Visited Realm                   Home Realm
            +-----------+                     +-----------+
            ||       AMR/AMA       ||
            |   AAAF    |<------------------->|    AAAH   |
         +->|  server   |    server-server    |   server  |
         |  +-----------+    communication    +-----------+
         |           ^                           ^
         | AMR/AMA   |    client-server          | HAR/HAA
         |           |    communication          |
         v           v                           v
   +---------+    +---------+                +---------+
   | Foreign |    | Foreign |                |  Home   |
   |  Agent  |    |  Agent  |                |  Agent  |
   +---------+    +---------+                +---------+
                     | Mobile IP
                  | Mobile |
                  | Node   |

              STR, Session-Id = foo       STR, Session-Id = bar
              --------------------->      <--------------------
         +----+      +------+      +------+                    +----+
         | FA |      | AAAF |      | AAAH |                    | HA |
         +----+      +------+      +------+                    +----+
              <---------------------      --------------------->
              STA, Session-Id = foo       STA, Session-Id = bar

                          DCC (Sub-)Session
         +------------+-----------+-------------+--------------- +
         |            |           |             |                |
   Service-Id a Service-Id b Service-Id c Service-Id d.....Service-Id z
        \        /                 \         /                /
         \      /                   \       /                /
          \    /                  Rating-Group 1.......Rating-Group n
           \  /                         |                    |
          Quota       ---------------Quota                 Quota
            |        /                                       |
            |       /                                        |
         Credit-Pool                                    Credit-Pool

   End User        Service Element        AAA Server         CC Server
                     (CC Client)
      | Registration      | AA request/answer(accounting,cc or both)|
      |<----------------->|<------------------>|                    |
      |        :          |                    |                    |
      |        :          |                    |                    |
      | Service Request   |                    |                    |
      |------------------>|                    |                    |
      |                   | CCR(Initial,Credit-Control AVPs)        |
      |                  +|---------------------------------------->|
      |         CC stream||                    |  CCA(Granted-Units)|
      |                  +|<----------------------------------------|
      | Service Delivery  |                    |                    |
      |<----------------->| ACR(start,Accounting AVPs)              |
      |         :         |------------------->|+                   |
      |         :         |                ACA || Accounting stream |
      |                   |<-------------------|+                   |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |                   | CCR(Update,Used-Units)                  |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |                    |  CCA(Granted-Units)|
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      | End of Service    |                    |                    |
      |------------------>| CCR(Termination, Used-Units)            |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |                    |               CCA  |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      |                   | ACR(stop)          |                    |
      |                   |------------------->|                    |
      |                   |                ACA |                    |
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |

                    Service Element         Diameter
   End User          (CC Client)           AAA Server          CC Server
      | Service Request   | AA Request (CC AVPs)                    |
      |------------------>|------------------->|                    |
      |                   |                    | CCR(Initial, CC AVPs)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |    CCA(Granted-Units)
      |                   |                    |<-------------------|
      |                   | AA Answer(Granted-Units)                |
      | Service Delivery  |<-------------------|                    |
      |<----------------->|                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |                   |                    |                    |
      |                   | CCR(Update,Used-Units)                  |
      |                   |------------------->| CCR(Update,Used-Units)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |  CCA(Granted-Units)|
      |                   |  CCA(Granted-Units)|<-------------------|
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      | End of Service    |                    |                    |
      |------------------>| CCR(Termination,Used-Units)             |
      |                   |------------------->| CCR(Term.,Used-Units)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |                CCA |
      |                   |                CCA |<-------------------|
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |

                   Service Element        AAA Server        CC Server
   End User         (CC Client)
      | Service Delivery  |                    |                    |
      |<----------------->|                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |                   |                    |                    |
      |                   | CCR(Update,Used-Units)                  |
      |                   |------------------->| CCR(Update,Used-Units)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                  CCA(Final-Unit, Terminate)
      |              CCA(Final-Unit, Terminate)|<-------------------|
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |  Disconnect user  |                    |                    |
      |<------------------| CCR(Termination,Used-Units)             |
      |                   |------------------->| CCR(Term.,Used-Units)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |                CCA |
      |                   |                CCA |<-------------------|
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      |                   | STR                |                    |
      |                   |------------------->|                    |
      |                   |               STA  |                    |
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |

   End User        Service Element         AAA Server          CC Server
                    (CC Client)
      |  Service Delivery |                    |                    |
      |<----------------->|                    |                    |
      |                   |CCR(Update,Used-Units)                   |
      |                   |------------------->|CCR(Update,Used-Units)
      |         :         |                    |------------------->|
      |         :         |                    |CCA(Final-Unit,Action)
      |         :         |                    |<-------------------|
      |                   |CCA(Final-Unit,Action)                   |
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      |                   |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      | ///////////////   |CCR(Update,Used-Units)                   |
      |/Final Units End/->|------------------->|CCR(Update,Used-Units)
      |/Action and    //  |                    |------------------->|
      |/Restrictions //   |                    |  CCA(Validity-Time)|
      |/Start       //    |  CCA(Validity-Time)|<-------------------|
      | /////////////     |<-------------------|                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |                 Replenish Account            +-------+      |
      |<-------------------------------------------->|Account|      |
      |                   |                    |     +-------+      |
      |                   |                    |                RAR |
      |                 + |                RAR |<===================|
      |                 | |<===================|                    |
      |                 | | RAA                |                    |
      |  /////////////  | |===================>| RAA                |
      | /If supported / | | CCR(Update)        |===================>|
      | /by CC Server/  | |===================>| CCR(Update)        |
      | /////////////   | |                    |===================>|
      |                 | |                    |   CCA(Granted-Unit)|
      |                 | |   CCA(Granted-Unit)|<===================|
      |  Restrictions ->+ |<===================|                    |
      |  removed          |                    |                    |
      |         :         |                    |                    |
      |        OR         | CCR(Update)        |                    |
      |   Validity-Time ->|------------------->| CCR(Update)        |
      |   expires         |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |   CCA(Granted-Unit)|
      |                   |   CCA(Granted-Unit)|<-------------------|
      |    Restrictions ->|<-------------------|                    |
      |    removed        |                    |                    |

   End User        Service Element        AAA Server        CC Server
                     (CC Client)
      | Service Request   |                    |                    |
      |------------------>|                    |                    |
      |                   | CCR(Event)         |                    |
      |                   |------------------->| CCR(Event)         |
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |  CCA(Granted-Units)|
      |                   |  CCA(Granted-Units)|<-------------------|
      |  Service Delivery |<-------------------|                    |
      |<----------------->|                    |                    |

      Service Element         Translation Agent
        (e.g., NAS)               (CC Client)             CC Server
            |     Access-Request     |                        |
            |----------------------->|                        |
            |                        |    CCR (initial)       |
            |                        |----------------------->|
            |                        |    CCA (Granted-Units) |
            |                        |<-----------------------|
            |     Access-Accept      |                        |
            |     (Granted-Units)    |                        |
            |<-----------------------|                        |
            :                        :                        :
            |     Access-Request     |                        |
            |     (Used-Units)       |                        |
            |----------------------->|                        |
            |                        |    CCR (update,        |
            |                        |         Used-Units)    |
            |                        |----------------------->|
            |                        |    CCA (Granted-Units) |
            |                        |<-----------------------|
            |     Access-Accept      |                        |
            |     (Granted-Units)    |                        |
            |<-----------------------|                        |
            :                        :                        :
            |     Access-Request     |                        |
            |----------------------->|                        |
            |                        |     CCR (terminate,    |
            |                        |          Used-Units)   |
            |                        |----------------------->|
            |                        |     CCA                |
            |                        |<-----------------------|
            |     Access-Accept      |                        |
            |<-----------------------|                        |
            |                        |                        |

   End User          (CC Client)         AAA Server           CC Server
      |(1)User Logon      |(2)AA Request (CC AVPs)                  |
      |------------------>|------------------->|                    |
      |                   |                    |(3)CCR(initial, CC AVPs)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    | (4)CCA(Granted-Units)
      |                   |                    |<-------------------|
      |                   |(5)AA Answer(Granted-Units)              |
      |(6)Access granted  |<-------------------|                    |
      |<----------------->|                    |                    |
      |                   |                    |                    |
      :                   :                    :                    :
      |                   |(7)CCR(update,Used-Units)                |
      |                   |------------------->|(8)CCR              |
      |                   |                    |   (update,Used-Units)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |(9)CCA(Granted-Units)
      |                   |(10)CCA(Granted-Units)<------------------|
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      :                   :                    :                    :
      |         (Auth. lifetime expires)       |                    |
      |                   |(11) AAR (CC AVP)   |                    |
      |                   |------------------->|                    |
      |                   |          (12) AAA  |                    |
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      :                   :                    :                    :
      :                   :                    :                    :
      |(13) User logoff   |                    |                    |
      |------------------>|(14)CCR(term.,Used-Units)                |
      |                   |------------------->|(15)CCR             |
      |                   |                    |   (term.,Used-Units)
      |                   |                    |------------------->|
      |                   |                    |            (16)CCA |
      |                   |            (17)CCA |<-------------------|
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |
      |                   |(18)STR             |                    |
      |                   |------------------->|                    |
      |                   |            (19)STA |                    |
      |                   |<-------------------|                    |

              SIP Proxy/Registrar   AAA
        A           (CC Client)     Server           B        CC Server
        |(i)  REGISTER |              |              |              |
        |------------->|(ii)          |              |              |
        |              |------------->|              |              |
        |              |authentication &             |              |
        |              |authorization |              |              |
        |              |<-------------|              |              |
        |(iii)200 OK   |                             |              |
        |<-------------|                             |              |
        :              :                             :              :
        |(1)  INVITE   |                                            :
        |              |(2)  CCR (Initial, SIP specific AVP)        |
        |              |------------------------------------------->|
        |              |(3)  CCA (Granted-Units)                    |
        |              |<-------------------------------------------|
        |              |(4)  INVITE                  |              |
        |              |---------------------------->|              |
        :              :                             :              :
        |              |(5)  CCR (update, Used-Units)               |
        |              |------------------------------------------->|
        |              |(6)  CCA (Granted-Units)                    |
        |              |<-------------------------------------------|
        :              :                             :              :
        |(7)  BYE      |                             |              |
        |------------->|                             |              |
        |              |(8)  BYE                     |              |
        |              |---------------------------->|              |
        |              |(9)  CCR (termination, Used-Units)          |
        |              |------------------------------------------->|
        |              |(10) CCA ()                                 |
        |              |<-------------------------------------------|
        |              |                             |              |

                          MMS Server
             A           (CC Client)           B           CC Server
             |(1) Send MMS    |                |                |
             |--------------->|                |                |
             |                |(2)  CCR (event, DIRECT_DEBITING,|
             |                |          MMS specific AVP)      |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(3)  CCA (Granted-Units)         |
             |                |<--------------------------------|
             |(4) Send MMS Ack|                |                |
             |<---------------|                |                |
             |                |(5) Notify MMS  |                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             :                :                :                :
             |                |(6) Retrieve MMS|                |
             |                |<---------------|                |
             |                |(7) Retrieve MMS|                |
             |                |    Ack         |                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             |                |                |                |

                          MMS Server
      Content Server     (CC Client)           B           CC Server
             |(1) Send MMS    |                |                |
             |--------------->|                |                |
             |                |(2)  CCR (event, CHECK_BALANCE,  |
             |                |          MMS specific AVP)      |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(3)  CCA (ENOUGH_CREDIT)         |
             |                |<--------------------------------|
             |(4) Send MMS Ack|                |                |
             |<---------------|                |                |
             |                |(5) Notify MMS  |                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             :                :                :                :
             |                |(6) Retrieve MMS|                |
             |                |<---------------|                |
             |                |(7)  CCR (event, DIRECT_DEBITING,|
             |                |          MMS specific AVP)      |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(8)  CCA (Granted-Units)         |
             |                |<--------------------------------|
             |                |(9) Retrieve MMS|                |
             |                |    Ack         |                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             |                |                |                |

                        SIP Controller
             A           (CC Client)           B           CC Server
             |(1)INVITE B(SDP)|                |                |
             |--------------->|                |                |
             |                |(2)  CCR (event, PRICE_ENQUIRY,  |
             |                |          SIP specific AVPs)     |
             |                |-------------------------------->|
             |                |(3)  CCA (Cost-Information)      |
             |                |<--------------------------------|
             | (4)MESSAGE(URL)|                |                |
             |<---------------|                |                |
             |(5)HTTP GET     |                |                |
             |--------------->|                |                |
             |(6)HTTP POST    |                |                |
             |--------------->|(7)INVITE(SDP)  |                |
             |                |--------------->|                |
             |                |      (8)200 OK |                |
             |      (9)200 OK |<---------------|                |
             |<---------------|                |                |

                             Gaming Server
      End User                (CC Client)              CC Server
         |  (1)Service Delivery   |                        |
         |<---------------------->|                        |
         :                        :                        :
         :                        :                        :
         |                        |(2)CCR(event,REFUND,Requested-
         |                        |Service-Unit,Service-Parameter-Info)
         |                        |----------------------->|
         |                        |  (3)CCA(Cost-Information)
         |                        |<-----------------------|
         |        (4)Notification |                        |
         |<-----------------------|                        |

                  SIP Controller    Top-Up
        A          (CC Client)      Server           B      CC Server
        |               |              |             |              |
        |               | (1) CCR(Update,Used-Unit)  |              |
        |               |------------------------------------------>|
        |               |              (2) CCA(Final-Unit, Redirect)|
        |               |<------------------------------------------|
        :               :              :             :              :
        :               :              :             :              :
        |               | (3) CCR(Update, Used-Units)|              |
        |               |------------------------------------------>|
        |               | (3a)INVITE("hold")         |              |
        |               |--------------------------->|              |
        |               |              |      (4) CCA(Validity-Time)|
        |               |<------------------------------------------|
        |     (5)INVITE | (6)INVITE    |             |              |
        |<--------------|------------->|             |              |
        |            (7)RTP            |             |              |
        |..............................|             |              |
        |               |       (8)BYE |             |              |
        |               |<-------------|             |              |
        |               | (9)CCR(Update)             |              |
        |               |------------------------------------------>|
        |               |                     (10)CCA(Granted-Unit) |
        |               |<------------------------------------------|
        |    (12)INVITE | (11)INVITE                 |              |
        |<--------------|--------------------------->|              |

                         NAS                           Top-up      CC
   End-User         (CC Client)          AAA Server    Server    Server
     |(1)User Logon      |(2)AA Request (CC AVPs)        |         |
     |------------------>|------------------->|          |         |
     |                   |                    |(3)CCR(initial, CC AVPs)
     |                   |                    |------------------->|
     |                   |                    |(4)CCA(Final-Unit,  |
     |                   |                    |      Validity-Time)|
     |                   |                    |<-------------------|
     |                   |(5)AA Answer(Final-Unit,Validity-Time)   |
     |(6)Limited Access  |<-------------------|          |         |
     |      granted      |                    |          |         |
     |<----------------->|                    |          |         |
     |                   |                    |          |         |
     |   (7)TCP/HTTP     |        (8)TCP/HTTP            |         |
     |<----------------->|<----------------------------->|         |
     |                 (9) Replenish account             |         |
     |<------------------------------------------------->|         |
     |                   |                    |            (10)RAR |
     |                   |<-------------------|<-------------------|
     |                   | (11) RAA           |                    |
     |                   |------------------->|------------------->|
     |                   |(12)CCR(update)     |                    |
     |                   |------------------->|(13)CCR(Update)     |
     |                   |                    |------------------->|
     |                   |                    |(14)CCA(Granted-Units)
     |                   |(15)CCA(Granted-Units)<------------------|
     |                   |<-------------------|                    |

   End User         Service Element                           CC Server
                       (CC client)
      |(1)User logon      |                                         |
      |------------------>|(2)CCR(initial, Service-Id access,       |
      |                   |        Access specific AVPs,            |
      |                   |        Multiple-Service-Indicator)      |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(3)CCA(Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      |                   |        Granted-Units(Total-Octets),     |
      |                   |        Service-Id access,               |
      |                   |        Validity-time,                   |
      |                   |        G-S-U-Pool-Reference(Pool-Id 1,  |
      |                   |          Multiplier 10)))               |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      :                   :                                         :
      |(4)Service-Request (Service 1)                               |
      |------------------>|(5)CCR(update, Multiple-Services-CC(     |
      |                   |        Requested-Units(), Service-Id 1, |
      |                   |        Rating-Group 1))                 |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(6)CCA(Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      |                   |        Granted-Units(Time),             |
      |                   |        Rating-Group 1,                  |
      |                   |        G-S-U-Pool-Reference(Pool-Id 1,  |
      |                   |          Multiplier 1)))                |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      :                   :                                         :
      |(7)Service-Request (Service 2)                               |
      |------------------>|                                         |

      :                   :                                         :
      :                   :                                         :
      |(8)Service-Request (Service 3&4)                             |
      |------------------>|(9)CCR(update, Multiple-Services-CC (    |
      |                   |        Requested-Units(), Service-Id 3, |
      |                   |        Rating-Group 2),                 |
      |                   |        Multiple-Services-CC (           |
      |                   |        Requested-Units(), Service-Id 4, |
      |                   |        Rating-Group 3))                 |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(10)CCA(Multiple-Services-CC (           |
      |                   |        Granted-Units(Total-Octets),     |
      |                   |        Service-Id 3, Rating-Group 2,    |
      |                   |        Validity-time,                   |
      |                   |        G-S-U-Pool-Reference(Pool-Id 2,  |
      |                   |          Multiplier 2)),                |
      |                   |        Multiple-Services-CC (           |
      |                   |        Granted-Units(Total-Octets),     |
      |                   |        Service-Id 4, Rating-Group 3     |
      |                   |        Validity-Time,                   |
      |                   |        Final-Unit-Ind.(Terminate),      |
      |                   |        G-S-U-Pool-Reference(Pool-Id 2,  |
      |                   |          Multiplier 5)))                |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      :                   :                                         :
      :                   :                                         :
      | +--------------+  |                                         |
      | |Validity time |  |(11)CCR(update,                          |
      | |expires for   |  |        Multiple-Services-CC (           |
      | |Service-Id    |  |        Requested-Unit(),                |
      | | access       |  |        Used-Units(In-Octets,Out-Octets),|
      | +--------------+  |        Service-Id access))              |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(12)CCA(Multiple-Services-CC (           |
      |                   |        Granted-Units(Total-Octets),     |
      |                   |        Service-Id access,               |
      |                   |        Validity-Time,                   |
      |                   |        G-S-U-Pool-Reference(Pool-Id 1,  |
      |                   |          Multiplier 10)))               |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      :                   :                                         :
      :                   :                                         :

      | +--------------+  |                                         |
      | |Total Quota   |  |(13)CCR(update,                          |
      | |elapses for   |  |       Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      | |pool 2:       |  |        Requested-Unit(),                |
      | |service 4 not |  |        Used-Units(In-Octets,Out-Octets),|
      | |allowed,      |  |        Service-Id 3, Rating-group 2),   |
      | |service 3 cont|  |       Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      | +--------------+  |        Used-Units(In-Octets,Out-Octets),|
      |                   |        Service-Id 4, Rating-Group 3))   |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(14)CCA(Multiple-Services-CC (           |
      |                   |        Result-Code 4011,                |
      |                   |        Service-Id 3))                   |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|
      :                   :                                         :
      :                   :                                         :
      |(15) User logoff   |                                         |
      |------------------>|(16)CCR(term,                            |
      |                   |       Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      |                   |        Used-Units(In-Octets,Out-Octets),|
      |                   |        Service-Id access),              |
      |                   |       Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      |                   |        Used-Units(Time),                |
      |                   |        Service-Id 1, Rating-Group 1),   |
      |                   |       Multiple-Services-CC (            |
      |                   |        Used-Units(Time),                |
      |                   |        Service-Id 2, Rating-Group 1))   |
      |                   |---------------------------------------->|
      |                   |(17)CCA(term)                            |
      |                   |<----------------------------------------|

      | a node                                                        |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--link1--\ /--------link2--------\ /--link3--\ /--link4--\  |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--intf1--\ /--intf2--\ /--intf3--\ /--intf4--\ /--intf5--\  |
              :           |           |           |           |
              :           |           |           |           |
              :           |           |           |           |
          (imaginary    =================      a point-       a
           loopback        an Ethernet         to-point     tunnel
             link)                               link

      | a node                                                        |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--link1--\ /--link2--\ /--link3--\ /--link4--\ /--link5--\  |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--intf1--\ /--intf2--\ /--intf3--\ /--intf4--\ /--intf5--\  |
              :           |           |           |           |
              :           |           |           |           |
              :           |           |           |           |
          (imaginary    =================      a point-       a
           loopback        an Ethernet         to-point     tunnel
             link)                               link

      | a node                                                        |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--------------------site1--------------------\ /--site2--\  |
      |                                                               |
      |  /-------------------admin1--------------------\ /-admin2--\  |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--link1--\ /--------link2--------\ /--link3--\ /--link4--\  |
      |                                                               |
      |  /--intf1--\ /--intf2--\ /--intf3--\ /--intf4--\ /--intf5--\  |
              :           |           |           |           |
              :           |           |           |           |
              :           |           |           |           |
          (imaginary    =================      a point-       a
           loopback        an Ethernet         to-point     tunnel
             link)                               link

                         *                                 *
                         *                                 *
                         *   ===========    Organization X *
                         *    |       |                    *
                         *    |       |                    *
                       +-*----|-------|------+             *
                       | *  intf1   intf2    |             *
                       | *                   |             *
                       | *             intf3 ---           *
                       | *                   |             *
                       | ***********************************
                       |                     |
                       |        Router       |
                       |                     |
         **********************       **********************
                       |       *     *       |
            Org. Y   --- intf4  *   *  intf5 ---   Org. Z
                       |       *     *       |
         **********************       **********************

                        Address map
       |                                              |
       |                                              |
       |                                              |
   Address Bind                                   Port Bind
       |                                              |
       |                                              |
       |                                              |
                         NAT Session

         |                                                   |
         |              Managed System                       |
         |                                                   |
         |                                                   |
         |   ------------------             Managed Elements |
         |   |                |               interfaces     |
         |   | Policy Manager | manages...    circuits       |
         |   |                |               queues         |
         |   ------------------               processes      |
         |                                    ...            |
         |                                                   |

                                            |  Managed System        |
     --------------------------             |    Managed Elements    |
     |                        |             |      interfaces        |
     |  Management Station or |             |      circuits          |
     |    Mid-Level Manager   |             |      ...               |
     |                        |             --------------------------
     |   ------------------   | manages...
     |   | Policy Manager |   |             --------------------------
     |   ------------------   |             |  Managed System        |
     |                        |             |    Managed Elements    |
     --------------------------             |      interfaces        |
                                            |      circuits          |
                                            |      ...               |

         | Policy Manager                                      |
         |                                                     |
         |   ----------------------------------------          |
         |   | Agent                                |          |
         |   |                                      |          |
         |   |  ---------------------------------   |          |
         |   |  | Policy Download and Control   |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmPolicyTable               |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmElementTypeRegTable       |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmSchedTable                |   |          |
         |   |  ---------------------------------   |          |
         |   |                                      |          |
         |   |  ---------------------------------   |          |
         |   |  | Policy Environment Control    |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmRoleTable                 |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmCapabilitiesTables        |   |          |
         |   |  ---------------------------------   |          |
         |   |                                      |          |
         |   |  ---------------------------------   |          |
         |   |  | Policy Monitoring             |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmTrackingTables            |   |          |
         |   |  |   pmDebuggingTable            |   |          |
         |   |  ---------------------------------   |          |
         |   ----------------------------------------          |
         |                                                     |
         |   --------------------------------                  |
         |   | Execution Environment        |                  |
         |   |                              |                  |
         |   |  -----------------------     |                  |
         |   |  | Policy Scheduler    |     |                  |
         |   |  -----------------------     |                  |
         |   |  -----------------------     |                  |
         |   |  | Language            |     |                  |
         |   |  -----------------------     |                  |
         |   |  -----------------------     |                  |
         |   |  | Function Library    |     |                  |
         |   |  -----------------------     |                  |
         |   --------------------------------                  |

        SubOpt   Len     RADIUS attributes
       |   7   |  N  |  o1  |  o2  |  o3  |  o4  |      |  oN  |

              |          iSCSI Client           |
              |         +-----------+           |
              |         | iSCSI     |           |
              |         | initiator |           |
              |         | "myhost"  |           |
              |         +-----------+           |
              |                                 |
              | iSCSI Driver             |  UA  |
              |           TCP/UDP/IP            |
              |  Interface 1   |   Interface 2  |
                       |               |
     +------------+    |               |    +------------+
     |   SLP DA   |    |               |    |  SLP DA    |
     | (optional) |----+  IP Networks  +----| (optional) |
     +------------+    |               |    +------------+
                       |               |
              |   Interface 1   |   Interface 2   |
              |   |    |
              |            TCP/UDP/IP             |
              |       iSCSI Driver        |  SA   |
              |                                   |
              | +--------+ +--------+ +---------+ |
              | | iSCSI  | | iSCSI  | |  iSCSI  | |
              | | target | | target | |  target | |
              | | "one"  | | "two"  | | "three" | |
              | +--------+ +--------+ +---------+ |
              |            iSCSI Server           |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   1   1   0   F | K |  Outer packet type identifier
   :                               :  (with inner type identifier)
   /       Inner Base header       /  variable number of bits, given by
   :                               :  the inner packet type identifier

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |  Opt Type = 9 |  Opt Len = 0  |

      0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :                               :
    /          Extension            /  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
    :                               :
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :                               :
    +   IP-ID of outer IPv4 header  +  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
    :                               :
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    /    AH data for outer list     /  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :                               :
    +         GRE checksum          +  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
    :                               :
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :                               :
    +   IP-ID of inner IPv4 header  +  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
    :                               :
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    /    AH data for inner list     /  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :                               :
    +         GRE checksum          +  See RFC 3095 [2], section 5.7.
    :                               :
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :            List of            :  Variable, given by static chain
    /        dynamic chains         /  (includes no SN).
    :   for additional IP headers   :  See [3], section 3.2.
     --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
    :                               :
    +  UDP-Lite Checksum Coverage   +  2 octets
    :                               :
    :                               :
    +      UDP-Lite Checksum        +  2 octets
    :                               :

              |                                   |
            Layer 2                             Layer 3
        ______|_____                        ______|______
       |            |                      |             |
      P2P          P2M                  PE-based      CE-based
    (VPWS)     _____|____            ______|____         |
              |          |          |           |        |
             VPLS      IPLS     BGP/MPLS     Virtual    IPsec
                                 IP VPNs      Router

       Alice      Proxy P1     Proxy P2        Bob
         |(1) INVITE  |            |            |
         |SE: 50      |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |
         |(2) 422     |            |            |
         |MSE: 3600   |            |            |
         |<-----------|            |            |
         |(3) ACK     |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |
         |(4) INVITE  |            |            |
         |SE:3600     |            |            |
         |MSE:3600    |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |

         |            |(5) INVITE  |            |
         |            |SE:3600     |            |
         |            |MSE:3600    |            |
         |            |----------->|            |
         |            |(6) 422     |            |
         |            |MSE:4000    |            |
         |            |<-----------|            |
         |            |(7) ACK     |            |
         |            |----------->|            |
         |(8) 422     |            |            |
         |MSE:4000    |            |            |
         |<-----------|            |            |
         |(9) ACK     |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |
         |(10) INVITE |            |            |
         |SE:4000     |            |            |
         |MSE:4000    |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |
         |            |(11) INVITE |            |
         |            |SE:4000     |            |
         |            |MSE:4000    |            |
         |            |----------->|            |
         |            |            |(12) INVITE |
         |            |            |SE:4000     |
         |            |            |MSE:4000    |
         |            |            |----------->|
         |            |            |(13) 200 OK |
         |            |            |SE:4000     |
         |            |            |<-----------|
         |            |(14) 200 OK |            |
         |            |SE:4000     |            |
         |            |<-----------|            |
         |(15) 200 OK |            |            |
         |SE:4000     |            |            |
         |<-----------|            |            |
         |(16) ACK    |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |
         |            |(17) ACK    |            |
         |            |------------------------>|
         |(18) UPDATE |            |            |
         |SE:4000     |            |            |
         |----------->|            |            |
         |            |(19) UPDATE |            |
         |            |SE:4000     |            |
         |            |------------------------>|
         |            |(20) 200 OK |            |
         |            |SE:4000     |            |
         |            |<------------------------|

         |(21) 200 OK |            |            |
         |SE:4000     |            |            |
         |<-----------|            |            |
         |            |(22) BYE    |            |
         |            |<------------------------|
         |(23) BYE    |            |            |
         |<-----------|            |            |
         |            |(24) 408    |            |
         |            |------------------------>|

        ------------    ----------
       | Network and|  |          |
       |  Service   |--| Backbone |
       | Operation  |  |          |\
        ------------    ----------  \
                         / |  \      \
                        /  |   \      \_Peering (Direct and
                       /   |    \                exchange points)
                      /    |     \
                     /     |      \
     ----------     /   ---------- \     ----------
    | Customer |   /   | Customer | \   | Customer |
    |Connection|--/    |Connection|  \--|Connection|
    |     1    |       |     2    |     |     3    |
     ----------         ----------       ----------
          |                  |               |         ISP's Network
          |                  |               |     Customers' Networks
     +--------+        +--------+      +--------+
     |        |        |        |      |        |
     |Customer|        |Customer|      |Customer|
     |        |        |        |      |        |
     +--------+        +--------+      +--------+

                     Tunnels         Tunnels        Dual        Full
   IPv4-only ---->      or      --->   or         + Stack --> Dual Stack
                  dedicated IPv6   dedicated IPv6  routers
                      links           links

                 |            |            |        |
                 |<-dialog 1->|<-dialog 2->|        |
                 |            |            |        |
                 | *********************** |        |
                 |*         MEDIA         *|        |
                 | *********************** |        |
                 |            |            |        |
                 |            |            |        |
                 |<-dialog 1->|<------dialog 3----->|
                 |            |            |        |
                 | ******************************** |
                 |*             MEDIA              *|
                 | ******************************** |
                 |            |            |        |
                 |            |            |        |

   Transac status table  Local status table  New values transac./local
            no                    no                    no/no
           yes                   yes                   yes/yes
           yes                    no            depends on local info
            no                   yes            depends on local info

   Transac. status table  Local status table  New value Local Status
            no                    no                    no
           yes                   yes                   yes
           yes                    no                   yes
            no                   yes                    no

                    |              operator's IP network
                 +------+          ---------------------
                 | CMTS |          operator's cable head-end
                 +------+          ---------------------
           +--------+--------+     CATV physical network
           |        |        |
         +----+   +----+   +----+  ------------------
         | CM |   | CM |   | CM |  subscriber premises
         +----+   +----+   +----+  ------------------
           |        |        |     subscriber host or network

      OPES processor scope                         callout server scope
      +-----------------+                           +-----------------+
      | pre-processing  |         OCP scope         |                 |
      |            +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+            |
      | iteration  |     <== ( application data ) ==>    | adaptation |
      |            +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+            |
      | post-processing |                           |                 |
      +-----------------+                           +-----------------+

       +---------------+                             +-------+
       |     OPES      | == (original data flow) ==> |callout|
       |   processor   | <== (adapted data flow) === |server |
       +---------------+                             +-------+

   OPES                 Callout
   Processor            Server
       DUM>             <DUM
       DUM>             <DWSR  <-- Server is ready to stop receiving
       ...        _____/<DUM   <-- Server continues as usual
       DUM>______/      <DUM
       AME>             ...    <-- Processor stops sending original data
           \_____       <DUM
                        <DUM   <-- Server continues to send adapted data

   OPES                 Callout
   Processor            Server
       DUM>             <DUM
       DUM>             <DWSS    <-- Server is ready to stop sending
       ...        _____/<DUM     <-- Server continues as usual,
       DUM>______/      <DUM         waiting for DSS
       DSS>             ...
           \_____       <DUM
     possible    \______<DUM
     org-dataflow       <AME 206 <-- Server terminates adapted dataflow
     pause        _____/             upon receiving the DSS message
       DUM>                      <-- Processor resumes original dataflow
       DUM>                          to the server and starts using
       ...                           original data without adapting it

      | +------------------------------------------+ |
      | |                                          | |
      | |        IPv6-only applications            | |
      | |                                          | |
      | +------------------------------------------+ |
      |                      |                       |
      | +------------------------------------------+ |
      | |                                          | |
      | |   TCP / UDP / others (SCTP, DCCP, etc.)  | |
      | |                                          | |
      | +------------------------------------------+ |
      |    IPv4-mapped    |        |    IPv6         |
      |  IPv6 addresses   |        |   addresses     |
      | +--------------------+ +-------------------+ |
      | |        IPv4        | |      IPv6         | |
      | +--------------------+ +-------------------+ |
      |   IPv4       |                 |             |
      |   addresses  |                 |             |
                     |                 |
                IPv4 packets      IPv6 packets

                      v               v               v
                      |               |               |
                      |     Begins initialization     |
                      |               |               |
                      | _____________/|\____________  |
                      |/DHCPDISCOVER  | DHCPDISCOVER \|
                      | w/Rapid Commit| w/Rapid Commit|
                      |               |               |
                  Determines          |          Determines
                 configuration        |         configuration
                      |               |     Commits configuration
                      |       Collects replies        |
                      |\              |  ____________/|
                      | \________     | / DHCPACK     |
                      | DHCPOFFER\    |/w/Rapid Commit|
                      |  (discarded)  |               |
                      |    Initialization complete    |
                      |               |               |
                      .               .               .
                      .               .               .
                      |               |               |
                      |      Graceful shutdown        |
                      |               |               |
                      |               |\_____________ |
                      |               |  DHCPRELEASE \|
                      |               |               |
                      |               |        Discards lease
                      |               |               |
                      v               v               v

   | +-----------------+                          +-----------------+ |
   | |     POLICY      |                          |  AUTHORIZATION  | |
   | | INFRASTRUCTURE  |                          | INFRASTRUCTURE  | |
   | +-----------------+                          +-----------------+ |
   |         ^                                            ^           |
   |         |                                            |           |
   |         v                                            v           |
   | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |                                                              | |
   | |                    +--------------------+                    | |
   | |            +------>|        GCKS        |<------+            | |
   | |            |       +--------------------+       |            | |
   | |     REGISTRATION or          |            REGISTRATION or    | |
   | |     DE-REGISTRATION          |            DE-REGISTRATION    | |
   | |         PROTOCOL             |               PROTOCOL        | |
   | |            |                 |                  |            | |
   | |            v                REKEY               v            | |
   | |   +-----------------+     PROTOCOL     +-----------------+   | |
   | |   |                 |    (OPTIONAL)    |                 |   | |
   | |   |    SENDER(S)    |<-------+-------->|   RECEIVER(S)   |   | |
   | |   |                 |                  |                 |   | |
   | |   +-----------------+                  +-----------------+   | |
   | |            |                                    ^            | |
   | |            v                                    |            | |
   | |            +-------DATA SECURITY PROTOCOL-------+            | |
   | |                                                              | |
   | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                                  |

     |                                                          |
     | +-------------+         +------------+                   |
     | |   CONTROL   |         |   CONTROL  |                   |
     | +------^------+         +------|-----+  +--------+       |
     |        |                       |  +-----| CRED   |       |
     |        |                       |  |     +--------+       |
     |   +----v----+             +----v--v-+   +--------+       |
     |   |         <-----Reg----->         |<->|  SAD   |       |
     |   |   GKM    -----Rek----->   GKM   |   +--------+       |
     |   |         |             |         |   +--------+       |
     |   |         ------+       |         |<->|  SPD   |       |
     |   +---------+     |       +-^-------+   +--------+       |
     |   +--------+      |         | |   |                      |
     |   | CRED   |----->+         | |   +-------------------+  |
     |   +--------+      |         | +--------------------+  |  |
     |   +--------+      |       +-V-------+   +--------+ |  |  |
     |   |  SAD   <----->+       |         |<->|  SAD   <-+  |  |
     |   +--------+      |       |SECURITY |   +--------+    |  |
     |   +--------+      |       |PROTOCOL |   +--------+    |  |
     |   |  SPD   <----->+       |         |<->|  SPD   <----+  |
     |   +--------+              +---------+   +--------+       |
     |                                                          |
     |     (A) GCKS                     (B) MEMBER              |

                   |       +-------+                        |
                   |       |  GCKS |                        |
                   |       +-------+                        |
                   |         |   ^                          |
                   |         |   |                          |
                   |         |   +---------------+          |
                   |         |       ^           ^          |
                   |         |       |    ...    |          |
                   |         |   +--------+  +--------+     |
                   |         |   | MEMBER |  | MEMBER |     |
                   |         |   +--------+  +--------+     |
                   |         v                              |
                   |         +-------------+                |
                   |         |             |                |
                   |         v      ...    v                |
                   |     +-------+   +-------+              |
                   |     |  GCKS |   |  GCKS |              |
                   |     +-------+   +-------+              |
                   |         |   ^                          |
                   |         |   |                          |
                   |         |   +---------------+          |
                   |         |       ^           ^          |
                   |         |       |    ...    |          |
                   |         |   +--------+  +--------+     |
                   |         |   | MEMBER |  | MEMBER |     |
                   |         |   +--------+  +--------+     |
                   |         v                              |
                   |        ...                             |

               +                                       +
   ---+---+    |\                                     /|    +---+---
   ---| A |----|D|          X              Y         |D|----| A |---
   ---+---+    |W|     +--------+     +--------+     |W|    +---+---
        :      |D|-----|  OADM  |-----|  OADM  |-----|D|      :
   ---+---+    |M|     +--------+     +--------+     |M|    +---+---
   ---| A |----| |      |      |       |      |      | |----| A |---
   ---+---+    |/       |      |       |      |       \|    +---+---
               +      +---+  +---+   +---+  +---+      +
                D     | A |  | A |   | A |  | A |     E
                      +---+  +---+   +---+  +---+
                       | |    | |     | |    | |

                PaC ----- EP -----+--- AR ---+
                                  |          |
                PaC ----- EP --- -+          |
                                  |          |
                PaC ----- EP -----+--- AR -- + ----(AAA)
                                  +--- PAA

                PaC --------------+--- AR/EP ---+
                                  |             |
                PaC --------------+             |
                                  |             |
                PaC --------------+--- AR/EP -- + ----(AAA)
                                  +--- PAA

    CRC for Frame #1 and Frame #2 and padding in FP:
        (MSB)                                     (LSB)
          0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
       |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |          CRC          |    Octet 12

    CRC for Frame #1 and Frame #2 in FP:
       (MSB)                                     (LSB)
         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
                              |          CRC          |    Octet 12/1

    CRC for Frame #1 and Frame #2 in FP:
        (MSB)                                     (LSB)
          0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
                               |          CRC          |    Octet 12/1

          Description                Type              Interface
              |                       |               /         \
              |                       |            MN-AR       AR-AR
            L2 ID                    0x01            x
            Address                  0x02            x
            Capability Container     0x03            x           x
            Preferences              0x04            x           x
            Requirements             0x05            x
            Trusted Anchor           0x06            x
            Router Certificate       0x07            x           x

                     +------------>|   CARD   |<-------------+
                     |+------------|  Server  |-------------+|
                     ||            +----------+             ||
                     ||                                     ||
                     ||             ~~~~~~~~~~~             ||
         (3)AR-Server||(4)AR-Server{           }            ||(0) CARD
             CARD    ||    CARD   {             }           ||Reg Req/
           Request   ||   Reply  {    IP Cloud   }          |  Reply
                     ||           {             }           ||
                     ||            {           }            ||
                     |V             ~~~~~~~~~~~             V|
                 +---------+  (5)AR-AR CARD Request   +-----+-----+
                 | Current |------------------------->| CAR | CAR |
                 |   AR    |<-------------------------|  1  |  2  |
                 +---------+  (6)AR-AR CARD Reply     +-----+-----+
                    ^ |                                  |     |
           (2)MN-AR | |(7)MN-AR                          |     |
              CARD  | |   CARD                           |     |
             Request| V   Reply                        +---+ +---+
              +--------------+    (1) AP1 L2 ID     +--|AP1| |AP2|
              |    Mobile    |<---------------------+  +---+ +---+
              |     Node     |<--------------------------------+
              +--------------+    (1) AP2 L2 ID

     MN           AP1     AR1     AP2         AP3                   AR2
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |  connected  |       |       |           |                     |
     0-------------0-------0       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |                             |           |                     |
     | <~~~~~~~~~L2-SCAN (AP2)~~~~~|           |                     |
     | <~~~~~~~~~L2-SCAN (AP3)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                     |
     |                             |           |                     |
     | (MN-AR) CARD Req    |       |           |                     |
     |-------------------->|          (AR-AR) CARD Req               |
     |             |       |---------------------------------------->|
     |             |       |          (AR-AR) CARD Repl              |
     | (MN-AR) CARD Repl   |<----------------------------------------|
     |<--------------------|       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
   [target AR      |       |       |           |                     |
   selection]      |       |       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     //           //       //      //         //                     //
   [either...]     |       |       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |-------- L2 attach --------->|           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |      connected      |       |           |                     |
     0---------------------0-------0           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     //            //      //      //         //                     //
   [... or]        |       |       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |--------------- L2 attach -------------->|                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |      connected      |       |           |                     |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |
     |                                         |                     |
     |     MIPv6 Binding Update to the HA      |                     |
     |------------------------------------------------ - - - >       |
     |             |       |       |           |                     |

         MN                    pAR                  NAR       CAR2
          |                     |                 as CAR1       |
          |                     |                    |          |
          |-------RtSolPr------>|                    |          |
          |  [MN-AR CARD Req]   |-- AR-AR CARD Req*->|          |
          |                     |-- AR-AR CARD Req*------------>|
          |                     |<--AR-AR CARD Repl*------------|
          |                     |<--AR-AR CARD Repl*-|          |
          |<------PrRtAdv-------|                    |          |
          |  [MN-AR CARD Repl]  |                    |          |
          |                     |                    |          |
     NAR selection              |                    |          |
          |------F-BU---------->|--------HI--------->|          |
          |                     |<------HACK---------|          |
          |          <--F-BACK--|--F-BACK-->         |          |
          |                     |                    |          |
      Disconnect                |                    |          |
          |                   forward                |          |
          |                   packets===============>|          |
          |                     |                    |          |
          |                     |                    |          |
       Connect                  |                    |          |
          |                     |                    |          |
          RS (with FNA option)======================>|          |
          |<-----------RA (with NAACK option)--------|          |
          |<=================================== deliver packets |
          |                                          |          |

                 MN                    nAR                     pAR
                 |                      |                       |
            T    |                      |                  CT trigger
            I    |                      |                       |
            M    |                      |<------- CTD ----------|
            E    |------- CTAR -------->|                       |
            :    |                      |                       |
            |    |                      |-------- CTDR -------->|
            V    |                      |                       |
                 |                      |                       |

                 MN                    nAR                     pAR
                 |                      |                       |
            T    |                 CT trigger                   |
            I    |                      |                       |
            M    |                      |--------- CT-Req ----->|
            E    |                      |                       |
            :    |                      |<------- CTD ----------|
            |    |                      |                       |
            V    |------- CTAR -------->|                       |
                 |                      |----- CTDR (opt) ----->|
                 |                      |                       |

                 MN                    nAR                     pAR
                 |                      |                       |
           new L2 link up               |                       |
                 |                      |                       |
            CT trigger                  |                       |
                 |                      |                       |
            T    |------- CTAR -------->|                       |
            I    |                      |-------- CT-Req ------>|
            M    |                      |                       |
            E    |                      |<-------- CTD ---------|
            :    |                      |                       |
            |    |                      |                       |
            V    |                      |                       |
                 |                      |                       |

              MN                    PAR                  NAR
               |                     |                    |
               |------RtSolPr------->|                    |
               |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                    |
               |                     |                    |
               |                     |<------HAck---------|
               |          <--FBack---|--FBack--->         |
               |                     |                    |
            disconnect             forward                |
               |                   packets===============>|
               |                     |                    |
               |                     |                    |
           connect                   |                    |
               |                     |                    |
               |--------- FNA --------------------------->|
               |<=================================== deliver packets
               |                                          |

              MN                    PAR                  NAR
               |                     |                    |
               |------RtSolPr------->|                    |
               |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                    |
               |                     |                    |
            disconnect               |                    |
               |                     |                    |
               |                     |                    |
            connect                  |                    |
               |                     |<-----FBU-----------|
               |                     |------FBack-------->|
               |                   forward                |
               |                   packets===============>|
               |                     |                    |
               |<=================================== deliver packets
               |                                          |

   User                             NAS                           Server
    |                                |                                |
    |        (initiate EAP)          |                                |
    |<------------------------------>|                                |
    |                                | Diameter-EAP-Request           |
    |                                | EAP-Payload(EAP Start)         |
    |                                |------------------------------->|
    |                                |                                |
    |                                |            Diameter-EAP-Answer |
    |                           Result-Code=DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH |
    |                                |    EAP-Payload(EAP Request #1) |
    |                                |<-------------------------------|
    |                 EAP Request #1 |                                |
    |<-------------------------------|                                |
    :                                :                                :
    :                        ...continues...                          :

   User                             NAS                           Server
    |                                |                                |
    |        (initiate EAP)          |                                |
    |<------------------------------>|                                |
    |                                |                                |
    |          EAP Request(Identity) |                                |
    |<-------------------------------|                                |
    |                                |                                |
    | EAP Response(Identity)         |                                |
    |------------------------------->|                                |
    |                                | Diameter-EAP-Request           |
    |                                | EAP-Payload(EAP Response)      |
    |                                |------------------------------->|
    :                                :                                :
    :                        ...continues...                          :

    :                        ...continued...                          :
    :                                :                                :
    | EAP Response #N                |                                |
    |------------------------------->|                                |
    |                                | Diameter-EAP-Request           |
    |                                | EAP-Payload(EAP Response #N)   |
    |                                |------------------------------->|
    |                                |                                |
    |                                |            Diameter-EAP-Answer |
    |                                |   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS |
    |                                |       EAP-Payload(EAP Success) |
    |                                |       [EAP-Master-Session-Key] |
    |                                |           (authorization AVPs) |
    |                                |<-------------------------------|
    |                                |                                |
    |                    EAP Success |                                |
    |<-------------------------------|                                |

   NAS                                                       home server
    |                                                                 |
    | Diameter-EAP-Request                                            |
    | Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                        |
    | EAP-Payload(EAP Start)                                          |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                             Diameter-EAP-Answer |
    |                           Result-Code=DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH |
    |                                        EAP-Payload(EAP Request) |
    |                                                                 |
    :              ...more EAP Request/Response pairs...              :
    |                                                                 |
    | Diameter-EAP-Request                                            |
    | EAP-Payload(EAP Response)                                       |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                             Diameter-EAP-Answer |
    |                                    Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS |
    |                                        EAP-Payload(EAP Success) |
    |                                          EAP-Master-Session-Key |
    |                                            (authorization AVPs) |

   NAS                      Local redirect agent             Home server
    |                                |                                |
    | Diameter-EAP-Request           |                                |
    | Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                        |
    | EAP-Payload(EAP Start)         |                                |
    |------------------------------->|                                |
    |                                |                                |
    |                       Diameter-EAP-Answer                       |
    |                       |
    | Redirect-Host-Usage=REALM_AND_APPLICATION                       |
    |<-------------------------------|                                |
    |                                :                                |
    | Diameter-EAP-Request          :                                 |
    | Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                        |
    | EAP-Payload(EAP Start)        :                                 |
    |                                :                                |
    : of the session continues as in first case...       :
    :                                :                                :

   NAS                       Local proxy agent               Home server
    |                                :                                |
    | Diameter-EAP-Request           :                                |
    | Auth-Request-Type=AUTHENTICATE_ONLY                             |
    | EAP-Payload(EAP Start)         :                                |
    |                                :                                |
    |                                :            Diameter-EAP-Answer |
    |                           Result-Code=DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH |
    |                                :       EAP-Payload(EAP Request) |
    |                                :                                |
    :              ...more EAP Request/Response pairs...              :
    |                                :                                |
    | Diameter-EAP-Request           :                                |
    | EAP-Payload(EAP Response)      :                                |
    |                                :                                |
    |                                :            Diameter-EAP-Answer |
    |                                :   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS |
    |                                :       EAP-Payload(EAP Success) |
    |                                :         EAP-Master-Session-Key |
    |                                :           (authorization AVPs) |
    |                                |                                |
    | AA-Request                     |                                |
    | Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_ONLY                                |
    | (some AVPs from first session) |                                |
    |------------------------------->|                                |
    |                                |                                |
    |                      AA-Answer |                                |
    |   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS |                                |
    |           (authorization AVPs) |                                |
    |<-------------------------------|                                |

   NAS                    Local proxy/relay agent            Home server
    |                                |                                |
    |  Diameter-EAP-Request          |                                |
    |  Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                       |
    |  EAP-Payload(EAP Start)        |                                |
    |                                |                                |
    |                                |           Diameter-EAP-Answer  |
    |                          Result-Code=DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH  |
    |                                |      EAP-Payload(EAP Request)  |
    |                                :                                |
    :              ...more EAP Request/Response pairs...              :
    |                                :                                |
    |  Diameter-EAP-Request          |                                |
    |  EAP-Payload(EAP Response)     |                                |
    |                                |                                |
    |                                |           Diameter-EAP-Answer  |
    |                                |  Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS  |
    |                                |      EAP-Payload(EAP Success)  |
    |                                |        EAP-Master-Session-Key  |
    |                                |          (authorization AVPs)  |

                                       |  Command-Code |
   Attribute Name                      |  DER  |  DEA  |
   Accounting-EAP-Auth-Method          |   0   |   0+  |
   Acct-Interim-Interval [BASE]        |   0   |  0-1  |
   Auth-Application-Id [BASE]          |   1   |   1   |
   Auth-Grace-Period [BASE]            |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Auth-Request-Type [BASE]            |   1   |   1   |
   Auth-Session-State [BASE]           |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Authorization-Lifetime [BASE]       |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Callback-Id [NASREQ]                |   0   |  0-1  |
   Callback-Number [NASREQ]            |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Called-Station-Id [NASREQ]          |  0-1  |   0   |
   Calling-Station-Id [NASREQ]         |  0-1  |   0   |
   Class [BASE]                        |   0   |   0+  |
   Configuration-Token [NASREQ]        |   0   |   0+  |
   Connect-Info [NASREQ]               |  0-1  |   0   |
   Destination-Host [BASE]             |  0-1  |   0   |
   Destination-Realm [BASE]            |   1   |   0   |
   EAP-Master-Session-Key              |   0   |  0-1  |
   EAP-Key-Name                        |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   EAP-Payload                         |   1   |  0-1  |
   EAP-Reissued-Payload                |   0   |  0-1  |
   Error-Message [BASE]                |   0   |  0-1  |
   Error-Reporting-Host [BASE]         |   0   |  0-1  |
   Failed-AVP [BASE]                   |   0   |   0+  |
   Filter-Id [NASREQ]                  |   0   |   0+  |
   Framed-Appletalk-Link [NASREQ]      |   0   |  0-1  |
   Framed-Appletalk-Network [NASREQ]   |   0   |   0+  |
   Framed-Appletalk-Zone [NASREQ]      |   0   |  0-1  |
   Framed-Compression [NASREQ]         |   0+  |   0+  |
   Framed-Interface-Id [NASREQ]        |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Framed-IP-Address [NASREQ]          |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Framed-IP-Netmask [NASREQ]          |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Framed-IPv6-Prefix [NASREQ]         |   0+  |   0+  |
   Framed-IPv6-Pool [NASREQ]           |   0   |  0-1  |
   Framed-IPv6-Route [NASREQ]          |   0   |   0+  |
   Framed-IPX-Network [NASREQ]         |   0   |  0-1  |
   Framed-MTU [NASREQ]                 |  0-1  |  0-1  |
   Framed-Pool [NASREQ]                |   0   |  0-1  |

                                          |  Command  |
                                          |    Code   |
   Attribute Name                         | ACR | ACA |
   Accounting-EAP-Auth-Method             |  0+ |  0  |

   |                                                         |
   | ContentInfo                                             |
   |                                                         |
   | +-----------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |                                                     | |
   | | SignedData                                          | |
   | |                                                     | |
   | | +-------------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | |                                                 | | |
   | | | ContentCollection                               | | |
   | | |                                                 | | |
   | | | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------------+ | | |
   | | | |           | |           | |                 | | | |
   | | | | Owner's   | | Image     | | SignedData      | | | |
   | | | | Offer to  | | of the    | |                 | | | |
   | | | | Sell the  | | Amphora   | | +-------------+ | | | |
   | | | | Amphora   | |           | | |             | | | | |
   | | | |           | |           | | | Appraisal   | | | | |
   | | | |           | |           | | | of Ceramics | | | | |
   | | | |           | |           | | | Expert      | | | | |
   | | | |           | |           | | |             | | | | |
   | | | |           | |           | | +-------------+ | | | |
   | | | |           | |           | |                 | | | |
   | | | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------------+ | | |
   | | |                                                 | | |
   | | +-------------------------------------------------+ | |
   | |                                                     | |
   | +-----------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                                                         |

   |                                                          |
   | ContentCollection                                        |
   |                                                          |
   | +-------------------------+  +-------------------------+ |
   | |                         |  |                         | |
   | | ContentWithAttributes   |  | ContentWithAttributes   | |
   | |                         |  |                         | |
   | | +---------------------+ |  | +---------------------+ | |
   | | |                     | |  | |                     | | |
   | | | First Image of      | |  | | Second Image of     | | |
   | | | the Amphora         | |  | | the Amphora         | | |
   | | |                     | |  | |                     | | |
   | | |                     | |  | |                     | | |
   | | +---------------------+ |  | +---------------------+ | |
   | |                         |  |                         | |
   | | +---------------+       |  | +---------------+       | |
   | | |               |       |  | |               |       | |
   | | | Attribute 1   |       |  | | Attribute 1   |       | |
   | | |               +--+    |  | |               +--+    | |
   | | +-+-------------+  |    |  | +-+-------------+  |    | |
   | |   | Attribute 2    |    |  |   | Attribute 2    |    | |
   | |   |                +--+ |  |   |                +--+ | |
   | |   +-+--------------+  | |  |   +-+--------------+  | | |
   | |     | Attribute 3     | |  |     | Attribute 3     | | |
   | |     |                 | |  |     |                 | | |
   | |     +-----------------+ |  |     +-----------------+ | |
   | |                         |  |                         | |
   | +-------------------------+  +-------------------------+ |
   |                                                          |

       Sender                                               Receiver
   +-----------+      +----+      +----+      +----+      +-----------+
   |Application|----->| R1 |----->| R2 |----->| R3 |----->|Application|
   |   +--+    |      |+--+|      |+--+|      +----+      |   +--+    |
   |   |NE|====|======||NE||======||NE||==================|===|NE|    |
   |   +--+    |      |+--+|      |+--+|                  |   +--+    |
   +-----------+      +----+      +----+                  +-----------+

      |NE| = NSIS      ==== = Signaling    ---> = Data flow messages
      +--+   Entity           Messages            (unidirectional)

                 Proxy1                        Proxy2
   +------+      +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+      +--------+
   |Sender|-...->|Appl|--->| R  |--->| R  |--->|Appl|-...->|Receiver|
   |      |      |+--+|    |+--+|    |+--+|    |+--+|      |        |
   +------+      ||NE||====||NE||====||NE||====||NE||      +--------+
                 |+--+|    |+--+|    |+--+|    |+--+|
                 +----+    +----+    +----+    +----+

      |NE| = NSIS      ==== = Signaling    ---> = Data flow messages
      +--+   Entity           Messages            (unidirectional)

   +------+      +----+      +----+      +----+      +--------+
   |Sender|----->| PA |----->| R2 |----->| R3 |----->|Receiver|
   |      |      |+--+|      |+--+|      +----+      |  +--+  |
   +------+      ||NE||======||NE||==================|==|NE|  |
                 |+--+|      |+--+|                  |  +--+  |
                 +-..-+      +----+                  +--------+

                 ^                     +-----------------+
                 |                     | NSIS Signaling  |
                 |                     | Layer Protocol  |
         NSIS    |    +----------------| for middleboxes |
       Signaling |    | NSIS Signaling |        +-----------------+
         Layer   |    | Layer Protocol +--------| NSIS Signaling  |
                 |    |     for QoS     |       | Layer Protocol  |
                 |    +-----------------+       |    for ...      |
                 V                              +-----------------+
         NSIS    ^         +--------------------------------+
       Transport |         | NSIS Transport Layer Protocol  |
         Layer   V         +--------------------------------+
                           .      IP and lower layers       .
                           .                                .

               +------+    +------+    +------+    +------+
               |  NE  |    |  NE  |    |  NE  |    |  NE  |
               |+----+|    |      |    |+----+|    |+----+|
               ||NSLP||    |      |    ||NSLP||    ||NSLP||
               || 1  ||    |      |    || 2  ||    || 1  ||
               |+----+|    |      |    |+----+|    |+----+|
               |  ||  |    |      |    |      |    |  ||  |
               |+----+|    |+----+|    |+----+|    |+----+|
               |+----+|    |+----+|    |+----+|    |+----+|
               +------+    +------+    +------+    +------+

                ====================      ===========================
             ^  +------------------+      +-------------------------+
             |  |                  |      | NSIS Specific Functions |
             |  |                  |      |            .............|
      NSIS   |  |    Monolithic    |      |+----------+.   Peer    .|
   Transport |  |     Protocol     |      || Existing |. Discovery .|
     Layer   |  |                  |      || Protocol |.  Aspects  .|
             |  |                  |      |+----------+.............|
             V  +------------------+      +-------------------------+
                ====================      ===========================

                   reserved +-----+  reserved  +-----+
                  =========>| QNF |===========>| QNF |
                            +-----+            +-----+
                                 data path

                              Route update
                       reserved +-----+  reserved  +-----+
                      =========>| QNF |===========>| QNF |
                                +-----+            +-----+
                       --------   ||
                               \  ||           +-----+
                                |  ===========>| QNF |
                                |              +-----+
                                  data path

     +------------------+   +---------------+   +------------------+
     |                  |   |               |   |                  |
     |  Administrative  |   | Intermediate  |   |  Administrative  |
     |     Domain A     |   |   Domains     |   |     Domain B     |
     |                  |   |               |   |                  |
     |                 (Inter-domain Communication)                |
     |        +-------->+---+<------------->+---+<--------+        |
     |  (Intra-domain   |   |               |   | (Intra-domain    |
     |   Communication) |   |               |   |  Communication)  |
     |        |         |   |               |   |         |        |
     |        v         |   |               |   |         v        |
     +--------+---------+   +---------------+   +---------+--------+
              ^                                           ^
              |                                           |
     First Peer Communication               Last Peer Communication
              |                                           |
              v                                           v
        +-----+-----+                               +-----+-----+
        |   NSIS    |                               |   NSIS    |
        | Initiator |                               | Responder |
        +-----------+                               +-----------+

                 *                                      *
            +----+-----+       +----------+        +----+-----+
      +-----+  NSIS    +-------+  NSIS    +--------+  NSIS    +-----+
      |     |  Node 1  |       |  Node 2  |        |  Node 3  |     |
      |     +----------+       +----+-----+        +----------+     |
      |                             ~                               |
      |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                               |
      |  ~                                                          |
   +--+--+-----+                                          +---------+-+
   |   NSIS    +//////////////////////////////////////////+   NSIS    |
   | Initiator |                                          | Responder |
   +-----------+                                          +-----------+

                      +-----------+   Messaging Association
     Message          | Adversary |   Establishment
     Association +--->+           +<----------------+
     Establish-  |    +----+------+                 |(4)
      ment       |     IPx |                        |
              (3)|         |Discovery Reply         v
                 |         | (IPx)              +---+-------+
                 v         |  (2)               |  NSIS     |
          +------+-----+   |       /----------->+  Node B   +--------
          | NSIS       +<--+      / Discovery   +-----------+
          | Node A     +---------/  Request          IPr
          +------------+             (1)

                       F(K_i)     F(K_{i+1})      F(K_{i+2})
             K_{i-1} <------- K_i <------- K_{i+1} <------- K_{i+2}

             +-------------+  +----------------+   +----------------+
             |             |  |                |   |      +------+  |
             |             |  |                |   |      | SIP  |  |
             |             |  |                |   |      |server|  |
       |     |             |  |                |   |      +------+  |
     +-|+    |             |  |                |   |       /        |
     |  |    |             |  |    +------+    |   | +------+       |
     |  |    |             |  |    | SIP  |    |   | | SIP  |       |
     |  | ---|-------------|--|----|server|----|---|-|server|       |
     +--+    |             |  |    +------+    |   | +------+       |
             |             |  |                |   |                |
     SIP     | GPRS access |  | Visited Network|   |  Home Network  |
     dev.    +-------------+  +----------------+   +----------------+

                                  +-------------+  +----------------+
         +-------+          |     |             |  |                |
         |       |        +-|+    |             |  |                |
         |       |        |  |    |             |  |    +------+    |
         +-------+        |  |    |             |  |    | SIP  |    |
        /       / --------|  | ---|-------------|-------|server|------
       /-------/          +--+    |             |  |    +------+    |
                                  |             |  |                |
         SIP              GPRS    | GPRS access |  | Visited Network|
        client          terminal  +-------------+  +----------------+

      +----+     +----+     +----+                      +----+
      | B  | <-- | B  | <-- | B  | <--  . . . . . . <-- | B  | <-+
      |  0 |     |  1 |     |  2 |                      |  n |   |
      +----+     +----+     +----+                      +----+   |
        |                     |            |                     |
        |                     |            V                  +-----+
        |                     V            +----------------> |     |
        V                     +-----------------------------> | XOR |
        +---------------------------------------------------> |     |

            |       V       |
            |  |     n      |--+
            +--+------------+  |
                  |            |     +---------+
             shift|            +---> |         |      +-----+
               +--+                  | Encrypt | <--- | Key |
               |           +-------- |         |      +-----+
               |           |         +---------+
               V           V
            |      V     |  |
            |       n+1     |

             +--------+    +------+    +---------+
         --->| Mix In |--->| POOL |--->| Extract |--->
             |  Bits  |    |      |    |   Bits  |
             +--------+    +------+    +---------+
                               ^           V
                               |           |

                               ***********  SNMP-Request   *********
                               *         *================>*       *
                URI ---------->* Manager *                 * Agent *
                               *         *<================*       *
                               ***********  SNMP-Response  *********
      Other Config Info ------------+

                                SNMP gateway
           **********     URI    ***********  SNMP-Request   *********
           *        *===========>*         *================>*       *
           * Client *            * Manager *                 * Agent *
           *        *<===========*         *<================*       *
           **********    Info    ***********  SNMP-Response  *********
      Other Config Info ------------+

               L32      L33      L34      L35
                    |                 |
               L46  |                 | L44
                    |       L47       |

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+  +----+ .           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .  |MNs |  | FA | .           | VPN|     | Router|  |  HA   |  .
     .  |away|  |    | .<=========>|    |     | 1..n  |  | 1..n  |  .
     .  +----+  +----+ .           | GW |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .                 .           +----+                           .
     ...................             .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
                                     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
                                     .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+  +----+ .           +----+     +-------+             .
     .  |MNs |  | FA | .           | VPN|     | Router|             .
     .  |away|  |    | .<=========>|    |     | 1..n  |             .
     .  +----+  +----+ .    /\     | GW |     +-------+             .
     .                 .    ||     +----+                           .
     .                 .    ||     +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .                 .    ++====>| HA |     |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
     ...................           |    |     | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
                                   +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+  +----+ .           +----+     +-------+             .
     .  |MNs |  | FA | .           | VPN|     | Router|             .
     .  |away|  |    | .<==========| GW |     | 1..n  |             .
     .  +----+  +----+ .           |  + |     +-------+             .
     .                 .           | HA |                           .
     ...................           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
                                     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
                                     .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+  +----+ .           +----+     +-------+             .
     .  |MNs |  | FA | .           | VPN|     | Router|             .
     .  |away|  |    | .<==========| GW |     | 1..n  |             .
     .  +----+  +----+ .    /\     |    |     +-------+             .
     .                 .    ||     |    |                           .
     ...................    ||     |    |     +-------+  +-------+  .
                            ||     |    |     |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
     .....MIPv4 Home....    ||     |    |     | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
     .                 .<===++     |    |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     . +------+        .           +----+                           .
     . | HAs  |        .             .                              .
     . | 1..n |        .             ................................
     . +------+        .

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+  +----+ .         +------+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .  |MNs |  | FA | .         | Fire |     | Router|  | VPN/HA|  .
     .  |away|  |    | .<=======>| wall |     | 1..n  |  | 1..n  |  .
     .  +----+  +----+ .         |      |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .                 .         | NAT  |                           .
     ...................         +------+     +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
                                     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
                                     .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ....Internet.......             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+         .           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .  |MNs |         .           | VPN|     | Router|  | VPN/HA|  .
     .  |away|         .<=========>|    |     | 1..n  |  | 1..n  |  .
     .  +----+         .           | GW |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .                 .           +----+                           .
     ...................             .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
                                     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
                                     .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ....Internet.......             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+         .           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .  |MNs |         .           | VPN|     | Router|  | VPN/HA|  .
     .  |away|         .<=========>|    |     | 1..n  |  | 1..n  |  .
     .  +----+         .           | GW |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .                 .           |    |                           .
     ...................           |    |     +-------+  +-------+  .
                                   |    |     |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
         ..802.11 Wireless.. <====>|    |     | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
         .    Network      .       +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
         .                 .         .                              .
         ...................         ................................

     ....Internet.......             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     .  +----+         .           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .  |MNs |         .           | VPN|     | Router|  | VPN/HA|  .
     .  |away|<###################>|    |-----| 1..n  |->| 1..n  |  .
     .  +----+         .   \       | GW |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .                 .    \      +----+                           .
     ...................   mip       .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                           inside    .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
                           IPsec     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
                                     .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     . +----+   +----+ .           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     . |MNs |   | FA | .           | VPN|     | Router|  | VPN/HA|  .
     . |away|<??|    |<###########>|    |-----| 1..n  |->| 1..n  |  .
     . +----+ \ +----+ .   \       | GW |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .         \       .    \      +----+                           .
     ...........\.......   mip       .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                 \         inside    .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
            MN expects     IPsec     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
            IPsec traffic            .        +-------+  +-------+  .
                                     .                              .

     ..Foreign Network..             .....VPN Domain..(Intranet).....
     .                 .             .                              .
     . +----+   +----+ .           +----+     +-------+  +-------+  .
     . | FA |   | VPN| .           | VPN|     | Router|  | VPN/HA|  .
     . |    |<--| GW |<###########>|    |-----| 1..n  |->| 1..n  |  .
     . +----+   +----+ .   \       | GW |     +-------+  +-------+  .
     .    |            .    \      +----+                           .
     . +----+          .   mip       .        +-------+  +-------+  .
     . |MNs |          .   inside    .        |  CN   |  | MNs   |  .
     . |away|          .   IPsec     .        | 1..n  |  | home  |  .
     . +----+          .             .        +-------+  +-------+  .
     ...................             .                              .

                 +-------+             +-------+
                 |  MA-1 |             |  MA-2 |
                 |       |             |       |
                 +-------+     |IF2    +-------+
                     |         |          |
       |     +---------+       | +-------------+      |
   IF1 |VMG1 | +--+    |       | | +--+  +--+  |VMG2  |IF3
   ----------| |Tx|-------+    +---|Ty|--|Tz|----------------
       |     | +--+    |  |      | +--+  +--+  |      |
       | ....|         |  |      +-------------+      |
       |     +---------+  |                           |
       |                  +---------------------------------
       | Middlebox                                    | IF4

                 +-------+             +-------+
                 |  MA-1 |             |  MA-2 |
                 |       |             |       |
                 +-------+     |IF2    +-------+
                     |         |          |          MB
       |       +-----------+   | +-------------+      |
   IF1 |VMG1   |     +--+  |   | | +--+  +--+  |VMG2  |IF3
   ------------------|Ty|----+ +---|Tx|--|Tz|----------------
       |       |     +--+  | |   | +--+  +--+  |      |
       | ....  |       |   | |   +--/------\---+      |
       |       +-------|---+ |     /        \         |
       |               |     +----/----------\------------------
       |            +------+----+------+   +------+   |IF4
       |            |Policy1 Policy2   |   |Policy|   |
       |            |    |      |      |   |  3   |   |
       |            +----+------+------+   +------+   |

   +--------------------+                       +--------------------+
   |                    |                       |                    |
   |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
   |   |    Key     |   |         IKE           |   |    Key     |   |
   |   | Management | <-+-----------------------+-> | Management |   |
   |   |  Process   |   |                       |   |  Process   |   |
   |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
   |         ^          |                       |         ^          |
   |         |          |                       |         |          |
   |         v          |                       |         v          |
   |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
   |   |   IPsec    |   |        AH/ESP         |   |   IPsec    |   |
   |   |   Stack    | <-+-----------------------+-> |   Stack    |   |
   |   |            |   |                       |   |            |   |
   |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
   |                    |                       |                    |
   |                    |                       |                    |
   |     Initiator      |                       |     Responder      |
   +--------------------+                       +--------------------+

      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcimRuleInstance (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRuleConditionAssociation (structural)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcelsConditionAssociation (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRuleValidityAssociation (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRuleActionAssociation (structural)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcelsActionAssociation (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsPolicySetAssociation (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimPolicyInstance (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimElementAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsRoleCollection (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsFilterEntryBase (abstract new)
      |   |       |
      |   |       +---pcelsIPHeadersFilter (structural new)
      |   |       |
      |   |       +---pcels8021Filter (structural new)
      |   |
      |   +---dlm1ManagedSystemElement (abstract)
      |       |
      |       +---dlm1LogicalElement (abstract)
      |           |
      |           +---dlm1System (abstract)
      |               |
      |               +---dlm1AdminDomain (abstract)
      |                   |
      |                   +---pcimRepository (abstract)
      |                       |
      |                       +---pcimRepositoryAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |                       |
      |                       +---pcimRepositoryInstance (structural)
      |                       |
      |                       +---pcelsReusableContainer (abstract new)
      |                           |
      |                           +---pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass
      |                           |   (auxiliary new)
      |                           |
      |                           +---pcelsReusableContainerInstance
      |                               (structural new)

                       |          |
                 +-----|-        -|-----+
                 |     +----------+     |
                 |       *      *       |
                 |       *      *       |
                 |    ****      ****    |
                 |    *            *    |
                 v    *            *    v
               +-----------+   +-----------+
               | SA1+Set1  |   | SA2+Set2  |
               +-----------+   +-----------+

              |LEGEND:                       |
              |  ***** DIT containment       |
              |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
              |  ----> DN reference          |

             +----------+             +-------------+
             |Rule/Group|             | ContainerX  |
           +-|-        -|--+          |             |
           | +----------+  |          +-------------+
           |   *      *    |             *        *
           | ***      **** |             *        *
           | *           * v             *        *
           | *          +---+            *        *
           | *          |SA2|         +-------+   *
           v *          |  -|-------->|S1+Set2|   *
          +---+         +---+         +-------+   *
          |SA1|                               +-------+
          |  -|------------------------------>|S2+Set3|
          +---+                               +-------+

                 |LEGEND:                       |
                 |  ***** DIT containment       |
                 |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                 |  ----> DN reference          |

                   +------|     Rule     |------+
                   |      +--------------+      |
                   |           *    *           |
                   |   *********    *********   |
                   v   *                    *   v
                  +---------+          +---------+
                +-| CA1+cc1 |-+      +-| CA2+cc2 |-+
                | +---------+ |      | +---------+ |
                |     * *     |      |     * *     |
                |  **** ****  |      |  **** ****  |
                v  *       *  v      v  *       *  v
               +------+ +------+    +------+ +------+
               |CA3+c1| |CA4+c2|    |CA5+c3| |CA6+c4|
               +------+ +------+    +------+ +------+

                  |LEGEND:                       |
                  |  ***** DIT containment       |
                  |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                  |  ----> DN reference          |

           +-------------+                   +---------------+
    +------|     Rule    |-----+             |  ContainerX   |
    |      +-------------+     |             +---------------+
    |           *    *         |              *    *    *   *
    |           *    *         |           ****    *    *   *
    |   *********    ********  |           *       *    *   ********
    |   *                   *  v           *       *    *          *
    |   *               +---------+        *       *    ****       *
    |   *             +-| CA2+cc2 |-+      *       *       *       *
    |   *             | +---------+ |      *       *       *       *
    v   *             |    *  *     |      *       *       *       *
   +---------+        | ****  ****  |      *       *       *       *
 +-| CA1+cc1 |-+      | *        *  v      *       *       *       *
 | +---------+ |      | *     +------+  +-----+    *       *       *
 |    *  *     |      v *     |  CA6 |->|S1+c4|    *       *       *
 | ****  ****  |     +------+ +------+  +-----+ +-----+    *       *
 | *        *  v     |  CA5 |------------------>|S2+c3|    *       *
 | *      +------+   +------+                   +-----+ +-----+    *
 v *      |  CA4 |------------------------------------->|S3+c2|    *
 +------+ +------+                                      +-----+ +-----+
 |  CA3 |------------------------------------------------------>|S4+c1|
 +------+                                                       +-----+

                    |LEGEND:                       |
                    |  ***** DIT containment       |
                    |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                    |  ----> DN reference          |

        +--------------+                  +--------------+
        |     Rule     |                  |  RepositoryX |
    +---+--------------+----+             +--------------+
    |        *     *        |                  *    *
    |  *******     *******  |           ********    ********
    |  *                 *  v           *                  *
    |  *            +----------+    +---------+            *
    |  *            |   CA2    |--->| S1+cc2  |            *
    |  *            +----------+  +-+---------+-+          *
    |  *                          |     * *     |          *
    |  *                          |  **** ****  |          *
    |  *                          v  *       *  v          *
    |  *                         +------+ +------+         *
    |  *                         |CA5+c3| |CA6+c4|         *
    v  *                         +------+ +------+         *
  +----------+                                          +---------+
  |   CA1    |----------------------------------------->| S2+cc1  |
  +----------+                                        +-+---------+-+
                                                      |     * *     |
                                                      |  **** ****  |
                                                      v  *       *  v
                                                     +------+ +------+
                                                     |CA3+c1| |CA4+c2|
                                                     +------+ +------+

                    |LEGEND:                       |
                    |  ***** DIT containment       |
                    |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                    |  ----> DN reference          |

          +------+          +---------------+    +---------------+
    +-----| Rule |-----+    |  ContainerX   |    |  ContainerY   |
    |     +------+     |    +---------------+    +---------------+
    |      *    *      |         *     *           *   *   *   *
    | ******    ****** |       ***     ***       ***   *   *   *****
    | *              * v       *         *       *     *   *       *
    | *          +-------+  +------+     *       *     *   ***     *
    | *          |  CA2  |->|S1+ca1|     *       *     *     *     *
    | *          +-------+  +------+     *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    /  *  *  \    *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    |**   ** |    *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    |*     * v    *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    |*   +---+    *    +-----+  *     *     *
    | *                    |*   |CA6|----*--->|S3+c4|  *     *     *
    | *                    v*   +---+    *    +-----+  *     *     *
    | *                  +---+           *          +-----+  *     *
    | *                  |CA5|-----------*--------->|S4+c3|  *     *
    v *                  +---+           *          +-----+  *     *
  +-------+                           +------+               *     *
  |  CA1  |-------------------------->|S2+cc1|               *     *
  +-------+                           +------+               *     *
                                     /  *  *  \              *     *
                                     | **  ** |              *     *
                                     | *    * v              *     *
                                     | *  +---+           +-----+  *
                                     | *  |CA4|---------->|S5+c2|  *
                                     v *  +---+           +-----+  *
                                    +---+                      +-----+
                                    +---+                      +-----+

                    |LEGEND:                       |
                    |  ***** DIT containment       |
                    |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                    |  ----> DN reference          |

      |       \   |  /        |         |
      | R0     \  | /         |      R4 |
      | R5      \ |/          |         |

            |  Hardware Module                                     |
            |                                                      |
            |   +---------------+   +--------------------------+   |
            |   |  Bootstrap    |   |  Firmware Package        |   |
            |   |  Loader       |   |                          |   |
            |   +---------------+   |   +------------------+   |   |
            |                       |   : Firmware Package :   |   |
            |   +---------------+   |   : Identifier and   :   |   |
            |   |  Trust        |   |   : Version Number   :   |   |
            |   |  Anchor(s)    |   |   +------------------+   |   |
            |   +---------------+   |                          |   |
            |                       |   +-------------+        |   |
            |   +---------------+   |   : Algorithm 1 :        |   |
            |   |  Serial Num.  |   |   +-+-----------+-+      |   |
            |   +---------------+   |     : Algorithm 2 :      |   |
            |                       |     +-+-----------+-+    |   |
            |   +---------------+   |       : Algorithm n :    |   |
            |   |  Hardware     |   |       +-------------+    |   |
            |   |  Module Type  |   |                          |   |
            |   +---------------+   +--------------------------+   |
            |                                                      |
            |        +------------------------------------+        |
            |        |  Optional Private Signature Key &  |        |
            |        |  Signature Validation Certificate  |        |
            |        |  or the Certificate Designator     |        |
            |        +------------------------------------+        |
            |                                                      |

      ............          .................          ............
      .          .          .               .          .          .
      .        +---+    +-------+       +-------+    +---+        .
      .   r3---|   |    |       |       |       |----|CE2|---r5   .
      .        |   |    |       |       |       |    +---+        .
      .        |CE1|----|  PE1  |       |  PE2  |      :          .
      .        |   |    |       |       |       |    +---+        .
      .   r4---|   |    |       |       |       |----|CE3|---r6   .
      .        +---+    +-------+       +-------+    +---+        .
      . Customer .          .    Service    .          . Customer .
      .  site 1  .          .  provider(s)  .          .  site 2  .
      ............          .................          ............

               +------------------+  +------------------+
               |                  |  |                  |
          +------+  VPN tunnel  +------+  VPN tunnel  +------+
          |      |==============|      |==============|      |
          |      |              |      |              |      |
          |  PE  |              |  PE  |              |  PE  |
          |      |              |device|              |      |
          |device|              |(IWF) |              |device|
          |      |  VPN tunnel  |      |  VPN tunnel  |      |
          |      |==============|      |==============|      |
          +------+              +------+              +------+
               |                  |  |                  |
               +------------------+  +------------------+
               |<-VPN approach 1->|  |<-VPN approach 2->|

       +------------------+                     +------------------+
       |                  |          :          |                  |
   +------+ VPN tunnel +------+Tunnel:      +------+ VPN tunnel +------+
   |      |============|      |======:======|      |============|      |
   |      |            |      |      :      |      |            |      |
   |  PE  |            |  PE  |      :      |  PE  |            |  PE  |
   |      |            |      |      :      |      |            |      |
   |device|            |device|      :      |device|            |device|
   |      | VPN tunnel |      |Tunnel:      |      | VPN tunnel |      |
   |      |============|      |======:======|      |============|      |
   +------+            +------+      :      +------+            +------+
       |                  |          :          |                  |
       +------------------+    Interworking     +------------------+
       |<-VPN approach 1->|     interface       |<-VPN approach 2->|

      +------------+                             +------------+
      | PPVPN      +-----------------------------+      PPVPN |
      | user           PPVPN                             user |
      | site       +---------------------XXX-----+       site |
      +------------+  +------------------XXX--+  +------------+
                      |   PPVPN core     | |  |
                      +------------------| |--+
                                         | |
                                         | +------\
                                         +--------/  Internet

                   |periodically every T sec.        |
                   | Tc(t+)=MIN(CBS, Tc(t-)+CIR*T)   |
                   | Te(t+)=MIN(EBS, Te(t-)+EIR*T)   |

          Packet of size
              B arrives   /----------------\
         ---------------->|color-blind mode|
                          |       OR       |YES  +---------------+
                          |  green packet  |---->|packet is green|
                          |      AND       |     |Tc(t+)=Tc(t-)-B|
                          |    B <= Tc(t-) |     +---------------+
                                  | NO
                          |color-blind mode|
                          |       OR       |YES  +----------------+
                          | NOT red packet |---->|packet is yellow|
                          |      AND       |     |Te(t+)=Te(t-)-B |
                          |    B <= Te(t-) |     +----------------+
                                  | NO
                          |packet is red  |

      |                            |                            |
      |--------------------(1) INVITE SDP A-------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |<---(2) INVITE SDP A+B------|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |---(3) 200 OK SDP TA+TB---->|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |<---------(4) ACK-----------|
      |                            |                            |
      |<-------------------(5) 200 OK SDP TA--------------------|
      |                            |                            |
      |------------------------(6) ACK------------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      | ************************** | ************************** |
      |*          MEDIA           *|*          MEDIA           *|
      | ************************** | ************************** |
      |                            |                            |

      |                            |                            |
      |----------------------(1) INVITE------------------------>|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |<-----(2) INVITE SDP B------|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |---(3) 200 OK SDP TA+TB---->|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |<---------(4) ACK-----------|
      |                            |                            |
      |<-------------------(5) 200 OK SDP TA--------------------|
      |                            |                            |
      |-----------------------(6) ACK SDP A-------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |<-------(7) INVITE----------|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |---(8) 200 OK SDP TA+TB---->|
      |                            |                            |
      |<-----------------(9) INVITE SDP TA----------------------|
      |                            |                            |
      |------------------(10) 200 OK SDP A--------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      |<-----------------------(11) ACK-------------------------|
      |                            |                            |
      |                            |<-----(12) ACK SDP A+B------|
      |                            |                            |
      | ************************** | ************************** |
      |*          MEDIA           *|*          MEDIA           *|
      | ************************** | ************************** |

      |                            |                            |
      |-------(1) INVITE SDP A---->|                            |
      |                            |                            |
      |<----(2) 200 OK SDP TA+TB---|                            |
      |                            |                            |
      |----------(3) ACK---------->|                            |
      |                            |                            |
      |--------------------(4) INVITE SDP TA------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      |<--------------------(5) 200 OK SDP B--------------------|
      |                            |                            |
      |-------------------------(6) ACK------------------------>|
      |                            |                            |
      |--------(7) INVITE--------->|                            |
      |                            |                            |
      |<---(8) 200 OK SDP TA+TB  --|                            |
      |                            |                            |
      |--------------------(9) INVITE SDP TA------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      |<-------------------(10) 200 OK SDP B--------------------|
      |                            |                            |
      |-------------------------(11) ACK----------------------->|
      |                            |                            |
      |------(12) ACK SDP A+B----->|                            |
      |                            |                            |
      | ************************** | ************************** |
      |*          MEDIA           *|*          MEDIA           *|
      | ************************** | ************************** |
      |                            |                            |

     |                          |                      |             |
     |----(1) INVITE SDP AT1--->|                      |             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |----------------(2) INVITE SDP AT2-------------->|             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |<-(3) 200 OK SDP T1A+T1B--|                      |             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |---------(4) ACK--------->|                      |             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |<---------------(5) 200 OK SDP T2A+T2B-----------|             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |----------------------(6) ACK------------------->|             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |-----------------------(7) INVITE SDP T1B+T2B----------------->|
     |                          |                      |             |
     |<----------------------(8) 200 OK SDP BT1+BT2------------------|
     |                          |                      |             |
     |------(9) INVITE--------->|                      |             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |-------------------(10) INVITE------------------>|             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |<-(11) 200 OK SDP T1A+T1B-|                      |             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |<------------(12) 200 OK SDP T2A+T2B-------------|             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |------------------(13) INVITE SDP T1B+T2B--------------------->|
     |                          |                      |             |
     |<-----------------(14) 200 OK SDP BT1+BT2----------------------|
     |                          |                      |             |
     |--------------------------(15) ACK---------------------------->|
     |                          |                      |             |
     |---(16) ACK SDP AT1+BT1-->|                      |             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     |------------(17) ACK SDP AT2+BT2---------------->|             |
     |                          |                      |             |
     | ************************ | ********************************** |
     |*          MEDIA         *|*               MEDIA              *|
     | ************************ | ********************************** |
     |                          |                      |             |
     | ***********************************************   ***********
     |*                      MEDIA                    *|*   MEDIA   *|
     | *********************************************** | *********** |
     |                          |                      |             |

     |                           |                     |             |
     |----(1) INVITE SDP A-----> |                     |             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |<-(2) 200 OK SDP T1A+T1T2- |                     |             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |----------(3) ACK--------> |                     |             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |-----------(4) INVITE SDP T1T2------------------>|             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |<-----------(5) 200 OK SDP T2T1+T2B--------------|             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |---------------------(6) ACK-------------------->|             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |---------------------------(7) INVITE SDP T2B----------------->|
     |                           |                     |             |
     |<--------------------------(8) 200 OK SDP B--------------------|
     |                           |                     |             |
     |--------------------------------(9) ACK----------------------->|
     |                           |                     |             |
     |---(10) INVITE-----------> |                     |             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |------------------(11) INVITE------------------->|             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |<-(12) 200 OK SDP T1A+T1T2-|                     |             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |<-------------(13) 200 OK SDP T2T1+T2B-----------|             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |---(14) ACK SDP T1T2+B---> |                     |             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |-----------------------(15) INVITE SDP T2B-------------------->|
     |                           |                     |             |
     |<----------------------(16) 200 OK SDP B-----------------------|
     |                           |                     |             |
     |----------------(17) ACK SDP T1T2+B------------->|             |
     |                           |                     |             |
     |----------------------------(18) ACK-------------------------->|
     |                           |                     |             |
     | ************************* | *******************   *********** |
     |*         MEDIA           *|*       MEDIA       *|*   MEDIA   *|
     | ************************* | ******************* | *********** |
     |                           |                     |             |

       +---------------+     +---------------+     +---------------+
       |  802.11 BSS 1 |     |  802.11 BSS 2 |     |  802.11 BSS 3 |
       |  ...          |     |  ...          |     |  ...          |
       |    +-----+    |     |    +-----+    |     |    +-----+    |
       +----| WTP |----+     +----| WTP |----+     +----| WTP |----+
            +--+--+               +--+--+               +--+--+
               |Ethernet             |                     |
               +------------------+  |  +------------------+
                                  |  |  |
                              | Ethernet    |
     802.3 LAN  --------------+ Switch      +-------------- 802.3 LAN
     segment 1                |             |               segment 2

    +---------------+     +---------------+     +---------------+
    |  802.11 BSS 1 |     |  802.11 BSS 2 |     |  802.11 BSS 3 |
    |  ...          |     |  ...          |     |  ...          |
    |    +-------+  |     |    +-------+  |     |    +-------+  |
    +----|  WTP  |--+     +----|  WTP  |--+     +----|  WTP  |--+
         +---+---+             +---+---+             +---+---+
             |                     |                     |
             +------------------+  |   +-----------------+
                                |  |...|
                           |  Interconnection   |
                             |    AC    |

                             -------+------ LAN
                            |      AC       |
                                 |     |
                             +---+     +---+
                             |             |
                          +--+--+       +--+--+
                          | WTP |       | WTP |
                          +--+--+       +--+--+

                             -------+------ LAN
                            |      AC       |
                                 |     |
                             +---+     +---+
                             |             |
                          +--+--+    +-----+-----+
                          | WTP |    |   Switch  |
                          +--+--+    +---+-----+-+
                                         |     |
                                      +-----+  +-----+
                                      | WTP |  | WTP |
                                      +-----+  +-----+

      +--------------+---    +---------------+---    +--------------+---
      |  CAPWAP      |       |  CAPWAP       |       |  CAPWAP      |
      |  functions   |AC     |  functions    |AC     |  functions   |
      |==============|===    |---------------|       |--------------|
      |              |       |  non RT MAC   |       |              |AC
      |  802.11 MAC  |       |===============|===    |  802.11 MAC  |
      |              |WTP    | Realtime MAC  |       |              |
      |--------------|       |---------------|WTP    |==============|===
      |  802.11 PHY  |       |  802.11 PHY   |       |  802.11 PHY  |WTP
      +--------------+---    +---------------+---    +--------------+---

       +-----------------+         +-----------------+
       |  802.11 BSS 1   |         |  802.11 BSS 2   |
       |  ...            |         |  ...            |
       |    +---------+  |         |    +---------+  |
       +----|mesh node|--+         +----|mesh node|--+
            +-+---+---+                 +-+-+-----+
              |   |                       | |
              |   |                       | |           +----------+
              |   +-----------------------+ |  Ethernet | Ethernet |
              |    802.11 wireless links    |  +--------+ Switch   |
              |   +-----------------------+ |  |        |          |
              |   |                       | |  |        +----------+
            +-+---+---+                   +-+--+----+
       +----|mesh node|--+           +----|mesh node|--+
       |    +---------+  |           |    +---------+  |
       |  ...            |           |  ...            |
       |  802.11 BSS 4   |           |  802.11 BSS 3   |
       +-----------------+           +-----------------+

                    |Autonomous      |
        +---------->|Architecture    |
        |           |Family          |
        |           +----------------+
        |                                     +--------------+
        |                                     |Local         |
        |                               +---->|MAC           |
        |                               |     |Architecture  |
        |                               |     +--------------+
        |                               |
        |           +----------------+  |     +--------------+
        |           |Centralized     |  |     |Split         |
        +---------->|Architecture    |--+---->|MAC           |
        |           |Family          |  |     |Architecture  |
        |           +----------------+  |     +--------------+
        |                               |
        |                               |     +--------------+
        |                               |     |Remote        |
        |                               +---->|MAC           |
        |                                     |Architecture  |
        |                                     +--------------+
        |           +----------------+
        |           |Distributed Mesh|
        +---------->|Architecture    |
                    |Family          |

   | Label                | Description          | Example             |
   | country              | The country is       | US                  |
   |                      | identified by the    |                     |
   |                      | two-letter ISO 3166  |                     |
   |                      | code.                |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | A1                   | national             | New York            |
   |                      | subdivisions (state, |                     |
   |                      | region, province,    |                     |
   |                      | prefecture)          |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | A2                   | county, parish, gun  | King's County       |
   |                      | (JP), district (IN)  |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | A3                   | city, township, shi  | New York            |
   |                      | (JP)                 |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | A4                   | city division,       | Manhattan           |
   |                      | borough, city        |                     |
   |                      | district, ward, chou |                     |
   |                      | (JP)                 |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | A5                   | neighborhood, block  | Morningside Heights |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | A6                   | street               | Broadway            |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | PRD                  | Leading street       | N, W                |
   |                      | direction            |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | POD                  | Trailing street      | SW                  |
   |                      | suffix               |                     |

   |                      |                      |                     |
   | STS                  | Street suffix        | Avenue, Platz,      |
   |                      |                      | Street              |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | HNO                  | House number,        | 123                 |
   |                      | numeric part only.   |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | HNS                  | House number suffix  | A, 1/2              |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | LMK                  | Landmark or vanity   | Low Library         |
   |                      | address              |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | LOC                  | Additional location  | Room 543            |
   |                      | information          |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | FLR                  | Floor                | 5                   |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | NAM                  | Name (residence,     | Joe's Barbershop    |
   |                      | business or office   |                     |
   |                      | occupant)            |                     |
   |                      |                      |                     |
   | PC                   | Postal code          | 10027-0401          |

        H.323                        SIP
         EP    Setup   IWF           UA
          |------------>|    INVITE   |
          |             |------------>|
          |             | 180 RINGING |
          |   Alerting  |<------------|
          |<------------|   200 OK    |
          |  Connect    |<------------|
          |<------------|             |
          |   H.245     |             |
          |<----------->|    ACK      |
          |             |------------>|
          |            RTP            |

      SIP                        H.323
       UA           IWF            EP
       |             |             |
       |   INVITE    |             |
       |------------>|   Setup     |
       |             |------------>|
       |             |  Alerting   |
       | 180 RINGING |<------------|
       |<------------|   Connect   |
       |             |<------------|
       |             |    H.245    |
       |     200 OK  |<----------->|
       |<------------|             |
       |     ACK     |             |
       |------------>|             |
       |            RTP            |

           i   <--->       CT      preemption
           2               CT0     2
           3               CT0     3

   Let's assume again that preemptions 2 and 3 are used in the TE-domain
   and that the following TE-Class mapping is configured on LSR1 and
           i   <--->       CT      preemption
           0               CT1     0
           1               CT1     1
           2               CT0     2
           3               CT0     3
           rest            unused

        <---BC0--->                  I
        I---------I                  I
        I         I                  I
        I   CT0   I                  I
        I         I                  I
        I---------I                  I
        I                            I
        I                            I
        <-------BC1------->          I
        I-----------------I          I
        I                 I          I
        I       CT1       I          I
        I                 I          I
        I-----------------I          I
        I                            I
        I                            I
        <-----BC2----->              I
        I-------------I              I
        I             I              I
        I     CT2     I              I
        I             I              I
        I-------------I              I
        I                            I
        I        CT0+CT1+CT2         I
        I                            I

   I------------------------------BC0=Max Reservable Bw--->

            ----------              ----------        o--o
            |        | 2048 kbits/s |        |-------  /\
            |        |--------------|        |         --
            |  PBX   | 1544 kbits/s |  AN    |
            |        |--------------|        |        o--o
            |        |              |        |-------  /\
            ----------              ----------         --

       PBX                     SG                        MGC
           <----------- SABMR          <----------- Est Req(Ind=1)
       UA   ----------->       Est Cfm -----------> (DLC in RC State)

         PBX                     SG                        MGC
           <----------- SABMR         <----------- Est Req(Ind=1)
           Retransmissions over
           NT1 and NT2 expired
                               Rel Ind -----------> (DLC in RA state)

         PBX                     SG                    MGC
              <----------- SABMR(1)    <----------- Est Req(Ind=0)
              <----------- SABMR(2)
              <----------- SABMR(3)
              <----------- SABMR(N)
              In each DLC either
              UA is received or
              NT1/NT2 is expired

                                 Est Cfm -----------> (Status of DLCs
                                 (Ind=0)               are not updated)
                                         <----------- Status Req
                               Status cfm ----------> (Mark DLC status
                                                       based on
                                                       status bits)

            PBX                     SG                        MGC
                 <----------- UI(C)            <----------- Data Req
            UI(R)----------->         Data Ind ----------->

            PBX                     SG                        MGC
                (For DPNSS, mark DLC as OOS)   <----------- Rel Req
                (For DASSII, mark DLC as RA)              (RELEASE_MGMT,
                                      Rel Cfm  ---------->

            PBX                     SG                        MGC
                (For DPNSS, mark all DLCs as OOS) <-------- Rel Req
                (For DASSII, mark DLC as RA)              (RELEASE_MGMT,
                                        Rel Cfm  ---------->

            PBX                     SG                        MGC
                                           <-----------  Stat Req
                                  Stat Cfm -----------> (Mark DLC status
                                                         based on
                                                         status bits)

            PBX                     SG                        MGC
                              Invalid Message <-----------Est/Rel/Data/-
                                                           Stat Req
                                 Error Ind    ----------->
                                (Error Code)

      Peer             Peer  |  Authenticator       Auth
      Method                 |                      Method
              \              |                    /
               \             |                   /
                Peer         |             Auth
                EAP    <-----|---------->  EAP
                Switch       |             Switch

          Peer  |  Authenticator              | Backend
                |              /   Local      |
                |             /    Method     |
          Peer  |        Auth                 |        Backend
          EAP  -|----->  EAP                  |    -->  EAP
         Switch |       Switch                |   /    Server
                |             \               |  /
                |              \ pass-through |
                |                             |

(global transitions)         |      !portEnabled      |      DISABLED
                             |     eapRestart &&      |    INITIALIZE
                             |      portEnabled       |
DISABLED                     |      portEnabled       |    INITIALIZE
INITIALIZE                   |                        |
                             |                        |
selectedMethod = NONE        |                        |
methodState = NONE           |                        |
allowNotifications = TRUE    |                        |
decision = FAIL              |          UCT           |          IDLE
idleWhile = ClientTimeout    |                        |
lastId = NONE                |                        |
eapSuccess = FALSE           |                        |
eapFail = FALSE              |                        |
eapKeyData = NONE            |                        |
eapKeyAvailable = FALSE      |                        |
eapRestart = FALSE           |                        |
IDLE                         |         eapReq         |      RECEIVED
                             |     (altAccept &&      |
                             |  decision != FAIL) ||  |
                             |   (idleWhile == 0 &&   |       SUCCESS
                             |      decision ==       |
                             |      UNCOND_SUCC)      |

                             |      altReject ||      |
                             |   (idleWhile == 0 &&   |
                             |      decision !=       |
                             |    UNCOND_SUCC) ||     |       FAILURE
                             |     (altAccept &&      |
                             | methodState != CONT && |
                             |   decision == FAIL)    |
RECEIVED                     |        rxReq &&        |        METHOD
                             |  (reqId != lastId) &&  |
(rxReq,rxSuccess,rxFailure,  |     (reqMethod ==      |
  reqId,reqMethod) =         |   selectedMethod) &&   |
  parseEapReq(eapReqData)    | (methodState != DONE)  |
                             |        rxReq &&        |
                             |  (reqId != lastId) &&  |
                             |   (selectedMethod ==   |
                             |        NONE) &&        |    GET_METHOD
                             |     (reqMethod !=      |
                             |      IDENTITY) &&      |
                             |     (reqMethod !=      |
                             |     NOTIFICATION)      |
                             |        rxReq &&        |
                             |  (reqId != lastId) &&  |
                             |   (selectedMethod ==   |      IDENTITY
                             |        NONE) &&        |
                             |     (reqMethod ==      |
                             |       IDENTITY)        |
                             |        rxReq &&        |
                             |  (reqId != lastId) &&  |
                             |   (reqMethod ==        |  NOTIFICATION
                             |    NOTIFICATION) &&    |
                             |   allowNotifications   |
                             |        rxReq &&        |    RETRANSMIT
                             |   (reqId == lastId)    |
                             |      rxSuccess &&      |
                             |  (reqId == lastId) &&  |       SUCCESS
                             |   (decision != FAIL)   |

                             | (methodState!=CONT) && |
                             |     ((rxFailure &&     |
                             |      decision !=       |
                             |    UNCOND_SUCC) ||     |       FAILURE
                             |     (rxSuccess &&      |
                             | decision == FAIL)) &&  |
                             |   (reqId == lastId)    |
                             |          else          |       DISCARD
METHOD                       |                        |
                             |                        |
ignore = m.check(eapReqData) |         ignore         |       DISCARD
if (!ignore) {               |                        |
  (methodState, decision,    |                        |
  allowNotifications) =      |------------------------+--------------
  m.process(eapReqData)      |                        |
  /* methodState is CONT,    |                        |
     MAY_CONT, or DONE */    | (methodState==DONE) && |       FAILURE
  /* decision is FAIL,       |   (decision == FAIL)   |
     COND_SUCC, or           |                        |
     UNCOND_SUCC */          |                        |
  eapRespData =              |------------------------+--------------
    m.buildResp(reqId)       |                        |
  if (m.isKeyAvailable())    |          else          | SEND_RESPONSE
    eapKeyData = m.getKey()  |                        |
}                            |                        |
GET_METHOD                   |                        |
                             |   selectedMethod ==    |
if (allowMethod(reqMethod)) {|       reqMethod        |        METHOD
  selectedMethod = reqMethod |                        |
  methodState = INIT         |                        |
} else {                     |------------------------+--------------
  eapRespData =              |                        |
    buildNak(reqId)          |          else          | SEND_RESPONSE
}                            |                        |
IDENTITY                     |                        |
                             |                        |
processIdentity(eapReqData)  |          UCT           | SEND_RESPONSE
eapRespData =                |                        |
  buildIdentity(reqId)       |                        |

NOTIFICATION                 |                        |
                             |                        |
processNotify(eapReqData)    |          UCT           | SEND_RESPONSE
eapRespData =                |                        |
  buildNotify(reqId)         |                        |
RETRANSMIT                   |                        |
                             |          UCT           | SEND_RESPONSE
eapRespData = lastRespData   |                        |
DISCARD                      |                        |
                             |          UCT           |          IDLE
eapReq = FALSE               |                        |
eapNoResp = TRUE             |                        |
SEND_RESPONSE                |                        |
                             |                        |
lastId = reqId               |                        |
lastRespData = eapRespData   |          UCT           |          IDLE
eapReq = FALSE               |                        |
eapResp = TRUE               |                        |
idleWhile = ClientTimeout    |                        |
SUCCESS                      |                        |
                             |                        |
if (eapKeyData != NONE)      |                        |
  eapKeyAvailable = TRUE     |                        |
eapSuccess = TRUE            |                        |
FAILURE                      |                        |
                             |                        |
eapFail = TRUE               |                        |
                                Figure 8

(global transitions)          |    !portEnabled     |        DISABLED
                              |    eapRestart &&    |      INITIALIZE
                              |     portEnabled     |
DISABLED                      |     portEnabled     |      INITIALIZE

INITIALIZE                    |                     |
                              |                     |
currentId = NONE              |                     |
eapSuccess = FALSE            |                     |
eapFail = FALSE               |         UCT         |   SELECT_ACTION
eapTimeout = FALSE            |                     |
eapKeyData = NONE             |                     |
eapKeyAvailable = FALSE       |                     |
eapRestart = FALSE            |                     |
IDLE                          |                     |
                              |  retransWhile == 0  |      RETRANSMIT
retransWhile =                |                     |
  calculateTimeout(           |---------------------+----------------
   retransCount, eapSRTT,     |       eapResp       |        RECEIVED
   eapRTTVAR, methodTimeout)  |                     |
RETRANSMIT                    |                     |
                              |   retransCount >    | TIMEOUT_FAILURE
retransCount++                |     MaxRetrans      |
if (retransCount<=MaxRetrans){|                     |
  eapReqData = lastReqData    |---------------------+----------------
  eapReq = TRUE               |        else         |            IDLE
}                             |                     |
RECEIVED                      |      rxResp &&      |
                              |     (respId ==      |
(rxResp,respId,respMethod)=   |    currentId) &&    |
  parseEapResp(eapRespData)   | (respMethod == NAK  |
                              |         ||          |             NAK
                              |    respMethod ==    |
                              |  EXPANDED_NAK) &&   |
                              |   (methodState ==   |
                              |      PROPOSED)      |
                              |      rxResp &&      |
                              |     (respId ==      |
                              |    currentId) &&    | INTEGRITY_CHECK
                              |   (respMethod ==    |
                              |   currentMethod)    |
                              |        else         |         DISCARD

NAK                           |                     |
                              |         UCT         |   SELECT_ACTION
m.reset()                     |                     |
Policy.update(<...>)          |                     |
SELECT_ACTION                 | decision == FAILURE |         FAILURE
                              |                     |
decision =                    |---------------------+----------------
  Policy.getDecision()        | decision == SUCCESS |         SUCCESS
/* SUCCESS, FAILURE, or       |---------------------+----------------
   CONTINUE */                |        else         |  PROPOSE_METHOD
INTEGRITY_CHECK               |       ignore        |         DISCARD
ignore = m.check(eapRespData) |       !ignore       | METHOD_RESPONSE
METHOD_RESPONSE               |                     |
                              | methodState == END  |   SELECT_ACTION
m.process(eapRespData)        |                     |
if (m.isDone()) {             |                     |
  Policy.update(<...>)        |---------------------+----------------
  eapKeyData = m.getKey()     |                     |
  methodState = END           |        else         |  METHOD_REQUEST
} else                        |                     |
  methodState = CONTINUE      |                     |
PROPOSE_METHOD                |                     |
                              |                     |
currentMethod =               |                     |
  Policy.getNextMethod()      |                     |
m.init()                      |         UCT         |  METHOD_REQUEST
if (currentMethod==IDENTITY |||                     |
  currentMethod==NOTIFICATION)|                     |
  methodState = CONTINUE      |                     |
else                          |                     |
  methodState = PROPOSED      |                     |
METHOD_REQUEST                |                     |
                              |                     |
currentId = nextId(currentId) |         UCT         |    SEND_REQUEST
eapReqData =                  |                     |
  m.buildReq(currentId)       |                     |
methodTimeout = m.getTimeout()|                     |

DISCARD                       |                     |
                              |         UCT         |            IDLE
eapResp = FALSE               |                     |
eapNoReq = TRUE               |                     |
SEND_REQUEST                  |                     |
                              |                     |
retransCount = 0              |         UCT         |            IDLE
lastReqData = eapReqData      |                     |
eapResp = FALSE               |                     |
eapReq = TRUE                 |                     |
TIMEOUT_FAILURE               |                     |
                              |                     |
eapTimeout = TRUE             |                     |
FAILURE                       |                     |
                              |                     |
eapReqData =                  |                     |
  buildFailure(currentId)     |                     |
eapFail = TRUE                |                     |
SUCCESS                       |                     |
                              |                     |
eapReqData =                  |                     |
  buildSuccess(currentId)     |                     |
if (eapKeyData != NONE)       |                     |
  eapKeyAvailable = TRUE      |                     |
eapSuccess = TRUE             |                     |
                                Figure 9

(global transitions)          |   !backendEnabled   |        DISABLED
DISABLED                      |  backendEnabled &&  |      INITIALIZE
                              |     aaaEapResp      |

INITIALIZE                    |       !rxResp       |   SELECT_ACTION
currentMethod = NONE          |      rxResp &&      |
(rxResp,respId,respMethod)=   | (respMethod == NAK  |
  parseEapResp(aaaEapRespData)|         ||          |             NAK
if (rxResp)                   |    respMethod ==    |
  currentId = respId          |    EXPANDED_NAK)    |
else                          |---------------------+----------------
  currentId = NONE            |        else         |  PICK_UP_METHOD
PICK_UP_METHOD                |                     |
                              |  currentMethod ==   |   SELECT_ACTION
if (Policy.doPickUp(          |        NONE         |
    respMethod)) {            |                     |
  currentMethod = respMethod  |---------------------+----------------
  m.initPickUp()              |        else         | METHOD_RESPONSE
}                             |                     |
IDLE                          |     aaaEapResp      |        RECEIVED
RECEIVED                      |      rxResp &&      |
                              |     (respId ==      |
(rxResp,respId,respMethod)=   |    currentId) &&    |
  parseEapResp(aaaEapRespData)| (respMethod == NAK  |
                              |         ||          |             NAK
                              |    respMethod ==    |
                              |  EXPANDED_NAK) &&   |
                              |   (methodState ==   |
                              |      PROPOSED)      |
                              |      rxResp &&      |
                              |     (respId ==      |
                              |    currentId) &&    | INTEGRITY_CHECK
                              |   (respMethod ==    |
                              |   currentMethod)    |
                              |        else         |         DISCARD
NAK                           |                     |
                              |         UCT         |   SELECT_ACTION
m.reset()                     |                     |
Policy.update(<...>)          |                     |

SELECT_ACTION                 | decision == FAILURE |         FAILURE
                              |                     |
decision =                    |---------------------+----------------
  Policy.getDecision()        | decision == SUCCESS |         SUCCESS
/* SUCCESS, FAILURE, or       |---------------------+----------------
   CONTINUE */                |        else         |  PROPOSE_METHOD
INTEGRITY_CHECK               |       ignore        |         DISCARD
                              |                     |
ignore =                      |---------------------+----------------
  m.check(aaaEapRespData)     |       !ignore       | METHOD_RESPONSE
METHOD_RESPONSE               |                     |
                              | methodState == END  |   SELECT_ACTION
m.process(aaaEapRespData)     |                     |
if (m.isDone()) {             |                     |
  Policy.update(<...>)        |---------------------+----------------
  aaaEapKeyData = m.getKey()  |                     |
  methodState = END           |        else         |  METHOD_REQUEST
} else                        |                     |
  methodState = CONTINUE      |                     |
PROPOSE_METHOD                |                     |
                              |                     |
currentMethod =               |                     |
  Policy.getNextMethod()      |                     |
m.init()                      |         UCT         |  METHOD_REQUEST
if (currentMethod==IDENTITY |||                     |
  currentMethod==NOTIFICATION)|                     |
  methodState = CONTINUE      |                     |
else                          |                     |
  methodState = PROPOSED      |                     |
METHOD_REQUEST                |                     |
                              |                     |
currentId = nextId(currentId) |                     |
aaaEapReqData =               |         UCT         |    SEND_REQUEST
  m.buildReq(currentId)       |                     |
aaaMethodTimeout =            |                     |
  m.getTimeout()              |                     |
DISCARD                       |                     |
                              |         UCT         |            IDLE
aaaEapResp = FALSE            |                     |
aaaEapNoReq = TRUE            |                     |

SEND_REQUEST                  |                     |
                              |         UCT         |            IDLE
aaaEapResp = FALSE            |                     |
aaaEapReq = TRUE              |                     |
FAILURE                       |                     |
                              |                     |
aaaEapReqData =               |                     |
  buildFailure(currentId)     |                     |
aaaEapFail = TRUE             |                     |
SUCCESS                       |                     |
                              |                     |
aaaEapReqData =               |                     |
  buildSuccess(currentId)     |                     |
if (aaaEapKeyData != NONE)    |                     |
  aaaEapKeyAvailable = TRUE   |                     |
aaaEapSuccess = TRUE          |                     |
                               Figure 10

SELECT_ACTION                 | decision == FAILURE |         FAILURE
                              |                     |
decision =                    |---------------------+----------------
  Policy.getDecision()        | decision == SUCCESS |         SUCCESS
/* SUCCESS, FAILURE, CONTINUE,|---------------------+----------------
   or PASSTHROUGH */          |     decision ==     |     INITIALIZE_
                              |     PASSTHROUGH     |     PASSTHROUGH
                              |        else         |  PROPOSE_METHOD
                               Figure 11

aaaEapRespData = NONE         |  currentId == NONE  |        AAA_IDLE

IDLE2                         |                     |
                              |  retransWhile == 0  |     RETRANSMIT2
retransWhile =                |                     |
  calculateTimeout(           |---------------------+----------------
   retransCount, eapSRTT,     |       eapResp       |       RECEIVED2
   eapRTTVAR, methodTimeout)  |                     |
RETRANSMIT2                   |                     |
                              |   retransCount >    |        TIMEOUT_
retransCount++                |     MaxRetrans      |        FAILURE2
if (retransCount<=MaxRetrans){|                     |
  eapReqData = lastReqData    |---------------------+----------------
  eapReq = TRUE               |        else         |           IDLE2
}                             |                     |
RECEIVED2                     |      rxResp &&      |
                              |     (respId ==      |     AAA_REQUEST
(rxResp,respId,respMethod)=   |     currentId)      |
  parseEapResp(eapRespData)   |---------------------+----------------
                              |        else         |        DISCARD2
AAA_REQUEST                   |                     |
                              |                     |
if (respMethod == IDENTITY) { |         UCT         |        AAA_IDLE
  aaaIdentity = eapRespData   |                     |
aaaEapRespData = eapRespData  |                     |
AAA_IDLE                      |     aaaEapNoReq     |        DISCARD2
aaaFail = FALSE               |      aaaEapReq      |    AAA_RESPONSE
aaaSuccess = FALSE            |---------------------+----------------
aaaEapReq = FALSE             |     aaaTimeout      |        TIMEOUT_
aaaEapNoReq = FALSE           |                     |        FAILURE2
aaaEapResp = TRUE             |---------------------+----------------
                              |       aaaFail       |        FAILURE2
                              |     aaaSuccess      |        SUCCESS2
AAA_RESPONSE                  |                     |
                              |                     |
eapReqData = aaaEapReqData    |         UCT         |   SEND_REQUEST2
currentId = getId(eapReqData) |                     |
methodTimeout =               |                     |
  aaaMethodTimeout            |                     |

DISCARD2                      |                     |
                              |         UCT         |           IDLE2
eapResp = FALSE               |                     |
eapNoReq = TRUE               |                     |
SEND_REQUEST2                 |                     |
                              |                     |
retransCount = 0              |         UCT         |           IDLE2
lastReqData = eapReqData      |                     |
eapResp = FALSE               |                     |
eapReq = TRUE                 |                     |
TIMEOUT_FAILURE2              |                     |
                              |                     |
eapTimeout = TRUE             |                     |
FAILURE2                      |                     |
                              |                     |
eapReqData = aaaEapReqData    |                     |
eapFail = TRUE                |                     |
SUCCESS2                      |                     |
                              |                     |
eapReqData = aaaEapReqData    |                     |
eapKeyData = aaaEapKeyData    |                     |
eapKeyAvailable =             |                     |
  aaaEapKeyAvailable          |                     |
eapSuccess = TRUE             |                     |
                               Figure 12

          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         1.          <---------------------------- ACK 5
         2.  SEND 10 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         3.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         4.  SEND 11 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         5.                       |
             [F-RTO step (1)]
         6.  SEND 6  ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 6)
                     <earlier xmitted SEG 6>  --->
         7.          <---------------------------- ACK 7
             [F-RTO step (2b)]
         8.  SEND 12 ---------------------------->
         9.  SEND 13 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 7)
                     <earlier xmitted SEG 7>  --->
         10.         <---------------------------- ACK 8
             [F-RTO step (3b)]
             [SpuriousRecovery <- SPUR_TO]
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 6, FlightSize = 6)

         11. SEND 14 ---------------------------->
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 6, FlightSize = 7)
         12.         <---------------------------- ACK 9
         13. SEND 15 ---------------------------->
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 6, FlightSize = 7)
         14.         <---------------------------- ACK 10
         15. SEND 16 ---------------------------->
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 6, FlightSize = 7)

          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
             <segment 6 lost>
             <segment 9 lost>
         1.          <---------------------------- ACK 5
         2.  SEND 10 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         3.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         4.  SEND 11 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)

         5.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         6.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         7.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         8.  SEND 6  --------------X
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 6)
             <segment 6 lost>
         9.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         10. SEND 12 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 7)
         11.         <---------------------------- ACK 6
         12. SEND 13 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 8, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 8)
         13. SEND 6  ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 8, ssthresh = 2, FlightSize = 8)
         14.         <---------------------------- ACK 9
             [F-RTO step (2b)]
         15. SEND 14 ---------------------------->
         16. SEND 15 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 2, FlightSize = 7)
         17.         <---------------------------- ACK 9
             [F-RTO step (3a)]
             [SpuriousRecovery <- FALSE]
          (cwnd = 3, ssthresh = 2, FlightSize = 7)
         18. SEND 9  ---------------------------->
         19. SEND 10 ---------------------------->
         20. SEND 11 ---------------------------->

          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
             <segments 6-9 lost>
         1.          <---------------------------- ACK 5
         2.  SEND 10 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         3.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         4.  SEND 11 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         5.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         6.  SEND 6  ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 6)
         7.          <---------------------------- ACK 7
             [F-RTO step (2b)]
         8.  SEND 12 ---------------------------->
         9.  SEND 13 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 7)
         10.         <---------------------------- ACK 7
             [F-RTO step (3a)]
             [SpuriousRecovery <- FALSE]
          (cwnd = 3, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 7)
         11. SEND 7  ---------------------------->
         12. SEND 8  ---------------------------->
         13. SEND 9  ---------------------------->

          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         1.          <---------------------------- ACK 5
         2.  SEND 10 ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh < 6, FlightSize = 6)
         3.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
         4.  SEND 11 ---------------------------->
         5.                       |
         6.  SEND 6  ---------------------------->
          (cwnd = 6, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 6)
                     <earlier xmitted SEG 8>  --->
         7.          <---------------------------- ACK 6
                                                   [SACK 8]
             [SACK F-RTO stays in step 2]
         8.          <earlier xmitted SEG 6>  --->
         9.          <---------------------------- ACK 7
                                                   [SACK 8]
             [SACK F-RTO step (2b)]
         10. SEND 12 ---------------------------->
         11. SEND 13 ---------------------------->
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 3, FlightSize = 7)
         12.         <earlier xmitted SEG 7>  --->
         13.         <---------------------------- ACK 9
             [SACK F-RTO step (3b)]
             [SpuriousRecovery <- SPUR_TO]
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 6, FlightSize = 6)
         14. SEND 14 ---------------------------->
           (cwnd = 7, ssthresh = 6, FlightSize = 7)
         15.         <---------------------------- ACK 10
         16. SEND 15 ---------------------------->

       ---       ---                 ---       ---
      | A |--1--| B |-----2-//------| Y |--3--| Z |
       ---       ---                 ---       ---

       -----                     -----
      |     |    ---     ---    |     |
      |  A  |---| B |---| C |---|  Z  |
      |     |    ---     ---    |     |
       -----                     -----

                        +-----------+  1a. HI          +-----+
                        |           | ---------------->| NAR |
                        |    PAR    |  1b. HAck        |     |
                        +-----------+ <--------------- +-----+
                        ^  |        ^
          (2a. RtSolPr) |  | 2b     |
                        |  | Pr     | 3. Fast BU (F-BU)
                        |  | RtAdv  | 4. Fast BA  (F-BACK)
                        |  v        v
                        |    MN      |
                        +------------+    - - - - - ->

            \  RECEIVER|          |          |
             +-------+ |  Advise  | Require  |
            ORIGINATOR\|          |          |
                       | Deliver  | Deliver  |
            Advise     | original | original |
                       | content  | content  |
                       | Return   | Return   |
            Require    | w/out    | w/out    |
                       | delivery | delivery |

         +------------+                      +-----------+
         | Originator |                      | Recipient |
         +------------+                      +-----------+
              ||Posting                   Delivering/\
              \/                                    ||
          +--------+    +-----------------+    +--------+
          |  SMTP  |    |    SMTP Relay   |    |  SMTP  |
          | Client |--->| Server | Client |--->| Server |
          +--------+    +--------+--------+    +--------+

               | Originator |
                SMTP  ||
                 or   || CONPERM
               SUBMIT \/
                  +--------+            +----------------+
                  |  SMTP  |   SMTP     |    SMTP Relay  |
                  | Client |----------->| Server |       |
                  +--------+  CONPERM   +--------+-------+

                                        | Recipient |
               +----------------+         +--------+
               |   SMTP Relay   |  CONNEG |  SMTP  |
               |       | Client |<--------| Server |
               +-------+--------+         +--------+

         Originating system          Receiving system
        +------------------+       +------------------+
        |  +------------+  |       |   +-----------+  |
        |  | Originator |  |       |   | Recipient |  |
        |  +------------+  |       |   +-----------+  |
        |       ||Posting  |       |      /\Receiving |
        |       \/         |       |      ||          |
        |   +---------+    |       |    +--------+    |
        |   |  SMTP   |<---|-------|----|  SMTP  |    |
        |   | Client  |----|-------|--->| Server |    |
        |   +---------+    |       |    +--------+    |
        +------------------+       +------------------+

                                   |                                   |
                                   V                                   |
                +------------------------------------------+           |
         +------| Application [script], [expr], [snmpconf],|---+       |
         |      |        [apmmib]                          |   |       |
         |      +------------------------------------------+   |       |
         |                         |                           |       |
      +--------------------------------+                       |       |
      |    Synchronization Control     |                       |       |
      +--------------------------------+                       |       |
         |                         |                           |       |
         V                         V                           V       |
   +----------------+  +----------------------+  +-------------------+ |
   | Traffic        |  |Monitoring Metrics    |  |Data Reduction     | |
   |  Generation    |  |Control [rmon],[ippm],|  |Control [applmib], | |
   |  Control [sspm]|  | [applmib]            |  |[wwwservmib],[expr]| |
   +----------------+  +----------------------+  +-------------------+ |
         |                         |                           |       |
         |                         |                           |       |
         V                         V                           V       |
   +------------------+   +-------------------+     +----------------+ |
   |Traffic Generation|   |Monitoring Metrics |     |Data Reduction  | |
   |   Instrumentation|   |   Instrumentation | +-->| Instrumentation| |
   +------------------+   +-------------------+ |   +----------------+ |
                                                |              |       |
                                                |              |       |
                                 Various levels |              |       |
                                    and span    +--------------|       |
                                                               |       |
                                                               |       |
                                                               V       |
                                                            Reports ---+

   Sender wallet/Issuing system      Receiver wallet/Collecting system
   +---------------------------+       +---------------------------+
   |                           |       |                           |
   |  |                    Voucher Component                    |  |
   |  |            (Specifies VTS Provider and Promise)         |  |
   |  |-------------------------------------------------------->|  |
   |  |                        |       |                        |  |
   |  |         Intention to receive and payment (option)       |  |
   |  |<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |  |
   |  |                        |       |                        |  |
   |  |                        |       |                        |  |
   |  | Issue/transfer/  VTS   |       |   VTS      Register    |  |
   |  | redeem request   plug-in       |   plug-in  Listener(*1)|  |
   |  |------------------>|    |       |    |<------------------|  |
   |  | (VTS-API)         |<- - - - - - - ->|         (VTS-API) |  |
   |  |                   | VTS-specific    |                   |  |
   |  |                   | protocol if VTS |                   |  |
   |  |                   | is distributed  |                   |  |
   |  |  Result           |<- - - - - - - ->|       Notify(*2)  |  |
   |  |<------------------|    |       |    |------------------>|  |
   +---------------------------+       +---------------------------+

   |                |             Value              |  Restrictions |
   |                +-----+---------------+----------+---------------+
   |   Examples     |Ratio|    Fixed      |Number    |  Merchandise  |
   |                |     +------+--------+needed for|               |
   |                |     |Amount|Currency|redemption|               |
   |Gift certificate|     |   25 |  USD   |        1 |(Not specified)|
   |Loyalty point   |     |    1 |  AUD   |       10 |(Not specified)|
   |Member card     |  20%|      |        |        0 |(Not specified)|
   |Coupon          |  30%|      |        |        1 |Beef 500g      |
   |Event ticket    | 100%|      |        |        1 |Hall A, S ,K23 |
   |Exchange ticket | 100%|      |        |        1 |ISBN:0071355014|

   Sender wallet/Issuing system      Receiver wallet/Collecting system
   +---------------------------+       +---------------------------+
   |                           |       |                           |
   |  |                    Voucher Component                    |  |
   |  |          (Specifies VTS Provider and Promise)           |  |
   |  |-------------------------------------------------------->|  |
   |  |                        |       |                        |  |
   |  |         Intention to receive and payment (option)       |  |
   |  |<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |  |
   |  |                        |       |                        |  |
   |  |                        |       |                        |  |
   |  | Issue/transfer/  VTS   |       |   VTS      Register    |  |
   |  | redeem request   plug-in       |   plug-in  Listener(*1)|  |
   |  |------------------>|    |       |    |<------------------|  |
   |  | (VTS API)         |<- - - - - - - ->|         (VTS API) |  |
   |  |                   | VTS-specific    |                   |  |
   |  |                   | protocol if VTS |                   |  |
   |  |                   | is distributed  |                   |  |
   |  |  Result           |<- - - - - - - ->|       Notify(*2)  |  |
   |  |<------------------|    |       |    |------------------>|  |
   +---------------------------+       +---------------------------+

            |                      Trust List                       |
            |                                                       |
            |     +---------+     +---------+      +---------+      |
            |  +--| Root CA |     | Root CA |      | Root CA |      |
            |  |  +---------+     +---------+      +---------+      |
            |  |      |                |                 |          |
            +--|------|----------------|---------------- |----------+
               |      |                |                 |
               |      |                |                 |
               |      |                v                 |
               |      |             +----+               |
               |      |        +----| CA |---+           |
               |      |        |    +----+   |           |
               |      |        |             |           |
               |      |        v             v           v
               |      |     +----+        +----+      +----+
               |      |     | CA |---+    | CA |-+    | CA |---+
               |      |     +----+   |    +----+ |    +----+   |
               |      |       |      |    |      |       |     |
               |      |       |      |    |      |       |     |
               v      v       v      v    v      v       v     v
            +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
            | EE | | EE | | EE | | EE | | EE | | EE | | EE | | EE |
            +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+

      +---------+      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +--------+
      |  Trust  |----->| CA  |---->| CA  |---->| CA  |---->| Target |
      | Anchor  |  :   |  A  |  :  |  B  |  :  |  C  |  :  |   EE   |
      +---------+  :   +-----+  :  +-----+  :  +-----+  :  +--------+
                   :            :           :           :
                   :            :           :           :
                 Cert 1       Cert 2      Cert 3      Cert 4
            A(Trust Anchor)    B(A)        C(B)      Target(C)

   +-------------+    +---------------+
   | Node 1      |    | Node 2        |
   | Subject: E  |--->| Subject: B    |
   | Issuers: B* |    | Issuers: C*,A |
   +-------------+    +---------------+

   +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
   | Node 1      |    | Node 2        |    | Node 3           |
   | Subject: E  |--->| Subject: B    |--->| Subject: C       |
   | Issuers: B  |    | Issuers: C*,A |    | Issuers: TA*,A,B |
   +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+

      +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
      | Node 1      |    | Node 2        |    | Node 3           |
      | Subject: E  |--->| Subject: B    |--->| Subject: C       |
      | Issuers: B  |    | Issuers: C*,A |    | Issuers: TA,A*,B |
      +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
                                              | Node 4           |
                                              | Subject: A       |
                                              | Issuers: TA*,C,B |

   +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
   | Node 1      |    | Node 2        |    | Node 3           |
   | Subject: E  |--->| Subject: B    |--->| Subject: C       |
   | Issuers: B  |    | Issuers: C*,A |    | Issuers: TA,A*,B |
   +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
                   +------------------+    +------------------+
                   | Node 5           |    | Node 4           |
                   | Subject: C       |<---| Subject: A       |
                   | Issuers: TA*,A,B |    | Issuers: TA,C*,B |
                   +------------------+    +------------------+

      +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
      | Node 1      |    | Node 2        |    | Node 3           |
      | Subject: E  |--->| Subject: B    |--->| Subject: C       |
      | Issuers: B  |    | Issuers: C*,A |    | Issuers: TA,A*,B |
      +-------------+    +---------------+    +------------------+
                                              | Node 4           |
                                              | Subject: A       |
                                              | Issuers: TA,C,B* |

            +----+      +---+
            | TA |      | Z |
            +----+      +---+
               |          |
               |          |
               V          V
             +---+      +---+
             | C |<-----| Y |
             +---+      +---+
             | Target |

              BCID selection       Optimistic approach / ACK
           +----->----->------+    +----->----->----->-----+
           |                  |    |                       |
           |                  v    |                       v
      +---------+          +---------+              +-------------+
      |   IR    |          |   CR    |              |   Higher    |
      |  state  |          |  state  |              | order state |
      +---------+          +---------+              +-------------+
           ^                    |
           | NACK / STATIC-NACK |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |                               |
   / replication base information  / variable length
   |                               |
   |                               |
   /    replication information    / variable length
   |                               |
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

               +-------------+               +-------------+
               |             |     SCTP      |             |
               |         IPA | association 1 | IPB         |
               |   port = PW +---------------+ port = PW   |
               |     SLC = a |               | SLC = a     |
               |             |               |             |
               |             |               |             |
               |             |     SCTP      |             |
               |         IPC | association 2 | IPD         |
               |   port = PW +---------------+ port = PW   |
               |     SLC = b |               | SLC = b     |
               |             |               |             |
               |             |               |             |
               +-------------+               +-------------+

        | Association |      IPSP X       |      IPSP Y       | SLC |
        |             +------------+------+------------+------+     |
        |             | IP address | Port | IP address | Port |     |
        |      1      |    IPA     |  PW  |    IPB     |  PW  |  a  |
        |      2      |    IPC     |  PW  |    IPD     |  PW  |  b  |

        | Association |      IPSP X       |     IPSP Y/Z      | SLC |
        |             +------------+------+------------+------+     |
        |             | IP address | Port | IP address | Port |     |
        |      1      |    IPA     |  PW  |    IPB     |  PW  |  a  |
        |      2      |    IPC     |  PW  |    IPD     |  PW  |  b  |

               +-------------+               +-------------+
               |             |     SCTP      |             |
               |         IPA | association 1 | IPB         |
               |   port = P1 +---------------+ port = PW   |
               |     SLC = a |               | SLC = a     |
               |             |               |             |
               |             |               |             |
               |             |     SCTP      |             |
               |         IPA | association 2 | IPB         |
               |   port = PW +---------------+ port = PW   |
               |     SLC = b |               | SLC = b     |
               |             |               |             |
               |             |               |             |
               +-------------+               +-------------+

        | Association |      IPSP X       |      IPSP Y       | SLC |
        |             +------------+------+------------+------+     |
        |             | IP address | Port | IP address | Port |     |
        |      1      |    IPA     |  P1  |    IPB     |  PW  |  a  |
        |      2      |    IPA     |  PW  |    IPB     |  PW  |  b  |

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Associate   .           .           .           .
        .           ------------>           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           (SCTP Association       .           .
        .           .            procedure)             .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Communication Up        Communication Up        .
        .           <------------           ------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Out of Service          .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Emergency OR            .           .           .           .
        Emergency Ceases        .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Start       .           .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Alignment   .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Start timer T2          .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .   Link Status Alignment           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Stop timer T2           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Start timer T3          .           .           .
        .           Link Status Proving     .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .     Link Status Proving           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Stop timer T3           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Start timer T4          .           .           .
        .           Link Status Proving     .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Timer T4 expires        .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Start timer T1          .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Ready       .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .       Link Status Ready           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Stop timer T1           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        In Service              .           .           In Service
        <------------           .           .           ------------>
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Message for             .           .           .           .
        transmission            .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Send        .           .           .           .
        .           (Data Message)          .           .           .
        .           ------------>           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           (SCTP sends message)    .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           Receive                 .
        .           .           .           ------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .        Received message
        .           .           .           .           ------------>
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Communication Lost      .           .           .
        .           <------------           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Out of Service          .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .       M2PA detects    .           .           .           .
        .       Local Processor .           .           .           .
        .       Outage          .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status .           .           .           .
        .           Processor Outage        .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .        Remote Processor
        .           .           .           .        Outage         .
        .           .           .           .           ------------>
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status             .           .           .
        .           Processor               .           .           .
        .           Recovered               .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .        Remote Processor
        .           .           .           .        Outage Ceases
        .           .           .           .           ------------>
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .       Link Status Ready           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Ready       .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Message for             .           .           .           .
        transmission            .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           User Data               .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        6 Messages for          .           .           .           .
        transmission            .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .          6 Messages for
        .           .           .           .            transmission
        .           .           .           .           <------------
        .           User Data FSN=1         .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           User Data FSN=2         .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           User Data FSN=3         .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .        User Data FSN=11           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .        User Data FSN=12           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .        User Data FSN=13           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .

        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .  User Data FSN=14 BSN=3           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .  User Data FSN=15 BSN=3           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .  User Data FSN=16 BSN=3           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           LS PO FSN=3 BSN=11      .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .        Remote Processor
        .           .           .           .        Outage         .
        .           .           .           .           ------------>

        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           User Data FSN=4 BSN=13  .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           User Data FSN=5 BSN=13  .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           User Data FSN=6 BSN=13  .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .                  (empty) User Data FSN=16 BSN=4
         .           <------------------------------------           .
         .                  (empty) User Data FSN=16 BSN=5
         .           <------------------------------------           .

         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           LS PR FSN=6 BSN=13      .           .           .
         .           ------------------------------------>           .
         .           .           .           .        Remote Processor
         .           .           .           .        Outage Ceases
         .           .           .           .           ------------>
         .           .           .           .           .           .

         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .           .   LS Ready FSN=13 BSN=5           .
         .           <------------------------------------           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .

         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .           .           .           . Message for
         .           .           .           .            transmission
         .           .           .           .           <------------
         .           .           .  User Data FSN=14 BSN=5           .
         .           <------------------------------------           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .

         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           LS Ready FSN=5 BSN=13   .           .           .
         .           ------------------------------------>           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .

         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           User Data FSN=5 BSN=14 (empty)      .           .
         .           ------------------------------------>           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .
         Message for             .           .           . Message for
         transmission            .           .            transmission
         ------------>           .           .           <------------
         .           User Data FSN=6 BSN=14  .           .           .
         .           ------------------------------------>           .
         .           .           .  User Data FSN=15 BSN=5           .
         .           <------------------------------------           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .      (empty) User Data FSN=15 BSN=6           .
         .           <------------------------------------           .
         .           User Data FSN=6 BSN=15 (empty)      .           .
         .           ------------------------------------>           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .
         .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Implementation dependent            .           .
        .           determination of M2PA               .           .
        .           receive congestion onset            .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Busy        .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .          Start        .
        .           .           .           .          Timer T6     .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Implementation dependent            .           .
        .           determination of M2PA               .           .
        .           receive congestion abatement        .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Busy Ended  .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .          Stop         .
        .           .           .           .          Timer T6     .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Implementation dependent            .           .
        .           determination of M2PA               .           .
        .           receive congestion onset            .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Busy        .           .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .          Start        .
        .           .           .           .          Timer T6     .
        .           .           .           .            :          .
        .           .           .           .            :          .
        .           .           .           .          Timer T6     .
        .           .           .           .          Expires      .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .          Link Status Out of Service           .
        .           <------------------------------------           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .          Out of Service
        .           .           .           .           ------------>
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Implementation dependent            .           .
        .           determination of M2PA   .           .           .
        .           transmit congestion     .           .           .
        .           onset (level)           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Congestion Indication   .           .           .           .
        (level)     .           .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Implementation dependent            .           .
        .           determination of M2PA   .           .           .
        .           transmit congestion     .           .           .
        .           abatement (level)       .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Congestion Indication   .           .           .           .
        (level)     .           .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Stop        .           .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Link Status Out of Service          .           .
        .           ------------------------------------>           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Out of Service          .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .

       MTP3        M2PA        SCTP        SCTP        M2PA        MTP3
       ----        ----        ----        ----        ----        ----
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           Communication Lost      .           .           .
        .           <------------           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Out of Service          .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Retrieve BSNT           .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        BSNT Confirmation       .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        XCO (BSNT) on another link          .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           Retrieve BSNT
        .           .           .           .           <------------
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .       BSNT Confirmation
        .           .           .           .           ------------>
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .  XCA (BSNT)
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Retrieval Request       .           .           .           .
        and FSNC    .           .           .           .           .
        ------------>           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Retrieved Message       .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .  :        .           .           .           .           .
        .  :        .           .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Retrieval Complete      .           .           .           .
        <------------           .           .           .           .
        .           .           .           .           .           .
        Send messages on another link.

       [voice GW]\                                   /[voice GW]
       [voice GW]---[concentrator]---[concentrator]---[voice GW]
       [voice GW]/                                   \[voice GW]
                  ^                ^                ^
                  |                |                |
             RTP over IP     TCRTP over IP     RTP over IP

       [voice GW]\                                   /[voice GW]
       [voice GW]---[concentrator]---[concentrator]---[voice GW]
       [voice GW]/                                   \[voice GW]
                  ^                ^                ^
                  |                |                |
           CRTP over IP     TCRTP over IP     RTP over IP

        |         |   MSTI  |             |                       |
        | Context |         |     UDP     |                       |
        |   ID    |   Link  |   Checksum  |       RTP Data        |
        |         | Sequence|             |                       |
        |  (1-2)  |   (1)   |     (0-2)   |                       |

        +-------+---+------+-------+-----+   +---+------+-------+-----+
        | Mux   |P L|      |       |     |   |P L|      |       |     |
        | PPP   |F X|Len1  |  PPP  |     |   |F X|LenN  |  PPP  |     |
        | Prot. |F T|      | Prot. |Info1| ~ |F T|      | Prot. |InfoN|
        | Field |          | Field1|     |   |          |FieldN |     |
        | (1)   |1-2 octets| (0-2) |     |   |1-2 octets| (0-2) |     |
        +-------+----------+-------+-----+   +----------+-------+-----+

        | IP   | Mux   |P L|      |       |       | MSTI|       |    |
        |header| PPP   |F X|Len1  |  PPP  |Context|     | UDP   |RTP |
        | (20) | Proto |F T|      | Proto |  ID   | Link| Cksum |Data|
        |      | Field |          | Field1|       | Seq |       |    |
        |      | (1)   |1-2 octets| (0-2) | (1-2) | (1) | (0-2) |    |
               |<------------- IP payload ------------------------->|
                       |<----- PPPmux payload --------------------->|

   +-------------------------+           +-------------------------+
   |+------+ iSNSP           |           |           iSNSP +-----+ |
   ||dev A |<----->+------+  |           |  +------+<----->|dev C| |
   |+------+       |      |  |           |  |      |       +-----+ |
   |+------+ iSNSP |local |  |           |  |remote| iSNSP +-----+ |
   ||dev B |<----->| iSNS |  |           |  | iSNS |<----->|dev D| |
   |+------+       |server|  |           |  |server|       +-----+ |
   |........       +--+---+  |   WAN     |  +---+--+               |
   |.dev C'.          |      |   Link    |      |                  |
   |........          |      =============      |                  |
   |                  |      |           |      |                  |
   |               +--+---+  |           |  +---+--+               |
   |               | local|<--- <--- <--- <-|remote|               |
   |               | LDAP |  |  LDAP:    |  | LDAP |               |
   |               +------+  Xfer "dev C"|  +------+               |
   +-------------------------+           +-------------------------+
          Enterprise                           Enterprise
          Network A                            Network B

   +-------------------------+           +-------------------------+
   |+------+ iSNSP           |           |           iSNSP +-----+ |
   ||dev A |<----->+------+  |           |  +------+<----->|dev C| |
   |+------+       |      |  |           |  |      |       +-----+ |
   |+------+ iSNSP |local |  |           |  |remote| iSNSP +-----+ |
   ||dev B |<----->| iSNS |  |           |  | iSNS |<----->|dev D| |
   |+------+       |server|  |           |  |server|       +-----+ |
   |........       +------+  |   WAN     |  +---+--+               |
   |.dev C'.          ^      |   Link    |      |                  |
   |........          |      =============      v                  |
   |                  |      |           |      |SNMP              |
   |                  |      |           |      |                  |
   |               +--+----+ |           |      v                  |
   |               | SNMP  |<--- <--- <--- <----                   |
   |               | Mgmt  | |  SNMP: Xfer "dev C"                 |
   |               |Station| |           |                         |
   |               +-------+ |           |                         |
   +-------------------------+           +-------------------------+
          Enterprise                           Enterprise
          Network A                            Network B

                    +--------------+    +-----------+
                    |    NETWORK   |1  *|           |
                    |    ENTITY    |----|  PORTAL   |
                    |              |    |           |
                    +--------------+    +-----------+
                            |1            |1  |*
                            |             |   |
                            |             |*  |
                            |   +----------+  |
                            |   |  PORTAL  |  |
                            |   |  GROUP   |  |
                            |   +----------+  |
                            |    |*           |
                            |    |            |
                            |*   |1           |*
   +-----------+    +--------------+    +-----------+    +-----------+
   |    FC     |1  *|   STORAGE    |*  *| DISCOVERY |*  *| DISCOVERY |
   |  DEVICE   |----|    NODE      |----|  DOMAIN   |----|  DOMAIN   |
   |           |    |              |    |           |    |    SET    |
   +-----------+    +--------------+    +-----------+    +-----------+

   |                         IP Network                             |
                |                                      |
                |                                      |
   +-----+------+------+-----+            +-----+------+------+-----+
   |     | PORTAL      |     |            |     | PORTAL      |     |
   |     | -IP Addr 1  |     |            |     | -IP Addr 2  |     |
   |     | -TCP Port 1 |     |            |     | -TCP Port 2 |     |
   |     +-----+ +-----+     |            |     +-----+ +-----+     |
   |           | |           |            |           | |           |
   |     +-----+ +-----+     |            |     +-----+ +-----+     |
   |     | PORTAL GROUP|     |            |     | PORTAL GROUP|     |
   |     | -Prtl Tag 1 |     |            |     | -Prtl Tag 2 |     |
   |     +-----+ +-----+     |            |     +-----+ +-----+     |
   |           | |           |            |           | |           |
   |  +--------+ +--------+  |            |   +-------+ +--------+  |
   |  |                   |  |            |   |                  |  |
   |  |  STORAGE NODE     |  |            |   |  STORAGE NODE    |  |
   |  |  -iSCSI Name      |  |            |   |   -iSCSI Name    |  |
   |  |  -Alias: "server1"|  |            |   |   -Alias: "disk1"|  |
   |  |  -Type: initiator |  |            |   |   -Type: target  |  |
   |  |                   |  |            |   |                  |  |
   |  +-------------------+  |            |   +------------------+  |
   |                         |            |                         |
   |    NETWORK ENTITY       |            |    NETWORK ENTITY       |
   |   -Entity ID (FQDN):    |            |   -Entity ID (FQDN):    |
   |    ""  |            |    ""  |
   |   -Protocol: iSCSI      |            |   -Protocol: iSCSI      |
   |                         |            |                         |
   +-------------------------+            +-------------------------+

      |                         IP Network                            |
                          |                       |
                          |                       |
      |            | PORTAL 1    |         | PORTAL 2    |            |
      |            | -IP Addr 1  |         | -IP Addr 2  |            |
      |            | -TCP Port 1 |         | -TCP Port 2 |            |
      |            +-----+ +-----+         +-----+ +-----+            |
      |                  | |                     | |                  |
      |  +---------------+ +---------------------+ +---------------+  |
      |  +-------+ +----------------+ +-------------------+ +------+  |
      |          | |                | |                   | |         |
      |  +-------+ +-------+ +------+ +--------+ +--------+ +------+  |
      |  |                 | |                 | |                 |  |
      |  | STORAGE NODE 1  | | STORAGE NODE 2  | | STORAGE NODE 3  |  |
      |  |  -iSCSI Name 1  | |  -iSCSI Name 2  | |  -iSCSI Name 3  |  |
      |  |  -Alias: "disk1"| |  -Alias: "disk2"| |  -Alias: "disk3"|  |
      |  |  -Type: target  | |  -Type: target  | |  -Type: target  |  |
      |  |                 | |                 | |                 |  |
      |  +-----------------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------+  |
      |                                                               |
      |                         NETWORK ENTITY                        |
      |                    -Entity ID (FQDN): ""      |
      |                    -Protocol: iSCSI                           |
      |                                                               |
      |                   Portal Group Object Table                   |
      |           Storage-Node Portal Portal-Group-Tag                |
      |                1         1           10                       |
      |                1         2         NULL (no access permitted) |
      |                2         1           20                       |
      |                2         2           20                       |
      |                3         1           30                       |
      |                3         2           10                       |
      |                                                               |

   |                         IP Network                     |
            |                 |
   | | PORTAL      |   | PORTAL      | NETWORK ENTITY       |
   | | -IP Addr 1  |   | -IP Addr 2  | -Entity ID (FQDN):   |
   | | -TCP Port 1 |   | -TCP Port 2 |  "" |
   | +-----+ +-----+   +-----+ +-----+ -Protocol: iFCP      |
   |       | |               | |                            |
   | +-----+ +---------------+ +----------------------+     |
   | +-----+ +---------------+ +-------------+ +------+     |
   |       | |               | |             | |            |
   | +-----+ +-----+    +----+ +------+ +----+ +------+     |
   | | -WWPN 1     |    | -WWPN 2     | | -WWPN 3     |     |
   | | -Port ID 1  |    | -Port ID 2  | | -Port ID 3  |     |
   | | -FWWN 1     |    | -FWWN 2     | | -FWWN 3     |     |
   | | -FC COS     |    | -FC COS     | | -FC COS     |     |
   | +------+------+    +-------+-----+ +----+--------+     |
            |                   |            |
     +------+------+        +---+------------+---+
     | FC DEVICE   |        |    FC DEVICE       |
     | -WWNN 1     |        |   -WWNN 2          |
     |             |        |                    |
     +-------------+        +--------------------+

   |    iSCSI Target Device   |    iSNS Server   |Management Station |
   |Discover iSNS--SLP------->|                  |/*mgmt station is  |
   |                          |<--SLP--iSNS Here:| administratively  |
   |                          | | authorized to view|
   |                          |                  | all DDs.  Device  |
   |      DevAttrReg--------->|                  | NAMEabcd was      |
   |Src:(tag=32) "NAMEabcd"   |                  | previously placed |
   |Key: <none present>       |                  | into DDabcd along |
   |Oper Attrs:               |                  | with devpdq and   |
   |tag=1: NULL               |                  | devrst.           |
   |tag=2: "iSCSI"            |                  |                   |
   |tag=16:         |                  |                   |
   |tag=17: 5001              |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"        |                  |                   |
   |tag=33: target            |                  |                   |
   |tag=34: "disk 1"          |                  |                   |
   |                          |<---DevAttrRegRsp |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Key:(tag=1) "isns:0001"               |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=1: "isns:0001"|                   |
   |                          |tag=2: "iSCSI"    |                   |

   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|/* previously      |
   |                          |tag=33: target    | placed in a DD */ |
   |                          |tag=34: "disk 1"  |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |      SCN-------->|                   |
   |                          |(or SNMP notification)                |
   |                          |dest:(tag=32):"MGMTname1"             |
   |                          |time:(tag=4): <current time>          |
   |                          |tag=35: "MGT-SCN, OBJ-ADD"            |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |                  |<-------SCNRsp     |
   |      DevAttrQry--------->|                  |                   |
   |Src:(tag=32) "NAMEabcd"   |                  |                   |
   |Key:(tag=33) "initiator"  |                  |                   |
   |Oper Attrs:               |                  |                   |
   |tag=16:  NULL             |                  |                   |
   |tag=17:  NULL             |                  |                   |
   |tag=32:  NULL             |                  |                   |
   |/*Query asks for all initr|                  |                   |
   |devices' IP address, port |<---DevAttrQryRsp |                   |
   |number, and Name*/        |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |tag=16:  |                   |
   |                          |tag=17:50000      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32:"devpdq"   |                   |
   |                          |tag=16:  |                   |
   |                          |tag=17:50000      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32:"devrst"   |                   |
   |/*************************|                  |<-----DevAttrQry   |
   |Our target "NAMEabcd"     |                  |src: "MGMTname1"   |
   |discovers two initiators  |                  key:(tag=32)"NAMEabcd"
   |in shared DDs.  It will   |                  |Op Attrs:          |
   |accept iSCSI logins from  |                  |tag=16:  NULL      |
   |these two identified      |                  |tag=17:  NULL      |
   |initiators presented by   |                  |tag=32:  NULL      |
   |iSNS                      |                  |                   |
   |*************************/| DevAttrQryRsp--->|                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |

   |    iSCSI Target Device   |    iSNS Server   |Management Station |
   |Discover iSNS--SLP-->     |                  |/*mgmt station is  |
   |                          |<--SLP--iSNS Here:| administratively  |
   |                          | | authorized to view|
   | DevAttrReg-->            |                  | all DDs */        |
   |Src:                      |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"        |                  |                   |
   |Msg Key:                  |                  |                   |
   |tag=1: ""|                  |                   |
   |Oper Attrs:               |                  |                   |
   |tag=1: ""|                  |                   |
   |tag=2: "iSCSI"            |                  |                   |
   |tag=16:         |                  |                   |
   |tag=17: 5001              |                  |                   |
   |tag=19: 5                 |                  |                   |
   |tag=20: 5002              |                  |                   |
   |tag=16:         |                  |                   |
   |tag=17: 5001              |                  |                   |
   |tag=19: 5                 |                  |                   |
   |tag=20: 5002              |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"        |                  |                   |
   |tag=33: "Target"          |                  |                   |
   |tag=34: "Storage Array 1" |                  |                   |
   |tag=51: 10                |                  |                   |
   |tag=49:         |                  |                   |
   |tag=50: 5001              |                  |                   |
   |tag=49:         |                  |                   |
   |tag=50: 5001              |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEefgh"        |                  |                   |
   |tag=33: "Target"          |                  |                   |
   |tag=34: "Storage Array 2" |/*****************|                   |
   |tag=51: 20                | is                  |
   |tag=49:         |now registered in |                   |
   |tag=50: 5001              |iSNS, but is not  |                   |

   |tag=51: 30                |in any DD. Therefore,                 |
   |tag=49:         |no other devices  |                   |
   |tag=50: 5001              |can "see" it.     |                   |
   |                          |*****************/|                   |
   |                          |<--DevAttrRegRsp  |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=1: ""            |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=1: ""            |
   |                          |tag=2: "iSCSI"    |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=19: 5         |                   |
   |                          |tag=20: 5002      |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=19: 5         |                   |
   |                          |tag=20: 5002      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=33: "Target"  |                   |
   |                          |tag=34: "Storage Array 1"             |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49: |                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 10        |                   |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49: |                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 10        |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEefgh"|                   |
   |                          |tag=33: "Target"  |                   |
   |                          |tag=34: "Storage Array 2"             |
   |                          |tag=43: X.509 cert|                   |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEefgh"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49: |                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 20        |                   |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEefgh"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49: |                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 30        |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          | SCN------>       |                   |
   |                          | (or SNMP notification)               |
   |                          |dest:(tag=32)""       |
   |                          |time:(tag=4): <current time>          |
   |                          |tag=35: "MGT-SCN, OBJ-ADD"            |

   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=35: "MGT-SCN, OBJ-ADD"            |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEefgh"|                   |
   |                          |                  |<--SCNRsp          |
   |                          |                  |SUCCESS            |
   |                          |             tag=32:""|
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |                  |<--DevAttrQry      |
   |                          |                  |Src:               |
   |                          |               tag=32:""
   |                          |                  |Msg Key:           |
   |                          |                  |tag=32: "NAMEabcd" |
   |                          |                  |Oper Attrs:        |
   |                          |                  |tag=16: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |tag=17: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |tag=32: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          | DevAttrQryRsp--> |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32:"NAMEabcd" |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32:"NAMEabcd" |                   |
   |                          |                  |Src:               |
   |                          |               tag=32:""
   |                          |                  |Msg Key:           |
   |                          |                  |tag=32: "NAMEefgh" |
   |                          |                  |Oper Attrs:        |
   |                          |                  |tag=16: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |tag=17: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |tag=32: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          | DevAttrQryRsp--> |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEefgh"|                   |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32:"NAMEefgh" |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |/**Mgmt Station ***|
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |displays device,   |
   |                          |tag=32:"NAMEefgh" |the operator decides

   |                          |                  |to place "NAMEabcd"|
   |                          |                  |into Domain "DDxyz"|
   |/*************************|                  |******************/|
   |Target is now registered  |                  |                   |
   |in iSNS. It is then placed|                  |<--DDReg           |
   |in a pre-existing DD with |                  |Src:               |
   |DD_ID 123 by a management |               tag=32:""
   |station.                  |                  |Msg Key:           |
   |*************************/|                  |tag=2065: 123      |
   |                          |                  |Oper Attrs:        |
   |                          |                  |tag=2068: "NAMEabcd"
   |                          | DDRegRsp----->   |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=2065: 123     |                   |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=2065: 123     |                   |

   |    iSCSI Initiator       |    iSNS          |Management Station |
   |Discover iSNS--SLP-->     |                  |/*mgmt station is  |
   |                          |<--SLP--iSNS Here:| administratively  |
   |                          | | authorized to view|
   |DevAttrReg-->             |                  | all DDs ********/ |
   |Src:                      |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"        |                  |                   |
   |Msg Key:                  |                  |                   |
   |tag=1: "" |                  |                   |
   |Oper Attrs:               |                  |                   |
   |tag=1: "" |                  |                   |
   |tag=2: "iSCSI"            |                  |                   |
   |tag=16:        |/*****************|                   |
   |tag=17: 5001              |Device not in any |                   |
   |tag=19: 5                 |DD, so it is      |                   |
   |tag=20: 5002              |inaccessible by   |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"        |other devices     |                   |
   |tag=33: "Initiator"       |*****************/|                   |
   |tag=34: "Server1"         |                  |                   |
   |tag=51: 11                |                  |                   |
   |tag=49:        |                  |                   |

   |tag=50: 5001              |                  |                   |
   |                          |<--DevAttrRegRsp  |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=1: ""             |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=1: ""             |
   |                          |tag=2: "iSCSI"    |                   |
   |                          |tag=16:|                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=19: 5         |                   |
   |                          |tag=20: 5002      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"|                   |
   |                          |tag=33: "Initiator"                   |
   |                          |tag=34: "Server1" |                   |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEijkl"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49:|                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 11        |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |       SCN------> |                   |
   |                          |  (or SNMP notification)              |
   |                          |dest:(tag=32)""       |
   |                          |time:(tag=4): <current time>          |
   |                          |tag=35: "MGT-SCN, OBJ-ADD"            |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"|                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |                  |<------SCNRsp      |
   |                          |                  |SUCCESS            |
   |                          |               tag=32:""
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |SCNReg-->                 |                  |                   |
   |Src:                      |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"        |                  |                   |
   |Msg Key:                  |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"        |                  |                   |
   |Oper Attrs:               |                  |                   |
   |tag=35: <TARG&SELF, OBJ-RMV/ADD/UPD>         |                   |
   |                          |<--SCNRegRsp      |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |                  |<----DevAttrQry    |
   |                          |                  |Src:               |
   |                          |               tag=32:""
   |                          |                  |Msg Key:           |
   |                          |                  |tag=32: "NAMEijkl" |
   |                          |                  |Oper Attrs:        |
   |                          |                  |tag=16: <0-length> |

   |                          |                  |tag=17: <0-length> |
   |                          |                  |tag=32: <0-length> |
   |                          | DevAttrQryRsp--->|                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"|                   |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32:"NAMEijkl" |                   |
   |                          |                  |/**Mgmt Station ***|
   |                          |                  |displays device, the
   |                          |                  |operator decides to|
   |                          |                  |place "NAMEijkl" into
   |                          |                  |pre-existing Disc  |
   |                          |                  |Domain "DDxyz" with|
   |                          |                  |device NAMEabcd    |
   |                          |                  |******************/|
   |                          |                  |<--DDReg           |
   |                          |                  |Src:               |
   |                          |               tag=32:""
   |                          |                  |Msg Key:           |
   |                          |                  |tag=2065: 123      |
   |                          |                  |Oper Attrs:        |
   |                          |                  |tag=2068: "NAMEijkl"
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |     DDRegRsp---->|                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=2065: 123     |                   |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=2065: 123     |/******************|
   |                          |                  |"NAMEijkl" has been|
   |                          |                  |moved to "DDxyz"   |
   |                          |                  |******************/|
   |                          |        SCN------>|                   |
   |                          |dest:(tag=32)""       |
   |                          |time:(tag=4): <current time>          |
   |                          |tag=35: <MGT-SCN, DD/DDS-MBR-ADD>     |
   |                          |tag=2065: 123     |                   |
   |                          |tag=2068: "NAMEijkl"                  |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |                  |<------SCNRsp      |
   |                          |                  |SUCCESS            |
   |                          |               tag=32:""
   |                          |<-----SCN         |                   |
   |                          |dest:(tag=32)"NAMEijkl"               |
   |                          |time:(tag=4): <current time>          |

   |                          |tag=35: <TARG&SELF, OBJ-ADD>          |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"|                   |
   |    SCNRsp------>         |                  |                   |
   |SUCCESS                   |                  |                   |
   |tag=32:"NAMEijkl"         |                  |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |                          |/*****************|                   |
   |                          |Note that NAMEabcd|                   |
   |                          |also receives an  |                   |
   |                          |SCN that NAMEijkl |                   |
   |                          |is in the same DD |                   |
   |                          |*****************/|                   |
   |           (to "NAMEabcd")|<-----SCN         |                   |
   |                          |dest:(tag=32)"NAMEabcd"               |
   |                          |time:(tag=4): <current time>          |
   |                          |tag=35: <INIT&SELF, OBJ-ADD>          |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"|                   |
   |    SCNRsp------>         |                  |                   |
   |SUCCESS                   |                  |                   |
   |tag=32:"NAMEabcd"         |                  |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |    DevAttrQry----------->|                  |                   |
   |Src:                      |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: "NAMEijkl"        |                  |                   |
   |Msg Key:                  |                  |                   |
   |tag=33: "Target"          |                  |                   |
   |Oper Attrs:               |                  |                   |
   |tag=16: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=17: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=32: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=34: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=43: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=48: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=49: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=50: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |tag=51: <0-length>        |                  |                   |
   |                          |<--DevAttrQryRsp  |                   |
   |                          |SUCCESS           |                   |
   |                          |Msg Key:          |                   |
   |                          |tag=33:"Target"   |                   |
   |                          |Oper Attrs:       |                   |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=34: "Storage Array 1"             |
   |                          |tag=16: |                   |
   |                          |tag=17: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=32: "NAMEabcd"|                   |

   |                          |tag=34: "Storage Array 1"             |
   |                          |tag=43: X.509 cert|                   |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49: |                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 10        |                   |
   |                          |tag=48: "NAMEabcd"|                   |
   |                          |tag=49: |                   |
   |                          |tag=50: 5001      |                   |
   |                          |tag=51: 10        |                   |
   |                          |                  |                   |
   |/***The initiator has discovered             |                   |
   |the target, and has everything               |                   |
   |needed to complete iSCSI login               |                   |
   |The same process occurs on the               |                   |
   |target side; the SCN prompts the             |                   |
   |target to download the list of               |                   |
   |authorized initiators from the               |                   |
   |iSNS (i.e., those initiators in the          |                   |
   |same DD as the target.************/          |                   |

         +--------+   +--------+          +--------+  +--------+
         |  FC    |   |  FC    |          |  FC    |  |  FC    |
         | Device |   | Device |<-------->| Device |  | Device |
         |........|   |........|          |........|  |........|
         | N_PORT |   | N_PORT |          | N_PORT |  | N_PORT |
         +---+----+   +----+---+          +----+---+  +----+---+
             |             |                   |           |
         +---+----+   +----+---+          +----+---+  +----+---+
         | Fabric |   | Fabric |          | Fabric |  | Fabric |
         | Port   |   | Port   |          | Port   |  | Port   |
         |                        Fabric                       |
         |                          &                          |
         |                     Fabric Services                 |

            Bit   0         7 8         15 16       23
                 | Domain ID | Area ID    |  Port ID |

                      Fibre Channel Network
                  +--------+        +--------+
                  |  FC    |        |  FC    |
                  | Device |        | Device |
                  |........| FC     |........| Fibre Channel
                  | N_PORT |<......>| N_PORT | Device Domain
                  +---+----+ Traffic+----+---+       ^
                      |                  |           |
                  +---+----+        +----+---+       |
                  | Fabric |        | Fabric |       |
                  | Port   |        | Port   |       |
                  |       FC Network &       |       |
                  |     Fabric Services      |       v
                  |                          | Fibre Channel
                  +--------------------------+ Network Domain

            Gateway Region                   Gateway Region
       +--------+  +--------+           +--------+  +--------+
       |   FC   |  |  FC    |           |   FC   |  |   FC   |
       | Device |  | Device |           | Device |  | Device |  Fibre
       |........|  |........| FC        |........|  |........|  Channel
       | N_PORT |  | N_PORT |<.........>| N_PORT |  | N_PORT |  Device
       +---+----+  +---+----+ Traffic   +----+---+  +----+---+  Domain
           |           |                     |           |         ^
       +---+----+  +---+----+           +----+---+  +----+---+     |
       | F_PORT |  | F_PORT |           | F_PORT |  | F_PORT |     |
       |    iFCP Layer      |<--------->|     iFCP Layer     |     |
       |....................|     ^     |....................|     |
       |     iFCP Portal    |     |     |     iFCP Portal    |     v
       +--------+-----------+     |     +----------+---------+    IP
            iFCP|Gateway      Control          iFCP|Gateway      Network
                |              Data                |
                |                                  |
                |                                  |
                |<------Encapsulated Frames------->|
                |      +------------------+        |
                |      |                  |        |
                +------+    IP Network    +--------+
                       |                  |

        |                                                       |
        |   8      9     10     11     12     13     14    15   |
        |             Reserved             | SES  | TRP  |  SPC |

         |                                                     |
         |    0        1        2        3        4        5   |
         |                  Reserved                  |  CRCV  |

                  0           1   1   1   1   1   1
                  0  ...  9   0   1   2   3   4   5
                | RESERVED  | if| tf| is| ts| C | E |

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - -
      Service      +-------------+                   :      +----------+
      Management   |   Service   |<------------------:----->| Customer |
      Layer        |   Manager   |                   :      | Agent    |
                   +-------------+                   :      +----------+
      - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - -
      Network             |       +------------+     :
      Management          |       |  Provider  |     :
      Layer               |       |  Network   |  Customer
                          +------>|  Manager   |  Interface
                                  +------------+     :
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - -
      Network Element                   |            :
      Management                        |  +------+  :  +------+
      Layer                             |  |      |  :  |  CE  |
                                        +->|  PE  |  :  |device|
                                           |device|  :  |  of  |
                                           |      |--:--|VPN  A|
                                           +------+  :  +------+
                     SP network                      :  Customer Network

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - -
      Service      +-------------+                   :      +----------+
      Management   |   Service   |<------------------:----->| Customer |
      Layer        |   Manager   |                   :      | Agent    |
                   +-------------+                   :      +----------+
      - - - - - - - - - - ^ - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- - - - - - - - -
      Network             |       +------------+     :
      Management          |       |  Provider  |     :
      Layer               |       |  Network   |  Customer
                          +------>|  Manager   |  Interface
                                  +------------+     :
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -^- - - -^- - - -:- - - - - - - - -
      Network Element                |       +-------:---------------+
      Management                     |     +------+  :  +------+     |
      Layer                          |     |      |  :  |  CE  |     |
                                     +---->|  PE  |  :  |device|<----+
                                           |device|  :  |  of  |
                                           |      |--:--|VPN  A|
                                           +------+  :  +------+
                     SP network                      :  Customer Network

       + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  +
       | Service    +----------------+   +----------------+ |
       | Management |   VPN  Offering|   | VPN Order      | |
       |            |   Management   |   |    Management  | |
       |            +----------------+   +----------------+ |
       |            +----------------+   +----------------+ |
       |            |   VPN          |   | VPN-based      | |
       |            |   Assurance    |   | SLS Management | |
       |            +----------------+   +----------------+ |
       + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  +

                           | host |
                           |  R   |
                    + - - - - - - - - - - - +
                    | Internet Connectivity |
                    + - - - - - - - - - - - +
                         /            \
                   +---------+    +---------+
                   | ISP A   |    |  ISP B  |
                   +---------+    +---------+
                       | Path A        | Path B
         + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
         | multi-      |               |           |
           homed   +------+         +------+
         | site    | site-|         | site-|       |
                   | exit |         | exit |
         |         |router|         |router|       |
                   |  A   |         |  B   |
         |         +------+         +------+       |
                      |                |
         |         local site connectivity         |
         |           +-----------+                 |
         |           |   host    |                 |
         + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

      Sampling rate          Frame duration
         48   kHz                32    ms
         44.1 kHz        approx. 34.83 ms
         32   kHz                48    ms

     Peer                                               Authenticator
       |                               EAP-Request/Identity       |
       |                                                          |
       | EAP-Response/Identity                                    |
       |                                                          |
       |                  EAP-Request/SIM/Start (AT_VERSION_LIST) |
       |                                                          |
       |                                                          |
       |           EAP-Request/SIM/Challenge (AT_RAND, AT_MAC)    |
   +-------------------------------------+                        |
   | Peer runs GSM algorithms, verifies  |                        |
   | AT_MAC and derives session keys     |                        |
   +-------------------------------------+                        |
       | EAP-Response/SIM/Challenge (AT_MAC)                      |
       |                                                          |
       |                                             EAP-Success  |
       |                                                          |

      Peer                                             Authenticator
        |                                                       |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                            | Server does not have a       |
        |                            | Subscriber identity available|
        |                            | When starting EAP-SIM        |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |          EAP-Request/SIM/Start                        |
        |          (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)             |
        |                                                       |
        |                                                       |
        | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
        | (AT_IDENTITY, AT_NONCE_MT,                            |
        |  AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                                 |
        |                                                       |

      Peer                                             Authenticator
        |                                                       |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                            | Server does not have a       |
        |                            | Subscriber identity available|
        |                            | When starting EAP-SIM        |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |        EAP-Request/SIM/Start                          |
        |        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)               |
        |                                                       |
        |                                                       |
        | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
        | (AT_IDENTITY containing a fast re-auth. identity)     |
        |                                                       |

      Peer                                             Authenticator
        |                                                       |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                            | Server does not have a       |
        |                            | Subscriber identity available|
        |                            | When starting EAP-SIM        |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |        EAP-Request/SIM/Start                          |
        |        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)               |
        |                                                       |
        |                                                       |
        | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
        | (AT_IDENTITY containing a fast re-auth. identity)     |
        |                                                       |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                            | Server does not recognize    |
        |                            | The fast re-auth.            |
        |                            | Identity                     |
        |                            +------------------------------+
        |                                                       |
        |     EAP-Request/SIM/Start                             |
        |     (AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)             |
        |                                                       |
        |                                                       |
        | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
        | (AT_IDENTITY with a full-auth. identity, AT_NONCE_MT, |
        |  AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                                 |
        |                                                       |

      Peer                                             Authenticator
         |                                                       |
         |                               EAP-Request/Identity    |
         |                                                       |
         | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
         | (Includes a pseudonym)                                |
         |                                                       |
         |                            +------------------------------+
         |                            | Server fails to map the      |
         |                            | Pseudonym to a permanent id. |
         |                            +------------------------------+
         |  EAP-Request/SIM/Start                                |
         |  (AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)               |
         |                                                       |
         | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
         | (AT_IDENTITY with permanent identity, AT_NONCE_MT,    |
         |  AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                                 |
         |                                                       |

      Peer                                             Authenticator
         |                                                       |
         |                            +------------------------------+
         |                            | Server does not have a       |
         |                            | Subscriber identity available|
         |                            | When starting EAP-SIM        |
         |                            +------------------------------+
         |        EAP-Request/SIM/Start                          |
         |        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)               |
         |                                                       |
         |EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                 |
         |(AT_IDENTITY with a pseudonym identity, AT_NONCE_MT,   |
         | AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                                  |
         |                           +-------------------------------+
         |                           | Server fails to map the       |
         |                           | Pseudonym in AT_IDENTITY      |
         |                           | to a valid permanent identity |
         |                           +-------------------------------+
         |                                                       |
         |                EAP-Request/SIM/Start                  |
         |                (AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST) |
         |                                                       |
         | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
         | (AT_IDENTITY with permanent identity,                 |
         |  AT_NONCE_MT, AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                    |
         |                                                       |

      Peer                                             Authenticator
       |                                                       |
       |                            +------------------------------+
       |                            | Server does not have a       |
       |                            | Subscriber identity available|
       |                            | When starting EAP-SIM        |
       |                            +------------------------------+
       |        EAP-Request/SIM/Start                          |
       |        (Includes AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)      |
       |                                                       |
       | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
       | (AT_IDENTITY with fast re-auth. identity)             |
       |                                                       |
       |                            +------------------------------+
       |                            | Server does not accept       |
       |                            | The fast re-auth.            |
       |                            | Identity                     |
       |                            +------------------------------+
       |     EAP-Request/SIM/Start                             |
       |     (AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)             |
       |                                                       |
       :                                                       :
       :                                                       :
       :                                                       :
       :                                                       :
       |EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                 |
       |(AT_IDENTITY with a pseudonym identity, AT_NONCE_MT,   |
       | AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                                  |
       |                                                       |
       |                           +-------------------------------+
       |                           | Server fails to map the       |
       |                           | Pseudonym in AT_IDENTITY      |
       |                           | to a valid permanent identity |
       |                           +-------------------------------+
       |           EAP-Request/SIM/Start                       |
       |           (AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)      |
       |                                                       |
       | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
       | (AT_IDENTITY with permanent identity, AT_NONCE_MT,    |
       |  AT_SELECTED_VERSION)                                 |
       |                                                       |
                Figure 7: Three EAP-SIM Start rounds

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                                                       |
          |                               EAP-Request/Identity    |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes a fast re-authentication identity)          |
          |                                                       |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                          | Server recognizes the identity |
          |                          | and agrees to use fast         |
          |                          | re-authentication              |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                                                       |
          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :
          |  EAP-Request/SIM/Re-authentication                    |
          |  (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER,                   |
          |   *AT_NONCE_S, *AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID, AT_MAC)            |
          |                                                       |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
     | Peer verifies AT_MAC and the freshness of     |            |
     | the counter. Peer MAY store the new fast re-  |            |
     | authentication identity for next re-auth.     |            |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/SIM/Re-authentication                    |
          | (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER with same value,    |
          |  AT_MAC)                                              |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                          | Server verifies AT_MAC and     |
          |                          | the counter                    |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                                                       |
          |                                          EAP-Success  |
          |                                                       |

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |          EAP-Request/SIM/Start                        |
          |          (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_VERSION_LIST)             |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/SIM/Start                                |
          | (AT_IDENTITY)                                         |
          | (Includes a fast re-authentication identity)          |
          |                                                       |
          |  EAP-Request/SIM/Re-authentication                    |
          |  (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER,                   |
          |   *AT_NONCE_S, *AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID, AT_MAC)            |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
     | AT_MAC is valid but the counter is not fresh. |            |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/SIM/Re-authentication                    |
          | (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL,          |
          |  *AT_COUNTER, AT_MAC)                                 |
          |            +----------------------------------------------+
          |            | Server verifies AT_MAC but detects           |
          |            | That peer has included AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL  |
          |            +----------------------------------------------+
          |                                                       |
          |                        EAP-Request/SIM/Start          |
          |                        (AT_VERSION_LIST)              |
     |                Normal full authentication follows.            |
          |                                                       |

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                      EAP-Request/Identity             |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes user's NAI)                                 |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server runs AKA algorithms,  |
          |                            | generates RAND and AUTN.     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                         EAP-Request/AKA-Challenge     |
          |                         (AT_RAND, AT_AUTN, AT_MAC)    |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
      | Peer runs AKA algorithms,           |                     |
      | verifies AUTN and MAC, derives RES  |                     |
      | and session key                     |                     |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Challenge                            |
          | (AT_RES, AT_MAC)                                      |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                          | Server checks the given RES,   |
          |                          | and MAC and finds them correct.|
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                                          EAP-Success  |

       Peer                                              Authenticator
          |                      EAP-Request/Identity             |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes user's NAI)                                 |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server runs AKA algorithms,  |
          |                            | generates RAND and AUTN.     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                      EAP-Request/AKA-Challenge        |
          |                      (AT_RAND, AT_AUTN, AT_MAC)       |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
      | Peer runs AKA algorithms,           |                     |
      | possibly verifies AUTN, and sends an|                     |
      | invalid response                    |                     |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Challenge                            |
          | (AT_RES, AT_MAC)                                      |
          |              +------------------------------------------+
          |              | Server checks the given RES and the MAC, |
          |              | and finds one of them incorrect.         |
          |              +------------------------------------------+
          |                      EAP-Request/AKA-Notification     |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Notification                         |
          |                                          EAP-Failure  |

        Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                      EAP-Request/Identity             |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes user's NAI)                                 |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server runs AKA algorithms,  |
          |                            | generates RAND and a bad AUTN|
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                         EAP-Request/AKA-Challenge     |
          |                         (AT_RAND, AT_AUTN, AT_MAC)    |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
      | Peer runs AKA algorithms            |                     |
      | and discovers AUTN that can not be  |                     |
      | verified                            |                     |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Authentication-Reject                |
          |                                          EAP-Failure  |

        Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                      EAP-Request/Identity             |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes user's NAI)                                 |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server runs AKA algorithms,  |
          |                            | generates RAND and AUTN.     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                         EAP-Request/AKA-Challenge     |
          |                         (AT_RAND, AT_AUTN, AT_MAC)    |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
      | Peer runs AKA algorithms            |                     |
      | and discovers AUTN that contains an |                     |
      | inappropriate sequence number       |                     |
      +-------------------------------------+                     |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Synchronization-Failure              |
          | (AT_AUTS)                                             |
          |                              +---------------------------+
          |                              | Perform resynchronization |
          |                              | Using AUTS and            |
          |                              | the sent RAND             |
          |                              +---------------------------+
          |                                                       |

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                                                       |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server does not have any     |
          |                            | Subscriber identity available|
          |                            | When starting EAP-AKA        |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |          EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                     |
          |          (AT_ANY_ID_REQ)                              |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY)                                         |
          |                                                       |
                     Figure 5: Usage of AT_ANY_ID_REQ

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                                                       |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server does not have any     |
          |                            | Subscriber identity available|
          |                            | When starting EAP-AKA        |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |        EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                       |
          |        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ)                                |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY containing a fast re-auth. identity)     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server does not recognize    |
          |                            | The fast re-auth.            |
          |                            | Identity                     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |     EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                          |
          |     (AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ)                              |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY with a full-auth. Identity)              |
          |                                                       |

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                               EAP-Request/Identity    |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes a pseudonym)                                |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server fails to decode the   |
          |                            | Pseudonym.                   |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |  EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                             |
          |  (AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ)                                |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY with permanent identity)                 |
          |                                                       |

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                                                       |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server does not have any     |
          |                            | Subscriber identity available|
          |                            | When starting EAP-AKA        |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |        EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                       |
          |        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ)                                |
          |                                                       |
          |EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                              |
          |(AT_IDENTITY with a pseudonym identity)                |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server fails to decode the   |
          |                            | Pseudonym in AT_IDENTITY     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                EAP-Request/AKA-Identity               |
          |                (AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ)                  |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY with permanent identity)                 |
          |                                                       |

       Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                                                       |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server does not have any     |
          |                            | Subscriber identity available|
          |                            | When starting EAP-AKA        |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |        EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                       |
          |        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ)                                |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY with fast re-auth. identity)             |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server does not accept       |
          |                            | The fast re-authentication   |
          |                            | Identity                     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                                                       |
          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :

          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :
          |     EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                          |
          |     (AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ)                              |
          |EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                              |
          |(AT_IDENTITY with a pseudonym identity)                |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |                            | Server fails to decode the   |
          |                            | Pseudonym in AT_IDENTITY     |
          |                            +------------------------------+
          |           EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                    |
          |           (AT_PERMANENT_ID_REQ)                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY with permanent identity)                 |
          |                                                       |

        Peer                                             Authenticator
          |                                                       |
          |                               EAP-Request/Identity    |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
          | (Includes a fast re-authentication identity)          |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                          | Server recognizes the identity |
          |                          | and agrees on using fast       |
          |                          | re-authentication              |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |  EAP-Request/AKA-Reauthentication                     |
          |  (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER,                   |
          |   *AT_NONCE_S, *AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID, AT_MAC)            |
          |                                                       |
          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :

          :                                                       :
          :                                                       :
          |                                                       |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
     | Peer verifies AT_MAC and the freshness of     |            |
     | the counter. Peer MAY store the new re-       |            |
     | authentication identity for next re-auth.     |            |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Reauthentication                     |
          | (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER with same value,    |
          |  AT_MAC)                                              |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                          | Server verifies AT_MAC and     |
          |                          | the counter                    |
          |                          +--------------------------------+
          |                                          EAP-Success  |
          |                                                       |

        Peer                                             Authenticator
          |          EAP-Request/AKA-Identity                     |
          |          (AT_ANY_ID_REQ)                              |
          |                                                       |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Identity                             |
          | (AT_IDENTITY)                                         |
          | (Includes a fast re-authentication identity)          |
          |                                                       |
          |  EAP-Request/AKA-Reauthentication                     |
          |  (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER,                   |
          |   *AT_NONCE_S, *AT_NEXT_REAUTH_ID, AT_MAC)            |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
     | AT_MAC is valid but the counter is not fresh. |            |
     +-----------------------------------------------+            |
          | EAP-Response/AKA-Reauthentication                     |
          | (AT_IV, AT_ENCR_DATA, *AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL,          |
          |  *AT_COUNTER, AT_MAC)                                 |
          |            +----------------------------------------------+
          |            | Server verifies AT_MAC but detects           |
          |            | That peer has included AT_COUNTER_TOO_SMALL|
          |            +----------------------------------------------+
          |                        EAP-Request/AKA-Challenge      |
     |                Normal full authentication follows.            |
          |                                                       |

               Home network
               | +-----+     +-----+ |   +-----+     +-----+
   User #1-----| |  C  |-----| [C] |-----| [C] |-----|  C  |-----User #2
               | +-----+     +-----+ |   +-----+     +-----+
               | UA #1      Proxy #1 |   Proxy #2     UA #2

              Home network
              | +-----+     +-----+ |   +-----+     +-----+
  User #1-----| |  C  |-----|  C  |-----| [C] |-----|  C  |----- User #2
              | +-----+     +-----+ |   +-----+     +-----+
              | UA #1      Proxy #1 |   Proxy #2     UA #2

               Visited network
              | +-----+     +-----+ |   +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
   User #1 -- | |  C  |-----| [C] |-----|  C  |-----| [C] |-----|  C  |
              | +-----+     +-----+ |   +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
              | UA #1       Proxy A |   Proxy #1     Proxy #2    UA #2

    Legacy            Next Generation            Next Generation
    Carrier              Carrier                    Carrier
    *******          ***************             **************
    *     *          *             *     ISUP    *            *
   SW<--->SW <-----> SG <---IP---> SG <--IAM--> SG <---IP---> SG
    *     *   (SS7)  *     (SIP)   *    (SS7)    *    (SIP)   *
    *******          ***************             **************

    Legacy           Next Generation            Next Generation
    Carrier              Carrier                    Carrier
    *******          ***************            **************
    *     *          *             *            *            *
   SW<--->SW <-----> SG <---IP---> SG <--IP--> SG <---IP---> SG
    *     *   (SS7)  *     (SIP)   *    (SIP)   *    (SIP)   *
    *******          ***************            **************

      | 7 bits |1|  40 bits   |  16 bits  |          64 bits           |
      | Prefix |L| Global ID  | Subnet ID |        Interface ID        |

      |                                                               |
      +               Initialization Vector (16 octets)               +
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      ~ Encrypted Payload (variable length, a multiple of 16 octets)  ~
      |                                                               |

          +---------------+               +---------------+
          |      PE1      |               |      PE2      |
       K  |   +--+        |               |        +--+   |  G
       |  |   | J|        |               |        | H|   |  |
       v  |   v  |        |               |        v  |   |  v
   +---+  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  +--+   +--+  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  +---+
   |   |  | |P|  |D|  |P| |  |  |   |  |  | |P|  |E|  |P| |  |   |
   |   |<===|h|<:|e|<:|h|<:::|  |<::|  |<:::|h|<:|n|<=|h|<===|   |
   |   |  | |y|  |c|  |y| |  |  |   |  |  | |y|  |c|  |y| |  |   |
   | C |  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  |  |   |  |  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  | C |
   | E |  |               |  |S1|   |S2|  |               |  | E |
   | 1 |  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  |  |   |  |  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  | 2 |
   |   |  | |P|  |E|  |P| |  |  |   |  |  | |P|  |D|  |P| |  |   |
   |   |===>|h|=>|n|:>|h|:::>|  |::>|  |:::>|h|:>|e|=>|h|===>|   |
   |   |  | |y|  |c|  |y| |  |  |   |  |  | |y|  |c|  |y| |  |   |
   +---+  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  +--+   +--+  | +-+  +-+  +-+ |  +---+
    ^  ^  |   |  ^        |               |        |  ^   |  ^  ^
    |  |  |   |B |        |<------+------>|        |  |   |  |  |
    |  A  |   +--+        |       |       |        +--+-E |  F  |
    |     +---------------+      +-+      +---------------+     |
    |             ^              |I|               ^            |
    |             |              +-+               |            |
    |             C                                D            |

                    |       |
               /|___|       |
              | |___|  PXC  |
      ========| |___|       |
              | |___|       |
               \|   |_______|
         (SDH framed)

                       |       |
                  /|___|       |
                 | |___|  PXC  |
         ========| |___|       |
                 | |___|       |
                  \|   |_______|
                DWDM (transparent to bit-rate and framing)

                 |       |
               /||       ||\
              | ||  OXC  || |
      ========| ||       || |====
              | ||       || |
         (SDH framed)

                        |       |
                      /||       ||\
                     | ||  OXC  || |
             ========| ||       || |====
                     | ||       || |
                    DWDM (transparent to bit-rate and framing)

   +---------------------+                      +---------------------+
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +      Node A         +<-------- c --------->+        Node B       +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                   1 +--------------------->+ 10                  +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                   2 +                /---->+ 11                  +
   +                     +          /----/      +                     +
   +                     +     /---/            +                     +
   +                   3 +----/                 + 12                  +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                   4 +--------------------->+ 14                  +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +---------------------+                      +---------------------+

       +-------+        +-------+        +-------+        +-------+
       + Node1 +        + Node2 +        + Node3 +        + Node4 +
       +       +-- c ---+       +-- c ---+       +-- c ---+       +
   ----+---\   +        +       +        +       +        +       +
   <---+---\\--+--------+-------+---\    +       +        +    /--+--->
       +    \--+--------+-------+---\\---+-------+---##---+---//--+----
       +       +        +       +    \---+-------+--------+---/   +
       +       +        +       +        +       +  (a)   +       +
   ----+-------+--------+---\   +        +       +        +       +
   <---+-------+--------+---\\--+---##---+--\    +        +       +
       +       +        +    \--+---##---+--\\   +        +       +
       +       +        +       +  (b)   +   \\--+--------+-------+--->
       +       +        +       +        +    \--+--------+-------+----
       +       +        +       +        +       +        +       +
       +-------+        +-------+        +-------+        +-------+

            +----------------->|        |<--------------+
            |       +--------->|  Down  |<----------+   |
            |       |+---------|        |<-------+  |   |
            |       ||         +--------+        |  |   |
            |       ||           |    ^       2,9| 2|  2|
            |       ||1b       1a|    |          |  |   |
            |       ||           v    |2,9       |  |   |
            |       ||         +--------+        |  |   |
            |       ||      +->|        |<------+|  |   |
            |       ||  4,7,|  |ConfSnd |       ||  |   |
            |       || 14,15+--|        |<----+ ||  |   |
            |       ||         +--------+     | ||  |   |
            |       ||       3,8a| |          | ||  |   |
            |       || +---------+ |8b  14,12a| ||  |   |
            |       || |           v          | ||  |   |
            |       |+-|------>+--------+     | ||  |   |
            |       |  |    +->|        |-----|-|+  |   |
            |       |  |6,14|  |ConfRcv |     | |   |   |
            |       |  |    +--|        |<--+ | |   |   |
            |       |  |       +--------+   | | |   |   |
            |       |  |          5| ^      | | |   |   |
            |       |  +---------+ | |      | | |   |   |
            |       |            | | |      | | |   |   |
            |       |            v v |6,12b | | |   |   |
            |       |10        +--------+   | | |   |   |
            |       +----------|        |   | | |   |   |
            |       |       +--| Active |---|-+ |   |   |
       10,17|       |   5,16|  |        |-------|---+   |
        +-------+ 9 |   13  +->|        |   |   |       |
        | Going |<--|----------+--------+   |   |       |
        | Down  |   |           11| ^       |   |       |
        +-------+   |             | |5      |   |       |
            ^       |             v |  6,12b|   |       |
            |9      |10        +--------+   |   |12a,14 |
            |       +----------|        |---+   |       |
            |                  |   Up   |-------+       |
            +------------------|        |---------------+
                                 |   ^
                                 |   |

         +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
         |      | ----- |      |       |      | ----- |      |
         | OXC1 | ----- | OLS1 | ===== | OLS2 | ----- | OXC2 |
         |      | ----- |      |       |      | ----- |      |
         +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
            ^                                             ^
            |                                             |

         +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
         |      | ----- |      |       |      | ----- |      |
         | OXC1 | ----- | OLS1 | ===== | OLS2 | ----- | OXC2 |
         |      | ----- |      |       |      | ----- |      |
         +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
           ^  ^             ^              ^             ^  ^
           |  |             |              |             |  |
           |  +-----LMP-----+              +-----LMP-----+  |
           |                                                |

     +---+     cert. publish        +------------+      j
     |   |  <---------------------  | End Entity | <-------
     | C |             g            +------------+      "out-of-band"
     | e |                            | ^                loading
     | r |                            | |      initial
     | t |                          a | | b     registration/
     |   |                            | |       certification
     | / |                            | |      key pair recovery
     |   |                            | |      key pair update
     | C |                            | |      certificate update
     | R |  PKI "USERS"               V |      revocation request
     | L | -------------------+-+-----+-+------+-+-------------------
     |   |  PKI MANAGEMENT    | ^              | ^
     |   |    ENTITIES      a | | b          a | | b
     | R |                    V |              | |
     | e |             g   +------+    d       | |
     | p |   <------------ | RA   | <-----+    | |
     | o |      cert.      |      | ----+ |    | |
     | s |       publish   +------+   c | |    | |
     | i |                              | |    | |
     | t |                              V |    V |
     | o |          g                 +------------+   i
     | r |   <------------------------|     CA     |------->
     | y |          h                 +------------+  "out-of-band"
     |   |      cert. publish              | ^         publication
     |   |      CRL publish                | |
     +---+                                 | |    cross-certification
                                         e | | f  cross-certificate
                                           | |       update
                                           | |
                                           V |
                                         | CA-2 |

                   EE            RA            CA
                    ---- req ---->
                    <--- chall ---
                    ---- resp --->
                                  ---- req' --->
                                  <--- rep -----
                                  ---- conf --->
                                  <--- ack -----
                    <--- rep -----
                    ---- conf --->
                    <--- ack -----

                   EE            RA            CA
                    ---- req ---->
                    <--- chall ---
                    ---- resp --->
                                  ---- req' --->
                                  <--- rep -----
                    <--- rep -----
                    ---- conf --->
                                  ---- conf --->
                                  <--- ack -----
                    <--- ack -----

                              Send ir
                                 | ip
                            Check status
                            of returned <------------------------+
                               certs                             |
                                 |                               |
       +------------------------>|<------------------+           |
       |                         |                   |           |
       |        (issued)         v       (waiting)   |           |
     Add to <----------- Check CertResponse ------> Add to       |
    conf list           for each certificate      pending list   |
                                 /                               |
                                /                                |
                   (conf list) /     (empty conf list)           |
                              /                     ip           |
                             /                 +----------------+
      (empty pending list)  /                  |    pRep
        END <---- Send certConf         Send pReq------------>Wait
                         |                 ^   ^               |
                         |                 |   |               |
                         +-----------------+   +---------------+
                            (pending list)

   |0              1|1              3|3                              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2                              3|

           +-------------------------------+ +------------+
           |                      +------+ | | +--------+ |
           |                      |S-CSCF|---| |SIP Serv| |\
        |  |                      +------+ | | +--------+ | \ --------
      +-|+ |                       /       | |     |      |  |        |
      |  | | +------+        +------+      | |     +      |   -|    |-
      |  |-|-|P-CSCF|--------|I-CSCF|      | |     |      |    | () |
      |  |   +------+        +------+      | |+----------+| /  ------
      |  |-----------------------------------||   TrGW   ||/
      +--+ |            IPv6               | |+----------+|     IPv4
       UE  |                               | |Interworking|
           |  IP Multimedia CN Subsystem   | |Unit        |
           +-------------------------------+ +------------+

    <===========Inter-AS MPLS TE Tunnel===========>
                              -----                -----
                     ________|ASBR |___Inter-AS___|ASBR |________
                    |        | RTR |     Link     | RTR |        |
    ----            -----     -----                -----        -----
   |SP1 |_Inter-AS_| SP2 |                                     | SP1 |
   |VPoP|   Link   |P/PE |                                     |P/PE |
    ----            -----      -----                -----       -----
                     |________|ASBR |___Inter-AS___|ASBR |________|
                              | RTR |     Link     | RTR |
                               -----                -----
    <=================Inter-AS MPLS TE Tunnel======================>
    +-SP1 AS1-+     +---SP2 AS2-----+          +------SP1 AS1------+

    ----               -----     -----                -----     -----
   | CE |_____Local___| SP2 |___|ASBR |___Inter-AS___|ASBR |___|SP1  |
   |    |     Loop    | PE  |   | RTR |     Link     | RTR |   |PE   |
    ----               -----     -----                -----     -----

    ----                -----     -----                -----     -----
   | CE |____Local_____| SP2 |___|ASBR |___Inter-AS___|ASBR |___|SP1  |
   |    |    Loop      | PE  |   | RTR |     Link     | RTR |   |PE   |
    ----                -----     -----                -----     -----

    ---       -----     -----              -----      -----       ---
   |CE1|_____| SP2 |___|ASBR |__Inter-AS__|ASBR |____| SP1 |_____|CE2|
   |   |     | PE  |   | RTR |    Link    | RTR |    | PE  |     |   |
    ---       -----     -----              -----      -----       ---

    ---        -----       ----      ----      -----           ---
   |CE1|______| SP1 |_____|SP1 |____|SP1 |____| SP1 |_________|CE2|
   |   |      | PE1 |     |P1  |    |P2  |    | PE2 |         |   |
    ---        -----       ----      ----      -----           ---

       <===================Inter-AS MPLS Tunnel=============>
     --------                 --------              --------
    |        |_______________|        |____________|        |
    |  SP1   |_______________|  SP1   |____________|  SP1   |
    |  AS1   |_______________|  AS2   |____________|  AS3   |
    |        |               |        |            |        |
     --------                 --------              --------
        ||                                             ||
        ||                   ---------                 ||
        ||___________________|  SP1   |________________||
        |____________________|  AS4   |_________________|
                             |        |

     <===================Inter-AS MPLS DS-TE Tunnel=============>
    ----    -----     -----                -----     -----     ----
   | PE |__| P   |___|ASBR |___Inter-AS___|ASBR |___|P    |___|PE  |
   | RTR|  | RTR |   | RTR |     Link     | RTR |   |RTR  |   |RTR |
    ----    -----     -----                -----     -----     ----
   +------------SP1 AS1---------+        +------------SP1 AS2------+

                <===========Inter-AS MPLS TE Tunnel=======>
   [               ]          [             ]          [              ]
   [  ----    ---- ]          [ ----   ---- ]          [ ----    ---- ]
   [ |P/PE|__|ASBR|]_Inter-AS_[|ASBR|.|ASBR|]_Inter-AS_[|ASBR|  |P/PE|]
   [ |RTR |  |RTR |]   Link   [|RTR | |RTR |]   Link   [|RTR |  |RTR |]
   [  ----    ---- ]          [ ----   ---- ]          [ ----    ---- ]
   [               ]          [             ]          [              ]
       <================Inter-AS MPLS TE Tunnel=====================>
   +SP1 Regional ASx+  +Transit SP2 AS2,etc...SPi ASi+ +------SP1 AS1-+

                <===========Inter-AS MPLS TE Tunnel=======>
   +----------------------------SP1 AS1-----------------------------+
   [                                                                ]
   [  ----    ----                                     ----    ---- ]
   [ |P/PE|__|ASBR|__________Primary Intera-AS________|P   |  |PE  |]
   [ |RTR |  |RTR |                Link               |RTR |  |RTR |]
   [  ----    ----                                     ----    ---- ]
   [           |                                        |           ]
   [          ----                                     ----         ]
   [         |ASBR|                                   |ASBR|        ]
   [         |RTR |                                   |RTR |        ]
   [          ----                                     ----         ]
               ^ |                                      | ^
               | |                                      | |
               | |            [              ]          | |
               | |            [ ----    ---- ]          | |
               | |__ Inter-AS_[|ASBR|..|ASBR|]_Inter-AS_| |
               |       Link   [|RTR |  |RTR |]   Link     |
               |              [ ----    ---- ]            |
               |              [              ]            |
               |                                          |
               +======Backup Inter-AS MPLS TE Tunnel======+
                 +Transit SP2 AS2,SP3 AS3,etc....SPi ASi+

     connect()  ----------------------------------------------> accept()
               <----------------------------------------------  220
     AUTH TLS   ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  234
     TLSneg()  <----------------------------------------------> TLSneg()
     PBSZ 0     ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  200
     PROT P     ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  200
     USER fred  ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  331
     PASS pass  ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  230

     connect()  ----------------------------------------------> accept()
               <----------------------------------------------  220
     AUTH TLS   ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  234
     TLSneg()  <----------------------------------------------> TLSneg()
     PBSZ 0     ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  200
     PROT P     ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  200
     USER fred  ---------------------------------------------->
               <----------------------------------------------  232

    connect()  ----------------------------------------------> accept()
              <----------------------------------------------  220
    AUTH TLS   ---------------------------------------------->
              <----------------------------------------------  234
    TLSneg()  <----------------------------------------------> TLSneg()
    PBSZ 0     ---------------------------------------------->
              <----------------------------------------------  200
    PROT P     ---------------------------------------------->
              <----------------------------------------------  200
    USER fred  ---------------------------------------------->
              <----------------------------------------------  232
    CCC        ---------------------------------------------->
              <----------------------------------------------  200
    TLSshutdown()  <-------------------------------------> TLSshutdown()

     PORT w,x,y,z,a,b ----------------------------------------->
         <----------------------------------------------------- 200
     STOR file ------------------------------------------------>
         <----------------------------------------------------- 150
                      accept() <-----------  connect()
                      write()   -----------> read()
                      close()   -----------> close()
         <----------------------------------------------------- 226

     PASV -------------------------------------------------------->
         <------------------------------------------ 227 (w,x,y,z,a,b)
     STOR file --------------------------------------------------->
                      connect()  ----------> accept()
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 150
                      write()    ----------> read()
                      close()    ----------> close()
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 226

     PORT w,x,y,z,a,b -------------------------------------------->
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 200
     STOR file --------------------------------------------------->
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 150
                      accept()  <----------  connect()
                      TLSneg()  <----------> TLSneg()
                      TLSwrite() ----------> TLSread()
                      TLSshutdown() -------> TLSshutdown()
                      close()    ----------> close()
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 226

     PASV -------------------------------------------------------->
         <------------------------------------------ 227 (w,x,y,z,a,b)
     STOR file --------------------------------------------------->
                      connect()  ----------> accept()
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 150
                      TLSneg()   <---------> TLSneg()
                      TLSwrite()  ---------> TLSread()
                      TLSshutdown() -------> TLSshutdown()
                      close()     ---------> close()
         <-------------------------------------------------------- 226

       -----        -----        -----
       | A |--------| Y |--------| B |
       -----        -----        -----
                        | X |

       -----        -----        -----
       | A |--------| Y |--------| B |
       -----        -----        -----
            -----       -----
            | C |-------| X |
            -----       -----

   | MPLS interface ifType = mpls(166)                                 |
   | ifIndex = 1                                                       |
   | TE link (bundled link) ifType = teLink(200)                       |
   | ifIndex = 2                                                       |
   | TE link ifType = teLink(200)   | | TE link ifType = teLink(200)   |
   | ifIndex = 3                    | | ifIndex = 4                    |
   +--------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+
   | Component link                 | | Component link                 |
   | ifType = opticalTransport(196) | | ifType = opticalTransport(196) |
   | ifIndex = 5                    | | ifIndex = 6                    |
   +--------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+

   +-------> MPLS-TC-STD-MIB
   |            ^
   |            |
   |         MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB <------------------+
   |                                             |
   +<----------------------- MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB -->+
   |                                    ^        |
   |                                    |        |
   +<-- MPLS-LDP-GENERIC-STD-MIB ------>+        |
   |                                    |        |
   +<-- MPLS-LDP-ATM-STD-MIB ---------->+        |
   |                                    |        |
   +<-- MPLS-LDP-FRAME-RELAY-STD-MIB -->+        |
   |                                             |
   +<------- MPLS-TE-STD-MIB ------------------->+
   |            ^                                |
   |            |                                |
   +<------- MPLS-FTN-STD-MIB ------------------>+

                         ^              ^
   mplsInSegmentMapTable |              | mplsLabelStackTable
             |           |              |           ^     |
             |      +----+              +----+      |     |
             |      |                        |      |     |
             |      | external_Traffic_Table |      |     |
             |      |   ^                ^   |      |     |
             V      |   |                |   |      |     |
            mplsInSegmentTable        mplsOutSegmentTable |
             |  ^   ^                        ^   ^     |  |
             |  |   |                        |   |     |  V
      +------+  |   +----> mplsXCTable  <----+   |     +--+
      |         V                                V        |
      | mplsInSegmentPerfTable    mplsOutSegmentPerfTable |
      |                                                   |
      +--------------> external_Label_Table <-------------+

   mplsLdpEntityGenLRTable ------------->+
   mplsLdpEntityAtmParmsTable ---------->+
   mplsLdpEntityAtmLRTable ------------->+
   mplsLdpEntityFrameRelayParmsTable --->+
   mplsLdpEntityFrLRTable -------------->+
   mplsLdpEntityStatsTable ------------->+
   mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable            |
                |                        |
                |  mplsLdpEntityTable <--+
                |      ^       ^
                V      |       |
            mplsLdpPeerTable <-+- mplsLdpSesPeerAddrTable
                       ^       |
                       |       V
                              ^   ^
                              |   |
   mplsLdpSesStatsTable ------+   +-- mplsLdpLspFecTable
   mplsLdpAtmSesTable --------+   |    |       |
   mplsLdpFrameRelaySesTable--+   |    |       V
                                  |    |    mplsFecTable
                                  |    V
                                  +-- mplsLdpLspTable

                             |      |
                             V      |
        mplsTunnelResourceTable     +--> mplsTunnelHopTable
              ^                     |
              |                     +--> mplsTunnelCHopTable
              V                     |
   mplsTunnelCRLDPResTable          +--> mplsTunnelARHopTable

   teLinkDescriptorTable ---+
   teLinkSrlgTable ---------+
   teLinkBandwidthTable ----+

   componentLinkDescriptorTable ---+
   componentLinkBandwidthTable ----+

             mplsLsrXCTable   mplsLsrInSegmentTable
                         ^     ^
                         |     |
                         +---- mplsLdpLspTable
                         |     |
   mplsTunnelTable ------+     V
      ^                  |    mplsLsrOutSegmentTable
      |                  |
   mplsFTNTable ---------+

   | MPLS interface ifType = mpls(166)                                 |
   | ifIndex = 1                                                       |
   | TE link (bundled link) ifType = teLink(200)                       |
   | ifIndex = 2                                                       |
   | TE link ifType = teLink(200)   | | TE link ifType = teLink(200)   |
   | ifIndex = 3                    | | ifIndex = 4                    |
   +--------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+
   | Component link                 | | Component link                 |
   | ifType = opticalTransport(196) | | ifType = opticalTransport(196) |
   | ifIndex = 5                    | | ifIndex = 6                    |
   +--------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+

        <--- interpretation interval (size is 2^k) ---->
      Lower              v_ref                       Upper
      Bound                                          Bound
        <--- reordering --> <--------- losses --------->
         max delta(SN) = p   max delta(SN) = (2^k-1) - p

        +---+  original       +---+ new packet   +---+
        | B |<----------------| A |- - - - - - ->| C |
        +---+  packet flow    +---+ flow         +---+
                                | False BU: B -> C
                            | Attacker |

          +---+                               +---+
          | A |                               | B |
          +---+                               +---+

          +---+                               +---+
          | A |                               | B |
          +---+                               +---+
            \                                  /
             \                                /
              \          +----------+        /
               \---------| Attacker |-------/

        +---+  original       +---+ flooding packet   +---+
        | B |<================| A |==================>| C |
        +---+  packet flow    +---+ flow              +---+
         |                      ^
          \                    /
          False binding update + false acknowledgements

        +----------+ TCP SYN with HAO    +-----------+
        | Attacker |-------------------->| Reflector |
        +----------+                     +-----------+
                                               | TCP SYN-ACK to HoA
                                         | Flooding  |
                                         | target    |

   | Byte Number                                               |
   | Byte Value                                                |

                       /---> Post Now
   Upload --> Check -+-----> Adjust ---> Send to Secretariat
                       \---> Cancel

                  (1) Message (including
    +----------+      a Cookie)            +----------+
    |          |-------------------------->|          |
    |  Node A  |                           |  Node B  |
    |          |<--------------------------|          |
    +----------+      Integrity Response   +----------+
                  (2) Message (including
                      the Cookie and the
                      INTEGRITY object)

                            | Policy |
                       |    | Point  +---+
                       |    +--------+   |
                       |                 |
                       |                 |
     +------+       +-+----+        +---+--+          +------+
     |Client|       |Router|        |Router|          |Client|
     |  A   +-------+  1   +--------+  2   +----------+  B   |
     +------+       +------+        +------+          +------+

                        AUTH_DATA                         +----+
      +---------------------------------------------------+PDP +-+
      |                                                   +----+ |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                 COPS     |
      |                                                 INTEGRITY|
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          |
      |                                                          |
   +--+---+   RSVP INTEGRITY  +----+    RSVP INTEGRITY    +----+ |
   +--+---+                   +----+                      +-+--+
      |                                                     |
                       POLICY_DATA INTEGRITY

    +------+          +---------------+      +--------+          +-----+
    | Host |          | Security      |      | Router |          | Host|
    |  A   |          | Gateway (SGW) |      |   Rx   |          |  B  |
    +--+---+          +-------+-------+      +----+---+          +--+--+
       |                      |                   |                 |
       |IPsec-Data(           |                   |                 |
       | OuterSrc=A,          |                   |                 |
       | OuterDst=SGW,        |                   |                 |
       | SPI=SPI1,            |                   |                 |
       | InnerSrc=A,          |                   |                 |
       | InnerDst=B,          |                   |                 |
       | Protocol=X,          |IPsec-Data(        |                 |
       | SrcPort=Y,           | SrcIP=A,          |                 |
       | DstPort=Z)           | DstIP=B,          |                 |
       |=====================>| Protocol=X,       |IPsec-Data(      |
       |                      | SrcPort=Y,        | SrcIP=A,        |
       | --IPsec protected->  | DstPort=Z)        | DstIP=B,        |
       |    data traffic      |------------------>| Protocol=X,     |
       |                      |                   | SrcPort=Y,      |
       |                      |                   | DstPort=Z)      |
       |                      |                   |---------------->|
       |                      |                   |                 |
       |                      |     --Unprotected data traffic--->  |
       |                      |                   |                 |

         /   /------------------------------------------------|--+
        /   /                                                 v  |
       /   /    +----+             act+-----+    +-------+ -+--+-|+--+-
D chan1-------->|IID |-+          +-->| ASP |--->| Assoc |       v
         /      +----+ |  +----+  |   +-----+    +-------+ -+--+--+--+-
        /              +->| AS |--+                        Streams
       /        +----+ |  +----+   stb+-----+
D chan2-------->|IID |-+              | ASP |
                +----+                +-----+

        most                                     least
     significant                              significant
         bit                                      bit
      |            SAPI                   | SPR |  0  |
      |            TEI                          |  1  |

             +----------------------|              |
             |   Alternate  +-------|  ASP-ACTIVE  |
             |       ASP    |       +--------------+
             |    Takeover  |           ^     |
             |              |    ASP    |     | ASP Inactive /
             |              |    Active |     | ASP Up
             |              |           |     v
             |              |       +--------------+
             |              |       |              |
             |              +------>| ASP-INACTIVE |
             |                      +--------------+
             |                          ^    |
   ASP Down/ |                     ASP  |    | ASP Down /
   SCTP CDI/ |                     Up   |    | SCTP CDI /
   SCTP RI   |                          |    v SCTP RI
             |                      +--------------+
             +--------------------->|              |
                                    |   ASP-DOWN   |

                SG                       ASP1
                 |<---------ASP Up----------|
                 |--------ASP Up Ack------->|
                 |                          |
                 |                          |
                 |<-------ASP Active--------|
                 |------ASP Active Ack----->|
                 |                          |
                 |                          |

          SG                        ASP1                        ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<--------ASP Up----------|                          |
           |-------ASP Up Ack------->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |----NTFY(AS-INACTIVE)--->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<-----------------------------ASP Up----------------|
           |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<-------ASP Active-------|                          |
           |-----ASP Active Ack----->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |-----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)---->|                          |

          SG                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<---------ASP Up---------|                          |
           |--------ASP Up Ack------>|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |----NTFY(AS-INACTIVE)--->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<------------------------------ASP Up---------------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------>|
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<--ASP Active (Ldshr)----|                          |
           |----ASP Active Ack------>|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |-----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<----------------------------ASP Active (Ldshr)-----|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |                         |                          |

      SG                  ASP1                ASP2                ASP3
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<------ASP Up-------|                   |                   |
       |-----ASP Up Ack---->|                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |-NTFY(AS-INACTIVE)->|                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<--------------------------ASP Up-------|                   |
       |-----------------------ASP Up Ack------>|                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<---------------------------------------------ASP Up--------|
       |--------------------------------------------ASP Up Ack----->|
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<-ASP Act (Ldshr)---|                   |                   |
       |----ASP Act Ack---->|                   |                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |<---------------------ASP Act (Ldshr)---|                   |
       |----------------------ASP Act Ack------>|                   |
       |                    |                   |                   |
       |--NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)-->|                   |                   |
       |---------------NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)--------->|                   |

                SG                               ASP1
                 |                                |
                 |                                |
                 |<----ASP Active (IIDs 1-10)-----|
                 |---ASP Active Ack (IIDs 1-5)--->|
                 |-------Error (IIDs 6)---------->|
                 |-------Error (IIDs 7)---------->|
                 |-------Error (IIDs 8)---------->|
                 |-------Error (IIDs 9)---------->|
                 |-------Error (IIDs 10)--------->|
                 |                                |

          SG                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<-----ASP Inactive-------|                          |
           |----ASP Inactive Ack---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |----NTFY(AS-Pending)---->|                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |<------------------------------ ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack)------->|
           |                         |                          |
           |----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)----->|                          |

          SG                       ASP1                       ASP2
           |                         |                          |
           |<-------------------------------ASP Active----------|
           |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack-------->|
           |----NTFY( Alt ASP-Act)-->|
           |                         |                          |

     SG                  ASP1                 ASP2                 ASP3
      |                    |                   |                   |
      |<----ASP Inact------|                   |                   |
      |---ASP Inact Ack--->|                   |                   |
      |                    |                   |                   |
      |---------------------------------NTFY(Ins. ASPs)----------->|
      |                    |                   |                   |
      |<-----------------------------------------ASP Act (Ldshr)---|
      |-------------------------------------------ASP Act (Ack)--->|
      |                    |                   |                   |

                        <----------- Data Request
         Data Indication ----------->
                        <----------- Data Request
         Data Indication ----------->
                        <----------- Data Request
                        <----------- Data Request
         Data Indication ----------->

                        <----------- Release Request (RELEASE_MGMT)
        Release Confirm  ---------->

                        <----------- Data Request
        Error Indication ---------->

                        <----------- TEI Status Request
      TEI Status Confirm ---------->

     ********                                         **************
     *      *_________________________________________*  ********  *
     *      *                                _________*  * ASP1 *  *
     *  SG1 *   SCTP Associations           |         *  ********  *
     *      *_______________________        |         *            *
     ********                       |       |         **************
                                    |       |
     ********                       |       |
     *      *_______________________________|
     *      *                       |
     *  SG2 *    SCTP Associations  |
     *      *____________           |
     *      *            |          |                     Host2
     ********            |          |                 **************
                         |          |_________________*  ********  *
                         |____________________________*  * ASP1 *  *
                                                      *  ********  *
                                                      *            *

   [headers][ body prefix | body suffix ][trailer]
   <-- ? --><-- offset  --><-- ? ---------------->
   <-- equiv. DWP offset ->

   Caller                   Proxy                 Media Server
     |   INVITE               |                        |
     |----------------------->|   INVITE               |
     |   100 TRYING           |----------------------->|
     |<-----------------------|   200 OK               |
     |   200 OK               |<-----------------------|
     |<-----------------------|                        |
     |   ACK                  |                        |
     |----------------------->|   ACK                  |
     |                        |----------------------->|
     |                        |                        |
     |              Play Announcement (RTP)            |
     |                        |                        |
     |                        |   BYE                  |
     |   BYE                  |<-----------------------|
     |<-----------------------|                        |
     |   200 OK               |                        |
     |----------------------->|    200 OK              |
     |                        |----------------------->|
     |                        |                        |

    P1       P2        P3         Application Server     Media Server
     |       |        |                  |                   |
     |  INVITE                |
     |---------------------------------->|                   |
     |       |        |   INVITE |
     |       |        |                  |------------------>|
     |       |        |                  | 200 OK            |
     |  200 OK        |                  |<------------------|
     |<----------------------------------|                   |
     |  ACK  |        |                  |                   |
     |---------------------------------->| ACK               |
     |       |        |                  |------------------>|
     |       |        | RTP w/ P1        |                   |
     |       |        |                  |                   |
     |  INVITE                |
     |       |-------------------------->|                   |
     |       |        |   INVITE |
     |       |        |                  |------------------>|
     |       |        |                  | 200 OK            |
     |       | 200 OK |                  |<------------------|
     |       |<--------------------------|                   |
     |       |  ACK   |                  |                   |
     |       |-------------------------->| ACK               |
     |       |        |                  |------------------>|
     |       |        |                  |                   |
     |       |        | RTP w/ P1+P2-P2  |                   |
     |       |<=============================================>|
     |       |        | RTP w/ P1+P2-P1  |                   |
     |       |        |                  |                   |
     |  INVITE                |
     |       |        |----------------->|                   |
     |       |        |   INVITE |
     |       |        |                  |------------------>|
     |       |        |                  | 200 OK            |
     |       |        | 200 OK           |<------------------|
     |       |        |<-----------------|                   |
     |       |        |  ACK             |                   |
     |       |        |----------------->| ACK               |
     |       |        |                  |------------------>|
     |       |        |                  |                   |
     |       |        | RTP w/ P1+P2+P3-P3                   |
     |       |        |<====================================>|
     |       |        | RTP w/ P1+P2+P3-P2                   |
     |       |<=============================================>|
     |       |        | RTP w/ P1+P2+P3-P1                   |

          |                                             _____________
   [HOST]-+ +-----------+               +----------+   /             \
          | | Customer  |   ADSL line   | Provider |  | ISP core and  |
          +-+ Premises  +---------------+   Edge   |--| The internet  |
          | | Equipment | to subscriber +-----+----+   \_____________/
   [HOST]-+ +-----------+                     |         |   |
          |                             +-----+------+  | +-+----------+
                                        | AAA server |  | | DNS server |
                                        +------------+  | +------------+
                                                      | NTP server etc.|
    Figure 1: Dual Stack Access Service Architecture  +----------------+

         CPE                      PE
          |                       |
          |----------PADI-------->| \
          |<---------PADO---------|  | PPPoE
          |----------PADR-------->|  | Discovery Stage
          |<---------PADS---------| /
          |                       |
          |---Configure-Request-->| \
          |<--Configure-Request---|  | PPP Link Establishment Phase
          |<----Configure-Ack-----|  | (LCP)
          |-----Configure-Ack---->| /
          |                       |
          |<------Challenge-------| \
          |-------Response------->|  | PPP Authentication Phase (CHAP)
          |<-------Success--------| /
          |                       |
          |---Configure-Request-->| \
          |<--Configure-Request---|  |
          |<----Configure-Nak-----|  | PPP Network Layer Protocol Phase
          |<----Configure-Ack-----|  | (IPCP)
          |---Configure-Request-->|  |
          |<----Configure-Ack-----| /
          |                       |
          |---Configure-Request-->| \
          |<--Configure-Request---|  | PPP Network Layer Protocol Phase
          |<----Configure-Ack-----|  | (IPV6CP)
          |-----Configure-Ack---->| /
          |                       |
          |--------Solicit------->| \
          |<------Advertise-------|  | DHCPv6
          |--------Request------->|  |
          |<--------Reply---------| /
          |                       |

   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |--INVITE -->|         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |-INVITE->|        |        |        |        |
                 Supported: histinfo
                 History-Info: <>;index=1,
                               <>; index=1.1
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-INVITE>|        |        |        |
                 History-Info: <>;index=1,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-----INVITE ---->|        |        |
                               <>; index=1.1,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-------INVITE------------>|        |

                    text="Request Terminated">; index=1.1.2,
                    text="Decline">; index=1.1.3
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |<-----200 OK---------------------------------|
   |<--200 OK---|         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |--ACK --------------------------------------------------->|

   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |--INVITE -->|         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |-INVITE->|        |        |        |        |
                 Supported: histinfo
                 History-Info: <>;index=1,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-INVITE>|        |        |        |
                 Privacy: history
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-----INVITE ---->|        |        |
                  Privacy: history
                               <>; index=1.1,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-------INVITE------------>|        |
                  Privacy: history

   INVITE, including UA3, which was attempted by P2, but due to
   Privacy P1 is not aware of this, so UA3 is re-attempted prior to
   forwarding the INVITE to UA5, where the session is successfully
   established  */
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |--------------INVITE ----->|        |        |
                  History-Info: <>;index=1,
                                <>; index=1.1,
                                <>; index=1.2
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |<-- 486 -------------------|        |        |
                  History-Info: <>;index=1,
                                <>; index=1.1,
                                <>; index=1.2
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |----------------INVITE --------------------->|
                History-Info: <>;index=1,
                   <>; index=1.1,
                    text="Busy Here">;index=1.2,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |<-----200 OK---------------------------------|
   |<--200 OK---|         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |--ACK --------------------------------------------------->|

   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |--INVITE -->|         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |-INVITE->|        |        |        |        |
                 Supported: histinfo
                 History-Info: <>;index=1,
                               <>; index=1.1
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-INVITE>|        |        |        |
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |-----INVITE ---->|        |        |
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |

   |            |         |-------INVITE------------>|        |
                  History-Info: <>;index=1,
                                 Privacy=history>; index=1.1.3

   /* All Responses from the INVITEs indicate non-success/non-
   availability.  The History-Info associated with UA4 is not returned
   in the response due to the privacy header associated with that URI */
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |<-480 ---|        |        |        |        |
                History-Info: <>;index=1,
                   <>; index=1.1,
                   <; \
                    cause=487;text="Request Terminated">; index=1.1.2,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
  /* Upon receipt of the response, P1 determines another route for the
   INVITE, but finds that it matches a route already attempted
  (e.g., UA3), thus the INVITE is only forwarded to UA5, where
   the session is successfully established  */
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |----------------INVITE --------------------->|
                History-Info: <>;index=1,
                   <>; index=1.1,
                    text="Request Terminated">; index=1.1.2,
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |<-----200 OK---------------------------------|
   |<--200 OK---|         |        |        |        |        |
   |            |         |        |        |        |        |
   |--ACK --------------------------------------------------->|

   UA1      Proxy1                UA2      UA3      UA4
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |-INVITE F1->|                  |        |        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |--INVITE F2------>|        |        |
   |<--100 F3---|                  |        |        |
   |            |<-302 F4----------|        |        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |-------INVITE F5 --------->|        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |<-------180 F6 ------------|        |
   |<---180 F7--|                  |        |        |
   |  . .       |---retransmit INVITE ----->|        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |      ( timeout ) |        |        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |------INVITE F8 ------------------->|
   |<--100 F9 --|                  |        |        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |<-486 F10 --------------------------|
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |            |-- ACK F11------------------------->|
   |<--486 F12--|                  |        |        |
   |            |                  |        |        |
   |--ACK F13-->|                  |        |        |
   |            |                  |        |        |

   |              |              |             |          |
   |--INVITE F1-->|              |             |          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |--INVITE F2-->|             |          |
   |<--100 F3-----|              |             |          |
   |              |<-302 F4------|             |          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |--------INVITE F5---------->|          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |<--------180 F6-------------|          |
   |<---180 F7----|              |             |          |
   |  . . .       |              |             |          |
   |              |------retransmit INVITE---->|          |
   |  . . .       |              |             |          |
   |              |       (timeout)            |          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |-------INVITE F8---------------------->|
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |<-200 F9-------------------------------|
   |              |              |             |          |
   |<-200 F10-----|              |             |          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |--ACK F11-------------------------------------------->|

   |              |              |             |          |
   |--INVITE F1-->|              |             |          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |--INVITE F2-->|             |          |
                    History-Info: <>; index=1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.1
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |<-302 F3------|             |          |
                    Contact: <>
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |--------INVITE F4---------->|          |
                    History-Info: <>; index=1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.2
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |              |             |INVITE F5>|
                    History-Info: <>; index=1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.2
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |              |             |<-200 F6--|
   |              |              |             |          |
   |              |<-200 F7--------------------|          |
                    History-Info: <>; index=1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.1
                    History-Info: <>; index=1.2
   |<-200 F8------|              |             |          |
   < No History-Info included in the response due to Local Policy>
   |              |              |             |          |
   |--ACK F9--------------------------------------------->|

   Alice        Redirect Server     Proxy 3             Bob
     |                |                |                |
     |   INVITE F1    |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     302 F2     |                |                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |     ACK F3     |                |                |
     |--------------->|                |                |
     |     INVITE F4                   |                |
     |-------------------------------->|    INVITE F5   |
     |             100  F6             |--------------->|

        voice/C-HDR/MPLS-labels ______ voice/C-HDR/MPLS-labels
   R1/HC---------------------->|      |-----------------------> R5/HD
                               |      |
        voice/C-HDR/MPLS-labels|      |voice/C-HDR/MPLS-labels
   R2/HC---------------------->|  R4  |-----------------------> R6/HD
                               |      |
        voice/C-HDR/MPLS-labels|      |voice/C-HDR/MPLS-labels
   R3/HC---------------------->|______|-----------------------> R7/HD

      Client                                                  Server
      ------                                                  ------
      TCP(seq=x, len=500)             ---->
       contains Record 1

      Client                                                  Server
      ------                                                  ------
      TCP(seq=x, len=500)             ---->
         contains SSH_MSG_IGNORE

             xN       x1
   STM-N<----AUG<----AU-4<--VC4<------------------------------C-4  E4
              ^              ^
              Ix3            Ix3
              I              I           x1
              I              -----TUG-3<----TU-3<---VC-3<---I
              I                      ^                       C-3 DS3/E3
   STM-0<------------AU-3<---VC-3<-- I ---------------------I
                              ^      I
                              Ix7    Ix7
                              I      I    x1
                              -----TUG-2<---TU-2<---VC-2<---C-2 DS2/T2
                                   ^  ^
                                   I  I   x3
                                   I  I----TU-12<---VC-12<--C-12 E1
                                   I      x4
                                   I-------TU-11<---VC-11<--C-11 DS1/T1

                                I            x1
                                I---VT-Group<---VT-6<----SPE DS2/T2
                                    ^  ^  ^
                                    I  I  I  x2
                                    I  I  I-----VT-3<----SPE DS1C
                                    I  I
                                    I  I     x3
                                    I  I--------VT-2<----SPE E1
                                    I        x4
                                    I-----------VT-1.5<--SPE DS1/T1

             |T|V|A|O|  O   |            | O |S |O |         |
             |e|i|u|t|  t   |            | t |I |t |         |
             |l|d|d|h|  h   |     IP     | h |  |h | Other   |
             |e|e|i|e|  e   |            | e |T |e |protocols|
             |t|o|o|r|  r   |            | r |a |r | native  |
             |e| | | |      |            |   |b |  |  over   |
             |x| | | |      |   +---+----+-+ |l |  |MPEG-2 TS|
             |t| | | |      |   |   | MPE  | |e |  |         |
             | | | | |   +--+---+   +------+ |  |  |         |
             | | | | |   | AAL5 |ULE|Priv. | |  |  |         |
             +-+-+-+-+---+------+   |      +-+--+--+         |
             |  PES  |   ATM    |   |Sect. |Section|         |
             |                  MPEG-2 TS                    |
             |Satellite| Cable | Terrestrial TV | Other PHY  |

              TS-LC-A-1         /---\--------------------/---\
                      \        /     \                  /     \
                       \      |       |                |       |
           TS-LC-A-2    -----------   |                | -------------
               --------------------   |                | -------------
                              |       |                |       |
                         /--------   /                 | -------------
                        /      \----/-------------------\----/
              TS-LC-A-3/               MPEG-2 TS MUX A
        TS-LC        /
                     \ TS-LC-B-3 /---\------------------------/---\
                      \         /     \                      /     \
                       \       |       |                    |       |
           TS-LC-B-2    \-----------   |                    | ---------
                --------------------   |                    | ---------
                               |       |                    |       |
                          /--------   /                     | ---------
                         /      \----/-----------------------\----/
                        /                 MPEG-2 TS MUX B

          +------------+                                  +------------+
          |  IP        |                                  |  IP        |
          |  End Host  |                                  |  End Host  |
          +-----+------+                                  +------------+
                |                                                ^
                +------------>+---------------+                  |
                              +  IP           |                  |
                +-------------+  Encapsulator |                  |
        SI-Data |             +------+--------+                  |
        +-------+-------+            |MPEG-2 TS Logical Channel  |
        |  MPEG-2       |            |                           |
        |  SI Tables    |            |                           |
        +-------+-------+   ->+------+--------+                  |
                |          -->|  MPEG-2       |                . . .
                +------------>+  Multiplexor  |                  |
        MPEG-2 TS             +------+--------+                  |
        Logical Channel              |MPEG-2 TS Mux              |
                                     |                           |
                   Other    ->+------+--------+                  |
                   MPEG-2  -->+  MPEG-2       |                  |
                   TS     --->+  Multiplexor  |                  |
                         ---->+------+--------+                  |
                                     |MPEG-2 TS Mux              |
                                     |                           |
                              +------+--------+           +------+-----+
                              |Physical Layer |           |  MPEG-2    |
                              |Modulator      +---------->+  Receiver  |
                              +---------------+  MPEG-2   +------------+
                                                 TS Mux

               | Header |             PDU         | Integrity Check |
               <--------------------- SNDU ------------------------->

                   |Encap Header|SubNetwork Data Unit (SNDU) |
                  /         /                          \      \
                 /         /                            \      \
                /         /                              \      \
        +------+----------+  +------+----------+   +------+----------+
        |MPEG-2| MPEG-2   |..|MPEG-2| MPEG-2   |...|MPEG-2| MPEG-2   |
        |Header| Payload  |  |Header| Payload  |   |Header| Payload  |
        +------+----------+  +------+----------+   +------+----------+

          Forward broadcast
          MPEG-2 TS         \
             ----------------X       /-----\
                            /       /       \
                                   | Receiver|
                        /----------+    A    |
                       /            \       /
           /-----\    /              \-----/
          /       \  /
         |   Hub   |/
         |         +\                /-----\
          \       /  \              /       \
           \-----/    \            | Receiver|
                       \-----------+    B    |
                                    \       /

                  AR                              AR
            AR     |    AR                   AR    |     AR
              \    |   /                       \   |    /
               Subnet 1                         Subnet 2
             /  /  |  \  \                    /  /  |  \  \
            /  /   |   \  \                  /  /   |   \  \
           /   |   |   |   \                /   |   |   |   \
        AP1  AP2  AP3  AP4  AP5          AP6  AP7  AP8  AP9  AP10

   |Version| IHL   |Type of Service|         Total Length          |
   |        Identification         |Flags|    Fragment Offset      |
   | Time to Live  |   Protocol    |       Header Checksum         |
   |                        Source Address                         |
   |                     Destination Address                       |
   |                   Options                     |   Padding     |

      ClientHello                  -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

                              +------------+   +--------+
                              |   BCMCS    |   |        |
                              | Controller |   |  DHCP  |
                              |            |   | Server |
                              +------------+   +--------+
   +----+        +------------+    +------------+
   |    |        |            |    |            |
   | MN/| bearer |   Radio    |    | BCMCS      |
   |User|<-------|   Access   |<---| Content    |
   |    |        |   Network  |    | Server     |
   +----+        +------------+    +------------+

           Code  Len  FQDN(s) of BCMCS Controller
         | 88  |  n  |  s1 |  s2 |  s3 |  s4 | s5  |  ...

          Code   Len  Address 1               Address 2
         | 89  |  n  | a1  | a2  | a3  | a4  | a1  |  ...

      Client sends in ORO/
      Parameter Request List   Domain Name List        IPv6/IPv4 Address

   EAP          Access Point        local RADIUS           home RADIUS
   Peer                               proxy/server            server
   |     1. EAP        |                    |                    |
   |  Request/Identity |                    |                    |
   |   (NAIRealms)     |                    |                    |
   |<------------------|                    |                    |
   |     2. EAP        |                    |                    |
   |  Response/Identity|                    |                    |
   |------------------>|                    |                    |
   |                   | 3. Access-Request  |                    |
   |                   |      (EAP          |                    |
   |                   |  Response/Identity)|                    |
   |                   |------------------->|                    |
   |                   |                    | 4. Access-Request  |
   |                   |                    |      (EAP          |
   |                   |                    | Response/Identity) |
   |                   |                    |------------------->|
   |                   |                    |                    |
   |<-------------------EAP conversation ----------------------->|

   EAP          Access Point          local RADIUS           home RADIUS
   Peer                                proxy/server            server
   |                   | 1. Access-Request  |                    |
   |                   |    (EAP-Start)     |                    |
   |                   |------------------->|                    |
   |                   | 2. Access-Challenge|                    |
   |                   |       (EAP         |                    |
   |                   |  Request/Identity  |                    |
   |                   |   with NAIRealms)  |                    |
   |                   |<-------------------|                    |
   |     3. EAP        |                    |                    |
   | Request/Identity  |                    |                    |
   |   (NAIRealms)     |                    |                    |
   |<------------------|                    |                    |
   |     4. EAP        |                    |                    |
   | Response/Identity |                    |                    |
   |------------------>|                    |                    |
   |                   | 5. Access-Request  |                    |
   |                   |       (EAP         |                    |
   |                   | Response/Identity) |                    |
   |                   |------------------->|                    |
   |                   |                    | 6. Access-Request  |
   |                   |                    |        (EAP        |
   |                   |                    | Response/Identity) |
   |                   |                    |------------------->|
   |                   |                    |                    |
   |<------------------- EAP conversation ---------------------->|

   EAP            Access Point       local RADIUS           home RADIUS
   Peer                              proxy/server             server
   |                   |                    |                    |
   |     1. EAP        |                    |                    |
   | Request/Identity  |                    |                    |
   | (w/o NAIRealms)   |                    |                    |
   |<------------------|                    |                    |
   |     2. EAP        |                    |                    |
   | Response/Identity |                    |                    |
   |------------------>|                    |                    |
   |                   | 3. Access-Request  |                    |
   |                   |      (EAP          |                    |
   |                   | Response/Identity) |                    |
   |                   |------------------->|                    |
   |                   | 4. Access-Challenge|                    |
   |                   |      (EAP          |                    |
   |                   |  Request/Identity  |                    |
   |                   |  with NAIRealms)   |                    |
   |                   |<-------------------|                    |
   |     5. EAP        |                    |                    |
   | Request/Identity  |                    |                    |
   |   (NAIRealms)     |                    |                    |
   |<------------------|                    |                    |
   |     6. EAP        |                    |                    |
   | Response/Identity |                    |                    |
   |------------------>|                    |                    |
   |                   | 7. Access-Request  |                    |
   |                   |      (EAP          |                    |
   |                   | Response/Identity) |                    |
   |                   |------------------->|                    |
   |                   |                    |                    |
   ======================Failure due to unknown realm=============
   |                   |                    |                    |
   |                   | 7a. Access-Reject  |                    |
   |                   |    (EAP-Failure)   |                    |
   |                   |<-------------------|                    |
   |    7b. EAP        |                    |                    |
   |     Failure       |                    |                    |
   |<------------------|                    |                    |
   |                   |                    |                    |
   |                   |                    | 8. Access-Request  |
   |                   |                    |       (EAP         |
   |                   |                    | Response/Identity) |
   |                   |                    |------------------->|
   |                   |                    |                    |
   |<-------------------- EAP conversation --------------------->|

         |                   BU to HA                           |
   (a)   |----------------------------------------------------->|
         | (including MN-ID option,                             |
         |  mobility message replay protection option[optional],|
         |  mobility message authentication option)             |
         |                                                      |
         |                                   HA/AAAH authenticates MN
         |                                                      |
         |                                                      |
         |                  BA to MN                            |
   (b)   |<-----------------------------------------------------|
         | (including MN-ID option,                             |
         |  mobility message replay protection option[optional],|
         |  mobility message authentication option)             |
         |                                                      |

   |                           128 bits                              |
   |                          node address                           |

   |          n bits               |           128-n bits            |
   |       subnet prefix           |           interface ID          |

          0       0 0       1 1       2
         |0       7 8       5 6       3|

   |         n bits         |   m bits  |       128-n-m bits         |
   | global routing prefix  | subnet ID |       interface ID         |

   |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
   |0000..............................0000|0000|    IPv4 address     |

   |                80 bits               | 16 |      32 bits        |
   |0000..............................0000|FFFF|    IPv4 address     |

   |   10     |
   |  bits    |         54 bits         |          64 bits           |
   |1111111010|           0             |       interface ID         |

   |   10     |
   |  bits    |         54 bits         |         64 bits            |
   |1111111011|        subnet ID        |       interface ID         |

   |                         n bits                 |   128-n bits   |
   |                   subnet prefix                | 00000000000000 |

   |   8    |  4 |  4 |                  112 bits                   |
   +------ -+----+----+---------------------------------------------+
   |11111111|flgs|scop|                  group ID                   |

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|

               |                 |                       |     |
               |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
               |                 |                       |     |

               |                 |                       |     |
               |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
               |                 |                       |     |

  V                                               V
  |                                               |
  + InReceives (1)                                + OutRequests
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  +--> InHdrErrors (5)                            +--> OutNoRoutes
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  +->-+ InMcastPkts (1)                           |
  |   V                                           |
  +-<-+                                           |
  |                                               |
  +->-+ InBcastPkts (1)                           |
  |   V                                           |
  +-<-+                                           |
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  +--> InTruncatedPkts (5)                        |
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  +--> InAddrErrors                               |
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  +--> InDiscards (2)                             |
  |                                               |
  |                                               |

  |  InForwDatagrams (6)  |   OutForwDatagrams (6)|
  |                       V                       +->-+ OutFragReqds
  |                   InNoRoutes                  |   | (packets)
  / (local packet (3)                             |   |
  |  IF is that of the address                    |   +--> OutFragFails
  |  and may not be the receiving IF)             |   |    (packets)
  |                                               |   |
  |                                               |   V OutFragOks
  |                                               |   | (packets) (7)
  |                                               |   |
  +->-+ ReasmReqds (fragments)                    +-<-+ OutFragCreates
  |   |                                           |       (fragments)
  |   |                                           |
  |   +--> ReasmFails (fragments (4))             +->-+ OutMcastPkts (1)
  |   |                                           |   V
  |   |                                           +-<-+
  +-<-+ ReasmOKs (reassembled packets)            |
  |                                               +->-+ OutBcastPkts (1)
  |                                               |   V
  +--> InUnknownProtos                            +-<-+
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  +--> InDiscards (2)                             +--> OutDiscards (2)
  |                                               |
  |                                               |
  + InDelivers                                    + OutTransmits (1)
  |                                               |
  V                                               V
 to                                              to
 upper                                           interface

          |               Upper Layer Protocol               |
          |         |            |           RDMA            |
          |         |            +---------------------------+
          |         |                   DDP                  |
          |         +----------------------------------------+
          |                    Transport                     |

                         DDP Client Protocol
                  (e.g., RDMA or Upper Layer Protocol)
                                |  ^
              untagged messages |  | untagged message delivery
                tagged messages |  | tagged message delivery
                                v  |
                                DDP+---> data placement
                                 | transport messages
                    (e.g., SCTP, DCCP, framed TCP)
                                 | IP datagrams
                               . . .

     stag=s, offset=o,          message 1:
     notify=y, id=i               |type=ddp  |
     message=                     |stag=s    |
       |aabbccddee|-------.       |offset=o  |
       ~   ...    ~----.   \      |notify=n  |
       |vvwwxxyyzz|-.   \   \     |id=?      |
                    |    \   `--->|aabbccddee|
                    |     \       ~    ...   ~
                    |      +----->|iijjkkllmm|
                    |      |
                    +      |    message 2:
                     \     |      |type=ddp  |
                      \    |      |stag=s    |
                       \   +      |offset=o+n|
                        \   \     |notify=y  |
                         \   \    |id=i      |
                          \   `-->|nnooppqqrr|
                           \      ~    ...   ~

                      Client Protocol
                           |  ^
                     Sends |  | Send reception indications
        RDMA Read Requests |  | RDMA Read Completion indications
               RDMA Writes |  | RDMA Write Completion indications
                           v  |
                           |  ^
         untagged messages |  | untagged message delivery
           tagged messages |  | tagged message delivery
                           v  |
                           DDP+---> data placement
                            | transport messages
                          . . .

                         ^       ^
                         |       |
           | +-------+   |       |       |
           | |Discard|<--|       V       |
           | +-------+   |B  +--------+  |
         ................|y..| AH/ESP |..... IPsec Boundary
           |   +---+     |p  +--------+  |
           |   |IKE|<----|a      ^       |
           |   +---+     |s      |       |
           | +-------+   |s      |       |
           | |Discard|<--|       |       |
           | +-------+   |       |       |
                         |       |
                         V       V

                          Unprotected Interface
            (nested SAs)      +----------+
           |                  +----------+      |
           |                        ^           |
           |                        | BYPASS    |
           V                     +-----+        |
       +-------+                 | SPD |     +--------+
    ...| SPD-I |.................|Cache|.....|PROCESS |...IPsec
       |  (*)  |                 | (*) |---->|(AH/ESP)|   boundary
       +-------+                 +-----+     +--------+
           |        +-------+     /  ^
           |        |DISCARD| <--/   |
           |        +-------+        |
           |                         |
           |                 +-------------+
           |---------------->|SPD Selection|
                                    |     +------+
                                    |  -->| ICMP |
                                    | /   +------+
                            Protected Interface

                         <-- How Outer Hdr  Relates Inner Hdr --->
                         Outer Hdr at                 Inner Hdr at
    IPv6                 Encapsulator                 Decapsulator
      Header fields:     --------------------         ------------
        version          6 (1)                        no change
        DS Field         copied from inner hdr (5)    no change (9)
        ECN Field        copied from inner hdr        constructed (6)
        flow label       copied or configured (8)     no change
        payload length   constructed                  no change
        next header      AH,ESP,routing hdr           no change
        hop limit        constructed (2)              decrement (2)
        src address      constructed (3)              no change
        dest address     constructed (3)              no change
      Extension headers  never copied (7)             no change

                      Unprotected Interface
                             +-----+   IPsec protected
         |                   +-----+                   |
         |                      |                      |
         |            Not IPsec |                      |
         |                      |                      |
         |                      V                      |
         |     +-------+    +---------+                |
         |     |DISCARD|<---|SPD-I (*)|                |
         |     +-------+    +---------+                |
         |                   |                         |
         |                   |-----+                   |
         |                   |     |                   |
         |                   |     V                   |
         |                   |  +------+               |
         |                   |  | ICMP |               |
         |                   |  +------+               |
         |                   |                         V
      +---------+            |                   +-----------+
  ....|SPD-O (*)|............|...................|PROCESS(**)|...IPsec
      +---------+            |                   | (AH/ESP)  | Boundary
         ^                   |                   +-----------+
         |                   |       +---+             |
         |            BYPASS |   +-->|IKE|             |
         |                   |   |   +---+             |
         |                   V   |                     V
         |               +----------+          +---------+   +----+
         |--------<------|Forwarding|<---------|SAD Check|-->|ICMP|
           nested SAs    +----------+          | (***)   |   +----+
                               |               +---------+
                       Protected Interface

         +---+     +---+  +---+
         | A |=====| B |  | C |
         |   |------------|   |
         |   |=====|   |  |   |
         +---+     +---+  +---+

                   BEFORE APPLYING AH
       IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
             |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                   AFTER APPLYING AH
       IPv4  |original IP hdr (any options) | AH | TCP |    Data   |
             |<- mutable field processing ->|<- immutable fields ->|
             |<----- authenticated except for mutable fields ----->|

                        BEFORE APPLYING AH
       IPv6  |             | ext hdrs |     |      |
             | orig IP hdr |if present| TCP | Data |

                       AFTER APPLYING AH
      IPv6  |             |hop-by-hop, dest*, |    | dest |     |      |
            |orig IP hdr  |routing, fragment. | AH | opt* | TCP | Data |
            |<--- mutable field processing -->|<-- immutable fields -->|
            |<---- authenticated except for mutable fields ----------->|

   IPv4 |                              |    | orig IP hdr*  |   |      |
        |new IP header * (any options) | AH | (any options) |TCP| Data |
        |<- mutable field processing ->|<------ immutable fields ----->|
        |<- authenticated except for mutable fields in the new IP hdr->|

   IPv6 |           | ext hdrs*|    |            | ext hdrs*|   |    |
        |new IP hdr*|if present| AH |orig IP hdr*|if present|TCP|Data|
        |<--- mutable field -->|<--------- immutable fields -------->|
        |       processing     |
        |<-- authenticated except for mutable fields in new IP hdr ->|

                         Bl    Tl            Bl
                                        (Bl+2^32) mod 2^32

                                  Bl    Tl            Bl
                                                 (Bl+2^32) mod 2^32

                  BEFORE APPLYING ESP
       IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
             |(any options)| TCP | Data |

                  AFTER APPLYING ESP
       IPv4  |orig IP hdr  | ESP |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
             |(any options)| Hdr | TCP | Data | Trailer | ICV|
                                 |<---- encryption ---->|
                           |<-------- integrity ------->|

                      BEFORE APPLYING ESP
       IPv6  |             | ext hdrs |     |      |
             | orig IP hdr |if present| TCP | Data |

                      AFTER APPLYING ESP
       IPv6  | orig |hop-by-hop,dest*,|   |dest|   |    | ESP   | ESP|
             |IP hdr|routing,fragment.|ESP|opt*|TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                                          |<--- encryption ---->|
                                      |<------ integrity ------>|

                 BEFORE APPLYING ESP
      IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
            |(any options)| TCP | Data |

      IPv4  | new IP hdr* |     | orig IP hdr*  |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
            |(any options)| ESP | (any options) |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                                |<--------- encryption --------->|
                          |<------------- integrity ------------>|

                      BEFORE APPLYING ESP
      IPv6  |             | ext hdrs |     |      |
            | orig IP hdr |if present| TCP | Data |

      IPv6  | new* |new ext |   | orig*|orig ext |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
            |IP hdr| hdrs*  |ESP|IP hdr| hdrs *  |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                                |<--------- encryption ---------->|
                            |<------------ integrity ------------>|

                         Bl    Tl            Bl
                                        (Bl+2^32) mod 2^32

                                  Bl    Tl            Bl
                                                 (Bl+2^32) mod 2^32

                    +-+-+-+-+-+            +-+-+-+-+-+
                    !         ! IPsec      !         !
       Protected    !Tunnel   ! tunnel     !Tunnel   !     Protected
       Subnet   <-->!Endpoint !<---------->!Endpoint !<--> Subnet
                    !         !            !         !
                    +-+-+-+-+-+            +-+-+-+-+-+

       +-+-+-+-+-+                                          +-+-+-+-+-+
       !         !                 IPsec transport          !         !
       !Protected!                or tunnel mode SA         !Protected!
       !Endpoint !<---------------------------------------->!Endpoint !
       !         !                                          !         !
       +-+-+-+-+-+                                          +-+-+-+-+-+

       +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+
       !         !         IPsec            !         !     Protected
       !Protected!         tunnel           !Tunnel   !     Subnet
       !Endpoint !<------------------------>!Endpoint !<--- and/or
       !         !                          !         !     Internet
       +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+

   |                                                               |
   +               Initialization Vector (16 octets)               +
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   ~ Encrypted Payload (variable length, a multiple of 16 octets)  ~
   |                                                               |

                          | Application |
                          |   Server    |\
                          +-------------+ \ SPEECHSC
            SIP, VoiceXML,  /              \
             etc.          /                \
           +------------+ /                  \    +-------------+
           |   Media    |/       SPEECHSC     \---| ASR, SI/SV, |
           | Processing |-------------------------| and/or TTS  |
       RTP |   Entity   |           RTP           |    Server   |
      =====|            |=========================|             |
           +------------+                         +-------------+

                                     _|   SIP   |
                                   _/ |  Server |
                +-----------+  SIP/   +---------+
                |           |  _/
    +-------+   |   VoIP    |_/
    | POTS  |___| Gateway   |   RTP   +---------+
    | Phone |   | (SIP UA)  |=========|         |
    +-------+   |           |\_       | SPEECHSC|
                +-----------+  \      |   TTS   |
                                \__   |  Server |
                             SPEECHSC |         |
                                    \_|         |

                                      |    IVR     |
                                     _|Application |
                               VXML_/ +------------+
                +-----------+  __/
                |           |_/       +------------+
    PSTN Trunk  |   VoIP    | SPEECHSC|            |
   =============| Gateway   |---------| SPEECHSC   |
                |(VXML voice|         |   ASR      |
                | browser)  |=========|  Server    |
                +-----------+   RTP   +------------+

   +-----------+         +---------+
   |           |   RTP   |         |
   |   IP      |=========| SPEECHSC|
   |  Phone    |         |   TTS   |
   |           |_________|  Server |
   |           | SPEECHSC|         |
   +-----------+         +---------+

       +-------+   +-------+   +-------+       +-------+   +-------+
       +       C=1=N       C=1=N       C=..1..=N       C=1=N       +
       | xtuC  |   |  xru1 |   |  xru2 |       |  xru8 |   |  xtuR |
       +       C=2=N       C=2=N       C=..2..=N       C=2=N       +
       +-------+   +-------+   +-------+       +-------+   +-------+

                         UAC           UAS
                          |   request   |
                     ---  |---.         |
                      ^   |    `---.    |
                      |   |         `-->|  ---
                      |   |             |   ^
                      |   |             |   |
                    64*T1 |             |   |
                      |   |             |   |
                      |   |             | 64*T1
                      |   |             |   |
                      |   |             |   |
                      v   |             |   |
        timeout <=== ---  |   200 OK    |   |
                          |         .---|   v
                          |    .---'    |  ---
                          |<--'         |

                 UAC       UAS               UAC        UAS
                  |         |                 |          |
            ---   |----.    |            ---  |----.     |
             ^    |     `-->|             ^   |     `--->|
         E = T1   |         |         E = T1  |    .-----|(provisional)
             v    |         |             v   |<--'      |
            ---   |----.    |            ---  |----.     |
             ^    |     `-->|             ^   |     `--->|
             |    |   X<----|(lost final) |   |   X<-----|(lost final)
             |    |         |             |   |          |
         E = 2*T1 |         |             |   |          |
             |    |         |             |   |          |
             |    |         |             |   |          |
             v    |         |             |   |          |
            ---   |----.    |             |   |          |
                  |     `-->|             |   |          |
                  |   .-----|(final)      |   |          |
                  |<-'      |             |   |          |
                  |         |             |   |          |
                 \/\       /\/           /\/ /\/        /\/
                                      E = T2
                 \/\       /\/           /\/ /\/        /\/
                  |         |             |   |          |
                  |         |             v   |          |
                  |         |            ---  |----.     |
                  |         |                 |     `--->|
                  |         |                 |    .-----|(final)
                  |         |                 |<--'      |
                  |         |                 |          |

                     UAC        P1         P2         P3         UAS
                      |          |          |          |          |
                ---  ===---.     |          |          |          |
                 ^    |     `-->===---.     |          |          |
                 |    |          |     `-->===---.     |          |
                 |    |          |          |     `-->===---.     |
               64*T1  |          |          |          |     `-->===
                 |    |          |          |          |          |
                 |    |          |          |          |          |
                 v    |          |          |          |          |
      (timeout) ---  ===         |          |          |          |
                      |    .-408===         |          |          |
                      |<--'      |    .-408===         |          |
                      |    .-408-|<--'      |    .-408===         |
                      |<--'      |    .-408-|<--'      |    .-408===
                      |    .-408-|<--'      |    .-408-|<--'      |
                      |<--'      |    .-408-|<--'      |          |
                      |    .-408-|<--'      |          |          |
                      |<--'      |          |          |          |
                      |          |          |          |          |

                     UAC        P1         P2         P3         UAS
                      |          |          |          |          |
                ---  ===---.     |          |          |          |
                 ^    |     `-->===---.     |          |          |
                 |    |          |     `-->===---.     |          |
                 |    |          |          |     `-->===---.     |
               64*T1  |          |          |          |     `-->===
                 |    |          |          |          |          |
                 |    |          |          |          |          |
                 v    |          |          |          |          |
      (timeout) ---  ===         |          |          |          |
                      |    .-408===         |          |    .-200-|
                      |<--'      |    .-408===   .-200-|<--'      |
                      |    .-408-|<--'.-200-|<--'     ===         |
                      |<--'.-200-|<--'      |          |         ===
                      |<--'      |          |          |          |
                      |          |          |          |          |

                              [Q]  [R]
                               .    .              AS2
             |                 ......
         AS1 |                 ..PI..
             |                 ......
      [D]----+----[SG-D].......+....+.......[C] AS3

         | nonexistent  |
         |    policy    |
                | PF_ACQUIRE
                V          | new packet
         .--------------.  | (maybe resend PF_ACQUIRE)
         |  hold policy |--'
         |              |--.
         `--------------'   \  pass
            |        |       \ msg    .---------.
            |        |        \       V         | forward
            |        |         .-------------.  | packet
     create |        |         | pass policy |--'
     IPsec  |        |         `-------------'
     SA     |        |
            |         \
            |          \
            V           \ deny
      .---------.        \ msg
      | encrypt |         \
      | policy  |          \         ,---------.
      `---------'           \        |         | discard
                             \       V         | packet
                              .-------------.  |
                              | deny policy |--'

                         | PF_ACQUIRE
                 |  nonexistent  |
                 |  connection   |
                  |      |      |
           send   ,      |      \
 expired   pass  /       |       \ send
 conn.     msg  /        |        \ deny
   ^           /         |         \ msg
   |          V          | do       \
 .---------------.       | DNS       \   .---------------.
 |  clear-text   |       | lookup     `->|     deny      |--->expired
 |  connection   |       | for           |  connection   |  connection
 `---------------'       | destination   `---------------'
    ^ ^                  |                   ^
    | | no record        |                   |
    | | OE-permissive    V                   | no record
    | |            .---------------.         | OE-paranoid
    | `------------|  potential OE |---------'
    |              |  connection   |         ^
    |              `---------------'         |
    |                    |                   |
    |                    | got TXT record    | DNSSEC failure
    |                    | reply             |
    |                    V                   | wrong
    |              .---------------.         | failure
    |              |  authenticate |---------'
    |              | & parse TXT RR|         ^
    | repeated     `---------------'         |
    | ICMP               |                   |
    | failures           | initiate IKE to   |
    | (short timeout)    | responder         |

    |                    V                   |
    | phase-2      .---------------.         | failure
    | failure      |   pending     |---------'
    | (normal      |     OE        |         ^
    |  timeout)    |               |invalid  | phase-2 fail (normal
    |              |               |<--.SPI  |               timeout)
    |              |               |   |     | ICMP failures (short
    |              | +=======+     |---'     |                timeout)
    |              | |  IKE  |     |   ^     |
    `----------------| states|---------------'
                   | +=======+     |   |
                   `---------------'   |
                         | IPsec SA    | invalid SPI
                         | established |
                         V             | rekey time
                   .--------------.    |
                   |   keyed      |<---|------------------------------.
                   |  connection  |----'                              |
                   `--------------'                                   |
                         | timer                                      |
                         |                                            |
                         V                                            |
                   .--------------.     connection still active       |
   clear-text----->|   expired    |-----------------------------------'
         deny----->|  connection  |
                         | dead connection - deleted

                   | IKE main mode
                   |  phase 1
           | unauthenticated |
           |     OE peer     |
                   | lookup KEY RR in
                   |             (if ID_IPV4_ADDR)
                   | lookup KEY RR in forward
                   |             (if ID_FQDN)
           .-----------------.  RR not found
           |   received DNS  |---------------> log failure
           |     reply       |
             phase 2 |        \      misformatted
            proposal |         `------------------> log failure
           |  authenticated |  identical initiator
           |     OE peer    |--------------------> initiator
           `----------------'  connection found    state machine
                 | look for TXT record for initiator
           |  authorized   |---------------------> log failure
           |    OE peer    |
            potential OE
            connection in
            initiator state

     Alice         SG-A       DNS       SG-B           Bob
          Datagram is seen at first gateway
          from Alice (SG-A).

                      Datagram traverses
       Alice receives


     Alice          SG-A      DNS       SG-B           Bob

                         | Provisioned         |
                         |                     |
                         |  +---------------+  |
                         |  |  Admitted     |  |
                         |  |               |  |
                         |  |  +---------+  |  |
                         |  |  |  Active |  |  |
                         |  |  |         |  |  |
                         |  |  +---------+  |  |
                         |  |               |  |
                         |  +---------------+  |
                         |                     |

         +------------+  clsfy 1    -----+    | Per-SF   |   forwarded
   Pkts  |            |----------->      |    | Maximum  |-> for DOCSIS
   ----->|  Classify  |  clsfy 2     SF1 |--> | Rate     |   RF Network
         |  Function  |----------->      |    | Policing |  transmission
         |            |             -----+    | Function |
         |            |                       |          |----+
         |            |                       |          |    |
         |            |                       +----------+   Dropped
         +------------+                         |    ^
                                                +----+  Delayed

              |  Outbound Pkt
          docsDevIpFilterTable------> docsDevFilterPolicyTable
              |                                   |
              |                                   V
              |                      docsIetfQosServiceClassPolicyTable
              |                                   |
          Pkt |                  ServiceClassName,|
              |     ServiceClassPolicyRulePriority|
              V                                   V
     |        |   DOCSIS MAC LAYER ENTITY         |           |
     |        |                                   | Select    |
     |        V                                   | any       |
     |    docsIetfQosPktClassTable <--------------| SFID Y    |
     |        |                                   | in SCN    |
     |        | docsIetfQosPktClassPriority,      |           |
     |        | SFID X                            |           |
     |        V                                   V           |
     |   +--------------------------------------------+       |
     |   | Select the SFID associated with the        |       |
     |   | higher of docsIetfQosPktClassPriority or   |       |
     |   | docsIetfQosServiceClassPolicyRulePriority  |       |
     |   +--------------------------------------------+       |
     |                             |                          |
     |                             V                          |
     |           |    |          |    |                       |
     |           |    |    ...   |    |  Service Flows        |
     |           +----+          +----+                       |
     |           SFID X          SFID Y                       |

         +-- properties
         +-- VCARs
         +-- VQUERYs
         +-- VTIMEZONEs
         +-- VAGENDA
         |     |
         |     +--properties
         |     +--VEVENTs
         |     |    |
         |     |    +--VALARMs
         |     +--VTODOs
         |     |    |
         |     |    +--VALARMs
         |     +--VJOURNALs
         |     +--VCARs
         |     +--VTIMEZONEs
         |     +--VQUERYs
         |     +--VFREEBUSYs
         |     |
         |     |   ...
         +-- VAGENDA
         .     .
         .     .
         .     .

   < ----------------------------- SNDU ----------------------------- >
   |D| Length | Type | Dest Address* |           PDU         | CRC-32 |

   < --------------------------   SNDU   ------------------------- >
   |D=0| Length | T1 | NPA Address | H1 | T2 |    PDU     | CRC-32 |
   < ULE base header >             <  ext 1  >

   < --------------------------   SNDU   ------------------------- >
   |D=1| Length | T1 | H1 | T2 | H2 | T3 |       PDU       | CRC-32 |
   < ULE base header >< ext 1  >< ext 2  >

                | ULE  |        Protocol Data Unit      | ULE  |
                |Header|                                |CRC-32|
               /         /                             \       \
              /         /                               \       \
             /         /                                 \       \
   +--------+---------+   +--------+---------+   +--------+---------+
   |MPEG-2TS| MPEG-2  |...|MPEG-2TS| MPEG-2  |...|MPEG-2TS| MPEG-2  |
   | Header | Payload |   | Header | Payload |   | Header | Payload |
   +--------+---------+   +--------+---------+   +--------+---------+

                 |  SubNetwork  |
                 |     DU 1     |
                        \        \
                         \        \
                          \        \
                 |MPEG-2TS| End of | 0xFFFF |  Unused  |
                 | Header | SNDU 1 |        |  Bytes   |
                   PUSI=0            ULE

              +-/----------------+       +----------------/-+
              |   Subnetwork     |       |   Subnetwork     |
              |      DU 2        |       |      DU 3        |
              +-/----------------+       +----------------/-+
                         \        \     /          /\
                          \        \   /          /  \
                           \        \ /          /    \. . .
          |MPEG-2TS| Payload| end of | start of |
          | Header | Pointer| SNDU 2 | SNDU 3   |
            PUSI=1     |              ^
                       |              |

                                | START |
                              \|   Idle   |/
                      +-------/|   State  |\-------+
         Insufficient |        +----+-----+        |
         unused space |             | PUSI set     | MPEG-2 TS Error
         or           |            \/              | or
         End Indicator|        +----------+        | SNDU Error
                      |        |Reassembly|        |
                      +--------|  State   |--------+

           PP=0      Length
   +-----+------+------+------+-   -+------+
   | HDR | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0xC4 | ... | A182 |
   +-----+----*-+-*----+------+-   -+------+
   PUSI=1     *   *
           PP=17           CRC for A     Length
   +-----+------+------+-   -+--- --+------+------+-   -+------+
   | HDR | 0x11 | A183 | ... | A199 | 0x00 | 0xC4 | ... | B165 |
   +-----+----*-+------+-   -+------+-*----+------+-   -+------+
   PUSI=1     *                       *

                                 End     Stuffing
                    CRC for A Indicator   Bytes
   +-----+------+-   -+------+----+----+-   -+----+
   | HDR | B166 | ... | B199 |0xFF|0xFF| ... |0xFF|
   +-----+------+-   -+------+----+----+-   -+----+

            PP=0      Length
    +-----+------+------+------+-   -+------+
    | HDR | 0x00 | 0x02 | 0xD8 | ... | A182 |
    +-----+---*--+-*----+------+-   -+------+
    PUSI=1    *    *

    +-----+------+-   -+------+
    | HDR | A183 | ... | A366 |
    +-----+------+-   -+------+

    +-----+------+-   -+------+
    | HDR | A367 | ... | A550 |
    +-----+------+-   -+------+

            PP=181         CRC for A      Length
    +-----+------+------+-   -+------+------+------+
    | HDR | 0xB5 | A551 | ... | A731 | 0x01 | 0x18 |
    +-----+---*--+------+-   -+------+*-----+------+
    PUSI=1    *                       *

    +-----+------+-   -+------+
    | HDR | B002 | ... | B185 |
    +-----+------+-   -+------+

                                    End          Stuffing
                                 Indicator        Bytes
    +-----+------+-   -+------+------+------+-   -+------+
    | HDR | B186 | ... | B283 | 0xFF | 0xFF | ... | 0xFF |
    +-----+------+-   -+------+------+------+-   -+------+

            PP=0      Length
    +-----+------+------+------+-   -+------+
    | HDR | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0xC4 | ... | A182 |
    +-----+----*-+-*----+------+-   -+------+
    PUSI=1     *   *  +      +
               *****  ++++++++
                                       +   SNDU
            PP=17           CRC for A  +  Length
    +-----+------+------+-   -+------+-+----+------+-
    | HDR | 0x11 | A183 | ... | A199 | 0x00 | 0x38 | ...
    +-----+----*-+------+-   -+------+*-----+------+-
    PUSI=1     *                      *  +       +
               ************************  +++++++++
    +                  SNDU                       End      Stuffing
    +                 Length                   Indicator     bytes
    +    -+------+------+------+  -+------+------+------+- -+------+
    + ... | B59  | 0x00 | 0x38 |...| C59  | 0xFF | 0xFF |...| 0xFF |
    +    -+------+-+----+------+  -+------+-+----+------+- -+------+
    +              +  +      +              +
    +              +  ++++++++              +
    +              +   +                    +
    ++++++++++++++++   ++++++++++++++++++++++

           PP=0      Length
   +-----+------+------+------+-   -+-----+------+------+-   -+-----+-
   | HDR | 0x00 | 0x80 | 0x30 | ... | A51 | 0x80 | 0x30 | ... | B51 | ..
   +-----+----*-+-*----+------+-   -+-----+------+------+-   -+-----+-
   PUSI=1     *   *

                                           End        Stuffing
                                         Indicator     bytes
                -----+------+-   -+-----+---------+- -+------+
            ... 0x80 | 0x30 | ... | C51 |0xFF|0xFF|   | 0xFF |
                -----+------+-   -+-----+---------+- -+------+

      |     |           |         Data Field          |     |     |
      | SOF | FC Header |<--------------------------->| CRC | EOF |
      |     |           | Optional  | Frame           |     |     |
      |     |           | Header(s) | Payload         |     |     |

                       First Frame of an IP FC Sequence
   | FC Header | FC Network_Header | LLC/SNAP header | First chunk of  |
   |           |                   |                 | the IP Packet   |

         Subsequent Frames of an IP FC Sequence
   | FC Header |   Additional chunk of the IP Packet   |

        10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
      |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

      +--------+  A-to-B half-connection:         +--------+
      |        |    -->  application data  -->    |        |
      |        |    <--  acknowledgements  <--    |        |
      | DCCP A |                                  | DCCP B |
      |        |  B-to-A half-connection:         |        |
      |        |    <--  application data  <--    |        |
      +--------+    -->  acknowledgements  -->    +--------+

   |  Type  | Length |Feature#| Value(s) ...

   Change L:  |00100000| Length |Feature#| Value(s) ...

   Change R:  |00100010| Length |Feature#| Value(s) ...

   Confirm L: |00100001| Length |Feature#| Value(s) ...

   Confirm R: |00100011| Length |Feature#| Value(s) ...

     invalid  |       valid Sequence Numbers        |  invalid
         GSR -|GSR + 1 -   GSR                 GSR +|GSR + 1 +
    floor(W/4)|floor(W/4)                 ceil(3W/4)|ceil(3W/4)
               = SWL                           = SWH

     invalid  |    valid Acknowledgement Numbers    |  invalid
      GSS - W'|GSS + 1 - W'                      GSS|GSS + 1
               = AWL                           = AWH

   +--------+--------+-------- ... --------+
   |00100101| Length |      NDP Count      |
   +--------+--------+-------- ... --------+
    Type=37  Len=3-8       (1-6 bytes)

   |00100100| Length |         Init Cookie Value   ...

   +---------------------------+    +---------------------------+
   |                           v    v                           |
   |                        +----------+                        |
   |          +-------------+  CLOSED  +------------+           |
   |          | passive     +----------+  active    |           |
   |          |  open                      open     |           |
   |          |                         snd Request |           |
   |          v                                     v           |
   |     +----------+                          +----------+     |
   |     |  LISTEN  |                          | REQUEST  |     |
   |     +----+-----+                          +----+-----+     |
   |          | rcv Request            rcv Response |           |
   |          | snd Response             snd Ack    |           |
   |          v                                     v           |
   |     +----------+                          +----------+     |
   |     | RESPOND  |                          | PARTOPEN |     |
   |     +----+-----+                          +----+-----+     |
   |          | rcv Ack/DataAck         rcv packet  |           |
   |          |                                     |           |
   |          |             +----------+            |           |
   |          +------------>|   OPEN   |<-----------+           |
   |                        +--+-+--+--+                        |
   |       server active close | |  |   active close            |
   |           snd CloseReq    | |  | or rcv CloseReq           |
   |                           | |  |    snd Close              |
   |                           | |  |                           |
   |     +----------+          | |  |          +----------+     |
   |     | CLOSEREQ |<---------+ |  +--------->| CLOSING  |     |
   |     +----+-----+            |             +----+-----+     |
   |          | rcv Close        |        rcv Reset |           |
   |          | snd Reset        |                  |           |
   |<---------+                  |                  v           |
   |                             |             +----+-----+     |
   |                   rcv Close |             | TIMEWAIT |     |
   |                   snd Reset |             +----+-----+     |
   +-----------------------------+                  |           |
                                                 2MSL timer expires

   |00101100|00000110|              CRC-32c              |
    Type=44  Length=6

   |0010011?| Length |SSLLLLLL|SSLLLLLL|SSLLLLLL|  ...
   Type=38/39         \___________ Vector ___________...

                               Received State
                                 0   1   3
                             0 | 0 |0/1| 0 |
                       Old     +---+---+---+
                             1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
                      State    +---+---+---+
                             3 | 0 | 1 | 3 |

                              Received Packet
                                 0   1   3
                             0 | 0 |0/1| 0 |
                     Stored    +---+---+---+
                             1 |0/1| 1 | 1 |
                      State    +---+---+---+
                             3 | 0 | 1 | 3 |

   |00101000| Length | Block  | Block  | Block  |  ...
    Type=40          \___________ Vector ___________ ...

   |00101001|00000110|          Timestamp Value          |
    Type=41  Length=6

   |00101011|00000100|   Elapsed Time  |
    Type=43    Len=4

   |00101011|00000110|            Elapsed Time           |
    Type=43    Len=6

   |00101010|00000110|           Timestamp Echo          |
    Type=42    Len=6

   +--------+--------+------- ... -------+--------+--------+
   |00101010|00001000|  Timestamp Echo   |   Elapsed Time  |
   +--------+--------+------- ... -------+--------+--------+
    Type=42    Len=8       (4 bytes)

   +--------+--------+------- ... -------+------- ... -------+
   |00101010|00001010|  Timestamp Echo   |    Elapsed Time   |
   +--------+--------+------- ... -------+------- ... -------+
    Type=42   Len=10       (4 bytes)           (4 bytes)

      |S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|   |   |   |   |S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|
                    ^                   ^
                 buf_tail     buf_head, buf_ackno = A     buf_nonce = E

      A |S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L|S,L| T    BN[E]

      10 |0,0|3,0|3,0|3,0|0,4|1,0|0,0| 0    BN[1]   [Example Buffer]

         ** +***----------------------------+
         11 |1,0|0,0|3,0|3,0|3,0|0,4|1,0|0,0| 0    BN[1]
         ** +***----------------------------+

             ** +--*------------------------+
             11 |0,1|3,0|3,0|3,0|0,4|1,0|0,0| 0    BN[1]
             ** +--*------------------------+

      ** +*******----------------------------+         *
      12 |0,0|3,0|0,1|3,0|3,0|3,0|0,4|1,0|0,0| 0    BN[0]
      ** +*******----------------------------+         *

            10 |0,0|3,0|0,0|3,0|0,4|1,0|0,0| 0    BN[1]

               +------------------*+ *       *
            10 |0,0|3,0|3,0|3,0|0,2| 4    BN[0]
               +------------------*+ *       *

             10 |0,0|0,0|3,0|3,0|0,4|1,0|0,0| 0     BN[1]

           Lossy Part
            <= 1 RTT   __________ Lossless Part __________
          /          \/                                   \
          ^    ^  ^  ^
         losses or marks

          Lossy Part   Lossy Part
           <= 1 RTT     <= 1 RTT   _____ Lossless Part _____
         /          \/           \/                         \
         ^    ^  ^  ^^^        ^ ^
         \_ Int. 1 _/\_____________ Interval 2 _____________/

   Time:       T1  T2  T3 T4  T5           T6  T7   T8  T9
   CCVal:      K-1 K-1  K K   K+1          K+3 K+4  K+3 K+4

   |11000010|00000110|            Receive Rate           |
    Type=194   Len=6

   |11000000|00000110|          Loss Event Rate          |
    Type=192   Len=6

   |11000001| Length |  Skip  |   Loss Interval   | More Loss
   |        |        | Length |                   | Intervals...
    Type=193                         9 bytes

     ____________________ Loss Interval _____________________
    /                                                        \
   | Lossless Length  |E|   Loss Length   |    Data Length    |
          3 bytes            3 bytes             3 bytes

    Numbers: 0         10        20        30        40  44
             |         |         |         |         |   |

             0         10        20        30        40  44
             |         |         |         |         |   |
                 L0       L1         L2          L3

      Counters: K   K+1 K+2 K+3 K+4 K+5 K+6  ...  K+15 K+16 K+17 ...
                |   |   |   |   |   |   |         |    |    |
      Data      |   |   |   |   |   |   |         |    |    |
      Packets   |   |   |   |   |   |   |         |    |    |
      Received:   - -  ---  -                ...   - - -- -  -- --  -
                  |                |               |    |    |        |
                  |                |               |    |    |        |
      Events:     1:               2:              3:   4:   5:       6:
                 "A"                              "B"  Timer "B"
                 sent                             sent       received

      ClientHello                  -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

      ClientHello                   -------->
                                    <--------             Finished
      Finished                      -------->
      Application Data              <------->     Application Data

                           <------        ServerHello (seq=1)
                           <------        Certificate (seq=2)
                           <------    ServerHelloDone (seq=3)

                                               ServerHello    \
                                              Certificate*     \
                                        ServerKeyExchange*      Flight 4
                                       CertificateRequest*     /
                            <--------      ServerHelloDone    /

    Certificate*                                              \
    ClientKeyExchange                                          \
    CertificateVerify*                                          Flight 5
    [ChangeCipherSpec]                                         /
    Finished                -------->                         /

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

     <---- p(n-1) ---->
              <----- p(n) ----->
                       <---- p(n+1) ---->
                                <---- p(n+2) ---->
                                         <---- p(n+3) ---->
                                                  <---- p(n+4) ---->

       +----------+                         +----------+
       |          |                         |          |
       | TERMINAL |<----------------------->| TERMINAL |
       |          |    VMR-WB/RTP/UDP/IP    |          |
       +----------+                         +----------+
                     (or AMR-WB/RTP/UDP/IP)

       VMR-WB over
   3GPP2/CDMA2000 network
                      +------+                        +----------+
                      |      |                        |          |
      <-------------->|  GW  |<---------------------->| TERMINAL |
                      |      |   VMR-WB/RTP/UDP/IP    |          |
                      +------+                        +----------+
                          |           IP network

                     +------+                  +------+
    (AMR-WB Payload) |      | AMR-WB/RTP/UDP/IP|      |(AMR-WB Payload)
   <---------------->|  GW  |<---------------->|  GW  |<--------------->
                     |      |                  |      |
                     +------+                  +------+
                        |        IP network       |
                        |                         |

                      +------+                   +------+
                      |      |                   |      |
        <------------>|  GW  |<----------------->|  GW  |<------------>
                      |      | VMR-WB/RTP/UDP/IP |      |
                      +------+                   +------+
                          |         IP network       |
                          |                          |

   | Payload header | Table of contents | Speech data ...

   ILL=2, ILP=0:
   | 1L | 1R | 4L | 4R | 7L | 7R |
      Frame     Frame     Frame
     Block 1   Block 4   Block 7

   | 2L | 2R | 5L | 5R | 8L | 8R |
      Frame     Frame     Frame
     Block 2   Block 5   Block 8

   ILL=2, ILP=2:
   | 3L | 3R | 6L | 6R | 9L | 9R |
         Frame     Frame     Frame
        Block 3   Block 6   Block 9

   | list of ToC entries |

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

     <---- p(n-1) ---->
              <----- p(n) ----->
                       <---- p(n+1) ---->
                                <---- p(n+2) ---->
                                         <---- p(n+3) ---->
                                                  <---- p(n+4) ---->

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

              +----------+                          +----------+
              |          |    IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB+    |          |
              |  SERVER  |<------------------------>| TERMINAL |
              |          |                          |          |
              +----------+                          +----------+

   | payload header | table of contents | audio data ...

   +----------------+----------------+- ... -+----------------+
   |  ToC entry #1  |  ToC entry #2  |          ToC entry #N  |
   +----------------+----------------+- ... -+----------------+

     |   Rxd    |   lost   | lost | lost |  Rxd |

                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               . +-----------+        //-----\\    .
                               . |           |      ||         ||  .
                      non-SIP  . | Conference|        \\-----//    .
               +---------------->|  Policy   |       |          |  .
               |               . |  Server   |---->  |          |  .
               |               . |           |       |Conference|  .
               |               . +-----------+       |  Policy  |  .
               |               .                     |          |  .
               |               .                     |          |  .
         +-----------+         . +-----------+       |          |  .
         |           |         . |           |        \       //   .
         |           |         . |           |         \-----/     .
         |Participant|<--------->|   Focus   |            |        .
         |           |  SIP    . |           |            |        .
         |           |  Dialog . |           |<-----------+        .
         +-----------+         . |...........|                     .
                   ^           . | Conference|                     .
                   |           . |Notification                     .
                   +------------>|  Service  |                     .
                   Subscription. +-----------+                     .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .
                               .                                   .

                                  Conference Server
                         .                                 .
                         .                 +------------+  .
                         .                 | Conference |  .
                         .                 |Notification|  .
                         .                 |   Server   |  .
                         .                 +------------+  .
                         . +----------+                    .
                         . |Conference|            +-----+ .
                         . |  Policy  | +-------+ +-----+| .
                         . |  Server  | | Focus | |Mixer|+ .
                         . +----------+ +-------+ +-----+  .
                                       //    \ ***  *
                                     //     ***      * RTP
                             SIP   //    ***  \      *
                                 //   ***      \SIP   *
                               //  *** RTP      \     *
                              /  **              \     *
                       +-----------+         +-----------+
                       |Participant|         |Participant|
                       +-----------+         +-----------+

                         +------------+             +------------+
                         | App  Server|     SIP     |Conf. Cmpnt.|
                         |            |-------------|            |
                         |   Focus    |    non-SIP  |   Focus    |
                         |   C.Pol    |-------------|   C.Pol    |
                         |            |             |   Mixers   |
                         |Notification|             |            |
                         |            |             |            |
                         +------------+             +------------+
                             |      \                    .. .
                             |       \\            RTP...   .
                             |         \\           ..      .
                             |     SIP   \\      ...        .
                         SIP |             \\ ...           .RTP
                             |              ..\             .
                             |           ...   \\           .
                             |        ...        \\         .
                             |      ..             \\       .
                             |   ...                 \\     .
                             | ..                      \    .
                        +-----------+              +-----------+
                        |Participant|              |Participant|
                        +-----------+              +-----------+

   Body                |The portion of an [SMTP] message's Content
                       |following the Header (that is, following the
                       |first blank line).  The Body may contain
                       |structured parts and sub-parts, each of which
                       |may have its own Header and Body.  The Body
                       |contains information intended for the message
                       |recipient (human or software).
   Content             |The portion of an SMTP message that is
                       |delivered.  The Content consists of a Header
                       |and a Body.
   Disposition Report  |Feedback information to an originator User
                       |Agent by a recipient User Agent about
   Message Disposition |handling of an original message.  This may
      Notification     |include notification that the message was or
                       |was not read, was deleted unread, etc.
   Envelope            |The portion of an SMTP message not included in
                       |the Content, that is, not in the Header or in
                       |the Body.  While some of it may be copied into
                       |the Content on delivery, envelope information
                       |exists only while the message is in transit,
                       |and contains information used by SMTP agents
                       |(Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)).
   Gateway             |See [SMTP], Section 2.3.8.

   Header              |The first part of an SMTP message's Content.
                       |The Header is separated from the Body by a
                       |blank line.  The Header consists of Fields
                       |(such as "To:"), also known as Header Fields
                       |or Headers.  The message Header contains
                       |information used by User Agents.
   Relay/Server        |An MMS server.  See [Stage_2].  For purposes
                       |of this document, an MMS Relay/Server acts as
                       |a gateway when it receives or sends messages
                       |via Internet mail.
   User Agent          |An MMS or email user agent.

   MSA     |Message Submission Agent.  A server that accepts messages
           |from User Agents and processes them, either delivering
           |them locally or relaying to an MTA.  See [Submission].
   MTA     |Mail Transfer Agent.  A server that implements [SMTP].

   Information Elem |[SMTP] Element   |[Msg-Fmt] Header|MMS Header
   3GPP MMS Version |N/A              |N/A             |X-Mms-3GPP-MMS
                    |                 |                |   -Version:
   Message Type     |N/A              |N/A             |X-Mms-Message-
   (of PDU)         |                 |                |   Type:
   Transaction ID   |N/A              |N/A             |X-Mms-Transact
                    |                 |                |   ion-Id:
   Message ID       |N/A              |Message-ID:     |Message-ID:
   Recipient        |RCPT TO          |To:, Cc:, or    |To:, Cc:, Bcc:
   address(es)      |address(es)      |omitted (Bcc)   |
   Sender's address |MAIL FROM        |From:           |From:
                    |address if       |                |
                    |user-originated; |                |
                    |MUST set MAIL    |                |
                    |FROM to null     |                |
                    |("<>") for all   |                |
                    |automatically-   |                |
                    |generated MMs    |                |
   Content type     |N/A              |Content-Type:   |Content-type:
                    |                 |                |
                    |                 |For voice mes-  |
                    |                 |sages compliant |
                    |                 |to [VPIM], see  |
                    |                 |Note 2          |

   Information Elem |[SMTP] Element   |[Msg-Fmt] Header|MMS Header
   Message class    |Class=auto:      |MAY set 'Prece  |X-Mms-Message-
                    |MUST set MAIL    |   dence: bulk' |   Class:
                    |FROM to null     |on class=auto   |
                    |("<>").          |                |
   Date and time    |N/A              |Date:           |Date:
   of submission    |                 |                |
   Time of expiry   |DELIVER-BY       |N/A             |X-Mms-Expiry:
                    |[Deliver-By]     |                |
   Earliest deliv-  |(only for submis-|N/A             |X-Mms-Delivery
   ery time         |sion; not relay) |                |   -Time:
   Delivery report  |DSN [DSN-SMTP]   |N/A             |X-Mms-Delivery
   request          |SHOULD also      |                |   -Report:
                    |specify recip-   |                |
                    |ient address as  |                |
                    |ORCPT; SHOULD    |                |
                    |also specify     |                |
                    |ENVID            |                |
   Importance (a/k/a|N/A              |Importance:     |X-Mms-
   "priority")      |                 |                |   Priority:
                    |                 |                |
                    |                 |                |
   Sender visib-    |(not currently   |(not currently  |X-Mms-Sender-
   ility            |supported)       |supported)      |   Visibility:
   Read reply       |N/A              |Disposition-    |X-Mms-Read-
   request          |                 |   Notification |   Reply:
                    |                 |   -To: [MDN]   |
   Reply-charging   |(not currently   |(not currently  |X-Mms-Reply-
   permission       |supported)       |supported)      |   Charging:
   Reply-charging   |(not currently   |(not currently  |X-Mms-Reply-
   permission       |supported)       |supported)      |   Charging-
   deadline         |                 |                |   Deadline:
   Reply-charging   |(not currently   |(not currently  |X-Mms-Reply-
   permission       |supported)       |supported)      |   Charging-
   limitation       |                 |                |   Size:

   Information Elem |[SMTP] Element   |[Msg-Fmt] Header|MMS Header
   Reply charging   |(not currently   |(not currently  |X-Mms-Reply-
   usage request    |supported)       |supported)      |   Charging-
                    |                 |                |   Id:
   Reply charging   |(not currently   |(not currently  |X-Mms-Reply-
   usage reference  |supported)       |supported)      |   Charging:
   Subject          |N/A              |Subject:        |Subject:
   Previously-sent  |N/A              |Resent-From:    |X-Mms-Previous
   by               |                 |                |   ly-Sent-By:
   Previously-sent  |N/A              |Resent-Date:    |X-Mms-
   date             |                 |                |   Previously-
                    |                 |                |   Sent-Date-
                    |                 |                |   and-Time:
   Hop/host trace   |N/A              |Received:       |(Not sup-
                    |                 |                |ported)
   Sensitivity      |N/A              |Sensitivity: see|N/A
                    |                 |Note 1          |
   Content          |N/A              |<message body>  |<message body>

      'X-Mms-Priority: High'     |'Importance: High'
      'X-Mms-Priority: Normal'   |[omit]
      'X-Mms-Priority: Low'      |'Importance: Low'

      'X-Priority: 1 (highest)'      |'X-Mms-Priority: High'
      'X-Priority: 2 (high)'         |'X-Mms-Priority: High'
      'Importance: High'             |'X-Mms-Priority: High'
      'X-Priority: 3 (normal)'       |      [omitted]
      'Importance: Normal'           |      [omitted]
      'X-Priority: 4 (low)'          |'X-Mms-Priority: Low'
      'Importance: Low'              |'X-Mms-Priority: Low'
      'X-Priority: 5 (lowest)'       |'X-Mms-Priority: Low'

Information Element   |MMS Delivery|[DSN-Msg] Element
                      |Report Elem |
ID of message whose   |Message-Id: |'Message-ID:' preserved in third
delivery status is    |            |subpart of delivery report.
being reported        |            |
Recipient address of  |From:       |'Final-Recipient' field of the
the original message  |            |per-recipient section.
(object of delivery   |            |
report)               |            |
Destination address of|To:         |'To:' header field value of top-
report                |            |level.
Date and time the     |Date:       |'Date:' header field value of top-
message was handled   |            |level.

Information Element   |MMS Delivery|[DSN-Msg] Element
                      |Report Elem |
Delivery status of    |X-Mms-      |Action and Status fields of
original message to   |   Status:  |per-recipient section.
each recipient        |            |
                      |            |The 'Action' field indicates if the
                      |            |message was delivered.
                      |            |
                      |            |For failed delivery, an appropriate
                      |            |'Status' value shall be included
                      |            |per [DSN-Msg].
                      |            |
                      |            |The Action field is set to one of
                      |            |the following values:
                      |            |
                      |            |* delivered (used for MMS status
                      |            |values 'retrieved' and 'rejected',
                      |            |depending on 'Status' code).
                      |            |
                      |            |* failed (used for MMS status
                      |            |values 'expired' and 'unreachable')
                      |            |
                      |            |* delayed MAY be used for MMS
                      |            |status value 'deferred'
                      |            |
                      |            |* relayed (used for MMS status
                      |            |value 'indeterminate')
                      |            |
                      |            |* expanded (SHOULD NOT be used)
Status Text           |            |Text in first part (human-readable
                      |            |part).

Information Element|MMS Delivery      |[DSN-Msg] Element
                   |Report Element    |
ID of the original |Message-Id:       |'Message-ID:' header preserved
message (object of |                  |in third sub-part of report.
delivery report)   |                  |
Recipient address  |From:             |If available, the 'Original
of the original    |                  |-Recipient' field of the per-
message (object of |                  |recipient section should be
delivery report)   |                  |used; otherwise, the 'Final-
                   |                  |Recipient' field of the per-
                   |                  |recipient section is used.
Destination address|To:               |'To:' header field value of
of report          |                  |top-level.
                   |                  |
                   |                  |Value taken from [SMTP] envelope
                   |                  |return-path of message being
                   |                  |reported, not its 'From:' header
                   |                  |field.
Date and time the  |Date:             |'Date:' header field value of
message was handled|                  |top-level.

Information Element|MMS Delivery      |[DSN-Msg] Element
                   |Report Element    |
Delivery status of |X-Mms-Status:     |'Action' and 'Status' fields of
original message   |                  |per-recipient section.
                   |Set to one of the |
                   |following values: |
                   |                  |
                   |'retrieved' (used |
                   |for 'Action' value|
                   |'delivered').     |
                   |                  |
                   |'unreachable'     |
                   |(used for 'Action'|
                   |value 'failed')   |
                   |                  |
                   |'forwarded' (used |
                   |for 'Action' value|
                   |'relayed')        |
                   |                  |
                   |'deferred' MUST   |
                   |NOT be used       |
                   |(ignore DSNs with |
                   |'Action' value    |
                   |'delayed')        |
Status Text        |                  |Text in first part (human-
                   |                  |readable part).

Information Element   |MMS Delivery|[MDN] Element
                      |Report Elem |
ID of the original    |Message-Id: |'Message-ID:' header preserved in
message (object of    |            |third part of report.
read report)          |            |
Recipient address of  |From:       |'Final-Recipient' field.
the original message  |            |

Information Element   |MMS Delivery|[MDN] Element
                      |Report Elem |
Destination address of|To:         |'To:' header field value of top-
report                |            |level.
                      |            |
                      |            |Value taken from 'Disposition-
                      |            |Notification-To:' header field of
                      |            |message being reported, not its
                      |            |'From:' header field.
Date and time the     |Date:       |'Date:' header field value of top-
message was handled   |            |level.
Disposition of message|X-Mms-Read- |Disposition-field
being reported        |   Status:  |
                      |            |For X-MMS-Read-Status value 'read',
                      |            |use 'disposition-type' value
                      |            |'displayed'; for X-MMS-Read-Status
                      |            |value 'Deleted without being read',
                      |            |use 'disposition-type' value
                      |            |'deleted').
Status Text           |            |Text in first part (human-readable
                      |            |part).

Information Element|MMS Read Report   |[MDN] Element
                   |Element           |
ID of the original |Message-Id:       |'Message-ID:' header preserved
message (object of |                  |in third subpart of report.
disposition report)|                  |
Recipient address  |From:             |'Final-Recipient' field.
of the original    |                  |
message            |                  |
Destination address|To:               |'To:' header field value of
of report          |                  |top-level.
                   |                  |
                   |                  |Value taken from 'Disposition-
                   |                  |Notification-To:' header field
                   |                  |of message being reported, not
                   |                  |its 'From:' header field.
Date and time the  |Date:             |'Date:' header field value of
message was handled|                  |top-level.
Disposition of     |X-Mms-Read-Status:|disposition-field.
message being      |                  |
reported           |Set to one of the |
                   |following values: |
                   |                  |
                   |'read' (used for  |
                   |disposition-type  |
                   |value 'displayed')|
                   |                  |
                   |'Deleted without  |
                   |being read' (used |
                   |for disposition-  |
                   |types 'deleted',  |
                   |'denied' and      |
                   |'failed' when     |
                   |action-mode is    |
                   |'automatic-       |
                   |action')          |
Status Text        |                  |Text in first part (human-
                   |                  |readable part).

       Code  Len  Type  IAID                DUID
       | 61 | n  | 255 | i1 | i2 | i3 | i4 | d1 | d2 |...

                   |                                       |
      The LLA      |    ROHC RTP,                          |
      profile      |    Profile #1       +-----------------+
                   |                     |  LLA Additions  |

     Smallest header in                 Smallest header in
     ROHC RTP (profile #1)              LLA (profile #5)
   +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+              ++
   |        1 octet        |  ----->      ||  No Header
   +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+              ++
               |                        Header field functionality
               +------------------->    provided by other means

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   1   1   0   1   1 | Packet type identifier
   | C |          CRC              |

                |                              |
                +                              +
   +-------------------------+    +-------------------------+
   |       ROHC RTP HC       |    |       ROHC RTP HD       |
   +-------------------------+    +-------------------------+
   |       LLA profile       |    |       LLA profile       |
   +=========================+    +=========================+
   |       Interface         |    |        Interface        |
   | ROHC to assisting layer |    | Assisting layer to ROHC |
   +=========================+    +=========================+
   |       Applicable        |    |       Applicable        |
   |     link technology     |    |     link technology     |
   +=========================+    +=========================+
                |                              |
                +------>---- CHANNEL ---->-----+

   |  Opt Type = 8 |  Opt Len = 0  |

                       |        |
                       |        |
                       |  DNS   |
                       |Service |
                       |        |
                         ^   |
                         |   |
                         |   |
                         |   |
          /--\           |   |
         |    |          |   V
         |    |        +--------+                     +--------+
          \--/         |        |                     |        |
            |          |        |                     |        |
         ---+---       | Client |-------------------->| Server |
            |          |        |                     |        |
            |          |        |                     |        |
           /\          +--------+                     +--------+
          /  \
         /    \

        Gateway Region                   Gateway Region
    +--------+  +--------+           +--------+  +--------+
    |   FC   |  |  FC    |           |   FC   |  |   FC   |
    | Device |  | Device |           | Device |  | Device |  Fibre
    |........|  |........| FC        |........|  |........|  Channel
    | N_PORT |  | N_PORT |<.........>| N_PORT |  | N_PORT |  Device
    +---+----+  +---+----+ Traffic   +----+---+  +----+---+  Domain
        |           |                     |           |         ^
    +---+----+  +---+----+           +----+---+  +----+---+     |
    | F_PORT |  | F_PORT |           | F_PORT |  | F_PORT |     |
    |    iFCP Layer      |<--------->|     iFCP Layer     |     |
    |....................|     ^     |....................|     |
    |     iFCP Portal    |     |     |     iFCP Portal    |     v
    +--------+-----------+     |     +----------+---------+    IP
         iFCP|Gateway      Control          iFCP|Gateway      Network
             |              Data                |
             |                                  |
             |                                  |
             |<------Encapsulated Frames------->|
             |      +------------------+        |
             |      |                  |        |
             +------+    IP Network    +--------+
                    |                  |

         ^    --------------
         |    |           ^
         |    |           |----  Time to notify NOC + process/correct
   SLA   |    |           v      defect
   Max - |    -------------
   Time  |    |           ^
         |    |           |-----  Time to diagnose/isolate/correct
         |    |           v
         v    -------------

   | Prefix      | Server IPv4 | Flags | Port | Client IPv4 |

          0       0 0       1
         |0       7 8       5

   | IPv4 | UDP | IPv6 packet |

   | IPv4 | UDP | Origin indication | IPv6 packet |

   |  0x00  | 0x00   | Origin port #   |
   |  Origin IPv4 address              |

   | IPv4 | UDP | Authentication | IPv6 packet |

   | IPv4 | UDP | Authentication | Origin | IPv6 packet |

         /------------\ No      /---------------\
         | Same port? |-------->| Symmetric NAT |
         \------------/         \---------------/
               | Yes
          | Restricted Cone NAT  |

           +--------+     +---------------+
           |  DHCP  |     |  DOCSIS CMTS  |
           | Server |-...-|  or DVB INA   |-------------------
           +--------+     | (Relay Agent) |      |          |
                          +---------------+  +------+    +------+
                                             |Modem1|    |Modem2|
                                             +------+    +------+
                                                |         |    |
                                            +-----+  +-----+ +-----+
                                            |Host1|  |Host2| |Host3|
                                            +-----+  +-----+ +-----+

           +--------+     +---------------+
           |  DHCP  |     |  DSL Access   |     +-------+
           | Server |-...-| Concentrator  |-...-| DSLAM |
           +--------+     | (Relay Agent) |     +-------+
                          +---------------+      |     |
                                           +------+   +------+
                                           |Modem1|   |Modem2|
                                           +------+   +------+
                                              |        |    |
                                          +-----+  +-----+ +-----+
                                          |Host1|  |Host2| |Host3|
                                          +-----+  +-----+ +-----+

              Code   Len      Seconds in the past
             |  91 |  4  |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

              Code   Len         Address 1               Address 2
             |  92 |  n  |  a1 |  a2 |  a3 |  a4 |  a1 |  a2 |  ...

            |         +-------+           +--------+
      local |Ethernet |       | Wireless  | Access |
            +---------+   A   +-)))   (((-+        +--> rest of network
      hosts |         |       |   link    | Point  |
            |         +-------+           +--------+

            |         +-------+           +--------+
      local |Ethernet |       | PPP link  |        |
            +---------+   A   +-----------+ Router +--> rest of network
      hosts |         |       |           |        |
            |         +-------+           +--------+

   |   8    |  4 |  4 |     16 bits     | 16 bits |      80 bits      |
   +------ -+----+----+-----------------+---------+-------------------+
   |11111111|0001|scop|<IPoIB signature>|< P_Key >|      group ID     |

   |   8    |  4 |  4 |     16 bits    | 16 bits | 48 bits  | 32 bits |
   |11111111|0001|scop|0100000000011011|< P_Key >|00.......0|<all 1's>|

                      | Type     |    Protocol |
                      | 0x800    |    IPv4     |
                      | 0x806    |    ARP      |
                      | 0x8035   |    RARP     |
                      | 0x86DD   |    IPv6     |

   |<------ IB Frame headers -------->|<- Payload ->|<- IB trailers ->|
   |Local  |      |Base     |Datagram |   4-octet   |         |       |
   |Routing| GRH* |Transport|Extended |   header    |Invariant|Variant|
   |Header |Header|Header   |Transport|      +      |  CRC    |  CRC  |
   |       |      |         |Header   |   IP/ARP    |         |       |

   |Local   |Global |Base     |Datagram |Packet |Invariant| Variant |
   |Routing |Routing|Transport|Extended |Payload| CRC     |  CRC    |
   |Header  |Header |Header   |Transport| (IP)  |         |         |
   |        |       |         |Header   |       |         |         |

                |<-------Network Connection---------->|
                |                                     |
                | (++++++++)              (++++++++)  |
                |(   SNC    )   LC       (   SNC    ) |
              TCP(          )| CP    CP |(          )TCP
                  (++++++++) |          | (++++++++)
                             |          |
                             |  Trail   |
                             |          |
                            ---        ---
                            \ /        \ /
                             -          -
                          AP 0          0 AP
                             |          |

                                        |                      |
                                        |   RTP Header         |
                                        |                      |
                               |        |                      |
                               |        |COMMON + TYPE 1 Header|
                               |        ........................
                        UNIT 1 -        |                      |
                               |        |    Text Sample       |
                               |        |                      |
                                -------/|                      |
                               |        |COMMON + TYPE 1 Header|
                               |        ........................
                        UNIT 2 -        |                      |
                               |        |    Text Sample       |
                               |        |                      |
                               |        |                      |

                                        |                      |
                                        |   RTP Header         |
                                        |                      |
                               |        |  COMMON + TYPE 2     |
                               |        |    (or 3 or 4) Hdr   |
                               |        ........................
                        UNIT 3 -        |                      |
                               |        | Text Sample Fragment |
                               |        |                      |
                               |        |                      |

          RTP payload (1,2,3)(1,2,3) (2,3,4)(2,3,4) (3,4,5)(3,4,5) ...
          Time:       <----1s------> <----1s------> <-----1s-----> ...

                               TEXT SAMPLE (length=stsz)
                /                                                    \
                               TEXT STRING  (length=TBC)
                   /                                      \
                TBC BOM                                     MODIFIERS
                                     ||    TBC BOM  -> TLEN  field
                                     ||   +---+---+    U bit

                                 TEXT SAMPLE (length=SLEN w/o TBC,BOM)
                       /                                              \
                                     TEXT STRING (length=TLEN)
                       /                                  \
                                    TEXT STRING             MODIFIERS

      N/A    TS1   TS2     TS3
      N/A   sdur1  sdur2  sdur3

                                        TS4         TS4    TS4
                                 +--------------+ +--------------+
                                 |    TYPE2     | |TYPE2 |TYPE 3 | b)
                                 +--------------+ +--------------+
                                       sdur4       sdur4   sdur4

                                        TS4             TS4
                                 +--------------+ +--------------+
                                 | TYPE2| TYPE 3| |     TYPE4    | c)
                                 +--------------+ +--------------+
                                   sdur4  sdur4        sdur4

    |----------PAYLOAD 1------|  |--PAYLOAD 2---| |--PAYLOAD 3---|
               rtpts1               rtpts2           rtpts3

      N/A    TS1   TS2    TS3        TS4            TS4    TS4
    +------+-----+------+-----+  +--------------+ +--------------+
    |TYPE5 |TYPE1|TYPE1 |TYPE1|  |    TYPE2     | |TYPE2 |TYPE 3 |
    +------+-----+------+-----+  +--------------+ +--------------+
      N/A   sdur1 sdur2  sdur3         sdur4       sdur4   sdur4

    |----------PAYLOAD 1------|  |--PAYLOAD 2---| |--PAYLOAD 3---|
               rtpts1               rtpts2           rtpts3

      |      <-> tx                               |    +-------------+
      |     +-------------------------------+     |<---|Display Area |
      |  ^  |                               |     |    +-------------+
      |  :  |                               |     |
      |  :ty|                               |     |    +-------------+
      |  :  |                               |<---------|Video track  |
      |  :  |                               |     |    +-------------+
      |  :  |                               |     |
      |  :  |                               |     |
      |  :  |                               |     |
      |  v  |                               |     |
      |  -  |   x-------------------------+ |     |    +-------------+
      |h ^  |   |                         |<-----------|Text Track   |
      |e :  +---|-------------------------|-+     |    +-------------+
      |i :      | +---------------------+ |       |
      |g :      | |                     | |       |    +-------------+
      |h :      | |                     |<------------ |Text Box     |
      |t v      | +---------------------+ |       |    +-------------+
      |  -      +-------------------------+       |
                        w i d t h

        | FCIP Device                              |
        |                                          |
        |   +-----------+       +-----------+      |
        |   |FCIP Entity|       |FCIP Entity|      |
        |   |           |       |           |      |
        |   |           |       |           |      |
        |   +--+--+--+--+       +--+--+--+--+      |
        |      |  |  |             |  |  |         |
        |      |  |  |             |  |  |         |
        |     FCIP Links         FCIP Links        |
        |                                          |

      0              8              16             24             32
      |Version| Type | 000 |  00000000  |        Length           |

      UA1                      UA2                       UA3
       |                        |                         |
       |      INVITE (R-P:3)    |                         |
       |----------------------->|                         |
       |         200 OK         |                         |
       |<-----------------------|                         |
       |          ACK           |                         |
       |----------------------->|                         |
       |          RTP           |                         |
       |<======================>|                         |
       |                        |      INVITE (R-P:2)     |
       |                        |<------------------------|
       |    BYE (Reason : ? )   |                         |
       |<-----------------------|                         |
       |                        |         200 OK          |
       |                        |------------------------>|
       |         200 OK         |                         |
       |----------------------->|                         |
       |                        |          ACK            |
       |                        |<------------------------|
       |                        |          RTP            |
       |                        |<=======================>|
       |                        |                         |

             UA1                                  UA2
                \                                /
                 \                              /
                  +--------+          +--------+
                  |        |          |        |
                  | RTR1   |          |  RTR2  |
                  |       Int7-------Int5      |
                  |        |          |        |
                  +--------+          +--------+
                 /                              \
                /                                \
             UA3                                  UA4

      UA1                      Rtr2                      UA2
       |                        |                         |
       |         INVITE with QoS Preconditions (R-P:3)    |
       |    ********************************************  |
       |    *  - QoS Preconditions established UA1-UA2 *  |
       |    *  - SIP signaling continues...            *  |
       |    ********************************************  |
       |         200 OK                                   |
       |          ACK                                     |
       |          RTP                                     |
       |    ********************************************  |
       |    *  -UA3 sends INV with QoS Preconditions   *  |
       |    *     to UA4 w/ RP:2;                      *  |
       |    *  -Reservation set-up occurs between UA3  *  |
       |    *     and UA4                              *  |
       |    *  -Router 2 in Figure 2 must preempt      *  |
       |    *     reservation between UA1 & UA2        *  |
       |    * ******************************************  |
       |                                                  |
       |                        |     ResvErr             |
       |                        |------------------------>|
       |                        |                         |
       |                                                  |
       |                          BYE (Reason : ? )       |
       |                              200 OK              |
       |                                                  |

       *       TDM network      *
       *                    +---------+
       *   User 1           |         |
       *     O   ==========>| SIP GW1 |================> UA2
       *    /|\  ^          |         |                   |
       *    / \  |          +---------+                   |
       *         |              *                         |
       **********|***************  |                      |
                 |                 |   Preemption         |
            Preemption  ---------> |--------------------->|
               Event                   Indication

      UA1                                 UA2                  UA3
       |                                   |                    |
       |         INVITE (R-P:3)            |                    |
       |---------------------------------->|                    |
       |           200 OK                  |                    |
       |<----------------------------------|                    |
       |            ACK                    |                    |
       |---------------------------------->|                    |
       |            RTP                    |                    |
       |<=================================>|                    |
       |                                   |    INVITE (R-P:2)  |
       |                                   |<-------------------|
       |    BYE (Reason: Preemption ;      |                    |
       |    cause=1 ;text="UA Preemption") |                    |
       |<----------------------------------|                    |
       |                                   |        200 OK      |
       |                                   |------------------->|
       |         200 OK                    |                    |
       |---------------------------------->|                    |
       |                                   |        ACK         |
       |                                   |<-------------------|
       |                                   |        RTP         |
       |                                   |<==================>|
       |                                   |                    |

      UA1                         Rtr2                      UA2
       |                           |                         |
       |         INVITE with QoS Preconditions (R-P:3)       |
       |    ********************************************     |
       |    *  - QoS Preconditions established UA1-UA2 *     |
       |    *  - SIP signaling continues...              *   |
       |    ********************************************     |
       |         200 OK                                      |
       |          ACK                                        |
       |          RTP                                        |
       |    ********************************************     |
       |    *  -UA3 sends INV with QoS Preconditions   *     |
       |    *     to UA4 w/ RP:2;                      *     |
       |    *  -Reservation set-up occurs between UA3  *     |
       |    *     and UA4                              *     |
       |    *  -Router 2 in Figure 2 must preempt      *     |
       |    *     reservation between UA1 & UA2        *     |
       |    * *********************************************  |
       |                                                     |
       |                           |     ResvErr             |
       |                           |------------------------>|
       |                           |                         |
       |                                                     |
       |           BYE (Reason : Preemption ;cause=2 ;       |
       |                text="Reserved Resources Preempted") |
       |                         200 OK                      |
       |                                                     |

      UA1                                   SIP GW1        .  User3   .
       |                                       |           .          .
       |         INVITE (R-P:1)                |           .          .
       |-------------------------------------->|           .  Non-IP  .
       |           200 OK                      |           .          .
       |<--------------------------------------|           .  Network .
       |            ACK                        |           .          .
       |-------------------------------------->|           .          .
       |            RTP                        |           .          .
       |<=====================================>|           .          .
       |                                       |           .          .
       |    BYE (Reason: Preemption ;          |<==Preemption Indication
       |    cause=4 ;text="Non-IP Preemption") |           .          .
       |<--------------------------------------|           .          .
       |                                       |           ............

   User A                  User B
     |                        |
     |       INVITE F1        |
     |    180 Ringing F2      |
     |                        |
     |       200 OK F3        |
     |         ACK F4         |
     |   Both Way RTP Media   |
     |                        |

   User A                  User B
     |                        |
     |       INVITE F1        |
     | 417 R-P failed F2      |
     |         ACK F3         |
     |                        |
     |       INVITE F4        |
     |    180 Ringing F5      |
     |       200 OK F6        |
     |         ACK F7         |
     |                        |
     |   Both Way RTP Media   |

      +-------+                 +------+                       +-------+
      |Mail   |-------(1)------>|      |-----------(2)-------->|Mail   |
      |Client |   Submit msg    |      |     Notification     /|Client |
      +-------+                 |      |                     / +--+----+
                                |      |                    /     ^
                                |      |<----------(3)-----+     /
                                |Server|   Retrieval request    /
                                |      |                       /
                                |      |                      /
                                |      |-----------(4)-------+
                                |      |   Retrieval response
                                |      |

              |-------|     RFC-822/MIME          |             |
              |   |   |---------------------------|     MTA     |
              |   |   |     mail submission ->    |             |(E)SMTP
   Telephone--|TUI|TUA|                           |------|      |-----to
              |   |   |   Proprietary Protocol    |      |      |another
              |   |   |---------------------------| MS   |      | email
              |-------|   < - mail retrieval      |      |      | server
              mail client                          email server

              |-------|     RFC-822/MIME          |             |
              |   |   |---------------------------|     MTA     |
              |   |   |   mail submission ->      |             |(E)SMTP
   Telephone--|TUI|TUA|                           |------|      |-----to
              |   |   |     IETF protocol         |      |      |another
              |   |   |---------------------------| MS   |      | mail
              |-------|    <- mail retrieval      |      |      | server
              mail client                          email server

                         (E)SMTP (client-server)  |-------------|
              |-------|     RFC-822/MIME          |             |
              |   |   |---------------------------|             |
              |   |   |   mail submission ->      |             |(E)SMTP
             -|GUI|GUA|                           |             |-----to
            | |   |   | IETF standard protocol    |------------ |another
            | |   |   |----------------------------to MS below| | mail
            | |-------|    <- mail retrieval      |------------ | server
            |       |                             |             |
   Handheld |       |                             |             |
   Device   WUI     |                             |    MTA      |
            |       |                             |             |
            |       |                             |             |
            | |-------|     RFC-822/MIME          |             |
            | |   |   |---------------------------|             |
            | |   |   |   mail submission ->      |             |
             -|TUI|TUA|                           |------|      |
              |   |   |  IETF standard protocol   |      |      |
              |   |   |---------------------------| MS   |      |
              |-------|    <- mail retrieval      |      |      |
              TUI client                          voice mail server

            |---------|                          |------------|
   wireless ||-------||                          |            |
    device  || MMS   ||                          |            |<- MM2 ->
            || USER  |---------------------------|            |---------
            || AGENT |<-         MM1           ->|            | to
            ||-------||                          |            | another
            |---------|                          |            | MMS
                                                 |            | relay/
             |--------|                          |            | server
      e.g.,  |        |                          |            |
      Email, |EXTERNAL|                          |            |
      Fax, or| SERVER |--------------------------|            |
      UMS    |        |<-        MM3           ->|            |
             |--------|                          |            |
                                                 |            |
             |---------|                         |            |
             |"FOREIGN"|                         |            |
             | MMS     |-------------------------|            |
             | relay/  |<-       MM4           ->|            |
             | server  |                         |            |
             |---------|                         |            |
                                                 |    MMS     |
             |-------|                           |relay/server|
             |       |                           |            |
             |  HLR  |---------------------------|            |
             |       |<-         MM5           ->|            |
             |-------|                           |            |
                                                 |            |
             |-------|                           |            |
             |  MMS  |                           |            |
             |  USER |---------------------------|            |
             |  DBs  |<-         MM6           ->|            |
             |-------|                           |            |
                                                 |            |
             |-------|                           |            |
             |  MMS  |                           |            |
             |  VAS  |---------------------------|            |
             |  APPs |<-         MM7           ->|            |
             |-------|                           |------------|

            |---------|                          |------------|
   wireless ||-------||                          |            |
    device  || IMAP  ||                          |            |<- MM2 ->
            || USER  ||                          |            |---------
            || AGENT ||                          |            | to
            ||---^---||                          |            | another
            |----|---||                          |            | MMS
                 | LEMONADE Enhanced IMAP and    |            | relay/
             |---V----|          SMTP            |            | server
      e.g.,  |        |                          |            |
      Email, |EXTERNAL|                          |            |
      Fax, or| SERVER |--------------------------|            |
      UMS    |        |<-        MM3           ->|            |
             |--------|                          |            |
                                                 |            |
             |---------|                         |            |
             |"FOREIGN"|                         |            |
             | MMS     |-------------------------|            |
             | relay/  |<-       MM4           ->|            |
             | server  |                         |            |
             |---------|                         |            |
                                                 |    MMS     |
             |-------|                           |relay/server|
             |       |                           |            |
             |  HLR  |---------------------------|            |
             |       |<-         MM5           ->|            |
             |-------|                           |            |
                                                 |            |
             |-------|                           |            |
             |  MMS  |                           |            |
             |  USER |---------------------------|            |
             |  DBs  |<-         MM6           ->|            |
             |-------|                           |            |
                                                 |            |
             |-------|                           |            |
             |  MMS  |                           |            |
             |  VAS  |---------------------------|            |
             |  APPs |<-         MM7           ->|            |
             |-------|                           |------------|

                  SMTP    LDAP    XMPP   Other protocols ...
                     \       |    |      /
                      \      |    |     /
                     SASL abstraction layer
                      /      |    |     \
                     /       |    |      \
              EXTERNAL   GSSAPI  PLAIN   Other mechanisms ...

   Service ------ Socket                  Service ------ Socket
                    |                                      |
                    |                                      |
                    |                                      |
                    |                                      |
   End-point        |                    End-point --- Host Identity
            \       |                                      |
              \     |                                      |
                \   |                                      |
                  \ |                                      |
   Location --- IP address                Location --- IP address

   Capture:        |I0  P1  B2  B3  P4  B5  B6  P7  B8  B9  ...
   Coded order:    |        I0  P1  P4  B2  B3  P7  B5  B6  ...
   Display order:  |            I0  P1  B2  B3  P4  B5  B6  ...
                   |+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+--> time
                    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

     0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
   |  FRAG   | RA | SL | LP | PT | DT | R  |

    -------             -------           -------             -------
   |       |           |       |Tx     Rx|       |           |       |
   | NodeA |----...----| NodeB |xxxxxxxxx| NodeC |----...----| NodeD |
   |       |----...----|       |---------|       |----...----|       |
    -------             -------           -------             -------

   t1                      x <---------------x
   t2  <--------...--------x                 x--------...-------->
          Up Notification                      Down Notification

    -------             -------           -------             -------
   |       |           |       |Tx     Rx|       |           |       |
   | NodeA |----...----| NodeB |xxxxxxxxx| NodeC |----...----| NodeD |
   |       |----...----|       |xxxxxxxxx|       |----...----|       |
    -------             -------           -------             -------

   t1                      x <-------------> x
   t2  <--------...--------x                 x--------...-------->
          Up Notification                      Down Notification

                    +----- Shared (for instance: 1:N, M:N, etc.)
   Level of         |
   Overbooking -----+----- Unprotected (for instance: 0:1, 0:N)

                                 - ---------- Max Reservable Bandwidth
                                |  -----  ^
                                |R -----  |
                                |  -----  |
                                 - -----  |max_R
                                   -----  |
   --------  TE link Capacity    - ------ | - Maximum TE Link Bandwidth
   -----                        |r -----  v
   -----     <------ b ------>   - ---------- Maximum LSP Bandwidth
   -----                           -----
   -----                           -----
   -----                           -----
   -----                           -----
   -----                           ----- <--- Minimum LSP Bandwidth
   -------- 0                      ---------- 0

              |       Path Search (computation and selection)
              |       Pre-planned (a)      |         Dynamic (b)
          |   | faster recovery            | Does not apply
          |   | less flexible              |
          | 1 | less robust                |
          |   | most resource-consuming    |
   Path   |   |                            |
   Setup   ------------------------------------------------------------
          |   | relatively fast recovery   | Does not apply
          |   | relatively flexible        |
          | 2 | relatively robust          |
          |   | resource consumption       |
          |   |  depends on sharing degree |
          |   | relatively fast recovery   | less faster (computation)
          |   | more flexible              | most flexible
          | 3 | relatively robust          | most robust
          |   | less resource-consuming    | least resource-consuming
          |   |  depends on sharing degree |

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Next Payload  |   RESERVED    |         Payload Length        |
    |                         EPOCH                                 |
    |                                                               |
    ~                        AP-REQ                                 ~
    |                                                               |

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Next Payload  |   RESERVED    |         Payload Length        |
    |                         EPOCH                                 |
    |                                                               |
    ~                        AP-REP                                 ~
    |                                                               |

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Next Payload  |   RESERVED    |         Payload Length        |
    |                                                               |
    ~                      KRB-ERROR                                ~
    |                                                               |

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Next Payload  |   RESERVED    |         Payload Length        |
    |                                                               |
    ~                     PrincName (variable)                      ~
    |                                                               |

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Next Payload  |   RESERVED    |         Payload Length        |
    |                                                               |
    ~                        TGT (variable)                         ~
    |                                                               |

     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Next Payload  |   RESERVED    |         Payload Length        |
    | InnerNextPload| QMMaj | QMMin |            RESERVED           |
    |                Quick Mode Payloads (variable)                 |

                MN            FA        Requested/Assigned HA
                |      1      |                |
                |------------>|       2        |
                |             |--------------->|
                |             |                |
                |             |                |
                |             |       3        |
                |      4      |<---------------|
                |<------------|                |
                |             |                |
                |             |       5        |
                |             |                |

       | Src IP=| Dest IP =  | MN HoA  |    HA Address =   | CoA = |
       |  MN    |    FA      |         | ALL-ZERO-ONE-ADDR |FA CoA |

       | Src IP=| Dest IP =  | MN HoA  |    HA Address =   | CoA = |
       |Assigned| Src IP of  |         |    Assigned HA    |FA CoA/|
       |   HA   | the RRQ    |         |                   |       |

       | Src IP=| Dest IP =  | MN HoA  |    HA Address =   | CoA = |
       |  FA    |    MN      |         |    Assigned HA    |FA CoA/|

      MN           FA          Requested HA    Redirected HA
      |      1      |                |               |
      |------------>|       2        |               |
      |             |--------------->|               |
      |             |                |               |
      |             |                |               |
      |             |       3        |               |
      |      4      |<---------------|               |
      |<------------|                |               |
      |             |                |               |
      |             |       5        |               |
      |             |                |               |

       | Src IP=| Dest IP =  | MN HoA  |    HA Address =   | CoA = |
       |  MN    |    FA      |         | ALL-ZERO-ONE-ADDR |FA CoA |

       | Src IP=| Dest IP =  | MN HoA  |    HA Address =   | CoA = |
       |  FA    |Requested HA|         | ALL-ZERO-ONE-ADDR |FA CoA |

    IMG        |                                                  |
    Data Types |       Complete Desc., Delta Desc., Pointer       |
               |                                                  |
    Operations |                   |  IMG NOTIFY    | IMG RESOLVE |
    IMG        |              |                                   |
    Transport  |   P-to-M     |              P-to-P               |
               |              |                                   |

            +-------------+                +---------------+
            | IMG Sender  |                | IMG Receiver  |
            |             |--------------->|               |
            +-------------+                +---------------+

                   Unidirectional            +----------+
                  --------------->           |   IMG    |
                      downlink               | Listener |
                               ------------->|    1     |
                              /              +----------+
        +-----------+        /                    .
        | IMG       |--------                     .
        | Announcer |        \                    .
        +-----------+         \              +----------+
                               ------------->|   IMG    |
                                             | Listener |
                                             |    #     |

             +----------+                +----------+
             |   IMG    |                |   IMG    |
             | Resolver |                | Querier  |
             +----------+                +----------+
                 |                                |
                 |<----------IMG QUERY -----------|
                 |                                |
                 |----------IMG RESOLVE---------->|
                 |                                |

            +----------+                   +------------+
            |   IMG    |                   |    IMG     |
            | Notifier |                   | Subscriber |
            +----------+                   +------------+
                 |                                |
                 |<---------IMG SUBSCRIBE---------|
                 :                                :
                            (time passes)
                 :                                :
                 |-----------IMG NOTIFY---------->|
                 :                                :
                            (time passes)
                 :                                :
                 |-----------IMG NOTIFY---------->|
                 |                                |

                            | /x -> /a
                            | /a/y -> /b
                            | /b/z.html -> /c/d.html

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |Attachment|    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |Attachment|
         |  Circuit V    V                  V    V  Circuit |
         V   (AC)   +----+                  +----+   (AC)   V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
         |  |                                            |  |
   Customer |                                            | Customer
   Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
            |                                            |
      native service                               native service

               Y   | Received Label |       N
            -------|  Mapping Msg?  |--------------
            |      ------------------             |
        --------------                            |
        |            |                            |
     -------      -------                         |
     | C=0 |      | C=1 |                         |
     -------      -------                         |
        |            |                            |
        |    ----------------                     |
        |    | Control Word |     N               |
        |    |    Capable?  |-----------          |
        |    ----------------          |          |
        |          Y |                 |          |
        |            |                 |          |
        |   ----------------           |          |
        |   | Control Word |  N        |          |
        |   |  Preferred?  |----       |          |
        |   ----------------   |       |          |
        |          Y |         |       |          |
        |            |         |       |   ----------------
        |            |         |       |   | Control Word |
        |            |         |       |   |  Preferred?  |
        |            |         |       |   ----------------
        |            |         |       |     N |     Y |
        |            |         |       |       |       |
      Send         Send      Send    Send    Send    Send
       C=0          C=1       C=0     C=0     C=0     C=1
                               |       |       |       |
                            | If receive the same as sent,   |
                            | PW setup is complete. If not:  |
                               |       |       |       |
                              ------------------- -----------
                              |     Receive     | | Receive |
                              |       C=1       | |   C=0   |
                              ------------------- -----------
                                       |               |
                                 Wait for the        Send
                                 next message     Wrong C-Bit
                                                  Send Label
                                               Mapping Message

            |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
            |                                                  |
            |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
            |          |                            |          |
            |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
            | PW End   V    V                  V    V  PW End  |
            V Service  +----+                  +----+  Service V
      +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
      |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
      | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
      |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
      +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
            ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
            |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
            |  |                                            |  |
      Customer |                                            | Customer
      Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
      Attachment Circuit (AC)                    Attachment Circuit (AC)
      native Ethernet service                    native Ethernet service

           |                PE                 |
   +---+   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
   |   |   |P|  |     |  |PW ter|  | PSN  |  |P|
   |   |<==|h|<=| NSP |<=|minati|<=|Tunnel|<=|h|<== From PSN
   |   |   |y|  |     |  |on    |  |      |  |y|
   | C |   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
   | E |   |                                   |
   |   |   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
   |   |   |P|  |     |  |PW ter|  | PSN  |  |P|
   |   |==>|h|=>| NSP |=>|minati|=>|Tunnel|=>|h|==> To PSN
   |   |   |y|  |     |  |on    |  |      |  |y|
   +---+   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
           |                                   |
                       ^         ^         ^
                       |         |         |
                       A         B         C

   |       Tag-> |  service delimiting | non service delimiting|
   |   Raw Mode  | 1st VLAN Tag Removed| no operation performed|
   | Tagged Mode | NO OP or Tag Added  |     Tag Added         |

   Service and   |  Encap on C   |Operation at B | Remarks
   Encap on A    |               |ingress/egress |
   1) Raw        | Raw - Same as |               |
                 | A             |               |
                 |               |               |
   2) Tag1       | Tag2          |Optional change| VLAN can be
                 |               |of VLAN value  | 0-4095
                 |               |               | Change allowed in
                 |               |               | both directions
   3) No Tag     | Tag           |Add/remove Tag | Tag can be
                 |               |field          | 0-4095
                 |               |               | (note i)
                 |               |               |
   4) Tag        | No Tag        |Remove/add Tag | (note ii)
                 |               |field          |
                 |               |               |
                 |               |               |

                |#of available classes of service|
   User         || 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
   Priority     ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   0 Best Effort|| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
   (Default)    ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   1 Background || 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
                ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   2 Spare      || 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
                ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   3 Excellent  || 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
   Effort       ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   4 Controlled || 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
   Load         ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   5 Interactive|| 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
   Multimedia   ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   6 Interactive|| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 6 |
   Voice        ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   7 Network    || 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
   Control      ||   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   ------------ ||---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|

       ATM Ckt Provisioned
                                                    ATM Ckt Provisioned
       ATM Ckt ACTIVE
                       ICRQ (status = 0x03) ---->
                                                    ATM Ckt ACTIVE
                       <----- ICRP (status = 0x03)
       L2TP session established
       OK to send data into PW

       SCSI Command  | Higher-level MIBs, specific to  |
       Sets          | command sets, disk, tape, etc.  |
       SCSI          |             SCSI MIB            |
       SCSI          | iSCSI |   FCP   |  SPI  | Other |
       Transport     |  MIB  |   MIB   |  MIB  |  MIBs |
       Protocols     |       |         |       |       |
       SCSI          |  TCP  |  Fibre  |    Other      |
       Interconnect  |  MIB  | Channel | Interconnect  |
                     |       |  MIBs   |    MIBs       |

   |  +--------+-+          SCSI Transport               +---------+
   |  | SCSI     |---------------------------------------+ SCSI    |
   |* | Initiator+---------------------------------------+ Target  |
   +--| Device   |          SCSI Transport               | Device  |
    | |     *    |                                       |    *    |
    | +----------+                                       +---------+
    |       |                                                 |
    |       |                                                 |
    |       |                                                 |
    |       |                                                 |
    |       |                                                 |
    |SNMP   |      SNMP        +----------+     SNMP          |
    +-------+------------------|SCSI      |-------------------+
                               | (NMS)    |

   +-----------+                                          +----------+
   |  +----------+              +---------------+       +-+-------+  |
   |  |SCSI      |--------------| Virtualization|       | SCSI    |  |
   |* |Initiator +--------------| Device        +-------+ Target  |  |
   +--|Device    | SCSI         |               |       | Device  | *|
    | |     *    |              |            *  |       |    *    |--+
    | +----------+ Transport    +------------+--+       +---------+ |
    |       |                                |              |       |
    |       |                                |              |       |
    |       |                                |              |       |
    |       |                                |              |       |
    |       |                                |              |       |
    |       |      SNMP        +-----------+ |   SNMP       |       |
    +-------+------------------+ SCSI      + +-+------------+-------+
                               | Management|
                               | (NMS)     |

     Alice            Proxy           Bob             voicemail
       |                |              |                   |
       |    INVITE F1   |              |                   |
       |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |                   |
       |                |------------->|                   |
       |(100 Trying) F3 |              |                   |
       |<---------------|  486 Busy F4 |                   |
       |                |<-------------|                   |
       |                |     ACK F5   |                   |
       |                |------------->|                   |
       |(181 Call is Being Forwarded) F6                   |
       |<---------------|              |    INVITE F7      |
       |                |--------------------------------->|
                    * Rest of flow not shown *

     Alice            Proxy           Bob             voicemail
       |                |              |                   |
       |    INVITE F1   |              |                   |
       |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |                   |
       |                |------------->|                   |
       |                | 302 Moved F3 |                   |
       |  302 Moved  F4 |<-------------|                   |
       |<---------------|              |                   |
       |      ACK F5    |              |                   |
       |--------------->|     ACK F6   |                   |
       |                |------------->|                   |
       |                      INVITE F7                    |
                   * Rest of flow not shown *

     Alice            Proxy           Bob             voicemail
       |                |              |                   |
       |    INVITE F1   |              |                   |
       |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |                   |
       |                |------------->|                   |
       |(100 Trying) F3 |              |                   |
       |<---------------| 302 Moved F4 |                   |
       |                |<-------------|                   |
       |                |     ACK F5   |                   |
       |                |------------->|                   |
       |(181 Call is Being Forwarded) F6                   |
       |<---------------|              |    INVITE F7      |
       |                |--------------------------------->|
                    * Rest of flow not shown *

      Parameter Name  Predefined Values  Reference
      target          No                 [RFC4458]
      cause           Yes                [RFC4458]

    Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
    {app sets association with Z}
    (build TCB)
    INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A
          & other info]  ------\
    (Start T1-init timer)       \
    (Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)    \---> (compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z)
                                   /-- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A,
                                  /             I-Tag=Tag_Z,
    (Cancel T1-init timer) <-----/               Cookie_Z, & other info]
                                           (destroy temp TCB)
    COOKIE ECHO [Cookie_Z] ------\
    (Start T1-init timer)         \
    (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (build TCB enter ESTABLISHED
                                   /---- COOKIE-ACK
    (Cancel T1-init timer, <-----/
     Enter ESTABLISHED state)
    {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
     DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
         Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data]--\
     (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                  /----- SACK [TSN Ack=init
                                 /              TSN_A,Block=0]
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/
                                          {app sends 2 messages;strm 0}
                                    /---- DATA
                                   /        [TSN=init TSN_Z
                               <--/          Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data 1]
   SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_Z,     /    ---- DATA
            Block=0]     --------\  /        [TSN=init TSN_Z +1,
                                  \/         Strm=0,Seq=2 & user data 2]

    Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
    {app sets association with Z}
    (build TCB)
    INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A
          & other info]  ------\
    (Start T1-init timer)       \
    (Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)    \---> (compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z)
                                    /-- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A,
                                   /             I-Tag=Tag_Z,
    (Cancel T1-init timer) <------/              Cookie_Z, & other info]
                                         (destroy temp TCB)
    COOKIE ECHO [Cookie_Z] ------\
    (Start T1-init timer)         \
    (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (build TCB enter ESTABLISHED
                                   /---- COOKIE-ACK
    (Cancel T1-init timer, <-----/
     Enter ESTABLISHED state)
    {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
    DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
        Strm=0,Seq=0 & user data]--\
    (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                   /----- SACK [TSN Ack=init
                                  /           TSN_A,Block=0]
    (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/
                                         {app sends 2 messages;strm 0}
                                   /---- DATA
                                  /        [TSN=init TSN_Z
                              <--/          Strm=0,Seq=0 & user data 1]
    SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_Z,      /---- DATA
          Block=0]     --------\  /        [TSN=init TSN_Z +1,
                                \/          Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data 2]

   Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
   <------------ Association is established---------------------->
   Tag=Tag_A                                             Tag=Tag_Z
   {A crashes and restarts}
   {app sets up a association with Z}
   (build TCB)
   INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A'
         & other info]  --------\
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)      \---> (find a existing TCB
                                         compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z
                                         with Tie-Tags to previous
                                   /--- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A',
                                  /               I-Tag=Tag_Z',
   (Cancel T1-init timer) <------/                Cookie_Z[TieTags=
                                                   & other info]
                                        (destroy temp TCB,leave original
                                         in place)
   COOKIE ECHO [Veri=Tag_Z',
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (Find existing association,
                                         Tie-Tags match old tags,
                                         Tags do not match i.e.,
                                         case X X M M above,
                                         Announce Restart to ULP
                                         and reset association).
                                  /---- COOKIE-ACK
   (Cancel T1-init timer, <------/
    Enter ESTABLISHED state)
   {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
   DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
       Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data]--\
   (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                 /--- SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_A,Block=0]
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/

   Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
   <-------------- Association is established---------------------->
   Tag=Tag_A                                             Tag=Tag_Z
   {A crashes and restarts}
   {app sets up a association with Z}
   (build TCB)
   INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A'
         & other info]  --------\
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)      \---> (find a existing TCB
                                         compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z
                                         with Tie-Tags to previous
                                   /--- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A',
                                  /               I-Tag=Tag_Z',
   (Cancel T1-init timer) <------/                Cookie_Z[TieTags=
                                                   & other info]
                                        (destroy temp TCB,leave original
                                         in place)
   COOKIE ECHO [Veri=Tag_Z',
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (Find existing association,
                                         Tie-Tags match old tags,
                                         Tags do not match i.e.,
                                         case X X M M above,
                                         Announce Restart to ULP
                                         and reset association).
                                  /---- COOKIE-ACK
   (Cancel T1-init timer, <------/
    Enter ESTABLISHED state)
   {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
   DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
       Strm=0,Seq=0 & user data]--\
   (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                 /--- SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_A,Block=0]
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/

                         Source 1 (S1)
                             |   |
                             |   |
            R2----E-LSR3--LSR1   LSR2---E-LSR2--Receiver 1 (R1)
                             |   :
                  R3----E-LSR4   E-LSR5
                             |   :
                             |   :
                            R4   R5

     ||------------------||                   |----------------------|
     || Application Layer||                   ||--------------------||
     ||------------------||                   || TTS  | ASR  | Fax  ||
     ||  ASR/TTS API     ||                   ||Plugin|Plugin|Plugin||
     ||------------------||                   ||  on  |  on  |  on  ||
     ||    MRCP Core     ||                   || MRCP | MRCP | MRCP ||
     ||  Protocol Stack  ||                   ||--------------------||
     ||------------------||                   ||   RTSP Stack       ||
     ||   RTSP Stack     ||                   ||                    ||
     ||------------------||                   ||--------------------||
     ||   TCP/IP Stack   ||========IP=========||  TCP/IP Stack      ||
     ||------------------||                   ||--------------------||
     |--------------------|                   |----------------------|

        Idle                   Speaking                  Paused
        State                  State                     State
        |                       |                          |
        |----------SPEAK------->|                 |--------|
        |<------STOP------------|             CONTROL      |
        |<----SPEAK-COMPLETE----|                 |------->|
        |<----BARGE-IN-OCCURRED-|                          |
        |              |--------|                          |
        |          CONTROL      |-----------PAUSE--------->|
        |              |------->|<----------RESUME---------|
        |                       |               |----------|
        |                       |              PAUSE       |
        |                       |               |--------->|
        |              |--------|----------|               |
        |     BARGE-IN-OCCURRED |      SPEECH-MARKER       |
        |              |------->|<---------|               |
        |----------|            |             |------------|
        |         STOP          |          SPEAK           |
        |          |            |             |----------->|
        |<---------|                                       |

        Idle                   Recognizing               Recognized
        State                  State                     State
         |                       |                          |
         |                       |                          |
         |                       |              |-----------|
         |              |--------|       GET-RESULT         |
         |       START-OF-SPEECH |              |---------->|
         |------------| |------->|                          |
         |            |          |----------|               |
         |<-----------|          |<---------|               |
         |                       |                          |
         |                       |                          |
         |-------|               |                          |
         |      STOP             |                          |
         |<------|               |                          |
         |                                                  |

   0             64          128        256          512
   | scratch-pad | variables | bytecode | dictionary | circular buffer |
    <-----------> <---------> <--------> <----------> <--------------->
       64 bytes     64 bytes   128 bytes   256 bytes      512+ bytes

                     |        Compartment 0        |
                     |                             |
                     |                             |
                     |           State a           |
                     |                             |
                     |         +-------------------+---------+
                     |         |                   |         |
                     |         |                   |         |
                     |         |           State d |         |
                     |         |                   |         |
                     |         |                   |         |
           +---------+---------+---------+         |         |
           |         |         |         |         |         |
           |         |         |         |         |         |
           |         | State e | State g |         | State c |
           |         |         |         |         |         |
           |         |         |         |         |         |
           |         +---------+---------+---------+         |
           |                   |         |                   |
           |                   |         |                   |
           |           State b | State f |                   |
           |                   |         |                   |
           |                   |         |   Compartment 2   |
           |                   +---------+-------------------+
           |                             |
           |                             |
           |                             |
           |                             |
           |        Compartment 1        |

    |                                                                |
    |                       +----------------+                       |
    |                      +----------------+|                       |
    |                      |                ||                       |
    |                      |                ||                       |
    |                      |     Person     ||                       |
    |                      |                ||\                      |
    |                     /|                |+ \                     |
    |                    / +----------------+   \                    |
    |                   /           |            \                   |
    |                  /            |             \                  |
    |                 /             |              \                 |
    |                /              |               \                |
    |               /               |                \               |
    |              V                V                 V              |
    |  +----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+  |
    | +----------------+|  +----------------+|  +----------------+|  |
    | |                ||  |                ||  |                ||  |
    | |                ||  |                ||  |                ||  |
    | |    Service     ||  |    Service     ||  |    Service     ||  |
    | |                ||  |                ||  |                ||  |
    | |                |+  |                |+  |                |+  |
    | +----------------+   +----------------+   +----------------+   |
    |             \              /       \                           |
    |              \            /         \                          |
    |               \          /           \                         |
    |                V        V             V                        |
    |          +----------------+        +----------------+          |
    |         +----------------+|       +----------------+|          |
    |         |                ||       |                ||          |
    |         |                ||       |                ||          |
    |         |    Device      ||       |    Device      ||          |
    |         |                ||       |                ||          |
    |         |                |+       |                |+          |
    |         +----------------+        +----------------+           |
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
    | Presentity (URI)                                               |

                Watcher                 Presence Server
                   |                           |
                   |         SUBSCRIBE         |
                   |          200 OK           |
                   |                           |
                   |          NOTIFY           |
                   |          200 OK           |
                   |                           |
                   |      NOTIFY (w/URI)       |
                   |           200             |
                   |                           |
                   |         HTTP GET          |
                   |                           |
                   | application/cpim-pidf+xml |
                   |                           |

                  UAC                  UAS         Web Server
                  (User Agent        (User Agent         |
                   Client)            Server)            |
                   |                    |                |
                   |   MESSAGE w/URI    |                |
                   |------------------->|                |
                   |        200         |                |
                   |<-------------------|                |
                   |                    |                |
                   |                    |    HTTP GET    |
                   |                    |--------------->|
                   |                    |   image/jpeg   |
                   |                    |<---------------|
                   |                    |                |

   +----------------+                         |                |
   | +------------+ |          Request        | +------------+ |
   | | Entity     | |------------------------>| | Assertion  | |
   | | requesting | |                         | | Granting   | |
   | | authz      | |<------------------------| | Entity     | |
   | | assertions | |          Assertion      | +------------+ |
   | +------------+ |                         |      ^         |
   |       |        |                         |      . Trust   |
   |       |        |                         |      . Rel.    |
   |       |        |                         |      v         |
   |       |        |                         | +------------+ |
   |    Transfer    |                         | | Assertion  | |
   |       |        |                         | | Verifying  | |
   |       |        |                         | | Entity     | |
   |       |        |                         | +------------+ |
   |       |        |                         |                |
   |       v        |                         +----------------+
   | +------------+ |    Service Request +         ^  |
   | | Entity     | |    Assertion                 |  |
   | | using authz| | -----------------------------+  |
   | | assertion  | |                                 |
   | +------------+ | <-------------------------------+
   +----------------+    Response/Error

     +----------------+       +----+
     |                |       | HA |
     |                |       +----+
     |                |      Home Agent
     |  +---+      +----+      of A               +---+
     |  | A |      | FW |                         | B |
     |  +---+      +----+                         +---+
     |Internal        |                         External
     |   MN           |                           Node
     |                |
     Network protected

     +----------------+                +----+
     |                |                | HA |
     |                |                +----+
     |                |              Home Agent
     |  +---+      +----+               of B
     |  |CN |      | FW |
     |  | C |      +----+
     |  +---+         |                +---+
     |                |                | B |
     |                |                +---+
     +----------------+           External Mobile
     Network protected                  Node
       by a firewall

             |             +----+     HoTI (HoA)  +----+
             |             | FW |X<---------------|HA B|
             |             +----X                 +----+
             |  +------+      | ^ CoTI & HoTI        ^
             |  | CN C |      | |  dropped by FW     |
             |  +------+      | |                    | HoTI
             |                | |                    |
             |                | |        CoTI (CoA)+------+
             |                | +------------------| MN B |
             +----------------+                    +------+
             Network protected                External Mobile
               by a firewall                        Node

      |   8    |  4 |  4 |   8    |    8   |       64       |    32    |
      |11111111|flgs|scop|reserved|  plen  |       IID      | group ID |

                    Symmetric  |   ECC   |  DH/DSA/RSA
                        80     |   163   |     1024
                       112     |   233   |     2048
                       128     |   283   |     3072
                       192     |   409   |     7680
                       256     |   571   |    15360

              ClientHello          -------->
                                   <--------       ServerHelloDone
              Finished             -------->
                                   <--------              Finished

                       Curve names chosen by
                  different standards organizations
             SECG        |  ANSI X9.62   |  NIST
             sect163k1   |               |   NIST K-163
             sect163r1   |               |
             sect163r2   |               |   NIST B-163
             sect193r1   |               |
             sect193r2   |               |
             sect233k1   |               |   NIST K-233
             sect233r1   |               |   NIST B-233
             sect239k1   |               |
             sect283k1   |               |   NIST K-283
             sect283r1   |               |   NIST B-283
             sect409k1   |               |   NIST K-409
             sect409r1   |               |   NIST B-409
             sect571k1   |               |   NIST K-571
             sect571r1   |               |   NIST B-571
             secp160k1   |               |
             secp160r1   |               |
             secp160r2   |               |
             secp192k1   |               |
             secp192r1   |  prime192v1   |   NIST P-192
             secp224k1   |               |
             secp224r1   |               |   NIST P-224
             secp256k1   |               |
             secp256r1   |  prime256v1   |   NIST P-256
             secp384r1   |               |   NIST P-384
             secp521r1   |               |   NIST P-521

   +                    Algorithm Generate_Subkey                      +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Input    : K (128-bit key)                                      +
   +   Output   : K1 (128-bit first subkey)                            +
   +              K2 (128-bit second subkey)                           +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Constants: const_Zero is 0x00000000000000000000000000000000     +
   +              const_Rb   is 0x00000000000000000000000000000087     +
   +   Variables: L          for output of AES-128 applied to 0^128    +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Step 1.  L := AES-128(K, const_Zero);                           +
   +   Step 2.  if MSB(L) is equal to 0                                +
   +            then    K1 := L << 1;                                  +
   +            else    K1 := (L << 1) XOR const_Rb;                   +
   +   Step 3.  if MSB(K1) is equal to 0                               +
   +            then    K2 := K1 << 1;                                 +
   +            else    K2 := (K1 << 1) XOR const_Rb;                  +
   +   Step 4.  return K1, K2;                                         +
   +                                                                   +

   +                      Algorithm Verify_MAC                         +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Input    : K    ( 128-bit Key )                                 +
   +            : M    ( message to be verified )                      +
   +            : len  ( length of the message in octets )             +
   +            : T'   ( the received MAC to be verified )             +
   +   Output   : INVALID or VALID                                     +
   +                                                                   +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Step 1.  T* := AES-CMAC(K,M,len);                               +
   +   Step 2.  if T* is equal to T'                                   +
   +            then                                                   +
   +                 return VALID;                                     +
   +            else                                                   +
   +                 return INVALID;                                   +

   +                    Algorithm AES-CMAC-96                          +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Input    : K (128-bit Key described in Section 4.1)             +
   +            : M    (message to be authenticated)                   +
   +            : len  (length of message in octets)                   +
   +   Output   : Truncated T  (truncated output to length 12 octets)  +
   +                                                                   +
   +                                                                   +
   +   Step 1.  T  := AES-CMAC (K,M,len);                              +
   +   Step 2.  TT := truncate (T, 12);                                +
   +            return TT;                                             +

               +------------+            +------------+
               |     |Int 1 |            |Int 7 |     |
   Flow 1===>  |     +----- |            |------+     | Flow 1===>
               | R1  |Int 2 |===========>|Int 8 | R2  |
               |     |      |:::::::::::>|      |     |
   Flow 2:::>  |     +----- |            |------+     | Flow 2:::>
               |     |Int 3 |            |Int 9 |     |
               +------------+            +------------+

   +-------+  +---------+      +---------+      +--------+  +-------+
   |mail  M|  |M mail  M| SMTP |M mail  M| SMTP |M mail M|  |M mail |
   |clnt  U|--|S srvr  T|------|T gway  T|------|T srvr D|--|U clnt |
   |      A|  |A       A|      |A       A|      |A      A|  |A      |
   +-------+  +---------+      +---------+      +--------+  +-------+

   +-------+  +---------+      +---------+      +--------+  +-------+
   |mail  M|  |M mail  M| SMTP |M mail  M| SMTP |M mail M|  |M mail |
   |clnt  U|--|S srvr  T|------|T gway  T|------|T srvr D|--|U clnt |
   |      A|  |A       A|      |A       A|      |A      A|  |A      |
   +-------+  +---------+      +---------+      +--------+  +-------+
                   |                |                |
                   | OCP            | OCP            | OCP
                   |                |                |
              +----------+     +----------+     +----------+
              |  callout |     |  callout |     |  callout |
              |  server  |     |  server  |     |  server  |
              +----------+     +----------+     +----------+

        +------+   IP network                  PISN
        |      |
        |SIP   |                                             +------+
        |Proxy |                                            /|      |
        |      |                                           / |PINX  |
        +---+--+             *-----------+                /  |      |
            |                |           |        +-----+/   +------+
            |                |           |        |     |
            |                |           |        |PINX |
   ---+-----+-------+--------+  Gateway  +--------|     |
      |             |        |           |        |     |\
      |             |        |           |        +-----+ \
      |             |        |           |                 \ +------+
      |             |        |           |                  \|      |
   +--+---+      +--+---+    *-----------+                   |PINX  |
   |SIP   |      |SIP   |                                    |      |
   |End-  |      |End-  |                                    +------+
   |point |      |point |
   +------+      +------+

                           |                   |
                           |     GATEWAY       |
        PISN               |                   |        IP NETWORK
        |                  +-----+------+------+                 |
        |                        |      |                        |
        |                        |      |                        |
        |   QSIG SETUP           |      |        1-INVITE        |
       1|----------------------->|......|----------------------->| 2
        |                        |      |                        |
        |                        |      |                        |
        | QSIG CALL PROCEEDING   |      |        1-100 TRYING    |
       3|<-----------------------|      |<-----------------------+ 4
        |                        |      |                        |
        |                        |      |                        |
        |   QSIG ALERTING        |      |        1-180 RINGING   |
       8|<-----------------------|......|<-----------------------+ 5
        |                        |      |                        |
        |                        |      |        2-PRACK         |
        |                        |      |----------------------->| 6
        |                        |      |        2-200 OK        |
        |                        |      |<-----------------------+ 7
        |                        |      |                        |
        |   QSIG CONNECT         |      |        1-200 OK        |
      11|<-----------------------|......|<-----------------------+ 9
        |                        |      |                        |
        |   QSIG CONNECT ACK     |      |        1-ACK           |
      12|----------------------->|      |----------------------->| 10
        |                        |      |                        |
        |<======================>|      |<======================>|
        |        AUDIO           |      |         AUDIO          |

     PISN               |         GATEWAY        |      IP NETWORK
                        |                        |
     |  QSIG SETUP      +--------+-------+-------+                |
    1|-------------------------->|       |                        |
     |                           |       |                        |
     |  QSIG SETUP ACK           |       |                        |
    2|<--------------------------|       |                        |
     |                           |       |                        |
     | QSIG INFORMATION          |       |                        |
    3|-------------------------->|       |                        |
     |                           |       |                        |
     | QSIG INFORMATION          |       |  1-INVITE              |
     | QSIG CALL PROCEEDING      |       |  1-100 TRYING          |
    5|<--------------------------|       |<-----------------------|6
     |                           |       |                        |
     | QSIG ALERTING             |       |  1-180 RINGING         |
     |                           |       |  2-PRACK               |
     |                           |       |----------------------->|8
     |                           |       |  2-200 OK              |
     |                           |       |<-----------------------|9
     | QSIG CONNECT              |       |  1-200 OK              |
     |                           |       |                        |
     | QSIG CONNECT ACK          |       |  1-ACK                 |
   14|-------------------------->|       |----------------------->|12
     |          AUDIO            |       |           AUDIO        |
     |<=========================>|       |<======================>|

     PISN               |        GATEWAY       |         IP NETWORK
                        |                      |
     |  QSIG SETUP      +-------+-------+------+                  |
   1 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |  QSIG SETUP ACK          |       |                         |
   2 |<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |                          |       |                         |
     | QSIG INFORMATION         |       |                         |
   3 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     | QSIG INFORMATION         |       | 1-INVITE                |
   3 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|4
     |                          |       | 1-484                   |
     |                          |       |<------------------------|5
     |                          |       | 1-ACK                   |
     |                          |       |------------------------>|6
     | QSIG INFORMATION         |       | 2-INVITE                |
   7 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|4
     |                          |       | 2-484                   |
     |                          |       |<------------------------|5
     |                          |       | 2-ACK                   |
     |                          |       |------------------------>|6
     |                          |       |                         |
     | QSIG INFORMATION         |       |                         |
     | Sending Complete IE      |       | 3-INVITE                |
   8 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|10
     | QSIG CALL PROCEEDING     |       | 3-100 TRYING            |
   9 |<-------------------------|       |<------------------------|11
     |                          |       |                         |
     | QSIG ALERTING            |       | 3-180 RINGING           |
     |                          |       | 4-PRACK                 |
     |                          |       |------------------------>|13
     |                          |       | 4-200 OK                |
     |                          |       |<------------------------|14
     | QSIG CONNECT             |       | 3-200 OK                |
     |                          |       |                         |
     | QSIG CONNECT ACK         |       | 3-ACK                   |
   19|------------------------->|       |------------------------>|17
     |         AUDIO            |       |         AUDIO           |
     |<========================>|       |<=======================>|
     |                          |       |                         |

     IP NETWORK         |        GATEWAY       |              PISN
                        |                      |
     |                  +-------+-------+------+                  |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |     1-INVITE             |       | QSIG SETUP              |
   1 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|3
     |     1-100 TRYING         |       | QSIG CALL PROCEEDING    |
   2 |<-------------------------|       |<------------------------|4
     |     1-180 RINGING        |       | QSIG ALERTING           |
   6 |<-------------------------|.......|<------------------------|5
     |                          |       |                         |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |     2-PRACK              |       |                         |
   7 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     2-200 OK             |       |                         |
   8 |<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     1-200 OK             |       | QSIG CONNECT            |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |     1-ACK                |       | QSIG CONNECT ACK        |
   12|------------------------->|       |------------------------>|10
     |         AUDIO            |       |         AUDIO           |
     |<========================>|       |<=======================>|
     |                          |       |                         |

     IP NETWORK         |        GATEWAY       |               PISN
                        |                      |
     | 1-INVITE         +-------+-------+------+                  |
   1 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     1-484                |       |                         |
   2 |<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     1-ACK                |       |                         |
   3 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     2-INVITE             |       |                         |
   1 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     2-484                |       |                         |
   2 |<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     2- ACK               |       |                         |
   3 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     3-INVITE             |       | QSIG SETUP              |
   4 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|6
     |     3-100 TRYING         |       | QSIG CALL PROCEEDING    |
   5 |<-------------------------|       |<------------------------|7
     |     3-180 RINGING        |       | QSIG ALERTING           |
   9 |<-------------------------|.......|<------------------------|8
     |                          |       |                         |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |     4-PRACK              |       |                         |
   10|------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     4-200 OK             |       |                         |
   11|<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     3-200 OK             |       | QSIG CONNECT            |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |     3-ACK                |       | QSIG CONNECT ACK        |
   15|------------------------->|       |------------------------>|13
     |         AUDIO            |       |         AUDIO           |
     |<========================>|       |<=======================>|
     |                          |       |                         |

     IP NETWORK         |        GATEWAY       |               PISN
                        |                      |
     | 1-INVITE         +-------+-------+------+                  |
   1 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     1-484                |       |                         |
   2 |<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     1-ACK                |       |                         |
   3 |------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     2-INVITE             |       | QSIG SETUP              |
   4 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|6
     |     2-100 TRYING         |       | QSIG SETUP ACK          |
   5 |<-------------------------|       |<------------------------|7
     |     3- INVITE            |       | QSIG INFORMATION        |
   8 |------------------------->|.......|------------------------>|10
     |     3-100 TRYING         |       |                         |
   9 |<-------------------------|       | QSIG CALL PROCEEDING    |
     |                          |       |<------------------------|11
   13|     3-180 RINGING        |       | QSIG ALERTING           |
     |     2-484                |       |                         |
   14|<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     2-ACK                |       |                         |
   15|------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     4-PRACK              |       |                         |
   16|------------------------->|       |                         |
     |     4-200 OK             |       |                         |
   17|<-------------------------|       |                         |
     |     3-200 OK             |       | QSIG CONNECT            |
     |                          |       |                         |
     |     3-ACK                |       | QSIG CONNECT ACK        |
   21|------------------------->|       |------------------------>|19
     |         AUDIO            |       |         AUDIO           |
     |<========================>|       |<=======================>|
     |                          |       |                         |

                         |                   |
                         |     GATEWAY       |
     PISN                |                   |         IP NETWORK
      |                  +-----+------+------+                 |
      |                        |      |                        |
      |                        |      |                        |
      |     QSIG DISCONNECT    |      |   2- BYE               |
      |     QSIG RELEASE       |      |        2-200 OK        |
     2|<-----------------------|      |<-----------------------|5
      |     QSIG RELEASE COMP  |      |                        |
     3|----------------------->|      |                        |
      |                        |      |                        |
      |                        |      |                        |
      |                        |      |                        |

                              |                   |
                              |     GATEWAY       |
           PISN               |                   |       IP NETWORK
           |                  +-----+------+------+                |
           |                        |      |                       |
           |                        |      |                       |
           |     QSIG DISCONNECT    |      |   1- 4XX / 6XX        |
           |     QSIG RELEASE       |      |        1- ACK         |
          2|<-----------------------|      |<----------------------|5
           |     QSIG RELEASE COMP  |      |                       |
          3|----------------------->|      |                       |
           |                        |      |                       |
           |                        |      |                       |

                             |                   |
                             |     GATEWAY       |
         PISN                |                   |         IP NETWORK
          |                  +-----+------+------+                 |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |     QSIG DISCONNECT    |      |   1- CANCEL            |
          |     QSIG RELEASE       |      |1-487 Request Terminated|
         2|<-----------------------|      |<-----------------------|5
          |     QSIG RELEASE COMP  |      |                        |
         3|----------------------->|      |   1- ACK               |
          |                        |      |----------------------->|6
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |   1- 200 OK            |
          |                        |      |<-----------------------|7
          |                        |      |                        |

                             |                   |
                             |     GATEWAY       |
          IP NETWORK         |                   |              PISN
          |                  +-----+------+------+                 |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |   2- BYE               |      |     QSIG DISCONNECT    |
          |                        |      |     QSIG RELEASE       |
          |                        |      |<-----------------------|4
          |        2-200 OK        |      |     QSIG RELEASE COMP  |
         2|<-----------------------|      |----------------------->|5
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |

                             |                   |
                             |     GATEWAY       |
          IP NETWORK         |                   |              PISN
          |                  +-----+------+------+                 |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |   1- 4XX / 6XX         |      |     QSIG DISCONNECT    |
          |                        |      |     QSIG RELEASE       |
          |                        |      |<-----------------------|4
          |        1- ACK          |      |     QSIG RELEASE COMP  |
         2|<-----------------------|      |----------------------->|5
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |

                             |                   |
                             |     GATEWAY       |
         IP NETWORK          |                   |              PISN
          |                  +-----+------+------+                 |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |   1- CANCEL            |      |     QSIG DISCONNECT    |
          |                        |      |     QSIG RELEASE       |
          |                        |      |<-----------------------|5
          |1-487 Request Terminated|      |     QSIG RELEASE COMP  |
         2|<-----------------------|      |----------------------->|6
          |                        |      |                        |
          |   1- ACK               |      |                        |
         3|----------------------->|      |                        |
          |                        |      |                        |
          |   1- 200 OK            |      |                        |
         4|<-----------------------|      |                        |

                +--------+------+-------+... -+------+------+
         Query: |Get req | MOI1 | NULL  |     | MOIn | NULL |
                +--------+------+-------+... -+------+------+

                +--------+------+-------+... -+------+------+
      Response: |Get resp| MOI1 | Val1  |     | MOIn | Valn |
                +--------+------+-------+... -+------+------+

         Query: |Get req | AgMOIx | NULL  |

      Response: |Get resp| AgMOIx |    Val1,Val2,...,Valn  |

      Query: |Get req | TAgMOIx | NULL  |

   Response: |Get resp| TAgMOIx | t,Val(t),Val(t+i),.,Val(t + (n-1)*i) |

        | byte 0 | byte 1 |...|byte n-1|    0   |...|    0   |   BLOCK
        |<-----------n bytes---------->|<------r bytes------>|
        |<-----------n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)>----------->|

           (MSB)                   (LSB)
         |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |                      INTEGER
         <------------32 bits------------>

           (MSB)                   (LSB)
            |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |           UNSIGNED INTEGER
            <------------32 bits------------>

        (MSB)                                                   (LSB)
      |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |byte 4 |byte 5 |byte 6 |byte 7 |
      <----------------------------64 bits---------------------------->
                                                 HYPER INTEGER
                                                 UNSIGNED HYPER INTEGER

         |byte 0 |byte 1 |byte 2 |byte 3 |              SINGLE-PRECISION
         S|   E   |           F          |         FLOATING-POINT NUMBER
         1|<- 8 ->|<-------23 bits------>|
         <------------32 bits------------>

         |byte 0|byte 1|byte 2|byte 3|byte 4|byte 5|byte 6|byte 7|
         S|    E   |                    F                        |
         1|<--11-->|<-----------------52 bits------------------->|
         <-----------------------64 bits------------------------->
                                        DOUBLE-PRECISION FLOATING-POINT

         |byte 0|byte 1|byte 2|byte 3|byte 4|byte 5| ...  |byte15|
         S|    E       |                  F                      |
         1|<----15---->|<-------------112 bits------------------>|
         <-----------------------128 bits------------------------>
                                      QUADRUPLE-PRECISION FLOATING-POINT

          0        1     ...
      | byte 0 | byte 1 |...|byte n-1|    0   |...|    0   |
      |<-----------n bytes---------->|<------r bytes------>|
      |<-----------n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)------------>|
                                                   FIXED-LENGTH OPAQUE

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
         |        length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
         |<-------4 bytes------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|
                                                  VARIABLE-LENGTH OPAQUE

            0     1     2     3     4     5   ...
         |        length n       |byte0|byte1|...| n-1 |  0  |...|  0  |
         |<-------4 bytes------->|<------n bytes------>|<---r bytes--->|
                                 |<----n+r (where (n+r) mod 4 = 0)---->|

         |   element 0   |   element 1   |...|  element n-1  |
         |<--------------------n elements------------------->|

           0  1  2  3
         |     n     | element 0 | element 1 |...|element n-1|
         |<-4 bytes->|<--------------n elements------------->|
                                                         COUNTED ARRAY

         | component A | component B |...                      STRUCTURE

           0   1   2   3
         |  discriminant |  implied arm  |          DISCRIMINATED UNION
         |<---4 bytes--->|

      (empty SessionTicket extension)------->
                                  (empty SessionTicket extension)
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

      (SessionTicket extension)      -------->
                                   (empty SessionTicket extension)
                                    <--------             Finished
      Finished                      -------->
      Application Data              <------->     Application Data

      (SessionTicket extension)    -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

      (SessionTicket extension) -------->
                                  (empty SessionTicket extension)
                               <--------          ServerHelloDone
      Finished                 -------->
                               <--------                 Finished
      Application Data         <------->         Application Data

    CONTROLLER   Mandatory/     MESSAGE                  MEMBER
              !<-M----------Request to Join-------------!
    <Process> !                                         !
    <RTJ>     !                                         !
              !--M----------Key Download--------------->!
              !                                         !<Process KeyDL>
              !--O-------Request to Join Error--------->! or
              !                                         ! <Proc RTJ-Err>
              !<-M----Key Download - Ack/Failure--------!
   <Process  >!                                         !
   <KeyDL-A/F>!                                         !
              !--O------Lack of Acknowledgement-------->!
              !                                         ! <Proc LOA>
              !<=======SHARED KEYED GROUP SESSION======>!

     CONTROLLER                  MESSAGE                  MEMBER
     in Cookie Mode
               !<--Request to Join without Cookie Info---!
   <Gen Cookie>!                                         !
   <Response  >!                                         !
               !----------Cookie Download--------------->!
               !                                         ! <Process CD>
               !<----Request to Join with Cookie Info----!
     <Process> !                                         !
     <RTJ    > !                                         !
               !-------------Key Download--------------->!
               !                                         ! <Proc KeyDL>
               !<-----Key Download -  Ack/Failure--------!
    <Process  >!                                         !
    <KeyDL-A/F>!                                         !
               !<=======SHARED KEYED GROUP SESSION======>!

   Grp ID Type          Value       Description

    Policy_Token_Type      Value         Definition/Defined In

   Key Download Data     Value      Definition
   Item Type

    Cryptographic_Key_Types     Value         Description/Defined In

   Rekey_Event_Type     Value       Definition/Defined In

   ID_Type              Value       PKIX Cert           Description
                                    Field               Defined In

   Certificate_Type                   Value        Description/
                                                   Defined In

   Signature Type                         Value         Description/
                                                        Defined In

      Notification Type                             Value

             ACK_Type             Value       Definition

      Mechanism_Type             Value       Mechanism Choice
                                             Data Value Table Reference

   Nonce_Hash_Type        Value         Description

   Key Creation Type           Value        Definition/Defined In

   Nonce_Type              Value      Definition

         !-----------------> (                  )
         !   !-------------> (       Idle       ) <------------------!
         !   !               (                  )                    !
         !   !                !                !                     !
         !   !                !                !                     !
         !   !               (1a)             (1)                    !
         !   !                !                !                     !
         !   !                !                !                     !
         !   !                V                V                     !
         !   !---(5a)--- (Wait for  )       (Wait for  ) ----(5)-----!
         !               (Group     )       (GC/KS Event) <---
         !               (Membership)        ^  !   \        \
         !                    !              !  !    \        \
         !                    !              !  !     \--(2)---\
         !                   (2a)           (4)(3)
         !                    !              !  !
         !                    !              !  !
         !                    V              !  V
         !-------(4a)--- (Wait for  )       (Wait for  )
                         (Group     )       (Response  )
                         (Membership)       (from Key  )
                    /--> (Event     )       (Download  )
                   /         /
                  /         /

                        Table 28: GSAKMP States

  Idle                 : GSAKMP Application waiting for input

  Wait for GC/KS Event : GC/KS up and running, waiting for events

  Wait for Response    : GC/KS has sent Key Download,
   from Key Download   :  waiting for response from GM

  Wait for Group       : GM in process of joining group
   Membership          :

  Wait for Group       : GM has group key, waiting for
   Membership Event    :  group management messages.

                   Table 29: State Transition Events

  Transition 1  : Create group command
  Transition 2  : Receive bad RTJ
                : Receive valid command to change group membership
                : Send Compromise message x times
                : Member Deregistration
  Transition 3  : Receive valid RTJ
  Transition 4  : Timeout
                : Receive Ack
                : Receive Nack
  Transition 5  : Delete group command
  Transition 1a : Join group command
  Transition 2a : Send Ack
  Transition 3a : Receipt of group management messages
  Transition 4a : Delete group command
                : Deregistration command
  Transition 5a : Time out
                : Msg failure
                : errors

             A        Server-A     Server-B         B
             |(1) INVITE  |            |            |
             |----------->|            |            |
             |            |(2) INVITE  |            |
             |            |----------->|            |
             |            |            |(3) INVITE  |
             |            |            |----------->|
             |            |            |(4) 200 OK  |
             |            |            |<-----------|
             |            |(5) 200 OK  |            |
             |            |<-----------|            |
             |(6) 200 OK  |            |            |
             |<-----------|            |            |
             |(7) ACK     |            |            |
             |            |(8) REFER   |            |
             |            |<-----------|            |
             |(9) REFER   |            |            |
             |<-----------|            |            |
             |(10) 200 OK |            |            |
             |----------->|            |            |
             |            |(11) 200 OK |            |
             |            |----------->|            |

                +-------+  SIMCO protocol  +-----------+
                | agent +------------------+ middlebox |
                +-------+                  +-----------+

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                      | SIMCO header             |

                        PRR/PRR       +---------------+
          +----+    +-----------------+  PID UNUSED   |<-+
          |    |    |                 +---------------+  |
          |    v    v        PLC(lt=0)/ ^   |            |
          |  +-------------+    PRD     |   | PER/PER    | ARE(lt=0)
          |  |   RESERVED  +------------+   |            | PLC(lt=0)/
          |  +-+----+------+  ARE(lt=0)     v            |    PRD
          |    |    |                 +---------------+  |
          +----+    +---------------->|    ENABLED    +--+
        PLC(lt>0)/    PEA/PER         +-+-------------+
           PLC                          |           ^
              lt = lifetime             PLC(lt>0)/PLC

      |   8    |  4 |  4 |             112 bits                  |
      |11111111|flgs|scop|             group ID                  |

   The answers were:
                                    |     Switch Vendor     |
                                    | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
         Q1 Join aggregation        | x | x | x |   | x | x |
         Q2 Layer-2 forwarding      | x | x | x | x |(1)|   |
         Q3 Layer-3 forwarding      |(1)|   |(1)|   |(1)| x |
         Q4 224.0.0.X aware         |(1)| x |(1)|(2)| x | x |
         Q5 01:00:5e:00:00:XX aware | x | x | x |(2)| x | x |
         Q6 Mcast router list       | x | x | x | x | x | x |
         Q7 Hardware implemented    |   |   |   |   |   |   |
         Q8 Software assisted       | x | x | x | x | x | x |
         Q9 Topology change aware   | x | x | x | x |   |(2)|
                   x  Means that the answer was Yes.
     (1) In some products (typically high-end) Yes; in others No.
     (2) Not at the time that the questionnaire was received
         but expected in the near future.

      UA Alice                     UA Bob                       UA Carol
         |    INVITE (RP: Routine)    |                             |
         |--------------------------->|                             |
         |           200 OK           |                             |
         |<---------------------------|                             |
         |            ACK             |                             |
         |--------------------------->|                             |
         |            RTP             |                             |
         |<==========================>|                             |
         |                            |                             |
         |                            |   INVITE (RP: Immediate)    |
         |                            |<----------------------------|
         |      ************************************************    |
         |      *Resource Priority value comparison by Bob's UA*    |
         |      ************************************************    |
         |                            |                             |
         | BYE (Reason: UA preemption)                              |
         |<---------------------------|                             |
         |                            |           200 OK            |
         |                            |---------------------------->|
         |       200 OK (BYE)         |                             |
         |--------------------------->|                             |
         |                            |            ACK              |
         |                            |<----------------------------|
         |                            |            RTP              |
         |                            |<===========================>|
         |                            |                             |

                 HOST                              ROUTER
    _____________________________       ____________________________
   |  _______                    |     |                            |
   | |       |   _______         |     |            _______         |
   | |Appli- |  |       |        |RSVP |           |       |        |
   | | cation|  | RSVP <---------------------------> RSVP  <---------->
   | |       <-->       |        |     | _______   |       |        |
   | |       |  |process|  _____ |     ||Routing|  |process|  _____ |
   | |_._____|  |       -->Policy|     ||       <-->       -->Policy||
   |   |        |__.__._| |Cntrl||     ||process|  |__.__._| |Cntrl||
   |   |data       |  |   |_____||     ||__.____|     |  |   |_____||
   |===|===========|==|==========|     |===|==========|==|==========|
   |   |   --------|  |    _____ |     |   |  --------|  |    _____ |
   |   |  |        |  ---->Admis||     |   |  |       |  ---->Admis||
   |  _V__V_    ___V____  |Cntrl||     |  _V__V_    __V_____ |Cntrl||
   | |      |  |        | |_____||     | |      |  |        ||_____||
   | |Class-|  | Packet |        |     | |Class-|  | Packet |       |
   | | ifier|==>Schedulr|================> ifier|==>Schedulr|=========>
   | |______|  |________|        |data | |______|  |________|      data
   |                             |     |                            |
   |_____________________________|     |____________________________|

     Network Node       Policy server
   |   ______     |
   |  |      |    |      _____
   |  | PEP  |    |     |     |------------->
   |  |______|<---|---->| PDP |May use LDAP,SNMP,COPS...for accessing
   |     ^        |     |     | policy database, authentication, etc.
   |     |        |     |_____|------------->
   |   __v___     |
   |  |      |    |     PDP = Policy Decision Point
   |  | LPDP |    |     PEP = Policy Enforcement Point
   |  |______|    |    LPDP = Local Policy Decision Point

           Alice -----R1----R2----R3----R4------ Bob
                      | \  /  \  /  \  / |
                      |  \/    \/    \/  |
                      |  /\    /\    /\  |
                      | /  \  /  \  /  \ |
           Carol -----R5----R6----R7----R8------ Dave

             Alice                               Bob
                \                                /
                 \                              /
                  +--------+          +--------+
                  |        |          |        |
                  |   R2   |          |   R3   |
                  |       Int7-------Int5      |
                  |        |          |        |
                  +--------+          +--------+
                 /                              \
                /                                \
            Carol                                Dave

      UA Alice                                      UA Bob
          |                                            |
          |                                            |
          |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
          |                                            |   Note 1
          |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|     |
       *  |----------------(3) PRACK------------------>|  *
       *  |                                            |  * Where
       *  |<-----------(4) 200 OK (PRACK)--------------|  * RSVP
       *  |                                            |  * is
       *  |                                            |  * signaled
          |-------------(5) UPDATE SDP3--------------->|
          |                                            |
          |<--------(6) 200 OK (UPDATE) SDP4-----------|
          |                                            |
          |<-------------(7) 180 Ringing---------------|
          |                                            |
          |-----------------(8) PRACK----------------->|
          |                                            |
          |<------------(9) 200 OK (PRACK)-------------|
          |                                            |
          |                                            |
          |<-----------(10) 200 OK (INVITE)------------|
          |                                            |
          |------------------(11) ACK----------------->|
          |                                            |
          |         RTP (within the reservation)       |
          |                                            |

                     +-> +-----------------------+ <-+
      AES-GCM-ESP    |   |          SPI          |   |
          AAD -------+   +-----------------------+   |
                     |   |    Sequence Number    |   |
                     +-> +-----------------------+   |
                         |    Authentication     |   |
                         |          IV           |   |
                  +->+-> +-----------------------+   +
      AES-GCM-ESP |      |                       |   |
       Plaintext -+      ~       ESP Payload     ~   |
                  |      |                       |   |
                  |      +-----------+-----+-----+   |
                  |      | Padding   |  PL | NH  |   |
                  +----> +-----------+-----+-----+ <-+
                       ENCR_NULL_AUTH_AES_GMAC AAD --+

                                 | <== to network layer
           +------------------ --+-------------------------------+
           |                     RF MAC                          |
              |                  |                        |
      +-------+-----+     +------+------+          +------+------+
      | Downstream1 |     |  Upstream1  |          |  Upstream2  |
      |             |     |             |          |             |
      +-------------+     ++-----------++          ++-----------++
                           |           |            |           |
                      +----+----+ +----+----+  +----+----+ +----+----+
                      |  Ch-1   | |  Ch-2   |  |  Ch-1   | |  Ch-2   |
                      |(A/TDMA) | |(S-CDMA) |  |(A/TDMA) | |(S-CDMA) |
                      +---------+ +---------+  +---------+ +---------+

              | IfStackHigherLayer | ifStackLowerLayer |
              |         0          |         2         |
              |         2          |         3         |
              |         2          |         4         |
              |         2          |         5         |
              |         4          |         6         |
              |         4          |         7         |
              |         5          |         8         |
              |         5          |         9         |
              |         3          |         0         |
              |         6          |         0         |
              |         7          |         0         |
              |         8          |         0         |
              |         9          |         0         |

        +--------------------+               +--------------+
        |                    | <------------ |              |
        |     MUA (M)        |               | IMAPv4Rev1   |
        |                    |               |  Server      |
        |                    | ------------> | (Server I)   |
        +--------------------+               +--------------+
               ^    |                              ^     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     v
               |    |                        +--------------+
               |    |----------------------> |   SMTP       |
               |                             |   Submit     |
               |-----------------------------|   Server     |
                                             |  (Server S)  |

      |  Name of SMTP extension |            Comment       |
      |        PIPELINING       |       Section 3.1        |
      |           DSN           |       Section 3.2        |
      |           SIZE          |       Section 3.3        |
      |  ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES    |       Section 3.4        |
      |        STARTTLS         |       Section 3.5        |
      |           BURL          | Forward without download,|
      |                         |         Section 2        |
      | URLAUTH support in BURL |       Section 2.5        |
      |        CHUNKING,        |       Section 2.5        |
      |       BINARYMIME        |       Section 2.5        |
      |        8BITMIME,        |    Required by BURL      |
      |          AUTH           |  Required by Submission, |
      |                         |      See [SMTPAUTH].     |

      |  Name of IMAP extension |            Comment       |
      |        or feature       |                          |
      |        NAMESPACE        |       Section 5          |
      |        CONDSTORE        |       Section 4          |
      |        STARTTLS         |Required by IMAP (RFC3501)|
      |        URLAUTH,         | Forward without download,|
      |        CATENATE,        |        Section 2         |
      |        UIDPLUS          |                          |
      |        LITERAL+         |       Section 5          |
      |          IDLE           |       Section 5          |
      | $Forwarded IMAP keyword |       Section 2.8        |

          A                  |
        SAa     ------------>|
        SAb     <------------|
          B                  |
        SAb     ------------>|
        SAa     <------------|                 Figure 1
          C                  |
        SAa/SAb ------------>|
        SAa/SAb <------------|

          A                  |
        SAa     ------------>|
        SAb     <------------|
        SAc     <------------|
          B                  |
        SAb     ------------>|
        SAa     <------------|                 Figure 2
        SAc     <------------|
          C                  |
        SAc     ------------>|
        SAa     <------------|
        SAb     <------------|

         A                   |
        SAo     ------------>|
        SAi     <------------|
         B                   |
        SAo     ------------>|
        SAi     <------------|                 Figure 3
         C                   |
        SAo     ------------>|
        SAi     <------------|

                       External IPv6 Internet
                        IPv6 Access Router
                   Switch-router with VLAN support
                  |Site enterprise infrastructure |
                  |   with support for VLANs      |
                       |                    |
                       |                    |
                 VLAN switch A         VLAN switch B
                   |        |               |
                   |        |               |
               Subnet1    Subnet2        Subnet3

                     External IPv6 Internet
                     Site IPv6 Access Router
                       |        |         |
                       |        |         |
                    Subnet1  Subnet2   Subnet3

               +--------->|  KDC         |
       AS-REQ /   +-------|              |
             /   /        +--------------+
            /   /          ^           |
           /    |AS-REP   /            |
          |     |        / TGS-REQ     + TGS-REP
          |     |       /             /
          |     |      /             /
          |     |     /   +---------+
          |     |    /   /
          |     |   /   /
          |     |  /   /
          |     v /   v
         ++-------+------+             +-----------------+
         |  Client       +------------>|  Application    |
         |               |    AP-REQ   |  Server         |
         |               |<------------|                 |
         +---------------+    AP-REP   +-----------------+

         +-------+           +-------+           +-------+
         |       |---------->|       |           |       |
         |       | initiate  |       |---------->|       |
         | Mgmt. | operation |Managed|  perform  |Target |
         |Station| remotely  | Node  | operation | Host  |
         |       |           |       |           |       |
         |       |<----------|       |           |       |
         +-------+  receive  +-------+           +-------+
                   result of

             <--- area 1 --><---area 0---><---area 2--->
                       \        /
                        \      /

        CS ID map type | Value | Comments
        Empty map      |     1 | Used when the map/policy information
                       |       | is conveyed outside of MIKEY

   | CAPWAP Evaluation              | LWAPP | SLAPP | CTP | WiCoP  |
   | 5.1.1  Logical Groups          |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.1.2  Traffic Separation      |    C  |   C   |  P  |   P    |
   | 5.1.3  STA Transparency        |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.1.4  Config Consistency      |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.1.5  Firmware Trigger        |    P  |   P   |  P  |   C    |
   | 5.1.6  Monitor System          |    C  |   C   |  P  |   C    |
   | 5.1.7  Resource Control        |    C  |   P   |  P  |   P    |
   | 5.1.8  Protocol Security       |    C  |   C   |  F  |   F    |
   | 5.1.9  System Security         |    C  |   C   |  F  |   F    |
   | 5.1.10 802.11i Consideration   |    C  |   C   |  F  |   P    |
   | 5.1.11 Interoperability        |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.1.12 Protocol Specifications |    C  |   P   |  P  |   P    |
   | 5.1.13 Vendor Independence     |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.1.14 Vendor Flexibility      |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.1.15 NAT Traversal           |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | Desirable                                                     |
   | 5.2.1  Multiple Authentication |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.2.2  Future Wireless         |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.2.3  New IEEE Requirements   |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.2.4  Interconnection (IPv6)  |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |
   | 5.2.5  Access Control          |    C  |   C   |  C  |   C    |

      Name      | Session or Media level? | Dependent on charset?
      cat       | Session                 | No
      keywds    | Session                 | Yes
      tool      | Session                 | No
      ptime     | Media                   | No
      maxptime  | Media                   | No
      rtpmap    | Media                   | No
      recvonly  | Either                  | No
      sendrecv  | Either                  | No
      sendonly  | Either                  | No
      inactive  | Either                  | No
      orient    | Media                   | No
      type      | Session                 | No
      charset   | Session                 | No
      sdplang   | Either                  | No
      lang      | Either                  | No
      framerate | Media                   | No
      quality   | Media                   | No
      fmtp      | Media                   | No

                  | DN | * | DC | EA | N/P | MC | E | * |

            |        Area Number            | Route |Options|
            |                               | Type  |       |

                Code  Len  16-bit Type
               | 93 |  n  | n1  | n2  |

                Code  Len  Type Major Minor
               | 94 |  3  |  t |  M  |  m  |

                Code  Len  Type  Machine Identifier
               +----+-----+----+-----+ . . . +-----+
               | 97 |  n  |  t |     | . . . |     |
               +----+-----+----+-----+ . . . +-----+

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                                         |
     |                    |       Carol joins the conference        |
     |                    |                                         |
     |                    |              INVITE sip:Conf-ID F1      |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    |               180 Ringing F2            |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |    200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F3    |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                   ACK F4                |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    |                    RTP                  |
     |                    |<=======================================>|
     |                    |           SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F5      |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    |                  200 OK F6              |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                NOTIFY F7                |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                  200 OK F8              |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|

   Alice                 Focus                 Bob                Carol
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |<==================>|                    |                    |
      |                    |                                         |
      |           Focus "dials out" to add Carol to the conference   |
      |                    |                                         |
      |                    |    INVITE Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F1    |
      |                    |---------------------------------------->|
      |                    |               180 Ringing F2            |
      |                    |<----------------------------------------|
      |                    |                  200 OK F3              |
      |                    |<----------------------------------------|
      |                    |                   ACK F4                |
      |                    |---------------------------------------->|
      |                    |                    RTP                  |
      |                    |<=======================================>|
      |                    |           SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F5      |
      |                    |<----------------------------------------|
      |                    |                  200 OK F6              |
      |                    |---------------------------------------->|
      |                    |                NOTIFY F7                |
      |                    |---------------------------------------->|
      |                    |                  200 OK F8              |
      |                    |<----------------------------------------|
      |     NOTIFY F9      |                                         |
      |<-------------------|                                         |
      |     200 OK F10     |                                         |
      |------------------->|                                         |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | Alice establishes session with conference application.       |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | INVITE sip:Conf-App F1                  |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |   180 Ringing F2   |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |     200 OK F3      |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |        ACK F4      |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |        RTP         |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | Alice uses the application to create the conference.         |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | INVITE Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F5       |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |    200 OK F6       |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |        ACK F7      |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |        RTP         |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F8                |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |     200 OK F9      |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |     NOTIFY F10     |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |     200 OK F11     |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |

   Alice         Conf-Factory App            Focus                 Bob
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | Alice creates the conference.           |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | INVITE sip:Conf-Factory F1              |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |  302 Moved Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F2   |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |        ACK F3      |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     | INVITE sip:Conf-ID F4                   |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |   180 Ringing F5                        |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |   200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F6     |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |        ACK F7                           |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |        RTP                              |                    |
     |<=======================================>|                    |
     |                                         |                    |
     | Alice subscribes to the conference URI. |                    |
     |                                         |                    |
     | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F8                |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |     200 OK F9                           |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |     NOTIFY F10                          |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |     200 OK F11                          |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     | REFER sip:Conf-ID Refer-To:Carol F1     |                    |
     |------------------->|                                         |
     |  202 Accepted F2   |                                         |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     NOTIFY (Trying) F3                                       |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     200 OK F4      |                                         |
     |------------------->|                                         |
     |                    |                                         |
     |           Focus "dials out" to join Carol to the conference  |
     |                    |                                         |
     |                    |    INVITE Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F5    |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |               180 Ringing F6            |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    |                  200 OK F7              |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    |                   ACK F8                |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                    RTP                  |
     |                    |<=======================================>|
     |     NOTIFY (OK) F9 |                                         |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     200 OK F10     |                                         |
     |------------------->|                                         |
     |                    |           SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F11     |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    |                  200 OK F12             |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                NOTIFY F13               |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                  200 OK F14             |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |     NOTIFY F15     |                                         |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     200 OK F16     |                                         |
     |------------------->|                                         |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |  Alice adds Bob into conference         |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | REFER Refer-To:Conf-ID F1               |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |  202 Accepted F2   |                    |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |  NOTIFY (Trying) F3|                    |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |     200 OK F4      |                    |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |                    | INVITE sip:Conf-ID F5                   |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |   180 Ringing F6   |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    | 200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F7       |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |       ACK F8       |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |        RTP         |                    |
     |                    |<==================>|                    |
     |    NOTIFY (OK) F9  |                    |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |     200 OK F10     |                    |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |      NOTIFY F11    |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |      200 OK F12    |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |                    | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F13               |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F14     |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     NOTIFY F15     |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F16     |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     |  Alice asks focus to REFER Bob into conference               |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |REFER sip:Conf-ID Refer-To:Bob;method=REFER?Refer-To=Conf-ID F1
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |  202 Accepted F2   |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |  NOTIFY (Trying) F3|                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |     200 OK F4      |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |           Focus REFERs Bob to the conference                 |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |                    | REFER Refer-To:Conf-ID F5               |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |  202 Accepted F6   |                    |
     |    NOTIFY (202) F7 |<-------------------|                    |
     |<-------------------| NOTIFY (Trying) F8 |                    |
     |      200 OK F9     |<-------------------|                    |
     |------------------->|      200 OK F10    |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    | INVITE sip:Conf-ID F11                  |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |   180 Ringing F12  |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    | 200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F13      |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |       ACK F14      |                    |
     |      NOTIFY F15    |<-------------------|                    |
     |<-------------------|        RTP         |                    |
     |      200 OK F16    |<==================>|                    |
     |------------------->|  NOTIFY (200) F17  |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |      200 OK F18    |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F17               |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F19     |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     NOTIFY F20     |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F21     |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |  Bob requests to be added to the conference.                 |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |                    | INVITE Join:A-F  F1|                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |   180 Ringing F2   |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    | 200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F3       |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |       ACK F4       |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |        RTP         |                    |
     |      NOTIFY F5     |<==================>|                    |
     |<-------------------| SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F6                |
     |      200 OK F7     |<-------------------|                    |
     |------------------->|     200 OK F8      |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     NOTIFY F9      |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F10     |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |

   Alice UA#1            Focus             Alice UA#2             Carol
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |<==================>|                    |                    |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |  Alice switches user agents during the conference.           |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |                    | INVITE sip:Conf-ID Replaces:A-F  F1     |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    | 200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F2       |
      |                    |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |       ACK F3       |                    |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    |        RTP         |                    |
      |                    |<==================>|                    |
      |      BYE F4        |                    |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |                    |
      |      200 OK F5     |                    |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |                    |
      | SUBSCRIBE Expires:0 F6                  |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |                    |
      |     200 OK F7      |                    |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |                    |
      | NOTIFY Subscription-State:terminated F8 |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |                    |
      |      200 OK F9     |                    |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |                    |
      |                    | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F10               |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    |     200 OK F11     |                    |
      |                    |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |     NOTIFY F12     |                    |
      |                    |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |     200 OK F13     |                    |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |   Alice is in a session with Bob        |                    |
     |<=======================================>|                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |  Alice joins the conference             |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | INVITE sip:Conf-ID F1                   |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     | 200 OK Contact:sip:Conf-ID;isfocus F2   |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |        ACK F3      |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |    SUBSCRIBE F4    |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |      200 OK F5     |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |      NOTIFY F6     |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |      200 OK F7     |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |  Alice asks focus to REFER Bob into conference               |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | REFER sip:Conf-ID Refer-To:Bob?Replaces=A-B F8               |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |  202 Accepted F9   |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     | NOTIFY (Trying) F10|                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |     200 OK F11     |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |           Focus invites Bob to the conference                |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |                    | INVITE sip:Conf-ID Replaces:A-B F12     |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F13     |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |       ACK F14      |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |        RTP         |                    |

     |                    |<==================>|                    |
     |                 BYE F15                 |                    |
     |<----------------------------------------|                    |
     |                200 OK F16               |                    |
     |---------------------------------------->|                    |
     |   NOTIFY (200) F17 |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |      200 OK F18    |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |      NOTIFY F19    |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |      200 OK F20    |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |                    | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID F21               |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F22     |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     NOTIFY F23     |                    |
     |                    |------------------->|                    |
     |                    |     200 OK F24     |                    |
     |                    |<-------------------|                    |
     |                    |                    |                    |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                                         |
     | REFER sip:Conf-ID Refer-To:Carol;method=BYE F1               |
     |------------------->|                                         |
     |  202 Accepted F2   |                                         |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     NOTIFY (Trying) F3                                       |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     200 OK F4      |                                         |
     |------------------->|                                         |
     |                    |                                         |
     |           Focus removes Carol from the conference            |
     |                    |                                         |
     |                    |            BYE sip:Carol F5             |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                200 OK F6                |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |                    | NOTIFY Subscription-State:terminated F7 |
     |                    |---------------------------------------->|
     |                    |                200 OK F8                |
     |                    |<----------------------------------------|
     |   NOTIFY (200) F9  |                                         |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     200 OK F10     |                                         |
     |------------------->|                                         |
     |     NOTIFY  F11    |                                         |
     |<-------------------|                                         |
     |     200 OK F12     |                                         |
     |------------------->|                                         |

    Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |<==================>|<==================>|                    |
      |        BYE F1      |<=======================================>|
      |------------------->|                    |                    |
      |      200 OK F2     |                    |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |                    |
      |                    |       BYE F3       |                    |
      |                    |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |    200 OK F4       |                    |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    |                 BYE F5                  |
      |                    |---------------------------------------->|
      |                    |                200 OK F6                |
      |                    |<----------------------------------------|
      |      NOTIFY Subscription-State:terminated F7                 |
      |<-------------------|                    |                    |
      |      200 OK F8     |                    |                    |
      |------------------->| NOTIFY Subscription-State:terminated F9 |
      |                    |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |     200 OK F10     |                    |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    | NOTIFY Subscription-State:terminated F11|
      |                    |---------------------------------------->|
      |                    |                  200 OK F12             |
      |                    |<----------------------------------------|

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | OPTIONS sip:Conf-ID F1                  |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     | 200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F2       |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |

   Alice                Focus                 Bob                Carol
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | Alice creates the conference and chooses the conference URI. |
     |                    |                    |                    |
     | INVITE sip:Conf-ID F1                   |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |   180 Ringing F2   |                    |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |   200 OK Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus F3     |                    |
     |<-------------------|                    |                    |
     |        ACK F4      |                    |                    |
     |------------------->|                    |                    |
     |        RTP         |                    |                    |
     |<==================>|                    |                    |

                              |  Floor  |
                              |  Chair  |
                              |         |
                                 ^   |
                                 |   |
                    Notification |   | Decision
                                 |   |
                                 |   |
                      Floor      |   v
   +-------------+   Request  +---------+              +-------------+
   |    Floor    |----------->|  Floor  | Notification |    Floor    |
   | Participant |            | Control |------------->| Participant |
   |             |<-----------|  Server |              |             |
   +-------------+ Granted or +---------+              +-------------+

      Floor Participant                                 Floor Control
              |(1) FloorRequest                               |
              |Transaction ID: 123                            |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-ID: 543                                  |
              |                                               |
              |(2) FloorRequestStatus                         |
              |Transaction ID: 123                            |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 789                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Pending          |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |                                               |
              |(3) FloorRequestStatus                         |
              |Transaction ID: 0                              |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 789                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Accepted         |
              |              Queue Position: 1st              |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |                                               |
              |(4) FloorRequestStatus                         |
              |Transaction ID: 0                              |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 789                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Granted          |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |                                               |
              |(5) FloorRelease                               |
              |Transaction ID: 154                            |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-ID: 789                          |

              |                                               |
              |(6) FloorRequestStatus                         |
              |Transaction ID: 154                            |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 789                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Released         |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |

      Floor Participant                                 Floor Control
              |(1) FloorQuery                                 |
              |Transaction ID: 257                            |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-ID: 543                                  |

              |                                               |
              |(2) FloorStatus                                |
              |Transaction ID: 257                            |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-ID:543                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 764                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Accepted         |
              |              Queue Position: 1st              |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |      BENEFICIARY-INFORMATION                  |
              |                  Beneficiary ID: 124          |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 635                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Accepted         |
              |              Queue Position: 2nd              |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |      BENEFICIARY-INFORMATION                  |
              |                  Beneficiary ID: 154          |
              |                                               |
              |(3) FloorStatus                                |
              |Transaction ID: 0                              |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-ID:543                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 764                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Granted          |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |      BENEFICIARY-INFORMATION                  |
              |                  Beneficiary ID: 124          |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 635                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Accepted         |
              |              Queue Position: 1st              |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |      BENEFICIARY-INFORMATION                  |
              |                  Beneficiary ID: 154          |

              |                                               |
              |(4) FloorStatus                                |
              |Transaction ID: 0                              |
              |User ID: 234                                   |
              |FLOOR-ID:543                                   |
              |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
              |      Floor Request ID: 635                    |
              |      OVERALL-REQUEST-STATUS                   |
              |              Request Status: Granted          |
              |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
              |            Floor ID: 543                      |
              |      BENEFICIARY-INFORMATION                  |
              |                  Beneficiary ID: 154          |

      Floor Chair                                    Floor Control
           |(1) ChairAction                                |
           |Transaction ID: 769                            |
           |User ID: 357                                   |
           |FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION                      |
           |      Floor Request ID: 635                    |
           |      FLOOR-REQUEST-STATUS                     |
           |            Floor ID: 543                      |
           |            Request Status: Granted            |
           |                                               |
           |(2) ChairActionAck                             |
           |Transaction ID: 769                            |
           |User ID: 357                                   |

 | Value | Meaning                                       | Reference  |
 |   1   | Conference does not Exist                     | [RFC 4582] |
 |   2   | User does not Exist                           | [RFC 4582] |
 |   3   | Unknown Primitive                             | [RFC 4582] |
 |   4   | Unknown Mandatory Attribute                   | [RFC 4582] |
 |   5   | Unauthorized Operation                        | [RFC 4582] |
 |   6   | Invalid Floor ID                              | [RFC 4582] |
 |   7   | Floor Request ID Does Not Exist               | [RFC 4582] |
 |   8   | You have Already Reached the Maximum Number   | [RFC 4582] |
 |       | of Ongoing Floor Requests for this Floor      |            |
 |   9   | Use TLS                                       | [RFC 4582] |

     :<- - - -  NACK feedback - - - ->//
     :   Immediate   ||
     : Feedback mode ||Early RTCP mode   Regular RTCP mode
     :               ||
    -+---------------||---------------//------------------> group size
     2               ||
      Application-specific FB Threshold
         = f(data rate, packet loss, codec, ...)

             event to
                |  RTCP feedback range
                |   (T_max_fb_delay)
   |---+--------+-------------+-----+------------| |--------+--->
       |        |             |     |            ( (        |
       |       t0            te                             |
       tp                                                   tn
                 \_______  ________/

            Name   | Value | Brief Description
            RTPFB  |  205  | Transport layer FB message
            PSFB   |  206  | Payload-specific FB message

                                     A5            |   A6
                                    /              |  /
                                   /               | /--A7
                                  /                |/
                    A2          A2-----A6          A2--A8
                   /           /                  /        A9
                  /           /                  /        /
                 /           /                  /        /---A10
   A1-----A2   A1-----A3   A1-----A3-----A7   A1------A3<
                 \           \                  \        \---A11
                  \           \                  \        \
                   \           \                  \        A12
                    A4          A4-----A8          A4--A13
                                                   | \--A14
                                                   |  \
                                                   |  A15

       |         |      |      |      |      | Used RTCP Bit Rate |
       | Session | Send | Rec. | AVP  | AVPF | (% of session bw)  |
       |Bandwidth|Agents|Agents|Agents|Agents|  A1  |  A2  | sum  |
       |  2 Mbps |  1   |  2   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.42 | 2.56 | 4.98 |
       |  2 Mbps | 1,2  |  -   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.49 | 2.49 | 4.98 |
       |  2 Mbps |  1   |  2   |  1   |  2   | 0.01 | 2.49 | 2.50 |
       |  2 Mbps | 1,2  |  -   |  1   |  2   | 0.01 | 2.48 | 2.49 |
       |  2 Mbps |  1   |  2   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.02 |
       |  2 Mbps | 1,2  |  -   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.02 |
       |200 kbps |  1   |  2   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.42 | 2.56 | 4.98 |
       |200 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.49 | 2.49 | 4.98 |
       |200 kbps |  1   |  2   |  1   |  2   | 0.06 | 2.49 | 2.55 |
       |200 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  1   |  2   | 0.08 | 2.50 | 2.58 |
       |200 kbps |  1   |  2   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.06 | 0.06 | 0.12 |
       |200 kbps | 1,2  |  -   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.16 |
       | 20 kbps |  1   |  2   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.44 | 2.54 | 4.98 |
       | 20 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.50 | 2.51 | 5.01 |
       | 20 kbps |  1   |  2   |  1   |  2   | 0.58 | 2.48 | 3.06 |
       | 20 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  1   |  2   | 0.77 | 2.51 | 3.28 |
       | 20 kbps |  1   |  2   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.58 | 0.61 | 1.19 |
       | 20 kbps | 1,2  |  -   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.77 | 0.79 | 1.58 |

       |         |      |      |      |      | Used RTCP Bit Rate |
       | Session | Send | Rec. | AVP  | AVPF | (% of session bw)  |
       |Bandwidth|Agents|Agents|Agents|Agents|  A1  |  A2  | sum  |
       |  2 Mbps |  1   |  2   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.42 | 2.56 | 4.98 |
       |  2 Mbps | 1,2  |  -   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.49 | 2.49 | 4.98 |
       |  2 Mbps |  1   |  2   |  1   |  2   | 0.01 | 2.49 | 2.50 |
       |  2 Mbps | 1,2  |  -   |  1   |  2   | 0.01 | 2.48 | 2.49 |
       |  2 Mbps |  1   |  2   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.03 |
       |  2 Mbps | 1,2  |  -   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.02 |
       |200 kbps |  1   |  2   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.42 | 2.56 | 4.98 |
       |200 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.50 | 2.49 | 4.99 |
       |200 kbps |  1   |  2   |  1   |  2   | 0.06 | 2.50 | 2.56 |
       |200 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  1   |  2   | 0.08 | 2.49 | 2.57 |
       |200 kbps |  1   |  2   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.06 | 0.07 | 0.13 |
       |200 kbps | 1,2  |  -   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.09 | 0.08 | 0.17 |
       | 20 kbps |  1   |  2   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.42 | 2.57 | 4.99 |
       | 20 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  -   | 1,2  | 2.52 | 2.51 | 5.03 |
       | 20 kbps |  1   |  2   |  1   |  2   | 0.58 | 2.54 | 3.12 |
       | 20 kbps | 1,2  |  -   |  1   |  2   | 0.83 | 2.43 | 3.26 |
       | 20 kbps |  1   |  2   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.58 | 0.73 | 1.31 |
       | 20 kbps | 1,2  |  -   | 1,2  |  -   | 0.86 | 0.84 | 1.70 |

       |         |       |          Feedback Statistics          |
       | Session |       |       AVP         |       AVPF        |
       |Bandwidth|  PLR  | sent |disc| MWT   | sent |disc| MWT   |
       |  2 Mbps | 0.001 |  781 |  0 | 2.604 |  756 |  0 | 0.015 |
       |  2 Mbps | 0.01  | 7480 |  0 | 2.591 | 7548 |  2 | 0.006 |
       |  2 Mbps | cong. |   25 |  0 | 2.557 | 1741 |  0 | 0.001 |
       | 20 kbps | 0.001 |   79 |  0 | 2.472 |   74 |  2 | 0.034 |
       | 20 kbps | 0.01  |  780 |  0 | 2.605 |  709 | 64 | 0.163 |
       | 20 kbps | cong. |  780 |  0 | 2.590 |  687 | 70 | 0.162 |

       |     |                Feedback Statistics                |
       |     |  Shared Losses          |  Distributed Losses     |
       |Agent|sent|fbsp|disc|sum | MWT |sent|fbsp|disc|sum | MWT |
       |  A2 | 274| 351|  25| 650|0.267|   -|   -|   -|   -|    -|
       |  A5 | 231| 408|  11| 650|0.243| 619|   2|  32| 653|0.663|
       |  A6 | 234| 407|   9| 650|0.235| 587|   2|  32| 621|0.701|
       |  A7 | 223| 414|  13| 650|0.253| 594|   6|  41| 641|0.658|
       |  A8 | 188| 443|  19| 650|0.235| 596|   1|  32| 629|0.677|

                  |      |  Feedback Suppression Rate  |
                  |  l   | Scen. 1 | Scen. 2 | Scen. 3 |
                  | 0.10 |  0.671  |  0.051  |  0.089  |
                  | 0.25 |  0.582  |  0.060  |  0.210  |
                  | 0.50 |  0.524  |  0.114  |  0.361  |
                  | 0.75 |  0.523  |  0.180  |  0.370  |
                  | 1.00 |  0.523  |  0.204  |  0.369  |
                  | 1.25 |  0.506  |  0.187  |  0.372  |
                  | 1.50 |  0.536  |  0.213  |  0.414  |
                  | 1.75 |  0.526  |  0.215  |  0.424  |
                  | 2.00 |  0.535  |  0.216  |  0.400  |
                  | 3.00 |  0.522  |  0.220  |  0.405  |
                  | 4.00 |  0.522  |  0.220  |  0.405  |

                  |      |  Feedback Suppression Rate  |
                  |  l   | Scen. 1 | Scen. 2 | Scen. 3 |
                  | 0.10 |  0.056  |  0.056  |  0.090  |
                  | 0.25 |  0.063  |  0.055  |  0.166  |
                  | 0.50 |  0.116  |  0.099  |  0.255  |
                  | 0.75 |  0.141  |  0.141  |  0.312  |
                  | 1.00 |  0.179  |  0.175  |  0.352  |
                  | 1.25 |  0.206  |  0.176  |  0.361  |
                  | 1.50 |  0.193  |  0.193  |  0.337  |
                  | 1.75 |  0.197  |  0.204  |  0.341  |
                  | 2.00 |  0.207  |  0.207  |  0.368  |
                  | 3.00 |  0.196  |  0.203  |  0.359  |
                  | 4.00 |  0.196  |  0.203  |  0.359  |

                  |      |Feedback Suppr. Failure Rate |
                  |  l   | Scen. 1 | Scen. 2 | Scen. 3 |
                  | 0.10 |  0.273  |  0.893  |  0.822  |
                  | 0.25 |  0.355  |  0.885  |  0.624  |
                  | 0.50 |  0.364  |  0.787  |  0.385  |
                  | 0.75 |  0.334  |  0.679  |  0.318  |
                  | 1.00 |  0.298  |  0.621  |  0.279  |
                  | 1.25 |  0.289  |  0.637  |  0.267  |
                  | 1.50 |  0.274  |  0.595  |  0.249  |
                  | 1.75 |  0.274  |  0.580  |  0.235  |
                  | 2.00 |  0.258  |  0.577  |  0.233  |
                  | 3.00 |  0.282  |  0.577  |  0.236  |
                  | 4.00 |  0.282  |  0.577  |  0.236  |

                  |      |   Mean Loss Report Delay    |
                  |  l   | Scen. 1 | Scen. 2 | Scen. 3 |
                  | 0.10 |  0.124  |  0.282  |  0.210  |
                  | 0.25 |  0.168  |  0.266  |  0.234  |
                  | 0.50 |  0.243  |  0.264  |  0.284  |
                  | 0.75 |  0.285  |  0.286  |  0.325  |
                  | 1.00 |  0.329  |  0.305  |  0.350  |
                  | 1.25 |  0.351  |  0.329  |  0.370  |
                  | 1.50 |  0.361  |  0.363  |  0.388  |
                  | 1.75 |  0.360  |  0.387  |  0.392  |
                  | 2.00 |  0.367  |  0.412  |  0.400  |
                  | 3.00 |  0.368  |  0.507  |  0.398  |
                  | 4.00 |  0.368  |  0.568  |  0.398  |

        Picture Reference                            |: Picture Segment
                 ____________________                %: Lost Segment
                /_    _    _    _    \
               v/ \  / \  / \  / \    \
               v   \v   \v   \v   \    \
   Sender   ---|----|----|----|----|----|---|------------->
                    \    \                 ^ \
                     \    \               /   \
                      \    \             /     \
                       \    v           /       \
                        \    x         /         \
                         \   Lost     /           \
                          \    x     /             \
                           v    x   / NACK          v
   Receiver ---------------|----%===-%----%----%----|----->
                                |-a-|               |
                                |-------  b  -------|

                  Link 1         Link 2        Link 3
        +--------+      +------+       +------+      +--------+
        | Sender |------|Router|-------|Router|------|Receiver|
        +--------+      +------+       +------+      +--------+
                 10(msec)       x(msec)       10(msec)

      |           | Packet Loss Rate =                             |
      | Bandwidth | 0.005| 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.03 | 0.05 |0.10  |0.20  |
      |       32k |130-  |200-  |230-  |280-  |350-  |470-  |560-  |
      |           |   180|   250|   320|   390|   430|   610|   780|
      |       64k | 80-  |100-  |120-  |150-  |180-  |210-  |290-  |
      |           |   130|   150|   180|   190|   210|   300|   400|
      |      128k | 60-  | 70-  | 90-  |110-  |130-  |170-  |190-  |
      |           |    70|    80|   100|   120|   140|   190|   240|
      |      384k | 30-  | 30-  | 30-  | 40-  | 50-  | 50-  | 50-  |
      |           |    50|    50|    50|    50|    60|    70|    90|
      |      512k | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 60 |
      |           |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
      |     1000k | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 50 | < 55 |
      |           |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
      |     2000k | < 30 | < 30 | < 30 | < 30 | < 30 | < 35 | < 35 |

                   Link1         Link2          Link3
        +--------+      +------+       +------+      +--------+
        | Sender |------|Router|-------|Router|------|Receiver|
        +--------+    /|+------+       +------+|\    +--------+
                +---+/ |                       | \+---+
              +-|FTP|+---+                   +---+|FTP|-+
              | +---+|FTP| ...               |FTP|+---+ | ...
              +---+  +---+                   +---+  +---+

        \ \                               /       \
         \ \                             |         |
   SN=0   \ \ SN=1                       /         \  RTX(SN=0)
           \ \                          /           \
            X \                        /             \
               `.                     /               \
                 \                   /                 \
                  \                 |                   |
                   \                /                   \    ......
                    \              /                     \
              T1      T2    T3         T4    T5     T1   ........

   |  RTP BW    | RTT |            N value                   |
   |============|=====|   1      2       5       7       10  |

   |  RTP BW    | RTT |            N value                   |
   |============|=====|   1      2       5       7       10  |

                  +------------+  (1)     +------------+
                  |            |--------->|            |
                  | HTTP-style |  (2)     | HTTP-style |
                  | client     |<---------| server     |
                  |            |  (3)     |            |
                  |            |--------->|            |
                  |            |  (4)     |            |
                  |            |<---------|            |
                  +------------+          +------------+

               +-----+    (1)    +-----+           +-----+
               |     |==========>|     |    (2)    |     |
               |     |           |     |---------->|     |
               |     |           |     |    (3)    |     |
               |     |    (4)    |     |<----------|     |
               |     |<==========|     |           |     |
               |     |    (5)    |     |           |     |
               |     |==========>|     |           |     |
               |  A  |           |  B  |    (6)    |  C  |
               |     |           |     |---------->|     |
               |     |           |     |    (7)    |     |
               |     |           |     |<----------|     |
               |     |    (8)    |     |           |     |
               |     |<==========|     |           |     |
               +-----+           +-----+           +-----+

                 /           /         \          \
                /           /           \          \
               /           /             \          \
              *          host1          host2      subdel
              |            |             |
              |            |             |
             sub         _tcp          _tcp
                           |             |
                           |             |
                         _ssh          _ssh

                   +-------------+   +-------+
                   |  Internet   |---| Rtr A |
                   +------+------+   +---+---+
                          |              |
                          |              |
                          |              |
                          |            *-+-*
                   +-------+           /     \
                   | Rtr B |----------*  N 1  *
                   +-------+           \     /

           +-------------+   +-------+   +-------+
           | Internet    |---| Rtr B |---| Rtr A |
           +------+------+   +-------+   +---+---+
                  |                          .
                  |                          |
                  |                          .
                  |                        *-+-*
              +-------+                   /     \
              | Rtr C |------------------*  N 1  *
              +-------+                   \     /

           +-------------+   +-------+   +-------+
           |  Internet   |---| Rtr B |---| Rtr A |
           +------+------+   +-------+   +-------+
                  |                        *---*
              +-------+                   /     \
              | Rtr C |------------------*  N 1  *
              +-------+                   \     /

   | Application |    Service    | Signaled |  Flow     |   G.1010   |
   |  Categories |     Class     |          | Behavior  |   Rating   |
   | Application |   Signaling   |   Not    | Inelastic | Responsive |
   |   Control   |               |applicable|           |            |
   |             |   Telephony   |   Yes    | Inelastic | Interactive|
   |             |---------------+----------+-----------+------------|
   |             |   Real-Time   |   Yes    | Inelastic | Interactive|
   |             |  Interactive  |          |           |            |
   |             |---------------+----------+-----------+------------|
   |    Media-   |   Multimedia  |   Yes    |    Rate   | Interactive|
   |   Oriented  |  Conferencing |          |  Adaptive |            |
   |             |---------------+----------+-----------+------------|
   |             |Broadcast Video|   Yes    | Inelastic | Responsive |
   |             |---------------+----------+-----------+------------|
   |             |  Multimedia   |   Yes    |  Elastic  |   Timely   |
   |             |   Streaming   |          |           |            |
   |             |  Low-Latency  |    No    |  Elastic  | Responsive |
   |             |     Data      |          |           |            |
   |             |---------------+----------+-----------+------------|
   |   Data      |High-Throughput|    No    |  Elastic  |   Timely   |
   |             |    Data       |          |           |            |
   |             |---------------+----------+-----------+------------|
   |             | Low-Priority  |    No    |  Elastic  |Non-critical|
   |             |    Data       |          |           |            |
   | Best Effort |   Standard    |    Not Specified     |Non-critical|

   |Service Class  |                              |    Tolerance to    |
   |    Name       |  Traffic Characteristics     | Loss |Delay |Jitter|
   |   Network     |Variable size packets, mostly |      |      |      |
   |   Control     |inelastic short messages, but |  Low |  Low | Yes  |
   |               | traffic can also burst (BGP) |      |      |      |
   |               | Fixed-size small packets,    | Very | Very | Very |
   |  Telephony    | constant emission rate,      |  Low |  Low |  Low |
   |               | inelastic and low-rate flows |      |      |      |
   |   Signaling   | Variable size packets, some  | Low  | Low  |  Yes |
   |               | what bursty short-lived flows|      |      |      |
   |  Multimedia   | Variable size packets,       | Low  | Very |      |
   | Conferencing  | constant transmit interval,  |  -   | Low  | Low  |
   |               |rate adaptive, reacts to loss |Medium|      |      |
   |   Real-Time   | RTP/UDP streams, inelastic,  | Low  | Very | Low  |
   |  Interactive  | mostly variable rate         |      | Low  |      |
   |  Multimedia   |  Variable size packets,      |Low - |Medium|  Yes |
   |   Streaming   | elastic with variable rate   |Medium|      |      |
   |   Broadcast   | Constant and variable rate,  | Very |Medium|  Low |
   |     Video     | inelastic, non-bursty flows  |  Low |      |      |
   |  Low-Latency  | Variable rate, bursty short- | Low  |Low - |  Yes |
   |      Data     |  lived elastic flows         |      |Medium|      |
   |      OAM      |  Variable size packets,      | Low  |Medium|  Yes |
   |               |  elastic & inelastic flows   |      |      |      |
   |High-Throughput| Variable rate, bursty long-  | Low  |Medium|  Yes |
   |      Data     |   lived elastic flows        |      |- High|      |
   |   Standard    | A bit of everything          |  Not Specified     |
   | Low-Priority  | Non-real-time and elastic    | High | High | Yes  |
   |      Data     |                              |      |      |      |

   |   Service     |  DSCP   |    DSCP     |       Application        |
   |  Class Name   |  Name   |    Value    |        Examples          |
   |Network Control|  CS6    |   110000    | Network routing          |
   | Telephony     |   EF    |   101110    | IP Telephony bearer      |
   |  Signaling    |  CS5    |   101000    | IP Telephony signaling   |
   | Multimedia    |AF41,AF42|100010,100100|   H.323/V2 video         |
   | Conferencing  |  AF43   |   100110    |  conferencing (adaptive) |
   |  Real-Time    |  CS4    |   100000    | Video conferencing and   |
   |  Interactive  |         |             | Interactive gaming       |
   | Multimedia    |AF31,AF32|011010,011100| Streaming video and      |
   | Streaming     |  AF33   |   011110    |   audio on demand        |
   |Broadcast Video|  CS3    |   011000    |Broadcast TV & live events|
   | Low-Latency   |AF21,AF22|010010,010100|Client/server transactions|
   |   Data        |  AF23   |   010110    | Web-based ordering       |
   |     OAM       |  CS2    |   010000    |         OAM&P            |
   |High-Throughput|AF11,AF12|001010,001100|  Store and forward       |
   |    Data       |  AF13   |   001110    |     applications         |
   |    Standard   | DF (CS0)|   000000    | Undifferentiated         |
   |               |         |             | applications             |
   | Low-Priority  |  CS1    |   001000    | Any flow that has no BW  |
   |     Data      |         |             | assurance                |

   |  Service      | DSCP | Conditioning at   |   PHB   | Queuing| AQM|
   |   Class       |      |    DS Edge        |  Used   |        |    |
   |Network Control| CS6  | See Section 3.1   | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |   Telephony   |  EF  |Police using sr+bs | RFC3246 |Priority| No |
   |   Signaling   | CS5  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |   Multimedia  | AF41 |  Using two-rate,  |         |        | Yes|
   | Conferencing  | AF42 |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |               | AF43 | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |   Real-Time   | CS4  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |   Interactive |      |                   |         |        |    |
   |  Multimedia   | AF31 |  Using two-rate,  |         |        | Yes|
   |  Streaming    | AF32 |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |               | AF33 | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |Broadcast Video| CS3  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |    Low-       | AF21 | Using single-rate,|         |        | Yes|
   |    Latency    | AF22 |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |    Data       | AF23 | (such as RFC 2697)|         |        |DSCP|
   |     OAM       | CS2  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |    High-      | AF11 |  Using two-rate,  |         |        | Yes|
   |  Throughput   | AF12 |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |    Data       | AF13 | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |   Standard    | DF   | Not applicable    | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   | Low-Priority  | CS1  | Not applicable    | RFC3662 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |     Data      |      |                   |         |        |    |

   |  Service      |  DSCP | Conditioning at   |   PHB   |        |    |
   |   Class       |       |    DS Edge        |  Used   | Queuing| AQM|
   |Network Control|  CS6  | See Section 3.1   | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |  Telephony    |   EF  |Police using sr+bs | RFC3246 |Priority| No |
   |  Signaling    |  CS5  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |    Low-       | AF21  | Using single-rate,|         |        | Yes|
   |   Latency     | AF22  |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |    Data       | AF23  | (such as RFC 2697)|         |        |DSCP|
   |      OAM      |  CS2  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |   Standard    |DF(CS0)| Not applicable    | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |               | +other|                   |         |        |    |

   |  Service      |  DSCP | Conditioning at   |   PHB   |        |    |
   |   Class       |       |    DS Edge        |  Used   | Queuing| AQM|
   |Network Control|  CS6  | See Section 3.1   | RFC2474 |  Rate  |Yes |
   |  Telephony    |   EF  |Police using sr+bs | RFC3246 |Priority| No |
   |  Signaling    |  CS5  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |  Real-time    |  CS4  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |  Interactive  |       |                   |         |        |    |
   |Broadcast Video|  CS3  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |  Multimedia   | AF31  |  Using two-rate,  |         |        |Yes |
   |  Streaming    | AF32  |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  |per |
   |               | AF33  | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |    Low-       | AF21  | Using single-rate,|         |        |Yes |
   |   Latency     | AF22  |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  |per |
   |    Data       | AF23  | (such as RFC 2697)|         |        |DSCP|
   |      OAM      |  CS2  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  |Yes |
   |    High-      | AF11  |  Using two-rate,  |         |        |Yes |
   |  Throughput   | AF12  |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  |per |
   |    Data       | AF13  | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |   Standard    |DF(CS0)| Not applicable    | RFC2474 |  Rate  |Yes |
   |               | +other|                   |         |        |    |

   |  Service      |  DSCP | Conditioning at   |   PHB   |        |    |
   |   Class       |       |    DS Edge        |  Used   | Queuing| AQM|
   |Network Control|  CS6  | See Section 3.2   | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |  Telephony    |   EF  |Police using sr+bs | RFC3246 |Priority| No |
   |  Signaling    |  CS5  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | No |
   |  Multimedia   | AF41  |  Using two-rate,  |         |        | Yes|
   | Conferencing  | AF42  | three-color marker| RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |               | AF43  | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |  Multimedia   | AF31  |  Using two-rate,  |         |        | Yes|
   |   Streaming   | AF32  | three-color marker| RFC2597 |  Rate  | per|
   |               | AF33  | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   |      OAM      |  CS2  |Police using sr+bs | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |    High-      | AF11  |  Using two-rate,  |         |        |Yes |
   |   Throughput  | AF12  |three-color marker | RFC2597 |  Rate  |per |
   |    Data       | AF13  | (such as RFC 2698)|         |        |DSCP|
   | Low-Priority  |  CS1  | Not applicable    | RFC3662 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |     Data      |       |                   |         |        |    |
   |   Standard    |DF(CS0)| Not applicable    | RFC2474 |  Rate  | Yes|
   |               | +other|                   |         |        |    |

   |     |           |         Data Field          |     |     |
   | SOF | FC Header |<--------------------------->| CRC | EOF |
   |     |           | Optional  | Frame           |     |     |
   |     |           | Header(s) | Payload         |     |     |

           +---+---+---+---------+- ... -+---------+---+---+
           |SI |BSI|AF |  AB(0)  |  ...  |  AB(N)  |AUX|CRC|
           +---+---+---+---------+- ... -+---------+---+---+

     +----------+-     -+----------+----------+-     -+----------+-
     |Program(1)|  ...  |Program(N)|Program(1)|  ...  |Program(N)| ...
     | Frame 0  |       | Frame 0  | Frame 1  |       | Frame 1  |
     +----------+-     -+----------+----------+-     -+----------+-

     / --------- program set for frame 0 ------- \
     :                                           :
   +-------------+-------------+-   -+-------------+-------------+-
   |  Program(1) |  Program(1) |     |  Program(1) |  Program(1) |
   | Independent |  Dependent  | ... |  Dependent  | Independent | ...
   |  Substream  | Substream(0)|     | Substream(n)|  Substream  |
   |   Frame 0   |   Frame 0   |     |   Frame 0   |   Frame 1   |
   +-------------+-------------+-   -+-------------+-------------+-

           LAN 1  --------------------------------------
                  Upstream |              | Upstream
                           A(non-proxy)   B(proxy)
                Downstream |(lowest IP)   | Downstream
           LAN 2  --------------------------------------

           LAN 1  --------------------------------------
                  Upstream |              | Upstream
                           A              B
                Downstream |              | Downstream
           LAN 2  --------------------------------------

           LAN 1  --------------------------------------
                  Upstream |              | Downstream
                           A              B
                Downstream |              | Upstream
           LAN 2  --------------------------------------

                                 | Rb |
                               / +----+
          AS1          AS2    /     |
         +---+         +--+  /      |
         |RP1|---------|Ra|         |
         +---+         +--+         |        |
                             \      |
                              \     |
                               \ +-----+
                                 | RP2 |

   +                        AES-CMAC-PRF-128                           +
   +                                                                   +
   + Input  : VK (Variable-length key)                                 +
   +        : M (Message, i.e., the input data of the PRF)             +
   +        : VKlen (length of VK in octets)                           +
   +        : len (length of M in octets)                              +
   + Output : PRV (128-bit Pseudo-Random Variable)                     +
   +                                                                   +
   + Variable: K (128-bit key for AES-CMAC)                            +
   +                                                                   +
   + Step 1.   If VKlen is equal to 16                                 +
   + Step 1a.  then                                                    +
   +               K := VK;                                            +
   + Step 1b.  else                                                    +
   +               K := AES-CMAC(0^128, VK, VKlen);                    +
   + Step 2.   PRV := AES-CMAC(K, M, len);                             +
   +           return PRV;                                             +
   +                                                                   +

          |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
          |                                                  |
          |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
          |          |                            |          |
          |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
          |          V    V                  V    V          |
          V   AC     +----+                  +----+    AC    V
    +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
    |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
    | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
    |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
    +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
          ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
          |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
          |  |                                            |  |
    Customer |                                            | Customer
    Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
             |                                            |
             |                                            |
       native HDLC/PPP service                   native HDLC/PPP service

                |                PE                 |
        +---+   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
        |   |   |P|  |     |  |PW ter|  | PSN  |  |P|
        |   |<==|h|<=| NSP |<=|minati|<=|Tunnel|<=|h|<== From PSN
        |   |   |y|  |     |  |on    |  |      |  |y|
        | C |   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
        | E |   |                                   |
        |   |   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
        |   |   |P|  |     |  |PW ter|  | PSN  |  |P|
        |   |==>|h|=>| NSP |=>|minati|=>|Tunnel|=>|h|==> To PSN
        |   |   |y|  |     |  |on    |  |      |  |y|
        +---+   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
                |                                   |
                        ^        ^          ^
                        |        |          |
                        A        B          C

              +------+                          +-------+
              | FR   |                          |   FR  |
              |device|         FR UNI/NNI       | device|
              |    [P1]------------------------[P2]     |
              |      |      carrying n FR VCs   |       |
              +------+                          +-------+

                    |                              |
                     +----+                  +----+
   +------+          |    |     One PW       |    |         +------+
   |      |          |    |==================|    |         |      |
   |  FR  |    FR    | PE1| carrying n FR VCs| PE2|    FR   |  FR  |
   |device|----------|    |                  |    |---------|device|
   | CE1  | UNI/NNI  |    |                  |    | UNI/NNI | CE2  |
   +------+          +----+                  +----+         +------+
          |                                                 |
                                  n FR VCs

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
         | PW End   V    V                  V    V  PW End  |
         V Service  +----+                  +----+  Service V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
         |  |       (PE1)                    (PE2)       |  |
   Customer |                                            | Customer
   Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
    Attachment Circuit (AC)                    Attachment Circuit (AC)
   native frame relay service                 native frame relay service

                          (Initial IKEv2 Exchange)
       Old IP   +--+        +---+                    v
       address  |MN|------> |OAR| -------------V     v
                +--+        +---+ Old path     V     v
                 .                          +----+   v>>>>> +--+
                 .move                      | R  | -------> |GW|
                 .                          |    |    >>>>> |  |
                 v                          +----+   ^      +--+
                +--+        +---+ New path     ^     ^
       New IP   |MN|------> |NAR|--------------^     ^
       address  +--+        +---+                    ^
                          (MOBIKE Address Update)

     +------------+                                  +------------+
     | Peer A     |           *~~~~~~~~~*            | Peer B     |
     |            |>>>>>>>>>> * Network   *>>>>>>>>>>|            |
     |      IP_A1 +-------->+             +--------->+ IP_B1      |
     |            |         |             |          |            |
     |      IP_A2 +********>+             +*********>+ IP_B2      |
     |            |          *           *           |            |
     +------------+           *~~~~~~~~~*            +------------+

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
         | PW End   V    V                  V    V  PW End  |
         V Service  +----+                  +----+  Service V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
         |  |                                            |  |
   Customer |                                            | Customer
   Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
      native service                               native service

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |          |<---Fragmentation Domain--->|          |
         |          ||<------- Pseudowire ----->||          |
         |          ||                          ||          |
         |          ||   |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|   ||          |
         | PW End   VV   V                  V   VV  PW End  |
         V Service  +----+                  +----+  Service V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
         |  |                                            |  |
   Customer |                                            | Customer
   Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
      native service                               native service

                0             7 8            15
               |B|E|0|0|    sequence number    |

   First 6 bits | P-Bit | PLEN |  Packet              |  Remarks
   of Payload   |(payload hdr.)|                      |
   100000       |   1   |  0   |  Picture             | Typical Picture
   100000       |   1   | > 0  |  Picture             | Note UFEP
   1xxxxx       |   1   |  0   |  GOB/Slice/EOS/EOSBS | See possible GNs
   1xxxxx       |   1   | > 0  |  GOB/Slice           | See possible GNs
   Xxxxxx       |   0   |  0   |  Follow-on           |
   Xxxxxx       |   0   | > 0  |  Follow-on           | Interior Resync
  --         __10.32.0.0 -
   C1:        \       /  C7:
                            \     /
                             +----+                              +----+ -  |    |                              |    |
   C2:       \ |    |  _10.24.12.0 -  |    |
                            \|    | / C4:        \ |    |
                             |    |/                            \|    | -| PA |\                             | PB |
   C3:          |    | \__10.24.32.0 -|    |
                             |    |    C5:         |    |
                             |    |                              |    | -|    |                              |    |
   C6:         |    |                              |    |
                             +----+                              +----+
                               ||                                  ||
   routing advertisements:     ||                                  ||
                               ||                                  ||
  (C4)  ||     (C4)  ||
  (C7)   ||     (C5)  ||
  (PA)   ||     (PB)   ||
                               ||                                  ||
                               VV                                  VV
                            +---------- BACKBONE NETWORK BB ----------+

                                         +-----+           +-----+
       +--+              +---+           |     |           |     |
       |PC|--------------|CPE|-----------|DSLAM|-----------| BRAS|
       +--+  <Ethernet>  +---+   <ATM>   |     |   <ATM>   |     |
                                         +-----+           +-----+

                                         +-----+            +-----+
       +--+              +---+           |     |            |     |
       |PC|--------------| RG|-----------|DSLAM|------------| BRAS|
       +--+  <Ethernet>  +---+   <ATM>   |     |   <GigE>   |     |
                                         +-----+            +-----+

                                        +-----+            +-----+
     +--+              +---+            |     |            |     |
     |PC|--------------| RG|------------|DSLAM|------------| BRAS|
     +--+  <Ethernet>  +---+    <ATM>   |     |   <GigE>   |     |
                                        +-----+            +-----+

                                        +-----+            +-----+
     +--+              +---+            |     |            |     |
     |PC|--------------|CPE|------------|DSLAM|------------| BRAS|
     +--+    <ATM>     +---+    <ATM>   |     |   <GigE>   |     |
                                        +-----+            +-----+

                     | IASP(ASA+MSA)              |
        +----+    +-----+         +----+          |
        | MN |--- | NAS |         | HA |          |
        +----+    +-----+         +----+          |
                     | \            \             |
                     |  \ +------+   \ +-------+  |
                     |   -|AAA-NA|    -|AAA-MIP|  |
                     |    +------+     +-------+  |

                +--------------+   +--------+
                |              |   |Serving |
                | ASP          |   | MSP    |
   +----+    +-----+           |   | +----+ |
   | MN |--- | NAS |           |   | | HA | |  +-------------------+
   +----+    +-----+           |===| +----+ |  | MSA               |
                | \            |   |    \   || (e.g., corporate NW)|
                |  \ +------+  |   |     \     | +-------+         |
                |   -|AAA-NA|  |   |      -------|AAA-MIP|         |
                |    +------+  |   |        |  | +-------+         |
                +------------  +   +--------+  +-------------------+

       initial        new DNSKEY        DS change       DNSKEY removal
       SOA0           -------->         SOA1            -------->
       RRSIGpar(SOA0) -------->         RRSIGpar(SOA1)  -------->
       DS1            -------->         DS2             -------->
       RRSIGpar(DS)   -------->         RRSIGpar(DS)    -------->

       SOA0            SOA1             -------->       SOA2
       RRSIG10(SOA0)   RRSIG10(SOA1)    -------->       RRSIG10(SOA2)
       DNSKEY1         DNSKEY1          -------->       DNSKEY2
                       DNSKEY2          -------->
       DNSKEY10        DNSKEY10         -------->       DNSKEY10
       RRSIG1 (DNSKEY) RRSIG1 (DNSKEY)  -------->       RRSIG2 (DNSKEY)
                       RRSIG2 (DNSKEY)  -------->
       RRSIG10(DNSKEY) RRSIG10(DNSKEY)  -------->       RRSIG10(DNSKEY)

     initial         new DS           new DNSKEY      DS/DNSKEY removal
     SOA0            SOA1             -------->       SOA2
     RRSIGpar(SOA0)  RRSIGpar(SOA1)   -------->       RRSIGpar(SOA2)
     DS1             DS1              -------->       DS2
                     DS2              -------->
     RRSIGpar(DS)    RRSIGpar(DS)     -------->       RRSIGpar(DS)

     SOA0            -------->        SOA1            SOA1
     RRSIG10(SOA0)   -------->        RRSIG10(SOA1)   RRSIG10(SOA1)
     DNSKEY1         -------->        DNSKEY2         DNSKEY2
     DNSKEY10        -------->        DNSKEY10        DNSKEY10
     RRSIG1 (DNSKEY) -------->        RRSIG2(DNSKEY)  RRSIG2 (DNSKEY)
     RRSIG10(DNSKEY) -------->        RRSIG10(DNSKEY) RRSIG10(DNSKEY)

            +--first octet--+-second octet--+--third octet--+
            |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
            |5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|

                        1          2          3
             01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901 23456789
            |< 1 >< 2| >< 3 ><|.4 >< 5.|>< 6 ><.|7 >< 8 >|
                                                    <===> 8th character
                                              <====> 7th character
                                         <===> 6th character
                                   <====> 5th character
                             <====> 4th character
                        <===> 3rd character
                  <====> 2nd character
             <===> 1st character

   I_message = HDR, T, RAND, [IDi], IDr,
               {SP}, DHi, KEMAC
                    ----------------------->   R_message = HDR, T,
                                                [IDr], IDi, DHr,
                                                DHi, KEMAC

   I_message = HDR, T, [IDi], IDr,
               {SP}, [DHi], KEMAC
                    ----------------------->   R_message = HDR, T,
                                                [IDr], IDi,
                                                [DHr, DHi], KEMAC

   mobile node              home agent          correspondent node
        |                       |                       |
        |                       |                       |
        |--Home Test Init------>|---------------------->|
        |                       |                       |
        |                       |                       |
        |<----------------------|<-----------Home Test--|
        |                       |                       |
        |                                               |
      ~~+~~ handoff                                     |
        |                                               |
        |--Early Binding Update------------------------>| -+-
        |--Care-of Test Init -------------------------->|  |
        |                                               |  |
        |                                               |  | care-of
        |<----------------Early Binding Acknowledgment--|  | address
        |<-------------------------------Care-of Test---|  | unverified
        |                                               |  |
        |                                               |  |
        |--Binding Update------------------------------>| -+-
        |                                               |
        |                                               |
        |<----------------------Binding Acknowledgment--|
        |                                               |

         mobile node           correspondent node
              |                        |
              |                        |
      address |--data----------------->| credit += size(data)
     verified |                        |
              |--data----------------->| credit += size(data)
              |<-----------------data--| don't change credit
              |                        |
      address + address change         |
   unverified |<-----------------data--| credit -= size(data)
              |--data----------------->| credit += size(data)
              |<-----------------data--| credit -= size(data)
              |                        |
              |<-----------------data--| credit -= size(data)
              |                        X credit < size(data)
              |                        |     ==> Do not send!
      address |                        |
     verified |<-----------------data--| don't change credit
              |                        |

                -------------------     -------
               |R1                 |   |R2     |
               |                   |   |       |    ------
               |  L1    L2    L3   |   |   L4  |   |R3    |
               |   :     :     :   |   |   :   |   |      |
               |   :     :     :   |   |   :   |   |  L5  |
   Control      ---+-----+-----+---     ---+---    |   :  |
   Plane           :     :     :           :       |   :  |
   Data            :     :     :           :       |   :  |
   Plane          --     :    --          --       |  --  |
                  -- \   :  / --          --       |  --  |
                      \ -- /                       |      |
                       |P2|                         ------

                   ------                        ------
                  |      |                      |      |
                  |  L1  |                      |  L2  |
                  |  :   |                      |  :   |
                  |  : R1|                      |  : R2|
   Control Plane   --+---                        --+---
   Elements          :                             :
   Data Plane        :                             :
   Elements          :                             :
                |    :                             :     |
                |   ---            ---            ---    |
                |  |   |----------| P |----------|   |   |
             ---+--|   |           ---           |   |---+---
                |  |   |                         |   |   |
                |  | P1|-------------------------| P2|   |
                |   ---                           ---    |

                      |R4            |
                      |              |
                      |      L6      |
                      |       :      |
                      |    ......    |
   Control Plane          :      :
   Data Plane             :      :
                      |P8 :      :   |
                      |  --      --  |
                    --+-|P |----|P |-+--
                      |  --      --  |

                |   ---------   | Routing   ----------
                |  |         |  | Protocol |          |
                |  |   TED   |<-+----------+->        |
                |  |         |  |          |          |
                |   ---------   |          |          |
                |      |        |          |          |
                |      | Input  |          |          |
                |      v        |          |          |
                |   ---------   |          |          |
                |  |         |  |          | Adjacent |
                |  |   PCE   |  |          |   Node   |
                |  |         |  |          |          |
                |   ---------   |          |          |
                |      ^        |          |          |
                |      |Request |          |          |
                |      |Response|          |          |
                |      v        |          |          |
                |   ---------   |          |          |
       Service  |  |         |  | Signaling|          |
        Request |  |Signaling|  | Protocol |          |
          ------+->| Engine  |<-+----------+->        |
                |  |         |  |          |          |
                |   ---------   |           ----------

              |  -----   |
              | | TED |<-+----------->
              |  -----   |  TED synchronization
              |    |     |  mechanism (for example, routing protocol)
              |    |     |
              |    v     |
              |  -----   |
              | | PCE |  |
              |  -----   |
                   | Request/
                   | Response
      Service  ----------  Signaling   ----------
      Request | Head-End | Protocol   | Adjacent |
         ---->|  Node    |<---------->|   Node   |
               ----------              ----------

            ----------           ----------
           |          |         |          |
           |   PCE    |         |   PCE    |
           |          |         |          |
           |   -----  |         |   -----  |
           |  | TED | |         |  | TED | |
           |   -----  |         |   -----  |
            ----------           ----------
                ^                     ^
                | Request/            | Request/
                | Response            | Response
                v                     v
   Service  --------  Signaling  ------------  Signaling  ------------
   Request |Head-End| Protocol  |Intermediate| Protocol  |Intermediate|
      ---->|  Node  |<--------->|    Node    |<--------->|    Node    |
            --------             ------------             ------------

             ----------                                      ----------
            |          |   Inter-PCE Request/Response      |          |
            |   PCE    |<--------------------------------->|   PCE    |
            |          |                                   |          |
            |   -----  |                                   |   -----  |
            |  | TED | |                                   |  | TED | |
            |   -----  |                                   |   -----  |
             ----------                                     ----------
                 | Request/
                 | Response
   Service  ----------  Signaling   ----------  Signaling   ----------
   Request | Head-End | Protocol   | Adjacent | Protocol   | Adjacent |
      ---->|  Node    |<---------->|   Node   |<---------->|   Node   |
            ----------              ----------              ----------

                                |   -----   |
            Service             |  | TED |<-+----------->
            Request             |   -----   |  TED synchronization
               |                |     |     |  mechanism (for example,
               v                |     |     |  routing protocol)
         ------------- Request/ |     v     |
        |             | Response|   -----   |
        |     NMS     |<--------+> | PCE |  |
        |             |         |   -----   |
         -------------           -----------
       Service |
       Request |
          ----------  Signaling   ----------
         | Head-End | Protocol   | Adjacent |
         |  Node    |<---------->|   Node   |
          ----------              ----------

             |                  ---------   | Routing   ----------
             |                 |         |  | Protocol |          |
             |                 |   TED   |<-+----------+->        |
             |                 |         |  |          |          |
             |                  ---------   |          |          |
             |                     |        |          |          |
             |                     | Input  |          |          |
             |                     v        |          |          |
             |   ---------      ---------   |          |          |
             |  | Policy  |    |         |  |          | Adjacent |
             |  |Component|--->|   PCE   |  |          |   Node   |
             |  |         |    |         |  |          |          |
             |   ---------      ---------   |          |          |
             |                     ^        |          |          |
             |                     |Request |          |          |
             |                     |Response|          |          |
             |                     v        |          |          |
             |                  ---------   |          |          |
    Service  |                 |         |  | Signaling|          |
     Request |                 |Signaling|  | Protocol |          |
       ------+---------------->| Engine  |<-+----------+->        |
             |                 |         |  |          |          |
             |                  ---------   |           ----------

      ------------------                             ------------------
     |                  | Inter-PCE Request/Response|                  |
     |       PCE        |<------------------------->|       PCE        |
     |                  |                           |                  |
     |  ------   -----  |                           |  ------   -----  |
     | |Policy| | TED | |                           | |Policy| | TED | |
     |  ------   -----  |                           |  ------   -----  |
      ------------------                             ------------------
                | Request/
                | Response
   Service ----------  Signaling   ----------  Signaling   ----------
   Request| Head-End | Protocol   | Adjacent | Protocol   | Adjacent |
     ---->|  Node    |<---------->|   Node   |<---------->|   Node   |
           ----------              ----------              ----------

       +-----------------+                   +------------------+
       | Control-Client  |<--OWAMP-Control-->| Server           |
       | Fetch-Client    |                   |                  |
       | Session-Sender  |---OWAMP-Test----->| Session-Receiver |
       +-----------------+                   +------------------+

       | Top Level Document: multipart/related     |
       |                                           |
       | +---------------------------------------+ |
       | | Part A: application/rlmi+xml          | |
       | +---------------------------------------+ |
       | | Part B: multipart/related             | |
       | |                                       | |
       | | +-----------------------------------+ | |
       | | | Part D: application/rlmi+xml      | | |
       | | +-----------------------------------+ | |
       | | | Part E: application/pidf+xml      | | |
       | | +-----------------------------------+ | |
       | | | Part F: application/pidf+xml      | | |
       | | +-----------------------------------+ | |
       | |                                       | |
       | +---------------------------------------+ |
       | | Part C: application/pidf+xml          | |
       | +---------------------------------------+ |
       |                                           |

     |                |  |
   1 |---SUBSCRIBE--->|                |                |
   2 |<-----200-------|                |                |
   3 |<----NOTIFY-----|                |                |
   4 |------200------>|                |                |
   5 |                |---SUBSCRIBE--->|                |
   6 |                |<-----200-------|                |
   7 |                |<----NOTIFY-----|                |
   8 |                |------200------>|                |
   9 |                |------------SUBSCRIBE----------->|
   10|                |<--------------200---------------|
   11|                |<-------------NOTIFY-------------|
   12|                |---------------200-------------->|
   13|<----NOTIFY-----|                |                |
   14|------200------>|                |                |

                         |-----Routed Backbone-----|
                         |     (P Routers)         |PSN Tunnels,
   Emulated LAN          |                         |Pseudowires
 .                       |                         |                   .
 . |---------------------|----|           |--------|-----------------| .
 . | --------------------|--- |           | -------|---------------- | .
 . |      VPLS Forwarder      |           |      VPLS Forwarder      | .
 . | ----------|------------- |           | ----------|------------- | .
   |           | Emulated LAN |           |           | Emulated LAN |
   |           | Interface    | VPLS-PEs  |           | Interface    |
   |           |              |  <---->   |           |              |
   | ----------|------------  |           | ----------|------------  |
   | |       Bridge        |  |           | |       Bridge        |  |
   | -|--------|---------|--  |           | ---|-------|---------|-  |
   |--|--------|---------|----|           |----|-------|---------|---|
      |        |         |                     |       |         |
      |        | Access  |                     |       | Access  |
      |        | Networks|                     |       | Networks|
      |        |         |                     |       |         |
      |        |         |                     |       |         |
           CE devices                                CE devices

                   Functionality       . . . . . . .
               . . . . . . . . . . .   .           .
               .                   .   .           .
       +----+  .  +----+    +----+ .   .  Service  .
       | CE |--.--|U-PE|----|N-PE|-.---.  Provider .
       +----+  .  +----+    +----+ .   .  Backbone .
               . . . . . . . . . . .   .           .

                                 |        |
                    +------------+  SG 1  +--------------+
        +-------+   |  SS7 links | "STP"  |  IP network  |     ----
        |  SEP  +---+            +--------+              +---/      \
        |   or  |                    |*                      | ASPs  |
        |  STP  +---+            +--------+              +---\      /
        +-------+   |            |        |              |     ----
                    +------------+  SG 2  +--------------+
                                 | "STP"  |

                                      |              |
               +----------------------|  ASP-ACTIVE  |
               |   Other ASP/ +-------|              |
               |   IPSP in AS |       +--------------+
               |    Overrides |           ^     |
               |              |    ASPAC/ |     | ASPIA/
               |              |[ASPAC-Ack]|     | [ASPIA-Ack]
               |              |           |     v
               |              |       +--------------+
               |              |       |              |
               |              +------>| ASP-INACTIVE |
               |                      |              |
               |                      +--------------+
               |                          ^     |
        ASPDN/ |                          |     | ASPDN /
   [ASPDN-Ack/]|                   ASPUP/ |     | [ASPDN-Ack /]
     SCTP CDI/ |              [ASPUP-Ack] |     | SCTP CDI/
     SCTP RI   |                          |     | SCTP RI
               |                          |     v
               |                      +--------------+
               |                      |              |
               +--------------------->|   ASP-DOWN   |
                                      |              |

                 SGP                             ASP1
                  |                               |
                  |<-------------ASP Up-----------|
                  |-----------ASP Up Ack--------->|
                  |                               |
                  |                               |
                  |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|  RC: Routing Context
                  |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|      (optional)
                  |                               |
                  |                               |

                SGP                             ASP1
                 |                               |
                 |<------------ASP Up------------|
                 |----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                 |                               |
                 |                               |
                 |<----REGISTER REQ(LRCn,RKn)----|  LRC: Local Routing
                 |                               |       Key Id
                 |----REGISTER RESP(LRCn,RCn)--->|   RK: Routing Key
                 |                               |   RC: Routing Context
                 |                               |
                 |                               |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|
                 |                               |
                 |                               |

                SGP                             ASP1
                 |                               |
                 |<------------ASP Up------------|
                 |----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                 |                               |
                 |<----REGISTER REQ(LRC1,RK1)----|  LRC: Local Routing
                 |                               |       Key Id
                 |----REGISTER RESP(LRC1,RC1)--->|   RK: Routing Key
                 |                               |   RC: Routing Context
                 |                               |
                 |                               |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RC1)-------|
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RC1)----->|
                 |                               |
                 |                               |
                 ~                               ~
                 |                               |
                 |<----REGISTER REQ(LRCn,RKn)----|
                 |                               |
                 |----REGISTER RESP(LRCn,RCn)--->|
                 |                               |
                 |                               |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|
                 |                               |
                 |                               |

                  SGP                             ASP1
                   |                               |
                   |<------------ASP Up------------|
                   |----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                   |                               |
                   |                               |
                   |<---REGISTER REQ({LRC1,RK1},   |
                   |                   ...,        |
                   |                 {LRCn,RKn}),--|
                   |                               |
                   |---REGISTER RESP({LRC1,RC1},-->|
                   |                  ...,         |
                   |                 (LRCn,RCn})   |
                   |                               |
                   |                               |
                   |                               |
                   |<------- ASP Active(RC1)-------|
                   |-----ASP Active Ack (RC1)----->|
                   |                               |
                   |                               |
                   :                               :
                   :                               :
                   |                               |
                   |<------- ASP Active(RCn)-------|
                   |-----ASP Active Ack (RCn)----->|
                   |                               |
                   |                               |

         SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
          |                        |                          |
          |<--------ASP Up---------|                          |
          |-------ASP Up Ack------>|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |--NOTIFY(AS-INACTIVE)-->|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |<----------------------------ASP Up----------------|
          |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------>|
          |                        |                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |<-------ASP Active------|                          |
          |------ASP Active Ack--->|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |---NOTIFY(AS-ACTIVE)--->|                          |
          |                        |                          |

         SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
          |                        |                          |
          |<---------ASP Up--------|                          |
          |--------ASP Up Ack----->|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |--NOTIFY(AS-INACTIVE)-->|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |<-----------------------------ASP Up---------------|
          |----------------------------ASP Up Ack------------>|
          |                        |                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |<--ASP Active (Ldshr)---|                          |
          |-----ASP-Active Ack---->|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |---NOTIFY (AS-ACTIVE)-->|                          |
          |                        |                          |
          |<---------------------------ASP Active (Ldshr)-----|
          |------------------------------ASP Active Ack------>|
          |                        |                          |

        SGP                 ASP1                ASP2                ASP3
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<------ASP Up------|                   |                   |
          |-----ASP Up Ack--->|                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |NTFY(AS-INACTIVE)->|                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<-------------------------ASP Up-------|                   |
          |------------------------ASP Up Ack---->|                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |------------------NOTIFY(AS-INACTIVE)->|                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<--------------------------------------------ASP Up--------|
          |--------------------------------------------ASP Up Ack---->|
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<--ASP Act (Ldshr)-|                   |                   |
          |----ASP Act Ack--->|                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<-------------------ASP Act. (Ldshr)---|                   |
          |----------------------ASP Act Ack----->|                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |--NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)->|                   |                   |
          |--------------------NOTIFY(AS-ACTIVE)->|                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |

               SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
                |                        |                          |
                |<-----ASP Inactive------|                          |
                |----ASP Inactive Ack--->|                          |
                |                        |                          |
                |----NTFY(AS-PENDING)--->|                          |
                |                        |                          |
                |<----------------------------- ASP Active----------|
                |-----------------------------ASP Active Ack------->|
                |                        |                          |
                |----NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)---->|                          |

               SGP                      ASP1                       ASP2
                |                        |                          |
                |<----------------------------- ASP Active----------|
                |------------------------------ASP Active Ack------>|
                |----NTFY(Alt ASP-Act)-->|                          |
                |                        |                          |

        SGP                 ASP1                ASP2                ASP3
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<----ASP Inact.----|                   |                   |
          |---ASP Inact Ack-->|                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |--NTFY(Ins. ASPs)->|                   |                   |
          |---------------------------------------NOTIFY(Ins. ASPs)-->|
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |<----------------------------------------ASP Act (Ldshr)---|
          |------------------------------------------ASP Act (Ack)--->|
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |-NTFY(AS-ACTIVE)-->|                   |                   |
          |-------------------NOTIFY(AS-ACTIVE)-->|                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |
          |                   |                   |                   |

               SGP                            ASP1
                |                              |
                |<-----ASP Inactive (RCn)------|    RC: Routing Context
                |----ASP Inactive Ack (RCn)--->|
                |                              |
                |<-----DEREGISTER REQ(RCn)-----|    See Notes
                |                              |
                |---DEREGISTER RESP(LRCn,RCn)->|
                |                              |
                :                              :
                |                              |
                |<-----------ASP Down----------|
                |---------ASP Down Ack-------->|
                |                              |

          ASP                          SGP
          ---                          ---
           |  -------- DAUD --------->  |
           |  <------ SCON(0) --------  |
           |  <------- DAVA ----------  |

          ASP                          SGP
          ---                          ---
           |  -------- DAUD --------->  |
           |  <------ SCON(2) --------  |
           |  <------- DAVA ----------  |

          ASP                          SGP
          ---                          ---
           |  -------- DAUD --------->  |
           |  <------- DAVA ----------  |

          ASP                          SGP
          ---                          ---
           |  -------- DAUD --------->  |
           |  <------- DUNA ----------  |

            SGP                        ASP
             |                          |
             |                          |
             |                          |

                      SGP                       ASP
                       |                         |
    --MTP-PAUSE ind.-->|---------DUNA----------->|--MTP-PAUSE ind.-->
                       |                         |  Destination Available

                        SGP                       ASP
                         |                         |
     --MTP-RESUME ind.-->|-----------DAVA--------->|--MTP-RESUME ind.-->
                         |                         |

                        SGP                       ASP
                         |                         |
     --MTP-STATUS ind.-->|-----------SCON--------->|--MTP-STATUS ind.-->
                         |                         |

                      SGP                       ASP
                       |                         |
   --MTP-STATUS ind.-->|----------DUPU---------->|--MTP-STATUS ind.-->
                       |                         |

               IPSP-A                           IPSP-B
                 |                                |
                 |-------------ASP Up------------>|
                 |<----------ASP Up Ack-----------|
                 |                                |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RCb)------>|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |                                |
                 |<=========  DATA (RCb) ========>|
                 |                                |
                 |<-----ASP Inactive (RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |----ASP Inactive Ack (RCb)----->|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |<-----------ASP Down------------|
                 |---------ASP Down Ack---------->|
                 |                                |

               IPSP-A                           IPSP-B
                 |                                |
                 |<-------------ASP Up------------|
                 |-----------ASP Up Ack---------->|
                 |                                |
                 |-------------ASP Up------------>|  (optional)
                 |<----------ASP Up Ack-----------|  (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |<------- ASP Active(RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |-----ASP Active Ack (RCb)------>|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |------- ASP Active(RCa)-------->|  RC: Routing Context
                 |<-----ASP Active Ack (RCa)------|      (optional)
                 |                                |
                 |<=========  DATA (RCa) =========|
                 |==========  DATA (RCb) ========>|
                 |                                |
                 |<-----ASP Inactive (RCb)--------|  RC: Routing Context
                 |----ASP Inactive Ack (RCb)----->|
                 |                                |
                 |------ASP Inactive (RCa)------->|  RC: Routing Context
                 |<----ASP Inactive Ack (RCa)-----|
                 |                                |
                 |<-----------ASP Down------------|
                 |---------ASP Down Ack---------->|
                 |                                |
                 |------------ASP Down----------->|  (optional)
                 |<--------ASP Down Ack-----------|  (optional)
                 |                                |

   Host#1 **************                          ************** Host#3
          *  ********__*__________________________*__********  *   =
          *  *SGP1.1*__*_____      _______________*__* ASP1 *  *  MGC1
          *  ********  *     \    /               *  ********  *
          *  ********__*______\__/________________*__********  *
          *  *SGP2.1*__*_______\/______      _____*__* ASP2 *  *
          *  ********  *       /\      |    |     *  ********  *
          *      :     *      /  \     |    |     *      :     *
          *  ********  *     /    \    |    |     *  ********  *
          *  * SGPn *  *     |    |    |    |     *  * ASPn *  *
          *  ********  *     |    |    |    |     *  ********  *
          **************     |    |    |    |     **************
                             |    |    \    /
   Host#2 **************     |    |     \  /      ************** Host#4
          *  ********__*_____|    |______\/_______*__********  *   =
          *  *SGP1.2*__*_________________/\_______*__* ASP1 *  *  MGC2
          *  ********  *                /  \      *  ********  *
          *  ********__*_______________/    \_____*__********  *
          *  *SGP2.2*__*__________________________*__* ASP2 *  *
          *  ********  *                          *  ********  *
          *      :     *     SCTP Associations    *      :     *
          *  ********  *                          *  ********  *
          *  * SGPn *  *                          *  * ASPn *  *
          *  ********  *                          *  ********  *
          **************                          **************

   +----+  L2  +----+                      +----+  L2  +----+
   | CE |------| PE |....[core network]....| PE |------| CE |
   +----+      +----+                      +----+      +----+

                    |<- emulated service ->|
         |<----------------- L2 service -------------->|

          --------->     Pick Next
          |           Source Forwarder
          |                 |
          |                 |
          |                 v                  N
          |        Found Source Forwarder? ----------> End
          |                 |
          |              Y  |
          |                 v
          |              Pick Next     <--------------------------------
          |           Target Forwarder                                 |
          |                 |                                          |
          |                 |                                          |
          |  N              v                                          |
          -------- Found Target Forwarder?                             |
                            |                                          |
                         Y  |                                          |
                            v             Y                        Y   |
                      Same Router ID? ------> Same Forwarder ID? ------|
                            |                         |                |
                         N  |                      N  |                |
                            |                         v                |
                            |                      Create Local -------|
                            v                      Cross-connect       |
                    Pseudowire Already    Y                            |
                    Established Between -------------------------------|
                    Source and Target?                                 |
                            |                                          |
                         N  |                                          |
                            v                                          |
                 Local Initiates Pseudowire                            |
               Connection Request to Remote                            |
                            |                                          |
                            |                                          |
                            v                                          |
      ------->    Local Wait for Message                               |
      |           ----- from Remote   --------------                   |
      |           |                                |                   |
      |           |                                |                   |
      |           v                                v                   |
      |   Local Receives Pseudowire      Local Receives Pseudowire     |
      |     Connection Request             Connection Response         |
      |       from Remote                     from Remote              |
      |           |                                |                   |
      |           |                                |                   |
      |           v                                v             N     |
      |   Perform Pseudowire              Connection Accepted? --------|
      |   Tie Detection                            |                   |

      |           |                             Y  |                   |
      |           |                                v                   |
      |           |                        Local Binds Source ---------|
      |           |                      Forwarder to Pseudowire       |
      |           |                                                    |
      |           v             N                  N                   |
      |       Tie Detected?  -----> Accept Remote ----->  Reject ------|
      |           |             Connection Request?    Remote Request  |
      |        Y  |                        ^   |                       |
      |           v                        |   |   Y                   |
      |   Perform Tie Breaking             |   ------>  Local Binds ----
      |           |                        |         Source Forwarder
      |           |                        |           to Pseudowire
      |           v             N          |
      |   Won Tie Breaking?  ------>   Disconnect
      |           |                  Local Connection
      |        Y  |
      |           v
      ------ Ignore Remote
            Connection Request

              +---------------+                      +---------------+
    User 1----|               |  Disconnect-Request  |               |
              |    Dynamic    |     CoA-Request      |    Dynamic    |
    User 2----| Authorization |<---------------------| Authorization |
              |    Server     |--------------------->|    Client     |
    User 3----|     (DAS)     |    Disconnect-Ack    |     (DAC)     |
              |               |    Disconnect-NAK    |               |
              +---------------+    CoA-Ack/CoA-NAK   +---------------+

   <----------------AS1-------------------->           <----AS2---
    Area 1           Area 0        Area 2
             |               |             |           |
             |               |             |           |

                                  |    AVP Flag rules   |
                                  |    |     |SHLD| MUST|    |
   Attribute Name      Value Type |MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
   Egress-VLANID       OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Ingress-Filters     Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Egress-VLAN-Name    UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   User-Priority-Table OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |

                                            | Group  |
                                   -------->|Member 1|<--|
                                   |        ----------   |
                                   |                     |
     ---------        ----------   |        ----------   |
     |Request|<------>|  Load  |---|        | Group  |   |
     |Origins|<------>|Balancer|----------->|Member 2|<--|
     ---------        |        |---|        ----------   |
                      ----------   |                     |
                          ^        |        ----------   |
                          |        -------->| Group  |   |
                     SASP |                 |Member 3|<--|
                    -------                 ----------   |
                    |                                    |
                    |      --------------------          |
                    |      |     Group        |     SASP |
                    ------>| Workload Manager |<----------

   |            |T| Type (SASP Header Type)        |
   |    SASP    |----------------------------------|
   |   Header   |L| Length of SASP header TLV      |
   |            |----------------------------------|
   |            |V| Header fields                  |
   |            |T| Type (Message Type)            |
   |  Message   |----------------------------------|
   |    Type    |L| Length of this Message Type TLV|
   | Component  |----------------------------------|
   |            |V| Component fields               |
   |            |T| Type (Component Type)          |
   |            |----------------------------------|
   |Component-1 |L| Length of this TLV             |
   |            |----------------------------------|
   |            |V| Component fields               |
   | ...                                           |
   |            |T| Type (Component Type)          |
   |            |----------------------------------|
   |Component-n |L| Length of this TLV             |
   |            |----------------------------------|
   |            |V| Component fields               |

   < xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, xxxx...........xxxx >
     |-----------------|  |-----------------|  |-----------------|
        Type(2 bytes)       Length(2 bytes)      Value(variable)

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x2010     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x000D     |
   | | Version | 1 byte  | 0x01       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   |V| Mesg Len| 4 bytes | 0x0000 006A|
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | | Mesg ID | 4 bytes | 0x3200 0000|

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x1035     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x0009     |
   | | RetCode | 1 byte  | 0x00       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   |V| Interval| 2 bytes | 0x0040     |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |GWD Count| 2 bytes | 0x0001     |
   *GWD Count = Group of Weight Data Count

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x4011     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x0006     |
   |V| WE Count| 2 bytes | 0x0002     |
   *WE Count = Weight Entry Count

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x3011     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x000E     |
   | |LBUID len| 1 byte  | 0x03       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |  LBUID  | 3 bytes | "LB1" or   |
   | |         |         | 0x4C 42 31 |
   | |GroupName| 1 byte  | 0x05       |
   | | Length  |         |            |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |  Group  |         | "FARM1" or |
   | |  Name   | 5 bytes | 0x46 41 52 |
   | |         |         |   4D 31    |

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x3010     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x0018     |
   | | Protocol| 1 byte  | 0x06       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |  Port   | 2 bytes | 0x0050     |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   |V|   IP    |16 bytes | 0x0000 0000|
   | | Address |         |   0000 0000|
   | |         |         |   0000 0000|
   | |         |         |   0A0A 0A01|
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |Label Len| 1 byte  | 0x00       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |  Label  | 0 bytes |            |

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x3012     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x0008     |
   | | State   | 1 byte  | 0x00       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   |V| Flags   | 1 byte  | 0x0D       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | | Weight  | 2 bytes | 0x0028     |

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x3010     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x0018     |
   | | Protocol| 1 byte  | 0x06       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |  Port   | 2 bytes | 0x0050     |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   |V|   IP    |16 bytes | 0x0000 0000|
   | | Address |         |   0000 0000|
   | |         |         |   0000 0000|
   | |         |         |   0A0A 0A02|
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |Label Len| 1 byte  | 0x00       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | |  Label  | 0 bytes |            |

   | | Field   |  Size   |   Value    |
   |T| Type    | 2 bytes | 0x3012     |
   |L| Length  | 2 bytes | 0x0008     |
   | | State   | 1 byte  | 0x00       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   |V| Flags   | 1 byte  | 0x0D       |
   | |---------|---------|------------|
   | | Weight  | 2 bytes | 0x0014     |

   ------------  Registration Request  ------------------
   |          |----------------------->|                |
   |   Load   |                        | Group Workload |
   | Balancer |  Registration Reply    |     Manager    |
   |          |<-----------------------|                |
   ------------                        ------------------

   ------------  Set LB State Request  ------------------
   |          |----------------------->|                |
   |   Load   |                        | Group Workload |
   | Balancer |  Set LB State Reply    |     Manager    |
   |          |<-----------------------|                |
   ------------                        ------------------

      Load                 Group Workload
    Balancer                   Manager
       |                         |
       | 1) Registration Request |
       |    Registration Reply   |
       |                         |
       | 2) Set LB State Request |
       |    Set LB State Reply   |
       |                         |
       | 3) Get Weights Request  |
       |    Get Weights Reply    |
       |                         | 4) Set Member State Req. --------
       |                         |<-------------------------|Member|
       |                         |------------------------->|  A   |
       |                         |  Set Member State Reply  --------
       |                         |
       |                         | 5) Set Member State Req. --------
       |                         |<-------------------------|Member|
       |                         |------------------------->|  C   |
       |                         |  Set Member State Reply  --------
       |                         |
       | 6) Get Weights Request  |
       |    Get Weights Reply    |
       |                         |
       |                         | 7) Set Member State Req. --------
       |                         |<-------------------------|Member|
       |                         |------------------------->|  C   |
       |                         |  Set Member State Reply  --------
       |                         |
       | 8) Get Weights Request  |
       |    Get Weights Reply    |
       |                         |

      Load                 Group Workload
    Balancer                   Manager
       |                         |
       | 1) Set LB State Request |
       |    Set LB State Reply   |
       |                         |
       |                         | 2) Registration Request  --------
       |                         |<-------------------------|Member|
       |                         |------------------------->|  A   |
       |                         |    Registration Reply    --------
       |                         |
       |                         | 3) Registration Request  --------
       |                         |<-------------------------|Member|
       |                         |------------------------->|  B   |
       |                         |    Registration Reply    --------
       |                         |
       | 4) Send Weights Mesg    |
       |                         |
       |                         | 5) Registration Request  --------
       |                         |<-------------------------|Member|
       |                         |------------------------->|  C   |
       |                         |    Registration Reply    --------
       |                         |
       | 6) Send Weights Mesg    |
       |                         |
       |7) Deregistration Request|
       |   Deregistration Reply  |
       |                         |

     Finished                     -------->
                                  <--------             Finished
     Application Data             <------->     Application Data

   ClientHello (no extensions) -------->                            |0
                                       ServerHello (no extensions)  |0
                                                      Certificate*  |0
                                                ServerKeyExchange*  |0
                                               CertificateRequest*  |0
                               <--------           ServerHelloDone  |0
   Certificate*                                                     |0
   ClientKeyExchange                                                |0
   CertificateVerify*                                               |0
   [ChangeCipherSpec]                                               |0
   Finished                    -------->                            |1
                                                [ChangeCipherSpec]  |0
                               <--------                  Finished  |1
   ClientHello (w/ extensions) -------->                            |1
                                       ServerHello (w/ extensions)  |1
                                                 SupplementalData*  |1
                                                      Certificate*  |1
                                                ServerKeyExchange*  |1
                                               CertificateRequest*  |1
                               <--------           ServerHelloDone  |1
   SupplementalData*                                                |1
   Certificate*                                                     |1
   ClientKeyExchange                                                |1
   CertificateVerify*                                               |1
   [ChangeCipherSpec]                                               |1
   Finished                    -------->                            |2
                                                [ChangeCipherSpec]  |1
                               <--------                  Finished  |2
   Application Data            <------->          Application Data  |2

       /* with user_mapping ext */ -------->
                                      /* with user-mapping ext */
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone

                     | +---+    +---+    +---+          |
                     | | a | -- | b | -- | c |          |
                     | +---+    +---+    +---+          |
                     |   |        |                     |
                     |   |        |                     |
                     | +---+    +---+    +---+    +---+ |
                     | | d | -- | e | -- | f | -- | j | |
                     | +---+    +---+    +---+    +---+ |
                     |        /            |            |
                     |       /             |            |
                     | +---+    +---+    +---+          |
                     | | g | -- | h | -- | i |          |
                     | +---+    +---+    +---+          |

    |         64 - m bits    |   m bits  |       64 bits              |
    | global routing prefix  | subnet ID |       interface ID         |

          Prefix Length (bits)
          | Limited    HD-Ratio
          |  Levels    0.98    0.94    0.90    0.86    0.82    0.80
          |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
          1   0.750   0.986   0.959   0.933   0.908   0.883   0.871
          4   0.750   0.946   0.847   0.758   0.678   0.607   0.574
          8   0.750   0.895   0.717   0.574   0.460   0.369   0.330
         12   0.563   0.847   0.607   0.435   0.312   0.224   0.189
         16   0.563   0.801   0.514   0.330   0.212   0.136   0.109
         20   0.422   0.758   0.435   0.250   0.144   0.082   0.062
         24   0.422   0.717   0.369   0.189   0.097   0.050   0.036
         28   0.316   0.678   0.312   0.144   0.066   0.030   0.021
         32   0.316   0.642   0.264   0.109   0.045   0.018   0.012
         36   0.237   0.607   0.224   0.082   0.030   0.011   0.007
         40   0.237   0.574   0.189   0.062   0.021   0.007   0.004
         44   0.178   0.543   0.160   0.047   0.014   0.004   0.002
         48   0.178   0.514   0.136   0.036   0.009   0.003   0.001

         | Sublist Position |  Head Status Octet | Tail Status Octet |
         |    first         |       0xF0         |       0xF0        |
         |    middle        |       0xF7         |       0xF0        |
         |    last          |       0xF7         |       0xF7        |
         |    cancel        |       0xF7         |       0xF4        |

       |     Channel Voice Messages     |      Bitfield Pattern      |
       | NoteOff (end a note)           | 1000cccc 0nnnnnnn 0vvvvvvv |
       | NoteOn (start a note)          | 1001cccc 0nnnnnnn 0vvvvvvv |
       | PTouch (Polyphonic Aftertouch) | 1010cccc 0nnnnnnn 0aaaaaaa |
       | CControl (Controller Change)   | 1011cccc 0xxxxxxx 0yyyyyyy |
       | PChange (Program Change)       | 1100cccc 0ppppppp          |
       | CTouch (Channel Aftertouch)    | 1101cccc 0aaaaaaa          |
       | PWheel (Pitch Wheel)           | 1110cccc 0xxxxxxx 0yyyyyyy |

       |      System Common Messages    |     Bitfield Pattern       |
       | System Exclusive               | 11110000, followed by a    |
       |                                | list of 0xxxxxx octets,    |
       |                                | followed by 11110111       |
       | MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame   | 11110001 0xxxxxxx          |
       | Song Position Pointer          | 11110010 0xxxxxxx 0yyyyyyy |
       | Song Select                    | 11110011 0xxxxxxx          |
       | Undefined                      | 11110100                   |
       | Undefined                      | 11110101                   |
       | Tune Request                   | 11110110                   |
       | System Exclusive End Marker    | 11110111                   |

       |    System Realtime Messages    |     Bitfield Pattern       |
       | Clock                          | 11111000                   |
       | Undefined                      | 11111001                   |
       | Start                          | 11111010                   |
       | Continue                       | 11111011                   |
       | Stop                           | 11111100                   |
       | Undefined                      | 11111101                   |
       | Active Sense                   | 11111110                   |
       | System Reset                   | 11111111                   |

   |                                                       |
   | Given the networks A, B, C, and D as follows:         |
   |                                                       |
   |    A    |---------------------------------|           |
   |    B                    |-----------------|           |
   |    C                       |---------|                |
   |    D      |-------|                                   |
   |                                                       |
   |                                                       |
   | Network A is less specific than B, C, and D.          |
   | Network B is more specific than A.                    |
   | Among these four networks, A is the least specific,   |
   |   and C and D are the most specific.                  |
   |                                                       |

   |                                                       |
   | Given networks E, F, and G:                           |
   |                                                       |
   |    E   |----------|                                   |
   |    F                |--------------|                  |
   |    G     |---|                                        |
   |                                                       |
   | Networks E and F are least specific networks.         |
   | Networks F and G are most specific networks.          |
   |                                                       |

       A  |-------------------------------|
       B  |---------------------------|
       C            |-------|
       Query  |- - - - - - - - - -|

       A  |-------------------------------|
       B  |---------------------------|
       C  |---------------------------|
       D            |-------|
       Query  |- - - - - - - - - -|

       A  |-------------------------------|
       B  |---------------------------|
       C  |---------------------------|
       D            |-------|
       Query        |- - - -|

       A       |------------------|
       B                           |-------------------------|
       C           |--------|
       D                                      |---------|

        Code   Len    Flags  RCODE1 RCODE2   Domain Name
       |  81  |   n  |      |      |      |       ...

     +---------+     +----------+        +----------+     +---------+
     |         |     |          +----/   |          |     |         |
     | Network |     | GigaBeam |   /    | GigaBeam |     | Network |
     | Device  +=====+  Radio   |  /---- +  Radio   +=====+ Device  |
     |         |     |          |        |          |     |         |
     +---------+  ^  +----------+   ^    +----------+  ^  +---------+
                  |                 |                  |
                  |                 |                  |
          Gigabit Ethernet          |          Gigabit Ethernet
                           GigaBeam Radio Link

       +-------+                                           +-------+
       +       |<---------------------1------------------->|       +
       +       |<---------------------2------------------->|       +
       | ATU-C <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>| ATU-R |
       +       |<---------------------3------------------->|       +
       +       |<---------------------4------------------->|       +
       +-------+                                           +-------+

          | Value |         ADSL operation mode description          |

          ..............   ..............     ...................
          .  NAS server.   .  NAS server.     .  NAS server     .
          .            .   .            .     .  alt.*,         .
          .  alt.*     .   .  Big8      .     .  !alt.binaries.*.
          ..............   ..............     ...................
          .  database  .   .  database  .     .  database       .
          ..............   ..............     ...................
                 ^            ^      ^                  ^
                 `--+      +--'      `------+      +----'
                    |      |                |      |
                 .------------.          .------------.
                 | NAS client |          | NAS client |
                 +------------+          +------------+
                 |  netnews   |          |  netnews   |
                 |  server    |          |  server    |
                 .------------.          .------------.

            ............     collects from >
            .  root NAS.-------------------------+
            .  server  .----------------+        |
            ............                |        |
            .  database.                |        |
            ............                |        |
                  ^ v                   |   ..........................
                  | |                   |   .  NAS server            .
                  | |distributes        |   .  authoritative for de.*.
           queries| |                   |   ..........................
                  | |                   |   .        database        .
                  ^ v                   |   ..........................
            ..............              |
            .  NAS server.              `--------+
            ..............                       |
            .  database  .                ...........................
            ..............                .  NAS server             .
              ^  ^  ^                     .  authoritative for bln.*.
              |  |  |  .---------.        ...........................
            q |  |  `--| netnews |        .        database         .
            u |  |     | server  |        ...........................
            e |  |     .---------.
            r |  |
            i |  |  .---------.
            e |  `--| admin   |
            s |     | program |
              |     .---------.
              |  .---------.
              `--| news    |
                 | reader  |

   +----------------------+        +---------------------------+
   |    IP End-Device     |        |    IP End-Device   >----+ |
   |+--------------------+|        |+--------------------+   | |
   || APPLICATION        ||        || APPLICATION        |   | |
   ||  -Voice over IP   <----(1)----> -Voice over IP    >- + | |
   ||  -Instant Messaging||        ||  -Instant Messaging| | 3 |
   ||  -Email            ||        ||  -Email            | 2 | |
   |+--------------------+|        |+--------------------+ | | |
   |                      |        |                       | | |
   |                      |        | +------------------+  | | |
   +----------------------+        | |RAQMON Data Source|<-+ | |
                                   | |    (RDS)         |<---+ |
                                   | +------------------+      |
                                 (4) RAQMON PDU transported
                               over TCP or SNMP Notifications
                  |                            |
                  |/                           |/
     +------------------+      +------------------+       +------------+
     |RAQMON Report     |  ..  |RAQMON Report     |       | Management |
     |Collector (RRC) #n|      |Collector (RRC) #1|<--5-->| Application|
     +------------------+      +------------------+       +------------+

   |  Bit Sequence  |    Presence/Absence of corresponding Parameter   |
   |     Number     |              within this RAQMON PDU              |
   |        0       |             Data Source Address (DA)             |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        1       |               Receiver Address (RA)              |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        2       |                   NTP Timestamp                  |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        3       |                 Application Name                 |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        4       |               Data Source Name (DN)              |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        5       |                Receiver Name (RN)                |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        6       |               Session Setup Status               |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        7       |                 Session Duration                 |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        8       |       Round-Trip End-to-End Net Delay (RTT)      |
   |                |                                                  |
   |        9       |      One-Way End-to-End Network Delay (OWD)      |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       10       |              Cumulative Packets Loss             |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       11       |            Cumulative Packets Discards           |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       12       |         Total number of App Packets sent         |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       13       |       Total number of App Packets received       |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       14       |          Total number of App Octets sent         |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       15       |        Total number of App Octets received       |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       16       |           Data Source Device Port Used           |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       17       |             Receiver Device Port Used            |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       18       |              Source Layer 2 Priority             |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       19       |              Source Layer 3 Priority             |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       20       |           Destination Layer 2 Priority           |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       21       |           Destination Layer 3 Priority           |
   |                |                                                  |

   |       22       |                Source Payload Type               |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       23       |               Receiver Payload Type              |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       24       |                  CPU Utilization                 |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       25       |                Memory Utilization                |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       26       |                Session Setup Delay               |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       27       |                 Application Delay                |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       28       |             IP Packet Delay Variation            |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       29       |               Inter arrival Jitter               |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       30       |           Packet Discard (in fraction)           |
   |                |                                                  |
   |       31       |             Packet Loss (in fraction)            |

       Alice         Proxy          GW   Switch  PBX         Bob
         |             |             |      |     |           |
         |   INVITE    |             |      |     |           |
         |------------>|   INVITE    |      |     |           |
         |             |------------>| IAM  |     |           |
         |             |             |----->|SETUP|           |
         |             |             |      |---->|   SETUP   |
         |             |             |      |     |---------->|
         |             |             |      |     |           |

    Alice  Switch  GW1        Proxy        GW2  Switch  PBX         Bob
      |       |     |           |           |     |     |            |
      | SETUP |     |           |           |     |     |            |
      |------>| IAM |           |           |     |     |            |
      |       |---->|  INVITE   |           |     |     |            |
      |       |     |---------->|  INVITE   |     |     |            |
      |       |     |           |---------->| IAM |     |            |
      |       |     |           |           |---->|SETUP|            |
      |       |     |           |           |     |---->|   SETUP    |
      |       |     |           |           |     |     |----------->|
      |       |     |           |           |     |     |            |

           |    I D P    |                                    |
           |-------------|             D S P                  |
           | AFI |  IDI  |                                    |
           0     1       k     ...  Octets  ...         max. 20

           | IDP |                                            |
           |-----|                 D S P                      |
           | AFI |                                            |
           0     1            ...  Octets  ...          max. 20

                     |<----- Pseudowire ----->|
                     |                        |
                     |  |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|  |
        ATM Service  V  V                  V  V  ATM Service
             |     +----+                  +----+     |
   +----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +----+
   |    |----------|............PW1.............|----------|    |
   | CE1|    |     |    |                  |    |     |    |CE2 |
   |    |----------|............PW2.............|----------|    |
   +----+    |     |    |==================|    |     |    +----+
        ^          +----+                  +----+     |    ^
        |      Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2     |
        |                                                  |
        |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
   Customer                                                Customer
   Edge 1                                                  Edge 2

                 |                 LCCE                  |
                 +-+   +-----+   +------+   +------+   +-+
                 |P|   |     |   |PW ter|   | PSN  |   |P|
   Ethernet  <==>|h|<=>| NSP |<=>|minati|<=>|Tunnel|<=>|h|<==> PSN
   Interface     |y|   |     |   |on    |   |      |   |y|
                 +-+   +-----+   +------+   +------+   +-+
                 |                                       |
                       Figure 1: PW termination

      |                                                    |
      |  Verification and Key Management Infrastructure    |
      |                                                    |
               ^ |                                  ^ |
               | |                                  | |
               | v                                  | v
        +---------------+                    +---------------+
        |               |                    |               |
        | foreign agent |                    |   home agent  |
        |               |                    |               |
        +---------------+                    +---------------+

   MN                  FA                   Verification     home agent
    |<-- Adv+Challenge--|                  Infrastructure          |
    |    (if needed)    |                         |                |
    |                   |                         |                |
    |-- RReq+Challenge->|                         |                |
    |    + Auth.Ext.    |                         |                |
    |                   |   Auth. Request, incl.  |                |
    |                   |--- RReq + Challenge --->|                |
    |                   |      + Auth.Ext         |   RReq +       |
    |                   |                         |-- Challenge -->|
    |                   |                         |                |
    |                   |                         |                |
    |                   |                         |<--- RRep ----- |
    |                   |   Authorization, incl.  |                |
    |                   |<-- RRep + Auth.Ext.-----|                |
    |                   |                         |                |
    |<-- RRep+Auth.Ext--|                         |                |
    |  + New Challenge  |                         |                |

         MN                  FA                     home agent
          |<-- Adv+Challenge--|                         |
          |    (if needed)    |                         |
          |                   |                         |
          |-- RReq+Challenge->|                         |
          |    + Auth.Ext.    |                         |
          |                   |--- RReq + Challenge --->|
          |                   |   + HA-FA Auth.Ext      |
          |                   |                         |
          |                   |<-- RRep + Challenge ----|
          |                   |   + HA-FA Auth.Ext      |
          |                   |                         |
          |<-- RRep+Auth.Ext--|                         |
          |  + New Challenge  |                         |

                             SIP       +--------------+
                         Service URI   | Application  |
                      /----------------|    Server    |
                     /(e.g., RFC 3087) +--------------+
                    /                        |  MSCML
                   /                     SIP | Session
                  /                    +--------------+
          +-----+/       RTP           |              |
          | UAC |======================| Media Server |
          +-----+                      |              |

                          .| Registry |- -- -- -- -- -- --
                        .  +----------+                   |
                      .          |
                    .            |                        | Trust
            DNS Delegation       |                          Relation
                .                | Registration           |
              .                  |
            .                    |                        |
   +--------+              +-----------+                +----+
   | DNS-SP |-- -- -- -- --| Registrar |----------------| VE |
   +--------+ Nameservers  +-----------+   Validation   +----+
       :                         |                     /  |
       :                         |                  E.164 Number
       :                         | ENUM             Assignment
       : NAPTR                   | Management     _ Verification
       :                         |             /          |
       :                         |          _
       :                         |      /                 |
    +-----+  ENUM enabled  +------------+ E.164 Number +-----+
    | ASP |- -- -- -- -- --| Assignee = |-- -- -- -- --| NAE |
    +-----+    Service     | Registrant |  Assignment  +-----+

   | International Telecommunication Union (ITU)|
              Country codes (e.g., +44)
    | National Number Plan Administrator (NNPA) |------------+
    +-------------------------------------------+            |
                        |                                    |
                  Number Ranges                              |
            (e.g., +44 20 7946 xxxx)                         |
                        |                                    |
                        v                                    |
      +--------------------------------------+               |
      | Communication Service Provider (CSP) |               |
      +--------------------------------------+               |
                        |                                    |
                        |                              Single Numbers
              Either Single Numbers              (e.g., +44 909 8790879)
                 or Number Blocks                       (Variant 2)
     (e.g., +44 20 7946 0999, +44 20 7946 07xx)              |
                   (Variant 1)                               |
                        |                                    |
                        v                                    |
                  +----------+                               |
                  | Assignee |<------------------------------+

                   | Registry |
                |                                      |
                |                    ITSP              |
                |  +-----------+              +----+   |
                |  | Registrar |              | VE |   |
                |  +-----------+      (2)     +----+   |
                |                                      |
                +--------------------------+           |
                        ^                  |           |
                        |                  |           |
                        |(1)               |           |
                        |                  |           |
                        |                  |           |
                  +------------+   (4)     |  +-----+  |
                  | Assignee = |<----------|  | NAE |  |
                  | Registrant |           |  +-----+  |
                  -------------            |           |

                    | Registry |
                         |             (3)
                    +-----------+ ---------->+----+
                    | Registrar |<---------- | VE |
                    +-----------+   (8)    > +----+
                         ^                / /  ^  |
                         |               / /   |  |
                         |           (7)/ /    |  |
                         |(2)          / /     |  |
                         |            / /   (5)|  |
                         |           / /       |  |
                         |          / /        |  |
                         |         / /(6)      |  |
                         |        / /          |  |(4)
                         |       / /           |  |
                         |      / /            |  |
                   +------------+<             |  v
                   | Assignee = |            +-----+
                   | Registrant |<---------- | NAE |
                   +------------+    (1)     +-----+

            ^    "A"    ^   "A,B"   ^  "A,B,C"  ^ "A,B,C,D"
            |   id=2    |   id=2    |   id=2    |   id=2
         +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
         |  A  |---->|  B  |---->|  C  |---->|  D  |---->|  E  |
         +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
            |           |           |           |
            v           v           v           v

         +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
         |  A  |---->|  B  |---->|  C  |-->? |  D  |     |  E  |
         +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+

      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
      |  A  |---->|  B  |---->|  C  |---->|  D  |---->|  E  |
      +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+

         +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
         |  A  |---->|  B  |---->|  C  |     |  D  |     |  E  |
         +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
                        \                       ^
                         \                     /

   Ingress Gateway      Application Server       Egress Gateway
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(1) INVITE            |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(2) 200 OK            |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(3) ACK               |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(4) SUBSCRIBE (one-shot)                     |
          |<---------------------|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(5) 200 OK            |                      |
          |--------------------->|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(6) NOTIFY            |                      |
          |--------------------->|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(7) 200 OK            |                      |
          |<---------------------|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(8)                   |                      |
          |......................|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(9) NOTIFY (digits)   |                      |
          |--------------------->|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |(10) 200 OK           |                      |
          |<---------------------|                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |
          |                      |                      |

   Gateway           Card Application      Personal Assistant
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(1) SUBSCRIBE (persistent)                   |
      |<---------------------|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(2) 200 OK            |                      |
      |--------------------->|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(3) NOTIFY            |                      |
      |--------------------->|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(4) 200 OK            |                      |
      |<---------------------|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(5)                   |                      |
      |......................|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(6) NOTIFY (tag=card) |                      |
      |--------------------->|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(7) 200 OK            |                      |
      |<---------------------|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(8)                   |                      |
      |......................|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(9) NOTIFY (tag=number)                      |

      |--------------------->|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(10) 200 OK           |                      |
      |<---------------------|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(11) SUBSCRIBE        |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(12) 200 OK           |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(13) NOTIFY           |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(14) 200 OK           |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(15)                  |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(16) NOTIFY (tag=number)                     |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(17) 200 OK           |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(18)                  |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(19) NOTIFY (tag=#)   |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(20) 200 OK           |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(21)                  |                      |

      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(22) NOTIFY (tag=number)                     |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(23) 200 OK           |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(24)                  |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(25) NOTIFY (L#)      |                      |
      |--------------------->|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |(26) 200 OK           |                      |
      |<---------------------|                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |
      |                      |                      |

   |  Time | Event     |   M  |  Time- |  Seq |  Event |  Dura- |   E  |
   |  (ms) |           |  bit |  stamp |   No |  Code  |   tion |  bit |
   |     0 | "9"       |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | starts    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |    50 | RTP       |  "1" |      0 |    1 |    9   |    400 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 1  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   100 | RTP       |  "0" |      0 |    2 |    9   |    800 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 2  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   150 | RTP       |  "0" |      0 |    3 |    9   |   1200 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 3  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   200 | RTP       |  "0" |      0 |    4 |    9   |   1600 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 4  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   200 | "9" ends  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   250 | RTP       |  "0" |      0 |    5 |    9   |   1600 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 4  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | first     |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | retrans-  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | mission   |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   300 | RTP       |  "0" |      0 |    6 |    9   |   1600 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 4  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | second    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | retrans-  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | mission   |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   880 | First "1" |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | starts    |      |        |      |        |        |      |

   |   930 | RTP       |  "1" |   7040 |    7 |    1   |    400 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 5  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   ... | ...       |  ... |    ... |  ... |   ...  |    ... |  ... |
   |  1130 | RTP       |  "0" |   7040 |   11 |    1   |   2000 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 9  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1130 | First "1" |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | ends      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1180 | RTP       |  "0" |   7040 |   12 |    1   |   2000 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 9  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | first     |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | retrans-  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | mission   |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1230 | RTP       |  "0" |   7040 |   13 |    1   |   2000 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 9  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | second    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | retrans-  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | mission   |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1400 | Second    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | "1"       |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | starts    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1450 | RTP       |  "1" |  11200 |   14 |    1   |    400 |  "0" |
   |       | packet 10 |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |   ... | ...       |  ... |    ... |  ... |   ...  |    ... |  ... |
   |  1620 | Second    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | "1" ends  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1650 | RTP       |  "0" |  11200 |   18 |    1   |   1760 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 14 |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | sent      |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1700 | RTP       |  "0" |  11200 |   19 |    1   |   1760 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 14 |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | first     |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | retrans-  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | mission   |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |  1750 | RTP       |  "0" |  11200 |   20 |    1   |   1760 |  "1" |
   |       | packet 14 |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | second    |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | retrans-  |      |        |      |        |        |      |
   |       | mission   |      |        |      |        |        |      |

   |  Time (ms) | Event                                                |
   |      220.0 | The called gateway detects the start of ANSam from   |
   |            | its end.                                             |
   |            |                                                      |
   |      250.0 | The called gateway sends out the first ANSam event   |
   |            | packet.  M bit is set, timestamp is ts0 + 1760       |
   |            | (where ts0 is the timestamp value at the start of    |
   |            | the call).  The initial ANSam event continues until  |
   |            | a phase shift is detected at 670.0 ms (see below).   |
   |            | Up to this time, the called gateway sends out        |
   |            | further ANSam event updates, with the same initial   |
   |            | timestamp, M bit off, and cumulative duration        |
   |            | increasing by 240 units each time.                   |
   |            |                                                      |
   |      255.0 | The calling gateway receives the first ANSam event   |
   |            | report and begins playout of ANSam tone at its end.  |
   |            |                                                      |
   |      275.0 | The calling terminal receives the beginning of ANSam |
   |            | tone and starts its timer.  It will begin sending    |
   |            | the CM signal 1 s later (at 1275.0 ms into the       |
   |            | call).                                               |
   |            |                                                      |
   |      670.0 | The called gateway detects a phase shift in the      |
   |            | incoming signal, marking a change from ANSam to      |
   |            | /ANSam.  This happens to coincide with the end of a  |
   |            | packetization interval.  For the sake of the         |
   |            | example, assume that the called gateway does not     |
   |            | detect this in time for the event report it sends    |
   |            | out.                                                 |
   |            |                                                      |

   |     2200.0 | The called gateway sends a packet containing no new  |
   |            | events, but retransmissions of the last 18 bits of   |
   |            | the JM signal (in two generations).                  |
   |            |                                                      |
   |     2225.0 | The calling gateway sends out the second packet of   |
   |            | V.34 signalling as voice-band data (PCMU).           |
   |            | Timestamp is ts0 + 17560 and M bit is not set.  The  |
   |            | packet contains 240 8-bit samples.                   |
   |            |                                                      |
   |     2230.0 | The called gateway sends out a packet containing no  |
   |            | new events, but retransmissions of the final 9 bits  |
   |            | of the JM signal.                                    |
   |            |                                                      |
   |     2245.0 | The called gateway begins to receive V.34 signalling |
   |            | from the called modem.                               |
   |            |                                                      |
   |     2255.0 | The calling gateway sends out a third packet of V.34 |
   |            | signalling as voice-band data (PCMU).  Timestamp is  |
   |            | ts0 + 17800 and M bit is not set.  The packet        |
   |            | contains 240 8-bit samples.                          |
   |            |                                                      |
   |     2260.0 | The called gateway sends out a first packet of V.34  |
   |            | signalling as voice-band data (PCMU).  Timestamp is  |
   |            | ts0 + 17960 and M bit is set to indicate the         |
   |            | beginning of content after silence.  The packet      |
   |            | contains 120 samples.  Packetization interval is     |
   |            | shown here as continuing to be 30 ms.  It could be   |
   |            | less, but MUST NOT be more because that would make   |
   |            | the silent period too long.                          |
   |            |                                                      |
   |      . . . | . . .                                                |

   | Event | Event Name                                 |    Reference |
   |  Code |                                            |              |
   |   23  | CRdSeg: second segment of V.8 bis CRd      |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | signal                                     |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   24  | CReSeg: second segment of V.8 bis CRe      |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | signal                                     |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   25  | MRdSeg: second segment of V.8 bis MRd      |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | signal                                     |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   26  | MReSeg: second segment of V.8 bis MRe      |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | signal                                     |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   27  | V32AC: A pattern of bits modulated at 4800 |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | bits/s, emitted by a V.32/V.32bis          |              |
   |       | answering terminal upon detection of the   |              |
   |       | AA pattern.                                |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   28  | V8bISeg: first segment of initiating V.8   |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | bis signal                                 |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   29  | V8bRSeg: first segment of responding V.8   |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | bis signal                                 |              |
   |       |                                            |              |

   |   57  | V23Main: V.23 main channel indication for  |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | text telephony                             |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   58  | V23Back: V.23 back channel indication for  |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | text telephony                             |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   59  | Baud4545: 45.45 bits/s Baudot indication   |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | for text telephony                         |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   60  | Baud50: 50 bits/s Baudot indication for    |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | text telephony                             |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   61  | VBDGen: Tone patterns indicative of use of |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | an unidentified modem type                 |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   62  | XCIMark: A pattern of bits modulated in    |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | the V.23 main channel, emitted by a V.18   |              |
   |       | calling terminal.                          |              |
   |       |                                            |              |
   |   63  | V32AA: A pattern of bits modulated at 4800 |     RFC 4734 |
   |       | bits/s, emitted by a V.32/V.23bis calling  |              |
   |       | terminal.                                  |              |

    R1---R2----R3---R6    R8---R10
     |          |    |   / | \  |
     |          |    |  /  |  \ |
     |          |    | /   |   \|

          Discontinuity         Discontinuity
   s = 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 11, 14, 15, 16
   i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

                  UAR/UAA +--->|Diameter|<----+ PPR/PPA
                  LIR/LIA |    | server |     | MAR/MAA
                          |    +--------+     | SAR/SAA
                          |                   | RTR/RTA
                          |                   |
                          v                   v
   +------+   SIP     +--------+    SIP   +--------+   SIP     +------+
   | SIP  |<--------->|  SIP   |<-------->|  SIP   |<--------->| SIP  |
   |  UA  |           |server 1|          |server 2|           |  UA  |
   +------+           +--------+          +--------+           +------+
                          ^                   ^
                  UAR/UAA |                   |
                  LIR/LIA |                   | MAR/MAA
                          |    +--------+     | SAR/SAA
                               |   SL   |

                    +--------+           +--------+         +--------+
                    |  SIP   |           |Diameter|         |  SIP   |
                    |server 1|           | server |         |server 2|
                    +--------+           +--------+         +--------+
                         |                   |                   |
    1. SIP REGISTER      |                   |                   |
    -------------------->|     2. UAR        |                   |
                         |------------------>|                   |
                         |     3. UAA        |                   |
                         |<------------------|                   |
                         |         4. SIP REGISTER               |
                         |                   |      5. MAR       |
                         |                   |<------------------|
                         |                   |      6. MAA       |
                         |                   |------------------>|
                         |         7. SIP 401 (Unauthorized)     |
    8. SIP 401 (Unauth.) |<--------------------------------------|
    <--------------------|                   |                   |
    9. SIP REGISTER      |                   |                   |
    -------------------->|     10. UAR       |                   |
                         |------------------>|                   |
                         |     11. UAA       |                   |
                         |<------------------|                   |
                         |         12. SIP REGISTER              |
                         |                   |      13. MAR      |
                         |                   |<------------------|
                         |                   |      14. MAA      |
                         |                   |------------------>|
                         |         15. SIP 200 (OK)              |
    16. SIP 200 (OK)     |<--------------------------------------|
    <--------------------|                   |                   |
                         |                   |      17. SAR      |
                         |                   |<------------------|
                         |                   |      18. SAA      |
                         |                   |------------------>|
                         |                   |                   |

                    +--------+           +--------+         +--------+
                    |  SIP   |           |Diameter|         |  SIP   |
                    |server 1|           | server |         |server 2|
                    +--------+           +--------+         +--------+
                         |                   |                   |
    1. SIP REGISTER      |                   |                   |
    -------------------->|     2. UAR        |                   |
                         |------------------>|                   |
                         |     3. UAA        |                   |
                         |<------------------|                   |
                         |         4. SIP REGISTER               |
                         |                   |      5. MAR       |
                         |                   |<------------------|
                         |                   |      6. MAA       |
                         |                   |------------------>|
                         |         7. SIP 401 (Unauthorized)     |
    8. SIP 401 (Unauth.) |<--------------------------------------|
    <--------------------|                   |                   |
    9. SIP REGISTER      |                   |                   |
    -------------------->|     10. UAR       |                   |
                         |------------------>|                   |
                         |     11. UAA       |                   |
                         |<------------------|                   |
                         |         12. SIP REGISTER              |
                         |                   |      13. SAR      |
                         |                   |<------------------|
                         |                   |      14. SAA      |
                         |                   |------------------>|
                         |         15. SIP 200 (OK)              |
    16. SIP 200 (OK)     |<--------------------------------------|
    <--------------------|                   |                   |
                         |                   |                   |

                +--------+         +--------+
                |Diameter|         |  SIP   |
                | server |         | server |
                +--------+         +--------+
                    |                   |
                    |                   |
             1. SIP INVITE              |
                    |      2. MAR       |
                    |      3. MAA       |
                    |                   |
             4. SIP 407 (Proxy          |
         Authentication Required)       |
                    |                   |
             5. SIP INVITE              |
                    |      6. MAR       |
                    |      7. MAA       |
                    |------------------>| 8. SIP INVITE
                    |                   |---------------->
                    |                   | 9. SIP 200 (OK)
             10. SIP 200 (OK)           |<----------------
                    |                   |

             +--------+         +--------+      +--------+
             |  SIP   |         |Diameter|      |  SIP   |
             |server 1|         | server |      |server 2|
             +--------+         +--------+      +--------+
                  |                 |                |
   1. SIP INVITE  |                 |                |
   -------------->|     2. LIR      |                |
                  |---------------->|                |
                  |     3. LIA      |                |
                  |<----------------|                |
                  |         4. SIP INVITE            |
                  |                 |                | 5. SIP INVITE
                  |                 |                |-------------->
                  |                 |                |
                  |                 |                |

                   +--------+          +--------+
                   |Diameter|          |  SIP   |
                   | server |          |server 2|
                   +--------+          +--------+
                       |                   |
                       |     1. PPR        |
                       |                   |
                       |     2. PPA        |
                       |                   |

           +--------+   +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
           |  SIP   |   |Diameter|  |Diameter|  |  SIP   |
           |server 1|   |SL red. |  |server 1|  |server 2|
           +--------+   +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
                |           |           |            |
   1. SIP INVITE|           |           |            |
   ------------>| 2. LIR    |           |            |
                |---------->|           |            |
                | 3. LIA    |           |            |
                |<----------|           |            |
                |       4. LIR          |            |
                |---------------------->|            |
                |       5. LIA          |            |
                |<----------------------|            |
                |         6. SIP INVITE |            |
                |----------------------------------->| 7. SIP INVITE
                |           |           |            | ------------->
                |           |           |            |

                           |                 |
                           |     Common      |
                           |     Policy      |
                           |                 |
                              /|\       /|\
                               |         |
      +-------------------+    |         |    +-------------------+
      |                   |    | enhance |    |                   |
      | Location-specific |    |         |    | Presence-specific |
      |      Policy       |----+         +----|      Policy       |
      |                   |                   |                   |
      +-------------------+                   +-------------------+

        +--------+                                     +--------+
        |        |                EAP-Request/Identity |        |
        | CLIENT |<------------------------------------| SERVER |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        | EAP-Response/Identity               |        |
        |        |------------------------------------>|        |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        |        EAP-PAX (STD or SEC)         |        |
        |        |<----------------------------------->|        |
        |        | ...                             ... |        |
        |        |<----------------------------------->|        |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        |          EAP-Success or EAP-Failure |        |
        |        |<------------------------------------|        |
        +--------+                                     +--------+

        Certificate    |    Provisioning     |       Identity
            Mode       |                     |      Protection
       No Certificate  |    MiTM offline     |   ID reveal attack
                       |  dictionary attack  |
        Self-Signed    |    MiTM offline     |   ID reveal attack
        Certificate    |  dictionary attack  |
       Certificate/PK  |    MiTM offline     |   ID reveal attack
          Caching      |  dictionary attack  |  during first auth
         CA-Signed     |   secure mutual     |   secure mutual
        Certificate    |   authentication    |   authentication

        +--------+                                     +--------+
        |        |                           PAX_STD-1 |        |
        |        |<------------------------------------|        |
        |        | PAX_STD-2(ADE[1])                   |        |
        |        |------------------------------------>|        |
        |        |                   PAX_STD-3(ADE[2]) |        |
        |        |<------------------------------------|        |
        |        | PAX_ACK(ADE[3])                     |        |
        |        |------------------------------------>|        |
        |        |                     PAX_ACK(ADE[4]) |        |
        |        |<------------------------------------|        |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        |                 ...                 |        |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        | PAX_ACK(ADE[i])                     |        |
        |        |------------------------------------>|        |
        |        |                   PAX_ACK(ADE[i+1]) |        |
        |        |<------------------------------------|        |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        |                 ...                 |        |
        |        |                                     |        |
        |        |          EAP-Success or EAP-Failure |        |
        |        |<------------------------------------|        |
        +--------+                                     +--------+

              --- octet offset --->
               0                   1
               0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
              |len|  value ....

            |                 |                       |     |
            |   PRECEDENCE    |    TYPE OF SERVICE    |  0  |
            |                 |                       |     |

                |RC|UC| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0|

  |00000001|<-------------------IETF use------------------------------>|

  |00000001|  Type  |         Reserved        |        QPN             |

                         | Type     |    Protocol |
                         | 0x800    |    IPv4     |
                         | 0x86DD   |    IPv6     |

   +---------------+                            +---------------+
   |               |                            |               |
   | CT-KIP client |                            | CT-KIP server |
   |               |                            |               |
   +---------------+                            +---------------+
           |                                            |
           |        [ <---- CT-KIP trigger ---- ]       |
           |                                            |
           |        ------- Client Hello ------->       |
           |                                            |
           |        <------ Server Hello --------       |
           |                                            |
           |        ------- Client Nonce ------->       |
           |                                            |
           |        <----- Server Finished ------       |

   +----------------------+    +-------+     +----------------------+
   |    +------------+    |    |       |     |                      |
   |    | Server key |    |    |       |     |                      |
   | +<-|  Public    |------>------------->-------------+---------+ |
   | |  |  Private   |    |    |       |     |          |         | |
   | |  +------------+    |    |       |     |          |         | |
   | |        |           |    |       |     |          |         | |
   | V        V           |    |       |     |          V         V |
   | |   +---------+      |    |       |     |        +---------+ | |
   | |   | Decrypt |<-------<-------------<-----------| Encrypt | | |
   | |   +---------+      |    |       |     |        +---------+ | |
   | |      |  +--------+ |    |       |     |            ^       | |
   | |      |  | Server | |    |       |     |            |       | |
   | |      |  | Random |--->------------->------+  +----------+  | |
   | |      |  +--------+ |    |       |     |   |  | Client   |  | |
   | |      |      |      |    |       |     |   |  | Random   |  | |
   | |      |      |      |    |       |     |   |  +----------+  | |
   | |      |      |      |    |       |     |   |        |       | |
   | |      V      V      |    |       |     |   V        V       | |
   | |   +------------+   |    |       |     | +------------+     | |
   | +-->| CT-KIP PRF |   |    |       |     | | CT-KIP PRF |<----+ |
   |     +------------+   |    |       |     | +------------+       |
   |           |          |    |       |     |       |              |
   |           V          |    |       |     |       V              |
   |       +-------+      |    |       |     |   +-------+          |
   |       |  Key  |      |    |       |     |   |  Key  |          |
   |       +-------+      |    |       |     |   +-------+          |
   |       +-------+      |    |       |     |   +-------+          |
   |       |Key Id |-------->------------->------|Key Id |          |
   |       +-------+      |    |       |     |   +-------+          |
   +----------------------+    +-------+     +----------------------+
        CT-KIP Server        CT-KIP Client     CT-KIP Client (Token)
                               (PC Host)

                     0       7      15      23      31
                     |      AFI      | Res.  | SAFI  |

                                                      /  A1 \
        ----                                     ____CE1     |
       /    \          --------       --------  /    |       |
      |  A2 CE2-      /        \     /        PE1     \     /
       \    /   \    /          \___/          | \     -----
        ----     ---PE2                        |  \
                    |                          |   \   -----
                    | Service Provider Network |    \ /     \
                    |                          |     CE5  A5 |
                    |            ___           |   /  \     /
             |----|  \          /   \         PE4_/    -----
             |u-PE|--PE3       /     \       /
             |----|    --------       -------
      ----  /   |    ----
     /    \/    \   /    \               CE = Customer Edge Device
    |  A3 CE3    --CE4 A4 |              PE = Provider Edge Router
     \    /         \    /               u-PE = Layer 2 Aggregation
      ----           ----                A<n> = Customer site n

     __________       ____________       ____________       __________
    /          \     /            \     /            \     /          \
                \___/        AS 1  \   /  AS 2        \___/
                                    \ /
      +-----+           +-------+    |    +-------+           +-----+
      | PE1 | ---...--- | ASBR1 | ======= | ASBR2 | ---...--- | PE2 |
      +-----+           +-------+    |    +-------+           +-----+
                 ___                / \                ___
                /   \              /   \              /   \
    \__________/     \____________/     \____________/     \__________/

                                                     /  A1 \
        ----                                    ----CE1    |
       /    \          --------       -------  /     |     |
       | A2 CE2-      /        \     /       PE1     \     /
       \    /   \    /          \---/         \       -----
        ----     ---PE2                        |
                    | Service Provider Network |
                     \          /   \         /
              -----  PE3       /     \       /
              |Agg|_/  --------       -------
             -|   |
      ----  / -----  ----
     /    \/    \   /    \             CE = Customer Edge Router
     | A3 CE3    -CE4 A4 |             PE = Provider Edge Router
     \    /         \    /             Agg = Layer 2 Aggregation
      ----           ----

   Peer                                                       Server
       |                                                          |
       |                        EAP.Request/SAKE/Challenge        |
       |                        (AT_RAND_S, AT_SERVERID)          |
   1   |<---------------------------------------------------------|
       |                                                          |
       | EAP.Response/SAKE/Challenge                              |
       | (AT_RAND_P, AT_PEERID, AT_SPI_P, AT_MIC_P)               |
   2   |--------------------------------------------------------->|
       |                                                          |
       |                        EAP.Request/SAKE/Confirm          |
       |                        (AT_SPI_S, AT_ENCR_DATA, AT_MIC_S)|
   3   |<---------------------------------------------------------|
       |                                                          |
       | EAP.Response/SAKE/Confirm                                |
       | (AT_MIC_P)                                               |
   4   |--------------------------------------------------------->|
       |                                                          |
       |                                                          |
       |                                         EAP-Success      |
   5   |<---------------------------------------------------------|
       |                                                          |

   Peer                                                       Server
       |                                                          |
       |                        EAP.Request/SAKE/Challenge        |
       |                        (AT_RAND_S, AT_SERVERID)          |
   1   |<---------------------------------------------------------|
       |                                                          |
       | EAP.Response/SAKE/Challenge                              |
       | (AT_RAND_P, AT_PEERID, AT_SPI_P, AT_MIC_P)               |
   2   |--------------------------------------------------------->|
       |                                                          |
       |               +-------------------------------------------+
       |               | Server finds MIC_P invalid.               |
       |               +-------------------------------------------+
       |                                                          |
       |                                             EAP-Failure  |
   3   |<---------------------------------------------------------|

    Peer                                                       Server
        |                                                          |
        |                        EAP.Request/SAKE/Challenge        |
        |                        (AT_RAND_S, AT_SERVERID)          |
    1   |<---------------------------------------------------------|
        |                                                          |
        | EAP.Response/SAKE/Challenge                              |
        | (AT_RAND_P, AT_PEERID, AT_SPI_P, AT_MIC_P)               |
    2   |--------------------------------------------------------->|
        |                                                          |
        |                          EAP.Request/SAKE/Confirm        |
        |                        (AT_SPI_S, AT_ENCR_DATA, AT_MIC_S)|
    3   |<---------------------------------------------------------|
        |                                                          |
      +-----------------------------------------------+            |
      | Peer finds MIC_S invalid.                     |            |
      +-----------------------------------------------+            |
        |                                                          |
        | EAP.Response/SAKE/Auth-Reject                            |
     4  |--------------------------------------------------------->|
        |                                                          |
        |                                             EAP-Failure  |
     5  |<---------------------------------------------------------|
        |                                                          |

   Peer                                                          Server
          |                                                          |
          |                         +---------------------------------+
          |                         | Server wishes to initiate       |
          |                         | an EAP-SAKE session             |
          |                         |                                 |
          |                         +---------------------------------+
          |                                                          |
          |                        EAP.Request/SAKE/Identity         |
          |                        (AT_ANY_ID_REQ, AT_SERVERID)      |
     1    |<---------------------------------------------------------|
          |                                                          |
          | EAP.Response/SAKE/Identity                               |
          | (AT_PEERID)                                              |
     2    |--------------------------------------------------------->|
          |                                                          |
        | If identity found, normal EAP-SAKE authentication follows.   |

   Peer                                                       Server
       |                                                          |
       |                         +---------------------------------+
    1  |                         | Server obtains TempID but       |
       |                         | requires PermID                 |
       |                         +---------------------------------+
       |                                                          |
       |                        EAP.Request/SAKE/Identity         |
       |                        (AT_PERM_ID_REQ, AT_SERVERID)     |
    2  |<---------------------------------------------------------|
       |                                                          |
       | EAP.Response/SAKE/Identity                               |
       | (AT_PEERID)                                              |
    3  |--------------------------------------------------------->|
       |                                                          |
       |                         +---------------------------------+
       |                         | Server finds and uses           |
       |                         | Peer PermID to start a          |
       |                         | EAP-SAKE authentication phase   |
       |                         +---------------------------------+
    |  Normal EAP-SAKE authentication follows.                      |

                                     |               |          Method |
                                     |               |                 |
                                     V               V                 |
                                 *************************             V
                                 *   AAA  Key Derivation *          ---+
                                 *   Naming & Binding    *

   Bob                                                       Alice
    |                            RA                            |
    |                                                          |
    |                     [B||A||RA||RB]                       |
    |                                                          |
    |                        [A||RB]                           |

   Bob                                                       Alice
    |                         A||RA                            |
    |                                                          |
    |                     [B||A||RA||RB]                       |
    |                                                          |
    |                        [A||RB]                           |

   +--------------------------+      +-------------------------------+
   |         RAND_P           |      |              KDK              |
   |  Input Block (16 bytes)  |      | Key Derivation Key (16 bytes) |
   +--------------------------+      +-------------------------------+
               |                                     |
               v                                     v
   |                                                                 |
   |                         Modified Counter Mode                   |
   |                                                                 |
          |                     |                         |
          v                     v                         v
   +------------+   +----------------------+   +----------------------+
   |     TEK    |   |          MSK         |   |         EMSK         |
   | (16 bytes) |   |      (64 bytes)      |   |      (64 bytes)      |
   +------------+   +----------------------+   +----------------------+

   +-----------+ +----------------+ +---------------------+ +----------+
   |  Nonce N  | |    Header H    | | Plain Text Payload  | |   TEK    |
   |  4 bytes  | |    22 bytes    | |  Variable length L  | | 16 bytes |
   +-----------+ +----------------+ +---------------------+ +----------+
         |                 |                   |                 |
         v                 v                   v                 v
   |                                                                   |
   |                                EAX                                |
   |                                                                   |
                           |                   |
                           v                   v
                +---------------------+   +----------+
                | Cipher Text Payload |   |   Tag    |
                |  Variable length L  |   | 16 bytes |
                +---------------------+   +----------+

   peer                                                      server
    |                                    Flags||RAND_S||ID_S   |
    |                                                          |
    |   Flags||RAND_S||RAND_P||MAC_P||ID_P                     |
    |                                                          |
    |                     Flags||RAND_S||MAC_S||PCHANNEL_S_0   |
    |                                                          |
    |   Flags||RAND_S||PCHANNEL_P_1                            |
    |                                                          |

   peer                                                      server
    |                                    Flags||RAND_S||ID_S   |
    |                                                          |
    |   Flags||RAND_S||RAND_P||MAC_P||ID_P                     |
    |                                                          |
    |                Flags||RAND_S||MAC_S||PCHANNEL_S_0(EXT)   |
    |                                                          |
    |   Flags||RAND_S||PCHANNEL_P_1(EXT)                       |
    |                                                          |
    .                                                          .
    .                                                          .
    .                                                          .
    |                       Flags||RAND_S||PCHANNEL_S_2i(EXT)  |
    |                                                          |
    |   Flags||RAND_S||PCHANNEL_P_2i+1(EXT)                    |
    |                                                          |

   | Rank | Keyword       | Description                                |
   |    0 | current-user  | The current user id being used by the user |
   |      |               | or process.  On Unix systems, this would   |
   |      |               | be the "real" user id, in general.         |
   |      |               |                                            |
   |    1 | original-user | The actual identity of the user or process |
   |      |               | being reported on.  On those systems that  |
   |      |               | (a) do some type of auditing and (b)       |
   |      |               | support extracting a user id from the      |
   |      |               | "audit id" token, that value should be     |
   |      |               | used.  On those systems that do not        |
   |      |               | support this, and where the user has       |
   |      |               | logged into the system, the "login id"     |
   |      |               | should be used.                            |
   |      |               |                                            |
   |    2 | target-user   | The user id the user or process is         |
   |      |               | attempting to become.  This would apply,   |
   |      |               | on Unix systems for example, when the user |
   |      |               | attempts to use "su", "rlogin", "telnet",  |
   |      |               | etc.                                       |
   |      |               |                                            |
   |    3 | user-privs    | Another user id the user or process has    |
   |      |               | the ability to use, or a user id           |
   |      |               | associated with a file permission.  On     |
   |      |               | Unix systems, this would be the            |
   |      |               | "effective" user id in a user or process   |
   |      |               | context, and the owner permissions in a    |
   |      |               | file context.  Multiple UserId elements of |
   |      |               | this type may be used to specify a list of |
   |      |               | privileges.                                |
   |      |               |                                            |
   |    4 | current-group | The current group id (if applicable) being |
   |      |               | used by the user or process.  On Unix      |
   |      |               | systems, this would be the "real" group    |
   |      |               | id, in general.                            |
   |      |               |                                            |
   |    5 | group-privs   | Another group id the group or process has  |
   |      |               | the ability to use, or a group id          |
   |      |               | associated with a file permission.  On     |
   |      |               | Unix systems, this would be the            |
   |      |               | "effective" group id in a group or process |
   |      |               | context, and the group permissions in a    |
   |      |               | file context.  On BSD-derived Unix         |
   |      |               | systems, multiple UserId elements of this  |
   |      |               | type would be used to include all the      |
   |      |               | group ids on the "group list".             |

   |    6 | other-privs   | Not used in a user, group, or process      |
   |      |               | context, only used in the file context.    |
   |      |               | The file permissions assigned to users who |
   |      |               | do not match either the user or group      |
   |      |               | permissions on the file.  On Unix systems, |
   |      |               | this would be the "world" permissions.     |

   | Rank | Keyword       | Description                                |
   |    0 | current-user  | The current user id being used by the user |
   |      |               | or process.  On Unix systems, this would   |
   |      |               | be the "real" user id, in general.         |
   |    1 | original-user | The actual identity of the user or process |
   |      |               | being reported on.  On those systems that  |
   |      |               | (a) do some type of auditing and (b)       |
   |      |               | support extracting a user id from the      |
   |      |               | "audit id" token, that value should be     |
   |      |               | used.  On those systems that do not        |
   |      |               | support this, and where the user has       |
   |      |               | logged into the system, the "login id"     |
   |      |               | should be used.                            |
   |    2 | target-user   | The user id the user or process is         |
   |      |               | attempting to become.  This would apply,   |
   |      |               | on Unix systems for example, when the user |
   |      |               | attempts to use "su", "rlogin", "telnet",  |
   |      |               | etc.                                       |

   |    3 | user-privs    | Another user id the user or process has    |
   |      |               | the ability to use, or a user id           |
   |      |               | associated with a file permission.  On     |
   |      |               | Unix systems, this would be the            |
   |      |               | "effective" user id in a user or process   |
   |      |               | context, and the owner permissions in a    |
   |      |               | file context.  Multiple UserId elements of |
   |      |               | this type may be used to specify a list of |
   |      |               | privileges.                                |
   |    4 | current-group | The current group id (if applicable) being |
   |      |               | used by the user or process.  On Unix      |
   |      |               | systems, this would be the "real" group    |
   |      |               | id, in general.                            |
   |    5 | group-privs   | Another group id the group or process has  |
   |      |               | the ability to use, or a group id          |
   |      |               | associated with a file permission.  On     |
   |      |               | Unix systems, this would be the            |
   |      |               | "effective" group id in a group or process |
   |      |               | context, and the group permissions in a    |
   |      |               | file context.  On BSD-derived Unix         |
   |      |               | systems, multiple UserId elements of this  |
   |      |               | type would be used to include all the      |
   |      |               | group ids on the "group list".             |
   |    6 | other-privs   | Not used in a user, group, or process      |
   |      |               | context, only used in the file context.    |
   |      |               | The file permissions assigned to users who |
   |      |               | do not match either the user or group      |
   |      |               | permissions on the file.  On Unix systems, |
   |      |               | this would be the "world" permissions.     |

   |        |                   --------
   | Data   |_________ ________|        |  __________
   | Source |     Activity     |Sensor  | |          |
   |________|         |        |________| | Operator |_______
                      |            |      |__________|       |
                     \|/         Event         A             |
                 _____V___         |          /|\            |
                |         |        |            \            |
                | Sensor  |__      |         Notification    |
                |_________| Event  |              \         \|/
                      A      |     V_________      \         V
                     /|\     |    |         |       \     Response
                      |       --->| Analyzer|__      |       A
                      |           |         | Alert  |      /|\
                      |           |_________|  |     |       |
                      |                A       |     |       |
                      |               /|\     \|/    |       |
                      |________________|   ____V___  |       |
                          |               |        |_|       |
                          |               | Manager|_________|
                          |               |________|
                          |                  A
                        Security            /|\
        _______________   |  Policy__________|
       |               |  |
       | Administrator |__|

   Alice                                               Bob
     ---------------- xport connect(1) ------------------>
    <-------------------- greeting ---------------------->
    <-------------start security profile(2) ------------->
    <-------------------- greeting ---------------------->
    <------------------ start IDXP(3) ------------------->

   Alice              proxy1               proxy2               Bob
     -- xport connect -->
    <---- greeting ----->
     -- start TUNNEL --->
                         - xport connect(1) ->
                        <----- greeting ----->
                         --- start TUNNEL --->
                                              --- xport connect -->
                                             <----- greeting ----->
                                              --- start TUNNEL --->
                                             <----- <ok>(2) ------
                        <------- <ok> -------
    <------ <ok> -------
    <------------------------- greeting -------------------------->
    <------------------ start security profile ------------------->
    <------------------------- greeting -------------------------->
    <------------------------ start IDXP ------------------------->

   +----------+                          +----------+
   |          |                          |          |
   |          |****** BEEP session ******|          |
   |          |                          |          |
   | Analyzer | ----- IDXP profile ----> | Manager  |
   | (Client) |                          | (Server) |
   |          |                          |          |
   |          |**************************|          |
   |          |                          |          |
   +----------+                          +----------+

   +----------+                                            +----------+
   |          |                                            |          |
   |          |*************** BEEP session ***************|          |
   |          |                                            |          |
   |          | -- IDXP profile, network-based alerts ---> |          |
   | Manager  |                                            | Manager  |
   |   M1     | ---- IDXP profile, host-based alerts ----> |   M2     |
   | (Client) |                                            | (Server) |
   |          | ------ IDXP profile, other alerts -------> |          |
   |          |                                            |          |
   |          |********************************************|          |
   |          |                                            |          |
   +----------+                                            +----------+

   analyzer                                           manager
      --------------- greeting w/ option ----------------->
      <---------------------- <ok> ------------------------

     analyzer                                           manager
       <---------------- greeting w/ option ----------------
        --------------------- <error> ---------------------->

   analyzer                                           manager
      --------------- greeting w/ option ----------------->
     <---------------------- <ok> ------------------------

   analyzer                                           manager
     <---------------- greeting w/ option ----------------
      --------------------- <error> ---------------------->

        Type | Meaning                     | Possible values
         13  | ROC transmission rate       |  16-bit integer

     Alternate-ECN traffic ---->  |        | ---> CE-marked packet
                                  |  Old   |
     Non-ECN traffic ---------->  | Router | ---> dropped packet
                                  |        |
     RFC-3168 ECN traffic ----->  |        | ---> CE-marked packet

   |       +-----  Pass-Through header                                |
   |       |          +---  Response data                             |
   |       |          |            +----  Start diagnostic information|
   |       |          |            |                                  |
   | +----------++----------++--------------------------------------- |
   | |          ||          ||                                        |
   | 004912A090000560060020C0003D0000C9F9F0F2E3C1D9C7C5E34040D7C3D7D9 |
   |                                 |      | T A R G E T     P C P R |
   |                                 +------+                         |
   |                           Response Code (I902)                   |
   |                                                                  |
   | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
   |                                                                  |
   | C9D5E3C5D9400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
   |  I N T E R                                                       |
   |                                                                  |
   |                  +------- End of diagnostic information          |
   |                  |                                               |
   | -----------------+                                               |
   |                  |                                               |
   | 000000000000000000                                               |

   |       +-----  Pass-Through header                                |
   |       |          +---  Response data                             |
   |       |          |            +----  Start diagnostic information|
   |       |          |            |                                  |
   | +----------++----------++--------------------------------------- |
   | |          ||          ||                                        |
   | 004912A09000056006008200003D0000F8F9F0F2E3C1D9C7C5E34040D7C3D7D9 |
   |                                 |      | T A R G E T     P C P R |
   |                                 +------+                         |
   |                           Response Code (8902)                   |
   |                                                                  |
   | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
   |                                                                  |
   | C9D5E3C5D9400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
   |  I N T E R                                                       |
   |                                                                  |
   |                  +------- End of diagnostic information          |
   |                  |                                               |
   | -----------------+                                               |
   |                  |                                               |
   | 000000000000000000                                               |

   |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                 |
   |   |                                                              |
   |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                        |
   |   |    |                                                         |
   |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                 |
   |   |    |    |                                                    |
   |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)  |
   |   |    |    |   |                                                |
   |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                    |
   |   |    |    |   |   |                                            |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code               |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |                                        |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      +-- Diagnostic field - zero pad to|
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |   LL specified                  |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |                                 |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            +-- Printer data     |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            |                    |
   | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++ +----------+ +----------------+        |
   | |  | |  | |  | || |  | || |          | |                |        |
   | xxxx 12A0 xxxx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx ... print data ...        |
   |                                                                  |

  |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                   |
  |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                          |
  |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                   |
  |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)    |
  |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                      |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code                 |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   |      +-- Zero pad to LL specified (0A)   |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            +-- Printer data       |
  |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |            |                      |
  | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++ +----------+ +---------------------------|
  | |  | |  | |  | || |  | || |          | |                           |
  | 0085 12A0 0101 0A 1800 01 000000000000 34C4012BD20345FF2BD2044C0002|
  |                                                                    |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------       |
  |                                                                    |
  | 2BD2040D00002BD20A8501010201030204022BD20309022BD2061100014A       |
  |                                                                    |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------       |
  |                                                                    |
  | 402BD20601010000012BD306F60000FFFF2BD20A48000001000000010100       |
  |                                                                    |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------       |
  |                                                                    |
  | 2BD10705000B0090012BD2044900F02BD206404A403DE02BD2041500F034       |
  |                                                                    |
  |    end of printer data                                             |
  | -------------------------+                                         |
  |                          |                                         |
  | C4012BD10381FF002BC8034001                                         |

   |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                  |
   |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                         |
   |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                  |
   |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)   |
   |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                     |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code                |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |                                         |
   | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++                                         |
   | |  | |  | |  | || |  | ||                                         |
   | 000A 12A0 0102 04 0000 01                                         |

   |   +-- Length of structure (LLLL)                                 |
   |   |    +-- GDS identifier                                        |
   |   |    |    +-- Data flow record                                 |
   |   |    |    |   +-- Length of pass-through specific header (LL)  |
   |   |    |    |   |   +-- Flags                                    |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   +-- Printer operation code               |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      +-- Zero pad to LL specified (0A) |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |        +-- Printer data         |
   |   |    |    |   |   |   |      |        |                        |
   | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ ++ +----------+ ++                        |
   | |  | |  | |  | || |  | || |          | ||                        |
   | 0011 12A0 0101 0A 0800 01 000000000000 00                        |

                           +-----------+   +------+   +--------+
     +-----+  +-------+    |   Cable   |   |      |   |  Edge  |
     |Host |--|  CM   |----|  (HFC)    |---| CMTS |---|        |=>ISP
     +-----+  +-------+    |  Network  |   |      |   | Router |Network
                           +-----------+   +------+   +--------+
             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
           ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _()
                          IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel

     IPv4/v6                 IPv4 only                    IPv4/v6

    |Host |
       |                   +-----------+   +------+   +--------+
   +---+---+  +-------+    |   Cable   |   |      |   |  Edge  |
   |  GWR  |--|  CM   |----|  (HFC)    |---| CMTS |---|        |=>ISP
   +-------+  +-------+    |  Network  |   |      |   | Router |Network
                           +-----------+   +------+   +--------+
             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
           ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _()
                          IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel

     IPv4/v6                 IPv4 only                    IPv4/v6

                           +-----------+   +-------------+
     +-----+  +-------+    |   Cable   |   | CMTS / Edge |
     |Host |--|  CM   |----|  (HFC)    |---|             |=>ISP
     +-----+  +-------+    |  Network  |   |   Router    | Network
                           +-----------+   +-------------+

      IPv4/v6              IPv4/v6              IPv4/v6

                                    +-----------+   +-----------+
   +------+  +-------+  +-------+   |   Cable   |   |CMTS / Edge|
   | Host |--| GWR   |--|  CM   |---|  (HFC)    |---|           |=>ISP
   +------+  +-------+  +-------+   |  Network  |   |   Router  |Network
                                    +-----------+   +-----------+
                      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                    ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _()
                             IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel
         IPv4/v6                      IPv4                  IPv4/v6

                              +-----------+   +-------------+
    +-----+   +-----------+   |   Cable   |   | CMTS / Edge |
    |Host |---| CM / GWR  |---|  (HFC)    |---|             |=>ISP
    +-----+   +-----------+   |  Network  |   |   Router    |Network
                              +-----------+   +-------------+


     Customer Premise               NAP                   NSP
   |--------------------| |----------------------| |----------------|
                                                   |    AAA    |
                                           +-------+   Radius  |
                                           |       |   TACACS  |
                                           |       +-----------+
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----------+
   |Hosts|--+Router +------+ DSLAM  +-+   BRAS   +-+    Edge   |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----------+ |   Router  +=>Core
                |--------------------------|       +-----------+

          Customer Premise               NAP                 NSP
   |--------------------------| |-------------------| |---------------|
                                                         |    AAA    |
                                                 +-------+   Radius  |
                                                 |       |   TACACS  |
                                                 |       +-----------+
   +-----+  +-------+           +--------+ +-----+----+ +-----------+
   |Hosts|--+Router +-----------+ DSLAM  +-+   BRAS   +-+    Edge   |  C
   +-----+  +-------+           +--------+ +----------+ |   Router  +=>O
                                                        |           |  R
               |--------------------------------|       +-----------+  E

     Customer Premise              NAP                    NSP
   |--------------------| |----------------------| |----------------|
                                                   |    AAA    |
                                           +-------+   Radius  |
                                           |       |   TACACS  |
                                           |       +-----+-----+
                                           |             |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----+-----+
   |Hosts|--+Router +------+ DSLAM  +-+  BRAS    +-+   Edge    |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----------+ |  Router   +=>Core

         Customer Premise                NAP                   NSP
   |--------------------------| |--------------------| |---------------|
                                                        |    AAA    |
                                                 +------+   Radius  |
                                                 |      |   TACACS  |
                                                 |      +-----+-----+
                                                 |            |
   +-----+  +-------+           +--------+ +----+-----+ +----+------+
   |Hosts|--+Router +-----------+ DSLAM  +-+  BRAS    +-+    Edge   |  C
   +-----+  +-------+           +--------+ +----------+ |   Router  +=>O
                                                        |           |  R
                                                        +-----------+  E

   IPv6          |--------------------------|
                            PPP                    +-----------+
                                                   |    AAA    |
                                           +-------+   Radius  |
                                           |       |   TACACS  |
                                           |       +-----+-----+
                                           |             |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----+-----+
   |Hosts|--+Router +------+ DSLAM  +-+  BRAS    +-+   Edge    |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----------+ |  Router   +=>Core
   IPv4          |----------------------------------------|

   IPv6              |----------------|
                            ATM                    +-----------+
                                                   |    AAA    |
                                           +-------+   Radius  |
                                           |       |   TACACS  |
                                           |       +-----+-----+
                                           |             |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----+-----+
   |Hosts|--+Router +------+ DSLAM  +-+  BRAS    +-+   Edge    |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----------+ |  Router   +=>Core
   IPv4          |----------------------------------------|

   +-----+  +------+  +------+  +--------+        +----------+
   |Hosts|--+Router+--+Access+--+ Switch +--------+   Edge   |    ISP
   +-----+  +------+  |Switch|  +--------+ 802.1Q |  Router  +=>Network
                      +------+                    +----------+

                                                        |    AAA    |
                                                +-------+   Radius  |
                                                |       |   TACACS  |
                                                |       +-----------+
   +-----+ +-------+ +--------+ +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----------+
   |Hosts|-+Router +-+A Switch+-+ Switch +-+   BRAS   +-+    Edge   |  C
   +-----+ +-------+ +--------+ +--------+ +----------+ |   Router  +=>O
        |----------------  PPP ----------------|        |           |  R
                                                        +-----------+  E

                                                       |    AAA    |
                                                +------+   Radius  |
                                                |      |   TACACS  |
                                                |      +-----+-----+
                                                |            |
   +-----+ +-------+ +--------+ +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----------+
   |Hosts|-+Router +-+A Switch+-+ Switch +-+   BRAS   +-+    Edge   |  C
   +-----+ +-------+ +--------+ +--------+ +----------+ |   Router  +=>O
                                                        |           |  R
                                                        +-----------+  E

   IPv6          |--------------------------|
                            PPP                    +-----------+
                                                   |    AAA    |
                                           +-------+   Radius  |
                                           |       |   TACACS  |
                                           |       +-----+-----+
                                           |             |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----+-----+
   |Hosts|--+Router +------+ Switch +-+  BRAS    +-+   Edge    |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----------+ |  Router   +=>Core

   IPv4          |----------------------------------------|

   IPv6              |----------------|
                                                   |    AAA    |
                                           +-------+   Radius  |
                                           |       |   TACACS  |
                                           |       +-----+-----+
                                           |             |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----+-----+ +-----+-----+
   |Hosts|--+Router +------+ Switch +-+  BRAS    +-+   Edge    |
   +-----+  +-------+      +--------+ +----------+ |  Router   +=>Core
   IPv4          |----------------------------------------|

   Sender        Router 1       Router 2          Receiver
   ------        --------       --------          --------
   | <IP TTL: 63>
   | <QS TTL: 91>
   | <TTL Diff: 28>
   | Quick-Start Request
   | in SYN or SYN/ACK.
   | IP: Decrement QS TTL
   | to approve request -->
   |               Decrement
   |               QS TTL
   |               to approve
   |               request -->
   |                              Decrement
   |                              QS TTL
   |                              to approve
   |                              request -->
   |                                           <IP TTL: 60>
   |                                           <QS TTL: 88>
   |                                           <TTL Diff: 28>
   |                                           Return Quick-Start
   |                                            info to sender in
   |                                           Quick-Start Response
   |                                          <-- in TCP ACK packet.
   | <TTL Diff: 28>
   | Quick-Start approved,
   | translate to cwnd.
   | Report Approved Rate.
   V Send cwnd paced over one RTT. -->

   Sender        Router 1       Router 2          Receiver
   ------        --------       --------          --------
   | <IP TTL: 63>
   | <QS TTL: 91>
   | <TTL Diff: 28>
   | Quick-Start Request
   | in SYN or SYN/ACK.
   | IP: Decrement QS TTL
   | to approve request -->
   |               Decrement
   |               QS TTL
   |               to approve
   |               request -->
   |                              Forward packet
   |                              without modifying
   |                              Quick-Start Option. -->
   |                                           <IP TTL: 60>
   |                                           <QS TTL: 89>
   |                                           <TTL Diff: 29>
   |                                           Return Quick-Start
   |                                            info to sender in
   |                                           Quick-Start Response
   |                                          <-- in TCP ACK packet.
   | <TTL Diff: 29>
   | Quick-Start not approved.
   | Report approved rate.
   V Use default initial cwnd. -->

                           __ Tunnels Supporting Quick-Start
   Non-Simple Tunnels __/_____ Tunnels Compatible with Quick-Start,
                        \          but Not Supporting Quick-Start
                          \__ Tunnels Not Compatible with Quick-Start?

              MN                 BS/PDSN/FA                 AAA
              --                 ----------                 ---
               |                     |                       |
       ------------------            |              -------------------
      |  RSA Public Key  |           |             |  RSA Private Key  |
      |  Pre-loaded by   |           |             |  Pre-loaded by    |
      |  Manufacturer    |           |             |  Service Provider |
       ------------------            |               -------------------
               |  Registration Request,                      |
               |  (MIP keys), RSA    |                       |
               |  Public Key         |                       |
               |-------------------->|                       |
               |                     |  Access Request, (MIP keys),
               |                     |  RSA Public Key       |
               |                     |---------------------->|
               |                     |              -------------------
               |                     |             |  Decrypt MIP      |
               |                     |             |  Keys using RSA   |
               |                     |             |  Private Key      |
               |                     |              -------------------

           MN           BS/PDSN/FA         HLR/AC          AAA
           --           ----------         ------          ---
    ------------------     |                 |      -------------------
   |  RSA Public Key  |    |                 |     |  RSA Private Key  |
   |  Pre-loaded by   |    |                 |     |  Pre-loaded by    |
   |  Manufacturer    |    |                 |     |  Service Provider |
    ------------------     |                 |      -------------------
            |  Global Challenge              |              |
            |<-------------|                 |              |
            |              |                 |              |
            |  Auth_Response                 |              |
            |------------->|                 |              |
            |              |  Auth_Response  |              |
            |              |---------------->|              |
            |              |          ------------------    |
            |              |         |  IS-2000         |   |
            |              |         |  Authentication  |   |
            |              |          ------------------    |
            |              |   Auth_Success  |              |
            |              |<----------------|              |
            |     ------------------         |              |
            |    |  BS forwards     |        |              |
            |    |  Authenticated   |        |              |
            |    |  MSID to PDSN    |        |              |
            |     ------------------         |              |
            |              |                 |              |
            |  Registration Request          |              |
            |  (MIP keys, AAA_Authenticator),               |
            |  RSA Public Key                |              |
            |------------->|                 |              |
            |              |  Access Request, MSID,         |
            |              |  (MIP keys, AAA_Authenticator),
            |              |  RSA Public Key                |
            |              |------------------------------->|
            |              |                 |     -------------------
            |              |                 |    |  Check MSID,      |
            |              |                 |    |  Decrypt AAA_-    |
            |              |                 |    |  Authenticator    |
            |              |                 |     -------------------
            |             Access Reject, AAA_Authenticator  |
            |              |<-------------------------------|
        Registration Reply, AAA_Authenticator               |
            |<-------------|                 |              |
    ------------------     |                 |              |
   |  Check AAA_-     |    |                 |              |
   |  Authenticator   |    |                 |              |
    ------------------     |                 |              |
                      Figure 2. Mutual Authentication

                                        |  User-initiated         |
                                        |  MN_Authenticator[x]    |
                                        |  Generation             |
    -----------------------------        ------------------------------
   |  Manufacturer               |      |  Delete MN_Authenticator[y], |
   |  MN_Authenticator[y]        |----->|  Store  MN_Authenticator[x]  |
   |  Generation**               |      |  in MN                       |
    -----------------------------        ------------------------------
                                        |  Delete MIP_Key_Data    |
                                        |  Payloads based on      |
                                        |  MN_Authenticator[y]    |
    -----------------------------        -------------------------
   |  KEYS_VALID state and       |      |  Generate MIP_Key_Data  |
   |  committed, delete          |----->|  Payloads based on      |
   |  MIP_Key_Data Payload       |      |  MN_Authenticator[x]    |
    -----------------------------        -------------------------
                 ^                                  |
                 |                                  v
    -----------------------------        -------------------------
   |  DMU MIP_Key_Data           |      |  Store MIP_Key_Data     |
   |  Delivery                   |<-----|  Payload                |
    -----------------------------        -------------------------

           MN                              PDSN/FA         AAAH
           --                              -------         ----
    ---------------------                     |     -------------------
   |  1: RSA Public Key  |                    |    |  RSA Private Key  |
   |  Pre-loaded by      |                    |    |  Pre-loaded by    |
   |  Manufacturer       |                    |    |  Service Provider |
    ---------------------                     |     -------------------
        |  2: MS/BS: IS-2000 Call Origination and Authentication  |
        |  3: MN/PDSN/FA: PPP Session Establishment               |
           |  4: Registration Request (RRQ)   |             |
           |--------------------------------->| 5: Access Request w/MSID
           |                                  |------------>|
           |                                  |    --------------------
           |                                  |   | 6: MIP Update State|
           |                                  |   | is UPDATE KEYS   |
           |                                  |    --------------------
           |                        7: Access Reject with   |
           |                        MIP_Key_Update_Request  |
           |                        RADIUS Attribute        |
           |                                  |<------------|
           |  8: Registration Reply (RRP)     |             |
           |  with MIP_Key_Request MIP        |             |
           |  Vendor/organization-specific    |             |
           |  extension                       |             |
           |<---------------------------------|             |
    -------------------                       |             |
   |  9: MN generates  |                      |             |
   |  MIP_Key_Data     |                      |             |
   |  using temporary  |                      |             |
   |  MIP keys         |                      |             |
    -------------------                       |             |
           |  10: RRQ with MIP_Key_Data       |             |
           |  Vendor/organization-specific extension        |
           |--------------------------------->|  11: Access Request
           |                                  |  w/MSID
           |                                  |  and MIP_Key_Data
           |                                  |  RADIUS attribute
           |                                  |------------>|

           MN                              PDSN/FA         AAAH
           --                              -------         ----
           |                                  |             |
           |                                  |    -------------------
           |                                  |   |  12: decrypt      |
           |                                  |   |  MIP_Key_Data,    |
           |                                  |   |  verify MN-AAA    |
           |                                  |   |  authentication   |
           |                                  |   |  extension, set   |
           |                                  |   |  MIP Update State |
           |                                  |   |  = KEYS UPDATED |
           |                                  |    -------------------
           |                        13: Access Reject with  |
           |                        AAA_Authenticator       |
           |                        RADIUS Attribute        |
           |                                  |<------------|
           |  14: Registration Reply (RRP)    |             |
           |  with AAA_Authenticator MIP      |             |
           |  Vendor/organization-specific    |             |
           |  extension                       |             |
           |<---------------------------------|             |
    ----------------------                    |             |
   |  15: verify          |                   |             |
   |  AAA_Authenticator,  |                   |             |
   |  store temporary     |                   |             |
   |  MIP keys as         |                   |             |
   |  permanent keys      |                   |             |
    ----------------------                    |             |
           |  16: RRQ                         |             |
           |--------------------------------->|  Access Request
           |                                  |  w/MSID
           |                                  |------------>|
           |                                  |    --------------------
           |                                  |   |  17: verify MN-AAA |
           |                                  |   |  authentication    |
           |                                  |   |  extension, set    |
           |                                  |   |  MIP Update State  |
           |                                  |   |  = KEYS VALID    |
           |                                  |    --------------------
           |                                  Access Accept |
           |                                  |<------------|

           MN           PDSN/FA         AAAH                HA
           --           -------         ----                --
           |               |              |                  |
           |               |  18. Registration Request (RRQ) |
           |               |-------------------------------->|
           |               |              19: Access Request |
           |               |              |<-----------------|
           |               |              | Access Accept    |
           |               |              | with MN-HA key   |
           |               |              |----------------->|
           |               |              |        -------------------
           |               |              |       |  verify           |
           |               |              |       |  mobile-home      |
           |               |              |       |  authentication   |
           |               |              |       |  extension        |
           |               |              |        -------------------
           |               |    20. Registration Reply (RRP) |
           |               |<--------------------------------|
           |          RRP  |              |                  |
           |<--------------|              |                  |

              MN           PDSN/FA         AAAH               HA
              --           -------         ----               --
       ----------------       |       ----------------         |
      |  MN state =    |      |      |  AAAH state =  |        |
      |  KEYS VALID    |      |      |  UPDATE KEYS   |        |
       ----------------       |       ----------------         |
              | (A) RRQ       |              |                 |
              |-------------->|  ARQ         |                 |
              |               |------------->|                 |
              |               AR(Key_Update) |                 |
        (B) RRP (Key_Update)  |<-------------|                 |
              |<--------------|              |                 |
       ----------------       |              |                 |
      |  MN state =    |      |              |                 |
      |  UPDATE KEYS   |      |              |                 |
       ----------------       |              |                 |
              | (C) RRQ (MIP_Key_Data)       |                 |
              |-------------->|  ARQ (MIP_Key_Data)            |
              |               |------------->|                 |
              |               |       ----------------         |
              |               |      |  AAAH state =  |        |
              |               |      |  KEYS UPDATED  |        |
              |               |       ----------------         |
              |               AR (AAA_Auth)  |                 |
           (D) RRP (AAA_Auth) |<-------------|                 |
              |<--------------|              |                 |
       ----------------       |              |                 |
      |  MN state =    |      |              |                 |
      |  KEYS VALID    |      |              |                 |
       ----------------       |              |                 |
              |  RRQ          |              |                 |
              |-------------->|  ARQ         |                 |
              |               |------------->|                 |
              |               |       ----------------         |
              |               |      |  AAAH state =  |        |
              |               |      |  KEYS VALID    |        |
              |               |       ----------------         |
              |               |          AA  |                 |
              |               |<-------------|  RRQ            |
              |               |------------------------------->|
              |               |              |            ARQ  |
              |               |              |<----------------|
              |               |              |  AA             |
              |               |              |---------------->|
              |               |              |            RRP  |
              |               |         RRP  |<----------------|
              |<-----------------------------|                 |
             Figure 5.  DMU Failure Call Flow with MN and AAA States

        --------------------->|  KEYS VALID  |---------------
       |  Auth success using   --------------   Need Key     |
       |  MIP_Key_Data                          Update       |
       |                                                     |
       |            Auth failed (invalid keys)               |
       |            or RRQ with different MIP_Key_Data       |
       |           ---------------------------------         |
       |          |                                 |        |
       |          |                                 v        v
    ----------------                              ---------------
   |  KEYS UPDATED  |                            |  UPDATE KEYS  |
    ----------------                              ---------------
       |       ^  ^                                 |
       |       |  |                                 |
        -------    ---------------------------------
   RRQ with same           Got MIP_Key_Data

   +------+                 +------+  x
   |  Y1  |                 |  Y2  |  t
   +--+---+                 +---+--+  e
      | Y1:y1            Y2:y2  |     r
      +----------+   +----------+     n
                 |   |                a
         X1':x1' |   | X2':x2'        l
   ...........|   NAT  |...............
              +--+---+-+              I
                 |   |                n
             X:x |   | X:x            t
                ++---++               e
                |  X  |               r
                +-----+               n

   +-------+               +-------+  x
   |  Y1   |               |  Y2   |  t
   +---+---+               +---+---+  e
       | Y1:y1          Y2:y2  |      r
       +---------+   +---------+      n
                 |   |                a
         X1':x1' |   | X2':x2'        l
   ...........|   NAT   |...............
              +--+---+--+             I
                 |   |                n
       +---------+   +---------+      t
       | X1:x1           X2:x2 |      e
   +---+---+               +---+---+  r
   |  X1   |               |  X2   |  n
   +-------+               +-------+  a

                ||            ||                      ||
                || speaker's  ||                      ||
                ||   image    ||                      ||
                ||            ||                      ||
                |+------------+|     presentation     ||
                |+------------+|        slides        ||
                ||            ||                      ||
                ||    sign    ||                      ||
                ||  language  ||                      ||
                ||            ||                      ||

             IPv6 islands          IPv4 cloud       IPv6 island

      |----|                                          |----|
   H--| R  |\ |-----|                       |------| /| R  |--H
   H--|    |\\|     |       |---|           |      |//|    |--H
      |----| \| He/ |       | T |           | Te/  |/ |----|
              | Agg |=======================| Deag |
             /|     |       |   |           |      |\
   H--------//|     |       |---|           |      |\\--------H
   H--------/ |-----|                       |------| \--------H

   E2E Path
                             E2E Path
                                                       E2E Path

                                                           E2E Resv
                             E2E Resv
         E2E Resv

   ------                                             ------
   | H  |# -------                          -------- #| H  |
   |    |\#|     |          -----           |      |#/|    |
   -----| \| Agg |          | T |           | Deag |/ ------
           |     |==========================|      |
   ------ /|     |::::::::::::::::::::::::::|      |\ ------
   | H  |/#|     |          -----           |      |#\| H  |
   |    |# -------                          -------- #|    |
   ------                                             ------

   ------                                             ------
   | GW |\ -------                          -------- /| GW |
   |    |\\|     |          -----           |      |//|    |
   -----| \| Agg |          | T |           | Deag |/ ------
           |     |==========================|      |
   ------ /|     |          |   |           |      |\ ------
   | GW |//|     |          -----           |      |\\| GW |
   |    |/ -------                          -------- \|    |
   ------                                             ------

   |----|       |--------------|  |------|   |--------------|     |----|
   |    |       | Aggregator/  |  | MPLS |   | Aggregator/  |     |    |
   |Host|       | Deaggregator/|  | cloud|   | Deaggregator/|     |Host|
   |    |       | RSVP Proxy   |  |      |   | RSVP Proxy   |     |    |
   |----|       |--------------|  |------|   |--------------|     |----|

     Path                                                      Path
    ------------> (1)-\                          /-(i)  <----------
           Resv       |                         |        Resv
    <------------ (2)-/                          \-(ii) ------------>
           Path                                            Path
    <------------ (3)                              (iii) ------------>
     Resv                                                        Resv
    ------------>                                        <------------

                               ,-.     ,-.
                         _.---'   `---'   `-+
                     ,-''   +------------+  :
                    (       |            |   `.
                     \     ,'    CCA     `.    :
                      \  ,' |            | `.  ;
                       ;'   +------------+   `._
                     ,'+                     ; `.
                   ,' -+   Application Layer'    `.
              SIP,'     `---+       |    ;         `.SIP
               ,'            `------+---'            `.
             ,'                                        `.
           ,'                                            `.
         ,'                  ,-.        ,-.                `.
       ,'                ,--+   `--+--'-   --'\              `._
    +-`--+_____+------+  {   +----+   +----+   `. +------+_____+----+
    |GW1 | RSVP|      |______| P  |___| P  |______|      | RSVP|GW2 |
    |    |-----| PE1  |  {   +----+   +----+    /+| PE2  |-----|    |
    |    |     |      |==========================>|      |     |    |
    +-:--+ RTP |      |<==========================|      | RTP +-:--+
     _|..__    +------+  {     DSTE Tunnels    ;  +------+ __----|--.
   _,'    \-|          ./                    -'._          /         |
   | Access  \         /        +----+           \,        |_ Access |
   | Network   |       \_       | P  |             |       /  Network |
   |          /          `|     +----+            /        |         '
   `--.  ,.__,|           |    IP/MPLS Network   /         '---'- ----'
      '`'  ''             ' .._,,'`.__   _/ '---'                |
       |                             '`'''                       |
       C1                                                        C2

   |     |     |
   |     |     |               +---------------------+
   |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
   |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
   |h    |     |               |                     |
   |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
   |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
   |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
   |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
   |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
   |     |     |               |                     |
   |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
   |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
   |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
   |     |     |
   |     +-----+

      |     |     |
      |     |     |               +---------------------+
      |E    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#A | DS1 Link
      |t    |  R  |---------------+ - - - - -  - - -  - +------>
      |h    |     |               |                     |
      |e    |  O  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#B | DS1 Link
      |r    |     |---------------+ - - - - - - - - - - +------>
      |n    |  U  |               |  CSU Shelf          |
      |e    |     |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#C | DS1 Link
      |t    |  T  |---------------+ - - - -- -- - - - - +------>
      |     |     |               |                     |
      |-----|  E  |  1.544  MBPS  |              Line#D | DS1 Link
      |     |     |---------------+ -  - - - -- - - - - +------>
      |     |  R  |               |_____________________|
      |     |     |
      |     +-----+

            |                                                   |
            |                      +----------+                 |
            |                      |   VPN    |                 |
            |          +---------->|  Admin   |<-------+        |
            |          |           | Function |        |        |
            |          |           +----------+        |        |
            |          v                               v        |
            |  +---------+                         +---------+  |
            |  |  IPsec  |                         |  IPsec  |  |
            |  |  Peer 1 |<=======================>|  Peer 2 |  |
            |  +---------+                         +---------+  |
            |                                                   |
            |                     VPN System                    |

               |        +-------------------------+          |
               |        v                         |          |
               |   +--------------+               v          |
               |   |  Repository  |    +----+   +----+       |
               |   | Certs & CRLs |<-> | CA |<->| RA |       |
               |   +--------------+    +----+   +----+       |
               |                                             |

          |                  PKI System                   |
          |                                               |
          |   +--------------+                            |
          |   |  Repository  |     +----+    +----+       |
          |   | Certs & CRLs |     | CA |    | RA |       |
          |   +--------------+     +----+    +----+       |
          |                                               |
               ^                  ^                   ^
               |[G]               |[A]                |[G]
               |[E]               |[G]                |[E]
               |[L]               |[E]                |[L]
               |[R]               |[R]                |[R]
               |                  |[L]                |
         |     |                  v                   |       |
         |     |             +----------+             |       |
         |     | [G][E][L][R]|   VPN    |[G][E][L][R] |       |
         |     | +---------->|  Admin   |<----------+ |       |
         |     | |           | Function |           | |       |
         |     | |           +----------+           | |       |
         |     v v                                  v v       |
         |  +---------+                          +---------+  |
         |  |  IPsec  |          [I]             |  IPsec  |  |
         |  |  Peer 1 |<========================>|  Peer 2 |  |
         |  +---------+                          +---------+  |
         |                                                    |
         |                     VPN System                     |

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
                                        | 1
                                      2 |
                                     | Admin |

                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+

                             +------>| Admin |
                             |       +-------+
                             | 1
                +--------------------+          +--------+
              2 |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+

                                   3 +-------+
                             +------>| Admin | 4
                             |       +-------+
                             | 1
                +--------------------+          +--------+
              2 |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+

                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         | 1
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+

                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
                           1,3 |
                               |     +-------+
                               |     | Admin |
                               |     +-------+
                           2,4 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
                                        ^ 2,6
                                        v 3,7
                                1,5  +-------+
                                  +> | Admin |
                                  |  +-------+
                              4,8 v
                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
                                        ^ 1,5
                                        v 2,6
                                  4  +-------+
                                  +->| Admin |
                                  |  +-------+
                              3,7 v
                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
                                        ^ 1,5
                                        v 2,6
                                  4  +-------+
                                  +->| Admin |
                                  |  +-------+
                              3,7 v
                +--------------------+          +--------+
                |       IPsec        |          | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |          | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+          +--------+

       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
       |  Repository  |     |         CA/RA         |
       +--------------+     +-----------------------+
                                        ^ 4
                                        v 1,5
                                  3  +-------+
                                  +->| Admin |
                                  |  +-------+
                              2,6 v
                +--------------------+        +--------+
                |       IPsec        |        | IPsec  |
                |      Peer 1        |        | Peer 2 |
                +--------------------+        +--------+

   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |...| * | * | * | * | * | * | * | LR|
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |...| * | * | * | * | * | * | RS| LR|
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

                     | * | O | DC| L |N/P| MC| E | * |

                   |                                           |1
    _______      __|__      _____      _____      _____      __|__
   |       | 1  |     | 1  |     | 1  |     | 1  |     | 1  |     |
   | start |--->|  1  |--->|  2  |--->|  3  |--->|  4  |--->|  5  |
   |_______|    |_____|    |_____|    |_____|    |_____|    |_____|
     |   |         |          |          |          |          |
     |   |0        |0         |0         |0         |0         |0

     \ To |
      \   |
       \  |
   From \ | start     1       2       3       4       5
    start |  0.5  |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0
        1 |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0
        2 |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0
        3 |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.5  |  0.0
        4 |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.5
        5 |  0.5  |  0.5  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0  |  0.0

             Compressor                     Decompressor
                  |                               |
                  |        ACK(O)/NACK(O) +-<-<-<-| D_TRANS = I
                  |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
      C_TRANS = P |-<-<-<-+                       |
      C_MODE = O  |                               |
                  |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,O) |
                  |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                  |->-..                  +->->->-| D_TRANS = P
                  |->-..                          | D_MODE = O
                  |           ACK(SN,O)   +-<-<-<-|
                  |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
      C_TRANS = D |-<-<-<-+                       |
                  |                               |
                  |->->->-+  UO-0, UO-1*          |
                  |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                  |                       +->->->-| D_TRANS = D
                  |                               |

                 Compressor                     Decompressor
                  |                               |
                  |        ACK(U)/NACK(U) +-<-<-<-| D_TRANS = I
                  |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
      C_TRANS = P |-<-<-<-+                       |
      C_MODE = U  |                               |
                  |->->->-+ IR/IR-DYN/UOR-2(SN,U) |
                  |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                  |->-..                  +->->->-| D_TRANS = P
                  |->-..                          |
                  |           ACK(SN,U)   +-<-<-<-|
                  |       +-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+       |
      C_TRANS = D |-<-<-<-+                       |
                  |                               |
                  |->->->-+  UO-0, UO-1*          |
                  |       +->->->->->->->-+       |
                  |                       +->->->-| D_TRANS = D
                  |                               | D_MODE= U

   Requesting Router   Delegating Router                   RADIUS Server
         |                     |                                 |
         |-Solicit------------>|                                 |
         |                     |-Request------------------------>|
         |                     |<--Accept(Delegated-IPv6-Prefix)-|
         |<--Advertise(Prefix)-|                                 |
         |-Request(Prefix)---->|                                 |
         |<--Reply(Prefix)-----|                                 |
         |                     |                                 |
                DHCP PD                      RADIUS

   | Request Accept Reject Challenge Accounting  #   Attribute         |
   |                                 Request                           |
   | 0+      0+     0      0         0+          123 Delegated-IPv6-   |
   |                                                 Prefix            |

                                      |    AVP Flag rules   |
                     AVP              |    |     |SHLD| MUST|    |
     Attribute Name  Code  Value Type |MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
     Delegated-IPv6- 123   OctetString| M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
       Prefix                         |    |     |    |     |    |

               search_low          eff_pmtu         search_high
                   |                   |                  |

               non-probe size range
                               probe size range

         [S] ----( connect )----> [R]   [FTP Server]
         [S] ----( send )-------> [R]   [AS3-Message]
         [S] ----( disconnect )-> [R]   [FTP Server]

         [S] <---( connect )----- [R]   [FTP Server]
         [S] <---( send )-------- [R]   [AS3-MDN]]
         [S] <---( disconnect )-- [R]   [FTP Server]

       [A Server] <---( connect )----- [B Client]
       [A Server] <---( send )-------- [B Client] [AS3-MDN]]
       [A Server] <---( disconnect )-- [B Server]
       [A Client] <---( GET )--------- [A Server]

       [B Server] <---( connect )----- [B Client]
       [B Server] <---( send )-------- [B Client] [AS3-MDN]]
       [B Server] <---( disconnect )-- [B Client]
       [A Client] <---( GET )--------- [B Server]

              0        1        2        3
          |   FST  |Protocol|CksumTyp|Frame No|Frame No|
                   |                                   |
                   //       DATA  Payload              //
                   |                                   |
                   |  CRC   |  CRC   |  CRC   |  CRC   |   FEN   |

                                   |     |
                                    \---/ Resource
                              +----|     |  List
                              |    |     |
                              |     \---/
                       |             | -------->
                       |    SIP      |
      ---------------> |  Service    | -------->
               service |             |
               URI     |             | -------->

               +---------------+         +------------+
               |   Event State |         |  Presence  |<-- SIP SUBSCRIBE
               |   Compositor  +---------+  Agent     |--> SIP NOTIFY
               |               |         |   (PA)     |
               +-------+-------+         +------------+
                 ^     ^     ^
                 |     |     |
                 |     |     |       +---------------+
        +--------+     |     +-------|  XCAP server  |
        |              |             +-------+-------+
        |              |                 ^         ^
        | SIP Publish  |                 |  XCAP   |
        |              |                 |         |
     +--+--+        +--+--+         +-------+   +-------+
     | PUA |        | PUA |         | XCAP  |   | XCAP  |
     |     |        |     |         | client|   | client|
     +-----+        +-----+         +-------+   +-------+

                          <----------  TFRC-SP  -------->
               Packet     14-byte    536-byte   1460-byte
               DropRate   Segments   Segments   Segments
               --------   --------   --------   --------
               0.00001       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.00003       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.00010       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.00030       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.00100       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.00300       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.01000       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.03000       5.40      57.60      83.07
               0.10000       5.40      26.58      26.58
               0.20000       5.40       8.06       8.06
               0.30000       2.93       2.93       2.93
               0.40000       1.26       1.26       1.26
               0.50000       0.63       0.63       0.63

                            <----------  TFRC-SP  -------->
               Byte         14-byte    536-byte   1460-byte
               DropRate     Segments   Segments   Segments
               --------     --------   --------   --------
               0.0000001       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.0000003       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.0000010       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.0000030       5.40      57.60     150.00
               0.0000100       5.40      57.60     132.75
               0.0000300       5.40      57.60      61.70
               0.0001000       5.40      50.00      16.25
               0.0003000       5.40      12.89       1.70
               0.0010000       5.40       0.95       0.15
               0.0030000       5.40       0.12       0.06
               0.0100000       1.10       0.06       0.06
               0.0300000       0.13       0.06       0.06

      LSP Setup Request
     (TE-Class i, bw=r)
               v               NO
     UB[TE-Class i] >= r ? -------> Reject LSP
                                    Setup and flood an updated IGP-TE
               |                    LSA/LSP
               v              NO
      Preemption Needed ? -------> Setup LSP/Update UB if a threshold is
               |                   crossed
               | YES
           Preemption   ---->    Setup LSP/Reroute Preempted LSPs
           Algorithm             Update UB

                      |       Heuristic       |   Other algorithms    |
                      |  HPB  | HBlock|  HNB  |   P   |  PN   |  PB   |
      Need to be      |  532  |  532  |  532  |  532  |  532  |  532  |
      Rerouted        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
      Preempted       |  612  |  483  |  619  |  504  |  477  |  598  |
      Rerouted        |467|76%|341|73%|475|77%|347|69%|335|70%|436|73%|
      Blocked         |145|24%|130|27%|144|23%|157|31%|142|30%|162|27%|
      Max Cascading   |  4.5  |   2   |   5   |  2.75 |   2   | 2.75  |
      Wasted Bandwidth|       |       |       |       |       |       |
      AVR (Mbps)      | 6638  |  532  | 6479  |  8247 | 8955  |  6832 |
      Worst Case(Mbps)| 35321 |26010  |36809  | 28501 | 31406 | 23449 |
      Priority        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
      Average         |   6   |  6.5  |  5.8  |  6.6  |  6.6  |  6.6  |
      Worst Case      |  1.5  |  3.8  |  1.2  |  3.8  |  3.8  |  3.8  |
      Extra Hops      |       |       |       |       |       |       |
      Average         |  0.23 | 0.25  | 0.22  | 0.25  | 0.25  | 0.23  |
      Worst Case      |  3.25 |  3    | 3.25  |  3    |   3   | 2.75  |
      Table 2: Simulation results for constant network failure:
               1 random failure every hour.

                  +-------+                  +-------+
                  |ANG GA1| (other ANGs)     |ANG GB1| (other ANGs)
                  +-------+                  +-------+
                   @    @                       @
                  @      @                      @
                 @        @                     @   (other routers)
                @          @                    @
               @            @                   @
              @              @                  @
           +------+       +------+            +------+
           |AR RA1|       |AR RA2|(other ARs) |AR RB1|  (other ARs)
           +------+       +------+            +------+
              *             *                    *
             * *            *                   * *
            *   *           *                  *   *
           *     *          *                 *     *
          *       *         *                *       *
         *         *        * (other APs)   *         * (other APs)
        /\         /\       /\             /\         /\
       /AP\       /AP\     /AP\           /AP\       /AP\
      /PA1 \     /PA2 \   /PA3 \         /PB1 \     /PB2 \
      ------     ------   ------         ------     ------

         +--+      +--+      +--+         +--+
         +--+      +--+      +--+         +--+
       Intra-link      Local        Global
       (Layer 2)      Mobility     Mobility

            PCode  Len   TZ-POSIX String
           | 100 |  N  | IEEE 1003.1 String           |

            TCode  Len   TZ-Database String
           | 101 |  N  | Reference to the TZ Database |

               Device with
               one or more P2MP
               interfaces such as OLT
               for EPON                       An EPON          IP host
               ------- OLT          ONU       "modem"          --------
    Other IEEE |     | interface |  interface ------ Other IEEE|      |
    interface  |     |-------\----------------|    | interface |      |
    ===========|     |        \               |    |===========|      |
               |     |         \              ------           --------
               |     |          \             ------           --------
               .     .           \------------|    |           |      |
               |     |------\                 |    |===========|      |
               |     |       \                ------           --------
               -------        \ etc

      |               Higher layers              |
      |               802.1D Bridge              |
      | MAC client|        ...        |MAC client|
      |           MAC Control - (MPCP)           |            *NEW*
      |    MAC    |        ...        |    MAC   |
      |           P2P Emulation (P2PE)           |            *NEW*
                      |            |
                      |    GMII    |
                      |            |
      |                    PCS                   |
      |                    FEC                   |            *NEW*
      |                    PMA                   |  *Enhanced parameters
      +==========================================+    for EPON*
      |                    PMD                   |  *Enhanced parameters
      +==========================================+    for EPON*
                      |            |
                      |    MDI     |
                      |            |
                   /       Media       /

                         Trunk Line
      |                 802.1D Bridge                 |
      | MAC client1|          ...         |MAC client3|
      |                     MP2PE                     |
      |                      PHY                      |
             |                 |                 |
             |                 |                 |
            \|/               \|/               \|/
      +============+    +============+    +============+
      |    PHY     |    |     PHY    |    |     PHY    |
      +============+    +============+    +============+
      |   MP2PE    |    |    MP2PE   |    |    MP2PE   |
      +============+    +============+    +============+
      | MAC client |    | MAC client |    | MAC client |
      +============+    +============+    +============+
      |    PHY     |    |     PHY    |    |     PHY    |
      +============+    +============+    +============+
            /|\               /|\               /|\
             |                 |                 |
             |                 |                 |
             |                 |                 |
        Subscriber1       Subscriber2       Subscriber3

      OLT                                          ONU
       |                                            |
       |          Discovery Gate message           \|
       |                                           /|
       |                                            |
       |/         Register Request message          |
       |\                                           |
       |                                            |
       |          Register message                  |
       |           (assigning LLID)                \|
       |                                           /|
       |                                            |
       |               Gate message                \|
       |                                           /|
       |                                            |
       |/         Register ACK message              |
       |\                                           |
       |                                            |
       |                                            |

   |       |              |           |     |       |          |       |
   | S_FEC | Preamble/SFD |   Frame   | FCS | T_FEC |  Parity  | T_FEC |
   |       |              |           |     |       |          |       |

   |       Higher layers       |
   |       802.1D Bridge       |
   |MAC client| ... |MAC client|
   +===========================+    \ +=============================+
   |   MAC Control - (MPCP)    |----- |MpcpObjects| ... |MpcpObjects|
   +===========================+    / +=============================+
   |   MAC    | ... |   MAC    |
   +===========================+    \ +=============================+
   |    P2P Emulation (P2PE)   |----- |OmpEmulat  |     |OmpEmulat  |
   +===========================+    / |ionObjects | ... |ionObjects |
             |        |               +=============================+
             |  GMII  |
             |        |
   |            PCS            |
   +===========================+    \ +=============================+
   |            FEC            |----- |FecObjects | ... |FecObjects |
   +===========================+    / +=============================+
   |            PMA            |
   |            PMD            |
             |        |
             |  MDI   |
             |        |
        /     Media     /

             ONU interface | ONU   | 10 megabit interface
             --------------| modem |--------------------

             1st OLT interface | Head  | gigE interface
             ------------------| end   |--------------------
                               |       |
             ------------------|       |
             2nd OLT interface |       |

   | Interfac | Value       | Value       | Value       | Value        |
   | eMIB     |             |             |             |              |
   |  object  |             |             |             |              |
   | ifIndex  | 200001      | 200002      | 200003      | 265535       |
   | ifDescr  | "interface  | "interface  | "interface  | "interface   |
   |          | description | description | description | description" |
   |          | "           | "           | "           |              |
   | ifType   | ethernetCsm | ethernetCsm | ethernetCsm | ethernetCsma |
   |          | acd (6)     | acd (6)     | acd (6)     | cd (6)       |
   | ifMtu    | MTUsize(152 | MTUsize(152 | MTUsize(152 | MTUsize(1522 |
   |          | 2)          | 2)          | 2)          | )            |
   | ifSpeed  | 1000000000  | 1000000000  | 1000000000  | 1000000000   |
   | ifPhysAd | OLT_MAC_Add | OLT_MAC_Add | OLT_MAC_Add | OLT_MAC_Addr |
   | dress    | ress        | ress        | ress        | ess          |
   | ifAdminS | up          | up          | up          | up           |
   | tatus    |             |             |             |              |
   | ifOperSt | Up          | Up          | Up          | Up           |
   | atus     |             |             |             |              |
   | ifLastCh | ONU1_up_tim | ONU2_up_tim | ONU3_up_tim | up_time      |
   | ange     | e           | e           | e           |              |
   | ifInOcte | ONU1_octets | ONU2_octets | ONU3_octets | BRCT_octets_ |
   | ts       | _number     | _number     | _number     | number       |
   | ifInUcas | ONU1_unic_f | ONU2_unic_f | ONU3_unic_f | BRCT_unic_fr |
   | tPkts    | rame_num    | rame_num    | rame_num    | ame_num      |
   | ifInNUca | ONU1_non_un | ONU2_non_un | ONU3_non_un | BRCT_non_uni |
   | stPkts   | ic_frame_nu | ic_frame_nu | ic_frame_nu | c_frame_num  |
   |          | m           | m           | m           |              |
   | ifInDisc | ONU1_disc_f | ONU2_disc_f | ONU3_disc_f | BRCT_disc_fr |
   | ards     | rame_num    | rame_num    | rame_num    | ame_numr     |
   | ifInErro | ONU1_err_fr | ONU2_err_fr | ONU3_err_fr | BRCT_err_fra |
   | rs       | ame_num     | ame_num     | ame_num     | me_num       |
   | ifInUnkn | ONU1_unknw_ | ONU2_unknw_ | ONU3_unknw_ | BRCT_unknw_f |
   | ownProto | frame_num   | frame_num   | frame_num   | rame_num     |
   | s        |             |             |             |              |
   | ifOutOct | ONU1_octets | ONU2_octets | ONU3_octets | BRCT_octets_ |
   | ets      | _number     | _number     | _number     | number       |
   | ifOutUca | ONU1_unic_f | ONU2_unic_f | ONU3_unic_f | BRCT_unic_fr |
   | stPkts   | rame_num    | rame_num    | rame_num    | ame_num      |
   | ifOutNUc | ONU1_non_un | ONU2_non_un | ONU3_non_un | BRCT_non_uni |
   | astPkts  | ic_frame_nu | ic_frame_nu | ic_frame_nu | c_frame_num  |
   |          | m           | m           | m           |              |

   | dot3EPON MIB module object | IEEE802.3ah attribute   | Reference  |
   | ifIndex                    | aMPCPID                 | |
   | dot3MpcpOperStatus         | aMPCPAdminState         | |
   | dot3MpcpMode               | aMPCPMode               | |
   | dot3MpcpLinkID             | aMPCPLinkID             | |
   | dot3MpcpRemoteMACAddress   | aMPCPRemoteMACAddress   | |
   | dot3MpcpRegistrationState  | aMPCPRegistrationState  | |
   | dot3MpcpMACCtrlFramesTrans | aMPCPMACCtrlFramesTrans | |
   | mitted                     | mitted                  |            |
   | dot3MpcpMACCtrlFramesRecei | aMPCPMACCtrlFramesRecei | |
   | ved                        | ved                     |            |
   | dot3MpcpTxGate             | aMPCPTxGate             | |
   | dot3MpcpTxRegAck           | aMPCPTxRegAck           | |
   |                            |                         | 0          |
   | dot3MpcpTxRegister         | aMPCPTxRegister         | |
   |                            |                         | 1          |
   | dot3MpcpTxRegRequest       | aMPCPTxRegRequest       | |
   |                            |                         | 2          |
   | dot3MpcpTxReport           | aMPCPTxReport           | |
   |                            |                         | 3          |
   | dot3MpcpRxGate             | aMPCPRxGate             | |
   |                            |                         | 4          |
   | dot3MpcpRxRegAck           | aMPCPRxRegAck           | |
   |                            |                         | 5          |
   | dot3MpcpRxRegister         | aMPCPRxRegister         | |
   |                            |                         | 6          |
   | dot3MpcpRxRegRequest       | aMPCPRxRegRequest       | |
   |                            |                         | 7          |
   | dot3MpcpRxReport           | aMPCPRxReport           | |
   |                            |                         | 8          |
   | dot3MpcpTransmitElapsed    | aMPCPTransmitElapsed    | |
   |                            |                         | 9          |
   | dot3MpcpReceiveElapsed     | aMPCPReceiveElapsed     | |
   |                            |                         | 0          |
   | dot3MpcpRoundTripTime      | aMPCPRoundTripTime      | |
   |                            |                         | 1          |
   | dot3MpcpDiscoveryWindowsSe | aMPCPDiscoveryWindowsSe | |
   | nt                         | nt                      | 2          |

        MAC Header|      Length     |                    802.{3/4/5} MAC

       | Dsap=K1| Ssap=K1| control|                            802.2 SAP

       |protocol id or org code =K2|    Ether Type   |        802.2 SNAP

                +------------+              +---------------+
                |            |              |               |
      SONET --> |    CEP     | --> PSN  --> |      CEP      | --> SONET
       SDH      | Packetizer |              | De-Packetizer |      SDH
                |            |              |               |
                +------------+              +---------------+
                   (sender)                    (receiver)

       VC-4 <--x3-- TUG-3 <--------x1-------- TU-3 <-- VC-3 <---- E3/T3
                        +--x7-- TUG-2 <--x1-- TU-2 <-- VC-2 <---- DS2
                                 +----x3---- TU-12 <-- VC-12<---- E1
                                 +----x4---- TU-11 <-- VC-11<---- T1

        0                                       1
        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   1   2   3   4   5
      |AIS|UNE|RTP|EBM|      Reserved [0:6]       | CEP Type  | Async |
      |   |   |   |   |                           |    [0:2]  |T3 |E3 |

                  :     |                    |
     +----------+ :     |    +----------+    |
     | Customer | :     |    | Provider |    |
     |Management| :     |    |Management|    |
     | system(s)|-:-----+----| system(s)|    |
     +----------+ :     |    +----------+    |
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |                    |     :
        +----+    :   +----+    +----+    +----+   :   +----+
        | CE |----:---| PE |----| P  |----| PE |---:---| CE |
        +----+    :   +----+    +----+    +----+   :   +----+
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     +--------------------+     :
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |<-Provider network->|     :
             Customer                           Customer
             interface                          interface

                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |                    |     :
         +----+   :   +----+              +----+   :   +----+
         | CE |---:---| PE |              | PE |---:---| CE |
         +----+   :   +----+              +----+   :   +----+
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     +--------------------+     :
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |<-Provider network->|     :
             Customer                           Customer
             interface                          interface

                    :   |                    |   :
           +----+   :   |                    |   :   +----+
           | CE |---:---|    Virtual Node    |---:---| CE |
           +----+   :   |                    |   :   +----+
                    :   |                    |   :
                    :   +--------------------+   :
                    :   |                    |   :
                    :   |<-Provider network->|   :
              Customer                          Customer
              interface                         interface

                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |       Virtual      |     :
         +----+   :   +----+     link     +----+   :   +----+
         | CE |---:---| PE |**************| PE |---:---| CE |
         +----+   :   +----+              +----+   :   +----+
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     +--------------------+     :
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |<-Provider network->|     :
             Customer                           Customer
             interface                          interface

                  :     |                    |     :
         +----+   :   +----+    +----+    +----+   :   +----+
         | CE |---:---| PE |----| P  |----| PE |---:---| CE |
         +----+   :   +----+    +----+    +----+   :   +----+
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     +--------------------+     :
                  :     |                    |     :
                  :     |<-Provider network->|     :
             Customer                           Customer
             interface                          interface

                               |    Data plane    |    Data plane
                               |      shared      |     dedicated
      Signaling                |     Overlay      |     Overlay
      Signaling +              |     Overlay      |     Overlay
      Membership information   |    Extension     |    Extension
      Signaling +              |                  |
      Membership information + |   Virtual Node   |   Virtual Node
      Customer network routing |                  |
      information              |                  |
      Signaling +              |                  |
      Membership information + |                  |   Virtual Link
      Customer network routing |  Not applicable  |
      information +            |                  |   Per-VPN Peer
      Provider network routing |                  |
      information              |                  |

    +----------+      +----------+      +----------+      +----------+
    |          |      |          |      |          |      |  Inner   |
    |   Peer   |<---->|  Authen- |<---->| EAP-FAST |<---->|  Method  |
    |          |      |  ticator |      |  server  |      |  server  |
    |          |      |          |      |          |      |          |
    +----------+      +----------+      +----------+      +----------+

    |       Inner EAP Method     |     Other TLV information        |
    |                 TLV Encapsulation (TLVs)                      |
    |                         TLS                                   |
    |                       EAP-FAST                                |
    |                         EAP                                   |
    |   Carrier Protocol (EAP over LAN, RADIUS, Diameter, etc.)     |

        |Application |Host 1 |Service |Host 2 |Application |
        |----------- |Network|Provider|Network|----------  |
        | Host 1 OS  |       |        |       | Host 2 OS  |
        |    IPv6    |       |Dual IP |       |    IPv6    |
      A |    ----    | IPv4  |  or    |Dual IP|    ----    |
        |    Dual IP |       | IPv4   |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv6    |       |        |       |    IPv6    |
      B |    ----    | IPv6  | IPv4   | IPv4  |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP |       |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv4    |       |        |       |    IPv4    |
      C |    ----    | IPv4  |Dual IP | IPv6  |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP |       |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv4    |Dual IP|        |       |    IPv4    |
      D |    ----    |  or   | IPv4   | IPv6  |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP | IPv6  |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv6    |Dual IP|        |Dual IP|    IPv4    |
      E |    ----    |  or   |Dual IP |  or   |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP | IPv6  |        | IPv6  |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv6    |       |        |       |    IPv4    |
      F |    ----    | IPv6  | IPv4   | IPv4  |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP |       |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv4    |       |        |       |    IPv6    |
      G |    ----    | IPv6  | Dual IP| IPv6  |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP |       |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv4    |       |        |       |    IPv6    |
      H |    ----    | IPv6  |Dual IP | IPv4  |    ----    |
        |    IPv4    |       |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv4    |       |        |       |    IPv6    |
      I |    ----    | IPv6  |  IPv4  | IPv6  |    ----    |
        |    IPv4    |       |        |       |    Dual IP |
        |    IPv6    |       |        |       |    IPv4    |
      J |    ----    | IPv4  |  IPv4  | IPv6  |    ----    |
        |    Dual IP |       |        |       |    Dual IP |

      ------------    ----------       ---- Wired Connection
     | Network and|  |          |      .... Wireless Connection
     |  Service   |--| Backbone |
     | Operation  |  |          |
      ------------    ----------
                       /  |          ---------------------
                      /   :        _|Connection to        |
                     /    :         |Commercial Internet  |
                    /     :          ---------------------
                                      Network Backbone
    -------------- /------|-------------|--------------------
      ----------  /  ----------      ----------
     | Home     |/  | Wireless |    |External  |.............
     | Base     |   | Mobile   |    |Untrusted |+---------  :
     | Network  |   | Network  |    |Network   |          | :
      ----------     ----------      ----------           | :
          | :            :                                | :
                                      Local Network
                                      Customer Applications
          | :            :                                | :
       +--------+    +--------+      +--------+           | :
       |        |    |        |      |        |           | :
       |Customer|    |Customer|      |Customer|+----------- :
       |        |    |        |      |        |..............
       +--------+    +--------+      +--------+

        +---------------------------+                 +----------------+
        |       Visited Domain      |                 |      Home      |
        |                           |   +---------+   |     Network    |
        |                           |   |         |   |                |
        |  +------+      +-------+  |   | Public  |   |    +------+    |
        |  |  FA  |------|  GFA  |-------------------------|  HA  |    |
        |  +--+---+      +-------+  |   | Network |   |    +------+    |
        |     |                     |   |         |   |                |
        +-----|---------------------+   +---------+   +----------------+
           |  MN  |

     MN                     FA1                     GFA              HA
     |                       |                       |                |
     | Registration Request  |                       |                |
     |---------------------->|  Reg.  Request        |                |
     |                       |---------------------->|  Reg.  Request |
     |                       |                       |--------------->|
     |                       |                       |   Reg.  Reply  |
     |                       |  Reg.  Reply          |<---------------|
     |  Registration Reply   |<----------------------|                |
     |<----------------------|                       |                |
     |                       |                       |                |

     MN                     FA2                            GFA       HA
     |                       |                              |         |
     | Regional Reg.  Req.   |                              |         |
     |---------------------->| Regional Registration  Req.  |         |
     |                       |----------------------------->|         |
     |                       | Regional Registration Reply  |         |
     | Regional Reg.  Reply  |<-----------------------------|         |
     |<----------------------|                              |         |
     |                       |                              |         |

          +-------+              +-------+               +-------+
          | (3.b) | -----------> | (3.c) | ------------> | (3.d) |
          +-------+  Comments    +-------+   Comments    +-------+
                     collected    /|\  |    understood
                                   |   |
                                   |   | Comments not fully understood
                                   |   | (Further AD/Document Shepherd
                                   |   |  discussion required)

          +-------+                  +-------+
          | (3.c) | ---------------> | (3.d) |
          +-------+    Consistent    +-------+
             /|\     interpretation      |
              |                          | Further AD/Document Shepherd
              |                          | discussion required

                   /       Aggregation        \
      |----|      |          Region            |      |----|
   H--| R  |\ |-----|                       |------| /| R  |-->H
   H--|    |\\|     |   |---|     |---|     |      |//|    |-->H
      |----| \|     |   | I |     | I |     |      |/ |----|
              | Agg |======================>| Deag |
             /|     |   |   |     |   |     |      |\
   H--------//|     |   |---|     |---|     |      |\\-------->H
   H--------/ |-----|                       |------| \-------->H
                  |                            |
                   \                          /

           |                IPv4 Aggregator Address (4 bytes)      |

                 I----------I               I----------I
                 I  Cloud-1 I               I  Cloud-2 I
                 I----------I               I----------I
                       |                      |
                    Agg-Deag-1------------ Agg-Deag-2
                       /                        \
                      /      Aggregation         |
                     |         Region            |
                     |                           |
                     |                       ---/
                      \                     /
                        I  Cloud-3 I

    E2E Path
                           E2E Path
                    E2E PathErr(New-agg-needed,SOI=GAx)
                    E2E PathErr(New-agg-needed,SOI=GAy)
                                                           E2E Path
                         AggResv (Session=GAx)
                         AggResv (Session=GAy)
                     AggResvConfirm (Session=GAx)
                     AggResvConfirm (Session=GAy)
                                                           E2E Resv
                           E2E Resv (SOI=GAx)
      E2E Resv

      |            128 - N bits               |       N bits           |
      |            link prefix                |  interface identifier  |

     Mobile node               Home agent           Correspondent node
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         ~ Handoff                 |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Binding Update--------->|                         |
         |-early Binding Update + Care-of Test Init option-->|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |<------------Binding Ack-|                         |
         |<----------early Binding Ack + Care-of Test option-|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Binding Update----------------------------------->|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |<--------------------------------------Binding Ack-|
         |                         |                         |

     Mobile node              Home agent          Correspondent node
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Home Test Init--------->|------------------------>|
         |                         |                         |
         |<------------------------|<--------------Home Test-|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         ~ Handoff                 |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Binding Update--------->|                         |
         |-early Binding Update + Care-of Test Init option-->|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |<------------Binding Ack-|                         |
         |<----------early Binding Ack + Care-of Test option-|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Binding Update----------------------------------->|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |<--------------------------------------Binding Ack-|
         |                         |                         |

     Mobile node               Home agent           Correspondent node
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         ~ Handoff                 |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Binding Update--------->|                         |
         |-Care-of Test Init-------------------------------->|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |<------------Binding Ack-|                         |
         |<-------------------------------------Care-of Test-|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |-Binding Update----------------------------------->|
         |                         |                         |
         |                         |                         |
         |<--------------------------------------Binding Ack-|
         |                         |                         |

        payload packet
      _________________                           _____________________
     /                 \                         |                     |
    /  Care-of address  \     Yes                |   Increase credit   |
   |         in          |---------------------> |     counter by      |
    \  VERIFIED state?  /                        | payload packet size |
     \_________________/                         |_____________________|
              |                                             |
              |                                             |
              | No                                          |
              |                                             V
              |                                   _____________________
              |                                  |                     |
              |                                  |   Deliver payload   |
              +--------------------------------> |   packet to upper-  |
                                                 |    layer protocol   |

        payload packet
      _________________                           _____________________
     /                 \                         |                     |
    /  Care-of address  \     Yes                |    Send payload     |
   |         in          |---------------------> |      packet to      |
    \  VERIFIED state?  /                        |   care-of address   |
     \_________________/                         |_____________________|
              |                                   _____________________
              | No                               |                     |
              |                                  |   Discard payload   |
              |                      +---------> |        packet       |
              |                      |           |     immediately     |
              V                      |           |_____________________|
      _________________              |            _____________________
     /                 \             |           |                     |
    /  Credit counter   \   Yes     / \          |    Send payload     |
   |  less than payload  |-------> |   |-------> |      packet to      |
    \   packet size?    /           \ /          |    home address     |
     \_________________/             |           |_____________________|
              |                      |            _____________________
              |                      |           |                     |
              | No                   |           |   Buffer payload    |
              |                      +---------> |     packet for      |
              |                                  | later transmission  |
              |                                  |_____________________|
    _____________________                         _____________________
   |                     |                       |                     |
   |    Reduce credit    |                       |    Send payload     |
   |     counter by      |---------------------> |      packet to      |
   | payload packet size |                       |   care-of address   |
   |_____________________|                       |_____________________|

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

     <---- p(n-1) ---->
              <----- p(n) ----->
                       <---- p(n+1) ---->
                                <---- p(n+2) ---->
                                         <---- p(n+3) ---->
                                                  <---- p(n+4) ---->

                +----------+                         +----------+
                |          |    IP/UDP/RTP/AMR or    |          |
                | TERMINAL |<----------------------->| TERMINAL |
                |          |    IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB    |          |
                +----------+                         +----------+

          AMR or AMR-WB
          I.366.{2,3} or +------+                        +----------+
          3G Iu or       |      |   IP/UDP/RTP/AMR or    |          |
          <------------->|  GW  |<---------------------->| TERMINAL |
          GSM Abis       |      |   IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB    |          |
          etc.           +------+                        +----------+
           GSM/              |           IP network
           3GPP UMTS network |

   AMR or AMR-WB                                        AMR or AMR-WB
   over                                                 over
   I.366.{2,3} or +------+                     +------+ I.366.{2,3} or
   3G Iu or       |      |  IP/UDP/RTP/AMR or  |      | 3G Iu or
   <------------->|  GW  |<------------------->|  GW  |<------------->
   GSM Abis       |      |  IP/UDP/RTP/AMR-WB  |      | GSM Abis
   etc.           +------+                     +------+ etc.
                      |                           |
    GSM/              |          IP network       |  GSM/
    3GPP UMTS network |                           |  3GPP UMTS network

   | payload header | table of contents | speech data ...

   | 1L | 1R | 2L | 2R | 3L | 3R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

   | list of ToC entries |
   | list of frame CRCs  | (optional)
    - - - - - - - - - - -

   ILL=2, ILP=0:
   | 1L | 1R | 4L | 4R | 7L | 7R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 1   Block 4   Block 7

   ILL=2, ILP=1:
   | 2L | 2R | 5L | 5R | 8L | 8R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 2   Block 5   Block 8

   ILL=2, ILP=2:
   | 3L | 3R | 6L | 6R | 9L | 9R |
     Frame-    Frame-    Frame-
     Block 3   Block 6   Block 9

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | c0| c1| c2| c3| c4| c5| c6| c7|
   (MSB)                       (LSB)

           area A               area B              area C
    <-------------------> <----------------> <------------------>

   ^  \                / | \              / | \                /
   |   \              /  |  \            /  |  \              /
   |    A3----------A4--AB2--B3--------B4--BC2--C3----------C4
   |                     ^                  ^
   |                     |                  |
   |                     |                  |
   |                     |              ERO: (C3-strict, C4-strict,
   |                     |                    Egress-strict)
   |                     |              XRO: Not needed
   |                     |
   |               ERO: (B3-strict, B4-strict, BC2-strict, Egress-loose)
   |               XRO: (BC1, C1, C2)
   ERO: (A3-strict, A4-strict, AB2-strict, Egress-loose)
   XRO: (AB1, B1, B2, BC1, C1, C2, Egress)

        Type           Subobject
        1              IPv4 prefix
        2              IPv6 prefix
        4              Unnumbered Interface ID
        32             Autonomous system number
        34             SRLG

            Area 1           Area 0          Area 2

       |        |              |              |         |
       |        |              |              |         |
       A        |              |              |         C
       |        |              |              |         |
       |        |              |              |         |

                          |    |    |
                          |    |    |
                          F    G    H-------I
                               |    |\      |
                               |    | \     |
                               J    K   L   M
                               |    |   |   |
                               |    |   |   |
                               N    O   P   Q--R

                   Source 1 (S1)
                   |   |
                   |L5 |
                   P3  |
                   |   |
                L3 |L1 |L2
       R2----PE3--P1   P2---PE2--Receiver 1 (R1)
                  | L4

         PTag |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
         Bit 7 -- Always one
         Bit 6 -- New packet format if set

         +--first octet--+-second octet--+--third octet--+
         |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
         |5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|5 4 3 2 1 0|

           Asymmetric  |  Hash  |  Symmetric
            key size   |  size  |   key size
              1024        160         80
              2048        224        112
              3072        256        128
              7680        384        192
             15360        512        256

   | L2 Trigger |       Target         |  Link-Up      |  Link-Down    |
   |            |       Trigger        |  (L2-LU)      |   (L2-LD)     |
   |            |       (L2-TT)        |               |               |
   | Recipient  |          nFA         |  MN or nFA    |     oFA       |
   | Method     | PRE       |  POST    |  PRE & POST   |    POST       |
   |            | network-  |  target  |               |               |
   |            | initiated |  trigger |               |               |
   | When?      |                      | when radio    |  when radio   |
   |            |   same as            | link between  |  link between |
   |            |   source trigger     | MN & nFA  is  |  MN and oFA   |
   |            |                      | established   |  is lost      |
   | Parameters | oFA identifier       | @MN: nFA IPv4 | MN identifier |
   |            | MN identifier        | or L2 addr.   |               |
   |            |                      | @nFA: MN IPv4 |               |
   |            |                      | or L2 addr.   |               |

   MN                    oFA                 nFA                 HA/GFA
    |                     |<~~~~~~ L2-Source  |                    |
    |                     |           Trigger |                    |
    |<--------------------|                   |                    |
    |     PrRtAdv         |                   |                    |
    |                     |                   |                    |
    |---------------------------------------->|                    |
    |   RegReq or         |                   |                    |
    |   RegRegReq (routed via oFA)            |------------------->|
    |                                         | RegReq or RegRegReq|
    |                                         |                    |
    |                          Buffered ~~~~~>|<-------------------|
    |---------------------------------------->|    (Reg)RegReply   |
    | Agent Solicitation                      |                    |
    | (sent when MN connects to nFA)          |                    |
    |                                         |                    |
    |<----------------------------------------|                    |
    |              (Reg)RegReply              |                    |
    |              (sent when nFA receives Solicitation or L2-LU)  |

   MN                    oFA                 nFA                 HA/GFA
    |                     | L2-Target~~~~~~~~>|                    |
    |                     |    Trigger        |                    |
    |                     |...................|                    |
    |<--------------------------------------- |                    |
    |     (PrRtAdv)       |...................|                    |
    |                     | Tunneled Agent Advertisement           |
    |                     |                   |                    |
    |---------------------------------------->|                    |
    |   RegReq. or        |                   |                    |
    |   RegRegReq (routed via oFA)            |------------------->|
    |                                         | RegReq or RegRegReq|
    |                                         |                    |
    |                          Buffered ~~~~~>|<-------------------|
    |---------------------------------------->|    (Reg)RegReply   |
    | Agent Solicitation                      |                    |
    | (sent when MN connects to nFA)          |                    |
    |                                         |                    |
    |<----------------------------------------|                    |
    |              (Reg)RegReply              |                    |
    |              (sent when nFA receives Solicitation or L2-LU)  |

   MN                    oFA                 nFA               HA/GFA
    |<~~~~~ L2-Trigger    |                   |                    |
    |                     |                   |                    |
    |-------------------->|                   |                    |
    |      PrRtSol        |                   |                    |
    |                     |                   |                    |
    |<--------------------|                   |                    |
    |      PrRtAdv        |                   |                    |
    |                     |                   |                    |
    |---------------------------------------->|                    |
    |   RegReq or         |                   |                    |
    |   RegRegReq (routed via oFA)            |------------------->|
    |                                         | RegReq or RegRegReq|
    |                                         |                    |
    |                          Buffered ~~~~~>|<-------------------|
    |---------------------------------------->|    (Reg)RegReply   |
    | Agent Solicitation                      |                    |
    | (sent when MN connects to nFA)          |                    |
    |                                         |                    |
    |<----------------------------------------|                    |
    |              (Reg)RegReply              |                    |
    |              (sent when nFA receives Solicitation or L2-LU)  |

         1a) L2-ST ~~~~> +------+ 2) HRqst +------+ <~~~ 1b) L2-TT
                         | oFA  |<-------->| nFA  |
             4a) L2-LD~> +------+ 3) HRply +------+ <~~~ 4b) L2-LU
                            ^                  ^
                  old L2    |                  |     new L2
                            +-------+    +-----+
                                    |    |
                                    |    |
                                    V    V
                                   +------+  movement
                    4c) L2-LU ---> |  MN  | --------->

              MN                    nFA                 oFA
               |                     |                   |
               |                     |     HRqst(s)      |<~~~ L2-ST
               |                     |<------------------|
               |                     |     HRply(s)      |
               |                     |------------------>|
               |                     |                   |
              --------------------------------------------<~~~ L2-LD
                                L2 Handoff
              --------------------------------------------<~~~ L2-LU
               |                     |                   |
               |<------------------->|                   |
               |    MN's traffic     |                   |

              MN                    nFA                 oFA
               |                     |                   |
               |           L2-TT ~~~>|     HRqst(t)      |
               |                     |------------------>|
               |                     |     HRply(t)      |
               |                     |<------------------|
               |                     |                   |
              --------------------------------------------<~~~ L2-LD
                                L2 Handoff
              --------------------------------------------<~~~ L2-LU
               |                     |                   |
               |<------------------->|                   |
               |    MN's traffic     |                   |

             MN               nFA            oFA              aFA
              |                |   L2-ST ~~~> |                |
              |                |              |                |
              |                |<-------------|                |
              |                |       HTT    |                |
              |                |------------->|                |
              |                |    HRply(s)  |                |
              |                |------------------------------>|
              |                |   HRqst(t)   |                |
              |                |<------------------------------|
              |                |    HRply(t)  |                |
              |                |              |                |
             ----------------------------------<~~~ L2-LD      |
                           L2 Handoff         |     HRqst(r)   |
                                              |                |
                                              |     HRply(r)   |
                                              |                |
             ----------------------------------<~~~ L2-LU      |
              | MN's traffic   |              |                |
              |<-------------->|              |                |

             MN               nFA            oFA              aFA
              |                |              |                |
              |                |<~~~ L2-TT    |                |
              |                |------------->|                |
              |                |    HRqst(t)  |                |
              |                |<-------------|                |
              |                |    HTT       |                |
              |                |------------------------------>|
              |                |   HRqst(t)   |                |
              |                |<------------------------------|
              |                |    HRply(t)  |                |
              |                |              |                |
             ----------------------------------<~~~ L2-LD      |
                           L2 Handoff         |     HRqst(r)   |
                                              |                |
                                              |     HRply(r)   |
                                              |                |
             ----------------------------------<~~~ L2-LU      |
              | MN's traffic   |              |                |
              |<-------------->|              |                |

                      +------+ <--------  +------+
                      | FA(2)| ---------> | FA(1)|
                      +------+ HRply(r)   +------+

                RegReq    +-----+   RegReq
             +----------->| oFA |--------------+
             |            +-----+              |
             |                                 v
          +----+                            +-----+ RegReq  +----+
          | MN |                            | GFA |<------->| HA |
          +----+                            +-----+         +----+

                           | oFA |
          +----+                            +-----+         +----+
          | MN |                            | GFA |         | HA |
          +----+                            +-----+         +----+
             |                                 ^
             |             +-----+             |
             +------------>| nFA |-------------+
               RegRegReq   +-----+  RegRegReq

               CN ->|_|-| Internet
                        |  _____
                        |-|     |       |<- home link
                       _  |     |-|  _  |  _
                    |-|_|-|_____| |-|_|-|-|_|<- HA (Home Agent)
                    |  \                |  _
     foreign link ->|  ^                |-|_|<- MR (Mobile Router)
                       .. AR (access    ___|___
                             router)     _|  |_
                                        |_|  |_|
                                         ^    ^
                                      MNN1    MNN2

                       CN ->|_|-|
                                |  _____
                   _  |         |-|     |       |<- home link
                  |_|-|  _  |  _  |     |-|  _  |  _
         2 MNNs -> _  |-|_|-|-|_|-|_____| |-|_|-|-|_|<- HA
                  |_|-|  .  |  \             \  |
                      |  .  |<- foreign      ^AR
      mobile subnet ->   .       link
                         ^ MR

       mobile subnet->|           |  _____
                   _  |           |-|     |       |<- home link
            MNN1->|_|-|'i'_'e'|  _  |     |-|  _  |  _
                      |--|_|--|-|_|-|_____| |-|_|-|-|_|<- HA
                       'i'|   |  \                |
                      ____|__ |
       mobile subnet-^ _| .   |<- foreign
                      |_| .       link
                MNN2 -^   .

       mobile subnet 1 |  _      +++++++<<<+++++++++++
                       |-|_|-|   +                   +
              ++<<<LMN-|  \  |   +                 |-MR
              +              |   +          _____  |  _ HA_MR
              +        |  _  |   +         |     |-|-|_|
              + LMN _  |-|_|-|   _   |  _  |     |    _
              ++++>|_|-|  \  |--|_|--|-|_|-|_____|-|-|_|
                       |     |   ^   |  \          |    HA_VMN
                VMN _  |         MR                |
                   |_|-|                           |-VMN
                 ^    mobile subnet 2               +
                 +                                  +

                             _  |        _    |     |
                       _  |-|_|-|  _  |-|_|-|-|     |-|        _
                 _  |-|_|-|  \  |-|_|-|  \  | |_____| |  _  |-|_|
           _  |-|_|-|     |           |     |         |-|_|-|
          |_|-|  \  |                                    \  |

              sub-NEMO     root-NEMO    fl   Internet   Home Network

                   _           _  |     |
                  |_|-|  _  |-|_|-|     |-|        _
                   _  |-|_|=|  \  |_____| |  _  |-|_|
                  |_|-|     |             |-|_|-|
                                             \  |
                  MNNs   MR   AR  Internet   AR    HA

                         _  |
                   _  |-|_|-|  _____
                  |_|-|     |-|     |
             MNNs  _  |       |     |-|        _
                  |_|-|  _  |-|_____| |  _  |-|_|
                      |-|_|-|         |-|_|-|
                            |               |

                   _  |  _  |
                  |_|-|-|_|-|  _   _____
    NEMO-1    MNNs _  | MR1 |-|_|-|     |
                  |_|-|       ARx |     |-|        _
               AR1 \  |     |  _  |     | |  _  |-|_|
                         _  |-|_|-|     | |-|_|-|
                   _  |-|_|-| ARy |     |       |
                  |_|-| MR2a   _  |     |
    NEMO-2    MNNs _  |     |-|_|-|     |
                  |_|-|  _  | ARz |_____|
                   \  |-|_|-|
               AR2      MR2b

                        | /64         Home Link: A:B:C:0::/64
             --+-----+--+- . -+- . -+--
               |     |        |     |
               MR1   MR2      MRi   MRN
               |     |        |     |
            ------  ------  ------ ------
              /64   /64      /64   /64   MNP:  A:B:C:i::/64

                             Extended Home Network

             Home Net      Mobile Net    Mobile Net   ...   Mobile Net
           <------------><------------><------------> ... <------------>

                     | /56                       Aggreg /56
          --+-----+--+- . -+- . -+--
            |     |        |     |
           MR1   MR2      MRi   MRN
            |     |        |     |
        ------  ------  ------ ------
            /64   /64     /64   /64         Aggreg|i /64  0 < i <= N

                  Aggregated Home Network == Home Network

         Mobile Net    Mobile Net    Mobile Net    ...   Mobile Net
        <------------><------------><------------> ... <------------>

                    /48                       e.g.: A:B:C::/48
                    | /64                         A:B:C::/64
         --+-----+--+- . -+- . -+--
           |     |        |     |
           MR1   MR2      MRi   MRN
           /64   /64      /64   /64            A:B:C:i::/64  0 < i <= N

         global Home Network   CAB:C0::/32  advertised by HQ

      HQ Extended Home Net              Mobile Home for SFO office
      CAB:C0:CA5A::/48                          CAB:C0:5F0::/48
    <----------------------------> ... <------------------------------->
      Home for offices        HQ                       |
     CAB:C0:CA5A:CA5A::/64    MN                       |
    <----------------------><---->                     |
     CAB:C0:CA5A:CA5A::CA5A                            |
     CAB:C0:CA5A:CA5A::CA5B                            |
     are HAs on link with for each office a route like |
     CAB:C0:CA5A:CA5A::5F0    <---------------------- via
       is the Home addr
       of SFO office

        Mobile Home Network CAB:C0:5F0::/48  owned by SFO office

      SFO Home Network             Mobile Networks for taxis
        for taxis        <---------------------...--------------------->
     CAB:C0:5F0:5F0::/64  CAB:C0:5F0:CAB1::/64     CAB:C0:5F0:....::/64
    <-------------------><-------------------> ... <------------------->
     CAB:C0:5F0:5F0::5F0           |
     is HA on link with for        |
     each taxi a route like        |
     CAB:C0:5F0:5F0::CAB1 <------ via
       is the Home Address
       of CAB 1

                      ---------/         /----------.
              -------/        |         |          /-------
    MNN -----( -  - | -  -  - | -  -  - | -  -  - |  -  - (------ CN1
           MR3-------\        |         |          \-------MR3_HA
                    MR2--------\         \----------MR2_HA

               2       3       4       5          4
          MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA
          VMN                                           |
                                                        | 3
                                       1          2     |
                                   CN --- VMN_HA --- MR3_HA
                                IPv6 Node

            1       2       3       4          3          2
       MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
       LFN                                                      |
                                                                | 1
                               1       2       3          2     |
                           CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR4_HA --- MR5_HA
                        IPv6 Node

            1       2       3       4          3          2
       MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
       VMN                                                      |
                                                                | 1
                               1       2       3          2     |
                           CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR4_HA --- MR5_HA
                       MIPv6 Node

            2       3       4       5          4          3
       MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
       VMN                                                      |
                                                                | 2
                   1       2       3           2          1     |
               CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR4_HA  --- MR5_HA --- VMN_HA
            IPv6 Node

            1       2       3       4          3          2
       MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
       LFN                                                      |
                                                                | 1
            1       2       3       4          3          2     |
        CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR4_HA --- MR5_HA
     IPv6 Node

             1       2       3       4          3          2
        MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
        LFN                                                      |
                                                                 | 1
             1       2       3       4          3          2     |
         CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR4_HA --- MR5_HA
     MIPv6 Node

            2       3       4       5          4          3
       MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
       VMN                                                      |
                                                                | 2
                                                                | 1
             1       2       3       4          3          2    |
         CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR4_HA --- MR5_HA
      IPv6 Node

            2       3       4       5          4          3
       MNN --- MR3 --- MR2 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
       VMN                                                      |
                                                                | 2
                                                                | 1
             1       2       3       4          3          2    |
         CN --- MR5 --- MR4 --- MR1 --- MR1_HA --- MR2_HA --- MR3_HA
      IPv6 Node

                  ************************** HAofMR
                *                            #*#
              *                            #*#   +---------------------+
            CN                           #*#     |       LEGEND        |
              o                        #*#       +---------------------+
               o   ###############   #*#         | #: Tunnel           |
                CR ooooooooooooooo MR            | *: NEMO Basic route |
                   ###############  |            | o: Optimized route  |
                                   MNN           +---------------------+

   HAofCR ********************************** HAofMR
     #*#                                     #*#
       #*#                                 #*#   +---------------------+
         #*#                             #*#     |       LEGEND        |
           #*#                         #*#       +---------------------+
             #*#   ###############   #*#         | #: Tunnel           |
                CR ooooooooooooooo MR            | *: NEMO Basic route |
                |  ###############  |            | o: Optimized route  |
               MNN2                MNN1          +---------------------+

   .--------.           _----_          .--------.
   |v6-in-v4|         _( IPv4 )_        |v6-in-v4|
   | Router | <======( Internet )=====> | Router |
   |   A    |         (_      _)        |   B    |
   '--------'           '----'          '--------'
       ^        IPsec tunnel between        ^
       |        Router A and Router B       |
       V                                    V

      _----_        .---------. IPsec     _----_    IPsec  .-------.
    _( IPv6 )_      |v6-in-v4 | Tunnel  _( IPv4 )_  Tunnel | V4/V6  |
   ( Internet )<--->| Router  |<=======( Internet )=======>| Site B |
    (_      _)      |   A     |         (_      _)         '--------'
      '----'        '---------'           '----'
    | Native |
    | IPv6   |
    | node   |

                                   |      IPv6 Network   |
                                   |                     |
   .--------.        _----_        |     .--------.      |
   | V6/V4  |      _( IPv4 )_      |     |v6-in-v4|      |
   | Site B |<====( Internet )==========>| Router |      |
   '--------'      (_      _)      |     |   A    |      |
                     '----'        |     '--------'      |
           IPsec tunnel between    |         ^           |
           IPv6 Site and Router A  |         |           |
                                   |         V           |
                                   |     .-------.       |
                                   |     |  V6    |      |
                                   |     |  Hosts |      |
                                   |     '--------'      |

     .--------.           _----_          .--------.
     | V6/V4  |         _( IPv4 )_        | V6/V4  |
     | Host   | <======( Internet )=====> | Host   |
     |   A    |         (_      _)        |   B    |
     '--------'           '----'          '--------'
                  IPsec tunnel between
                  Host A and Host B

       ---------- INIT[RANDOM; CHUNKS; HMAC-ALGO] ---------->
       <------- INIT-ACK[RANDOM; CHUNKS; HMAC-ALGO] ---------
       -------------------- COOKIE-ECHO -------------------->
       <-------------------- COOKIE-ACK ---------------------

       ---------- INIT[RANDOM; CHUNKS; HMAC-ALGO] ---------->
       <------- INIT-ACK[RANDOM; CHUNKS; HMAC-ALGO] ---------
       --------------- COOKIE-ECHO; AUTH; DATA ------------->
       <----------------- COOKIE-ACK; SACK ------------------

    |<-----SigComp message---->|<------------UDVM memory size--------->|
    | | bytecode |  comp msg   |     | bytecode | circular buffer      |
     ^                            ^
     |                            |
    SigComp header          Low bytes of UDVM

   |                                        |
             BCL          BCR

   |       abcdefghijkl                     |
             BCL          BCR

   |       abcQRSTUVjklmnop                 |
             BCL          BCR

   |                          abcdefg       |
             BCL          BCR

   |     abcde             fghijkl          |
             BCR          BCL

                                   [SM1, BC, BF1]
       <------------ref SM1------------
       [SM2, BC, BF1]
                                   endpoint B still believes SM1
                                   is at endpoint A

       [SM1, SM2]
                                   endpoint B does not create SM2
                                   because there is no space
                                   [SM1, BC, BF1]

                                   [SM1, BC, BF1, BF2]
       <------------ref SM1------------
       [SM2, BC, BF2]
                                   endpoint B still believes SM1
                                   is at endpoint A

                                                        | Media stream |
                                                        \_______ ______/
                                                2-4 octets      V
                         Compressed /RTP/UDP/IP/ |header|              |
                                                 \__________ __________/
                                          2 octets          V
                     HC Control Parameter |header|                     |
                                          \______________ _____________/
                                   8 octets              V
                       MPLS Labels |header|                            |
                                   \_________________ _________________/
      Link Layer under MPLS |                                          |
                            \____________________ _____________________/
      Physical Layer |                                                 |

         GW1           SIP Proxy           GW2
   From   |               |                 |
   PSTN-->|               |                 |
          +---F1--------->|                 |
          |               +---F2----------->|
         ...             ...               ...
          |               |                 |     Send to PSTN
          |               |                 | --> and receive Answer
          |               |                 |     Complete Message
         Call in progress
          |               |                 |
          |               |<-----------F3---+
          +<--------------+                 |
         ...             ...               ...

       /-------------------------\   /-----------\
         GW1          SIP Proxy 1     SIP Proxy 2
   From   |               |                 |
   PSTN-->|               |                 |
          +---F1--------->|                 |
          |               +---F2----------->|
          |               |                 |
         ...             ...               ...
          |               +<--F3------------+
         ...             ...               ...

               Y   | Received Label |       N
            -------|  Mapping Msg?  |--------------
            |      ------------------             |
            |                                     |
        --------------                            |
        |            |                            |
        |            |                            |
     -------      -------                         |
     | C=0 |      | C=1 |                         |
     -------      -------                         |
        |            |                            |
        |            |                            |
        |    ----------------                     |
        |    | Control Word |     N               |
        |    |    Capable?  |-----------          |
        |    ----------------          |          |
        |          Y |                 |          |
        |            |                 |          |
        |   ----------------           |          |
        |   | Control Word |  N        |          |
        |   |  Preferred?  |----       |          |
        |   ----------------   |       |          |
        |          Y |         |       |          |
        |            |         |       |   ----------------
        |            |         |       |   | Control Word |
        |            |         |       |   |  Preferred?  |
        |            |         |       |   ----------------
        |            |         |       |     N |     Y |
        |            |         |       |       |       |
      Send         Send      Send    Send    Send    Send
       C=0          C=1       C=0     C=0     C=0     C=1
                               |       |       |       |
                            | If receive the same as sent,   |
                            | VC setup is complete.  If not: |
                               |       |       |       |
                              ------------------- -----------
                              |     Receive     | | Receive |
                              |       C=1       | |   C=0   |
                              ------------------- -----------
                                       |               |
                                 Wait for the        Send
                                 next message     Wrong C-Bit
                                              Send Label Mapping
                                               Message with C=0

                                 ||(Advertise aggregated prefix X and Y)
        |                   The Internet               |
          |          |                    |          |
        ISP-A      ISP-B               ISP-A'      ISP-B'
          |          |                    |          |
          |          |                    |          |
          +--- MR ---+                    +--- MR ---+
          CoA1 | CoA2                      CoA1|CoA2
               |                               |
        -------+--------- (Prefix X)    -------+------ (Prefix Y)
        Multihomed Network X            Multihomed Network Y

                                ^ | |
       (1) Packets to prefix X  | | |  (2) HA forwards the packets
           are sent to HA       | | v      to CoA1 or CoA2
                          | The Internet |
                            |          |
                            |          | |(3) Packets are forwarded over
                            |          | |    the MIP tunnel selected by
                            |          | v    the HA1
                          ISP-A      ISP-B
                            |          | |
                            |          | |
                            +--- MR ---+ v
                            CoA1 | CoA2
                          -------+--------- (Prefix X)
                         Multihomed Network A

                             HA1 ------ HA2
                              |          |
                            | The Internet |
                              |          |
                            ISP-A      ISP-B
                              |          |
                              |          |
                              +--- MR ---+
                              CoA1 | CoA2
                            Multihomed Network

              |DN |O  |DC |EA |NP |MC |E  |MT |

       *--------------------*  *-----------------*
       |                    |  |                 |
       |  N2 ----------- N3-|--|----- AT--- EO2  |
       |  |              | \|  |    / |          |
       |  |              |  |--|-  /  |          |
       |  |              |  |  | \/   |          |
       |  |              |  |  | /\   |          |
       |  |              |  |--|-  \  |          |
       |  |              | /|  |    \ |          |
       |  N1 ----------- N4-|--|----- EO1        |
       |                    |  |                 |
       *--------------------*  *-----------------*
                A-1                  A-2

           Host  Host  Host       Host  Host  Host
       /------------------/   /------------------/
                 Router -------Router
                            ||   IPsec Tunnel through routed network
                  Router -------Router
       /------------------/   /------------------/
         Host  Host  Host       Host  Host  Host

             Host  Host  Host       Host  Host  Host
          /------------------/   /------------------/
                     Router -------Router
                       VPN-Router VPN-Router      VPN-Router
                    /---------------------/    /----------/
                             Router -------------Router
                                      VPN-Router      VPN-Router
                                     /-----------/   /----------/
                                          Router -------Router
                                          Router -------Router
                                     /-----------/   /----------/
                                      VPN-Router      VPN-Router
                              Router ------------Router
                    /---------------------/   /----------/
                     VPN-Router VPN-Router     VPN-Router
                     Router -------Router
          /------------------/   /------------------/
            Host  Host  Host       Host  Host  Host

          +---------+  +-------+   +----+----+       +---------+
          |   RSVP  |  |Routing|   |Net Guard|        |IPsec Mgr|
          +----+----+  +---+---+   +----+----+       +----+----+
               |           |            |                 |
          |                         IP                         |
                      |                    |            |
                      |              +-----+-----+ +----+------+
                      |              | Encrypt/  | | Encrypt/  |
                      |              |Decrypt for| |Decrypt for|
                      |              | Security  | | Security  |
                      |              |Association| |Association|
                      |              +-----+-----+ +----+------+
                      |                    |            |
          +-----------+------------+ +-----+------------+------+
          |       Plaintext        | |       Ciphertext        |
          |       Interface        | |       Interface         |
          +------------------------+ +-------------------------+

          +-----------------------+    +----------------------+
          | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
          | |RSVP                ||    ||Aggregate RSVP      ||
          | |                    ||    ||                    ||
          | |Per session:        || ID ||Agg. Session        ||
          | |  Destination       ||--->||  Agg. Destination  ||
          | |  Source            ||    ||  Agg. Source= self ||
          | |  potential SPI     ||    ||  Agg. SPI generated||
          | |  DSCP             ---------> DSCP              ||
          | |  vPort or protocol---------> vPort             ||
          | |           and port ||    ||                    ||
          | |  Mean rate        ---------> Sum of mean rates ||
          | |  Peak rate        ---------> f(Peak rates)     ||
          | |  Burst Size       ---------> Sum of Burst sizes||
          | |                    ||    ||                    ||
          | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
          | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
          | |      IP            ||    ||       IP           ||
          | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
          | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
          | | Plaintext Interface||    ||Ciphertext Interface||
          | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
          +-----------------------+    +----------------------+

           +-----------------------+    +----------------------+
           | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
           | |RSVP                ||    ||Aggregate RSVP      ||
           | |                    ||    ||  terminated        ||
           | |Per session:        |+    ||                    ||
           | |  Destination       ||    ||                    ||
           | |  Source          <---------Decrypted RSVP      ||
           | |  potential SPI     ||    ||  message sent to   ||
           | |  DSCP              ||    ||  Plaintext unit    ||
           | |  vPort or protocol ||    ||  *as data* for     ||
           | |           and port ||    ||  normal processing ||
           | |  Mean rate         ||    ||                    ||
           | |  Peak rate         ||    ||                    ||
           | |  Burst Size        ||    ||                    ||
           | |                    ||    ||                    ||
           | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
           | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
           | |      IP            ||    ||       IP           ||
           | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
           | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
           | |Plaintext Interface ||    ||Ciphertext Interface||
           | +--------------------+|    |+--------------------+|
           +-----------------------+    +----------------------+

                            ,--'' Plaintext Domain--.
                         ,-' +--------+  +--------+  `-.
                       ,'    |  Host  |  | Host   |     `.
                     ,'      +--------+  +--------+       `.
                    ;                                       :
                    |         +----------------------+      |
                    :         |  +--------+          |      |
                     `.       |  | Router |          |    ,'
                       `.     |  +---+----+          |  ,'
                         `-   |      +----------+    | ,'
                           ---|    +-+--+  +-+--+--+ |'
                              |----|E/D |--|Net Grd| | VPN Router
                           ,-'|    +-+--+  +-+--+--+ |\
                          ,   |      +----------+    | \
                        ,'    |  +---+----+          |  `.
                      ,'      |  | Router |          |    |
                     /        |  +--------+          |     \
                    ;         +----------------------+      :
                    |                                       |
                    :            Ciphertext Domain          ;

                         +-------+  +------------+  +--------+
                         |       |  |Softwire    |  | IPv6   |
            +---------+  | IPv4  |--|concentrator|--| Network|=>Internet
            |v4/v6    |--|       |  +------------+  +--------+
            |Host CPE |  |       |
            +---------+  |Network|
                       _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                     ()_ _ _ _ _ _ __()      IPv6 SPH
                        IPv4-only        IPv6 or dual-stack

                      +-------+  +-------------+  +--------+
                      |       |  | Softwire    |  |   v6   |
   +-----+  +------+  |  v4   |--| concentrator|--| Network|=>Internet
   |v4/v6|--|v4/v6 |--|       |  +-------------+  +--------+
   |Host |  |Router|  |Network|
   +-----+  |v4/v6 |  |       |
            |  CPE |  +-------+
                    _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                  ()_ _ _ _ _ _ __()                          IPv6 SPH
      Dual-stack       IPv4-only        IPv6 or dual-stack

   |v4/v6|                +-------+  +------------+  +-------+
   |Host |                |       |  |Softwire    |  |  v6   |
   +-----+      +------+  |  v4   |--|concentrator|--|Network|=>Internet
      |         |v4    |--|       |  +------------+  +-------+
      |---------|Router|  |Network|
      |         |v4 CPE|  +-------+
   +---------+  +------+
   |Softwire |
   |v6 Router|
   |   CPE   |
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
            ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _()                       IPv6 SPH
      Dual           IPv4 only             IPv6 or dual-stack

                   +----------+            +----------+
                   |AF1 only  |            |AF1 only  |
                   |          |            |          |
                   +----------+            +----------+
                       |                    |
                       |                    |
                   Dual-Stack           Dual-Stack
                     "AFBR"               "AFBR"
                       |                    |
                       |                    |
                   |                            |
   +-------+       |                            |       +-------+
   |AF2    |       |         AF2 only           |       |AF2    |
   |only   |-------|     (but also providing    |-------|only   |
   +-------+       |      transit for AF1)      |       +-------+
                   |                            |
                      |   /              \    |
                      |  /                \   |
                    Dual-Stack          Dual-Stack
                     "AFBR"              "AFBR"
                      | |                   |
                      | |                   |
                   +--------+            +--------+
                   |AF1 and |            |AF1 and |
                   |AF2     |            |AF2     |
                   +--------+            +--------+

     Start                     +-------------+
       |                       |optional     |
       +--<--------------------|preliminary  |<-------Start
       |                       |investigation|
       V                       +-------------+
   +------------+            +---------+              +---------+
   |requirements| discussion |review by|     YES      |  IESG   | YES
   |statement   |----------->|WG chairs|------------->|decision |------+
   |I-D         | on mailing |and ADs  | request to   |         |      |
   +------------+   list     +---------+ IESG to      +---------+      |
                              |          appoint REWG   |              |
                              |NO        and charter    |NO        REWG|
                              V          req eval       |     chartered|
                       +-------------+                  |    to work on|
                       |response     |                  |  requirements|
                       |to the       |                  |     statement|
                       |requirements |<-----------------+              |
                    +->|statement    |<----------------+               |
                    |  +-------------+                 |               |
                    |      ^                           |               |
                  NO|      |     NO                    |               |
                    |      +-----------------+         |               V
                    |                        |         |  NO    +------+
                +--------+                +-------+    +--------| REWG |
                | IESG/  |        YES     |  AD   |             |  req |
    +-----------|decision|<---------------|review |<------------| eval |
    |PSWG       |        |   request to   |       |     YES     |      |
    |chartered  +--------+   IESG to      +-------+             +------+
    |to work                 approve I-D
    |                        and charter
    |                        PSWG (if needed)
    |          +---------+
    |          | IETF    |             +-----+
    +--------->|  PSWG   |-----/ /---->| RFC |
         +---->| process |             +-----+
         |     +---------+
                     Figure 1: Change Process Overview

                       Client                  Server
                  |                                     |
                  |                Connect              |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Greeting           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send <login>            |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Response           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Command            |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Response           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |            Send Command X           |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |    Send Command Y                   |
                  | >>---------------+                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |            Send Response X          |
                  | <<---------------(---------------<< |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  +--------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |            Send Response Y          |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send <logout>           |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |     Send Response & Disconnect      |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |

                   Zone Set Database
                 | +--------------+ |
        Get      | | Zone Set A   | |
       <=========| |(zones, zone  | |
                 | | members,etc.)| |
                 | +--------------+ |
        Add/     |  | Zone Set B |  |    Activate     +------------+
        Remove   |  +------------+  |    Zone Set     |            |
       =========>|   |Zone Set C|   |================>|            |
                 |   +----------+   |                 |   Active   |
                 +------------------+                 |    Zone    |
                                                      |    Set     |
        Get Active Zone Set                           | (enforced) |
       <==============================================|            |
                                                      |            |
        Activate Direct                               |            |
       ==============================================>|            |
                                                      |            |
        Deactivate                                    |            |
       ==============================================>|            |

   +--------+       +-------+       +-------+       +--------+
   | Access |       | Host  |       | Host  |       | Access |
   | Conc.  |=======| Radio |~~~~~~~| Radio |=======| Conc.  |
   +--------+       +-------+       +-------+       +--------+
            |       |       |       |       |       |
            |-PPPoE-|       |--RLP--|       |-PPPoE-|
            |                                       |
            |-------------PPP Session---------------|

                    +--------------+    +-----------+
                    |    NETWORK   |1  *|           |
                    |    ENTITY    |----|  PORTAL   |
                    |              |    |           |
                    +--------------+    +-----------+
                            |1            |1  |*
                            |             |   |
                            |             |*  |
                            |   +----------+  |
                            |   |  PORTAL  |  |
                            |   |  GROUP   |  |
                            |   +----------+  |
                            |    |*           |
                            |    |            |
                            |*   |1           |*
   +----------+    +-------------+    +----------+    +-----------+
   |   FC     |1  *|   STORAGE   |*  *| DISCOVERY|*  *| DISCOVERY |
   |  DEVICE  |----|    NODE     |----|  DOMAIN  |----|  DOMAIN   |
   |          |    |             |    |          |    |    SET    |
   +----------+    +-------------+    +----------+    +-----------+

   +--------------+    +--------------+
   |    SERVER    |----|    INFO      |
   |     INFO     |    +--------------+
          |1    |1
          |     |      +--------------+
          |     |     *|  DDS AND DD  |
          |     +------|     INFO     |
          |            |              |
          |            +--------------+
          |            +-------------+
          |           *| REGISTERED  |
          +------------|  ENTITIES   |
                       |    INFO     |
   |     iSNS        |
   |     INFO        |

   As defined in [RFC2740], the first 3 bits of the LSA Function
   Code are the U, S1, and S2 bits.  A given function code implies a
   specific setting for the U, S1, and S2 bits as shown in the "LS Type"
                                            1  1  1  1  1  1
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
            |U |S2|S1|           LSA Function Code          |

                +--------+      +--------+      +--------+
      Site      | Native | IPv6 |v6 in v4| IPv4 | Native |      Public
   Network <--->|  IPv6  |<---->| Tunnel |<---->|  IPv4  |<---> Internet
                |Firewall|      |Endpoint|      |Firewall|
                +--------+      +--------+      +--------+

      | IPv6 Dispatch | IPv6 Header | Payload |

      | HC1 Dispatch | HC1 Header | Payload |

      | Mesh Type | Mesh Header | HC1 Dispatch | HC1 Header | Payload |

      | Frag Type | Frag Header | HC1 Dispatch | HC1 Header | Payload |

      | M Typ | M Hdr | F Typ | F Hdr | HC1 Dsp | HC1 Hdr | Payload |

      | M Typ | M Hdr | B Dsp | B Hdr | HC1 Dsp | HC1 Hdr | Payload |

          10 bits            54 bits                  64 bits
       |1111111010|         (zeros)       |    Interface Identifier    |

   ID type  | Support  | Correspond  | Cert     | SPD lookup
            | for send | PKIX Attrib | matching | rules
            |          |             |          |
   IP*_ADDR | MUST [a] | SubjAltName | MUST [b] | [c], [d]
            |          | iPAddress   |          |
            |          |             |          |
   FQDN     | MUST [a] | SubjAltName | MUST [b] | [c], [d]
            |          | dNSName     |          |
            |          |             |          |
   USER_FQDN| MUST [a] | SubjAltName | MUST [b] | [c], [d]
            |          | rfc822Name  |          |
            |          |             |          |
   IP range | MUST NOT | n/a         | n/a      | n/a
            |          |             |          |
   DN       | MUST [a] | Entire      | MUST [b] | MUST support lookup
            |          | Subject,    |          | on any combination
            |          | bitwise     |          | of C, CN, O, or OU
            |          | compare     |          |
            |          |             |          |
   GN       | MUST NOT | n/a         | n/a      | n/a
            |          |             |          |
   KEY_ID   | MUST NOT | n/a         | n/a      | n/a
            |          |             |          |

                           Broadcast Link AR
                           - - - - - - - - -
                           |               |
                            1a            2b        2a
                   +--------+              +--------+
               ----+   R1   +----------+---+   R2   +----
                   +--------+ MPEG-2   |   +--------+
                              Link     |
                                       |   +--------+
                                       +---+   R3   +----
                                       |   +--------+
                                       |   +--------+
                                       +---+   R4   +----
                                       |   +--------+

                      |        MPEG-2 Link AR       |
                             - - - - - - - - -
                      |      |               |      |
                      \/     \/
                      1a      x              y      2b        2a
             +--------+  +----+              +----+  +--------+
         ----+   R1   +--| B1 +----------+---+ B2 +--+   R2   +----
             +--------+  +----+ MPEG-2   |   +----+  +--------+
                                Link     |
                                         |   +----+
                                         +---+ B3 +--
                                         |   +----+
                                         |   +----+
                                         +---+ B4 +--
                                         |   +----+

                         MPEG-2 Uplink    /MPEG-2 \
                      ###################( Network )
                      #                   \       /
                 +----#------+             \--.--/
                 |  Network  |                |
                 |  Provider +                v MPEG-2 Downlink
                 +-----------+                |
                                        |   MPEG-2   |
                                        |  Receiver  |

                         MPEG-2 uplink    /MPEG-2 \
                      ###################( Network )
                      #                   \       /
                 +----#------+             \--.--/
                 |  Network  |                |
                 |  Provider +-<-+            v MPEG-2 downlink
                 +-----------+   |            |
                                 |      +-----v------+
                                 +--<<--+   MPEG-2   |
                               Return   |  Receiver  |
                               Path     +------------+

   |                               | PDU    |L2 Frame Header Fields|
   | L2 Encapsulation              |overhead+----------------------+
   |                               |[bytes] |src mac|dst mac| type |
   |6.1 ULE without dst MAC address| 8      |   -   |  -    | x    |
   |6.2 ULE with dst MAC address   | 14     |   -   |  x    | x    |
   |6.3 MPE without LLC/SNAP       | 16     |   -   |  x    | -    |
   |6.4 MPE with LLC/SNAP          | 24     |   -   |  x    | x    |
   |6.5 ULE with Bridging extension| 22     |   x   |  x    | x    |
   |6.6 ULE with Bridging & NPA    | 28     |   x   |  x    | x    |
   |6.7 MPE with LLC/SNAP&Bridging | 38     |   x   |  x    | x    |

      + - - - - - - - - - - - - +  + - - - - +  + - - - - - - - - - - -+
      | An Attack:              |  |Counter- |  | A System Resource:   |
      | i.e., A Threat Action   |  | measure |  | Target of the Attack |
      | +----------+            |  |         |  | +-----------------+  |
      | | Attacker |<==================||<=========                 |  |
      | |   i.e.,  |   Passive  |  |         |  | |  Vulnerability  |  |
      | | A Threat |<=================>||<========>                 |  |
      | |  Agent   |  or Active |  |         |  | +-------|||-------+  |
      | +----------+   Attack   |  |         |  |         VVV          |
      |                         |  |         |  | Threat Consequences  |
      + - - - - - - - - - - - - +  + - - - - +  + - - - - - - - - - - -+

      Relationships:  === one-to-one, ==> one-to-many, <=> many-to-many.
                  +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
                  |                      PKI System                    |
      + - - - - + | +------------------+   +-------------------------+ |
      |  User,  | | |Subscriber, i.e., |   | Identity of Subscriber  | |
      |i.e., one| | | Registered User, |   |    is system-unique     | |
      | of the  | | | is system-unique |   | +---------------------+ | |
      |following| | | +--------------+ |   | |     Subscriber      | | |
      |         | | | | User's core  | |   | |     Identity's      | | |
      | +-----+ |===| | Registration | |==>| |  Registration data  | | |
      | |human| | | | | data, i.e.,  | |   | |+-------------------+| | |
      | |being| | | | | an entity's  | |   | ||  same core data   || | |
      | +-----+ | | | |distinguishing|========|for all Identities || | |
      |   or    | | | |  attribute   | |   | || of the same User  || | |
      | +-----+ | | | |   values     | | +===|+-------------------+| | |
      | |auto-| | | | +--------------+ | | | +---------------------+ | |
      | |mated| | | +------------------+ | +------------|------------+ |
      | |pro- | | |         |    +=======+              |              |
      | |cess | | | +-------v----|----------------------|------------+ |
      | +-----+ | | | +----------v---+     +------------v----------+ | |
      |   or    | | | |Authentication|<===>|Identifier of Identity | | |
      |+-------+| | | | Information  |     |    is system-unique   | | |
      || a set || | | +--------------+     +-----------------------+ | |
      ||  of   || | | Identifier Credential that associates unit of  | |
      || either|| | | Authentication Information with the Identifier | |
      |+-------+| | +------------------------------------------------+ |
      + - - - - + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+

      Service    Critical   Evidence   Evidence   Archive    . Evidence
      Request => Action  => Stored  => Is      => Evidence   . Is
      Is Made    Occurs     For Later  Tested     In Case    . Verified
                 and        Use |          ^      Critical   .    ^
                 Evidence       v          |      Action Is  .    |
                 Is         +-------------------+ Repudiated .    |
                 Generated  |Verifiable Evidence|------> ... . ----+

      IPS Protocol Layers    +-----------------------------------------+
                             |Network| Net |In-| Trans |  Application  |
                             |  H/W  |Inter|ter| -port |               |
                             |       |-face|net|       |               |
      OSIRM Protocol Layers  +-----------------------------------------+
                             |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |
      Confidentiality        +-----------------------------------------+
      -  Datagram            | O I | O I | O I | O I |     | O * | O I |
      -  Selective Field     |     |     |   I |     |     | O * | O I |
      -  Traffic Flow        | O   |     | O   |     |     |     | O   |
         -- Full             |   I |     |     |     |     |     |     |
         -- Partial          |     |   I |   I |     |     |     |   I |
      Integrity              +-----------------------------------------+
      -  Datagram            |   I |   I | O I | O I |     |     | O I |
      -  Selective Field     |     |     |   I |     |     |     | O I |
      -  Stream              |     |     | O I | O I |     |     | O I |
      Authentication         +-----------------------------------------+
      -  Peer Entity         |     |   I | O I | O I |     |     | O I |
      -  Data Origin         |     |   I | O I | O I |     |     | O I |
      Access Control         +-----------------------------------------+
      -  type as appropriate |     |   I | O I | O I |     |     | O I |
      Non-Repudiation        +-----------------------------------------+
      -  of Origin           |     |     |     |     |     |     | O I |
      -  of Receipt          |     |     |     |     |     |     | O I |

         (c) Permission Inheritance Assignments (i.e., Role Hierarchy)
                                  |     |
                   (a) Identity   v     v  (b) Permission
      +----------+  Assignments  +-------+  Assignments  +----------+
      |Identities|<=============>| Roles |<=============>|Permissions|
      +----------+ [Constraints] +-------+ [Constraints] +----------+
           |   |                   ^   ^
           |   |   +-----------+   |   |       +---------------------+
           |   |   | +-------+ |   |   |       |       Legend        |
           |   +====>|Session|=====+   |       |                     |
           |       | +-------+ |       |       |     One-to-One      |
           |       |    ...   |       |       | =================== |
           |       | +-------+ |       |       |                     |
           +========>|Session|=========+       |     One-to-Many     |
      (d) Identity | +-------+ |  (e) Role     | ==================> |
       Selections  |           | Selections    |                     |
      [Constraints]|  Access   |[Constraints]  |    Many-to-Many     |
                   | Sessions  |               | <=================> |
                   +-----------+               +---------------------+

                                           | L2TP active  |
   +----------+                        ----| endpoint (A) |
   |   L2TP   |                       /    +--------------+
   | endpoint |----------------------/
   |    (R)   |                      \     +--------------+
   +----------+                       \    | L2TP backup  |
                                       ----| endpoint (B) |

  Endpoint                                             Peer
               (assigned tid = x, failover capable)
  SCCRQ       -------------------------------------->  validate SCCRQ

               (assigned tid = y, failover capable)
  validate    <--------------------------------------  send SCCRP
  SCCRP, etc.

  SCCCN     ----------------------------------->  validate and reset
                                                  Ns = 100, Nr = 3 on
                                                  the recovered tunnel

  tid = 'z'
  StopCCN  --------------------------------------> Cleanup 'w'

             (FSS AVP for sessions s1, s2, s3..)
  send FSQ  -------------------------------------> compute the state
                                                      of sessions in FSQ

                (FSS AVP for sessions s1, s2, s3...)
     deletes  <-------------------------------------- send FSR
     stale sessions, if any

                (FSS AVP for sessions s7, s8, s9...)
     compute  <-------------------------------------- send FSQ
     the sate of
     sessions in FSQ

                (FSS AVP for sessions s7, s8, s9...)
     send FSR --------------------------------------> delete stale
                                                      sessions, if any

                  Recovery AVP = (A, B)
      SCCRQ     -----------------------+
      (with tie  (recovery tunnel 'C') |
       breaker                         |
       AVP)                            |
                 Recovery AVP = (B, A) |
   +- valid    <--------------------------- Send SCCRQ
   |  SCCRQ      (recovery tunnel 'D') |    (with tie breaker AVP)
   |  This endpoint                    |
   |  loses tie;                       |
   |  Discards tunnel 'C'              +--> Valid SCCRQ
   |                                        This endpoint wins tie;
   |                                        Discards SCCRQ
   |              (may include SCS AVP)
   +->Send SCCRP -------------------------> Validate SCCRP
                                            Reset 'B';
                                            Set Ns, Nr values --+
      Validate SCCN <---------------------- Send SCCN    -------+
      Reset 'A';
      Set Ns, Nr values

                  FSS AVP (A, B)
   send FSQ  -------------------------> No (B, A) pair exist;
                                        rather (B, C) exist.
                                        If it clears B then peer doesn't
                                        know if C is stale on other end.

                  FSS AVP (B, C)
   No (C,B) <-------------------------- send FSQ
   Mark C Stale

       _____________                                      _____________
      |  SCTP User  |                                    |  SCTP User  |
      | Application |                                    | Application |
      |-------------|                                    |-------------|
      |    SCTP     |                                    |    SCTP     |
      |  Transport  |                                    |  Transport  |
      |   Service   |                                    |   Service   |
      |-------------|                                    |-------------|
      |             |One or more    ----      One or more|             |
      | IP Network  |IP address      \/        IP address| IP Network  |
      |   Service   |appearances     /\       appearances|   Service   |
      |_____________|               ----                 |_____________|

             _____________                  ____________________
            |             |                | Sequenced Delivery |
            | Association |                |   within Streams   |
            |             |                |____________________|
            |   Startup   |
            |             |         ____________________________
            |     and     |        |    User Data Fragmentation |
            |             |        |____________________________|
            |   Takedown  |
            |             |         ____________________________
            |             |        |     Acknowledgement        |
            |             |        |          and               |
            |             |        |    Congestion Avoidance    |
            |             |        |____________________________|
            |             |
            |             |         ____________________________
            |             |        |       Chunk Bundling       |
            |             |        |____________________________|
            |             |
            |             |     ________________________________
            |             |    |      Packet Validation         |
            |             |    |________________________________|
            |             |
            |             |     ________________________________
            |             |    |     Path Management            |
            |_____________|    |________________________________|

                           | TSN=17 |
                           |        | <- still missing
                           | TSN=15 |
                           | TSN=14 |
                           |        | <- still missing
                           | TSN=12 |
                           | TSN=11 |
                           | TSN=10 |

                      -----          -------- (from any state)
                    /       \      /  rcv ABORT      [ABORT]
   rcv INIT        |         |    |   ----------  or ----------
   --------------- |         v    v   delete TCB     snd ABORT
   generate Cookie  \    +---------+                 delete TCB
   snd INIT ACK       ---|  CLOSED |
                          /      \      [ASSOCIATE]
                         /        \     ---------------
                        |          |    create TCB
                        |          |    snd INIT
                        |          |    strt init timer
         rcv valid      |          |
       COOKIE  ECHO     |          v
   (1) ---------------- |      +------------+
       create TCB       |      | COOKIE-WAIT| (2)
       snd COOKIE ACK   |      +------------+
                        |          |
                        |          |    rcv INIT ACK
                        |          |    -----------------
                        |          |    snd COOKIE ECHO
                        |          |    stop init timer
                        |          |    strt cookie timer
                        |          v
                        |      +--------------+
                        |      | COOKIE-ECHOED| (3)
                        |      +--------------+
                        |          |
                        |          |    rcv COOKIE ACK
                        |          |    -----------------
                        |          |    stop cookie timer
                        v          v
                      |  ESTABLISHED  |

                         |                   | (D)rcv SHUTDOWN ACK
                         |                   |--------------
                         |                   | stop shutdown timer
                         |                   | send SHUTDOWN COMPLETE
                         |                   | delete TCB
                         |                   |
                         \    +---------+    /
                          \-->| CLOSED  |<--/

    Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
    {app sets association with Z}
    (build TCB)
    INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A
          & other info]  ------\
    (Start T1-init timer)       \
    (Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)    \---> (compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z)
                                    /-- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A,
                                   /             I-Tag=Tag_Z,
    (Cancel T1-init timer) <------/              Cookie_Z, & other info]
                                         (destroy temp TCB)
    COOKIE ECHO [Cookie_Z] ------\
    (Start T1-init timer)         \
    (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (build TCB enter ESTABLISHED
                                   /---- COOKIE-ACK
    (Cancel T1-init timer, <-----/
     Enter ESTABLISHED state)
    {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
    DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
        Strm=0,Seq=0 & user data]--\
    (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                   /----- SACK [TSN Ack=init
                                  /           TSN_A,Block=0]
    (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/
                                         {app sends 2 messages;strm 0}
                                   /---- DATA
                                  /        [TSN=init TSN_Z
                              <--/          Strm=0,Seq=0 & user data 1]
    SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_Z,      /---- DATA
          Block=0]     --------\  /        [TSN=init TSN_Z +1,
                                \/          Strm=0,Seq=1 & user data 2]

   Endpoint A                                          Endpoint Z
   <-------------- Association is established---------------------->
   Tag=Tag_A                                             Tag=Tag_Z
   {A crashes and restarts}
   {app sets up a association with Z}
   (build TCB)
   INIT [I-Tag=Tag_A'
         & other info]  --------\
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-WAIT state)      \---> (find an existing TCB
                                         compose temp TCB and Cookie_Z
                                         with Tie-Tags to previous
                                   /--- INIT ACK [Veri Tag=Tag_A',
                                  /               I-Tag=Tag_Z',
   (Cancel T1-init timer) <------/                Cookie_Z[TieTags=
                                                   & other info]
                                        (destroy temp TCB,leave original
                                         in place)
   COOKIE ECHO [Veri=Tag_Z',
   (Start T1-init timer)         \
   (Enter COOKIE-ECHOED state)    \---> (Find existing association,
                                         Tie-Tags match old tags,
                                         Tags do not match, i.e.,
                                         case X X M M above,
                                         Announce Restart to ULP
                                         and reset association).
                                  /---- COOKIE ACK
   (Cancel T1-init timer, <------/
    Enter ESTABLISHED state)
   {app sends 1st user data; strm 0}
   DATA [TSN=initial TSN_A
       Strm=0,Seq=0 & user data]--\
   (Start T3-rtx timer)            \
                                 /--- SACK [TSN Ack=init TSN_A,Block=0]
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer) <------/

    DATA [TSN=8,Strm=0,Seq=4] ------------> (send ack)
                                  /------- SACK [TSN Ack=8,block=0]
    (cancel T3-rtx timer)  <-----/

    DATA [TSN=9,Strm=0,Seq=5] ------------> (ack delayed)
    (Start T3-rtx timer)
                                           {App sends 1 message; strm 1}
                                           (bundle SACK with DATA)
                                    /----- SACK [TSN Ack=9,block=0] \
                                   /         DATA [TSN=6,Strm=1,Seq=2]
    (cancel T3-rtx timer)  <------/        (Start T3-rtx timer)

   Endpoint A                                         Endpoint Z
   {App begins to send}
   Data [TSN=7,Strm=0,Seq=3] ------------> (ack delayed)
   (Start T3-rtx timer)
                                           {App sends 1 message; strm 1}
                                           (bundle ack with data)
   DATA [TSN=8,Strm=0,Seq=4] ----\     /-- SACK [TSN Ack=7,Block=0]
                                  \   /      DATA [TSN=6,Strm=1,Seq=2]
                                   \ /     (Start T3-rtx timer)
                                   / \
   (Restart T3-rtx timer)  <------/   \--> (ack delayed)
   (ack delayed)
   {send ack}
   SACK [TSN Ack=6,Block=0] --------------> (Cancel T3-rtx timer)
                                           (send ack)
   (Cancel T3-rtx timer)  <-------------- SACK [TSN Ack=8,Block=0]

       DATA [TSN=8,Strm=0,Seq=4] ---------------> (gap detected,
                                                   immediately send ack)
                                       /----- SACK [TSN Ack=6,Block=1,
                                      /             Start=2,End=2]
                               <-----/ (remove 6 from out-queue,
        and mark 7 as "1" missing report)

      Header field          where  proxy  ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG SUB
      P-Answer-State      18x,2xx    ar    -   -   -   o   -   -   -

      Header field                        NOT PRA INF UPD MSG REF PUB
      P-Answer-State          R            -   -   -   -   -   -   -

      Alice's        Alice's       Conference     Bob's          Bob's
      Terminal      PTT Server       Focus      PTT Server    Terminal
         |              |              |             |              |
         |--(1)INVITE-->|              |             |              |
         |              |--(2)INVITE-->|             |              |
         |              |              |--(3)INVITE->|              |
         |              |              |             |--(4)INVITE-->|
         |              |              |<--(5)183----|              |
         |              |<---(6)200----|             |              |
         |<---(7)200----|              |             |              |
         |----(8)ACK--->|              |             |              |
         |              |---(9)ACK---->|             |              |
         |              |              |             |              |
         |=====Early Media Session====>|             |              |
         |              |            MEDIA           |              |
         |              |           BUFFERING        |              |
         |              |              |             |<---(10)200---|
         |              |              |             |---(11)ACK--->|
         |              |              |<--(12)200---|              |
         |              |              |--(13)ACK--->|              |
         |              |              |             |              |
         |              |              |========Media Session======>|
         |              |              |             |              |
         |              |              |             |              |

      Alice's                Alice's               Bob's          Bob's
      Terminal             PTT Server /          PTT Server     Terminal
                        Conference Focus
         |                       |                  |                |
         |-----(1)INVITE-- ----->|                  |                |
         |<-----(2)200-----------|                  |                |
         |-------(3)ACK--------->|                  |                |
         |                       |                  |                |
         |                       |                  |                |
         |                       |                  |                |
         |----(4)REFER---------->|                  |                |
         |<-----(5)202-----------|                  |                |
         |                       |----(6)INVITE---->|                |
         |                       |                  |--(7)INVITE---->|
         |                       |                  |                |
         |                       |<----(8)183-------|                |
         |<---(9)NOTIFY----------|                  |                |
         |-----(10)200---------->|                  |                |
         |                       |                  |                |
         |=Early Media Session==>|                  |                |
         |                     MEDIA                |                |
         |                   BUFFERING              |                |
         |                       |                  |<---(11)200-----|
         |                       |                  |---(12)ACK----->|
         |                       |<----(13)200------|                |
         |                       |-----(14)ACK----->|                |
         |                       |===========Media Session==========>|
         |                       |                  |                |
         |<---(15)NOTIFY---------|                  |                |
         |-----(16)200---------->|                  |                |
         |                       |                  |                |

                     | Range       | Assignment Policy                 |
                     | 0           | Reserved (not to be assigned)     |
                     |             |                                   |
                     | 1           | Already assigned                  |
                     |             |                                   |
                     | 2-32767     | Unassigned (Standards Action)     |
                     |             |                                   |
                     | 32768-32777 | Experimentation (No assignements) |
                     |             |                                   |
                     | 32778-65535 | Reserved (Not to be assigned)     |

         +---+            +---+
         |RT1|------------|RT2|            o-----------------o
         +---+    N1      +---+           RT1               RT2

      TE LSA Type                        Value
      TE-Router LSA                      0x81
      TE-Positional-ring-network LSA     0x82
      TE-Summary Network LSA             0x83
      TE-Summary router LSA              0x84
      TE-AS-external LSAs                0x85
      TE-Circuit-paths LSA               0x8C
      TE-incremental-link-Update LSA     0x8d
      TE-Router-Proxy LSA                0x8e

   TE TLV Tag                         Reference       Value

           Alice                     Bob
             |                        |
             |                        |
             |(1) (SIP) INVITE        |
             |(2) (SIP) 200 OK        |
             |(3) (SIP) ACK           |
             |(4) (MSRP) SEND         |
             |(5) (MSRP) 200 OK       |
             |(6) (MSRP) SEND         |
             |(7) (MSRP) 200 OK       |
             |(8) (SIP) BYE           |
             |(9) (SIP) 200 OK        |
             |                        |
             |                        |

    Romeo       Juliet's     Juliet/      Juliet/      Juliet/     Nurse
                 Proxy       balcony      chamber       PDA
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |--INVITE--->|            |            |           |           |
      |            |--INVITE--->|            |           |           |
      |            |<----180----|            |           |           |
      |<----180----|            |            |           |           |
      |---PRACK---------------->|            |           |           |
      |<----200-----------------|            |           |           |
      |<===Early MSRP Session==>| art thou hither?       |           |
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |            |--INVITE---------------->|           |           |
      |            |<----180-----------------|           |           |
      |<----180----|            |            |           |           |
      |---PRACK----------------------------->|           |           |
      |<----200------------------------------|           |           |
      |<========Early MSRP Session==========>| art thou hither?      |
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |            | .... Time Passes ....   |           |           |
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |            |--CANCEL--->|            |           |           |
      |            |<---200-----|            |           |           |
      |            |<---487-----|            |           |           |
      |            |----ACK---->|            |           |           |
      |            |--CANCEL---------------->|           |           |
      |            |<---200------------------|           |           |
      |            |<---487------------------|           |           |
      |            |----ACK----------------->|           |           |
      |            |--INVITE---------------------------->|  romeo wants
      |            |            |            |           |  to IM w/ you
      |            |<---486 Busy Here--------------------|           |
      |            |----ACK----------------------------->|           |
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |            |--INVITE---------------------------------------->|
      |            |<---200 OK---------------------------------------|
      |<--200 OK---|            |            |           |           |
      |<================MSRP Session================================>|
      |            |            |            |           |           |
      |                                         Hi Romeo, Juliet is  |
      |                                         with her father now  |
      |                                         can I take a message?|
      |                                                              |
      |  Tell her to go to confession tomorrow....                   |

   Alice                 Bob
     |                     |                    |                     |
     |::::::::::::::::::::>| connection opened  |<::::::::::::::::::::|
     |--- AUTH ----------->|                    |<-- AUTH ------------|
     |<-- 200 OK-----------|                    |--- 200 OK---------->|
     |                     |                    |                     |
           ....                time passes           ....
     |                     |                    |                     |
     |--- SEND ----------->|                    |                     |
     |<-- 200 OK ----------|:::::::::::::::::::>|  (slow link)        |
     |                     |--- SEND ---------->|                     |
     |                     |<-- 200 OK ---------|--- SEND ----------->|
     |                     |                    |                ....>|
     |                     |                    |                  ..>|
     |                     |                    |<-- 200 OK ----------|
     |                     |                    |<-- REPORT ----------|
     |                     |<-- REPORT ---------|                     |
     |<-- REPORT ----------|                    |                     |
     |                     |                    |                     |

   Alice                 Bob
     |                     |                    |                     |
     |--- SEND 1-3 ------->|                    |                     |
     |<-- 200 OK ----------|                    |  (slow link)        |
     |--- SEND 4-7 ------->|--- SEND 1-5 ------>|                     |
     |<-- 200 OK ----------|<-- 200 OK ---------|--- SEND 1-3 ------->|
     |--- SEND 8-10 ------>|--- SEND 6-10 ----->|                ....>|
     |<-- 200 OK ----------|<-- 200 OK ---------|                  ..>|
     |                     |                    |<-- 200 OK ----------|
     |                     |                    |<-- REPORT 1-3 ------|
     |                     |<-- REPORT 1-3 -----|--- SEND 4-7 ------->|
     |<-- REPORT 1-3 ------|                    |                 ...>|
     |                     |                    |<-- REPORT 4-7 ----->|
     |                     |<-- REPORT 4-7 -----|--- SEND 8-10 ------>|
     |<-- REPORT 4-7 ------|                    |                  ..>|
     |                     |                    |<-- 200 OK ----------|
     |                     |<-- REPORT done-----|<-- REPORT done -----|
     |<-- REPORT done -----|                    |                     |
     |                     |                    |                     |

     |                     |
     |--- AUTH ----------->|
     |<- 401 Unauthorized -|
     |--- AUTH ----------->|
     |<-- 200 OK-----------|
     |                     |

                   _    p      _  |     |
                  |_|-|<-_  |-|_|-|     |-|        _
                   _  |-|_|=|     |_____| |  _  |-|_|
                  |_|-|     |             |-|_|-|
                  MNNs   MR   AR  Internet   AR    HA

                   _   p1,p2   _  |     |
                  |_|-|<-_  |-|_|-|     |-|        _
                   _  |-|_|=|     |_____| |  _  |-|_|
                  |_|-|     |             |-|_|-|
                  MNNs   MR   AR  Internet   AR    HA

                                          AR    HA2
                                           _  |
                                        |-|_|-|  _
                                 _____  |     |-|_|
                 _    p      _  |     |-|
                |_|-|<-_  |-|_|-|     |
                 _  |-|_|=|     |_____|-|        _
                |_|-|     |             |  _  |-|_|
                MNNs  MR    AR  Internet  AR    HA1

                                         AR    HA2
                                          _  |  _
                                _____  |-|_|-|-|_|
                _   p1,p2   _  |     |-|     |
               |_|-|<-_  |-|_|-|     |          _
                _  |-|_|=|     |_____|-|  _  |-|_|
               |_|-|     |             |-|_|-|
                                       |     |
               MNNs  MR    AR  Internet  AR    HA1

                      p<-_  |
                   _  |-|_|-|  _____
                  |_|-|     |-|     |
                   _  |       |     |-|        _
                  |_|-|  _  |-|_____| |  _  |-|_|
                      |-|_|-|         |-|_|-|
                      p<-   |               |
                  MNNs  MR1   Internet   AR    HA

                     p2<-_  |
                   _  |-|_|-|  _____
                  |_|-|     |-|     |
                   _  |       |     |-|        _
                  |_|-|  _  |-|_____| |  _  |-|_|
                      |-|_|-|         |-|_|-|
                     p1<-   |               |
                  MNNs  MR1   Internet   AR    HA

                        MR2             AR    HA2
                        p                _  |
                       <-_  |         |-|_|-|  _
                   _  |-|_|-|  _____  |     |-|_|
                  |_|-|     |-|     |-|
                   _  |       |     |
                  |_|-|  _  |-|_____|-|        _
                      |-|_|-|         |  _  |-|_|
                       <-   |         |-|_|-|
                        p                   |
                  MNNs  MR1   Internet  AR    HA1

                        MR2             AR    HA2
                        p2               _  |
                       <-_  |         |-|_|-|  _
                   _  |-|_|-|  _____  |     |-|_|
                  |_|-|     |-|     |-|
                   _  |       |     |
                  |_|-|  _  |-|_____|-|        _
                      |-|_|-|         |  _  |-|_|
                       <-   |         |-|_|-|
                        p1                  |
                  MNNs  MR1   Internet  AR    HA1

               Prefix: P1 +-----+  +----+  +----------+   +-----+
                       +--| MR1 |--| AR |--|          |---| HA1 |
                       |  +-----+  +----+  |          |   +-----+
       IP:    +-----+  |                   |          | Prefix: P1
    P1.MNN or | MNN |--+                   | Internet |
      P2.MNN  +-----+  |                   |          | Prefix: P2
                       |  +-----+  +----+  |          |   +-----+
                       +--| MR2 |--| AR |--|          |---| HA2 |
               Prefix: P2 +-----+  +----+  +----------+   +-----+

             MN                    PAR                  NAR
              |                     |                    |
              |------RtSolPr------->|                    |
              |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                    |
              |                     |                    |
              |                     |<------HAck---------|
              |          <--FBack---|--FBack--->         |
              |                     |                    |
           disconnect             forward                |
              |                   packets===============>|
              |                     |                    |
              |                     |                    |
          connect                   |                    |
              |                     |                    |
              |--------- FBU --------------------------->|
              |<=================================== deliver packets
              |                     |              (including FBack)
              |                     |<-----FBU-----------|

                 MN                    PAR                  NAR
                  |                     |                    |
                  |------RtSolPr------->|                    |
                  |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                    |
                  |                     |                    |
               disconnect               |                    |
                  |                     |                    |
                  |                     |                    |
               connect                  |                    |
                  |                     |<-----FBU-----------|
                  |                     |------FBack-------->|
                  |                   forward                |
                  |                   packets===============>|
                  |                     |                    |
                  |<=================================== deliver packets
                  |                                    (including FBack)
                  |                                          |

   field | header | authority | authority | chunks 1..n |
         |        |  length   |           |             |
   octets    1         1         0..255      variable

   field | header | chunks 1..n |
         |        |             |
   octets    1       variable

   field | Version | Keep Open | reserved |
         |   (V)   |   (KO)    |          |
   bits    0 and 1       2        3 - 7

   field | Last Chunk | Data Complete | reserved | Chunk Type |
         |    (LC)    |     (DC)      |          |    (CT)    |
   bits         0             1          2 - 4       5 - 7

   field | chunk     | chunk data | chunk  |
         | descriptor| length     | data   |
   octets      1            2      variable

   field | mechanism | mechanism | mechanism | mechanism |
         |   name    |   name    |   data    |   data    |
         |  length   |           |  length   |           |
   octets     1        variable       2        variable

   field |  payload   | payload |
         | descriptor |         |
   octets 3 or 6..261*    0..n

       field | header | transaction | maximum  | authority | authority |
             |        |     ID      | response |  length   |           |
             |        |             | length   |           |           |
       octets    1           2           2           1         0..255

   field | header | transaction |
         |        |     ID      |
   octets    1           2

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0 |

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | 1   1   1   0 |      CID      |

     0              x-1  x       7
    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
   :         Add-CID octet         :  if CID 1-15 and small CIDs
   +--- --- --- --- ---+--- --- ---+
   | type indication   |   body    |  1 octet (8-x bits of body)
   +--- --- --- --- ---+--- --- ---+
   :                               :
   /    0, 1, or 2 octets of CID   /  1 or 2 octets if large CIDs
   :                               :
   /             body              /  variable length

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   | profile specific information  |  1 octet

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |Acktype|                       |
   +---+---+   profile specific    /  at least 2 octets
   /             information       |

                |                                        |
    No Static   |            No Dynamic        Success   |    Success
     +-->--+    |             +-->--+      +--->----->---+    +-->--+
     |     |    |             |     |      |             |    |     |
     |     v    |             |     v      |             v    |     v
   +-----------------+   +---------------------+   +-------------------+
   | No Context (NC) |   | Static Context (SC) |   | Full Context (FC) |
   +-----------------+   +---------------------+   +-------------------+
      ^                         |        ^                         |
      |  Static Context         |        | Context Damage Assumed  |
      |  Damage Assumed         |        |                         |
      +-----<------<------<-----+        +-----<------<------<-----+

      list: | item 1 | item 2 |       | item n |

                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         PS = 1: | X | Reserved  |     Index     |

           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         |     XI_k      |    XI_k + 1   |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |              MSN              |

      |  Opt Type = 2 |  Opt Len = 0  |

      |  Opt Type = 3 |  Opt Len = 0  |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |  Opt Type = 9 |  Opt Len = 0  |

          <-- interpretation interval (size is 2^num_lsbs_param) -->
        lower                     ref_value                      upper
        bound                                                    bound

       | +-----------------+ +--------+ |
       | | +------+ +----+ | | +----+ | |
       | | | h2abc| | h1 | | | | h3 | | |
       | | +------+ +----+ | | +----+ | |
       | +-----------------+ +--------+ |

    | +----------------------+  +--------+ +--------+ |
    | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |  | +----+ | | +----+ | |
    | | | h2b| | h2c| | h2a| |  | | h1 | | | | h3 | | |
    | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |  | +----+ | | +----+ | |
    | +----------------------+  +--------+ +--------+ |