+-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+     +-------+
       | S_1         | | S_2         | | S3          | ... | S_L   |
       | S_L+1       | | S_L+2       | | S_L+3       | ... | S_2xL |
       | .           | | .           | |             |     |       |
       | .           | | .           | |             |     |       |
       | .           | | .           | |             |     |       |
       | S_(D-1)xL+1 | | S_(D-1)xL+2 | | S_(D-1)xL+3 | ... | S_DxL |
       +-------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+     +-------+
              +               +               +                +
        -------------   -------------   -------------       -------
       |     XOR     | |     XOR     | |     XOR     | ... |  XOR  |
        -------------   -------------   -------------       -------
              =               =               =                =
            +===+           +===+           +===+            +===+
            |C_1|           |C_2|           |C_3|      ...   |C_L|
            +===+           +===+           +===+            +===+

                     /       Provider           \
        |----|      |         Backbone           |      |----|
Sender->| CE1|  |-----|                       |-----|   |CE2 |->Receiver
        |    |--|     |   |---|     |---|     |     |---|    |
        |----|  |     |   | P |     | P |     |     |   |----|
                | PE1 |---|   |-----|   |-----| PE2 |
                |     |   |   |     |   |     |     |
                |     |   |---|     |---|     |     |
                |-----|                       |-----|
                    |                            |
                     \                          /

                                    |INVITE from TU
                  Timer A fires     |INVITE sent      Timer B fires
                  Reset A,          V                 or Transport Err.
                  INVITE sent +-----------+           inform TU
                    +---------|           |--------------------------+
                    |         |  Calling  |                          |
                    +-------->|           |-----------+              |
   300-699                    +-----------+ 2xx       |              |
   ACK sent                      |  |       2xx to TU |              |
   resp. to TU                   |  |1xx              |              |
   +-----------------------------+  |1xx to TU        |              |
   |                                |                 |              |
   |                1xx             V                 |              |
   |                1xx to TU +-----------+           |              |
   |                +---------|           |           |              |
   |                |         |Proceeding |           |              |
   |                +-------->|           |           |              |
   |                          +-----------+ 2xx       |              |
   |         300-699             |    |     2xx to TU |              |
   |         ACK sent,  +--------+    +---------------+              |
   |         resp. to TU|                             |              |
   |                    |                             |              |
   |                    V                             V              |
   |              +-----------+                   +----------+       |
   +------------->|           |Transport Err.     |          |       |
                  | Completed |Inform TU          | Accepted |       |
               +--|           |-------+           |          |-+     |
       300-699 |  +-----------+       |           +----------+ |     |
       ACK sent|    ^  |              |               |  ^     |     |
               |    |  |              |               |  |     |     |
               +----+  |              |               |  +-----+     |
                       |Timer D fires |  Timer M fires|    2xx       |
                       |-             |             - |    2xx to TU |
                       +--------+     |   +-----------+              |
      NOTE:                     V     V   V                          |
   Transitions                 +------------+                        |
   are labeled                 |            |                        |
   with the event              | Terminated |<-----------------------+
   over the action             |            |
   to take.                    +------------+

                                      |pass INV to TU
                   INVITE             V send 100 if TU won't in 200 ms
                   send response+------------+
                       +--------|            |--------+ 101-199 from TU
                       |        |            |        | send response
                       +------->|            |<-------+
                                | Proceeding |
                                |            |--------+ Transport Err.
                                |            |        | Inform TU
                                |            |<-------+
                   300-699 from TU |    |2xx from TU
                   send response   |    |send response
                    +--------------+    +------------+
                    |                                |
   INVITE           V          Timer G fires         |
   send response +-----------+ send response         |
        +--------|           |--------+              |
        |        |           |        |              |
        +------->| Completed |<-------+      INVITE  |  Transport Err.
                 |           |               -       |  Inform TU
        +--------|           |----+          +-----+ |  +---+
        |        +-----------+    | ACK      |     | v  |   v
        |          ^   |          | -        |  +------------+
        |          |   |          |          |  |            |---+ ACK
        +----------+   |          |          +->|  Accepted  |   | to TU
        Transport Err. |          |             |            |<--+
        Inform TU      |          V             +------------+
                       |      +-----------+        |  ^     |
                       |      |           |        |  |     |
                       |      | Confirmed |        |  +-----+
                       |      |           |        |  2xx from TU
         Timer H fires |      +-----------+        |  send response
         -             |          |                |
                       |          | Timer I fires  |
                       |          | -              | Timer L fires
                       |          V                | -
                       |        +------------+     |
                       |        |            |<----+
                       +------->| Terminated |
                                |            |

      | KeyContainer  |
      | EncryptionKey |
      | Signature     |
      | ...           |
             /|\ 1..n
      ----------------        ----------------
      | KeyPackage   |    0..1| DeviceInfo   |
      |              |--      | SerialNumber |
      ----------------  |     | Manufacturer |
              |         |     | ....         |
              |         |     ----------------
             /|\ 0..1   |
      ----------------  |     --------------------
      | Key          |  | 0..1| CryptoModuleInfo |
      |--------------|   -----|------------------|
      | Id           |        | Id               |
      | Algorithm    |        |....              |
      | UserId       |        --------------------
      | Policy       |
      | ....         |
             /|\ 0..n
          --------------------------------------- -  -
          |                     |              |
      ------------------  ----------------  -------- - -
      | Data:Secret    |  | Data:Counter |  | Data:other
      |----------------|  |--------------|  |-- - -
      | EncryptedValue |  | PlainValue   |
      | ValueMAC       |  ----------------

   Bits:  |   0 thru 7   |         8 thru N        |   N+1 thru 31   |
   Value: |     234      |      Unicast Prefix     |    Group ID     |

       Alice            Proxy/Registrar        Collector             Bob
       |                    |                    |                    |
       |                    |                    |                    |
       | REGISTER Allow-Event:vq-rtcpxr F1       |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |      200 OK F2     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |                    |  SUBSCRIBE Event:vq-rtcpxr F3           |
       |                    |<-------------------|                    |
       | SUBSCRIBE Event:vq-rtcpxr F4            |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |     200 OK F5      |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |   200 OK F6        |                    |
       |                    |------------------->|                    |
       |      INVITE F7     |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |      INVITE F8     |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |                    |      200 OK F9     |                    |
       |                    |<----------------------------------------|
       |     200 OK F10     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |        ACK F11     |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |      ACK F12       |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |        RTP         |                    |                    |
       |        RTCP, RTCP XR                    |                    |
       |                    |                    |                    |
       |    BYE F13         |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|      BYE F14       |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |                    |     200 OK F15     |                    |
       |                    |<----------------------------------------|
       |     200 OK F16     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |  NOTIFY Event:vq-rtcpxr F17             |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    | NOTIFY Event:vq-rtcpxr F18              |
       |                    |------------------->|                    |
       |                    |     200 OK F19     |                    |
       |                    |<-------------------|                    |
       |     200 OK F20     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |

   Alice            Proxy/Registrar        Collector             Bob
    |                    |                    |                    |
    |                    |                    |                    |
    | REGISTER Allow-Event:vq-rtcpxr F1       |                    |
    |------------------->|                    |                    |
    |      200 OK F2     |                    |                    |
    |<-------------------|                    |                    |
    |                    |  SUBSCRIBE Event:vq-rtcpxr F3           |
    |                    |<-------------------|                    |
    | SUBSCRIBE Event:vq-rtcpxr F4            |                    |
    |<-------------------|                    |                    |
    |     200 OK F5      |                    |                    |
    |------------------->|                    |                    |
    |                    |   200 OK F6        |                    |
    |                    |------------------->|                    |
    |      INVITE F7     |                    |                    |
    |------------------->|                    |                    |
    |                    |      INVITE F8     |                    |
    |                    |---------------------------------------->|
    |                    |      200 OK F9     |                    |
    |                    |<----------------------------------------|
    |     200 OK F10     |                    |                    |
    |<-------------------|                    |                    |
    |        ACK F11     |                    |                    |
    |------------------->|                    |                    |
    |                    |      ACK F12       |                    |
    |                    |---------------------------------------->|
    |        RTP         |                    |                    |
    |        RTCP, RTCP XR                    |                    |
    |  NOTIFY Event:vq-rtcpxr F13             |                    |
    |------------------->|                    |                    |
    |                    | NOTIFY Event:vq-rtcpxr F14              |
    |                    |------------------->|                    |
    |                    |     200 OK F15     |                    |
    |                    |<-------------------|                    |
    |     200 OK F16     |                    |                    |

    |<-------------------|                    |                    |
    |                    |                    |                    |
    |    BYE F17         |                    |                    |
    |------------------->|      BYE F18       |                    |
    |                    |---------------------------------------->|
    |                    |     200 OK F19     |                    |
    |                    |<----------------------------------------|
    |     200 OK F20     |                    |                    |
    |<-------------------|                    |                    |
    |  NOTIFY Event:vq-rtcpxr F21             |                    |
    |------------------->|                    |                    |
    |                    | NOTIFY Event:vq-rtcpxr F22              |
    |                    |------------------->|                    |
    |                    |     200 OK F23     |                    |
    |                    |<-------------------|                    |
    |     200 OK F24     |                    |                    |
    |<-------------------|                    |                    |

      Alice            Proxy/Registrar        Collector              Bob
       |                    |                    |                    |
       |                    |                    |                    |
       | REGISTER Allow-Event:vq-rtcpxr  F1      |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |      200 OK F2     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |      INVITE F3     |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |      INVITE F4     |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |                    |      200 OK F5     |                    |
       |                    |<----------------------------------------|
       |     200 OK F6      |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |        ACK F7      |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |      ACK F8        |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |        RTP         |                    |                    |
       |        RTCP        |                    |                    |
       |                    |                    |                    |
       |    BYE F9          |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|      BYE F10       |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |                    |     200 OK F11     |                    |
       |                    |<----------------------------------------|
       |     200 OK F12     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |  PUBLISH Event:vq-rtcpxr F13            |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    | PUBLISH Event:vq-rtcpxr F14             |
       |                    |------------------->|                    |
       |                    |     200 OK F15     |                    |
       |                    |<-------------------|                    |
       |     200 OK F16     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |

       Alice            Proxy/Registrar        Collector             Bob
       |                    |                    |                    |
       |      INVITE F1     |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |      INVITE F2     |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |                    |      200 OK F3     |                    |
       |                    |<----------------------------------------|
       |     200 OK F4      |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |        ACK F5      |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    |      ACK F6        |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |        RTP         |                    |                    |
       |        RTCP        |                    |                    |
       |  PUBLISH Event:vq-rtcpxr F7             |                    |
       |------------------->|                    |                    |
       |                    | PUBLISH Event:vq-rtcpxr F8              |
       |                    |------------------->|                    |
       |                    |     200 OK F9      |                    |
       |                    |<-------------------|                    |
       |     200 OK F10     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |
       |                    |                    |                    |
       |      BYE F11       |                    |                    |
       |------------------->|      BYE F12       |                    |
       |                    |---------------------------------------->|
       |                    |     200 OK F13     |                    |
       |                    |<----------------------------------------|
       |     200 OK F14     |                    |                    |
       |<-------------------|                    |                    |

                           |  P-IP Header  |
                           |      GRE      |
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++
   || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||
   ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++
   || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++

    | Incoming Header |             Departing Outer Header            |
    | (also equal to  +---------------+---------------+---------------+
    | departing Inner |  RFC 3168 ECN |  RFC 3168 ECN | RFC 4301 IPsec|
    |     Header)     |    Limited    |     Full      |               |
    |                 | Functionality | Functionality |               |
    |    Not-ECT      |   Not-ECT     |   Not-ECT     |   Not-ECT     |
    |     ECT(0)      |   Not-ECT     |    ECT(0)     |    ECT(0)     |
    |     ECT(1)      |   Not-ECT     |    ECT(1)     |    ECT(1)     |
    |       CE        |   Not-ECT     |    ECT(0)     |      CE       |

            |Arriving |            Arriving Outer Header               |
            |   Inner +---------+------------+------------+------------+
            |  Header | Not-ECT | ECT(0)     | ECT(1)     |     CE     |
  RFC 3168->| Not-ECT | Not-ECT |Not-ECT     |Not-ECT     |  <drop>    |
  RFC 4301->| Not-ECT | Not-ECT |Not-ECT     |Not-ECT     |Not-ECT     |
            |  ECT(0) |  ECT(0) | ECT(0)     | ECT(0)     |     CE     |
            |  ECT(1) |  ECT(1) | ECT(1)     | ECT(1)     |     CE     |
            |    CE   |      CE |     CE     |     CE     |     CE     |

                physically       unprotected     physically
            <-protected domain-><--domain--><-protected domain->
            +------------------+            +------------------+
            |                  |      M     |                  |
            |    A-------->I=========>==========>E-------->B   |
            |                  |            |                  |
            +------------------+            +------------------+
                           <----IPsec secured---->

        ^ outer header marking
   100% +-----+---------+       The large square
        |     |         |       represents 100 packets
        | 30  |         |
        |     |         |   p_t = 12/(100-30)
    p_t +     +---------+       = 12/70
        |     |   12    |       = 17%
      0 +-----+---------+--->
        0    30%       100%  inner header marking

   +---+                          +-----+                          +---+
   | I |                          | KMS |                          | R |
   +---+                          +-----+                          +---+

      Pre-established trust relation   Pre-established trust relation
     <------------------------------> <------------------------------>
   +---+                          +-----+                          +---+
   | I |                          | KMS |                          | R |
   +---+                          +-----+                          +---+
                   Security association based on ticket

     +---+                         +-----+                         +---+
     | I |                         | KMS |                         | R |
     +---+                         +-----+                         +---+
                Ticket Request
   (1) <------------------------------>        Ticket Transfer
                                               Ticket Resolve
                Ticket Request
   (2) <------------------------------>        Ticket Transfer

                               Ticket Transfer
   (3) <------------------------------------------------------------->
                                               Ticket Resolve

                               Ticket Transfer
   (4) <------------------------------------------------------------->

   KEMAC                        | MPKi |..................| TGK | SALT |
                                   | MPKi                    |     |
                                   v                         |     |
                       CSB ID    -----   auth_key    ------  |     |
                    +---------->| PRF |------------>| AUTH | |     |
                    |            -----               ------  |     |
                    |              ^                MAC |    |     |
                    |              | RAND               v    |     |
                 +--+--+------+----+---+--+--------+--+---+  |     |
   TRANSFER_INIT | HDR |......| RANDRi |..| TICKET |..| V |  |     |
                 +--+--+------+----+---+--+--------+--+---+  |     |
                    |              | RAND                    |     |
                    |              v                         |     |
                    |   CS ID    -----           TGK         |     |
                    +---------->| PRF |<---------------------+     |
                                 -----                             |
                                   | TEK                      SALT |
                                   v                               v
                               |      Security Protocol, e.g., SRTP    |

KEMAC                   | MPKr |..........................| TGK | SALT |
                           | MPKr                            |     |
                           v                                 |     |
                         -----   MPKr'                       |     |
                        | PRF |-------+                  TGK |     |
                         -----        |                      |     |
                           ^          v                      |     |
                   CSB ID  |        -----  auth_key  ------  |     |
                 +---------)------>| PRF |--------->| AUTH | |     |
                 |         |        -----            ------  |     |
                 |         | ID Data  ^             MAC |    |     |
                 |         | RAND     | RAND            v    |     |
              +--+--+---+--+--+---+---+----+----------+---+  |     |
TRANSFER_RESP | HDR |...| MOD |...| RANDRr |..........| V |  |     |
              +--+--+---+--+--+---+---+----+----------+---+  |     |
                 |         |          | RAND                 v     |
                 |         |          |          ID Data   -----   |
                 |         +----------)------------------>| PRF |  |
                 |                    |            RAND    -----   |
                 |                    v                      |     |
                 |       CS ID      -----         TGK'       |     |
                 +---------------->| PRF |<------------------+     |
                                    -----                          |
                                      | TEK                   SALT |
                                      v                            v
                               |      Security Protocol, e.g., SRTP    |

   TRANSFER_INIT =                 ---->
   HDR, T, [IDRi], [IDRr],
      {SP}, [KEMAC], V              < - -  TRANSFER_RESP =
                                           HDR, T, [IDRr],
                                           {SP}, [KEMAC], V

   TRANSFER_INIT =                 ---->
   HDR, T, [IDRr], [IDRi],
      {SP}, [KEMAC], V              < - -  TRANSFER_RESP =
                                           HDR, T, [IDRi],
                                           {SP}, [KEMAC], V

                       Next Payload | Value | Section
                       TR           |    13 | 6.4
                       IDR          |    14 | 6.6
                       RANDR        |    15 | 6.8
                       TP           |    16 | 6.10
                       TICKET       |    17 | 6.10

   +---+                                                           +---+
   | I |                                                           | R |
   +---+                                                           +---+
                               TRANSFER_RESP {KEMAC}

   +---+                           +---+                           +---+
   | A |                           | B |                           | C |
   +---+                           +---+                           +---+
              Ticket Transfer
     <------------------------------->        Ticket Transfer

   +---+                           +---+                           +---+
   | A |                           | B |                           | C |
   +---+                           +---+                           +---+
              Ticket Transfer
     <------------------------------->        Ticket Transfer

   +---+               +---+              +-------+            +-------+
   | I |               | R |              | KMS R |            | KMS I |
   +---+               +---+              +-------+            +-------+
     -------------------->    RESOLVE_INIT
                         - - - - - - - - - - ->    RESOLVE_INIT
                                              - - - - - - - - - - ->
                              RESOLVE_RESP    <- - - - - - - - - - -
         TRANSFER_RESP   < - - - - - - -  - - -

                                 -----          auth_key        ------
              -----     TPK     |     |----------------------->| AUTH |
             | TPK |----------->|     |       encr_key          ------
              -----             | PRF |--------------------+       |
                ^           +-->|     |     salt_key       |       |
                :           |   |     |----------------+   |       |
                :           |    -----                 |   |       |
                :           |                          v   |       |
       identify :      RAND |            TS value    ----  |       | MAC
                :           |         +------------>| IV | |       |
                :           |         |              ----  |       |
                :           |         |             IV |   |       |
                :           |         |                v   v       v
   Ticket   +---+----+---+--+---+---+-+-+------------+-------+---+---+
    Data    | IDRpsk |...| RAND |...| T |............| KEMAC |...| V |

   +---+                          +-----+                          +---+
   | I |                          | KMS |                          | R |
   +---+                          +-----+                          +---+
                                3830 MIKEY

                       IWF*                                  IWF*
     network1           |                network_2            |network_3
    History-Info        |                 Diversion           |using
                        |                                     |Hist-Info
                        |                                     |
UA A    P1     AS B     |       P2     AS C    UA C   AS D    |     UA E
|       |       |       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|INVITE |       |       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|------>|       |       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |INVITE |       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |------>|       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |Supported: histinfo    |       |       |     |       |        |
|       | History-Info:         |       |       |     |       |        |
|       | <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,       |       |     |       |        |
|       | <sip:userB >; index=1.1       |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |       |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |INVITE |       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |------>|       |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |History-Info:  |       |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |<sip:proxyP1>; index=1,|       |     |       |        |
|       |       |<sip:userB>; index=1.1 |       |     |       |        |
|       |       |<sip:userC>; cause=302; index=1.1.1  |       |        |

                          IWF*                                IWF*
     SIP network using     |           SIP network using       |SIP net.
       History-Info        |                Diversion          |using
                           |                                   Hist-Info
                           |                                   |
   UA A    P1     AS B     |      P2     AS C    UA C   AS D   |    UA E
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |INV B  |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |------>|       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |INV B  |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |------>|       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |Supported: histinfo   |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       | History-Info:        |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       | <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,      |       |     |      |       |
   |       | <sip:userB >; index=1.1      |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |INV C  |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |------>|      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |History-Info: |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,|       |     |      |       |
   |       |       <sip:userB>; index=1.1 |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       <sip:userC; cause=302>; index=1.1.1  |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |INV C |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |----->|       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |Diversion:    |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |B reason= unconditional counter=1  |       |
   |       |       |       |History-Info: |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,|     |      |       |
   |       |       |       <sip:userB>; index=1.1 |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       <sip:proxyP2; cause=302>; index=1.1.1       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |INV C  |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |------>|       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |     No modification of Diversion due to P2|
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |INV C  |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |------>|     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |<--180-|     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |  No response timer expire  |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |---INV D --->|      |       |

   |       |       |Diversion:                          |      |       |
   |       |       |userC; reason=no-answer; counter=1; privacy=full,  |
   |       |       |userB; reason=unconditional; counter=1; privacy=off,
   |       |       |    History-Info:                   |      |       |
   |       |       |    <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,         |      |       |
   |       |       |    <sip:userB>; index=1.1          |      |       |
   |       |       |    <sip:proxyP2; cause=302>; index=1.1.1  |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |INV E |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |----->|       |
   |       |       |Diversion:                                 |       |
   |       |       |userD; reason=time-of-day; counter=1; privacy=off  |
   |       |       |userC; reason=no-answer; counter=1; privacy=full,  |
   |       |       |userB; reason=unconditional; counter=1; privacy=off,
   |       |       |     History-Info:                         |       |
   |       |       |     <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,               |       |
   |       |       |     <sip:userB>; index=1.1                |       |
   |       |       |     <sip:proxyP2; cause=302>; index=1.1.1 |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |       |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      | INV E |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |      |------>|
   |       |       | History-Info:                                     |
   |       |       |  <sip:proxyP1>; index=1,                          |
   |       |       |  <sip:userB ?privacy=none>; index=1.1,            |
   |       |       |  <sip:proxyP2; cause=302>; index=1.1.1,           |
   |       |       |  <sip:userC ?privacy=history>; index=,     |
   |       |      <sip:userD; cause=408 ?privacy=none>; index=,
   |       |       |  <sip:userE; cause=404>; index=        |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |       |      |
   |       |       |       |      |       |       |     |       |      |

         ___________                                  __________
         |         |                                  |        |
         |  RID    |__________-------------___________|  RID   |
         |_________|          | NP Border |           |________|

     _______                     _______                     _______
     |     |                     |     |                     |     |
   __| RID |____-------------____| RID |____-------------____| RID |__
     |_____|    | NP Border |    |_____|    | NP Border |    |_____|
        |       -------------               -------------       |

         Header field          where  proxy  ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG SUB
         P-Asserted-Service      R     admr   -   -   -   o   o   -   o

         Header field                        NOT PRA INF UPD MSG REF PUB
         P-Asserted-Service                   -   -   -   -   o   o   o

         Header field          where  proxy  ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG SUB
         P-Preferred-Service     R      dr    -   -   -   o   o   -   o

         Header field                        NOT PRA INF UPD MSG REF PUB
         P-Preferred-Service                  -   -   -   -   o   o   o

        Session| Number of receivers:
      Bandwidth|  2     3     4     5     10   100   1000  10000
         8 kbps| 2.73  4.10  5.47  5.47  5.47  5.47  5.47  5.47
        16 kbps| 2.50  2.50  2.73  2.73  2.73  2.73  2.73  2.73
        32 kbps| 2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50
        64 kbps| 2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50  2.50
       128 kbps| 1.41  1.41  1.41  1.41  1.41  1.41  1.41  1.41
       256 kbps| 0.70  0.70  0.70  0.70  0.70  0.70  0.70  0.70
       512 kbps| 0.35  0.35  0.35  0.35  0.35  0.35  0.35  0.35
         1 Mbps| 0.18  0.18  0.18  0.18  0.18  0.18  0.18  0.18
         2 Mbps| 0.09  0.09  0.09  0.09  0.09  0.09  0.09  0.09
         4 Mbps| 0.04  0.04  0.04  0.04  0.04  0.04  0.04  0.04

      |      |      |       |      |      |       |       |
                    |       |                     |       |

                |Host                                     |
                |             +-------------+             |
                |             | Application |             |
                |             +------+------+             |
                |                    |                    |
                |               +----+----+               |
                |               |   DNS   |               |
                |               | Resolver|               |
                |               | Library |               |
                |               +----+----+               |
                |                    |                    |
                           /                   \
                          /                     \
                         /                       \
                        |         Internet        |
                         \                       /
                          \                     /

   We will discuss each of the above issues in subsequent sections.  For
   reference, Figure 2 depicts a more realistic architecture on typical
   hosts today (which don't have IDNA inserted as a shim immediately
   above the DNS resolver library).  More generally, the host may be
   attached to one or more local networks, each of which may or may not
   be connected to the public Internet and may or may not have a private
                |Host                                     |
                |             +-------------+             |
                |             | Application |             |
                |             +------+------+             |
                |                    |                    |
                |             +------+------+             |
                |             |   Generic   |             |
                |             |    Name     |             |
                |             |  Resolution |             |
                |             |     API     |             |
                |             +------+------+             |
                |                    |                    |
                |   +-----+------+---+--+-------+-----+   |
                |   |     |      |      |       |     |   |
                | +-+-++--+--++--+-++---+---++--+--++-+-+ |
                | |DNS||LLMNR||mDNS||NetBIOS||hosts||...| |
                | +---++-----++----++-------++-----++---+ |
                |                                         |
                              /             \
                             /               \
                            /      local      \
                            \     network     /
                             \               /
                           /                   \
                          /                     \
                         /                       \
                        |         Internet        |
                         \                       /
                          \                     /

   +---------+   +---------+       +---------+             +---------+
   | Optical |   | Optical |       | Optical |             | Optical |
   |  Node   |   |  Node   |       |  Node   |             |  Node   |
   +---------+   +---------+       +---------+             +---------+
       /\          /\   /\                /\                /\     /\
       ||          ||   ||______          ||           _____||     ||
      Coax        Coax  |__Coax|         Coax         |Coax__|    Coax
       ||          ||         ||          ||          ||           ||
       \/          \/         \/          \/          \/           \/
   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+
   = Cable =   = Cable =   = Cable =   = Cable =   = Cable =   = Cable =
   = Modem =   = Modem =   = Modem =   = Modem =   = Modem =   = Modem =
   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+   +=======+

   +---------------+                            +---------------+
   |  Congestion   |     Instruct QoS Server    |      QoS      |
   |  Management   |******to Change QoS for****>|     Server    |
   |    Server     |         a Device           |               |
   +----+---+------+                            +-------+-------+
        /\  /\                                          *
        |   |    Relay Selected                         *
        X   +---Statistics: Bytes---+               QoS Action:
        |       Up/Down by Device   |             Change from PBE
        X                  +-------+-------+     to BE, or from
        |                  |  Statistics   |       BE to PBE
        X                  |  Collection   |            *
    Periodic SNMP          |    Server     |            *
     Requests to           +---------------+            *
   Check CMTS Port                 /\                   *
    Utilization                    |                    *
      Levels                 Statistics Sent            *
        |                 Periodically From CMTS        *
        X                          |                    *
        |              +-----------+-----------+        *
        +-X-X-X-X-X-X->|   CMTS in Headend     |<********
                          H   /\        /\   H
                          H Internet Traffic H
                          H  to/from User    H
                          H   \/        \/   H
                      / | User's  +---------+  |\
                     /  | Home    |  Cable  |  | \
                        |         |  Modem  |  |
   ============         |         +---------+  |
   = Notes:   =         +----------------------+
   =          ========================================================
   = 1 - Statistics Collection Servers use IP Detail Records (IPDR). =
   = 2 - QoS Servers use PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM)               =
   =     to set QoS gates on the CMTS.                               =
   = 3 - This figure is a simplification of the actual network and   =
   =     servers, which included redundancies and other complexities =
   =     not necessary to depict the functional design.              =
                                 Figure 3

       +------+                 +----+      +----+                 +---+
       |  MN  |                 |pMAG|      |nMAG|                 |LMA|
       +------+                 +----+      +----+                 +---+
       IF2 IF1                    |           |                      |
        |   |                     |           |                      |
        |   |- - - - - - - - - Attach         |                      |
        |   |                     |---------------PBU--------------->|
        |   |                     |<--------------PBA----------------|
        |   |--------RtSol------->|           |                      |
        |   |<-------RtAdv--------|           |                      |
        |  Addr.                  |           |                      |
        |  Conf.                  |           |                      |
        |   |<--------------------|==================data============|--
        |   |                     |           |                      |
        |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attach                    |
        |   |                     |           |----------PBU-------->|
        |   |                     |           |<---------PBA---------|
        |   |                     |           |<-====data============|--
        |   |                     |      [B] ?|<-====data============|--
        |   |                     |          ?|<-====data============|--
        |<----------RtAdv---------------------|            :         |
     Addr.  |                     |           |            :         |
     Conf.  |                     |           |            :         |
        |<-----------NSol---------------------|            :         |
        |------------NAdv------------------->[C]                     |
        |   |                     |           |                      |
        |   |                     |           |                      |

      +------+              +----+                   +---+
      |  MN  |              |nMAG|                   |LMA|
      +------+              +----+                   +---+
      IF2 IF1                 |                        |
       |   |\                 |                        |BCE exists
       |   |    \             |                        | for pMAG
       |- -|- - - - \- - - - Attach                    |
       |   |           s\     |---------PBU----------->|BCE update
       |   |               l\ |<--------PBA------------| for nMAG
       |   |                   o\                      |
       |   |                  |    w\                  |
       |   |                  |        l\              |
       |   |                  |            i\          |
       |   |                  |               n \      |packet dropped
       |   |                  |                  k --->| as BCE has only
       |   |                  |                        | entry for nMAG
       |   |                  |                        |
       |   |                  |                        |

    +-----+            +----+    +----+                +-----+
    | MN  |            |pMAG|    |nMAG|                | LMA |
    +-----+            +----+    +----+                +-----+
       |                  |         |                     |[pMAG serves
       |                  |         |                     | MN as
       |                  |         |                     | Proxy-CoA]
       |                  |         |                     |
       |<-----------------|===============data tunnel=====|--->data
       |                  |         |                     |
   [Handoff               |         |                     |
     Start]               |         |                     |
       |                  |         |                     |
      e|-----------------------[MN Attach]                |
      x|                  |         |                     |
      e|                  |         |---PBU(transient)--->|[Add nMAG to
      c|                  |         |                     | MN's BCE,
      u|                  |         |<--PBA(transient)----| enter trans-
      t|                  |         |                     | ient state]
      i|                  |         |                     |
      o|<-----Dl+Ul-------|===============data tunnel=====|--->data
      n|--------Ul------------------|=====data tunnel=====|--->data
       |                  |         |                     |
    [Handoff/             |         |                     |
   Configuration          |         |                     |
    Completed]            |   [HO Complete]               |
       |                  |         |--------PBU--------->|[Activate
       |                  |         |                     | MN's BCE,
       |                  |         |<-------PBA ---------| update for-
       |                  |         |                     | warding path
       |                  |         |                     | to nMAG]
       |                  |         |                     |
       |<---------------------------|=====data tunnel=====|--->data
       |                  |         |                     |

                                +----------------+              Before
          PBU(nMAG) & PBA(LMA)  |    Active      |              Handover
        +-----------------------|                |              --------
        |                       |  pMAG [Dl,Ul]  |                   .
        |                       *----------------*                   .
        |                               |                            .
        |                               |                            V
        |               PBU(nMAG, Topt) | PBU(nMAG) & PBA(LMA, Topt) .
        |                               |                            .
        |                               |                            .
        |                               V                      Handover
        |                           __________                 Procedure
        |                          /   LMA    \                      .
        |               _________ /  selects   \ _________           .
        |            No|          \ activation /          |Yes       .
        |              |           \_state_?__/           |          .
        |              |                                  |          V
        |              V                                  V          .
        |       +--------------+                  +--------------+   .
        |       | Transient-L  |                  | Transient-LA |   .
        |       |              |                  |              |   .
        |       | pMAG [Dl,Ul] |          +-------| pMAG [Dl,Ul] |   .
        |       | nMAG [Ul]    |          |       | nMAG [Ul]    |   .
        |       +--------------+          |       +--------------+   .
        |              |                  |               |
        |              |       PBU(pMAG,  |     PBU(nMAG) | TIMEOUT_1
        |              |       lifetime=0)|               |          .
        |              |                  |               V          .
        |              |                  |       +--------------+   .
        |              |                  |       | Transient-A  |   .
        |    PBU(nMAG) | TIMEOUT_1        |       |              |   .
        |              |                  |       | nMAG [Dl,Ul] |   .
        |              |PBU(pMAG,         |       | pMAG [Ul]    |   .
        |              | lifetime=0)      |       +--------------+   .
        |              |                  |               |
        |              |                  |   PBU(pMAG,   | TIMEOUT_2
        |              |                  |    lifetime=0)|          .
        |              |                  |               |          V
        |              |                  |               |    -------
        |              |                  |               |    Handover
        |              |                  |               V    Complete
        |              |                  |        +--------------+
        |              |                  +------->|    Active    |
        |              +-------------------------->|              |
        +----------------------------------------->| nMAG [Dl,Ul] |

          +-----+      +----+       +----+                    +-----+
          | MN  |      |pMAG|       |nMAG|                    | LMA |
          +-----+      +----+       +----+                    +-----+
             |            |            |  bi-directional         |
             |            |<<<<<<<<======================>>>>>>>>|<-->
             |            |            |                         |
             |            |            |                         |
       [Handoff Event]    |            |                         |
             |      [MN HO Event]      |                         |
             |            |     [HO Event Acquire]               |
             |            |            |                         |
      [LL Attach to       |            |                         |
           nMAG]          |            |-----PBU(transient)----->|
             |            |            |                        [D]
             |            |            |<-----PBA(transient)-----|
             |            |            |                         |
             |            |          bi-directional              |
             |      |<--->|<<<<<<<<======================>>>>>>>>|<-->
             |     pAN    |            |                         |
             |      |----------->|     |                         |
             |            |     nAN    |                         |
             |<------------------|     |uplink only              |
             |            |            |                         |
             |            |      [HO Complete]                   |
             |            |            |----------PBU----------->|
             |            |            |                        [E]
             |            |            |<---------PBA -----------|
             |            |`           |                         |
             |            |            |<<<<<<<<=========>>>>>>>>|<-->
             |            |            |                         |

    +------+                 +----+      +----+                 +---+
    |  MN  |                 |pMAG|      |nMAG|                 |LMA|
    +------+                 +----+      +----+                 +---+
    IF2 IF1                    |           |                      |
     |   |                     |           |                      |
     |   |- - - - - - - - - Attach         |                      |
     |   |                     |---------------PBU--------------->|
     |   |                     |<--------------PBA----------------|
     |   |--------RtSol------->|           |                      |
     |   |<-------RtAdv--------|           |                      |
     |  Addr.                  |           |                      |
     |  Conf.                  |           |                      |
     |   |<------------------->|==================data============|<--->
     |   |                     |           |                      |
     |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attach                    |
     |   |                     |           |----PBU(transient)--->|
     |   |                     |           |<---PBA(transient)---[F]
     |------RAT Configuration--------------|                      |
     |   |<--------------------|==================data============|<---
     |-------RtSol-(optional)------------->|                      |
     |<-----------RtAdv--------------------|                      |
   Addr. |                     |           |                      |
   Conf  |                     |           |                      |
     |   |                     |           |<--------PBA----------|
     |   |                     |           |                      |
     |   |                     |           |                      |
     |   |                     |           |                      |

                      Backbone Edge Bridge (BEB)
     |                    <TE - Router ID >                 |
     |                                                      |
     |  I-Component Relay             B-Component Relay     |
     | +-----------------------+    +---------------------+ |
     | |          +---+        |    |         B-VID       | |
     | |          |VIP|        |    | +---+         +---+ | | <TE Link>
     | |          +---+        |  +---|CBP|         |PNP|------
     | |                       |  | | +---+         +---+ | |
     | |  +---+          +---+ |  | |                     | |
    ------|CNP|          |PIP|----+ |                     | |
     | |  +---+          +---+ |    |                     | |
     | +-----------------------+    +---------------------+ |
     |                                                      |
     |                   PBB Edge Bridge                    |

   Control  TE Router ID                     TE Router ID
   Plane       |  (TE Link)                       |
               V     |                            V
             +----+  |                         +-----+
   Data      |    |  |                         |     |
   Plane     |    |  V    label=ESP:VID/MAC DA |     |
        -----N    N----------------------------N     N----------
             |    |          PBB-TE            |     |   \ Network
             |    |                            /     |     Or
             +----+                           /+-----+     Customer
              BCB                       ESP:MAC IB-BEB     Facing

   Crypto       DSKPP                          DSKPP    Key Provisioning
   Module       Client                         Server        Server
    |             |                              |             |
    |             |                              |     +---------------+
    |             |                              |     |Server creates |
    |             |                              |     |and stores     |
    |             |                              |     |Client ID and  |
    |             |                              |     |Auth. Code and |
    |             |                              |     |delivers them  |
    |             |                              |     |to user out-of-|
    |             |                              |     |band.          |
    |             |                              |     +---------------+
    |             |                              |             |
    |  +----------------------+                  |             |
    |  |User enters Client ID,|                  |             |
    |  |Auth. Code, and URL   |                  |             |
    |  +----------------------+                  |             |
    |             |                              |             |
    |             |<-- 1. TLS handshake with --->|             |
    |             |        server auth.          |             |
    |             |                              |             |
    |             | 2. <KeyProvClientHello> ---->|     User -->|
    |             |                              |     Auth.   |
    |             |<-- [3. <KeyProvServerHello>] |             |
    |             |                              |             |
    |             | [4. <KeyProvClientNonce>] -->|             |
    |             |                              |             |
    |             |<- 5. <KeyProvServerFinished> |             |
    |             |                              |             |
    |             |                              |             |
    |<-- Key      |                              |      Key -->|
    |    Package  |                              |   Package   |

   Web           DSKPP                          DSKPP            Web
   Browser       Client                         Server          Server
     |              |                              |               |
     |<-------- HTTPS browsing + some kind of user auth. --------->|
     |              |                              |               |
     | some HTTP request ----------------------------------------->|
     |              |                              |
     |              |                              |<------------->|
     |              |                              |               |
     |<----------------------- HTTP response with <KeyProvTrigger> |
     |              |                              |               |
     | Trigger ---->|                              |               |
     |              |                              |               |
     |              |<-- 1. TLS handshake with --->|               |
     |              |        server auth.          |               |
     |              |                              |               |
     |              |     ... continues...         |               |

   +----------------------+                  +----------------------+
   |    +------------+    |                  |                      |
   |    | Server key |    |                  |                      |
   | +<-|  Public    |------>------------->-------------+---------+ |
   | |  |  Private   |    |                  |          |         | |
   | |  +------------+    |                  |          |         | |
   | |        |           |                  |          |         | |
   | V        V           |                  |          V         V |
   | |   +---------+      |                  |        +---------+ | |
   | |   | Decrypt |<-------<-------------<-----------| Encrypt | | |
   | |   +---------+      |                  |        +---------+ | |
   | |      |  +--------+ |                  |            ^       | |
   | |      |  | Server | |                  |            |       | |
   | |      |  | Random |--->------------->------+  +----------+  | |
   | |      |  +--------+ |                  |   |  | Client   |  | |
   | |      |      |      |                  |   |  | Random   |  | |
   | |      |      |      |                  |   |  +----------+  | |
   | |      |      |      |                  |   |        |       | |
   | |      V      V      |                  |   V        V       | |
   | |   +------------+   |                  | +------------+     | |
   | +-->|  DSKPP PRF |   |                  | |  DSKPP PRF |<----+ |
   |     +------------+   |                  | +------------+       |
   |           |          |                  |       |              |
   |           V          |                  |       V              |
   |       +-------+      |                  |   +-------+          |
   |       |  Key  |      |                  |   |  Key  |          |
   |       +-------+      |                  |   +-------+          |
   |       +-------+      |                  |   +-------+          |
   |       |Key Id |-------->------------->------|Key Id |          |
   |       +-------+      |                  |   +-------+          |
   +----------------------+                  +----------------------+
         DSKPP Server                              DSKPP Client

           DSKPP Client                         DSKPP Server
           ------------                         ------------
                                [<---]       AD, [DeviceID],
                                            [KeyID], [URL_S]

           DSKPP Client                         DSKPP Server
           ------------                         ------------
           SAL, [AD],
           [DeviceID], [KeyID]     --->

           DSKPP Client                         DSKPP Server
           ------------                         ------------
                                 <---    SAL, R_S, [K], [MAC]

           DSKPP Client                         DSKPP Server
           ------------                         ------------
           E(K,R_C), AD          --->

           DSKPP Client                         DSKPP Server
           ------------                         ------------
           SAL, AD, R_C,
           [DeviceID], [KeyID],
           KPML                   --->

                             | Architecture |
                                v         v
               +<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-+         +->->->->->->->->+
               v                                           v
      +----------+                                      +----------+
      |   ESP    |                                      |    AH    |
      | Protocol |                                      | Protocol |
      +----------+                                      +----------+
        v      v                                          v       v
        v      +->->->->->->->->+->->->->->->->->+        v       v
        v      v                v                v        v       v
        v      v                v                v        v       v
        v  +------------+   +-----------+    +----------------+   v
        v  | +------------+ | +------------+ | +----------------+ v
        v  | | Encryption | | | Combined   | | |Integ-Protection| v
        v  +-| Algorithm  | +-| Algorithm  | +-| Algorithm      | v
        v    +------------+   +------------+   +----------------+ v
        v        v                  v                   v         v
        v        v                  v                   v         v
                              |    IKE     |
                              |  Protocol  |

                example.com domain
    Alice       Proxy  Auth   Cred               Bob1  Bob2
      |           |      |      | TLS Handshake    |    |
      |  [ Bob generates   ]    |<--------------------->|
      |  [ credentials and ]    | PUBLISH (credential)  |
      |  [ publishes them  ]    |<----------------------|
      |           |      |      | Digest Challenge      |
      |           |      |      |---------------------->|
      |           |      |      | PUBLISH + Digest      |
      |           |      |      |<----------------------|
      |           |      |      |                  |
      |           |      |      | time passes...   |
      |           |      |      |                  |
      |           |      |      | TLS Handshake    |
      |   [ Bob later gets ]    |<---------------->|
      |   [ back his own   ]    | SUBSCRIBE        |
      |   [ credentials    ]    | (credential)     |
      |   [ at another     ]    |<-----------------|
      |   [ User Agent     ]    | SUBSCRIBE+Digest |
      |           |      |      |<-----------------|
      |           |      |      | NOTIFY           |
      |           |      |      |----------------->|
      |           |      |      | Bob decrypts key |
      |           |      |      |                  |
      |           |      |      |                  |
      | SUBSCRIBE (certificate) |    Alice fetches |
      |---------->|----->|----->|    Bob's cert    |
      |           |      |NOTIFY|                  |
      | NOTIFY+Identity  |<-----|                  |
      |<----------+------|      |  Alice uses cert |
      |           |      |      |  to encrypt      |
      | MESSAGE   |      |      |  message to Bob  |

   Alice     Server              Bob UA
    |           | TLS Handshake    | 1) Client authC/Z server
    |           |<---------------->|
    |           | PUBLISH          | 2) Client sends request
    |           |<-----------------|    (write credential)
    |           | Digest Challenge | 3) Server challenges client
    |           |----------------->|
    |           | PUBLISH + Digest | 4) Server authC/Z client
    |           |<-----------------|
    |           |      time...     |
    |           |                  |
    |           | TLS Handshake    | 5) Client authC/Z server
    |           |<---------------->|
    |           | SUBSCRIBE        | 6) Client sends request
    |           |<-----------------|    (read credential)
    |           | Digest Challenge | 7) Server challenges client
    |           |----------------->|
    |           | SUBSCRIBE+Digest | 8) Server authC/Z client
    |           |<-----------------|
    |           | NOTIFY           | 9) Server returns credential
    |           |----------------->|
    |           |
    | SUBSCRIBE |   10) Client requests certificate
    |           |
    |NOTIFY+AUTH|   11) Server returns user's certificate and signs that
    |<----------|       it is valid using certificate for the domain
    |           |

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<-------- Pseudowire ------>|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
         |          V    V                  V    V          |
         V    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
   | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
   |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
   +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
         ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
         |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
         |  |                                            |  |
   Customer |                                            | Customer
   Edge 1   |                                            | Edge 2
            |                                            |
      native service                               native service

                |<-------Multi-Segment Pseudowire------->|
                |      PSN                      PSN      |
            AC  |    |<-1->|                  |<-2->|    |  AC
            |   V    V     V                  V     V    V  |
            |   +----+     +-----+       +----+     +----+  |
   +----+   |   |    |=====|     |       |    |=====|    |  |    +----+
   |    |-------|......PW1.......|--AC1--|......PW2......|-------|    |
   | CE1|   |   |    |     |     |       |    |     |    |  |    |CE2 |
   |    |-------|......PW3.......|--AC2--|......PW4......|-------|    |
   +----+   |   |    |=====|     |       |    |=====|    |  |    +----+
        ^       +----+     +-----+       +----+     +----+       ^
        |         PE1        PE2          PE3         PE4        |
        |                     ^            ^                     |
        |                     |            |                     |
        |                  PW switching points                   |
        |                                                        |
        |                                                        |
        |<-------------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|

          Native  |<-----Multi-Segment Pseudowire------>|  Native
          Service |         PSN             PSN         |  Service
           (AC)   |    |<-Tunnel->|     |<-Tunnel->|    |   (AC)
             |    V    V     1    V     V    2     V    V     |
             |    +----+          +-----+          +----+     |
      +----+ |    |TPE1|==========|SPE1 |==========|TPE2|     | +----+
      |    |------|.....PW.Seg't1....X....PW.Seg't3.....|-------|    |
      | CE1| |    |    |          |     |          |    |     | |CE2 |
      |    |------|.....PW.Seg't2....X....PW.Seg't4.....|-------|    |
      +----+ |    |    |==========|     |==========|    |     | +----+
           ^      +----+          +-----+          +----+       ^
           |   Provider Edge 1       ^        Provider Edge 2   |
           |                         |                          |
           |                         |                          |
           |                 PW switching point                 |
           |                                                    |
           |<----------------- Emulated Service --------------->|

           AC "Up"
           L2TPv3 ICRQ --->
                            LDP Label Mapping  --->
                                                       AC "Up"
                                              <--- LDP Label Mapping
                      <--- L2TPv3 ICRP
           L2TPv3 ICCN  --->
         <-------------------- MS-PW Established ------------------>
         PE 1 (MPLS/LDP)      PW Switching Node       PE3 (L2TPv3)

           AC "Up"
           LDP Label Mapping --->
                                 L2TPv3 ICRQ  --->
                                                 <--- L2TPv3 ICRP
                            <--- LDP Label Mapping
                                 L2TPv3 ICCN --->
                                                      AC "Up"
         <-------------------- MS-PW Established ------------------>

      AC "Down"
        L2TPv3 CDN --->
                         LDP Label Withdraw  --->
                                                    AC "Down"
                                         <-- LDP Label Release

      <--------------- MS-PW Data Path Down ------------------>
      PE 1 (MPLS LDP)     PW Switching Node       PE3 (L2TPv3)

      AC "Down"
      LDP Label Withdraw  --->
                              L2TPv3 CDN -->
                          <-- LDP Label Release
                                                    AC "Down"

         ---PW1 Receive---->|       |-----PW2 Transmit---->
      S-PE1                 | S-PE2 |                   S-PE3
         <--PW1 Transmit----|       |<----PW2 Receive------

           U-PE A-----|             |----U-PE C
                      |             |
                      |             |
                    N-PE E--------N-PE F
                      |             |
                      |             |
           U-PE B-----|             |-----U-PE D

           U-PE A-----|             |----U-PE C
                      |             |
                      |             |
                    N-PE E--------N-PE F
                      |             |
                      |             |
           U-PE B-----|             |-----U-PE D

   PE A --- Network 1 ----- Border ----- Border ----- Network 2 --- PE B
                            Router 12    Router 21       |
                                                        PE C

                  UA1                 Registrar
                   |                      |
                   |REGISTER              |
               /\  |                   401|
               ||  |<---------------------|
              RRD  |REGISTER              |
               ||  |--------------------->|
               \/  |                   200|
                   |                      |

                  UA1                Registrar
                   |                      |
                   |REGISTER              |
                   |REGISTER              |
                   |REGISTER              |
                   |                      |
      Failure ---->|***Timer F Expires    |
                   |                      |

                  UA1                Registrar
                   |                      |
                   |REGISTER              |
                   |                      |
                   |                      |
                   |                      |
                   |                      |
                   |                   503|
      Failure ---->|<---------------------|
                   |                      |

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
               /\  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
              SRD  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
               \/  |                   180|
                   |                      |

                  UA1             Redirect Server              UA2
                   |                      |                     |
                   |INVITE                |                     |
            t1---->|--------------------->|                     |
               /\  |                   302|                     |
               ||  |<---------------------|                     |
               ||  |ACK                   |                     |
              SRD  |--------------------->|                     |
               ||  |INVITE                                      |
               ||  |------------------------------------------->|
               \/  |                                         180|

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
               /\  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
              SRD  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
               \/  |                   480|
                   |                      |

                  UA1             Redirect Server              UA2
                   |                      |                     |
                   |INVITE                |                     |
            t1---->|--------------------->|                     |
               /\  |                   302|                     |
               ||  |<---------------------|                     |
               ||  |ACK                   |                     |
              SRD  |--------------------->|                     |
               ||  |INVITE                                      |
               ||  |------------------------------------------->|
               \/  |                                         480|

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
                   |                   180|
                   |                   200|
                   |ACK                   |
                   |BYE                   |
               /\  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
              SDD  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
               \/  |                   200|

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
                   |                   180|
                   |                   200|
                   |ACK                   |
                   |                   BYE|
                   |                      |  /\
                   |                      |  ||
                   |                      | SDD
                   |                      |  ||
                   |200                   |  \/

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
                   |                   180|
                   |                   200|
               /\  |ACK                   |
               ||  |--------------------->|
               ||  |                      |
              SDT  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
               ||  |                      |
               \/  |                   BYE|
                   |                      |

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
                   |                   180|
                   |                   200|
                   |ACK                   |  /\
                   |--------------------->|  ||
                   |                      |  ||
                   |                      |  SDT
                   |                      |  ||
                   |                      |  ||
                   |                   BYE|  \/
                   |                      |

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
                   |                   180|
                   |                   200|
               /\  |ACK                   |
               ||  |--------------------->|
               ||  |BYE                   |
              SDT  |--------------------->|
               ||  |BYE                   |
               ||  |--------------------->|
               \/  |                      |
            t4---->|***Timer F Expires    |

                  UA1                    UA2
                   |                      |
                   |INVITE                |
                   |                   180|
                   |                   200|
                   |                   ACK|  /\
                   |--------------------->|  ||
                   |                   BYE|  ||
                   |<---------------------|  SDT
                   |                   BYE|  ||
                   |<---------------------|  ||
                   |                      |  \/
                   |    Timer F Expires***|<----t4

                           UA1                 UA2
                            |                   |
                            |INVITE             |
               |            |                180|
               |            |<------------------|
      Session Established   |                   |
               |            |                   |
               |            |                200|
                            |                   |

                            UA1                 UA2                 UA3
                             |                   |                   |
                             |INVITE             |                   |
                +----------->|------------------>|                   |
                |            |                   |                   |
      INVITE w/ 3XX Response |                   |                   |
                |            |                302|                   |
                +----------->|<------------------|                   |
                             |                   |                   |
                             |INVITE                                 |
                |            |                                       |
                |            |                                    180|
       Session Established   |<--------------------------------------|
                |            |                                       |
                |            |                                    200|
                             |                                       |

          UA1           Proxy 1          Proxy 2             UA2
           |                |                |                |
           |INVITE          |                |                |
           |--------------->|                |                |
           |             407|                |                |
           |<---------------|                |                |
           |ACK             |                |                |
           |--------------->|                |                |
           |INVITE          |                |                |
           |--------------->|INVITE          |                |
           |             100|--------------->|INVITE          |
           |<---------------|             100|--------------->|
           |                |<---------------|                |
           |                |                |INVITE          |
           |                |                |--------------->|
           |                |                |                |
           |                |                |INVITE          |
           |                |                |--------------->|
           |                |                |                |
           |                |             408|                |
           |             408|<---------------|                |
           |<---------------|ACK             |                |
           |                |--------------->|                |
           |ACK             |                |                |
           |--------------->|                |                |

          UA1           Proxy 1          Proxy 2             UA2
           |                |                |                |
           |INVITE          |                |                |
           |--------------->|                |                |
           |             407|                |                |
           |<---------------|                |                |
           |ACK             |                |                |
           |--------------->|                |                |
           |INVITE          |                |                |
           |--------------->|INVITE          |                |
           |             100|--------------->|INVITE          |
           |<---------------|             100|--------------->|
           |                |<---------------|                |
           |                |                |             180|
           |                |            180 |<---------------|
           |             180|<---------------|                |
           |<---------------|                |             200|
           |                |             200|<---------------|
           |             200|<---------------|                |
           |<---------------|                |                |
           |ACK             |                |                |
           |--------------->|ACK             |                |
           |                |--------------->|ACK             |
           |                |                |--------------->|
           |                Both Way RTP Media                |
           |                |                |             BYE|
           |                |             BYE|<---------------|
           |             BYE|<---------------|                |
           |<---------------|                |                |
           |200             |                |                |
           |--------------->|200             |                |
           |                |--------------->|200             |
           |                |                |--------------->|
           |                |                |                |

                ...........       ............
               .           .     .
        S1 --- E1 ---      .     .
               .     |     .     .
               .      === E5 === E7 ---
               .     |     .     .     |
        S2 --- E2 ---      .     .     |
               .           .     .     |      |
                ...........      .     |      v
   .                                    ----- R --->
                ...........      .     |      ^
               .           .     .     |      |
        S3 --- E3 ---      .     .     |
               .     |     .     .     |
               .      === E6 === E8 ---
               .     |     .     .
        S4 --- E4 ---      .     .
               .           .     .
                ...........       ............

            |               Application               |
            | HIP Native API | Traditional Socket API |
            |             Transport Layer             |

                |            I1             |
                |            R1             |
                |            I2             |
                |            R2             |

            -------------------------------- HIP BONE API
             +---+   +--------------------+
             |   |   |    Peer Protocol   |
             |   |   +--------+ +---------+
             |   |<->|Topology| |(Storage)|
             |   |   +---------+----------+
             |   |             ^
             |   |             v
             |   +------------------------+
             |                HIP         |

            |    Transport (using HITs or LSIs)    |
            |                 HIP                  |
            |      IPv4        |       IPv6        |

            |  HIP signaling   |  data transports  |

            | peer protocols        |     media    |
            | HIP signaling    |   data transport  |
            |                                      |
            | NAT    | non-NAT |                   |
            |                  |                   |
            |      IPv4        |       IPv6        |

    +--------+                            | Profile Delivery Server |
    | Device |<==========================>|  +---+          +---+   |
    +--------+                            |  |PNC|          |PCC|   |
                                          |  +---+          +---+   |

                             / Local Network, \
                            | Device & Service |
                             \    Provider    /
                                 | Device |

    /   SIP    \
   |   Service  |                -> Provides 'user' profile
   |  Provider  |                   data (e.g., services
    \          /                    configuration)
      --------      --------
          |       /          \
          |      |   Device   |  -> Provides 'device' profile
          |      |  Provider  |     data (e.g., device specifics)
          |       \          /
          |         ---------
          |        /
          |       /    -------
          |      /   /  Local  \
          |     /   |  Network  |
          |    |    |  Provider | -> Provides 'local-network' profile
          |    |     \         /     data (e.g., bandwidth)
          |    |       -------
          |    |        /
          |    |       /
          |    |      |
    (   Local Network   )
         | Device |              -> Needs the 'local-network'
          --------                  and 'device' profile
          /     \
         /       \
       ------   ------
      |User A| |User B|          -> Users need 'user' profiles
       ------   ------

    +--------+                           |  Provider's Network  |
    | Device |                           |                      |
    |        |                           |                      |
    +--------+                           |  DHCP        PDS     |
         |                                   |          |
    (A)  |<============== DHCP =============>|          |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |
    (B)  |<=========== Profile Enrollment  ============>|
         |                                              | Profile data
         |                                              | is modified
         |                                              |
    (C)  |<============ Profile Change  ================|
         |               Notification                   |
         |                                              |
         |                                              |

     User User
       A   B        +----------------------+  +----------------------+
    +--------+      |       Provider       |  |       Provider       |
    | Device |      |           A          |  |          B           |
    |        |      |                      |  |                      |
    +--------+      | DHCP    PROXY   PDS  |  |  PROXY        PDS    |
                    +----------------------+  +----------------------+
         |              |        |      |          |           |
     (A) |<====DHCP====>|        |      |          |           |
         |                       |      |          |           |
         |                       |      |          |           |
         |  Profile Enrollment   |      |          |           |
     (B) |<local-network profile>|<====>|          |           |
         |   <<Profile content retrieval>>
         |  Profile Enrollment   |      |          |           |
     (C) |<== device profile ==> |<====>|          |           |
         |   <<Profile content retrieval>>

         |   Profile Enrollment  |      |          |           |
     (D) |<= user profile (A) => |<====>|          |           |
         |                       |      |          |           |
         |   <<Profile content retrieval>>
             [[User A obtains services]]
         |            Profile Enrollment           |           |
     (E) |<=========== user profile (B) ==========>|<=========>|
         |                                         |           |
         |   <<Profile content retrieval>>

                                | Initialize |
                               |   Prepare   |
                    +--------->|  Enrollment |<------------------+
                    |          |   Request   |                   |
                    |          +------+------+                   |
             +------+------+          |                          |
             |   Failure   | Enroll. Req. prepared               |
         +-->|  Handling & |      /Send Req                      |
         |   |   Delay     |          |                          |
         |   +-------------+          V                          |
         |       ^    ^        +-------------+                   |
         |       |    |        |    Await    |                   |
         |       |    +--------+  Enrollment |                   |
         |       |    Timeout, |  acceptance |                   |
         |       |   non-2xx/- +------+------+                   |
         |       |                    |                          |
         |   Timeout            200 OK/-                    Enrollment
         |  /Terminate                |                       Timeout/-
         |   Enrollment               V                          |
         |       |            +--------------+                   |
         |       |            |  Enrollment  |                   |
         |       +------------+   accepted   |                   |
    Retries Exceeded          |(await NOTIFY)|                   |
   /Retry Enrollment          +---+------+---+                   |
         |                        |      |                       |
         |                        |      |                       |
         |   NOTIFY w. Content Ind|      |  NOTIFY w. Profile    |
         |     /Retrieve Profile  |      |  /Accept Profile      |
         |           +------------+      +------------+          |
         |           |                                |          |
         |           V                                V          |
         |     +------------+                   +------------+   |
         +-----+ Retrieving |    Retrieved      | Enrollment +---+
            ,->|   Profile  +--/Apply Profile-->| Successful |
           /   |            |                   |(monitoring)|<--.
      Timeout  +--+---------+                   +--+----+----+    :
      /Retry      ;      ^                         |    :         ;
           `------'      |   NOTIFY w. Cont.Ind    |    `-------'
                         +---/Retrieve Profile-----+   NOTIFY w. Profile
                                                          /Apply Profile

   profile-type || device | user | local-network
   vendor       ||   m    |  m   |        m
   model        ||   m    |  m   |        m
   version      ||   m    |  m   |        m
   effective-by ||        |      |

   profile-type || device | user | local-network
   vendor       ||        |      |
   model        ||        |      |
   version      ||        |      |
   effective-by ||   o    |  o   |        o

    +--------+                        | SIP Service Provider |
    | Device |                        |                      |
    |(SIP UA)|                        |  SIP     PDS   HTTP  |
    +--------+                        | PROXY         Server |
                                      |                      |
         |                                |       |      |
         |                                |       |      |
         |          SUBSCRIBE             |       |      |
   (SReq)|--------device profile--------->|       |      |
         |                                |------>|      |
         |                                |200 OK |      |
         |            200 OK              |<------|      |
   (SRes)|<-------------------------------|       |      |
         |                                |       |      |
         |                                | NOTIFY|      |
         |    NOTIFY (Content Indirection)|<------|      |
   (NTFY)|<-------------------------------|       |      |
         |            200 OK              |       |      |
   (NRes)|------------------------------->|200 OK |      |
         |                                |------>|      |
         |                                               |
         |                                               |
         |                                               |
         |<<<<<<<<<<<<<  TLS establishment  >>>>>>>>>>>>>|
         |                                               |
         |                HTTP Request                   |
         |                                               |
         |                HTTP Response                  |
         |                                               |

               -----           -----
              |User |_________| UI* | * = User Interface
              |  X  |         |     |
               -----           -----
             /       \
            /         \
           /           \              +----------------------+
    +--------+      +--------+        | SIP Service Provider |
    | Device |      | Device |        |                      |
    |    A   |      |    B   |        |  SIP     PDS   HTTP  |
    +--------+      +--------+        | PROXY         Server |
         |                                |       |      |
         |                                |       |      |
   (A-EX)|<=Enrolls for User X's profile=>|<=====>|      |
         |                                |       |      |
         |                                               |
   (A-RX)|<===Retrieves User X's profile================>|
         |                                               |
         |               |                |       |      |
         |               |  Enrolls for   |       |      |
         |         (B-EX)|<== User X's ==>|<=====>|      |
         |               |    profile     |       |      |
         |               |                |       |      |
         |               |                               |
         |         (B-RX)|<= Retrieves User X's profile=>|
         |                                               |
         |                       |                       |
         |                 (HPut)|---------------------->|
         |                       |                       |
         |                 (HRes)|<----------------------|
         |                                               |
         |                                |       |      |
         |                                | NOTIFY|      |
         |            NOTIFY              |<------|      |
   (A-NT)|<-------------------------------|       |      |
         |            200 OK              |       |      |
   (A-RS)|------------------------------->|200 OK |      |
         |                                |------>|      |

         |                                               |
         |               |                | NOTIFY|      |
         |               |    NOTIFY      |<------|      |
         |         (B-NT)|<---------------|       |      |
         |               |    200 OK      |       |      |
         |         (B-RS)|--------------->|200 OK |      |
         |               |                |------>|      |
         |                                               |
         |                                               |
   (A-RX)|<===Retrieves User X's profile================>|
         |                                               |
         |               |                               |
         |               |                               |
         |         (B-RX)|<= Retrieves User X's profile=>|
         |               |                               |

                                 Destination NAT
          |      |      |      |      |      | Port-|      |      |
          |      |      |      | UPnP | UPnP | pres.| Seq. |      |
          |      | Addr.| Port | Port | Port | Port-| Port-| Port-| Addr
Source NAT| Cone | rest.| rest.| rest.| symm.| symm.| symm.| symm.| symm
Cone      |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  SNS |  SNS |  SNS |  SNS |  SNS
Address   |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  SNS |  SNS |  SNS |  SNS |  No
restricted|      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
Port      |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  No  | SNS+ | SNS+ |  No  |  No
restricted|      |      |      |      |      |  PP  |  SS  |      |
UPnP Port-|  Yes |  Yes |  Yes |  Yes | SNS+ |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No
restricted|      |      |      |      | UPnP |      |      |      |
UPnP Port |  SNS |  SNS |  No  | SNS+ | SNS+ |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No
symmetric |      |      |      | UPnP | UPnP |      |      |      |
Port-     |      |      |  SNS |      |      |  SNS |  SNS |      |
preserving|  SNS |  SNS |   +  |  No  |  No  |   +  |   +  |  No  |  No
Port-     |      |      |  PP  |      |      |  PP  |  SS  |      |
symmetric |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
Sequential|      |      |  SNS |      |      |      |      |      |
Port-     |  SNS |  SNS |   +  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No
symmetric |      |      |  SS  |      |      |      |      |      |
Port-     |  SNS |  SNS |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No
symmetric |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
Address-  |  SNS |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No  |  No
symmetric |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

              /                                            \
             <               IPv6 Internet                  >
              \                                            /
                |                                        |
          +----------+                             +----------+
          |  Teredo  |                             |  Teredo  |
          | Server 1 |                             | Server 2 |
          +----------+                             +----------+|                |
              /                                            \
             <               IPv4 Internet                  >
              \                                            /
               -|----------------------------------------|-|                    |
   UDP port 4096|                           UDP port 8192|
           +---------+                             +----------+
           |Symmetric|                             |Other type|
           |   NAT   |                             |  of NAT  |
           +---------+                             +----------+
                |                                        |
       +-----------------+                      +-----------------+
       | Teredo client A |                      | Teredo client B |
       +-----------------+                      +-----------------+
2001:0:cb00:7178:0:efff:3fff:fdfe      2001:0:c633:6476:0:dfff:3fff:fdf5
          Teredo Address                           Teredo Address

              /                                            \
             <               IPv6 Internet                  >
              \                                            /
                             |  Teredo  |
                             |  Server  |
              /                                            \
             <               IPv4 Internet                  >
              \                                            /
                           NAT +-------+
                       without |  NAT  |
                   hairpinning |   E   |
                       support +-------+
                +------------------+--------------------+|                  |
   UDP port 4095|                          UDP port 4096|
           +---------+                            +----------+
           |   NAT   |                            |    NAT   |
           |    F    |                            |     G    |
           +---------+                            +----------+
                |                                       |
       +-----------------+                     +-----------------+
       | Teredo client A |                     | Teredo client B |
       +-----------------+                     +-----------------+
2001:0:cb00:7178:0:f000:39cc:9b89      2001:0:cb00:7178:0:efff:39cc:9b89
          Teredo Address                          Teredo Address

   Teredo           Client A's              Client B's           Teredo
   Client             Teredo                  Teredo             Client
      A        NAT    Server                  Server      NAT       B
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    1 |--------------------------------------------------->|        |
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server|         |        |
    2 |----------------------------------------->|----------------->|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |         |<--------------------------------------------------| 3
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |Indirect Bubble to A via A's Teredo Server|
      |<-----------------|<-----------------------------------------| 4
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    5 |------------------------------------------------------------>|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server|         |        |
    6 |----------------------------------------->|----------------->|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |<------------------------------------------------------------| 7
      |         |        |                       |         |        |

   Teredo           Client A's              Client B's           Teredo
   Client             Teredo                  Teredo             Client
      A        NAT    Server                  Server      NAT       B
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    1 |------------------------------------------------------------>|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server|         |        |
    2 |----------------------------------------->|----------------->|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |<------------------------------------------------------------| 3
      |         |        |                       |         |        |

   Teredo           Client A's              Client B's           Teredo
   Client             Teredo                  Teredo             Client
      A        NAT    Server                  Server      NAT       B
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    1 |--------------------------------------------------->|        |
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server|         |        |
    2 |----------------------------------------->|----------------->|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |         |<--------------------------------------------------| 3
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |         |<--------------------------------------------------| 4
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |Indirect Bubble to A via A's Teredo Server|
      |<-----------------|<-----------------------------------------| 5
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    6 |--------------------------------------------------->|        |
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    7 |------------------------------------------------------------>|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server|         |        |
    8 |----------------------------------------->|----------------->|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |<------------------------------------------------------------| 9
      |         |        |                       |         |        |

   Teredo                 A's      A's            B's
   Client               Primary  Secondary      Teredo          Client
      A        NAT      Server    Server        Server   NAT       B
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      | Direct Bubble to B |        |              |      |        |
    1 |-------------------------------------------------->|        |
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |Router Solicitation |        |              |      |        |
    2 |------------------->|        |              |      |        |
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |Router Advertisement|        |              |      |        |
      |<-------------------| 3      |              |      |        |
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
    4 | Direct Bubble to B |        |              |      |        |
      |-------------------------------------------------->|        |
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |  Router Solicitation        |              |      |        |
    5 |---------------------------->|              |      |        |
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |  Router Advertisement       |              |      |        |
      |<----------------------------| 6            |      |        |
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      | Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server |      |        |
    7 |------------------------------------------->|-------------->|
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |         |          |        |         Direct Bubble to A   |
      |         |<-------------------------------------------------| 8
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |         |          |        |       Indirect Bubble to A   |
      |<-------------------|<--------------------------------------| 9
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |         |          |        |         Direct Bubble to A   |
      |<-----------------------------------------------------------| 10
      |         |          |        |              |      |        |
      |   Direct Bubble to B        |              |      |        |
   11 |----------------------------------------------------------->|

   Teredo             Teredo                      Client A's  Client B's
   Client     NAT     Client        NAT      NAT    Teredo      Teredo
      A        F         B           G        E     Server      Server
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |        | Direct Bubble to B  |        |        |           |
    1 |-------------------------------------->|        |           |
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |       Indirect Bubble to B via B's Teredo Server           |
    2 |----------------------------------------------------------->|
      |        |         |<----------------------------------------|
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |        |         | Direct Bubble to A |        |           |
    3 |        |         |------------------->|        |           |
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |        |         |  Direct   |        |        |           |
      |        |         |Bubble to A|        |        |           |
    4 |        |         |---------->|        |        |           |
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |        |         |  Direct   |        |        |           |
      |        |         |Bubble to A|        |        |           |
    5 |        |         |---------->|        |        |           |
      |<-----------------------------|        |        |           |
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |        |         |    Indirect Bubble to A     |           |
    6 |        |         |---------------------------->|           |
      |<-----------------------------------------------|           |
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |
      |Direct Bubble to B|           |        |        |           |
    7 |----------------->|           |        |        |           |
      |        |         |           |        |        |           |

   Teredo           Client A's              Client B's           Teredo
   Client             Teredo                  Teredo             Client
      A        NAT    Server                  Server      NAT       B
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to B   |         |        |
    1 |------------------------------------------------------------>|
      |         |        |                       |         |        |
      |         |        |  Direct Bubble to A   |         |        |
      |<------------------------------------------------------------| 2
      |         |        |                       |         |        |

            | Jari Arkko        | Ran Atkinson               |
            | Fred Baker        | Norbert Bollow             |
            | Cameron Byrne     | Brian Carpenter            |
            | Remi Despres      | Arnaud Ebalard             |
            | Fabrice Fontaine  | Jun-ichiro "itojun" Hagino |
            | Thomas Herbst     | Christian Huitema          |
            | Joel Jaeggli      | Cullen Jennings            |
            | Suresh Krishnan   | Erik Kline                 |
            | Julien Laganier   | Kurt Erik Lindqvist        |
            | Mohamed Boucadair | Keith Moore                |
            | Robert Moskowitz  | Teemu Savolainen           |
            | Hemant Singh      | Yaron Sheffer              |
            | Mark Townsley     | Iljitsch van Beijnum       |
            | Magnus Westerlund | Dan Wing                   |

                            Module udmcore  :  Module hardware-entities
                                equipment   :
                                Holder      :
                                0..*        :
                                +-------+   :
                                |       |   :
   +---------------+     +---------+    |   :
   |ManagedHardware|<|-+-|Equipment|<>--+   :
   +---------------+   | | Holder  |0..1    :     +-------+
                       | |         |<|---------+--|Chassis|
                       | +---------+        :  |  +-------+
                       |   <>               :  |
                       |   |0..* equipment  :  |  +---------+
                       |   |     Holder     :  '--|Container|
                       |   |                :     +---------+
                       |   |0..* equipment  :
                       |   |                :
                       |   |    equipment   :
                       |   |    0..*        :
                       |   |    +-------+   :
                       |   |    |       |   :
                       | +---------+    |   :
                       '-|Equipment|<>--+   :     +--------+
                         |         |<|---------+--|HWModule|
                         +---------+        :  |  +--------+
                      compositeEquipment    :  |
                                            :  |  +---------+
                                            :  |--|Backplane|
                                            :     +---------+

           +----+    notification  +----+ notification  +----+
           | MN |<================>| FA |<=============>| HA |
           +----+                  +----+               +----+

           +----+             notification            +----+
           | MN |<===================================>| HA |
           +----+                                     +----+
       Figure 2: HA directly notifies MN or MN directly notifies HA

      ClientHello                   -------->
                                    <--------      ServerHelloDone
      Finished                      -------->
                                    <--------             Finished
      Application Data              <------->     Application Data

      ClientHello                   -------->
                                              [change cipher spec]
                                    <--------             Finished
      change cipher spec
      Finished                      -------->
      Application Data              <------->     Application Data

                      Block                Allow
       +------+       incoming +---------+ incoming     +--------+
       |Host  |       RA       |    L2   | RA           | Router |
       |      |----------------|  device |--------------|        |
       +------+                +----+----+              +--------+
                                |  Host |
                                |       |

                            ICAP     ICAP    Message          Customer
         Browser   Proxy   Client   Server   Service  Internet    DB
           |  HTTP  |         |         |        |        |        |
           |  GET   | Proxy   |         |        |        |        |
           +------->| Request |         |        |        |        |
           |        +---------|---------|--------|------->|        |
           |        |         |         |        | 200 OK |        |
           |        |<--------|---------|--------|--------+        |
           |        | ICAP    |         |        |        |        |
           |        | RESPMOD | ICAP    |        |        |        |
           |        +-------->| RESPMOD | Check  |        |        |
           |        |         +-------->| Cache  |        |        |
           |        |         |         | for IP |        |        |
           |        |         |         | Match  |        |        |
           |        |         |         +------->|        |        |
           |        |         |         | Cache  |        |        |
           |        |         |         | Miss   |        |        |
           |        |         |         |<-------+ Request|        |
           |        |         | 204 No  |        | Type   |        |
           |        |         | Modif.  |        +--------|------->|
           |        |         | Needed  |        |        |        |
           |        | No      |<--------+        |        | Type   |
           |        | Insert  |         |        |        |Returned|
           | 200 OK |<--------+         |        |<-------|--------+
           | w/o    |         |         |        |        |        |
           | Insert |         |         |        |        |        |
           |<-------+         |         |        |        |        |
           |        |         |         |        |        |        |

                            ICAP     ICAP    Message          Customer
         Browser   Proxy   Client   Server   Service  Internet    DB
           |  HTTP  |         |         |        |        |        |
           |  GET   | Proxy   |         |        |        |        |
           +------->| Request |         |        |        |        |
           |        +---------|---------|--------|------->|        |
           |        |         |         |        | 200 OK |        |
           |        |<--------|---------|--------|--------+        |
           |        | ICAP    |         |        |        |        |
           |        | RESPMOD | ICAP    |        |        |        |
           |        +-------->| RESPMOD | Check  |        |        |
           |        |         +-------->| Cache  |        |        |
           |        |         |         | for IP |        |        |
           |        |         |         | Match  |        |        |
           |        |         |         +------->|        |        |
           |        |         |         | Cache  |        |        |
           |        |         |         | Hit    |        |        |
           |        |         | Insert  |<-------+        |        |
           |        | Return  | Type    |        |        |        |
           |        | 200 OK  |<--------+        |        |        |
           |        | with    |         |        |        |        |
           |        | Insert  |         |        |        |        |
           | 200 OK |<--------+         |        |        |        |
           | w/     |         |         |        |        |        |
           | Notify |         |         |        |        |        |
           |<-------+         |         |        |        |        |
           |        |         |         |        |        |        |

                +-------------+               +------------+
                |    +--+     |               |            |
                |    |AP|     |      PEC      |            |
      +----+    |    +--+     |   messages &  | +---+ +--+ |    +----+
      |user|<-->|             |<------------->| |InP| |DP| |<-->|user|
      +----+    | +--+  +---+ | notifications | +---+ +--+ |    +----+
                | |DP|  |InP| |               |            |
                | +--+  +---+ |               |            |
                +-------------+               +------------+
                     PEC                            PEC
                    sender                        receiver
                   provider                       provider

                    | YANG module(s) |
          |           hybrid schema            |
               /       |           |       \
              /        |           |        \
           Tg/       Tr|           |Tn       \
            /          |           |          \
      +---------+   +-----+    +-------+    +------+
      |get reply|   | rpc |    | notif |    | .... |
      +---------+   +-----+    +-------+    +------+

                     | Step 1: Read this document |
                   | Step 2:  Write R-D and submit |
             | Step 3:  Announce R-D and solicit feedback |<--+
             +--------------------------------------------+   |
                                  |                           |
                                  V                           |
                                 .^.                          |
                               .     .                        |
   +------------+            .  Feed-  .               +------------+
   | Update R-D |<---------<    back     >------------>| Update R-D |
   | and submit |  non-sub-  . results .   substantial | and submit |
   +------------+  stantial    . in: .     changes     +------------+
         |         changes       . .       needed
         |         needed         Y
         |                        | no changes needed
         |                        V
         |         +-----------------------------+
         +-------->| Step 4:  Submit R-D to IANA |

                       | Step 5: Expert Review |<-------------+
                       +-----------------------+              |
                                  |                           |
                                  V                           |
                                 .^.                          |
                               .     .                        |
     .---------.             .  Expert .               +------------+
    ( Bad luck! )<-------- <    Review   >------------>| Update R-D |
     `---------'   experts   . results .   changes     | and submit |
                   reject      . in: .     required    +------------+
                                 . .
                                  | experts approve
                | Step 6: Publication of R-D        |
           | Step 7: Adding Enumservice to IANA Registry |

         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
        |  Reserved          |NA|

     example.net <--------------> im.example.com
        ^                                ^
        |                                |
        v                                v
   romeo@example.net           juliet@im.example.com

                   | open TCP connection |
                       | send initial  |<-------------------------+
                       | stream header |                          ^
                       +---------------+                          |
                              |                                   |
                              v                                   |
                      +------------------+                        |
                      | receive response |                        |
                      | stream header    |                        |
                      +------------------+                        |
                              |                                   |
                              v                                   |
                       +----------------+                         |
                       | receive stream |                         |
   +------------------>| features       |                         |
   ^   {OPTIONAL}      +----------------+                         |
   |                          |                                   |
   |                          v                                   |
   |       +<-----------------+                                   |
   |       |                                                      |
   |    {empty?} ----> {all voluntary?} ----> {some mandatory?}   |
   |       |      no          |          no         |             |
   |       | yes              | yes                 | yes         |
   |       |                  v                     v             |
   |       |           +---------------+    +----------------+    |
   |       |           | MAY negotiate |    | MUST negotiate |    |
   |       |           | any or none   |    | one feature    |    |
   |       |           +---------------+    +----------------+    |
   |       v                  |                     |             |
   |   +---------+            v                     |             |
   |   |  DONE   |<----- {negotiate?}               |             |
   |   +---------+   no       |                     |             |
   |                     yes  |                     |             |
   |                          v                     v             |
   |                          +--------->+<---------+             |
   |                                     |                        |
   |                                     v                        |
   +<-------------------------- {restart mandatory?} ------------>+
                  no                                     yes

   Requesting                  Responding
     Entity                      Entity
   ----------                  ----------
       |                            |
       | <iq id='1' type='get'>     |
       |   [ ... payload ... ]      |
       | </iq>                      |
       | -------------------------> |
       |                            |
       | <iq id='1' type='result'>  |
       |   [ ... payload ... ]      |
       | </iq>                      |
       | <------------------------- |
       |                            |
       | <iq id='2' type='set'>     |
       |   [ ... payload ... ]      |
       | </iq>                      |
       | -------------------------> |
       |                            |
       | <iq id='2' type='error'>   |
       |   [ ... condition ... ]    |
       | </iq>                      |
       | <------------------------- |
       |                            |

         +--------+                                     +--------+
         |        |                  EAP-EKE-ID/Request |        |
         |  EAP   |<------------------------------------|  EAP   |
         |  peer  |                                     | server |
         |  (P)   | EAP-EKE-ID/Response                 |   (S)  |
         |        |------------------------------------>|        |
         |        |                                     |        |
         |        |              EAP-EKE-Commit/Request |        |
         |        |<------------------------------------|        |
         |        |                                     |        |
         |        | EAP-EKE-Commit/Response             |        |
         |        |------------------------------------>|        |
         |        |                                     |        |
         |        |             EAP-EKE-Confirm/Request |        |
         |        |<------------------------------------|        |
         |        |                                     |        |
         |        | EAP-EKE-Confirm/Response            |        |
         |        |------------------------------------>|        |
         |        |                                     |        |
         |        |          EAP-Success                |        |
         |        |<------------------------------------|        |
         +--------+                                     +--------+

                    +----+                       +---------------+
   IPv4 host(s)-----+ GW +------IPv4-------------| IPv4 Internet |
                    +----+                       +---------------+

   <---private v4--->NAT<--------------public v4----------------->

                    +----+                   +---+  +-------------+
   IPv4 host(s)-----+ GW +------IPv4---------+CGN+--+IPv4 Internet|
                    +----+                   +---+  +-------------+

                 one frac addr            one public addr
                    +----+                   +---+  +-------------+
   IPv4 host(s)-----+ GW +-----p2p link------+CGN+--+IPv4 Internet|
                    +----+                   +---+  +-------------+

   <---private v4--->            NAT             <----public v4--->
                           over a p2p link)

                 one frac addr            one public addr
                    +----+                   +---+  +-------------+
   IPv4 host(s)-----+ GW +======tunnel=======+CGN+--+IPv4 Internet|
                    +----+                   +---+  +-------------+

   <---private v4--->            NAT             <----public v4--->
                            over a tunnel)

                            IPv6-only network
                    +----+                     +---+  +-------------+
   IPv4 host--------+ GW +=======tunnel========+CGN+--+IPv4 Internet|
                    +----+                     +---+  +-------------+

                   +----+                               +-------------+
     IPv6 host-----+    |            +------------------+IPv6 Internet|
                   |    +---IPv6-----+                  +-------------+
   dual-stack host-+ GW |
                   |    |                        +---+  +-------------+
     IPv4 host-----+    +===v4-over-v6 tunnel====+CGN+--+IPv4 Internet|
                   +----+                        +---+  +-------------+

   <-----------private v4 (partially in tunnel)-->NAT<---public v4---->
   <-----------------------------public v6---------------------------->

                             +----+                  +-------------+
                             |    +------------------+IPv6 Internet+
                             |    |                  +-------------+
   IPv6 host-----------------+ GW |
                             |    |                  +-------------+
                             |    +------------------+IPv4 Internet+
                             +----+                  +-------------+

   <-------------------------public v6----------------------------->
   <-------public v6--------->NAT<----------public v4-------------->

   IPv6 host(s)-------(Internet)-----+ GW +------Private IPv4 servers

   <---------public v6--------------->NAT<------private v4---------->

                          ^         ^         ^         ^
                          |         |         |         |
         HELLO (a, b, c, d)         |         |         |
                                    |         |         |
                   HELLO (a, b, c, d)         |         |   ...
                                              |         |
                             HELLO (a, b, c, d)         |
                                       HELLO (a, b, c, d)

     L_time:              |-----------------------------|
                                    |--------------------   ...
                                              |----------   ...
                                                        |   ...

                          ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^
                          |    |    |    |    |    |    |
         HELLO (a, b, c, d)    |    |    |    |    |    |
                               |    |    |    |    |    |
                        HELLO ()    |    |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |    |    |
                   HELLO (a, b, c, d)    |    |    |    |
                                         |    |    |    |   ...
                                  HELLO ()    |    |    |
                                              |    |    |
                             HELLO (a, b, c, d)    |    |
                                                   |    |
                                            HELLO ()    |
                                       HELLO (a, b, c, d)

     L_time:              |-----------------------------|
                               |-------------------------   ...
                                    |--------------------   ...
                                         |---------------   ...
                                              |----------   ...
                                                   |-----   ...
                                                        |   ...

                          ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^
                          |    |    |    |    |    |    |
                   HELLO ()    |    |    |    |    |    |
                               |    |    |    |    |    |
                       HELLO (a)    |    |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |    |    |
                         HELLO (a, b)    |    |    |    |
                                         |    |    |    |   ...
                           HELLO (a, b, c)    |    |    |
                                              |    |    |
                             HELLO (a, b, c, d)    |    |
                                                   |    |
                               HELLO (a, b, c, d, e)    |
                                 HELLO (a, b, c, d, e, f)

     L_time:              |-----------------------------|
                               |-------------------------   ...
                                    |--------------------   ...
                                         |---------------   ...
                                              |----------   ...
                                                   |-----   ...
                                                        |   ...

     REFRESH_INTERVAL:    |-------------------|----------   ...
                               |-------------------|-----   ...
                                    |-------------------|   ...
                                         |---------------   ...
                                              |----------   ...
                                                   |-----   ...
                                                        |   ...

                          ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^
                          |    |    |    |    |    |    |
                   HELLO ()    |    |    |    |    |    |
                               |    |    |    |    |    |
                       HELLO (a)    |    |    |    |    |
                                    |    |    |    |    |
                            HELLO (b)    |    |    |    |
                                         |    |    |    |   ...
                                 HELLO (c)    |    |    |
                                              |    |    |
                                   HELLO (a, d)    |    |
                                                   |    |
                                        HELLO (b, e)    |
                                             HELLO (c, f)

     L_time:              |-----------------------------|
                               |-------------------------   ...
                                    |--------------------   ...
                                         |---------------   ...
                                              |----------   ...
                                                   |-----   ...
                                                        |   ...

                          ^   ^      ^     ^                   ^
                          |   |      |     |                   |
                          |   |      |     |           Time up to which
              HELLO message   |      |     |           received HELLO
              transmission    |      |     |           message content
                              |      |     |           is valid.
                              |      |     |
                              |      |     Time before which all
                              |      |     neighbor information must
                              |      |     be transmitted in HELLO
                              |      |     messages (one or more)
                              |      |
                              |      Latest time for next HELLO message
                              |      transmission
                              Earliest time for next HELLO message

     VALIDITY_TIME:    |--------------------------|

     L_time:           |--------------------------|

     L_HEARD_time:     |--------------------------|

     L_SYM_time:     *-| (i.e.,  expired)
     L_SYM_time:             |--------------------------|

     Time:            -*-----*--------------------------------->
                       ^     ^
                       |     |
      HELLO () received      |
      HELLO (a:HEARD) received

     VALIDITY_TIME:    |--------------------------|

     L_time:           |--------------------------|

     L_HEARD_time:     |--------------------------|

     L_SYM_time:     *-| (i.e.,  expired)
                                 *-| (i.e.,  expired)

     Time:            -*-----*-----*--------------------------------->
                       ^     ^     ^
                       |     |     |
       HELLO () received     |     |
                             |     |
      HELLO (a:HEARD) received     |
             HELLO (a:LOST) received

     Time:       ---*---------------------------------->
                    ^                            ^
                    |                            |
         Formerly symmetric 1-hop neighbor       |
         ceases to be symmetric on this          |
         MANET interface                         |
                      Time up to which network addresses of
                      this neighbor connected using this MANET
                      interface are advertised in HELLO
                      messages on this MANET interface
                      using a LINK_STATUS TLV, Value = LOST

     Time:       ---*---------------------------------->
                    ^                            ^
                    |                            |
         Formerly symmetric 1-hop neighbor       |
         ceases to be symmetric                  |
                      Time up to which network addresses of
                      this neighbor are advertised in HELLO
                      messages on all MANET interfaces
                      using an OTHER_NEIGHB TLV,
                      Value = LOST

     Time:          ---*----------------------------------->
                       ^                            ^
                       |                            |
       Formerly used local interface                |
       network address ceases to be                 |
       assigned to a local interface                |
                               Time up to which this network
                               address is excluded from being
                               included in this router's 2-Hop Set

         __________ __________
        |          |          |
       {1}        {2}        {3}
        |          |          |              {1}--------{2}--------{3}
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +--'--+
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

         __________ __________
        |          |          |
       {1}       {2,4}       {3}
        |          |          |              {1}-------{2,4}-------{3}
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +--'--+
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

         __________ __________
        |          |          |
       {1}        {2}       {3,4}                             +----{3}
        |          |          |              {1}--------{2}---+
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +--'--+                            +----{4}
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

         __________ __________
        |          |          |
      {1,5}      {2,6}      {3,4}                             +----{3}
        |          |          |             {1,5}------{2,6}--+
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +--'--+                            +----{4}
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

         __________ __________
        |          |          |
       {1}        {2}        {3}                              +----{3}
        |          |          |              {1}--------{2}---+
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +-----+                            +----{4}
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+

        |          |
       {1}        {2}                                  +-----+
        |          |                         {1}-------| {2} |------{4}
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +-----+                     | {5} |
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |                     +-----+
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                   |          |
                  {5}        {4}

         __________ __________
        |          |          |
       {1}        {2}        {3}                      +-----+   +----{3}
        |          |          |             {1}-------| {2} |---+
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +-----+                    | {5} |   +----{4}
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |                    +-----+
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
                   |          |
                  {5}        {4}

         __________ __________
        |          |          |                       +-----+
       {1}        {2}        {3}            {1}-------| {2} |--------{3}
        |          |          |                       | {5} |
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +-----+                    +-----+
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+                    +-----+
        |          |                                  | {2} |
       {6}        {5}                       {6}-------| {5} |--------{3}
        |__________|                                  +-----+

         __________ __________
        |          |          |                       +-----+   +----{3}
       {1}        {2}        {3}            {1}-------| {2} |---+
        |          |          |                       | {5} |   +----{4}
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +-----+                    +-----+
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+                    +-----+
        |          |          |                       | {2} |   +----{3}
       {6}        {5}        {4}            {6}-------| {5} |---+
        |__________|__________|                       +-----+   +----{4}

         __________ __________                            +------|
        |          |          |                 +-----+   |      +--{10}
      {1,2}      {5,6}      {9,10}       {1,2}--|{5,6}|---+
        |          |          |                 |{7,8}|   |      +--{11}
     +--'--+    +--'--+    +-----+              +-----+   +------|
     |  A  |    |  B  |    |  C  |                               +--{12}
     +-----+    +-----+    +-----+
        |          |          |                                  +--{9}
        |          |          |                 +-----+   +------|
        |          |          |                 |{5,6}|   |      +--{10}
      {3,4}      {7,8}     {11,12}       {3,4}--|{7,8}|---+
        |__________|__________|                 +-----+   |      +--{11}

         __________ __________
        |     _____|          |
       {1}   |    {2}        {3}             {1}--------{2}---------{3}
        |    |     |          |
     +--'--+ |  +--'--+    +-----+
     |  A  | |  |  B  |    |  C  |
     +-----+ |  +-----+    +-----+
        |    |
       {6}   |                               {6}--------{2}---------{3}

                        Customer OAM Domain

                           Customer OAM Domain
    (A)     |<----------------------------------------------->|

                     Operator     Operator     Operator
    (C)            |<--------->|<---------->|<-------->|
                     OAM Domain  OAM Domain   OAM Domain

           |<------------- VPWS1 <AC11,PW1,AC12> ------------>|
           |                                                  |
           |          +----+                  +----+          |
      +----+          |    |==================|    |          +----+
      |    |---AC11---|    |.......PW1........|    |--AC12----|    |
      | CE1|          |PE1 |                  | PE2|          |CE2 |
      |    |---AC21---|    |.......PW2........|    |--AC22----|    |
      +----+          |    |==================|    |          +----+
           |          +----+     PSN Tunnel   +----+          |
           |                                                  |
           |<------------- VPWS2 <AC21,PW2,AC22> ------------>|

              access             core                 access

                         Customer OAM Domain
     (A) |<------------------------------------------------->|

                         Customer OAM Domain
    (A) |<-------------------------------------------------->|

                    Service Provider (SP) OAM Domain
    (B)  |<------------------------------------------------>|

            SP OAM             SP OAM             SP OAM
    (C)  |<--------->|<----------------------->|<---------->|
            Domain              Domain             Domain

           Operator            Operator          Operator
    (D)  |<--------->|<----------------------->|<---------->|
          OAM Domain          OAM Domain         OAM Domain

                           | Opened/Closed (X)|
     /-----------------------|  Reopened    |<-------------------\
     |                       |              |----------\         |
     |                       +--------------+          |         |
     |                             ^                   |         |
     |                             |                   |         |
     |                             V                   |         |
     |                     +-------------------+       |         |
     |                     | Superseded    (X) |       |         |
     |                     | or Inactive   (X) |       |         |
     |  /----------------->| or Cancelled  (X) |<---\  |         |
     |  |                  +-------------------+    |  |         |
     |  |                          ^                |  |         |
     |  |                          |                |  V         |
     |  |            +--------+    |            +--------+       |
     |  |  /---------| Opened |----/            | Solved |-----\ |
     |  |  |         |        |---------------->|        |     | |
     |  |  |         +--------+                 +--------+     | |
     |  |  |             |                          ^          | |
     V  |  V             |                          |          | |
   +---------+           |                          |          | |
   |         |----------(|)-------------------------/          V V
   | Updated |           |                              +------------+
   |         |----------(|)---------------------------->|            |
   +---------+           |                              | Closed (X) |
                         \----------------------------->|            |

                         Provider-Edge Interfaces
                                  x   x        x
                                  |   |        |
             +--------------------+---+--------+----------+    E
             |                    |   |        |          |    n
             |    I               |   |  ....  |          |    t
             |    n           +---+---+--------+---+      |    e
             |    t           |   +--------+      /|      |    r
             |    e  I   x----+   |  Host  |   I /*+------+--< p  I
             |    r  n        |   |Function|   n|**|      |    r  n
             |    n  t        |   +--------+   t|**|      |    i  t
             |    a  e   x----+              V e|**+------+--< s  e
             |    l  r      . |              E r|**|  .   |    e  r
             |       f      . |              T f|**|  .   |       f
             |    V  a      . |   +--------+   a|**|  .   |    I  a
             |    i  c      . |   | Router |   c|**|  .   |    n  c
             |    r  e   x----+   |Function|   e \*+------+--< t  e
             |    t  s        |   +--------+      \|      |    e  s
             |    u           +---+---+--------+---+      |    r
             |    a               |   |  ....  |          |    i
             |    l               |   |        |          |    o
             +--------------------+---+--------+----------+    r
                                  |   |        |
                                  x   x        x
                        Enterprise-Edge Interfaces

      EID                          RLOC                       EID
       PA                         Spaces                       PI
   Allocation                                             Registration
                    .-------------------------------.          ^
                   /           Internet Commons      \         |
                   |  .---------------------------.   |        |
  2001:DB8::/40    | /         Enterprise A        \  | 2001:DB8:10::/56
        |          |/              10.1/16          \ |        ^
        |          ||  .-------------------------.   ||        |
        V          || /         Enterprise A.1    \  ||        |
  2001:DB8::/48    || |            10.1/16        |  || 2001:DB8:11::/56
                   ||  \_________________________/  / |
                   | \                             /  |
                   |   ---------------------------    |
                   |                                  |
                   |  .---------------------------.   |
                   | /         Enterprise B        \  |
 2001:DB8:100::/40 | |            10.1/16           | | 2001:DB8:12::/56
                   |  \____________________________/  |
                    \                                 /

                      _.---''                         -.
                 ,--''           ,---.                 `---.
              ,-'              X5     X6            .---..  `-.
            ,\'  ,.X1-..       /         \        ,'       `.  `.
          ,\'  ,'       `.    .'  E2     '.     X8    Em     \   `.
         /   /           \   |   ,--.    |     / _,.._        \    \
        /   /   E1        \  | Y3    `.  |    | /     Y7      |     \
       ;   |    ___        | |  ` W  Y4  |... | `Y6  ,'       |      :
       |   | ,-'   `.     X2 |   `--'    |    |   `''         |      |
       :   | |  V  Y2      | \    _      /    |               |      ;
        \  | `-Y1,,'       |  \ .' Y5   /      \    ,-Y8'`-  /      /
         \  \             /    \ \_'   /       X9   `.    ,'/      /
          `. \          X3      `.__,,'          `._  Y9'','     ,'
            ` `._     _,'      ___.......X7_        `---'      ,'
              `  `---'      ,-'             `-.              -'
                 `---.      `.    E3     Z   _'        _.--'
                      `-----. \---.......---'   _.---''

                      -------|-----            Wksta        Wksta
                      |  Firewall  |_____________|____________|
                      |    NAT     |

                |           <|--
                |     VET2 < |
                |           <|---
                |            |
                |            |      Server     Server
                |      VET1 <|--------|-----------|-------
                |            |
                | +--------+ |           Wksta        Wksta
                | |Firewall| |_____________|____________|
                | |   NAT  | |
                | +--------+ |

                 |           <|------------London
                 |     VET2 < |
                 |           <|--------------------New York
                 |            |
                 |            |      Server     Server
                 |     VET1  <|--------|-----------|-------
                 |            |
                 | +--------+ |          Wksta        Wksta
                 | |Firewall| |_____________|____________|
                 | |   NAT  | |
                 | +--------+ |

                                                            | IPv6 |
       " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "       |  S1  |
     "                                               "      +--+---+
   "     . . . . . . .       . . . .      . . . .     "        |
   "   .               .    .       .    .       .    "        |
   "   .  +----+   v   +----+   v   +----+       +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .  | V  +=  e  =+ Y1 +=  e  =+ X2 +=     =+ R2 +==+   Internet  |
   "   .  +-+--+   t   +----+   t   +----+       +----+  +-----+-------+
   "   .    |      1   .    .   2   .    .       .    "        |
   "    .   H         .     .       .    .   v   .    "        |
   "      . . . . . .        . . . .     .   e   .    "     +--+---+
   "                                     .   t   .    "     | IPv4 |
   "                  . . . . . . ,      .   3   .    "     |Server|
   "                .  +----+   v   +----+       .    "     |  S2  |
   "                .  | Z  +=  e  =+ X7 +=      .    "     +------+
   "                .  +-+--+   t   +----+       .    "
   "                .    |      4   .    .       .    "
   "                .    J         .      . . . .     "
    "                 . . . . . . .                   "
      "                                              "
        " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " "

              IPv4 App A                               IPv4 App B
            _____________                            _____________
           |_TCP or UDP__|                          |_TCP or UDP__|
           |____IPv4_____|                          |____IPv4_____|
            ______|______                           _______|_____
           /             \                         /             \
           |  IPv4-Only   |                        |  IPv4-Only   |
           |   Site 1     |                        |   Site 2     |
           \_____________/                         \_____________/
            ______|______                            ______|_______
           |____IPv4_____|       _____________      |____IPv4_____|
           |NAT-PT-equiv_|      /             \     |NAT-PT-equiv_|
           |_TCP or UDP__|      |   Internet   |    |_TCP or UDP__|
           |____IPv6_____|      |   (RANGER)   |    |____IPv6_____|
           |__VET/SEAL___|      \_____________/     |__VET/SEAL___|
                  \_______________/         \___________/

           IPv4 App A                               IPv4 App B
         _____________        _____________       _____________
        |_TCP or UDP__|      /             \     |_TCP or UDP__|
        |____BIS______|      |   Internet   |    |____BIS______|
        |____IPv6_____|      |   (RANGER)   |    |____IPv6_____|
        |__VET/SEAL___|      \_____________/     |__VET/SEAL___|
               \_______________/         \___________/

  Aircraft - - - - - - ,.- - - - - -.- - ->
        .             ,  .           .                        +------+
         .           ,    .           .                       | IPv6 |
          .         ,      .           .                      |Server|
         " ." " " ", "" " " ." " "  " " .? " " " " "          |  S1  |
       "    .     ,          .           .            "       +--+---+
     "       .   ,            .           .            "         |
     "     . ...            . . .         . . +----+    "        |
     "   .       .        .      .      .    =+ X3 +    "        |
     "   .   v  +--- +   . v      .     .  v  +----+    ?        |
     "   .   e =+ Y1 +   . e      .     .  e  .       +----+  +--------+
     "   .   t  +----+   . t    +----+  .  t  .      =+-R2-+==+Internet|
     "   .   1   .       . 2   =+ X2 +  .  3  .       +----+  +--------+
     "    .     .         .     +----+   .   .          "        |
     "      . .             . . .         . .           "     +------+
      "    <ACSP1>       <ACSP2>        <ANSP>          "     | IPv4 |
        "                                              "      |Server|
          "                - - vet4 - -               "       |  S2  |
            " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " "          |  S2  |
                 <-- Aero Enterprise Network -->              +------+

                                                            | IPv6 |
       " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "       |  S1  |
     "      Law Enforcement Enterprise Network       "      +--+---+
    "    2001:DB8:10::/56 (PI)  ---------------->     "        |
   "      . . . . . . . +--- +            . . . .     "        |
   "    .              =+ X3 +===========.       .    "  +-----+-------+
   "   .  +----+   v    +--- +           .   v   +----+  |             +
   "   .  | V  +=  e    .      . .       .   e  =+ R2 +==+             |
   "   .  +-+--+   t    .    .      +----+   t   +----+  |             |
   "   .    |      3   .    . vet2  + X4 +=  1   .    "  |             |
   "    .   H1        .     .       +----+       .    "  |             |
   "      . . . . . .        . . . .      . . . .     "  |             |
    "       <L1.2>           <L1.1>        <L1>       "  |             |
      "      10/8             10/8         10/8      "   |             |
        " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " "     |   Internet  |
                                                         |             |
       " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "    |             |
     "     USDA Forest Service Enterprise Network    "   |             |
    "         <----------------- 2001:DB8::/40 (PA)  "   |             |
   "      . . . . . . . +--- +            . . . .     "  |             |
   "    .              =+ X1 +===========.       .    "  |             |
   "   .  +----+   v    +--- +           .   v   +----+  |             |
   "   .  | J  +=  e    .      . .       .   e  =+ R1 +==+             |
   "   .  +-+--+   t    .    .      +----+   t   +----+  |             |
   "   .    |      6   .    . vet5  + X2 +=  4   .    "  +-----+-------+
   "    .   H2        .     .       +----+       .    "        |
   "      . . . . . .        . . . .      . . . .     "     +--+---+
    "       <F1.2>           <F1.1>        <F1>       "     | IPv4 |
      "      10/8             10/8         10/8      "      |Server|
        " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " "        |  S2  |

              /                                              \
             (                  IPv4 Internet                 )
                    |         /       |       \       |
                    |        /        |        \      |
              /                                              \
             (                  Aero Overlay                  )
               .  .         .          .            .   .
              .   .           .       .             .    .
       _...-------.._       _...-------.._      _...-------.._
      /              \     /              \    /              \
     (      ACSP1     )   (      ANSP      )  (     ACSP2      )
      -...________...-     -...________...-    -...________...-

            /           (B)                   (D)          \
           (                  Aero Overlay (IPv4)           )
                 .                  .            .
               (A)                (C)            .
               .                  .              .
      _...------------------------.._           (E)
     /                               \           .
    /      (F)                        \          .
   (     [H]       ACSP (IPv6)         )         .
    \                      (G)        /          .
     \...__________________________...           .
                                     /                               \
                                    /     (M)                (N)      \
                                   (               ANSP (IPv6)         )
                                    \                          [S]    /

   Internet                        SSP                          SIP-PBX
   |                                |                                 |
   |                                |(1) REGISTER                     |
   |                                |Contact:<sip:;bnc>   |
   |                                |<--------------------------------|
   |                                |                                 |
   |                                |(2) 200 OK                       |
   |                                |-------------------------------->|
   |                                |                                 |
   |(3) INVITE                      |                                 |
   |sip:+12145550105@ssp.example.com|                                 |
   |------------------------------->|                                 |
   |                                |                                 |
   |                                |(4) INVITE                       |
   |                                |sip:+12145550105@    |
   |                                |-------------------------------->| (1) The SIP-PBX registers with the SSP for a range of AORs.

   Internet                        SSP                          SIP-PBX
   |                                |                                 |
   |                                |(1) REGISTER                     |
   |                                |Path:<sip:pbx@;lr>   |
   |                                |Contact:<sip:pbx.example;bnc>    |
   |                                |<--------------------------------|
   |                                |                                 |
   |                                |(2) 200 OK                       |
   |                                |-------------------------------->|
   |                                |                                 |
   |(3) INVITE                      |                                 |
   |sip:+12145550105@ssp.example.com|                                 |
   |------------------------------->|                                 |
   |                                |                                 |
   |                                |(4) INVITE                       |
   |                                |sip:+12145550105@pbx.example     |
   |                                |Route:<sip:pbx@;lr>  |
   |                                |-------------------------------->| (1) The SIP-PBX registers with the SSP for a range of AORs.
       It includes the form of the URI it expects to receive in the
       Request URI in its "Contact" header field, and it includes
       information that routes to the SIP-PBX in the "Path" header

                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(2) 200 OK SDP2----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(3) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(4) INVITE SDP3--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<-----------------(5) 4xx-------------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(6) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |

                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(2) 200 OK SDP2----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(3) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(4) INVITE SDP3--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(5) 200 OK SDP4----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(6) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |

                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(2) 200 OK SDP2----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(3) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(4) INVITE SDP3--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<----(5) 183 Session Progress SDP4----------|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(6) UPDATE SDP5----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(7) 200 OK SDP6--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<---------------(8) 200 OK------------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(9) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |

                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(1) INVITE SDP1--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(2) 200 OK SDP2----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |------------------(3) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(4) INVITE SDP3--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<----(5) 183 Session Progress SDP4----------|
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(6) UPDATE SDP5--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(7) 200 OK SDP6----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |                                            |
                  |<------------(8) UPDATE SDP7----------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |-------------(9) 200 OK SDP8--------------->|
                  |                                            |
                  |<--------------(10) 200 OK------------------|
                  |                                            |
                  |-----------------(11) ACK------------------>|
                  |                                            |

              |                      |                      |
              |----(1) INVITE SDP1-->|                      |
              |                      |----(2) INVITE SDP1-->|
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |<----(3) 183 SDP2-----| a:sendrecv
  a:sendrecv  |<----(4) 183 SDP2-----|                      | v:recvonly
  v:sendonly  |                      |                      |
              |                      |<------(5) 4xx -------|
              |                      |-------(6) ACK ------>| a:sendrecv
              |           +-(7) 4xx -|                      | v:inactive
              |           |          |<---(8) UPDATE SDP3---|
              |<---(9) UPDATE SDP3---|                      |
              |           |          |                      |
  a:sendonly  |---(10) 200 OK SDP4-->|                      |
  v:inactive  |           |          |---(11) 200 OK SDP4-->| a:recvonly
              |<-(7) 4xx -+          |                      | v:inactive
  a:sendrecv  |------(12) ACK ------>|                      |
  v:inactive  |                      |                      |

   | Number            | Name                       | References       |
   | 0                 | Raw                        | (this document)  |
   | 1                 | CopyRect                   | (this document)  |
   | 2                 | RRE                        | (this document)  |
   | 5                 | Hextile                    | (this document)  |
   | 16                | ZRLE                       | (this document)  |
   | -239              | Cursor pseudo-encoding     | (this document)  |
   | -223              | DesktopSize                | (this document)  |
   |                   | pseudo-encoding            |                  |
   | 4                 | CoRRE                      | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | 6                 | zlib                       | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | 7                 | tight                      | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | 8                 | zlibhex                    | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | 15                | TRLE                       | (this document)  |
   | 17                | Hitachi ZYWRLE             | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | 1024 to 1099      | RealVNC                    | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -1 to -222        | tight options              | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -224 to -238      | tight options              | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -240 to -256      | tight options              | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -257 to -272      | Anthony Liguori            | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -273 to -304      | VMWare                     | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -305              | gii                        | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -306              | popa                       | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -307              | Peter Astrand DesktopName  | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -308              | Pierre Ossman              | (historic        |
   |                   | ExtendedDesktopSize        | assignment)      |
   | -309              | Colin Dean xvp             | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -310              | OLIVE Call Control         | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -412 to -512      | TurboVNC fine-grained      | (historic        |
   |                   | quality level              | assignment)      |

   | -523 to -524      | Nokia Terminal Mode Spec   | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | -763 to -768      | TurboVNC subsampling level | (historic        |
   |                   |                            | assignment)      |
   | 0x574d5600 to     | VMWare                     | (historic        |
   | 0x574d56ff        |                            | assignment)      |

             //        \\       -----------
            /            \     //          \\
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  The IPv4    +----+  An IPv6      |
          |  Internet    +----+  Network      |  XLAT: IPv6/IPv4
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS64
            \            /     \\          //
             \\        //       -----------

             //        \\        ----------
            /            \     //          \\
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  The IPv4    +----+  An IPv6      |
          |  Internet    +----+  Network      |  XLAT: IPv4/IPv6
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS46
            \            /     \\          //
             \\        //        ----------

              ----------       //         \\
            //          \\    /             \
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  An IPv4     +----+  The IPv6     |
          |  Network     +----+  Internet     |  XLAT: IPv6/IPv4
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+               /  DNS:  DNS64
            \\         //      \             /
              ---------         \\         //

              ----------       //         \\
            //          \\    /             \
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  An IPv4     +----+  The IPv6     |  XLAT: IPv4/IPv6
          |  Network     +----+  Internet     |        Translator
          |              |DNS |               |  DNS:  DNS46
           \             +----+               /
            \\         //      \             /
              ---------         \\         //

              ---------          ---------
            //         \\      //          \\
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  An IPv4     +----+  An IPv6      |
          |  Network     +----+  Network      |  XLAT: IPv6/IPv4
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS64
            \\         //      \\          //
               --------          ---------

               --------          ---------
            //         \\      //          \\
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  An IPv4     +----+  An IPv6      |
          |  Network     +----+  Network      |  XLAT: IPv4/IPv6
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS46
             \\        //      \\          //
               --------          ---------

               --------          ---------
             //       \\        //        \\
            /           \      /            \
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  The IPv4    +----+  The IPv6     |
          |  Internet    +----+  Internet     |  XLAT: IPv6/IPv4
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS64
             \          /      \            /
              \\      //        \\        //
               --------          ---------

               --------          ---------
             //       \\        //        \\
            /           \      /            \
           /             +----+              \
          |              |XLAT|               |
          |  The IPv4    +----+  The IPv6     |
          |  Internet    +----+  Internet     |  XLAT: IPv4/IPv6
          |              |DNS |               |        Translator
           \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS46
             \          /      \            /
              \\      //        \\        //
               --------          ---------

         //        \\       -----------
        /            \     //          \\
       /             +----+              \
      |              |XLAT|               |
      |  The IPv4    +----+  An IPv6      |
      |  Internet    +----+  Network      |  XLAT: Stateless IPv4/IPv6
      |              |DNS |  (address     |        Translator
       \             +----+   subset)    /   DNS:  DNS64/DNS46
        \            /     \\          //
         \\        //        ----------

           --------          ---------
        //         \\      //          \\
       /             +----+              \
      |              |XLAT|               |
      |  An IPv4     +----+  An IPv6      |
      |  Network     +----+  Network      |  XLAT: Stateless IPv4/IPv6
      |              |DNS |  (address     |        Translator
       \             +----+   subset)    /   DNS:  DNS64/DNS46
         \\        //      \\          //
           --------          ---------

         //        \\       -----------
        /            \     //          \\
       /             +----+              \
      |              |XLAT|               |
      |  The IPv4    +----+  An IPv6      |
      |  Internet    +----+  Network      |  XLAT: Stateful IPv4/IPv6
      |              |DNS |               |        Translator
       \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS64
        \            /     \\          //
         \\        //       -----------

          ----------       //         \\
         //          \\    /             \
       /             +----+              \
      |              |XLAT|               |
      |  An IPv4     +----+  The IPv6     |
      |  Network     +----+  Internet     |  XLAT: Stateful IPv4/IPv6
      |              |DNS |               |        Translator
       \             +----+               /  DNS:  DNS64
        \\         //      \             /
          ---------         \\         //

           --------          ---------
        //         \\      //          \\
       /             +----+              \
      |              |XLAT|               |
      |  An IPv4     +----+  An IPv6      |
      |  Network     +----+  Network      |  XLAT: Stateful IPv4/IPv6
      |              |DNS |               |        Translator
       \             +----+              /   DNS:  DNS64
         \\        //      \\          //
           --------          ---------

              |   Framework for IPv4/IPv6 Translation  |
                 ||                                 ||
   |             ||     stateless and stateful      ||                 |
   |   --------------------                   ---------------------    |
   |  |Address Translation |   <========     | IP/ICMP Translation |   |
   |   --------------------                   ---------------------    |
   |          /\                                        /\             |
   |          ||                      ------------------||------------ |
   |          ||                     |  stateful        \/             |
   |   -----------------             |        ---------------------    |
   |  |   DNS64/DNS46   |            |       |  Table Maintenance  |   |
   |   -----------------             |        ---------------------    |
              /\                                        /\
              ||                                        ||
       -----------------                       --------------------
      |     FTP ALG     |                     |      Others        |
       -----------------                       --------------------

                    //////                        \\\\\\
                ///         IPv4 or Dual Stack           \\\
              ||    +----+      Routing          +-----+    ||
             |      |IPv4|                       |IPv4+|      |
             |      |Host|                       |IPv6 |      |
              ||    +----+                       |Host |    ||
                \\\                              +-----+ ///
                    \\\\\----+----+-+-----+ +----+-/////
                             |XLAT|-|DNS64|-|FTP |
                             |    |-|DNS46|-|ALG |
                    /////----+----+ +-----+ +----+-\\\\\
                ///                                      \\\
              ||    +-----+                     +----+      ||
             |      |IPv4+|                     |IPv6|        |
             |      |IPv6 |                     |Host|        |
              ||    |Host |                     +----+      ||
                \\\ +-----+  IPv6-only Routing           ///
                    \\\\\\                        //////

                ---------          ---------
              //        \\       //         \\
            /             +----+              \
           |              |XLAT|               | XLAT: IP/ICMP
           |   IPv4       +----+   IPv6        |       Translator
           |   Domain     |    |   Domain      |
           |              |    |               |
            \             |    |              /
             \\         //      \\          //
                --------          ---------

            +--------------+                   +--------------+
            | IPv4 network |                   | IPv6 network |
            |              |     +-------+     |              |
            |   +----+     |-----| XLAT  |---- |  +----+      |
            |   | H4 |-----|     +-------+     |--| H6 |      |
            |   +----+     |                   |  +----+      |
            +--------------+                   +--------------+

             +---------------------+         +---------------+
             |IPv6 network         |         |    IPv4       |
             |           |  +-------------+  |  network      |
             |           |--| Name server |--|               |
             |           |  | with DNS64  |  |  +----+       |
             |  +----+   |  +-------------+  |  | H2 |       |
             |  | H1 |---|         |         |  +----+       |
             |  +----+   |      +-------+    |    |
             |2001:db8::1|------| NAT64 |----|               |
             |           |      +-------+    |               |
             |           |         |         |               |
             +---------------------+         +---------------+

                                      |                             |
                                      V                             |
                       V6       +------+      V4                    |
                  +----SYN------|CLOSED|-----SYN------+             |
                  |             +------+              |             |
                  |                ^                  |             |
                  |                |TCP_TRANS T.O.    |             |
                  V                |                  V             |
              +-------+         +-------+          +-------+        |
              |V6 INIT|         | TRANS |          |V4 INIT|        |
              +-------+         +-------+          +-------+        |
                 |               |    ^               |             |
                 |         data pkt   |               |             |
                 |               |  V4 or V6 RST      |             |
                 |               |  TCP_EST T.O.      |             |
              V4 SYN             V    |              V6 SYN         |
                 |          +--------------+          |             |
                 +--------->| ESTABLISHED  |<---------+             |
                            +--------------+                        |
                              |           |                         |
                          V4 FIN       V6 FIN                       |
                              |           |                         |
                              V           V                         |
                      +---------+       +----------+                |
                      | V4 FIN  |       |  V6 FIN  |                |
                      |   RCV   |       |    RCV   |                |
                      +---------+       +----------+                |
                              |           |                         |
                          V6 FIN       V4 FIN                 TCP_TRANS
                              |           |                        T.O.
                              V           V                         |
                         +---------------------+                    |
                         | V4 FIN + V6 FIN RCV |--------------------+

             +---------------+                 +-------------+
             |      i1 (IPv6)+----NAT64--------+IPv4 Internet|
             |               |                 +-------------+
             | host          |
             |               |                 +-------------+
             |      i2 (IPv6)+-----------------+IPv6 Internet|
             +---------------+                 +-------------+

             +---------------+                 +-------------+
             |      i1 (IPv6)+----NAT64--------+IPv4 Internet|
             |               |                 +-------------+
             | host          |
             |               |                 +-------------+
             |      i2 (IPv4)+-----------------+IPv4 Internet|
             +---------------+                 +-------------+

             +---------------+                 +-------------+
             |      i1 (IPv6)+----NAT64--------+IPv4 Internet|
             |               |                 +-------------+
             | host          |
             |               |
             |      i2 (IPv4)+---(local LAN only)

             +---------------------+         +---------------+
             |IPv6 network         |         |    IPv4       |
             |           |  +-------------+  |  Internet     |
             |           |--| Name server |--|               |
             |           |  | with DNS64  |  |  +----+       |
             |  +----+   |  +-------------+  |  | H2 |       |
             |  | H1 |---|         |         |  +----+       |
             |  +----+   |   +------------+  |    |
             |           |---| IPv6/IPv4  |--|               |
             |           |   | Translator |  |               |
             |           |   +------------+  |               |
             |           |         |         |               |
             +---------------------+         +---------------+

             +---------------------+         +---------------+
             |IPv6 network         |         |    IPv4       |
             |           |     +--------+    |  Internet     |
             |           |-----| Name   |----|               |
             | +-----+   |     | server |    |  +----+       |
             | | H1  |   |     +--------+    |  | H2 |       |
             | |with |---|         |         |  +----+       |
             | |DNS64|   |   +------------+  |    |
             | +----+    |---| IPv6/IPv4  |--|               |
             |           |   | Translator |  |               |
             |           |   +------------+  |               |
             |           |         |         |               |
             +---------------------+         +---------------+

              +-----------+          +----------------------+
              |           |          |   IPv4 site          |
              |   IPv6    |    +------------+  |   +----+   |
              | Internet  |----| IPv6/IPv4  |--|---| H2 |   |
              |           |    | Translator |  |   +----+   |
              |           |    +------------+  |            |
              |           |          |         |  |
              |           |    +------------+  |            |
              |           |----| Name server|--|            |
              |           |    | with DNS64 |  |            |
              +-----------+    +------------+  |            |
                |                    |         |            |
              +----+                 |                      |
              | H1 |                 +----------------------+

              |  DHCP  |     +--------------+
              | Server |-...-|    DSLAM     |
              |        |     |  Relay Agent |
              +--------+     +--------------+
                                |        |
                            +------+   +------+
                            |Modem1|   |Modem2|
                            +------+   +------+
                               |        |    |
                            +-----+  +-----+ +-----+
                            |Node1|  |Node2| |Node3|
                            +-----+  +-----+ +-----+

     UAC            Proxy           UAS
    (IPv4)            P           (IPv6)
      |          (IPv4/IPv6)         |
      |               |              |
      +---F1--------->|              |
      |               +---F2-------->|
      |               |              |
      |               |<--F3---------+
      |<--F4----------+              |
     ...             ...            ...
      |               |              |
      V               V              V

      ER-                     ER-                   ER-         ER-
  Originator   AAA relays   Proxy1   AAA relays   Proxy2    Destination
     (o.r1                  (p.r1                 (p.r2       (d.r2
    .example)              .example)             .example)   .example)
                    |          |          |          |          |
  cache=(empty)     |          |          |          |          |
      ------------->|--------->|          |          |          |
   (1st request of the session)|          |          |          |
        Explicit-Path=         |          |          |          |
          o.r1.example,r1.example         |          |          |
    dest-host=d.r2.example     |          |          |          |
    dest-realm=r2.example      |          |          |          |
                    |          |          |          |          |
                    |          |--------->|--------->|          |
                    |          |  (forwarded request)|          |
                    |          |  Explicit-Path=     |          |
                    |          |    record1=o.r1.example,r1.example
                    |          |    record2=p.r1.example,r1.example
                    |          |  dest-host=d.r2.example        |
                    |          |  dest-realm=r2.example         |
                    |          |          |          |          |
                    |          |          |          |--------->|
                    |          |          |      (forwarded request)
                    |          |          |      Explicit-Path=
                    |          |          |       record1=o.r1.example,
                    |          |          |               r1.example
                    |          |          |       record2=p.r1.example,
                    |          |          |               r1.example
                    |          |          |       record3=p.r2.example,
                    |          |          |               r2.example
                    |          |          |     dest-host=d.r2.example
                    |          |          |     dest-realm=r2.example
                    |          |          |          |          |
   cache=           |<---------|<---------|<---------|<---------|
     record1=o.r1.example,r1.example         (answer)           |
     record2=p.r1.example,r1.example   Explicit-Path=
     record3=p.r2.example,r2.example    record1=o.r1.example,r1.example
     record4=d.r2.example,r2.example    record2=p.r1.example,r1.example
                    |          |        record3=p.r2.example,r2.example
                    |          |        record4=d.r2.example,r2.example
   Note: An originator pre-configuring    |          |          |
         its local cache can skip the     |          |          |
         exchange above and send the      |          |          |
         initial request as shown below.  |          |          |

                    |          |          |          |          |
      ------------->|--------->|          |          |          |
   (subsequent request of the session)    |          |          |
        Explicit-Path=         |          |          |          |
  record1=p.r1.example,r1.example         |          |          |
  record2=p.r2.example,r2.example         |          |          |
  record3=d.r2.example,r2.example         |          |          |
    dest-host=p.r1.example     |          |          |          |
    dest-realm=r1.example      |          |          |          |
                    |          |--------->|--------->|          |
                    |          |  (forwarded request)|          |
                    |          |  Explicit-Path=     |          |
                    |          |      record1=p.r2.example,r2.example
                    |          |      record2=d.r2.example,r2.example
                    |          |  dest-host=p.r2.example        |
                    |          |  dest-realm=r2.example         |
                    |          |          |          |          |
                    |          |          |          |--------->|
                    |          |          |     (forwarded request)
                    |          |          |     Explicit-Path
                    |          |          |       record1=d.r2.example,
                    |          |          |               r2.example
                    |          |          |     dest-host=d.r2.example
                    |          |          |     dest-realm=r2.example
                    |          |          |          |          |
   cache=           |<---------|<---------|<---------|<---------|
     record1=o.r1.example,r1.example    (answer)     |          |
     record2=p.r1.example,r1.example    * no Explicit-Path-AVP present
     record3=p.r2.example,r2.example      |          |          |
     record4=d.r2.example,r2.example      |          |          |
                    |          |          |          |          |
                    |          |          |          |          |
    (subsequent request of the session will repeat the process above)
                    |          |          |          |          |
                    |          |          |          |          |

       Line side input    +---------------------+  Line side output
                      --->|                     |--->
                          |                     |
                          |        ROADM        |
                          |                     |
                          |                     |
                              | | | |  o o o o
                              | | | |  | | | |
                              O O O O  | | | |
      Tributary Side:   Drop (output)  Add (input)

   Line side-1    --->|                       |--->    Line side-2
   Input (I1)         |                       |        Output (E2)
   Line side-1    <---|                       |<---    Line side-2
   Output  (E1)       |                       |        Input (I2)
                      |         ROADM         |
   Line side-3    --->|                       |--->    Line side-4
   Input (I3)         |                       |        Output (E4)
   Line side-3    <---|                       |<---    Line side-4
   Output (E3)        |                       |        Input (I4)
                      |                       |
                      | O    | O    | O    | O
                      | |    | |    | |    | |
                      O |    O |    O |    O |
   Tributary Side:   E5 I5  E6 I6  E7 I7  E8 I8

    |Function          |       SONET/SDH      |     G.709 OTUk        |
    |                  |       Regenerator    |                       |
    |                  |       Section        |                       |
    |Signal            |       J0 (section    |  Trail Trace          |
    |Identifier        |       trace)         |  Identifier (TTI)     |
    |Performance       |       BIP-8 (B1)     |  BIP-8 (within SM)    |
    |Monitoring        |                      |                       |
    |Management        |       D1-D3 bytes    |  GCC0 (general        |
    |Communications    |                      |  communications       |
    |                  |                      |  channel)             |
    |Fault Management  |       A1, A2 framing | FAS (frame alignment  |
    |                  |       bytes          | signal), BDI (backward|
    |                  |                      | defect indication),   |
    |                  |                      | BEI (backward error   |
    |                  |                      | indication)           |
    |Forward Error     |       P1,Q1 bytes    |  OTUk FEC             |
    |Correction (FEC)  |                      |                       |

      I1   +-------------+                       +-------------+ E1
     ----->|             |      +--------+       |             |----->
      I2   |             +------+ WC #1  +-------+             | E2
     ----->|             |      +--------+       |             |----->
           | Wavelength  |                       |  Wavelength |
           | Converter   |      +--------+       |  Converter  |
           | Pool        +------+ WC #2  +-------+  Pool       |
           |             |      +--------+       |             |
           | Input       |                       |  Output     |
           | Connection  |           .           |  Connection |
           | Matrix      |           .           |  Matrix     |
           |             |           .           |             |
           |             |                       |             |
      IN   |             |      +--------+       |             | EM
     ----->|             +------+ WC #P  +-------+             |----->
           |             |      +--------+       |             |
           +-------------+   ^               ^   +-------------+
                             |               |
                             |               |
                             |               |
                             |               |

                 +-----------+ ___________                +------+
                 |           |--------------------------->|      |
                 |           |--------------------------->|  C   |
           /|    |           |--------------------------->|  o   | E1
     I1   /D+--->|           |--------------------------->|  m   |
         + e+--->|           |                            |  b   |====>
    ====>| M|    |  Optical  |    +-----------+  +----+   |  i   |
         + u+--->|   Switch  |    |  WC Pool  |  |O  S|-->|  n   |
          \x+--->|           |    |  +-----+  |  |p  w|-->|  e   |
           \|    |           +----+->|WC #1|--+->|t  i|   |  r   |
                 |           |    |  +-----+  |  |i  t|   +------+
                 |           |    |           |  |c  c|   +------+
           /|    |           |    |  +-----+  |  |a  h|-->|      |
     I2   /D+--->|           +----+->|WC #2|--+->|l   |-->|  C   | E2
         + e+--->|           |    |  +-----+  |  |    |   |  o   |
    ====>| M|    |           |    +-----------+  +----+   |  m   |====>
         + u+--->|           |                            |  b   |
          \x+--->|           |--------------------------->|  i   |
           \|    |           |--------------------------->|  n   |
                 |           |--------------------------->|  e   |
                 |___________|--------------------------->|  r   |
                 +-----------+                            +------+

                 +-----------+                            +------+
                 |           |--------------------------->|      |
                 |           |--------------------------->|  C   |
           /|    |           |--------------------------->|  o   | E1
     I1   /D+--->|           |--------------------------->|  m   |
         + e+--->|           |                            |  b   |====>
    ====>| M|    |  Optical  |    +-----------+           |  i   |
         + u+--->|   Switch  |    |  WC Pool  |           |  n   |
          \x+--->|           |    |  +-----+  |           |  e   |
           \|    |           +----+->|WC #1|--+---------->|  r   |
                 |           |    |  +-----+  |           +------+
                 |           |    |           |           +------+
           /|    |           |    |  +-----+  |           |      |
     I2   /D+--->|           +----+->|WC #2|--+---------->|  C   | E2
         + e+--->|           |    |  +-----+  |           |  o   |
    ====>| M|    |           |    +-----------+           |  m   |====>
         + u+--->|           |                            |  b   |
          \x+--->|           |--------------------------->|  i   |
           \|    |           |--------------------------->|  n   |
                 |           |--------------------------->|  e   |
                 |___________|--------------------------->|  r   |
                 +-----------+                            +------+

                             WSON Network Element
          WSON Signal     |      |         |      |    WSON Signal
                          |      |         |      |
        --------------->  |      |         |      | ----------------->
                          |      |         |      |
                          <-----> <-------> <----->

           Gateway Region                   Gateway Region
    +--------+  +--------+           +--------+  +--------+
    |   FC   |  |  FC    |           |   FC   |  |   FC   |
    | Device |  | Device |           | Device |  | Device |  Fibre
    |........|  |........| FC        |........|  |........|  Channel
    | N_PORT |  | N_PORT |<.........>| N_PORT |  | N_PORT |  Device
    +---+----+  +---+----+ Traffic   +----+---+  +----+---+  Domain
        |           |                     |           |         ^
    +---+----+  +---+----+           +----+---+  +----+---+     |
    | F_PORT |  | F_PORT |           | F_PORT |  | F_PORT |     |
    |    iFCP Layer      |<--------->|     iFCP Layer     |     |
    |....................|     ^     |....................|     |
    |     iFCP Portal    |     |     |     iFCP Portal    |     v
    +--------+-----------+     |     +----------+---------+    IP
         iFCP|Gateway      Control          iFCP|Gateway      Network
             |              Data                |
             |                                  |
             |                                  |
             |<------Encapsulated Frames------->|
             |      +------------------+        |
             |      |                  |        |
             +------+    IP Network    +--------+
                    |                  |

         "I-D EXISTS": 'draft-author-wgname-topic-nn'  < - - .
                                     :                         .
 |  WG I-D State Machine             |                         .       |
 |                                   v                 (not adopted)   |
 |                                                            .        |
 |                   CALL FOR ADOPTION BY WG ISSUED  . . . . .         |
 |                     .             :                                 |
 |                    .              v                                 |
 |                   v                                                 |
 |             ADOPTED FOR     ADOPTED BY WG                           |
 |             WG INFO ONLY          .                                 |
 |                                   :                                 |
 |                                   :                                 |
 |    (individual I-D "Replaced by" 'draft-ietf-wgname-topic-00')      |
 |                                   :                                 |
 |                                   v                                 |
 |                                                                     |
 |       DEAD WG   <-------->   WG DOCUMENT  <-------->  PARKED WG     |
 |       DOCUMENT       ("Replaces" individual I-D)      DOCUMENT      |
 |                         .                                           |
 |                      .       ^          \                           |
 |                    .        /            \                          |
 |                   .        /              \                         |
 |                  .        v                \                        |
 |                 .                           \                       |
 |                .       IN WG    ---+         v                      |
 |                      LAST CALL     |                                |
 |               '          ^         +-->  WG CONSENSUS:              |
 |               ^          :                WAITING FOR               |
 |               '          v         +-->    WRITEUP                  |
 |               '                    |                                |
 |               ^      WAITING FOR   |          |                     |
 |               '       WG CHAIR  ---+          |                     |
 |                '      GO-AHEAD                v                     |
 |                 .                                                   |
 |                   .                    SUBMITTED TO IESG            |
 |          ("Revised ID Needed") - - < -  FOR PUBLICATION             |
 |                                                                     |
 |                                                                     |
                          IESG Document States
                            (see Appendix A)

                        ,-(  _)-.
        +--------+   .-(_    (_  )-.
        | Client |--(_     ISP      )
        +---+----+     `-(______)-'
            |   <= T         \     .-.
           .-.       u        \ ,-(  _)-.
        ,-(  _)-.       n     .-(_    (-  )-.
     .-(_    (_  )-.      n  (_   Internet   )
    (_     EUN      )       e   `-(______)-
       `-(______)-'           l          ___
            |                   s =>    (:::)-.
       +----+---+                   .-(::::::::)
       |  Host  |                .-(::::::::::::)-.
       +--------+               (:::: The IRON ::::)

          <------------     Relays      ------------>
           (:::::::::::   The IRON  :::::::::::::::)

          <------------    Servers      ------------>
          .-.                .-.                     .-.
       ,-(  _)-.          ,-(  _)-.               ,-(  _)-.
    .-(_    (_  )-.    .-(_    (_  )-.         .-(_    (_  )-.
   (__   ISP A    _)  (__   ISP B    _)  ...  (__   ISP x    _)
      `-(______)-'       `-(______)-'            `-(______)-'
           <-----------      NATs        ------------>

              .-(                 .-.                    )-.
           .-(                 ,-(  _)-.                    )-.
        .-(          +========+(_    (_  +=====+               )-.
      .(             ||    (_|| Internet ||_) ||                  ).
    .(               ||      ||-(______)-||   vv                    ).
  .(        +--------++--+   ||          ||   +------------+          ).
  (     +==>| Server(A)  |   vv          ||   | Server(B)  |====+      )
  (    //   +---------|\-+   +--++----++--+   +------------+    \\     )
  (   //  .-.         | \    |  Relay(B)  |                  .-. \\    )
  (  //,-(  _)-.      |  \   +-v----------+               ,-(  _)-\\   )
  ( .||_    (_  )-.   |   \____|                       .-(_    (_  ||. )
  ( _||  ISP A    .)  |                               (__   ISP B  ||_))
  (  ||-(______)-'    | (redirect)                       `-(______)||  )
  (  ||    |          |                                       |    vv  )
   ( +-----+-----+    |                                 +-----+-----+ )
     | Client(A) | <--+                                 | Client(B) |
     +-----+-----+              The IRON                +-----+-----+
           |    (   (Overlaid on the Native Internet)     )   |
          .-.     .-(                                .-)     .-.
       ,-(  _)-.      .-(________________________)-.      ,-(  _)-.
    .-(_    (_  )-.                                    .-(_    (_  )-.
   (_  IRON EUN A  )                                  (_  IRON EUN B  )
      `-(______)-'                                       `-(______)-'
           |                                                  |
       +---+----+                                         +---+----+
       | Host A |                                         | Host B |
       +--------+                                         +--------+

              .-(                 .-.                    )-.
           .-(                 ,-(  _)-.                    )-.
        .-( +=============> .-(_    (_  )-.======+             )-.
      .(   //              (__ Internet   _)    ||                ).
    .(    //                  `-(______)-'      vv                  ).
  .(     //                                   +------------+          ).
  (     //                                    |  Server(B) |====+      )
  (    //                                     +------------+    \\     )
  (   //  .-.                                                .-. \\    )
  (  //,-(  _)-.                                          ,-(  _)-\\   )
  ( .||_    (_  )-.                                    .-(_    (_  ||. )
  ( _||  ISP A    .)                                  (__   ISP B  ||_))
  (  ||-(______)-'                                       `-(______)||  )
  (  ||    |                                                  |    vv  )
   ( +-----+-----+              The IRON                +-----+-----+ )
     | Client(A) |  (Overlaid on the native Internet)   | Client(B) |
     +-----+-----+                                      +-----+-----+
           |    (                                         )   |
          .-.     .-(                                .-)     .-.
       ,-(  _)-.      .-(________________________)-.      ,-(  _)-.
    .-(_    (_  )-.                                    .-(_    (_  )-.
   (_  IRON EUN A  )                                  (_  IRON EUN B  )
      `-(______)-'                                       `-(______)-'
           |                                                  |
       +---+----+                                         +---+----+
       | Host A |                                         | Host B |
       +--------+                                         +--------+

               .-(         )-.                             )-.
            .-(      +-------)----+                           )-.
         .-(         |  Relay(A)  |--------------+               )-.
       .(            +------------+               \                ).
     .(     +=======>|  Server(A) |                \                ).
   .(     //         +--------)---+                 \                 ).
   (     //                   )                      \                 )
   (    //      The IRON      )                       \                )
   (   //  .-.                )                        \     .-.       )
   (  //,-(  _)-.             )                         \ ,-(  _)-.    )
   ( .||_    (_  )-.          ) The Native Internet    .-|_    (_  )-. )
   ( _||  ISP A     )         )                       (_ |  ISP B     ))
   (  ||-(______)-'           )                          |-(______)-'  )
   (  ||    |             )-.                            v    |        )
    ( +-----+ ----+    )-.                               +-----+-----+ )
      | Client(A) |)-.                                   |  Router B |
      +-----+-----+                                      +-----+-----+
            |  (                                            )  |
           .-.   .-(____________________________________)-.   .-.
        ,-(  _)-.                                          ,-(  _)-.
     .-(_    (_  )-.                                    .-(_    (_  )-.
    (_  IRON EUN A  )                                  (_non-IRON EUN B)
       `-(______)-'                                       `-(______)-'
            |                                                  |
        +---+----+                                         +---+----+
        | Host A |                                         | Host B |
        +--------+                                         +--------+

               .-(         )-.                             )-.
            .-(      +-------)----+                           )-.
         .-(         |  Relay(A)  |<-------------+              )-.
       .(            +------------+               \                ).
     .(     +========|  Server(A) |                \                ).
   .(     //         +--------)---+                 \                 ).
   (     //                   )                      \                 )
   (    //      The IRON      )                       \                )
   (   //  .-.                )                        \     .-.       )
   (  //,-(  _)-.             )                         \ ,-(  _)-.    )
   ( .||_    (_  )-.          ) The Native Internet    .-|_    (_  )-. )
   ( _||  ISP A     )         )                       (_ |  ISP B     ))
   (  ||-(______)-'           )                          |-(______)-'  )
   (  vv    |             )-.                            |     |       )
    ( +-----+ ----+    )-.                               +-----+-----+ )
      | Client(A) |)-.                                   |  Router B |
      +-----+-----+                                      +-----+-----+
            |  (                                            )  |
           .-.   .-(____________________________________)-.   .-.
        ,-(  _)-.                                          ,-(  _)-.
     .-(_    (_  )-.                                    .-(_    (_  )-.
    (_  IRON EUN A  )                                  (_non-IRON EUN B)
       `-(______)-'                                       `-(_______)-'
            |                                                  |
        +---+----+                                         +---+----+
        | Host A |                                         | Host B |
        +--------+                                         +--------+

               +--------+        (step 1)           +------+
               |Attacker| ------------------------- |Source|
               |    A   |IPA                     IPS|  S   |
               +--------+                          /+------+
                                        (step 2) /
                                               v IPT
                                           |  T   |

                +------+                           +------+
                | Node | ------------------------- | Node |
                |   1  |IP1                     IP2|  2   |
                +------+                          /+------+
                                              v IPA
                                         |    A   |

                        +------+                 +------+
                        | Node | --------------- | Node |
                        |   1  |IP1           IP2|  2   |
                        +------+ \              /+------+
                                  \            /
                                   \          /
                                    \        /
                                    v IPA  v
                                   |    A   |

               +------+           __________           +------+
               |      |A1 ______ (          ) ______ B1|      |
               | Host |--/      (            )      \--| Host |
               |      |        (   Internet   )        |      |
               |  A   |--\______(            )______/--|   B  |
               |      |A2        (__________)        B2|      |
               +------+                                +------+

     +--------------------------+    +-------------------------------+
     |      Application         |    |          Application          |
     +--------------------------+    +-------------------------------+
     |        Semantic          |    |             MPTCP             |
     |------------+-------------|    + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - +
     | Flow+Endpt | Flow+Endpt  |    | Subflow (TCP) | Subflow (TCP) |
     +------------+-------------+    +---------------+---------------+
     |   Network  |   Network   |    |       IP      |       IP      |
     +------------+-------------+    +---------------+---------------+

       +----------------+  +---------------+    +---------------+
       | Collector 1    |  | Collector 2   |    | Collector N   |
       |[Collecting     |  |[Collecting    |    |[Collecting    |
       |   Process(es)] |  |  Process(es)] |... |  Process(es)] |
       +----^-----------+  +---^--------^--+    +--------^------+
            |                 /          \               |
            |                /            \              |
     Flow Records     Flow Records   Flow Records   Flow Records
            |              /                \            |
     +------+-------------+------+    +------+-----------+--------+
     |IPFIX Mediator N+1         |    |IPFIX Mediator Z           |
     |[Exporting Process(es)]    |    |[Exporting Process(es)]    |
     |[Intermediate Process(es)] |    |[Intermediate Process(es)] |
     |[Collecting Process(es)]   |... |[Collecting Process(es)]   |
     +----^----------------^-----+    +------^----------------^---+
          |                |                 |                |
     Flow Records     Flow Records      Packet Reports  record stream
          |                |                 |                |
   +------+------+  +------+-------+  +------+-------+  +-----+-----+
   |IPFIX        |  |IPFIX Original|  |PSAMP Original|  |Other      |
   |  Mediator 1 |  |   Exporter 1 |  |   Exporter 1 |  |  Source 1 |
   |+-------------+ |+--------------+ |+--------------+ |+-----------+
   +|IPFIX        | +|IPFIX Original| +|PSAMP Original| +|Other      |
    |  Mediator N |  |   Exporter N |  |   Exporter N |  |  Source N |
    |[Exporting   |  |[Exporting    |  |[Exporting    |  |           |
    | Process(es)]|  |  Process(es)]|  |  Process(es)]|  |           |
    |[Intermediate|  |[Metering     |  |[Metering     |  |           |
    | Process(es)]|  |  Process(es)]|  |  Process(es)]|  |           |
    |[Collecting  |  |[Observation  |  |[Observation  |  |           |
    | Process(es)]|  |     Point(s)]|  |     Point(s)]|  |           |
    +------^------+  +-----^-^------+  +-----^-^------+  +-----------+
           |               | |               | |
      Flow Records   Packets coming    Packets coming
                    into Observation  into Observation
                          Points            Points

                  IPFIX (Data Records)
                            ^ |
   | IPFIX Mediator         | |                     |
   |                        | |                     |
   |  .---------------------|-+-------------------. |
   | .----------------------+--------------------.| |
   | |          Exporting Process(es)            |' |
   | '----------------------^--------------------'  |
   |                        | |                     |
   |  .---------------------|-+-------------------. |
   | .----------------------+--------------------.| |
   | |          Intermediate Process(es)         |' |
   | '----------------------^--------------------'  |
   |                        | |                     |
   |  .---------------------|-+-------------------. |
   | .----------------------+--------------------.| |
   | |          Collecting Process(es)           |' |
   | '----------------------^--------------------'  |
                  IPFIX (Data Records)

                  IPFIX (Data Records)
                            ^ |
   | IPFIX Mediator         | |                     |
   |  .---------------------|-+-------------------. |
   | .----------------------+--------------------.| |
   | |          Exporting Process(es)            |' |
   | '----------------------^--------------------'  |
   |  .---------------------|-+-------------------. |
   | .----------------------+--------------------.| |
   | |          Intermediate Process(es)         |' |
   | '----------------------^--------------------'  |
                            | record stream
   | Non-IPFIX exporter     |                       |
   |          +-------------+----------+            |
   |          |                        |            |
              |                        |
            Packets coming into observation points

                     IPFIX (Data Records)
                               ^ ^
   | Original Exporter         | |                        |
   |                           | |                        |
   |     .---------------------|-+-------------------.    |
   |    .----------------------+--------------------.|    |
   |    |           Exporting Process(es)           |'    |
   |    '----------------------^--------------------'     |
   |                           | |                        |
   |     .---------------------|-+-------------------.    |
   |    .----------------------+--------------------.|    |
   |    |          Intermediate Process(es)         |'    |
   |    '---------^-----------------------^---------'     |
   |              |      Data Records     |               |
   |   .----------+---------.   .---------+----------.    |
   |   | Metering Process 1 |...| Metering Process N |    |
   |   '----------^---------'   '---------^----------'    |
   |              |                       |               |
   |  .-----------+---------.   .---------+-----------.   |
   |  | Observation Point 1 |...| Observation Point N |   |
   |  '-----------^---------'   '---------^-----------'   |
                  |                       |
            Packets coming into Observation Points

                   IPFIX (Data Records)
                             ^ |
     |              IPFIX File Writer              |'
                             | |
     |          Intermediate Process(es)           |'
                             | |
     |              IPFIX File Reader              |'
                   IPFIX (Data Records)

                         IPFIX           IPFIX               IPFIX
                           ^               ^                   ^
                           |               |                   |
     .------------.  .-----+-------. .-----+-------.    .------+------.
     | IPFIX File |  | Exporting   | | Exporting   |    | Exporting   |
     | Writer     |  | Process 1   | | Process 2   |....| Process N   |
     '-----^-^----'  '-----^-------' '-----^-------'    '------^------'
           | |             |               |                   |
           | +-------------+               |                   |
           :          Flow Records / Packet Reports            :
    .------+-------. .-----+--------. .----+---------. .--------------.
    | Intermediate | | Intermediate | | Intermediate | | Intermediate |
    | Anonymization| | Correlation  | | Aggregation  | | Selection    |
    | Process N    | | Process N    | | Process N    | | Process N    |
    '------|-------' '------|-------' '-----|-|------' '-------|------'
           |                +---------------+ |                |
           :                :                 :                :
    .------+-------. .------+-------. .-------+------. .-------+------.
    | Intermediate | | Intermediate | | Intermediate | | Intermediate |
    | Selection    | | Selection    | | Selection    | | Selection    |
    | Process 1    | | Process 2    | | Process 3    | | Process 4    |
    '------|-|-----' '------|-------' '-----|--------' '-------|------'
           | +--------------+               | +----------------+
           |                |               | |                |
           :          Flow Records / Packet Reports            :
    .------+------. .-------+-----.   .-----+-+-----.    .-----+------.
    | Collecting  | | Collecting  |   | Collecting  |    | IPFIX File |
    | Process 1   | | Process 2   |...| Process N   |    | Reader     |
    '------^------' '------^------'   '------^------'    '------------'
           |               |                 |
      Flow Records   Flow Records      Flow Records

             .----------------------.   .------------.
             | Intermediate         |   | Exporting  |
             |  Selection Process 1 |   |  Process 1 |
          +--+--- Peering AS #10 ---+-->|            +--> Collector 1
          |  '----------------------'   '------------'
          |  .----------------------.   .------------.
   record |  | Intermediate         |   | Exporting  |
   stream |  |  Selection Process 2 |   |  Process 2 |
   -------+--+--- Peering AS #20 ---+-->|            +--> Collector 2
          |  '----------------------'   '------------'
          |  .----------------------.   .------------.
          |  | Intermediate         |   | Exporting  |
          |  |  Selection Process 3 |   |  Process 3 |
          +--+--- Peering AS #30 ---+-->|            +--> Collector 3
             '----------------------'   '------------'

            .------------------.  .--------------.  .------------.
            | Intermediate     |  | Intermediate |  | Exporting  |
            |   Selection      |  |  Aggregation |  |    Process |
            |        Process 1 |  |     Process  |  |            |
          +-+ packetDeltaCount +->|              +->|            |
          | |             <= 5 |  |              |  |            |
   record | '------------------'  '--------------'  |            |
   stream | .------------------.                    |            |
   -------+ | Intermediate     |                    |            |
          | |   Selection      |                    |            |
          | |        Process 2 |                    |            |
          +-+ packetDeltaCount +------------------->|            |
            |              > 5 |                    |            |
            '------------------'                    '------------'

          .---------------.  .---------------.  .-------------.
          | Collecting    |  | Intermediate  |  | IPFIX       |
    IPFIX |      Process  |  | Anonymization |  |   File      |
    ----->|               +->|       Process +->|      Writer |
          '---------------'  '---------------'  '-------------'

    .-------------.  .---------------.  .---------------.  .-----------.
    | IPFIX       |  | Intermediate  |  | Intermediate  |  | Exporting |
    |   File      |  | Anonymization |  |   Correlation |  |   Process |
    |      Reader +->|       Process +->|       Process +->|           |
    '-------------'  '---------------'  '---------------'  '-----------'

                                              sendonly --+
                                           recvonly --+  |
                                        sendrecv --+  |  |
                                                   |  |  |
                profile-level-id                   C  C  P
                max-recv-level                     R  R  -
                packetization-mode                 C  C  P
                sprop-deint-buf-req                P  -  P
                sprop-interleaving-depth           P  -  P
                sprop-max-don-diff                 P  -  P
                sprop-init-buf-time                P  -  P
                max-mbps                           R  R  -
                max-smbps                          R  R  -
                max-fs                             R  R  -
                max-cpb                            R  R  -
                max-dpb                            R  R  -
                max-br                             R  R  -
                redundant-pic-cap                  R  R  -
                deint-buf-cap                      R  R  -
                max-rcmd-nalu-size                 R  R  -
                sar-understood                     R  R  -
                sar-supported                      R  R  -
                in-band-parameter-sets             R  R  -
                use-level-src-parameter-sets       R  R  -
                level-asymmetry-allowed            O  -  -
                sprop-parameter-sets               S  -  S
                sprop-level-parameter-sets         S  -  S

   Alice                                                Bob
    |                                                   |
    |      Alice and Bob establish a media session.     |
    |         They initiate ZRTP on media ports         |
    |                                                   |
    | F1 Hello (version, options, Alice's ZID)          |
    |                                       HelloACK F2 |
    |            Hello (version, options, Bob's ZID) F3 |
    | F4 HelloACK                                       |
    |                                                   |
    |             Bob acts as the initiator.            |
    |                                                   |
    |        Commit (Bob's ZID, options, hash value) F5 |
    | F6 DHPart1 (pvr, shared secret hashes)            |
    |            DHPart2 (pvi, shared secret hashes) F7 |
    |                                                   |
    |     Alice and Bob generate SRTP session key.      |
    |                                                   |
    | F8 Confirm1 (MAC, D,A,V,E flags, sig)             |
    |             Confirm2 (MAC, D,A,V,E flags, sig) F9 |
    | F10 Conf2ACK                                      |
    |                    SRTP begins                    |
    |                                                   |

   Key Agreement |  pv   | message | Meaning
   Type Block    | words |  words  |
   "DH3k"        |   96  |   117   |  DH mode with p=3072 bit prime
                 |       |         |  per RFC 3526, Section 4.
   "DH2k"        |   64  |    85   |  DH mode with p=2048 bit prime
                 |       |         |  per RFC 3526, Section 3.
   "EC25"        |   16  |    37   |  Elliptic Curve DH, P-256
                 |       |         |  per RFC 5114, Section 2.6
   "EC38"        |   24  |    45   |  Elliptic Curve DH, P-384
                 |       |         |  per RFC 5114, Section 2.7
   "EC52"        |   33  |    54   |  Elliptic Curve DH, P-521
                 |       |         |  per RFC 5114, Section 2.8
                 |       |         |  (deprecated - do not use)
   "Prsh"        |    -  |     -   |  Preshared Non-DH mode
   "Mult"        |    -  |     -   |  Multistream Non-DH mode

                                                              NTP time
                               t1       t2              RTP TS(B) time

   C: ------------(1,2)-(3,4)--(5)---(6)---(7,8)(9,10)-(11)--(12)----
        |     |     |     |     |     |      |    |     |      |
   B: -(1,2)-(3,4)-(5)---(6)--(7,8)-(9,10)-(11)-(12)--(13,14)(15,15)-
        |     |                 |     |                 |      |
   A: -------(1)---------------(2)---(3)---------------(4)----(5)----
   ---------------------------------------------------decoding order-->

                             | Router Control |
                             |     Plane      |
                             +------+ +-------+
                                    | |
                               Router Control
                              Plane Protection
                                    | |
                             +------+ +-------+
                             |   Forwarding   |
               Interface X ==[     Plane      ]== Interface Y

              REGISTRATION                REGISTRATION
                 (1)       +----------+      (1)
            +------------->|          |<---------+
            |    INVITE(2) |          |          |
            | +----------->|   SIP    |--------+ |
            | |  200 OK(2) |   Proxy  |        | |
            | | +----------|          |<-----+ | |
            | | |          |          |      | | |  _________
            | | V          +----------+      | V | /         \
         +----------+ IKE (Media Session) +---------+         \
         | Remote   |<---------(3)------->| Home    |  Home    \
         | Client   |                     | Router  | Network   |
         |         ============(4)====================          |
         |(SIP UAC) |     VPN (IPsec SA)  |(SIP UAS)|          /
         +----------+                     +---------+         /

                      |                     |
                      |      Internet       |
                      |                     |
                        |                |
                        |                |(
                        |           +---------+
                        |           |   NAT   |
                        |           +---------+
                        |                |
       (|                |(
                   +---------+      +----------+
                   | offerer |      | answerer |
                   +---------+      +----------+

            P1 ----- P2
            | \    / |
            |  \  /  |
            |   \/   |     AS1
            |   /\   |
            |  /  \  |
            | /    \ |
             \       /
              \     /
                \ /      AS2

            P1 (RR)-- P2 (RR)
            | \      / |
            |  \    /  |
            |   \  /   |     AS1
            |    \/    |
            |    /\    |
            |   /  \   |
            |  /    \  |
            | /      \ |
          ASBR1.1    ASBR1.2
             \          /
              \        /
                \    /
                 \  /         AS2

         ASBR1C.1 ---------- ASBR1C.2
            |                   |
            |                   |
            |       AS1C        |
            |                   |
            |                   |
            |        "          |
          ASBR1A.2   "        ASBR1B.2
            |        "          |
            |        "          |
            |  AS1A  "   AS1B   |             AS1
            |        "          |
            |        "          |
          ASBR1A.1   "         ASBR1B.1
             \       "         /
              \      "        /
                \           /
                 \         /                   AS2

                     +-------+-------+                      \
                     |   Service     |                       \
                     |   Provider    |                        | Service
                     |    Router     |                        | Provider
                     +-------+-------+                        | network
                             |                               /
                             | Customer                     /
                             | Internet connection         /
                      +------+--------+                    \
                      |     IPv6      |                     \
                      | Customer Edge |                      \
                      |    Router     |                      /
                      +---+-------+-+-+                     /
          Network A       |       |   Network B            | End-User
    ---+-------------+----+-    --+--+-------------+---    | network(s)
       |             |               |             |        \
   +----+-----+ +-----+----+     +----+-----+ +-----+----+   \
   |IPv6 Host | |IPv6 Host |     | IPv6 Host| |IPv6 Host |   /
   |          | |          |     |          | |          |  /
   +----------+ +-----+----+     +----------+ +----------+ /

   |          Domain A             |        Domain B             |
   |                               |                             |
   |           +---+     lambda 1  |         +---+               |
   |           |   |---------------|---------|   |               |
   |       WDM | N |     lambda 2  |         | N | WDM           |
   |      =====| O |---------------|---------| O |=====          |
   |  O        | D |        .      |         | D |        O      |
   |  T    WDM | E |        .      |         | E | WDM    T      |
   |  H   =====| 2 |     lambda n  |         | 6 |=====   H      |
   |  E        |   |---------------|---------|   |        E      |
   |  R        +---+               |         +---+        R      |
   |                               |                             |
   |  N        +---+               |         +---+        N      |
   |  O        |   |               |         |   |        O      |
   |  D    WDM | N |               |         | N | WDM    D      |
   |  E   =====| O |      WDM      |         | O |=====   E      |
   |  S        | D |=========================| D |        S      |
   |       WDM | E |               |         | E | WDM           |
   |      =====| 5 |               |         | 8 |=====          |
   |           |   |               |         |   |               |
   |           +---+               |         +---+               |

                        :                             MPLS-TP
    :<-- UNI-C -->:     :     :<-- UNI-N ->:          Network <----->
    :  function   :     :     :  function  :
   ---------------      :      ------------:--------------------
    :             |     :     |            :   Transport        |
    :             |     V     |    Client  :     Path           |
    :             |           |   Service  :   Mux/Demux        |
    :             |           |   Control  :      --            |
    : ----------  |           |  ----------:     |  |  Transport|
    :|          | |           | |          |     |  |    Path   |
    :|Signaling |_|___________|_|Signaling |     |  |    --------->
    :|Controller| |           | |Controller|     |  |   |
    : ----------  |           |  ----------      |  |    --------->
    :      :......|...........|......:     :     |  |           |
    :             |  Control  |            :     |  |  Transport|
    :             |  Channel  |            :     |  |    Path   |
    :             |           |            :     |  |    --------->
    :             |           |            :     |  |  -+----------->TSI
    :             |           |  Transport :     |  | |  --------->
    :             |  Client   |   Service  :     |  | |         |
    :             |  Traffic  |  Data Plane:     |  | |         |
    : ----------  |  Flows    |  --------------  |  | |Transport|
    :| Client   |-|-----------|-|Client/Service|-|  |-   Path   |
    :| Traffic  |=|===========|=|    Traffic   | |  |    --------->
    :|Processing| |           | |  Processing  |=|  |===+===========>TSI
    : ----------  |           |  --------------  |  |    --------->
    :      |______|___________|______|     :     |  |           |
    :             | Data Link |            :     |  |           |
    :             |           |            :      --            |
    :             |           |            :          Transport |
    :             |           |            :             Path   |
    :             |           |            :          Data Plane|
   ---------------             ---------------------------------

   The MPLS-TP Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) is illustrated in
   Figure 2.  This figure obsoletes Figure 5 of [RFC5921].  The NNI for
   a particular Transport Service Instance may involve signaling between
   the two PEs.  If signaling is used, it may traverse the same data-
   link that supports the service instance.
                :<--- NNI --->:    :     :<--- NNI ---->:
                :  Function   :    :     :   Function   :
    ---------------------------    :      --------------------------
   |            :  Transport   |   :     |   Transport  :           |
   |            :  Service CP  |   V     |   Service CP :           |
   |            :  ----------  |Signaling|  ----------  :           |
   |            : |Signaling |_| _______ |_|Signaling | :           |
   |            : |Controller| |         | |Controller| :           |
   |            :  ----------  |         |  ----------  :           |
   |            :       :....... Control .......:       :           |
   |            :              | Channel |              :           |
   |   -        :   Transport  |         | Transport    :        -  |
   |  | |       :     Path CP  |         |  Path CP     :       | | |
   |  | |       :  ----------  |Signaling|  ----------  :       | | |
 -----| |       : |Signaling |_| _______ |_|Signaling | :       | |-----
 ---+-| |       : |Controller| |         | |Controller| :       | |-+---
 -----| |       :  ----------  |         |  ----------  :       | |-----
   |  | |       :       :....... Control .......:       :       | | |
   |  | |       :              | Channel |              :       | | |
   |  | |  Transport Path      |         |       Transport Path | | |
   |  | | /  mux/demux   \     |         |      /  mux/demux   \| | |
   |  | |/      :         \--  |         |  -- /        :       | | |
   |  | |   ----------    |  | |Transport| |  |    ----------   | | |
   |  | |--|Transport |---|  | |  Path   | |  |---|Transport |--| | |
 -----| |  | Service  |   |  |-------------|  |   | Service  |  | |-----
 TSI+=| |==|Processing|===|  |<+===TSI===+>|  |===|Processing|==| |=+TSI
 -----| |   ----------    |  |-------------|  |    ----------   | |-----
   |  | |       :         |  | |         | |  |         :       | | |
   |  | |       :         |  | |         | |  |         :       | | |
   |   -        :          --  |         |  --          :        -  |
   |            :              |         |              :           |
   |     Transport Path        |         |      Transport Path      |
   |       Data Plane                    |        Data Plane        |
    ---------------------------           --------------------------
         MPLS-TP Provider                        MPLS-TP Provider
           Edge Node A                             Edge Node B

      |            Content            |           Source            |

              Content                          Source
   | Lobster Dinner - only $14.99    500 Boardwalk, Pt Pleasant |

            ------                        -----           ------
          /  The   \       -----        /  An   \       /  The   \
         |  IPv4    |-----|Xlate|------|  IPv6   |-----|  IPv6    |
          \Internet/       -----        \Network/       \Internet/
            ------                        -----           ------

                            |  IVIG4    |
                                \  /
             |  PREFIX      | IPv4 addr |  SUFFIX            |

             |  PREFIX      |   |IVI4|  |  SUFFIX            |
                                 \  /

     | 0                 |32 |40                   |72             127|
     |                   |ff |                     |                  |
     |<-     PREFIX        ->|<-  IPv4 address   ->|   <- SUFFIX ->   |

    /-----\                                                     /-----\
   ( ISP's )   --    -----------  2001:db8::2 --    ( ISP's )
   ( IPv4  )--|R1|-------------| IVI Xlate |------------|R2|---( IPv6  )
   (network)   --  ----------- 2001:db8::1  --    (network)
    \-----/                                                     \-----/
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
   The IPv4 Internet                                   The IPv6 Internet

     Alice                        P1                      REGISTRAR
       |                          |                           |
       |--- REGISTER------------->|                           |
       |    Via: Alice;keep       |                           |
       |                          |--- REGISTER-------------->|
       |                          |    Via: P1                |
       |                          |    Via: Alice;keep        |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |<-- 200 OK ----------------|
       |                          |    Via: P1                |
       |                          |    Via: Alice;keep        |
       |<-- 200 OK ---------------|                           |
       |    Via: Alice;keep=30    |                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                   *** Timeout ***                    |
       |                          |                           |
       |=== STUN request ========>|                           |
       |<== STUN response ========|                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                   *** Timeout ***                    |
       |                          |                           |
       |=== STUN request ========>|                           |
       |<== STUN response ========|                           |
       |                          |                           |

     Alice                        P1                         Bob
       |                          |                           |
       |--- INVITE -------------->|                           |
       |    Via: Alice;keep       |                           |
       |                          |--- INVITE --------------->|
       |                          |    Via: P1                |
       |                          |    Via: Alice;keep        |
       |                          |    Record-Route: P1       |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |<-- 200 OK ----------------|
       |                          |    Via: P1                |
       |                          |    Via: Alice;keep        |
       |                          |    Record-Route: P1       |
       |<-- 200 OK ---------------|                           |
       |    Via: Alice;keep=30    |                           |
       |    Record-Route: P1      |                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |--- ACK ----------------->|                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |--- ACK ------------------>|
       |                          |                           |
       |                   *** Timeout ***                    |
       |                          |                           |
       |=== STUN request ========>|                           |
       |<== STUN response ========|                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                   *** Timeout ***                    |
       |                          |                           |
       |=== STUN request ========>|                           |
       |<== STUN response ========|                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |--- BYE ----------------->|                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |--- BYE ------------------>|
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |<-- 200 OK ----------------|
       |                          |                           |

     Alice                        P1                         Bob
       |                          |                           |
       |--- INVITE -------------->|                           |
       |    Via: Alice;keep       |                           |
       |                          |--- INVITE --------------->|
       |                          |    Via: P1                |
       |                          |    Via: Alice;keep        |
       |                          |                           |
       |                          |<-- 200 OK ----------------|
       |                          |    Via: P1                |
       |                          |    Via: Alice;keep        |
       |<-- 200 OK ---------------|                           |
       |    Via: Alice;keep       |                           |
       |                          |                           |
       |                                                      |
       |--- ACK --------------------------------------------->|
       |                                                      |
       |--- UPDATE ------------------------------------------>|
       |    Via: Alice;keep                                   |
       |                                                      |
       |<-- 200 OK -------------------------------------------|
       |    Via: Alice;keep=30                                |
       |                                                      |
       |                                                      |
       |                   *** Timeout ***                    |
       |                                                      |
       |=== STUN request ====================================>|
       |<== STUN response ====================================|
       |                                                      |
       |                   *** Timeout ***                    |
       |                                                      |
       |=== STUN request ====================================>|
       |<== STUN response ====================================|
       |                                                      |
       |                                                      |
       |--- BYE --------------------------------------------->|
       |                                                      |
       |<-- 200 OK -------------------------------------------|
       |                                                      |

   MN1             MAG1             MN2             MAG2             LMA
   |                |                |               |                |
   |    Join(G)     |                |               |                |
   +--------------->|                |               |                |
   |                |     Join(G)    |               |                |
   |                |<---------------+               |                |
   |                |                |               |                |
   |                |     Aggregated Join(G)         |                |
   |                +================================================>|
   |                |                |               |                |
   |                |   Mcast Data   |               |                |
   |                |<================================================+
   |                |                |               |                |
   |  Mcast Data    | Mcast Data     |               |                |
   |<---------------+--------------->|               |                |
   |                |                |               |                |
   |           <  Movement of MN 2 to MAG2  &  PMIP Binding Update  > |
   |                |                |               |                |
   |                |                |--- Rtr Sol -->|                |
   |                |                |<-- Rtr Adv ---|                |
   |                |                |               |                |
   |                |                |   MLD Query   |                |
   |                |                |<--------------+                |
   |                |                |               |                |
   |                |                |   Join(G)     |                |
   |                |                +-------------->|                |
   |                |                |               Aggregated Join(G)
   |                |                |               +===============>|
   |                |                |               |                |
   |                |   Mcast Data   |               |                |
   |                |<================================================+
   |                |                |               |   Mcast Data   |
   |                |                |               |<===============+
   |  Mcast Data    |                |               |                |
   |<---------------+                |  Mcast Data   |                |
   |                |                |<--------------+                |
   |                |                |               |                |

   | Interface | Source Address | Destination Address  | Header   |
   |           | LMAA           | Proxy-CoA            | outer    |
   + LMA-MAG   +----------------+----------------------+----------+
   |           | LMA-link-local | [RFC2710], [RFC3810] | inner    |
   | MAG-MN    | MAG-link-local | [RFC2710], [RFC3810] |   --     |

   | Interface | Source Address | Destination Address  | Header   |
   | MN-MAG    | MN-link-local  | [RFC2710], [RFC3810] |   --     |
   |           | Proxy-CoA      | LMAA                 | outer    |
   + MAG-LMA   +----------------+----------------------+----------+
   |           | MAG-link-local | [RFC2710], [RFC3810] | inner    |

   Setting 1:
   | PMIP multicast    | # of redund. |   # of simul.  |  # of total   |
   | scheme            |   streams    |    streams     |   streams in  |
   |                   |   at MAG     |  at LMA/LMA-M  |   the network |
   | Combined Unicast/ |        0     |     250,000    |  1,000,000    |
   | Multicast LMA     |              |                |               |
   | Dedicated         |        0     |   1,000,000    |  1,000,000    |
   | Multicast LMA     |              |                |               |

   Setting 2:
   | PMIP multicast    | # of redund. |   # of simul.  |  # of total   |
   | scheme            |   streams    |    streams     |   streams in  |
   |                   |   at MAG     |  at LMA/LMA-M  |   the network |
   | Combined Unicast/ |        3     |       200      |     800       |
   | Multicast LMA     |              |                |               |
   | Dedicated         |        0     |       200      |     200       |
   | Multicast LMA     |              |                |               |

           ___          ___________
           ^ |         /           |
           | |        /            |
           | |       /             |
           U |      /              |
           | |     (               |
           V |     |               |
           --X     |         X     |
             |     |               `---------.
             |     |                         |
             |     |                         |
             |     |                         |
             -     `-------------------------'

          UAC           P1               UAS_2   UAS_3   UAS_4
           |             |                 |       |       |
           |-- INVITE -->|                 |       |       |
           |             |--- INVITE (2) ->|       |       |
           |             |--- INVITE (3) --------->|       |
           |             |--- INVITE (4) ----------------->|
           |             |<-- 18x (2) -----|       |       |
           |<- 18x (2) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 18x (3) -------------|       |
           |<- 18x (3) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 18x (4) ---------------------|
           |<- 18x (4) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 4xx (2) -----|       |       |
           |             |--- ACK (2) ---->|       |       |
           |<- 199 (2) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 4xx (3) -------------|       |
           |             |--- ACK (3) ------------>|       |
           |<- 199 (3) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 200 (4) ---------------------|
           |<- 200 (4) --|                 |       |       |
           |-- ACK (4) ->|                 |       |       |
           |             |--- ACK (4) -------------------->|
           |             |                 |       |       |

          UAC           P1               UAS_2   UAS_3   UAS_4
           |             |                 |       |       |
           |-- INVITE -->|                 |       |       |
           |             |--- INVITE (2) ->|       |       |
           |             |--- INVITE (3) --------->|       |
           |             |--- INVITE (4) ----------------->|
           |             |<-- 18x (2) -----|       |       |
           |<- 18x (2) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 18x (3) -------------|       |
           |<- 18x (3) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 18x (4) ---------------------|
           |<- 18x (4) --|                 |       |       |
           |             |<-- 200 (4) ---------------------|
           |<- 200 (4) --|                 |       |       |
           |-- ACK (4) ->|                 |       |       |
           |             |--- ACK (4) -------------------->|
           |             |                 |       |       |

    UAC           P1              P2               UAS_2   UAS_3   UAS_4
     |             |               |                 |       |       |
     |-- INVITE -->|               |                 |       |       |
     |             |-- INVITE (2) ------------------>|       |       |
     |             |-- INVITE ---->|                 |       |       |
     |             |               |--- INVITE (3) --------->|       |
     |             |               |--- INVITE (4) ----------------->|
     |             |               |<-- 18x (3) -------------|       |
     |             |<- 18x (3) ----|                 |       |       |
     |<- 18x (3) --|               |                 |       |       |
     |             |               |<-- 18x (4) ---------------------|
     |             |<- 18x (4) ----|                 |       |       |
     |<- 18x (4) --|               |                 |       |       |
     |             |               |<-- 4xx (3) -------------|       |
     |             |               |--- ACK (3) ------------>|       |
     |             |               |<-- 4xx (4) ---------------------|
     |             |               |--- ACK (4) -------------------->|
     |             |<- 4xx (3) ----|                 |       |       |
     |             |-- ACK (3) --->|                 |       |       |
     |<- 199 (3) --|               |                 |       |       |
     |<- 199 (4) --|               |                 |       |       |
     |             |<- 200 (2) ----------------------|       |       |
     |<- 200 (2) --|               |                 |       |       |
     |-- ACK (2) ->|               |                 |       |       |
     |             |-- ACK (2) --------------------->|       |       |
     |             |               |                 |       |       |

           +--------------SIP Traffic--------------+
          |                                       |
          v                                       v
       +-----+                                 +--+--+
       | SIP |                                 | SIP |
       |Stack|                                 |Stack|
   +---+-----+---+                         +---+-----+---+
   |   Control   |                         |   Control   |
   |   Client    |<----Control Channel---->|   Server    |
   +-------------+                         +-------------+

                         +--------Control SIP Dialog(1)---------+
                         |                                      |
                         v                                      v
                      +-----+                                +--+--+
     +------(2)------>| SIP |---------------(2)------------->| SIP |
     |                |Stack|                                |Stack|
     |            +---+-----+---+                        +---+-----+---+
     |            |             |                        |             |
     |            |   Control   |<--Control Channel(1)-->|             |
     |            |   Client    |                        |   Control   |
     |            +-------------+                        |   Server    |
  +--+--+                                                |             |
  |User |                                                |             |
  |Agent|<=====================RTP(2)===================>|             |
  +-----+                                                +-------------+

         Header field        Where    CONTROL REPORT SYNC  K-ALIVE
         Content-Length                  o      o      -      -
         Control-Package       R         m      -      -      -
         Seq                             -      m      -      -
         Status                R         -      m      -      -
         Timeout               R         -      m      -      -
         Timeout              202        -      m      -      -
         Dialog-ID             R         -      -      m      -
         Packages                        -      -      m      -
         Supported             r         -      -      o      -
         Keep-Alive            R         -      -      o      -
         Content-Type                    o      o      -      -

            Control Client                                Control Server
                   |                                             |
                   |       (1) SIP INVITE                        |
                   |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                   |                                             |
                   |       (2) SIP 200                           |
                   |  <---------------------------------------   |
                   |                                             |
                   |       (3) SIP ACK                           |
                   |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                   |                                             |
                   |         Control Channel Established         |
                   |                                             |
                   |       (4) SYNC                              |
                   |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                   |                                             |
                   |       (5) 200                               |
                   |  <---------------------------------------   |
                   |                                             |
                   |       (6) CONTROL                           |
                   |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                   |                                             |

   | Code | Summary       | Description           | Informational: AS  |
   |      |               |                       | Possible Recovery  |
   |      |               |                       | Action             |
   | 200  | OK            | request has           |                    |
   |      |               | succeeded.            |                    |
   | 400  | Syntax error  | request is            | Change the request |
   |      |               | syntactically         | so that it is      |
   |      |               | invalid: it is not    | syntactically      |
   |      |               | valid with respect to | valid.             |
   |      |               | the XML schema        |                    |
   |      |               | specified in          |                    |
   |      |               | Section 5 or it       |                    |
   |      |               | violates a            |                    |
   |      |               | co-occurrence         |                    |
   |      |               | constraint for a      |                    |
   |      |               | request element       |                    |
   |      |               | defined in Section 4. |                    |
   | 405  | dialogid      | request uses a        | Send a request for |
   |      | already       | dialogid identifier   | a new dialog       |
   |      | exists        | for a new dialog that | without specifying |
   |      |               | is already used by    | the dialogid and   |
   |      |               | another dialog on the | let the MS         |
   |      |               | MS (see Section 4.2). | generate a unique  |
   |      |               |                       | dialogid in the    |
   |      |               |                       | response.          |
   | 406  | dialogid does | request uses a        | Send an <audit>    |
   |      | not exist     | dialogid identifier   | request            |
   |      |               | for an dialog that    | (Section 4.4.1)    |
   |      |               | does not exist on the | requesting the     |
   |      |               | MS (see Section 4.2). | list of dialog     |
   |      |               |                       | identifiers        |
   |      |               |                       | already used by    |
   |      |               |                       | the MS and then    |
   |      |               |                       | use one of the     |
   |      |               |                       | listed dialog      |
   |      |               |                       | identifiers.       |
   | 407  | connectionid  | request uses a        | Use another method |
   |      | does not      | connectionid          | to determine which |
   |      | exist         | identifier for a      | connections are    |
   |      |               | connection that does  | available on the   |
   |      |               | not exist on the MS.  | MS.                |
   | 408  | conferenceid  | request uses a        | Use another method |
   |      | does not      | conferenceid          | to determine which |
   |      | exist         | identifier for a      | conferences are    |
   |      |               | conference that does  | available on the   |
   |      |               | not exist on the MS.  | MS.                |

   | 435  | Unsupported   | request contains a    |                    |
   |      | parallel      | prompt <par> element  |                    |
   |      | playback      | whose configuration   |                    |
   |      |               | is not supported by   |                    |
   |      |               | the MS.               |                    |
   | 439  | Other         | request requires      |                    |
   |      | unsupported   | another capability    |                    |
   |      | capability    | not supported by the  |                    |
   |      |               | MS.                   |                    |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <dialogstart>            |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (2) 202                               |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |                                             |
                |       (3) REPORT: <response status="200"/>  |
                |                   (terminate)               |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (4) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (5) CONTROL: <event ... />            |
                |                                             |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (6) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <dialogstart>            |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (2) 200: <response status="421"/>     |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <dialogprepare>          |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (2) 202                               |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |       (3) REPORT: <response status="200"/>  |
                |                   (terminate)               |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (4) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (5) CONTROL: <dialogstart>            |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (6) 202                               |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |       (7) REPORT: <response status="200"/>  |
                |                   (terminate)               |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (8) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (9) CONTROL: <event .../>             |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (10) 200                              |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <dialogstart>            |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (2) 202                               |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |       (3) REPORT: <response status="200"/>  |
                |                   (terminate)               |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (4) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (5) CONTROL: <dialogterminate>        |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (6) 200: <response status="200"/>     |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (7) CONTROL: <event .../>             |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (8) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |

      MSB   14  13  12  11  10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1  LSB
      |                Reserved                       |LOR|PmA|   SC  |

               | Exporting Process                        |
                 |                                      |
                 |    (Anonymized at Original Exporter) |
                 V                                      |
               +=============================+          |
               | Mediator                    |          |
               +=============================+          |
                 |                                      |
                 | (Anonymizing Mediator)               |
                 V                                      V
               | Collecting Process                       |
                       | (Anonymizing CP/File Writer)
               | IPFIX File Storage |

   packets --+                     +- IPFIX Messages -+
             |                     |                  |
             V                     V                  V
   +==================+ +====================+ +=============+
   | Metering Process | | Collecting Process | | File Reader |
   +==================+ +====================+ +=============+
             |      Non-anonymized | Records          |
             V                     V                  V
   |          Intermediate Anonymization Process (IAP)       |
             | Anonymized     ^            Anonymized |
             | Records        |               Records |
             V                |                       V
   +===================+    Anonymization      +=============+
   | Exporting Process |<--- Parameters ------>| File Writer |
   +===================+                       +=============+
             |                                        |
             +------------> IPFIX Messages <----------+

         try {
                     "+---------------+-----------------------+" +
                     "|  Time(sec)    |   Time (UTC format)   " +
             "| Value of T(Hex)  |  TOTP  | Mode   |");
                     "+---------------+-----------------------+" +

                         "+---------------+-----------------------+" +
         }catch (final Exception e){
             System.out.println("Error : " + e);

      |           VPLS-Capable PE Model        |
      |   +---------------+          +------+  |
      |   |               |          |VPLS-1|------------
      |   |               |=======+  |Fwdr  |------------ PWs
      |   |     Bridge    --------|---      |------------
      |   |               | SVID-1|  +------+  |
      |   |     Module    |       |     o      |
      |   |               |       |     o      |
      |   |   (802.1ad    |       |     o      |
      |   |    bridge)    |       |     o      |
      |   |               |       |     o      |
      |   |               | SVID-n|  +------+  |
      |   |               --------|---VPLS-n|-------------
      |   |               |=======+  | Fwdr |------------- PWs
      |   |               |   ^      |      |-------------
      |   +---------------+   |      +------+  |
      |                       |                |
              LAN emulation (multi-access) interface

      ------------------------+  Provider  +-----------------------
                              .   Core     .
                  +------+    .            .    +------+
                  |  PE  |======================|  PE  |
       Provider   |  (P) |---------\    /-------|  (P) |  Provider
       Access     +------+    .     \  /   .    +------+  Access
       Network                .      \/    .              Network
         (1)      +------+    .      /\    .    +------+     (2)
                  |  PE  |----------/  \--------|  PE  |
                  |  (B) |----------------------|  (B) |
                  +------+    .            .    +------+
                              .            .
      ------------------------+            +-----------------------

           __________                                 ___       ___
          /          \             ___        ___    /   \ ____|FW |__A
         /            \    ___    /   \ _____|NAT|__|     |    |___|
        |              |__|NAT|__|     |     |___|  |     |__B
        |              |  |___|  |     |__C          \___/
        |              |          \___/               ___
     S__|   Internet   |           ___        ___    /   \
        |              |   ___    /   \ _____|NAT|__|     |__D
        |              |__|FW |__|     |     |___|  |     |
        |              |  |___|  |     |__E          \___/
         \            /           \___/

       ClientHello                  -------->
                                    <--------      ServerHelloDone
       Finished                     -------->
                                    <--------             Finished

       4-octet length field
       Kerberos V5 AS-REQ           -------->
                                                4-octet length field
                                                Kerberos V5 AS-REP

                        |      +--------+             |
                        |      |        |             |
                        |      | AAAH   ------------------|
                        |      |        |             |   |
                        |      +|-------+             |   |
                        |       |                     |   |
                        |       |  Home Domain        |   |
                        |       |                     |   |
                        +-------|---------------------+   |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
   +----------------------------|---------+ +-------------|------------+
   | Domain A                   |         | | Domain B    |            |
   |                            |         | |            +|-------+    |
   |                    +-------|+        | | +-----+    |        |    |
   |                    |        |        | | |     ------ AAAV2  |    |
   |                    | AAAV1  |        | | | AA  |    |        |    |
   |      +--------------        |        | | +|----+    +--------+    |
   |      |     |       +--------+        | |  |                       |
   |      |AA   |                         | |  |---         ----       |
   |      +--|--+                         | | /    \       /    \      |
   |         |              /----\        | || AR   |-----| AR   |     |
   |        -|--           /      \       | | \    /       \    /      |
   |       /    \         | AR     |      | |  -|--         --|-       |
   |      | AR   -----------      /       | |+--|---+  +------|------+ |
   |       \    /           \--|-/        | || AP4  |  |  L2 Switch  | |
   |        -/--         +-----|------+   | ||      |  +-|---------|-+ |
   |        /            |  L2 Switch |   | |+------+    |         |   |
   |       /             +-|-------|--+   | |        +---|--+ +----|-+ |
   | +----/-+         +----|-+   +-|----+ | |        |      | |      | |
   | |      |         |      |   |      | | |        | AP5  | |AP6   | |
   | | AP1  |         | AP2  |   | AP3  | | |        +----|-+ +------+ |
   | +------+         +------+   +--|---+ | |             |            |
   +--------------------------------|-----+ +------------ |------------+
                                  --|---------            |
                              ////            \\\\   -----|-----
                            //    +------+       ////  +------+ \\\\
                            |     | MN   ------------->|MN  |     \\\
                           |      |      |    |     |  |      |       |
                            |     +------+   |     |   +------+        |
                            \\                |   //                  |
                              \\\\            \\\/                  ///
                                  ------------   \\\\------------- ////

          _________________        ____________________________
         | Current Network |      |           CTN              |
         |   ____          |      |                 ____       |
         |  |    |      (1) pre-authentication     |    |      |
         |  | MN |<------------------------------->| AA |      |
         |  |____|         |      |                |____|      |
         |    .            |      |                  |         |
         |    .            |      |                  |         |
         |____.____________|      |                  |         |
              .movement           |                  |(2) Keys |
          ____.___________________|                  |         |
         |   _v__                      _____         |         |
         |  |    |(3) secure assoc.   |     |        |         |
         |  | MN |<------------------>| AP1 |<-------+         |
         |  |____|                    |_____|        |         |
         |    .                                      |         |
         |    .movement                              |         |
         |    .                                      |         |
         |    .                                      |         |
         |   _v__                      _____         |         |
         |  |    |(4) secure assoc.   |     |        |         |
         |  | MN |<------------------>| AP2 |<-------+         |
         |  |____|                    |_____|                  |

   +----------------------------+-----------+ +-------------+----------+
   |                                        | |                        |
   |  Home Domain       +-------++          | |                        |
   |                    |        |          | |                        |
   |                    |AAAHome |          | |                        |
   |                    +        |          | |                        |
   |                    +-----+--+          | |                        |
   |                          |             | |  Network B             |
   |   Network A              |             | |                        |
   |                        /----\          | |            /---\       |
   |                       /nAR   \         | |           /     \      |
   |                      | PAA    |--------+-+----------+ pAR   |     |
   |                       \      /         | |           \     /      |
   |                        \----/          | |            \-+-/       |
   |                           |            | |              |         |
   |             +-------------------|      | |              |         |
   |             |       IEEE 802.11i|      | |              |         |
   |           +------+          +------+   | |          +---+--+      |
   |           |      |          |      |   | |          |      |      |
   |           |AP2   |          |AP1   |   | |          |AP0   |      |
   |           +------+          +------+   | |          +------+      |
   |           +------+            +-----+  | |           +-----+      |
   |           |      |            |     |  | |           |     |      |
   |           |MN    +----------->|MN   |<+------------- |MN   |      |
   |           +------+            +-----+  | |           ++----+      |
   |----------------------------------------+ +------------+-----------+

                        |      +--------+             |
                        |      |        |             |
                        |      | AAAH   +             |
                        |      |        |             |
                        |      ++-------+             |
                        |       |                     |
                        |       |  Home AAA Domain    |
                        |       |                     |
                       RADIUS/  |
                       Diameter |
   +----------------------------+-----------+ +-------------+----------+
   |                            |           | |                        |
   | Roaming            +-------++          | |                        |
   | AAA Domain A       |        |          | |                        |
   |                    | AAAV   |          | |                        |
   |                    +        |          | |                        |
   | Network A          +-----+--+          | |  Network B             |
   |                          |             | |                        |
   |                          |             | |                        |
   |                        /----\          | |            /---\       |
   |                       /nAR   \         | |           /     \      |
   |                      | PAA    |--------+-+----------+ pAR   |     |
   |                       \      /         | |           \     /      |
   |                        \----/          | |            \-+-/       |
   |                           |            | |              |         |
   |             +-------------------|      | |              |         |
   |             |       IEEE 802.11i|      | |              |         |
   |           +------+          +------+   | |          +---+--+      |
   |           |      |          |      |   | |          |      |      |
   |           |AP2   |          |AP1   |   | |          |AP0   |      |
   |           +------+          +------+   | |          +------+      |
   |           +------+            +-----+  | |           +-----+      |
   |           |      |            |     |  | |           |     |      |
   |           |MN    +----------->|MN   |<---------------| MN  |      |
   |           +------+            +-----+  | |           ++----+      |
   -----------------------------------------+ +------------+-----------+

   +---------v-|   +->>>>>>>>>>v-+     +->>>>>>>>>>v-+   +-^---------+
   | BN1     v |   | ^   BN2   v |     | ^   BN3   v |   | ^  BN4    |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v-+     +-^---------v-+   +-^---------+
   | T1      v |   + ^  T1/T2  v |     + ^  T2/T3  v |   | ^  T3     |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v-+     +-^---------v +   +-^---------+
   | N1      v |   | ^  N1/N2  v |     | ^  N2/N3  v |   | ^  N3     |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v +     +-^---------v-+   +-^---------+
   |         >>>>>>>>^         >>>>>>>>>>^         >>>>>>>>^         |
   +-----------+   +------------+      +-------------+   +-----------+
   |                     |                    |                      |
   |<--  An Internet --->|                    |<--- An Internet  --->|
   |                     |                    |                      |

   Bit   Bit   Bit   Bit   Bit   Bit   Bit
    6     5     4     3     2     1     0
   | reserved  | src |dest |parm |corr |res  |

   +---------v-|   +->>>>>>>>>>v-+     +->>>>>>>>>>v-+   +-^---------+
   | BN1     v |   | ^   BN2   v |     | ^   BN3   v |   | ^  BN4    |
   +---------v-+   +-^---------v-+     +-^---------v-+   +-^---------+
             >>>>>>>>^         >>>>>>>>>>^         >>>>>>>>^

   Metadata Block Format:
   |Type |Flags |EID-Reference count |Len   | Metadata | Metadata |
   |     |(SDNV)|  and list (opt)    |(SDNV)|   Type   |          |

   PHIB Format:
   +----+------------+--------------------------------- -+-------------+
   |type|flags (SDNV)|EID-ref count and list (comp) (opt)|length (SDNV)|
   | Inserting Node EID Scheme Name (opt)| Inserting Node EID SSP (opt)|

            A                                                  B
           a1 <----------------------------------------------> b1

                ESP1(UPDATE(LOCATOR(a2), ESP_INFO(0,SPI2a)))
           a1 -----------------------------------------------> b1

               ESP2(UPDATE(ACK, ESP_INFO(0,SPI2b), ECHO_REQ)))
           a2 <----------------------------------------------- b1

                         ESP2(UPDATE(ACK, ECHO_RSP))
           a2 -----------------------------------------------> b1

           a2 <----------------------------------------------> b1

            A                                                  B
           a1 <----------------------------------------------> b1
                           (A moves from a1 to a2)

                 UPDATE(LOCATOR(a2), ESP_INFO(SPI1a, SPI1a))
           a2 -----------------------------------------------> b1

                 UPDATE(ACK, ECHO_REQ, ESP_INFO(SPI1b,SPI1b))
           a2 <----------------------------------------------- b1

                           UPDATE(ACK, ECHO_RSP)
           a2 -----------------------------------------------> b1
                    (A and B move ESP1 SAs to a2 <-> b1)

           a2 <----------------------------------------------> b1

     +--------+-----+----------------------+- - - - +- -  +- - - - - +
     | Header | TOC | Data                 | Header | TOC | Data     |
     +--------+-----+----------------------+- - - - +- -  +- - - - - +
     |<- Speech -------------------------->|<- Redundancy (opt) ---->|

   +- - -+------------+------------+------------+------------+
   | TOC | Frame1     | Frame2     | Frame3     | Frame4     |
   +- - -+------------+------------+------------+------------+   ALWAYS
         |<- aligned  |<- aligned  |<- aligned  |<- aligned  |<- ALIGNED

   |<---- sensitive classes ------>|<----- enchantment layers -------->|
   +-------------------------------+----+-----+------+- - - - - +------+
   | L1 (Base Layer)               | L2 | L3  | L4   |          | LN   |
   +-------------------------------+----+-----+------+- - - - - +------+
   |<- A --->|<- B ->| ... |<- F ->|                                   |
   |<- BR rate ------------------->|                                   |
   |<- CR rate ------------------------------------------------------->|

   |<- CL >|<- TOC ->|<- preceding --->|<- pre-preceding ----->|

                                   |IPv6 Internet|
     +-----+   +--+       |  IPv4 ISP  +--+--+       |   +--------+
     |v4/v6|---|DS|=======+============| CGN |-------+---|  IPv4  |
     |Host |   |HG|       |   Network  +-----+   |   |   |Internet|
     +-----+   +--+       +----------------------+---+   +--------+
                  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _          |
                ()_6_over_4_ _t_u_n_n_e_l_()  +---------------------+
                                              | Existing IPv4 hosts |

         +---+             +-------+             +---+             +---+
         | A |             | PROXY |             | B |             | C |
         +---+             +-------+             +---+             +---+

         +---+             +-------+             +---+             +---+
         | A |             | PROXY |             | B |             | C |
         +---+             +-------+             +---+             +---+

      +---+             +------+         +------+                 +---+
      | I |             | KMS1 |         | KMS2 |                 | R |
      +---+             +------+         +------+                 +---+
          REQUEST_KEY_INIT                       REQUEST_KEY_INIT
        ------------------>                  <----------------------
          REQUEST_KEY_RESP                       REQUEST_KEY_RESP
        <------------------                  ---------------------->

      +---+             +------+         +------+                 +---+
      | I |             | KMS1 |         | KMS2 |                 | R |
      +---+             +------+         +------+                 +---+
          Pre-established                         Pre-established
           trust relation                         trust relation
        <----------------->                  <--------------------->

            Security association based on mutual authentication
                   performed during MIKEY-IBAKE exchange

    REQUEST_KEY_INIT_PSK =          ---->
    HDR, T, RAND, (IDRi/r),
    IDRkms, [IDRpsk], [KEMAC], V    <----  REQUEST_KEY_RESP =
                                             HDR, T, [IDRi/r], [IDRkms],
                                             KEMAC, V

    REQUEST_KEY_INIT_PKE =          ---->
    HDR, T, RAND, (IDRi/r),
       {CERTi/r}, IDRkms,           <----  REQUEST_KEY_RESP =
       [KEMAC], [CHASH],                     HDR, T, [IDRi/r], [IDRkms],
       PKE, SIGNi/r                          KEMAC, V

      I_MESSAGE_1 =                    ---->
      HDR, T, RAND, IDRi, IDRr,
         IBAKE, [ESK]                  <----  R_MESSAGE_1 =
                                                HDR, T, IDRi,
                                                IDRr, IBAKE

      I_MESSAGE_2 =                    ---->
      HDR, T, RAND, IDRi, IDRr,
         IBAKE, [ESK]                  <----  R_MESSAGE_2 =
                                              HDR, T, [IDRi], [IDRr],
                                              [IBAKE], V

      I_MESSAGE_1 =                 ---->
      HDR, T, [IDRi], [IDRr],
         [IBAKE]                    <----     R_MESSAGE_1 =
                                              HDR, T, [IDRi], [IDRr],
                                              [IBAKE], V

      I_MESSAGE_1 =                 ---->
      HDR, T, [IDRr], [IDRi],
         [IBAKE]                    <----     R_MESSAGE_1 =
                                              HDR, T, [IDRi], [IDRr],
                                              [IBAKE], V

                            ------                  ------
                           /      \                /      \
                 /--\     /        \              /        \
                |SOHO|---+  Access  |            |Enterprise|
                 \--/    |  Service |            | Network  |
                 /--\    |  Provider|            |          |
                |Home|---+          |   ------   |          |
                 \--/     \        +---+      +---+        /
                           \      /   /        \   \      /
                            ------   | Transit  |   ------
                                     | Service  |
                                     | Provider |
                                     |          |
                                      \        /
                                       \      /

    A        thermostats, appliances, etc
    |  ------+-----------------------------------
    |        |
    |"HAN"   | <--- Energy Services Interface (ESI)
    |    +---+---+
    |    | Meter | Meter is generally an ALG between the AMI and the HAN
    |    +---+---+
    V         \
    ---        \
    A           \   |   /
    |            \  |  /
    | "NAN"    +--+-+-+---+  Likely a router but could
    |          |Collector |  be a front-end application
    V          +----+-----+  gateway for utility
    ---              \
    A                 \   |   /
    |                  \  |  /
    |"AMI"           +--+-+-+--+
    |                |   AMI   |
    |                | Headend |
    V                +---------+

                   Utility NAN
               +----+-----+ +--+ +--+ +--+
               |  Meter   | |D1| |D2| |D3|
               +-----+----+ ++-+ ++-+ ++-+
                     |       |    |    |
               ----+-+-------+----+----+---- IEEE 802.15.4
                |Router+------/------ Residential Broadband
               ----+---------+----+----+---- IEEE P1901
                             |    |    |
                            ++-+ ++-+ ++-+
                            |D4| |D5| |D6|
                            +--+ +--+ +--+
               A        thermostats, appliances, etc
               |  ------+----------------+------------------
               |"HAN"   |                |
               |    +---+---+        +---+---+
               |    |Router |        | Meter |
               |    |or EMS |        |       |
               V    +---+---+        +---+---+
               ---      |       ---      \
                        |       ^         \   |   /
                        |       |"NAN"     \  |  /
                     ---+---    |        +--+-+-+---+
                    /       \   |        |"Pole Top"|
                   | Internet|  v        +----+-----+
                    \       /   ---

                +----------+ +--+ +--+ +--+
                |  Meter   | |D1| |D2| |D3|
                +-----+----+ ++-+ ++-+ ++-+
                      |       |    |    |
                ----+-+-------+----+----+---- IEEE 802.15.4
                 |      +------/------ NAN
                 |      +------/------ Residential Broadband
                ----+--+------+----+----+---- IEEE P1901
                       |      |    |    |
                      +-+-+   ++-+ ++-+ ++-+
                      |EMS|   |D4| |D5| |D6|
                      +---+   +--+ +--+ +--+

                0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
             |   PRECEDENCE    |  D  |  T  |  R  |  C  |  0  |

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     |         DSCP          |  CU   |

                0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
             |          DS FIELD, DSCP           | ECN FIELD |

    Mobile node                 Home agent           Correspondent node
         |                                                     |
         |  Home Test Init (HoTI)   |                          |
         |                          |                          |
         |  Care-of Test Init (CoTI)                           |
         |                                                     |
         |                          |  Home Test (HoT)         |
         |                          |                          |
         |                             Care-of Test (CoT)      |
         |                                                     |

     Mobile node                                Correspondent node
          |                                               |
          |             Binding Update (BU)               |
          |  (MAC, seq#, nonce indices, care-of address)  |
          |                                               |
          |                                               |
          |    Binding Acknowledgement (BA) (if sent)     |
          |              (MAC, seq#, status)              |

                  ------                ------
                  | MR |----------------| HA |
                  |(RR)| (home network) |(DR)|
                  ------                ------

              -------    /-----------\     ------
              | MR  |----|  Internet |-----| HA |
              |(RR) |    \-----------/     |(DR)|
              |(DRA)|                      ------
         (visited network)

     -----------------------------                  --------
     |            MR             |                  |  HA  |
     | (RR)                (DRA) |                  | (DR) |
     ----------------------------                   --------
         |                   |       Binding Update    |
         |                   |------------------------>|
         |                   |       (HoA, CoA)        |
         |                   |                         |
         |                   |       Binding Ack       |
         |                   |<------------------------|
         |                   |                         |
         | DHCPv6 Solicit    |   DHCPv6 Solicit        |
         |                   |                         |
         |  DHCPv6 Advertise |       DHCPv6 Advertise  |
         |                   |                         |
         | DHCPv6 Request    |       DHCPv6 Request    |
         |                   |                         |
         |      DHCPv6 Reply |       DHCPv6 Reply      |
         |                   | (Mobile Network Prefix) |
         |                   |                         |

                  --------                   --------
                  |  MR  |                   |  HA  |
                  | (RR) |                   | (DR) |
                  --------                   --------
                      |                         |
                      |       DHCPv6 Solicit    |
                      |                         |
                      |       DHCPv6 Advertise  |
                      |                         |
                      |       DHCPv6 Request    |
                      |                         |
                      |       DHCPv6 Reply      |
                      | (Mobile Network Prefix) |
                      |                         |

   | Wireless |
   | Location |
   | Service  |                          Retrieve
   +----------+                      Access Control Rules
       |                      +--------------------------------+
       |                      | +--------------------------+   |
    Location                  | |        Access            |   |
       |                      | |     Control Rules        v   |
       |                      | |                         +-----+
       |                      | |                         | Bob |
       |                      | |                         |+---+|--> ...
       |                      | |                  +----->||PC ||
   ...........                v |                  |      ++---++
   | +------+|            +----------+             |
   | |Mobile|+--Location->| Presence |--Location-->|     +----------+
   | |Phone ||            | Server   |             |---->| Friend-1 |
   | +------++---Rules--->|          |---Rules---->|     +----------+
   |  Alice  |            +----------+             |
   |   O     |                                     |
   |  /|\    |                                     |     +----------+
   |  / \    |                                     +---->| Friend-2 |
   `---------'                                           +----------+

           DDNS update    +--------+  DDNS update
         +--------------->|        |<-------+
         |                |  DNS   |        |
         |      LLQ       |        | LLQ    |
         |    +---------->|        |<----+  |
         |    |           |        |     |  |
         |    |           +--------+     |  |
         |    |                          |  |            +----------+
         |    V                      +---+--+----+       |          |
       +-+-------+                   |           +-------|          |
       |Endhost N|     Tunnel        |    NAT    +------>|Endhost M |
       |         |<=====================================>|          |
       +---------+                   |           |       |          |
                                     +-----------+       +----------+

    | IPv4 Header | UDP Header | IPsec ESP  | IPv6 Packet   |

                          1:  Push Updated AAAA RR       +------------+
                   <-----------------------------------  |            |
                       2: Query for autotunnel SRV RR    |            |
       +--------+  ----------------------------------->  |            |
       |        |        3: Reply Updated SRV RR         | DNS server |
       | client |  <-----------------------------------  |            |
       |        |      4: Query for Target in SRV RR     |            |
       +--------+  ----------------------------------->  |            |
                       5: Reply Updated A RR of Target   |            |
                   <-----------------------------------  |            |

    | Dispatch + LOWPAN_IPHC (2-3 octets) | In-line IPv6 Header Fields

       0                                       1
       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   1   2   3   4   5
     | 0 | 1 | 1 |  TF   |NH | HLIM  |CID|SAC|  SAM  | M |DAC|  DAM  |

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     |      SCI      |      DCI      |

   | LOWPAN_IPHC | In-line     | LOWPAN_NHC  | In-line Next    | Payload
   |   Encoding  |   IP Fields |   Encoding  |   Header Fields |

               | var-len NHC ID | compressed next header...

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |    EID    |NH |

                       0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
                     | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | C |   P   |

                    d1  -> h1 \
       G1           d2  -> h2  |-> h''1
   +--------+                  /       \
   |d4 -> h4|\      d3  -> h3 /         \
   |d5 -> h5| \     ----------          |
   |        | |  ->        h'1\         |
   |d6 -> h6| /                \        |
   |d7 -> h7|/      d8  -> h8  |-> h''2 |->  h'''1
   +--------+                  /        |         \
                    d9  -> h9 /         |          \
                    ----------          |          |
                    d10 -> h10\         /          |
                               \       /           |
                    d11 -> h11 |-> h''3            |
                               /                   |
                    d12 -> h12/                    |-> root hash value
                    ----------                     |
                    d13 -> h13\                    |
                               \                   |
                    d14 -> h14 |-> h''4            |
                               /       \           |
                    d15 -> h15/         \          |
                    ----------          |->  h'''2 |
                    d16 -> h16\         |          |
                               \        |          |
                    d17 -> h17 |-> h''5 |          |
                               /        |          |
                    d18 -> h18/         |          |
                    ----------          /          |
                                       /           /
                  (any arbitrary)  h''6           /
                           (any arbitrary)   h'''3

         |  Unicast  |................
         |  Source   |.............  :
         | (Server)  |            :  :
          -----------             :  :
                                  v  v
          -----------          ----------             -----------
         | Multicast |------->|  Router  |---------->|Client RTP |
         |  Source   |        |          |..........>|Application|
          -----------          ----------             -----------
                                   | :
                                   | :                -----------
                                   | :..............>|Client RTP |

     --------------                                 ---     ----------
    |              |-------------------------------|   |-->|P1        |
    |              |-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-|   |.->|P2        |
    |              |                               |   |   |          |
    | Distribution |      ----------------         |   |   |          |
    |    Source    |     |                |        |   |   |          |
    |              |---->|P1              |        |   |   |          |
    |              |.-.->|P2              |        |   |   |          |
    |              |     |                |        |   |   |          |
     --------------      |              P3|<.=.=.=.|   |=.=|*c0       |
                         |              P3|<~~~~~~~|   |~~~|*c1       |
    MULTICAST RTP        |                |        |   |   |          |
    SESSION with         |                |        | N |   |          |
    UNICAST FEEDBACK     |                |        | A |   |          |
                         | Retransmission |        | T |   |  Client  |
    - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - -| - - - -| - |- -| - - - - -|-
                         |     Server     |        |   |   |          |
                         |                |        |   |   |          |
    PORT MAPPING         |              PT|<~~~~~~~|   |~~>|*cT       |
                         |                |        |   |   |          |
    - - - - - - - - - - -| - - - - - - - -| - - - -| - |- -| - - - - -|-
                         |                |        |   |   |          |
    AUXILIARY UNICAST    |                |        |   |   |          |
    RTP SESSION          |                |        |   |   |          |
                         |              P3|........|   |..>|*c1       |
                         |              P3|=.=.=.=.|   |=.>|*c1       |
                         |              P4|<.=.=.=.|   |=.=|*c2       |
                         |                |        |   |   |          |
                          ----------------          ---     ----------

                                  +--->|     Intermediary      |
                                  |    |    Network Element    |
                                  | ...|(Retransmission Server)|
                                  | :   -----------------------
                                  | :
                                  | v
           -----------          ----------             ----------
          | Multicast |        |          |---------->| Joining  |
          |  Source   |------->|  Router  |..........>|   RTP    |
          |           |        |          |           | Receiver |
           -----------          ----------             ----------
                                    |                  ----------
                                    +---------------->| Existing |
                                                      |    RTP   |
                                                      | Receiver |

    -----------                                       --------------
   |           |------------------------------------>|              |
   |           |.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.->|              |
   |           |                                     |              |
   | Multicast |          ----------------           |              |
   |  Source   |         | Retransmission |          |              |
   |           |-------->|  Server  (RS)  |          |              |
   |           |.-.-.-.->|                |          |              |
   |           |         |  ------------  |          |              |
    -----------          | |  Feedback  | |<.=.=.=.=.|              |
                         | | Target (FT)| |<~~~~~~~~~| RTP Receiver |
   PRIMARY MULTICAST     |  ------------  |          |   (RTP_Rx)   |
   RTP SESSION with      |                |          |              |
   UNICAST FEEDBACK      |                |          |              |
                         |                |          |              |
   - - - - - - - - - - - |- - - - - - - - |- - - - - |- - - - - - - |- -
                         |                |          |              |
   UNICAST BURST         |  ------------  |          |              |
   (or RETRANSMISSION)   | |   Burst/   | |<~~~~~~~~>|              |
   RTP SESSION           | |  Retrans.  | |.........>|              |
                         | |Source (BRS)| |<.=.=.=.=>|              |
                         |  ------------  |          |              |
                         |                |          |              |
                          ----------------            --------------

                 | Retransmission  Server  |
    -----------  |  ------   ------------  |   --------    ------------
   | Multicast | | |  FT  | | Burst/Ret. | |  |        |  |    RTP     |
   |  Source   | | |      | |   Source   | |  | Router |  |  Receiver  |
   |           | |  ------   ------------  |  |        |  |  (RTP_Rx)  |
    -----------  |      |         |        |   --------    ------------
     |            -------------------------       |                |
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |-- RTP Multicast ---------->--------------->|                |
     |-. RTCP Multicast -.-.-.-.->-.-.-.-.-.-.-.->|                |
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |********************************|
     |                  |         |*      PORT MAPPING SETUP      *|
     |                  |         |********************************|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RTCP RAMS-R ~~~|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |********************************|
     |                  |         |* UNICAST SESSION ESTABLISHED  *|
     |                  |         |********************************|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |~~~ RTCP RAMS-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |... Unicast RTP Burst .........>|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (RTCP RAMS-R) ~~|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |~~ (RTCP RAMS-I) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |               |<= SFGMP Join ==|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |-- RTP Multicast ------------------------------------------->|
     |-. RTCP Multicast -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.>|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |               |                |
     |                  |         |<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RTCP RAMS-T ~~~|
     |                  |         |               |                |
     :                  :         :               :                :
     |                  |         |<.=.= Unicast RTCP Reports .=.=>|
     :                  :         :     for the unicast session    :
     |                  |         |               |                |

              CLIENT                                   SERVER
             (PROVER)                                 VERIFIER)
                |                                        |
                |   Verifier sends challenge to prover   |
                |   Challenge = Q                        |
                |                                        |
                |   Prover Computes Response             |
                |   R = OCRA(K, {[C] | Q | [P | S | T]}) |
                |   Prover sends Response = R            |
                |                                        |
                |  Verifier Validates Response           |
                |  If Response is valid, Server sends OK |
                |  If Response is not,  Server sends NOK |
                |                                        |

         CLIENT                                             SERVER
        (PROVER)                                          (VERIFIER)
           |                                                  |
           |   1. Client sends client-challenge               |
           |   QC = Client-challenge                          |
           |                                                  |
           |   2. Server computes server-response             |
           |      and sends server-challenge                  |
           |   RS = OCRA(K, [C] | QC | QS | [S | T])          |
           |   QS = Server-challenge                          |
           |   Response = RS, QS                              |
           |                                                  |
           |   3. Client verifies server-response             |
           |      and computes client-response                |
           |   OCRA(K, [C] | QC | QS | [S | T]) != RS -> STOP |
           |   RC = OCRA(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P | S | T])      |
           |   Response = RC                                  |
           |                                                  |
           |   4. Server verifies client-response             |
           |   OCRA(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P|S|T]) != RC -> STOP |
           |   Response = OK                                  |
           |                                                  |

             CLIENT                                     SERVER
            (PROVER)                                  (VERIFIER)
               |                                           |
               |    Verifier sends signature-challenge     |
               |    Challenge = QS                         |
               |                                           |
               |    Client Computes Response               |
               |    SIGN = OCRA(K, [C] | QS | [P | T])     |
               |    Response = SIGN                        |
               |                                           |
               |    Verifier Validates Response            |
               |    Response = OK                          |
               |                                           |

        CLIENT                                              SERVER
       (PROVER)                                            VERIFIER)
          |                                                   |
          |    1. Client sends client-challenge               |
          |    QC = Client-challenge                          |
          |                                                   |
          |    2. Server computes server-response             |
          |       and sends signature-challenge               |
          |    RS = OCRA(K, [C] | QC | QS | [T])              |
          |    QS = signature-challenge                       |
          |    Response = RS, QS                              |
          |                                                   |
          |    3. Client verifies server-response             |
          |       and computes signature                      |
          |    OCRA(K, [C] | QC | QS | [T]) != RS -> STOP     |
          |    SIGN = OCRA( K, [C] | QS | QC | [P | T])       |
          |    Response = SIGN                                |
          |                                                   |
          |    4. Server verifies Signature                   |
          |    OCRA(K, [C] | QS | QC | [P|T]) != SIGN -> STOP |
          |    Response = OK                                  |
          |                                                   |

               External Network:  Prefix = 2001:0DB8:0001:/48
                              |     NPTv6   |
                              |  Translator |
               Internal Network:  Prefix = FD01:0203:0405:/48

                  Internal Prefix = FD01:4444:5555:/48
                       V            |      External Prefix
                       V            |      2001:0DB8:6666:/48
                       V        +---------+      ^
                       V        |  NPTv6  |      ^
                       V        |  Device |      ^
                       V        +---------+      ^
              External Prefix       |            ^
              2001:0DB8:0001:/48    |            ^
                  Internal Prefix = FD01:0203:0405:/48

               External Network:  Prefix = 2001:0DB8:0001:/48
                          |                      |
                          |                      |
                   +-------------+        +-------------+
                   |  NPTv6      |        |  NPTv6      |
                   |  Translator |        |  Translator |
                   |   #1        |        |   #2        |
                   +-------------+        +-------------+
                          |                      |
                          |                      |
               Internal Network:  Prefix = FD01:0203:0405:/48

            External Network #1:          External Network #2:
         Prefix = 2001:0DB8:0001:/48    Prefix = 2001:0DB8:5555:/48
         ---------------------------    --------------------------
                         |                      |
                         |                      |
                  +-------------+        +-------------+
                  |  NPTv6      |        |  NPTv6      |
                  |  Translator |        |  Translator |
                  |   #1        |        |   #2        |
                  +-------------+        +-------------+
                         |                      |
                         |                      |
              Internal Network:  Prefix = FD01:0203:0405:/48

      0    15 16   31 32   47 48   63 64   79 80   95 96  111 112  127
     |     Routing Prefix    | Subnet|   Interface Identifier (IID)  |

                                       ,---.       +-------+
                                      /     \      |  CN   |
                                     ( Router)<====|       |
         +---------+               // \     /      |       |
         |         |              //   `---'       +-------+
         |         |     ,---.   //
         |         |    /     \ //
         | Home    |<--+ Router)
         | Network |    \     /
         |         |     `-+-'\\
         |         |       |   \\   ,---.         +-------+
         |         |       |    \\ /     \=======>|       |
         |         |       +------( Router)<------+  MN   |
         |         |               \     /        |       |
         |         |                `---'         +-------+

                                      |         |
                   ___________________|  CN     |
                  |                   |         |
                  |                   +---------+
                  V                      /\
             +-------+                   ||
             |Mobile |                   ||
             |Router |                   ||
             |       |                   || Reversing LSR
             +---+---+                   ||
                 |                       \/
                 |                    +---------+      +----------+
                 |  LSR Inserted      |         |<====>|          |
                 +------------------->|  MAS    |      |  MN      |
                                      |         |----->|          |
                                      +---------+      +----------+

                              |HoA|DATA |
                              +---+-----+           +-------+
                             +----------------------| CN    |
                             | +------------------->|       |
                             | |                    +-------+
                             | |
                             V |
                          | Home   |  Mapping: HoA <=> CoA
                          | Agent  |
                          |        |
                            ||  /\
                            ||  ||                   +-------+
                            ||  +====================|       |
                            ||                       | MN    |
                            +=======================>|       |
                              +-----+---+---+        +-------+
                              |DATA |HoA|CoA|

                 +------+             +------+     +-----+
                 | HA   |-------------|  HA  |     |     |
                 |      |             |      |     |  CN |
                 +--+---+      +------+++----+     +-----+
                    |          |       ||             /\
                    |          |       ||             ||
                    |          |       ||             ||
                    |          |       ||             ||
                 +--+---+------+       ||             ||
                 |      |<==============+             ||
                 | HA   |==============================+
                   || /\
                   \/ ||
                  +---++-+           ===>: data flow
                  |      |           ----: HA overlay network
                  | MN   |

           DDNS update    +--------+  DDNS update
         +--------------->|        |<-------+
         |                |  DNS   |        |
         |      LLQ       |        | LLQ    |
         |    +---------->|        |<----+  |
         |    |           |        |     |  |
         |    |           +--------+     |  |
         |    |                          |  |            +---------+
         |    V                      +---+--+----+       |         |
        ++-------+                   |           +-------|         |
        |Endhost1|     Tunnel        |    NAT    +------>|Endhost2 |
        |        |<=====================================>|         |
        +--------+                   |           |       |         |
                                     +-----------+       +---------+

      |            UER1          |       |           UER2           |
      | Enterprise1 |    ISP1    |  ISP  |    ISP2    | Enterprise2 |
      |  ALOC Realm | ALOC Realm | Tier1 | ALOC Realm |  ALOC Realm |
      |             |            |       |            |             |
      |   *EP       |  *RBR      |       |  *RBR      |   *EP       |
      |    ELOC1    |   ALOC1    |       |   ALOC2    |    ELOC4    |
      |             |            |       |            |             |
      |             |   *EP      |       |   *EP      |             |
      |             |    ELOC2   |       |    ELOC3   |             |
      |             |            |       |            |             |
      |-------------|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx DFZ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx| ------------|
      |     RIB     |    RIB     |  RIB  |    RIB     |    RIB      |
      |             |            |       |            |             |
      |    ALOC1    |   ALOC1    | ALOC1 |   ALOC2    |    ALOC2    |
      |    ELOC1    |   ALOC2    | ALOC2 |   ALOC1    |    ELOC4    |
      |             |   ELOC2    |       |   ELOC3    |             |
      |             |   ELOC1    |       |   ELOC4    |             |
      |             |            |       |            |             |

     |    UER1     |    UER2    |       |    UER3    |    UER4     |
     | Enterprise1 |    ISP1    |  ISP  |    ISP2    | Enterprise2 |
     |  ALOC Realm | ALOC Realm | Tier1 | ALOC Realm |  ALOC Realm |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |   *EP       |  *aRBR     |       |  *aRBR     |   *EP       |
     |    ELOC1    |   ALOC1.1  |       |   ALOC2.1  |    ELOC4    |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |             *uRBR        |       |        uRBR*             |
     |             |ALOC1.2     |       |     ALOC2.2|             |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |             |   *EP      |       |   *EP      |             |
     |             |    ELOC2   |       |    ELOC3   |             |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |-------------|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx DFZ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|-------------|
     |     RIB     |    RIB     |  RIB  |    RIB     |    RIB      |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |   ALOC1.2   |   ALOC1.1  | ALOC1 |   ALOC2.1  |   ALOC2.2   |
     |   ELOC1     |   ALOC1.2  | ALOC2 |   ALOC2.2  |   ELOC4     |
     |             |   ALOC2    |       |   ALOC1    |             |
     |             |   ELOC2    |       |   ELOC3    |             |
     |             |            |       |            |             |

     |            UER1          |       |           UER2           |
     | Enterprise1 |                                 | Enterprise2 |
     |  ALOC Realm |                                 |  ALOC Realm |
     |             |---------------------------------|             |
     |             |              VPN                |             |
     |             |           ALOC Realm            |             |
     |             *uRBR3                       uRBR4*             |
     |             |ALOC3                       ALOC4|             |
     |             |xxxxxxxxxxxX VPN RIB xxxxxxxxxxxx|             |
     |             |                                 |             |
     |             |           ALOC3 & ALOC4         |             |
     |             |---------------------------------|             |
     |   *EP1      |                                 |   *EP2      |
     |    ELOC1    |---------------------------------|    ELOC2    |
     |             |    ISP1    |  ISP  |    ISP2    |             |
     |             | ALOC Realm | Tier1 | ALOC Realm |             |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |          BR1*  *aRBR     |       |  *aRBR     *BR2          |
     |             |   ALOC1    |       |   ALOC2    |             |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |-------------|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx DFZ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|-------------|
     |     RIB     |    RIB     |  RIB  |    RIB     |    RIB      |
     |             |            |       |            |             |
     |   ALOC1     |   ALOC1    | ALOC1 |   ALOC2    |   ALOC2     |
     |   ALOC3     |   ALOC2    | ALOC2 |   ALOC1    |   ALOC4     |
     |   ALOC4     |   ELOC1    |       |   ELOC2    |   ALOC3     |
     |   ELOC1     |            |       |            |   ELOC2     |
     |             |            |       |            |             |

           |<-------------- Emulated Service ----------------->|
           |                                                   |
           |          |<------- Pseudowire -------->|          |
           |          |                             |          |
           |          |    |<-- MPLS Tunnel -->|    |          |
           |          V    V                   V    V          |
           V   AC     +----+                   +----+    AC    V
     +-----+    |     | PE1|===================| PE2|     |    +-----+
     |     |----------|............PW1..............|----------|     |
     | CE1 |    |     |    |                   |    |     |    | CE2 |
     |     |----------|............PW2..............|----------|     |
     +-----+  ^ |     |    |===================|    |     | ^  +-----+
           ^  |       +----+                   +----+     | |  ^
           |  |   Provider Edge 1          Provider Edge 2  |  |
           |  |                                             |  |
     Customer |                                             | Customer
     Edge 1   |                                             | Edge 2
              |                                             |
              |                                             |
       Native FC service                             Native FC service

               |                PE                 |
       +---+   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
       |   |   |P|  |     |  |PW ter|  | MPLS |  |P|
       |   |<==|h|<=| NSP |<=|minati|<=|Tunnel|<=|h|<== From network
       |   |   |y|  |     |  |on    |  |      |  |y|
       | C |   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
       | E |   |                                   |
       |   |   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
       |   |   |P|  |     |  |PW ter|  | MPLS |  |P|
       |   |==>|h|=>| NSP |=>|minati|=>|Tunnel|=>|h|==> To network
       |   |   |y|  |     |  |on    |  |      |  |y|
       +---+   +-+  +-----+  +------+  +------+  +-+
               |                                   |

          ----AC receive---->|     |-----PW transmit---->
     CE1                     | PE1 |                       PE2/CE2
          <---AC transmit----|     |<----PW receive-----
       (arrows indicate direction of user traffic impacted by a defect)

                                                   |               |
                                                   | Hot Standby   |
                                                   |   Cluster     |
                                                   |               |
                                                   |   +---------+ |
                                                   |   |         | |
                                                   |   | Active  | |
                                                   |   |         | |
                                                   |   | Member  | |
                                                   |   |         | |
                                                   |   +---------+ |
                                                   |          ^    |
       +---------+                                 |  Synch   |    |
       |         |                                 |  Channel |    |
       |  IPsec  |       IKE/IPsec Traffic         |          |    |
       |         | <=============================> |          |    |
       |   Peer  |                                 |          |    |
       |         |                                 |          |    |
       +---------+                                 |          |    |
                                                   |          v    |
                                                   |   +---------+ |
                                                   |   |         | |
                                                   |   | Standby | |
                                                   |   |         | |
                                                   |   | Member  | |
                                                   |   |         | |
                                                   |   +---------+ |

         alert (271)
         |  (signatureId)
         |  (protocolIdentifier)
         |  (riskRating)
         +------- participant (270)
                  +------- attacker (269)
                  |           (sourceIPv4Address)
                  |           (applicationId)
                  +------- target (268)
                           |  (destinationIPv4Address)
                           |  (applicationId)

     Private                       NAT                         Public
     Network                        |                          Network
     --------     SIP Request       |open port 10923           --------
    |        |-------------------->--->-----------------------|        |
    |        |                      |                         |        |
    | Client |                      |port 5060   SIP Response | Proxy  |
    |        |                      x<------------------------|        |
    |        |                      |                         |        |
     --------                       |                          --------

     Private                       NAT                         Public
     Network                        |                          Network
     -------- (UAC 8023)    REGISTER/Response       (UAS 5060) --------
    |        |-------------------->---<-----------------------|        |
    |        |                      |                         |        |
    | Client |                      |5060  INVITE   (UAC 8015)| Proxy  |
    |        |                      x<------------------------|        |
    |        |                      |                         |        |
     --------                       |                          --------

                 NAT             Public Network           NAT
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
     --------     |            SIP Signaling Session       |   --------
    |        |---------------------->Proxy<-------------------|        |
    |        |    |                                        |  |        |
    | Client |    |                                        |  | Client |
    |   A    |>=====>RTP>==Unknown Address==>X             |  |   B    |
    |        |    |             X<==Unknown Address==<RTP<===<|        |
     --------     |                                        |   --------
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |

     Private                        NAT                       Public
     Network                         |                        Network
     --------                        |                        --------
    |        |                       |                       |        |
    |        |send request---------------------------------->|        |
    | Client |<---------------------------------send response|  SIP   |
    |   A    |                       |                       | Proxy  |
    |        |                       |                       |        |
     --------                        |                        --------

            Bob                NAT             Edge Proxy
             |                  |                  |
             |(1) REGISTER      |                  |
             |----------------->|                  |
             |                  |                  |
             |                  |(1) REGISTER      |
             |                  |----------------->|
             |                  |                  |
             |  Create Outbound Connection Tuple   |
             |                  |                  |
             |                  |(2) 200 OK        |
             |                  |<-----------------|
             |                  |                  |
             |(2) 200 OK        |                  |
             |<-----------------|                  |
             |                  |                  |

            Bob                NAT             Edge Proxy
             |                  |                  |
             |(1) REGISTER      |                  |
             |----------------->|                  |
             |                  |                  |
             |                  |(1) REGISTER      |
             |                  |----------------->|
             |                  |                  |
             |  Create Outbound Connection Tuple   |
             |                  |                  |
             |                  |(2) 200 OK        |
             |                  |<-----------------|
             |                  |                  |
             |(2) 200 OK        |                  |
             |<-----------------|                  |
             |                  |                  |

      Bob               NAT              Edge Proxy         Registrar
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(1) REGISTER      |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(1) REGISTER      |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(2) REGISTER      |
       |                  |                  |----------------->|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |*************************************|                  |
       |  Create Outbound Connection Tuple   |                  |
       |*************************************|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(3) 200 OK        |
       |                  |                  |<-----------------|
       |                  |(4)200 OK         |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(4)200 OK         |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |

                                          Edge Proxy/
       Bob                NAT            Auth. Proxy          Alice
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |(1) INVITE        |                  |                 |
        |----------------->|                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |(1) INVITE        |                 |
        |                  |----------------->|                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |(2) INVITE       |
        |                  |                  |---------------->|
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |(3)180 RINGING   |
        |                  |                  |<----------------|
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |(4)180 RINGING    |                 |
        |                  |<-----------------|                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |(4)180 RINGING    |                  |                 |
        |<-----------------|                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |(5)200 OK        |
        |                  |                  |<----------------|
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |(6)200 OK         |                 |
        |                  |<-----------------|                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |(6)200 OK         |                  |                 |
        |<-----------------|                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |(7)ACK            |                  |                 |
        |----------------->|                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |(7)ACK            |                 |
        |                  |----------------->|                 |
        |                  |                  |                 |
        |                  |                  |(8) ACK          |
        |                  |                  |---------------->|
        |                  |                  |                 |

                                           Edge Proxy
        Bob                NAT            Auth. Proxy          Alice
         |                  |                  |                 |
         |           Registration Binding Installed in           |
         |                    Section                    |
         |                  |                  |                 |
         |                  |                  |(1)INVITE        |
         |                  |                  |<----------------|
         |                  |                  |                 |
         |                  |(2)INVITE         |                 |
         |                  |<-----------------|                 |
         |                  |                  |                 |
         |(2)INVITE         |                  |                 |
         |<-----------------|                  |                 |
         |                  |                  |                 |
         |                  |                  |                 |

    Bob            NAT         Edge Proxy    Auth. Proxy       Alice
     |              |              |              |              |
     |            Registration Binding Installed in              |
     |                      Section 5.1.2                        |
     |              |              |              |              |
     |              |              |              |(1)INVITE     |
     |              |              |              |<-------------|
     |              |              |              |              |
     |              |              |(2)INVITE     |              |
     |              |              |<-------------|              |
     |              |              |              |              |
     |              |(3)INVITE     |              |              |
     |              |<-------------|              |              |
     |              |              |              |              |
     |(3)INVITE     |              |              |              |
     |<-------------|              |              |              |
     |              |              |              |              |
     |              |              |              |              |

     Client              NAT               STUN                [..]
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(1) BIND Req      |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-1      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(2) BIND Req      |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(3) BIND Resp     |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-1    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(4) BIND Resp     |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-1     |                  |                  |
       |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(5) BIND Req      |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-2      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(6) BIND Req      |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(7) BIND Resp     |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-2    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(8) BIND Resp     |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-2     |                  |                  |
       |Map=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |

       |(9)SIP INVITE     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(10)SIP INVITE    |                  |
       |                  |------------------------------------>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(11)SIP 200 OK    |
       |                  |<------------------------------------|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(12)SIP 200 OK    |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing Media sent from L-PRIV-1>>>>>>>>>>>|
       |                                                        |
       |<<<<<<<<<<<<Incoming Media sent to NAT-PUB-1<<<<<<<<<<<<|
       |                                                        |
       |>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing RTCP sent from L-PRIV-2>>>>>>>>>>>>|
       |                                                        |
       |<<<<<<<<<<<<Incoming RTCP sent to NAT-PUB-2<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(13)SIP ACK       |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(14) SIP ACK      |                  |
       |                  |------------------------------------>|
       |                  |                  |                  |

     Client              NAT               STUN                [..]
       |                  |                  | (1)SIP INVITE    |
       |                  |<------------------------------------|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(2) SIP INVITE    |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(3) BIND Req      |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-1      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(4) BIND Req      |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(5) BIND Resp     |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-1    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(6) BIND Resp     |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-1     |                  |                  |
       |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(7) BIND Req      |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-2      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |

       |                  |(8) BIND Req      |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(9) BIND Resp     |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-2    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(10) BIND Resp    |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-2     |                  |                  |
       |Map=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(11)SIP 200 OK    |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |(12)SIP 200 OK    |                  |
       |                  |------------------------------------>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing Media sent from L-PRIV-1>>>>>>>>>>>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |<<<<<<<<<<<<<Incoming Media sent to L-PRIV-1<<<<<<<<<<<<|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing RTCP sent from L-PRIV-2>>>>>>>>>>>>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |<<<<<<<<<<<<<Incoming RTCP sent to L-PRIV-2<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(13)SIP ACK       |
       |                  |<------------------------------------|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(14)SIP ACK       |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |

   L               NAT              STUN             NAT               R
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(1) Alloc Req   |                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-1    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(2) Alloc Req   |                |                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |--------------->|                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(3) Alloc Resp  |                |                |
   |                |<---------------|                |                |
   |                |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |                |                |
   |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |
   |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |Rel=TURN-PUB-2  |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(4) Alloc Resp  |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-1   |                |                |                |
   |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |Rel=TURN-PUB-2  |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(5) Alloc Req   |                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-2    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(6) Alloc Req   |                |                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |--------------->|                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(7) Alloc Resp  |                |                |
   |                |<---------------|                |                |
   |                |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |                |                |
   |                |Dest=NAT-PUB-2  |                |                |
   |                |Map=NAT-PUB-2   |                |                |
   |                |Rel=TURN-PUB-3  |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |

   |(8) Alloc Resp  |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-2   |                |                |                |
   |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |Rel=TURN-PUB-3  |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(9) SIP INVITE  |                |                |                |
   |------------------------------------------------->|                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(10) SIP INVITE |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(11) Alloc Req  |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-1    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(12) Alloc Req  |                |
   |                |                |<---------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(13) Alloc Res  |                |
   |                |                |--------------->|                |
   |                |                |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |                |
   |                |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |
   |                |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |Rel=TURN-PUB-4  |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(14) Alloc Res  |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-1   |
   |                |                |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |Rel=TURN-PUB-4  |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(15) Alloc Req  |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-2    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(16) Alloc Req  |                |
   |                |                |<---------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=TURN-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |                |                |

   |                |                |(17) Alloc Res  |                |
   |                |                |--------------->|                |
   |                |                |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |                |
   |                |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |
   |                |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |Rel=TURN-PUB-5  |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(18) Alloc Res  |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=TURN-PUB-1  |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-2   |
   |                |                |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |Rel=TURN-PUB-5  |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(19) SIP 200 OK |
   |                |<-------------------------------------------------|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(20) SIP 200 OK |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(21) SIP ACK    |                |                |                |
   |------------------------------------------------->|                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(22) SIP ACK    |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(23) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |------------------------>x       |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-1    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-PRIV-1   |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(24) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-1    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(25) Bind Req   |                |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(26) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-1   |
   |                |                |                |                |

   |                |                |                |(27) Bind Res   |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-1    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|
   |                |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(28) Bind Res   |                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|                |
   |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(29) Bind Res   |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-1   |                |                |                |
   |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing RTP sent from L-PRIV-1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(30) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |        x<-----------------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-1    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-PRIV-1   |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(31) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-1    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(32) Bind Req   |                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(33) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-1   |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(34) Bind Res   |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-1    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |                |
   |Map=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |

   |                |(35) Bind Res   |                |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |
   |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(36) Bind Res   |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-1   |
   |                |                |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Outgoing RTP sent from R-PRIV-1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
   |(37) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-1    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |                |
   |USE-CANDIDATE   |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(38) Bind Req   |                |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1|                |                |
   |                |USE-CANDIDATE   |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(39) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-1   |
   |                |                |                |USE-CANDIDATE   |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(40) Bind Res   |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-1    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|
   |                |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(41) Bind Res   |                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1|                |
   |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |
   |                |                |                |                |

   |(42) Bind Res   |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-1   |                |                |                |
   |Map=L-NAT-PUB-1 |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(43) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-2    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(44) Bind Req   |                |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(45) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-2   |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(46) Bind Res   |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-2    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-2|
   |                |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(47) Bind Res   |                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-2|                |
   |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(48) Bind Res   |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-2   |                |                |                |
   |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing RTCP sent from L-PRIV-2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(49) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-2    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-2|
   |                |                |                |                |

   |                |                |(50) Bind Req   |                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-2|                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(51) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-2   |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(52) Bind Res   |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-2    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |                |                |
   |Map=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(53) Bind Res   |                |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |                |
   |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(54) Bind Res   |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-2   |
   |                |                |                |Map=R-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Outgoing RTCP sent from R-PRIV-2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<|
   |(55) Bind Req   |                |                |                |
   |--------------->|                |                |                |
   |Src=L-PRIV-2    |                |                |                |
   |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |                |                |
   |USE-CANDIDATE   |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |(56) Bind Req   |                |                |
   |                |-------------------------------->|                |
   |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |
   |                |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-2|                |                |
   |                |USE-CANDIDATE   |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(57) Bind Req   |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |Src=L-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |Dest=R-PRIV-2   |
   |                |                |                |USE-CANDIDATE   |

   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(58) Bind Res   |
   |                |                |                |<---------------|
   |                |                |                |Src=R-PRIV-2    |
   |                |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-2|
   |                |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |(59) Bind Res   |                |
   |                |<--------------------------------|                |
   |                |                |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-2|                |
   |                |                |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(60) Bind Res   |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |Src=R-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |Dest=L-PRIV-2   |                |                |                |
   |Map=L-NAT-PUB-2 |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(61) SIP INVITE |                |                |                |
   |------------------------------------------------->|                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(62) SIP INVITE |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(63) SIP 200 OK |
   |                |<-------------------------------------------------|
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(64) SIP 200 OK |                |                |                |
   |<---------------|                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |(65) SIP ACK    |                |                |                |
   |------------------------------------------------->|                |
   |                |                |                |                |
   |                |                |                |(66) SIP ACK    |
   |                |                |                |--------------->|
   |                |                |                |                |

     Client     ADDRESS/PORT-Dependent     STUN                [..]
                         NAT              Server
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(1) BIND Req      |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-1      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |(2) BIND Req      |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB     |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(3) BIND Resp     |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-1    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(4) BIND Resp     |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-1     |                  |                  |
       |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(5)SIP INVITE     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(6)SIP 200 OK     |
       |                  |<------------------------------------|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(7)SIP 200 OK     |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing Media sent from L-PRIV-1>>>>>>>>>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  x=====================================|
       |                  xIncoming Media sent to L-PRIV-1<<<<<<|
       |                  x=====================================|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(8)SIP ACK        |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |(9) SIP ACK       |                  |
       |                  |------------------------------------>|
       |                  |                  |                  |

       L        Address/Port-Dependent     TURN                [..]
                         NAT              Server
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(1) Alloc Req     |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-1      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB-1   |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(2) Alloc Req     |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(3) Alloc Resp    |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB-1    |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-1    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |
       |                  |Rel=STUN-PUB-2    |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(4) Alloc Resp    |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB-1    |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-1     |                  |                  |
       |Map=NAT-PUB-1     |                  |                  |
       |Rel=STUN-PUB-2    |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(5) Alloc Req     |                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-2      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=STUN-PUB-1   |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(6) Alloc Req     |                  |
       |                  |Src=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |
       |                  |Dest=STUN-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(7) Alloc Resp    |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=STUN-PUB-1    |                  |
       |                  |Dest=NAT-PUB-2    |                  |
       |                  |Map=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |
       |                  |Rel=STUN-PUB-3    |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(8) Alloc Resp    |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=STUN-PUB-1    |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-2     |                  |                  |

       |Map=NAT-PUB-2     |                  |                  |
       |Rel=STUN-PUB-3    |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(9)SIP INVITE     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(10)SIP INVITE    |                  |
       |                  |------------------------------------>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(11)SIP 200 OK    |
       |                  |<------------------------------------|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(12)SIP 200 OK    |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |>>>>>>>>>>>>>Outgoing Media sent from L-PRIV-1>>>>>>>>>>|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |==================|
       |                  |                  |<<<Media Sent to<<|
       |                  |                  |<<<<STUN-PUB-2<<<<|
       |                  |                  |==================|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |=====================================|                  |
       |<Incoming Media Relayed to L-PRIV-1<<|                  |
       |=====================================|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |==================|
       |                  |                  |<<<RTCP Sent to<<>|
       |                  |                  |<<<<STUN-PUB-3<<<<|
       |                  |                  |==================|
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |=====================================|                  |
       |<<Incoming RTCP Relayed to L-PRIV-2<<|                  |
       |=====================================|                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(13)SIP ACK       |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(14) SIP ACK      |                  |
       |                  |------------------------------------>|
       |                  |                  |                  |

       L      Address/Port-Dependent  Endpoint-Independent      R
                        L-NAT               R-NAT
       |               SIP OFFER/ANSWER EXCHANGE                |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(1)Bind Req       |
       |                  |                  |<-----------------|
       |                  |                  |Src=R=PRIV-1      |
       |                  |                  |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(2)Bind Req       |                  |
       |                  x<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(3)Bind Req       |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-1      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(4)Bind Req       |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(5)Bind Req       |
       |                  |                  |----------------->|
       |                  |                  |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1   |
       |                  |                  |Dest=R-PRIV-1     |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(6)Bind Resp      |
       |                  |                  |<-----------------|
       |                  |                  |Src=R-PRIV-1      |
       |                  |                  |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(7)Bind Resp      |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(8)Bind Resp      |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-1     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |

       |                  |                  |(9)Bind Req       |
       |                  |                  |<-----------------|
       |                  |                  |Src=R-Priv-1      |
       |                  |                  |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |
       |                  |(10)Bind Req      |                  |
       |                  |<-----------------|                  |
       |                  |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(11)Bind Req      |                  |                  |
       |<-----------------|                  |                  |
       |Src=R-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-PRIV-1     |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |(12)Bind Resp     |                  |                  |
       |----------------->|                  |                  |
       |Src=L-PRIV-1      |                  |                  |
       |Dest=L-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |(13)Bind Resp     |                  |
       |                  |----------------->|                  |
       |                  |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1   |                  |
       |                  |Dest=R-NAT-PUB-1  |                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
       |                  |                  |(14)Bind Resp     |
       |                  |                  |----------------->|
       |                  |                  |Src=L-NAT-PUB-1   |
       |                  |                  |Dest=R-PRIV-1     |
       |                  |                  |                  |

                        |       Application      |
                           ^                 ^
              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~Socket Interface|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                           |                 v
               |           |  Transport Layer             |
                     ^     |
       |             v     v                                     |
       |   +-----------------------------+       +----------+    |  IP
       |   |            Shim             |<----->|   REAP   |    | Layer
       |   +-----------------------------+       +----------+    |
       |                       ^                      ^          |
                               v                      v
               |                Link Layer                |

   | optname                     | get | set | description     | dtype |
   | SHIM_ASSOCIATED             | o   |     | Get the         | int   |
   |                             |     |     | parameter that  |       |
   |                             |     |     | indicates       |       |
   |                             |     |     | whether the     |       |
   |                             |     |     | socket is       |       |
   |                             |     |     | associated (1)  |       |
   |                             |     |     | with any shim   |       |
   |                             |     |     | context or not  |       |
   |                             |     |     | (0).            |       |
   | SHIM_DONTSHIM               | o   | o   | Get or set the  | int   |
   |                             |     |     | parameter that  |       |
   |                             |     |     | indicates       |       |
   |                             |     |     | whether or not  |       |
   |                             |     |     | to employ       |       |
   |                             |     |     | multihoming     |       |
   |                             |     |     | support by the  |       |
   |                             |     |     | shim sub-layer. |       |
   | SHIM_HOT_STANDBY            | o   | o   | Get or set the  | int   |
   |                             |     |     | parameter to    |       |
   |                             |     |     | request the     |       |
   |                             |     |     | shim sub-layer  |       |
   |                             |     |     | to prepare a    |       |
   |                             |     |     | hot-standby     |       |
   |                             |     |     | connection.     |       |
   | SHIM_LOC_LOCAL_PREF         | o   | o   | Set the         | Note  |
   |                             |     |     | preference      | 1     |
   |                             |     |     | value for a     |       |
   |                             |     |     | source locator  |       |
   |                             |     |     | for outbound    |       |
   |                             |     |     | traffic.  Get   |       |
   |                             |     |     | the preferred   |       |
   |                             |     |     | locator for the |       |
   |                             |     |     | source locator  |       |
   |                             |     |     | for outbound    |       |
   |                             |     |     | traffic.        |       |

   | SHIM_LOCLIST_PEER           | o   | o   | Get or set the  | Note  |
   |                             |     |     | list of         | 2     |
   |                             |     |     | locators        |       |
   |                             |     |     | associated with |       |
   |                             |     |     | the peer's EID. |       |
   | SHIM_APP_TIMEOUT            | o   | o   | Get or set the  | int   |
   |                             |     |     | Send Timeout    |       |
   |                             |     |     | value of REAP.  |       |
   | SHIM_PATHEXPLORE            | o   | o   | Get or set      | Note  |
   |                             |     |     | parameters for  | 3     |
   |                             |     |     | path            |       |
   |                             |     |     | exploration and |       |
   |                             |     |     | failure         |       |
   |                             |     |     | detection.      |       |
   | SHIM_CONTEXT_DEFERRED_SETUP | o   |     | Get the         | int   |
   |                             |     |     | parameter that  |       |
   |                             |     |     | indicates       |       |
   |                             |     |     | whether         |       |
   |                             |     |     | deferred        |       |
   |                             |     |     | context setup   |       |
   |                             |     |     | is supported or |       |
   |                             |     |     | not.            |       |

                            s1 s2      s3 s4
                             |  |       |  |
            |             +-------+   +-------+             |
            | IPPROTO_TCP |  TCP  |   |  UDP  |             |
            |             +-------+   +-------+             |
            |                |   \     /   |                |
            |                |    -----    |                |
            |                |   /     \   |                |
            |              +------+   +------+              |
            |   IPPROTO_IP | IPv4 |   | IPv6 | IPPROTO_IPV6 |
            |              +------+   +------+              |
            |                  \         /             SOL_SOCKET
            |          +--------\-------/--------+          |
            | SOL_SHIM |          shim           |          |
            |          +--------/-------\--------+          |
            |                  /         \                  |
            |              +------+   +------+              |
            |              | IPv4 |   | IPv6 |              |
            |              +------+   +------+              |
            |                  |          |                 |
                               |          |
                             IPv4       IPv6
                           Datagram   Datagram

       +----+         +----+                  +----+         +----+
       |App1|         |App2|                  |App1|         |App2|
       +----+         +----+                  +----+         +----+
         |^             |^                      ^|             ^|
         v|             v|                      |v             |v
    -----S1-------------S2-----            -----S1-------------S2-----
         ||             ||                      ||             ||
         ||             ||                      ||             ||

         |^             |^                      ^|             ^|
         ||             ||                      ||             ||
         ||             ||                      ||             ||
         \..............||....................../|             ||
          \.............||......................./             ||
                        ||                                     ||

          Access Node                            Network Access Server
     +--------------------+                     +--------------------+
     | +----------------+ |                     | +----------------+ |
     | |   AN Control   | |                     | |  NAS Control   | |
     | |  Application   | |                     | |  Application   | |
     | +----------------+ |                     | +----------------+ |
     | +----------------+ |                     | +----------------+ |
     | |   ANCP Agent   | |    ANCP Messages    | |   ANCP Agent   | |
     | |   (AN side)    |<----------------------->|   (NAS side)   | |
     | +----------------+ |                     | +----------------+ |
     +--------------------+                     +--------------------+

                              Access                   Customer
                       <--- Aggregation -->  <------- Premises ------->
                              Network                   Network

                       +------------------+ +--------------------------+
   +---------+   +---+ | +-----+ +------+ | |+-----+ +---+ +---------+ |
NSP|         | +-|NAS|-| |ATM  |-|Access| --||DSL  |-|HGW|-|Subscriber||
---+ Regional| | +---+ | +-----+ | Node | | ||Modem| +---+ |Devices   ||
   |Broadband| | +---+ |         +------+ | |+-----+       +----------+|
ASP|Network  |-+-|NAS| +--------------|---+ +--------------------------+
---+         | | +---+                |     +--------------------------+
   |         | | +---+                |     |+-----+ +---+ +----------+|
   +---------+ +-|NAS|                +-----|| DSL |-|HGW|-|Subscriber||
                 +---+                      ||Modem| +---+ |Devices   ||
                                            |+-----+       +----------+|
 HGW: Home Gateway
 NAS: Network Access Server

   |    Condition    |                Action               | New State |
   |  SYN || SYNACK  |           Send ACK (Note 2)         |   ESTAB   |
   |  ACK && B && C  |           Send ACK (Note 3)         |   ESTAB   |
   | ACK && !(B && C)|              Send RSTACK            |   ESTAB   |

   +-------------+    +-----+      +-------+          +----------------+
   |Radius/AAA   |----|NAS  |------| DSLAM |----------|    CPE         |
   |Policy Server|    +-----+      +-------+          | (DSL Modem +   |
   +-------------+                                    |Routing Gateway)|
                    Port Management Message
                    (Remote Loopback          ATM loopback
                     Trigger Request)         or EFM Loopback
                  1.  ---------------->     2. -------->
                       3. <---------------
                       Port Management Message
                  (Remote Loopback Test Response)

      |10000000|00000011|  RTT   |
       Type=128  Length=3  Estimate

      |10000000|00000100|       RTT       |
       Type=128  Length=4      Estimate

      |10000000|00000101|           RTT            |
       Type=128  Length=5          Estimate

         [ Packet 1 ]
   v6src = Addr(Prf1, IP2)                     [ Packet 2 ]
   v6dst = Addr(Prf2, IP1)                v6src = Addr(Prf1, IP2)
   v4src = IP2; v4dst = IP1 +----------+  v6dst = Addr(Prf2, IP1)
              //===========>|  Router  |-----------------\
             ||             |    R1    |                 |
             ||             +----------+                 v
            .-.                                         .-.
         ,-(  _)-.                                   ,-(  _)-.
      .-(_ IPv4  )-.                              .-(_ IPv6  )-.
    (__   Network   )                           (__   Network   )
       `-(______)-'                                `-(______)-'
             ^^                                          |
             ||             +----------+                 |
              \\============|  Router  |<----------------/
         [ Packet 1 ]       |    R2    |    [ Packets 0 and 2 ]
   v6src = Addr(Prf1, IP2)  +----------+  v6src = Addr(Prf1, IP2)
   v6dst = Addr(Prf2, IP1)                v6dst = Addr(Prf2, IP1)
   v4src = IP2; v4dst = IP1

                       .-(::::::::)      2001:db8:3::1
                    .-(::: IPv6 :::)-.  +-------------+
                   (:::: Internet ::::) | IPv6 Host H |
                    `-(::::::::::::)-'  +-------------+
              ,----|companion gateway|--.
             /     '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'  :
            /                           |.
         ,-'                              `.
        ;  +------------+   +------------+  )
        :  |  Router A  |   |  Router B  |  /    fe80::*
         : |  (ISATAP)  |   |  (ISATAP)  | ;       2001:db8:2::1
         + +------------+   +------------+  \    +--------------+
        ; fe80::*  fe80::* :   |   (ISATAP)   |
        |                                   ;    |    Host G    |
        :              IPv4 Site         -+-'    +--------------+
         `-. (PRL:,  .)
            \                           _)
        fe80::*         fe80::*          .-.
        +--------------+         +--------------+       ,-(  _)-.
        |   (ISATAP)   |         |   (ISATAP)   |    .-(_ IPv6  )-.
        |   Router C   |         |   Router E   |--(__Edge Network )
        +--------------+         +--------------+     `-(______)-'
         2001:db8:0::/48          2001:db8:1::/48           |
                |                                     2001:db8:1::1
               .-.                                   +-------------+
            ,-(  _)-.       2001:db8:0::1            | IPv6 Host F |
         .-(_ IPv6  )-.   +-------------+            +-------------+
       (__Edge Network )--| IPv6 Host D |
          `-(______)-'    +-------------+

                              /            \
                 +-----+     /   Ethernet   \    +-----+
                 | RB1 |----<                >---| RB2 |
                 +-----+     \    Cloud     /    +-----+
                              \            /

                          |                RBridge
                          |     Forwarding Engine, IS-IS, etc.
                          | Processing of native and TRILL frames
                               |   |        ||         other ports...
                 +-------------+   |        ||
                 |                 |        ||
    +------------+-------------+   |        ||
    |         RBridge          |   |   +----++-------+ <- EISS
    |                          |   |   |             |
    | High-Level Control Frame |   |   | 802.1Q-2005 |
    |  Processing (BPDU, VRP)  |   |   |  Port VLAN  |
    |                          |   |   |  & Priority |
    +-----------++-------------+   |   |  Processing |
                ||                 |   |             |
      +---------++-----------------+---+-------------+ <-- ISS
      |                                              |
      |    802.1/802.3 Low-Level Control Frame       |
      |    Processing, Port/Link Control Logic       |
      |                                              |
                  ||        +------------+
                  ||        | 802.3 PHY  |
                  |+--------+ (Physical  +--------- 802.3
                  +---------+ Interface) +--------- Link
                            |            |

               | CHbH | CItE |          Reserved           |

     | Priority  | C |                  VLAN ID                      |

                     |                RBridge
                     | Interport Forwarding, IS-IS.  Management, ...
                          ||                      |             ||
                    TRILL || Data                 |             ||
                          ||                   +--+---------+   ||
            +-------------++-----+             |   TRILL    |   ||
            |    Encapsulation   |      +------+ IS-IS Hello|   ||
            |    Decapsulation   |      |      | Processing |   ||
            |     Processing     |      |      +-----++-----+   ||
            +--------------------+      |            ||         ||
            |  RBridge Appointed +------+            ||         ||
        +---+   Forwarder and    |                   ||         ||
        |   |  Inhibition Logic  +==============\\   ||   //====++
        |   +---------+--------+-+   Native       \\ ++ //
        |             |        |     Frames         \++/
        |             |        |                     ||
   +----+-----+  +- - + - - +  |                     ||
   |  RBridge |  |  RBridge |  |                     || All TRILL and
   |   BPDU   |  |    VRP   |  |                     || Native Frames
   |Processing|  |Processing|  |                     ||
   +-----++---+  + - - -+- -+  |            +--------++--+ <- EISS
         ||             |      |            |   802.1Q   |
         ||            |       |            | Port VLAN  |
         ||             |      |            |and Priority|
         ||            |       |            | Processing |
     +---++------------++------+------------+------------+ <-- ISS
     |        802.1/802.3 Low-Level Control Frame        |
     |        Processing, Port/Link Control Logic        |
                  ||        +------------+
                  ||        | 802.3 PHY  |
                  ++========+ (Physical  +======== 802.3
                            | Interface) |         Link

            +-----+        +----+        +----+        +-----+
            |     |  Fast  |    |  Slow  |    |  Fast  |     |
            | RB1 +--------+ B1 +--------+ B2 +--------+ RB2 |
            |     |  Link  |    |  Link  |    |  Link  |     |
            +-----+        +----+        +----+        +-----+

        0    1    2    3     4 - 15      16 - 19     20 - 31
      | M4 | M6 |  R |  R | VLAN.start |   RESV   |  VLAN.end  |

               | Event |  Down  | Detect | 2-Way  | Report |
               |  A1   | 2-Way  | 2-Way  | 2-Way  | Report |
               |  A2   | Detect | Detect | 2-Way  | Report |
               |  A3   | Detect | Detect | Detect | Detect |
               |  A4   |  N/A   | Down   | Down   | Down   |
               |  A5   |  N/A   | Detect | Detect | Detect |
               |  A6   |  N/A   |  N/A   | Report | Report |
               |  A7   |  N/A   |  N/A   | 2-Way  | 2-Way  |
               |  A8   | Down   | Down   | Down   | Down   |

                            |     Down      |<--------+
                            +---------------+         |
                              |     |  ^  |           |
                         A2,A3|     |A8|  |A1         |
                              |     +--+  |           |
                              |           +-----------|---+
                              V                       |   |
                            +----------------+ A4,A8  |   |
                     +----->|      Detect    |------->|   |
                     |      +----------------+        |   |
                     |        |  |         ^          |   |
                     |      A1|  |A2,A3,A5 |          |   |
                     |        |  +---------+          |   |
                     |        |                       |   |
                     |        |          +------------|---+
                     |        |          |            |
                     |        V          V            |
                     |A3,A5 +----------------+ A4,A8  |
                     |<-----|     2-Way      |------->|
                     |      +----------------+        |
                     |       |   ^ |        ^         |
                     |     A6|   | |A1,A2,A7|         |
                     |       |   | +--------+         |
                     |       |   |                    |
                     |       |   |A7                  |
                     |       V   |                    |
                     |A3,A5 +-------------+ A4,A8     |
                     |<-----|   Report    |---------->|
                              |         ^
                              |A1,A2,A6 |

             | Event | Down   | Suspend |  DRB    | Not DRB |
             |  D1   | DRB    | DRB     |  N/A    |  N/A    |
             |  D2   |  N/A   |  N/A    | Not DRB | Not DRB |
             |  D3   |  N/A   |  N/A    | DRB     | DRB     |
             |  D4   |  N/A   | Suspend | Suspend | Suspend |
             |  D5   | Down   | Down    | Down    | Down    |

                 |  Down       |<--------------+
                 +-+---+-------+     ^         |
                   |   |   ^         |         |
                 D1|   |D5 |         |         |
                   |   +---+         |D5       |
                   |                 |         |
                   |        +--------+----+    |
                   |        |  Suspended  |<---|---+
                   |        +-+-----+-----+    |   |
                   |        D1|  ^  |   ^      |   |
                   |          |  |  |D4 |      |   |
                   |          |  |  +---+      |   |
                   |          |  |             |   |
                   |          |  |D4           |   |
                   V          V  |             |   |
                 +---------------+-+ D5        |   |
                 |          DRB    |---------->|   |
                 +--------+--+-----+           |   |
                     ^    |  |  ^              |   |
                     |  D2|  |D3|              |   |
                     |    |  +--+              |   |
                     |    |         D4         |   |
                     |D3  |  +-----------------|---+
                     |    V  |                 |
                +----+-------+-+ D5            |
                |   Not DRB    |-------------->|
                     |    ^
                     |D2  |

         |                                                          |
         |    +-----------+    +--------------+    +-------------+  |
      C' |    |           | C' | Intermediate | C  |             |  |
     ----+--->|  Padding  |--->|    Symbol    |--->|   Encoding  |--+-->
      K  |    |           | K' |  Generation  | L  |             |  |
         |    +-----------+    +--------------+    +-------------+  |
         |           |                             (d,a,b, ^        |
         |           |                            d1,a1,b1)|        |
         |           |                              +------------+  |
         |           |              K'              |   Tuple    |  |
         |           +----------------------------->|            |  |
         |                                          | Generation |  |
         |                                          +------------+  |
         |                                                 ^        |
                                                         ISI X

                       B               S         U         H
            |                       |       |                  |
          S |        G_LDPC,1       |  I_S  |      G_LDPC,2    |
            |                       |       |                  |
            |                                          |       |
          H |                G_HDPC                    |  I_H  |
            |                                          |       |
            |                                                  |
            |                                                  |
         K' |                      G_ENC                       |
            |                                                  |
            |                                                  |

               |           |                 |         |
               |     I     |    All Zeros    |         |
               |           |                 |         |
               +-----------+-----------------+    U    |
               |           |                 |         |
               |           |                 |         |
               | All Zeros |       V         |         |
               |           |                 |         |
               |           |                 |         |

                   |    Host   |
               |         |         |
               |    Home router    |
               ||       B4        ||
                        |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire
               /        |||        \
              |   ISP core network  |
               \        |||        /
               |        AFTR       |
               ||   Concentrator  ||
               |       |NAT|       |
               |       +-+-+       |
               /         |         \
              |       Internet      |
               \         |         /
                   | IPv4 Host |

                   |    Host   |
                      |  |
      IPv4 datagram 1 |  |
                      |  |
                      v  |
               |         |         |
               |    home router    |
               ||        B4       ||
                      | |||2001:db8:0:1::1
       IPv6 datagram 2| |||
                      | |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire
               /      | |||        \
              |   ISP core network  |
               \      | |||        /
                      | |||
                      | |||2001:db8:0:2::1
               |      | AFTR       |
               |      v |||        |
               ||  Concentrator   ||
               |       |NAT|       |
               |       +-+-+       |
                      |  |
      IPv4 datagram 3 |  |
                      |  |
               /      |  |         \
              |       Internet      |
               \      |  |         /
                      |  |
                      v  |
                   | IPv4 Host |

                   |    Host   |
                      ^  |
      IPv4 datagram 3 |  |
                      |  |
                      |  |
               |       +-+-+       |
               |    home router    |
               ||        B4       ||
                      ^ |||2001:db8:0:1::1
      IPv6 datagram 2 | |||
                      | |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire
                      | |||
               /      | |||        \
              |   ISP core network  |
               \      | |||        /
                      | |||
                      | |||2001:db8:0:2::1
               |       AFTR        |
               ||   Concentrator  ||
               |       |NAT|       |
               |       +-+-+       |
                      ^  |
      IPv4 datagram 1 |  |
                      |  |
               /      |  |         \
              |       Internet      |
               \      |  |         /
                      |  |
                      |  |
                   | IPv4 Host |

               |                   |
               |  Host   |
               ||        B4       ||
                        |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire
               /        |||        \
              |   ISP core network  |
               \        |||        /
               |       AFTR        |
               ||  Concentrator   ||
               |       |NAT|       |
               |       +-+-+       |
               /         |         \
              |       Internet      |
               \         |         /
                   | IPv4 Host |

               |                   |
               |Host     |
               ||        B4       ||
                      | |||2001:db8:0:1::1
       IPv6 datagram 1| |||
                      | |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire
                      | |||
               /      | |||        \
              |   ISP core network  |
               \      | |||        /
                      | |||
                      | |||2001:db8:0:2::1
               |      | AFTR       |
               |      v |||        |
               ||  Concentrator   ||
               |       |NAT|       |
               |       +-+-+       |
                      |  |
      IPv4 datagram 2 |  |
               /      |  |         \
              |       Internet      |
               \      |  |         /
                      |  |
                      v  |
                   | IPv4 Host |

               |                   |
               |Host     |
               ||        B4       ||
                      ^ |||2001:db8:0:1::1
      IPv6 datagram 2 | |||
                      | |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6 softwire
                      | |||
               /      | |||        \
              |   ISP core network  |
               \      | |||        /
                      | |||
                      | |||2001:db8:0:2::1
               |       AFTR        |
               |      | |||        |
               ||  Concentrator   ||
               |       |NAT|       |
               |       +-+-+       |
                      ^  |
      IPv4 datagram 1 |  |
               /      |  |         \
              |       Internet      |
               \      |  |         /
                      |  |
                      |  |
                   | IPv4 Host |

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |    OPTION_AFTR_NAME: 64       |          option-len           |
     |                                                               |
     |                  tunnel-endpoint-name (FQDN)                  |
     |                                                               |

     UAC                   UAS
      | F1  INVITE (SDP)    | <- The offer in the offer/answer model.
      | F2     1xx (SDP)    | <- The offer/answer exchange is not
      |<--------------------|    closed yet, but UAC acts as if it
      |                     | ^  receives the answer.
      | F3 1xx-rel (no SDP) | |<- a 1xx-rel may be sent without answer
      |<--------------------| |   SDP.
      | F4   PRACK (no SDP) | |
      |-------------------->| | The UAC must not send a new offer.
      | F5 2xx PRA (no SDP) | |
      |<--------------------| v
      |                     |
      | F6 1xx-rel (SDP)    | <- The answer in the offer/ answer model.
      |<--------------------| -
      | F7   PRACK          | | The UAC can send a new offer in a PRACK
      |-------------------->| | request to acknowledge F6.
      | F8 2xx PRA          | | After F7, the UAC and UAS can send a new
      |<--------------------| v offer in an UPDATE request.
      |                     |
      | F9 1xx-rel          | <- SDP should not be included in the
      |<--------------------|    subsequent 1xx-rel once offer/answer
      | F10  PRACK          |    has been completed.
      | F11 2xx PRA         |
      |                     |
      | F12 2xx INV         | <- SDP should not be included in the
      |<--------------------|    final response once offer/answer has
      | F13    ACK          |    been completed.

    UAC                   UAS
     | F1  INVITE (no SDP) |
     | F2     1xx          |
     |                     |
     | F3 1xx-rel (SDP)    | <- The first 1xx-rel must contain SDP
     |<--------------------|    as the offer.
     | F4   PRACK (SDP)    | <- A PRACK request to the first 1xx-rel
     |-------------------->|    must contain SDP as the answer.
     | F5 2xx PRA (no SDP) | -
     |<--------------------| |
     |                     | |
     | F6 1xx-rel (no SDP) | <- The subsequent 1xx-rel should not
     |<--------------------| |  contain SDP.
     | F7   PRACK          | |
     |-------------------->| | The UAC can send a new offer in an UPDATE
     | F8 2xx PRA          | | request after F4.
     |<--------------------| v
     |                     |
     | F9 2xx INV (no SDP) | <- The final response should not
     |<--------------------|    contain SDP.
     | F10    ACK          |

                            A                  B
                            |SDP-1     (offer1)|
                         M1 |----------------->|
                            |SDP-2    (answer1)|
                         M2 |<------\  /-------|
                            |        \/        |
                            |SDP-3   /\(offer2)|
                         M3 |<------/  \-------|

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |UPDATE(offer1)                 |
                M1 |==============================>|
                   |re-INVITE(no offer)            |
                Mx |------------------------------>| --+
                   |               2xx-UPD(answer1)|   |
                M2 |<===========\  /===============|   | first reliable
                   |             \/ 1xx-rel/2xx-INV|   | response
                   |             /\        (offer2)|   |
                M3 |<===========/  \===============| <-+
                   |PRACK/ACK(answer2)             |
                My |------------------------------>|
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |re-INVITE(no offer)            |
                Mx |------------------------------>| --+
                   |UPDATE(offer1)                 |   |
                M1 |==============================>|   |
                   |               2xx-UPD(answer1)|   |
                M2 |<===========\  /===============|   | first reliable
                   |             \/ 1xx-rel/2xx-INV|   | response
                   |             /\        (offer2)|   |
                M3 |<===========/  \===============| <-+
                   |PRACK/ACK(answer2)             |
                My |------------------------------>|
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |           re-INVITE (no offer)|
   1st reliable+-- |<------------------------------|
   response    | M1|1xx-rel(offer1)                |
               +-> |==============================>| --+
                   |                 PRACK(answer1)| M3| Acknowledge
                   |<===========\  /===============| <-+
                   |             \/                |
                   |             /\  UPDATE(offer2)|
                   |<===========/  \===============| M2
                   |500-UPD                        |
                   |2xx-PRA                        |
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |re-INVITE(offer1)              |
                M1 |==============================>|
                   |               1xx-rel(answer1)|
                   |<===========\  /===============| M3
                   |             \/                |
                   |             /\  UPDATE(offer2)|
               +-- |<===========/  \===============| M2
               |   |491-UPD                        |
   Acknowledge |   |------------------------------>|
               |   |PRACK                          |
               +-> |------------------------------>|
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |re-INVITE(offer1)              |
                   |               2xx-INV(answer1)|
                   |<===========\  /===============|
                   |             \/                |
                   |             /\  UPDATE(offer2)|
               +-- |<===========/  \===============|
               |   |491-UPD                        |
   Acknowledge |   |------------------------------>|
               |   |ACK                            |
               +-> |------------------------------>|
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |              re-INVITE(offer0)|
                   |1xx-rel(answer0)               |
                   |------------------------------>| --+
                   |UPDATE(offer1)                 |   |
                M1 |==============================>|   |
                   |               2xx-UPD(answer1)|   | Acknowledge
                   |<===========\  /===============| M3|
                   |             \/                |   |
                   |             /\   PRACK(offer2)| M2|
                   |<===========/  \===============| <-+
                   |                               |

                            A                  B
                            |offer1      offer2|
                         M1 |-------\  /-------| M2
                            |        \/        |
                            |        /\        |
                            |<------/  \------>|

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |              re-INVITE(offer0)|
                   |1xx-rel(answer0)               |
                   |------------------------------>| --+
                   |UPDATE(offer1)    PRACK(offer2)| M2| Acknowledge
                M1 |============\  /===============| <-+
                   |             \/                |
                   |             /\                |
                   |<===========/  \==============>|
                   |                        491-UPD|
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |re-INVITE(no offer)            |
                   |------------------------------>| --+
                   |                1xx-rel/2xx-INV|   | 1st reliable
                   |UPDATE(offer1)         (offer2)| M2| response
                M1 |============\  /===============| <-+
                   |             \/                |
                   |             /\                |
                   |<===========/  \==============>|
                   |                        500-UPD|
                   |                               |

                   A                               B
                   |                               |
                   |UPDATE(offer1)                 |
                   |==========\                    |
                   |re-INVITE  \  (no offer)       |
                   |------------\----------------->| --+
                   |             \  1xx-rel/2xx-INV|   | 1st reliable
                   |              \        (offer2)|   | response
                   |<==============\===============| <-+
                   |                \              |
                   |                 \============>|
                   |                        500-UPD|
                   |                               |

       | offer1    | offer2    |Action |Action |Figure|
       |  M1       |  M2       | of A  | of B  |      |
       |           | re-INVITE |UAS-IcI|UAS-IcI|      |
       | re-INVITE +-----------+-------+-------+      |
       |           | UPDATE    |UAS-IcU|UAS-UcI|      |
       +-----------+-----------+-------+-------+      |
       |           | UPDATE    |UAS-UcU|UAS-UcU|      |
       |           +-----------+-------+-------+------+
       |           | 1xx-rel   |       |       |      |
       | UPDATE    +-----------+UAC-IU,|UAS-IsU|12,13 |
       |           | 2xx-INV   |UAC-UI |       |      |
       |           +-----------+-------+-------+------+
       |           | PRACK (*) |UAC-IU |UAS-IcU|  11  |
        (*) invalid sequences if INVITE request is an initial one

               A                               B
               |                               |
               |                         UPDATE|
               |UPDATE                         |
               |                            491|
               |                               |

               A                               B
               |                               |
               |UPDATE CSeq:m                  |
               |UPDATE CSeq:n(>m)              |
               |            500 (UPDATE CSeq:n)|
               |                               |

               A                               B
               |                               |
               |                 UPDATE(offer1)|
               |reINVITE(no offer)             |
               |                   491 (INVITE)|
               |                               |

               A                               B
               |                               |
               |UPDATE(offer1)                 |
               |reINVITE(no offer)             |
               |                   500 (INVITE)|
               |                               |

               A                               B
               |                               |
               |             reINVITE(no offer)|
               |1xx-rel(offer0)                |
               |UPDATE(offer1)                 |
               |                   491 (UPDATE)|
               |                               |

               A                               B
               |                               |
               |reINVITE(no offer)             |
               |                1xx-rel(offer0)|
               |UPDATE(offer1)                 |
               |                   500 (UPDATE)|
               |                               |

     +-------------+                                      +-----------+
     |             |        Communication Session         |           |
     |     A       |<------------------------------------>|     B     |
     |             |                                      |           |
     +-------------+                                      +-----------+
     .                             Session                            .
     .                            Recording                           .
     .                             Client                             .
                                      | Recording
                                      | Session
                               |   Session  |
                               |  Recording |
                               |   Server   |

         RS  |------------------- Recording Session ------------------|

                       |-------- CS 1 -------|
                          |-------- CS 2 -------|
                     |-------- CS 3 -------|

    +-------+      +-------------+      +-------+      +------------+
    |       |1    n|             |1    n|       |1    n| Data Plane |
    |  VCG  |<>----|  VCAT Call  |<>----|  LSP  |<>----| Connection |
    |       |      |             |      |       |      |(co-routed) |
    +-------+      +-------------+      +-------+      +------------+

                   "internal-side"          "external-side"
                      internal     |  N  |     external
                      address  <---|  A  |---> address
                       realm       |  T  |      realm

           Private    | +----------+  tunnel  +----------+ |   Public
           address  --|-| gateway  |==========| gateway  |-|-- address
           realm      | +----------+          +----------+ |    realm
                                   A+P subsystem

              private    +-----+          +-----+     public
              address ---|  B  |==========|  A  |---  Internet
               realm     +-----+          +-----+

              private    +-----+          +-----+     public
              address ---|  B  |==========|  A  |---  Internet
              realm 1    +-----+          +-----+
              private    +-----+            |
              address ---|  C  |============/
              realm 2    +-----+

               +---------+      +---------+      +---------+
     internal  | gateway |      | gateway |      | gateway |  external
     realm   --|    1    |======|    2    |======|    3    |-- realm
               +---------+      +---------+      +---------+

         IPv4         Full-A+P          AFTR             CGN
          |              |               |                |
   <-- Full IPv4 ---- Port range ---- Port range  ---- Provider --->
       allocated      & dynamic         & LSN          NAT ONLY
                      allocation      (NAT on CPE      (No mechanism)
       (no NAT)      (NAT on CPE)     and on LSN)      for customer to
                                                       bypass CGN)

                           |                   |----IPv6---\
               ----IPv4---\|                   |----IPv4---\\
               -----------/|                   |-----------//
                           |                   |-----------/
                           |       SMAP        |
                           |                   | /--IPv6-----
               /---IPv4----|                   |//---IPv4----
               \-----------|                   |\\-----------
                           |                   | \-----------

                       +------+             +------+
                       |      |----IPv6---\ |      |
           ----IPv4---\|      |----IPv4---\\|      |----IPv4---\
           -----------/|      |-----------//|      |-----------/
                       |      |-----------/ |      |
                       | SMAP |             | SMAP |
                       |      | /----IPv6---|      |
           /---IPv4----|      |//---IPv4----|      |/---IPv4----
           \-----------|      |\\-----------|      |\-----------
                       |      | \-----------|      |
                       +------+             +------+
                        node A               node B

   +------+          +------+   +--------+   +------+           +------+
   |      |--IPv6--\ |      |   |        |   |      |---IPv6--\ |      |
   |      |--IPv4--\\|      |---|-IPv4---|--\|      |---IPv4--\\|      |
   |      |--------//|      |---|--------|--/|      |---------//|      |
   |      |--------/ |      |   |Internet|   |      |---------/ |      |
   | SMAP |          | SMAP |   |  IPv4  |   | SMAP |           | SMAP |
   |      | /--IPv6--|      |   |        |   |      | /---IPv6--|      |
   |      |//--IPv4--|      |/--|-IPv4---|---|      |//--IPv4---|      |
   |      |\\--------|      |\--|--------|---|      |\\---------|      |
   |      | \--------|      |   |        |   |      | \---------|      |
   +------+          +------+   +--------+   +------+           +------+
    Source           node A                  node B          Destination

        +------+             +------------+              +------+
        |      |             |            |              |      |
        |      |----IPv6-----|----IPv6----|----IPv6----\ |      |
        |      |----IPv4-----|------------|----IPv4----\\|      |
        |      |-------------|------------|------------//|      |
        |      |-------------|------------|------------/ |      |
        | SMAP |             | Internet v6|              | SMAP |
        |      | /-----IPv6--|------------|-----IPv6-----|      |
        |      |//---IPv4----|------------|-------IPv4---|      |
        |      |\\-----------|------------|--------------|      |
        |      | \-----------|------------|--------------|      |
        |      |             |            |              |      |
        +------+             +------------+              +------+
         Source                                            Destination

       private     | +------+  A+P-in  +-----+ |   dual-stacked
      (RFC 1918) --|-| CPE  |==-IPv6-==| PRR |-|-- network
        space      | +------+  tunnel  +-----+ |   (public addresses)
                   |    ^              +-----+ |
                   |    |  IPv6-only   | LSN | |
                   |    |   network    +-----+ |
                   +----+----------------- ^ --+
                        |                  |
                   on customer        within provider
              premises and control      network

    +------------ IPv6-only transport ------------+
    | +---------------+ |              |          |
    | |A+P-application| |  +--------+  |  +-----+ |   dual-stacked
    | | on end-host   |=|==| CPE w/ |==|==| PRR |-|-- network
    | +---------------+ |  +--------+  |  +-----+ |   (public addresses)
    +---------------+   |  +--------+  |  +-----+ |
      private IPv4 <-*--+->| NAT    |  |  | LSN | |
      address space   \ |  +--------+  |  +-----+ |
      for legacy       +|--------------|----------+
        hosts           |              |
                        |              |
      end-host with     |  CPE device  |  provider
        upgraded        |  on customer |  network
       application      |   premises   |

                   |    Host   |
                      |  |
      IPv4 datagram 1 |  |
                      |  |
                      v  |
               |CPE      |         |
                      | |||     2001:db8::2
                      | ||| (100-200)
       IPv6 datagram 2| |||
                      | |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6
                      | |||
               /      | |||        \
              |  ISP access network |
               \      | |||        /
                      | |||
                      v |||     2001:db8::1
               |PRR     |||        |
                      |  |
      IPv4 datagram 3 |  |
               /      |  |         \
              |   ISP network /     |
               \      Internet     /
                      |  |
                      v  |
                   | IPv4 Host |

                   |    Host   |
                      ^  |
      IPv4 datagram 3 |  |
                      |  |
                      |  |
               |CPE      |         |
                      ^ |||     2001:db8::2
                      | ||| (100-200)
       IPv6 datagram 2| |||
                      | |||<-IPv4-in-IPv6
                      | |||
               /      | |||        \
              | ISP access network  |
               \      | |||        /
                      | |||
                      | |||     2001:db8::1
               |PRR     |||        |
                      ^  |
      IPv4 datagram 1 |  |
               /      |  |         \
              |  ISP network /      |
               \      Internet     /
                      |  |
                      |  |
                   | IPv4 Host |

                              <------        ServerHello (seq=1)
                              <------        Certificate (seq=2)
                              <------    ServerHelloDone (seq=3)

                                              ServerHello    \
                                             Certificate*     \
                                       ServerKeyExchange*      Flight 4
                                      CertificateRequest*     /
                           <--------      ServerHelloDone    /

   Certificate*                                              \
   ClientKeyExchange                                          \
   CertificateVerify*                                          Flight 5
   [ChangeCipherSpec]                                         /
   Finished                -------->                         /

                          *|                *** P2MP LDP LSP
                         */ \*
                        */   \*
                   *****/     \******
                PE3----P2      P3----PE4
                       |       |
                       |       |
                       |       |
                      PE5     PE6

                          *|               *** P2MP LDP LSP
                         */ \*
                        */   \*
                   *****/     \******
                PE3----P2      P3----PE4
                      *|       |*
                      *|       |*
                      *|       |*
                      PE5     PE6

   +---+ +----+ +----+  +----+ +---+  +---+ +----+  +----+ +----+ +---+
   |TCP|-| CPE|-| CE |--| PE |-| P |--| P |-| PE |--| CE |-| CPE|-|TCP|
   |TTD| |    | |    |BB|    | |   |  |   | |    |BB|    | |    | |TTD|
   +---+ +----+ +----+  +----+ +---+  +---+ +----+  +----+ +----+ +---+
         <------------------------ NUT ------------------------->
     R >-----------------------------------------------------------|
     T                                                             |
     T <-----------------------------------------------------------|

    /\  |
    /\  |High ssthresh  TCP CWND                         TCP
    /\  |Loss Event *   halving    3-Loss Recovery       Equilibrium
     T  |          * \  upon loss
     h  |          *  \    /  \        Time-Out            Adjusted
     r  |          *   \  /    \      +--------+         * ssthresh
   T o  |          *    \/      \    / Multiple|        *
   C u  |          * 2-Congestion\  /  Loss    |        *
   P g  |         *    Avoidance  \/   Event   |       *
     h  |        *              Half           |     *
     p  |      *                TCP CWND       | * 1-Slow Start
     u  | * 1-Slow Start                      Min TCP CWND after T-O
     t  +-----------------------------------------------------------
          Time > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

               |           _______**42.8
             40|           |64KB |
    TCP        |           |     |
   Through-  35|           |     |
    put        |           |     |          +-----+34.1
   (Mbps)    30|           |     |          |64KB |
               |           |     |          |     |
             25|           |     |          |     |
               |           |     |          |     |
             20|           |     |          |     |          _______20.5
               |           |     |          |     |          |64KB |
             15|           |     |          |     |          |     |
               |*12.8+-----|     |          |     |          |     |
             10|     |16KB |     |          |     |          |     |
               |     |     |     |8.5 +-----|     |          |     |
              5|     |     |     |    |16KB |     |5.1 +-----|     |
               |_____|_____|_____|____|_____|_____|____|16KB |_____|____
                          10               15               25
                                  RTT (milliseconds)

             40|                                            +-----+40.9
    TCP        |                                            |     |
   Through-  35|                                            |     |
    put        |                                            |     |
   (Mbps)    30|                                            |     |
               |                                            |     |
             25|                                            |     |
               |                                            |     |
             20|                               +-----+20.5  |     |
               |                               |     |      |     |
             15|                               |     |      |     |
               |                               |     |      |     |
             10|                  +-----+10.2  |     |      |     |
               |                  |     |      |     |      |     |
              5|     +-----+5.1   |     |      |     |      |     |
                       16           32           64            128*
                            TCP RWND Size (KBytes)

# 4.3.3
value-date-time = element date-time {
    xsd:string { pattern = "(\d{8}|--\d{4}|---\d\d)T\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?"
                         ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }

 |                              Network                                |
     ^                     |            ^               |
     |Notifications        |Commands    |Commands       |Notifications
 +---|---------------------|-------+ +--|---------------|--------------+
 |   |                     V       | |  |               V              |
 | +------------+  +------------+  | | +-----------+   +----------+    |
 | |  (D)TLS    |  |  (D)TLS    |  | | | (D)TLS    |   | (D)TLS   |    |
 | |  (Client)  |  |  (Server)  |  | | | (Client)  |   | (Server) |    |
 | +------------+  +------------+  | | +-----------+   +----------+    |
 |       ^             ^           | |       ^              ^          |
 |       |             |           | |       |              |          |
 |       +-------------+           | |       +--------------+          |
 | +-----|------------+            | | +-----|------------+            |
 | |     V            |            | | |     V            |            |
 | | +--------+       |   +-----+  | | | +--------+       |   +-----+  |
 | | | TLS TM |<--------->|Cache|  | | | | TLS TM |<--------->|Cache|  |
 | | +--------+       |   +-----+  | | | +--------+       |   +-----+  |
 | |Transport Subsys. |      ^     | | |Transport Subsys. |      ^     |
 | +------------------+      |     | | +------------------+      |     |
 |    ^                      |     | |    ^                      |     |
 |    |                      +--+  | |    |                      +--+  |
 |    v                         |  | |    V                         |  |
 | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+ |  | | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+ |  |
 | |     | |Message | |Securi.| |  | | |     | |Message | |Securi.| |  |
 | |Disp.| |Proc.   | |Subsys.| |  | | |Disp.| |Proc.   | |Subsys.| |  |
 | |     | |Subsys. | |       | |  | | |     | |Subsys. | |       | |  |
 | |     | |        | |       | |  | | |     | |        | |       | |  |
 | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ | |  | | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ | |  |
 | |    <--->|v3MP|<--> |TSM|<--+  | | |    <--->|v3MP|<--->|TSM|<--+  |
 | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ |    | | |     | | +----+ | | +---+ |    |
 | |     | |        | |       |    | | |     | |        | |       |    |
 | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+    | | +-----+ +--------+ +-------+    |
 |    ^                            | |    ^                            |
 |    |                            | |    |                            |
 |    +-+------------+             | |    +-+----------+               |
 |      |            |             | |      |          |               |
 |      v            v             | |      v          V               |
 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
 | |   COMMAND   | | NOTIFICAT.  | | | |  COMMAND    | | NOTIFICAT.  | |
 | |  RESPONDER  | | ORIGINATOR  | | | | GENERATOR   | | RECEIVER    | |
 | | application | | application | | | | application | | application | |
 | +-------------+ +-------------+ | | +-------------+ +-------------+ |
 |                     SNMP entity | |                     SNMP entity |
 +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+

   |    Network                   |
      ^       ^              ^
      |       |              |
      v       v              v
   | +--------------------------------------------------+              |
   | |  Transport Subsystem                             |  +--------+  |
   | | +-----+ +-----+ +-------+             +-------+  |  |        |  |
   | | | UDP | | SSH | |(D)TLS |    . . .    | other |<--->| Cache  |  |
   | | |     | | TM  | | TM    |             |       |  |  |        |  |
   | | +-----+ +-----+ +-------+             +-------+  |  +--------+  |
   | +--------------------------------------------------+         ^    |
   |              ^                                               |    |
   |              |                                               |    |
   | Dispatcher   v                                               |    |
   | +--------------+ +---------------------+  +----------------+ |    |
   | | Transport    | | Message Processing  |  | Security       | |    |
   | | Dispatch     | | Subsystem           |  | Subsystem      | |    |
   | |              | |     +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |    |
   | |              | |  +->| v1MP       |<--->| | USM        | | |    |
   | |              | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |    |
   | |              | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ | |    |
   | |              | |  +->| v2cMP      |<--->| | Transport  | | |    |
   | | Message      | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Security   |<--+    |
   | | Dispatch    <---->|  +------------+  |  | | Model      | |      |
   | |              | |  +->| v3MP       |<--->| +------------+ |      |
   | |              | |  |  +------------+  |  | +------------+ |      |
   | | PDU Dispatch | |  |  +------------+  |  | | Other      | |      |
   | +--------------+ |  +->| otherMP    |<--->| | Model(s)   | |      |
   |              ^   |     +------------+  |  | +------------+ |      |
   |              |   +---------------------+  +----------------+      |
   |              v                                                    |
   |      +-------+-------------------------+---------------+          |
   |      ^                                 ^               ^          |
   |      |                                 |               |          |
   |      v                                 v               v          |

   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   | |   COMMAND   |   | ACCESS  |   | NOTIFICATION |  |    PROXY    | |
   | |  RESPONDER  |<->| CONTROL |<->|  ORIGINATOR  |  |  FORWARDER  | |
   | | application |   |         |   | applications |  | application | |
   | +-------------+   +---------+   +--------------+  +-------------+ |
   |      ^                                 ^                          |
   |      |                                 |                          |
   |      v                                 v                          |
   | +----------------------------------------------+                  |
   | |             MIB instrumentation              |      SNMP entity |

                               normal mode   sw1 | media   |     media
    Primary stream ======================o___o==>| decoder |===> output
    AS stream     ----                           +---------+     device
                     |             AS mode o
                     |       +---------+   |
                     |       | anti-   |   |
                     ------->| shadow  |----
                             | buffer  |
                             expired frames

             Sending                Receiving
              Entity                  Entity
        +----------------+      +----------------+
        |    Server A    |      |    Server B    |
        |  +----------+  |      |  +----------+  |    -+
        |  | Control  |  |  F   |  | Control  |  |     |
        |  | Function |<-+------+--| Function |  |     |
        |  +----------+  |      |  +----------+  |     |
        |     T |        |      |       ^        |     | Overload
        |       v        |      |       | S      |     | Control
        |  +----------+  |      |  +----------+  |     |
        |  | Actuator |  |      |  | Monitor  |  |     |
        |  +----------+  |      |  +----------+  |     |
        |       |        |      |       ^        |    -+
        |       v        |      |       |        |    -+
        |  +----------+  |      |  +----------+  |     |
      <-+--|   SIP    |  |      |  |   SIP    |  |     |  SIP
      --+->|Processor |--+------+->|Processor |--+->   | System
        |  +----------+  |      |  +----------+  |     |
        +----------------+      +----------------+    -+

                  +---------+             +------(+)---------+
         +------+ |         |             |       ^          |
         |      | |        +---+          |       |         +---+
         v      | v    //=>| C |          v       |     //=>| C |
      +---+    +---+ //    +---+       +---+    +---+ //    +---+
      | A |===>| B |                   | A |===>| B |
      +---+    +---+ \\    +---+       +---+    +---+ \\    +---+
                  ^    \\=>| D |          ^       |     \\=>| D |
                  |        +---+          |       |         +---+
                  |         |             |       v          |
                  +---------+             +------(+)---------+

                 SOURCE FLOWS             | INSTANCE #1
                 S6: Source Flow |--------| R5: Repair Flow
                                 |--------| INSTANCE #2
                                          | R6: Repair Flow

                      Common Header
            |               |               |               |
         REDIRECT-TLV  LFBselect-TLV   ASResult-TLV   ASTreason-TLV
                      PATH-DATA-TLV  ---> Optional KEYINFO-TLV
              |             |             |             |

         Source node Up MEP             Destination node Up MEP
       ------------------------         ------------------------
      |                        |       |                        |
      |-----              -----|       |-----              -----|
      | MEP |            |     |       |     |            | MEP |
      |     |    ----    |     |       |     |    ----    |     |
      | In  |->-| FW |->-| Out |->- ->-| In  |->-| FW |->-| Out |
      | i/f |    ----    | i/f |       | i/f |    ----    | i/f |
      |-----              -----|       |-----              -----|
      |                        |       |                        |
       ------------------------         ------------------------
                  (1)                               (2)

         Source node Down MEP           Destination node Down MEP
       ------------------------         ------------------------
      |                        |       |                        |
      |-----              -----|       |-----              -----|
      |     |            | MEP |       | MEP |            |     |
      |     |    ----    |     |       |     |    ----    |     |
      | In  |->-| FW |->-| Out |->- ->-| In  |->-| FW |->-| Out |
      | i/f |    ----    | i/f |       | i/f |    ----    | i/f |
      |-----              -----|       |-----              -----|
      |                        |       |                        |
       ------------------------         ------------------------
                  (3)                               (4)

                            Intermediate node
                       |                        |
                       |-----              -----|
                       | MIP |            | MIP |
                       |     |    ----    |     |
                    ->-| In  |->-| FW |->-| Out |->-
                       | i/f |    ----    | i/f |
                       |-----              -----|
                       |                        |

                   /**********Working path***********\
         +--------+   ==============================   +--------+
         | Node  /|                                    |\  Node |
         |  A {<  |                                    | >}  B  |
         |        |                                    |        |
         +--------+   ==============================   +--------+
                              Protection path

                   /**********Working path************\
         +--------+   ==============================   +--------+
         | Node  /|                                    |\  Node |
         |  A {<  |                                    | >}  Z  |
         |       \|                                    |/       |
         +--------+   ==============================   +--------+
                   \**********Protection path*********/

       |< ---- client signal (e.g., IP / MPLS / L2) -------- >|
         |< --------- SP1 ---------- >|< ------- SP2 ----- >|
           |< ---------- MPLS-TP End-to-End PW --------- >|
             |< -------- MPLS-TP End-to-End LSP ------ >|

   +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+
   |CE1|-|-|PE1|--|P1 |--|P2 |--|PE2|-|-|PEa|--|Pa |--|PEb|-|-|CE2|
   +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+
        UNI                          NNI                   UNI
    TE-RTG,  |<-----|------|------|-------|------|----->|
    & RSVP-TE

       |< ------- client signal (e.g., IP / MPLS / L2) ----- >|
         |< -------- SP1 ----------- >|< ------- SP2 ----- >|
           |< ----------- MPLS-TP End-to-End PW -------- >|
             |< ------- MPLS-TP End-to-End LSP ------- >|
             |< -- H-LSP1 ---- >|<-H-LSP2->|<- H-LSP3 ->|

   +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+
   |CE1|-|-|PE1|--|P1 |--|P2 |--|PE2|-|-|PEa|--|Pa |--|PEb|-|-|CE2|
   +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+  +---+  +---+   +---+
        UNI                          NNI                   UNI
           .....                                      .....
   End2end |MEP|--------------------------------------|MEP|
   PW OAM  '''''                                      '''''
           .....                .....   .....         .....
   End2end |MEP|----------------|MIP|---|MIP|---------|MEP|
   LSP OAM '''''                '''''   '''''         '''''
           ..... ..... ..... ......... ......... ..... .....
   Segment |MEP|-|MIP|-|MIP|-|MEP|MEP|-|MEP|MEP|-|MIP|-|MEP|
   LSP OAM ''''' ''''' ''''' ''''''''' ''''''''' ''''' '''''

    TE-RTG   |<-----|------|----->||<---->||<-----|----->|
    &RSVP-TE (within an MPLS-TP network)

    TE-RTG   |< ------------------|--------|------------>|

                             T1              T2
                   +-------+/     Query       \+-------+
                   |       | - - - - - - - - ->|       |
                   |   A   |===================|   B   |
                   |       |<- - - - - - - - - |       |
                   +-------+\     Response    /+-------+
                             T4              T3

                  Server Indication     Control-Plane Indication
                  -----------------+  +-------------
                Operator Command   |  |   OAM Indication
                ----------------+  |  |  +---------------
                                |  |  |  |
                                V  V  V  V
                             +---------------+         +-------+
                             | Local Request |<--------|  WTR  |
                             |    logic      |WTR Exps | Timer |
                             +---------------+         +-------+
                                    |                      ^
                       Highest local|request               |
                                    V                      | Start/Stop
                            +-----------------+            |
                Remote PSC  |  PSC  Control   |------------+
               ------------>|      logic      |
                  Request   +-----------------+
                                    |  Action         +------------+
                                    +---------------->|  Message   |
                                                      | Generator  |
                                                 Output PSC | Message

                 +-----+ //=======================\\ +-----+
                 |LER-A|//     Working Path        \\|LER-Z|
                 |    /|                             |\    |
                 |  ?< |                             | >?  |
                 |    \|\\    Protection Path      //|/    |
                 +-----+ \\=======================// +-----+

               | OC  | LO    | SF-P | FS   | SF-W | SFc  | MS   | WTRExp
       N       | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L|PF:W:L| i    |PA:M:L| i
       UA:LO:L | N   | i     | i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i
       UA:P:L  | i   |UA:LO:L| i    |PA:F:L| i    | [5]  | i    | i
       UA:LO:R | i   |UA:LO:L| [1]  | i    | [2]  | [6]  | i    | i
       UA:P:R  | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L| [3]  | [6]  | i    | i
       PF:W:L  | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L| i    | [7]  | i    | i
       PF:W:R  | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L|PF:W:L| i    | i    | i
       PA:F:L  | N   |UA:LO:L| i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i
       PA:M:L  | N   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L|PF:W:L| i    | i    | i
       PA:F:R  | i   |UA:LO:L| i    |PA:F:L| [4]  | [8]  | i    | i
       PA:M:R  | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L|PF:W:L| i    |PA:M:L| i
       WTR     | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L|PF:W:L| i    |PA:M:L| [9]
       DNR     | i   |UA:LO:L|UA:P:L|PA:F:L|PF:W:L| i    |PA:M:L| i

               | LO    | SF-P | FS   | SF-W | MS   | WTR  | DNR  | NR
       N       |UA:LO:R|UA:P:R|PA:F:R|PF:W:R|PA:M:R| i    | i    | i
       UA:LO:L | i     | i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i
       UA:P:L  | [10]  | i    | [19] | i    | i    | i    | i    | i
       UA:LO:R | i     | i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | [16]
       UA:P:R  |UA:LO:R| i    |PA:F:R| i    | i    | i    | i    | [16]
       PF:W:L  | [11]  | [12] |PA:F:R| i    | i    | i    | i    | i
       PF:W:R  |UA:LO:R|UA:P:R|PA:F:R| i    | i    | [14] | [15] | N
       PA:F:L  |UA:LO:R| i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | i
       PA:M:L  |UA:LO:R|UA:P:R|PA:F:R| [13] | i    | i    | i    | i
       PA:F:R  |UA:LO:R| i    | i    | i    | i    | i    | DNR  | [17]
       PA:M:R  |UA:LO:R|UA:P:R|PA:F:R| [13] | i    | i    | DNR  | N
       WTR     |UA:LO:R|UA:P:R|PA:F:R|PF:W:R|PA:M:R| i    | i    | [18]
       DNR     |UA:LO:R|UA:P:R|PA:F:R|PF:W:R|PA:M:R| i    | i    | i

   | P   | A0  | A1  | A2  | A3  | A4  | A5  | A6  | A7  |
   | L0  | X00 | X01 | X02 | X03 | X04 | X05 | X06 | X07 |
   | L1  | X10 | X11 | X12 | X13 | X14 | X15 | X16 | X17 |
   | L2  | X20 | X21 | X22 | X23 | X24 | X25 | X26 | X27 |
   | L3  | X30 | X31 | X32 | X33 | X34 | X35 | X36 | X37 |
   | L4  | X40 | X41 | X42 | X43 | X44 | X45 | X46 | X47 |
   | L5  | X50 | X51 | X52 | X53 | X54 | X55 | X56 | X57 |
   | L6  | X60 | X61 | X62 | X63 | X64 | X65 | X66 | X67 |
   | L7  | X70 | X71 | X72 | X73 | X74 | X75 | X76 | X77 |

   | Frame Tag                                         | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | frame_tag                                         | f(24) |
   | if (key_frame) {                                  |       |
   |     start_code                                    | f(24) |
   |     horizontal_size_code                          | f(16) |
   |     vertical_size_code                            | f(16) |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | Frame Header                                      | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | if (key_frame) {                                  |       |
   |   color_space                                     | L(1)  |
   |   clamping_type                                   | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |
   | segmentation_enabled                              | L(1)  |
   | if (segmentation_enabled)                         |       |
   |   update_segmentation()                           |       |
   | filter_type                                       | L(1)  |
   | loop_filter_level                                 | L(6)  |
   | sharpness_level                                   | L(3)  |
   | mb_lf_adjustments()                               |       |
   | log2_nbr_of_dct_partitions                        | L(2)  |
   | quant_indices()                                   |       |
   | if (key_frame)                                    |       |
   |   refresh_entropy_probs                           | L(1)  |

   | update_segmentation()                             | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | update_mb_segmentation_map                        | L(1)  |
   | update_segment_feature_data                       | L(1)  |
   | if (update_segment_feature_data) {                |       |
   |   segment_feature_mode                            | L(1)  |
   |   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                       |       |
   |     quantizer_update                              | L(1)  |
   |     if (quantizer_update) {                       |       |
   |       quantizer_update_value                      | L(7)  |
   |       quantizer_update_sign                       | L(1)  |
   |     }                                             |       |
   |   }                                               |       |
   |   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                       |       |
   |     loop_filter_update                            | L(1)  |
   |     if (loop_filter_update) {                     |       |
   |       lf_update_value                             | L(6)  |
   |       lf_update_sign                              | L(1)  |
   |     }                                             |       |
   |   }                                               |       |
   | }                                                 |       |
   | if (update_mb_segmentation_map) {                 |       |
   |   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                       |       |
   |     segment_prob_update                           | L(1)  |
   |     if (segment_prob_update)                      |       |
   |       segment_prob                                | L(8)  |
   |   }                                               |       |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | mb_lf_adjustments()                               | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | loop_filter_adj_enable                            | L(1)  |
   | if (loop_filter_adj_enable) {                     |       |
   |   mode_ref_lf_delta_update                        | L(1)  |
   |   if (mode_ref_lf_delta_update) {                 |       |
   |     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                     |       |
   |       ref_frame_delta_update_flag                 | L(1)  |
   |       if (ref_frame_delta_update_flag) {          |       |
   |         delta_magnitude                           | L(6)  |
   |         delta_sign                                | L(1)  |
   |       }                                           |       |
   |     }                                             |       |
   |     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                     |       |
   |       mb_mode_delta_update_flag                   | L(1)  |
   |       if (mb_mode_delta_update_flag) {            |       |
   |         delta_magnitude                           | L(6)  |
   |         delta_sign                                | L(1)  |
   |       }                                           |       |
   |     }                                             |       |
   |   }                                               |       |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | quant_indices()                                   | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | y_ac_qi                                           | L(7)  |
   | y_dc_delta_present                                | L(1)  |
   | if (y_dc_delta_present) {                         |       |
   |   y_dc_delta_magnitude                            | L(4)  |
   |   y_dc_delta_sign                                 | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |
   | y2_dc_delta_present                               | L(1)  |
   | if (y2_dc_delta_present) {                        |       |
   |   y2_dc_delta_magnitude                           | L(4)  |
   |   y2_dc_delta_sign                                | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |
   | y2_ac_delta_present                               | L(1)  |
   | if (y2_ac_delta_present) {                        |       |
   |   y2_ac_delta_magnitude                           | L(4)  |
   |   y2_ac_delta_sign                                | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |
   | uv_dc_delta_present                               | L(1)  |
   | if (uv_dc_delta_present) {                        |       |
   |   uv_dc_delta_magnitude                           | L(4)  |
   |   uv_dc_delta_sign                                | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |
   | uv_ac_delta_present                               | L(1)  |
   | if (uv_ac_delta_present) {                        |       |
   |   uv_ac_delta_magnitude                           | L(4)  |
   |   uv_ac_delta_sign                                | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | token_prob_update()                               | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                         |       |
   |   for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {                       |       |
   |     for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {                     |       |
   |       for (l = 0; l < 11; l++) {                  |       |
   |         coeff_prob_update_flag                    | L(1)  |
   |         if (coeff_prob_update_flag)               |       |
   |           coeff_prob                              | L(8)  |
   |       }                                           |       |
   |     }                                             |       |
   |   }                                               |       |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | mv_prob_update()                                  | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {                         |       |
   |   for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) {                      |       |
   |     mv_prob_update_flag                           | L(1)  |
   |     if (mv_prob_update_flag)                      |       |
   |       prob                                        | L(7)  |
   |   }                                               |       |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | Macroblock Data                                   | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | macroblock_header()                               |       |
   | residual_data()                                   |       |

   | macroblock_header()                               | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | if (update_mb_segmentation_map)                   |       |
   |   segment_id                                      | T     |
   | if (mb_no_skip_coeff)                             |       |
   |   mb_skip_coeff                                   | B(p)  |
   | if (!key_frame)                                   |       |
   |   is_inter_mb                                     | B(p)  |
   | if (is_inter_mb) {                                |       |
   |   mb_ref_frame_sel1                               | B(p)  |
   |   if (mb_ref_frame_sel1)                          |       |
   |     mb_ref_frame_sel2                             | B(p)  |
   |   mv_mode                                         | T     |
   |   if (mv_mode == SPLITMV) {                       |       |
   |     mv_split_mode                                 | T     |
   |     for (i = 0; i < numMvs; i++) {                |       |
   |       sub_mv_mode                                 | T     |
   |       if (sub_mv_mode == NEWMV4x4) {              |       |
   |         read_mvcomponent()                        |       |
   |         read_mvcomponent()                        |       |
   |       }                                           |       |
   |     }                                             |       |
   |   } else if (mv_mode == NEWMV) {                  |       |
   |     read_mvcomponent()                            |       |
   |     read_mvcomponent()                            |       |
   |   }                                               |       |
   | } else { /* intra mb */                           |       |
   |   intra_y_mode                                    | T     |
   |   if (intra_y_mode == B_PRED) {                   |       |
   |     for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)                      |       |
   |       intra_b_mode                                | T     |
   |   }                                               |       |
   |   intra_uv_mode                                   | T     |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | residual_data()                                   | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | if (!mb_skip_coeff) {                             |       |
   |   if ( (is_inter_mb && mv_mode != SPLITMV) ||     |       |
   |        (!is_inter_mb && intra_y_mode != B_PRED) ) |       |
   |     residual_block() /* Y2 */                     |       |
   |   for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)                        |       |
   |     residual_block() /* 16 Y, 4 U, 4 V */         |       |
   | }                                                 |       |

   | residual_block()                                  | Type  |
   | ------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
   | for (i = firstCoeff; i < 16; i++) {               |       |
   |   token                                           | T     |
   |   if (token == EOB) break;                        |       |
   |   if (token_has_extra_bits)                       |       |
   |     extra_bits                                    | L(n)  |
   |   if (coefficient != 0)                           |       |
   |     sign                                          | L(1)  |
   | }                                                 |       |

                    |---|        Path        |---|
                    | I |------------------->| E |
                    | n | -SENDER_TSPEC      | g |
                    | g | -ADSPEC            | r |
                    | r | -UPSTREAM_FLOWSPEC | e |
                    | e |                    | s |
                    | s |        Resv        | s |
                    | s |<-------------------|   |
                    |   | -FLOWSPEC          |   |
                    |   | -UPSTREAM_TSPEC    |   |
                    |   | -UPSTREAM_ADSPEC   |   |
                    |---|                    |---|

       --------         --------          --------          --------
      /   A    \       /   B    \        /   C    \        /   D    \
      | (*)    |       | (*)    |        | (*)    |        | (*)    |
      | | |<============>| |<=============>| |<=============>| |    |
      |  -     |       |  -     |        |  -     |        |  -     |
      \        /       \        /        \        /        \        /
       --------         --------          --------          --------

      -------------------------          --------          --------
     /            A            \        /   B    \        /   C    \
     | (*)              (*)    |   --   |        |        |        |
     | | |<============>| |    |--|FW|--|        |--------|        |
     |  -                -     |   --   |        |        |        |
     \                         /        \        /        \        /
      -------------------------          --------          --------

      --------         --------------------------          --------
     /   A    \       /             B            \        /   C    \
     |        |       |  (*)               (*)   |        |        |
     |        |-------TT | |<=============>| |  TT------- |        |
     |        |       |   -                 -    |        |        |
     \        /       \                          /        \        /
      --------         --------------------------          --------

          --------                                --------
         /   A    \                              /   A    \
         | (*)    |                              |   (*)  |
         | | |<=====================================>| |  |
         |  -     |                              |    -   |
         \        /                              \        /
          --------                                --------
                \                                 /
                 \   -------------------------   /
                  \ /           B             \ /
                   \|                         |/
                    TT                       TT
                    |                         |
                    \                         /

          --------                                --------
         /   A    \                              /   A    \
         | (*)    |                              |   (*)  |
         | | |<=====================================>| |  |
         |  -     |                              |    -   |
         \        /                              \        /
          --------                                --------
                \                                 /
                 \   -------------------------   /
                  \ /           B             \ /
                   \|  (*)              (*)   |/
                    TT | |<============>| | TT
                    |   -                -    |
                    \                         /

          --------                                --------
         /   A    \                              /   A    \
         |        |                              |        |
         |        |   ------------------------   |        |
         | (*)    |  /(*)              (*)    \  |   (*)  |
         | | |<======>| |<============>| |<=========>| |  |
         |  -     |  | -                -     |  |    -   |
         \        /  |  \    -     -   /      |  \        /
          --------   |   TT-| |   | |-TT      |   --------
                     |       -     -          |
                     \                        /

          0           0 0           1 1           2 2           3
          0   . . .   7 8   . . .   5 6   . . .   3 4   . . .   1
         | Length                    | P-Type = APP_RESOURCE_PRI |
         //     ALRP List                                        //

          0           0 0           1 1           2 2           3
          0   . . .   7 8   . . .   5 6   . . .   3 4   . . .   1
         |     ALRP Namespace        | Reserved    |ALRP Value   |

           ^  ^  ^  |              |  ^
           .  .  .  |              |  .
    Total  .  .  .  |              |  .   Bandwidth
          (1)(2)(3) |              |  .   available
    Engi-  .  .  .  |              |  .   for non-priority use
   neered  .or.or.  |              |  .
           .  .  .  |              |  .
   Capacity.  .  .  |              |  .
           v  .  .  |              |  v
              .  .  |--------------| ---
              v  .  |              |  ^
                 .  |              |  .   Bandwidth available for
                 v  |              |  v   priority use

           ^  ^  ^  |              |  ^
           .  .  .  |              |  .
    Total  .  .  .  |              |  .   Bandwidth
           .  .  .  |              |  .   available
    Engi-  .  .  .  |              |  .   for non-priority use
   neered  .or.or.  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
   Capacity.  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           v  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  v
              .  .  |--------------| ---
              v  .  |              |  ^
                 .  |              |  .   Bandwidth available for
                 v  |              |  v   priority use

           ^  ^  ^  |              |  ^
           .  .  .  |              |  .
    Total  .  .  .  |              |  .   Bandwidth
           .  .  .  |              |  .   available
    Engi-  .  .  .  |              |  .   for non-priority use
   neered  .or.or.  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
   Capacity.  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           v  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  v
              .  .  |--------------| ---
              v  .  |              |  ^
                 .  |              |  .   Bandwidth available for
                 v  |oooooooooooooo|  v   priority use

           ^  ^  ^  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  ^
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
    Total  .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   Bandwidth
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   available
    Engi-  .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   for non-priority use
   neered  .or.or.  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
   Capacity.  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           v  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  v
              .  .  |--------------| ---
              v  .  |              |  ^
                 .  |              |  .   Bandwidth available for
                 v  |oooooooooooooo|  v   priority use

           ^  ^  ^  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  ^
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
    Total  .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   Bandwidth
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   available
    Engi-  .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   for non-priority use
   neered  .or.or.  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
           .  .  .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
   Capacity.  .  .  |              |  .
           v  .  .  |              |  v
              .  .  |--------------| ---
              v  .  |oooooooooooooo|  ^
                 .  |oooooooooooooo|  .   Bandwidth available for
                 v  |oooooooooooooo|  v   priority use

               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 ^
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . Bandwidth       .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . available for   .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . non-priority    .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . use             .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 . Bandwidth
               |              |  .                 . available for
               |              |  v                 . non-priority
               |--------------| ---                . and priority
               |              |                    . use
               |              |                    .
               |oooooooooooooo|                    v

               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 ^
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . Bandwidth       .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . available for   .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . non-priority    .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . use             .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 . Bandwidth
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 . available for
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  v                 . non-priority
               |--------------| ---                . and priority
               |              |                    . use
               |              |                    .
               |oooooooooooooo|                    v

               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 ^
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . Bandwidth       .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . available for   .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . non-priority    .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . use             .
               |              |  .                 . Bandwidth
               |              |  .                 . available for
               |oooooooooooooo|  v                 . non-priority
               |--------------| ---                . and priority
               |oooooooooooooo|                    . use
               |oooooooooooooo|                    .
               |oooooooooooooo|                    v

               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 ^
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . Bandwidth       .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . available for   .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . non-priority    .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  . use             .
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 . Bandwidth
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .                 . available for
               |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  v                 . non-priority
               |--------------| ---                . and priority
               |oooooooooooooo|                    . use
               |oooooooooooooo|                    .
               |oooooooooooooo|                    v

           ^     ^  |              |  ^
           .     .  |              |  .
    Total  .     .  |              |  .   Bandwidth limit
          (1)   (2) |              |  .   (on non-priority + priority)
    Engi-  .     .  |              |  .   for admission
   neered  . or  .  |              |  .   of non-priority traffic
           .     .  |              |  .
   Capacity.     .  |              |  .
           v     .  |              |  v
                 .  |--------------| ---
                 .  |              |
                 v  |              |
                    |              |

           ^     ^  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  ^
           .     .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
    Total  .     .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   Bandwidth limit
          (1)   (2) |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   (on non-priority + priority)
    Engi-  .     .  |              |  .   for admission
   neered  . or  .  |              |  .   of non-priority traffic
           .     .  |              |  .
   Capacity.     .  |              |  .
           v     .  |              |  v
                 .  |--------------| ---
                 .  |              |
                 v  |              |
                    |              |

           ^     ^  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  ^
           .     .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
    Total  .     .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   Bandwidth limit
          (1)   (2) |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   (on non-priority + priority)
    Engi-  .     .  |oooooooooooooo|  .   for admission
   neered  . or  .  |              |  .   of non-priority traffic
           .     .  |              |  .
   Capacity.     .  |              |  .
           v     .  |              |  v
                 .  |--------------| ---
                 .  |              |
                 v  |              |
                    |              |

           ^     ^  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  ^
           .     .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .
    Total  .     .  |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   Bandwidth limit
          (1)   (2) |xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|  .   (on non-priority + priority)
    Engi-  .     .  |oooooooooooooo|  .   for admission
   neered  . or  .  |xxxooxxxooxxxo|  .   of non-priority traffic
           .     .  |xxoxxxxxxoxxxx|  .
   Capacity.     .  |oxxxooooxxxxoo|  .
           v     .  |xxoxxxooxxxxxx|  v
                 .  |--------------| ---
                 .  |oooooooooooooo|
                 v  |              |
                    |              |

    |  Originating SSP   |  Assisting LUF and LRF |  Terminating SSP   |
    |     Domain         |    Provider Domain     |      Domain        |
    |                    |                        |                    |
    |  +-----+  +-----+  |    +------+ +------+   |  +-----+  +-----+  |
    |  |O-LUF|  |O-LRF|  |    |A-LUF | | A-LRF|   |  |T-LUF|  |T-LRF|  |
    |  +-----+  +-----+  |    +------+ +------+   |  +-----+  +-----+  |
    |                    |                        |                    |
    | +-------+ +-----+  +------------------------+  +-----+ +-------+ |
    | |O-Proxy| |O-SBE|  |  Indirect SSP Domain   |  |T-SBE| |T-Proxy| |
    | +-------+ +-----+  |                        |  +-----+ +-------+ |
    |                    |    +-----+  +-----+    |                    |
    |    +---+  +-----+  |    |O-SBE|  |O-DBE|    |  +-----+  +---+    |
    |    |UAC|  |O-DBE|  |    +-----+  +-----+    |  |T-DBE|  |UAS|    |
    |    +---+  +-----+  |                        |  +-----+  +---+    |
    |                    |                        |                    |

         +--------------------+             +---------------------+
         |        O-SSP       |             |        T-SSP        |
         |       +-----+      |             |       +-----+       |
         |       |O-LUF|      |             |       |T-LUF|       |
         |       |O-LRF|      |             |      /|T-LRF|       |
         |      /+-----+\     |             |     / +-----+       |
         |    (2)     (4,5,6) |             |    /                |
         |    /           \   |             |   /(8,9)            |
         |+-------+     +-----+             +-----+      +-------+|
         |+-------+     +-----+             +-----+      +-------+|
         |    |               |             |                |    |
         |   (1)              |             |               (11)  |
         |    |               |             |                |    |
         | +-----+      +-----+             +-----+       +-----+ |
         | | UAC +======|O-DBE+=====(12)====+T-DBE|=======+ UAS | |
         | +-----+      +-----+             +-----+       +-----+ |
         +--------------------+             +---------------------+
              example.com                         example.net

                            |LUF/LRF Provider |
                            |                 |
                            |     +-------+   |
                            |   +-+ A-LUF |   |
                            |  /  | A-LRF |   |
       +--------------------+ /  ++-------+   +---------------------+
       |       O-SSP        |/  /             |         T-SSP       |
       |       +------------/(4,5,6)          |        +-----+      |
       |      /             | /               |        |T-LUF|      |
       |    (2)           +-+/                |      +-|T-LRF|      |
       |    /            /  |                 |     /  +-----+      |
       |   /            /   |                 |    /(8,9)           |
       |+-------+     +-----+                 +-----+      +-------+|
       |+-------+     +-----+                 +-----+      +-------+|
       |    |               |                 |                |    |
       |   (1)              |                 |              (11)   |
       |    |               |                 |                |    |
       | +-----+      +-----+                 +-----+       +-----+ |
       | | UAC +======|O-DBE+=======(12)======+T-DBE+=======+ UAS | |
       | +-----+      +-----+                 +-----+       +-----+ |
       +--------------------+                 +---------------------+
             example.com                            example.net

                            | LUF/LRF Provider |
                            |       I-SSP      |
                            |      +-------+   |
                            |   ---+ A-LUF |   |
                            |  /   | A-LRF |   |
       +--------------------+ /    +-------+   +---------------------+
       |       O-SSP        |/     /           |         T-SSP       |
       |      +-------------/     /            |        +-----+      |
       |     /              |(4,5,6)           |        |T-LUF|      |
       |    /               |   /              |   +----+T-LRF|      |
       |  (2)             + +---               |  /     +-----+      |
       |  /              /  |                  | /(9,10)             |
       |+-------+     +-----+     +-----+      +-----+      +-------+|
       |+-------+     +-----+     +-----+      +-----+      +-------+|
       |    |               |                  |                |    |
       |   (1)              |                  |               (12)  |
       |    |               |                  |                |    |
       | +-----+      +-----+     +-----+      +-----+       +-----+ |
       | | UAC +=(13)=|O-DBE+=====+I-DBE+======+T-DBE+=======+ UAS | |
       | +-----+      +-----+     +-----+      +-----+       +-----+ |
            example.com          example.org         example.net

      |       O-SSP        |       I-SSP       |         T-SSP       |
      |      +-----+       |                   |        +-----+      |
      |     -+O-LUF|       |                   |        |T-LUF|      |
      |    / |O-LRF+\      |                   |   +----+T-LRF|      |
      |   /  +-----+ \     |                   |  /     +-----+      |
      |  /(2)         \(4,5,6)                 | /(9,10)             |
      |+-------+     +-----+      +-----+      +-----+      +-------+|
      |+-------+     +-----+      +-----+      +-----+      +-------+|
      |    |               |                   |                |    |
      |   (1)              |                   |               (12)  |
      |    |               |                   |                |    |
      | +-----+      +-----+      +-----+      +-----+       +-----+ |
      | | UAC +=(13)=+O-DBE+======+I-DBE+======+T-DBE+=======+ UAS | |
      | +-----+      +-----+      +-----+      +-----+       +-----+ |
           example.com          example.org          example.net

      |                                                              |
      |                    +--------------------+                    |
      |            +------>|     GDOI GCKS      |<------+            |
      |            |       +--------------------+       |            |
      |            |                 |                  |            |
      |       GROUPKEY-PULL          |             GROUPKEY-PULL     |
      |         PROTOCOL             |               PROTOCOL        |
      |            |                 |                  |            |
      |            v           GROUPKEY-PUSH            v            |
      |   +-----------------+     PROTOCOL     +-----------------+   |
      |   |                 |        |         |                 |   |
      |   |    GDOI GM(s)   |<-------+-------->|    GDOI GM(S)   |   |
      |   |                 |                  |                 |   |
      |   +-----------------+                  +-----------------+   |
      |            |                                    ^            |
      |            v                                    |            |
      |            +-Data Security Protocol (e.g., ESP)-+            |
      |                                                              |

                      :    :   :   :        :
                      :    :   :   :        :
                  |                                |
                  |<-----domain 1----------------->|

                :    :   :   :        :   :   :       :
                :    :   :   :        :   :   :       :
            |                  |    |                      |
            |<-----domain 1--->|    |<-------domain 2----->|

                ....GKS1......        ....GKS2.........
                :    :   :   :        :   :   :       :
                :    :   :   :        :   :   :       :
            |                  |    |                      |
            |<-----domain 1--->|    |<-------domain 2----->|
                              domain 3

           ^         Traffic                      Convergence
      Fwd  |         Start                        Recovery
      Rate |         Instant                      Instant
           | Offered  ^                             ^
           | Load --> ----------\                   /-----------
           |                     \                 /<--- Convergence
           |                      \     Packet    /      Recovery
           |       Convergence --->\     Loss    /       Transition
           |       Event            \           /
           |       Transition        \---------/ <-- Max Packet Loss
                           ^                   ^                 time
                      Convergence         First Route
                      Event Instant       Convergence Instant

                               |     | Preferred        .......
                               |     |------------------. RTb .
            .......    Ingress |     | Egress Interface .......
            . RTa .------------| DUT |
            .......  Interface |     | Next-Best        .......
                               |     |------------------. RTc .
                               |     | Egress Interface .......

                               |     | Preferred        .......
                               |     |------------------. RTb .
                               |     | Egress Interface .......
                               |     |
                               |     | ECMP Set         ........
            .......    Ingress |     |------------------. RTc1 .
            . RTa .------------| DUT | Interface 1      ........
            .......  Interface |     |       .
                               |     |       .
                               |     |       .
                               |     | ECMP Set         ........
                               |     |------------------. RTcN .
                               |     | Interface N      ........

                          |      |  -------- Preferred        .......
                          |      |--| DUT2 |------------------. RTb .
       .......    Ingress |      |  -------- Egress Interface .......
       . RTa .------------| DUT1 |
       .......  Interface |      | Next-Best                  .......
                          |      |----------------------------. RTc .
                          |      | Egress Interface           .......

                         |      |  -------- Preferred        .......
                         |      |--| DUT2 |------------------. RTb .
                         |      |  -------- Egress Interface .......
                         |      |
                         |      | ECMP Set                   ........
      .......    Ingress |      |----------------------------. RTc1 .
      . RTa .------------| DUT1 | Interface 1                ........
      .......  Interface |      |       .
                         |      |       .
                         |      |       .
                         |      | ECMP Set                   ........
                         |      |----------------------------. RTcN .
                         |      | Interface N                ........

                                 |     | ECMP Set    ........
                                 |     |-------------. RTb1 .
                                 |     | Interface 1 ........
              .......    Ingress |     |       .
              . RTa .------------| DUT |       .
              .......  Interface |     |       .
                                 |     | ECMP Set    ........
                                 |     |-------------. RTbN .
                                 |     | Interface N ........

                           |      | ECMP Set    --------   ........
                           |      |-------------| DUT2 |---. RTb1 .
                           |      | Interface 1 --------   ........
                           |      |
                           |      | ECMP Set               ........
        .......    Ingress |      |------------------------. RTb2 .
        . RTa .------------| DUT1 | Interface 2            ........
        .......  Interface |      |       .
                           |      |       .
                           |      |       .
                           |      | ECMP Set               ........
                           |      |------------------------. RTbN .
                           |      | Interface N            ........

                                -------                .......
                                |     | Parallel Link  .     .
                                |     |----------------.     .
                                |     | Interface 1    .     .
             .......    Ingress |     |       .        .     .
             . RTa .------------| DUT |       .        . RTb .
             .......  Interface |     |       .        .     .
                                |     | Parallel Link  .     .
                                |     |----------------.     .
                                |     | Interface N    .     .
                                -------                .......

      Fwd  |
      Rate |-------------                    ............
           |             \                  .
           |              \                .
           |               \              .
           |                \            .
           ^    ^       ^               ^             time
          T0   CEI      Ta              Ta'

      Fwd  |
      Rate |-------------               .................
      Rta  |            |               .
           |            |               .
           ^    ^       ^               ^             time
          T0   CEI      Ta              Ta'

             Fwd  |
             Rate |--------                       -----------
                  |        \                     /
                  |         \                   /
                  |          \                 /
                  |           \               /
                  |            ---------------
                           ^   ^             ^    ^      time
                          Ta   Tb           Ta'   Tb'
                                            Tb''  Ta''

       +--------------|  Tester   |<-----------------------+
       |              +-----------+                        |
       | IP Traffic        | Failover           IP Traffic |
       |                   |  Event                        |
       |     ------------  |                 ----------    |
       +--->|  Ingress/  | V                | Egress/  |---+
            |Headend Node|------------------|Merge Node|  Primary
             ------------                    ----------    Path
                |                                ^
                |         ---------              |  Backup
                +--------| Backup  |-------------+   Path
                         |  Node   |

       +--------------------|  Tester   |<-----------------+
       |                    +-----------+                  |
       | IP Traffic               | Failover    IP Traffic |
       |                          | Event                  |
       |                          V                        |
       |     ------------      --------      ----------    |
       +--->|  Ingress/  |    |Midpoint|    | Egress/  |---+
            |Headend Node|----|  Node  |----|Merge Node|  Primary
             ------------      --------      ----------    Path
                |                                ^
                |         ---------              |  Backup
                +--------| Backup  |-------------+   Path
                         |  Node   |

    +---------------------------|  Tester   |<----------------------+
    |                           +-----------+                       |
    | IP Traffic                      | Failover         IP Traffic |
    |                                 | Event                       |
    |                Primary Path     |                             |
    |     ------------      --------  |  --------     ----------    |
    +--->|  Ingress/  |    |Midpoint| V |Midpoint|   | Egress/  |---+
         |Headend Node|----|  Node  |---|  Node  |---|Merge Node|
          ------------      --------     --------     ----------
                |                                         ^
                |         ---------      --------         | Backup
                +--------| Backup  |----| Backup |--------+  Path
                         |  Node   |    |  Node  |
                          ---------      --------

             +--------------------|  Tester   |<-------------------+
             |                    +-----------+                    |
             | IP Traffic               | Failover      IP Traffic |
             |                          | Event                    |
             |              Primary     |                          |
             |    +--------+  Path      v            +--------+    |
             |    |        |------------------------>|        |    |
             +--->| Ingress|                         | Egress |----+
                  |  Node  |- - - - - - - - - - - - >|  Node  |
                  +--------+      Backup Path        +--------+
                  |                                           |
                  |            IP-Layer Forwarding            |

          +-----------------|  Tester   |<--------------------+
          |                 +-----------+                     |
          | IP Traffic            | Failover       IP Traffic |
          |                       | Event                     |
          |                       V                           |
          |     ---------      --------      ----------       |
          +--->| Ingress |    |Primary |    | Egress/  |------+
               |   Node  |----|  Node  |----|Merge Node|  Primary
                ---------      --------      ----------    Path
                   |        State |Control       ^
                   |    Interface |(Optional)    |
                   |          ---------          |
                   +---------| Standby |---------+
                             |  Node   |

(a) | RTP  |  VS  |  VO  | VOL  |

(b) | RTP  |  VS  |  VO  | VOL  | VOP  |Video Packet|
    |header|header|header|header|header|            |

(c) | RTP  | GOV |Video Object Plane|
    |header|     |                  |

    +------+------+------------+  +------+------+------------+
(d) | RTP  | VOP  |Video Packet|  | RTP  |  VP  |Video Packet|
    |header|header|    (1)     |  |header|header|    (2)     |
    +------+------+------------+  +------+------+------------+

(e) | RTP  |  VP  |Video Packet|  VP  |Video Packet|  VP  |Video Packet|
    |header|header|     (1)    |header|    (2)     |header|    (3)     |

    +------+------+------------+  +------+------------+
(f) | RTP  | VOP  |VOP fragment|  | RTP  |VOP fragment|
    |header|header|    (1)     |  |header|    (2)     | . . .
    +------+------+------------+  +------+------------+

      +------+-------------+  +------+------------+------------+
  (a) | RTP  |First half of|  | RTP  |Last half of|Video Packet|
      |header|  VP header  |  |header|  VP header |            |
      +------+-------------+  +------+------------+------------+

      +------+------+----------+  +------+---------+------+------------+
  (b) | RTP  | VOP  |First half|  | RTP  |Last half|  VP  |Video Packet|
      |header|header| of VP(1) |  |header| of VP(1)|header|    (2)     |
      +------+------+----------+  +------+---------+------+------------+

        Web server                                       MMS Gateway
             |                                                |
            -+--Internet----            ----Operator network--+-
                    |                          |
                +-------+                  +-------+
                |WLAN AP|                  | GGSN  |
                +-------+                  +-------+
                    |        +--------+        |
                             |device  |

   A          B          C           D           E
   o -------- o -------- o --------- o --------- o
     \_____/  | \______/   \______/  | \______/
       LDP    |   RSVP       RSVP    |    LDP
              |                      |

   A          B          C           D          E         F
   o -------- o -------- o --------- o -------- o ------- o
     \_____/    \______/   \______/    \______/  \_______/
       LDP        LDP         BGP         RSVP      RSVP

   A          B          C           D          E         F
   o -------- o -------- o --------- o -------- o ------- o
     \_____/    \______/   \______/    \______/  \_______/
       LDP        LDP         BGP         RSVP      RSVP

   A          B          C           D           E           F
   o -------- o -------- o --------- o --------- o --------- o
     \_____/  |\____________________/            |\_______/
       LDP    |\       RSVP-A                    |    LDP
              | \_______________________________/|
              |       RSVP-B                     |

   A          B          C        D        E       F       G
   o -------- o -------- o ------ o ------ o ----- o ----- o
        LDP       LDP        BGP   \  RSVP    RSVP /  LDP

                             |  | UP, ADMIN DOWN, TIMER, LDI, LKR
                             |  V
               DOWN        +------+  INIT
              +------------|      |------------+
              |            | DOWN |            |
              |  +-------->|      |<--------+  |
              |  |         +------+         |  |
              |  |         MIS-CONNECTIVITY,|  |
              |  |               ADMIN DOWN,|  |
              |  |ADMIN DOWN,          DOWN,|  |
              |  |TIMER               TIMER,|  |
              V  |LDI,LKR           LDI,LKR |  V
            +------+                      +------+
       +----|      |                      |      |----+
   DOWN|    | INIT |--------------------->|  UP  |    |INIT, UP
       +--->|      | INIT, UP             |      |<---+
            +------+                      +------+

                             |  | UP, ADMIN DOWN, TIMER, LDI, LKR
                             |  V
               DOWN        +------+  INIT
              +------------|      |------------+
              |            | DOWN |            |
              |  +-------->|      |<--------+  |
              |  |         +------+         |  |
              |  |                          |  |
              |  |ADMIN DOWN     ADMIN DOWN |  |
              |  |TIMER,                    |  |
              |  |LDI,                      |  |
              V  |LKR                       |  V
            +------+                      +------+
       +----|      |                      |      |----+
   DOWN|    | INIT |--------------------->|  UP  |    | INIT, UP, DOWN,
       +--->|      | INIT, UP             |      |<---+ LDI, LKR
            +------+                      +------+

                                |  | ADMIN DOWN, TIMER, LDI, LKR
                                |  V
                  DOWN        +------+  INIT, UP
                 +------------|      |------------+
                 |            | DOWN |            |
                 |  +-------->|      |<--------+  |
                 |  |         +------+         |  |
                 |  |         MIS-CONNECTIVITY,|  |
                 |  |               ADMIN DOWN,|  |
                 |  |ADMIN DOWN,    TIMER,     |  |
                 |  |TIMER,         DOWN,      |  |
                 |  |LDI,           LDI,       |  V
                 V  |LKR            LKR        |  |
               +------+                      +------+
          +----|      |                      |      |----+
      DOWN|    | INIT |--------------------->|  UP  |    |INIT, UP
          +--->|      | INIT, UP             |      |<---+
               +------+                      +------+

     +-----+                                          +-----+
     | Host|                                          | BRAS|
     +-----+                                          +-----+
        |                                                |
        |              (1) IPCP Configure-Request        |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=            |
        |                  PORT RANGE VALUE=0            |
        |                  PORT RANGE MASK=0             |
        |                                                |
        |              (2) IPCP Configure-Nak            |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=a.b.c.d            |
        |                  PORT RANGE VALUE=80           |
        |                  PORT RANGE MASK=496           |
        |                                                |
        |              (3) IPCP Configure-Request        |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=a.b.c.d            |
        |                  PORT RANGE VALUE=80           |
        |                  PORT RANGE MASK=496           |
        |                                                |
        |              (4) IPCP Configure-Ack            |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=a.b.c.d            |
        |                  PORT RANGE VALUE=80           |
        |                  PORT RANGE MASK=496           |
        |                                                |

     +-----+                                          +-----+
     | Host|                                          | BRAS|
     +-----+                                          +-----+
        |                                                |
        |              (1) IPCP Configure-Request        |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=            |
        |                  PORT RANGE VALUE=0            |
        |                  PORT RANGE MASK=0             |
        |                                                |
        |              (2) IPCP Configure-Reject         |
        |                  PORT RANGE VALUE=0            |
        |                  PORT RANGE MASK=0             |
        |                                                |
        |              (3) IPCP Configure-Request        |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=            |
        |                                                |
        |              (4) IPCP Configure-Nak            |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=a.b.c.d            |
        |                                                |
        |              (5) IPCP Configure-Request        |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=a.b.c.d            |
        |                                                |
        |              (6) IPCP Configure-Ack            |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=a.b.c.d            |
        |                                                |

     +-----+                                          +-----+
     | Host|                                          | BRAS|
     +-----+                                          +-----+
        |                                                |
        |              (1) IPCP Configure-Request        |
        |                  IP ADDRESS=            |
        |                                                |
        |              (2) IPCP Protocol-Reject          |
        |                                                |

      _____           _____               _____           _____
     | TEP |_________| R1  |-------------| R2  |_________| TEP |
     |__A__|         |_____|-------------|_____|         |__B__|
             tunnel          ECMP or LAG         tunnel

      Alice          SIP Intermediary       Bob               LS
        |                |                   |                 |
        |       Request w/Location           |                 |
        |----------------------------------->|                 |
        |                                    |                 |
        |             Response               |                 |
        |<-----------------------------------|                 |
        |                |                   |                 |

      Alice          SIP Intermediary       Bob               LS
        |                |                   |                 |
        |      Request w/Location URI        |                 |
        |----------------------------------->|                 |
        |                                    |    Dereference  |
        |                                    |        Request  |
        |                                   (To: Location URI) |
        |                                    |---------------->|
        |                                    |                 |
        |                                    |    Dereference  |
        |                                    |       Response  |
        |                           (includes Location Object) |
        |                                    |<----------------|
        |             Response               |                 |
        |<-----------------------------------|                 |
        |                |                   |                 |

      Alice          SIP Intermediary       Bob               LS
        |                |                   |                 |
        |   Request      |                   |                 |
        |    w/Location  |                   |                 |
        |--------------->|                   |                 |
        |                |  Request          |                 |
        |                |   w/Location      |                 |
        |                |------------------>|                 |
        |                |                   |                 |
        |                |   Response        |                 |
        |                |<------------------|                 |
        |     Response   |                   |                 |
        |<---------------|                   |                 |
        |                |                   |                 |

      Alice          SIP Intermediary       Bob               LS
        |                |                   |                 |
        |   Request      |                   |                 |
        |    w/Location  |                   |                 |
        |--------------->|                   |                 |
        |                |                   |                 |
        |   Rejected     |                   |                 |
        | w/New Location |                   |                 |
        |<---------------|                   |                 |
        |                |                   |                 |
        |   Request      |                   |                 |
        | w/New Location |                   |                 |
        |--------------->|                   |                 |
        |                |    Request        |                 |
        |                |  w/New Location   |                 |
        |                |------------------>|                 |
        |                |                   |                 |

          Configuration Servers
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    .                               .
    .   +--------+    +----------+  .
    . +--------+ |  +----------+ |  .
    . | LIS    | |  | SIP      | |  .
    . |        |-+  | Registrar|-+  .
    . +--------+    +----------+    .
    .   ^               ^           .
    . . | . . . . . . . | . . . . . .
        |               |
        |[M1][M4]       |[M2]
        |               |         +--------+
        |+--------------+       +--------+ |
        ||                      | LoST   | |
        ||+-------------------->| Servers|-+
        |||        [M3][M5]     +--------+       +-------+
        |||                                      | PSAP2 |
        |||                                      +-------+
        |||  [M6]  +-------+ [M7]+------+ [M8]+-------+
      Alice ------>| Proxy |---->| ESRP |---->| PSAP1 |-----> Call Taker
                   +-------+     +------+     +-------+

                       | Event  |
        +--------+     |Resource|     +--------+
        | Event  |     +--------+     | Event  |
        |Resource|         |          |Resource|
        +---.=---+         |          +---=----+
              `-..         |         _.--'
                  ``-._    |    _.--'
                       |  List  |
                       | Server |
                        |      |       .--------.
                        |      |       `--------'
                       | Event |

                              [ Feedback Consumer Database ]
   [  User   ]    [ Mailbox  ]         [ Feedback ]
   [ Reports ]--->[ Provider ]--SMTP-->[ Provider ]
   [  Spam   ]         |                    |
                       V                    V               [ Feedback ]
             [Spam Filter Rules]    [ ARF Message ]--SMTP-->[ Consumer ]

                            \    *****                \
            ,===============***====,    ***            \
           /              **  \   /         **          \
          /   POI 1     **     \ /            **         \
         /      o      **       X              **         \
        /             **       / \  USER        **         \
       /              **      /   \  0           **         \
      /               **     /     \      POI 3  **          \
     /                 **   /       \       o    **           \
    /          ,--------**-/---------\----------**--,          \
   `=====================**           \________**___|___________\
               |           **                **     |
               |   o         ***          ***       |
               |  POI 2           *****             |

      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len |    Extended payload length    |
     |I|S|S|S|  (4)  |A|     (7)     |             (16/64)           |
     |N|V|V|V|       |S|             |   (if payload len==126/127)   |
     | |1|2|3|       |K|             |                               |
     +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
     |     Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127  |
     + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
     |                               |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1  |
     | Masking-key (continued)       |          Payload Data         |
     +-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
     :                     Payload Data continued ...                :
     + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
     |                     Payload Data continued ...                |

          Native  |<------Multi-Segment Pseudowire------>|  Native
          Service |       GEM/XGEM                       |  Service
           (AC)   |     |<--Port-->|                     |   (AC)
             |    |     |          |                     |     |
             |    |     |   PSN    |         PSN         |     |
             |    |     |<-Tunnel->|     |<-Tunnel->|    |     |
             |    V     V          V     V          V    V     |
             |    +----+           +-----+          +----+     |
      +----+ |    |TPE1|===========|S-PE1|==========|TPE2|     | +----+
      |    |------|..... PW.Seg't1....X....PW.Seg't3.....|-------|    |
      | CE1| |    |    |           |     |          |    |     | |CE2 |
      |    |------|..... PW.Seg't2....X....PW.Seg't4.....|-------|    |
      +----+ |    |    |===========|     |==========|    |     | +----+
   Base    ^      +----+           +-----+          +----+       ^
   Station |   Provider Edge 1        ^        Provider Edge 2   |
           |       ONU                |                          |
           |                  PW switching point                 |
           |                         OLT                         |
           |                                                     |
           |<------------------ Emulated Service --------------->|

   Base   ----AC-- TPE1--PW over PON--SPE1--PW over PSN--TPE2--AC------
                          ----------        ----------
           --------      |Packetized|      |Packetized|        --------
          |Native  |     |Native    |      |Native    |       |Native  |
          |Service |     |Service   |      |Service   |       |Service |
           --------      |----------|      |----------|        --------
                         |Control   |      |Control   |
                         |Word      |      |Word      |
                         |----------|      |----------|
                         |PW Label  |      |PW Label  |
                         |----------|      |----------|
                         |GEM/XGEM  |      |MPLS      |
                         |----------|      |Tunnel    |
                         |GPON/XGPON|      |Label     |
                         |-Phy      |      |          |
                          ----------       |----------|
                                           |Link Layer|
                                           |Phy       |
             Figure C: On-Wire Data Encapsulations for MS-PWs

                                                          _(.   `)
                        .--.         +------------+     _(   PDN  `)_
                      _(Core`.       |GW1         |====(  Internet   `)
           +---+     (   NW   )------|APN=internet|   ( `  .        )  )
   [UE]~~~~|RAN|----( `  .  )  )--+  +------------+    `--(_______)---'
    ^      +---+     `--(___.-'   |
    |                             |                       .--.
    |                             |  +----------+       _(.PDN`)
    |                             +--|GW2       |     _(Operator`)_
    |                                |APN=OpServ|====(  Services   `)
   UE is attached                    +----------+   ( `  .        )  )
   to GW1 and GW2                                    `--(_______)---'

                    .--.                                     .--.
             Uu   _(    `.  Iu   +----+      +----+        _(    `.
       [UE]~~|~~~(  UTRAN )--|---|SGSN|--|---|GGSN|--|----(   PDN  )
                ( `  .  )  )     +----+  Gn  +----+  Gi  ( `  .  )  )
                 `--(___.-'        / |                    `--(___.-'
                                  /  |
                     2G       Gb--   |
                    .--.       /     |
                  _(    `.    /      --Gp
       [UE]~~|~~~(   PDN  )__/       |
             Um ( `  .  )  )        .--.
                 `--(___.-'       _(.   `)
                                _( [GGSN] `)_
                               (    other    `)
                              ( `  . PLMN   )  )

        |                               +---------+       .--.
        |--+ __________________________ | APNx in |     _(    `.
        |  |O______PDPc1_______________)| GGSN /  |----(Internet)
        |  |                            | PDN-GW  |   ( `  .  )  )
        |UE|                            +---------+    `--(___.-'
        |  | _______________________ +---------+          .--.
        |  |O______PDPc2____________)| APNy in |        _(Priv`.
        +--+                         | GGSN /  |-------(Network )
                                     | PDN-GW  |      ( `  .  )  )
                                     +---------+       `--(___.-'

                                                              |   IP   |
                         S1-MME  +-------+  S11               |Services|
                       +----|----|  MME  |----|----+          +--------+
                       |         |       |         |               |SGi
                       |         +-------+         |      S5/      |
    +----+ LTE-Uu +-------+ S1-U                +-------+  S8  +-------+
    |UE  |----|---|eNodeB |---|-----------------| SGW   |--|---|PDN-GW |
    |    |========|=======|=====================|=======|======|       |
    +----+        +-------+Dual-Stack EPS Bearer+-------+      +-------+

           Y                                        .--.
           |                                      _(IPv4`.
           |---+              +---+    +---+     (  PDN   )
           | D |~~~~~~~//-----|   |====|   |====( `  .  )  )
           | S | IPv4 context | S |    | G |     `--(___.-'
           |   |              | G |    | G |        .--.
           | U |              | S |    | S |      _(IPv6`.
           | E | IPv6 context | N |    | N |     (  PDN   )
           |///|~~~~~~~//-----|   |====|(s)|====( `  .  )  )
           +---+              +---+    +---+     `--(___.-'

           |---+              +---+    +---+
           | D |~~~~~~~//-----|   |====|   |        .--.
           | S | IPv4 context | S |    | G |      _( DS `.
           |   |              | G |    | G |     (  PDN   )
           | U |              | S |    | S |====( `  .  )  )
           | E | IPv6 context | N |    | N |     `--(___.-'
           |///|~~~~~~~//-----|   |====|   |
           +---+              +---+    +---+

           |---+              +---+    +---+
           | D |              |   |    | P |        .--.
           | S |              |   |    | D |      _( DS `.
           |   | IPv4v6 (DS)  | S |    | N |     (  PDN   )
           | U |~~~~~~~//-----| G |====| - |====( `  .  )  )
           | E | bearer       | W |    | G |     `--(___.-'
           |///|              |   |    | W |
           +---+              +---+    +---+

      UE        eNodeB/      MME         SGW       PDN-GW       HSS/
      |           BS          |           |           |         AAA
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |---------->|(1)        |           |           |           |
      |           |---------->|(1)        |           |           |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |             Authentication and Authorization              |(2)
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |           |           |---------->|(3)        |           |
      |           |           |           |---------->|(3)        |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |           |           |           |<----------|(4)        |
      |           |           |<----------|(4)        |           |
      |           |<----------|(5)        |           |           |
      |/---------\|           |           |           |           |
      | RB setup  |(6)        |           |           |           |
      |\---------/|           |           |           |           |
      |           |---------->|(7)        |           |           |
      |---------->|(8)        |           |           |           |
      |           |---------->|(9)        |           |           |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |============= Uplink Data =========>==========>|(10)       |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |           |           |---------->|(11)       |           |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |           |           |<----------|(12)       |           |
      |           |           |           |           |           |
      |<============ Downlink Data =======<===========|(13)       |
      |           |           |           |           |           |

                1. Provision SED       |             |
              -----------------------> |  Registry   |
                                       |             |
                                            /  \
                                           /    \
                                          /      \
                                         /        \
                                        /          \
                                       /            \
                                      / 2.Distribute \
                                     /      SED       \
                                    V                  V
                              +----------+       +----------+
                              |Local Data|       |Local Data|
                              |Repository|       |Repository|
                              +----------+       +----------+

                                  . . . . . . .
                  . . . .  . . .   registry    . . . . . . .
                .                 . . . . . . .              .
              .                        .                      .
             .                         .                       .
            .                          . provision             .
       +-----------+                   .                 +-----------+
       |           |  provision  +----------+  provision |           |
       |   SSP 1   |------------>| Registry |<-----------|   SSP 2   |
       |           |             +----------+            |           |
       |  +-----+  |                   /\                |  +-----+  |
       |  | LDR | <--------------------  ------------------>| LDR |  |
       |  +-----+  |   distribute           distribute   |  +-----+  |
       |           |                                     |           |
       +-----------+                                     +-----------+
              .                                                .
               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                              (provision / distribute)

    [MAG]   [rfLMA]  [r2LMA]
      |        |        |
   1) |--PBU-->|        | LMA assignment takes place in rfLMA.
      |        |        |
   2) |        | ~ ~ ~ >|\
      |        |        | + BCE gets created in r2LMA.
   3) |        |<~ ~ ~ ~|/
      |        |        |
   4) |<--PBA--|        | PBA contains r2LMA information.
      |        |        |
      |        |        |
   5) |-------PBU------>| Lifetime extension,
   6) |<------PBA-------| de-registration, etc.
      |        |        |

         [MAG]                       [rfLMA  /r2LMA_1/r2LMA_2/r2LMA_3]
           |                             |       |       |       |
   MAG discovers rfLMA                   |       |       |       |
   BULE for rfLMA                        |       |       |       |
           |                             |       |       |       |
           |-- PBU --------------------->|       |       |       |
           |   src=MAG_Proxy-CoA,        |       |       |       |
           |   dst=rfLMA,                |       |       |       |
           |   Redirect-Capability, ..   |  r2LMA gets selected  |
           |                             BCE is created in r2LMA_2
           |                             |Tunnel setup in r2LMA_2|
           |                             |       |       |       |
           |<- PBA ----------------------|       |       |       |
           |   src=rfLMA,                |       |       |       |
           |   dst=MAG_Proxy-CoA,        |       |       |       |
           |   Redirect=r2LMA_2_address, |       |       |       |
           |   Load Info, ..             |       |       |       |
           |                             |       |       |       |
   BULE updated to r2LMA_2               |       |       |       |
      Tunnel setup                       |       |       |       |
           |                             |       |       |       |
           |<=========== MAG-r2LMA_2 tunnel ============>|       |
           |                             |       |       |       |
   Lifetime extension, etc.              |       |       |       |
           |                             |       |       |       |
           |-- PBU ------------------------------------->|       |
           |   src=MAG_Proxy-CoA,        |       |       |       |
           |   dst=r2LMA_2, ..           |       |       |       |
           |                             |       |       |       |
           |<- PBA --------------------------------------|       |
           |   src=r2LMA_2,              |       |       |       |
           |   dst=MAG_Proxy-CoA,        |       |       |       |
           |   Load Info, ..             |       |       |       |
           |                             |       |       |       |

     [MAG]                        [rfLMA]                      [r2LMA]
       |                             |                             |
   MAG discovers rfLMA               |                             |
   BULE for rfLMA                    |                             |
       |                             |                             |
       |-- PBU --------------------->|  rfLMA assigns a r2LMA and  |
       |   src=MAG_Proxy-CoA,        |  creates a proxy state      |
       |   dst=rfLMA,                |                             |
       |   Redirect-Capability, ..   |                             |
       |                             |-- PBU' -------------------->|
       |                             |   src=proxy-MAG_Proxy-CoA,  |
       |                             |   dst=r2LMA,                |
       |                             |   ACoA/A4CoA=MAG_Proxy-CoA, |
       |                             |   ..                        |
       |                             |             BCE created in r2LMA
       |                             |                     Tunnel setup
       |                             |       Proxy-CoA is MAG's address
       |                             |                             |
       |   rfLMA removes the         |<- PBA' ---------------------|
       |   proxy state               |   src=r2LMA,                |
       |                             |   dst=proxy-MAG_Proxy-CoA,  |
       |                             |   Load Info, ..             |
       |<- PBA ----------------------|                             |
       |   src=rfLMA,                |                             |
       |   dst=MAG_Proxy-CoA,        |                             |
       |   Redirect=r2LMA_address,   |                             |
       |   Load Info, ..             |                             |
       |                             |                             |
   BULE updated to r2LMA             |                             |
   Tunnel setup                      |                             |
       |                             |                             |
       |<===================== MAG-r2LMA tunnel ==================>|
       |                             |                             |
   Lifetime extension, etc.          |                             |
       |                             |                             |
       |-- PBU --------------------------------------------------->|
       |   src=MAG_Proxy-CoA, dst=r2LMA, ..                        |
       |                             |                             |
       |<- PBA ----------------------------------------------------|
       |   src=r2LMA, dst=MAG_Proxy-CoA, Load Info, ..             |
       |                             |                             |

                        |                        |
                        |  00:42 |  Weekly Call  |
                        |                        |
                        |                        |
                        | Alice |======    | (S) |
                        |                        |
                        | Bob   |=         |     |
                        |                        |
                        | Carol |          | (M) |
                        |                        |
                        | Dave  |===       |     |
                        |                        |

             ^                         ^
             |                         |
             WB                        WT

           ^                         ^
           |                         |
           WB                        WT

       ^         ^
       |         |
       WT        WB

             ---------                ---------
             |  RIR  |                |  NIR  |
             |  CA   |                |  CA   |
             ---------                ---------
                 |                        |
                 |                        |
                 |                        |
             ---------                ---------
             |  ISP  |                |  ISP  |
             |  CA 1 |                |  CA 2 |
             ---------                ---------
              |     \                      |
              |      -----                 |
              |           \                |
          ----------    ----------      ----------
          |  ISP   |    |  ISP   |      |  ISP   |
          |  EE 1a |    |  EE 1b |      |  EE 2  |
          ----------    ----------      ----------
              |             |               |
              |             |               |
              |             |               |
          ----------    ----------      ----------
          | ROA 1a |    | ROA 1b |      | ROA 2  |
          ----------    ----------      ----------

              +--------->| Cert A |<----+
              |          | CRLDP  |     |
              |          |  AIA   |     |
              |  +--------- SIA   |     |
              |  |       +--------+     |
              |  |                      |
              |  |                      |
              |  |                      |
              |  |  +-------------------|------------------+
              |  |  |                   |                  |
              |  +->|   +--------+      |   +--------+     |
              |     |   | Cert B |      |   | Cert C |     |
              |     |   | CRLDP ----+   |   | CRLDP -+-+   |
              +----------- AIA   |  |   +----- AIA   | |   |
                    |   |  SIA   |  |       |  SIA   | |   |
                    |   +--------+  |       +--------+ |   |
                    |               V                  |   |
                    |           +---------+            |   |
                    |           | A's CRL |<-----------+   |
                    |           +---------+                |
                    | A's Repository Publication Directory |

              +--------->| Cert A |<----+
              |          |  AIA   |     |
              |  +--------- SIA   |     |
              |  |       +--------+     |
              |  |                      |
              |  |  +-------------------|------------------+
              |  |  |                   |                  |
              |  +->|   +--------+      |   +--------+     |
              |     |   | Cert B |      |   | Cert C |     |
              |     |   | CRLDP-------+ |   | CRLDP-----+  |
              +----------- AIA   |    | +----- AIA   |  |  |
                    |   |  SIA------+ |     |  SIA------------+
                    |   +--------+  | |     +--------+  |  |  |
                    |               | V                 V  |  |
                    |               | +-----------------+  |  |
                    |               | | CRL issued by A |  |  |
                    | A's Repository| +-----------------+  |  |
                    | Directory     |                      |  |
                    +---------------|----------------------+  |
                                    |                         |
          +----------------+        |    +----------------+   |
          | B's Repository |<-------+    | C's Repository |<--+
          |  Directory     |             |  Directory     |
          +----------------+             +----------------+

      Node (N)                Home Agent (HA)          Mobile Node (MN)
      on Home Link             on Home Link            on Foreign Link
        |                           |                          |
        | SRC = N                   |                          |
        | DST = solicited_node (MN) |                          |
        | ICMPv6 NS                 |                          |
        | TARGET = MN               |                          |
        | SLLAO = N_LL              |                          |
        | [CGA]                     |                          |
        | RSA signature             |                          |
        |-------------------------->|                          |
        |                           |                          |
        | SRC = HA                  |                          |
        | DST = N                   |                          |
        | ICMPv6 NA                 |                          |
        | TARGET = MN               |                          |
        | TLLAO = HA_LL             |                          |
        | PS signature              |                          |
        |<--------------------------|                          |
        |                           |                          |
        | traffic                   |                          |
        | dest = MN HoA             |                          |
        |-------------------------->|                          |
        |                           |                          |
        |                           | tunneled traffic         |
        |                           | dest = MN CoA            |
        |                           |------------------------->|
        |                           |                          |

             MN                   new MAG                  LMA
              |                      |                      |
          MN Attached                |                      |
              |                      |                      |
              |       MN Attached Event from MN/Network     |
              |                      |                      |
              | SRC = MN             |                      |
              | DST = all routers    |                      |
              | ICMPv6 RS            |                      |
              | [CGA]                |                      |
              | RSA signature        |                      |
              |--------------------->|                      |
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |--- PBU ------------->|
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |                  Accept PBU
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |<------------- PBA ---|
              |                      |                      |
              |                 Accept PBA                  |
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |==== Bi-Dir Tunnel ===|
              |                      |                      |
              |        SRC = MAG4MN  |                      |
              |            DST = MN  |                      |
              |           ICMPv6 RA  |                      |
              |        SLL = MAG_LL  |                      |
              |            PS        |                      |
              |<---------------------|                      |
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |                      |
              |                      |                      |

         Host A                   ND Proxy (P)                Host B
           |                          |                          |
           | SRC = A                  |                          |
           | DST = solicited_node (B) |                          |
           | ICMPv6 NS                |                          |
           | TARGET = B               |                          |
           | SLLAO = A_LL             |                          |
           |------------------------->|                          |
           |                          | SRC = A                  |
           |                          | DST = solicited_node (B) |
           |                          | ICMPv6 NS                |
           |                          | TARGET = B               |
           |                          | SLLAO = P_LL             |
           |                          |------------------------->|
           |                          |                          |
           |                          | SRC = B                  |
           |                          | DST = A                  |
           |                          | ICMPv6 NA                |
           |                          | TARGET = B               |
           |                          | TLLAO = B_LL             |
           |                          |<-------------------------|
           | SRC = B                  |                          |
           | DST = A                  |                          |
           | ICMPv6 NA                |                          |
           | TARGET = B               |                          |
           | TLLAO = P_LL             |                          |
           |<-------------------------|                          |
           |                          |                          |

   | Symbol |   Definition                    |  R  |  S  |  Duration  |
   | gwvbd  | Gateway Controlled VBD          |  x  |     |            |
   | nopvbd | No Negotiated Procedure for VBD |  x  |     |            |

      | ReasonCode | Description                                      |
      | CNG        | T.30 fax calling                                 |
      | V21flag    | V.21 tone and flags for fax answering            |
      | CIV18      | V.8 CI with V.18 call function                   |
      | XCI        | V.18 XCI                                         |
      | V18txp     | V.18 txp                                         |
      | Belltone   | Bell 103 carrier, high- or low-frequency channel |
      |            |   (ITU-T Recommendation V.18)                    |
      | Baudot     | Baudot initial tone and character (ITU-T         |
      |            |   Recommendation V.18)                           |
      | Edt        | EDT initial tone and character (ITU-T            |
      |            |   Recommendation V.18)                           |
      | CIdata     | V.8 CI with any data call function               |
      | CT         | V.25 calling tone                                |
      | CIfax      | V.8 CI with fax call function                    |
      | V21tone    | V.21 carrier, high- or low-frequency channel     |
      | V23tone    | V.23 carrier, high- or low-frequency channel     |
      | V8bis      | V.8 bis modem handshaking signal                 |
      | ANS        | V.25 ANS, equivalent to T.30 CED from answering  |
      |            |   terminal                                       |
      | /ANS       | V.25 ANS with periodic phase reversals           |
      | ANSam      | V.8 ANSam                                        |
      | /ANSam     | V.8 ANSam with periodic phase reversals          |
      | CMFax      | V.8 CM sequence indicating fax call function     |
      | JMFax      | V.8 JM sequence indicating fax call function     |
      | CMData     | V.8 CM sequence indicating unspecified data      |
      |            |   call function                                  |
      | JMData     | V.8 JM sequence indicating unspecified data      |
      |            |   call function                                  |
      | CMText     | V.8 CM sequence indicating text call function    |
      | JMText     | V.8 JM sequence indicating text call function    |
      | PTSW       | Payload type switch as defined in V.152          |

            | ReasonCode | Description                             |
            | SIL        | Bidirectional silence                   |
            | Voice      | Voice signals                           |
            | PTSW       | Payload type switch as defined in V.152 |
            | MC         | Media change                            |

            | ReasonCode | Description                           |
            | TO         | Indicates that a timeout has occurred |

          | CoordinationTechnique | Description                  |
          | v152ptsw              | V.152 Payload Type Switching |
          | v150fw                | V.150.1 SSE                  |

           | Direction | Description                            |
           |-----------|------------------------------------    |
           | GstnToIp  | Stimulus detected in the direction     |
           |           | from the GSTN to IP network,           |
           |           | including fax, modem, and text tones.  |
           | IpToGstn  | Stimulus detected in the direction     |
           |           | from the IP to GSTN network,           |
           |           | including fax, modem, and text tones   |
           |           | (e.g., IP-side tone detection);        |
           |           | RTP packet with VBD payload type       |
           |           | (e.g., V.152 or V.150.1).              |

      | Symbol |   Definition                                |
      | gpmd   | General-Purpose Media Descriptor Parameter  |

   | #|     GW-o      |     CA-o      |      CA-t     |      GW-t     |
   | 1|             <-|CRCX           |               |               |
   | 2|     200(sdp-o)|->             |               |               |
   | 3|               |  INVITE(sdp-o)|->             |               |
   | 4|               |               |    CRCX(sdp-o)|->             |
   | 5|               |               |             <-|200 (sdp-t)    |
   | 6|               |             <-|200(sdp-t)     |               |
   | 7|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t)    |               |               |
   | 8|            200|->             |               |               |
   | 9|               |               |               |<- ANS/T.30 CED|
   |10|               |               |           <- NTFY(gwvbd start)|
   |11|               |               |            200|->             |
   |12|NTFY(gwvbd start) ->           |               |               |
   |13|             <-|200            |               |               |
   |14|               |               |               | (modem ends)  |
   |15|               |               |           <- NTFY(gwvbd stop) |
   |16|               |               |            200|->             |
   |17|NTFY(gwvbd stop) ->            |               |               |
   |18|             <-|200            |               |               |

   | #|     GW-o      |     CA-o      |      CA-t     |      GW-t     |
   | 1|             <-|CRCX           |               |               |
   | 2|     200(sdp-o)|->             |               |               |
   | 3|               |  INVITE(sdp-o)|->             |               |
   | 4|               |               |    CRCX(sdp-o)|->             |
   | 5|               |               |             <-|200 (sdp-t)    |
   | 6|               |             <-|200(sdp-t)     |               |
   | 7|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t)    |               |               |
   | 8|            200|->             |               |               |
   | 9|               |               |               |<- ANS/T.30 CED|
   |10|               |               |           <- NTFY(gwvbd start)|
   |11|               |               |            200|->             |
   |12|NTFY(gwvbd start) ->           |               |               |
   |13|             <-|200            |               |               |
   |14|               |               |               <- V.21 Preamble|
   |15|               |               |             <- NTFY(t38 start)|
   |16|               |               |            200|->             |
   |17|               |               |      MDCX(t38)|->             |
   |18|               |               |             <-|200(sdp-t2)    |
   |19|               |             <-|INVITE(sdp-t2) |               |
   |20|             <-|MDCX(sdp-t2)   |               |               |
   |21|    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |               |
   |22|               |    200(sdp-o2)|->             |               |
   |23|               |               |   MDCX(sdp-o2)|->             |
   |24|               |               |             <-|200            |
   |25| V.21 Preamble |->             |               |               |
   |26|NTFY(t38 start)|->             |               |               |
   |27|             <-|200            |               |               |
   |28|               |               |               |   (fax ends)  |
   |29|               |               |             <-|NTFY(t38 stop) |
   |30|               |               |            200|->             |
   |31|NTFY(t38 stop) |->             |               |               |
   |32|             <-|200            |               |               |

                            |       Conference         |
                            |         Object           |
                            |       Identifier         |
                            |  xcon:Ji092i@example.com |
                      |                                 |
          +-----------+-----------+          +----------+---------+
          |   CSP Conference IDs  |          |BFCP 'Conference ID'|
          +-----------------------+          +--------------------+
          | h323:i092@example.com |          |        i092        |
          | tel:+44(0)2920930033  |          +----------+---------+
          | sip:i092@example.com  |                     |
          +-----------------------+             +-------+--------+
                                                | BFCP 'Floor ID'|
                                                |      543       |
                                                |      236       |

        |     |      |    |--<request-user>*
        |     |      |    |--<notify-end-of-conference>*
        |     |      |    |--<allowed-extend-mixing-end-offset>*
        |     |           ...
        |     |--<conf-uris>
        |     |      |--<entry>
        |     |      |    |--<uri>
        |     |      |    |--<display-text>
        |     |      |    |--<purpose>
        |     |      |    |--<conference-password>*
        |     |      ...
        |     |--<service-uris>
        |     |      |--<entry>
        |     |      |    |--<uri>
        |     |      |    |--<display-text>
        |     |      |    |--<purpose>
        |     |      ...
        |     |--<maximum-user-count>
        |     |      ...
        |     |--<available-media>
        |     |      |--<entry>
        |     |      |     |--<display-text>
        |     |      |     |--<type>
        |     |      |     |--<status>
        |     |      |     |--<mixing-mode>*
        |     |      |     |--<codecs>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<codec>*
        |     |      |     |    |    |--<subtype>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<codec>*
        |     |      |     |    |    |--<subtype>*
        |     |      |     |    ...
        |     |      |     |--<controls>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<mute>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<gain>*
        |     |      |     |   ...
        |     |      |--<entry>
        |     |      |     |--<display-text>
        |     |      |     |--<type>
        |     |      |     |--<status>
        |     |      |     |--<mixing-mode>*
        |     |      |     |--<codecs>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<codec>*
        |     |      |     |    |    |--<subtype>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<codec>*
        |     |      |     |    |    |--<subtype>*
        |     |      |     |    ...
        |     |      |     |--<controls>*
        |     |      |     |    |--<pause-video>*

          .  Conferencing System    .
          .                         .
          .    +--------------+     .
          .    | Conf. object |     .
          .    |              |     .
          .    +--------------+     .
          .            |            .
          .            v            .
          .  +------------+         .
          .  |Notification|         .
          .  |Service     |         .
          .  +------------+         .
          .         ^               .
                    |       Notification
                    |         Protocol
                    |(notifications following the
                    |      XCON data model)
          .         v           .
          .  +------------+     .
          .  |Notification|     .
          .  |   Client   |     .
          .  +------------+     .
          .                     .
          . Conferencing Client .

   .  Conferencing System                                 .
   .                                                      .
   .        +---------------------------------------+     .
   .        |   C O N F E R E N C E   O B J E C T   |     .
   .      +-+-------------------------------------+ |     .
   .      |   C O N F E R E N C E   O B J E C T   | |     .
   .    +-+-------------------------------------+ | |     .
   .    |   C O N F E R E N C E   O B J E C T   | | |     .
   .    |                                       | |-+     .
   .    |                                       |-+       .
   .    +---------------------------------------+         .
   .                        ^                             .
   .                        |                             .
   .                        v                             .
   .               +-------------------+                  .
   .               | Conference Control|                  .
   .               | Server            |                  .
   .               +-------------------+                  .
   .                        ^                             .
   .                        V                             .
   .                +----------------+                    .
   .                | Conference     |                    .
   .                | Control        |                    .
   .                | Client         |                    .
   .                +----------------+                    .
   .                                                      .
   .  Conferencing Client                                 .

    CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
         |                                                       |
         | CCMP blueprintsRequest message                        |
         |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
         |   - confObjID: (null)                                 |
         |                                                       |
         |                     CCMP blueprintsResponse message   |
         |                      - confUserID: Alice              |
         |                      - confObjID: (null)              |
         |                      - response-code: 200             |
         |                      - blueprintsInfo: bp123,bp124,.. |
         |                                                       |
         .                                                       .
         .                                                       .

   CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
        |                                                       |
        | CCMP blueprintRequest message                         |
        |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
        |   - confObjID: bp123                                  |
        |   - operation: retrieve                               |
        |   - blueprintInfo: (null)                             |
        |                                                       |
        |                        CCMP blueprintResponse message |
        |                          - confUserID: Alice          |
        |                          - confObjID: bp123           |
        |                          - operation: retrieve        |
        |                          - response-code: 200         |
        |                          - blueprintInfo: bp123Info   |
        |                                                       |
        .                                                       .
        .                                                       .

CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
       |                                                       |
       | CCMP confRequest message                              |
       |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
       |   - confObjID: AudioRoom                              |
       |   - operation: create                                 |
       |   - confInfo: (null)                                  |
       |                                                       |
       |                            CCMP confResponse message  |
       |                              - confUserID: Alice      |
       |                              - confObjID: newConfId   |
       |                              - operation: create      |
       |                              - response-code: 200     |
       |                              - version: 1             |
       |                              - confInfo: newConfInfo  |
       |                                                       |
       .                                                       .
       .                                                       .

   CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
        |                                                       |
        | CCMP confRequest message                              |
        |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
        |   - confObjID: 8977794                                |
        |   - operation: update                                 |
        |   - confInfo: confUpdates                             |
        |                                                       |
        |                            CCMP confResponse message  |
        |                              - confUserID: Alice      |
        |                              - confObjID: 8977794     |
        |                              - operation: update      |
        |                              - response-code: 200     |
        |                              - version: 2             |
        |                              - confInfo: (null)       |
        |                                                       |
        .                                                       .
        .                                                       .

   CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
        |                                                       |
        | CCMP usersRequest message                             |
        |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
        |   - confObjID: 8977794                                |
        |   - operation: update                                 |
        |   - usersInfo: usersUpdates                           |
        |                                                       |
        |                           CCMP usersResponse message  |
        |                             - confUserID: Alice       |
        |                             - confObjID: 8977794      |
        |                             - operation: update       |
        |                             - response-code: 200      |
        |                             - version: 3              |
        |                             - usersInfo: (null)       |
        |                                                       |
        .                                                       .
        .                                                       .

   CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
        |                                                       |
        | CCMP userRequest message                              |
        |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
        |   - confObjID: 8977794                                |
        |   - operation: create                                 |
        |   - userInfo: AliceUserInfo                           |
        |                                                       |
        |                            CCMP userResponse message  |
        |                              - confUserID: Alice      |
        |                              - confObjID: 8977794     |
        |                              - operation: create      |
        |                              - response-code: 200     |
        |                              - version: 4             |
        |                              - userInfo: (null)       |
        |                                                       |
        .                                                       .
        .                                                       .

  CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
       |                                                       |
       | CCMP userRequest message                              |
       |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
       |   - confObjID: 8977794                                |
       |   - operation: create                                 |
       |   - userInfo: dummyUserID, CiccioUserInfo             |
       |                                                       |
       |                       CCMP optionsResponse message    |
       |                            - confUserID: Alice        |
       |                            - confObjID: 8977794       |
       |                            - operation: create        |
       |                            - response-code: 200       |
       |                            - version: 5               |
       |                            - userInfo: userIDCiccio,  |
       |                                        CiccioUserInfo |
       |                                                       |
       |                                                       |
       .                                                       .
       .                                                       .

   CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
        |                                                       |
        | CCMP optionsRequest message                           |
        |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
        |                                                       |
        |                          CCMP userResponse message    |
        |                            - confUserID: Alice        |
        |                            - response-code: 200       |
        |                            - options (list of both    |
        |                              standard and extended    |
        |                              supported messages)      |
        |                                                       |
        .                                                       .
        .                                                       .

  CCMP Client                                             CCMP Server
       |                                                       |
       | CCMP extendedRequest message                          |
       |   - confUserID: Alice                                 |
       |   - confObjID: 8977794                                |
       |   - operation: retrieve                               |
       |   - extensionName: confSummaryRequest                 |
       |                                                       |
       |                      CCMP extendedResponse message    |
       |                            - confUserID: Alice        |
       |                            - confObjID: 8977794       |
       |                            - operation: retrieve      |
       |                            - response-code: 200       |
       |                            - extensionName:           |
       |                              confSummaryRequest       |
       |                            - confSummary              |
       |                                                       |
       .                                                       .
       .                                                       .

    CMCC                                           ConfS
      |                                              |
      | 1. HTTPS POST (CCMP request)                 |
      |                                              |
      |                                              |--+ Parse request,
      |                                              |  | update object
      |                                              |<-+ and reply
      |                                              |
      |                    2. 200 OK (CCMP response) |
      |                                              |
      |--+ Parse response and                        |
      |  | update local copy                         |
      |<-+ of conference object                      |
      |                                              |
      '                                              '
      '                                              '

       CMCC                   ConfS                        UAC
        |                       |                           |
        |                       |          1. SIP SUBSCRIBE |
        |                       |<--------------------------|
        |             Handle +--|                           |
        |                new |  |                           |
        |       subscription +->| 2. SIP 200 OK             |
        |                       |-------------------------->|
        |                       |                           |
        '                       '                           '
        '                       '                           '
        |                       |                           |
        | 3. CCMP (add user)    |                           |
        |---------------------->|                           |
        |                       |--+ Add user               |
        |                       |  | to conf.               |
        |                       |<-+ object                 |
        |     4. CCMP (success) |                           |
        |<----------------------|                           |
        |                       | 5. SIP NOTIFY (changes)   |
        |                       |-------------------------->|
        |                       |             6. SIP 200 OK |
        |                       |<--------------------------|
        |                       |                           |
        '                       '                           '
        '                       '                           '

   CMCC1          CMCC2        CMCCx       ConfS          MS
     |               |           |           |             |
     |(1)confRequest(confUserID, create)     |             |
     |-------------------------------------->|             |
     |               |         (a)Create +---|             |
     |               |           |Conf   |   |             |
     |               |           |Object |   |             |
     |               |           |& IDs  +-->|             |
     |               |           |           | A1. CONTROL |
     |               |           |           |+++++++++++>>|
     |               |           |           |(create conf)|--+ (b)
     |               |           |           |             |  | create
     |               |           |           |             |  | conf and
     |               |           |           | A2. 200 OK  |<-+ its ID
     |               |           |           |<<+++++++++++|
     |               |           |           |(confid=Y)   |
     |(2)confResponse(confUserID,confObjID,  |             |
     |                create, 200, success,  |             |
     |                version, confInfo)     |             |
     |<--------------------------------------|             |
     |               |           |           |             |
     |               |     (c) Focus     +---|             |
     |               |         sets up   |   |             |
     |               |         signaling |   |             |
     |               |         to CMCC1  +-->|             |
     |               |           |           |             |
     |               |           |           | B1. CONTROL |
     |               |           |           |+++++++++++>>|
     |               |           |           | (join CMCC1 |
     |               |           |           | <->confY)   |
     |               |           |           |             |
     |               |           |           |             |--+(d) join
     |               |           |           |             |  | CMCC1 &
     |               |           |           | B2.200 OK   |<-+ conf Y
     |               |           |           |<<+++++++++++|
     |               |           |           |             |
     |        Now the CMCC1 is mixed in the conference     |
     |               |           |           |             |
     |******CMCC1 may then manipulate conference data *****|
     |****** and add addt'l users, etc.      |        *****|
     '               '           '           '             '
     '               '           '           '             '
     '               '           '           '             '

   CMCC Alice                   ConfS
    |                               |
    | (1) blueprintsRequest         |
    |    (confUserID,xpathFilter)   |
    |                               |
    |        (2) blueprintsResponse |
    |           (confUserID,        |
    |            200, success,      |
    |            blueprintsInfo)    |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    |--+                            |
    |  | choose preferred           |
    |  | blueprint from the         |
    |  | list (blueprintName)       |
    |<-+                            |
    |                               |
    | (3) blueprintRequest          |
    | (confUserID,confObjID,        |
    |  retrieve)                    |
    |                               |
    |      4) blueprintResponse     |
    |         (confUserID,confObjID,|
    |          retrieve, 200,       |
    |          success, confInfo)   |
    |                               |
    | (5) confRequest(confUserID,   |
    |     confObjID,create)         |
    |                               |
    |                 (a)Create +---|
    |                    Conf   |   |
    |                    Object |   |
    |                    & IDs  +-->|
    |                               |--+ (b) MS
    |                               |  | creates
    |                               |  | conf and
    |                               |<-+ its ID
    |                               |   (confid=Y)
    |(6) confResponse               |
    | (confUserID, confObjID*,      |
    |  create, 200, success)        |
    |                               |

   Alice            Bob        Carol       ConfS
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |(1)confRequest(confUserID, |           |
     |         create, confInfo) |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |         (a)Create +---|
     |               |           |Conf   |   |
     |               |           |Object |   |
     |               |           |& IDs  +-->|
     |               |           |           |--+ (b) MS
     |               |           |           |  | creates
     |               |           |           |  | conf and
     |               |           |           |<-+ its ID
     |               |           |           |   (confid=Y)
     |(2)confResponse(confUserID,|           |
     |       confObjID, create,  |           |
     |       200, success, version)          |
     |               |           |           |
    ...             ...         ...         ...
    ========== START TIME OCCURS ==============
     |               |     (c) Focus     +---|
     |               |         sets up   |   |
     |               |         signaling |   |
     |               |         to Alice  +-->|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |--+(d) MS joins
     |               |           |           |  | Alice &
     |               |           |           |<-+ conf Y
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     | Alice is mixed in the conference      |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |     (e)Focus      +---|
     |               |        sets up    |   |
     |               |        signaling  |   |
     |               |        to Bob     |   |
     |               |           |       +-->|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |--+(f)MS joins
     |               |           |           |  | Bob &
     |               |           |           |<-+ conf Y

     |               |           |           |
     |               |<<###################>>|
     |               |  Bob is mixed too     |
     |               |<<###################>>|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |     (g )Focus     +---|
     |               |         sets up   |   |
     |               |         signaling |   |
     |               |         to Carol  |   |
     |               |         CMCCx     +-->|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |--+(h)MS joins
     |               |           |           |  | CMCCx &
     |               |           |           |<-+ conf Y
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |<<#######>>|
     |               |           |Carol mixed|
     |               |           |<<#######>>|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |<***All parties connected to conf Y***>|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     '               '           '           '
     '               '           '           '
     '               '           '           '

   Alice                          ConfS
    |                               |
    |(1)confRequest(confUserID,     |
    |       confObjID, create)      |
    |                 (a)Create +---|
    |                    Conf   |   |
    |                    Object |   |
    |                    & IDs  +-->|
    |                               |--+ (b) MS
    |                               |  | creates
    |                               |  | conf and
    |                               |<-+ its ID
    |                               |   (confid=Y)
    |                               |
    |(2)confResponse(confUserID,    |
    |      confObjID*,create,       |
    |      200, success,            |
    |      version, confInfo)       |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    '                               '

    Alice          Bob
    CMCC1          CMCC2       CMCCx       ConfS
     |               |           |           |
     |(1) userRequest(confUserID,|           |
     |    confObjID, create,     |           |
     |    userInfo)  |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |        (a) Create +---|
     |               |           | Bob   |   |
     |               |           | as a  |   |
     |               |           | user  +-->|
     |               |           |           |
     |(2) userResponse(confUserID, confObjID |
     |      create, 200, success, userInfo)  |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           | (b) Focus |
     |               |           |   sets up |
     |               |           | signaling |
     |               |           |    to Bob |
     |               |<----------------------|
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           | (c) Notify|
     |               |           | ("Bob just|
     |               |           |  joined") |
     |               |           |<----------|
     |               |           |           |
     '               '           '           '
     '               '           '           '
     '               '           '           '

    Alice          Bob
    CMCC1          CMCC2       CMCCx        ConfS                MS
     |               |           |            |                  |
     |(1) userRequest(subject,   |            |                  |
     |    confUserID,confObjID,  |            |                  |
     |    update,userInfo)       |            |                  |
     |               |           |            |                  |
     |--------------------------------------->|                  |
     |               |           |            | Mute Bob         |
     |               |           |            |----------------->|
     |               |           |            |           200 OK |
     |               |           |            |<-----------------|
     |               |           |            |                  |
     |               |<====== XXX Bob excluded from mix XXX ====>|
     |               |           |            |                  |
     |               |         (a) Update +---|                  |
     |               |             Bob in |   |                  |
     |               |         data model |   |                  |
     |               |            (muted) +-->|                  |
     |               |           |            |                  |
     | (2)userResponse(confUserID,confObjID,  |                  |
     |           update,200,success,version)  |                  |
     |<---------------------------------------|                  |
     |               |           |            |                  |
     |               |           | (b) Notify |                  |
     |               |           |   ("Bob is |                  |
     |               |           |    muted") |                  |
     |               |           |<-----------|                  |
     |               |           |            |                  |
     '               '           '            '                  '
     '               '           '            '                  '
     '               '           '            '                  '

   CMCC  Alice                    ConfS                         MS
        |                            |                            |
        |(1)userRequest(confObjID,   |                            |
        |         create,userInfo)   |                            |
        |--------------------------->|                            |
        |                            |--+ Alice is                |
        |                            |  | new in the              |
        |                            |<-+ system (create          |
        |                            |    confUserID)             |
        |           ConfS handles +--|                            |
        |           SIP signaling |  |                            |
        |    (Alice<->ConfS<->MS) +->|                            |
        |                            |                            |
        |                            |--+ A password is           |
        |                            |  | required for            |
        |                            |<-+ that conference         |
        |                            |                            |
        |                            | Request IVR menu (PIN)     |
        |                            |--------------------------->|
        |                            |                            |
        |<========= MS gets PIN from Alice through DTMF =========>|
        |                            |                            |
        |                            |        Provided PIN is...  |
        |                            |<---------------------------|
        |                   Check +--|                            |
        |                     PIN |  |                            |
        |                         +->|                            |
        |                            |--+ Alice must              |
        |                            |  | record her              |
        |                            |<-+ name                    |
        |                            |                            |
        |                            | Request name recording     |
        |                            |--------------------------->|
        |                            |                            |
        |<========= MS records Alice's audio RTP (name) =========>|
        |                            |                            |
        |                            |            Audio recording |
        |                            |<---------------------------|
        |                Complete +--|                            |
        |                creation |  |                            |
        |                of Alice +->|                            |

        |                            |                            |
        |                            |                            |
        | (2)userResponse(confUserID,|                            |
        |       confObjID,create,200,|                            |
        |           success,version) |                            |
        |<---------------------------|                            |
        |                            |                            |
        '                            '                            '

  Alice                   Bob                    ConfS
    |                      |                       |
    |(1) sidebarByValRequest(confUserID,           |
    |                  confObjID,create)           |
    |                      |                       |
    |                      |        (a) Create +---|
    |                      |    sidebar-by-val |   |
    |                      |     (new conf obj |   |
    |                      |       cloned from +-->|
    |                      |        confObjID)     | Sidebar now has
    |                      |                       | id confObjID*
    |(2) sidebarByValResponse(confUserID,          | (parent mapping
    |     (confObjID*,create,200,success,          | conf<->sidebar)
    |         version,sidebarByValInfo)            |
    |                      |                       |
    |(3) sidebarByValRequest                       |
    |       (confUserID, confObjID*,               |
    |       update,sidebarByValInfo)               |
    |                      |                       |

    |                      |        (b) Update +---|
    |                      |    sidebar-by-val |   |
    |                      |     (media, users |   |
    |                      |       etc.)       +-->|
    |                      |                       | Sidebar is
    |                      |                       | modified
    |(4) sidebarByValResponse(confUserID,          |
    |                 confObjID*, update,          |
    |              200, success, version)          |
    |                      |                       |
    |                      |(5) userRequest        |
    |                      |      (confUserID',    |
    |                      |       confObjID*,     |
    |                      |       update,userInfo)|
    |                      |---------------------->|
    |                      |                       |
    |                      |        (c) Update +---|
    |                      |     user settings |   |
    |                      |     (Bob's media) |   |
    |                      |                   +-->|
    |                      |                       | Sidebar is modified
    |                      |                       | (original audio
    |                      |                       | inactive for Bob)
    |                      |(6) userResponse       |
    |                      |     (confUserID',     |
    |                      |      confObjID*,      |
    |                      |      update, 200,     |
    |                      |      success,version) |
    |                      |<----------------------|
    |                      |                       |
    '                      '                       '
    '                      '                       '
    '                      '                       '

 Alice                   Bob                   ConfS
   |                      |                       |
   |(1) sidebarByRefRequest(confUserID,           |
   |                 confObjID, create)           |
   |                      |                       |
   |                      |        (a) Create +---|
   |                      |    sidebar-by-ref |   |
   |                      |     (new conf obj |   |
   |                      |       cloned from +-->|
   |                      |        confObjID)     | Sidebar now has
   |                      |                       | id confObjID*
   |(2) sidebarByRefResponse(confUserID,          | (parent mapping
   |      confObjID*,create,200,success,          | conf<->sidebar)
   |           version,sidebarByRefInfo)          |
   |                      |                       |
   |(3) sidebarByRefRequest(confUserID,           |
   |      confObjID*,update,sidebarByRefInfo)     |
   |                      |                       |
   |                      |        (b) Create +---|
   |                      |      new user for |   |
   |                      |            Fred   |   |
   |                      |                   +-->|
   |                      |                       |
   |                      |        (c) Update +---|
   |                      |    sidebar-by-ref |   |
   |                      |     (media, users |   |
   |                      |     policy, etc.) +-->|
   |                      |                       | Sidebar is modified:
   |                      |                       | media from the
   |                      |                       | parent conference is
   |                      |                       | not available to
   |(4) sidebarByRefResponse(confUserID,          | anyone
   |                 confObjID*, update,          |
   |             200, success, version)           |
   |                      |                       |

   |                      |        Notify (Fred   |
   |                      |              added to |
   |                      |        sidebar users) |
   |                      |<----------------------|
   |                      |                       |
   '                      '                       '
   '                      '                       '
   '                      '                       '

Alice                   Bob                    ConfS
  |                      |                       |
  |(1) sidebarByRefRequest(confUserID,           |
  |                 confObjID, create)           |
  |                      |                       |
  |                      |        (a) Create +---|
  |                      |    sidebar-by-ref |   |
  |                      |     (new conf obj |   |
  |                      |       cloned from +-->|
  |                      |        confObjID)     | Sidebar now has
  |                      |                       | id confObjID*
  |(2) sidebarByRefResponse(confUserID,          | (parent mapping
  |      confObjID*,create,200,success,          | conf<->sidebar)
  |           version,sidebarByRefInfo)          |
  |                      |                       |
  |(3) sidebarByRefRequest(confUserID,           |
  |      confObjID*,update,sidebarByRefInfo)     |
  |                      |                       |
  |                      |        (b) Update +---|
  |                      |    sidebar-by-val |   |
  |                      |     (media, users |   |
  |                      |     policy, etc.) +-->|
  |                      |                       | Sidebar is modified:
  |                      |                       | unilateral sidebar
  |                      |                       | audio, Carol excluded
  |                      |                       | from the sidebar
  |(4) sidebarByRefResponse(confUserID,          |
  |                 confObjID*, update,          |
  |               200, success, version)         |
  |                      |                       |
  |                      |         Notify (Bob   |
  |                      |    he's been added to |
  |                      |        sidebar users) |
  |                      |<----------------------|
  |                      |                       |
  '                      '                       '
  '                      '                       '
  '                      '                       '

   Alice            Bob       Claire       ConfS
     |               |           |           |
     |(1) userRequest(confUserID,|           |
     |         confObjID, delete,|           |
     |         userInfo)         |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           | (a) Focus |
     |               |           | tears down|
     |               |           | signaling |
     |               |           |  to Bob   |
     |               |<----------------------|
     |               |                       |
     |               |         (b)Deletes+---|
     |               |           | Bob   |   |
     |               |           | as a  |   |
     |               |           | user  +-->|
     |               |           | in        |
     |               |           | confObj   |
     |               |           |           |
     |(2) userResponse(confUserID,confObjID, |
     |           delete,200,success,version) |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           |           |
     |               |           | (c) Notify|
     |               |           | ("Bob just|
     |               |           |  left")   |
     |               |           |<----------|
     |               |           |           |
     '               '           '           '
     '               '           '           '
     '               '           '           '

   Alice                          ConfS
    |                               |
    |(1)confRequest(confUserID,     |
    |       confObjID, delete)      |
    |                 (a)Delete +---|
    |                    Conf   |   |
    |                    Object |   |
    |                           +-->|
    |                               |--+ (b) MS
    |                               |  | removes related
    |                               |  | mixer instances and
    |                               |<-+ their participants
    |                               |    (SIP signaling as well)
    |                               |
    |(2)confResponse(confUserID,    |
    |      confObjID,delete,200,    |
    |      success)                 |
    |                               |
    |                               |
    '                               '

                   |                       |           |
                   |                       |           |
                   |                       |     2     |
                   |                       |           |
                   |                       |           |
                   |           1           +-----------+
                   |                       |           |
                   |                       |           |
                   |                       |     3     |
                   |                       |           |
                   |                       |           |
                   |           |           |           |
                   |           |           |           |
                   |    4      |     5     |     6     |
                   |           |           |           |
                   |           |           |           |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <createconference>       |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (2) 202                               |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |                                             |
                |       (3) REPORT: <response status="200"/>  |
                |                   (terminate)               |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (4) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (5) CONTROL: <join id1=.. id2=..>     |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (6) 202                               |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |       (7) REPORT: <response status="200"/>  |
                |                   (terminate)               |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (8) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <event ...>              |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |       (4) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |

             Application Server (AS)                   Media Server (MS)
                |                                             |
                |       (1) CONTROL: <destroyconference>      |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (2) 200: <response status="200"/>     |
                |  <---------------------------------------   |
                |                                             |
                |       (3) CONTROL: <event ..>               |
                |                   (unjoin-notify)           |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (4) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |
                |                                             |
                |       (5) CONTROL:  <event ..>              |
                |                   (conferenceexit)          |
                |  <----------------------------------------  |
                |                                             |
                |       (6) 200                               |
                |  ---------------------------------------->  |

                  CE2---PE1-- ... --PE2---CE5---C-S
           C-R1---CE3---PE3-- ... --PE4---CE4---C-R2

                           |  P-IP Header  |
                           |      GRE      |
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++
   || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||
   ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++
   || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++

                           |  P-IP Header  |
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++
   || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||
   ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++
   || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++

                           | P-MPLS Header |
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++
   || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||       || C-IP Header ||
   ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++ >>>>> ++=============++
   || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||       || C-Payload   ||
   ++=============++       ++=============++       ++=============++

       B4                                NAS                     AAA
       |                                  |                     Server
       |                                  |                        |
       |----PPP LCP Config-Request------> |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |                                  |----Access-Request ---->|
       |                                  |                        |
       |                                  |<---- Access-Accept-----|
       |                                  | (DS-Lite-Tunnel-Name)  |
       |<-----PPP LCP Config-ACK  ------- |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |--- PPP IPv6CP Config-Request --->|                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |<----- PPP IPv6CP Config-ACK -----|                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |-------  DHCPv6 Solicit  -------->|                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |<-------DHCPv6 Advertisement -----|                        |
       |      (DHCPv6 OPTION_AFTR_NAME)   |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |-------  DHCPv6 Request  -------->|                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |<-------- DHCPv6 Reply ---------- |                        |
       |      (DHCPv6 OPTION_AFTR_NAME)   |                        |

       B4                                NAS                      AAA
       |                                  |                      Server
       |------ DHCPv6 Solicit --------->  |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |                                  |----Access-Request ---->|
       |                                  |                        |
       |                                  |<---Access-Accept-------|
       |                                  | (DS-Lite-Tunnel-Name)  |
       |                                  |                        |
       |<-------DHCPv6 Advertisement------|                        |
       |     (DHCPv6 OPTION_AFTR_NAME)    |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |-------  DHCPv6 Request  -------->|                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |                                  |                        |
       |<----- DHCPv6 Reply ------------- |                        |
       |     (DHCPv6 OPTION_AFTR_NAME)    |                        |

                       |  Virtual Operator Backend  |
                       +------------+         +-----+
                       | Home Agent |         | AAA |
                                _(.   `)
                              _(   ISP `)_
                             (   Peering  `)
                            ( `  . Point )  )
                       ____ /     |         \
                      /           |          \
                   .--.         .--.         .--.
                 _(    `.     _(    `.     _(    `.
                (  ISP A )   (  ISP B )   (  ISP C )
               ( `  .  )  ) ( `  .  )  ) ( `  .  )  )
                `--(___.-'   `--(___.-'   `--(___.-'
                    |     ______/    \       /
                    |    /            \     /
                    |   /              \   /
                  +----+               +----+
                  |MR A|               |MR B|
                  +----+               +----+
                    |                    |
                   .--.                 .--.
                 _(    `.             _(    `.
                ( Site A )           ( Site B )
               ( `  .  )  )         ( `  .  )  )
                `--(___.-'           `--(___.-'

  0                   1                     2                     3
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6   7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4   5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
                                          ^               ^
                                          +--- encoded ---+
                                          ^             ^
                                          +-- padding --+, D = 1

  +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------------+
  | [MR A] | | [MR B] | | [MR C] | | [Home Agent] |
  +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ +--------------+
     |          |          |          |
     x------------------------------->|  Registration Request
     |          |          |          |  includes Mobile Router
     |          |          |          |  Route Optimization
     |          |          |          |  Capability Extension
     |          |          |          |
     |<-------------------------------x  Registration response;
     |          |          |          |  no known networks from HA
     |          |          |          |  in response
     |          |          |          |
     |          x-------------------->|  Registration Request similar
     |          |          |          |  to the one sent by MR A
     |          |          |          |
     |          |<--------------------x  Registration Reply includes
     |          |          |          |  network A in Route Optimization
     |          |          |          |  Prefix Advertisement Extension
     |          |          |          |
     |          |          x--------->|  Registration Request similar
     |          |          |          |  to the one sent by MR A
     |          |          |          |
     |          |          |<---------x  Registration Reply includes
     |          |          |          |  networks A and B in Route
     |          |          |          |  Optimization Prefix
     |          |          |          |  Advertisement Extension.
     |          |          |          |  Network B is sent in
     |          |          |          |  compressed form.
     |          |          |          |

+----------+ +--------+ +------+ +--------+ +----------+
| [Node A] | | [MR A] | | [HA] | | [MR C] | | [Node C] |
+----------+ +--------+ +------+ +--------+ +----------+
   |            |          |         |       |
   x------------O==========O=========O------>| Mobile Router A is
   |            |          |         |       | unaware of network C;
   |            |          |         |       | thus, nothing happens
   |            |          |         |       |
   |<-----------O==========O=========O-------x Mobile Router C
   |            |          |         |       | notices packet to
   |            |          |         |       | network A - begins
   |            |          |         |       | route optimization
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            |          |         |       | Return Routability (if
   |            |          |         |       | no pre-shared KRms)
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            |<=========O---------x       | CoTI
   |            |<=========O=========x       | HoTI
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            x==========O-------->|       | CoT
   |            x==========O========>|       | HoT
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            |          |         |       | KRm between MR A <-> C
   |            |          |         |       | established
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            |<=========O---------x       | Registration Request
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            x--------->|         |       | Registration Request
   |            |          |         |       | to HA due to MR A
   |            |          |         |       | being unaware of
   |            |          |         |       | network C.
   |            |          |         |       | Solicit bit set.

   |            |          |         |       |
   |            |<---------x         |       | Registration Reply
   |            |          |         |       | contains info on
   |            |          |         |       | network A
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            x==========O-------->|       | Registration Reply
   |            |          |         |       | includes MR A's CoA in
   |            |          |         |       | Care-of Address
   |            |          |         |       | Extension
   |            |          |         |       |
   |            |<= = = = =O= = = ==>|       | Optional mutual
   |            |          |         |       | registration from
   |            |          |         |       | MR A to MR C
   |            |          |         |       | (same procedure as above,
   |            |          |         |       | multiple packets);
   |            |          |         |       | possible keepalive checks
   |            |          |         |       |
   |<-----------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-O-------x Packet from Node C -> A
   |            |          |         |       | routed to direct tunnel
   |            |          |         |       | at MR C, based on
   |            |          |         |       | MR C now knowing MR A's
   |            |          |         |       | CoA and tunnel being up
   |            |          |         |       |
   x------------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-O------>| Packet from Node A -> C
   |            |          |         |       | routed to direct tunnel
   |            |          |         |       | at MR A, based on MR A
   |            |          |         |       | now knowing MR C's CoA
   |            |          |         |       | and tunnel being up

 +----------+ +--------+ +------+ +--------+ +----------+
 | [Node A] | | [MR A] | | [HA] | | [MR C] | | [Node C] |
 +----------+ +--------+ +------+ +--------+ +----------+
    |            |          |         |       |
    x------------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-O------>| Nodes A and C are
    |<-----------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-O-------x exchanging traffic
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            |          xxxxxxxxxxx       | Break occurs: MR C
    |            |          |         |       | loses connectivity to
    |            |          |         |       | current attachment point
    |            |          |         |       |
    x------------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=->x   |       | Traffic from A -> C
    |            |          |         |       | lost, and
    |            |          |   x<=-=-O-------x vice versa
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            |          |<--------x       | MR C finds a new
    |            |          |         |       | point of attachment,
    |            |          |         |       | registers with the HA,
    |            |          |         |       | clears routing tables
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            |          x-------->|       | Registration Reply
    |            |          |         |       |
    x------------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=->x   |       | Traffic from A -> C lost
    |            |          |         |       | (reverts to routing via
    |            |          |         |       | HA if enough keepalives
    |            |          |         |       | fail)
    |            |          |         |       |
    |<-----------O==========O=========O-------| Traffic from C -> A
    |            |          |         |       | sent via HA
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            O<=========O---------x       | CoTI message
    |            |          |         |       | (partial RR check)
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            x==========O-------->|       | CoT message
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            |<=========O---------x       | Registration Request
    |            |          |         |       | reusing newly calculated
    |            |          |         |       | KRm
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            x==========O-------->|       | Registration Reply
    |            |          |         |       |

    |            O<=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=x       | First keepalive check if
    |            |          |         |       | using UDP encapsulation;
    |            |          |         |       | also creates holes in
    |            x=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>|       | firewalls
    |            |          |         |       |
    |            |          |         |       |
    x------------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-O------>| Traffic from A -> C
    |            |          |         |       | forwarded directly again
    |            |          |         |       |
    |<-----------O=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-O-------x Traffic from C -> A
    |            |          |         |       | switches back to direct
    |            |          |         |       | tunnel
    |            |          |         |       |

      E-A                                         E-Z

      E-A                                         E-Z

      E-A                                         E-Z

      E-A                                         E-Z
      <-----[RE-CONFIG(RESP:X/S-TSN=A, R-TSN=B)]-----

      E-A                                         E-Z

      E-A                                         E-Z

                      +--------+       +---------+   +--------+
                      |        |       |         |   |        |
        stream 10 ----| Data   | . . . |  Data   |---| Data   |---...
                      |   257  |       |    257  |   |   256  |
                      |      PR|       |       PR|   |      FR|
                      +--------+       +---------+   +--------+

                             +----------+       +-------------+
                             |          |       | Reliability |
                             |          |       | Options     |
                       ...---| Template |-------| Template    |------>
                             |     257  |       |        256  |
                             |        FR|       |           FR|
                             +----------+       +-------------+

                       +--------+   +--------+     +--------+
                       |        |   |        |     |        |
         stream 20 ----| Data   |...| Data   |-----| Data   |--- ...
                       |   260  |   |   260  |     |   259  |
                       |      PR|   |      PR|     |      FR|
                       +--------+   +--------+     +--------+

                              +--------+       +----------+
                              |        |       |          |
                        ...---| Data   |-------| Template |---...
                              |   258  |       |     260  |
                              |      FR|       |        FR|
                              +--------+       +----------+

                           +----------+       +-------------+
                           | Options  |       | Reliability |
                           | Template |       | Options     |
                     ...---|          |-------| Template    |------>
                           |     259  |       |        258  |
                           |        FR|       |           FR|
                           +----------+       +-------------+

                       +--------+   +----------+     +----------+
                       |        |   |Data      |     |          |
      stream 30 ... ---| Data   |...|  261     |-----| Template |---
                       |   262  |   |tmpID: 262|     |    262   |
                       |      PR|   |dRR: False|     |        FR|
                       +--------+   +----------+     +----------+

                 +----------+     +--------+       +----------+
                 | Template |     |        |       | Data     |
              ...| Withdraw |-----| Data   |-------|   261    |---...
                 |    262   |     |   262  |       |tmpID: 262|
                 |        FR|     |      FR|       |dRR:  True|
                 +----------+     +--------+       +----------+

                           +----------+       +-------------+
                           |          |       | Reliability |
                           | Template |       | Options     |
                     ...---|          |-------| Template    |------>
                           |     262  |       |        261  |
                           |        FR|       |           FR|
                           +----------+       +-------------+

                 +------+                      +------+
                 | VR1  |                      |  VR2 |
                 |      |                      |      |
                 +------+                      +------+
                     |                            |
                Intf = I1                    Intf = I2
       IP A          |   IP X         IP B        |    IP Y
       IP C          |                            |    IP Z
       VRID = 1      |   VRID=2       VRID=2      |    VRID = 1
                     |                            |
       ^      ^        ^       ^        ^        ^       ^        ^
       |      |        |       |        |        |       |        |
    (IP A)  (IP A)   (IP B)  (IP B)   (IP X)   (IP X)  (IP Y)   (IP Y)
       |      |        |       |        |        |       |        |
    +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+    +----+   +----+  +----+  +----+
    | H1 |  | H2 |  | H3 |  | H4 |    | H5 |   | H6 |  | H7 |  | H8 |
    +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+    +----+   +----+  +----+  +----+

           8      8    8    8
        | GVB | link | fm | fb |

           8      8       16           32
        | RET | link | msg space | bit space |

   |<---------------------------32 bits--------------------------->|
   |<----8 bits--->|<----8 bits--->|<-----------16 bits----------->|

   |                                                               |
   |                             LEADER                            |
   |                                                               |
   |               |               |                               |
   |    FIELD M1   |    FIELD S    |            FIELD C            |
   |               |               |                               |
   |               |               ^                               |
   |    FIELD M2   |               |                               |
   |               |               |                               |
   +---------------+               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                             TEXT                              |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |                               |
   |                               |          +--------------------+
   |                               |          |                    |
   |                               |          |      FIELD M3      |
   |                               V          |                    |
   |                                   |
   |      10-----------------0         |<-------PADDING
   |                                   |

           8      8    8    8
        | GVB | link | fm | fb |
                       ^    ^
                       |    +--- bit fraction
                       +-------- message fraction

           8      8                    80
        +-----+------+---------------------------- ~ -------------+
        | ERR | code |                data                        |
        +-----+------+---------------------------- ~ -------------+

                  | +------------------------------------------+ |
                  | |                                          | |
                  | |            IPv4 applications             | |
                  | |                                          | |
                  | +------------------------------------------+ |
                  | +------------------------------------------+ |
                  | |           Socket API (IPv4, IPv6)        | |
                  | +------------------------------------------+ |
                  | +-[ API translator]------------------------+ |
                  | | +-----------+ +---------+ +------------+ | |
                  | | | Ext. Name | | Address | | Function   | | |
                  | | | Resolver  | | Mapper  | | Mapper     | | |
                  | | +-----------+ +---------+ +------------+ | |
                  | +------------------------------------------+ |
                  | +--------------------+ +-------------------+ |
                  | |                    | |                   | |
                  | |    TCP(UDP)/IPv4   | |   TCP(UDP)/IPv6   | |
                  | |                    | |                   | |
                  | +--------------------+ +-------------------+ |

      |  +------------------------------------------+              |
      |  |    IPv4 applications                     |              |
      |  |    Host's main DNS resolver              |              |
      |  +------------------------------------------+              |
      |  +------------------------------------------+              |
      |  |    TCP/UDP                               |              |
      |  +------------------------------------------+              |
      |  +------------------------------------------+ +---------+  |
      |  |    IPv4                                  | |         |  |
      |  +------------------------------------------+ | Address |  |
      |  +------------------+ +---------------------+ | Mapper  |  |
      |  |    Protocol      | |   Extension Name    | |         |  |
      |  |    Translator    | |   Resolver          | |         |  |
      |  +------------------+ +---------------------+ |         |  |
      |  +------------------------------------------+ |         |  |
      |  |    IPv4 / IPv6                           | |         |  |
      |  +------------------------------------------+ +---------+  |

     +----+                                   +-------------+
     | H1 |----------- IPv6 Internet -------- | IPv6 server |
     +----+                                   +-------------+
     v4 only

     +----------------------+  +------------------------------+
     | Dual-Stack Internet  |  | IPv4 Private site (Net 10)   |
     |                      |  | IPv6 routed site             |
     |                   +---------+             +----------+ |
     |                 +-|  NAT44  |-------------+          | |
     |  +----+         | +---------+             |          | |
     |  | H1 |---------+    |  |                 |  Server  | |
     |  +----+         | +-----------+           |          | |
     | v4-only         +-|IPv6 Router|-----------+          | |
     | application       +-----------+           +----------+ |
     |                      |  |                  Dual Stack  |
     |                      |  |            |
     |                      |  |                 2001:DB8::1  |
     +----------------------+  +------------------------------+

"dual stack"                                                "host6"
IPv4    Socket |     [ API Translator ]    | TCP(UDP)/IP          Name
appli-  API    | ENR      Address  Function| (v6/v4)             Server
cation         |          Mapper   Mapper  |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
<<Resolve IPv4 addresses for "host6".>>        |              |       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
 |------->|------->|  Query IPv4 addresses for host6.         |       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
 |        |        |------------------------------------------------->|
 |        |        |  Query 'A' and 'AAAA' records for host6          |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |       |
 |        |        |<-------------------------------------------------|
 |        |        |  Reply with the 'AAAA' record.           |       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |<<The 'AAAA' record is resolved.>>        |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |

 |        |        |+++++++>|  Request synthetic IPv4 address |
 |        |        |        |  corresponding to the IPv6 address.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |<<Assign one synthetic IPv4 address.>>
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |<+++++++|  Reply with the synthetic IPv4 address.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |<-------|<-------| Reply with the IPv4 address              |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
<<Call IPv4 Socket API function >>   |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |=======>|=========================>|An IPv4 Socket API action
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |<+++++++|  Request IPv6 addresses|
 |        |        |        |        |  corresponding to the  |
 |        |        |        |        |  synthetic IPv4 addresses.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |+++++++>| Reply with the IPv6 addresses.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |<<Translate IPv4 into IPv6.>>
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |  An IPv6 Socket API action        |=======================>|
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |<<IPv6 data received    |
 |        |        |        |        |  from network.>>       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |  An IPv6 Socket API action        |<=======================|
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |        |<<Translate IPv6 into IPv4.>>
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |<+++++++|  Request synthetic IPv4 addresses
 |        |        |        |        |  corresponding to the  |
 |        |        |        |        |  IPv6 addresses.       |
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |        |        |        |+++++++>| Reply with the IPv4 addresses.
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |
 |<=======|<=========================|  An IPv4 Socket API action
 |        |        |        |        |         |              |

     "dual stack"                                         "host6"
  IPv4 stub  TCP/    ENR     address  translator  IPv6
  app  res.  IPv4            mapper
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
  <<Resolve an IPv4 address for "host6".>>         |         |
    |-->|    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |----------->|  Query 'A' records for "host6".       |  Name
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |  Server
    |   |    |       |------------------------------------------->|
    |   |    |       |  Query 'A' and 'AAAA'  records for "host6"
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |    |
    |   |    |       |<-------------------------------------------|
    |   |    |       |  Reply only with 'AAAA' record.       |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |<<Only 'AAAA' record is resolved.>>    |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |-------->|  Request synthetic IPv4 address
    |   |    |       |         |  corresponding to each IPv6 address.
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |<<Assign synthetic IPv4 addresses.>>
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |<--------|  Reply with the synthetic IPv4 address.
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |<<Create 'A' record for the IPv4 address.>>
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |<-----------|  Reply with the 'A' record. |         |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |<--|<<Reply with the IPv4 address |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    <<Send an IPv4 packet to "host6".>>|           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |=======>|========================>|  An IPv4 packet.    |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |<++++++|  Request IPv6 addresses
    |   |    |       |         |       |  corresponding to the
    |   |    |       |         |       |  synthetic IPv4 addresses.
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |++++++>|  Reply with the IPv6|
    |   |    |       |         |       |  addresses.         |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |       |<<Translate IPv4 into IPv6.>>
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |An IPv6 packet.  |==========>|========>|
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |   <<Reply with an IPv6 packet.>>
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |An IPv6 packet.  |<==========|<========|
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |

    |   |    |       |         |       |<<Translate IPv6 into IPv4.>>
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |<++++++|  Request synthetic IPv4
    |   |    |       |         |       |  addresses corresponding
    |   |    |       |         |       |  to the IPv6 addresses.
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |   |    |       |         |++++++>|  Reply with the IPv4 addresses.
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |
    |<=======|=========================|  An IPv4 packet.    |
    |   |    |       |         |       |           |         |

                 +-------------+                 +-------------+
    client       |  protocol   |                 |  data node  |
    request -->  |  operation  | ------------->  |   access    |
                 |  allowed?   |   datastore     |  allowed?   |
                 +-------------+   or state      +-------------+
                                   data access

                 |  notification  |
    event -->    |  allowed?      |

                    |       session           |
                    |      (username)         |
                       |                 ^
                       V                 |
             +--------------+     +---------------+
             |   message    |     |   message     |
             | dispatcher   |     |   generator   |
             +--------------+     +---------------+
                  |                  ^         ^
                  V                  |         |
         +===========+     +-------------+   +----------------+
         |   <rpc>   |---> | <rpc-reply> |   | <notification> |
         | acc. ctl  |     |  generator  |   |  generator     |
         +===========+     +-------------+   +----------------+
               |              ^    ^                ^
               V       +------+    |                |
         +-----------+ |   +=============+  +================+
         |   <rpc>   | |   |    read     |  | <notification> |
         | processor |-+   | data node   |  |  access ctl    |
         |           |     | acc. ctl    |  |                |
         +-----------+     +=============+  +================+
               |   |                  ^        ^
               V   +----------------+ |        |
         +===========+              | |        |
         |  write    |              | |        |
         | data node |              | |        |
         | acc. ctl  | -----------+ | |        |
         +===========+            | | |        |
               |                  | | |        |
               V                  V V |        |
         +---------------+      +-----------------+
         | configuration | ---> |     server      |
         |   datastore   |      | instrumentation |
         |               | <--- |                 |
         +---------------+      +-----------------+

                   NETCONF server
                  |    XML     |
                  |   message  |
                  | generator  |
                | <notification> |
                |  generator     |
               | <notification>  |
               |  access control |
               |  <eventType>    |
            | server instrumentation |
                      |     ^
                      V     |
             |    configuration     |
             |      datastore       |

    +--------------------+                       +--------------------+
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |   |    Key     |   |         HIP           |   |    Key     |   |
    |   | Management | <-+-----------------------+-> | Management |   |
    |   |  Process   |   |                       |   |  Process   |   |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |         ^          |                       |         ^          |
    |         |          |                       |         |          |
    |         v          |                       |         v          |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |   |   IPsec-   |   |        ESP            |   |   IPsec-   |   |
    |   |  Extended  |   |                       |   |  Extended  |   |
    |   |   Stack    | <-+-----------------------+-> |   Stack    |   |
    |   |            |   |                       |   |            |   |
    |   +------------+   |                       |   +------------+   |
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |                    |                       |                    |
    |     Initiator      |                       |     Responder      |
    +--------------------+                       +--------------------+

    --------      |   ----------     ----------
    | HIP  |--    ----|  App v6 |    |  App v4 |
    -------- |    |   ----------     ----------
      |      |    |       | HIT           | LSI
      |    ------------   | AF_INET6      | AF_INET
      |    | resolver |   |               |
      |    ------------   |  sockets API  |        user-space
      | sockets and       |               |        kernel
      | PF_KEY API    ---------           |
      |-------------> |TCP/UDP|<-----------
      |               ---------
      |                   |
    ----------        ---------
    | SAD/SPD|<-----> | ESP   |  {HIT_s, HIT_d} <-> SPI
    ----------        ---------  {HIT_s, HIT_d, SPI} <-> {IP_s,IP_d,SPI}
                      |  IP   |


            ___________                                  __________
            |         |                                  |        |
            |  RID    |__________-------------___________|  RID   |
            |_________|          | SP Border |           |________|

       _______                     _______                     _______
       |     |                     |     |                     |     |
     __| RID |____-------------____| RID |____-------------____| RID |__
       |_____|    | SP Border |    |_____|    | SP Border |    |_____|
          |       -------------               -------------       |

     |                                                                |
     | +--------------+                                               |
     | |              |                                               |
     | |     (R1)     |            (R2)                   (R3)        |
     | |     /  \     |            /| \                  / |  \       |
     | |    /    \    |           / |  \                /  |   \      |
     | |  (A)    (B)  |         (C) |  (D)     ...    (F) (G)  (H)    |
     | |  /|\     |\  |         /   | / |\             |\  |    |     |
     | | : : :    : : |        :   (E)  : :            :  `:    :     |
     | |              |            / \                                |
     | +--------------+           :   :                               |
     |      DODAG                                                     |
     |                                                                |
                                RPL Instance

            +----------------+                +----------------+
            |                |                |                |
            |      (R1)      |                |      (R1)      |
            |      /  \      |                |      /         |
            |     /    \     |                |     /          |
            |   (A)    (B)   |         \      |   (A)          |
            |   /|\   / |\   |    ------\     |   /|\          |
            |  : : (C)  : :  |           \    |  : : (C)       |
            |                |           /    |        \       |
            |                |    ------/     |         \      |
            |                |         /      |         (B)    |
            |                |                |          |\    |
            |                |                |          : :   |
            |                |                |                |
            +----------------+                +----------------+
                Version N                        Version N+1

         (A)                    (A)                    (A)
          |\                     |\                     |\
          | `-----.              | `-----.              | `-----.
          |        \             |        \             |        \
         (B)       (C)          (B)        \            |        (C)
                                  \        |            |        /
                                   `-----. |            | .-----'
                                          \|            |/
                                          (C)          (B)

                          RPL Network        +-------------------+
                           RPL::/64          |                   |
                                             |     External      |
              [RPL::Root]    (Root)----------+      Prefix       |
                               |             |    EXT_1::/64     |
                               |             |                   |
                               |             +-------------------+
                 [RPL::A]     (A)
                 [RPL::Y]     (Y)
                               |             +-------------------+
                               |             |                   |
                               |             |     External      |
                 [RPL::Z]     (Z)------------+      Prefix       |
                               :             |    EXT_2::/64     |
                               :             |                   |
                               :             +-------------------+

                           |                    |
                           |  (S) -------> (D)  |
                           |                    |
                             RPL Routing Domain

                   | IPv6   | Source  | IPv6           |
                   | Header | Routing | Payload        |
                   |        | Header  |                |

                            |                 |
                            |  (S) --------> (R) --------> (D)
                            |                 |
                            RPL Routing Domain

                            |                 |
             (S) --------> (R) --------> (D)  |
                            |                 |
                            RPL Routing Domain

                            |                 |
             (S) --------> (R) ------------> (R) --------> (D)
                            |                 |
                            RPL Routing Domain

               | Outer  | Source  | Inner  | IPv6           |
               | IPv6   | Routing | IPv6   | Payload        |
               | Header | Header  | Header |                |
                                   <--- Original Packet --->
                <---          Tunneled Packet           --->

                           |                 |
                           |  (S) -------\   |
                           |              \  |
                           |               (LBR)
                           |              /  |
                           |  (D) <------/   |
                           |                 |
                           RPL Routing Domain

           DNS Server                  Client                  Server
               |                          |                       |
         1.    |<--www.example.com A?-----|                       |
         2.    |<--www.example.com AAAA?--|                       |
         3.    |--->|                       |
         4.    |---2001:db8::1----------->|                       |
         5.    |                          |                       |
         6.    |                          |==TCP SYN, IPv6===>X   |
         7.    |                          |==TCP SYN, IPv6===>X   |
         8.    |                          |==TCP SYN, IPv6===>X   |
         9.    |                          |                       |
         10.   |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv4------->|
         11.   |                          |<-TCP SYN+ACK, IPv4----|
         12.   |                          |--TCP ACK, IPv4------->|

           DNS Server                  Client                  Server
               |                          |                       |
         1.    |<--www.example.com A?-----|                       |
         2.    |<--www.example.com AAAA?--|                       |
         3.    |--->|                       |
         4.    |---2001:db8::1----------->|                       |
         5.    |                          |                       |
         6.    |                          |==TCP SYN, IPv6===>X   |
         7.    |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv4------->|
         8.    |                          |<-TCP SYN+ACK, IPv4----|
         9.    |                          |--TCP ACK, IPv4------->|
        10.    |                          |==TCP SYN, IPv6===>X   |

           DNS Server                  Client                  Server
               |                          |                       |
         1.    |<--www.example.com A?-----|                       |
         2.    |<--www.example.com AAAA?--|                       |
         3.    |--->|                       |
         4.    |---2001:db8::1----------->|                       |
         5.    |                          |                       |
         6.    |                          |==TCP SYN, IPv6=======>|
         7.    |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv4------->|
         8.    |                          |<=TCP SYN+ACK, IPv6====|
         9.    |                          |<-TCP SYN+ACK, IPv4----|
        10.    |                          |==TCP ACK, IPv6=======>|
        11.    |                          |--TCP ACK, IPv4------->|
        12.    |                          |--TCP RST, IPv4------->|

    DNS Server                   Alice                    Bob
        |                          |                       |
    1.  |<--www.example.com A------|                       |
    2.  |<--www.example.com AAAA---|                       |
    3.  |--->|                       |
    4.  |---2001:db8:0:2::1------->|                       |
    5.  |                          |                       |
    6.  |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv6--->X   |<***********
    7.  |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv6--->X   |     |
    8.  |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv6--->X   | TCP 3wHS
    9.  |                          |                       |   Time
   10.  |                          |--TCP SYN, IPv4------->|(any family)
   11.  |                          |<-TCP SYN+ACK, IPv4----|     |
   12.  |                          |--TCP ACK, IPv4------->|<***********

    DNS Server                   Alice                    Bob
         |                          |                       |
     1.  |<--www.example.com A------|                       |
     2.  |<--www.example.com AAAA---|                       |
     3.  |--->|                       |
     4.  |---2001:db8:0:2::1------->|                       |
     5.  |                          |                       |
     6.  |                          |--UDP Request, IPv6-->X|<---------
     7.  |                          |--UDP Request, IPv6-->X|  first
     8.  |                          |--UDP Request, IPv6-->X|  request/
     9.  |                          |                       |  response
    10.  |                          |--UDP Request, IPv4--->|  success
    11.  |                          |<-UDP Response, IPv4---|<---------

                         8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
                       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | E |

                             (VPN backbone)
        (site-1)      <-------- sham link -------->      (site-2)
         CE1 -------- PE1 -------- P ---------- PE2 -------- CE2
          |                                                   |
               <------------ backdoor link -------------->
                        (OSPF intra-area link)

         +---+    +----+   +----+     +-----+     +----+    +---+
         | I |----| N1 |---| N2 |-----| REG |-----| N3 |----| E |
         +---+    +----+   +----+     +-----+     +----+    +---+

                    Segment 1                    Segment 2

        +------------+        +-----------+    |  +------------+ |
        |            |        |           |    |  |            | |
        | Optical    |        | Optical   |    |  | Optical    | |
        | Interface  |------->| Impairment|--->|  | Channel    | |
        | (Transmit/ |        | Path      |    |  | Estimation | |
        |  Receive)  |        |           |    |  |            | |
        +------------+        +-----------+    |  +------------+ |
                                               |        ||       |
                                               |        ||       |
                                               |    Estimation   |
                                               |        ||       |
                                               |        \/       |
                                               |  +------------+ |
                                               |  |  BER/      | |
                                               |  |  Q Factor  | |
                                               |  +------------+ |

                  |   +--+     +-------+     +--+     |
                  |   |IV|     |Routing|     |WA|     |
                  |   +--+     +-------+     +--+     |
                  |                                   |
                  |        Combined Processes         |

           +--------------+      +----------------------+
           | +----------+ |      | +-------+    +--+    |
           | |    IV    | |      | |Routing|    |WA|    |
           | |Candidates| |----->| +-------+    +--+    |
           | +----------+ |      |  Combined Processes  |
           +--------------+      +----------------------+

            +-----------+        +----------------------+
            | +-------+ |        |    +--+    +--+      |
            | |Routing| |------->|    |WA|    |IV|      |
            | +-------+ |        |    +--+    +--+      |
            +-----------+        | Distributed Processes|

             +-----------------------------------+     +------------+
             | +-----------+  +-------+    +--+  |     | +--------+ |
             | |    IV     |  |Routing|    |WA|  |     | |  IV    | |
             | |Approximate|  +-------+    +--+  |---->| |Detailed| |
             | +-----------+                     |     | +--------+ |
             |        Combined Processes         |     |            |
             +-----------------------------------+     +------------+

       +--------------+      +----------------------+     +------------+
       | +----------+ |      | +-------+    +--+    |     | +--------+ |
       | |    IV    | |      | |Routing|    |WA|    |---->| |  IV    | |
       | |Candidates| |----->| +-------+    +--+    |     | |Detailed| |
       | +----------+ |      |  Combined Processes  |     | +--------+ |
       +--------------+      +----------------------+     |            |
                                      (b)                 +------------+

      +---+                +-------------+          +-----------------+
      |PCC|                |RWA-Coord PCE|          |IV-Candidates PCE|
      +-+-+                +------+------+          +---------+-------+
        ...___     (a)            |                           |
        |     ````---...____      |                           |
        |                   ```-->|                           |
        |                         |                           |
        |                         |--..___    (b)             |
        |                         |       ```---...___        |
        |                         |                   ```---->|
        |                         |                           |
        |                         |                           |
        |                         |           (c)       ___...|
        |                         |       ___....---''''      |
        |                         |<--''''                    |
        |                         |                           |
        |                         |                           |
        |          (d)      ___...|                           |
        |      ___....---'''      |                           |
        |<--'''                   |                           |
        |                         |                           |
        |                         |                           |

                +----------+      +--------------+      +------------+
    +---+       |RWA-Coord |      |IV-Candidates |      |IV-Detailed |
    |PCC|       |   PCE    |      |     PCE      |      |    PCE     |
    +-+-+       +----+-----+      +------+-------+      +-----+------+
      |.._   (a)     |                   |                    |
      |   ``--.__    |                   |                    |
      |          `-->|                   |                    |
      |              |        (b)        |                    |
      |              |--....____         |                    |
      |              |          ````---.>|                    |
      |              |                   |                    |
      |              |         (c)  __..-|                    |
      |              |     __..---''     |                    |
      |              |<--''              |                    |
      |              |                                        |
      |              |...._____          (d)                  |
      |              |         `````-----....._____           |
      |              |                             `````----->|
      |              |                                        |
      |              |                 (e)          _____.....+
      |              |          _____.....-----'''''          |
      |              |<----'''''                              |
      |     (f)   __.|                                        |
      |    __.--''   |
      |<-''          |
      |              |

            Originating UA            Proxy           Terminating UA
                   |                    |                    |
                   |   INVITE (UUI) F1  |                    |
                   |------------------->|   INVITE (UUI) F2  |
                   |      100 Trying F3 |------------------->|
                   |<-------------------|         200 OK F4  |
                   |          200 OK F5 |<-------------------|
                   |<-------------------|                    |
                   |  ACK F6            |                    |
                   |------------------->|            ACK F7  |
                   |                    |------------------->|

            Originating UA        Redirect Server      Terminating UA
                   |                    |                    |
                   |          INVITE F1 |                    |
                   |------------------->|                    |
                   | 302 Moved (UUI) F2 |                    |
                   |<-------------------|                    |
                   |            ACK F3  |                    |
                   |------------------->|                    |
                   |  INVITE (UUI) F4   |                    |
                   |  200 OK F5                              |
                   |  ACK F6                                 |

             Originating UA         Referrer           Terminating UA
                   |                    |                    |
                   |  REFER (UUI) F1    |                    |
                   |<-------------------|                    |
                   |  202 Accepted F2   |                    |
                   |------------------->|                    |
                   |  INVITE (UUI) F3   |                    |
                   | NOTIFY (100 Trying) F4                  |
                   |------------------->|                    |
                   |         200 OK F5  |                    |
                   |<-------------------|                    |
                   |  200 OK F6                              |
                   |  ACK F7                                 |
                   | NOTIFY (200 OK) F8 |                    |
                   |------------------->|                    |
                   |        200 OK F9   |                    |
                   |<-------------------|                    |

           |            |           |         LBR: LoWPAN Border Router
          LBR          LBR        LBR (LC)     LC: Local Controller node
           |            |           |              (Data Aggregator)
          LC - n       LC - n       n           n: LoWPAN node
        /  |   |        |   |      / \
       n   n - LC   n - n - n     n - n
       |       | \          |     |\
       n       n  n - n     n     n n

   LBR - LC ----- LC ------ LC           LBR: LoWPAN Border Router
         /|        |        |            LC: Local Controller node
        n n    n - n - n    n - n        n: LoWPAN node
          /\       |   |    |   |
         n  n      n - n    n - n - n

                             n --- n
                             |     |           LBR: LoWPAN Border Router
   Internet/ ----- LBR/LC -- n --- n ---- LC   LC: Local Controller node
   Utility network   |      |            /|\   n: LoWPAN node
                     n ---- n           n n n

                         n - n               I: Internet
                         |   |             LBR: Edge Router
      LBR --- I -- LBR - n - n - LC         LC: Local Controller node
      /|\           |    |       /|\         n: LoWPAN node
    .. . ..         n -- n      n n n

        | LBR |--------------------------- LBR ...
        +-----+     (at the roadside)
      n -- n --- n --- n   +---|---+       LBR: LoWPAN Border Router
          / \          |   | n-n-n |         n: LoWPAN node
         n   n         n   +---|---+

        |    n n n   n n n   n n n         I: Internet
        |     \|/     \|/     \|/        LBR: LoWPAN Border Router
       LBR----LC------LC------LC          LC: Local Controller node
        |     /|\     /|\     /|\          n: LoWPAN node
        |    n n n   n n n   n n n

             For each defined variable in [ 'query', 'number' ],
             substitute "?" if it is the first substitution or "&"
             thereafter, followed by the variable name, '=', and the
             variable's value.

                               / \
                           10 /   \ 10
                             /     \
                            G       H----------.
                            |       |          |
                          1 |     1 |          |
                            |       |          |
                            B       C          | 10
                            |       |\         |
                            |       | \        |
                            |       |  \ 6     |
                            |       |   \      |
                          7 |    10 |    E     F
                            |       |   /     /
                            |       |  / 6   / 5
                            |       | /     /
                            |       |/     /

                                    / \
                                  x/   \x+e
                                  /     \
                                  |\   /|
                                  | \ / |
                              d/u |  \  | d/u
                                  | / \ |
                                  |/   \|
                                  |\   /|
                                  | \ / |
                               d/u|  \  |d/u
                                  | / \ |
                                  |/   \|
                                 E1     E2

                                / \
                              x/   \x+e
                              /     \
                              |\    | \
                              | \   |  +-------+
                          d/u |  \  |           \
                              |   +-|-----+      \
                              |     |      \      \
                             A1--a--A2     A3--a--A4
                              |\   /|       |    /
                              | \ / |       |   /
                           d/u|  \  |d/u    |  /
                              | / \ |       | /
                              |/   \|       |/
                             E1     E2      E3

                                 / \
                               x/   \x+e
                               /     \
                               |\    | \
                               | \   |  +-------+
                           d/u |  \  |           \
                               |   +-|-----+      \
                               |     |      \      \
                              A1--a--A2     A3--a--A4
                               |\   /|       |    /
                               | \ / |       |   /
                            d/u|  \  |d/u    |  /
                               | / \ |       | /
                               |/   \|       |/
                              E1     E2      E3

       | HAAA & |  RADIUS  +-----+
       | Policy |<-------->| LMA |
       | Profile|          +-----+
       +--------+             | <--- LMA-Address
            ^                 |
            |               // \\
        +---|------------- //---\\----------------+
       (    |  IPv4/IPv6  //     \\                )
       (    |   Network  //       \\               )
            |          //           \\
          RADIUS      // <- Tunnel1  \\ <- Tunnel2
            |        //               \\
            |        |- MAG1-Address   |- MAG2-Address
            |     +----+             +----+
            +---->|MAG1|             |MAG2|
                  +----+             +----+
                     |                 |
                     |                 |
                    MN1               MN2

                       |    HAAA &     |
            +----------| Policy Profile|
            |          +---------------+
       |[VL]AAA &| RADIUS  +-----+
       | Policy  |<------->| LMA |
       | Profile |         +-----+
       +---------+            | <--- LMA-Address
            ^               // \\
        +---|------------- //---\\----------------+
       (    |  IPv4/IPv6  //     \\                )
       (    |   Network  //       \\               )
            |          //           \\
          RADIUS      // <- Tunnel1  \\ <- Tunnel2
            |        //               \\
            |        |- MAG1-Address   |- MAG2-Address
            |     +----+             +----+
            +---->|MAG1|             |MAG2|
                  +----+             +----+
                     |                 |
                    MN1               MN2

                       |    HAAA &     |
            +----------| Policy Profile|
            |          +---------------+
            |                 |
            |               RADIUS
       +---------+            |
       |[VL]AAA &|         +-----+
       | Policy  |         | LMA |
       | Profile |         +-----+
       +---------+            | <--- LMA-Address
            ^               // \\
        +---|------------- //---\\----------------+
       (    |  IPv4/IPv6  //     \\                )
       (    |   Network  //       \\               )
            |          //           \\
          RADIUS      // <- Tunnel1  \\ <- Tunnel2
            |        //               \\
            |        |- MAG1-Address   |- MAG2-Address
            |     +----+             +----+
            +---->|MAG1|             |MAG2|
                  +----+             +----+
                     |                 |
                    MN1               MN2

           Implementation                   ,---.       +--------+
                               +~~~~~~~~~~~/     \~~~~~~| Remote |
            +------->-----F2->-|          /       \     |->---+  |
            | +---------+      | Tunnel 1(         )    |     |  |
            | | transmit|-F1->-|         (         )    |->+  |  |
            | | LC1     |      +~~~~~~~~~|         |~~~~|  |  |  |
            | | receive |-<--+           (         )    | F1  F2 |
            | +---------+    |           |Internet |    |  |  |  |
            *-------<-----+  F2          |         |    |  |  |  |
              +---------+ |  | +~~~~~~~~~|         |~~~~|  |  |  |
              | transmit|-*  *-|         |         |    |--+<-*  |
              | LC2     |      | Tunnel 2(         )    |  |     |
              | receive |-<-F1-|          \       /     |<-*     |
              +---------+      +~~~~~~~~~~~\     /~~~~~~| Router |
                                            `-+-'       +--------+

           +----+  +----+                                +----+  +----+
           |LC10|  |LC11|           ,---.                |LC20|  |LC21|
           +----+  +----+          /     \    +-------+  +----+  +----+
             | V10  | V11         /       \   | Tunnel|   | V20   |  V21
             |      |            (         )  | Head  |   |       |
            +--------+  +------+ |         |  | Router|__+----------+
            |Ethernet|  |Tunnel| |Internet |  +---B---+  |Ethernet  |
            |Switch  |--|Head  |-|         |      |      |Switch    |
            +-+--+---+  |Router| |         |  +---+---+  +--+--+----+
              |__|      +--A---+ (         )--|Option.|     |__|
                                  \       /   |Impair.|
            Bridge                 \     /    |Gener. |     Bridge
            V20 to V21              `-+-?     +-------+     V10 to V11

     /     \
    ( Start )
     \     /    Implementations
      `-+-'        +-------+
        |         /|   1   `.
    +---+----+   / +-------+ `.-----------+     ,-------.
    |  RFC   |  /             |Check for  |   ,' was RFC `. YES
    |        | /              |Equivalence....  clause x   ------+
    |        |/    +-------+  |under      |   `. clear?  ,'      |
    | Metric \.....|   2   ....relevant   |     `---+---'   +----+-----+
    | Metric |\    +-------+  |identical  |      No |       |Report    |
    | Metric | \              |network    |      +--+----+  |results + |
    |  ...   |  \             |conditions |      |Modify |  |Advance   |
    |        |   \ +-------+  |           |      |Spec   +--+RFC       |
    +--------+    \|   n   |.'+-----------+      +-------+  |request   |
                   +-------+                                +----------+

    | Originator A        |
    |  syslog application |
    |                     |
    |  syslog transport   |
    |        TCP          |
             /                            +---------------------+
            /                             | Originator B        |
           /                              |---------------------|
          /   +----------------------+    |  syslog application |
         /    | Collector            |    |                     |
        |     |----------------------|    |---------------------|
        |     |  syslog application  |    |  syslog transport   |
        |     |                      |    |        UDP          |
        |     |----------------------|    |---------------------|
        |     |  syslog transport    |              v
        |     |  TCP |  TLS  |  UDP  |              |
        |     |----------------------|              |
        |         ^      ^       ^                  |
        |         |      |       |                  |
        \         /      |       \                  /
         ---------       |        ------------------
                         |     +---------------------+
                         |     | Originator C        |
                         |     |---------------------|
                         |     |  syslog application |
                         |     |                     |
                         |     |---------------------|
                         |     |  syslog transport   |
                         |     |        TLS          |
                         |     |---------------------|
                         |               v
                         \               /

 | Caching Server 1 - IS NOT ON the DNS Whitelist                     |
 | Caching Server 2 - IS ON the DNS Whitelist                         |
 | Note: Transport between each host can be IPv4 or IPv6.             |
 +----------+          +---------------+         +---------------+
 |   Stub   |          |  DNS Caching  |         |      DNS      |
 | Resolver |          |   Server 1    |         |     Server    |
 +----------+          +---------------+         +---------------+
    | DNS Query:            |                         |
    | example.com A, AAAA   |                         |
    |---------------------->|                         |
    |                       |                         |
    |                       | DNS Query:              |
    |                       | example.com A, AAAA     |
    |                       |------------------------>|
    |                       |                         |
    |                       |                         | NOT on Whitelist
    |                       |           DNS Response: |
    |                       |           example.com A |
    |                       |<------------------------|
    |                       |                         |
    |         DNS Response: |                         |
    |         example.com A |                         |
    |<----------------------|                         |

 +----------+          +---------------+         +---------------+
 |   Stub   |          |  DNS Caching  |         |      DNS      |
 | Resolver |          |   Server 2    |         |     Server    |
 +----------+          +---------------+         +---------------+
    | DNS Query:            |                         |
    | example.com A, AAAA   |                         |
    |---------------------->|                         |
    |                       |                         |
    |                       | DNS Query:              |
    |                       | example.com A, AAAA     |
    |                       |------------------------>|
    |                       |                         |
    |                       |                         | IS on Whitelist
    |                       |           DNS Response: |
    |                       |     example.com A, AAAA |
    |                       |<------------------------|
    |                       |                         |
    |         DNS Response: |                         |
    |   example.com A, AAAA |                         |
    |<----------------------|                         |

                  "It"                              Hider
                    |                                 |
                    |....."Ready or Not" Sequence.....|
                    |                                 |
                    |-------Service List Request----->|
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |         [web service]           |
                    |                                 |
                    |              [COLD]             |
                    |                                 |
                    |        [print service]          |
                    |                                 |
                    |            [FREEZING]           |
                    |                                 |

                                       |           |
                                      >|  Relying  |
                                     / |  Party    |
                                   //  |           |
                                 //    +-----------+
                      SAML/    //            ^
                      HTTPS  //           +--|--+
                           //             | S|  |
                          /             S | A|  |
                        //              A | M|  |
                      //                S | L|  |
                    //                  L |  |  |
                  //                      |  |  |
                </                        +--|--+
         +------------+                      v
         |            |                 +----------+
         |  SAML      |     HTTPS       |          |
         |  Identity  |<--------------->|  Client  |
         |  Provider  |                 |          |
         +------------+                 +----------+

            SASL Serv.       Client          IdP
               |>-----(1)----->|              | Advertisement
               |               |              |
               |<-----(2)-----<|              | Initiation
               |               |              |
               |>-----(3)----->|              | Authentication Request
               |               |              |
               |<-----(4)-----<|              | Response of "="
               |               |              |
               |               |<- -(5,6) - ->| Client<>IdP
               |               |              | Authentication
               |               |              |
               |<- - - - - - - - - - -(7)- - -| Authentication Statement
               |               |              |
               |>-----(8)----->|              | SASL Completion with
               |               |              | Status
               |               |              |

                                   ,-.        ,-.
                               ,--+   `--+--'-   --'\
          +----+_____+------+  {   +----+   +----+   `. +------+
          |GEF1|     |      |______| P  |___| P  |______|      |
          |    |-----| PE1  |  {   +----+   +----+    /+| PE2  |
          |    |     |      |==========================>| ASBR |
          +-:--+     |      |<==========================|      |
           _|..__    +------+  {  DS-TE/MAR Tunnels  ;  +------+
         _,'    \-|          ./                    -'._    !|
         | Access  \         /        +----+           \,  !|
         | Network   |       \_       | P  |             | !|
         |          /          `|     +----+            /  !|
         `--.  ,.__,|           |    IP/MPLS Network   /   !|
            '`'  ''             ' .._,,'`.__   _/ '---'    !|
             |                             '`'''           !|
             C1                                            !|
                                    ,-.        ,-.         !|
                               ,--+   `--+--'-   --'\      !|
          +----+_____+------+  {   +----+   +----+   `. +------+
          |GEF2|     |      |______| P  |___| P  |______|      |
          |    |-----| PE4  |  {   +----+   +----+    /+| PE3  |
          |    |     |      |==========================>| ASBR |
          +-:--+     |      |<==========================|      |
           _|..__    +------+  {  DS-TE/MAM Tunnels  ;  +------+
         _,'    \-|          ./                    -'._
         | Access  \         /        +----+           \,
         | Network   |       \_       | P  |             |
         |          /          `|     +----+            /
         `--.  ,.__,|           |    IP/MPLS Network   /
            '`'  ''             ' .._,,'`.__   _/ '---'
             |                             '`'''

                     |<-- BWMck-->|<----- ULBCck ----->|
     0              SBWck        RBWck               MRBCck

          Exclude                         Include
     |<--- link ---->|<-- Test (9)-->|<--- link ----->|
     |---------------|---------------|----------------| ULBCck
                    SBWi            PBWi

             Exclude         Include
        |<--- link ---->|<--- link ----->|
        |---------------|----------------| ULBCck
                       SBWi            PBWi

    |GEF1|NORMAL-PRIORITY-CT LSP| VN |                      |GEF2|
    |    |======================|    |======================|    |
    |    |LOW-PRIORITY/BE-CT LSP|    |                      |    |

                                     |<----- ULBk <= RBTk ---->|
      LSP-p |------------------------|-------------------------|
            A                        B                         E

                            |<-- ULBk <= RBTk -->|
      LSP-s |---------------|--------------------|-------------|
            A               C                    D             E

              MAG                         LMA
         (1)  |                            |
    MN1-------|           (2) PBU          |
              |                            * (3)
              |           (4) PBA          |
              * (5)                        |
         (6)  |                            |
    MN2-------|                            |
              * (7)........................|
         (8)  |                            |
    MN3-------|                            |
              * (9)........................|
              |                            |
              |           (10) PBU         |
              |                            * (11)
              |           (12) PBA         |
              * (13)
              |                            |
              |           (14) BRI         |
              |                            * (15)
              |           (16) BRA         |
              * (17)                       |
              |                            |

             |                     |                       |
             | >--DHCPDISCOVER-->  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     | >--DHCPDISCOVER---->  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |     VSS-Control       |
             |                     |                       |
             |                     | <----DHCPOFFER-----<  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |                       |
             | <---DHCPOFFER----<  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     |                       |
             | >--DHCPREQUEST--->  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     | >--DHCPREQUEST----->  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |     VSS-Control       |
             |                     |                       |
             |                     | <----DHCPACK-------<  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |                       |
             | <---DHCPACK------<  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     |                       |
            ...                   ...                     ...

             |                     |                       |
             | >--DHCPDISCOVER-->  |                       |
             |    on unknown VPN   |                       |
             |                     | >--DHCPDISCOVER---->  |
             |                     |                       |
             |                     | <----DHCPOFFER-----<  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |                       |
             | <---DHCPOFFER----<  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     |                       |
             | >--DHCPREQUEST--->  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     | >--DHCPREQUEST----->  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |     VSS-Control       |
             |                     |                       |
             |                     | <----DHCPACK-------<  |
             |                     |   Relay Agent Info:   |
             |                     |     VSS type 0:"abc"  |
             |                     |                       |
             | <---DHCPACK------<  |                       |
             |    on VPN "abc"     |                       |
             |                     |                       |
             |                     |                       |
            ...                   ...                     ...

                  ASP(/MSP)           |   ASA/MSA(/MSP)
                  +-------+           |        +-------+
                  |       |           |        |       |
                  |AAAV   |-----------|--------|AAAH   |
                  |       |           |        |       |
                  +-------+           |        +-------+
                      |               |
                      |               |
                      |               |
                      |               |
                  +-----+    +------+ |
      +----+      | NAS/|    |DHCP  | |
      | MN |------|DHCP |----|Server| |
      +----+      |Relay|    |      | |
                  +-----+    +------+ |
                  +--------+          |      +--------+
                  | HA     |          |      | HA     |
                  | in ASP |          |      |in MSP  |
                  +--------+          |      +--------+

   +----+        +------+      +-------+   +-----+
   |    |        |      |      |       |   |     |
   | MN/|        |NAS/  |      | DHCP  |   |AAAH |
   |User|        |DHCP  |      | Server|   |     |
   |    |        |relay |      |       |   |     |
   +----+        +------+      +-------+   +-----+
     |               |             |          |
     |     1         |          1  |          |
     |               |             |          |
     |               |             |          |
     |     2         |             |          |
     |-------------->|             |          |
     |               |             |          |
     |               |       3     |          |
     |               |------------>|          |
     |               |             |          |
     |               |       4     |          |
     |               |<------------|          |
     |               |             |          |
     |     5         |             |          |
     |<--------------|             |          |
     |               |             |          |

                         MIPv6-HoA == MN-HoA -> MAG1
                               +------+                       |
                                 //\\                         |
                        +-------//--\\--------+               |
                       (       //    \\ PMIPv6 )              |
                       (      //      \\ domain)       +--------------+
                        +----//--------\\-----+       (   Non-PMIPv6   )
                            //          \\            (   domain       )
                           //            \\            +--------------+
                          //              \\                  |
                       +----+           +----+              +----+
                       |MAG1|           |MAG2|              | AR |
                       +----+           +----+              +----+
                         |                |                   |

               MIPv6-HoA == MN-HoA -> MAG_1
                     +-------+                       |
                       //\\                       +----+
              +-------//--\\--------+             |LMA2|
             (       //    \\  home  )            +----+
             (      //      \\ PMIPv6)       +------||------+
             (     //        \\domain)      (       ||visited)
              +---//----------\\----+       (       ||PMIPv6 )
                 //            \\           (       ||domain )
                //              \\           +------||------+
             +----+           +----+              +----+
             |MAG1|           |MAG2|              |MAG3|
             +----+           +----+              +----+
               |                |                   |

              MIPv6-HoA -> MN_CoA
                     +-------+                       |
                       //\\                       +----+
              +-------//--\\--------+             |LMA2|  MN_CoA -> MAG3
             (       //    \\  home  )            +----+
             (      //      \\ PMIPv6)       +------||------+
             (     //        \\domain)      (       ||visited)
              +---//----------\\----+       (       ||PMIPv6 )
                 //            \\           (       ||domain )
                //              \\           +------||------+
             +----+           +----+              +----+
             |MAG1|           |MAG2|              |MAG3|
             +----+           +----+              +----+
               |                |                   |

                           | IPv6 host |   ----------------->
                           +-----------+       movement
                        | MIPv6 MN |  ----------------->
                        +----------+       movement

    +----+            +------+            +------+       +----+
    | MN |            | MAG2 |            | LMA1 |       | HA |
    +----+            +------+            +------+       +----+
      |                  |                    |            |
      |                  |                    |   +-----------------+
      |                  |                    |   |  HoA -> CoA_1   |
      |                  |                    |   | binding present |
      |                  |                    |   +-----------------+
      |                  |                    |            |
      | CoA conf/confirm |  PBU(CoA_1,MAG_2)  |            |
      | <--------------->|  ----------------->|            |
      |                  |              +-----------------+|
      |                  |              | CoA_1 -> MAG_2  ||
      |                  |              | binding updated ||
      |                  |              +-----------------+|
      |                  |          PBA       |            |
      |                  |   <----------------|            |
      |                  |                    |            |

    +----+            +------+            +------+       +----+
    | MN |            | MAG3 |            | LMA2 |       | HA |
    +----+            +------+            +------+       +----+

      |   CoA config     |  PBU(CoA_2,MAG_3)  |             |
      |<---------------->|------------------->|             |
      |                  |              +-----------------+ |
      |                  |              | CoA_2 -> MAG_3  | |
      |                  |              | binding created | |
      |                  |              +-----------------+ |
      |                  |          PBA       |             |
      |                  |<-------------------|             |
      |                  |                    |             |
      |                  |  BU (HoA, CoA_2)   |             |
      |                  |                    |             |
      |                  |                    |     +-----------------+
      |                  |                    |     |  HoA -> CoA_2   |
      |                  |                    |     | binding updated |
      |                  |                    |     +-----------------+
      |                  | BA                 |             |

                                    |  Relying  |
                                   >|  Party /  |
                                  / |   SASL    |
                                //  |  Server   |
                              //    +-----------+
                            //            ^
                   OpenID //           +--|--+
                        //             | O|  | G
                       /             S | p|  | S
                     //              A | e|  | S
                   //                S | n|  | A
                 //                  L | I|  | P
               //                      | D|  | I
             </                        +--|--+
      +------------+                      v
      |            |                 +----------+
      |  OpenID    |   OpenID        |          |
      |  Provider  |<--------------->|  Client  |
      |            |                 |          |
      +------------+                 +----------+

         SASL Serv.       RP/Client       OP
            |>-----(1)----->|              | Advertisement
            |               |              |
            |<-----(2)-----<|              | Initiation
            |               |              |
            |> - - (3) - - - - - - - - - ->| Discovery
            |                              |
            |>- - -(4)- - - - - - - - - - >| Association
            |<- - -(4)- - - - - - - - - - <|
            |               |              |
            |>-----(5)----->|              | Indirect Auth Request
            |               |              |
            |<-----(6)-----<|              | Client "=" Response
            |               |              |
            |               |>- - (7)- - ->| Client GET to the OP (ext.)
            |               |              |
            |               |<- - (8)- - ->| Client / OP Auth. (ext.)
            |               |              |
            |<- - -(9)- - - + - - - - - - <| HTTPS Indirect id_res
            |               |              |
            |<- - -(10)- - - - - - - - - ->| Optional
            |               |              | check_authentication
            |               |              |
            |>-----(11)---->|              | SASL completion with status

   MN                            HAC                 HA
   --                            ---                 --
    |                             |                   |
    | /-------------------------\ |                   |
    |/                           \|                   |
    |\    TLS session setup      /|                   |
    | \-------------------------/ |                   |
    |                             |                   |
    | /-------------------------\ |                   |
    |/     MN Authentication     \|                   |
    |\                           /|                   |
    | \-------------------------/ |                   |
    |                             |                   |
    | /-------------------------\ |                   |
    |/   HAC provisions the MN   \|                   |
    |\  keys, SPI, & MIPv6 parms /|                   |
    | \-------------------------/ |                   |
    |                             |--MNID, keys, SPI->|
    |                             |                   |
    | /--------------------------------------------\  |
    |/     MN-HA SA established; Secures            \ |
    |\     signaling and optionally user traffic    / |
    | \--------------------------------------------/  |
    |                                                 |
    |                                                 |

   +------+             +------+            +------+
   |Mobile|     TLS     |Home  |    AAA     | AAA  |
   | Node |<----------->|Agent |<---------->|Server|
   |      |             |Contrl|            |      |
   +------+             +------+            +------+
      ^                     ^                   ^
      |                     |                   |
      | BU/BA/../           | e.g., AAA         | AAA
      | (Data)              |                   |
      |                     v                   |
      |                +---------+              |
      |                | MIPv6   |              |
      +--------------->| Home    |<-------------+
                       | Agent(s)|

   MN                                                      HAC
    |                                                       |
    | Request/MHAuth-Init (...)                             |
    |                                                       |
    |                            Response/MHAuth-Init (...) |
    |                                                       |
    | Request/MHAuth-Done (...)                             |
    |                                                       |
    |                            Response/MHAuth-Done (...) |
    |                                                       |

   MN                                                      HAC
    |                                                       |
    | Request/MHAuth-Init (...)                             |
    |                                                       |
    |                            Response/MHAuth-Init (..., |
    |                     eap-payload=EAP-Request/Identity) |
    |                                                       |
    | Request/MHAuth-Mid (eap-payload=                      |
    |              EAP-Response/Identity)                   |
    |                                                       |
    |     Response/MHAuth-Mid (eap-payload=EAP-Request/...) |
    |                                                       |
    :                                                       :
    :        ..EAP-method specific exchanges..              :
    :                                                       :
    |                                                       |
    | Request/MHAuth-Done (eap-payload=EAP-Response/...,    |
    |                      ..., auth)                       |
    |                                                       |
    |        Response/MHAuth-Done (eap-payload=EAP-Success, |
    |                              ..., auth)               |
    |                                                       |

          +------+             +--------+       +---------------+
          |SAVI I|-------------|SWITCH I|-------|rest of the net|
          +------+             +--------+       +---------------+
             |                    |
             |                 +--------+
             |                 | SAVI II|
             |                 +--------+
             |   +----------+     |
             +---|SWITCH II |-----+
                          | Host|

         +------+             +-----------+       +---------------+
         | Host |-------------|SAVI device|-------|rest of the net|
         +------+             +-----------+       +---------------+

     +------+    +-------------+     +-----------+    +---------------+
     | Host |----|Legacy device|-----|SAVI device|----|rest of the net|
     +------+    +-------------+     +-----------+    +---------------+

                       Possible L2 Trigger/Information
    ______________              ______v_____         __________________
   |    MANET     |            |            |       |                  |
   | Neighborhood |            | Relay Set  |       | Other Heuristics |
   |  Discovery   |----------->| Selection  |<------|(Preference, etc.)|
   |   Protocol   | neighbor   | Algorithm  |       |  Net Management  |
   |______________|   info     |____________|       |__________________|
          \                              /
           \                            /
    neighbor\                          / Dynamic Relay
      info*  \      ____________      /    Set Status
              \    |    SMF     |    / (State, {neighbor info})
               `-->| Relay Set  |<--'
                   |   State    |
   |  Coexistent  |
   |    MANET     |
   |   Unicast    |
   |   Process    |

           S0                                                   S3
     ..............                                       ..............
     .            .                                       .            .
     .    +-----+ .                                       .            .
     .    | CE0 |-----------+                             .   +-----+  .
     .    +-----+ .         |                             .   | CE5 |  .
     .            .         |                             .   +--+--+  .
     .    +-----+ .         |                             .      |     .
     .    | CE1 |-------+   |                             .......|......
     .    +-----+ .     |   |                                   /
     .            .     |   |                                  /
     ..............     |   |                                 /
                        |   |         SP Network             /
                   .    |   |                              /     .
                   .  +-+---+-+       +-------+           /      .
                   .  |  PE0  |-------|   P   |--        |       .
                   .  +-+---+-+       +-------+  \       |       .
                   .   /    \                     \  +---+---+   .
                   .  |      -----+                --|  PE2  |   .
                   .  |           |                  +---+---+   .
                   .  |       +---+---+                 /        .
                   .  |       |  PE1  |                /         .
                   .  |       +---+---+               /          .
                   .  |            \                 /           .
                      |             |              /
                      |             |             /
                      |             |            /
          S1          |             |    S2     /
     ..............   |     ........|........../......
     .            .   |     .       |         |      .
     .    +-----+ .   |     .    +--+--+   +--+--+   .
     .    | CE2 |-----+     .    | CE3 |   | CE4 |   .
     .    +-----+ .         .    +-----+   +-----+   .
     .            .         .                        .
     ..............         ..........................

   |Arriving |            Arriving Outer Header               |
   |   Inner +---------+------------+------------+------------+
   |  Header | Not-ECT | ECT(0)     | ECT(1)     |     CE     |
   | Not-ECT | Not-ECT |Not-ECT(!!!)|Not-ECT(!!!)| <drop>(!!!)|
   |  ECT(0) |  ECT(0) | ECT(0)     | ECT(1)     |     CE     |
   |  ECT(1) |  ECT(1) | ECT(1) (!) | ECT(1)     |     CE     |
   |    CE   |      CE |     CE     |     CE(!!!)|     CE     |

| ECN Bits     ||    00    |    10    |    01    |    11    ||   DSCP  |
| RFC 3168     || Not-ECT  |  ECT(0)  |  ECT(1)  |    CE    ||   Any   |
| Baseline     || Not-PCN  |    NM    |   EXP    |    PM    ||   PCN-n |
| 3-In-1       || Not-PCN  |    NM    |   ThM    |   ETM    ||   PCN-n |
| 3-In-2       || Not-PCN  |    NM    |    CU    |   ThM    ||   PCN-n |
|              ||----------+----------+----------+----------++---------|
|              || Not-PCN  |    CU    |    CU    |   ETM    ||   PCN-m |
| PSDM         || Not-PCN  |  Not-ETM |  Not-ThM |    PM    ||   PCN-n |

   +-----------------+                              +------------------+
   |     User U      |                              |  Server S (U,W)  |
   |                 |            (U, X)            |                  |
   |                 |----------------------------->|                  |
   |                 |                              |                  |
   |                 |            (S, Y)            |                  |
   |                 |<-----------------------------|                  |
   |                 |                              |                  |
   |                 |             V_U              |                  |
   |                 |----------------------------->|                  |
   |                 |                              |                  |
   |                 |             V_S              |                  |
   |                 |<-----------------------------|                  |
   |                 |                              |                  |
   +-----------------+                              +------------------+

    ,------------------------------------.       ,----------------.
    |        Rest of the Internet        +-------+ Remote Host R  |
    `--+-----------+------------------+--'       `----------------'
       |           |                  |            LR[1] ... LR[m]
   ,---+----.  ,---+----.        ,----+---.
   | ISP[1] |  | ISP[2] | ...... | ISP[n] |
   `---+----'  `---+----'        `----+---'
       |           |                  |
   |   Multi-Homed Site S assigned        |
   |   prefixes P[1], P[2], ..., P[n]     |
   |                                      |
   |  ,--------. L[1] = P[1]:iid[1],      |
   |  | Host H | L[2] = P[2]:iid[2], ...  |
   |  `--------' L[n] = P[n]:iid[n]       |

     +------+         +-----+        +-----+          +-----------+
     | Peer |         | SAP |        | CAP |          | EA Server |
     +--+---+         +--+--+        +--+--+          +-----+-----+
        |                |              |                   |
     a. | [EAP-Initiate/ |              |                   |
        | Re-auth-start  |              |                   |
        | (E flag)]      |              |                   |
        |<---------------|              |                   |
        |                |              |                   |
     b. | EAP-Initiate/  |              |                   |
        | Re-auth        |              |                   |
        | (E flag)       |              |                   |
        |--------------->|              |                   |
     c. |                | AAA(EAP-Initiate/Re-auth(E flag))|
        |                |--------------------------------->|
        |                |              |         +---------+---------+
        |                |              |         | CA authorized &   |
     d. |                |              |         |  and EA Keying    |
        |                |              |         |   Distribution    |
        |                |              |         +---------+---------+
        |                |              |                   |
        |                |              |                   |
     f. |                | AAA (EAP-Finish/Re-auth(E flag)) |
        |                |<---------------------------------|
     g. | EAP-Finish/    |              |                   |
        | Re-auth(E flag)|              |                   |
        |<---------------|              |                   |
        |                |              |                   |

                  +-----------+               +---------+
                  |           |               |         |
                  | EA Server |               |   CAP   |
                  |           |               |         |
                  +-----|-----+               +----|----+
                        |                          |
                        |                          |
                        |    AAA Request (pMSK)    |
                        |                          |
                        |                          |
                        |                          |
                        |  AAA Response (Success)  |
                        |                          |
                        |                          |
                        |                          |

     HDR, SK{..., N(PSK_PERSIST)} ---------->
                                 Responder computes and stores PSK

     +-----------+  +-------------------------------+  +-----------+
     |           |  | application-layer data models |  |  network  |
     |  generic  |  +-------------------------------+  | management|
     |  infra-   |  |  transport-layer data models  |  |  infra-   |
     | structure |  +-------------------------------+  | structure |
     |   data    |  |   network-layer data models   |  |   data    |
     |  models   |  +-------------------------------+  |  models   |
     |           |  |    link-layer data models     |  |           |
     +-----------+  +-------------------------------+  +-----------+

                   +----------------+       +----------------+
                   |                |       |                |
                   |      IAB       |       |     IAOC       |
                   |                |       |                |
                   +==========+-----+       +-+--------------+
                   |          |               .
                   |   RSOC   |               .
                   |          |               .
                   +----+-----+               .
                        |                     .
                        |                     .
                        |   ...................
                        |   .                 .
               +--------V---V----+            .
               |                 |            .
               |       RFC       |            .
               |      Series     |            .
               |      Editor     |            .
               |                 |            .
               +--------+--------+            .
                        |                     .
                        |        .................
                        |        .               .
                        +--+----------------+    .
                           |     .          |    .
                           |     .          |    .
                       +---V-----V--+    +--V----V---+
                       |    RFC     |    |    RFC    |
                       | Production |    | Publisher |
                       |   Center   |    |           |
                       +------------+    +-----------+

   |               |                   Modified                    |
   |               +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
   |               | <Removed> | SERVER    | CLIENT    | NONE      |
   |               |           | (default) |           |           |
   |   | <Absent>  |  --       | REQUEST / | --        | --        |
   | O |           |           | ADD       |           |           |
   | r +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
   | i | SERVER    |  CANCEL   | REQUEST   | CANCEL    | CANCEL    |
   | g | (default) |           |           |           |           |
   | i +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
   | n | CLIENT    |  --       | REQUEST / | --        | --        |
   | a |           |           | ADD       |           |           |
   | l +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+
   |   | NONE      |  --       | REQUEST / | --        | --        |
   |   |           |           | ADD       |           |           |

   +-------> MPLS-TC-STD-MIB <-----------------------------------------+
   ^            ^                                                      ^
   |            |                                                      |
   |         MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB <--------------------------------+       |
   |                                                           ^       |
   |                                                           |       |
   +<----------------------- MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB ---------------->+       |
   ^                                    ^                      ^       |
   |                                    |                      |       |
   +<-- MPLS-LDP-GENERIC-STD-MIB ------>+                      |       |
   ^                                                           |       |
   |                                                           |       |
   +<------ MPLS-FTN-STD-MIB --------------------------------->+       |
   ^                 |                                         ^       |
   |                 V                                         |       |
   +<------------- MPLS-TE-STD-MIB -->+----------------------->+       |
                                      ^  GMPLS-TC-STD-MIB ------------>+
                                      |    ^                           ^
                                      |    |                           |
                                  +---+    +<-- GMPLS-LABEL-STD-MIB -->+
                                  ^   ^    ^      ^                    ^
                                  |   |    |      |                    |
   +----> PW-TC-STD-MIB           |  GMPLS-LSR-STD-MIB --------------->+
   ^                              |      ^       ^                     ^
   |                              |      |       |                     |
   |   IANA-PWE3-MIB              |      |       | IANA-GMPLS-TC-MIB   |
   |         ^                    |      |       |    ^                |
   |         |                    |      |       |    |                |
   |         |                    +<--- GMPLS-TE-STD-MIB ------------->+
   |         |                    ^                                    ^
   +<--- PW-STD-MIB <------+      |                                    |
   ^                       ^      |                                    |
   |                       |      |                                    |
   +<--- PW-ENET-STD-MIB ->+      |                                    |
   ^                       ^      |                                    |
   |                       |      |                                    |
   |                       |      |                                    |
   +<---------------- PW-MPLS-STD-MIB--------------------------------->+

              +------------------------- +
              | IPFIX | NetFlow | Others |
              +------------------------- +
              |            ^             |
              |       Flow Export        |
              |            ^             |
              |     +-------------+      |
              |     | Monitoring  |      |
              |     |   Plane     |      |
              |     +-------------+      |
              |            ^             |
              |     traffic information  |
              |            ^             |
              |     +-------------+      |
              |     |             |      |
   traffic ---|---->| Forwarding  |------|---->
              |     |    Plane    |      |
              |     +-------------+      |
              |                          |
              |           DUT            |
              +------------------------- +

                       |           |
                       | Collector |
                       |           |
                       |Flow Record|
                       | analysis  |
                       |           |
                             | Flow Export
                             | Export Interface
   +--------+         +-------------+          +----------+
   |        |         |             |          | traffic  |
   | traffic|      (*)|             |          | receiver |
   | sender |-------->|     DUT     |--------->|          |
   |        |         |             |          | traffic  |
   |        |         |             |          | analysis |
   +--------+         +-------------+          +----------+

     +-------+               +----------------------+    +-----------+
     |  MN   |               |       AR             |    |DHCP Server|
     +-------+               |DHCP     |  Relay     |    +-----------+
         |                   |Client   |  Agent     |          |
         |                   +----------------------+          |
         |1 Initial NW entry |                                 |
         |or attach procedure|                                 |
         |<----------------->|                                 |
         |                   |2 Solicit                        |
         |                   |--------->         Relay-forward |
         |                   |                 --------------->|
         |                   |                   3 Relay-reply |
         |                   |Advertise        <---------------|
         |                   |<--------                        |
         |                   |4 Request                        |
         |                   |--------->         Relay-forward |
         |                   |                 --------------->|
         |                   |                   5 Relay-reply |
         |                   |Reply            <---------------|
         |                   |<--------                        |
         |6  Attach          |                                 |
         | Completed         |                                 |
         |<----------------->|                                 |
         |7 Router           |                                 |
         |  Solicitation     |                                 |
         |------------------>|                                 |
         | 8 Router          |                                 |
         |  Advertisement    |                                 |
         |<------------------|                                 |

    +----------+             +--------------+             +-----------+
    |  MN      |             |    AR        |             |DHCP Server|
    |   |DHCP  |             | DHCP |DHCP   |             +-----------+
    |   |Client|             |Server|Client |
    +----------+             +--------------+
        |  Initial NW entry     |                           |
        |or attach procedure    |                           |
        |<----------------->    |                           |
        |                       |      DHCPv6-PD exchange   |
        |                       |      similar to Steps 2-5 |
        |   Solicit             |      of Figure 2 (IA_PD)  |
        |---------------------->|                           |
        |   Advertise           |                           |
        |<----------------------|                           |
        |    Request            |                           |
        |---------------------->|                           |
        |                       |                           |
        |                       |                           |
        |                       | Use prefix in IA_PD       |
        |    Reply              | to assign IAADDR          |
        |<--------------------- |                           |

       +-------+               +-------+             +-----------+
       |  MN   |               |  AR   |             |DHCP Server|
       +-------+               +-------+             +-----------+
           |                       |                       |
           |  1 De-registration    |                       |
           |  handover, or other   |                       |
           |<--------------------->|                       |
           |                       |2 Relay-forward/Release|
           |                       |---------------------->|
           |                       |                       |
           |                       |3 Relay-reply/Reply    |
           |                       |<--------------------- |
           |                       |                       |
           |                       |                       |

          +--------------+     +-----------------+      +---------+
          |              |     |                 |      |         |
       +-----+        +-----+  | Provider   +--------+  |         |
       |IPv6 |        | 6rd |__|   IPv4     | Border |__|  IPv6   |
       |Host |        |  CE |  |  Network   | Router |  | Network |
       +-----+        +-----+  |            +--------+  |         |
          | Customer LAN |     |                 |      |         |
          +--------------+     +-----------------+      +---------+

   |  32-bit Gateway IPv4 address   |
   |<---IPv4MaskLen --->|  o bits   |   Gateway or manually
                        /           /    generated value, unique
      Configured       /           /   / for the Gateway
       |              /           /   |
       |             /           /    V
   |   V  p bits    |  o bits    | n bits  |m bits |     64 bits    |
   |                |  Gateway   |Customer |       |                |
   | Common prefix  | Identifier |  Site   |subnet | interface ID   |
   |                |            | Index   |  ID   |                |
   |<------ GI 6rd delegated prefix ------>|

                  PW                            PW
               End Service                   End Service
                   |                            |
                   |<------- Pseudowire ------->|
                   |                            |
                   |          Server            |
                   |     |<- PSN Tunnel ->|     |
                   |     V                V     |
   -------   +-----+-----+                +-----+-----+   -------
          )  |     |     |================|     |     |  (
   Client  ) | MPLS| PE1 |      PW1       | PE2 | MPLS| ( Client
   MPLS PSN )+ LSR1+............................+ LSR2+( MPLS PSN
           ) |     |     |                |     |     | (
          )  |     |     |================|     |     |  (
   -------   +-----+-----+                +-----+-----+   --------
                   ^                            ^
                   |                            |
                   |                            |
                   |<---- Emulated Service----->|
                   |                            |
            Virtual physical             Virtual physical
               termination                  termination

            |                                                |
            |  +--------+                        +--------+  |
            |  |        |   Pkt   +-----+        |        |  |
         ------+        +---------+ PW1 +--------+        +------
            |  | Client |    AC   +-----+        | Server |  |
     Client |  | LSR    |                        | LSR    |  | Server
    Network |  |        |   Pkt   +-----+        |        |  | Network
         ------+        +---------+ PW2 +--------+        +------
            |  |        |    AC   +-----+        |        |  |
            |  +--------+                        +--------+  |
            |                                                |

   |        |           Codepoint in ECN field of IP header      |
   |  DSCP  |               <RFC3168 codepoint name>             |
   |        +--------------+-------------+-------------+---------+
   |        | 00 <Not-ECT> | 10 <ECT(0)> | 01 <ECT(1)> | 11 <CE> |
   | DSCP n |    not-PCN   |      NM     |     ThM     |   ETM   |

               .  .  .  .  .  .  PCN-domain  .  .  .  .  .  .
              .   ,---------.                   ,--------.    .
             .   _|  PCN-   |___________________|  PCN-  |_   .
             .  / | ingress |                   | egress | \  .
              .|  `---------'                   `--------'  |.
               | .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .|
         ,---------.                                     ,--------.
    _____| Tunnel  |                                     | Tunnel |____
         | Ingress | - - ECN preserved inside tunnel - - | Egress |
         `---------'                                     `--------'

        |                    | IPv4 address|      Network-type     |
        |    Softwire        +----+----+---+----+----+------+------+
        |                    | up | op | s | v4 | v6 | v4v6 | MPLS |
        | GRE with GRE Key   |  x |  x | x |  x |  x |   x  |      |
        | MPLS VPN           |  x |  x |   |    |    |      |   x  |
        | IPv4/IPv6-in-MPLS  |  x |  x | x |    |    |      |   x  |
        | IPv4-in-IPv4       |  x |    |   |  x |    |      |      |
        | IPv4-in-IPv6       |  x |    |   |    |  x |      |      |
        | IPv4-in-IPv6 w/ FL |  x |  x | x |    |  x |      |      |

             AD         Access Gateway       AAA/Policy     AFTR
             |                |                 |            |
             |----(1)-------->|                 |            |
             |               (2)<-------------->|            |
             |               (3)                |            |
             |                |<------(4)------------------->|
             |               (5)                |            |
             |<---(6)-------->|                 |            |
             |                |                 |            |

                                        + -------------------------+
     --------        -------------      |   ----------     ______  |
    |EAP peer|<---->|Authenticator|<--> |  |EAP Server|___(______) |
     --------        -------------      |   ----------    | DB   | |
        .                 .             |AAA              (______) |
        .       i1        .             +--------------------------+
        .<----------------.      i2     .       .
        .                 .------------>        .
        .                  i1                   .
        .     CB_success/failure(i1, i2,info)   .

                               | TK | MK |
                                  |   |
                                  v   v
                                | CTK  |
                             |      |       |
                             v      v       v
                         -------  ------  -------
                         | TEK | | MSK | | EMSK |
                         ------- ------- --------

   P_encounter_max +  -  - .-------------------------------------
                   |      /
                   |     / .
                   |    /
                   |   /   .
                   |  /
                   | /     .
                   +-------+-------------------------------------> I

   | +-------------+ | A. Delivery Predictabilities | +-------------+ |
     | Subsidiary  |--->---->---->---->---->---->---->| Subsidiary  |
   | |   State     | | C. Bundle Responses          | |   State     | |
     | Machine 1:  |                                  | Machine 1:  |
   | |  Initiator  | | B. Bundle Offers             | |  Listener   | |
     |    Role     |<----<----<----<----<----<----<---|    Role     |
   | +-------------+ | D. Requested Bundles         | +-------------+ |

   | +-------------+ | A. Delivery Predictabilities | +-------------+ |
     | Subsidiary  |<----<----<----<----<----<----<---| Subsidiary  |
   | |   State     | | C. Bundle Responses          | |   State     | |
     | Machine 2:  |                                  | Machine 2:  |
   | |  Listener   | | B. Bundle Offers             | |  Initiator  | |
     |    Role     |--->---->---->---->---->---->---->|    Role     |
   | +-------------+ | D. Requested Bundles         | +-------------+ |

          FEC_Sender2---------|         |--------FEC_Receiver2
                              |         |
          FEC_Sender1-------IP/MPLS network

    ---- EAP-Initiate/ ----> ----AAA(EAP-Initiate/ ---------->
          Re-auth/                  Re-auth/
         [Bootstrap]              [Bootstrap])

    <--- EAP-Finish/ ------> <---AAA(rMSK,EAP-Finish/---------
          Re-auth/                   Re-auth/
        [Bootstrap]                [Bootstrap])

    <--- EAP Method ------->  <------ AAA(EAP Method -------->
           exchange                    exchange)

    ---- EAP-Initiate/ ----> ----AAA(EAP-Initiate/ ---------->
          Re-auth/                  Re-auth/
          Bootstrap                Bootstrap)

    <--- EAP-Finish/ ------> <---AAA(rMSK,EAP-Finish/---------
          Re-auth/                   Re-auth/
         Bootstrap                  Bootstrap)

   <------------------------ EAP Method exchange------------------>

    ---- EAP-Initiate/ -------> ----AAA(EAP-Initiate/ -------->
          Re-auth                        Re-auth)

    <--- EAP-Finish/ ---------- <---AAA(rMSK,EAP-Finish/-------
          Re-auth                        Re-auth)

                 1 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
                   |                                    |
                   |          _..----''''''''''''''''''''
                   |      ,-''
                   |    ,'
                   |   /                         Mass at
                   |  /                          +infinity
                   | /                           = fraction
                   ||                            lost
                 0 |_____________________________________

             Code   Len   Algorithms
            | 145 |  n  | A1 | A2 | A3 | ....

                       v               v               v
                       |               |               |
                       |     Begins initialization     |
                       |               |               |
                       | _____________/|\____________  |
                       |/DHCPDISCOVER  | DHCPDISCOVER \|
                       | w/FORCERENEW- | w/FORCERENEW- |
                       | NONCE-CAPABLE | NONCE-CAPABLE |
                       |               |               |
                   Determines          |          Determines
                  configuration        |         configuration
                       |               |               |
                       |\              |              /|
                       | \__________   |    _________/ |
                       |  DHCPOFFER \  |   /DHCPOFFER  |
                       |w/FORCERENEW \ |  /w/FORCERENEW|
                       |NONCE-CAPABLE \| /NONCE-CAPABLE|
                       |               |               |
                       |       Collects replies        |
                       |               |               |
                       |     Selects configuration     |
                       |               |               |
                       | _____________/|\____________  |
                       |/ DHCPREQUEST  |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
                       | w/Forcerenew- | w/Forcerenew- |
                       | Nonce-Capable | Nonce-Capable |
                       |               |               |
                       |               |     Commits configuration
                       |               |               |
                       |               |Creates 128-bit Forcerenew Nonce
                       |               |               |
                       |               | _____________/|
                       |               |/ DHCPACK      |
                       |               | w/Auth-Proto= |
                       |               | Forcerenew-   |
                       |               |        Nonce  |
                       |               |               |
                       |Client stores Forcerenew Nonce |
                       |               |               |
                       |    Initialization complete    |
                       |               |               |
                       .               .               .
                       .               .               .
                       |               |               |
                       |          Forcerenew           |

                       |               | _____________/|
                       |               |/ DHCPFORCE    |
                       |               | w/Auth-Proto= |
                       |               | Forcerenew-   |
                       |               |   Digest(HMAC)|
                       |               |               |
                       | Client checks HMAC digest     |
                       | using stored Forcerenew Nonce |
                       |               |               |
                       |               |\____________  |
                       |               |  DHCPREQUEST\ |
                       |               | w/FORCERENEW- |
                       |               | NONCE-CAPABLE |
                       |               |               |
                       |               |     Commits configuration
                       |               |               |
                       |               |Creates 128-bit Forcerenew Nonce
                       |               |               |
                       |               | _____________/|
                       |               |/ DHCPACK      |
                       |               | w/Auth-Proto= |
                       |               |   Forcerenew- |
                       |               |         Nonce |
                       |               |               |
                       |               |               |
                       |               |               |
                       .               .               .
                       .               .               .
                       |               |               |
                       |      Graceful shutdown        |
                       |               |               |
                       |               |\ ____________ |
                       |               | DHCPRELEASE  \|
                       |               |               |
                       |               |        Discards lease
                       |               |               |
                       v               v               v

      +----+      +----+      +----+          +----+
      |MN1 |      |MN2 |      |MAG1|          |LMA |
      +----+      +----+      +----+          +----+
        |           |           |               |
        |         data          |     data      |
        |           |           |               |
        |           |    data   |     data      |
        |           |<--------->|<------------->|
        |           |           |          LR decision
        |           |           |  LRI(Opt1)    |
        |           |           |<--------------|
        |           |           |               |
        |           |           |  LRA(Opt2)    |
        |           |           |-------------->|
        |           |           |               |
        |        data           |               |
        |<--------------------->|               |
        |           |           |               |
        |           |   data    |               |
        |           |<--------->|               |
        |           |           |               |
        |           |           |               |

                                 | LMA |
                               |          |
                            +----+     +----+
                            |MAG1|     |MAG2|
                            +----+     +----+
                              :           :
                            +---+       +---+
                            |MN1|       |MN2|
                            +---+       +---+

      +----+      +----+      +----+      +----+        +----+
      |MN1 |      |MN2 |      |MAG1|      |MAG2|        |LMA |
      +----+      +----+      +----+      +----+        +----+
        |           |           |           |             |
        |        data           |          data           |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |         data          |    data     |
        |           |<--------------------->|<----------->|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |       LRI(Opt1)         |
        |           |           |<------------------------|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |  LRI(Opt2)  |
        |           |           |           |<------------|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |        LRA(Opt3)        |
        |           |           |------------------------>|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |   LRA(Opt4) |
        |           |           |           |------------>|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |        data           |    data   |             |
        |<--------------------->|<--------->|             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |         data          |             |
        |           |<--------------------->|             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |

   In this scenario, both the MNs are attached to the same MAG, but are
   anchored at two different LMAs.  MN1 is anchored at LMA1, and MN2 is
   anchored at LMA2.  Note that the two LMAs are part of the same
   Provider Domain.
                           :                  :
                           |                  |
                        +----+              +----+
                        |LMA1|              |LMA2|
                        +----+              +----+
                           |                  |
                           |                  |
                                 | MAG |
                                  :   :
                               +---+ +---+
                               |MN1| |MN2|
                               +---+ +---+

      +----+      +----+      +----+      +----+        +----+
      |MN1 |      |MN2 |      |MAG |      |LMA1|        |LMA2|
      +----+      +----+      +----+      +----+        +----+
        |           |           |           |             |
        |        data           |   data    |    data     |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |   data    |          data           |
        |           |<--------->|<----------------------->|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           | LRI(Opt1) |             |
        |           |           |---------->|             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |        LRI(Opt2)        |
        |           |           |------------------------>|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           | LRA(Opt3) |             |
        |           |           |<----------|             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |        LRA(Opt4)        |
        |           |           |<------------------------|
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |        data           |           |             |
        |<--------------------->|           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |    data   |           |             |
        |           |<--------->|           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |
        |           |           |           |             |

       +--------------+                        +--------------+
       | Intermediate |    +--------------+    | Intermediate |
       |   Router C   |    | Core Router D|    |   Router E   |
       | (default->D) |    | (A->C; G->E) |    | (default->D) |
       |    (A->B)    |    +--------------+    |    (G->F)    |
       +-------+------+                        +------+-------+
               |                                      |
           |                  AERO Link                   |
     +-----+--------+                            +--------+-----+
     | Edge Router B|                            | Edge Router F|
     | (default->C) |                            | (default->E) |
     +--------------+                            +--------------+
           .-.                                         .-.
        ,-(  _)-.                                   ,-(  _)-.
     .-(_ IPv6  )-.                              .-(_ IPv6  )-.
    (__    EUN      )                           (__    EUN      )
       `-(______)-'                                `-(______)-'
            |                                           |
        +--------+                                  +--------+
        | Host A |                                  | Host G |
        +--------+                                  +--------+

    /        \
    |   CSP  |
    \        /
         *                         /\
         *                        /  \
     ----------------------      |CDNI|        ----------------------
    /     Upstream CDN     \     |    |       /    Downstream CDN    \
    |      +-------------+ | Control Interface| +-------------+      |
    |*******   Control   |<======|====|========>|   Control   *******|
    |*     +------*----*-+ |     |    |       | +-*----*------+     *|
    |*            *    *   |     |    |       |   *    *            *|
    |*     +------*------+ | Logging Interface| +------*------+     *|
    |* *****   Logging   |<======|====|========>|   Logging   ***** *|
    |* *   +-*-----------+ |     |    |       | +-----------*-+   * *|
    |* *     *         *   | Request Routing  |   *         *     * *|
  .....*...+-*---------*-+ |    Interface     | +-*---------*-+...*.*...
  . |* * *** Req-Routing |<======|====|========>| Req-Routing *** * *| .
  . |* * * +-------------+.|     |    |       | +-------------+ * * *| .
  . |* * *                 .  CDNI Metadata   |                 * * *| .
  . |* * * +-------------+ |.   Interface     | +-------------+ * * *| .
  . |* * * | Distribution|<==.===|====|========>| Distribution| * * *| .
  . |* * * |             | |  .   \  /        | |             | * * *| .
  . |* * * |+---------+  | |   .   \/         | |  +---------+| * * *| .
  . |* * ***| +---------+| |    ....Request......+---------+ |*** * *| .
  . |* *****+-|Surrogate|************************|Surrogate|-+***** *| .
  . |*******  +---------+| |   Acquisition    | |+----------+ *******| .
  . |      +-------------+ |                  | +-------*-----+      | .
  . \                      /                  \         *            / .
  .  ----------------------                    ---------*------------  .
  .                                                     *              .
  .                                                     * Delivery     .
  .                                                     *              .
  .                                                  +--*---+          .
  ...............Request.............................| User |..Request..
                                                     | Agent|

                      -1     ___                          -1    -2
         Q(z) = (1 - z  ) *  | |  (1 - 2*cos(pi*n[2*k+1])*z  + z  )

    res[i] = ----------------- * clamp(-1.0,
                                         __              a_Q12[k]
                                out[i] - \  out[i-k-1] * --------, 1.0)
                                         /_               4096.0

                    65536.0               __              a_Q12[k]
         res[i] = ----------- * (lpc[i] - \  lpc[i-k-1] * --------)
                  gain_Q16[s]             /_               4096.0

                e_Q23[i]   __                                  b_Q7[k]
      res[i] = --------- + \  res[i - pitch_lags[s] + 2 - k] * -------
                2.0**23    /_                                   128.0

                   gain_Q16[i]            __              a_Q12[k]
          lpc[i] = ----------- * res[i] + \  lpc[i-k-1] * --------
                     65536.0              /_               4096.0

                        +------------+    +---------+
                        |   Sample   |    |  SILK   |------+
                     +->|    Rate    |--->| Encoder |      V
      +-----------+  |  | Conversion |    |         | +---------+
      | Optional  |  |  +------------+    +---------+ |  Range  |
    ->| High-pass |--+                                | Encoder |---->
      |  Filter   |  |  +--------------+  +---------+ |         | Bit-
      +-----------+  |  |    Delay     |  |  CELT   | +---------+ stream
                     +->| Compensation |->| Encoder |      ^
                        |              |  |         |------+
                        +--------------+  +---------+

               +----------+    +--------+    +---------+
               |  Sample  |    | Stereo |    |  SILK   |
        ------>|   Rate   |--->| Mixing |--->|  Core   |---------->
        Input  |Conversion|    |        |    | Encoder |  Bitstream
               +----------+    +--------+    +---------+

                             +--------------------------------->|   |
        +---------+          |      +---------+                 |   |
        |Voice    |          |      |LTP      |12               |   |
    +-->|Activity |--+       +----->|Scaling  |-----------+---->|   |
    |   |Detection|3 |       |      |Control  |<--+       |     |   |
    |   +---------+  |       |      +---------+   |       |     |   |
    |                |       |      +---------+   |       |     |   |
    |                |       |      |Gains    |   |       |     |   |
    |                |       |  +-->|Processor|---|---+---|---->| R |
    |                |       |  |   |         |11 |   |   |     | a |
    |               \/       |  |   +---------+   |   |   |     | n |
    |          +---------+   |  |   +---------+   |   |   |     | g |
    |          |Pitch    |   |  |   |LSF      |   |   |   |     | e |
    |       +->|Analysis |---+  |   |Quantizer|---|---|---|---->|   |
    |       |  |         |4  |  |   |         |8  |   |   |     | E |-->
    |       |  +---------+   |  |   +---------+   |   |   |     | n | 2
    |       |                |  |    9/\  10|     |   |   |     | c |
    |       |                |  |     |    \/     |   |   |     | o |
    |       |  +---------+   |  |   +----------+  |   |   |     | d |
    |       |  |Noise    |   +--|-->|Prediction|--+---|---|---->| e |
    |       +->|Shaping  |---|--+   |Analysis  |7 |   |   |     | r |
    |       |  |Analysis |5  |  |   |          |  |   |   |     |   |
    |       |  +---------+   |  |   +----------+  |   |   |     |   |
    |       |                |  |        /\       |   |   |     |   |
    |       |     +----------|--|--------+        |   |   |     |   |
    |       |     |         \/  \/               \/  \/  \/     |   |
    |       |     |      +----------+          +------------+   |   |
    |       |     |      |          |          |Noise       |   |   |
   -+-------+-----+----->|Pre-filter|--------->|Shaping     |-->|   |
   1                     |          | 6        |Quantization|13 |   |
                         +----------+          +------------+   +---+

                                    +--------+  +----------+
                                    |2 x Down|  |Time-     |
                                 +->|sampling|->|Correlator|     |
                                 |  |        |  |          |     |4
                                 |  +--------+  +----------+    \/
                                 |                    | 2    +-------+
                                 |                    |  +-->|Speech |5
       +---------+    +--------+ |                   \/  |   |Type   |->
       |LPC      |    |Down    | |              +----------+ |       |
    +->|Analysis | +->|sample  |-+------------->|Time-     | +-------+
    |  |         | |  |to 8 kHz|                |Correlator|----------->
    |  +---------+ |  +--------+                |__________|          6
    |       |      |                                  |3
    |      \/      |                                 \/
    |  +---------+ |                            +----------+
    |  |Whitening| |                            |Time-     |
   -+->|Filter   |-+--------------------------->|Correlator|----------->
   1   |         |                              |          |          7
       +---------+                              +----------+

                 / \   ___
                  |   // \\
                  |  //   \\     ____
                  |_//     \\___//  \\         ____
                  | /  ___  \   /    \\       //  \\
                P |/  /   \  \_/      \\_____//    \\
                o |  /     \     ____  \     /      \\
                w | /       \___/    \  \___/  ____  \\___ 1
                e |/                  \       /    \  \
                r |                    \_____/      \  \__ 2
                  |                                  \
                  |                                   \___ 3

                       16                           d
                       __            -k        -L  __            -k
        Wana(z) = (1 - \ a_ana(k) * z  )*(1 - z  * \ b_ana(k) * z  )
                       /_                          /_
                       k=1                         k=-d

                       16                           d
                       __            -k        -L  __            -k
        Wsyn(z) = (1 - \ a_syn(k) * z  )*(1 - z  * \ b_syn(k) * z  )
                       /_                          /_
                       k=1                         k=-d

            |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
            |                                                  |
            |          |<------- Pseudo Wire ------>|          |
            |          |                            |          |
            |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnels-->|    |          |
            |          V    V                  V    V          |
            V    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   V
      +-----+    |     | PE1|==================|    |     |    +-----+
      |     |----------|....|...PW1.(active)...|....|----------|     |
      |     |          |    |==================|    |          | CE2 |
      | CE1 |          +----+                  |PE2 |          |     |
      |     |          +----+                  |    |          +-----+
      |     |          |    |==================|    |
      |     |----------|....|...PW2.(standby)..|    |
      +-----+    |     | PE3|==================|    |
                 AC    +----+                  +----+

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnels-->|    |          |
         |          V    V                  V    V          |
         V    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   V
   +-----+    |     |....|.......PW1........|....|     |    +-----+
   |     |----------| PE1|......   .........| PE3|----------|     |
   | CE1 |          +----+      \ /  PW3    +----+          | CE2 |
   |     |          +----+       X          +----+          |     |
   |     |          |    |....../ \..PW4....|    |          |     |
   |     |----------| PE2|                  | PE4|--------- |     |
   +-----+    |     |....|.....PW2..........|....|     |    +-----+
              AC    +----+                  +----+     AC

       Native   |<----------- Pseudowires ----------->|  Native
       Service  |                                     |  Service
        (AC)    |     |<-PSN1-->|     |<-PSN2-->|     |  (AC)
          |     V     V         V     V         V     V   |
          |     +-----+         +-----+         +-----+   |
   +----+ |     |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|   |   +----+
   |    |-------|......PW1-Seg1.......|.PW1-Seg2......|-------|    |
   | CE1|       |     |=========|     |=========|     |       | CE2|
   |    |       +-----+         +-----+         +-----+       |    |
   +----+        |.||.|                          |.||.|       +----+
                 |.||.|         +-----+          |.||.|
                 |.||.|=========|     |========== .||.|
                 |.| ===========|S-PE2|============ |.|
                 |.|            +-----+             |.|
                 |.|============+-----+============= .|
                 |.....PW3-Seg1.|     | PW3-Seg2......|
                                |     |

                          |<----- Provider ----->|
                   +------+                      +------+
                   | n-PE |::::::::::::::::::::::| n-PE |
        Provider   | (P)  |..........   .........| (P)  |  Provider
        Access     +------+          . .         +------+  Access
        Network                       X                    Network
          (1)      +------+          . .         +------+    (2)
                   | n-PE |..........   .........| n-PE |
                   |  (B) |......................| (B)  |
                   +------+                      +------+

                +-------+                    +-------+
                |       |         PW         |       |
                |  PE1  |====================|  PE2  |
                |       |                    |       |
                +-------+                    +-------+

   |                                 |
   |                        ------------------
   |                    Y   | Received Label |       N
   |                 -------|  Mapping msg?  |--------------
   |                 |      ------------------             |
   |             --------------                            |
   |             |            |                            |
   |          -------      -------                         |
   |          | C=0 |      | C=1 |                         |
   |          -------      -------                         |
   |             |            |                            |
   |             |    ----------------                     |
   |             |    | Control Word |     N               |
   |             |    |    Capable?  |-----------          |
   |             |    ----------------          |          |
   |             |          Y |                 |          |
   |             |            |                 |          |
   |             |   ----------------           |          |
   |             |   | Control Word |  N        |          |
   |             |   |  Preferred?  |----       |          |
   |             |   ----------------   |       |          |
   |             |          Y |         |       |          |
   |  ---------------------   |         |       |          |
   |  |Control Word change|   |         |       |   ----------------
   |  |from NOT PREFERRED |   |         |       |   | Control Word |
   |  | to PREFERRED?     |   |         |       |   |  Preferred?  |
   |  ---------------------   |         |       |   ----------------
   |     Y |     | N          |         |       |     N |     Y |
   |       | Delete, and      |         |       |       |       |
   |       | configure      Send      Send    Send    Send    Send
   |       | new PW again    C=1       C=0     C=0     C=0     C=1
   |       |                            |       |       |       |
   |  ----------------------------   ----------------------------------
   |  |Send Label Release msg,   |   | If receive the same as sent,   |
   |  |send Label Withdraw msg if|   | PW setup is complete.  If not: |
   |  |has sent Label Mapping msg|   ----------------------------------
   |  ----------------------------          |       |       |       |
   |           |                       ------------------- -----------
   |  -------------------              |     Receive     | | Receive |
   |  | Receive Label   |              |       C=1       | |   C=0   |
   |  | Release message |              ------------------- -----------
   |  -------------------                       |               |

   |           |                          Wait for the        Send
   |  -------------------                 next message     Wrong C-bit
   |  | Send Label      |                                       |
   |  | Request message |                                  Send Label
   |  -------------------                              Mapping message
   |           |

               | Metering Process                  |
               | +-----------+ Selected            |
      Observed | | Selection | Packet    +-------+ |  Stream of
      Packet  -->| Process   |---------->| Cache |--> Flow Records or
      Stream   | +-----------+ Stream    +-------+ |  Packet Reports

              | Metering Process                    |
              | +-----------+ Selected              |
     Observed | | Selection | Packet                |
     Packet  -->| Process   |----------+  +-------+ |
     Stream   | +-----------+ Stream   +->|       | |  Stream of
              |      ...                  | Cache |--> Flow Records or
              | +-----------+ Selected +->|       | |  Packet Reports
     Observed | | Selection | Packet   |  +-------+ |
     Packet  -->| Process   |----------+            |
     Stream   | +-----------+ Stream                |

            +---+   0..* +---+         +---+ 0..*  1 +---+
            | A |<>------| B |         | A |-------->| B |
            +---+        +---+         +---+         +---+
             (a) Aggregation     (b) Unidirectional association

                            | RDNSS with    |    |   Enterprise
   +------+                 | public +      |----|   Intranet
   |      |                 | enterprise's  |    |
   |      |===== VPN =======| private names |    |
   |      |                 +---------------+  +----+
   | MIF  |                                    | FW |
   | node |                                    +----+
   |      |                 +---------------+    |
   |      |----- WLAN ------| RDNSS with    |----|   Public
   |      |                 | public names  |    |   Internet
   |      |                 +---------------+  +----+
   |      |                                    | FW |
   |      |                 +---------------+  +----+
   |      |---- cellular ---| RDNSS with    |    |
   +------+                 | public +      |    |   Operator
                            | operator's    |----|   Intranet
                            | private names |    |

                            +--------------------|      |
   +------+   IPv6          | RDNSS A            |------| IPv6
   |      |-- interface 1 --| saying Peer is     |      |
   |      |                 | at: 2001:0db8:0::1 |      |
   | MIF  |                 +--------------------+   +------+
   | node |                                          | Peer |
   |      |                 +--------------------+   +------+
   |      |   IPv6          | RDNSS B            |      |
   |      |-- interface 2 --| saying Peer is     |      |
   +------+                 | at: 2001:0db8:1::1 |------| IPv6
                            +--------------------+      |

                            +-------------------|    +-------+
   +------+   IPv6          | RDNSS A           |----| NAT64 |
   |      |-- interface 1 --| saying Peer is    |    +-------+
   |      |                 | at: A_Pref96:IPv4 |       |
   | MIF  |                 +-------------------+       |   +------+
   | node |                                        IPv4 +---| Peer |
   |      |                 +-------------------+       |   +------+
   |      |   IPv6          | RDNSS B           |       |
   |      |-- interface 2 --| saying Peer is    |    +-------+
   +------+                 | at: B_Pref96:IPv4 |----| NAT64 |
                            +-------------------+    +-------+

    Application    Node      DHCPv6 server   DHCPv6 server
                             on interface 1  on interface 2
        |             |                |
        |         +-----------+        |
   (1)  |         | open      |        |
        |         | interface |        |
        |         +-----------+        |
        |             |                |
   (2)  |             |---option REQ-->|
        |             |<--option RESP--|
        |             |                |
        |         +-----------+        |
   (3)  |         | store     |        |
        |         | domains   |        |
        |         +-----------+        |
        |             |                |
        |         +-----------+        |
   (4)  |         | open      |        |
        |         | interface |        |
        |         +-----------+        |
        |             |                |                |
   (5)  |             |---option REQ------------------->|
        |             |<--option RESP-------------------|
        |             |                |                |
        |         +----------+         |                |
   (6)  |         | store    |         |                |
        |         | domains  |         |                |
        |         +----------+         |                |
        |             |                |                |

    Application     Node     RDNSS             RDNSS
                             on interface 1    on interface 2
        |             |                |                |
   (1)  |--Name REQ-->|                |                |
        |             |                |                |
        |      +----------------+      |                |
   (2)  |      | RDNSS          |      |                |
        |      | prioritization |      |                |
        |      +----------------+      |                |
        |             |                |                |
   (3)  |             |------------DNS resolution------>|
        |             |<--------------------------------|
        |             |                |                |
   (4)  |<--Name resp-|                |                |
        |             |                |                |

          +-----+ 6to4 Tunnel +--------+  +------+  IPv6    +----+
          | CPE |-------------|6to4 BR |--| PT66 |--------- |Host|
          +-----+    IPv4     +--------+  +------+ Provider +----+
                    Network                         Prefix
                               Unified or Separate

        |  6to4 IPv4 Path     |       Native IPv6 Path            |
               -----------       -----------      -------------
              /  IPv4 Net \     /  IPv6 Net  \  / IPv6 Internet \
        +------+         +--------+         +-------+    +---------+
        | CPE  | PrefixA |6to4-PMT| PrefixB |Peering|    |IPv6 HOST|
        +------+         +--------+         +-------+    +---------+
              \           /     \            /  \               /
               ----------        ------------     --------------

      0     16      32     48     64    80     96     112    128 Bits
      | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
        2002 : 0C98 : 2C01 : 0000 : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx
      | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
                 |       |            |      |      |      |
                  ----    ----        |      |      |      |
                      |       |       |      |      |      |
      | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
        2001 : 0db8 : 0c98 : 2c01 : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx : xxxx
      | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |

             +--------+          +-------+          +--------+
             | Client |          | Relay |          | Server |
             +--------+          +-------+          +--------+
                      <---------->       <---------->
                   peer connection A   peer connection B

       +------+    --------->     +------+     --------->    +------+
       |      |    1. Request     |      |     2. Request    |      |
       | NAS  |                   | DRL  |                   | HMS  |
       |      |    4. Answer      |      |     3. Answer     |      |
       +------+    <---------     +------+     <---------    +------+
    example.net                example.net                example.com

       +------+    --------->     +------+     --------->    +------+
       |      |  RADIUS Request   |      |  Diameter Request |      |
       | NAS  |                   | TLA  |                   | HMS  |
       |      |  RADIUS Answer    |      |  Diameter Answer  |      |
       +------+    <---------     +------+     <---------    +------+
      example.net                example.net               example.com

                                            | AVP Flag |
                                            |  rules   |
                   AVP  Section             |    |MUST |
   Attribute Name  Code Defined  Data Type  |MUST| NOT |
   Acct-             85  9.8.2   Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Interim-Interval                       |    |     |
   Accounting-      483  9.8.7   Enumerated | M  |  V  |
     Realtime-Required                      |    |     |
   Acct-            50   9.8.5   UTF8String | M  |  V  |
     Multi-Session-Id                       |    |     |
   Accounting-      485  9.8.3   Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Record-Number                          |    |     |
   Accounting-      480  9.8.1   Enumerated | M  |  V  |
     Record-Type                            |    |     |
   Acct-             44  9.8.4   OctetString| M  |  V  |
    Session-Id                              |    |     |
   Accounting-      287  9.8.6   Unsigned64 | M  |  V  |
     Sub-Session-Id                         |    |     |
   Acct-            259  6.9     Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Application-Id                         |    |     |
   Auth-            258  6.8     Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Application-Id                         |    |     |
   Auth-Request-    274  8.7     Enumerated | M  |  V  |
      Type                                  |    |     |
   Authorization-   291  8.9     Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Lifetime                               |    |     |
   Auth-Grace-      276  8.10    Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Period                                 |    |     |
   Auth-Session-    277  8.11    Enumerated | M  |  V  |
     State                                  |    |     |
   Re-Auth-Request- 285  8.12    Enumerated | M  |  V  |
     Type                                   |    |     |
   Class             25  8.20    OctetString| M  |  V  |
   Destination-Host 293  6.5     DiamIdent  | M  |  V  |
   Destination-     283  6.6     DiamIdent  | M  |  V  |
     Realm                                  |    |     |
   Disconnect-Cause 273  5.4.3   Enumerated | M  |  V  |
   Error-Message    281  7.3     UTF8String |    | V,M |
   Error-Reporting- 294  7.4     DiamIdent  |    | V,M |
     Host                                   |    |     |
   Event-Timestamp   55  8.21    Time       | M  |  V  |
   Experimental-    297  7.6     Grouped    | M  |  V  |
      Result                                |    |     |

                                            | AVP Flag |
                                            |  rules   |
                   AVP  Section             |    |MUST |
   Attribute Name  Code Defined  Data Type  |MUST| NOT |
   Experimental-    298  7.7     Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
      Result-Code                           |    |     |
   Failed-AVP       279  7.5     Grouped    | M  |  V  |
   Firmware-        267  5.3.4   Unsigned32 |    | V,M |
     Revision                               |    |     |
   Host-IP-Address  257  5.3.5   Address    | M  |  V  |
   Inband-Security                          | M  |  V  |
      -Id           299  6.10    Unsigned32 |    |     |
   Multi-Round-     272  8.19    Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Time-Out                               |    |     |
   Origin-Host      264  6.3     DiamIdent  | M  |  V  |
   Origin-Realm     296  6.4     DiamIdent  | M  |  V  |
   Origin-State-Id  278  8.16    Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
   Product-Name     269  5.3.7   UTF8String |    | V,M |
   Proxy-Host       280  6.7.3   DiamIdent  | M  |  V  |
   Proxy-Info       284  6.7.2   Grouped    | M  |  V  |
   Proxy-State       33  6.7.4   OctetString| M  |  V  |
   Redirect-Host    292  6.12    DiamURI    | M  |  V  |
   Redirect-Host-   261  6.13    Enumerated | M  |  V  |
      Usage                                 |    |     |
   Redirect-Max-    262  6.14    Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
      Cache-Time                            |    |     |
   Result-Code      268  7.1     Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
   Route-Record     282  6.7.1   DiamIdent  | M  |  V  |
   Session-Id       263  8.8     UTF8String | M  |  V  |
   Session-Timeout   27  8.13    Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
   Session-Binding  270  8.17    Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
   Session-Server-  271  8.18    Enumerated | M  |  V  |
     Failover                               |    |     |
   Supported-       265  5.3.6   Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
     Vendor-Id                              |    |     |
   Termination-     295  8.15    Enumerated | M  |  V  |
      Cause                                 |    |     |
   User-Name          1  8.14    UTF8String | M  |  V  |
   Vendor-Id        266  5.3.3   Unsigned32 | M  |  V  |
   Vendor-Specific- 260  6.11    Grouped    | M  |  V  |
      Application-Id                        |    |     |

                     |     Diameter     |
                     |  Redirect Agent  |
                      ^    |    2. command + 'E' bit
       1. Request     |    |    Result-Code =
      joe@example.com |    |    DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION +
                      |    |    Redirect-Host AVP(s)
                      |    v
                  +-------------+  3. Request  +-------------+
                  | example.com |------------->| example.net |
                  |    Relay    |              |   Diameter  |
                  |    Agent    |<-------------|    Server   |
                  +-------------+  4. Answer   +-------------+

       (Origin-Host=nas.example.net)    (Origin-Host=nas.example.net)
       (Origin-Realm=example.net)       (Origin-Realm=example.net)
       (Destination-Realm=example.com)  (Destination-Realm=example.com)
      +------+      ------>      +------+      ------>      +------+
      |      |     (Request)     |      |      (Request)    |      |
      | NAS  +-------------------+ DRL  +-------------------+ HMS  |
      |      |                   |      |                   |      |
      +------+     <------       +------+     <------       +------+
     example.net    (Answer)   example.net     (Answer)   example.com
          (Origin-Host=hms.example.com)   (Origin-Host=hms.example.com)
          (Origin-Realm=example.com)      (Origin-Realm=example.com)

                          1. Request        +---------+ Link Broken
                +-------------------------->|Diameter |----///----+
                |     +---------------------|         |           v
         +------+--+  | 2. answer + 'E' set | Relay 2 |     +--------+
         |Diameter |<-+ (Unable to Forward) +---------+     |Diameter|
         |         |                                        |  Home  |
         | Relay 1 |--+                     +---------+     | Server |
         +---------+  |   3. Request        |Diameter |     +--------+
                      +-------------------->|         |           ^
                                            | Relay 3 |-----------+

            +---------+ 1. Request  +---------+ 2. Request  +---------+
            | Access  |------------>|Diameter |------------>|Diameter |
            |         |             |         |             |  Home   |
            | Device  |<------------|  Relay  |<------------| Server  |
            +---------+  4. Answer  +---------+  3. Answer  +---------+
                       (Missing AVP)           (Missing AVP)

                       |                  Command Code                 |
   Acct-Interim-       |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Interval          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Accounting-Realtime-|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Required          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Acct-Application-Id |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Auth-Application-Id |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |
   Auth-Grace-Period   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Auth-Request-Type   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Auth-Session-State  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Authorization-      |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Lifetime          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Class               |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0+ |
   Destination-Host    |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |0-1|0  |
   Destination-Realm   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |
   Disconnect-Cause    |0  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Error-Message       |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Error-Reporting-Host|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Failed-AVP          |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Firmware-Revision   |0-1|0-1|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Host-IP-Address     |1+ |1+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Inband-Security-Id  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Multi-Round-Time-Out|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |

   Origin-Host         |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |
   Origin-Realm        |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |
   Origin-State-Id     |0-1|0-1|0  |0  |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
   Product-Name        |1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Proxy-Info          |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |0+ |
   Redirect-Host       |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |
   Redirect-Host-Usage |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
   Redirect-Max-Cache- |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0  |0-1|0  |0-1|
     Time              |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Result-Code         |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |1  |
   Re-Auth-Request-Type|0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Route-Record        |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |0+ |0  |
   Session-Binding     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Session-Id          |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |1  |
   Session-Server-     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Failover          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   Session-Timeout     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Supported-Vendor-Id |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Termination-Cause   |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |
   User-Name           |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|0-1|
   Vendor-Id           |1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
   Vendor-Specific-    |0+ |0+ |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
     Application-Id    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

                                    |  Command  |
                                    |    Code   |
      Attribute Name                | ACR | ACA |
      Acct-Interim-Interval         | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Acct-Multi-Session-Id         | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Accounting-Record-Number      | 1   | 1   |
      Accounting-Record-Type        | 1   | 1   |
      Acct-Session-Id               | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Accounting-Sub-Session-Id     | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Accounting-Realtime-Required  | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Acct-Application-Id           | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Auth-Application-Id           | 0   | 0   |
      Class                         | 0+  | 0+  |
      Destination-Host              | 0-1 | 0   |
      Destination-Realm             | 1   | 0   |
      Error-Reporting-Host          | 0   | 0+  |
      Event-Timestamp               | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Failed-AVP                    | 0   | 0-1 |
      Origin-Host                   | 1   | 1   |
      Origin-Realm                  | 1   | 1   |
      Proxy-Info                    | 0+  | 0+  |
      Route-Record                  | 0+  | 0   |
      Result-Code                   | 0   | 1   |
      Session-Id                    | 1   | 1   |
      Termination-Cause             | 0   | 0   |
      User-Name                     | 0-1 | 0-1 |
      Vendor-Specific-Application-Id| 0-1 | 0-1 |

   Tag                | Protocol
   diameter.dtls.sctp | DTLS/SCTP

                   |         |
                   |   AAA   |
                   |         |
     +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+
     |  IPv4  |----|         |----|  NAT-  |----| IPv4     |
     |  Host  |    |   NAS   |    | device |    | Internet |
     |        |    |         |    |        |    |          |
     +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+

                   |         |
                   |   AAA   |
                   |         |
     +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+
     |        |    |   (C)   |    |        |    |          |
     |  Host  |----|   NAS   |----|  NAT-  |----| IPv4     |
     |        |    |         |    | device |    | Internet |
     +--------+    +---------+    +--------+    +----------+

                   |   (C)   |
                   |   AAA   |---------
                   |         |         |
                   +---------+         |
                        |              |
                        |              |
                        |              |
     +--------+    +---------+    +---------+    +----------+
     |  IPv4/ |    |         |    |         |    |  IPv4    |
     |  IPv6  |----|   NAS   |----|  NAT-   |----| Internet |
     |  Host  |    |         |    | device  |    |          |
     +--------+    +---------+    +---------+    +----------+

   NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
            Trigger                                        |
               |                                           |
               |                   NCR                     |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                 If able to comply
               |                                 with request, then
               |                                 create session state
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                     NCA                   |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |

   NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
        Change of session                                  |
           attributes                                      |
               |                                           |
               |                   NCR                     |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                   If able to comply
               |                                   with the request:
               |                                  update session state
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                     NCA                   |
               |                                           |

   NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
     DNCA Session Established                              |
               |                                           |
               |                   NCR                     |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                          Look up corresponding session
               |                            and associated NAT-bindings
               |                                           |
               |                   NCA                     |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |
               |                                           |

   NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
            Trigger                                         |
               |                                            |
               |                   STR                      |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |           Send accounting stop             |
               |       reporting all session bindings       |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                  Remove NAT-bindings
               |                                       of session
               |                                            |
               |                                  Terminate session /
               |                                 Remove session state
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                  STA                       |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |

   NAT controller (DNCA Diameter peer)   NAT device (DNCA Diameter peer)
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                         Trigger
               |                                            |
               |                   ASR                      |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                  ASA                       |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |                                            |
               |           On successful ASA                |
               |<------Session Termination Procedure------->|

   endpoint             NAT controller (within NAS)           NAT device
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                               |
      |      1. Trigger            |                               |
      |--------------------------->|                               |
      |       +-------------------------------------+              |
      |       |  2. Determine that NAT control      |              |
      |       |     is required for the endpoint    |              |
      |       +-------------------------------------+              |
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                               |
      |                           ...................................
      |                           .|   3. Diameter Base CER/CEA    |.
      |                           .|<----------------------------->|.
      |                           ...................................
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |         4.  NCR               |
      |                            |------------------------------>|
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                     5. DNCA session
      |                            |                        established
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |         6.  NCA               |
      |                            |<------------------------------|
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                               |
      |                  7. Data traffic                           |
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                               |
      |                            |                    8. NAT-bindings
      |                            |                     created as per
      |                            |                   directives in the
      |                            |                       DNCA session
      |                            |                               |

       NAT controller                            NAT device
             |                                       |
             |                                       |
    +--------------+                                 |
    |  1. Trigger  |                                 |
    +--------------+                                 |
             |                                       |
             |                                       |
             |             2.  STR                   |
             |                                       |
             |                             3. DNCA session
             |                                   lookup
             |             4.  ACR                   |
             |                                       |
             |             5.  ACA                   |
             |                                       |
             |                                       |
             |                             6. DNCA bindings
             |                            and session cleanup
             |                                       |
             |             7.  STA                   |
             |                                       |

                                       |Server  |
                                  Back-End | IKEv2 Server<->HAAA Server
                                  Support  | Interaction
                                  Protocol | (this document)
   +---------+                      +---------------+
   | IKEv2   |  Front-End Protocol  |IKEv2 Server/  |
   | Peer    |<-------------------->|Diameter Client|
   +---------+       IKEv2          +---------------+

                      +---LoST-Sync-->\\     //<--LoST-Sync----+
                      |                 -----                  |
                      |                                        |
                      \/                                       \/
                    -----                                     -----
                  //     \\                                 //     \\
                 /         \                               /         \
                |  Forest   |                             |   Forest  |
                |  Guide    |                             |   Guide   |
                |  Austria  |                             |   Finland
                 \         /                               \         /
       +--------->\\     //<--------+                       \\     //
       |            -----           |                         -----
       |             /\             |                           |
     LoST            |             LoST                     //------\\
     Sync           LoST           Sync                    |Co-Located|
       |            Sync            |                      |   LoST   |
       \/            |              \/                     | Server   |
    //----\\         \/          //----\\                   \\------//
   |  LoST  |     //----\\      |  LoST  |
   | Server |    |  LoST  |     | Server |
   | 'East' |    | Server |     |'Vienna'|
    \\----//     | 'West' |      \\----//

      +---------+                   +---------+
      | Node B  |                   | Node A  |
      | acting  |                   | acting  |
      | as      |                   | as      |
      | LoST    |                   | LoST    |
      | Sync    |                   | Sync    |
      | Dest.   |                   | Source  |
      +---------+                   +---------+
          |                              |
          |                              |
          |                              |
          | <getMappingsRequest>         |
          |                              |
          | <getMappingsResponse>        |
          |                              |
          |                              |
          |                              |

       +---------+                   +---------+
       | Node A  |                   | Node B  |
       | acting  |                   | acting  |
       | as      |                   | as      |
       | LoST    |                   | LoST    |
       | Sync    |                   | Sync    |
       | Source  |                   | Dest.   |
       +---------+                   +---------+
           |                              |
           |                              |
           |                              |
           | <pushMappingsRequest>        |
           |                              |
           | <pushMappingsResponse>       |
           |                              |
           |                              |
           |                              |

         site                         . . . .      +----+
        network                      .       .-----+ CN |
        . . . .      +------+ link1 .         .    +----+
       .       .     |      +------.           .
      .    D    .    |      |      .           .
      .         .----+ SBR  |      . Internet  .
      .  H      .    |      |      .           .
       .       .     |      +------.           .
        . . . .      +------+ link2 .         .
                                     .       .
                                      . . . .

         site                         . . . .      +----+
        network                      .       .-----+ CN |
        . . . .      +------+       .         .    +----+
       .       .     |      +------.           .
      .         .    |      |      .           .
      .         .----+ SBR  |      . Internet  .
      .  H      .    |      |      .           .
       .       .     |      |      .           .
        . . . .      +------+       .         .
                                     .       .
                                      . . . .

            site                         . . . .
           network                      .       .
           . . . .      +------+ L_1   .         .
          .       .     |      +------.           .
         .         .    |      |      .           .
         .         .----+ SBR  |      . Internet  .
         .         .    |      |      .           .
          .  H    .     |      +------.           .
           . . . .      +------+ L_2   .         .
                                        .       .
                                         . . . .

         site                          . . . .
        network                       .       .
        . . . .      +-------+ L_1   .         .
       .       .     |       +------.           .
      .         .    |       |      .           .
     .           .---+ SBR_A |      .           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .   +-------+      .           .
     .           .       ^          .           .
     .           .       | CP       . Internet  .
     .           .       v          .           .
     .           .   +-------+ L_2  .           .
     .           .   |       +------.           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .---+ SBR_B |      .           .
      .         .    |       |      .           .
       .       .     |       |      .           .
        . . . .      +-------+       .         .
                                      .       .
                                       . . . .

         site                          . . . .
        network A                     .       .
        . . . .      +-------+ L_A   .         .
       .       .     |       +------.           .
      .         .    |       |      .           .
     .           .---+ SBR_A |      .           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .  H(1)     .   |       |      .           .
     .           .   +-------+      .           .
      . . . . . .                   .           .
       .  H(2) .                    . Internet  .
      . . . . . .                   .           .
     .           .   +-------+ L_B  .           .
     .  H(3)     .   |       +------.           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .---+ SBR_B |      .           .
      .         .    |       |      .           .
       .       .     |       |      .           .
        . . . .      +-------+       .         .
         site                         .       .
        network B                      . . . .

         site                        ISP_1
        network        SBR           . . .
        . . . .      +------+ L_1   .     .
       .       .     |   ra1+------.       .
      .         .----+      |      .       .
       .  H    .     |   ra2+--    .       .
        . . . .      +------+       .     .
                                     . . .
      Figure 6.2a: ILNP Mobile Network before Handover

         site                        ISP_1
        network        SBR           . . .
        . . . .      +------+ L_1   .     .
       .       .     |   ra1+------. . . . .
      .         .----+      |      .       .
       .  H    .     |   ra2+------.       .
        . . . .      +------+ L_2  . . . . .
                                    .     .
                                     . . .
       Figure 6.2b: ILNP Mobile Network during Handover

         site                        ISP_2
        network        SBR           . . .
        . . . .      +------+       .     .
       .       .     |   ra1+--    .       .
      .         .----+      |      .       .
       .  H    .     |   ra2+------.       .
        . . . .      +------+       .     .
                                     . . .
       Figure 6.2c: ILNP Mobile Network after Handover

   /* IPv6 */
   |            64 bits                  |         64 bits         |
   |   IPv6 Unicast Routing Prefix       |  Interface Identifier   |

   /* ILNPv6 */
   |            64 bits                  |         64 bits         |
   |             Locator                 |  Node Identifier (NID)  |

   /* IPv6 */
   | 3 |     45 bits         |  16 bits  |       64 bits           |
   |001|global routing prefix| subnet ID |  Interface Identifier   |

   /* ILNPv6 */
   |             64 bits                 |       64 bits           |
   |          Locator (L64)              |  Node Identifier (NID)  |

   /* IPv6 */
   | 3 |     45 bits         |  16 bits  |     64 bits             |
   |001|global routing prefix| subnet ID |  Interface Identifier   |

   /* ILNPv6 */
   |             64 bits                 |     64 bits             |
   |          Locator (L64)              |  Node Identifier (NID)  |
   +<-------- L_pp --------->+<- L_ss -->+

            24 bits           8 bits
   |         Locator (L32)             |
   +<------- L_pp --------->+<- L_ss ->+

          site                         . . . .      +----+
         network        SBR           .       .-----+ CN |
         . . . .      +------+ L_1   .         .    +----+
        .       .     |      +------.           .
       .         .L_L |      |      .           .
       .         .----+      |      . Internet  .
       .  H      .    |      |      .           .
        .       .     |      |      .           .
         . . . .      +------+       .         .
                                      .       .
                                       . . . .

              24 bits           8 bits
     |         Locator (L32)             |
     +<------- L_pp --------->+<- L_ss ->+

          site                         . . . .      +----+
         network         SBR          .       .-----+ CN |
         . . . .      +------+ L_1   .         .    +----+
        .       .     |  sbr1+------.           .
       .         .L_L |      |      .           .
       .         .----+      |      . Internet  .
       .  H      .    |      |      .           .
        .       .     |  sbr2+------.           .
         . . . .      +------+ L_2   .         .
                                     .       .
                                      . . . .

         site                          . . . .
        network                       .       .
        . . . .      +-------+ L_1   .         .
       .       .     |       +------.           .
      .         .    |       |      .           .
     .           .---+ SBR_A |      .           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .   +-------+      .           .
     .           .       ^          .           .
     .           .       | CP       . Internet  .
     .           .       v          .           .
     .           .   +-------+ L_2  .           .
     .           .   |       +------.           .
     .           .   |       |      .           .
     .           .---+ SBR_B |      .           .
      .         .    |       |      .           .
       .       .     |       |      .           .
        . . . .      +-------+       .         .
                                      .       .
                                       . . . .

          site                        ISP_1
         network        SBR           . . .
         . . . .      +------+ L_1   .     .
        .       . L_L |   ra1+------.       .
       .         .----+      |      .       .
        .  H    .     |   ra2+--    .       .
         . . . .      +------+       .     .
                                      . . .

          site                        ISP_1
         network        SBR           . . .
         . . . .      +------+ L_1   .     .
        .       . L_L |   ra1+------. . . . .
       .         .----+      |      .       .
        .  H    .     |   ra2+------.       .
         . . . .      +------+ L_2  . . . . .
                                     .     .
                                      . . .

          site                        ISP_2
         network        SBR           . . .
         . . . .      +------+       .     .
        .       . L_L |   ra1+--    .       .
       .         .----+      |      .       .
        .  H    .     |   ra2+------.       .
         . . . .      +------+ L_2   .     .
                                      . . .

           site                         . . . .
          network         SBR          .       .
          . . . .      +------+ L_1   .         .
         .       .     |  sbr1+------.           .
        .     H2  .L_L |      |      .           .
        . H3      .----+      |      . Internet  .
        .         .    |      |      .           .
         .  H1   .     |  sbr2+------.           .
          . . . .      +------+ L_2   .         .
                                       .       .
                                        . . . .

           site                           . . . .      +----+
          network         SBR            .       .-----+ CN |
          . . . .      +------+ L1,L2   .         .    +----+
         .       .     |  sbr1+--------.           .
        .     H2  .L_L |      |        .           .
        . H3      .----+  sbr2+--------. Internet  .
        .         .    |      | L3,L4  .           .
        .         .    |      |        .           .
         .  H1   .     |  sbr3+--------.           .
          . . . .      +------+ L5,L6   .         .
                                         .       .
                                          . . . .

          site                         . . . .      +----+
         network        SBR           .       .-----+ CN |
         . . . .      +------+ L_1   .         .    +----+
        .       .     |      +------.           .
       .    H2   .L_L |      |      .           .
       .         .----+      |      . Internet  .
       .  V*H1   .    |      |      .           .
        .       .     |      |      .           .
         . . . .      +------+       .         .
                                      .       .
                                       . . . .

          site                         . . . .      +----+
         network 1      SBR1          .       .-----+ CN |
         . . . .      +------+ L_1   .         .    +----+
        .       .     |      +------.           .
       .         .L_L1|      |      .           .
       .         .----+      |      . Internet  .
       .  V*H1   .    |      |      .           .
        .       .     |      |      .           .
         . . . .      +---+--+      .           .
                          :         .           .
                          :         .           .
         . . . .      +---+--+ L_2  .           .
        .       .     |      +------.           .
       .    H2   .L_L2|      |      .           .
       .         .----+      |      .           .
       .         .    |      |      .           .
        .       .     |      |      .           .
         . . . .      +------+       .         .
          site          SBR2          .       .
         network 2                     . . . .

           |     |   src=[I_H, L_1], L_X                   --- (7b)
           | LRR |   dst=[I_H, L_X], L_1                   --- (7c)
           |     |
      <UDP: I_H, I_CN, P_H, P_CN><ILNP: L_X, L_CN>         --- (7d)

     +--------+                               +---------------+
     |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|   Resource    |
     |        |                               |     Owner     |
     |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
     | Client |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|    Resource   |
     |        |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
     +--------+                               +---------------+

  +--------+                                           +---------------+
  |        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
  |        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |                            +----------+   |               |
  |        |--(C)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
  |        |                            |          |   |               |
  |        |<-(D)- Protected Resource --| Resource |   | Authorization |
  | Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
  |        |--(E)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
  |        |                            |          |   |               |
  |        |<-(F)- Invalid Token Error -|          |   |               |
  |        |                            +----------+   |               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |--(G)----------- Refresh Token ----------->|               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |<-(H)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
  +--------+           & Optional Refresh Token        +---------------+

     | Resource |
     |   Owner  |
     |          |
     +----|-----+          Client Identifier      +---------------+
     |         -+----(A)-- & Redirection URI ---->|               |
     |  User-   |                                 | Authorization |
     |  Agent  -+----(B)-- User authenticates --->|     Server    |
     |          |                                 |               |
     |         -+----(C)-- Authorization Code ---<|               |
     +-|----|---+                                 +---------------+
       |    |                                         ^      v
      (A)  (C)                                        |      |
       |    |                                         |      |
       ^    v                                         |      |
     +---------+                                      |      |
     |         |>---(D)-- Authorization Code ---------'      |
     |  Client |          & Redirection URI                  |
     |         |                                             |
     |         |<---(E)----- Access Token -------------------'
     +---------+       (w/ Optional Refresh Token)

     | Resource |
     |  Owner   |
     |          |
     +----|-----+          Client Identifier     +---------------+
     |         -+----(A)-- & Redirection URI --->|               |
     |  User-   |                                | Authorization |
     |  Agent  -|----(B)-- User authenticates -->|     Server    |
     |          |                                |               |
     |          |<---(C)--- Redirection URI ----<|               |
     |          |          with Access Token     +---------------+
     |          |            in Fragment
     |          |                                +---------------+
     |          |----(D)--- Redirection URI ---->|   Web-Hosted  |
     |          |          without Fragment      |     Client    |
     |          |                                |    Resource   |
     |     (F)  |<---(E)------- Script ---------<|               |
     |          |                                +---------------+
       |    |
      (A)  (G) Access Token
       |    |
       ^    v
     |         |
     |  Client |
     |         |

     | Resource |
     |  Owner   |
     |          |
          |    Resource Owner
         (A) Password Credentials
     +---------+                                  +---------------+
     |         |>--(B)---- Resource Owner ------->|               |
     |         |         Password Credentials     | Authorization |
     | Client  |                                  |     Server    |
     |         |<--(C)---- Access Token ---------<|               |
     |         |    (w/ Optional Refresh Token)   |               |
     +---------+                                  +---------------+

     +---------+                                  +---------------+
     |         |                                  |               |
     |         |>--(A)- Client Authentication --->| Authorization |
     | Client  |                                  |     Server    |
     |         |<--(B)---- Access Token ---------<|               |
     |         |                                  |               |
     +---------+                                  +---------------+

     +--------+                               +---------------+
     |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|   Resource    |
     |        |                               |     Owner     |
     |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
     | Client |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|    Resource   |
     |        |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
     +--------+                               +---------------+

                             (A) GLOBAL IPv4 ISP NETWORK
        6a44 customer network(s)   |GLOBAL IPv4       |       Upstream
               +-----------+    ---| MTU >= 1308      +---  IPv4 network
            ---| Private   |       | ingress filtering|   (<== no route
    +----+     |  IPv4  +-----+    | IPv6 optional    |  to 6a44 relays)
    |    |-----|        |NAT44|----+                  |
    +----+     |        +-----+    |      +-------------+
     6a44   ---|MTU >= 1308|       |    --+6a44 relay(s)|--- Upstream
   client(s)   |   no      |    ---|      +-------------+  IPv6 network
               |native IPv6|       |                  |
               +-----------+       +------------------+

                             (B) PRIVATE IPv4 ISP NETWORK
                                   |PRIVATE IPv4      |
                                   | as above         |
                                ---|                  |
                                   |     +--------------+
                                   |   --+ ISP NAT44(s) |--- Upstream
                  as above     ----+     +--------------+   IPv4 network
                                   |                  |
                                   |     +--------------+
                                ---|   --+6a44 relay(s) |--- Upstream
                                   |     +--------------+   IPv6 network
                                   |                  |

                  Customer network       ISP network
                  +--------------+       +------------------+
       Client     |IPv4         CPE      |IPv4              |
       +----+     |           +-----+    |        +----------+
       | ^  |-----|           |NAT44|----+        |6a44 relay|---- IPv6
       +-|-^+     |           +-----+    |        +----------+^
         | |      |          ^   |   ^   |         ^        | |
         | |      +----------|---+   |   +---------|--------+ |
         | |                 |   ^   |             |          |
         | |             >0/0|   |   |N/32<        |          |
         | |                     |                 |          |
         | |                  Mapping              |          |
         | |                <a:w>-<N:Z> (*)        |          |
         | |                                       |          |
         | |A:W<                               >B:W|          |
         |                                                    |
    IPv6 |C.N.Z.A/128<                                        |C/48<

    |0                    47|48           79|80   95|96          127|
    |      6a44-network     | Customer-site |Tunnel |  6a44-client  |
    |      IPv6 prefix      |  IPv4 address |mapped |  local IPv4   |
    |          (C)          |      (N)      |port(Z)|  address (A)  |
                            <-- UDP/IPv4 address -->
    <------------ 6a44-client IPv6 prefix --------->
    <---------------- 6a44-client IPv6 address --------------------->

        Octets: |0         |20 |28                 |68            |
                |   IPv4   |UDP|    IPv6 header    | IPv6 payload |

          Octets:  |0         |20                 |60            |
                   |   IPv4   |    IPv6 header    | IPv6 payload |

                      "6a44-client IPv6 prefix" field
         . from a 6a44 client = 0 (also denoted by ::/96)
         . from a 6a44 relay = 6a44-client IPv6 prefix
         Octets:  |0         |20 |28| |40 |48
                  |   IPv4   |UDP|  . | . |
                                   "Bubble ID" field
          . from a 6a44 client: a client-selected value
          . from a 6a44 relay:
             - in a response bubble, copy of the received Bubble ID
             - in an error-signaling bubble, 0

                     /                 \
                     | "6a44 disabled" |------------<-----------------+
                     \_________________/                              ^
                              v no v6-add AND v4-add                  ^
     +--------->--------------v                                       ^
     ^         +--------------v--------------+                        ^
     ^         |   Reset the Attempt count   |                        ^
     ^         |   Renew the Bubble ID       |                        ^
     ^         +--------------+--------------+                        ^
     ^    +----->-------------v                                       ^
     ^    ^    +--------------v--------------+                        ^
     ^    ^    |          Send a bubble      |                        ^
     ^    ^    +--------------v--------------+                        ^
     ^    ^           ________v________                               ^
     ^    ^ Timer T1 /                 \ 4 attempts without answer    ^
     ^    +----<-----|  "Bubble sent"  |-------->----------------+    ^
     ^   (1 to 1.5 s)\_________________/                         v    ^
     ^                        v        \ v6-add OR no v4-add     v    ^
     ^        Bubble received v         +-----------------------------+
     ^                        v-----------------<-----------+    v    ^
     ^               _________v_________                    ^    v    ^
     ^     Timer T2 /                   \Bubble received    ^    v    ^
     +----------<---| "Bubble received" |-------->----------+    v    ^
     ^ (30 s - 4*T1)\___________________/                        v    ^
     ^                                  \ v6-add OR no v4-add    v    ^
     ^                                   +------->--------------------+
     ^                                                           v    ^
     ^                        +----------------------------------+    ^
     ^                 _______v________                               ^
     ^       Timer T3 /                 \ v6-add OR no v4-add         ^
     +-----------<----| "No 6a44 relay" |----->-----------------------+
             (30 min) \_________________/

               (IPv4, A, B, UDP[W, W, ::/96, <current Bubble ID>])
                 +-------+--------+      |
                 |       |  6a44  |      |
                 |       | client +------>---------- >B:W
                 |       |function|A:W<     UDP/IPv4

            [IPv6, <C.N.Z.A>, <C.N..E>,...]
                  | (IPv4, A, A2, IP-in-IP[encapsulated packet])
                  |                  |
             +----|--+--------+      |
             |    |  |  6a44  |      |
             |  -->--+ client +------>------ >A2
             |  IPv6 |function|<A       IPv4

           [IPv6, <C.N.Z.A>, X != <C.N...>, ...]
                 | (IPv4, B, A, UDP(W, W, [encapsulated packet])
                 |                  |
            +----|--+--------+      |
            |    |  |  6a44  |      |
            |  -->--+ client +------>---------- >B:W
            |  IPv6 |function|A:W<     UDP/IPv4

                (IPv4, B, A, UDP(W, W, [<C.N.Z>, <current Bubble ID>])
            +-------+--------+      |
            |       |  6a44  |      |
            |       | client +------<---------- <B:W
            |       |        |A:W<     UDP/IPv4
              (updates C.N.Z)

             (IPv4, E, A, IP-in-IP, [IPv6, <C.N..A2>, <C.N.Z.A>, ...])
         [decapsulated packet]    |
               |                  |
          +----|--+--------+      |
          |    |  |  6a44  |      |
          |  --<--+ client +------<------ <A2
          |  IPv6 |        |A<       IPv4

                    (IPv4, B, A, UDP(W, W, [IPv6, X, <C.N.Z.A>,...])
              [decapsulated packet]    |
                    |                  |
               +----|--+--------+      |
               |    |  |  6a44  |      |
               |  --<--+ client +------<---------- <B:W
               |  IPv6 |        |A:W<     UDP/IPv4

    [IPv6, (X != <C...> AND != <Teredo(IPv4=B)>), <C.<N != B>.Z...>,...]
    (IPv4, B, N, UDP(W, Z,            |
          [encapsulated packet]))     |
            |                         |
            |        +--------+       |
            |   >B:W |  6a44  |C/48<  |
    N:Z< ---<--------| relay  |-------<---- C.N.Z...<
         IPv4        |        |        IPv6

               (IPv4, N, B, UDP(Z, W, [::/96, Bubble ID]))
                              IPv4   |    +--------+
                              ------->----|        |
                                      >B:W|  6a44  |
                                          |  relay |
                         N:Z< -------<----|        |
                              IPv4   |    +--------+
                (IPv4, B, N, UDP(W, Z, [<C.N.Z>, Bubble ID]))

     (IPv4, N1, B, UDP(Z1, W, [IPv6, <C.N1.Z1...>, <C.N2.Z2...>, ...]))
            IPv4   |    +--------+
            ------->----|        |
                    >B:W|  6a44  |
                        | relay  |
                        |        |
     N2.Z2< -------<----|        |
            IPv4   |    +--------+
                   |        6a44 relay
     (IPv4, B, N2, UDP(W, Z2, [encapsulated packet]))

        (IPv4, N, B, UDP(Z, W, [IPv6, <C.N.Z...>,
                  |    (X != <C...> AND != <Teredo(IPv4=B)), ...]))
                  |                      [decapsulated packet]
                  |                           |
                  |          +--------+       |
                  |      B:W>|  6a44  |       |
         >B:W  --->----------| relay  |------->---- >
               IPv4          |        |        IPv6

                               .9          .10
    .1       .2  .5       .6    ------------    .6      .5  .2      .1
  R1-----------R2-----------R3--|          |--R4----------R5----------R6

             +---------+--------+   Location    +-----------+
             |         |        |  Dereference  | Location  |
             |   LIS   -   LS   +---------------+ Recipient |
             |         |        |   Protocol    |           |
             +----+----+--------+      (3)      +-----+-----+
                  |         `.                        |
                  |    Policy `.                      |
    Location      |    Exchange `.                    |
    Configuration |      (*)      |                   |
    Protocol      |          +----+----+              |
      (1)         |          |  Rule   |   Location   |
                  |          |  Maker  |   Conveyance |
            +-----+----+     +---------+   Protocol   |
            |          |                      (2)     |
            |  Target  +------------------------------+
            |          |

   An example scenario envisioned by this document is shown in Figure 3.
   This diagram shows how a location dereference protocol fits with
   location configuration and conveyance.  [RFC5808] contains more
   information on this scenario and others like it.
   +------------+           |  Location   |            +-----------+
   | End Device |           | Information |            | Location  |
   |  (Target)  |           |   Server    |            | Recipient |
   +-----+------+           +------+------+            +-----+-----+
         |                         |                         |
      .- + - - - - - - - - - - - - + -.                      |
      :  |     locationRequest     |  :                      |
      .  |----(for location URI)-->|  .                      |
      :  |                         |  : Location             |
      .  |     locationResponse    |  . Configuration        |
      :  |<-----(location URI)-----|  :                      |
      .  |                         |  .                      |
      `- + - - - - - - - - - - - - + -'                      |
         |                         |                         |
         |                Location Conveyance                |
         |~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(location URI)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~>|
         |                         |                         |
         |                      .- + - - - - - - - - - - - - + -.
         |                      :  |     locationRequest     |  :
         |                      .  |<------(for civic)-------|  .
         |        Dereferencing :  |                         |  :
         |                      .  |     locationResponse    |  .
         |                      :  |--------(PIDF-LO)------->|  :
         |                      .  |                         |  .
         |                      `- + - - - - - - - - - - - - + -'
         |                         |                         |

      | 0 | Reserved                                  |
      | 1 | Operator-Identifier as a variable-length  |
      |   | Private Enterprise Number (PEN)           |
      | 2 | Realm of the Operator                     |

                             ------------------   ------
                            | 0x03 | o | r | g | | 0x00 |   length = 4
                             ------------------   ------

      -----------------------------------------   ------
     | 0x04 | i | e | t | f | 0x03 | o | r | g | | 0x00 |   length = 9
      -----------------------------------------   ------

   .-----------------------------.  -
   |            GBS              |  ^ 1 ifEntry
   |          (TPS-TC)           |  v    ifType: g9981(263), g9982(264),
   +-----------------+---+-------+  -            g9983(265), etc.
   | TPS-TC \        |   |       |  ^
   +---------\       |   |       |  | N ifEntry  (N=1..32)
   | PMS-TC   )BCE 1 |...| BCE N |  )    ifType: adsl(94), shdsl(169),
   +---------/       |   |       |  |            vdsl(97), vdsl2(251),
   | PMD    /        |   |       |  v            etc.
   '-----------------+---+-------'  -

        |      Autonomous System                   |   +----+
        |                                          |   |EP1 |
        |                                      /---+---|    |
        |   To   ----\ +----+          +----+ /    |   +----+
        | Other       \|FIR1|----------|FSR1|/     |
        |Routers      /|    |          |    |\     |
        |        ----/ +----+          +----+ \    |   +----+
        |                                      \---+---|EP2 |
        |                                          |   |    |
        |                                          |   +----+

    +-------+ +-------+
    | CSP-1 | | CSP-2 |
    +-------+ +-------+
        |         |
       ,--,--,--./            ,--,--,--.
    ,-'          `-.       ,-'          `-.
   (CDN Provider 'A')=====(CDN Provider 'B')
    `-.  (CDN-A) ,-'       `-. (CDN-B)  ,-'
       `--'--'--'             `--'--'--'
                            | End User |
    === CDN Interconnection

       ,--,--,--.             ,--,--,--.
    ,-'  ISP A   `-.       ,-'  ISP B   `-.
   (    (CDN-A)     )=====(    (CDN-B)     )
    `-.          ,-'       `-.          ,-'
       `--'--'--'             `--'--'--'
            |                     |
      +------------+      +---------------+
      + EU A (home)|      | EU A (nomadic)|
      +------------+      +---------------+
    === CDN Interconnection

     | TV Channel |
         |         \
      ,-,--,-.      \ ,-,--,-.        ,-,--,-.
    ,'        `.    ,'        `.    ,' CDN-C  `.
   (   CDN-A    )  (   CDN-B    )==(  offload   )
    `.        ,'    `.        ,'    `.        ,'
      `-'--'-'        `-'--'-'        `-'--'-'

   For this purpose, the algorithm described in Section 6.5.2 uses a
   grid that ensures the same location information is reported while the
   Target remains in the same geographical area.
           ,----,-'.      `-.
        ,-'    /    `-.      \
      ,'      / _...._ `.     \
     /       ,-'......`._\     :
    ;       /|...........\:    |
    |      / :.....x......+    ;
    :     |   \...........;|  /
     \    |    \........./ | /
      `.  \     `-.....,' ,''
        '-.\       `-----'|
           ``.-----'    ,'
              `._    _,'

     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    | min  | max  |                          |       |
     //    | lat  | lat  |        Examples          |  o    |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      | Tropics and subtropics   |       |
     //    | -45  |  45  | Africa                   |  0    |
     //    |      |      | Australia                |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      | Continental US           |       |
     //    |  25  |  50  | Mediterranean            |   25  |
     //    |      |      | most of China            |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    |  35  |  55  | Southern and Central     |   35  |
     //    |      |      |      Europe              |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    |  45  |  60  | Central and Northern     |   45  |
     //    |      |      |       Europe             |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    |  55  |  65  | most of Scandinavia      |   55  |
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    |  60  |  70  |                          |   60  |
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      | most of                  |       |
     //    | -50  | -25  |    Chile and Argentina   |  -50  |
     //    |      |      | New Zealand              |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    | -35  | -55  |                          |  -35  |
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    | -45  | -60  |                          |  -45  |
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    | -55  | -65  |                          |  -55  |
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    | -60  | -70  |                          |  -60  |
     //    |      |      |                          |       |
     //    +------+------+--------------------------+-------+

                                    *   *
                       +------------*   *-----------+
                       | AS1        *   *           |
                       |             ***            |
                       |                            |
                       |                            |
                       |                            |
                       | RR1         ***        RR2 |
                       | ***        *   *       *** |
                       |*   *       * P *      *   *|
                       |*   *       *   *      *   *|
                       | ***         ***        *** |
                       |                            |
                       |            IBGP            |
                       |                            |
                       |                            |
                       |      ***           ***     |
                       |     *   *         *   *    |
                       +-----*   *---------*   *----+
                             *   *         *   *
                              ***           ***
                             ASBR1         ASBR2
                     Figure 1: Simple route reflection

                                    *   *
                       +------------*   *-----------+
                       | AS1        *   *           |
                       |             ***            |
                       |                            |
                       | RR1                    RR2 |
                       | ***                    *** |
                       |*   *        ***       *   *|
                       |*   *       *   *      *   *|
                       | ***        * P *       *** |
                       |*   *       *   *      *   *|
                       |*   *        ***       *   *|
                       | ***                    *** |
                       | RR1'       IBGP        RR2'|
                       |                            |
                       |                            |
                       |      ***           ***     |
                       |     *   *         *   *    |
                       +-----*   *---------*   *----+
                             *   *         *   *
                              ***           ***
                             ASBR1         ASBR2

                                    *   *
                       +------------*   *-----------+
                       | AS1        *   *           |
                       | IBGP        ***            |
                       |                            |
                       |             ***            |
                       |            *   *           |
                       | RR1        * P *       RR2 |
                       | ***        *   *       *** |
                       |*   *        ***       *   *|
                       |*   *                  *   *|
                       | ***         RR'        *** |
                       |             ***            |
                       |            *   *           |
                       |            *   *           |
                       |             ***            |
                       |      ***           ***     |
                       |     *   *         *   *    |
                       +-----*   *---------*   *----+
                             *   *         *   *
                              ***           ***
                             ASBR1         ASBR2

    initial            new DNSKEY        DS change    DNSKEY removal
    SOA_0 -----------------------------> SOA_1 ------------------------>
    RRSIG_par(SOA) --------------------> RRSIG_par(SOA) --------------->
    DS_K_1 ----------------------------> DS_K_2 ----------------------->
    RRSIG_par(DS) ---------------------> RRSIG_par(DS) ---------------->

    SOA_0              SOA_1 -----------------------> SOA_2
    RRSIG_Z_10(SOA)    RRSIG_Z_10(SOA) -------------> RRSIG_Z_10(SOA)

    DNSKEY_K_1         DNSKEY_K_1 ------------------>
                       DNSKEY_K_2 ------------------> DNSKEY_K_2
    DNSKEY_Z_10        DNSKEY_Z_10 -----------------> DNSKEY_Z_10
    RRSIG_K_1(DNSKEY)  RRSIG_K_1 (DNSKEY) ---------->
                       RRSIG_K_2 (DNSKEY) ----------> RRSIG_K_2(DNSKEY)

     initial         new DS         new DNSKEY       DS removal
     SOA_0           SOA_1 ------------------------> SOA_2
     RRSIG_par(SOA)  RRSIG_par(SOA) ---------------> RRSIG_par(SOA)
     DS_K_1          DS_K_1 ----------------------->
                     DS_K_2 -----------------------> DS_K_2
     RRSIG_par(DS)   RRSIG_par(DS) ----------------> RRSIG_par(DS)

     SOA_0 -----------------------> SOA_1 ---------------------------->
     RRSIG_Z_10(SOA) -------------> RRSIG_Z_10(SOA) ------------------>

     DNSKEY_K_1 ------------------> DNSKEY_K_2 ----------------------->
     DNSKEY_Z_10 -----------------> DNSKEY_Z_10 ---------------------->
     RRSIG_K_1 (DNSKEY) ----------> RRSIG_K_2 (DNSKEY) --------------->

     initial           new DNSKEY      DS change     DNSKEY removal
     SOA_0 --------------------------> SOA_1 ---------------------->
     RRSIG_par(SOA) -----------------> RRSIG_par(SOA) ------------->
     DS_S_1 -------------------------> DS_S_2 --------------------->
     RRSIG_par(DS_S_1) --------------> RRSIG_par(DS_S_2) ---------->

     SOA_0             SOA_1 ----------------------> SOA_2
     RRSIG_S_1(SOA)    RRSIG_S_1(SOA) ------------->
                       RRSIG_S_2(SOA) -------------> RRSIG_S_2(SOA)
     DNSKEY_S_1        DNSKEY_S_1 ----------------->
                       DNSKEY_S_2 -----------------> DNSKEY_S_2
     RRSIG_S_1(DNSKEY) RRSIG_S_1(DNSKEY) ---------->
                       RRSIG_S_2(DNSKEY) ----------> RRSIG_S_2(DNSKEY)

   initial            new DS         new RRSIG         DS removal
   SOA_0              SOA_1 -------------------------> SOA_2
   RRSIG_par(SOA)     RRSIG_par(SOA) ----------------> RRSIG_par(SOA)
   DS_S_1             DS_S_1 ------------------------>
                      DS_S_2 ------------------------> DS_S_2
   RRSIG_par(DS)      RRSIG_par(DS) -----------------> RRSIG_par(DS)

    initial              new RRSIGs           new DNSKEY
    SOA_0 -------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ----------------------------------------------->
    DS_K_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(DS_K_1) -------------------------------------------->

    new DS               DNSKEY removal       RRSIGs removal
    SOA_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ---------------------------------------------->
    DS_K_2 ------------------------------------------------------>
    RRSIG_par(DS_K_2) ------------------------------------------->

    -------------------> SOA_3                SOA_4
    -------------------> RRSIG_Z_10(SOA)
    -------------------> RRSIG_Z_11(SOA)      RRSIG_Z_11(SOA)

    -------------------> DNSKEY_K_2           DNSKEY_K_2
    -------------------> DNSKEY_Z_11          DNSKEY_Z_11
    -------------------> RRSIG_K_2(DNSKEY)    RRSIG_K_2(DNSKEY)

     revoke DNSKEY

   Inception          Signing                                 Expiration
   time               time                                    time
   |                  |                                 |     |     |
   |                  |                                 |     |     |

   | Inception offset |                                       |
   |<---------------->|            Validity Period            |
   |               |<---------------------------------------->|

   Inception          Signing Reuse   Reuse   Reuse   New     Expiration
   time               time                            RRSIG   time
   |                  |       |       |       |       |       |
   |                  |       |       |       |       |       |
                       <-----> <-----> <-----> <----->
                     Re-Sign Period

    initial              new RRSIGs           new DNSKEY
    SOA_0 -------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ----------------------------------------------->
    DS_S_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(DS_S_1) -------------------------------------------->

    new DS               DNSKEY removal       RRSIGs removal
    SOA_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ---------------------------------------------->
    DS_S_2 ------------------------------------------------------>
    RRSIG_par(DS_S_2) ------------------------------------------->

    -------------------> SOA_3                SOA_4
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_1(SOA)
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_2(SOA)       RRSIG_S_2(SOA)

    -------------------> DNSKEY_S_2           DNSKEY_S_2
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_1(DNSKEY)
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_2(DNSKEY)    RRSIG_S_2(DNSKEY)

    initial              new RRSIGs           new DNSKEY
    SOA_0 -------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ----------------------------------------------->
    DS_K_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(DS_K_1) -------------------------------------------->

    new DS               revoke DNSKEY        DNSKEY removal
    SOA_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ---------------------------------------------->
    DS_K_2 ------------------------------------------------------>
    RRSIG_par(DS_K_2) ------------------------------------------->

    -------------------> SOA_3                SOA_4
    -------------------> RRSIG_Z_1(SOA)       RRSIG_Z_1(SOA)
    -------------------> RRSIG_Z_2(SOA)       RRSIG_Z_2(SOA)

    -------------------> DNSKEY_K_1_REVOKED
    -------------------> DNSKEY_K_2           DNSKEY_K_2
    -------------------> DNSKEY_Z_2           DNSKEY_Z_2
    -------------------> RRSIG_K_1(DNSKEY)
    -------------------> RRSIG_K_2(DNSKEY)    RRSIG_K_2(DNSKEY)

    RRSIGs removal

    initial              new RRSIGs           new DNSKEY
    SOA_0 -------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ----------------------------------------------->
    DS_S_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(DS_S_1) -------------------------------------------->

    new DS               revoke DNSKEY        DNSKEY removal
    SOA_1 ------------------------------------------------------->
    RRSIG_par(SOA) ---------------------------------------------->
    DS_S_2 ------------------------------------------------------>
    RRSIG_par(DS_S_2) ------------------------------------------->

    -------------------> RRSIG_Z_10(SOA)
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_2(SOA)       RRSIG_S_2(SOA)

    -------------------> DNSKEY_S_1_REVOKED
    -------------------> DNSKEY_Z_10
    -------------------> DNSKEY_S_2           DNSKEY_S_2
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_1(DNSKEY)    RRSIG_S_1(DNSKEY)
    -------------------> RRSIG_S_2(DNSKEY)    RRSIG_S_2(DNSKEY)

    RRSIGs removal

                                       +--------+         -----
                                       |        |       /       \
                       Encap IPv6 Flow |  6rd   |      |  IPv6   |
                                - - -> | Relay  | <- > |   Net   |
          +---------+         /        |        |       \       /
          |         |        /         +--------+         -----
          |   6rd   + <-----                              -----
          |         |                                   /       \
          |  Client |         IPv4 Flow                |  IPv4   |
          |         + < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> |   Net   |
          |         |                                   \       /
          +---------+                                     -----

       +---------+  IPv4 Encapsulation  +------------+
       |         +- - - - - - - - - - - +            |
       |   6rd   +----------------------+     6rd    +------------
       |         |   IPv6 Packet        |    Relay   | IPv6 Packet
       | Client  +----------------------+            +------------
       |         +- - - - - - - - - - - +            |      ^
       +---------+  ^                   +------------+      |
                    |                                       |
                    |                                       |
             IPv4 (Tools/Mgmt)                     IPv6 Flow Analysis

                                       +--------+         -----
                                       |        |       /       \
                             IPv4 Flow |  CGN   |      |         |
                                - - -> +        + < -> |         |
          +---------+         /        |        |      |         |
          |   CPE   | <- - - /         +--------+      |  IPv4   |
          |---------+                                  |   Net   |
                                                       |         |
          +---------+         IPv4 Flow                |         |
          |   CPE   | <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > |         |
          |---------+                                   \       /

                                       +--------+         -----
                                       |        |       /       \
                             IPv4 Flow |  CGN   |      |  IPv4   |
                                - - -> +        + < -> |   Net   |
          +---------+         /        |        |       \       /
          |         | <- - - /         +--------+        -------
          |   Dual  |
          |  Stack  |                                     -----
          |   CPE   |         IPv6 Flow                 / IPv6  \
          |         | <- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > |   Net   |
          |---------+                                   \       /

   The operator can also move Dual Stack endpoints to DS-Lite
   retroactively to help optimize the IPv4 address-sharing deployment by
   removing the IPv4 address assignment and routing component.  To
   minimize traffic needing translation, the operator should have
   already moved most content to IPv6 before the IPv6-only phase is
                                        +--------+      -----
                                        |        |    /       \
                        Encap IPv4 Flow |  AFTR  |   |  IPv4   |
                                 -------+        +---+   Net   |
           +---------+         /        |        |    \       /
           |         |        /         +--------+      -----
           | DS-Lite +-------                           -----
           |         |                                /       \
           |  Client |         IPv6 Flow             |  IPv6   |
           |         +-------------------------------|   Net   |
           |         |                                \       /
           +---------+                                  -----

     +---------+  IPv6 Encapsulation  +------------+
     |         + - - - - - - - - - - -+            |
     |  AFTR   +----------------------+    AFTR    +------------
     |         |   IPv4 Packet        |            | IPv4 Packet
     | Client  +----------------------+            +------------
     |         + - - - - - - - - - - -+            |      ^
     +---------+  ^               ^   +------------+      |
                  |               |                       |
                  |               |                       |
           IPv6 (Tools/Mgmt)      |           IPv4 Packet Flow Analysis
             Midstream IPv4 Packet Flow Analysis (Encapsulation Aware)

                                        +--------+      -----
                                        |        |    /       \
                              IPv6 Flow | NAT64  |   |  IPv4   |
                                 -------+ DNS64  +---+   Net   |
           +---------+         /        |        |    \       /
           |         |        /         +--------+      -----
           |  IPv6   +-------                           -----
           |         |                                /       \
           |  Only   |         IPv6 Flow             |  IPv6   |
           |         +-------------------------------|   Net   |
           |         |                                \       /
           +---------+                                  -----

                               No Resp. or
               +------------+  DNS Info. +-----------+ No Resp.
     Start --> | Ask DHCP(1)| ---------> | Ask DNS(3)| ------>
               +------------+            +-----------+     Terminate(4)
                /          \                      \
      Only KRB /            \ DNS and              \ KRB Info.
        Info. /              \ KRB Info.            \
             /                \                      \
            |                  |                       |
            |                  V                       |
            V     No Ans.  +-----------+  KRB Info.    V
       Use Info. <-------- | Ask DNS(6)| ---------> Use Info.
       from DHCP           +-----------+            from DNS
       (2), (7)                                     (5), (8)

            Attribute Name        |Enc|
            AUTH                  | N |
            EAP-Payload           | X |
            Integrity-Algorithm   | N |
            Key-Id                | N |
            Nonce                 | N |
            PRF-Algorithm         | N |
            Result-Code           | N |
            Session-Lifetime      | X |
            Termination-Cause     | X |

            Attribute Name        |Enc|
            PaC-Information       | N |
            Relayed-Message       | N |

            Attribute Name        |Enc|
            Encryption-Algorithm  | N |
            Encryption-Encap      | N |

            Attribute Name        |Enc|
            Example-AVP           | Y |

     MRCPv2 client                   MRCPv2 Media Resource Server
|--------------------|            |------------------------------------|
||------------------||            ||----------------------------------||
|| Application Layer||            ||Synthesis|Recognition|Verification||
||------------------||            || Engine  |  Engine   |   Engine   ||
||Media Resource API||            ||    ||   |    ||     |    ||      ||
||------------------||            ||Synthesis|Recognizer |  Verifier  ||
|| SIP  |  MRCPv2   ||            ||Resource | Resource  |  Resource  ||
||Stack |           ||            ||     Media Resource Management    ||
||      |           ||            ||----------------------------------||
||------------------||            ||   SIP  |        MRCPv2           ||
||   TCP/IP Stack   ||---MRCPv2---||  Stack |                         ||
||                  ||            ||----------------------------------||
||------------------||----SIP-----||           TCP/IP Stack           ||
|--------------------|            ||                                  ||
         |                        ||----------------------------------||
        SIP                       |------------------------------------|
         |                          /
|-------------------|             RTP
|                   |             /
| Media Source/Sink |------------/
|                   |

   Idle                    Speaking                  Paused
   State                   State                     State
     |                        |                          |
     |----------SPEAK-------->|                 |--------|
     |<------STOP-------------|             CONTROL      |
     |<----SPEAK-COMPLETE-----|                 |------->|
     |<----BARGE-IN-OCCURRED--|                          |
     |              |---------|                          |
     |          CONTROL       |-----------PAUSE--------->|
     |              |-------->|<----------RESUME---------|
     |                        |               |----------|
     |----------|             |              PAUSE       |
     |    BARGE-IN-OCCURRED   |               |--------->|
     |<---------|             |----------|               |
     |                        |      SPEECH-MARKER       |
     |                        |<---------|               |
     |----------|             |----------|               |
     |         STOP           |       RESUME             |
     |          |             |<---------|               |
     |<---------|             |                          |
     |----------|             |                          |
     |     DEFINE-LEXICON     |                          |
     |          |             |                          |
     |<---------|             |                          |

   Idle                   Recognizing               Recognized
   State                  State                     State
    |                       |                          |
    |                       |                          |
    |              |--------|              |-----------|
    |       START-OF-INPUT  |       GET-RESULT         |
    |              |------->|              |---------->|
    |------------|          |                          |
    |      DEFINE-GRAMMAR   |----------|               |
    |<-----------|          | START-INPUT-TIMERS       |
    |                       |<---------|               |
    |------|                |                          |
    |  INTERPRET            |                          |
    |<-----|                |------|                   |
    |                       |   RECOGNIZE              |
    |-------|               |<-----|                   |
    |      STOP                                        |
    |<------|                                          |

   Idle                   Recording
   State                  State
    |                       |
    |                       |
    |                       |
    |                       |
    |              |--------|
    |       START-OF-INPUT  |
    |              |------->|
    |                       |
    |              |--------|
    |              |------->|
    |                       |

     Idle              Session Opened       Verifying/Training
     State             State                State
      |                   |                         |
      |--START-SESSION--->|                         |
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |----------|              |
      |                   |     START-SESSION       |
      |                   |<---------|              |
      |                   |                         |
      |<--END-SESSION-----|                         |
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |---------VERIFY--------->|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |---VERIFY-FROM-BUFFER--->|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |----------|              |
      |                   |  VERIFY-ROLLBACK        |
      |                   |<---------|              |
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |                |--------|
      |                   | GET-INTERMEDIATE-RESULT |
      |                   |                |------->|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |                |--------|
      |                   |     START-INPUT-TIMERS  |
      |                   |                |------->|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |                |--------|
      |                   |         START-OF-INPUT  |
      |                   |                |------->|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |<-VERIFICATION-COMPLETE--|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |<--------STOP------------|
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |----------|              |
      |                   |         STOP            |
      |                   |<---------|              |
      |                   |                         |
      |----------|        |                         |
      |         STOP      |                         |
      |<---------|        |                         |

      |                   |----------|              |
      |                   |    CLEAR-BUFFER         |
      |                   |<---------|              |
      |                   |                         |
      |----------|        |                         |
      |   CLEAR-BUFFER    |                         |
      |<---------|        |                         |
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |----------|              |
      |                   |   QUERY-VOICEPRINT      |
      |                   |<---------|              |
      |                   |                         |
      |----------|        |                         |
      | QUERY-VOICEPRINT  |                         |
      |<---------|        |                         |
      |                   |                         |
      |                   |----------|              |
      |                   |  DELETE-VOICEPRINT      |
      |                   |<---------|              |
      |                   |                         |
      |----------|        |                         |
      | DELETE-VOICEPRINT |                         |
      |<---------|        |                         |

      +----+     +----+       +-----------+
      |Host|     | AN |       |Edge Router|
      +----+     +----+       +-----------+
        |    RS     |                |
        |---------->|                |
        |           |                |
        |           |Tunneled RS(LIO)|
        |           |--------------->|
        |           |                |
        |           |Tunneled RA(LIO)|
        |           |<---------------|
        |    RA     |                |
        |<----------|                |
        |           |                |

   ,---------.                                               ,---------.
   |Transport|                                               |Transport|
   | Sender  |   .                                           |Receiver |
   |         |  /|___________________________________________|         |
   |     ,-<---------------Congestion-Feedback-Signals--<--------.     |
   |     |   |/                                              |   |     |
   |     |   |\           Transport Layer Feedback Flow      |   |     |
   |     |   | \  ___________________________________________|   |     |
   |     |   |  \|                                           |   |     |
   |     |   |   '         ,-----------.               .     |   |     |
   |     |   |_____________|           |_______________|\    |   |     |
   |     |   |    IP Layer |           |  Data Flow      \   |   |     |
   |     |   |             |(Congested)|                  \  |   |     |
   |     |   |             |  Network  |--Congestion-Signals--->-'     |
   |     |   |             |  Device   |                    \|         |
   |     |   |             |           |                    /|         |
   |     `----------->--(new)-IP-Layer-ConEx-Signals-------->|         |
   |         |             |           |                  /  |         |
   |         |_____________|           |_______________  /   |         |
   |         |             |           |               |/    |         |
   `---------'             `-----------'               '     `---------'

   Y:        <--- [L, E]                         Y signals L to X
       X ------------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-Y:  <L, ELI, EL>                            Label Stack from X -> Y
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<L, ELI, EL>                             X pushes <L, ELI, EL>
   Y:                  -<L, ELI, EL>             Y pops <L, ELI, EL>

   A:        <--- [TL4, 1]
   B:                     <-- [TL3, 1]
   W:                           <-- [TL2, 1]
   Y:                                        <-- [TL0, 1]
       X --------------- A --------- B --- W ---------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-A:   <TL4, ELI, EL>
   A-B:                     <TL3,ELI,EL>
   B-W:                                 <TL2,ELI,EL>
   W-Y:                                       <TL0,ELI,EL>
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<TL4, ELI, EL>
   A:                    TL4~TL3
   B:                                TL3~TL2
   W:                                      TL2~TL0
   Y:                                                   -<TL0, ELI, EL>

   A:        <--- [TL4, 1]
   B:                     <-- [TL3, 1]
   W:                           <-- [TL2, 1]
   Y:                                        <-- [TL0, 1]
       X --------------- A --------- B --- W ---------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-A:       <TL4>
   A-B:                      <TL3>
   B-W:                                 <TL2>
   W-Y:                                         <TL0>
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<TL4>
   A:                    TL4~TL3
   B:                                TL3~TL2
   W:                                      TL2~TL0
   Y:                                                   -<TL0>

   A:        <--- [TL4, 1]
   B:                     <-- [TL3, 1]
   W:                           <-- [TL2, 1]
   Y:                                          <-- [3, 1]
       X --------------- A --------- B --- W ---------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-A:   <TL4, ELI, EL>
   A-B:                     <TL3,ELI,EL>
   B-W:                                 <TL2,ELI,EL>
   W-Y:                                       <ELI,EL>
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<TL4, ELI, EL>
   A:                    TL4~TL3
   B:                                TL3~TL2
   W:                                      -TL2
   Y:                                                   -<ELI, EL>

   A:        <--- [TL4, 1]
   B:                     <-- [TL3, 1]
   W:                           <-- [TL2, 1]
   Y:                                          <-- [3, 1]
   VPN:  <------------------------------------------ [AL]
       X --------------- A --------- B --- W ---------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-A:   <TL4, AL>
   A-B:                     <TL3, AL>
   B-W:                                 <TL2, AL>
   W-Y:                                       <AL>
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<TL4, AL>
   A:                    TL4~TL3
   B:                                TL3~TL2
   W:                                      -TL2
   Y:                                                   -<AL>

   A:        <--- [TL4, 1]
   B:                        <-- [TL3, 1]
   W:                              <-- [TL2, 1]
   Y:                                             <-- [3, 1]
   VPN:  <--------------------------------------------- [AL]
       X --------------- A ------------ B --- W ---------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-A:   <TL4,ELI,EL,AL>
   A-B:                     <TL3,ELI,EL,AL>
   B-W:                                    <TL2,ELI,EL,AL>
   W-Y:                                          <ELI,EL,AL>
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<TL4,ELI,EL,AL>
   A:                    TL4~TL3
   B:                                   TL3~TL2
   W:                                         -TL2
   Y:                                                      -<ELI,EL,AL>

   LDP:       <--- [L4, 1]  <------- [L3, 1]  <--- [3, 1]
   RSVP-TE:                <-- [Rn, 0]
                                  <-- [3, 0]
       X --------------- A --------- B --- W ---------- Y
   Data Plane:
   X-A:   <L4, ELI, EL>
   A-B:                     <Rn,L3,ELI,EL>
   B-W:                                 <L3,ELI,EL>
   W-Y:                                       <ELI,EL>
   Label Stack Operations:
   X:  +<L4, ELI, EL>
   A:                    <L4~L3>+Rn
   B:                                -Rn
   W:                                      -L3
   Y:                                                   -<ELI, EL>

                  +-----------+                  +----------+
                  |Third-Party|                  |Management|
                  |  Monitor  |          >>>>>>>>|  System  |<<<<<
                  +-----------+          ^       +----------+    ^
                      :   ^              ^                       ^
                      :   |              ^                       ^
   +---------------+  :   |       +-------------+        +-------------+
   | +-----------+ |  :   |       |+-----------+|        |+-----------+|
   | |  Monitor  | |..:...|.......||  Monitor  ||........||  Monitor  ||
   | +-----------+ |      |       |+-----------+|        |+-----------+|
   |               |------+------>|             |------->|             |
   | RTP Sender    |              |RTP Mixer or |        |RTP Receiver |
   |               |              |Translator   |        |             |
   +---------------+              +-------------+        +-------------+

                 /------|   policy    |
      +----+    /       |  server 1   |
      |    |---/        +-------------+
      | UA |                 ...
      |    |---\        +-------------+
      +----+    \       |   policy    |
                 \------|  server n   |

                           domain 1
                 /------|   proxy   |----...
      +----+    /       +-----------+
      |    |---/        +-----------+
      |    |            |  policy   |
      | UA |============|  server   |
      |    |            +-----------+
      |    |****        +-----------+
      +----+    *       |  policy   |

    UA A           Proxy A           Proxy B             UA B
     |                 |                |                 |
     | INVITE offer    |                |                 |
     |---------------->|                |                 | (1)
     | 488             |                |                 |
     | + Policy-Contact|                |                 |
     |<----------------|                |                 | (2)
     | ACK             |                |                 |
     |---------------->|                |                 |
     |                 | PS A           |                 |
     |                    |             |                 |
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     | + InfoOffer        |             |                 |
     |------------------->|             |                 | (3)
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     | + PolicyOffer      |             |                 |
     |<-------------------|             |                 | (4)
     |                    |             |                 |
     |                 |                |                 |
     | INVITE offer'   | INVITE offer'  | INVITE offer'   |
     | + Policy-ID     |                | + Policy-Contact|
     |---------------->|--------------->|---------------->| (5)
     |                 |                |                 |
     |                 |           PS B |                 |
     |                 |             |                    |
     |                 |             | PolicyChannel      |
     |                 |             | + InfoOffer'       |
     |                 |             | + InfoAnswer       |
     |                 |             |<-------------------| (6)
     |                 |             | PolicyChannel      |
     |                 |             | + PolicyOffer      |
     |                 |             | + PolicyAnswer     |
     |                 |             |------------------->| (7)
     |                 |             |                    |

     |                 |                |                 |
     | OK answer'      | OK answer'     | OK answer'      |
     |<----------------|<---------------|<----------------| (8)
     | ACK                                                |
     |                 |                |                 |
     |                    |             |                 |
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     | + InfoOffer'       |             |                 |
     | + InfoAnswer'      |             |                 |
     |------------------->|             |                 | (9)
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     | + PolicyOffer      |             |                 |
     | + PolicyAnswer     |             |                 |
     |<-------------------|             |                 | (10)
     |                    |             |                 |

    UA A           Proxy A            Proxy B            UA B
     |                 |                |                 |
     | INVITE          |                |                 |
     |---------------->|                |                 | (1)
     | 488             |                |                 |
     | + Policy-Contact|                |                 |
     |<----------------|                |                 | (2)
     | ACK             |                |                 |
     |---------------->|                |                 |
     |                 | PS A           |                 |
     |                    |             |                 |
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     |------------------->|             |                 | (3)
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     |<-------------------|             |                 | (4)
     |                    |             |                 |
     |                 |                |                 |
     | INVITE          | INVITE         | INVITE          |
     | + Policy-ID     |                | + Policy-Contact|
     |---------------->|--------------->|---------------->| (5)
     |                 |                |                 |
     |                 |           PS B |                 |
     |                 |             |                    |
     |                 |             | PolicyChannel      |
     |                 |             | + InfoOffer        |
     |                 |             |<-------------------| (6)
     |                 |             | PolicyChannel      |
     |                 |             | + PolicyOffer      |
     |                 |             |------------------->| (7)
     |                 |             |                    |
     |                 |                |                 |
     | OK offer'       | OK offer'      | OK offer'       |
     |<----------------|<---------------|<----------------| (8)
     |                 |                |                 |
     |                    |             |                 |
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     | + InfoOffer'       |             |                 |
     | + InfoAnswer       |             |                 |
     |------------------->|             |                 | (9)
     | PolicyChannel      |             |                 |
     | + PolicyOffer      |             |                 |
     | + PolicyAnswer     |             |                 |
     |<-------------------|             |                 | (10)
     |                    |             |                 |
     | ACK answer'                                        |
     |--------------------------------------------------->| (11)
     |                 |                |                 |
     |                 |             |                    |

     |                 |             | PolicyChannel      |
     |                 |             | + InfoOffer'       |
     |                 |             | + InfoAnswer'      |
     |                 |             |<-------------------| (12)
     |                 |             | PolicyChannel      |
     |                 |             | + PolicyOffer      |
     |                 |             | + PolicyAnswer     |
     |                 |             |------------------->| (13)
     |                 |             |                    |

     Header field          where   proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG UPD
     Policy-ID               R       rd   -   -   -   c   -   -   c
     Policy-Contact          R       a    -   -   -   c   -   -   c
     Policy-Contact         488      a    -   -   -   c   -   -   c
           Table 1: Policy-ID and Policy-Contact Header Fields

     Header field          where   proxy PRA PUB SUB NOT INF MSG REF
     Policy-ID               R       rd   c   -   -   -   -   -   -
     Policy-Contact          R       a    c   -   -   -   -   -   -
     Policy-Contact         488      a    c   -   -   -   -   -   -
           Table 2: Policy-ID and Policy-Contact Header Fields

   Header Field               Parameter Name   Predefined  Reference
   Policy-Contact             non-cacheable       Yes      this document

   UA A       P A      PS A      PS B       P B      UA B
     |         |         |         |         |         |
     |(1) INV <o>        |         |         |         |
     |-------->|         |         |         |         |
     |(2) 488 <ps uri>   |         |         |         |
     |<--------|         |         |         |         |
     |(3) ACK  |         |         |         |         |
     |-------->|         |         |         |         |
     |(4) SUBSCRIBE <o>  |         |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(5) 200 OK         |         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(6) NOTIFY <po>    |         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(7) 200 OK         |         |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(8) INV <ps id, o'>|         |         |         |
     |-------->|         |         |         |         |
     |         |(9) INV <o'>       |         |         |
     |         |---------------------------->|         |
     |         |         |         |         |(10) INV <o', ps uri>
     |         |         |         |         |-------->|
     |         |         |         |(11) SUBSCRIBE <o', a>
     |         |         |         |<------------------|
     |         |         |         |(12) 200 OK        |
     |         |         |         |------------------>|
     |         |         |         |(13) NOTIFY <po, pa>
     |         |         |         |------------------>|
     |         |         |         |(14) 200 OK        |
     |         |         |         |<------------------|
     |         |         |         |         |(15) 200 OK <a'>
     |         |         |         |         |<--------|
     |         |(16) 200 OK <a'>   |         |         |
     |         |<----------------------------|         |
     |(17) 200 OK <a'>   |         |         |         |
     |<--------|         |         |         |         |
     |(18) ACK |         |         |         |         |
     |(19) SUBSCRIBE <o', a'>      |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(20) 200 OK        |         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(21) NOTIFY <po, pa>         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(22) 200 OK        |         |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |         |         |         |         |         |
     |         |         |         |         |         |

   UA A       P A      PS A      PS B       P B      UA B
     |         |         |         |         |         |
     |(1) INV  |         |         |         |         |
     |-------->|         |         |         |         |
     |(2) 488 <ps uri>   |         |         |         |
     |<--------|         |         |         |         |
     |(3) ACK  |         |         |         |         |
     |-------->|         |         |         |         |
     |(4) SUBSCRIBE      |         |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(5) 200 OK         |         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(6) NOTIFY         |         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(7) 200 OK         |         |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(8) INV <ps id>    |         |         |         |
     |-------->|         |         |         |         |
     |         |(9) INV  |         |         |         |
     |         |---------------------------->|         |
     |         |         |         |         |(10) INV <ps uri>
     |         |         |         |         |-------->|
     |         |         |         |(11) SUBSCRIBE <o> |
     |         |         |         |<------------------|
     |         |         |         |(12) 200 OK        |
     |         |         |         |------------------>|
     |         |         |         |(13) NOTIFY <po>   |
     |         |         |         |------------------>|
     |         |         |         |(14) 200 OK        |
     |         |         |         |<------------------|
     |         |         |         |         |(15) 200 OK <o'>
     |         |         |         |         |<--------|
     |         |(16) 200 OK <o'>   |         |         |
     |         |<----------------------------|         |
     |(17) 200 OK <o'>   |         |         |         |
     |<--------|         |         |         |         |
     |(18) SUBSCRIBE <o', a>       |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(19) 200 OK        |         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(20) NOTIFY <po, pa>         |         |         |
     |<------------------|         |         |         |
     |(21) 200 OK        |         |         |         |
     |------------------>|         |         |         |
     |(22) ACK <a'>      |         |         |         |

     |         |         |         |(23) SUBSCRIBE <o', a'>
     |         |         |         |<------------------|
     |         |         |         |(24) 200 OK        |
     |         |         |         |------------------>|
     |         |         |         |(25) NOTIFY <po, pa>
     |         |         |         |------------------>|
     |         |         |         |(26) 200 OK        |
     |         |         |         |<------------------|
     |         |         |         |         |         |
     |         |         |         |         |         |

UA A       P A      PS A      PS B       P B      UA B
  |         |         |         |         |         |
  |         |         |         |         |         |
  |         |         |         |         |         |
  |(1) INV <o>        |         |         |         |
  |-------->|         |         |         |         |
  |         |(2) INV <o, uri PSA>         |         |
  |         |---------------------------->|         |
  |         |         |         |         |(3) INV <o, uri PSA, uri PSB>
  |         |         |         |         |-------->|
  |         |         |(4) SUBSCRIBE <o, a>         |
  |         |         |<----------------------------|
  |         |         |(5) 200 OK         |         |
  |         |         |---------------------------->|
  |         |         |(6) NOTIFY <po, pa>|         |
  |         |         |---------------------------->|
  |         |         |(7) 200 OK         |         |
  |         |         |<----------------------------|
  |         |         |         |(8) SUBSCRIBE <o', a'>
  |         |         |         |<------------------|
  |         |         |         |(9) 200 OK         |
  |         |         |         |------------------>|
  |         |         |         |(10) NOTIFY <po, pa>
  |         |         |         |------------------>|
  |         |         |         |(11) 200 OK        |
  |         |         |         |<------------------|
  |         |         |(12) SUBSCRIBE <o", a">      |
  |         |         |<----------------------------|
  |         |         |(13) 200 OK        |         |
  |         |         |---------------------------->|
  |         |         |(14) NOTIFY <po, pa>         |
  |         |         |---------------------------->|
  |         |         |(15) 200 OK        |         |
  |         |         |<----------------------------|
  |         |         |         |(16) SUBSCRIBE <o", a">

  |         |         |         |<------------------|
  |         |         |         |(17) 200 OK        |
  |         |         |         |------------------>|
  |         |         |         |(18) NOTIFY <po, pa>
  |         |         |         |------------------>|
  |         |         |         |(19) 200 OK        |
  |         |         |         |<------------------|
  |         |         |         |         |(20) 200 OK <a">
  |         |         |         |         |<--------|
  |         |(21) 200 OK <a">   |         |         |
  |         |<----------------------------|         |
  |(22) 200 OK <a">   |         |         |         |
  |<--------|         |         |         |         |
  |(23) ACK |         |         |         |         |
  |         |         |         |         |         |
  |         |         |         |         |         |

   Policy Server          Alice                Bob
       |                   |                   |
       |(1) SUBSCRIBE      |                   |
       |<------------------|                   |
       |(2) 200 OK         |                   |
       |------------------>|                   |
       |(3) NOTIFY         |                   |
       |------------------>|                   |
       |(4) 200 OK         |                   |
       |<------------------|                   |
       |                   |(5) INVITE         |
       |                   |------------------>|
       |                   |                   |
       |                   |(6) 200 OK         |
       |                   |<------------------|
       |                   |(7) ACK            |
       |                   |------------------>|
       |(8) SUBSCRIBE      |                   |
       |<------------------|                   |
       |(9) 200 OK         |                   |
       |------------------>|                   |
       |(10) NOTIFY        |                   |
       |------------------>|                   |
       |(11) 200 OK        |                   |
       |<------------------|                   |
       |                   |                   |

   s_1 --------> |            |
    .   Source   | Source     |      +--------+ +--------+ +--------+
    .   Flows    | Block      |==> ..|SB_(j+1)| |  SB_j  | |SB_(j-1)| ..
   s_n --------> | Generation |      +--------+ +--------+ +--------+

         +-------...-----+-------...-----+-      -+-------...-----+
         |   Payload_1   |   Payload_2   |  . . . |   Payload_n   |
         +-------...-----+-------...-----+-      -+-------...-----+
         \______  _______|______  _______|        |______  _______|
                \/              \/                       \/
            FID_1,Len_1     FID_2,Len_2              FID_n,Len_n

         +--------+ +--------+ +--------+        |      | -------> r_1
      .. |SB_(j+1)| |  SB_j  | |SB_(j-1)| .. ==> | FEC  |  Repair   .
         +--------+ +--------+ +--------+        |Scheme|  Flows    .
                                                 |      | -------> r_k

        <------------------ Source Block (SB) ------------------->
        |          |          |          |              |          |
        +-------...-----+-------...-----+-      -+-------...-----+ |
        |   Payload_1   |   Payload_2   |  . . . |   Payload_n   |0|
        +-------...-----+-------...-----+-      -+-------...-----+ |
        |          |          |          |              |          |
        | Symbol_1 | Symbol_2 | Symbol_3 |      . . .   | Symbol_m |
        |<-------->|<-------->|<-------->|              |<-------->|

        Symbol_1,..,Symbol_m => | FEC  | => Symbol_u,..,Symbol_1
                                | Enc. |

                   <-------- Source Block 1 -------->
                   | $1 $2 $3 $4| #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 | 0..00
                   \__________________  __________________/
                         @1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 @9 @10

                   <---- Source Block 2 ---->
                   | $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 | #7 #8 |0..00
                   \______________  _____________/
                     @11 @12 @13 @14 @15 @16 @17

            <-------- Source Block 1 -------->
            | $1 $2 X  X | #1 X  #3 #4 #5 #6 |

         tt                      tt                      tt
   |<---------->|          |<---------->|          |<---------->|
   |            |          |            |          |            |
   +------------+          +------------+          +------------+
   |  Packet 1  |          |  Packet 2  |          |  Packet 3  |
   +------------+          +------------+          +------------+
   |                       |                       |
       packet interval 1       packet interval 2

   |   Domain 5                                                      |
   |                              -----                              |
   |                             |PCE 5|                             |
   |                              -----                              |
   |                                                                 |
   |    ----------------     ----------------     ----------------   |
   |   | Domain 1       |   | Domain 2       |   | Domain 3       |  |
   |   |                |   |                |   |                |  |
   |   |        -----   |   |        -----   |   |        -----   |  |
   |   |       |PCE 1|  |   |       |PCE 2|  |   |       |PCE 3|  |  |
   |   |        -----   |   |        -----   |   |        -----   |  |
   |   |                |   |                |   |                |  |
   |   |            ----|   |----        ----|   |----            |  |
   |   |           |BN11+---+BN21|      |BN23+---+BN31|           |  |
   |   |   -        ----|   |----        ----|   |----        -   |  |
   |   |  |S|           |   |                |   |           |D|  |  |
   |   |   -        ----|   |----        ----|   |----        -   |  |
   |   |           |BN12+---+BN22|      |BN24+---+BN32|           |  |
   |   |            ----|   |----        ----|   |----            |  |
   |   |                |   |                |   |                |  |
   |   |         ----   |   |                |   |   ----         |  |
   |   |        |BN13|  |   |                |   |  |BN33|        |  |
   |    -----------+----     ----------------     ----+-----------   |
   |                \                                /               |
   |                 \       ----------------       /                |
   |                  \     |                |     /                 |
   |                   \    |----        ----|    /                  |
   |                    ----+BN41|      |BN42+----                   |
   |                       |----        ----|                        |
   |                       |                |                        |
   |                       |        -----   |                        |
   |                       |       |PCE 4|  |                        |
   |                       |        -----   |                        |
   |                       |                |                        |
   |                       | Domain 4       |                        |
   |                        ----------------                         |
   |                                                                 |

                      | Domain 5                   |
                      |            ----            |
                      |           |PCE5|           |
                      |            ----            |
                      |                            |
                      |   ----     ----     ----   |
                      |  |    |---|    |---|    |  |
                      |  | D1 |   | D2 |   | D3 |  |
                      |  |    |---|    |---|    |  |
                      |   ----     ----     ----   |
                      |    \       ----      /     |
                      |     \     |    |    /      |
                      |       ----| D4 |----       |
                      |           |    |           |
                      |            ----            |
                      |                            |

           +----+  +----+                                +----+  +----+
           |Imp1|  |Imp1|           ,---.                |Imp2|  |Imp2|
           +----+  +----+          /     \    +-------+  +----+  +----+
             | V100 | V200        /       \   | Tunnel|   | V300  | V400
             |      |            (         )  | Head  |   |       |
            +--------+  +------+ |         |__| Router|  +----------+
            |Ethernet|  |Tunnel| |Internet |  +---B---+  |Ethernet  |
            |Switch  |--|Head  |-|         |      |      |Switch    |
            +-+--+---+  |Router| |         |  +---+---+--+--+--+----+
              |__|      +--A---+ (         )  |Network|     |__|
                                  \       /   |Emulat.|
            U-turn                 \     /    |"netem"|     U-turn
            V300 to V400            `-+-'     +-------+     V100 to V200

           Implementations                  ,---.       +--------+
                               +~~~~~~~~~~~/     \~~~~~~| Remote |
            +------->-----F2->-|          /       \     |->---.  |
            | +---------+      | Tunnel  (         )    |     |  |
            | | transmit|-F1->-|   ID 1  (         )    |->.  |  |
            | | Imp 1   |      +~~~~~~~~~|         |~~~~|  |  |  |
            | | receive |-<--+           (         )    | F1  F2 |
            | +---------+    |           |Internet |    |  |  |  |
            *-------<-----+  F1          |         |    |  |  |  |
              +---------+ |  | +~~~~~~~~~|         |~~~~|  |  |  |
              | transmit|-*  *-|         |         |    |<-*  |  |
              | Imp 2   |      | Tunnel  (         )    |     |  |
              | receive |-<-F2-|   ID 2   \       /     |<----*  |
              +---------+      +~~~~~~~~~~~\     /~~~~~~| Switch |
                                            `-+-'       +--------+

   Cache                         Router
     ~                             ~
     | <----- Reset Query -------- | R requests data (or Serial Query)
     |                             |
     | ----- Cache Response -----> | C confirms request
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> | C sends zero or more
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> |   IPv4 and IPv6 Prefix
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> |   Payload PDUs
     | ------  End of Data ------> | C sends End of Data
     |                             |   and sends new serial
     ~                             ~

   Cache                         Router
     ~                             ~
     | -------- Notify ----------> |  (optional)
     |                             |
     | <----- Serial Query ------- | R requests data
     |                             |
     | ----- Cache Response -----> | C confirms request
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> | C sends zero or more
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> |   IPv4 and IPv6 Prefix
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> |   Payload PDUs
     | ------  End of Data ------> | C sends End of Data
     |                             |   and sends new serial
     ~                             ~

   Cache                         Router
     ~                             ~
     | <-----  Serial Query ------ | R requests data
     | ------- Cache Reset ------> | C cannot supply update
     |                             |   from specified serial
     | <------ Reset Query ------- | R requests new data
     | ----- Cache Response -----> | C confirms request
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> | C sends zero or more
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> |   IPv4 and IPv6 Prefix
     | ------- IPvX Prefix ------> |   Payload PDUs
     | ------  End of Data ------> | C sends End of Data
     |                             |   and sends new serial
     ~                             ~

   Cache                         Router
     ~                             ~
     | <-----  Serial Query ------ | R requests data
     | ---- Error Report PDU ----> | C No Data Available
     ~                             ~

   Cache                         Router
     ~                             ~
     | <-----  Reset Query ------- | R requests data
     | ---- Error Report PDU ----> | C No Data Available
     ~                             ~

                            +-------------+ ========== +----------+
                            |   Attacker  |-AuthProto--|AAA Server|
                            +-------------+ ========== +----------+
   +--------------+ ========== +----------------+
   |AuthorizedUser|-AuthProto--|Decoy AAA Server|
   +--------------+ ========== +----------------+

                        Encoding Symbol Length (E)
   < -------------------------------------------------------------- >
   |F[0]|L[0]|        ADU[0]         |            Pad[0]            |
   |F[1]|L[1]| ADU[1]   |                         Pad[1]            |
   |F[2]|L[2]|                    ADU[2]                            |
   |F[3]|L[3]|ADU[3]|                             Pad[3]            |
   \_______________________________  _______________________________/
                          simple FEC encoding

               Host A                               Host B
      ------------------------             ------------------------
      Address A1    Address A2             Address B1    Address B2
      ----------    ----------             ----------    ----------
          |             |                      |             |
          |     (initial connection setup)     |             |
          |----------------------------------->|             |
          |<-----------------------------------|             |
          |             |                      |             |
          |            (additional subflow setup)            |
          |             |--------------------->|             |
          |             |<---------------------|             |
          |             |                      |             |
          |             |                      |             |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |    Length     |Subtype|                       |
      +---------------+---------------+-------+                       |
      |                     Subtype-specific data                     |
      |                       (variable length)                       |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |    Length     |Subtype|Version|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|
      |                   Option Sender's Key (64 bits)               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                  Option Receiver's Key (64 bits)              |
      |                     (if option Length == 20)                  |
      |                                                               |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |  Length = 12  |Subtype|     |B|   Address ID  |
      |                   Receiver's Token (32 bits)                  |
      |                Sender's Random Number (32 bits)               |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |  Length = 16  |Subtype|     |B|   Address ID  |
      |                                                               |
      |                Sender's Truncated HMAC (64 bits)              |
      |                                                               |
      |                Sender's Random Number (32 bits)               |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |  Length = 24  |Subtype|      (reserved)       |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                   Sender's HMAC (160 bits)                    |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |

              Host A                                  Host B
     ------------------------                       ----------
     Address A1    Address A2                       Address B1
     ----------    ----------                       ----------
         |             |                                |
         |            SYN + MP_CAPABLE(Key-A)           |
         |          SYN/ACK + MP_CAPABLE(Key-B)         |
         |             |                                |
         |        ACK + MP_CAPABLE(Key-A, Key-B)        |
         |             |                                |
         |             |   SYN + MP_JOIN(Token-B, R-A)  |
         |             |------------------------------->|
         |             |<-------------------------------|
         |             | SYN/ACK + MP_JOIN(HMAC-B, R-B) |
         |             |                                |
         |             |     ACK + MP_JOIN(HMAC-A)      |
         |             |------------------------------->|
         |             |<-------------------------------|
         |             |             ACK                |

                          1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |     Kind      |    Length     |Subtype| (reserved) |F|m|M|a|A|
     |           Data ACK (4 or 8 octets, depending on flags)       |
     |   Data sequence number (4 or 8 octets, depending on flags)   |
     |              Subflow Sequence Number (4 octets)              |
     |  Data-Level Length (2 octets) |      Checksum (2 octets)     |

                          1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |                                                              |
     |                Data Sequence Number (8 octets)               |
     |                                                              |
     |              Subflow Sequence Number (4 octets)              |
     |  Data-Level Length (2 octets) |        Zeros (2 octets)      |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |     Length    |Subtype|     |B| AddrID (opt) |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |     Length    |Subtype| IPVer |  Address ID   |
      |          Address (IPv4 - 4 octets / IPv6 - 16 octets)         |
      |   Port (2 octets, optional)   |

                        1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Kind      |  Length = 3+n |Subtype|(resvd)|   Address ID  | ...
                              (followed by n-1 Address IDs, if required)

                            1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |     Kind      |    Length     |Subtype|      (reserved)       |
       |                      Option Receiver's Key                    |
       |                            (64 bits)                          |
       |                                                               |

                           1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Kind      |   Length=12   |Subtype|      (reserved)      |
      |                                                              |
      |                 Data Sequence Number (8 octets)              |
      |                                                              |

        Host A                             Host B
         |              Middlebox M            |
         |                   |                 |
         |  SYN(MP_CAPABLE)  |        SYN      |
         |                SYN/ACK              |
     a) MP_CAPABLE option stripped on outgoing path

       Host A                               Host B
         |            SYN(MP_CAPABLE)          |
         |             Middlebox M             |
         |                 |                   |
         |    SYN/ACK      |SYN/ACK(MP_CAPABLE)|
     b) MP_CAPABLE option stripped on return path

         |               | Main Content +-----------+
         |   Main RTP    |------------->|           | Output Content
         |   Content     |              |  Splicer  |--------------->
         +---------------+   ---------->|           |
                            |           +-----------+
                            | Substitutive Content
                  |   Substitutive RTP    |
                  |       Content         |
                  |          or           |
                  |   Local File Storage  |

         /                                  \
         |      Traffic Encap'd to Site's   |
         |    +-----+    RLOC(s)            |        LISP Site:
         |    |P-ITR|=========>             |
         |    +-----+                    +--+      +-----+ |
         |       |                       |PE+------+CE 1 |-|
         |       | Originated Route      +--+      +-----+ | +----+
         |       V            |              |-|Host|
         |                               +--|      +-----+ | +----+
         |                               |PE+------+CE 2 |-|
         |                +---+          +--+      +-----+ |
         \                |PE |             /
          '---------------+-+-+------------'        Site EID-Prefix:
                            |       ^
                            |       |
                         +--+--+    | Traffic
         Non LISP Site:  | CE  |    |  to
                         +--+--+    |
                            |       |

             +-----------------+            +-----------------+
             | Domain A        |            | Domain B        |
             |       +---------+            +---------+       |
             |       | ITR A   |----------->| ETR B   |       |
             |       +---------+            +---------+       |
             |                 |            |                 |
             +-----------------+            +-----------------+

        +----------+                             +-------------+
        | LISP     |                             | non-LISP    |
        | Domain A |                             | Domain B    |
        |  +-------+        +-----------+        |             |
        |  | ETR A |<-------| Proxy-ITR |<-------|             |
        |  +-------+        +-----------+        |             |
        |          |                             |             |
        +----------+                             +-------------+

         +----------+                             +-------------+
         | LISP     |                             | non-LISP    |
         | Domain A |                             | Domain B    |
         |  +-------+        +-----------+        |             |
         |  | ITR A |------->| Proxy-ETR |------->|             |
         |  +-------+        +-----------+        |             |
         |          |                             |             |
         +----------+                             +-------------+

            +-----------------+              +-----------------+
            | Domain A        |              | Domain B        |
            |       +---------+              |                 |
            |       | ITR A.1 |---           |                 |
            |       +---------+    \         +---------+       |
            |                 |      ------->| ETR B   |       |
            |                 |      ------->|         |       |
            |       +---------+    /         |         |       |
            |       | ITR A.2 |---      -----| ITR B   |       |
            |       |         |       /      +---------+       |
            |       | ETR A.2 |<-----        |                 |
            |       +---------+              |                 |
            |                 |              |                 |
            +-----------------+              +-----------------+

      |Version Number |           Time before Wrap-Around          |
      |  Size (bits)  +---------------------+----------------------+
      |               |Granularity: Minutes | Granularity: Seconds |
      |               | (mapping changes    | (mapping changes     |
      |               |  every 1 minute)    |  every 1 second)     |
      |          32   |   8171   years      |  136   years         |
      |          30   |   2042   years      |   34   years         |
      |          24   |     31   years      |  194   days          |
      |          16   |     45   days       |   18   hours         |
      |          15   |     22   days       |    9   hours         |
      |          14   |     11   days       |    4   hours         |
      |          13   |      5.6 days       |    2.2 hours         |
      |          12   |      2.8 days       |    1.1 hours         |

                |                                        |
    No Static   |            No Dynamic        Success   |    Success
     +-->--+    |             +-->--+      +--->----->---+    +-->--+
     |     |    |             |     |      |             |    |     |
     |     v    |             |     v      |             v    |     v
   +-----------------+   +---------------------+   +-------------------+
   | No Context (NC) |   | Static Context (SC) |   | Full Context (FC) |
   +-----------------+   +---------------------+   +-------------------+
      ^                         |        ^                         |
      |  Static Context         |        | Context Damage Assumed  |
      |  Damage Assumed         |        |                         |
      +-----<------<------<-----+        +-----<------<------<-----+

      list: | item 1 | item 2 |       | item n |

                   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         PS = 1: | X | Reserved  |     Index     |

           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
         |     XI_k      |    XI_k + 1   |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |              MSN              |

      |  Opt Type = 2 |  Opt Len = 0  |

      |  Opt Type = 3 |  Opt Len = 0  |

        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
      |  Opt Type = 9 |  Opt Len = 0  |

   The network configuration illustrated in Figure 3 shows a typical
   topology of a data center network.  Servers are hierarchically
   connected through Top-of-Rack (ToR) switches, also known as access
   switches, and each set of racks is aggregated through an End-of-Row
   (EoR) switch.  The EoR switches are aggregated to the core switches,
   which may be connected to other clouds, such as an external WAN or a
   native FC SAN.
                        _   __               _   __
                       / \_/  \_            / \_/  \_
                       \_       \           \_       \ ....
                       /  SAN  _/           /  WAN  _/
                       \__   _/             \__   _/
                          \_/                  \_/
                           |                    |
                           |                    |
                        +------+            +------+
       Core             |      |            |      |
       FCoE over        |      |            |      |
       RBridge          |      |            |      |
       (FCRB)           +------+            +------+
                           |    \___    ___/     |
                           |        \  /         |
                           |         \/          |
       EoR              +----+_______/\_______+----+
       FCoE over        |    |                |    |
       RBridge          |    |                |    |
       (FCRB)           +----+                +----+
                        /    \                /    \
                       /      \              /      \
       ToR         +---+      +---+      +---+      +---+
       FCoE over   |   |      |   |      |   |      |   |
       RBridge     |   |      |   |      |   |      |   |
       (FCRB)      +---+      +---+      +---+      +---+
                    / \        / \        / \        / \
                   /   \      /   \      /   \      /   \
                 +-+   +-+  +-+   +-+  +-+   +-+  +-+   +-+
       Servers/  | |   | |  | |   | |  | |   | |  | |   | |
       ENodes    +-+   +-+  +-+   +-+  +-+   +-+  +-+   +-+
                  A     B    C     D    E     F    G     H

    +--------+          +--------+         +-----------+
    | DHCP   |   DHCP   | Device |   XML   | Recipient | e.g., Presence
    | Server |--------->|        |-------->|           |       Agent
    +--------+          +--------+         +-----------+

                            | |    (''''')
                            | |     `---'
                            | |
                            | |               ,---------,
                            | |    ,---,      |Emergency|
                            | |   /|,-.|----->| Number  |
                            | |  / |110|      '---------'
                            | | /  |`-'|
                            |_|/   | 2 |      ,---------,
                            | |    | 1 |      |Lamp Post|
                            | |    | 2 |----->| Number  |
                            |-|    | 1 |      '---------'
                            | |\   | 0 |
                            | | \  | 1 |
                            | |  \ | 4 |
                            | |   \|,,,|
                      _     | |

                  +---+.1    .2+---+
                  +---+                           +---+

                        Encoding Symbol Length (E)
   < ----------------------------------------------------------------- >
   |F[0]|  L[0]  |        ADU[0]         |            Pad[0]           |
   |F[1]|  L[1]  | ADU[1]   |                         Pad[1]           |
   |F[2]|  L[2]  |                    ADU[2]                           |
   |F[3]|  L[3]  |ADU[3]|                             Pad[3]           |
   \_________________________________  ________________________________/
                            simple FEC encoding

         |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
         |                                                  |
         |          |<------- Pseudowire  ------>|          |
         |          |                            |          |
         |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnels-->|    |          |
         |          V    V                  V    V          |
         V    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   V
   +-----+    |     | PE1|==================|    |     |    +-----+
   |     |----------|....|...PW1.(active)...|....|----------|     |
   |     |          |    |==================|    |          | CE2 |
   | CE1 |          +----+                  |PE2 |          |     |
   |     |          +----+                  |    |          +-----+
   |     |          |    |==================|    |
   |     |----------|....|...PW2.(standby)..|    |
   +-----+    |     | PE3|==================|    |
              AC    +----+                  +----+

             |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
             |                                                  |
             |          |<------- Pseudowire  ------>|          |
             |          |                            |          |
             |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnels-->|    |          |
             |          V    V    (not shown)   V    V          |
             V    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   V
       +-----+    |     |....|.......PW1........|....|     |    +-----+
       |     |----------| PE1|......   .........| PE3|----------|     |
       | CE1 |          +----+      \ /  PW3    +----+          | CE2 |
       |     |          +----+       X          +----+          |     |
       |     |          |    |....../ \..PW4....|    |          |     |
       |     |----------| PE2|                  | PE4|--------- |     |
       +-----+    |     |....|.....PW2..........|....|     |    +-----+
                  AC    +----+                  +----+    AC

       Native   |<-----------Pseudowire ------------->| Native
       Service  |                                     | Service
        (AC)    |     |<-PSN1-->|     |<-PSN2-->|     |  (AC)
          |     V     V         V     V         V     V   |
          |     +-----+         +-----+         +-----+   |
   +----+ |     |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|   |   +----+
   |    |-------|......PW1-Seg1.......|PW1-Seg2.......|-------|    |
   |    |       |     |=========|     |=========|     |       |    |
   | CE1|       +-----+         +-----+         +-----+       |    |
   |    |         |.|           +-----+         +-----+       | CE2|
   |    |         |.|===========|     |=========|     |       |    |
   |    |         |.....PW2-Seg1......|.PW2-Seg2......|-------|    |
   +----+         |=============|S-PE2|=========|T-PE4|   |   +----+
                                +-----+         +-----+   AC

       Native   |<-----------Pseudowire ------------->|  Native
       Service  |                                     |  Service
        (AC)    |     |<-PSN1-->|     |<-PSN2-->|     |   (AC)
          |     V     V         V     V         V     V    |
          |                     +-----+                    |
          |       |=============|     |=============|      |
          |       |.....PW3-Seg1......|.PW3-Seg2....|      |
          |       |.|===========|S-PE3|===========|.|      |
          |       |.|           +-----+           |.|      |
          |     +-----+         +-----+         +-----+    |
   +----+ |     |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|    |  +----+
   |    |-------|......PW1-Seg1.......|PW1-Seg2.......|-------|    |
   |    |       |     |=========|     |=========|     |       |    |
   | CE1|       +-----+         +-----+         +-----+       |    |
   |    |       |.| |.|         +-----+         +-----+       | CE2|
   |    |       |.| |.|=========|     |=========|     |       |    |
   |    |       |.| |...PW2-Seg1......|.PW2-Seg2......|-------|    |
   +----+       |.| |===========|S-PE2|=========|T-PE4|    |  +----+
                |.|             +-----+         +-----+    AC
                |.|             +-----+           |.|
                |.|=============|     |===========|.|

       Native   |<------------Pseudowire ------------>|  Native
       Service  |                                     |  Service
        (AC)    |     |<-PSN1-->|     |<-PSN2-->|     |  (AC)
          |     V     V         V     V         V     V   |
          |     +-----+         +-----+         +-----+   |
   +----+ |     |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|   |   +----+
   |    |-------|......PW1-Seg1.......|.PW1-Seg2......|-------|    |
   | CE1|       |     |=========|     |=========|     |       | CE2|
   |    |       +-----+         +-----+         +-----+       |    |
   +----+        |.||.|                          |.||.|       +----+
                 |.||.|         +-----+          |.||.|
                 |.||.|=========|     |========== .||.|
                 |.| ===========|S-PE2|============ |.|
                 |.|            +-----+             |.|
                 |.|============+-----+============= .|
                 |.....PW3-Seg1.|     | PW3-Seg2......|
                                |     |

                   Alice                            Bob
                  | (1) Offer (SRTP and RTP)         |
                  |                                  |
                  | (2) Answer (RTP)                 |
                  |                                  |

        Alice             P1             Bob
         +---INV--------->|               |  Line 1
         |                |               |
         |<---------100---+               |  Line 2
         |                |               |
         |                +---INV-------->|  Line 3
         |                |               |
         |                |<--------100---+  Line 4
         |                |               |
         |                |<--------180---+  Line 5
         |                |               |
         |<---------180---+               |  Line 6
         |                |               |
         |                |<--------200---+  Line 7
         |                |               |
         |<---------200---+               |  Line 8
         |                |               |
         +---ACK--------->|               |  Line 9
         |                |               |
         |                |---ACK-------->|  Line 10

   Figure 2 depicts the call flow.
                           Bob            Bob
        Alice      P2   (Instance 1) (Instance 2)
         +---INV--->|          |         |  Line 1
         |          |          |         |
         |<---100---+          |         |  Line 2
         |          |          |         |
         |          +---INV--->|         |  Line 3
         |          |          |         |
         |          +---INV----+-------->|  Line 4
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---100---+         |  Line 5
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---------+---100---+  Line 6
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---180---+---------+  Line 7
         |          |          |         |
         |<---180---+          |         |  Line 8
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---180---+         |  Line 9
         |          |          |         |
         |<---180---+          |         |  Line 10
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---200---+         |  Line 11
         |          |          |         |
         |<---200---+          |         |  Line 12
         |          |          |         |
         |          +---CANCEL-+-------->|  Line 13
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---------+---487---+  Line 14
         |          |          |         |
         |          +---ACK----+-------->|  Line 15
         |          |          |         |
         |          |<---------+---200---+  Line 16

   ||| P2P Application  |||
   |||    Windows XP    |||
   |||        +--+      |||
   ||+--------|N |------+||
   ||  VMware |e |       ||
   |+---------|t |-------+|
   |   Linux  |IF| capture|
   +----------|  |--------+

   +---------+   GetLocation    +-------------GeoIP DB Server---------+
   |         |  +-----------+   |   +----------+      +-----------+   |
   |         |--|IP Address |-->|   | GeoIP DB |      |BGP daemon |   |
   |         |  +-----------+   |   +----------+      +-----------+   |
   |         |                  | +-------------+  +----------------+ |
   |         |  +-----------+   | |  District   |  |    Routing     | |
   |         |--|AS Code:   |---| | Information |  |Information(BGP)| |
   |         |  |Regional   |   | |             |  |                | |
   |P2P Peers|  |Information|   | |   Range of  |  |AS Code(origin) | |
   |   or    |  +-----------+   | | IP Addresses|  |                | |
   | Control |                  | +-------------+  +----------------+ |
   | Server  |                  +-------------------------------------+
   |         |                                  |      ^
   |         |  PeerSelection                   v      |
   |         |  +-----------+   +--------------------------------------+
   |         |--|IP Address |-->| +--Priority Node Selection System--+ |
   |         |  |    List   |   | |                                  | |
   |         |  +-----------+   | |     Peer Candidate Ranking       | |
   |         |  +-----------+   | |                                  | |
   |         |--|  Ranking  |-->| +----------------------------------+ |
   |         |  +-----------+   +--------------------------------------+

                                  |  v6  |
                                  | host |
                                /         \
                               /   IPv6    \
                              |   Internet  |
                               \           /
      UE / Mobile Phone         `---------'
   +----------------------+          |
   | +----+    |          |      .---+---.                   .------.
   | | v6 +----+   +------+     /         \     +------+    /        \
   | +----+    |   |      |    / IPv6 PDP  \    |      |   /   IPv4   \
   |           +---+ CLAT +---+ Mobile Core +---+ PLAT +--+  Internet  |
   |           |   |      |    \    GGSN   /    |      |   \          /
   |           |   +------+     \         '     +------+    `----+---'
   | +-----+   |          |      `-------'                       |
   | | v4p +---+          |                                   +--+---+
   | +-----+   |          |                                   | v4g  |
   +----------------------+                                   | host |

                      Uplink 1            Uplink 2
                         |                   |
                     +---+---+           +---+---+
               +---- |Gateway| --------- |Gateway| -----+
               |     +-------+           +-------+      |
               |          Enterprise Network            |
               |   +------+     +------+    +------+    |
               |   | APP  |     |DHCPv6|    |  DNS |    |
               |   |Server|     |Server|    |Server|    |
               |   +---+--+     +---+--+    +--+---+    |
               |       |            |          |        |
               |    ---+--+---------+------+---+-       |
               |          |                |            |
               |       +--+---+        +---+--+         |
               |       |Router|        |Router|         |
               |       +--+---+        +---+--+         |
               |          |                |            |
               |     -+---+----+-------+---+--+-        |
               |      |        |       |      |         |
               |    +-+--+  +--+-+  +--+-+  +-+--+      |
               |    |Host|  |Host|  |Host|  |Host|      |
               |    +----+  +----+  +----+  +----+      |

      .......                                        .......
      . --- .    ---      ---       ---      ---     . --- .
      .|CE1|----|PE1|----|P1 |-----|P2 |----|PE2|-----|CE2|.
      . --- .    ---      ---       ---      ---     . --- .
      .......     |                           |      .......
      (VPN1)      |                           |      (VPN1)
                  |                           |
      .......     |                           |      .......
      . --- .     |                           |      . --- .
      .|CE3|------+                           +-------|CE4|.
      . --- .                                        . --- .
      .......                                        .......
      (VPN2)                                         (VPN2)

        <--------Customer MPLS-TE LSP for VPN2-------->
                  ^                           ^
                  |                           |
             VRF instance                VRF instance

       (                                           )
       (        IPv6 Clients in the Internet       )
                      |  Ingress  |
                      |  router   |
                      | IPv6 stack|
                      | HTTP proxy|
                      | IPv4 stack|
                      | IPv4 stack|
                      |   HTTP    |
                      |  server   |

         +------------+           | NAT or firewall |
         | PCP client |-<network>-+      with       +---<Internet>
         +------------+           |    PCP server   |

       CLOSE_MSG or
      (NO_TRAFFIC and EXPIRY)   +---------+  NO_TRAFFIC and EXPIRY
                +-------------->|         |<------------+
                |               |NO_ENTRY |             |
                |   +-----------|         |---------+   |
                |   |           +---------+         |   |
                |   |              ^  |             |   |
                |   |   NO_TRAFFIC |  |             |   |
                |   |           or |  |             |   |
                |   |   CLOSE_MSGS |  |             |   |
                |   |              |  |             |   |
                |   |PEER request  |  |  MAP request|   |
                |   V              |  |             V   |
             +---------+           |  |         +---------+
         +-->|  "P",   |           |  |    M-R  |  "M",   |<--+
     P-R |   | PEER    |-----------|--|-------->| MAP     |   | M-R or
         +---|  mapping|           |  |         |  mapping|---+ P-R or
             +---------+           |  |         +---------+  CLOSE_MSGS
                |   ^              |  |             ^   |
                |   |PEER request  |  |  MAP request|   |
                |   |              |  |             |   |
                |   |              |  |             |   |
                |   |              |  |             |   |
                |   |              |  | outbound    |   |
                |   |              |  | TRAFFIC     |   |
                |   |              |  V             |   |
                |   |           +---------+         |   |
                |   +-----------| "I",    |---------+   |
                |               | implicit|             |
                +-------------->| mapping |<------------+
            TRAFFIC and EXPIRY  +---------+  TRAFFIC and EXPIRY

                                   |       Internet
                   ............... | ...................
                                   |       ISP network
                   External pool:  |
                               ++------++  External realm
                   ........... |  CGN   |...............
                               ++------++  Internal realm
               |    |
                                 |    |
                                 |    |    ISP network
                   ............. | .. | ................
                                 |    |  Customer premises
             |    |
                         ++------++  ++------++
                         |  CPE1  |  |  CPE2  |  etc.
                         ++------++  ++------++

                  X1:x1            X1':x1'            X2:x2
                  +---+from X1:x1  +---+from X1:x1    +---+
                  | C |  to X2:x2  |   |  to X2:x2    | S |
                  | l |>>>>>>>>>>>>| C |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| e |
                  | i |            | G |              | r |
                  | e |<<<<<<<<<<<<| N |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| v |
                  | n |from X2:x2  |   |from X2:x2    | e |
                  | t |  to X1:x1  |   |  to X1:x1    | r |
                  +---+            +---+              +---+

               +-------+  +--------+    +--------+
               |  R1   |  |   R2   | PRI|   R3   |
               | UR/HE |--| HE/MID |----| MP/T/E |
               |       |  |  PLR   |----|        |
               +-------+  +--------+ BKP+--------+

             +-------+    +--------+    +--------+
             |  R1   |    |  R2    |    |   R3   |
             | UR/HE |    | HE/MID |PRI | MP/T/E |
             |       |----|  PLR   |----|        |
             +-------+    +--------+    +--------+
                              |BKP               |
                              |    +--------+    |
                              |    |   R6   |    |
                              |----|  BKP   |----|
                                   |   MID  |

             +--------+    +--------+    +--------+      +--------+
             |  R1    |    | R2     |PRI |   R3   |PRI   |   R4   |
             |  UR/HE |----| HE/MID |----| MP/MID |------|  T/E   |
             |        |    | PLR    |----|        |      |        |
             +--------+    +--------+ BKP+--------+      +--------+

             +--------+    +--------+    +--------+      +--------+
             |  R1    |    |  R2    |PRI |   R3   | PRI  |   R4   |
             | UR/HE  |----| HE/MID |----|  MID   |------| MP/T/E |
             |        |    |  PLR   |    |        |      |        |
             +--------+    +--------+    +--------+      +--------+
                             |BKP                          |

         +--------+  +--------+PRI+--------+PRI+--------+PRI+--------+
         |  R1    |  |  R2    |   |   R3   |   |   R4   |   |   R5   |
         | UR/HE  |--| HE/MID |---| MID    |---|  MP    |---|  T/E   |
         |        |  |  PLR   |   |        |   |        |   |        |
         +--------+  +--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+
                     BKP|                          |

        T' {not valid yet} |---------------------|----------------
                           |  translation stage  |
        T  ----------------|---------------------| {no longer valid}
                         refresh         refresh + expiry

      Bit    | Bit  | Meaning                                | Reference
      Number | Name |                                        |
        0    |   S  | SONET/SDH Test support                 | RFC 6898
        1    |   D  | DWDM support                           | RFC 6898
        2    |   C  | Data Channel consistency check support | RFC 6898

                                    _(      )_
                 :-----------------( Internet )---------------:
                 |                  (_      _)                |
                 |                    '----'                  |
                 |                                            |
                 :                                            |
      (IPv4 Traffic Offload Point)                            |
                 :                                            |
                 |                                            |
                 |                              |             |
      +--------+ |                   +---------------------+  |
      |  Local | |                   | Services requiring  |  |
      |Services| |                   | mobility, or service|  |
      +--------+ |                   | treatment           |  |
           |     |                   +---------------------+  |
           |   +---+                            |             |
           |   |NAT|                            |             |
           |   +---+                            |             |
           +-----|            _----_            |             |
              +-----+       _(      )_       +-----+          |
      [MN]----| MAG |======(    IP    )======| LMA |----------
              +-----+       (_      _)       +-----+  Internet
          [Access Network]       .        [Home Network]

      MN    MAG(NAT)   LMA
      |------>|        |    1.  Mobile Node Attach
      |       |------->|    2.  Proxy Binding Update (IPv4TS)
      |       |<-------|    3.  Proxy Binding Acknowledgement (IPv4TS)
      |       |========|    4.  Tunnel/Route Setup
      |       +        |    5.  Installing the traffic offload rules
      |------>|        |    6.  IPv4 packet from mobile node
      |       +        |    7.  Offload rule applied (Tunnel/offload)
      |       |        |

       Caller                     Callee
       sip:123@a.com              sip:456@b.com
         |                          |
         | INVITE sip:456@b.com     |         [original call]
         | From: sip:123@a.com      |
         |                          |
         | 487                      |
         | Call-Info:<sip:456@z.b.com>;purpose=call-completion;m=NR
         |                          |
         | SUBSCRIBE sip:456@z.b.com;m=NR     [initial SUBSCRIBE]
         | From: sip:123@a.com      |
         | Contact: sip:123@y.a.com |
         | Request-Disposition: parallel
         | Call-Id: abcd-efgh       |
         | Event: call-completion   |
         |                          |
         | 200                      |
         |                          |
         | NOTIFY sip:123@y.a.com   |         [initial NOTIFY]
         | Body: cc-state: queued   |
         |                          |
         | SUBSCRIBE sip:456@b.com;m=NR       [another init. SUB.]
         | From: sip:foo@example.com|
         | Request-Disposition: parallel
         | Call-Id: abcd-efgh       |
         | Event: call-completion   |
         |                          |
         | 482                      |         [duplicate SUB. rej.]
         |                          |
         | NOTIFY sip:123@y.a.com   |         [CC invoked]
         | Body: cc-state: ready    |
         |        URI: sip:recall@z.b.com
         |                          |
         | INVITE sip:recall@z.b.com;m=NR     [CC call]
         | From: sip:foo@example.com|
         |                          |
         | NOTIFY sip:123@y.a.com   |         [CC terminated]
         | Expires = 0              |

       Caller                     Callee
       sip:123@a.com              sip:456@b.com
         |                          |
         | NOTIFY sip:123@y.a.com   |      [CC notification, caller not
         | Body: cc-state: ready    |      available for CC recall]
         |        URI: sip:recall@z.b.com
         |                          |
         | 200                      |
         |                          |
         | PUBLISH sip:456@z.b.com  |      [non-availability for recall
         | From: sip:123@a.com      |       is published]
         | Contact: sip:123@y.a.com |
         | Event: presence          |
         | Content-Type: 'app/pidf' |
         | Body: status=closed      |
         |                          |
         | 200                      |
         |                          |
         |                          |      [caller becomes available
         |                          |       again]
         |                          |
         | PUBLISH sip:456@z.b.com  |      [availability for recall
         | From: sip:123@a.com      |       is published]
         | Contact: sip:123@y.a.com |
         | Event: presence          |
         | Content-Type: 'app/pidf' |
         | Body: status=open        |
         |                          |
         | 200                      |
         |                          |

               SIP Registrar                    Bob's SIP UA
                   |                               |
                   |          REGISTER F1          |
                   |                               |
                   |           200 OK F2           |
                   |                               |

     Phase 0    Phase 1   Phase 2             Phase 4  Phase 0
     ^        ^         ^                   ^        ^
     |        |         |                   |        |
    (1)      (2)       (3)                 (5)      (6)

               Phase 0              Phase 3   Phase 4  Phase 0
     ^                            ^         ^        ^
     |                            |         |        |
    (1)                          (4)       (5)      (6)

   +---+-----+---+                         +---+-----+---+
   | Application |                         |    Media    |
   |   Server    |<-------MS Control------>|    Server   |
   +-------------+                         +-------------+

                                           |    Media    |
                                    +----->|    Server   |
                                    |      +-------------+
   +---+-----+---+                  |      +---+-----+---+
   | Application |                  |      |    Media    |
   |   Server    |<--MS Control-----+----->|    Server   |
   +-------------+                  |      +-------------+
                                    |      +---+-----+---+
                                    +----->|    Media    |
                                           |    Server   |

          +------------>|     MRB     |<----------+----<-----+---+
          |             +-------------+        (1)|          |   |
          |                                       |          |   |
          |(2)                             +---+--+--+---+   |   |
          |                                |    Media    |   |   |
          |                          +---->|    Server   |   |   |
          |                          |     +-------------+   |   |
          |                          |                    (1)|   |
   +---+--+--+---+                   |     +---+-----+---+   |   |
   | Application |                   |     |    Media    |   |   |
   |   Server    |<-----+-MS Control-+---->|    Server   |->-+   |
   +-------------+          (3)      |     +-------------+       |
                                     |                           |
                                     |     +---+-----+---+    (1)|
                                     +---->|    Media    |       |
                                           |    Server   |--->---+

          |                     (1)               |          |   |
          |                                       |          |   |
          |                                +---+--+--+---+   |   |
          |                                |    Media    |   |   |
          V                          +---->|    Server   |   |   |
   +------+------+                   |     +-------------+   |   |
   |     MRB     |                   |                       |   |
   +---+--+--+---+                   |     +---+-----+---+   |   |
   | Application |                   |     |    Media    |   |   |
   |   Server    |<-----+-MS Control-+---->|    Server   |->-+   |
   +-------------+                   |     +-------------+       |
                                     |                           |
                                     |     +---+-----+---+       |
                                     +---->|    Media    |       |
                                           |    Server   |--->---+

                                   (1)                 +---+-----+---+
   +---+---+------------->---------------->----------->|     MRB     |
   |   |   |   +---+--+--+---+                         +---+-----+---+
   |   |   +-<-| Application |                         |    Media    |
   |   |       |   Server    |<--+-MS Control-+------->|    Server   |
   |   |       +-------------+                   |     +-------------+
   |   |                                         |
   |   |       +---+--+--+---+                   |
   |   +---<---| Application |                   |
   |           |   Server    |<--+-MS Control-+--+
   |           +-------------+                   |
   |                                             |
   |           +---+--+--+---+                   |
   +---<-------| Application |                   |
               |   Server    |<--+-MS Control-+--+

                               |                  | (1)        |   |
                               |                  |            |   |
                               |             +---+--+--+---+   |   |
                               |             |    Media    |   |   |
                               |     +------>|    Server   |   |   |
                               |     |(3)    +-------------+   |   |
                               |     |                      (1)|   |
   +---+--+--+---+             |     |       +---+-----+---+   |   |
   | Application |  (2) +---+--V--+---+  (3) |    Media    |   |   |
   |   Server    |----->|     MRB     |----->|    Server   |->-+   |
   +-------------+      +---+-----+---+      +-------------+       |
                                     |                             |
                                     |   (3) +---+-----+---+    (1)|
                                     +------>|    Media    |       |
                                             |    Server   |--->---+

         MRB                                            MS
          |                                              |
          | A1. CONTROL (MRB subscription)               |
          |                                   A2. 200 OK |
          |                                              |
          .                                              .
          .                                              .
          |                                              |
          |                                              |--+ collect
          |                                              |  | up-to-date
          |                                              |<-+ info
          |               B1. CONTROL (MRB notification) |
          | B2. 200 OK                                   |
          |                                              |
          .                                              .
          .                                              .

     AS                                             MRB
      |                                              |
      | 1. HTTP POST (Consumer request)              |
      |                                              |
      |                                              |
      |                                              |--+ Parse request
      |                                              |  | and see if any
      |                                              |<-+ MS applies
      |                                              |
      |                2. 200 OK (Consumer response) |
      |                                              |
      |--+ Parse response and                        |
      |  | start session (SIP/COMEDIA/CFW)           |
      |<-+ with first MS reported by MRB             |
      |                                              |
      .                                              .
      .                                              .

  AS                     MRB                        MS1              MS2
  |                       |                           |                |
  | 1. INVITE             |                           |                |
  | (multipart/mixed)     |                           |                |
  |---------------------->|                           |                |
  |       2. 100 (Trying) |                           |                |
  |<----------------------|                           |                |
  |                       |--+ Extract SDP and        |                |
  |                       |  | MRB payloads; handle   |                |
  |                       |<-+ Consumer request to    |                |
  |                       |    pick MSs (MS1 and MS2) |                |
  |                       |                           |                |
  |                       | 3. INVITE                 |                |
  |                       | (only copy SDP from 1.)   |                |
  |                       |-------------------------->|                |
  |                       |           4. 100 (Trying) |                |
  |                       |<--------------------------|                |
  |                       |                           |--+ Negotiate   |
  |                       |                           |  | CFW Control |
  |                       |                           |<-+ Channel     |
  |                       |                 5. 200 OK |                |
  |                       |<--------------------------|                |
  |                       | 6. ACK                    |                |
  |                       |-------------------------->|                |
  |        Prepare new +--|                           |                |
  |       payload with |  |                           |                |
  |    SDP from MS and +->|                           |                |
  |     Consumer reply    |                           |                |
  |                       |                           |                |
  |             7. 200 OK |                           |                |
  |     (multipart/mixed) |                           |                |
  |<----------------------|                           |                |
  | 8. ACK                |                           |                |
  |---------------------->|                           |                |
  |                       |                           |                |
  |--+ Read Cons. reply   |                           |                |
  |  | and use SDP to     |                           |                |
  |<-+ create CFW Chn.    |                           |                |
  |                       |                           |                |
  |                                                   |                |
  |   Create TCP CFW channel towards MS1 (if needed)  |                |
  |-------------------------------------------------->|                |
  |                                                   |                |

  |<<############## TCP CONNECTION #################>>|                |
  |                                                   |                |
  | CFW SYNC                                          |                |
  |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>|                |
  |                                                   |                |
  .                       .                           .                .
  .                       .                           .                .
  |                                                   |                |
  |   Negotiate SIP control dialog with MS2                            |
  |   Create TCP CFW channel towards MS2 as well (if needed)           |
  |                                                                    |
  |<<######################## TCP CONNECTION ########################>>|
  |                                                                    |
  | CFW SYNC                                                           |
  |                                                                    |
  |                       |                           |                |
  .                       .                           .                .
  .                       .                           .                .

 UAC              AS                     MRB                          MS
  |               |                       |                           |
  | 1. INVITE     |                       |                           |
  | (media SDP)   |                       |                           |
  |-------------->|                       |                           |
  | 2. 100 Trying |                       |                           |
  |<--------------|                       |                           |
  |               | 3. INVITE             |                           |
  |               | (multipart/mixed)     |                           |
  |               |---------------------->|                           |
  |               |       4. 100 (Trying) |                           |
  |               |<----------------------|                           |
  |               |                       |--+ Extract SDP and        |
  |               |                       |  | MRB payloads; handle   |
  |               |                       |<-+ Consumer request to    |
  |               |                       |    pick Media Servers     |
  |               |                       |                           |
  |               |                       | 5. INVITE                 |
  |               |                       | (only copy SDP from 3.)   |
  |               |                       |-------------------------->|
  |               |                       |           6. 100 (Trying) |
  |               |                       |<--------------------------|
  |               |                       |                        +--|
  |               |                       |    Handle media dialog |  |
  |               |                       |        (connection-id) +->|
  |               |                       |                           |
  |               |                       |                 7. 200 OK |
  |               |                       |<--------------------------|
  |               |                       | 8. ACK                    |
  |               |                       |-------------------------->|
  |               |        Prepare new +--|                           |
  |               |       payload with |  |                           |
  |               |    SDP from MS and +->|                           |
  |               |     Consumer reply    |                           |
  |               |                       |                           |
  |               |             9. 200 OK |                           |
  |               |     (multipart/mixed) |                           |
  |               |<----------------------|                           |
  |               | 10. ACK               |                           |
  |               |---------------------->|                           |
  |               |                       |                           |
  |               |--+ Read Cons. reply   |                           |
  |               |  | and send SDP       |                           |
  |               |<-+ back to UAC        |                           |
  |    11. 200 OK |                       |                           |
  |<--------------|                       |                           |
  | 12. ACK       |                       |                           |
  |-------------->|                       |                           |

  |               |                       |                           |
  |<<*************************** RTP *******************************>>|
  |               |                       |                           |
  |               |--+ Negotiate          |                           |
  |               |  | CFW channel        |                           |
  |               |<-+ towards MS         |                           |
  |               |    (if needed)        |                           |
  .               .                       .                           .
  .               .                       .                           .
  |               |                       |                           |
  |               |                                                   |
  |               |    Create TCP CFW channel towards MS (if needed)  |
  |               |-------------------------------------------------->|
  |               |                                                   |
  |               |<<############## TCP CONNECTION #################>>|
  |               |                                                   |
  |               | CFW SYNC                                          |
  |               |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>|
  |               |                                                   |
  .               .                       .                           .
  .               .                       .                           .

      | DHCPv4 |     +--------------+
      | Server |-...-|    DHCP      |
      |        |     |  Relay Agent |
      +--------+     +--------------+
                          |        |
                      +------+   +------+
                      |Modem1|   |Modem2|
                      +------+   +------+
                         |        |    |
                      +-----+  +-----+ +-----+
                      |Node1|  |Node2| |Node3|
                      +-----+  +-----+ +-----+

                     Status           Status
       Code    Len    Code            Message
      +------+------+------+------+------+--   --+-----+
      |  151 | n+1  |status|  s1  |  s2  |  ...  | sn  |
      +------+------+------+------+------+--   --+-----+

                       DHCPv4 Server
       Code   Len        base-time
      | 152 |  4  |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

                     Seconds in the past
       Code   Len      from base-time
      | 153 |  4  |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

                         DHCPv4 Server
       Code   Len      query-start-time
      | 154 |  4  |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

                         DHCPv4 Server
       Code   Len       query-end-time
      | 155 |  4  |  t1 |  t2 |  t3 |  t4 |

     Requestor                             Server
     ---------                             ------
     DHCPBULKLEASEQUERY xid 1 ----->
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEQUERYDONE xid 1
     DHCPBULKLEASEQUERY xid 2 ----->
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 2
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 2
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 2
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEQUERYDONE xid 2
     DHCPBULKLEASEQUERY xid 3 ----->
     DHCPBULKLEASEQUERY xid 4 ----->
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 4
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 4
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 3
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 4
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEUNASSIGNED xid 3
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 4
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 3
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEQUERYDONE xid 3
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEACTIVE xid 4
                              <-----       DHCPLEASEQUERYDONE xid 4

           | total segments |   IW=3   |   IW=10   |
           |         3      |     1    |      1    |
           |         6      |     2    |      1    |
           |        10      |     3    |      1    |
           |        12      |     3    |      2    |
           |        21      |     4    |      2    |
           |        25      |     5    |      2    |
           |        33      |     5    |      3    |
           |        46      |     6    |      3    |
           |        51      |     6    |      4    |
           |        78      |     7    |      4    |
           |        79      |     8    |      4    |
           |       120      |     8    |      5    |
           |       127      |     9    |      5    |

      6rd CE                       BNG                       AAA Server
         |                          |                             |
         |-------DHCPDISCOVER------>|                             |
         |(Parameter Request w/ 6rd option)                       |
         |                          |--Access-Request(6rd Attr)-->|
         |                          |                             |
         |                          |<--Access-Accept(6rd Attr)---|
         |<-------DHCPOFFER---------|                             |
         |      (6rd option)        |                             |
         |                          |                             |
                   DHCP                         RADIUS

      6rd CE                       BNG                       AAA Server
         |                          |                             |
         |--------DHCPREQUEST------>|                             |
         |(Parameter Request w/ 6rd option)                       |
         |                          |--Access-Request(6rd Attr)-->|
         |                          |                             |
         |                          |<--Access-Accept(6rd Attr)---|
         |                          |                             |
         |<---------DHCPACK---------|                             |
         |      (6rd option)        |                             |
         |                          |                             |
                   DHCP                         RADIUS

                                          Access           Customer
                                          Network           Network

                                       |  Access Node     |
                                       |  Complex (ANX)   |
         +---------+   +---+  +-----+  |+---+       +---+ |  +---+
         |         | +-|NAS|--|Eth  |--||OLT|-<PON>-|ONT|-|--|HGW|
   NSP---+Regional | | +---+  |Agg  |  |+---+       +---+ |  +---+
         |Broadband| | +---+  +-----+  +------------------+
         |Network  |-+-|NAS|                  |
   ASP---+         | | +---+                  |
         |         | | +---+                  |
         +---------+ +-|NAS|                  |       +---+  +---+
                       +---|                  +-<PON>-|ONT|--|HGW|
                                                  |   +---+  +---+
                                                  |   +---+  +---+
                                                      +---+  +---+
         HGW      : Home Gateway
         NAS      : Network Access Server
         PON      : Passive Optical Network
         OLT      : Optical Line Terminal
         ONT      : Optical Network Terminal

                                                         +---+ +---+
                                +----------------+       |   |-|HGW|
         +---------+   +-----+  | +-----+  +----+|       |   | +---+
         |         | +-|NAS  |--| |Eth  |--|OLT||-<PON>- |   |
   NSP---+Regional | | +-----+  | |Agg  |  |    ||     | |ONT| +---+
         |Broadband| |          | |     |  |    ||     | | or|-|HGW|
         |Network  | | +-----+  | +-----+  +----+|     | |ONU| +---+
         |         |-+-|NAS  |  +----------------+     | |   |
   ASP---+         | | +-----+                         | |   | +---+
         |         | | +-----+                         | |   |-|HGW|
         +---------+ +-|NAS  |                         | +---+ +---+
                       +-----+                         |
                                                       | +---+ +---+
                                                         +---+ +---+

                                     |         ANX          |
         +---------+   +---+  +---+  |+---+       +-------+ | +---+
         |         | +-|NAS|--|Eth|--||OLT|-<PON>-|ONU/ONT|-|-|HGW|
   NSP---+Regional | | +---+  |Agg|  |+---+       +-------+ | +---+
         |Broadband| | +---+  +---+  +----------------------+
         |Network  |-+-|NAS|               |
   ASP---+         | | +---+               |
         |         | | +---+               |
         +---------+ +-|NAS|               |       +-------+ +---+
                       +---|               +-<PON>-|ONU/ONT|-|HGW|
                                                |  +-------+ +---+
                                                |  +---+     +---+
                                                   +---+     +---+
                              ANCP                 OMCI

                                     | Access Node Complex  |
                                     |      (ANX)           |
         +---------+   +---+  +---+  |+---+       +-------+ |  +---+
         |         | +-|NAS|--|Eth|--||OLT|-<PON>-|ONU/ONT| |--|HGW|
   NSP---+Regional | | +---+  |Agg|  |+---+       +-------+ |  +---+
         |Broadband| | +---+  +---+  +----------------------+
         |Network  |-+-|NAS|                |
   ASP---+         | | +---+                |
         |         | | +---+                |
         +---------+ +-|NAS|                |       +-------+  +---+
                       +---|                +-<PON>-|ONU/ONT|--|HGW|
                                                |   +-------+  +---+
                                                |   +-------+  +---+
                                                    +-------+  +---+

     | Policy |                               +----+
     | Server |                    +--<PON>---|ONT |------- HGW
     +--------+                   +           +----+  +---+
          |                      +         +----------|ONT|----HGW
          |                     +          |          +---+
          |               +----------------|-------------+
       +----+             | +----+         |     +-----+ |    +---+
       |NAS |---------------|    |         |     |     |-|----|HGW|
       |    |<------------->|    |         |     | ONU | |    +---+
       +----+     ANCP    | |OLT |------<PON>----|     | |
          |               | |    |               |     | |    +---+
          |               | |    |<------------->|     |------|HGW|
          |               | +----+    ANCP       +-----+ |    +---+
          |               +------------------------------+
          |                    |    Access Node      |
          | Control Request    |                     |
          | ------------------>| Control Request     |
          |                    |-------------------->|
          |                    | Control Response    |
          | Control Response   |<------------------- |
          |<-------------------|                     |
          |                    |Admission Request    |
          | Admission Request  |<--------------------|
          |<-------------------|                     |
          |Admission Response  |                     |
          |------------------->|Admission Response   |
          |                    |-------------------->|
          |Information Report  |                     |
          |<-------------------|                     |
          Access Node Control     Access Node Control
              Mechanism                Mechanism
                                 PPP, DHCP, IP

     | Policy |
     | Server |
     +--------+                                  +---+        +---+
          |                                +---- |ONT|--------|HGW|
          |                                |     +---+        +---+
          |               +--------------- |-------------+
       +----+             | +----+         |     +-----+ |    +---+
       |NAS |---------------|    |         |     |     |-|----|HGW|
       |    |<------------->|    |         |     | ONU | |    +---+
       +----+     ANCP    | |OLT |------<PON>----|     | |
          |               | |    |               |     | |    +---+
          |               | |    |<------------->|     |------|HGW|
          |               | +----+    OMCI       +-----+ |    +---+
          |               +-----------------------------+
          |                    |    Access Node      |
          | Control Request    |                     |
          | ------------------>| Control Request     |
          |                    |-------------------->|
          |                    | Control Response    |
          | Control Response   |<------------------- |
          |<-------------------|                     |
          |                    |Admission Request    |
          | Admission Request  |<--------------------|
          |<-------------------|                     |
          |Admission Response  |                     |
          |------------------->|Admission Response   |
          |                    |-------------------->|
          |Information Report  |                     |
          |<-------------------|                     |
          Access Node Control     Operating Maintenance
              Mechanism          Control Interface (OMCI)

                                 PPP, DHCP, IP

     +------------+              1. VoD Request
     | App. Server|<-----------------------------------------------
     | Server     |
       | 2. Admission-Request (VoD-Flow)
     |Policy |
     |Server |
      |  +
      |<-|---3. Admission-Request
      |  |
      +  | 8. Admission-Reply
     +----+        +      +----+                  +-----+
     |NAS |---------------|OLT |------<PON>-------|ONT  |---HGW--CPE
     |    |<------------->|    |                  +-----+    |
     +----+     ANCP      +----+                      |      |
       |                     |                        |      |
     4.|                     |                        |      |
     +=================+     |                        |      |
     [Subscriber B/W   ]     |                        |      |
     [& OLT link B/W   ]     |                        |      |
     [Admission Ctrl   ]     |                        |      |
     +=================+PASS |                        |      |
       |                     |                        |      |
       | 5.Admission-Request |                        |      |
       |(Bandwidth,PON-Port-ID)                       |      |
       |-------------------> |                        |      |
       |                     |                        |      |
       |                6.+===============+           |      |
       |                  [   PON B/W     ]           |      |
       |                  [ Admission Ctrl]           |      |
       |                  +===============+ PASS      |      |
       |7.Admission-Reply    |                        |      |
       | <PON-Port-ID>       |                        |      |
       |<------------------- |                        |      |
       |                     |                        |      |

     | Policy |
     | Server |
     +--------+                                        +---+   +---+
          |                                +-----------|ONT|---|HGW|
          |                                |           +---+   +---+
          |               +--------------- |-----------------+
       +----+             | +----+         |         +-----+ | +---+
       |NAS |------------ | |    |         |         |     |-|-|HGW|
       |    |<----------> | |    |         |         |ONT/ | | +---+
       +----+     ANCP    | |OLT |------<PON>--------|ONU  | |
          |               | |    |                   |     | | +---+
          |               | |    |<----------------->|     |---|HGW|
          |               | +----+       OMCI        +-----+ | +---+
          |               +----------------------------------+
          |                    |      Access Node       |
          |                    |                        |
          |                    |------GPON Ranging------|
          | Port Status Message|      ONT Port UP       |
          |<------------------ |<-----------------------|
          |Port Configuration  GPON Line/Service Profile|
          |------------------> |<---------------------->|
          |     ONT/ONI Port UP|                        |
          |<------------------ |                        |
          |                    |                        |
          |      ANCP          |         OMCI           |
                                 PPP, DHCP, IP

    Internet    | Internet Model  |
    Model       |   Equivalent    |          Reload
                |   in Overlay    |       Architecture
                |                 |    +-------+  +-------+
                |  Application    |    | SIP   |  | XMPP  |  ...
                |                 |    | Usage |  | Usage |
                |                 |    +-------+  +-------+
                |                 |  ----------------------------------
                |                 |+------------------+     +---------+
                |   Transport     ||     Message      |<--->| Storage |
                |                 ||    Transport     |     +---------+
                |                 |+------------------+           ^
                |                 |       ^       ^               |
                |                 |       |       v               v
   Application  |                 |       |     +-------------------+
                |   (Routing)     |       |     |     Topology      |
                |                 |       |     |     Plug-in       |
                |                 |       |     +-------------------+
                |                 |       |         ^
                |                 |       v         v
                |    Network      |    +------------------+
                |                 |    |  Forwarding &    |
                |                 |    | Link Management  |
                |                 |    +------------------+
                |                 |  ----------------------------------
   Transport    |      Link       |     +-------+  +------+
                |                 |     |TLS    |  |DTLS  |  ...
                |                 |     +-------+  +------+
     Network    |
       Link     |



                      |            Resource-ID         |
                      |                                |
                      | +------------+  +------------+ |
                      | |   Kind 1   |  |   Kind 2   | |
                      | |            |  |            | |
                      | | +--------+ |  | +--------+ | |
                      | | | Value  | |  | | Value  | | |
                      | | +--------+ |  | +--------+ | |
                      | |            |  |            | |
                      | | +--------+ |  | +--------+ | |
                      | | | Value  | |  | | Value  | | |
                      | | +--------+ |  | +--------+ | |
                      | |            |  +------------+ |
                      | | +--------+ |                 |
                      | | | Value  | |                 |
                      | | +--------+ |                 |
                      | +------------+                 |

                              replica_number = 0
                                   /      \
                                  /        \
                      StoreKindData        StoreKindData
                  kind=X (Single-Value)    kind=Y (Array)
                generation_counter = 99    generation_counter = 107
                           |                    /\
                           |                   /  \
                       StoredData             /    \
             storage_time = xxxxxxx          /      \
                   lifetime = 86400         /        \
                   signature = XXXX        /          \
                           |               |           |
                           |        StoredData       StoredData
                           |    storage_time =       storage_time =
                           |          yyyyyyyy       zzzzzzz
                           |  lifetime = 86400       lifetime = 33200
                           |  signature = YYYY       signature = ZZZZ
                           |               |           |
                    StoredDataValue        |           |
                     value="abc"           |           |
                                           |           |
                                  StoredDataValue  StoredDataValue
                                        index=0      index=1
                                     value="foo"    value="bar"

       JN        PPP       PP        AP        NP        NNP       BP
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |AttachReq Dest=JN+1|         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |AttachReq Dest=JN+1|         |
        |         |         |         |<----------------------------|
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |AttachAns          |         |
        |         |         |         |---------------------------->|
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |AttachAns          |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |ICE      |         |         |         |         |         |
        |<===========================>|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |TLS      |         |         |         |         |         |
        |<...........................>|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateReq|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |

       JN        PPP       PP        AP        NP        NNP       BP
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |AttachReq NP       |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |AttachReq NP       |         |
        |         |         |         |-------->|         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |AttachAns|         |         |
        |         |         |         |<--------|         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |AttachAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |ICE      |         |         |         |         |         |
        |<=====================================>|         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |TLS      |         |         |         |         |         |
        |<.....................................>|         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |

       JN        NP        XX        TP
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |AttachReq JN+2<<126|         |
        |-------->|         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |AttachReq JN+2<<126|
        |         |-------->|         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |AttachReq JN+2<<126
        |         |         |-------->|
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |AttachAns|
        |         |         |<--------|
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |AttachAns|         |
        |         |<--------|         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |AttachAns|         |         |
        |<--------|         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |ICE      |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |TLS      |         |         |
        |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |

       JN        PPP       PP        AP        NP        NNP       BP
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |JoinReq  |         |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |JoinAns  |         |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |StoreReq Data A    |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |StoreAns |         |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |StoreReq Data B    |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |StoreAns |         |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateReq|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |

       JN        PPP       PP        AP        NP        NNP       BP
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |AttachReq Dest=PP  |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |AttachReq Dest=PP  |         |         |
        |         |         |<--------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |AttachAns|         |         |         |
        |         |         |-------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |AttachAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |TLS      |         |         |         |         |         |
        |...................|         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateReq|         |         |         |         |         |
        |------------------>|         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<------------------|         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateReq|         |         |         |         |         |
        |---------------------------->|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<----------------------------|         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateReq|         |         |         |         |         |

        |-------------------------------------->|         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |UpdateAns|         |         |         |         |         |
        |<--------------------------------------|         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |

           JN        NP        XX        TP
            |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |UpdateReq|         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |UpdateAns|         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |
            |         |         |         |

           |<-------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|
           |                                                  |
           |          |<------- Pseudowire ------->|          |
           |          |                            |          |
           |          |    |<-- PSN Tunnel -->|    |          |
           |          v    v                  v    v          |
           v    AC    +----+                  +----+     AC   v
     +-----+    |     | PE1|==================| PE2|     |    +-----+
     |     |----------|............PW1.............|----------|     |
     | CE1 |    |     |    |                  |    |     |    | CE2 |
     |     |----------|............PW2.............|----------|     |
     +-----+  ^ |     |    |==================|    |     | ^  +-----+
           ^  |       +----+                  +----+     | |  ^
           |  |   Provider Edge 1         Provider Edge 2  |  |
           |  |                                            |  |
     Customer |                                            |Customer
     Edge 1   |                                            |Edge 2
              |                                            |
        Native service                               Native service

         Native  |<-------------Pseudowire------------>|  Native
         Service |                                     |  Service
          (AC)   |     |<- PSN ->|     |<- PSN ->|     |   (AC)
            |    v     v         v     v         v     v     |
            |    +-----+         +-----+         +-----+     |
     +----+ |    |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|     | +----+
     |    |------|......PW.Seg't1.......PW.Seg't3......|-------|    |
     | CE1| |    |     |         |     |         |     |     | |CE2 |
     |    |------|......PW.Seg't2.......PW.Seg't4......|-------|    |
     +----+ |    |     |=========|     |=========|     |     | +----+
          ^      +-----+    ^    +-----+     ^   +-----+        ^
          |                 |                |                  |
          |               TP LSP            TP LSP              |
          |                                                     |
          |<----------------- Emulated Service ---------------->|

         Native  |<-------------Pseudowire------------>| Native
         Service |                                     | Service
          (AC)   |     |<--PSN-->|     |<--PSN-->|     |  (AC)
            |    V     V         V     V         V     V    |
            |    +-----+         +-----+         +-----+    |
     +----+ |    |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|    | +----+
     |    |------|......PW.Seg't1.......PW.Seg't3......|------|    |
     | CE1| |    |     |         |     |         |     |    | |CE2 |
     |    |------|......PW.Seg't2.......PW.Seg't4......|------|    |
     +----+ |    |     |=========|     |=========|     |    | +----+
          ^      +-----+    ^    +-----+     ^   +-----+      ^
          |                 |                |                |
          |               TP LSP            TP LSP            |
          |                                                   |
          |<---------------- Emulated Service --------------->|

         Native  |<-------------Pseudowire------------>| Native
         Service |                                     | Service
          (AC)   |     |<--PSN-->|     |<--PSN-->|     |  (AC)
            |    V     V         V     V         V     V    |
            |    +-----+         +-----+         +-----+    |
     +----+ |    |T-PE1|=========|S-PE1|=========|T-PE2|    | +----+
     |    |------|......PW.Seg't1.......PW.Seg't3......|------|    |
     | CE1| |    |     |         |     |         |     |    | |CE2 |
     |    |------|......PW.Seg't2.......PW.Seg't4......|------|    |
     +----+ |    |     |=========|     |=========|     |    | +----+
          ^      +-----+    ^    +-----+     ^   +-----+      ^
          |                 |                |                |
          |               TP LSP            TP LSP            |
          |                                                   |
          |<---------------- Emulated Service --------------->|


     Native  |<--------------------- PW15 ------------------>| Native
      Layer  |                                               | Layer
    Service  |     |<PSN13>|     |<PSN3X>|     |<PSNXZ>|     | Service
      (AC1)  V     V  LSP  V     V  LSP  V     V  LSP  V     V (AC2)
          |  +-----+  +-+  +-----+       +-----+  +-+  +-----+ |
    +---+ |  |T-PE1|  | |  |S-PE3|       |S-PEX|  | |  |T-PEZ| | +---+
    |   | |  |     |=======|     |=======|     |=======|     | | |   |
    |   | |  |     |=======|     |=======|     |=======|     | | |   |
    +---+    |  1  |  |2|  |  3  |       |  X  |  |Y|  |  Z  |   +---+
             +-----+  +-+  +-----+       +-----+  +-+  +-----+
             |<--Subnetwork 123->|       |<--Subnetwork XYZ->|

   Untrusted>|<-- Trusted Zone-->|<-------------Untrusted-------------

                           Diameter                    +--------+
           +-------------+   ERP   +-----------+  (*)  |  Home  |
   Peer <->|Authenticator|<=======>| ER server | <---> |  EAP   |
           +-------------+         +-----------+       | server |
   (*) Diameter EAP application; explicit bootstrapping scenario only.

                            ER server &
   Authenticator             EAP Proxy               Home EAP server
   =============            ===========              ===============
            Diameter EAP/DER
                                     Diameter EAP/DER

                                      Diameter EAP/DEA
                                      (Key AVP (rRK))
            Diameter EAP/DEA

   Authenticator            ER server             Home Diameter server
   =============            =========             ====================
             Diameter ERP/DER
                                       Diameter EAP/DER

                                       Diameter EAP/DEA
                                        (Key AVP (rRK))
                                        (Key AVP (rMSK))
             Diameter ERP/DEA
             (Key AVP (rMSK))

                                                       ER server
    Peer                 Authenticator                (bootstrapped)
    ====                 =============            ======================
    [ <------------------------          ]
    [optional EAP-Initiate/Re-auth-start,]
    [  possibly with ERP domain name     ]

                                 Diameter ERP, cmd code DER
                                   User-Name: keyName-NAI
                              EAP-Payload: EAP-Initiate/Re-auth

                                 Diameter ERP, cmd code DEA
                               EAP-Payload: EAP-Finish/Re-auth
                                        Key AVP: rMSK

                          |  Holder of |     1. Generation
                          | identifier +<---------+
                          +----+-------+          |
                               |                  | Match
                               |                  v/
                               |          +-------+-------+
                               +----------+ Repository of |
                               |          |  identifiers  |
                               |          +-------+-------+
               2. Distribution |                  ^\
                               |                  | Match
                               v                  |
                     +---------+-------+          |
                     |      User of    |          |
                     |    identifier   +----------+
                     +-----------------+    3. Use

                      | "Grant on match"       | "Deny on match"
       False positive | Elevation of privilege | Denial of service
       False negative | Denial of service      | Elevation of privilege

                                  | Core SIP |
                       +--------->|    SPF   |<---------+
                       |  SIP     +----------+     SIP  |
                       v                                v
                 +-----------+                   +-----------+
   +-----+  SIP  |    SBE    |                   |    SBE    |  SIP
   |  S  |<----->|           |                   |           |<----->
   |  I  |       +-----------+                   +-----------+
   |  P  |             ||                              ||
   |     |       +-----------+                   +-----------+
   |  U  |  RTP  |    DBE    |       RTP         |    DBE    |   RTP
   |  A  |<----->|           |<----------------->|           | <----->
   +-----+       +-----------+                   +-----------+

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |           |<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv4|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP+-|IPv4|
      | UA |<-------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|<------>|           |<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP+-|IPv6|
      | UA |<-------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|<------>|IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv4|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv4 RTP+-|IPv4|
      | UA |<-------->|   NAT66   |<------>|IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+        +-----------+        | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |IPv6 RTP+-|IPv6|
      | UA |<-------->|   NAT66   |<------>|   NAT66   |<-------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+        +-----------+          +----+

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |        +-----------+                             | +----+
      |IPv6|-+IPv6 RTP|    DBE    |          IPv6 RTP           +-|IPv6|
      | UA |<-------->|   NAT66   |<----------------------------->| UA |
      +----+          +-----------+                               +----+
   2001:db8::1        2001:db8::2

                                 | Core SIP |
                            +--->|SPF (IPv4)|<---+
                   IPv4 SIP |    +----------+    |IPv4 SIP
                            v                    v
                      +-----------+        +-----------+
                      |    SBE    |        |    SBE    |  SIP
             +------->|IPv4/v6 IWF|        |IPv4/v6 IWF|<-------+
             |IPv6    +-----------+        +-----------+    IPv6|
             | SIP                                           SIP|
      +----+ |                                                  | +----+
      |IPv6|-+                         IPv6 RTP                 +-|IPv6|
      | UA |<---------------------------------------------------->| UA |
      +----+                                                      +----+

                 | Master  |
                 |WS Device|                              ------------
                 |Lat: X   |\           .---.    /--------|Database A|
                 |Long: Y  | \         (     )  /         ------------
                 -----------  \-------/       \/               o
                                     ( Internet)               o
                 -----------  /------(         )\              o
                 | Master  | /        (       )  \             o
                 |WS Device|/          (_____)    \       ------------
                 |Lat: X   |                       \------|Database B|
                 |Long: Y  |                              ------------

          |Slave |
          |Device| \             \|/                          ----------
          |  1   |  (Air)         |                           |Database|
          --------       \        |                 (----)   /|--------|
             |            \ ------|------          (      ) /
             |             \|  Master   |         /        \
           --------        /|           |======= ( Internet )
           |Slave |       / |  Device   |         \        /
           |Device|  (Air)  |           |          (      )
           |  2   | /       |-----------|           (----)
           --------        /
             o   |        /
             o   |     (Air)
             o   |      /
           --------    /
           |Slave |   /
           |Device|  /
           |  n   |

          \|/              /|Access Point |\
           |       (Air)--/ |-------------| \
         --|------ /                         \               -----------
        |Portable|/                           \      (----)  | Database|
        | Device |                             \    (      ) /----------
        |--------|\                             \  /        \
                   \                             X( Internet )
                    \                           /  \        /
                     (Air)                     /    (      )
                        \                     /      (----)
                         \                   /
                           |    Metered    |
                           |    Service    |

   Figure 4 shows an example of deployment of this scenario.
                         \|/   White      \|/    \|/     Wi-Fi \|/
                          |    Space       |      |             |
                          |                |      |           |-|----|
            (----)      |-|----|         |-|------|-|         | Wi-Fi|
           (      )     |Master|         | Slave    |--(Air)--| Dev  |
          /        \    |      |--(Air)--| Bridge   |         |------|
         ( Internet )---|      |         | to Wi-Fi |
          \        /    |------|         |----------|           \|/
           (      )                                  \           |
            (----)                                    \(Air)   |-|----|
                                                            \--| Wi-Fi|
                                                               | Dev  |

                                 | ad hoc
                               | Master node   |    |-------------|
          \|/                  | with          |    | White-Space |
           | ad hoc           /| backhaul link |    | Database    |
           |             /---/ |---------------|    |-------------|
        ---|------------/                |      \           /
        | Master node   |                |       |      (--/--)
        | without       |                |        -----(       )
        | backhaul link |                |  Wireless  / Private \
        ----------------\                |    Access (   net or  )
                         \                |           \ Internet )
                          \    \|/        |      ------(        /
                           \    | ad hoc  |      |      (------)
                            \   |         |      /          \
                             \--|-------------  /Satellite   ----------
                             | Master node   | / Link        | Other  |
                             | with          |/              | nodes  |
                             | backhaul link |               ----------

                                                |White-Space |
                                                | Database   |
                                      .---.   / |------------|
              |-----------|          (     ) /
              |  Master   |         /       \
              |           |========( Internet)
              |-----------|         \       /
                    |                (     )
                   /|\                (---)

         \|/   \|/   \|/   \|/   \|/   \|/   \|/
          |     |     |     |     |     |     |     .................
        ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
        |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
        |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
        ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
       USB TV receivers connected to laptops, cell phones, tablets ...

   +-----+                +------+
   |     |EtherPHYIn      |      |            from some LFB(s) that
   |     |<---------------|Ether |<---------- generate Ethernet
   |     |                |MACOut|            packets
   |     |                | LFB  |
   |Ether|                +------+
   |PHY  |                +------+
   |Cop  |                |      |
   |LFB  |EtherPHYOut     | Ether|            to some LFB(s) that
   |     |--------------->| MACIn|----------> may classify Ethernet
   |     |                |  LFB |            packets and do IP-layer
   |     |                |      |            processing
   +-----+                +------+

     CPE1      CPE2       BNG
      |         |          |
   (a)|         |          |
      |         |          |
      |         |          |(c)
      |         |          |
      |      (d)|          |
      |         |          |
      |      (e)|=========>|
      |         |          |
      |         |<=========|(f)
      |         |          |

             Edge Network 1            CPE-ISP _.------------.
           _.----------------.         Ingress/   ISP A       `--.
      ,--''                   `---.      ,'                       `.
    ,'  +----+  +------+  +------+ `.   /  +------+       +------+  \\
   (    |Host+--+Switch+--+ CPE  +---)-(---+  PE  +- - - -+ NNI  |   )
    `.  +----+  +------+  |Router| ,'   \\ |Router|       |Router|  /
      `---. Host-neighbor +------+'      `.+------+       +--+---+,'
           `----------------''             '--.              |_.-'
             Edge Network 2                  ISP-ISP Ingress |
           _.----------------.                  _.----------.|
      ,--''                   `---.         ,-''             |--.
    ,'  +----+  +------+  +------+ `.     ,+------+       +--+---+.
   (    |Host+--+Switch+--+ CPE  +---)---+-+  PE  +- - - -+ NNI  | \\
    `.  +----+  +------+  |Router| ,'   (  |Router|       |Router|  )
      `---.               +------+'      \\+------+       +------+ /
           `----------------''            `.                     ,'
                                            '--.   ISP B     _.-'

                    .-(::::::::)      2001:db8:1::1
                 .-(::: IPv6 :::)-.  +-------------+
                (:::: Internet ::::) | IPv6 Host E |
                 `-(::::::::::::)-'  +-------------+
           ,----|companion gateway|--.
          /     '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'  :
         /                           |.
      ,-'                              `.
     ;  +------------+   +------------+  )
     :  |  Router A  |   |  Router B  |  /
      : |  (isatap)  |   |  (isatap)  |  :
      : |  |   |  | ;
      + +------------+   +------------+  \
     fe80::*:   fe80::*:
     | 2001:db8::/64       2001:db8::/64  |
     |                                   ;
     :              IPv4 Site         -+-'
      `-.       (PRL:       .)
         \                           _)
     fe80::*:          fe80::*:
   2001:db8::*:      2001:db8::*:
     +--------------+           +--------------+
     |  |           |  |
     |   (isatap)   |           |   (isatap)   |
     |    Host C    |           |    Host D    |
     +--------------+           +--------------+

                    .-(::::::::)      2001:db8:1::1
                 .-(::: IPv6 :::)-.  +-------------+
                (:::: Internet ::::) | IPv6 Host E |
                 `-(::::::::::::)-'  +-------------+
           ,----|companion gateway|--.
          /     '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'  :
         /                           |.
      ,-'                              `.
     ;  +------------+   +------------+  )
     :  |  Router A  |   |  Router B  |  /
      : |  (isatap)  |   |  (isatap)  |  :
      : | |   | | ;
      + +------------+   +------------+  \
     fe80::*:   fe80::*:
     2001:db8:0:1::/64   2001:db8:0:2::/64
     |                                   ;
     :              IPv4 Site         -+-'
      `-.       (PRL:       .)
         \                           _)
     fe80::*:          fe80::*:
   2001:db8:0:1::*:  2001:db8:0:2::*:
     +--------------+           +--------------+
     |  |           |  |
     |   (isatap)   |           |   (isatap)   |
     |    Host C    |           |    Host D    |
     +--------------+           +--------------+

                            UPnP IGD-PCP
   UPnP Control             Interworking
      Point                   Function                  PCP Server
        |                       IGD                          |
        |                        |                           |
        |  (1) AddPortMapping()  |                           |
        |----------------------->|                           |
        |                        |   (2) PCP MAP Request     |
        |                        |-------------------------->|
        |                        |                           |

   UPnP Control              Interworking
      Point                    Function                    PCP Server
        |                         |                             |
        | (1) AddAnyPortMapping() |                             |
        |    ExternalPort=8080    |                             |
        |------------------------>|                             |
        |                         |   (2) PCP MAP Request       |
        |                         |Suggested External Port=8080 |
        |                         |---------------------------->|
        |                         |                             |
        |                         |   (3) PCP MAP Response      |
        |                         | Assigned External Port=6598 |
        |                         |<----------------------------|
        | (4) AddAnyPortMapping() |                             |
        |    ReservedPort=6598    |                             |
        |<------------------------|                             |

   UPnP Control             Interworking
      Point                   Function                    PCP Server
        |                        |                             |
        |  (1) AddPortMapping()  |                             |
        |    ExternalPort=8080   |                             |
        |----------------------->|                             |
        |                        |   (2) PCP MAP Request       |
        |                        |Suggested External Port=8080 |
        |                        |       PREFER_FAILURE        |
        |                        |---------------------------->|
        |                        |                             |
        |                        |   (3) PCP MAP Response      |
        |                        | Assigned External Port=8080 |
        |                        |<----------------------------|
        |  (4) AddPortMapping()  |                             |
        |    ExternalPort=8080   |                             |
        |<-----------------------|                             |

   UPnP Control             Interworking
      Point                   Function                    PCP Server
        |                        |                             |
        |  (1) AddPortMapping()  |                             |
        |    ExternalPort=8080   |                             |
        |----------------------->|                             |
        |                        |   (2) PCP MAP Request       |
        |                        |Suggested External Port=8080 |
        |                        |       PREFER_FAILURE        |
        |                        |---------------------------->|
        |                        |   (3) PCP MAP Response      |
        |                        |   CANNOT_PROVIDE_EXTERNAL   |
        |                        |<----------------------------|
        |      (4) Error:        |                             |
        | ConflictInMappingEntry |                             |
        |<-----------------------|                             |
        |  (5) AddPortMapping()  |                             |
        |    ExternalPort=5485   |                             |
        |----------------------->|                             |
        |                        |   (6) PCP MAP Request       |
        |                        |Suggested External Port=5485 |
        |                        |       PREFER_FAILURE        |
        |                        |---------------------------->|
        |                        |   (7) PCP MAP Response      |
        |                        |   CANNOT_PROVIDE_EXTERNAL   |
        |                        |<----------------------------|
        |      (8) Error:        |                             |
        | ConflictInMappingEntry |                             |
        |<-----------------------|                             |
        |  (a) AddPortMapping()  |                             |
        |    ExternalPort=6591   |                             |
        |----------------------->|                             |
        |                        |   (b) PCP MAP Request       |
        |                        |Suggested External Port=6591 |
        |                        |       PREFER_FAILURE        |
        |                        |---------------------------->|
        |                        |   (c) PCP MAP Response      |
        |                        |   CANNOT_PROVIDE_EXTERNAL   |
        |                        |<----------------------------|
        |      (d) Error:        |                             |
        | ConflictInMappingEntry |                             |
        |<-----------------------|                             |

   UPnP Control              Interworking
      Point                    Function                  PCP Server
        |                         |                           |
        | (1) DeletePortMapping() |                           |
        |------------------------>|                           |
        |                         |                           |
        |       (2) Error:        |                           |
        |    NoSuchEntryInArray   |                           |
        |<------------------------|                           |
        |                         |                           |

   UPnP Control                   Interworking
      Point                         Function                 PCP Server
        |                              |                          |
        | (1) DeletePortMappingRange() |                          |
        |       StartPort=8596         |                          |
        |       EndPort  =9000         |                          |
        |       Protocol =UDP          |                          |
        |----------------------------->|                          |
        |                              |                          |
        |       (2) Error:             |                          |
        |   PortMappingNotFound        |                          |
        |<-----------------------------|                          |
        |                              |                          |

   UPnP Control                   Interworking
      Point                         Function                 PCP Server
        |                              |                          |
        | (1) DeletePortMappingRange() |                          |
        |     StartPort=6000           |                          |
        |     EndPort  =6050           |                          |
        |     Protocol =UDP            |                          |
        |----------------------------->|                          |
        |                              |                          |
        |                              |   (2a) PCP MAP Request   |
        |                              |       Protocol=UDP       |
        |                              |   internal-ip-address    |
        |                              |      internal-port       |
        |                              |   external-ip-address    |
        |                              |   external-port=6030     |
        |                              |   Requested-lifetime=0   |
        |                              |------------------------->|
        |                              |                          |
        |                              |   (2b) PCP MAP Request   |
        |                              |       Protocol=UDP       |
        |                              |   internal-ip-address    |
        |                              |      internal-port       |
        |                              |   external-ip-address    |
        |                              |   external-port=6045     |
        |                              |   Requested-lifetime=0   |
        |                              |------------------------->|
        |                              |                          |
        |     (3) Positive answer      |                          |
        |<-----------------------------|                          |
        |                              |                          |

                        |                 |
                        |  (S) ----> (D)  |
                        |                 |
                        Routing Domain

                        |                 |
                        |  (S) --------> (R) --------> (D)
                        |                 |
                        Routing Domain

                        |                 |
         (S) --------> (R) --------> (D)  |
                        |                 |
                        Routing Domain

                        |                 |
         (S) --------> (R1) -----------> (R2) --------> (D)
                        |                 |
                        Routing Domain

                |                                                |
                |     +--------------------------------+         |
                |     |            Tracker             |         |
                |     +--------------------------------+         |
                |        |     ^                   ^             |
                |Tracker |     | Tracker           |Tracker      |
                |Protocol|     | Protocol          |Protocol     |
                |        |     |                   |             |
                |        V     |                   |             |
                |     +---------+    Peer     +---------+        |
                |     |   Peer  |<----------->|   Peer  |        |
                |     +---------+   Protocol  +---------+        |
                |       | ^                                      |
                |       | |Peer                                  |
                |       | |Protocol                              |
                |       V |                                      |
                |     +---------------+                          |
                |     |      Peer     |                          |
                |     +---------------+                          |
                |                                                |
                |                                                |

   |                                                                   |
   |                          +------------------+                     |
   |            +------------>| A's      Tracker |<----------+         |
   |            |             +------------------+           |         |
   |     Tracker|                ^              ^            |         |
   |    Protocol|         Tracker|              |Tracker     |Tracker  |
   |            |        Protocol|              |Protocol    |Protocol |
   |            |                |              |            |         |
   |            |                |              |            |         |
   |            v                v              v            v         |
   |      +------+ Peer    +------+            +------+    +------+    |
   |      | B's  |<------->| B's  |            | C's  |    | C's  |    |
   |      | SN1  |Protocol | SN2  |            | SN1  |    | SN2  |    |
   |      +------+         +------+            +------+    +------+    |
   |         ^  ^                                           ^ ^        |
   |         |  |                                           | |        |
   |         |  | Peer Protocol                Peer Protocol| |        |
   | Peer    |  +-------------+              +--------------+ |Peer    |
   | Protocol|                |              |                |Protocol|
   |         |                |              |                |        |
   |         |                |              |                |        |
   |         |                |              |                |        |
   |         v                v              v                v        |
   |      +------+ Peer    +------+    +---------+  Peer   +---------+ |
   |      | A's  |<------> | B's  |    |A's      |<------> |C's      | |
   |      | User1|Protocol | User2|    | User1   |Protocol | User3   | |
   |      +------+         +------+    +---------+         +---------+ |
   |                                                                   |

   |                                                                   |
   |                   +-------------+    +--------------+             |
   |            +----->| A's Tracker |    |  B's Tracker |<---+        |
   |            |      +-------------+    +--------------+    |        |
   |     Tracker|              ^  ^        ^    ^             |        |
   |    Protocol|       Tracker|  |Tracker |    |Tracker      |Tracker |
   |            |      Protocol|  |Protocol|    |Protocol     |Protocol|
   |            |              |  |        |    |             |        |
   |            |              |  |        |    |             |        |
   |            v              v  |        |    v             v        |
   |      +------+ Peer   +------+|        |  +------+Internal+------+ |
   |      | CDN  |<------>| CDN  ||        |  | CDN  |<-----> | CDN  | |
   |      | Node1|Protocol| Node2||        |  | Node3|Protocol| Node4| |
   |      +------+        +------+|        |  +------+        +------+ |
   |         ^  ^                 |        |        ^         ^        |
   |         |  |                 |        |        |         |        |
   |         |  | Peer Protocol   |        |   HTTP |         |        |
   | Peer    |  +-------------+   |        | +------+         |Peer    |
   | Protocol|                |   |        | | Protocol       |Protocol|
   |         |                | +-+        | |                |        |
   |         |                | |          | |                |        |
   |         |                | |          | |                |        |
   |         v                v v          v v                v        |
   |      +------+ Peer    +------+    +---------+  Peer   +---------+ |
   |      | A's  |<------> | A's  |    |B's      |<------> |B's      | |
   |      | User1|Protocol | User2|    | User3   |Protocol | User4   | |
   |      +------+         +------+    +---------+         +---------+ |
   |                                                                   |

    |                                                                  |
    |      Tracker Protocol  +---------+   Tracker Protocol            |
    |        +-------------> | Tracker |<------------------+           |
    |        |               +---------+                   |           |
    |        |                    ^                        |           |
    |        |                    |                        |           |
    |        |                    |                        |           |
    |        V                    |                        V           |
    |    +------+                 |                +------------+      |
    |    |  STB |           Tracker Protocol       |Mobile Phone|      |
    |    +------+                 |                +------------+      |
    |        ^                    |                        ^           |
    |        |                    |                        |           |
    |        |                    |                        |           |
    |        |                    V                        |           |
    |        |Peer Protocol  +---------+    Peer Protocol  |           |
    |        +-------------> |    PC   |<------------------+           |
    |                        +---------+                               |
    |                                                                  |

      |                                                                |
      |    Tracker Protocol +---------+                                |
      |  +----------------> | Tracker |                                |
      |  |                  +---------+                                |
      |  |                       ^                                     |
      |  |                       |                                     |
      |  |                       | Tracker Protocol                    |
      |  |                       |                                     |
      |  |                       |                                     |
      |  |             +---------|-------------------------------------|
      |  |             |         V                                     |
      |  |             |     +---------+                               |
      |  |  +----------|---> | Cache   |<-------------------+          |
      |  |  |          |     +---------+        Tracker/Peer|          |
      |  |  | Peer     |                          Protocol  |          |
      |  |  | Protocol |                                    |          |
      |  |  |          |                                    |          |
      |  |  |          |                                    |          |
      |  V  V          |                                    V          |
      |  +-----------+ |        ISP Domain             +------------+  |
      |  |  External | |                               |   Inside   |  |
      |  |  Peer     | |                               |   Peer     |  |
      |  +-----------+ |                               +------------+  |

       |                                                               |
       |    Tracker Protocol +--------+                                |
       |  +----------------> | Tracker|                                |
       |  |                  +--------+                                |
       |  |                       ^                                    |
       |  |                       |                                    |
       |  |                       | Tracker Protocol                   |
       |  |                       |                                    |
       |  |             +---------|------------------------------------|
       |  |             |         V                                    |
       |  |             |     +--------+                               |
       |  |  +----------|---> |  PPSP   |<------------------+          |
       |  |  |          |     |  Proxy  |       DLNA         |         |
       |  |  | Peer     |     +--------+       Protocol     |          |
       |  |  | Protocol|                                    |          |
       |  |  |          |                                    |         |
       |  V  V          |                                    V         |
       |  +-----------+ |        Home Domain            +-----------+  |
       |  |  External | |                               |DLNA  Pres.|  |
       |  |  Peer     | |                               |Devices    |  |
       |  +-----------+ |                               +-----------+  |

                       ___ ######## ___ ######## ___
                      \_B_/@@@@@@@@\_A_/        \_F_/
                        *@                       #*@
                        *@                       #*@
                        *@                       #*@
                       _*@          ___          #*@

                       ___          ___          ___
                        *@                       @*
                        *@                       @*
                        *@                       @*
                       _*@          ___          @*_

                       ___          ___          ___
                        *@                       @*
                        *@                       @*
                        *@                       @*
                       _*@          ___          @*_

                        ___          ___          ___
                         *@                        *@
                         *@                        *@
                         *@                        *@
                        _*@          ___          _*@

                        ___          ___          ___
                         *@                        *#
                         *@                        *#
                         *@                        *#
                        _*@          ___          _*#

                          ___ ++++++++ ___          ___
                         $+*@                       +*$
                         $+*@                       +*$
                         $+*@                       +*$
                         $+*@ ++++++++ ___ ++++++++ +*$
                              $$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$

                                  V  Ingress
               ___               _V_                ___
              /LSR\             /LSR\**************/LSR\
               @ *                                    *
               @ *                                    *
               @ *                                  XXXX Failure
               @ *                                    *
               @_*               ___                __*
                                 @                  @
                                 @                  @
                                 V                  V

                          ^            ^            ^
                         _|_          _|_          _|_
                         +*              <+++++++++*||
                         +*                       +*||
                         +*                       +*||
                         +*                       +*||
                         +*_ ++++++++ ___ +++++++++*||
                          |            |            |
                          V            V            V

                            ^            ^           ^           ^
                            ^            ^           ^           ^
              ___ xxxxxxxxx_+_ xxxxxxxxxX+_xxxxxxxxxX+_ xxxxxxxx_+_
               *+             <+++++++++    +++++++     ++++++++*||x
               *+                                              +*||x
               *+                                              +*||x
               *+                                              +*||x
              _*++++++++++ ___ +++++++++___ ++++++++___+++++++++*||x
               +            +            +           +Xxxxxxxxxx +
               v            v            v           v           v
               v            v            v           v           v

                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                     1 |                           | 1
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |

      +-------+                   +-------+                    +-------+
      |DHCPv6 |                   |  NAS  |                    |Radius |
      |Client |                   |(DHCPv6|                    |Server |
      |       |                   | Relay)|                    |       |
      +-------+                   +-------+                    +-------+
          |                           |                            |
          |---Solicit---------------->|                            |
          |                           |---Access-Request---------->|
                                      | (e.g., DS-Lite-Tunnel-Name)|
                                      |                        +-------+
                                      |                        |DHCPv6 |
                                      |                        |Server |
                                      |                        |       |
                                      |                        +-------+
                                      |                            |
                                      |  (RSOO(OPTION_AFTR_NAME))  |
                                      |                            |
          |                           |<--Relay-Reply--------------|
          |<--Advertise---------------|  (e.g., OPTION_AFTR_NAME)  |
          |  (e.g., OPTION_AFTR_NAME) |

      +-------+                   +-------+                    +-------+
      |DHCPv6 |                   |  NAS  |                    |Radius |
      |Client |                   |(DHCPv6|                    |Server/|
      |       |                   | Relay)|                    |  DAC  |
      +-------+                   +-------+                    +-------+
          |                           |                            |
                                      |(e.g., DS-Lite-Tunnel-Name) |

      +-------+                   +-------+                    +-------+
      |DHCPv6 |                   |  NAS  |                    |Radius |
      |Client |                   |(DHCPv6|                    |Server/|
      |       |                   | Relay)|                    | DAC   |
      +-------+                   +-------+                    +-------+
          |                           |                            |
                                      |(e.g., DS-Lite-Tunnel-Name) |
                                      |                            |
                                      |                        +-------+
                                      |                        |DHCPv6 |
                                      |                        |Server |
                                      |                        |       |
                                      |                        +-------+
                                      |                            |
                                      |                            |
          |                           |<--Relay-Reply -------------|
          |<--Reconfigure-------------|   (Reconfigure)            |
          |                           |                            |

                     |                Bp is the address to use to get
                     |                  a packet to B not via P
          S----------P----------B. . . . . . . . . .D
           \         |        Bp^
            \        |          |
             \       |          |
              \      C          |
               \                |
                  Repair to Bp

            X                          X                          X
            |                          |                          |
            |                          |                          |
            |                Sp        |Pb                        |
                                     Ps|Pc      Bp

                                 a   Ps    a   Dp
                            |          |         |
                            |    a     |         |
                            A----------B         |
                            |          |         |
                            |          |         |

                             a   Ps              a  Dg
                        |          |         |        |
                        |    a     |         |        |
                        A----------B         |        |
                        |          |         |        |
                        |          |         |        |

                               ab  Ps              a  Dg
                          |          |         |        |
                          |    a     |         |        |
                          A----------B         |        |
                          |          |         |        |
                          |    b     |         |   b    |
                          |          |
                          |          |

                              ab  Ps              a  Dg
                         |          |         |        |
                         |    a     |         |        |
                         A----/-----B         |        |
                         |          |         |        |
                         |    b     |         |   b    |
                         |          |
                         |          |

                              ab  Ps              a  Dg
                         |          |         |        |
                         |    a     |         |        |
                         A----/-----B         |        |
                         |          |         |        |
                         |    b     |         |   b    |
                         |          |
                         |          |


                                                 Ql       Cl
                                     |              Qc
                    As       Sl      |           Pl       Bl
                          Sa         |              Pb
                                     |           Rl       Dl

                                                Qs Qp Qc    Cqn
                                      |         Qr Qn        Cq
                     Asn   Sa Sp Sq   |         Ps Pq Pb    Bpn
                     As       Sr Sn   |         Pr Pn        Bp
                                      |         Rs Rp Pd    Drn
                                                Rq Rn        Dr

                 |              |            |              |
                 |              |            |              |
                 M--------------+            N--------------+

                              /        \
   |                      LAN  (                          |
      |        |        |               |               |         |
      |        |        |               |               |         |
      |.222    |.230    |.221           |.179           |.231     |.220
   +-----+  +-----+  +-----+         +-----+         +-----+ +---------+
   | CE  |  | CE  |  |     |         |     |         |     | | Protocol|
   |ZJSU |  | NTT |  | FE1 |.1     .2| FE  |.1     .2| FE2 | | Analyzer|
   +-----+  +-----+  |ZJSU |---------| NTT |---------|ZJSU | +---------+
           +---------|     |192.169. |     | 192.168.|     |------+
           |      .2 +-----+ 20.0.24 +-----+  30.0/24+-----+ .2   |
           |         .12|                               |.12      |
           |            |                               |         |    |                               |
           |       |
        .1 |            |.11                            |.11      |.1
      +--------+     +--------------------------------------+ +--------+
      |Terminal|     |               SmartBits              | |Terminal|
      +--------+     +--------------------------------------+ +--------+

                               /        \
                |                LAN                 |
                     |           |              |
                     |           |              |
                 +------+    +--------+     +------+
                 |  FE  |    |Protocol|     |  CE  |
                 | UoP  |    |Analyzer|     |  UoP |
                 +------+    +--------+     +------+

                                      |  CE  |
                                      | ZJSU |
                                       ^  |  ^
                                  OSPF |  |  | OSPF
                                 <-----+  |  +----->
                         +-------+    +------+     +------+
           +--------+    | OSPF  |    |  FE  |     | OSPF |  +--------+
           |Terminal|----|Router |----| NTT  |-----|Router|--|Terminal|
           +--------+    +-------+    +------+     +------+  +--------+
                             Packet Forwarding

                    0          1          2          3
                    01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901
                   |  Kind  | Length |       ...       |
                   |    ...

                    0          1          2          3
                    01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901
                   |  Kind  | Length |       ExID      |
                   |  option contents...

                    0          1          2          3
                    01234567 89012345 67890123 45678901
                   |  Kind  | Length |       ExID      |
                   |   ExID (con't)  |  option contents...