[要約] RFC 2291は、World Wide Webのための分散型著作およびバージョン管理プロトコルの要件を定義しています。その目的は、Web上での共同作業とバージョン管理を容易にすることです。

Network Working Group                                          J. Slein
Request for Comments: 2291                            Xerox Corporation
Category: Informational                                       F. Vitali
                                                  University of Bologna
                                                           E. Whitehead
                                                            U.C. Irvine
                                                              D. Durand
                                                      Boston University
                                                          February 1998

Requirements for a Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol for the World Wide Web

World Wide Webの分散オーサリングおよびバージョン管理プロトコルの要件

Status of this Memo


This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

Copyright(C)The Internet Society(1998)。全著作権所有。



Current World Wide Web (WWW or Web) standards provide simple support for applications which allow remote editing of typed data. In practice, the existing capabilities of the WWW have proven inadequate to support efficient, scalable remote editing free of overwriting conflicts. This document presents a list of features in the form of requirements for a Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol which, if implemented, would improve the efficiency of common remote editing operations, provide a locking mechanism to prevent overwrite conflicts, improve link management support between non-HTML data types, provide a simple attribute-value metadata facility, provide for the creation and reading of container data types, and integrate versioning into the WWW.

現在のWorld Wide Web(WWWまたはWeb)標準は、型付きデータのリモート編集を可能にするアプリケーションを簡単にサポートします。実際には、WWWの既存の機能は、上書きの競合がない、効率的でスケーラブルなリモート編集をサポートするには不十分であることが判明しています。このドキュメントでは、Web分散オーサリングとバージョン管理プロトコルの要件の形式で機能のリストを示します。実装すると、一般的なリモート編集操作の効率が向上し、ロックのメカニズムが提供され、上書きの競合が防止され、非リンク間のリンク管理サポートが向上します-HTMLデータ型は、単純な属性値メタデータ機能を提供し、コンテナーデータ型の作成と読み取りを提供し、バージョン管理をWWWに統合します。

1. Introduction
1. はじめに

This document describes functionality which, if incorporated in an extension to the existing HTTP proposed standard [HTTP], would allow tools for remote loading, editing and saving (publishing) of various media types on the WWW to interoperate with any compliant Web server. As much as possible, this functionality is described without suggesting a proposed implementation, since there are many ways to perform the functionality within the WWW framework. It is also possible that a single mechanism could simultaneously satisfy several requirements.

このドキュメントでは、既存のHTTP提案標準[HTTP]の拡張機能に組み込むと、WWW上のさまざまなメディアタイプをリモートでロード、編集、保存(公開)するためのツールが、準拠するWebサーバーと相互運用できるようになる機能について説明します。 WWWフレームワーク内で機能を実行する多くの方法があるため、可能な限り、この機能は提案された実装を提案することなく説明されます。また、単一のメカニズムで複数の要件を同時に満たすこともできます。

This document reflects the consensus of the WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning working group (WebDAV) as to the functionality that should be standardized to support distributed authoring and versioning on the Web. As with any set of requirements, practical considerations may make it impossible to satisfy them all. It is the intention of the WebDAV working group to come as close as possible to satisfying them in the specifications that make up the WebDAV protocol.

このドキュメントは、Webでの分散オーサリングとバージョン管理をサポートするために標準化する必要がある機能に関するWWW分散オーサリングおよびバージョン管理作業グループ(WebDAV)の合意を反映しています。一連の要件と同様に、実際の考慮事項により、すべての要件を満たすことが不可能になる場合があります。 WebDAVプロトコルを構成する仕様でできる限りそれらに近づくことがWebDAVワーキンググループの意図です。

2. Rationale
2. 根拠

Current Web standards contain functionality which enables the editing of Web content at a remote location, without direct access to the storage media via an operating system. This capability is exploited by several existing HTML distributed authoring tools, and by a growing number of mainstream applications (e.g., word processors) which allow users to write (publish) their work to an HTTP server. To date, experience from the HTML authoring tools has shown they are unable to meet their users' needs using the facilities of Web standards. The consequence of this is either postponed introduction of distributed authoring capability, or the addition of nonstandard extensions to the HTTP protocol or other Web standards. These extensions, developed in isolation, are not interoperable.


Other authoring applications have wanted to access document repositories or version control systems through Web gateways, and have been similarly frustrated. Where this access is available at all, it is through nonstandard extensions to HTTP or other standards that force clients to use a different interface for each vendor's service.


This document describes requirements for a set of standard extensions to HTTP that would allow distributed Web authoring tools to provide the functionality their users need by means of the same standard syntax across all compliant servers. The broad categories of functionality that need to be standardized are:


Properties Links Locking Reservations Retrieval of Unprocessed Source Partial Write Name Space Manipulation Collections Versioning Variants Security Internationalization


3. Terminology
3. 用語

Where there is overlap, usage is intended to be consistent with that in the HTTP 1.1 specification [HTTP].

重複がある場合、使用法はHTTP 1.1仕様[HTTP]の使用法と一致するように意図されています。

Client A program which issues HTTP requests and accepts responses.


Collection A collection is a resource that contains other resources, either directly or by reference.


Distributed Authoring Tool A program which can retrieve a source entity via HTTP, allow editing of this entity, and then save/publish this entity to a server using HTTP.


Entity The information transferred in a request or response.


Hierarchical Collection A hierarchical organization of resources. A hierarchical collection is a resource that contains other resources, including collections, either directly or by reference.


Link A typed connection between two or more resources.


Lock A mechanism for preventing anyone other than the owner of the lock from accessing a resource.


Member of Version Graph A resource that is a node in a version graph, and so is derived from the resources that precede it in the graph, and is the basis of those that succeed it.


Property Named descriptive information about a resource.


Reservation A declaration that one intends to edit a resource.


Resource A network data object or service that can be identified by a URI.


Server A program which receives and responds to HTTP requests.


User Agent The client that initiates a request.


Variant A representation of a resource. A resource may have one or more representations associated with it at any given time.


Version Graph A directed acyclic graph with resources as its nodes, where each node is derived from its predecessor(s).


Write Lock A lock that prevents anyone except its owner from modifying the resource it applies to.


4. General Principles
4. 一般的な原則

This section describes a set of general principles that the WebDAV extensions should follow. These principles cut across categories of functionality.


4.1. User Agent Interoperability
4.1. ユーザーエージェントの相互運用性

All WebDAV clients should be able to work with any WebDAV-compliant HTTP server. It is acceptable for some client/server combinations to provide special features that are not universally available, but the protocol should be sufficient that a basic level of functionality will be universal.


4.2. Client Simplicity
4.2. クライアントのシンプルさ

The WebDAV extensions should be designed to allow client implementations to be simple.


4.3. Legacy Client Support
4.3. レガシークライアントサポート

It should be possible to implement a WebDAV-compliant server in such a way that it can interoperate with non-WebDAV clients. Such a server would be able to understand any valid HTTP 1.1 request from an ordinary Web client without WebDAV extensions, and to provide a valid HTTP 1.1 response that does not require the client to understand the extensions.

非WebDAVクライアントと相互運用できるように、WebDAV準拠のサーバーを実装できる必要があります。このようなサーバーは、WebDAV拡張機能のない通常のWebクライアントからの有効なHTTP 1.1要求を理解し、クライアントが拡張機能を理解する必要がない有効なHTTP 1.1応答を提供できます。

4.4. Data Format Compatibility
4.4. データ形式の互換性

WebDAV-compliant servers should be able to work with existing resources and URIs [URL]. Special additional information should not become a mandatory part of document formats.

WebDAV準拠のサーバーは、既存のリソースとURI [URL]を処理できる必要があります。特別な追加情報は、ドキュメント形式の必須部分にはなりません。

4.5. Replicated, Distributed Systems
4.5. 複製された分散システム

Distribution and replication are at the heart of the Internet. All WebDAV extensions should be designed to allow for distribution and replication. Version trees should be able to be split across multiple servers. Collections may have members on different servers. Any resource may be cached or replicated for mobile computing or other reasons. Consequently, the WebDAV extensions must be able to operate in a distributed, replicated environment.


4.6 Parsimony in Client-Server Interactions
4.6 クライアントとサーバーの相互作用における節約

The WebDAV extensions should keep to a minimum the number of interactions between the client and the server needed to perform common functions. For example, publishing a document to the Web will often mean publishing content together with related properties. A client may often need to find out what version graph a particular resource belongs to, or to find out which resource in a version graph is the published one. The extensions should make it possible to do these things efficiently.


4.7. Changes to HTTP
4.7. HTTPの変更

WebDAV adds a number of new types of objects to the Web: properties, collections, version graphs, etc. Existing HTTP methods such as DELETE and PUT will have to operate in well-defined ways in this expanded environment. WebDAV should explicitly address not only new methods, headers, and MIME types, but also any required changes to the existing HTTP methods and headers.

WebDAVは、プロパティ、コレクション、バージョングラフなど、多くの新しいタイプのオブジェクトをWebに追加します。DELETEやPUTなどの既存のHTTPメソッドは、この拡張された環境で明確に定義された方法で動作する必要があります。 WebDAVは、新しいメソッド、ヘッダー、MIMEタイプだけでなく、既存のHTTPメソッドおよびヘッダーに必要な変更も明示的に対処する必要があります。

4.8. Alternate Transport Mechanisms
4.8. 代替トランスポートメカニズム

It may be desirable to transport WebDAV requests and responses by other mechanisms, particularly EMail, in addition to HTTP. The WebDAV protocol specification should not preclude a future body from developing an interoperability specification for disconnected operation via EMail.

HTTPに加えて、他のメカニズム、特にEMailによってWebDAV要求と応答を転送することが望ましい場合があります。 WebDAVプロトコル仕様は、将来の団体がEMailを介した切断された操作の相互運用性仕様を開発することを妨げるべきではありません。

5. Requirements
5. 必要条件

In the requirement descriptions below, the requirement will be stated, followed by its rationale.


5.1. Properties
5.1. プロパティ
5.1.1. Functional Requirements
5.1.1. 機能要件

It must be possible to create, modify, read and delete arbitrary properties on resources of any media type.


5.1.2. Rationale
5.1.2. 根拠

Properties describe resources of any media type. They may include bibliographic information such as author, title, publisher, and subject, constraints on usage, PICS ratings, etc. These properties have many uses, such as supporting searches on property values, enforcing copyrights, and the creation of catalog entries as placeholders for objects which are not available in electronic form, or which will be available later.


5.2. リンク集
5.2.1. Functional Requirements
5.2.1. 機能要件

It must be possible to create, modify, read and delete typed links between resources of any media type.


5.2.2. Rationale
5.2.2. 根拠

One type of link between resources is the hypertext link, which is browsable using a hypertext style point-and-click user interface. Links, whether they are browsable hypertext links, or simply a means of capturing a relationship between resources, have many purposes. Links can support pushbutton printing of a multi-resource document in a prescribed order, jumping to the access control page for a resource, and quick browsing of related information, such as a table of contents, an index, a glossary, a bibliographic record, help pages, etc. While link support is provided by the HTML "LINK" element, this is limited only to HTML resources [HTML]. Similar support is needed for bitmap image types, and other non-HTML media types.


5.3. Locking
5.3. ロック
5.3.1. General Principles
5.3.1. 一般的な原則 Independence of locks. It must be possible to lock a resource without performing an additional retrieval of the resource, and without committing to editing the resource. ロックの独立性。リソースの追加取得を実行したり、リソースの編集をコミットしたりせずに、リソースをロックできる必要があります。 Multi-Resource Locking. It must be possible to take out a lock on multiple resources residing on the same server in a single action, and this locking operation must be atomic across these resources. マルチリソースロック。同じサーバー上にある複数のリソースのロックを1回のアクションで解除できる必要があり、このロック操作はこれらのリソース全体でアトミックである必要があります。

5.3.2. Functional Requirements
5.3.2. 機能要件 Write Locks. It must be possible to restrict modification of a resource to a specific person. ロックの書き込み。リソースの変更を特定の人に制限することが可能でなければなりません。 Lock Query. It must be possible to find out whether a given resource has any active locks, and if so, who holds those locks. クエリをロックします。特定のリソースにアクティブなロックがあるかどうか、ある場合はそれらのロックを保持しているユーザーを見つけることが可能でなければなりません。 Unlock. It must be possible to remove a lock. ロックを解除します。ロックを解除できる必要があります。

5.3.3. Rationale
5.3.3. 根拠

At present, the Web provides limited support for preventing two or more people from overwriting each other's modifications when they save to a given URI. Furthermore, there is no way to discover whether someone else is currently making modifications to a resource. This is known as the "lost update problem," or the "overwrite problem." Since there can be significant cost associated with discovering and repairing lost modifications, preventing this problem is crucial for supporting distributed authoring. A write lock ensures that only one person may modify a resource, preventing overwrites. Furthermore, locking support is a key component of many versioning schemes, a desirable capability for distributed authoring.


An author may wish to lock an entire web of resources even though he is editing just a single resource, to keep the other resources from changing. In this way, an author can ensure that if a local hypertext web is consistent in his distributed authoring tool, it will then be consistent when he writes it to the server. Because of this, it should be possible to take out a lock without also causing transmission of the contents of a resource.


It is often necessary to guarantee that a lock or unlock operation occurs at the same time across multiple resources, a feature which is supported by the multiple-resource locking requirement. This is useful for preventing a collision between two people trying to establish locks on the same set of resources, since with multi-resource locking, one of the two people will get a lock. If this same multiple-resource locking scenario was repeated by using atomic lock operations iterated across the resources, the result would be a splitting of the locks between the two people, based on resource ordering and race conditions.


5.4. Reservations
5.4. ご予約
5.4.1. Functional Requirements
5.4.1. 機能要件 Reserve. It must be possible for a principal to register with the server an intent to edit a given resource, so that other principals can discover who intends to edit the resource. 予約。プリンシパルは、特定のリソースを編集する意図でサーバーに登録できる必要があります。これにより、他のプリンシパルは、リソースを編集する意図を発見できます。 Reservation Query. It must be possible to find out whether a given resource has any active reservations, and if so, who currently holds reservations. 予約クエリ。特定のリソースにアクティブな予約があるかどうか、またある場合、現在予約を保持している人を見つけることが可能でなければなりません。 Release Reservation. It must be possible to release the reservation. 予約を解除します。予約を解除できる必要があります。

5.4.2. Rationale
5.4.2. 根拠

Experience from configuration management systems has shown that people need to know when they are about to enter a parallel editing situation. Once notified, they either decide not to edit in parallel with the other authors, or they use out-of-band communication (face-to-face, telephone, etc.) to coordinate their editing to minimize the difficulty of merging their results. Reservations are separate from locking, since a write lock does not necessarily imply a resource will be edited, and a reservation does not carry with it any access restrictions. This capability supports versioning, since a check-out typically involves taking out a write lock, making a reservation, and getting the resource to be edited.


5.5. Retrieval of Unprocessed Source for Editing
5.5. 編集のための未処理ソースの取得
5.5.1. Functional Requirement
5.5.1. 機能要件

The source of any given resource must be retrievable by any principal with authorization to edit the resource.


5.5.2. Rationale
5.5.2. 根拠

There are many cases where the source stored on a server does not correspond to the actual entity transmitted in response to an HTTP GET. Current known cases are server side include directives, and Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) source which is converted on the fly to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) [HTML] output entities. There are many possible cases, such as automatic conversion of bitmap images into several variant bitmap media types (e.g. GIF, JPEG), and automatic conversion of an application's native media type into HTML. As an example of this last case, a word processor could store its native media type on a server which automatically converts it to HTML. A GET of this resource would retrieve the HTML. Retrieving the source would retrieve the word processor native format.

サーバーに格納されているソースが、HTTP GETに応答して送信された実際のエンティティに対応していない場合が多くあります。現在の既知のケースは、サーバー側のincludeディレクティブ、およびその場でハイパーテキストマークアップ言語(HTML)[HTML]出力エンティティに変換される標準の汎用マークアップ言語(SGML)ソースです。ビットマップ画像のいくつかのバリアントビットマップメディアタイプ(GIF、JPEGなど)への自動変換、アプリケーションのネイティブメディアタイプのHTMLへの自動変換など、多くの可能なケースがあります。この最後のケースの例として、ワープロはネイティブメディアタイプをサーバーに保存し、それを自動的にHTMLに変換します。このリソースのGETはHTMLを取得します。ソースを取得すると、ワードプロセッサのネイティブ形式が取得されます。

5.6. Partial Write.

5.6. 部分書き込み。

5.6.1. Functional Requirement
5.6.1. 機能要件

After editing a resource, it must be possible to write only the changes to the resource, rather than retransmitting the entire resource.


5.6.2. Rationale
5.6.2. 根拠

During distributed editing which occurs over wide geographic separations and/or over low bandwidth connections, it is extremely inefficient and frustrating to rewrite a large resource after minor changes, such as a one-character spelling correction. Support is needed for transmitting "insert" (e.g., add this sentence in the middle of a document) and "delete" (e.g. remove this paragraph from the middle of a document) style updates. Support for partial resource updates will make small edits more efficient, and allow distributed authoring tools to scale up for editing large documents.

地理的に離れた場所や低帯域幅の接続で発生する分散編集中に、1文字のスペル修正などの小さな変更を加えた後で大きなリソースを書き換えることは非常に非効率的でイライラします。 「挿入」(例:ドキュメントの途中でこの文を追加)および「削除」(例:ドキュメントの途中からこの段落を削除)スタイルの更新を送信するには、サポートが必要です。部分的なリソース更新のサポートにより、小さな編集がより効率的になり、分散したオーサリングツールが大きなドキュメントを編集するためにスケールアップできるようになります。

5.7. Name Space Manipulation
5.7. 名前空間の操作
5.7.1. Copy
5.7.1. コピーする Functional Requirements 機能要件

It must be possible to duplicate a resource without a client loading, then resaving the resource. After the copy operation, a modification to either resource must not cause a modification to the other.

クライアントをロードせずにリソースを複製してから、リソースを再保存できる必要があります。コピー操作後、いずれかのリソースを変更しても、もう一方のリソースが変更されてはなりません。 Rationale 根拠

There are many reasons why a resource might need to be duplicated, such as changing ownership, preparing for major modifications, or making a backup. Due to network costs associated with loading and saving a resource, it is far preferable to have a server perform a resource copy than a client.


5.7.2. Move/Rename
5.7.2. 移動/名前変更 Functional Requirements 機能要件

It must be possible to change the location of a resource without a client loading, then resaving the resource under a different name. After the move operation, it must no longer be possible to access the resource at its original location.

クライアントをロードせずにリソースの場所を変更し、リソースを別の名前で再保存できる必要があります。移動操作後は、元の場所にあるリソースにアクセスできなくなります。 Rationale 根拠

It is often necessary to change the name of a resource, for example due to adoption of a new naming convention, or if a typing error was made entering the name originally. Due to network costs, it is undesirable to perform this operation by loading, then resaving the resource, followed by a delete of the old resource. Similarly, a single rename operation is more efficient than a copy followed by a delete operation. Note that moving a resource is considered the same function as renaming a resource.


5.8. Collections
5.8. コレクション

A collection is a resource that is a container for other resources, including other collections. A resource may belong to a collection either directly or by reference. If a resource belongs to a collection directly, name space operations like copy, move, and delete applied to the collection also apply to the resource. If a resource belongs to a collection by reference, name space operations applied to the collection affect only the reference, not the resource itself.


5.8.1. Functional Requirements
5.8.1. 機能要件 List Collection. A listing of all resources in a specific collection must be accessible. リストコレクション。特定のコレクション内のすべてのリソースのリストにアクセスできる必要があります。 Make Collection. It must be possible to create a new collection. コレクションを作る。新しいコレクションを作成できる必要があります。 Add to Collection. It must be possible to add a resource to a collection directly or by reference. コレクションに追加。リソースを直接または参照によりコレクションに追加できる必要があります。 Remove from Collection. It must be possible to remove a resource from a collection. コレクションから削除します。コレクションからリソースを削除できる必要があります。

5.8.2. Rationale
5.8.2. 根拠

In [URL] it states that, "some URL schemes (such as the ftp, http, and file schemes) contain names that can be considered hierarchical." Especially for HTTP servers which directly map all or part of their URL name space into a filesystem, it is very useful to get a listing of all resources located at a particular hierarchy level. This functionality supports "Save As..." dialog boxes, which provide a listing of the entities at a current hierarchy level, and allow navigation through the hierarchy. It also supports the creation of graphical visualizations (typically as a network) of the hypertext structure among the entities at a hierarchy level, or set of levels. It also supports a tree visualization of the entities and their hierarchy levels.


In addition, document management systems may want to make their documents accessible through the Web. They typically allow the organization of documents into collections, and so also want their users to be able to view the collection hierarchy through the Web.


There are many instances where there is not a strong correlation between a URL hierarchy level and the notion of a collection. One example is a server in which the URL hierarchy level maps to a computational process which performs some resolution on the name. In this case, the contents of the URL hierarchy level can vary depending on the input to the computation, and the number of resources accessible via the computation can be very large. It does not make sense to implement a directory feature for such a name space. However, the utility of listing the contents of those URL hierarchy levels which do correspond to collections, such as the large number of HTTP servers which map their name space to a filesystem, argue for the inclusion of this capability, despite not being meaningful in all cases. If listing the contents of a URL hierarchy level does not makes sense for a particular URL, then a "405 Method Not Allowed" status code could be issued.

URL階層レベルとコレクションの概念との間に強い相関がない多くの場合があります。 1つの例は、URL階層レベルが名前の解決を実行する計算プロセスにマップするサーバーです。この場合、URL階層レベルの内容は、計算への入力に応じて変化する可能性があり、計算を介してアクセスできるリソースの数は非常に多くなる可能性があります。このような名前空間のディレクトリ機能を実装することは意味がありません。ただし、コレクションに対応するURL階層レベルのコンテンツを一覧表示するユーティリティ(ファイルシステムに名前空間をマップする多数のHTTPサーバーなど)は、すべてで意味があるわけではないにもかかわらず、この機能を含めることを主張しています。ケース。 URL階層レベルのコンテンツをリストすることが特定のURLにとって意味をなさない場合、「405メソッドは許可されていません」というステータスコードが発行される可能性があります。

The ability to create collections to hold related resources supports management of a name space by packaging its members into small, related clusters. The utility of this capability is demonstrated by the broad implementation of directories in recent operating systems. The ability to create a collection also supports the creation of "Save As..." dialog boxes with "New Level/Folder/Directory" capability, common in many applications.


5.9. Versioning
5.9. バージョン管理
5.9.1. Background and General Principles
5.9.1. 背景と一般原則 Stability of versions. Most versioning systems are intended to provide an accurate record of the history of evolution of a document. This accuracy is ensured by the fact that a version eventually becomes "frozen" and immutable. Once a version is frozen, further changes will create new versions rather than modifying the original. In order for caching and persistent references to be properly maintained, a client must be able to determine that a version has been frozen. Any successful attempt to retrieve a frozen version of a resource will always retrieve exactly the same content, or return an error if that version (or the resource itself) is no longer available. バージョンの安定性。ほとんどのバージョン管理システムは、ドキュメントの進化の履歴を正確に記録することを目的としています。この精度は、バージョンが最終的に「凍結」されて不変になるという事実によって保証されます。バージョンが凍結されると、さらに変更を加えると、元のバージョンが変更されるのではなく、新しいバージョンが作成されます。キャッシュと永続的な参照が適切に維持されるためには、クライアントがバージョンが凍結されていると判断できる必要があります。リソースのフリーズバージョンを取得しようとすると、常にまったく同じコンテンツが取得されます。または、そのバージョン(またはリソース自体)が利用できなくなった場合はエラーが返されます。 Operations for Creating New Versions. Version management systems vary greatly in the operations they require, the order of the operations, and how they are combined into atomic functions. In the most complete cases, the logical operations involved are: 新しいバージョンを作成するための操作。バージョン管理システムは、必要な操作、操作の順序、およびそれらをアトミック関数に組み合わせる方法が大きく異なります。最も完全なケースでは、関連する論理演算は次のとおりです。

o Reserve existing version o Lock existing version o Retrieve existing version o Request or suggest identifier for new version o Write new version o Release lock o Release reservation

o 既存バージョンの予約o既存バージョンのロックo既存バージョンの取得o新しいバージョンの識別子の要求または提案o新しいバージョンの書き込みoロックの解除o予約の解除

With the exception of requesting a new version identifier, all of these operations have applications outside of versioning and are either already part of HTTP or are discussed in earlier sections of these requirements. Typically, versioning systems combine reservation, locking, and retrieval -- or some subset of these -- into an atomic checkout function. They combine writing, releasing the lock, and releasing the reservation -- or some subset of these -- into an atomic checkin function. The new version identifier may be assigned either at checkout or at checkin.


The WebDAV extensions must find some balance between allowing versioning servers to adopt whatever policies they wish with regard to these operations and enforcing enough uniformity to keep client implementations simple.

WebDAV拡張機能は、バージョン管理サーバーがこれらの操作に関して希望するポリシーを採用できるようにすることと、クライアントの実装を単純に保つのに十分な均一性を適用することのバランスを見つける必要があります。 The Versioning Model. Each version typically stands in a "derived from" relationship to its predecessor(s). It is possible to derive several different versions from a single version (branching), and to derive a single version from several versions (merging). Consequently, the collection of related versions forms a directed acyclic graph. In the following discussion, this graph will be called a "version graph". Each node of this graph is a "version" or "member of the version graph". The arcs of the graph capture the "derived from" relationships. バージョン管理モデル。各バージョンは通常、その先行バージョンとの「派生元」関係にあります。単一のバージョンから複数の異なるバージョンを派生させ(分岐)、複数のバージョンから単一のバージョンを派生させること(マージ)が可能です。その結果、関連バージョンのコレクションは有向非循環グラフを形成します。以下の説明では、このグラフを「バージョングラフ」と呼びます。このグラフの各ノードは、「バージョン」または「バージョングラフのメンバー」です。グラフの弧は、「派生元」の関係をキャプチャします。

It is also possible for a single resource to participate in multiple version graphs.


The WebDAV extensions should support this versioning model, though particular servers may restrict it in various ways.

WebDAV拡張機能は、このバージョン管理モデルをサポートする必要がありますが、特定のサーバーがさまざまな方法で制限する場合があります。 Versioning Policies. Many writers, including Feiler [CM] and Haake and Hicks [VSE], have discussed the notion of versioning styles (referred to here as versioning policies, to reflect the nature of client/server interaction) as one way to think about the different policies that versioning systems implement. Versioning policies include decisions on the shape of version histories (linear or branched), the granularity of change tracking, locking requirements made by a server, etc. The protocol should clearly identify the policies that it dictates and the policies that are left up to versioning system implementors or administrators. バージョン管理ポリシー。 Feiler [CM]やHaake and Hicks [VSE]を含む多くのライターは、異なるポリシーについて考える1つの方法として、バージョニングスタイル(ここではクライアント/サーバーの相互作用の性質を反映するためにバージョン管理ポリシーと呼ばれます)の概念について説明しています。そのバージョン管理システムが実装します。バージョン管理ポリシーには、バージョン履歴の形状(線形または分岐)、変更追跡の細分性、サーバーによって行われたロック要件などの決定が含まれます。プロトコルは、それが指示するポリシーとバージョン管理に委ねられているポリシーを明確に識別する必要がありますシステムの実装者または管理者。 It is possible to version resources of any media type. 任意のメディアタイプのリソースをバージョン管理することが可能です。

5.9.2. Functional Requirements
5.9.2. 機能要件 Referring to a version graph. There must be a way to refer to a version graph as a whole. バージョングラフを参照する。バージョングラフ全体を参照する方法が必要です。

Some queries and operations apply, not to any one member of a version graph, but to the version graph as a whole. For example, a client may request that an entire graph be moved, or may ask for a version history. In these cases, a way to refer to the whole version graph is required.

一部のクエリと操作は、バージョングラフの1つのメンバーではなく、バージョングラフ全体に適用されます。たとえば、クライアントはグラフ全体の移動を要求したり、バージョン履歴を要求したりできます。これらの場合、バージョングラフ全体を参照する方法が必要です。 Referring to a specific member of a version graph. There must be a way to refer to each member of a version graph. This means that each member of the graph is itself a resource. バージョングラフの特定のメンバーを参照します。バージョングラフの各メンバーを参照する方法が必要です。これは、グラフの各メンバー自体がリソースであることを意味します。

Each member of a version graph must be a resource if it is to be possible for a hypertext link to refer to specific version of a page, or for a client to request a specific version of a document for editing.

ハイパーテキストリンクがページの特定のバージョンを参照すること、またはクライアントが編集のためにドキュメントの特定のバージョンを要求することが可能である場合、バージョングラフの各メンバーはリソースである必要があります。 A client must be able to determine whether a resource is a version graph, or whether a resource is itself a member of a version graph. クライアントは、リソースがバージョングラフであるかどうか、またはリソース自体がバージョングラフのメンバーであるかどうかを判別できる必要があります。

A resource may be a simple, non-versioned resource, or it may be a version graph, or it may be a member of a version graph. A client needs to be able to tell which sort of resource it is accessing.

リソースは、バージョン管理されていない単純なリソースの場合もあれば、バージョングラフの場合もあれば、バージョングラフのメンバーの場合もあります。クライアントは、アクセスするリソースの種類を認識できる必要があります。 There must be a way to refer to a server-defined default member of a version graph. バージョングラフのサーバー定義のデフォルトメンバーを参照する方法が必要です。

The server should return a default version of a resource for requests that ask for the default version, as well as for requests where no specific version information is provided. This is one of the simplest ways to guarantee non-versioning client compatibility. This does not rule out the possibility of a server returning an error when no sensible default exists.


It may also be desirable to be able to refer to other special members of a version graph. For example, there may be a current version for editing that is different from the default version. For a graph with several branches, it may be useful to be able to request the tip version of any branch.

バージョングラフの他の特別なメンバーを参照できることが望ましい場合もあります。たとえば、編集用の現在のバージョンがデフォルトのバージョンと異なる場合があります。複数のブランチを持つグラフの場合、任意のブランチのチップバージョンをリクエストできると便利な場合があります。 It must be possible, given a reference to a member of a version graph, to find out which version graph(s) that resource belongs to. バージョングラフのメンバーへの参照を指定すると、リソースが属するバージョングラフを見つけることが可能でなければなりません。

This makes it possible to understand the versioning context of the resource. It makes it possible to retrieve a version history for the graphs to which it belongs, and to browse the version graph. It also supports some comparison operations: It makes it possible to determine whether two references designate members of the same version graph.

これにより、リソースのバージョン管理コンテキストを理解することができます。それが属するグラフのバージョン履歴を取得し、バージョングラフを閲覧することができます。また、いくつかの比較操作もサポートします。2つの参照が同じバージョングラフのメンバーを指定しているかどうかを判断できるようにします。 Navigation of a version graph. Given a reference to a member of a version graph, it must be possible to discover and access the following related members of the version graph. バージョングラフのナビゲーション。バージョングラフのメンバーへの参照を指定すると、バージョングラフの次の関連するメンバーを検出してアクセスできる必要があります。

o root member of the graph o predecessor member(s) o successor member(s) o default member of the graph

o グラフのルートメンバーo先行メンバーo後続メンバーoグラフのデフォルトメンバー

It must be possible in some way for a versioning client to access versions related to a resource currently being examined.

バージョニングクライアントが、現在調査中のリソースに関連するバージョンにアクセスできるようにする必要があります。 Version Topology. There must be a way to retrieve the complete version topology for a version graph, including information about all members of the version graph. The format for this information must be standardized so that the basic information can be used by all clients. Other specialized formats should be accommodated, for servers and clients that require information that cannot be included in the standard topology. バージョントポロジ。バージョングラフのすべてのメンバーに関する情報を含む、バージョングラフの完全なバージョントポロジを取得する方法が必要です。この情報の形式は、すべてのクライアントが基本情報を使用できるように標準化する必要があります。標準トポロジーに含めることができない情報を必要とするサーバーおよびクライアントには、他の特殊なフォーマットに対応する必要があります。 A client must be able to propose a version identifier to be used for a new member of a version graph. The server may refuse to use the client's suggested version identifier. The server should tell the client what version identifier it has assigned to the new member of the version graph. クライアントは、バージョングラフの新しいメンバーに使用するバージョン識別子を提案できる必要があります。サーバーは、クライアントが推奨するバージョン識別子の使用を拒否する場合があります。サーバーは、バージョングラフの新しいメンバーに割り当てたバージョン識別子をクライアントに通知する必要があります。 A version identifier must be unique across a version graph. バージョン識別子は、バージョングラフ全体で一意である必要があります。 A client must be able to supply version-specific properties to be associated with a new member of a version graph. (See Section 5.1 "Properties" above.) At a minimum, it must be possible to associate comments with the new member, explaining what changes were made. クライアントは、バージョングラフの新しいメンバーに関連付けるバージョン固有のプロパティを提供できる必要があります。 (上記のセクション5.1「プロパティ」を参照してください。)少なくとも、変更が加えられた内容を説明するコメントを新しいメンバーに関連付けることが可能でなければなりません。 A client must be able to query the server for information about a version tree, including which versions are locked, which are reserved for editing, and by whom (Session Tracking). クライアントは、ロックされているバージョン、編集用に予約されているバージョン、およびだれが誰が管理したかなど、バージョンツリーに関する情報をサーバーに照会できる必要があります(セッショントラッキング)。

5.9.3. Rationale
5.9.3. 根拠

Versioning in the context of the world-wide web offers a variety of benefits:


It provides infrastructure for efficient and controlled management of large evolving web sites. Modern configuration management systems are built on some form of repository that can track the revision history of individual resources, and provide the higher-level tools to manage those saved versions. Basic versioning capabilities are required to support such systems.


It allows parallel development and update of single resources. Since versioning systems register change by creating new objects, they enable simultaneous write access by allowing the creation of variant versions. Many also provide merge support to ease the reverse operation.


It provides a framework for coordinating changes to resources. While specifics vary, most systems provide some method of controlling or tracking access to enable collaborative resource development.


It allows browsing through past and alternative versions of a resource. Frequently the modification and authorship history of a resource is critical information in itself.


It provides stable names that can support externally stored links for annotation and link-server support. Both annotation and link servers frequently need to store stable references to portions of resources that are not under their direct control. By providing stable states of resources, version control systems allow not only stable pointers into those resources, but also well-defined methods to determine the relationships of those states of a resource.


It allows explicit semantic representation of single resources with multiple states. A versioning system directly represents the fact that a resource has an explicit history, and a persistent identity across the various states it has had during the course of that history.


5.10. Variants
5.10. バリアント

Detailed requirements for variants will be developed in a separate document.


5.10.1. Functional Requirements
5.10.1. 機能要件

It must be possible to send variants to the server, describing the relationships between the variants and their parent resource. In addition, it must be possible to write and retrieve variants of property labels, property descriptions, and property values.


5.10.2. Rationale
5.10.2. 根拠

The HTTP working group is addressing problems of content negotiation and retrieval of variants of a resource. To extend this work to an authoring environment, WEBDAV must standardize mechanisms for authors to use when submitting variants to a server. Authors need to be able to provide variants in different file or document formats, for different uses. They need to provide variants optimized for different clients and for different output devices. They need to be able to provide variants in different languages in the international environment of the Web. In support of internationalization requirements (See 5.12 below), variants need to be supported not just for the content of resources, but for any information intended for human use, such as property values, labels, and descriptions.


5.11. Security
5.11. 安全保障

5.11.1. Authentication. The WebDAV specification should state how the WebDAV extensions interoperate with existing authentication schemes, and should make recommendations for using those schemes.

5.11.1. 認証。 WebDAV仕様では、WebDAV拡張が既存の認証スキームとどのように相互運用するかを記述し、それらのスキームの使用に関する推奨事項を作成する必要があります。

5.11.2. Access Control. Access control requirements are specified in a separate access control work in progress [AC].

5.11.2. アクセス制御。アクセス制御要件は、別の進行中のアクセス制御作業[AC]で指定されています。

5.11.3. Interoperability with Security Protocols. The WebDAV specification must provide a minimal list of security protocols which any compliant server / client must support. These protocols should insure the authenticity of messages and the privacy and integrity of messages in transit.

5.11.3. セキュリティプロトコルとの相互運用性。 WebDAV仕様は、準拠するサーバー/クライアントがサポートする必要があるセキュリティプロトコルの最小限のリストを提供する必要があります。これらのプロトコルは、メッセージの信頼性と、転送中のメッセージのプライバシーと整合性を保証する必要があります。

5.12. Internationalization
5.12. 国際化
5.12.1. Character Sets and Languages
5.12.1. 文字セットと言語

Since Web distributed authoring occurs in a multi-lingual environment, information intended for user comprehension must conform to the IETF Character Set Policy [CHAR]. This policy addresses character sets and encodings, and language tagging.


5.12.2. Rationale
5.12.2. 根拠

In the international environment of the Internet, it is important to insure that any information intended for user comprehension can be displayed in a writing system and language agreeable to both the client and the server. The information encompassed by this requirement includes not only the content of resources, but also such things as display names and descriptions of properties, property values, and status messages.


6. Acknowledgements
6. 謝辞

Our understanding of these issues has emerged as the result of much thoughtful discussion, email, and assistance by many people, who deserve recognition for their effort.


Terry Allen, tallen@sonic.net Alan Babich, FileNet, babich@filenet.com Dylan Barrell, Open Text, dbarrell@opentext.ch Barbara Bazemore, PC DOCS, barbarab@pcdocs.com Martin Cagan, Continuus Software, Marty_Cagan@continuus.com Steve Carter, Novell, srcarter@novell.com Dan Connolly, World Wide Web Consortium, connolly@w3.org Jim Cunningham, Netscape, jfc@netscape.com Ron Daniel Jr., Los Alamos National Laboratory, rdaniel@lanl.gov Mark Day, Lotus, Mark_Day@lotus.com Martin J. Duerst, mduerst@ifi.unizh.ch Asad Faizi, Netscape, asad@netscape.com Ron Fein, Microsoft, ronfe@microsoft.com David Fiander, Mortice Kern Systems, davidf@mks.com Roy Fielding, U.C. Irvine, fielding@ics.uci.edu Mark Fisher, Thomson Consumer Electronics, FisherM@indy.tce.com Yaron Y. Goland, Microsoft, yarong@microsoft.com Phill Hallam-Baker, MIT, hallam@ai.mit.edu Dennis Hamilton, Xerox PARC, hamilton@parc.xerox.com Andre van der Hoek, University of Colorado, Boulder, andre@cs.colorado.edu Del Jensen, Novell, dcjensen@novell.com Gail Kaiser, Columbia University, kaiser@cs.columbia.edu Rohit Khare, World Wide Web Consortium, khare@w3.org Ora Lassila, Nokia Research Center, ora.lassila@research.nokia.com Ben Laurie, A.L. Digital, ben@algroup.co.uk Mike Little, Bellcore, little@bellcore.com Dave Long, America Online, dave@sb.aol.com Larry Masinter, Xerox PARC, masinter@parc.xerox.com Murray Maloney, SoftQuad, murray@sq.com Jim Miller, World Wide Web Consortium, jmiller@w3.org Howard S. Modell, Boeing, howard.s.modell@boeing.com Keith Moore, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, moore@cs.utk.edu Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, World Wide Web Consortium, frystyk@w3.org Jon Radoff, NovaLink, jradoff@novalink.com Alan Robertson, alanr@bell-labs.com Henry Sanders, Microsoft, Andrew Schulert, Microsoft, andyschu@microsoft.com Christopher Seiwald, Perforce Software, seiwald@perforce.com Einar Stefferud, stef@nma.com Richard Taylor, U.C. Irvine, taylor@ics.uci.edu Robert Thau, MIT, rst@ai.mit.edu Sankar Virdhagriswaran, sv@hunchuen.crystaliz.com Dan Whelan, FileNet, dan@FILENET.COM Gregory J. Woodhouse, gjw@wnetc.com

Terry Allen、tallen @ sonic.net Alan Babich、FileNet、babich @ filenet.com Dylan Barrell、Open Text、dbarrell @ opentext.ch Barbara Bazemore、PC DOCS、barbarab @ pcdocs.com Martin Cagan、Continuus Software、Marty_Cagan @ continuus。 com Steve Carter、Novell、srcarter @ novell.com Dan Connolly、World Wide Web Consortium、connolly @ w3.org Jim Cunningham、Netscape、jfc @ netscape.com Ron Daniel Jr.、ロスアラモス国立研究所、rdaniel @ lanl.gov Mark Day、Lotus、Mark_Day @ lotus.com Martin J. Duerst、mduerst @ ifi.unizh.ch Asad Faizi、Netscape、asad @ netscape.com Ron Fein、Microsoft、ronfe @ microsoft.com David Fiander、Mortice Kern Systems、davidf @ mks.com Roy Fielding、UC Irvine、fielding @ ics.uci.edu Mark Fisher、Thomson Consumer Electronics、FisherM @ indy.tce.com Yaron Y. Goland、マイクロソフト、yarong @ microsoft.com Phill Hallam-Baker、MIT、hallam @ ai.mit.edu Dennisハミルトン、ゼロックスPARC、hamilton @ parc.xerox.comアンドレファンデルホーク、コロラド大学ボルダー校、andre @ cs.colorado.eduデルイェンセン、ノベル、dcjensen @ novell.comゲイルカイザー、コロンビア大学、kaiser @ cs。 columbia.edu Rohit Khare、World Wide Web Consortium、khare @ w3.org Ora Lassila、Nokia Research Center、ora.lassila @ research.nokia.com Ben Laurie、AL Digital、ben @ algroup.co.uk Mike Little、Bellcore、 little@bellcore.com Dave Long、America Online、dave @ sb.aol.com Larry Masinter、Xerox PARC、masinter @ parc.xerox.com Murray Maloney、SoftQuad、murray @ sq.com Jim Miller、World Wide Web Consortium、jmiller @ w3.orgハワードSモデル、ボーイング、howard.s.modell @ boeing.comキースムーア、テネシー大学、ノックスビル、moore @ cs.utk.edu Henrik Frystyk Nielsen、World Wide Web Consortium、frystyk @ w3.orgジョン・ラドフf、NovaLink、jradoff @ novalink.com Alan Robertson、alanr @ bell-labs.com Henry Sanders、Microsoft、Andrew Schulert、Microsoft、andyschu @ microsoft.com Christopher Seiwald、Perforce Software、seiwald @ perforce.com Einar Stefferud、stef @ nma.com Richard Taylor、UC Irvine、taylor @ ics.uci.edu Robert Thau、MIT、rst @ ai.mit.edu Sankar Virdhagriswaran、sv @ hunchuen.crystaliz.com Dan Whelan、FileNet、dan @ FILENET.COM Gregory J. Woodhouse、gjw @ wnetc。 com

7. References
7. 参考文献
   [AC] J. Radoff, "Requirements for Access Control within Distributed
   Authoring and Versioning Environments on the World Wide Web",
   unpublished manuscript, <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-

[CHAR] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages", RFC 2277, January 1998.

[CHAR] Alvestrand、H。、「IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages」、RFC 2277、1998年1月。

   [CM] P. Feiler, "Configuration Management Models in Commercial
   Environments", Software Engineering Institute Technical Report

[HTML] Berners-Lee, T., and D. Connolly, "HyperText Markup Language Specification - 2.0", RFC 1866, November 1995.

[HTML] Berners-Lee、T。、およびD. Connolly、「HyperText Markup Language Specification-2.0」、RFC 1866、1995年11月。

[HTTP] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2068, January 1997.

[HTTP] Fielding、R.、Gettys、J.、Mogul、J.、Frystyk、H。、およびT. Berners-Lee、「Hypertext Transfer Protocol-HTTP / 1.1」、RFC 2068、1997年1月。

   [ISO 10646] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993. "International Standard --
   Information Technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character
   Set (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane."

[URL] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill. "Uniform Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.

[URL] Berners-Lee、T.、Masinter、L。、およびM. McCahill。 「Uniform Resource Locators(URL)」、RFC 1738、1994年12月。

[VSE] A. Haake, D. Hicks, "VerSE: Towards Hypertext Versioning Styles", Proc. Hypertext'96, The Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext, 1996, pages 224-234.

[VSE] A. Haake、D。Hicks、「VerSE:Towards Hypertext Versioning Styles」、Proc。 Hypertext'96、Hypertextに関する第7回ACM会議、1996年、224〜234ページ。

8. Authors' Addresses
8. 著者のアドレス

Judith Slein Xerox Corporation 800 Phillips Road 128-29E Webster, NY 14580

Judith Slein Xerox Corporation 800 Phillips Road 128-29E Webster、NY ​​14580

   EMail: slein@wrc.xerox.com

Fabio Vitali Department of Computer Science University of Bologna ITALY


   EMail: fabio@cs.unibo.it

E. James Whitehead, Jr. Department of Information and Computer Science University of California Irvine, CA 92697-3425


Fax: 714-824-4056 EMail: ejw@ics.uci.edu


David G. Durand Department of Computer Science Boston University Boston, MA


   EMail: dgd@cs.bu.edu
9. 完全な著作権表示

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1998). All Rights Reserved.

Copyright(C)The Internet Society(1998)。全著作権所有。

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