Core | |      |     | IPv4 Net| |      |
        +------+    +-----------+ +------+     +---------+ +------+

       +------+                  +------+
       |      |                  |      |                 +------+
       |  UE  |------------------|      |-----------------|      |
       |      |    +-----------+ | GGSN |     +---------+ | IPv4 |
       | IPv4 |    | GPRS Core | |      |     | IPv6 Net| |      |
       +------+    +-----------+ +------+     +---------+ +------+

       +------+                  +------+
       |      |                  |      |     +---+    +------+
       |  UE  |------------------|      |-----|   |----|      |
       |      |    +-----------+ | GGSN |     | ? |    | IPv4 |
       | IPv6 |    | GPRS Core | |      |     |   |    |      |
       +------+    +-----------+ +------+     +---+    +------+

       +------+                  +------+
       |      |                  |      |     +---+    +------+
       |  UE  |------------------|      |-----|   |----|      |
       |      |    +-----------+ | GGSN |     | ? |    | IPv6 |
       | IPv4 |    | GPRS Core | |      |     |   |    |      |
       +------+    +-----------+ +------+     +---+    +------+

       +------+     +------+     +-----+
       |      |     |      |     |     |  +---+  +------+
       |  UE  |-...-|      |-----| IMS |--|   |--|      |
       |      |     | GGSN |     |     |  | ? |  | IPv4 |
       | IPv6 |     |      |     |     |  |   |  |      |
       +------+     +------+     +-----+  +---+  +------+

       +------+     +------+     +-----+          +-----+
       |      |     |      |     |     |          |     |
       |  UE  |-...-|      |-----| IMS |----------|     |
       |      |     | GGSN |     |     | +------+ | IMS |
       | IPv6 |     |      |     |     | | IPv4 | |     |
       +------+     +------+     +-----+ +------+ +-----+

   +----------+   Disconnect-Request     +----------+
   |          |   <--------------------  |          |
   |    NAS   |                          |  RADIUS  |
   |          |   Disconnect-Response    |  Server  |
   |          |   ---------------------> |          |
   +----------+                          +----------+

   +----------+      CoA-Request         +----------+
   |          |  <--------------------   |          |
   |   NAS    |                          |  RADIUS  |
   |          |     CoA-Response         |  Server  |
   |          |   ---------------------> |          |
   +----------+                          +----------+

      | c !                          | c !  protocolDir  |
      | n !  protocolDirID           | n !  Parameters   |
      | t !                          | t !               |

      |  |       |       |        |         | |       |
       c  ether2    ip      udp      snmp    c  param.

      PSTN                      MGC/MG                       SIP
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------IAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------SAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------SAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |                          |
        |                          |                          |
        |             T10 expires  |---------INVITE---------->|
        |                          |                          |

      PSTN                      MGC/MG                       SIP
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------IAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |---------INVITE---------->|
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------SAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |---------INVITE---------->|
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------SAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |---------INVITE---------->|
        |                          |                          |

      PSTN                      MGC/MG                       SIP
        |                          |                          |
        |-----------IAM----------->| Starts T10               |
        |                          |---------INVITE---------->|
        |                          |<---------484-------------|
        |                          |----------ACK------------>|
        |                          |                          |
        |                          |                          |
        |             T10 expires  |                          |
        |<----------REL------------|                          |

   +--------------------| SACondition |
   |                    +-------------+
   |                         * |
   |                           |(a)
   |                         1 |
   |                   +---------------+
   |                   |  FilterList   |
   |                   |([CIMNETWORK]) |
   |                   +---------------+
   |                         1 o
   |(b)                        |(c)
   |                         * |
   |                   +-----------------+
   |                   | FilterEntryBase |
   |                   | ([CIMNETWORK])  |
   |                   +-----------------+
   |                           ^
   |                           |
   |    +-----------------+    |    +-----------------------+
   |    | IPHeadersFilter |----+----| CredentialFilterEntry |
   |    |   ([PCIME])     |    |    +-----------------------+
   |    +-----------------+    |
   |                           |
   |    +-----------------+    |    +--------------------------+
   |    | IPSOFilterEntry |----+----| PeerIDPayloadFilterEntry |
   |    +-----------------+         +--------------------------+
   |           *+-----------------------------+
   +------------| CredentialManagementService |
                |         ([CIMUSER])         |

                                | SAAction |
                         |                          |
                         |               +---------------------+
                         |               | SaNegotiationAction |
                         |               +---------------------+
                         |                          ^
                         |                          |
                 +----------------+      +----------------------+*
                 | SAStaticAction |      | IKENegotiationAction |o----+
                 +----------------+      +----------------------+     |
                               ^                     ^                |
                               |                     |                |
                               |         +-----------+-------+        |
                               |         |                   |        |
       +-------------------+   |   +-------------+     +-----------+  |
       | IPsecBypassAction |---+   | IPsecAction |     | IKEAction |  |
       +-------------------+   |   +-------------+     +-----------+  |
                               |       ^                              |
      +--------------------+   |       |    +----------------------+  |
      | IPsecDiscardAction |---+       +----| IPsecTransportAction |  |
      +--------------------+   |       |    +----------------------+  |
                               |       |                              |
         +-----------------+   |       |    +-------------------+     |
         | IKERejectAction |---+       +----| IPsecTunnelAction |     |
         +-----------------+   |            +-------------------+     |
                               |                     *|               |
                               |       +--------------+               |
                               |       |                              |
   +-----------------------+   |       |       +--------------+n      |
   | PreconfiguredSAAction |---+       |(a)    | [SAProposal] |-------+
   +-----------------------+           |       +--------------+   (b)
      *|    ^                          |
       |    |                          |      *+-------------+
       |    |                          +-------| PeerGateway |
       |    |                                  +-------------+
       |    |  +-----------------------------+   |0..1  *w|
       |    +--| PreconfiguredTransportAction|   |        |(c)
       |    |  +-----------------------------+   |       1|
       |    |                                    |  +--------------+
       |    |  +---------------------------+ *   |  |    System    |
       |    +--| PreconfiguredTunnelAction |-----+  |  ([CIMCORE]) |
       |       +---------------------------+  (e)   +--------------+

       |   2..6+---------------+
       +-------| [SATransform] |
         (d)   +---------------+

    |         n bits          |   m bits  |       128-n-m bits         |
    | global routing prefix   | subnet ID |       interface ID         |

    |         n bits          | 64-n bits |       64 bits              |
    | global routing prefix   | subnet ID |       interface ID         |

    | 3 |     45 bits         |  16 bits  |       64 bits              |
    |001|global routing prefix| subnet ID |       interface ID         |

          +--------+          +-------+          +--------+
          | Client |          | Relay |          | Server |
          +--------+          +-------+          +--------+
                   <---------->       <---------->
                peer connection A   peer connection B

    +------+    --------->     +------+     --------->    +------+
    |      |    1. Request     |      |     2. Request    |      |
    | NAS  |                   | DRL  |                   | HMS  |
    |      |    4. Answer      |      |     3. Answer     |      |
    +------+    <---------     +------+     <---------    +------+
   example.net                example.net                example.com

    +------+    --------->     +------+     --------->    +------+
    |      |  RADIUS Request   |      |  Diameter Request |      |
    | NAS  |                   | TLA  |                   | HMS  |
    |      |  RADIUS Answer    |      |  Diameter Answer  |      |
    +------+    <---------     +------+     <---------    +------+
   example.net                example.net               example.com

                                            |    AVP Flag rules   |
                   AVP  Section             |    |     |SHLD| MUST|    |
   Attribute Name  Code Defined  Data Type  |MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
   Acct-             85  9.8.2   Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Interim-Interval                       |    |     |    |     |    |
   Accounting-      483  9.8.7   Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Realtime-Required                      |    |     |    |     |    |
   Acct-            50   9.8.5   UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Multi-Session-Id                       |    |     |    |     |    |
   Accounting-      485  9.8.3   Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Record-Number                          |    |     |    |     |    |
   Accounting-      480  9.8.1   Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Record-Type                            |    |     |    |     |    |
   Accounting-       44  9.8.4   OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
    Session-Id                              |    |     |    |     |    |
   Accounting-      287  9.8.6   Unsigned64 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Sub-Session-Id                         |    |     |    |     |    |
   Acct-            259  6.9     Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Application-Id                         |    |     |    |     |    |
   Auth-            258  6.8     Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Application-Id                         |    |     |    |     |    |
   Auth-Request-    274  8.7     Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Type                                  |    |     |    |     |    |
   Authorization-   291  8.9     Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Lifetime                               |    |     |    |     |    |
   Auth-Grace-      276  8.10    Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Period                                 |    |     |    |     |    |
   Auth-Session-    277  8.11    Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     State                                  |    |     |    |     |    |
   Re-Auth-Request- 285  8.12    Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Type                                   |    |     |    |     |    |
   Class             25  8.20    OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Destination-Host 293  6.5     DiamIdent  | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Destination-     283  6.6     DiamIdent  | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Realm                                  |    |     |    |     |    |
   Disconnect-Cause 273  5.4.3   Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   E2E-Sequence AVP 300  6.15    Grouped    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Error-Message    281  7.3     UTF8String |    |  P  |    | V,M | N  |
   Error-Reporting- 294  7.4     DiamIdent  |    |  P  |    | V,M | N  |
     Host                                   |    |     |    |     |    |
   Event-Timestamp   55  8.21    Time       | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Experimental-    297  7.6     Grouped    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Result                                |    |     |    |     |    |

                                            |    AVP Flag rules   |
                   AVP  Section             |    |     |SHLD| MUST|MAY |
   Attribute Name  Code Defined  Data Type  |MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
   Experimental-    298  7.7     Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Result-Code                           |    |     |    |     |    |
   Failed-AVP       279  7.5     Grouped    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Firmware-        267  5.3.4   Unsigned32 |    |     |    |P,V,M| N  |
     Revision                               |    |     |    |     |    |
   Host-IP-Address  257  5.3.5   Address    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Inband-Security                          | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      -Id           299  6.10    Unsigned32 |    |     |    |     |    |
   Multi-Round-     272  8.19    Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Time-Out                               |    |     |    |     |    |
   Origin-Host      264  6.3     DiamIdent  | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Origin-Realm     296  6.4     DiamIdent  | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Origin-State-Id  278  8.16    Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Product-Name     269  5.3.7   UTF8String |    |     |    |P,V,M| N  |
   Proxy-Host       280  6.7.3   DiamIdent  | M  |     |    | P,V | N  |
   Proxy-Info       284  6.7.2   Grouped    | M  |     |    | P,V | N  |
   Proxy-State       33  6.7.4   OctetString| M  |     |    | P,V | N  |
   Redirect-Host    292  6.12    DiamURI    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Redirect-Host-   261  6.13    Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Usage                                 |    |     |    |     |    |
   Redirect-Max-    262  6.14    Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Cache-Time                            |    |     |    |     |    |
   Result-Code      268  7.1     Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Route-Record     282  6.7.1   DiamIdent  | M  |     |    | P,V | N  |
   Session-Id       263  8.8     UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Session-Timeout   27  8.13    Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Session-Binding  270  8.17    Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Session-Server-  271  8.18    Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
     Failover                               |    |     |    |     |    |
   Supported-       265  5.3.6   Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
     Vendor-Id                              |    |     |    |     |    |
   Termination-     295  8.15    Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Cause                                 |    |     |    |     |    |
   User-Name          1  8.14    UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Vendor-Id        266  5.3.3   Unsigned32 | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
   Vendor-Specific- 260  6.11    Grouped    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | N  |
      Application-Id                        |    |     |    |     |    |

                  |     Diameter     |
                  |  Redirect Agent  |
                   ^    |    2. command + 'E' bit
    1. Request     |    |    Result-Code =
   joe@example.com |    |    DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION +
                   |    |    Redirect-Host AVP(s)
                   |    v
               +-------------+  3. Request  +-------------+
               | example.com |------------->| example.net |
               |    Relay    |              |   Diameter  |
               |    Agent    |<-------------|    Server   |
               +-------------+  4. Answer   +-------------+

        (Origin-Host=nas.mno.net)    (Origin-Host=nas.mno.net)
        (Origin-Realm=mno.net)       (Origin-Realm=mno.net)
        (Destination-Realm=example.com)  (Destination-
    +------+      ------>      +------+      ------>      +------+
    |      |     (Request)     |      |      (Request)    |      |
    | NAS  +-------------------+ DRL  +-------------------+ HMS  |
    |      |                   |      |                   |      |
    +------+     <------       +------+     <------       +------+
   example.net    (Answer)   example.net     (Answer)   example.com
        (Origin-Host=hms.example.com)   (Origin-Host=hms.example.com)
        (Origin-Realm=example.com)      (Origin-Realm=example.com)

                          1. Request        +---------+ Link Broken
                +-------------------------->|Diameter |----///----+
                |     +---------------------|         |           v
         +------+--+  | 2. answer + 'E' set | Relay 2 |     +--------+
         |Diameter |<-+ (Unable to Forward) +---------+     |Diameter|
         |         |                                        |  Home  |
         | Relay 1 |--+                     +---------+     | Server |
         +---------+  |   3. Request        |Diameter |     +--------+
                      +-------------------->|         |           ^
                                            | Relay 3 |-----------+

         +---------+ 1. Request  +---------+ 2. Request  +---------+
         | Access  |------------>|Diameter |------------>|Diameter |
         |         |             |         |             |  Home   |
         | Device  |<------------|  Relay  |<------------| Server  |
         +---------+  4. Answer  +---------+  3. Answer  +---------+
                    (Missing AVP)           (Missing AVP)

                       |                  Command-Code                 |
   Acct-Interim-       |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Interval          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Accounting-Realtime-|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Required          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Acct-Application-Id |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Auth-Application-Id |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |
   Auth-Grace-Period   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Auth-Request-Type   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Auth-Session-State  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Authorization-      |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Lifetime          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Class               |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0+ |
   Destination-Host    |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |0-1|0  |
   Destination-Realm   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |
   Disconnect-Cause    |0  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Error-Message       |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Error-Reporting-Host|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Failed-AVP          |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |
   Firmware-Revision   |0-1|0-1|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Host-IP-Address     |1+ |1+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Inband-Security-Id  |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Multi-Round-Time-Out|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Origin-Host         |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |
   Origin-Realm        |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |
   Origin-State-Id     |0-1|0-1|0  |0  |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
   Product-Name        |1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Proxy-Info          |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |
   Redirect-Host       |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |
   Redirect-Host-Usage |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Redirect-Max-Cache- |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
     Time              |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Result-Code         |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |1  |
   Re-Auth-Request-Type|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Route-Record        |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |
   Session-Binding     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Session-Id          |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |
   Session-Server-     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Failover          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Session-Timeout     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Supported-Vendor-Id |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Termination-Cause   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |
   User-Name           |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
   Vendor-Id           |1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |

   Vendor-Specific-    |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Application-Id    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

                                 |  Command  |
                                 |    Code   |
   Attribute Name                | ACR | ACA |
   Acct-Interim-Interval         | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Acct-Multi-Session-Id         | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Accounting-Record-Number      | 1   | 1   |
   Accounting-Record-Type        | 1   | 1   |
   Acct-Session-Id               | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Accounting-Sub-Session-Id     | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Accounting-Realtime-Required  | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Acct-Application-Id           | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Auth-Application-Id           | 0   | 0   |
   Class                         | 0+  | 0+  |
   Destination-Host              | 0-1 | 0   |
   Destination-Realm             | 1   | 0   |
   Error-Reporting-Host          | 0   | 0+  |
   Event-Timestamp               | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Origin-Host                   | 1   | 1   |
   Origin-Realm                  | 1   | 1   |
   Proxy-Info                    | 0+  | 0+  |
   Route-Record                  | 0+  | 0+  |
   Result-Code                   | 0   | 1   |
   Session-Id                    | 1   | 1   |
   Termination-Cause             | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   User-Name                     | 0-1 | 0-1 |
   Vendor-Specific-Application-Id| 0-1 | 0-1 |

      Path Data Unit    |\
          (ODUk)        | \
   _____________________|  \ ______________________
                        |   |                      |  >
     Tandem Data Unit   |   |                      |  |
          (ODUkT)       |   |    OCh  Layer        |   > n och IfEntries
   _____________________|   |                      |  |
                        |   |______________________|  >
           Optical      |  /|                      |  >
       Transport Unit   | / |                      |  |
           (OTUk)       |/  |    OMSn Layer        |  |
   _____________________/   |                      |  |
                            |______________________|  |
      Sub-layers in         |                      |   > m otn IfEntries
      the OCh Layer         |                      |  |
                            |    OTSn Layer        |  |
                            |                      |  |
                            |______________________|  >

   As an example, Figure 2 depicts the OTN layering of a DWDM system
   with 80 C-band and 80 L-band channels combined into their respective
   channel band groups before being muxed into the OMS and transported
   over the OTS.
                   _________    ____________
                  |O|O|  |O |  |O |O |  |O  | >
                  |C|C|  |C |  |C |C |  |C  | |
                  |h|h|..|h |  |h |h |..|h  |  > x och IfEntries
                  |1|2|  |80|  |81|82|  |160| |
                  |_|_|__|__|  |__|__|__|___| >
                  |         |  |            | >
                  |         |  |            | |
                  |OChGroup1|  | OChGroup2  |  > n ochgroup IfEntries
                  |         |  |            | |
                  |_________|__|____________| >
                  |                         | >
                  |                         | |
                  |        OMSn Layer       | |
                  |                         | |
                  |_________________________| |
                  |                         |  > m otn IfEntries
                  |                         | |
                  |        OTSn Layer       | |
                  |                         | |
                  |_________________________| >

    ______________________                      ______________________
   |       |      |       |                    |       |      |       |
   | och1  | ...  | och10 |                    | och11 | ...  | och20 |
   |_______|______|_______|                    |_______|______|_______|
   |                      |                    |                      |
   |         otn1         |                    |         otn2         |
   |______________________|                    |______________________|
                              |            |
          ___________________\|    OTN     |__________________\
                             /|   device   |                  /

    ______________________                      ______________________
   |       |      |       |                    |       |      |       |
   | och1  | ...  | och10 |                    | och11 | ...  | och20 |
   |_______|______|_______|                    |_______|______|_______|
   |                      |                    |                      |
   |         otn1         |                    |         otn2         |
   |______________________|                    |______________________|
                              |            |
          ___________________\|    OTN     |__________________\
                             /|   device   |                  /

     OCh sink pre-OTN PM params
         |    OChGroup sink pre-OTN params
         |        |
         |        |               OMSn sink pre-OTN PM params
         |        |                    |
         |        |                    |     OTSn sink pre-OTN PM params
         |        |                    |                   |
         V        V                    V                   V
    ____/|_______/|                   /|                 / |
        \| .    / |__________________/ |________________/  |_____
           .    \ |              ____\ |                \  |
    ____/|_______\|             |     \|              ___\ |
        \|      C-Band          |   Demux            |    \|
                                |                    |
                                |                    |
    ____/|_______/|             |                   OSC
        \| .    / |_____________|
           .    \ |
        \|     L-Band

   OCh src pre-OTN PM params
        |    OChGroup src pre-OTN PM params
        |       |
        |       |            OMSn src pre-OTN PM params
        |       |                  |
        |       |                  |          OTSn src pre-OTN PM params
        |       |                  |                |
        V       V                  V                V
    ___|\______|\                  |\               | \
       |/    . | \_________________| \______________|  \______
             . | /              ___| /              |  /
           ----|/              |   |/             __| /
          C-Band MUX           |   Mux           |  |/
                               |                 |
                               |                OSC
    ___|\______|\              |
       |/    . | \_____________|
             . | /
          L-Band MUX

          ______     ______     ______     ______     ______
          |TCM6|     |TCM6|     |TCM6|     |TCM6|     |TCM6|
          |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|
          |TCM5|     |TCM5|     |TCM5|     |TCM5|     |TCM5|
          |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|
          |TCM4|     |TCM4|     |TCM4|     |TCM4|     |TCM4|
          |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|
          |TCM3|     |TCM3|     |TCM3|     |TCM3|     |TCM3|
          |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|
          |TCM2|     |TCM2|     |TCM2|     |TCM2|     |TCM2|
          |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|
          |TCM1|     |TCM1|     |TCM1|     |TCM1|     |TCM1|
          |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|     |----|
             |         |          |          |           |
             |         |          |          |           |
             |         |          |          |           |
             |         |          |          |           |
             |         |          |          |           |
         |\         |\         /|         |\         /|        /|
   ----> | \________| \_______/ |_________| \_____  / |______ / | ---->
         | /        | /       \ |         | /       \ |       \ |
         |/         |/         \|         |/         \|        \|

   TCM1: A1 <------------------------------------------------> A2
   TCM2:            B1 <-----> B2         B3 <-----> B4

   |             |          |    |  >
   |             |          |    |  |
   |    VT 1     |..........|VT K|   > K ifEntries
   |             |          |    |  |
   |_____________|__________|____|  >
   |               |      |      |  >
   |               |      |      |  |
   |    Path 1     |......|Path L|   > L ifEntries
   |               |      |      |  |
   |_______________|______|______|  >
   |                             |  >
   |                             |  |
   |    Line                     |  |
   |                             |  |
   |_____________________________|  |
   |                             |  |
   |                             |  |
   |    Section Layer            |   > 1 ifEntry
   |                             |  |
   |_____________________________|  |
   |                             |  |
   |                             |  |
   |    Physical Medium Layer    |  |
   |                             |  |
   |_____________________________|  >

    Code   Len      TCM
   |  9  |  2  | m1  | m2  |

   |                                                               |
   +               Initialization Vector (16 octets)               +
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   ~ Encrypted Payload (variable length, a multiple of 16 octets)  ~
   |                                                               |

    _____      _______      _______      _______      _____
   |     |____|       |____|       |____|       |____|     |
   |Host1|    |SwitchA|    |SwitchB|    |SwitchC|    |Host2|
   |     |____|       |____|       |____|       |____|     |
   |_____|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_____|

                     Virtual Path Connection
                    (between Host1 and Host2)

    _____      _______      _______      _______      _____
   |     |____|       |____|       |____|       |____|     |
   |     |____|       |____|       |____|       |____|     |
   |_____|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_____|

                   Virtual Channel Connection
                   (between Host1 and Host2)

     Table                         Host   Switch Service
   atmSvcVcCrossConnectTable      |      |  Y   |  Y   |
   atmSvcVpCrossConnectTable      |      |  Y   |  Y   |

        |                                       |
    Low |         ATM Switch or Network         | High
    port|                                       | port
   _____|>> from low to high VPC traffic flow >>|______
        |<< from high to low VPC traffic flow <<|

        |                                      |
    Low |         ATM Switch or Network        | High
    port|                                      | port
   _____|>> from low to high VC traffic flow >>|______
        |<< from high to low VC traffic flow <<|

   In the switch where the traffic policing is not supported, cells are
   passed or discarded depending on the bandwidth and buffering capacity
   of the switching fabric.  The Output Tagged Cells counter, in this
   case, is always zero.
                 | ATM Managed |
      Input      | System      | Output
      CLP=0 cells|             | CLP=0 cells
      ---------->|             |----------->
      CLP=1 cells| (traffic    | CLP=1 cells
      ---------->| policing    |----------->
                 | entity)     | Tagged cells (CLP=1)
                  |Discard  | Discard
                  |CLP=0    | CLP=1
                  |cells    | cells
                  |         |
                  V         V

                       <------VP Tunnel------>
                 ATM Switch A             ATM Switch B
                ------------             -----------
                |ATM       |_____________|ATM       |
                |X-Connect |      .      |X-Connect |
         VCL1   |Point     | VPL1 . VPL2 |Point     |  VCL4
      O---------|----X-----|----- . -----|----X-----|-----O
                |    X-----|----- . -----|----X     |
                |    |     |_____________|    |     |
                ------------             ------------
                     | VCL2                   | VCL3
                     O                        O

                 | ATM Managed |
      Input      | System      | Output
      CLP=0 cells|             | CLP=0 cells
      ---------->|             |----------->
      CLP=1 cells| (traffic    | CLP=1 cells
      ---------->| policing    |----------->
                 | entity)     | Tagged cells (CLP=1)
                  |Discard  | Discard
                  |CLP=0    | CLP=1
                  |cells    | cells
                  |         |
                  V         V

   +--------+              +--------+              +--------+
   |  ATM   | ifA      ifB |  ATM   | ifC      ifD |  ATM   |
   | Device |--------------| Device |--------------| Device |
   +--------+              +--------+              +--------+

     +------------------+    +------------------+
     |service a1.a2...aN|    |service b1.b2...bN|
     |                  |    |                  |
     | ATM address = a  |    | ATM address = b  |
     +--------+---------+    +--------+---------+
              |                       |
              |                       |
     |             ATM NETWORK                  |
                |  switch X   |
                  |    |    |
                  |    |    |
                 if1  if2  if3   (interfaces)

      UA1----P1-----|    |--R-------|
                    |    |          |
                    P2---|         DBMS
                    |    |          |
      UA2-----------|    |--HSP-----|

      Header field          where   proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG PRA
      Service-Route        2xx      ar     -   -   -   -   -   o   -

      UA1----P1-----|    |--R-------|
                    |    |          |
                    P2---|         DBMS
                    |    |          |
      UA2-----------|    |--HSP-----|

              MPP(R,N)                 MP(N,X)
      R ---------....-------> N ------------------> X
              SA(S,G,R)                SA(S,G,R)

             /                | DISABLED |<----------
            |          ------>+----------+           \
            |         /            |E1->A1            |
            |        |             |                  |
            |        |             V                  |E7->A7
            |        |        +----------+ E3->A3 +--------+
            |        |        | INACTIVE |------->| LISTEN |
            |        |        +----------+        +--------+
            |        |     E2->A2|    ^               |E5->A5
            |        |           |    |               |
            |        |E7->A6     V    |E6             |
            |         \      +------------+           |
            |          ------| CONNECTING |           |
            |                +------------+           |
   E7->A8   |                      |E4->A4            |
   E8->A8   |                      |                  |
   E9->A8   |                      V                  |
            \               +-------------+          /
              --------------| ESTABLISHED |<---------
                               |       ^
                               |       |
                       E10->A9 \______/

   initial                   proxy1                     final
      ----- xport connect ----->
     <------- greeting -------->
      --- start TUNNEL [1] ---->
                                ----- xport connect ------>
                               <-------- greeting -------->
                                ---- start TUNNEL [2] ---->
                               <---------- ok ------------
     <------- ok -------------- [3]
     <------------- greeting [4]-------------------------->

   initial             proxy1                proxy2                final
     --- xport connect -->
    <---- greeting ------>
     --start TUNNEL [1]-->
                          -- xport connect --->
                         <----- greeting ----->
                          --start TUNNEL [2]-->
                                               --- xport  connect --->
                                              <------- greeting ----->
                                               ---start TUNNEL [3]--->
                                              <-------- ok ----------
                         <------- ok --------- [4]
    <------- ok --------- [5]
    <-------------------------- greeting ---------------------------->

   initial             proxy1                proxy2                final
     --- xport connect -->
    <---- greeting ------>
     --start TUNNEL [1]-->
                          --- xport connect -->
                         <----- greeting ----->
                          --start TUNNEL [2]-->
                                               ---- xport connect --->
                                              <------- login: -------
                                               ----- xport close ---->
                         <---- <error> -------
                          --- xport close ---->
    <---- <error> ------
     --- xport close ---> [3]

   initial             proxy1                proxy2                final
     --- xport connect -->
    <---- greeting ------>
     --start TUNNEL [1]-->
                          --- xport connect -->
                         <----- greeting ----->
                          --start TUNNEL [2]-->
                                               ---- xport connect --->
                                              <------- login: -------
                          <------ <ok> ------- [3]
                          <----- login: ------ [4]
    <------ <ok> --------- [3]
    <----- login: -------- [4] [5]

   initial             proxy1                proxy2                final
     --- xport connect -->
    <---- greeting ------>
     --start TUNNEL [1]-->
                          -- xport connect --->
                         <----- greeting ----->
                          --start TUNNEL [2]-->
                                               --- xport  connect --->
                                              <------- greeting ----->
                                               ---start TUNNEL [3]--->
                                              <-------- ok ----------
                         <------- ok --------- [4]
    <------- ok --------- [5]
    <-------------------------- greeting ---------------------------->

   initial             proxy1                proxy2                final
     --- xport connect -->
    <---- greeting ------>
     --start TUNNEL [1]-->
                          -- xport connect --->
                         <----- greeting ----->
                          --start TUNNEL [2]-->
                                               --- xport  connect --->
                                              <------- greeting ----->
                                               ---start TUNNEL [3]--->
                                              <-------- ok ----------
                         <------- ok --------- [4]
    <------- ok --------- [5]
    <-------------------------- greeting ---------------------------->

          Feature                      |  Section
          Packet format and forwarding |     3
          Information repositories     |     4
          Main addr and multiple if.   |     5
          Hello messages               |     6
          Link sensing                 |     7
          Neighbor detection           |     8
          Topology discovery           |     9
          Routing table computation    |    10
          Node configuration           |    11

          Feature                      |  Section
          Non-OLSR interfaces          |    12
          Link-layer notifications     |    13
          Advanced link sensing        |    14
          Redundant topology           |    15
          Redundant MPR flooding       |    16

          7       6       5       4       3       2       1       0
      |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   | Neighbor Type |   Link Type   |

  +                                                                   +
  +                      Time-Stamping Authority                      +
  +_____________              _____________              _____________+
 |+ __________  |            |             |            |  __________ +|
 |+|          | |            |    Time -   |            | |          |+|
 |+|   Time - |<-------------|   Stamping  |------------->|   Time - |+|
 |+| Stamping | | Install.   |  Management | Install.   | | Stamping |+|
 |+|   Unit   | | Management |             | Management | |   Unit   |+|
 |+|__________| |            |_____________|            | |__________|+|
 |+             |                                       |             +|
 |+             |                                       |             +|
 |   Hosting    |                                       |   Hosting    |
 | Organization |                                       | Organization |
 |______________|                                       |______________|

       ED 95 9C EA B5 AD EC 96 B4

       E6 97 A5 E6 9C AC E8 AA 9E

                 ______________________                 \
                /                      \                 \
               |    ISP core network    |                 \
                \__________ ___________/                   |
                           |                               |
                   +-------+-------+                       |
                   |  Aggregation  |                       | ISP
                   |    device     |                       | network
                   |  (delegating  |                       |
                   |    router)    |                       |
                   +-------+-------+                       |
                           |                              /
                           |DSL to subscriber            /
                           |premises                    /
                    +------+------+                     \
                    |     CPE     |                      \
                    | (requesting |                       \
                    |   router)   |                        |
                    +----+---+----+                        |
                         |   |                             | Subscriber
  ---+-------------+-----+- -+-----+-------------+---      | network
     |             |               |             |         |
+----+-----+ +-----+----+     +----+-----+ +-----+----+    |
|Subscriber| |Subscriber|     |Subscriber| |Subscriber|   /
|    PC    | |    PC    |     |    PC    | |    PC    |  /
+----------+ +----------+     +----------+ +----------+ /

    SubOpt  Len      Address 1               Address 2
   |  10  |  n  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  a1 |  a2 |  ...

                               layer above
       ifInUcastPkts+         ^           |     ifOutUcastPkts+
       ifInBroadcastPkts+ ----|----   ----|---- ifOutBroadcastPkts+
       ifInMulticastPkts      |           |     ifOutMulticastPkts
                              |           |
        dot3InPauseFrames <---|           |<--- dot3OutPauseFrames
                              |           |
             ifInDiscards <---|           |
                              |           |
        ifInUnknownProtos <---|           |---> ifOutDiscards
                              |           |
               ifInOctets ----|----   ----|---- ifOutOctets
                              |           |
               ifInErrors <---|           |---> ifOutErrors
                              |           V
                               layer below

         | RTP     | AU Header | Auxiliary | Access Unit   |
         | Header  | Section   | Section   | Data Section  |

      |                                                     |
      |    0        1        2        3        4        5   |
      |                  Reserved                  |  CRCV  |

   o|                                                               |
   r|3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1                    |
   d|1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|

   |                                                     |
   |   31       30       29       28       27       26   |

    ----------        ----------       -----------
   | Business |      | Topology |     |   QoS     |
   | Policy   |      |          |     |Methodology|
    ----------        ----------       -----------
        |                  |               |
        |                  |               |
                   |  QPIM/PCIM(e) |
                   |   modeling    |
                           |            --------------
                           |<----------| Device info, |
                           |           | capabilities |
                           |            --------------
                    (    device     )---)
                    ( configuration )   )---)
                    (---------------)   )   )
                         (--------------)   )

      --UDP AND TFTP queue--10%
      --UDP AND NFS  queue--40%-Scheduler-30%--+
      --Other UDP    queue--50%     A1         |
      --TCP AND HTTP queue--20%                |
      --TCP AND FTP  queue--30%-Scheduler-40%--Scheduler--Interface
      --Other TCP    queue--50%     A2         |   B
      ------------Non UDP/TCP traffic-----30%--+

     +-----------------------+    +------------------------------+
     | QoSPolicyPoliceAction |====| QoSPolicyTokenBucketTrfcProf |
     | scope = class         |    | rate = x, bc = y, be = z     |
     +-----------------------+    +------------------------------+
       *     @     #
       *     @     #
       *     @  +--------------------+   +--------------------------+
       *     @  | SimplePolicyAction |---| PolicyIntegerValue -AF13 |
       *     @  +--------------------+   +--------------------------+
       *     @
       *  +--------------------+   +---------------------------+
       *  | SimplePolicyAction |---| PolicyIntegerValue - AF12 |
       *  +--------------------+   +---------------------------+
     +--------------------+   +---------------------------+
     | SimplePolicyAction |---| PolicyIntegerValue - AF11 |
     +--------------------+   +---------------------------+

     +-----------------------+    +------------------------------+
     | QoSPolicyPoliceAction |====| QoSPolicyTokenBucketTrfcProf |
     | scope = class         |    | rate = x, bc = y             |
     +-----------------------+    +------------------------------+
         | QoSPolicyDiscardAction  |

       -------------------------              ------------------
      |  ---------   ---------  |            |  -----    -----  |
      | |         | |         | |            | |  S  |  |  S  | |
      | | server1 | | server2 | |            | |  E  |  |  E  | |
      | |         | |         | |            | |  R  |  |  R  | |
      |  ---------   ---------  |            | |  V  |  |  V  | |
      |  ---------   ---------  |            | |  E  |  |  E  | |
      | |         | |         | |            | |  R  |  |  R  | |
      | | Server3 | | Server4 | |            | |     |  |     | |
      | |         | |         | |            | |  1  |  |  2  | |
      |  ---------   ---------  |            |  -----    -----  |
       -------------------------               ------------------

      |                        |    4. Result of client request
      | Client with global     |  <-------------------------------.
      |  service information   |                                  |
      |                        |  ----------------------------.   |
       ------------------------     3. Request to responsible |   |
                 |   ^                 Local Handle Service   |   |
     1. Client   |   |                                        |   |
     query for   |   |                                        |   |
     naming      |   | 2. Service information                 |   |
     authority   |   |    for "10.1045"                       V   |
     "10.1045"   |   |                          ----------------------
                 |   |                         |                      |
                 V   |                         | Local Handle Service |
            ---------------                    | responsible for the  |
           |               |                   | naming authority     |
           | Global Handle |                   | "10.1045"            |
           |   Registry    |                   |                      |
           |               |                    ----------------------

       |        <index>:            3                                |
      -------------------------------------------------------------  |
     |        <index>:            2                                | |
    -------------------------------------------------------------  | |
   |                                                             | | |
   |  <index>:           1                                       | | |
   |  <type>:            URL                                     | | |
   |  <data>:            http://www.dlib.org/dlib...             | | |
   |  <TTL>:             {Relative: 24 hours}                    | | |
   |  <permission>:      PUBLIC_READ, ADMIN_WRITE                | | |
   |  <timestamp>:       927314334000                            | | |
   |  <reference>:       {empty}                                 | |-
   |                                                             |-

      -------------------------------------------------------------  |
    -------------------------------------------------------------  | |
   |                                                             | | |
   |  <index>:       2                                           | | |
   |  <type>:        HS_ADMIN                                    | | |
   |  <data>:                                                    | | |
   |    <AdminRef>:    "0.NA/10": 3                              | | |
   |    <AdminPerm>:   Add_NA,     Delete_NA,                    | | |
   |                   Add Handle, Delete_Handle,                | | |
   |                   Add_Value,  Delete_Value,  Modify_Value,  | | |
   |                   Authorized_Read, List_Handle, List_NA     | | |
   |                                                             | | |
   |  <TTL>:         24 hours                                    | | |
   |  <permission>:  PUBLIC_READ, ADMIN_WRITE                    | | |
   |  <reference>:   {empty}                                     | |-
   |                                                             |-

     ------------------------------------------------------------  |
    -----------------------------------------------------------  | |
   |                                                           | | |
   | <index>:       2                                          | | |
   | <type>:        HS_SITE                                    | | |
   | <data>:                                                   | | |
   |    Version:           0                                   | | |
   |    ProtocolVersion:   2.1                                 | | |
   |    SerialNumber:      1                                   | | |
   |    PrimaryMask:                                           | | |
   |        MultiPrimary:    FALSE                             | | |
   |        PrimarySite:     TRUE                              | | |
   |    HashOption:        HASH_BY_HANDLE                      | | |
   |    HashFilter:        {empty UTF8-String}                 | | |
   |    AttributeList:     0    {followed by no attributes}    | | |
   |    NumOfServer:       3                                   | | |
   |         {followed by a list of <ServerRecord>}            | | |
   |                                                           | | |
   |         -----------------------------------------         | | |
   |       ------------------------------------------ |        | | |
   |      ------------------------------------------ ||        | | |
   |     | ServerID:        1                       |||        | | |
   |     | Address:         :FFFF:     |||        | | |
   |     | PublicKeyRecord: HS_DSAKEY, iQCuR2R...   |||        | | |
   |     | ServiceInterface                         |||        | | |
   |     |    ServiceType:          Resolution_Only |||        | | |
   |     |    TransmissionProtocol: TCP & UDP       |||        | | |
   |     |    PortNumber:           2641            |||        | | |
   |     |                                          |||        | | |
   |     |    ServiceType:          Admin only      |||        | | |
   |     |    TransmissionProtocol: TCP             ||         | | |
   |     |    PortNumber:           2642            |          | | |
   |      ------------------------------------------           | | |
   |                                                           | | |
   |  <TTL>:        24 hours                                   | | |
   |  <permission>: PUBLIC_READ, ADMIN_WRITE                   | | |
   |  <reference>:  {empty}                                    | |-
   |                                                           |-

     ------------------------------------------------------------  |
    -----------------------------------------------------------  | |
   |                                                           | | |
   |  <index>:      3                                          | | |
   |  <type>:       HS_SITE                                    | | |
   |  <data>:                                                  | | |
   |    Version:          1                                    | | |
   |    ProtocolVersion:  2.1                                  | | |
   |    SerialNumber:     1                                    | | |
   |    PrimaryMask:                                           | | |
   |            MultiPrimary:    TRUE                          | | |
   |            PrimarySite:     TRUE                          | | |
   |    HashOption:       HASH_BY_HANDLE                       | | |
   |    HashFilter:       {empty UTF8-String}                  | | |
   |    AttributeList:    1                                    | | |
   |        Description:  Service site at US East Coast        | | |
   |    NumOfServer:      3                                    | | |
   |                                                           | | |
   |        ------------------------------------------         | | |
   |       ------------------------------------------ |        | | |
   |      ------------------------------------------ ||        | | |
   |     | ServerID:        1                       |||        | | |
   |     | Address:         :FFFF:     |||        | | |
   |     | PublicKeyRecord: HS_DSAKEY, iQCuR2Rnw... |||        | | |
   |     | ServiceInterface                         |||        | | |
   |     |    ServiceType:       Resolution & Admin |||        | | |
   |     |    TransmissionProtocol: TCP & UDP       ||         | | |
   |     |    PortNumber:           2641            |          | | |
   |      ------------------------------------------           | | |
   |                                                           | | |
   |  <TTL>:        24 hours                                   | | |
   |  <permission>: PUBLIC_READ, ADMIN_WRITE                   | | |
   |  <reference>:  {empty}                                    | |-
   |                                                           |-

     ------------------------------------------------------------  |
    -----------------------------------------------------------  | |
   |  <index>:      3                                          | | |
   |  <type>:       HS_SITE                                    | | |
   |  <data>:                                                  | | |
   |    Version:          1                                    | | |
   |    ProtocolVersion:  2.1                                  | | |
   |    SerialNumber:     1                                    | | |
   |    PrimaryMask:                                           | | |
   |            MultiPrimary:   FALSE                          | | |
   |            PrimarySite:    TRUE                           | | |
   |    HashOption:       HASH_BY_LOCALNAME                    | | |
   |    HashFilter:       {empty UTF8-String}                  | | |
   |    AttributeList:    1                                    | | |
   |        Description:  Local Service for "10"               | | |
   |    NumOfServer:      2                                    | | |
   |        -----------------------------------------          | | |
   |       ----------------------------------------- |         | | |
   |     | ServerID:        1                       ||         | | |
   |     | Address:         :FFFF:     ||         | | |
   |     | PublicKeyRecord: HS_DSAKEY, iQCuR2R...   ||         | | |
   |     | ServiceInteface:                         ||         | | |
   |     |    ServiceType:     Resolution & Admin   ||         | | |
   |     |    TransmissionProtocol:     TCP & UDP   ||         | | |
   |     |    PortNumber:               2641        |'         | | |
   |      -----------------------------------------'           | | |
   |  <TTL>:        24 hours                                   | | |
   |  <permission>: PUBLIC_READ, ADMIN_WRITE                   | |-
   |  <reference>:  {empty}                                    |-

   [HS Client]  ----------------------------> [Global Handle Registry]
                 1. ask for the service
                    information from the
                    naming authority handle

   [HS Client]  <---------------------------- [Global Handle Registry]
                 2. service information for
                    the naming authority

   [HS Client]  ----------------------------> [Local Handle Service]
                 3. query the handle
                    against the responsible
                    handle server

   [HS Client]  <---------------------------- [Local Handle Service]
                  4. query result from the handle
                     server + (optional) server

     [Client]  -------------------------------->  [Handle Server]
                 1. client request
                  + (optional) client credential

     [Client]  <--------------------------------  [Handle Server]
                 2. server's challenge to client
                  + (i.e., nonce + MD5 of client request)

     [Client]  <-------------------------------   [Handle Server]
                 4. server acknowledgement

      --------                                     -------------
     |        |   1. client request.              |             |
     |        | ------------------------------->  |             |
     |        |                                   |             |
     |        |   2.  session ID                  |             |
     |        |     + server's challenge          |             |
     | Handle | <-------------------------------  | Handle      |
     | System |                                   | server      |
     | client |   3.  session ID                  | receiving   |
     |        |     + response to the challenge   | client      |
     |        |     + administrator reference     | request     |
     |        | --------------------------------> |             |
     |        |                                   |             |
     |        |   6.  server acknowledgement      |             |
     |        | <-------------------------------  |             |
      --------                                     -------------
                                                       |  ^
                                       4. Verification |  | 5. verifi-
                                          request      |  |    cation
                                                       |  |    response
                                                       |  |    (signed)
                                                       V  |
                                           | The handle server (the   |
                                           | key-server) that manages |
                                           | the key referenced by    |
                                           | the key-reference        |

          0                   1
          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
         |       1       |       2       |
         |       3       |       4       |
         |       5       |       6       |

      |                      |  ; Message wrapper for proper message
      |   Message Envelope   |  ; delivery.  Not protected by the
      |                      |  ; digital signature in the Message
      |                      |  ; Credential.
      |                      |  ; Common data fields for all handle
      |   Message Header     |  ; operations.
      |                      |
      |                      |  ; Specific data fields for each
      |   Message Body       |  ; request/response.
      |                      |
      |                      |  ; Contains digital signature or
      |  Message Credential  |  ; message authentication code (MAC)
      |                      |  ; upon Message Header and Message
      '----------------------'  ; Body.

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      | MajorVersion  | MinorVersion  |       MessageFlag             |
      |               SessionId                                       |
      |               RequestId                                       |
      |               SequenceNumber                                  |
      |               MessageLength                                   |

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |                     OpCode                                    |
      |                     ResponseCode                              |
      |                     OpFlag                                    |
      |     SiteInfoSerialNumber      | RecursionCount|               |
      |                     ExpirationTime                            |
      |                     BodyLength                                |

                                              1   1   1   1   1   1
      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   1   2   3   4   5
      |AT |CT |ENC|REC|CA |CN |KC |PO |RD |    Reserved               |
      |                              Reserved                         |

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |           CredentialLength                                    |
      |   Version     |    Reserved   |       Options                 |
      |   Signer: <Handle, Index>
      |           Type      (UTF8-String)                             |
      |   SignedInfo: <Length> : 4-byte unsigned integer
      |               DigestAlgorithm: <UTF8-String>
      |               SignedData: <Length, Signature>

         | NE                           |
         |        -------------         |
         |        |    CE     |         |
         |        -------------         |
         |          /        \          |
         |         /          \         |
         |        /            \        |
         |       /              \       |
         |  -----------     ----------- |
         |  |   FE    |     |    FE   | |
         |  -----------     ----------- |
         |    | | | |         | | | |   |
         |    | | | |         | | | |   |
         |    | | | |         | | | |   |
         |    | | | |         | | | |   |
              | | | |         | | | |
              | | | |         | | | |

             | Package                        |   Name   |
             | Generic Media Package          |   G      |
             | DTMF package                   |   D      |
             | Trunk Package                  |   T      |
             | Line Package                   |   L      |
             | Handset Package                |   H      |
             | Supplementary Services Package |   SST    |
             | Digit Map Extension            |   DM1    |
             | Signal List Package            |   SL     |
             | Media Format Package           |   FM     |
             | RTP Package                    |   R      |
             | Resource Reservation Package   |   RES    |
             | Announcement Server Package    |   A      |
             | Script Package                 |   Script |

   | Symbol   |   Definition               |   R | S     Duration  |
   | cf       |   Confirm Tone             |     | BR              |
   | cg       |   Congestion Tone          |     | TO    infinite  |
   | ft       |   Fax Tone                 |   x |                 |
   | it       |   Intercept Tone           |     | TO    infinite  |
   | ld       |   Long Duration Connection |   C |                 |
   | mt       |   Modem Tone               |   x |                 |
   | oc       |   Operation Complete       |   x |                 |
   | of       |   Operation Failure        |   x |                 |
   | pat(###) |   Pattern Detected         |   x | OO              |
   | pt       |   Preemption Tone          |     | TO    infinite  |
   | rbk(...) |   Ringback                 |     | TO,C 180 seconds|
   | rt       |   Ringback Tone            |     | TO,C 180 seconds|

   | Symbol  |   Definition              |   R |   S     Duration |
   | 0       |   DTMF 0                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 1       |   DTMF 1                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 2       |   DTMF 2                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 3       |   DTMF 3                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 4       |   DTMF 4                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 5       |   DTMF 5                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 6       |   DTMF 6                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 7       |   DTMF 7                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 8       |   DTMF 8                  |   x |   BR             |
   | 9       |   DTMF 9                  |   x |   BR             |
   | #       |   DTMF #                  |   x |   BR             |
   | *       |   DTMF *                  |   x |   BR             |
   | A       |   DTMF A                  |   x |   BR             |
   | B       |   DTMF B                  |   x |   BR             |
   | C       |   DTMF C                  |   x |   BR             |
   | D       |   DTMF D                  |   x |   BR             |
   | DD(..)  |   DTMF Tone Duration      |   x |   TO  3 seconds  |
   | DO(..)  |   DTMF OO Signal          |     |   OO             |
   | L       |   Long Duration Indicator |   x |                  |
   | oc      |   Operation Complete      |   x |                  |
   | of      |   Operation Failure       |   x |                  |
   | T       |   Interdigit Timer        |   x |   TO 16 seconds  |
   | X       |   DTMF Tones Wildcard,    |   x |                  |
   |         |    match any digit 0-9    |     |                  |

   | Symbol   |   Definition                   |   R | S  Duration  |
   | as       |   Answer Supervision           |   x | BR           |
   | bl       |   Blocking                     |     | BR           |
   | bz       |   Busy                         |     | TO  30 sec.  |
   | co1      |   Continuity Tone (go tone,    |   x | TO  3 sec.   |
   |          |   or return tone)              |     |              |
   | co2      |   Continuity Test (go tone,    |   x | TO  3 sec.   |
   |          |   or return tone in dual tone  |     |              |
   |          |   procedures)                  |     |              |
   | ct(...)  |   Continuity Transponder       |     | OO           |
   | lb       |   Loopback                     |     | OO           |
   | nm       |   New Milliwatt Tone           |   x | TO  3 sec    |
   | mm       |   Newest Milliwatt Tone        |   x | TO  3 sec    |
   | oc       |   Operation Complete           |   x |              |
   | of       |   Operation Failure            |   x |              |
   | om       |   Old Milliwatt Tone           |   x | TO  3 sec    |
   | pst      |   Permanent Signal Tone        |     | TO  infinite |
   | qt       |   Quiet Termination            |     | TO  infinite |
   | ro       |   Reorder Tone                 |   x | TO  30 sec.  |
   | sit(#)   |   Special Information Tone     |   x | TO  2 sec.   |
   |          |                                |     |  (see notes) |
   | tl       |   Test Line                    |   x | TO  infinite |
   | tp(###)  |   Test Pattern                 |   x | TO  3 sec    |
   | zz       |   No Circuit                   |   x | TO  2 sec    |

            4w   -------------- 1780 Hz ----------->  2w
                 <------------- 2010 Hz ------------  (transponder)

            2w   -------------- 2010 Hz ----------->  2w/4w
                 <------------- 1780 Hz ------------  (transponder)

            4w   -------------- 2010 Hz ----------->  4w
                 <------------- 2010 Hz ------------  (loopback)

            | sit(1) | RO' | reorder SIT, intra-LATA    |
            | sit(2) | RO" | reorder SIT, inter-LATA    |
            | sit(3) | NC' | no circuit SIT, intra-LATA |
            | sit(4) | NC" | no circuit SIT, inter-LATA |
            | sit(5) | IC  | intercept SIT              |
            | sit(6) | VC  | vacant code SIT            |
            | sit(7) | IO  | ineffective other SIT      |

   |Symbol       |   Definition               |   R |  S  Duration  |
   |adsi(string) |   ADSI Display             |     |  BR           |
   |aw           |   Answer Tone              |   x |  OO           |
   |bz           |   Busy Tone                |     |  TO 30 sec.   |
   |ci(ti,nu,na) |   Caller-id                |     |  BR           |
   |dl           |   Dial Tone                |     |  TO 16 sec.   |
   |e            |   Error Tone               |   x |  TO 2 sec.    |
   |hd           |   Off-hook Transition      |   S |               |
   |hf           |   Flash-hook               |   x |               |
   |ht           |   On Hold Tone             |     |   OO          |
   |hu           |   On-hook Transition       |   S |               |
   |lsa          |   Line Side Answer Sup.    |     |   OO          |
   |mwi          |   Message Waiting ind.     |     |   TO 16 sec.  |
   |nbz          |   Network busy             |   x |   TO infinite |
   |oc           |   Operation Complete       |   x |               |
   |of           |   Operation Failure        |   x |               |
   |osi          |   Network Disconnect       |     |   TO 900 ms   |
   |ot           |   Off-hook Warning Tone    |     |   TO infinite |
   |p            |   Prompt Tone              |   x |   BR          |
   |rg           |   Ringing                  |     |   TO 180 sec. |
   |r0, r1, r2,  |   Distinctive Ringing      |     |   TO 180 sec. |
   |r3, r4, r5,  |                            |     |               |
   |r6 or r7     |                            |     |               |
   |ro           |   Reorder Tone             |     |   TO 30 sec.  |
   |rs           |   Ringsplash               |     |   BR          |
   |s(###)       |   Distinctive Tone Pattern |   x |   BR          |
   |sit(#)       |   Special Information Tone |     |   TO 2 sec.   |
   |             |                            |     |   (see notes) |
   |sl           |   Stutter Dial Tone        |     |   TO 16 sec.  |
   |v            |   Alerting Tone            |     |   OO          |
   |vmwi         |   Visual Message           |     |   OO          |
   |             |     Waiting Indicator      |     |               |
   |wt           |   Call Waiting Tone        |     |   TO 12 sec   |
   |wt1, wt2,    |   Alternative Call         |     |   TO 12 sec   |
   |wt3, wt4     |     Waiting Tones          |     |   (see notes) |
   |y            |   Recorder Warning Tone    |     |   TO infinite |
   |z            |   Calling Card Service Tone|     |   BR          |

            | sit(1) | RO' | reorder SIT, intra-LATA    |
            | sit(2) | RO" | reorder SIT, inter-LATA    |
            | sit(3) | NC' | no circuit SIT, intra-LATA |
            | sit(4) | NC" | no circuit SIT, inter-LATA |
            | sit(5) | IC  | intercept SIT              |
            | sit(6) | VC  | vacant code SIT            |
            | sit(7) | IO  | ineffective other SIT      |

   |Symbol       |   Definition               |   R |   S  Duration |
   |adsi(string) |   ADSI Display             |   x |   BR          |
   |aw           |   Answer Tone              |   x |   OO          |
   |bz           |   Busy Tone                |   x |   TO 30 sec.  |
   |ci(ti,nu,na) |   Caller-id                |   x |   BR          |
   |dl           |   Dial Tone                |   x |   TO 16  sec. |
   |e            |   Error Tone               |   x |   TO 2 sec.   |
   |hd           |   Off-hook Transition      |   S |   BR          |
   |hu           |   On-hook Transition       |   S |   BR          |
   |hf           |   Flash Hook               |   x |   BR          |
   |ht           |   Tone On Hold             |   x |   OO          |
   |lsa          |   Line Side Answer Sup.    |   x |   OO          |
   |mwi          |   Message Waiting Ind.     |   x |   TO 16 sec.  |
   |nbz          |   Network Busy             |   x |   TO infinite |
   |oc           |   Operation Complete       |   x |               |
   |ot           |   Off-hook Warning Tone    |   x |   TO infinite |
   |of           |   Operation Failure        |   x |               |
   |osi          |   Network Disconnect       |   x |   TO 900 ms   |
   |p            |   Prompt Tone              |   x |   BR          |
   |rg           |   Ringing                  |   x |   TO 180 sec. |
   |r0, r1, r2,  |   Distinctive Ringing      |   x |   TO 180 sec. |
   |r3, r4, r5,  |                            |     |               |
   |r6 or r7     |                            |     |               |
   |ro           |   Reorder Tone             |   x |   TO 30 sec.  |
   |rs           |   Ringsplash               |   x |   BR          |
   |s(###)       |   Distinctive Tone Pattern |   x |   BR          |
   |sit(#)       |   Sit Tone                 |   x |   TO 2 sec.   |
   |sl           |   Stutter Dial Tone        |   x |   TO 16 sec.  |
   |v            |   Alerting Tone            |   x |   OO          |
   |vmwi         |   Vis. Message Waiting Ind.|   x |   OO          |
   |wt           |   Call Waiting tone        |   x |   TO 12 sec.  |
   |wt1, wt2,    |   Alternative Call         |   x |   TO 12 sec   |
   |wt3, wt4     |     Waiting Tones          |     |   (see notes) |
   |y            |   Recorder Warning Tone    |   x |   TO infinite |
   |z            |   Calling Card Serv. Tone  |   x |   BR          |

   |Symbol       |   Definition               |   R |  S Duration  |
   |cd           |   Conference Depart        |     |  BR          |
   |cj           |   Conference Join          |     |  BR          |
   |cm           |   Comfort Tone             |     |  TO infinite |
   |cw           |   Caller Waiting Tone      |     |  TO 30 sec.  |
   |ht           |   On Hold Tone             |     |  OO          |
   |ni           |   Negative Indication      |     |  TO infinite |
   |nu           |   Number Unobtainable      |     |  TO infinite |
   |oc           |   Operation Complete       |   x |              |
   |of           |   Operation Failure        |   x |              |
   |pr           |   Pay Phone Recognition    |     |  BR          |
   |pt           |   Pay Tone                 |     |  BR          |

   | Symbol  |   Definition             |  R  | S   Duration |
   | oc      |  Operation Complete      |  x  |              |
   | of      |  Operation Failure       |  x  |              |
   | s(list) |  Signal List             |     | TO  variable |

   | Symbol  |   Definition                 |   R |   S Duration |
   | co1     |   Continuity Tone (single    |   C | TO,C 3 sec.  |
   |         |     or return tone)          |     |              |
   | co2     |   Continuity Test (go tone,  |   C | TO,C 3 sec.  |
   |         |     in dual tone procedures) |     |              |
   | iu(..)  |   ICMP Unreachable           |   C |              |
   |         |     Received                 |     |              |
   | ji(..)  |   Jitter Buffer Size Changed |   C |              |
   | ma      |   Media Start                |   C |              |
   | oc      |   Operation Complete         |   x |              |
   | of      |   Operation Failure          |   x |              |
   | pl(..)  |   Packet Loss Exceeded       |   C |              |
   | qa      |   Quality Alert              |   C |              |
   | rto(..) |   RTP/RTCP Timeout           |   C |              |
   | sr      |   Sampling Rate Changed      |   C |              |
   | uc      |   Used Codec Changed         |   C |              |

   | Symbol  | Definition           |   R |   S  Duration |
   |  re     | Resource Error       |   C |               |
   |  rl     | Resource Lost        |   C |               |

   | Symbol         | Definition           |   R |  S     Duration |
   | ann(url)       | Play an Announcement |     |  TO, C variable |
   | oc             | Operation Complete   |   x |                 |
   | of             | Operation Failure    |   x |                 |

   | Symbol       |   Definition              | R |  S  |   Duration |
   | ir(..)        | Intermediate Results/Req.| x |  BR |            |
   | java(url,...) | Load & Run java script   |   |  TO |   variable |
   | oc            | operation complete       | x |     |            |
   | of            | operation failure        | x |     |            |
   | perl(url,...) | Load & Run perl script   |   |  TO |   variable |
   | tcl(url,...)  | Load & Run TCL script    |   |  TO |   variable |
   | vxml(url,...) | Load & Run VXML doc.     |   |  TO |   variable |
   | xml(url,...)  | Load & Run XML script    |   |  TO |   variable |

   |  Category   | Return Codes                                       |
   |   normal    | 000, 100, 101, 200, 250                            |
   |    none     | 405, 407, 410, 510, 521, 530, 533, 535             |
   | "Service    | 501, 502, 520, 529, 531                            |
   |  Failure"   |                                                    |
   |"Provisioning| 500, 503*, 504, 507, 508, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, |
   | Mismatch"   | 517, 518, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 528*, 532, 534*,|
   |             | 536, 537, 538, 539, 541                            |
   | "Temporary  | 400, 403, 404*, 405, 406, 409                      |
   |  Failure"   |                                                    |
   | "State      | 401, 402, 515, 516, 519, 540                       |
   |  Mismatch"  |                                                    |
   | "Remote     | 505, 506, 509, 527*                                |
   |  Connection |                                                    |
   |  Descriptor |                                                    |
   |  Error"     |                                                    |

      Situation                   |   I  |  II  |  III |  IV  |
      Sender Rate S1 [kbit/s]     | 1200 | 1080 | 1800 |  800 |
      Sender Rate S2 [kbit/s]     |  550 |  550 |  550 |  550 |
      Sender Rate S3 [kbit/s]     |   50 |   50 |   50 |   50 |
      Bandwidth IR1 -> IR2        | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 |
      Best Effort Load (S1)       | 100% |  90% | 150% |  67% |
      Total load for link IR1->IR2| 150% | 140% | 200% | 117% |

                          TLD (e.g., dc=net)
               |                                   |
      SLD (e.g., dc=foo,dc=net)           SLD (e.g., dc=bar,dc=net)
               |                                   |
       ---------------------            ---------------------
       |           |       |            |           |       |
   name server     |       |        name server     |       |
   (e.g.,          |       |        (e.g.,          |       |
   cn=nameserver1, |       |        cn=nameserver1, |       |
   dc=foo,dc=net ) |       |        dc=bar,dc=net ) |       |
                   |       |                        |       |
          name server      |               name server      |
          (e.g.,           |               (e.g.,           |
          cn=nameserver2,  |               cn=nameserver2,  |
          dc=foo,dc=net )  |               dc=bar,dc=net )  |
                           |                                |
                registrar referral               registrar referral
                (e.g.,                           (e.g.,
                cn=registrar,                    cn=registrar,
                dc=foo,dc=net )                  dc=bar,dc=net )

               |                  |                |
           name server        name server      name server
         (cn=ns1.foo.net)   (cn=ns.bar.com)  (cn=named.acme.org)

            |         |         |         |
           tld       tld       tld       tld
         (dc=net)  (dc=com)  (dc=org)  (dc=edu)
            |         |         |         |
            :         :         |         :
            :         :         |         :
                   |            |            |
               referral to  referral to  referral to
               registrar 1  registrar 2  registrar n
               dc=org DIT   dc=org DIT   dc=org DIT

                          TLD (e.g., dc=net)
               |                                          |   |
      SLD (e.g., dc=foo,dc=net)                           :   :
               |                                          :   :
       |                        |                  |
       |                        |                  |
   name server            contact             referral to
   (e.g., cn=nameserver1, (e.g., cn=contact1, registrant
   dc=foo,dc=net       )  dc=foo,dc=net    )
   name server contact
   (e.g., cn=contact,
   dc=foo,dc=net     )

               |                                    |
            Contacts                           Name Servers
          (ou=contacts)                     (ou=name servers)
               |                                    |
        -----------------                ------------------------
        |             | |                |                    | |
     Contact          : :            Name Server              : :
   (uid=handle)       : :            (cn=handle)              : :
                                     Name Server

    Bob                        SIP Server
     |                               |
     |          REGISTER F1          |
     |      401 Unauthorized F2      |
     |          REGISTER F3          |
     |            200 OK F4          |
     |                               |

   Bob                        SIP Server
     |                               |
     |          REGISTER F1          |
     |            200 OK F2          |
     |                               |

   Bob                        SIP Server
     |                               |
     |          REGISTER F1          |
     |            200 OK F2          |
     |                               |

   Bob                         SIP Server
     |                               |
     |          REGISTER F1          |
     |            200 OK F2          |
     |                               |

   Bob                        SIP Server
     |                               |
     |          REGISTER F1          |
     |      401 Unauthorized F2      |
     |          REGISTER F3          |
     |      401 Unauthorized F4      |
     |                               |

   Alice                     Bob
     |                        |
     |       INVITE F1        |
     |    180 Ringing F2      |
     |                        |
     |       200 OK F3        |
     |         ACK F4         |
     |   Both Way RTP Media   |
     |                        |
     |         BYE F5         |
     |       200 OK F6        |
     |                        |

   Alice           Proxy 1          Proxy 2            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     407 F2     |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F3     |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |   INVITE F4    |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F5    |                |
     |     100  F6    |--------------->|   INVITE F7    |
     |<---------------|     100  F8    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |     180 F9     |
     |                |    180 F10     |<---------------|
     |     180 F11    |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |     200 F12    |
     |                |    200 F13     |<---------------|
     |     200 F14    |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F15    |                |                |
     |--------------->|    ACK F16     |                |
     |                |--------------->|     ACK F17    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                Both Way RTP Media                |
     |                |                |     BYE F18    |
     |                |    BYE F19     |<---------------|
     |     BYE F20    |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     200 F21    |                |                |
     |--------------->|     200 F22    |                |
     |                |--------------->|     200 F23    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |                |

     Alice        Proxy 1     Proxy 2         Bob
       |            |           |             |
       |  INVITE F1 |           |             |
       |----------->|           |             |
       |  407 Proxy Authorization Required F2 |
       |<-----------|           |             |
       |   ACK F3   |           |             |
       |----------->|           |             |
       |  INVITE F4 |           |             |
       |----------->|           |             |
       |   100 F5   |           |             |
       |<-----------| INVITE F6 |             |
       |            |---------->|             |
       |            |  407 Proxy Authorization Required F7
       |            |<----------|             |
       |            |   ACK F8  |             |
       |            |---------->|             |
       |  407 Proxy Authorization Required F9 |
       |<-----------|           |             |
       |   ACK F10  |           |             |
       |----------->|           |             |
       |  INVITE F11|           |             |
       |----------->|           |             |
       |   100 F12  |           |             |
       |<-----------| INVITE F13|             |
       |            |---------->|             |
       |            |  100 F14  |             |
       |            |<----------|  INVITE F15 |
       |            |           |------------>|
       |            |           | 200 OK F16  |
       |            | 200 OK F17|<------------|
       | 200 OK F18 |<----------|             |
       |<-----------|           |             |
       |   ACK F19  |           |             |
       |----------->|  ACK F20  |             |
       |            |---------->|   ACK F21   |
       |            |           |------------>|
       |           RTP Media Path             |

    Alice           Proxy 1          Proxy 2            Bob
      |                |                |                |
      |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |   INVITE F2    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |   INVITE F3    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |   INVITE F4    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |   INVITE F5    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |   INVITE F6    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |   INVITE F7    |                |                |
      |--------------->|                |                |
      |     INVITE F8                   |                |
      |-------------------------------->|                |
      |            407 F9               |                |
      |<--------------------------------|                |
      |             ACK F10             |                |
      |-------------------------------->|                |
      |           INVITE F11            |                |
      |-------------------------------->|   INVITE F12   |
      |             100  F13            |--------------->|
      |<--------------------------------|                |
      |                                 |     180 F14    |
      |             180 F15             |<---------------|
      |<--------------------------------|                |
      |                                 |     200 F16    |
      |             200 F17             |<---------------|
      |<--------------------------------|                |
      |             ACK F18             |                |
      |-------------------------------->|     ACK F19    |
      |                                 |--------------->|
      |                Both Way RTP Media                |
      |                                 |     BYE F20    |
      |             BYE F21             |<---------------|
      |<--------------------------------|                |
      |             200 F22             |                |
      |-------------------------------->|     200 F23    |
      |                                 |--------------->|
      |                                 |                |

   Alice             ALG           Proxy 2            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |     100 F3     |--------------->|   INVITE F4    |
     |<---------------|     100 F5     |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|      180 F6    |
     |                |     180 F7     |<---------------|
     |     180 F8     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |      200 F9    |
     |                |    200 F10     |<---------------|
     |     200 F11    |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                                 |
     |     ACK F12    |                                 |
     |--------------->|             ACK F13             |
     |                |-------------------------------->|
     |    RTP Media   |        Both Way RTP Media       |
     |     BYE F14    |                                 |
     |--------------->|             BYE F15             |
     |                |-------------------------------->|
     |                |             200 F16             |
     |     200 F17    |<--------------------------------|
     |<---------------|                                 |
     |                |                                 |

   Alice        Redirect Server     Proxy 3             Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     302 F2     |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F3     |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     INVITE F4                   |                |
     |-------------------------------->|    INVITE F5   |
     |             100  F6             |--------------->|
     |<--------------------------------|      180 F7    |
     |             180 F8              |<---------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                |
     |                                 |     200 F9     |
     |             200 F10             |<---------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                |
     |             ACK F11             |                |
     |-------------------------------->|     ACK F12    |
     |                                 |--------------->|
     |                Both Way RTP Media                |
     |                                 |     BYE F13    |
     |             BYE F14             |<---------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                |
     |             200 F15             |                |
     |-------------------------------->|     200 F16    |
     |                                 |--------------->|
     |                                 |                |

     Alice                Proxy 2                Bob
        |   F1 INVITE        |                    |
        |------------------->|      F2 INVITE     |
        |   F3 100 Trying    |------------------->|
        |<-------------------|   F4 180 Ringing   |
        |   F5 180 Ringing   |<-------------------|
        |<-------------------|                    |
        |                    |    F6 200 OK       |
        |    F7 200 OK       |<-------------------|
        |<-------------------|                    |
        |                 F8  ACK                 |
        |      Both Way RTP Media Established     |
        |                                         |
        |           Bob changes IP address        |
        |                                         |
        |                 F9 INVITE               |
        |                F10 200 OK               |
        |                 F11  ACK                |
        |         New RTP Media Stream            |
        |                 F12 BYE                 |
        |               F13 200 OK                |
        |                                         |

   Alice           Proxy 1          Proxy 2            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |     100  F3    |--------------->|   INVITE F4    |
     |<---------------|     100  F5    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      180 F6    |
     |                |     180 F7     |<---------------|
     |     180 F8     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |   CANCEL F9    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     200 F10    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   CANCEL F11   |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     200 F12    |                |
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |   CANCEL F13   |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     200 F14    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     487 F15    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     ACK F16    |
     |                |     487 F17    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F18    |                |
     |     487 F19    |--------------->|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F20    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Alice           Proxy 1          Proxy 2            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |     100  F3    |--------------->|   INVITE F4    |
     |<---------------|     100  F5    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      486 F6    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     ACK F7     |
     |                |      486 F8    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |      ACK F9    |                |
     |     486 F10    |--------------->|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F11    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Alice           Proxy 1          Proxy 2            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |     100  F3    |--------------->|   INVITE F4    |
     |<---------------|     100  F5    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|   INVITE F6    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F7    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F8    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F9    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F10   |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F11   |
     |                |     480 F12    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F13    |                |
     |     480 F14    |--------------->|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F15    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Alice          Proxy 1          Proxy 2            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |     100  F3    |--------------->|   INVITE F4    |
     |<---------------|     100  F5    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|      180 F6    |
     |                |     180 F7     |<---------------|
     |     180 F8     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |     480 F9     |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     ACK F10    |
     |                |     480 F11    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F12    |                |
     |     480 F13    |--------------->|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F14    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Alice           Proxy 1           NGW 1          Switch B
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     100  F2    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   INVITE F3    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     100  F4    |                |
     |                |<---------------|     IAM F5     |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     ACM F6     |
     |                |     183 F7     |<---------------|
     |     183 F8     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |        Both Way RTP Media       |  One Way Voice |
     |                |                |      ANM F9    |
     |                |    200 F10     |<---------------|
     |     200 F11    |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F12    |                |                |
     |--------------->|     ACK F13    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |        Both Way RTP Media       | Both Way Voice |
     |     BYE F14    |                |                |
     |--------------->|     BYE F15    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     200 F16    |                |
     |     200 F17    |<---------------|     REL F18    |
     |<---------------|                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     RLC F19    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |                |

   Alice            Proxy 1           GW 1             PBX C
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     100  F2    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   INVITE F3    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     100  F4    |                |
     |                |<---------------|    SETUP F5    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |  CALL PROC F6  |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |   PROGress F7  |
     |                |    180 F8      |<---------------|
     |    180 F9      |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |                |                |  One Way Voice |
     |                |                |<===============|
     |                |                |   CONNect F10  |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                | CONNect ACK F11|
     |                |    200 F12     |--------------->|
     |     200 F13    |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F14    |                |                |
     |--------------->|     ACK F15    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |        Both Way RTP Media       | Both Way Voice |
     |     BYE F16    |                |                |
     |--------------->|     BYE F17    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     200 F18    |                |
     |     200 F19    |<---------------| DISConnect F20 |
     |<---------------|                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   RELease F21  |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                | RELease COM F22|
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |                |

   Alice          Proxy 1         NGW 1          NGW 2        Switch B
    |              |              |              |              |
    |  INVITE F1   |              |              |              |
    |------------->|              |              |              |
    |              |  INVITE F2   |              |              |
    |    100  F3   |------------->|              |              |
    |<-------------|    503 F4    |              |              |
    |              |<-------------|              |              |
    |              |    ACK F5    |              |              |
    |              |------------->|              |              |
    |              |   INVITE F6                 |              |
    |              |---------------------------->|     IAM F7   |
    |              |                             |------------->|
    |              |                             |     ACM F8   |
    |              |            183 F9           |<-------------|
    |   183 F10    |<----------------------------|              |
    |<-------------|                             |              |
    |               Two Way RTP Media            | One Way Voice|
    |              |                             |    ANM F11   |
    |              |           200 F12           |<-------------|
    |    200 F13   |<----------------------------|              |
    |<-------------|                             |              |
    |    ACK F14   |                             |              |
    |------------->|            ACK F15          |              |
    |              |---------------------------->|              |
    |             Both Way RTP Media             |Both Way Voice|
    |    BYE F16   |                             |              |
    |------------->|           BYE F17           |              |
    |              |---------------------------->|              |
    |              |           200 F18           |              |
    |    200 F19   |<----------------------------|    REL F20   |
    |<-------------|                             |------------->|
    |              |                             |    RLC F21   |
    |              |                             |<-------------|
    |              |                             |              |

   Alice         DNS Server         Proxy 3            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |  ENUM Query F1 |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |   Response F2  |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |            INVITE F3            |                |
     |-------------------------------->|    INVITE F4   |
     |             100 F5              |--------------->|
     |<--------------------------------|      180 F6    |
     |             180 F7              |<---------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                |
     |                                 |     200 F8     |
     |             200 F9              |<---------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                |
     |             ACK F10             |                |
     |-------------------------------->|     ACK F11    |
     |                                 |--------------->|
     |                Both Way RTP Media                |
     |                                 |     BYE F12    |
     |             BYE F13             |<---------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                |
     |             200 F14             |                |
     |-------------------------------->|     200 F15    |
     |                                 |--------------->|
     |                                 |                |

   Alice            Proxy 1           NGW 1            Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     100  F2    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   INVITE F3    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     100  F4    |                |
     |                |<---------------|     IAM F5     |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     ACM F6     |
     |                |     183 F7     |<---------------|
     |     183 F8     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |         Two Way RTP Media       |  One Way Voice |
     |                 Treatment Applied                |
     |   CANCEL F9    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     200 F10    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   CANCEL F11   |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     200 F12    |                |
     |                |<---------------|     REL F13    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     RLC F14    |
     |                |     487 F15    |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F16    |                |
     |     487 F17    |--------------->|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F18    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Alice            Proxy 1           NGW 1           Switch B
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     100  F2    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   INVITE F3    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     100  F4    |                |
     |                |<---------------|     IAM F5     |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |    REL(1) F6   |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     RLC F7     |
     |                |     404 F8     |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F9     |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |     404 F10    |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F11    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Alice           Proxy 1           NGW 1           Switch B
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     100  F2    |                |                |
     |<---------------|   INVITE F3    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     100  F4    |                |
     |                |<---------------|     IAM F5     |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     ACM F6     |
     |                |      183 F7    |<---------------|
     |     183 F8     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |                |      Timer on NGW 1 Expires     |
     |                |                |                |
     |                |                |     REL F9     |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |    RLC F10     |
     |                |     480 F11    |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F12    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |     480 F13    |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F14    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |

   Switch A          NGW 1          Proxy 1           Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      180 F5    |
     |                |    180 F6      |<---------------|
     |     ACM F7     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |  One Way Voice |                |                |
     |<===============|                |                |
     |  Ringing Tone  |                |      200 F8    |
     |<===============|    200 F9      |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F10    |                |
     |     ANM F12    |--------------->|     ACK F11    |
     |<---------------|                |--------------->|
     | Both Way Voice |        Both Way RTP Media       |
     |     REL F13    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     RLC F14    |                |                |
     |<---------------|     BYE F15    |                |
     |                |--------------->|     BYE F16    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     200 F17    |
     |                |     200 F18    |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |                |

   Switch A           NGW 1          Proxy 1           Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      200 F5    |
     |                |     200 F6     |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F7     |                |
     |     ANM F9     |--------------->|     ACK F8     |
     |<---------------|                |--------------->|
     | Both Way Voice |        Both Way RTP Media       |
     |     REL F10    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     RLC F11    |                |                |
     |<---------------|     BYE F12    |                |
     |                |--------------->|     BYE F13    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     200 F14    |
     |                |     200 F15    |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |                |

   PBX A            GW 1           Proxy 1           Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |    Seizure     |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |      Wink      |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |  MF Digits F1  |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      180 F5    |
     |                |    180 F6      |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |  One Way Voice |                |                |
     |<===============|                |                |
     |  Ringing Tone  |                |      200 F7    |
     |<===============|     200 F8     |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F9     |                |
     |     Seizure    |--------------->|     ACK F10    |
     |<---------------|                |--------------->|
     | Both Way Voice |        Both Way RTP Media       |
     | Seizure Removal|                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     | Seizure Removal|                |                |
     |<---------------|     BYE F11    |                |
     |                |--------------->|     BYE F12    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     200 F13    |
     |                |     200 F14    |<---------------|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |                |

   Switch A            GW 1          Proxy 1           Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     604 F3     |                |
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F4     |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |     REL F5     |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     RLC F6     |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Switch A          NGW 1           Proxy 1          Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      600 F5    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |      ACK F6    |
     |                |     600 F7     |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F8     |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |   REL(17) F9   |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     RLC F10    |                |                |
     |<-------------->|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Switch A          NGW 1           Proxy 1          Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      600 F5    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |      ACK F6    |
     |                |     600 F7     |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F8     |                |
     |     ACM F9     |--------------->|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     | One Way Voice  |                |                |
     |<===============|                |                |
     |    Busy Tone   |                |                |
     |<===============|                |                |
     |   REL(16) F10  |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     RLC F11    |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |                |                |                |

   Switch A          NGW 1           Proxy 1          Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |   INVITE F5    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F6    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F7    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F8    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |   INVITE F9    |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |     REL F10    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     RLC F11    |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |                |   CANCEL F12   |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     200 F13    |                |
     |                |<---------------|                |

   Switch A          NGW 1      Stateless Proxy 1     Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |   INVITE F4    |--------------->|
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F5    |
     |                |   INVITE F6    |--------------->|
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F7    |
     |                |   INVITE F8    |--------------->|
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F9    |
     |                |   INVITE F10   |--------------->|
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F11   |
     |                |   INVITE F12   |--------------->|
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F13   |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |     REL F14    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     RLC F15    |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |

   Switch A          NGW 1          Proxy 1           Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |     IAM F1     |                |                |
     |--------------->|   INVITE F2    |                |
     |                |--------------->|   INVITE F3    |
     |                |     100  F4    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |      180 F5    |
     |                |    180 F6      |<---------------|
     |     ACM F7     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |  One Way Voice |                |                |
     |<===============|                |                |
     |  Ringing Tone  |                |                |
     |<===============|                |                |
     |                |                |                |
     |     REL F8     |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     RLC F9     |                |                |
     |<---------------|   CANCEL F10   |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |     200 F11    |                |
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |                |   CANCEL F12   |
     |                |                |--------------->|
     |                |                |     200 F13    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     487 F14    |
     |                |                |<---------------|
     |                |                |     ACK F15    |
     |                |     487 F16    |--------------->|
     |                |<---------------|                |
     |                |     ACK F17    |                |
     |                |--------------->|                |
     |                |                |                |

   Switch A       NGW 1         Proxy 1         GW 2         Switch C
    |              |              |              |              |
    |     IAM F1   |              |              |              |
    |------------->|              |              |              |
    |              |  INVITE F2   |              |              |
    |              |------------->|  INVITE F3   |              |
    |              |              |------------->|     IAM F4   |
    |              |              |              |------------->|
    |              |              |              |     ACM F5   |
    |              |              |   183 F6     |<-------------|
    |              |    183 F7    |<-------------|              |
    |    ACM F8    |<-------------|              |              |
    |<-------------|              |              |              |
    | One Way Voice|      Two Way RTP Media      | One Way Voice|
    |              |              |              |    ANM F9    |
    |              |              |   200 F10    |<-------------|
    |              |    200 F11   |<-------------|              |
    |    ANM F12   |<-------------|              |              |
    |<-------------|              |              |              |
    |              |    ACK F13   |              |              |
    |              |------------->|    ACK F14   |              |
    |              |              |------------->|              |
    |Both Way Voice|     Both Way RTP Media      |Both Way Voice|
    |              |              |              |    REL F15   |
    |              |              |              |<-------------|
    |              |              |   BYE F16    |              |
    |              |    BYE F18   |<-------------|    RLC F17   |
    |              |<-------------|              |------------->|
    |              |              |              |              |
    |              |    200 F19   |              |              |
    |              |------------->|    200 F20   |              |
    |              |              |------------->|              |
    |    REL F21   |              |              |              |
    |<-------------|              |              |              |
    |    RLC F22   |              |              |              |
    |------------->|              |              |              |
    |              |              |              |              |

   PBX A       GW 1        Proxy 1        GW 2         GW 3        PBX C
     |            |            |            |            |            |
     |  Seizure   |            |            |            |            |
     |----------->|            |            |            |            |
     |    Wink    |            |            |            |            |
     |<-----------|            |            |            |            |
     |MF Digits F1|            |            |            |            |
     |----------->|            |            |            |            |
     |            | INVITE F2  |            |            |            |
     |            |----------->| INVITE F3  |            |            |
     |            |            |----------->|            |            |
     |            |            |   503 F4   |            |            |
     |            |            |<-----------|            |            |
     |            |            |   ACK F5   |            |            |
     |            |            |----------->|            |            |
     |            |            |  INVITE F6              |            |
     |            |            |------------------------>|  SETUP F7  |
     |            |            |          100  F8        |----------->|
     |            |            |<------------------------|CALL PROC F9|
     |            |            |                         |<-----------|
     |            |            |                         | ALERT F10  |
     |            |            |          180 F11        |<-----------|
     |            |  180 F12   |<------------------------|            |
     |            |<-----------|                         |            |
     | Ringtone   |            |                         |OneWay Voice|
     |<===========|            |                         |<===========|
     |            |            |                         | CONNect F13|
     |            |            |         200 F14         |<-----------|
     |            |  200 F15   |<------------------------|            |
     |  Seizure   |<-----------|                         |            |
     |<-----------|  ACK F16   |                         |            |
     |            |----------->|         ACK F17         |            |
     |            |            |------------------------>|CONN ACK F18|
     |            |            |                         |----------->|
     |BothWayVoice|          Both Way RTP Media          |BothWayVoice|
     |            |            |                         |  DISC F19  |
     |            |            |                         |<-----------|
     |            |            |         BYE F20         |            |
     |            |  BYE F21   |<------------------------|  REL F22   |
     |Seiz Removal|<-----------|                         |----------->|
     |<-----------|  200 F23   |                         |            |
     |Seiz Removal|----------->|         200 F24         |            |
     |----------->|            |------------------------>| REL COM F25|
     |            |            |                         |<-----------|
     |            |            |                         |            |

           0..1 \/      |
   +--------------+     | QoSSubService     +---------------+
   |              |0..n |                   |               |
   |  QoSService  |-----                    | Conditioning  |
   |              |                         |   Service     |
   |              |                         |               |
   |              |0..n                 0..n|               |
   |              | /\______________________|               |
   |              | \/  QoSConditioning     |               |
   +--------------+       SubService        +---------------+

       | Meter-A |
    a  |         | b      d
   --->|      In-|---PM-1--->
       |         | c      e
       |     Out-|---PM-2--->

   |QueuingService  |
   | Name=EF        |
   |                |QueueTo   +----------------+ElementSchedSvc
   |                +----------+AllocationSched +--------+
   ++---+-----------+Schedule  |Element         |        |
    |   |                      | Name=BandEF    |        |
    |   |QueueTo               | Units=Bytes    |        |
    |   |Schedule              | Bandwidth=100  |        |
    |   |                      +----------------+ +------+---------+
    |   |                                         |SchedulingSvc   |
    |   |      +------------------+               | Name=BandSched |
    |   +------+PriorityScheduling|               +------------+--++
    |          |Element           |                            ^  |
    |          | Name=PriEF       |ElementSchedSvc             |  |
    |          | Priority=1       +---------------------+      |  |
    |          +------------------+                     |      |  |
    |NextService                                        |      |  |
    +-------------------------------------------------+ |      |  |
                                                      | |      |  |
     NextService                                      | |      |  |
    +-----------------------------------------------+ | |      |  |
    |                                               | | |      |  |
    |          +------------------+ElementSchedSvc  | | |      |  |
    |          |PriorityScheduling+--------+        | | |      |  |
    |          |Element           |        |        | | |      |  |
    |          | Name=PriBE       |        |        v v |      |  |
    |   +------+ Priority=2       |    +---+--------+-+-+-+Next|  |
    |   |      +------------------+    |SchedulingService +----+  |
    |   |                              | Name=PriSched    |Sched  |
    |   |                              +------------------+       |
    |   |QueueTo                                                  |
    |   |Schedule              +----------------+                 |
    |   |                      |AllocationSched |ElementSchedSvc  |
   +----+---------+            |Element         +-----------------+
   |QueuingService|QueueTo     | Name=BandBE    |
   | Name=BE      +------------+ Units=Bytes    |
   |              |Schedule    | Bandwidth=50   |
   |              |            +----------------+

   |QueuingSvc  |
   | Name=EF    |
   |            |
   |            |
    | |
    | |QueueTo
    | |Schedule                                     +--------------+
    | |                                             |SchedulingSvc |
    | |      +------------------+                   | Name=WRRSched|
    | +------+AllocationSched   |                   +----------+-+-+
    |        |Element           |                              ^ |
    |        | Name=BandEF      |ElementSchedSvc               | |
    |        | Units=Bytes      +--------------------+         | |
    |        | Bandwidth=100    |                    |         | |
    |        +------------------+                    |         | |
    |NextService                                     |         | |
    +----------------------------------------------+ |         | |
                                                   | |         | |
     NextService                                   | |         | |
    +--------------------------------------------+ | |         | |
    |                                            | | |         | |
    |        +------------------+ElementSchedSvc | | |         | |
    |        |AllocationSched   +--------+       | | |         | |
    |        |Element           |        |       | | |         | |
    |        | Name=BandwidthAF1|        |       | | |         | |
    |        | Units=Bytes      |        |       v v |         | |
    | +------+ Bandwidth=50     |  +--+----------+-+-++FailNext| |
    | |      +------------------+  |SchedulingService +--------+ |
    | |QueueTo                     | Name=BandSched   |Scheduler |
    | |Schedule                    +------------------+          |
    | |                                                          |
    | |                       +---------------------+            |
   ++-+-----------+           | WRRSchedulingElement|            |
   |QueuingService|QueueTo    | Name=WRRBE          +------------+
   | Name=BE      +-----------+ Weight=30           |ElementSchedSvc
   +--------------+Schedule   +---------------------+

   +---------------+                    FailNextScheduler
   |SchedulingSvc  +---------------------------------------------+
   | Name=CBQTier1 |                                             |
   +-------+-------+       +---------------------+ElementSchedSvc|
           | SchedToSched  |AllocationScheduling +--------+      |
           +---------------+Element              |        |      |
                           | Name=LowPri-Alloc   |        |      |
                           | Bandwidth=23        |        |      v
                           +---------------------+  +-----+------+-+
                                                    |SchedulingSvc |
                                                    | Name=CBQTop  |
                        +---------------------+     +----------+-+-+
                        |AllocationScheduling |ElementSchedSvc | ^
   +------------+       |Element              +----------------+ |
   |QueuingSvc  |QueueTo| Name=BE-Band        |                  |
   | Name=Voice +-------+ Bandwidth=22        |                  |
   |            |Sched  +---------------------+                  |
   |            |                       NextService              |
   |            +------------------------------------------------+

            |          . (root) zone                  |
            | .com  .org  .net  .us  .uk  .sex  ...   |
                |                           |
                V                           V
       +--------------------+         +--------------------+
       |     .com zone      |         |     .sex zone      |
       |  example.com  ...  |         |  example.sex  ...  |
       +---------------+----+         +---------------+----+
                       |                              |
                       V                              V
      +---------------------+             +----------------------+
      |  example.com zone   |             |   example.sex zone   |
      |                     |             |                      |
      | purity.example.com -+--+      +---+- obscene.example.sex |
      | virtue.example.com  |  |      |   |     porn.example.sex |
      |      |              |  |      |   |        |             |
      +------+--------------+  |      |   +--------+-------------+
             |                 +------+------+     |
             |          +-------------+      |     |
             V          V                    V     V
         +-----------------+              +------------------+
         |  Virtuous Data  |              |  Salacious Data  |
         +-----------------+              +------------------+

                                 |      | refreshed
                                 |      | shortened
                                 V      |
    +------------+            +------------+            +------------+
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    |    Init    |----------->|   Active   |----------->| Terminated |
    |            |            |            |            |            |
    +------------+ registered +------------+ expired    +------------+
                   created                   deactivated

        User              Registrar          Application
          |                   |(1) SUBSCRIBE      |
          |                   |Event:reg          |
          |                   |<------------------|
          |                   |(2) 200 OK         |
          |                   |------------------>|
          |                   |(3) NOTIFY         |
          |                   |------------------>|
          |                   |(4) 200 OK         |
          |                   |<------------------|
          |(5) REGISTER       |                   |
          |------------------>|                   |
          |(6) 200 OK         |                   |
          |<------------------|                   |
          |                   |(7) NOTIFY         |
          |                   |------------------>|
          |                   |(8) 200 OK         |
          |                   |<------------------|
          |(9) MESSAGE        |                   |

         GPS Satellite
                 | Sighting (not a Geopriv Interface)
                 V             GPS Device
         /                                                  \
         |  Location     -----  Location  -----  Location   |
         |  Generator            Server            Storage  |
         \                                           |      /
                                                     | Notification
                                                     | Interface
                                        /            V      \
                                       / Target    Location  \
                                       |          Recipient   |
                                       |                      |
                                       \    Rule Maker       /
                                        \                   /

                  Cell Phone Corp 1                Cell Phone Corp 2
                  -----------------               -----------------
        Sighting /                 \  Publish    /                 \
   Device ----- | Data Transporter | ---------  | Data Transporter |
   Target        \                 / Interface   \                 /
                  -----------------              / -----------------
                                                /       |
                                               /        | Notification
                                              /         | Interface
                                   -----------          |
                                  /                     V
                ------------     /                  ----------
               /            \   /                  /          \
              /   Location   \ /                  |  Location  |
              |   Storage     |   Location Info   |  Storage   |
              |               |<----------------- |            |
              |   Location    |                   |  Location  |
              |  Recipient    |                   | Recipient  |
               \             /                     \          /
                -------------                       ----------

           |              |              |
           |---METHOD---->|              |
           |              |--Is it OK?-->|
           |              |              |
           |              |<-----OK------|
           |              |              |
           |              |              |

          |                |                 |                |
          |----INVITE----->|                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |<-----407-------|                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |------ACK------>|                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |----INVITE----->|                 |                |
          |                |---Is this OK?-->|                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |<------OK--------|                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |---------INVITE------------------>|
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |-Accounting msg->|                |
          |                |                 |                |

          |                |                      |           |
          |----INVITE----->|                      |           |
          |                |                      |           |
          |<-----407-------|                      |           |
          |                |                      |           |
          |------ACK------>|                      |           |
          |                |                      |           |
          |----INVITE----->|                      |           |
          |                |------Is this OK?---->|           |
          |                |                      |           |
          |                |<-OK if routed thru D-|           |
          |                |                      |           |
          |                |---------INVITE------------------>|
          |                |                      |           |

                    |     |
              +-----|-   -|-----+
              |     +-----+     |
              |       * *       |
              |       * *       |
              |    **** ****    |
              |    *       *    |
              v    *       *    v
            +--------+   +--------+
            | CA+ca  |   | AB+ab  |
            +--------+   +--------+

                          |LEGEND:                       |
                          |  ***** DIT containment       |
                          |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                          |  ----> DN reference          |

                          |LEGEND:                       |
                          |    +   auxiliary attachment  |

                   +-----+             +-------------+
                   |Rule1|             | RepositoryX |
                 +-|-   -|--+          |             |
                 | +-----+  |          +-------------+
                 |   * *    |             *       *
                 |   * *    |             *       *
                 | *** **** |             *       *
                 | *      * v             *       *
                 | *     +---+            *       *
                 | *     |AB |         +------+   *
                 v *     |  -|-------->|AIB+ab|   *
                +---+    +---+         +------+   *
                |CA |                         +------+
                |  -|------------------------>|CIA+ca|
                +---+                         +------+

                          |LEGEND:                       |
                          |  ***** DIT containment       |
                          |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                          |  ----> DN reference          |

      ---------------->|  A  |
      DN reference to  |     |    DN references to subtrees   +---+
      starting object  +-----+    +-------------------------->| C |
                       |  o--+----+         +---+             +---+
                       |  o--+------------->| B |            /     \
                       +-----+              +---+           /       \
                      /       \            /     \         /   ...   \
                     /         \          /       \
                    /           \        /   ...   \

   Peer A:                              Peer B:
   10 second timer fires;  ------>
   wants to know that B is alive;
   sends HELLO.
                                      Receives HELLO; acknowledges
                                      A's liveliness;
                            <------   resets keepalive timer, sends
   Receives ACK as proof of
   B's liveliness; resets timer.

   Peer A:                              Peer B:
   10 second timer fires;  ------>
   sends HELLO.  Timer also
   signals expectation of
   B's HELLO.
                                         Receives HELLO as proof of A's

                               <------   10 second timer fires; sends
   Receives HELLO as proof
   of B's liveliness.

            Sender                                      Responder
           --------                                    -----------
   HDR*, NOTIFY(R-U-THERE), HASH   ------>

                         packet index ---+
               +-----------+ master  +--------+ session encr_key
               | ext       | key     |        |---------->
               | key mgmt  |-------->|  key   | session auth_key
               | (optional |         | deriv  |---------->
               | rekey)    |-------->|        | session salt_key
               |           | master  |        |---------->
               +-----------+ salt    +--------+

   +---------------------------+    +---------------------------+
   |                           |    |                           |
   | +---------+   +---------+ |    | +---------+   +---------+ |
   | |         |   |         | |    | |         |   |         | |
   | | Routing |   |Signaling| |    | | Routing |   |Signaling| |
   | | Protocol|   |Protocol | |    | | Protocol|   |Protocol | |
   | |         |   |         | |    | |         |   |         | |
   | +-----+---+   +---+-----+ |    | +-----+---+   +---+-----+ |
   |       |           |       |    |       |           |       |
   |       |           |       |    |       |           |       |
   |    +--+-----------+---+   |    |    +--+-----------+---+   |
   |    |                  |   |    |    |                  |   |
   |    |     IP Layer     +....IPCC.....+     IP Layer     |   |
   |    |                  |   |    |    |                  |   |
   |    +------------------+   |    |    +------------------+   |
   |                           |    |                           |
   |        Edge Router        |    |            OXC            |
   +---------------------------+    +---------------------------+

   MPLS Signaling      UNI Signaling     MPLS or other signaling
   +-----------------------------+  |   +-----------------------------+
   |         IP Network          |  |   |       Optical Internetwork  |
   |  +---------+   +---------+  |  |   |  +---------+   +---------+  |
   |  |         |   |         |  |  |   |  |         |   |         |  |
   |  | Router  +---+ Router  +-----+------+  OXC    +---+   OXC   |  |
   |  |         |   |         |  |  |   |  |         |   |         |  |
   |  +-----+---+   +---+-----+  |  |   |  +-----+---+   +---+-----+  |
   +-----------------------------+  |   +-----------------------------+
              Completely Separated Addressing and Control Planes

                        Service Boundary         Service Boundary
                              |                       |
   IP Layer GMPLS Signaling   | Optical Layer GMPLS   | IP Layer GMPLS
                              |                       |
      +--------+  +--------+  |  +-------+  +-------+ |  +--------+
      |        |  |        |  |  |       |  |       | |  |        |
      | IP LSR +--+ IP LSR +--+--+Optical+--+Optical+-+--+ IP LSR +---
      |        |  |        |  |  |  LSR  |  |  LSR  | |  |        |
      +-----+--+  +---+----+  |  +-----+-+  +---+---+ |  +--------+

   +----------------+    +------------------+    +---------------+
   |                |    |                  |    |               |
   A Ingress IP Net B----C Optical Internet D----E Egress IP Net F
   |                |    |                  |    |               |
   +----------------+    +------------------+    +---------------+

                   Naming     String defined by
      Type  Date    Auth      "example.com" naming authority
     +--++-----+ +---------+ +--------------------------------+
     |  ||     | |         | |                                |

                  |  Network Entity (iSCSI Client)    |
                  |                                   |
                  |         +-------------+           |
                  |         | iSCSI Node  |           |
                  |         | (Initiator) |           |
                  |         +-------------+           |
                  |            |       |              |
                  | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
                  | |Network Portal| |Network Portal| |
                  | |  | |  | |
                           |               |
                           |  IP Networks  |
                           |               |
                  | |Network Portal| |Network Portal| |
                  | |  | |  | |
                  | | TCP Port 3260| | TCP Port 3260| |
                  | +--------------+ +--------------+ |
                  |        |               |          |
                  |        -----------------          |
                  |           |         |             |
                  |  +-------------+ +--------------+ |
                  |  | iSCSI Node  | | iSCSI Node   | |
                  |  |  (Target)   | |  (Target)    | |
                  |  +-------------+ +--------------+ |
                  |                                   |
                  |   Network Entity (iSCSI Server)   |

     ----------------------------IP Network---------------------
            |               |                    |
       +----|---------------|-----+         +----|---------+
       | +---------+  +---------+ |         | +---------+  |
       | | Network |  | Network | |         | | Network |  |
       | | Portal  |  | Portal  | |         | | Portal  |  |
       | +--|------+  +---------+ |         | +---------+  |
       |    |               |     |         |    |         |
       |    |    Portal     |     |         |    | Portal  |
       |    |    Group 1    |     |         |    | Group 2 |
       +--------------------------+         +--------------+
            |               |                    |
   |        |               |                    |                    |
   |  +----------------------------+  +-----------------------------+ |
   |  | iSCSI Session (Target side)|  | iSCSI Session (Target side) | |
   |  |                            |  |                             | |
   |  |       (TSIH = 56)          |  |       (TSIH = 48)           | |
   |  +----------------------------+  +-----------------------------+ |
   |                                                                  |
   |                     iSCSI Target Node                            |
   |             (within Network Entity, not shown)                   |

                       / 2 \       <-- Connection recovery
                     /   1   \     <-- Digest failure recovery
                   /     0     \   <-- Session failure recovery

         +--------->/ S1    \<----+       |
      T13|       +->\       /<-+   \      |
         |      /    ---+---    \   \     |
         |     /        |     T2 \   |    |
         |  T8 |        |T1       |  |    |
         |     |        |        /   |T7  |
         |     |        |       /    |    |
         |     |        |      /     |    |
         |     |        V     /     /     |
         |     |     ------- /     /      |
         |     |    / S2    \     /       |
         |     |    \       /    /        |
         |     |     ---+---    /         |
         |     |        |T4    /          |
         |     |        V     /           | T18
         |     |     ------- /            |
         |     |    / S4    \             |
         |     |    \       /             |
         |     |     ---+---              |         T15
         |     |        |T5      +--------+---------+
         |     |        |       /T16+-----+------+  |
         |     |        |      /   -+-----+--+   |  |
         |     |        |     /   /  S7   \  |T12|  |
         |     |        |    / +->\       /<-+   V  V
         |     |        |   / /    -+-----       -------
         |     |        |  / /T11   |T10        /  S8   \
         |     |        V / /       V  +----+   \       /
         |     |      ---+-+-      ----+--  |    -------
         |     |     / S5    \T9  / S6    \<+    ^
         |     +-----\       /--->\       / T14  |
         |            -------      --+----+------+T17

         |S1  |S2 |S4 |S5 |S6 |S7  |S8 |
       S1| -  |T1 | - | - | - | -  | - |
       S2|T2  |-  |T4 | - | - | -  | - |
       S4|T7  |-  |-  |T5 | - | -  | - |
       S5|T8  |-  |-  | - |T9 |T11 |T15|
       S6|T13 |-  |-  | - |T14|-   |T17|
       S7|T18 |-  |-  | - |T10|T12 |T16|
       S8| -  |-  |-  | - | - | -  | - |

            +--------->/ S1    \<----+       |
         T13|       +->\       /<-+   \      |
            |      /    ---+---    \   \     |
            |     /        |     T6 \   |    |
            |  T8 |        |T3       |  |    |
            |     |        |        /   |T7  |
            |     |        |       /    |    |
            |     |        |      /     |    |
            |     |        V     /     /     |
            |     |     ------- /     /      |
            |     |    / S3    \     /       |
            |     |    \       /    /        | T18
            |     |     ---+---    /         |
            |     |        |T4    /          |
            |     |        V     /           |
            |     |     ------- /            |
            |     |    / S4    \             |
            |     |    \       /             |
            |     |     ---+---         T15  |
            |     |        |T5      +--------+---------+
            |     |        |       /T16+-----+------+  |
            |     |        |      /  -+-----+---+   |  |
            |     |        |     /   /  S7   \  |T12|  |
            |     |        |    / +->\       /<-+   V  V
            |     |        |   / /    -+-----       -------
            |     |        |  / /T11   |T10        /  S8   \
            |     |        V / /       V           \       /
            |     |      ---+-+-      -------       -------
            |     |     / S5    \T9  / S6    \        ^
            |     +-----\       /--->\       /        |
            |            -------      --+----+--------+T17

      |S1  |S3 |S4 |S5 |S6 |S7  |S8 |
    S1| -  |T3 | - | - | - | -  | - |
    S3|T6  |-  |T4 | - | - | -  | - |
    S4|T7  |-  |-  |T5 | - | -  | - |
    S5|T8  |-  |-  | - |T9 |T11 |T15|
    S6|T13 |-  |-  | - |-  |-   |T17|
    S7|T18 |-  |-  | - |T10|T12 |T16|
    S8| -  |-  |-  | - | - | -  | - |

                       / R1    \
                    +--\       /<-+
                   /    ---+---
                  /        |        \ M3
               M1 |        |M2       |
                  |        |        /
                  |        |       /
                  |        |      /
                  |        V     /
                  |     ------- /
                  |    / R2    \
                  |    \       /
                  |     -------
                  |        |
                  |        |M4
                  |        |
                  |        |
                  |        |
                  |        V
                  |      -------
                  |     / R3    \
                  +---->\       /

        |R1  |R2  |R3  |
    R1  | -  |M2  |M1  |
    R2  |M3  | -  |M4  |
    R3  | -  | -  | -  |

                         / Q1    \
                 +------>\       /<-+
                /         ---+---   |
               /             |      |N3
           N6 |              |N1    |
              |              |      |
              |    N4        |      |
              |  +--------+  |     /
              |  |        |  |    /
              |  |        |  |   /
              |  |        V  V  /
             -+--+--      -----+-
            / Q4    \ N5 / Q3    \
            \       /<---\       /
             -------      -------

        |Q1  |Q3  |Q4  |
    Q1  | -  |N1  | -  |
    Q3  |N3  | -  |N5  |
    Q4  |N6  |N4  | -  |

               +------------------>/ Q1    \
              /    +-------------->\       /<-+
              |    |                ---+---   |
              |    |                ^  |      |N3
           N6 |    |N11           N9|  V N1   |
              |    |                +------   |
              |    |               / Q2    \  |
              |    |               \       /  |
              |  --+----            +--+---   |
              | / Q5    \              |      |
              | \       / N10          |      |
              |  +-+---+------------+  |N2   /
              |  ^ |                |  |    /
              |N7| |N8              |  |   /
              |  | |                |  V  /
             -+--+-V                V----+-
            / Q4    \ N5           / Q3    \
            \       /<-------------\       /
             -------                -------

        |Q1  |Q2  |Q3  |Q4  |Q5  |
    Q1  | -  |N1  | -  | -  | -  |
    Q2  |N9  | -  |N2  | -  | -  |
    Q3  |N3  | -  | -  |N5  | -  |
    Q4  |N6  | -  | -  | -  |N7  |
    Q5  |N11 | -  |N10 |N8  | -  |

    Byte/     0       |       1       |       2       |       3       |
       /              |               |               |               |
      |0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7|
     8| T |    A      |              B                |      C        |
    12|               D               |

   Status        | Code | Description
                 |(hex) |
   Success       | 0000 | Login is proceeding OK (*1).
   Target moved  | 0101 | The requested iSCSI Target Name (ITN)
   temporarily   |      |  has temporarily moved
                 |      |  to the address provided.
   Target moved  | 0102 | The requested ITN has permanently moved
   permanently   |      |  to the address provided.

   Initiator     | 0200 | Miscellaneous iSCSI initiator
   error         |      | errors.
   Authentication| 0201 | The initiator could not be
   failure       |      | successfully authenticated or target
                 |      | authentication is not supported.
   Authorization | 0202 | The initiator is not allowed access
   failure       |      | to the given target.
   Not found     | 0203 | The requested ITN does not
                 |      | exist at this address.
   Target removed| 0204 | The requested ITN has been removed and
                 |      |no forwarding address is provided.
   Unsupported   | 0205 | The requested iSCSI version range is
   version       |      | not supported by the target.
   Too many      | 0206 | Too many connections on this SSID.
   connections   |      |
   Missing       | 0207 | Missing parameters (e.g., iSCSI
   parameter     |      | Initiator and/or Target Name).
   Can't include | 0208 | Target does not support session
   in session    |      | spanning to this connection (address).
   Session type  | 0209 | Target does not support this type of
   not supported |      | of session or not from this Initiator.
   Session does  | 020a | Attempt to add a connection
   not exist     |      | to a non-existent session.
   Invalid during| 020b | Invalid Request type during Login.
   login         |      |
   Target error  | 0300 | Target hardware or software error.
   Service       | 0301 | The iSCSI service or target is not
   unavailable   |      | currently operational.
   Out of        | 0302 | The target has insufficient session,
   resources     |      | connection, or other resources.
   ----------------------------------------------------------------- (*1) If the response T bit is 1 in both the request and the matching
   response, and the NSG is FullFeaturePhase in both the request and the
   matching response, the Login Phase is finished and the initiator may
   proceed to issue SCSI commands.

    Digest                                  | Number |
   | CRC32C                                 |     1  |

        Organizational      Subgroup Naming Authority
                Naming      and/or string Defined by
   Type  Date     Auth      Org. or Local Naming Authority
   +--++-----+ +---------+ +--------------------------------+
   |  ||     | |         | |                                |

                  Naming            Defined by
   Type  Date     Authority         Naming Authority
   +--++-----+ +-----------------+ +-----------+
   |  ||     | |                 | |           |

                  Naming                Defined by
   Type  Date     Authority             Naming Authority
   +--++-----+ +----------------------+ +-----------+
   |  ||     | |                      | |           |

                Naming        Defined by  Defined by
   Type  Date    Authority      cs dept    User "oaks"
    +-+ +-----+ +------------+ +--------+ +-----------+
    | | |     | |            | |        | |           |

                Organization            String
                   Naming            Defined by Org.
   Type  Date    Authority          Naming Authority
    +-+ +-----+ +-------------+ +----------------------+
    | | |     | |             | |                      |

             A              Controller               B
             |(1) INVITE no SDP  |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(2) 200 offer1     |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |                   |(3) INVITE offer1  |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |                   |(4) 200 OK answer1 |
             |                   |<------------------|
             |                   |(5) ACK            |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |(6) ACK answer1    |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(7) RTP            |                   |

             A              Controller               B
             |(1) INVITE bh sdp1 |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(2) 200 sdp2       |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |                   |(3) INVITE sdp2    |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |(4) ACK            |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |                   |(5) 200 OK sdp3    |
             |                   |<------------------|
             |                   |(6) ACK            |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |(7) INVITE sdp3    |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(8) 200 OK sdp2    |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |(9) ACK            |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(10) RTP           |                   |

             A                 Controller                  B
             |(1) INVITE no SDP     |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(2) 200 offer1        |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(3) ACK answer1 (bh)  |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |(4) INVITE no SDP     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(5) 200 OK offer2     |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(6) INVITE offer2'    |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(7) 200 answer2'      |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(8) ACK answer2       |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |(9) ACK               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(10) RTP              |                      |

             A                 Controller                  B
             |(1) INVITE offer1     |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(2) 200 answer1       |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(3) ACK               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |(4) INVITE no SDP     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(5) 200 OK offer2     |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(6) INVITE offer2'    |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(7) 200 answer2'      |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(8) ACK answer2       |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |(9) ACK               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(10) RTP              |                      |

             A                 Controller                  B
             |(1) INVITE offer1     |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(2) 200 answer1       |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(3) ACK               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |(4) INVITE no SDP     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(5) 180               |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(6) INVITE offer2     |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(7) 491               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(8) ACK               |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |

             A              Controller               B
             |(1) BYE            |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |(2) 200 OK         |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |                   |(3) BYE            |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |                   |(4) 200 OK         |
             |                   |<------------------|

             A           Controller            B                C
             |(1) BYE         |                |                |
             |--------------->|                |                |
             |(2) 200 OK      |                |                |
             |<---------------|                |                |
             |                |(3) INV no media|                |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(4) 200 no media|                |
             |                |<--------------------------------|
             |                |(5) ACK         |                |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(6) INV no SDP  |                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             |                |(7) 200 offer3  |                |
             |                |<---------------|                |
             |                |(8) INV offer3' |                |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(9) 200 answer3'|                |
             |                |<--------------------------------|
             |                |(10) ACK        |                |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(11) ACK answer3|                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             |                |                |(12) RTP        |
             |                |                |................|

             A                 Controller                  B
             |                      |                      |
             |(1) INVITE offer1     |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |<ring>                |                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |<answer>              |                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |(2) 200 answer1       |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(3) ACK               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |(4) INVITE no SDP     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |                      |<ring>
             |                      |(5) 183 offer2        |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(6) INVITE offer2'    |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(7) 200 answer2'      |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(8) ACK               |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |(9) PRACK answer2     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(10) 200 PRACK        |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(11) RTP              |                      |
             |                      |                      |<answer>
             |                      |(12) 200 OK           |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |                      |(13) ACK              |
             |                      |--------------------->|

             A                 Controller                  B
             |                      |                      |
             |(1) INVITE offer1     |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |ring                  |                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |(2) 183 answer1       |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(3) PRACK             |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(4) 200 PRACK         |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(5) INVITE no SDP     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |                      |ring
             |                      |                      |
             |                      |                      |answer
             |                      |                      |
             |                      |(6) 200 OK offer2     |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(7) UPDATE offer2'    |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |(8) 200 answer2'      |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(9) ACK answer2       |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |(10) RTP              |                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |answer                |                      |
             |                      |                      |
             |(11) 200 OK           |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(12) ACK              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |

           User A           Controller       Customer Service
                                                  (User B)
             |                   |                   |
             |(1) INVITE no SDP  |                   |
             |require precon     |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(2) 183 offer1     |                   |
             |optional precon    |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |(3) INVITE offer1  |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |                   |<answer>
             |                   |(4) 200 OK answer1 |
             |                   |no precon          |
             |                   |<------------------|
             |                   |(5) ACK            |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |(6) PRACK answer1  |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |<ring>             |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |(7) 200 PRACK      |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |<answer>           |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |(8) 200 INVITE     |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |(9) ACK            |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |

             A                 Controller                  B
             |(1) INVITE offer1     |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(2) 183 answer1       |                      |
             |no media              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(3) PRACK             |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(4) 200 OK            |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(5) INVITE no SDP     |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(6) 183 offer2        |
             |                      |des=sendrecv          |
             |                      |conf=recv             |
             |                      |cur=none              |

             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(7) UPDATE offer2'    |                      |
             |des=sendrecv          |                      |
             |conf=recv             |                      |
             |cur=none              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |(8) 200 UPDATE        |                      |
             |answer2'              |                      |
             |des=sendrecv          |                      |
             |conf=recv             |                      |
             |cur=none              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(9) PRACK answer2     |
             |                      |des=sendrecv          |
             |                      |conf=recv             |
             |                      |cur=none              |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(10) 200 PRACK        |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(11) reservation      |                      |
             |(12) reservation      |                      |
             |(13) UPDATE offer3    |                      |
             |des=sendrecv          |                      |
             |conf=recv             |                      |
             |cur=recv              |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(14) UPDATE offer3'   |
             |                      |des=sendrecv          |
             |                      |conf=recv             |
             |                      |cur=recv              |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |                      |(15) 200 UPDATE       |
             |                      |answer3'              |
             |                      |des=sendrecv          |
             |                      |conf=recv             |
             |                      |cur=send              |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(16) 200 UPDATE       |                      |
             |answer3               |                      |
             |des=sendrecv          |                      |
             |conf=recv             |                      |
             |cur=send              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |                      |<ring>
             |                      |(17) UPDATE offer4    |
             |                      |des=sendrecv          |

             |                      |conf=recv             |
             |                      |cur=sendrecv          |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |(18) UPDATE offer4'   |                      |
             |des=sendrecv          |                      |
             |conf=recv             |                      |
             |cur=sendrecv          |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |<ring>                |                      |
             |(19) 200 UPDATE       |                      |
             |answer4'              |                      |
             |des=sendrecv          |                      |
             |conf=recv             |                      |
             |cur=sendrecv          |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(20) 200 UPDATE       |
             |                      |answer4               |
             |                      |des=sendrecv          |
             |                      |conf=recv             |
             |                      |cur=sendrecv          |
             |                      |--------------------->|
             |(21) 180 INVITE       |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |                      |(22) 180 INVITE       |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |<answer>              |                      |
             |(23) 200 INVITE       |                      |
             |--------------------->|                      |
             |(24) ACK              |                      |
             |<---------------------|                      |
             |                      |                      |<answer>
             |                      |(25) 200 INVITE       |
             |                      |<---------------------|
             |                      |(26) ACK              |
             |                      |--------------------->|

Customer Service    Controller         User's Phone      User's Browser
     |                   |(1) HTTP POST      |                   |
     |                   |<--------------------------------------|
     |                   |(2) HTTP 200 OK    |                   |
     |                   |-------------------------------------->|
     |(3) INVITE offer1  |                   |                   |
     |no media           |                   |                   |
     |<------------------|                   |                   |
     |(4) 200 answer1    |                   |                   |
     |no media           |                   |                   |
     |------------------>|                   |                   |
     |(5) ACK            |                   |                   |
     |<------------------|                   |                   |
     |                   |(6) INVITE no SDP  |                   |
     |                   |------------------>|                   |
     |                   |(7) 200 OK offer2  |                   |
     |                   |<------------------|                   |
     |(8) INVITE offer2' |                   |                   |
     |<------------------|                   |                   |
     |(9) 200 answer2'   |                   |                   |
     |------------------>|                   |                   |
     |                   |(10) ACK answer2   |                   |
     |                   |------------------>|                   |
     |(11) ACK           |                   |                   |
     |<------------------|                   |                   |
     |(12) RTP           |                   |                   |
     |.......................................|                   |

   Pre-Paid User     Controller         Called Party        Media Server
      |                   |(1) INV SDP c=bh   |                   |
      |                   |------------------>|                   |
      |                   |(2) 200 answer1    |                   |
      |                   |<------------------|                   |
      |                   |(3) ACK            |                   |
      |                   |------------------>|                   |
      |(4) INV no SDP     |                   |                   |
      |<------------------|                   |                   |
      |(5) 200 offer2     |                   |                   |
      |------------------>|                   |                   |
      |                   |(6) INV offer2     |                   |
      |                   |-------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(7) 200 answer2    |                   |
      |                   |<--------------------------------------|
      |(8) ACK answer2    |                   |                   |
      |<------------------|                   |                   |
      |                   |(9) ACK            |                   |
      |                   |-------------------------------------->|
      |(10) RTP           |                   |                   |
      |                   |(11) BYE           |                   |
      |                   |-------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(12) 200 OK        |                   |
      |                   |<--------------------------------------|
      |                   |(13) INV no SDP    |                   |
      |                   |------------------>|                   |
      |                   |(14) 200 offer3    |                   |
      |                   |<------------------|                   |
      |(15) INV offer3'   |                   |                   |
      |<------------------|                   |                   |
      |(16) 200 answer3'  |                   |                   |
      |------------------>|                   |                   |
      |                   |(17) ACK answer3'  |                   |
      |                   |------------------>|                   |
      |(18) ACK           |                   |                   |
      |<------------------|                   |                   |
      |(19) RTP           |                   |                   |
      |.......................................|                   |

          +--------->| P-CSCF |---------> SIP signaling
         /           +--------+
        / SIP            |
       |                 |
       |              +-----+            +----------------+
       |              | PDF |<---------->| NSIS Forwarder |<--->
       |              +-----+            +----------------+
       |                 |                  ^
       |                 |                  |
       |                 |                  |
       |                 |COPS              |
       |                 |                  |
   +------+          +---------+            |
   | UE/MS|----------| Access  |<-----------+     +----+
   +------+          | Gateway |------------------| ER |
                     +---------+                  +----+

   |--|                   |--|
   |MH|---                 .
   |--|  / |-------|       .
        /--|base   | |--|  .
           |-------| |--|  . |--| back- |--|  |---|              |----|
        -- |-------| |--|  . |--| bone  |--|  |---|              |----|
   |--| \  |base   |-|ER|...     .
   |MH|  \ |station| |--|        .
   |--|--- |-------|             .          MH  = mobile host
                              |--|          ER  = edge router
      <---->                  |GW|          GW  = gateway
     Wireless link            |--|          BGW = border gateway
                                            ... = interior nodes
       Wired part of wireless network

    +-------------+    ISUP/SIGTRAN     +-----+              +-----+
    | SS7 network |---------------------| MGC |--------------| SS7 |
    +-------------+             +-------+-----+---------+    +-----+
          :                    /           :             \
          :                   /            :              \
          :                  /    +--------:----------+    \
          :          MEGACO /    /         :           \    \
          :                /    /       +-----+         \    \
          :               /    /        | NMS |          \    \
          :              /     |        +-----+          |     \
          :              :     |                         |     :
   +--------------+  +----+    |   bandwidth pipe (SLS)  |  +----+
   | PSTN network |--| MG |--|ER|======================|ER|-| MG |--
   +--------------+  +----+     \                       /   +----+
                                 \     QoS network     /

    +-------------+    ISUP/SIGTRAN     +-----+              +-----+
    | SS7 network |---------------------| MGC |--------------| SS7 |
    +-------------+             +-------+-----+---------+    +-----+
          :                    /           :             \
          :                   /         +-----+           \
          :                  /          | NF  |            \
          :                 /           +-----+             \
          :                /               :                 \
          :               /       +--------:----------+       \
          :       MEGACO :       /         :           \       :
          :              :      /       +-----+         \      :
          :              :     /        | NMS |          \     :
          :              :     |        +-----+          |     :
          :              :     |                         |     :
   +--------------+  +----+    |   bandwidth pipe (SLS)  |  +----+
   | PSTN network |--| MG |--|ER|======================|ER|-| MG |--
   +--------------+  +----+     \                       /   +----+
                                 \     QoS network     /

             +-------+                  +-------+
             |       |                  |       |
             | Vtuc  +------------------+  Vtur |
             |       |                  |       |
             +-------+                  +-------+

   Code    Response text in English

   Code    Response text in English

                       Client                  Server
                  |                                     |
                  |                Connect              |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Greeting           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send <login>            |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Response           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Command            |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Response           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |            Send Command X           |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |    Send Command Y                   |
                  | >>---------------+                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |            Send Response X          |
                  | <<---------------(---------------<< |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  +--------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |            Send Response Y          |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send <logout>           |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |     Send Response & Disconnect      |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |

                 |                                      |
                 |                                      |
                 |  FUNCTIONAL                          |
                 |    AREAS                             |
                 |                                      |
                 |             +------+                 |
                 |  Multicast  |Policy|                 |
                 |  Security   |Server|                 |
                 |  Policies   +------+                 |
                 |                 ^                    |
                 |                 |                    |
                 |                 |                    |
                 |                 v                    |
                 |             +------+                 |
                 |  Group      |Group |                 |
                 |  Key        |Ctrl/ |<---------+      |
                 |  Management |Key   |          |      |
                 |             |Server|          V      |
                 |             +------+     +--------+  |
                 |                 ^        |        |  |
                 |                 |        |Receiver|  |
                 |                 |        |        |  |
                 |                 v        +--------+  |
                 |             +------+          ^      |
                 |             |      |          |      |
                 |  Multicast  |Sender|----------+      |
                 |  Data       |      |                 |
                 |  Handling   |      |                 |
                 |             +------+                 |
                 |                                      |

    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    | FUNCTIONAL                                                      |
    |   AREAS                                                         |
    |            +------+                                  +------+   |
    | Multicast  |Policy|<-------------------------------->|Policy|   |
    | Security   |Server|                                  |Server|   |
    | Policies   +------+                                  +------+   |
    |                ^                                         ^      |
    |                |                                         |      |
    |                |                                         |      |
    |                v                                         v      |
    |            +------+                                  +------+   |
    | Group      |Group |<-------------------------------> |Group |   |
    | Key        |Ctrl/ |<---------+                       |Ctlr/ |   |
    | Management |Key   |          |                       |Key   |   |
    |            |Server|          V                       |Server|   |
    |            +------+     +--------+                   +------+   |
    |                ^        |        |                       ^      |
    |                |        |Receiver|                       |      |
    |                |        |        |                       |      |
    |                v        +--------+                       |      |
    |            +------+          ^                           V      |
    |            |      |          |                      +--------+  |
    | Multicast  |Sender|----------+                      |        |  |
    | Data       |      |-------------------------------->|Receiver|  |
    | Handling   |      |                                 |        |  |
    |            +------+                                 +--------+  |

            +---------------+              +-------------------+
            |     GSA       |              |        GSA        |
            |               |              | +-----+   +-----+ |
            |               |              | | SA1 |   | SA2 | |
            |    +----+     |              | +-----+   +-----+ |
            |    | SA |     |              |      +-----+      |
            |    +----+     |              |      | SA3 |      |
            |               |              |      +-----+      |
            +---------------+              +-------------------+

      |                                                            |
      |                    +------------------+                    |
      |                    |       GCKS       |                    |
      |                    |                  |                    |
      |                    |   REG      REG   |                    |
      |                    |    /  REKEY \    |                    |
      |                    +---/-----|----\---+                    |
      |                       /      |     \                       |
      |                      /       |      \                      |
      |                     /        |       \                     |
      |                    /         |        \                    |
      |                   /          |         \                   |
      |       +----------/------+    |   +------\----------+       |
      |       |        REG      |    |   |      REG        |       |
      |       |            REKEY-----+----REKEY            |       |
      |       |     Sender      |        |      Receiver   |       |
      |       |             DATA----------DATA             |       |
      |       +-----------------+        +-----------------+       |
      |                                                            |
      |                                                            |

   [DAV:, all] (aggregate, abstract)
      +-- [DAV:, read] (aggregate)
             +-- [DAV:, read-acl] (abstract)
             +-- [DAV:, read-current-user-privilege-set] (abstract)
      +-- [DAV:, write] (aggregate)
             +-- [DAV:, write-acl] (abstract)
             +-- [DAV:, write-properties]
             +-- [DAV:, write-content]
      +-- [DAV:, unlock]

      -------------------------       -------------------------
      |  Control Blade A      |       |  Control Blade B      |
      |       (CE)            |       |          (CE)         |
      -------------------------       -------------------------
              ^   |                           ^    |
              |   |                           |    |
              |   V                           |    V
      |               Switch Fabric Backplane                 |
             ^  |            ^  |                   ^  |
             |  |            |  |     . . .         |  |
             |  V            |  V                   |  V
         ------------    ------------           ------------
         |Router    |    |Router    |           |Router    |
         |Blade #1  |    |Blade #2  |           |Blade #N  |
         |   (FE)   |    |   (FE)   |           |   (FE)   |
         ------------    ------------           ------------
             ^  |            ^  |                   ^  |
             |  |            |  |     . . .         |  |
             |  V            |  V                   |  V

          -------         -------
          | CE1 |         | CE2 |
          -------         -------
             ^               ^
             |               |
             V               V
      ============================================ Ethernet
          ^       ^       . . .   ^
          |       |               |
          V       V               V
       -------  -------         --------
       | FE#1|  | FE#2|         | FE#n |
       -------  -------         --------
         ^  |     ^  |            ^  |
         |  |     |  |            |  |
         |  V     |  V            |  V

      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
      |OSPF   |RIP    |BGP    |RSVP   |LDP    |. . .  |
      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
      |               ForCES Interface                |
                              ^   ^
                      ForCES  |   |data
                      control |   |packets
                      messages|   |(e.g., routing packets)
                              v   v
      |               ForCES Interface                |
      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
      |LPM Fwd|Meter  |Shaper |NAT    |Classi-|. . .  |
      |       |       |       |       |fier   |       |
      |               FE resources                    |

                          | ForCES Network Element              |
   --------------   Fc    | --------------      --------------  |
   | CE Manager |---------+-|     CE 1   |------|    CE 2    |  |
   --------------         | |            |  Fr  |            |  |
         |                | --------------      --------------  |
         | Fl             |         |  |    Fp       /          |
         |                |       Fp|  |----------| /           |
         |                |         |             |/            |
         |                |         |             |             |
         |                |         |     Fp     /|----|        |
         |                |         |  /--------/      |        |
   --------------     Ff  | --------------      --------------  |
   | FE Manager |---------+-|     FE 1   |  Fi  |     FE 2   |  |
   --------------         | |            |------|            |  |
                          | --------------      --------------  |
                          |   |  |  |  |          |  |  |  |    |
                              |  |  |  |          |  |  |  |
                              |  |  |  |          |  |  |  |
                                Fi/f                   Fi/f

      -------   Fr  -------
      | CE1 | ------| CE2 |
      -------       -------
        |   \      /   |
        |    \    /    |
        |     \  /     |
        |      \/Fp    |
        |      /\      |
        |     /  \     |
        |    /    \    |
      -------  Fi   -------
      | FE1 |<----->| FE2 |
      -------       -------

            |      CE       |
             ^      ^      ^
            /       |       \
           /        v        \
          /      -------      \
         /    +->| FE3 |<-+    \
        /     |  |     |  |     \
       v      |  -------  |      v
     -------  |           |  -------
     | FE1 |<-+           +->| FE2 |
     |     |<--------------->|     |
     -------                 -------
        ^  |                   ^  |
        |  |                   |  |
        |  v                   |  v

                |   CE    |
               ^ ^       ^ ^
              /  |       |  \
       /------   |       |   ------\
       v         v       v          v
   -------   -------   -------   -------
   | FE1 |<->| FE2 |<->| FE3 |<->| FE4 |
   -------   -------   -------   -------
     ^  |     ^  |       ^  |     ^  |
     |  |     |  |       |  |     |  |
     |  v     |  v       |  v     |  v

                   ^ |
                   | v
                |   FE1   |<-----------------------|
                -----------                        |
                  ^    ^                           |
                 /      \                          |
          | ^   /        \   ^ |                   V
          v |  v          v  | v                ----------
        ---------        ---------              |        |
        | FE2   |        |  FE3  |<------------>|   CE   |
        ---------        ---------              |        |
            ^  ^          ^                     ----------
            |   \        /                        ^  ^
            |    \      /                         |  |
            |    v     v                          |  |
            |   -----------                       |  |
            |   |   FE4   |<----------------------|  |
            |   -----------                          |
            |      |  ^                              |
            |      v  |                              |
            |                                        |

   FE Manager      FE               CE Manager     CE
    |              |                 |             |
    |              |                 |             |
    |(security exchange)             |             |
   1|<------------------------------>|             |
    |              |                 |             |
    |(a list of CEs and their attributes)          |
   2|<-------------------------------|             |
    |              |                 |             |
    |(a list of FEs and their attributes)          |
   3|------------------------------->|             |
    |              |                 |             |
    |              |                 |             |
    |<----------------Fl------------>|             |

   FE Manager      FE               CE Manager     CE
    |              |                |             |
    |              |                |             |
    |(security exchange)            |(security exchange)
   1|<------------>|authentication 1|<----------->|authentication
    |              |                |             |
    |(FE ID, attributes)            |(CE ID, attributes)
   2|<-------------|request        2|<------------|request
    |              |                |             |
   3|------------->|response       3|------------>|response
    |(corresponding CE ID)          |(corresponding FE ID)
    |              |                |             |
    |              |                |             |
    |<-----Ff----->|                |<-----Fc---->|

                FE                      CE
                |                       |
                |(Security exchange.)   |
                |                       |
                |(Let me join the NE please.)
                |                       |
                |(What kind of FE are you? -- capability query)
                |                       |
                |(Here is my FE functions/state: use model to
                |                       |
                |(Initial config for FE -- optional)
                |                       |
                |(I am ready to go. Shall I?)
                |                       |
                |(Go ahead!)            |
                |                       |

           FE                      CE
           |                       |
           |(Add these new routes.)|
           |                       |
           |(Successful.)          |
           |                       |
           |                       |
           |(Query some stats.)    |
           |                       |
           |(Reply with stats collected.)
           |                       |
           |                       |
           |(My port is down, with port #.)
           |                       |
           |(Here is a new forwarding table)
           |                       |

   ---------------------           ----------------------
   |                   |           |                    |
   |    +--------+     |           |     +--------+     |
   |    |CE(BGP) |     |           |     |CE(BGP) |     |
   |    +--------+     |           |     +--------+     |
   |        |          |           |          ^         |
   |        |Fp        |           |          |Fp       |
   |        v          |           |          |         |
   |    +--------+     |           |     +--------+     |
   |    |  FE    |     |           |     |   FE   |     |
   |    +--------+     |           |     +--------+     |
   |        |          |           |          ^         |
   | Router |          |           | Router   |         |
   | A      |          |           | B        |         |
   ---------+-----------           -----------+----------
            v                                 ^
            |                                 |
            |                                 |

      |               router NE       |
      |   -----------   -----------   |
      |   |   FE1   |   |   FE2   |   |
      |   -----------   -----------   |
      |   1| 2| 3| 4|   5| 6| 7| 8|   |
      |    |  |  |  |    |  |  |  |   |
      |    |  |  |  +----+  |  |  |   |
      |    |  |  |          |  |  |   |
      |    |  | 9|        10|  |  |   |
      |    |  | -------------- |  |   |
      |    |  | |    CE      | |  |   |
      |    |  | -------------- |  |   |
      |    |  |                |  |   |
           |  |                |  |
           |  |                |  |

      |   ingress functional datapath                              |
      |                        +----------+                        |
   -->|----------->----------->| count    |----------->----------->|-->
      |                        +----------+                        |

   |   ingress functional datapath                              |
   |   +------------+   +-------+   +---------+   +---------+   |
   |   |            |   |       |   | action: |   | action: |   |
-->|-->| classifier |-->| meter |-->| mark EF |-->| count   |-->|----->
   |   | match <IP> |   |       |   |         |   |         |   |
   |   +------------+   +-------+   +---------+   +---------+   |
   |         |                 \                                |
   |         |                  \      +---------+              |
   |         |                   \     | action: |              |routing
   |         |                    * -->| dropper |              |core
   |         |                   /     |         |              |
   |         |                  /      +---------+              |
   |         V                 /                                |
   |   +------------+   +-------+   +---------+   +---------+   |
   |   |            |   |       |   | action: |   | action: |   |
   |   | classifier |-->| meter |-->| mark AF |-->| count   |-->|----->
   |   | match all  |   |       |   |         |   |         |   |
   |   +------------+   +-------+   +---------+   +---------+   |

              |         +-------------+-------------+          |
              |         |   Service Application     |          |
              |         +---------------------------+          |
         Responses      |       Data Dispatcher     |     Responses
       <============4== +---------------------------+ <=3===========
         Requests       |           HTTP            |      Requests
       =============1=> +---------------------------+ ==2==========>
              |                  OPES Processor                |

              *                                           *
              *    +--------+             Authoritative   *
              *    | Origin |                    Domain   *
              *    | Server |                             *
              *    +--------+       +------------+        *
              *         |           | OPES Admin |        *
              *         |           |   Server   |        *
              *         |           +------------+        *
              *         |         /                       *
              *         |       /                         *
              * +--------------+      +-----------------+ *
              * |     OPES     |----- | Remote Call-out | *
              * |   Processor  |      |     Server      | *
              * +--------------+      +-----------------+ *
              *         |                                 *
                   | Data consumer application |

                   | Origin |
                   | Server |
              *         |                                 *
              * +--------------+      +-----------------+ *
              * |     OPES     |----- | Remote Call-out | *
              * |    Processor |      |     Server      | *
              * +--------------+      +-----------------+ *
              *         |       \                         *
              *         |         +------------+          *
              *         |         | OPES Admin |          *
              *         |         |   Server   |          *
              *         |         +------------+          *
              *    +---------------------+                *
              *    | Data consumer Appl. | Authoritative  *
              *    +---------------------+        Domain  *
              *                                           *

                     ---        ------                    -------  |
        ---  | <-->  | | -------| AR | -------------------|     |  |
        | |--[]      ---        /------          \       /| ANG |--|
        ---            AP      /                  \     / |     |  |
         MH                   /                    \   /  -------  |
   (with wireless     ___    /                    -------          |
        device)       | |----                     | ANR |          |
                      ---                         -------          |
                       AP                          /   \           |
                                                  /     \ -------  |
                     ---       ------            /       \|     |  |
                     | |-------| AR |---------------------| ANG |--|
                     ---       ------                     |     |  |
                      AP                                  -------  |
                          Access Network (AN) 1                    |
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  -|
                          Access Network (AN) 2                    |
                     ---        ------                    -------  |
       ---  | <-->   | | -------| AR | -------------------|     |  |
       | |--[]       ---       /------                   /| ANG |--|
       ---            AP      /                         / |     |  |
        MH                   /                         /  -------  |
   (with wireless    ___    /                         /            |
       device)       | |----                         /             |
                     ---                            /              |
                      AP                           /               |
                                                  /                |
       |            ---       ------         -------               |
   --- |       | <->| |-------| AR |---------| ANR |               |
   | |-|      []    ---  \    ------         -------               |
   --- |  -----|     AP   \                  /                     |
   MNN |--i MR e           \                /                      |
       |  ------    ---     \ ------       /                       |
   --- | (with      | |-------| AR |-------                        |
   | |-| wireless   ---       ------                               |
   --- |  device)    AP                                            |
   MNN                                 'i': MR ingress interface   |
                                       'e': MR egress interface    |

            Interface A        IP Forwarding        Interface B
           +-----------+     +--------------+      +-----------+
   MC-flow |           |     | replication  |      |  egress   |
      ---->|  ingress  |---->|------+-------|----->|(class.,TC,|---->
           |           |     |      |       |      | queueing) |
           +-----------+     |      |       |      +-----------+
                             |      |       |
                             |      |       |       Interface C
                             |      |       |      +-----------+
                             |      |       |      |  egress   |
                             |      +-------|----->|(class.,TC,|---->
                             |              |      | queueing) |
                             +--------------+      +-----------+

             40%                 40%               20%
   |Expedited Forwarding| Assured Forwarding  | Best-Effort|
                                      output link bandwidth

     | S |                 DS domains
     +---+                  /       \
      .||...............   /         \   ................
     . ||               .<-           ->.                .
    .  ||                .             .                  .
    . +---+   +--+     +--+     *)    +--+    +--+      +--+    +------+
    . |FHN|===|IN|=====|BN|###########|BN|####|IN|######|BN|####|Recv.B|
    . +---+   +--+     +--+\\         +--+    +--+      +--+    +------+
    .   \\       \        . \\         .         \        .
    .  +--+     +--+      .  \\        .          \       .
    .  |IN|-----|IN|      .   \\        .          +--+  .
    .  +--+     +--+      .    \\        ..........|BN|..
    .   ||        \      .     +------+            +--+
     .  ||         \    .      |Recv.A|
      .+--+        +--+.       +------+
       +--+        +--+

     | S |                 DS domains
     +---+                  /       \
      .||...............   /         \   ................
     . ||               .<-           ->.                .
    .  ||                .             .                  .
    . +---+   +--+     +--+           +--+    +--+      +--+   +------+
    . |FHN|===|IN|=====|BN|===========|BN|====|IN|======|BN|===|Recv.B|
    . +---+   +--+     +--+\\         +--+    +--+      +--+   +------+
    .   \\       \        . \\         .         #        .
    .  +--+     +--+      .  \\        .          # *)    .
    .  |IN|-----|IN|      .   \\        .          +--+  .
    .  +--+     +--+      .    \\        ..........|BN|..
    .   ||        \      .     +------+            +--+
     .  ||         \    .      |Recv.A|              #
      .+--+        +--+.       +------+              #
       |BN|........|BN|                            +------+
       +--+        +--+                            |Recv.C|
        ||                                         +------+

         |                   Network Element                   |
         |      IP       |  |      IP       |
         |   Interface   |  |   Interface   |
         +---------------+  +---------------+ ...

         |                   Network Element                   |
         |      IP       |  |      IP       |
         |   Interface   |  |   Interface   |
         ++ +-+ +-+ +----+  ++ +-+ +-+ +----+ ...
          |C| |C| |C|        |C| |C| |C|
          |h| |h| |h|        |h| |h| |h|
          |a| |a| |a|        |a| |a| |a|
          |n| |n| |n| ...    |n| |n| |n| ...
          |n| |n| |n|        |n| |n| |n|
          |e| |e| |e|        |e| |e| |e|
          |l| |l| |l|        |l| |l| |l|
          : : : : : :        : : : : : :

         +-----------------+                  +-----------------+
         | Network Element |                  | Network Element |
         +-----------------+                  +-----------------+
         |       IP        |                  |       IP        |
         |    Interface    |                  |    Interface    |
         +------+   +------+                  +------+   +------+
                |   |                                |   |
                |   +--------------------------------+   |
                |     ->  Unidirectional channel  ->     |

         +-----------------+                  +-----------------+
         | Network Element |                  | Network Element |
         +-----------------+                  +-----------------+
         |       IP        |                  |       IP        |
         |    Interface    |                  |    Interface    |
         +------+   +------+                  +------+   +------+
                |   |                                |   |
                |   +--------------------------------+   |
                |    <->  Bi-directional channel  <->    |

      +-----------------+   +-----------------+   +-----------------+
      | Network Element |   | Network Element |   | Network Element |
      +-----------------+   +-----------------+   +-----------------+
      |       IP        |   |       IP        |   |       IP        |
      |    Interface    |   |    Interface    |   |    Interface    |
      +------+   +------+   +------+   +------+   +------+   +------+
             |   |                 |   |                 |   |
             |   |                 |   |                 |   |
             |   +-----------------+   +-----------------+   |
             |   <->  Bi-directional "shared channel"  <->   |

      +-----------------+                      +-----------------+
      | Network Element |                      | Network Element |
      +-----------------+                      +-----------------+
      |       IP        |                      |       IP        |
      |    Interface    |                      |    Interface    |
      +-+ +---+ +---+ +-+                      +-+ +---+ +---+ +-+
        | |   | |   | |                          | |   | |   | |
        | |   | |   | +--------------------------+ |   | |   | |
        | |   | |   | <- Unidirectional channel <- |   | |   | |
        | |   | |   +------------------------------+   | |   | |
        | |   | |                                      | |   | |
        | |   | |                                      | |   | |
        | |   | +--------------------------------------+ |   | |
        | |   |      <-> Bi-directional channel <->      |   | |
        | |   +------------------------------------------+   | |
        | |                                                  | |
        | |                                                  | |
        | +--------------------------------------------------+ |
        |             -> Unidirectional channel ->             |

                      -> UI -> |              | -> CO ->
                               |     ROHC     |
                               |  Compressor  |
                      -> PI -> |              | <- FI <-

                      -> CI -> |              | -> DO ->
                               |     ROHC     |
                               | Decompressor |
                      <- FO <- |              | -> PO ->

   +--------------+          --->-->-->-->---          +--------------+
   |              | -> CO ->   ROHC Channel   -> CI -> |              |
   |     ROHC     |          --->-->-->-->---          |     ROHC     |
   |  Compressor  |                                    | Decompressor |
   |              |                                    |              |
   +--------------+                                    +--------------+

   +--------------+                                     +--------------+
   |              |                                     |              |
   |     ROHC     |                                     |     ROHC     |
   |  Compressor  |          --<--<--<--<--<--          | Decompressor |
   |              | <- FI <-  ROHC FB Channel  <- FO <- |              |
   +--------------+          --<--<--<--<--<--          +--------------+

                          Bi-directional channel
       +--------------+     : -->-->-->-->-- :     +--------------+
   --> |UI          CO| --> :  ROHC Channel  : --> |CI          DO| -->
       |     ROHC     |     : -->-->-->-->-- :     |     ROHC     |
       |  Compressor  |     :                :     | Decompressor |
       |              |     : --<--<--<--<-- :     |              |
     o |PI          FI| <-- :   FB Channel   : <-- |FO          PO| o
       +--------------+     : --<--<--<--<-- :     +--------------+

                          Bi-directional channel
       +--------------+     : -->-->-->-->-- :     +--------------+
   --> |UI          CO| --> : ROHC Channel A : --> |CI          DO| -->
       |     ROHC     |     : -->-->-->-->-- :     |     ROHC     |
       |  Compressor  |     :                :     | Decompressor |
       |      A       |     :                :     |      A       |
   +-> |PI          FI| <-+ :                : +-- |PO          FO| --+
   |   +--------------+   | :                : |   +--------------+   |
   |                      | :                : |                      |
   |                      | :                : |                      |
   |   +--------------+   | :                : |   +--------------+   |
   +-- |FO          PO| --+ :                : +-> |FI          PI| <-+
       |     ROHC     |     :                :     |     ROHC     |
       | Decompressor |     :                :     |  Compressor  |
       |      B       |     : --<--<--<--<-- :     |      B       |
   <-- |DO          CI| <-- : ROHC Channel B : <-- |CO          UI| <--
       +--------------+     : --<--<--<--<-- :     +--------------+

                          Bi-directional channel
       +--------------+     : -->-->-->-->-- :     +--------------+
     ->|UI          CO| --> : ROHC Channel A : --> |CI          DO|->
       |     ROHC     |     : -->-->-->-->-- :     |     ROHC     |
       |  Compressor  |     :                :     | Decompressor |
       |      A       |     :                :     |      A       |
       |              |     :                :     |              |
   +-> |FI          PI| o   :                :   o |PO          FO| --+
   |   +--------------+     : --<--<--<--<-- :     +--------------+   |
   |                     +- : ROHC Channel B :<-+                     |
   |                     |  : --<--<--<--<-- :  |                     |
   |   +--------------+  |  :................:  |  +--------------+   |
   | <-|DO          CI|<-+                      +- |CO          UI|<- |
   |   |     ROHC     |                            |     ROHC     |   |
   |   | Decompressor |   Bi-directional channel   |  Compressor  |   |
   |   |      B       |     ..................     |      B       |   |
   |   |              |     : -->-->-->-->-- :     |              |   |
   |  o|PO          FO| --> :  FB Channel B  : --> |FI          PI|o  |
   |   +--------------+     : -->-->-->-->-- :     +--------------+   |
   |                        :                :                        |
   |                        : --<--<--<--<-- :                        |
   +----------------------- :  FB Channel A  : <----------------------+
                            : --<--<--<--<-- :

    |                           IP Interface                           |
    |     ROHC      |    |     ROHC      |    |     ROHC      |
    |  Compressor   |    |  Compressor   |    | Decompressor  |
    | Context 0...N |    | Context 0...M |    | Context 0...K |  ...
    +--+---------+--+    +--+---------+--+    +--+---------+--+
       ^         |          ^         |          :         ^
       :   CID   |          :   CID   |          :   CID   |
       :  0...N  |          :  0...M  |          :  0...K  |
       :         v          :         v          v         |
     ROHC      ROHC       ROHC      ROHC       ROHC      ROHC
   Feedback   Channel   Feedback   Channel   Feedback   Channel
    Channel              Channel              Channel

                     +--------+           +------------+
                     | Client +-----------| Credential |
                     +--------+     1     |   Server   |
                          \               +-----+------+
                           \                    |
                            \                   | 2
                             \                  |
                              \    3      +-----+------+
                               -----------| Credential |
                                          |  Store(s)  |

            +-----------+      +-----------+
            |   Rtr1    |      |   Rtr2    |
            |(MR VRID=1)|      |(BR VRID=1)|
            |           |      |           |
    VRID=1  +-----------+      +-----------+
    IP A ---------->*            *<--------- IP B
                    |            |
                    |            |
                                       ^        ^        ^        ^
                                       |        |        |        |
                                     (IP A)   (IP A)   (IP A)   (IP A)
                                       |        |        |        |
                                    +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+
                                    |  H1 |  |  H2 |  |  H3 |  |  H4 |
                                    +-----+  +-----+  +--+--+  +--+--+
              ---+---+---+--  =  Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI
                           H  =  Host computer
                          MR  =  Master Router
                          BR  =  Backup Router
                           *  =  IP Address
                        (IP)  =  default router for hosts

            +-----------+      +-----------+
            |   Rtr1    |      |   Rtr2    |
            |(MR VRID=1)|      |(BR VRID=1)|
            |(BR VRID=2)|      |(MR VRID=2)|
    VRID=1  +-----------+      +-----------+  VRID=2
    IP A ---------->*            *<---------- IP B
                    |            |
                    |            |
                                       ^        ^        ^        ^
                                       |        |        |        |
                                     (IP A)   (IP A)   (IP B)   (IP B)
                                       |        |        |        |
                                    +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+  +--+--+
                                    |  H1 |  |  H2 |  |  H3 |  |  H4 |
                                    +-----+  +-----+  +--+--+  +--+--+
              ---+---+---+--  =  Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI
                           H  =  Host computer
                          MR  =  Master Router
                          BR  =  Backup Router
                           *  =  IP Address
                        (IP)  =  default router for hosts

                                                    /        \
                                                   +          |
                                                  / \        /
        +---------------+              +--------+/   \------/
        |ISP Edge Router|Point-to-point|Customer+
        |               +--------------+ Router |  Customer networks
        |     (PE)      |     link     | (CPE)  +
        +---------------+              +--------+\   /------\
                                                  \ /        \
                                                   +          |
                                                    \        /

   Mobile node                 Home agent           Correspondent node
        |                                                     |
        |  Home Test Init (HoTI)   |                          |
        |                          |                          |
        |  Care-of Test Init (CoTI)                           |
        |                                                     |
        |                          |  Home Test (HoT)         |
        |                          |                          |
        |                             Care-of Test (CoT)      |
        |                                                     |

   Mobile node                                Correspondent node
        |                                               |
        |             Binding Update (BU)               |
        |  (MAC, seq#, nonce indices, care-of address)  |
        |                                               |
        |                                               |
        |    Binding Acknowledgement (BA) (if sent)     |
        |              (MAC, seq#, status)              |

              |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
              |              |status col.|status column|
              |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
    ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
              |         Value|           |             |
set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
active        |              |           |             |
              |              |     or    |             |
              |              |           |             |
              |              |see 2   ->D|see 8     ->D|          ->D
set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
notInService  |              |           |             |
              |              |     or    |             |      or
              |              |           |             |
              |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|see 6
set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError   ->A
column to     |              |           |             |      or
destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|see 7
set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
column to some|              |           |             |
value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D

   |  Originating System                         |
   |  system-id   = S                            |
   |  is-alias-id = S                            |

   +-------------------+     +-------------------+
   |  Virtual System   |     |  Virtual System   |
   |  system-id   = S' |     |  system-id   = S''|
   |  is-alias-id = S  |     |  is-alias-id = S  |
   +-------------------+     +-------------------+

   |         Originating System                  |
   |         system-id = S                       |
   |         is-alias-id = S                     |
          |    /\                    |    /\
   cost=0 |    |cost=max-1    cost=0 |    |cost=max-1
          |    |                     |    |
          \/   |                     \/   |
   +-------------------+     +-------------------+
   |  Virtual System   |     |  Virtual System   |
   |  system-id   = S' |     |  system-id   = S''|
   |  is-alias-id = S  |     |  is-alias-id = S  |
   +-------------------+     +-------------------+

      |                    ADDRESS                    |

      |                    ADDRESS                    |
      |       PROTOCOL        |                       |
      +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+                       |
      |                                               |
      /                   <BIT MAP>                   /

   |         domain          |   type |   record |   value           |
   |            -            |        |          |                   |
   |*.27.32.192.in-addr.arpa |   IP   |    TXT   |   RX, 10,|

         | TypeFlags | Discriminator  |    Internet Address    |
            4 bits          28 bits                32 bits

         | TypeFlags |  Discriminator |Internet Host Group Addr|
            4 bits          28 bits                32 bits

         | TypeFlags |  Discriminator |   Internet Host Addr   |
            4 bits          28 bits             32 bits

         |     Internet Address      | Local User Identifier  |
                     32 bits                    32 bits

         |   1   | foobar | 0 | octet  | 0 | blksize| 0 |  1428  | 0 |

                   |        |                                   |
                   |IPLength|          IP-Address-List          |
                   |        |                                   |

      |Ethernet(14)|            |            |ETFTP/      |           |
      |SLIP(2)     |IP(20)      |UDP(8)      |NETBLT(24)  |DATA(1448) |
      |AX.25(20)   |            |            |            |           |

                           VPIM version 2 Conformance
                                                         | | | | |S| |
                                              |          | | | | |H| |F
                                              |          | | | | |O|M|o
                                              |          | | |S| |U|U|o
                                              |          | | |H| |L|S|t
                                              |          |A|M|O| |D|T|n
                                              |          |R|U|U|M| | |o
                                              |          |E|S|L|A|N|N|t
                                              |          |A|T|D|Y|O|O|t
   FEATURE                                    |SECTION   | | | | |T|T|e
                                              |          | | | | | | |
   Message Addressing Formats:                |          | | | | | | |
     Use DNS host names                       |4.1       |C|x| | | | |
     Use only numbers in mailbox IDs          |4.1.1     |C| |x| | | |
     Numbers in mailbox IDs follow E.164      |4.1.1     |C| |x| | | |
     Use alpha-numeric mailbox IDs            |4.1.1     |C| | |x| | |
     Support of postmaster@domain             |4.1.2     |C|x| | | | |
     Support of non-mail-user@domain          |4.1.2     |C| |x| | | |
     Support of distribution lists            |4.1.3     |C| | |x| | |
                                              |          | | | | | | |
   Message Header Fields:                     |          | | | | | | |
     Sending outbound messages                |          | | | | | | |
       From                                   |4.2.1     |C|x| | | | |
         Addition of text name                |4.2.1     |C| |x| | | |
         Same value as MAIL FROM              |4.2.1     |C| |x| | | |
       To                                     |4.2.2     |C| |x| | | |1
       cc                                     |4.2.3     |C| | |x| | |1
       Date                                   |4.2.4     |C|x| | | | |
       Sender                                 |4.2.5     |C| | |x| | |
       Return-Path                            |4.2.6     |C| | | | |x|
       Message-ID                             |4.2.7     |C|x| | | | |
       Reply-To                               |4.2.8     |C| | | |x| |
       Received                               |4.2.9     |C|x| | | | |
       MIME Version: 1.0 (Voice 2.0)          |4.2.10    |C| |x| | | |
       Content-Type                           |4.2.11    |C|x| | | | |
       Content-Transfer-Encoding              |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |
       Sensitivity                            |4.2.13    |C| | |x| | |
       Importance                             |4.2.14    |C| | |x| | |
       Subject                                |4.2.15    |C| |x| | | |
       Disposition-notification-to            |4.7       |C| |x| | | |
       Other Headers                          |4.2       |C| | |x| | |
                                              |          | | | | | | |

                                              |          | | | | |H| |F
                                              |          | | | | |O|M|o
                                              |          | | |S| |U|U|o
                                              |          | | |H| |L|S|t
                                              |          |A|M|O| |D|T|n
                                              |          |R|U|U|M| | |o
                                              |          |E|S|L|A|N|N|t
                                              |          |A|T|D|Y|O|O|t
   FEATURE                                    |SECTION   | | | | |T|T|e
     Receiving inbound messages               |          | | | | | | |
       From                                   |4.2.1     |C|x| | | | |
         Present text personal name           |4.2.1     |C| | |x| | |
       To                                     |4.2.2     |C|x| | | | |
       cc                                     |4.2.3     |C| | |x| | |
       Date                                   |4.2.4     |C|x| | | | |
         Conversion of Date to local time     |4.2.4     |C| |x| | | |
       Sender                                 |4.2.5     |C| | |x| | |
       Return-Path                            |4.2.6     |C| |x| | | |
       Message-ID                             |4.2.7     |C| | |x| | |
         MDN requested                        |4.2.7     |C|x| | | | |
       Reply-To                               |4.2.8     |C| | |x| | |
       Received                               |4.2.9     |C| | |x| | |
       MIME Version: 1.0 (Voice 2.0)          |4.2.10    |C| |x| | | |
       Content Type                           |4.2.11    |C|x| | | | |
       Content-Transfer-Encoding              |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |
       Sensitivity                            |4.2.13    |C|x| | | | |2
       Importance                             |4.2.14    |C| | |x| | |
       Subject                                |4.2.15    |C| | |x| | |
       Disposition-notification-to            |4.7       |C| |x| | | |
       Other Headers                          |4.2       |C|x| | | | |3
                                              |          | | | | | | |
   Message Content Encoding:                  |          | | | | | | |
     Sending outbound audio/fax contents      |          | | | | | | |
       7BIT                                   |4.2.12    |C| | | | |x|
       8BIT                                   |4.2.12    |C| | | | |x|
       Quoted Printable                       |4.2.12    |C| | | | |x|
       Base64                                 |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |4
       Binary                                 |4.2.12    |C| |x| | | |5
     Receiving inbound message contents       |          | | | | | | |
       7BIT                                   |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |
       8BIT                                   |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |
       Quoted Printable                       |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |
       Base64                                 |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |
       Binary                                 |4.2.12    |C|x| | | | |5
                                              |          | | | | | | |

                                                         | | | | |S| |
                                              |          | | | | |H| |F
                                              |          | | | | |O|M|o
                                              |          | | |S| |U|U|o
                                              |          | | |H| |L|S|t
                                              |          |A|M|O| |D|T|n
                                              |          |R|U|U|M| | |o
                                              |          |E|S|L|A|N|N|t
                                              |          |A|T|D|Y|O|O|t
   FEATURE                                    |SECTION   | | | | |T|T|e
   Message Content Types:                     |          | | | | | | |
     Sending outbound messages                |          | | | | | | |
       Multipart/Voice-Message                |4.4.1     |C|x| | | | |
         Message/RFC822                       |4.4.2     |C| |x| | | |
         Audio/32KADPCM                       |4.4.3     |C|x| | | | |
           Content-Description                |4.3.1     |C| | |x| | |
           Content-Disposition                |4.3.2     |C|x| | | | |
           Content-Duration                   |4.3.3     |C| | |x| | |
           Content-Language                   |4.3.4     |C| | |x| | |
         Image/TIFF; application=faxbw        |4.4.4     |C|x| | | | |7
         Text/Directory                       |4.5.2     |C| | | |x| |9
         Text/plain                           |4.5.4     |C| | | |x| |
         Audio/* or Image/* (other encodings) |4.5.3     |C| | | |x| |
         Other contents                       |4.5       |C| | | | |x|
       Multipart/Mixed                        |4.5.1     |C| | |x| | |
       Text/plain                             |4.5.4     |C| | |x| | |
       Multipart/Report                       |4.6, 4.7  |C|x| | | | |
          human-readable part is voice        |4.6, 4.7  |C| |x| | | |
          human-readable part is text         |4.6, 4.7  |C| | |x| | |
          Message/Delivery-Status             |4.6       |C|x| | | | |
          Message/Disposition-Notification    |4.7       |C| |x| | | |
       Other contents                         |4.5       |C| | | |x| |6

     Receiving in inbound messages            |          | | | | | | |
       Multipart/Voice-Message                |4.4.1     |C|x| | | | |
         Message/RFC822                       |4.4.2     |C|x| | | | |
         Audio/32KADPCM                       |4.4.3     |C|x| | | | |
           Content-Description                |4.3.1     |C| | |x| | |
           Content-Disposition                |4.3.2     |C| |x| | | |
           Content-Duration                   |4.3.3     |C| | |x| | |
           Content-Language                   |4.3.4     |C| | |x| | |
         Image/TIFF; application=faxbw        |4.4.4     |C| |x| | | |8
         Text/Directory                       |4.5.2     |C|x| | | | |9
         Text/plain                           |4.5.4     |C| | |x| | |
         Audio/* or Image/* (other encodings) |4.5.3     |C| | |x| | |
         Other contents                       |4.5       |C| | |x| | |
       Multipart/Mixed                        |4.5.1     |C| | |x| | |

                                             |           | | | | |S| |
                                             |           | | | | |H| |F
                                             |           | | | | |O|M|o
                                             |           | | |S| |U|U|o
                                             |           | | |H| |L|S|t
                                             |           |A|M|O| |D|T|n
                                             |           |R|U|U|M| | |o
                                             |           |E|S|L|A|N|N|t
                                             |           |A|T|D|Y|O|O|t
   FEATURE                                   |SECTION    | | | | |T|T|e
                                             |           | | | | | | |
      Text/plain                             |4.5.4      |C|x| | | | |
      Multipart/Report                       |4.6, 4.7   |C|x| | | | |
        human-readable part is voice         |4.6, 4.7   |C|x| | | | |
        human-readable part is text          |4.6, 4.7   |C|x| | | | |
        Message/Delivery-Status              |4.6        |C|x| | | | |
        Message/Disposition-Notification     |4.7        |C| |x| | | |
      Other contents                         |4.5        |C| | |x| | |6
                                             |           | | | | | | |
     Forwarded Messages                      |           | | | | | | |
       use Message/RFC822 construct          |4.8        |C| |x| | | |
       simulate headers if none available    |4.8        |C| |x| | | |
                                             |           | | | | | | |
     Reply Messages                          |4.9        |C|x| | | | |
       send to Reply-To, else From address   |4.2.8      |C| | |x| | |
       send to non-mail-user                 |4.9        |C| | | |x| |
                                             |           | | | | | | |
     Notifications                           |           | | | | | | |
       use Multipart/Report format           |4.6, 4.7   |C|x| | | | |
       always send error on non-delivery     |4.6        |C|x| | | | |
       send error messages to return-path    |4.2.6      |C|x| | | | |
                                             |           | | | | | | |
   Message Transport Protocol:               |           | | | | | | |
     Base ESMTP Commands                     |           | | | | | | |
       HELO                                  |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       MAIL FROM                             |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       RCPT TO                               |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       DATA                                  |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       TURN                                  |5.1        |T| | | | |x|
       QUIT                                  |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       RSET                                  |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       VRFY                                  |5.1        |T| | |x| | |
       EHLO                                  |5.1        |T|x| | | | |
       BDAT                                  |5.1        |T| | |x| | |5

                                                         | | | | |S| |
                                              |          | | | | |H| |F
                                              |          | | | | |O|M|o
                                              |          | | |S| |U|U|o
                                              |          | | |H| |L|S|t
                                              |          |A|M|O| |D|T|n
                                              |          |R|U|U|M| | |o
                                              |          |E|S|L|A|N|N|t
                                              |          |A|T|D|Y|O|O|t
   FEATURE                                    |SECTION   | | | | |T|T|e
                                              |          | | | | | | |
     ESMTP Keywords & Parameters              |          | | | | | | |
       DSN                                    |5.2.1     |T|x| | | | |
         NOTIFY                               |5.2.1     |T|x| | | | |
         RET                                  |5.2.1     |T| |x| | | |
         ENVID                                |5.2.1     |T| | |x| | |
         ORCPT                                |5.2.1     |T| | |x| | |
       SIZE                                   |5.2.2     |T|x| | | | |
       ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES                    |5.2.3     |T| |x| | | |
       PIPELINING                             |5.2.4     |T| |x| | | |
       CHUNKING                               |5.2.5     |T| | |x| | |
       BINARYMIME                             |5.2.6     |T| | |x| | |
                                              |          | | | | | | |
     ESMTP-SMTP Downgrading                   |          | | | | | | |
       send delivery report upon downgrade    |5.3       |T|x| | | | |
                                              |          | | | | | | |
   Directory Address Resolution               |          | | | | | | |
     provide facility to resolve addresses    |6         |C| |x| | | |
     use headers to populate local directory  |6         |C| | |x| | |
                                              |          | | | | | | |
   Management Protocols:                      |          | | | | | | |
     Network management                       |7.1       |T| | |x| | |

    system   printer    asset     user          user           user
    manager  operator   manager
      O         O         O         O             O              O
     /|\       /|\       /|\       /|\           /|\            /|\
     / \       / \       / \       / \           / \            / \
      |         |         |         |             |              |
+---------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+   +-----------+ +-----------+
|configur-| |printer| | asset | |printer|   |   user    | |   user    |
|ator     | |manager| |manager| |browser|   |application| |application|
+---------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+   +-----------+ +-----------+
   ^            ^         ^         ^             |             |
   |R/W         |R/W      |R        |R      +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |       |  spooler  | |  spooler  |
   |            |         |         |       +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |             |             |
   |            |         |         |       +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |       |supervisor | |supervisor |
   |            |         |         |       +-----------+ +-----------+
   |            |         |         |        ^       ^     ^       ^
   |            |         |         |        |R      |R/W  |R      |R/W
   v            v         |         |        |       |     |       |
==================================================   |   =====     |
                     |                          print|        print|
                     |SNMP                       data|         data|
  +-----+        +-------+                        PCL|          PCL|
  | MIB |<------>| agent |                 PostScript|   PostScript|
  +-----+        +-------+                       NPAP|         NPAP|
                     |unspecified                etc.|         etc.|
              +=============+  +-----------------+   |             |
              |             |--|channel/interface|<--+             |
              |             |  +-----------------+                 |
              |   PRINTER   |                                      |
              |             |  +-----------------+                 |
              |             |--|channel/interface|<----------------+
              +=============+  +-----------------+

   +------+                    +--------+                  +--------+
   |      |                    |        |                  |        |
+-------+ |    +-------+    +---------+ |    +-------+   +--------+ |
| Input |-+  +--------+|    |  Marker |-+  +--------+|   | Output |-+
|       |===>|        |+<==>|         |<==>|        |+==>|        |
+-------+    +--+  +--+     +---------+    +--+  +--+    +--------+
   \            |  ||                         |  ||         \
    \           |  ||                         |  ||          \
     \          |  ||                         |  ||           \
    +--------+  |  |+-------------------------|  ||         +---------+
    |        |  |  +--------------------------+  ||         |         |
+----------+ |  |            Media Path          |+      +----------+ |
|  Media   |-+  +--------------------------------+       | Finisher |-+
|(optional)|                                             |(optional)|
+----------+                                             +----------+

--             INPUT MEASUREMENT
--     _______ |               |
--      ^      |               |
--      |      |               |                 |
--      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| _______________ |direction
--      |      |               |      ^          v
-- MaxCapacity |    Sheets     |      |
--      |      |     left      | CurrentLevel
--      |      |      in       |      |
--      v      |     tray      |      v
--     _______ +_______________+ _______

--   _______  |                | ________
--      ^     |                |     ^
--      |     |                |     |
--      |     |                |RemainingCapacity
-- MaxCapacity|                |     |
--      |     |                |     v           ^
--      |     |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _______________ |direction
--      |     |    Sheets      |                 |
--      |     |      in        |
--      v     |    Output      |
--   _______  +________________+

                      ^ Y
                      |<---- Reference Edge
                      |  |<--- Finishing Process Axis
                      |  |
                  --->|  |<--- Finishing Process Offset
                      |  |
    Head              +=========================+ (X2,Y4)
    Locations         #  |                      #
                +-----#----+                    #
       -----Y3--|-----#--O | <--+- Head         #
       ^        +-----#----+    |  Mechanisms   #
       |              #  |      |               #
       |              #  |      |               #
       |              #  |      |               #
       |              #  |      |               #
       |        +-----#----+    |               #
       | ---Y2--|-----#--O | <--+               #
       | ^      +-----#----+    |               #
       | |            #  |      |               #
       | |            #  |      |               #
       | |            #  |      |               #
       | |            #  |      |               #
       | |      +-----#----+    |               #
       | | -Y1--|-----#--O | <--+               #
       | | ^    +-----#----+       bottom right #
       | | |          #  |               corner #    X
      --------------- +==+======================+ ---->
                  (0,0)  (X1,0)

         ^ Y
         |        Head Locations
         |<---->|---X1      |
         |      |           |
         |    +-|-+       +-|-+
         |    | | |       | | |  (X3,Y2)
         #    | | |       | | |    # Finishing Process Axis
         #----| O |-------| O |----#----- Y1
         #    +---+       +---+    #   ^
         #      ^           ^      #   |
         #      |           |      #   |
         #      +-----------+      #   |
         #      |                  #   |
         #     Head                #   |
         #     Mechanisms          #   |
         #                         #   |
         #                         # Finishing Process Offset
         #                         #   |
         #                         #   |
         #                         #   |
         #                         #   |
         #                         #   |
         #                         #   |
         #            bottom right #   |
         #                  corner #   v   X
         +=========================+ ------>
       (0,0)              Reference Edge

--             Capacity Attribute Relationships
--                 MEDIA INPUT MEASUREMENT
--     _______ |                   |
--      |      |                   |
--      |      |                   |                   |
--      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| ________________  |direction
--      |      |                   |      |            v
-- MaxCapacity |                   |      |
--      |      | Sheets remaining  | CurrentLevel
--      |      |                   |      |
--      v      |                   |      v
--     _______ +___________________+ _______

            ----------              ----------        o--o
            |        |      E1      |        |-------  /
            |        |--------------|        |         --
            |   LE   |      E1      |  AN    |
            |        |--------------|        |        o--o
            |        |              |        |-------  /
            ----------              ----------         --

       |                                                 |
       | -------- Link Status Start Reporting ---------> |
       |                                                 |
       | <------ Link Status Ind (operational) --------- |
       |                                                 |

       |                                                 |
       | ------ Data Request (LnkCtrl: FE-IDReq) ------> |
       | <-- Data Indication (LnkCtrl Ack: FE-IDReq) --- |
       |                                                 |
       | <---- Data Indication (LnkCtrl: FE-IDAck) ----- |
       | ---- Data Request (LnkCtrl Ack: FE-IDAck) ----> |
       |                                                 |
       | ------ Sa-Bit Status Request ( Sa7 ) ---------> |
       | <--- Sa-Bit Status Indication ( Sa7, ZERO ) --- |
       |                                                 |
       | ------- Data Request (LnkCtrl: FE-IDRel) -----> |
       | <--- Data Indication (LnkCtrl Ack: FE-IDRel) -- |
       |                                                 |

       |                                                 |
       | <---- Data Indication (LnkCtrl: FE-IDReq) ----- |
       | -- Data Request (LnkCtrl Ack: FE-IDReq) ------> |
       |                                                 |
       | ---------- Sa-Bit Set Req ( Sa7, ZERO ) ------> |
       | <--------- Sa-Bit Set Conf (Sa7) -------------- |
       |                                                 |
       | ------- Data Request (LnkCtrl: FE-IDAck) -----> |
       | <-- Data Indication (LnkCtrl Ack: FE-IDAck) --- |
       |                                                 |
       | <---- Data Indication (LnkCtrl: FE-IDRel) ----- |
       | ---- Data Request (LnkCtrl Ack: FE-IDRel) ----> |
       |                                                 |
       | ------------ Sa-Bit Set Req ( Sa7, ONE ) -----> |
       | <----------- Sa-Bit Set Conf (Sa 7) ----------- |
       |                                                 |

          |                                 |
       Layer 2 (L2)                     Layer 3 (L3)
    ______|_____                      ______|________
    |          |                      |             |
   PE-based   CE-based             PE-based       CE-based
    |          |
   P2P        P2MP

             | Res |F6|F5|F4|F3|F2|F1|

             ifTable, The Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863]:
          +-> ifEntry (1)
          |    (ifIndex = 1)
          |  mplsFTNMapTable:
          |   mplsFTNMapEntry (1.0.1): <--------------------+
          +<-- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 1,                        |
          |     mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 0, ---> (NULL)        |
          |     mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 1) ------------+      |
          |                                          |      |
          |   mplsFTNMapEntry (1.1.3): <------------------+ |
          +<-- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 1,                 |    | |
          |     mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 1, ----------->+    | |
          |     mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 3) ---------+  |    | |
          |                                       |  |    | |
          |   mplsFTNMapEntry (1.3.2): <----------------+ | |
          +<-- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 1,              |  |  | | |
                mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 3, -------->+  |  | | |
                mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 2) ----+    |  |  | | |
                                             |    |  |  | | |
             mplsFTNTable:                   |    |  |  | | |
              mplsFTNEntry (2):              |    |  |  | | |
          +--> (mplsFTNIndex = 2) <----------+    |  |  | | |
          |                                       |  |  | | |
          |   mplsFTNEntry (3):                   |  |  | | |
          |    (mplsFTNIndex = 3) <---------------+  |  | | |
          |                                          |  | | |
          |   mplsFTNEntry (1):                      |  | | |
          |    (mplsFTNIndex = 1) <------------------+  | | |
          |                                             | | |
          |  mplsFTNPerfTable:                          | | |
          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (1.2):                   | | |
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 1,                   | | |
          |     mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 2) --------------+ | |
          |                                               | |
          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (1.3):                     | |
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 1,                     | |
          |      mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 3) ---------------+ |
          |                                                 |

          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (1.1):                       |
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 1,                       |
          |     mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 1) ------------------+
          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (2.2):
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 2,
          |     mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 2) ------------------+
          |                                                 |
          |  ifTable, The Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863]:   |
        +---> ifEntry (2):                                  |
        | |    (ifIndex = 2)                                |
        | |                                                 |
        | |   mplsFTNMapEntry (2.1.2): <--------------------+
        +----- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 2
          |     mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 0 ---> (NULL)
          +---- mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 2)

             ifTable, The Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863]:
          +-> ifEntry (1)
          |    (ifIndex = 1)
          |  mplsFTNMapTable:
          |   mplsFTNMapEntry (1.0.1): <--------------------+
          +<-- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 1,                        |
          |     mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 0, ---> (NULL)        |
          |     mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 1) ------------+      |
          |                                          |      |
          |   mplsFTNMapEntry (1.1.2): <----------------+   |
          +<-- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 1,                 |  |   |
                mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 1, ------------+  |   |
                mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 2) ----+       |  |   |
                                             |       |  |   |
             mplsFTNTable:                   |       |  |   |
              mplsFTNEntry (2):              |       |  |   |
          +--> (mplsFTNIndex = 2) <----------+       |  |   |
          |                                          |  |   |
          |   mplsFTNEntry (3):                      |  |   |
          |    (mplsFTNIndex = 3)                    |  |   |
          |                                          |  |   |
          |   mplsFTNEntry (1):                      |  |   |
          |    (mplsFTNIndex = 1) <------------------+  |   |
          |                                             |   |
          |  mplsFTNPerfTable:                          |   |
          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (1.2):                   |   |
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 1,                   |   |
          |     mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 2) --------------+   |
          |                                                 |
          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (1.1):                       |
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 1,                       |
          |     mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 1) ------------------+
          |   mplsFTNPerfEntry (2.2):
          |    (mplsFTNPerfIndex = 2,
          |     mplsFTNPerfCurrIndex = 2) ------------------+
          |                                                 |
          |  ifTable, The Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863]:   |
        +---> ifEntry (2):                                  |
        | |    (ifIndex = 2)                                |
        | |                                                 |
        | |   mplsFTNMapEntry (2.1.2): <--------------------+
        +----- (mplsFTNMapIndex = 2
          |     mplsFTNMapPrevIndex = 0 ---> (NULL)
          +---- mplsFTNMapCurrIndex = 2)

   /\/\/\/\/\/\         /\/\/\/\/\/\         /\/\/\/\/\/\
   \    FC    /         \    IP    /         \    FC    /
   /  Fabric  \=========/  Network \=========/  Fabric  \
   \/\/\/\/\/\/         \/\/\/\/\/\/         \/\/\/\/\/\/
              |                              |
              |<--------- FCIP Link -------->|

    : FCIP Entity                                         :
    :                                                     :
    :  +-----------+                                      :
    :  |   FCIP    |                                      :
    :  |Control and|------------------------------------+ :
    :  | Services  |                                    | :
    :  |  Module   |                                    | :
    :  +-----------+                                    | :
    :        |            +--------------------+        | :
    :        |   +-------+--------------------+|----+   | :
    :        |   |+-----+--------------------+|----+|   | :
    :        |   ||+----| FCIP Link Endpoint |----+||   | :
    :        |   |||    +--------------------+    |||   | :
             |   |||                              |||   |
             |   |||                              |||   o<--+
             |   |||                unique TCP    |||   |   |
             |   |||                connections-->|||   |   |
             |   |||                              |||   |   |
          +----------+                         /\/\/\/\/\/\ |
          |    FC    |                         \    IP    / |
          |  Entity  |                         /  Network \ |
          +----------+                         \/\/\/\/\/\/ |
               |                                            |
          /\/\/\/\/\/\                   +------------------+
          \    FC    /                   +->TCP port for
          /  Fabric  \                      incoming
          \/\/\/\/\/\/                      connections

    : FCIP Link Endpoint                           :
    :                   +------------------+       :
    :          +-------+------------------+|----+  :
    :          |+-----+------------------+|----+|  :
    :          ||+----| FCIP Data Engine |----+||  :
    :          |||    +------------------+    |||  :
               |||                            |||
          +----------+                    /\/\/\/\/\/\
          |    FC    |                    \    IP    /
          |  Entity  |                    /  Network \
          +----------+                    \/\/\/\/\/\/
          \    FC    /
          /  Fabric  \

        |                                |
   F    |-+    +------------------+    +-|
   C    |p|    |  Encapsulation   |    |p|    N
     -->|1|--->|     Engine       |--->|2|--> e
   E    |-+    +------------------+    +-|    t
   n    |                                |  I w
   t    |-+    +------------------+    +-|  P o
   i    |p|    | De-Encapsulation |    |p|    r
   t <--|4|<---|     Engine       |<---|3|<-- k
   y    |-+    +------------------+    +-|
        |                                |

   o|                                                               |
   r|                    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3|
   d|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1|
   1|               replication of encapsulation word 0             |
   2|    pFlags     |    Reserved   |    -pFlags    |  -Reserved    |

   |                                       |
   |  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7 |
   | Ch |          Reserved           | SF |

    o|                                                               |
    r|                    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3|
    d|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1|
     |                                                               |
     |                          (Concluded)                          |
   14|   Connection  |    Reserved   |    Connection Usage Code      |
     |  Usage Flags  |     (0x00)    |     <defined in FC-BB-2>      |
   15|                                                               |
     +-----    Destination FC Fabric Entity World Wide Name     -----+
   16|                                                               |
   17|                            K_A_TOV                            |
   18|           Reserved            |          -Reserved            |
     |           (0x00-00)           |          (0xFF-FF)            |

   |                                                               |
   |    0      1       2       3       4       5       6       7   |
   |  SOFf | SOF?2 | SOF?3 | SOF?4 |            Reserved           |

   o|                                                               |
   r|3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1                    |
   d|1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|

       |                                       |
       | 31   30   29   28   27   26   25   24 |

   |                                                               |
   |   31      30      29      28      27      26      25      24  |

      |L|  |S|    |S|    |S|    |S| |L|   |S|
      |F|  |F|    |F|    |F|    |F| |F|   |F|...
      |H|  |H|    |H|    |H|    |H| |H|   |H|
      |                             |
      |<---------2176 bytes-------->|

                        Synchronization is lost
                   |                             |
                   | Search for candidate header |
      +----------->|                             |
      |            |   Found           Not Found |
      |            | (Strong candidate)          |
      |            |_____________________________|
      |                    |              |
      |                    |              + --------->close TCP
      |             _______v_____________________     Connection
      |            |                             |    and notify
      |            |   Enough strong candidate   |    the FC Entity
      |      +---->|     headers identified?     |    with the reason
      |      |     |                             |    for closure
      |      |     |     No               Yes    |
      |      |     |        (Verified candidate) |
      |      |     |_____________________________|
      |___________________|                |
      ^      |                             |
      |      |                             |
      |      |      _______________________v_____
      |      |     |                             |
      |      |     | Enough verified candidate   |
      |      |     |   headers validated?        |
      |      |     |                             |
      |      |     |     No               Yes    |
      |      |     |            (Resynchronized) |
      |      |     |_____________________________|
      |      |            |                |
      |      |      ______v__________      |      Resume
      |      |     |                 |     + ---> Normal
      |      |     | Synchronization |            De-encapsulation
      |      |     |      Lost?      |
      |      |     |                 |
      |      |     | No          Yes |
      |      |     |_________________|
      |      |        |           |
      |      |________|           |

   | SOF  |Frame   |Optional   |  Frame      | CRC  |  EOF |
   | (4B) |Header  |Header     | Payload     | (4B) | (4B) |
   |      |(24B)   |<----------------------->|      |      |
   |      |        | Data Field = (0-2112B)  |      |      |

   |             |                 | Information/Parameter Passed and  |
   |             |                 |             Direction             |
   | Reference   |                 +-----------------+-----------------+
   |  Section    |    Condition    | FCIP Entity---> | <---FC Entity   |
   | 5.6         | FC Frame ready  |                 | Provide FC      |
   | FCIP Data   | for IP transfer |                 | Frame and       |
   | Engine      |                 |                 | time stamp at   |
   |             |                 |                 | FC Frame        |
   |             |                 |                 | Receiver Portal |
   | WWN = World Wide Name                                             |
   |                           continued                               |

   peer-to-peer/         many-to-many           many-to-many
    simple one-to-many           (distributed)          (centralized)
              ++++        ++++          ++++     ++++           ++++
              |. |        |A |          |B |     |A |----   ----|B |
            --| ++++      |  |----------|  |     |  |    \ /    |  |
   ++++    /  ++|. |      ++++          ++++     ++++    (S)    ++++
   |A |---------| ++++       \          /                 |
   |  |    \    ++|B |        \        /                  |
   ++++     \-----|  |         \ ++++ /                  ++++
                  ++++          \|C |/                   |C |
                                 |  |                    |  |
                                 ++++                    ++++

        |       CSB       |
        |  Key transport  |                      (see Section 3)
        |    /exchange    |
                 |      :
                 | TGK  :
                 v      :
           +----------+ :
   CS ID ->|   TEK    | : Security protocol      (see Section 4)
           |derivation| : parameters (policies)
           +----------+ :
              TEK |     :
                  v     v
                  Data SA
           |  Crypto Session   |
           |(Security Protocol)|

      I_MESSAGE =
      HDR, T, RAND, [IDi],[IDr],
           {SP}, KEMAC                --->
                                                  R_MESSAGE =
                                     [<---]       HDR, T, [IDr], V

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi], [IDr], {SP},
       KEMAC, [CHASH], PKE, SIGNi         --->
                                                   R_MESSAGE =
                                         [<---]    HDR, T, [IDr], V

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi],[IDr]
        {SP}, DHi, SIGNi           --->
                                              R_MESSAGE =
                                   <---       HDR, T, [IDr|CERTr], IDi,
                                              DHr, DHi, SIGNr

     I_MESSAGE =
     HDR, T, [IDi], [IDr], {SP}, KEMAC   --->
                                                    R_MESSAGE =
                                        [<---]     HDR, T, [IDr], V

     I_MESSAGE =
     HDR, T, [IDi|CERTi], [IDr], {SP},
          [KEMAC], [CHASH], PKE, SIGNi   --->
                                                 R_MESSAGE =
                                        [<---]   HDR, T, [IDr], V

     I_MESSAGE =
     HDR, T, [IDi|CERTi], [IDr], {SP},
          [DHi], SIGNi                   --->
                                               R_MESSAGE =
                                         <---  HDR, T, [IDr|CERTr], IDi,
                                                   [DHr, DHi], SIGNr

      MAC alg        | Value | Comments          | Length (bits)
      NULL           |     0 | restricted usage  | 0
                     |       | Section 4.2.4     |
      HMAC-SHA-1-160 |     1 | Mandatory,        | 160
                     |       | Section 4.2.4     |

      DH-Group      | Value | Comment       | DH Value length (bits)
      OAKLEY 5      |     0 | Mandatory     |  1536
      OAKLEY 1      |     1 |               |   768
      OAKLEY 2      |     2 |               |  1024

      TS type       | Value | Comments     | length of TS value
      NTP-UTC       |     0 | Mandatory    |   64-bits
      NTP           |     1 | Mandatory    |   64-bits
      COUNTER       |     2 | Optional     |   32-bits

      Hash func     | Value | Comment     | hash length (bits)
      SHA-1         |     0 | Mandatory   |  160
      MD5           |     1 |             |  128

      KV            | Value | Comments
      Null          |     0 | No specific usage rule (e.g., a TEK
                    |       | that has no specific lifetime)
      SPI           |     1 | The key is associated with the SPI/MKI
      Interval      |     2 | The key has a start and expiration time
                    |       | (e.g., an SRTP TEK)

                            |S |
                            |  |
                      --------+-------------- - -
                      |       |      |
                      v       v      v
                    ++++    ++++   ++++
                    |A |    |B |   |C |
                    |  |    |  |   |  |
                    ++++    ++++   ++++

                       ++++          ++++
                       |A | -------> |B |
                       |  | <------- |  |
                       ++++          ++++
                        ^ |          | ^
                        | |          | |
                        | |   ++++   | |
                        | --->|C |<--- |
                        ------|  |------

    |     |           |         Data Field          |     |     |
    | SOF | FC Header |<--------------------------->| CRC | EOF |
    |     |           | Optional  | Frame           |     |     |
    |     |           | Header(s) | Payload         |     |     |

                      First Frame of an IPv6 FC Sequence
   | FC Header | FC Network_Header | LLC/SNAP header | First chunk of  |
   |           |                   |                 | the IPv6 Packet |

                  Subsequent Frames of an IPv6 FC Sequence
             | FC Header | Additional chunk of the IPv6 Packet |

      10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
    |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

                                        |  callout |
                                        |  server  |
                         | +-----------+     ||     |
                         | |   OPES    |     ||     |
                         | |  service  |     ||     |
                         | |application|     ||     |
                         | +-----------+     ||     |
                         | +----------------------+ |
         OPES flow <---->| | data dispatcher and  | |<----> OPES flow
                         | | policy enforcement   | |
                         | +----------------------+ |
                         |           OPES           |
                         |         processor        |

   | +-----------+            |
   | |   OPES    |            |
   | |  service  |            |      +---------------+     +-----------+
   | |application|            |      | Callout       |     | Callout   |
   | +-----------+            |      | Server A      |     | Server X  |
   |     ||                   |      | +--------+    |     |           |
   | +----------------------+ |      | | OPES   |    |     |           |
   | |     data dispatcher  | |      | | Service|    |     | +--------+|
   | +----------------------+ |      | | Appl A |    |     | | OPES   ||
   |      ||           ||     |      | +--------+    |     | |Service ||
   |  +---------+  +-------+  |      |     ||        |     | | Appl X ||
   |  |  HTTP   |  |       |  |      | +--------+    | ... | +--------||
   |  |         |  |  OCP  |=========| | OCP    |    |     |    ||     |
   |  +---------+  +-------+  |      | +--------+    |     | +------+  |
   |  |         |     ||      |      +---------------+     | | OCP  |  |
   |  | TCP/IP  |     =======================================|      |  |
   |  |         |             |                            | +------+  |
   |  +---------+             |                            +-----------+
            || ||
 +--------+ || ||                                       +--------+
 |data    |==  =========================================|data    |
 |producer|                                             |consumer|
 +--------+                                             +--------+

 provider administrative domain         consumer administrative domain
 +------------------------------+      +-------------------------------+
 | +--------------+             |      |            +--------------+   |
 | |Provider      |      <- out-of-band rules, ->   |Consumer      |   |
 | |Administrative|~~>~~~:  policies and         ~<~|Administrative|   |
 | |Authority     |      : service authorization :  |Authority     |   |
 | +--------------+      :        |     |        :  +--------------+   |
 |         :             :        |     |        :           :         |
 |         :             :        |     |        :           :         |
 |   +----------+        :        |     |        :        +----------+ |
 |   |  callout |    +---------+  |     |  +---------+    |  callout | |
 |   |  server  |====|         |  |     |  |         |====|  server  | |
 |   +----------+    |         |  |     |  |         |    +----------+ |
 |                   | OPES    |  |     |  | OPES    |                 |
 |   +----------+    |processor|  |     |  |processor|   +----------+  |
 |   |          |    |         |  |     |  |         |   |          |  |
 |   | data     |    |         |  |     |  |         |   | data     |  |
 |   | provider |    |         |  |     |  |         |   | consumer |  |
 |   |          |    +---------+  |     |  +---------+   +----------+  |
 |   +----------+     ||     ||   |     |   ||    ||     +----------+  |
 |        ||          ||     ||   |     |   ||    ||         ||        |
 |        =============     =================      ===========         |
 |                               |     |                               |
 +-------------------------------+     +-------------------------------+
          | <----------------- OPES flow -----------------> |

         +--------+                         +--------+
         |  Rule  |                         |  Rule  |
         | Author |          ...            | Author |
         +--------+                         +--------+
              |                                 |
              |                                 |
              |          +----------+           |
              |          |  Policy  |           |  <- PDP Interface
              +--------->| Decision |<----------+
                         |  Point   |
                             | ^
                             | |
                             | |  <- PEP Interface
                             | |
                             V |
                       +--------------+   ...
                  ---> |    Policy    | --->
                       |  Enforcement |       Data Traffic
                  <--- |    Point     | <---

            +--------+       +-----------+       +---------+
            |        |<------|4         3|<------|         |
            | Data   |       |  OPES     |       | Data    |
            |Consumer|       | Processor |       |Provider |
            |  Appl. |------>|1         2|------>| Appl.   |
            +--------+       +-----------+       +---------+

                                              +----------> DROP Contact
                                             / \
                                            /   \
                                        T  /     \   F
                                    +---->/require\------> Set score=0
                                    |     \      /
                                    |      \    /
                                   / \      \  /
                                  /   \      \/
                       score<1   /     \
                      +-------> /explicit----> Score unchanged
                      |         \      /    F
                      |          \    /
                     / \          \  /
                    /   \          \/
    +--------+     /     \
 -->|Compute |--> /Score  \ --------> Score unchanged
    |  Score |    \      /  score=1
    +--------+     \    /
                    \  /

      Subscriber              Notifier
          |                       |
          |  A1: SUBSCRIBE (new)  |
          |  A2: 200 OK           |
          |                       |
          |  A3: NOTIFY (sync)    |
          |  A4: 200 OK           |
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |  A5: NOTIFY (change)  |
          |  A6: 200 OK           |
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |  A7: (re)SUBSCRIBE    |
          |  A8: 200 OK           |
          |                       |
          |  A9: NOTIFY (sync)    |
          |  A10: 200 OK          |
          |                       |
          |                       |
          |  A11: (un)SUBSCRIBE   |
          |  A12: 200 OK          |
          |                       |
          |  A13: NOTIFY (sync)   |
          |  A14: 200 OK          |

              Compressor                     Decompressor
   C_MODE = X      |                               |  D_MODE = X
                   |       Mode Request(Y) +-<-<-<-|  D_TRANS = I
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P     |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = X      |                               |
                   |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,C) |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |->-..                  +->->->-|  D_TRANS = P
                   |->-..                          |  D_MODE = X
                   |           ACK(SN,X)   +-<-<-<-|
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D     |-<-<-<-+                       |
                   |                               |
                   |->->->-+   X-0, X-1*           |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |                       +->->->-|  D_TRANS = D
                   |                               |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |  Opt Type = 9 |  Opt Len = 0  |

             Compressor                     Decompressor
                   |                               |
                   |        ACK(R)/NACK(R) +-<-<-<-|  D_TRANS = I
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P     |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = O      |                               |
                   |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,C) |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |->-..                  +->->->-|  D_TRANS = P
                   |->-..                          |  D_MODE = O
                   |           ACK(SN,O)   +-<-<-<-|
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D     |-<-<-<-+                       |
                   |                               |
                   |->->->-+  UO-0, UO-1*          |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |                       +->->->-|  D_TRANS = D

               Compressor                     Decompressor
                   |                               |
                   |        ACK(O)/NACK(O) +-<-<-<-|  D_TRANS = I
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P     |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = R      |                               |
                   |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,C) |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |->-..                  +->->->-|  D_MODE = R
                   |->-..                          |
                   |           ACK(SN,R)   +-<-<-<-|
                   |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D     |-<-<-<-+                       |
                   |                               |
                   |->->->-+   R-0, R-1*           |
                   |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                   |                       +->->->-|  D_TRANS = D
                   |                               |

              Compressor                     Decompressor
               |                               |
               |        ACK(U)/NACK(U) +-<-<-<-| D_TRANS = I
               |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = P |-<-<-<-+                       |
   C_MODE = O/R|                               |
               |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,C) |
               |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
               |->-..                  +->->->-|
               |->-..                          |
               |          ACK(SN,O/R)  +-<-<-<-|
               |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
   C_TRANS = D |-<-<-<-+                       |
               |          R-0, R-1* or         |
               |->->->-+  UO-0, UO-1*          |
               |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
               |                       +->->->-| D_TRANS = D
                                                 D_MODE = O/R

      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
     |  Reserved    |SA|RA|RR|

 Event       | Running              | ADJ suppressed
 RX RR       | Maintain ADJ State   |
             | Send RA              |
             | Set SRM,send CSNP    |
             |  (Note 1)            |
             | Update Hold Time,    |
             |  set Restart Mode    |
             |  (Note 2)            |
 RX RR clr   | Clr Restart mode     |
 RX SA       | Suppress IS neighbor |
             |   TLV in LSP(s)      |
             | Goto ADJ Suppressed  |
 RX SA clr   |                      |Unsuppress IS neighbor
             |                      |   TLV in LSP(s)
             |                      |Goto Running

 Event      | Restarting         | ADJ Seen  | ADJ Seen  | SPF Wait
            |                    |    RA     |   CSNP    |
 Router     | Send IIH/RR        |           |           |
  restarts  | ADJ Init           |           |           |
            | Start T1,T2,T3     |           |           |
 RX RR      | Send RA            |           |           |
 RX RA      | Adjust T3          |           | Cancel T1 |
            | Goto ADJ Seen RA   |           | Adjust T3 |
----------- +--------------------+-----------+-----------+------------
 RX CSNP set| Goto ADJ Seen CSNP | Cancel T1 |           |
 RX IIH w/o | Cancel T1 (Point-  |           |           |
 Restart TLV|  to-point only)    |           |           |
 T1 Expires | Send IIH/RR        |Send IIH/RR|Send IIH/RR|
            | Restart T1         | Restart T1| Restart T1|
 T1 Expires | Send IIH/          | Send IIH/ | Send IIH/ |
  nth time  |   normal           |   normal  |   normal  |
 T2 expires | Trigger SPF        |           |           |
            | Goto SPF Wait      |           |           |
 T3 expires | Set OL             |           |           |
            | Flood local LSPs   |           |           |
            | Update fwd plane   |           |           |
 LSP DB Sync| Cancel T2, and T3  |           |           |
            | Trigger SPF        |           |           |
            | Goto SPF wait      |           |           |
All SPF     |                    |           |           | Clear OL
  done      |                    |           |           | Update fwd
            |                    |           |           |  plane
            |                    |           |           | Flood local
            |                    |           |           |   LSPs
            |                    |           |           | Goto Running

 Event       | Starting          | ADJ Seen RA| ADJ Seen CSNP
Router       | Send IIH/SA       |            |
  starts     | Start T1,T2       |            |
RX RR        | Send RA           |            |
RX RA        | Goto ADJ Seen RA  |            | Cancel T1
RX CSNP Set  | Goto ADJ Seen CSNP| Cancel T1  |
RX IIH w     | Cancel T1         |            |
  no Restart | (Point-to-Point   |            |
  TLV        |   only)           |            |
ADJ UP       | Start T1          |            |
             | Send local LSPs   |            |
             |  w OL             |            |
T1 Expires   | Send IIH/RR       |Send IIH/RR | Send IIH/RR
             |   and SA          |   and SA   |   and SA
             | Restart T1        |Restart T1  | Restart T1
T1 Expires   | Send IIH/SA       |Send IIH/SA | Send IIH/SA
 nth time    |                   |            |
T2 expires   | Clear OL          |            |
             | Send IIH normal   |            |
             | Goto Running      |            |
LSP DB Sync  | Cancel T2         |            |
             | Clear OL          |            |
             | Send IIH normal   |            |

   Watcher             Server                 PUA
      | F1 SUBSCRIBE      |                    |
      |------------------>|                    |
      | F2 200 OK         |                    |
      |<------------------|                    |
      | F3 NOTIFY         |                    |
      |<------------------|                    |
      | F4 200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------>|                    |
      |                   |                    |
      |                   |   Update presence  |
      |                   |<------------------ |
      |                   |                    |
      | F5 NOTIFY         |                    |
      |<------------------|                    |
      | F6 200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------>|                    |

             +-------+                    +-------+
             |       |                    |       |
             | appl. | -- subscribe ----> | pres. |
             |       |                    | svc.  |
             +-------+                    +-------+

             +-------+                    +-------+
             |       |                    |       |
             | appl. | <----- response -- | pres. |
             |       |                    | svc.  |
             +-------+                    +-------+

             +-------+                    +-------+
             |       |                    |       |
             | appl. | <------- notify -- | pres. |
             |       |                    | svc.  |
             +-------+                    +-------+

             +-------+                    +-------+
             |       |                    |       |
             | appl. | -- subscribe 0 --> | pres. |
             |       |                    | svc.  |
             +-------+                    +-------+

             +-------+                    +-------+
             |       |                    |       |
             | appl. | <----- response -- | pres. |
             |       |                    | svc.  |
             +-------+                    +-------+

   +-------+                    +-------+
   |       |                    |       |
   | appl. | -- message ------> |  IM   |
   |       |                    | svc.  |
   +-------+                    +-------+

   +-------+                    +-------+
   |       |                    |       |
   | appl. | <----- response -- |  IM   |
   |       |                    |  svc. |
   +-------+                    +-------+

   IOTP client (consumer)  <--------------->  IOTP server (merchant)
   (      contains             Internet       (      contains
   IOTP Application Core)                     IOTP Application Core)
         ^                                          ^
         | IOTP Payment                             | IOTP Payment
         |    API                                   |    API
         v                                          v
   IOTP Payment Bridge                        IOTP Payment Bridge
        ^                                           ^
        | Existing Payment APIs, e.g.,              |
        | SET, Mondex, etc.                         |
        v                                           v
   Existing Payment Software               Existing Payment Software

                         IOTP Application   ----calls----
                         |     Core     |               |
          display        |              |               v
            to  <----------  Call Back <--calls---  Payment
           user          |              |           Software

   Generic   |Specific   |
   Name      |Name       |ANSI/ITU Reference
   N-State   |Request    |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 16/Q.711)
             |Indication |ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8E/T1.112.1)
   N-PCstate |Indication |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 1/Q.711)
             |           |ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8G/T1.112.1)
   N-Coord   |Request    |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 15/Q.711)
             |Indication |ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8F/T1.112.1)
             |Response   |
             |Confirm    |

   Generic     |Specific  |
   Name        |Name      |ANSI/ITU Reference
   N-CONNECT   |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 2/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 2/T1.112.1)
               |Response  |
               |Confirm   |
   N-DATA      |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 3/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 3/T1.112.1)

   N-EXPEDITED |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 4/Q.711)
   DATA        |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 4/T1.112.1)
   N-RESET     |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 5/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 5/T1.112.1)
               |Response  |
               |Confirm   |
   N-DISCONNECT|Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 6/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 6/T1.112.1)
   N-INFORM    |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 8/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 6A/T1.112.1)
   N-UNITDATA  |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 12/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8A/T1.112.1)
   N-NOTICE    |Indication|ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 13/Q.711)
               |          |ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8B/T1.112.1)
   N-STATE     |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 16/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8E/T1.112.1)
   N-PCSTATE   |Indication|ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 17/Q.711)
               |          |ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8G/T1.112.1)
   N-COORD     |Request   |ITU-Q.711   Chap (Tab 15/Q.711)
               |Indication|ANSI-T1.112 Chap (Tab 8F/T1.112.1)
               |Response  |
               |Confirm   |

                                      |              |
               +----------------------|  ASP-ACTIVE  |
               |   Other ASP/ +-------|              |
               |   IPSP in AS |       +--------------+
               |   Overrides  |           ^     |
               |              |    ASPAC/ |     | ASPIA/
               |              |[ASPAC-Ack]|     | [ASPIA-Ack]
               |              |           |     v
               |              |       +--------------+
               |              |       |              |
               |              +------>| ASP-INACTIVE |
               |                      |              |
               |                      +--------------+
               |                          ^       |
        ASPDN/ |                          |     | ASPDN /
   [ASPDN-Ack/]|                   ASPUP/ |     | [ASPDN-Ack /]
     SCTP CDI/ |              [ASPUP-Ack] |     | SCTP CDI/
     SCTP RI   |                          |     | SCTP RI
               |                          |     v
               |                      +--------------+
               |                      |              |
               +--------------------->|   ASP-DOWN   |
                                      |              |

    ASP-a1            ASP-a2                SG                  SEP
   (Primary)           (Backup)
      |------Establish SCTP Association------|
                         |--Estab. SCTP Ass--|
                                             |--Align SS7 link---|
      +----------------ASP Up---------------->
      <--------------ASP Up Ack--------------+
                         +------ASP Up------->
                         <---ASP Up Ack------+
      +-------------ASP Active--------------->
      <----------ASP Active Ack--------------+
      <----------NTFY (ASP Active)-----------+
                         <-NTFY (ASP Active)-+

     ASP-a1            ASP-a2                SG                  SEP
   (Primary)           (Backup)

     ASP-a1            ASP-a2                SG                  SEP
   (Primary)           (Backup)
       +-------------ASP Inactive------------->
       <-----------ASP Inactive ACK-----------+
       <--------------------NTFY (AS Pending)-+
                          <-NTFY (AS Pending)-+
                          +----ASP Active----->
                          <--ASP Active Ack---+
                          <-NTFY (AS Active)--+
       <----------NTFY (AS Active)------------+

     ASP-a1            ASP-a2                SG                  SEP
   (Primary)           (Backup)
       +-------------ASP Inactive------------->
       <-----------ASP Inactive ACK-----------+
       <--------------------NTFY (AS Pending)-+
                         <--NTFY (AS Pending)-+
             After some time elapses (i.e., timeout).
       <-------------------NTFY (AS Inactive)-+
                         <-NTFY (AS Inactive)-+

   +-------------------------------ASP Up-------------------------->
   <-----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------------------+

                 +--------------ASP Up--------------->
                 <------------ASP Up Ack-------------+

   <-------------------------ACTIVE Ack-----------------------------+


   +-----------------------------ASP Inact------------------------>
   <---------------------------ASP Inact Ack----------------------+
              <---------------NTFY (ASP-a1 Inactive)--------------+
              +---------------------ASP Act----------------------->
              <-------------------ASP Act Ack---------------------+

   *   AS1   *
   * +-----+ * SCTP Associations
   * |ASP1 +-------------------+
   * +-----+ *                 |                   ***********
   *         *                 |                   *   AS3   *
   * +-----+ *                 |                   * +-----+ *
   * |ASP2 +-----------------------------------------+ASP1 | *
   * +-----+ *                 |                   * +-----+ *
   *         *                 |                   *         *
   * +-----+ *                 |                   * +-----+ *
   * |ASP3 | *            +--------------------------+ASP2 | *
   * +-----+ *            |    |                   * +-----+ *
   ***********            |    |                   ***********
                          |    |
   ***********            |    |                   ***********
   *   AS2   *            |    |                   *   AS4   *
   * +-----+ *            |    |                   * +-----+ *
   * |ASP1 +--------------+    +---------------------+ASP1 | *
   * +-----+ *                                     * +-----+ *
   *         *                                     *         *
   * +-----+ *                                     * +-----+ *
   * |ASP2 +-----------------------------------------+ASP1 | *
   * +-----+ *                                     * +-----+ *
   *         *                                     ***********
   * +-----+ *
   * |ASP3 | *
   * +-----+ *
   *         *

   MIB-2 {1 3 6 1 2 1}
          +--(1) sctpObjects
          |   |
          |   +--(1) sctpStats
          |   |   |
          |   |   +-- <scalars>
          |   |
          |   +--(2)sctpParameters
          |   |   |
          |   |   +-- <scalars>
          |   |
          |   +--(3) sctpAssocTable
          |   |
          |   +--(4) sctpAssocLocalAddrTable
          |   |
          |   +--(5) sctpAssocRemAddrTable
          |   |
          |   +--(6) sctpLookupLocalPortTable
          |   |
          |   +--(7) sctpLookupRemPortTable
          |   |
          |   +--(8) sctpLookupRemHostNameTable
          |   |
          |   +--(9) sctpLookupRemPrimIPAddrTable
          |   |
          |   +--(10) sctpLookupRemIPAddrTable

   mib-2 {1 3 6 1 2 1}
          +--(1) sctpObjects
          |   |
          .   .
          .   .
              +--(3) sctpAssocTable
              |   |
              |   +--(1) sctpAssocId (index)
              |   |
              |   +--(2) sctpAssocRemHostName
              |   |
              |   +--(3) sctpAssocLocalPort
              |   |
              |   +--(4) sctpAssocRemPort
              |   |
              |   +--(5) sctpAssocRemPrimAddrType
              |   |
              |   +--(6) sctpAssocRemPrimAddr
              |   |
              |   +--(7) sctpAssocHeartBeatInterval
              |   |
              |   +--(8) sctpAssocState
              |   |
              |   +--(9) sctpAssocInStreams
              |   |
              |   +--(10) sctpAssocOutStreams
              |   |
              |   +--(11) sctpAssocMaxRetr
              |   |
              |   +--(12) sctpAssocPrimProcess
              |   |
              |   +--(13) sctpAssocT1expireds
              |   |
              |   +--(14) sctpAssocT2expireds
              |   |
              |   +--(15) sctpAssocRtxChunks
              |   |
              |   +--(16) sctpAssocStartTime
              |   |

   MIB-2 {1 3 6 1 2 1}
          +--(1) sctpObjects
          |   |
          .   .
          .   .
          |   |
          |   +--(6) sctpLookupLocalPortTable
          |   |   |
          .   .   +--(-) sctpAssocLocalPort (shared index)
          .   .   |
                  +--(-) sctpAssocId (shared index)
                  +--(1) sctpLookupLocalPortStartTime

           |                                                |
           |  +------------------------------------+        |
           |  | Notification Management            |        |
           |  +------------------------------------+        |
           |          |                                     |
                      |                                               |
   +------------------V-------------+                                 |
   |  +---------------V-----------+ |                                 |
   |  |         RFC 3413          | |                                 |
   |  | SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB     | |                                 |
   |  +--------+--------------+-+-+ |                                 |
   |           |              | |   |                                 |
   |           |              | +------------------+                  |
   |           |              |     |              |                  |
   |           |              |     |   +----------V--------------+   |
   |           |              |     |   | +--------V---------+    |   |
   | +---------V------------+ |     |   | | Alarm Modelling  |    |   |
   | |       RFC 3014       | |     |   | | (descriptions)   |    |   |
   | | NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB | |     |   | +--------+---------+    |   |
   | +----------------------+ |     |   |          |              |   |
   |                          |     |   | +--------V------------+ |   |
   | +------------------------V-+   |   | | Generic: Model-     | |   |
   | |         RFC 3413         |   |   | | Active : Specific   | |   |
   | | SNMP-TARGET-MIB          |   |   | | Alarms : Extensions | |   |
   | +----------+---------------+   |   | +--------+------------+ |   |
   |            |                   |   |          |              |   |
   +------------|-------------------+   +----------|--------------+   |
                |                                  |                  |
                |                                  +------------------+
         Informs & Traps

0. At system start, the active alarm table, alarm clear table and
   the Notification Log are all empty.
         ___________________________     _______________________
        | alarmActiveTable          |   | nlmLogTable           |
        |---------------------------|   |-----------------------|
        | alarmActiveIndex |  alarm |   | nlmLogPointer | notif.|
        |---------------------------|   |-----------------------|
        |___________________________|   |_______________________|

        | alarmClearTable                                  |
        | alarmClear Index |  alarm                        |
        |                  |                               |

1. Some time later, a link goes down generating a linkDown
   Notification, which is sent out and logged in the
   Notification Log.  As this Notification is modelled as
   an alarm state, an entry is added to the active alarm
        | alarmActiveTable                                 |
        | alarmActiveIndex |  alarm                        |
        |        1         | link down - problem confirmed |

        | nlmLogTable                                   |
        | nlmLogPointer |  Notification                 |
        |      1        | linkdown                      |

        | alarmClearTable                                  |
        | alarmClear Index |  alarm                        |
        |                  |                               |

2. Some time later, the value of an instance of dsx3LineStatus
   changes.  This Notification is sent out and logged.  As this
   is not modelled into an alarm state, the active alarm table
   remains unchanged.
        | alarmActiveTable                                 |
        | alarmActiveIndex |  alarm                        |
        |        1         | linkDown - problem confirmed  |

        | nlmLogTable                                 |
        | nlmLogPointer |  Notification               |
        |      1        | linkDown                    |
        |      2        | dsx3LineStatusChange        |

        | alarmClearTable                                  |
        | alarmClear Index |  alarm                        |
        |                  |                               |

3. Some time later, the link goes back up.  A linkUp Notification
   is sent out and logged.  As this Notification models
   the clear alarm for this alarm, the alarm entry is remove
   from the active alarm table.  An entry is added to the
   clear alarm table.
        | alarmActiveTable                                 |
        | alarmActiveIndex |  alarm                        |

        | nlmLogTable                                 |
        | nlmLogPointer |  Notification               |
        |      1      | linkDown                      |
        |      2      | dsx3LineStatusChange          |
        |      3      | linkUp                        |

        | alarmClearTable                                  |
        | alarmClear Index |  alarm                        |
        |      1           | linkDown - confirmed problem  |

        _________________      ___________________    ________  busy
       | Address-switch  |    | location          |  | proxy  |--------\
Call-->|  field: origin  |  ->|   url: sip:jones@ |->|timeout:| timeout|
       |  subfield: host | /  |     example.com   |  |  10s   |--------|
       |-----------------|/   |___________________|  |        | failure|
       | subdomain-of:   |                           |________|--------|
       |   example.com   |                                             |
       |-----------------|  ___________________________________________/
       | otherwise       | /........................................
       |                 |\|. Voicemail                            .
       |_________________| \.  ____________________                .
                            ->| location           |   __________  .
                            . |   url: sip:jones@  |  | redirect | .
                            . |        voicemail.  |->|          | .
                            . |        example.com |  |__________| .
                            . |____________________|               .

   Original Outbound Packet       Outbound Packet (IPsec Transport Mode)
   +-----------+---------+        +-----------+==============+---------+
   | IP Header | Payload |        | IP Header | IPsec Header | Payload |
   +-----------+---------+        +-----------+==============+---------+
                                        |             ^
                                        |             |
                                           SA Lookup

                    Outbound Packet (IPsec Tunnel Mode)
      | Tunnel IP Header | IPsec Header | Orig. IP Header | Payload |
               ^                ^              | |
               |                |              | |
               |                +--------------+ |
               |                    SA Lookup    |
               |                                 |
                        IP Encapsulation

                       Outbound Packet (IPIP Tunnel)
              | Tunnel IP Header | Orig. IP Header | Payload |
                       ^                  |
                       |                  |
                        IPIP Encapsulation

            Outbound Packet (IPIP Tunnel + IPsec Transport Mode)
      | Tunnel IP Header | IPsec Header | Orig. IP Header | Payload |
              ^  |               ^               |
              |  |               |               |
              |  +---------------+               |
              |      SA Lookup                   |
              |                                  |
                       IPIP Encapsulation

      ------------------               ----------------------
      | IPv4 domain    |               | IPv6 Domain        |
      |                | ------------- |                    |
      | ----------     |-|Translator |-|      ----------    |
      | |Server A|     | | or proxy  | |      |Client B|    |
      | ----------     | ------------- |      ----------    |
      ------------------               ----------------------

      ---------------  ---------------  ---------------
      | IPv6 domain |  | IPv4 domain |  | IPv6 Domain |
      |             |  |-------------|  |             |
      | ----------  |--||Tunnel     ||--| ----------  |
      | |Server A|  |  |-------------|  | |Client B|  |
      | ----------  |  |             |  | ----------  |
      ---------------  ---------------  --------------|

        Alice          Alice                             Parking
        phone1         phone2            Bob               Place
        |               |                 |                   |
        |<===============================>|                   |
        |               |                 |                   |
        |        Alice transfers Bob to Parking Place         |
        |               |                 |                   |
        |------------REFER/200----------->|    *1    *2       |
        |<--NOTIFY/200 (trying)-----------|--INVITE/200/ACK-->|
        |<--NOTIFY/200 (success)----------|<=================>|
        |------------BYE/200------------->|                   |
        |               |                 |                   |
        |               |                 |                   |
        |  Alice later retrieves call from another phone      |
        |               |                 |                   |
        |            *3 |-INV w/Replaces->|                   |
        |               |<--200-----------|                   |
        |               |---ACK---------->|----BYE/200------->|
        |               |<===============>|                   |
        |               |                 |                   |

                              Bob                      Bob
       Alice                  desk                     lab
        |                       |                        |
    *1  |-----INVITE----------->|                        |
    *2  |<----180---------------|  Bob hears desk phone  |
        |                       |  ringing from lab but  |
        |                       |  isn't REGISTERed yet  |
        |                       |                        |
        |                       |<--fetch dialog state --|
        |                       |---response ----------->|
   *3/4 |<-----INVITE with Replaces/200/ACK--------------|
   *5/6 |------CANCEL/200------>|                        |
   *7   |<-----487--------------|                        |
        |------ACK------------->|                        |
        |                       |                        |
        |                       |                        |

      Referrer           Referee            Refer Target
         |                  |                    |
         | REFER            |                    |
         | Refer-To: target |                    |
         |----------------->| INVITE target      |
         |                  |------------------->|

   Referrer                       Referee                   Refer Target
      |                              |                             |
      | REFER                        |                             |
      | Refer-To: target             |                             |
      | Referred-By: referrer;cid=X  |                             |
      |                              |                             |
      | (one of the body parts is)   |                             |
      | Content-ID: X                |                             |
      | <Referred-By Token>          |                             |
      |----------------------------->|                             |
      |                              | INVITE target               |
      |                              | Referred-By: referrer;cid=X |
      |                              |                             |
      |                              | (one of the body parts is)  |
      |                              | Content-ID: X               |
      |                              | <Referred-By token>         |
      |                              |---------------------------->|

     Header field              where       proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
     Referred-By                 R                -   o   -   o   o   o

   Referrer                    Referee                   Refer Target
      | F1 REFER                  |                            |
      |-------------------------->|                            |
      | 202 Accepted              |                            |
      |<--------------------------|                            |
      | NOTIFY                    |                            |
      |<--------------------------| F2 INVITE                  |
      | 200 OK                    |--------------------------->|
      |-------------------------->| 200 OK                     |
      |                           |<---------------------------|
      |                           | ACK                        |
      | NOTIFY                    |--------------------------->|
      |<--------------------------|                            |
      | 200 OK                    |                            |
      |-------------------------->|                            |
      |                           |                            |

   Referrer                    Referee                   Refer Target
      | F1 REFER                  |                            |
      |-------------------------->|                            |
      | 202 Accepted              |                            |
      |<--------------------------|                            |
      | NOTIFY                    |                            |
      |<--------------------------| F2 INVITE                  |
      | 200 OK                    |--------------------------->|
      |-------------------------->| F3 429 Provide Referrer Identity
      |                           |<---------------------------|
      |                           | ACK                        |
      | F4 NOTIFY                 |--------------------------->|
      |<--------------------------|                            |
      | 200 OK                    |                            |
      |-------------------------->|                            |
      | F5 REFER                  |                            |
      |-------------------------->|                            |
      | 202 Accepted              |                            |
      |<--------------------------|                            |
      | NOTIFY                    |                            |
      |<--------------------------| F6 INVITE                  |
      | 200 OK                    |--------------------------->|
      |-------------------------->| 200 OK                     |
      |                           |<---------------------------|
      |                           | ACK                        |
      | NOTIFY                    |--------------------------->|
      |<--------------------------|                            |
      | 200 OK                    |                            |
      |-------------------------->|                            |
      |                           |                            |

  A                   B                   C                   D
  | F1 REFER          |                   |                   |
  |------------------>|                   |                   |
  | 202 Accepted      |                   |                   |
  |<------------------|                   |                   |
  | NOTIFY            |                   |                   |
  |<------------------| F2 REFER          |                   |
  | 200 OK            |------------------>|                   |
  |------------------>| 202 Accepted      |                   |
  | F3 NOTIFY         |<------------------|                   |
  |<------------------| NOTIFY            |                   |
  | 200 OK            |<------------------| F4 INVITE         |
  |------------------>| 200 OK            |------------------>|
  |                   |------------------>| 200 OK            |
  |                   | NOTIFY            |<------------------|
  |                   |<------------------| ACK               |
  |                   | 200 OK            |------------------>|
  |                   |------------------>|                   |
  |                   |                   |                   |

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
   |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
   |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#A | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#B | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |                     |
   |e    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#C | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#D | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#A | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#B | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |                     |
   |e    |     |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#C | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  44.736 MBPS  |   ds3 M13    Line#D | ds3 C-bit Parity
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

          PUA                     PA                      WATCHER
         (EPA)                   (ESC)
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | <---- M1: SUBSCRIBE --- |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | ----- M2: 200 OK -----> |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | ----- M3: NOTIFY -----> |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | <---- M4: 200 OK ------ |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           | ---- M5: PUBLISH ---> |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           | <--- M6: 200 OK ----  |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | ----- M7: NOTIFY -----> |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | <---- M8: 200 OK ------ |
           |                       |                         |
           | ---- M9: PUBLISH ---> |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           | <--- M10: 200 OK ---  |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           | --- M11: PUBLISH ---> |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           | <-- M12: 200 OK ----  |                         |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | ----- M13: NOTIFY ----> |
           |                       |                         |
           |                       | <---- M14: 200 OK ----- |
           |                       |                         |

             | Subscriber's |
             |   IP Host    |              +--------------+
             |              |              |              |
             | +----------+ |              | +----------+ |
             | | PINT     | |      A       | | PINT     | |
             | |  Client  +<-------/-------->+  Gateway +<-----+
             | +----------+ |              | +----------+ |    |
             |              |              |              |    |
             | +----------+ |              | +----------+ |    |
             | | SPIRITS  | |      B       | | SPIRITS  | |    |
             | |  Server  +<-------/-------->+  Gateway | |    |
             | +----------+ |              | +--------+-+ |    |
             |              |              |          ^   |    |
             +--------------+              +----------|---+    |
                                                      |        |
                                      IP Network      |        |
                                      PSTN            / C      / E
                                                      |        |
                                                      v        |
                                                 +----+------+ |
                                                 | SPIRITS   | |
                                                 |   Client  | v
               +-------------------+         +---+-----D-----+-++
               | Service Switching |INAP/SS7 | Service Control  |
               |    Function       +---------+     Function     |
               +----+--------------+         +------------------+
                   [0] Subscriber's telephone

      SPIRITS server       SPIRITS client      SCF
      ("subscriber")        ("notifier")
         S                      N
         |                      |                |
         | F1 SUBSCRIBE         |                |
         +--------------------->+                |
         |                      |                |
         |                      | F2 Arm DP      |
         |     F3 200 OK (SUBS) +--------------->|
         |<---------------------|                |
         |                      |                |
         |            F4 NOTIFY |                |
         |<---------------------+                |
         |                      |                |
         |      F5 200 OK (NOT) |                |
         +--------------------->|                |
         |                      |                |
         ~                      ~                ~
         ~                      ~                ~
         |                      |  F6 Evt. Not.  |
         |                      |<---------------+
         |            F7 NOTIFY +                |
         |<---------------------|                |
         |                      |                |
         |      F8 200 OK (NOT) |                |
         +--------------------->|                |
         |                      |                |
         |                      |                |
        \|/                    \|/              \|/
         v                      v                v

      SPIRITS server       SPIRITS client      SCF
      ("subscriber")        ("notifier")
         S                      N
         |                      |                |
         | F1 SUBSCRIBE         |                |
         +--------------------->+                |
         |                      |                |
         |                      | F2 Set HLR mark|
         |     F3 200 OK (SUBS) +--------------->|
         |<---------------------|                |
         |                      |                |
         |            F4 NOTIFY |                |
         |<---------------------+                |
         |                      |                |
         |      F5 200 OK (NOT) |                |
         +--------------------->|                |
         |                      |                |
         ~                      ~                ~
         ~                      ~                ~
         |                      |  F6 Evt. Not.  |
         |                      |<---------------+
         |            F7 NOTIFY +                |
         |<---------------------|                |
         |                      |                |
         |      F8 200 OK (NOT) |                |
         +--------------------->|                |
         |                      |                |
         |                      |                |
        \|/                    \|/              \|/
         v                      v                v

   Assistant     Boss        Customer
   | callid: 4@A |  callid: 7@c |
   |             |              |
   |             |<============>|
   |             |              |
   |INVITE------>|              |
   |Join: 7@c    |              |
   |             |reINVITE----->|
   |             |              |
   |   .. begins mixing ..      |
   |             |              |

   A             B              C            conf
   |             |  callid: 7@c |              |
   |             |              |              |
   |             |<-INVITE------|              | *1
   |             |-----200----->|              | *2
   |             |<----ACK------|              | *3
   |             |<============>|              |
   |             |              |              |
   |INVITE------>|              |              | *4
   |Join: 7@c    |--INVITE-------------------->| *5
   |             |<----200---------------------| *6
   |             |-----ACK-------------------->|
   |<----302-----|              |              | *7
   |-----ACK---->|              |              |
   |INVITE------------------------------------>| *8
   |<--200-------------------------------------| *9
   |             |--REFER------>|              | *10
   |             |<---202-------|              |
   |             |<--NOTIFY-----|--INVITE-*11->|
   |             |------200---->|<----200-*12--|
   |             |<--NOTIFY-----|-----ACK----->|
   |             |------200---->|              |
   |             |---BYE------->|              |
   |             |<--200--------|              |
   |             |              |              |
   |<=========================================>| mixes the
   |             |<===========================>| three sessions
   |             |              |<============>| together

   A             B              C
   |             |  callid: 7@c |
   |             |              |
   |             |<============>|
   |             |              |
   |INVITE------>|  *1          |
   |Join: 7@c    |              |
   |             |              |
   |<----486-----|  *2          |
   |-----ACK---->|              |
   |             |              |

   open TCP   ---- (SYN) ------------------------------>
              <---- (SYN+ACK) -------------------------
   send query ---- "Smith<CR><LF>" -------------------->
   get answer <---- "Info about Smith<CR><LF>" ---------
              <---- "More info about Smith<CR><LF>" ----
   close      <---- (FIN) ------------------------------
              ----- (FIN) ----------------------------->

                 |                            |
              [BR32]                         [BR41]
             Transit_3                     Transit_4
              [BR31]                      [BR42] [BR43]
                 |                          |      |
              [BR22]                      [BR52] [BR53]
             Transit_2                     Transit_5
              [BR21]                         [BR51]
                 |                            |
              [BR12]                         [BR61]
              [BR13]                        (Src_A)
                 |                          (Rcvr_D)
       |                 |
    [BR71]              [BR81]
   Rcvr_Stub_7       Src_only_Stub_8
   (Rcvr_C)             (Src_B)

   Private Domain    | Public Domain     | Private Domain
                     |                   |
   +--------------+  |             +-------------+      +--------+
   | Data         |  |             | OPES System |      |Data    |
   | Consumer     |<--- network -->| with public |<---->|Provider|
   | Application  |  |             | IP address  |      |App     |
   +--------------+  |             +-------------+      +--------+
                     |                   |
                     |                   |

   sender --[message A]--> OPES --[message A']--> recipient
      ^                       V                             [with trace]
      |                       |
      +-<-- [notification] ---+

                    |<------- Pseudo Wire ------>|
                    |                            |
                    |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |
                    V    V                  V    V
                    +----+                  +----+
   +-----+          | PE1|==================| PE2|          +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |          |    |                  |    |          | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^       |    |==================|    |          +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+          ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2     |
         |  |                                               |
         | Attachment Circuit                               |
         |                                                  |
         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|

   +-----+ Phy-link +----+              +----+ Phy-link +-----+
   | CE1 |----------| PE1|......PW......|PE2 |----------| CE2 |
   +-----+          +----+              +----+          +-----+

                           packet header capturing
                              |      |
                              | classifying
                              |      |
                          maintaining flow records

         +---+     +-----+     +---------+       +---------+
         | E-+->   |  E--+->   |    E----+->   <-+--E   E--+->
         | | |     |  |  |     |   / \   |       |  |   |  |
         | M |     |  M  |     |  M   M  |       |  M   M  |
         | | |     | /|\ |     | /|\ /|\ |       | /|\ /|\ |
         | O |     | OOO |     | OOO OOO |       | OOO OOO |
         +---+     +-----+     +---------+       +---------+
         Probe      Basic        Complex          Multiple
                    Router       Router           Exporting

       +---+     +---+     +---+
       | E-+->   | E-+->   | E-+------------->---+
       | | |     | | |     | | | +---+         +-+-----+
       +-+-+     | M |     | M | | E-+------->-+-C-M-E-+->
         |       | | |     | | | | | | +---+   +-+-----+
       +-+-+     +-+-+     | O | | M | | E-+->---+
       | | |       |       +---+ | | | | | |
       | M |     +-+-+           | O | | M |
       | | |     | | |           +---+ | | |           +-----+
       | O |     | O |                 | O |        ->-+-C-E-+->
       +---+     +---+                 +---+           +-----+

   IPFIX                                                               |
----------------------------------------------------------------.      |
E: QoS Monitoring                                               |      |
----------------------------------------------------------.     |      |
D: Attack/Intrusion Detection                             |     |      |
----------------------------------------------------.     |     |      |
C: Traffic Engineering                              |     |     |      |
----------------------------------------------.     |     |     |      |
B: Traffic Profiling                          |     |     |     |      |
----------------------------------------.     |     |     |     |      |
A: Usage-based Accounting               |     |     |     |     |      |
----------------------------------.     |     |     |     |     |      |
                                  |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| Sect. |    Requirement          |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  | IPFIX|
| 4.    | DISTINGUISHING FLOWS                                         |
| 4.    | Combination of          |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
|       | required attributes     |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 4.1.  | in/out IF               |  S  |  M  |  M  |  S  |  S  |  M   |
| 4.2.  | src/dst address         |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 4.2.  | Masking of IP addresses |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 4.2.  | transport protocol      |  M  |  M  |  -  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 4.2.  | version field           |  -  |  S  |  S  |  O  |  O  |  S   |
|       |                         |     |     | (b) |     |     |      |

| Sect. |    Requirement          |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  | IPFIX|
| 4.3.  | src/dst port            |  M  |  M  |  -  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 4.4.  | MPLS label (a)          |  S  |  S  |  M  |  O  |  S  |  M   |
|       |                         |     |     | (c) |     |     |      |
| 4.5.  | DSCP (a)                |  M  |  S  |  M  |  O  |  M  |  M   |
| 5.    | METERING PROCESS                                             |
| 5.1.  | Reliability             |  M  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |      |
|-------+-------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+  M   |
| 5.1.  | Indication of           |  -  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |      |
|       | missing reliability     |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 5.2.  | Sampling (d,e)          |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 5.3.  | Overload Behavior (f)   |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 5.4.  | Timestamps              |  M  |  O  |  O  |  S  |  M  |  M   |
| 5.5.  | Time synchronization    |  M  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  M  |  M   |
| 5.6.  | Flow timeout            |  M  |  S  |  -  |  O  |  O  |  M   |
|       |                         | (g) |     |     |     |     |      |
| 5.7.  | Multicast flows         |  S  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  S  |  S   |
| 5.8.  | Packet fragmentation    |  O  |  O  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  O   |
| 5.9.  | Ignore port copy        |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 6.    | DATA EXPORT                                                  |
| 6.1.  | INFORMATION MODEL                                            |
| 6.1.  | IP Version              |  -  |  M  |  M  |  O  |  O  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | src/dst address         |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | transport protocol      |  M  |  M  |  -  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | src/dst port            |  M  |  M  |  -  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | Packet counter (h)      |  S  |  M  |  M  |  S  |  S  |  M   |

| Sect. |    Requirement          |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  | IPFIX|
| 6.1.  | Byte counter            |  M  |  M  |  M  |  S  |  S  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | ToS (IPv4) or traffic   |  M  |  S  |  M  |  O  |  M  |  M   |
|       | class octet (IPv6)      |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | Flow Label (IPv6)       |  M  |  S  |  M  |  O  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | MPLS label (a)          |  S  |  S  |  M  |  O  |  S  |  M   |
|       |                         |     |     | (c) |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | Timestamps for          |  M  |  O  |  O  |  S  |  S  |  M   |
|       | first/last packet       |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | Sampling configuration  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.1.  | observation point       |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
|       | identifier              |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | export process          |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
|       | identifier              |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | ICMP type and code (i)  |  S  |  S  |  -  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
| 6.1.  | input/output interface  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
|       | (j)                     |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | Multicast               |  O  |  S  |  S  |  -  |  S  |  S   |
|       | replication factor      |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | TTL                     |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 6.1.  | IP header flags         |  -  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 6.1.  | TCP header flags        |  -  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  -  |  O   |
| 6.1.  | Dropped Packet          |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
|       | Counter (h,k)           |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 6.1.  | Fragment counter        |  -  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 6.1.  | next hop IP address     |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  -  |  O   |
| 6.1.  | src / dst / next hop    |  -  |  O  |  O  |  -  |  -  |  O   |
|       | BGP AS #                |     |     |     |     |     |      |

| Sect. |    Requirement          |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  | IPFIX|
| 6.2.  | DATA MODEL                                                   |
| 6.2.  | Flexibility             |  M  |  S  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.2.  | Extensibility           |  M  |  S  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.3.  | DATA TRANSFER                                                |
| 6.3.1.| Congestion aware        |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.3.2.| Reliability             |  M  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  M   |
| 6.3.3.| Confidentiality         |  M  |  S  |  S  |  M  |  S  |  M   |
| 6.3.4.| Integrity               |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.3.5.| Authenticity            |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M  |  M   |
| 6.4.  | REPORTING TIMES                                              |
| 6.4.  | Push mode               |  M  |  O  |  O  |  M  |  S  |  M   |
|       |                         |     | (l) | (l) |     |(l,m)|      |
| 6.4.  | Pull mode               |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
|       |                         |     | (l) | (l) |     | (l) |      |
| 6.4.1.| Regular interval        |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
| 6.6.  | Notifications           |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 6.7.  | Anonymization (n)       |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 7.    | CONFIGURATION                                                |
| 7.    | Secure remote           |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
|       | configuration (a)       |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 7.1.  | Config observation point|  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
| 7.1.  | Config flow             |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
|       | specifications          |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 7.1.  | Config flow timeouts    |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  O  |  S   |

| Sect. |    Requirement          |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  | IPFIX|
| 7.1.  | Config sampling         |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
| 7.1.  | Config overload         |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |
|       | behavior (a)            |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 7.2.  | Config report           |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
|       | data format             |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 7.2.  | Config                  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
|       | notifications           |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 8.    | GENERAL REQUIREMENTS                                         |
| 8.1.  | Openness                |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S  |  S   |
| 8.2.  | Scalability:            |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|       | data collection         |  M  |  S  |  M  |  O  |  S  |  M   |
|       | from hundreds of        |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|       | measurement devices     |     |     |     |     |     |      |
| 8.3.  | Several collectors      |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O  |  O   |

                     +------------+         +--------------+
                     |            |         |  destination |
   +--------+        |     Egress(-)------->|    test      |
   | source |        |            |         |   port(E1)   |
   |  test  |------>(|)Ingress    |         +--------------+
   |  port  |        |            |         +--------------+
   +--------+        |     Egress(-)------->|  destination |
                     |            |         |    test      |
                     |            |         |   port(E2)   |
                     |    DUT     |         +--------------+
                     |            |               . . .
                     |            |         +--------------+
                     |            |         |  destination |
                     |     Egress(-)------->|    test      |
                     |            |         |   port(En)   |
                     +------------+         +--------------+

               |                                         |
   +--------+  |                     +----------------+  |  +--------+
   |        |  |   +------------+    |DUT B Egress E0(-)-|->|        |
   |        |  |   |DUT A       |--->|                |  |  |        |
   | source |  |   |            |    |      Egress E1(-)-|->|  dest. |
   |  test  |--|->(-)Ingress, I |    +----------------+  |  |  test  |
   |  port  |  |   |            |    +----------------+  |  |  port  |
   |        |  |   |            |--->|DUT C Egress E2(-)-|->|        |
   |        |  |   +------------+    |                |  |  |        |
   |        |  |                     |      Egress En(-)-|->|        |
   +--------+  |                     +----------------+  |  +--------+
               |                                         |

     Source              DUT/SUT                Destination
    Test Port                                   Test Port(s)
   +---------+        +-----------+             +---------+
   |         |        |           |             |         |
   |         |        |     Egress|--(Tunnel)-->|         |
   |         |        |           |             |         |
   |         |------->|Ingress    |             |         |
   |         |        |           |             |         |
   |         |        |     Egress|--(Tunnel)-->|         |
   |         |        |           |             |         |
   +---------+        +-----------+             +---------+

     Source                  DUT/SUT            Destination
    Test Port                                   Test Port(s)
   +---------+             +-----------+        +---------+
   |         |             |           |        |         |
   |         |             |     Egress|------->|         |
   |         |             |           |        |         |
   |         |--(Tunnel)-->|Ingress    |        |         |
   |         |             |           |        |         |
   |         |             |     Egress|------->|         |
   |         |             |           |        |         |
   +---------+             +-----------+        +---------+

     Source                DUT/SUT             Destination
    Test Port                                  Test Port(s)
   +---------+           +---------+           +---------+
   |         |           |         |           |         |
   |         |           |   Egress|-(Tunnel)->|         |
   |         |           |         |           |         |
   |         |-(Tunnel)->|Ingress  |           |         |
   |         |           |         |           |         |
   |         |           |   Egress|-(Tunnel)->|         |
   |         |           |         |           |         |
   +---------+           +---------+           +---------+

   | <stream>           |
   | <presence>         |
   |   <show/>          |
   | </presence>        |
   | <message to='foo'> |
   |   <body/>          |
   | </message>         |
   | <iq to='bar'>      |
   |   <query/>         |
   | </iq>              |
   | ...                |
   | </stream>          |

   Originating               Receiving
     Server                    Server
   -----------               ---------
       |                         |
       |   establish connection  |
       | ----------------------> |
       |                         |
       |   send stream header    |
       | ----------------------> |
       |                         |
       |   send stream header    |
       | <---------------------- |
       |                         |                   Authoritative
       |   send dialback key     |                       Server
       | ----------------------> |                   -------------
       |                         |                         |
                                 |   establish connection  |
                                 | ----------------------> |
                                 |                         |
                                 |   send stream header    |
                                 | ----------------------> |
                                 |                         |
                                 |   send stream header    |
                                 | <---------------------- |
                                 |                         |
                                 |   send verify request   |
                                 | ----------------------> |
                                 |                         |
                                 |   send verify response  |
                                 | <---------------------- |
       |  report dialback result |
       | <---------------------- |
       |                         |

   Requesting                 Responding
     Entity                     Entity
   ----------                 ----------
       |                           |
       | <iq type='get' id='1'>    |
       | ------------------------> |
       |                           |
       | <iq type='result' id='1'> |
       | <------------------------ |
       |                           |
       | <iq type='set' id='2'>    |
       | ------------------------> |
       |                           |
       | <iq type='error' id='2'>  |
       | <------------------------ |
       |                           |

     +-------------+        +-------------+        +------------+
     |             |        |             |        |            |
     |    XMPP     |        |  XMPP-CPIM  |        |  Non-XMPP  |
     |   Service   | <----> |   Gateway   | <----> |  Service   |
     |             |        |             |        |            |
     +-------------+        +-------------+        +------------+

   +-------------+        +-------------+        +------------+
   |             |        |             |        |            |
   |    XMPP     |        |  XMPP-CPIM  |        |  Non-XMPP  |
   |   Service   | <----> |   Gateway   | <----> |  Service   |
   |             |        |             |        |            |
   +-------------+        +-------------+        +------------+

        Customer Premises  | Service Provider's Network
            +-----+             |       |
            | CPE |-------------| Router|----------
            +-----+             | (IAP) |
                                |       |

                         i1 +---------+ i2   i3 +-------+
               ROUTER-------=  HOST1  =---------= HOST2 |
                      link1 +---------+  link2  +-------+

    +-----+  L2  +-----+                        +-----+
    |     |------| LAC |.........[ IP ].........| LNS |...[home network]
    +-----+      +-----+                        +-----+
                       |<-- emulated service -->|
          |<----------- L2 service ------------>|

   +-----+  L2  +-----+                      +-----+  L2  +-----+
   |     |------| LAC |........[ IP ]........| LAC |------|     |
   +-----+      +-----+                      +-----+      +-----+
   remote                                                 remote
   system                                                 system
                      |<- emulated service ->|
         |<----------------- L2 service ----------------->|

                   +-----+                      +-----+
  [home network]...| LNS |........[ IP ]........| LNS |...[home network]
                   +-----+                      +-----+
                         |<- emulated service ->|
                         |<---- L2 service ---->|

|NORM_ACK            | Receiver message used to proactively provide  |
|                    | feedback for congestion control purposes.     |
|                    | Also used with the OPTIONAL NORM Positive     |
|                    | Acknowledgment Process.                       |

                                     Application Data and Control
    .---------------------.            .-----------------------.
    | Node Identification |----------->|  Sender Transmission  |<------.
    `---------------------'       _.-' `-----------------------'       |
    .---------------------.   _.-' .'            | .--------------.    |
    | Data Identification |--'   .''             | |  Join Policy |    |
    `---------------------'    .' '              v `--------------'    |
    .---------------------.  .'  '     .------------------------.      |
 .->| Congestion Control  |-'   '      | Receiver NACK          |      |
 |  `---------------------'   .'       | Repair Process         |      |
 |  .---------------------. .'         | .------------------.   |      |
 |  |        FEC          |'.          | | NACK Initiation  |   |      |
 |  `---------------------'` `._       | `------------------'   |      |
 |  .---------------------. ``. `-._   | .------------------.   |      |
 `--|    RTT Collection   |._` `    `->| | NACK Content     |   |      |
    `---------------------' .`- `      | `------------------'   |      |
    .---------------------.  \ `-`._   | .------------------.   |      |
    |    Group Size Est.  |---.-`---`->| | NACK Suppression |   |      |
    `---------------------'`.  ` `     | `------------------'   |      |
    .---------------------.  `  ` `    `------------------------'      |
    |       Other         |   `  ` `             | .-----------------. |
    `---------------------'    `  ` `            | |Router Assistance| |
                                `. ` `           v `-----------------' |
                                  `.`' .-------------------------.     |
                                     `>| Sender NACK Processing  |_____/
                                       | and Repair Response     |

                    ^                         ^
                    |                         |
                  |         (Security)          |

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      | Res | Res | Res | Res | Res | Res | RST | C/U |

                  +--- Dedicated (1:1, 1+1)
                  +--- Shared (1:N, Ring, Shared mesh)
   Level of       |
   Overbooking ---+--- Best effort

         Initiator <---------> NAT <---------> Responder
                  ^               ^           ^
                Iaddr           NatPub      Raddr

         Initiator <------> NAT1 <---------> NAT2 <-------> Responder
                  ^             ^           ^              ^
                Iaddr        Nat1Pub     Nat2Pub         Raddr

                 BEFORE APPLYING ESP/UDP
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
            |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                 AFTER APPLYING ESP/UDP
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  | UDP | ESP |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
            |(any options)| Hdr | Hdr | TCP | Data | Trailer |Auth|
                                      |<----- encrypted ---->|
                                |<------ authenticated ----->|

                 BEFORE APPLYING ESP/UDP
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
            |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                 AFTER APPLYING ESP/UDP
   IPv4 |new h.| UDP | ESP |orig IP hdr  |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
        |(opts)| Hdr | Hdr |(any options)| TCP | Data | Trailer |Auth|
                           |<------------ encrypted ----------->|
                     |<------------- authenticated ------------>|

                      | ITU-T Rec. T.42  |           Decode           |
+---------+-----------|   base values    |       default values       |
| BitsPer + Component +------------------+----------------------------+
| -Sample |           |  Range | Offset  |      Min     |     Max     |
|    8    |    L*     |   100  |    0    |       0      |     100     |
|         +-----------+--------+---------+--------------+-------------+
|         |    a*     |   170  |   128   |  -21760/255  |  21590/255  |
|         +-----------+--------+---------+--------------+-------------+
|         |    b*     |   200  |    96   |  -19200/255  |  31800/255  |

PRIMARY IFD PAGE 0  -----------------------> PRIMARY IFD PAGE 1--> ...
          ImageLayer = [2,1]
          NewSubFileType = 18
          SubIFD[0] ---------------------- SubIFD[1]
               |                                |
               V                                V
            Child IFD                        Child IFD
               ImageLayer = [1,1]               ImageLayer [3,1]
               NewSubFileType = 16              NewSubFileType 16
               |                                |
               |(nextIFD)                       |(nextIFD)
               V                                V
            Child IFD                        Child IFD
               ImageLayer = [1,2]               ImageLayer [3,2]
               NewSubFileType = 16              NewSubFileType 16
               |                                |
               |(nextIFD)                       |(nextIFD)
               V                                V
            Child IFD                        Child IFD
               ImageLayer = [1,3]               ImageLayer [3,3]
               NewSubFileType = 16              NewSubFileType 16
               |                                |
               |(nextIFD)                       |(nextIFD)
               V                                V
               0                                0

             +-----------+    +---------+    +---------+
   speech -> | 1. Pre P  | -> | 2. LPC  | -> | 3. Ana  | ->
             +-----------+    +---------+    +---------+

             +---------------+   +--------------+
          -> | 4. Start Sel  | ->| 5. Scalar Qu | ->
             +---------------+   +--------------+

             +--------------+    +---------------+
          -> |6. CB Search  | -> | 7. Packetize  | -> payload
          |  +--------------+ |  +---------------+
       sub-frame 0..2/4 (20 ms/30 ms)

             0        39        79       119       159
             |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |
                            20 ms frame

   0        39        79       119       159       199       239
   |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |
                                  30 ms frame
   Figure 3.2. One input block to the encoder for 20 ms (with four sub-
   frames) and 30 ms (with six sub-frames).

   The quantized analysis filter for sub-block k is defined as follows
      A~k(z)= 1 + > a~k(i)*z^(-i)

      Pk(z) = A~rk(z)/A~k(z), where
      A~rk(z)= z^(-LPC_FILTERORDER)+>a~k(i+1)*z^(i-(LPC_FILTERORDER-1))

               +-------+  x[n] +    d[n] +-----------+ u[n]
   residual -->| Wk(z) |-------->(+)---->| Quantizer |------> quantized
               +-------+       - /|\     +-----------+    |   residual
                                  |                      \|/
                             y[n] +--------------------->(+)
                                  |                       |
                                  |        +------+       |
                                  +--------| Pk(z)|<------+

         +------------+    +---------------+    +-------------+
      -> | 1. Decode  | -> | 2. Mem setup  | -> | 3. Perc. W. | ->
         +------------+    +---------------+    +-------------+

         +------------+    +-----------------+
      -> | 4. Search  | -> | 5. Upd. Target  | ------------------>
       | +------------+    +------------------ |

      -> | 6. Recalc G[0] | ---------------> gains and CB indices

   |  5     | 1  |///|////////|    2   |    3   |    4   |

   |zeros|\\\\\\\\|\\\\|  1 |

   | zeros | 1  |///|////////|    2   |

   |zeros| 1  |///|////////|    2   |   3    |

   |1|///|////////|    2   |   3    |   4    |

   |  3  |   2    |\\\\\\\\|\\\\|  1 |   5    |

      exp_cb(k)=  + > cbfiltersTbl(i)*x(k-i+4)

       - - ------------------------|
    codebook memory                |
       - - ------------------------|
                  pi  pp       po

                      |        |                       Codebook vector
                      |---15---|-5-|-----20-----|   <- corresponding to
                          i     ii      iii            sample delay 20

       - - ------------------------|
    codebook memory                |
       - - ------------------------|
                  pi  pp       po

                      |        |                       Codebook vector
                      |---16---|-5-|-----19-----|   <- corresponding to
                          i     ii      iii            sample delay 21

   Parameter                         |       Bits Class <1,2,3>      |
                                     |  20 ms frame  |  30 ms frame  |
                            Split 1  |   6 <6,0,0>   |   6 <6,0,0>   |
                   LSF 1    Split 2  |   7 <7,0,0>   |   7 <7,0,0>   |
   LSF                      Split 3  |   7 <7,0,0>   |   7 <7,0,0>   |
                            Split 1  | NA (Not Appl.)|   6 <6,0,0>   |
                   LSF 2    Split 2  |      NA       |   7 <7,0,0>   |
                            Split 3  |      NA       |   7 <7,0,0>   |
                   Sum               |  20 <20,0,0>  |  40 <40,0,0>  |
   Block Class                       |   2 <2,0,0>   |   3 <3,0,0>   |
   Position 22 sample segment        |   1 <1,0,0>   |   1 <1,0,0>   |
   Scale Factor State Coder          |   6 <6,0,0>   |   6 <6,0,0>   |
                   Sample 0          |   3 <0,1,2>   |   3 <0,1,2>   |
   Quantized       Sample 1          |   3 <0,1,2>   |   3 <0,1,2>   |
   Residual           :              |   :    :      |   :    :      |
   State              :              |   :    :      |   :    :      |
   Samples            :              |   :    :      |   :    :      |
                   Sample 56         |   3 <0,1,2>   |   3 <0,1,2>   |
                   Sample 57         |      NA       |   3 <0,1,2>   |
                   Sum               | 171 <0,57,114>| 174 <0,58,116>|
                            Stage 1  |   7 <6,0,1>   |   7 <4,2,1>   |
   CB for 22/23             Stage 2  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |
   sample block             Stage 3  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |
                   Sum               |  21 <6,0,15>  |  21 <4,2,15>  |
                            Stage 1  |   5 <2,0,3>   |   5 <1,1,3>   |
   Gain for 22/23           Stage 2  |   4 <1,1,2>   |   4 <1,1,2>   |
   sample block             Stage 3  |   3 <0,0,3>   |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                   Sum               |  12 <3,1,8>   |  12 <2,2,8>   |
                            Stage 1  |   8 <7,0,1>   |   8 <6,1,1>   |
               sub-block 1  Stage 2  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |
                            Stage 3  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |

                            Stage 1  |   8 <0,0,8>   |   8 <0,7,1>   |
               sub-block 2  Stage 2  |   8 <0,0,8>   |   8 <0,0,8>   |
   Indices                  Stage 3  |   8 <0,0,8>   |   8 <0,0,8>   |
   for CB          ------------------+---------------+---------------+
   sub-blocks               Stage 1  |      NA       |   8 <0,7,1>   |
               sub-block 3  Stage 2  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                            Stage 1  |      NA       |   8 <0,7,1>   |
               sub-block 4  Stage 2  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                   Sum               |  46 <7,0,39>  |  94 <6,22,66> |
                            Stage 1  |   5 <1,2,2>   |   5 <1,2,2>   |
               sub-block 1  Stage 2  |   4 <1,1,2>   |   4 <1,2,1>   |
                            Stage 3  |   3 <0,0,3>   |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                            Stage 1  |   5 <1,1,3>   |   5 <0,2,3>   |
               sub-block 2  Stage 2  |   4 <0,2,2>   |   4 <0,2,2>   |
                            Stage 3  |   3 <0,0,3>   |   3 <0,0,3>   |
   Gains for       ------------------+---------------+---------------+
   sub-blocks               Stage 1  |      NA       |   5 <0,1,4>   |
               sub-block 3  Stage 2  |      NA       |   4 <0,1,3>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                            Stage 1  |      NA       |   5 <0,1,4>   |
               sub-block 4  Stage 2  |      NA       |   4 <0,1,3>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                   Sum               |  24 <3,6,15>  |  48 <2,12,34> |
   Empty frame indicator             |   1 <0,0,1>   |   1 <0,0,1>   |
   SUM                                 304 <48,64,192> 400 <64,96,240>

              +-------------+    +--------+    +---------------+
   payload -> | 1. Get para | -> | 2. LPC | -> | 3. Sc Dequant | ->
              +-------------+    +--------+    +---------------+

              +-------------+    +------------------+
           -> | 4. Mem setup| -> | 5. Construct res |------->
           |  +-------------+    +-------------------   |
                     Sub-frame 0...2/4 (20 ms/30 ms)

              +----------------+    +----------+
           -> | 6. Enhance res | -> | 7. Synth | ------------>
              +----------------+    +----------+

           -> | 8. Post Process | ----------------> decoded speech

   Pk(z) = A~rk(z)/A~k(z), where
   A~rk(z)= z^(-LPC_FILTERORDER) + > a~ki*z^(i-(LPC_FILTERORDER-1))

   unenhanced residual
           |   +---------------+    +--------------+
           +-> | 1. Pitch Est  | -> | 2. Find PSSQ | -------->
               +---------------+  | +--------------+
               +------------+         enh block 0..1/2    |
            -> | 3. Smooth  |                             |
               +------------+                             |
                 \                                        |
                 /\                                       |
                /  \   Already                            |
               / 4. \----------->----------->-----------+ |
               \Crit/ Fulfilled                         | |
                \? /                                    v |
                 \/                                     | |
                  \  +-----------------+    +---------+ | |
              Not +->| 5. Use Constr.  | -> | 6. Mix  | ----->
           Fulfilled +-----------------+    +---------+

   0              159             319             479             639
   |  -5   |  -4   |  -3   |  -2   |  -1   |   0   |   1   |   2   |
                                               |pssq 0 |
                                          |pssq -1| |pssq 1 |
                                       |pssq -2|       |pssq 2 |
                                    |pssq -3|             |pssq 3 |

   0              159             319             479             639
   |  -4   |  -3   |  -2   |  -1   |   0   |   1   |   2   |   3   |
                                   |pssq 0 |
                              |pssq -1| |pssq 1 |
                           |pssq -2|       |pssq 2 |
                        |pssq -3|             |pssq 3 |

   Parameter                         |       Bits Class <1,2,3>      |
                                     |  20 ms frame  |  30 ms frame  |
                            Split 1  |   6 <6,0,0>   |   6 <6,0,0>   |
                   LSF 1    Split 2  |   7 <7,0,0>   |   7 <7,0,0>   |
   LSF                      Split 3  |   7 <7,0,0>   |   7 <7,0,0>   |
                            Split 1  | NA (Not Appl.)|   6 <6,0,0>   |
                   LSF 2    Split 2  |      NA       |   7 <7,0,0>   |
                            Split 3  |      NA       |   7 <7,0,0>   |
                   Sum               |  20 <20,0,0>  |  40 <40,0,0>  |
   Block Class.                      |   2 <2,0,0>   |   3 <3,0,0>   |
   Position 22 sample segment        |   1 <1,0,0>   |   1 <1,0,0>   |
   Scale Factor State Coder          |   6 <6,0,0>   |   6 <6,0,0>   |
                   Sample 0          |   3 <0,1,2>   |   3 <0,1,2>   |
   Quantized       Sample 1          |   3 <0,1,2>   |   3 <0,1,2>   |
   Residual           :              |   :    :      |   :    :      |
   State              :              |   :    :      |   :    :      |
   Samples            :              |   :    :      |   :    :      |
                   Sample 56         |   3 <0,1,2>   |   3 <0,1,2>   |
                   Sample 57         |      NA       |   3 <0,1,2>   |
                   Sum               | 171 <0,57,114>| 174 <0,58,116>|
                            Stage 1  |   7 <6,0,1>   |   7 <4,2,1>   |
   CB for 22/23             Stage 2  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |
   sample block             Stage 3  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |
                   Sum               |  21 <6,0,15>  |  21 <4,2,15>  |
                            Stage 1  |   5 <2,0,3>   |   5 <1,1,3>   |
   Gain for 22/23           Stage 2  |   4 <1,1,2>   |   4 <1,1,2>   |
   sample block             Stage 3  |   3 <0,0,3>   |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                   Sum               |  12 <3,1,8>   |  12 <2,2,8>   |
                            Stage 1  |   8 <7,0,1>   |   8 <6,1,1>   |
               sub-block 1  Stage 2  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |
                            Stage 3  |   7 <0,0,7>   |   7 <0,0,7>   |

                            Stage 1  |   8 <0,0,8>   |   8 <0,7,1>   |
               sub-block 2  Stage 2  |   8 <0,0,8>   |   8 <0,0,8>   |
   Indices                  Stage 3  |   8 <0,0,8>   |   8 <0,0,8>   |
   for CB          ------------------+---------------+---------------+
   sub-blocks               Stage 1  |      NA       |   8 <0,7,1>   |
               sub-block 3  Stage 2  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                            Stage 1  |      NA       |   8 <0,7,1>   |
               sub-block 4  Stage 2  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   8 <0,0,8>   |
                   Sum               |  46 <7,0,39>  |  94 <6,22,66> |
                            Stage 1  |   5 <1,2,2>   |   5 <1,2,2>   |
               sub-block 1  Stage 2  |   4 <1,1,2>   |   4 <1,2,1>   |
                            Stage 3  |   3 <0,0,3>   |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                            Stage 1  |   5 <1,1,3>   |   5 <0,2,3>   |
               sub-block 2  Stage 2  |   4 <0,2,2>   |   4 <0,2,2>   |
                            Stage 3  |   3 <0,0,3>   |   3 <0,0,3>   |
   Gains for       ------------------+---------------+---------------+
   sub-blocks               Stage 1  |      NA       |   5 <0,1,4>   |
               sub-block 3  Stage 2  |      NA       |   4 <0,1,3>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                            Stage 1  |      NA       |   5 <0,1,4>   |
               sub-block 4  Stage 2  |      NA       |   4 <0,1,3>   |
                            Stage 3  |      NA       |   3 <0,0,3>   |
                   Sum               |  24 <3,6,15>  |  48 <2,12,34> |
   Empty frame indicator             |   1 <0,0,1>   |   1 <0,0,1>   |
   SUM                                 304 <48,64,192> 400 <64,96,240>

     |        | +----------+ +---------+ +----------+     |
     | Packet | | Template | | Data    | | Options  |     |
     | Header | | FlowSet  | | FlowSet | | Template | ... |
     |        | |          | |         | | FlowSet  |     |
     |        | +----------+ +---------+ +----------+     |
                         Export Packet

   Export Packet:
   |        | +----------+ +---------+     +-----------+ +---------+ |
   | Packet | | Template | | Data    |     | Options   | | Data    | |
   | Header | | FlowSet  | | FlowSet | ... | Template  | | FlowSet | |
   |        | |          | |         |     | FlowSet   | |         | |
   |        | +----------+ +---------+     +-----------+ +---------+ |

   Export Packet:
   |        | +---------+     +---------+      +---------+ |
   | Packet | | Data    | ... | Data    | ...  | Data    | |
   | Header | | FlowSet | ... | FlowSet | ...  | FlowSet | |
   |        | +---------+     +---------+      +---------+ |

   Export Packet:
   |        | +----------+     +----------+      +----------+ |
   | Packet | | Template |     | Template |      | Options  | |
   | Header | | FlowSet  | ... | FlowSet  | ...  | Template | |
   |        | |          |     |          |      | FlowSet  | |
   |        | +----------+     +----------+      +----------+ |

   +--------+---------------------------------------------. . .
   |        | +--------------+ +-----------------------+
   | Packet | | Template     | | Data                  |
   | Header | | FlowSet      | | FlowSet               |   . . .
   |        | | (1 Template) | | (3 Flow Data Records) |
   |        | +--------------+ +-----------------------+
   +--------+---------------------------------------------. . .

       . . .+-------------------------------------------------+
            +------------------+ +--------------------------+ |
            | Options          | | Data                     | |
       . . .| Template FlowSet | | FlowSet                  | |
            | (1 Template)     | | (2 Options Data Records) | |
            +------------------+ +--------------------------+ |
       . . .--------------------------------------------------+

   Src IP addr. | Dst IP addr. | Next Hop addr. | Packet | Bytes
                |              |                | Number | Number
   --------------------------------------------------------------- |  |    | 5009   | 5344385 |   |    | 748    | 388934 |   |    | 5      | 6534

      |   8    |  4 |  4 |   8    | 8  |       64       |    32    |
      |11111111|flgs|scop|reserved|plen| network prefix | group ID |

      |   8    |  4 |  4 |  4 |  4 | 8  |       64       |    32    |
      |11111111|flgs|scop|rsvd|RIID|plen| network prefix | group ID |
      flgs is a set of four flags:    |0|R|P|T|

      | 20 bits | 4  | 8  |       64       |    32    |
      |xtra bits|RIID|plen| network prefix | group ID |
                  ||    \\  vvvvvvvvvvv
                  ||     ``====> copy plen bits of "network prefix"
                  ||       +------------+--------------------------+
                  ||       | network pre| 0000000000000000000000   |
                  ||       +------------+--------------------------+
                    ``=================> copy RIID to the last 4 bits
                           | network pre| 0000000000000000000 |RIID|

                Local Domain                  Home Domain
              +--------------+           +----------------------+
              |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
              |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
              |   | AAAL |   |           |   | AAAH |           |
              |   |      +-------------------+      |           |
              |   +---+--+   |           |   +------+           |
              |       |      |           |                      |
              |       |      |           +----------------------+
   +------+   |   +---+--+   |
   |      |   |   |      |   |       MN   =  mobile node
   |  MN  |- -|- -|  FA  |   |       FA   =  foreign agent
   |      |   |   |      |   |       AAAL =  local authority
   +------+   |   +------+   |       AAAH =  home authority
              |              |

                               +------+              +------+
                               |      |              |      |
                               | AAAL +--------------+ AAAH |
                               |      |              |      |
                               +---+--+              +--+---+
                                   |                    |
                                   |                    |
                               +---+--+              +--+---+
   MN   =  mobile node         |      |              |      |
   FA   =  foreign agent       |  FA  |              |  MN  |
   AAAL =  local authority     |      |              |      |
   AAAH =  home authority      +------+              +------+

   MN                     FA                  AAA Infrastructure
    |                       |                           |
    |<--- Advertisement-----|                           |
    |      (if needed)      |                           |
    |                       |                           |
    |-- RReq+AAA Key Req.-->|                           |
    |                       |--- RReq + AAA Key Req.--->|
    |                       |                           |
    |                       |<--- RRep + AAA Key Rep.---|
    |<-- RRep+AAA Key Rep.--|                           |
    |                       |                           |

   MN                     FA                  AAA Infrastructure
    |                       |                           |
    |<--- Advertisement-----|                           |
    |      (if needed)      |                           |
    |                       |                           |
    | ------ RReq --------->|                           |
    |                       |------- RReq ------------->|
    |                       |                           |
    |                       |<--- RRep + AAA Key Rep.---|
    |<-- RRep+AAA Key Rep.--|                           |
    |                       |                           |

   Client   NS for                NS for
            thinkingcat.example   example.com    backup.em.example.com
                |                     |                  |
     1 -------->|                     |                  |
     2 <--------|                     |                  |
     3 ------------------------------>|                  |
     4 <------------------------------|                  |
     5 ------------------------------>|                  |
     6 <------------------------------|                  |
     7 ------------------------------>|                  |
     8 <------------------------------|                  |
     9 ------------------------------------------------->|
    10 <-------------------------------------------------|
    11 ------------------------------------------------->|
    12 <-------------------------------------------------|

      A                           B
      |                           |
      |--------(1) INVITE-------->|
      |            offer          |
      |                           |
      |<--(2) Session Progress----|
      |       early-offer         |
      |       answer              |
      |                           |
      |---------(3) PRACK-------->|
      |             early-answer  |
      |                           |
      |<--------(4) 200 OK--------|
      |                           |
      |  *                     *  |
      | ************************* |
      |*       Early Media       *|
      | ************************* |
      |  *                     *  |
      |                           |
      |<--------(5) 200 OK--------|
      |                           |
      |----------(6) ACK--------->|
      |                           |

                  |confounder | checksum | msg-seq | pad |

  |               protocol key format        128- or 256-bit string    |
  |                                                                    |
  |            string-to-key function        PBKDF2+DK with variable   |
  |                                          iteration count (see      |
  |                                          above)                    |
  |                                                                    |
  |  default string-to-key parameters        00 00 10 00               |
  |                                                                    |
  |        key-generation seed length        key size                  |
  |                                                                    |
  |            random-to-key function        identity function         |
  |                                                                    |
  |                  hash function, H        SHA-1                     |
  |                                                                    |
  |               HMAC output size, h        12 octets (96 bits)       |
  |                                                                    |
  |             message block size, m        1 octet                   |
  |                                                                    |
  |  encryption/decryption functions,        AES in CBC-CTS mode       |
  |  E and D                                 (cipher block size 16     |
  |                                          octets), with next-to-    |
  |                                          last block (last block    |
  |                                          if only one) as CBC-style |
  |                                          ivec                      |

    .--------.           _----_          .--------.
    |  6to4  |         _( IPv4 )_        |  6to4  |
    | router | <====> ( Internet ) <===> | router |
    '--------'         (_      _)        '--------'
        ^                '----'              ^
        |      Direct tunneling over IPv4    |
        V                                    V
    .--------.                           .-------.
    |  6to4  |                           |  6to4  |
    |  host  |                           |  host  |
    '--------'                           '--------'

                                     Closest to
                                 "Native IPv6 node"
    .--------.       _----_        .------------.            .--------.
    | Native |     _( IPv6 )_      | 6to4 relay |  Tunneled  |  6to4  |
    | IPv6   | -> ( Internet ) --> | router     | =========> | router |
    | node   |     (_      _)      '------------'  '--------'
    '--------'       '----'  dst_v6=2002:0900:0001::1            |
                                                             |  6to4  |
                                                             |  host  |

                                 found by IPv4 Anycast
    .--------.       _----_        .------------.            .--------.
    | Native |     _( IPv6 )_      | 6to4 relay |  Tunneled  |  6to4  |
    | Client | <- ( Internet ) <-- | router     | <========= | router |
    '--------'     (_      _)      '------------''--------'
   2001:db8::1       '----'                     (or configured)   ^
                                                             |  6to4  |
                                                             | client |

    2001:db8:0:10::/60                   2001:db8:0:20::/60
       .--------.                           .--------.
      ( Branch 1 )                         ( Branch 2 )
       '--------'                           '--------'
           |                                     |
       .--------.           _----_          .--------.
       |  6to4  |         _( IPv4 )_        |  6to4  |
       | router | <====> ( Internet ) <===> | router |
       '--------'         (_      _)        '--------'             '----'  
                          |  6to4  |
                          | router |
                              |        2001:db8::/48
                       ( Main Office )
                          _( IPv6 )_
                         ( Internet )
                          (_      _)

   Header Field                  Parameter Name   Predefined  Reference
   Accept                        q                    No     [RFC 3261]
   Accept-Encoding               q                    No     [RFC 3261]
   Accept-Language               q                    No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 algorithm           Yes     [RFC 3261]
                                                            [[RFC 3310]]
   Authorization                 auts                 No     [RFC 3310]
   Authorization                 cnonce               No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 nc                   No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 nonce                No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 opaque               No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 qop                 Yes     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 realm                No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 response             No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 uri                  No     [RFC 3261]
   Authorization                 username             No     [RFC 3261]
   Authentication-Info           cnonce               No     [RFC 3261]
   Authentication-Info           nc                   No     [RFC 3261]
   Authentication-Info           nextnonce            No     [RFC 3261]
   Authentication-Info           qop                 Yes     [RFC 3261]
   Authentication-Info           rspauth              No     [RFC 3261]
   Call-Info                     purpose             Yes     [RFC 3261]
   Contact                       expires              No     [RFC 3261]
   Contact                       q                    No     [RFC 3261]
   Content-Disposition           handling            Yes     [RFC 3261]
   Event                         id                   No     [RFC 3265]
   From                          tag                  No     [RFC 3261]
   P-Access-Network-Info         cgi-3gpp             No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Access-Network-Info         utran-cell-id-3gpp   No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Charging-Function-Addresses ccf                  No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Charging-Function-Addresses ecf                  No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Charging-Vector             icid-value           No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Charging-Vector             icid-generated-at    No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Charging-Vector             orig-ioi             No     [RFC 3455]
   P-Charging-Vector             term-ioi             No     [RFC 3455]

      Parameter Name  Predefined Values  Reference
      comp                   Yes        [RFC 3486]
      lr                      No        [RFC 3261]
      maddr                   No        [RFC 3261]
      method                 Yes        [RFC 3261]
      transport              Yes        [RFC 3261]
      ttl                     No        [RFC 3261]
      user                   Yes        [RFC 3261]

                       <------------NDP Message---------------->
   | IPv6 Header      | ICMPv6   | ND Message- | ND Message      |
   | Next Header = 58 | Header   | specific    | Options         |
   | (ICMPv6)         |          | data        |                 |
                       <--NDP Message header-->

          +-------------+                        +-------------+
          |             |     olist == NULL      |             |
          |   Forward   |----------------------->|   Pruned    |
          |             |                        |             |
          +-------------+                        +-------------+
               ^   |                                  ^   |
               |   |                                  |   |
               |   |RPF`(S) Changes      olist == NULL|   |
               |   |                                  |   |
               |   |         +-------------+          |   |
               |   +-------->|             |----------+   |
               |             | AckPending  |              |
               +-------------|             |<-------------+
             Rcv GraftAck OR +-------------+ olist != NULL
           Rcv State Refresh
              With (P==0) OR
          S Directly Connect

            +-------------+                        +-------------+
            |             |      PPT Expires       |             |
            |PrunePending |----------------------->|   Pruned    |
            |             |                        |             |
            +-------------+                        +-------------+
                 |   ^                                      |
                 |   |                                      |
                 |   |Rcv Prune                             |
                 |   |                                      |
                 |   |         +-------------+              |
                 |   +---------|             |              |
                 |             |   NoInfo    |<-------------+
                 +------------>|             | Rcv Join/Graft OR
             Rcv Join/Graft OR +-------------+ PT Expires OR
           RPF_Interface(S)->I                 RPF_Interface(S)->I

            +-------------+  Rcv Directly From S   +-------------+
            |             |----------------------->|             |
            |NotOriginator|                        | Originator  |
            |             |<-----------------------|             |
            +-------------+     SAT Expires OR     +-------------+
                             S NOT Direct Connect

         +-------------+                        +-------------+
         |             | Rcv Pref Assert or SR  |             |
         |   Winner    |----------------------->|    Loser    |
         |             |                        |             |
         +-------------+                        +-------------+
              ^   |                                  ^   |
              |   |                Rcv Pref Assert or|   |
              |   |AT Expires OR        State Refresh|   |
              |   |CouldAssert->FALSE                |   |
              |   |                                  |   |
              |   |         +-------------+          |   |
              |   +-------->|             |----------+   |
              |             |   No Info   |              |
              +-------------|             |<-------------+
       Rcv Data from dnstrm +-------------+ Rcv Inf Assert from Win OR
     OR Rcv Inferior Assert                 Rcv Inf SR from Winner OR
         OR Rcv Inferior SR                 AT Expires OR
                                            CouldAssert Changes OR
                                            Winner's NLT Expires

Timer Name: Upstream Override Timer (OT(S,G))
| Value Name | Value          | Explanation                            |
| t_override | rand(0, OI(I)) | Randomized delay to prevent response   |
|            |                | implosion when sending a join message  |
|            |                | to override someone else's prune       |

Timer Name: Prune Limit Timer (PLT(S,G))
| Value Name | Value              | Explanation                        |
| t_limit    | Default: 210 secs  | Used to prevent Prune storms on a  |
|            |                    | LAN                                |

                          |           |
                          |    SCP    |
                          |           |
                               /  \
                              /    \
                             / INAP \
                            /        \
                           /          \
                  +--------+  ISUP   +--------+
                  |  SSP   |*********|  SSP   |
                  +--------+         +--------+

                        | SCP   |
                            | INAP
                        | SIN    |
                        |  SIP   |
             ---------->| Entity |--------->
             Requests   |        | Requests out
             in         +--------+ (after applying IN

                  |  SCP  |
                  * +-------|-------------------+              *
                  * |+------o------+            |              *
                  * ||  SSF(IP)    |            |              *
                  * |+-------------+            |              *
                  * ||  CCF(IP)    |            |              *
                  * |+------o------+            |              *
                  * +-------|-------------------+              *
                  *         |                      SIN-enabled *
                  * +-------o-------------------+  SIP         *
                  * |      SIP Layer            |  Entity      *
                  * +---------------------------+              *

           | INVITE
      +---------+                        +---------------+
      | Calling +=======================>+ O_NULL        +<----+
      +--+---/\-+                        +-/\---+--------+     |
      |  |   ||    +-------------+         |    |              |
      |  |   ||<===+O_Exception  +---------+ +--V-+         +--+-+
      |  |   ||    +--/\---------+           |DP 1|         |DP21|
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +-----+----+------+  +--+-+
      |  |   ||       +<---+DP 2|<-----+ Auth_Orig._Att  +---->+
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +--------+--------+     |
      |  |   ||       |                         |              |
      |  |   ||       |                      +--V-+            |
      |  |   ||       |                      |DP 3|            |
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +-----+----+------+     |
      |  |   ||       +<---+DP 4|<-----+ Collect_Info    +---->+
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +--------+--------+     |
      |  |   ||       |                         |              |
      |  |   ||       |                      +--V-+            |
      |  |   ||       |                      |DP 5|            |
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +-----+----+------+     |
      |  |   ||       +<---+DP 6|<-----+ Analyze_Info    +---->+
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +--------+--------+     |
      |  |   ||       |                         |              |
      |  |   ||       |                      +--V-+            |
      |  |   ||       |                      |DP 7|            |
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +-----+----+------+     |
      |  |   ||       +<---+DP 8|<-----+ Select_Route    +---->+
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +--------+--------+     |
      |  |   ||       |                         |              |
      |  |   ||       |                      +--V-+            |
      |  |   ||       |                      |DP 9|            |
      |  |   ||       |    +----+      +-----+----+------+     |
      |  |   ||       +<---+DP10|<-----+ Auth._Call_Setup+---->+
      |  |   ||            +----+      +--------+--------+
 +----+  |   ||                                 |
 |       |   ||                              +--V-+
 |       |   ||                              |DP11|
 |   1xx |   ||                        +-----+----+------+
 |       |   ++========================+ Call_Sent       |
 |       |                             +----/\----+------+
 |       |     On 100,180,2xx process DP14  ||      |
 |       |     On 3xx, process DP12         ||      |
 |       V     On 486, process DP13         ||      |
 |    +--+-------+ On 5xx, 6xx and 4xx      ||      |
 |    |Proceeding| (except 486) process DP21||      |

 |    +-+-+------+<=========================++      |
 |      | |                                         |
 |      | |                                         |
 |      | |                                         |
 |      | +--200------------------+                 |
 |      +----4xx to 6xx--------+  |                 |
 |                             |  |              +--V-+
 | On DPs 21, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10   |  |              |DP14|
 | send 4xx-6xx final response |  |     +--------+----+--+
 +-------+                     |  |     | O_Alerting     |
         |                     |  |     +---------+------+
      +--V-------+             |  |               |
      |Completed |<------------+  |            +--V-+
      +--+-------+                |            |DP16|
         |                        |     +------+----+----+
      +--V-------+                |   +-+ O_Active       |
      |Terminated|<---------------+   | +-------------+--+
      +----------+                    |               |
                                +-----+            +--V-+
                                |                  |DP19|
                             +--V-+       +--------+----+
                             |DP17|       | O_Disconnect|
                             +--+-+       +-------------+
                           To O_EXCEPTION

        | INVITE
   +----------+                          +------------+
   |Proceeding+=========================>+ T_Null     +<-------+
   +-+--+--/\-+                          +/\----+-----+        |
     |  |  ||        +-----------+        |     |              |
     |  |  ||<=======+T_Exception+--------+  +--V-+         +--+-+
     |  |  ||        +-/\--------+           |DP22|         |DP35|
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +---+----+------+  +--+-+
     |  |  ||          +<---+DP23|<------+Auth._Term._Att+---->+
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +------+--------+     |
     |  |  ||          |                        |              |
     |  |  ||          |                     +--V-+            |
     |  |  ||          |                     |DP24|            |
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +---+----+------+     |
     |  |  ||          +<---+DP25|<------+Select_Facility+---->+
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +------+--------+     |
     |  |  ||          |                        |              |
     |  |  ||          |                     +--V-+            |
     |  |  ||          |                     |DP26|            |
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +---+----+------+     |
     |  |  ||          +<---+DP27|<------+ Present_Call  +---->+
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +------+--------+     |
     |  |  ||          |                        |              |
     |  |  ||          |                     +--V-+            |
     |  |  ||          |                     |DP28|            |
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +---+----+------+     |
     |  |  ||          +<---+DP29|<------+ T_Alerting    +---->+
     |  |  ||          |    +----+       +-/\--+---------+     |
     |  |  ||          +<--------------+   ||   |              |
     |  |  ||                          |   ||   |              |
     |  |  ++==========================|===++   |              |
     |  |  /\                  +-------+     +--V-+            |
     |  |  ||                  |             +DP30|            |
     |  |  ||                +-+--+      +---+----+------+     |
     |  |  ||                |DP31+<-----| T_Active      +---->+
     |  |  ||                +----+      +-/\-----+------+
     |  |  ||                              ||      |
     |  |  ||                              ||      |
2xx  |  |  ++==============================++      |
sent |  |                                          |
+----+  | 3xx - 6xx response                    +--V-+
|       | sent                                  |DP33|

|  +----V-----+                          +------+----+----+
|  |Completed |                          | T_Disconnect   |
|  +----+-----+                          +----------------+
|       |
|       | ACK received
|       |
|  +----V-----+
|  |Confirmed |
|  +----+-----+
|       |

          SCSI Transport Protocol     Naming Format
      |                            | EUI-64| NAA |IQN |
      |    iSCSI (Internet SCSI)   |   X   |     | X  |
      |     FCP (Fibre Channel)    |       |  X  |    |
      | SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) |       |  X  |    |
      |    SRP (for InfiniBand)    |   X   |     |    |

         Type  NAA identifier (ASCII-encoded hexadecimal)
         |  ||              |

         Type  NAA identifier (ASCII-encoded hexadecimal)
         |  ||                              |

       ...  N58 N59 I00 N01 N02 R03 N04 N05 R06 ... N58 N59 I00 N01 ...
       ... --|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ... -|---|---|---|- ...
       ...  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  ... 128 129 130 131 ...

                ... N58 N59 I00 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...
                ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
                ... 60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  ...

                ... N58 N59 I00 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...
                ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
                ... 60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  ...

                    ... N58 N59 I00 N01 N02 R03 N04 N05 R06 ...
                    ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
                    ... 61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  ...

                       ...  I00 N58 N59 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...
                       ... --|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
                       ...  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  ...

                            ... N58 N59 I00 R03 N01 N02 R06 N04 N05 ...
                            ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
                            ... 63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  ...

                                ... N58 N59 I00 N01 N02 R03 N04 N05 ...
                                ... -|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|- ...
                                ... 64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  ...

            |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
            |                                                  |
            |          |<------- Pseudo Wire ------>|          |
            |          |                            |          |
            |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
            |          V    V                  V    V          |
            V    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   V
      +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
      |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
      | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
      |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
      +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
            ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
            |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
            |  |                                            |  |
      Customer |                                            | Customer
      Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
         Native service                               Native service

                    End Service
                        |<------- Pseudo Wire ------>|
                        |                            |
                        |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |
                        V    V                  V    V     PW
                  +-----+----+                  +----+ End Service
       +-----+    |PREP | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
       |     |    |     |............PW1.............|----------|     |
       | CE1 |----|     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
       |     | ^  |     |............PW2.............|----------|     |
       +-----+ |  |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
               |  +-----+----+                  +----+     | |
               |        ^                                  | |
               |        |                                  | |
               |        |<------- Emulated Service ------->| |
               |        |                                    |
               | Virtual physical                            |
               |  termination                                |
               |        ^                                    |
          CE1 native    |                                CE2 native
           service      |                                service
                   CE2 native

                |                PE Device               |
        AC      |      |          |        Single        | PW Instance
        <------>o  NSP #          +      PW Instance     X<===========>
                |      |          |                      |
                |------|          |----------------------|
                |      |          |        Single        | PW Instance
        <------>o  NSP #Forwarder +      PW Instance     X<===========>
                |      |          |                      |
                |------|          |----------------------|
                |      |          |        Single        | PW Instance
        <------>o  NSP #          +      PW Instance     X<===========>
                |      |          |                      |

     H             Forwarder                H<----Pre-processing
     H Native Service H   |                 |
     H  Processing    H   |                 |
     \================/   |                 |
     |                |   | Emulated        |
     | Service        |   | Service         |
     | Interface      |   | (TDM, ATM,      |
     | (TDM, ATM,     |   | Ethernet,       |<== Emulated Service ==
     | Ethernet,      |   | Frame Relay,    |
     | Frame Relay,   |   | etc.)           |
     | etc.)          |   +-----------------+
     |                |   |    Payload      |
     |                |   | Encapsulation   |<=== Pseudo Wire ======
     |                |   +-----------------+
     |                |   |PW Demultiplexer |
     |                |   |  PSN Tunnel,    |
     |                |   | PSN & Physical  |<=== PSN Tunnel =======
     |                |   |    Headers      |
     +----------------+   +-----------------+
     |   Physical     |   |   Physical      |
     +-------+--------+   +-------+---------+
             |                    |
             |                    |
             |                    |
             |                    |
             |                    |
             |                    |
   To CE <---+                    +---> To PSN

    Service MIBs    ...           ...               ...
                     |             |                 |
               +-----------+ +-----------+     +-----------+
     Service   |    CEP    | | Ethernet  |     |    ATM    |
      Layer    |Service MIB| |Service MIB| ... |Service MIB|
               +-----------+ +-----------+     +-----------+
                       \           |             /
                         \         |           /
   - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - | - - - - / - - - - - - -
                             \     |       /
    Generic PW |            Generic PW MIBs                |
      Layer    +-------------------------------------------+
                            /             \
   - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - -
                         /                     \
                       /                         \
               +--------------+             +----------------+
     PSN VC    |L2TP VC MIB(s)|             | MPLS VC MIB(s) |
      Layer    +--------------+             +----------------+
                      |                              |
     Native     +-----------+                  +-----------+
      PSN       |L2TP MIB(s)|                  |MPLS MIB(s)|
      MIBs      +-----------+                  +-----------+

         \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
          |           |            |            |        |
       scheme     authority       path        query   fragment
          |   _____________________|__
         / \ /                        \

         |  .----------------------------------------------------.  |
         |  |  .----------------------------------------------.  |  |
         |  |  |  .----------------------------------------.  |  |  |
         |  |  |  |  .----------------------------------.  |  |  |  |
         |  |  |  |  |       <relative-reference>       |  |  |  |  |
         |  |  |  |  `----------------------------------'  |  |  |  |
         |  |  |  | (5.1.1) Base URI embedded in content   |  |  |  |
         |  |  |  `----------------------------------------'  |  |  |
         |  |  | (5.1.2) Base URI of the encapsulating entity |  |  |
         |  |  |         (message, representation, or none)   |  |  |
         |  |  `----------------------------------------------'  |  |
         |  | (5.1.3) URI used to retrieve the entity            |  |
         |  `----------------------------------------------------'  |
         | (5.1.4) Default Base URI (application-dependent)         |

         LSR  |  Link  |  Hop MTU  |  Recvd MTU  |  LSP MTU
          F   |    -   |    65535  |      -      |    65535
          E   |    R   |     4466  |  F:  65535  |     4466
          D   |    Q   |     4466  |  E:   4466  |     4466
          C   |    P   |     1496  |  E:   4466  |     1496
          B   |    M   |     4466  |  C:   1496  |
              |    N   |     1496  |  D:   4466  |     1496
          A   |    L   |     9212  |  B:   1496  |     1496
                              Table 1

         LSR  |  Link  |  Hop MTU  |  Recvd MTU  |  LSP MTU
          F   |    -   |    65535  |      -      |    65535
          E   |    R   |     4466  |  F:  65535  |     4466
          D   |    Q   |     4466  |  E:   4466  |     4466
          C   |    P   |     1496  |  E:   4466  |     1496
          B   |    T   |     1492  |  E:   4466  |
              |    N   |     1496  |  D:   4466  |     1492
          A   |    L   |     9212  |  B:   1492  |     1492
                              Table 2

             agent                                       middlebox
               | session establishment request               |
               |  (with middlebox challenge mc)              | CLOSED
               |                                             |
               | successful reply (with middlebox            |
               |  authentication ma and agent challenge ac)  |
               |                                             | NOAUTH
               | session establishment request               |
               |  (with agent authentication aa)             |
               |                                             |
               | successful reply                            |
               |                                             | OPEN
               |                                             |

       +----------+                                 +----------+
       | internal | A0    A1 +-----------+ A2    A3 | external |
       | endpoint +----------+ middlebox +----------+ endpoint |
       +----------+          +-----------+          +----------+

                         PRR/success   +---------------+
                     +-----------------+  PRID UNUSED  |<-+
           +----+    |                 +---------------+  |
           |    |    |                   ^   |            |
           |    v    v                   |   |            |
           |  +-------------+    ARE     |   | PER/       | ARE
           |  |   RESERVED  +------------+   | success    | RLC(lt=0)/
           |  +-+----+------+  RLC(lt=0)/    |            |  success
           |    |    |          success      |            |
           +----+    |                       v            |
         RLC(lt>0)/  | PER/success     +---------------+  |
          success    +---------------->|    ENABLED    +--+
                                         |           ^
             lt = lifetime               +-----------+

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                      GL                       |
          |   (agent1,GID1) (agent1,GID2) (agent2,GID3)   |
          |                                               |
          |                   GS GID2                     |
          |    agent1  lifetime  PID1  PID2  PID3  PID4   |
          |                                               |

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                   PRS PID2                    |
          |       agent1  GID2  ENABLE  UDP  1  IN        |
          | IPADR_INT   PORT_INT1   IPADR_EXT   ANY       |
          | IPADR_EXT   ANY         IPADR_OUT   PORT_OUT2 |
          |                                               |

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                   PRS PID3                    |
          |       agent1  GID2  ENABLE  UDP  1  OUT       |
          |                                               |

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                   PRS PID4                    |
          |       agent1  GID2  ENABLE  TCP  1  BI        |
          |                                               |

               | SIP Proxy   |
               | for domain  ++++
               | example.com |  +
               +-------------+  +
                    ^   ^       +
        Private     |   |       +     Public Network
        Network     |   |       +
      +----------+  |   |  +----+------+         +----------------+
      | SIP User |<-+   +->| Middlebox |<------->| SIP User Agent |
      | Agent A  |<#######>|   NAPT    |<#######>| B@example.org  |
      +----------+         +-----------+         +----------------+

   User Agent       SIP                        Middlebox   User Agent
    A              Proxy                          NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
    | INIVTE         |                              |              |
    | B@example.org  |                              |              |
    | SDP:m=..P_AI.. |                              |              |
    |     c=IP_AI    |                              |              |
    |--------------->|                              |              |
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |  PER PID1 UDP 1 EVEN IN      |              |
    |                |   IP_AI P_AI ANY ANY 300s    |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |    PER OK GID1 PID1 ANY ANY  |              |
    |                |       IP_AE P_AE1 300s       |              |

   User Agent       SIP                        Middlebox   User Agent
    A              Proxy                          NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
       ...PER in Figure 11 has failed, continuing with PRR ...
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |PRR tw v4 v4 A UDP 1 EVEN 300s|              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                | PRR OK PID1 GID1 EMPTY       |              |
    |                |  IP_AE/P_AE 300s             |              |
    |                |                              |              |
    |                | INVITE B@example.org SDP:m=..P_AE.. c=IP_AE |
    |                |-------------------------------------------->|
    |                |<--------------------------------------------|
    |                |       200 OK  SDP:m=..P_B.. c=IP_B          |

   User Agent       SIP                        Middlebox   User Agent
    A              Proxy                          NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |  PER PID1 UDP 1 SAME IN      |              |
    |                |   IP_AI P_AI IP_B ANY 300s   |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |    PER OK GID1 PID1 IP_B ANY |              |
    |                |       IP_AE P_AE1 300s       |              |
    |                |                              |              |
            ...media stream from user agent B to A enabled...
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |  PER GID1 UDP 1 SAME OUT     |              |
    |                |    IP_AI ANY IP_B P_B 300s   |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |   PER OK GID1 PID2 IP_B P_B  |              |
    |                |       IP_AE P_AE2 300s       |              |
    |                |                              |              |
             ...media streams from both directions enabled...
    |                |                              |              |
    |    200 OK      |                              |              |
    |<---------------|                              |              |
    | SDP:m=..P_B..  |                              |              |
    |     c=IP_B     |                              |              |

   User Agent       SIP                        Middlebox   User Agent
    A              Proxy                          NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
    |     BYE        |                     BYE                     |
    |                |                              |              |
    |    200 OK      |                   200 OK                    |
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |         GLC GID1 0s          |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |         GLC OK 0s            |              |
    |                |                              |              |
       ...both NAT bindings for the media streams are removed...

       0     1     2     3     4     5
       |Code | Len | Subscriber-ID string ...

                      ||           ||
               +------>|   idle    |<--------+
               |      ||           ||        |
               |      |+-----------+|        |
               |      +------+------+        |
   content     |             |               | idle timeout
   msg. sent   |             | composing     | w/o activity
   ----------- |             | ------------- | ------------------
    --         |             | "active" msg. | "idle" status msg.
               |             |               |
               |      +------V------+        |
               |      |             |        |
               |      |             |        |
               |      |             |        |
               +------+   active    +--------+
                      |             |
                      |             |------+
                      +------^------+      | refresh timeout
                             |             | --------------------
                             |             | "active" status msg.

                           ||           ||
                    +------>|   idle    |<------+
                    |      ||           ||      |
                    |      |+-----------+|      |
                    |      +------+------+      |
                    |             |             |
       "idle" recd. |             |"active" msg.| refresh timeout
   or content recd. |             |             | or 120s
                    |             |             |
                    |      +------V------+      |
                    |      |             |      |
                    |      |             |      |
                    |      |             |      |
                    +------+   active    +------+
                           |             |
                           |             |

                                        output device or server
   PDA, desktop, or server                 +---------------+
        +--------+                         |  ###########  |
        | client |-----Subscription ---------># Printer #  |
        +--------+  Creation Operation     |  # Object  #  |
     +------------+                        |  #####|#####  |
     |Notification|                        +-------|-------+
     |Recipient   |<----IPP Event Notifications----+
     +------------+    (Job and/or Printer Events)

                                            * Printer in combination
                                            * with the distributed
                                            * Notification Server)
                                            * output device or server
                                            * +---------------+
      PDA, desktop, or server               * +  ###########  +
           +--------+                       * |  #         #  |
           | client |---IPP Subscription--------># Printer #  |
           +--------+   Creation operation  * |  # Object  #  |
                                            * |  #####|#####  |
                                            * +-------|-------+
                                            *         | Subscriptions
                                            *         | OR Event
        +------------+                      *         | Notifications
        |Notification|   IPP-defined        *  +------v--------+
        |Recipient   |<--Event Notifications---| Notification  |
        +------------+                      *  | Server        |
                                            *  +---------------+
   *** = Implementation configuration opaque boundary

      PDA, desktop, or server                    server or output device
          +--------+                                  |  ###########  |
          | client |---Subscription Creation -----------># Printer #  |
          +--------+       Operation                  |  # Object  #  |
                                                      |  #####|#####  |
   +------------+     +------------+   IPP-defined    +-------|-------+
   |Ultimate    | any |Notification|<--Event Notifications----+
   |Notification|<----|Recipient   |
   |Recipient   |     +------------+
   +------------+     (Notification Server)

                                                  Output Device
                                                |  ###########  |
    O   +--------+                              |  # (Leaf)  #  |
   /|\  | client |------------IPP-----------------># Printer #  |
   / \  +--------+                              |  # Object  #  |
                                                |  ###########  |

                             ###########          Output Device
    O   +--------+           # (Leaf)  #        +---------------+
   /|\  | client |---IPP----># Printer #---any->|               |
   / \  +--------+           # object  #        |               |
                             ###########        +---------------+

                                                |               |
                                             +->| Output Device |
                             ########### any/   |               |
    O   +--------+           # (Leaf)  #   /    +---------------+
   /|\  | client |---IPP----># Printer #--*
   / \  +--------+           # Object  #   \    +---------------+
                             ########### any\   |               |
                                             +->| Output Device |
                                                |               |

                             ###########           ###########
    O   +--------+           # Non-Leaf#           # subord. #
   /|\  | client |---IPP----># Printer #---IPP----># Printer #
   / \  +--------+           # object  #           # object  #
                             ###########           ###########

                  /                           +---># subord. #
                 /                           /     # Printer #
                /            ###########   IPP     # object  #
    O   +--------+           # Non-Leaf#   /       ###########
   /|\  | client |---IPP----># Printer #--*
   / \  +--------+           # object  #   \
                \            ###########   IPP     ###########
                 \                           \     # subord. #
                  \                           +---># Printer #
                   +------IPP---------------------># object  #

                             # Non-Leaf#
                        +---># Printer #-+
                       /     # object  #  \
                     IPP     ###########   \       ###########
    O   +--------+   /                      +-IPP-># subord. #
   /|\  | client |--+-----------IPP---------------># Printer #
   / \  +--------+   \                      +-IPP-># object  #
                     IPP     ###########   /       ###########
                       \     # Non-Leaf#  /
                        +---># Printer #-+
                             # object  #