      Information     +-----------------+
          |(1)        |Internet         |   +-----------+
          v           |Access           |   |           |
     +-----------+    |Provider         |   | Mapping   |
     |           |    | (3)             |   | Service   |
     | Emergency |<---+-----------------+-->|           |
     | Caller    |    | (2)             |   +-----------+
     |           |<---+-------+         |          ^
     +-----------+    |  +----|---------+------+   |
          ^           |  |   Location   |      |   |
          |           |  |   Information<-+    |   |
          |           +--+--------------+ |(5) |   | (6)
          |              |                |    |   |
          |              |    +-----------v+   |   |
          |   (4)        |    |            |   |   |
          +--------------+--->|    ESRP    |<--+---+
          |              |    |            |   |
          |              |    +------------+   |
          |              |          ^          |
          |              |      (7) |          |  +----+--+
          |    (8)       |          +------------>|       |
          +--------------+----------------------->| PSAP  |
                         |                     |  |       |
                         |Application/         |  +----+--+
                         |Voice                |
                         |Service              |
                         |Provider             |

                             SIP       +--------------+
                         Service URI   | Application  |
                      /----------------|    Server    |
                     /(e.g., RFC 3087) +--------------+
                    /                        |  MSCML
                   /                     SIP | Session
                  /                    +--------------+
          +-----+/       RTP           |              |
          | UAC |======================| Media Server |
          +-----+                      |              |

                         Site | Local   |
                          A   | File A  |
      o----------------------- Mapping A ------------------------o
      |                            |                             |
      |                       o---------o                        |
      |                       | Virtual |                        |
      |                       |  File   |                        |
      |                       o---------o                        |
      |    o------------------------------------------------o    |
      |    |                                                |    |
      |    |                  ODETTE-FTP                    |    |
      |    |                                                |    |
      |    o------------------------------------------------o    |
      |      o---------o                        o---------o      |
      |      | Virtual |                        | Virtual |      |
      |      |  File   |                        |  File   |      |
      |      o---------o                        o----+----o      |
      |           |                                  |           |
      o------ Mapping B ------------------------ Mapping C ------o
                  |                                  |
             o---------o                        o----+----o
             | Local   | Site              Site | Local   |
             | File B  |  B                 C   | File C  |
             o---------o                        o---------o

          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
          |                   |             |                   |
          |   USER  MONITOR   |             |   USER  MONITOR   |
          |                   |             |                   |
          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
                  |   A                             |   A
                  |   |                             |   |
      F_XXX_RQ/RS |   | F_XXX_IND/CF    F_XXX_RQ/RS |   | F_XXX_IND/CF
                  V   |                             V   |
          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
          |                   |- - - - - - >|                   |
          | ODETTE-FTP Entity |   E-Buffer  | ODETTE-FTP Entity |
          |                   |< - - - - - -|                   |
          o-------------------o             o-------------------o
                  |   A                             |   A
      N_XXX_RQ/RS |   | N_XXX_IND/CF    N_XXX_RQ/RS |   | N_XXX_IND/CF
                  |   |                             |   |
                  V   |                             V   |
        |                                                         |
        |                      N E T W O R K                      |
        |                                                         |

                             |            |
           F_CONNECT_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_CONNECT_IND
                             |            |
           F_CONNECT_CF <----|------------|<---- F_CONNECT_RS
                             |            |

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   called-address -> same              ---               ----
   calling-address-> same              ---               ----
   ID1 ------------> same              ID2 ------------> same
   PSW1------------> same              PSW2 -----------> same
   mode1 ----------> mode2 ----------> mode3 ----------> same
   restart1 -------> same -----------> restart2 -------> same
   authentication1-> same -----------> authentication2-> same

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   Sender-only ----> Receiver-only --> Receiver-only --> Sender-only

   Both -----+-----> Both ----+------> Both -----------> Both
             |             or +------> Receiver-only --> Sender-only
             |             or +------> Sender-only ----> Receiver-only
          or +-----> Receiver-only --> Receiver-only --> Sender-only
          or +-----> Sender-only ----> Sender-only ----> Receiver-only

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   restart = Y ----> restart = Y --+-> restart = Y ----> restart = Y
                                or +-> restart = N ----> restart = N

   restart = N ----> restart = N ----> restart = N ----> restart = N

   Request           Indication        Response          Confirm
   auth = Y    ----> auth = Y    ----> auth = Y    ----> auth = Y

   auth = N    ----> auth = N    ----> auth = N    ----> auth = N

                             |            |
        F_START_FILE_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_START_FILE_IND
                             |            |
   F_START_FILE_CF(+|-) <----|------------|<---- F_START_FILE_RS(+|-)
                             |            |

   Request          Ind.   RS(+)          CF(+)   RS(-)         CF(-)
   filename-------> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   date-time------> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   destination----> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   originator-----> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   rec-format-----> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   rec-size ------> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   file-size------> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   org-file-size--> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   signed-eerp----> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   cipher---------> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   sec-services---> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   compression----> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   envelope-format> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   description----> same   ----           ----    ----          ----
   restart-pos1---> same-> restart-pos2-> same    ----          ----
   ----             ----   ----           ----    cause ------> same
   ----             ----   ----           ----    retry-later-> same

                             |            |
              F_DATA_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_DATA_IND
                             |            |
              F_DATA_CF <----|(---CDT----)|
                             |            |

                             |            |
         F_CLOSE_FILE_RQ --->|------------|----> F_CLOSE_FILE_IND
                             |            |
    F_CLOSE_FILE_CF(+|-) <---|------------|<---- F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(+|-)
                             |            |

   Request         Ind    RS(+)          CF(+)     RS(-)         CF(-)
   rec-count --->  same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   unit-count -->  same   ----           ----      ----          ----
   ----            ----   Speaker=Y ---> Speaker=N ----          ----
   ----            ----   Speaker=N ---> Speaker=Y ----          ----
   ----            ----   ----           ----      cause --->    same

                             |            |
              F_EERP_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_EERP_IND
                             |            |
              F_RTR_CF  <----|------------|<---- F_RTR_RS
                             |            |

   Request               Indication
   filename -----------> same
   date ---------------> same
   time ---------------> same
   destination --------> same
   originator ---------> same
   hash ---------------> same
   signature ----------> same

                             |            |
              F_NERP_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_NERP_IND
                             |            |
              F_RTR_CF  <----|------------|----- F_RTR_RS
                             |            |

   Request                          Indication
   filename ----------------------> same
   date --------------------------> same
   time --------------------------> same
   destination -------------------> same
   originator --------------------> same
   creator of negative response --> same
   reason ------------------------> same
   reason text -------------------> same
   hash --------------------------> same
   signature ---------------------> same

   Request                  Indication
   reason = normal -------> ----

                             |            |
             F_ABORT_RQ ---->|------------|----> F_ABORT_IND
                             |            |
             User-Initiated Abort

                             |            |
            F_ABORT_IND <----|------------|----> F_ABORT_IND
                             |            |
            Provider-Initiated Abort

            User  | OFTP |        Network       | OFTP |  User
                  |      |                      |      |

     F_RELEASE_RQ |      | ESID(R=normal)       |      | F_RELEASE_IND
   *--------------|->  ==|======================|=>  --|-------------->
     (R=normal)   |      |                      |      |

     F_RELEASE_RQ |      | ESID(R=error)        |      | F_ABORT_IND
   *--------------|->  ==|======================|=>   -|-------------->
   (R=error value)|      |                      |      | (R=error,AO=D)

     F_ABORT_IND  |      | ESID(R=error)        |      | F_ABORT_IND
   <--------------|-*  *=|======================|=>  --|-------------->
                  |      |                      |      |

    F_ABORT_RQ    |      | N_DISC_RQ            |      | F_ABORT_IND
   *--------------|->  --|--------->..----------|->  --|-------------->
                  |      |           N_DISC_IND |      | (R=unsp.,AO=D)

     F_ABORT_IND  |      | N_DISC_RQ            |      | F_ABORT_IND
   <--------------|-*  *-|--------->..----------|->  --|-------------->
   (R=error,AO=L) |      |           N_DISC_IND |      | (R=unsp.,AO=D)

                  decision    |            |  f_connect_ind
            +-----------------|    IDLE    |-----------------+
            |   F_CONNECT_RQ  |    (0)     |  F_CONNECT_RS   |
            |                 o------------o                 |
            V                                                |
   o-----------------o                                       |
   |                 |                                       |
   | I_WF_FCONNECTCF |                                       |
   |                 |                                       |
   o--------+--------o                                       |
            |                                                |
            | F_CONNECT_CF                                   |
            V                                                V
   o-----------------o                            o-----------------o
   |                 |                            |                 |
   |  IDLE  SPEAKER  |                            | IDLE  LISTENER  |
   |       (1)       |                            |       (2)       |
   |   See Speaker   |                            |  See Listener   |
   |  State Diagram  |                            |  State Diagram  |
   |                 |                            |                 |
   o-----------------o                            o-----------------o

   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
   |  IDLE LISTENER  |                              |      IDLE       |
   | CD_RQ just sent |                              |     see (0)     |
   | see (3), Listen |                              |      Idle       |
   |  State Diagram  |                              |  State Diagram  |
   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
            A                                                A
            |                                                |
        decision                                          decision
        F_CD_RQ                                         F_RELEASE_RQ
            |                                                |
   o================o decision  o----------o decision  o---------------o
   |                |---------->| WAIT FOR |<----------|               |
   |                | F_EERP_RQ |          | F_EERP_RQ |               |
   |     IDLE       |           | EERP/    |           |    IDLE       |
   |   SPEAKER      | decision  | NERP     | decision  |   SPEAKER     |
   |     (1)        |---------->| CONFIRM. |<----------|     (4)       |
   |                | F_NERP_RQ |          | F_NERP_RQ |               |
   |                |           |          |           |               |
   |                |           |          |           |    CD_IND     |
   |                | f_rtr_cf  |          |           | just received |
   |                |<----------|          |           |               |
   |                |           o----------o           |               |
   |                |                                  |               |
   |                |                                  |               |
   o================o                                  o---------------o
     A  A        |                                               |
     |  |        | decision and P2              decision and P2  |
     |  |        +-----------------+       +---------------------+
     |  |         F_START_FILE_RQ  |       |    F_START_FILE_RQ
     |  |                          V       V
     |  |                      o---------------o
     |  |  f_file_start_cf(-)  |               |
     |  +----------------------|    OPENING    |
     |                         |               |
     |                         o---------------o
     |                                 |
   f_file_close_cf(-) or          f_start_file_cf(+)
   f_file_close_cf(+) and not P1       |
     |                                 V

   o---------------o     o---------------o  record to send   o---------o
   |               |     |               |------------------>|         |
   |    CLOSING    |     | DATA TRANSFER |     F_DATA_RQ     | NEXT    |
   |               |     |               |                   | RECORD  |
   |               |     |               |     f_data_cf     |         |
   |               |     |               |<------------------|         |
   o---------------o     o---------------o                   o---------o
     |         A                   |
     |         |    end of file    |
     |         +-------------------+
     |            F_CLOSE_FILE_RQ
     |                                              o-----------------o
     |                f_file_close_cf(+) and P1     |  IDLE LISTENER  |
     +--------------------------------------------->| see (2), Listen |
                                                    |  State Diagram  |
   Predicates:                                      o-----------------o
   P1: Positive confirmation and Speaker = YES
   P2: Mode = Both or (Mode = Sender-only)

   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
   |  IDLE SPEAKER   |                              |      IDLE       |
   |   CD_IND just   |                              |                 |
   | received see(4) |                              |     see (0)     |
   |  Speaker State  |                              |      Idle       |
   |     Diagram     |                              |  State Diagram  |
   o-----------------o                              o-----------------o
            A                                                A
            |                                                |
         decision      f_eerp_ind                         decision
         F_CD_IND  +--------------+                    F_RELEASE_IND
            |      |   F_RTR_RS   |                          |
   o=================o            |                 o-----------------o
   |                 |<-----------+                 |                 |
   |                 |                              |                 |
   |                 | f_nerp_ind                   |                 |
   |                 |------------+                 |                 |
   |                 | F_RTR_RS   |                 |                 |
   |                 |            |                 |                 |
   |                 |<-----------+                 |                 |
   |  IDLE LISTENER  |                 f_eerp_ind   |  IDLE LISTENER  |
   |       (2)       |<-----------------------------|       (3)       |
   |                 |                 F_RTR_RS     |      CD_RQ      |
   |                 |                              |    just sent    |
   |                 |                 f_nerp_ind   |                 |
   |                 |<-----------------------------|                 |

   |                 |                 F_RTR_RS     |                 |
   |                 |                              |                 |
   |                 | f_start_file_ind             |                 |
   |                 |    and not P1                |                 |
   |                 |---------------------+        |                 |
   o=================o F_START_FILE_RS(-)  |        o-----------------o
     A A    |   A  A                       |           |          |
     | |    |   |  +-----------------------+           |          |
     | |    |   |                                      |          |
     | |    |   | f_start_file_ind and not P1          |          |
     | |    |   +--------------------------------------+          |
     | |    |            F_START_FILE_RS(-)                       |
     | |    |                                                     |
     | |    |        f_start_file_ind           f_start_file_ind  |
     | |    |           and P1                        and P1      |
     | |    +----------------------------+     +------------------+
     | |             F_START_FILE_RS(+)  |     | F_START_FILE_RS(+)
     | |                                 V     V
     | |                            o---------------o
     | |f_close_file_ind and not P3 |               |
     | +----------------------------|               |
     |    F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(+,N)      |               |
     |                              |     DATA      |
     |                              |   TRANSFER    |
     |  f_close_file_ind and not P2 |               |-------------+
     +------------------------------|               |             |
          F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(-)        |               |<------------+
                                    o---------------o  F_DATA_IND
   o---------------o                           |
   | IDLESPEAKER  |  f_close_file_ind and P3  |
   | see (1), Spkr |<--------------------------+
   | State Diagram |    F_CLOSE_FILE_RS(+,Y)

   1. Initiator <-------------SSRM -- Responder   Ready Message
                -- SSID ------------>             Identification
                <------------ SSID --             Identification

   1. Initiator -- SECD ------------> Responder   Change Direction
                <------------ AUCH --             Challenge
                -- AURP ------------>             Response
                <------------ SECD --             Change Direction
                -- AUCH ------------>             Challenge
                <------------ AURP --             Response

   1. Speaker  -- SFID ------------> Listener   Start File
               <------------ SFPA --            Answer YES

   2. Speaker  -- SFID ------------> Listener   Start File
               <------------ SFNA --            Answer NO
                     Go To 1

   2. Speaker  -- CD --------------> Listener   Change Direction
      Listener <------------ EERP -- Speaker    End to End Response
               -- RTR ------------->            Ready to Receive
               <------------ NERP --            Negative End Response
               -- RTR ------------->            Ready to Receive
               <------------ SFID --            Start File

         o----------o                          o-----------o
         | Loc. A   |----------- S1 ---------->| Loc. B    |
         |          |                          |           |
         | [Ba]     |<---------- R2 -----------| [Ba]      |
         +----------o                          o-----------o

   o---------o        o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
   | Loc. A  |-- S1 ->| Loc. E1 |-- S2 ->| Loc. E2 |-- S5 ->| Loc. B  |
   |         |        |         |        |         |        |         |
   | [Ba,Ca] |<- R8 --| [Ba,Ca] |<- R7 --| [Ba]    |<- R6 --| [Ba]    |
   o---------o        o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
                         A   |
                         |   |           o---------o
                         |   +----- S3 ->| Loc. C  |
                         |               |         |
                         +--------- R4 --| [Ca]    |

         o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
         | Loc. A  |-- S1 ->| Loc. E1 |-- S3 ->| Loc. C  |
         |         |        |         |        |         |
         | [Ca]    |<- R5 --| [Ca,Cb] |<- R4 --| [Ca,Cb] |
         o---------o        o---------o        o---------o
                               A   |
         o---------o           |   |
         | Loc. B  |-- S2 -----+   |
         |         |               |
         | [Cb]    |<- R6 ---------+

      Speaker  -- EERP ------------> Listener   End to End Response
               <------------- RTR --            Ready to Receive
               -- EERP ------------>            End to End Response
               <------------- RTR --            Ready to Receive
               -- NERP ------------>            Negative End Response
               <------------- RTR --            Ready to Receive
               -- SFID ------------>            Start File
               -- CD -------------->            Exchange the turn

   1. Speaker  -- SFID ------------> Listener   Start File
               <------------ SFPA --            Answer YES

      Speaker  -- Data ------------> Listener   Start File
               -- Data ------------>
               <------------- CDT --            Set Credit
               -- Data ------------>
               -- EFID ------------>            End File

   1. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFPA --            Answer YES

   2. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFPA --            Answer YES + CD
               -- CD -------------->            Change Direction
      Listener <------------ EERP -- Speaker    End to End Response
               -------------- RTR ->            Ready to Receive
      Listener <------------ NERP -- Speaker    Negative End Response
               -------------- RTR ->            Ready to Receive
               Go to Start File Phase

   3. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFNA --            Answer NO

   1. Speaker  -- EFID ------------> Listener   End File
               <------------ EFPA --            Answer YES
               -- CD -------------->            Change Direction
      Listener <------------ ESID -- Speaker    End Session

      | C | H |           | H |           | H |           |   /
      | M | D | SUBRECORD | D | SUBRECORD | D | SUBRECORD |  /_
      | D | R |           | R |           | R |           |   /

          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
        | E | C |                       |
        | o | F | C O U N T             |
        | R |   |                       |

   | STH | OEB             | STH |  OEB               | STH | OEB/

   |   | Other States                                         |
   |   |--------------------------------------------------o   |
   |   | WF_SECD                                          |   |
   |   |----------------------------------------------o   |   |
   |   | WF_AURP                                      |   |   |
   |   |------------------------------------------o   |   |   |
   |   | WF_AUCH                                  |   |   |   |
   |   |--------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |
   | S | A_WF_CONRS                           |   |   |   |   |
   |   |----------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |
   | T | A_NC_ONLY                        |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |
   | A | I_WF_SSID                    |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |--------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   | T | I_WF_RM                  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |----------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   | E | I_WF_NC              |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | IDLE             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | F_CONNECT_RQ | A | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | N_CON_CF     | X | C | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | V | SSRM         | X | X | H | X | X | X | L | L | L | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | E | SSID         | X | X | X | D | E | F | L | L | L | F |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | N | N_CON_IND    | B | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   | T | F_CONNECT_RS | X | U | U | U | U | G | X | X | X | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | ESID         | X | X | X | F | X | X | F | F | F | X |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | AUCH         | X | X | U | U | X | X | I | L | L | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | AURP         | X | X | U | U | X | X | L | K | L | U |
   |   |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
   |   | SECD         | X | X | U | U | X | X | L | L | J | U |

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events            Next State
    A | P1:                      F_ABORT_IND              IDLE
      | !P1:            1,2      N_CON_RQ                 I_WF_NC
    B | P3:                      N_DISC_RQ                IDLE
      | !P3:            2        N_CON_RS
      |                          SSRM                     A_NC_ONLY
    C |                 4,2                               I_WF_RM
    D | P2 & P8 & P11:  4,2,5    SECD                     WF_AUCH
      | P2 & P8 & !P11: 4,2,5    F_CONNECT_CF             IDLESP
      | P2 & !P8:       4,2      ESID(R=12)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)      WF_NDISC
      | else:           4,2      ESID(R=10)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)      WF_NDISC
    E | P4:             4        N_DISC_RQ                IDLE
      | !P4:            4,2      F_CONNECT_IND            A_WF_CONRS
    F |                 4        F_ABORT_IND
      |                          N_DISC_RQ                IDLE
    G | P2 &  P9 & P10: 4,2,5    SSID                     WF_SECD
      | P2 & !P9 & P10: 4,2,5    SSID                     IDLELI
      | !P10:           4,2      ESID(R=12)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)      WF_NDISC
      | else:           4,2      ESID(R=10)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)      WF_NDISC
    H |                 4,2,3    SSID                     I_WF_SSID
    I | P5:             4,2      AURP                     WF_SECD
      | !P5:            4,2      AURP                     IDLELI
    J |                 4,2      AUCH                     WF_AURP
    K | P6:             4,2      F_CONNECT_CF             IDLESP
      | P7:             4,2      SECD                     WF_AUCH
      | else:           4,2      ESID(R=11)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)      WF_NDISC
    L |                 4,2      ESID(R=02)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)      WF_NDISC

   |   | Other States                     |
   | S |------------------------------o   |
   | T | WF_NDISC                     |   |
   | A |--------------------------o   |   |
   | T | I_WF_NC                  |   |   |
   | E |----------------------o   |   |   |
   |   | IDLE                 |   |   |   |
   |   | TIME-OUT         | X | X | A | B |
   |   |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   | E | F_ABORT_RQ       | X | A | X | C |
   | V |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   | E | N_RST_IND        | X | X | A | D |
   | N |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   | T | N_DISC_IND       | X | E | F | G |
   |   |------------------+---+---+---+---|
   |   | Invalid Buffer   | X | X | H | I |

    I | Predicate    Actions     Output Events             Next State
    A |                          N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    B |                          F_ABORT_IND
      |                          N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    C |              1           N_DISC_RQ                 IDLE
    D |              1           N_DISC_RQ
      |                          F_ABORT_IND               IDLE
    E |                          F_ABORT_IND               IDLE
    F |              1                                     IDLE
    G |              1           F_ABORT_IND               IDLE
    H |                                                    WF_NDISC
    I |              1,2         ESID(R=01)
      |                          F_ABORT_IND(R,AO=L)       WF_NDISC

  | | Other States                                                     |
  | |--------------------------------------------------------------o   |
  | | WF_NDISC                                                     |   |
  | |----------------------------------------------------------o   |   |
  | | OPOWFC                                                   |   |   |

  | |------------------------------------------------------o   |   |   |
  | | OPO                                                  |   |   |   |
  |S|--------------------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |
  | | OPOP                                             |   |   |   |   |
  |T|----------------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |
  | | CDSTWFCD                                     |   |   |   |   |   |
  |A|------------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | SFSTWFCD                                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |T|--------------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | NRSTWFCD                             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  |E|----------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | ERSTWFCD                         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | |------------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | WF_CD                        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | |--------------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | WF_RTR                   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | |----------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | IDLESPCD             |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | |------------------o   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | IDLESP           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | | F_EERP_RQ    | A | A | W | F | W | W | U | U | U | U | U | U | U |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  | | F_NERP_RQ    | Y | Y | W | Z | W | W | U | U | U | U | U | U | U |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  | | F_START_     | B | B | W | G | W | W | U | U | U | U | U | X | U |
  | |   FILE_RQ    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  | | SFPA         | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | K | C | C | S | C |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  |E| SFNA         | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | L | C | C | S | C |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  |V| CD           | C | C | C | H | R | Z1| I | J | C | C | C | S | C |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  |E| F_DATA_RQ    | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | M | U | S | U |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  |N| CDT          | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | P | O | S | C |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  |T| F_CD_RQ      | D | U | W | T | W | W | U | U | U | U | U | X | U |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  | | F_REL_RQ(Ok) | U | E | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | U | X | U |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  | | F_REL_RQ(Err)| Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | Q | S | Q |
  | |--------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
  | | RTR          | C | C | N | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | S | C |

   | S | CLOP                        |
   | T |-------------------------o   |
   | A | OPOWFC                  |   |
   | T |---------------------o   |   |
   | E | OPO                 |   |   |
   | E | F_CLOSE_FILE_RQ | A | E | U |
   | V |-----------------+---+---+---|
   | E | EFPA            | B | B | C |
   | N |-----------------+---+---+---|
   | T | EFNA            | B | B | D |

   |   | RTRP                                    |
   |   |-------------------------------------o   |
   |   | CLIP                                |   |
   |   |---------------------------------o   |   |
   |   | OPI                             |   |   |
   | S |-----------------------------o   |   |   |
   | T | OPIP                        |   |   |   |
   | A |-------------------------o   |   |   |   |
   | T | IDLELICD                |   |   |   |   |
   | E |---------------------o   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | IDLELI              |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   | SFID            | A | A | B | B | B | B |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   | E | DATA            | B | B | B | I | B | B |
   | V |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   | E | EFID            | B | B | B | J | B | B |
   | N |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   | T | F_START_FILE_RS | U | U | H | U | U | U |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | F_CLOSE_FILE_RS | U | U | U | U | K | U |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | CD              | C | B | B | B | B | B |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | ESID R=Normal   | D | F | D | D | D | D |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | ESID R=Error    | D | D | D | D | D | D |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | EERP            | E | E | B | B | B | B |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | NERP            | L | L | B | B | B | B |
   |   |-----------------+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   |   | F_RTR_RS        | U | U | U | U | U | M |

          +------------------------------+  <====  File Service
          | Level-7  FTP    application  |
          | Level-6  FTP    presentation |
          | Level-5  FTP    session      |
          | Level-4  FTP    transport    |
          |------------------------------|  <====  Network Service
          | Level-3         X.25         |
          | Level-2         X.25         |
          | Level-1         X.25         |

              <------------------------------------   special-logic=yes
              <------------------------------------   special-logic=no

          +------------------------------+  <====  File Service
          | Level-7  FTP    application  |
          | Level-6  FTP    presentation |
          | Level-5  FTP    session      |
          | Level-4  FTP    transport    |
          |------------------------------|  <====  Network Service
          | Level-3         X.25         |
          | Level-2         X.25         |
          | Level-1         X.25         |

   | S | B |                                                  | B | C |
   | T | S |         COMPLETE EXCHANGE BUFFER (CEB)           | C | / |
   | X | N |                                                  | S | R |
     A   A                                                      A   A
     |   |                                                      |   |
     |   +-------------  Block sequence number                  |   |
     |                                                          |   |
     +-----------------  Synchronization character              |   |
                                                                |   |
                         Block checksum  -----------------------+   |
                         Delineation character  --------------------+

          |   | B |         | B | C |
     -----|   | S |  CEB    | C | / |----->  Not sync
          |   | N |         | S | R |

          | S | B |         | B | C |
     -----| T | S |  CEB    | C | / |----->  Sync
          | X | N |         | S | R |

          | S | B |         | B |   |
     -----| T | S |  CEB    | C |   |----->  No activity
          | X | N |         | S |   |

          | S | B |         | B | C |
     -----| T | S |  CEB    | C | / |----->  Sync
          | X | N |         | S | R |

          | S | B |         | B | C |        Bad data
     -----| T | S |  "%!    | C | / |----->  detected
          | X | N |         | S | R |

          | S | B |         | B | C |
     -----| T | S |  CEB    | C | / |----->  Data OK
          | X | N |         | S | R |

          | S |   |         | B | C |        Expecting
     -----| T | 0 |  EERP   | C | / |----->  BSN=0
          | X |   |         | S | R |        Transmission

          | S |   |         | B | C |        Response to
     <----| T | 0 |  RTR    | C | / |-----   Previous
          | X |   |         | S | R |        Block

          +-------------------------+        Expecting
          | S |   |         | B | C |        BSN=1 (Block
     -----| T | 1 |  SFID   | C | / |- // -> lost in
          | X |   |         | S | R |        Transmission)
          +-------------------------+        T1 Timed Out

          | S |   |         | B | C |        Send last
     <----| T | 0 |  RTR    | C | / |-----   Block
          | X |   |         | S | R |        again

          | S |   |         | B | C |        Expecting
     -----| T | 1 |  SFID   | C | / |----->  BSN=1
          | X |   |         | S | R |        Block OK

          | S |   |         | B | C |        Response
     <----| T | 1 |  SFPA   | C | / |-----   BSN=1
          | X |   |         | S | R |        Block OK

          | S |   |         | B | C |
     -----| T | 2 |  DATA   | C | / |----->  Data OK
          | X |   |         | S | R |

                                           Mobility Service
                                    Provider and Authorizer
               |                                           |
               |  +-------------+                   +--+   |
               |  | MSA/MSP AAA |  <------------->  |HA|   |
               |  |   server    |    AAA protocol   +--+   |
               |  +-------------+                          |
               |                                           |

                 Mobility Service
                  |  MSA AAA    |
                  |   server    |
           AAA protocol |
                        |                  Mobility Service
                        |                          Provider
               |        V                                  |
               |  +-------------+                   +--+   |
               |  |  MSP AAA    |  <------------->  |HA|   |
               |  |   server    |    AAA protocol   +--+   |
               |  +-------------+                          |
               |                                           |

                         |    CA       |
                         |   server    |
                  CRL Check    |
                               |       Mobility Service
                               |    Provider and Authorizer
                      |        V          |
                      |  +-------------+  |
                      |  |     HA      |  |
                      |  |             |  |
                      |  +-------------+  |
                      |                   |

             BU (DNS update option)
                                           DNS update
              BA (DNS update option)

        +----+                +----+         +---+         +---+
        | MN |                | HA |         |AAA|         |DNS|
        +----+                +----+         +---+         +---+

                                                  DNS update
                                   AAA answer
                                   (FQDN, HoA)
            BA (DNS update option)

              |                                            |
              |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
              |                                            |
              |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|
              |                                            |
              |----------------(3) PRACK SDP3------------->|
              |                                            |
              |<-----------(4) 200 OK (PRACK) SDP4---------|
              |                                            |
              |<-------------(5) 180 Ringing---------------|
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no
            recv    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no
            recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    yes
            recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    yes

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no
            recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no

              |                                            |
              |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
              |                                            |
              |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|
              |                                            |
              |----------------(3) PRACK SDP3------------->|
              |                                            |
              |<-----------(4) 200 OK (PRACK) SDP4---------|
              |                                            |
              |<-------------(5) 180 Ringing---------------|
              |                                            |
              |                                            |
              |                                            |

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no
            recv    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no
            recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    yes
            recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    yes

          Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
            send    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no
            recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no

                              |            |
                +------------>|NON EXISTENT|<--------------------+
                |             |            |                     |
                |             +------------+                     |
                | Session        |    ^                          |
                |   connection   |    |                          |
                |   established  |    | Rx any LDP msg except    |
                |                V    |   Init msg or Timeout    |
                |            +-----------+                       |
   Rx Any other |            |           |                       |
      msg or    |            |INITIALIZED|                       |
      Timeout / |        +---|           |-+                     |
   Tx NAK msg   |        |   +-----------+ |                     |
                |        | (Passive Role)  | (Active Role)       |
                |        | Rx Acceptable   | Tx Init msg         |
                |        |    Init msg /   |                     |
                |        | Tx Init msg     |                     |
                |        |    Tx KeepAlive |                     |
                |        V    msg          V                     |
                |   +-------+        +--------+                  |
                |   |       |        |        |                  |
                +---|OPENREC|        |OPENSENT|----------------->|
                +---|       |        |        | Rx Any other msg |
                |   +-------+        +--------+    or Timeout    |
   Rx KeepAlive |        ^                |     Tx NAK msg       |
      msg       |        |                |                      |
                |        |                | Rx Acceptable        |
                |        |                |    Init msg /        |
                |        +----------------+ Tx KeepAlive msg     |
                |                                                |
                |      +-----------+                             |
                +----->|           |                             |
                       |OPERATIONAL|                             |
                       |           |---------------------------->+
                       +-----------+     Rx Shutdown msg
                All other  |   ^            or Timeout /
                  LDP msgs |   |         Tx Shutdown msg
                           |   |

                  |                             | Status
                  |                             | (one of t, y, n, -;
                  |                             | if n, optionally
Feature           | RFC 3036 Section(s)         | one of s, u, r)
Interface types   | 2.2.1, 2.5.3, 2.8.2, 3.4.2
  Packet          |                             |
  Frame Relay     |                             |
  ATM             |                             |
Label Spaces      | 2.2.1, 2.2.2
  Per platform    |                             |
  Per interface   |                             |
LDP Discovery     | 2.4
  Basic           | 2.4.1                       |
  Targeted        | 2.4.2                       |

LDP Sessions      | 2.2.3
  Directly        | --                          |
  Connected       |                             |
  Targeted        | 2.3                         |
LDP Modes         | 2.6
  DU, Ind cntl,   | 2.6                         |
  Lib retention   |                             |
  DU, Ord cntl,   | 2.6                         |
  Lib retention   |                             |
  DU, Ind cntl,   | 2.6                         |
  Cons retention  |                             |
  DU, Ord cntl,   | 2.6                         |
  Cons retention  |                             |
  DoD, Ind cntl,  | 2.6                         |
  Lib retention   |                             |
  DoD, Ord cntl,  | 2.6                         |
  Lib retention   |                             |
  DoD, Ind cntl,  | 2.6                         |
  Cons retention  |                             |
  DoD, Ord cntl,  | 2.6                         |
  Cons retention  |                             |
Loop Detection    | 2.8                         |
TCP MD5 Option    | 2.9                         |
LDP TLVs          | 3.3, 3.4, throughout
  U-bit           | 3.3                         |
  F-bit           | 3.3                         |
  FEC             | 1., 2.1, 3.4.1              |

    Wildcard      | 3.4.1                       |
    Prefix        | 2.1, 3.4.1                  |
    Host          | 2.1, 3.4.1                  |
  Address List    | 3.4.3                       |
  Hop Count       | 3.4.4                       |
  Path Vector     | 3.4.5                       |
  Generic Label   |                     |
  ATM Label       |                     |
  Frame Relay     |                     |
  Label           |                             |
  Status          | 3.4.6                       |
  Extended Status | 3.5.1                       |
  Returned PDU    | 3.5.1                       |
  Returned Message| 3.5.1                       |
  Common Hello    | 3.5.2                       |
  Parameters      |                             |
    T-bit         | 3.5.2                       |
    R-bit         | 3.5.2                       |
    Hold Time     | 3.5.2                       |
  IPv4 Transport  | 3.5.2                       |
  Address         |                             |
  Configuration   | 3.5.2                       |
  Sequence Number |                             |
  IPv6 Transport  | 3.5.2                       |
  Address         |                             |
  Common Session  | 3.5.3                       |
  Parameters      |                             |

    KeepAlive Time| 3.5.3                       |
    PVLim         | 3.5.3                       |
    Max PDU Length| 3.5.3                       |
  ATM Session     | 3.5.3                       |
  Parameters      |                             |
    M values      |                             |
      0 No Merge  | 3.5.3                       |
      1 VP Merge  | 3.5.3                       |
      2 VC Merge  | 3.5.3                       |
      3 VP &      | 3.5.3                       |
        VC Merge  |                             |
    D-bit         | 3.5.3                       |
    ATM Label     | 3.5.3                       |
    Range         |                             |
    Component     |                             |
  Frame Relay     | 3.5.3                       |
  Session         |                             |
  Parameters      |                             |
    M values      |                             |
      0 No Merge  | 3.5.3                       |
      1 Merge     | 3.5.3                       |
    D-bit         | 3.5.3                       |
    Frame Relay   | 3.5.3                       |
    Label Range   |                             |
    Component     |                             |
  Label Request   | 3.5.7                       |
  Message Id      |                             |
  Vendor-Private  |                     |
  Experimental    | 3.6.2                       |

LDP Messages      | 3.5, throughout
  Notification    | 3.5.1                       |
  Hello           | 3.5.2                       |
  Initialization  | 3.5.3                       |
  KeepAlive       | 3.5.4                       |
  Address         | 3.5.5                       |
  Address Withdraw| 3.5.6                       |
  Label Mapping   | 3.5.7                       |
    Label Request | 3.5.7                       |
    Message Id TLV|                             |
    Hop Count TLV | 3.5.7                       |
    Path Vect TLV | 3.5.7                       |
  Label Request   | 3.5.8                       |
    Hop Count TLV | 3.5.8                       |
    Path Vect TLV | 3.5.8                       |
  Label Withdraw  | 3.5.10                      |
    Label TLV     | 3.5.10                      |
  Label Release   | 3.5.11                      |
    Label TLV     | 3.5.11                      |
  Label Abort Req | 3.5.9                       |
  Vendor-Private  |                     |
  Experimental    | 3.6.2                       |

LDP Status Codes  | 3.4.6
  Success         | 3.4.6, 3.9                  |
  Bad LDP Id      |                   |
  Bad Ptcl Version|                   |
  Bad PDU Length  |                   |
  Unknown Message |                   |
  Type            |                             |
  Bad Message     |                   |
  Length          |                             |
  Unknown TLV     |                   |
  Bad TLV length  |                   |
  Malformed TLV   |                   |
  Value           |                             |
  Hold Timer      |                   |
  Expired         |                             |
  Shutdown        |                   |
  Loop Detected   |,          |
  Unknown FEC     |                     |
  No Route        |                     |
  No Label        |                     |
  Resources       |                             |
  Label Resources |                     |
  Available       |                             |
  Session Rejected| 2.5.3, 3.5.3                |
  No Hello        |                             |

  Session Rejected| 2.5.3, 3.5.3                |
  Parameters      |                             |
  Advert Mode     |                             |
  Session Rejected| 2.5.3, 3.5.3                |
  Parameters      |                             |
  Max PDU Length  |                             |
  Session Rejected| 2.5.3, 3.5.3                |
  Parameters      |                             |
  Label Range     |                             |
  KeepAlive Timer | 2.5.6,            |
  Expired         |                             |
  Label Request   |                     |
  Aborted         |                             |
  Missing Message |                   |
  Parameters      |                             |
  Unsupported     |,            |
  Address Family  |                             |
  Session Rejected|, 3.5.3            |
  Bad KeepAlive   |                             |
  Time            |                             |
  Internal Error  |                   |

   RDMA   | Message   | Tagged| STag | Queue | Invalidate| Message
   Message| Type      | Flag  | and  | Number| STag      | Length
   OpCode |           |       | TO   |       |           | Communicated
          |           |       |      |       |           | between DDP
          |           |       |      |       |           | and RDMAP
   0000b  | RDMA Write| 1     | Valid| N/A   | N/A       | Yes
          |           |       |      |       |           |
   0001b  | RDMA Read | 0     | N/A  | 1     | N/A       | Yes
          | Request   |       |      |       |           |
   0010b  | RDMA Read | 1     | Valid| N/A   | N/A       | Yes
          | Response  |       |      |       |           |
   0011b  | Send      | 0     | N/A  | 0     | N/A       | Yes
          |           |       |      |       |           |
   0100b  | Send with | 0     | N/A  | 0     | Valid     | Yes
          | Invalidate|       |      |       |           |
   0101b  | Send with | 0     | N/A  | 0     | N/A       | Yes
          | SE        |       |      |       |           |
   0110b  | Send with | 0     | N/A  | 0     | Valid     | Yes
          | SE and    |       |      |       |           |
          | Invalidate|       |      |       |           |
   0111b  | Terminate | 0     | N/A  | 2     | N/A       | Yes
          |           |       |      |       |           |
   1000b  |           |
   to     | Reserved  |               Not Specified
   1111b  |           |

   RDMA   | Message   | RDMA Header Used  | ULP Message allowed in
   Message| Type      |                   | the RDMA Message
   OpCode |           |                   |
          |           |                   |
   0000b  | RDMA Write| None              | Yes
          |           |                   |
   0001b  | RDMA Read | RDMA Read Request | No
          | Request   | Header            |
   0010b  | RDMA Read | None              | Yes
          | Response  |                   |
   0011b  | Send      | None              | Yes
          |           |                   |
   0100b  | Send with | None              | Yes
          | Invalidate|                   |
   0101b  | Send with | None              | Yes
          | SE        |                   |
   0110b  | Send with | None              | Yes
          | SE and    |                   |
          | Invalidate|                   |
   0111b  | Terminate | Terminate Header  | No
          |           |                   |
   1000b  |           |
   to     | Reserved  |            Not Specified
   1111b  |           |

   Layer  | Layer     | Error | Error Type  | Error| Error Code Name
          | Name      | Type  | Name        | Code |
          |           | 0000b | Local       | None | None - This error
          |           |       | Catastrophic|      | type does not have
          |           |       | Error       |      | an error code. Any
          |           |       |             |      | value in this field
          |           |       |             |      | is acceptable.
          |           +-------+-------------+------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 00X  | Invalid STag
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 01X  | Base or bounds
          |           |       |             |      | violation
          |           |       | Remote      +------+--------------------
          |           | 0001b | Protection  | 02X  | Access rights
          |           |       | Error       |      | violation
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
   0000b  | RDMA      |       |             | 03X  | STag not associated
          |           |       |             |      | with RDMAP Stream
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 04X  | TO wrap
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 09X  | STag cannot be
          |           |       |             |      | Invalidated
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | FFX  | Unspecified Error
          |           +-------+-------------+------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 05X  | Invalid RDMAP
          |           |       |             |      | version
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 06X  | Unexpected OpCode
          |           |       | Remote      +------+--------------------
          |           | 0010b | Operation   | 07X  | Catastrophic error,
          |           |       | Error       |      | localized to RDMAP
          |           |       |             |      | Stream
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 08X  | Catastrophic error,
          |           |       |             |      | global
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | 09X  | STag cannot be
          |           |       |             |      | Invalidated
          |           |       |             +------+--------------------
          |           |       |             | FFX  | Unspecified Error

   0001b  | DDP       | See DDP Specification [DDP] for a description of
          |           | the values and names.
   0010b  | LLP       | For MPA, see MPA Specification [MPA] for a
          |(e.g., MPA)| description of the values and names.

   Layer    | Error Type  | Terminate  | Terminate  | What type of
   Name     | Name        | Includes   | Includes   | RDMA Message can
            |             | DDP Header | RDMA Header| cause the error
            |             | and DDP    |            |
            |             | Segment    |            |
            |             | Length     |            |
            | Local       | No         | No         | Any
            | Catastrophic|            |            |
            | Error       |            |            |
            | Remote      | Yes, if    | Yes        | Only RDMA Read
   RDMA     | Protection  | possible   |            | Request, Send
            | Error       |            |            | with Invalidate,
            |             |            |            | and Send with SE
            |             |            |            | and Invalidate
            | Remote      | Yes, if    | No         | Any
            | Operation   | possible   |            |
            | Error       |            |            |
   DDP      | See DDP Spec| Yes        | No         | Any
            | [DDP]       |            |            |
   LLP      | See LLP Spec| No         | No         | Any
            | (e.g., MPA) |            |            |

   First | Later | Placement      | Placement      | Ordering
    Op   | Op    | guarantee at   | guarantee at   | guarantee at
         |       | Remote Peer    | Local Peer     | Remote Peer
         |       |                |                |
   Send  | Send  | No placement   | Not applicable | Completed in
         |       | guarantee. If  |                | order.
         |       | guarantee is   |                |
         |       | necessary, see |                |
         |       | footnote 1.    |                |
   Send  | RDMA  | No placement   | Not applicable | Not applicable
         | Write | guarantee. If  |                |
         |       | guarantee is   |                |
         |       | necessary, see |                |
         |       | footnote 1.    |                |
   Send  | RDMA  | No placement   | RDMA Read      | RDMA Read
         | Read  | guarantee      | Response       | Response
         |       | between Send   | Payload will   | Message will
         |       | Payload and    | not be placed  | not be
         |       | RDMA Read      | at the local   | generated until
         |       | Request Header | peer until the | Send has been
         |       |                | Send Payload is| Completed
         |       |                | placed at the  |
         |       |                | Remote Peer    |
   RDMA  | Send  | No placement   | Not applicable | Not applicable
   Write |       | guarantee. If  |                |
         |       | guarantee is   |                |
         |       | necessary, see |                |
         |       | footnote 1.    |                |

   RDMA  | RDMA  | No placement   | Not applicable | Not applicable
   Write | Write | guarantee. If  |                |
         |       | guarantee is   |                |
         |       | necessary, see |                |
         |       | footnote 1.    |                |
   RDMA  | RDMA  | No placement   | RDMA Read      | Not applicable
   Write | Read  | guarantee      | Response       |
         |       | between RDMA   | Payload will   |
         |       | Write Payload  | not be placed  |
         |       | and RDMA Read  | at the local   |
         |       | Request Header | peer until the |
         |       |                | RDMA Write     |
         |       |                | Payload is     |
         |       |                | placed at the  |
         |       |                | Remote Peer    |
   RDMA  | Send  | No placement   | Send Payload   | Not applicable
   Read  |       | guarantee      | may be placed  |
         |       | between RDMA   | at the remote  |
         |       | Read Request   | peer before the|
         |       | Header and Send| RDMA Read      |
         |       | payload        | Response is    |
         |       |                | generated.     |
         |       |                | If guarantee is|
         |       |                | necessary, see |
         |       |                | footnote 2.    |
   RDMA  | RDMA  | No placement   | RDMA Write     | Not applicable
   Read  | Write | guarantee      | Payload may be |
         |       | between RDMA   | placed at the  |
         |       | Read Request   | Remote Peer    |
         |       | Header and RDMA| before the RDMA|
         |       | Write payload  | Read Response  |
         |       |                | is generated.  |
         |       |                | If guarantee is|
         |       |                | necessary, see |
         |       |                | footnote 2.    |

   RDMA  | RDMA  | No placement   | No placement   | Second RDMA
   Read  | Read  | guarantee of   | guarantee of   | Read Response
         |       | the two RDMA   | the two RDMA   | will not be
         |       | Read Request   | Read Response  | generated until
         |       | Headers        | Payloads.      | first RDMA Read
         |       | Additionally,  |                | Response is
         |       | there is no    |                | generated.
         |       | guarantee that |                |
         |       | the Tagged     |                |
         |       | Buffers        |                |
         |       | referenced in  |                |
         |       | the RDMA Read  |                |
         |       | will be read in|                |
         |       | order          |                |

             |  Privileged |
             |  Resource   |
    Admin<-+>|  Manager    |     ULP Control Interface
           | |             |<------+-------------------+
           | +-------------+       |                   |
           |       ^               v                   v
           |       |         +-------------+   +-----------------+
           +---------------->| Privileged  |   |  Non-Privileged |
                   |         | ULP         |   |  ULP            |
                   |         +-------------+   +-----------------+
                   |               ^                   ^
                   |Privileged     |Privileged         |Non-Privileged
                   |Control        |Data               |Data
                   |Interface      |Interface          |Interface
   RNIC            |               |                   |
   Interface       v               v                   v

                 |                                      |
                 |               RNIC Engine            |
                 |                                      |

                   | +-----+       +-----------------+ |
                   | | MPA |       | Other Protocols | |
                   | +-----+       +-----------------+ |
                   |    ||                  ||         |
                   |  ----- socket API --------------  |
                   |            ||                     |
                   |         +-----+                   |
                   |         | TCP |                   |
                   |         +-----+                   |
                   |            ||                     |
                   |         +-----+                   |
                   |         | IP  |                   |
                   |         +-----+                   |

                   | +-----------+ +-----------------+ |
                   | | Optimized | | Other Protocols | |
                   | |  MPA/TCP  | +-----------------+ |
                   | +-----------+        ||           |
                   |         \\     --- socket API --- |
                   |          \\          ||           |
                   |           \\      +-----+         |
                   |            \\     | TCP |         |
                   |             \\    +-----+         |
                   |              \\    //             |
                   |             +-------+             |
                   |             |  IP   |             |
                   |             +-------+             |

   +---||---------------+    +--------||--------+   +----------||----+
   |   TCP Seg X-1      |    |     TCP Seg X    |   |  TCP Seg X+1   |
   +---||---------------+    +--------||--------+   +----------||----+
                   FPDU #N-1                  FPDU #N

      +--------------------------+      +--------------------------+
   +--|--------------------------+   +--|--------------------------+
   |  |       TCP Seg X          |   |  |         TCP Seg X+1      |
   +--|--------------------------+   +--|--------------------------+
      +--------------------------+      +--------------------------+
                FPDU #N                          FPDU #N+1

   +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +--- -----+
   |  Host   | |  Host   | |   Host  | |   Host  | |   Host  |
   |         | |         | |         | |         | |         |
   +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+ +---+-+---+
   |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA| |HCA|
   +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+ +-v-+
     |----+------|-----+-----|-----+-----|-----+-----|-----+---> To IB
   IB|        IB |        IB |        IB |        IB |    SubNet2 SWTCH
   |                  InfiniBand Switch for Subnet1            |
       | TCA |        | TCA |        | TCA |            |
       +-----+        +-----+        +-----+            | IB
      /  IB   \      /  IB   \      /       \     +--+--v--+--+
     |  iSER   |    |  iSER   |    |  IPoIB  |    |  | TCA |  |
     | Gateway |    | Gateway |    | Gateway |    |  +-----+  |
     |   to    |    |   to    |    |   to    |    | Storage   |
     |  iSCSI  |    |  iSER   |    |   IP    |    | Controller|
     |   TCP   |    |  iWARP  |    |Ethernet |    +-----+-----+
     +---v-----|    +---v-----|    +----v----+
         | EN           | EN            | EN
         +--------------+---------------+----> to IP based storage
           Ethernet links that carry iSCSI or iWARP

                  |                |                |
                  |                |                |
            |  | IB  |          |iWARP|          | EN  |  |
            |  |     |          | TCP |          | NIC |  |
            |  |(TCA)|          | RNIC|          |     |  |
            |  +-----|          +-----+          +-----+  |
            |   TPG-1            TPG-2            TPG-4   |
            |  |
            |                                             |
            |                  Storage Controller         |
            |                                             |

         |   | Allocate_Connection_Resources  | D |    ^
         |   |------------------------------->| a |    |
         |   |    Connection resources are    | t |    |
         | i |     successfully allocated     | a |    |   iSCSI
         | S |                                | m |    |   Login
         | C |                                | o |    |   Phase
         | S |                                | v |    |
         | I |                                | e |    |
         |   |                                | r |    | Login Phase
         | L | Final Login Response (success)          v succeeds
         | a |<----------------------------------------^
         | y |                                | L |    |   iSCSI
         | e |       Enable_Datamover         | a |    |   Full
         | r |------------------------------->| y |    |   Feature
         |   |     Datamover is enabled       | e |    |   Phase
         |   |                                | r |    |
         |   |   Full Feature Phase           |   |    |
         |   |   control and data Transfer    |   |    v

         |   | Notice_Key_Values              |   |      |
         |   |------------------------------->|   |      |
         |   |  Datamover layer is notified   |   |      |
         |   |  of the negotiated key values  |   |      |
         |   |                                |   |      |
         |   | Allocate_Connection_Resources  |   |      |
         |   |------------------------------->| D |      |
         |   |    Connection resources are    | a |      |
         | i |     successfully allocated     | t |      |   iSCSI
         | S |                                | a |      |   Login
         | C |                                | m |Final |   Phase
         | S |                                | o |Login |
         | I |Enable_Datamover(Login Response)| v |Resp  |
         |   |------------------------------->| e |---->vLogin Phase
         | L |     Datamover is enabled       | r |      ^ succeeds
         | a |                                |   |      |
         | y |                                | L |      |   iSCSI
         | e |                                | a |      |   Full
         | r |                                | y |      |   Feature
         |   |                                | e |      |   Phase
         |   |      Full Feature Phase        | r |      |
         |   |   control and data Transfer    |   |      |
         |   |                                |   |      v

         |   | Allocate_Connection_Resources  | D |      ^
         |   |------------------------------->| a |      |
         |   |    Connection resources are    | t |      |
         | i |     successfully allocated     | a |      |   iSCSI
         | S |                                | m |      |   Login
         | C |                                | o |      |   Phase
         | S |                                | v |      |
         | I |                                | e |      |
         |   |                                | r |      | Login
         |   |                                |   |      | Phase
         | L | Final Login Response (failure)            v fails
         | a |<------------------------------------------
         | y |                                | L |
         | e | Deallocate_Connection_Resources| a |
         | r |------------------------------->| y |
         |   |     Datamover-specific         | e |
         |   |     connection resources freed | r |
         |   |                                |   |
         |   |
         |   | Connection terminated by standard means
         |   |--------------------------------------------->

         |   | Allocate_Connection_Resources  | D |      ^
         |   |------------------------------->| a |      |
         |   |    Connection resources are    | t |      |
         | i |     successfully allocated     | a |      |   iSCSI
         | S |                                | m |      |   Login
         | C |                                | o |      |   Phase
         | S |                                | v |      |
         | I |                                | e |      |
         |   |                                | r |      | Login
         |   |                                |   |      | Phase
         | L | Final Login Response (failure)            v fails
         | a |---------------------------------------------->
         | y |                                | L |
         | e | Deallocate_Connection_Resources| a |
         | r |------------------------------->| y |
         |   |     Datamover-specific         | e |
         |   |     connection resources freed | r |
         |   |                                |   |
         |   |
         |   | Connection terminated by standard means
         |   |-------------------------------------------->

         |   | Allocate_Connection_Resources  | D |     ^
         |   |------------------------------->| a |     |
         |   |    Connection resources are    | t |     |
         | i |     successfully allocated     | a |     |   iSCSI
         | S |                                | m |     |   Login
         | C |                                | o |     |   Phase
         | S |                                | v |     |
         | I |                                | e |     |
         |   |                                | r |     |
         | L | Login non-Final Request/Response         |
         | a |<-----------------------------------------|
         | y |    iSCSI layer decides not to  | L |     |
         | e |    enable Datamover for this   | a |     |
         | r |    connection                  | y |     |
         |   |                                | e |     |
         |   | Deallocate_Connection_Resources| r |     |
         |   |------------------------------->|   |     |
         |   |     All Datamover-specific     |   |     |
         |   |     resources deallocated      |   |     |
         |   |                                |   |     | Login
         |   |                                |   |     | Phase
         |   |                                          | continues
         |   | Regular Login negotiation continues      |
         |   |<---------------------------------------->|
         |   |                                          .
         |   |                                          .
         |   |                                          .

         |   |                                |   |   ^
         |   |  Full Feature Phase Control &  |   |   |
         |   |    Data Transfer Using DM      | D |   | iSCSI
         |   |                                | a |   | Full Feature
         | i |                                | t |   | Phase
         | S |                                | a |   | (DM Enabled)
         | C |                                | m |   |
         | S |    Successful iSCSI Logout     | o |   |
         | I |                                | v |   v
         |   |     Connection_Terminate       | e |
         | L |------------------------------->| r |
         | a |   Connection is terminated     |   |
         | y |   Datamover-specific resources | L | Transport
         | e |   deallocated, both connection | a | Connection
         | r |   level & task level           | y | is terminated
         |   |                                | e |
         |   |                                | r |
         |   |                                |   |
         |   |                                |   |

         |   |                                |   |   ^
         |   |  Full Feature Phase Control &  | D |   | iSCSI
         |   |    Data Transfer Using DM      | a |   | Full Feature
         | i |                                | t |   | Phase
         | S |                                | a |   | (DM Enabled)
         | C |                                | m |   v
         | S |                                | o |<--Transport
         | I |   Datamover-specific resources | v | Connection
         |   |   deallocated, both connection | e | Terminated (e.g.
         | L |   level & task level           | r | unexpected
         | a |                                |   | FIN/RESET)
         | y |                                | L |
         | e |   Connection_Terminate_Notify  | a |
         | r |<-------------------------------| y |
         |   |                                | e |
         |   |                                | r |
         |   |                                |   |

        |  |          |  | DM Msg holding |  |            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  | SCSI Cmd PDU & |  |            |  |SCSI
   Cmd  |  | Snd_Ctrl |  |Unsol Imm Data  |  |Ctrl_Notify |  |Cmd
   ---->|  |--------->|  |--------------->|  |----------->|  |--->
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
        |  |          |  | DM Msg holding |  |            |  |
        |  | Snd_Ctrl |  |SCSI Dataout PDU|  |Ctrl_Notify |  |
        |  |--------->|  |--------------->|  |----------->|  |
        |  |    .     |  |        .       |  |     .      |  |Unsol
        |  |    .     | D|        .       | D|     .      |  |Data
        |  |    .     | a| DM Msg holding | a|     .      |  |Trans
        | i| Snd_Ctrl | t|SCSI Dataout PDU| t|Ctrl_Notify | i|
        | S|--------->| a|--------------->| a|----------->| S|
        | C|          | m|                | m|            | C|Buf
        | S|          | o|                | o|            | S|Avail
        | I|          | v|                | v|  Get_Data  | I|(R2T)
        |  |          | e|----------------| e|<-----------|  |<----
        | L|          | r||Solicited Data | r|            | L|  .
        | a|          |  ||  Transfer     |  |            | a|  .
        | y|          | L|--------------->| L|      .     | y|Buf
        | e|          | a|        .       | a|      .     | e|Avail
        | r|          | y|        .       | y|  Get_Data  | r|(R2T)
        |  |          | e|----------------| e|<-----------|  |<----
        |  |          | r||Solicited Data | r|            |  |
        |  |          |  ||   Transfer    |  |            |  |
        |  |          |  |--------------->|  |Data_Cmp_Nfy|  |Data
        |  |          |  |                |  |----------->|  |Trans
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |Compl
        |  |          |  | DM Msg holding |  |            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  |SCSI Resp PDU & |  |            |  |SCSI
   Resp |  |Ctrl_Ntfy |  |  Sense Data    |  |  Snd_Ctrl  |  |Resp
   <----|  |<---------|  |<---------------|  |<-----------|  |<----
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |

        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  | DM Msg holding |  |            |  |SCSI
   Cmd  |  | Snd_Ctrl |  |  SCSI Cmd PDU  |  |Ctrl_Notify |  |Cmd
   ---->|  |--------->|  |--------------->|  |----------->|  |--->
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
        |  |          | D|    SCSI Read   | D|            |  |Buf
        |  |          | a|  Data Transfer | a|  Put_Data  |  |Avail
        | i|          | t|<---------------| t|<-----------| i|<----
        | S|          | a|        .       | a|     .      | S|  .
        | C|          | m|        .       | m|     .      | C|  .
        | S|          | o|        .       | o|     .      | S|  .
        | I|          | v|    SCSI Read   | v|     .      | I|Buf
        |  |          | e|  Data Transfer | e|  Put_Data  |  |Avail
        | L|          | r|<---------------| r|<-----------| L|<----
        | a|          |  |                |  |            | a|
        | y|          | L|                | L|            | y|
        | e|          | a|                | a|Data_Cmp_Nfy| e|Data
        | r|          | y|                | y|----------->| r|Trans
        |  |          | e|                | e|            |  |Compl
        |  |          | r| DM Msg holding | r|            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  |SCSI Resp PDU & |  |            |  |SCSI
   Resp |  |Ctrl_Ntfy |  |  Sense Data    |  |  Snd_Ctrl  |  |Resp
   <----|  |<---------|  |<---------------|  |<-----------|  |<----
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |

        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  | DM Msg holding |  |            |  |SCSI
   Cmd  |  | Snd_Ctrl |  |  SCSI Cmd PDU  |  |Ctrl_Notify |  |Cmd
   ---->|  |--------->|  |--------------->|  |----------->|  |---->
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
        |  |          | D|    SCSI Read   | D|  Put_Data  |  |Buf
        |  |          | a|  Data Transfer | a|Data_in.A=1 |  |Avail
        | i|          | t|<---------------| t|<-----------| i|<----
        | S|          | a|        .       | a|     .      | S|  .
        | C|          | m|        .       | m|Data_ACK_Nfy| C|  .
        | S|          | o|                | o|----------->| S|  .
        | I|          | v|                | v|     .      | I|
        |  |          | e|                | e|     .      |  |
        | L|          | r|                | r|            | L|
        | a|          |  |                |  |            | a|
        | y|          | L|                | L|            | y|
        | e|          | a|                | a|            | e|Data
        | r|          | y|                | y|            | r|Trans
        |  |          | e|                | e|            |  |Compl
        |  |          | r| DM Msg holding | r|            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  |SCSI Resp PDU & |  |            |  |SCSI
   Resp |  |Ctrl_Ntfy |  |  Sense Data    |  |  Snd_Ctrl  |  |Resp
   <----|  |<---------|  |<---------------|  |<-----------|  |<----
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |

        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
   SCSI |  |          |  | DM Msg holding |  |            |  |SCSI
   Cmd  |  | Snd_Ctrl |  |  SCSI Cmd PDU  |  |Ctrl_Notify |  |Cmd
   ---->|  |--------->|  |--------------->|  |----------->|  |---->
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
        |  |          | D|    SCSI Read   | D|            |  |Buf
        |  |          | a|  Data Transfer | a|  Put_Data  |  |Avail
        | i|          | t|<---------------| t|<-----------| i|<----
        | S|          | a|        .       | a|     .      | S|  .
   Abort| C|          | m| DM Msg holding | m|     .      | C|Abort
   Task | S| Snd_Ctrl | o|  Abort TMF Req | o|Ctrl_Notify | S|Task
   ---->| I|--------->| v|--------------->| v|----------->| I|---->
        |  |          | e|       .        | e|     .      |  |
   Abort| L|          | r|  DM Msg holding| r|            | L| .
   Done | a|Ctrl_Ntfy |  |   Abort TMF Res|  | Snd_Ctrl   |  |Abted
   <----| y|<---------| L|<---------------| L|<-----------| y|<----
        | e|          | a|                | a|            | e|
        | r|          | y|                | y|            | r|
        |  |          | e|                | e|            |  |
        |  |          | r|                | r|            |  |
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |
        |  |Dal_Tk_Res|  |                |  |Dal_Tk_Res  |  |
        |  |--------->|  |                |  |<-----------|  |
        |  |          |  |                |  |            |  |

                |(1) REGISTER (c) |                 |
                |---------------->|                 |
                |                 |(2) REGISTER     |
                |                 |---------------->|
                |                 |(3) 200 OK       |
                |                 |<----------------|
                |(4) 200 OK (c)   |                 |
                |<----------------|                 |
                |(5) INVITE (c)   |                 |
                |---------------->|                 |
                |                 |(6) INVITE       |
                |                 |------------------------------>
                |                 |(7) 200 OK       |
                |                 |<------------------------------
                |(8) 200 OK (c)   |                 |
                |<----------------|                 |
                |(9) ACK (c)      |                 |
                |---------------->|                 |
                |                 |(10) ACK         |
                |                 |------------------------------>
                |(11) BYE (c)     |                 |
                |---------------->|                 |
                |                 |(12) BYE         |
                |                 |------------------------------>
                |                 |(13) 200 OK      |
                |                 |<------------------------------
                |(14) 200 OK (c)  |                 |
                |<----------------|                 |

   +-----------+                                         +-----------+
   |   BP app  |                                         |   BP app  |
   +---------v-|   +->>>>>>>>>>v-+     +->>>>>>>>>>v-+   +-^---------+
   |    BP   v |   | ^    BP   v |     | ^    BP   v |   | ^   BP    |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v-+     +-^---------v-+   +-^---------+
   | Trans1  v |   + ^  T1/T2  v |     + ^  T2/T3  v |   | ^  Trans3 |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v-+     +-^---------v +   +-^---------+
   | Net1    v |   | ^  N1/N2  v |     | ^  N2/N3  v |   | ^  Net3   |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v +     +-^---------v-+   +-^---------+
   |         >>>>>>>>^         >>>>>>>>>>^         >>>>>>>>^         |
   +-----------+   +-------------+     +-------------+   +-----------+
   |                      |                   |                      |
   |<--- An internet  --->|                   |<--- An internet  --->|
   |                      |                   |                      |

   Bundle Payload Block
   |  Block type    | Proc. Flags (*)|        Block length(*)          |
   /                     Bundle Payload (variable)                     /

                 K               S       H
     |                       |       |       |
   S |        G_LDPC         |  I_S  | 0_SxH |
     |                       |       |       |
     |                               |       |
   H |        G_Half                 |  I_H  |
     |                               |       |
     |                                       |
     |                                       |
   K |                 G_LT                  |
     |                                       |
     |                                       |

   |           |                 |         |
   |     I     |    All Zeros    |         |
   |           |                 |         |
   +-----------+-----------------+    U    |
   |           |                 |         |
   |           |                 |         |
   | All Zeros |       V         |         |
   |           |                 |         |
   |           |                 |         |

   Client Hello (I)        -------->
                                               Server Hello
                                        Server Key Exchange (N, g, s, B)
                           <--------      Server Hello Done
   Client Key Exchange (A) -------->
   [Change cipher spec]
   Finished                -------->
                                       [Change cipher spec]
                           <--------               Finished

                                Alice              Bob         Carol
                                  |    INVITE       |            |
                                  |<----------------|            |
    Dialog 1  Usage 1             |    200 OK (F1)  |            |
    -start-   -start- ----------->|---------------->|            |
       |         |                |    ACK          |            |
       |         |                |<----------------|            |
       |         |                | reINVITE/200/ACK|            |
       |         |                |   (hold)        |            |
       |         |                |---------------->|            |
       |         |                |   REFER         |            |
       |         |     Dialog 1   |---------------->|            |
       |         |     Usage 2    |   NOTIFY (F2)   |            |
       |         |     -start- -->|<----------------| INVITE     |
       |         |        |       |   200 NOTIFY    |----------->|
       |         |        |       |---------------->| 200 OK     |
       |         |        |       |   200 REFER     |<-----------|
       |         |        |       |<----------------| ACK        |
       |         |        |       |   NOTIFY (F3)   |----------->|
       |         |        |       |<----------------|            |
       |         |        |       |   200           |     .      |
       |         |      -end-  -->|---------------->|     .      |
       |         |                |   BYE (F4)      |  Dialog 2  |
       |         |                |<----------------|  proceeds  |
       |         |                |   200           |     .      |
     -end-     -end- ------------>|---------------->|     .      |

                               Alice                 Bob
                                 |                    |
                                 | SUBSCRIBE          |
    Dialog    Usage 1            | NOTIFY (F1)        |
    -start-   -start-  --------->|<-------------------|
       |         |               | 200 SUBSCRIBE      |
       |         |               |<-------------------|
       |         |               | 200 NOTIFY         |
       |         |               |------------------->|
       |         |               | SUBSCRIBE          |
       |         |               |<-------------------|
       |         |    Usage 2    | NOTIFY (F2)        |
       |         |    -start- -->|------------------->|
       |         |       |       | 200 SUBSCRIBE
       |         |       |       |------------------->|
       |         |       |       | 200 NOTIFY         |
       |         |       |       |<-------------------|
       |         |       |       |         :          |
       |         |       |       |         :          |
       |         |       |       | (un)SUBSCRIBE (F3) |
       |         |       |       |------------------->|
       |         |       |       | 200                |
       |         |       |       |<-------------------|
       |         |       |       | NOTIFY             |
       |         |       |       |<-------------------|
       |         |       |       | 200                |
       |       -end- ----------->|------------------->|
       |                 |       |         :          |
       |                 |       |         :          |
       |                 |       | NOTIFY        (F4) |
       |                 |       | (Terminated)       |
       |                 |       |------------------->|
       |                 |       | 200                |
     -end-             -end-  -->|<-------------------|
                                 |                    |

    |   Code  | Reason                          |    Impact   | Notes |
    | 400/4xx | Bad Request                     | Transaction |       |
    |   401   | Unauthorized                    | Transaction |       |
    |   402   | Payment Required                | Transaction |  (1)  |
    |   403   | Forbidden                       | Transaction |       |
    |   404   | Not Found                       |    Dialog   |  (2)  |
    |   405   | Method Not Allowed              |    Usage    |  (3)  |
    |   406   | Not Acceptable                  | Transaction |       |
    |   407   | Proxy Authentication Required   | Transaction |       |
    |   408   | Request Timeout                 | Transaction |  (4)  |
    |   410   | Gone                            |    Dialog   |  (2)  |
    |   412   | Conditional Request Failed      | Transaction |       |
    |   413   | Request Entity Too Large        | Transaction |       |
    |   414   | Request-URI Too Long            | Transaction |       |
    |   415   | Unsupported Media Type          | Transaction |       |
    |   416   | Unsupported URI Scheme          |    Dialog   |  (2)  |
    |   417   | Unknown Resource-Priority       | Transaction |       |
    |   420   | Bad Extension                   | Transaction |       |
    |   421   | Extension Required              | Transaction |       |
    |   422   | Session Interval Too Small      | Transaction |  (5)  |
    |   423   | Interval Too Brief              | Transaction |       |
    |   428   | Use Identity Header             | Transaction |       |
    |   429   | Provide Referrer Identity       | Transaction |  (6)  |
    |   436   | Bad Identity-Info               | Transaction |       |
    |   437   | Unsupported Certificate         | Transaction |       |
    |   438   | Invalid Identity Header         | Transaction |       |
    |   480   | Temporarily Unavailable         |    Usage    |  (7)  |
    |   481   | Call/Transaction Does Not Exist |    Usage    |  (8)  |
    |   482   | Loop Detected                   |    Dialog   |  (9)  |
    |   483   | Too Many Hops                   |    Dialog   |  (10) |
    |   484   | Address Incomplete              |    Dialog   |  (2)  |
    |   485   | Ambiguous                       |    Dialog   |  (2)  |
    |   486   | Busy Here                       | Transaction |  (11) |
    |   487   | Request Terminated              | Transaction |       |
    |   488   | Not Acceptable Here             | Transaction |       |
    |   489   | Bad Event                       |    Usage    |  (12) |
    |   491   | Request Pending                 | Transaction |       |
    |   493   | Undecipherable                  | Transaction |       |
    |   494   | Security Agreement Required     | Transaction |       |
    | 500/5xx | Server Internal Error           | Transaction |  (13) |
    |   501   | Not Implemented                 |    Usage    |  (3)  |
    |   502   | Bad Gateway                     |    Dialog   |  (14) |
    |   503   | Service Unavailable             | Transaction |  (15) |
    |   504   | Server Time-Out                 | Transaction |  (16) |
    |   505   | Version Not Supported           | Transaction |       |
    |   513   | Message Too Large               | Transaction |       |

    |   580   | Precondition Failure            | Transaction |       |
    | 600/6xx | Busy Everywhere                 | Transaction |  (17) |
    |   603   | Decline                         | Transaction |       |
    |   604   | Does Not Exist Anywhere         |    Dialog   |  (2)  |
    |   606   | Not Acceptable                  | Transaction |       |

   Alice                             Bob                           Carol
     |                                |                              |
     | F1 INVITE (Bob's AOR)          |                              |
     |    Call-ID: (call-id one)      |                              |
     |    Contact: (Alice's-GRUU)     |                              |
     |------------------------------->|                              |
     | F2 200 OK                      |                              |
     |    To: <>;tag=totag1           |                              |
     |    From: <>;tag=fromtag1       |                              |
     |    Call-ID: (call-id one)      |                              |
     |    Contact: (Bob's-GRUU)       |                              |
     |<-------------------------------|                              |
     |    ACK                         |                              |
     |------------------------------->|                              |
     |             :                  |                              |
     |  (Bob places Alice on hold)    |                              |
     |             :                  | F3 INVITE (Carol's AOR)      |
     |                                |    Call-ID: (call-id two)    |
     |                                |    Contact: (Bob's-GRUU)     |
     |                                |----------------------------->|
     |                                | F4 200 OK                    |
     |                                |    To: <>;tag=totag2         |
     |                                |    From: <>;tag=fromtag2     |
     |                                |    Call-ID: (call-id two)    |
     |                                |    Contact: (Carol's-GRUU)   |
     |                                |<-----------------------------|
     |                                |    ACK                       |
     |                                |----------------------------->|
     |                                |            :                 |
     |                                |  (Bob places Carol on hold)  |
     | F5 REFER (Alice's-GRUU)        |            :                 |
     |    Call-ID: (call-id three)    |                              |
     |    Refer-To: (Carol's-GRUU)    |                              |
     |    Target-Dialog: (call-id one,totag1,fromtag1)               |
     |    Contact: (Bob's-GRUU)       |                              |
     |<-------------------------------|                              |
     |    202 Accepted                |                              |
     |------------------------------->|                              |

     |    NOTIFY (Bob's-GRUU)         |                              |
     |    Call-ID: (call-id three)    |                              |
     |------------------------------->|                              |
     |    200 OK                      |                              |
     |<-------------------------------|                              |
     |                                |                              |
     |                  F6 INVITE (Carol's-GRUU)                     |
     |                     Call-ID: (call-id four)                   |
     |                     Contact: (Alice's-GRUU)                   |
     |                     200 OK                                    |
     |                     Contact: (Carol's-GRUU)                   |
     |                     ACK                                       |
     |                                |                              |
     | F7 NOTIFY (Bob's-GRUU)         |                              |
     |    Call-ID: (call-id three)    |                              |
     |------------------------------->|                              |
     |    200 OK                      |                              |
     |<-------------------------------|                              |
     |    BYE (Alice's-GRUU)          |                              |
     |    Call-ID: (call-id one)      |                              |
     |<-------------------------------|   BYE (Carol's-GRUU)         |
     |                                |   Call-ID: (call-id two)     |
     |    200 OK                      |----------------------------->|
     |------------------------------->|   200 OK                     |
     |                                |<-----------------------------|
     |                                |                              |

         cost of the traditional
           IP multicast model
               per member
                    | costly|  OK
                    | <-----|----->
                    |  .    |
                    |   ..  |
                    |     ..|..
                    |       |  .........
                    |       |           ........
                        |                 number of members

             per session
              in router
                B |  ....
                . |      ....
               .  |          ....
              .   |              ....
             .    +------------------..---> processing
            .    /               .... C     per packet
           .   /            .....           in router
          .  /         .....
         . /      .....
        ./   .....
  link bandwidth

      X1 routing table:     X3 routing table:     X7 routing table:
       Dest |  NextHop       Dest | NextHop        Dest | NextHop
      ------+----------     ------+---------      ------+---------
        B   |   X3             A  |   X1            A   |  X3
        C   |   X3             C  |   X7            B   |  X3
        D   |   X3             D  |   X7

       Endpoint-A                                     Endpoint-Z
       ----------                                     ----------
                                    /--------/---New DATA:
                                   /        /    Destination
              <-------------------/        /     IP:X

       Endpoint-A                                     Endpoint-Z
       ----------                                     ----------
                                    /------------New DATA:
                                   /             Destination
                                  /              IP:X
       ASCONF [DEL-IP:X]---------/---------------->

       New DATA:------------\
       Source IP:X           \
                                \        /---------ASCONF-ACK
                                 \      /
                                  \----/-----------> OOTB
       (Ignored <---------------------/-------------ABORT
        by rule F4)                  /

      +----------+            +----------+           +----------+
      | Evil     |            |  Server  |           | Client   |
      |     IP-A=+------------+          +-----------+=IP-C & D |
      | Attacker |            |          |           | Victim   |
      +----------+            +----------+           +----------+

        IP-A                 DHCP-Server's       Peer-Server
       1  |-DHCP-Rel(IP-A)---->|
       2  |------ASCONF(ADD-IP(IP-B), DEL-IP(IP-A)---->XXlost
       3  |<---Assign (IP-A)
       4  |<------------Tag:X-DATA()------------------
       5  |<------------INIT-ACK()---------------------
       6  |----ASCONF(ADD-IP(IP-Z),DEL-IP(IP-A))------>

      .-------.           .--.           .---.           .-------.
      '-------'           '--'           '---'           '-------'
        ifSpeed= 10 Mbps        10 Mbps         10 Mbps

      .-------.            .--.            .---.            .-------.
      '-------'            '--'            '---'            '-------'
        ifSpeed= 100 Mbps        100 Mbps         100 Mbps

      efmCuPme2BProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPme2BProfileEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "This table supports definitions of administrative and
          operating profiles for 2BASE-TL PMEs.
          The first 14 entries in this table SHALL always be defined as
          follows (see 802.3ah Annex 63A):
          Profile MinRate MaxRate Power Region Constellation Comment
           index  (Kbps)  (Kbps)  (dBm)
             1     5696    5696    13.5    1   32-TCPAM      default
             2     3072    3072    13.5    1   32-TCPAM
             3     2048    2048    13.5    1   16-TCPAM
             4     1024    1024    13.5    1   16-TCPAM
             5      704     704    13.5    1   16-TCPAM
             6      512     512    13.5    1   16-TCPAM
             7     5696    5696    14.5    2   32-TCPAM
             8     3072    3072    14.5    2   32-TCPAM
             9     2048    2048    14.5    2   16-TCPAM
            10     1024    1024    13.5    2   16-TCPAM
            11      704     704    13.5    2   16-TCPAM
            12      512     512    13.5    2   16-TCPAM
            13      192    5696       0    1   0             best effort
            14      192    5696       0    2   0             best effort

          Below is an example of this table for [ANFP]:
          Equivalent MaxRate MaxRate
            Length    PAM16   PAM32
              (m)     (Kbps)  (Kbps)
              975      2304    5696
             1125      2304    5504
             1275      2304    5120
             1350      2304    4864
             1425      2304    4544
             1500      2304    4288
             1575      2304    3968
             1650      2304    3776
             1725      2304    3520
             1800      2304    3264
             1875      2304    3072
             1950      2048    2688
             2100      1792    2368
             2250      1536       0
             2400      1408       0
             2550      1280       0
             2775      1152       0
             2925      1152       0
             3150      1088       0
             3375      1024       0

      efmCuPme10PProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EfmCuPme10PProfileEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
          "This table supports definitions of configuration profiles for
          10PASS-TS PMEs.
          The first 22 entries in this table SHALL always be defined as
          follows (see 802.3ah Annex 62B.3, table 62B-1):
          Profile Bandplan UPBO BandNotch DRate URate Comment
           Index  PSDMask#  p#    p#        p#    p#
             1      1      3    2,6,10,11    20    20 default profile
             2     13      5    0            20    20
             3      1      1    0            20    20
             4     16      0    0           100   100
             5     16      0    0            70    50
             6      6      0    0            50    10
             7     17      0    0            30    30
             8      8      0    0            30     5
             9      4      0    0            25    25
            10      4      0    0            15    15
            11     23      0    0            10    10
            12     23      0    0             5     5
            13     16      0    2,5,9,11    100   100
            14     16      0    2,5,9,11     70    50
            15      6      0    2,6,10,11    50    10
            16     17      0    2,5,9,11     30    30
            17      8      0    2,6,10,11    30     5
            18      4      0    2,6,10,11    25    25
            19      4      0    2,6,10,11    15    15
            20     23      0    2,5,9,11     10    10
            21     23      0    2,5,9,11      5     5
            22     30      0    0           200    50

        STATUS      current
          "The 10PASS-TS PME Egress Control Band Notch Profile bitmap,
          as specified in 802.3 Annex 62A, table 62A-4.  Possible values
          Profile Name   G.991.3  T1.424 TS 101 270-1 StartF EndF
                         table    table  table        (MHz)  (MHz)
          profile0(0)    no profile
          profile1(1)    F-5 #01  -      -            1.810  1.825
          profile2(2)    6-2      15-1   17           1.810  2.000
          profile3(3)    F-5 #02  -      -            1.907  1.912
          profile4(4)    F-5 #03  -      -            3.500  3.575
          profile5(5)    6-2      -      17           3.500  3.800
          profile6(6)    -        15-1   -            3.500  4.000
          profile7(7)    F-5 #04  -      -            3.747  3.754
          profile8(8)    F-5 #05  -      -            3.791  3.805
          profile9(9)    6-2      -      17           7.000  7.100
          profile10(10)  F-5 #06  15-1   -            7.000  7.300
          profile11(11)  6-2      15-1   1            10.100 10.150

                 HOME  NETWORK                       DESTINATION
      | MUA.l |
   port   |  port     port                          port
   587/25 V   25       25          --------          25
       +-----+  +-----+  ******   /        \   ******  +-----+  +-----+
       | MSA |->| MTA |->* AP *->|          |->* AP *->| MTA |->| MDA |
       +--^--+  +-----+  ******  | INTERNET |  ******  +-----+  +-----+
          |                      |          |
          +-------<--------------|----+     |
                                  \   |    /
        AP = Access Provider        * AP *
                                      | port 587
                                  |  MUA.r |

              Code    Length     m1       m2       m3       m4
           |   208  |    4   |  0xF1  |  0x00  |  0x74  |  0x7E  |

              Code    Length    Config-file...
           |   209  |    n   |   c1   |   c2   |   ...  |   c(n) |

              Code    Length   Path-Prefix...
           |   210  |    n   |   p1   |   p2   |   ...  |   p(n) |

              Code    Length
           |   211  |    4   |            Reboot Time            |

   most-significant                                    least-significant
   bit                                                               bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|


   most-significant                                    least-significant
   bit                                                               bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|


      most-significant                   least-significant
      bit                                              bit
      |0              1|1              3|3              4|
      |0              5|6              1|2              7|

   most-significant                                    least-significant
   bit                                                               bit
   |0              1|1              3|3              4|4              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2              7|8              3|


    +---+   +-----+   +------+   +-----+   +------+   +-----+   +---+
    |TDM|->-|     |->-|TDMoIP|->-|     |->-|TDMoIP|->-|     |->-|TDM|
    |   |   |TDM 1|   |      |   | PSN |   |      |   |TDM 2|   |   |
    |ES1|-<-|     |-<-| IWF1 |-<-|     |-<-| IWF2 |-<-|     |-<-|ES2|
    +---+   +-----+   +------+   +-----+   +------+   +-----+   +---+

               +------------+  (1)     +------------+
               |            |--------->|            |
               | HTTP-style |  (2)     | HTTP-style |
               | client     |<---------| server     |
               |            |  (3)     |            |
               |            |--------->|            |
               |            |  (4)     |            |
               |            |<---------|            |
               +------------+          +------------+

               +-----+    (1)    +-----+           +-----+
               |     |==========>|     |    (2)    |     |
               |     |           |     |---------->|     |
               |     |           |     |    (3)    |     |
               |     |    (4)    |     |<----------|     |
               |     |<==========|     |           |     |
               |     |    (5)    |     |           |     |
               |     |==========>|     |           |     |
               |  A  |           |  B  |    (6)    |  C  |
               |     |           |     |---------->|     |
               |     |           |     |    (7)    |     |
               |     |           |     |<----------|     |
               |     |    (8)    |     |           |     |
               |     |<==========|     |           |     |
               +-----+           +-----+           +-----+

                  IBE Public Parameter Request
          Sender                                PPS
                      IBE Public Parameters

                 IBE Public Parameter Request
      Recipient                                PPS
                     IBE Public Parameters

                   IBE Private Key Request
      Recipient                                PKG
                       IBE Private Key

   Received UDP-Lite Datagrams
     |                +- Full Coverage ---------------------+-> Deliver
     |                |                                     |
     +- Valid Header--+               +- >= Rec. Coverage --+
     | (InDatagrams)  |               |
     |                +- Partial -----+
     |                (InPartialCov)  |
     |                                +-  < Rec. Coverage --+
     |                               (EndpointViolCoverage) |
     |                                                      |
     |                                                      |
     +- Header Error ---+                                   |
     |                  |                                   |
     +- Checksum Error -+-----------------------------------+-> Discard
     |  (InBadChecksum)                                       (InErrors)
     +- Port Error -------------------------------------------> Discard

          Transport Layer Interface
                  ----------------------------- InDatagrams
                     ||                             ^
                     ||                             |
                     ||                             |
                     ||----------------------> InPartialCov
                     ||                             |
                     ||                             |
                     ||                             v
                     ||                     EndpointViolCoverage
                     ||                             |
    NoPorts <--------||                             |
                     ||                             |
                     ||------> InBadChecksum ------>|
                     ||                             |
                     ||                             |
                     ||                             v
                     ||------------------------> InErrors
           Network Layer Interface

   |        | +----------+ +---------+     +-----------+ +---------+ |
   |Message | | Template | | Data    |     | Options   | | Data    | |
   | Header | | Set      | | Set     | ... | Template  | | Set     | |
   |        | |          | |         |     | Set       | |         | |
   |        | +----------+ +---------+     +-----------+ +---------+ |

   |        | +---------+     +---------+      +---------+ |
   |Message | | Data    |     | Data    |      | Data    | |
   | Header | | Set     | ... | Set     | ...  | Set     | |
   |        | +---------+     +---------+      +---------+ |

   |        | +----------+     +----------+      +----------+ |
   |Message | | Template |     | Template |      | Options  | |
   | Header | | Set      | ... | Set      | ...  | Template | |
   |        | |          |     |          |      | Set      | |
   |        | +----------+     +----------+      +----------+ |

   +--------+------------------------------------------. . .
   |        | +--------------+ +------------------+
   |Message | | Template     | | Data             |
   | Header | | Set          | | Set              |   . . .
   |        | | (1 Template) | | (3 Data Records) |
   |        | +--------------+ +------------------+
   +--------+------------------------------------------. . .

        . . .-------------------------------------------+
              +------------------+ +------------------+ |
              | Options          | | Data             | |
       . . .  | Template Set     | | Set              | |
              | (1 Template)     | | (2 Data Records) | |
              +------------------+ +------------------+ |
        . . .-------------------------------------------+

   Src IP addr. | Dst IP addr.  | Next Hop addr. | Packet | Octets
                |               |                | Number | Number
   ------------------------------------------------------------------   |   |      | 5009   | 5344385   |    |      | 748    | 388934   |    |      | 5      | 6534

            0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
         | MCv4 | RES. | RES. |  T   |   IPv6 multicast scope    |

           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         | R | D | M | D | D | D | D | D |
         | S | F | F | C | C | C | C | C |

          0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
        |     don't care    |    Exp    |

           0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
       | EOOL | NOP  | SEC  | LSR  |  TS  |E-SEC |CIPSO |  RR  | ...

           8      9     10     11     12     13     14     15
   ... | SID  | SSR  | ZSU  | MTUP | MTUR | FINN | VISA |ENCODE| ...

   ... |IMITD | EIP  |  TR  |ADDEXT|RTRALT| SDB  |NSAPA | DPS  | ...

          24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31
   ... | UMP  |  QS  |   to be assigned by IANA  |  EXP |      |

              0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
          | Res | FRA1| RH  | FRA0| UNK | Res | HOP | DST |  ...

              8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15
      ... | PAY | AH  | ESP |         Reserved            | ...

             16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23
      ... |                  Reserved                     | ...

             24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31
      ... |                  Reserved                     |

          0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |  Reserved | URG | ACK | PSH | RST | SYN | FIN |

              0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
          |   0 |   1 |   2 |   3 |   4 |   5 |   6 |   7 |  ...

              8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15
      ... |   8 |   9 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14 |  15 |...

             16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23
      ... |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |  20 |  21 |  22 |  23 |...

             56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63
      ... |  56 |  57 |  58 |  59 |  60 |  61 |  62 |  63 |

             0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           | R | D | M | D | D | D | D | D |
           | S | F | F | C | C | C | C | C |

             0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
           |     don't care    |    Exp    |
         See RFC 3032 for the specification of the Exp field.
         See RFC 3270 for usage of the Exp field.

           8      9     10     11     12     13     14     15
   ... | SID  | SSR  | ZSU  | MTUP | MTUR | FINN | VISA |ENCODE| ...

          16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23
   ... |IMITD | EIP  |  TR  |ADDEXT|RTRALT| SDB  |NSAPA | DPS  | ...

          24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31
   ... | UMP  |  QS  |   to be assigned by IANA  | EXP  |      |

           Type   Option
       Bit Value  Name    Reference
        0     0   EOOL    End of Options List, RFC 791
        1     1   NOP     No Operation, RFC 791

              8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15
      ... | PAY | AH  | ESP |         Reserved            | ...

              8     9    10    11    12    13    14    15
      ... |   8 |   9 |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14 |  15 |...

             16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23
      ... |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |  20 |  21 |  22 |  23 |...

             56    57    58    59    60    61    62    63
      ... |  56 |  57 |  58 |  59 |  60 |  61 |  62 |  63 |
         See RFC 793 for the definition of TCP options.
         See the list of TCP option numbers assigned by IANA at http://www.iana.org/assignments/tcp-parameters.

              Uniflow                             Uniflow
 +-------+-------+-----------------+ +-------+-------+-----------------+
 | src A | dst B | counters/values | | src B | dst A | counters/values |
 +-------+-------+-----------------+ +-------+-------+-----------------+
        |       |          |                                   |
        V       V          V                                   V
       | src A | dst B | fwd counters/values | rev counters/values |

   +-------+   +-------+
   | node  |   | node  |
   +---+---+   +---+---+
       |           |       +---------+
   <===+===========+======>+         +<===> Internet
                           | router  |
                           |    +----+--+
                           +----+  MP   |

                 +---------+               +---------+
            ====>+ access  +====>     ====>+ access  +====>
   Internet      | router  |   Local Net   | router  |      Internet
   (link A) <====+    A    +<====     <====+    B    +<==== (link B)
                 +----+----+               +---------+
                  |  MP   |

       +----+----+          +---------+
   <===+ core    |          | core    +===>
       | router  +<========>+ router  |
   ===>+         |          |         +<===
       +----+----+          +----+----+
            |                    |
        +---+---+                V
        |  MP   |

   Net  ^
   Media|a   c   b             s
   Bit  |  a   c  b            s
   Rate |    a   c b           s
        |      a   cb          s
        |        a   c         s
        |          a  bc       s
        |            a b c     s
        |              ab  c   s
        |  Feasible      b   c s
        |   region        ba   s
        |                  b a s c
        |                   b  s   c
        |                    b s a
        |                     bs

   Code   Len    Overriding Server Identifier Address
   | 11  |  n  | a1  | a2  | a3  | a4  |

         Payload packet #  |  ULP FEC packet that protects at level
                           |          L0             L1
                A          |          #1             #2
                B          |          #1             #2
                C          |          #2             #2
                D          |          #2             #2

   Packet A   |      :        :   |
   Packet B   |      :      | :
              +------:--+---+ :
                     :        :
              +------+        :
   ULP #1     |      |        :
              +------+        :
                     :        :
              +------:--+     :
   Packet C   |      :  |     :
   Packet D   |      :        :                 |
                     :        :
   ULP #2     |      :        |
              :      :        :

                | Inter-domain | Intra-domain | Status         |
   | PIM-SM     |     Yes      |     Yes      | Active         |
   | PIM-DM     | Not anymore  | Not anymore  | Little use     |
   | BIDIR-PIM  |      No      |     Yes      | Some uptake    |
   | DVMRP      | Not anymore  |  Stub only   | Going out      |
   | MOSPF      |      No      | Not anymore  | Inactive       |
   | CBT        |      No      |     No       | Never deployed |
   | BGMP       |      No      |     No       | Never deployed |

                          | Inter-domain   | Intra-domain |
   +--------------------- +----------------+--------------+
   | MP-BGP SAFI=2        |      Yes       |     Yes      |
   | MP-BGP SAFI=3        |  Doesn't work  | Doesn't work |
   | IS-IS multi-topology | Not applicable |     Yes      |
   | OSPF multi-topology  | Not applicable | Few implem.  |

                          | IPv4 | IPv6 | Status                       |
   | Bidir single domain  | Yes  | Yes  | OK but for intra-domain only |
   | PIM-SM single domain | Yes  | Yes  | OK                           |
   | PIM-SM with MSDP     | Yes  | No   | De-facto v4 inter-domain ASM |
   | PIM-SM w/ Embedded-RP| No   | Yes  | Best inter-domain ASM option |
   | SSM                  | Yes  | Yes  | No major uptake yet          |

                        | IPv4 | IPv6 | Deployment            |
   | Static RP          | Yes  | Yes  | Especially in ISPs    |
   | Auto-RP            | Yes  | No   | Legacy deployment     |
   | BSR                | Yes  | Yes  | Some, anycast simpler |
   | Embedded-RP        | No   | Yes  | Growing               |

                        | IPv4 | IPv6 | Deployment            |
   | Anycast RP w/ MSDP | Yes  | No   | De-facto approach     |
   | Anycast RP w/ PIM  | Yes  | Yes  | Newer approach        |
   | Stateless RP fail. | Yes  | Yes  | Causes disturbance    |
   | BIDIR-PIM          | Yes  | Yes  | Deployed at some sites|

                        | IPv4  | IPv6 | Notes                      |
   | Host sending       | Yes   | Yes  | No support needed          |
   | Host receiving ASM | IGMP  | MLD  | Any IGMP/MLD version       |
   | Host receiving SSM | IGMPv3| MLDv2| Any version w/ SSM-mapping |

                           | R-to-R | LAN | Notes                      |
   | Cisco's RGMP          |  Yes   | No  | Replaced by PIM snooping   |
   | PIM snooping          |  Yes   | No  | Security issues in LANs    |
   | IGMP/MLD snooping     |  No    | Yes | Common, IGMPv3 or MLD rare |
   | Multicast Router Disc |  No    | Yes | Few if any implem. yet     |
   | IEEE GMRP and MMRP    |  No    | No  | No host/router deployment  |
   | Cisco's CGMP          |  No    | Yes | Replaced by other snooping |

          ?  ?                 +---------+       +------------------+
           ?                   | Access  |       |                  |
           O_/             _-->| Network |------>|"isp1.example.com"|
          /|              /    |    1    |    _->|                  |
           |              |    +---------+   /   +------------------+
         _/ \_            |                 /
                          |    +---------+ /
   User "subscriber@isp1. |    | Access  |/
     example.com"      -- ? -->| Network |
   also known as          |    |    2    |\
     "employee123@corp2.  |    +---------+ \
     example.com"         |                 \
                          |    +---------+   \_  +-------------------+
                          \_   | Access  |     ->|                   |
                            -->| Network |------>|"corp2.example.com"|
                               |   3     |       |                   |
                               +---------+       +-------------------+

   NAME                                                    | NUMBER
   1024-bit MODP Group with 160-bit Prime Order Subgroup   |   22
   2048-bit MODP Group with 224-bit Prime Order Subgroup   |   23
   2048-bit MODP Group with 256-bit Prime Order Subgroup   |   24
   192-bit Random ECP Group                                |   25
   224-bit Random ECP Group                                |   26
   256-bit Random ECP Group                                |   19
   384-bit Random ECP Group                                |   20
   521-bit Random ECP Group                                |   21

   NAME (NIST)                      |    NUMBER    |    NAME (SECG)
   192-bit Random ECP Group         |      19      |    secp192r1
   224-bit Random ECP Group         |      21      |    secp224r1
   256-bit Random ECP Group         |      23      |    secp256r1
   384-bit Random ECP Group         |      24      |    secp384r1
   521-bit Random ECP Group         |      25      |    secp521r1

   GROUP                                      |  SYMMETRIC |   RSA
   1024-bit MODP with 160-bit Prime Subgroup  |        80  |   1024
   2048-bit MODP with 224-bit Prime Subgroup  |       112  |   2048
   2048-bit MODP with 256-bit Prime Subgroup  |       112  |   2048
   192-bit Random ECP Group                   |        80  |   1024
   224-bit Random ECP Group                   |       112  |   2048
   256-bit Random ECP Group                   |       128  |   3072
   384-bit Random ECP Group                   |       192  |   7680
   521-bit Random ECP Group                   |       256  |  15360

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |        NameSpace Length       |   NameSpace Value (variable)  |

       <----- variable ----> <----------- variable ----------->
      |        Fixed        |              Counter             |

      |    Fixed-Common   |   Fixed-Distinct   |    Counter    |
       <---- implicit ---> <------------ explicit ------------>

      x  CODE - 229
      x  LENGTH - total length of the value field, it SHOULD be 2
                  times the number of MT components.
      x  VALUE - one or more 2-byte MT components, structured
                 as follows:
                                                          No. of Octets
                      |O |A |R |R |        MT ID       |      2

             ---------/ /-----------
             |    MAC SDU          |
             --------/ /------------
      MSB            \/                                    LSB
      | Generic MAC header|  IPv6 Payload              | CRC  |

     -----------                               ----------
     | IPv6 Pkt|                               |IPv6 Pkt|
     -----------                               ----------
        | |                                      /|\
        | |                                       |
     --[SAP]---------------------       ---------[SAP]--------
     ||-| |----------|          |       |        /|\         |
     || \ /        0---->[CID1] |       |     --- |--------  |
     || Downlink   0\/-->[CID2] |       |     |Reconstruct|  |
     || classifiers0/\-->[....] |       |     | (undo PHS)|  |
     ||            0---->[CIDn] |       |     ---   -------  |
     ||--------------|          |       |        /|\         |
     |                          |       |         |          |
     |  {SDU, CID,..}           |       |    {SDU, CID,..}   |
     |       |                  |       |        /|\         |
     |       v                  |       |         |          |
     ------[SAP]-----------------       |-------[SAP]---------
     |     802.16 MAC CPS       |------>|   802.16 MAC CPS   |
     ----------------------------       ----------------------
              BS                                  MS

                        | ----      ASN   |                    |----|
         ----           | |BS|\ R6 -------|    |---------|     | CSN|
         |MS|-----R1----| ---- \---|ASN-GW| R3 |  CSN    | R5  |    |
         ----           |  |R8  /--|------|----|         |-----|Home|
                        | ---- /          |    |  visited|     | NSP|
                        | |BS|/           |    |   NSP   |     |    |
                        | ----            |    |---------|     |    |
                        |       NAP       |         \          |----|
                        -------------------          \---|        /
                                |                        |       /
                                |                     (--|------/----)
                                |R4                  (                )
                                |                   (      ASP network )
                            ---------                ( or Internet    )
                            |  ASN  |                 (              )
                            ---------                   (----------)

   | App   |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(to app peer)
   |       |
   |-------|                                   /------      -------
   |       |                                  / IPv6 |      |     |
   | IPv6  |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  /       |      |     |-->
   |       |      ---------------    -------/        |      | IPv6|
   |-------|      |    \Relay/  |    |      |        |- - - |     |
   |       |      |     \   /   |    | GRE  |        |      |     |
   |       |      |      \ /GRE | -  |      |        |      |     |
   |       |- - - |       |-----|    |------|        |      |     |
   | IPv6CS|      |IPv6CS | IP  | -  | IP   |        |      |     |
   | ..... |      |...... |-----|    |------|--------|      |-----|
   |  MAC  |      | MAC   | L2  | -  | L2   |  L2    |- - - | L2  |
   |-------|      |------ |-----|    |----- |--------|      |-----|
   |  PHY  |- - - | PHY   | L1  | -  | L1   |  L1    |- - - | L1  |
    --------      ---------------    -----------------      -------

   (AS65000)--(AS65001)          (AS65004)--

    |                         |          |
    |                  +------+          |
    |                  |                 |
    |        +---C(2)--+                 |
    |        |         |                 |
   A(1)-----B(2)       +----------------E(5)--
    |        |         |                 |
    |        +---D(2)--+                 |
    |                                    |

      o=alice 3203093520 3203093520 IN IP4 movies.example.com
      s=Media with feedback
      t=0 0
      c=IN IP4
     +-Alternative one-----------------+
     |m=video 49170 RTP/SAVPF 96       |
     |a=rtpmap:96 H263-2000/90000      |
     |a=rtcp-fb:96 nack                |
     +-Alternative two-----------------+
     |m=video 49172 RTP/AVPF 96        |
     |a=rtpmap:96 H263-2000/90000      |
     |a=rtcp-fb:96 nack                |

                +------Elect.Signature (CAdES-BES)------+
                |+----------------------------------- + |
                ||+---------+ +----------+            | |
                |||Signer's | |  Signed  |  Digital   | |
                |||Document | |Attributes| Signature  | |
                |||         | |          |            | |
                ||+---------+ +----------+            | |
                |+------------------------------------+ |

          +------------- Elect.Signature (CAdES-EPES) ---------------+
          |                                                          |
          |+-------------------------------------------------------+ |
          || +-----------+                                         | |
          || |           |   +---------------------------+         | |
          || |           |   |   +----------+            |         | |
          || | Signer's  |   |   |Signature | Signed     | Digital | |
          || | Document  |   |   |Policy ID | Attributes |Signature| |
          || |           |   |   +----------+            |         | |
          || |           |   +---------------------------+         | |
          || +-----------+                                         | |
          |+-------------------------------------------------------+ |
          |                                                          |

   +-------------------------------------------------CAdES-T ---------+
   |+------ CAdES-BES or CAdES-EPES -------+                          |
   ||+-----------------------------------+ | +----------------------+ |
   |||+---------+ +----------+           | | |                      | |
   ||||Signer's | |  Signed  |  Digital  | | | Signature-time-stamp | |
   ||||Document | |Attributes| Signature | | | attribute required   | |
   ||||         | |          |           | | | when using time      | |
   |||+---------+ +----------+           | | | stamps.              | |
   ||+-----------------------------------+ | |                      | |
   |+--------------------------------------+ | or the BES/EPES      | |
   |                                         | shall be time-marked | |
   |                                         |                      | |
   |                                         | Management and       | |
   |                                         | provision of time    | |
   |                                         | mark is the          | |
   |                                         | responsibility of    | |
   |                                         | the TSP.             | |
   |                                         +----------------------+ |

   +------------------------- CAdES-C --------------------------------+
   |+----------------------------- CAdES-T ---------+                 |
   ||                                  +----------+ | +-------------+ |
   ||                                  |Timestamp | | |             | |
   ||                                  |attribute | | |             | |
   ||+- CAdES-BES or CAdES-EPES ------+|over      | | |             | |
   |||                                ||digital   | | | Complete    | |
   |||+---------++----------+         ||signature | | | certificate | |
   ||||Signer's ||  Signed  | Digital ||is        | | |     and     | |
   ||||Document ||Attributes|Signature||mandatory | | | revocation  | |
   ||||         ||          |         ||if is not | | | references  | |
   |||+---------++----------+         ||timemarked| | |             | |
   ||+--------------------------------++----------+ | |             | |
   |+-----------------------------------------------+ +-------------+ |

               +<--------------Grace Period --------->+
       ^       ^       ^        ^                     ^          ^
       |       |       |        |                     |          |
       |       |       |        |                     |          |
   Signature   |     First      |                   Second       |
    creation   |   revocation   |                  revocation    |
     time      |     status     |                    status      |
               |    checking    |                  checking      |
               |                |                                |
           Time-stamp      Certification                       Build
              or              path                            CAdES-C
           time-mark      construction
             over          & verification

   +----------------------- CAdES-X-Long -----------------------------+
   |+------------------------------------ CadES-C --+                 |
   ||                                  +----------+ | +-------------+ |
   ||+------ CAdES -------------------+|Timestamp | | |             | |
   |||                                ||  over    | | | Complete    | |
   |||+---------++----------+         ||digital   | | | certificate | |
   ||||Signer's ||  Signed  | Digital ||signature | | |     and     | |
   ||||Document ||Attributes|Signature||          | | | revocation  | |
   ||||         ||          |         ||Optional  | | |    data     | |
   |||+---------++----------+         ||when      | | |             | |
   ||+--------------------------------+|timemarked| | |             | |
   ||                                  +----------+ | |             | |
   ||                               +-------------+ | +-------------+ |
   ||                               | Complete    | |                 |
   ||                               | certificate | |                 |
   ||                               | and         | |                 |
   ||                               | revocation  | |                 |
   ||                               | references  | |                 |
   ||                               +-------------+ |                 |
   |+-----------------------------------------------+                 |
   |                                                                  |

  +----------------------- CAdES-X-Type 1 ------------------------------+
  |+-------------------------------------- CAdES-C -----+               |
  ||                                    +-------------+ | +-----------+ |
  ||+--------- CAdES ------------------+| Timestamp   | | |           | |
  |||                                  || over        | | |           | |
  |||+---------++----------+           || digital     | | |           | |
  ||||Signer's ||  Signed  |  Digital  || signature   | | | Timestamp | |
  ||||Document ||Attributes| Signature ||             | | |   over    | |
  ||||         ||          |           || Optional    | | | CAdES-C   | |
  |||+---------++----------+           || when        | | |           | |
  ||+----------------------------------+| time-marked | | |           | |
  ||                                    +-------------+ | |           | |
  ||                                    +-------------+ | +-----------+ |
  ||                                    | Complete    | |               |
  ||                                    | certificate | |               |
  ||                                    | and         | |               |
  ||                                    | revocation  | |               |
  ||                                    | references  | |               |
  ||                                    +-------------+ |               |
  |+----------------------------------------------------+               |

+------------------------- CAdES-X-Type 2 ----------------------------+
|+----------------------------------------CAdES-C ---+                |
||                                     +------------+|                |
||+----- CAdES -----------------------+| Timestamp  ||                |
|||                                   || over       ||                |
|||+---------+ +----------+           || digital    || +-------------+|
||||Signer's | |  Signed  |  Digital  || signature  || | Time-stamp  ||
||||Document | |Attributes| signature ||            || | only over   ||
||||         | |          |           || optional   || | complete    ||
|||+---------+ +----------+           || when       || | certificate ||
||+-----------------------------------+| timemarked || |    and      ||
||                                     +------------+| | revocation  ||
||                                   +-------------+ | | references  ||
||                                   | Complete    | | +-------------+|
||                                   | certificate | |                |
||                                   | and         | |                |
||                                   | revocation  | |                |
||                                   | references  | |                |
||                                   +-------------+ |                |
|+---------------------------------------------------+                |

   +------------------ CAdES-X Long Type 1 or 2 -----------------------+
   |                                                   +--------------+|
   |+-------------------------------------- CAdES-C --+|+------------+||
   ||                                                 ||| Timestamp  |||
   ||+------- CAdES --------------------++----------+ |||   over     |||
   |||                                  ||Timestamp | |||  CAdES-C   |||
   |||                                  ||over      | ||+------------+||
   |||+---------++----------+           ||digital   | ||      OR      ||
   ||||Signer's ||  Signed  | Digital   ||signature | ||+------------+||
   ||||Document ||Attributes| signature ||          | ||| Timestamp  |||
   ||||         ||          |           ||Optional  | ||| only over  |||
   |||+---------++----------+           ||when      | ||| complete   |||
   ||+----------------------------------+|timemarked| ||| certificate|||
   ||                                    +----------+ |||    and     |||
   ||                                                 ||| Revocation |||
   ||                                 +-------------+ ||| References |||
   ||                                 | Complete    | ||+------------+||
   ||                                 | certificate | |+--------------+|
   ||                                 | and         | | +------------+ |
   ||                                 | revocation  | | | Complete   | |
   ||                                 | references  | | |certificate | |
   ||                                 +-------------+ | |   and      | |
   |+-------------------------------------------------+ |revocation  | |
   |                                                    |  value     | |
   |                                                    +------------+ |

  +---------------------------CAdES-A ---------------------------------+
  |+----------------------------------------------------+              |
  ||                                    +--------------+| +----------+ |
  ||+----------------------CAdES-C ----+|+------------+|| |          | |
  |||                     +----------+ ||| Timestamp  ||| |          | |
  |||+---- CAdES-BES ----+|Timestamp | |||    over    ||| |          | |
  ||||    or CAdeS-EPES  ||  over    | |||   CAdES-C  ||| |  Archive | |
  ||||                   ||digital   | ||+------------+|| |          | |
  ||||                   ||signature | ||      or      || |Timestamp | |
  ||||                   ||          | ||+------------+|| |          | |
  ||||                   ||Optional  | ||| Timestamp  ||| |          | |
  ||||                   ||when      | ||| only over  ||| |          | |
  ||||                   ||Timemarked| ||| complete   ||| |          | |
  |||+-------------------+|          | ||| certificate||| +----------+ |
  |||                     +----------+ |||    and     |||              |
  |||                  +-------------+ ||| revocation |||              |
  |||                  | Complete    | ||| references |||              |
  |||                  | certificate | ||+------------+||              |
  |||                  | and         | |+--------------+|              |
  |||                  | revocation  | | +------------+ |              |
  |||                  | references  | | |  Complete  | |              |
  |||                  +-------------+ | |certificate | |              |
  |||                                  | |    and     | |              |
  ||+----------------------------------+ |revocation  | |              |
  ||                                     |  values    | |              |
  ||                                     +------------+ |              |
  |+----------------------------------------------------+              |

+---------------------- CAdES-X-Long --------------------------------+
|+-------------------------------------- CAdES-C ---+                |
||                                     +----------+ | +-------------+|
||+----- CAdES-BES or CAdES-EPES ----+ |Timestamp | | |             ||
|||                                  | |over      | | | Complete    ||
|||+---------++----------++---------+| |digital   | | | certificate ||
||||         ||          ||         || |signature | | |    and      ||
||||Signer's ||  Signed  ||Digital  || |          | | | revocation  ||
||||Document ||Attributes||signature|| |Optional  | | |    data     ||
||||         ||          ||         || |when      | | |             ||
|||+---------++----------++---------+| |timemarked| | |             ||
||+----------------------------------+ +----------+ | |             ||
||                                     +-----------+| +-------------+|
||                                     |Complete   ||                |
||                                     |certificate||                |
||                                     |and        ||                |
||                                     |revocation ||                |
||                                     |references ||                |
||                                     +-----------+|                |
|+--------------------------------------------------+                |
|                                                                    |

+------------------------ CAdES-X-Type 1 ----------------------------+
|+---------------------------------- CAdES-C ------+                 |
||                                    +----------+ | +-------------+ |
||+--- CAdES-BES or CAdES-EPES ------+|Timestamp | | |             | |
|||                                  ||over      | | |             | |
|||+---------++----------++---------+||digital   | | |             | |
||||Signer's ||  Signed  || Digital |||signature | | | Timestamp   | |
||||Document ||Attributes||signature|||          | | |    over     | |
||||         ||          ||         |||Optional  | | |   CAdES-C   | |
|||+---------++----------++---------+||when      | | |             | |
||+----------------------------------+|timemarked| | |             | |
||                                    +----------+ | |             | |
||                                    +-----------+| +-------------+ |
||                                    |Complete   ||                 |
||                                    |certificate||                 |
||                                    |   and     ||                 |
||                                    |revocation ||                 |
||                                    |references ||                 |
||                                    +-----------+|                 |
|+-------------------------------------------------+                 |
|                                                                    |

+----------------------- CAdES-X-Type 2 -----------------------------+
|+-------------------------------------- CAdES-C --+                 |
||                                    +----------+ |                 |
||+-- CAdES-BES or CAdES-EPES -------+|Timestamp | |                 |
|||                                  ||over      | |                 |
|||+---------++----------++---------+||digital   | | +-------------+ |
||||         ||          ||         |||Signature | | | Timestamp   | |
||||Signer's ||  Signed  || Digital |||          | | | only over   | |
||||Document ||Attributes||signature|||Optional  | | | Complete    | |
||||         ||          ||         |||when      | | | certificate | |
|||+---------++----------++---------+||Timemarked| | |    and      | |
||+----------------------------------++----------+ | | revocation  | |
||                                    +-----------+| | references  | |
||                                    |Complete   || +-------------+ |
||                                    |certificate||                 |
||                                    |and        ||                 |
||                                    |revocation ||                 |
||                                    |references ||                 |
||                                    +-----------+|                 |
|+-------------------------------------------------+                 |
|                                                                    |

   +---------------------- CAdES-X-Type 1 or 2 ------------------------+
   |                                                   +--------------+|
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   ||                                    +----------+ ||| Timestamp  |||
   ||+-- CAdES-BES or CAdES-EPES -------+|Timestamp | |||    over    |||
   |||                                  ||over      | |||  CAdES-C   |||
   |||+---------++----------++---------+||digital   | | +------------+ |
   ||||         ||          ||         |||signature | ||      or      ||
   ||||Signer's ||  Signed  || Digital |||          | ||+------------+||
   ||||Document ||Attributes||Signature|||Optional  | ||| Timestamp  |||
   ||||         ||          ||         |||when      | ||| only over  |||
   |||+---------++----------++---------+||timemarked| ||| complete   |||
   ||+----------------------------------++----------+ ||| certificate|||
   ||                                                 |||    and     |||
   ||                                    +-----------+||| revocation |||
   ||                                    |Complete   |||| references |||
   ||                                    |certificate|||+------------+||
   ||                                    |and        ||+--------------+|
   ||                                    |revocation || +------------+ |
   ||                                    |references || |Complete    | |
   ||                                    +-----------+| |certificate | |
   |+-------------------------------------------------+ |   and      | |
   |                                                    |revocation  | |
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   |                                                    +------------+ |

+--------------------------- CAdES-A---------------------------------+
|+----------------------------------------------------+              |
||                                    +--------------+| +----------+ |
||+--------------------- CAdES-C ----+|+------------+|| |          | |
|||                     +----------+ ||| Timestamp  ||| |          | |
|||+-- CAdES-BES ------+|Timestamp | |||   over     ||| |          | |
||||   or CAdES-EPES   ||over      | |||  CAdES-C   ||| |  Archive | |
||||                   ||digital   | ||+------------+|| |          | |
||||                   ||signature | ||     or       || |Timestamp | |
||||                   ||          | ||+------------+|| |          | |
||||                   ||optional  | ||| Timestamp  ||| |          | |
||||                   ||when      | ||| only over  ||| |          | |
||||                   ||timemarked| ||| complete   ||| |          | |
|||+-------------------++----------+ ||| certificate||| +----------+ |
|||                                  |||    and     |||              |
|||                   +-------------+||| revocation |||              |
|||                   | Complete    |||| references |||              |
|||                   | certificate |||+------------+||              |
|||                   | and         ||+--------------+|              |
|||                   | revocation  || +------------+ |              |
|||                   | references  || |Complete    | |              |
|||                   +-------------+| |certificate | |              |
||+----------------------------------+ |   and      | |              |
||                                     |revocation  | |              |
||                                     |  values    | |              |
||                                     +------------+ |              |
|+----------------------------------------------------+              |

+------------------------------------------ CAdES-C -------------+
|+------------------------------- CAdES-T ------+                |
||+-------------- CAdES ------------+           |                |
|||+--------------------++---------+|+---------+|  +-----------+ |
|||| ________           ||         |||Timestamp||  |Complete   | |
|||||Sign.Pol|          ||Digital  |||over     ||  |certificate| |
|||||  Id.   | Signed   ||signature|||digital  ||  |   and     | |
||||| option.|attributes||         |||signature||  |revocation | |
|||||________|          |+---------+|+---------+|  |references | |
|||+--------------------+           |    ^      |  +-----------+ |
||+---------------------------------+    |      |        ^       |
||                     1 |              /       |        |       |
|+---------------------- | ------------/--------+        |       |
+----------------------- | ---------- / --------------- / -------+
                         |           /2    ----3--------
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      |          |       v         /     |
      | Signer's |      +---------------------+     +-------------+
      | document |----->| Validation Process  |---->|- Valid      |
      |          |      +---------------------+ 4   |- Invalid    |
      +----------+           |  ^       |  ^        |- Validation |
                             v  |       v  |        |  Incomplete |
                         +---------+ +--------+     +-------------+
                         |Signature| |Trusted |
                         | Policy  | |Service |
                         | Issuer  | |Provider|
                         +---------+ +--------+

+----------------------------------------------------- CAdES-X Long -+
|+------------------------------- CAdES-C -------------+             |
||+-------------- CAdES ------------+                  |             |
|||+--------------------++---------+|+---------+       |+-----------+|
|||| ________           ||         |||Timestamp|       ||Complete   ||
|||||Sign.Pol|          ||Digital  |||over     |       ||certificate||
|||||  Id.   | Signed   ||signature|||digital  |       ||   and     ||
||||| option.|attributes||         |||signature|       ||revocation ||
|||||________|          ||         ||+---------+       ||  values   ||
|||+--------------------++---------+|  ^  +-----------+|+-----------+|
||+---------------------------------+  |  |Complete   ||      ^      |
||                         |           |  |certificate||      |      |
||                         |         2 |  |   and     ||      |      |
||                         |           |  |revocation ||      |      |
||                         |           |  |references ||      |      |
||                       1 |          /   +-----------+|      |      |
|+------------------------ | ------- / --------- ^-----+     /       |
+------------------------- | ------ / ---------- |--------- / -------+
                           |       /      ----- /  ------- /
      +----------+         |      /      /  3     /   5
      |          |         v     |      |        |
      | Signer's |      +--------------------+      +-----------+
      | document |----->| Validation Process |----->| - Valid   |
      |          |      +--------------------+  4   | - Invalid |
      +----------+          |  ^       |  ^         +-----------+
                            v  |       v  |
                        +---------+ +--------+
                        |Signature| |Trusted |
                        | Policy  | |Service |
                        | Issuer  | |Provider|
                        +---------+ +--------+

+------------------------------------------------ CAdES-X Type 1 -----+
|+------------------------------- CAdES-C ------------------+         |
||+-------------- CAdES ------------+                       |         |
|||| ________           ||         |||Timestamp|| Complete |||       ||
|||||Sign.Pol|          ||Digital  |||over     ||  cert.   |||Time-  ||
|||||  Id.   | Signed   ||signature|||digital  ||   and    |||stamp  ||
||||| option.|attributes||         |||signature||  revoc.  ||| over  ||
|||||________|          |+---------+|+---------+|references|||CAdES-C||
|||+--------------------+           |    ^      |          |||       ||
||+---------------------------------+    |      +----------+|+-------+|
||                         |             |            ^     |    ^    |
||                       1 |            /             |     |    |    |
|+------------------------ | --------- / ----------- / -----+    |    |
+------------------------- | -------- / ----------- / --------- / ----+
                           |       2 /     ---3----            /
      +----------+         |        /    /   -----------5------
      |          |         v       |    |  /
      | Signer's |      +--------------------+       +-----------+
      | document |----->| Validation Process |-----> | - Valid   |
      |          |      +--------------------+  4    | - Invalid |
      +----------+          |  ^       |  ^          +-----------+
                            v  |       v  |
                        +---------+ +--------+
                        |Signature| |Trusted |
                        | Policy  | |Service |
                        | Issuer  | |Provider|
                        +---------+ +--------+

+-------------------------------------------- CAdES-X Type 2 --------+
|+------------------------------- CAdES-C -------------+             |
||+-------------- CAdES ------------+                  |             |
|||+--------------------++---------+|+---------+       |+-----------+|
|||| ________           ||         |||Timestamp|       ||Timestamp  ||
|||||Sign.Pol|          ||         |||over     |       ||   over    ||
|||||  Id.   | Signed   ||Digital  |||digital  |       ||complete   ||
||||| option.|attributes||signature|||signature|       ||certificate||
|||||________|          ||         |||         |       ||           ||
|||+--------------------++---------+|+---------+       ||   and     ||
||+---------------------------------+  ^  +-----------+||revocation ||
||                         |           |  |Complete   |||references ||
||                         |           |  |certificate||+-----------+|
||                         |           |  |   and     ||     ^       |
||                       1 |         2 |  |revocation ||     |       |
||                         |           |  |references ||     |       |
||                         |           |  +-----------+|     |       |
|+------------------------ | --------- | --- ^ --------+     |       |
|                          |           |   3 |              /        |
|                          |           |    /    ----------          |
|                          |          /    /    /   6                |
|                          |         /    /    /                     |
|                          |        /    /    /                      |
+------------------------- | ----- | -- | -- / ----------------------+
                           |       |    |   |
                           v       |    |   |
                        +--------------------+      +-----------+
                        | Validation Process |----->| - Valid   |
                        +--------------------+  4   | - Invalid |
                            |  ^       |  ^         +-----------+
                            v  |       v  |
                        +---------+ +--------+
                        |Signature| |Trusted |
                        | Policy  | |Service |
                        | Issuer  | |Provider|
                        +---------+ +--------+

+----------------------------- CAdES-A ---------------------------+
|                                                                 |
|  +-- CAdES-X Long Type 1 or 2  ----------+                      |
|  |                                       |   +------------+     |
|  |                                       |   |            |     |
|  |                                       |   |  Archive   |     |
|  |                                       |   | Time-stamp |     |
|  |                                       |   |            |     |
|  |                                       |   +------------+     |
|  +---------------------------------------+         ^            |
|  +----------+          ^   ^   ^   ^               |            |
|  |          |          |   |   |   |              /             |
|  | Signers' |          |   |   |   |             /              |
|  | Document |\         |   |   |   |            /               |
|  |          | \ 1    2 | 3 | 5 | 6 |         7 /                |
|  +----------+  \       |   |   |   |          /                 |
|                 \      |   |   |   |         /                  |
+----------------- \ --- | - | - | - | ------ / ------------------+
                    \    |   |   |   |       |
                     |   |   |   |   |       |
                     |   |   |   |   |       |
                     v   v   |   |   |       |
                 +-----------------------------+      +-----------+
                 |      Validation Process     |----->| - Valid   |
                 +-----------------------------+  4   | - Invalid |
                     |  ^       |  ^                  +-----------+
                     v  |       v  |
                 +---------+ +--------+
                 |Signature| |Trusted |
                 | Policy  | |Service |
                 | Issuer  | |Provider|
                 +---------+ +--------+

        |             ||          ||             ||            |
        |   S/MIME    ||  CAdES   ||    MIME     ||  pdf file  |
        |             ||          ||             ||            |
        |Content-Type=||SignedData||Content-Type=||Dear MrSmith|
        |application/ || eContent ||application/ ||Received    |
        |pkcs7-mime   ||          ||pdf          ||  100 tins  |
        |             ||          ||             ||            |
        |smime-type=  ||     /|   ||       /|    ||  Mr.Jones  |
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        |             ||    \ -----+      \ ------+            |
        |             ||     \|   ||       \|    |+------------+
        |             ||          |+-------------+
        |             |+----------+

   |               ||          ||             ||            |
   |     MIME      ||  CAdES   ||    MIME     ||  pdf file  |
   |               ||          ||             ||            |
   |Content-Type=  ||SignedData||Content-Type=||Dear MrSmith|
   |multipart/     ||          ||application/ ||Received    |
   |signed         ||          ||pdf          ||  100 tins  |
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   |       / -------------------+        /|   ||  Mr.Jones  |
   |       \ -------------------+       / -----+            |
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   |       / -------+          |
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   |        \|     ||----------+
   |               |

 |Treatment |    Tolerance to    ||Service Class  |    Tolerance to    |
 |Aggregate | Loss |Delay |Jitter||               | Loss |Delay |Jitter|
 | Network  | Low  | Low  | Yes  || Network       |  Low |  Low | Yes  |
 | Control  |      |      |      || Control       |      |      |      |
 | Real-    | Very | Very | Very ||  Telephony    | VLow | VLow | VLow |
 | Time     | Low  | Low  | Low  ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||   Signaling   | Low  | Low  | Yes  |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||  Multimedia   |Low - | Very | Low  |
 |          |      |      |      || Conferencing  |Medium| Low  |      |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||   Real-time   | Low  | Very | Low  |
 |          |      |      |      ||  Interactive  |      | Low  |      |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||   Broadcast   | Very |Medium| Low  |
 |          |      |      |      ||     Video     | Low  |      |      |
 | Assured  | Low  |Low - | Yes  ||  Multimedia   |Low - |Medium| Yes  |
 | Elastic  |      |Medium|      ||   Streaming   |Medium|      |      |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||  Low-Latency  | Low  |Low - | Yes  |
 |          |      |      |      ||      Data     |      |Medium|      |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||      OAM      | Low  |Medium| Yes  |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      ||High-Throughput| Low  |Medium| Yes  |
 |          |      |      |      ||      Data     |      |- High|      |
 | Elastic  |  Not Specified     ||   Standard    |  Not Specified     |
 |          |      |      |      ||---------------+------+------+------|
 |          |      |      |      || Low-Priority  | High | High | Yes  |
 |          |      |      |      ||      Data     |      |      |      |

   |Treatment |Treatment || DSCP                                |
   |Aggregate |Aggregate ||                                     |
   |          |Behavior  ||                                     |
   | Network  | CS       || CS6                                 |
   | Control  |(RFC 2474)||                                     |
   | Real-    | EF       || EF, CS5, AF41, AF42, AF43, CS4, CS3 |
   | Time     |(RFC 3246)||                                     |
   | Assured  | AF       || CS2, AF31, AF21, AF11               |
   | Elastic  |(RFC 2597)||-------------------------------------|
   |          |          || AF32, AF22, AF12                    |
   |          |          ||-------------------------------------|
   |          |          || AF33, AF23, AF13                    |
   | Elastic  | Default  || Default, (CS0)                      |
   |          |(RFC 2474)||-------------------------------------|
   |          |          || CS1                                 |

   |Treatment || MPLS ||  DSCP   |   DSCP      |
   |Aggregate || EXP  ||  name   |   value     |
   | Network  || 110  ||  CS6    |   110000    |
   | Control  ||      ||         |             |
   | Real-    || 100  ||  EF     |   101110    |
   | Time     ||      ||---------|-------------|
   |          ||      ||  CS5    |   101000    |
   |          ||      ||---------|-------------|
   |          ||      ||AF41,AF42|100010,100100|
   |          ||      ||  AF43   |   100110    |
   |          ||      ||---------|-------------|
   |          ||      ||  CS4    |   100000    |
   |          ||      ||---------|-------------|
   |          ||      ||  CS3    |   011000    |
   | Assured  || 010* ||  CS2    |   010000    |
   | Elastic  ||      ||  AF31   |   011010    |
   |          ||      ||  AF21   |   010010    |
   |          ||      ||  AF11   |   001010    |
   |          ||------||---------|-------------|
   |          || 011* ||  AF32   |   011100    |
   |          ||      ||  AF22   |   010100    |
   |          ||      ||  AF12   |   001100    |
   |          ||      ||  AF33   |   011110    |
   |          ||      ||  AF23   |   010110    |
   |          ||      ||  AF13   |   001110    |
   | Elastic  || 000* || Default |   000000    |
   |          ||      || (CS0)   |             |
   |          ||------||---------|-------------|
   |          || 001* ||  CS1    |   001000    |

                           Registry, Discovery
                           Combined with Relay
                                 Server S
        | ^ Registry/              ^   ^ Registry/              ^ |
        | | Relay-Req Session(A-S) |   | Relay-Req Session(B-S) | |
        | |      |   |     | |
        | |        |   |     | |
        |                                                         |
      +--------------+                                 +--------------+
      |    |                                 |  |
      |              |                                 |              |
      |    NAT A     |                                 |    NAT B     |
      +--------------+                                 +--------------+
        |                                                         |
        | ^ Registry/              ^   ^ Registry/              ^ |
        | | Relay-Req Session(A-S) |   | Relay-Req Session(B-S) | |
        | |     |   |     | |
        | |      |   |      | |
        |                                                         |
     Client A                                                 Client B                              

                          Registry and Discovery
                                 Server S
        | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^     ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^ |
        | |     |     |    | |
        | |       |     |     | |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ P2P Session (A-B)     ^     |  P2P Session (B-A)    | |
        | |      |     |      | |
        | |       |     v     v |
        |                                                         |
      +--------------+                                            |
      |    |                                            |
      |              |                                            |
      |    NAT A     |                                            |
      +--------------+                                            |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^                               |
        | |    |                               |
        | |     |                               |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ P2P Session (A-B)     ^                               |
        | |     |                               |
        | |     |                               |
        |                                                         |
     Private Client A                                 Public Client B                          

                      Registry and Discovery Combined
                            with Limited Relay
                                 Server S
        | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^     ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^ |
        | |     |     |    | |
        | |       |     |    | |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ P2P Session (A-B)     ^     ^  P2P Session (B-A)    ^ |
        | |     |     |      | |
        | |       |     |    | |
        |                                                         |
      +--------------+                                 +--------------+
      |    |                                 |  |
      |              |                                 |              |
      | EIM-NAT A    |                                 | EIM-NAT B    |
      +--------------+                                 +--------------+
        |                                                         |
        | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^     ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^ |
        | |    |     |    | |
        | |     |     |     | |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ P2P Session (A-B)     ^     ^  P2P Session (B-A)    ^ |
        | |    |     |      | |
        | |     |     |     | |
        |                                                         |
     Client A                                                 Client B                              

                     Registry and Discovery Combined
                           with Limited Relay
                                Server S
         ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^  | ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^
         |     |  | |    |
         |       |  | |      |
                             |    |
                             |              |
                             |   EIM-NAT    |
      | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^      ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^ |
      | |    |      |    | |
      | |     |      |     | |
      |                                                          |
      | ^ P2P Session-try1(A-B) ^      ^ P2P Session-try1(B-A) ^ |
      | |       |      |      | |
      | |     |      |     | |
      |                                                          |
      | ^ P2P Session-try2(A-B) ^      ^ P2P Session-try2(B-A) ^ |
      | |     |      |     | |
      | |     |      |     | |
      |                                                          |
   Client A                                                   Client B                               

                          Registry and Discovery
                                 Server S
        | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^     ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^ |
        | |     |     |    | |
        | |       |     |    | |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ P2P Session (A-B)     ^     ^  P2P Session (B-A)    ^ |
        | |     |     |      | |
        | |       |     |    | |
        |                                                         |
   +---------------------+                       +--------------------+
   |           |                       | |
   |                     |                       |                    |
   |    NAT A            |                       |        NAT B       |
   | (Endpoint-Dependent |                       | (Endpoint-Dependent|
   |  Mapping)           |                       |  Mapping)          |
   +---------------------+                       +--------------------+
        |                                                         |
        | ^ Registry Session(A-S) ^     ^ Registry Session(B-S) ^ |
        | |    |     |    | |
        | |     |     |     | |
        |                                                         |
        | ^ P2P Session (A-B)     ^     ^ P2P Session (B-A)     ^ |
        | |    |     |      | |
        | |     |     |     | |
        |                                                         |
     Client A                                                 Client B                              

                 L2     /                    \
                 - - - /- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                 L1   /                        \
                    R1---- (A)       R5

                 +------+   |  DSL modem  |    +------------+
                 | host +---+     or      +-//-+ WAN Router |
                 +------+   | cable modem |    +------------+

         |                                                 ||
         |                                  ---------------||
         | Carol La.                           Carol La.   || Bob
         |                                                 || St.
         |              West Alice Pde.                    ||
       Sec.1       Sec.2           Sec.3   |       Sec.4   ||   Sec.5
                                           |               ||
                                 ----------| Carol         ||
                                  Alley 2  |  La.          ||
                                           |               ||

                                                 |         |
                                                 |   GW    |
                                              >  +---------+
    SIP                                 //       +---------+
   <---->                             //         |         |
      +-------------------------+   //           |   GW    |
      |                         | //             +---------+
      |    +-------------+      |/
      |    |             |      |
      |    |  Routing    |      |                +---------+   TO PSTN
      |    |   Proxy     |      |                |         |
   --->    |             |      |----------->    |   GW    | ----->
      |+---+-----+ +-----+----+ |                +---------+
      ||         | |          | |
      ||        <+-+          | |--
      ||Egress LS| |Ingress LS| |  ---           +---------+
      ||         | |          | |     --         |         |
      |+---------+ +----------+ |       --       |   GW    |
      |                         |         --     +---------+
      |                         |           -->
    TRIP                                         +---------+
   <---->                                        |         |
                                                 |   GW    |

   |   Length1  |    Prefix1       |   Length2  |   Prefix2        | ...

   |  Length1  |  TrunkGroup 1    |  Length2  |  TrunkGroup 2    | ...

   |  Length1  |  Carrier 1       |  Length2  |  Carrier 2       | ...

    |                    +-------------------------------+  |
    |                    |     +-+  +-+                  |  | TGREP
    |                    |     |A|  |C|                  |  |    +-----+
    |                    |     |g|  |o|                  |  |    |     |
    |   +-------------+  |     |g|  |n|  +-------------+ |  |  --| GW  |
    |   |             |  |     |r|  |s|  |             | |  |    +-----+
    |   |    TRIP     |  |     |e|  |o|  |             | |  +---
    |   |     LS    <----------|g<--|l<---    TGREP    |-++-|    +-----+
    |   |             |  |     |a|  |i|  |   Session   | |  |    |     |
    |   |  (I-TRIP/   |  |     |t|  |d|  |  Management |-++-+----| GW  |
    |   |   E-TRIP)   |  |     |i|  |a|  |             | |  |    +-----+
    |   | (Egress LS) |  |     |o|  |t|  |             |-+  +---
    |   +-----------/-+  |     |n|  |i|  +-------------+ |  |    +-----+
    |              /     |     | |  |o|                  |  |  --|     |
    |             /      |     | |  |n|    (Ingress LS)  |  |    | GW  |
    |            /       |     +-+  +-+                  |  |    +-----+
    |           /        |              TGREP Receiver   |  |
    |          /         +-------------------------------+  |
    |         /                                             |
    |        /                                              |
           /                            LS/Proxy
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |       LS        |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |

   | D | N | P |         Interpretation                       |
   | 0 | 0 | 0 | Normal Mode | No Ptr Adjustment              |
   | 0 | 0 | 1 | Normal Mode | Positive Ptr Adjustment        |
   | 0 | 1 | 0 | Normal Mode | Negative Ptr Adjustment        |
   | 0 | 1 | 1 | Normal Mode | AIS-P                          |
   |   |   |   |             |                                |
   | 1 | 0 | 0 | DBA Mode    | STS SPE Unequipped             |
   | 1 | 0 | 1 | DBA Mode    | STS SPE Unequipped Pos Ptr Adj |
   | 1 | 1 | 0 | DBA Mode    | STS SPE Unequipped Neg Ptr Adj |
   | 1 | 1 | 1 | DBA Mode    | AIS-P                          |

             +------------+              +---------------+
             |            |              |               |
   SONET --> |    CEM     | --> PSN  --> |      CEM      | --> SONET
    SDH      | Packetizer |              | De-Packetizer |      SDH
             |            |              |               |
             +------------+              +---------------+

   .................  ..........................  ..................
   :      MPLS      :  :          GMPLS         :  :     MPLS       :
   :+---+  +---+   +----+         +---+        +----+   +---+  +---+:
   :|R1 |__|R11|___| G1 |_________|G3 |________| G5 |___|R31|__|R3 |:
   :+---+  +---+   +----+         +-+-+        +----+   +---+  +---+:
   :      ________/ :  :  _______/  |   _____ / :  :  ________/     :
   :     /          :  : /          |  /        :  : /              :
   :+---+  +---+   +----+         +-+-+        +----+   +---+  +---+:
   :|R2 |__|R21|___| G2 |_________|G4 |________| G6 |___|R41|__|R4 |:
   :+---+  +---+   +----+         +---+        +----+   +---+  +---+:
   :................:  :........................:  :................:

                                  e2e LSP

   ............................  .............................
   :            MPLS          :  :       GMPLS (PSC)         :
   :+---+        +---+       +----+        +---+        +---+:
   :|R1 |________|R11|_______| G1 |________|G3 |________|G5 |:
   :+---+        +---+       +----+        +-+-+        +---+:
   :      ______/  |   _____/ :  :  ______/  |   ______/     :
   :     /         |  /       :  : /         |  /            :
   :+---+        +---+       +----+        +-+-+        +---+:
   :|R2 |________|R21|_______| G2 |________|G4 |________|G6 |:
   :+---+        +---+       +----+        +---+        +---+:
   :..........................:  :...........................:

                             e2e LSP

       --------------    -------------------------    --------------
      | MPLS Client  |  |   GMPLS Server Network  |  |  MPLS Client |
      |   Network    |  |                         |  |    Network   |
      |              |  |                         |  |              |
      |     ----   --+--+--    -----   -----    --+--+--   ----     |
      |    |    | |        |  |     | |     |  |        | |    |    |
      |    |MPLS|_| Border |__|GMPLS|_|GMPLS|__| Border |_|MPLS|    |
      |    |LSR | | Router |  | LSR | | LSR |  | Router | |LSR |    |
      |    |    | |        |  |     | |     |  |        | |    |    |
      |     ----   --+--+--    -----   -----    --+--+--   ----     |
      |              |  |                         |  |              |
      |              |  |                         |  |              |
       --------------    -------------------------    --------------

             |         |         GMPLS LSP         |         |
             |         |<------------------------->|         |
             |                                               |
                           End-to-End MPLS-TE LSP

                  LSP segment (S-LSP)
                 ====================> (LSP-AB)
                     C --- E --- G
                    /|\    |   / |\
                   / | \   |  /  | \
         R1 ---- A \ |  \  | /   | / B --- R2
                    \|   \ |/    |/
                     D --- F --- H

   Bit | Name                 | Attribute  | Path       | RRO | Reference
   No  |                      | Flags Path | Flags Resv |     |
   5    LSP stitching desired   Yes          No           Yes   [RFC5150]

  Bit | Name                 | Attribute  | Path       | RRO | Reference
  No  |                      | Flags Path | Flags Resv |     |
  4     Contiguous LSP         Yes          No           Yes   [RFC5150]

                <-area 1-><-- area 0 --><--- area 2 --->
                |    /   |              |  \     |
               R0--X1    |              |   X2---X3--R1
                |        |              |  /     |
               <=========== Inter-area TE LSP =======>

                     <---BGP--->            <---BGP-->
            |\     \ |       / |   / |   / |          |      |
            | \     ASBR2---/ ASBR5  | --  |          |      |
            |  \     |         |     |/    |          |      |

                     <---BGP--->            <---BGP-->
            |\     \ |       / |   / |   / |          |      |
            | \     ASBR2---/ ASBR5  | --  |          |      |
            |  \     |         |     |/    |          |      |

                                           +------> T'
                          T ---->| middlebox |----> T''
                                           +------> T'''

                                           +------> T_r1
                        T_l <--->| middlebox |<---> T_r2
                                           +------> T_r3

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |Opt|
   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |Out|

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 0 |

   IPv6-in-IPv4 packets (A)|             |     IPv6 packets
   ------------------------| 6to4router  |--------------------------
                           |             |    |  |   |     |   |
                           +-------------+   local IPv6 clients

       IPv4 network (A)|             | IPv6 network
    -------------------| 6to4router  |-------------
    |             |    |  |   | interface identifier
                       +-------------+   1A  |   | local IPv6 address
                                             |   |
                                             1B  |

   Provider-               /--------------SP chain---------------\
   view         /--Agreement--\
              +----+       +----+    +----+    +----+       +----+
              |SP  +-------+SP  +----+SP  +----+SP  +- ... -+SP  |
              |n+1 |       |n   |    |n-1 |    |n-2 |       |1   |
              +----+       +----+    +----+    +----+       +----+
   Domain-            -----> packet flow                      /
   oriented                                              Destination
   view                    <----------- Guarantee Scope --------->

     view                          /--Agreement--\
                                 +----+       +----+
                                 |SP  +-------+SP  +
                                 |n+1 |       |n   |
                                 +----+       +----+
     Domain-               -----> packet flow
     oriented                                 <---->
     view                                  Guarantee Scope

                +----+    +----+               +----+    +----+
                |SP  +----+SP  |               |SP  +----+SP  |
                |1   |    |2   |               |1   |    |2   |
                +-+--+    +--+-+               +-+--+    +----+
                  |   \  /   |                   |      /
                  |    \/    |                   |     /
                  |    /\    |                   |    /
                  |   /  \   |                   |   /
                +-+--+    +--+-+               +-+--+    +----+
                |SP  +----+SP  |               |SP  |    |SP  |
                |4   |    |3   |               |4   |    |3   |
                +----+    +----+               +----+    +----+
                a) physical configuration      b) an MQC plane

      +------+                              +------+
      |  MN  |                              |  NN  |
      | (EP) |                              | (EP) |
      +------+                              +------+
                   Information Exchange

      +------+           +------+           +------+
      |  MN  |           |  NN  |           |  NN  |
      |      |           | (EP) |           | (EP) |
      +------+           +------+           +------+
                   Information Exchange

           (Transport over  /------------------\
          <--------------->< Transport over IP  >
               e.g. L2)     \------------------/

      +------+          +------+
      |  NN  |          |  NN  |
      | (EP) |          | (EP) |
      +------+          +------+
         Information Exchange

      |Mobility Service|           Opaque Payload               |
      |Transport Header|     (Mobility Support Service)         |

   +----------+                          +----------+
   |          |   Disconnect-Request     |          |
   |          |   <--------------------  |          |
   |    NAS   |                          |    DAC   |
   |          |   Disconnect-ACK/NAK     |          |
   |          |   ---------------------> |          |
   +----------+                          +----------+

   +----------+                          +----------+
   |          |      CoA-Request         |          |
   |          |  <--------------------   |          |
   |   NAS    |                          |    DAC   |
   |          |     CoA-ACK/NAK          |          |
   |          |   ---------------------> |          |
   +----------+                          +----------+

                      | HA |
                       ----        --------
                        |        /          \          ----
                       -+--------| Internet |---------| CN |
                                 \          /          ----
                                 /          \
                                /            \
                               /              \
                             ----            ----
                            | AR |          | AR |
                             ----            ----
                               |cellular       |cellular

                        /      |cellular
                        |    ----        ----
               Mobile   |   | MR |      |LFN |   ---movement-->
              Network   <    ----        ----
                        |      |           |
                        |     -+-----------+-
                        \       Bluetooth

                  LFN        MR                      HA        CN
                   |         |                       |         |
                   |         | Extended Registration |         |
                   |         |---------------------->|         |
                   |         |        Request        |         |
                   |         |                       |         |
                   |         |                       |         |
                   |         | Extended Registration |         |
                   |         |<----------------------|         |
                   |         |        Reply          |         |
                   |         |                       |         |
                   |         |     Encapsulated      |         |
                   |         |  Application Traffic  |         |
                   |         |                       |         |

   | 0 | Success                                                       |
   | 1 | Invalid prefix length (MOBNET_INVALID_PREFIX_LEN)             |
   | 2 | Mobile Router is not authorized for prefix                    |
   |   | (MOBNET_UNAUTHORIZED)                                         |
   | 3 | Forwarding setup failed (MOBNET_FWDING_SETUP_FAILED)          |

      -------------------------   -----------------------------
                Request                       Response
                  ||      /\             /\      ||
      Layer N     ||      ||             ||      ||
      ------------||------||---   -------||------||------------
                  ||      ||             ||      ||
                  \/      ||             ||      \/
      Layer N-m        Confirm       Indication
      -------------------------   -----------------------------

      ----------===========     ----------===========
      |         |[        ]     |         |[        ]
      |   PE    |[   AE   ]     |   PE    |[   AE   ]
      |         |[        ]     |         |[        ]
      ----------===========     ----------===========
      Layer N     ||   /\                   ||   /\
           Request||   ||           Response||   ||
                  ||   ||                   ||   ||
                  ||   ||                   ||   ||
                  ||   ||Confirm            ||   ||Indication
                  \/   ||                   \/   ||
      ----------===========     ----------===========
      |         |[        ]     |         |[        ]
      |   PE    |[   AE   ]     |   PE    |[   AE   ]
      |         |[        ]     |         |[        ]
      ----------===========     ----------===========
      Layer N-m

          L2                               L3
           |                                |
           =                                =
           |                                |
          Low                               |
           |                                |
           |                            Preparation
       L2 Handover--LinkConnect.cnf-------->:
           :                                :
           :                                :
           finish---------LinkUp.ind----->L3 Handover
           |                             finish
           |                                |

      MN-L2                            MN-L3        PAR-L3
        |                                |             |
       AP<----------PoAList.req----------|             |
      Scan----------PoAList.cnf--------->|             |
        |                                |---RtSolPr-->|
        |                                |<--PrRtAdv---|
        |----------PoAFound.ind--------->|             |
        |                                |---RtSolPr-->|
        |                                |<--PrRtAdv---|
        |                                |             |
        ~                                ~             ~
        |                                |             |
       Low                               |             |
      Signal---LinkStatusChanged.ind---->|             |        NAR-L3
        |                                |-----FBU---->|           |
        |                                |             |----HI---->|
        |                                |             |<--HAck----|
        |                                |<----FBack---|           |
        |<-------LinkConnect.req---L3 Handover         |           |
    L2 Handover--LinkConnect.cnf-------->:                         |
        :                                :                         |
        :                                :                         |
     finish---------LinkUp.ind---------->:                         |
        |                                :-----------FNA---------->|
        |                             finish<======packets=========|
        |                                |                         |

      MN-L2                            MN-L3        PAR-L3
        |                                |             |
       AP<----------PoAList.req----------|             |
      Scan----------PoAList.cnf--------->|             |
        |                                |---RtSolPr-->|
        |                                |<--PrRtAdv---|
        |----------PoAFound.ind--------->|             |
        |                                |---RtSolPr-->|
        |                                |<--PrRtAdv---|
        |                                |             |
        ~                                ~             ~
        |                                |             |
       Low                               |             |
      Signal---LinkStatusChanged.ind---->|             |        NAR-L3
        |                                |-----FBU---->|           |
        |<-------LinkConnect.req---L3 Handover         |           |
    L2 Handover--LinkConnect.cnf-------->:             |           |
        |                                |             |----HI---->|
        |                                |             |<--HAck----|
        |                                |     <-FBack-|---FBack-->|
        |                                |<----FBack---------------|
        :                                :                         |
     finish---------LinkUp.ind---------->:                         |
        |                                :-----------FNA---------->|
        |                             finish<======packets=========|
        |                                |                         |

                  MN                PAR                NAR
                  |                  |                  |
                  |----- RtSolPr --->|                  |
                  |<---- PrRtAdv ----|                  |
                  |                  |                  |
            +---  |------ FBU ------>|                  |
            |     |                  |------- HI ------>|
        20ms|     |                  |                  |
            |     |                  |<----- HAck ------|
            |     |                  |                  |
            +---  |<-------------- FBack -------------->|
                  |                  |                  |
            +-- disconnect           |                  |
            |  1ms|                  |                  |
            |   connect              |                  |
      8-10ms|     |                  |                  |
            |  7ms|                  |                  |
            |     |                  |                  |
            |     +----- FNA -------------------------->|
            +--   |<------------------------ deliver packets
                  |                  |                  |

                           |                      |
                         Area 1                 Area 1
                           |                      |
                          R3--------Area 1--------R4

             agent                                       middlebox
               | session establishment request               |
               |  (with middlebox challenge mc)              | CLOSED
               |                                             |
               | successful reply (with middlebox            |
               |  authentication ma and agent challenge ac)  |
               |                                             | NOAUTH
               | session establishment request               |
               |  (with agent authentication aa)             |
               |                                             |
               | successful reply                            |
               |                                             | OPEN
               |                                             |

       +----------+                                 +----------+
       | internal | A0    A1 +-----------+ A2    A3 | external |
       | endpoint +----------+ middlebox +----------+ endpoint |
       +----------+          +-----------+          +----------+

                         PRR/success   +---------------+
                     +-----------------+  PRID UNUSED  |<-+
           +----+    |                 +---------------+  |
           |    |    |                   ^   |            |
           |    v    v                   |   |            |
           |  +-------------+    ARE     |   | PER/       | ARE
           |  |   RESERVED  +------------+   | success    | RLC(lt=0)/
           |  +-+----+------+  RLC(lt=0)/    |            |  success
           |    |    |          success      |            |
           +----+    |                       v            |
         RLC(lt>0)/  | PER/success     +---------------+  |
          success    +---------------->|    ENABLED    +--+
                                         |           ^
             lt = lifetime               +-----------+

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                      GL                       |
          |   (agent1,GID1) (agent1,GID2) (agent2,GID3)   |
          |                                               |
          |                   GS GID2                     |
          |    agent1  lifetime  PID1  PID2  PID3  PID4   |
          |                                               |

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                   PRS PID2                    |
          |       agent1  GID2  ENABLE  UDP  1  IN        |
          | IPADR_INT   PORT_INT1   IPADR_EXT   ANY       |
          | IPADR_EXT   ANY         IPADR_OUT   PORT_OUT2 |
          |                                               |

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                   PRS PID3                    |
          |       agent1  GID2  ENABLE  UDP  1  OUT       |
          |                                               |

         agent                                     middlebox
          |                   PRS PID4                    |
          |       agent1  GID2  ENABLE  TCP  1  BI        |
          |                                               |

               | B2BUA       |
               | for domain  ++++
               | example.com |  +
               +-------------+  +
                    ^   ^       +
        Private     |   |       +     Public Network
        Network     |   |       +
      +----------+  |   |  +----+------+         +----------------+
      | SIP User |<-+   +->| Middlebox |<------->| SIP User Agent |
      | Agent A  |<#######>|   NAPT    |<#######>| B@example.org  |
      +----------+         +-----------+         +----------------+

   User Agent      B2BUA                       Middlebox   User Agent
    A                                             NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
    | INVITE         |                              |              |
    | B@example.org  |                              |              |
    | SDP:m=..P_AI.. |                              |              |
    |     c=IP_AI    |                              |              |
    |--------------->|                              |              |
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |  PER PID1 UDP 1 EVEN IN      |              |
    |                |   IP_AI P_AI ANY ANY 300s    |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |    PER OK GID1 PID1 ANY ANY  |              |
    |                |       IP_AE P_AE1 300s       |              |

   User Agent      B2BUA                       Middlebox   User Agent
    A                                             NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
       ...PER in Figure 11 has failed, continuing with PRR ...
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |PRR tw v4 v4 A UDP 1 EVEN 300s|              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                | PRR OK PID1 GID1 EMPTY       |              |
    |                |  IP_AE/P_AE 300s             |              |
    |                |                              |              |
    |                | INVITE B@example.org SDP:m=..P_AE.. c=IP_AE |
    |                |-------------------------------------------->|
    |                |<--------------------------------------------|
    |                |       200 OK  SDP:m=..P_B.. c=IP_B          |

   User Agent      B2BUA                       Middlebox   User Agent
    A                                             NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |  PER PID1 UDP 1 SAME IN      |              |
    |                |   IP_AI P_AI IP_B ANY 300s   |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |    PER OK GID1 PID1 IP_B ANY |              |
    |                |       IP_AE P_AE1 300s       |              |
    |                |                              |              |
            ...media stream from user agent B to A enabled...
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |  PER GID1 UDP 1 SAME OUT     |              |
    |                |    IP_AI ANY IP_B P_B 300s   |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |   PER OK GID1 PID2 IP_B P_B  |              |
    |                |       IP_AE P_AE2 300s       |              |
    |                |                              |              |
             ...media streams from both directions enabled...
    |                |                              |              |
    |    200 OK      |                              |              |
    |<---------------|                              |              |
    | SDP:m=..P_B..  |                              |              |
    |     c=IP_B     |                              |              |

   User Agent      B2BUA                       Middlebox   User Agent
    A                                             NAPT             B
    |                |                              |              |
    |     BYE        |                     BYE                     |
    |                |                              |              |
    |    200 OK      |                   200 OK                    |
    |                |                              |              |
    |                |         GLC GID1 0s          |              |
    |                |*****************************>|              |
    |                |<*****************************|              |
    |                |         GLC OK 0s            |              |
    |                |                              |              |
       ...both NAT bindings for the media streams are removed...

               +--------------+  notification +------------+
               | MIDCOM client|<--------------| middlebox  |
               +--------------+    message    +------------+

               +--------------+      SNMP     +------------+
               | SNMP manager |<--------------| SNMP agent |
               +--------------+  notification +------------+

               +--------------+    request    +------------+
               | MIDCOM client|-------------->| middlebox  |
               +--------------+    message    +------------+

               +--------------+               +------------+
               |              |    SNMP SET   |            |
               |              |-------------->|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP SET   |            |
               |              |<--------------|            |
               |              | reply message |            |
               | SNMP manager |               | SNMP agent |
               |              |    SNMP SET   |            |
               |              |- - - - - - - >|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP SET   |            |
               |              |< - - - - - - -|            |
               |              | reply message |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |  . . .        |            |
               +--------------+               +------------+

               +--------------+     reply     +------------+
               | MIDCOM client|<--------------| middlebox  |
               +--------------+    message    +------------+

               +--------------+               +------------+
               |              |     SNMP      |            |
               |              |<--------------|            |
               |              |  notification |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |-------------->|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               | SNMP manager |               | SNMP agent |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |<--------------|            |
               |              | reply message |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |- - - - - - - >|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |< - - - - - - -|            |
               |              | reply message |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |  . . .        |            |
               +--------------+               +------------+

               +--------------+    request    +------------+
               |              |-------------->|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               | MIDCOM client|               | middlebox  |
               |              |     reply     |            |
               |              |<--------------|            |
               +--------------+    message    +------------+

               +--------------+               +------------+
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |-------------->|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |<--------------|            |
               |              | reply message |            |
               | SNMP manager |               | SNMP agent |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |- - - - - - - >|            |
               |              |    message    |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |    SNMP GET   |            |
               |              |< - - - - - - -|            |
               |              | reply message |            |
               |              |               |            |
               |              |  . . .        |            |
               +--------------+               +------------+

         +----------+                                 +----------+
         | internal | A0    A1 +-----------+ A2    A3 | external |
         | endpoint +----------+ middlebox +----------+ endpoint |
         +----------+          +-----------+          +----------+

   PaC      PAA  Message(sequence number)[AVPs]
      ----->     PANA-Client-Initiation(0)
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(x)[PRF-Algorithm,Integrity-Algorithm]
                                              // The 'S' (Start) bit set
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(x)[PRF-Algorithm, Integrity-Algorithm]
                                              // The 'S' (Start) bit set
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(x+1)[Nonce, EAP-Payload]
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(x+1)[Nonce] // No piggybacking EAP
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Request(y)[EAP-Payload]
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Answer(y)
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(x+2)[EAP-Payload]
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(x+2)[EAP-Payload]
                                            // Piggybacking EAP
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(x+3)[Result-Code, EAP-Payload,
                                        Key-Id, Session-Lifetime, AUTH]
                                           // The 'C' (Complete) bit set
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(x+3)[Key-Id, AUTH]
                                           // The 'C' (Complete) bit set

   PaC      PAA  Message(sequence number)[AVPs]
      ----->     PANA-Notification-Request(q)[AUTH]
                               // The 'A' (re-Authentication) bit set
      <-----     PANA-Notification-Answer(q)[AUTH]
                               // The 'A' (re-Authentication) bit set
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(p)[EAP-Payload, Nonce, AUTH]
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(p)[AUTH, Nonce]
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Request(q+1)[EAP-Payload, AUTH]
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Answer(q+1)[AUTH]
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(p+1)[EAP-Payload, AUTH]
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(p+1)[EAP-Payload, AUTH]
      <-----     PANA-Auth-Request(p+2)[Result-Code, EAP-Payload,
                                        Key-Id, Session-Lifetime, AUTH]
                                        // The 'C' (Complete) bit set
      ----->     PANA-Auth-Answer(p+2)[Key-Id, AUTH]
                                        // The 'C' (Complete) bit set

   Message Name              Abbrev. Message  PaC<->PAA  Ref.
   PANA-Client-Initiation     PCI    1        -------->  7.1
   PANA-Auth-Request          PAR    2        <------->  7.2
   PANA-Auth-Answer           PAN    2        <------->  7.3
   PANA-Termination-Request   PTR    3        <------->  7.4
   PANA-Termination-Answer    PTA    3        <------->  7.5
   PANA-Notification-Request  PNR    4        <------->  7.6
   PANA-Notification-Answer   PNA    4        <------->  7.7

                         |        Message Type       |
   Attribute Name        |PCI|PAR|PAN|PTR|PTA|PNR|PNA|
   AUTH                  | 0 |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
   EAP-Payload           | 0 |0-1|0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   Integrity-Algorithm   | 0 |0+ |0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   Key-Id                | 0 |0-1|0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   Nonce                 | 0 |0-1|0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   PRF-Algorithm         | 0 |0+ |0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   Result-Code           | 0 |0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   Session-Lifetime      | 0 |0-1| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
   Termination-Cause     | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

           +-----+       PANA        +-----+     LDAP, API, etc. +-----+
           | PaC |<----------------->| PAA |<------------------->| AS  |
           +-----+                   +-----+                     +-----+
              ^                         ^
              |                         |
              |         +-----+         |
      IKE,    +-------->| EP  |<--------+ ANCP, API, etc.
      4-way handshake,  +-----+
      etc.                 .
                      Data traffic

                  PaC             EP               PAA              AS
                   |               |                |                |
      IP address ->|               |                |                |
      config.      |       PANA    |                |      AAA       |
                   |               |  Provisioning  |                |
      (Optional)   |               |<-------------->|                |
      IP address ->|               |                |                |
      reconfig.    |   Sec.Assoc.  |                |                |
                   |<------------->|                |                |
                   |               |                |                |
                   |  Data traffic |                |                |
                   |<----------------->             |                |
                   |               |                |                |

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi],[IDr],
       {SP}, KEMAC                --->
                                              R_MESSAGE =
                                 [<---]       HDR, T, [IDr], V

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi],
     [IDr], {SP}, KEMAC, [CHASH],
     PKE, SIGNi                   --->
                                               R_MESSAGE =
                                 [<---]         HDR, T, [IDr], V

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi],
        [IDr], {SP}, DHi, SIGNi   --->
                                             R_MESSAGE =
                                  <---        HDR, T, [IDr|CERTr],
                                               IDi, DHr, DHi, SIGNr

       HDR, T, RAND, [IDi],
       IDr, {SP}, DHi, KEMAC      --->
                                             R_MESSAGE =
                                  <---           HDR, T,[IDr], IDi,
                                                 DHr, DHi, KEMAC

   HDR, T, RAND1, [CREDi],
   IDr, {SP}                      --->
                                         R_MESSAGE =
                                  <---   HDR, T, [CREDr], IDi, DHr,
                                         RAND2, (SP)
          TGK = HMACx(RAND1|RAND2), where x = g^(xi * xr).

   HDR, SIGN(ENC(RAND3))          --->
                                         R_MESSAGE =
                                  <---   SIGN(ENC(RAND4))

   HDR, T, [IDi|CERTi], [IDr],
         {SP}, [RAND], SIGNi      --->
                                         R_MESSAGE =
                                  <---   HDR, [GenExt(CSB-ID)], T,
                                           RAND, [IDr|CERTr], [SP],
                                           KEMAC, SIGNr

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi],
       [IDr], {SP}, KEMAC,
       [CHASH], PKE, SIGNi        --->
                                                   R_MESSAGE =
                                 [<---]            HDR, T, [IDr], V

   HDR, T, RAND, [IDi|CERTi],
      [IDr], {SP},
      ECCPTi, SIGNi               --->
                                                  R_MESSAGE =
                                 [<---]           HDR, T, [IDr], V

                    I1: trigger exchange
                                              select precomputed R1
                    R1: puzzle, D-H, key, sig
    check sig                                 remain stateless
    solve puzzle
                  I2: solution, D-H, {key}, sig
    compute D-H                               check puzzle
                                              check sig
                            R2: sig
    check sig                                 compute D-H

                                +-+        +---------------------------+
           I1 received, send R1 | |        |                           |
                                | v        v                           |
            Datagram to send  +--------------+  I2 received, send R2   |
              +---------------| UNASSOCIATED |---------------+         |
      Send I1 |               +--------------+               |         |
              v                                              |         |
         +---------+  I2 received, send R2                   |         |
   +---->| I1-SENT |---------------------------------------+ |         |
   |     +---------+                                       | |         |
   |          |                 +------------------------+ | |         |
   |          | R1 received,    | I2 received, send R2   | | |         |
   |          v send I2         |                        v v v         |
   |     +---------+            |                   +---------+        |
   |  +->| I2-SENT |------------+                   | R2-SENT |<----+  |
   |  |  +---------+                                +---------+     |  |
   |  |          |                                     |            |  |
   |  |          |                                 data|            |  |
   |  |receive   |                                   or|            |  |
   |  |R1, send  |                           EC timeout| receive I2,|  |
   |  |I2        |R2 received +--------------+         |     send R2|  |
   |  |          +----------->| ESTABLISHED  |<-------+|            |  |
   |  |                       +--------------+                      |  |
   |  |                         |    |     |  receive I2, send R2   |  |
   |  |        recv+------------+    |     +------------------------+  |
   |  |      CLOSE,|                 |                              |  |
   |  |        send|   No packet sent|                              |  |
   |  |   CLOSE_ACK|   /received for |                   timeout    |  |
   |  |            |   UAL min, send |    +---------+<-+ (UAL+MSL)  |  |
   |  |            |           CLOSE +--->| CLOSING |--+ retransmit |  |
   |  |            |                      +---------+    CLOSE      |  |
   +--|------------|----------------------+ | |  | |                |  |
      +------------|------------------------+ |  | +----------------+  |
      |            |              +-----------+  +------------------|--+
      |            +------------+ | receive CLOSE,   CLOSE_ACK      |  |
      |                         | | send CLOSE_ACK   received or    |  |
      |                         | |                  timeout        |  |
      |                         | |                  (UAL+MSL)      |  |
      |                         v v                                 |  |
      |                        +--------+  receive I2, send R2      |  |
      +------------------------| CLOSED |---------------------------+  |
                               +--------+       /----------------------+
                                 ^ |   \-------/  timeout (UAL+2MSL),
                                 +-+              move to UNASSOCIATED
                  CLOSE received, send CLOSE_ACK

   | TLV                    | Type  | Length   | Data                  |
   | R1_COUNTER             | 128   | 12       | System Boot Counter   |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | PUZZLE                 | 257   | 12       | K and Random #I       |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | SOLUTION               | 321   | 20       | K, Random #I and      |
   |                        |       |          | puzzle solution J     |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | SEQ                    | 385   | 4        | Update packet ID      |
   |                        |       |          | number                |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | ACK                    | 449   | variable | Update packet ID      |
   |                        |       |          | number                |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | DIFFIE_HELLMAN         | 513   | variable | public key            |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | HIP_TRANSFORM          | 577   | variable | HIP Encryption and    |
   |                        |       |          | Integrity Transform   |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | ENCRYPTED              | 641   | variable | Encrypted part of I2  |
   |                        |       |          | packet                |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | HOST_ID                | 705   | variable | Host Identity with    |
   |                        |       |          | Fully-Qualified       |
   |                        |       |          | Domain FQDN (Name) or |
   |                        |       |          | Network Access        |
   |                        |       |          | Identifier (NAI)      |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | CERT                   | 768   | variable | HI Certificate; used  |
   |                        |       |          | to transfer           |
   |                        |       |          | certificates.  Usage  |
   |                        |       |          | is not currently      |
   |                        |       |          | defined, but it will  |
   |                        |       |          | be specified in a     |
   |                        |       |          | separate document     |
   |                        |       |          | once needed.          |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | NOTIFICATION           | 832   | variable | Informational data    |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | ECHO_REQUEST_SIGNED    | 897   | variable | Opaque data to be     |
   |                        |       |          | echoed back; under    |
   |                        |       |          | signature             |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | ECHO_RESPONSE_SIGNED   | 961   | variable | Opaque data echoed    |
   |                        |       |          | back; under signature |
   |                        |       |          |                       |

   | HMAC                   | 61505 | variable | HMAC-based message    |
   |                        |       |          | authentication code,  |
   |                        |       |          | with key material     |
   |                        |       |          | from HIP_TRANSFORM    |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | HMAC_2                 | 61569 | variable | HMAC based message    |
   |                        |       |          | authentication code,  |
   |                        |       |          | with key material     |
   |                        |       |          | from HIP_TRANSFORM.   |
   |                        |       |          | Compared to HMAC, the |
   |                        |       |          | HOST_ID parameter is  |
   |                        |       |          | included in HMAC_2    |
   |                        |       |          | calculation.          |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | HIP_SIGNATURE_2        | 61633 | variable | Signature of the R1   |
   |                        |       |          | packet                |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | HIP_SIGNATURE          | 61697 | variable | Signature of the      |
   |                        |       |          | packet                |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | ECHO_REQUEST_UNSIGNED  | 63661 | variable | Opaque data to be     |
   |                        |       |          | echoed back; after    |
   |                        |       |          | signature             |
   |                        |       |          |                       |
   | ECHO_RESPONSE_UNSIGNED | 63425 | variable | Opaque data echoed    |
   |                        |       |          | back; after signature |

                       I2: ESP_TRANSFORM, ESP_INFO

       H1                                                          H2


            UPDATE: ACK


                 +-----+          I1          +-----+-----+
                 |     |--------------------->|     |  S1 |
                 |     |<---------------------|     |     |
                 |     |  R1(REG_INFO:S1,S2)  |     +-----+
                 | RQ  |                      |  R  |  S2 |
                 |     |    I2(REG_REQ:S1)    |     |     |
                 |     |--------------------->|     +-----+
                 |     |<---------------------|     |  S3 |
                 |     |    R2(REG_RESP:S1)   |     |     |
                 +-----+                      +-----+-----+

                 +-----+                      +-----+-----+
                 |     |  UPDATE(REG_INFO:S)  |     |     |
                 |     |<---------------------|     |     |
                 | RQ  |--------------------->|  R  |  S  |
                 |     |  UPDATE(REG_REQ:S)   |     |     |
                 |     |  UPDATE(REG_RESP:S)  |     |     |
                 |     |<---------------------|     |     |
                 +-----+                      +-----+-----+

                       +-----+                +-----+
                       |     |-------I1------>|     |
                       |  I  |<------R1-------|  R  |
                       |     |-------I2------>|     |
                       |     |<------R2-------|     |
                       +-----+                +-----+

                 +-----+                            +-----+
                 |     |            I1              |     |
                 |     |--------------------------->|     |
                 |     |<---------------------------|     |
                 |  I  |         R1(REG_INFO)       | RVS |
                 |     |         I2(REG_REQ)        |     |
                 |     |--------------------------->|     |
                 |     |<---------------------------|     |
                 |     |         R2(REG_RES)        |     |
                 +-----+                            +-----+

                                               I1(RVS, R, HIT-I, HIT-R
         I1(I, RVS, HIT-I, HIT-R) +---------+     FROM:I, RVS_HMAC)
         +----------------------->|         |--------------------+
         |                        |   RVS   |                    |
         |                        |         |                    |
         |                        +---------+                    |
         |                                                       V
        +-----+        R1(R, I, HIT-R, HIT-I, VIA:RVS)       +-----+
        |     |<---------------------------------------------|     |
        |     |                                              |     |
        |  I  |            I2(I, R, HIT-I, HIT-R)            |  R  |
        |     |--------------------------------------------->|     |
        |     |<---------------------------------------------|     |
        +-----+             R2(R, I, HIT-R, HIT-I)           +-----+

               [HIP? A?        ]
               [www.example.com]            +-----+
          +-------------------------------->|     |
          |                                 | DNS |
          | +-------------------------------|     |
          | |  [HIP? A?        ]            +-----+
          | |  [www.example.com]
          | |  [HIP HIT-R HI-R ]
          | |  [A IP-R         ]
          | v
        +-----+                              +-----+
        |     |--------------I1------------->|     |
        |  I  |<-------------R1--------------|  R  |
        |     |--------------I2------------->|     |
        |     |<-------------R2--------------|     |
        +-----+                              +-----+

              [A?             ]
              [rvs.example.com]                     +-----+
         +----------------------------------------->|     |
         |                                          | DNS |
         | +----------------------------------------|     |
         | |  [HIP?                          ]      +-----+
         | |  [www.example.com               ]
         | |  [HIP HIT-R HI-R rvs.example.com]
         | |
         | |  [A?             ]
         | |  [rvs.example.com]
         | |  [A IP-RVS       ]
         | |
         | |                +-----+
         | | +------I1----->| RVS |-----I1------+
         | | |              +-----+             |
         | | |                                  |
         | | |                                  |
         | v |                                  v
        +-----+                              +-----+
        |     |<---------------R1------------|     |
        |  I  |----------------I2----------->|  R  |
        |     |<---------------R2------------|     |
        +-----+                              +-----+

    +--------------------+                       +--------------------+
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |   |    Key     |   |         HIP           |   |    Key     |   |
    |   | Management | <-+-----------------------+-> | Management |   |
    |   |  Process   |   |                       |   |  Process   |   |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |         ^          |                       |         ^          |
    |         |          |                       |         |          |
    |         v          |                       |         v          |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |   |   IPsec    |   |        ESP            |   |   IPsec    |   |
    |   |   Stack    | <-+-----------------------+-> |   Stack    |   |
    |   |            |   |                       |   |            |   |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |     Initiator      |                       |     Responder      |
    +--------------------+                       +--------------------+

            | TCP   |  (sockets bound to HITs)
      ----> | ESP   |  {HIT_s, HIT_d} <-> SPI
      |     ---------
      |         |
    ----    ---------
   | MH |-> | HIP   |  {HIT_s, HIT_d, SPI} <-> {IP_s, IP_d, SPI}
    ----    ---------
            |  IP   |




              -<- SPI1a --                         -- SPI2a ->-
      host1 <              > addr1a <---> addr2a <              > host2
              ->- SPI2a --                         -- SPI1a -<-

                              R1 with LOCATOR
   record additional addresses
   change responder address
                     I2 sent to newly indicated preferred address
                                                     (process normally)
   (process normally, later verification of non-preferred locators)

                             I2 with LOCATOR
                                                     (process normally)
                                             record additional addresses
                       R2 sent to source address of I2
   (process normally)

           +-------+                        +-------+
           |   A   |                        |   B   |
           +-------+                        +-------+
               |                                |
       address |------------------------------->| credit += size(packet)
        ACTIVE |                                |
               |------------------------------->| credit += size(packet)
               |<-------------------------------| do not change credit
               |                                |
               + address change                 |
               + address verification starts    |
       address |<-------------------------------| credit -= size(packet)
    UNVERIFIED |------------------------------->| credit += size(packet)
               |<-------------------------------| credit -= size(packet)
               |                                |
               |<-------------------------------| credit -= size(packet)
               |                                X credit < size(packet)
               |                                | => do not send packet!
               + address verification concludes |
       address |                                |
        ACTIVE |<-------------------------------| do not change credit
               |                                |

              -<- SPI1a --                         -- SPI2a ->-
      host1 <              > addr1a <---> addr2a <              > host2
              ->- SPI2a --                         -- SPI1a -<-

                                                   prepare incoming SA
                      NEW SPI in ESP_INFO (UPDATE)
   switch to new outgoing SA
                           data on new SA
                                                   mark address ACTIVE

          |       +----------------+               +---------------+
          |       |    Increase    |               |    Deliver    |
          +-----> | credit counter |-------------> |   packet to   |
                  | by packet size |               |  application  |
                  +----------------+               +---------------+

        |          _________________
        |         /                 \                 +---------------+
        |        /  Is the preferred \       No       |  Send packet  |
        +-----> | destination address |-------------> |  to preferred |
                 \    UNVERIFIED?    /                |    address    |
                  \_________________/                 +---------------+
                           | Yes
                  /                 \                 +---------------+
                 /   Does an ACTIVE  \      Yes       |  Send packet  |
                | destination address |-------------> |   to ACTIVE   |
                 \       exist?      /                |    address    |
                  \_________________/                 +---------------+
                           | No
                  /                 \                 +---------------+
                 /   Credit counter  \       No       |               |
                |          >=         |-------------> |  Drop packet  |
                 \    packet size?   /                |               |
                  \_________________/                 +---------------+
                           | Yes
                   +---------------+                  +---------------+
                   | Reduce credit |                  |  Send packet  |
                   |  counter by   |----------------> | to preferred  |
                   |  packet size  |                  |    address    |
                   +---------------+                  +---------------+

                     __ ____                          __ ____
                 .-''       `':                   .-''       `':
                 |             |                  |             |
                 |   +-+----+  |   Inter-AS SAV   |   +-+----+  |
                 |   |Router+--+------------------+---|Router+  +
                 |   +--.---+  |                  |   +--.---+  |
      Intra-AS   |      |       \      Intra-AS   |      |      |
         SAV     |   +--+---+    \        SAV     |   +--+---+  |
                 |   |Router|     \               |   |Router|  |
                 |   +--.---+      \               '_  +-----+  _
                 |      |           \               `'-------'''
                /       |            \
               /        |             \
              | +---------------------+\
          ----+---------. Router      | \
              | ++-------\------------+  \
              |  |     |  \    |     |    |

              |  | +------+|+------++----+|Intra-AS
              |  | |Switch|||Switch||Host||SAV

                         | SERVER        |
                         |    -------    |
                         |    | SAMS |   |
                         |    --------   |
                         | SWITCH        |
                         |    -------    |
                         |    | SAVP |   |
                         |    --------   |
                         | END HOST      |
                         |    -------    |
                         |    | SARC |   |
                         |    --------   |

                                        | AIMS   |
   --------------                   -----------|-----
   |  AS-4       |--------  --------|    AS-1  |    |-------     Global
   | ------      |ASBR,VE|->|ASBR,VE|    ------|-   |ASBR,VE|--->IPv6
   | |VRGE|      |--------  --------|    | VRGE |   |-------     Network
   | ------      |                  |    --------   |
   ---------------            ----- -----------------
                              |ASBR,VE|    |ASBR,VE|
                              ---------    ---------
                               /             |
                              /              |
                             /               |
                            /                |
                        ----------        --------
                        |ASBR, VE|        |ASBR,VE|
                   ---------------      -------------
                   |   AS-2      |      |  AS-3     |
                   |  -----      |      |   -----   |
                   |  |VRGE|     |      |  |VRGE|   |
                   |  -----      |      |  ------   |
                   ---------------      -------------

   The VRGE generates validation rules that are derived according to
   Table 1, and each AS has a VRGE.  The VE loads validation rules
   generated by VRGE to filter packets passed between ASes (in the case
   of Figure 3, from neighboring ASes into AS-1).  In the SAVA testbed,
   the VE is implemented as a simulated layer-2 device on a Linux-based
   machine inserted into the data path just outside each ASBR interface
   that faces a neighboring AS.  In a real-world implementation, it
   would probably be implemented as a packet-filtering set on the ASBR.
   The AS-IPv6 prefix mapping server is also implemented on a Linux
   machine and derives a mapping between an IPv6 prefix and the AS
   number of that prefix.
  |   \Export| Own     | Customer's| Sibling's | Provider's | Peer's   |
  |To  \     | Address | Address   | Address   | Address    | Address  |
  | Provider |    Y    |     Y     |     Y     |            |          |
  | Customer |    Y    |     Y     |     Y     |     Y      |    Y     |
  | Peer     |    Y    |     Y     |     Y     |            |          |
  | Sibling  |    Y    |     Y     |     Y     |     Y      |    Y     |

              .-----------------+ REG |-----------------.
              |                 +-----+                 |
              |                                         |
        ,-----+--------                          ,------+-------
      ,'     `|        `.                      ,'     ` |       `.
     /        |         \                     /         |         \
    /         |          \                   /          |          \
   ;       +--'--+      +----+             +----+     +-----+       ;
   |       | ASC +------+ASBR|             |ASBR+-----+ ASC |       |
   :       +--.--+      +----+`            +----+     +--+--+       :
    \         |__________________________________________|         /
     \                   /                    \                   /
      `.               ,'                      `.               ,'
        '-------------'                          '-------------'
             AS-1                                     AS-2

   It is intended that eventually the SAVA testbed will be implemented
   directly on the CNGI-CERNET2 backbone, but in the early stages the
   testbed has been implemented across 12 universities connected to
   CNGI-CERNET2.  First, this is because some of the algorithms need to
   be implemented in the testbed routers themselves, and to date they
   have not been implemented on any of the commercial routers forming
   the CNGI-CERNET2 backbone.  Second, since CNGI-CERNET2 is an
   operational backbone, any new protocols and networking techniques
   need to be tested in a non-disruptive way.
                             ,'  \                            _,...._
                            ,'    \____---------------+     ,'Beijing`.
                            /      \  | Inter-AS SAV  |-----| Univ    |
    +---------------+     |         | +---------------+     `-._____,'
    | Inter-AS SAV  +-----|         |
    +------.--------+     |  CNGI-  |                         _,...._
           |              | CERNET2 |__---------------+     ,Northeast`.
           |              |         | |Inter-AS SAV   |-----| Univ    |
   Tsinghua|University    | Backbone| +---------------+     `-._____,'
        ,,-|-._           |         |
      ,'   |   `.         |         |
    ,'+---------+\        |         |
   |  |Intra-AS | |       |         |      ...
   |  |   SAV   | |       |         |
   |  +---------+ |       |         |
   |       |      |       |         |                         _,...._
   |  +---------+ |       |         |__---------------+     ,Chongqing`.
   |  | Access  | |       |         | |Inter-AS SAV   |-----|Univ     |
   |  | Network | |       |         | +---------------+     `-._____,'
   |  |  SAV    | |       |         |
    \ +---------+.'        \       .'
     \          ,'          \      |
      `.      ,'             \    /
        ``---'                -_,'

                         : Network element           :
                         :            --------       :
                         :           |  PSC   |      :
             Link1 -------------<->--|#a      |      :
                         :           |        |      :
                         :  +--<->---|#b      |      :
                         :  |         --------       :
                         :  |        ----------      :
             TDM         :  +--<->--|#c  TDM   |     :
              +PSC       :          |          |     :
             Link2 ------------<->--|#d        |     :
                         :           ----------      :

  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+
  | MN  |                | MAG |                | LMA |
  +-----+                +-----+                +-----+
     |                      |                      |
 MN Attached                |                      |
     |                      |                      |
     |       MN Attached Event from MN/Network     |
     |        (Acquire MN-Id and Profile)          |
     |                      |                      |
     |--- Rtr Sol --------->|                      |
     |                      |                      |
     |                      |--- PBU ------------->|
     |                      |                      |
     |                      |                  Accept PBU
     |                      | (Allocate MN-HNP(s), Setup BCE and Tunnel)
     |                      |                      |
     |                      |<------------- PBA ---|
     |                      |                      |
     |                 Accept PBA                  |
     |          (Set Up Tunnel and Routing)        |
     |                      |                      |
     |                      |==== Bi-Dir Tunnel ===|
     |                      |                      |
     |<--------- Rtr Adv ---|                      |
     |                      |                      |
  IP Address                |                      |
 Configuration              |                      |
     |                      |                      |

    +-----+          +-----+          +-----+          +-----+
    | MN  |          |p-MAG|          | LMA |          |n-MAG|
    +-----+          +-----+          +-----+          +-----+
       |                |                |                |
       |                |==Bi-Dir Tunnel=|                |
   MN Detached          |                |                |
       |         MN Detached Event       |                |
       |                |                |                |
       |                |-- DeReg PBU -->|                |
       |                |                |                |
       |                |            Accept PBU           |
       |                |   (Start MinDelayBeforeBCEDelete Timer)
       |                |                |                |
       |                |<-------- PBA --|                |
       |                |                |                |
   MN Attached          |                |                |
       |                |                |   MN Attached event received
       |                |                |     from MN or from network
       |                |                |   (Acquire MN-Id and Profile)
       |                |                |                |
       |--- Rtr Sol ------------------------------------->|
                                    Registration steps as in Fig. 2.
       |                |                |==Bi-Dir Tunnel=|
       |                |                |                |
       |<------------------------------------ Rtr Adv ----|
       |                |                |                |
   MN retains HoA/HNP(s)
       |                |                |                |

                 Proxy-CoA                   LMAA
                    |                          |
    +--+          +---+                      +---+          +--+
    +--+          +---+                      +---+          +--+
                            IPv6 Tunnel

   |  Packet Source    | Destination Address  | Destination Interface |
   | MAC_Address_MN1,  | _ANY_DESTINATION_    |     Tunnel0           |
   | (IPv6 Prefix or   |----------------------------------------------|
   |  Input Interface) | Locally Connected    |     Tunnel0           |
   | MAC_Address_MN2,  | _ANY_DESTINATION_    |     Tunnel1           |
   + (IPv6 Prefix or   -----------------------------------------------|
   |  Input Interface  | Locally Connected    |     direct            |

   | Interface | Source Address | Destination Address | Encapsulation |
   | Tunnel0   |   Proxy-CoA    |        LMAA1         | IPv6-in-IPv6 |
   | Tunnel1   |   Proxy-CoA    |        LMAA2         | IPv6-in-IPv6 |

   |0              1|1              3|3                              6|
   |0              5|6              1|2                              3|

                     +--------- +-----+ <--------+
                     |          | CA1 |          |
                     | +------> +-----+ -------+ |
                     | |           |           | |
                     | |       +---+--+        | |
                     | |       v      v        | |
                     | |     +----+ +----+     | |
                     | |     | EE | | EE |     | |
                     | |     +----+ +----+     | |
                     v |                       v |
                   +-----+ ----------------> +-----+
                   | CA2 |                   | CA3 |
                   +-----+ <---------------- +-----+
                      |                         |
                  +---+--+               +------+------+
                  v      v               v      v      v
                +----+ +----+          +----+ +----+ +----+
                | EE | | EE |          | EE | | EE | | EE |
                +----+ +----+          +----+ +----+ +----+

                     +--------- +-----+
                     |          | CA1 | --------+
                     | +------> +-----+         |
                     | |           |            |
                     | |       +---+--+         |
                     | |       v      v         |
                     | |     +----+ +----+      |
                     | |     | EE | | EE |      |
                     | |     +----+ +----+      |
                     v |                        v
                   +-----+                   +-----+
                   | CA2 | ----------------> | CA3 |
                   +-----+                   +-----+
                      |                         |
                  +---+--+               +------+------+
                  v      v               v      v      v
                +----+ +----+          +----+ +----+ +----+
                | EE | | EE |          | EE | | EE | | EE |
                +----+ +----+          +----+ +----+ +----+

                              |                PKI domain 2 |
               +----------------------------+               |
               |              |             |               |
               | +------+ <------ +------+ <------ +------+ |
               | | PKI1 |     |   | PKI2 |  |      | PKI3 | |
               | +------+ ------> +------+ ------> +------+ |
               |              |             |               |
               |              +-----------------------------+
               | PKI domain 1               |

              Cross-certified                   Cross-certified
               Unifying CA                       Unifying CA
              to PKI domain 1 +--------------+  to PKI domain 3
                    +---------|  Unifying CA |---+
                    |         +--------------+   |
                    |                 |          |
                    |  Cross-certified|          |
                    |   Unifying CA   |          |
                    |  to PKI domain 2|          |
        +-----------|---+ +-----------|---+ +----|-----------------+
        |    PKI    |   | |    PKI    |   | |    |    PKI          |
        |  domain 1 |   | |  domain 2 |   | |    |  domain 3       |
        |           v   | |           v   | |    v                 |
        |       +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ ----+        |
        |   +---| PCA | | |       | PCA | | | | PCA |     |        |
        |   |   +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ <-+ |        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | ^     | v        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+       |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   | CA |---+   |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+   |   |
        |   |      |    | |          v    | |   v |    ^ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |       +----+  | | +----+   | |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   +---| CA |  | | | CA |---+ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |   +----+  | | +----+     |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |      |    | |   |        |     |   |
        |   v      v    | |   v      v    | |   v        v     v   |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | EE | |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        +---------------+ +---------------+ +----------------------+

        +---------------+                 +------------------------+
        |    PKI        | cross-certified |         PKI            |
        |  domain 1     |    each other   |       domain 2         |
        |      +-----+ --------------------> +-----+ ----+         |
        |      | PCA |  |                 |  | PCA |     |         |
        |      +-----+ <-------------------- +-----+ <-+ |         |
        |         |     |                 |     ^      | v         |
        |         |     |                 |     |    +----+        |
        |         |     |                 |     |    | CA |---+    |
        |         |     |                 |     |    +----+   |    |
        |         v     |                 |     v     ^ |     |    |
        |       +----+  |                 |   +----+  | |     |    |
        |   +---| CA |  |                 |   | CA |--+ |     |    |
        |   |   +----+  |                 |   +----+    |     |    |
        |   |      |    |                 |     |       |     |    |
        |   v      v    |                 |     v       v     v    |
        | +----+ +----+ |                 |   +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        | | EE | | EE | |                 |   | EE | | EE | | EE | |
        | +----+ +----+ |                 |   +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        +---------------+                 +------------------------+

          cross-certified                      cross-certified
        PKI domain 1 with BCA               PKI domain 3 with BCA
                  +---------> +-----------+ -----+
                  |           | Bridge CA |      |
                  | +-------- +-----------+ <--+ |
                  | |                 ^ |      | |
                  | | cross-certified | |      | |
                  | |   PKI domain 2  | |      | |
                  | |     with BCA    | |      | |
        +---------|-|---+ +-----------|-|-+ +--|-|-----------------+
        |  PKI    | |   | |   PKI     | | | |  | |    PKI          |
        |domain 1 | v   | | domain 2  | v | |  | v  domain 3       |
        |       +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ ----+        |
        |   +---| PCA | | |       | PCA | | | | PCA |     |        |
        |   |   +-----+ | |       +-----+ | | +-----+ <-+ |        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | ^     | v        |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+       |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   | CA |---+   |
        |   |      |    | |          |    | |   | |   +----+   |   |
        |   |      |    | |          v    | |   v |    ^ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |       +----+  | | +----+   | |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   +---| CA |  | | | CA |---+ |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |   +----+  | | +----+     |     |   |
        |   |      |    | |   |      |    | |   |        |     |   |
        |   v      v    | |   v      v    | |   v        v     v   |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | | | EE | | EE | | EE | |
        | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ |
        +---------------+ +---------------+ +----------------------+

      |  Relying party                                              |
      | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
      | | Trust List                                              | |
      | | +--------------+  +--------------+     +--------------+ | |
      | | | PKI 1        |  | PKI 2        | ... | PKI n        | | |
      | | | Trust anchor |  | Trust anchor |     | Trust anchor | | |
      | | +--------------+  +--------------+     +--------------+ | |
      | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |

      |  Trust Authority                                            |
      | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
      | | Trust List                                              | |
      | | +--------------+  +--------------+     +--------------+ | |
      | | | PKI 1        |  | PKI 2        | ... | PKI n        | | |
      | | | Trust anchor |  | Trust anchor |     | Trust anchor | | |
      | | +--------------+  +--------------+     +--------------+ | |
      | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |

           +---------------------+  +---------------------+
           |   Relying party 1   |  |   Relying party 2   |
           | +-----------------+ |  | +-----------------+ | ...
           | | Trust Authority | |  | | Trust Authority | |
           | +-----------------+ |  | +-----------------+ |
           +---------------------+  +---------------------+

          Scale ^
                |             +------------+
                |             |            |
                |             |  Original  |
                |             |  Protocol  |
                |             |   Design   |
                |             |   Space    |
                |             |            |
             <-----------------------------------------------> Purpose

       Scale ^  +---------------------------------------+
             |  | Actual Deployment                     |
             |  |                                       |
             |  |                                       |
             |  |            +------------+             |
             |  |            |  Original  |             |
             |  | (Web       |   Design   | (Firewall   |
             |  |  Services) |   Space    |  Traversal) |
             |  |            |   (Web)    |             |
          <-----------------------------------------------> Purpose

       Scale ^  +-------------------+
             |  | Actual Deployment |
             |  |                   |
             |  |                   |   Original Design Space
             |  |     +-------------+--------------+
             |  |     |(IP/Ethernet)|(Non-IP)      |
             |  |(DNA)|             |              |
             |  |     |             |(Non-Ethernet)|
             |  |     |             |              |
          <-----------------------------------------------> Purpose

                          |    Internet    |
                             |          |
          2001:db8:1000::/36 |          | 2001:db8:8000::/36
                        +----+-+      +-+----+
                        | ISP1 |      | ISP2 |
                        +----+-+      +-+----+
                             |          |
         2001:db8:1000:::/48 |          | 2001:db8:8000::/48
                       +-----+---+ +----+----+
                       | Router1 | | Router2 |
                       +-------+-+ +-+-------+
                               |     |
          2001:db8:1000:1::/64 |     | 2001:db8:8000:1::/64
                               |     |
                           +-+----+ 2001:db8:1000:1::100
                           | Host | 2001:db8:8000:1::100

                        |    Internet    |
                             |       |
          2001:db8:1000::/36 |       | 2001:db8:8000::/36
                        +----+-+   +-+----+
                        | ISP1 |   | ISP2 |
                        +----+-+   +-+----+
                             |       |
         2001:db8:1000:::/48 |       | 2001:db8:8000::/48
                            | Router  |
                                 |  2001:db8:1000:1::/64
                                 |  2001:db8:8000:1::/64
                           +-+----+ 2001:db8:1000:1::100
                           | Host | 2001:db8:8000:1::100

                           | Host-C | 2001:db8:a000::1
                        ==============  +--------+
                        |  Internet  |  | Host-B | 2001:db8:8000::1
                        ==============  +--------+
                             |           |
           2001:db8:1000:/36 |           | 2001:db8:8000::/36
                        +----+-+   +-+---++
                        | ISP1 |   | ISP2 | (Closed Network/VPN tunnel)
                        +----+-+   +-+----+
                             |       |
           2001:db8:1000:/48 |       | 2001:db8:8000::/48
                            | Router  |
                                 |  2001:db8:1000:1::/64
                                 |  2001:db8:8000:1::/64
                          +--+-----+ 2001:db8:1000:1::100
                          | Host-A | 2001:db8:8000:1::100

                              | Router  |
                                   |  2001:db8:b::/64  (new)
                                   |  2001:db8:a::/64 (old)
                            +--+---+ 2001:db8:b::100  (new)
                            | Host | 2001:db8:a::100 (old)

                            | Tunnel  |
                            | Service |
                               |   ||
                               |   ||
                        | Internet || |
                             |     ||
       |     ||
                        +----+-+   ||
                        | ISP  |   ||
                        +----+-+   ||
                             |     ||
               IPv4 (Native) |     || IPv6 (Tunnel)
       |     ||
                            | Router  |
                                 |  2001:db8:a:1::/64
                           +-+----+ 2001:db8:a:1::100
                           | Host |

                            | Host-B |
                              |  |
                      | Internet | |
                            |    |
                            |    |
                       +----+-+  +-->+------+
                       | ISP  +------+  DNS | 2001:db8:a::80
                       +----+-+  +-->+------+ fc12:3456:789a::80
                            |    |
            2001:db8:a::/48 |    |
        fc12:3456:789a::/48 |    |
                       | Router  ||
                           |     |    2001:db8:a:100::/64
                           |     |    fc12:3456:789a:100::/64
                             |   |
                           +-+---|--+ 2001:db8:a:100::100
                           | Host-A | fc12:3456:789a:100::100

         Code    Len   LoST Server Domain Name
         | 137 |  n  |  s1 |  s2 |  s3 |  s4 | s5  |  ...

      |137 |13 | 7 | e | x | a | m | p | l | e | 3 | c | o | m | 0 |

         <--- interpretation interval (size is 2^k) ---->
      v_ref-p             v_ref              v_ref + (2^k-1) - p
       Lower                                          Upper
       Bound                                          Bound
         <--- reordering --> <--------- losses --------->

  CRC-8(IR) Validation
   |                                                  CRC-8(IR)     |
   |  !CRC-8(IR) or      CRC-7(CO) or                 or CRC-7(CO)  |
   |  PT not allowed     CRC-8(IR)                    or CRC-3(CO)  |
   |  +--->---+         +--->----->----->----->---+  +--->---->---+ |
   |  |       |         |                         |  |            | |
   |  |       v         |                         v  |            v v
  +-----------------+  +----------------------+  +--------------------+
  | No Context (NC) |  | Repair Context (RC)  |  | Full Context (FC)  |
  +-----------------+  +----------------------+  +--------------------+
    ^ ^ Static Context  | ^ !CRC-7(CO) or  | ^ Context Damage  | |
    | | Damage Detected | | PT not allowed | | Detected        | |
    | +--<-----<-----<--+ +----<------<----+ +--<-----<-----<--+ |
    |                                                            |
    |            Static Context Damage Detected                  |

      list: | item 1 | item 2 |       | item n |

                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         PS = 1: | X | Reserved  |     Index     |

           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         |     XI_k      |    XI_k + 1   |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |     Acknowledgment Number     |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |  Opt Type = 2 |  Opt Len = 0  |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |  Opt Type = 3 |  Opt Len = 0  |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |  Opt Type = 9 |  Opt Len = 0  |

                ^                            ^
                |                            |
                |                            _
    ^       0.5 _                   ^ 0.625 | |
    |          | |                  |       | |
               | |                          | |
   RD[D]       | |                RBD[B]    | | - o.25
          _  _ | | _  _ 0.125               | || | - 0.125
         | || || || || |                    | || || |
        --+--+--+--+--+--+-->             ---+--+--+--
         -2 -1  0  1  2                      0  1  2
                D  -->                        B -->

                ^                        ^
                |                        |
          1.0   _                        |
      ^        | |                ^      |
      |        | |                | 0.5  _
               | |                      | |
    RD[D]      | |               RBD[B] | | _  _  _ 0.167
               | |                      | || || || |
           --+--+--+-->                --+--+--+--+-->
            -1  0  1                     0  1  2  3
                D  -->                      B -->

                 ^                            ^
                 |                            |
     ^           |                   ^   0.8  _
     |       0.6 _                   |       | |
                | |                          | |
    RD[D]       | |                RBD[B]    | |
          0.2 _ | | _ 0.2                    | | _ 0.2
             | || || |                       | || |
         --+--+--+--+--+--+-->             ---+--+--+--
          -2 -1  0  1  2                      0  1  2
                 D  -->                        B -->

   .  Conferencing System                                             .
   .                                                                  .
   .        +-----------------------------------------------------+   .
   .        |       C o n f e r e n c e   o b j e c t             |   .
   .      +-+---------------------------------------------------+ |   .
   .      |       C o n f e r e n c e   o b j e c t             | |   .
   .    +-+---------------------------------------------------+ | |   .
   .    |       C o n f e r e n c e   o b j e c t             | | |   .
   .    |                                                     | | |   .
   .    |                                                     | |-+   .
   .    |                                                     |-+     .
   .    +-----------------------------------------------------+       .
   .              ^                  ^             ^        |         .
   .              |                  |             |        |         .
   .              v                  v             v        v         .
   .  +-------------------+ +--------------+ +-------+ +------------+ .
   .  | Conference Control| | Floor Control| |Foci   | |Notification| .
   .  | Server            | | Server       | |       | |Service     | .
   .  +-------------------+ +--------------+ +-------+ +------------+ .
   .             ^                 ^           ^          |           .
                 |                 |           |          |
                 |Conference       |Binary     |Call      |Notification
                 |Control          |Floor      |Signaling |Protocol
                 |Protocol         |Control    |Protocol  |
                 |                 |Protocol   |          |
                 |                 |           |          |
   .             V                 V           V          V           .
   .  +----------------+  +------------+  +----------+ +------------+ .
   .  | Conference     |  | Floor      |  | Call     | |Notification| .
   .  | and Media      |  | Control    |  | Signaling| | Client     | .
   .  | Control        |  | Client     |  | Client   | |            | .
   .  | Client         |  |            |  |          | |            | .
   .  +----------------+  +------------+  +----------+ +------------+ .
   .                                                                  .
   . Conferencing Client                                              .

   | C o n f e r e n c e   o b j e c t                    |
   |                                                      |
   | +--------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |  Conference information type                     | |
   | |                                                  | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Conference description  (times, duration)    | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Membership (roles, capacity, names)          | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Signaling (protocol, direction, status)      | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Floor information                            | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Sidebars, Etc.                               | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Mixer algorithm, inputs, and outputs         | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Floor controls                               | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | Etc.                                         | | |
   | | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
   | +--------------------------------------------------+ |

    .  Conference Instance                                             .
    .                                                                  .
    .                                                                  .
    .        +---------------------------------------------------+     .
    .        |       Conference Object Identifier                |     .
    .        |                                                   |     .
    .        |                                                   |     .
    .        +---------------------------------------------------+     .
    .                           ^                            ^         .
    .                           |                            |         .
    .                           v                            |         .
    .   ...................................................  |         .
    .   . Focus                                           .  |         .
    .   .                                                 .  |         .
    .   .           +----------------------------------+  .  |         .
    .   .           |Conference Identifier (Protocol Y)|  .  |         .
    .   .       +------------------------------------+ |  .  |         .
    .   .       |  Conference Identifier (ISUP)      | |  .  |         .
    .   .   +--------------------------------------+ |-+  .  |         .
    .   .   |     Conference Identifier (SIP)      | |^   .  |         .
    .   .   |                                      |-+|   .  |         .
    .   .   |                                      |^ |   .  |         .
    .   .   +--------------------------------------+| |   .  |         .
    .   ............^...............................|.|....  |         .
    .               |                               | |      |         .
                    |                               | |      |
                    |SIP                            | |      |Conference
                    |                          ISUP | |Y     |Control
                    |                               | |      |Protocol
                    |               +---------------+ |      |
                    |               |                 |      |
                    |               |                 |      |
                    v               v                 v      v
         +----------------+  +--------------+  +---------------+
         | Conferencing   |  | Conferencing |  | Conference    |
         | Client         |  | Client       |  | Client        |
         | 1              |  | 2            |  | X             |
         +----------------+  +--------------+  +---------------+

   | p |                       |
   | o |   System  Default     |
   | l |                       |
   | i |   Conference          |
   | c |                       |
   | i |   Blueprint           |
   | e |                       |
          \| /
          /| \
   | p |                       |
   | o |  Active               |
   | l |                       |
   | i |  Conference           |
   | c |                       |
   | i |                       |
   | e |                       |

   | p |                       |
   | o |   Selected            |
   | l |                       |
   | i |   Conference          |
   | c |                       |
   | i |   Blueprint           |
   | e |                       |
          \| /
          /| \
   | p |                       |
   | o | Conference            |
   | l |                       |
   | i | Reservation           |
   | c |                       |
   | i |                       |
   | e |                       |
           |  |  |
           |  |  |
           |  |  |
           |  |  |
     +-+---|--V------------------+ |
   +-+-+---V-------------------+ | |
   | p |                       | | |
   | o | Child Conference      | | |
   | l |                       | | |
   | i | Reservation           | | |
   | c |                       | | |
   | i |                       | |-+
   | e |                       |-+

   +--------------+     +-------Conferencing System-----------------+
   | Generic ICAL |     |                                           |
   |   Resource   |     |    ..Conference Instance....              |
   +--------------+     |    .                       . +-----------+|
         ^ ^            |    . +-------------------+ . | Conference||
         | |            |    . |Conference Objects |<--| Control   ||
         | ----------------->. +-------------------+ . | Server    ||
         |              |    .                       . +-----------+|
         |              |    .........................       ^      |
         |              |                ^                   |      |
   +-----|--------------+                |                   |      |
   |     v                               |                   |      |
   |  +--------------+                   |                   |      |
   |  |   Resource   |<------------------+                   |      |
   |  |   Scheduler  |                                       |      |
   |  +--------------+                                       |      |
   |                                                         |      |
                                                        |         |
                                                        +----+    |
                                                        |ICAL|    |
                                           Conference Control|
                                               Protocol      |
                                                    | Conferencing|
                                                    | Client      |

                            |  Conference  |
                            |    Object    |
                            |  Identifier  |
             |                     |                     |
     +-------+-------+     +-------+-------+     +-------+-------+
     |    Sidebar    |     |    Sidebar    |     |    Sidebar    |
     |  Conference   |     |  Conference   |     |  Conference   |
     |    Object     |     |    Object     |     |    Object     |
     |  Identifier   |     |   Identifier  |     |   Identifier  |
     +-------+-------+     +-------+-------+     +---------------+

   | Name                   |   Hex | Comment                          |
   |                        | value |                                  |
   | FULL STOP (U+002E)     |   110 | Used as both base character (in  |
   |                        |       | bottom center position) and as   |
   |                        |       | movable dot with OJ and          |
   |                        |       | positional qualifiers.           |
   | HYPHEN-MINUS (U+002D)  |   108 | Used as a spacing base character |
   |                        |       | (in horizontally and vertically  |
   |                        |       | centered position) and as a      |
   |                        |       | movable half-width horizontal    |
   |                        |       | line with OJ and positional      |
   |                        |       | qualifiers.  In the context of   |
   |                        |       | this specification, should be    |
   |                        |       | known as Half Horizontal Line.   |
   | LOW LINE (U+005F)      |   109 | Used as a spacing base character |
   |                        |       | (in bottom position) and as a    |
   |                        |       | movable full-width horizontal    |
   |                        |       | line with OJ and positional      |
   |                        |       | qualifiers.  In the context of   |
   |                        |       | this specification, should be    |
   |                        |       | known as Horizontal Line.        |
   | VERTICAL LINE (U+007C) |   102 | As with the horizontal lines,    |
   |                        |       | normally a spacing base          |
   |                        |       | character (in the middle         |
   |                        |       | position between left and        |
   |                        |       | right), but can be used as a     |
   |                        |       | right to left movable            |
   |                        |       | full-height vertical line with   |
   |                        |       | OJ and/or positional qualifiers. |
   | HalfHeightVerticalLine |   105 | Similar to VERTICAL LINE, but    |
   |                        |       | only half height.                |
   | SOLIDUS (U+002F)       |   103 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; forward slash         |
   | REVERSE SOLIDUS        |   104 | Used only for character          |
   | (U+005C)               |       | formation; reverse slash         |
   | RightUpperHook         |   131 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; nonspacing mark.      |
   | LeftUpperHook          |   132 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; nonspacing mark.      |
   | LeftLowerHook          |   133 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; nonspacing mark.      |
   | RightLowerHook         |   134 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; nonspacing mark.      |
   | HalfHeightHoop         |   140 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; nonspacing mark.      |

   | HalfHeightInvertedHoop |   141 | Used only for character          |
   |                        |       | formation; nonspacing mark.      |
   | DIGIT ZERO (U+0030)    |   400 |                                  |
   | DIGIT ONE (U+0031)     |   401 |                                  |
   | DIGIT TWO (U+0032)     |   402 |                                  |
   | DIGIT NINE (U+0039)    |   409 |                                  |
   | LATIN SMALL LETTER A   |   40A |                                  |
   | (U+0061)               |       |                                  |
   | LATIN SMALL LETTER O   |   418 | Unify with Greek Omicron         |
   | (U+006F, U+03BF)       |       |                                  |
   | LATIN SMALL LETTER C   |   40C | Unifying C with Cyrillic ES      |
   | (U+0063, U+0441)       |       |                                  |
   | GREEK SMALL LETTER     |   491 |                                  |
   | SIGMA (U+03C3)         |       |                                  |

   | Name             |    Hex value | Comment                         |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  418 007 102 |                                 |
   | LETTER B         |          020 |                                 |
   | (U+0062)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  418 007 102 |                                 |
   | LETTER D         |          022 |                                 |
   | (U+0064)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  40C 007 108 |                                 |
   | LETTER E         |          031 |                                 |
   | (U+0065)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  40A 006 40C |                                 |
   | LETTER AE        |  007 108 031 |                                 |
   | (U+00E6)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  102 131 030 | Note that 007 is not needed     |
   | LETTER F         |      007 108 | before 131 because hooks are    |
   | (U+0066)         |              | exclusively nonspacing          |
   |                  |              | (combining).                    |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  102 020 141 |                                 |
   | LETTER H         |      021 032 |                                 |
   | (U+0068)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  105 007 110 |                                 |
   | LETTER I         |      021 030 |                                 |
   | (U+0069)         |              |                                 |

   | LATIN SMALL      |  105 020 141 |                                 |
   | LETTER N         |      021 032 |                                 |
   | (U+006E)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN SMALL      |  418 007 102 | Unified P, Greek Rho, Cyrillic  |
   | LETTER P         |  033 020 033 | ER                              |
   | (U+0070, U+03C1, |              |                                 |
   | U+0440)          |              |                                 |
   | LATIN CAPITAL    |      40A 001 |                                 |
   | LETTER A         |              |                                 |
   | (U+0041)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN CAPITAL    |  418 007 102 |                                 |
   | LETTER B         |      020 001 |                                 |
   | (U+0042)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN CAPITAL    |      40C 001 |                                 |
   | LETTER C         |              |                                 |
   | (U+0043)         |              |                                 |
   | LATIN CAPITAL    |  418 007 102 |                                 |
   | LETTER D         |      022 001 |                                 |
   | (U+0044)         |              |                                 |
   | GREEK SMALL      |      491 072 |                                 |
   | LETTER FINAL     |              |                                 |
   | SIGMA (U+03C2)   |              |                                 |

      ExStart      Empty DD (Seq=x,I,M,Master)
                   Empty DD (Seq=y,I,M,Master)         ExStart
      Exchange     Full  DD (Seq=y,M,Slave)
                   Full  DD (Seq=y+1,M,Master)         Exchange
                   Full  DD (Seq=y+1,Slave)
                   Full  DD (Seq=y+2, Master)
       Full        Empty DD (Seq=y+2, Slave)

      ExStart      Empty DD (Seq=x,I,M,Master)
                   Empty DD (Seq=y,I,M,Master)         ExStart
      Exchange     Full  DD (Seq=y,M,Slave)
                   Full  DD (Seq=y+1,Master)           Exchange
       Full        Empty DD (Seq=y+1, Slave)

   | Event Code | Event Name                              | Reference |
   |        121 | Continuity check-tone                   | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        122 | Continuity verify-tone                  | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        123 | MF Code 11 (SS No. 5) or KP3P/ST3P (R1) | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        124 | MF KP (SS No. 5) or KP1 (R1)            | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        125 | MF KP2 (SS No. 5) or KP2P/ST2P (R1)     | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        126 | MF ST (SS No. 5 and R1)                 | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        127 | MF Code 12 (SS No. 5) or KP'/STP (R1)   | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        128 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "0"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        129 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "1"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        130 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "2"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        131 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "3"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        132 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "4"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        133 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "5"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        134 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "6"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        135 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "7"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        136 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "8"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        137 | SS No. 5 or R1 digit "9"                | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        144 | ABCD signalling state '0000'            | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        145 | ABCD signalling state '0001'            | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        146 | ABCD signalling state '0010'            | [RFC5244] |

   |            |                                         |           |
   |        209 | AB bit signalling state '01'            | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        210 | AB bit signalling state '10'            | [RFC5244] |
   |            |                                         |           |
   |        211 | AB bit signalling state '11'            | [RFC5244] |

             L             NAT           STUN             R
             |RTP STUN alloc.              |              |
             |(1) STUN Req  |              |              |
             |S=$L-PRIV-1   |              |              |
             |D=$STUN-PUB-1 |              |              |
             |------------->|              |              |
             |              |(2) STUN Req  |              |
             |              |S=$NAT-PUB-1  |              |
             |              |D=$STUN-PUB-1 |              |
             |              |------------->|              |

             |              |(3) STUN Res  |              |
             |              |S=$STUN-PUB-1 |              |
             |              |D=$NAT-PUB-1  |              |
             |              |MA=$NAT-PUB-1 |              |
             |              |<-------------|              |
             |(4) STUN Res  |              |              |
             |S=$STUN-PUB-1 |              |              |
             |D=$L-PRIV-1   |              |              |
             |MA=$NAT-PUB-1 |              |              |
             |<-------------|              |              |
             |(5) Offer     |              |              |
             |              |              |              |RTP STUN
             |              |              |(6) STUN Req  |
             |              |              |S=$R-PUB-1    |
             |              |              |D=$STUN-PUB-1 |
             |              |              |<-------------|
             |              |              |(7) STUN Res  |
             |              |              |S=$STUN-PUB-1 |
             |              |              |D=$R-PUB-1    |
             |              |              |MA=$R-PUB-1   |
             |              |              |------------->|
             |(8) answer    |              |              |
             |              |(9) Bind Req  |              |Begin
             |              |S=$R-PUB-1    |              |Connectivity
             |              |D=L-PRIV-1    |              |Checks
             |              |<----------------------------|
             |              |Dropped       |              |
             |(10) Bind Req |              |              |
             |S=$L-PRIV-1   |              |              |
             |D=$R-PUB-1    |              |              |
             |USE-CAND      |              |              |
             |------------->|              |              |
             |              |(11) Bind Req |              |
             |              |S=$NAT-PUB-1  |              |
             |              |D=$R-PUB-1    |              |
             |              |USE-CAND      |              |
             |              |---------------------------->|
             |              |(12) Bind Res |              |
             |              |S=$R-PUB-1    |              |
             |              |D=$NAT-PUB-1  |              |
             |              |MA=$NAT-PUB-1 |              |
             |              |<----------------------------|

             |(13) Bind Res |              |              |
             |S=$R-PUB-1    |              |              |
             |D=$L-PRIV-1   |              |              |
             |MA=$NAT-PUB-1 |              |              |
             |<-------------|              |              |
             |RTP flows     |              |              |
             |              |(14) Bind Req |              |
             |              |S=$R-PUB-1    |              |
             |              |D=$NAT-PUB-1  |              |
             |              |<----------------------------|
             |(15) Bind Req |              |              |
             |S=$R-PUB-1    |              |              |
             |D=$L-PRIV-1   |              |              |
             |<-------------|              |              |
             |(16) Bind Res |              |              |
             |S=$L-PRIV-1   |              |              |
             |D=$R-PUB-1    |              |              |
             |MA=$R-PUB-1   |              |              |
             |------------->|              |              |
             |              |(17) Bind Res |              |
             |              |S=$NAT-PUB-1  |              |
             |              |D=$R-PUB-1    |              |
             |              |MA=$R-PUB-1   |              |
             |              |---------------------------->|
             |              |              |              |RTP flows

           +--+    +--+    +--+    +--+    +--+    +--+
           |A1|    |B1|    |C1|    |A2|    |B2|    |C2|
           +--+    +--+    +--+    +--+    +--+    +--+

        ---+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------------ Time
           0       Ta      2Ta     3Ta     4Ta     5Ta

          Agent A               Network               Agent B
             |(1) Offer            |                     |
             |(2) Answer           |                     |
             |(3) STUN Req.        |                     |
             |(4) STUN Res.        |                     |
             |(5) STUN Req.        |                     |
             |(6) STUN Res.        |                     |
             |-------------------->|                     |
             |                     |Lost                 |
             |(7) Offer            |                     |
             |(8) STUN Req.        |                     |
             |(9) STUN Res.        |                     |
             |(10) Answer          |                     |

             A         Controller          B
             |(1) INV()     |              |
             |<-------------|              |
             |(2) 200(SDP1) |              |
             |------------->|              |
             |              |(3) INV()     |
             |              |------------->|
             |              |(4) 200(SDP2) |
             |              |<-------------|
             |(5) ACK(SDP2) |              |
             |<-------------|              |
             |              |(6) ACK(SDP1) |
             |              |------------->|

      ClientHello                  -------->
                                   <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                     -------->
                                   <--------             Finished
      Application Data             <------->     Application Data

      ClientHello                   -------->
                                    <--------             Finished
      Finished                      -------->
      Application Data              <------->     Application Data

   EAP peer                   Authenticator               Auth. Server
   --------                   -------------               ------------
    |<----------------------------->|                               |
    |     Discovery (phase 0)       |                               |
    |   EAP auth (phase 1a)         |  AAA pass-through (optional)  |
    |                               |                               |
    |                               |<----------------------------->|
    |                               |       AAA Key transport       |
    |                               |      (optional; phase 1b)     |
    |<----------------------------->|                               |
    |  Unicast Secure association   |                               |
    |          (phase 2a)           |                               |
    |                               |                               |
    |<----------------------------->|                               |
    | Multicast Secure association  |                               |
    |     (optional; phase 2b)      |                               |
    |                               |                               |

   | Enh.   | Assoc.  Basic | Enh.   | Assoc.   | Enh.   | Assoc.      |
   | Status | Status Code   | Status | Basic    | Status | Basic       |
   | Code   |               | Code   | Status   | Code   | Status Code |
   |        |               |        | Code     |        |             |
   | X.0.0  | Any           | X.1.0  | Not      | X.1.1  | 451, 550    |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.1.2  | Not given     | X.1.3  | 501      | X.1.4  | Not given   |
   | X.1.5  | 250           | X.1.6  | Not      | X.1.7  | Not given   |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.1.8  | 451, 501      | X.1.9  | Not      | X.2.0  | Not given   |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.2.1  | Not given     | X.2.2  | 552      | X.2.3  | 552         |
   | X.2.4  | 450, 452      | X.3.0  | 221,     | X.3.1  | 452         |
   |        |               |        | 250,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 421,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 451,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 550, 554 |        |             |
   | X.3.2  | 453           | X.3.3  | Not      | X.3.4  | 552, 554    |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.3.5  | Not given     | X.4.0  | Not      | X.4.1  | 451         |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.4.2  | 421           | X.4.3  | 451, 550 | X.4.4  | Not given   |
   | X.4.5  | 451           | X.4.6  | Not      | X.4.7  | Not given   |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.5.0  | 220, 250,     | X.5.1  | 430,     | X.5.2  | 500, 501,   |
   |        | 251, 252,     |        | 500,     |        | 502, 550,   |
   |        | 253, 451,     |        | 501,     |        | 555         |
   |        | 452, 454,     |        | 503,     |        |             |
   |        | 458, 459,     |        | 530,     |        |             |
   |        | 501, 502,     |        | 550,     |        |             |
   |        | 503, 554      |        | 554, 555 |        |             |
   | X.5.3  | 451           | X.5.4  | 451,     | X.5.5  | Not given   |
   |        |               |        | 501,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 502,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 503,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 504,     |        |             |
   |        |               |        | 550, 555 |        |             |
   | X.5.6  | 500           | X.6.0  | Not      | X.6.1  | Not given   |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.6.2  | Not given     | X.6.3  | 554      | X.6.4  | 250         |
   | X.6.5  | Not given     | X.6.6  | 554      | X.7.0  | 220, 235,   |
   |        |               |        |          |        | 450, 454,   |
   |        |               |        |          |        | 500, 501,   |
   |        |               |        |          |        | 503, 504,   |
   |        |               |        |          |        | 530, 535,   |
   |        |               |        |          |        | 550         |

   | X.7.1  | 451, 454,     | X.7.2  | 550      | X.7.3  | Not given   |
   |        | 502, 503,     |        |          |        |             |
   |        | 533, 550, 551 |        |          |        |             |
   | X.7.4  | 504           | X.7.5  | Not      | X.7.6  | Not given   |
   |        |               |        | given    |        |             |
   | X.7.7  | Not given     | X.7.8  | 535, 554 | X.7.9  | 534         |
   | X.7.10 | 523           | X.7.11 | 524, 538 | X.7.12 | 422, 432    |
   | X.7.13 | 525           | X.7.14 | 535, 554 |        |             |

                | DN | O | DC | EA | N/P | MC | E | MT |

                   (Customer realm)
               +----+                             +----+
               |    |<Port Index>    <Port Index> |    |
               |    |CPI              VPN-PPI     |    |
            ---| CE |-----------------------------| PE |---
               |    |                <Port Index> |    |
               |    |                 PPI         |    |
               +----+                             +----+
                                     (Provider realm)

            |  L1VPN globally unique identifier  (8 octets)  |

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
         | PW End   V    V                  V    V  PW End  |
         V Service  +----+                  +----+  Service V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
         |  |                                            |  |
   Customer |                                            | Customer
   Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
    Attachment Circuit (AC)                    Attachment Circuit (AC)
      Native service                              Native service

         Native  |<--------Multi-Segment Pseudowire----->|  Native
         Service |         PSN              PSN          |  Service
          (AC)   |     |<-Tunnel->|     |<-Tunnel->|     |  (AC)
           |     V     V     1    V     V     2    V     V   |
           |     +-----+          +-----+          +---- +   |
   +---+   |     |T-PE1|==========|S-PE1|==========|T-PE2|   |    +---+
   |   |---------|........PW1.......... |...PW3..........|---|----|   |
   |CE1|   |     |     |          |     |          |     |   |    |CE2|
   |   |---------|........PW2...........|...PW4..........|--------|   |
   +---+   |     |     |==========|     |==========|     |   |    +---+
       ^         +-----+          +-----+          +-----+        ^
       |     Provider Edge 1         ^        Provider Edge 3     |
       |                             |                            |
       |                             |                            |
       |                     PW switching point                   |
       |                                                          |
       |                                                          |
       |<------------------- Emulated Service ------------------->|

                |<------Multi-Segment Pseudowire------>|
                |         AS                AS         |
            AC  |    |<----1---->|     |<----2--->|    |  AC
            |   V    V           V     V          V    V  |
            |   +----+     +-----+     +----+     +----+  |
   +----+   |   |    |=====|     |=====|    |=====|    |  |    +----+
   |    |-------|.....PW1..........PW2.........PW3.....|-------|    |
   | CE1|   |   |    |     |     |     |    |     |    |  |    |CE2 |
   +----+   |   |    |=====|     |=====|    |=====|    |  |    +----+
        ^       +----+     +-----+     +----+     +----+       ^
        |       T-PE1       S-PE2       S-PE3     T-PE4        |
        |                     ^          ^                     |
        |                     |          |                     |
        |                  PW switching points                 |
        |                                                      |
        |                                                      |
        |<------------------- Emulated Service --------------->|

       Watcher                   Presence Agent                  PUA
            | F1 SUBSCRIBE              |                         |
            |-------------------------->|                         |
            | F2 200 OK                 |                         |
            |<--------------------------|                         |
            | F3 NOTIFY                 |                         |
            |<--------------------------|                         |
            | F4 200 OK                 |                         |
            |-------------------------->|                         |
            |                           |                         |
            |                           |   Update presence       |
            |                           |<----------------------- |
            |                           |                         |
            | F5 NOTIFY                 |                         |
            |<--------------------------|                         |
            | F6 200 OK                 |                         |
            |-------------------------->|                         |

                                             Presence Agent /
                     PUA                        Compositor
                      | (M1) PUBLISH                |
                      | (M2) 200 OK                 |
                      |                             |
                      |                             |
                      |                             |
                      | (M3) PUBLISH                |
                      | (M4) 200 OK                 |
                      |                             |
                     _|_                           _|_

      (MN) {fvc}                            {home} (MN)   [i-HA]
       !                                             \     /
    .--+---.                                        .-+---+-.
   (        )                                      (         )
    `--+---'                      [VPN]             `--+----'
        \                           !                  !
      [R/FA]        [x-HA]       .--+--.              [R]
           \         /          (  DMZ  )              !
          .-+-------+--.         `--+--'         .-----+------.
         (              )           !           (              )
         ( external net +---[R]----[FW]----[R]--+ internal net )
         (              )                       (              )
          `--+---------'                         `---+---+----'
            /                                       /     \
  [DHCP]  [R]                              [DHCP] [R]     [R]    [i-FA]
     \    /                                   \   /         \    /
     .+--+---.                               .-+-+--.     .--+--+-.
    (         )                             (        )   (         )
     `---+---'                               `--+---'     `---+---'
         !                                      !             !
        (MN) {cvc}                             (MN) {c}      (MN) {f}

    MN-APP      MN        x-HA       VPN        i-HA        CN
     !          !          !          !          !          !
     !          ! -------> !          !          !          !
     !          !  rrq     !          !          !          !
     !          ! -----------------X  !          !          ! rrq not
     !          !  rrq     !          !          !          ! received
     !          !          !          !          !          ! by i-HA
     !          ! <------- !          !          !          !
     !          !  rrp     !          !          !          !
     !          !          !          !          !          !
     !  [wait for detection period for response from i-HA]  !
     !  [may also retransmit to i-HA, depending on config]  ! no rrp
     !          !          !          !          !          ! from i-HA
     !          ! ==(1)==> !          !          !          !
     !          !  ike {1a}! -------> !          !          !
     !          !          !  ike     !          !          !
     !          !          ! <------- !          !          !
     !          ! <==(1)== !  ike     !          !          !
     !          !  ike     !          !          !          !
     :          :          :          :          :          :
     :          :          :          :          :          :
     !          !          !          !          !          !
     !          ! ==(2)==> !          !          !          !
     !          !  rrq {2a}! ==(1)==> !          !          !
     !          !          !  rrq {2b}! -------> !          !
     !          !          !          !  rrq {2c}!          !
     !          !          !          ! <------- !          !
     !          !          ! <==(1)== !  rrp     !          !
     !          ! <==(2)== !  rrp     !          !          !
     !          !  rrp     !          !          !          !
     !          !          !          !          !          !
    [[--- connection setup ok, bidirectional connection up ---]]
     !          !          !          !          !          !
     ! -------> !          !          !          !          !
     !  pkt {3a}! ==(3)==> !          !          !          !
     !          !  pkt {3b}! ==(2)==> !          !          !
     !          !          !  pkt {3c}! ==(1)==> !          !
     !          !          !          !  pkt {3d}! -------> !
     !          !          !          !          !  pkt {3e}!
     !          !          !          !          ! <------- !
     !          !          !          ! <==(1)== !  pkt     !
     !          !          ! <==(2)== !  pkt     !          !
     !          ! <==(3)== !  pkt     !          !          !
     !  <------ !  pkt     !          !          !          !
     !   pkt    !          !          !          !          !
     :          :          :          :          :          :
     :          :          :          :          :          :

                                             {home} (MN)   [i-HA]
                                                      \     /
                                                    (         )
                                   [mVPN]            `--+----'
                                     !                  !
                                  .--+--.              [R]
                                 (  DMZ  )              !
           .-+-------+--.         `--+--'         .-----+------.
          (              )           !           (              )
          ( external net +---[R]----[FW]----[R]--+ internal net )
          (              )                       (              )
           `--+---------'                         `---+---+----'
             /                                       /     \
   [DHCP]  [R]                              [DHCP] [R]     [R]    [i-FA]
      \    /                                   \   /         \    /
      .+--+---.                               .-+-+--.     .--+--+-.
     (         )                             (        )   (         )
      `---+---'                               `--+---'     `---+---'
          !                                      !             !
         (MN) {mc}                             (MN) {c}      (MN) {f}

       MN                    PAR                    NAR
        |                     |                      |
        |------RtSolPr------->|                      |
        |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                      |
        |                     |                      |
        |                     |<--------HAck---------|
        |          <--FBack---|--FBack--->           |
        |                     |                      |
     disconnect             forward                  |
        |                   packets  ===============>|
        |                     |                      |
        |                     |                      |
   connect                    |                      |
        |                     |                      |
        |------------UNA --------------------------->|
        |<=================================== deliver packets
        |                                            |

     MN                    PAR                    NAR
      |                     |                      |
      |------RtSolPr------->|                      |
      |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                      |
      |                     |                      |
   disconnect               |                      |
      |                     |                      |
      |                     |                      |
   connect                  |                      |
      |                     |<-------FBU----------)|
      |                     |----------HI--------->|
      |                     |<-------HAck----------|
      |                     |(HI/HAck if necessary)|
      |                   forward                  |
      |              packets(including FBAck)=====>|
      |                     |                      |
      |<=================================== deliver packets
      |                                            |

        (MN L3  MN L2)                   s-BS   PAR          t-BS   NAR
          |      |                        |      |            |      |
    1-2.  |      |<---MOB_NBR-ADV --------|      |            |      |
          |      |<-------Scanning------->|      |            |      |
    3.    |<-NLD-|                        |      |            |      |
    4.    |--------------(RtSolPr)-------------->|            |      |
          |<--------------PrRtAdv----------------|            |      |
          |      |                        |      |            |      |
    5.    |      |------MOB_MSHO-REQ----->|      |            |      |
          |      |<-----MOB_BSHO-RSP------|      |            |      |
          |      |  or                    |      |            |      |
          |      |<-----MOB_BSHO-REQ------|      |            |      |
    6.    |<-LHI-|                        |      |            |      |
    7.    |------------------FBU---------------->|            |      |
          |      |                        |      |--------HI-------->|
          |      |                        |      |<------HACK--------|
          |<-----------------FBack---------------|-->         |      |
          |      |                        |    Packets==============>|
    8.    |(LSW)>|-------MOB_HO-IND------>|      |            |      |
       disconnect|                        |      |            |      |
       connect   |                        |      |            |      |
    9.    |      |<---------IEEE 802.16 network entry-------->|      |
    10.   |<-LUP-|                        |      |            |      |
    11.   |<==================================================== Packets
          |      |                        |      |                   |

       (MN L3  MN L2)                   s-BS   PAR          t-BS   NAR
          |      |                        |      |            |      |
    1-2.  |      |<---MOB_NBR-ADV & Scan--|      |            |      |
          |      |<-------Scanning------->|      |            |      |
    3.    |<-NLD-|                        |      |            |      |
    4.    |--------------(RtSolPr)-------------->|            |      |
          |<--------------PrRtAdv----------------|            |      |
          |      |                        |      |            |      |
    5.    |      |------MOB_MSHO-REQ----->|      |            |      |
          |      |<-----MOB_BSHO-RSP------|      |            |      |
          |      |  or                    |      |            |      |
          |      |<-----MOB_BSHO-REQ------|      |            |      |
    6.    |<-LHI-|                        |      |            |      |
    7.    |--------FBU----X--->           |      |            |      |
    8.    |      |-------MOB_HO-IND------>|      |            |      |
       disconnect|                        |      |            |      |
       connect   |                        |      |            |      |
    9.    |      |<---------IEEE 802.16 network entry-------->|      |
    10.   |<-LUP-|                        |      |            |      |
    11.   |      |                        |      |<-------FBU-------)|
          |      |                        |      |<-----HI/HAck----->|
          |      |                        |      |  (if necessary)   |
          |      |                        | Packets & FBack=========>|
          |      |                        |      |            |      |

                          Home IP Network
                     . +--------+  +--------+ .
                     . |   HA   |--|  AAA   | .
                     . +--------+  +--------+ .
                       /        \
                 Access Provider Network(s)
          +.............+      +.............+
          . +---------+ .      . +---------+ .
          . |   PAR   | .      . |   NAR   | .
          . +---------+ .      . +---------+ .
          .      |:     .      .     :|      .
          .      |:L2link      L2link:|      .
          .      |:     .      .     :|      .
          . +----+:---+ .      . +---:+----+ .
          . |   RAN   | .      . |   RAN   | .
          . +----+:---+ .      . +---:+----+ .
          .      |:     .      .     :|      .
          .    +----+   .      .   +----+    .
          .    | MN |  --------->  | MN |    .
          .    +----+   .      .   +----+    .
          +.............+      +.............+

        MN            PAR             NAR            HA             AAA
        |    RtSolPr   |               |              |              |
   (a)  |------------->|               |              |              |
        |    PrRtAdv   |               |              |              |
   (b)  |<-------------|               |              |              |
        |      FBU     |      Hl       |              |              |
   (c)  |------------->|-------------->|              |              |
        |     FBack    |     HAck      |              |              |
   (d)  |<-------------|<--------------|              |              |
        |              |forward packets|              |              |
   (e)  |              |==============>|(buffering)   |              |
        |              |               |              |              |
   (f) handover        |               |              |              |
        |              |               |              |              |
   (g) |                     Attachment procedure                     |
        |             UNA              |              |              |
   (h)  |----------------------------->|              |              |
        |       deliver packets        |              |              |
   (i)  |<=============================|              |              |
        |              |        BU/BA  |              |              |
   (j)  |<------------------------------------------->|              |
        |              |               |              |              |

              MN            PAR         NAR         HA          AAA
       /       |     (serving PDSN) (target PDSN)    |           |
       |       |        LCP  |           |           |           |
       | (1)   |<----------------------->|           |           |
       |       |        CHAP/PAP         | Access-Request/Accept |
       | (2)   |<----------------------->|<-------------|------->|
       |       |             |        +------+       |  |        |
       | (3)   |             |        |  HA  |<---------+        |
       |       |             |        +------+       |           |
       |+........................................+   |           |
       |.      |                         |       .   |           |
       |.      |    IPv6CP(IF-ID)        |       .   |           |
       |.(4)*  |<---------|------------->|       .   |           |
   (g)< .    +---------+  |  |           |       .   |           |
       |.(5)*| LL-addr |<-+  |           |       .   |           |
       |.    +---------+     |           |       .   |           |
       |.      |                         |       .   |           |
       |.      |       RA(prefix)        |       .   |           |
       |.(6)*  |<---------|--------------|       .   |           |
       |.    +-----+      |  |           |       .   |           |
       |.(7)*| CoA |<-----+  |           |       .   |           |
       |.    +-----+         |           |       .   |           |
       |+........................................+   |           |
       |       |      DHCPv6(HA)         |           |           |
       | (8)   |<---------------+------->|           |           |
       |     +-----+         |  |        |           |           |
       | (9) | HA  |<-----------+        |           |           |
       |     +-----+         |           |           |           |
       |       |             |           |           |           |
       \       |             |           |           |           |

        MN            PAR             NAR             HA            AAA
        |   RtSolPr    |               |              |              |
   (a)  |------------->|               |              |              |
        |   PrRtAdv    |               |              |              |
   (b)  |<-------------|               |              |              |
        |     FBU      |               |              |              |
   (c)  |- - - - - - ->|(buffering)    |              |              |
        |              |               |              |              |
   (d) handover        |               |              |              |
        |              |               |              |              |
   (e) |                    Attachment procedure                      |
        |             UNA              |              |              |
   (f)  |----------------------------->|              |              |
        |             FBU              |              |              |
   (g)  |----------------------------->|              |              |
        |              |     FBU       |              |              |
   (h)  |              |<--------------|              |              |
        |              |      HI       |              |              |
   (i)  |              |-------------->|              |              |
        |              |     HAck      |              |              |
   (j)  |              |<--------------|              |              |
        |              |     FBack     |              |              |
   (k)  |              |-------------->|              |              |
        |              |forward packets|              |              |
   (l)  |              |==============>|              |              |
        |        deliver packets       |              |              |
   (m)  |<=============================|              |              |
        |              |        BU/BA  |              |              |
   (n)  |<------------------------------------------->|              |
        |              |               |              |              |

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      Type     |     Length    |   Option-Code |  MN ID-Length |
   |               MN ID ...

    +----------+                            +------------------+
    | PKCS #10 |                            | CMS ContentInfo  |
    +----------+--------------+             +------------------+------+
    | Certification Request   |             | CMS Signed Data,        |
    |                         |             |   no SignerInfo         |
    | Subject Name            |             |
    | Subject Public Key Info |             | SignedData contains one |
    |   (K_PUB)               |             | or more certificates in |
    | Attributes              |             | the certificates field  |
    |                         |             | Relevant CA certs and   |
    +-----------+-------------+             | CRLs can be included    |
                | signed with |             | as well.                |
                | matching    |             |                         |
                | K_PRIV      |             | encapsulatedContentInfo |
                +-------------+             | is absent.              |
                                                           | unsigned |

    Full PKI Request                        Full PKI Response
    -----------------------                 ------------------------
    +----------------+                      +----------------+
    | CMS ContentInfo|                      | CMS ContentInfo|
    | CMS SignedData |                      | CMS SignedData |
    |   or Auth Data |                      |   or Auth Data |
    |     object     |                      |     object     |
    +----------------+--------+             +----------------+--------+
    |                         |             |                         |
    | PKIData                 |             | PKIResponseBody         |
    |                         |             |                         |
    | Sequence of:            |             | Sequence of:            |
    | <enrollment control>*   |             | <enrollment control>*   |
    | <certification request>*|             | <CMS object>*           |
    | <CMS object>*           |             | <other message>*        |
    | <other message>*        |             |                         |
    |                         |             | where * == zero or more |
    | where * == zero or more |             |                         |
    |                         |             | All certificates issued |
    | Certification requests  |             | as part of the response |
    | are CRMF, PKCS #10, or  |             | are included in the     |
    | Other.                  |             | "certificates" field    |
    |                         |             | of the SignedData.      |
    +-------+-----------------+             | Relevant CA certs and   |
            | signed (keypair |             | CRLs can be included as |
            | used may be pre-|             | well.                   |
            | existing or     |             |                         |
            | identified in   |             +---------+---------------+
            | the request)    |                       | signed by the |
            +-----------------+                       | CA or an LRA  |

                   +---->                   +---->       +---->
    PK   +-----+ S |         S    +-----+ S |         S  |
   ----> | MLA | --+---->   ----> | MLA | --+---->   ----+---->
         +-----+   |              +-----+   |            |
                   +---->                   +---->       +---->

   |              Group List Agent                |    +-------+
   | +------------+    + -----------------------+ |    | Group |
   | |    Key     |    | Group Management Agent | |<-->| List  |
   | | Management |<-->|     +------------+     | |    | Owner |
   | |   Agent    |    |     | Group List |     | |    +-------+
   | +------------+    |     +------------+     | |
   |                   |       /  |  \          | |
   |                   +------------------------+ |
                            /     |      \
                           /      |       \
               +----------+ +---------+ +----------+
               | Member 1 | |   ...   | | Member n |
               +----------+ +---------+ +----------+

   +-----+   1       2   +----------+
   | GLA | <-----------> |  Member  |
   +-----+               +----------+

         +-----+   1    2  +------------------+
         | GLA | <-------> | GLO or GL Member |
         +-----+           +------------------+

                     1   +----------+
               +-------> | Member 1 |
               |         +----------+
   +-----+     |     1   +----------+
   | GLA | ----+-------> |   ...    |
   +-----+     |         +----------+
               |     1   +----------+
               +-------> | Member n |

                        C                           S
                        |                           |
                        |  capability exchange      |
                        |                           |
                        |  <create-subscription>    | (startTime)
                        |     <rpc-reply>           |
                        |                           |
                        |     <notification>        |
                        |                           |
                        |     <notification>        |
                        |      <notification>       | (replayComplete)
                        |                           |
                        |                           |
                        |                           |
                        |     <notification>        |
                        |                           |
                        |                           |
                        |     <notification>        |
                        |                           |
                        |                           |

                     C                           S
                     |                           |
                     |  capability exchange      |
                     |                           |
                     |  <create-subscription>    | (startTime,
                     |-------------------------->|  stopTime)
                     |     <rpc-reply>           |
                     |                           |
                     |     <notification>        |
                     |                           |
                     |     <notification>        |
                     |      <notification>       | (replayComplete)
                     |      <notification>       |(notificationComplete)
                     |                           |
                     |                           |
                     |                           |
                     |          <rpc>            |
                     |       <rpc-reply>         |
                     |                           |

   | C |                       +------------+
   | e | <-------------------->| End entity |
   | r |       Operational     +------------+
   | t |       transactions          ^
   | i |      and management         |  Management
   | f |       transactions          |  transactions        PKI
   | i |                             |                     users
   | c |                             v
   | a | =======================  +--+------------+  ==============
   | t |                          ^               ^
   | e |                          |               |         PKI
   |   |                          v               |      management
   | & |                       +------+           |       entities
   |   | <---------------------|  RA  |<----+     |
   | C |  Publish certificate  +------+     |     |
   | R |                                    |     |
   | L |                                    |     |
   |   |                                    v     v
   | R |                                +------------+
   | e | <------------------------------|     CA     |
   | p |   Publish certificate          +------------+
   | o |   Publish CRL                     ^      ^
   | s |                                   |      |  Management
   | i |                +------------+     |      |  transactions
   | t | <--------------| CRL Issuer |<----+      |
   | o |   Publish CRL  +------------+            v
   | r |                                      +------+
   | y |                                      |  CA  |
   +---+                                      +------+

   +----------+      +----------+      +----------+      +----------+
   |          |      |          |      |          |      |          |
   |  client  |<---->|  access  |<---->| TTLS AAA |<---->|  AAA/H   |
   |          |      |  point   |      |  server  |      |  server  |
   |          |      |          |      |          |      |          |
   +----------+      +----------+      +----------+      +----------+

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      | L | M | S | R | R |     V     |

     Area "A" |                          |  Area "C"
              |                          |
     Level 1  |                          |  Level 1 / area
              |        P1                |
   +----------+                          +-------------+
   |          |                 P2       |         PE1 |
   |          |                          |             |
   |PE4      ABR2                       ABR1       PE2 |
   |          |        P3                |             |
   |          |                          |         PE3 |
   +----------+                          +-------------+
              |                          |

                    +-----+       +-----+
                    |  S  |-------|  N  |
                    +-+---+   5   +-----+
                      |              |
                      | 5          4 |  |
                   |  |              | \|/
                  \|/ |              |
                      |    +-----+   |
                      +----|  E  |---+
                              | 10
                           |  D  |

                           20 L1      L3  3
                       [ N ]----[ S ]--------[ E3 ]
                         |        |            |
                         |      5 | L2         |
                      20 |        |            |
                         |    ---------        | 2
                         |  5 |       | 5      |
                         |  [ E1 ]  [ E2 ]-----|
                         |     |       |
                         | 10  |    10 |
                         |---[ A ]   [ B ]
                              |        |
                            2 |--[ D ]-| 2

                      5   +---+  8   +---+  5  +---+
                    ------| S |------| A |-----| B |
                    |     +---+      +---+     +---+
                    |       |                    |
                    |     5 |                  5 |
                    |       |                    |
                  +---+ 5 +---+   5       7    +---+
                  | C |---| E |------ p -------| F |
                  +---+   +---+                +---+

                     [ F ]-----------[ C ]
                       |               |
                       |               | 5
                    20 |          5    |     1
                       |   [ N ]-----[ A ]*****[ F ]
                       |     |         #         *
                       |  40 |         # 50      *  2
                       |     |    5    #    2    *
                       |   [ S ]-----[ B ]*****[ G ]
                       |     |         *
                       |   5 |         * 15
                       |     |         *
                       |   [ E ]     [ H ]
                       |     |         *
                       |   5 |         * 10**
                       |     |         *
                       |---[ X ]----[ ASBR ]

   |   Interface Parameter | Sub-TLV ID | Length | Description |
   | CEP/TDM Payload Bytes | 0x04       | 4      |Section 3.2  |
   | CEP/TDM Bit-Rate      | 0x07       | 6      |Section 3.3  |
   | Number of TDMoIP AAL1 | 0x0E       | 4      |Section 3.4  |
   | Cells per Packet      |            |        |             |
   | TDMoIP AAL1 Mode      | 0x10       | 4      |Section 3.5  |
   | TDMoIP AAL2 Options   | 0x11       | 8 or   |Section 3.6  |
   |                       |            | larger |             |
   |                       |            |see note|             |
   | Fragmentation         | 0x09       |  4     |Section 3.7  |
   | Indicator             |            |        |             |
   | TDM Options           | 0x0B       |  4, 8, |Section 3.8  |
   |                       |            | or 12  |             |

    <--- EAP Method ------->  <------ AAA(EAP Method -------->
           exchange                    exchange)

    ---- EAP-Initiate/ ----> ----AAA(EAP-Initiate/ ---------->
          Re-auth/                  Re-auth/
         [Bootstrap]              [Bootstrap])

    <--- EAP-Finish/ ------> <---AAA(rMSK,EAP-Finish/---------
          Re-auth/                   Re-auth/
        [Bootstrap]                [Bootstrap])

   <------------------------ EAP Method exchange------------------>

    ---- EAP-Initiate/ -------> ----AAA(EAP-Initiate/ -------->
          Re-auth                        Re-auth)

    <--- EAP-Finish/ ---------- <---AAA(rMSK,EAP-Finish/-------
          Re-auth                        Re-auth)

                  +----+       +----+       +------+      +----+
                  | S1 |       | S2 | . . . | Sn-1 |      | Sn |
                  +----+       +----+       +------+      +----+
     <zero>   K     |            |             |             |
       |      |     |            |             |             V
       V      |     V            V             V    /----> xorend
   +-----+    |  +-----+      +-----+       +-----+ |        |
   | AES-|<----->| AES-|  K-->| AES-|  K--->| AES-| |        |
   | CMAC|       | CMAC|      | CMAC|       | CMAC| |        |
   +-----+       +-----+      +-----+       +-----+ |        V
       |           |             |             |    |     +-----+
       |           |             |             |    | K-->| AES-|
       |           |             |             |    |     | CMAC|
       |           |             |             |    |     +-----+
       \-> dbl -> xor -> dbl -> xor -> dbl -> xor---/        |
                                                           | V |

                +----+       +----+       +------+      +---------+
                | S1 |       | S2 | . . . | Sn-1 |      | pad(Sn) |
                +----+       +----+       +------+      +---------+
    <zero>  K     |            |             |               |
      |     |     |            |             |               V
      V     |     V            V             V     /------> xor
   +-----+  |  +-----+      +-----+       +-----+  |         |
   | AES-|<--->| AES-|  K-->| AES-|   K-->| AES-|  |         |
   | CMAC|     | CMAC|      | CMAC|       | CMAC|  |         |
   +-----+     +-----+      +-----+       +-----+  |         V
     |           |             |             |     |      +-----+
     |           |             |             |     |  K-->| AES-|
     |           |             |             |     |      | CMAC|
     |           |             |             |     |      +-----+
     \-> dbl -> xor -> dbl -> xor -> dbl -> xor-> dbl        |
                                                           | V |

    +------+ +------+   +------+              +---+
    | AD 1 | | AD 2 |...| AD n |              | P |
    +------+ +------+   +------+              +---+
       |         |         |                    |
       |         |   ...   |  ------------------|
       \         |        /  /                  |
        \        |       /  / +------------+    |
         \       |      /  /  | K = K1||K2 |    |
          \      |     /  /   +------------+    V
           \     |    /  /      |     |       +-----+
            \    |   /  /   K1  |     |  K2   |     |
             \   |  /  /  ------/     \------>| CTR |
              \  | /  /  /            ------->|     |
               | | | |  |             |       +-----+
               V V V V  V             |          |
             +------------+       +--------+     V
             |    S2V     |------>|   V    |   +----+
             +------------+       +--------+   | C  |
                                      |        +----+
                                      |          |
                                      -----\     |
                                            \    |
                                             \   |
                                              V  V
                                             |  Z  |

   +------+ +------+   +------+           +---+
   | AD 1 | | AD 2 |...| AD n |           | P |
   +------+ +------+   +------+           +---+
      |        |         |                  ^
      |        |    ...  /                  |
      |        |        /  /----------------|
      |        |       /  /                 |
      \        |      /  /  +------------+  |
       \       |     /  /   | K = K1||k2 |  |
        \      |    /  /    +------------+  |
         \     |   /  /       |   |      +-----+
          \    |  /  /     K1 |   |  K2  |     |
           \   | |  |   /-----/   \----->| CTR |
            \  | |  |  |         ------->|     |
             | | |  |  |         |       +-----+
             V V V  V  V         |         ^
           +-------------+   +--------+    |
           |    S2V      |   |   V    |  +---+
           +-------------+   +--------+  | C |
                 |               | ^     +---+
                 |               | |       ^
                 |               |  \      |
                 |               |   \___  |
                 V               V       \ |
             +-------+      +---------+ +---+
             |   T   |----->|  if !=  | | Z |
             +-------+      +---------+ +---+

   +--Domain#1--+   +--Domain#2--+   +--Domain#3--+
   |            |   |            |   |            |
   |     B------+---+---D-----E--+---+------J     |
   |    /       |   |    \   /   |   |       \    |
   |   /        |   |     \ /    |   |        \   |
   |  A         |   |      H     |   |         L  |
   |   \        |   |     / \    |   |        /   |
   |    \       |   |    /   \   |   |       /    |
   |     C------+---+---F-----G--+---+------K     |
   |            |   |            |   |            |
   +------------+   +------------+   +------------+

             |                  |
             | E--------------F |
             | |              | |
             | |              | |
               |              |
               |              |
   +--Domain#1-+--+   +-------+------+
   |           |  |   |       |      |
   |           |  |   |       |      |
   |      A----B--+---+--C----D      |
   |      |       |   |  |           |
   |      |       |   |  |           |
   +------+-------+   +--+-Domain#4--+
          |              |
        | |              | |
        | |              | |
        | G--------------H |
        |                  |

                                 Received Adjacency Three-Way State
                                    Down       Initializing    Up
                 Down         |  Initialize        Up         Down
         Adj.    Initializing |  Initialize        Up         Up
         Three-               |
         Way     Up           |  Initialize        Accept     Accept
         State                |

         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
        |  Reserved    |SA|RA|RR|

    Event       | Running              | ADJ suppressed
    RX RR       | Maintain ADJ State   |
                | Send RA              |
                | Set SRM,send CSNP    |
                |  (Note 1)            |
                | Update Hold Time,    |
                |  set Restart Mode    |
                |  (Note 2)            |
    RX RR clr   | Clr Restart mode     |
    RX SA       | Suppress IS neighbor |
                |   TLV in LSP(s)      |
                | Goto ADJ Suppressed  |
    RX SA clr   |                      |Unsuppress IS neighbor
                |                      |   TLV in LSP(s)
                |                      |Goto Running

  Event      | Restarting         | ADJ Seen  | ADJ Seen  | SPF Wait
             |                    |    RA     |   CSNP    |
  Router     | Send IIH/RR        |           |           |
   restarts  | ADJ Init           |           |           |
             | Start T1,T2,T3     |           |           |
  RX RR      | Send RA            |           |           |
  RX RA      | Adjust T3          |           | Cancel T1 |
             | Goto ADJ Seen RA   |           | Adjust T3 |
 ----------- +--------------------+-----------+-----------+------------
  RX CSNP set| Goto ADJ Seen CSNP | Cancel T1 |           |
  RX IIH w/o | Cancel T1 (Point-  |           |           |
  Restart TLV|  to-point only)    |           |           |
  T1 expires | Send IIH/RR        |Send IIH/RR|Send IIH/RR|
             | Restart T1         | Restart T1| Restart T1|
  T1 expires | Send IIH/          | Send IIH/ | Send IIH/ |
   nth time  |   normal           |   normal  |   normal  |
  T2 expires | Trigger SPF        |           |           |
             | Goto SPF Wait      |           |           |
  T3 expires | Set overload bit   |           |           |
             | Flood local LSPs   |           |           |
             | Update fwd plane   |           |           |
  LSP DB Sync| Cancel T2, and T3  |           |           |
             | Trigger SPF        |           |           |
             | Goto SPF wait      |           |           |
 All SPF     |                    |           |           | Clear
   done      |                    |           |           | overload bit
             |                    |           |           | Update fwd
             |                    |           |           |  plane
             |                    |           |           | Flood local
             |                    |           |           |   LSPs
             |                    |           |           | Goto Running

    Event       | Starting          | ADJ Seen RA| ADJ Seen CSNP
   Router       | Send IIH/SA       |            |
     starts     | Start T1,T2       |            |
   RX RR        | Send RA           |            |
   RX RA        | Goto ADJ Seen RA  |            | Cancel T1
   RX CSNP Set  | Goto ADJ Seen CSNP| Cancel T1  |
   RX IIH w     | Cancel T1         |            |
     no Restart | (Point-to-Point   |            |
     TLV        |   only)           |            |
   ADJ UP       | Start T1          |            |
                | Send local LSPs   |            |
                |  with overload bit|            |
                |  set              |            |
   T1 expires   | Send IIH/RR       |Send IIH/RR | Send IIH/RR
                |   and SA          |   and SA   |   and SA
                | Restart T1        |Restart T1  | Restart T1
   T1 expires   | Send IIH/SA       |Send IIH/SA | Send IIH/SA
    nth time    |                   |            |
   T2 expires   | Clear overload bit|            |
                | Send IIH normal   |            |
                | Goto Running      |            |
   LSP DB Sync  | Cancel T2         |            |
                | Clear overload bit|            |
                | Send IIH normal   |            |

                        |     | \    |      / |
                        |     |  \   |  ----  |
                        |     |   \  | /      |
                R2------R4----R6   --R8------R10----R12
                           :              :
                <-- AS1 -->:<---- AS2 --->:<--- AS3 --->

                   /       :             :
                  /        :             :
                        |     | \    |      / |
                        |     |  \   |  ----  |
                        |     |   \  | /      |
                R2------R4----R6   --R8------R10----R12
                           :              :
                <-- AS1 -->:<---- AS2 --->:<--- AS3 --->

                                   2. INVITE
                               |   alice@example.com
                        |             |
       1. INVITE        |             | 3. INVITE
     ------------------>| PoC Network |---------------->
    alice@example.com   |             | bob@example.org
    friends@example.org |             |
                               |   4. INVITE

           +---------+        INVITE request         +----------+
           |         |------------------------------>|          |
           |         |   [URI list in a URI list]    | URI-list |
           | Client  |                               |  server  |
           |         |        403 Forbidden          |          |
           |         |<------------------------------|          |
           |         | [Content of refused URI list] |          |
           +---------+                               +----------+

                    |                                 |
                    |             INVITE              |
                    |                                 |
                    |          403 Forbidden          |
                    |                                 |

                                            |                         |
                                            ~   Outer */IPv4 headers  ~
                                            |                         |
   I                                        +-------------------------+
   n                                        |       SEAL Header       |
   n      +-------------------------+       +-------------------------+
   e      ~ Any mid-layer * headers ~       ~ Any mid-layer * headers ~
   r      +-------------------------+       +-------------------------+
          |                         |       |                         |
   I -->  ~         Inner IP        ~  -->  ~         Inner IP        ~
   P -->  ~         Packet          ~  -->  ~         Packet          ~
          |                         |       |                         |
   P      +-------------------------+       +-------------------------+
   a      ~  Any mid-layer trailers ~       ~  Any mid-layer trailers ~
   c      +-------------------------+       +-------------------------+
   k                                        ~    Any outer trailers   ~
   e                                        +-------------------------+
           (After mid-layer encaps.)        (After SEAL/*/IPv4 encaps.)

   | Matti Aarnio       | Tanaka Akira         | Russ Allbery        |
   | Eric Allman        | Harald Alvestrand    | Ran Atkinson        |
   | Jos Backus         | Bruce Balden         | Dave Barr           |

   *****          ************************
   *   *          *  Policy              *    *********************
   * M *  Add,    *  Configuration       *    * Policy            *
   * A *  Get,    *  Entity              *    * Enforcement       *
   * N *  Remove  *                      *    * Entity            *
   * A *  Policy  *  +----------------+  *    *                   *
   * G *  Objects *  | Non-Active     |  *    *  +-------------+  *
   * I *<-------->*  | Policy Objects |==*====*=>| Active      |  *
   * N *          *  +----------------+  *    *  | Policy      |  *
   * G *          ************************    *  | Objects     |  *
   *   *                                      *  +-------------+  *
   *   *              Activate Policy Summary *                   *
   * E *=====================================>*  +-------------+  *
   * N *            Deactivate Policy Summary *  | Policy      |  *
   * T *=====================================>*  | Summary     |  *
   * I *                                      *  | Object      |  *
   * T *            Get Policy Summary        *  +-------------+  *
   * Y *<-------------------------------------*                   *
   *   *            Get Policy Objects        *                   *
   *   *<-------------------------------------*                   *
   *****                                      *********************

       Bit    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
     ^     +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
     |     |    Version number     |  Segment Type Flags   | Control
     |     +-----------------------+-----------------------+     -byte
     |     |                                               |
     |     /                 Session ID                    \
     |     \                                               /
   Header  +-----------------------+-----------------------+
     |     | Header Extension Cnt. | Trailer Extension Cnt.| Extensions
     |     +-----------------------+-----------------------+
     |     |                                               |
     |     /              Header Extensions                \
     |     \                                               /
     V     +-----------------------------------------------+
           |                                               |
           |                                               |
           |                                               |
           |              Segment Content                  |
           /                                               \
           \                                               /
           |                                               |
           |                                               |
           |                                               |
     ^     +-----------------------------------------------+
     |     |                                               |
   Trailer /              Trailer Extensions               \
     |     \                                               /
     V     +-----------------------------------------------+

                                 | Cncld |
                       +--------+    |     +------+
              Rcv CR;  |        V    V     V      | Rcv RS;
              Snd CAR  |       +-------------+    | Snd RA
                       +-------+   CLOSED    +----+
 |                                    | Blk. Trans. Req
 |                       Zero RP      +
 |  Xmit     ________________________/ \  Non-Zero RP
 |  GDS;    /                           \
 | +---+   |       +------------------+  |  +------+
 | |   V   V       |   /\/\   Rcv RS  V  V  V      |
 | |  +---------+  +<-| RX |<---+   +---------+    |
 | +<-+ FG_XMIT |  |   \/\/     +---+         +--->+ Xmit RDS;
 |    +----+----+  |                | RP_XMIT |    |
 |         |       |   /\/\     +---+         +--->+ Xmit {RDS, CP};
 +<--------+       +<-| CP |<---+   +-----+---+      Start CP Tmr
 |    Xmit             \/\/   CP TE       |    \
 | {GDS, EOB};                            |     |
 |                  Xmit {RDS, CP, EORP}; |     +-------+
 |                  Start CP Tmr          |             |
 |                                        |             |
 |                 +------------------+   |  +---+      | Xmit {RDS,
 |                 |   /\/\  Rcv RS   V   V  V   |      | CP, EORP,
 |                 +<-| RX |<---+   +---------+  |      | EOB};
 |                 |   \/\/     +---+         |  |      | Start
 |                 |                | GP_XMIT +->+      | CP Tmr
 |                 |   /\/\     +---+         | Xmit    |
 |                 +<-| CP |<---+   +-----+---+ GDS;    |
 |                     \/\/  CP TE        |             |
 |                                        |             |
 |                       Xmit {GDS, EOB}; |   +---------+
 |                                        |   |
 |                 +------------------+   |   |
 |                 |   /\/\  Rcv RS   V   V   V
 |                 +<-| RX |<---+   +-------------+
 |                 |   \/\/     +---+             |
 |                 |                | WAIT_RP_ACK |
 |                 |   /\/\     +---+             |
 |                 +<-| CP |<---+   +-----+-------+
 |                     \/\/  CP TE        | RP acknowledged fully;
 |                                        V

         /\/\                               /\/\
         |CP|                               |CX |
         \/\/                               \/\/
          | |                                 | Snd CS,
          | | RL EXC;                         | Start CS Tmr;
          | |                                 |
          | |        /\/\                     |  +---+
          | +------>| CX |                    V  V   |
          |          \/\/                +---------+ | CS TE,
          |                              | CS_SENT | | RL NOT EXC;
          V  RL NOT EXC;                 +-+--+--+-+ | Rxmt CS,
             Rxmt CP,                      |  |  |   | Restart
             Start CP Tmr;         CS TE,  |  |  +---+ CS Tmr
                                   RL EXC; |  |
                                           |  | Rcv CAS;
                                           V  V
                                          | Cncld  |

            | RX |
               |  Cncl CP Tmr (if any)
               V  Snd RA
         +---------+                                +----+
         | CHK_RPT |                                |    |
         +-+--+----+       RP in scope              V    |
           |  |     \     NOT rcvd. fully   +---------+  | Rxmt
 Redundant |  | RP   +--------------------->| RP_RXMT |  | missing
 RS rcvd;  |  | in scope                    +----+--+-+  | RDS;
           |  | rcvd. fully                      |  |    |
           V  V                    Rxmt last     |  +----+
                                   missing RDS   |
                                   (marked CP)   |
                                   Start CP Tmr; |

                          +----+       +----+ Cncld  |
                  Rcv CS; |    V       V     \/\/\/\/
                  Snd CAS |  +-------------+
                          +--+    CLOSED   +<--------------------------+
                             +------+------+                           |
                            +----+  | Rcv first DS                     |
                 Rcv RA;    |    V  V                                  |
                Cncl RS Tmr |   +--------+                             |
                            +---+ DS_REC |                             |
 +----------------------------->+-+--+-+-+<----------------------+---+ |
 |          Svc. does not exist   |  | | RS TE                   |   | |
 |   /\/\  or Rcv miscolored seg. |  | |               /\/\      |   | |
 |  | CX |<-----------------------+  | +------------->| RX |---->+   | |
 |   \/\/                            |                 \/\/          | |
 |                        Rcv RDS;   |   Rcv GDS;                    | |
 |                       +-----------+------------+                  | |
 |                       V                        V                  | |
 |   /\/\  RS TE +--------------+             +--------+             | |
 +<-| RX |<------+    RCV_RP    |             | RCV_GP |             | |
 |   \/\/        +-+----+--+--+-+             +--+-+-+-+             | |
 |                 |    |  |  |                  | | |               | |
 |    Rcvd RDS;    |    |  |  | Rcvd {RDS, CP,   | | | RS TE  /\/\   | |
 |                 |    |  |  | EORP, EOB};      | | +------>| RX |->+ |
 +<----------------+    |  |  | Snd RS,          | |          \/\/   | |
 |                      |  |  | Start RS Tmr     | | Rcvd GDS;       | |
 | Rcvd {RDS, CP};      |  |  |                  | +---------------->+ |
 | Snd RS, Start RS Tmr |  |  +-------+    +-----+                     |
 +<---------------------+  |          |    | Rcvd {GDS, EOB};          |
 |                         |          |    |                           |
 |                         | +-----+  |    |   +------+                |
 | Rcvd {RDS, CP, EORP};   | |     V  V    V   V      |                |
 | Snd RS, Start RS Tmr    | |   +----------------+   | Rcv RDS;       |
 |                         | |   |                +-->+                |
 |                         | |   |   WAIT_RP_REC  |   | Rcv {RDS, CP}; |
 |                         | |   |                +-->+ Snd RS, Start  |
 +<------------------------+ |   +---+--+-+-+-----+   |        RS Tmr  |
                             | RS TE |  | | | Rcv RA; |                |
                             |       V  | | | Cncl    |                |
                             |    /\/\  | | | RS Tmr  |                |
                             +---| RX | | | +-------->+                |
                                  \/\/  | |                            |
          /\/\                          | |                            |
         | CX |<------------------------+ |  RP rcvd. fully            |
          \/\/      Rcv miscolored seg.   +--------------------------->+

              | RX |
               |  |
               |  | RL EXC;    /\/\
  RL NOT EXC;  |  +---------->| CX |
  Rxmt RS,     |               \/\/
  Start RS Tmr |

              | CX |
                 | Snd CR,
                 | Start CR Tmr;
                 |  +----+
                 V  V    |
             +---------+ | CR TE,
             | CR_SENT | | RL NOT EXC;
             +-+--+--+-+ | Rxmt CR,
               |  |  |   | Restart
       CR TE,  |  |  +---+ CR Tmr
       RL EXC; |  |
               |  | Rcv CAR;
               V  V
              | Cncld  |

       ext  tag  sdnv  c-s  k-id

                             Network element
                        :            --------       :
              PSC       :           |  PSC   |      :
            Port1-------------<->---|#a      |      :
                        :  +--<->---|#b      |      :
                        :  |         --------       :
                        :  |        ----------      :
              TDM       :  +--<->--|#c  TDM   |     :
            Port2 ------------<->--|#d        |     :
                        :           ----------      :

                             Network element
                        :            --------       :
                        :           |  PSC   |      :
                        :           |        |      :
                        :         --|#a      |      :
                        :        |  |   #b   |      :
                        :        |   --------       :
                        :        |       |          :
                        :        |  ----------      :
                        :    /|  | |    #c    |     :
                        :   | |--  |          |     :
              Link1 ========| |    |    TDM   |     :
                        :   | |----|#d        |     :
                        :    \|     ----------      :

          .                                  Area 1.
          .     +                                  .
          .     |                                  .
          .     | 3+---+1                          .
          .  N1 |--|RT1|-----+                     .
          .     |  +---+      \                    .
          .     |              \  ______           .
          .     +               \/       \      1+---+
          .                     *    N3   *------|RT4|------
          .     +               /\_______/       +---+
          .     |              /     |             .
          .     | 3+---+1     /      |             .
          .  N2 |--|RT2|-----+      1|             .
          .     |  +---+           +---+           .
          .     |                  |RT3|----------------
          .     +                  +---+           .
          .                          |2            .
          .                          |             .
          .                   +------------+       .
          .                          N4            .

                     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
                    |  |  |  |DN| P|x|LA|NU|

              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5
            |U |S2|S1|           LSA Function Code          |

   | Symbol  |   Definition               |  R  |   S     Duration    |
   |  gwfax  | Gateway controlled fax     |  x  |                     |
   |  nopfax | No special fax handling    |  x  |                     |
   |  t38    | T.38 fax relay             |  x  |                     |

   | #|     GW-o      |     CA-o      |      CA-t     |      GW-t     |
   | 1|             <-|CRCX           |               |               |
   | 2|     200(sdp-o)|->             |               |               |
   | 3|               |  INVITE(sdp-o)|->             |               |
   | 4|               |               |    CRCX(sdp-o)|->             |
   | 5|               |               |             <-|200 (sdp-t)    |
   | 6|               |             <-|200(sdp-t)     |               |
   | 7|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t)    |               |               |
   | 8|            200|->             |               |               |
   | 9|               |               |               |  <- ANS/      |
   |  |               |               |               |      T.30 CED |
   |10|               |               |               |  <- V.21 fax  |
   |  |               |               |               |     preamble  |
   |11|               |               |             <-|NTFY(t38 start)|
   |12|               |               |            200|->             |
   |13|               |               |      MDCX(t38)|->             |
   |14|               |               |             <-|200(sdp-t2)    |
   |15|               |             <-|INVITE(sdp-t2) |               |
   |16|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t2)   |               |               |
   |17|    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |               |
   |18|               |    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |
   |19|               |               |   MDCX(sdp-o2)|->             |
   |20|               |               |             <-|200            |
   |21|  V.21 fax ->  |               |               |               |
   |  |  preamble     |               |               |               |
   |22|NTFY(t38 start)|->             |               |               |
   |23|             <-|200            |               |               |
   |24|             <-|RQNT(T38 event)|               |               |
   |25|            200|->             |               |               |
   |26|               |               |               |   (fax ends)  |
   |27|               |               |             <-|NTFY(t38 stop) |
   |28|               |               |            200|->             |
   |29|NTFY(t38 stop) |->             |               |               |
   |30|             <-|200            |               |               |

   | #|     GW-o      |     CA-o      |      CA-t     |      GW-t     |
   | 1|             <-|CRCX           |               |               |
   | 2|     200(sdp-o)|->             |               |               |
   | 3|               |  INVITE(sdp-o)|->             |               |
   | 4|               |               |    CRCX(sdp-o)|->             |
   | 5|               |               |             <-|200 (sdp-t)    |
   | 6|               |             <-|200(sdp-t)     |               |
   | 7|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t)    |               |               |
   | 8|            200|->             |               |               |
   | 9|         CNG ->|               |               |               |
   |10|               |               |               |<- ANS/T.30 CED|
   |11|               |               |               |<- V.21 fax    |
   |  |               |               |               |   preamble    |
   |12|               |               |             <-|NTFY(t38 start)|
   |13|               |               |            200|->             |
   |14|               |               |      MDCX(t38)|->             |
   |15|               |               |             <-|200(sdp-t2)    |
   |16|               |             <-|INVITE(sdp-t2) |               |
   |17|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t2)   |               |               |
   |18|    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |               |
   |19|               |    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |
   |20|               |               |   MDCX(sdp-o2)|->             |
   |21|               |               |             <-|200            |
   |22|               |               |               |   (fax ends)  |
   |23|               |               |             <-|NTFY(t38 stop) |
   |24|               |               |            200|->             |

   | #|     GW-o      |     CA-o      |    SIP-UA-t   |      fax      |
   | 1|             <-|CRCX           |               |               |
   | 2|     200(sdp-o)|->             |               |               |
   | 3|               |  INVITE(sdp-o)|->             |               |
   | 4|               |             <-|200(sdp-t)     |               |
   | 5|               |            ACK|->             |               |
   | 6|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t)    |               |               |
   | 7|            200|->             |               |               |
   | 8|               |               |               |  <- ANS/      |
   |  |               |               |               |      T.30 CED |
   | 9|               |               |               |  <- V.21 fax  |
   |  |               |               |               |     preamble  |
   |10|               |             <-|INVITE(sdp-t2) |               |
   |11|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t2)   |               |               |
   |12|    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |               |
   |13|               |    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |
   |14|               |             <-|ACK            |               |
   |15|  V.21 fax ->  |               |               |               |
   |  |  preamble     |               |               |               |
   |16|NTFY(t38 start)|->             |               |               |
   |17|             <-|200            |               |               |
   |18|             <-|RQNT(T38 event)|               |               |
   |19|            200|->             |               |               |
   |20|               |               |               |   (fax ends)  |
   |21|               |             <-|BYE            |               |
   |22|               |            200|->             |               |
   |23|NTFY(t38 stop) |->             |               |               |
   |24|             <-|200            |               |               |

                 Symmetric    |  ECC       |   RSA
                 -------------+----------- +------------
                    80        |  160 - 223 |   1024
                   112        |  224 - 255 |   2048
                   128        |  256 - 383 |   3072
                   192        |  384 - 511 |   7680
                   256        |  512+      |  15360

         ______          ______            .      +-------+      .
        / ENRP \        / ENRP \           .      |       |      .
        |Server| <----> |Server|<----------.----->|  PE 1 |      .
        \______/  ENRP  \______/  ASAP(1)  .      |       |      .
                           ^               .      +-------+      .
                           |               .                     .
                           | ASAP(2)       .     Server Pool     .
                           V               .                     .
                      +-------+            .      +-------+      .
                      |       |            .      |       |      .
                      |  PU   |<---------->.      |  PE 2 |      .
                      |       |  PU to PE  .      |       |      .
                      +-------+            .      +-------+      .
                                           .                     .
                                           .      +-------+      .
                                           .      |       |      .
                                           .      |  PE 3 |      .
                                           .      |       |      .
                                           .      +-------+      .

                          ______          _____
            ...          / ENRP \        / ENRP \          ...
          PEs/PUs  <---->|Server| <----> |Server|<---->  PEs/PUs
            ...     ASAP \______/  ENRP  \______/ ASAP     ...
                           ^                  ^
                           |                  |
                           |     / ENRP \     |
                            ENRP \______/ ENRP
                                    | ASAP

       |                                |                 |
       |                              +---+               |
       |                              | 1 |               |
       |2. ASAP_HANDLE_RESOLUTION     +---+               |
       |<-------------------------------|                 |
       |                              +---+               |
       |                              | 3 |               |
       |4. ASAP_HANDLE_RESOLUTION_RSP +---+               |
       |------------------------------->|                 |
       |                              +---+               |
       |                              | 5 |               |
       |                              +---+  6. "hello1"  |
       |                                |---------------->|
       |                                |                 |

          +-----------------+                   +-------------------+
          | Control-Client  |<--TWAMP-Control-->|      Server       |
          |                 |                   |                   |
          | Session-Sender  |<--TWAMP-Test----->| Session-Reflector |
          +-----------------+                   +-------------------+

              controller                              responder
          +-----------------+                   +-------------------+
          | Control-Client  |<--TWAMP-Control-->| Server            |
          |                 |                   |                   |
          | Session-Sender  |<--TWAMP-Test----->| Session-Reflector |
          +-----------------+                   +-------------------+

              controller                              responder
          +-----------------+                   +-------------------+
          |     Server      |<----------------->|                   |
          | Control-Client  |                   | Session-Reflector |
          | Session-Sender  |<--TWAMP-Test----->|                   |
          +-----------------+                   +-------------------+

            Alice           Proxy            Bob
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |                |   INVITE F2  |
             |(100 Trying) F3 |------------->|
             |<---------------|              |
             |                |180 Ringing F4|
             | 180 Ringing F5 |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |                |  200 OK F6   |
             |    200 OK F7   |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F8     |              |
             |--------------->|    ACK F9    |
             |                |------------->|
             |    Both way RTP Established   |
             |                |INVITE(hold) F10
             |INVITE(hold) F11|<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F12  |              |
             |--------------->|   200 OK F13 |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |     ACK F14  |
             |     ACK F15    |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |           No RTP Sent!        |
             |                |  INVITE F16  |
             |   INVITE F17   |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |   200 OK F18   |              |
             |--------------->|  200 OK F19  |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |    ACK F20   |
             |     ACK F21    |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |    Both way RTP Established   |
             |     BYE F22    |              |
             |--------------->|   BYE F23    |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |   200 OK F24 |
             |    200 OK F25  |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |

           Alice            Proxy           Bob                Carol
             |                |              |                   |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |                   |
             |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |(100 Trying) F3 |              |                   |
             |<---------------|180 Ringing F4|                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             | 180 Ringing F5 |              |                   |
             |<---------------|  200 OK F6   |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |    200 OK F7   |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |     ACK F8     |              |                   |
             |--------------->|     ACK F9   |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |     Both way RTP Established  |                   |
             |<=============================>|                   |
             |                |INVITE(hold) F10                  |
             |INVITE(hold) F11|<-------------|                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |    200 OK F12  |              |                   |
             |--------------->|   200 OK F13 |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |     ACK F14  |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |    ACK F15     |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |         No RTP Sent!          |                   |
             |                |   INVITE F16 |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |                |              |    INVITE F17     |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |(100 Trying) F18                  |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |              | 180 Ringing F19   |
             |                |<---------------------------------|
             |                | 180 Ringing F20                  |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |              |    200 OK F21     |
             |                |<---------------------------------|
             |                |   200 OK F22 |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |    ACK F23   |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |                |              |      ACK F24      |

             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |         Both way RTP Established |
             |                |              |<=================>|
             |                |   BYE F25    |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |                |              |       BYE F26     |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |              |    200 OK F27     |
             |                |<---------------------------------|
             |                |   200 OK F28 |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |   INVITE F29 |                   |
             |    INVITE F30  |<-------------|                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |    200 OK F31  |              |                   |
             |--------------->|   200 OK F32 |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |     ACK F33  |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |    ACK F34     |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |     Both way RTP Established  |                   |
             |<=============================>|                   |
             |    BYE F35     |              |                   |
             |--------------->|    BYE F36   |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |   200 OK F37 |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |  200 OK F38    |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |                |              |                   |

           Alice             Bob       Music Server
             |                |              |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             | 180 Ringing F2 |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F3   |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F4     |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |       RTP      |              |
             |<==============>|              |
             |                |              |
             |   Bob places Alice on hold    |
             |                |              |
             | INVITE (hold) F5              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F6   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |     ACK F7     |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    no RTP      |              |
             |                |              |
             |  Bob initiates music on hold  |
             |                |              |
             |                |   REFER Refer-To: A F8
             |                |------------->|
             |                |    202 F9    |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |   NOTIFY F10 |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |    200 F11   |
             |                |------------->|
             |  INVITE F12 Replaces: B       |
             |          200 OK F13           |
             |           ACK F14             |
             |           RTP Music           |
             |     BYE F15    |              |
             |--------------->|  NOTIFY F17  |
             |  200 OK F16    |<-------------|
             |<---------------|  200 OK F18  |
             |                |------------->|

             |                |              |
             | The music on hold is complete |
             |                |              |
             |    Bob takes Alice off hold   |
             |                |              |
             |  INVITE Replaces: M F19       |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F20  |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |     ACK F21    |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |       RTP      |              |
             |<==============>|              |
             |            BYE F22            |
             |          200 OK F23           |

          Alice                 Bob                 Carol
            |      INVITE F1     |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |   180 Ringing F2   |                    |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |      200 OK F3     |                    |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |        ACK F4      |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |        RTP         |                    |
            |<==================>|                    |
            |                    |                    |
            |  Alice performs unattended transfer     |
            |                    |                    |
            | REFER Refer-To:C F5|                    |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |  202 Accepted F6   |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |      NOTIFY F7     |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |      200 OK F8     |                    |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |       BYE F9       |                    |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |     200 OK F10     |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |   No RTP Session   | INVITE Referred-By: A F11
            |                    |------------------->|
            |                    |   180 Ringing F12  |
            |                    |<-------------------|
            |                    |     200 OK F13     |
            |                    |<-------------------|
            |                    |       ACK F14      |
            |                    |------------------->|
            |                    |        RTP         |
            |                    |<==================>|
            |      NOTIFY F15    |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |      200 OK F16    |                    |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |                    |                    |

           Alice             Bob          Carol
             |                |              |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             | 180 Ringing F2 |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F3   |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F4     |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |       RTP      |              |
             |<==============>|              |
             |INVITE (hold) F5|              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F6   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |     ACK F7     |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     No RTP     |              |
             |                |  INVITE F8   |
             |                |------------->|
             |                | 180 Ringing F9
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |  200 OK F10  |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |    ACK F11   |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |     RTP      |
             |                |<============>|
             |                |INVITE (hold) F12
             |                |------------->|
             |                | 200 OK F13   |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |    ACK F14   |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |     No RTP   |
             | REFER Refer-To: C F15         |
             |<---------------|              |
             |202 Accepted F16|              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |   NOTIFY F17   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |   200 OK F18   |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     INVITE Replaces: B F19    |

             |            200 OK F20         |
             |             ACK F21           |
             |               RTP             |
             |                |    BYE F22   |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |  200 OK F23  |
             |                |------------->|
             |   NOTIFY F24   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |   200 OK F25   |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    BYE F26     |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |   200 OK F27   |              |
             |--------------->|              |

            Alice          Bob                Carol
             |              |                   |
             |   INVITE F1  |                   |
             |------------->|                   |
             | 180 Ringing F2                   |
             |<-------------|                   |
             |  200 OK F3   |                   |
             |<-------------|                   |
             |    ACK F4    |                   |
             |------------->|                   |
             |  Both way RTP Established        |
             |<============>|                   |
             |              |     MESSAGE F5    |
             |              |------------------>|
             |              |     200 OK F6     |
             |              |<------------------|
             |              |                   |
             |       INVITE Replaces:A-B F7     |
             |            200 OK F8             |
             |               ACK F9             |
             |   Both way RTP Established       |
             |    BYE F10   |                   |
             |------------->|                   |
             |  200 OK F11  |                   |
             |<-------------|                   |
             |                                  |

            Alice           Proxy          Gateway
             |                |              |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |(100 Trying) F2 |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             | (181 Call Is Being Forwarded) F3
             |<---------------|   INVITE F4  |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |180 Ringing F5|
             | 180 Ringing F6 |<-------------|
             |<---------------|  200 OK F7   |
             |    200 OK F8   |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F9     |              |
             |--------------->|    ACK F10   |
             |                |------------->|
             |    Both way RTP Established   |
             |     BYE F11    |              |
             |--------------->|   BYE F12    |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |   200 OK F13 |
             |    200 OK F14  |<-------------|
             |<---------------|              |
             |                |              |

           Alice            Proxy          User B1             User B2
             |                |              |                   |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |                   |
             |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |(100 Trying) F3 |              |                   |
             |<---------------|  486 Busy F4 |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |                |     ACK F5   |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |(181 Call is Being Forwarded) F6                   |
             |<---------------|              |    INVITE F7      |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |              | 180 Ringing F8    |
             |                |<---------------------------------|
             | 180 Ringing F9 |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |      200 OK F10   |
             |                |<---------------------------------|
             |    200 OK F11  |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |     ACK F12    |              |                   |
             |--------------->|              |     ACK F13       |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |               Both way RTP Established            |
             |    BYE F14     |              |                   |
             |--------------->|              |      BYE F15      |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |              |    200 OK F16     |
             |  200 OK F17    |<---------------------------------|
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |                |              |                   |

           Alice            Proxy         User B1             User B2
             |                |              |                   |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |                   |
             |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |                   |
             |(100 Trying) F3 |------------->|                   |
             |<---------------|180 Ringing F4|                   |
             | 180 Ringing F5 |<-------------|                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |                 Request Timeout                   |
             |                |              |                   |
             |                |   CANCEL F6  |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |                |   200 OK F7  |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |                |     487 F8   |                   |
             |                |<-------------|                   |
             |                |     ACK F9   |                   |
             |                |------------->|                   |
             |(181 Call is Being Forwarded) F10                  |
             |<---------------|              |    INVITE F11     |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |              | 180 Ringing F12   |
             | 180 Ringing F13|<---------------------------------|
             |<---------------|              |      200 OK F14   |
             |                |<---------------------------------|
             |   200 OK F15   |              |                   |
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |     ACK F16    |              |                   |
             |--------------->|              |     ACK F17       |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |               Both way RTP Established            |
             |    BYE F18     |              |                   |
             |--------------->|              |      BYE F19      |
             |                |--------------------------------->|
             |                |              |    200 OK F20     |
             |  200 OK F21    |<---------------------------------|
             |<---------------|              |                   |
             |                |              |                   |

            Alice           Bob            Carol
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             | 180 Ringing F2 |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F3   |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F4     |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |       RTP      |              |
             |<==============>|              |
             |   INVITE F5    |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F6   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |     ACK F7     |              |
             |<---------------|  INVITE F8   |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |    180 F9    |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |  200 OK F10  |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |  ACK F11     |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |       RTP    |
             |                |<============>|

            Alice           Bob            Carol
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             | 180 Ringing F2 |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F3   |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F4     |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |       RTP      |              |
             |<==============>|  INVITE Join:A-B F5
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |    180 F6    |
             |                |------------->|
             |   INVITE F7    |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |    200 OK F8   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |     ACK F9     |              |
             |<---------------|              |
             |                |  200 OK F10  |
             |                |------------->|
             |                |  ACK F11     |
             |                |<-------------|
             |                |       RTP    |
             |                |<============>|

             Alice           Proxy           User   User   User   User
                                              B1     B2     B3     B4
             |                |              |      |      |      |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |      |      |      |
             |--------------->|   INVITE F2  |      |      |      |
             |                |------------->|      |      |      |
             |(100 Trying) F3 |              |      |      |      |
             |<---------------|180 Ringing F4|      |      |      |
             |                |<-------------|      |      |      |
             | 180 Ringing F5 |              |      |      |      |
             |<---------------|              |      |      |      |
             |                |    Timeout   |      |      |      |
             |                |              |      |      |      |
             |                |   CANCEL F6  |      |      |      |
             |                |------------->|      |      |      |
             |                |   200 OK F7  |      |      |      |
             |                |<-------------|      |      |      |
             |                |     487 F8   |      |      |      |
             |                |<-------------|      |      |      |
             |                |     ACK F9   |      |      |      |
             |                |------------->|      |      |      |
             |                |     INVITE F10      |      |      |
             |                |-------------------->|      |      |
             |                |480 Not Logged In F11|      |      |
             |                |<--------------------|      |      |
             |                |              ACK F12|      |      |
             |                |-------------------->|      |      |
             |                |          INVITE F13        |      |
             |                |--------------------------->|      |
             |                |      486 Busy Here F14     |      |
             |                |<---------------------------|      |
             |                |            ACK F15         |      |
             |                |--------------------------->|      |
             |                |              INVITE F16           |
             |                |---------------------------------->|
             |                |            180 Ringing F17        |
             |     180 F18    |<----------------------------------|
             |<---------------|               200 OK F19          |
             |   200 OK F20   |<----------------------------------|
             |<---------------|                                   |
             |     ACK F21    |                                   |
             |--------------->|                 ACK F22           |
             |                |---------------------------------->|
             |               Both way RTP Established             |

             |                |                  BYE F23          |
             |     BYE F24    |<----------------------------------|
             |<---------------|                                   |
             |    200 OK F25  |                                   |
             |--------------->|                 200 OK F26        |
             |                |---------------------------------->|
             |                |                                   |

             |                |              |              |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |              |
             |------------------------------>|              |
             | 305 Use Proxy F2              |              |
             |<------------------------------|              |
             |     ACK F3     |              |              |
             |------------------------------>|              |
             |    INVITE F4   |              |              |
             |--------------->|              |              |
             | 407 Proxy Authentication F5   |              |
             |<---------------|              |              |
             |     ACK F6     |              |              |
             |--------------->|              |              |
             |    INVITE F7   |              |              |
             |--------------->|              |              |
             | 403 Screening Failure (Terminating) Error-Info: URI F8
             |<---------------|              |              |
             |     ACK F9     |              |              |
             |--------------->|              |              |
             |    INVITE F10  |              |              |
             |    200 OK F11  |              |              |
             |     ACK F12    |                             |
             |          Announcement Played to Caller       |
             |                                    BYE F13   |
             |     200 OK F14                               |
             |                                              |
             |                                              |
             |                                              |

           Alice            Proxy           Bob
             |                |              |
             |    INVITE F1   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             | 407 Proxy Authentication F2   |
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F3     |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |    INVITE F4   |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             | 403 Screening Failure (Originating) F5
             |<---------------|              |
             |     ACK F6     |              |
             |--------------->|              |
             |                |              |

           Alice           Bob        Park Server       Carol
             |              |              |              |
             |   INVITE F1  |              |              |
             |------------->|              |              |
             |180 Ringing F2|              |              |
             |<-------------|              |              |
             |  200 OK F3   |              |              |
             |<-------------|              |              |
             |    ACK F4    |              |              |
             |------------->|              |              |
             |  RTP Media   |              |              |
             |<============>|              |              |
             |      Bob Parks Call         |              |
             |              |   REFER Refer-To: A F5      |
             |              |------------->|              |
             |              |    202 F6    |              |
             |              |<-------------|              |
             |              |   NOTIFY F7  |              |
             |              |<-------------|              |
             |              |    200 F8    |              |
             |              |------------->|              |
             |  INVITE F9 Replaces: B      |              |
             |<----------------------------|              |
             |          200 OK F10         |              |
             |---------------------------->|              |
             |           ACK F11           |              |
             |<----------------------------|              |
             |           RTP Music         |              |
             |<===========================>|              |
             |     BYE F12  |              |              |
             |------------->|  NOTIFY F14  |              |
             |  200 OK F13  |<-------------|              |
             |<-------------|  200 OK F15  |              |
             |              |------------->|              |
             |              |   Carol picks up the call   |
             |              |              |              |
             |              |              | SUBSCRIBE F16|
             |              |              |<-------------|
             |              |              |  200 OK F17  |
             |              |              |------------->|
             |              |              |  NOTIFY F18  |
             |              |              |------------->|
             |              |              |  200 OK F19  |
             |              |              |<-------------|
             |           INVITE Replaces: Park Server F20 |

             |              |              |   200 F21    |
             |              |              |    ACK F22   |
             |                  RTP Media                 |
             |           BYE F23           |              |
             |---------------------------->|              |
             |          200 OK F24         |              |
             |<----------------------------|              |
             |       No more RTP Music     |              |

            Alice          Bob                Bill
             |              |                   |
             |   INVITE F1  |                   |
             |------------->|                   |
             |180 Ringing F2|                   |
             |<-------------|                   |
             |              |   SUBSCRIBE F3    |
             |              |<------------------|
             |              |     200 OK F4     |
             |              |------------------>|
             |              |     NOTIFY F5     |
             |              |------------------>|
             |              |     200 OK F6     |
             |              |<------------------|
             |          INVITE Replaces:Bob  F7 |
             |              |     200 OK F8     |
             |   CANCEL F9  |                   |
             |------------->|                   |
             |  200 OK F10  |                   |
             |<-------------|                   |
             |    487 F11   |                   |
             |<-------------|                   |
             |    ACK F12   |                   |
             |------------->|                   |
             |                    ACK F13       |
             |                                  |
             |    Two-Way RTP Established       |
             |                     BYE F14      |
             |                   200 OK F15     |
             |                                  |

2.17.  Automatic Redial
           Alice             Bob
             |                |
             |    INVITE F1   |
             |486 Busy Here F2|
             |<---------------|    Bob is busy
             |     ACK F3     |
             |  SUBSCRIBE F4  |
             |   200 OK F5    |
             |    NOTIFY F6   |
             |   200 OK F7    |
             |                |
             |    NOTIFY F8   |    Bob is now available
             |   200 OK F9    |
             |                |
             |   INVITE F10   |
             |--------------->|    Session setup successful
             | 180 Ringing F11|
             |   200 OK F12   |
             |     ACK F13    |
             |  Media Session |
             |                |
             |   NOTIFY F14   |
             |   200 OK F15   |
             |                |
             |  SUBSCRIBE F16 | Alice terminates subscription
             |   200 OK F17   |
             |   NOTIFY F18   |
             |   200 OK F19   |
             |                |

        Bob's PC                Bob                Carol
            | REFER Refer-To:Carol F1                 |
            |------------------->|                    |
            |  202 Accepted F2   |                    |
            |<-------------------|                    |
            |                    |     INVITE F3      |
            |                    |------------------->|
            |                    |   180 Ringing F4   |
            |                    |<-------------------|
            |                    |     200 OK F5      |
            |                    |<-------------------|
            |                    |       ACK F6       |
            |                    |------------------->|
            |                    |         RTP        |
            |                    |<==================>|
            |                    |                    |

                       +---------------+  recipient URI
                       |               |---------------->
                       |               |
           target URI  |  Translation  |     [...]
        -------------->|   Operation   |
                       |               |  recipient URI
                       |               |---------------->

                                                    |       |
                                                   >|  UA   |
                                                  / |       |
                                                 /  +-------+
                  +-----------------------+   /
                  |                       |  /
    +-----+       |         Relay         | /       +-------+
    |     |       |                       |/        |       |
    | UA  |------>|                       |-------->| Proxy |
    |     |       |+---------------------+|\        |       |
    +-----+       ||     Translation     || \       +-------+
                  ||        Logic        ||  \
                  |+---------------------+|   \       [...]
                  +-----------------------+    \
                                                 \  +-------+
                                                  \ |       |
                                                   >| B2BUA |
                                                    |       |

                  +-----------------------+ Permission +-------------+
                  |                       |  Request   |             |
   +--------+     |         Relay         |----------->| Store & Fwd |
   |        |     |                       |            |   Server    |
   | Client |     |                       |            |             |
   |        |     |+-------+ +-----------+|            +-------------+
   +--------+     ||Transl.| |Permissions||                   |
       |          ||Logic  | |           ||        Permission |
       |          |+-------+ +-----------+|         Request   |
       |          +-----------------------+                   V
       |               ^           ^                   +-------------+
       | Manipulation  |           |  Permission Grant |             |
       +---------------+           +-------------------|  Recipient  |
                                                       |             |

         |(1) Add Recipient                |                |
         |    sip:B@example.com            |                |
         |--------------->|                |                |
         |(2) HTTP 202 (Accepted)          |                |
         |<---------------|                |                |
         |                |(3) MESSAGE sip:B@example        |
         |                |    Permission Document          |
         |                |--------------->|                |
         |                |(4) 202 Accepted|                |
         |                |<---------------|                |
         |(5) SUBSCRIBE   |                |                |
         |    Event: pending-additions     |                |
         |--------------->|                |                |
         |(6) 200 OK      |                |                |
         |<---------------|                |                |
         |(7) NOTIFY      |                |                |
         |<---------------|                |                |
         |(8) 200 OK      |                |                |
         |--------------->|                |                |
         |                |                |                |User B goes
         |                |                |                |  online
         |                |                |(9) Request for |
         |                |                |  stored messages
         |                |                |<---------------|
         |                |                |(10) Delivery of|
         |                |                |  stored messages
         |                |                |--------------->|
         |                |(11) PUBLISH uri-up              |
         |                |<--------------------------------|
         |                |(12) 200 OK     |                |
         |                |-------------------------------->|
         |(13) NOTIFY     |                |                |
         |<---------------|                |                |
         |(14) 200 OK     |                |                |
         |--------------->|                |                |

           Relay                     B@example.com
             |(1) INVITE                   |
             |    Trigger-Consent: sip:123@relay.example.com
             |     ;target-uri="sip:friends@relay.example.com"
             |(2) 603 Decline              |
             |(3) ACK                      |
             |(4) PUBLISH sip:123@relay.example.com
             |(5) 200 OK                   |
             |(6) MESSAGE sip:B@example    |
             |    Permission Document      |
             |(7) 200 OK                   |
             |(8) PUBLISH uri-deny         |
             |(9) 200 OK                   |

             |(1) INVITE             |
             |    sip:B@example.com  |
             |    sip:C@example.com  |
             |(2) 470 Consent Needed |
             |    Permission-Missing: sip:C@example.com
             |(3) ACK                |

         |(1) REGISTER       |                   |
         |    Contact: sip:a@ws123.example.com   |
         |------------------>|                   |
         |(2) 202 Accepted OK|                   |
         |<------------------|                   |
         |                   |(3) MESSAGE sip:a@ws123.example
         |                   |    Permission Document
         |                   |------------------>|
         |                   |(4) 200 OK         |
         |                   |<------------------|
         |(5) SUBSCRIBE      |                   |
         |    Event: pending-additions           |
         |------------------>|                   |
         |(6) 200 OK         |                   |
         |<------------------|                   |
         |(7) NOTIFY         |                   |
         |<------------------|                   |
         |(8) 200 OK         |                   |
         |------------------>|                   |
         |                   |(9) PUBLISH uri-up |
         |                   |<------------------|
         |                   |(10) 200 OK        |
         |                   |------------------>|
         |(11) NOTIFY        |                   |
         |<------------------|                   |
         |(12) 200 OK        |                   |
         |------------------>|                   |

  +--------+        +--------------------------------+  Permission
  |        |        |                                |   Request
  | Client |        |             Relay              |    with
  |        |        | sip:alices-friends@example.com |  Permission
  +--------+        |                                |   Document
      |             |+-------+                       |-------------+
      |             ||Transl.|                       |             |
      |Manipulation ||Logic  |                       |             |
      +------------>|+-------+                       |             |
           Add      +--------------------------------+             |
     sip:bob@example.org                                           V
                                                 |                     |
                                                 |      Recipient      |
                                                 | sip:bob@example.org |
                                                 |                     |

   +--------+        +---------+        +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
   |SIP UAC |        | URI-list|        |intended| |intended| |intended|
   | issuer |        |  server |        | recip. | | recip. | | recip. |
   |        |        |         |        |   1    | |   2    | |   3    |
   +--------+        +---------+        +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
       |                  |                 |          |          |
       | F1 SIP request   |                 |          |          |
       |  (recipt. list)  |                 |          |          |
       | ---------------->|                 |          |          |
       | F2 2xx response  |                 |          |          |
       |<---------------- | F3 SIP request  |          |          |
       |                  | (recp-hist.list)|          |          |
       |                  | --------------->|          |          |
       |                  | F4 SIP request  |          |          |
       |                  | (recp-hist.list)|          |          |
       |                  | -------------------------->|          |
       |                  | F5 SIP request  |          |          |
       |                  | (recp-hist.list)|          |          |
       |                  | ------------------------------------->|
       |                  |  F6 200 OK      |          |          |
       |                  |<--------------- |          |          |
       |                  |  F7 200 OK      |          |          |
       |                  |<-------------------------- |          |
       |                  |  F8 200 OK      |          |          |
       |                  |<------------------------------------- |
       |                  |                 |          |          |
       |                  |                 |          |          |
       |                  |                 |          |          |

   +--------+        +---------+      +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
   |SIP UAC |        | MESSAGE |      |intended| |intended| |intended|
   | issuer |        | URI-list|      | recip. | | recip. | | recip. |
   |        |        | service |      |   1    | |   2    | |   n    |
   +--------+        +---------+      +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
       |                  |               |          |          |
       | F1 MESSAGE       |               |          |          |
       | ---------------->|               |          |          |
       | F2 202 Accepted  |               |          |          |
       |<---------------- |  F3 MESSAGE   |          |          |
       |                  | ------------->|          |          |
       |                  |  F4 MESSAGE   |          |          |
       |                  | ------------------------>|          |
       |                  |  F5 MESSAGE   |          |          |
       |                  | ----------------------------------->|
       |                  |  F6 200 OK    |          |          |
       |                  |<------------- |          |          |
       |                  |  F7 200 OK    |          |          |
       |                  |<------------------------ |          |
       |                  |  F8 200 OK    |          |          |
       |                  |<----------------------------------- |
       |                  |               |          |          |
       |                  |               |          |          |
       |                  |               |          |          |

   +--------+        +---------+      +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
   |SIP UAC |        | confer. |      |SIP UAS | |SIP UAS | |SIP UAS |
   |        |        | server  |      |   1    | |   2    | |   n    |
   +--------+        +---------+      +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
       |                  |               |          |          |
       | F1 INVITE        |               |          |          |
       | ---------------->|               |          |          |
       | F2 200 OK        |               |          |          |
       |<---------------- |  F3 INVITE    |          |          |
       |                  | ------------->|          |          |
       |                  |  F4 INVITE    |          |          |
       |                  | ------------------------>|          |
       |                  |  F5 INVITE    |          |          |
       |                  | ----------------------------------->|
       |                  |  F6 200 OK    |          |          |
       |                  |<------------- |          |          |
       |                  |  F7 200 OK    |          |          |
       |                  |<------------------------ |          |
       |                  |  F8 200 OK    |          |          |
       |                  |<----------------------------------- |
       |                  |               |          |          |
       |                  |               |          |          |
       |                  |               |          |          |

   | Name                     | Description                | Reference |
   | recipient-list-subscribe | This option tag is used to | [RFC5367] |
   |                          | ensure that a server can   |           |
   |                          | process the recipient-list |           |
   |                          | body used in a SUBSCRIBE   |           |
   |                          | request.                   |           |

   +--------+         +---------+    +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
   | REFER  |         |  REFER  |    | REFER  |  | REFER  |  | REFER  |
   | issuer |         |recipient|    |target 1|  |target 2|  |target 3|
   |        |         |         |    |        |  |        |  |        |
   | Carol  |         | (focus) |    |  Bill  |  |  Joe   |  |  Ted   |
   +--------+         +---------+    +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
        | 1. REFER         |             |           |           |
        | ---------------->|             |           |           |
        | 2. 202 Accepted  |             |           |           |
        |<---------------- |   3. BYE    |           |           |
        |                  | ----------->|           |           |
        |                  |   4. BYE    |           |           |
        |                  | ----------------------->|           |
        |                  |   5. BYE    |           |           |
        |                  | ----------------------------------->|
        |                  |   6. 200 OK |           |           |
        |                  |<----------- |           |           |
        |                  |   7. 200 OK |           |           |
        |                  |<----------------------- |           |
        |                  |   8. 200 OK |           |           |
        |                  |<----------------------------------- |
        |                  |             |           |           |
        |                  |             |           |           |
        |                  |             |           |           |

        A                           T                           B
        |                           |                           |
        |-----(1) INVITE SDP A----->|                           |
        |                           |                           |
        |<-(2) 183 Session Progress-|                           |
        |                           |-----(3) INVITE SDP TB---->|
        |                           |                           |
        |                           |<-----(4) 200 OK SDP B-----|
        |                           |                           |
        |                           |---------(5) ACK---------->|
        |<----(6) 200 OK SDP TA-----|                           |
        |                           |                           |
        |---------(7) ACK---------->|                           |
        |                           |                           |
        | ************************* | ************************* |
        |**        Media          **|**        Media          **|
        | ************************* | ************************* |
        |                           |                           |

   A                           T                           B
   |                           |                           |
   |-----(1) INVITE SDP A----->|                           |
   |                           |                           |
   |<-(2) 183 Session Progress-|                           |
   |                           |-----(3) INVITE SDP TB---->|
   |                           |                           |
   |                           |<----(4) 603 Decline-------|
   |                           |                           |
   |                           |---------(5) ACK---------->|
   |<----(6) 603 Decline-------|                           |
   |                           |                           |
   |---------(7) ACK---------->|                           |
   |                           |                           |

   A                           T                           B
   |                           |                           |
   |-------------------(1) INVITE SDP A------------------->|
   |                           |                           |
   |<--------------(2) 302 Moved Temporarily---------------|
   |                           |                           |
   |-----------------------(3) ACK------------------------>|
   |                           |                           |
   |-----(4) INVITE SDP A----->|                           |
   |                           |                           |
   |<-(5) 183 Session Progress-|                           |
   |                           |-----(6) INVITE SDP TB---->|
   |                           |                           |
   |                           |<-----(7) 200 OK SDP B-----|
   |                           |                           |
   |                           |---------(8) ACK---------->|
   |<----(9) 200 OK SDP TA-----|                           |
   |                           |                           |
   |--------(10) ACK---------->|                           |
   |                           |                           |
   | ************************* | ************************* |
   |**        Media          **|**        Media          **|
   | ************************* | ************************* |

                                                    | ROI |
                  +----------+   +----------+   +------------+
                  |DC, comp. |   | Wavelet  |   |            |
   Raw Image  ==> |transform-|==>|transform-|==>|Quantization|==+
                  |  ation   |   |  ation   |   |            |  |
                  +----------+   +----------+   +------------+  |
                 +-----------+   +----------+   +------------+  |
                 |           |   |          |   |            |  |
    JPEG 2000 <==| Data      |<==| Rate     |<==| EBCOT      |<=+
    codestream   | Ordering  |   | Control  |   |            |
                 +-----------+   +----------+   +------------+

   |RTP   |payload| packetization | packetization |
   |header|header | unit          | unit          |

                        Unprotected Interface
                              +-----+   IPsec protected
          |                   +-----+                    |
          |                      |                       |
          |            Not IPsec |                       |
          |                      |  IPsec protected, not |
          |                      V  addressed to device, |
          |     +-------+    +---------+ and not in SAD  |
          |     |DISCARD|<---|SPD-I (*)|<------------+   |
          |     +-------+    +---------+             |   |
          |                   |                      |   |
          |                   |-----+                |   |
          |                   |     |                |   |
          |                   |     V                |   |
          |                   |  +------+            |   |
          |                   |  | ICMP |            |   |
          |                   |  +------+            |   |
          |                   |                      |   V
       +---------+            |                   +-----------+
   ....|SPD-O (*)|............|...................|PROCESS(**)|...IPsec
       +---------+            |                   | (AH/ESP)  | Boundary
          ^                   |                   +-----------+
          |                   |       +---+              |
          |            BYPASS |   +-->|IKE|              |
          |                   |   |   +---+              |
          |                   V   |                      V
          |               +----------+          +---------+   +----+
          |--------<------|Forwarding|<---------|SAD Check|-->|ICMP|
            nested SAs    +----------+          | (***)   |   +----+
                                |               +---------+
                        Protected Interface

   |               LSRs of the MPLS Backbone of the SP                |
      |        |             |              |                 |
      |        |             |              |                 |
   +-----+  +-----+     +--------+     +--------+         +--------+
   | LER |  | LER |     | LER-BB |     | LER-BB |         | LER-BB |
   +-----+  +-----+     +--------+     +--------+         +--------+
    |   |    |   |        |    |      /     |              |     |
    |   |    |   |        |    |     /      |              |     |
    |   |    |   |  +------+  +------+   +------+          |     |
    |   |    |   |  |BB-RAR|  |BB-RAR|   |  AG  |          |     |
    |   |    |   |  +------+  +------+   +------+          |     |
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  |      |    |           |     |
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  |      |    |           |     |
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  | +-----+  +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  | | RAR |  | RAR |  | RAR |  | RAR |
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  | +-----+  +-----+  +-----+  +-----+
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  |  |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |
    |   |    |   |    |  |      |  |  |   |    |   |    |   |    |   |
   |                       Customer networks                           |

    |                   n bits                   |   128-n bits   |
    |               subnet prefix                | 00000000000000 |

    |           64 bits            |      57 bits     |   7 bits   |
    |        subnet prefix         | 1111110111...111 | anycast ID |

    |           n bits             |    121-n bits    |   7 bits   |
    |        subnet prefix         | 1111111...111111 | anycast ID |
                                   |   interface identifier field  |

              Inter-AS       Inter-AS              Inter-AS
        PCC <-->PCE1<--------->PCE2<---------------->PCE3
         ::      ::             ::                    ::
         ::      ::             ::                    ::
         |       |        |            |        |           |
         |       |        |            |        |           |

 Alice             P1                PS                P2            Bob
 |                 |                 |                 |               |
 | INV Priv        |INV Priv RR:P1   | INV RR:PS       | INV RR:P2,PS  |
 |                 |                 |                 |               |
 | 200 RR:P2,PS,P1 | 200 RR:P2,PS,P1 | 200 RR:P2,PS    | 200 RR:P2,PS  |
 |                 |                 |                 |               |
 | INV R:P2,PS,P1  | INV R:P2,PS     | INV R:P2        | INV           |
 |                 |                 |                 |               |

 Alice           P1                PS'               P2              Bob
 |               |                 |                 |                 |
 | INV           |INV RR:P1        |                 | INV RR:P2,P1    |
 |               |                 |                 |                 |
 | 200 RR:PS',P1 | 200 RR:PS',P1   |200 Priv RR:P2,P1|200 Priv RR:P2,P1|
 |               |                 |                 |                 |
 | INV R:PS',P1  | INV R:PS'       | INV R:P2        | INV             |
 |               |                 | (Restored)      |                 |

    +----------------+ +----------------------------+
    |     Format     | |     Register / Search      |
    |                | |                            |
    |      XML       | |           UDDI             |
    |                | |  (Universal Description,   |
    |                | | Discovery and Integration) |
    |                | +----------------------------+
    |                | +----------------------------+ +----------------+
    |                | |    Service Description     | |      API       |
    |                | |                            | |                |
    |                | |           WSDL             | |      JAXM      |
    |                | +----------------------------+ | (Java API for  |
    |                | +----------------------------+ | XML Messaging) |
    |                | |   Fundamental Messaging    | |    JAX-RPC     |
    |                | |                            | | (Java API for  |
    |                | |           SOAP             | |   XML / RPC)   |
    +----------------+ +----------------------------+ +----------------+
                       |        Transport           |
                       |                            |
                       |       HTTP, HTTPS...       |

    +---------------------------+   +---------------------------+
    |      NETCONF Client       |   |       NETCONF Server      |
    |           (NMS)           |   |     (Network Equipment)   |
    |  +---------------------+  |   |  +---------------------+  |
    |  | NETCONF application |  |   |  |    NETCONF service  |  |
    |  |                     |  |   |  |       provider      |  |
    |  +---------------------+  |   |  +---------------------+  |
    |  +---------------------+  |   |                           |
    |  |    Java library     |  |   |                           |
    |  +---------------------+  |   |                           |
    |  +---------------------+  |   |  +---------------------+  |
    |  | SOAP Implementation |  |   |  | SOAP Implementation |  |
    |  |    (Apache Axis)    |  |   |  |                     |  |
    |  +---------------------+  |   |  +---------------------+  |
    +-------^----------|--------+   +-------^----------|--------+
            |          |     rpc-request    |          |
            |          +-----  /SOAP    ----+          |
            |                  / HTTP(S)               |
            |                                          |
            |                 rpc-reply                |
            +----------------  /SOAP    ---------------+
                               / HTTP(S)
        Figure 2: Architecture of NETCONF Implementation Using SOAP

                             [Q]  [R]
        AS1                   .    .              AS2
                              ......               \
                              ..PI..                ----[btns-B]

           | AUTH  |  SAB  |                | CB-AUTH |   CBB   |
      -----+-------+-------+         -------+---------+---------+
           |       |       |                |         |         |
      AUTH | AUTH  | A-SAB |         CB-AUTH| CB-AUTH |  A-CBB  |
           |       |       |                |         |         |
      -----+-------+-------+         -------+---------+---------+
           |       |       |                |         |         |
      SAB  | A-SAB | S-SAB |           CBB  |  A-CBB  |  S-CBB  |
           |       |       |                |         |         |
      -----+-------+-------+         -------+---------+---------+

                                     |   SSH   |  BTNS   |
       Accept unauthenticated        | Allowed | Allowed |
       credentials                   |         |         |
       Options/Warnings to reject    |   Yes   |   No    |
       unauthenticated credentials   |         |         |
       Cache unauthenticated         |Required | Allowed |
       credential for future refs    |         |         |

                          +--------------+             Public Internet
          ................|     NAT 2    |.......................

                          +--------------+             Private NET 2
          ................|     NAT 1    |.......................

     R1  |              L0               |

     R2a |              L0               |   L1   |

     R2b |              L0               |   L2   |

     R3  |              L0               |   L1   |   L2   |

                    |     | \    |      / |
                    |     |  \   |  ----  |
                    |     |   \  | /      |
            R2------R4----R6   --R8------R10----R12
                       :              :
            <-- AS1 -->:<---- AS2 --->:<--- AS3 --->

                   /       :             :
                  /        :             :
                        |     | \    |      / |
                        |     |  \   |  ----  |
                        |     |   \  | /      |
                R2------R4----R6   --R8------R10----R12
                           :              :
                <-- AS1 -->:<---- AS2 --->:<--- AS3 --->

                        |  1 |         1 |
                        |  2 |         4 |
                        |  3 |        15 |
                        |  4 |        64 |
                        |  5 |       325 |
                        |  6 |      1956 |
                        |  7 |     13699 |
                        |  8 |    109600 |
                        |  9 |    986409 |
                        | 10 |   9864100 |

    UAC                 Proxy A              Proxy B             Proxy C
     | INVITE              |                    |                   |
     | Max-Breadth: 60     | INVITE             |                   |
     | Max-Forwards: 70    | Max-Breadth: 30    |                   |
     |-------------------->| Max-Forwards: 69   |                   |
     |                     |------------------->|                   |
     |                     | INVITE             |                   |
     |                     | Max-Breadth: 30    |                   |
     |                     | Max-Forwards: 69   |                   |
     |                     |--------------------------------------->|
     |                     |                    |                   |

    UAC                 Proxy A              Proxy B             Proxy C
     | INVITE              |                    |                   |
     | Max-Breadth: 60     | INVITE             |                   |
     | Max-Forwards: 70    | Max-Breadth: 60    |                   |
     |-------------------->| Max-Forwards: 69   |                   |
     |                     |------------------->|                   |
     |                     | some error response|                   |
     |                     |<-------------------|                   |
     |                     | INVITE             |                   |
     |                     | Max-Breadth: 60    |                   |
     |                     | Max-Forwards: 69   |                   |
     |                     |--------------------------------------->|
     |                     |                    |                   |

    UAC                 Proxy A              Proxy B             Proxy C
     | INVITE              |                    |                   |
     | Max-Breadth: 60     | INVITE             |                   |
     | Max-Forwards: 70    | Max-Breadth: 60    | INVITE            |
     |-------------------->| Max-Forwards: 69   | Max-Breadth: 60   |
     |                     |------------------->| Max-Forwards: 68  |
     |                     |                    |------------------>|
     |                     |                    |                   |
     |                     |                    |                   |
     |                     |                    |                   |

                                    | MB: 4
                                    | MF: 5
                         MB: 2      P            MB: 2
                         MF: 4    /  \           MF: 4
                 +---------------+    +------------------+
         MB: 1   P    MB: 1                     MB: 1    P    MB: 1
         MF: 3 /  \   MF: 3                     MF: 3  /  \   MF: 3
          +---+    +-------+                     +----+    +-------+
          P                P                     P                 P
    MB: 1 |          MB: 1 |               MB: 1 |           MB: 1 |
    MF: 2 |          MF: 2 |               MF: 2 |           MF: 2 |
          P                P                     P                 P
    MB: 1 |          MB: 1 |               MB: 1 |           MB: 1 |
    MF: 1 |          MF: 1 |               MF: 1 |           MF: 1 |
          P                P                     P                 P

         |              -----   |
         |             | TED |<-+------------>
         |              -----   |  TED synchronization
         |                |     |  mechanism (e.g., routing protocol)
         |                |     |
         |                v     |
         |  ------      -----   |  Inter-PCE Request/Response
         | |Policy|<-->| PCE |<.+...........>  (when present)
         |  ------      -----   |
                          | Request/
                          | Response
           Service  -------------  Signaling
           Request |[PCC][Policy]| Protocol
           <------>|    Node     |<------->
      or Signaling  -------------

       ------------------       -------------------
      |                  |     |                   |
      |        PCE       |     |        PCE        |
      |                  |     |                   |
      |  ------   -----  |     |   -----   ------  |
      | |Policy| | TED | |     |  | TED | |Policy| |
      |  ------   -----  |     |   -----   ------  |
       ------------------       -------------------
               ^                       ^
               | Request/              | Request/
               | Response              | Response
               v                       v
   Service --------  Signaling  ------------  Signaling  ------------
   Request|Head-End| Protocol  |Intermediate| Protocol  |Intermediate|
     ---->|  Node  |<--------->|    Node    |<--------->|    Node    |
           --------             ------------             ------------

    ------------------                              ------------------
   |                  | Inter-PCE Request/Response |                  |
   |       PCE        |<-------------------------->|       PCE        |
   |                  |                            |                  |
   |  ------   -----  |                            |  ------   -----  |
   | |Policy| | TED | |                            | |Policy| | TED | |
   |  ------   -----  |                            |  ------   -----  |
    ------------------                              ------------------
               | Request/
               | Response
   Service ----------  Signaling   ----------  Signaling   ----------
   Request| Head-End | Protocol   | Adjacent | Protocol   | Adjacent |
     ---->|  Node    |<---------->|   Node   |<---------->|   Node   |
           ----------              ----------              ----------

               +---+---+      | Domain|      +---+---+
               |Transit|      |   C   |      |Transit|
      +--------+ Domain|      +---+---+      | Domain+--------+
      |        |   A   +--+       |       +--+   F   |        |
   +--+---+    +---+---+  |       |       |  +---+---+     +--+---+
   |Source|        |      |   +---+---+   |      |         |Target|
   |Domain|        |      +---+Transit+---+      |         |Domain|
   +--+---+        |      +---+ Domain|---+      |         +--+---+
      |        +---+---+  |   |   D   |   |  +---+---+        |
      |        |Transit|  |   +---+---+   |  |Transit|        |
      +--------+ Domain+--+       |       +--+ Domain+--------+
               |   B   |          |          |   G   |
               +---+---+      +---+---+      +---+---+
                   |          |Transit|          |
                   +----------+ Domain+----------+
                              |   E   |

                         .                       .
                         . PCE Policy Management .
                         .                       .
    ---------  Policy     -----------------------
   | PCC-PDP |<--------- | PCE Policy Repository |
    ---------             -----------------------
        | e.g., SOAP
    ---------                     PCEP                      ---------
   | PCC-PEP |<------------------------------------------->|   PCE   |
    ---------         PCC-PCE Communication Protocol        ---------

                         .                       .
                         . PCE Policy Management .
                         .                       .
                          -----------------------  Policy    ---------
                         | PCE Policy Repository | -------->| PCE-PDP |
                          -----------------------            ---------
                                                     e.g., SOAP |
    ---------                     PCEP                      ---------
   |   PCC   |<------------------------------------------->| PCE-PEP |
    ---------         PCC-PCE Communication Protocol        ---------

                         .                       .
                         . PCE Policy Management .
                         .                       .
    ---------  Policy a   -----------------------  Policy b  ---------
   | PCC-PDP |<--------- | PCE Policy Repository | -------->| PCE-PDP |
    ---------             -----------------------            ---------
        ^                                                       ^
        | e.g., SOAP                                 e.g., SOAP |
        v                                                       v
    ---------                     PCEP                      ---------
   | PCC-PEP |<------------------------------------------->| PCE-PEP |
    ---------         PCC-PCE Communication Protocol        ---------

             --------------                   --------------
            |  PCE Policy  |                 |  PCE Policy  |
         ---| Repository A |                 | Repository B |---
        |    --------------                   --------------    |
        |                                                       |
        | Policy a                                     Policy b |
        |                                                       |
        v                                                       v
    ---------                                               ---------
   | PCC-PDP |                                             | PCE-PDP |
    ---------                                               ---------
        ^                                                       ^
        | e.g., SOAP                                 e.g., SOAP |
        v                                                       v
    ---------                     PCEP                      ---------
   | PCC-PEP |<------------------------------------------->| PCE-PEP |
    ---------         PCC-PCE Communication Protocol        ---------

                         .                       .
                         . PCE Policy Management .
                         .                       .
    ---------  Policy a   -----------------------  Policy b  ---------
   | PCE-PDP |<--------- | PCE Policy Repository | -------->| PCE-PDP |
    ---------             -----------------------            ---------
        ^                                                       ^
        | e.g., SOAP                                 e.g., SOAP |
        v                                                       v
    ---------                                               ---------
   | PCE-PEP |<------------------------------------------->| PCE-PEP |
    ---------         PCE-PCE Communication Protocol        ---------

             --------------                   --------------
            |  PCE Policy  |                 |  PCE Policy  |
         ---| Repository A |                 | Repository B |---
        |    --------------                   --------------    |
        |                                                       |
        | Policy a                                     Policy b |
        |                                                       |
        v                                                       v
    ---------                                               ---------
   | PCE-PDP |                                             | PCE-PDP |
    ---------                                               ---------
        ^                                                       ^
        | e.g., SOAP                                 e.g., SOAP |
        v                                                       v
    ---------                     PCEP                      ---------
   | PCE-PEP |<------------------------------------------->| PCE-PEP |
    ---------         PCC-PCE Communication Protocol        ---------

                                 Application Data and Control
       .---------------------.           .-----------------------.
       | Node Identification |-------+-->|  Sender Transmission  |<---.
       `---------------------'       |   `-----------------------'    |
       .---------------------.       |        |  .------------------. |
       | Data Identification |-------+        |  | Rcvr Join Policy | |
       `---------------------'       |        V  `------------------' |
       .---------------------.       |   .----------------------.     |
    .->| Congestion Control  |-------+   | Receiver NACK        |     |
    |  `---------------------'       |   | Repair Process       |     |
    |  .---------------------.       |   | .------------------. |     |
    |  |                     |-------'   | | NACK Initiation  | |     |
    |  |        FEC          |-----.     | `------------------' |     |
    |  |                     |--.  |     | .------------------. |     |
    |  `---------------------'  |  |     | | NACK Content     | |     |
    |  .---------------------.  |  |     | `------------------' |     |
    `--|    RTT Collection   |--|--+---->| .------------------. |     |
       |                     |--+  |     | | NACK Suppression | |     |
       `---------------------'  |  |     | `------------------' |     |
       .---------------------.  |  |     `----------------------'     |
       |    Group Size Est.  |--|--'          |  .-----------------.  |
       |                     |--+             |  |  Intermediate   |  |
       `---------------------'  |             |  |  System Assist  |  |
       .---------------------.  |             v  `-----------------'  |
       |       Other         |  |        .-------------------------.  |
       `---------------------'  `------->| Sender NACK Processing  |--'
                                         |   and Repair Response   |
                       ^                         ^
                       |                         |
                     |         (Security)          |

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

      <---- p(n-1) ---->
               <----- p(n) ----->
                        <---- p(n+1) ---->
                                 <---- p(n+2) ---->
                                          <---- p(n+3) ---->
                                                   <---- p(n+4) ---->

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

    INV +-----------------------------------------------+
    --->|                 Preparative                   |
          |                    |                      |
          | 3xx-6xx            | 1xx-tag              | 2xx
          |                    |                      |
          |                    |        1xx-tag       |
          |                    V        w/new tag     |
          |         +-----------------+  [new DSM]    |
          | 3xx-6xx |                 |   | (new DSM  |
          +<--------|      Early      |   |  instance |
          |         |                 |<--+  created) |
          |         +-----------------+               |
          |            |             |                |  2xx w/new tag
          |            | BYE         | 2xx            |   [new DSM]
          |            |             +------------>+<-+      | (new DSM
          |            |                           |         |  instance
    +-----C------------C-----+         +-----------C------+  |  created)
    |     | Terminated |     |         | Confirmed |      |  |
    |     |            +<----C---------|           |      |  |
    |     |            |     | BYE(sr) |           |      |  |
    |     |            V     |         |           V      |  |
    | 2xx |  +-----------+   |         |   +-----------+  |  |
    | +---C--|           |---C-+       |   |           |  |  |
    | |   |  |   Mortal  |   | | BYE(r)|   | Moratorium|<-C--+
    | +---C->|           |<--C-+       |   |           |  |
    | ACK |  +-----------+   |         |   +-----------+  |
    |     |    |             |         |         |        |
    |     |    | Timeout     |         |         | ACK    |
    |     |    |             |         |         |        |
    |     V    V             |         |         V        |
    |   +---------------+    |         |   +-----------+  |
    |   |               |    |         |   |           |--C-+
    |   |     Morgue    |    |         |   |Established|  | | 2xx,ACK
    |   |               |    |         |   |           |<-C-+
    |   +---------------+    |         |   +-----------+  |
    |                        |         |                  |
    +------------------------+         +------------------+

    INV +-----------------------------------------------+
    --->|                 Preparative                   |
          |                         |                 |
          | 3xx-6xx                 | 1xx-tag         | 2xx
          |                         |                 |
          |                         V                 |
          |         +------------------+              |
          | 3xx-6xx |                  |              |
          +<--------|      Early       |              |
          |         |                  |              |
          |         +------------------+              |
          |            |             |                |
          |            |BYE/487(INV) | 2xx            |
          |            |             +------------>+<-+
          |            |                           |
    +-----C------------C-----+         +-----------C------+
    |     | Terminated |     |         | Confirmed |      |
    |     |            +<----C---------|           |      |
    |     |            |     | BYE(sr) |           |      |
    |     |            V     |         |           V      |
    |     | +------------+   |         |   +-----------+  |
    |     | |            |---C-+       |   |           |--C-+
    |     | |   Mortal   |   | | BYE   |   | Moratorium|  | | 2xx
    |     | |            |<--C-+       |   |           |<-C-+ if ACK not
    |     | +------------+   |         |   +-----------+  |   received
    |     |   |              |         |         |        |
    |     |   | Timeout      |         |         | ACK    |
    |     |   |              |         |         |        |
    |     V   V              |         |         V        |
    |   +---------------+    |         |   +-----------+  |
    |   |               |    |         |   |           |  |
    |   |     Morgue    |    |         |   |Established|  |
    |   |               |    |         |   |           |  |
    |   +---------------+    |         |   +-----------+  |
    |                        |         |                  |
    +------------------------+         +------------------+

   State  Alice                               Bob  State
          |                                     |
          |            ini-INVITE F1            |
     Pre  |         180 F2(Packet loss)         |  Pre
          |            x<-----------------------|
          |                                     |  Ear
          | ini-INVITE F4(=F1)           200 F3 |
          |------------------     --------------|
          |                   \ /               |  Mora
          |                    X                |
          |                   / \               |
          |<-----------------     ------------->|  *race*
    Mora  |                ACK F5               |
     Est  |                                     |  Est
          |                                     |

   State  Alice                        Bob  State
          |                              |
          |          INVITE F1           |
     Pre  |       180 Ringing F2         |  Pre
     Ear  |                              |  Ear
          |CANCEL F3       200(INVITE) F4|
          |------------     -------------|
          |             \ /              |  Mora
          |              X               |
          |             / \              |
          |<-----------     ------------>|  *race*
    Mora  |                              |
          | ACK F6         200(CANCEL) F5|
          |------------     -------------|
     Est  |             \ /              |
          |              X               |
          |             / \              |
          |<-----------     ------------>|
          |                              |  Est
          |       One Way RTP Media      |
          | (Two Way RTP Media possible) |
          |            BYE F7            |
    Mort  |            200 F8            |  Mort
          | ^                          ^ |
          | | Timer K                  | |
          | V                          | |
    Morg  |                    Timer J | |
          |                            V |
          |                              |  Morg
          |                              |

   State  Alice                          Bob  State
          |                                |
          |         ini-INVITE F1          |
     Pre  |            180 F2              |  Pre
     Ear  |                                |  Ear
          |    BYE F4        200(INVITE) F3|
          |-------------     --------------|
    Mort  |              \ /               |  Mora
          |               X                |
          |              / \               |
          |<------------     ------------->|  *race*
          |                                |  Mort
          |    ACK F5         200(BYE) F6  |
          |-------------     --------------|
          |              \ /            ^  |
          |               X             |  |
          |              / \            |  |
          |<------------     ------------->|
          | ^                           |  |
          | | Timer K                   |  |
          | V                           |  |
    Morg  |                     Timer J |  |
          |                             V  |
          |                                |  Morg
          |                                |

   State  Alice                          Bob  State
          |                                |
          |    ini-INVITE w/offer1 F1      |
     Pre  |             180 F2             |  Pre
     Ear  |                                |  Ear
          |   200(ini-INV) w/answer1 F3    |
    Mora  |       ACK F4(packet loss)      |  Mora
          |-------------------->x          |
     Est  |                                |
          | re-INVITE F6      200 F5(=F3)  |
          |   w/offer2         w/answer1   |
          |-------------     --------------|
          |              \ /               |
          |               X                |
          |              / \               |
          |<------------     ------------->|  *race*
          |                  200(re-INV) F8|
          | ACK F7(=F4)        w/answer2   |
          |-------------     --------------|
          |              \ /               |
          |               X                |
          |              / \               |
          |<------------     ------------->|
          |         ACK (re-INV) F9        |  Est
          |                                |
          |                                |

   State  Alice                          Bob  State
          |                                |
          |    ini-INVITE (no offer) F1    |
     Pre  |             180 F2             |  Pre
     Ear  |                                |  Ear
          |    200(ini-INV) w/offer1 F3    |
    Mora  |  ACK w/answer1 F4(packet loss) |  Mora
          |-------------------->x          |
     Est  |                                |
          | re-INVITE F6      200 F5(=F3)  |
          |   w/offer2         w/offer1    |
          |-------------     --------------|
          |              \ /               |
          |               X                |
          |              / \               |
          |<------------     ------------->|
          | ACK F7(=F4)      491(re-INV) F8|
          |-------------     --------------|
          |              \ /               |
          |               X                |
          |              / \               |
          |<------------     ------------->|
          |        ACK (re-INV) F9         |  Est
          |                                |
          |                                |

   State  Alice                     Bob  State
          |                           |
          |         INVITE F1         |
     Pre  |      180 Ringing F2       |  Pre
     Ear  |                           |  Ear
          |         200 OK F3         |
    Mora  |    ACK F4(packet loss)    |  Mora
          |--------------->x          |
     Est  |   Both Way RTP Media      |
          |   BYE F6       200 F5(=F3)|
          |-----------     -----------|
    Mort  |            \ /            |
          |             X             |
          |            / \            |
          |<----------     ---------->|  *race*
          |ACK F7(=F4)     200(BYE) F8|  Mort
          |-----------     -----------|
          |            \ /            |
          |             X             |
          |            / \            |
          |<----------     ---------->|
          | ^                       ^ |
          | | Timer K               | |
          | V                       | |
    Morg  |                 Timer J | |
          |                         V |
          |                           |  Morg
          |                           |

   State  Alice                  Bob  State
          |                        |
          |       INVITE F1        |
     Pre  |    180 Ringing F2      |  Pre
     Ear  |                        |  Ear
          |       200 OK F3        |
    Mora  |         ACK F4         |  Mora
     Est  |   Both Way RTP Media   |  Est
          |                        |
          | BYE F5         BYE F6  |
          |---------     ----------|
    Mort  |          \ /           |  Mort
          |           X            |
          |          / \           |
          |<--------     --------->|  *race*
          |                        |
          | 200 F8         200 F7  |
          |---------     ----------|
          |          \ /           |
          |           X            |
          |          / \           |
          |<--------     --------->|
          | ^                    ^ |
          | | Timer K            | |
          | V                    | |
    Morg  |              Timer J | |
          |                      V |
          |                        |  Morg
          |                        |

    State  Alice                  Bob  State
           |                        |
           |       INVITE F1        |
      Pre  |    180 Ringing F2      |  Pre
      Ear  |                        |  Ear
           |       200 OK F3        |
     Mora  |         ACK F4         |  Mora
      Est  |   Both Way RTP Media   |  Est
           |                        |
           | BYE F5     re-INVITE F6|
           |---------     ----------|
     Mort  |          \ /           |
           |           X            |
           |          / \           |
   *race*  |<--------     --------->|
           |                        |  Mort
           | 481 F8         200 F7  |
           | (re-INV)       (BYE)   |
           |---------     ----------|
           |          \ /           |^
           |           X            ||
           |          / \           ||Timer J
           |<--------     --------->||
          ^|    ACK (re-INV) F9     ||
   Timer K||                        ||
          V|                        ||
     Morg  |                        |V
           |                        |  Morg
           |                        |

   State  Alice                  Bob  State
          |                        |
          |       INVITE F1        |
     Pre  |    180 Ringing F2      |  Pre
     Ear  |                        |  Ear
          |       200 OK F3        |
    Mora  |         ACK F4         |  Mora
     Est  |   Both Way RTP Media   |  Est
          |                        |
          |      re-INVITE F5      |
          | 200 F7         BYE F6  |
          |---------     ----------|
          |          \ /           |  Mort
          |           X            |
          |          / \           |
          |<--------     --------->|  *race*
    Mort  | 200 F8         ACK F9  |
          | (BYE)         (re-INV) |
          |---------     ----------|
          | ^        \ /           |
          | |         X            |
          | |        / \           |
          |<--------     --------->|
          | |                    ^ |
          | |            Timer K | |
          | |                    V |
          | | Timer J              |  Morg
          | V                      |
    Morg  |                        |
          |                        |

   State  Alice                          Bob  State
          |                                |
          |         ini-INVITE F1          |
     Pre  |            180 F2              |  Pre
     Ear  |            200 F3              |  Ear
    Mora  |                                |  Mora
          |    ACK F4            BYE F5    |
          |-------------     --------------|
     Est  |              \ /               |  Mort
          |               X                |
          |              / \               |
          |<------------     ------------->|  *race*
    Mort  |            200 F6              |
          | ^                            ^ |
          | |                    Timer K | |
          | |                            V |
          | | Timer J                      |  Morg
          | V                              |
    Morg  |                                |
          |                                |

   Alice                         Bob
     |                            |
     |         INVITE F1          |
     |      180 Ringing F2        |
     |          200 OK F3         |
     |           ACK F4           |
     |     Both Way RTP Media     |
     |                            |
     |re-INVITE F5   re-INVITE F6 |
     |------------   -------------|

     |            \ /             |
     |             X              |
     |            / \             |
     |<-----------   ------------>|
     |   491 F8        491 F7     |
     |------------   -------------|
     |            \ /             |
     |             X              |
     |            / \             |
     |<-----------   ------------>|
     |  ^ ACK F9         ^ ACK F10|
     |--|---------   ----|--------|
     |  |          \ /   |        |
     |  |           X    |        |
     |  |          / \   |        |
     |<-|----------   ---|------->|
     |  |                |        |
     |  |0-2.0 sec       |        |
     |  |                |        |
     |  v  re-INVITE F11(=F6)     |
     |     200 OK F12    |        |
     |       ACK F13     |        |
     |                   |        |
     |                   |2.1-4.0 sec
     |                   |        |
     |re-INVITE F14(=F5) v        |
     |         200 OK F15         |
     |          ACK F16           |
     |                            |
     |                            |

   Alice                         Bob
     |                            |
     |         INVITE F1          |
     |      180 Ringing F2        |
     |                            |
     |          200 OK F3         |

     |           ACK F4           |
     |     Both Way RTP Media     |
     |                            |
     |  UPDATE F5    re-INVITE F6 |
     |------------   -------------|
     |            \ /             |
     |             X              |
     |            / \             |
     |<-----------   ------------>|
     |   491 F8        491 F7     |
     |   (re-INVITE)   (UPDATE)   |
     |------------   -------------|
     |            \ /             |
     |             X              |
     |            / \             |
     |<-----------   ------------>|
     |  ^       ACK F9   ^        |
     |  |                |        |
     |  |0-2.0 sec       |        |
     |  |                |        |
     |  v  re-INVITE F10 |        |
     |     200 OK F11    |        |
     |       ACK F12     |        |
     |                   |        |
     |                   |2.1-4.0 sec
     |                   |        |
     |      UPDATE F13   v        |
     |         200 OK F14         |
     |                            |
     |                            |

    State  Alice                  Bob  State
           |                        |
           |       INVITE F1        |
      Pre  |    180 Ringing F2      |  Pre
      Ear  |                        |  Ear
           |       200 OK F3        |
     Mora  |         ACK F4         |  Mora
      Est  |   Both Way RTP Media   |  Est
           |                        |
           | BYE F5        REFER F6 |
           |---------     ----------|
     Mort  |          \ /           |
           |           X            |
           |          / \           |
   *race*  |<--------     --------->|
           |                        |  Mort
           | 481 F8         200 F7  |
           | (REFER)        (BYE)   |
           |---------     ----------|
           |          \ /         ^ |
           |           X          | |
           |          / \         | |
           |<--------     --------->|
           | ^                    | |
           | | Timer K            | |
           | V            Timer J | |
     Morg  |                      V |
           |                        |  Morg
           |                        |

   Alice            Proxy               Bob   Carol
     |                |                  |      |
     |   INVITE F1    |                  |      |
     |--------------->|    INVITE F2     |      |
     |     100 F3     |----------------->|      |
     |<---------------| 180(To tag=A) F4 |      |
     |    180(A) F5   |<-----------------|      |
     |<---------------|                  |      |
     |                |       INVITE(Fork) F6   |
     |                |------------------------>|
     |                |                100 F7   |
     |    BYE(A) F8   |<------------------------|
     |--------------->|    BYE(A) F9     |      |
     |                |----------------->|      |
     |                |  200(A,BYE) F10  |      |
     | 200(A,BYE) F11 |<-----------------|      |
     |<---------------|  487(A,INV) F12  |      |
     |                |<-----------------|      |
     |                |    ACK(A) F13    |      |
     |                |----------------->|      |
     |                |                  |      |
     |                |                         |
     |                |     200(To tag=B) F13   |
     |   200(B) F14   |<------------------------|
     |<---------------|                         |
     |   ACK(B) F15   |                         |
     |--------------->|            ACK(B) F16   |
     |                |------------------------>|
     |   BYE(B) F17   |                         |
     |--------------->|            BYE(B) F18   |
     |                |------------------------>|
     |                |            200(B) F19   |
     |   200(B) F20   |<------------------------|
     |<---------------|                         |
     |                |                         |
     |                |                         |

     UAC                    UAS
      |                      |
   The session has been already established
      |   re-INVITE F1       |
      |   BYE F2             |
      |   200(BYE) F3        |
      |   INVITE F4(=F1)     |
      |                      |
      |                      |

   BYE   INV  dialog UAC                    UAS
                :     |                      |
                :     |                      |
                |     |   re-INVITE F1       |
          o     |     |--------------------->|
          |     |     |   BYE F2             |
    o     |  (Mortal) |--------------------->|
    |     |     |     |   200(BYE) F3        |
    |     |     |     |<---------------------|
    |     |     |     |   INVITE F4(=F1)     |
    |     |     |     |--------------------->|
    |     |     |     |   481(INV) F5        |
    |     |     |     |<---------------------|
    |     |     |     |   ACK(INV) F6        |
    |     |     |     |--------------------->|
    |     |     |     |                      |
    o     |     o     |                      |
          |           |                      |
          o           |                      |
                      |                      |

   UAC                    UAS dialog  INV   BYE
    |                      |     :
    |                      |     :
    |   re-INVITE F1       |     |
    |-------------->x      |     |
    |   BYE F2             |     |
    |--------------------->|     |           o
    |   200(BYE) F3        |  (Mortal)       |
    |<---------------------|     |           |<-Start Timer J
    |   INVITE F4(=F1)     |     |           |
    |--------------------->|     |     o     |
    |   4xx/5xx(INV) F5    |     o     |     o
    |<---------------------|           |
    |   ACK(INV) F6        |           |
    |--------------------->|           |<-Start Timer I
    |                      |           |
    |                      |           |
    |                      |           o
    |                      |

                  | Preparative |---+
                  +-------------+   |
                    :   | 1xx(s)    |
                    :   V           |
                    : +-------+     | 2xx(s)
                    : | Early |-----+------+
                    : +-------+            |
                    :     :                V
                    :     :           +-----------+
                    :     :           | Confirmed |<...
                    :.....:           +-----------+   :
                       :                   |  :       :
                       :             BYE(r)|  :       :
                       : CANCEL(r)         |  :.......:
                       V                   |    CANCEL(r)
                   .............           |
                   : Cancelled :           |
                   :...........:           |
                      | 487(s)             |
                      |                    |
                           | Terminated |

                    dialog(A)       |    INVITE F1
                     Pre o          |------------------------->
                         |          |    100 F2
                         |          |<-------------------------
                         |          |    180(To tag=A) F3
                     Ear |          |<-------------------------
          dialog(B)      |          |
      forked new DSM     |          |    180(To tag=B) F4
          Ear o..........|..........|<-------------------------
              |          |          |
              |          |          |    200(A) F5
   terminate->|.....Mora |..........|<-------------------------
     early    |          | ^        |    ACK(A) F6
      media   |      Est | |        |------------------------->
              |          | |        |
              |          | |64*T1   |
              |          | |( of RFC 3261 [1])
              |          | |        |
              |          | |        |
              |          | V        |
              o..........|.(terminate INVITE transaction)
          terminated     |          |
           dialog(B)     |          |
                         |          |

                    dialog(A)       |    INVITE F1
                     Pre o          |----------------------->
                         |          |    100 F2
                         |          |<-----------------------
                         |          |    180(To tag=A) F3
         dialog(B)   Ear |          |<-----------------------
     forked new DSM      |          |    180(To tag=B) F4
          Ear o..........|..........|<-----------------------
              |          |          |
              |          |          |    200(A) F5
   terminate->|.....Mora |..........|<-----------------------
     early    |          | ^        |    ACK(A) F6
      media   |      Est | |        |----------------------->
              |          | |64*T1   |
              |          | |        |    200(B) F7
         Mora |..........|.|........|<-----------------------
              |          | |        |    ACK(B) F8
          Est |..........|.|........|----------------------->
              |          | |        |    BYE(B) F9
         Mort |..........|.|........|----------------------->
          ^   |          | |        |    200(B) F10
          |   |          | |        |<-----------------------
          |Timer K       | |        |
          |   |          | V        |
          |   |          | (terminate INVITE transaction)
          V   |          |          |
         Morg o          |          |
                         |          |

                  dialog(A)       |    INVITE F1
                   Pre o          |----------------------->
                       |          |    100 F2
                       |          |<-----------------------
                       |          |    180(To tag=A) F3
                   Ear |          |<-----------------------
                       |          |
                       |          |    200(A) F4
                  Mora |..........|<-----------------------
                       | ^        |    ACK(A) F5
                   Est | |        |----------------------->
                       | |        |
       dialog(B)       | |64*T1   |
   forked new DSM      | |        |    200(To tag=B) F6
       Mora o..........|.|........|<-----------------------
            |          | |        |    ACK(B) F7
        Est |..........|.|........|----------------------->
            |          | |        |    BYE(B) F8
       Mort |..........|.|........|----------------------->
        ^   |          | |        |    200(B) F9
        |   |          | |        |<-----------------------
        |   |          | V        |
        |Timer K       | (terminate INVITE transaction)
        |   |          |          |
        V   |          |          |
       Morg o          |          |
                       |          |

                 dialog(A)       |    INVITE F1
                  Pre o          |------------------------->
                      |          |    100 F2
                      |          |<-------------------------
                      |          |    180(To tag=A) F3
                  Ear |          |<-------------------------
                      |          |    200(A) F4
                 Mora |..........|<-------------------------
                      | ^        |    ACK(A) F5
                  Est | |        |------------------------->
       dialog(B)      | |        |
   forked new DSM     | |        |    180(To tag=B) w/100rel F6
       Ear o..........|.|........|<-------------------------
           |          | |        |    PRACK(B) F7
           |          | |        |------------------------->
           |          | |        |    200(B,PRACK) F8
           |          | |        |<-------------------------
           |          | |64*T1   |
           |          | |( of RFC 3261 [1])
           |          | |        |
           |          | |        |
           |          | |        |
           |          | V        |
           o..........|.(terminate INVITE transaction)
       terminated     |          |
        dialog(B)     |          |
                      |          |

                     IBE Public Parameter Request
             Sender                                PPS
                         IBE Public Parameters

                        IBE Public Parameter Request
             Recipient                                PPS
                            IBE Public Parameters

                          IBE Private Key Request
             Recipient                                PKG
                              IBE Private Key

                  +-+         802.11 frames          +-+
                  | |--------------------------------| |
                  | |              +-+               | |
                  | |--------------| |---------------| |
                  | |  802.11 PHY/ | |     LWAPP     | |
                  | | MAC sublayer | |               | |
                  +-+              +-+               +-+
                  STA              WTP                AC

      |             v
      |       +------------+
      |      C|    Idle    |<-----------------------------------\
      |       +------------+<-----------------------\           |
      |        ^    |a    ^                         |           |
      |        |    |     \----\                    |           |
      |        |    |          |                 +------------+ |
      |        |    |          |          -------| Key Confirm| |
      |        |    |          |        w/       +------------+ |
      |        |    |          |        |           ^           |
      |        |    |          |t       V           |5          |
      |        |    |        +-----------+       +------------+ |
      |       /     |       C|    Run    |       | Key Update | |
      |     /       |       r+-----------+------>+------------+ |
      |    /        |              ^    |s      u        x|     |
      |   |         v              |    |                 |     |
      |   |   +--------------+     |    |                 v     |y
      |   |  C|  Discovery   |    q|    \--------------->+-------+
      |   |  b+--------------+    +-------------+        | Reset |
      |   |     |d     f|  ^      |  Configure  |------->+-------+
      |   |     |       |  |      +-------------+p           ^
      |   |e    v       |  |              ^                  |
      |  +---------+    v  |i            2|                  |
      | C| Sulking |   +------------+    +--------------+    |
      |  +---------+  C|    Join    |--->| Join-Confirm |    |
      |               g+------------+z   +--------------+    |
      |                   |h      m|        3|       |4      |
      |                   |        |         |       v       |o
      |\                  |        |         |     +------------+
       \\-----------------/         \--------+---->| Image Data |C
        \------------------------------------/     +------------+n

      Layer 2 LWAPP Data Frame
      | MAC Header | LWAPP Header [C=0] | Forwarded Data ...      |

      Layer 2 LWAPP Control Frame
      | MAC Header | LWAPP Header [C=1] | Control Message |
      | Message Elements ... |

      Layer 3 LWAPP Data Frame
      | MAC Header | IP | UDP | LWAPP Header [C=0] |
      |Forwarded Data ... |

      Layer 3 LWAPP Control Frame
      | MAC Header | IP | UDP | LWAPP Header [C=1] |
      | Control Message | Message Elements ... |

            Probe Request
      ----------------------------( - )------------------------->
            Probe Response
                       802.11 AUTH/Association
                         Add Mobile (Clear Text, 802.1X Only)
             802.1X Authentication & 802.11i Key Exchange
                                  Add Mobile (AES-CCMP, PTK=x)
                        802.11 Action Frames
                            802.11 DATA (1)
      <---------------------------( - )------------------------->

             802.11 AUTH
                          802.11 Association
      <---------------------------( - )------------------------->
                         Add Mobile (Clear Text, 802.1X Only)
             802.1X Authentication & 802.11i Key Exchange
                        802.11 Action Frames
                                  Add Mobile (AES-CCMP, PTK=x)
              802.11 DATA

                    Association Request/Response
       <--------------------------------------( - )-------------->
                          Add Mobile (Clear Text, 802.1X Only)
       802.1X Authentication (if no key cache entry exists)
       <--------------------------------------( - )-------------->
                     802.11i 4-way Key Exchange
       <--------------------------------------( - )-------------->
                                   Delete Mobile
                                   Add Mobile (AES-CCMP, PTK=x)

   +-------------------------+              +------------+
   |                         |              |            |
   |         SLAPP           |              |  Image     |
   | (technology-independent +-------+----->|  Download  |
   |      framework)         |       |      |  protocol  |
   |                         |       |      |            |
   |  negotiate one control  |       |      +------------+
   |  protocol here          |       |
   +-------------------------+       |
                                     |      +------------+
                                     |      |            |
                                     |      |   802.11   |
                                     +----->|  control   |
                                     |      |  protocol  |
                                     |      |            |
                                     |      +------------+
                                     |      +------------+
                                     |      |            |
                                     |      |   802.16   |
                                     +----->|  control   |
                                     |      |  protocol  |
                                     |      |            |
                                     |      +------------+
                                     |         .......

               +-----------------+            +-------+
               |                 |    (1)     |       |
               |       AC        +------------+  WTP  |
               |                 |            |       |
               +--------+--------+            +-------+
               (2)  |       |
             +------+  L2   +--------+
             |      |       |        |
             |      +---+---+        |
             |                       |
             |                       |
       +-----+-----+             +---+---+    +-------+
       |           |             |       | (3)|       |
       |    WTP    |             |   L3  +----+  WTP  |
       |           |             |       |    |       |
       +-----------+             +---+---+    +-------+
                                 +---+----+    +-------+
                                 |        | (4)|       |
                                 |Internet+----+  WTP  |
                                 |        |    |       |
                                 +--------+    +-------+

      /--------\  /-----------\
      |        |  |           |
      |        v  v           |
      |  +-------------+      |
      | C| discovering |<-\   |
      |  +-------------+  |   |
      |        |          |   |
      |        v          |   |
      |  +-----------+    |   |
      \--| acquiring |    |   |
         +-----------+    |   |
               |          |   |
               v          |   |
         +----------+     |   |
        C| securing |-----/   |
         +----------+         |
               |              |
               v              |
       +----------------+     |
       |  negotiated    |     |
      C|    control     |-----/
       |   protocol     |

       | discovering |<-------------------------------+<----+
       +-------------+                                |     |
         ^  ^                                         |     |
         |  |          +-----------+                  |     |
         |  |          | securing  |                  |     |
         |  |          +----+------+                  |     |
         |  |               |                         |     |
         |  |               v                         |     |
         |  |        +--------------+                 |     |
         |  |   +--->| Unregistered |                 |     |
         |  |   |    +------+-------+                 |     |
         |  |   |           |                         |     |
         |  |   |           |Registration             |     |
         |  |   |Timeout    |Request                  |     |
         |  |   |           |                         |     |
         |  |   |           v                         |     |
         |  |   |    +--------------+                 |     |
         |  |   +----+ Registration |                 |     |
         |  |        |              |                 |     |
         |  | Reject |              |                 |     |
         |  +--------+   Pending    |                 |     |
         | nTimeout>3|              |                 |     |
         |           |              |                 |     |
         |           +------+-------+                 |     |
         |                  |                         |     |
         |                  |Accept                   |     |
         |                  |                         |     |
         |                  |                         |     |
         |                  v                         |     |
         |           +------+-------+                 |     |
         |           |  Registered  |                 |     |
         |      +--->|              |                 |     |
         |      |    +------+-------+                 |     |
         |      |           |                         |     |
         |      |Timeout    |Config                   |     |
         |      |           |Request                  |     |
         |      |           |                         |     |
         |      |           v                         |     |
         |      |    +------+-------+                 |     |
         |      +----+              |           Reject|     |
         |           |Configuration |                 |     |
         |   Reject  | Pending      |                 |     |
         +-----------+              |                 |     |

         ^ nTimeout>3+------+-------+                 |     |
         |                  |                         |     |
         |                  |                         |     |
   De-reg|                  |    +----------------+   |     |
    resp |                  |    v     Accept     |   |     |
    +----+---+       +------+----+--+           +-+---+--+  |
    |        | De-reg|              |           | Update |  |
    |  De    +<------+ Configured   +-----------+        |  |
    |Register| req   |              |           | Pending|  |
    |        |       |              |           +----+---+  |
    +--------+       +------+-------+                       |
                            |                               |
                            |                               |
                            |                               |
                        Too |Many                           |
                        Keepalive                           |
                        Failures                            |
                            |                               |
                            |                               |
                            |   De-Register                 |

            | securing |
   +--------| Unregistered |
   |        +----+---------+
   |             |
   |Timeout      |Register
   |             |request
   |             v                   +-------------+
   |         +----------+   Accept   | Registration|
   |     +---+Register  +----------->|  Pending    |
   |     |   |Processing|            +-+-----+-----+
   |     |   +----------+              |     |
   |     |                             |     |
   |     |Reject                    Timeout  |
   |     |                             |     |Config
   |     |                             |     |Request
   |     |      +--------------+       |     |
   |     +----->|              |<------+     |
   |            |  discovering |             v
   +----------->|              |        +------------+
                +--------------+        | Registered |
                    ^     ^  ^          +----+-------+
                    |     |  |               |
                    |     |  |               |Config
                    |     |  |               |Response
                    |     |  |               v
                    |     |  | Timeout  +------------+
                    |     |  +----------| Config     |
                    |     |   or Reject | Pending    |
                    |     |             +----+-------+
                    |     |                  |
                    |     |                  |Config ACK
                    |     |                  v
                    |     |De-Register  +------------+
                    |     +-------------|            |
                    |     or Keepalive  | Configured |<--+
                    |        failures   |            |   |
                    |                   +----+-------+   |

              Reject|                        |           |
                  or|                        |           |
              Timeout     +-----------+      |Config     |
                    |     | Update    |      |Update     |
                    +-----| Pending   |<-----+           |
                          +----+------+                  |
                               |           Accept        |

   +-------+                       +-------+
   |       |                       |       |    Logical Groups
   |      (=====Control Tunnel======)      |
   |       |                       |       |       ~~~~~~~
   |       |                       |       |      /       /
   |      <=====Logical Group A=====>      |      /   A   /~~~~
   |       |                       |       |      /       /    /
   |      <=====Logical Group B=====>      |       ~~~~~~~     /~~~~
   |       |                       |       |           /    B  /    /
   |      <=====Logical Group C=====>      |            ~~~~~~~     /
   |       |                       |       |                /    C  /
   |       |                       +-------+                 ~~~~~~~
   |       |
   |       |
   |  AC   |
   |       |
   |       |                     Split MAC WTP
   |       |
   |       |                       +-------+    Logical Groups
   |       |                       |       |
   |      [=====Control Tunnel======]      |      ~~~~~~~
   |       |                       |       |     /       /
   |       |                       |       |     /   1   /~~~~
   |      <=====Logical Group 1=====>      |     /       /    /
   |       |                       |       |      ~~~~~~~     /
   |      <=====Logical Group 2=====>      |          /    2  /
   |       |                       |       |           ~~~~~~~
   +-------+                       +-------+

                                    |                                |
                                    |   +------------------+         |
                                    V   V                  |         |
    +-------------+         +-------------+         +-------------+  |
    |             |         |             |         |             |  |
    | Initial-    |-------->| Capabilities|-------->|  Connection |  |
    |    ization  |         |   Exchange  |         |             |  |
    |             |         |             |         |             |  |
    +-------------+         +-------------+         +-------------+  |
           A                       A                       |         |
           |                       |                       |         |
           |                       |                       |         |
           |                       |                       |         |
           |                       |                       V         |
           |                       |                +-------------+  |
           |                       |                |             |  |
           |                       +----------------| Configur-   |  |
           |                                        |     ation   |  |
           |                                        |             |  |
           |                                        +-------------+  |
           |                                               |         |
           |                                               |         |
           |                                               |         |
           |                                               |         |
           |                                               V         |
           |                                        +--------------+ |
           |                                        |              | |
           +----------------------------------------|              |-+
                                                    |  Operation   |
                                                    |              |
                                  Figure 2

   0                                                              31
   |                7               15              23             |
   |                                                               |

   0                                                              31
   |                7               15              23             |
   |                                                               |

   |   Msg Type    |   Reserve     |           Seq Num             |
   |       Msg Element Length      |

   +----------+           +---------------+                 +------+
   | Terminal |           | Local MAC WTP |                 |  AC  |
   +----------+           +---------------+                 +------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        | IEEE 802.11 Association  |           WiCoP            |
        |------------------------->|     Terminal Addition      |
        |                          |===========================>|
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |      WiCoP Terminal        |
        |                          |<===========================|
        | IEEE 802.11 Association  |    Addition Response       |
        |<-------------------------|                            |
        |      Response            |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                                                       |
        |                                                       |
        |                                                       |
        |                  +---------------+                    |
        |                  | Split MAC WTP |                    |
        |                  +---------------+                    |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        | IEEE 802.11 Association  |                            |
        |------------------------->|                            |
        |                          |  IEEE 802.11 Association   |
        |                          |===========================>|
        |                          |       (Over WiCoP)         |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |           WiCoP            |
        |                          |      Terminal Addition     |
        |                          |<===========================|
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |      WiCoP Terminal        |
        |                          |===========================>|
        |                          |    Addition Response       |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |  IEEE 802.11 Association   |
        |                          |<===========================|
        |                          |   Response (Over WiCoP)    |
        | IEEE 802.11 Association  |                            |
        |<-------------------------|                            |
        |       Response           |                            |
                                 Figure 8

   +----------+                 +-----+                     +------+
   | Terminal |                 | WTP |                     |  AC  |
   +----------+                 +-----+                     +------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                    802.1x Authentication              |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
       PMK                         |                           PMK
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |     WiCoP Control Packet   |
        |                          |      (Key Configuration)   |
        |                          |      | +-----------------------+
        |                          |       \|- Encryption-Data      |
        |                          |        |    Unicast-Key        |
       Set                      Receive     |- EAP-Frame            |
     Unicast-Key              Unicast-Key   |    Key Signature      |
        |                          |        +-----------------------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |===========================>|
        |                          |     WiCoP Control Packet   |
        |                          |      (Key Configuration    |
        |                          |       Response )           |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |     WiCoP Control Packet   |
        |                          |      (Key Configuration)   |
        |                          |      | +-----------------------+
        |                          |       \|- Encryption-Data      |
        |                          |        |     Broadcast-Key     |
       Set                      Receive     |- EAP-Frame            |
     Broadcast-Key            Broadcast-Key |    Key Signature      |
        |                          |        |    Broadcast Key      |
        |                          |        +-----------------------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |===========================>|
        |                          |     WiCoP Control Packet   |
        |                          |      (Key Configuration    |
        |                          |       Response )           |

   +----------+                 +-----+                     +------+
   | Terminal |                 | WTP |                     |  AC  |
   +----------+                 +-----+                     +------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                    802.1x Authentication              |
        |                          |                            |
       PMK                         |                           PMK
        |                          |                            |
      Generate                     |                        Generate
       SNonce                      |                         ANonce
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                      Message 1                        |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |      WiCoP Data Packet     |
      Receive                      |                            |
       ANonce                      |                            |
      Generate                     |                            |
       PTK                         |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                      Message 2                        |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |      WiCoP Data Pakcet     |
        |                          |                        Receive
        |                          |                        SNonce
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                       Generate
        |                          |                          PTK
        |                          |                          GTK
        |                      Message 3                        |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |     WiCoP Control Packet   |
        |                          |      (Key Configuration)   |
        |                          |      | +-----------------------+
        |                          |       \|- GTK-Flag             |
      Receive                    Receive    |- Encryption-Data(PTK) |
       GTK                        PTK       |- Encryption-Data(GTK) |
        |                         GTK       |- EAP-Frame            |
        |                          |        +-----------------------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                      Message 4                        |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |      WiCoP Data Pakcet     |
        |                          |                            |
                                 Figure 10

   +----------+                 +-----+                     +------+
   | Terminal |                 | WTP |                     |  AC  |
   +----------+                 +-----+                     +------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                      Message 1                        |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |     WiCoP Control Packet   |
        |                          |      (Key Configuration)   |
        |                          |      | +-----------------------+
        |                          |       \|- GTK-Flag             |
      Receive                    Receive    |- Encryption-Data(GTK) |
       GTK                        GTK       |- EAP-Frame            |
        |                          |        +-----------------------+
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                          |                            |
        |                      Message 2                        |
        |       EAPoL Packet       |      WiCoP Data Pakcet     |
        |                          |                            |

              +-+         wireless frames        +-+
              | |--------------------------------| |
              | |              +-+               | |
              | |--------------| |---------------| |
              | |wireless PHY/ | |     CAPWAP    | |
              | | MAC sublayer | |               | |
              +-+              +-+               +-+
              STA              WTP                AC

              +-+wireless frames +-+ 802.3 frames +-+
              | |----------------| |--------------| |
              | |                | |              | |
              | |----------------| |--------------| |
              | |wireless PHY/   | |     CAPWAP   | |
              | | MAC sublayer   | |              | |
              +-+                +-+              +-+
              STA                WTP               AC

                           Discover Request
                           Discover Response

                      HelloVerifyRequest (with cookie)

                        ClientHello (with cookie)


                              Join Request
                              Join Response
                      [-- Join State Complete --]

                      Configuration Status Request
                      Configuration Status Response
                    [-- Configure State Complete --]

                       Change State Event Request
                       Change State Event Response
                   [-- Data Check State Complete --]

                              Echo Request
                             Echo Response

                              Event Request
                             Event Response

                            |          /-------------------------\|
                            |         p|                         ||
                            |    q+----------+ r +------------+  ||
                            |     |   Run    |-->|   Reset    |-\||
                            |     +----------+   +------------+ |||
                           n|  o      ^           ^     ^      s|||
                +------------+--------/           |     |       |||
                | Data Check |             /-------/    |       |||
                +------------+<-------\   |             |       |||
                                      |   |             |       |||
                       /------------------+--------\    |       |||
                      f|             m|  h|    j   v   k|       |||
               +--------+     +-----------+     +--------------+|||
               |  Join  |---->| Configure |     |  Image Data  ||||
               +--------+  n  +-----------+     +--------------+|||
                ^   |g                 i|                    l| |||
                |   |                   \-------------------\ | |||
                |   \--------------------------------------\| | |||
                \------------------------\                 || | |||
         /--------------<----------------+---------------\ || | |||
         | /------------<----------------+-------------\ | || | |||
         | |  4                          |d           t| | vv v vvv
         | |   +----------------+   +--------------+   +-----------+
         | |   |   DTLS Setup   |   | DTLS Connect |-->|  DTLS TD  |
       /-|-|---+----------------+   +--------------+ e +-----------+
       | | |    |$  ^  ^   |5  ^6         ^              ^  |w
       v v v    |   |  |   |   \-------\  |              |  |
       | | |    |   |  |   \---------\ |  |  /-----------/  |
       | | |    |   |  \--\          | |  |  |              |
       | | |    |   |     |          | |  |  |              |
       | | |    v  3|  1  |%     #   v |  |a |b             v
       | | \->+------+-->+------+   +-----------+    +--------+
       | |    | Idle |   | Disc |   | Authorize |    |  Dead  |
       | |    +------+<--+------+   +-----------+    +--------+
       | |     ^   0^  2      |!
       | |     |    |         |   +-------+
      *| |u    |    \---------+---| Start |
       | |     |@             |   +-------+
       | \->+---------+<------/
       \--->| Sulking |

           ============                         ============
               WTP                                   AC
           ============                         ============
           ClientHello           ------>
                                 <------       HelloVerifyRequest
                                                   (with cookie)

           ClientHello           ------>
           (with cookie)
                                 <------       ServerHello
                                 <------       Certificate
                                 <------       ServerHelloDone

       CAPWAP Control Packet (Discovery Request/Response):
       | IP  | UDP | CAPWAP | Control | Message    |
       | Hdr | Hdr | Header | Header  | Element(s) |

    CAPWAP Control Packet (DTLS Security Required):
    | IP  | UDP | CAPWAP   | DTLS | CAPWAP | Control| Message   | DTLS |
    | Hdr | Hdr | DTLS Hdr | Hdr  | Header | Header | Element(s)| Trlr |
                           \---------- authenticated -----------/
                                  \------------- encrypted ------------/

       CAPWAP Plain Text Data Packet :
       | IP  | UDP | CAPWAP | Wireless |
       | Hdr | Hdr | Header | Payload  |

       DTLS Secured CAPWAP Data Packet:
       | IP  | UDP |  CAPWAP  | DTLS | CAPWAP | Wireless | DTLS |
       | Hdr | Hdr | DTLS Hdr | Hdr  |  Hdr   | Payload  | Trlr |
                              \------ authenticated -----/
                                     \------- encrypted --------/

       | IP Header | UDP Header | CAPWAP Header | 802.3 Frame |

                                Join Request

                     Join Response (Image Identifier = x)

              Image Data Request (Image Identifier = x,
                                  Initiate Download)

           Image Data Response (Result Code = Success,
                                Image Information = {size,hash})

                Image Data Request (Image Data = Data)

                Image Data Response (Result Code = Success)

                Image Data Request (Image Data = EOF)

                Image Data Response (Result Code = Success)

                                Join Request

                     Join Response (Image Identifier = x)

                Configuration Update Request (Image Identifier = x)

            Configuration Update Response (Result Code = Success)

              Image Data Request (Image Identifier = x,
                                  Initiate Download)

              Image Data Response (Result Code = Success,
                                   Image Information = {size,hash})

                Image Data Request (Image Data = Data)

                Image Data Response (Result Code = Success)

                Image Data Request (Image Data = EOF)

                Image Data Response (Result Code = Success)

                (administratively requested reboot request)
                   Reset Request (Image Identifier = x)

                  Reset Response (Result Code = Success)

             Configuration Update Request (Image Identifier = x)

      Configuration Update Response (Result Code = Already Have Image)

                (administratively requested reboot request)
                   Reset Request (Image Identifier = x)

                  Reset Response (Result Code = Success)

           Data Transfer Request (Data Transfer Mode = Crash Data)

              Data Transfer Response (Result Code = Success)

              Data Transfer Request (Data Transfer Data = Data)

              Data Transfer Response (Result Code = Success)

                Data Transfer Request (Data Transfer Data = EOF)

              Data Transfer Response (Result Code = Success)

          Data Transfer Request (Data Transfer Mode = Crash Data)

             Data Transfer Response (Result Code = Data Transfer
                                     Error (No Information to Transfer))

           wireless link layer
           (e.g., 802.11 PTK)
          <--------------> or

                   Probe Request
             ----------------------------( - )------------------------->
                   Probe Response
                              802.11 AUTH/Association
                                        Station Configuration Request
                                          [Add Station (Station MAC
                                          Address), IEEE 802.11 Add
                                          Station (WLAN ID), IEEE
                                          802.11 Session Key(Flag=A)]
                    802.1X Authentication & 802.11 Key Exchange
                                        Station Configuration Request
                                          [Add Station(Station MAC
                                          Address), IEEE 802.11 Add
                                          Station (WLAN ID), IEEE 802.11
                                          Station Session Key(Flag=C)]
                               802.11 Action Frames
                                   802.11 DATA (1)
             <---------------------------( - )------------------------->

                        802.11 AUTH
                                 802.11 Association
             <---------------------------( - )------------------------->
                                        Station Configuration Request
                                          [Add Station (Station MAC
                                          Address), IEEE 802.11 Add
                                          Station (WLAN ID), IEEE
                                          802.11 Session Key(Flag=A)]
                    802.1X Authentication & 802.11 Key Exchange
                                        Station Configuration Request
                                          [Add Station(Station MAC
                                          Address), IEEE 802.11 Add
                                          Station (WLAN ID), IEEE 802.11
                                          Station session Key (Key=x),
                                          IEEE 802.11 Information
                               802.11 Action Frames
                     802.11 DATA

                          Association Request/Response
             <--------------------------------------( - )-------------->
                                        Station Configuration Request
                                          [Add Station (Station MAC
                                          Address), IEEE 802.11 Add
                                          Station (WLAN ID), IEEE
                                          802.11 Session Key(Flag=A)]
             802.1X Authentication (if no key cache entry exists)
             <--------------------------------------( - )-------------->
                           802.11 4-way Key Exchange
             <--------------------------------------( - )-------------->
                                Station Configuration Request
                                  [Delete Station]
                                        Station Configuration Request
                                          [Add Station(Station MAC
                                          Address), IEEE 802.11 Add
                                          Station (WLAN ID), IEEE 802.11
                                          Station session Key (Key=x),
                                          IEEE 802.11 Information

                         IEEE 802.11 WLAN Configuration Request [Update
                           WLAN (GTK, GTK Index, GTK Start,
                           Group TSC) ]
                               802.1X EAPoL (GTK Message 1)
        <-------------( - )-------------------------------------------
                               802.1X EAPoL (GTK Message 2)
        -------------( - )------------------------------------------->
                         IEEE 802.11 WLAN Configuration Request [ Update
                           WLAN (GTK Index, GTK Complete) ]

                 +--------------+           +----------------------+
                 |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                 |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
                 |   |F-AAA |   |           |   |H-AAAH|           |
                 |   |      +-------------------+      |           |
                 |   +---+--+   |           |   +--+---+           |
                 |       |      |           |      |               |
                 |       |      |           |      |               |
      +------+   |   +---+--+   |           |   +--+---+           |
      |      |   |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
      |  MN  +- -|- -+ PDSN + --  --  --  --  - +  HA  |           |
      |      |   |   |  /FA |   |           |   |      |           |
      +------+   |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                 |              |           |                      |
                 +--------------+           +----------------------+

                        Access Domain                  Home Domain
                  +--------------+           +----------------------+
                  |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                  |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
                  |   |F-AAA |   |           |   |H-AAA |           |
                  |   |      +-------------------+      |           |
                  |   +---+--+   |           |   +--+---+           |
                  |       |      |           |      |               |
                  |       |      |           |      |               |
       +------+   |   +---+--+   |           |   +--+---+           |
       |      |   |   |      |   |           |   |      |           |
       |  MN  +- -|- -+ PDSN + --  --  --  --  - +  HA  |           |
       |      |   |   |  /AR |   |           |   |      |           |
       +------+   |   +------+   |           |   +------+           |
                  |              |           |                      |
                  +--------------+           +----------------------+

     MN                                    HA                    H-AAA
      |              BU to HA (4)           | RADIUS Access-ReQ(5)
      | (includes NAI option, MN-ID option, |                    |
      | Mesg ID option, MN-AAA auth option) |RADIUS Access Accept|(7)
      |                                     |                    |
      |                             HA/AAAH authenticates MN
      |                                     |(8)
      |                                     |
      |              BAck to MN    (9)        |
      | (including MN-ID option,            | (10)
      |  Message ID option,                 |
      |  MN-HA auth options)                |                    |

 +---------------------+    +---------------------+
 |  content            |    |  content            |
 |---------------------|    |---------------------|
 |  syslog application |    |  syslog application | (originator,
 |                     |    |                     |  collector, relay)
 |---------------------|    |---------------------|
 |  syslog transport   |    |  syslog transport   | (transport sender,
 |                     |    |                     | (transport receiver)
 +---------------------+    +---------------------+
           ^                          ^
           |                          |

            +----------+         +---------+
            +----------+         +---------+

            +----------+         +-----+         +---------+
            +----------+         +-----+         +---------+

            +----------+     +-----+            +-----+     +---------+
            +----------+     +-----+            +-----+     +---------+

            +----------+         +-----+         +---------+
            |          |-+       +-----+         +---------+
            +----------+  \
                           \     +-----+         +---------+
                                 +-----+         +---------+

            +----------+         +---------+
            |          |-+       +---------+
            +----------+  \
                           \     +-----+         +---------+
                                 +-----+         +---------+

            +----------+         +-----+            +---------+
            |          |-+       +-----+        +---|         |
            +----------+  \                    /    +---------+
                           \     +-----+      /

            +----------+         +-----+                   +---------+
            |          |-+       +-----+                +--|         |
            +----------+  \                            /   +---------+
                           \     +------------+       /
                            \    |+----------+|      /
                             +->-||Relay     ||->---/
                                 |+----------||    /

   +--------+                                     +--------+
   |        |                EAP-Request/Identity |        |
   |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
   |  peer  |                                     | server |
   |        | EAP-Response/Identity               |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |                  EAP-Request/GPSK-1 |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-2                 |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |                  EAP-Request/GPSK-3 |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-4                 |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |          EAP-Success                |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   +--------+                                     +--------+

   +--------+                                     +--------+
   |        |                EAP-Request/Identity |        |
   |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
   |  peer  |                                     | server |
   |        | EAP-Response/Identity               |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |                  EAP-Request/GPSK-1 |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/EAP-NAK                |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |          EAP-Failure                |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   +--------+                                     +--------+

   +--------+                                     +--------+
   |        |                EAP-Request/Identity |        |
   |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
   |  peer  |                                     | server |
   |        | EAP-Response/Identity               |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |                  EAP-Request/GPSK-1 |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-2                 |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Request/GPSK-Fail               |        |
   |        | (PSK Not Found or Authentication    |        |
   |        | Failure)                            |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-Fail              |        |
   |        | (PSK Not Found or Authentication    |        |
   |        | Failure)                            |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |          EAP-Failure                |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   +--------+                                     +--------+

   +--------+                                     +--------+
   |        |                EAP-Request/Identity |        |
   |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
   |  peer  |                                     | server |
   |        | EAP-Response/Identity               |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |                  EAP-Request/GPSK-1 |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-2                 |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Request/GPSK-Fail               |        |
   |        | (Authentication Failure)            |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-Fail              |        |
   |        | (Authentication Failure)            |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |          EAP-Failure                |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   +--------+                                     +--------+

   +--------+                                     +--------+
   |        |                EAP-Request/Identity |        |
   |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
   |  peer  |                                     | server |
   |        | EAP-Response/Identity               |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |                  EAP-Request/GPSK-1 |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Response/GPSK-2                 |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Request/                        |        |
   |        | GPSK-Protected-Fail                 |        |
   |        | (Authorization Failure)             |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        | EAP-Request/                        |        |
   |        | GPSK-Protected-Fail                 |        |
   |        | (Authorization Failure)             |        |
   |        |------------------------------------>|        |
   |        |                                     |        |
   |        |          EAP-Failure                |        |
   |        |<------------------------------------|        |
   +--------+                                     +--------+

      +--------------+                        +--------------+
      |  IM Sender   |                        | IM Recipient |
      |IMDN Recipient|                        | IMDN Sender  |
      +--------------+                        +--------------+
              |                                       |
              |                                       |
              |         1. IM requesting IMDN         |
              |                                       |
              |                                       |
              |         2. IMDN (disposition)         |
              |                                       |
              |                                       |

        PE      PE  PE     PE  PE      PE
           \      \/         \/       /
        PE--P(2)  P(2)      P(2)  P(2)--PE
                \ |            | /
                 \|            |/
          /           \    /           \
        PE             \  /             PE
                       / | \
                      /  |  \
              PE--P(2)  P(2) P(2)--PE
                  /      /\      \
                PE     PE  PE     PE

                PE    PE           PE   PE
       PE PE PE | PE  | PE  PE  PE |  PE | PE
         \|    \|/    |/    |     \|    \|/
          |     |     |     |      |     |\
          |     |     |     |      |     | PE
          |     |     |     |      |     |
         /|    /|\    |\    |\     |\     \
       PE PE PE | PE  | PE  | PE   | PE    PE
                PE    PE    PE     PE

        \|     \|    \|    \|   |/    |/    |/     |/
         P(2)   P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2)     P(2)
             \      \  |   \    /    |  /        /
      PE      \      \ |    \  /     | /        /       PE
        \      \      \|     \/      |/        /       /
                |      |      |      |      |
                |      |      |      |      |
                |      |      |      |      |
        /      /     / |     /\      |\        \       \
      PE      /     /  |    /  \     | \        \       PE
             /     /   |   /    \    |  \        \
         P(2)   P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2)     P(2)
        /|     /|    /|    /|   |\    |\    |\     |\

         :    :    :    :    :    :
         :    :    :    :    :    :
       P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2)
           \  |   \    /    |  /
            \ |    \  /     | /
             \|     \/      |/
              |   a  |      |
              |      |b     |
              |      |      |
             /|     /\      |\
            / |    /  \     | \
           /  |   /    \    |  \
       P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2) P(2)
         :    :    :    :    :    :
         :    :    :    :    :    :

   Example| Count | Unmodified    | 2-Layer
          |       | (Section 5.1) | Hierarchy
   A      | L(2)  |      39580    |   39678
          | L(1)  |     356000    |     890
   B      | L(2)  |      79580    |   79778
          | L(1)  |     756000    |    1890

        Count | Unmodified  |  MP2P
        X(PE) |     1998    |   3996
        X(2)  |    39780    |  11000
        X(1)  |   378000    |  11800

        Count |   2-Layer   |  MP2P
              |  Hierarchy  |
        X(PE) |     1998    |   3996
        X(2)  |    39978    |  11000
        X(1)  |     3780    |  11800

   Example| Count | Unmodified |  2-Level   |  3-Level    |  MP2P
          |       |            | Hierarchy  | Hierarchy   |
   A      | X(2)  |     68748  |    68748   |    68866    |  18360
          | X(1)  |   1554820  |   572266   |     2226    |  12580
   B      | X(2)  |    159160  |   159160   |   159358    |  42000
          | X(1)  |   5032000  |  1433998   |     3898    |  26000

        PE    PE  PE     PE  PE     PE
          \     \/         \/      /
       PE--TEP  TEP        TEP  TEP--PE
              \ |            | /
               \|            |/
         /          \    /          \
       PE            \  /            PE
                     / | \
                    /  |  \
             PE--TEP  TEP  TEP--PE
                /      /\     \
              PE     PE  PE    PE

               +-+-+                 +-+-+
               |PCC|                 |PCE|
               +-+-+                 +-+-+
                 |                     |
                 | Open msg            |
                 |--------             |
                 |        \   Open msg |
                 |         \  ---------|
                 |          \/         |
                 |          /\         |
                 |         /  -------->|
                 |        /            |
                 |<------     Keepalive|
                 |             --------|
                 |Keepalive   /        |
                 |--------   /         |
                 |        \/           |
                 |        /\           |
                 |<------   ---------->|
                 |                     |

                     +-+-+                  +-+-+
                     |PCC|                  |PCE|
                     +-+-+                  +-+-+
   1) Path computation |                      |
      event            |                      |
   2) PCE Selection    |                      |
   3) Path computation |---- PCReq message--->|
      request sent to  |                      |
      the selected PCE |                      |

                 +-+-+                  +-+-+
                 |PCC|                  |PCE|
                 +-+-+                  +-+-+
                   |                      |
                   |---- PCReq message--->|
                   |                      |1) Path computation
                   |                      |   request received
                   |                      |
                   |                      |2) Path successfully
                   |                      |   computed
                   |                      |
                   |                      |3) Computed paths
                   |                      |   sent to the PCC
                   |                      |
                   |<--- PCRep message ---|
                   |    (Positive reply)  |

                 +-+-+                  +-+-+
                 |PCC|                  |PCE|
                 +-+-+                  +-+-+
                   |                      |
                   |                      |
                   |---- PCReq message--->|
                   |                      |1) Path computation
                   |                      |   request received
                   |                      |
                   |                      |2) No Path found that
                   |                      |   satisfies the request
                   |                      |
                   |                      |3) Negative reply sent to
                   |                      |   the PCC (optionally with
                   |                      |   various additional
                   |                      |   information)
                   |<--- PCRep message ---|
                   |   (Negative reply)   |

                       +-+-+                  +-+-+
                       |PCC|                  |PCE|
                       +-+-+                  +-+-+
   1) Path computation   |                      |
      event              |                      |
   2) PCE Selection      |                      |
   3) Path computation   |---- PCReq message--->|
      request X sent to  |                      |4) Path computation
      the selected PCE   |                      |   request queued
                         |                      |
                         |                      |
   5) Path computation   |                      |
      request X cancelled|                      |
                         |---- PCNtf message -->|
                         |                      |6) Path computation
                         |                      |   request X cancelled

                       +-+-+                  +-+-+
                       |PCC|                  |PCE|
                       +-+-+                  +-+-+
   1) Path computation   |                      |
      event              |                      |
   2) PCE Selection      |                      |
   3) Path computation   |---- PCReq message--->|
      request X sent to  |                      |4) Path computation
      the selected PCE   |                      |   request queued
                         |                      |
                         |                      |
                         |                      |5) PCE gets overloaded
                         |                      |
                         |                      |
                         |                      |6) Path computation
                         |                      |   request X cancelled
                         |                      |
                         |<--- PCNtf message----|

                      +-+-+                  +-+-+
                      |PCC|                  |PCE|
                      +-+-+                  +-+-+
   1) Path computation  |                      |
      event             |                      |
   2) PCE Selection     |                      |
   3) Path computation  |---- PCReq message--->|
      request X sent to |                      |4) Reception of a
      the selected PCE  |                      |   malformed object
                        |                      |
                        |                      |5) Request discarded
                        |                      |
                        |<-- PCErr message  ---|
                        |                      |

                   +------| SessionUP |<---+  |
                   |      +-+-+-+-+-+-+    |  |
                   |                       |  |
                   |   +->+-+-+-+-+-+-+    |  |
                   |   |  | KeepWait  |----+  |
                   |   +--|           |<---+  |
                   |+-----+-+-+-+-+-+-+    |  |
                   ||          |           |  |
                   ||          |           |  |
                   ||          V           |  |
                   ||  +->+-+-+-+-+-+-+----+  |
                   ||  |  | OpenWait  |-------+
                   ||  +--|           |<------+
                   ||+----+-+-+-+-+-+-+<---+  |
                   |||         |           |  |
                   |||         |           |  |
                   |||         V           |  |
                   ||| +->+-+-+-+-+-+-+    |  |
                   ||| |  |TCPPending |----+  |
                   ||| +--|           |       |
                   |||+---+-+-+-+-+-+-+<---+  |
                   ||||        |           |  |
                   ||||        |           |  |
                   ||||        V           |  |
                   |||+--->+-+-+-+-+       |  |
                   ||+---->| Idle  |-------+  |
                   |+----->|       |----------+

   <---- area 1 ----><---- area 0 -----><------ area 2 ------>
                                        |       |
                                        |       |

                      | Other    |
                  +---| Mobile   |<--+
                  |   | Enablers |   |
                  |   |__________|   |
                  |ME-4              |ME-3
                 _v____           ___v____        ________
                |      |ME-1     |        |      |        |
                | MEM  |-------->|  MEM   |  I2  |  Email |
                |Client|     ME-2| Server |<---->| Server |
                |______|<--------|________|      |________|

                           |              |
                  _________| Notification |
                 |         | Mechanism    |
                 |         |______________|
                 |Notif.              ^
                 |Protocol            |
                 |                 ___|______
                 |                |          |                 _____
               __v__    IMAP      | LEMONADE |      ESMTP     |     |
              |     |<----------->| IMAP     |<---------------| MTA |
              | MUA |-            | Store    |                |_____|
              |_____| \           |__________|
                       \               |
                        \              |URLAUTH
                         \SUBMIT       |
                          \        ____v_____
                           \      |          |                 _____
                            \     | LEMONADE |      ESMTP     |     |
                             ---->| Submit   |--------------->| MTA |
                                  | Server   |                |_____|

                         | Other_Mob. Enablers |
                         | |--------------|    |
                  _________| Notification |    |
                 |       | | Mechanism    |    |
                 |       | |______________|    |
                 |Notif. |____________^________|
                 |Protocol      ______|__________
            ME-4 |             |   ___|_ME-3_    |
              ___|____         |  |          |   |         _____
             | __v__ |  IMAP   |  | LEMONADE |   |  ESMTP |     |
             ||     |<----------->| IMAP     |<-----------| MTA |
             || MUA ||   ME-2a |  | Store    |   |        |_____|
             ||_____||\ME-1    |  |__________|   |
             | MEM   | \       |       |         |
             | Client|  \      |       |URLAUTH  |
             |_______|   \SUBMIT       |         |
                          \    |   ____v_____    |
                           \   |  |          |   |         _____
                            \  |  | LEMONADE |   |  ESMTP |     |
                             ---->| Submit   |----------->| MTA |
                         ME-2b |  | Server   |   |        |_____|
                               |  |__________|   |
                               |MEM        Email |
                               |Server     Server|

                |              |
       _________| Notification |
      |         | Mechanism    |
      |         |______________|
      |Notif.            ^
      |Protocol          |
      |               ___|______          _____________
      |              | LEMONADE |        |             |        _____
    __v__    IMAP    | MEM      |  IMAP  |NON-LEMONADE | ESMTP |     |
   |     |<--------->|Enabler   |<------>|IMAP         |<----->| MTA |
   | MUA |\   ME-2a  | Server   |        |Store        |       |_____|
   |_____| \         |__________|        |_____________|
            \             |
             \            |URLAUTH
              \SUBMIT     |
               \      ____v_____          _____________
                \    |          |        |             |        _____
                 \   | LEMONADE | SUBMIT |NON-LEMONADE | ESMTP |     |
                  -->|  MEM     |        |Submit       |       |     |
                     | Enabler  |------->|Server       |------>| MTA |
              ME-2b  | Server   |        |             |       |_____|
                     |__________|        |_____________|

                |              |
       _________| Notification |
      |         | Mechanism    |
      |         |______________|
      |Notif.            ^
      |Protocol          |
      |               ___|______          _____________
      |              | LEMONADE |        |             |        _____
    __v__    IMAP    | MEM      |    I2  |Proprietary  | ESMTP |     |
   |     |<--------->|Enabler   |<------>|Message      |<----->| MTA |
   | MUA |\   ME-2a  | Server   |        |Store        |       |_____|
   |_____| \         |__________|        |_____________|
            \             |
             \            |URLAUTH
              \SUBMIT     |
               \      ____v_____          _____________
                \    |          |        |             |        _____
                 \   | LEMONADE |    I2  |Proprietary  | ESMTP |     |
                  -->| MEM      |        |Submit       |       |     |
                     | Enabler  |------->|Server       |------>| MTA |
              ME-2b  | Server   |        |             |       |_____|
                     |__________|        |_____________|

                  |              |
         _________| Notification |
        |         | Mechanism    |
        |         |______________|
        |Notif.              ^
        |Protocol -------\  _|__
        |   ______|    ___\>|NF|____
        |  |          |     ----    |                 _____
      __v__|   IMAP   |__  LEMONADE |___   ESMTP   __|     |
     |     |<-------->|VF| IMAP     |DF |<--------|AF| MTA |
     | MUA |\   ME-2a |--  Store    |---           --|_____|
     |_____| \        |_____________| ^
               \              |URLAUTH
                \SUBMIT       |
                 \        ____v_____
                  \      |          |                 _____
                   \     | LEMONADE |      ESMTP     |     |
                    ---->| Submit   |--------------->| MTA |
                ME-2b    | Server   |                |_____|

                      +---------------------------+  +-----------------+
                      |Access Service Provider    |  |ASA/MSA/(MSP)    |
                      |(Mobility Service Provider)|  |                 |
                      |                           |  |                 |
                      | +--------+                |  |    +--------+   |
                      | |Local   |      Diameter  |  |    |Home    |   |
                      | |Diameter|<---------------------->|Diameter|   |
                      | |Proxy   |         (*)    |  |    |Server  |   |
                      | +--------+                |  |    +--------+   |
                      |     ^ ^                   |  |        ^        |
                      |     | |                   |  |        |(+)     |
                      |     | |                   |  |        |        |
                      |   Diameter                |  |        v        |
                      |     | |(+)      +-------+ |  |    +-------+    |
                      |     | |         |Home   | |  |    |Home   |    |
                      |     | +-------->|Agent  | |  |    |Agent  |    |
                      |  (*)|           |in ASP | |  |    |in MSP |    |
                      |     v           +-------+ |  |    +-------+    |
   +-------+ IEEE     | +-----------+   +-------+ |  +-----------------+
   |Mobile | 802.1X   | |NAS/Relay  |   |DHCPv6 | |
   |Node   |------------|Diameter   |---|Server | |
   |       | PANA,    | |Client     |(+)|       | |
   +-------+ IKEv2,   | +-----------+   +-------+ |
             DHCP,... +---------------------------+

   NAS/VAAA                                                       Server
    |                                                                 |
    |  Diameter-EAP-Request                                           |
    |  MIP6-Feature-Vector=(LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT               |
    |                       | MIP6_INTEGRATED)                        |
    |  MIP6-Agent-Info{                                               |
    |       MIP-Home-Agent-Address(2001:db8:1:c020::1)}               |
    |  }                                                              |
    |  Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                       |
    |  EAP-Payload(EAP Start)                                         |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    :              ...more EAP Request/Response pairs...              :
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                            Diameter-EAP-Answer  |
    |               MIP6-Feature-Vector=(LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT  |
    |                                    | MIP6_INTEGRATED)           |
    |                                   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS  |
    |                                       EAP-Payload(EAP Success)  |
    |                                         EAP-Master-Session-Key  |
    |                                           (authorization AVPs)  |
    |                                                           ...   |
    |                                                                 |

   NAS                                                            Server
    |                                                                 |
    |  Diameter-EAP-Request                                           |
    |  MIP6-Feature-Vector=(MIP6_INTEGRATED)                          |
    |  Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                       |
    |  EAP-Payload(EAP Start)                                         |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    :              ...more EAP Request/Response pairs...              :
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                            Diameter-EAP-Answer  |
    |                                               MIP6-Agent-Info{  |
    |            MIP-Home-Agent-Address(2001:db8:6000:302::1)         |
    |                                                              }  |
    |                          MIP6-Feature-Vector=(MIP6_INTEGRATED)  |
    |                                   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS  |
    |                                       EAP-Payload(EAP Success)  |
    |                                         EAP-Master-Session-Key  |
    |                                           (authorization AVPs)  |
    |                                                           ...   |
    |                                                                 |

   NAS/VAAA                                                       Server
    |                                                                 |
    |  Diameter-EAP-Request                                           |
    |  MIP6-Feature-Vector=(LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT               |
    |                       | MIP6_INTEGRATED)                        |
    |  MIP6-Agent-Info{                                               |
    |       MIP-Home-Agent-Address(2001:db8:1:c020::1)}               |
    |  }                                                              |
    |  Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_AUTHENTICATE                       |
    |  EAP-Payload(EAP Start)                                         |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    :              ...more EAP Request/Response pairs...              :
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                            Diameter-EAP-Answer  |
    |                                               MIP6-Agent-Info{  |
    |                  MIP-Home-Agent-Address(2001:db8:6000:302::1)}  |
    |               MIP6-Feature-Vector=(LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT  |
    |                                    | MIP6_INTEGRATED)           |
    |                                   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS  |
    |                                       EAP-Payload(EAP Success)  |
    |                                         EAP-Master-Session-Key  |
    |                                           (authorization AVPs)  |
    |                                                           ...   |
    |                                                                 |

                                     |  Command  |
      Attribute Name                 | Req | Ans |
      MIP6-Agent-Info                | 0+  | 0+  |
      MIP6-Feature-Vector            | 0-1 | 0-1 |

   Token                             | Value               | Description
   MIP6_INTEGRATED                   | 0x0000000000000001  | [RFC5447]
   LOCAL_HOME_AGENT_ASSIGNMENT       | 0x0000000000000002  | [RFC5447]
   Available for Assignment via IANA | 2^x                 |

    Peer                                                    Server
       |                       EAP-Request/Identity             |
       |                                                        |
       |  EAP-Response/Identity                                 |
       |  (Includes user's Network Access Identifier, NAI)      |
       |         +--------------------------------------------------+
       |         | Server determines the network name and ensures   |
       |         | that the given access network is authorized to   |
       |         | use the claimed name.  The server then runs the  |
       |         | AKA' algorithms generating RAND and AUTN, and    |
       |         | derives session keys from CK' and IK'.  RAND and |
       |         | AUTN are sent as AT_RAND and AT_AUTN attributes, |
       |         | whereas the network name is transported in the   |
       |         | AT_KDF_INPUT attribute.  AT_KDF signals the used |
       |         | key derivation function.  The session keys are   |
       |         | used in creating the AT_MAC attribute.           |
       |         +--------------------------------------------------+
       |                         EAP-Request/AKA'-Challenge     |
       |        (AT_RAND, AT_AUTN, AT_KDF, AT_KDF_INPUT, AT_MAC)|
   +------------------------------------------------------+     |
   | The peer determines what the network name should be, |     |
   | based on, e.g., what access technology it is using.  |     |
   | The peer also retrieves the network name sent by     |     |
   | the network from the AT_KDF_INPUT attribute.  The    |     |
   | two names are compared for discrepancies, and if     |     |
   | necessary, the authentication is aborted.  Otherwise,|     |
   | the network name from AT_KDF_INPUT attribute is      |     |
   | used in running the AKA' algorithms, verifying AUTN  |     |
   | from AT_AUTN and MAC from AT_MAC attributes.  The    |     |
   | peer then generates RES.  The peer also derives      |     |
   | session keys from CK'/IK'.  The AT_RES and AT_MAC    |     |
   | attributes are constructed.                          |     |
   +------------------------------------------------------+     |
       | EAP-Response/AKA'-Challenge                            |
       | (AT_RES, AT_MAC)                                       |
       |         +-------------------------------------------------+
       |         | Server checks the RES and MAC values received    |
       |         | in AT_RES and AT_MAC, respectively.  Success     |
       |         | requires both to be found correct.               |
       |         +-------------------------------------------------+
       |                                           EAP-Success  |

   |          n bits               |           128-n bits            |
   |       subnet prefix           |           interface ID          |

                        |                |
                        |  Unregistered  |<--------------------------\
                        |________________|                           |
                                |                                    |
                  /Init         |                                    |
                  ------------  |                                    |
                  snd REGREQ    |    +--------+                      |
                                |    |        | rec REGAUTH          |
                         _______V____V___     | -----------          |
                        |                |    | snd REGREQ           |
                        |   Reg Sent     +----+                      |
                        |________________+----------+                |
                                |    ^              | rec REGAUTH    |
                   rec REGACK   |    |              | /No Credentials|
                  ------------  |    | REG timeout  | -------------- |
                   snd ack      |    | -------      | snd ack        |
                                |    | REGREQ     __V___             |
                         _______V____|___        |      |            |
                        |                |       |  No  |            |
                        |   Registered   |       | Auth |            |
                        |________________|       |______|            |
                                |                   ^                |
                                |                   | rec REGAUTH    |
                                | release           | /No Credentials|
                                | -------           | -------------- |
                  +-------+     | snd REGREL        | snd ack        |
     rec REGAUTH  |       |     |                   |                |
     -----------  |      _V_____V________           |                |
     snd REGREL   |     |                |----------+                |
                  +-----+   Releasing    |---------------------------+
                        |________________|      rec ACK

    rec  REGREJ     |          |
    ----------   *->| Rejected |
    snd   ack       |__________|

                                          +--------+  HANGUP/ack
                                          |        |
                             _____________|__      |
                            |                |     |
                 +--------->|    Initial     |<----+
                 |          |________________|<---------------------+
                 |                  |                               ^
                 |       start call |                               |
                 |       ---------- |                               |
                 |       send NEW   |  +-------+                    |
                 |                  |  |       |  rec AUTHREQ       |
                 |             _____V__V__     |  -----------       |
                 |            |           |    |  snd AUTHREP       |
                 +------------|  Waiting  |----+                    |
         rec REJECT           |___________|------------------------>+
         ----------                  |                              |
           ack                       |              rec HANGUP      |
                                     |              ---------       |
                                     |              snd ack         |
                                     |                              |
                       rec ACCEPT    |                              |
                       ----------    |   +------+                   |
                       snd ack       |   |      | PROCEEDING / ack  |
                            _________V___V      | RINGING / ack     |
                           |              |     |                   |
                           |     Linked   |-----+                   |
                                    |               rec HANGUP      |
                       rec ANSWER   |               ----------      |
                       -----------  |               snd ack         |
                       snd ack      |                               |
                                    |                               |
                                    |               rec HANGUP      |
                             _______V________       ---------       |
                            |                |      snd ack         |
                            |      UP        |--------------------->+
                                                    snd HANGUP

                                 +--------+ rec HANGUP/ack
                                 |        |
                    _____________V__      | rec NEW(no Auth)/snd AUTHREQ
                   |                |     |
                   |    Initial     |-----+ rec NEW(not Auth)/snd REJECT
                   |                |
                           |                              |
             rec NEW       |                              |
        (valid credentials)|                              |
             ----------    |   +------+                   |
             snd ACCEPT    |   |      | snd PROCEEDING    |
                  _________V___V      | snd RINGING       |
                 |              |     |                   |
                 |     Linked   |-----+                   |
                 |              |
                          |               rec HANGUP      |
              /answered   |               ----------      |
             -----------  |               snd ack         |
             snd ANSWER   |                               |
                          |               rec HANGUP      |
                   _______V________       ---------       |
                  |                |       snd ack        |
                  |      UP        |--------------------->+
                                          snd HANGUP

   | IE           | Section        | Status      | Comments            |
   | Version      | Section 8.6.10 | Required    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Called       | Section 8.6.1  | Required    |                     |
   | Number       |                |             |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Auto Answer  | Section 8.6.24 | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Codecs Prefs | Section 8.6.35 | Required    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Calling      | Section 8.6.29 | Required    |                     |
   | Presentation |                |             |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Calling      | Section 8.6.2  | Optional    |                     |
   | Number       |                |             |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Calling TON  | Section 8.6.30 | Required    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Calling TNS  | Section 8.6.31 | Required    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Calling Name | Section 8.6.4  | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | ANI          | Section 8.6.3  | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Language     | Section 8.6.9  | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | DNID         | Section 8.6.12 | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Called       | Section 8.6.5  | Conditional | 'Default' assumed   |
   | Context      |                |             | if IE excluded      |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Username     | Section 8.6.6  | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | RSA Result   | Section 8.6.16 | Conditional | If challenged with  |
   |              |                |             | RSA                 |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | MD5 Result   | Section 8.6.15 | Conditional | If challenged with  |
   |              |                |             | MD5                 |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Format       | Section 8.6.8  | Required    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Capability   | Section 8.6.7  | Conditional |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | ADSICPE      | Section 8.6.11 | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Date Time    | Section 8.6.28 | Optional    | Suggested           |

   |              |                |             |                     |
   | Encryption   | Section 8.6.34 | Optional    |                     |
   |              |                |             |                     |
   | OSP Token    | Section 8.6.42 | Optional    |                     |

        rec  TXREJ              |                |     rec TXREL
        ----------   *--------->|      None      |<-----------------+
        snd  TXREJ              |________________|        ack       ^
        to other                  |           |                     |
                                  |           V                     |
                                  |                                 |
                                  |           *   (From All)        |
                   /Init Transfer |           | rec TXREQ           |
                    ------------  |           | ---------           |
                      snd TXREQ   |           | snd TXCNT           |
                      to both     |           |                     |
                                 _v___________v__                   |
                                |                |                  |
                                |     Begin      |----------------->+
                                |________________|                  |
                                  |           |                     |
                        rec TXACC |           | rec TXREADY         |
                        --------- |           | ---------           |
                      snd TXREADY |           |     x               |
                                  |           |                     |
                                 _v___________v__                   |
                                |                |----------------->+
                      ----------|     Ready      |----------        |
                     |          |________________|          |       |
                     |                   |                  |       |
     /Both Legs Ready|   /Both Legs Ready|       rec TXMEDIA|       |
   and not media-only|    and media-only |                  |       |
       ------------  |    ------------   |       -----------|       |
       snd TXREL     |     snd TXMEDIA   |            x     |       |
                     |                   |                  |       |
                 ____V____          _____V___            ___V_____  |
                |         |        |         |          |         | |
                | Release |        |  Media  |          | Media   | |
                |_________|        |_________|          |  Pass   | |
                                         |              |_________| |
                                         |                  |       |
                                         V                  V       |
    rec  TXCNT                           +------------------------->+
    ----------  (In any state)
    snd  TXACC

           Peer A                                Peer B
           |                                        |
      T    |                                        |
      i    |  ===PING============================>  |
      m    |                                        |
      e    |  <============================PONG===  |Has same time-stamp
           |                                        | as received PING.
      |    |  ===ACK=============================>  |Has same time-stamp
      |    |                                        | as received PONG
     \ /   |________________________________________| and original PING.

           Peer A                                Peer B
           |                                        |
      T    |                                        |
      i    |  ===LAGRQ===========================>  |
      m    |                                        |
      e    |  <===========================LAGRP===  |Same time-stamp as
           |                                        | received LAGRQ.
      |    |  ===ACK=============================>  |Same time-stamp as
      |    |                                        | received LAGRP and
     \ /   |________________________________________| original LAGRQ.

         Registrant  A                     Registrar B
           |                                        |
      T    |  ===REGREQ==========================>  |
      i    |                                        |
      m    |  <=========================REGAUTH===  |
      e    |                                        |
           |  ===REGREQ==========================>  |
      |    |                                        |
      |    |  <==========================REGACK===  |
    \ | /  |                                        |
     \|/   |  ===ACK=============================>  |
           |                                        |

         Registrant A                        Registrar B
           |                                        |
      T    |  ===REGREL==========================>  |
      i    |                                        |
      m    |  <=========================REGAUTH===  |
      e    |                                        |
           |  ===REGREL==========================>  |
      |    |                                        |
      |    |  <==========================REGACK===  |
    \ | /  |                                        |
     \|/   |  ===ACK=============================>  |
           |                                        |

           Peer L         Peer C                Peer R
           |                 |                      |
      T    |                 |                      |
           | <== TXREQ =====[*]== TXREQ =========>  |C requests transfer
      i    |                 |                      |
           | ========================== TXCNT  ==>  |L sends to R
      m    |                 |                      |
           | <========================= TXACC  ==== |R replies
      e    |                 |                      |R sends Media
           |                 |                      | to L
      |    |                 |                      |
      |    | = TXREADY ====> |                      |L tells C 'ready'
      |    |                 |                      | C stops media to L
      |    |                 |                      |
      |    | <== TXCNT ===========================  |L sends to R
      |    |                 |                      |
      |    | === TXACC ===========================> |R replies
     \ /   |                 |                      |
           |                 | <== TXREADY ======   |R tells C 'ready'
           |                 |                      | C stops media to R
           |                 |                      |
           | <== TXREL =====[*]== TXREL =========>  |C Releases
           |                                        |

           Peer A                            Peer B
           |                                        |
           |  ====NEW============================>  |
      T    |  <=========================AUTHREQ===  |If authentication
           |                                        |   specified.
      i    |  ====AUTHREP========================>  |
      m    |  <==========================ACCEPT===  |
      e    |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
      |    |  <=============Voice (Full Frame)===   |
      |    |  ====ACK===========================>   |
      |    |                                        |
      |    |  <---------Voice Mini Frame (ring)--   |
      |    |  <---------Voice Mini Frame (ring)--   |
      |    |                                        |
    \ | /  |  <=========================RINGING===  |
     \|/   |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |  <---------Voice Mini Frame (ring)--   |
           |  <---------Voice Mini Frame (ring)--   |
           |                                        |
           |  <==========================ANSWER===  |
           |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |  ====Voice (Full Frame)=============>  |
           |  <=============================ACK===  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |  exchange occurs
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  ====Voice (Full Frame)=============>  |  (note 1)
           |  <===ACK=============================  |  (note 2)
           |                                        |  (every 65536 ms)
           |  <=============Voice (Full Frame)====  |  (note 3)
           |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |

           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  ====HANGUP=========================>  |  Either can hangup
           |  <=============================ACK===  |

           Peer A (IAX Device)                 Peer B (Dialplan Server)
           |                                        |
           |  ====NEW============================>  |
      T    |  <=========================AUTHREQ===  |  If auth specified
      i    |  ====AUTHREP========================>  |
      m    |  <==========================ACCEPT===  |
      e    |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |  ====DPREQ==========================>  |  (Note 1)
      |    |  <===========================DPREP===  |
      |    |                                        |
      |    |  ====DIAL===========================>  |
      |    |  <========================PROGRESS===  |
      |    |  ====ACK============================>  |
    \ | /  |  <==========================ANSWER===  |
     \|/   |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |  ====Voice (Full Frame)=============>  |
           |  <=============================ACK===  |
           |  <=============Voice (Full Frame)====  |
           |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |  Media exchange
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  ====Voice (Full Frame)=============>  |  (note 2)
           |  <===ACK=============================  |  (note 3)
           |                                        |  (every 65536 ms)
           |  <=============Voice (Full Frame)====  |  (Note 4)
           |  ====ACK============================>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |

           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <---               .            --->  |
           |  <-----------Voice Mini Frames------>  |
           |                                        |
           |                                        |
           |  ====HANGUP=========================>  |  Either can hangup
           |  <=============================ACK===  |

     +------------+                                  +------------+
     |  IP        |                                  |  IP        |
     |  End Host  |                                  |  End Host  |
     +-----+------+                                  +------------+
           |                                                ^
           +------------>+---------------+                  |
                         +  ULE          |                  |
           +-------------+  Encapsulator |                  |
   SI-Data |             +------+--------+                  |
   +-------+-------+            |MPEG-2 TS Logical Channel  |
   |  MPEG-2       |            |                           |
   |  SI Tables    |            |                           |
   +-------+-------+   ->+------+--------+                  |
           |          -->|  MPEG-2       |                . . .
           +------------>+  Multiplexer  |                  |
   MPEG-2 TS             +------+--------+                  |
   Logical Channel              |MPEG-2 TS Mux              |
                                |                           |
              Other    ->+------+--------+                  |
              MPEG-2  -->+  MPEG-2       |                  |
              TS     --->+  Multiplexer  |                  |
                    ---->+------+--------+                  |
                                |MPEG-2 TS Mux              |
                                |                           |
                         +------+--------+           +------+-----+
                         |Physical Layer |           |  MPEG-2    |
                         |Modulator      +---------->+  Receiver  |
                         +---------------+  MPEG-2   +------------+
                                            TS Mux

                                   Security Mechanism
                   |Data    |Data   |Source |Data   |Intru  |Iden  |
                   |Privacy |fresh  |Authent|Integ  |sion   |tity  |
                   |        |ness   |ication|rity   |Dete   |Prote |
                   |        |       |       |       |ction  |ction |
     Threat        |        |       |       |       |       |      |
   | Monitoring    |   X    |   -   |   -   |   -   |   -   |  X   |
   | Masquerading  |   X    |   -   |   X   |   X   |   -   |  X   |
   | Replay Attacks|   -    |   X   |   X   |   X   |   X   |  -   |
   | DoS Attacks   |   -    |   X   |   X   |   X   |   X   |  -   |
   | Modification  |   -    |   -   |   X   |   X   |   X   |  -   |
   | of Messages   |        |       |       |       |       |      |

   | ULE   |SEC   |     Protocol Data Unit        |      |
   |Header |Header|                               |CRC-32|

        Client                        Server
        ------                        ------
        LEASEQUERY xid 1 ----->
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-REPLY xid 1 (w/error)
        LEASEQUERY xid 2 ----->
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-REPLY xid 2
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DATA xid 2
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DATA xid 2
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DONE xid 2
        LEASEQUERY xid 3 ----->
        LEASEQUERY xid 4 ----->
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-REPLY xid 4
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DATA xid 4
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-REPLY xid 3
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DATA xid 4
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DATA xid 3
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DONE xid 3
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DATA xid 4
                         <-----       LEASEQUERY-DONE xid 4

                        |---|        Path        |---|
                        | I |------------------->| E |
                        | n | -SENDER_TSPEC      | g |
                        | g | -ADSPEC            | r |
                        | r | -UPSTREAM_FLOWSPEC | e |
                        | e |                    | s |
                        | s |        Resv        | s |
                        | s |<-------------------|   |
                        |   | -FLOWSPEC          |   |
                        |   | -UPSTREAM_TSPEC    |   |
                        |   | -UPSTREAM_ADSPEC   |   |
                        |---|                    |---|

                            |---|        Path      |---|
                            | I |----------------->| E |
                            | n | -SENDER_TSPEC    | g |
                            | g | -ADSPEC          | r |
                            | r |                  | e |
                            | e |        Resv      | s |
                            | s |<-----------------| s |
                            | s | -FLOWSPEC        |   |
                            |---|                  |---|

           |                 IPFIX Device                     |
           |                                          +-----+ |
           |        +------- ... ------------+--------->    | |
           |        |                        |        |     | |
           |   +----+----+              +----+----+   |     | |
           |   |Metering |              |Metering |   |  E  | |
           |   |Process 1|              |Process N|   |  x  | |
           |   +---------+              +---------+   |  p  | |
           |        ^                        ^        |  o  | |
           | +------+--------+     +---------+------+ |  r  | |
           | | Obsv Domain 1 |     | Obsv Domain N  | |  t  | |
           | |+-----+-------+|     |+-------+------+| |  i  | |
           | ||Obsv Pt 1..j || ... ||Obsv Pt j+1..M|| |  n  | |
           | |+-------------+|     |+--------------+| |  g  | | Export
   Packets | +------^--------+     +---------^------+ |     | | packets
   --->----+--------+---------- ... ---------+        |     | |   to
      In   |                                          |     +--------->
           |        . . . . .                         |     | |Collector
           |                                          |     | |
           |        +------ ... -------------+--------->    | |
           |        |                        |        |     | |
           |   +----+----+              +----+----+   |  P  | |
           |   |Metering |              |Metering |   |  r  | |
           |   |Process 1|              |Process N|   |  o  | |
           |   +---------+              +---------+   |  c  | |
           |        ^                        ^        |  e  | |
           | +------+--------+     +---------+------+ |  s  | |
           | | Obsv Domain 1 |     | Obsv Domain N  | |  s  | |
           | |+-----+-------+|     |+-------+------+| |     | |
           | ||Obsv Pt 1..k || ... ||Obsv Pt k+1..M|| |     | |
           | |+-------------+|     |+--------------+| |     | |
   Packets | +------^--------+     +---------^------+ +-----+ |
   --->----+--------+---------- ... ---------+                |
      In   |                                                  |

                    Packet(s) coming into Observation Point(s)
                      |                                   |
                      v                                   v
     +----------------+-------------------------+   +-----+-------+
     |          Metering Process on an          |   |             |
     |             Observation Point            |   |             |
     |                                          |   |             |
     |   packet header capturing                |   |             |
     |        |                                 |...| Metering    |
     |   timestamping                           |   | Process N   |
     |        |                                 |   |             |
     | +----->+                                 |   |             |
     | |      |                                 |   |             |
     | |   sampling Si (1:1 in case of no       |   |             |
     | |      |          sampling)              |   |             |
     | |   filtering Fi (select all when        |   |             |
     | |      |          no criteria)           |   |             |
     | +------+                                 |   |             |
     |        |                                 |   |             |
     |        |        Timing out Flows         |   |             |
     |        |    Handle resource overloads    |   |             |
     +--------|---------------------------------+   +-----|-------+
              |                                           |
      Flow Records (identified by Observation Domain)  Flow Records
              |                                           |

   |                    |     Exporting Process                        |
   |+-------------------|-------------------------------------------+  |
   ||                   v       IPFIX Protocol                      |  |
   ||+-----------------------------+  +----------------------------+|  |
   |||Rules for                    |  |Functions                   ||  |
   ||| Picking/sending Templates   |  |-Packetise selected Control ||  |
   ||| Picking/sending Flow Records|->|  & data Information into   ||  |
   ||| Encoding Template & data    |  |  IPFIX export packets.     ||  |
   ||| Selecting Flows to export(*)|  |-Handle export errors       ||  |
   ||+-----------------------------+  +----------------------------+|  |
   |+----------------------------+----------------------------------+  |
   |                             |                                     |
   |                    exported IPFIX Messages                        |
   |                             |                                     |
   |                +------------+-----------------+                   |
   |                |  Anonymise export packet(*)  |                   |
   |                +------------+-----------------+                   |
   |                             |                                     |
   |                +------------+-----------------+                   |
   |                |       Transport  Protocol    |                   |
   |                +------------+-----------------+                   |
   |                             |                                     |
                    IPFIX export packet to Collector

      Src. IP addr. | Dst. IP addr. |  DSCP  | Octets Number
      --------------+---------------+--------+--------------    |  |   46   |   120868    |  |   46   |   310364    |  |   46   |   241239

                    +---------+  DIAMETER    +---------+
                    |  AAA-S  |------------->|  AAA-S  |
                    +---------+              +---------+
                         | DIAMETER
                  |  |  AAA-C |  |
                  +  +--------+  |
                  |              |
                  |  Collector   |
                         | IPFIX
                   |  Exporter  |

                       +---------+  DIAMETER    +---------+
                       |  AAA-S  |------------->|  AAA-S  |
                       +---------+              +---------+
                    |     ASM          |
                    |  +------------+  |
                    |  |  Collector |  |
                            | IPFIX
                      |  Exporter  |

   +---------------------------+     +---------------------+
   | Common Properties         |     | Specific Properties |  Template
   | Options Template Record   |     | Template Record     |  Definition
   |                           |     |                     |
   | scope: commonPropertiesID |     | commonPropertiesID  |
   | Common Properties         |     | Specific Properties |
   +------------+--------------+     +----------+----------+
                |                               |
   +------------v-------------+      +----------v----------+
   | Common Properties        |      | Specific Properties |+  Exported
   | Data Record              |------> Data Records        ||  Data
   +--------------------------+      +---------------------+|  Records

   +--------------------------- +     +---------------------+
   | Common Properties          |     | Specific Properties | Template
   | Options Template Record    |     | Template Record     | Definition
   |                            |     |                     |
   | Scope: commonPropertiesID1 |     | commonPropertiesID1 |
   | Scope: commonPropertiesID2 |     | commonPropertiesID2 |
   | Common Properties          |     | Specific Properties |
   +------------+---------------+     +---------+-----------+
                |                               |
   +------------v-------------+      +----------v----------+
   | Common Properties        |      | Specific Properties |+  Exported
   | Data Record              |------> Data Records        ||  Data
   +------------------------- +      +---------------------+|  Records

   Flow|        dstIPv6Address                 | dst- |nPkts|nBytes
       |                                       | Port |     |
    A  |2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:0800:2023:1D71 |  80  | 30  |  6000
       |                                       |      |     |
    A  |2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:0800:2023:1D71 |  80  | 50  |  9500
       |                                       |      |     |
    B  |2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:00AA:00B7:AF2B | 1932 | 60  |  8000
       |                                       |      |     |
    A  |2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:0800:2023:1D71 |  80  | 40  |  6500
       |                                       |      |     |
    A  |2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:0800:2023:1D71 |  80  | 60  |  9500
       |                                       |      |     |
    B  |2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:00AA:00B7:AF2B | 1932 | 54  |  7600

   Common-      |           dstAddress                    | dst-
   PropertiesID |                                         | Port
       101      | 2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:0800:2023:1D71  |  80
                |                                         |
       102      | 2001:DB8:80AD:5800:0058:00AA:00B7:AF2B  | 1932

                | Metering Process |
                | +-----------+    |     +-----------+
      Observed  | | Selection |    |     | Exporting |
      Packet--->| | Process   |--------->| Process   |--->Collector
      Stream    | +-----------+    |     +-----------+

       PSAMP Device
      |Observation Point(s) |
      |MP(s)--->EP---+      |
      |              |      |
      |Collector(3)<-+      |

               | +----------+                       |
               | |Selection |                       |
      Observed | |Process   |  Packet               |
      Packet-->| |(Primitive|-> Stream ->           |--> Report Stream
      Stream   | | Selector)|                       |
               | +----------+                       |
               |          Metering Process          |

               | +-----------------------------------+
               | | +----------+         +----------+ |
               | | |Selection |         |Selection | |
      Observed | | |Process   |         |Process   | |
      Packet-->| | |(Primitive|-Packet->|(Primitive|---> Packet ...
                     ^                    ^
      Stream   | | |Selector1)| Stream  |Selector2)| |   Stream
                    ^                    ^
               | | +----------+         +----------+ |
               | |        Composite Selector         |
               | +-----------------------------------+
               |                   Metering Process

                                 |---> Report Stream

        Selection Scheme   | Deterministic | Content -| Category
                           |  Selection    | Dependent|
    Systematic             |       X       |     _    | Sampling
    Count-based            |               |          |
    Systematic             |       X       |     -    | Sampling
    Time-based             |               |          |
    Random                 |       -       |     -    | Sampling
    n-out-of-N             |               |          |
    Random                 |       -       |     -    | Sampling
    uniform probabilistic  |               |          |
    Random                 |       -       |    (X)   | Sampling
    non-uniform probabil.  |               |          |
    Random                 |       -       |    (X)   | Sampling
    non-uniform Flow-State |               |          |
    Property Match         |       X       |    (X)   | Filtering
    Filtering              |               |          |
    Hash function          |       X       |     X    | Filtering

     Scheme       |   Input parameters     |     Functions
    systematic    |    packet position     |  packet counter
    count-based   |    Sampling pattern    |
    systematic    |      arrival time      |  clock or timer
    time-based    |     Sampling pattern   |
    random        |  packet position       |  packet counter,
    n-out-of-N    |  Sampling pattern      |  random numbers
                  | (random number list)   |
    uniform       |        Sampling        |  random function
    probabilistic |      probability       |
    non-uniform   |e.g., packet position,  | selection function,
    probabilistic |  Packet Content(parts) |  probability calc.
    non-uniform   |e.g., flow state,       | selection function,
    flow-state    |  Packet Content(parts) |  probability calc.
    property      | Packet Content(parts)  |  filter function or
    match         | or router state        |  state discovery
    hash-based    |  Packet Content(parts) |  Hash Function

                | Metering Process |
                | +-----------+    |     +-----------+
      Observed  | | Selection |    |     | Exporting |
      Packet--->| | Process   |--------->| Process   |--->Collector
      Stream    | +-----------+    |     +-----------+

        packet header                           packet header
          capturing     \                         capturing
              |          |                            |
         timestamping    |                       timestamping
              |          |                            |
              v          |                            v
      +------>+          |  stage 1:          +------>+
      |       |           > packet            |       |
      |    packet        |  processing        |    packet
      |   selection      |                    |   selection
      |       |          |                    |       |
      +-------+          |                    +-------+
              |          |                            |
              v          |                            v
           packet       /                       Packet Report
        classification  \                          export
              |          |
              v          |
      +------>+          |
      |       |          |
      | Flow generation  |
      |   and update     |  stage 2:
      |       |           > Flow
      |       v          |  processing
      |     Flow         |
      |   selection      |
      |       |          |
      +-------+          |
              |          |
              v          |
         Flow Record    /

                                   | INVITE (1)
                              |  proxy  |
                               | ^     |
                    INVITE (2) | |     | INVITE (4)
                & redirect (3) | |     |
                               V |     V
                              ++-++   ++----+
                              |Bob|   |Carol|
                              +---+   +-----+

                                  | INVITE
                            |   proxy   |
                             |         |
                      INVITE |         | INVITE
                             V         V
                          +--+--+   +--+--+
                          |Bob-1|   |Bob-2|
                          +-----+   +-----+

                             A --- 1 --->|    |
                               <-- 2 ----| M  |
                                         | I  |
                             B --- 3 --->| X  |
                               <-- 4 ----| E  |
                                         | R  |
                             C --- 5 --->|    |
                               <-- 6 ----|    |

   Minimum  | ECDSA    | Message    | Curves
   Bits of  | Key Size | Digest     |
   Security |          | Algorithms |
   80       | 160-223  | SHA-1      | sect163k1
            |          | SHA-224    | secp163r2
            |          | SHA-256    | secp192r1
            |          | SHA-384    |
            |          | SHA-512    |
   112      | 224-255  | SHA-224    | secp224r1
            |          | SHA-256    | sect233k1
            |          | SHA-384    | sect233r1
            |          | SHA-512    |
   128      | 256-383  | SHA-256    | secp256r1
            |          | SHA-384    | sect283k1
            |          | SHA-512    | sect283r1
   192      | 384-511  | SHA-384    | secp384r1
            |          | SHA-512    | sect409k1
            |          |            | sect409r1
   256      | 512+     | SHA-512    | secp521r1
            |          |            | sect571k1
            |          |            | sect571r1

   Minimum  | ECDSA    | Message    | Curves
   Bits of  | Key Size | Digest     |
   Security |          | Algorithms |
   80       | 192      | SHA-256    | secp192r1
   112      | 224      | SHA-256    | secp224r1
   128      | 256      | SHA-256    | secp256r1
   192      | 384      | SHA-384    | secp384r1
   256      | 512      | SHA-512    | secp521r1

                          |                 |
                         4|                4|
                          |                 |
                         3|                3|         H
                          |                 |         H
                         2|                2|         H
                          |                 |         H
                  H   H  1|   H   H        1|H        H   H
                  H   H   |   H   H         |H        H   H
                 ---------+--------         +---------------
                -10  -5   0   5  10          0   5   10  15

         N ^        ,.__
           | a(s)  /     `-.
           | 20   /         `-.
           |--.  /             `.
           |   `/                \
           |   /__                \
           |  .   `-.              \
           | .       `.             \
           |. \        \             .
        ---c-- a(o) -- |             | -->
           |.  / 120   '             |   E
           |  .       /              '
           |    .    /              ;
                  .,'              /
               r(i)`.             /
            (3594m)  `.          /
                       `.      ,'
                         `.  ,'

              .'    \   |        `.
             /       v  m          \
            |         \ |           |
            |          -c ----M---->|
            |                       |
             \                     /
              `._               _.'

          +-----+  Path  +-----+  Path  +-----+  Path  +-----+
          | PSB |------->| PSB |------->| PSB |------->| PSB |
          |     |        |     |        |     |        |     |
          | RSB |<-------| RSB |<-------| RSB |<-------| RSB |
          +-----+  Resv  +-----+  Resv  +-----+  Resv  +-----+
          Node A         Node B         Node C         Node D

     N1               N2
     |                |
     |                X (Restart start)
     | HELLO          |
     |                |
     | SRefresh       |
     |                |
     | HELLO          |
     |                |
     |                X (Restart complete)
     | SRefresh       |
     | NACK           |
     | Path without   |
     | recovery label |
     |                X (resource allocation failed because the
     |                | resources are in use)
     |  PathErr       |
     |  PathTear      |
     X(LSP deletion)  X (LSP deletion)
     |                |

               ------------------ BGP -----------------
              |                                        |
   [S]---( Edge 1)--(Core 1)---( Core )--(Core 2)---( Edge 2 )---[R]
                  <--- (S,G) Join

        |  generator matrix  |
        |         GM         |
        |       (k x n)      |

            |       Endpoint Address (Variable)             |

      Acronym   Expansion                             Reference
      TLA       Two Letter Acronym                    [RFC5513]
      TBD       Two Be Deleted                        [RFC5513]
      RFC       Ready for Compost                     [RFC5513]
      PoS       Not particularly good                 [RFC5513]
      VPN       Very possibly no use                  [RFC5513]
      TCP       Totally bad proposal                  [RFC5513]
      USA       Universal Source of Acronyms          [RFC5513]
      NBG       This document                         [RFC5513]
      BCP       Badly construed proposal              [RFC5513]

                                     |    R    |
                 |                        p1            |
                 |                                      |
            =====| t1                                   |
                 |                switch                |
                 |                                      |
                 |                                      |
                 |i1         i2          c1          c2 |
                  |          |           |           |
                  |          |           |           |
                  |          |           |           |
                  A          B           C           D

   |             | isolat-| promis-| commu-| commu-| interswitch |
   |             | ted    | cuous  | nity1 | nity2 | link port   |
   | isolated    | deny   | permit | deny  | deny  | permit      |
   | promiscuous | permit | permit | permit| permit| permit      |
   | community1  | deny   | permit | permit| deny  | permit      |
   | community2  | deny   | permit | deny  | permit| permit      |
   | interswitch |        |        |       |       |             |
   | link port   | deny(*)| permit | permit| permit| permit      |

     <Vp,Vs>   Vp is the primary VLAN ID               ------
               Vs is the secondary VLAN ID             | Vp |
               where Vs can be:                       /      \
                  - Vi (an isolated VLAN)            /        \
                  - Vc (a community VLAN)           /          \
                                                 ------       ------
                                                 | Vi |       | Vc |
                                                 ------       ------
                                                 <Vp,Vi>      <Vp,Vc>

       -----------------------------    ----------------------------
      |     -------                 |  |    -------                 |
      |    | PCE-1 |<---------------+--+-->| PCE-2 |                |
      |     -------                 |  |    -------                 |
      |      ^                      |  |    ^                       |
      |      |                      |  |    |                       |
      |      v                      |  |    v                       |
      |  -------              ----  |  |  ----                      |
      | |  PCC  |   -    -   |ASBR| |  | |ASBR|   -    -    ------  |
      | |Ingress|--|A|--|B|--|  1 |-+--+-|  2 |--|C|--|D|--|Egress| |
      |  -------    -    -    ----- |  |  ----    -    -    ------  |
      |                             |  |                            |
       -----------------------------    ----------------------------

      Type           Subobject
      1              IPv4 prefix
      2              IPv6 prefix
      4              Unnumbered Interface ID
      32             Autonomous system number
      34             SRLG

   |         NFS            |            NFS + RDMA             |
   |           Operations / Procedures             |            |
   +-----------------------------------------------+            |
   |                   RPC/XDR                     |            |
   +--------------------------------+--------------+            |
   |       Stream Transport         |      RDMA Transport       |

               No Offload   TCP Offload   RDMA Offload
                  1.00x        1.25x         2.00x

                          -------------- -------------    IP endpoint
                          | Frag/reass | | Dest opts |    sub-layer
                          -------------- -------------

    ----------------------------          ----------------------------
    | Sender A                 |          | Receiver B               |
    |                          |          |                          |
    |     ULP                  |          |     ULP                  |
    |      | src ULID(A)=L1(A) |          |      ^                   |
    |      | dst ULID(B)=L1(B) |          |      | src ULID(A)=L1(A) |
    |      v                   |          |      | dst ULID(B)=L1(B) |
    |   multihoming shim       |          |   multihoming shim       |
    |      | src L2(A)         |          |      ^                   |
    |      | dst L3(B)         |          |      | src L2(A)         |
    |      v                   |          |      | dst L3(B)         |
    |      IP                  |          |      IP                  |
    ----------------------------          ----------------------------
           |                                     ^
           ------- cloud with some routers -------

          IDLE                               IDLE
               ------------- I1 -------------->
               <------------ R1 ---------------
               ------------- I2 -------------->
               <------------ R2 ---------------
          ESTABLISHED                        ESTABLISHED

          IDLE                               IDLE
                     ---\                  /---
                         --- I1 ---\   /---  I1-SENT
                        /--- I1 ---/    ---\
                   /---                     -->

                     ---\                  /---
                         --- R2 ---\   /---  I1-SENT
                        /--- R2 ---/    ---\
                   /---                     -->
               <---                          ESTABLISHED

                     ---\                  /---
                         --- I2---\   /---   I1-SENT
                        /--- I1 ---/    ---\
                   /---                     -->
               <---                          ESTABLISHED

                     ---\                  /---
                         --- R2 ---\   /---
                        /--- R2 ---/    ---\
                   /---                     -->
               <---                          ESTABLISHED

               ------------- I2bis ----------->
               <------------ R2 ---------------
          ESTABLISHED                        ESTABLISHED

        Finds  <------------ I1 --------------- Tries to set up
        existing                                for ULIDs A1, B1
        but CT(peer)                         I1-SENT
        doesn't match
               ------------- R1 --------------->
        Left old context
        in ESTABLISHED

               <------------ I2 ---------------
        Re-create context
        with new CT(peer)                    I2-SENT
        and Ls(peer).

               ------------- R2 -------------->
          ESTABLISHED                        ESTABLISHED

    Peer A                                        Peer B
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |                                             |

    Peer A                                        Peer B
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |              Keepalive Nonce=p              |
      |                                             |
      |              payload packet                 |
      |                                             |
      |                                             |

    Peer A                                        Peer B
      |                                             |
   State:                                           | State:
   Operational                                      | Operational
      |            (A,B1) payload packet            |
      |                                             |
      |            (B1,A) payload packet            |
      |<--------------------------------------------| At time T1
      |                                             | path A<->B1
      |            (A,B1) payload packet            | becomes
      |----------------------------------------/    | broken.
      |                                             |
      |           ( B1,A) payload packet            |
      |   /-----------------------------------------|
      |                                             |
      |            (A,B1) payload packet            |
      |----------------------------------------/    |
      |                                             |
      |            (B1,A) payload packet            |
      |   /-----------------------------------------|
      |                                             |
      |            (A,B1) payload packet            |
      |----------------------------------------/    |
      |                                             |
      |                                             | Send Timeout
      |                                             | seconds after
      |                                             | T1, B happens to
      |                                             | see the problem
      |             (B1,A) Probe Nonce=p,           | first and sends a
      |                          state=exploring    | complaint that
      |   /-----------------------------------------| it is not
      |                                             | receiving
      |                                             | anything.
      |                                             | State:
      |                                             | Exploring
      |                                             |
      |             (B2,A) Probe Nonce=q,           |
      |                          state=exploring    | But it's lost,
      |<--------------------------------------------| retransmission
      |                                             | uses another pair
   A realizes                                       |
   that it needs                                    |
   to start the                                     |
   exploration.                                     |
   It picks B2 as the                               | most likely candidate,                           |
   as it appeared in the                            |
   Probe.                                           |
   State: InboundOk                                 |
      |                                             |
      |       (A, B2) Probe Nonce=r,                |
      |                     state=inboundok,        |
      |                     received probe q        | This one gets
      |-------------------------------------------->| through.
      |                                             | State:
      |                                             | Operational
      |       (B2,A) Probe Nonce=s,                 |
      |                    state=operational,       | B now knows
      |                    received probe r         | that A has no
      |<--------------------------------------------| problem receiving
      |                                             | its packets.
   State: Operational                               |
      |                                             |
      |            (A,B2) payload packet            |
      |-------------------------------------------->| Payload packets
      |                                             | flow again.
      |            (B2,A) payload packet            |

 Peer A                                        Peer B
   |                                             |
State:                                           | State:
Operational                                      | Operational
   |                                             |
   |           (A1,B1) payload packet            |
   |                                             |
   |           (B1,A1) payload packet            |
   |                                             |
   |           (A1,B1) payload packet            | At time T1
   |----------------------------------------/    | path A1->B1
   |                                             | becomes
   |                                             | broken.
   |           (B1,A1) payload packet            |
   |                                             |
   |           (A1,B1) payload packet            |
   |----------------------------------------/    |
   |                                             |
   |           (B1,A1) payload packet            |
   |                                             |
   |           (A1,B1) payload packet            |
   |----------------------------------------/    |
   |                                             |
   |                                             | Send Timeout
   |                                             | seconds after
   |                                             | T1, B notices
   |                                             | the problem and
   |          (B1,A1) Probe Nonce=p,             | sends a
   |                        state=exploring      | complaint that
   |<--------------------------------------------| it is not
   |                                             | receiving
   |                                             | anything.
A responds.                                      | State: Exploring
State: InboundOk                                 |
   |                                             |
   |      (A1, B1) Probe Nonce=q,                |
   |                     state=inboundok,        |
   |                     received probe p        |
   |----------------------------------------/    | A's response
   |                                             | is lost.
   |         (B2,A2) Probe Nonce=r,              |
   |                       state=exploring       | Next, try a different

   |<--------------------------------------------| locator pair.
   |                                             |
   |     (A2, B2) Probe Nonce=s,                 |
   |                    state=inboundok,         |
   |                    received probes p, r     | This one gets
   |-------------------------------------------->| through.
   |                                             | State: Operational
   |                                             |
   |                                             | B now knows
   |                                             | that A has no
   |      (B2,A2) Probe Nonce=t,                 | problem receiving
   |                    state=operational,       | its packets and
   |                    received probe s         | that A's probe
   |<--------------------------------------------| gets to B.  It
   |                                             | sends a
State: Operational                               | confirmation to A.
   |                                             |
   |           (A2,B2) payload packet            |
   |-------------------------------------------->| Payload packets
   |                                             | flow again.
   |           (B1,A1) payload packet            |

                  | Host2 |
                   /      \
                  /        \
            +------+      +------+
            | ISPA |      | ISPB |
            |      |      |      |
            +------+      +------+
               |             |
                \            /
                 \          /
            | multihomed site     |
            | PA::/nA             |
            | PB::/nB    +------+ |
            |            |Host1 | |
            |            +------+ |

      | Property         | Status     | Reference                  |
      | CALSCALE         | Current    | RFC 5545, Section 3.7.1    |
      | METHOD           | Current    | RFC 5545, Section 3.7.2    |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | PRODID           | Current    | RFC 5545, Section 3.7.3    |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | VERSION          | Current    | RFC 5545, Section 3.7.4    |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | ATTACH           | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | CATEGORIES       | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | CLASS            | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | COMMENT          | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | DESCRIPTION      | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | GEO              | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | LOCATION         | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | PERCENT-COMPLETE | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | PRIORITY         | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | RESOURCES        | Current    | RFC 5545, Section |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | STATUS           | Current    | RFC 5545, Section |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | SUMMARY          | Current    | RFC 5545, Section |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | COMPLETED        | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | DTEND            | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | DUE              | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | DTSTART          | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | DURATION         | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |

      |                  |            |                            |
      | SEQUENCE         | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |
      |                  |            |                            |
      | REQUEST-STATUS   | Current    | RFC 5545, Section  |

          | Parameter      | Status  | Reference                |
          | ALTREP         | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.1  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | CN             | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.2  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | CUTYPE         | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.3  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | DELEGATED-FROM | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.4  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | DELEGATED-TO   | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.5  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | DIR            | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.6  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | ENCODING       | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.7  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | FMTTYPE        | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.8  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | FBTYPE         | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.9  |
          |                |         |                          |
          | LANGUAGE       | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.10 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | MEMBER         | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.11 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | PARTSTAT       | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.12 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | RANGE          | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.13 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | RELATED        | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.14 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | RELTYPE        | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.15 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | ROLE           | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.16 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | RSVP           | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.17 |
          |                |         |                          |

          | SENT-BY        | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.18 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | TZID           | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.19 |
          |                |         |                          |
          | VALUE          | Current | RFC 5545, Section 3.2.20 |

           +----------+                +----------+
           |          |      iTIP      |          |
           |  Sender  |<-------------->| Receiver |
           |          |                |          |
           +----------+                +----------+

      |                     iTIP Protocol                      |
      |                       Transport                        |
      +  -  -  -  -  -  +  -  -  -  -  -  -  +  -  -  -  -  -  +
      | Real-Time       | Store-and-Forward  | Others          |

          | Constraints for Properties in a VCALENDAR Component |

                 | Constraints for VTIMEZONE Components |

                   | Constraints for VALARM Components |

             | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST equal PUBLISH.               |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1+       |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   UID              | 1        |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if value is       |
   |                    |          | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
   |                    |          | 0.                                |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be     |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | TENTATIVE/CONFIRMED/CANCELLED.    |
   |   TRANSP           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |

   |   ATTENDEE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |

             | Constraints for a METHOD:REQUEST of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be REQUEST.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1+       | All components MUST have the same |
   |                    |          | UID.                              |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1+       |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if value is       |
   |                    |          | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
   |                    |          | 0.                                |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   UID              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |

   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be     |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | TENTATIVE/CONFIRMED.              |
   |   TRANSP           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:REPLY of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be REPLY.                    |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1+       | All components MUST have the same |
   |                    |          | UID.                              |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1        | MUST be the address of the        |
   |                    |          | Attendee replying.                |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST be the UID of the original   |
   |                    |          | REQUEST.                          |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | If non-zero, MUST be the sequence |
   |                    |          | number of the original REQUEST.   |
   |                    |          | MAY be present if 0.              |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |

   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be     |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   TRANSP           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |

               | Constraints for a METHOD:ADD of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be ADD.                      |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        | MUST be greater than 0.           |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST match that of the original   |
   |                    |          | event.                            |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be     |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | TENTATIVE/CONFIRMED.              |
   |   TRANSP           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |

   |   EXDATE           | 0        |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:CANCEL of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be CANCEL.                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1+       | All must have the same UID.       |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0+       | MUST include some or all          |
   |                    |          | Attendees being removed from the  |
   |                    |          | event.  MUST include some or all  |
   |                    |          | Attendees if the entire event is  |
   |                    |          | cancelled.                        |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        |                                   |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST be the UID of the original   |
   |                    |          | REQUEST.                          |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be     |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |

   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MUST be set to CANCELLED to       |
   |                    |          | cancel the entire event.  If      |
   |                    |          | uninviting specific Attendees,    |
   |                    |          | then MUST NOT be included.        |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   TRANSP           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

             | Constraints for a METHOD:REFRESH of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be REFRESH.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1        | MUST be the address of requester. |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST be the UID associated with   |
   |                    |          | original REQUEST.                 |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0        |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0        |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0        |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0        |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0        |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0        |                                   |
   |   DTEND            | 0        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 0        |                                   |
   |   DURATION         | 0        |                                   |
   |   EXDATE           | 0        |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0        |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0        |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0        |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0        |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0        |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0        |                                   |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0        |                                   |
   |   TRANSP           | 0        |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |

   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

             | Constraints for a METHOD:COUNTER of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be COUNTER.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |

   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

          | Constraints for a METHOD:DECLINECOUNTER of a VEVENT |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be DECLINECOUNTER.           |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 1+       | All components MUST have the same |
   |                    |          | UID.                              |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1+       | MUST for all Attendees.           |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        | MUST echo the original SEQUENCE   |
   |                    |          | number.                           |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST echo original UID.           |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTEND            | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |

   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DTEND MUST NOT be     |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | TENTATIVE/CONFIRMED.              |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   TRANSP           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |

            | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VFREEBUSY |

            | Constraints for a METHOD:REQUEST of a VFREEBUSY |

             | Constraints for a METHOD:REPLY of a VFREEBUSY |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be PUBLISH.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1+       |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if value is       |
   |                    |          | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
   |                    |          | 0.                                |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   UID              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   DUE              | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DUE MUST NOT be       |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |

   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | COMPLETED/NEEDS-ACTION/           |
   |                    |          | IN-PROCESS/CANCELLED.             |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:REQUEST of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be REQUEST.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1+       | All components must have the same |
   |                    |          | UID.                              |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1+       |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if value is       |
   |                    |          | greater than 0; MAY be present if |
   |                    |          | 0.                                |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |

   |   UID              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null                       |
   |   DUE              | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DUE MUST NOT be       |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | COMPLETED/NEEDS-ACTION/           |
   |                    |          | IN-PROCESS.                       |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |

               | Constraints for a METHOD:REPLY of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be REPLY.                    |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1+       | All components MUST have the same |
   |                    |          | UID.                              |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1        | MUST be the address of the        |
   |                    |          | Attendee replying.                |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0+       |                                   |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST be the UID of the original   |
   |                    |          | REQUEST.                          |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DUE              | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DUE MUST NOT be       |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | MUST be the sequence number of    |
   |                    |          | the original REQUEST if greater   |
   |                    |          | than 0.  MAY be present if 0.     |

   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

                | Constraints for a METHOD:ADD of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be ADD.                      |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        | MUST be greater than 0.           |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST match that of the original   |
   |                    |          | to-do.                            |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DUE              | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DUE MUST NOT be       |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | COMPLETED/NEEDS-ACTION/           |
   |                    |          | IN-PROCESS.                       |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   EXDATE           | 0        |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0        |                                   |

   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:CANCEL of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be CANCEL.                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0+       | MUST include some or all          |
   |                    |          | Attendees being removed from the  |
   |                    |          | to-do.  MUST include some or all  |
   |                    |          | Attendees if the entire to-do is  |
   |                    |          | cancelled.                        |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST echo original UID.           |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DUE              | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DUE MUST NOT be       |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |

   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MUST be set to CANCELLED to       |
   |                    |          | cancel the entire VTODO.  If      |
   |                    |          | removing specific Attendees, then |
   |                    |          | MUST NOT be included.             |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:REFRESH of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be REFRESH.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST echo original UID.           |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0        |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0        |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0        |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0        |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0        |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0        |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0        |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 0        |                                   |
   |   DUE              | 0        |                                   |
   |   DURATION         | 0        |                                   |
   |   EXDATE           | 0        |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0        |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0        |                                   |
   |   LOCATION         | 0        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 0        |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0        |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0        |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0        |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0        |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0        |                                   |

   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:COUNTER of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be COUNTER.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1+       |                                   |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 1        |                                   |
   |   SUMMARY          | 1        | Can be null.                      |

   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

          | Constraints for a METHOD:DECLINECOUNTER of a VTODO |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be DECLINECOUNTER.           |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 1+       | MUST for all ATTENDEEs.           |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        | MUST echo the original SEQUENCE   |
   |                    |          | number.                           |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST echo original UID.           |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   COMPLETED        | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DUE              | 0 or 1   | If present, DURATION MUST NOT be  |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   DURATION         | 0 or 1   | If present, DUE MUST NOT be       |
   |                    |          | present.                          |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   GEO              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |

   |   LOCATION         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PERCENT-COMPLETE | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   PRIORITY         | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RESOURCES        | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | COMPLETED/NEEDS-ACTION/           |
   |                    |          | IN-PROCESS.                       |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |

            | Constraints for a METHOD:PUBLISH of a VJOURNAL |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be PUBLISH.                  |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 1+       |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   UID              | 1        |                                   |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |

   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if non-zero.  MAY |
   |                    |          | be present if zero.               |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | DRAFT/FINAL/CANCELLED.            |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |

              | Constraints for a METHOD:ADD of a VJOURNAL |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be ADD.                      |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 1        |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 1        | Can be null.                      |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        | MUST be greater than 0.           |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST match that of the original   |
   |                    |          | journal.                          |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be one of                     |
   |                    |          | DRAFT/FINAL/CANCELLED.            |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   | Can be null.                      |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   EXDATE           | 0        |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0        |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0        |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0+       |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0 or 1   | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |

   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |

             | Constraints for a METHOD:CANCEL of a VJOURNAL |

   | Component/Property | Presence | Comment                           |
   | METHOD             | 1        | MUST be CANCEL.                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VJOURNAL           | 1+       | All MUST have the same UID.       |
   |   DTSTAMP          | 1        |                                   |
   |   ORGANIZER        | 1        |                                   |
   |   SEQUENCE         | 1        |                                   |
   |   UID              | 1        | MUST be the UID of the original   |
   |                    |          | REQUEST.                          |
   |   ATTACH           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   ATTENDEE         | 0        |                                   |
   |   CATEGORIES       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CLASS            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   COMMENT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CONTACT          | 0+       |                                   |
   |   CREATED          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DESCRIPTION      | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   DTSTART          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   EXDATE           | 0+       |                                   |
   |   LAST-MODIFIED    | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   RDATE            | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RECURRENCE-ID    | 0 or 1   | Only if referring to an instance  |
   |                    |          | of a recurring calendar           |
   |                    |          | component.  Otherwise, it MUST    |
   |                    |          | NOT be present.                   |
   |   RELATED-TO       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   RRULE            | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   STATUS           | 0 or 1   | MAY be present; MUST be CANCELLED |
   |                    |          | if present.                       |
   |   SUMMARY          | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   URL              | 0 or 1   |                                   |
   |   IANA-PROPERTY    | 0+       |                                   |
   |   X-PROPERTY       | 0+       |                                   |
   |   REQUEST-STATUS   | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   |   VALARM           | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTIMEZONE          | 0+       | MUST be present if any date/time  |
   |                    |          | refers to a timezone.             |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | IANA-COMPONENT     | 0+       |                                   |
   | X-COMPONENT        | 0+       |                                   |

   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VEVENT             | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VFREEBUSY          | 0        |                                   |
   |                    |          |                                   |
   | VTODO              | 0        |                                   |

                      \                |             |               |
                       \ file selector |  different  |     same      |
     'file-transfer-id' \              |    file     |     file      |
                                       |  new file   |   new file    |
      changed                          |  transfer   |   transfer    |
                                       |  operation  |   operation   |
                                       |             | existing file |
      unchanged                        |   error     |   transfer    |
                                       |             |   operation   |

                        File sender            File receiver
                            |                        |
                            |\                       |
                            | \                      |
                            |  \                     |
                            |   \                    |
                            |    \                   |
                            |     \                  |
                     abort->|      \  MSRP SEND (#)  |
                            |       +--------------->|
                            | MSRP 200               |
                            | re-INVITE (SDP offer)  |
                            | SIP 200 OK (SDP answer)|
                            | SIP ACK                |
                            |                        |

                     File sender            File receiver
                         |                        |
                         |\                       |
                         | \  MSRP SEND           |
                         |  \ Failure-Report: yes |
                         |   \                    |
                         |    \                   |
                         |     \                  |
                         |      \                 |
                         |       \                |
                         |        \               |
                         | MSRP 413               |<-abort
                         |          \   (#)       |
                         |           +----------->|
                         | re-INVITE (SDP offer)  |
                         | SIP 200 OK (SDP answer)|
                         | SIP ACK                |
                         |                        |

                     File sender            File receiver
                         |                        |
                         |\                       |
                         | \  MSRP SEND           |
                         |  \ Failure-Report: no  |
                         |   \                    |
                         |    \                   |
                         |     \                  |
                         |      \                 |
                         |       \                |
                         |        \               |
                         | re-INVITE (SDP offer)  |<-abort
                         |          \   (#)       |
                         |           +----------->|
                         | MSRP 200               |
                         | SIP 200 OK (SDP answer)|
                         | SIP ACK                |
                         |                        |

                   Alice's UAC                 Bob's UAS
                         |                        |
                         |(1) (SIP) INVITE        |
                         |(2) (SIP) 200 OK        |
                         |(3) (SIP) ACK           |
                         |                        |
                         |(4) (MSRP) SEND (chunk) |
                         |(5) (MSRP) SEND (chunk) |
                         |(6) (MSRP) 200 OK       |
                         |(7) (MSRP) 200 OK       |
                         |                        |
                         |(8) (SIP) BYE           |
                         |(9) (SIP) 200 OK        |
                         |                        |
                         |                        |

                   Alice's UAC                 Bob's UAS
                         |                        |
                         |(1) (SIP) INVITE        |
                         |(2) (SIP) 200 OK        |
                         |(3) (SIP) ACK           |
                         |                        |
                         |(4) (MSRP) SEND (file)  |
                         |(5) (MSRP) 200 OK       |
                         |                        |
                         |(6) (SIP) INVITE        |
                         |(7) (SIP) 200 OK        |
                         |(8) (SIP) ACK           |
                         |                        |
                         |(9) (MSRP) SEND (file)  |
                         |(10) (MSRP) 200 OK      |
                         |                        |
                         |(11) (SIP) BYE          |
                         |(12) (SIP) 200 OK       |
                         |                        |
                         |                        |

                   Alice's UAC                 Bob's UAS
                         |                        |
                         |(1) (SIP) OPTIONS       |
                         |(2) (SIP) 200 OK        |
                         |          with SDP      |
                         |                        |
                         |                        |

        +--------------------+               +--------------+
        |                    | <------------ |              |
        |     MUA (M)        |               | IMAPv4Rev1   |
        |                    |               |  Server      |
        |                    | ------------> | (Server I)   |
        +--------------------+               +--------------+
               ^    |                              ^     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     |
               |    |                              |     v
               |    |                        +--------------+
               |    |----------------------> |   SMTP       |
               |                             |   Submit     |
               |-----------------------------|   Server     |
                                             |  (Server S)  |

                     |              |....
           +=========| Notification |.NF.
           !         |    Server    |....
           !         |              |^ ^               NOTE:
           !         +--------------+! !               NF is either in
     Notif-!                         ! !               Notification
   ications!       Filter Protocol   ! !               Server or IMAP
   Protocol!  !======================! !               Store, not both
           !  !                        !
           !  !    Filter Protocol   ....
           !  !=====================>.  .            +---------+
           !  !          +-----------.NF.---+        |         |
           V  !          |           ....   |        |   MTA   |
        +-----+   IMAP   |....              |  LMTP/ |....     |<==SMTP
        |     | <======> |.VF.  IMAP    ....|  SMTP  |.AF.     |
        | MUA |\   ME-2a |....  Store   .DF.|<=======|....     |
        |     | \        |              ....|        |         |
        +-----+  \       +------------------+        +---------+
                  \              !
                   \             !URLAUTH
              SUBMIT\            !
                     \      +----v-----+
                      \     |          |                +-----+
                       \    | LEMONADE |       SMTP     |     |==>SMTP
                        ===>| Submit   |===============>| MTA |
                    ME-2b   | Server   |                |     |
                            |          |                +-----+

   +----------------+       +---------------+            +------------+
   |    COMPLETE    | (VF)  |   VIEW        |    (NF)    |   PUSH     |
   |   REPOSITORY   | View  |  REPOSITORY   |Notification| REPOSITORY |
   |                |Filters|               |  Filters   |            |
   |   all email    |       |  email to be  |            | important  |
   | in the account |=======|synched by the |=====<?>====| email /    |
   |                |       | mobile client |      |     | events     |
   |                |       |   (CONTEXT)   |      |     |            |
   +----------------+       +---------------+      |     +------------+
                                                   |            |
                                                 IDLE /         |
                                                 NOTIFY    Out-of-IMAP
                                                   |      Notifications
                                                   |            |
                                                   V            V

                              |              |
                              |  Application |\
                              |    Server    | \
                              |              |  \ HTTP
                         SIP  +--------------+   \
                              /               \   \
             +-------------+ /             SIP \ +--------------+
             |             |/                   \|              |
             |     SIP     |                     |   VoiceXML   |
             | User Agent  |      RTP/SRTP       | Media Server |
             |             |=====================|              |
             +-------------+                     +--------------+

             +-------------+         SIP         +--------------+
             |             |---------------------|              |
             |   IP/PSTN   |                     |   VoiceXML   |
             |   Gateway   |      RTP/SRTP       | Media Server |
             |             |=====================|              |
             +-------------+                     +--------------+

                         SIP               VoiceXML              HTTP
   User              Application            Media            Application
   Agent               Server               Server              Server
    |                    |                    |                    |
    |(1) INVITE [offer]  |                    |                    |
    |------------------->|(2) INVITE [offer]  |                    |
    |(3) 100 Trying      |------------------->|                    |
    |<-------------------|(4) 100 Trying      |                    |
    |                    |<-------------------|                    |
    |                    |                    |                    |
    |                    |                    |(5) GET             |
    |                    |                    |------------------->|
    |                    |                    |(6) 200 OK [VXML]   |
    |                    |                    |<-------------------|
    |                    |                    |                    |
    |                    |(7) 200 OK [answer] |                    |
    |(8) 200 OK [answer] |<-------------------|                    |
    |<-------------------|                    |                    |
    |(9) ACK             |                    |                    |
    |------------------->|(10) ACK            |                    |
    |                    |------------------->| (execute           |
    |(11) RTP/SRTP       |                    |  VoiceXML          |
    |.........................................|  application)      |
    |                    |                    |                    |

                         SIP               VoiceXML              HTTP
   User              Application            Media            Application
   Agent               Server               Server              Server
    |                    |                     |                    |
    |                    |(1) INVITE           |                    |
    |                    |-------------------->|                    |
    |                    |(2) 100 Trying       |                    |
    |                    |<--------------------|                    |
    |                    |                     |                    |
    |                    |                     |(3) GET             |
    |                    |                     |------------------->|
    |                    |                     |(4) 200 OK [VXML]   |
    |                    |                     |<-------------------|
    |                    |                     |                    |
    |                    |(5) 200 OK [offer1]  |                    |
    |                    |<--------------------|                    |
    |                    |(6) ACK [answer1:0]  |                    |
    |(7) INVITE          |-------------------->|                    |
    |<-------------------|                     |                    |
    |(8) 200 OK [offer2] |                     |                    |
    |------------------->|(9) INVITE [offer2'] |                    |
    |                    |-------------------->|                    |
    |                    |(10) 100 Trying      |                    |
    |                    |<--------------------|                    |
    |                    |(11) 200 OK [answer2]|                    |
    |(12) ACK [answer2]  |<--------------------|                    |
    |<-------------------|(13) ACK             |                    |
    |                    |-------------------->| (execute           |
    |(14) RTP/SRTP                             |  VoiceXML          |
    |..........................................|  application)      |
    |                    |                     |                    |

                       VoiceXML                                  HTTP
   User                Media                 MRCPv2          Application
   Agent               Server                Server             Server
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |(1) INVITE [offer1] |                      |                  |
    |------------------->|                      |                  |
    |(2) 100 Trying      |                      |                  |
    |<-------------------|(3) GET               |                  |
    |                    |---------------------------------------->|
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |                    |(4) 200 OK [VXML]     |                  |
    |                    |<----------------------------------------|
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |                    |(5) INVITE [offer2]   |                  |
    |                    |--------------------->|                  |
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |                    |(6) 200 OK [answer2]  |                  |
    |                    |<---------------------|                  |
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |                    |(7) ACK               |                  |
    |                    |--------------------->|                  |
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |                    |(8) MRCP connection   |                  |
    |                    |<-------------------->|                  |
    |(9) 200 OK [answer1]|                      |                  |
    |<-------------------|                      |                  |
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |(10) ACK            |                      |                  |
    |------------------->|                      |                  |
    |                    |                      |                  |
    |(11) RTP/SRTP       |                      |                  |
    |...........................................|                  |
    |                    |                      |                  |

                         SIP               VoiceXML              HTTP
   User              Application            Media            Application
   Agent               Server               Server              Server
    |                      |                   |                   |
    |..(existing session)..|                   |                   |
    |                      |(1) INVITE         |                   |
    |                      |------------------>|                   |
    |                      |                   |(2) HTTP GET       |
    |                      |                   |------------------>|
    |                      |(3) 183 [offer]    |                   |
    |(4) re-INVITE [offer] |<------------------|                   |
    |<---------------------|                   |                   |
    |(5) 200 OK [answer]   |                   |                   |
    |--------------------->|                   |                   |
    |(6) ACK               |                   |                   |
    |<---------------------|                   |                   |
    |                      | (7) PRACK [answer]|                   |
    |                      |------------------>|                   |
    |                      | (8) PRACK 200 OK  |                   |
    |                      |<------------------|                   |
    |(9) RTP/SRTP          |                   |                   |
    |..........................................|                   |
    |                      |                   |(10) 200 OK [VXML] |
    |                      |                   |<------------------|
    |                      |                   |                   |
    |                      |(11) 200 OK        |                   |
    |                      |<------------------|                   |
    |                      |(12) ACK           |                   |
    |                      |------------------>| (execute          |
    |                      |                   |  VoiceXML         |
    |                      |                   |  application)     |
    |                      |                   |                   |

    |<exit> Usage                  | Result Content                  |
    |<exit/>                       | __reason=exit                   |
    |<exit expr="5"/>              | __exit=5&__reason=exit          |
    |<exit expr="'done'"/>         | __exit="done"&__reason=exit     |
    |<exit expr="userAuthorized"/> | __exit=true&__reason=exit       |
    |<exit namelist="pin errors"/> | pin=1234&errors=0&__reason=exit |
    assuming the following VoiceXML variables and values:
        userAuthorized = true
        pin = 1234
        errors = 0

   User Agent 1        VoiceXML        User Agent 2
     (Caller)        Media Server        (Callee)
        |                 |                 |
        |(0) RTP/SRTP     |                 |
        |.................|                 |
        |                 |                 |
        |(1) REFER        | <transfer>      |
        |<----------------|                 |
        |(2) 202 Accepted |                 |
        |---------------->|                 |
        |(3) BYE          |                 |
        |<----------------|                 |
        |(4) 200 OK       |                 |
        |---------------->|                 |
        |                 | Stop RTP (0)    |
        |(5) INVITE                         |
        |(6) 200 OK                         |
        |(7) NOTIFY       |                 |
        |---------------->|                 |
        |(8) 200 OK       |                 |
        |<--------------- |                 |
        |(9) ACK                            |
        |(10) RTP/SRTP                      |
        |                 |                 |

   User Agent 1         VoiceXML          User Agent 2
     (Caller)         Media Server          (Callee)
       |                   |                   |
       |(0)RTP/SRTP        |                   |
       |...................|                   |
       |                   |                   |
       |         <transfer>|(1)INVITE [offer]  |
       |                   |------------------>|
       |                   |(2) 200 OK [answer]|
       |                   |<------------------|
       |                   |(3) ACK            |
       |                   |------------------>|
       |                   |(4) RTP/SRTP       |
       |              mix  |...................|
       |            (0)+(4)|                   |

   User Agent 1        VoiceXML       User Agent 2
     (Caller)        Media Server       (Callee)
        |                 |                 |
        |(0) RTP/SRTP     |                 |
        |.................|(4) RTP/SRTP     |
        |                 |.................|
        |(5) REFER        |                 |
        |<----------------|                 |
        |(6) 202 Accepted |                 |
        |---------------->|                 |
        |(7) INVITE Replaces:ms1.example.com|
        |(8) 200 OK                         |
        |(9) ACK                            |
        |(10) RTP/SRTP                      |
        |                 |(11) BYE         |
        |                 |<----------------|
        |                 |(12) 200 OK      |
        |                 |---------------->| Stop
        |(13) NOTIFY      |                 | RTP (4)
        |---------------->|                 |
        |(14) 200 OK      |                 |
        |<----------------|                 |
        |(15) BYE         |                 |
        |<----------------|                 |
        |(16) 200 OK      |                 |
        |---------------->| Stop            |
        |                 | RTP (0)         |

    -----------------------------    ----------------------------
   |                       AS-1  |  |                      AS-2  |
   |                             |  |                            |
   |     -------                 |  |    -------                 |
   |    | PCE-1 |<---------------+--+-->| PCE-2 |                |
   |     -------                 |  |    -------                 |
   |      ^                      |  |    ^                       |
   |      |                      |  |    |                       |
   |      v                      |  |    v                       |
   |  -------              ----  |  |  ----                      |
   | |  PCC  |   -    -   |ASBR| |  | |ASBR|   -    -    ------  |
   | |Ingress|--|A|--|B|--|  1 |-+--+-|  2 |--|C|--|D|--|Egress| |
   |  -------    -    -    ----- |  |  ----    -    -    ------  |
   |                             |  |                            |
    -----------------------------    ----------------------------

                           |                           |

                  Application           |   -----   |
                    Request             |  | TED |  |
                       |                |   -----   |
                       v                |     |     |
                 ------------- Request/ |     v     |
                |     PCC     | Response|   -----   |
                | (NMS/Server)|<--------+> | PCE |  |
                |             |         |   -----   |
                 -------------           -----------
               Service |
               Request |
                  ----------  Signaling   ----------
                 | Head-End | Protocol   | Adjacent |
                 |  Node    |<---------->|   Node   |
                  ----------              ----------

                         Provider-Edge Interfaces
                              x   x        x
                              |   |        |
         +--------------------+---+--------+----------+    E
         |                    |   |        |          |    n
         |    I               |   |  ....  |          |    t
         |    n           +---+---+--------+---+      |    e
         |    t           |   +--------+      /|      |    r
         |    e  I   x----+   |  Host  |   I /*+------+--< p  I
         |    r  n        |   |Function|   n|**|      |    r  n
         |    n  t        |   +--------+   t|**|      |    i  t
         |    a  e   x----+              V e|**+------+--< s  e
         |    l  r      . |              E r|**|  .   |    e  r
         |       f      . |              T f|**|  .   |       f
         |    V  a      . |   +--------+   a|**|  .   |    I  a
         |    i  c      . |   | Router |   c|**|  .   |    n  c
         |    r  e   x----+   |Function|   e \*+------+--< t  e
         |    t  s        |   +--------+      \|      |    e  s
         |    u           +---+---+--------+---+      |    r
         |    a               |   |  ....  |          |    i
         |    l               |   |        |          |    o
         +--------------------+---+--------+----------+    r
                              |   |        |
                              x   x        x
                       Enterprise-Edge Interfaces

   | Type  |Length |      TTL      |        IPv4 Address           |

                          ==   Metering &    ==
                          ==Marking behaviour==       ==PCN mechanisms==
           Rate of     ^
      PCN-traffic on   |
     bottleneck link   |
                       |       Some pkts                  Terminate some
                       |  excess-traffic-marked           admitted flows
                       |           &                            &
                       |     Rest of pkts                Block new flows
                       |   threshold-marked
     PCN-excess-rate  -|------------------------------------------------
                       |       All pkts                  Block new flows
                       |   threshold-marked
   PCN-threshold-rate -|------------------------------------------------
                       |        No pkts                  Admit new flows
                       |      PCN-marked

   ___    ___    _______________________________________    ____    ___
  |   |  |   |  | PCN-             PCN-            PCN- |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |ingress         interior         egress|  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  | -node           -nodes          -node |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |-------+  +-------+  +-------+  +------|  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |       |  | PCN   |  | PCN   |  |      |  |    |  |   |
  |   |..|   |..|Ingress|..|meter &|..|meter &|..|Egress|..|    |..|   |
  |   |..|   |..|Policer|..|marker |..|marker |..|Meter |..|    |..|   |
  |   |  |   |  |-------+  +-------+  +-------+  +------|  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |  \                                 /  |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |   \                               /   |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |    \  PCN-feedback-information   /    |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |     \  (for admission control)  /     |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |      --<-----<----<----<-----<--      |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |       PCN-feedback-information        |  |    |  |   |
  |   |  |   |  |        (for flow termination)         |  |    |  |   |
  |___|  |___|  |_______________________________________|  |____|  |___|

  Sx     Access               PCN-domain                   Access    Rx
  End    Network                                          Network   End
  Host                                                              Host
                  <---- signalling across PCN-domain--->
                (for admission control & flow termination)

  <-------------------end-to-end QoS signalling protocol--------------->

                          ==   Metering &    ==
                          ==Marking behaviour==       ==PCN mechanisms==
           Rate of     ^
      PCN-traffic on   |
     bottleneck link   |                                  Terminate some
                       |                                  admitted flows
                       |                                         &
                       |                                 Block new flows
                       |       Some pkts
   U*PCN-excess-rate  -|  excess-traffic-marked        -----------------
                       |                                 Block new flows
     PCN-excess-rate  -|------------------------------------------------
                       |         No pkts                 Admit new flows
                       |       PCN-marked

                                       +---------+   Result
                                    |  |  Meter  |       |
                                    |  +---------+       V
         +----------+   +- - - - -+  |                +------+
         |   BA     |   |         |  |                |      |    Marked
Packet =>|Classifier|==>| Dropper |==?===============>|Marker|==> Packet
Stream   |          |   |         |  |                |      |    Stream
         +----------+   +- - - - -+  |                +------+
                                    |  +---------+       ^
                                    |  | Excess  |       |
                                    +->| Traffic |-------+
                                       |  Meter  |   Result

                               <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, possibly ECT
                                                 3-second timer set
                             SYN/ACK dropped               .
                                             3-second timer expires
                                    <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, not ECT
         <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK
         Data/ACK --->
                                                      Data/ACK --->
                                   <--- Data (one to four segments)

                                       <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, ECT
                                                3-second timer set
                            <--- Sets CE on SYN/ACK
         <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, CE

         ACK, ECN-Echo --->
                                                ACK, ECN-Echo --->
                                    Window reduced to one segment.
                                   <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, not ECT
         <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK

         Data/ACK, ECT --->
                                                Data/ACK, ECT --->
                                 <--- Data, ECT (one segment only)

                                       <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, ECT
                            <--- Sets CE on SYN/ACK
         <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, CE

                                    <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, not ECT
                                                 3-second timer set
                             SYN/ACK dropped               .
                                             3-second timer expires
                                    <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, not ECT
         <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, not ECT
         Data/ACK, ECT --->
                                                 Data/ACK, ECT --->
                                  <--- Data, ECT (one segment only)

                                       <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, ECT
                            <--- Sets CE on SYN/ACK
         <--- ECN-setup SYN/ACK, CE

         Data/ACK, No ECN-Echo --->
                                                    Data/ACK --->
                                   <--- Data (up to four packets)

                +----+        +-------+      +-------+      +-----+
                |    |        | AR /  |      |       |      |     |
                | MN |        | PMA   |      |  AAA  |      |  HA |
                |    |        |       |      |       |      |     |
                +----+        +-------+      +-------+      +-----+
                   |               |             |             |
                   |     1a        |     1b      |             |
   Authentication  |<------------->|<----------->|             |
                   |               |             |             |
                   |     2         |             |             |
              +->  |-------------->|             |             |
              |    |               |       3     |             |
              |    |               |-------------------------->| <-+
   Address    |    |               |             |             |   |PMIP
   Acquisition|    |               |       4     |             |   |
              |    |               |<--------------------------| <-+
              |    |     5         |             |             |
              +->  |<--------------|             |             |
                   |               |             |             |
                   |     6         |             |             |
   Data Forwarding |<------------->|<=========================>|
                   |               |             |             |

                    +----+        +-------+                  +-----+
                    |    |        | AR /  |                  |     |
                    | MN |        | PMA   |                  |  HA |
                    |    |        |       |                  |     |
                    +----+        +-------+                  +-----+
                       |               |                        |
                       |               |       1                |
                       |               |----------------------->|
     PMIPv4            |               |                        |
     Renewal           |               |       2                |
                       |               |<-----------------------|
                       |               |                        |
                       |               |                        |

                    +----+        +-------+      +-------+      +-----+
                    |    |        | New   |      |  Old  |      |     |
                    | MN |        | AR /  |      |  AR / |      |  HA |
                    |    |        | PMA   |      |  PMA  |      |     |
                    +----+        +-------+      +-------+      +-----+
                       |               |             |             |
                       |     1         |             |             |
     Authentication    |<------------->|             |             |
                       |               |             |             |
                       |               |       2     |             |
                  +->  |               |-------------------------->|
     PMIPv4       |    |               |             |             |
                  |    |               |       3     |             |
                  +->  |               |<--------------------------|
                       |               |             |             |
                       |     4         |             |             |
     Data Forwarding   |<------------->|<=========================>|
                       |               |             |             |

                    +----+        +-------+      +-------+      +-----+
                    |    |        | New   |      |  Old  |      |     |
                    | MN |        | AR /  |      |  AR / |      |  HA |
                    |    |        | PMA   |      |  PMA  |      |     |
                    +----+        +-------+      +-------+      +-----+
                       |               |             |             |
                       |               |             |      1      |
                  +->  |               |             |<------------|
                  |    |               |             |             |
     Revocation   |    |               |             o 2           |
                  |    |               |             |             |
                  |    |               |             |      3      |
                  +->  |               |             |------------>|
                       |               |             |             |

                                            |            CSN
                     +-------+              |            +-------+
                     |       |              |            |       |
                     |AAAV   |--------------|------------| AAAH  |
                     |       |              |            |       |
                     |       |              |            |       |
                     +-------+              |            +-------+
                          |                 |                |
                          |                 |                |
                          |                 |                |
                  +------------------+      |                |
                  |   +-------+      |      |                |
                  |   | NAS   |      |      |                |
                  |   | PMIP  | ASN1 |      |                |
                  |   | Client|      |      |                |
                  |   +-------+      |      |                |
                  |       |          |      |                |
                  |       | R4       |      |                |
                  |   +-------+      |      |             +------+
         +----+   |   | FA,   |      |      |    PMIPv4   |      |
         | MN |-------| DHCP  |---------------------------|  HA  |
         +----+   |   | Relay/|      |      |     R3      |      |
                  |   | Server| ASN2 |      |             +------+
                  |   +-------+      |      |
                  |                  |      |
                     Split PMA

                     Split PMA
            +----+   | +------+     +------+     +-----+ |    +-----+
            |    |   | | NAS/ |     |  Old |     | New | |    |     |
            | MN |   | | PMIP |     |  FA  |     |  FA | |    | HA  |
            |    |   | |Client|     |      |     |     | |    |     |
            +----+   | +------+     +------+     +-----+ |    +-----+
               |     +----|------------|------------|----+       |
               |          |            |       PMIP Tunnel       |
               |          |            |<=======================>|
               |          |            |            |            |
               |          |            |  R4 tunnel |            |
               |          |            |<==========>|            |
               |          |       1    |            |            |
               |<---------------------------------->|            |
               |          |            |            |            |
               |          |            |     2      |            |
               |          |            |<---------->|            |
               |          |       3    |            |            |
               |          |<----------------------- |            |
               |          |            |            |            |
               |          |       4    |            |            |
          +->  |          |------------------------>|            |
          |    |          |            |            |     5      |
          |    |          |            |            |----------->|
          |    |          |            |            |            |
   PMIP   |    |          |            |            |     6      |
          |    |          |            |            |<-----------|
          |    |          |            |            |            |
          |    |          |       7    |            |            |
          +->  |          |<------------------------|            |
               |          |            |            |            |
               |          |            |     8      |            |
               |          |            |<---------->|            |
               |          |            |            |            |
               |     9    |            |            |PMIP Tunnel |
   Data        |<---------------------------------->|<==========>|
   Forwarding  |          |            |            |            |

                  +-------+                       +------+
      +----+      | BS/   |             PMIPv4    |      |
      | MN |------| PMA   |-----------------------| AGW/ |
      +----+      |       |                       |  HA  |
                  |       |                       +------+

                  +-------+                       +------+
      +----+      | AGW/  |             PMIPv4    |      |
      | MN |------| PMA   |-----------------------|  HA  |
      +----+      |       |                       |      |
                  |       |                       +------+

                           RAN                    Core
                 -----------^------------   -------^-------------
                |                        | |                     |
                V                        V V                     V

                  +------+            +------+           +-----+
      +----+      |      |  PMIPv4    |      |  PMIPv4   |     |
      | MN |------| BS   |------------| AGW  |-----------| HA  |
      +----+      |      |            |      |           |     |
                  +------+            +------+           +-----+

         +----+        +-------+      +-------+   +------+
         |    |        |       |      |       |   |      |
         | MN |        |  BS/  |      | HAAA  |   | AGW/ |
         |    |        |  PMA  |      |       |   | HA   |
         +----+        +-------+      +-------+   +------+
           |               |             |          |
           |     1a        |     1b      |          |
           |<------------->|<----------->|          |
           |               |             |          |
           |     2         |             |          |
           |-------------->|             |          |
           |               |       3     |          |
           |               |----------------------->|
           |               |             |          |
           |               |       4     |          |
           |               |<-----------------------|
           |     5         |             |          |
           |<--------------|             |          |
           |               |             |          |
           |     6         |             |          |
           |               |             |          |

      +----+        +-------+      +-------+   +-------+
      |    |        |       |      |       |   |       |
      | MN |        | New   |      |  AGW/ |   | Old   |
      |    |        | PMA/BS|      |  HA   |   | PMA/BS|
      +----+        +-------+      +-------+   +-------+
        |               |              |          |
        |               |      1       |          |
        |               |------------->|          |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              o 2        |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |      3       |          |
        |               |<-------------|          |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |         4    |          |
        |               |<----------------------->|
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              |          o  5
        |               |              |          |
        |               |              |          |

             | Unicode | Character Name                      |
             | 0621    | ARABIC LETTER HAMZA                 |
             | 0622    | ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE |
             | 0623    | ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE |
             | 0624    | ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE  |
             | 0625    | ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW |
             | 0626    | ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE  |
             | 0627    | ARABIC LETTER ALEF                  |
             | 0628    | ARABIC LETTER BEH                   |
             | 0629    | ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA           |
             | 062A    | ARABIC LETTER TEH                   |
             | 062B    | ARABIC LETTER THEH                  |
             | 062C    | ARABIC LETTER JEEM                  |
             | 062D    | ARABIC LETTER HAH                   |
             | 062E    | ARABIC LETTER KHAH                  |
             | 062F    | ARABIC LETTER DAL                   |
             | 0630    | ARABIC LETTER THAL                  |
             | 0631    | ARABIC LETTER REH                   |
             | 0632    | ARABIC LETTER ZAIN                  |
             | 0633    | ARABIC LETTER SEEN                  |
             | 0634    | ARABIC LETTER SHEEN                 |
             | 0635    | ARABIC LETTER SAD                   |
             | 0636    | ARABIC LETTER DAD                   |
             | 0637    | ARABIC LETTER TAH                   |

             | 0638    | ARABIC LETTER ZAH                   |
             | 0639    | ARABIC LETTER AIN                   |
             | 063A    | ARABIC LETTER GHAIN                 |
             | 0641    | ARABIC LETTER FEH                   |
             | 0642    | ARABIC LETTER QAF                   |
             | 0643    | ARABIC LETTER KAF                   |
             | 0644    | ARABIC LETTER LAM                   |
             | 0645    | ARABIC LETTER MEEM                  |
             | 0646    | ARABIC LETTER NOON                  |
             | 0647    | ARABIC LETTER HEH                   |
             | 0648    | ARABIC LETTER WAW                   |
             | 0649    | ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA          |
             | 064A    | ARABIC LETTER YEH                   |
             | 0660    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO             |
             | 0661    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE              |
             | 0662    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO              |
             | 0663    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE            |
             | 0664    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR             |
             | 0665    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE             |
             | 0666    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX              |
             | 0667    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN            |
             | 0668    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT            |
             | 0669    | ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE             |

           +-------------+                         +--------------+
           |             | SIP (MS Control Dialog) |              |
           | Application |<----------------------->|     Media    |
           |   Server    |                         |    Server    |
           |             |<----------------------->|              |
           +-------------+ SIP (MS Media Dialog)   +--------------+
                       ^                               ^
                        \                              | RTP/SRTP
                         \                             |  audio/
                          \                            | video/etc)
                           \                           |
                            \                          v
                             \                 +--------------+
                              \     SIP        |              |
                               +-------------->|      SIP     |
                                               |  User Agent  |
                                               |              |

      +-------------+             SIP              +-------------+
      | Application |<---------------------------->|   Media     |
      |    Server   | (media & MS Control dialogs) |   Server    |
      |             |                              |             |
      |             |  MS Control Protocol (IVR)   |             |
      |             |<---------------------------->| (IVR media  |
      | (App logic) |       (CtrlChannel)          | functions)  |
      +-------------+                              +-------------+
             ^                                            ^^
              \                                           ||  R
               \                                          ||  T
                \                                         ||  P
                 \                                        ||  /
                  \                                       ||  S
                   \                                      ||  R
                    \                                     ||  T
                     \                                    ||  P
                      \                                   vv
                       \    call signaling           +-----------+
                        ---------------------------->|   User    |
                              (e.g., SIP)            | Equipment |

                +------------+             +------------+
                |            | SIP (2m+1c) |            |
                | Application|-------------|   Media    |
                |   Server   |             |   Server   |
                |  (Focus)   |-------------|  (Mixer)   |
                |            | CtrlChannel |            |
                +------------+             +------------+
                    |      \                    .. .
                    |       \\            RTP...   .
                    |         \\           ..      .
                    |     H.323  \\      ...       .
                SIP |             \\ ...           .RTP
                    |              ..\             .
                    |           ...   \\           .
                    |        ...        \\         .
                    |      ..             \\       .
                    |   ...                 \\     .
                    | ..                      \    .
               +-----------+              +-----------+
               |Participant|              |Participant|
               +-----------+              +-----------+

                  +------------+                  +------------+
                  |            | 'Include audio   |            |
                  | Application|  sent by user X  |   Media    |
                  |   Server   |  in conf Y mix'  |   Server   |
                  |  (Focus)   |----------------->|  (Mixer)   |
                  |            |   (MS CtrlChn)   |            |
                  +------^-----+                  +------------+
                         |                          ..
                         |                       ...
                         | 'Unmute me'        ... RTP
                         |   (XCON)        ...
                         |              ...
                         |           ...
                  +-----------+   ...

     UA                                   AS                         MS
     (Floor Participant)                 (FCS)
     |                                     |                          |
     |<===================== One-way RTP stream ======================|
     |                                     |                          |
     | FloorRequest(BFCP)                  |                          |
     |------------------------------------>|                          |
     |                                     |                          |
     |   FloorRequestStatus[PENDING](BFCP) |                          |
     |<------------------------------------|                          |
     |                                     |--+ apply                 |
     |                                     |  | policies              |
     |                                     |<-+ to request            |
     |                                     |                          |
     |  FloorRequestStatus[ACCEPTED](BFCP) |                          |
     |<------------------------------------|                          |
     |                                     |                          |
     .                                     .                          .
     .                                     .                          .
     |                                     |                          |
     |   FloorRequestStatus[GRANTED](BFCP) |                          |
     |<------------------------------------|                          |
     |                                     | 'Unmute UA' (CtrlChn)    |
     |                                     |------------------------->|
     |                                     |                          |
     |<==================== Bidirectional RTP stream ================>|
     |                                     |                          |
     .                                     .                          .
     .                                     .                          .

     UA                          AS                                  MS
     (Floor Participant)   (Floor Chair)                          (FCS)
     |                           |                                    |
     |<===================== One-way RTP stream ======================|
     |                           |                                    |
     | FloorRequest(BFCP)        |                                    |
     |                           |                                    |
     |                           |  FloorRequestStatus[PENDING](BFCP) |
     |                           |  FloorRequestStatus[PENDING](BFCP) |
     |                           |<-----------------------------------|
     |                           |                                    |
     |                           | ChairAction[ACCEPTED] (BFCP)       |
     |                           |----------------------------------->|
     |                           |       ChairActionAck (BFCP)        |
     |                           |<-----------------------------------|
     |                           |                                    |
     |                           | FloorRequestStatus[ACCEPTED](BFCP) |
     |                           |                                    |
     .                           .                                    .
     .                           .                                    .
     |                           |                                    |
     |                           |  FloorRequestStatus[GRANTED](BFCP) |
     |                           | 'Floor has been granted' (CtrlChn) |
     |                           |<-----------------------------------|
     |                           |                                    |
     |<==================== Bidirectional RTP stream ================>|
     |                           |                                    |
     .                           .                                    .
     .                           .                                    .

                  MN                    PAR                    NAR
                   |                     |                      |
                   |------RtSolPr------->|                      |
                   |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                      |
                   |                     |                      |
                   |                     |<--------HAck---------|
                   |          <--FBack---|--FBack--->           |
                   |                     |                      |
                disconnect             forward                  |
                   |                   packets  ===============>|
                   |                     |                      |
                   |                     |                      |
              connect                    |                      |
                   |                     |                      |
                   |------------UNA --------------------------->|
                   |<=================================== deliver packets
                   |                                            |

                  MN                    PAR                    NAR
                   |                     |                      |
                   |------RtSolPr------->|                      |
                   |<-----PrRtAdv--------|                      |
                   |                     |                      |
                disconnect               |                      |
                   |                     |                      |
                   |                     |                      |
                connect                  |                      |
                   |                     |<-------FBU----------)|
                   |                     |----------HI--------->|
                   |                     |<-------HAck----------|
                   |                     |(HI/HAck if necessary)|
                   |                   forward                  |
                   |              packets(including FBAck)=====>|
                   |                     |                      |
                   |<=================================== deliver packets
                   |                                            |

              | 6rd-relays IPv6 prefix |         IPv4 address         |
              |        of the ISP      |     of the customer site     |
              <-- less or equal to 32 -><------------ 32 ------------->
              <-- less or equal to  64 ------------------------------->

          IPv4 AND IPv6 customer site
          |   6rd CPEs                         6rd relays
          | (modified 6to4)                  (modified 6to4)
          |     |                                   |
          |     |    __________________________     |
          |     |   |                          |    |
          |     |   | ISP IPV4 INFRASTRUCTURE  |    V    GLOBAL
          V     V   |                          |   ___    IPV6
              ___   |                          |  |   | INTERNET
          |  |   |  |        .-----------------|--|   |---
          |--|   |--|-.     /                  |  |___|
          |  |___|  |  \   /                   |
                    |   \ /      IPv4          |      IPv6 Prefix
                    |    O  anycast address => |  <= of 6rd relays
          |   ___   |   / \  of 6rd relays     |      of the ISP
          |  |   |  |  /   \                   |   ___
          |--|   |--|-'     \                  |  |   |
          |  |___|  |        '-----------------|--|   |---
          |         |                          |  |___|
                    |      IPv4 addresses      |
                    | <= of customer sites     |

                   |                              |
                   | 10.x.x.x/8 private addresses |
                   |  <==                         |
             <-----|         IPv4 anycast address |----->
                   |            of 6rd relays     |
          6rd-CPEs |                      ==>     |  6rd-relays
                   |                              |
             <-----|           |----->
                   |              :               |
          ISP-supported NAT(s) |     |
                       IPv4 public addresses

             IPv6 or dual-stack      IPv4-only      dual-stack

      I                    SC                          SI
      N                  +-----+                   +----------+
      T                  |     |                   |  v4/v6   |
      E  <==[ IPv6  ]....|v4/v6|....[IPv4-only]....| host CPE |
      R     [network]    |     |    [ network ]    |          |
      N                  | LNS |                   |LAC Client|
      E                  +-----+                   +----------+
      T                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                               ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <-- IPv6 traffic
                             PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv4          (SPH)

                    IPV6CP: capable of /64 Intf-Id assignment or
                                 uniqueness check

                               |------------------>/64 prefix
                               |------------------>DNS, etc.

          IPv6 or dual-stack      IPv4-only           dual-stack

   I                    SC                          SI
   N                  +-----+                   +----------+
   T                  |     |                   |  v4/v6   |    +-----+
   E  <==[ IPv6  ]....|v4/v6|....[IPv4-only]....|   CPE    |----|v4/v6|
   R     [network]    |     |    [ network ]    |          |    | host|
   N                  | LNS |                   |LAC Client|    +-----+
   E                  +-----+                   +----------+
   T                          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                            ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <-------- IPv6 traffic
                          PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv4                (SPH)

                            |------------------>/64 prefix
                            |------------------>/48 prefix,
                                   DHCPv6       DNS, etc.

          IPv6 or dual-stack            IPv4-only           dual-stack

    I                   SC                                    SI
    N                 +-----+                              +----------+
    T                 |     |                   +-------+  |   v4/v6  |
    E <==[ IPv6  ]....|v4/v6|....[IPv4-only]....|v4-only|--|   host   |
    R    [network]    |     |    [ network ]    |  CPE  |  |          |
    N                 | LNS |                   +-------+  |LAC Client|
    E                 +-----+                              +----------+
    T                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                            ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <--  IPv6
                               PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv4        traffic
                                        Softwire                 (SPH)

                     IPV6CP: capable of /64 Intf-Id assignment or
                                   uniqueness check

                            |------------------------------>/64 prefix
                            |------------------------------>DNS, etc.

         IPv6 or dual-stack           IPv4-only          dual-stack

   I                   SC                                 SI
   N                 +-----+                           +----------+
   T                 |     |               +-------+   |  v4/v6   |
   E <==[ IPv6  ]....|v4/v6|..[IPv4-only]..|v4-only|---|  router  |
   R    [network]    |     |  [ network ]  |  CPE  | | |          |
   N                 | LNS |               +-------+ | |LAC Client|
   E                 +-----+                         | +----------+
   T                                                 |
                                                              | host|
                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        +-----+
                           ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <--  IPv6
                              PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv4      traffic
                                       Softwire               (SPH)

                  IPV6CP: capable of /64 Intf-Id assignment or
                                 uniqueness check

                           |--------------------------->/64 prefix
                           |--------------------------->/48 prefix,
                                       DHCPv6           DNS, etc.

             IPv4 or dual-stack      IPv6-only      dual-stack

       I                   SC                          SI
       N                 +-----+                   +----------+
       T                 |     |                   |  v4/v6   |
       E <==[ IPv4  ]....|v4/v6|....[IPv6-only]....| host CPE |
       R    [network]    |     |    [ network ]    |          |
       N                 | LNS |                   |LAC Client|
       E                 +-----+                   +----------+
       T                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                               ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <-- IPv4 traffic
                             PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv6          (SPH)

                       IPCP: capable of global IP assignment
                                    and DNS, etc.

         IPv4 or dual-stack      IPv6-only        dual-stack Home

   I                   SC                          SI
   N                 +-----+                   +----------+
   T                 |     |                   |  v4/v6   |  +-----+
   E <==[ IPv4  ]....|v4/v6|....[IPv6-only]....|   CPE    |--|v4/v6|
   R    [network]    |     |    [ network ]    |          |  | host|
   N                 | LNS |                   |LAC Client|  +-----+
   E                 +-----+                   +----------+
   T                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                           ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <--------- IPv4 traffic
                         PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv6                 (SPH)

                   IPCP: capable of global IP assignment
                               and DNS, etc.

          IPv4 or dual-stack            IPv6-only           dual-stack

    I                   SC                                      SI
    N                 +-----+                              +----------+
    T                 |     |                   +-------+  |   v4/v6  |
    E <==[ IPv4  ]....|v4/v6|....[IPv6-only]....|v6-only|--|   host   |
    R    [network]    |     |    [ network ]    |  CPE  |  |          |
    N                 | LNS |                   +-------+  |LAC Client|
    E                 +-----+                              +----------+
    T                         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                            ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <--  IPv4
                               PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv6        traffic
                                        Softwire                 (SPH)

                        IPCP: capable of global IP assignment
                                    and DNS, etc.

         IPv4 or dual-stack          IPv6-only           dual-stack

   I                   SC                                 SI
   N                 +-----+                           +----------+
   T                 |     |               +-------+   |  v4/v6   |
   E <==[ IPv4  ]....|v4/v6|..[IPv6-only]..|v6-only|---|  router  |
   R    [network]    |     |  [ network ]  |  CPE  | | |          |
   N                 | LNS |               +-------+ | |LAC Client|
   E                 +-----+                         | +----------+
   T                                                 |
                                                             | host|
                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _       +-----+
                           ()_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _() <---  IPv4
                             PPP o L2TPv2 o UDP o IPv4        traffic
                                      Softwire                 (SPH)

                   IPCP: assigns global IP address and DNS, etc.

      SC                                 SI
       |                                 |
       |<-------------IKEv1------------->| Step 0
       |                                 | IPsec SA establishment
       |                                 | (optional)
       |                                 |
       |<-------------L2TPv2------------>| Step 1
       |                                 | L2TPv2 Tunnel establishment
       |                                 |
       |<--------------PPP-------------->| Step 2
       |<-----Endpoint Configuration---->| PPP and Endpoint
       |                                 | configuration
       |                                 |
       |<------Router Configuration----->| Step 3
       |                                 | Additional configuration
       |                                 | (optional)

         SC                                 SI
          |                                 |
          |                                 | Step 0
          |<------------IKEv1-------------->| = IKEv1 (Optional)
          |                                 |
          |                                 | Step 1
          |<------------SCCRQ---------------| -
          |-------------SCCRP-------------->| |
          |<------------SCCCN---------------| |
          |<------------ICRQ----------------| | L2TPv2
          |-------------ICRP--------------->| |
          |<------------ICCN----------------| -
          |                                 |
          |                                 | Step 2
          |<-----Configuration-Request------| -
          |------Configuration-Request----->| | PPP
          |--------Configuration-Ack------->| | LCP
          |<-------Configuration-Ack--------| -
          |                                 |
          |-----------Challenge------------>| - PPP Authentication
          |<----------Response--------------| | (Optional - CHAP)
          |------------Success------------->| -
          |                                 |
          |<-----Configuration-Request------| -
          |------Configuration-Request----->| | PPP NCP
          |--------Configuration-Ack------->| | (IPV6CP or IPCP)
          |<-------Configuration-Ack--------| -
          |                                 |
          |<------Router-Solicitation-------| - Neighbor Discovery
          |-------Router-Advertisement----->| | (IPv6 only)
          |                                 | -
          |                                 |
          |                                 | Step3
          |                                 | DHCP (Optional)
          |<-----------SOLICIT--------------| -
          |-----------ADVERTISE------------>| | DHCPv6
          |<---------- REQUEST--------------| | (IPv6 SW, Optional)
          |-------------REPLY-------------->| -
          |                                 | or
          |<---------DHCPDISCOVER-----------| -
          |-----------DHCPOFFER------------>| | DHCPv4
          |<---------DHCPREQUEST------------| | (IPv4 SW, Optional)
          |------------DHCPACK------------->| -

                             | TUNNEL BROKER |--> Databases (DNS)
                             |               |
                             |  TSP          |
                             | SERVER        |
                                 |     |
            __________           |     |          ________
           |           |         |     |         |        |
           |   TSP     |--[TSP]--      +---------|        |
           |  CLIENT   |                         | TUNNEL |--[NETWORK]--
   [HOST]--|           |<==[CONFIGURED TUNNEL]==>| SERVER |
           |___________|                         |        |

            ___________                           ________
           |           |                         |  TSP   |
           |   TSP     |-----------[TSP]---------| SERVER |
           |  CLIENT   |                         |        |--[NETWORK]--
   [HOST]--|           |<==[CONFIGURED TUNNEL]==>| TUNNEL |
           |___________|                         | SERVER |

           tunnel                              tunnel
           client                              broker
             +|         Send version              +
             ||---------------------------------> ||
             ||         Send capabilities         ||
             ||<--------------------------------- +| Authentication
             ||         SASL authentication       || phase
             ||<--------------------------------> ||
    TSP      ||         Authentication OK         ||
    signaling||<--------------------------------- +
             ||         Tunnel request            || Command
             ||---------------------------------> || phase
             ||         Tunnel response           +
             ||<--------------------------------- || Response
             ||         Tunnel acknowledge        || phase
             ||---------------------------------> +
             +|                                   |
             ||         Tunnel established        |
    Data     ||===================================|
    phase    ||                                   |
             +|           (keep-alive)            |

                      |  IP  | TCP       | TSP data |
                      |      | port 3653 |          |
                      where IP is IPv4 or IPv6

                   | IPv4 | UDP       | TSP header | TSP data |
                   |      | port 3653 |            |          |

                   | IPv4 | UDP       |  IPv6  |
                   | hdr. | port 3653 |        |

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     | e | a |  len  | 0 |lt |gt |eq |

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     | e | a |  len  | 0 | 0 |not| m |

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     |   Reserved    |LF |FF |IsF|DF |

                       40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47
                     |        reserved       | S | T |

   +--------+       +-------+          +-------+       +--------+
   | Router |=======| Radio |{~~~~~~~~}| Radio |=======| Router |
   | Server |       | Client|          | Client|       | Server |
   +--------+       +-------+          +-------+       +--------+

            |       |       |          |       |       |
            |-PPPoE-|       |----RLP---|       |-PPPoE-|
            |                                          |
            |-----------PPP IPCP  (IP Address)---------|
            |                                          |
            |-------------PPP Data Session-------------|

   Server                    Client
   <------------PADI--------------    Initiate
    ------------PADO-------------->   Offer

   <------------PADR--------------    Credits TLV:
                                      FCN represents the initial
                                      Client credit grant to the
                                      Server in 64-byte units.
                                      BCN is set to 0.

    ------------PADS-------------->   Credits TLV:
                                      FCN represents the initial
                                      Server credit grant to the
                                      Client in 64-byte units.
                                      BCN represents an echo of
                                      initial Client credits.

   <------------PADG--------------    Credits TLV: (out-of-band)
                                      FCN represents an incremental
                                      Client credit grant to the
                                      Server, in 64-byte units.
                                      BCN represents the remaining
                                      Server credits that were granted
                                      to the Client, in 64-byte units.

    ------------PADC-------------->   Credits TLV: (out-of-band)
                                      FCN represents an incremental
                                      Server credit grant to the
                                      Client, in 64-byte units.
                                      BCN represents the remaining
                                      Client credits that were granted
                                      to the Server, in 64-byte units.

   Server                    Client
   <------------PADI--------------    Initiate
    ------------PADO-------------->   Offer

   <------------PADR--------------    Credits TLV:
                                      FCN represents the initial
                                      Client credit grant to the
                                      Server, in Credit Scale Factor
                                      TLV units.
                                      BCN is set to 0.

    ------------PADS-------------->   Credits TLV:
                                      FCN represents the initial
                                      Server credit grant to the
                                      Client, in Credit Scale Factor
                                      TLV units.
                                      BCN represents an echo of the
                                      initial Client credits, in
                                      Credit Scale Factor TLV units.

   <------------PADG--------------    Credits TLV: (out-of-band)
                                      FCN represents an incremental
                                      Client credit grant to the Server,
                                      in Credit Scale Factor TLV units.
                                      BCN represents the remaining
                                      Server credits that were granted
                                      to the Client, in Credit Scale
                                      Factor TLV units.

    ------------PADC-------------->   Credits TLV: (out-of-band)
                                      FCN represents an incremental
                                      Server credit grant to the Client,
                                      in Credit Scale Factor TLV units.
                                      BCN represents the remaining
                                      Client credits that were granted
                                      to the Server, in Credit Scale
                                      Factor TLV units.

   |  239  |  OLS  | DST2  | DST3  |

    +---------+             +---------+                   +---------+
    |         |             | Network |                   |  RADIUS |
    | User    |             | Access  |                   |  Server |
    |         |             | Server  |                   |         |
    +---------+             +---------+                   +---------+
        |                       |                              |
        | Authentication phase  |                              |
        | begin                 |                              |
        |---------------------->|                              |
        |                       |                              |
        |                       | Access-Request               |
        |                       | + Location-Information       |
        |                       | + Location-Data              |
        |                       | + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules|
        |                       | + Operator-Name              |
        |                       |----------------------------->|
        |                       |                              |
        |                       | Access-Accept                |
        |                       |<-----------------------------|
        | Authentication        |                              |
        | Success               |                              |
        |<----------------------|                              |
        |                       |                              |

   +---------+             +---------+                       +---------+
   |         |             | Network |                       |  RADIUS |
   | User    |             | Access  |                       |  Server |
   |         |             | Server  |                       |         |
   +---------+             +---------+                       +---------+
       |                       |                                  |
       | Authentication phase  |                                  |
       | begin                 |                                  |
       |---------------------->|                                  |
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Access-Request                   |
       |                       | + Location-Capable               |
       |                       |--------------------------------->|
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Access-Challenge                 |
       |                       |  + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules   |
       |                       |  + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules|
       |                       |  + Requested-Location-Info       |
       |                       |<---------------------------------|
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Access-Request                   |
       |                       |  + Location-Information          |
       |                       |  + Location-Data                 |
       |                       |  + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules   |
       |                       |  + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules|
       |                       |--------------------------------->|
       |                       |                                  |
       :                       :                                  :
       :       Multiple Protocol Exchanges to perform             :
       :    Authentication, Key Exchange, and Authorization       :
       :                  ...continued...                         :
       :                       :                                  :
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Access-Accept                    |
       |                       |<---------------------------------|
       | Authentication        |                                  |
       | Success               |                                  |
       |<----------------------|                                  |
       |                       |                                  |

  +---------------+                        +---------------+    +------+
  | Dynamic       |                        | Dynamic       |    |RADIUS|
  | Authorization |                        | Authorization |    |Server|
  | Server/NAS    |                        | Client        |    |      |
  +---------------+                        +---------------+    +------+
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Request                             |              |
      |  + Location-Capable                         |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Challenge                           |              |
      |   + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules             |              |
      |   + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |
      |   + Requested-Location-Info                 |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Request                             |              |
      |   + Location-Information                    |              |
      |   + Location-Data                           |              |
      |   + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules             |              |
      |   + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |

      |                                             |              |
      |                                             |              |
      :                                             |              :
      :       Multiple Protocol Exchanges to perform               :
      :    Authentication, Key Exchange, and Authorization         :
      :                  ...continued...            |              :
      :                                             |              :
      |                                             |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Accept                              |              |
      |      + Requested-Location-Info              |              |
               (FUTURE_REQUESTS,...)                |              |
      |      + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |
      |      + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules       |              |
      |                                             |              |
      :                                             :              :
      :                <<Some time later>>          :              :
      :                                             :              :
      |                                             |              |
      | CoA + Service-Type "Authorize Only" + State |              |
      |<--------------------------------------------|              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  CoA NAK + Service-Type "Authorize Only"    |              |
      |          + State                            |              |
      |          + Error-Cause  "Request Initiated" |              |
      |-------------------------------------------->|              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Request                             |              |
      |          + Service-Type "Authorize Only"    |              |
      |          + State                            |              |
      |          + Location-Information             |              |
      |          + Location-Data                    |              |
      |          + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules      |              |
      |          + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules   |              |
      |  Access-Accept                              |              |
      |                                             |              |

  +---------------+                        +---------------+    +------+
  | Dynamic       |                        | Dynamic       |    |RADIUS|
  | Authorization |                        | Authorization |    |Server|
  | Server/NAS    |                        | Client        |    |      |
  +---------------+                        +---------------+    +------+
      |                                             |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Request                             |              |
      |  + Location-Capable                         |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Challenge                           |              |
      |   + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules             |              |
      |   + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |
      |   + Requested-Location-Info                 |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Request                             |              |
      |   + Location-Information                    |              |
      |   + Location-Data                           |              |
      |   + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules             |              |
      |   + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |                                             |              |
      :                                             |              :
      :       Multiple Protocol Exchanges to perform               :
      :    Authentication, Key Exchange, and Authorization         :
      :                  ...continued...            |              :
      :                                             |              :
      |                                             |              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  Access-Accept                              |              |
      |      + Requested-Location-Info              |              |
      |      + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |
      |      + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules       |              |

      |                                             |              |
      :                                             :              :
      :                <<Some time later>>          :              :
      :                                             :              :
      |                                             |              |
      |  CoA                                        |              |
      |      + Requested-Location-Info              |              |
      |      + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules          |              |
      |      + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules       |              |
      |<--------------------------------------------|              |
      |                                             |              |
      |  CoA ACK                                    |              |
      |-------------------------------------------->|              |
      |                                             |              |
      :                                             :              :
      :           <<Further exchanges later>>       :              :
      :                                             :              :

   +---------+             +---------+                       +---------+
   |         |             | Network |                       | RADIUS  |
   | User    |             | Access  |                       | Server  |
   |         |             | Server  |                       |         |
   +---------+             +---------+                       +---------+
       |                       |                                  |
       :                       :                                  :
       :          Initial Protocol Interaction                    :
       :          (details omitted)                               :
       :                       :                                  :
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Access-Accept                    |
       |                       |  + Requested-Location-Info       |
       |                       |  + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules   |
       |                       |  + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules|
       |                       |<---------------------------------|
       | Authentication        |                                  |
       | Success               |                                  |
       |<----------------------|                                  |
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Accounting-Request               |
       |                       |  + Location-Information          |
       |                       |  + Location-Data                 |
       |                       |  + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules   |
       |                       |  + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules|
       |                       |--------------------------------->|
       |                       |                                  |
       |                       | Accounting-Response              |
       |                       |<---------------------------------|
       |                       |                                  |

    +---------+                        +---------+
    | RADIUS  |                        | RADIUS  |
    | Client  |                        | Server  |
    +---------+                        +---------+
         |                                  |
         |                                  |
         | Access-Request                   |
         | + Location-Capable               |
         |   ('CIVIC_LOCATION',             |
         |    'GEO_LOCATION',               |
         |    'NAS_LOCATION',               |
         |    'USERS_LOCATION')             |
         |                                  |
         | Access-Challenge                 |
         | + Requested-Location-Info        |
         |   ('CIVIC_LOCATION',             |
         |    'USERS_LOCATION')             |
         | + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules    |
         | + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules |
         |                                  |
         | Access-Request                   |
         | + Location-Information           |
         | + Location-Data                  |
         | + Basic-Location-Policy-Rules    |
         | + Extended-Location-Policy-Rules |
         |                                  |
         |        ....                      |

                                     |    AVP Flag rules   |
                                     |    |     |SHOULD| MUST|    |
    Attribute Name        Value Type |MUST| MAY | NOT  |  NOT|Encr|
   |Operator-Name         OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |
   |Location-Information  OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |
   |Location-Data         OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |
   |Basic-Location-                  |    |     |      |     |    |
   |   Policy-Rules       OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |
   |Extended-Location-               |    |     |      |     |    |
   |   Policy-Rules       OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |
   |Requested-                       |    |     |      |     |    |
   |   Location-Info      OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |
   |Location-Capable      OctetString|    |  P  |      | V,M | Y  |

          /-\        /-\        +-----+                 +-----+
         | S +******* R *********  FG *-----------------+  FG |
          \-/        \-/        |     |*                |     |
                                +--+--+  *              +--+--+
                                   |      *                |
                                   |       *               |
                                   |        *              |
                                   |        *              |
                     /-\        +--+--+     *           +--+--+
                    | R +------>+  FG +-----*-----------+  FG |
                     \-/        |     |     *           |     |
                                +--+--+    *            +--+--+
                                   |      *                |
                                   |     *                 |
                                   |    *                  |
                                   |***                    ^
                                  / \                     / \
                                 /   \                   /   \
                                /     \                 /     \
                               /       \               /       \
                              -----------             -----------
                                tree                     tree

   +----------------+  +----------------+  +----------------+
   |Base|Enhancement|--|Base|Enhancement|--|Base|Enhancement| ...
   +----------------+  +----------------+  +----------------+
           N                   N+1                 N+2        : Packet

         Session 1:
         +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
         | Base |--| Base |--| Base |--| Base | ...
         +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
            N         N+1       N+2       N+3     : Packet

         Session 2:
         +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+
         | Enhancement |--| Enhancement |--| Enhancement | ...
         +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+
               N                N+1              N+2         : Packet

            |RTP   | ATRAC Header |   ATRAC Frames Section      |
            |Header| Section      | (including redundant data)  |
            < ---------------- RTP Packet Payload ------------- >

       +--------+                            +--------+    +--------+
       | ADMD#1 |                            | ADMD#3 |    | ADMD#4 |
       | ------ |                            | ------ |    | ------ |
       |        |   +----------------------->|        |    |        |
       | User   |   |                        |--Edge--+--->|--User  |
       |  |     |   |                   +--->|        |    |        |
       |  V     |   |                   |    +--------+    +--------+
       | Edge---+---+                   |
       |        |   |    +----------+   |
       +--------+   |    |  ADMD#2  |   |
                    |    |  ------  |   |
                    |    |          |   |
                         |          |

        +---+             +---+             +---+             +---+
        | A |-------------| B |-------------| C |-------------| D |
        +---+             +---+             +---+             +---+

   | Mech Attr Name          | Purpose                                 |
   | GSS_C_MA_MECH_CONCRETE  | Indicates that a mech is neither a      |
   |                         | pseudo-mechanism nor a composite        |
   |                         | mechanism.                              |
   | GSS_C_MA_MECH_PSEUDO    | Indicates that a mech is a              |
   |                         | pseudo-mechanism.                       |
   | GSS_C_MA_MECH_COMPOSITE | Indicates that a mech is a composite of |
   |                         | other mechanisms.  This is reserved for |
   |                         | a specification of "stackable"          |
   |                         | pseudo-mechanisms.                      |
   | GSS_C_MA_MECH_NEGO      | Indicates that a mech negotiates other  |
   |                         | mechs (e.g., SPNEGO has this            |
   |                         | attribute).                             |
   | GSS_C_MA_MECH_GLUE      | Indicates that the OID is not for a     |
   |                         | mechanism but for the GSS-API itself.   |
   | GSS_C_MA_NOT_MECH       | Indicates that the OID is known, yet it |
   |                         | is also known not to be the OID of any  |
   |                         | GSS-API mechanism (or of the GSS-API    |
   |                         | itself).                                |
   | GSS_C_MA_DEPRECATED     | Indicates that a mech (or its OID) is   |
   |                         | deprecated and MUST NOT be used as a    |
   |                         | default mechanism.                      |
   | GSS_C_MA_NOT_DFLT_MECH  | Indicates that a mech (or its OID) MUST |
   |                         | NOT be used as a default mechanism.     |
   | GSS_C_MA_ITOK_FRAMED    | Indicates that the given mechanism's    |
   |                         | initial context tokens are properly     |
   |                         | framed as per Section 3.1 of [RFC2743]. |
   | GSS_C_MA_AUTH_INIT      | Indicates support for authentication of |
   |                         | initiator to acceptor.                  |
   | GSS_C_MA_AUTH_TARG      | Indicates support for authentication of |
   |                         | acceptor to initiator.                  |
   | GSS_C_MA_AUTH_INIT_INIT | Indicates support for "initial"         |
   |                         | authentication of initiator to          |
   |                         | acceptor.  "Initial authentication"     |
   |                         | refers to the use of passwords, or keys |
   |                         | stored on tokens, for authentication.   |
   |                         | Whether a mechanism supports initial    |
   |                         | authentication may depend on IETF       |
   |                         | consensus (see Security                 |
   |                         | Considerations).                        |
   | GSS_C_MA_AUTH_TARG_INIT | Indicates support for initial           |
   |                         | authentication of acceptor to           |
   |                         | initiator.                              |
   | GSS_C_MA_AUTH_INIT_ANON | Indicates support for                   |
   |                         | GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS as an initiator      |
   |                         | principal name.                         |

   | GSS_C_MA_AUTH_TARG_ANON | Indicates support for                   |
   |                         | GSS_C_NT_ANONYMOUS as a target          |
   |                         | principal name.                         |
   | GSS_C_MA_DELEG_CRED     | Indicates support for credential        |
   |                         | delegation.                             |
   | GSS_C_MA_INTEG_PROT     | Indicates support for per-message       |
   |                         | integrity protection.                   |
   | GSS_C_MA_CONF_PROT      | Indicates support for per-message       |
   |                         | confidentiality protection.             |
   | GSS_C_MA_MIC            | Indicates support for Message Integrity |
   |                         | Code (MIC) tokens.                      |
   | GSS_C_MA_WRAP           | Indicates support for WRAP tokens.      |
   | GSS_C_MA_PROT_READY     | Indicates support for per-message       |
   |                         | protection prior to full context        |
   |                         | establishment.                          |
   | GSS_C_MA_REPLAY_DET     | Indicates support for replay detection. |
   | GSS_C_MA_OOS_DET        | Indicates support for out-of-sequence   |
   |                         | detection.                              |
   | GSS_C_MA_CBINDINGS      | Indicates support for channel bindings. |
   | GSS_C_MA_PFS            | Indicates support for Perfect Forward   |
   |                         | Security.                               |
   | GSS_C_MA_COMPRESS       | Indicates support for compression of    |
   |                         | data inputs to GSS_Wrap().              |
   | GSS_C_MA_CTX_TRANS      | Indicates support for security context  |
   |                         | export/import.                          |

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |          INVITE F1 |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |          200 OK F2 |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |            ACK     |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  INVITE (hold)     |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  ACK               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  REFER F3 (Target-Dialog:1)             |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  202 Accepted      |                    |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  | NOTIFY (100 Trying) F4                  |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |                    |  INVITE F5         |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  |                    |  200 OK            |
          dialog3 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                    |  ACK               |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  |  NOTIFY (200 OK) F6|                    |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  BYE               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |                    |             BYE    |
          dialog3 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                    |             200 OK |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |         INVITE F1  |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |         200 OK F2  |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |            ACK     |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  INVITE (hold)     |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  ACK               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  REFER F3          |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  202 Accepted      |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  | NOTIFY (100 Trying) F4                  |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |                    |  INVITE F5         |
          dialog2 |                    |------------------->|
                  |                    |  200 OK            |
          dialog2 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                    |  ACK               |
          dialog2 |                    |------------------->|
                  |  NOTIFY (200 OK) F6|                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  BYE               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |                    |             BYE    |
          dialog2 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                    |             200 OK |
          dialog2 |                    |------------------->|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
                  |            INVITE  |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |            ACK     |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  INVITE (hold)     |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  ACK               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  REFER (Target-Dialog:1)                |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  202 Accepted      |                    |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |                    |  INVITE            |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  |                    |  486 Busy Here     |
          dialog3 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                    |  ACK               |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  | NOTIFY (486 Busy Here)                  |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  INVITE (unhold)   |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  ACK               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  BYE               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |            INVITE  |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |            ACK     |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  INVITE (hold)     |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  ACK               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  REFER             |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  202 Accepted      |                    |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |                    |  INVITE            |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  |                    |  180 Ringing       |
          dialog3 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |          (Transferee gets tired of waiting)
                  |                    |  CANCEL            |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  |                    |  200 OK (CANCEL)   |
          dialog3 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                 487 Request Cancelled (INVITE)
          dialog3 |                    |<-------------------|
                  |                    |  ACK               |
          dialog3 |                    |------------------->|
                  |    NOTIFY (487 Request Cancelled)       |
          dialog2 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |            200 OK  |                    |
          dialog2 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  INVITE (unhold)   |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |
                  |  ACK               |                    |
          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  BYE               |                    |

          dialog1 |------------------->|                    |
                  |  200 OK            |                    |
          dialog1 |<-------------------|                    |

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
          dialog1 | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
          dialog1 | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
          dialog2 | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
          dialog2 | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
          dialog3 | REFER              |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
          dialog3 | 202 Accepted       |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
          dialog3 | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
          dialog3 |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
          dialog4 |                    |  INVITE/200 OK/ACK |
                  |                    |------------------->|
          dialog3 | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
          dialog3 |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
          dialog1 | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
          dialog4 |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
        dialog1   | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F1 F2                 |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
        dialog1   | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
        dialog2   | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F3 F4                 |
        dialog2   | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
        dialog3   | REFER (Target-Dialog:2,                 |
                  |  Refer-To:sips:Transferee?Replaces=1) F5|
        dialog3   | 202 Accepted       |                    |
        dialog3   | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
        dialog3   |                    |            200 OK  |
        dialog4   |         INVITE (Replaces:dialog1)/200 OK/ACK F6
                  |                    |<-------------------|
        dialog1   | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
        dialog3   | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
        dialog3   |                    |            200 OK  |
        dialog2   | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |              (Transferee and target converse)
        dialog4   |                    |  BYE/200 OK        |
                  |                    |------------------->|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F1 F2                 |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F3 F4                 |
         dialog2  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
         dialog3  | REFER (Target-Dialog:1,                 |
                  |  Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget?Replaces=2) F5
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  | 202 Accepted       |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |        INVITE (Replaces:dialog2)/200 OK/ACK F6
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog2  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
         dialog3  | REFER (Target-Dialog:1,                 |
                  |    Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget?Replaces=2)
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  | 501 Not Implemented                     |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog4  | REFER (Refer-To:sips:Transferee?Replaces=dialog1)
         dialog4  | 202 Accepted       |                    |
         dialog4  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |            200 OK  |
         dialog5  |             INVITE (Replaces:dialog1)/200 OK/ACK
                  |                    |<-------------------|
         dialog4  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
         dialog4  |                    |            200 OK  |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog2  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
         dialog5  |                    |  BYE/200 OK        |
                  |                    |------------------->|

          Transferor           Transferee  Screening       Transfer
              |                  |           Proxy         Target
              |                  |             |             |
      dialog1 | INVITE/200 OK/ACK|             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK       |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog2 | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F1 F2        |             |
      dialog2 | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                     |
      dialog1 | REFER (Refer-To:sips:TargetAOR               |
              |         ?Replaces=dialog2&Require=replaces) F3
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog1 | 202 Accepted     |             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 | NOTIFY (100 Trying)            |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 |          200 OK  |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog4 |INVITE (Replaces:dialog2,Require:replaces)/200 OK/ACK F6
              |                  |------------>|------------>|
      dialog2 | BYE/200 OK       |             |             |
      dialog1 | NOTIFY (200 OK) F7             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 |          200 OK  |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog1 | BYE/200 OK       |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog3 |                  |             |  BYE/200 OK |
              |                  |<------------|-------------|

          Transferor           Transferee  Screening      Transfer
              |                  |           Proxy         Target
              |                  |             |             |
      dialog1 | INVITE/200 OK/ACK|             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK       |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog2 | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F1 F2        |             |
      dialog2 | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                     |
      dialog1 | REFER (Refer-To:sips:TargetAOR?              |
              |       Replaces=dialog2&Require=replaces) F3  |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog1 | 202 Accepted     |             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 | NOTIFY (100 Trying)            |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 |          200 OK  |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog3 |                  |INVITE (Replaces:dialog2,  |
              |                  | Require:replaces)/403/ACK |
              |                  |------------>|             |
      dialog1 | NOTIFY (403 Forbidden) F4      |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 |          200 OK  |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog1 |REFER(Refer-To:sips:TargetContact?Replaces=dialog2) F5
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog1 | 202 Accepted     |             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 | NOTIFY (100 Trying)            |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 |          200 OK  |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog4 |                INVITE (Replaces:dialog2)/200 OK/ACK F6
              |                  |------------>|------------>|
      dialog2 | BYE/200 OK       |             |             |
      dialog1 | NOTIFY (200 OK) F7             |             |
              |<-----------------|             |             |
      dialog1 |          200 OK  |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog1 | BYE/200 OK       |             |             |
              |----------------->|             |             |
      dialog3 |                  |             |  BYE/200 OK |
              |                  |<------------|-------------|

             Transferor           Transferee            Transfer
                  |                    |                 Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F1 F2                 |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE             |                    |
         dialog2  |                    |       180 Ringing  |
               Transferor hangs up but wants transfer to continue
                  |                    |                    |
                  | User Agent continues transfer operation |
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog2  |                    |           200 OK   |
         dialog2  | ACK                |                    |
         dialog2  | Media Played to keep Target from hanging up
         dialog3  | REFER (Target-Dialog:1,                 |
                  |  Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget?Replaces=2)
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  | 202 Accepted       |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |             INVITE (Replaces:dialog2)/200 OK/ACK
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog2  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee            Transfer
                  |                    |                 Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE                                  |
         dialog2  | 180 Ringing                             |
                  |                                         |
                  |  Transferor gives up waiting            |
                  |                                         |
         dialog2  | CANCEL                                  |
         dialog2  | 200 OK                                  |
         dialog2  | 487 Request Terminated                  |
         dialog2  | ACK                                     |
         dialog3  | REFER (Target-Dialog:1) F3              |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  | 202 Accepted       |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                INVITE/200 OK/ACK        |
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee            Transfer
                  |                    |                 Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE                                  |
         dialog2  | 180 Ringing                             |
                  |                                         |
                  |Transferor gives up waiting but Target answers
                  |                                         |
         dialog2  | CANCEL                                  |
         dialog2  | 200 OK (CANCEL)                         |
         dialog2  | 200 OK (INVITE) F1                      |
         dialog2  | ACK                                     |
         dialog2  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |  Tones or media played avoid silence F2 |
         dialog1  |REFER (Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget      |
                  |                      ?Replaces=dialog2) |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | 202 Accepted       |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  |         INVITE (Replaces:dialog2)/200 OK/ACK F3
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog2  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
         dialog1  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  |   OPTIONS/200 OK   |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE (Require:replaces)               |
         dialog2  |                     420 Bad Extension   |
         dialog2  |    ACK                                  |
         dialog1  | REFER (Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget)    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  |    202 Accepted    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  |                    |  INVITE/200 OK/ACK |
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog1  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  |   OPTIONS/200 OK   |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK  |                    |
         dialog2  | OPTIONS/200 OK     |                    |
         dialog2  |    BYE/200 OK      |                    |
         dialog3  |REFER (Target-Dialog:1,                  |
                  |          Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget)  |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  |    202 Accepted    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |  INVITE/200 OK/ACK |
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

             Transferor           Transferee             Transfer
                  |                    |                  Target
                  |                    |                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F1 F2                 |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog1  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog2  | INVITE/200 OK/ACK F3 F4                 |
         dialog2  | INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK                |
         dialog3  | REFER (Target-Dialog:1, Referred-By:Transferor,
                  |  Refer-To:sips:TransferTarget?Replaces=2) F5
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog3  | 202 Accepted       |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (100 Trying)|                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |        INVITE (Replaces:dialog2,        |
                  |         Referred-By:Transferor )/200 OK/ACK F6
                  |                    |------------------->|
         dialog2  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
         dialog3  | NOTIFY (200 OK)    |                    |
                  |<-------------------|                    |
         dialog3  |            200 OK  |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog1  | BYE/200 OK         |                    |
                  |------------------->|                    |
         dialog4  |                    |         BYE/200 OK |
                  |                    |<-------------------|

   Alice                  Bob                 Carol
      |                    |                    |
      | INVITE             |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |   180 Ringing      |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |        ACK         |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |        RTP         |                    |
      |<==================>|                    |
      |                    |                    |
   Bob places Alice on hold and begins acting like a focus
      |                    |                    |
      | INVITE (hold) Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus   |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |    200 OK          |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |        ACK         |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    |                    |
      | Alice subscribes to the conference package
      |                    |                    |
      | SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID                   |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      | NOTIFY (Conf-Info) |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |                    |
      |       Bob begins consultation operation |
      |                    |                    |
      |INVITE Require:replaces Contact:Conf-ID;isfocus
      |                    |------------------->|

      |                    |   180 Ringing      |
      |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |     200 OK         |
      |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |       ACK          |
      |                    |------------------->|
      |                    |        RTP         |
      |                    |<==================>|
      |                    |                    |
      |Carol subscribes to the conference package
      |                - learns Bob is on hold  |
      |                    |                    |
      |                    |SUBSCRIBE sip:Conf-ID
      |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |      200 OK        |
      |                    |------------------->|
      |                    | NOTIFY (Conf-Info) |
      |                    |------------------->|
      |                    |      200 OK        |
      |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |                    |
      | Alice learns that Bob is talking to Carol
      |                    |                    |
      | NOTIFY (Conf-Info) |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |  INVITE (hold)     |
      |                    |------------------->|
      |                    |      200 OK        |
      |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |      ACK           |
      |                    |------------------->|
      |                    |                    |
      | Alice learns that Carol is now on hold  |
      |                    |                    |
      | NOTIFY (Conf-Info) |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |                    |
      |           Bob begins transfer operation |
      |                    |                    |
      |     REFER Refer-To: Carol               |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     202 Accepted   |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      | NOTIFY (Refer)     |                    |

      |------------------->|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |  INVITE Replaces:B-C Contact:Alice      |
      |                 200 OK                  |
      |                   ACK                   |
      |                    RTP                  |
      |                    |       BYE          |
      |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |      200 OK        |
      |                    |------------------->|
      | NOTIFY (Refer)     |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |                    |                    |
      | Bob terminates the ad-hoc conference    |
      |                    |                    |
      |       BYE          |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |
      |                    | NOTIFY (Conf-Info) |
      |                    |------------------->|
      |                    |      200 OK        |
      |                    |<-------------------|
      | NOTIFY (Conf-Info) |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |
      |     200 OK         |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |

       Originator   Facilitator   Screener   Recipient
      |            |            |          |
   1  |INVITE/200 OK/ACK        |          |"Get Fred for me!"
      |----------->|            |          |     "Right away!"
   2  |INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK |          |
      |<-----------|            |          |
   2  |            |INVITE/200 OK/ACK      |"I have a call
      |            |----------->|          |from Mary for Fred"
   2  |            |INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK   "Hold please"
      |            |<-----------|          |
   3  |            |            |INVITE/200 OK/ACK
      |            |            |--------->|"You have a call
      |            |            |          |from Mary"
      |            |            |          |  "Put her through"
   3  |            |            |INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK
      |            |            |--------->|
   4  |            |REFER       |          |
      |            |<-----------|          |
   4  |            |202 Accepted|          |
      |            |----------->|          |
   4  |            |NOTIFY (100 Trying)    |
      |            |----------->|          |
   4  |            |200 OK      |          |
      |            |<-----------|          |
   5  |            |INVITE/200 OK/ACK      |
      |            |---------------------->|"This is Fred"
   4  |            |NOTIFY (200 OK)        |  "Please hold for
      |            |----------->|          |              Mary"
   4  |            |200 OK      |          |
      |            |<-----------|          |
   2  |            |BYE/200 OK  |          |
      |            |<-----------|          |
   3  |            |            |BYE/200 OK|
      |            |            |--------->|
   5  |            |INVITE (hold)/200 OK/ACK
      |            |---------------------->|
   6  |REFER       |            |          |
      |<-----------|            |          |
   6  |202 Accepted|            |          |
      |----------->|            |          |
   6  |NOTIFY (100 Trying)      |          |
      |----------->|            |          |
   6  |200 OK      |            |          |
      |<-----------|            |          |
   7  |INVITE/200 OK/ACK        |          |
      |----------------------------------->| "Hey Fred"

   6  |NOTIFY (200 OK)          |          |    "Hello Mary"
      |----------->|            |          |
   6  |200 OK      |            |          |
      |<-----------|            |          |
   1  |BYE/200 OK  |            |          |
      |<-----------|            |          |
   5  |            |BYE/200 OK  |          |
      |            |---------------------->|
   7  |BYE/200 OK  |            |          |
      |<-----------------------------------| "See you later"

   |  SNMP entity                                                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  SNMP engine (identified by snmpEngineID)                   |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+                                             |  |
   |  |  | Transport  |                                             |  |
   |  |  | Subsystem  |                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+                                             |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  |  | Dispatcher | | Message    | | Security  | | Access    |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Processing | | Subsystem | | Control   |  |  |
   |  |  |            | | Subsystem  | |           | | Subsystem |  |  |
   |  |  +------------+ +------------+ +-----------+ +-----------+  |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |  Application(s)                                             |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Proxy        |        |  |
   |  |  | Generator   |  | Receiver     |  | Forwarder    |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |                                                             |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  |  | Command     |  | Notification |  | Other        |        |  |
   |  |  | Responder   |  | Originator   |  |              |        |  |
   |  |  +-------------+  +--------------+  +--------------+        |  |
   |  +-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
   |                                                                   |

   |    Network                   |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   | +--------------------------------------------------+              |
   | |  Transport Subsystem                             |              |
   | | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+       +-------+  |              |
   | | | UDP | | TCP | | SSH | | TLS | . . . | other |  |              |
   | | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+       +-------+  |              |
   | +--------------------------------------------------+              |
   |              ^                                                    |
   |              |                                                    |
   | Dispatcher   v                                                    |
   | +-------------------+ +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   | | Transport         | | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |
   | | Dispatch          | | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |
   | |                   | |     +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v1MP       |<--->| | USM        | | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v2cMP      |<--->| | Transport  | | |
   | | Message           | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   | | |
   | | Dispatch    <--------->|  +------------+  |  | | Model      | | |
   | |                   | |  +->| v3MP       |<--->| +------------+ | |
   | |                   | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   | | PDU Dispatch      | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | | |
   | +-------------------+ |  +->| otherMP    |<--->| | Model(s)   | | |
   |              ^        |     +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |
   |              |        +---------------------+  +----------------+ |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY    | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | Application |   |         |   | Applications |  | Application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

           unspecified remote   +--------+   fully specified remote
          +---------------------| CLOSED |---------------------+
          |                     +--------+   send DCCP-Listen  |
          |                                                    |
          v                                                    v
     +--------+                                  timeout  +---------+
     | LISTEN |                           +---+-----------| INVITED |
     +--------+                           |   |           +---------+
          |                               |   |  1st / 2nd  ^  |
          |                 more than 2   |   |  retransm.  |  | receive
          |               retransmissions |   +-------------+  | Request
          |                               |    resend Listen   v
          |                               |               +---------+
          |                               +-------------->| LISTEN1 |
          |                                               +---------+
          |                                                    |
          |  receive Request   +---------+    receive Request* |
          +------------------->| RESPOND |<--------------------+
             send Response     +---------+    send Response

    DCCP A                                        DCCP B
    ------               NA      NB               ------
    +-----------------+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+
    |                 |  | |    | |  |                 | State = CLOSED
    | SDP -->         |--+-+----+-+->|                 | State = INVITED
    |                 |  | |X---+-+--|<-- DCCP-Listen  |
    |(State=REQUEST)  |  | |    | |  |                 |
    |DCCP-Request --> |--+-+----+-+->|                 |
    |(State=PARTOPEN) | <+-+----+-+--|<-- DCCP-Response| State = RESPOND
    |DCCP-Ack -->     |--+-+----+-+> |                 |
    |                 |  | |    | |  |                 |
    |                 |  | |    | |  |                 |
    |DCCP-Data -->    |--+-+----+-+->|                 | State = OPEN
    +-----------------+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+

                DCCP A                           DCCP B
                ------  NA      NB               ------
                +----+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+
                |    |  | |    | |  |                 | State = CLOSED
                | -->|--+-+----+-+--|--> SDP          |
                |    |  | |    | |  |                 | State = INVITED
                |    |  | |    | |  |                 |
                |    |  | |X---+-+--|<-- DCCP-Listen  | Timer Starts
                |    |  | |    | |  |                 |      |
   DCCP-Request | -->|--->+--X | |  |   (dropped)     |      |
   Timer Starts |    |  | |    | |  |                 |      |
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 | 1st Timer Expiry
         |      |    |<-+-+----+++--|<-- DCCP-Listen  |
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 | Timer Starts
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 |       |
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 | 2nd Timer Expiry
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 |
         |      |    |<-+-+----+-+--|<-- DCCP-Listen  | Timer Starts
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 |       |
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 | 3rd Timer Expiry
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 |
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 | State = LISTEN1
         |      ~    ~  ~ ~    ~ ~  ~                 ~
         |      |    |  | |    | |  |                 |
   Timer Expiry | -->|--+-+----+-+--|--> DCCP-Request |
                |    |  | |    | |  |                 | State = RESPOND
                | <--|--+-+----+-+--|<-- DCCP-Response|
                +----+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+

   DCCP A                                         DCCP B
   ------               NA      NB               ------
   +-----------------+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+
   |                 |  | |    | |  |                 | State = CLOSED
   |SDP              |--+-+----+-+->|                 | State = INVITED
   |(State= REQUEST) |  | |    | |  |                 |
   |                 |  | |    | |X-|<-- DCCP-Listen  |
   |DCCP-Request --> |--+-+---X| |  |                 |
   |                 | <+-+----+-+--|<-- DCCP-Listen  |(retransmit)
   |                 |  | |    | |  |                 |
   |DCCP-Request --> |--+-+----+-+->|                 | State = RESPOND
   |  (Triggered)    |  | |    | |  |                 |
   |                 |<-+-+----+-+--|<-- DCCP-Response|
   |(State= PARTOPEN)|  | |    | |  |                 |
   |DCCP-Ack -->     |--+-+----+-+->|                 | State = OPEN
   +-----------------+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+

   DCCP A                                        DCCP B
   ------                NA     NB              ------
   +-----------------+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+
   |                 |  | |    | |  |                 | State = CLOSED
   |SDP              |--+-+----+-+->|                 | State = INVITED
   |(State = REQUEST)|  | |    | |  |                 |
   |DCCP-Request --> |--+-+-  -+-+--|<-- DCCP-Listen  |
   |                 |  | | \/ | |  |                 |
   |                 |  | | /\ | |  |                 |
   |                 |<-+-+-  -+-+->|                 |
   |DCCP-Request --> |--+-+-  -+-+--|<-- DCCP-Response| State = RESPOND
   |  (Triggered)    |  | | \/ | |  |                 |
   |                 |  | | /\ | |  |                 |
   |                 |<-+-+-  -+-+->|                 |
   |(State= PARTOPEN)|  | |    | |  |                 |
   |DCCP-Ack     --> |--+-+-  -+-+--|<-- DCCP-Response|
   |  (Triggered)    |  | | \/ | |  |                 |
   |                 |  | | /\ | |  |                 |
   |  (Ignored)      |<-+-+-  -+-+->|                 | State = OPEN
   |                 |  | |    | |  |                 |
   +-----------------+  +-+    +-+  +-----------------+

                      ++================>|  User  |
                      ||                 +--------+
                      ||                      ^
          +--------+  ||          +--------+  .
          |  User  +==++=========>|  User  |  .
          +---+----+  ||          +--------+  .
              .       ||               ^      .
              .       ||   +--------+  .      .
              .       ++==>|  User  |  .      .
              .            +--------+  .      .
              .                 ^      .      .
              .                 .      .      .
              V                 .      .      .
          |   .                 .      .      .   |
          |   .................>.      .      .   |
          |   .                        .      .   |
          |   ........................>.      .   |
          |   .                               .   |
          |   ...............................>.   |
          |                                       |
          |     Message Handling Service (MHS)    |

           ||  Author  ||<..................................<..
           ++=++=++=++=++                                     .
              || || ||     ++===========++                    .
              || || ++====>|| Recipient ||                    .
              || ||        ++=====+=====++                    .
              || ||               .                           .
              || ||               ..........................>.+
              || ||                                           .
              || ||               ...................         .
              || ||               .                 .         .
              || ||               V                 .         .
              || ||         +-----------+    ++=====+=====++  .
              || ++========>| Mediator  +===>|| Recipient ||  .
              ||            +-----+-----+    ++=====+=====++  .
              ||                  .                 .         .
              ||                  ..................+.......>.+
              ||                                              .
              ||    ..............+..................         .
              ||    .             .                 .         .
              \/    V             V                 '         .
           +-----------+    +-----------+    ++=====+=====++  .
           | Mediator  +===>| Mediator  +===>|| Recipient ||  .
           +-----+-----+    +-----+-----+    ++=====+=====++  .
                 .                .                 .         .

           ++==========++                        ++===========++
           ||  Author  ||                        || Recipient ||
           ++====++====++   +--------+           ++===========++
                 ||         | Return |                  /\
                 ||         +-+------+                  ||
                 \/           .    ^                    ||
             +---------+      .    .                +---++---+
             |         |      .    .                |        |
          |  |         |      .    .      MHS       |        |    |
          |  | Origin  +<......    .................+  Recv  |    |
          |  |         |           ^                |        |    |
          |  +---++----+           .                +--------+    |
          |      ||                .                    /\        |
          |      ||  ..............+..................  ||        |
          |      \/  .             .                 .  ||        |
          |  +-------+-+        +--+------+        +-+--++---+    |
          |  |  Relay  +=======>|  Relay  +=======>|  Relay  |    |
          |  +---------+        +----++---+        +---------+    |
          |                          ||                           |
          |                          ||                           |
          |                          \/                           |
          |                     +---------+                       |
          |                    | Gateway +-->...                  |
          |                     +---------+                       |

         +--------+     +---------+     +-------+     +-----------+
         |  ADMD1 |<===>|  ADMD2  |<===>| ADMD3 |<===>|   ADMD4   |
         |  ----- |     |  -----  |     | ----- |     |   -----   |
         |        |     |         |     |       |     |           |
         | Author |     |         |     |       |     | Recipient |
         |   .    |     |         |     |       |     |     ^     |
         |   V    |     |         |     |       |     |     .     |
         |  Edge..+....>|.Transit.+....>|-Edge..+....>|..Consumer |
         |        |     |         |     |       |     |           |
         +--------+     +---------+     +-------+     +-----------+

                     ||        ||                             +-------+
          ...........++  aMUA  ||<............................+ Disp  |
          .          ||        ||                             +-------+
          .          ++=+==+===++                                 ^
          .  local,imap}|  |{smtp,submission                      .
          .  +-----+    |  |                          +--------+  .
          .  | aMS |<---+  | ........................>| Return |  .
          .  +-----+       | .                        +--------+  .
          .                | .    *****************       ^       .
          .          +-----V-.----*------------+  *       .       .
          .      MSA | +-------+  *   +------+ |  *       .       .
          .          | | aMSA  +-(S)->| hMSA | |  *       .       .
          .          | +-------+  *   +--+---+ |  *       .       .
          V          +------------*------+-----+  *       .       .
    //==========\\                *      V {smtp  *       .       .
    || MESSAGE  ||                *   +------+    *  //===+===\\  .
    ||----------||            MHS *   | MTA  |    *  ||  dsn  ||  .
    || ENVELOPE ||                *   +--+---+    *  \\=======//  .
    ||  smtp    ||                *      V {smtp  *     ^   ^     .
    || CONTENT  ||                *   +------+    *     .   . //==+==\\
    ||  imf     ||                *   | MTA  +....*......   . || mdn ||
    ||  mime    ||                *   +--+---+    *         . \\=====//
    \\==========//                * smtp}| {local *         .     ^
          .           MDA         *      | {lmtp  *         .     .
          .      +----------------+------V-----+  *         .     .
          .      | +----------+   *   +------+ |  *         .     .
          .      | |          |   *   |      | +..*..........     .
          .      | |   rMDA   |<-(D)--+ hMDA | |  *               .
          .      | |          |   *   |      | |<.*........       .
          .      | +-+------+-+   *   +------+ |  *       .       .
          .      +------+---------*------------+  *       .       .
          .  smtp,local}|         *****************       .       .
          .             V                                 .       .
          .          +-----+                         //===+===\\  .
          .          | rMS |                         || sieve ||  .
          .          +--+--+                         \\=======//  .
          .             |{imap,pop,local                  ^       .
          .             V                                 .       .
          .       ++==========++                          .       .
          .       ||          ||                          .       .
          .......>||   rMUA   ++...........................       .
                  ||          ++...................................

       +---- (edge) LSR-M ---+   +--------- LSR-N ---------+   + LSR-P
       |---+                 |   |                         |   |
       |   |      XC         |   |           XC            |   |
       +   |  A1 (M<-N) +----+   +----+   A2 (M<-P)   +----+   +----+
       |   |     <------|    |   |    |<--------------|    |   |    |
   <-->| N |PWin  inSeg |MPLS|   |MPLS| outSeg  inSeg |MPLS|   |MPLS|
   N S |   | <---X<-----| IF |   | IF |<------X<------| IF |   | IF |
   A E | S |       |    |<-->|   |    |               |<-->|   |    |
   T R |   | --->X----->|    |   |    |------>X------>|    |   |    |
   I V | P |PWout outSeg|    |   |    | inSeg  outSeg |    |   |    |
   V I |   |     ------>|    |   |    |-------------->|    |   |    |
   E C +   |     XC     +----+   +----+      XC       +----+   +----+
     E |---+  B1 (M->N)      |   |        B2 (M->P)        |   |
       |                     |   |                         |   |
       +---------------------+   +-------------------------+   +-----

            - - - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
             Generic      +-------------------+
               PW         | Generic PW MIBS   |  PW-TC-MIB,
              Layer       +-------------------+  PW-MIB
            - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
              PSN VC      |   MPLS VC MIBS    |  PW-MPLS-MIB
              Layer       +-------------------+
            - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
               PSN        |    MPLS MIBs      |  MPLS-TE-STD-MIB,
              Layer       +-------------------+  MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB

              - - - - - - - - - - -  | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
               Generic      +-------------------+
                 PW         | Generic PW MIBS   |  PW-TC-MIB,
                Layer       +-------------------+  PW-STD-MIB
              - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                PSN VC      |   MPLS VC MIBS    |  PW-MPLS-MIB
                Layer       +-------------------+
              - - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                 PSN        |    MPLS MIBs      |  MPLS-TE-STD-MIB,
                Layer       +-------------------+  MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB

                                    |    AVP Flag rules   |
                                    |    |     SHOULD MUST|    |
   Attribute Name        Value Type |MUST| MAY | NOT|  NOT|Encr|
   Service-Type                     |    |     |    |     |    |
                         Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Framed-Management-Protocol       |    |     |    |     |    |
                         Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Management-Transport-Protection  |    |     |    |     |    |
                         Enumerated | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Management-Policy-Id             |    |     |    |     |    |
                         UTF8String | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |
   Management-Privilege-Level       |    |     |    |     |    |
                         Integer    | M  |  P  |    |  V  | Y  |

              +......................... |RADIUS  |....+
              .                          |Server  |    .
            Shared                       +--------+    .
            User                             |         .
            Credentials             RADIUS   |      Shared
              .                              |      RADIUS
              .                              |      Secret
              .                              |         .
     +-------------+                  +-----------------+
     | Network     |                  | RADIUS Client / |
     | Management  |       SNMP       | SNMP Engine /   |
     | Application |------------------| Network Device  |
     +-------------+       SSH        +-----------------+

                     Peer             |EAP            Auth
                     EAP    <---------|------------>  EAP
                    ^ |               |              ^ |
                    | |               | EAP-Message  | |  EAP-Message
       EAP-Message    | |EAP-Message  |                | |
                      | v             |PANA            | v
                     PaC    <---------|------------>  PAA

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Re-transmissions)- - - - - - - - - -
   RTX_TIMEOUT &&           Retransmit();              (no change)
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - (Reach maximum number of transmissions)- - - - - -
   (RTX_TIMEOUT &&          Disconnect();              CLOSED
    RTX_MAX_NUM) ||
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - (liveness test initiated by peer)- - - - - -
   Rx:PNR[P]                Tx:PNA[P]();               (no change)

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - (liveness test response) - - - - - - - -
   Rx:PNA[P]                None();                    (no change)

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - -(Catch all event on closed state) - - - - - - - -
   ANY                      None();                    CLOSED
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - (PaC-initiated Handshake) - - - - - - - - -
   AUTH_USER                Tx:PCI[]();                INITIAL
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(PAR-PAN exchange) - - - - - - - -
   Rx:PAR[] &&              RtxTimerStop();            WAIT_EAP_MSG
   !eap_piggyback()         TxEAP();
                            if (NONCE_SENT==Unset) {

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - (Return PAN/PAR from EAP) - - - - - - - - -
   EAP_RESPONSE &&          EAP_RespTimerStop()        WAIT_PAA
   eap_piggyback()          if (NONCE_SENT==Unset) {

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - (EAP Result) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   EAP_SUCCESS             if (PAR.exist_avp           OPEN

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - (EAP Result) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   EAP_SUCCESS ||          if (EAP_SUCCESS &&         CLOSED
   EAP_FAILURE               PAR.exist_avp("Key-Id"))
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - (liveness test initiated by PaC)- - - - - -
   PANA_PING                Tx:PNR[P]();               WAIT_PNA_PING
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - - - (re-authentication initiated by PaC)- - - - - -
   REAUTH                   NONCE_SENT=Unset;          WAIT_PNA_REAUTH
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - -(re-authentication initiated by PaC) - - - - -
   Rx:PNA[A]                RtxTimerStop();            WAIT_PAA
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - -(Session termination initiated by PAA) - - - - - -
   Rx:PTR[]                 RtxTimerStop();            CLOSED
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - -(liveness test initiated by PaC) - - - - - - -
   Rx:PNA[P]                RtxTimerStop();            OPEN
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - -(Session termination initiated by PaC) - - - - -
   Rx:PTA[]                 Disconnect();              CLOSED
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
    - - - - - - - - (PCI and PAA initiated PANA) - - - - - - - - -
   (Rx:PCI[] ||             if (OPTIMIZED_INIT ==      INITIAL
    PAC_FOUND)                  Set) {
                            else {
                              if (generate_pana_sa())

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - -(Receiving EAP-Request)- - - - - - - - -
   EAP_REQUEST              if (NONCE_SENT==Unset) {   WAIT_PAN_OR_PAR
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - - - - -(Receiving EAP-Success/Failure) - - - - -
   EAP_FAILURE              PAR.RESULT_CODE =          WAIT_FAIL_PAN

   Event/Condition          Action                     Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - (PAN Processing)- - - - - - - - - - -
   Rx:PAN[C]                RtxTimerStop();            OPEN
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (PAN Processing)- - - - - - - - - -

   Event/Condition          Action                     Exit State
   - - - - - - - - (re-authentication initiated by PaC) - - - - - -
   Rx:PNR[A]                NONCE_SENT=Unset;          WAIT_EAP_MSG
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - - (re-authentication initiated by PAA)- - - - - -
   REAUTH ||                NONCE_SENT=Unset;          WAIT_EAP_MSG
   REAUTH_TIMEOUT           EAP_Restart();

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(PNA processing) - - - - - - - - - -
   Rx:PNA[P]                RtxTimerStop();            OPEN
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - - (re-authentication initiated by PaC) - - - - - -
   Rx:PNR[A]                RtxTimerStop();            WAIT_EAP_MSG

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - (PAR Processing)- - - - - - - - - - -
   Rx:PAR[]                 TxEAP();                   WAIT_EAP_MSG
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - (Pass EAP Response to the EAP authenticator)- - - -
   Rx:PAN[] &&              TxEAP();                   WAIT_EAP_MSG
   PAN.exist_avp            RtxTimerStop();
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - - - - (PAN without an EAP response) - - - - - - -
   Rx:PAN[] &&              RtxTimerStop();            WAIT_PAN_OR_PAR
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - - - - - -(EAP retransmission) - - - - - - - - - -
   EAP_REQUEST              RtxTimerStop();            WAIT_PAN_OR_PAR
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   - - - - - - - (EAP authentication timeout or failure)- - - - -
   EAP_FAILURE ||           RtxTimerStop();            CLOSED
   EAP_TIMEOUT ||           SessionTimerStop();
   EAP_DISCARD              Disconnect();
   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   Exit Condition           Exit Action                Exit State

   | IE                            | Description                       |
   | informationElementId [scope]  | The Information Element           |
   |                               | identifier of the Information     |
   |                               | Element described by this type    |
   |                               | record.  This Information Element |
   |                               | MUST be defined as a Scope Field. |
   |                               | See the PSAMP Information Model   |
   |                               | [RFC5477] for a definition of     |
   |                               | this field.                       |
   | privateEnterpriseNumber       | The Private Enterprise number of  |
   | [scope]                       | the Information Element described |
   |                               | by this type record.  This        |
   |                               | Information Element MUST be       |
   |                               | defined as a Scope Field.         |
   | informationElementDataType    | The storage type of the specified |
   |                               | Information Element.              |
   | informationElementSemantics   | The semantic type of the          |
   |                               | specified Information Element.    |
   | informationElementUnits       | The units of the specified        |
   |                               | Information Element.  This        |
   |                               | element SHOULD be omitted if the  |
   |                               | Information Element is a unitless |
   |                               | quantity, or a not a quantity or  |
   |                               | counter.                          |

             | * | O | DC| L |N/P| MC| E | * |

       .                                  Area 1.
       .     +                                  .
       .     |                                  .
       .     |  2+---+1                      1+---+
       .  N1 |---|RT1|----+               +---|RT4|----
       .     |   +---+    |\             /    +---+
       .     |            | \           /       .
       .     +            |  \   N3    /        .
       .                  |   \       /         .
       .     +            |    \     /          .
       .     |            |     \   /           .
       .     |  2+---+1   |      \ /            .
       .  N2 |---|RT2|----+-------+             .
       .     |   +---+            |1            .
       .     |                  +---+           .
       .     |                  |RT3|----------------
       .     +                  +---+           .
       .                          |2            .
       .                   +------------+       .
       .                      |1   N4           .
       .                    +---+               .
       .                    |RT5|               .
       .                    +---+               .

   Client                     IMAP Server                   Media Server
     |   FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE)     |                              |
     |---------------------------->|                              |
     |           OK                |                              |
     |<----------------------------|                              |
     |   GENURLAUTH                |                              |
     |---------------------------->|                              |
     |           OK                |                              |
     |<----------------------------|                              |
     |                             |                              |
     |                          SIP INVITE                        |
     |                             |                              |
     |                             |          URLFETCH            |
     |                             |<-----------------------------|
     |                             |             OK               |
     |                             |----------------------------->|
     |                             |                              |
     |                          200 OK                            |
     |                          ACK                               |
     |                             |                              |
     |                    Stream Message Part (RTP)               |
     |                             |                              |
     |                            BYE                             |
     |                          200 OK                            |

   Client                     IMAP Server                   Media Server
     |   FETCH (BODYSTRUCTURE)     |                              |
     |---------------------------->|                              |
     |           OK                |                              |
     |<----------------------------|                              |
     |   GENURLAUTH                |                              |
     |---------------------------->|                              |
     |           OK                |                              |
     |<----------------------------|                              |
     |                             |                              |
     |                          SIP INVITE                        |
     |                             |                              |
     |                          200 OK                            |
     |                          ACK                               |
     |                             |                              |
     |                          SIP INFO (playcollect)            |
     |                             |                              |
     |                          200 OK                            |
     |                             |                              |
     |                             |          URLFETCH            |
     |                             |<-----------------------------|
     |                             |             OK               |
     |                             |----------------------------->|
     |                             |                              |
     |                    Stream Message Part (RTP)               |
     |                             |                              |
     |                          SIP INFO (e.g., DTMF ff)          |
     |                          200 OK                            |
     |                             |                              |
     |                    Continue streaming (RTP)                |
     |                             |                              |
     |                (Streaming Ends or is terminated)           |
     |                             |                              |
     |                     SIP INFO (playcollect response)        |
     |                            BYE                             |
     |                           200 OK                           |

   Protocol | Permissible Mode Combinations (Modes bit set)
   Control  |    Unauth.(0)|  Auth. == Encrypted (1,2,3)
            |    Unauth.(0)|         Unauth.  (3)
   Test     |              |          Auth.(1)
            |              |        Encrypted (2)

              ------     -----     ------     ---------
   Stream    |      |   |     |   |      |   |Community|
   Pro-      | IETF |   | IAB |   | IRTF |   |   at    |
   ducers    |      |   |     |   |      |   |  Large  |
              --^---     --^--     ---^--     ----^----
                |          |          |           |
                |          |          |           |             -------
                |          |          |           |            | Indep.|
              --v---    ---v---    ---v--     ----v------      | Stream|
   Stream    |      |   |     |   |      |   |Independent|     | Edi-  |
   Appro-    | IESG |   | IAB |   | IRSG |   |Submission |.....| torial|
   vers      |      |   |     |   |      |   |  Editor   |     | Board |
              ----^-    ---^---   ----^---    ----^------       -------
                  |        |          |           |
                  |        |          |           |             -------
                  |        |          |           |            | RFC   |
    ------      --v--------v----------v-----------v-----       | Series|
   |      |    |                                        |      | Adv.  |
   | IANA | <->|        RFC Production Center           <---.  | Group |
   |      |    |                                        |   |   -------
    ------      -----------------^----------------------    |     |
                                 |                          |     |
                                 |                    ------v-------
                           ------v---------          |              |
                          |                |         |  RFC Series  |
                          |  RFC Publisher |<------->|    Editor    |
                          |                |         |              |
                           ----------------           --------------

      |11000011| Length |   Drop Count    | More Drop Counts...
       Type=195               3 bytes

       Numbers: 0         10        20        30        40  44
                |         |         |         |         |   |

      0         10        20        30        40  44
      |         |         |         |         |   |
          L0       L1         L2          L3

       -----    -----                  -----    -----
      | LSR |--| LSR |................| LSR |--| LSR |
      | H1  |  | H2  |                | H3  |  | H4  |
       -----    -----\                /-----    -----
                      \-----    -----/
                      | LSR |--| LSR |
                      | L1  |  | L2  |
                       -----    -----

                          | PCE |
       -----    -----                  -----    -----
      | LSR |--| LSR |................| LSR |--| LSR |
      | H1  |  | H2  |                | H3  |  | H4  |
       -----    -----\                /-----    -----
                      \-----    -----/
                      | LSR |--| LSR |
                      | L1  |  | L2  |
                       -----    -----

                               | PCE |
                               | Hi  |
       -----    -----             |            -----    -----
      | LSR |--| LSR |............|...........| LSR |--| LSR |
      | H1  |  | H2  |            |           | H3  |  | H4  |
       -----    -----\          --+--         /-----    -----
                      \        | PCE |       /
                       \       | Lo  |      /
                        \       -----      /
                         \                /
                          \-----    -----/
                          | LSR |--| LSR |
                          | L1  |  | L2  |
                           -----    -----

                               | PCE |
                               | Hi  |
       -----    -----                          -----    -----
      | LSR |--| LSR |........................| LSR |--| LSR |
      | H1  |  | H2  |                        | H3  |  | H4  |
       -----    -----\          -----         /-----    -----
                      \        | PCE |       /
                       \       | Lo  |      /
                        \       -----      /
                         \                /
                          \-----    -----/
                          | LSR |--| LSR |
                          | L1  |  | L2  |
                           -----    -----

         -----      ------
        | PCE |--->| VNTM |
         -----      ------
           ^           :
           :           :
           :           :
           v           V
          -----      -----                  -----      -----
         | LSR |----| LSR |................| LSR |----| LSR |
         | H1  |    | H2  |                | H3  |    | H4  |
          -----      -----\                /-----      -----
                           \-----    -----/
                           | LSR |--| LSR |
                           | L1  |  | L2  |
                            -----    -----

        | PCE |
          -----      -----                  -----    -----
         | LSR |----| LSR |................| LSR |--| LSR |
         | H1  |    | H2  |                | H3  |  | H4  |
          -----      -----\                /-----    -----
                           \-----    -----/
                           | LSR |--| LSR |
                           | L1  |  | L2  |
                            -----    -----

      ------      -----
     | NMS  |<-->| PCE |
     |      |     -----
     | ---- |
     | ---- |
       :  :
       :   ---------
       :            :
       V            V
       -----      -----                  -----      -----
      | LSR |----| LSR |................| LSR |----| LSR |
      | H1  |    | H2  |                | H3  |    | H4  |
       -----      -----\                /-----      -----
                        \-----    -----/
                        | LSR |--| LSR |
                        | L1  |  | L2  |
                         -----    -----

      | NMS |
      |     |   -----
       -----   | PCE |
       ^   ^   | Hi  |
       :   :    -----
       :   :    ^
       :   :    :
       :   :    :
       :   v    v
       :   ------    -----                          -----    ------
       :  | LSR  |--| LSR |........................| LSR |--| LSR  |
       :  | H1   |  | H2  |                        | H3  |  | H4   |
       :   ------    -----\                        /-----    ------
       :             ^     \                      /
       :             :      \                    /
       :     --------        \                  /
       v    :                 \                /
       ------      -----       \-----    -----/
      | VNTM |<-->| PCE |      | LSR |--| LSR |
      |      |    | Lo  |      | L1  |  | L2  |
       ------      -----        -----    -----

   | Path computation    | Single | Multiple  | Multiple  |
   |      \              | PCE    | PCE with  | PCE w/o   |
   | Path control        |        | inter-PCE | inter-PCE |
   | PCE-VNTM            |  Yes   | Yes       | Yes       |
   | cooperation         |        |           |           |
   | Higher-layer        |  Yes   | Yes       | Yes       |
   | signaling trigger   |        |           |           |
   | NMS-VNTM            |  Yes   | Yes       | No        |
   | cooperation         |        |           |           |
   | (integrated flavor) |        |           |           |
   | NMS-VNTM            |  No*   | No        | Yes       |
   | cooperation         |        |           |           |
   | (separate flavor)   |        |           |           |

      | Registrar |
      | Proxy     |
       | User  |
       | Agent |

       | Domain            |
       | Logical Proxy/Reg |
       |                   |
       |+-----+     +-----+|
       ||Host1|     |Host2||
       |+-----+     +-----+|
            \          /
             \        /
              \      /
               \    /
              | User |
              | Agent|

                |Proxy    |
                 /      \
                /        \
               /          \
            +-----+     +-----+
            |Edge1|     |Edge2|
            +-----+     +-----+
               \           /
                \         /
                  \     /
                   \   /
                  |User  |
                  |Agent |

     [----example.com domain-------------------------]
     Bob         EP1   EP2     Proxy             Config
      |           |     |        |                  |
    1)|SUBSCRIBE->|     |        |                  |
    2)|           |---SUBSCRIBE Event: ua-profile ->|
    3)|           |<--200 OK -----------------------|
    4)|<--200 OK--|     |        |                  |
    5)|           |<--NOTIFY------------------------|
    6)|<--NOTIFY--|     |        |                  |
    7)|---200 OK->|     |        |                  |
    8)|           |---200 OK ---------------------->|
      |           |     |        |                  |

     Bob         EP1   EP2     Proxy     Alice
      |           |     |        |         |
    9)|-REGISTER->|     |        |         |
   10)|           |---REGISTER-->|         |
   11)|           |<----200 OK---|         |
   12)|<-200 OK---|     |        |         |
   13)|----REGISTER---->|        |         |
   14)|           |     |--REG-->|         |
   15)|           |     |<-200---|         |
   16)|<----200 OK------|        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |
      |  about 120 seconds later...        |
      |           |     |        |         |
   17)|--2CRLF--->|     |        |         |
   18)|<--CRLF----|     |        |         |
   19)|------2CRLF----->|        |         |
   20)|<------CRLF------|        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |

     Bob         EP1   EP2     Proxy     Alice
      |           |     |        |         |
      |    CRASH  X     |        |         |
      |        Reboot   |        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |
   21)|           |     |        |<-INVITE-|
   22)|           |<---INVITE----|         |
   23)|           |----430------>|         |
   24)|           |     |<-INVITE|         |
   25)|<---INVITE-------|        |         |
   26)|----200 OK------>|        |         |
   27)|           |     |200 OK->|         |
   28)|           |     |        |-200 OK->|
   29)|           |     |<----------ACK----|
   30)|<---ACK----------|        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |
   31)|           |     |<----------BYE----|
   32)|<---BYE----------|        |         |
   33)|----200 OK------>|        |         |
   34)|           |     |--------200 OK--->|
      |           |     |        |         |

     Bob         EP1   EP2     Proxy     Alice
      |           |     |        |         |
   35)|------2CRLF----->|        |         |
   36)|<------CRLF------|        |         |
   37)|--2CRLF->X |     |        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |
   38)|-REGISTER->|     |        |         |
   39)|           |---REGISTER-->|         |
   40)|           |<----200 OK---|         |
   41)|<-200 OK---|     |        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |

     Bob         EP1   EP2     Proxy     Alice
      |           |     |        |         |
   42)|--INVITE-->|     |        |         |
   43)|           |---INVITE---->|         |
   44)|           |     |        |-INVITE->|
   45)|           |     |        |<--200---|
   46)|           |<----200 OK---|         |
   47)|<-200 OK---|     |        |         |
   48)|--ACK----->|     |        |         |
   49)|           |-----ACK--------------->|
      |           |     |        |         |
   50)|-- BYE---->|     |        |         |
   51)|           |-----------BYE--------->|
   52)|           |<----------200 OK-------|
   53)|<--200 OK--|     |        |         |
      |           |     |        |         |

       Caller                 Proxy                Callee
       |                     |(1) REGISTER         |
       |                     |<--------------------|
       |                     |(2) 200 OK           |
       |                     |-------------------->|
       |(3) INVITE           |                     |
       |-------------------->|                     |
       |                     |(4) INVITE           |
       |                     |-------------------->|
       |                     |(5) 200 OK           |
       |                     |<--------------------|
       |(6) 200 OK           |                     |
       |<--------------------|                     |
       |(7) ACK              |                     |
       |-------------------->|                     |
       |                     |(8) ACK              |
       |                     |-------------------->|
       |(9) SUBSCRIBE        |                     |
       |-------------------->|                     |
       |                     |(10) SUBSCRIBE       |
       |                     |-------------------->|
       |                     |(11) 200 OK          |
       |                     |<--------------------|
       |(12) 200 OK          |                     |
       |<--------------------|                     |
       |                     |(13) NOTIFY          |
       |                     |<--------------------|
       |(14) NOTIFY          |                     |
       |<--------------------|                     |
       |(15) 200 OK          |                     |
       |-------------------->|                     |
       |                     |(16) 200 OK          |
       |                     |-------------------->|
       |                     |                     |Crashes,
       |                     |(17) REGISTER        | Reboots
       |                     |<--------------------|
       |                     |(18) 200 OK          |
       |                     |-------------------->|

         +---+            +---+            +---+             +---+
         |   |            |   |            |   |             |   |
         |   |            | U |            | U |             | A |
         |   |   Input    | s |   Input    | s |   Results   | p |
         |   | ---------> | e | ---------> | e | ----------> | p |
         | U |            | r |            | r |             | l |
         | s |            |   |            |   |             | i |
         | e |            | D |            | I |             | c |
         | r |   Output   | e |   Output   | f |   Update    | a |
         |   | <--------- | v | <--------- | a | <.......... | t |
         |   |            | i |            | c |             | i |
         |   |            | c |            | e |             | o |
         |   |            | e |            |   |             | n |
         |   |            |   |            |   |             |   |
         +---+            +---+            +---+             +---+

                /---| Application |
               /    +-------------+
       SUB/  / REFER/
       NOT  /  HTTP
      +--------+    SIP (INVITE)    +-----+
      |   UI   A--------------------X     |
      |........|                    | SIP |
      |  User  |        RTP         | UA  |
      | Device B--------------------Y     |
      +--------+                    +-----+

      +--------+    SIP (INVITE)    +-----+
      |  User  A--------------------X SIP |
      | Device |        RTP         | UA  |
      |........B--------------------Y     |
      |        |    SUB/NOT         | App)|
      |  UI    A'-------------------X'    |
      +--------+    REFER/HTTP      +-----+

                                           /---| Application |
                                          /    +-------------+
                                   SUB/ /  REFER/
                                   NOT /   HTTP
      +-----+        SIP         +---M----+        SIP         +-----+
      |     V--------------------C        A--------------------X     |
      | SIP |                    |   UI   |                    | SIP |
      | UAa |        RTP         |        |        RTP         | UAb |
      |     W--------------------D        B--------------------Y     |
      +-----+                    +--------+                    +-----+
       User                         User
       Device                      Device

             A                  Recording App                  B
             |(1) INVITE              |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |                        |(2) INVITE              |
             |                        |----------------------->|
             |                        |(3) 200 OK              |
             |                        |<-----------------------|
             |(4) 200 OK              |                        |
             |<-----------------------|                        |
             |(5) ACK                 |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |                        |(6) ACK                 |
             |                        |----------------------->|
             |(7) REFER               |                        |
             |<-----------------------|                        |
             |(8) 200 OK              |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |(9) NOTIFY              |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |(10) 200 OK             |                        |
             |<-----------------------|                        |
             |(11) HTTP GET           |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |(12) 200 OK             |                        |
             |<-----------------------|                        |
             |(13) NOTIFY             |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |(14) 200 OK             |                        |
             |<-----------------------|                        |
             |(15) HTTP POST          |                        |
             |----------------------->|                        |
             |(16) 200 OK             |                        |
             |<-----------------------|                        |

        ..........................         ...........................
        .                        .         .                         .
        .              +-------+ .         . +-------+               .
        .              |       | .         . |       |               .
        .              | Proxy |-----TLS---- | Proxy |               .
        .              |   A   | .         . |  B    |               .
        .              |       | .         . |       |               .
        .            / +-------+ .         . +-------+ \             .
        .           /            .         .            \            .
        .          /             .         .             \           .
        .        TLS             .         .        Policy-based     .
        .        /               .         .               \         .
        .       /                .         .                \        .
        .      /                 .         .                 \       .
        .   +-------+            .         .              +-------+  .
        .   |       |            .         .              |       |  .
        .   | UAC a |            .         .              | UAS b |  .
        .   |       |            .         .              |       |  .
        .   +-------+            .         .              +-------+  .
        .             Domain A   .         .   Domain B              .
        ..........................         ...........................

        ..........................         ...........................
        .                        .         .                         .
        .              +-------+ .         . +-------+               .
        .              |       | .         . |       |               .
        .              | Proxy |-----TLS---- | Proxy |               .
        .              |   A   | .         . |  B    |               .
        .              |       | .         . |       |               .
        .            / +-------+ .         . +-------+ \             .
        .           /            .         .            \            .
        .          /             .         .             \           .
        .        TLS             .         .             TLS         .
        .        /               .         .               \         .
        .       /                .         .                \        .
        .      /                 .         .                 \       .
        .   +-------+            .         .              +-------+  .
        .   |       |            .         .              |       |  .
        .   | UAC a |            .         .              | UAS b |  .
        .   |       |            .         .              |       |  .
        .   +-------+            .         .              +-------+  .
        .             Domain A   .         .   Domain B              .
        ..........................         ...........................

                         example.com       .      example.net
                       |-------------|     .    |------------|
                       | Registrar/  |__________|  Proxy  A  |
                       | Auth. Proxy |     .    |  (proxya)  |
                       |    (pb)     |     .    |------------|
                       |-------------|     .          |
                             |             .          |
                             |             .          |
                       |-----------|       .          |
                       |   Edge    |       .          |
                       |  Proxy B  |       .          |
                       |   (eb)    |       .          |
                       |-----------|       .          |
                        /        |         .          |
                       /         |         .          |
                      /          |         .          |
               ______            |         .          |
              |      |         _____       .        _____
              |______|        O / \ O      .       O / \ O
             /_______/         /___\       .        /___\
             bob@bobpc      bob@bobphone   .         alice

                                    (eb)           (pb)
                                    Edge        Registrar/
                Bob@bobpc          Proxy B     Auth. Proxy B
                 |                   |               |
                 |    REGISTER F1    |               |
                 |------------------>|  REGISTER F2  |
                 |                   |-------------->|
                 |                   |    200 F3     |
                 |      200 F4       |<--------------|
                 |<------------------|               |
                 |                   |               |
                 |   Bob@bobphone    |               |
                 |      |            |               |
                 |      |REGISTER F5 |               |
                 |      |----------->|  REGISTER F6  |
                 |      |            |-------------->|
                 |      |            |    200 F7     |
                 |      |   200 F8   |<--------------|
                 |      |<-----------|               |
                 |      |            |               |

                           (eb)         (pb)
                           Edge      Registrar/
       Bob@bobpc          Proxy B   Auth. Proxy B   Proxy A     Alice
        |                   |            |            |            |
        |                   |            |            | INVITE F9  |
        |   Bob@bobphone    |            | INVITE F11 |<-----------|
        |      |            | INVITE F13 |<-----------|   100 F10  |
        |      | INVITE F15 |<-----------|   100 F12  |----------->|
        |      |<-----------|   100 F14  |----------->|            |
        |      |   180 F16  |----------->|            |            |
        |      |----------->|   180 F17  |            |            |
        |      |   200 F20  |----------->|   180 F18  |            |
        |      |----------->|   200 F21  |----------->|   180 F19  |
        |      |            |----------->|   200 F22  |----------->|
        |      |            |            |----------->|   200 F23  |
        |      |            |            |            |----------->|
        |      |            |            |            |   ACK F24  |
        |      |            |            |   ACK F25  |<-----------|
        |      |            |   ACK F26  |<-----------|            |
        |      |   ACK F27  |<-----------|            |            |
        |      |<-----------|            |            |            |
        |      |            |            |            |            |

                           (eb)         (pb)
                           Edge      Registrar/
       Bob@bobpc          Proxy B   Auth. Proxy B   Proxy A     Alice
        |                   |            |            |            |
        |                   |            |            | INVITE F9  |
        |                   |            | INVITE F11 |<-----------|
        |                   | INVITE F13'|<-----------|   100 F10  |
        |    INVITE F15'    |<-----------|   100 F12  |----------->|
        |<------------------|   100 F14' |----------->|            |
        |     180 F16'      |----------->|            |            |
        |------------------>|   180 F17' |            |            |
        |                   |----------->|  180 F18'  |            |
        |   Bob@bobphone    |            |----------->|   180 F19' |
        |      |            | INVITE F13 |            |----------->|
        |      | INVITE F15 |<-----------|            |            |
        |      |<-----------|   100 F14  |            |            |
        |      |   180 F16  |----------->|            |            |
        |      |----------->|   180 F17  |            |            |
        |      |   200 F20  |----------->|   180 F18  |            |
        |      |----------->|   200 F21  |----------->|   180 F19  |
        |      |            |----------->|   200 F22  |----------->|
        |      |            |            |----------->|   200 F23  |
        |      |            |            |            |----------->|
        |      |            |            |            |   ACK F24  |
        |      |            |            |   ACK F25  |<-----------|
        |      |            |   ACK F26  |<-----------|            |
        |      |   ACK F27  |<-----------|            |            |
        |      |<-----------|            |            |            |
        |                   | CANCEL F26'|            |            |
        |    CANCEL F27'    |<-----------|            |            |
        |<------------------|            |            |            |
        |     200 F28'      |            |            |            |
        |------------------>|   200 F29' |            |            |
        |     487 F30'      |----------->|            |            |
        |------------------>|   487 F31' |            |            |
        |                   |----------->|            |            |

           Device                       DA                      MN
             |(1) SrvReg                |                       |
             |------------------------->|                       |
             |(2) SrvRply               |                       |
             |<-------------------------|                       |
             |                          |                       |
             |                          |                       |
             |                          |(3) SrvRqst            |
             |                          |<----------------------|
             |                          |(4) SrvRply  URL list  |
             |                          |---------------------->|
             |                          |(5) AttrRqst URL1      |
             |                          |<----------------------|
             |                          |(6) AttrRply           |
             |                          |---------------------->|
             |                          |     ...               |
             |                          |                       |

         local device                MN                        CN
           |(1) INVITE no sdp        |                         |
           |<------------------------|                         |
           |(2) 200 OK local params  |                         |
           |------------------------>|                         |
           |                         |(3) INVITE local params  |
           |                         |------------------------>|
           |    RTP                  |                         |
           |                         |(4) 200 OK CN params     |
           |                         |<------------------------|
           |                         |(5) ACK                  |
           |                         |------------------------>|
           |(6) ACK CN params        |                         |
           |<------------------------|        RTP              |
           |                         |                         |
           |                         |                         |

  video_dev          audio_dev                MN                      CN
     |                   |(1) INVITE no sdp   |                       |
     |                   |<-------------------|   RTP Audio           |
     |                   |(2) 200  params     |                       |
     |                   |------------------->|                       |
     |                   |(3) INVITE no sdp   |                       |
     |<---------------------------------------|                       |
     |                   |(4) 200    params   |                       |
     |--------------------------------------->|                       |
     |                   |                    |(5) INVITE  a/v  params|
     |                   |                    |---------------------->|
     |                   |         RTP Audio  |                       |
     |   RTP Video       |<...........................................|
     |                   |                    |(6) 200 OK             |
     |                   |                    |<----------------------|
     |                   |                    |(7) ACK                |
     |                   |                    |---------------------->|
     |                   |(8) ACK CN audio    |                       |
     |                   |<-------------------|   RTP Audio           |
     |                   |...........................................>|
     |                   |(9) ACK CN video    |                       |
     |<---------------------------------------|   RTP Video           |
     |                   |                    |                       |
     |                   |                    |                       |

         device15                        MN                    CN
           |(1) REFER                    |                     |
           |<----------------------------|                     |
           |(2) 202 Accepted             |                     |
           |---------------------------->|                     |
           |(3) INVITE, Replaces         |                     |
           |           RTP                                     |
           |(4) 200 OK                   |                     |
           |           RTP                                     |
           |(5) ACK                      |                     |
           |                             |(6) BYE              |
           |                             |<--------------------|
           |                             |(7) 200 OK           |
           |                             |-------------------->|
           |(8) NOTIFY                   |                     |
           |---------------------------->|                     |
           |(9) 200 OK                   |                     |
           |<----------------------------|                     |
           |                             |                     |
           |                             |                     |

        device15                          MN                    CN
            |(1) REFER                    |                     |
            |<----------------------------|                     |
            |(2) 202 Accepted             |                     |
            |---------------------------->|                     |
            |(3) REFER                    |                     |
            |---------------------------->|                     |
            |(4) 202 Accepted             |                     |
            |<----------------------------|                     |
            |                             |(5) INVITE, Replaces |
            |                             |-------------------->|
            |                             |   RTP               |
            |                             |<....................|
            |                             |(6) 200 OK           |
            |                             |<--------------------|
            |                             |   RTP               |
            |                             |....................>|
            |                             |(7) ACK              |
            |                             |-------------------->|
            |           (8) BYE           |                     |
            |           (9) 200 OK        |                     |
            |                             |                     |
            |                             |                     |

   video                  audio                   MN           CN
     |                      |(1) REFER            |            |
     |                      |<--------------------|            |
     |                      |(2) 202 Trying       |            |
     | (3) INVITE no sdp    |-------------------->|            |
     |<---------------------|                     |            |
     | (4) 200 OK    SDP    |                     |            |
     |--------------------->|                     |            |
     |                      |(5) INVITE a/v SDP, Replaces      |
     |                      |--------------------------------->|
     |                      |         RTP Audio                |
     |                      |<.................................|
     |                      |               RTP Video          |
     |                      |(6) 200 OK CN SDP                 |
     |                      |<---------------------------------|
     |                      |                RTP Audio         |
     | (7) ACK CN Video SDP |.................................>|
     |<---------------------|                     |            |
     | RTP Video            |                     |            |
     |                      |(8) ACK              |            |
     |                      |--------------------------------->|
     |                      |                     |(9) BYE     |
     |                      |                     |<-----------|
     |                      |                     |(10) 200 OK |
     |                      |                     |----------->|
     |                      |                     |            |
     |                      |                     |            |

  AN       Transcoder                      MN                      CN
(codec A)                                                      (codec B)
   |           |(1) INVITE no sdp           |                       |
   |<---------------------------------------|                       |
   |           |(2) 200 AN params           |                       |
   |--------------------------------------->|                       |
   |           |                            |(3) INVITE no sdp      |
   |           |                            |---------------------->|
   |           |                            |(4) 200 OK CN params   |
   |           |                            |<----------------------|
   |           |(5) INVITE AN, CN params    |                       |
   |           |<---------------------------|                       |
   |           |(6) 200 OK TA, TB params    |                       |
   |           |--------------------------->|                       |
   |           |(7) ACK                     |                       |
   |           |<---------------------------|                       |
   |           |(8) ACK TA params           |                       |
   |<---------------------------------------|                       |
   |   RTP     |                            |                       |
   |..........>|          RTP               |                       |
   |           |...................................................>|
   |           |                            | (9) ACK TB params     |
   |           |                            |---------------------->|
   |           |                            |  RTP                  |
   |   RTP     |<...................................................|
   |<..........|                            |                       |
   |           |                            |                       |

                                     1     +---------------+
                                +<-------->|    Blind      |
                                |    2     |    Issuer (BI)|
                                |          +---------------+
         +-------+              |                   ^
         | user  |<------------>|                 4 | 5
         +-------+              |                   v
                                |    3     +----------------+
                                +--------->|                |
                                |          |    Anonymity   |
                                |          |   Issuer (AI)  |
                                +<-------- |                |
                                     6     +----------------+

                                     C    +---------------+
                               +<-------->|    Blind      |
                               |     D    |    Issuer (BI)|
                               |          +---------------+
        +---------+            |
        | Relying |<---------->|
        | Party   |            |
        +---------+            |
                               |    A     +----------------+
                               +<-------->|    Anonymity   |
                                    B     |   Issuer (AI)  |

                            <--------      ServerHelloDone
                Finished    -------->
                            <---------        Finished
             TAC Message    <--------->     TAC Message

            ClientHello     -------->
                            <--------      ServerHelloDone
                Finished        -------->
                               <---------        Finished
             TAC Message       <--------->     TAC Message

         ClientHello     -------->
                         <--------      ServerHelloDone
             Finished        -------->
                            <---------        Finished
          TAC Message       <--------->     TAC Message

    Fault Here
         |   +----------------------+         +----------------------+
         | Rx|         LCCE         |Egress   |       Peer LCCE      |
       --X-->|                      |-------->|                      |
             |             L2TPv3   |  [PSN]  |   L2TPv3             |
           Tx| Circuit   Pseudowire |Ingress  | Pseudowire   Circuit |
       <-----|                      |<--------|                      |
             +----------------------+         +----------------------+

             +----------------------+         +----------------------+
           Rx|         LCCE         |Egress   |       Peer LCCE      |
       ----->|                      |-------->|                      |
             |             L2TPv3   |  [PSN]  |   L2TPv3             |
           Tx| Circuit   Pseudowire |Ingress  | Pseudowire   Circuit |
       <--X--|                      |<--------|                      |
          |  +----------------------+         +----------------------+
     Fault Here

             +----------------------+         +----------------------+
           Rx|         LCCE         |Egress   |       Peer LCCE      |
       ----->|                      |-------->|                      |
             |             L2TPv3   |  [PSN]  |   L2TPv3             |
           Tx| Circuit   Pseudowire |Ingress  | Pseudowire   Circuit |
       <-----|                      |<---X----|                      |
             +----------------------+    |    +----------------------+
                                    Fault Here

                                      Fault Here
             +----------------------+      |  +----------------------+
           Rx|         LCCE         |Egress|  |       Peer LCCE      |
       ----->|                      |------X->|                      |
             |             L2TPv3   |  [PSN]  |   L2TPv3             |
           Tx| Circuit   Pseudowire |Ingress  | Pseudowire   Circuit |
       <-----|                      |<--------|                      |
             +----------------------+         +----------------------+

             +----------------------+   |     +----------------------+
           Rx|         LCCE         |Egress   |       Peer LCCE      |
       ----->|                      |---X---->|                      |
             |             L2TPv3   |  [PSN]  |   L2TPv3             |
           Tx| Circuit   Pseudowire |Ingress  | Pseudowire   Circuit |
       <-----|                      |<--X-----|                      |
             +----------------------+   |     +----------------------+

                         Src                   Dst
                         `.          ,-.
                           `.      ,'   `...... 1
                             `.   ;       :
                               `. ;       :
                                 ;         :... 2
                                 |         |
                                 :         ;
                                  :       ;.... 3
                                  :       ;
                                   `.   ,'
                                     `-'....... I

                 points of        singleton
                 interest           /       samples(time)
                  ,----.    ^      /
                 /   R1.....|  / R1dT1   R1dT2   R1dT3 ... R3dTk \
                /         \ | |                                   |
               ;  R2........| |  R2dT1   R2dT2   R2dT3 ... R3dTk  |
          Src  |           || |                                   |
               |      R3....| |  R3dT1   R3dT2   R3dT3 ... R3dTk  |
               |           || |                                   |
               :           ;| |                                   |
                \         / | |                                   |
                 \  Rn......|  \ RndT1   RndT2   RndT3 ... RndTk /
                  `-----'   +-------------------------------------> time

             1 |    / R1dT1   R1dT2     R1dT3 ... R1dTk \
               |   |                                     |
             2 |   |  R2dT1   R2dT2     R2dT3 ... R2dTk  |
               |   |                                     |
             3 |   |  R3dT1   R3dT2     R3dT3 ... R3dTk  |
             . |   |                                     |
             . |   |                                     |
             . |   |                                     |
             n |    \ RndT1   RndT2     RndT3 ... RndTk /
               +--------------------------------------------> time

                                  >   Ln(k)
            RnCLR =  -----------------------------
                              /    K         \
                              |   ---        |
                              |   \          |
                      K - Min |    >   Ln(k) |
                              |   /          |
                              |   ---        |
                              \   k=1        / N

                       | CN |
                      +---+------+          +----+
               +------+ Internet |----------+ HA |
               |      +----+---+-+          +--+-+
           CoA2|           |   |               |   Home Link
            +--+--+        |   |         ------+------
            |  MN +--------+   |
            +--+--+ CoA1       |
           CoA3|               |

                       | CN |
                      +---+------+          +----+
               +------+ Internet |----------+ HA |
               |      +----+-----+          +--+-+
           CoA2|           |                   |   Home Link
            +--+--+        |             --+---+------
            |  MN +--------+               |
            +--+--+ CoA1                   |
               |                           |

                       | CN |
                      +---+------+          +----+
               +------+ Internet |----------+ HA |
               |      +----+-----+          +--+-+
           CoA2|           |                   |   Home Link
            +--+--+        |             --+---+------
            |  MN +--------+               |
            +--+--+ CoA1                   |
               |                           |

                       | CN |
                      +---+------+    Router    +----+
               +------+ Internet |-------R      | HA |
               |      +----+-----+       |      +--+-+
           CoA2|           |             |         |   Home Link
            +--+--+        |           --+-+-------+------
            |  MN +--------+               |
            +--+--+ CoA1                   |
               |                           |

       +-------+                                           +-------+
       |       |<---------------------1------------------->|       |
       | atuc  |<---------------------2------------------->|  atur |
       |  or   |<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|   or  |
       | vtuc  |<---------------------3------------------->|  vtuc |
       |       |<---------------------4------------------->|       |
       +-------+                                           +-------+

                        2                                       3
        6   7   8   9   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   1
      |SCT|SCT|ERT|SLC|   reserved    |          PI-specific          |
      |Hi |Low|   |   |    by LCT     |              use              |

             | IPFIX File                            |
             | +===================================+ |
             | | IPFIX Message                     | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | | IPFIX Message Header          | | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | | Options Template Set          | | |
             | | |   Options Template Record     | | |
             | | |           . . .               | | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | | Template Set                  | | |
             | | |   Template Record             | | |
             | | |            . . .              | | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | +===================================+ |
             | | IPFIX Message                     | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | | IPFIX Message Header          | | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | | Data Set                      | | |
             | | |   Data Record                 | | |
             | | |            . . .              | | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | | | Data Set                      | | |
             | | |   Data Record                 | | |
             | | |            . . .              | | |
             | | +-------------------------------+ | |
             | |              . . .                | |
             | +===================================+ |
             |                . . .                  |

   | IE                         | Description                          |
   | sessionScope [scope]       | A marker denoting this Option        |
   |                            | applies to the whole IPFIX Transport |
   |                            | Session (i.e., the IPFIX File in the |
   |                            | common case); content is ignored.    |
   |                            | This Information Element MUST be     |
   |                            | defined as a Scope Field.            |
   | exporterIPv4Address        | IPv4 address of the IPFIX Exporting  |
   |                            | Process from which the Messages in   |
   |                            | this Transport Session were          |
   |                            | received.  Present only for          |
   |                            | Exporting Processes with an IPv4     |
   |                            | interface.  For multi-homed SCTP     |
   |                            | associations, this SHOULD be the     |
   |                            | primary path endpoint address of the |
   |                            | Exporting Process.                   |
   | exporterIPv6Address        | IPv6 address of the IPFIX Exporting  |
   |                            | Process from which the Messages in   |
   |                            | this Transport Session were          |
   |                            | received.  Present only for          |
   |                            | Exporting Processes with an IPv6     |
   |                            | interface.  For multi-homed SCTP     |
   |                            | associations, this SHOULD be the     |
   |                            | primary path endpoint address of the |
   |                            | Exporting Process.                   |
   | exporterTransportPort      | The source port from which the       |
   |                            | Messages in this Transport Session   |
   |                            | were received.                       |
   | exporterCertificate        | The certificate used by the IPFIX    |
   |                            | Exporting Process from which the     |
   |                            | Messages in this Transport Session   |
   |                            | were received.  Present only for     |
   |                            | Transport Sessions protected by TLS  |
   |                            | or DTLS.                             |
   | collectorIPv4Address       | IPv4 address of the IPFIX Collecting |
   |                            | Process that received the Messages   |
   |                            | in this Transport Session.  Present  |
   |                            | only for Collecting Processes with   |
   |                            | an IPv4 interface.  For multi-homed  |
   |                            | SCTP associations, this SHOULD be    |
   |                            | the primary path endpoint address of |
   |                            | the Collecting Process.              |
   | collectorIPv6Address       | IPv6 address of the IPFIX Collecting |
   |                            | Process that received the Messages   |
   |                            | in this Transport Session.  Present  |
   |                            | only for Collecting Processes with   |

   |                            | an IPv6 interface.  For multi-homed  |
   |                            | SCTP associations, this SHOULD be    |
   |                            | the primary path endpoint address of |
   |                            | the Collecting Process.              |
   | collectorTransportPort     | The destination port on which the    |
   |                            | Messages in this Transport Session   |
   |                            | were received.                       |
   | collectorTransportProtocol | The IP Protocol Identifier of the    |
   |                            | transport protocol used to transport |
   |                            | Messages within this Transport       |
   |                            | Session.                             |
   | collectorProtocolVersion   | The version of the export protocol   |
   |                            | used to transport Messages within    |
   |                            | this Transport Session.  Applicable  |
   |                            | only in mixed NetFlow V9-IPFIX       |
   |                            | collection environments when storing |
   |                            | NetFlow V9 data in IPFIX Messages,   |
   |                            | as in Appendix B.                    |
   | collectorCertificate       | The certificate used by the IPFIX    |
   |                            | Collecting Process that received the |
   |                            | Messages in this Transport Session.  |
   |                            | Present only for Transport Sessions  |
   |                            | protected by TLS or DTLS.            |
   | minExportSeconds           | The Export Time of the first Message |
   |                            | in the Transport Session.            |
   | maxExportSeconds           | The Export Time of the last Message  |
   |                            | in the Transport Session.            |

   | IE                         | Description                          |
   | messageScope [scope]       | A marker denoting this Option        |
   |                            | applies to the whole IPFIX message;  |
   |                            | content is ignored.  This            |
   |                            | Information Element MUST be defined  |
   |                            | as a Scope Field.                    |
   | collectionTimeMilliseconds | The absolute time at which this      |
   |                            | Message was received by the IPFIX    |
   |                            | Collecting Process.                  |
   | exporterIPv4Address        | IPv4 address of the IPFIX Exporting  |
   |                            | Process from which this Message was  |
   |                            | received.  Present only for          |
   |                            | Exporting Processes with an IPv4     |
   |                            | interface, and if this information   |
   |                            | is not available via the Export      |
   |                            | Session Details Options Template.    |
   |                            | For multi-homed SCTP associations,   |
   |                            | this SHOULD be the primary path      |
   |                            | endpoint address of the Exporting    |
   |                            | Process.                             |
   | exporterIPv6Address        | IPv6 address of the IPFIX Exporting  |
   |                            | Process from which this Message was  |
   |                            | received.  Present only for          |
   |                            | Exporting Processes with an IPv6     |
   |                            | interface and if this information is |
   |                            | not available via the Export Session |
   |                            | Details Options Template.  For       |
   |                            | multi-homed SCTP associations, this  |
   |                            | SHOULD be the primary path endpoint  |
   |                            | address of the Exporting Process.    |
   | exporterTransportPort      | The source port from which this      |
   |                            | Message was received.  Present only  |
   |                            | if this information is not available |
   |                            | via the Export Session Details       |
   |                            | Options Template.                    |
   | exporterCertificate        | The certificate used by the IPFIX    |
   |                            | Exporting Process from which this    |
   |                            | Message was received.  Present only  |
   |                            | for Transport Sessions protected by  |
   |                            | TLS or DTLS.                         |
   | collectorIPv4Address       | IPv4 address of the IPFIX Collecting |
   |                            | Process that received this Message.  |

   |                            | Present only for Collecting          |
   |                            | Processes with an IPv4 interface,    |
   |                            | and if this information is not       |
   |                            | available via the Export Session     |
   |                            | Details Options Template.  For       |
   |                            | multi-homed SCTP associations, this  |
   |                            | SHOULD be the primary path endpoint  |
   |                            | address of the Collecting Process.   |
   | collectorIPv6Address       | IPv6 address of the IPFIX Collecting |
   |                            | Process that received this Message.  |
   |                            | Present only for Collecting          |
   |                            | Processes with an IPv6 interface,    |
   |                            | and if this information is not       |
   |                            | available via the Export Session     |
   |                            | Details Options Template.  For       |
   |                            | multi-homed SCTP associations, this  |
   |                            | SHOULD be the primary path endpoint  |
   |                            | address of the Collecting Process.   |
   | collectorTransportPort     | The destination port on which this   |
   |                            | Message was received.  Present only  |
   |                            | if this information is not available |
   |                            | via the Export Session Details       |
   |                            | Options Template.                    |
   | collectorTransportProtocol | The IP Protocol Identifier of the    |
   |                            | transport protocol used to transport |
   |                            | this Message.  Present only if this  |
   |                            | information is not available via the |
   |                            | Export Session Details Options       |
   |                            | Template.                            |
   | collectorProtocolVersion   | The version of the export protocol   |
   |                            | used to transport this Message.      |
   |                            | Present only if necessary and if     |
   |                            | this information is not available    |
   |                            | via the Export Session Details       |
   |                            | Options Template.                    |
   | collectorCertificate       | The certificate used by the IPFIX    |
   |                            | Collecting Process that received     |
   |                            | this Message.  Present only for      |
   |                            | Transport Sessions protected by TLS  |
   |                            | or DTLS.                             |
   | exportSctpStreamId         | The SCTP stream used to transport    |
   |                            | this Message.  Present only if the   |
   |                            | Message was transported via SCTP.    |

             | IPFIX Message                       seq. 0      |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Template Set (ID 2)                  1 rec  | |
             | |   Data Tmpl. ID 256                         | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Options Template Set (ID 3)          3 recs | |
             | |   File Time Window Opt. Tmpl. ID 257        | |
             | |   Message Checksum Opt. Tmpl. ID 259        | |
             | |   Export Session Details Opt. Tmpl. ID 258  | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Data Set (ID 259) [Message Checksum] 1 rec  | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | IPFIX Message                       seq. 1      |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Data Set (ID 257) [File Time Window] 1 rec  | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Data Set (ID 258) [Export Session]   1 rec  | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Data Set (ID 259) [Message Checksum] 1 rec  | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | IPFIX Message                       seq. 4      |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Data Set (ID 256)                   50 recs | |
             | |  contains flow data                         | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | | Data Set (ID 259) [Message Checksum] 1 rec  | |
             | +---------------------------------------------+ |
             | IPFIX Message                       seq. 55     |
             |                    . . .                        |

      Client                                                Server
      ------                                                ------
      Generate ephemeral key pair.
      SSH_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT  -------------->

      Client                                                Server
      ------                                                ------
      Generate ephemeral key pair.
      SSH_MSG_KEX_ECMQV_INIT ------------->

       UA1              Proxy "P1"               UA2
      (IPv4)            (IPv4/IPv6)             (IPv6)
        |                    |                    |
        |   F1 INVITE        |                    |
        |------------------->|      F2 INVITE     |
        |                    |------------------->|
        |    100 Trying      |                    |
        |<-------------------|                    |
        |                    |    F3 200 OK       |
        |    F4 200 OK       |<-------------------|
        |<-------------------|                    |
        |                    |                    |
        |       F5 ACK       |                    |
        |------------------->|       F6 ACK       |
        |                    |------------------->|
        |                    |                    |
        |                    |        F7 BYE      |
        |       F8 BYE       |<-------------------|
        |<-------------------|                    |

      Alice UA1 ===== TCP ===== Proxy P1 ===== UDP ===== Bob UA2
         |                        |                         |
         |       F1 INVITE        |                         |
         |----------------------->|         F2 INVITE       |
         |                        |------------------------>|
         |      100 Trying        |                         |
         |<-----------------------|                         |
         |                        |        F3 200 OK        |
         |       F4 200 OK        |<------------------------|
         |<-----------------------|                         |
         |                        |                         |
         |        F5 ACK          |                         |
         |---(sent over UDP) X--->|            ACK          |
         |                        |------------------------>|
         |                        |                         |
         |                        |          F6 BYE         |
         |          BYE           |<------------------------|
         |<-----------------------|                         |

                ,'    .      ,-`       `',       ,'    .
               /       \   .`             `,    /       \
              /        \  /                 ,  /        \
       AC  +----+     +----+               +----+       +----+    AC
        ---| PE |-----| PE |---------------| PE |-------| PE |---
           |  1 |     |  2 |               | 3  |       | 4  |
           +----+     +----+               +----+       +----+
              \        /  \                 /  \        /
               \       /  \      Core       `   \       /
                `,    `     .             ,`     `,    `
                  '-'`       `.,       _.`         '-'`
               Access 1         `''-''`         Access 2

    +----+                                                  +----+
    +----+                                                  +----+


    +----+              +---+           +---+               +----+
    +----+              +---+           +---+               +----+

       Native  |<------Multi-Segment Pseudowire------>|  Native
       Service |         PSN              PSN         |  Service
        (AC)   |     |<-Tunnel->|     |<-Tunnel->|    |   (AC)
          |    V     V     1    V     V    2     V    V     |
          |    +----+           +-----+          +----+     |
   +----+ |    |TPE1|===========|SPE1 |==========|TPE2|     | +----+
   |    |------|..... PW.Seg't1....X....PW.Seg't3.....|-------|    |
   | CE1| |    |    |           |     |          |    |     | |CE2 |
   |    |------|..... PW.Seg't2....X....PW.Seg't4.....|-------|    |
   +----+ |    |    |===========|     |==========|    |     | +----+
        ^      +----+           +-----+          +----+       ^
        |   Provider Edge 1        ^        Provider Edge 2   |
        |                          |                          |
        |                          |                          |
        |                  PW switching point                 |
        |                                                     |
        |<------------------ Emulated Service --------------->|

                |<------Multi-Segment Pseudowire------>|
                |       Provider         Provider      |
           AC   |    |<----1---->|     |<----2--->|    |  AC
            |   V    V           V     V          V    V  |
            |   +----+     +-----+     +----+     +----+  |
   +----+   |   |    |=====|     |=====|    |=====|    |  |    +----+
   |    |-------|......PW.....X....PW.....X...PW.......|-------|    |
   | CE1|   |   |    |Seg 1|     |Seg 2|    |Seg 3|    |  |    |CE2 |
   +----+   |   |    |=====|     |=====|    |=====|    |  |    +----+
        ^       +----+     +-----+     +----+     +----+       ^
        |       T-PE1       S-PE1       S-PE2     T-PE2        |
        |                     ^          ^                     |
        |                     |          |                     |
        |                  PW switching points                 |
        |                                                      |
        |                                                      |
        |<------------------- Emulated Service --------------->|

        |<------------- CE (end-to-end) Signaling ------------>|
        |                                                      |
        |       |<-------- MS-PW/T-PE Maintenance ----->|      |
        |       |  |<---PW Seg't-->| |<--PW Seg't--->|  |      |
        |       |  |   Maintenance | | Maintenance   |  |      |
        |       |  |               | |               |  |      |
        |       |  |     PSN       | |     PSN       |  |      |
        |       |  | |<-Tunnel1->| | | |<-Tunnel2->| |  |      |
        |       V  V V Signaling V V V V Signaling V V  V      |
        V       +----+           +-----+           +----+      V
   +----+       |TPE1|===========|SPE1 |===========|TPE2|      +----+
   |    |-------|......PW.Seg't1....X....PW Seg't3......|------|    |
   | CE1|       |    |           |     |           |    |      |CE2 |
   |    |-------|......PW.Seg't2....X....PW Seg't4......|------|    |
   +----+       |    |===========|     |===========|    |      +----+
     ^          +----+           +-----+           +----+         ^
     |        Terminating           ^            Terminating      |
     |      Provider Edge 1         |          Provider Edge 2    |
     |                              |                             |
     |                      PW switching point                    |
     |                                                            |
     |<--------------------- Emulated Service ------------------->|

                  |<------------- MS-PW ---------------->|
                  |       Provider         Provider      |
             AC   |    |<----1---->|     |<----2--->|    |  AC
              |   V    V           V     V          V    V  |
              |   +----+     +-----+     +----+     +----+  |
      +---+   |   |    |=====|     |=====|    |=====|    |  |    +---+
      |   |-------|......PW.....X....PW.....X...PW.......|-------|   |
      |CE1|   |   |    |Seg 1|     |Seg 2|    |Seg 3|    |  |    |CE2|
      +---+   |   |    |=====|     |=====|    |=====|    |  |    +---+
          ^       +----+     +-----+  ^  +----+     +----+       ^
          |       T-PE1       S-PE1   |   S-PE2     T-PE2        |
          |                    ASBR   |    ASBR                  |
          |                           |                          |
          |                  Physically secure link              |
          |                                                      |
          |                                                      |
          |<------------------- Emulated Service --------------->|

                |<-------------- MS-PW -------------------->|
                |          Provider          Provider       |
            AC  |    |<------1----->|   |<-----2------->|   |  AC
             |  V    V              V   V               V   V  |
             |  +---+     +---+  +--+   +--+  +---+     +---+  |
      +---+  |  |   |=====|   |===============|   |=====|   |  |   +---+
      |   |-----|.....PW....X.......PW..............PW....X.|------|   |
      |CE1|  |  |   |Seg 1|   |    Seg 2      |   |Seg 3|   |  |   |CE2|
      +---+  |  |   |=====|   |===============|   |=====|   |  |   +---+
          ^     +---+     +---+  +--+ ^ +--+  +---+     +---+      ^
          |      T-PE1    S-PE1  ASBR | ASBR  S-PE2     T-PE2      |
          |                           |                            |
          |                           |                            |
          |                Trusted Inter-AS PSN Tunnel             |
          |                                                        |
          |                                                        |
          |<------------------- Emulated Service ----------------->|

      <CREATE_LISTENER_LATCH(3-tuple, ...)>
                     v    <CREATE_CONNECTION_LATCH(5-tuple, ...)>
                /--------\           :   :
         +------|LISTENER|......     :   :
         |      \--------/     :     :   :   +--------------------+
         |        :            :     :   :   |Legend:             |
         |        :            :     :   :   | dotted lines denote|
         |  <conn. trigger event>    :   :   |    latch creation  |
         |      (e.g., TCP SYN :     :   :   |                    |
         |       received,     :     :   :   | solid lines denote |
         |       connect()     :     :   :   |    state transition|
         |       called, ...)  v     v   :   |                    |
         |        :        /-----------\ :   | semi-solid lines   |
         |        :        |ESTABLISHED| :   |    denote async    |
         |    <conflict>   \-----------/ :   |    notification    |
         |        :         ^       |    :   +--------------------+
         |        :         |      <conflict
         |        :    <conflict    or DPD>
         |        :     cleared>    |    :
         |        :         |       |    :
         |        :         |       v    v
         |        :      /----------------\
         |        :.....>|     BROKEN     |.-.-.-.-.-> <ALERT()>
         |               \----------------/
         |                       |
         |                       |
         |                       v
         |                    /------\

      |                       +--------------+     |
      |                       |Administrator |     |
      |                       |apps          |     |
      |                       +--------------+     |
      |                            ^      ^        |
      |                            |      |        | user mode
      |                            v      v        |
      | +--------------+      +-------++--------+  |
      | |App           |      |IKEv2  ||        |  |
      | |              |      | +---+ || +----+ |  |
      | |              |      | |PAD| || |SPD | |  |
      | |              |      | +---+ || +--^-+ |  |
      | +--------------+      +-+-----++----+---+  |
      |   ^                     |           |      |
      +---|---------------------|-----------|------+  user/kernel mode
      |   |syscalls             |  PF_KEY   |      |  interface
      |   |                     | [RFC2367] |      |
      |   v                     |           |      |
      |+-------+   +------------|-----------|-----+|
      ||ULP    |   | IPsec   key|manager    |     ||
      |+-------+   |            |  +--------v----+||
      | ^  ^       |            |  | Logical SPD |||
      | |  |       |            |  +-----------^-+||
      | |  |       |            +-------+      |  ||  kernel mode
      | |  |       |                    |      |  ||
      | |  |       | +----------+    +--v--+   |  ||
      | |  +-------->| Latch DB |<-->| SAD |   |  ||
      | |          | +----------+    +--^--+   |  ||
      | |          +--------------------|------|--+|
      | | IPsec Layer  (ESP/AH)                    |
      | |                                          |
      |   IP Layer                                 |

       | tag | minorversion | numops    |SEQUENCE op | op + args | ...
       |     |   (== 1)     | (limited) |  + args    |           |

       |last status | tag | numres |status + SEQUENCE op + results |  //
               // status + op + results | ...

                    Sender gather:
        |RPC Request|Pad  bytes|Length| -> |User data...|
        \------+----------------------/      \
                \                             \
                 \    Receiver scatter:        \-----------+- ...
            /-----+----------------\            \           \
            |RPC Request|Pad|Length|   ->  |FS buffer|->|FS buffer|->...

   | Data Type     | Definition                                        |
   | int32_t       | typedef int int32_t;                              |
   | uint32_t      | typedef unsigned int uint32_t;                    |
   | int64_t       | typedef hyper int64_t;                            |
   | uint64_t      | typedef unsigned hyper uint64_t;                  |
   | attrlist4     | typedef opaque attrlist4<>;                       |
   |               | Used for file/directory attributes.               |
   | bitmap4       | typedef uint32_t bitmap4<>;                       |
   |               | Used in attribute array encoding.                 |
   | changeid4     | typedef uint64_t changeid4;                       |
   |               | Used in the definition of change_info4.           |
   | clientid4     | typedef uint64_t clientid4;                       |
   |               | Shorthand reference to client identification.     |
   | count4        | typedef uint32_t count4;                          |
   |               | Various count parameters (READ, WRITE, COMMIT).   |
   | length4       | typedef uint64_t length4;                         |
   |               | The length of a byte-range within a file.         |
   | mode4         | typedef uint32_t mode4;                           |
   |               | Mode attribute data type.                         |
   | nfs_cookie4   | typedef uint64_t nfs_cookie4;                     |
   |               | Opaque cookie value for READDIR.                  |
   | nfs_fh4       | typedef opaque nfs_fh4<NFS4_FHSIZE>;              |
   |               | Filehandle definition.                            |
   | nfs_ftype4    | enum nfs_ftype4;                                  |
   |               | Various defined file types.                       |
   | nfsstat4      | enum nfsstat4;                                    |
   |               | Return value for operations.                      |
   | offset4       | typedef uint64_t offset4;                         |
   |               | Various offset designations (READ, WRITE, LOCK,   |
   |               | COMMIT).                                          |

   | qop4          | typedef uint32_t qop4;                            |
   |               | Quality of protection designation in SECINFO.     |
   | sec_oid4      | typedef opaque sec_oid4<>;                        |
   |               | Security Object Identifier.  The sec_oid4 data    |
   |               | type is not really opaque.  Instead, it contains  |
   |               | an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER as used by GSS-API in  |
   |               | the mech_type argument to GSS_Init_sec_context.   |
   |               | See [7] for details.                              |
   | sequenceid4   | typedef uint32_t sequenceid4;                     |
   |               | Sequence number used for various session          |
   |               | operations (EXCHANGE_ID, CREATE_SESSION,          |
   |               | SEQUENCE, CB_SEQUENCE).                           |
   | seqid4        | typedef uint32_t seqid4;                          |
   |               | Sequence identifier used for locking.             |
   | sessionid4    | typedef opaque sessionid4[NFS4_SESSIONID_SIZE];   |
   |               | Session identifier.                               |
   | slotid4       | typedef uint32_t slotid4;                         |
   |               | Sequencing artifact for various session           |
   |               | operations (SEQUENCE, CB_SEQUENCE).               |
   | utf8string    | typedef opaque utf8string<>;                      |
   |               | UTF-8 encoding for strings.                       |
   | utf8str_cis   | typedef utf8string utf8str_cis;                   |
   |               | Case-insensitive UTF-8 string.                    |
   | utf8str_cs    | typedef utf8string utf8str_cs;                    |
   |               | Case-sensitive UTF-8 string.                      |
   | utf8str_mixed | typedef utf8string utf8str_mixed;                 |
   |               | UTF-8 strings with a case-sensitive prefix and a  |
   |               | case-insensitive suffix.                          |
   | component4    | typedef utf8str_cs component4;                    |
   |               | Represents pathname components.                   |
   | linktext4     | typedef utf8str_cs linktext4;                     |
   |               | Symbolic link contents ("symbolic link" is        |
   |               | defined in an Open Group [Section 3.372 of Chapter 3 of Base Definitions of The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, HTML Version (www.opengroup.org), ISBN 1931624232"">14] standard).          |
   | pathname4     | typedef component4 pathname4<>;                   |
   |               | Represents pathname for fs_locations.             |
   | verifier4     | typedef opaque verifier4[NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE];     |
   |               | Verifier used for various operations (COMMIT,     |
   |               | CREATE, EXCHANGE_ID, OPEN, READDIR, WRITE)        |
   |               | NFS4_VERIFIER_SIZE is defined as 8.               |

   0            1
   |  count    | 31  ..  0 | 63  .. 32 |

        | LOOKUP   | "foo"     | ; look up file                  |
        | GETATTR  | attrbits  |                                 |
        | OPENATTR |           | ; access foo's named attributes |
        | LOOKUP   | "x11icon" | ; look up specific attribute    |
        | READ     | 0,4096    | ; read stream of bytes          |

   | Name               | Id | Data Type      | Acc | Defined in:      |
   | acl                | 12 | nfsace4<>      | R W | Section 6.2.1    |
   | aclsupport         | 13 | uint32_t       | R   | Section  |
   | archive            | 14 | bool           | R W | Section  |
   | cansettime         | 15 | bool           | R   | Section  |
   | case_insensitive   | 16 | bool           | R   | Section  |
   | case_preserving    | 17 | bool           | R   | Section  |
   | change_policy      | 60 | chg_policy4    | R   | Section  |
   | chown_restricted   | 18 | bool           | R   | Section  |
   | dacl               | 58 | nfsacl41       | R W | Section 6.2.2    |
   | dir_notif_delay    | 56 | nfstime4       | R   | Section 5.11.1   |
   | dirent_notif_delay | 57 | nfstime4       | R   | Section 5.11.2   |
   | fileid             | 20 | uint64_t       | R   | Section  |
   | files_avail        | 21 | uint64_t       | R   | Section  |
   | files_free         | 22 | uint64_t       | R   | Section  |
   | files_total        | 23 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | fs_charset_cap     | 76 | uint32_t       | R   | Section |
   | fs_layout_type     | 62 | layouttype4<>  | R   | Section 5.12.1   |
   | fs_locations       | 24 | fs_locations   | R   | Section |
   | fs_locations_info  | 67 | *              | R   | Section |
   | fs_status          | 61 | fs4_status     | R   | Section |
   | hidden             | 25 | bool           | R W | Section |
   | homogeneous        | 26 | bool           | R   | Section |
   | layout_alignment   | 66 | uint32_t       | R   | Section 5.12.2   |
   | layout_blksize     | 65 | uint32_t       | R   | Section 5.12.3   |
   | layout_hint        | 63 | layouthint4    |   W | Section 5.12.4   |
   | layout_type        | 64 | layouttype4<>  | R   | Section 5.12.5   |
   | maxfilesize        | 27 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | maxlink            | 28 | uint32_t       | R   | Section |
   | maxname            | 29 | uint32_t       | R   | Section |
   | maxread            | 30 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | maxwrite           | 31 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | mdsthreshold       | 68 | mdsthreshold4  | R   | Section 5.12.6   |
   | mimetype           | 32 | utf8str_cs     | R W | Section |
   | mode               | 33 | mode4          | R W | Section 6.2.4    |
   | mode_set_masked    | 74 | mode_masked4   |   W | Section 6.2.5    |
   | mounted_on_fileid  | 55 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | no_trunc           | 34 | bool           | R   | Section |
   | numlinks           | 35 | uint32_t       | R   | Section |
   | owner              | 36 | utf8str_mixed  | R W | Section |
   | owner_group        | 37 | utf8str_mixed  | R W | Section |
   | quota_avail_hard   | 38 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | quota_avail_soft   | 39 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | quota_used         | 40 | uint64_t       | R   | Section |
   | rawdev             | 41 | specdata4      | R   | Section |
   | retentevt_get      | 71 | retention_get4 | R   | Section 5.13.3   |

    | Error                             | Number | Description       |
    | NFS4_OK                           | 0      | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_ACCESS                    | 13     | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP               | 10032  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED             | 10047  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BACK_CHAN_BUSY            | 10057  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BADCHAR                   | 10040  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE                 | 10001  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BADIOMODE                 | 10049  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BADLAYOUT                 | 10050  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BADNAME                   | 10041  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BADOWNER                  | 10039  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BADSESSION                | 10052  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BADSLOT                   | 10053  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BADTYPE                   | 10007  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BADXDR                    | 10036  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BAD_COOKIE                | 10003  | Section  |
    | NFS4ERR_BAD_HIGH_SLOT             | 10077  | Section |
    | NFS4ERR_BAD_RANGE                 | 10042  | Section  |

   | Operation            | Errors                                     |
   | ACCESS               | NFS4ERR_ACCESS, NFS4ERR_BADXDR,            |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_DEADSESSION, NFS4ERR_DELAY,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED, NFS4ERR_INVAL,          |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_IO, NFS4ERR_MOVED,                 |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE,                      |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION,                 |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,              |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP,                |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT, NFS4ERR_STALE,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_DELAY, NFS4ERR_INVAL,              |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_NOENT, NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION,  |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,              |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP,                |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_BAD_SESSION_DIGEST,                |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_DEADSESSION, NFS4ERR_DELAY,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_INVAL, NFS4ERR_NOT_ONLY_OP,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,              |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP,                |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT, NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS  |
   | CLOSE                | NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED, NFS4ERR_BADXDR,     |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID, NFS4ERR_DEADSESSION,  |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_DELAY, NFS4ERR_EXPIRED,            |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED, NFS4ERR_LOCKS_HELD,     |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_MOVED, NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE,       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION,                 |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,              |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP,                |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT, NFS4ERR_STALE,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS, NFS4ERR_WRONG_CRED   |
   | COMMIT               | NFS4ERR_ACCESS, NFS4ERR_BADXDR,            |

   |                      | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT, NFS4ERR_STALE,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS, NFS4ERR_WRONG_TYPE   |
   | WRITE                | NFS4ERR_ACCESS, NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED,     |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_BADXDR, NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID,       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_DEADSESSION, NFS4ERR_DELAY,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_DELEG_REVOKED, NFS4ERR_DQUOT,      |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_EXPIRED, NFS4ERR_FBIG,             |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_FHEXPIRED, NFS4ERR_GRACE,          |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_INVAL, NFS4ERR_IO, NFS4ERR_ISDIR,  |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_LOCKED, NFS4ERR_MOVED,             |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_NOFILEHANDLE, NFS4ERR_NOSPC,       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID, NFS4ERR_OPENMODE,     |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION,                 |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_PNFS_IO_HOLE,                      |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_PNFS_NO_LAYOUT,                    |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,              |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                       |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP, NFS4ERR_ROFS,  |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT, NFS4ERR_STALE,        |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_SYMLINK, NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS,     |
   |                      | NFS4ERR_WRONG_TYPE                         |

   | Callback Operation      | Errors                                  |
   | CB_GETATTR              | NFS4ERR_BADHANDLE, NFS4ERR_BADXDR,      |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_DELAY, NFS4ERR_INVAL,           |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION,              |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,           |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP,             |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT,                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS,                   |
   | CB_ILLEGAL              | NFS4ERR_BADXDR, NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL      |

   |                         | NFS4ERR_SEQ_FALSE_RETRY,                |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED,                 |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP,                        |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION,              |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG,                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG_TO_CACHE,           |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG,                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_RETRY_UNCACHED_REP,             |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_SERVERFAULT,                    |
   |                         | NFS4ERR_TOO_MANY_OPS                    |

   | Error                             | Operations                    |
   | NFS4ERR_ACCESS                    | ACCESS, COMMIT, CREATE,       |
   |                                   | GETATTR, GET_DIR_DELEGATION,  |
   |                                   | LAYOUTCOMMIT, LAYOUTGET,      |
   |                                   | LINK, LOCK, LOCKT, LOCKU,     |
   |                                   | LOOKUP, LOOKUPP, NVERIFY,     |
   |                                   | OPEN, OPENATTR, READ,         |
   |                                   | READDIR, READLINK, REMOVE,    |
   |                                   | RENAME, SECINFO,              |
   |                                   | SECINFO_NO_NAME, SETATTR,     |
   |                                   | VERIFY, WRITE                 |
   | NFS4ERR_ADMIN_REVOKED             | CLOSE, DELEGRETURN,           |
   |                                   | LAYOUTCOMMIT, LAYOUTGET,      |
   |                                   | LAYOUTRETURN, LOCK, LOCKU,    |
   |                                   | OPEN, OPEN_DOWNGRADE, READ,   |
   |                                   | SETATTR, WRITE                |
   | NFS4ERR_ATTRNOTSUPP               | CREATE, LAYOUTCOMMIT,         |
   |                                   | NVERIFY, OPEN, SETATTR,       |
   |                                   | VERIFY                        |
   | NFS4ERR_BACK_CHAN_BUSY            | DESTROY_SESSION               |
   | NFS4ERR_BADCHAR                   | CREATE, EXCHANGE_ID, LINK,    |
   |                                   | LOOKUP, NVERIFY, OPEN,        |
   |                                   | REMOVE, RENAME, SECINFO,      |
   |                                   | SETATTR, VERIFY               |
   |                                   | CB_NOTIFY, CB_NOTIFY_LOCK,    |
   |                                   | CB_PUSH_DELEG, CB_RECALL,     |
   |                                   | PUTFH                         |

   |                                   | LAYOUTRETURN, LINK, LOCK,     |
   |                                   | LOCKT, LOCKU, LOOKUP,         |
   |                                   | LOOKUPP, NVERIFY, OPEN,       |
   |                                   | OPENATTR, OPEN_DOWNGRADE,     |
   |                                   | PUTFH, PUTPUBFH, PUTROOTFH,   |
   |                                   | READ, READDIR, READLINK,      |
   |                                   | RECLAIM_COMPLETE, REMOVE,     |
   |                                   | RENAME, RESTOREFH, SAVEFH,    |
   |                                   | SECINFO, SECINFO_NO_NAME,     |
   |                                   | SEQUENCE, SETATTR, SET_SSV,   |
   |                                   | TEST_STATEID, VERIFY,         |
   |                                   | WANT_DELEGATION, WRITE        |
   |                                   | GETDEVICEINFO, GETDEVICELIST, |
   |                                   | LAYOUTCOMMIT, LAYOUTGET,      |
   |                                   | LAYOUTRETURN, NVERIFY,        |
   |                                   | SETATTR, VERIFY               |
   | NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC                  | LINK, LOOKUP, LOOKUPP, OPEN,  |
   |                                   | PUTFH, PUTPUBFH, PUTROOTFH,   |
   |                                   | RENAME, RESTOREFH             |
   | NFS4ERR_WRONG_CRED                | CLOSE, CREATE_SESSION,        |
   |                                   | DELEGPURGE, DELEGRETURN,      |
   |                                   | DESTROY_CLIENTID,             |
   |                                   | DESTROY_SESSION,              |
   |                                   | FREE_STATEID, LAYOUTCOMMIT,   |
   |                                   | LAYOUTRETURN, LOCK, LOCKT,    |
   |                                   | LOCKU, OPEN_DOWNGRADE,        |
   |                                   | RECLAIM_COMPLETE              |
   | NFS4ERR_WRONG_TYPE                | CB_LAYOUTRECALL,              |
   |                                   | CB_PUSH_DELEG, COMMIT,        |
   |                                   | GETATTR, LAYOUTGET,           |
   |                                   | LAYOUTRETURN, LINK, LOCK,     |
   |                                   | LOCKT, NVERIFY, OPEN,         |
   |                                   | OPENATTR, READ, READLINK,     |
   |                                   | RECLAIM_COMPLETE, SETATTR,    |
   |                                   | VERIFY, WANT_DELEGATION,      |
   |                                   | WRITE                         |
   | NFS4ERR_XDEV                      | LINK, RENAME                  |

   | Operation            | REQ, REC,  | Feature      | Definition     |
   |                      | OPT, or    | (REQ, REC,   |                |
   |                      | MNI        | or OPT)      |                |
   | ACCESS               | REQ        |              | Section 18.1   |
   | BACKCHANNEL_CTL      | REQ        |              | Section 18.33  |
   | BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION | REQ        |              | Section 18.34  |
   | CLOSE                | REQ        |              | Section 18.2   |
   | COMMIT               | REQ        |              | Section 18.3   |
   | CREATE               | REQ        |              | Section 18.4   |
   | CREATE_SESSION       | REQ        |              | Section 18.36  |
   | DELEGPURGE           | OPT        | FDELG (REQ)  | Section 18.5   |
   | DELEGRETURN          | OPT        | FDELG,       | Section 18.6   |
   |                      |            | DDELG, pNFS  |                |
   |                      |            | (REQ)        |                |
   | DESTROY_CLIENTID     | REQ        |              | Section 18.50  |
   | DESTROY_SESSION      | REQ        |              | Section 18.37  |
   | EXCHANGE_ID          | REQ        |              | Section 18.35  |
   | FREE_STATEID         | REQ        |              | Section 18.38  |
   | GETATTR              | REQ        |              | Section 18.7   |
   | GETDEVICEINFO        | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.40  |
   | GETDEVICELIST        | OPT        | pNFS (OPT)   | Section 18.41  |
   | GETFH                | REQ        |              | Section 18.8   |
   | GET_DIR_DELEGATION   | OPT        | DDELG (REQ)  | Section 18.39  |
   | LAYOUTCOMMIT         | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.42  |
   | LAYOUTGET            | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.43  |
   | LAYOUTRETURN         | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.44  |
   | LINK                 | OPT        |              | Section 18.9   |
   | LOCK                 | REQ        |              | Section 18.10  |
   | LOCKT                | REQ        |              | Section 18.11  |
   | LOCKU                | REQ        |              | Section 18.12  |
   | LOOKUP               | REQ        |              | Section 18.13  |
   | LOOKUPP              | REQ        |              | Section 18.14  |
   | NVERIFY              | REQ        |              | Section 18.15  |
   | OPEN                 | REQ        |              | Section 18.16  |
   | OPENATTR             | OPT        |              | Section 18.17  |
   | OPEN_CONFIRM         | MNI        |              | N/A            |
   | OPEN_DOWNGRADE       | REQ        |              | Section 18.18  |
   | PUTFH                | REQ        |              | Section 18.19  |
   | PUTPUBFH             | REQ        |              | Section 18.20  |
   | PUTROOTFH            | REQ        |              | Section 18.21  |
   | READ                 | REQ        |              | Section 18.22  |
   | READDIR              | REQ        |              | Section 18.23  |

   | READLINK             | OPT        |              | Section 18.24  |
   | RECLAIM_COMPLETE     | REQ        |              | Section 18.51  |
   | RELEASE_LOCKOWNER    | MNI        |              | N/A            |
   | REMOVE               | REQ        |              | Section 18.25  |
   | RENAME               | REQ        |              | Section 18.26  |
   | RENEW                | MNI        |              | N/A            |
   | RESTOREFH            | REQ        |              | Section 18.27  |
   | SAVEFH               | REQ        |              | Section 18.28  |
   | SECINFO              | REQ        |              | Section 18.29  |
   | SECINFO_NO_NAME      | REC        | pNFS file    | Section 18.45, |
   |                      |            | layout (REQ) | Section 13.12  |
   | SEQUENCE             | REQ        |              | Section 18.46  |
   | SETATTR              | REQ        |              | Section 18.30  |
   | SETCLIENTID          | MNI        |              | N/A            |
   | SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM  | MNI        |              | N/A            |
   | SET_SSV              | REQ        |              | Section 18.47  |
   | TEST_STATEID         | REQ        |              | Section 18.48  |
   | VERIFY               | REQ        |              | Section 18.31  |
   | WANT_DELEGATION      | OPT        | FDELG (OPT)  | Section 18.49  |
   | WRITE                | REQ        |              | Section 18.32  |

        RPC Client                           RPC Server
            |               RPC Call              |
       Send |   ------------------------------>   |
            |                                     |
            |               RPC Reply             |
            |   <------------------------------   | Send

      | RPC-over-RDMA  |                |
      |    header w/   |   RPC Header   | Non-chunk args/results
      |     chunks     |                |

       RPC Client                           RPC Server
           |     RPC Call + Write Chunk list     |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |
           |                                     |
           |               Chunk 1               |
           |   <------------------------------   | Write
           |                  :                  |
           |               Chunk n               |
           |   <------------------------------   | Write
           |                                     |
           |               RPC Reply             |
           |   <------------------------------   | Send

       RPC Client                           RPC Server
           |     RPC Call + Read Chunk list      |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |
           |                                     |
           |               Chunk 1               |
           |   +------------------------------   | Read
           |   v----------------------------->   |
           |                  :                  |
           |               Chunk n               |
           |   +------------------------------   | Read
           |   v----------------------------->   |
           |                                     |
           |               RPC Reply             |
           |   <------------------------------   | Send

       RPC Client                           RPC Server
           |               RPC Call              |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |
           |                                     |
           |     RPC Reply + Read Chunk list     |
           |   <------------------------------   | Send
           |                                     |
           |               Chunk 1               |
      Read |   ------------------------------+   |
           |   <-----------------------------v   |
           |                  :                  |
           |               Chunk n               |
      Read |   ------------------------------+   |
           |   <-----------------------------v   |
           |                                     |
           |                 Done                |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |

   |        |         |         | Message   |   NULLs     | RPC Call
   |  XID   | Version | Credits |  Type     |    or       |    or
   |        |         |         |           | Chunk Lists | Reply Msg

   |        |         |         |            |             | RPC Call
   |  XID   | Version | Credits |  RDMA_MSG  | Chunk Lists |    or
   |        |         |         |            |             | Reply Msg

   |        |         |         |            |             |
   |  XID   | Version | Credits | RDMA_NOMSG | Chunk Lists |
   |        |         |         |            |             |
                                                |  +----------
                                                |  | Long RPC Call
                                                +->|    or
                                                   | Reply Message

       RPC Client                           RPC Server
           |        RDMA-over-RPC Header         |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |
           |                                     |
           |          Long RPC Call Msg          |
           |   +------------------------------   | Read
           |   v----------------------------->   |
           |                                     |
           |         RDMA-over-RPC Reply         |
           |   <------------------------------   | Send

       RPC Client                           RPC Server
           |             RPC Call                |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |
           |                                     |
           |         RDMA-over-RPC Header        |
           |   <------------------------------   | Send
           |                                     |
           |          Long RPC Reply Msg         |
      Read |   ------------------------------+   |
           |   <-----------------------------v   |
           |                                     |
           |                Done                 |
      Send |   ------------------------------>   |

    RPC Client                           RPC Server
        |      RPC Call with rdma_reply       |
   Send |   ------------------------------>   |
        |                                     |
        |          Long RPC Reply Msg         |
        |   <------------------------------   | Write
        |                                     |
        |         RDMA-over-RPC Header        |
        |   <------------------------------   | Send

                                        +---------+    Result
                                     |  |  Meter  |       |
                                     |  +---------+       V
         +----------+   +- - - - -+  |                +------+
         |   BA     |   |         |  |                |      |    Marked
Packet =>|Classifier|==>| Dropper |==?===============>|Marker|==> Packet
Stream   |          |   |         |  |                |      |    Stream
         +----------+   +- - - - -+  |                +------+
                                     |  +---------+       ^
                                     |  | Excess  |       |
                                     +->| Traffic |-------+
                                        |  Meter  |    Result

                         +--------------+  +====+
                         | HOME NETWORK |  |MoSh|
                         +--------------+  +====+
                                |   MN   |

                                  | HOME NETWORK |
                        +====+ +-----------------+
                        |MoSv| | VISITED NETWORK |
                        +====+ +-----------------+
                                      |   MN   |

                                            | HOME NETWORK |
         +====+    +--------------+         +--------------+
         |MoS3|    | THIRD PARTY  |  <===>        /\
         +====+    +--------------+               ||
                                          | VISITED NETWORK |
                                              |   MN   |

                    +====+   +--------------+
                    |MoSh|   | HOME NETWORK |
                    +====+   +--------------+
                          | VISITED NETWORK |
                               |   MN   |

            (a)                       +-------+
                       +----+         |Domain |
                       | MN |-------->|Name   |
                       +----+         |Server |
                     MN@example.org   +-------+

                                    +-----+      +------+
                       +----+       |     |      |DHCP  |
                       | MN |<----->| DHCP|<---->|Server|
                       +----+       |Relay|      |      |
                                    +-----+      +------+

                            +-----+      +------+
               +----+       |     |      |DHCP  |
               | MN |<----->| DHCP|<---->|Server|
               +----+       |Relay|      |      |
                            +-----+      +------+

                       +----+         |            |
                       |    |         |Information |
                       | MN |-------->| Server     |
                       |    |         |(previously |
                       +----+         |discovered) |

                       +----+         |Domain |
                       | MN |-------->|Name   |
                       +----+         |Server |
                    MN@example.org    +-------+

                MN                                         MoS
|===================================|    |======| |===================|
+ ---------+                                                +---------+
| MIH USER |       +------+  +------+    +------+  +------+ | MIH USER|
| +------+ |       | TCP  |  |DHCP  |    |DHCP  |  | TCP  | | +------+|
| | MIHF | |       |Client|  |Client|    |Server|  |Server| | | MIHF ||
+----------+       +------+  +------+    +------+  +------++----------+
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
  MIH Discovery       |         |           |         |          |
  Request             |         |           |         |          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
    |Invoke DHCP Client         |           |         |          |
    |(Internal process with MoS)|DHCP INFORM|         |          |
    |==========================>|==========>|         |          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
    |  Inform Mobility Server   |  DHCP ACK |         |          |
    |         Address           |<==========|         |          |
    |<==========================|           |         |          |
    |    (internal process)     |           |         |          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
  MIH Discovery       |         |           |         |          |
  Response            |         |           |         |          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
  IS Query            |         |           |         |          |
  MIH User-> MIHF     |         |           |         |          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
    |Invoke TCP Client|         |           |         |          |
    |================>|  TCP connection established   |          |
  Internal process    |<=============================>|          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
    |                 IS  QUERY REQUEST (via MIH protocol)       |
    |                 |         |           |         |  IS QUERY|
    |                 |         |           |         |   REQUEST|
    |                 |         |           |    MIHF-> MIH User |
    |                 |         |           |         |     QUERY|
    |                 |         |           |         |  RESPONSE|
    |                 |         |           |   MIHF <-MIH User  |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
    |                 | IS QUERY RESPONSE (via MIH protocol)     |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |
    IS RESPONSE       |         |           |         |          |
    MIH User <-MIHF   |         |           |         |          |
    |                 |         |           |         |          |

           Code Len   IPv4 Address 1    IPv4 Address 2
         |1..3 | n |a1 | a2 |a3  | a4 | a1 |  ...

          Code  Len   DNS name of Mobility Server
         |1..3 | n  | s1 |  s2 |  s3 |  s4 | s5  |  ...

   |1..3 |26 | 7 |'e'|'x'|'a'|'m'|'p'|'l'|'e'| 3 |'c'|'o'|'m'| 0 |
   | 7 |'e'|'x'|'a'|'m'|'p'|'l'|'e'| 3 |'n'|'e'|'t'| 0 |

                      Public Internet
                    (Public IP Addresses)
            |               |               |
            |               |               |
        +-------+        Host A          Host B
        | NAT-1 |        (Alice)         (Jim)
        | (Bob) |
        Private Network 1
      (Private IP Addresses)
            |        |
            |        |
         Host C    Host D

                        Public Internet
                      (Public IP Addresses)
                   |               |               |
                   |               |               |
                Host A          Host B      +-------------+
                (Alice)         (Jim)       |    NAT-2    |
                                            | (CheapoISP) |
                                          Private Network 2
                                        (Private IP Addresses)
                     |               |                |
                     |               |                |
                 +-------+        Host E          +-------+
                 | NAT-3 |        (Mary)          | NAT-4 |
                 | (Ann) |                        | (Lex) |
                 +-------+                        +-------+
                     |                                |
                     |                                |
            Private Network 3                 Private Network 4
          (Private IP Addresses)            (Private IP Addresses)
       ----+-----------+------             ----+-----------+----
           |           |                       |           |
           |           |                       |           |      
        Host F      Host G                   Host H      Host I

                  Public Internet
                (Public IP Addresses)
             |               |               |
             |               |               |
          Host A          Host B      +-------------+
          (Alice)         (Jim)       |    NAT-2    |
                                      | (CheapoISP) |
                                    Private Network 2
                                  (Private IP Addresses)
                  |                  |
              | NAT-3 |          Host E
              | (Ann) |          (DNS Resolver)
                   |    Private Network 3
                   |  (Private IP Addresses)
               |               |
               |               |

            Host F          Host G

   |                           |
   |  Access Network Provider  |
   |                           |
   |   +--------+              |
   |   | Node   |              |
   |   +--------+ +----------+ |
   |       |  |   | LIS      | |
   |       |  +---|          | |
   |       |      +----------+ |
   |       |                   |
           | Wired Network
   <----------------> Access Network Provider demarc
   |       |                   |
   |   +-------------+         |
   |   | NTE         |         |
   |   +-------------+         |
   |       |                   |
   |       |                   |
   |   +--------------+        |
   |   | Device with  | Home   |
   |   | NAPT and     | Router |
   |   | DHCP server  |        |
   |   +--------------+        |
   |       |                   |
   |       |                   |
   |    +------+               |
   |    | Host |               |
   |    +------+               |
   |                           |
   |Customer Premises Network  |
   |                           |

   | Wireless                 |
   | Access Network Provider  |
   |                          |
   |              +----------+|
   |      +-------+ LIS      ||
   |      |       |          ||
   |  +---+----+  +----------+|
   |  | Node   |              |
   |  |        |              |
   |  +---+----+              |
   |      |                   |
          | Wireless Interface
   |      |    Moving Network |
   |  +---+----+              |
   |  | NTE    |   +--------+ |
   |  |        +---+ Host   | |
   |  +-+-----++   |  B     | |
   |    |     \    +--------+ |
   |    |      \              |
   |+---+----+  \  +---+----+ |
   || Host   |   \ | Host   | |
   ||  A     |    \+  B     | |
   |+--------+     +--------+ |

   | Access Network Provider  |
   |                          |
   |              +----------+|
   |      +-------| LIS      ||
   |      |       |          ||
   |  +--------+  +----------+|
   |  | Access |              |
   |  | Point  |              |
   |  +--------+              |
   |      |                   |
      | Host |

        TCP Host A                Router                     TCP Host B
        (data sender)                                   (data receiver)
        ----------                ------                     ----------
                                         <--- SYN with AckCC Permitted.
        SYN/ACK with AckCC Permitted --->
                                  . . .
        Data packets --->
                                                    <--- one ACK packet
                                             for every two data packets
                                  . . .
        Sender detects a lost ACK packet.
        Data packet with an ACK Ratio option of 4 --->
                                                    <--- one ACK packet
                                    for at most every four data packets
                                  . . .
        Sender detects a period with no lost ACK packets.
        Data packet with an ACK Ratio option of 3 --->
                                                    <--- one ACK packet
                                   for at most every three data packets

          | Kind=TBD1 |  Length=2 |

          | Kind=TBD2 |  Length=3 | ACK Ratio |

       J TCP conns.            link L ->           J TCP conns.
         data ->      |---|                 |---|   <- ACKs
      <-------------> |   |                 |   | <------------->
                      |   | <-------------> |   |
      <-------------> |   |                 |   | <------------->
       K TCP conns.   |---|                 |---|  K TCP conns.
        ACKs ->               <- link L1            <- data

             |                |                  |   +
             |                |                  |   +
          +--+--+          +--+--+            +--+-+-+--+
          | MAC |          | MAC |            |   MAC   |
          +-----+          +-----+            +---------+
          | PHY |          | PHY |            |   PHY   |
          +-+-+-+          +-+-+-+            +-+-+-+-+-+
            + +              | |                | | + +
            + +              | +-----CID#w------+ | + +
            + +              +-------CID#x--------+ + +
            + +++++++++++++++++CID#y+++++++++++++++++ +
            SS#1             SS#2                 BS

        [Subscriber Side]       [Network Side]        [Subscriber Side]
          |         |                 |                 |       |   |
         ETH       ETH               ETH               ETH     ETH ETH
          |         |                 |                 |       |   |
          |         |       +---------+---------+       |     +-+---+-+
          |         |       | Bridging Function |       |     |Bridge |
          |         |       +--+-+---------+-+--+       |     +---+---+
          |         |          | +         + |          |         |
       +--+--+   +--+--+    +--+-+--+   +--+-+--+    +--+--+   +--+--+
       | MAC |   | MAC |    |  MAC  |   |  MAC  |    | MAC |   | MAC |
       +-----+   +-----+    +-------+   +-------+    +-----+   +-----+
       | PHY |   | PHY |    |  PHY  |   |  PHY  |    | PHY |   | PHY |
       +-+-+-+   +-+-+-+    +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+    +-+-+-+   +-+-+-+
         +         | |        | | +       + | |        | |         +
         +         | +--CID#u-+ | +       + | +-CID#x--+ |         +
         +         +----CID#v---+ +       + +---CID#y----+         +
         +++++++++++++++CID#w++++++       ++++++CID#z+++++++++++++++

         | Layer 2 | Layer 3 = IP | Layer 4 = UDP         |

         | Layer 2 | MPLS  | Layer 3 = IP | Layer 4 = UDP         |

            | Layer 2 | Layer 3 | Layer 4 (and higher)       |

            | Layer 2 | MPLS  | Layer 3 | Layer 4 (and higher)       |

                IM                --> conceptual/abstract model
                 |                    for designers and operators
      |          |         |
      DM        DM         DM     --> concrete/detailed model
                                      for implementers

              |           Media Server               |
              |                                      |
              |------+                      ,---.    |
              |      |      +------+       /     \   |
   <== RTP ==>| conn |<---->| oper |<---->( conf  )  |
              |      |      +------+       \     /   |
              |------+                      `---'    |
              |   ^                           ^      |
              |   |                           |      |
              |   |   +------+    +------+    |      |
              |   |   |      |    |      |    |      |
              |   +-->|dialog|    |dialog|<---+      |
              |       |      |    |      |           |
              |       +------+    +------+           |

      |       | 2 |
      |   1   +---+
      |       | 3 |
      | 6 | 5 | 4 |

      |   root    |
      |background |
      |     +-----+--
      |     |     |//
      |     | foo |//

      |       | 2 |
      |   1   +---+
      |       | 3 |
      | 6 | 5 | 4 |

           /-> P1 --\
          /          \
   G(in) +---> P2 ----> G(out)     G(in) --> P1 --> P2 --> P3 --> G(out)
          \          /
           \-> P3 --/

               /-----> P1 ------------------------\
              /                                    \
      Gs(in) +-> Gp(in) --> P2 --> P3 --> Gp(out) -+> Gs(out)

      UA                   Control Agent             Media Server
      |                         |                           |
      |                         |        INVITE F1          |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |           200 F2          |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |                         |           ACK F3          |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |                           |
      |                         |     createconference> F4  |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |           200 F5          |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |    INVITE (SDP UA) F6   |                           |
      |------------------------>|                           |
      |                         |      INVITE (SDP UA) F7   |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |        200 (SDP MS) F8    |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |                         |           ACK F9          |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |     200 (SDP MS) F10    |                           |
      |<------------------------|                           |
      |        ACK F11          |                           |

      |------------------------>|                           |
      |                         |     <dialogstart> F12     |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |           200 F13         |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |                         |    HTTP interactions F14  |
      |                         |<------------------------->|
      |                         |  <event>(dialog.exit) F15 |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |                         |         <join> F16        |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |           200 F17         |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |         ...             |            ...            |
      |                         |                           |
      |                         |     <dialogstart> F18     |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |           200 F19         |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |                         |    HTTP interactions F20  |
      |                         |<--------------------------|
      |                         |  <event>(dialog.exit) F21 |
      |                         |-------------------------->|
      |         ...             |            ...            |
      |                         |                           |

             | \         |
             |   \      155
             |    \      |
            155   1G     R3
             |       \   |
             |        \ 155
             |          \|

                    / | \
                  1/ 2|  \3
                  /   |   \    cost S->T = 10
           Y-----X----S----T   cost T->S = 1
           |  1     2      |
           |1              |

      +----------------------+       +----------------------+
      |  Federation Member   |       |  Federation Member   |
      |        ALPHA         |       |         BETA         |
      |                      |       |                      |
      |                      |       |                      |
      |    +------------+    |       |    +------------+    |
      |    |    NSDB    |    |       |    |    NSDB    |    |
      |    |            |    |       |    |            |    |
      |    +------------+    |       |    +------------+    |
      |                      |       |                      |
      |                      |       |                      |
      |                      |       |                      |
      |         +----------+ |       |         +----------+ |
      |         |          | |       |         |          | |
      |     +-- | Servers  | |       |     +-- | Servers  | |
      |     |   |          | |       |     |   |          | |
      | +-- |   |          | |       | +-- |   |          | |
      | |   |   +----------+ |       | |   |   +----------+ |
      | |   |          |     |       | |   |          |     |
      | |   +----------+     |       | |   +----------+     |
      | |          |         |       | |          |         |
      | +----------+         |       | +----------+         |
      +----------------------+       +----------------------+

          |               |
          |    Client     | >--------------------------+
          |               |                            |
          +---------------+                            |
            v   ^                                      |
      +-----+---+-------------+      +-----------------+-----+
      |     |   |   Federation|      |Federation       |     |
      |     |   |   member    |      |member           |     |
      |     |   |   ALPHA     |      |BETA             |     |
      |     |   |             |      |                 |     |
      |     |   |             |      |                 |     |
      |     |   |             |      |                 |     |
      |     |   |             |      |                 |     |
      |     |   |             |      |   +---------+   |     |
      |     |   |   +---------+------+-> |         |   |     |
      |     |   |   |         |      |   | NSDB Y  |   |     |
      |     |   |   |   +-----+------+-< |         |   |     |
      |     |   |   |   |     |      |   +---------+   |     |
      |     |   |   |   |     |      |                 |     |
      |     |   |   |   |     |      |                 |     |
      |     |   |   |   |     |      |                 |     |
      |    1|  4|  2|  3|     |      |                5|     |
      |     v   ^   ^   v     |      |                 v     |
      |   +---------------+   |      |   +---------------+   |
      |   |               |   |      |   |               |   |
      |   |   Server X    |   |      |   |   Server Y    |   |
      |   |               |   |      |   |               |   |
      |   +---------------+   |      |   +---------------+   |
      |                       |      |                       |
      +-----------------------+      +-----------------------+

                            ,-'     Global      `-.  <--------+
                           (       IPv6/IPv4       )     ,----|-----.
                            `-.    Internet     ,-'     ( Enterprises)
                               `+--+..+--+ ...+--+      ( E2 thru EN )
                             _.-|R1|--|R2+----|Rn|-._    `.---------/
                      _.---''   +--+  +--+ ...+--+   -.
                 ,--''           ,---.                 `---.
              ,-'              X5     X6            .---..  `-.
            ,'  ,.X1-..       /         \        ,'       `.   `.
          ,'  ,'       `.    .'  E1.2   '.     X8    E1.m   \    `.
         /   /           \   |   ,--.    |     / _,.._       \     \
        /   /   E1.1      \  | Y3    `.  |    | /     Y7       |     \
       ;   |    ___        | |  ` W  Y4  |... | `Y6  ,'       |      :
       |   | ,-'   `.     X2 |   `--'    |    |   `''         |      |
       :   | |  V  Y2      | \    _      /    |               |      ;
        \  | `-Y1,,'       |  \ .' Y5   /      \    ,-Y8'`-   /      /
         \  \             /    \ \_'  /        X9   `.    ,'/      /
          `. \          X3      `.__,,'          `._  Y9'','     ,'
            ` `._     _,'      ___.......X7_        `---'      ,'
              `  `---'      ,-'             `-.              -'
                 `---.      `.    E1.3   Z   _'        _.--'
                      `-----. \---.......---'   _.---''

                                                            | IPv6 |
       " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "       |Server|
     "         <----------------- 2001:DB8::/40 (PA) "      |  S1  |
   "    2001:DB8:10::/56 (PI)  ---------------->      "     +--+---+
   "     . . . . . . .       . . . .      . . . .     "        |
   "   .               .    .       .    .       .    "        |
   "   .  +----+   v    +--- +   v  +----+   v   +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .  | V  +=  e   =+ Y1 +=  e =+ X2 +=  e  =+ R2 +==+   Internet  |
   "   .  +-+--+   t    +----+   t  +----+   t   +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .    |      1   .    .    2  .    .   3   .    "        |
   "    .   H         .     .       .    .       .    "        |
   "      . . . . . .        . . . .      . . . .     "     +--+---+
    "       <E1.1.1>         <E1.1>        <E1>       "     | IPv4 |
      "      10/8             10/8         10/8      "      |Server|
        " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " "        |  S2  |
                     <-- Enterprise E1 -->                  +------+

                                                            | IPv6 |
       " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "       |Server|
     "         <----------------- 2001:DB8::/40 (PA) "      |  S1  |
   "    2001:DB8:10::/56 (PI)  ---------------->      "     +--+---+
   "     . . . . . . .       . . . .      . . . .     "        |
   "   .               .    .       .    .       .    "        |
   "   .  +----+   v   +----+   v   +----+       +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .  | V  +=  e  =+ Y1 +=  e  =+ X2 +=     =+ R2 +==+   Internet  |
   "   .  +-+--+   t   +----+   t   +----+       +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .    |      1   .    .   2   .    .       .    "        |
   "    .   H         .     .       .    .   v   .    "        |
   "      . . . . . .        . . . .     .   e   .    "     +--+---+
   "                                     .   t   .    "     | IPv4 |
   "                  . . . . . . ,      .   3   .    "     |Server|
   "                .  +----+   v   +----+       .    "     |  S2  |
   "                .  | Z  +=  e  =+ X7 +=      .    "     +------+
   "                .  +-+--+   t   +----+       .    "
   "                .    |      4   .    .       .    "
   "                .    J         .      . . . .     "
    "                 . . . . . . .                   "
      "           2001:DB8:20::/56 (PI) -------->    "
        " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " "
                     <-- Enterprise E1 -->

                                                            | IPv6 |
       " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "       |Server|
     "         <----------------- 2001:DB8::/40 (PA) "      |  S1  |
   "    2001:DB8:10::/56 (PI)  ----------------->     "     +--+---+
   "     . . . . . . .       . . . .      . . . .     "        |
   "   .               .    .       .    .       .    "        |
   "   .  +----+   v   +--- +   v   +----+   v   +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .  | V  +=  e  =+ Y1 +=  e  =+ X2 +=  e  =+ R2 +==+   Internet  |
   "   .  +-+--+   t   +----+   t   +----+   t   +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .    |      1   .    .   2   .    .   3   .    "        |
   "    .   K   L     .     .       .    . M     .    "        |
   "      . . . . . .        . . . .      . . . .     "     +--+---+
    "       <E1.1.1>         <E1.1>        <E1>       "     | IPv4 |
      "                                              "      |Server|
        " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " "        |  S2  |
                     <-- Enterprise E1 -->                  +------+

   |  Unfragmentable  |                 Fragmentable                |
   |       Part       |                     Part                    |

   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|       first        |
   |       Part       | Header |      fragment      |

   |  Unfragmentable  |Fragment|       second       |
   |       Part       | Header |      fragment      |

    +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+
    |         |      IKEv2/IKEv2-EAP     |         |     Protected
    | Remote  |<------------------------>|         |     Subnet
    | Access  |                          | Access  |<--- and/or
    | Client  |<------------------------>| Gateway |     Internet
    |         |      IPsec tunnel        |         |
    +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+

    +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+
    |         |    IKE_SESSION_RESUME    |         |
    | Remote  |<------------------------>|         |
    | Access  |                          | Access  |
    | Client  |<------------------------>| Gateway |
    |         |      IPsec tunnel        |         |
    +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+

   | State Item                     | After Resumption                 |
   | IDi                            | From the ticket (but must also   |
   |                                | be exchanged in IKE_AUTH).  See  |
   |                                | also Note 1.                     |
   |                                |                                  |
   | IDr                            | From the ticket (but must also   |
   |                                | be exchanged in IKE_AUTH).       |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Authentication method (PKI,    | From the ticket.                 |
   | pre-shared secret, EAP,        |                                  |
   | PKI-less EAP [EAP-AUTH] etc.)  |                                  |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Certificates (when applicable) | From the ticket, see Note 2.     |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Local IP address/port, peer IP | Selected by the client, see Note |
   | address/port                   | 3.                               |
   |                                |                                  |
   | NAT detection status           | From new exchange.               |
   |                                |                                  |
   | SPIs                           | From new exchange, see Note 4.   |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Which peer is the "original    | Determined by the initiator of   |
   | initiator"?                    | IKE_SESSION_RESUME.              |
   |                                |                                  |
   | IKE SA sequence numbers        | Reset to 0 in                    |
   | (Message ID)                   | IKE_SESSION_RESUME, and          |
   |                                | subsequently incremented         |
   |                                | normally.                        |
   |                                |                                  |
   | IKE SA algorithms (SAr)        | From the ticket.                 |
   |                                |                                  |

   | IKE SA keys (SK_*)             | The old SK_d is obtained from    |
   |                                | the ticket and all keys are      |
   |                                | refreshed, see Section 5.1.      |
   |                                |                                  |
   | IKE SA window size             | Reset to 1.                      |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Child SAs (ESP/AH)             | Created in new exchange, see     |
   |                                | Note 6.                          |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Internal IP address            | Not resumed, but see Note 5.     |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Other Configuration Payload    | Not resumed.                     |
   | information                    |                                  |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Peer Vendor IDs                | Not resumed, resent in new       |
   |                                | exchange if required.            |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Peer supports MOBIKE [RFC4555] | From new exchange.               |
   |                                |                                  |
   | MOBIKE additional addresses    | Not resumed, should be resent by |
   |                                | client if necessary.             |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Time until re-authentication   | From new exchange (but ticket    |
   | [RFC4478]                      | lifetime is bounded by this      |
   |                                | duration).                       |
   |                                |                                  |
   | Peer supports redirects        | From new exchange.               |
   | [RFC5685]                      |                                  |

                 |  IP        |
                 |  End Host  |
        - - - - - - - -|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        |              | LAN interface                 |
        |       +------+--------+                      |
                | Indoor Unit   |
        |       |  (IDU)        |                      |
        |              |                               |
             Inter Facility Link (IFL)
        |              |                               |
        |       | Outdoor Unit  |                      |
                | (ODU)         |
        |       +------+--------+                      |
        |              | Air interface                 |
        - - - - - - -  |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
          RCST         |
                       |        +----------------+
                       +------->| Network Control|
                                | Center (NCC)   |

       |                 IP Network Layer                         |
              |                                  |
       +------+-------+       +------------------+----------------+
       | Ethernet LAN |       |          dvbRcsMacLayer           |
       +--------------+       +-------------+---------------------+
                                            |                 |
                              +-------------+-----------+ +---+---+
                              |        dvbRcsTdma       | |dvbTdm |
                              +-----+-------------+-----+ +-------+
                                    |             |
                              +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
                              |atm-logical| |atm-logical|
                              +-----------+ +-----------+

         .--.                  .--.                    .--.
       _(.   `)              _(.   `)                _(.   `)
     _( Visited`)_         _( Visited`)_           _(  Home  `)_
   ( `  .        )  )    ( `  .        )  )      ( `  .        )  )
    `--(_______)---'      `--(_______)---'        `--(_______)---'
          |                 __ /
          |               /
         .--.          .--.
       _(    `.      _(    `.
      (  NAP A )    (  NAP B )
     ( `  .  )  )  ( `  .  )  )
      `--(___.-'    `--(___.-'
            (  (   )
              (  |

                       Client                  Server
                  |                                     |
                  |                Connect              |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Greeting           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send <login>            |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Response           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Command            |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send Response           |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |            Send Command X           |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |    Send Command Y                   |
                  | >>---------------+                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |            Send Response X          |
                  | <<---------------(---------------<< |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  |                  |
                  |                  +--------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |            Send Response Y          |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |
                  |             Send <logout>           |
                  | >>------------------------------->> |
                  |                                     |
                  |     Send Response & Disconnect      |
                  | <<-------------------------------<< |
                  |                                     |

   | Message Type         | Purpose                                    |
   | NORM_DATA            | Sender message for application data        |
   |                      | transmission.  Implementations MUST        |
   |                      | support at least one of the                |
   |                      | NORM_OBJECT_DATA, NORM_OBJECT_FILE, or     |
   |                      | NORM_OBJECT_STREAM delivery services.  The |
   |                      | use of the NORM FEC Object Transmission    |
   |                      | Information header extension is OPTIONAL   |
   |                      | with NORM_DATA messages.                   |
   | NORM_CMD(FLUSH)      | Sender command to excite receivers for     |
   |                      | repair requests in lieu of ongoing         |
   |                      | NORM_DATA transmissions.  Note the use of  |
   |                      | the NORM_CMD(FLUSH) for positive           |
   |                      | acknowledgment of data receipt is          |
   |                      | OPTIONAL.                                  |

   | NORM_CMD(SQUELCH)    | Sender command to advertise its current    |
   |                      | valid repair window in response to invalid |
   |                      | requests for repair.                       |
   | NORM_CMD(REPAIR_ADV) | Sender command to advertise current repair |
   |                      | (and congestion control state) to group    |
   |                      | when unicast feedback messages are         |
   |                      | detected.  Used to control/suppress        |
   |                      | excessive receiver feedback in asymmetric  |
   |                      | multicast topologies.                      |
   | NORM_CMD(CC)         | Sender command used in collection of       |
   |                      | round-trip timing and congestion control   |
   |                      | status from group (this is OPTIONAL if     |
   |                      | alternative congestion control mechanism   |
   |                      | and round-trip timing collection is used). |
   | NORM_NACK            | Receiver message used to request repair of |
   |                      | missing transmitted content.               |
   | NORM_ACK             | Receiver message used to proactively       |
   |                      | provide feedback for congestion control    |
   |                      | purposes.  Also used with the OPTIONAL     |
   |                      | NORM Positive Acknowledgment Process.      |

   | Message Type          | Purpose                                   |
   | NORM_INFO             | Sender message for providing ancillary    |
   |                       | context information associated with NORM  |
   |                       | transport objects.  The use of the NORM   |
   |                       | FEC Object Transmission Information       |
   |                       | header extension is OPTIONAL with         |
   |                       | NORM_INFO messages.                       |
   | NORM_CMD(EOT)         | Sender command to indicate it has reached |
   |                       | end-of-transmission and will no longer    |
   |                       | respond to repair requests.               |
   | NORM_CMD(ACK_REQ)     | Sender command to support                 |
   |                       | application-defined, positively           |
   |                       | acknowledged commands sent outside of the |
   |                       | context of the bulk data content being    |
   |                       | transmitted.  The NORM Positive           |
   |                       | Acknowledgment Procedure associated with  |
   |                       | this message type is OPTIONAL.            |

   | NORM_CMD(APPLICATION) | Sender command containing                 |
   |                       | application-defined commands sent outside |
   |                       | of the context of the bulk data content   |
   |                       | being transmitted.                        |
   | NORM_REPORT           | Optional message type reserved for        |
   |                       | experimental implementations of the NORM  |
   |                       | protocol.                                 |

   | Command               | Sub-type | Purpose                        |
   | NORM_CMD(FLUSH)       |     1    | Used to indicate sender        |
   |                       |          | temporary end-of-transmission. |
   |                       |          | (Assists in robustly           |
   |                       |          | initiating outstanding repair  |
   |                       |          | requests from receivers).  May |
   |                       |          | also be optionally used to     |
   |                       |          | collect positive               |
   |                       |          | acknowledgment of reliable     |
   |                       |          | reception from a subset of     |
   |                       |          | receivers.                     |
   | NORM_CMD(EOT)         |     2    | Used to indicate sender        |
   |                       |          | permanent end-of-transmission. |

   | NORM_CMD(SQUELCH)     |     3    | Used to advertise sender's     |
   |                       |          | current repair window in       |
   |                       |          | response to out-of-range NACKs |
   |                       |          | from receivers.                |
   | NORM_CMD(CC)          |     4    | Used for GRTT measurement and  |
   |                       |          | collection of congestion       |
   |                       |          | control feedback.              |
   | NORM_CMD(REPAIR_ADV)  |     5    | Used to advertise sender's     |
   |                       |          | aggregated repair/feedback     |
   |                       |          | state for suppression of       |
   |                       |          | unicast feedback from          |
   |                       |          | receivers.                     |
   | NORM_CMD(ACK_REQ)     |     6    | Used to request                |
   |                       |          | application-defined positive   |
   |                       |          | acknowledgment from a list of  |
   |                       |          | receivers (OPTIONAL).          |
   | NORM_CMD(APPLICATION) |     7    | Used for application-defined   |
   |                       |          | purposes that need to          |
   |                       |          | temporarily preempt or         |
   |                       |          | supplement data transmission   |
   |                       |          | (OPTIONAL).                    |

   | Flag               | Value | Purpose                              |
   | NORM_FLAG_CC_CLR   |  0x01 | Receiver is the current limiting     |
   |                    |       | receiver (CLR).                      |
   | NORM_FLAG_CC_PLR   |  0x02 | Receiver is a potential limiting     |
   |                    |       | receiver (PLR).                      |
   | NORM_FLAG_CC_RTT   |  0x04 | Receiver has measured RTT with       |
   |                    |       | respect to sender.                   |

   | NORM_FLAG_CC_START |  0x08 | Sender/receiver is in "slow start"   |
   |                    |       | phase of congestion control          |
   |                    |       | operation (i.e., the receiver has    |
   |                    |       | not yet detected any packet loss and |
   |                    |       | the "cc_rate" field is the           |
   |                    |       | receiver's actual measured receive   |
   |                    |       | rate).                               |
   | NORM_FLAG_CC_LEAVE |  0x10 | Receiver is imminently leaving the   |
   |                    |       | session and its feedback SHOULD not  |
   |                    |       | be considered in congestion control  |
   |                    |       | operation.                           |

   Client                        Attacker                        Server
   ------                        -------                         ------
                                     <----------- Handshake ---------->
                                     <======= Initial Traffic ========>
   <--------------------------  Handshake ============================>
   <======================== Client Traffic ==========================>

                       _._._._._            _._._._._
                      |  IPv4   |          |  IPv4   |
                      | access  |          | access  |
                      | island  |          | island  |
                       _._._._._            _._._._._
                           |                    |
                       Dual-Stack           Dual-Stack
                       "4over6 PE"          "4over6 PE"
                           |                    |
                           |                    |
            4over6      /   :   :           :   :  \    IPv6 only
            Tunnels    |    :      :      :     :   |  transit core
            between    |    :        [P]        :   |  with multiple
              PEs      |    :     :       :     :   |   [P routers]
                       |    :   :            :  :   |
                           | /                \ |
                           |                    |
                        Dual-Stack          Dual-Stack
                        "4over6 PE"         "4over6 PE"
                          |  |                  |
                       _._._._._            _._._._._
                      |  IPv4   |          |  IPv4   |
                      | access  |          | access  |
                      | island  |          | island  |
                       _._._._._            _._._._._

                Tunnel from Ingress PE to Egress PE
                 Tunnel                      Tunnel
                 Entry-Point                 Exit-Point
                 Node                        Node
   +-+    IPv4    +--+   IPv6 Transit Core    +--+    IPv4    +-+
   +-+            +--+                        +--+            +-+
   Original    Ingress PE                   Egress PE        Original
   Packet    (Encapsulation)              (Decapsulation)    Packet
   Source                                                    Destination
   Node                                                      Node

                           | IPv4 Header |   Packet Payload          |
                            <         Original IPv4 Packet           >
                                         |(Encapsulation on ingress PE)
    < Tunnel IPv6 Headers > <         Original IPv4 Packet           >
   +-----------+ - - - - - +-------------+-----------//--------------+
   |   IPv6    | IPv6      |   IPv4      |                           |
   |           | Extension |             |      Packet Payload       |
   |   Header  | Headers   |  Header     |                           |
   +-----------+ - - - - - +-------------+-----------//--------------+
    <                      Tunnel IPv6 Packet                       >
                                         |(Decapsulation on egress PE)
                           | IPv4 Header |   Packet Payload          |
                            <         Original IPv4 Packet           >

        | IPv4 Prefix | IPv6 Advertising Address Family Border Router  |

         |                    IPv6 (CERNET2)                   |
         |                                                     |
         |                  |                   |              |
 Tsinghua|Univ.       Peking|Univ.          SJTU|     Southeast|Univ.
      +------+           +------+           +------+        +------+
      |4over6|    ...    |4over6|           |4over6|   ...  |4over6|
      |router|           |router|           |router|        |router|
      +------+           +------+           +------+        +------+
         |                  |                  |                |
         |                  |                  |                |
         |                  |                  |                |
   +-----------+      +-----------+      +-----------+     +-----------+
   |IPv4 access| ...  |IPv4 access|      |IPv4 access| ... |IPv4 access|
   |  network  |      |  network  |      |  network  |     |  network  |
   +-----------+      +-----------+      +-----------+     +-----------+
   |    IPv4 (Internet)   |
   |                      |

     KRS                                        KDS
   --------                                   -------
       |                                          |
       |       KDE-Request: AAA{KRT}              |
       |       KDE-Response: AAA{KDT}             |

   DSUSR-KH                   DSR-KH                    EAP/AAA Server
   --------                   ------                     ------------
      |  KDE-Request'(KRT')     |   KDE-Request(KRT)        |
      |  KDE-Response'(KDT')    |   KDE-Response(KDT)       |
      |<----------------------- |<--------------------------|
      |                         |                           |

   Minimum  | ECDH or  | Key        | Key      | Content     | Curves
   Bits of  | ECMQV    | Derivation | Wrap     | Encryption  |
   Security | Key Size | Function   | Alg.     | Alg.        |
   80       | 160-223  | SHA-1      | 3DES     | 3DES CBC    | sect163k1
            |          | SHA-224    | AES-128  | AES-128 CBC | secp163r2
            |          | SHA-256    | AES-192  | AES-192 CBC | secp192r1
            |          | SHA-384    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC |
            |          | SHA-512    |          |             |
   112      | 224-255  | SHA-1      | 3DES     | 3DES CBC    | secp224r1
            |          | SHA-224    | AES-128  | AES-128 CBC | sect233k1
            |          | SHA-256    | AES-192  | AES-192 CBC | sect233r1
            |          | SHA-384    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC |
            |          | SHA-512    |          |             |
   128      | 256-383  | SHA-1      | AES-128  | AES-128 CBC | secp256r1
            |          | SHA-224    | AES-192  | AES-192 CBC | sect283k1
            |          | SHA-256    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC | sect283r1
            |          | SHA-384    |          |             |
            |          | SHA-512    |          |             |
   192      | 384-511  | SHA-224    | AES-192  | AES-192 CBC | secp384r1
            |          | SHA-256    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC | sect409k1
            |          | SHA-384    |          |             | sect409r1
            |          | SHA-512    |          |             |
   256      | 512+     | SHA-256    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC | secp521r1
            |          | SHA-384    |          |             | sect571k1
            |          | SHA-512    |          |             | sect571r1

   Minimum  | ECDH or  | Key        | Key      | Content     | Curve
   Bits of  | ECMQV    | Derivation | Wrap     | Encryption  |
   Security | Key Size | Function   | Alg.     | Alg.        |
   80       | 192      | SHA-256    | 3DES     | 3DES CBC    | secp192r1
   112      | 224      | SHA-256    | 3DES     | 3DES CBC    | secp224r1
   128      | 256      | SHA-256    | AES-128  | AES-128 CBC | secp256r1
   192      | 384      | SHA-384    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC | secp384r1
   256      | 512+     | SHA-512    | AES-256  | AES-256 CBC | secp521r1

   Minimum  | ECDSA    | Message   | Curve
   Bits of  | Key Size | Digest    |
   Security |          | Algorithm |
   80       | 160-223  | SHA-1     | sect163k1
            |          | SHA-224   | secp163r2
            |          | SHA-256   | secp192r1
            |          | SHA-384   |
            |          | SHA-512   |
   112      | 224-255  | SHA-224   | secp224r1
            |          | SHA-256   | sect233k1
            |          | SHA-384   | sect233r1
            |          | SHA-512   |
   128      | 256-383  | SHA-256   | secp256r1
            |          | SHA-384   | sect283k1
            |          | SHA-512   | sect283r1
   192      | 384-511  | SHA-384   | secp384r1
            |          | SHA-512   | sect409k1
            |          |           | sect409r1
   256      | 512+     | SHA-512   | secp521r1
            |          |           | sect571k1
            |          |           | sect571r1

   Minimum  | ECDSA    | Message   | Curve
   Bits of  | Key Size | Digest    |
   Security |          | Algorithm |
   80       | 192      | SHA-256   | sect192r1
   112      | 224      | SHA-256   | secp224r1
   128      | 256      | SHA-256   | secp256r1
   192      | 384      | SHA-384   | secp384r1
   256      | 512+     | SHA-512   | secp521r1

        t0/     \   t1        t2        t3        t4        t5
          \____ ____/         :         :         :         :
          :    V    :         :         :         :         :
          :T_summary:         :         :         :         :
          :=1.5 * Td:         :         :         :         :
          \______________ ______________/         :         :
                    :    V    :                   :         :
                    : 3 * T_summary               :         :
                    :         :                   :         :
                    \______________ ______________/         :
                              :    V                        :
                              : 3 * T_summary               :
                              :                             :
                              \______________ ______________/
                                          3 * T_summary

         +--------+          Multicast
         |        |     +----------------> R(1)
         |M   D S |     |                    |
         |E   I O |  +--+                    |
         |D   S U |  |  |                    |
         |I   T R |  |  +-----------> R(2)   |
         |A   R C |->+-----  :          |    |
         |  = I E |  |  +------> R(n-1) |    |
         |S   B   |  |  |          |    |    |
         |E   U   |  +--+--> R(n)  |    |    |
         |N   T   |          |     |    |    |
         |D   I   |<---------+     |    |    |
         |E   O   |<---------------+    |    |
         |R   N   |<--------------------+    |
         |        |<-------------------------+
         +--------+            Unicast

                        +-----+          Multicast
                        |     |     +----------------> R(1)
                        | D S |     |                    |
                        | I O |  +--+                    |
                        | S U |  |  |                    |
        +--------+      | T R |  |  +-----------> R(2)   |
        | Media  |<---->| R C |->+-----  :          |    |
        | Sender |      | I E |  |  +------> R(n-1) |    |
        +--------+      | B   |  |  |          |    |    |
                        | U   |  +--+--> R(n)  |    |    |
                        | T   |          |     |    |    |
                        | I   |<---------+     |    |    |
                        | O   |<---------------+    |    |
                        | N   |<--------------------+    |
                        |     |<-------------------------+
                        +-----+            Unicast

   Alice            Proxies             Bob
     |(1) INVITE       |                  |
     |---------------->|                  |
     |                 |(2) INVITE        |
     |                 |----------------->|
     |                 |(3) hello         |
     |(4) hello        |                  |
     |                 |(5) finished      |
     |                 |(6) media         |
     |(7) finished     |                  |
     |                 |(8)  200 OK       |
     |                 <------------------|
     |(9)  200 OK      |                  |
     |<----------------|                  |
     |                 |(10) media        |
     |(11) ACK         |                  |

   Alice            Proxies             Bob
     |(1) INVITE       |                  |
     |---------------->|                  |
     |                 |(2) INVITE        |
     |                 |----------------->|
     |                 |(3) hello         |
     |(4) hello        |                  |
     |                 |(5) finished      |
     |                 |(6) media         |
     |(7) finished     |                  |
     |                 |(8)  200 OK       |
     |(9) ACK          |                  |
     |                 |(10)  UPDATE      |
     |                 |<-----------------|
     |(11) UPDATE      |                  |
     |<----------------|                  |
     |(12) 200 OK      |                  |
     |---------------->|                  |
     |                 |(13) 200 OK       |
     |                 |----------------->|
     |                 |(14) media        |

   Alice            Proxies             Bob
     |(1) INVITE       |                  |
     |---------------->|                  |
     |                 |(2) INVITE        |
     |                 |----------------->|
     |                 |(3) hello         |
     |                 X<-----------------|
     |                 |(4)  200 OK       |
     | (5) conn-check  |                  |
     |                 |(6) conn-response |
     |                 |(7) hello (rtx)   |
     |(8) hello        |                  |
     |                 |(9) finished      |
     |                 |(10) media        |
     |(11) finished    |                  |
     |                 |(11) media        |
     |(12) ACK         |                  |

         ClientHello + use_srtp       -------->
                                              ServerHello + use_srtp
                                      <--------      ServerHelloDone
         Finished                     -------->
                                      <--------             Finished
         SRTP packets                 <------->      SRTP packets

   TLS master
     secret   label
      |         |
      v         v
   | TLS extractor |
          |                                         +------+   SRTP
          +-> client_write_SRTP_master_key ----+--->| SRTP |-> client
          |                                    | +->| KDF  |   write
          |                                    | |  +------+   keys
          |                                    | |
          +-> server_write_SRTP_master_key --  | |  +------+   SRTCP
          |                                  \ \--->|SRTCP |-> client
          |                                   \  +->| KDF  |   write
          |                                    | |  +------+   keys
          +-> client_write_SRTP_master_salt ---|-+
          |                                    |
          |                                    |    +------+   SRTP
          |                                    +--->| SRTP |-> server
          +-> server_write_SRTP_master_salt -+-|--->| KDF  |   write
                                             | |    +------+   keys
                                             | |
                                             | |    +------+   SRTCP
                                             | +--->|SRTCP |-> server
                                             +----->| KDF  |   write
                                                    +------+   keys

      Client            Server
     (Sender)         (Receiver)
   (1)   <----- DTLS ------>    src/dst = a/b and b/a
         ------ SRTP ------>    src/dst = a/b, uses client write keys

   (2)   <----- DTLS ------>    src/dst = c/d and d/c
         ------ SRTCP ----->    src/dst = c/d, uses client write keys
         <----- SRTCP ------    src/dst = d/c, uses server write keys

                   | 127 < B < 192 -+--> forward to RTP
                   |                |
       packet -->  |  19 < B < 64  -+--> forward to DTLS
                   |                |
                   |       B < 2   -+--> forward to STUN

         ClientHello                  -------->
                                      <--------      ServerHelloDone
         Finished                     -------->
                                      <--------             Finished
         Application Data             <------->     Application Data

   Alice                                   Bob
                      <-       ClientHello (1)
   ServerHello (1)    ->
   Certificate (1)
   ServerHelloDone (1)
                      <- ClientKeyExchange (1)
                          ChangeCipherSpec (1)
                                  Finished (1)
   ChangeCipherSpec (1)->
   Finished         (1)->
                                                <--- Channel 1 ready

                      <-       ClientHello (2)
   ServerHello (2)    ->
   Finished(2)        ->
                      <-  ChangeCipherSpec (2)
                                  Finished (2)
                                                <--- Channel 2 ready

   Alice                                   Bob
                      <-       ClientHello (1)
   ServerHello (1)    ->
   Certificate (1)
   ServerHelloDone (1)
                      <- ClientKeyExchange (1)
                          ChangeCipherSpec (1)
                                  Finished (1)
                      <-       ClientHello (2)
   ChangeCipherSpec (1)->
   Finished         (1)->
                                                <--- Channel 1 ready
   ServerHello (2)    ->
   Finished(2)        ->
                      <-  ChangeCipherSpec (2)
                                  Finished (2)
                                                <--- Channel 2 ready

   |                 | File-sharing          | Realtime communication  |
   | Distributed     | Shared file locations | User locations are      |
   | database        | are indexed in a      | indexed in a table      |
   |                 | table distributed     | distributed among       |
   |                 | among peers; often    | peers; rarely more than |
   |                 | hundreds or thousands | one per peer.           |
   |                 | per peer.             |                         |
   | Availability    | Same files are        | Users are unique;       |
   |                 | usually available at  | attacks targeting       |
   |                 | multiple locations    | single users may be     |
   |                 | and failures          | addressed both to the   |
   |                 | involving single      | distributed index and   |
   |                 | instances are         | to the user's device    |
   |                 | overcome by abundancy | directly.               |
   |                 | of resources; attacks |                         |
   |                 | targeting single      |                         |
   |                 | files need to be      |                         |
   |                 | addressed to the      |                         |
   |                 | distributed index.    |                         |
   | Integrity       | Attackers may want to | Attackers may want to   |
   |                 | share corrupted files | impersonate different   |
   |                 | in place of popular   | users in order to       |
   |                 | content, e.g., to     | handle calls directed   |
   |                 | discourage users from | to them; constitute a   |
   |                 | acquiring copyrighted | particular threat for   |
   |                 | material; constitute  | the user as, in case of |
   |                 | a threat for the      | success, the attacker   |
   |                 | service, but not for  | acquires full control   |
   |                 | the users.            | on the victim's         |
   |                 |                       | personal                |
   |                 |                       | communications.         |
   | Confidentiality | Shared files are, by  | Communications are      |
   |                 | definition, readable  | usually meant to be     |
   |                 | by all users; in some | private and need to be  |
   |                 | cases, encryption is  | encrypted;              |
   |                 | used to avoid         | eavesdropping may       |
   |                 | elements not involved | reveal sensitive data   |
   |                 | in the service to     | and is a serious threat |
   |                 | detect traffic.       | for users.              |

   | Bitrate and     | The file-transfer use | Realtime traffic almost |
   | latency         | case is particularly  | always requires a       |
   |                 | tolerant to unstable  | constant minimum        |
   |                 | bitrates and ability  | bitrate and low latency |
   |                 | to burst on and off   | in order to avoid       |
   |                 | as peers disappear or | problems like jitter.   |
   |                 | new ones become       | While this is not       |
   |                 | available.            | directly related to a   |
   |                 |                       | specific sort of        |
   |                 |                       | attacks, it is a        |
   |                 |                       | significant constraint  |
   |                 |                       | to the design of        |
   |                 |                       | certain design          |
   |                 |                       | solutions, and in       |
   |                 |                       | particular those that   |
   |                 |                       | somehow affect routing. |
   | Peer lifetime   | File-sharing users do | Realtime communication  |
   |                 | not need to stay in   | applications need not   |
   |                 | the overlay more than | leave the overlay for   |
   |                 | the time required for | as long as the user     |
   |                 | downloading the       | wants to stay connected |
   |                 | content they are      | and be reachable.  This |
   |                 | looking for.          | gives the attackers     |
   |                 |                       | longer time for         |
   |                 |                       | conducting successful   |
   |                 |                       | targeted attacks.       |

                                        Peer A
                                        Server-Reflexive    +---------+
                                        Transport Address   |         |
                                 |         |
                                            |              /|         |
                          TURN              |            / ^|  Peer A |
    Client's              Server            |           /  ||         |
    Host Transport        Transport         |         //   ||         |
    Address               Address           |       //     |+---------+     |+-+  //     Peer A
            |               |               ||N| /       Host Transport
            |   +-+         |               ||A|/        Address
            |   | |         |               v|T|
            |   | |         |               /+-+
 +---------+|   | |         |+---------+   /              +---------+
 |         ||   |N|         ||         | //               |         |
 | TURN    |v   | |         v| TURN    |/                 |         |
 | Client  |----|A|----------| Server  |------------------|  Peer B |
 |         |    | |^         |         |^                ^|         |
 |         |    |T||         |         ||                ||         |
 +---------+    | ||         +---------+|                |+---------+
                | ||                    |                |
                | ||                    |                |
                +-+|                    |                |
                   |                    |                |
                   |                    |                |
             Client's                   |            Peer B
             Server-Reflexive    Relayed             Transport
             Transport Address   Transport Address   Address

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |-- Allocate request --------------->|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<--------------- Allocate failure --|             |             |
    |                 (401 Unauthorized) |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |-- Allocate request --------------->|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<---------- Allocate success resp --|             |             |
    |            (      |             |             |
    //                                   //            //            //
    |                                    |             |             |
    |-- Refresh request ---------------->|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<----------- Refresh success resp --|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |                                    |             |             |
    |-- CreatePermission req (Peer A) -->|             |             |
    |<-- CreatePermission success resp --|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |--- Send ind (Peer A)-------------->|             |             |
    |                                    |=== data ===>|             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |<== data ====|             |
    |<-------------- Data ind (Peer A) --|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |--- Send ind (Peer B)-------------->|             |             |
    |                                    | dropped     |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |<== data ==================|
    |                            dropped |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |                                    |             |             |
    |-- ChannelBind req ---------------->|             |             |
    | (Peer A to 0x4001)                 |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<---------- ChannelBind succ resp --|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |-- [0x4001] data ------------------>|             |             |
    |                                    |=== data ===>|             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |<== data ====|             |
    |<------------------ [0x4001] data --|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |--- Send ind (Peer A)-------------->|             |             |
    |                                    |=== data ===>|             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |<== data ====|             |
    |<------------------ [0x4001] data --|             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |                                    |             |             |
    |--- Allocate request -------------->|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0xA56250D3F17ABE679422DE85     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example client, version 1.03"       |             |
    |    LIFETIME=3600 (1 hour)          |             |             |
    |    REQUESTED-TRANSPORT=17 (UDP)    |             |             |
    |    DONT-FRAGMENT                   |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<-- Allocate error response --------|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0xA56250D3F17ABE679422DE85     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example server, version 1.17"       |             |
    |    ERROR-CODE=401 (Unauthorized)   |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="adl7W7PeDU4hKE72jdaQvbAMcr6h39sm"      |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |--- Allocate request -------------->|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0xC271E932AD7446A32C234492     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example client 1.03"  |             |             |
    |    LIFETIME=3600 (1 hour)          |             |             |
    |    REQUESTED-TRANSPORT=17 (UDP)    |             |             |
    |    DONT-FRAGMENT                   |             |             |
    |    USERNAME="George"               |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="adl7W7PeDU4hKE72jdaQvbAMcr6h39sm"      |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<-- Allocate success response ------|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0xC271E932AD7446A32C234492     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example server, version 1.17"       |             |
    |    LIFETIME=1200 (20 minutes)      |             |             |
    |    XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS=          |             |
    |    XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS=             |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |--- CreatePermission request ------>|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0xE5913A8F460956CA277D3319     |             |
    |    XOR-PEER-ADDRESS=  |             |             |
    |    USERNAME="George"               |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="adl7W7PeDU4hKE72jdaQvbAMcr6h39sm"      |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<-- CreatePermission success resp.--|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0xE5913A8F460956CA277D3319     |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |--- Send indication --------------->|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x1278E9ACA2711637EF7D3328     |             |
    |    XOR-PEER-ADDRESS=            |             |
    |    DONT-FRAGMENT                   |             |             |
    |    DATA=...                        |             |             |
    |                                    |-- UDP dgm ->|             |
    |                                    |  data=...   |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |<- UDP dgm --|             |
    |                                    |  data=...   |             |
    |<-- Data indication ----------------|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x8231AE8F9242DA9FF287FEFF     |             |
    |    XOR-PEER-ADDRESS=            |             |
    |    DATA=...                        |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |--- ChannelBind request ----------->|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x6490D3BC175AFF3D84513212     |             |
    |    CHANNEL-NUMBER=0x4000           |             |             |
    |    XOR-PEER-ADDRESS=            |             |
    |    USERNAME="George"               |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="adl7W7PeDU4hKE72jdaQvbAMcr6h39sm"      |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<-- ChannelBind success response ---|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x6490D3BC175AFF3D84513212     |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |--- ChannelData ------------------->|             |             |
    |    Channel-number=0x4000           |--- UDP datagram --------->|
    |    Data=...                        |    Data=...               |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |                                    |<-- UDP datagram ----------|
    |                                    |    Data=... |             |
    |<-- ChannelData --------------------|             |             |
    |    Channel-number=0x4000           |             |             |
    |    Data=...                        |             |             |

  TURN                                 TURN           Peer          Peer
  client                               server          A             B
    |--- Refresh request --------------->|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x0864B3C27ADE9354B4312414     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example client 1.03"  |             |             |
    |    USERNAME="George"               |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="adl7W7PeDU4hKE72jdaQvbAMcr6h39sm"      |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<-- Refresh error response ---------|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x0864B3C27ADE9354B4312414     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example server, version 1.17"       |             |
    |    ERROR-CODE=438 (Stale Nonce)    |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="npSw1Xw239bBwGYhjNWgz2yH47sxB2j"       |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |--- Refresh request --------------->|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x427BD3E625A85FC731DC4191     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example client 1.03"  |             |             |
    |    USERNAME="George"               |             |             |
    |    REALM="example.com"             |             |             |
    |    NONCE="npSw1Xw239bBwGYhjNWgz2yH47sxB2j"       |             |
    |    MESSAGE-INTEGRITY=...           |             |             |
    |                                    |             |             |
    |<-- Refresh success response -------|             |             |
    |    Transaction-Id=0x427BD3E625A85FC731DC4191     |             |
    |    SOFTWARE="Example server, version 1.17"       |             |
    |    LIFETIME=600 (10 minutes)       |             |             |

      HIP                                                      HIP
      Relay                                                    Relay
      Client                                                   Server
        |   1. UDP(I1)                                           |
        |                                                        |
        |   2. UDP(R1(REG_INFO(RELAY_UDP_HIP)))                  |
        |                                                        |
        |   3. UDP(I2(REG_REQ(RELAY_UDP_HIP)))                   |
        |                                                        |
        |   4. UDP(R2(REG_RES(RELAY_UDP_HIP), REG_FROM))         |
        |                                                        |

     Initiator                                                Responder
     | 1. UDP(I1)                                                     |
     |                                                                |
     | 2. UDP(R1(.., NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE(list of modes), ..))          |
     |                                                                |
     | 3. UDP(I2(.., NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE(selected mode), LOCATOR, ..)) |
     |                                                                |
     | 4. UDP(R2(.., LOCATOR, ..))                                    |
     |                                                                |

     Initiator                   HIP relay                   Responder
     | 1. UDP(I1)                   |                                |
     +----------------------------->| 2. UDP(I1(RELAY_FROM))         |
     |                              +------------------------------->|
     |                              |                                |
     |                              | 3. UDP(R1(RELAY_TO, NAT_TM))   |
     | 4. UDP(R1(RELAY_TO, NAT_TM)) |<-------------------------------+
     |<-----------------------------+                                |
     |                              |                                |
     | 5. UDP(I2(LOCATOR, NAT_TM))  |                                |
     +----------------------------->| 6. UDP(I2(LOCATOR, RELAY_FROM, |
     |                              |           NAT_TM))             |
     |                              +------------------------------->|
     |                              |                                |
     |                              | 7. UDP(R2(LOCATOR, RELAY_TO))  |
     | 8. UDP(R2(LOCATOR, RELAY_TO))|<-------------------------------+
     |<-----------------------------+                                |
     |                              |                                |

   |  Statistik Austria name |          Explanation          | PIDF-LO |
   |                         |                               | Element |
   |        Adresscode       |       address identifier      | ADDCODE |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |      Gemeindename,      |  commune name and identifier  |    A3   |
   |    Gemeindekennziffer   |                               |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |     Ortschaftsname,     |  village name and identifier  |    A4   |
   |   Ortschaftskennziffer  |                               |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |      Strassenname,      |   street name and identifier  |    RD   |
   |    Strassenkennziffer   |                               |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |  Katastralgemeindename, |   cadastral municipality and  |    A5   |
   | Katastralgemeindenummer |           identifier          |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |     Hausnummerntext     |   text in front of the house  |   HNO   |
   |                         |             number            |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   | Hausnummer - 1.  Teil - |    first part of the house    |   HNO   |
   |          Nummer         |        number, numeric        |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   | Hausnummer - 1.  Teil - |    first part of the house    |   HNO   |
   |        Buchstabe        |       number, character       |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |       Hausnummer -      |  links first and Bis part of  |   HNO   |
   | Verbindungszeichen Teil |          house number         |         |
   |         1 -> Bis        |                               |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   | Hausnummer - Bis-Nummer |  number of Bis part of house  |   HNO   |
   |                         |             number            |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |       Hausnummer -      |    character of Bis part of   |   HNO   |
   |      Bis-Buchstabe      |          house number         |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |    Hausnummernbereich   |     indicates if all house    |   HNO   |
   |                         | numbers specified or just odd |         |
   |                         |   or even numbers are stated  |         |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |       Postleitzahl      |          postal code          |    PC   |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |   Postleitzahlengebiet  |     postal community code     |   PCN   |
   |                         |                               |         |

   |        Vulgoname        |           local name          |   NAM   |
   |                         |                               |         |
   |         Hofname         |           farm name           |   LMK   |

   < -------- old key chain --------- >||< -------- new key chain --...
   +-----+-----+ .. +-----+-----+-----+||+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
      0     1    ..   N-2   N-1    N   ||  N+1   N+2   N+3   N+4   N+5
   Key disclosures:                    ||
     N/A   N/A   ..  K_N-4 K_N-3 K_N-2 || K_N-1  K_N  K_N+1 K_N+2 K_N+3
                    |                  ||            |                 |
                    |< -------------- >||            |< ------------- >|
   Additional key        F(K_N+1)      ||                   K_N
   disclosures        (commitment to   ||              (last key of the
   (in parallel):      the new chain)  ||                 old chain)

       +--------+          +-------------+              +------------+||
       |        |   IN     |             |              |            |||
       |        +--------->|             +------------->|            |||
       |Managed |          | Classifying |              | Unmanaged  |||
       |Terminal|   OUT    | Entity      |              | Terminal   |||
       |        |<---------+             |<-------------+            ||+
       |        |          |             |              |            |+
       +--------+          +-------------+              +------------+
                                  | Classifiers
                           |             |
                           |     AAA     |
                           |             |

     Value | Name and Semantic
       0   | Don't Fragment (DF)
       1   | More Fragments (MF)

      Bit  | Name
       0   | SUNDAY
       1   | MONDAY
       2   | TUESDAY
       3   | WEDNESDAY
       4   | THURSDAY
       5   | FRIDAY
       6   | SATURDAY

    End                           Diameter                      Diameter
    Host                           Client                         Server
     |                               |                                |
     |        (initiate EAP)         |                                |
     |<----------------------------->|                                |
     |                               | Diameter-EAP-Request           |
     |                               | EAP-Payload(EAP Start)         |
     |                               | QoS-Capability                 |
     |                               |------------------------------->|
     |                               |                                |
     |                               |            Diameter-EAP-Answer |
     |                          Result-Code=DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH |
     |                               |    EAP-Payload(EAP Request #1) |
     |                               |<-------------------------------|
     |         EAP Request(Identity) |                                |
     |<------------------------------|                                |
     :                               :                                :
     :                     <<<more message exchanges>>>               :
     :                               :                                :
     |                               |                                |
     | EAP Response #N               |                                |
     |------------------------------>|                                |
     |                               | Diameter-EAP-Request           |
     |                               | EAP-Payload(EAP Response #N)   |
     |                               |------------------------------->|
     |                               |                                |
     |                               |            Diameter-EAP-Answer |
     |                               |   Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS |
     |                               |       EAP-Payload(EAP Success) |
     |                               |           (authorization AVPs) |
     |                               |  QoS-Resources(QoS-Authorized) |
     |                               |<-------------------------------|
     |                               |                                |
     |                   EAP Success |                                |
     |<------------------------------|                                |
     |                               |                                |

      End                                             Diameter
      Host               NAS                            Server
       |                  |                              |
       |  Start Network   |                              |
       |  Attachment      |                              |
       |<---------------->|                              |
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |AA-Request                    |
       |                  |NASREQ-Payload                |
       |                  |QoS-Capability                |
       |                  +----------------------------->|
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |                     AA-Answer|
       |            Result-Code=DIAMETER_MULTI_ROUND_AUTH|
       |                NASREQ-Payload(NASREQ Request #1)|
       |                  |<-----------------------------+
       |                  |                              |
       | Request          |                              |
       |<-----------------+                              |
       |                  |                              |
       :                  :                              :
       :          <<<more message exchanges>>>           :
       :                  :                              :
       | Response #N      |                              |
       +----------------->|                              |
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |AA-Request                    |
       |                  |NASREQ-Payload ( Response #N )|
       |                  +----------------------------->|
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |                     AA-Answer|
       |                  |  Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS|
       |                  |          (authorization AVPs)|
       |                  | QoS-Resources(QoS-Authorized)|
       |                  |<-----------------------------+
       |                  |                              |
       | Success          |                              |
       |<-----------------+                              |
       |                  |                              |

       End                                            Diameter
       Host               NAS                          Server
        |                  |                              |
        |                  |                              |
        |  QoS Request     |                              |
        +----------------->|                              |
        |                  |                              |
        |                  |AA-Request                    |
        |                  |Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_ONLY
        |                  |NASREQ-Payload                |
        |                  |QoS-Resources(QoS-Desired)    |
        |                  +----------------------------->|
        |                  |                              |
        |                  |                     AA-Answer|
        |                  |       NASREQ-Payload(Success)|
        |                  | QoS-Resources(QoS-Authorized)|
        |                  |<-----------------------------+
        |  Accept          |                              |
        |<-----------------+                              |
        |                  |                              |
        |                  |                              |
        |                  |                              |

      End                                             Diameter
      Host               NAS                           Server
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |                              |
       :                  :                              :
       :          <<<Initial Message Exchanges>>>        :
       :                  :                              :
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |                   RA-Request |
       |                  |<-----------------------------+
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |RA-Answer                     |
       |                  |Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS  |
       |                  +----------------------------->|
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |AA-Request                    |
       |                  |NASREQ-Payload                |
       |                  |Auth-Request-Type=AUTHORIZE_ONLY
       |                  |QoS-Resources(QoS-Desired)    |
       |                  +----------------------------->|
       |                  |                              |
       |                  |                     AA-Answer|
       |                  |  Result-Code=DIAMETER_SUCCESS|
       |                  |          (authorization AVPs)|
       |                  | QoS-Resources(QoS-Authorized)|
       |                  |<-----------------------------+
       |                  |                              |

                           Service Element
     End User            (CC Client)                        CC Server
        |                     |                                  |
        |(1) Service Request  |                                  |
        |-------------------->|                                  |
        |                     |(2) CCR (Initial,                 |
        |                     |    QoS-Resources(QoS-Desired))   |
        |                     |--------------------------------->|
        |                     |(3) CCA (Granted-Units,           |
        |                     |    QoS-Resources(QoS-Authorized))|
        |                     |<---------------------------------|
        |(4) Service Delivery |                                  |
        |<------------------->|                                  |
        |                     |                                  |
        |(5) End of Service   |                                  |
        |-------------------->|                                  |
        |                     |(6) CCR (Termination, Used-Units, |
        |                     |    QoS-Resources(QoS-Delivered)) |
        |                     |--------------------------------->|
        |                     |(7) CCA                           |
        |                     |<---------------------------------|

   |                                      AVP  Section                 |
   | Attribute Name                       Code Defined     Data Type   |
   |QoS-Resources                         508    3.1       Grouped     |
   |Filter-Rule                           509    3.2       Grouped     |
   |Filter-Rule-Precedence                510    3.3       Unsigned32  |
   |Classifier                            511    4.1.1     Grouped     |
   |Classifier-ID                         512    4.1.2     OctetString |
   |Protocol                              513    4.1.3     Enumerated  |
   |Direction                             514    4.1.4     Enumerated  |
   |From-Spec                             515    4.1.5     Grouped     |
   |To-Spec                               516    4.1.6     Grouped     |
   |Negated                               517   Enumerated  |
   |IP-Address                            518   Address     |
   |IP-Address-Range                      519   Grouped     |
   |IP-Address-Start                      520   Address     |
   |IP-Address-End                        521   Address     |
   |IP-Address-Mask                       522   Grouped     |
   |IP-Mask-Bit-Mask-Width                523   Unsigned32  |
   |MAC-Address                           524   OctetString |
   |MAC-Address-Mask                      525   Grouped     |
   |MAC-Address-Mask-Pattern              526  OctetString |
   |EUI64-Address                         527  OctetString |
   |EUI64-Address-Mask                    528  Grouped     |
   |EUI64-Address-Mask-Pattern            529  OctetString |
   |Port                                  530  Integer32   |
   |Port-Range                            531  Grouped     |
   |Port-Start                            532  Integer32   |
   |Port-End                              533  Integer32   |
   |Use-Assigned-Address                  534  Enumerated  |
   |Diffserv-Code-Point                   535   Enumerated  |
   |Fragmentation-Flag                    536   Enumerated  |
   |IP-Option                             537   Grouped     |
   |IP-Option-Type                        538   Enumerated  |
   |IP-Option-Value                       539   OctetString |
   |TCP-Option                            540   Grouped     |
   |TCP-Option-Type                       541   Enumerated  |
   |TCP-Option-Value                      542   OctetString |
   |TCP-Flags                             543   Grouped     |

   |TCP-Flag-Type                         544  Unsigned32  |
   |ICMP-Type                             545  Grouped     |
   |ICMP-Type-Number                      546  Enumerated  |
   |ICMP-Code                             547  Enumerated  |
   |ETH-Option                            548  Grouped     |
   |ETH-Proto-Type                        549  Grouped     |
   |ETH-Ether-Type                        550  OctetString |
   |ETH-SAP                               551  OctetString |
   |VLAN-ID-Range                         552  Grouped     |
   |S-VID-Start                           553  Unsigned32  |
   |S-VID-End                             554  Unsigned32  |
   |C-VID-Start                           555  Unsigned32  |
   |C-VID-End                             556  Unsigned32  |
   |User-Priority-Range                   557  Grouped     |
   |Low-User-Priority                     558  Unsigned32  |
   |High-User-Priority                    559  Unsigned32  |
   |Time-Of-Day-Condition                 560    4.2.1     Grouped     |
   |Time-Of-Day-Start                     561    4.2.2     Unsigned32  |
   |Time-Of-Day-End                       562    4.2.3     Unsigned32  |
   |Day-Of-Week-Mask                      563    4.2.4     Unsigned32  |
   |Day-Of-Month-Mask                     564    4.2.5     Unsigned32  |
   |Month-Of-Year-Mask                    565    4.2.6     Unsigned32  |
   |Absolute-Start-Time                   566    4.2.7     Time        |
   |Absolute-Start-Fractional-Seconds     567    4.2.8     Unsigned32  |
   |Absolute-End-Time                     568    4.2.9     Time        |
   |Absolute-End-Fractional-Seconds       569    4.2.10    Unsigned32  |
   |Timezone-Flag                         570    4.2.11    Enumerated  |
   |Timezone-Offset                       571    4.2.12    Integer32   |
   |Treatment-Action                      572    5.1       Grouped     |
   |QoS-Profile-Id                        573    5.2       Unsigned32  |
   |QoS-Profile-Template                  574    5.3       Grouped     |
   |QoS-Semantics                         575    5.4       Enumerated  |
   |QoS-Parameters                        576    5.5       Grouped     |
   |Excess-Treatment                      577    5.6       Grouped     |
   |QoS-Capability                        578    6         Grouped     |

                                        |Server  |
                                   Back-End | Diameter Mobile IPv6
                                   Protocol | HA<->AAA Server
                                   Support  | Interaction
                                            | (this document)
    +---------+                      +---------------+
    | Mobile  |  Front-End Protocol  |Home Agent /   |
    | Node    |<-------------------->|Diameter Client|
    +---------+  IKEv2 or RFC 4285   +---------------+

    Mobile                           Home                      Diameter
    Node                             Agent                     Server
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SAi1, KEi, Ni  (1)         |                          |
     |-------------------------------->|                          |
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SAr1, KEr, Nr, [CERTREQ](2)|                          |
     |<--------------------------------|                          |
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SK{IDi,[CERTREQ,] [IDr,]   |                          |
     | [CP(CFG_REQUEST),]              |                          |
     | SAi2, TSi, TSr} (3)             | DER (EAP-Response) (4) + |
     |-------------------------------->| MIP6 Bootstrapping AVPs  |
     |                                 |------------------------->|
     |                                 |                          |
     |                                 | DEA (EAP-Request) (5)    |
     | HDR, SK{IDr, [CERT,] AUTH, EAP} |<-------------------------|
     |<------------------------------- |                          |
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SK{EAP}                    |                          |
     |-------------------------------->| DER (EAP-Response)       |
     |                                 |------------------------->|
     |                                 |                          |
     |                                 | DEA (EAP-Request)        |
     | HDR, SK{EAP-Request}            |<-------------------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                          |
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SK{EAP-Response}           |                          |
     |-------------------------------->| DER (EAP-Response)       |
     |                                 |------------------------->|
     :               ...               :          ...             :
     |                                 |                          |
     |                                 | DEA (EAP-Success) +      |
     |                                 | MIP6 Bootstrapping AVPs  |
     | HDR, SK{EAP-Success}            |<-------------------------|
     |<--------------------------------|                          |
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SK{AUTH}                   |                          |
     |-------------------------------->|                          |
     |                                 |                          |
     | HDR, SK{AUTH, [CP(CFG_REPLY,]   |                          |
     | SAr2, TSi, TSr}                 |                          |
     |<--------------------------------|                          |
     |                                 |                          |

     Mobile                                Home                Diameter
     Node                                  Agent                 Server
       |                                     |                     |
       |                                     | MIP6-Request + MIP6 |
       |       Binding Update                | Bootstrapping AVPs  |
       | (Mobile Node Identifier Option,     |                     |
       |  Mobility Message Replay Protection |                     |
       |  Option, Authentication Option)     |                     |
       |                                     |                     |
       |                                     | MIP6-Answer + MIP6  |
       |       Binding Acknowledgement       | Bootstrapping AVPs  |
       | (Mobile Node Identifier Option      |                     |
       |  Mobility Message Replay Protection |                     |
       |  Option, Authentication Option)     |                     |

                                     |     Command-Code      |
      AVP Name                       | DER | DEA | MIR | MIA |
      MIP6-Feature-Vector            | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      MIP-Mobile-Node-Address        | 1-2 | 0-2 | 1-2 | 0-2 |
      MIP-MN-AAA-SPI                 |  0  |  0  | 0-1 |  0  |
      MIP-MN-HA-SPI                  |  0  |  0  | 0-1 |  0  |
      MIP6-Agent-Info                |  1  | 0-1 |  1  | 0-1 |
      MIP-Careof-Address             |  0  |  0  | 0-1 |  0  |
      MIP-Authenticator              |  0  |  0  | 0-1 |  0  |
      MIP-MAC-Mobility-Data          |  0  |  0  | 0-1 |  0  |
      MIP-MSA-Lifetime               |  0  |  0  |  0  |  1  |
      MIP-MN-HA-MSA                  |  0  |  0  |  0  | 0-1 |
      MIP-Timestamp                  |  0  |  0  | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      User-Name                      | 0-1 | 0-1 |  1  | 0-1 |
      Service-Selection              | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      QoS-Resources                  |  0+ |  0+ |  0+ |  0+ |
      QoS-Capability                 | 0-1 |  0  | 0-1 |  0  |
      Chargeable-User-Identity       | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      MIP6-Auth-Mode                 |  0  |  0  |  1  |  0  |

                                              | Command-Code|
         Attribute Name                       |  ACR |  ACA |
         Accounting-Input-Octets              | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         Accounting-Input-Packets             | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         Accounting-Output-Octets             | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         Accounting-Output-Packets            | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         Acct-Multi-Session-Id                | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         Acct-Session-Time                    | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         MIP6-Feature-Vector                  | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         MIP6-Agent-Info                      | 0-1  |  0-1 |
         MIP-Mobile-Node-Address              | 0-2  |  0-2 |
         Event-Timestamp                      | 0-1  |   0  |
         MIP-Careof-Address                   | 0-1  |   0  |
         Service-Selection                    | 0-1  |   0  |
         QoS-Capability                       |  0+  |   0+ |
         QoS-Resources                        |  0+  |   0+ |
         Chargeable-User-Identity             | 0-1  |   0  |

   Command Code                       | Value
   MIP6-Request/Answer (MIR/MIA)      | 325

   Result-Code                                   | Value
   DIAMETER_SUCCESS_RELOCATE_HA                  | 2009
   DIAMETER_ERROR_MIP6_AUTH_MODE                 | 5041

   Token                                        | Value    | Description
   MIP6_AUTH_MN_AAA                             | 1        | RFC 5778

    | HAAA & | Diameter +-----+
    | Policy |<---(2)-->| LMA |
    | Store  |          +-----+
    +--------+             | <--- LMA-Address
         ^                 |
         |               // \\
     +---|------------- //---\\----------------+
    (    |  IPv4/IPv6  //     \\                )
    (    |   Network  //       \\               )
         |          //           \\
     Diameter      // <- Tunnel1  \\ <- Tunnel2
        (1)       //               \\
         |        |- MAG1-Address   |- MAG2-Address
         |     +----+             +----+
         +---->|MAG1|             |MAG2|
               +----+             +----+
                  |                 |
                  |                 |
                [MN1]             [MN2]

                                     |  Command-Code |
      Attribute Name                 |  REQ  |  ANS  |
      PMIP6-DHCP-Server-Address      |   0   |  0+   |
      MIP6-Agent-Info                |  0+   |  0+   |
      MIP6-Feature-Vector            |  0-1  |  0-1  |
      Mobile-Node-Identifier         |  0-1  |  0-1  |
      Calling-Station-Id             |  0-1  |   0   |
      Service-Selection              |  0-1  |   0   |
      Service-Configuration          |   0   |  0+   |

                                     |  Command-Code |
      Attribute Name                 |  REQ  |  ANS  |
      MIP6-Agent-Info                |  0-1  |  0-1  |
      MIP6-Feature-Vector            |  0-1  |  0-1  |
      Calling-Station-Id             |  0-1  |   0   |
      Service-Selection              |  0-1  |  0-1  |
      User-Name                      |  0-1  |  0-1  |

   MN                 MAG/NAS                LMA                  HAAA
   |                     |                    |                    |
   | L2 attach           |                    |                    |
   |-------------------->|                    |                    |
   | EAP/req-identity    |                    |                    |
   |<--------------------|                    |                    |
   | EAP/res-identity    | DER + MAG-to-HAAA AVPs                  | s
   |-------------------->|---------------------------------------->| t
   | EAP/req #1          | DEA (EAP request #1)                    | e
   |<--------------------|<----------------------------------------| p
   | EAP/res #2          | DER (EAP response #2)                   |
   |-------------------->|---------------------------------------->| 1
   :                     :                    :                    :
   :                     :                    :                    :
   | EAP/res #N          | DER (EAP response #N)                   |
   | EAP/success         | DEA (EAP success) + MAG-to-HAAA AVPs    |
   :                     :                    :                    :
   :                     :                    :                    :
   |                     | PMIPv6 PBU         | AAR +              | s
   |                     |------------------->| LMA-to-HAAA AVPs   | t
   |                     |                    |------------------->| e
   |                     |                    | AAA +              | p
   |                     |                    | LMA-to-HAAA AVPs   |
   |                     | PMIPv6 PBA         |<-------------------| 2
   | RA                  |<-------------------|                    |
   |<--------------------|                    |                    |
   :                     :                    :                    :
   :                     :                    :                    :
   | IP connectivity     | PMIPv6 tunnel up   |                    |
   |---------------------|====================|                    |
   |                     |                    |                    |

   Token                            | Value                | Description
   PMIP6_SUPPORTED                  | 0x0000010000000000   | [RFC5779]
   IP4_HOA_SUPPORTED                | 0x0000020000000000   | [RFC5779]
   LOCAL_MAG_ROUTING_SUPPORTED      | 0x0000040000000000   | [RFC5779]

              .                                                  .
              .            RC_5 ------------ RC_6                .
              .             |                 |                  .
              .             |                 |            RA_Y  .
     Upper    .           *********         *********            .
     Layer    ............* RC_1a *.........* RC_2a *.............
        __________________* |     *_________* |     *__________________
              ............* RC_1b *...   ...* RC 2b *.............
     Lower    .           *********  .   .  *********            .
     Layer    .             |        .   .    |                  .
              .  RA_Z       |        .   .    |            RA_X  .
              .            RC_3      .   .   RC_4                .
              .                      .   .                       .
              ........................   .........................

                           RC_5 ------------- RC_6
                            |                 |
                            |                 |            RA_Y
     Upper                *********         *********
     Layer    ............* RC_1a *.........* RC_2a *.............
        __________________* |     *_________* |     *__________________
              ............* RC_1b *.........* RC_2b *.............
     Lower                *********         *********
     Layer                  |                 |
                            |                 |            RA_X
                           RC_3 --- . . . --- RC_4

   +--------+ +-------+ +---------+ +--------+ +-------++--------+
   | Vndr. X| |  Std. | |   Std.  | |  Std.  | | Std.  || Vndr. X|
   |Patch PC| | OS PC | |   PBC   | |  PBS   | | OS PV ||Patch PV|
   +--+-----+ +-+-----+ +---+-----+ +-+------+ +-+------+--+-----+
      |         |   N/W Join|         |          |         |
      |         |     ----->|         |          |         |
      |         | Req Post. |         |          |         |
      |         |<----------|         |          |         |
      |         | Req Post. |         |          |         |
      |<--------------------|         |          |         |
      |Vndr X Patch Posture |         |          |         |
      |-------------------->|         |          |         |
      |         |OS Posture |         |          |         |
      |         |---------->|         |          |         |
      |         |           | Posture |          |         |
      |         |           | Report  |          |         |
      |         |           |-------->|          |         |
      |         |           |         |  Verify  |         |
      |         |           |         |  Posture |         |
      |         |           |         |--------->          |
      |         |           |         |          | Verify  |
      |         |           |         |          | Posture |
      |         |           |         |------------------->|
      |         |           |         | OS Reslt |         |
      |         |           |         |<---------|         |
      |         |           |         | VndrX Patch Result |
      |         |           | Assess  |<-------------------|
      |         |           | Result  |                    |
      |         |           |<--------|          |         |
      |         | OS Reslt  |         |          |         |
      |         |<----------|         |          |         |
      | VndrX Patch Result  |         |          |         |
      |<--------------------|         |          |         |

   +--------+  +-------+ +---------+ +--------+ +-------+ +--------+
   | Vndr Y |  | Vndr X| |   Std.  | |  Std.  | | Vndr X| | Vndr Y |
   |  AV PC |  | AV PC | |   PBC   | |  PBS   | | AV PV | |  AV PV |
   +----+---+  +---+---+ +-----+---+ +---+----+ +---+---+ +----+---+
        |          |           | N/W Join|          |          |
        |          |           | ------->|          |          |
        |          |           |         |  Create  |          |
        |          |           |         |Post. Req |          |
        |          |           |         |--------->|          |
        |          |           |         |Create Posture Req   |
        |          |           |         |----------+--------->|
        |          |           |         | Vndr Y AV Post Req  |
        |          |           |         |<---------+----------|
        |          |           |         |Vndr X AV |          |
        |          |           |         |Post. Req |          |
        |          |           | Posture |<---------|          |
        |          |           | Request |          |          |
        |          | Vndr X AV |<--------|          |          |
        |          | Post. Req |         |          |          |
        |          |<----------|         |          |          |
        |      Vndr Y AV       |         |          |          |
        |     Posture Req      |         |          |          |
        +<---------+-----------|         |          |          |
        |  Vndr Y AV Posture   |         |          |          |
        +----------+---------->|         |          |          |
        |          | Vndr X AV |         |          |          |
        |          |  Posture  |         |          |          |
        |          |---------->| Posture |          |          |
        |          |           |Response |          |          |
        |          |           |-------->|          |          |
        |          |           |         |  Verify  |          |
        |          |           |         |  Posture |          |
        |          |           |         |--------->|          |
        |          |           |         |     Verify Posture  |
        |          |           |         |----------+--------->|
        |          |           |         |Vndr Y AV Post Result|
        |          |           |         |<---------+----------|
        |          |           |         |Vndr X AV |          |
        |          |           |         |Post Reslt|          |
        |          |           |  Assess |<---------|          |
        |          |           |  Result |          |          |
        |          | Vndr X AV |<--------|          |          |
        |          |Post Reslt |<--------|          |          |
        |          |<----------|         |          |          |
        | Vndr Y AV Post Reslt |         |          |          |
        +<---------+-----------|         |          |          |

   +--------+  +-------+ +---------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
   |Vndr X  |  |Vndr Y | |Standard | |Standard| |Standard| |Standard|
   |VPNClnt |  |VPNClnt| | VPN PC  | |  PBC   | |  PBS   | | VPN PV |
   +----+---+  +---+---+ +-----+---+ +---+----+ +---+----+ +----+---+
   Enble|          |           |         |          |           |
   ---->|          |           |         |          |           |
        |  VPN Status Change   |         |          |           |
        |--------------------->| Posture |          |           |
        |          |           | Change  |          |           |
        |          |           |-------->|          |           |
        |          |           |Req. Post|          |           |
        |          |           |<--------|          |           |
        |          |Ins/Rq Info|         |          |           |
        |          |<----------|         |          |           |
        | Inspect/Request Info |         |          |           |
        |<---------+-----------|VPNX Post|          |           |
        |          |           |-------->|          |           |
        |          |           |VPNY Post|          |           |
        |          |           |-------->|          |           |
        |          |           |         | Posture  |           |
        |          |           |         |  Report  |           |
        |          |           |         |--------->|           |
        |          |           |         |          |Vrfy Post. |
        |          |           |         |          |---------->|
        |          |           |         |          |VPN PRslt  |
        |          |           |         |  Assess  |<----------|
        |          |           |         |  Result  |           |
        |          |           |         |<---------|           |
        |          |           |VPN PRslt|          |           |
        |          |           |<--------|          |           |

               Receive CRETRY        SRETRY
                    or SRETRY   +----------------+
                         +--+   |                |
                         v  |   v                |
                        +---------+  CRETRY  +---------+
              CDATA     | Server  |<---------| Decided | CLOSE
           +----------->| Working |--------->|         |-------+
           |            +---------+  RESULT  +---------+       |
           |                ^ |  |                             v
           |                | |  +---------------------->=======
         ========           | |              CLOSE       " End "
         " Init "      CDATA| |SDATA                     =======
         ========           | |                          ^    ^
           |  |             | v                          |    |
           |  | SDATA   +---------+          CLOSE       |    |
           |  +-------->| Client  |----------------------+    |
           |            | Working |                           |
           |            +---------+                           |
           |                |  ^                              |
           |                +--+                              |
           |            Receive CRETRY                        |
           |   CLOSE                                          |

   +--------+  +-------+ +---------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+

   +----+---+  +---+---+ +-----+---+ +---+----+ +---+----+ +----+---+
   Enble|          |           |         |          |           |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      | 1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0 |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      | 1   1   1   0 |      CID      |

        0              x-1  x       7
       --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
      :         Add-CID octet         :  if CID 1-15 and small CIDs
      +--- --- --- --- ---+--- --- ---+
      | type indication   |   body    |  1 octet (8-x bits of body)
      +--- --- --- --- ---+--- --- ---+
      :                               :
      /    0, 1, or 2 octets of CID   /  1 or 2 octets if large CIDs
      :                               :
      /             body              /  variable length

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      | profile-specific information  |  1 octet

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |Acktype|                       |
      +---+---+   profile-specific    /  at least 2 octets
      /             information       |

   R2    R3    R4    R5    R6
   |     |     |     |     |
   |     |     |     |     |
   ---------   ---------------
          |     |
          |     |
           \   /
           /   \
          |     |
          |     |
   ---------    --------------------
         |       |    |    |    |
         |       |    |    |    |
        R7      R8   R9   R10  R11
         |       |    |    |    |
                   |    |    |
                   |    |    |
                  R12  R13  R14

            +++++                      |
            + B + SAb     ------------>|
            +   + SAa     <------------|
            +++++                      |
            +++++ SAb     <------------|
            +   +                 ---->|
            +   +                /
            + A + SAa     -------
            +   +                \
            +   +                 ---->|
            +++++ SAc     <------------|
            +++++                      |
            + C + SAc     ------------>|
            +   + SAa     <------------|
            +++++                      |
                          Directly connected network

            +++++                      |
            + B + SAo     ------------>|
            +   + SAi     <------------|
            +++++                      |
            +++++ SAi     <------------|
            +   +                 ---->|
            +   +                /
            + A + SAo     -------
            +   +                \
            +   +                 ---->|
            +++++ SAi     <------------|
            +++++                      |
            + C + SAo     ------------>|
            +   + SAi     <------------|
            +++++                      |
                          Directly connected network

   | cmd   | FEAT | description       | type | conf | RFC#s/References |
   |       | Code |                   |      |      | and Notes        |
   | ABOR  | base | Abort             | s    | m    | 959              |
   | ACCT  | base | Account           | a    | m    | 959              |
   | ADAT  | secu | Authentication/   | a    | o    | 2228, 2773, 4217 |
   |       |      | Security Data     |      |      |                  |
   | ALLO  | base | Allocate          | s    | m    | 959              |
   | APPE  | base | Append (with      | s    | m    | 959              |
   |       |      | create)           |      |      |                  |
   | AUTH  | secu | Authentication/   | a    | o    | 2228             |
   |       |      | Security          |      |      |                  |
   |       |      | Mechanism         |      |      |                  |
   | AUTH+ | AUTH | Authentication/   | a    | o    | 2773, 4217 #2    |
   |       |      | Security          |      |      |                  |
   |       |      | Mechanism         |      |      |                  |
   | CCC   | secu | Clear Command     | a    | o    | 2228             |
   |       |      | Channel           |      |      |                  |
   | CDUP  | base | Change to Parent  | a    | o    | 959              |
   |       |      | Directory         |      |      |                  |
   | CONF  | secu | Confidentiality   | a    | o    | 2228             |
   |       |      | Protected Command |      |      |                  |
   | CWD   | base | Change Working    | a    | m    | 959              |
   |       |      | Directory         |      |      |                  |
   | DELE  | base | Delete File       | s    | m    | 959              |
   | ENC   | secu | Privacy Protected | a    | o    | 2228, 2773, 4217 |
   |       |      | Command           |      |      |                  |
   | EPRT  | nat6 | Extended Port     | p    | o    | 2428             |
   | EPSV  | nat6 | Extended Passive  | p    | o    | 2428             |
   |       |      | Mode              |      |      |                  |

   | STOR  | base | Store             | s    | m    | 959              |
   | STOU  | base | Store Unique      | a    | o    | 959, 1123        |
   | STRU  | base | File Structure    | p    | m    | 959              |
   | SYST  | base | System            | s    | o    | 959              |
   | TYPE  | base | Representation    | p    | m    | 959 #4           |
   |       |      | Type              |      |      |                  |
   | USER  | base | User Name         | a    | m    | 959              |
   | XCUP  | hist | {precursor for    | s    | h    | 775, 1123        |
   |       |      | CDUP}             |      |      |                  |
   | XCWD  | hist | {precursor for    | s    | h    | 775, 1123        |
   |       |      | CWD}              |      |      |                  |
   | XMKD  | hist | {precursor for    | s    | h    | 775, 1123        |
   |       |      | MKD}              |      |      |                  |
   | XPWD  | hist | {precursor for    | s    | h    | 775, 1123        |
   |       |      | PWD}              |      |      |                  |
   | XRMD  | hist | {precursor for    | s    | h    | 775, 1123        |
   |       |      | RMD}              |      |      |                  |
   | -N/A- | TVFS | Trivial Virtual   | p    | o    | 3659             |
   |       |      | File Store        |      |      |                  |

        +-----------+ +-----------+
        |   Rtr1    | |   Rtr2    |
        |(MR VRID=1)| |(BR VRID=1)|
        |           | |           |
VRID=1  +-----------+ +-----------+
IPvX A--------->*            *<---------IPvX B
                |            |
                |            |
                                   ^          ^          ^          ^
                                   |          |          |          |
default rtr IPvX addrs-------> (IPvX A)   (IPvX A)   (IPvX A)   (IPvX A)
                                   |          |          |          |
                          IPvX H1->* IpvX H2->* IPvX H3->* IpvX H4->*
                                +--+--+    +--+--+    +--+--+    +--+--+
                                |  H1 |    |  H2 |    |  H3 |    |  H4 |
                                +-----+    +-----+    +--+--+    +--+--+
         --+---+---+-- = Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI
                     H = Host computer
                    MR = Master Router
                    BR = Backup Router
                    *  =  IPvX Address; X is 4 everywhere in IPv4 case
                                        X is 6 everywhere in IPv6 case
                    (IPvX) = default router for hosts

        +-----------+      +-----------+
        |   Rtr1    |      |   Rtr2    |
        |(MR VRID=1)|      |(BR VRID=1)|
        |(BR VRID=2)|      |(MR VRID=2)|
VRID=1  +-----------+      +-----------+  VRID=2
IPvX A -------->*            *<---------- IPvX B
                |            |
                |            |
                                   ^          ^          ^          ^
                                   |          |          |          |
default rtr IPvX addrs -----> (IPvX A)   (IPvX A)   (IPvX B)   (IPvX B)
                                   |          |          |          |
                          IPvX H1->* IpvX H2->* IPvX H3->* IpvX H4->*
                                +--+--+    +--+--+    +--+--+    +--+--+
                                |  H1 |    |  H2 |    |  H3 |    |  H4 |
                                +-----+    +-----+    +--+--+    +--+--+
        ---+---+---+--  =  Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI
                     H  =  Host computer
                    MR  =  Master Router
                    BR  =  Backup Router
                     *  =  IPvX Address; X is 4 everywhere in IPv4 case
                                         X is 6 everywhere in IPv6 case
                (IPvX)  =  default router for hosts

   The following is an extension of tables 4 and 5 in [RFC3261] for the
   Diversion header:
                       where  enc.  e-e ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
   Diversion              R           h   -   -   -   o   -   -
   Diversion             3xx          h   -   -   -   o   -   -

                     | Bob@P2: CFUNC->Carol@C |
A             P1              P2            B          C
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INVITE Carol@C------->|
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@P2     |
|              |              |    ;reason=unconditional
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-200-------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200---------|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFUNC->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            non-recursing  non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-302---------|              |             |          |
|  Contact: Carol@C           |             |          |
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=unconditional    |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--ACK-------->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--INVITE Carol@C------------------------------------->|
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=unconditional    |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFUNC->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200----------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                                    | Bob@B: CFUNC->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2              B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |               |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |               |          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|               |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B--->|          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |              |<-302----------|          |
|              |              |  Contact: Carol@C        |
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@B        |
|              |              |    ;reason=unconditional
|              |              |               |          |
|              |              |--ACK--------->|          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |<-302---------|               |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C            |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@B            |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional     |          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|               |          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C------------------------>|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@B            |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional     |          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |<-200------------------------------------|
|              |              |               |          |
|<-200---------|              |               |          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |              |               |          |
|              |              |               |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFB->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-486--------|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--ACK------->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INVITE Carol@C------->|
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@P2     |
|              |              |    ;reason=user-busy   |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-200-------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200---------|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFB->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            non-recursing  non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-486--------|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--ACK------->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=user-busy       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-302---------|              |             |          |
|  Contact: Carol@C           |             |          |
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=user-busy        |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--ACK-------->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--INVITE Carol@C------------------------------------->|
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=user-busy        |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFB->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-486--------|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--ACK------->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=user-busy       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=user-busy       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200----------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                               | Bob@B: CFB->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-302--------|          |
|              |              |  Contact: Carol@C      |
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@B      |
|              |              |    ;reason=user-busy   |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--ACK------->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@B          |          |
|              |    ;reason=user-busy       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@B          |          |
|              |    ;reason-user-busy       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200----------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFNA->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-180--------|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |           timeout          |          |
|              |              |--INVITE Carol@C------->|
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@P2     |
|              |              |    ;reason=no-answer   |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-200-------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200---------|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFNA->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            non-recursing  non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-180--------|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |           timeout          |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=no-answer       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-302---------|              |             |          |
|  Contact: Carol@C           |             |          |
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=no-answer        |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--ACK-------->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--INVITE Carol@C------------------------------------->|
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=no-answer        |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFNA->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-180--------|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |            timeout         |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=no-answer       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=no-answer       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200----------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                                  | Bob@B: CFNA->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |          timeout       |
|              |              |<-302--------|          |
|              |              |  Contact: Carol@C      |
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@B      |
|              |              |    ;reason=no-answer   |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |--ACK------->|          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@B          |          |
|              |    ;reason=no-answer       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@B          |          |
|              |    ;reason-no-answer       |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200----------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFUNV->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|<-100---------|              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |<-100---------|             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |  ...        |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |           timeout          |          |
|              |              |--INVITE Carol@C------->|
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@P2     |
|              |              |    ;reason=unavailable
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |<-200-------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200---------|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFUNV->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            non-recursing  non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-100---------|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-100---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |  ...        |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |           timeout          |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=unavailable     |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|<-302---------|              |             |          |
|  Contact: Carol@C           |             |          |
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=unavailable      |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--ACK-------->|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|--INVITE Carol@C------------------------------------->|
|  Diversion: Bob@P2          |             |          |
|    ;reason=unavailable      |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

                     | Bob@P2: CFUNV->Carol@C |
A              P1             P2            B          C
            recursing      non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |
|<-100---------|              |             |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |
|              |<-100---------|             |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |              |  ...        |          |
|              |              |--INV Bob@B->|          |
|              |           timeout          |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=unavailable     |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |
|              |    ;reason=unavailable     |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |<-200----------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |
|              |              |             |          |

            +------------------------+     +-------------------------+
            | Bob@P2: CFUNC->Carol@C |     | Carol@C: CFB->5551234@D |
            +---------------+--------+     +--------+----------------+
                             \                       \
                              \                       \
A              P1             P2            B          C          D
            recursing      non-recursing          non-recursing
|              |              |             |          |          |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |             |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|             |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |<-302---------|             |          |          |
|              |  Contact: Carol@C          |          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |--ACK-------->|             |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |--INVITE Carol@C---------------------->|          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |<-302----------------------------------|          |
|              |  Contact: 5551234@D        |          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Carol@C        |          |          |
|              |    ;reason=user-busy       |          |          |
|              |    ;privacy="full"         |          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |--ACK--------------------------------->|          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |--INVITE 5551234@D------------------------------->|
|              |  Diversion: Carol@C        |          |          |
|              |    ;reason=user-busy       |          |          |
|              |    ;privacy="full"         |          |          |
|              |  Diversion: Bob@P2         |          |          |
|              |    ;reason=unconditional   |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |<-200---------------------------------------------|
|              |              |             |          |          |
|<-200---------|              |             |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |
|              |              |             |          |          |

         +------------------------+  +--------------------------+
         | Bob@P2: CFUNC->Carol@C |  | Carol@C: CFNA->5551234@D |
         +------------------+-----+  +-----+--------------------+
                             \              \
                              \              \
A              P1             P2       B      C                 D
                            recursing       recursing
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|--INV Bob@P1->|              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |--INV Bob@P2->|        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |--INV Carol@C->|                 |
|              |              |  Diversion: Bob@P2              |
|              |              |    ;reason=unconditional        |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |<--180---------|                 |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |<-180---------|        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|<-180---------|              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |    timeout             |
|              |              |        |      |--INV 5551234@D->|
|              |              |        |      |Diversion: Carol@C
|              |              |        |      |  ;reason=no-answer
|              |              |        |      |  ;privacy="full"
|              |              |        |      |Diversion: Bob@P2
|              |              |        |      |  ;reason= unconditional
|              |              |        |      |                 |
|              |              |        |      |<-200------------|
|              |              |        |      |         |       |
|              |              |<-200----------|         |       |
|              |              |        |      |         |       |
|              |<-200---------|        |      |         |       |
|              |              |        |      |         |       |
|<-200---------|              |        |      |         |       |
|              |              |        |      |         |       |
|              |              |        |      |         |       |

                | WeSellPizza@P2: CFTOD->nightserv@P3 |
UAC             P1             P2                 P3               UAS1
                        (WeSellPizza.com)  (NightService.com)
| [1]           |              |                   |                  |
|-INV pizza@P1->|              |                   |                  |
|               |              |                   |                  |
|               |              |                   |                  |
|               | [2] INVITE WeSellPizza@P2        |                  |
|               |------------->|                   |                  |
|               |              |                   |                  |
|               |              | [3]               |                  |
|               |              |-INV nightserv@P3->|                  |
|               |              | Diversion: WeSellPizza@P2            |
|               |              |   ;reason=time-of-day                |
|               |              |                   |                  |
|               |              |                   | [4]              |
|               |              |                   |-INV Carol@uas1-->|
|               |              |            Diversion: WeSellPizza@P2 |
|               |              |                ;reason=time-of-day   |
|               |              |                   |                  |
|               |              |                   |<-[5] 200---------|
|               |              |<-[6] 200----------|                  |
|               |<-[7] 200-----|                   |                  |
|<-[8] 200------|              |                   |                  |
|               |              |                   |                  |
|--[9] ACK----------------------------------------------------------->|
|               |              |                   |                  |
|<=========================================="Hello, WeSellPizza"======|
|               |              |                   |                  |
|               |              |                   |                  |

                 | WeSellFlowers@P4: CFTOD->nightserv@P3 |
UAC             P1               P4                 P3              UAS1
                         (WeSellFlowers.com)  (NightService.com)
| [1]           |                |                   |                |
|-INV roses@P1->|                |                   |                |
|               |                |                   |                |
|               | [2] INVITE WeSellFlowers@P4        |                |
|               |--------------->|                   |                |
|               |                |                   |                |
|               | [3]            |                   |                |
|               |<-302-----------|                   |                |
|               |  Contact: nightservice@P3          |                |
|               |  Diversion: WeSellFlowers@P4       |                |
|               |    ;reason=time-of-day             |                |
|               |                |                   |                |
|               |--[4] ACK------>|                   |                |
|               |                |                   |                |
|               | [5]            |                   |                |
|               |-INVITE nightservice@P3------------>|                |
|               | Diversion: WeSellFlowers@P4        |                |
|               |   ;reason=time-of-day              |                |
|               |                |                   |                |
|               |                |                   | [6]            |
|               |                |               -INV Carol@uas1----->|
|               |                |          Diversion: WeSellFlowers@P4
|               |                |            ;reason=time-of-day
|               |                |                                    |
|               |                |              |<-[7] 200------------|
|               |<-[8] 200---------------------------|                |
|<-[9] 200------|                |                   |                |
|               |                |                   |                |
|--[10] ACK---------------------------------------------------------->|
|               |                |                   |                |
|<======================================="Hello, WeSellFlowers"=======|
|               |                |                   |                |
|               |                |                   |                |

                 | Bob@UAS1: CFDoNotDisturb->voicemail@isp.com |
UAC1               P1                P2            UAS1        UAS2
|                  |                  |              |          |
|--[1] INV Bob@P1->|                  |              |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |--[2] INV Bob@P2->|              |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |               [3] INV Bob@uas1->|          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |                [4] <- 302-------|          |
|                  |               Contact: voicemail@isp.com   |
|                  |               Diversion: Bob@uas1          |
|                  |                 ;reason=do-not-disturb     |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |                  |[5] ACK------>|          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |<-[6] 302---------|              |          |
|                  |  Contact: voicemail@isp.com     |          |
|                  |  Diversion: Bob@uas1            |          |
|                  |    ;reason=do-not-disturb       |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |--[7] ACK-------->|              |          |
|<-[8] 302---------|                  |              |          |
|  Contact: voicemail@isp.com         |              |          |
|  Diversion: Bob@uas1                |              |          |
|    ;reason=do-not-disturb           |              |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|--[9] ACK-------->|                  |              |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|--[10] INVITE voicemail@isp.com------------------------------->|
|  Diversion: Bob@uas1                |              |          |
|    ;reason=do-not-disturb           |              |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |
|<--[11] 200----------------------------------------------------|
|                  |                  |              |          |
|---[12] ACK--------------------------------------------------->|
|                  |                  |              |          |
|                  |                  |              |          |

                                   ISUP/SIP GW
  Called Party Number    =+19195551004 |
  Redirecting Number     =+19195551002 |
    Address Presentation =presentation restricted
  Original Called Number =+19195551001 |
  RedirectionInformation:              |
    Original Redirecting Reason = Unconditional (1111)
    Redirecting Reason = User busy (0001)
    Redirection Counter = 5            |
                                       |--INVITE +19195551004------>
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551002>
                                       |    ;reason=user-busy
                                       |    ;privacy="full"
                                       |    ;counter=4
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551001>
                                       |    ;reason=unconditional
                                       |    ;counter=1

                                   ISUP/SIP GW
                                       |<--INVITE +19195551004------
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551002>
                                       |    ;reason=user-busy
                                       |    ;privacy="full"
                                       |    ;counter=4
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551001>
                                       |    ;reason=unconditional
                                       |    ;counter=1
  Called Party Number    =+19195551004 |
  Redirecting Number     =+19195551002 |
    Address Presentation =presentation restricted
  Original Called Number =+19195551001 |
  RedirectionInformation:              |
    Original Redirecting Reason = Unconditional (1111)
    Redirecting Reason = User busy (0001)
    Redirection Counter = 5            |

                        ISDN/SIP GW
  Called party number      =+19195551004
  Redirecting Number information element:
    Redirecting Number     =+19195551001
    Reason for redirection = Unconditional (1111)
    Origin of Number       = passed network screening
    Presentation Status    = presentation allowed
  Redirecting Number information element:
    Redirecting Number     =+19195551002
    Reason for redirection = User busy (0001)
    Origin of Number       = passed network screening
    Presentation Status    = presentation prohibited
                                       |--INVITE tel:+19195551004---->
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551002>
                                       |    ;reason=user-busy
                                       |    ;screen="yes"
                                       |    ;privacy="off"
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551001>
                                       |    ;reason=unconditional
                                       |    ;screen="yes"
                                       |    ;privacy="full"

                                   ISDN/SIP GW
  Called party number      =+19195551004
  Redirecting Number information element:
    Redirecting Number     =+19195551001
    Reason for redirection = Unconditional (1111)
    Origin of Number       = passed network screening
    Presentation Status    = presentation allowed
  Redirecting Number information element:
    Redirecting Number     =+19195551002
    Reason for redirection = User busy (0001)
    Origin of Number       = passed network screening
    Presentation Status    = presentation prohibited
                                       |<--INVITE tel:+19195551004----
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551002>
                                       |    ;reason=user-busy
                                       |    ;screen="yes"
                                       |    ;privacy="off
                                       |  Diversion: <tel:+19195551001>
                                       |    ;reason=unconditional
                                       |    ;screen="yes"
                                       |    ;privacy="full"

          +-----+       PANA        +-----+     LDAP, API, etc. +-----+
          | PaC |<----------------->| PAA |<------------------->| AS  |
          +-----+                   +-----+                     +-----+
             ^                         ^
             |                         |
             |         +-----+         |
     IKE,    +-------->| EP  |<--------+ ANCP, API, etc.
     4-way handshake,  +-----+
     etc.                 .
                     Data traffic

            +---------+---------+   Location    +-----------+
            |         |         |  Dereference  | Location  |
            |      LIS/LS       +---------------+ Recipient |
            |         |         |   Protocol    |           |
            +----+----+----+----+      (3)      +-----+-----+
                 |           *                        |
                 |      Policy *                      |
        Location |      Exchange *                    |
   Configuration |        (*)      *                  | Location
        Protocol |              +----+----+           | Conveyance
           (1)   |              |  Rule   |           | Protocol
                 |              |  Maker  |           |    (2)
            +----+----+         +---------+           |
            |         |                               |
            | Target  +-------------------------------+
            |         |

                            | ForCES Network Element              |
     --------------   Fc    | --------------      --------------  |
     | CE Manager |---------+-|     CE 1   |------|    CE 2    |  |
     --------------         | |            |  Fr  |            |  |
           |                | --------------      --------------  |
           | Fl             |         |  |    Fp       /          |
           |                |       Fp|  |----------| /           |
           |                |         |             |/            |
           |                |         |             |             |
           |                |         |     Fp     /|----|        |
           |                |         |  /--------/      |        |
     --------------     Ff  | --------------      --------------  |
     | FE Manager |---------+-|     FE 1   |  Fi  |     FE 2   |  |
     --------------         | |            |------|            |  |
                            | --------------      --------------  |
                            |   |  |  |  |          |  |  |  |    |
                                |  |  |  |          |  |  |  |
                                |  |  |  |          |  |  |  |
                                  Fi/f                   Fi/f

         |       |       |       |       |       |       |
         |OSPF   |RIP    |BGP    |RSVP   |LDP    |. . .  |
         |       |       |       |       |       |       |
         -------------------------------------------------    CE
         |               ForCES Interface                |
                                 ^   ^
                                 |   |
                         ForCES  |   |data
                         control |   |packets
                         messages|   |(e.g., routing packets)
                                 |   |
                                 v   v
         |               ForCES Interface                |
         -------------------------------------------------    FE
         |       |       |       |       |       |       |
         |LPM Fwd|Meter  |Shaper |MPLS   |Classi-|. . .  |
         |       |       |       |       |fier   |       |

         |               CE PL                           |
         |              CE TML                           |
                      ForCES       |   (i.e.,  ForCES data + control
                      PL           |    packets )
                      messages     |
                      over         |
                      specific     |
                      TML          |
                      encaps       |
                      and          |
                      transport    |
         |              FE TML                           |
         |               FE PL                           |

                       CE sends Association Setup
           |                                                 Y
           ^                                                 |
           |                                                 Y
       +---+-------+                                     +-------------+
       |FE pre-    |                                     | FE post-    |
       |association|    CE sends Association Teardown    | association |
       |phase      |<------- <------<-----<------<-------+ phase       |
       |           |                                     |             |
       +-----------+                                     +-------------+
             ^                                               Y
             |                                               |
                           FE loses association

      <----Ff ref pt--->              <--Fc ref pt------->
      FE Manager      FE                CE Manager    CE
       |              |                 |             |
       |              |                 |             |
    (security exchange)               (security exchange)
      1|<------------>| authentication 1|<----------->|authentication
       |              |                 |             |
     (FE ID, components)              (CE ID, components)
      2|<-------------| request        2|<------------|request
       |              |                 |             |
      3|------------->| response       3|------------>|response
      (corresponding CE ID)          (corresponding FE ID)
       |              |                 |             |
       |              |                 |             |

      FE Manager      FE               CE Manager     CE
       |              |                 |             |
       |              |                 |             |
      (security exchange)               |             |
      1|<------------------------------>|             |
       |              |                 |             |
      (a list of CEs and their components)            |
      2|<-------------------------------|             |
       |              |                 |             |
      (a list of FEs and their components)            |
      3|------------------------------->|             |
       |              |                 |             |
       |              |                 |             |

           |                                                      |
           | (1) Config, SOT,AT, EM=All-or-None, OP= SET/DEL,etc  |
           |                                                      |
           | (2) ACKnowledge                                      |
           |                                                      |
           | (3) Config, MOT,AT, EM=All-or-None, OP= SET/DEL,etc  |
           |                                                      |
           | (4) ACKnowledge                                      |
           |                                                      |
           | (5) Config, MOT,AT, EM=All-or-None, OP= SET/DEL,etc  |
           |                                                      |
           | (6) ACKnowledge                                      |
           .                                                      .
           .                                                      .
           .                                                      .
           .                                                      .
           |                                                      |
           | (N) Config, EOT,AT, EM=All-or-None, OP= COMMIT       |
           |                                                      |
           | (N+1)Config-response, ACKnowledge, OP=COMMIT-RESPONSE|
           |                                                      |
           | (N+2) Config, OP=TRCOMP                              |

             |                       |
             |   Asso Setup Req      |
             |                       |
             |   Asso Setup Resp     |
             |                       |
             | LFBx Query capability |
             |                       |
             | LFBx Query Resp       |
             |                       |
             | FEO Query (Topology)  |
             |                       |
             | FEO Query Resp        |
             |                       |
             | FEO OperEnable Event  |
             |                       |
             |  Config FEO Adminup   |
             |                       |
             | FEO Config-Resp       |
             |                       |

             |                              |
             |    Heartbeat                 |
             |                              |
             |   Heartbeat                  |
             |                              |
             | Config-set LFBy (Event sub.) |
             |                              |
             |     Config Resp LFBy         |
             |                              |
             |  Config-set LFBx Component   |
             |                              |
             |     Config Resp  LFBx        |
             |                              |
             |Config-Query LFBz (Stats)     |
             |<--------------------------- -|
             |                              |
             |    Query Resp LFBz           |
             |                              |
             |    FE Event Report           |
             |                              |
             |  Config-Del LFBx Component   |
             |                              |
             |     Config Resp LFBx         |
             |                              |
             |    Packet Redirect LFBx      |
             |                              |
             |    Heartbeat                 |
             .                              .
             .                              .
             |                              |

   |         Result Value        |   Value   |        Definition       |
   |          E_SUCCESS          |    0x00   |         Success         |
   |       E_INVALID_HEADER      |    0x01   |  Unspecified error with |
   |                             |           |         header.         |
   |      E_LENGTH_MISMATCH      |    0x02   |   Header length field   |
   |                             |           |  does not match actual  |
   |                             |           |      packet length.     |
   |      E_VERSION_MISMATCH     |    0x03   |  Unresolvable mismatch  |
   |                             |           |       in versions.      |
   |  E_INVALID_DESTINATION_PID  |    0x04   |    Destination PID is   |
   |                             |           | invalid for the message |
   |                             |           |        receiver.        |
   |        E_LFB_UNKNOWN        |    0x05   |   LFB Class ID is not   |
   |                             |           |    known by receiver.   |
   |       E_LFB_NOT_FOUND       |    0x06   |  LFB Class ID is known  |
   |                             |           |   by receiver but not   |
   |                             |           |    currently in use.    |
   | E_LFB_INSTANCE_ID_NOT_FOUND |    0x07   |  LFB Class ID is known  |
   |                             |           |    but the specified    |
   |                             |           |  instance of that class |
   |                             |           |     does not exist.     |
   |        E_INVALID_PATH       |    0x08   |  The specified path is  |
   |                             |           |       impossible.       |
   |  E_COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST |    0x09   |  The specified path is  |
   |                             |           |     possible but the    |
   |                             |           |    component does not   |
   |                             |           | exist (e.g., attempt to |
   |                             |           | modify a table row that |
   |                             |           |  has not been created). |
   |           E_EXISTS          |    0x0A   |   The specified object  |
   |                             |           |   exists but it cannot  |
   |                             |           | exist for the operation |
   |                             |           |    to succeed (e.g.,    |
   |                             |           |    attempt to add an    |
   |                             |           |  existing LFB instance  |
   |                             |           |   or array subscript).  |
   |         E_NOT_FOUND         |    0x0B   |   The specified object  |
   |                             |           |  does not exist but it  |
   |                             |           |    MUST exist for the   |
   |                             |           |   operation to succeed  |
   |                             |           |    (e.g., attempt to    |
   |                             |           |  delete a non-existing  |
   |                             |           |  LFB instance or array  |
   |                             |           |       subscript).       |

   |         E_READ_ONLY         |    0x0C   |   Attempt to modify a   |
   |                             |           |     read-only value.    |
   |   E_INVALID_ARRAY_CREATION  |    0x0D   |   Attempt to create an  |
   |                             |           | array with an unallowed |
   |                             |           |        subscript.       |
   |     E_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE    |    0x0E   |     Attempt to set a    |
   |                             |           |   parameter to a value  |
   |                             |           |      outside of its     |
   |                             |           |     allowable range.    |
   |     E_CONTENTS_TOO_LONG     |    0x0D   |     Attempt to write    |
   |                             |           |   contents larger than  |
   |                             |           | the target object space |
   |                             |           |    (i.e., exceeding a   |
   |                             |           |         buffer).        |
   |     E_INVALID_PARAMETERS    |    0x10   |   Any other error with  |
   |                             |           |     data parameters.    |
   |    E_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE   |    0x11   |   Message type is not   |
   |                             |           |       acceptable.       |
   |       E_INVALID_FLAGS       |    0x12   |  Message flags are not  |
   |                             |           |    acceptable for the   |
   |                             |           |   given message type.   |
   |        E_INVALID_TLV        |    0x13   | A TLV is not acceptable |
   |                             |           |  for the given message  |
   |                             |           |          type.          |
   |        E_EVENT_ERROR        |    0x14   | Unspecified error while |
   |                             |           |    handling an event.   |
   |       E_NOT_SUPPORTED       |    0x15   |   Attempt to perform a  |
   |                             |           |  valid ForCES operation |
   |                             |           |  that is unsupported by |
   |                             |           |  the message receiver.  |
   |        E_MEMORY_ERROR       |    0x16   | A memory error occurred |
   |                             |           |    while processing a   |
   |                             |           |    message (no error    |
   |                             |           | detected in the message |
   |                             |           |         itself).        |
   |       E_INTERNAL_ERROR      |    0x17   |   An unspecified error  |
   |                             |           |      occurred while     |
   |                             |           |   processing a message  |
   |                             |           |  (no error detected in  |
   |                             |           |   the message itself).  |
   |              -              | 0x18-0xFE |         Reserved        |
   |     E_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR     |    0xFF   |  Unspecified error (for |
   |                             |           |    when the FE cannot   |
   |                             |           |     decide what went    |
   |                             |           |         wrong).         |

   main hdr (Config in this case)
        +--- T = LFBselect
        |        |
        |        +-- LFBCLASSID
        |        |
        |        |
        |        +-- LFBInstance
        |        |
        |        +-- T = SET
        |        |   |
        |        |   +--  // one or more path targets
        |        |        // with their data here to be added
        |        |
        |        +-- T  = DEL
        |        .   |
        |        .   +--  // one or more path targets to be deleted
        +--- T = LFBselect
        |        |
        |        +-- LFBCLASSID
        |        |
        |        |
        |        +-- LFBInstance
        |        |
        |        + -- T= SET
        |        |    .
        |        |    .
        |        + -- T= DEL
        |        |    .
        |        |    .
        |        |
        |        + -- T= SET
        |        |    .
        |        |    .
        +--- T = LFBselect
                +-- LFBCLASSID
                +-- LFBInstance
                     Figure 21: PL PDU Logical Layout

        T = SET
        |  |
        |  +- T = Path-data
        |       |
        |       + -- flags
        |       + -- IDCount
        |       + -- IDs
        |       |
        |       +- T = Path-data
        |          |
        |          + -- flags
        |          + -- IDCount
        |          + -- IDs
        |          |
        |          +- T = Path-data
        |             |
        |             + -- flags
        |             + -- IDCount
        |             + -- IDs
        |             + -- T = KEYINFO-TLV
        |             |    + -- KEY_ID
        |             |    + -- KEY_DATA
        |             |
        |             + -- T = FULLDATA-TLV
        |                  + -- data
        T = SET
        |  |
        |  +- T = Path-data
        |  |  |
        |  |  + -- flags
        |  |  + -- IDCount
        |  |  + -- IDs
        |  |  |
        |  |  + -- T = FULLDATA-TLV
        |  |          + -- data
        |  +- T = Path-data
        |     |

   main hdr (type =  Association Setup)
        +--- T = LFBselect
        |        |
        |        +-- LFBCLASSID = FE object
        |        |
        |        |
        |        +-- LFBInstance = 0x1
        +--- T = LFBselect
                 +-- LFBCLASSID = FE Protocol object
                 +-- LFBInstance = 0x1
                       +---OPER-TLV = REPORT
                           +-- Path-data to one or more components

   main hdr (type = Config)
    +--- T = LFBselect
    .        |
    .        +-- LFBCLASSID = target LFB class
    .        |
             +-- LFBInstance = target LFB instance
             +-- T = operation { SET }
             |   |
             |   +--  // one or more path targets
             |      // associated with FULLDATA-TLV or SPARSEDATA-TLV(s)
             +-- T = operation { DEL }
             |   |
             |   +--  // one or more path targets
             +-- T = operation { COMMIT } //A COMMIT TLV is an empty TLV

    main hdr (type = ConfigResponse)
     +--- T = LFBselect
     .        |
     .        +-- LFBCLASSID = target LFB class
     .        |
              +-- LFBInstance = target LFB instance
              +-- T = operation { SET-RESPONSE }
              |   |
              |   +--  // one or more path targets
              |        // associated with FULL or SPARSEDATA-TLV(s)
              +-- T = operation { DEL-RESPONSE }
              |   |
              |   +--  // one or more path targets
              +-- T = operation { COMMIT-RESPONSE }
              |           |
              |           +--  RESULT-TLV

   main hdr (type = Query)
    +--- T = LFBselect
    .        |
    .        +-- LFBCLASSID = target LFB class
    .        |
             +-- LFBInstance = target LFB instance
             +-- T = operation { GET }
             |   |
             |   +--  // one or more path targets
             +-- T = operation { GET }
             .   |
             .   +--  // one or more path targets

   main hdr (type = QueryResponse)
     +--- T = LFBselect
     .        |
     .        +-- LFBCLASSID = target LFB class
     .        |
              +-- LFBInstance = target LFB instance
              +-- T = operation { GET-RESPONSE }
              |   |
              |   +--  // one or more path targets
              +-- T = operation { GET-PROP-RESPONSE }
              .   |
              .   +--  // one or more path targets

   main hdr (type = Event Notification)
     +--- T = LFBselect
                +-- LFBCLASSID = target LFB class
                +-- LFBInstance = target LFB instance
                +-- T = operation { REPORT }
                |   |
                |   +--  // one or more path targets
                |        // associated with FULL/SPARSE DATA TLV(s)
                +-- T = operation { REPORT }
                .   |
                .   +--  // one or more path targets
                .        // associated with FULL/SPARSE DATA TLV(s)

   main hdr (type = PacketRedirect)
           +--- T = Redirect
           .        |
           .        +-- T = METADATA-TLV
                    |          |
                    |          +--  Meta Data ILV
                    |          |
                    |          +--  Meta Data ILV
                    |          .
                    |          .
                    +-- T = REDIRECTDATA-TLV
                        +--  // Redirected Data

       (CE issues Teardown ||    +-----------------+
          Lost association) &&   | Pre-association |
         CE failover policy = 0  | (Association    |
             +------------>-->-->|   in            +<----+
             |                   | progress)       |     |
             |     CE issues     +--------+--------+     |
             |     Association        |                  | CFTI
             |       Setup            V                  | timer
             |     ___________________+                  | expires
             |     |                                     |
             |     V                                     ^
           +-+-----------+                          +-------+-----+
           |             |                          |  Not        |
           |             |  (CE issues Teardown ||  |  Associated |
           |             |    Lost association) &&  |             |
           | Associated  |  CE failover policy = 1  | (May        |
           |             |                          | Continue    |
           |             |---------->------->------>|  Forwarding)|
           |             |                          |             |
           +-------------+                          +-------------+
                ^                                         V
                |                                         |
                |            CE issues                    |
                |            Association                  |
                |            Setup                        |

         FE                   CE Primary        CE Secondary
         |                       |                    |
         |  Asso Estb,Caps exchg |                    |
       1 |<--------------------->|                    |
         |                       |                    |
         |       All msgs        |                    |
       2 |<--------------------->|                    |
         |                       |                    |
         |                       |                    |
         |                   FAILURE                  |
         |                                            |
         |         Asso Estb,Caps exchange            |
       3 |<------------------------------------------>|
         |                                            |
         |              Event Report (pri CE down)    |
       4 |------------------------------------------->|
         |                                            |
         |                   All Msgs                 |
       5 |<------------------------------------------>|

                      |  +----------------------+  |
                      |  |                      |  |
     +---------+      |  |          PL          |  |
     |         |      |  +----------------------+  |
     |FEM/CEM  |<---->|             ^              |
     |         |      |             |              |
     +---------+      |             |TML API       |
                      |             |              |
                      |             V              |
                      |  +----------------------+  |
                      |  |                      |  |
                      |  |          TML         |  |
                      |  |                      |  |
                      |  +----------------------+  |

                  |                      |
                              |   TML API
                   TML        |
                  |           |          |
                  |    +------+------+   |
                  |    |  TML core   |   |
                  |    +-+----+----+-+   |
                  |      |    |    |     |
                  |    SCTP socket API   |
                  |      |    |    |     |
                  |      |    |    |     |
                  |    +-+----+----+-+   |
                  |    |    SCTP     |   |
                  |    +------+------+   |
                  |           |          |
                  |           |          |
                  |    +------+------+   |
                  |    |      IP     |   |
                  |    +-------------+   |

                  |                    |
                  |     TML   core     |
                  |                    |
                    |       |        |
                    |   Med prio,    |
                    |  Semi-reliable |
                    |    channel     |
                    |       |      Low prio,
                    |       |      Unreliable
                    |       |      channel
                    |       |        |
                    ^       ^        ^
                    |       |        |
                    Y       Y        Y
          High prio,|       |        |
           reliable |       |        |
            channel |       |        |
                    Y       Y        Y
                 |                     |
                 |        SCTP         |
                 |                     |

          SCTP channel            +----------+
          Work available          |   DONE   +---<--<--+
              |                   +---+------+         |
              Y                                        ^
              |         +-->--+         +-->---+       |
      +-->-->-+         |     |         |      |       |
      |       |         |     |         |      |       ^
      |       ^         ^     v         ^      v       |
      ^      / \        |     |         |      |       |
      |     /   \       |     ^         |      ^       ^
      |    / Is  \      |    / \        |     / \      |
      |   / there \     |   /Is \       |    /Is \     |
      ^  / HP work \    ^  /there\      ^   /there\    ^
      |  \    ?    /    | /MP work\     |  /LP work\   |
      |   \       /     | \    ?  /     |  \   ?   /   |
      |    \     /      |  \     /      |   \     /    ^
      |     \   /       ^   \   /       ^    \   /     |
      |      \ /        |    \ /        |     \ /      |
      ^       Y-->-->-->+     Y-->-->-->+      Y->->->-+
      |       |    NO         |    NO          |  NO
      |       |               |                |
      |       Y               Y                Y
      |       | YES           | YES            | YES
      ^       |               |                |
      |       Y               Y                Y
      |  +----+------+    +---|-------+   +----|------+
      |  |- process  |    |- process  |   |- process  |
      |  |  HP work  |    |  MP work  |   | LP work   |
      |  +------+----+    +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
      |         |               |               |
      ^         Y               Y               Y
      |         |               |               |
      |         Y               Y               Y

   FE PL      FE TML           FEM  CEM        CE TML              CE PL
     |            |             |    |            |                    |
     |            |             |    |            |      Bootup        |
     |            |             |    |            |<-------------------|
     |  Bootup    |             |    |            |                    |
     |----------->|             |    |get CEM info|                    |
     |            |get FEM info |    |<-----------|                    |
     |            |------------>|    ~            ~                    |
     |            ~             ~    |----------->|                    |
     |            |<------------|                 |                    |
     |            |                               |-initialize TML     |
     |            |                               |-create the 3 chans.|
     |            |                               | to listen to FEs   |
     |            |                               |                    |
     |            |-initialize TML                |Bootup success      |
     |            |-create the 3 chans. locally   |------------------->|
     |            |-connect 3 chans. remotely     |                    |
     |            |------------------------------>|                    |
     |            ~                               ~ - FE TML connected ~
     |            ~                               ~ - FE TML info init ~
     |            | channels connected            |                    |
     |            |<------------------------------|                    |
     | Bootup     |                               |                    |
     | succeeded  |                               |                    |
     |<-----------|                               |                    |
     |            |                               |                    |

   FE PL      FE TML                      CE TML              CE PL
     |            |                         |                    |
     |  Shutdown  |                         |                    |
     |----------->|                         |                    |
     |            |-disconnect 3 chans.     |                    |
     |            |-SCTP level shutdown     |                    |
     |            |------------------------>|                    |
     |            |                         |                    |
     |            |                         |TML detects shutdown|
     |            |                         |-FE TML info cleanup|
     |            |                         |-optionally tell PL |
     |            |                         |------------------->|
     |            |                         |                    |
     |            |- clean up any state of  |                    |
     |            |-channels disconnected   |                    |
     |            |<------------------------|                    |
     |            |-SCTP shutdown ACK       |                    |
     |            |                         |                    |
     | Shutdown   |                         |                    |
     | succeeded  |                         |                    |
     |<-----------|                         |                    |
     |            |                         |                    |

   FE PL       FE TML           CE TML                CE PL
      |            |              |                      |
      |PL send     |              |                      |
      |----------->|              |                      |
      |            |              |                      |
      |            |              |                      |
      |            |-pick channel |                      |
      |            |-TML  Send    |                      |
      |            |------------->|                      |
      |            |              |                      |
      |            |              |-TML Receive on chan. |
      |            |              |- mux to PL/PL recv   |
      |            |              |--------------------->|
      |            |              |                      ~
      |            |              |                      ~ PL Process
      |            |              |                      ~
      |            |              |  PL send             |
      |            |              |<---------------------|
      |            |              |-pick chan to send on |
      |            |              |-TML send             |
      |            |<-------------|                      |
      |            |-TML Receive  |                      |
      |            |-mux to PL    |                      |
      | PL Recv    |              |                      |
      |<---------- |              |                      |
      |            |              |                      |

   +-------+                                          +-------+
   |       | FE capabilities: what it can/cannot do.  |       |
   |       |<-----------------------------------------|       |
   |       |                                          |       |
   |   CE  | FE state: what it is now.                |  FE   |
   |       |<-----------------------------------------|       |
   |       |                                          |       |
   |       | FE configuration: what it should be.     |       |
   |       |----------------------------------------->|       |
   +-------+                                          +-------+

                             |    CE     |
                                   | Fp reference point
        | FE                       |                                   |
        |                          v                                   |
        | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |
        | |                ForCES protocol                           | |
        | |                   termination point                      | |
        | +----------------------------------------------------------+ |
        |           ^                            ^                     |
        |           :                            : Internal control    |
        |           :                            :                     |
        |       +---:----------+             +---:----------|          |
        |       |   :LFB1      |             |   :     LFB2 |          |
        | =====>|   v          |============>|   v          |======>...|
        | Inputs| +----------+ |Outputs      | +----------+ |          |
        | (P,M) | |Components| |(P',M')      | |Components| |(P",M")   |
        |       | +----------+ |             | +----------+ |          |
        |       +--------------+             +--------------+          |
        |                                                              |

    +---------------+               +-----------------+
    |               |               |                 |
    |               |               |             OUT +-->
    ...          OUT +-->           ...               |
    |               |               |    EXCEPTIONOUT +-->
    |               |               |                 |
    +---------------+               +-----------------+

    +---------------+               +-----------------+
    |               |               |    EXCEPTIONOUT +-->
    |         OUT:1 +-->            |                 |
    ...       OUT:2 +-->           ...          OUT:1 +-->
    |         ...   +...            |           OUT:2 +-->
    |         OUT:n +-->            |           ...   +...
    +---------------+               |           OUT:n +-->

        FE Address = FE01
        |                                                              |
        | +--------------+             +--------------+                |
        | | LFB ClassID 1|             |LFB ClassID 91|                |
        | | InstanceID 3 |============>|InstanceID 3  |======>...      |
        | | +----------+ |             | +----------+ |                |
        | | |Components| |             | |Components| |                |
        | | +----------+ |             | +----------+ |                |
        | +--------------+             +--------------+                |
        |                                                              |

          LFB Class ID 1,InstanceID 3 Components
          |                                     |
          | LFB ComponentID 1                   |
          | +----------------------+            |
          | |                      |            |
          | +----------------------+            |
          |                                     |
          | LFB ComponentID 31                  |
          | +----------------------+            |
          | |                      |            |
          | +----------------------+            |
          |                                     |
          | LFB ComponentID 51                  |
          | +----------------------+            |
          | | LFB ComponentID 89   |            |
          | | +-----------------+  |            |
          | | |                 |  |            |
          | | +-----------------+  |            |
          | +----------------------+            |
          |                                     |
          |                                     |

                            P      |   LFB#1  |
   +-------------+      |          +----------+
   |            1|------+   P      +----------+
   |            2|---------------->|   LFB#2  |
   | classifier 3|                 |(Compon-2)|
   |          ...|...              +----------+
   |            N|------+          ...
   +-------------+      |   P      +----------+
                        +--------->|   LFB#N  |

   +-------------+                 +-------------+
   |            1|                 |   Meter     |
   |            2|   (P, M)        | (Compon-1)  |
   |            3|---------------->| (Compon-2)  |
   |          ...|                 |   ...       |
   |            N|                 | (Compon-N)  |
   +-------------+                 +-------------+

                      |                                             |
        +----------+  V      +----------+           +------+        |
        |          |  |      |          |if IP-in-IP|      |        |
   ---->| ingress  |->+----->|classifier|---------->|Decap.|---->---+
        | ports    |         |          |---+       |      |
        +----------+         +----------+   |others +------+
   (a)  The LFB topology with a logical loop

       +-------+   +-----------+            +------+   +-----------+
       |       |   |           |if IP-in-IP |      |   |           |
       | ports |   |           |----+       |      |   |           |
       +-------+   +-----------+    |others +------+   +-----------+
   (b) The LFB topology without the loop utilizing two independent
              classifier instances.

         +----------+     +-----------+
    ---->| Ingress  |---->|classifier |--------------+
         |          |     |chip       |              |
         +----------+     +-----------+              |
           +--------+    |   Network Processor                       |
      <----| Egress |    |   +------+    +------+   +-------+        |
           +--------+    |   |Meter |    |Marker|   |Dropper|        |
                 ^       |   +------+    +------+   +-------+        |
                 |       |                                           |
      +----------+-------+                                           |
      |          |                                                   |
      |    +---------+       +---------+   +------+    +---------+   |
      |    |Forwarder|<------|Scheduler|<--|Queue |    |Counter  |   |
      |    +---------+       +---------+   +------+    +---------+   |

           +-----+    +-------+                      +---+
           |    A|--->|Queue1 |--------------------->|   |
    ------>|     |    +-------+                      |   |  +---+
           |     |                                   |   |  |   |
           |     |    +-------+      +-------+       |   |  |   |
           |    B|--->|Meter1 |----->|Queue2 |------>|   |->|   |
           |     |    |       |      +-------+       |   |  |   |
           |     |    |       |--+                   |   |  |   |
           +-----+    +-------+  |   +-------+       |   |  +---+
         classifier              +-->|Dropper|       |   |  IPv4
                                     +-------+       +---+  Fwd.

                                             ..........-->|   CE   |
                        /----\               .            +--------+
                        \____/ FE Model      .              ^    |
                        |    |................        (1),2 |    | 6, 7
                        |    |  (off-line)   .      3, 4, 5 |    |
                        \____/               .              |    v
                                             .            +--------+
                      e.g., RFCs              ..........-->|   FE   |

            |  +---------+   +------------+   +---------+         |
          input|         |   |            |   |         | output  |
         ---+->| Ingress |-->|Header      |-->|IPv4     |---------+--->+
            |  | port    |   |Decompressor|   |Forwarder| FE      |    |
            |  +---------+   +------------+   +---------+ #1      |    |
            +-----------------------------------------------------+    V
                 |    +----------------------------------------+
                 V    |  +------------+   +----------+         |
                 | input |            |   |          | output  |
                 +->--+->|Header      |-->| Egress   |---------+-->
                      |  |Compressor  |   | port     | FE      |
                      |  +------------+   +----------+ #2      |

                       allocated      available
                       A  |x|            | |  B
                             data channel

                          | |       |X|       | |
                           A         B         C

                         Good           Failed
                       A  | |            |X|  B
                             data channel
                  Path Message with Upstream Label---->

                        |Receive a Hello     |
                    (1) |from a new potential|
                        |neighbor            |
                        |Check to see if there |
                    (2) |is a router-LSA from  |----no--(4)form a
                        |the new potential     |          new
                        |neighbor in the link  |          neighbor
                        |state database, which |
                        |is reachable in SPT   |
         (3)                      |
      |                            (3b)........................ |
      |(3a),______________________     |Determine if the      | |
      |    |Determine if the new |     |number of redundant   | |
      |    |link cost is better  |     |paths to the potential| |
      |    |than the current path|     |neighbor is < the     | |
      |    |cost by a configured |     |maximum configured    | |
      |    |amount               |     |value                 | |
      |    '`'''''''''''''''''''''     '`'''''''''''''''''''''' |
      |                       \             /                   |
      |                   .....\.........../....                |
      |                   |User configurable   |                |
      |                   |selection algorithm |                |
      |                   '`'''/'''''''\''''''''                |
      |                       /         \                       |
                            /             \
                     requirements     requirements
                        met              not met
                        /                    \
                       /                      \
           (4) form a new neighbor      (5) do not become

   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
   | * | * | * | * | * | * | * |...| * | * | * | * | F | I | RS| LR|
   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+

                                C-TE LSP1
                                P-TE LSP1
   .............                                         .............
   . ---   --- .     ---      ---       ---      ---     . ---   --- .
   .|H0 | |CE1|-----|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|-----|CE2| |H1 |.
   . ---   --- .     ---      ---       ---      ---     . ---   --- .
   .........|...     ---      ---       ---      ---     ...|.........
            +-------|PE3|----|P3 |-----|P4 |----|PE4|-------+
                     ---      ---       ---      ---

                                P-TE LSP2
                                C-TE LSP2

   <--customer-->    <--------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------->    <--customer->
      network                                               network

                                C-TE LSP1
                                P-TE LSP1
   .............                                         .............
   . ---   --- .     ---      ---       ---      ---     . ---   --- .
   .|CE0| |CE1|-----|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|-----|CE2| |CE3|.
   . ---   --- .     ---      ---       ---      ---     . ---   --- .
   .........|...     ---      ---       ---      ---     ...|.........
            +-------|PE3|----|P3 |-----|P4 |----|PE4|-------+
                     ---      ---       ---      ---

                                P-TE LSP2
                                C-TE LSP2

    <---SP B---->    <--------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------->     <---SP B--->
       network                 SP A network                 network

             C-TE LSP1(P=0),2(P=1) (CE0->CE1->...->CE4->CE5)

             C-TE LSP3(P=0),4(P=1) (CE2->CE1->...->CE4->CE7)
                             P-TE LSP1 (p=0)
                             P-TE LSP2 (p=1)
   ..................                             ..................
   .      ---   --- .  ---    ---     ---    ---  . ---   ---      .
   .     |CE0|-|CE1|--|PE1|--|P1 |---|P2 |--|PE2|--|CE4|-|CE5|     .
   . --- /---   --- .  ---     ---    ---    ---  . ---   ---\ --- .
   .|H0 |     +     .              +              .     +     |H1 |.
   . --- \---   --- .  ---    ---     ---    ---  . ---   ---/ --- .
   .     |CE2|-|CE3|--|PE3|--|P3 |---|P4 |--|PE4|--|CE6|-|CE7|     .
   .      ---   --- .  ---    ---     ---    ---  . ---   ---      .
   ..................                             ..................
                             P-TE LSP3 (p=0)
                             P-TE LSP4 (p=1)
             C-TE LSP5(P=0),6(P=1)  (CE0->CE3->...->CE6->CE5)

             C-TE LSP7(P=0),8(P=1)  (CE2->CE3->...->CE6->CE7)

    <-----SP C----->   <----BGP/MPLS IP-VPN---->   <-----SP C----->
         network               SP A network             network

                                C-RSVP path

                                P-TE LSP
    .............                                     .............
    . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
    .|H1 | |CE1|---|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|---|CE2| |H2 |.
    . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
    .............                                     .............
                   ^                               ^
                   |                               |
               VRF instance                    VRF instance

     <-customer->   <--------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------->   <-customer->
       network                                           network

                               Non-TE LSP
    .............                                     .............
    . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
    .|H1 | |CE1|---|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|---|CE2| |H2 |.
    . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
    .............                                     .............
                   ^                               ^
                   |                               |
               VRF instance                    VRF instance

     <-customer->   <-------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------->   <-customer->
       network                                          network

                               C-TE LSP1
                               Non-TE LSP
     .............                                     .............
     . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
     .|H0 | |CE1|---|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|---|CE2| |H1 |.
     . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
     .........|...   ---      ---       ---      ---   ...|.........
              +-----|PE3|----|P3 |-----|P4 |----|PE4|-----+
                     ---      ---       ---      ---

                               Non-TE LSP
                               C-TE LSP2

     <-customer->     <------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------>    <-customer->
        network                                           network

                               P-TE LSP
    .............                                     .............
    . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
    .|CE0| |CE1|---|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|---|CE2| |CE3|.
    . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
    .............                                     .............
                   ^                               ^
                   |                               |
              VRF instance                    VRF instance

     <-customer->    <------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------>     <-customer->
       network                                           network
         or                                                or
       another                                           another
   service-provider                                  service-provider
       network                                           network

                                 C-TE LSP

                                 P-TE LSP
     .............                                     .............
     . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
     .|CE0| |CE1|---|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|---|CE2| |CE3|.
     . ---   --- .   ---      ---       ---      ---   . ---   --- .
     .............                                     .............
                    ^                               ^
                    |                               |
               VRF instance                    VRF instance

      <-customer->   <-------BGP/MPLS IP-VPN------->    <-customer->
        network                                           network
           or                                                or
        another                                           another
    service-provider                                  service-provider
        network                                           network

                                 PBB Network
                                Service Types
                             _,,-'    |    '--.._
                       _,.-''         |          `'--.._
                 _,.--'               |                 `'--..
           Port based              S-tagged              I-tagged
                                  _,-     -.
                               _.'          `.
                            _,'               `.
                        one-to-one           bundled
                                            _.-   =.
                                        _.-'        ``-.._
                                    _.-'                 `-..
                               many-to-one              all-to-one

        +-------------+        +-------------+
        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
        | |         | |        | |         | |GMPLS
        | |  LMP    |-|<------>|-|  LMP    | |Link Property
        | |         | |        | |         | |Correlation
        | |  (opt)  | |GMPLS   | |  (opt)  | |
        | |         | |        | |         | | Bundling
        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
        | |         | |        | |         | |
        | | 802.1AB |-|<------>|-| 802.1AB | |P2P
        | |  (opt)  | |Ethernet| |  (opt)  | |link identifiers
        | |         | |        | |         | |
        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
        | |         | |        | |         | |End-to-End
   -----|-| 802.1ag |-|<------>|-| 802.1ag |-|-------
        | | Y.1731  | |Ethernet| | Y.1731  | |Fault Management
        | |  (opt)  | |        | |  (opt)  | |Performance
        | |         | |        | |         | |Management
        | +---------+ |        | +---------+ |
        +-------------+        +-------------+
             Switch 1    link      Switch 2

                      |                               |
      +-----------+   +------------------------+- - - +
      | message M |---| digital signature zeta | text |
      +-----------+   +------------------------+- - - +

                          Sub-Path Metrics
                 ++  M1   ++ ++  M2   ++ ++  M3   ++
             Src ||.......|| ||.......|| ||.......|| Dst
                 ++   `.  ++ ++   |   ++ ++  .'   ++
                        `.        |       .-'
                          `-.     |     .'
                           ,-'         `-.
                         ,'               `.
                         |   Composition   |
                         \     Function    '
                          `._           _,'
                 ++               |               ++
             Src ||...............................|| Dst
                 ++        Composed Metric        ++

                             Sub-Path Metrics
                    ++  M1   ++ ++  M2   ++ ++  M3   ++
                Src ||.......|| ||.......|| ||.......||Rcvr1
                    ++       ++ ++`.     ++ ++       ++
                                     M4`.++ ++  M5   ++
                                         || ||.......||Rcvr2
                                         ++ ++`.     ++

         +------+      +-------+      +---------+      +---------+
         |  MD  |------|  SAP  |------|         |      |         |
         +------+      +-------+      |   IP    |      | EAP/AAA
            .                         |         |------|         |
            . Move                    | Network |      | Server  |
            v          +-------+      |         |      |         |
                       |  CAP  |------|         |      |         |
                       +-------+      +---------+      +---------+

    Mobile             Serving             Candidate            AAA/EAP
    Device         Attachment Point      Authenticator          Server
      |                   |                    |                   |
      |                   |                    |                   |
      |     EAP over MD-CAP Signaling (L3)     |    EAP over AAA   |
      |                   |                    |                   |
      |                   |                    |                   |

    Mobile             Serving              Candidate            AAA/EAP
    Device         Attachment Point     Attachment Point         Server
                        (SAP)                (CAP)
      |                   |                    |                   |
      |     EAP over      |       EAP over     |   EAP over AAA    |
      | MD-SAP Signaling  |  SAP-CAP Signaling |                   |
      |    (L2 or L3)     |        (L3)        |                   |
      |                   |                    |                   |
      |                   |                    |                   |

   Bit     0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7
       | Interface Role| Rsvd1 | Rsvd2 |ifIndex| IPAddr|  name |  MTU  |

                      0                            31
                     |      AFI      |    Reserved   |
                     |         IP Address   ....

        octet    0        1                                   63
             | length |   interface name octets 1-63               |

                          <--------       (3) NOTIFY
                                              Subscription-State: active
                                              SIP-ETag: ffee2
      (4) 200             -------->

      (5) SUBSCRIBE       -------->                \ if "ffee2"
          Suppress-If-Match: ffee2                 |   matches
          Expires: 3600                            |   local
                                                   |   entity-tag
                          <--------       (6) 204  / then

                          <--------       (7) NOTIFY
                                              Subscription-State: active
                                              SIP-ETag: ca89a
      (8) 200             -------->

      (9) SUBSCRIBE       -------->                \ if "ca89"
          Suppress-If-Match: ca89a                 |   matches
          Expires: 0                               |   local
                                                   |   entity-tag
                          <--------      (10) 204  / then

                      <--------       (3) NOTIFY
                                          Subscription-State: terminated
                                          SIP-ETag: f2e45
                                          Content-Length: 17539

  (5) SUBSCRIBE       -------->
      Suppress-If-Match: f2e45
      Expires: 0
                      <--------       (6) 202

                      <--------       (7) NOTIFY
                                          Subscription-State: terminated
                                          SIP-ETag: f2e45
                                          Content-Length: 0

      (1) SUBSCRIBE       -------->
          Suppress-If-Match: ega23
          Expires: 3600
                          <--------       (2) 202

                          <--------       (3) NOTIFY
                                              Subscription-State: active
                                              SIP-ETag: ega23
                                              Content-Length: 0
      (4) 200             -------->

            |orig IP hdr  | ESP |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
            |(any options)| Hdr | TCP | Data | Trailer | ICV|
                                |<---- encryption ---->|
                          |<------- integrity -------->|

            |orig IP hdr  | WESP | ESP |     |      |   ESP   | ESP|
            |(any options)| Hdr  | Hdr | TCP | Data | Trailer | ICV|
                                       |<---- encryption ---->|
                                 |<------- integrity -------->|

          | orig |hop-by-hop,dest*,|   |dest|   |    | ESP   | ESP|
          |IP hdr|routing,fragment |ESP|opt*|TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                                       |<---- encryption --->|
                                   |<----- integrity ------->|

          | orig |hop-by-hop,dest*,|    |   |dest|   |    | ESP   | ESP|
          |IP hdr|routing,fragment |WESP|ESP|opt*|TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                                            |<---- encryption --->|
                                        |<----- integrity ------->|

          |new IP hdr*  |   | orig IP hdr*  |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
          |(any options)|ESP| (any options) |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                            |<--------- encryption --------->|
                        |<----------- integrity ------------>|

          |new IP hdr*  |    |   | orig IP hdr*  |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
          |(any options)|WESP|ESP| (any options) |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                                 |<--------- encryption --------->|
                             |<----------- integrity ------------>|

      |new IP|new ext |   |orig IP|orig ext|   |    | ESP   | ESP|
      | hdr* | hdrs*  |ESP|  hdr* | hdrs * |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                          |<--------- encryption ---------->|
                      |<------------- integrity ----------->|

      |new IP|new ext |    |   |orig IP|orig ext|   |    | ESP   | ESP|
      | hdr* | hdrs*  |WESP|ESP|  hdr* | hdrs * |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|
                               |<--------- encryption ---------->|
                           |<------------- integrity ----------->|

            Kind=25  Length=4 ASCII :  ASCII )

            Kind=25  Length=5 ASCII >  ACSII :  ASCII @

                     | Root Collection         |
                     |  bindings:              |
                     |  CollX          CollY   |
                         |            /
                         |           /
                         |          /
                     | Collection C1    |
                     | bindings:        |
                     | x.gif     y.jpg  |
                         |          \
                         |           \
                         |            \
                     +-------------+   +-------------+
                     | Resource R1 |   | Resource R2 |
                     +-------------+   +-------------+

     URI-1   URI-2    URI-3                           URI-X
        |       |        |                              |
        |       |        |   <---- URI Mappings ---->   |
        |       |        |                              |
     +---------------------+                 +------------------------+
     |     Resource R      |                 |     Resource R'        |
     +---------------------+                 +------------------------+

                                | Root Collection  |
                                |  bindings:       |
                                |  CollX     CollY |
                                   /              \
                                  /                \
                                 /                  \
              +--------------------------+   +-----------------+
              |      Collection C1       |   | Collection C2   |
              |      bindings:           |   | bindings:       |
              |     x.gif     y.gif      |   | x.gif     y.gif |
              +--------------------------+   +-----------------+
                      |         |                |         |
                      |         |                |         |
            +-------------+  +-------------+   +-------------+
            | Resource R1 |  | Resource R2 |   | Resource R3 |
            +-------------+  +-------------+   +-------------+

                            | Root Collection  |
                            |  bindings:       |
                            |  CollX           |
                            | Collection C1  |
                            | bindings:      |
                            | x.gif    y.gif |
                               |         |
                               |         |
                             | Resource R1 |

                  | Root Collection  |
                  |  bindings:       |
                  |  CollX     CollY |
                     |              \
                     |               \
                     |                \
                  +----------------+  +-----------------+
                  | Collection C1  |  | Collection C2   |
                  | bindings:      |  | bindings:       |
                  | x.gif    y.gif |  | x.gif     y.gif |
                  +----------------+  +-----------------+
                     |         |          |         |
                     |         |          |         |
                   +-------------+      +-------------+
                   | Resource R1 |      | Resource R2 |
                   +-------------+      +-------------+

                URI-1   URI-2    URI-3
                  |       |        |
                  |       |        |      <---- URI Mappings
                  |       |        |
               |     Resource R      |

                URI-1   URI-2    URI-X
                  |       |        |
                  |       |        |      <---- URI Mappings
                  |       |        |
               |     Resource R      |

                        | Root Collection         |
                        |  bindings:              |
                        |  CollX          CollY   |
                            |            /
                            |           /
                            |          /
                        | Collection C1   |
                        | bindings:       |
                        | x.gif    y.gif  |
                             |      |
                             |      |
                             |      |
                         | Resource R1 |

              | Root Collection  |
              |  bindings:       |
              |  CollW           |
              | Collection C1                 |<--------+
              | LOCKED infinity               |         |
              | (lock token L1)               |         |
              | bindings:                     |         |
              | CollX               CollY     |         |
              +-------------------------------+         |
                   |                  |                 |
                   |                  |  (creates loop) |
                   |                  |                 |
              +-----------------+  +------------------+ |
              | Collection C2   |  | Collection C3    | |
              | (inherit lock)  |  | (inherit lock)   | |
              | (lock token L1) |  | (lock token L1)  | |
              | bindings:       |  | bindings:        | |
              |  {none}         |  | y.gif     CollZ  | |
              +-----------------+  +------------------+ |
                                     |            |     |
                                     |            +-----+
                                 | Resource R2               |
                                 | (lock inherited from C1)  |
                                 | (lock token L1)           |

              | Root Collection  |
              |  bindings:       |
              |  CollW           |
              | Collection C1                 |
              | LOCKED infinity               |
              | (lock token L1)               |
              | bindings:                     |
              | CollX                  CollY  |
                   |              ^      |
                   |              |      |
              +-----------------+ | +------------------+
              | Collection C2   | | | Collection C3    |
              |(inherited lock) | | | (inherited lock) |
              |(lock token L1)  | | | (lock token L1)  |
              | bindings:       | | | bindings:        |
              | CollA           | | | y.gif            |
              +-----------------+ | +------------------+
                  |               |    |
                  +---------------+    |
                   (creates loop)      |
                                 | Resource R2               |
                                 | (inherited lock from C1)  |
                                 | (lock token L1)           |

                         | Root Collection         |
                         |  bindings:              |
                         |  CollX          CollY   |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                    +---------------+  +---------------+
                    | Collection C1 |  | Collection C2 |
                    | bindings:     |  | bindings:     |
                    |     test      |  |     test      |
                    +---------------+  +---------------+
                             |               |
                             |               |
                             |               |
                            |    Resource R    |

                         | Workspace               |
                         |  bindings:              |
                         |  CollX          CollY   |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                    +---------------+  +---------------+
                    | Collection C1 |  | Collection C2 |
                    | bindings:     |  |               |
                    |     test      |  |               |
                    +---------------+  +---------------+
                            |    Resource R    |

                         | Workspace               |
                         |  bindings:              |
                         |  CollX          CollY   |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                    +---------------+  +---------------+
                    | Collection C1 |  | Collection C2 |
                    | bindings:     |  | bindings:     |
                    |     test      |  |     test      |
                    +---------------+  +---------------+
                             |                |
                             |                |
                             |                |
                            |    Resource R    |

     MN   MAG(DHCP-S)  LMA
      |------>|        |    1. DHCPDISCOVER
      |       |------->|    2. Proxy Binding Update
      |       |<-------|    3. Proxy Binding Acknowledgement (IPv4 HoA)
      |       |========|    4. Tunnel/Route Setup
      |<------|        |    5. DHCPOFFER  (IPv4 HoA)
      |------>|        |    6. DHCPREQUEST (IPv4 HoA)
      |<------|        |    7. DHCPACK
      |       |        |

   |       |------->|      | 1. Proxy Binding Update *
   |       |<-------|      | 2. Proxy Binding Acknowledgement (IPv4 HoA)
   |       |========|      | 3. Tunnel/Route Setup*
   |------>|-------------->| 4. DHCPDISCOVER (IPv4 HoA) via DHCP-R
   |<------|<--------------| 5. DHCPOFFER (IPv4 HoA) via DHCP-R
   |------>|-------------->| 6. DHCPREQUEST (IPv4 HoA) via DHCP-R
   |<------|<--------------| 7. DHCPACK (IPv4 HoA) via DHCP-R
   |       |               |

            IPv4-Proxy-CoA                      IPv4-LMAA
                   |         + - - - - - - +        |
   +--+          +---+      /               \     +---+          +--+
   |MN|----------|MAG|=====   IPv4  Network  =====|LMA|----------|CN|
   +--+          +---+      \               /     +---+          +--+
                             + - - - - - - +

         MN                                         HA
         |                                           |
         |           HoA in Type 2 Routing Hdr       |
         |<<<------------...  +  ...-----------------|
         |      BRI [seq.#, Revocation Trigger]      |
         |                                           |
         |                                           |
         | BRA (HoA in Dest. Option)[seq.#, Status]  |
         |                                           |
         |                                           |

                                                    HA Binding Cache
                                                    MN-BID1 [CoA1+HoA]
   MN                                           HA  MN-BID2 [CoA2+HoA]
    |                                            |  MN-BID3 [CoA3+HoA]
    |                                            |  MN-BID4 [CoA4+HoA]
    |             HoA in Type 2 Routing Hdr      |
    |<<<<--------------  +  ---------------------|
    |     BRI [seq.#, R. Trigger, BID1, BID4]    |
    |                                            |
    |                                            |
    | BRA (HoA in Dest. Option) [seq.#, Status]  |
    |                                            |
    |                                            |

             oldMAG       newMAG                          LMA
               |             |                            |
               |             |        PBU                 |
               |             |--------------------------->|
               |             |                      PBU triggers
               |             |                   BRI Msg to oldMAG
               |             |                            |
               |             |        PBA                 |
               |             |<---------------------------|
               |             |                            |
               |             |                            |
               |    BRI [seq.#, R. Trigger, P bit, NAI]   |
               |             |                            |
               |             |                            |
               |             |                            |
               |             |                            |
               |        BRA [seq.#, Status, P bit]        |
               |             |                            |
               |             |                            |

                          Access Node Control Mechanism
                                 PPP, DHCP, IP

     |      Path      |                |                |
     |--------------->|      Path      |                |
     |                |---------------X|                |
     |                |    PathErr     |                |
     |    PathErr     |<---------------|                |
     |<---------------|                |                |
     |                |                |                |
   Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

     |      Path      |                |                |
     |--------------->|      Path      |                |
     |                |---------------X|                |
     |                |---------------X|                |
     |                |      ...       |                |
     |                |---------------X|                |
     |                |                |                |
   Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

        |      Path      |                |                |
        |--------------->|      Path      |                |
        |                |----------X     |                |
        |                |                |                |
   TIMER EXPIRES         |                |                |
        |   Path Tear    |   Path Tear    |   Path Tear    |
        |                |                |                |
      Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

     |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
     |                |                |      Resv      |
     |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
     |                |X---------------|                |
     |    PathErr     |    PathTear    |    PathTear    |
     |                |                |                |
   Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

     |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
     |                |                |      Resv      |
     |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
     |                |      X---------|                |
     |                |      X---------|                |
     |                |      ...       |                |
     |                |      X---------|                |
     |                |                |                |
         LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

           |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
           |                |                |      Resv      |
           |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
           |                |      X---------|                |
   TIMER EXPIRES            |                |                |
           |   Path Tear    |   Path Tear    |   Path Tear    |
           |                |                |                |
      Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

     |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
     |                |                |      Resv      |
     |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
     |                X      X---------|                |
     |   PathTear                      |                |
     |-------X                   Restart Timer          |
     |                              Expires             |
     |                     PathErr     |    PathTear    |
     |                        X--------|--------------->|
     |                                 |                |
     |                X                |                |
     |                |                |                |
   Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

     |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
     |                |                |      Resv      |
     |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
     |                X      X---------|                |
     |   PathTear                      |                |
     |-------X                         |                |
     |                                 |                |
     |                X                |                |
     |                |                |                |
     |                |          Recovery Timer         |
     |                |             Expires             |
     |    PathErr     |    PathErr     |    PathTear    |
     |                |                |                |
   Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

     |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
     |                |                |      Resv      |
     |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
     |                X      X---------|                |
     |                                 |                |
     |                X                |                |
     |                |                |                |
     |      Path      |      Path      |                |
     |--------------->|--------------->|                |
     |    PathErr     |    PathErr     |    PathTear    |
     |                |                |                |
   Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

           |      Path      |      Path      X                |
           |--------------->|--------------X                  |
           |                |                                 |
           |                |                X                |
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |                |
      Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

           |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
           |                |                |      Resv      |
           |                |      Resv      |<---------------|
           |                X      X---------|                |
           |                                 |                |
           |                X                |                |
           |                |                |                |
      Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

           |      Path      |      Path      |      Path      |
           |      Resv      |      Resv      |      Resv      |
           |    PathTear    |                |                |
           |--------------->|    PathTear    X                |
           |                |------------X                    |
           |                |                X                |
           |                |                |                |
      Ingress LER      LSR A            LSR B       Egress LER

                            |       SBC       |
                [signaling] |  +-----------+  |
               <------------|->| signaling |<-|---------->
                  outer     |  +-----------+  |  inner
                  network   |        |        |  network
                            |  +-----------+  |
               <------------|->|   media   |<-|---------->
                  [media]   |  +-----------+  |

        caller                    SBC                     callee
          |                        |                        |
          |  Identify the caller   |                        |
          |<- - - - - - - - - - - >|                        |
          |                        |                        |
          |      INVITE + SDP      |                        |
          |----------------------->|                        |
          |                [Modify the SDP]                 |
          |                        | INVITE + modified SDP  |
          |                        |----------------------->|
          |                        |                        |
          |                        |      200 OK + SDP      |
          |                        |<-----------------------|
          |                [Modify the SDP]                 |
          |                        |                        |
          | 200 OK + modified SDP  |                        |
          |<-----------------------|                        |
          |                        |                        |
          |       Media   [Media inspection]   Media        |
          |                        |                        |

     caller              SBC#1                SBC#2              callee
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |   INVITE + SDP     |                    |                    |
      |------------------->|                    |                    |
      |             [Modify the SDP]            |                    |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |                    | INVITE + mod. SDP  |                    |
      |                    |------------------->|                    |
      |                    |             [Modify the SDP]            |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |                    |                    | INVITE + mod. SDP  |
      |                    |                    |------------------->|
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |                    |                    |     200 OK + SDP   |
      |                    |                    |<-------------------|
      |                    |             [Modify the SDP]            |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |                    | 200 OK + mod. SDP  |                    |
      |                    |<-------------------|                    |
      |             [Modify the SDP]            |                    |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |  200 OK + mod. SDP |                    |                    |
      |<-------------------|                    |                    |
      |                    |                    |                    |
      |    Encrypted       |         Plain      |         Encrypted  |
      |      media     [enc./dec.]   media   [enc./dec.]    media    |
      |<==================>|<- - - - - - - -  ->|<==================>|
      |                    |                    |                    |

       IPv4  | new IP hdr  |     | orig IP hdr   |   |    | ESP   | ESP|
             |(any options)| ESP | (any options) |TCP|Data|Trailer| ICV|

                  | ROHC Module                   |
                  |                               |
                  |                               |
        +-----+   |     +-----+     +---------+   |
        |     |   |     |     |     |  ROHC   |   |
      --|  A  |---------|  B  |-----| Process |------> Path 1
        |     |   |     |     |     |         |   |   (ROHC-enabled SA)
        +-----+   |     +-----+     +---------+   |
           |      |        |                      |
           |      |        |-------------------------> Path 2
           |      |                               |   (ROHC-enabled SA,
           |      +-------------------------------+  but no compression)
           +-----------------------------------------> Path 3
                                                      (ROHC-disabled SA)

          IPv4  |orig IP hdr  |     |      |
                |(any options)| TCP | Data |

         IPv4  | new IP hdr  |     | Cmpr. |    | ROHC | ESP   | ESP|
               |(any options)| ESP | Hdr.  |Data| ICV  |Trailer| ICV|

              Code   Len   IPv4 Configuration Server Address(es)
             | 150 |  n  |     IPv4 address      | ...

      | S T R E A M *   O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L   T R U S T     |
      | R I S K     *     Low            Medium           High      |
      |             +***************+***************+***************+
      | Low         * BENIGN:       | DILIGENT:     | PRISTINE      |
      |             *    Moderate   |    Mild       |    Accept     |
      |             *    filter     |    filter     |               |
      |             +---------------+---------------+---------------+
      | Medium      * UNKNOWN:      | TYPICAL:      | PROTECTED:    |
      |             *    Strong     |    Targeted   |    Accept &   |
      |             *    filter     |    filter     |    Contact    |
      |             +---------------+---------------+---------------+
      | High        * MALICIOUS:    | NEGLIGENT:    | COMPROMISED:  |
      |             *    Block &    |    Block      |    Block &    |
      |             *    Counter    |               |    Contact    |

                                    ,-''           `--.
                                 ,-'                   `-.
           ,-------.           ,',-------.                `.
         ,'         `.       ,','         `.                `.
        /  User       \ UNI / /   Service   \                 \
       (    Network    +-----+    Network    )                 `.
        \             /  ;    \             /                    :
         `.         ,'   ;     `.         .+                     :
           '-------'    /        '-------'  \ NNI                 \
                       ;                     \                     :
                       ;     "The Internet"   \  ,-------.         :
                      ;                        +'         `.        :
        UNI: User/Network Interface           /   Service   \       |
                     |                       (    Network    )      |
        NNI: Network/Network Interface        \             /       |
                      :                        +.         ,'        ;
                       :                      /  '-------'         ;
                       :                     /                     ;
           ,-------.    \        ,-------.  / NNI                 /
         ,'         `.   :     ,'         `+                     ;
        /  User       \ UNI   /   Service   \                    ;
       (    Network    +-----+    Network    )                 ,'
        \             /     \ \             /                 /
         `.         ,'       `.`.         ,'                ,'
           '-------'           `.'-------'                ,'
                                 `-.                   ,-'
                                    `--.           _.-'

                        policers    priorities  |`.
                Admitted EF <=> ----------||----+  `.
                                            high|    `.
              Unadmitted EF <=> ----------||----+     .'-----------
                              .             medium  .'
                 rate queues  |`.         +-----+ .' Priority
              AF1------>||----+  `.      /  low |'   Scheduler
                              |    `.   /
              AF2------>||----+     .'-+
                              |   .'
              CS0------>||----+ .' Rate Scheduler
                              |'   (WFQ, WRR, etc.)

                       policers    priorities  .
               Admitted EF <=> -------\        |`.
                                       --||----+  `.
             Unadmitted EF <=> -------/    high|    `.
                             .                 |     .'--------
                rate queues  |`.         +-----+   .'
             AF1------>||----+  `.      /  low | .' Priority
                             |    `.   /       |'   Scheduler
             AF2------>||----+     .'-+
                             |   .'
             CS0------>||----+ .' Rate Scheduler
                             |'   (WFQ, WRR, etc.)

               |   Authorizing   |
               |     Entity      |
               |(Diameter Server)|
            ////               \\\\
          ||       AAA Cloud       ||
         |   (Diameter application)  |
          ||                       ||
            \\\\               ////
       +---+--+   +-----+----+   +---+--+
       |      |   |    NE    |   |      |    Media
       +  NE  +===+(Diameter +===+  NE  +=============>>
       |      |   |  Client) |   |      |    Flow
       +------+   +----------+   +------+

               | DIAMETER Client                                       |
               | Functionality                                         |
               | +---------------++-----------------++---------------+ |
               | | User          || QoS Application || Accounting    | |
               | | Authentication|| Client          || Client (e.g., | |
               | | Client        || (Authorization  ||for QoS Traffic| |
               | +---------------+| of QoS Requests)|+---------------+ |
               |                  +-----------------+                  |
            +--------------+            +----------+
            |QoS Signaling |            | Resource |
            |Msg Processing|<<<<<>>>>>>>|Management|
            +--------------+            +----------+
                 .  ^   |              *      ^
                 |  v   .            *        ^
            +-------------+        *          ^
            |Signaling msg|       *           ^
            | Processing  |       *           V
            +-------------+       *           V
                 |      |         *           V
                 .      .         *           V
                 |      |         *     .............................
                 .      .         *     .   Traffic Control         .
                 |      |         *     .                +---------+.
                 .      .         *     .                |Admission|.
                 |      |         *     .                | Control |.
       +----------+    +------------+   .                +---------+.
   <.->|  Input   |    | Outgoing   |<.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.->
       |  Packet  |    | Interface  |   .+----------+    +---------+.
   ===>|Processing|====| Selection  |===.|  Packet  |====| Packet  |.=>
       |          |    |(Forwarding)|   .|Classifier|     Scheduler|.
       +----------+    +------------+   .+----------+    +---------+.
           <.-.-> = signaling flow
           =====> = data flow (sender --> receiver)
           <<<>>> = control and configuration operations
           ****** = routing table manipulation

                                        | Authorizing  |
                                        | Entity       |
                                        | authorizing  | <......+
                                        | resource     |        .
                                        | request      |        .
                                        +------------+-+        .
                                        --^----------|--   .    .
                                   /////  |          |  \\\\\   .
                                 //       |          |       \\ .
                                |     QoS | QoS AAA  | QoS     |.
                                |    authz| protocol |authz    |.
                                |     req.|          | res.    |.
                                 \\       |          |       // .
                                   \\\\\  |          |  /////   .
                          QoS           --|----------v--   .    .
       +-------------+    request       +-+------------+        .
       |  Entity     |----------------->| NE           |        .
       |  requesting |                  | performing   |        .
       |  resource   |granted / rejected| QoS          |  <.....+
       |             |<-----------------| reservation  | financial
       +-------------+                  +--------------+ settlement

                               financial settlement
      Authorization             V             -------      .
      Token Request   +--------------+      / QoS AAA \    .
      +-------------->|              |     /  protocol \   .
      |               | Authorizing  +--------------+   \  .
      |               | Entity       |   |          |    | .
      |        +------+              |<--+----+     |    | .
      |        |      +--------------+  |QoS  |     |QoS  |.
      |        |                        |authz|     |authz|.
      |        |Authorization           |req.+|     |res. |.
      |        |Token                   |Token|     |     |.
      |        |                         |    |     | .  | .
      |        |                          \   |     | . /  .
      |        |                            \ |     | /    .
      |        |      QoS request             |-----V .    .
    +-------------+ + Authz  Token   +--------+-----+      .
    |  Entity     |----------------->| NE           |      .
    |  requesting |                  | performing   |      .
    |  resource   |granted / rejected| QoS          | <....+
    |             |<-----------------| reservation  |
    +-------------+                  +--------------+

                               financial settlement
      Application               V             -------      .
      signaling msg   +--------------+      / QoS AAA \    .
      +-------------->|              |     /  protocol \   .
      |               | Authorizing  +--------------+   \  .
      |               | Entity       |   |          |    | .
      |               +              |<--+----+     |    | .
      |               +--------------+  |QoS  |     |QoS  |.
      |                                install|     |install
      |                                 |rsp. |     |req. |.
      |                                 |     |     |     |.
      |                                  |    |     | .  | .
      |                                   \   |     | . /  .
      |                                     \ |     | /    .
      V                                       |-----V .    .
    +-------------+                  +--------+-----+      .
    |  Entity     |                  | NE           |      .
    |  requesting |                  | performing   |      .
    |  resource   |QoS rsrc granted  | QoS          | <....+
    |             |<-----------------| reservation  |
    +-------------+                  +--------------+

     End-Host         Network Element             Entity
   requesting QoS       (Diameter               (Diameter
                        QoS Client)             QoS Server)
       |                   |                         |
       +---QoS-Reserve---->|                         |
       |                   +- - - - - QAR - - - - - >|
       |                   |(QoS-Resources,          |
       |                   |   QoS-Auth-Data,User-ID)|
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                |  Authorize request    |
       |                   |                |  Keep session data    |
       |                   |                |/Authz-time,Session-Id/|
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |< - - - - QAA - - - - - -+
       |                   |(Result-Code,            |
       |                   |QoS-Resources,Authz-time)|
       |           +-------+---------+
       |           |Install QoS state|
       |           |       +         |
       |           | Authz  session  |
       |           | /Authz-time/    |                QoS Responder
       |           |                 |                    Node
       |           +-------+---------+                      |
       |                   +----------QoS-Reserve---....--->|
       |                   |                                |
       |                   |<---------QoS-Response--....----|
       |<--QoS-Response----+                                |
       |                   |                                |
       |=====================Data Flow==============....===>|

     End-Host         Network Element             Entity
   requesting QoS       (Diameter               (Diameter
                        QoS Client)             QoS Server)
       |                   |                          |
       |                   |                          |<-- Trigger --
       |                   |                 +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                 |  Authorize request    |
       |                   |                 |  Keep session data    |
       |                   |                 |/Authz-time,Session-Id/|
       |                   |                 +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                          |
       |                   |<-- - -- - QIR - - - - - -+
       |                   |(Initial Request,Decision |
       |                   |(QoS-Resources,Authz-time)|
       |           +-------+---------+
       |           |Install QoS state|
       |           |       +         |
       |           | Authz  session  |
       |           | /Authz-time/    |
       |           |                 |
       |           +-------+---------+
       |                   + - - - - QIA - - - - - ->|
       |                   |    (Result-Code,        |
       |                   |     QoS-Resources)      |
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                | Report for successful |
       |                   |                |   QoS reservation     |
       |                   |                |Update of reserved QoS |
       |                   |                |      resources        |
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                         QoS Responder
       |                   |                               Node
       |                   |                                |
       |=====================Data Flow==============....===>|

     End-Host         Network Element             Entity
   requesting QoS       (Diameter               (Diameter
                        QoS Client)             QoS Server)
       |                   |                         |
       |=====================Data Flow==========================>
       |                   |                         |
       |           +-------+----------+              |
       |           |Authz-time/CC-Time|              |
       |           |    expires       |              |
       |           +-------+----------+              |
       |                   +- - - - - QAR - - - - - >|
       |                   |(QoS-Resources,          |
       |                   | QoS-Authorization-Data,User-ID) |
                           |                +--------+--------------+
    NOTE:                  |                |  Authorize request    |
    Re-authorization       |                | Update session data   |
    is transparent to      |                |/Authz-time,Session-Id/|
    the End-Host           |                +--------+--------------+
                           |< - - - - QAA - - - - - -+
       |                   |(Result-Code,            |
       |                   |QoS-Resources,Authz-time)|
       |           +-------+---------+               |
       |           |Update QoS state |               |
       |           |       +         |               |
       |           | Authz  session  |               |
       |           | /Authz-time/    |               |
       |           |                 |               |
       |           +-------+---------+               |
       |                   |                         |
       |=====================Data Flow==========================>
       |                   |

     End-Host         Network Element             Entity
   requesting QoS       (Diameter               (Diameter
                        QoS Client)             QoS Server)
       |                   |                          |
       |                   |                          |<-- Trigger --
       |                   |                 +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                 |  Authorize request    |
       |                   |                 |  Keep session data    |
       |                   |                 |/Authz-time,Session-Id/|
       |                   |                 +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                          |
       |                   |<-- - -- - RAR - - - - - -+
       |                   |(Request,Decision         |
       |                   |(QoS-Resources,Authz-time)|
       |           +-------+---------+
       |           |Install QoS state|
       |           |       +         |
       |           | Authz  session  |
       |           | /Authz-time/    |
       |           |                 |
       |           +-------+---------+
       |                   + - - - - RAA - - - - - ->|
       |                   |    (Result-Code,        |
       |                   |     QoS-Resources)      |
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                | Report for successful |
       |                   |                |   QoS reservation     |
       |                   |                |Update of reserved QoS |
       |                   |                |      resources        |
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                         |

     End-Host         Network Element             Entity
   requesting QoS       (Diameter               (Diameter
                        QoS Client)             QoS Server)
       |                   |                         |
       |==Data Flow==>X /Stop of the data flow/      |
       |                   |                         |
       +---QoS-Reserve---->|                         |
       |  (Delete QoS      +- - - - - STR - - - - - >|
       |   reservation)    |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |                | Remove authorization  |
       |                   |                | session state         |
       |                   |                +--------+--------------+
       |                   |< - - - - STA - - - - - -+
       |           +-------+--------+                |
       |           |Delete QoS state|
       |           +-------+--------+                   QoS Responder
       |                   |                                Node
       |                   +----------QoS-Reserve-----....--->|
       |                   |         (Delete QoS              |
       |                   |          reservation)            |
       |                   |<---------QoS-Response----....----+
       |<--QoS-Response----+                                  |

     End-Host         Network Element             Entity
   requesting QoS       (Diameter               (Diameter
                        QoS Client)             QoS Server)
       |                   |                         |
       |=====================Data Flow==========================>
       |                   |
       |                   |< - - - - ASR - - - - - -+
       |                   |                         |
       |====Data Flow=====>X                         |  QoS Responder
       |                   |                         |      Node
       |                   |         (Delete QoS     |        |
                           |          reservation)   |
                   +-------+--------+                |
                   |Delete QoS state|                |
                   +-------+--------+                |
                           +- - - - - ASA - - - - - >|
                           |                +--------+--------------+
                           |                | Remove authorization  |
                           |                |     session state     |
                           |                +--------+--------------+
                           |                            QoS Responder
                           |                                Node
                           |                                  |

                                                  |    AVP Flag rules |
   |                       AVP  Section           |    |    SHLD| MUST|
   | Attribute Name        Code Defined Data Type |MUST|     NOT|  NOT|
   |QoS-Authorization-Data 579    7.2  OctetString| M  |        |  V  |
   |Bound-Auth-Session-Id  580    7.2  UTF8String | M  |        |  V  |
   |M - Mandatory bit. An AVP with the "M" bit set and its value MUST |
   |    be supported and recognized by a Diameter entity in order for |
   |    the message, which carries this AVP, to be accepted.          |
   |V - Vendor-specific bit that indicates whether the AVP belongs to |
   |    an address space.                                              |

     End-Host                                 SIP Proxy  Correspondent
   requesting QoS                            (DQA Server)        Node
         |                                          |              |
       ..|....Application-layer SIP signaling.......|..............|..
       . |  Invite (SDP)                            |              | .
       . +.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.->              | .
       . |  100 Trying                              |              | .
       . <.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+  Invite (SDP)| .
       . |                                          +-.-.-.....-.-.> .
       . |                                          |  180 SDP'    | .
       . |                                          <-.-.-.....-.-.+ .
       . |                                 +--------+--------+     | .
       . |                                 |Authorize session|     | .
       . |                                 |   parameters    |     | .
       . | 180 (Session parameters)        +--------+--------+     | .
       . <.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+              | .
       ..|..........................................|... ..........|..
         |                                          |              |
         |           +------------+                 |              |
         |           |     NE     |                 |              |
         |           |(DQA Client)|                 |              |
         |           +------+-----+                 |              |
         |                  |                       |              |
         |QoS NSLP Reserve  |                       |              |
         +------------------> QAR                   |              |
         | (POLICY_DATA>v   +- - - - -<<AAA>>- - - ->              |
         |  QSPEC)  v   >===>(Destination-Host,     |              |
         |      v   >=======>QoS-Authorization-Data++------------+ |
         |      >===========>QoS-Resources)        |Authorize    | |
         |                  |                      |QoS resources| |
         |                  |                      ++------------+ |
         |                  | QAA                   |              |
         |                  <- - - - -<<AAA>>- - - -+              |
         |                  |(Result-Code,          |              |
         |                  |QoS-Resources,         |              |
         |                  |Authorization-Lifetime)|              |

         |        +---------+--------+              |              |
         |        |Install QoS state1|              |              |
         |        |+ Authz  session  |              |              |
         |        +---------+--------+              |              |
         |                  |QoS NSLP Reserve                      |
         |                  +---------------..............--------->
         |                  |                                      |
         |                  |                     QoS NSLP Response|
         |QoS NSLP Response <---------------..............---------+
         <------------------+                                      |
         |                  |                        QoS NSLP Query|
         |QoS NSLP Query    <---------------..............---------+
         <------------------+                                      |
         |QoS NSLP Reserve  |                                      |
         +------------------> QAR                   |              |
         |                  +- - - - -<<AAA>>- - - ->              |
         |                  |                   +---+---------+    |
         |                  |                   |Authorize    |    |
         |                  |                   |QoS resources|    |
         |                  | QAA               +---+---------+    |
         |                  <- - - - -<<AAA>>- - - -+              |
         |        +---------+--------+              |              |
         |        |Install QoS state2|                             |
         |        |+ Authz  session  |                             |
         |        +---------+--------+                             |
         |                  |  QoS NSLP Reserve                    |
         |                  +---------------..............--------->
         |                  |                     QoS NSLP Response|
         |QoS NSLP Response <---------------..............---------+
         <------------------+                                      |
         |                  |                                      |
         /------------------+--Data Flow---------------------------\
         |                  |                                      |

         |                                          |              |
       ..|...................SIP Signaling..........|..............|..
       . |  Invite (SDP)                            |              | .
       . +.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.->              | .
       . |  100 Trying                              |              | .
       . <.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+  Invite (SDP)| .
       . |                                          +-.-.-.....-.-.> .
       . |                                          |  180 SDP'    | .
       . |                                          <-.-.-.....-.-.+ .
       . |                                 +--------+--------+     | .
       . |                                 |Authorize session|     | .
       . |                                 |   parameters    |     | .
       . | 180 (Session parameters)        +--------+--------+     | .
       . <.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+              | .
       ..|..........................................|... ..........|..
         |                                          |              |
         |           +------------+                 |              |
         |           |     NE     |                 |              |
         |           |(DQA Client)|                 |              |
         |           +------+-----+                 |              |
         |                  |                       |              |
         |QoS NSLP Reserve  |                       |              |
         +------------------> QAR                   |              |
         | (POLICY_DATA>v   +- - - - -<<AAA>>- - - ->              |
         |  QSPEC)  v   >===>(Destination-Host,     |              |
         |      v   >=======>QoS-Authorization-Data++------------+ |
         |      >===========>QoS-Resources)        |Authorize    | |
         |                  |                      |QoS resources| |
         |                  |                      ++------------+ |
         |                  | QAA                   |              |
         |                  <- - - - -<<AAA>>- - - -+              |
         |                  |(Result-Code = 5003)   |              |
         |                  |                       |              |
         |QoS NSLP Response |                       |              |
         |(with error 0x02) |                       |              |
         <------------------+                       |              |
         |                  |                       |              |
         |                  |                       |              |

        |                  |                          |              |
      ..|..................|...SIP Signaling..........|..............|..
      . | Invite(SDP Offer)|                          |              | .
      . +.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.+-.-.-.-.-.-.->| .
      . |                  |                          |   180        | .
      . |<-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.+-.-.-.-.-.-.-.| .
        |                  |                +---------+-------------+|
        |                  |                |  Authorize Request    ||
        |                  |                |  Keep Session Data    ||
        |                  |                |/Authz-time,Session-Id/||
        |                  |                +---------+-------------+|
        |                  |                          |              |
        |                  |<-- - -- - QIR - -- - -- -+              |
        |                  |(Initial Request,Decision |              |
        |                  |(QoS-Resources,Authz-time)|              |
        |          +-------+---------+                |              |
        |          |Install QoS State|                |              |
        |          |       +         |                |              |
        |          | Authz  Session  |                |              |
        |          | /Authz-time/    |                |              |
        |          +-------+---------+                |              |
        |                  + - - -- - QIA - - - - - ->|              |
        |                  |     (Result-Code,        |              |
        |                  |      QoS-Resources)      |              |
        |                  |               +----------+------------+ |
        |                  |               |     Successful        | |
        |                  |               |     QoS Reservation   | |
        |                  |               +----------+------------+ |

      . |                  |                          |              | .
      . |                  |                          |  200 OK (SDP)| .
      . |                  |                          <-.-.-.....-.-.+ .
      . |                  |                 +--------+-----------+  | .
      . |                  |                 |   Activate Session |  | .
      . |                  |                 |   Parameters       |  | .
      . |                  |                 +--------+-----------+  | .
      . | 200 (SDP)        |                          |              | .
      . <.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.+              | .
        |                  <- - - - - - RAR - - - - - +              |
        |        +---------+--------+                 |              |
        |        |Activate QoS State|                 |              |
        |        +---------+--------+                 |              |
        |                  +- - - - - - RAA - - - - - >              |
        |                  |                                         |
        /------------------+-----Data Flow---------------------------\
        |                  |                                         |

        PaC                                               CPAA
         |                                                 |
   +------------------+                                    |
   |Pre-authentication|                                    |
   |trigger           |                                    |
   +------------------+                                    |
         |                  PCI w/'E' bit set              |
         |            PAR w/'S' and 'E' bits set           |
         |            PAN w/'S' and 'E' bits set           |
         |           PAR-PAN exchange w/'E' bit set        |
         |            PAR w/'C' and 'E' bits set           |
         |            PAN w/'C' and 'E' bits set           |
         .                        .                        .
         .                        .                        .
   +----------+                                            |
   | Movement |                                            |
   +----------+                                            |
         |        PNR w/ 'P' bit set and w/o 'E' bit set   |
         |                                        +-----------------+
         |                                        |CPAA becomes SPAA|
         |                                        +-----------------+
         |        PNA w/ 'P' bit set and w/o 'E' bit set   |
         |                                                 |

                                        ServerHello (w/ extensions)
                                <--------           ServerHelloDone
    Finished                    -------->
                                <--------                  Finished
    Application Data            <------->          Application Data

    ClientHello (no extensions) -------->                            |0
                                        ServerHello (no extensions)  |0
                                                       Certificate*  |0
                                                 ServerKeyExchange*  |0
                                                CertificateRequest*  |0
                                <--------           ServerHelloDone  |0
    Certificate*                                                     |0
    ClientKeyExchange                                                |0
    CertificateVerify*                                               |0
    [ChangeCipherSpec]                                               |0
    Finished                    -------->                            |1
                                                 [ChangeCipherSpec]  |0
                                <--------                  Finished  |1
    ClientHello (w/ extensions) -------->                            |1
                                        ServerHello (w/ extensions)  |1
                                  SupplementalData (w/ authz data)*  |1
                                                       Certificate*  |1
                                                 ServerKeyExchange*  |1
                                                CertificateRequest*  |1
                                <--------           ServerHelloDone  |1
    SupplementalData (w/ authz data)*                                |1
    Certificate*                                                     |1
    ClientKeyExchange                                                |1
    CertificateVerify*                                               |1
    [ChangeCipherSpec]                                               |1
    Finished                    -------->                            |2
                                                 [ChangeCipherSpec]  |1
                                <--------                  Finished  |2
    Application Data            <------->          Application Data  |2

                             |  | UP, ADMIN DOWN, TIMER
                             |  V
                     DOWN  +------+  INIT
              +------------|      |------------+
              |            | DOWN |            |
              |  +-------->|      |<--------+  |
              |  |         +------+         |  |
              |  |                          |  |
              |  |               ADMIN DOWN,|  |
              |  |ADMIN DOWN,          DOWN,|  |
              |  |TIMER                TIMER|  |
              V  |                          |  V
            +------+                      +------+
       +----|      |                      |      |----+
   DOWN|    | INIT |--------------------->|  UP  |    |INIT, UP
       +--->|      | INIT, UP             |      |<---+
            +------+                      +------+

                                    ASCII Label
      |                                                                |
      |     ____________________ LDH Label (1) (4) ________________    |
      |    |  ___________________________________                  |   |
      |    |  |IDN Reserved LDH Labels          |                  |   |
      |    |  | ("??--") or R-LDH Labels        | _______________  |   |
      |    |  | _______________________________ | |NON-RESERVED |  |   |
      |    |  | |       XN-labels             | | | LDH Labels  |  |   |
      |    |  | | _____________   ___________ | | | (NR-LDH     |  |   |
      |    |  | | | A-labels  |   | Fake (3) || | |   labels)   |  |   |
      |    |  | | | "xn--"(2) |   | A-labels || | |_____________|  |   |
      |    |  | | |___________|   |__________|| |                  |   |
      |    |  | |_____________________________| |                  |   |
      |    |  |_________________________________|                  |   |
      |    |_______________________________________________________|   |
      |                                                                |
      |       _____________NON-LDH label________                       |
      |       |      ______________________    |                       |
      |       |      | Underscore labels  |    |                       |
      |       |      |  e.g., _tcp        |    |                       |
      |       |      |____________________|    |                       |
      |       |      | Labels with leading|    |                       |
      |       |      | or trailing        |    |                       |
      |       |      | hyphens "-abcd"    |    |                       |
      |       |      | or "xyz-"          |    |                       |
      |       |      | or "-uvw-"         |    |                       |
      |       |      |____________________|    |                       |
      |       |      | Labels with other  |    |                       |
      |       |      | non-LDH ASCII chars|    |                       |
      |       |      | e.g., #$%_         |    |                       |
      |       |      |____________________|    |                       |
      |       |________________________________|                       |

                        |  Non-ASCII             |
                        |                        |
                        |    ___________________ |
                        |    | U-label (5)     | |
                        |    |_________________| |
                        |    |                 | |
                        |    |  Binary Label   | |
                        |    | (including      | |
                        |    |  high bit on)   | |
                        |    |_________________| |
                        |    |                 | |
                        |    | Bit String      | |
                        |    |   Label         | |
                        |    |_________________| |

                    |                                 |
                    | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
                    | |     UI      | |     UI      | |
                    | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
                    | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
                    | |             | |             | |
                    | |  Service 1  | |  Service 2  | |
                    | |             | |             | |
                    | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
                    | +-----------------------------+ |
                    | |                             | |
                    | |             SIP             | |
                    | |            Layer            | |
                    | |                             | |
                    | +-----------------------------+ |
                    |                                 |

               A                                    B
               |  INVITE                            |
               |  a=curr:conn e2e none              |
               |  a=des:conn mandatory e2e sendrecv |
               |  a=setup:holdconn                  |
               |                                    |
               |  183 Session Progress              |
               |  a=curr:conn e2e none              |
               |  a=des:conn mandatory e2e sendrecv |
               |  a=setup:holdconn                  |
               |                                    |
               |  UPDATE                            |
               |  a=curr:conn e2e none              |
               |  a=des:conn mandatory e2e sendrecv |
     A's radio |  a=setup:actpass                   |
     bearer is +----------------------------------->|
     up        |                                    |
               |  200 OK                            |
               |  a=curr:conn e2e none              |
               |  a=des:conn mandatory e2e sendrecv |
               |  a=setup:active                    |
               |                                    |
               |                                    |
               |                                    |
               |                                    | B's radio
               |<---TCP Connection Establishment--->+ bearer is up
               |                                    | B sends TCP SYN
               |                                    |
               |                                    |
               |  180 Ringing                       | TCP connection
               |<-----------------------------------+ is up
               |                                    | B alerts the user
               |                                    |

                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------(2) 183 Session Progress SDP2--------|
                  |                                            |
                  |~~~~~ Connectivity check to B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|
                  |<~~~~ Connectivity to B OK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(3) UPDATE SDP3--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<--------(4) 200 OK (UPDATE) SDP4-----------|
                  |                                            |
                  |<-------------(5) 180 Ringing---------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |

       Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
         send    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no
         recv    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no

       Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
         send    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no
         recv    |    no    |   mandatory      |    no

       Direction |  Current | Desired Strength |  Confirm
         send    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    no
         recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |    yes

       Direction | Current  | Desired Strength | Confirm
         send    |    no    |   mandatory      |   no
         recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |   no

       Direction | Current  | Desired Strength | Confirm
         send    |    yes   |   mandatory      |   no
         recv    |    yes   |   mandatory      |   no

   +-----------+        +------------------+
   | Fraudster |<---<-- | Collection Site  |<---O--<----<----+
   +----+------+        +------------------+    |            |
        |                                       |            |
        |                                    +--|-----+      ^
        |                                    | Sensor | Credentials
        |                                    +-|------+      |
        |      +---------------+               |        +-------+
        \--->--| Attack Source |--Lure--->-----O------> | User/ |
               +---------------+                        |Victim |

   | Incident           |
   | ENUM purpose       |<>----------[ IncidentID ]
   | STRING ext-purpose |<>--{0..1}--[ AlternativeID ]
   | ENUM lang          |<>--{0..1}--[ RelatedActivity ]
   | ENUM restriction   |<>--{0..1}--[ DetectTime ]
   |                    |<>--{0..1}--[ StartTime ]
   |                    |<>--{0..1}--[ EndTime ]
   |                    |<>----------[ ReportTime ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ Description ]
   |                    |<>--{1..*}--[ Assessment ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ Method ]
   |                    |<>--{1..*}--[ Contact ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ EventData ]
   |                    |              |<>--[ AdditionalData ]
   |                    |                     |<>--[ PhraudReport ]
   |                    |<>--{0..1}--[ History ]
   |                    |<>--{0..*}--[ AdditionalData ]

   | DomainContacts |
   |                |<>--(0..1)--[ SameDomainContact ]
   |                |<>--(1..*)--[ Contact ]

   . Remote   .   Peer/Poll  .              System          .  Clock   .
   . Servers  .   Processes  .              Process         .Discipline.
   .          .              .                              . Process  .
   .+--------+. +-----------+. +------------+               .          .
   .|        |->|           |. |            |               .          .
   .|Server 1|  |Peer/Poll 1|->|            |               .          .
   .|        |<-|           |. |            |               .          .
   .+--------+. +-----------+. |            |               .          .
   .          .       ^      . |            |               .          .
   .          .       |      . |            |               .          .
   .+--------+. +-----------+. |            |  +-----------+.          .
   .|        |->|           |. | Selection  |->|           |. +------+ .
   .|Server 2|  |Peer/Poll 2|->|    and     |  | Combine   |->| Loop | .
   .|        |<-|           |. | Cluster    |  | Algorithm |. |Filter| .
   .+--------+. +-----------+. | Algorithms |->|           |. +------+ .
   .          .       ^      . |            |  +-----------+.    |     .
   .          .       |      . |            |               .    |     .
   .+--------+. +-----------+. |            |               .    |     .
   .|        |->|           |. |            |               .    |     .
   .|Server 3|  |Peer/Poll 3|->|            |               .    |     .
   .|        |<-|           |. |            |               .    |     .
   .+--------+. +-----------+. +------------+               .    |     .
                       |                                    .    V     .
                       |                                    . +-----+  .
                       +--------------------------------------| VFO |  .
                                                            . +-----+  .
                                                            .  Clock   .
                                                            .  Adjust  .
                                                            .  Process .

                          +-----                 -----+^1/2
                          |  n-1                      |
                          |  ---                      |
                  1       |  \                     2  |
      psi   =  -------- * |  /    (theta_0-theta_j)   |
                (n-1)     |  ---                      |
                          |  j=1                      |
                          +-----                 -----+

             +-----                       -----+^1/2
             |        n-1                      |
             |        ---                      |
             |   1    \                     2  |
     psi_s = | ---- * /  (theta_s - theta_j)   |
             |  n-1   ---                      |
             |        j=1                      |
             +-----                       -----+

                theta_r + +---------\        +----------------+
            NTP --------->|  Phase   \  V_d  |                | V_s
                theta_c - | Detector  ------>|  Clock Filter  |----+
                +-------->|          /       |                |    |
                |         +---------/        +----------------+    |
                |                                                  |
              -----                                                |
             /     \                                               |
             | VFO |                                               |
             \     /                                               |
              -----    .......................................     |
                ^      .            Loop Filter              .     |
                |      . +---------+   x  +-------------+    .     |
                | V_c  . |         |<-----|             |    .     |
                +------.-|  Clock  |   y  | Phase/Freq  |<---------+
                       . | Adjust  |<-----| Prediction  |    .
                       . |         |      |             |    .
                       . +---------+      +-------------+    .

                   | Src Address | Dst Address | Key ID | Cookie |

+-----------+-----------+------+------+   +---------+  +-----+------+
|Src Address|Dst Address|Key ID|Cookie|-->|         |  |Final|Final |
+-----------+-----------+------+------+   | Session |  |Index|Key ID|
     |           |         |        |     | Key ID  |  +-----+------+
    \|/         \|/       \|/      \|/    |  List   |     |       |
   *************************************  +---------+    \|/     \|/
   *          COMPUTE HASH             *             *******************
   *************************************             *COMPUTE SIGNATURE*
     |                    Index n                    *******************
    \|/                                                       |
   +--------+                                                 |
   |  Next  |                                                \|/
   | Key ID |                                           +-----------+
   +--------+                                           | Signature |
   Index n+1                                            +-----------+

                   |  NTP Header and  |
                   | Extension Fields |
                        |       |
                       \|/     \|/                     +---------+
                     ****************    +--------+    | Session |
                     * COMPUTE HASH *<---| Key ID |<---| Key ID  |
                     ****************    +--------+    |  List   |
                             |                |        +---------+
                            \|/              \|/
                   | Message Authentication Code (MAC) |

                     |                  Eileen                     |
                     |                                             |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |           | Eileen|   | Eileen|             |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |           | Brenda| 4 | Carol | 4           |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |                                             |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |           | Alice |   | Carol |             |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |           | Alice*| 2 | Carol*| 2           |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |                                             |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |           | Brenda|   | Denise|             |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |           | Alice | 2 | Carol | 2           |
                     |           +-+-+-+-+   +-+-+-+-+             |
                     |                                             |
                     |                 +-+-+-+-+                   |
                     |                 | Eileen|                   |
                     |                 +-+-+-+-+                   |
                     |                 | Eileen| 1                 |
                     |                 +-+-+-+-+                   |
                     |                                             |
                     |                 +=======+                   |
                     |                 ||Alice|| 3                 |
                     |                 +=======+                   |
                                       Stratum 3

              Secure     +-------------+    Secure
          +--------------| Certificate |-------------+
          |              +-------------+             |
          |                                          |
         \|/                                        \|/
   +-------------+                            +-------------+
   | Certificate |                            | Certificate |
   +-------------+                            +-------------+
       Server                                     Client

                               +-----+     SL2=s,DL2=sol(a),SLL=s
                               |     |<================
                               |     |
                               |     |================>
                               +-----+  NA:SL3=P,DL3=S,TA=A,

     NS:SL3=S,DL3=Sol(A),TA=A,          NS:SL3=S,DL3=Sol(A),TA=A,
        SL2=p,DL2=sol(a),SLL=p +-----+      SL2=s,DL2=sol(a),SLL=s
            <==================|     |<================
                               |     |
            ==================>|     |================>
     NA:SL3=A,DL3=S,TA=A,      +-----+  NA:SL3=A,DL3=S,TA=A
        SL2=a,DL2=p,TLL=a                  SL2=p,DL2=s,TLL=p

     RS:SL3=S,DL3=AllR,                 RS:SL3=S,DL3=AllR,
        SL2=p,DL2=allr,SLL=p   +-----+     SL2=s,DL2=allr,SLL=s
            <==================|     |<================
                               |     |
            ==================>|     |================>
     RA:SL3=A,DL3=S,           +-----+  RA:SL3=A,DL3=S,
        SL2=a,DL2=p,SLL=a                 SL2=p,DL2=s,SLL=p

      +------------+    /               \         +------------+
      | MPLS/GMPLS +---/                 \--------+ MPLS/GMPLS |
      | user          |  MPLS/GMPLS Core  |         user       |
      | site       +---\                 /XXX-----+ site       |
      +------------+    \               / XXX     +------------+
                         \-------------/  | |
                                          | |
                                          | +------\
                                          +--------/  "Internet"

                +---------------+        +----------------+
                |               |        |                |
                | MPLS/GMPLS   ASBR1----ASBR3  MPLS/GMPLS |
          CE1--PE1   Network    |        |     Network   PE2--CE2
                | Provider A   ASBR2----ASBR4  Provider B |
                |               |        |                |
                +---------------+        +----------------+
                                Interconnect (ICI)
   For Provider A:
        Trusted Zone: Provider A MPLS/GMPLS network
        Authorized but untrusted neighbor: provider B
        Unauthorized neighbors: CE1, CE2

   PW-Based               MPLS Labeled                 IP
   Services                  Services                Transport
 |------------|  |-----------------------------|  |------------|

    :          User-Network Interface        :           MPLS-TP
    :<-------------------------------------->:           Network <----->
    :                                        :
   -:-------------             --------------:------------------
    :             |           |              : Transport        |
    :             |           |  Transport   :   Path           |
    :             |           |   Service    : Mux/Demux        |
    :             |           |   Control    :    --            |
    :             |           |    Plane     :   |  |  Transport|
    : ----------  | Signaling |  ----------  :   |  |    Path   |
    :|Signaling |_|___________|_|Signaling | :   |  |    --------->
    :|Controller| |           | |Controller| :   |  |   |
    : ----------  |           |  ----------  :   |  |    --------->
    :      :......|...........|......:       :   |  |           |
    :             |  Control  |              :   |  |  Transport|
    :             |  Channel  |              :   |  |    Path   |
    :             |           |              :   |  |    --------->
    :             |           |              :   |  |  -+----------->TSI
    :             |           |  Transport   :   |  | |  --------->
    :             |  Client   |   Service    :   |  | |         |
    :             |  Traffic  |  Data Plane  :   |  | |         |
    : ----------  |  Flows    |  --------------  |  | |Transport|
    :|Signaling |-|-----------|-|Client/Service|-|  |-   Path   |
    :|Controller|=|===========|=|    Traffic   | |  |    --------->
    : ----------  |           | |  Processing  |=|  |===+===========>TSI
    :      |      |           |  --------------  |  |    --------->
    :      |______|___________|______|       :   |  |           |
    :             | Data Link |              :   |  |           |
    :             |           |              :    --            |
    :             |           |              :        Transport |
    :             |           |              :         Service  |
    :             |           |              :        Data Plane|
   ---------------             ---------------------------------
   Customer Edge Node              MPLS-TP Provider Edge Node

        --------------From UNI------->            :
      |                     | Client Traffic Unit :                  |
      | Link-Layer-Specific | Link Decapsulation  : Service Instance |
      |    Processing       |         &           :    Transport     |
      |                     |  Service Instance   :  Encapsulation   |
      |                     |   Identification    :                  |
      |                     |                     : Service Instance |
      |                     |                     :    Transport     |
      | Link-Layer-Specific | Client Traffic Unit :  Decapsulation   |
      |    Processing       | Link Encapsulation  :        &         |
      |                     |                     : Service Instance |
      |                     |                     :  Identification  |
        <-------------To UNI ---------            :

                   :      Network-Network Interface    :
                   :                                   :
       ------------:-------------         -------------:------------
      |  Transport :             |       |             : Transport  |
      |    Path    : Transport   |       |  Transport  :   Path     |
      |  Mux/Demux :  Service    |       |   Service   : Mux/Demux  |
      |      --    :  Control    |       |   Control   :    --      |
      |     |  |   :   Plane     |Sig-   |    Plane    :   |  |     |
      |TP   |  |   : ----------  | naling|  ---------- :   |  |   TP|
    <---    |  |   :|Signaling |_|_______|_|Signaling |:   |  |    --->
   TSI<-+-  |  |   :|Controller| |       | |Controller|:   |  |   |
    <---  | |  |   : ----------  |       |  ---------- :   |  |    --->
      |   | |  |   :      :......|.......|......:      :   |  |     |
      |   | |  |   :             |Control|             :   |  |     |
      |TP | |  |   :             |Channel|             :   |  |   TP|
    <---  | |  |   :             |       |             :   |  |    --->
        | | |  |   :             |       |             :   |  |  -+->TSI
    <---  | |  |   : Transport   |       |  Transport  :   |  | |  --->
      |   | |  |   :  Service    |Service|   Service   :   |  | |   |
      |   | |  |   : Data Plane  |Traffic|  Data Plane :   |  | |   |
      |   | |  |  -------------  | Flows |  -------------  |  | |   |
      |TP  -|  |-|   Service   |-|-------|-|   Service   |-|  |-  TP|
    <---    |  | |   Traffic   | |       | |   Traffic   | |  |    --->
   TSI<=+===|  |=|  Processing |=|=======|=|  Processing |=|  |===+=>TSI
    <---    |  |  -------------  |       |  -------------  |  |    --->
      |     |  |   :      |______|_______|______|      :   |  |     |
      |     |  |   :             | Data  |             :   |  |     |
      |      --    :             | Link  |             :    --      |
      |            :             |       |             :            |
       --------------------------         --------------------------
       MPLS-TP Provider Edge Node         MPLS-TP Provider Edge Node

        --------------From NNI------->             :
      |                     | Service Traffic Unit :                  |
      | Link-Layer-Specific |  Link Decapsulation  : Service Instance |
      |    Processing       |          &           :  Encapsulation   |
      |                     |   Service Instance   :  Normalization   |
      |                     |    Identification    :                  |
      |                     |                      : Service Instance |
      |                     |                      :  Identification  |
      | Link-Layer-Specific | Service Traffic Unit :        &         |
      |    Processing       |  Link Encapsulation  : Service Instance |
      |                     |                      :  Encapsulation   |
      |                     |                      :  Normalization   |
        <-------------To NNI ---------             :

            |<----------------- Client Layer ------------------->|
            |                                                    |
            |          |<-------- Pseudowire -------->|          |
            |          |      encapsulated, packet    |          |
            |          |      transport service       |          |
            |          |                              |          |
            |          |          Transport           |          |
            |          |    |<------ LSP ------->|    |          |
            |          V    V                    V    V          |
            V    AC    +----+      +-----+       +----+     AC   V
      +-----+    |     | PE1|=======\   /========| PE2|     |    +-----+
      |     |----------|.......PW1.| \ / |............|----------|     |
      | CE1 |    |     |    |      |  X  |       |    |     |    | CE2 |
      |     |----------|.......PW2.| / \ |............|----------|     |
      +-----+  ^ |     |    |=======/   \========|    |     | ^  +-----+
            ^  |       +----+   ^  +-----+       +----+       |  ^
            |  |      Provider  |     ^         Provider      |  |
            |  |       Edge 1   |     |           Edge 2      |  |
     Customer  |                |  P Router                   | Customer
      Edge 1   |             TE LSP                           |  Edge 2
               |                                              |
               |                                              |
         Native service                                 Native service

     |<--------------------- Client Layer ------------------------>|
     |                                                             |
     |                  Pseudowire encapsulated,                   |
     |    |<---------- Packet Transport Service ------------->|    |
     |    |                                                   |    |
     |    |              Transport               Transport    |    |
     | AC |     |<-------- LSP1 --------->|    |<--LSP2-->|   | AC |
     | |  V     V                         V    V          V   V |  |
     V |  +----+              +-----+    +----+          +----+ |  V
 +---+ |  |TPE1|===============\   /=====|SPE1|==========|TPE2| |  +---+
 |   |----|......PW1-Seg1.... | \ / | ......X...PW1-Seg2......|----|   |
 |CE1| |  |    |              |  X  |    |    |          |    | |  |CE2|
 |   |----|......PW2-Seg1.... | / \ | ......X...PW2-Seg2......|----|   |
 +---+  ^ |    |===============/   \=====|    |==========|    | | ^+---+
        | +----+     ^        +-----+    +----+     ^    +----+   |
        |            |           ^                  |             |
        |          TE LSP        |                TE LSP          |
        |                      P-router                           |
 Native Service                                          Native Service

  +-------------------+    /===================\   /===================\
  |  Client Layer     |    H     OAM PDU       H   H     OAM PDU       H
  /===================\    H-------------------H   H-------------------H
  H     PW Encap      H    H      GACh         H   H      GACh         H
  H-------------------H    H-------------------H   H-------------------H
  H   PW Demux (S=1)  H    H PW Demux (S=1)    H   H    GAL (S=1)      H
  H-------------------H    H-------------------H   H-------------------H
  H Trans LSP Demux(s)H    H Trans LSP Demux(s)H   H Trans LSP Demux(s)H
  \===================/    \===================/   \===================/
  |    Server Layer   |    |   Server Layer    |   |   Server Layer    |
  +-------------------+    +-------------------+   +-------------------+

            |<------------- Client Network Layer --------------->|
            |                                                    |
            |          |<----------- Packet --------->|          |
            |          |         Transport Service    |          |
            |          |                              |          |
            |          |                              |          |
            |          |          Transport           |          |
            |          |    |<------ LSP ------->|    |          |
            |          V    V                    V    V          |
            V    AC    +----+      +-----+       +----+     AC   V
      +-----+    |     | PE1|=======\   /========| PE2|     |    +-----+
      |     |----------|..Svc LSP1.| \ / |............|----------|     |
      | CE1 |    |     |    |      |  X  |       |    |     |    | CE2 |
      |     |----------|..Svc LSP2.| / \ |............|----------|     |
      +-----+  ^ |     |    |=======/   \========|    |     | ^  +-----+
            ^  |       +----+  ^   +-----+       +----+     | |  ^
            |  |      Provider |       ^         Provider     |  |
            |  |       Edge 1  |       |          Edge 2      |  |
      Customer |               |    P Router                  | Customer
       Edge 1  |             TE LSP                           |  Edge 2
               |                                              |
               |                                              |
         Native service                                 Native service

    |<--------------------- Client Layer ------------------------>|
    |                                                             |
    |                                                             |
    |    |<---------- Packet Transport Service ------------->|    |
    |    |                                                   |    |
    |    |              Transport               Transport    |    |
    | AC |     |<-------- LSP1 --------->|    |<--LSP2-->|   | AC |
    | |  V     V                         V    V          V   V |  |
    V |  +----+              +-----+    +----+          +----+ |  V
+---+ |  | PE1|===============\   /=====| PE2|==========| PE3| |  +---+
|   |----|......svc-lsp1.... | \ / | .....X....svc-lsp1......|----|   |
|CE1| |  |    |              |  X  |    |    |          |    | |  |CE2|
|   |----|......svc-lsp2.... | / \ | .....X....svc-lsp2......|----|   |
+---+  ^ |    |===============/   \=====|    |==========|    | | ^+---+
       | +----+     ^        +-----+    +----+     ^    +----+   |
       |            |           ^         ^        |             |
       |          TE LSP        |         |      TE LSP          |
       |                      P-router    |                      |
Native Service               (LSR for     |               Native Service
                             T'port LSP1) |
                                  LSR for Service LSPs
                                  LER for Transport LSPs

                           H     OAM PDU       H
  +-------------------+    H-------------------H   /===================\
  |  Client Layer     |    H      GACh         H   H     OAM PDU       H
  /===================\    H-------------------H   H-------------------H
  H    Encap Label    H    H      GAL (S=1)    H   H      GACh         H
  H-------------------H    H-------------------H   H-------------------H
  H   SvcLSP Demux    H    H SvcLSP Demux (S=0)H   H    GAL (S=1)      H
  H-------------------H    H-------------------H   H-------------------H
  H Trans LSP Demux(s)H    H Trans LSP Demux(s)H   H Trans LSP Demux(s)H
  \===================/    \===================/   \===================/
  |   Server Layer    |    |   Server Layer    |   |   Server Layer    |
  +-------------------+    +-------------------+   +-------------------+

    |                                                                  |
    |                Network Management System and/or                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |           Control Plane for Point-to-Point Connections           |
    |                                                                  |
                  |     |         |     |          |     |
     .............|.....|...  ....|.....|....  ....|.....|............
     :          +---+   |  :  : +---+   |   :  : +---+   |           :
     :          |OAM|   |  :  : |OAM|   |   :  : |OAM|   |           :
     :          +---+   |  :  : +---+   |   :  : +---+   |           :
     :            |     |  :  :   |     |   :  :   |     |           :
    \: +----+   +--------+ :  : +--------+  :  : +--------+   +----+ :/
    /: +----+   |ing     | :  : |ing     |  :  : |ing     |   +----+ :\
     :          +--------+ :  : +--------+  :  : +--------+          :
     '''''''''''''''''''''''  '''''''''''''''  '''''''''''''''''''''''

          |====== SPME =========|       |====== SPME =========|
                 (Carrier 1)                 (Carrier 2)

  |LERx|--|LSRy|-+                                      +-|LSRz|--|LERt|
                 |                                      |
                 |  |<---------- Carrier 1 --------->|  |
                 |  +-----+   +---+   +---+    +-----+  |
                 +--|     |---|   |---|   |----|     |--+
                    |LER1 |   |LSR|   |LSR|    |LER2 |
                 +--|     |---|   |---|   |----|     |--+
                 |  +-----+   +---+   + P +    +-----+  |
                 |  |============ SPME ==============|  |
  |LERa|--|LSRb|-+            (Carrier 1)               +-|LSRc|--|LERd|

     Proxy-A.example.com           Proxy-B.example.net
        +-------+                    +-------+
        | Proxy |--------------------| Proxy |
        +----+--+                    +---+---+
             |                           |
             |                           |
             |                           |
             |                         +---+
           0---0                       |   |
            /-\                        |___|
           +---+                      /    /
      alice@example.com          bob@example.net

          +-----------+ 49160 (UAC)     5061 (UAS) +-----------+
          |           |--------------------------->|           |
          |  Entity   |                            |  Entity   |
          |     A     |                            |     B     |
          |           | 5061 (UAS)                 |           |
          +-----------+                            +-----------+

          +-----------+ 49160             5061 +-----------+
          |           |.......................>|           |
          |  Entity   |                        |  Entity   |
          |     A     | 5061             49170 |     B     |
          |           |<-----------------------|           |
          +-----------+                        +-----------+

                      Proxy A    Proxy B
                         |          |
     Create connection 1 +---INV--->|
                         |          |
                         |<---200---+ Response over connection 1
                         |          |
     Reuse connection 1  +---ACK--->|
                         |          |
                         =          =
                         |          |
                         |<---BYE---+ Create connection 2
                         |          |
          Response over  +---200--->|
          connection 2

        +---+                                    +---+
        |   |   0---0                   0---0    |   |
        |___|    /-\                     /-\     |___|
       /    /   +---+                   +---+   /    /
      +----+                                   +----+
      User Agents                       User Agents
      example.com domain                example.net domain

   Header Field  Parameter Name  Predefined Values  Reference
   Via           alias                 No           RFC5923

     Proxy-A.example.com           Proxy-B.example.net
        +-------+                    +-------+
        | Proxy |--------------------| Proxy |
        +----+--+                    +---+---+
             |                           |
             |                           |
             |                           |
             |                         +---+
           0---0                       |   |
            /-\                        |___|
           +---+                      /    /
      alice@example.com          bob@example.net

               | Kind=19 |Length=18|   MD5 digest...   |
               |          ...digest (con't)...         |
               |                  ...                  |
               |                  ...                  |
               | ...digest (con't) |

            |  Kind=29   |   Length   |   KeyID    | RNextKeyID |
            |                     MAC           ...

                     MKT-A                            MKT-B
            +---------------------+        +------------------------+
            | SendID = 1          |        | SendID = 5             |
            | RecvID = 2          |        | RecvID = 6             |
            | MAC = HMAC-SHA1     |        | MAC = AES-CMAC         |
            | KDF = KDF-HMAC-SHA1 |        | KDF = KDF-AES-128-CMAC |
            +---------------------+        +------------------------+
                       |                                |
            +----------+----------+                     |
            |                     |                     |
            v                     v                     v
       Connection 1          Connection 2          Connection 3
   +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
   | * Send_SYN_key   |  | * Send_SYN_key   |  | * Send_SYN_key   |
   | * Recv_SYN_key   |  | * Recv_SYN_key   |  | * Recv_SYN_key   |
   | * Send_Other_key |  | * Send_Other_key |  | * Send_Other_key |
   | * Recv_Other_key |  | * Recv_Other_key |  | * Recv_Other_key |
   +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+

                  |                SNE                |

   +                        KDF-AES-128-CMAC                           +
   +                                                                   +
   + Input  : MK (Master_Key, the variable-length shared secret)       +
   +        : I (Input, i.e., the input data of the PRF)               +
   +        : MKlen (length of MK in octets)                           +
   +        : len (length of M in octets)                              +
   + Output : TK (Traffic_Key, 128-bit Pseudo-Random Variable)         +
   +                                                                   +
   + Variable: K (128-bit key for AES-CMAC)                            +
   +                                                                   +
   + Step 1.   If MKlen is equal to 16                                 +
   + Step 1a.  then                                                    +
   +               K := MK;                                            +
   + Step 1b.  else                                                    +
   +               K := AES-CMAC(0^128, MK, MKlen);                    +
   + Step 2.   TK := AES-CMAC(K, I, len);                              +
   +           return TK;                                              +
   +                                                                   +

         Algorithm      | Reference
         SHA1           | [RFC5926]
         AES128         | [RFC5926]

   +----+        +----+        +----+        +----+        +----+
   | H1 |--------| R1 |--------| R2 |--------| R3 |--------| H2 |
   +----+        +----+        +----+        +----+        +----+
         MTU=4464      MTU=2048      MTU=1500      MTU=4464

   1.    -->           <SEQ=100><CTL=SYN>            -->
   2.    <--      <SEQ=X><ACK=101><CTL=SYN,ACK>      <--
   3.    -->       <SEQ=101><ACK=X+1><CTL=ACK>       -->
   4.    -->  <SEQ=101><ACK=X+1><CTL=ACK><DATA=100>  -->
   5.    <--       <SEQ=X+1><ACK=201><CTL=ACK>       <--
   6.    -->  <SEQ=201><ACK=X+1><CTL=ACK><DATA=100>  -->
   7.    -->  <SEQ=301><ACK=X+1><CTL=ACK><DATA=100>  -->
   8.       <--- ICMP "Packet Too Big" MTU=150, TCPseq#=201 <---

           +--------+                                     +--------+
           |        |                  EAP-pwd-ID/Request |        |
           |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
           |  peer  |                                     | server |
           |        | EAP-pwd-ID/Response                 |        |
           |        |------------------------------------>|        |
           |        |                                     |        |
           |        |              EAP-pwd-Commit/Request |        |
           |        |<------------------------------------|        |
           |        |                                     |        |
           |        | EAP-pwd-Commit/Response             |        |
           |        |------------------------------------>|        |
           |        |                                     |        |
           |        |             EAP-pwd-Confirm/Request |        |
           |        |<------------------------------------|        |
           |        |                                     |        |
           |        | EAP-pwd-Confirm/Response            |        |
           |        |------------------------------------>|        |
           |        |                                     |        |
           |        |          EAP-Success                |        |
           |        |<------------------------------------|        |
           +--------+                                     +--------+

      +---------+                                +----------+
      |         |  Trust Anchor Status Query     |          |
      |         |------------------------------->|          |
      |         |                                |          |
      |         |  Trust Anchor Status Response  |          |
      | Trust   |<-------------------------------| Trust    |
      | Anchor  |                                | Anchor   |
      | Manager |  Trust Anchor Update           | Store    |
      |         |------------------------------->|          |
      |         |                                |          |
      |         |  Trust Anchor Update Confirm   |          |
      |         |<-------------------------------|          |
      |         |                                |          |
      +---------+                                +----------+

                                      | SDP a1     |
                        Answer        | (actual    |
                        <-----        |  config,o2)|
                                      |            |
   5) Process answer based on         +------------+
      the configuration that was
      chosen (o2), as indicated in
      the answer

          | SDP o1             |
          | (actual            |
          |  config            |
          |                    |
          | +-------------+    |
          | | capability 1|    |
          | | capability 2|    |
          | | ...         |    |
          | +-------------+    |   Offer
          |                    |   ----->
          | +-------------+    |
          | | potential   |    |
          | |   config 1  |    |
          | | potential   |    |
          | |   config 2  |    |
          | | ...         |    |
          | +-------------+    |
          |                    |

                  | (1) Offer (SRTP and RTP)         |
                  |                                  |
                  | (2) Answer (SRTP)                |
                  |                                  |
                  | (3) Offer (SRTP)                 |
                  |                                  |
                  | (4) Answer (SRTP)                |
                  |                                  |

                  | (1) Offer (RTP/[S]AVP[F])        |
                  |                                  |
                  | (2) Answer (RTP/AVPF)            |
                  |                                  |
                  | (3) Offer (RTP/AVPF)             |
                  |                                  |
                  | (4) Answer (RTP/AVPF)            |
                  |                                  |

               | (1) Offer (RTP/[S]AVP,SDES | DTLS-SRTP)|
               |                                        |
               |<--------- DTLS-SRTP handshake -------->|
               |                                        |
               | (2) Answer (DTLS-SRTP)                 |
               |                                        |
               | (3) Offer (DTLS-SRTP)                  |
               |                                        |
               | (4) Answer (DTLS-SRTP)                 |
               |                                        |

               | (1) Offer (RTP/[S]AVP[F], SDES|MIKEY)  |
               |                                        |
               | (2) Answer (RTP/SAVP, SDES)            |
               |                                        |
               | (3) Offer (RTP/SAVP, SDES)             |
               |                                        |
               | (4) Answer (RTP/SAVP, SDES)            |
               |                                        |

               | (1) Offer (RTP/[S]AVP[F], SDES|MIKEY)  |
               |                                        |
               | (2) Answer (RTP/SAVP, SDES)            |
               |                                        |

                     +-----+          +-------+         +------+
                     |home | =======> |foreign| ------> |mobile|
                     |agent|          | agent | <------ | node |
                     +-----+          +-------+         +------+
    1) Datagram to    /|\         /
       mobile node     |        /   4) For datagrams sent by the
       arrives on      |      /        mobile node, standard IP
       home network    |    /          routing delivers each to its
       via standard    |  |_           destination.  In this figure,
       IP routing.   +----+            the foreign agent is the
                     |host|            mobile node's default router.

    |****|         ***          ***         |**********|          |----|
    | S  |---------*r*----------*r*---------| RSVP     |----------| R  |
    |****|         ***          ***         | Receiver |          |----|
                                            | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable     |----| non-RSVP-capable       ***
 | S  | Sender           | R  | Receiver               *r* regular RSVP
 |****|                  |----|                        *** router

    |----|         |**********|         ***          ***          |****|
    | S  |---------| RSVP     |---------*r*----------*r*----------| R  |
    |----|         | Sender   |         ***          ***          |****|
                   | Proxy    |

 |----| non-RSVP-capable     |****| RSVP-capable       ***
 | S  | Sender               | R  | Receiver           *r* regular RSVP
 |----|                      |****|                    *** router

    |****|         ***          ***         |**********|          |----|
    | S  |---------*r*----------*r*---------| RSVP     |----------| R  |
    |****|         ***          ***         | Receiver |          |----|
                                            | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable     |----| Non-RSVP-capable        ***
 | S  | Sender           | R  | Receiver                *r* regular RSVP
 |****|                  |----|                         *** router

    |****|         ***          ***         |**********|          |----|
    | S  |---------*r*----------*r*---------| RSVP     |----------| R  |
    |****|         ***          ***         | Receiver |          |----|
                                            | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable     |----| Non-RSVP-capable       ***
 | S  | Sender           | R  | Receiver               *r* regular RSVP
 |****|                  |----|                        *** router

      |****|         ***         |**********|   |----|
      | S  |---------*r*---------| RSVP     |---| R1 |
      |****|         ***         | Receiver |   |----|
                                 | Proxy    |
                                 |          |
                                 |          |            |****|
                                 |          |------------| R2 |
                                 |**********|            |****|

           ---Path--->  --Path--->
              (R1)        (R1)    \-------Path-->
                                  /       (R1)
           <--Resv---  <---Resv---

           ---Path--->  --Path--->
              (R2)        (R2)    \-------------Path---->
                                  /             (R2)
           <--Resv---  <---Resv---

   |****| RSVP-capable  |----| non-RSVP-capable  |****| RSVP-capable
   | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver          | R  | Receiver
   |****|               |----|                   |****|

    |****|         ***          ***         |**********|          |----|
    | R  |---------*r*----------*r*---------| RSVP     |----------| S  |
    |****|         ***          ***         | Sender   |          |----|
                                            | Proxy    |

    |****|         ***          ***         |----------|          |----|
    |S/R |---------*r*----------*r*---------| RSVP     |----------|S/R |
    |****|         ***          ***         | Receiver |          |----|
                                            | & Sender |
                                            | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable     |----| Non-RSVP-capable       ***
 |S/R | Sender and       |S/R | Sender and             *r* regular RSVP
 |****| Receiver         |----| Receiver               *** router

                              | Application |
                              | Signaling   |
                              | Entity      |
                                  /   \
                                 /     \
                                /       \
        <///////////////////////         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\>

    |----|        |********|      ***        |********|          |----|
    | S  |--------| RSVP   |------*r*--------| RSVP   |----------| R  |
    |----|        | Proxy  |      ***        | Proxy  |          |----|
                  |********|                 |********|

 |----| Non-RSVP-capable   |----| Non-RSVP-capable      ***
 | S  | Sender             | R  | Receiver              *r* regular RSVP
 |----|                    |----|                       *** router

    |----|        |********|      ***        |********|          |----|
    | S  |--------| RSVP   |------*r*--------| RSVP   |----------| R  |
    |----|        | Proxy  |      ***        | Proxy  |          |----|
                  |********|                 |********|

 |----| Non-RSVP-capable   |----| Non-RSVP-capable      ***
 | S  | Sender             | R  | Receiver              *r* regular RSVP
 |----|                    |----|                       *** router

                        |---------|        |---------|
               /////////|  App    |////\\\\|  App    |\\\\\\\\
              /         | Entity  |        | Entity  |        \
             /          |---------|        |---------|         \
            /               //                \\                \
           /               //                  \\                \
          /               //                    \\                \
         /               //                      \\                \
        /               //                        \\                \
    |----|          |********|      ***       |*********|         |----|
    | S  |----------|        |------*r*-------|         |---------| R  |
    |----|          | RSVP   |      ***       | RSVP    |         |----|
                    | Sender |                | Receiver|
                    | Proxy  |                | Proxy   |
                    |********|                |*********|

 |----| Non-RSVP-capable   |----| Non-RSVP-capable      ***
 | S  | Sender             | R  | Receiver              *r* regular RSVP
 |----|                    |----|                       *** router

                    ////////////| Application |\\\\\\\\\
                   /            | Entity      |         \
                  /             |-------------|          \
                 /                 /=/                    \
                /                 /=/                      \
               /                 /=/                        \
              /                 /=/                          \
             /                 /=/                            \
            /                 /=/                              \
           /                 /=/                                \
          /                 /=/                                  \
     |----|           |********|           ***                 |****|
     | S  |-----------| RSVP   |-----------*r*-----------------| R  |
     |----|           | Sender |           ***                 |****|
                      | Proxy  |

  |----| non-RSVP-capable     |----| RSVP-capable       ***
  | S  | Sender               | R  | Receiver           *r* regular RSVP
  |----|                      |----|                    *** router

                  |---------|               |---------|
          ////////| App     |////////\\\\\\\| App     |\\\\\\\\\
         /        | Entity  |               | Entity  |         \
        /         |         |               |         |          \
    |----|        |*********|      ***      |*********|         |----|
    | S  |--------| RSVP    |------*r*------| RSVP    |---------| R  |
    |----|        | Sender  |      ***      | Receiver|         |----|
                  | Proxy   |               | Proxy   |
                  |*********|               |*********|

 |----| Non-RSVP-capable   |----| Non-RSVP-capable      ***
 | S  | Sender             | R  | Receiver              *r* regular RSVP
 |----|                    |----|                       *** router

                   /////////////|  App    |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
                  /             | Entity  |              \
                 /              |---------|               \
                /                    I                     \
               /                     I                      \
              /                 |----------|                 \
             /                  |  Policy  |                  \
            /                   |  Server  |                   \
           /                    |----------|                    \
          /                    //          \\                    \
         /                    //            \\                    \
        /                    //              \\                    \
    |----|           |********|      ***     |*********|          |----|
    | S  |-----------|        |------*r*-----|         |----------| R  |
    |----|           | RSVP   |      ***     | RSVP    |          |----|
                     | Sender |              | Receiver|
                     | Proxy  |              | Proxy   |
                     |********|              |*********|

 |----| Non-RSVP-capable   |----| Non-RSVP-capable      ***
 | S  | Sender             | R  | Receiver              *r* regular RSVP
 |----|                    |----|                       *** router

                         | VoD  SRM    |
                         |             |
                 ////////|             |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
                /        |-------------|              \
               /                                       \
              /                                         \
             /                                           \
            /                                             \
           /                                               \
      |****|   ***   ***   ***   |********|   |-----|    |---|
      |VoD |---*r*---*r*---*r*---|RSVP    |---|DSLAM|~~~~|STB|--TV
      |Pump|   ***   ***   ***   |Receiver|   |-----|    |---|
      |****|                     |Proxy   |

                     ////| VoD  SRM    |\\\\\\\\\\\
                    /    |             |           \
                   /     |     +       |            \
                  /      | RSVP Sender |             \
                 /       |Proxy Control|              \
                /        |-------------|               \
               /        /=/                             \
              /        /=/                               \
             /        /=/                                 \
            /        /=/                                   \
           /        /=/                                     \
      |----|  |******|    ***  ***  |********|  |-----|    |---|
      | VoD|--|RSVP  |----*r*--*r*--|RSVP    |--|DSLAM|~~~~|STB|--TV
      |Pump|  |Sender|    ***  ***  |Receiver|  |-----|    |---|
      |----|  |Proxy |              |Proxy   |
              |******|              |********|

                   //////////////| SIP     |\\\\\\\\\\\\
                  /              | Server/ |            \
                 /               | Proxy   |             \
                /                |---------|              \
               /                //       \\                \
              /                //         \\                \
             /                //           \\                \
            /                //             \\                \
           /                //               \\                \
      |-----|      |********|   ***   ***   |********|       |-----|
      | IP  |------| Media  |---*r*---*r*---| Media  |-------|IP   |
      |Phone|      | Relay  |   ***   ***   | Relay  |       |Phone|
      |-----|      |  +     |               |    +   |       |-----|
                   | RSVP   |               | RSVP   |
                   | Proxy  |               | Proxy  |
                   |********|               |********|

         |-------|                                    |-------|
         |SIP    |///////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|SIP    |
        /|Server/|                                    |Server/|\
       / |Proxy  |                                    |Proxy  | \
      /  |-------|                                    |-------|  \
     /      ^    \\                                  //   ^       \
    /       ^     \\                                //    ^        \
   /        ^      \\                              //     ^         \
 |***|   |------|  |********|   ***   ***   |********|  |------|   |***|
 | S |---|IPsec |--|  ARSVP |---*r*---*r*---| ARSVP  |--|IPsec |---| R |
 |***|   | GW   |  | Sender |   ***   ***   |Receiver|  | GW   |   |***|
         |------|  |  Proxy |               | Proxy  |  |------|
                   |********|               |********|

 |****|        ***        ***        ***        |**********|      |----|
 | S  |--------*r*--------*r*--------*r*--------| RSVP     |------| R  |
 |****|        ***        ***        ***        | Receiver |      |----|
                                                | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable     |----| Non-RSVP-capable        ***
 | S  | Sender           | R  | Receiver                *r* regular RSVP
 |****|                  |----|                         *** router

 |****|        ***        ***        ***        |**********|      |----|
 | S  |--------*r*--------*r*--------*r*--------| RSVP     |------| R  |
 |****|        ***        ***        ***        | Receiver |      |----|
                                                | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable  |----| Non-RSVP-capable   ***
 | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver           *r* regular RSVP
 |****|               |----|                    *** router

 |****|        ***        ***        ***        |**********|      |----|
 | S  |--------*r*--------*r*--------*r*--------| RSVP     |------| R  |
 |****|        ***        ***        ***        | Receiver |      |----|
                                                | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable  |----| Non-RSVP-capable   ***
 | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver           *r* regular RSVP
 |****|               |----|                    *** router

 |****|        ***        ***        ***        |**********|      |----|
 | S  |--------*r*--------*r*--------*r*--------| RSVP     |------| R  |
 |****|        ***        ***        ***        | Receiver |      |----|
                                                | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable  |----| Non-RSVP-capable   ***
 | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver           *r* regular RSVP
 |****|               |----|                    *** router

 |****|        ***        ***        ***        |**********|      |----|
 | S  |--------*r*--------*r*--------*r*--------| RSVP     |------| R  |
 |****|        ***        ***        ***        | Receiver |      |----|
                                                | Proxy    |

 |****| RSVP-capable  |----| Non-RSVP-capable   ***
 | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver           *r* regular RSVP
 |****|               |----|                    *** router

      |****|         ***         |**********|   |----|
      | S  |---------*r*---------| RSVP     |---| R1 |
      |****|         ***         | Receiver |   |----|
                                 | Proxy    |
                                 |          |
                                 |          |            |****|
                                 |          |------------| R2 |
                                 |**********|            |****|

           ---Path--->  --Path--->
              (R1)        (R1)    \-------Path-->
                                  /       (R1)
           <--Resv---  <---Resv---

           ---Path--->  --Path--->
              (R2)        (R2)    \-------------Path---->
                                  /             (R2)
           <--Resv---  <---Resv---

   |****| RSVP-capable  |----| non-RSVP-capable  |****| RSVP-capable
   | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver          | R  | Receiver
   |****|               |----|                   |****|

          0           0 0           1 1           2 2           3
          0  . . .    7 8   . . .   5 6    . . .  3 4  . . .    1
         |     Length                | P-Type=REC_PROXY_CONTROL  |
         |              Reserved                   |Control-Value|

      |****|         ***         |**********|   |----|
      | S  |---------*r*---------| RSVP     |---| R1 |
      |****|         ***         | Receiver |   |----|
                                 | Proxy    |
                                 |          |
                                 |          |            |****|
                                 |          |------------| R2 |
                                 |**********|            |****|

   |****| RSVP-capable  |----| non-RSVP-capable  |****| RSVP-capable
   | S  | Sender        | R  | Receiver          | R  | Receiver
   |****|               |----|                   |****|

                                |   LMA    |
                                |          |
                                  /      \
                                 /        \
                                /          \
                    +........../..+      +..\..........+
                    . +-------+-+ .______. +-+-------+ .
                    . |  PMAG   |()_______)|  NMAG   | .
                    . |  (PAR)  | .      . |  (NAR)  | .
                    . +----+----+ .      . +----+----+ .
                    .      |      .      .      |      .
                    .   ___|___   .      .   ___|___   .
                    .  /       \  .      .  /       \  .
                    . (  P-AN   ) .      . (  N-AN   ) .
                    .  \_______/  .      .  \_______/  .
                    .      |      .      .      |      .
                    .   +----+    .      .   +----+    .
                    .   | MN |  ---------->  | MN |    .
                    .   +----+    .      .   +----+    .
                    +.............+      +.............+

                                            PMAG        NMAG
          MN         P-AN       N-AN        (PAR)       (NAR)     LMA
          |           |          |            |           |        |
     (a)  |--Report-->|          |            |           |        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
          |           |       Handover        |           |        |
     (b)  |           |------indication------>|           |        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
     (c)  |           |          |            |----HI---->|        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
     (d)  |           |          |            |<---HAck---|        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
          |           |          |            |HI/HAck(optional)   |
     (e)  |           |          |            |<- - - - ->|        |
          |           |          |          #=|<===================|
     (f)  |           |          |          #====DL data=>|        |
          |  Handover |       Handover        |           |        |
     (g)  |<-command--|<------command---------|           |        |
         ~~~          |          |            |           |        |
         ~~~          |          |            |           |        |
          |   MN-AN connection   |    AN-MAG connection   |        |
     (h)  |<---establishment---->|<----establishment----->|        |
          |           |          |  (substitute for UNA)  |        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
     (i)  |<==================DL data=====================|        |
          |           |          |            |           |        |
     (j)  |===================UL data====================>|=#      |
          |           |          |          #=|<============#      |
          |           |          |          #=====================>|
     /    |           |          |            |           |        | \
     |(k) |           |          |            |           |--PBU-->| |
     |    |           |          |            |           |        | |
     |(l) |           |          |            |           |<--PBA--| |
     |    |<==================DL data=====================|<=======| |
     |    |           |          |            |           |        | |
     \    |===================UL data====================>|=======>| /

                                         PMAG            NMAG
          MN       P-AN      N-AN        (PAR)           (NAR)     LMA
          |         |         |            |               |        |
     (a) ~~~        |         |            |               |        |
         ~~~        |         |            |               |        |
          |  MN-AN connection |       AN-MAG connection    |        |
     (b)  |<--establishment-->|<-------establishment------>|        |
          |         |         |(substitute for UNA and FBU)|        |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
     (c)  |         |         |            |<-----HI-------|        |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
     (d)  |         |         |            |-----HAck----->|        |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
     (e)  |         |         |          #=|<=======================|
          |         |         |          #================>|=#      |
          |<====================DL data======================#      |
          |         |         |            |               |        |
     (f)  |=====================UL data===================>|=#      |
          |         |         |          #=|<================#      |
          |         |         |          #=========================>|
          |         |         |            |               |        |
     /    |         |         |            |               |        | \
     |(g) |         |         |            |               |--PBU-->| |
     |    |         |         |            |               |        | |
     |(h) |         |         |            |               |<--PBA--| |
     |    |<====================DL data====================|<=======| |
     |    |         |         |            |               |        | |
     \    |=====================UL data===================>|=======>| /

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
                                     |           Sequence #          |
     |S|U|P|F|Resv'd |      Code     |                               |
     +-+-+-+-+-------+---------------+                               |
     |                                                               |
     .                                                               .
     .                       Mobility options                        .
     .                                                               .
     |                                                               |
     (Note: P=1)

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
                                     |           Sequence #          |
     |U|P|F|Reserved |      Code     |                               |
     +-+-+-+---------+---------------+                               |
     |                                                               |
     .                                                               .
     .                       Mobility options                        .
     .                                                               .
     |                                                               |
     (Note: P=1)

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |  Option-Type  | Option-Length |           Reserved            |
     |  Req-type-1   | Req-length-1  |  Req-type-2   | Req-length-2  |
     |  Req-type-3   | Req-length-3  |          Req-option-3         |
     |                              ...                              |

     |                              ...                              |
     |Option-Type=CRO| Option-Length |           Reserved            |
     | Req-type-n=22 | Req-length-n=0| Req-type-n=25 | Req-length-n=0|
     | Req-type-n=19 | Req-length-n=5|           Vendor-ID           |
     |           Vendor-ID           |   Sub-Type    |               |
     +-----------------------------------------------+               |
     |                              ...                              |

    ______________________________  _________________________________
   |:       :       :    :       :||:        :        :    :        :|
   |:O.MSN-1:O.MSN-2: .. :O.MSN-n:||:MT.MSN-1:MT.MSN-2: .. :MT.MSN-n:|
   |:       :       :    :       :||:        :        :    :        :|
                  |:       :       :     :       :|
                  |:x.MSN-1:x.MSN-2: ... :x.MSN-n:|
                  |:       :       :     :       :|

   |            Network Element Function (NEF)          |
   | _________________________________________          |
   ||                                         |         |
   ||    Transport Plane Atomic Functions     |         |
   ||_________________________________________|         |
   |                     |                              |
   |                     | Management                   |
   |                     | Information                  |
   |  ___________________|_________________             |
   | |                    (from date/time)<-----------+ |
   | | Equipment                           |          | |
   | | Management     (to/from management)<--------+  | |
   | | Function                            |       |  | |
   | | (EMF)             (to/from control)<-----+  |  | |
   | |                                     |    |  |  | |
   | |                    (to local alarm)---+  |  |  | |
   | |_____________________________________| |  |  |  | |
   |                                         |  |  |  | |
   |  +--------------------------------------+  |  |  | |
   |  | +---------------------------------------+  |  | |
   |  | | +----------------------------------------+  | |
   |  | | | +-----------------------------------------+ |external
   |  | | | | Date & Time  _________________            |time
   |  | | | | Interface   | Message         |           |source
   |  | | | +-------------- Communication  <-----------------------
   |  | | |               | Function (MCF)  |           |
   |  | | | Management    |                 |           |management
   |  | | +---------------->                |           |plane
   |  | |   Plane Interface                <---------------------->
   |  | |                 |                 |           |local
   |  | |                 |                 |           |craft
   |  | |   Control Plane |                 |           |terminal
   |  | +------------------>               <---------------------->
   |  |     Interface     |                 |           |control
   |  |                   |                 |           |plane
   |  |     Local Alarm   |                <---------------------->
   |  +-------------------->                |           |
   |        Interface     |                 |           |to local
   |                      |                 |           |alarms
   |                      |_________________--------------------->

   |              _______________________________________ |
   |  Equipment  |             Management Application    ||
   |  Management |                Function (MAF)         ||
   |  Function   | _________________                     ||
   |  (EMF)      ||                 |  __________________||
   |  ___________||_______________  | |                  ||
   | |                            | | | Date & Time      ||
   | | Date & Time Functions      | | | Interface        ||<-- 1
   | |____________________________| | |__________________||
   |  ___________||_______________  |  __________________||
   | |                            | | |                  ||
   | | Fault Management           | | | Management       ||
   | |____________________________| | | Plane Interface  ||<-> 2
   |  ___________||_______________  | |__________________||
   | |                            | |                    ||
   | | Configuration Management   | |  __________________||
   | |____________________________| | |                  ||
   |  ___________||_______________  | | Control          ||
   | |                            | | | Plane Interface  ||<-> 3
   | | Account Management         | | |__________________||
   | |____________________________| |                    ||
   |  ___________||_______________  |                    ||
   | |                            | |                    ||
   | | Performance Management     | |                    ||
   | |____________________________| |                    ||
   |  ___________||_______________  |                    ||
   | |                            | |                    ||
   | | Security Management        | |                    ||
   | |____________________________| |                    ||
   |  ___________||_______________  |                    ||
   | |                            | |                    ||
   | | Control Plane Function     | |                    ||
   | |____________________________| |                    ||
   |             ||                 |  __________________||
   |             ||                 | |                  ||
   |             ||                 | | Local Alarm      ||
   |       +----->| Agent           | | Interface        ||--> 4
   |       v     ||_________________| |__________________||
   |   .-===-.   |_______________________________________||
   |   | MIB |                                            |
   |   `-._.-'                                            |

                    |                 |
                    |   Message       |
                    | Communication   |
                    | Function (MCF)  |
                    | _______________ |
      Date & Time   ||               || external
   1 <--------------|| Date & Time   ||<--------------
      Information   || Communication || time source
                    |                 |
                    | _______________ |
      Management    ||               || management
      Plane         ||  Management   || plane
   2 <------------->||    Plane      ||<------------->
      Information   || Communication || (e.g. - EMS,
                    ||_______________||  peer NE)
                    |                 |
                    | _______________ | control
      Control Plane ||               || plane
   3 <------------->|| Control Plane ||<------------->
      Information   || Communication || (e.g. - EMS,
                    ||_______________||  peer NE)
                    |        :        |
                    |        :        | local craft
                    |        :        | terminal
                    |        :        |<------------->
                    | _______________ |
      Local Alarm   ||               || to local
   4 -------------->|| Local Alarm   ||-------------->
      Information   || Communication || alarms...

   Common Terminology                   ____
    __________         __________      |    |
   |          |       |          |  /->| NE | \   ____
   |Management|       |Operations| /   |____|  \ |    |
   |Station   | <---> |System    |       |(CCh)  | NE |
   |__________|       |__________| \    _|__   / |____|
                                    \->|    | /
                                       | NE |
                       Network Elements use a Communication
                       Channel (CCh) for Transport of Information

   Management Terminology               ____
    __________         __________      |    |
   |          |       |          |  /->| NE | \   ____
   |Management|       |Operations| /   |____|  \ |    |
   |Station   | <---> |System    |       |(MCC)  | NE |
   |__________|       |__________| \    _|__   / |____|
                                    \->|    | /
                                       | NE |
                       Network Elements use a Management
                       Communication Channel (MCC) for Transport
                       of Management Information

   Control Terminology                  ____
    __________         __________      |    |
   |          |       |          |  /->| NE | \   ____
   |Management|       |Operations| /   |____|  \ |    |
   |Station   | <---> |System    |       |(SCC)  | NE |
   |__________|       |__________| \    _|__   / |____|
                                    \->|    | /
                                       | NE |
                       Network Elements use a Control/Signaling
                       Communication Channel (SCC) for Transport
                       of Signaling Information

 |                              Network                                |
     ^                     |            ^               |
     |Notifications        |Commands    |Commands       |Notifications
 +---|---------------------|-------+ +--|---------------|--------------+
 |   |                     V       | |  |               V              |
 | +------------+  +------------+  | | +-----------+   +----------+    |
 | |  (D)TLS    |  |  (D)TLS    |  | | | (D)TLS    |   | (D)TLS   |    |
 | |  (Client)  |  |  (Server)  |  | | | (Client)  |   | (Server) |    |
 | +------------+  +------------+  | | +-----------+   +----------+    |
 |       ^             ^           | |       ^              ^          |
 |       |             |           | |       |              |          |
 |       +-------------+           | |       +--------------+          |
 | +-----|------------+            | | +-----|------------+            |
 | |     V            |            | | |     V            |            |
 | | +--------+       |   +-----+  | | | +--------+       |   +-----+  |
 | | | TLS TM |<--------->|Cache|  | | | | TLS TM |<--------->|Cache|  |
 | | +--------+       |   +-----+  | | | +--------+       |   +-----+  |
 | |Transport Subsys. |      ^     | | |Transport Subsys. |      ^     |
 | +------------------+      |     | | +------------------+      |     |
 |    ^                      |     | |    ^                      |     |
 |    |                      +--+  | |    |                      +--+  |
 |    v                         |  | |    V                         |  |
 | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+ |  | | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+ |  |
 | |     | |Message | |Securi.| |  | | |     | |Message | |Securi.| |  |
 | |Disp.| |Proc.   | |Subsys.| |  | | |Disp.| |Proc.   | |Subsys.| |  |
 | |     | |Subsys. | |       | |  | | |     | |Subsys. | |       | |  |
 | |     | |        | |       | |  | | |     | |        | |       | |  |
 | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ | |  | | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ | |  |
 | |    <--->|v3MP|<--> |TSM|<--+  | | |    <--->|v3MP|<--->|TSM|<--+  |
 | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ |    | | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ |    |
 | |     | |        | |       |    | | |     | |        | |       |    |
 | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+    | | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+    |
 |    ^                            | |    ^                            |
 |    |                            | |    |                            |
 |    +-+------------+             | |    +-+----------+               |
 |      |            |             | |      |          |               |
 |      v            v             | |      v          V               |
 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
 | |   COMMAND   | | NOTIFICAT.  | | | |  COMMAND    | | NOTIFICAT.  | |
 | |  RESPONDER  | | ORIGINATOR  | | | | GENERATOR   | | RECEIVER    | |
 | | application | | application | | | | application | | application | |
 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
 |                     SNMP entity | |                     SNMP entity |
 +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+

   |    Network                   |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   | +--------------------------------------------------+              |
   | |  Transport Subsystem                             |  +--------+  |
   | | +-----+ +-----+ +-------+             +-------+  |  |        |  |
   | | | UDP | | SSH | |(D)TLS |    . . .    | other |<--->| Cache  |  |
   | | |     | | TM  | | TM    |             |       |  |  |        |  |
   | | +-----+ +-----+ +-------+             +-------+  |  +--------+  |
   | +--------------------------------------------------+         ^    |
   |              ^                                               |    |
   |              |                                               |    |
   | Dispatcher   v                                               |    |
   | +--------------+ +---------------------+  +----------------+ |    |
   | | Transport    | | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |    |
   | | Dispatch     | | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |    |
   | |              | |     +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |    |
   | |              | |  +->| v1MP       |<--->| | USM        | | |    |
   | |              | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |    |
   | |              | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |    |
   | |              | |  +->| v2cMP      |<--->| | Transport  | | |    |
   | | Message      | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   |<--+    |
   | | Dispatch    <---->|  +------------+  |  | | Model      | |      |
   | |              | |  +->| v3MP       |<--->| +------------+ |      |
   | |              | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ |      |
   | | PDU Dispatch | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | |      |
   | +--------------+ |  +->| otherMP    |<--->| | Model(s)   | |      |
   |              ^   |     +------------+  |  | +------------+ |      |
   |              |   +---------------------+  +----------------+      |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |

   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY    | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | application |   |         |   | applications |  | application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

                  | Type       | Algorithm                  |
                  | rfc822Name | snmpTlstmCertSANRFC822Name |
                  | dNSName    | snmpTlstmCertSANDNSName    |
                  | iPAddress  | snmpTlstmCertSANIpAddress  |

               SOURCE FLOWS             | FEC FRAMEWORK INSTANCE #1
             | S1: Source Flow |--------| R1: Repair Flow
         |   | S2: Source Flow
         +______________________________| FEC FRAMEWORK INSTANCE #2
                                        | R2: Repair Flow

           SOURCE FLOWS              | FEC FRAMEWORK INSTANCE #1
           S3: Source Flow |---------| R3: Repair Flow
                           |---------| FEC FRAMEWORK INSTANCE #2
                                     | R4: Repair Flow

           SOURCE FLOWS              | FEC FRAMEWORK INSTANCE #1
           S4: Source Flow |---------| R5: Repair Flow
                           |         | R6: Repair Flow
                           |---------| FEC FRAMEWORK INSTANCE #2
                                     | R7: Repair Flow

      /                \
     /    /\            \
    /    + +-----+       \
   o     |  Hole  \       o
   |     |    1   /       |
   |     +-------+        |<--- Primary Polygon
   |        +-------+     |
   |       /  Hole  |     |
   o       \   2    |     o
    \       +-----+ +    /
     \             \/   /
      \                /

       o--------------o                      o--------------o
      /                \                    /                \
     /    /\            \                  /    /\            \
    /    + +-----+       \                /    + +-----+       \
   o     |  Hole  \       o              o     |        \       o
   |     |    1    \      |              |     |  One    \      |
   |     +-+-------+      |  =========>  |     +-+  Hole +      |
   |       /  Hole  |     |              |       /        |     |
   o       \   2    |     o              o       \        |     o
    \       +-----+ +    /                \       +-----+ +    /
     \             \/   /                  \             \/   /
      \                /                    \                /
       o--------------o                      o--------------o

              +------- Inlet
       o---+-----+----o                     o---o     o----o
      /    |%%%%%|     \                   /    |     |     \
     /    /%%%%%%|      \                 /    /      |      \
    /    +%%%%%%%|       \               /    o       o       \
   o     |%%%%%%%%\       o             o     |        \       o
   |     |%%%%%%%%%\      |             |     |         \      |
   |     +-+%%%%%%%%+     |  ========>  |     o-o        o     |
   |       /%%%%%%%%|     |             |       /        |     |
   o       \%%%%%%%%|     o             o       \        |     o
    \       +-----+ +    /               \       o-----o o    /
     \             \/   /                 \             \/   /
      \                /                   \                /
       o--------------o                     o--------------o

       A--q-----------B                     A-q   q----------B
      /  | |           \                   /  |   |           \
     /   | |            \                 /   |   |            \
    /    z r-----s       \               / P  z   r-----s   P   \
   H     |        \       C             H  o  |          \   o   C
   |     |  One    \      |             |  l  |           \   l  |
   |     y-x  Hole  t     |  ========>  |  y  y-x          t  y  |
   |       /        |     |             |  g    /          |  g  |
   G       \        |     D             G  o    \          |  o  D
    \      /    v---u    /               \ n    /      v---u  n /
     \     \   /        /                 \  1  \     /      2 /
      \     \ /        /                   \     \   /        /
       F-----w--------E                     F-----w w--------E

         /                \
        / +--------------+ \
       /  |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|  \
      o   |%%o--------o%%|   o
      |   |%/  Island  \%|   |
      |   |%\          /%|   |
      |   |%%o--------o%%|   |
      o   |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|   o
       \  +--------------+  /
        \                  /
         \                /

      /               \
     / w-------------x \
    /  |/////////////|  \
   A   |/////////////|   D
    \  |/////////////|  /
     \ z-------------y /
      \               /

 Long-term adaptation:      RTCP sender reports      Media processing:
 - Codec+parameter choice  - Data rate, pkt count    - De-jittering
 - Packet size             - Timing and sync info    - Synchronisation
 - FEC, interleaving       - Traffic characteristics - Error concealment
                   -------------------------------->   - Playout
 +---------------+/                                 \+---------------+
 |               | RTP media stream (codec, repair) |                |
 |  Media sender |=================================>| Media receiver |
 |               |                                  |                |
 +---------------+\         RTCP receiver reports   /+---------------+
 Short-term reaction:      - long-term statistics    Control functions:
 - Retransmissions         - event information       - RTP monitoring
 - Retroactive FEC         - media-specific info       and reporting
 - Adaptive source coding  - "congestion info"(*)    - Instant event
 - Congestion control(*)                                 notifications

   |     n bits    |    o bits    |   m bits  |    128-n-o-m bits      |
   |  6rd prefix   | IPv4 address | subnet ID |     interface ID       |
   |<--- 6rd delegated prefix --->|

   IP address              IP addresses = Signalling         IP address
   = Flow                Source/Destination Addresses        = Flow
   Source             (depending on signalling direction)    Destination
   Address                  |                   |            Address
                            V                   V
   +--------+           +------+  Data Flow  +------+         +--------+
   |  Flow  |-----------|------|-------------|------|-------->|  Flow  |
   | Sender |           |      |             |      |         |Receiver|
   +--------+           | GIST |============>| GIST |         +--------+
                        | Node |<============| Node |
                        +------+  Signalling  +------+
                          GN1       Flow       GN2

          ^^                      +-------------+
          ||                      |  Signalling |
         NSIS        +------------|Application 2|
       Signalling    | Signalling +-------------+
      Application    |Application 1|         |
         Level       +-------------+         |
          ||             |                   |
          VV             |                   |
                 ========|===================|=====  <-- GIST API
                         |                   |
          ^^       +------------------------------------------------+
          ||       |+-----------------------+      +--------------+ |
          ||       ||         GIST          |      | GIST State   | |
          ||       ||     Encapsulation     |<<<>>>| Maintenance  | |
          ||       |+-----------------------+      +--------------+ |
          ||       | GIST: Messaging Layer                          |
          ||       +------------------------------------------------+
         NSIS                 |       |       |       |
       Transport      ..........................................
         Level        . Transport Layer Security (TLS or DTLS) .
        (NTLP)        ..........................................
          ||                  |       |       |       |
          ||                +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+
          ||                |UDP |  |TCP |  |SCTP|  |DCCP| ... other
          ||                +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+     protocols
          ||                  |       |       |       |
          ||                .............................
          ||                .     IP Layer Security     .
          ||                .............................
          VV                  |       |       |       |
                              |       |       |       |
                   |                      IP                      |

               GN1                                      GN2
          +------------+                           +------------+
  NSLP    |            |                           |            |
  Level   | >>>>>>>>>1 |                           | 5>>>>>>>>5 |
          | ^        V |       Intermediate        | ^        V |
          |-^--------2-|          Routers          |-^--------V-|
          | ^        V |                           | ^        V |
          | ^        V |    +-----+     +-----+    | ^        V |
  >>>>>>>>>>^        >3>>>>>>>>4>>>>>>>>>>>4>>>>>>>>>5        5>>>>>>>>>
          |            |    |     |     |     |    |            |
  GIST    |          6<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<6          |
  Level   +------------+    +-----+     +-----+    +------------+

       |        >>  Signalling Application Processing   >>       |
       |                                                         |
                ^ NSLP                             NSLP V
                ^ Payloads                     Payloads V
       |                    >>    GIST    >>                     |
       |  ^           ^  ^     Processing      V  V           V  |
          x           N  Q                     Q  N           x
          x           N  Q>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Q  N           x
          x           N  Q      Bypass at      Q  N           x
       +--x-----+  +--N--Q--+  GIST level   +--Q--N--+  +-----x--+
       | C-mode |  | D-mode |               | D-mode |  | C-mode |
       |Handling|  |Handling|               |Handling|  |Handling|
       +--x-----+  +--N--Q--+               +--Q--N--+  +-----x--+
          x          N   Q                     Q   N          x
          x    NNNNNN    Q>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Q    NNNNNN    x
          x   N          Q      Bypass at      Q          N   x
       +--x--N--+  +-----Q--+  IP (router   +--Q-----+  +--N--x--+
       |IP Host |  | Q-mode |  alert) level | Q-mode |  |IP Host |
       |Handling|  |Handling|               |Handling|  |Handling|
       +--x--N--+  +-----Q--+               +--Q-----+  +--N--x--+
          x  N           Q                     Q           N  x
       +--x--N-----------Q--+               +--Q-----------N--x--+
       |      IP Layer      |               |      IP Layer      |
       |   (Receive Side)   |               |  (Transmit Side)   |
       +--x--N-----------Q--+               +--Q-----------N--x--+
          x  N           Q                     Q           N  x
          x  N           Q                     Q           N  x

            +----------+                     +----------+
            | Querying |                     |Responding|
            | Node(Q-N)|                     | Node(R-N)|
            +----------+                     +----------+
                               Query                  .............
                       ---------------------->        .           .
                       Router Alert Option            .  Routing  .
                       MRI/SID/NSLPID                 .   state   .
                       Q-N Network Layer Info         . installed .
                       Query-Cookie                   .    at     .
                       [Q-N Stack-Proposal            . Responding.
                        Q-N Stack-Config-Data]        .    node   .
                       [NSLP Payload]                 .  (case 1) .
               .  The responder can use an existing .
               . messaging association if available .
               . from here onwards to short-circuit .
               .     messaging association setup    .

   .............       <----------------------
   .  Routing  .       MRI/SID/NSLPID
   .   state   .       R-N Network Layer Info
   . installed .       Query-Cookie
   .    at     .       [Responder-Cookie
   .  Querying .        [R-N Stack-Proposal
   .   node    .         R-N Stack-Config-Data]]
   .............       [NSLP Payload]

                           Confirm                    .............
                     ---------------------->          .  Routing  .
                     MRI/SID/NSLPID                   .   state   .
                     Q-N Network Layer Info           . installed .
                     [Responder-Cookie                .    at     .
                      [R-N Stack-Proposal             . Responding.
                       [Q-N Stack-Config-Data]]]      .    node   .
                     [NSLP Payload]                   .  (case 2) .

              [Initialisation]   +-----+
       |                         +-----+
       | er_NoRSM[3](from all states)                   rx_Response[4]
       |                                               || tg_NSLPData[5]
       |      tg_NSLPData[1]                           || rx_Data[7]
       |        --------                                    -------
       |       |        V                                  |       V
       |       |        V                                  |       V
       |      +----------+                               +-----------+
        ---->>| Awaiting |                               |Established|
        ------| Response |---------------------------->> |           |
       |      +----------+       rx_Response[4]          +-----------+
       |       ^        |                                     ^   |
       |       ^        |                                     ^   |
       |        --------                                      |   |
       |    to_No_Response[2]                                 |   |
       |    [!nResp_reached]     tg_NSLPData[5]               |   |
       |                         || rx_Data[7]                |   |
       |                          --------                    |   |
       |                         |        V                   |   |
       |    to_No_Response[2]    |        V                   |   |
       |     [nResp_reached]    +-----------+  rx_Response[4] |   |
        ----------   -----------|  Awaiting |-----------------    |
                  | |           |  Refresh  |<<-------------------
                  | |           +-----------+    to_Refresh_QNode[8]
                  | |            ^        |
                  V V            ^        | to_No_Response[2]
                  V V             --------  [!nResp_reached]
                +-----+   to_Inactive_QNode[6]
                          (from all states)

               rx_Query[1]                      rx_Query[5]
            [confirmRequired]    +-----+    [!confirmRequired]
       |                         +-----+                            |
       |                            |         rx_Confirm[2]         |
       |                             ----------------------------   |
       |                                                         |  |
       |                                       rx_Query[5]       |  |
       |     tg_NSLPData[7]                   || rx_Confirm[10]  |  |
       |      || rx_Query[1]                  || rx_Data[4]      |  |
       |      || rx_Data[6]                   || tg_NSLPData[3]  |  |
       |        --------                        --------------   |  |
       |       |        V                      |              V  V  V
       |       |        V                      |              V  V  V
       |      +----------+                     |           +-----------+
        ---->>| Awaiting |     rx_Confirm[8]    -----------|Established|
        ------| Confirm  |------------------------------>> |           |
       |      +----------+                                 +-----------+
       |       ^        |                                      ^   |
       |       ^        |         tg_NSLPData[3]               ^   |
       |        --------          || rx_Query[1]               |   |
       |    to_No_Confirm[9]      || rx_Data[4]                |   |
       |    [!nConf_reached]       --------                    |   |
       |                          |        V                   |   |
       |    to_No_Confirm[9]      |        V                   |   |
       |    [nConf_reached]      +-----------+  rx_Confirm[8]  |   |
        ----------   ------------|  Awaiting |-----------------    |
                  | |            |  Refresh  |<<-------------------
                  | |            +-----------+      rx_Query[1]
                  | |             ^        |     [confirmRequired]
                  | |             ^        |
                  | |              --------
                  V V          to_No_Confirm[9]
                  V V          [!nConf_reached]
                +-----+    er_NoRSM[11]
                               (from Established/Awaiting Refresh)

            [Initialisation]       +-----+
      |                            +-----+       tg_RawData[1]
      |                                          || rx_Message[2]
      |                                          || rx_MA-Hello[3]
      |       tg_RawData[5]                      || to_SendHello[4]
      |        --------                             --------
      |       |        V                           |        V
      |       |        V                           |        V
      |      +----------+                         +-----------+
       ---->>| Awaiting |    tg_Connected[6]      | Connected |
       ------|Connection|----------------------->>|           |
      |      +----------+                         +-----------+
      |                                              ^    |
      |                              tg_RawData[1]   ^    |
      |                            || rx_Message[2]  |    | tg_MAIdle[7]
      |                                              |    V
      |                                              |    V
      | er_MAConnect[8]  +-----+   to_NoHello[8]  +-----------+
       ---------------->>|Death|<<----------------|   Idle    |
                         +-----+                  +-----------+
                           ^                       ^        |
                           ^                       ^        |
                            ---------------         --------
                            er_MAFailure[8]        rx_MA-Hello[9]
                         (from Connected/Idle)

                       x  +--+      +--+      +--+  x      Initial
                      x  .|C1|_.....|D1|_.....|E1|   x     Configuration
                     x  . +--+.    .+--+.    .+--+\.  x
      >>xxxxxxxxxxxxx  .       .  .      .  .       .  xxxxxx>>
        +-+       +-+ .         ..        ..         . +-+
     ...|A|_......|B|/          ..        ..          .|F|_....
        +-+       +-+ .        .  .      .  .        . +-+
                       .      .    .    .    .      .
                        . +--+      +--+      +--+ .
                          +--+      +--+      +--+

                          +--+      +--+      +--+         Configuration
                         .|C1|......|D1|......|E1|         after failure
                        . +--+     .+--+      +--+         of E1-F link
                       .      \.  .     \.  ./
        +-+       +-+ .         ..        ..           +-+
     ...|A|_......|B|.          ..        ..          .|F|_....
        +-+       +-+\         .  .      .  .        . +-+
      >>xxxxxxxxxxxxx .       .    .    .    .      .  xxxxxx>>
                     x  . +--+      +--+      +--+ .  x
                      x  .|C2|_.....|D2|_.....|E2|/  x
                       x  +--+      +--+      +--+  x

       A                        B          C          D           E
   +------+                  +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +--------+
   | Flow |    +-+    +-+    |NSLP1|    |NSLP1|    |     |    |  Flow  |
   |Sender|====|R|====|R|====|NSLP2|====|     |====|NSLP2|====|Receiver|
   |      |    +-+    +-+    |GIST |    |GIST |    |GIST |    |        |
   +------+                  +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    +--------+
             Flow Direction ------------------------------>>

    -------------------------TCP SYN----------------------->
    <----------------------TCP SYN/ACK----------------------
    -------------------------TCP ACK----------------------->
    TCP connect(IP Src=IP#B; IP Dst=IP#D; Src Port=9166; Dst Port=6123)
    <-----------------------TLS INIT----------------------->

   +-----------+           ooooo
   | Any State +----------o  18 o
   +-----------+           ooooo
   |                             IDLE                                |
      |        ^                                        ^        ^
      |        |                                        |        |
    ooooo    ooooo     ooooo      ooooo      ooooo      |        |
   o  1  o  o  2  o  +o  3  o+  +o  4  o+  +o  5  o+    |        |
    ooooo    ooooo   | ooooo |  | ooooo |  | ooooo |    |        |
      |        |     |       |  |       |  |       |    |        |
      v        |     |       v  |       v  |       v    |        |
   +-----------+-----+----------+----------+--------+   |        |
   |                 Wait Response                  |   |        |
   +--+-------------------------------------+-------+   |        |
      |       ^                             |           |        |
      |       |                             |           |        |
    ooooo     |           ooooo           ooooo       ooooo      |
   o  6  o    |         +o  5  o+        o  7  o     o  8  o     |
    ooooo     |         | ooooo |         ooooo       ooooo      |
      |       |         |       |           |           |        |
      |       |         |       v           v           |        |
      |       |    +----+-------------------------------+---+    |
      |       |    |         Wait MA Establishment          |    |
      |       |    +------------------------------+---------+    |
      |       |          ^                        |              |
      |       |          |                        |              |
      |     ooooo      ooooo        ooooo       ooooo          ooooo
      |    o  9  o    o  11 o     +o  13 o+    o  12 o        o  10 o
      |     ooooo      ooooo      | ooooo |     ooooo          ooooo
      |       |          |        |       |       |              |
      v       |          |        |       v       v              |
   |                  Established Downstream MRS                     |
      |       ^   |       ^   |       ^   |       ^   |       ^
      |       |   |       |   |       |   |       |   |       |
      | ooooo |   | ooooo |   | ooooo |   | ooooo |   | ooooo |
      +o  16 o+   +o  14 o+   +o  15 o+   +o  4  o+   +o  17 o+
        ooooo       ooooo       ooooo       ooooo       ooooo

   +-----------+           ooooo
   | Any State +----------o  14 o
   +-----------+           ooooo
   |                             IDLE                                |
      |                 ^             |                          ^
      |                 |             |                          |
    ooooo               |           ooooo          ooooo       ooooo
   o  1  o              |          o  2  o       +o  4  o+    o  3  o
    ooooo               |           ooooo        | ooooo |     ooooo
      |                 |             |          |       |       |
      |                 |             v          |       v       |
      |                 |   +--------------------+---------------+---+
      |                 |   |             Wait Confirm               |
      |                 |   +---------+------------------+-----------+
      |                 |             |          ^       |       ^
      |                 |             |          |       |       |
      |     ooooo     ooooo         ooooo      ooooo     | ooooo |
      |   +o  13 o+  o  8  o       o  5  o    o  7  o    +o  6  o+
      |   | ooooo |   ooooo         ooooo      ooooo       ooooo
      |   |       |     |             |          |
      v   |       v     |             v          |
    |                  Established Upstream MRS                       |
           |       ^     |       ^     |       ^     |       ^
           |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |
           | ooooo |     | ooooo |     | ooooo |     | ooooo |
           +o  9  o+     +o  11 o+     +o  12 o+     +o  10 o+
             ooooo         ooooo         ooooo         ooooo

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   1) |tg_SendMsg              |tx_Query                 |Wait
   ** |                        |start T_No_Response      |Response
      |                        |Queue NSLP data          |
      |                        |                         |
   18)|Tg_ERROR                |Delete MRS               |IDLE
      |                        |IF (MA is used)          |
      |                        |  ((Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |  (Stop using shared MA))|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   2) |(timeout T_No_Response) |tg_MessageStatus         |IDLE
      |&&(MaxRetry)            |                         |
      |                        |                         |
   3) |(timeout T_No_Response) |Tx_Query                 |Wait
      |&&(!MaxRetry)           |restart T_No_Response    |Response
      |                        |                         |
   4) |rx_Data                 |IF(CheckPeerInfo)        |Wait
      |                        |      tg_RecvMsg to Appl.|Response
      |                        |                         |
   5) |tg_SendMsg              |Queue NSLP data          |Wait
      |                        |                         |Response
      |                        |                         |
   6) |rx_Response)||          |Install MRS              |Established
      |(rx_Response(MAinfo)&&  |IF (RespCookie)          |Downstream
      |(MAexist))              |   tx_Confirm(RespCookie)|MRS
      |                        |tx_Data(Queued NSLP data)|
      |                        |                         |
   7) |rx_Response(MAinfo)&&   |tg_Establish_MA          |Wait MA
   *  |(!MAexist)              |(tx_Confirm)             |Establish.
      |                        |                         |
      |                        |                         |
   18)|Tg_ERROR                |(Delete MRS)             |IDLE
      |                        |IF (MA is used)          |
      |                        |  ((Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |  (Stop using shared MA))|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   4) |rx_Data                 |IF(CheckPeerInfo)        |Established
      |                        |      tg_RecvMsg to Appl.|Downstream
      |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   9) |((tg_SendMsg)&&(C-mode) |tx_Query                 |Wait
      |&&(!MAexist))||         |Queue NSLP data          |Response
      |(tg_MA_error)||         |                         |
      |(tg_InvalidRoutingState)|                         |
      |                        |                         |
   10)|(timeout T_Inactive_    |Delete MRS               |IDLE
      |                QNode)|||IF (MA is used)          |
      |(tg_SetStateLifetime(0))|   (Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |   (Stop using shared MA)|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |
   11)|(rx_Response(MAinfo)&&  |((Delete MA)||           |Wait MA
   *  |(NewPeer)&&(!MA_exist)) |(Stop using shared MA))  |Establish.
      |                        |tg_Establish_MA          |
      |                        |(tx_Confirm)             |
      |                        |                         |
   13)|timeout T_Refresh_QNode |tx_Query                 |Established
      |                        |                         |Downstream
      |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   14)|tg_SendMsg              |tx_Data                  |Established
      |                        |restart T_Inactive_QNode |Downstream
      |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   15)|(rx_Response)&&         |Refresh MRS              |Established
      |(!NewPeer)              |restart T_Inactive_QNode |Downstream
     |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   16)|(rx_Response)||         |IF (MA is used)          |Established
      |(rx_Response(Mainfo)&&  |   (Delete MA)||         |Downstream
      |(MAexist)))&&(NewPeer)  |   (Stop using shared MA)|MRS
      |                        |Install MRS              |
      |                        |restart T_Inactive_QNode |
      |                        |IF (RespCookie)          |
      |                        |   tx_Confirm(RespCookie)|
      |                        |                         |

   17)|rx_Response(No_MRS_     |tx_Confirm(RespCookie)   |Established
      |              installed)|tx_Data(Queued NSLP data)|Downstream
      |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   18)|Tg_ERROR                |(Delete MRS)             |IDLE
      |                        |IF (MA is used)          |
      |                        |  ((Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |  (Stop using shared MA))|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   5) |tg_SendMsg              |Queue NSLP data          |Wait MA
      |                        |                         |Establish.
      |                        |                         |
   8) |tg_MA_error             |Delete MRS               |IDLE
      |                        |tg_MessageStatus         |
      |                        |                         |
   12)|tg_MA_Established       |Install MRS              |Established
   *  |                        |(tx_Confirm)             |Downstream
      |                        |tx_Data(Queued NSLP data)|MRS
      |                        |                         |
   18)|Tg_ERROR                |Delete MRS               |IDLE
      |                        |IF (MA is used)          |
      |                        |  ((Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |  (Stop using shared MA))|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   1) |rx_Query&&              |tx_Response              |Established
      |(!ConfirmRequired)      |Install MRS              |Upstream
      |                        |IF(NSLPdata)             |MRS
      |                        |     tg_RecvMsg(NSLPdata)|
      |                        |                 to Appl.|
      |                        |                         |
   2) |rx_Query&&              |tx_Response              |Wait
      |(ConfirmRequired)       |start T_No_Confirm       |Confirm
      |                        |IF(NSLPdata)             |
      |                        |     tg_RecvMsg(NSLPdata)|
      |                        |                 to Appl.|
      |                        |                         |

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   3) |timeout T_No_Confirm    |                         |IDLE
      |                        |                         |
   4) |rx_Query&&              |tx_Response              |Wait
      |(ConfirmRequired)       |start T_No_Confirm       |Confirm
      |                        |IF(NSLPdata)             |
      |                        |     tg_RecvMsg(NSLPdata)|
      |                        |                 to Appl.|
      |                        |                         |
   5) |rx_Confirm              |Install Upstream MRS     |Established
      |                        |                         |Upstream
      |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   6) |rx_Data                 |tx_Response(No_MRS_      |Wait
      |                        |               installed)|Confirm
      |                        |                         |

   14)|(Tg_ERROR)||            |(Delete MRS)             |IDLE
      |(Tg_MA_Error)           |IF (MA is used)          |
      |                        |  ((Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |  (Stop using shared MA))|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |

   |  |Condition               |Action                   |State
   7) |(rx_Query)&&            |Delete MRS               |Wait
      |(ConfirmRequired)       |tx_Response              |Confirm
      |                        |start T_No_Confirm       |
      |                        |IF(MA is used)           |
      |                        |   (Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |   (Stop using shared MA)|
      |                        |IF(NSLPdata)             |
      |                        |   tg_RecvMsg(NSLPdata)  |
      |                        |                 to Appl.|
      |                        |                         |
   8) |(timeout T_Expire_RNode)|Delete MRS               |IDLE
      |||                      |tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |(tg_SetStateLifetime(0))|IF(MA is used)           |
      |                        |   (Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |   (Stop using shared MA)|
      |                        |                         |
   9) |tg_SendMsg              |IF(!UpstreamPeerInfo)    |Established
      |                        |    Queue NSLP data      |Upstream
      |                        |ELSE tx_Data             |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   10)|rx_Query                |IF (NewPeer)             |Established
      |                        |  Update UpstreamPeerInfo|Upstream
      |                        |tx_Response              |MRS
      |                        |restart T_Expire_RNode   |
      |                        |                         |
   11)|rx_Query(MAinfo)&&      |Delete UpstreamPeerInfo  |Established
      |(!ConfirmRequired)      |restart T_Expire_RNode   |Upstream
      |                        |tx_Response(MAinfo)      |MRS
      |                        |                         |

   12)|rx_Data                 |IF(UpstreamPeerInfo)     |Established
      |                        |    (tg_RecvMsg to Appl.)|Upstream
      |                        |    &&(restart_T_Expire_ |MRS
      |                        |                   RNode)|
      |                        |ELSE                     |
      |                        |    tx_Error(No_MRS_     |
      |                        |               installed)|
      |                        |                         |
   13)|rx_Confirm              |Install UpstreamPeerInfo |Established
      |                        |tx_Data(queued_NSLP_data)|Upstream
      |                        |                         |MRS
      |                        |                         |
   14)|(Tg_ERROR)||            |(Delete MRS)             |IDLE
      |(Tg_MA_Error)           |IF (MA is used)          |
      |                        |  ((Delete MA)||         |
      |                        |  (Stop using shared MA))|
      |                        |Tg_NetworkNotification   |
      |                        |                         |

                  +----+    //----\\       +----+
          NI -----| FW |---|        |------| FW |--- NR
                  +----+    \\----//       +----+

           +----+     +----+    //----\\    +----+     +----+
      NI --| MB1|-----| MB2|---|        |---| MB3|-----| MB4|--- NR
           +----+     +----+    \\----//    +----+     +----+

             +----+     +----+    //----\\
        NI --| MB |-----| MB |---|        |--- NR
             +----+     +----+    \\----//

               //----\\    +----+     +----+
        NI ---|        |---| MB |-----| MB |--- NR
               \\----//    +----+     +----+

             +----+    //---\\
   NI -------| MB |---|       |
      \      +----+    \\-+-//
       \                  |
        \                 +----- NR
         \                |
          \  +----+    //-+-\\
           --| MB |---|       |
             +----+    \\---//

   NR -------| FW |\
       \     +----+ \  //---\\
        \            -|       |-- NI
         \             \\---//
          \  +----+       |
           --| FW |-------+

             +-------+    +-------+    +-------+    +-------+
             | DS/NI |<~~~| MB1/  |<~~~| MB2/  |<~~~| DR/NR |
             |       |--->| NF1   |--->| NF2   |--->|       |
             +-------+    +-------+    +-------+    +-------+

                    administrative domain
             +-------+    +-------+    +-------+ |  +-------+
             | DS/NI |<~~~| MB1/  |<~~~| MB2/  | |  |   DR  |
             |       |--->| NF1   |--->| NR    | |  |       |
             +-------+    +-------+    +-------+ |  +-------+

                               administrative domain
                        / ----------------------------------
             +-------+  | +-------+    +-------+    +-------+
             |   DS  |  | | MB2/  |~~~>|  MB1/ |~~~>|   DR  |
             |       |  | | NR    |<---|  NF1  |<---|       |
             +-------+  | +-------+    +-------+    +-------+

   +-------+ CREATE(lt=60s)  +-------------+ CREATE(lt=20s)  +--------+
   |       |---------------->|     NSLP    |---------------->|        |
   |  NI   |                 |  forwarder  |                 |  NR    |
   |       |<----------------| check 15<20 |<----------------|        |
   +-------+ RESPONSE(lt=15s)+-------------+ RESPONSE(lt=15s)+--------+

       NI      Private Network        NF    Public Internet        NR
       |                              |                            |
       | CREATE                       |                            |
       |----------------------------->|                            |
       |                              |                            |
       |                              |                            |
       |                              | CREATE                     |
       |                              |--------------------------->|
       |                              |                            |
       |                              | RESPONSE                   |
       |    RESPONSE                  |<---------------------------|
       |<-----------------------------|                            |
       |                              |                            |
       |                              |                            |

    |               |                       |                       |
    |               |                       |                       |
    |               |                       |                       |
    |               |  EXTERNAL[(DTInfo)]   |  EXTERNAL[(DTInfo)]   |
    |               |<----------------------|<----------------------|
    |               |                       |                       |
    |               |RESPONSE[Success/Error]|RESPONSE[Success/Error]|
    |               |---------------------->|---------------------->|
    |               |                       |                       |
    |               |                       |                       |

      |----------------------------->|                            |
      |                              |                            |
      |                              |                            |
      |                              |  CREATE[lifetime > 0]      |
      |                              |--------------------------->|
      |                              |                            |
      |                              |   RESPONSE[Success/Error]  |
      |   RESPONSE[Success/Error]    |<---------------------------|
      |<-----------------------------|                            |
      |                              |                            |
      |                              |                            |

      |                              |          space             |
      |    CREATE[lifetime=0]        |                            |
      |----------------------------->|                            |
      |                              |                            |
      |                              | CREATE[lifetime=0]         |
      |                              |--------------------------->|
      |                              |                            |

      |                               |  EXTERNAL-PROXY[(DTInfo)] |
      |                               |<------------------------- |
      |                               |  RESPONSE[Error/Success]  |
      |                               | ---------------------- >  |
      |                               |   CREATE                  |
      |                               | ------------------------> |
      |                               |  RESPONSE[Error/Success]  |
      |                               | <----------------------   |
      |                               |                           |

      |                               |                           |
      |         CREATE-PROXY          |                           |
      |------------------------------>|                           |
      |                               |                           |
      |   RESPONSE[SUCCESS/ERROR]     |                           |
      |<------------------------------|                           |
      |                               |                           |

   +------------------------+              +-------------------------+
   |Network A               |              |                Network B|
   |              +---------+              +---------+               |
   |        +-///-+ Middle- +---///////----+ Middle- +-///-+         |
   |        |     |  box 1  | Security     |  box 2  |     |         |
   |        |     +---------+ Context      +---------+     |         |
   |        | Security      |              |  Security     |         |
   |        | Context       |              |  Context      |         |
   |        |               |              |               |         |
   |     +--+---+           |              |            +--+---+     |
   |     | Host |           |              |            | Host |     |
   |     |  A   |           |              |            |  B   |     |
   |     +------+           |              |            +------+     |
   +------------------------+              +-------------------------+

       |                                               Network A   |
       |                      +---------+                +---------+
       |      +----///--------+ Middle- +------///------++ Middle- +---
       |      | Security      |  box 2  | Security       |  box 2  |
       |      | Context       +----+----+ Context        +----+----+
       | +----+----+               |                          |    |
       | | Middle- +--------+      +---------+                |    |
       | |  box 1  |        |                |                |    |
       | +----+----+        |                |                |    |
       |      | Security    |           +----+-----+          |    |
       |      | Context     |           | Policy   |          |    |
       |   +--+---+         +-----------+ Decision +----------+    |
       |   | Host |                     | Point    |               |
       |   |  A   |                     +----------+               |
       |   +------+                                                |

       +--------------------+              +---------------------+
       |          Network A |              |Network B            |
       |                    |   Security   |                     |
       |          +---------+   Context    +---------+           |
       |    +-///-+ Middle- +---///////----+ Middle- +-///-+     |
       |    |     |  box 1  |      +-------+  box 2  |     |     |
       |    |     +---------+      |       +---------+     |     |
       |    |Security       |      |       | Security      |     |
       |    |Context        |      |       | Context       |
       |    |               |      |       |               |     |
       | +--+---+           |      |       |            +--+---+ |
       | | Host +----///----+------+       |            | Host | |
       | |  A   |           |   Security   |            |  B   | |
       | +------+           |   Context    |            +------+ |
       +--------------------+              +---------------------+

    +----------------+   Trust Relationship    +----------------+
    | +------------+ |<.......................>| +------------+ |
    | | Protocol   | |                         | | Assertion  | |
    | | requesting | |    HTTP, SIP Request    | | Granting   | |
    | | authz      | |------------------------>| | Entity     | |
    | | assertions | |<------------------------| +------------+ |
    | +------------+ |    Artifact/Assertion   |  Entity Cecil  |
    |       ^        |                         +----------------+
    |       |        |                          ^     ^|
    |       |        |                          .     || HTTP,
    |       |        |              Trust       .     || other
    |   API Access   |              Relationship.     || protocols
    |       |        |                          .     ||
    |       |        |                          .     ||
    |       |        |                          v     |v
    |       v        |                         +----------------+
    | +------------+ |                         | +------------+ |
    | | Protocol   | |  NSIS NATFW CREATE +    | | Assertion  | |
    | | using authz| |  Assertion/Artifact     | | Verifying  | |
    | | assertion  | | ----------------------- | | Entity     | |
    | +------------+ |                         | +------------+ |
    |  Entity Alice  | <---------------------- |  Entity Bob    |
    +----------------+   RESPONSE              +----------------+

                             +------+                  Data Flow
                     +-------| EFW1 +----------+     <===========
                     |       +------+       ,--+--.
                  +--+--+                  /       \
          NI+-----| FW1 |                 (Internet )----NR+/NI/DS
          NR      +--+--+                  \       /
                     |       +------+       `--+--'
                     +-------| EFW2 +----------+

       DS                          NAT                         NI+
       |                           |                            |
       |                           |  EXTERNAL                  |
       |                           |<---------------------------|(1)
       |                           |                            |
       |                           |RESPONSE[Success]           |
       |                           |--------------------------->|(2)
       |                           |CREATE                      |
       |                           |--------------------------->|(3)
       |                           |RESPONSE[Success]           |
       |                           |<---------------------------|(4)
       |                           |                            |
       |                           | <Use port=XYZ, IP=a.b.c.d> |
       |FTP control port=XYZ       | FTP control port=21        |
       |                           |                            |
       |  FTP control/get X        |   FTP control/get X        |
       |                           |  EXTERNAL                  |
       |                           |<---------------------------|(8)
       |                           |                            |
       |                           |RESPONSE[Success]           |
       |                           |--------------------------->|(9)
       |                           |CREATE                      |
       |                           |--------------------------->|(10)
       |                           |RESPONSE[Success]           |
       |                           |<---------------------------|(11)
       |                           |                            |
       | Use port=FOO, IP=a.b.c.d  |  Use port=FOO, IP=a.b.c.d  |
       |                           |                            |
       |FTP data to port=FOO       | FTP data to port=20        |

                        QoS NSLP nodes
  IP address            (QoS-unaware NSIS nodes are          IP address
  = Flow                 not shown)                          = Flow
  Source                 |          |            |           Destination
  Address                |          |            |           Address
                         V          V            V
  +--------+  Data +------+      +------+       +------+     +--------+
  |  Flow  |-------|------|------|------|-------|------|---->|  Flow  |
  | Sender |  Flow |      |      |      |       |      |     |Receiver|
  +--------+       | QNI  |      | QNE  |       | QNR  |     +--------+
                   |      |      |      |       |      |
                   +------+      +------+       +------+

           (1)                         +-+
         /-----\                       |x| = QoS NSLP aware
       +-+     /-\ (3) +-+             +-+
   ----|A|     |B|-----|C|----
       +-+     \-/     +-+             /-\
         \-----/                       |x| = QoS NSLP unaware
           (2)                         \-/

   QNI        QNE        QNE        QNR
    |          |          |          |
    | RESERVE  |          |          |
    +--------->|          |          |
    |          | RESERVE  |          |
    |          +--------->|          |
    |          |          | RESERVE  |
    |          |          +--------->|
    |          |          |          |
    |          |          | RESPONSE |
    |          |          |<---------+
    |          | RESPONSE |          |
    |          |<---------+          |
    | RESPONSE |          |          |
    |<---------+          |          |
    |          |          |          |
    |          |          |          |

    QNR        QNE        QNE        QNI
   sender                          receiver
     |          |          |          |
     | QUERY    |          |          |
     +--------->|          |          |
     |          | QUERY    |          |
     |          +--------->|          |
     |          |          | QUERY    |
     |          |          +--------->|
     |          |          |          |
     |          |          | RESERVE  |
     |          |          |<---------+
     |          | RESERVE  |          |
     |          |<---------+          |
     | RESERVE  |          |          |
     |<---------+          |          |
     |          |          |          |
     | RESPONSE |          |          |
     +--------->|          |          |
     |          | RESPONSE |          |
     |          +--------->|          |
     |          |          | RESPONSE |
     |          |          +--------->|
     |          |          |          |

      A          QNE        QNE        B
      |          |  FLOW-1  |          |
      |RESERVE-1 |          |          |
   QNI+--------->|RESERVE-1 |          |
      |          +-------------------->|QNR
      |          |          |          |
      |          |  FLOW-2  |          |
      |          |          |RESERVE-2 |
      |  RESERVE-2          |<---------+QNI
   QNR|<--------------------+          |
      |          |          |          |

          A          QNE        QNE        B
          |          |  FLOW-1  |          |
          |RESERVE-1 |          |          |
       QNI+--------->|RESERVE-1 |          |
          |          +-------------------->|QNR
          |          |          |          |
          |          |  FLOW-2  |          |
          |          |          |  QUERY-2 |
          |          |  QUERY-2 |<---------+QNR
       QNI|<--------------------+          |
          |          |          |          |
          |RESERVE-2 |          |          |
       QNI+--------->|RESERVE-2 |          |
          |          +-------------------->|QNR
          |          |          |          |

   QNI        QNE      QNE/QNI'     QNE'    QNR'/QNE      QNR
                     aggregator           deaggregator
    |          |          |          |          |          |
    | RESERVE  |          |          |          |          |
    +--------->|          |          |          |          |
    |          | RESERVE  |          |          |          |
    |          +--------->|          |          |          |
    |          |          | RESERVE  |          |          |
    |          |          +-------------------->|          |
    |          |          | RESERVE' |          |          |
    |          |          +=========>| RESERVE' |          |
    |          |          |          +=========>| RESERVE  |
    |          |          |          |          +--------->|
    |          |          |          | RESPONSE'|          |
    |          |          | RESPONSE'|<=========+          |
    |          |          |<=========+          |          |
    |          |          |          |          | RESPONSE |
    |          |          |          | RESPONSE |<---------+
    |          |          |<--------------------+          |
    |          | RESPONSE |          |          |          |
    |          |<---------+          |          |          |
    | RESPONSE |          |          |          |          |
    |<---------+          |          |          |          |
    |          |          |          |          |          |
    |          |          |          |          |          |

                +---+     +---+     +---+     +---+
                |QNI|-----|QNE|-----|QNE|-----|QNR|         aggregate
                +---+     +---+     +---+     +---+         reservation

   +---+     +---+     .....     .....     +---+     +---+
   |QNI|-----|QNE|-----.   .-----.   .-----|QNE|-----|QNR|  end-to-end
   +---+     +---+     .....     .....     +---+     +---+  reservation

      QNI        QNE      QNE/QNI'     QNE'    QNR'/QNE      QNR
                        aggregator           deaggregator
       |          |          |          |          |          |
       | RESERVE  |          |          |          |          |
       +--------->|          |          |          |          |
       |          | RESERVE  |          |          |          |
       |          +--------->|          |          |          |
       |          |          | RESERVE  |          |          |
       |          |          |   (1)    |          |          |
       |          |          +-------------------->|          |
       |          |          | RESERVE' |          |          |
       |          |          |   (2)    |          |          |
       |          |          +=========>| RESERVE' |          |
       |          |          |          |   (3)    |          |
       |          |          |          +=========>| RESERVE  |
       |          |          |          |          |   (4)    |
       |          |          |          |          +--------->|
       |          |          |          | RESPONSE'|          |
       |          |          | RESPONSE'|<=========+          |
       |          |          |<=========+          |          |
       |          |          |          |          | RESPONSE |
       |          |          |          | RESPONSE |<---------+
       |          |          |<--------------------+          |
       |          | RESPONSE |          |          |          |
       |          |<---------+          |          |          |
       | RESPONSE |          |          |          |          |
       |<---------+          |          |          |          |
       |          |          |          |          |          |
       |          |          |          |          |          |

           QNE             QNE             QNE            QNE
         ingress         interior        interior        egress
     GIST stateful  GIST stateless  GIST stateless  GIST stateful
            |               A               B              |
    RESERVE |               |               |              |
   -------->| RESERVE       |               |              |
            | RESERVE'      |               |              |
            +-------------->|               |              |
            |               | RESERVE'      |              |
            |               +-------------->|              |
            |               |               | RESERVE'     |
            |               |               +------------->|
            |               |               |  RESPONSE'   |
            |               |               |              | RESERVE
            |               |               |              +-------->
            |               |               |              | RESPONSE
            |               |               |              |<--------
            |               |               |     RESPONSE |
    RESPONSE|               |               |              |
   <--------|               |               |              |

           QNE            QNE            QNE
         ingress        interior        egress
     GIST stateful  GIST stateless  GIST stateful
            |               |               |
    QUERY   |               |               |
   -------->| QUERY         |               |
            |               |               | QUERY
            |               |               +-------->
            |               |               | RESERVE
            |               |               |<--------
            |               |      RESERVE  |
            | RESERVE'      | RESERVE'      |
            |               |     RESPONSE' |
    RESERVE |               |               |
   <--------|               |               |

      +------------------+  +------------------+  +------------------+
      |          Network |  |          Network |  |          Network |
      |             X    |  |             Y    |  |             Z    |
      |                  |  |                  |  |                  |
      |              ----------->          ----------->              |
      |                  |  |                  |  |                  |
      |                  |  |                  |  |                  |
      +--------^---------+  +------------------+  +-------+----------+
               |                                          .
               |                                          .
               |                                          v
            +--+---+  Data                   Data      +--+---+
            | Node |  ==============================>  | Node |
            |  A   |  Sender                Receiver   |  B   |
            +------+                                   +------+

   +-------------+  QoS request     +--------------+
   |  Entity     |----------------->| Entity       |
   |  requesting |                  | authorizing  |
   |  resource   |granted / rejected| resource     |
   |             |<-----------------| request      |
   +-------------+                  +--------------+
             ^                           ^

     Token Request   +--------------+
     +-------------->| Entity C     | financial settlement
     |               | authorizing  | <..................+
     |               | resource     |                    .
     |        +------+ request      |                    .
     |        |      +--------------+                    .
     |        |                                          .
     |        |Authorization                             .
     |        |Token                                     .
     |        |                                          .
     |        |                                          .
     |        |                                          .
     |        |      QoS request                         .
   +-------------+ + Authz. Token   +--------------+     .
   |  Entity     |----------------->| Entity B     |     .
   |  requesting |                  | performing   |     .
   |  resource   |granted / rejected| QoS          |  <..+
   |      A      |<-----------------| reservation  |
   +-------------+                  +--------------+

                                    | Entity C     |
                                    | authorizing  |
                                    | resource     |
                                    | request      |
                                       ^        |
                                   QoS |        | QoS
                                  authz|        |authz
                                   req.|        | res.
                      QoS              |        v
   +-------------+    request       +--+-----------+
   |  Entity     |----------------->| Entity B     |
   |  requesting |                  | performing   |
   |  resource   |granted / rejected| QoS          |
   |      A      |<-----------------| reservation  |
   +-------------+                  +--------------+

   |            QSPEC Objects              |

   \________________ ______________________/
   |QoS Desir.|QoS Avail.|QoS Rsrv.|Min QoS|

   +-------------+...     +-------------+...
   |QSPEC Para. 1|        |QSPEC Para. n|
   +-------------+...     +-------------+...

   +----------+      /-------\       /--------\       /--------\
   | Laptop   |     |   Home  |     |  Cable   |     | Diffserv |
   | Computer |-----| Network |-----| Network  |-----| Network  |----+
   +----------+     | No QOSM |     |DQOS QOSM |     | RMD QOSM |    |
                     \-------/       \--------/       \--------/     |
                     |    /--------\      +----------+
                     |   |    XG    |     | Handheld |
                     +---| Wireless |-----|  Device  |
                         | XG QOSM  |     +----------+

   |------|   |------|                           |------|   |------|
   | e2e  |<->| e2e  |<------------------------->| e2e  |<->| e2e  |
   | QOSM |   | QOSM |                           | QOSM |   | QOSM |
   |      |   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |      |
   | NSLP |   | NSLP |<->| NSLP  |<->| NSLP  |<->| NSLP |   | NSLP |
   |Y.1541|   |local |   |local  |   |local  |   |local |   |Y.1541|
   | QOSM |   | QOSM |   | QOSM  |   | QOSM  |   | QOSM |   | QOSM |
   |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
   |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
   | NTLP |<->| NTLP |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP |<->| NTLP |
   |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
     QNI         QNE        QNE         QNE         QNE       QNR
   (End)  (Ingress Edge) (Interior)  (Interior) (Egress Edge)  (End)

     0        | 0           | QoS Desired        | QoS Reserved
              |             |                    |
     0        | 1           | QoS Desired        | QoS Reserved
              |             | QoS Available      | QoS Available
              |             |                    |
     0        | 2           | QoS Desired        | QoS Reserved
              |             | QoS Available      | QoS Available
              |             | Minimum QoS        |

     1   |0   |QoS Desired      |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
         |    |                 |                   |
     1   |1   |QoS Desired      |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
         |    |(Minimum QoS)    |QoS Available      |QoS Available
         |    |                 |(Minimum QoS)      |
         |    |                 |                   |
     1   |2   |QoS Desired      |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
         |    |QoS Available    |QoS Available      |

   0   |0   |N/A              |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
       |    |                 |                   |
   0   |1   |N/A              |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
       |    |N/A              |QoS Available      |QoS Available
       |    |                 |                   |
   0   |2   |N/A              |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
       |    |N/A              |QoS Available      |QoS Available
       |    |N/A              |Minimum QoS        |
       |    |                 |                   |
   1   |0   |QoS Desired      |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
       |    |                 |                   |
   1   |1   |QoS Desired      |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
       |    |(Minimum QoS)    |QoS Available      |QoS Available
       |    |                 |(Minimum QoS)      |
       |    |                 |                   |
   1   |2   |QoS Desired      |QoS Desired        |QoS Reserved
       |    |QoS Available    |QoS Available      |
       |    |                 |                   |
   2   |0   |QoS Available    |N/A                |QoS Available

   Protocol Header Size
   GRE [RFC1701]             |    8 octets
   GREIP4 [RFC1702]          |  4-8 octets
   IP4INIP4 [RFC2003]        |   20 octets
   MINENC [RFC2004]          | 8-12 octets
   IP6GEN [RFC2473]          |   40 octets
   IP6INIP4 [RFC4213]        |   20 octets
   IPsec [RFC4301, RFC4303]  |    variable

     |------|   |------|                           |------|   |------|
     | e2e  |<->| e2e  |<------------------------->| e2e  |<->| e2e  |
     | QOSM |   | QOSM |                           | QOSM |   | QOSM |
     |      |   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |      |
     | NSLP |   | NSLP |<->| NSLP  |<->| NSLP  |<->| NSLP |   | NSLP |
     |Y.1541|   |local |   |local  |   |local  |   |local |   |Y.1541|
     | QOSM |   | QOSM |   | QOSM  |   | QOSM  |   | QOSM |   | QOSM |
     |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
     |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
     | NTLP |<->| NTLP |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP |<->| NTLP |
     |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
       QNI         QNE        QNE         QNE         QNE       QNR
     (End)  (Ingress Edge) (Interior)  (Interior) (Egress Edge)  (End)

                          Stateless or reduced-state        Egress
   Ingress                RMD Nodes                         Node
   Node                   (Interior Nodes; I-Nodes)        (Stateful
   (Stateful              |          |            |         RMD QoS
   RMD QoS-NLSP           |          |            |         NSLP Node)
   Node)                  V          V            V
   +-------+   Data +------+      +------+       +------+     +------+
   |       |   Flow |      |      |      |       |      |     |      |
   |Ingress|        |I-Node|      |I-Node|       |I-Node|     |Egress|
   |       |        |      |      |      |       |      |     |      |
   +-------+        +------+      +------+       +------+     +------+
                                  Signaling Flow

   |------|   |-------|                           |------|   |------|
   | e2e  |<->| e2e   |<------------------------->| e2e  |<->| e2e  |
   | QoS  |   | QoS   |                           | QoS  |   | QoS  |
   |      |   |-------|                           |------|   |------|
   |      |   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |      |
   |      |   | local |<->| local |<->| local |<->| local|   |      |
   |      |   | QoS   |   |  QoS  |   |  QoS  |   |  QoS |   |      |
   |      |   |       |   |       |   |       |   |      |   |      |
   | NSLP |   | NSLP  |   | NSLP  |   | NSLP  |   | NSLP |   | NSLP |
   |st.ful|   |st.ful |   |st.less/   |st.less/   |st.ful|   |st.ful|
   |      |   |       |   |red.st.|   |red.st.|   |      |   |      |
   |      |   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |      |
   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
   | NTLP |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP |<->|NTLP  |
   |st.ful|   |st.ful |   |st.less|   |st.less|   |st.ful|   |st.ful|
   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
     QNI         QNE        QNE         QNE          QNE       QNR
   (End)     (Ingress)   (Interior)  (Interior)   (Egress)    (End)

       QNE Ingress     QNE Interior     QNE Interior   QNE Egress
     NTLP stateful  NTLP stateless  NTLP stateless  NTLP stateful
            |               |               |              |
    RESERVE |               |               |              |
   -------->| RESERVE       |               |              |
            | RESERVE'      |               |              |
            +-------------->|               |              |
            |               | RESERVE'      |              |
            |               +-------------->|              |
            |               |               | RESERVE'     |
            |               |               +------------->|
            |               |               |     RESPONSE'|
            |               |               |              | RESERVE
            |               |               |              +------->
            |               |               |              |RESPONSE
            |               |               |              |<-------
            |               |               |     RESPONSE |
    RESPONSE|               |               |              |
   <--------|               |               |              |

QNE(Ingress)      QNE(Interior)         QNE(Interior)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful    NTLP stateless        NTLP stateless    NTLP stateful
    |                    |                   |                    |
RESERVE                  |                   |                    |
--->|                    |                   |     RESERVE        |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)  |                   |                    |
    |------------------->|                   |                    |
    |                    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC) |                    |
    |                    |------------------>|                    |
    |                    |                   | RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC) |
    |                    |                   |------------------->|
    |                    |RESPONSE(RMD-QSPEC)|                    |
    |                    |                   |                RESERVE
    |                    |                   |                    |-->
    |                    |                   |                RESPONSE
    |                    |                   |                    |<--
    |                    |RESPONSE           |                    |
RESPONSE                 |                   |                    |
<---|                    |                   |                    |

QNE(Ingress)     QNE(Interior)        QNE(Interior)       QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful    NTLP stateless        NTLP stateless    NTLP stateful
    |                    |                   |                    |
RESERVE                  |                   |                    |
--->|                    |                   |     RESERVE        |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:M=0)                  |                    |
    |------------------->|                   |                    |
    |                    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:M=1)                  |
    |                    |------------------>|                    |
    |                    |                   | RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:M=1)
    |                    |                   |------------------->|
    |                    |RESPONSE(RMD-QOSM) |                    |
    |                    |RESPONSE           |                    |
RESPONSE                 |                   |                    |
<---|                    |                   |                    |
RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC: Tear=1, M=1, <Admitted Hops>=<Max Admitted Hops>
    |------------------->|                   |                    |
                         |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC: Tear=1, M=1, K=1)    |
    |                    |------------------>|                    |
                         |    RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC: Tear=1, M=1, K=1)|
    |                    |                   |------------------->|

QNE(Ingress)     QNE(Interior)         QNE(Interior)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful    NTLP stateless        NTLP stateless    NTLP stateful
    |                    |                   |                    |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)  |                   |                    |
    |------------------->|                   |                    |
    |                    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC) |                    |
    |                    |------------------>|                    |
    |                    |                   | RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC) |
    |                    |                   |------------------->|
    |                    |                   |                    |
    |                    |RESPONSE(RMD-QSPEC)|                    |
    |                    |                   |                    |

QNE(Ingress)      QNE(Interior)        QNE(Interior)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful    NTLP stateless        NTLP stateless    NTLP stateful
    |                    |                   |                    |
RESERVE                  |                   |                    |
--->|                    |                   |     RESERVE        |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1)               |                    |
    |------------------->|                   |                    |
    |                    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1)               |
    |                    |------------------->|                   |
    |                    |                 RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1)
    |                    |                   |------------------->|
    |                    |                   |                RESERVE
    |                    |                   |                    |-->

QNE(Ingress)      QNE(Interior)          QNE(Interior)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful    NTLP stateless         NTLP stateless    NTLP stateful
    |                  |                  |                  |
    | NOTIFY           |                  |                  |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1,M=1,S=1)    |                  |
    | ---------------->|RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1,M=1,S=1)    |
    |                  |                  |                  |
    |                  |----------------->|                  |
    |                  |           RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1,M=1,S=1)
    |                  |                  |----------------->|

QNE(Ingress)      QNE(Interior)         QNE(Interior)     QNE(Egress)
                                     Node that marked
                                       <PHR> object
NTLP stateful    NTLP stateless        NTLP stateless    NTLP stateful
    |                    |                   |                    |
    |                    |                   |                    |
    | RESPONSE (RMD-QSPEC: M=1)              |                    |
RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC: Tear=1, M=1, <Admit Hops>=<Max Admitted Hops>, K=0)
    |------------------->|                   |                    |
    |                    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC: Tear=1, M=1, K=1)    |
    |                    |------------------>|                    |
    |                    |    RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC: Tear=1, M=1, K=1)|
    |                    |                   |------------------->|
    |                    |                   |                    |

  user  |                  |                 |                  |
  data  |  user data       |                 |                  |
 ------>|----------------->|     user data   | user data        |
        |                  |---------------->S(# marked bytes)  |
        |                  |                 S----------------->|
        |                  |                 S(# unmarked bytes)|
        |                  |                 S----------------->|Term.
        |                 NOTIFY             S                  |flow?
        |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1,M=1,S=1)   S                  |
        | ---------------->|RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:T=1,M=1,S=1)      |
        |                  |                 S                  |
        |                  |---------------->S                  |
        |                  |       RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC:Tear=1,M=1,S=1)
        |                  |                 S----------------->|

QNE(Ingress)           Interior          Interior        QNE(Egress)
                    (not NSIS aware) (not NSIS aware)
  user  |                  |                 |                  |
  data  |  user data       |                 |                  |
 ------>|----------------->|     user data   |                  |
        |                  |---------------->| user data        |
        |                  |                 |----------------->|
  user  |                  |                 |                  |
  data  |  user data       |                 |                  |
 ------>|----------------->|     user data   | user data        |
        |                  |---------------->S(# marked bytes)  |
        |                  |                 S----------------->|
        |                  |                 S(# unmarked bytes)|
        |                  |                 S----------------->|
        |                  |                 S                  |
RESERVE |                  |                 S                  |
------->|                  |                 S                  |
        |----------------------------------->S                  |
        |                  |           RESERVE(re-marked DSCP in GIST)
        |                  |                 S----------------->|
        |                  |RESPONSE(unsuccessful INFO-SPEC)    |
 RESPONSE(unsuccessful INFO-SPEC)            |                  |
 <------|                  |                 |                  |

QNE(Ingress)    QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)    QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP stateful
    |                |               |               |              |
    |                |               |               |              |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)              |               |              |
    |"forward"       |               |               |              |
    |                |    RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):        |              |
    |--------------->|    "forward"  |               |              |
    |                |------------------------------>|              |
    |                |               |               |------------->|
    |                |               |               |              |
    |                |               |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)            |
    |      RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)        | "reverse"     |<-------------|
    |      "reverse" |               |<--------------|              |
    |<-------------------------------|               |              |

QNE(Ingress)   QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP stateful
    |                |             |              |               |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):           |              |               |
    |  "forward"     |  RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):       |               |
    |--------------->|  "forward"  |              M RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):
    |                |--------------------------->M  "forward-M marked"
    |                |             |              M-------------->|
    |                |           RESPONSE(PDR)    M               |
    |                |        "forward - M marked"M               |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=0)       |              M               |
    |"forward - T tear"            |              M               |
    |--------------->|             |              M               |
    |                    RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=1)  M               |
    |                |   "forward - T tear"       M               |
    |                |--------------------------->M               |
    |                |                  RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=1)   |
    |                |                 "forward - T tear"         |
    |                |                            M-------------->|

QNE(Ingress)     QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful   NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less   NTLP stateful
    |                |                |                |              |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)               |                |              |
    |"forward"       |  RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):            |              |
    |--------------->|  "forward"     |           RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC): |
    |                |-------------------------------->|"forward"     |
    |                |   RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):           |------------->|
    |                |    "reverse"   |                |              |
    |                |              RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC) |              |
    |    RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):          M      "reverse" |<-------------|
    |   "reverse - M marked"          M<---------------|              |
    |<--------------------------------M                |              |
    |                |                M                |              |
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=0):         M                |              |
    |"forward - T tear"               M                |              |
    |--------------->|  RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=0):       |              |
    |                |  "forward - T tear"             |              |
    |                |-------------------------------->|              |
    |                |                M                |------------->|
    |                |                M         RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=0):
    |                |                M            "reverse - T tear" |
    |                |                M                |<-------------|
    |                                 M RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=1)       |
    |                |                M "forward - T tear"            |
    |                |                M<---------------|              |
    |          RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC, K=1)M                |              |
    |          "forward - T tear"     M                |              |
    |<--------------------------------M                |              |

QNE(Ingress)   QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP stateful
user|                |             |              |               |
data|    user        |             |              |               |
--->|    data        | user data   |              |user data      |
    |--------------->|             |              S               |
    |                |--------------------------->S (#marked bytes)
    |                |             |              S-------------->|
    |                |             |              S(#unmarked bytes)
    |                |             |              S-------------->|Term
    |                |             |              S               |flow?
    |                |          NOTIFY (PDR)      S               |YES
    |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)            |              S               |
    |"forward - T tear"            |              S               |
    |--------------->|             |           RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):|
    |                |--------------------------->S"forward - T tear"
    |                |             |              S-------------->|
    |                |             |          RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC): |
    |                |             |           "reverse - T tear" |
    | RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):          |              |<--------------|
    |"reverse - T tear"            |<-------------S               |
    |<-----------------------------|              S               |

QNE(Ingress)     QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)    QNE (int.)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful   NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less  NTLP st.less   NTLP stateful
user|                |                |           |               |
data|    user        |                |           |               |
--->|    data        | user data      |           |user data      |
    |--------------->|                |           |               |
    |                |--------------------------->|user data      |user
    |                |                |           |-------------->|data
    |                |                |           |               |--->
    |                |                |  user     |               |<---
    |   user data    |                |  data     |<--------------|
    | (#marked bytes)|                S<----------|               |
    |<--------------------------------S           |               |
    | (#unmarked bytes)               S           |               |
Term|<--------------------------------S           |               |
Flow?                |                S           |               |
YES |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):              S           |               |
    |"forward - T tear"               s           |               |
    |--------------->|  RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):       |               |
    |                |  "forward - T tear"        |               |
    |                |--------------------------->|               |
    |                |                S           |-------------->|
    |                |                S         RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):
    |                |                S       "reverse - T tear"  |
    |      RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)         S           |<--------------|
    |      "reverse - T tear"         S<----------|               |
    |<--------------------------------S           |               |

QNE(Ingress)    Interior    QNE (int.)      Interior       QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful not NSIS aware not NSIS aware not NSIS aware NTLP stateful
user|                |             |              |               |
data|                |             |              |               |
--->|                | user data   |              |user data      |
    |-------------------------------------------->S (#marked bytes)
    |                |             |              S-------------->|
    |                |             |              S(#unmarked bytes)
    |                |             |              S-------------->|
    |                |             |              S               |
    |                |           RESERVE(re-marked DSCP in GIST)):|
    |                |             |              S               |
    |-------------------------------------------->S               |
    |                |             |              S-------------->|
    |                |             |              S               |
    |                |          RESPONSE(unsuccessful INFO-SPEC)  |
    |                |             |              S               |

QNE(Ingress)     Interior    QNE (int.)     Interior        QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful not NSIS aware  NTLP st.less not NSIS aware NTLP stateful
user|                |                |           |               |
data|                |                |           |               |
--->|                | user data      |           |               |
    |-------------------------------------------->|user data      |user
    |                |                |           |-------------->|data
    |                |                |           |               |--->
    |                |                |           |               |user
    |                |                |           |               |data
    |                |                |           |               |<---
    |                S                | user data |               |
    |                S  user data     |<--------------------------|
    |   user data    S<---------------|           |               |
    |<---------------S                |           |               |
    |  user data     S                |           |               |
    | (#marked bytes)S                |           |               |
    |<---------------S                |           |               |
    |                S           RESERVE(unmarked DSCP in GIST)): |
    |                S                |           |               |
    |                S          RESERVE(re-marked DSCP in GIST)   |
    |                S<-------------------------------------------|
    |<---------------S                |           |               |

          QNE             QNE             QNE            QNE
        Ingress         Interior        Interior        Egress
    NTLP stateful  NTLP stateless  NTLP stateless  NTLP stateful
           |               |               |              |
           | RESERVE (1)   |               |              |
           | RESERVE' (2)  |               |              |
           +-------------->|               |              |
           |               | RESERVE'      |              |
           |               +-------------->|              |
           |               |               | RESERVE'     |
           |               |               +------------->|
           |               |               | RESPONSE' (2)|
           |               |               | RESPONSE (1) |

     QNE Ingress    QNE Interior   QNE Interior    QNE Egress
   NTLP stateful  NTLP stateless  NTLP stateless  NTLP stateful
          |               |               |              |
          | REFRESH RESERVE'              |              |
          +-------------->| REFRESH RESERVE'             |
          | (+RII)        +-------------->| REFRESH RESERVE'
          |               | (+RII)        +------------->|
          |               |               | (+RII)       |
          |               |               |              |
          |               |               |     REFRESH  |
          |               |               |     RESPONSE'|
          |               |               |     (+RII)   |

          |        event B                              |
          |                                             V
       ----------             -------------           ----------
      | Normal   |  event A  | Congestion  | event B | Severe   |
      |  state   |---------->| notification|-------->|congestion|
      |          |           |  state      |         |  state   |
       ----------             -------------           ----------
        ^  ^                       |                     |
        |  |      event C          |                     |
        |   -----------------------                      |
        |         event D                                |

       ----------                 -------------
      | Normal   |  event B      | Severe      |
      |  state   |-------------->| congestion  |
      |          |               |  state      |
       ----------                 -------------
           ^                           |
           |      event E              |

QNE(Ingress)     NE (int.)    NE (int.)       NE (int.)     QNE(Egress)
NTLP stateful                                             NTLP stateful
data|    user        |                |           |               |
--->|    data        | #unmarked bytes|           |               |
    |--------------->S #marked bytes  |           |               |
    |                S--------------------------->|               |
    |                |                |           |-------------->|data
    |                |                |           |               |--->
    |                |                |           |              Term.?
    |            NOTIFY               |           |               |Yes
    |                |                |           |               |data
    |                |                |  user     |               |<---
    |   user data    |                |  data     |<--------------|
    | (#marked bytes)|                S<----------|               |
    |<--------------------------------S           |               |
    | (#unmarked bytes)               S           |               |
Term|<--------------------------------S           |               |
Flow?                |                S           |               |
YES |RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):              S           |               |
    |"forward - T tear"               s           |               |
    |--------------->|  RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):       |               |
    |                |  "forward - T tear"        |               |
    |                |--------------------------->|               |
    |                |                S           |-------------->|
    |                |                S         RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC):
    |                |                S       "reverse - T tear"  |
    |      RESERVE(RMD-QSPEC)         S           |<--------------|
    |      "reverse - T tear"         S<----------|               |
    |<--------------------------------S           |               |

   |------|   |------|                           |------|   |------|
   |Z-e2e |<->|Z-e2e |<------------------------->|Z-e2e |<->|Z-e2e |
   | QOSM |   | QOSM |                           | QOSM |   | QOSM |
   |      |   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |      |
   | NSLP |   | NSLP |<->| NSLP  |<->| NSLP  |<->| NSLP |   | NSLP |
   |Z-e2e |   |  RMD |   |  RMD  |   |  RMD  |   | RMD  |   | Z-e2e|
   | QOSM |   | QOSM |   | QOSM  |   | QOSM  |   | QOSM |   | QOSM |
   |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
   |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
   | NTLP |<->| NTLP |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP  |<->| NTLP |<->| NTLP |
   |------|   |------|   |-------|   |-------|   |------|   |------|
     QNI         QNE        QNE         QNE         QNE       QNR
   (End)  (Ingress Edge) (Interior)  (Interior) (Egress Edge)  (End)

               +-----+ +--------+ +-------+
               |     | |        | |       |
               | QoS | | NAT/FW | |  ...  |       NSLP
               |     | |        | |       |
               +-----+ +--------+ +-------+

               |                          |
               |          GIST            |       NTLP
               |                          |

                    Tunnel from node B to node D
                  Tunnel       Tunnel        Tunnel
                  Entry-Point  Intermediate  Exit-Point
                  Node         Node          Node
   +-+            +-+          +-+           +-+            +-+
   +-+            +-+          +-+           +-+            +-+
   Original                                                 Original
   Packet                                                   Packet
   Source                                                   Destination
   Node                                                     Node

                         | Original |                              |
                         |          |   Original Packet Payload    |
                         | Header   |                              |
                          <            Original Packet            >
    <  Tunnel Headers   > <            Original Packet            >
   | Tunnel  | Tunnel-   |                                         |
   | IP      | Specific  |             Original Packet             |
   | Header  | Header    |                                         |
    <                        Tunnel IP Packet                     >

    NSIS QoS       NSIS QoS     NSIS QoS      NSIS QoS       NSIS QoS
    Node           Node         Node          Node           Node
    +-+            +-+          +-+           +-+            +-+
    +-+            +-+          +-+           +-+            +-+
    Flow                                                     Flow
    Sender                                                   Receiver
    Node                                                     Node

    Node A         Node B         Node C         Node D         Node E
      |              |              |              |              |
      |   RESERVE    |              |              |              |
      +------------->|              |              |              |
      |              |   RESERVE    |              |              |
      |              +------------->|              |              |
      |              |              |   RESERVE    |              |
      |              |              +------------->|              |
      |              |              |              |   RESERVE    |
      |              |              |              +------------->|
      |              |              |              |   RESPONSE   |
      |              |              |              |<-------------+
      |              |              |   RESPONSE   |              |
      |              |              |<-------------+              |
      |              |   RESPONSE   |              |              |
      |              |<-------------+              |              |
      |   RESPONSE   |              |              |              |
      |<-------------+              |              |              |
      |              |              |              |              |
      |              |              |              |              |

                     Tunnel from node B to node D
                   Tunnel       Tunnel        Tunnel
                   Entry-Point  Intermediate  Exit-Point
    NSIS QoS       NSIS QoS     NSIS QoS      NSIS QoS       NSIS QoS
    Node           Node         Node          Node           Node
    +-+            +-+          +-+           +-+            +-+
    +-+            +-+          +-+           +-+            +-+
    Flow                                                     Flow
    Sender                                                   Receiver
    Node                                                     Node

      |              |              |              |              |
      |   RESERVE    |              |              |              |
      +------------->|              |              |              |
      |              |           RESERVE           |              |
      |              +---------------------------->|              |
      |              |              |              |   RESERVE    |
      |              |              |              +------------->|
      |              |              |              |   RESPONSE   |
      |              |              |              |<-------------+
      |              |           RESPONSE          |              |
      |              |<----------------------------+              |
      |   RESPONSE   |              |              |              |
      |<-------------+              |              |              |
      |              |              |              |              |
      |              |              |              |              |

      |              |              |              |              |
      |    QUERY     |              |              |              |
      +------------->|              |              |              |
      |              |            QUERY            |              |
      |              +---------------------------->|              |
      |              |              |              |    QUERY     |
      |              |              |              +------------->|
      |              |              |              |   RESERVE    |
      |              |              |              |<-------------+
      |              |           RESERVE           |              |
      |              |<----------------------------+              |
      |   RESERVE    |              |              |              |
      |<-------------+              |              |              |
      |   RESPONSE   |              |              |              |
      +------------->|              |              |              |
      |              |           RESPONSE          |              |
      |              +---------------------------->|              |
      |              |              |              |   RESPONSE   |
      |              |              |              +------------->|
      |              |              |              |              |
      |              |              |              |              |

     |              |              |              |              |
     | RESERVE(1)   |              |              |              |
     +------------->|              |              |              |
     |              | RESERVE'(2)  |              |              |
     |              +=============>|              |              |
     |              |              | RESERVE'(2)  |              |
     |              |              +=============>|              |
     |              |          RESERVE(3)         |              |
     |              +---------------------------->|              |
     |              |              | RESPONSE'(4) |              |
     |              |              |<=============+              |
     |              | RESPONSE'(4) |              |              |
     |              |<=============+              |              |
     |              |              |              |  RESERVE(5)  |
     |              |              |              +------------->|
     |              |              |              | RESPONSE(6)  |
     |              |              |              |<-------------+
     |              |         RESPONSE(6)         |              |
     |              |<----------------------------+              |
     | RESPONSE(6)  |              |              |              |
     |<-------------+              |              |              |
     |              |              |              |              |
     |              |              |              |              |

     |              |              |              |              |
     |   QUERY(1)   |              |              |              |
     +------------->|              |              |              |
     |              |  QUERY'(2)   |              |              |
     |              +=============>|              |              |
     |              |              |  QUERY'(2)   |              |
     |              |              +=============>|              |
     |              |              | RESPONSE'(3) |              |
     |              |              |<=============+              |
     |              | RESPONSE'(3) |              |              |
     |              |<=============+              |              |
     |              |           QUERY(4)          |              |
     |              +---------------------------->|              |
     |              |              |              |   QUERY(5)   |
     |              |              |              +------------->|
     |              |              |              |  RESERVE(6)  |
     |              |              |              |<-------------+
     |              |              | RESERVE'(7)  |              |
     |              |              |<=============+              |
     |              | RESERVE'(7)  |              |              |
     |              |<=============+              |              |
     |              |          RESERVE(8)         |              |
     |              |<----------------------------+              |
     |              | RESPONSE'(9) |              |              |
     |              +=============>|              |              |
     |              |              | RESPONSE'(9) |              |
     |              |              +=============>|              |
     | RESERVE(10)  |              |              |              |
     |<-------------+              |              |              |
     | RESPONSE(11) |              |              |              |
     +------------->|              |              |              |
     |              |         RESPONSE(11)        |              |
     |              +---------------------------->|              |
     |              |              |              | RESPONSE(11) |
     |              |              |              +------------->|
     |              |              |              |              |
     |              |              |              |              |
     (1), (5): QUERY w/ RESERVE-INIT
     (2): QUERY' w/ RII
     (6), (10): RESERVE w/o BOUND-SESSION-ID
     (7): RESERVE' w/ MSG-ID

      MN   QNE1 MN       QNE2       QNE3     QNE4     CN
    (CoA1)  | (CoA2)      |        (CRN)      |        |
      |     |    |        |          |        |        |
      |     |    |RESERVE |          |        |        |
      |     |    |------->|          |        |        |
      |     |    | (1)    |RESERVE   |        |        |
      |     |    |        |--------->|        |        |
      |     |    |        | (2)      |RESERVE |        |
      |     |    |        |          |------->|        |
      |     |    |        |          |  (3)   |RESERVE |
      |     |    |        |          |        |------->|
      |     |    |        |    NOTIFY|        |  (4)   |
      |     |    |        |<---------|        |        |
      |     |    |  NOTIFY|    (9)   |        |        |
      |     |<------------|          |        |        |
      |     |    |  (10)  |          |        |        |
      |     |RESERVE(T)   |          |        |        |
      |     |------------>|          |        |        |
      |     |    |  (11)  |RESERVE(T)|        |        |
      |     |    |        |--------->|        |        |
      |     |    |        |   (12)   |        |RESPONSE|
      |     |    |        |          |        |<-------|
      |     |    |        |          |RESPONSE|   (5)  |
      |     |    |        |  RESPONSE|<-------|        |
      |     |    |RESPONSE|<---------|  (6)   |        |
      |     |    |<------ |    (7)   |        |        |
      |     |    |  (8)   |          |        |        |
      |     |    |        |          |        |        |

         MN    NI MN         NF1       NF2       NF3     CN
       (CoA1)  | (CoA2)      |        (CRN)      |        |
         |     |    |        |          |        |        |
         |     |    |        |          |        |        |
         |     |    |CREATE  |          |        |        |
         |     |    |------->|          |        |        |
         |     |    | (1)    |CREATE    |        |        |
         |     |    |        |--------->|        |        |
         |     |    |        | (2)      |CREATE  |        |
         |     |    |        |          |------->|        |
         |     |    |        |          |  (3)   |CREATE  |
         |     |    |        |          |        |------->|
         |     |    |        |    NOTIFY|        |  (4)   |
         |     |    |        |<---------|        |        |
         |     |    |  NOTIFY|    (9)   |        |        |
         |     |<------------|          |        |        |
         |     |    |  (10)  |          |        |        |
         |     |CREATE(CoA2) |          |        |        |
         |     |------------>|          |        |        |
         |     |    |  (11)  |CREATE(CoA2)       |        |
         |     |    |        |--------->|        |        |
         |     |    |        |   (12)   |        |RESPONSE|
         |     |    |        |          |        |<-------|
         |     |    |        |          |RESPONSE|   (5)  |
         |     |    |        |  RESPONSE|<-------|        |
         |     |    |RESPONSE|<---------|  (6)   |        |
         |     |    |<------ |    (7)   |        |        |
         |     |    |  (8)   |          |        |        |
         |     |    |        |          |        |        |
         |     |    |        |          |        |        |

            MN        FA (or FL)                            CN
            |             |                                  |
            | IPv4-based Standard IP routing                 |
            |------------ |--------------------------------->|
            |             |                                  |

            MN              FA               HA             CN
            | IPv4 (normal)  |                |              |
            |--------------->| IPv4(tunnel)   |              |
            |                |--------------->| IPv4 (normal)|
            |                |                |------------->|

            MN             (FL)               HA            CN
            |               |                |               |
            |        IPv4(tunnel)            |               |
            |------------------------------->|IPv4 (normal)  |
            |               |                |-------------->|

            CN              HA                FA             MN
            |IPv4 (normal)  |                 |              |
            |-------------->|                 |              |
            |               |  MIPv4 (tunnel) |              |
            |               |---------------->| IPv4 (normal)|
            |               |                 |------------->|

            CN              HA                (FL)           MN
            |IPv4(normal )  |                 |              |
            |-------------->|                 |              |
            |               | MIPv4 (tunnel)  |              |
            |               |------------------------------->|
            |               |                 |              |

         |              |             |              |              |
         |   RESERVE    |             |              |              |
         +------------->|             |              |              |
         |              |          RESERVE           |              |
         |              +--------------------------->|              |
         |              |             |              |   RESERVE    |
         |              |             |              +------------->|
         |              |             |              |   RESPONSE   |
         |              |             |              |<-------------+
         |              |          RESPONSE          |              |
         |              |<---------------------------+              |
         |   RESPONSE   |             |              |              |
         |<-------------+             |              |              |
         |              |             |              |              |

        |              |              |              |              |
        | RESERVE      |              |              |              |
        +------------->|              |              |              |
        |              | RESERVE'     |              |              |
        |              +=============>|              |              |
        |              |              | RESERVE'     |              |
        |              |              +=============>|              |
        |              |          RESERVE            |              |
        |              +---------------------------->|              |
        |              |              | RESPONSE'    |              |
        |              |              |<=============+              |
        |              | RESPONSE'    |              |              |
        |              |<=============+              |              |
        |              |              |              |  RESERVE     |
        |              |              |              +------------->|
        |              |              |              | RESPONSE     |
        |              |              |              |<-------------+
        |              |         RESPONSE            |              |
        |              |<----------------------------+              |
        | RESPONSE     |              |              |              |
        |<-------------+              |              |              |
        |              |              |              |              |

         |              |             |              |              |
         |    QUERY     |             |              |              |
         +------------->|             |              |              |
         |              |           QUERY            |              |
         |              +--------------------------->|              |
         |              |             |              |    QUERY     |
         |              |             |              +------------->|
         |              |             |              |   RESERVE    |
         |              |             |              |<-------------+
         |              |          RESERVE           |              |
         |              |<---------------------------+              |
         |   RESERVE    |             |              |              |
         |<-------------+             |              |              |
         |   RESPONSE   |             |              |              |
         +------------->|             |              |              |
         |              |          RESPONSE          |              |
         |              +--------------------------->|              |
         |              |             |              |   RESPONSE   |
         |              |             |              +------------->|
         |              |             |              |              |

        |   QUERY      |              |              |              |
        +------------->|              |              |              |
        |              |  QUERY'      |              |              |
        |              +=============>|              |              |
        |              |              |  QUERY'      |              |
        |              |              +=============>|              |
        |              |              | RESPONSE'    |              |
        |              |              |<=============+              |
        |              | RESPONSE'    |              |              |
        |              |<=============+              |              |
        |              |           QUERY             |              |
        |              +---------------------------->|              |
        |              |              |              |   QUERY      |
        |              |              |              +------------->|
        |              |              |              |  RESERVE     |
        |              |              |              |<-------------+
        |              |              | RESERVE'     |              |
        |              |              |<=============+              |
        |              | RESERVE'     |              |              |
        |              |<=============+              |              |
        |              |          RESERVE            |              |
        |              |<----------------------------+              |
        |              | RESPONSE'    |              |              |
        |              +=============>|              |              |
        |              |              | RESPONSE'    |              |
        |              |              +=============>|              |
        | RESERVE      |              |              |              |
        |<-------------+              |              |              |
        | RESPONSE     |              |              |              |
        +------------->|              |              |              |
        |              |         RESPONSE            |              |
        |              +---------------------------->|              |
        |              |              |              | RESPONSE     |
        |              |              |              +------------->|
        |              |              |              |              |

     MN    OAR    AR1    AR2    AR3     CRN     CRN     CRN     CN
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       | Primary CoA
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       | Selection(4)
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |<--RESERVE(5)--|
     |      |      |      |<------RESERVE(6)-----|     (MRI      |
     |      |      |      | (Actual reservation) |    Update)    |
     |<----RESERVE(7)-----|      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |<-----------teardown(8)-------------|       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |
     |      |      |      |  Multimedia Traffic  |       |       |
     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |       |

      +--+      Path 1          +---+             +--+
      |  |IF1 <-----------------|LB-| common path |  |
      |MN|                      |CRN|-------------|CN|
      |  |      Path 2          |   |             |  |
      |  |IF2 <-----------------|   |             |  |
      |  |                      +---+             +--+
      |  |

      +--+      Path 1          +---+             +--+
      |  |IF1 <-----------------|??-| common path |  |
      |MN|                      |CRN|-------------|CN|
      |  |     Path 2          -|   |             |  |
      |  |IF2 <---  +------+  | |   |             |  |
      |  |        \_|??-CRN|--v +---+             +--+
      |  |        / +------+
      +--+IF? <---
               Path 3

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   | Length                        | NSLP_OBJ_LIST |     zero      |
   | # of signed NSLP objects = n  |  rsv  |  NSLP object type (1) |
   |  rsv  | NSLP object type (2)  |             .....            //
   |  rsv  | NSLP object type (n)  |     (padding if required)     |

                                              |Traffic  |
                                        |     |#1       |
                                        |     '---------'
   .----------.        .-----------.    |
   |IPFIX     |        |IPFIX      |----'     .---------.
   |Exporter#1|        |Mediator   | RD=100:2 |Traffic  |
   |          |------->|           |--------->|Collector|<==>Customer#B
   |          |        |           |          |#2       |
   |          |        |           |----.     '---------'
   '----------'        '-----------'    |
                                        |     .---------.
                                        |     |Traffic  |
                                              |#3       |

      .----------.          .--------.
      |IPFIX     |          |IPFIX   |
      |          |          |        |   |
      '----------'          '--------'   |       .---------.
      IP:        IP:    '----->|IPFIX    |
      ODID:10             ODID:0                 |Collector|
                                         +------>|         |
      .----------.                       |       '---------'
      |IPFIX     |                       |
      |          |

   .----------. OLD: Template ID 258
   |IPFIX     | NEW: Template ID 256
   |          |    |
   '----------'    X
   .----------.    |           .-----------.               .----------.
   |IPFIX     |    '---------->|           |               |          |
   |Exporter#2|--------------->|IPFIX      |-------------->|IPFIX     |
   |          |Template ID 257 |Mediator   |Template ID 258| Collector|
   '----------'    +---------->|           |Template ID 257|          |
   .----------.    |           '-----------'Template ID 256'----------'
   |IPFIX     |    |
   |          | Template ID 256

                     | Access Network Provider                     |
                     |                                             |
                     |   +--------------------------------------+  |
                     |   | Location Information Server          |  |
                     |   |                                      |  |
                     |   |                                      |  |
                     |   |                                      |  |
                     |   |                                      |  |
                     |   +------|-------------------------------+  |
     Rule Maker - - _     +-----------+         +-----------+
           o          - - | Device    |         | Location  |
          <U\             |           | - - - - | Recipient |
          / \       _ - - |           |   APP   |           |
         Target - -       +-----------+         +-----------+

      (   Start   )
            |                                       |
            V                                       |
      ------^-------            ------^------       |
     /              \          /      1.     \      |
    < Next interface >-------><  Get domain   >-----+
     \              / Y  ^     \             /  N
      ------v-------     |      ------v------
            | N          |            | Y
            |            |            V
            |            |      ------^------
            |            |     /      2.     \
            |            +----<    Get URI    ><----+
            |               N  \             /      |
            |                   ------v------       |
            |                         | Y           |
            |                         V             |
            |                   ------^------       |
            |                  /      3.     \      |
            |                 <   Check URI   >-----+
            |                  \             /  N
            |                   ------v------
            |                         | Y
            V                         V
       -----------               -----------
      (  Failure  )             (  Success  )
       -----------               -----------

      | 7 | e | x | a | m | p | l | e | 3 | c | o | m | 0 |

          Client            HTTP Server      SIP Events Server
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |(1) HTTP GET       |                   |
             |------------------>|                   |
             |(2) HTTP 200 OK    |                   |
             |<------------------|                   |
             |(3) SIP SUBSCRIBE  |                   |
             |(4) SIP 200 OK     |                   |
             |(5) SIP NOTIFY     |                   |
             |(6) SIP 200 OK     |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |        [HTTP document changes]        |
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |(7) SIP PUBLISH    |
             |                   |------------------>|
             |                   |(8) SIP 200 OK     |
             |                   |<------------------|
             |(9) SIP NOTIFY     |                   |
             |(10) SIP 200       |                   |
             |                   |                   |
             |                   |                   |

   | Cyrillic | Unicode Name             | Variant | Unicode Name      |
   | Char     |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0430   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A  | U+0061  | LATIN SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER A          |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | +++      |                          | U+03B1  | GREEK SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER ALPHA      |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0431   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0432   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE | U+0062  | LATIN SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER B          |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | +++      |                          | U+03B2  | GREEK SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER BETA       |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0433   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    | U+0072  | LATIN SMALL       |
   |          | GHE                      |         | LETTER R          |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | +++      |                          | U+03B3  | GREEK SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER GAMMA      |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0434   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | +++      |                          | U+03B4  | GREEK SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER DELTA      |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0435   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE | U+0065  | LATIN SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER E          |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | +++      |                          | U+03B5  | GREEK SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER EPSILON    |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0436   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    |         |                   |
   |          | ZHE                      |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0437   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0438   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I  | U+0075  | LATIN SMALL       |
   |          |                          |         | LETTER U          |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0439   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    |         |                   |
   |          | SHORT I                  |         |                   |

   | U+045C   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    |         |                   |
   |          | KJE                      |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+045D   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I  |         |                   |
   |          | WITH GRAVE               |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+045E   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    |         |                   |
   |          | SHORT U                  |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+045F   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    |         |                   |
   |          | DZHE                     |         |                   |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+0491   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    | U+0072  | LATIN SMALL       |
   |          | GHE WITH UPTURN          |         | LETTER R          |
   |          |                          |         |                   |
   | U+04C2   | CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER    |         |                   |
   |          | ZHE WITH BREVE           |         |                   |

   | Cyrillic | Unicode Name        | Variant  | Unicode Name          |
   | Char     |                     |          |                       |
   | U+0430 + | CYRILLIC SMALL      | U+0101   | LATIN SMALL LETTER A  |
   | U+0304   | LETTER A WITH       |          | WITH MACRON           |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | ...      |                     | U+03B1 + | GREEK SMALL LETTER    |
   |          |                     | U+0304   | ALPHA WITH MACRON     |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+0435 + | CYRILLIC SMALL      | U+0113   | LATIN SMALL LETTER E  |
   | U+0304   | LETTER IE WITH      |          | WITH MACRON           |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+043E + | CYRILLIC SMALL      | U+014D   | LATIN SMALL LETTER O  |
   | U+0304   | LETTER O WITH       |          | WITH MACRON           |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | ...      |                     | U+03BF + | GREEK SMALL LETTER    |
   |          |                     | U+0304   | OMICRON WITH MACRON   |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+044B + | CYRILLIC SMALL      |          |                       |
   | U+0304   | LETTER YERU WITH    |          |                       |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+044D + | CYRILLIC SMALL      |          |                       |
   | U+0304   | LETTER E WITH       |          |                       |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+044E + | CYRILLIC SMALL      |          |                       |
   | U+0304   | LETTER YU WITH      |          |                       |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+044F + | CYRILLIC SMALL      |          |                       |
   | U+0304   | LETTER YA WITH      |          |                       |
   |          | MACRON              |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+0451 + | CYRILLIC SMALL      | U+00EB + | LATIN SMALL LETTER E  |
   | U+0304   | LETTER IO WITH      | U0304    | WITH DIAERESIS AND    |
   |          | MACRON              |          | MACRON                |
   |          |                     |          |                       |
   | U+048B   | CYRILLIC SMALL      |          |                       |
   |          | LETTER SHORT I WITH |          |                       |
   |          | TAIL                |          |                       |
   |          |                     |          |                       |

   | U+04F9   | CYRILLIC SMALL      |          |                       |
   |          | LETTER YERU WITH    |          |                       |
   |          | DIAERESIS           |          |                       |

     | f(n-2) | f(n-1) |  f(n)  | f(n+1) | f(n+2) | f(n+3) | f(n+4) |

      <---- p(n-1) ---->
               <----- p(n) ----->
                        <---- p(n+1) ---->
                                 <---- p(n+2) ---->
                                          <---- p(n+3) ---->
                                                   <---- p(n+4) ---->

      | ToC section | speech data section ...

     |                                                                |
     |                  IP/MPLS PSN (PHP may be enabled)              |
     |                            (client)                            |
     |                                                                |
     |                  +---------------------------+                 |
     |                  |                           |                 |
     |                  |      MPLS PSN (No PHP)    |                 |
     |                  |         (server)          |                 |
     |                  |                           |                 |
     |     CE1          |PE1                     PE2|           CE2   |
     |   +-----+      +-----+                   +-----+      +-----+  |
     |   | | | |      | | | |                   | | | |      | | | |  |
     |   | | | +------+ | | |                   | | | +------+ | | |  |
     |   | | | | 802.3| | | |                   | | | | 802.3| | | |  |
     |   +-----+      +-----+                   +-----+      +-----+  |
     |     |   |        |  |                      | |        |   |    |
     |     |   |        +-- ---------------------- -+        |   |    |
     +----- --- -------- -- ---------------------- - -------- --- ----+
           |   |        |  |<--MPLS LSP (no PHP)->| |        |   |
           |   |        |  |       (server)       | |        |   |
           |   |        |                           |        |   |
           |   |        |<------------PW----------->|        |   |
           |   |        |          (server)         |        |   |
           |   |                                             |   |
           |   |<-------------802.3 (Ethernet)-------------->|   |
           |   |                   (client)                  |   |
           |                                                     |
           |<---------IP/MPLS LSP (PHP may be supported)-------->|
           |                       (client)                      |

                +-+-+-+-+-+            +-+-+-+-+-+
                |         | IPsec      |         |
   Protected    |Tunnel   | tunnel     |Tunnel   |     Protected
   Subnet   <-->|Endpoint |<---------->|Endpoint |<--> Subnet
                |         |            |         |
                +-+-+-+-+-+            +-+-+-+-+-+

   +-+-+-+-+-+                                          +-+-+-+-+-+
   |         |                 IPsec transport          |         |
   |Protected|                or tunnel mode SA         |Protected|
   |Endpoint |<---------------------------------------->|Endpoint |
   |         |                                          |         |
   +-+-+-+-+-+                                          +-+-+-+-+-+

   +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+
   |         |         IPsec            |         |     Protected
   |Protected|         tunnel           |Tunnel   |     Subnet
   |Endpoint |<------------------------>|Endpoint |<--- and/or
   |         |                          |         |     Internet
   +-+-+-+-+-+                          +-+-+-+-+-+

   +------+        +------+            +------+         +------+
   |Client| IP1    | NAT  | IPN1  IPN2 | NAT  |     IP2 |Server|
   |node  |<------>|  A   |<---------->|  B   |<------->|      |
   +------+        +------+            +------+         +------+

   SA Payload
      +--- Proposal #1 ( Proto ID = ESP(3), SPI size = 4,
      |     |            7 transforms,      SPI = 0x052357bb )
      |     |
      |     +-- Transform ENCR ( Name = ENCR_AES_CBC )
      |     |     +-- Attribute ( Key Length = 128 )
      |     |
      |     +-- Transform ENCR ( Name = ENCR_AES_CBC )
      |     |     +-- Attribute ( Key Length = 192 )
      |     |
      |     +-- Transform ENCR ( Name = ENCR_AES_CBC )
      |     |     +-- Attribute ( Key Length = 256 )
      |     |
      |     +-- Transform INTEG ( Name = AUTH_HMAC_SHA1_96 )
      |     +-- Transform INTEG ( Name = AUTH_AES_XCBC_96 )
      |     +-- Transform ESN ( Name = ESNs )
      |     +-- Transform ESN ( Name = No ESNs )
      +--- Proposal #2 ( Proto ID = ESP(3), SPI size = 4,
            |            4 transforms,      SPI = 0x35a1d6f2 )
            +-- Transform ENCR ( Name = AES-GCM with a 8 octet ICV )
            |     +-- Attribute ( Key Length = 128 )
            +-- Transform ENCR ( Name = AES-GCM with a 8 octet ICV )
            |     +-- Attribute ( Key Length = 256 )
            +-- Transform ESN ( Name = ESNs )
            +-- Transform ESN ( Name = No ESNs )

              /-> RADIUS Proxy P -----> RADIUS Server for Realm A
             /                    \ /
          NAS                      X
             \                    / \
              \-> RADIUS Proxy S -----> RADIUS Server for Realm B

                /-> RADIUS Proxy P -----> RADIUS Server P
               /                    \ /
            NAS                      X
               \                    / \
                \-> RADIUS Proxy S -----> RADIUS Server S

          +------+-----+                            +------------+
     O    |   IKEv2    |                            |   IKEv2    |
    /|\   | Initiator  |<---////////////////////--->| Responder  |
    / \   +------------+          IKEv2             +------------+
    User  |  EAP Peer  |          Exchange          | EAP Server |
          +------------+                            +------------+

                                |       Corporate network       |
                                |                               |
                           +-----------+            +--------+  |
                           |   IKEv2   |     AAA    |  Home  |  |
     IKEv2      +////----->+ Responder +<---------->+  AAA   |  |
     Exchange   /          | (VPN GW)  |  (RADIUS/  | Server |  |
                /          +-----------+  Diameter) +--------+  |
                /               |        carrying EAP           |
                |               |                               |
                |               +-------------------------------+
     o   |   IKEv2    |
    /|\  | Initiator  |
    / \  | VPN client |
   User  +------------+