[要約] RFC 2616はHTTP/1.1の仕様を定義しており、インターネット上での情報の転送を可能にするためのプロトコルです。このRFCの目的は、クライアントとサーバー間の通信を効率的かつ信頼性の高いものにすることです。
Network Working Group R. Fielding Request for Comments: 2616 UC Irvine Obsoletes: 2068 J. Gettys Category: Standards Track Compaq/W3C J. Mogul Compaq H. Frystyk W3C/MIT L. Masinter Xerox P. Leach Microsoft T. Berners-Lee W3C/MIT June 1999
Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
ハイパーテキスト転送プロトコル-HTTP / 1.1
Status of this Memo
This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
このドキュメントは、インターネットコミュニティのインターネット標準トラックプロトコルを指定し、改善のための議論と提案を要求します。このプロトコルの標準化状態とステータスについては、「インターネット公式プロトコル標準」(STD 1)の最新版を参照してください。このメモの配布は無制限です。
Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.
Copyright(C)The Internet Society(1999)。全著作権所有。
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. It is a generic, stateless, protocol which can be used for many tasks beyond its use for hypertext, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods, error codes and headers [47]. A feature of HTTP is the typing and negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the data being transferred.
ハイパーテキスト転送プロトコル(HTTP)は、分散型の協調型ハイパーメディア情報システム用のアプリケーションレベルのプロトコルです。これは、要求メソッド、エラーコード、およびヘッダーの拡張を通じて、ネームサーバーや分散オブジェクト管理システムなど、ハイパーテキストの使用を超えた多くのタスクに使用できる汎用のステートレスプロトコルです[47]。 HTTPの機能は、データ表現のタイプとネゴシエーションであり、転送されるデータとは独立してシステムを構築できます。
HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global information initiative since 1990. This specification defines the protocol referred to as "HTTP/1.1", and is an update to RFC 2068 [33].
HTTPは、1990年以来、World-Wide Webグローバル情報イニシアチブによって使用されてきました。この仕様は、「HTTP / 1.1」と呼ばれるプロトコルを定義し、RFC 2068 [33]の更新版です。
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................7 1.1 Purpose......................................................7 1.2 Requirements .................................................8 1.3 Terminology ..................................................8 1.4 Overall Operation ...........................................12 2 Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar ....................14 2.1 Augmented BNF ...............................................14 2.2 Basic Rules .................................................15 3 Protocol Parameters ...........................................17 3.1 HTTP Version ................................................17 3.2 Uniform Resource Identifiers ................................18 3.2.1 General Syntax ...........................................19 3.2.2 http URL .................................................19 3.2.3 URI Comparison ...........................................20 3.3 Date/Time Formats ...........................................20 3.3.1 Full Date ................................................20 3.3.2 Delta Seconds ............................................21 3.4 Character Sets ..............................................21 3.4.1 Missing Charset ..........................................22 3.5 Content Codings .............................................23 3.6 Transfer Codings ............................................24 3.6.1 Chunked Transfer Coding ..................................25 3.7 Media Types .................................................26 3.7.1 Canonicalization and Text Defaults .......................27 3.7.2 Multipart Types ..........................................27 3.8 Product Tokens ..............................................28 3.9 Quality Values ..............................................29 3.10 Language Tags ...............................................29 3.11 Entity Tags .................................................30 3.12 Range Units .................................................30 4 HTTP Message ..................................................31 4.1 Message Types ...............................................31 4.2 Message Headers .............................................31 4.3 Message Body ................................................32 4.4 Message Length ..............................................33 4.5 General Header Fields .......................................34 5 Request .......................................................35 5.1 Request-Line ................................................35 5.1.1 Method ...................................................36 5.1.2 Request-URI ..............................................36 5.2 The Resource Identified by a Request ........................38 5.3 Request Header Fields .......................................38 6 Response ......................................................39 6.1 Status-Line .................................................39 6.1.1 Status Code and Reason Phrase ............................39 6.2 Response Header Fields ......................................41
7 Entity ........................................................42 7.1 Entity Header Fields ........................................42 7.2 Entity Body .................................................43 7.2.1 Type .....................................................43 7.2.2 Entity Length ............................................43 8 Connections ...................................................44 8.1 Persistent Connections ......................................44 8.1.1 Purpose ..................................................44 8.1.2 Overall Operation ........................................45 8.1.3 Proxy Servers ............................................46 8.1.4 Practical Considerations .................................46 8.2 Message Transmission Requirements ...........................47 8.2.1 Persistent Connections and Flow Control ..................47 8.2.2 Monitoring Connections for Error Status Messages .........48 8.2.3 Use of the 100 (Continue) Status .........................48 8.2.4 Client Behavior if Server Prematurely Closes Connection ..50 9 Method Definitions ............................................51 9.1 Safe and Idempotent Methods .................................51 9.1.1 Safe Methods .............................................51 9.1.2 Idempotent Methods .......................................51 9.2 OPTIONS .....................................................52 9.3 GET .........................................................53 9.4 HEAD ........................................................54 9.5 POST ........................................................54 9.6 PUT .........................................................55 9.7 DELETE ......................................................56 9.8 TRACE .......................................................56 9.9 CONNECT .....................................................57 10 Status Code Definitions ......................................57 10.1 Informational 1xx ...........................................57 10.1.1 100 Continue .............................................58 10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols ..................................58 10.2 Successful 2xx ..............................................58 10.2.1 200 OK ...................................................58 10.2.2 201 Created ..............................................59 10.2.3 202 Accepted .............................................59 10.2.4 203 Non-Authoritative Information ........................59 10.2.5 204 No Content ...........................................60 10.2.6 205 Reset Content ........................................60 10.2.7 206 Partial Content ......................................60 10.3 Redirection 3xx .............................................61 10.3.1 300 Multiple Choices .....................................61 10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently ....................................62 10.3.3 302 Found ................................................62 10.3.4 303 See Other ............................................63 10.3.5 304 Not Modified .........................................63 10.3.6 305 Use Proxy ............................................64 10.3.7 306 (Unused) .............................................64
10.3.8 307 Temporary Redirect ...................................65 10.4 Client Error 4xx ............................................65 10.4.1 400 Bad Request .........................................65 10.4.2 401 Unauthorized ........................................66 10.4.3 402 Payment Required ....................................66 10.4.4 403 Forbidden ...........................................66 10.4.5 404 Not Found ...........................................66 10.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed ..................................66 10.4.7 406 Not Acceptable ......................................67 10.4.8 407 Proxy Authentication Required .......................67 10.4.9 408 Request Timeout .....................................67 10.4.10 409 Conflict ............................................67 10.4.11 410 Gone ................................................68 10.4.12 411 Length Required .....................................68 10.4.13 412 Precondition Failed .................................68 10.4.14 413 Request Entity Too Large ............................69 10.4.15 414 Request-URI Too Long ................................69 10.4.16 415 Unsupported Media Type ..............................69 10.4.17 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable .....................69 10.4.18 417 Expectation Failed ..................................70 10.5 Server Error 5xx ............................................70 10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error ................................70 10.5.2 501 Not Implemented ......................................70 10.5.3 502 Bad Gateway ..........................................70 10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable ..................................70 10.5.5 504 Gateway Timeout ......................................71 10.5.6 505 HTTP Version Not Supported ...........................71 11 Access Authentication ........................................71 12 Content Negotiation ..........................................71 12.1 Server-driven Negotiation ...................................72 12.2 Agent-driven Negotiation ....................................73 12.3 Transparent Negotiation .....................................74 13 Caching in HTTP ..............................................74 13.1.1 Cache Correctness ........................................75 13.1.2 Warnings .................................................76 13.1.3 Cache-control Mechanisms .................................77 13.1.4 Explicit User Agent Warnings .............................78 13.1.5 Exceptions to the Rules and Warnings .....................78 13.1.6 Client-controlled Behavior ...............................79 13.2 Expiration Model ............................................79 13.2.1 Server-Specified Expiration ..............................79 13.2.2 Heuristic Expiration .....................................80 13.2.3 Age Calculations .........................................80 13.2.4 Expiration Calculations ..................................83 13.2.5 Disambiguating Expiration Values .........................84 13.2.6 Disambiguating Multiple Responses ........................84 13.3 Validation Model ............................................85 13.3.1 Last-Modified Dates ......................................86
13.3.2 Entity Tag Cache Validators ..............................86 13.3.3 Weak and Strong Validators ...............................86 13.3.4 Rules for When to Use Entity Tags and Last-Modified Dates.89 13.3.5 Non-validating Conditionals ..............................90 13.4 Response Cacheability .......................................91 13.5 Constructing Responses From Caches ..........................92 13.5.1 End-to-end and Hop-by-hop Headers ........................92 13.5.2 Non-modifiable Headers ...................................92 13.5.3 Combining Headers ........................................94 13.5.4 Combining Byte Ranges ....................................95 13.6 Caching Negotiated Responses ................................95 13.7 Shared and Non-Shared Caches ................................96 13.8 Errors or Incomplete Response Cache Behavior ................97 13.9 Side Effects of GET and HEAD ................................97 13.10 Invalidation After Updates or Deletions ...................97 13.11 Write-Through Mandatory ...................................98 13.12 Cache Replacement .........................................99 13.13 History Lists .............................................99 14 Header Field Definitions ....................................100 14.1 Accept .....................................................100 14.2 Accept-Charset .............................................102 14.3 Accept-Encoding ............................................102 14.4 Accept-Language ............................................104 14.5 Accept-Ranges ..............................................105 14.6 Age ........................................................106 14.7 Allow ......................................................106 14.8 Authorization ..............................................107 14.9 Cache-Control ..............................................108 14.9.1 What is Cacheable .......................................109 14.9.2 What May be Stored by Caches ............................110 14.9.3 Modifications of the Basic Expiration Mechanism .........111 14.9.4 Cache Revalidation and Reload Controls ..................113 14.9.5 No-Transform Directive ..................................115 14.9.6 Cache Control Extensions ................................116 14.10 Connection ...............................................117 14.11 Content-Encoding .........................................118 14.12 Content-Language .........................................118 14.13 Content-Length ...........................................119 14.14 Content-Location .........................................120 14.15 Content-MD5 ..............................................121 14.16 Content-Range ............................................122 14.17 Content-Type .............................................124 14.18 Date .....................................................124 14.18.1 Clockless Origin Server Operation ......................125 14.19 ETag .....................................................126 14.20 Expect ...................................................126 14.21 Expires ..................................................127 14.22 From .....................................................128
14.23 Host .....................................................128 14.24 If-Match .................................................129 14.25 If-Modified-Since ........................................130 14.26 If-None-Match ............................................132 14.27 If-Range .................................................133 14.28 If-Unmodified-Since ......................................134 14.29 Last-Modified ............................................134 14.30 Location .................................................135 14.31 Max-Forwards .............................................136 14.32 Pragma ...................................................136 14.33 Proxy-Authenticate .......................................137 14.34 Proxy-Authorization ......................................137 14.35 Range ....................................................138 14.35.1 Byte Ranges ...........................................138 14.35.2 Range Retrieval Requests ..............................139 14.36 Referer ..................................................140 14.37 Retry-After ..............................................141 14.38 Server ...................................................141 14.39 TE .......................................................142 14.40 Trailer ..................................................143 14.41 Transfer-Encoding..........................................143 14.42 Upgrade ..................................................144 14.43 User-Agent ...............................................145 14.44 Vary .....................................................145 14.45 Via ......................................................146 14.46 Warning ..................................................148 14.47 WWW-Authenticate .........................................150 15 Security Considerations .......................................150 15.1 Personal Information....................................151 15.1.1 Abuse of Server Log Information .........................151 15.1.2 Transfer of Sensitive Information .......................151 15.1.3 Encoding Sensitive Information in URI's .................152 15.1.4 Privacy Issues Connected to Accept Headers ..............152 15.2 Attacks Based On File and Path Names .......................153 15.3 DNS Spoofing ...............................................154 15.4 Location Headers and Spoofing ..............................154 15.5 Content-Disposition Issues .................................154 15.6 Authentication Credentials and Idle Clients ................155 15.7 Proxies and Caching ........................................155 15.7.1 Denial of Service Attacks on Proxies....................156 16 Acknowledgments .............................................156 17 References ..................................................158 18 Authors' Addresses ..........................................162 19 Appendices ..................................................164 19.1 Internet Media Type message/http and application/http ......164 19.2 Internet Media Type multipart/byteranges ...................165 19.3 Tolerant Applications ......................................166 19.4 Differences Between HTTP Entities and RFC 2045 Entities ....167
19.4.1 MIME-Version ............................................167 19.4.2 Conversion to Canonical Form ............................167 19.4.3 Conversion of Date Formats ..............................168 19.4.4 Introduction of Content-Encoding ........................168 19.4.5 No Content-Transfer-Encoding ............................168 19.4.6 Introduction of Transfer-Encoding .......................169 19.4.7 MHTML and Line Length Limitations .......................169 19.5 Additional Features ........................................169 19.5.1 Content-Disposition .....................................170 19.6 Compatibility with Previous Versions .......................170 19.6.1 Changes from HTTP/1.0 ...................................171 19.6.2 Compatibility with HTTP/1.0 Persistent Connections ......172 19.6.3 Changes from RFC 2068 ...................................172 20 Index .......................................................175 21 Full Copyright Statement ....................................176
1 Introduction
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP has been in use by the World-Wide Web global information initiative since 1990. The first version of HTTP, referred to as HTTP/0.9, was a simple protocol for raw data transfer across the Internet. HTTP/1.0, as defined by RFC 1945 [6], improved the protocol by allowing messages to be in the format of MIME-like messages, containing metainformation about the data transferred and modifiers on the request/response semantics. However, HTTP/1.0 does not sufficiently take into consideration the effects of hierarchical proxies, caching, the need for persistent connections, or virtual hosts. In addition, the proliferation of incompletely-implemented applications calling themselves "HTTP/1.0" has necessitated a protocol version change in order for two communicating applications to determine each other's true capabilities.
ハイパーテキスト転送プロトコル(HTTP)は、分散型の協調型ハイパーメディア情報システム用のアプリケーションレベルのプロトコルです。 HTTPは、1990年以降、World-Wide Webグローバル情報イニシアチブで使用されています。HTTP/ 0.9と呼ばれるHTTPの最初のバージョンは、インターネットを介した生データ転送用のシンプルなプロトコルでした。 RFC 1945 [6]で定義されているHTTP / 1.0は、メッセージをMIMEのようなメッセージの形式にし、転送されたデータに関するメタ情報と要求/応答セマンティクスの修飾子を含めることで、プロトコルを改善しました。ただし、HTTP / 1.0では、階層プロキシ、キャッシュ、永続的な接続の必要性、または仮想ホストの影響を十分に考慮していません。さらに、「HTTP / 1.0」と呼ばれる不完全に実装されたアプリケーションの急増により、2つの通信アプリケーションが互いの真の機能を判別するために、プロトコルバージョンの変更が必要になりました。
This specification defines the protocol referred to as "HTTP/1.1". This protocol includes more stringent requirements than HTTP/1.0 in order to ensure reliable implementation of its features.
この仕様は、「HTTP / 1.1」と呼ばれるプロトコルを定義しています。このプロトコルには、機能の信頼できる実装を保証するために、HTTP / 1.0よりも厳しい要件が含まれています。
Practical information systems require more functionality than simple retrieval, including search, front-end update, and annotation. HTTP allows an open-ended set of methods and headers that indicate the purpose of a request [47]. It builds on the discipline of reference provided by the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) [3], as a location (URL) [4] or name (URN) [20], for indicating the resource to which a
実用的な情報システムには、検索、フロントエンドの更新、注釈など、単純な検索よりも多くの機能が必要です。 HTTPは、リクエストの目的を示すメソッドとヘッダーの制限のないセットを許可します[47]。これは、Uniform Resource Identifier(URI)[3]によって提供される参照の規律に基づいて、場所(URL)[4]または名前(URN)[20]として構築され、
method is to be applied. Messages are passed in a format similar to that used by Internet mail [9] as defined by the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) [7].
HTTP is also used as a generic protocol for communication between user agents and proxies/gateways to other Internet systems, including those supported by the SMTP [16], NNTP [13], FTP [18], Gopher [2], and WAIS [10] protocols. In this way, HTTP allows basic hypermedia access to resources available from diverse applications.
HTTPは、SMTP [16]、NNTP [13]、FTP [18]、Gopher [2]、およびWAIS [でサポートされているものを含む、他のインターネットシステムへのユーザーエージェントとプロキシ/ゲートウェイ間の通信の汎用プロトコルとしても使用されます。 10]プロトコル。このように、HTTPは、さまざまなアプリケーションから利用可能なリソースへの基本的なハイパーメディアアクセスを許可します。
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [34].
このドキュメントのキーワード「MUST」、「MUST NOT」、「REQUIRED」、「SHALL」、「SHALL NOT」、「SHOULD」、「SHOULD NOT」、「RECOMMENDED」、「MAY」、および「OPTIONAL」は、 RFC 2119 [34]で説明されているように解釈されます。
An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more of the MUST or REQUIRED level requirements for the protocols it implements. An implementation that satisfies all the MUST or REQUIRED level and all the SHOULD level requirements for its protocols is said to be "unconditionally compliant"; one that satisfies all the MUST level requirements but not all the SHOULD level requirements for its protocols is said to be "conditionally compliant."
This specification uses a number of terms to refer to the roles played by participants in, and objects of, the HTTP communication.
connection A transport layer virtual circuit established between two programs for the purpose of communication.
message The basic unit of HTTP communication, consisting of a structured sequence of octets matching the syntax defined in section 4 and transmitted via the connection.
request An HTTP request message, as defined in section 5.
response An HTTP response message, as defined in section 6.
resource A network data object or service that can be identified by a URI, as defined in section 3.2. Resources may be available in multiple representations (e.g. multiple languages, data formats, size, and resolutions) or vary in other ways.
entity The information transferred as the payload of a request or response. An entity consists of metainformation in the form of entity-header fields and content in the form of an entity-body, as described in section 7.
representation An entity included with a response that is subject to content negotiation, as described in section 12. There may exist multiple representations associated with a particular response status.
content negotiation The mechanism for selecting the appropriate representation when servicing a request, as described in section 12. The representation of entities in any response can be negotiated (including error responses).
variant A resource may have one, or more than one, representation(s) associated with it at any given instant. Each of these representations is termed a `varriant'. Use of the term `variant' does not necessarily imply that the resource is subject to content negotiation.
バリアントAリソースには、任意の瞬間に1つまたは複数の表現が関連付けられている場合があります。これらの表現のそれぞれを「バリアント」と呼びます。 「バリアント」という用語の使用は、リソースがコンテンツネゴシエーションの対象であることを必ずしも意味しません。
client A program that establishes connections for the purpose of sending requests.
user agent The client which initiates a request. These are often browsers, editors, spiders (web-traversing robots), or other end user tools.
server An application program that accepts connections in order to service requests by sending back responses. Any given program may be capable of being both a client and a server; our use of these terms refers only to the role being performed by the program for a particular connection, rather than to the program's capabilities in general. Likewise, any server may act as an origin server, proxy, gateway, or tunnel, switching behavior based on the nature of each request.
origin server The server on which a given resource resides or is to be created.
proxy An intermediary program which acts as both a server and a client for the purpose of making requests on behalf of other clients. Requests are serviced internally or by passing them on, with possible translation, to other servers. A proxy MUST implement both the client and server requirements of this specification. A "transparent proxy" is a proxy that does not modify the request or response beyond what is required for proxy authentication and identification. A "non-transparent proxy" is a proxy that modifies the request or response in order to provide some added service to the user agent, such as group annotation services, media type transformation, protocol reduction, or anonymity filtering. Except where either transparent or non-transparent behavior is explicitly stated, the HTTP proxy requirements apply to both types of proxies.
プロキシ他のクライアントに代わってリクエストを行う目的でサーバーとクライアントの両方として機能する中間プログラム。リクエストは内部的に処理されるか、他のサーバーに変換される可能性があります。プロキシは、この仕様のクライアントとサーバーの両方の要件を実装する必要があります。 「透過プロキシ」は、プロキシの認証と識別に必要なものを超えて要求または応答を変更しないプロキシです。 「非透過プロキシ」は、グループアノテーションサービス、メディアタイプの変換、プロトコルの削減、匿名フィルタリングなどの追加サービスをユーザーエージェントに提供するために、要求または応答を変更するプロキシです。透過的または非透過的な動作が明示的に記述されている場合を除き、HTTPプロキシ要件は両方のタイプのプロキシに適用されます。
gateway A server which acts as an intermediary for some other server. Unlike a proxy, a gateway receives requests as if it were the origin server for the requested resource; the requesting client may not be aware that it is communicating with a gateway.
tunnel An intermediary program which is acting as a blind relay between two connections. Once active, a tunnel is not considered a party to the HTTP communication, though the tunnel may have been initiated by an HTTP request. The tunnel ceases to exist when both ends of the relayed connections are closed.
cache A program's local store of response messages and the subsystem that controls its message storage, retrieval, and deletion. A cache stores cacheable responses in order to reduce the response time and network bandwidth consumption on future, equivalent requests. Any client or server may include a cache, though a cache cannot be used by a server that is acting as a tunnel.
cacheable A response is cacheable if a cache is allowed to store a copy of the response message for use in answering subsequent requests. The rules for determining the cacheability of HTTP responses are defined in section 13. Even if a resource is cacheable, there may be additional constraints on whether a cache can use the cached copy for a particular request.
cacheableキャッシュは、後続の要求への応答に使用するために応答メッセージのコピーを格納することが許可されている場合、キャッシュ可能です。 HTTP応答のキャッシュ可能性を決定するためのルールは、セクション13で定義されています。リソースがキャッシュ可能である場合でも、キャッシュが特定の要求に対してキャッシュされたコピーを使用できるかどうかに追加の制約がある場合があります。
first-hand A response is first-hand if it comes directly and without unnecessary delay from the origin server, perhaps via one or more proxies. A response is also first-hand if its validity has just been checked directly with the origin server.
explicit expiration time The time at which the origin server intends that an entity should no longer be returned by a cache without further validation.
heuristic expiration time An expiration time assigned by a cache when no explicit expiration time is available.
age The age of a response is the time since it was sent by, or successfully validated with, the origin server.
freshness lifetime The length of time between the generation of a response and its expiration time.
fresh A response is fresh if its age has not yet exceeded its freshness lifetime.
stale A response is stale if its age has passed its freshness lifetime.
semantically transparent A cache behaves in a "semantically transparent" manner, with respect to a particular response, when its use affects neither the requesting client nor the origin server, except to improve performance. When a cache is semantically transparent, the client receives exactly the same response (except for hop-by-hop headers) that it would have received had its request been handled directly by the origin server.
validator A protocol element (e.g., an entity tag or a Last-Modified time) that is used to find out whether a cache entry is an equivalent copy of an entity.
upstream/downstream Upstream and downstream describe the flow of a message: all messages flow from upstream to downstream.
inbound/outbound Inbound and outbound refer to the request and response paths for messages: "inbound" means "traveling toward the origin server", and "outbound" means "traveling toward the user agent"
The HTTP protocol is a request/response protocol. A client sends a request to the server in the form of a request method, URI, and protocol version, followed by a MIME-like message containing request modifiers, client information, and possible body content over a connection with a server. The server responds with a status line, including the message's protocol version and a success or error code, followed by a MIME-like message containing server information, entity metainformation, and possible entity-body content. The relationship between HTTP and MIME is described in appendix 19.4.
HTTPプロトコルは、要求/応答プロトコルです。クライアントは、リクエストメソッド、URI、プロトコルバージョンの形式でサーバーにリクエストを送信し、その後、サーバーとの接続を介して、リクエスト修飾子、クライアント情報、および可能なボディコンテンツを含むMIMEのようなメッセージを送信します。サーバーは、メッセージのプロトコルバージョンと成功またはエラーコードを含むステータス行で応答し、その後にサーバー情報、エンティティメタ情報、および可能性のあるエンティティ本体コンテンツを含むMIMEのようなメッセージが続きます。 HTTPとMIMEの関係については、付録19.4で説明しています。
Most HTTP communication is initiated by a user agent and consists of a request to be applied to a resource on some origin server. In the simplest case, this may be accomplished via a single connection (v) between the user agent (UA) and the origin server (O).
request chain ------------------------> UA -------------------v------------------- O <----------------------- response chain
A more complicated situation occurs when one or more intermediaries are present in the request/response chain. There are three common forms of intermediary: proxy, gateway, and tunnel. A proxy is a forwarding agent, receiving requests for a URI in its absolute form, rewriting all or part of the message, and forwarding the reformatted request toward the server identified by the URI. A gateway is a receiving agent, acting as a layer above some other server(s) and, if necessary, translating the requests to the underlying server's protocol. A tunnel acts as a relay point between two connections without changing the messages; tunnels are used when the communication needs to pass through an intermediary (such as a firewall) even when the intermediary cannot understand the contents of the messages.
request chain --------------------------------------> UA -----v----- A -----v----- B -----v----- C -----v----- O <------------------------------------- response chain
The figure above shows three intermediaries (A, B, and C) between the user agent and origin server. A request or response message that travels the whole chain will pass through four separate connections. This distinction is important because some HTTP communication options may apply only to the connection with the nearest, non-tunnel neighbor, only to the end-points of the chain, or to all connections along the chain. Although the diagram is linear, each participant may be engaged in multiple, simultaneous communications. For example, B may be receiving requests from many clients other than A, and/or forwarding requests to servers other than C, at the same time that it is handling A's request.
Any party to the communication which is not acting as a tunnel may employ an internal cache for handling requests. The effect of a cache is that the request/response chain is shortened if one of the participants along the chain has a cached response applicable to that request. The following illustrates the resulting chain if B has a cached copy of an earlier response from O (via C) for a request which has not been cached by UA or A.
request chain ----------> UA -----v----- A -----v----- B - - - - - - C - - - - - - O <--------- response chain
Not all responses are usefully cacheable, and some requests may contain modifiers which place special requirements on cache behavior. HTTP requirements for cache behavior and cacheable responses are defined in section 13.
In fact, there are a wide variety of architectures and configurations of caches and proxies currently being experimented with or deployed across the World Wide Web. These systems include national hierarchies of proxy caches to save transoceanic bandwidth, systems that broadcast or multicast cache entries, organizations that distribute subsets of cached data via CD-ROM, and so on. HTTP systems are used in corporate intranets over high-bandwidth links, and for access via PDAs with low-power radio links and intermittent connectivity. The goal of HTTP/1.1 is to support the wide diversity of configurations already deployed while introducing protocol constructs that meet the needs of those who build web applications that require high reliability and, failing that, at least reliable indications of failure.
実際、キャッシュとプロキシのさまざまなアーキテクチャと構成があり、現在World Wide Webで実験または展開されています。これらのシステムには、大洋横断の帯域幅を節約するプロキシキャッシュの全国階層、キャッシュエントリをブロードキャストまたはマルチキャストするシステム、CD-ROMを介してキャッシュデータのサブセットを配布する組織などが含まれます。 HTTPシステムは、広帯域イントラネット上の企業イントラネットで使用され、低電力の無線リンクと断続的な接続を備えたPDA経由のアクセスに使用されます。 HTTP / 1.1の目標は、高い信頼性を必要とするWebアプリケーションを構築する人のニーズを満たすプロトコルコンストラクトを導入しながら、すでに導入された幅広い構成をサポートし、少なくとも信頼性の高い障害表示を失敗させることです。
HTTP communication usually takes place over TCP/IP connections. The default port is TCP 80 [19], but other ports can be used. This does not preclude HTTP from being implemented on top of any other protocol on the Internet, or on other networks. HTTP only presumes a reliable transport; any protocol that provides such guarantees can be used; the mapping of the HTTP/1.1 request and response structures onto the transport data units of the protocol in question is outside the scope of this specification.
HTTP通信は通常、TCP / IP接続を介して行われます。デフォルトのポートはTCP 80 [19]ですが、他のポートを使用することもできます。これは、HTTPがインターネットまたは他のネットワーク上の他のプロトコルの上に実装されることを排除するものではありません。 HTTPは信頼できるトランスポートのみを前提としています。そのような保証を提供する任意のプロトコルを使用できます。問題のプロトコルのトランスポートデータユニットへのHTTP / 1.1要求および応答構造のマッピングは、この仕様の範囲外です。
In HTTP/1.0, most implementations used a new connection for each request/response exchange. In HTTP/1.1, a connection may be used for one or more request/response exchanges, although connections may be closed for a variety of reasons (see section 8.1).
HTTP / 1.0では、ほとんどの実装で、要求/応答交換ごとに新しい接続が使用されていました。 HTTP / 1.1では、接続は1つ以上の要求/応答交換に使用できますが、接続はさまざまな理由でクローズされる場合があります(8.1節を参照)。
2 Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar
All of the mechanisms specified in this document are described in both prose and an augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF) similar to that used by RFC 822 [9]. Implementors will need to be familiar with the notation in order to understand this specification. The augmented BNF includes the following constructs:
このドキュメントで指定されているすべてのメカニズムは、RFC 822 [9]で使用されているものと同様に、散文と拡張バッカスナウアフォーム(BNF)の両方で説明されています。この仕様を理解するには、実装者は表記法に精通している必要があります。拡張BNFには、次の構成が含まれます。
name = definition The name of a rule is simply the name itself (without any enclosing "<" and ">") and is separated from its definition by the equal "=" character. White space is only significant in that indentation of continuation lines is used to indicate a rule definition that spans more than one line. Certain basic rules are in uppercase, such as SP, LWS, HT, CRLF, DIGIT, ALPHA, etc. Angle brackets are used within definitions whenever their presence will facilitate discerning the use of rule names.
name = definitionルールの名前は単に名前自体( "<"や ">"で囲まれていない)であり、等号の "="文字によってその定義から分離されています。空白は、継続行のインデントが複数行にわたるルール定義を示すために使用されるという点でのみ重要です。 SP、LWS、HT、CRLF、DIGIT、ALPHAなどの特定の基本ルールは大文字です。山括弧は、ルール名の使用を識別しやすくするために、定義内で使用されます。
"literal" Quotation marks surround literal text. Unless stated otherwise, the text is case-insensitive.
rule1 | rule2 Elements separated by a bar ("|") are alternatives, e.g., "yes | no" will accept yes or no.
ルール1 | rule2棒( "|")で区切られた要素は代替です。たとえば、 "yes | no"はyesまたはnoを受け入れます。
(rule1 rule2) Elements enclosed in parentheses are treated as a single element. Thus, "(elem (foo | bar) elem)" allows the token sequences "elem foo elem" and "elem bar elem".
(rule1 rule2)括弧で囲まれた要素は単一の要素として扱われます。したがって、「(elem(foo | bar)elem)」では、トークンシーケンス「elem foo elem」と「elem bar elem」が許可されます。
*rule The character "*" preceding an element indicates repetition. The full form is "<n>*<m>element" indicating at least <n> and at most <m> occurrences of element. Default values are 0 and infinity so that "*(element)" allows any number, including zero; "1*element" requires at least one; and "1*2element" allows one or two.
* rule要素の前の文字「*」は繰り返しを示します。完全な形式は "<n> * <m> element"であり、要素の少なくとも<n>および最大で<m>個の出現を示します。デフォルト値は0と無限大なので、「*(要素)」はゼロを含む任意の数を許可します。 「1 *要素」には少なくとも1つ必要です。 "1 * 2element"は1つまたは2つを許可します。
[rule] Square brackets enclose optional elements; "[foo bar]" is equivalent to "*1(foo bar)".
[ルール]角括弧はオプションの要素を囲みます。 「[foo bar]」は「* 1(foo bar)」と同等です。
N rule Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic characters.
Nルール特定の繰り返し:「<n>(要素)」は「<n> * <n>(要素)」と同等です。つまり、(要素)が正確に<n>回出現します。したがって、2DIGITは2桁の数字で、3ALPHAは3つのアルファベット文字の文字列です。
#rule A construct "#" is defined, similar to "*", for defining lists of elements. The full form is "<n>#<m>element" indicating at least <n> and at most <m> elements, each separated by one or more commas (",") and OPTIONAL linear white space (LWS). This makes the usual form of lists very easy; a rule such as ( *LWS element *( *LWS "," *LWS element )) can be shown as 1#element Wherever this construct is used, null elements are allowed, but do not contribute to the count of elements present. That is, "(element), , (element) " is permitted, but counts as only two elements. Therefore, where at least one element is required, at least one non-null element MUST be present. Default values are 0 and infinity so that "#element" allows any number, including zero; "1#element" requires at least one; and "1#2element" allows one or two.
#rule要素のリストを定義するために、「*」と同様に「#」という構成が定義されています。完全な形式は "<n>#<m> element"であり、それぞれが1つ以上のコンマ( "、")およびオプションの線形空白(LWS)で区切られた、少なくとも<n>および多くとも<m>の要素を示します。これにより、通常のリスト形式が非常に簡単になります。 (* LWS element *(* LWS "、" * LWS element))などのルールは、1#elementとして表示できます。この構成が使用される場合は、null要素が許可されますが、存在する要素の数には影響しません。つまり、「(要素)、、(要素)」は許可されますが、2つの要素としてのみカウントされます。したがって、少なくとも1つの要素が必要な場合、少なくとも1つのnull以外の要素が存在する必要があります。デフォルト値は0と無限大なので、「#element」はゼロを含む任意の数を許可します。 「1#element」には少なくとも1つ必要です。 「1#2element」は1つまたは2つを許可します。
; comment A semi-colon, set off some distance to the right of rule text, starts a comment that continues to the end of line. This is a simple way of including useful notes in parallel with the specifications.
implied *LWS The grammar described by this specification is word-based. Except where noted otherwise, linear white space (LWS) can be included between any two adjacent words (token or quoted-string), and between adjacent words and separators, without changing the interpretation of a field. At least one delimiter (LWS and/or
暗黙の* LWSこの仕様で記述されている文法は単語ベースです。特に明記されていない限り、フィールドの解釈を変更せずに、隣接する2つの単語(トークンまたは引用符付き文字列)の間、および隣接する単語と区切り文字の間に線形空白(LWS)を含めることができます。少なくとも1つの区切り文字(LWSおよび/または
separators) MUST exist between any two tokens (for the definition of "token" below), since they would otherwise be interpreted as a single token.
The following rules are used throughout this specification to describe basic parsing constructs. The US-ASCII coded character set is defined by ANSI X3.4-1986 [21].
この仕様全体で、次のルールを使用して、基本的な構文解析構文を説明しています。 US-ASCIIコード化文字セットは、ANSI X3.4-1986 [21]で定義されています。
OCTET = <any 8-bit sequence of data> CHAR = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)> UPALPHA = <any US-ASCII uppercase letter "A".."Z"> LOALPHA = <any US-ASCII lowercase letter "a".."z"> ALPHA = UPALPHA | LOALPHA DIGIT = <any US-ASCII digit "0".."9"> CTL = <any US-ASCII control character (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)> CR = <US-ASCII CR, carriage return (13)> LF = <US-ASCII LF, linefeed (10)> SP = <US-ASCII SP, space (32)> HT = <US-ASCII HT, horizontal-tab (9)> <"> = <US-ASCII double-quote mark (34)>
HTTP/1.1 defines the sequence CR LF as the end-of-line marker for all protocol elements except the entity-body (see appendix 19.3 for tolerant applications). The end-of-line marker within an entity-body is defined by its associated media type, as described in section 3.7.
HTTP / 1.1は、エンティティ本体を除くすべてのプロトコル要素の行末マーカーとしてシーケンスCR LFを定義しています(耐性のあるアプリケーションについては、付録19.3を参照してください)。エンティティ本体内の行末マーカーは、セクション3.7で説明するように、関連するメディアタイプによって定義されます。
HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if the continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab. All linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
継続行がスペースまたは水平タブで始まる場合、HTTP / 1.1ヘッダーフィールド値は複数行に折りたたむことができます。折りたたみを含むすべての線形空白は、SPと同じセマンティクスを持っています。受信者は、フィールド値を解釈したり、メッセージをダウンストリームに転送したりする前に、線形空白を単一のSPで置き換えてもよい(MAY)。
LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )
The TEXT rule is only used for descriptive field contents and values that are not intended to be interpreted by the message parser. Words of *TEXT MAY contain characters from character sets other than ISO-8859-1 [22] only when encoded according to the rules of RFC 2047 [14].
TEXTルールは、メッセージパーサーによる解釈を目的としない説明的なフィールドの内容と値にのみ使用されます。 * TEXTの単語には、RFC 2047 [14]の規則に従ってエンコードされている場合にのみ、ISO-8859-1 [22]以外の文字セットの文字を含めることができます。
TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS>
TEXT = <CTLを除く任意のOCTET、ただしLWSを含む>
A CRLF is allowed in the definition of TEXT only as part of a header field continuation. It is expected that the folding LWS will be replaced with a single SP before interpretation of the TEXT value.
CRLFは、ヘッダーフィールドの継続の一部としてのみ、TEXTの定義で許可されます。 TEXT値を解釈する前に、フォールディングLWSが単一のSPに置き換えられることが期待されています。
Hexadecimal numeric characters are used in several protocol elements.
HEX = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | DIGIT
Many HTTP/1.1 header field values consist of words separated by LWS or special characters. These special characters MUST be in a quoted string to be used within a parameter value (as defined in section 3.6).
多くのHTTP / 1.1ヘッダーフィールド値は、LWSまたは特殊文字で区切られた単語で構成されています。これらの特殊文字は、パラメータ値(セクション3.6で定義)内で使用される引用符付き文字列に含まれている必要があります。
token = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators> separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP | HT
Comments can be included in some HTTP header fields by surrounding the comment text with parentheses. Comments are only allowed in fields containing "comment" as part of their field value definition. In all other fields, parentheses are considered part of the field value.
comment = "(" *( ctext | quoted-pair | comment ) ")" ctext = <any TEXT excluding "(" and ")">
A string of text is parsed as a single word if it is quoted using double-quote marks.
quoted-string = ( <"> *(qdtext | quoted-pair ) <"> ) qdtext = <any TEXT except <">>
The backslash character ("\") MAY be used as a single-character quoting mechanism only within quoted-string and comment constructs.
バックスラッシュ文字( "\")は、引用文字列およびコメント構造内でのみ、単一文字の引用メカニズムとして使用できます。
quoted-pair = "\" CHAR
quoted-pair = "\" CHAR
3 Protocol Parameters
HTTP uses a "<major>.<minor>" numbering scheme to indicate versions of the protocol. The protocol versioning policy is intended to allow the sender to indicate the format of a message and its capacity for understanding further HTTP communication, rather than the features obtained via that communication. No change is made to the version number for the addition of message components which do not affect communication behavior or which only add to extensible field values. The <minor> number is incremented when the changes made to the protocol add features which do not change the general message parsing algorithm, but which may add to the message semantics and imply additional capabilities of the sender. The <major> number is incremented when the format of a message within the protocol is changed. See RFC 2145 [36] for a fuller explanation.
HTTPは "<major>。<minor>"番号付けスキームを使用して、プロトコルのバージョンを示します。プロトコルのバージョン管理ポリシーは、送信者がメッセージの形式と、その通信を介して取得される機能ではなく、HTTP通信をさらに理解するための容量を示すことを目的としています。通信動作に影響を与えない、または拡張可能なフィールド値のみを追加するメッセージコンポーネントを追加しても、バージョン番号は変更されません。 <マイナー>番号は、プロトコルに加えられた変更により、一般的なメッセージ解析アルゴリズムを変更しない機能が追加されますが、メッセージセマンティクスに追加され、送信者の追加機能を意味する場合に増加します。 <major>番号は、プロトコル内のメッセージのフォーマットが変更されると増加します。詳細については、RFC 2145 [36]を参照してください。
The version of an HTTP message is indicated by an HTTP-Version field in the first line of the message.
HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
Note that the major and minor numbers MUST be treated as separate integers and that each MAY be incremented higher than a single digit. Thus, HTTP/2.4 is a lower version than HTTP/2.13, which in turn is lower than HTTP/12.3. Leading zeros MUST be ignored by recipients and MUST NOT be sent.
メジャー番号とマイナー番号は別々の整数として扱われる必要があり、それぞれが1桁より大きくなる場合があることに注意してください。したがって、HTTP / 2.4はHTTP / 2.13よりも低いバージョンであり、HTTP / 2.13はHTTP / 12.3よりも低いバージョンです。先頭のゼロは受信者によって無視されなければならず、送信されてはなりません。
An application that sends a request or response message that includes HTTP-Version of "HTTP/1.1" MUST be at least conditionally compliant with this specification. Applications that are at least conditionally compliant with this specification SHOULD use an HTTP-Version of "HTTP/1.1" in their messages, and MUST do so for any message that is not compatible with HTTP/1.0. For more details on when to send specific HTTP-Version values, see RFC 2145 [36].
「HTTP / 1.1」のHTTPバージョンを含む要求または応答メッセージを送信するアプリケーションは、少なくともこの条件に条件付きで準拠している必要があります。この仕様に少なくとも条件付きで準拠しているアプリケーションは、メッセージ内で「HTTP / 1.1」のHTTP-Versionを使用する必要があり(SHOULD)、HTTP / 1.0と互換性のないメッセージに対しては必ず使用する必要があります。特定のHTTP-Version値を送信するタイミングの詳細については、RFC 2145 [36]を参照してください。
The HTTP version of an application is the highest HTTP version for which the application is at least conditionally compliant.
Proxy and gateway applications need to be careful when forwarding messages in protocol versions different from that of the application. Since the protocol version indicates the protocol capability of the sender, a proxy/gateway MUST NOT send a message with a version indicator which is greater than its actual version. If a higher version request is received, the proxy/gateway MUST either downgrade the request version, or respond with an error, or switch to tunnel behavior.
プロキシおよびゲートウェイアプリケーションは、アプリケーションとは異なるプロトコルバージョンでメッセージを転送する場合は注意が必要です。プロトコルバージョンは送信者のプロトコル機能を示すため、プロキシ/ゲートウェイは、実際のバージョンよりも大きいバージョンインジケータを含むメッセージを送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。より高いバージョンのリクエストを受信した場合、プロキシ/ゲートウェイは、リクエストのバージョンをダウングレードするか、エラーで応答するか、トンネルの動作に切り替える必要があります。
Due to interoperability problems with HTTP/1.0 proxies discovered since the publication of RFC 2068[33], caching proxies MUST, gateways MAY, and tunnels MUST NOT upgrade the request to the highest version they support. The proxy/gateway's response to that request MUST be in the same major version as the request.
RFC 2068 [33]の公開以降に発見されたHTTP / 1.0プロキシとの相互運用性の問題により、キャッシングプロキシは、MAY、ゲートウェイが可能であり、トンネルは、サポートする最高バージョンにリクエストをアップグレードしてはなりません(MUST NOT)。そのリクエストに対するプロキシ/ゲートウェイの応答は、リクエストと同じメジャーバージョンである必要があります。
Note: Converting between versions of HTTP may involve modification of header fields required or forbidden by the versions involved.
URIs have been known by many names: WWW addresses, Universal Document Identifiers, Universal Resource Identifiers [3], and finally the combination of Uniform Resource Locators (URL) [4] and Names (URN) [20]. As far as HTTP is concerned, Uniform Resource Identifiers are simply formatted strings which identify--via name, location, or any other characteristic--a resource.
URIは、WWWアドレス、Universal Document Identifiers、Universal Resource Identifiers [3]、そして最後にUniform Resource Locator(URL)[4]とNames(URN)[20]の多くの名前で知られています。 HTTPに関する限り、Uniform Resource Identifierは、名前、場所、またはその他の特性を介してリソースを識別する、単純にフォーマットされた文字列です。
URIs in HTTP can be represented in absolute form or relative to some known base URI [11], depending upon the context of their use. The two forms are differentiated by the fact that absolute URIs always begin with a scheme name followed by a colon. For definitive information on URL syntax and semantics, see "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax and Semantics," RFC 2396 [42] (which replaces RFCs 1738 [4] and RFC 1808 [11]). This specification adopts the definitions of "URI-reference", "absoluteURI", "relativeURI", "port", "host","abs_path", "rel_path", and "authority" from that specification.
HTTPのURIは、その使用状況に応じて、絶対形式または既知のベースURI [11]を基準にして表すことができます。 2つの形式は、絶対URIが常にスキーム名で始まり、その後にコロンが続くという事実によって区別されます。 URLの構文とセマンティクスの詳細については、「Uniform Resource Identifiers(URI):Generic Syntax and Semantics」、RFC 2396 [42](RFC 1738 [4]およびRFC 1808 [11]に代わるもの)を参照してください。この仕様は、「URI参照」、「絶対URI」、「相対URI」、「ポート」、「ホスト」、「abs_path」、「rel_path」、および「権限」の定義をその仕様から採用しています。
The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of a URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of any resource they serve, and SHOULD be able to handle URIs of unbounded length if they provide GET-based forms that could generate such URIs. A server SHOULD return 414 (Request-URI Too Long) status if a URI is longer than the server can handle (see section 10.4.15).
HTTPプロトコルでは、URIの長さに事前の制限はありません。サーバーは、サービスを提供するすべてのリソースのURIを処理できなければならず(MUST)、そのようなURIを生成できるGETベースのフォームを提供する場合は、無制限の長さのURIを処理できる必要があります(SHOULD)。 URIがサーバーが処理できる長さより長い場合、サーバーは414(Request-URI Too Long)ステータスを返す必要があります(セクション10.4.15を参照)。
Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI lengths above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy implementations might not properly support these lengths.
The "http" scheme is used to locate network resources via the HTTP protocol. This section defines the scheme-specific syntax and semantics for http URLs.
「http」スキームは、HTTPプロトコルを介してネットワークリソースを見つけるために使用されます。このセクションでは、http URLのスキーマ固有の構文とセマンティクスを定義します。
http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]
If the port is empty or not given, port 80 is assumed. The semantics are that the identified resource is located at the server listening for TCP connections on that port of that host, and the Request-URI for the resource is abs_path (section 5.1.2). The use of IP addresses in URLs SHOULD be avoided whenever possible (see RFC 1900 [24]). If the abs_path is not present in the URL, it MUST be given as "/" when used as a Request-URI for a resource (section 5.1.2). If a proxy receives a host name which is not a fully qualified domain name, it MAY add its domain to the host name it received. If a proxy receives a fully qualified domain name, the proxy MUST NOT change the host name.
ポートが空または指定されていない場合は、ポート80が想定されます。意味は、識別されたリソースがそのホストのそのポートでTCP接続をリッスンしているサーバーにあり、リソースのRequest-URIがabs_path(セクション5.1.2)であることです。 URLでのIPアドレスの使用は、可能な限り避けてください(RFC 1900 [24]を参照)。 abs_pathがURLに存在しない場合、リソースのRequest-URIとして使用する場合は「/」として指定する必要があります(セクション5.1.2)。プロキシが完全修飾ドメイン名ではないホスト名を受け取った場合、受け取ったホスト名にそのドメインを追加してもよい(MAY)。プロキシが完全修飾ドメイン名を受け取った場合、プロキシはホスト名を変更してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
When comparing two URIs to decide if they match or not, a client SHOULD use a case-sensitive octet-by-octet comparison of the entire URIs, with these exceptions:
- A port that is empty or not given is equivalent to the default port for that URI-reference;
- 空または指定されていないポートは、そのURI参照のデフォルトポートと同等です。
- Comparisons of host names MUST be case-insensitive;
- ホスト名の比較では、大文字と小文字を区別しないでください。
- Comparisons of scheme names MUST be case-insensitive;
- スキーム名の比較では大文字と小文字を区別する必要があります。
- An empty abs_path is equivalent to an abs_path of "/".
- 空のabs_pathは、「/」のabs_pathと同等です。
Characters other than those in the "reserved" and "unsafe" sets (see RFC 2396 [42]) are equivalent to their ""%" HEX HEX" encoding.
「予約済み」および「安全でない」セット(RFC 2396 [42]を参照)以外の文字は、「 "%" HEX HEX」エンコーディングと同等です。
For example, the following three URIs are equivalent:
http://abc.com:80/~smith/home.html http://ABC.com/%7Esmith/home.html http://ABC.com:/%7esmith/home.html
HTTP applications have historically allowed three different formats for the representation of date/time stamps:
Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format
The first format is preferred as an Internet standard and represents a fixed-length subset of that defined by RFC 1123 [8] (an update to RFC 822 [9]). The second format is in common use, but is based on the obsolete RFC 850 [12] date format and lacks a four-digit year. HTTP/1.1 clients and servers that parse the date value MUST accept all three formats (for compatibility with HTTP/1.0), though they MUST only generate the RFC 1123 format for representing HTTP-date values in header fields. See section 19.3 for further information.
最初の形式はインターネット標準として推奨され、RFC 1123 [8](RFC 822 [9]の更新版)で定義されたものの固定長サブセットを表します。 2番目の形式は一般的に使用されていますが、廃止されたRFC 850 [12]日付形式に基づいており、4桁の年がありません。日付値を解析するHTTP / 1.1クライアントとサーバーは、HTTP / 1.0との互換性のために3つの形式すべてを受け入れる必要がありますが、ヘッダーフィールドでHTTP日付値を表すためのRFC 1123形式のみを生成する必要があります。詳細については、セクション19.3を参照してください。
Note: Recipients of date values are encouraged to be robust in accepting date values that may have been sent by non-HTTP applications, as is sometimes the case when retrieving or posting messages via proxies/gateways to SMTP or NNTP.
All HTTP date/time stamps MUST be represented in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), without exception. For the purposes of HTTP, GMT is exactly equal to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This is indicated in the first two formats by the inclusion of "GMT" as the three-letter abbreviation for time zone, and MUST be assumed when reading the asctime format. HTTP-date is case sensitive and MUST NOT include additional LWS beyond that specifically included as SP in the grammar.
すべてのHTTP日付/タイムスタンプは、例外なく、グリニッジ標準時(GMT)で表現する必要があります。 HTTPの目的では、GMTはUTC(協定世界時)とまったく同じです。これは、タイムゾーンの3文字の省略形として「GMT」を含めることによって最初の2つの形式で示され、asctime形式を読み取るときに想定する必要があります。 HTTP-dateは大文字と小文字を区別し、文法にSPとして具体的に含まれているものを超える追加のLWSを含めてはなりません。
HTTP-date = rfc1123-date | rfc850-date | asctime-date rfc1123-date = wkday "," SP date1 SP time SP "GMT" rfc850-date = weekday "," SP date2 SP time SP "GMT" asctime-date = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT date1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982) date2 = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82) date3 = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT )) ; month day (e.g., Jun 2) time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 wkday = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" weekday = "Monday" | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" | "Thursday" | "Friday" | "Saturday" | "Sunday" month = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" | "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
Note: HTTP requirements for the date/time stamp format apply only to their usage within the protocol stream. Clients and servers are not required to use these formats for user presentation, request logging, etc.
Some HTTP header fields allow a time value to be specified as an integer number of seconds, represented in decimal, after the time that the message was received.
delta-seconds = 1*DIGIT
デルタ秒= 1 * DIGIT
HTTP uses the same definition of the term "character set" as that described for MIME: The term "character set" is used in this document to refer to a method used with one or more tables to convert a sequence of octets into a sequence of characters. Note that unconditional conversion in the other direction is not required, in that not all characters may be available in a given character set and a character set may provide more than one sequence of octets to represent a particular character. This definition is intended to allow various kinds of character encoding, from simple single-table mappings such as US-ASCII to complex table switching methods such as those that use ISO-2022's techniques. However, the definition associated with a MIME character set name MUST fully specify the mapping to be performed from octets to characters. In particular, use of external profiling information to determine the exact mapping is not permitted.
Note: This use of the term "character set" is more commonly referred to as a "character encoding." However, since HTTP and MIME share the same registry, it is important that the terminology also be shared.
HTTP character sets are identified by case-insensitive tokens. The complete set of tokens is defined by the IANA Character Set registry [19].
charset = token
Although HTTP allows an arbitrary token to be used as a charset value, any token that has a predefined value within the IANA Character Set registry [19] MUST represent the character set defined by that registry. Applications SHOULD limit their use of character sets to those defined by the IANA registry.
Implementors should be aware of IETF character set requirements [38] [41].
実装者は、IETF文字セット要件[38] [41]に注意する必要があります。
Some HTTP/1.0 software has interpreted a Content-Type header without charset parameter incorrectly to mean "recipient should guess." Senders wishing to defeat this behavior MAY include a charset parameter even when the charset is ISO-8859-1 and SHOULD do so when it is known that it will not confuse the recipient.
一部のHTTP / 1.0ソフトウェアは、charsetパラメータのないContent-Typeヘッダーを誤って解釈し、「受信者が推測する必要がある」ことを意味しています。この動作を無効にしたい送信者は、文字セットがISO-8859-1の場合でも文字セットパラメータを含めることができ(MAY)、受信者を混乱させないことがわかっている場合は含める必要があります(SHOULD)。
Unfortunately, some older HTTP/1.0 clients did not deal properly with an explicit charset parameter. HTTP/1.1 recipients MUST respect the charset label provided by the sender; and those user agents that have a provision to "guess" a charset MUST use the charset from the content-type field if they support that charset, rather than the recipient's preference, when initially displaying a document. See section 3.7.1.
残念ながら、一部の古いHTTP / 1.0クライアントは明示的な文字セットパラメータを適切に処理しませんでした。 HTTP / 1.1受信者は、送信者から提供された文字セットラベルを尊重する必要があります。また、文字セットを「推測」する機能を持つユーザーエージェントは、ドキュメントを最初に表示するときに、受信者の設定ではなく、その文字セットをサポートしている場合は、コンテンツタイプフィールドの文字セットを使用する必要があります。セクション3.7.1を参照してください。
Content coding values indicate an encoding transformation that has been or can be applied to an entity. Content codings are primarily used to allow a document to be compressed or otherwise usefully transformed without losing the identity of its underlying media type and without loss of information. Frequently, the entity is stored in coded form, transmitted directly, and only decoded by the recipient.
content-coding = token
content-coding =トークン
All content-coding values are case-insensitive. HTTP/1.1 uses content-coding values in the Accept-Encoding (section 14.3) and Content-Encoding (section 14.11) header fields. Although the value describes the content-coding, what is more important is that it indicates what decoding mechanism will be required to remove the encoding.
content-codingの値はすべて大文字と小文字が区別されません。 HTTP / 1.1は、Accept-Encoding(セクション14.3)およびContent-Encoding(セクション14.11)ヘッダーフィールドでcontent-coding値を使用します。値はコンテンツコーディングを示しますが、より重要なのは、エンコーディングを削除するために必要なデコードメカニズムを示すことです。
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) acts as a registry for content-coding value tokens. Initially, the registry contains the following tokens:
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA)は、コンテンツコーディング値トークンのレジストリとして機能します。最初、レジストリには次のトークンが含まれています。
gzip An encoding format produced by the file compression program "gzip" (GNU zip) as described in RFC 1952 [25]. This format is a Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77) with a 32 bit CRC.
gzip RFC 1952 [25]で説明されているように、ファイル圧縮プログラム "gzip"(GNU zip)によって生成されるエンコード形式。このフォーマットは、32ビットCRCを備えたLempel-Zivコーディング(LZ77)です。
compress The encoding format produced by the common UNIX file compression program "compress". This format is an adaptive Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding (LZW).
Use of program names for the identification of encoding formats is not desirable and is discouraged for future encodings. Their use here is representative of historical practice, not good design. For compatibility with previous implementations of HTTP, applications SHOULD consider "x-gzip" and "x-compress" to be equivalent to "gzip" and "compress" respectively.
エンコーディング形式の識別にプログラム名を使用することは望ましくないため、将来のエンコーディングでは推奨されません。ここでのそれらの使用は歴史的な慣行の代表であり、良いデザインではありません。 HTTPの以前の実装との互換性のために、アプリケーションは「x-gzip」および「x-compress」をそれぞれ「gzip」および「compress」と同等であると見なすべきです。
deflate The "zlib" format defined in RFC 1950 [31] in combination with the "deflate" compression mechanism described in RFC 1951 [29].
deflate RFC 1951 [29]で説明されている「deflate」圧縮メカニズムと組み合わせて、RFC 1950 [31]で定義された「zlib」フォーマット。
identity The default (identity) encoding; the use of no transformation whatsoever. This content-coding is used only in the Accept-Encoding header, and SHOULD NOT be used in the Content-Encoding header.
New content-coding value tokens SHOULD be registered; to allow interoperability between clients and servers, specifications of the content coding algorithms needed to implement a new value SHOULD be publicly available and adequate for independent implementation, and conform to the purpose of content coding defined in this section.
Transfer-coding values are used to indicate an encoding transformation that has been, can be, or may need to be applied to an entity-body in order to ensure "safe transport" through the network. This differs from a content coding in that the transfer-coding is a property of the message, not of the original entity.
transfer-coding = "chunked" | transfer-extension transfer-extension = token *( ";" parameter )
Parameters are in the form of attribute/value pairs.
parameter = attribute "=" value attribute = token value = token | quoted-string
パラメータ=属性 "="値属性=トークン値=トークン|引用文字列
All transfer-coding values are case-insensitive. HTTP/1.1 uses transfer-coding values in the TE header field (section 14.39) and in the Transfer-Encoding header field (section 14.41).
すべてのtransfer-coding値は大文字と小文字を区別しません。 HTTP / 1.1は、TEヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.39)およびTransfer-Encodingヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.41)でtransfer-coding値を使用します。
Whenever a transfer-coding is applied to a message-body, the set of transfer-codings MUST include "chunked", unless the message is terminated by closing the connection. When the "chunked" transfer-coding is used, it MUST be the last transfer-coding applied to the message-body. The "chunked" transfer-coding MUST NOT be applied more than once to a message-body. These rules allow the recipient to determine the transfer-length of the message (section 4.4).
転送コーディングがメッセージ本文に適用される場合は常に、接続を閉じることによってメッセージが終了しない限り、転送コーディングのセットに「チャンク」が含まれている必要があります。 「チャンクされた」転送コーディングが使用される場合、それはメッセージ本文に適用される最後の転送コーディングでなければなりません。 「チャンクされた」転送コーディングは、メッセージ本文に複数回適用してはなりません(MUST NOT)。これらのルールにより、受信者はメッセージの転送長を決定できます(セクション4.4)。
Transfer-codings are analogous to the Content-Transfer-Encoding values of MIME [7], which were designed to enable safe transport of binary data over a 7-bit transport service. However, safe transport has a different focus for an 8bit-clean transfer protocol. In HTTP, the only unsafe characteristic of message-bodies is the difficulty in determining the exact body length (section 7.2.2), or the desire to encrypt data over a shared transport.
転送コーディングは、MIME [7]のContent-Transfer-Encoding値に類似しており、7ビットのトランスポートサービスを介してバイナリデータを安全にトランスポートできるように設計されています。ただし、安全な転送では、8ビットのクリーンな転送プロトコルに対して別の焦点があります。 HTTPでは、メッセージ本文の安全でない唯一の特徴は、正確な本文の長さ(セクション7.2.2)を決定するのが難しいこと、または共有トランスポートを介してデータを暗号化することです。
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) acts as a registry for transfer-coding value tokens. Initially, the registry contains the following tokens: "chunked" (section 3.6.1), "identity" (section 3.6.2), "gzip" (section 3.5), "compress" (section 3.5), and "deflate" (section 3.5).
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA)は、転送コーディング値トークンのレジストリとして機能します。最初、レジストリには次のトークンが含まれています:「チャンク」(セクション3.6.1)、「アイデンティティ」(セクション3.6.2)、「gzip」(セクション3.5)、「圧縮」(セクション3.5)、および「収縮」(セクション3.5)。
New transfer-coding value tokens SHOULD be registered in the same way as new content-coding value tokens (section 3.5).
A server which receives an entity-body with a transfer-coding it does not understand SHOULD return 501 (Unimplemented), and close the connection. A server MUST NOT send transfer-codings to an HTTP/1.0 client.
理解できないtransfer-codingのエンティティ本体を受信するサーバーは、501(実装されていない)を返し、接続を閉じます。サーバーはHTTP / 1.0クライアントに転送コーディングを送信してはいけません(MUST NOT)。
The chunked encoding modifies the body of a message in order to transfer it as a series of chunks, each with its own size indicator, followed by an OPTIONAL trailer containing entity-header fields. This allows dynamically produced content to be transferred along with the information necessary for the recipient to verify that it has received the full message.
Chunked-Body = *chunk last-chunk trailer CRLF
chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF chunk-data CRLF chunk-size = 1*HEX last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
chunk = chunk-size [chunk-extension] CRLF chunk-data CRLF chunk-size = 1 * HEX last-chunk = 1 *( "0")[chunk-extension] CRLF
chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] ) chunk-ext-name = token chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET) trailer = *(entity-header CRLF)
The chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size of the chunk. The chunked encoding is ended by any chunk whose size is zero, followed by the trailer, which is terminated by an empty line.
The trailer allows the sender to include additional HTTP header fields at the end of the message. The Trailer header field can be used to indicate which header fields are included in a trailer (see section 14.40).
トレーラーにより、送信者はメッセージの最後に追加のHTTPヘッダーフィールドを含めることができます。 Trailerヘッダーフィールドは、どのヘッダーフィールドがトレーラーに含まれるかを示すために使用できます(セクション14.40を参照)。
A server using chunked transfer-coding in a response MUST NOT use the trailer for any header fields unless at least one of the following is true:
応答でチャンク転送コーディングを使用するサーバーは、次の少なくとも1つが当てはまらない限り、ヘッダーフィールドのトレーラーを使用してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
a)the request included a TE header field that indicates "trailers" is acceptable in the transfer-coding of the response, as described in section 14.39; or,
b)the server is the origin server for the response, the trailer fields consist entirely of optional metadata, and the recipient could use the message (in a manner acceptable to the origin server) without receiving this metadata. In other words, the origin server is willing to accept the possibility that the trailer fields might be silently discarded along the path to the client.
This requirement prevents an interoperability failure when the message is being received by an HTTP/1.1 (or later) proxy and forwarded to an HTTP/1.0 recipient. It avoids a situation where compliance with the protocol would have necessitated a possibly infinite buffer on the proxy.
この要件により、メッセージがHTTP / 1.1(またはそれ以降)のプロキシによって受信され、HTTP / 1.0受信者に転送されるときの相互運用性の障害が防止されます。これにより、プロトコルに準拠するためにプロキシ上に無限のバッファが必要になる状況が回避されます。
An example process for decoding a Chunked-Body is presented in appendix 19.4.6.
All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and decode the "chunked" transfer-coding, and MUST ignore chunk-extension extensions they do not understand.
すべてのHTTP / 1.1アプリケーションは、「チャンクされた」転送コーディングを受信してデコードできなければならず、理解できないチャンク拡張拡張を無視しなければなりません(MUST)。
HTTP uses Internet Media Types [17] in the Content-Type (section 14.17) and Accept (section 14.1) header fields in order to provide open and extensible data typing and type negotiation.
media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter ) type = token subtype = token
Parameters MAY follow the type/subtype in the form of attribute/value pairs (as defined in section 3.6).
The type, subtype, and parameter attribute names are case-insensitive. Parameter values might or might not be case-sensitive, depending on the semantics of the parameter name. Linear white space (LWS) MUST NOT be used between the type and subtype, nor between an attribute and its value. The presence or absence of a parameter might be significant to the processing of a media-type, depending on its definition within the media type registry.
タイプ、サブタイプ、およびパラメーターの属性名では、大文字と小文字が区別されません。パラメータ名のセマンティクスに応じて、パラメータ値は大文字と小文字を区別する場合としない場合があります。タイプとサブタイプの間、または属性とその値の間では線形空白(LWS)を使用してはなりません(MUST NOT)。メディアタイプレジストリ内の定義によっては、パラメータの有無がメディアタイプの処理にとって重要になる場合があります。
Note that some older HTTP applications do not recognize media type parameters. When sending data to older HTTP applications, implementations SHOULD only use media type parameters when they are required by that type/subtype definition.
Media-type values are registered with the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA [19]). The media type registration process is outlined in RFC 1590 [17]. Use of non-registered media types is discouraged.
メディアタイプの値は、Internet Assigned Number Authority(IANA [19])に登録されています。メディアタイプ登録プロセスは、RFC 1590 [17]で概説されています。登録されていないメディアタイプの使用はお勧めしません。
Internet media types are registered with a canonical form. An entity-body transferred via HTTP messages MUST be represented in the appropriate canonical form prior to its transmission except for "text" types, as defined in the next paragraph.
インターネットメディアタイプは、正規の形式で登録されます。 HTTPメッセージを介して転送されるエンティティ本体は、次の段落で定義されているように、「テキスト」タイプを除いて、その送信前に適切な正規形式で表現する必要があります。
When in canonical form, media subtypes of the "text" type use CRLF as the text line break. HTTP relaxes this requirement and allows the transport of text media with plain CR or LF alone representing a line break when it is done consistently for an entire entity-body. HTTP applications MUST accept CRLF, bare CR, and bare LF as being representative of a line break in text media received via HTTP. In addition, if the text is represented in a character set that does not use octets 13 and 10 for CR and LF respectively, as is the case for some multi-byte character sets, HTTP allows the use of whatever octet sequences are defined by that character set to represent the equivalent of CR and LF for line breaks. This flexibility regarding line breaks applies only to text media in the entity-body; a bare CR or LF MUST NOT be substituted for CRLF within any of the HTTP control structures (such as header fields and multipart boundaries).
正規形式の場合、「テキスト」タイプのメディアサブタイプはCRLFをテキストの改行として使用します。 HTTPはこの要件を緩和し、エンティティボディ全体に対して一貫して行われる場合、改行を表すプレーンなCRまたはLFのみのテキストメディアの転送を許可します。 HTTPアプリケーションは、HTTP経由で受信したテキストメディアの改行を表すものとして、CRLF、ベアCR、およびベアLFを受け入れる必要があります。さらに、いくつかのマルチバイト文字セットの場合のように、テキストがCRとLFにそれぞれオクテット13と10を使用しない文字セットで表されている場合、HTTPは、それによって定義されるオクテットシーケンスの使用を許可します。改行のCRおよびLFに相当する文字セット。改行に関するこの柔軟性は、エンティティ本体のテキストメディアにのみ適用されます。すべてのHTTP制御構造(ヘッダーフィールドやマルチパート境界など)内のCRLFをベアCRまたはLFで置き換えてはなりません(MUST NOT)。
If an entity-body is encoded with a content-coding, the underlying data MUST be in a form defined above prior to being encoded.
The "charset" parameter is used with some media types to define the character set (section 3.4) of the data. When no explicit charset parameter is provided by the sender, media subtypes of the "text" type are defined to have a default charset value of "ISO-8859-1" when received via HTTP. Data in character sets other than "ISO-8859-1" or its subsets MUST be labeled with an appropriate charset value. See section 3.4.1 for compatibility problems.
「charset」パラメータは、一部のメディアタイプでデータの文字セット(セクション3.4)を定義するために使用されます。送信者から明示的な文字セットパラメータが提供されない場合、「テキスト」タイプのメディアサブタイプは、HTTP経由で受信したときに「ISO-8859-1」のデフォルト文字セット値を持つように定義されます。 「ISO-8859-1」またはそのサブセット以外の文字セットのデータは、適切な文字セット値でラベル付けする必要があります。互換性の問題については、セクション3.4.1を参照してください。
MIME provides for a number of "multipart" types -- encapsulations of one or more entities within a single message-body. All multipart types share a common syntax, as defined in section 5.1.1 of RFC 2046
MIMEは、多数の「マルチパート」タイプを提供します-1つのメッセージ本文内の1つ以上のエンティティのカプセル化。 RFC 2046のセクション5.1.1で定義されているように、すべてのマルチパートタイプは共通の構文を共有します
[40], and MUST include a boundary parameter as part of the media type value. The message body is itself a protocol element and MUST therefore use only CRLF to represent line breaks between body-parts. Unlike in RFC 2046, the epilogue of any multipart message MUST be empty; HTTP applications MUST NOT transmit the epilogue (even if the original multipart contains an epilogue). These restrictions exist in order to preserve the self-delimiting nature of a multipart message-body, wherein the "end" of the message-body is indicated by the ending multipart boundary.
[40]、およびメディアタイプ値の一部として境界パラメーターを含める必要があります。メッセージ本文自体はプロトコル要素であるため、CRLFのみを使用して、本文部分間の改行を表す必要があります。 RFC 2046とは異なり、マルチパートメッセージのエピローグは空である必要があります。 HTTPアプリケーションは、エピローグを送信してはなりません(元のマルチパートにエピローグが含まれている場合でも)。これらの制限は、マルチパートメッセージボディの自己区切りの性質を維持するために存在します。メッセージボディの「終了」は、マルチパート境界の終了によって示されます。
In general, HTTP treats a multipart message-body no differently than any other media type: strictly as payload. The one exception is the "multipart/byteranges" type (appendix 19.2) when it appears in a 206 (Partial Content) response, which will be interpreted by some HTTP caching mechanisms as described in sections 13.5.4 and 14.16. In all other cases, an HTTP user agent SHOULD follow the same or similar behavior as a MIME user agent would upon receipt of a multipart type. The MIME header fields within each body-part of a multipart message-body do not have any significance to HTTP beyond that defined by their MIME semantics.
一般に、HTTPはマルチパートメッセージ本文を他のメディアタイプとまったく同じように、厳密にはペイロードとして扱います。 1つの例外は、「multipart / byteranges」タイプ(付録19.2)であり、206(Partial Content)応答に表示される場合、セクション13.5.4および14.16で説明されているように、一部のHTTPキャッシュメカニズムによって解釈されます。他のすべてのケースでは、HTTPユーザーエージェントは、マルチパートタイプを受信したときのMIMEユーザーエージェントと同じまたは同様の動作に従う必要があります(SHOULD)。マルチパートメッセージボディの各ボディパート内のMIMEヘッダーフィールドは、MIMEセマンティクスで定義されているものを超えて、HTTPに対して重要ではありません。
In general, an HTTP user agent SHOULD follow the same or similar behavior as a MIME user agent would upon receipt of a multipart type. If an application receives an unrecognized multipart subtype, the application MUST treat it as being equivalent to "multipart/mixed".
Note: The "multipart/form-data" type has been specifically defined for carrying form data suitable for processing via the POST request method, as described in RFC 1867 [15].
注:「multipart / form-data」タイプは、RFC 1867 [15]で説明されているように、POSTリクエストメソッドによる処理に適したフォームデータを伝送するために明確に定義されています。
Product tokens are used to allow communicating applications to identify themselves by software name and version. Most fields using product tokens also allow sub-products which form a significant part of the application to be listed, separated by white space. By convention, the products are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application.
product = token ["/" product-version] product-version = token
User-Agent: CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3 Server: Apache/0.8.4
Product tokens SHOULD be short and to the point. They MUST NOT be used for advertising or other non-essential information. Although any token character MAY appear in a product-version, this token SHOULD only be used for a version identifier (i.e., successive versions of the same product SHOULD only differ in the product-version portion of the product value).
HTTP content negotiation (section 12) uses short "floating point" numbers to indicate the relative importance ("weight") of various negotiable parameters. A weight is normalized to a real number in the range 0 through 1, where 0 is the minimum and 1 the maximum value. If a parameter has a quality value of 0, then content with this parameter is `not acceptable' for the client. HTTP/1.1 applications MUST NOT generate more than three digits after the decimal point. User configuration of these values SHOULD also be limited in this fashion.
HTTPコンテンツネゴシエーション(セクション12)では、短い「浮動小数点」数を使用して、さまざまなネゴシエート可能なパラメーターの相対的な重要度(「重み」)を示します。重みは0から1の範囲の実数に正規化されます。0は最小値で、1は最大値です。パラメータの品質値が0の場合、このパラメータのコンテンツはクライアントには「受け入れられません」。 HTTP / 1.1アプリケーションは、小数点以下4桁を生成してはなりません。これらの値のユーザー構成も、この方法で制限する必要があります。
qvalue = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] ) | ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )
"Quality values" is a misnomer, since these values merely represent relative degradation in desired quality.
A language tag identifies a natural language spoken, written, or otherwise conveyed by human beings for communication of information to other human beings. Computer languages are explicitly excluded. HTTP uses language tags within the Accept-Language and Content-Language fields.
言語タグは、他の人間と情報をやり取りするために人間が話したり、書いたり、その他の方法で伝えたりする自然言語を識別します。コンピュータ言語は明示的に除外されています。 HTTPはAccept-LanguageおよびContent-Languageフィールド内の言語タグを使用します。
The syntax and registry of HTTP language tags is the same as that defined by RFC 1766 [1]. In summary, a language tag is composed of 1 or more parts: A primary language tag and a possibly empty series of subtags:
HTTP言語タグの構文とレジストリは、RFC 1766 [1]で定義されているものと同じです。要約すると、言語タグは1つ以上の部分で構成されています。主言語タグと、場合によっては空の一連のサブタグ:
language-tag = primary-tag *( "-" subtag ) primary-tag = 1*8ALPHA subtag = 1*8ALPHA
White space is not allowed within the tag and all tags are case-insensitive. The name space of language tags is administered by the IANA. Example tags include:
en, en-US, en-cockney, i-cherokee, x-pig-latin
where any two-letter primary-tag is an ISO-639 language abbreviation and any two-letter initial subtag is an ISO-3166 country code. (The last three tags above are not registered tags; all but the last are examples of tags which could be registered in future.)
ここで、2文字のプライマリタグはISO-639言語の省略形で、2文字の最初のサブタグはISO-3166国コードです。 (上記の最後の3つのタグは登録されたタグではありません。最後のタグを除くすべては、将来登録される可能性のあるタグの例です。)
Entity tags are used for comparing two or more entities from the same requested resource. HTTP/1.1 uses entity tags in the ETag (section 14.19), If-Match (section 14.24), If-None-Match (section 14.26), and If-Range (section 14.27) header fields. The definition of how they are used and compared as cache validators is in section 13.3.3. An entity tag consists of an opaque quoted string, possibly prefixed by a weakness indicator.
エンティティタグは、同じリクエストされたリソースからの2つ以上のエンティティを比較するために使用されます。 HTTP / 1.1は、ETag(セクション14.19)、If-Match(セクション14.24)、If-None-Match(セクション14.26)、およびIf-Range(セクション14.27)ヘッダーフィールドでエンティティタグを使用します。キャッシュバリデーターとして使用および比較する方法の定義は、セクション13.3.3にあります。エンティティタグは、不透明の引用符付き文字列で構成され、弱点インジケータが前に付いている可能性があります。
entity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tag weak = "W/" opaque-tag = quoted-string
A "strong entity tag" MAY be shared by two entities of a resource only if they are equivalent by octet equality.
A "weak entity tag," indicated by the "W/" prefix, MAY be shared by two entities of a resource only if the entities are equivalent and could be substituted for each other with no significant change in semantics. A weak entity tag can only be used for weak comparison.
接頭辞「W /」で示される「弱いエンティティタグ」は、エンティティが同等で、セマンティクスを大幅に変更することなく相互に置き換えることができる場合にのみ、リソースの2つのエンティティで共有できます。弱いエンティティタグは、弱い比較にのみ使用できます。
An entity tag MUST be unique across all versions of all entities associated with a particular resource. A given entity tag value MAY be used for entities obtained by requests on different URIs. The use of the same entity tag value in conjunction with entities obtained by requests on different URIs does not imply the equivalence of those entities.
HTTP/1.1 allows a client to request that only part (a range of) the response entity be included within the response. HTTP/1.1 uses range units in the Range (section 14.35) and Content-Range (section 14.16) header fields. An entity can be broken down into subranges according to various structural units.
HTTP / 1.1を使用すると、クライアントは応答エンティティの一部(範囲)のみを応答に含めるように要求できます。 HTTP / 1.1は、範囲(セクション14.35)およびコンテンツ範囲(セクション14.16)ヘッダーフィールドで範囲単位を使用します。エンティティは、さまざまな構造単位に従ってサブ範囲に分割できます。
range-unit = bytes-unit | other-range-unit bytes-unit = "bytes" other-range-unit = token
範囲単位=バイト単位| other-range-unit bytes-unit = "bytes" other-range-unit = token
The only range unit defined by HTTP/1.1 is "bytes". HTTP/1.1 implementations MAY ignore ranges specified using other units.
HTTP / 1.1で定義されている唯一の範囲単位は「バイト」です。 HTTP / 1.1実装は、他の単位を使用して指定された範囲を無視してもよい(MAY)。
HTTP/1.1 has been designed to allow implementations of applications that do not depend on knowledge of ranges.
HTTP / 1.1は、範囲の知識に依存しないアプリケーションの実装を可能にするように設計されています。
4 HTTP Message
4 HTTPメッセージ
HTTP messages consist of requests from client to server and responses from server to client.
HTTP-message = Request | Response ; HTTP/1.1 messages
Request (section 5) and Response (section 6) messages use the generic message format of RFC 822 [9] for transferring entities (the payload of the message). Both types of message consist of a start-line, zero or more header fields (also known as "headers"), an empty line (i.e., a line with nothing preceding the CRLF) indicating the end of the header fields, and possibly a message-body.
要求(セクション5)および応答(セクション6)メッセージは、エンティティ(メッセージのペイロード)の転送にRFC 822 [9]の一般的なメッセージ形式を使用します。どちらのタイプのメッセージも、開始行、0個以上のヘッダーフィールド(「ヘッダー」とも呼ばれる)、ヘッダーフィールドの終わりを示す空行(CRLFの前に何もない行)、および場合によってはメッセージ本文。
generic-message = start-line *(message-header CRLF) CRLF [ message-body ] start-line = Request-Line | Status-Line
generic-message = start-line *(message-header CRLF)CRLF [message-body] start-line = Request-Line |ステータスライン
In the interest of robustness, servers SHOULD ignore any empty line(s) received where a Request-Line is expected. In other words, if the server is reading the protocol stream at the beginning of a message and receives a CRLF first, it should ignore the CRLF.
Certain buggy HTTP/1.0 client implementations generate extra CRLF's after a POST request. To restate what is explicitly forbidden by the BNF, an HTTP/1.1 client MUST NOT preface or follow a request with an extra CRLF.
特定のバグのあるHTTP / 1.0クライアント実装は、POST要求の後に追加のCRLFを生成します。 BNFによって明示的に禁止されていることを述べるために、HTTP / 1.1クライアントは、追加のCRLFを使用してリクエストの前に置いたり、それに続くことはできません。
HTTP header fields, which include general-header (section 4.5), request-header (section 5.3), response-header (section 6.2), and entity-header (section 7.1) fields, follow the same generic format as that given in Section 3.1 of RFC 822 [9]. Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Field names are case-insensitive. The field value MAY be preceded by any amount of LWS, though a single SP is preferred. Header fields can be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one SP or HT. Applications ought to follow "common form", where one is known or indicated, when generating HTTP constructs, since there might exist some implementations that fail to accept anything beyond the common forms.
general-header(セクション4.5)、request-header(セクション5.3)、response-header(セクション6.2)、およびentity-header(セクション7.1)フィールドを含むHTTPヘッダーフィールドは、セクションで指定されたものと同じ一般的な形式に従いますRFC 822 [9]の3.1。各ヘッダーフィールドは、名前とそれに続くコロン( ":")およびフィールド値で構成されます。フィールド名は大文字と小文字を区別しません。単一のSPが推奨されますが、フィールド値の前に任意の量のLWSを付けることができます。ヘッダーフィールドは、追加の各行の前に少なくとも1つのSPまたはHTを付けることにより、複数行に拡張できます。 HTTP構造を生成するとき、アプリケーションは「共通形式」に従う必要があります。これは、共通形式以外のものが受け入れられない実装が存在する可能性があるためです。
message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ] field-name = token field-value = *( field-content | LWS ) field-content = <the OCTETs making up the field-value and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations of token, separators, and quoted-string>
The field-content does not include any leading or trailing LWS: linear white space occurring before the first non-whitespace character of the field-value or after the last non-whitespace character of the field-value. Such leading or trailing LWS MAY be removed without changing the semantics of the field value. Any LWS that occurs between field-content MAY be replaced with a single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
The order in which header fields with differing field names are received is not significant. However, it is "good practice" to send general-header fields first, followed by request-header or response-header fields, and ending with the entity-header fields.
Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the same field-name are received is therefore significant to the interpretation of the combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST NOT change the order of these field values when a message is forwarded.
The message-body (if any) of an HTTP message is used to carry the entity-body associated with the request or response. The message-body differs from the entity-body only when a transfer-coding has been applied, as indicated by the Transfer-Encoding header field (section 14.41).
HTTPメッセージのメッセージ本文(存在する場合)は、要求または応答に関連付けられたエンティティ本体を運ぶために使用されます。 Transfer-Encodingヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.41)で示されているように、転送コーディングが適用されている場合にのみ、message-bodyがentity-bodyと異なります。
message-body = entity-body | <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>
メッセージ本体=エンティティ本体| <Transfer-Encodingに従ってエンコードされたエンティティボディ>
Transfer-Encoding MUST be used to indicate any transfer-codings applied by an application to ensure safe and proper transfer of the message. Transfer-Encoding is a property of the message, not of the entity, and thus MAY be added or removed by any application along the request/response chain. (However, section 3.6 places restrictions on when certain transfer-codings may be used.)
Transfer-Encodingは、メッセージの安全で適切な転送を保証するためにアプリケーションによって適用される転送コーディングを示すために使用する必要があります。 Transfer-Encodingは、エンティティではなくメッセージのプロパティであるため、要求/応答チェーンに沿ってアプリケーションによって追加または削除される場合があります。 (ただし、セクション3.6では、特定の転送コーディングを使用できる場合に制限を設けています。)
The rules for when a message-body is allowed in a message differ for requests and responses.
The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's message-headers. A message-body MUST NOT be included in a request if the specification of the request method (section 5.1.1) does not allow sending an entity-body in requests. A server SHOULD read and forward a message-body on any request; if the request method does not include defined semantics for an entity-body, then the message-body SHOULD be ignored when handling the request.
For response messages, whether or not a message-body is included with a message is dependent on both the request method and the response status code (section 6.1.1). All responses to the HEAD request method MUST NOT include a message-body, even though the presence of entity-header fields might lead one to believe they do. All 1xx (informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) responses MUST NOT include a message-body. All other responses do include a message-body, although it MAY be of zero length.
The transfer-length of a message is the length of the message-body as it appears in the message; that is, after any transfer-codings have been applied. When a message-body is included with a message, the transfer-length of that body is determined by one of the following (in order of precedence):
1.Any response message which "MUST NOT" include a message-body (such as the 1xx, 204, and 304 responses and any response to a HEAD request) is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields, regardless of the entity-header fields present in the message.
1.「MUST NOT」にメッセージ本文が含まれるすべての応答メッセージ(1xx、204、304応答やHEAD要求への応答など)は、ヘッダーフィールドの後の最初の空行で常に終了します。メッセージに存在するエンティティヘッダーフィールド。
2.If a Transfer-Encoding header field (section 14.41) is present and has any value other than "identity", then the transfer-length is defined by use of the "chunked" transfer-coding (section 3.6), unless the message is terminated by closing the connection.
2. Transfer-Encodingヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.41)が存在し、 "identity"以外の値がある場合、メッセージが転送されない限り、 "チャンクされた" transfer-coding(セクション3.6)を使用してtransfer-lengthが定義されます。接続を閉じると終了します。
3.If a Content-Length header field (section 14.13) is present, its decimal value in OCTETs represents both the entity-length and the transfer-length. The Content-Length header field MUST NOT be sent if these two lengths are different (i.e., if a Transfer-Encoding header field is present). If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding header field and a Content-Length header field, the latter MUST be ignored.
3. Content-Lengthヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.13)が存在する場合、OCTETの10進数値はエンティティ長と転送長の両方を表します。これら2つの長さが異なる場合(つまり、Transfer-Encodingヘッダーフィールドが存在する場合)、Content-Lengthヘッダーフィールドを送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。 Transfer-EncodingヘッダーフィールドとContent-Lengthヘッダーフィールドの両方を含むメッセージを受信した場合、後者は無視する必要があります。
4.If the message uses the media type "multipart/byteranges", and the ransfer-length is not otherwise specified, then this self-elimiting media type defines the transfer-length. This media type UST NOT be used unless the sender knows that the recipient can arse it; the presence in a request of a Range header with ultiple byte-range specifiers from a 1.1 client implies that the lient can parse multipart/byteranges responses.
4.メッセージがメディアタイプ「multipart / byteranges」を使用し、転送長が特に指定されていない場合、この自己制限メディアタイプが転送長を定義します。このメディアタイプは、送信者が受信者が付与できることを知らない限り、使用しないでください。 1.1クライアントからの複数のバイト範囲指定子を持つRangeヘッダーの要求に存在することは、クライアントがmultipart / byteranges応答を解析できることを意味します。
A range header might be forwarded by a 1.0 proxy that does not understand multipart/byteranges; in this case the server MUST delimit the message using methods defined in items 1,3 or 5 of this section.
5.By the server closing the connection. (Closing the connection cannot be used to indicate the end of a request body, since that would leave no possibility for the server to send back a response.)
5.サーバーが接続を閉じる。 (接続を閉じることは、サーバーが応答を送り返す可能性を残さないため、要求本文の終わりを示すために使用することはできません。)
For compatibility with HTTP/1.0 applications, HTTP/1.1 requests containing a message-body MUST include a valid Content-Length header field unless the server is known to be HTTP/1.1 compliant. If a request contains a message-body and a Content-Length is not given, the server SHOULD respond with 400 (bad request) if it cannot determine the length of the message, or with 411 (length required) if it wishes to insist on receiving a valid Content-Length.
HTTP / 1.0アプリケーションとの互換性のために、サーバーがHTTP / 1.1準拠であることがわかっている場合を除き、メッセージボディを含むHTTP / 1.1リクエストには有効なContent-Lengthヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります。リクエストにメッセージ本文が含まれていてContent-Lengthが指定されていない場合、サーバーは、メッセージの長さを判断できない場合は400(不正なリクエスト)で応答するか、要求したい場合は411(必要な長さ)で応答する必要があります。有効なContent-Lengthを受け取ります。
All HTTP/1.1 applications that receive entities MUST accept the "chunked" transfer-coding (section 3.6), thus allowing this mechanism to be used for messages when the message length cannot be determined in advance.
エンティティを受信するすべてのHTTP / 1.1アプリケーションは、「チャンク」転送コーディング(セクション3.6)を受け入れる必要があるため、メッセージの長さが事前に決定できない場合に、このメカニズムをメッセージに使用できます。
Messages MUST NOT include both a Content-Length header field and a non-identity transfer-coding. If the message does include a non-identity transfer-coding, the Content-Length MUST be ignored.
When a Content-Length is given in a message where a message-body is allowed, its field value MUST exactly match the number of OCTETs in the message-body. HTTP/1.1 user agents MUST notify the user when an invalid length is received and detected.
メッセージ本文が許可されているメッセージでContent-Lengthを指定する場合、そのフィールド値はメッセージ本文のOCTETの数と正確に一致する必要があります。 HTTP / 1.1ユーザーエージェントは、無効な長さが受信および検出されたときにユーザーに通知する必要があります。
There are a few header fields which have general applicability for both request and response messages, but which do not apply to the entity being transferred. These header fields apply only to the message being transmitted.
general-header = Cache-Control ; Section 14.9 | Connection ; Section 14.10 | Date ; Section 14.18 | Pragma ; Section 14.32 | Trailer ; Section 14.40 | Transfer-Encoding ; Section 14.41 | Upgrade ; Section 14.42 | Via ; Section 14.45 | Warning ; Section 14.46
General-header field names can be extended reliably only in combination with a change in the protocol version. However, new or experimental header fields may be given the semantics of general header fields if all parties in the communication recognize them to be general-header fields. Unrecognized header fields are treated as entity-header fields.
5 Request
A request message from a client to a server includes, within the first line of that message, the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use.
Request = Request-Line ; Section 5.1 *(( general-header ; Section 4.5 | request-header ; Section 5.3 | entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1 CRLF [ message-body ] ; Section 4.3
The Request-Line begins with a method token, followed by the Request-URI and the protocol version, and ending with CRLF. The elements are separated by SP characters. No CR or LF is allowed except in the final CRLF sequence.
Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
Request-Line =メソッドSP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
The Method token indicates the method to be performed on the resource identified by the Request-URI. The method is case-sensitive.
Method = "OPTIONS" ; Section 9.2 | "GET" ; Section 9.3 | "HEAD" ; Section 9.4 | "POST" ; Section 9.5 | "PUT" ; Section 9.6 | "DELETE" ; Section 9.7 | "TRACE" ; Section 9.8 | "CONNECT" ; Section 9.9 | extension-method extension-method = token
The list of methods allowed by a resource can be specified in an Allow header field (section 14.7). The return code of the response always notifies the client whether a method is currently allowed on a resource, since the set of allowed methods can change dynamically. An origin server SHOULD return the status code 405 (Method Not Allowed) if the method is known by the origin server but not allowed for the requested resource, and 501 (Not Implemented) if the method is unrecognized or not implemented by the origin server. The methods GET and HEAD MUST be supported by all general-purpose servers. All other methods are OPTIONAL; however, if the above methods are implemented, they MUST be implemented with the same semantics as those specified in section 9.
The Request-URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier (section 3.2) and identifies the resource upon which to apply the request.
Request-URIはUniform Resource Identifier(セクション3.2)であり、要求を適用するリソースを識別します。
Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority
Request-URI = "*" |絶対URI | abs_path |権限
The four options for Request-URI are dependent on the nature of the request. The asterisk "*" means that the request does not apply to a particular resource, but to the server itself, and is only allowed when the method used does not necessarily apply to a resource. One example would be
オプション* HTTP / 1.1
The absoluteURI form is REQUIRED when the request is being made to a proxy. The proxy is requested to forward the request or service it from a valid cache, and return the response. Note that the proxy MAY forward the request on to another proxy or directly to the server specified by the absoluteURI. In order to avoid request loops, a proxy MUST be able to recognize all of its server names, including any aliases, local variations, and the numeric IP address. An example Request-Line would be:
リクエストがプロキシに対して行われている場合、absoluteURI形式が必要です。プロキシは、リクエストを転送するか、有効なキャッシュからサービスを提供し、レスポンスを返すようにリクエストされます。プロキシは、リクエストを別のプロキシに転送するか、absoluteURIで指定されたサーバーに直接転送する場合があります。要求ループを回避するために、プロキシは、エイリアス、ローカルバリエーション、および数値IPアドレスを含む、サーバーのすべての名前を認識できる必要があります。 Request-Lineの例は次のようになります。
GET http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1
To allow for transition to absoluteURIs in all requests in future versions of HTTP, all HTTP/1.1 servers MUST accept the absoluteURI form in requests, even though HTTP/1.1 clients will only generate them in requests to proxies.
HTTPの将来のバージョンでは、すべてのリクエストで絶対URIに移行できるようにするため、HTTP / 1.1クライアントはプロキシへのリクエストでのみ生成する場合でも、すべてのHTTP / 1.1サーバーはリクエストで絶対URIフォームを受け入れる必要があります。
The authority form is only used by the CONNECT method (section 9.9).
The most common form of Request-URI is that used to identify a resource on an origin server or gateway. In this case the absolute path of the URI MUST be transmitted (see section 3.2.1, abs_path) as the Request-URI, and the network location of the URI (authority) MUST be transmitted in a Host header field. For example, a client wishing to retrieve the resource above directly from the origin server would create a TCP connection to port 80 of the host "www.w3.org" and send the lines:
GET /pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1 Host: www.w3.org
followed by the remainder of the Request. Note that the absolute path cannot be empty; if none is present in the original URI, it MUST be given as "/" (the server root).
リクエストの残りが続きます。絶対パスを空にすることはできません。元のURIに何も存在しない場合は、 "/"(サーバールート)として指定する必要があります。
The Request-URI is transmitted in the format specified in section 3.2.1. If the Request-URI is encoded using the "% HEX HEX" encoding [42], the origin server MUST decode the Request-URI in order to properly interpret the request. Servers SHOULD respond to invalid Request-URIs with an appropriate status code.
Request-URIは、セクション3.2.1で指定された形式で送信されます。 Request-URIが「%HEX HEX」エンコーディング[42]を使用してエンコードされている場合、オリジンサーバーはリクエストを適切に解釈するためにRequest-URIをデコードする必要があります。サーバーは、無効なリクエストURIに適切なステータスコードで応答する必要があります(SHOULD)。
A transparent proxy MUST NOT rewrite the "abs_path" part of the received Request-URI when forwarding it to the next inbound server, except as noted above to replace a null abs_path with "/".
透過プロキシは、次の受信サーバーに転送するときに、受信したRequest-URIの「abs_path」部分を書き換えてはなりません(ただし、上記のnull abs_pathを「/」に置き換える場合を除く)。
Note: The "no rewrite" rule prevents the proxy from changing the meaning of the request when the origin server is improperly using a non-reserved URI character for a reserved purpose. Implementors should be aware that some pre-HTTP/1.1 proxies have been known to rewrite the Request-URI.
注:「リライトなし」ルールは、オリジンサーバーが予約された目的で予約されていないURI文字を不適切に使用している場合に、プロキシがリクエストの意味を変更しないようにします。実装者は、HTTP / 1.1より前のプロキシの一部がRequest-URIを書き換えることがわかっていることを認識しておく必要があります。
The exact resource identified by an Internet request is determined by examining both the Request-URI and the Host header field.
An origin server that does not allow resources to differ by the requested host MAY ignore the Host header field value when determining the resource identified by an HTTP/1.1 request. (But see section for other requirements on Host support in HTTP/1.1.)
リクエストされたホストによるリソースの違いを許可しないオリジンサーバーは、HTTP / 1.1リクエストで識別されたリソースを決定するときに、Hostヘッダーフィールドの値を無視してもよい(MAY)。 (ただし、HTTP / 1.1でのホストサポートに関するその他の要件については、セクション19.6.1.1を参照してください。)
An origin server that does differentiate resources based on the host requested (sometimes referred to as virtual hosts or vanity host names) MUST use the following rules for determining the requested resource on an HTTP/1.1 request:
要求されたホスト(仮想ホストまたはバニティホスト名と呼ばれることもある)に基づいてリソースを区別するオリジンサーバーは、HTTP / 1.1要求で要求されたリソースを決定するために次のルールを使用する必要があります。
1. If Request-URI is an absoluteURI, the host is part of the Request-URI. Any Host header field value in the request MUST be ignored.
1. Request-URIがabsoluteURIの場合、ホストはRequest-URIの一部です。リクエスト内のホストヘッダーフィールド値はすべて無視する必要があります。
2. If the Request-URI is not an absoluteURI, and the request includes a Host header field, the host is determined by the Host header field value.
2. Request-URIが絶対URIではなく、リクエストにHostヘッダーフィールドが含まれている場合、ホストはHostヘッダーフィールドの値によって決定されます。
3. If the host as determined by rule 1 or 2 is not a valid host on the server, the response MUST be a 400 (Bad Request) error message.
3. ルール1または2で決定されたホストがサーバー上の有効なホストでない場合、応答は400(Bad Request)エラーメッセージでなければなりません。
Recipients of an HTTP/1.0 request that lacks a Host header field MAY attempt to use heuristics (e.g., examination of the URI path for something unique to a particular host) in order to determine what exact resource is being requested.
HostヘッダーフィールドのないHTTP / 1.0リクエストの受信者は、どの正確なリソースがリクエストされているかを判断するために、ヒューリスティック(特定のホストに固有の何かのURIパスの検査など)を使用しようとする場合があります。
The request-header fields allow the client to pass additional information about the request, and about the client itself, to the server. These fields act as request modifiers, with semantics equivalent to the parameters on a programming language method invocation.
request-header = Accept ; Section 14.1 | Accept-Charset ; Section 14.2 | Accept-Encoding ; Section 14.3 | Accept-Language ; Section 14.4 | Authorization ; Section 14.8 | Expect ; Section 14.20 | From ; Section 14.22 | Host ; Section 14.23 | If-Match ; Section 14.24
| If-Modified-Since ; Section 14.25 | If-None-Match ; Section 14.26 | If-Range ; Section 14.27 | If-Unmodified-Since ; Section 14.28 | Max-Forwards ; Section 14.31 | Proxy-Authorization ; Section 14.34 | Range ; Section 14.35 | Referer ; Section 14.36 | TE ; Section 14.39 | User-Agent ; Section 14.43
Request-header field names can be extended reliably only in combination with a change in the protocol version. However, new or experimental header fields MAY be given the semantics of request-header fields if all parties in the communication recognize them to be request-header fields. Unrecognized header fields are treated as entity-header fields.
6 Response
After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message.
Response = Status-Line ; Section 6.1 *(( general-header ; Section 4.5 | response-header ; Section 6.2 | entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1 CRLF [ message-body ] ; Section 7.2
The first line of a Response message is the Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase, with each element separated by SP characters. No CR or LF is allowed except in the final CRLF sequence.
Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
The Status-Code element is a 3-digit integer result code of the attempt to understand and satisfy the request. These codes are fully defined in section 10. The Reason-Phrase is intended to give a short textual description of the Status-Code. The Status-Code is intended for use by automata and the Reason-Phrase is intended for the human user. The client is not required to examine or display the Reason-Phrase.
Status-Code要素は、要求を理解して満足する試みの3桁の整数の結果コードです。これらのコードはセクション10で完全に定義されています。Reason-Phraseは、Status-Codeの短いテキスト記述を提供することを目的としています。 Status-Codeはオートマトンによる使用を意図しており、Reason-Phraseは人間のユーザーを対象としています。クライアントは、Reason-Phraseを調べたり表示したりする必要はありません。
The first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any categorization role. There are 5 values for the first digit:
- 1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process
- 1xx:情報-リクエストを受け取り、プロセスを続行
- 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted
- 2xx:成功-アクションは正常に受信され、理解され、受け入れられました
- 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request
- 3xx:リダイレクト-リクエストを完了するには、さらにアクションを実行する必要があります
- 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled
- 4xx:クライアントエラー-リクエストに不正な構文が含まれている、または実行できない
- 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request
- 5xx:サーバーエラー-サーバーは明らかに有効なリクエストを実行できませんでした
The individual values of the numeric status codes defined for HTTP/1.1, and an example set of corresponding Reason-Phrase's, are presented below. The reason phrases listed here are only recommendations -- they MAY be replaced by local equivalents without affecting the protocol.
HTTP / 1.1に定義された数値ステータスコードの個々の値と、対応する理由フレーズのサンプルセットを以下に示します。ここに記載されている理由フレーズは推奨事項にすぎません。プロトコルに影響を与えることなく、ローカルの同等のものに置き換えることができます。
Status-Code = "100" ; Section 10.1.1: Continue | "101" ; Section 10.1.2: Switching Protocols | "200" ; Section 10.2.1: OK | "201" ; Section 10.2.2: Created | "202" ; Section 10.2.3: Accepted | "203" ; Section 10.2.4: Non-Authoritative Information | "204" ; Section 10.2.5: No Content | "205" ; Section 10.2.6: Reset Content | "206" ; Section 10.2.7: Partial Content | "300" ; Section 10.3.1: Multiple Choices | "301" ; Section 10.3.2: Moved Permanently | "302" ; Section 10.3.3: Found | "303" ; Section 10.3.4: See Other | "304" ; Section 10.3.5: Not Modified | "305" ; Section 10.3.6: Use Proxy | "307" ; Section 10.3.8: Temporary Redirect | "400" ; Section 10.4.1: Bad Request | "401" ; Section 10.4.2: Unauthorized | "402" ; Section 10.4.3: Payment Required | "403" ; Section 10.4.4: Forbidden | "404" ; Section 10.4.5: Not Found | "405" ; Section 10.4.6: Method Not Allowed | "406" ; Section 10.4.7: Not Acceptable
| "407" ; Section 10.4.8: Proxy Authentication Required | "408" ; Section 10.4.9: Request Time-out | "409" ; Section 10.4.10: Conflict | "410" ; Section 10.4.11: Gone | "411" ; Section 10.4.12: Length Required | "412" ; Section 10.4.13: Precondition Failed | "413" ; Section 10.4.14: Request Entity Too Large | "414" ; Section 10.4.15: Request-URI Too Large | "415" ; Section 10.4.16: Unsupported Media Type | "416" ; Section 10.4.17: Requested range not satisfiable | "417" ; Section 10.4.18: Expectation Failed | "500" ; Section 10.5.1: Internal Server Error | "501" ; Section 10.5.2: Not Implemented | "502" ; Section 10.5.3: Bad Gateway | "503" ; Section 10.5.4: Service Unavailable | "504" ; Section 10.5.5: Gateway Time-out | "505" ; Section 10.5.6: HTTP Version not supported | extension-code
extension-code = 3DIGIT Reason-Phrase = *<TEXT, excluding CR, LF>
HTTP status codes are extensible. HTTP applications are not required to understand the meaning of all registered status codes, though such understanding is obviously desirable. However, applications MUST understand the class of any status code, as indicated by the first digit, and treat any unrecognized response as being equivalent to the x00 status code of that class, with the exception that an unrecognized response MUST NOT be cached. For example, if an unrecognized status code of 431 is received by the client, it can safely assume that there was something wrong with its request and treat the response as if it had received a 400 status code. In such cases, user agents SHOULD present to the user the entity returned with the response, since that entity is likely to include human-readable information which will explain the unusual status.
HTTPステータスコードは拡張可能です。 HTTPアプリケーションは、登録されているすべてのステータスコードの意味を理解する必要はありませんが、そのような理解が明らかに望ましいです。ただし、アプリケーションは最初の桁で示されるように、ステータスコードのクラスを理解しなければならず、認識されない応答はキャッシュされてはならないという例外を除いて、そのクラスのx00ステータスコードと同等のものとして扱います。たとえば、クライアントが認識できないステータスコード431を受信した場合、リクエストに問題があると想定し、400ステータスコードを受信したかのように応答を処理できます。そのような場合、そのエンティティは異常な状態を説明する人間が読める情報を含む可能性が高いので、ユーザーエージェントはユーザーに応答で返されたエンティティを提示する必要があります。
The response-header fields allow the server to pass additional information about the response which cannot be placed in the Status-Line. These header fields give information about the server and about further access to the resource identified by the Request-URI.
response-header = Accept-Ranges ; Section 14.5 | Age ; Section 14.6 | ETag ; Section 14.19 | Location ; Section 14.30 | Proxy-Authenticate ; Section 14.33
| Retry-After ; Section 14.37 | Server ; Section 14.38 | Vary ; Section 14.44 | WWW-Authenticate ; Section 14.47
Response-header field names can be extended reliably only in combination with a change in the protocol version. However, new or experimental header fields MAY be given the semantics of response-header fields if all parties in the communication recognize them to be response-header fields. Unrecognized header fields are treated as entity-header fields.
7 Entity
Request and Response messages MAY transfer an entity if not otherwise restricted by the request method or response status code. An entity consists of entity-header fields and an entity-body, although some responses will only include the entity-headers.
In this section, both sender and recipient refer to either the client or the server, depending on who sends and who receives the entity.
Entity-header fields define metainformation about the entity-body or, if no body is present, about the resource identified by the request. Some of this metainformation is OPTIONAL; some might be REQUIRED by portions of this specification.
entity-header = Allow ; Section 14.7 | Content-Encoding ; Section 14.11 | Content-Language ; Section 14.12 | Content-Length ; Section 14.13 | Content-Location ; Section 14.14 | Content-MD5 ; Section 14.15 | Content-Range ; Section 14.16 | Content-Type ; Section 14.17 | Expires ; Section 14.21 | Last-Modified ; Section 14.29 | extension-header
extension-header = message-header
extension-header = message-header
The extension-header mechanism allows additional entity-header fields to be defined without changing the protocol, but these fields cannot be assumed to be recognizable by the recipient. Unrecognized header fields SHOULD be ignored by the recipient and MUST be forwarded by transparent proxies.
The entity-body (if any) sent with an HTTP request or response is in a format and encoding defined by the entity-header fields.
entity-body = *OCTET
An entity-body is only present in a message when a message-body is present, as described in section 4.3. The entity-body is obtained from the message-body by decoding any Transfer-Encoding that might have been applied to ensure safe and proper transfer of the message.
エンティティー本体は、セクション4.3で説明されているように、メッセージ本体が存在する場合にのみメッセージに存在します。 entity-bodyは、メッセージの安全で適切な転送を保証するために適用された可能性のあるTransfer-Encodingをデコードすることにより、message-bodyから取得されます。
When an entity-body is included with a message, the data type of that body is determined via the header fields Content-Type and Content-Encoding. These define a two-layer, ordered encoding model:
entity-body := Content-Encoding( Content-Type( data ) )
Content-Type specifies the media type of the underlying data. Content-Encoding may be used to indicate any additional content codings applied to the data, usually for the purpose of data compression, that are a property of the requested resource. There is no default encoding.
Content-Typeは、基になるデータのメディアタイプを指定します。 Content-Encodingは、通常はデータ圧縮の目的で、要求されたリソースのプロパティである、データに適用される追加のコンテンツコーディングを示すために使用できます。デフォルトのエンコーディングはありません。
Any HTTP/1.1 message containing an entity-body SHOULD include a Content-Type header field defining the media type of that body. If and only if the media type is not given by a Content-Type field, the recipient MAY attempt to guess the media type via inspection of its content and/or the name extension(s) of the URI used to identify the resource. If the media type remains unknown, the recipient SHOULD treat it as type "application/octet-stream".
エンティティボディを含むHTTP / 1.1メッセージには、そのボディのメディアタイプを定義するContent-Typeヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります(SHOULD)。メディアタイプがContent-Typeフィールドで指定されていない場合に限り、受信者はコンテンツの検査やリソースの識別に使用されるURIの名前拡張子、またはその両方を介してメディアタイプを推測しようとする場合があります。メディアタイプが不明のままである場合、受信者はそれをタイプ「application / octet-stream」として扱う必要があります。
The entity-length of a message is the length of the message-body before any transfer-codings have been applied. Section 4.4 defines how the transfer-length of a message-body is determined.
8 Connections
Prior to persistent connections, a separate TCP connection was established to fetch each URL, increasing the load on HTTP servers and causing congestion on the Internet. The use of inline images and other associated data often require a client to make multiple requests of the same server in a short amount of time. Analysis of these performance problems and results from a prototype implementation are available [26] [30]. Implementation experience and measurements of actual HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2068) implementations show good results [39]. Alternatives have also been explored, for example, T/TCP [27].
永続的な接続の前は、各URLを取得するために個別のTCP接続が確立されていたため、HTTPサーバーの負荷が増加し、インターネットで輻輳が発生していました。多くの場合、インライン画像やその他の関連データを使用するには、クライアントが同じサーバーに対して複数のリクエストを短時間で行う必要があります。これらのパフォーマンス問題の分析とプロトタイプ実装の結果が利用可能です[26] [30]。実際のHTTP / 1.1(RFC 2068)実装の実装経験と測定は、良い結果を示しています[39]。 T / TCPなどの代替手段も検討されています[27]。
Persistent HTTP connections have a number of advantages:
- By opening and closing fewer TCP connections, CPU time is saved in routers and hosts (clients, servers, proxies, gateways, tunnels, or caches), and memory used for TCP protocol control blocks can be saved in hosts.
- 開いたり閉じたりするTCP接続を減らすことで、CPU時間はルーターとホスト(クライアント、サーバー、プロキシ、ゲートウェイ、トンネル、またはキャッシュ)で節約され、TCPプロトコル制御ブロックに使用されるメモリはホストで節約できます。
- HTTP requests and responses can be pipelined on a connection. Pipelining allows a client to make multiple requests without waiting for each response, allowing a single TCP connection to be used much more efficiently, with much lower elapsed time.
- HTTP要求と応答は、接続でパイプライン処理できます。パイプライン処理により、クライアントは各応答を待たずに複数の要求を行うことができ、単一のTCP接続をはるかに短い時間でより効率的に使用できます。
- Network congestion is reduced by reducing the number of packets caused by TCP opens, and by allowing TCP sufficient time to determine the congestion state of the network.
- TCPオープンによって引き起こされるパケットの数を減らし、TCPがネットワークの輻輳状態を判別するのに十分な時間を与えることにより、ネットワークの輻輳が軽減されます。
- Latency on subsequent requests is reduced since there is no time spent in TCP's connection opening handshake.
- TCPの接続開始ハンドシェイクに時間が費やされないため、後続の要求の待ち時間が短縮されます。
- HTTP can evolve more gracefully, since errors can be reported without the penalty of closing the TCP connection. Clients using future versions of HTTP might optimistically try a new feature, but if communicating with an older server, retry with old semantics after an error is reported.
- エラーはTCP接続を閉じるペナルティなしで報告できるため、HTTPはより適切に進化できます。 HTTPの将来のバージョンを使用するクライアントは新機能を楽観的に試す可能性がありますが、古いサーバーと通信する場合は、エラーが報告された後、古いセマンティクスで再試行してください。
HTTP implementations SHOULD implement persistent connections.
A significant difference between HTTP/1.1 and earlier versions of HTTP is that persistent connections are the default behavior of any HTTP connection. That is, unless otherwise indicated, the client SHOULD assume that the server will maintain a persistent connection, even after error responses from the server.
HTTP / 1.1と以前のバージョンのHTTPの大きな違いは、永続的な接続がすべてのHTTP接続のデフォルトの動作であることです。つまり、特に明記されていない限り、クライアントは、サーバーからのエラー応答の後でも、サーバーが永続的な接続を維持すると想定する必要があります(SHOULD)。
Persistent connections provide a mechanism by which a client and a server can signal the close of a TCP connection. This signaling takes place using the Connection header field (section 14.10). Once a close has been signaled, the client MUST NOT send any more requests on that connection.
永続的な接続は、クライアントとサーバーがTCP接続の終了を通知できるメカニズムを提供します。このシグナリングは、接続ヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.10)を使用して行われます。クローズが通知されると、クライアントはその接続でこれ以上リクエストを送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
An HTTP/1.1 server MAY assume that a HTTP/1.1 client intends to maintain a persistent connection unless a Connection header including the connection-token "close" was sent in the request. If the server chooses to close the connection immediately after sending the response, it SHOULD send a Connection header including the connection-token close.
HTTP / 1.1サーバーは、接続トークンの "close"を含むConnectionヘッダーがリクエストで送信されない限り、HTTP / 1.1クライアントが永続的な接続を維持するつもりであると想定する場合があります。サーバーが応答を送信した直後に接続を閉じることを選択した場合は、接続トークンの閉じを含む接続ヘッダーを送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。
An HTTP/1.1 client MAY expect a connection to remain open, but would decide to keep it open based on whether the response from a server contains a Connection header with the connection-token close. In case the client does not want to maintain a connection for more than that request, it SHOULD send a Connection header including the connection-token close.
HTTP / 1.1クライアントは、接続が開いたままであることを期待できますが、サーバーからの応答に、接続トークンが閉じる接続ヘッダーが含まれているかどうかに基づいて、接続を開いたままにすることを決定します。クライアントがそのリクエスト以上の接続を維持したくない場合は、接続トークンのクローズを含む接続ヘッダーを送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。
If either the client or the server sends the close token in the Connection header, that request becomes the last one for the connection.
Clients and servers SHOULD NOT assume that a persistent connection is maintained for HTTP versions less than 1.1 unless it is explicitly signaled. See section 19.6.2 for more information on backward compatibility with HTTP/1.0 clients.
クライアントとサーバーは、明示的に通知されない限り、永続的な接続が1.1より前のバージョンのHTTPで維持されていると想定すべきではありません。 HTTP / 1.0クライアントとの下位互換性の詳細については、セクション19.6.2を参照してください。
In order to remain persistent, all messages on the connection MUST have a self-defined message length (i.e., one not defined by closure of the connection), as described in section 4.4.
A client that supports persistent connections MAY "pipeline" its requests (i.e., send multiple requests without waiting for each response). A server MUST send its responses to those requests in the same order that the requests were received.
Clients which assume persistent connections and pipeline immediately after connection establishment SHOULD be prepared to retry their connection if the first pipelined attempt fails. If a client does such a retry, it MUST NOT pipeline before it knows the connection is persistent. Clients MUST also be prepared to resend their requests if the server closes the connection before sending all of the corresponding responses.
接続の確立直後に永続的な接続とパイプラインを想定するクライアントは、最初のパイプライン化の試行が失敗した場合に接続を再試行する準備をする必要があります。クライアントがそのような再試行を行う場合、接続が永続的であると認識する前にパイプラインを実行してはなりません(MUST NOT)。対応するすべての応答を送信する前にサーバーが接続を閉じた場合、クライアントは要求を再送信する準備もしなければなりません。
Clients SHOULD NOT pipeline requests using non-idempotent methods or non-idempotent sequences of methods (see section 9.1.2). Otherwise, a premature termination of the transport connection could lead to indeterminate results. A client wishing to send a non-idempotent request SHOULD wait to send that request until it has received the response status for the previous request.
It is especially important that proxies correctly implement the properties of the Connection header field as specified in section 14.10.
The proxy server MUST signal persistent connections separately with its clients and the origin servers (or other proxy servers) that it connects to. Each persistent connection applies to only one transport link.
A proxy server MUST NOT establish a HTTP/1.1 persistent connection with an HTTP/1.0 client (but see RFC 2068 [33] for information and discussion of the problems with the Keep-Alive header implemented by many HTTP/1.0 clients).
プロキシサーバーは、HTTP / 1.0クライアントとのHTTP / 1.1永続的接続を確立してはなりません(ただし、多くのHTTP / 1.0クライアントによって実装されたKeep-Aliveヘッダーの問題と詳細については、RFC 2068 [33]を参照してください)。
Servers will usually have some time-out value beyond which they will no longer maintain an inactive connection. Proxy servers might make this a higher value since it is likely that the client will be making more connections through the same server. The use of persistent connections places no requirements on the length (or existence) of this time-out for either the client or the server.
When a client or server wishes to time-out it SHOULD issue a graceful close on the transport connection. Clients and servers SHOULD both constantly watch for the other side of the transport close, and respond to it as appropriate. If a client or server does not detect the other side's close promptly it could cause unnecessary resource drain on the network.
A client, server, or proxy MAY close the transport connection at any time. For example, a client might have started to send a new request at the same time that the server has decided to close the "idle" connection. From the server's point of view, the connection is being closed while it was idle, but from the client's point of view, a request is in progress.
This means that clients, servers, and proxies MUST be able to recover from asynchronous close events. Client software SHOULD reopen the transport connection and retransmit the aborted sequence of requests without user interaction so long as the request sequence is idempotent (see section 9.1.2). Non-idempotent methods or sequences MUST NOT be automatically retried, although user agents MAY offer a human operator the choice of retrying the request(s). Confirmation by user-agent software with semantic understanding of the application MAY substitute for user confirmation. The automatic retry SHOULD NOT be repeated if the second sequence of requests fails.
これは、クライアント、サーバー、およびプロキシが非同期のクローズイベントから回復できる必要があることを意味します。クライアントソフトウェアは、リクエストシーケンスがべき等である限り(セクション9.1.2を参照)、トランスポート接続を再度開き、ユーザーの操作なしに中止されたリクエストシーケンスを再送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。べき等ではないメソッドまたはシーケンスは、自動的に再試行してはなりません(MUST)。ただし、ユーザーエージェントは、人間のオペレーターにリクエストを再試行する選択肢を提供できます(MAY)。アプリケーションのセマンティックな理解を持つユーザーエージェントソフトウェアによる確認は、ユーザー確認の代わりになる場合があります。要求の2番目のシーケンスが失敗した場合、自動再試行は繰り返されるべきではない(SHOULD NOT)。
Servers SHOULD always respond to at least one request per connection, if at all possible. Servers SHOULD NOT close a connection in the middle of transmitting a response, unless a network or client failure is suspected.
Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy. A proxy SHOULD use up to 2*N connections to another server or proxy, where N is the number of simultaneously active users. These guidelines are intended to improve HTTP response times and avoid congestion.
永続的な接続を使用するクライアントは、特定のサーバーに対して維持する同時接続の数を制限する必要があります(SHOULD)。シングルユーザークライアントは、サーバーまたはプロキシとの接続を3つ以上維持すべきではありません。プロキシは、別のサーバーまたはプロキシへの最大2 * N接続を使用する必要があります(Nは同時にアクティブなユーザーの数です)。これらのガイドラインは、HTTP応答時間を改善し、輻輳を回避することを目的としています。
HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD maintain persistent connections and use TCP's flow control mechanisms to resolve temporary overloads, rather than terminating connections with the expectation that clients will retry. The latter technique can exacerbate network congestion.
HTTP / 1.1サーバーは、クライアントが再試行することを期待して接続を終了するのではなく、永続的な接続を維持し、TCPのフロー制御メカニズムを使用して一時的な過負荷を解決する必要があります。後者の手法は、ネットワークの輻輳を悪化させる可能性があります。
An HTTP/1.1 (or later) client sending a message-body SHOULD monitor the network connection for an error status while it is transmitting the request. If the client sees an error status, it SHOULD immediately cease transmitting the body. If the body is being sent using a "chunked" encoding (section 3.6), a zero length chunk and empty trailer MAY be used to prematurely mark the end of the message. If the body was preceded by a Content-Length header, the client MUST close the connection.
メッセージボディを送信するHTTP / 1.1(またはそれ以降)クライアントは、リクエストを送信している間、ネットワーク接続のエラーステータスを監視する必要があります(SHOULD)。クライアントがエラーステータスを確認した場合は、本文の送信を直ちに中止する必要があります(SHOULD)。本文が「チャンク」エンコーディング(セクション3.6)を使用して送信されている場合は、長さがゼロのチャンクと空のトレーラーを使用して、メッセージの終わりを時期尚早にマークすることができます。本文の前にContent-Lengthヘッダーがある場合、クライアントは接続を閉じる必要があります。
The purpose of the 100 (Continue) status (see section 10.1.1) is to allow a client that is sending a request message with a request body to determine if the origin server is willing to accept the request (based on the request headers) before the client sends the request body. In some cases, it might either be inappropriate or highly inefficient for the client to send the body if the server will reject the message without looking at the body.
Requirements for HTTP/1.1 clients:
HTTP / 1.1クライアントの要件:
- If a client will wait for a 100 (Continue) response before sending the request body, it MUST send an Expect request-header field (section 14.20) with the "100-continue" expectation.
- クライアントがリクエスト本文を送信する前に100(Continue)応答を待つ場合、クライアントはExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.20)に「100-continue」の期待値を送信する必要があります。
- A client MUST NOT send an Expect request-header field (section 14.20) with the "100-continue" expectation if it does not intend to send a request body.
- クライアントは、リクエスト本文を送信するつもりがない場合は、「100-continue」の期待値でExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.20)を送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
Because of the presence of older implementations, the protocol allows ambiguous situations in which a client may send "Expect: 100- continue" without receiving either a 417 (Expectation Failed) status or a 100 (Continue) status. Therefore, when a client sends this header field to an origin server (possibly via a proxy) from which it has never seen a 100 (Continue) status, the client SHOULD NOT wait for an indefinite period before sending the request body.
古い実装が存在するため、このプロトコルは、クライアントが417(期待失敗)ステータスまたは100(続行)ステータスを受信せずに "期待:100-続行"を送信する可能性があるあいまいな状況を許可します。したがって、クライアントがこのヘッダーフィールドを(おそらくプロキシ経由で)オリジンサーバーに送信すると、100(Continue)ステータスを一度も確認したことがない場合、クライアントはリクエスト本文を送信する前に無期限に待機してはなりません(SHOULD NOT)。
Requirements for HTTP/1.1 origin servers:
HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーの要件:
- Upon receiving a request which includes an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, an origin server MUST either respond with 100 (Continue) status and continue to read from the input stream, or respond with a final status code. The origin server MUST NOT wait for the request body before sending the 100 (Continue) response. If it responds with a final status code, it MAY close the transport connection or it MAY continue to read and discard the rest of the request. It MUST NOT perform the requested method if it returns a final status code.
- "100-continue"期待のExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールドを含むリクエストを受信すると、オリジンサーバーは100(Continue)ステータスで応答し、入力ストリームからの読み取りを続けるか、または最終ステータスコードで応答する必要があります。オリジンサーバーは、100(Continue)応答を送信する前にリクエストボディを待機してはなりません(MUST NOT)。最終ステータスコードで応答する場合、トランスポート接続を閉じるか、残りのリクエストを読み取り、破棄し続ける場合があります。最終ステータスコードを返す場合は、要求されたメソッドを実行してはなりません。
- An origin server SHOULD NOT send a 100 (Continue) response if the request message does not include an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, and MUST NOT send a 100 (Continue) response if such a request comes from an HTTP/1.0 (or earlier) client. There is an exception to this rule: for compatibility with RFC 2068, a server MAY send a 100 (Continue) status in response to an HTTP/1.1 PUT or POST request that does not include an Expect request-header field with the "100- continue" expectation. This exception, the purpose of which is to minimize any client processing delays associated with an undeclared wait for 100 (Continue) status, applies only to HTTP/1.1 requests, and not to requests with any other HTTP-version value.
- オリジンサーバーは、リクエストメッセージに「100-continue」の期待値を持つExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールドが含まれていない場合は100(Continue)応答を送信すべきではなく、そのようなリクエストが発信された場合は100(Continue)応答を送信してはならない(MUST NOT) HTTP / 1.0(またはそれ以前)のクライアント。このルールには例外があります。RFC2068との互換性のために、サーバーは、HTTP / 1.1 PUTまたはPOSTリクエストに応答して100(Continue)ステータスを送信できます。このリクエストには、「100-続ける」期待。この例外は、宣言されていない100(続行)ステータスの待機に関連するクライアント処理遅延を最小限に抑えることを目的としており、HTTP / 1.1リクエストにのみ適用され、他のHTTPバージョン値を持つリクエストには適用されません。
- An origin server MAY omit a 100 (Continue) response if it has already received some or all of the request body for the corresponding request.
- オリジンサーバーは、対応するリクエストのリクエストボディの一部またはすべてをすでに受け取っている場合、100(Continue)レスポンスを省略してもよい(MAY)。
- An origin server that sends a 100 (Continue) response MUST ultimately send a final status code, once the request body is received and processed, unless it terminates the transport connection prematurely.
- 100(Continue)応答を送信するオリジンサーバーは、トランスポート接続が途中で終了しない限り、リクエストボディが受信されて処理されると、最終的に最終ステータスコードを送信する必要があります。
- If an origin server receives a request that does not include an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, the request includes a request body, and the server responds with a final status code before reading the entire request body from the transport connection, then the server SHOULD NOT close the transport connection until it has read the entire request, or until the client closes the connection. Otherwise, the client might not reliably receive the response message. However, this requirement is not be construed as preventing a server from defending itself against denial-of-service attacks, or from badly broken client implementations.
- オリジンサーバーが「100-continue」の期待値を持つExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールドを含まないリクエストを受信した場合、リクエストにはリクエストボディが含まれ、サーバーはリクエストボディ全体を読み取る前に最終ステータスコードで応答します。トランスポート接続の場合、サーバーは、リクエスト全体を読み取るか、クライアントが接続を閉じるまで、トランスポート接続を閉じないでください。そうしないと、クライアントが応答メッセージを確実に受信できない可能性があります。ただし、この要件は、サーバーがサービス拒否攻撃からサーバーを防御したり、ひどく壊れたクライアント実装からサーバーを防御したりすることを妨げるものではありません。
Requirements for HTTP/1.1 proxies:
HTTP / 1.1プロキシの要件:
- If a proxy receives a request that includes an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, and the proxy either knows that the next-hop server complies with HTTP/1.1 or higher, or does not know the HTTP version of the next-hop server, it MUST forward the request, including the Expect header field.
- プロキシがExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールドに「100-continue」の期待値を含むリクエストを受信した場合、プロキシは、ネクストホップサーバーがHTTP / 1.1以降に準拠していることを知っているか、HTTPバージョンを知らないネクストホップサーバーの場合は、Expectヘッダーフィールドを含め、リクエストを転送する必要があります。
- If the proxy knows that the version of the next-hop server is HTTP/1.0 or lower, it MUST NOT forward the request, and it MUST respond with a 417 (Expectation Failed) status.
- プロキシがネクストホップサーバーのバージョンがHTTP / 1.0以下であることを知っている場合、プロキシは要求を転送してはならず(MUST)、417(期待値失敗)ステータスで応答する必要があります。
- Proxies SHOULD maintain a cache recording the HTTP version numbers received from recently-referenced next-hop servers.
- プロキシは、最近参照されたネクストホップサーバーから受信したHTTPバージョン番号を記録するキャッシュを維持する必要があります(SHOULD)。
- A proxy MUST NOT forward a 100 (Continue) response if the request message was received from an HTTP/1.0 (or earlier) client and did not include an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation. This requirement overrides the general rule for forwarding of 1xx responses (see section 10.1).
- リクエストメッセージがHTTP / 1.0(またはそれ以前)のクライアントから受信され、「100-continue」の期待値を持つExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールドが含まれていない場合、プロキシは100(Continue)応答を転送してはなりません(MUST NOT)。この要件は、1xx応答の転送に関する一般的なルールを上書きします(セクション10.1を参照)。
If an HTTP/1.1 client sends a request which includes a request body, but which does not include an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, and if the client is not directly connected to an HTTP/1.1 origin server, and if the client sees the connection close before receiving any status from the server, the client SHOULD retry the request. If the client does retry this request, it MAY use the following "binary exponential backoff" algorithm to be assured of obtaining a reliable response:
HTTP / 1.1クライアントが、リクエスト本文を含むが「100-continue」の期待値を持つExpectリクエストヘッダーフィールドを含まないリクエストを送信する場合、およびクライアントがHTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーに直接接続されていない場合、そしてサーバーからステータスを受信する前にクライアントが接続のクローズを確認した場合、クライアントはリクエストを再試行する必要があります(SHOULD)。クライアントがこのリクエストを再試行する場合、信頼できる応答を確実に取得するために、次の「バイナリ指数バックオフ」アルゴリズムを使用する場合があります。
1. Initiate a new connection to the server
1. サーバーへの新しい接続を開始する
2. Transmit the request-headers
2. リクエストヘッダーを送信する
3. Initialize a variable R to the estimated round-trip time to the server (e.g., based on the time it took to establish the connection), or to a constant value of 5 seconds if the round-trip time is not available.
3. 変数Rをサーバーへの推定往復時間(たとえば、接続の確立にかかった時間に基づく)に初期化するか、往復時間が利用できない場合は5秒の定数値に初期化します。
4. Compute T = R * (2**N), where N is the number of previous retries of this request.
4. T = R *(2 ** N)を計算します。ここで、Nはこの要求の以前の再試行の数です。
5. Wait either for an error response from the server, or for T seconds (whichever comes first)
5. サーバーからのエラー応答またはT秒(いずれか早い方)を待つ
6. If no error response is received, after T seconds transmit the body of the request.
6. エラー応答が受信されない場合は、T秒後に要求の本文を送信します。
7. If client sees that the connection is closed prematurely, repeat from step 1 until the request is accepted, an error response is received, or the user becomes impatient and terminates the retry process.
7. 接続が途中で閉じられたことをクライアントが確認した場合は、要求が受け入れられるか、エラー応答が受信されるか、ユーザーが待ち焦がれて再試行プロセスを終了するまで、手順1から繰り返します。
If at any point an error status is received, the client
- SHOULD NOT continue and
- 続行しないでください
- SHOULD close the connection if it has not completed sending the request message.
- 要求メッセージの送信が完了していない場合は、接続を閉じる必要があります(SHOULD)。
9 Method Definitions
The set of common methods for HTTP/1.1 is defined below. Although this set can be expanded, additional methods cannot be assumed to share the same semantics for separately extended clients and servers.
HTTP / 1.1の一般的なメソッドのセットを以下に定義します。このセットは拡張できますが、個別に拡張されたクライアントとサーバーで同じセマンティクスを共有する追加のメソッドを想定することはできません。
The Host request-header field (section 14.23) MUST accompany all HTTP/1.1 requests.
Hostリクエストヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.23)は、すべてのHTTP / 1.1リクエストに伴う必要があります。
Implementors should be aware that the software represents the user in their interactions over the Internet, and should be careful to allow the user to be aware of any actions they might take which may have an unexpected significance to themselves or others.
In particular, the convention has been established that the GET and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than retrieval. These methods ought to be considered "safe". This allows user agents to represent other methods, such as POST, PUT and DELETE, in a special way, so that the user is made aware of the fact that a possibly unsafe action is being requested.
Naturally, it is not possible to ensure that the server does not generate side-effects as a result of performing a GET request; in fact, some dynamic resources consider that a feature. The important distinction here is that the user did not request the side-effects, so therefore cannot be held accountable for them.
Methods can also have the property of "idempotence" in that (aside from error or expiration issues) the side-effects of N > 0 identical requests is the same as for a single request. The methods GET, HEAD, PUT and DELETE share this property. Also, the methods OPTIONS and TRACE SHOULD NOT have side effects, and so are inherently idempotent.
メソッドは、(エラーまたは期限切れの問題は別として)N> 0の同一リクエストの副作用が単一リクエストの場合と同じであるという点で、「べき等」のプロパティを持つこともできます。メソッドGET、HEAD、PUT、DELETEはこのプロパティを共有します。また、メソッドOPTIONSとTRACEには副作用がないため、本質的にべき等です。
However, it is possible that a sequence of several requests is non-idempotent, even if all of the methods executed in that sequence are idempotent. (A sequence is idempotent if a single execution of the entire sequence always yields a result that is not changed by a reexecution of all, or part, of that sequence.) For example, a sequence is non-idempotent if its result depends on a value that is later modified in the same sequence.
ただし、そのシーケンスで実行されるすべてのメソッドがべき等であっても、複数のリクエストのシーケンスがべき等ではない可能性があります。 (シーケンス全体の単一の実行が常にそのシーケンスのすべてまたは一部の再実行によって変更されない結果をもたらす場合、シーケンスはべき等です。)たとえば、結果がに依存している場合、シーケンスは非べき等ではありません。後で同じシーケンスで変更される値。
A sequence that never has side effects is idempotent, by definition (provided that no concurrent operations are being executed on the same set of resources).
The OPTIONS method represents a request for information about the communication options available on the request/response chain identified by the Request-URI. This method allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource, or the capabilities of a server, without implying a resource action or initiating a resource retrieval.
Responses to this method are not cacheable.
If the OPTIONS request includes an entity-body (as indicated by the presence of Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding), then the media type MUST be indicated by a Content-Type field. Although this specification does not define any use for such a body, future extensions to HTTP might use the OPTIONS body to make more detailed queries on the server. A server that does not support such an extension MAY discard the request body.
If the Request-URI is an asterisk ("*"), the OPTIONS request is intended to apply to the server in general rather than to a specific resource. Since a server's communication options typically depend on the resource, the "*" request is only useful as a "ping" or "no-op" type of method; it does nothing beyond allowing the client to test the capabilities of the server. For example, this can be used to test a proxy for HTTP/1.1 compliance (or lack thereof).
Request-URIがアスタリスク( "*")の場合、OPTIONS要求は、特定のリソースではなくサーバー全体に適用されることを意図しています。サーバーの通信オプションは通常リソースに依存するため、「*」リクエストは「ping」または「no-op」タイプのメソッドとしてのみ役立ちます。クライアントがサーバーの機能をテストできるようにするだけです。たとえば、これは、HTTP / 1.1コンプライアンス(またはその欠如)のプロキシをテストするために使用できます。
If the Request-URI is not an asterisk, the OPTIONS request applies only to the options that are available when communicating with that resource.
A 200 response SHOULD include any header fields that indicate optional features implemented by the server and applicable to that resource (e.g., Allow), possibly including extensions not defined by this specification. The response body, if any, SHOULD also include information about the communication options. The format for such a body is not defined by this specification, but might be defined by future extensions to HTTP. Content negotiation MAY be used to select the appropriate response format. If no response body is included, the response MUST include a Content-Length field with a field-value of "0".
The Max-Forwards request-header field MAY be used to target a specific proxy in the request chain. When a proxy receives an OPTIONS request on an absoluteURI for which request forwarding is permitted, the proxy MUST check for a Max-Forwards field. If the Max-Forwards field-value is zero ("0"), the proxy MUST NOT forward the message; instead, the proxy SHOULD respond with its own communication options. If the Max-Forwards field-value is an integer greater than zero, the proxy MUST decrement the field-value when it forwards the request. If no Max-Forwards field is present in the request, then the forwarded request MUST NOT include a Max-Forwards field.
Max-Forwardsリクエストヘッダーフィールドを使用して、リクエストチェーン内の特定のプロキシをターゲットにすることができます。プロキシが、リクエストの転送が許可されているabsoluteURIでOPTIONSリクエストを受信した場合、プロキシはMax-Forwardsフィールドを確認する必要があります。 Max-Forwardsフィールド値がゼロ( "0")の場合、プロキシはメッセージを転送してはならない(MUST NOT)。代わりに、プロキシは独自の通信オプションで応答する必要があります(SHOULD)。 Max-Forwardsフィールド値がゼロより大きい整数の場合、プロキシはリクエストを転送するときにフィールド値をデクリメントする必要があります。リクエストにMax-Forwardsフィールドが存在しない場合、転送されるリクエストにはMax-Forwardsフィールドを含めてはなりません(MUST NOT)。
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.
GETメソッドは、Request-URIで識別される情報(エンティティーの形式)を取得します。 Request-URIがデータ生成プロセスを参照する場合、そのテキストがたまたまプロセスの出力でない限り、プロセスのソーステキストではなく、応答のエンティティとして返されるのは生成されたデータです。
The semantics of the GET method change to a "conditional GET" if the request message includes an If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range header field. A conditional GET method requests that the entity be transferred only under the circumstances described by the conditional header field(s). The conditional GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing cached entities to be refreshed without requiring multiple requests or transferring data already held by the client.
The semantics of the GET method change to a "partial GET" if the request message includes a Range header field. A partial GET requests that only part of the entity be transferred, as described in section 14.35. The partial GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing partially-retrieved entities to be completed without transferring data already held by the client.
The response to a GET request is cacheable if and only if it meets the requirements for HTTP caching described in section 13.
See section 15.1.3 for security considerations when used for forms.
The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-body in the response. The metainformation contained in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD request SHOULD be identical to the information sent in response to a GET request. This method can be used for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the request without transferring the entity-body itself. This method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification.
HEADメソッドは、サーバーが応答でメッセージ本文を返してはならないことを除いて、GETと同じです。 HEADリクエストへの応答でHTTPヘッダーに含まれるメタ情報は、GETリクエストへの応答で送信される情報と同一である必要があります(SHOULD)。このメソッドは、エンティティ本体自体を転送せずに、要求によって暗示されるエンティティに関するメタ情報を取得するために使用できます。この方法は、ハイパーテキストリンクの有効性、アクセシビリティ、および最近の変更をテストするためによく使用されます。
The response to a HEAD request MAY be cacheable in the sense that the information contained in the response MAY be used to update a previously cached entity from that resource. If the new field values indicate that the cached entity differs from the current entity (as would be indicated by a change in Content-Length, Content-MD5, ETag or Last-Modified), then the cache MUST treat the cache entry as stale.
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. POST is designed to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions:
POSTメソッドは、要求に含まれるエンティティを、オリジンサーバーがRequest-LineのRequest-URIで識別されるリソースの新しい下位として受け入れることを要求するために使用されます。 POSTは、以下の機能をカバーする統一された方法を可能にするように設計されています。
- Annotation of existing resources;
- 既存のリソースの注釈。
- Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list, or similar group of articles;
- 掲示板、ニュースグループ、メーリングリスト、または同様の記事グループにメッセージを投稿する。
- Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a form, to a data-handling process;
- フォームの送信結果などのデータブロックをデータ処理プロセスに提供する。
- Extending a database through an append operation.
- 追加操作によるデータベースの拡張。
The actual function performed by the POST method is determined by the server and is usually dependent on the Request-URI. The posted entity is subordinate to that URI in the same way that a file is subordinate to a directory containing it, a news article is subordinate to a newsgroup to which it is posted, or a record is subordinate to a database.
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) is the appropriate response status, depending on whether or not the response includes an entity that describes the result.
If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location header (see section 14.30).
Responses to this method are not cacheable, unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields. However, the 303 (See Other) response can be used to direct the user agent to retrieve a cacheable resource.
POST requests MUST obey the message transmission requirements set out in section 8.2.
See section 15.1.3 for security considerations.
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI. If a new resource is created, the origin server MUST inform the user agent via the 201 (Created) response. If an existing resource is modified, either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response codes SHOULD be sent to indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource could not be created or modified with the Request-URI, an appropriate error response SHOULD be given that reflects the nature of the problem. The recipient of the entity MUST NOT ignore any Content-* (e.g. Content-Range) headers that it does not understand or implement and MUST return a 501 (Not Implemented) response in such cases.
PUTメソッドは、囲まれたエンティティが指定されたRequest-URIの下に格納されることを要求します。 Request-URIが既存のリソースを参照している場合、囲まれたエンティティは、起点サーバーに存在するエンティティの変更バージョンと見なされるべきです(SHOULD)。 Request-URIが既存のリソースを指さず、そのURIが要求元のユーザーエージェントによって新しいリソースとして定義できる場合、オリジンサーバーはそのURIでリソースを作成できます。新しいリソースが作成された場合、オリジンサーバーは201(Created)応答を介してユーザーエージェントに通知する必要があります。既存のリソースが変更された場合、200(OK)または204(No Content)応答コードのいずれかを送信して、リクエストが正常に完了したことを示す必要があります。リソースをRequest-URIで作成または変更できなかった場合、問題の性質を反映した適切なエラー応答を提供する必要があります(SHOULD)。エンティティの受信者は、理解または実装していないContent- *(Content-Rangeなど)ヘッダーを無視してはならず(MUST)、そのような場合は501(Not Implemented)応答を返さなければなりません(MUST)。
If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource. If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI, it MUST send a 301 (Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY then make its own decision regarding whether or not to redirect the request.
POST要求とPUT要求の基本的な違いは、Request-URIの異なる意味に反映されています。 POSTリクエストのURIは、囲まれたエンティティを処理するリソースを識別します。そのリソースは、データを受け入れるプロセス、他のプロトコルへのゲートウェイ、または注釈を受け入れる個別のエンティティである可能性があります。対照的に、PUTリクエストのURIは、リクエストに含まれるエンティティを識別します。ユーザーエージェントは、意図するURIを認識しており、サーバーはリクエストを他のリソースに適用してはいけません。サーバーがリクエストを別のURIに適用することを希望する場合、サーバーは301(永久に移動)応答を送信する必要があります。次に、ユーザーエージェントは、リクエストをリダイレクトするかどうかに関して独自の決定を行うことができます。
A single resource MAY be identified by many different URIs. For example, an article might have a URI for identifying "the current version" which is separate from the URI identifying each particular version. In this case, a PUT request on a general URI might result in several other URIs being defined by the origin server.
HTTP/1.1 does not define how a PUT method affects the state of an origin server.
HTTP / 1.1は、PUTメソッドがオリジンサーバーの状態にどのように影響するかを定義していません。
PUT requests MUST obey the message transmission requirements set out in section 8.2.
Unless otherwise specified for a particular entity-header, the entity-headers in the PUT request SHOULD be applied to the resource created or modified by the PUT.
The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. This method MAY be overridden by human intervention (or other means) on the origin server. The client cannot be guaranteed that the operation has been carried out, even if the status code returned from the origin server indicates that the action has been completed successfully. However, the server SHOULD NOT indicate success unless, at the time the response is given, it intends to delete the resource or move it to an inaccessible location.
DELETEメソッドは、起点サーバーがRequest-URIで識別されるリソースを削除することを要求します。このメソッドは、オリジンサーバーでの人間の介入(または他の手段)によってオーバーライドされる場合があります。オリジンサーバーから返されたステータスコードがアクションが正常に完了したことを示している場合でも、クライアントは操作が実行されたことを保証できません。ただし、サーバーは、応答が与えられたときに、リソースを削除するか、アクセスできない場所に移動することを意図していない限り、成功を示すべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。
A successful response SHOULD be 200 (OK) if the response includes an entity describing the status, 202 (Accepted) if the action has not yet been enacted, or 204 (No Content) if the action has been enacted but the response does not include an entity.
If the request passes through a cache and the Request-URI identifies one or more currently cached entities, those entries SHOULD be treated as stale. Responses to this method are not cacheable.
The TRACE method is used to invoke a remote, application-layer loop-back of the request message. The final recipient of the request SHOULD reflect the message received back to the client as the entity-body of a 200 (OK) response. The final recipient is either the origin server or the first proxy or gateway to receive a Max-Forwards value of zero (0) in the request (see section 14.31). A TRACE request MUST NOT include an entity.
TRACEメソッドは、要求メッセージのリモートのアプリケーション層ループバックを呼び出すために使用されます。リクエストの最後の受信者は、クライアントに返されたメッセージを200(OK)応答のエンティティ本体として反映する必要があります(SHOULD)。最終的な受信者は、元のサーバーか、要求でゼロ(0)のMax-Forwards値を受信する最初のプロキシまたはゲートウェイです(セクション14.31を参照)。 TRACEリクエストにエンティティを含めることはできません。
TRACE allows the client to see what is being received at the other end of the request chain and use that data for testing or diagnostic information. The value of the Via header field (section 14.45) is of particular interest, since it acts as a trace of the request chain. Use of the Max-Forwards header field allows the client to limit the length of the request chain, which is useful for testing a chain of proxies forwarding messages in an infinite loop.
TRACEを使用すると、クライアントは要求チェーンの反対側で何が受信されているかを確認し、そのデータをテストまたは診断情報に使用できます。 Viaヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.45)の値は、リクエストチェーンのトレースとして機能するため、特に重要です。 Max-Forwardsヘッダーフィールドを使用すると、クライアントはリクエストチェーンの長さを制限できます。これは、無限ループでメッセージを転送するプロキシのチェーンをテストするのに役立ちます。
If the request is valid, the response SHOULD contain the entire request message in the entity-body, with a Content-Type of "message/http". Responses to this method MUST NOT be cached.
リクエストが有効である場合、レスポンスはエンティティボディにリクエストメッセージ全体を含み、Content-Typeは「message / http」になります。このメソッドへの応答はキャッシュしてはなりません(MUST NOT)。
This specification reserves the method name CONNECT for use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to being a tunnel (e.g. SSL tunneling [44]).
10 Status Code Definitions
Each Status-Code is described below, including a description of which method(s) it can follow and any metainformation required in the response.
This class of status code indicates a provisional response, consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is terminated by an empty line. There are no required headers for this class of status code. Since HTTP/1.0 did not define any 1xx status codes, servers MUST NOT send a 1xx response to an HTTP/1.0 client except under experimental conditions.
このクラスのステータスコードは、Status-Lineとオプションのヘッダーのみで構成される暫定応答を示し、空の行で終了します。このクラスのステータスコードに必要なヘッダーはありません。 HTTP / 1.0は1xxステータスコードを定義しなかったので、サーバーは実験的な状況を除いて、HTTP / 1.0クライアントに1xx応答を送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
A client MUST be prepared to accept one or more 1xx status responses prior to a regular response, even if the client does not expect a 100 (Continue) status message. Unexpected 1xx status responses MAY be ignored by a user agent.
Proxies MUST forward 1xx responses, unless the connection between the proxy and its client has been closed, or unless the proxy itself requested the generation of the 1xx response. (For example, if a proxy adds a "Expect: 100-continue" field when it forwards a request, then it need not forward the corresponding 100 (Continue) response(s).)
プロキシとクライアント間の接続が閉じられていない限り、またはプロキシ自体が1xx応答の生成を要求していない限り、プロキシは1xx応答を転送する必要があります。 (たとえば、プロキシがリクエストを転送するときに「Expect:100-continue」フィールドを追加する場合、対応する100(Continue)応答を転送する必要はありません。)
The client SHOULD continue with its request. This interim response is used to inform the client that the initial part of the request has been received and has not yet been rejected by the server. The client SHOULD continue by sending the remainder of the request or, if the request has already been completed, ignore this response. The server MUST send a final response after the request has been completed. See section 8.2.3 for detailed discussion of the use and handling of this status code.
The server understands and is willing to comply with the client's request, via the Upgrade message header field (section 14.42), for a change in the application protocol being used on this connection. The server will switch protocols to those defined by the response's Upgrade header field immediately after the empty line which terminates the 101 response.
The protocol SHOULD be switched only when it is advantageous to do so. For example, switching to a newer version of HTTP is advantageous over older versions, and switching to a real-time, synchronous protocol might be advantageous when delivering resources that use such features.
This class of status code indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request, for example:
GET an entity corresponding to the requested resource is sent in the response;
HEAD the entity-header fields corresponding to the requested resource are sent in the response without any message-body;
POST an entity describing or containing the result of the action;
TRACE an entity containing the request message as received by the end server.
The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in the entity of the response, with the most specific URI for the resource given by a Location header field. The response SHOULD include an entity containing a list of resource characteristics and location(s) from which the user or user agent can choose the one most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content-Type header field. The origin server MUST create the resource before returning the 201 status code. If the action cannot be carried out immediately, the server SHOULD respond with 202 (Accepted) response instead.
A 201 response MAY contain an ETag response header field indicating the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant just created, see section 14.19.
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing actually takes place. There is no facility for re-sending a status code from an asynchronous operation such as this.
The 202 response is intentionally non-committal. Its purpose is to allow a server to accept a request for some other process (perhaps a batch-oriented process that is only run once per day) without requiring that the user agent's connection to the server persist until the process is completed. The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of the request's current status and either a pointer to a status monitor or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be fulfilled.
The returned metainformation in the entity-header is not the definitive set as available from the origin server, but is gathered from a local or a third-party copy. The set presented MAY be a subset or superset of the original version. For example, including local annotation information about the resource might result in a superset of the metainformation known by the origin server. Use of this response code is not required and is only appropriate when the response would otherwise be 200 (OK).
The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body, and might want to return updated metainformation. The response MAY include new or updated metainformation in the form of entity-headers, which if present SHOULD be associated with the requested variant.
If the client is a user agent, it SHOULD NOT change its document view from that which caused the request to be sent. This response is primarily intended to allow input for actions to take place without causing a change to the user agent's active document view, although any new or updated metainformation SHOULD be applied to the document currently in the user agent's active view.
クライアントがユーザーエージェントである場合、リクエストの送信を引き起こしたものからドキュメントビューを変更するべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。この応答は主に、ユーザーエージェントのアクティブなドキュメントビューに変更を加えずにアクションの入力を可能にすることを目的としていますが、新しいまたは更新されたメタ情報は、現在ユーザーエージェントのアクティブなビューにあるドキュメントに適用する必要があります。
The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
The server has fulfilled the request and the user agent SHOULD reset the document view which caused the request to be sent. This response is primarily intended to allow input for actions to take place via user input, followed by a clearing of the form in which the input is given so that the user can easily initiate another input action. The response MUST NOT include an entity.
The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource. The request MUST have included a Range header field (section 14.35) indicating the desired range, and MAY have included an If-Range header field (section 14.27) to make the request conditional.
The response MUST include the following header fields:
- Either a Content-Range header field (section 14.16) indicating the range included with this response, or a multipart/byteranges Content-Type including Content-Range fields for each part. If a Content-Length header field is present in the response, its value MUST match the actual number of OCTETs transmitted in the message-body.
- この応答に含まれる範囲を示すContent-Rangeヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.16)、または各パートのContent-Rangeフィールドを含むmultipart / byteranges Content-Typeのいずれか。 Content-Lengthヘッダーフィールドが応答に存在する場合、その値は、メッセージ本文で送信される実際のOCTETの数と一致する必要があります。
- Date
- 日付
- ETag and/or Content-Location, if the header would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request
- ETagおよび/またはContent-Location(ヘッダーが同じリクエストに対する200応答で送信された場合)
- Expires, Cache-Control, and/or Vary, if the field-value might differ from that sent in any previous response for the same variant
- Expires、Cache-Control、および/またはVary(同じバリアントの以前の応答で送信されたものとフィールド値が異なる場合)
If the 206 response is the result of an If-Range request that used a strong cache validator (see section 13.3.3), the response SHOULD NOT include other entity-headers. If the response is the result of an If-Range request that used a weak validator, the response MUST NOT include other entity-headers; this prevents inconsistencies between cached entity-bodies and updated headers. Otherwise, the response MUST include all of the entity-headers that would have been returned with a 200 (OK) response to the same request.
A cache MUST NOT combine a 206 response with other previously cached content if the ETag or Last-Modified headers do not match exactly, see 13.5.4.
A cache that does not support the Range and Content-Range headers MUST NOT cache 206 (Partial) responses.
RangeおよびContent-Rangeヘッダーをサポートしないキャッシュは、206(部分)応答をキャッシュしてはなりません(MUST NOT)。
This class of status code indicates that further action needs to be taken by the user agent in order to fulfill the request. The action required MAY be carried out by the user agent without interaction with the user if and only if the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD. A client SHOULD detect infinite redirection loops, since such loops generate network traffic for each redirection.
このクラスのステータスコードは、要求を満たすためにユーザーエージェントがさらにアクションを実行する必要があることを示します。 2番目のリクエストで使用されるメソッドがGETまたはHEADの場合に限り、必要なアクションはユーザーとの対話なしにユーザーエージェントによって実行される場合があります。このようなループはリダイレクトごとにネットワークトラフィックを生成するため、クライアントは無限のリダイレクトループを検出する必要があります(SHOULD)。
Note: previous versions of this specification recommended a maximum of five redirections. Content developers should be aware that there might be clients that implement such a fixed limitation.
The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location, and agent-driven negotiation information (section 12) is being provided so that the user (or user agent) can select a preferred representation and redirect its request to that location.
Unless it was a HEAD request, the response SHOULD include an entity containing a list of resource characteristics and location(s) from which the user or user agent can choose the one most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content-Type header field. Depending upon the format and the capabilities of the user agent, selection of the most appropriate choice MAY be performed automatically. However, this specification does not define any standard for such automatic selection.
If the server has a preferred choice of representation, it SHOULD include the specific URI for that representation in the Location field; user agents MAY use the Location field value for automatic redirection. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.
The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs. Clients with link editing capabilities ought to automatically re-link references to the Request-URI to one or more of the new references returned by the server, where possible. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.
The new permanent URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s).
If the 301 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
Note: When automatically redirecting a POST request after receiving a 301 status code, some existing HTTP/1.0 user agents will erroneously change it into a GET request.
注:POSTリクエストを301ステータスコードを受け取った後で自動的にリダイレクトすると、一部の既存のHTTP / 1.0ユーザーエージェントが誤ってそれをGETリクエストに変更します。
The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.
The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s).
If the 302 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
Note: RFC 1945 and RFC 2068 specify that the client is not allowed to change the method on the redirected request. However, most existing user agent implementations treat 302 as if it were a 303 response, performing a GET on the Location field-value regardless of the original request method. The status codes 303 and 307 have been added for servers that wish to make unambiguously clear which kind of reaction is expected of the client.
注:RFC 1945およびRFC 2068では、クライアントがリダイレクトされた要求のメソッドを変更できないように指定されています。ただし、既存のほとんどのユーザーエージェント実装では、302を303応答のように扱い、元のリクエストメソッドに関係なく、Locationフィールドの値に対してGETを実行します。ステータスコード303と307は、クライアントにどのような反応が期待されるかを明確にしたいサーバー用に追加されました。
The response to the request can be found under a different URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource. The 303 response MUST NOT be cached, but the response to the second (redirected) request might be cacheable.
リクエストへの応答は別のURIで見つけることができ、そのリソースでGETメソッドを使用して取得する必要があります。このメソッドは主に、POSTでアクティブ化されたスクリプトの出力がユーザーエージェントを選択したリソースにリダイレクトできるようにするために存在します。新しいURIは、最初に要求されたリソースの代替参照ではありません。 303応答はキャッシュしてはなりません(MUST NOT)が、2番目の(リダイレクトされた)要求への応答はキャッシュ可能である可能性があります。
The different URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s).
Note: Many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 303 status. When interoperability with such clients is a concern, the 302 status code may be used instead, since most user agents react to a 302 response as described here for 303.
注:HTTP / 1.1より前のユーザーエージェントの多くは、303ステータスを理解していません。このようなクライアントとの相互運用性が懸念される場合は、ほとんどのユーザーエージェントがここで303について説明するように302応答に反応するため、代わりに302ステータスコードを使用できます。
If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD respond with this status code. The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
クライアントが条件付きGETリクエストを実行し、アクセスは許可されているが、ドキュメントが変更されていない場合、サーバーはこのステータスコードで応答する必要があります(SHOULD)。 304応答にはメッセージ本文を含めてはならないため、常にヘッダーフィールドの後の最初の空行で終了します。
The response MUST include the following header fields:
- Date, unless its omission is required by section 14.18.1
- 日付、セクション14.18.1で省略が必要な場合を除く
If a clockless origin server obeys these rules, and proxies and clients add their own Date to any response received without one (as already specified by [RFC 2068], section 14.19), caches will operate correctly.
クロックレスオリジンサーバーがこれらのルールに従い、プロキシとクライアントが応答なしで受信した応答に独自の日付を追加する場合([RFC 2068]のセクション14.19ですでに指定されているように)、キャッシュは正しく動作します。
- ETag and/or Content-Location, if the header would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request
- ETagおよび/またはContent-Location(ヘッダーが同じリクエストに対する200応答で送信された場合)
- Expires, Cache-Control, and/or Vary, if the field-value might differ from that sent in any previous response for the same variant
- Expires、Cache-Control、および/またはVary(同じバリアントの以前の応答で送信されたものとフィールド値が異なる場合)
If the conditional GET used a strong cache validator (see section 13.3.3), the response SHOULD NOT include other entity-headers. Otherwise (i.e., the conditional GET used a weak validator), the response MUST NOT include other entity-headers; this prevents inconsistencies between cached entity-bodies and updated headers.
If a 304 response indicates an entity not currently cached, then the cache MUST disregard the response and repeat the request without the conditional.
If a cache uses a received 304 response to update a cache entry, the cache MUST update the entry to reflect any new field values given in the response.
The requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy given by the Location field. The Location field gives the URI of the proxy. The recipient is expected to repeat this single request via the proxy. 305 responses MUST only be generated by origin servers.
要求されたリソースは、Locationフィールドで指定されたプロキシを介してアクセスする必要があります。 LocationフィールドはプロキシのURIを示します。受信者は、プロキシ経由でこの単一の要求を繰り返すことが期待されています。 305応答は、オリジンサーバーによってのみ生成される必要があります。
Note: RFC 2068 was not clear that 305 was intended to redirect a single request, and to be generated by origin servers only. Not observing these limitations has significant security consequences.
注:RFC 2068は、305が単一の要求をリダイレクトすること、およびオリジンサーバーによってのみ生成されることを目的としていたことを明確にしていませんでした。これらの制限を守らないと、セキュリティに重大な影響があります。
The 306 status code was used in a previous version of the specification, is no longer used, and the code is reserved.
The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.
The temporary URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response. Unless the request method was HEAD, the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI(s) , since many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 307 status. Therefore, the note SHOULD contain the information necessary for a user to repeat the original request on the new URI.
一時URIは、応答のLocationフィールドで指定する必要があります(SHOULD)。リクエストメソッドがHEADでない限り、多くのHTTP / 1.1より前のユーザーエージェントは307ステータスを理解できないため、レスポンスのエンティティには、新しいURIへのハイパーリンクを含む短いハイパーテキストノートを含める必要があります。したがって、メモには、ユーザーが新しいURIで元の要求を繰り返すために必要な情報が含まれている必要があります(SHOULD)。
If the 307 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
The 4xx class of status code is intended for cases in which the client seems to have erred. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD include an entity containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition. These status codes are applicable to any request method. User agents SHOULD display any included entity to the user.
ステータスコードの4xxクラスは、クライアントにエラーが発生したと思われる場合を対象としています。 HEADリクエストに応答する場合を除いて、サーバーは、エラー状況の説明を含むエンティティ、およびそれが一時的な状態か永続的な状態かを含めるべきです(SHOULD)。これらのステータスコードは、どのリクエストメソッドにも適用できます。ユーザーエージェントは、含まれるエンティティをユーザーに表示する必要があります(SHOULD)。
If the client is sending data, a server implementation using TCP SHOULD be careful to ensure that the client acknowledges receipt of the packet(s) containing the response, before the server closes the input connection. If the client continues sending data to the server after the close, the server's TCP stack will send a reset packet to the client, which may erase the client's unacknowledged input buffers before they can be read and interpreted by the HTTP application.
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the prior response, and the user agent has already attempted authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the entity that was given in the response, since that entity might include relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43].
リクエストにはユーザー認証が必要です。応答には、要求されたリソースに適用可能なチャレンジを含むWWW-Authenticateヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.47)を含める必要があります。クライアントは適切なAuthorizationヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.8)を使用してリクエストを繰り返すことができます(MAY)。要求にすでに認証資格情報が含まれている場合、401応答は、それらの資格情報の認証が拒否されたことを示します。 401応答に前の応答と同じチャレンジが含まれていて、ユーザーエージェントが少なくとも1回は認証を試みている場合、エンティティには関連する診断情報が含まれている可能性があるため、ユーザーは応答で指定されたエンティティを提示する必要があります(SHOULD)。 HTTPアクセス認証については、「HTTP認証:基本およびダイジェストアクセス認証」[43]で説明しています。
This code is reserved for future use.
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address. This status code is commonly used when the server does not wish to reveal exactly why the request has been refused, or when no other response is applicable.
サーバーは、Request-URIに一致するものを検出しませんでした。状態が一時的であるか永続的であるかは示されません。 410(Gone)ステータスコードは、サーバーが内部的に構成可能なメカニズムを介して、古いリソースが永続的に利用できず、転送アドレスがないことを知っている場合に使用する必要があります(SHOULD)。このステータスコードは、サーバーがリクエストが拒否された理由を正確に明らかにしたくない場合、または他の応答が該当しない場合に一般的に使用されます。
The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
Unless it was a HEAD request, the response SHOULD include an entity containing a list of available entity characteristics and location(s) from which the user or user agent can choose the one most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content-Type header field. Depending upon the format and the capabilities of the user agent, selection of the most appropriate choice MAY be performed automatically. However, this specification does not define any standard for such automatic selection.
Note: HTTP/1.1 servers are allowed to return responses which are not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request. In some cases, this may even be preferable to sending a 406 response. User agents are encouraged to inspect the headers of an incoming response to determine if it is acceptable.
注:HTTP / 1.1サーバーは、リクエストで送信されたAcceptヘッダーに応じて受け入れられない応答を返すことができます。場合によっては、これは406応答を送信するよりも望ましいことがあります。ユーザーエージェントは、受信応答のヘッダーを検査して、それが受け入れ可能かどうかを判断することをお勧めします。
If the response could be unacceptable, a user agent SHOULD temporarily stop receipt of more data and query the user for a decision on further actions.
This code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy. The proxy MUST return a Proxy-Authenticate header field (section 14.33) containing a challenge applicable to the proxy for the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Proxy-Authorization header field (section 14.34). HTTP access authentication is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43].
このコードは401(Unauthorized)に似ていますが、クライアントが最初にプロキシで自身を認証する必要があることを示しています。プロキシは、要求されたリソースのプロキシに適用可能なチャレンジを含むProxy-Authenticateヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.33)を返す必要があります。クライアントは適切なProxy-Authorizationヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.34)を使用してリクエストを繰り返すことができます(MAY)。 HTTPアクセス認証については、「HTTP認証:基本およびダイジェストアクセス認証」[43]で説明しています。
The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait. The client MAY repeat the request without modifications at any later time.
The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is only allowed in situations where it is expected that the user might be able to resolve the conflict and resubmit the request. The response body SHOULD include enough information for the user to recognize the source of the conflict. Ideally, the response entity would include enough information for the user or user agent to fix the problem; however, that might not be possible and is not required.
Conflicts are most likely to occur in response to a PUT request. For example, if versioning were being used and the entity being PUT included changes to a resource which conflict with those made by an earlier (third-party) request, the server might use the 409 response to indicate that it can't complete the request. In this case, the response entity would likely contain a list of the differences between the two versions in a format defined by the response Content-Type.
競合は、PUTリクエストへの応答で発生する可能性が最も高いです。たとえば、バージョニングが使用されていて、PUTされるエンティティにリソースへの変更が含まれており、それが以前の(サードパーティ)リクエストによる変更と競合する場合、サーバーは409レスポンスを使用してリクエストを完了できないことを示す場合があります。 。この場合、応答エンティティには、応答のContent-Typeで定義された形式で2つのバージョンの違いのリストが含まれている可能性があります。
The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent. Clients with link editing capabilities SHOULD delete references to the Request-URI after user approval. If the server does not know, or has no facility to determine, whether or not the condition is permanent, the status code 404 (Not Found) SHOULD be used instead. This response is cacheable unless indicated otherwise.
The 410 response is primarily intended to assist the task of web maintenance by notifying the recipient that the resource is intentionally unavailable and that the server owners desire that remote links to that resource be removed. Such an event is common for limited-time, promotional services and for resources belonging to individuals no longer working at the server's site. It is not necessary to mark all permanently unavailable resources as "gone" or to keep the mark for any length of time -- that is left to the discretion of the server owner.
The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length. The client MAY repeat the request if it adds a valid Content-Length header field containing the length of the message-body in the request message.
The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server. This response code allows the client to place preconditions on the current resource metainformation (header field data) and thus prevent the requested method from being applied to a resource other than the one intended.
The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. The server MAY close the connection to prevent the client from continuing the request.
If the condition is temporary, the server SHOULD include a Retry-After header field to indicate that it is temporary and after what time the client MAY try again.
The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. This rare condition is only likely to occur when a client has improperly converted a POST request to a GET request with long query information, when the client has descended into a URI "black hole" of redirection (e.g., a redirected URI prefix that points to a suffix of itself), or when the server is under attack by a client attempting to exploit security holes present in some servers using fixed-length buffers for reading or manipulating the Request-URI.
The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
A server SHOULD return a response with this status code if a request included a Range request-header field (section 14.35), and none of the range-specifier values in this field overlap the current extent of the selected resource, and the request did not include an If-Range request-header field. (For byte-ranges, this means that the first-byte-pos of all of the byte-range-spec values were greater than the current length of the selected resource.)
リクエストにRangeリクエストヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.35)が含まれ、このフィールドのどの範囲指定子値も選択されたリソースの現在の範囲と重複せず、リクエストが失敗した場合、サーバーはこのステータスコードで応答を返す必要があります(SHOULD)。 If-Rangeリクエストヘッダーフィールドを含めます。 (バイト範囲の場合、これは、すべてのバイト範囲指定値の最初のバイト位置が、選択したリソースの現在の長さよりも大きかったことを意味します。)
When this status code is returned for a byte-range request, the response SHOULD include a Content-Range entity-header field specifying the current length of the selected resource (see section 14.16). This response MUST NOT use the multipart/byteranges content-type.
このステータスコードがバイト範囲リクエストに対して返される場合、レスポンスには、選択されたリソースの現在の長さを指定するContent-Rangeエンティティヘッダーフィールドが含まれる必要があります(セクション14.16を参照)。この応答はmultipart / byteranges content-typeを使用してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
The expectation given in an Expect request-header field (see section 14.20) could not be met by this server, or, if the server is a proxy, the server has unambiguous evidence that the request could not be met by the next-hop server.
Response status codes beginning with the digit "5" indicate cases in which the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the request. Except when responding to a HEAD request, the server SHOULD include an entity containing an explanation of the error situation, and whether it is a temporary or permanent condition. User agents SHOULD display any included entity to the user. These response codes are applicable to any request method.
数字「5」で始まる応答ステータスコードは、サーバーがエラーを検出したか、要求を実行できないことをサーバーが認識している場合を示します。 HEADリクエストに応答する場合を除いて、サーバーは、エラー状況の説明を含むエンティティ、およびそれが一時的な状態か永続的な状態かを含めるべきです(SHOULD)。ユーザーエージェントは、含まれるエンティティをユーザーに表示する必要があります(SHOULD)。これらの応答コードは、すべての要求メソッドに適用できます。
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. This is the appropriate response when the server does not recognize the request method and is not capable of supporting it for any resource.
The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay. If known, the length of the delay MAY be indicated in a Retry-After header. If no Retry-After is given, the client SHOULD handle the response as it would for a 500 response.
サーバーの一時的な過負荷またはメンテナンスのため、サーバーは現在リクエストを処理できません。これは、これが一時的な状態であり、少し遅れて緩和されることを意味します。既知の場合、遅延の長さはRetry-Afterヘッダーで示される場合があります。 Retry-Afterが指定されていない場合、クライアントは500応答の場合と同様に応答を処理する必要があります(SHOULD)。
Note: The existence of the 503 status code does not imply that a server must use it when becoming overloaded. Some servers may wish to simply refuse the connection.
The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI (e.g. HTTP, FTP, LDAP) or some other auxiliary server (e.g. DNS) it needed to access in attempting to complete the request.
Note: Note to implementors: some deployed proxies are known to return 400 or 500 when DNS lookups time out.
The server does not support, or refuses to support, the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message. The server is indicating that it is unable or unwilling to complete the request using the same major version as the client, as described in section 3.1, other than with this error message. The response SHOULD contain an entity describing why that version is not supported and what other protocols are supported by that server.
11 Access Authentication
HTTP provides several OPTIONAL challenge-response authentication mechanisms which can be used by a server to challenge a client request and by a client to provide authentication information. The general framework for access authentication, and the specification of "basic" and "digest" authentication, are specified in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43]. This specification adopts the definitions of "challenge" and "credentials" from that specification.
12 Content Negotiation
Most HTTP responses include an entity which contains information for interpretation by a human user. Naturally, it is desirable to supply the user with the "best available" entity corresponding to the request. Unfortunately for servers and caches, not all users have the same preferences for what is "best," and not all user agents are equally capable of rendering all entity types. For that reason, HTTP has provisions for several mechanisms for "content negotiation" -- the process of selecting the best representation for a given response when there are multiple representations available.
Note: This is not called "format negotiation" because the alternate representations may be of the same media type, but use different capabilities of that type, be in different languages, etc.
Any response containing an entity-body MAY be subject to negotiation, including error responses.
There are two kinds of content negotiation which are possible in HTTP: server-driven and agent-driven negotiation. These two kinds of negotiation are orthogonal and thus may be used separately or in combination. One method of combination, referred to as transparent negotiation, occurs when a cache uses the agent-driven negotiation information provided by the origin server in order to provide server-driven negotiation for subsequent requests.
If the selection of the best representation for a response is made by an algorithm located at the server, it is called server-driven negotiation. Selection is based on the available representations of the response (the dimensions over which it can vary; e.g. language, content-coding, etc.) and the contents of particular header fields in the request message or on other information pertaining to the request (such as the network address of the client).
Server-driven negotiation is advantageous when the algorithm for selecting from among the available representations is difficult to describe to the user agent, or when the server desires to send its "best guess" to the client along with the first response (hoping to avoid the round-trip delay of a subsequent request if the "best guess" is good enough for the user). In order to improve the server's guess, the user agent MAY include request header fields (Accept, Accept-Language, Accept-Encoding, etc.) which describe its preferences for such a response.
サーバー主導のネゴシエーションは、利用可能な表現から選択するアルゴリズムがユーザーエージェントに説明するのが難しい場合、またはサーバーが最初の応答と一緒にその「最良の推測」をクライアントに送信することを望む場合に有利です(回避するため) 「最良の推測」がユーザーにとって十分である場合、後続のリクエストの往復遅延)。サーバーの推測を改善するために、ユーザーエージェントは、そのような応答の設定を記述する要求ヘッダーフィールド(Accept、Accept-Language、Accept-Encodingなど)を含めることができます(MAY)。
Server-driven negotiation has disadvantages:
1. It is impossible for the server to accurately determine what might be "best" for any given user, since that would require complete knowledge of both the capabilities of the user agent and the intended use for the response (e.g., does the user want to view it on screen or print it on paper?).
1. ユーザーエージェントの機能と応答の使用目的の両方について完全な知識が必要となるため(たとえば、ユーザーが表示したい場合など)、サーバーが特定のユーザーにとって「最適」なものを正確に決定することは不可能です。画面に表示するか、紙に印刷しますか?)。
2. Having the user agent describe its capabilities in every request can be both very inefficient (given that only a small percentage of responses have multiple representations) and a potential violation of the user's privacy.
2. ユーザーエージェントにすべてのリクエストでその機能を説明させることは非常に非効率的であり(応答のごく一部のみが複数の表現を持つ場合)、ユーザーのプライバシーの潜在的な違反となる可能性があります。
3. It complicates the implementation of an origin server and the algorithms for generating responses to a request.
3. オリジンサーバーの実装と、リクエストへの応答を生成するためのアルゴリズムが複雑になります。
4. It may limit a public cache's ability to use the same response for multiple user's requests.
4. 複数のユーザーの要求に対して同じ応答を使用するパブリックキャッシュの機能が制限される場合があります。
HTTP/1.1 includes the following request-header fields for enabling server-driven negotiation through description of user agent capabilities and user preferences: Accept (section 14.1), Accept-Charset (section 14.2), Accept-Encoding (section 14.3), Accept-Language (section 14.4), and User-Agent (section 14.43). However, an origin server is not limited to these dimensions and MAY vary the response based on any aspect of the request, including information outside the request-header fields or within extension header fields not defined by this specification.
HTTP / 1.1には、ユーザーエージェント機能とユーザー設定の説明を通じてサーバー主導のネゴシエーションを有効にするための次のリクエストヘッダーフィールドが含まれています:Accept(セクション14.1)、Accept-Charset(セクション14.2)、Accept-Encoding(セクション14.3)、Accept-言語(セクション14.4)、およびユーザーエージェント(セクション14.43)。ただし、オリジンサーバーはこれらのディメンションに限定されず、リクエストヘッダーフィールドの外側またはこの仕様で定義されていない拡張ヘッダーフィールド内の情報を含め、リクエストのあらゆる側面に基づいて応答を変更する場合があります。
The Vary header field can be used to express the parameters the server uses to select a representation that is subject to server-driven negotiation. See section 13.6 for use of the Vary header field by caches and section 14.44 for use of the Vary header field by servers.
With agent-driven negotiation, selection of the best representation for a response is performed by the user agent after receiving an initial response from the origin server. Selection is based on a list of the available representations of the response included within the header fields or entity-body of the initial response, with each representation identified by its own URI. Selection from among the representations may be performed automatically (if the user agent is capable of doing so) or manually by the user selecting from a generated (possibly hypertext) menu.
Agent-driven negotiation is advantageous when the response would vary over commonly-used dimensions (such as type, language, or encoding), when the origin server is unable to determine a user agent's capabilities from examining the request, and generally when public caches are used to distribute server load and reduce network usage.
Agent-driven negotiation suffers from the disadvantage of needing a second request to obtain the best alternate representation. This second request is only efficient when caching is used. In addition, this specification does not define any mechanism for supporting automatic selection, though it also does not prevent any such mechanism from being developed as an extension and used within HTTP/1.1.
エージェント主導のネゴシエーションは、最適な代替表現を取得するために2番目の要求が必要になるという欠点があります。この2番目のリクエストは、キャッシングが使用されている場合にのみ効率的です。さらに、この仕様では、自動選択をサポートするメカニズムは定義されていませんが、そのようなメカニズムが拡張機能として開発されてHTTP / 1.1内で使用されることを妨げるものではありません。
HTTP/1.1 defines the 300 (Multiple Choices) and 406 (Not Acceptable) status codes for enabling agent-driven negotiation when the server is unwilling or unable to provide a varying response using server-driven negotiation.
HTTP / 1.1は、サーバー主導のネゴシエーションを使用してさまざまな応答を提供したくない、または提供できない場合にエージェント主導のネゴシエーションを有効にするための300(Multiple Choices)および406(Not Acceptable)ステータスコードを定義します。
Transparent negotiation is a combination of both server-driven and agent-driven negotiation. When a cache is supplied with a form of the list of available representations of the response (as in agent-driven negotiation) and the dimensions of variance are completely understood by the cache, then the cache becomes capable of performing server-driven negotiation on behalf of the origin server for subsequent requests on that resource.
透過的なネゴシエーションは、サーバー主導とエージェント主導の両方のネゴシエーションの組み合わせです。 (エージェント主導のネゴシエーションのように)応答の利用可能な表現のリストの形式でキャッシュが提供され、分散の次元がキャッシュによって完全に理解されると、キャッシュはサーバー主導のネゴシエーションを実行できるようになります。そのリソースに対する後続のリクエストのためのオリジンサーバーの。
Transparent negotiation has the advantage of distributing the negotiation work that would otherwise be required of the origin server and also removing the second request delay of agent-driven negotiation when the cache is able to correctly guess the right response.
This specification does not define any mechanism for transparent negotiation, though it also does not prevent any such mechanism from being developed as an extension that could be used within HTTP/1.1.
この仕様は、透過的なネゴシエーションのメカニズムを定義していませんが、HTTP / 1.1内で使用できる拡張機能としてのそのようなメカニズムの開発を妨げていません。
13 Caching in HTTP
13 HTTPでのキャッシュ
HTTP is typically used for distributed information systems, where performance can be improved by the use of response caches. The HTTP/1.1 protocol includes a number of elements intended to make caching work as well as possible. Because these elements are inextricable from other aspects of the protocol, and because they interact with each other, it is useful to describe the basic caching design of HTTP separately from the detailed descriptions of methods, headers, response codes, etc.
HTTPは通常、応答キャッシュを使用することでパフォーマンスを向上できる分散情報システムに使用されます。 HTTP / 1.1プロトコルには、キャッシングを可能な限り機能させることを目的とした多数の要素が含まれています。これらの要素はプロトコルの他の側面から切り離せないため、また相互に作用するため、メソッド、ヘッダー、応答コードなどの詳細な説明とは別に、HTTPの基本的なキャッシングデザインを説明するのに役立ちます。
Caching would be useless if it did not significantly improve performance. The goal of caching in HTTP/1.1 is to eliminate the need to send requests in many cases, and to eliminate the need to send full responses in many other cases. The former reduces the number of network round-trips required for many operations; we use an "expiration" mechanism for this purpose (see section 13.2). The latter reduces network bandwidth requirements; we use a "validation" mechanism for this purpose (see section 13.3).
パフォーマンスが大幅に改善されない場合、キャッシュは役に立ちません。 HTTP / 1.1でのキャッシングの目的は、多くの場合に要求を送信する必要をなくし、他の多くの場合に完全な応答を送信する必要をなくすことです。前者は、多くの操作に必要なネットワークラウンドトリップの数を減らします。この目的のために「有効期限」メカニズムを使用します(セクション13.2を参照)。後者はネットワーク帯域幅の要件を軽減します。この目的のために「検証」メカニズムを使用します(セクション13.3を参照)。
Requirements for performance, availability, and disconnected operation require us to be able to relax the goal of semantic transparency. The HTTP/1.1 protocol allows origin servers, caches, and clients to explicitly reduce transparency when necessary. However, because non-transparent operation may confuse non-expert users, and might be incompatible with certain server applications (such as those for ordering merchandise), the protocol requires that transparency be relaxed
パフォーマンス、可用性、非接続操作の要件により、セマンティックの透明性の目標を緩和できる必要があります。 HTTP / 1.1プロトコルにより、オリジンサーバー、キャッシュ、およびクライアントは、必要に応じて透過性を明示的に減らすことができます。ただし、非透過的な操作は、専門家でないユーザーを混乱させ、特定のサーバーアプリケーション(商品の注文など)と互換性がない場合があるため、プロトコルでは透過性を緩和する必要があります。
- only by an explicit protocol-level request when relaxed by client or origin server
- クライアントまたはオリジンサーバーによって緩和されたときに、明示的なプロトコルレベルの要求によってのみ
- only with an explicit warning to the end user when relaxed by cache or client
- キャッシュまたはクライアントによって緩和されたときにエンドユーザーに明示的な警告を表示する場合のみ
Therefore, the HTTP/1.1 protocol provides these important elements:
したがって、HTTP / 1.1プロトコルは次の重要な要素を提供します。
1. Protocol features that provide full semantic transparency when this is required by all parties.
1. すべての関係者が必要とする場合に、完全なセマンティックの透過性を提供するプロトコル機能。
2. Protocol features that allow an origin server or user agent to explicitly request and control non-transparent operation.
2. オリジンサーバーまたはユーザーエージェントが非透過的な操作を明示的に要求および制御できるようにするプロトコル機能。
3. Protocol features that allow a cache to attach warnings to responses that do not preserve the requested approximation of semantic transparency.
3. 要求されたセマンティック透明度の近似を維持しない応答にキャッシュが警告を添付できるようにするプロトコル機能。
A basic principle is that it must be possible for the clients to detect any potential relaxation of semantic transparency.
Note: The server, cache, or client implementor might be faced with design decisions not explicitly discussed in this specification. If a decision might affect semantic transparency, the implementor ought to err on the side of maintaining transparency unless a careful and complete analysis shows significant benefits in breaking transparency.
A correct cache MUST respond to a request with the most up-to-date response held by the cache that is appropriate to the request (see sections 13.2.5, 13.2.6, and 13.12) which meets one of the following conditions:
1. It has been checked for equivalence with what the origin server would have returned by revalidating the response with the origin server (section 13.3);
1. オリジンサーバーとの応答を再検証することにより、オリジンサーバーが返すものと同等かどうかがチェックされています(セクション13.3)。
2. It is "fresh enough" (see section 13.2). In the default case, this means it meets the least restrictive freshness requirement of the client, origin server, and cache (see section 14.9); if the origin server so specifies, it is the freshness requirement of the origin server alone.
2. 「十分に新鮮」です(セクション13.2を参照)。デフォルトの場合、これは、クライアント、オリジンサーバー、およびキャッシュの最も制限の少ない鮮度要件を満たしていることを意味します(セクション14.9を参照)。オリジンサーバーがそのように指定する場合、それはオリジンサーバーのみの鮮度要件です。
If a stored response is not "fresh enough" by the most restrictive freshness requirement of both the client and the origin server, in carefully considered circumstances the cache MAY still return the response with the appropriate Warning header (see section 13.1.5 and 14.46), unless such a response is prohibited (e.g., by a "no-store" cache-directive, or by a "no-cache" cache-request-directive; see section 14.9).
格納された応答がクライアントとオリジンサーバーの両方の最も制限的な鮮度要件によって「十分に新鮮」でない場合でも、慎重に検討された状況では、キャッシュは適切な警告ヘッダー(13.1.5と14.46を参照)で応答を返します(MAY)。 、そのような応答が禁止されていない限り(たとえば、「ストアなし」のキャッシュディレクティブまたは「キャッシュなし」のキャッシュリクエストディレクティブによる。セクション14.9を参照)。
3. It is an appropriate 304 (Not Modified), 305 (Proxy Redirect), or error (4xx or 5xx) response message.
3. これは、適切な304(変更されていない)、305(プロキシリダイレクト)、またはエラー(4xxまたは5xx)の応答メッセージです。
If the cache can not communicate with the origin server, then a correct cache SHOULD respond as above if the response can be correctly served from the cache; if not it MUST return an error or warning indicating that there was a communication failure.
If a cache receives a response (either an entire response, or a 304 (Not Modified) response) that it would normally forward to the requesting client, and the received response is no longer fresh, the cache SHOULD forward it to the requesting client without adding a new Warning (but without removing any existing Warning headers). A cache SHOULD NOT attempt to revalidate a response simply because that response became stale in transit; this might lead to an infinite loop. A user agent that receives a stale response without a Warning MAY display a warning indication to the user.
キャッシュが通常は要求側クライアントに転送するであろう応答(応答全体または304(Not Modified)応答のいずれか)を受信し、受信された応答がもはやフレッシュではない場合、キャッシュはそれなしで要求側クライアントに転送する必要があります(SHOULD)。新しい警告を追加する(ただし、既存の警告ヘッダーを削除しない)。キャッシュは、応答が転送中に古くなったという理由だけで応答の再検証を試みるべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。これにより、無限ループが発生する可能性があります。警告なしで古い応答を受信するユーザーエージェントは、ユーザーに警告を表示する場合があります。
Whenever a cache returns a response that is neither first-hand nor "fresh enough" (in the sense of condition 2 in section 13.1.1), it MUST attach a warning to that effect, using a Warning general-header. The Warning header and the currently defined warnings are described in section 14.46. The warning allows clients to take appropriate action.
Warnings MAY be used for other purposes, both cache-related and otherwise. The use of a warning, rather than an error status code, distinguish these responses from true failures.
Warnings are assigned three digit warn-codes. The first digit indicates whether the Warning MUST or MUST NOT be deleted from a stored cache entry after a successful revalidation: 1xx Warnings that describe the freshness or revalidation status of the response, and so MUST be deleted after a successful revalidation. 1XX warn-codes MAY be generated by a cache only when validating a cached entry. It MUST NOT be generated by clients.
警告には3桁の警告コードが割り当てられています。 1桁目は、再検証が成功した後、保存されているキャッシュエントリから警告を削除する必要があるかどうかを示します。1xx応答は、応答の新しさまたは再検証ステータスを示すため、再検証が成功した後に削除する必要があります。 1XX warn-codesは、キャッシュされたエントリを検証するときにのみ、キャッシュによって生成される場合があります。クライアントが生成してはいけません。
2xx Warnings that describe some aspect of the entity body or entity headers that is not rectified by a revalidation (for example, a lossy compression of the entity bodies) and which MUST NOT be deleted after a successful revalidation.
See section 14.46 for the definitions of the codes themselves.
HTTP/1.0 caches will cache all Warnings in responses, without deleting the ones in the first category. Warnings in responses that are passed to HTTP/1.0 caches carry an extra warning-date field, which prevents a future HTTP/1.1 recipient from believing an erroneously cached Warning.
HTTP / 1.0キャッシュは、最初のカテゴリの警告を削除せずに、応答のすべての警告をキャッシュします。 HTTP / 1.0キャッシュに渡される応答の警告には、追加のwarning-dateフィールドが含まれ、将来のHTTP / 1.1受信者が誤ってキャッシュされた警告を信じることを防ぎます。
Warnings also carry a warning text. The text MAY be in any appropriate natural language (perhaps based on the client's Accept headers), and include an OPTIONAL indication of what character set is used.
Multiple warnings MAY be attached to a response (either by the origin server or by a cache), including multiple warnings with the same code number. For example, a server might provide the same warning with texts in both English and Basque.
When multiple warnings are attached to a response, it might not be practical or reasonable to display all of them to the user. This version of HTTP does not specify strict priority rules for deciding which warnings to display and in what order, but does suggest some heuristics.
The basic cache mechanisms in HTTP/1.1 (server-specified expiration times and validators) are implicit directives to caches. In some cases, a server or client might need to provide explicit directives to the HTTP caches. We use the Cache-Control header for this purpose.
HTTP / 1.1の基本的なキャッシュメカニズム(サーバー指定の有効期限とバリデーター)は、キャッシュへの暗黙のディレクティブです。場合によっては、サーバーまたはクライアントがHTTPキャッシュに明示的なディレクティブを提供する必要があります。この目的のために、Cache-Controlヘッダーを使用します。
The Cache-Control header allows a client or server to transmit a variety of directives in either requests or responses. These directives typically override the default caching algorithms. As a general rule, if there is any apparent conflict between header values, the most restrictive interpretation is applied (that is, the one that is most likely to preserve semantic transparency). However, in some cases, cache-control directives are explicitly specified as weakening the approximation of semantic transparency (for example, "max-stale" or "public").
The cache-control directives are described in detail in section 14.9.
Many user agents make it possible for users to override the basic caching mechanisms. For example, the user agent might allow the user to specify that cached entities (even explicitly stale ones) are never validated. Or the user agent might habitually add "Cache-Control: max-stale=3600" to every request. The user agent SHOULD NOT default to either non-transparent behavior, or behavior that results in abnormally ineffective caching, but MAY be explicitly configured to do so by an explicit action of the user.
多くのユーザーエージェントは、ユーザーが基本的なキャッシュメカニズムをオーバーライドできるようにします。たとえば、ユーザーエージェントを使用すると、キャッシュされたエンティティ(明示的に古いエンティティであっても)を検証しないように指定できます。または、ユーザーエージェントは、すべてのリクエストに「Cache-Control:max-stale = 3600」を習慣的に追加する場合があります。ユーザーエージェントは、デフォルトでは、非透過的な動作、または異常に効果のないキャッシュが発生する動作に設定するべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)が、ユーザーの明示的なアクションによって明示的に設定できます(MAY)。
If the user has overridden the basic caching mechanisms, the user agent SHOULD explicitly indicate to the user whenever this results in the display of information that might not meet the server's transparency requirements (in particular, if the displayed entity is known to be stale). Since the protocol normally allows the user agent to determine if responses are stale or not, this indication need only be displayed when this actually happens. The indication need not be a dialog box; it could be an icon (for example, a picture of a rotting fish) or some other indicator.
If the user has overridden the caching mechanisms in a way that would abnormally reduce the effectiveness of caches, the user agent SHOULD continually indicate this state to the user (for example, by a display of a picture of currency in flames) so that the user does not inadvertently consume excess resources or suffer from excessive latency.
In some cases, the operator of a cache MAY choose to configure it to return stale responses even when not requested by clients. This decision ought not be made lightly, but may be necessary for reasons of availability or performance, especially when the cache is poorly connected to the origin server. Whenever a cache returns a stale response, it MUST mark it as such (using a Warning header) enabling the client software to alert the user that there might be a potential problem.
It also allows the user agent to take steps to obtain a first-hand or fresh response. For this reason, a cache SHOULD NOT return a stale response if the client explicitly requests a first-hand or fresh one, unless it is impossible to comply for technical or policy reasons.
また、ユーザーエージェントは、直接または新鮮な応答を取得するための手順を実行できます。このため、技術的またはポリシー上の理由で準拠できない場合を除き、クライアントが直接または新しいものを明示的に要求した場合、キャッシュは古い応答を返さないでください(SHOULD NOT)。
While the origin server (and to a lesser extent, intermediate caches, by their contribution to the age of a response) are the primary source of expiration information, in some cases the client might need to control a cache's decision about whether to return a cached response without validating it. Clients do this using several directives of the Cache-Control header.
A client's request MAY specify the maximum age it is willing to accept of an unvalidated response; specifying a value of zero forces the cache(s) to revalidate all responses. A client MAY also specify the minimum time remaining before a response expires. Both of these options increase constraints on the behavior of caches, and so cannot further relax the cache's approximation of semantic transparency.
A client MAY also specify that it will accept stale responses, up to some maximum amount of staleness. This loosens the constraints on the caches, and so might violate the origin server's specified constraints on semantic transparency, but might be necessary to support disconnected operation, or high availability in the face of poor connectivity.
HTTP caching works best when caches can entirely avoid making requests to the origin server. The primary mechanism for avoiding requests is for an origin server to provide an explicit expiration time in the future, indicating that a response MAY be used to satisfy subsequent requests. In other words, a cache can return a fresh response without first contacting the server.
Our expectation is that servers will assign future explicit expiration times to responses in the belief that the entity is not likely to change, in a semantically significant way, before the expiration time is reached. This normally preserves semantic transparency, as long as the server's expiration times are carefully chosen.
The expiration mechanism applies only to responses taken from a cache and not to first-hand responses forwarded immediately to the requesting client.
If an origin server wishes to force a semantically transparent cache to validate every request, it MAY assign an explicit expiration time in the past. This means that the response is always stale, and so the cache SHOULD validate it before using it for subsequent requests. See section 14.9.4 for a more restrictive way to force revalidation.
If an origin server wishes to force any HTTP/1.1 cache, no matter how it is configured, to validate every request, it SHOULD use the "must-revalidate" cache-control directive (see section 14.9).
オリジンサーバーがどのように設定されていても、HTTP / 1.1キャッシュを強制してすべてのリクエストを検証したい場合は、「must-revalidate」キャッシュ制御ディレクティブを使用する必要があります(セクション14.9を参照)。
Servers specify explicit expiration times using either the Expires header, or the max-age directive of the Cache-Control header.
An expiration time cannot be used to force a user agent to refresh its display or reload a resource; its semantics apply only to caching mechanisms, and such mechanisms need only check a resource's expiration status when a new request for that resource is initiated. See section 13.13 for an explanation of the difference between caches and history mechanisms.
Since origin servers do not always provide explicit expiration times, HTTP caches typically assign heuristic expiration times, employing algorithms that use other header values (such as the Last-Modified time) to estimate a plausible expiration time. The HTTP/1.1 specification does not provide specific algorithms, but does impose worst-case constraints on their results. Since heuristic expiration times might compromise semantic transparency, they ought to used cautiously, and we encourage origin servers to provide explicit expiration times as much as possible.
オリジンサーバーは常に有効期限を明示的に提供するわけではないため、HTTPキャッシュは通常、ヒューリスティックな有効期限を割り当て、他のヘッダー値(Last-Modified時間など)を使用して妥当な有効期限を推定するアルゴリズムを採用します。 HTTP / 1.1仕様は特定のアルゴリズムを提供していませんが、結果に最悪の場合の制約を課しています。ヒューリスティックな有効期限は意味の透明性を損なう可能性があるため、慎重に使用する必要があり、オリジンサーバーは可能な限り明示的な有効期限を提供することをお勧めします。
In order to know if a cached entry is fresh, a cache needs to know if its age exceeds its freshness lifetime. We discuss how to calculate the latter in section 13.2.4; this section describes how to calculate the age of a response or cache entry.
In this discussion, we use the term "now" to mean "the current value of the clock at the host performing the calculation." Hosts that use HTTP, but especially hosts running origin servers and caches, SHOULD use NTP [28] or some similar protocol to synchronize their clocks to a globally accurate time standard.
この説明では、「現在」という用語を使用して、「計算を実行しているホストでのクロックの現在の値」を意味します。 HTTPを使用するホスト、特にオリジンサーバーとキャッシュを実行するホストは、NTP [28]または同様のプロトコルを使用して、クロックをグローバルに正確な時間標準に同期する必要があります(SHOULD)。
HTTP/1.1 requires origin servers to send a Date header, if possible, with every response, giving the time at which the response was generated (see section 14.18). We use the term "date_value" to denote the value of the Date header, in a form appropriate for arithmetic operations.
HTTP / 1.1は、可能であれば、すべての応答と共に日付ヘッダーを送信するようにオリジンサーバーに要求し、応答が生成された時刻を提供します(セクション14.18を参照)。 「date_value」という用語は、算術演算に適した形式で、Dateヘッダーの値を示すために使用します。
HTTP/1.1 uses the Age response-header to convey the estimated age of the response message when obtained from a cache. The Age field value is the cache's estimate of the amount of time since the response was generated or revalidated by the origin server.
HTTP / 1.1は、Age応答ヘッダーを使用して、キャッシュから取得した応答メッセージの推定経過時間を伝えます。 Ageフィールドの値は、応答がオリジンサーバーによって生成または再検証されてからのキャッシュの推定時間です。
In essence, the Age value is the sum of the time that the response has been resident in each of the caches along the path from the origin server, plus the amount of time it has been in transit along network paths.
We use the term "age_value" to denote the value of the Age header, in a form appropriate for arithmetic operations.
A response's age can be calculated in two entirely independent ways:
1. now minus date_value, if the local clock is reasonably well synchronized to the origin server's clock. If the result is negative, the result is replaced by zero.
1. ローカルクロックが元のサーバーのクロックに適切に同期されている場合は、マイナスdate_valueになります。結果が負の場合、結果はゼロに置き換えられます。
2. age_value, if all of the caches along the response path implement HTTP/1.1.
2. age_value(応答パス上のすべてのキャッシュがHTTP / 1.1を実装する場合)。
Given that we have two independent ways to compute the age of a response when it is received, we can combine these as
corrected_received_age = max(now - date_value, age_value)
and as long as we have either nearly synchronized clocks or all-HTTP/1.1 paths, one gets a reliable (conservative) result.
ほぼ同期したクロックまたはすべてHTTP / 1.1のパスがある限り、信頼できる(保守的な)結果が得られます。
Because of network-imposed delays, some significant interval might pass between the time that a server generates a response and the time it is received at the next outbound cache or client. If uncorrected, this delay could result in improperly low ages.
Because the request that resulted in the returned Age value must have been initiated prior to that Age value's generation, we can correct for delays imposed by the network by recording the time at which the request was initiated. Then, when an Age value is received, it MUST be interpreted relative to the time the request was initiated, not the time that the response was received. This algorithm results in conservative behavior no matter how much delay is experienced. So, we compute:
corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + (now - request_time)
corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age +(now-request_time)
where "request_time" is the time (according to the local clock) when the request that elicited this response was sent.
Summary of age calculation algorithm, when a cache receives a response:
/* * age_value * is the value of Age: header received by the cache with * this response. * date_value * is the value of the origin server's Date: header * request_time * is the (local) time when the cache made the request * that resulted in this cached response * response_time * is the (local) time when the cache received the * response * now * is the current (local) time */
apparent_age = max(0, response_time - date_value); corrected_received_age = max(apparent_age, age_value); response_delay = response_time - request_time; corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + response_delay; resident_time = now - response_time; current_age = corrected_initial_age + resident_time;
The current_age of a cache entry is calculated by adding the amount of time (in seconds) since the cache entry was last validated by the origin server to the corrected_initial_age. When a response is generated from a cache entry, the cache MUST include a single Age header field in the response with a value equal to the cache entry's current_age.
The presence of an Age header field in a response implies that a response is not first-hand. However, the converse is not true, since the lack of an Age header field in a response does not imply that the response is first-hand unless all caches along the request path are compliant with HTTP/1.1 (i.e., older HTTP caches did not implement the Age header field).
応答にAgeヘッダーフィールドが存在することは、応答が直接ではないことを意味します。ただし、応答にAgeヘッダーフィールドがないことは、要求パスに沿ったすべてのキャッシュがHTTP / 1.1に準拠していない限り、応答が直接であることを意味しないため(つまり、古いHTTPキャッシュがAgeヘッダーフィールドを実装します)。
In order to decide whether a response is fresh or stale, we need to compare its freshness lifetime to its age. The age is calculated as described in section 13.2.3; this section describes how to calculate the freshness lifetime, and to determine if a response has expired. In the discussion below, the values can be represented in any form appropriate for arithmetic operations.
We use the term "expires_value" to denote the value of the Expires header. We use the term "max_age_value" to denote an appropriate value of the number of seconds carried by the "max-age" directive of the Cache-Control header in a response (see section 14.9.3).
Expiresヘッダーの値を示すために「expires_value」という用語を使用します。 「max_age_value」という用語を使用して、応答のCache-Controlヘッダーの「max-age」ディレクティブによって運ばれる秒数の適切な値を示します(セクション14.9.3を参照)。
The max-age directive takes priority over Expires, so if max-age is present in a response, the calculation is simply:
freshness_lifetime = max_age_value
freshness_lifetime = max_age_value
Otherwise, if Expires is present in the response, the calculation is:
freshness_lifetime = expires_value - date_value
freshness_lifetime = expires_value-date_value
Note that neither of these calculations is vulnerable to clock skew, since all of the information comes from the origin server.
If none of Expires, Cache-Control: max-age, or Cache-Control: s-maxage (see section 14.9.3) appears in the response, and the response does not include other restrictions on caching, the cache MAY compute a freshness lifetime using a heuristic. The cache MUST attach Warning 113 to any response whose age is more than 24 hours if such warning has not already been added.
Also, if the response does have a Last-Modified time, the heuristic expiration value SHOULD be no more than some fraction of the interval since that time. A typical setting of this fraction might be 10%.
The calculation to determine if a response has expired is quite simple:
response_is_fresh = (freshness_lifetime > current_age)
Because expiration values are assigned optimistically, it is possible for two caches to contain fresh values for the same resource that are different.
If a client performing a retrieval receives a non-first-hand response for a request that was already fresh in its own cache, and the Date header in its existing cache entry is newer than the Date on the new response, then the client MAY ignore the response. If so, it MAY retry the request with a "Cache-Control: max-age=0" directive (see section 14.9), to force a check with the origin server.
取得を実行しているクライアントが、自身のキャッシュで既に新鮮なリクエストに対する非直接応答を受信し、既存のキャッシュエントリのDateヘッダーが新しい応答のDateよりも新しい場合、クライアントは無視してもよい(MAY)応答。その場合、「Cache-Control:max-age = 0」ディレクティブ(セクション14.9を参照)を使用して要求を再試行し、オリジンサーバーでのチェックを強制することができます(MAY)。
If a cache has two fresh responses for the same representation with different validators, it MUST use the one with the more recent Date header. This situation might arise because the cache is pooling responses from other caches, or because a client has asked for a reload or a revalidation of an apparently fresh cache entry.
Because a client might be receiving responses via multiple paths, so that some responses flow through one set of caches and other responses flow through a different set of caches, a client might receive responses in an order different from that in which the origin server sent them. We would like the client to use the most recently generated response, even if older responses are still apparently fresh.
クライアントは複数のパスを介して応答を受信する可能性があるため、一部の応答は1つのキャッシュセットを通過し、他の応答は異なるキャッシュセットを通過するため、クライアントは、オリジンサーバーが送信した順序とは異なる順序で応答を受信する可能性があります。 。古い応答が明らかに新鮮である場合でも、クライアントは最新の応答を使用してください。
Neither the entity tag nor the expiration value can impose an ordering on responses, since it is possible that a later response intentionally carries an earlier expiration time. The Date values are ordered to a granularity of one second.
When a client tries to revalidate a cache entry, and the response it receives contains a Date header that appears to be older than the one for the existing entry, then the client SHOULD repeat the request unconditionally, and include
Cache-Control: max-age=0
キャッシュ制御:max-age = 0
to force any intermediate caches to validate their copies directly with the origin server, or
Cache-Control: no-cache
to force any intermediate caches to obtain a new copy from the origin server.
If the Date values are equal, then the client MAY use either response (or MAY, if it is being extremely prudent, request a new response). Servers MUST NOT depend on clients being able to choose deterministically between responses generated during the same second, if their expiration times overlap.
日付の値が等しい場合、クライアントはいずれかの応答を使用できます(非常に慎重な場合は、新しい応答を要求できます)。サーバーは、有効期限が重複している場合、クライアントが同じ秒の間に生成された応答間で決定論的に選択できることに依存してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
When a cache has a stale entry that it would like to use as a response to a client's request, it first has to check with the origin server (or possibly an intermediate cache with a fresh response) to see if its cached entry is still usable. We call this "validating" the cache entry. Since we do not want to have to pay the overhead of retransmitting the full response if the cached entry is good, and we do not want to pay the overhead of an extra round trip if the cached entry is invalid, the HTTP/1.1 protocol supports the use of conditional methods.
キャッシュにクライアントの要求への応答として使用したい古いエントリがある場合、最初にオリジンサーバー(またはおそらく新しい応答を持つ中間キャッシュ)をチェックして、キャッシュされたエントリがまだ使用可能かどうかを確認する必要があります。これをキャッシュエントリの「検証」と呼びます。キャッシュされたエントリが適切である場合、完全な応答を再送信するオーバーヘッドを支払う必要がないので、キャッシュされたエントリが無効な場合、余分なラウンドトリップのオーバーヘッドを支払う必要がないため、HTTP / 1.1プロトコルは、条件付きメソッドの使用。
The key protocol features for supporting conditional methods are those concerned with "cache validators." When an origin server generates a full response, it attaches some sort of validator to it, which is kept with the cache entry. When a client (user agent or proxy cache) makes a conditional request for a resource for which it has a cache entry, it includes the associated validator in the request.
The server then checks that validator against the current validator for the entity, and, if they match (see section 13.3.3), it responds with a special status code (usually, 304 (Not Modified)) and no entity-body. Otherwise, it returns a full response (including entity-body). Thus, we avoid transmitting the full response if the validator matches, and we avoid an extra round trip if it does not match.
In HTTP/1.1, a conditional request looks exactly the same as a normal request for the same resource, except that it carries a special header (which includes the validator) that implicitly turns the method (usually, GET) into a conditional.
HTTP / 1.1では、条件付きリクエストは、メソッド(通常はGET)を条件付きに暗黙的に変換する特別なヘッダー(バリデーターを含む)を運ぶことを除いて、同じリソースに対する通常のリクエストとまったく同じに見えます。
The protocol includes both positive and negative senses of cache-validating conditions. That is, it is possible to request either that a method be performed if and only if a validator matches or if and only if no validators match.
Note: a response that lacks a validator may still be cached, and served from cache until it expires, unless this is explicitly prohibited by a cache-control directive. However, a cache cannot do a conditional retrieval if it does not have a validator for the entity, which means it will not be refreshable after it expires.
The Last-Modified entity-header field value is often used as a cache validator. In simple terms, a cache entry is considered to be valid if the entity has not been modified since the Last-Modified value.
The ETag response-header field value, an entity tag, provides for an "opaque" cache validator. This might allow more reliable validation in situations where it is inconvenient to store modification dates, where the one-second resolution of HTTP date values is not sufficient, or where the origin server wishes to avoid certain paradoxes that might arise from the use of modification dates.
ETag応答ヘッダーフィールドの値であるエンティティタグは、「不透明な」キャッシュバリデーターを提供します。これにより、HTTP日付値の1秒の解決では不十分な場合、または元のサーバーが変更日付の使用から生じる可能性がある特定のパラドックスを回避したい場合に、変更日付を保存するのが不便な状況で、より信頼できる検証が可能になる場合があります。 。
Entity Tags are described in section 3.11. The headers used with entity tags are described in sections 14.19, 14.24, 14.26 and 14.44.
Since both origin servers and caches will compare two validators to decide if they represent the same or different entities, one normally would expect that if the entity (the entity-body or any entity-headers) changes in any way, then the associated validator would change as well. If this is true, then we call this validator a "strong validator."
However, there might be cases when a server prefers to change the validator only on semantically significant changes, and not when insignificant aspects of the entity change. A validator that does not always change when the resource changes is a "weak validator."
Entity tags are normally "strong validators," but the protocol provides a mechanism to tag an entity tag as "weak." One can think of a strong validator as one that changes whenever the bits of an entity changes, while a weak value changes whenever the meaning of an entity changes. Alternatively, one can think of a strong validator as part of an identifier for a specific entity, while a weak validator is part of an identifier for a set of semantically equivalent entities.
Note: One example of a strong validator is an integer that is incremented in stable storage every time an entity is changed.
An entity's modification time, if represented with one-second resolution, could be a weak validator, since it is possible that the resource might be modified twice during a single second.
Support for weak validators is optional. However, weak validators allow for more efficient caching of equivalent objects; for example, a hit counter on a site is probably good enough if it is updated every few days or weeks, and any value during that period is likely "good enough" to be equivalent.
A "use" of a validator is either when a client generates a request and includes the validator in a validating header field, or when a server compares two validators.
Strong validators are usable in any context. Weak validators are only usable in contexts that do not depend on exact equality of an entity. For example, either kind is usable for a conditional GET of a full entity. However, only a strong validator is usable for a sub-range retrieval, since otherwise the client might end up with an internally inconsistent entity.
Clients MAY issue simple (non-subrange) GET requests with either weak validators or strong validators. Clients MUST NOT use weak validators in other forms of request.
The only function that the HTTP/1.1 protocol defines on validators is comparison. There are two validator comparison functions, depending on whether the comparison context allows the use of weak validators or not:
HTTP / 1.1プロトコルがバリデーターで定義する唯一の関数は比較です。比較コンテキストが弱いバリデーターの使用を許可するかどうかに応じて、2つのバリデーター比較関数があります。
- The strong comparison function: in order to be considered equal, both validators MUST be identical in every way, and both MUST NOT be weak.
- 強力な比較関数:等しいと見なされるためには、両方のバリデーターがあらゆる点で同一である必要があり、両方が弱いことはありません。
- The weak comparison function: in order to be considered equal, both validators MUST be identical in every way, but either or both of them MAY be tagged as "weak" without affecting the result.
- 弱い比較関数:等しいと見なされるためには、両方のバリデーターはあらゆる点で同一である必要がありますが、結果に影響を与えることなく、どちらかまたは両方に「弱い」というタグを付けることができます。
An entity tag is strong unless it is explicitly tagged as weak. Section 3.11 gives the syntax for entity tags.
A Last-Modified time, when used as a validator in a request, is implicitly weak unless it is possible to deduce that it is strong, using the following rules:
- The validator is being compared by an origin server to the actual current validator for the entity and,
- バリデーターは、起点サーバーによってエンティティーの実際の現在のバリデーターと比較され、
- That origin server reliably knows that the associated entity did not change twice during the second covered by the presented validator.
- その起点サーバーは、関連付けられたエンティティーが、提示されたバリデーターによってカバーされる2番目の間に2回変更されなかったことを確実に認識しています。
- The validator is about to be used by a client in an If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since header, because the client has a cache entry for the associated entity, and
- クライアントに関連付けられたエンティティのキャッシュエントリがあるため、バリデーターはクライアントがIf-Modified-SinceまたはIf-Unmodified-Sinceヘッダーで使用しようとしています。
- That cache entry includes a Date value, which gives the time when the origin server sent the original response, and
- そのキャッシュエントリには、元のサーバーが元の応答を送信した時刻を示す日付値が含まれています。
- The presented Last-Modified time is at least 60 seconds before the Date value.
- 提示されるLast-Modified時間は、Date値の少なくとも60秒前です。
- The validator is being compared by an intermediate cache to the validator stored in its cache entry for the entity, and
- バリデータは、中間キャッシュによって、エンティティのキャッシュエントリに格納されているバリデータと比較されます。
- That cache entry includes a Date value, which gives the time when the origin server sent the original response, and
- そのキャッシュエントリには、元のサーバーが元の応答を送信した時刻を示す日付値が含まれています。
- The presented Last-Modified time is at least 60 seconds before the Date value.
- 提示されるLast-Modified時間は、Date値の少なくとも60秒前です。
This method relies on the fact that if two different responses were sent by the origin server during the same second, but both had the same Last-Modified time, then at least one of those responses would have a Date value equal to its Last-Modified time. The arbitrary 60- second limit guards against the possibility that the Date and Last-Modified values are generated from different clocks, or at somewhat different times during the preparation of the response. An implementation MAY use a value larger than 60 seconds, if it is believed that 60 seconds is too short.
この方法は、同じ秒の間に2つの異なる応答が起点サーバーによって送信されたが、両方のLast-Modified時間が同じであった場合、それらの応答の少なくとも1つは、Last-Modifiedと等しい日付値を持っているという事実に依存します。時間。任意の60秒の制限により、DateとLast-Modifiedの値が異なるクロックから、または応答の準備中に多少異なる時刻に生成される可能性を防ぎます。 60秒が短すぎると考えられる場合、実装は60秒より大きい値を使用してもよい(MAY)。
If a client wishes to perform a sub-range retrieval on a value for which it has only a Last-Modified time and no opaque validator, it MAY do this only if the Last-Modified time is strong in the sense described here.
A cache or origin server receiving a conditional request, other than a full-body GET request, MUST use the strong comparison function to evaluate the condition.
These rules allow HTTP/1.1 caches and clients to safely perform sub-range retrievals on values that have been obtained from HTTP/1.0 servers.
これらのルールにより、HTTP / 1.1キャッシュとクライアントは、HTTP / 1.0サーバーから取得された値に対してサブレンジ検索を安全に実行できます。
We adopt a set of rules and recommendations for origin servers, clients, and caches regarding when various validator types ought to be used, and for what purposes.
HTTP/1.1 origin servers:
HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバー:
- SHOULD send an entity tag validator unless it is not feasible to generate one.
- エンティティタグバリデーターを生成できない場合を除き、エンティティータグバリデーターを送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。
- MAY send a weak entity tag instead of a strong entity tag, if performance considerations support the use of weak entity tags, or if it is unfeasible to send a strong entity tag.
- パフォーマンスの考慮により弱いエンティティタグの使用がサポートされている場合、または強いエンティティタグを送信できない場合は、強いエンティティタグの代わりに弱いエンティティタグを送信できます。
- SHOULD send a Last-Modified value if it is feasible to send one, unless the risk of a breakdown in semantic transparency that could result from using this date in an If-Modified-Since header would lead to serious problems.
- 送信可能な場合は、Last-Modified値を送信する必要があります。ただし、この日付をIf-Modified-Sinceヘッダーで使用することにより生じるセマンティックトランスペアレンシーの内訳のリスクが深刻な問題につながる場合を除きます。
In other words, the preferred behavior for an HTTP/1.1 origin server is to send both a strong entity tag and a Last-Modified value.
つまり、HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーの推奨動作は、強力なエンティティタグとLast-Modified値の両方を送信することです。
In order to be legal, a strong entity tag MUST change whenever the associated entity value changes in any way. A weak entity tag SHOULD change whenever the associated entity changes in a semantically significant way.
Note: in order to provide semantically transparent caching, an origin server must avoid reusing a specific strong entity tag value for two different entities, or reusing a specific weak entity tag value for two semantically different entities. Cache entries might persist for arbitrarily long periods, regardless of expiration times, so it might be inappropriate to expect that a cache will never again attempt to validate an entry using a validator that it obtained at some point in the past.
HTTP/1.1 clients:
HTTP / 1.1クライアント:
- If an entity tag has been provided by the origin server, MUST use that entity tag in any cache-conditional request (using If-Match or If-None-Match).
- エンティティタグがオリジンサーバーから提供されている場合は、そのエンティティタグをキャッシュ条件付きリクエストで使用する必要があります(If-MatchまたはIf-None-Matchを使用)。
- If only a Last-Modified value has been provided by the origin server, SHOULD use that value in non-subrange cache-conditional requests (using If-Modified-Since).
- オリジンサーバーからLast-Modified値のみが提供されている場合、サブレンジ以外のキャッシュ条件付きリクエストでその値を使用する必要があります(If-Modified-Sinceを使用)。
- If only a Last-Modified value has been provided by an HTTP/1.0 origin server, MAY use that value in subrange cache-conditional requests (using If-Unmodified-Since:). The user agent SHOULD provide a way to disable this, in case of difficulty.
- Last-Modified値のみがHTTP / 1.0オリジンサーバーから提供されている場合、サブレンジキャッシュ条件付きリクエストでその値を使用できます(If-Unmodified-Since:を使用)。ユーザーエージェントは、問題が発生した場合にこれを無効にする方法を提供する必要があります(SHOULD)。
- If both an entity tag and a Last-Modified value have been provided by the origin server, SHOULD use both validators in cache-conditional requests. This allows both HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 caches to respond appropriately.
- エンティティタグとLast-Modified値の両方がオリジンサーバーから提供されている場合、キャッシュ条件付きリクエストで両方のバリデーターを使用する必要があります(SHOULD)。これにより、HTTP / 1.0キャッシュとHTTP / 1.1キャッシュの両方が適切に応答できるようになります。
An HTTP/1.1 origin server, upon receiving a conditional request that includes both a Last-Modified date (e.g., in an If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since header field) and one or more entity tags (e.g., in an If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range header field) as cache validators, MUST NOT return a response status of 304 (Not Modified) unless doing so is consistent with all of the conditional header fields in the request.
HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーが、Last-Modified日付(たとえば、If-Modified-SinceまたはIf-Unmodified-Sinceヘッダーフィールド)と1つ以上のエンティティタグ(たとえば、キャッシュバリデーターとしてのIf-Match、If-None-Match、またはIf-Rangeヘッダーフィールド)は、リクエスト内のすべての条件付きヘッダーフィールドと一致しない限り、304(Not Modified)の応答ステータスを返さないでください。
An HTTP/1.1 caching proxy, upon receiving a conditional request that includes both a Last-Modified date and one or more entity tags as cache validators, MUST NOT return a locally cached response to the client unless that cached response is consistent with all of the conditional header fields in the request.
HTTP / 1.1キャッシュプロキシは、Last-Modified日付と1つ以上のエンティティタグの両方を含む条件付きリクエストをキャッシュバリデータとして受信すると、ローカルにキャッシュされた応答をクライアントに返してはなりません。リクエストの条件付きヘッダーフィールド。
Note: The general principle behind these rules is that HTTP/1.1 servers and clients should transmit as much non-redundant information as is available in their responses and requests. HTTP/1.1 systems receiving this information will make the most conservative assumptions about the validators they receive.
注:これらのルールの背後にある一般的な原則は、HTTP / 1.1サーバーとクライアントは、応答と要求で利用可能な限り多くの非冗長情報を送信する必要があるということです。この情報を受信するHTTP / 1.1システムは、受信するバリデータについて最も保守的な仮定を行います。
HTTP/1.0 clients and caches will ignore entity tags. Generally, last-modified values received or used by these systems will support transparent and efficient caching, and so HTTP/1.1 origin servers should provide Last-Modified values. In those rare cases where the use of a Last-Modified value as a validator by an HTTP/1.0 system could result in a serious problem, then HTTP/1.1 origin servers should not provide one.
HTTP / 1.0クライアントとキャッシュはエンティティタグを無視します。通常、これらのシステムで受信または使用される最終変更値は透過的で効率的なキャッシュをサポートするため、HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーは最終変更値を提供する必要があります。 Last-Modified値をHTTP / 1.0システムでバリデーターとして使用することで重大な問題が発生する可能性があるというまれなケースでは、HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーが提供するべきではありません。
The principle behind entity tags is that only the service author knows the semantics of a resource well enough to select an appropriate cache validation mechanism, and the specification of any validator comparison function more complex than byte-equality would open up a can of worms. Thus, comparisons of any other headers (except Last-Modified, for compatibility with HTTP/1.0) are never used for purposes of validating a cache entry.
エンティティタグの背後にある原則は、適切なキャッシュ検証メカニズムを選択するのに十分なリソースのセマンティクスを知っているのはサービスの作成者だけであり、バイト等価よりも複雑なバリデーター比較関数の仕様はワームの缶を開くことです。したがって、他のヘッダー(Last-Modifiedを除く、HTTP / 1.0との互換性を除く)の比較は、キャッシュエントリを検証する目的で使用されることはありません。
Unless specifically constrained by a cache-control (section 14.9) directive, a caching system MAY always store a successful response (see section 13.8) as a cache entry, MAY return it without validation if it is fresh, and MAY return it after successful validation. If there is neither a cache validator nor an explicit expiration time associated with a response, we do not expect it to be cached, but certain caches MAY violate this expectation (for example, when little or no network connectivity is available). A client can usually detect that such a response was taken from a cache by comparing the Date header to the current time.
特にcache-control(セクション14.9)ディレクティブによる制約がない限り、キャッシングシステムは常に成功した応答(セクション13.8を参照)をキャッシュエントリとして保存し、新しい場合は検証せずにそれを返し、検証が成功した後にそれを返す場合があります(MAY)。 。キャッシュバリデーターも、応答に関連付けられた明示的な有効期限もない場合、キャッシュされるとは想定されていませんが、特定のキャッシュはこの予想に違反する場合があります(たとえば、ネットワーク接続がほとんどまたはまったくない場合)。クライアントは通常、Dateヘッダーを現在の時刻と比較することにより、そのような応答がキャッシュから取得されたことを検出できます。
Note: some HTTP/1.0 caches are known to violate this expectation without providing any Warning.
注:一部のHTTP / 1.0キャッシュは、警告を提供せずにこの期待に違反することがわかっています。
However, in some cases it might be inappropriate for a cache to retain an entity, or to return it in response to a subsequent request. This might be because absolute semantic transparency is deemed necessary by the service author, or because of security or privacy considerations. Certain cache-control directives are therefore provided so that the server can indicate that certain resource entities, or portions thereof, are not to be cached regardless of other considerations.
Note that section 14.8 normally prevents a shared cache from saving and returning a response to a previous request if that request included an Authorization header.
A response received with a status code of 200, 203, 206, 300, 301 or 410 MAY be stored by a cache and used in reply to a subsequent request, subject to the expiration mechanism, unless a cache-control directive prohibits caching. However, a cache that does not support the Range and Content-Range headers MUST NOT cache 206 (Partial Content) responses.
ステータスコード200、203、206、300、301、または410で受信した応答は、キャッシュに格納され、キャッシュ制御ディレクティブがキャッシュを禁止しない限り、有効期限メカニズムに従って、後続の要求に応答して使用される場合があります。ただし、RangeおよびContent-Rangeヘッダーをサポートしないキャッシュは、206(部分コンテンツ)応答をキャッシュしてはなりません(MUST NOT)。
A response received with any other status code (e.g. status codes 302 and 307) MUST NOT be returned in a reply to a subsequent request unless there are cache-control directives or another header(s) that explicitly allow it. For example, these include the following: an Expires header (section 14.21); a "max-age", "s-maxage", "must-revalidate", "proxy-revalidate", "public" or "private" cache-control directive (section 14.9).
他のステータスコード(ステータスコード302や307など)で受信した応答は、明示的に許可するキャッシュ制御ディレクティブまたは別のヘッダーがない限り、後続のリクエストへの応答で返してはなりません(MUST NOT)。たとえば、次のものが含まれます。Expiresヘッダー(セクション14.21)。 "max-age"、 "s-maxage"、 "must-revalidate"、 "proxy-revalidate"、 "public"または "private"キャッシュ制御ディレクティブ(セクション14.9)。
The purpose of an HTTP cache is to store information received in response to requests for use in responding to future requests. In many cases, a cache simply returns the appropriate parts of a response to the requester. However, if the cache holds a cache entry based on a previous response, it might have to combine parts of a new response with what is held in the cache entry.
For the purpose of defining the behavior of caches and non-caching proxies, we divide HTTP headers into two categories:
- End-to-end headers, which are transmitted to the ultimate recipient of a request or response. End-to-end headers in responses MUST be stored as part of a cache entry and MUST be transmitted in any response formed from a cache entry.
- 要求または応答の最終的な受信者に送信されるエンドツーエンドのヘッダー。応答のエンドツーエンドヘッダーは、キャッシュエントリの一部として格納する必要があり、キャッシュエントリから形成されたすべての応答で送信する必要があります。
- Hop-by-hop headers, which are meaningful only for a single transport-level connection, and are not stored by caches or forwarded by proxies.
- ホップバイホップヘッダー。これは、単一のトランスポートレベル接続でのみ意味があり、キャッシュに格納されたり、プロキシによって転送されたりすることはありません。
The following HTTP/1.1 headers are hop-by-hop headers:
次のHTTP / 1.1ヘッダーはホップバイホップヘッダーです。
- Connection - Keep-Alive - Proxy-Authenticate - Proxy-Authorization - TE - Trailers - Transfer-Encoding - Upgrade
- 接続-キープアライブ-プロキシ認証-プロキシ承認-TE-トレーラー-転送エンコーディング-アップグレード
All other headers defined by HTTP/1.1 are end-to-end headers.
HTTP / 1.1で定義されている他のすべてのヘッダーは、エンドツーエンドのヘッダーです。
Other hop-by-hop headers MUST be listed in a Connection header, (section 14.10) to be introduced into HTTP/1.1 (or later).
他のホップバイホップヘッダーは、HTTP / 1.1以降に導入される接続ヘッダー(セクション14.10)にリストされている必要があります。
Some features of the HTTP/1.1 protocol, such as Digest Authentication, depend on the value of certain end-to-end headers. A transparent proxy SHOULD NOT modify an end-to-end header unless the definition of that header requires or specifically allows that.
ダイジェスト認証などのHTTP / 1.1プロトコルの一部の機能は、特定のエンドツーエンドヘッダーの値に依存します。透過的なプロキシは、そのヘッダーの定義がそれを必要とするか、または具体的に許可しない限り、エンドツーエンドヘッダーを変更するべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。
A transparent proxy MUST NOT modify any of the following fields in a request or response, and it MUST NOT add any of these fields if not already present:
透過プロキシは、要求または応答の以下のフィールドを変更してはならず(MUST NOT)、まだ存在しない場合はこれらのフィールドを追加してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
- Content-Location
- コンテンツの場所
- Content-MD5
- Content-MD5
- ETag
- ETag
- Last-Modified
- 最終更新日
A transparent proxy MUST NOT modify any of the following fields in a response:
透過プロキシは、応答内の次のフィールドを変更してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
- Expires
- 期限切れ
but it MAY add any of these fields if not already present. If an Expires header is added, it MUST be given a field-value identical to that of the Date header in that response.
ただし、まだ存在しない場合は、これらのフィールドのいずれかを追加できます(MAY)。 Expiresヘッダーを追加する場合は、その応答のDateヘッダーと同じフィールド値を指定する必要があります。
A proxy MUST NOT modify or add any of the following fields in a message that contains the no-transform cache-control directive, or in any request:
プロキシは、no-transform cache-controlディレクティブを含むメッセージまたは任意のリクエストで、次のフィールドを変更または追加してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
- Content-Encoding
- コンテンツエンコーディング
- Content-Range
- コンテンツ範囲
- Content-Type
- コンテンツタイプ
A non-transparent proxy MAY modify or add these fields to a message that does not include no-transform, but if it does so, it MUST add a Warning 214 (Transformation applied) if one does not already appear in the message (see section 14.46).
非透過プロキシは、これらのフィールドをno-transformを含まないメッセージに変更または追加する場合がありますが、そうする場合、メッセージにまだ表示されていなければ、警告214(変換が適用されます)を追加する必要があります(セクションを参照) 14.46)。
Warning: unnecessary modification of end-to-end headers might cause authentication failures if stronger authentication mechanisms are introduced in later versions of HTTP. Such authentication mechanisms MAY rely on the values of header fields not listed here.
The Content-Length field of a request or response is added or deleted according to the rules in section 4.4. A transparent proxy MUST preserve the entity-length (section 7.2.2) of the entity-body, although it MAY change the transfer-length (section 4.4).
When a cache makes a validating request to a server, and the server provides a 304 (Not Modified) response or a 206 (Partial Content) response, the cache then constructs a response to send to the requesting client.
キャッシュがサーバーに検証要求を行い、サーバーが304(Not Modified)応答または206(Partial Content)応答を提供すると、キャッシュは応答を構築して要求側クライアントに送信します。
If the status code is 304 (Not Modified), the cache uses the entity-body stored in the cache entry as the entity-body of this outgoing response. If the status code is 206 (Partial Content) and the ETag or Last-Modified headers match exactly, the cache MAY combine the contents stored in the cache entry with the new contents received in the response and use the result as the entity-body of this outgoing response, (see 13.5.4).
The end-to-end headers stored in the cache entry are used for the constructed response, except that
- any stored Warning headers with warn-code 1xx (see section 14.46) MUST be deleted from the cache entry and the forwarded response.
- warn-code 1xx(セクション14.46を参照)で保存されている警告ヘッダーは、キャッシュエントリと転送された応答から削除する必要があります。
- any stored Warning headers with warn-code 2xx MUST be retained in the cache entry and the forwarded response.
- 保存されたwarn-code 2xxの警告ヘッダーは、キャッシュエントリと転送された応答に保持する必要があります。
- any end-to-end headers provided in the 304 or 206 response MUST replace the corresponding headers from the cache entry.
- 304または206応答で提供されるエンドツーエンドヘッダーは、キャッシュエントリの対応するヘッダーを置き換える必要があります。
Unless the cache decides to remove the cache entry, it MUST also replace the end-to-end headers stored with the cache entry with corresponding headers received in the incoming response, except for Warning headers as described immediately above. If a header field-name in the incoming response matches more than one header in the cache entry, all such old headers MUST be replaced.
In other words, the set of end-to-end headers received in the incoming response overrides all corresponding end-to-end headers stored with the cache entry (except for stored Warning headers with warn-code 1xx, which are deleted even if not overridden).
言い換えると、着信応答で受信されたエンドツーエンドヘッダーのセットは、キャッシュエントリと共に保存されたすべての対応するエンドツーエンドヘッダーを上書きします(warn-code 1xxの保存された警告ヘッダーを除く)。オーバーライドされます)。
Note: this rule allows an origin server to use a 304 (Not Modified) or a 206 (Partial Content) response to update any header associated with a previous response for the same entity or sub-ranges thereof, although it might not always be meaningful or correct to do so. This rule does not allow an origin server to use a 304 (Not Modified) or a 206 (Partial Content) response to entirely delete a header that it had provided with a previous response.
A response might transfer only a subrange of the bytes of an entity-body, either because the request included one or more Range specifications, or because a connection was broken prematurely. After several such transfers, a cache might have received several ranges of the same entity-body.
If a cache has a stored non-empty set of subranges for an entity, and an incoming response transfers another subrange, the cache MAY combine the new subrange with the existing set if both the following conditions are met:
- Both the incoming response and the cache entry have a cache validator.
- 着信応答とキャッシュエントリの両方にキャッシュバリデータがあります。
- The two cache validators match using the strong comparison function (see section 13.3.3).
- 2つのキャッシュバリデーターは、強力な比較関数を使用して一致します(セクション13.3.3を参照)。
If either requirement is not met, the cache MUST use only the most recent partial response (based on the Date values transmitted with every response, and using the incoming response if these values are equal or missing), and MUST discard the other partial information.
Use of server-driven content negotiation (section 12.1), as indicated by the presence of a Vary header field in a response, alters the conditions and procedure by which a cache can use the response for subsequent requests. See section 14.44 for use of the Vary header field by servers.
A server SHOULD use the Vary header field to inform a cache of what request-header fields were used to select among multiple representations of a cacheable response subject to server-driven negotiation. The set of header fields named by the Vary field value is known as the "selecting" request-headers.
サーバーは、Varyヘッダーフィールドを使用して、サーバー主導のネゴシエーションの対象となるキャッシュ可能な応答の複数の表現から選択するために使用されたリクエストヘッダーフィールドをキャッシュに通知する必要があります(SHOULD)。 Varyフィールド値によって名前が付けられたヘッダーフィールドのセットは、「選択」リクエストヘッダーと呼ばれます。
When the cache receives a subsequent request whose Request-URI specifies one or more cache entries including a Vary header field, the cache MUST NOT use such a cache entry to construct a response to the new request unless all of the selecting request-headers present in the new request match the corresponding stored request-headers in the original request.
The selecting request-headers from two requests are defined to match if and only if the selecting request-headers in the first request can be transformed to the selecting request-headers in the second request by adding or removing linear white space (LWS) at places where this is allowed by the corresponding BNF, and/or combining multiple message-header fields with the same field name following the rules about message headers in section 4.2.
A Vary header field-value of "*" always fails to match and subsequent requests on that resource can only be properly interpreted by the origin server.
If the selecting request header fields for the cached entry do not match the selecting request header fields of the new request, then the cache MUST NOT use a cached entry to satisfy the request unless it first relays the new request to the origin server in a conditional request and the server responds with 304 (Not Modified), including an entity tag or Content-Location that indicates the entity to be used.
If an entity tag was assigned to a cached representation, the forwarded request SHOULD be conditional and include the entity tags in an If-None-Match header field from all its cache entries for the resource. This conveys to the server the set of entities currently held by the cache, so that if any one of these entities matches the requested entity, the server can use the ETag header field in its 304 (Not Modified) response to tell the cache which entry is appropriate. If the entity-tag of the new response matches that of an existing entry, the new response SHOULD be used to update the header fields of the existing entry, and the result MUST be returned to the client.
エンティティタグがキャッシュされた表現に割り当てられた場合、転送されるリクエストは条件付きであり、リソースのすべてのキャッシュエントリのIf-None-Matchヘッダーフィールドにエンティティタグを含める必要があります。これにより、現在キャッシュに保持されているエンティティのセットがサーバーに伝達されるため、これらのエンティティのいずれかが要求されたエンティティと一致した場合、サーバーは304(Not Modified)応答のETagヘッダーフィールドを使用して、キャッシュにどのエントリを通知することができます適切です。新しい応答のエンティティタグが既存のエントリのエンティティタグと一致する場合、新しい応答を使用して既存のエントリのヘッダーフィールドを更新する必要があり(SHOULD)、結果をクライアントに返さなければなりません(MUST)。
If any of the existing cache entries contains only partial content for the associated entity, its entity-tag SHOULD NOT be included in the If-None-Match header field unless the request is for a range that would be fully satisfied by that entry.
If a cache receives a successful response whose Content-Location field matches that of an existing cache entry for the same Request-]URI, whose entity-tag differs from that of the existing entry, and whose Date is more recent than that of the existing entry, the existing entry SHOULD NOT be returned in response to future requests and SHOULD be deleted from the cache.
Content-Locationフィールドが同じRequest-] URIの既存のキャッシュエントリのものと一致し、エンティティタグが既存のエントリのものと異なり、日付が既存のものより新しい成功した応答をキャッシュが受信した場合エントリ、既存のエントリは将来のリクエストに応じて返されるべきではなく(SHOULD NOT)、キャッシュから削除されるべきです(SHOULD)。
For reasons of security and privacy, it is necessary to make a distinction between "shared" and "non-shared" caches. A non-shared cache is one that is accessible only to a single user. Accessibility in this case SHOULD be enforced by appropriate security mechanisms. All other caches are considered to be "shared." Other sections of this specification place certain constraints on the operation of shared caches in order to prevent loss of privacy or failure of access controls.
A cache that receives an incomplete response (for example, with fewer bytes of data than specified in a Content-Length header) MAY store the response. However, the cache MUST treat this as a partial response. Partial responses MAY be combined as described in section 13.5.4; the result might be a full response or might still be partial. A cache MUST NOT return a partial response to a client without explicitly marking it as such, using the 206 (Partial Content) status code. A cache MUST NOT return a partial response using a status code of 200 (OK).
不完全な応答を受信するキャッシュ(たとえば、Content-Lengthヘッダーで指定されたよりもデータのバイト数が少ない場合)は、応答を格納できます(MAY)。ただし、キャッシュはこれを部分応答として扱う必要があります。部分応答は、セクション13.5.4で説明されているように組み合わせることができます。結果は完全な応答になる場合もあれば、部分的な場合もあります。キャッシュは、206(Partial Content)ステータスコードを使用して、明示的にマークを付けずにクライアントに部分応答を返してはなりません(MUST NOT)。キャッシュは、ステータスコード200(OK)を使用して部分的な応答を返してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
If a cache receives a 5xx response while attempting to revalidate an entry, it MAY either forward this response to the requesting client, or act as if the server failed to respond. In the latter case, it MAY return a previously received response unless the cached entry includes the "must-revalidate" cache-control directive (see section 14.9).
Unless the origin server explicitly prohibits the caching of their responses, the application of GET and HEAD methods to any resources SHOULD NOT have side effects that would lead to erroneous behavior if these responses are taken from a cache. They MAY still have side effects, but a cache is not required to consider such side effects in its caching decisions. Caches are always expected to observe an origin server's explicit restrictions on caching.
We note one exception to this rule: since some applications have traditionally used GETs and HEADs with query URLs (those containing a "?" in the rel_path part) to perform operations with significant side effects, caches MUST NOT treat responses to such URIs as fresh unless the server provides an explicit expiration time. This specifically means that responses from HTTP/1.0 servers for such URIs SHOULD NOT be taken from a cache. See section 9.1.1 for related information.
このルールの1つの例外に注意してください。一部のアプリケーションでは、クエリURL(rel_path部分に「?」が含まれているもの)とともにGETおよびHEADを従来から使用して、重大な副作用のある操作を実行しているため、キャッシュはこのようなURIへの応答を新鮮なものとして処理してはなりません(MUST NOT)サーバーが明示的な有効期限を提供しない限り。これは特に、そのようなURIに対するHTTP / 1.0サーバーからの応答がキャッシュから取得されるべきではないことを意味します。関連情報については、セクション9.1.1を参照してください。
The effect of certain methods performed on a resource at the origin server might cause one or more existing cache entries to become non-transparently invalid. That is, although they might continue to be "fresh," they do not accurately reflect what the origin server would return for a new request on that resource.
There is no way for the HTTP protocol to guarantee that all such cache entries are marked invalid. For example, the request that caused the change at the origin server might not have gone through the proxy where a cache entry is stored. However, several rules help reduce the likelihood of erroneous behavior.
In this section, the phrase "invalidate an entity" means that the cache will either remove all instances of that entity from its storage, or will mark these as "invalid" and in need of a mandatory revalidation before they can be returned in response to a subsequent request.
Some HTTP methods MUST cause a cache to invalidate an entity. This is either the entity referred to by the Request-URI, or by the Location or Content-Location headers (if present). These methods are:
- 置く
- 削除
- 役職
In order to prevent denial of service attacks, an invalidation based on the URI in a Location or Content-Location header MUST only be performed if the host part is the same as in the Request-URI.
A cache that passes through requests for methods it does not understand SHOULD invalidate any entities referred to by the Request-URI.
All methods that might be expected to cause modifications to the origin server's resources MUST be written through to the origin server. This currently includes all methods except for GET and HEAD. A cache MUST NOT reply to such a request from a client before having transmitted the request to the inbound server, and having received a corresponding response from the inbound server. This does not prevent a proxy cache from sending a 100 (Continue) response before the inbound server has sent its final reply.
オリジンサーバーのリソースを変更することが予想されるすべてのメソッドは、オリジンサーバーに書き込まれる必要があります。これには現在、GETとHEADを除くすべてのメソッドが含まれています。キャッシュは、インバウンドサーバーにリクエストを送信し、インバウンドサーバーから対応するレスポンスを受信する前に、クライアントからのそのようなリクエストに応答してはなりません(MUST NOT)。これは、インバウンド・サーバーが最終応答を送信する前に、プロキシー・キャッシュが100(Continue)応答を送信することを妨げません。
The alternative (known as "write-back" or "copy-back" caching) is not allowed in HTTP/1.1, due to the difficulty of providing consistent updates and the problems arising from server, cache, or network failure prior to write-back.
HTTP / 1.1では、代替手段(「ライトバック」または「コピーバック」キャッシングとして知られています)は許可されていません。これは、一貫性のある更新を提供することが困難であり、書き込み前にサーバー、キャッシュ、またはネットワーク障害から発生する問題が原因です。バック。
If a new cacheable (see sections 14.9.2, 13.2.5, 13.2.6 and 13.8) response is received from a resource while any existing responses for the same resource are cached, the cache SHOULD use the new response to reply to the current request. It MAY insert it into cache storage and MAY, if it meets all other requirements, use it to respond to any future requests that would previously have caused the old response to be returned. If it inserts the new response into cache storage the rules in section 13.5.3 apply.
Note: a new response that has an older Date header value than existing cached responses is not cacheable.
User agents often have history mechanisms, such as "Back" buttons and history lists, which can be used to redisplay an entity retrieved earlier in a session.
History mechanisms and caches are different. In particular history mechanisms SHOULD NOT try to show a semantically transparent view of the current state of a resource. Rather, a history mechanism is meant to show exactly what the user saw at the time when the resource was retrieved.
By default, an expiration time does not apply to history mechanisms. If the entity is still in storage, a history mechanism SHOULD display it even if the entity has expired, unless the user has specifically configured the agent to refresh expired history documents.
This is not to be construed to prohibit the history mechanism from telling the user that a view might be stale.
Note: if history list mechanisms unnecessarily prevent users from viewing stale resources, this will tend to force service authors to avoid using HTTP expiration controls and cache controls when they would otherwise like to. Service authors may consider it important that users not be presented with error messages or warning messages when they use navigation controls (such as BACK) to view previously fetched resources. Even though sometimes such resources ought not to cached, or ought to expire quickly, user interface considerations may force service authors to resort to other means of preventing caching (e.g. "once-only" URLs) in order not to suffer the effects of improperly functioning history mechanisms.
14 Header Field Definitions
This section defines the syntax and semantics of all standard HTTP/1.1 header fields. For entity-header fields, both sender and recipient refer to either the client or the server, depending on who sends and who receives the entity.
このセクションでは、すべての標準HTTP / 1.1ヘッダーフィールドの構文とセマンティクスを定義します。エンティティヘッダーフィールドの場合、送信者と受信者はどちらも、エンティティの送信者と受信者に応じて、クライアントまたはサーバーを指します。
The Accept request-header field can be used to specify certain media types which are acceptable for the response. Accept headers can be used to indicate that the request is specifically limited to a small set of desired types, as in the case of a request for an in-line image.
Accept request-headerフィールドを使用して、応答に受け入れ可能な特定のメディアタイプを指定できます。 Acceptヘッダーを使用して、インライン画像のリクエストの場合のように、リクエストが特定の小さなタイプのセットに限定されることを明示できます。
Accept = "Accept" ":" #( media-range [ accept-params ] )
Accept = "Accept" ":"#(media-range [accept-params])
media-range = ( "*/*" | ( type "/" "*" ) | ( type "/" subtype ) ) *( ";" parameter ) accept-params = ";" "q" "=" qvalue *( accept-extension ) accept-extension = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
The asterisk "*" character is used to group media types into ranges, with "*/*" indicating all media types and "type/*" indicating all subtypes of that type. The media-range MAY include media type parameters that are applicable to that range.
アスタリスク「*」文字は、メディアタイプを範囲にグループ化するために使用されます。「* / *」はすべてのメディアタイプを示し、「type / *」はそのタイプのすべてのサブタイプを示します。メディア範囲には、その範囲に適用可能なメディアタイプパラメータが含まれる場合があります。
Each media-range MAY be followed by one or more accept-params, beginning with the "q" parameter for indicating a relative quality factor. The first "q" parameter (if any) separates the media-range parameter(s) from the accept-params. Quality factors allow the user or user agent to indicate the relative degree of preference for that media-range, using the qvalue scale from 0 to 1 (section 3.9). The default value is q=1.
各メディア範囲の後には、1つ以上のaccept-paramsが続く場合があり、相対的な品質係数を示す「q」パラメータで始まります。最初の「q」パラメーター(存在する場合)は、メディア範囲パラメーターをAccept-paramsから分離します。品質係数により、ユーザーまたはユーザーエージェントは、0から1までのqvalueスケールを使用して、そのメディア範囲の相対的な優先度を示すことができます(セクション3.9)。デフォルト値はq = 1です。
Note: Use of the "q" parameter name to separate media type parameters from Accept extension parameters is due to historical practice. Although this prevents any media type parameter named "q" from being used with a media range, such an event is believed to be unlikely given the lack of any "q" parameters in the IANA media type registry and the rare usage of any media type parameters in Accept. Future media types are discouraged from registering any parameter named "q".
注:メディアタイプパラメーターをAccept拡張パラメーターから分離するために「q」パラメーター名を使用するのは、歴史的な慣習によるものです。これにより、「q」という名前のメディアタイプパラメータがメディア範囲で使用されなくなりますが、IANAメディアタイプレジストリに「q」パラメータが不足していること、およびメディアタイプがまれにしか使用されないことがこのようなイベントの原因となる可能性は低いと考えられます。 Acceptのパラメータ。将来のメディアタイプでは、「q」という名前のパラメータを登録しないでください。
The example
Accept: audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic
SHOULD be interpreted as "I prefer audio/basic, but send me any audio type if it is the best available after an 80% mark-down in quality."
If no Accept header field is present, then it is assumed that the client accepts all media types. If an Accept header field is present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the combined Accept field value, then the server SHOULD send a 406 (not acceptable) response.
Acceptヘッダーフィールドが存在しない場合、クライアントはすべてのメディアタイプを受け入れると見なされます。 Acceptヘッダーフィールドが存在し、サーバーが結合されたAcceptフィールド値に従って受け入れ可能な応答を送信できない場合、サーバーは406(受け入れられない)応答を送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。
A more elaborate example is
Accept: text/plain; q=0.5, text/html, text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c
Verbally, this would be interpreted as "text/html and text/x-c are the preferred media types, but if they do not exist, then send the text/x-dvi entity, and if that does not exist, send the text/plain entity."
言葉で言うと、これは「text / htmlとtext / xcが推奨されるメディアタイプですが、存在しない場合はtext / x-dviエンティティを送信し、存在しない場合はtext / plainを送信してください。エンティティ。"
Media ranges can be overridden by more specific media ranges or specific media types. If more than one media range applies to a given type, the most specific reference has precedence. For example,
Accept: text/*, text/html, text/html;level=1, */*
have the following precedence:
1) text/html;level=1 2) text/html 3) text/* 4) */*
The media type quality factor associated with a given type is determined by finding the media range with the highest precedence which matches that type. For example,
Accept: text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5
would cause the following values to be associated:
text/html;level=1 = 1 text/html = 0.7 text/plain = 0.3 image/jpeg = 0.5 text/html;level=2 = 0.4 text/html;level=3 = 0.7
Note: A user agent might be provided with a default set of quality values for certain media ranges. However, unless the user agent is a closed system which cannot interact with other rendering agents, this default set ought to be configurable by the user.
The Accept-Charset request-header field can be used to indicate what character sets are acceptable for the response. This field allows clients capable of understanding more comprehensive or special-purpose character sets to signal that capability to a server which is capable of representing documents in those character sets.
Accept-Charset = "Accept-Charset" ":" 1#( ( charset | "*" )[ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] )
Character set values are described in section 3.4. Each charset MAY be given an associated quality value which represents the user's preference for that charset. The default value is q=1. An example is
文字セット値については、セクション3.4で説明します。各文字セットには、その文字セットに対するユーザーの好みを表す関連する品質値を与えることができます(MAY)。デフォルト値はq = 1です。例は
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-5, unicode-1-1;q=0.8
The special value "*", if present in the Accept-Charset field, matches every character set (including ISO-8859-1) which is not mentioned elsewhere in the Accept-Charset field. If no "*" is present in an Accept-Charset field, then all character sets not explicitly mentioned get a quality value of 0, except for ISO-8859-1, which gets a quality value of 1 if not explicitly mentioned.
Accept-Charsetフィールドに存在する場合、特別な値 "*"は、Accept-Charsetフィールドのどこにも記載されていないすべての文字セット(ISO-8859-1を含む)に一致します。 Accept-Charsetフィールドに「*」が存在しない場合、明示的に指定されていない場合に品質値1を取得するISO-8859-1を除き、明示的に指定されていないすべての文字セットの品質値は0になります。
If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any character set is acceptable. If an Accept-Charset header is present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send an error response with the 406 (not acceptable) status code, though the sending of an unacceptable response is also allowed.
Accept-Charsetヘッダーが存在しない場合、デフォルトでは、任意の文字セットが受け入れられます。 Accept-Charsetヘッダーが存在し、サーバーがAccept-Charsetヘッダーに従って受け入れ可能な応答を送信できない場合、サーバーは406(受け入れ不可)ステータスコードを含むエラー応答を送信する必要がありますが、許容できない応答も許可されます。
The Accept-Encoding request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the content-codings (section 3.5) that are acceptable in the response.
Accept-Encoding = "Accept-Encoding" ":"
Accept-Encoding = "Accept-Encoding" ":"
1#( codings [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) codings = ( content-coding | "*" )
Examples of its use are:
Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip Accept-Encoding: Accept-Encoding: * Accept-Encoding: compress;q=0.5, gzip;q=1.0 Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0
A server tests whether a content-coding is acceptable, according to an Accept-Encoding field, using these rules:
1. If the content-coding is one of the content-codings listed in the Accept-Encoding field, then it is acceptable, unless it is accompanied by a qvalue of 0. (As defined in section 3.9, a qvalue of 0 means "not acceptable.")
1. content-codingがAccept-Encodingフィールドにリストされているcontent-codingsの1つである場合、qvalueが0でない限り、それは許容されます(セクション3.9で定義されているように、qvalue 0は「許容されない」を意味します。」)
2. The special "*" symbol in an Accept-Encoding field matches any available content-coding not explicitly listed in the header field.
2. Accept-Encodingフィールドの特別な「*」記号は、ヘッダーフィールドに明示的にリストされていない使用可能なcontent-codingと一致します。
3. If multiple content-codings are acceptable, then the acceptable content-coding with the highest non-zero qvalue is preferred.
3. 複数のコンテンツコーディングが許容できる場合、ゼロ以外のqvalueが最も高い許容可能なコンテンツコーディングが優先されます。
4. The "identity" content-coding is always acceptable, unless specifically refused because the Accept-Encoding field includes "identity;q=0", or because the field includes "*;q=0" and does not explicitly include the "identity" content-coding. If the Accept-Encoding field-value is empty, then only the "identity" encoding is acceptable.
4. Accept-Encodingフィールドに "identity; q = 0"が含まれているため、またはフィールドに "*; q = 0"が含まれ、明示的に "identity"が含まれていないために特に拒否されない限り、 "identity"コンテンツコーディングは常に許容されます。コンテンツコーディング。 Accept-Encodingフィールド値が空の場合、「ID」エンコーディングのみが受け入れられます。
If an Accept-Encoding field is present in a request, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept-Encoding header, then the server SHOULD send an error response with the 406 (Not Acceptable) status code.
Accept-Encodingフィールドがリクエストに存在し、サーバーがAccept-Encodingヘッダーに従って受け入れ可能な応答を送信できない場合、サーバーは406(Not Acceptable)ステータスコードを含むエラー応答を送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。
If no Accept-Encoding field is present in a request, the server MAY assume that the client will accept any content coding. In this case, if "identity" is one of the available content-codings, then the server SHOULD use the "identity" content-coding, unless it has additional information that a different content-coding is meaningful to the client.
Note: If the request does not include an Accept-Encoding field, and if the "identity" content-coding is unavailable, then content-codings commonly understood by HTTP/1.0 clients (i.e.,
注:リクエストにAccept-Encodingフィールドが含まれておらず、「identity」コンテンツコーディングが利用できない場合、HTTP / 1.0クライアントで一般的に理解されるコンテンツコーディング(つまり、
"gzip" and "compress") are preferred; some older clients improperly display messages sent with other content-codings. The server might also make this decision based on information about the particular user-agent or client.
"gzip"および "compress")が推奨されます。古いクライアントの中には、他のコンテンツコーディングで送信されたメッセージを正しく表示しないものがあります。サーバーは、特定のユーザーエージェントまたはクライアントに関する情報に基づいてこの決定を行うこともあります。
Note: Most HTTP/1.0 applications do not recognize or obey qvalues associated with content-codings. This means that qvalues will not work and are not permitted with x-gzip or x-compress.
注:ほとんどのHTTP / 1.0アプリケーションは、コンテンツコーディングに関連付けられたqvalueを認識または従いません。つまり、qvaluesは機能せず、x-gzipまたはx-compressでは許可されません。
The Accept-Language request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the set of natural languages that are preferred as a response to the request. Language tags are defined in section 3.10.
Accept-Language = "Accept-Language" ":" 1#( language-range [ ";" "q" "=" qvalue ] ) language-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA ) ) | "*" )
Each language-range MAY be given an associated quality value which represents an estimate of the user's preference for the languages specified by that range. The quality value defaults to "q=1". For example,
各言語範囲には、その範囲で指定された言語に対するユーザーの好みの推定を表す関連する品質値を与えることができます。品質値のデフォルトは「q = 1」です。例えば、
Accept-Language: da, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7
would mean: "I prefer Danish, but will accept British English and other types of English." A language-range matches a language-tag if it exactly equals the tag, or if it exactly equals a prefix of the tag such that the first tag character following the prefix is "-". The special range "*", if present in the Accept-Language field, matches every tag not matched by any other range present in the Accept-Language field.
「私はデンマーク語が好きですが、イギリス英語と他のタイプの英語を受け入れます。」言語範囲は、タグと完全に一致する場合、または接頭辞に続く最初のタグ文字が「-」になるようにタグの接頭辞と完全に一致する場合、言語タグと一致します。 Accept-Languageフィールドに存在する場合、特別な範囲 "*"は、Accept-Languageフィールドに存在する他のどの範囲とも一致しないすべてのタグに一致します。
Note: This use of a prefix matching rule does not imply that language tags are assigned to languages in such a way that it is always true that if a user understands a language with a certain tag, then this user will also understand all languages with tags for which this tag is a prefix. The prefix rule simply allows the use of prefix tags if this is the case.
The language quality factor assigned to a language-tag by the Accept-Language field is the quality value of the longest language-range in the field that matches the language-tag. If no language-range in the field matches the tag, the language quality factor assigned is 0. If no Accept-Language header is present in the request, the server SHOULD assume that all languages are equally acceptable. If an Accept-Language header is present, then all languages which are assigned a quality factor greater than 0 are acceptable.
Accept-Languageフィールドによって言語タグに割り当てられた言語品質係数は、言語タグと一致するフィールドの最も長い言語範囲の品質値です。タグに一致するフィールドの言語範囲がない場合、割り当てられた言語品質係数は0です。リクエストにAccept-Languageヘッダーが存在しない場合、サーバーはすべての言語が同等に受け入れ可能であると想定する必要があります(SHOULD)。 Accept-Languageヘッダーが存在する場合、0より大きい品質係数が割り当てられているすべての言語が受け入れ可能です。
It might be contrary to the privacy expectations of the user to send an Accept-Language header with the complete linguistic preferences of the user in every request. For a discussion of this issue, see section 15.1.4.
As intelligibility is highly dependent on the individual user, it is recommended that client applications make the choice of linguistic preference available to the user. If the choice is not made available, then the Accept-Language header field MUST NOT be given in the request.
了解度は個々のユーザーに大きく依存するため、クライアントアプリケーションでユーザーが使用できる言語設定を選択できるようにすることをお勧めします。選択肢が利用できない場合、Accept-Languageヘッダーフィールドをリクエストで指定してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
Note: When making the choice of linguistic preference available to the user, we remind implementors of the fact that users are not familiar with the details of language matching as described above, and should provide appropriate guidance. As an example, users might assume that on selecting "en-gb", they will be served any kind of English document if British English is not available. A user agent might suggest in such a case to add "en" to get the best matching behavior.
注:言語設定の選択をユーザーが利用できるようにする場合、ユーザーは上記の言語マッチングの詳細に精通していないことを実装者に思い出させ、適切なガイダンスを提供する必要があります。例として、ユーザーは "en-gb"を選択すると、イギリス英語が利用できない場合にあらゆる種類の英語のドキュメントが提供されると想定する場合があります。このような場合、ユーザーエージェントは、「en」を追加して最適な一致動作を得るよう提案する場合があります。
The Accept-Ranges response-header field allows the server to indicate its acceptance of range requests for a resource:
Accept-Ranges = "Accept-Ranges" ":" acceptable-ranges acceptable-ranges = 1#range-unit | "none"
Origin servers that accept byte-range requests MAY send
Accept-Ranges: bytes
but are not required to do so. Clients MAY generate byte-range requests without having received this header for the resource involved. Range units are defined in section 3.12.
Servers that do not accept any kind of range request for a resource MAY send
Accept-Ranges: none
to advise the client not to attempt a range request.
The Age response-header field conveys the sender's estimate of the amount of time since the response (or its revalidation) was generated at the origin server. A cached response is "fresh" if its age does not exceed its freshness lifetime. Age values are calculated as specified in section 13.2.3.
Age = "Age" ":" age-value age-value = delta-seconds
年齢= "年齢" ":"年齢の値年齢の値=デルタ秒
Age values are non-negative decimal integers, representing time in seconds.
If a cache receives a value larger than the largest positive integer it can represent, or if any of its age calculations overflows, it MUST transmit an Age header with a value of 2147483648 (2^31). An HTTP/1.1 server that includes a cache MUST include an Age header field in every response generated from its own cache. Caches SHOULD use an arithmetic type of at least 31 bits of range.
キャッシュが表すことができる最大の正の整数より大きい値を受信する場合、またはキャッシュの経過時間の計算のいずれかがオーバーフローする場合、キャッシュは2147483648(2 ^ 31)の値を持つAgeヘッダーを送信する必要があります。キャッシュを含むHTTP / 1.1サーバーは、自身のキャッシュから生成されるすべての応答にAgeヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります。キャッシュは、少なくとも31ビットの範囲の算術型を使用する必要があります(SHOULD)。
The Allow entity-header field lists the set of methods supported by the resource identified by the Request-URI. The purpose of this field is strictly to inform the recipient of valid methods associated with the resource. An Allow header field MUST be present in a 405 (Method Not Allowed) response.
Allow entity-headerフィールドには、Request-URIで識別されるリソースがサポートするメソッドのセットがリストされています。このフィールドの目的は、厳密に、リソースに関連付けられた有効なメソッドを受信者に通知することです。 Allowヘッダーフィールドは、405(Method Not Allowed)応答に存在する必要があります。
Allow = "Allow" ":" #Method
Example of use:
This field cannot prevent a client from trying other methods. However, the indications given by the Allow header field value SHOULD be followed. The actual set of allowed methods is defined by the origin server at the time of each request.
The Allow header field MAY be provided with a PUT request to recommend the methods to be supported by the new or modified resource. The server is not required to support these methods and SHOULD include an Allow header in the response giving the actual supported methods.
A proxy MUST NOT modify the Allow header field even if it does not understand all the methods specified, since the user agent might have other means of communicating with the origin server.
プロキシは、指定されたすべてのメソッドを理解していない場合でも、Allowヘッダーフィールドを変更してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
A user agent that wishes to authenticate itself with a server-- usually, but not necessarily, after receiving a 401 response--does so by including an Authorization request-header field with the request. The Authorization field value consists of credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the realm of the resource being requested.
サーバーで自分自身を認証することを望むユーザーエージェント(通常は、必ずしもそうではないが、401応答を受け取った後)は、要求にAuthorization要求ヘッダーフィールドを含めることによって行います。 Authorizationフィールドの値は、要求されているリソースのレルムのユーザーエージェントの認証情報を含む資格情報で構成されます。
Authorization = "Authorization" ":" credentials
Authorization = "Authorization" ":"資格情報
HTTP access authentication is described in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43]. If a request is authenticated and a realm specified, the same credentials SHOULD be valid for all other requests within this realm (assuming that the authentication scheme itself does not require otherwise, such as credentials that vary according to a challenge value or using synchronized clocks).
HTTPアクセス認証については、「HTTP認証:基本およびダイジェストアクセス認証」[43]を参照してください。リクエストが認証され、レルムが指定されている場合、同じクレデンシャルはこのレルム内の他のすべてのリクエストに対して有効である必要があります(チャレンジ値によって異なるクレデンシャルや同期クロックを使用するクレデンシャルなど、認証スキーム自体はそれ以外は必要ないと想定) 。
When a shared cache (see section 13.7) receives a request containing an Authorization field, it MUST NOT return the corresponding response as a reply to any other request, unless one of the following specific exceptions holds:
共有キャッシュ(セクション13.7を参照)がAuthorizationフィールドを含む要求を受け取った場合、次の特定の例外のいずれかが当てはまらない限り、対応する応答を他の要求への応答として返してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
1. If the response includes the "s-maxage" cache-control directive, the cache MAY use that response in replying to a subsequent request. But (if the specified maximum age has passed) a proxy cache MUST first revalidate it with the origin server, using the request-headers from the new request to allow the origin server to authenticate the new request. (This is the defined behavior for s-maxage.) If the response includes "s-maxage=0", the proxy MUST always revalidate it before re-using it.
1. 応答に「s-maxage」キャッシュ制御ディレクティブが含まれている場合、キャッシュは後続の要求への応答にその応答を使用できます(MAY)。ただし、(指定された最大経過時間が経過した場合)プロキシキャッシュは、最初にオリジンサーバーで再検証し、新しいリクエストのリクエストヘッダーを使用して、オリジンサーバーが新しいリクエストを認証できるようにする必要があります。 (これはs-maxageに定義された動作です。)応答に「s-maxage = 0」が含まれている場合、プロキシは再利用する前に常に再検証する必要があります。
2. If the response includes the "must-revalidate" cache-control directive, the cache MAY use that response in replying to a subsequent request. But if the response is stale, all caches MUST first revalidate it with the origin server, using the request-headers from the new request to allow the origin server to authenticate the new request.
2. 応答に「must-revalidate」キャッシュ制御ディレクティブが含まれている場合、キャッシュは後続の要求への応答にその応答を使用できます(MAY)。ただし、応答が古くなっている場合は、すべてのキャッシュが最初にオリジンサーバーでそれを再検証し、新しいリクエストのリクエストヘッダーを使用して、オリジンサーバーが新しいリクエストを認証できるようにする必要があります。
3. If the response includes the "public" cache-control directive, it MAY be returned in reply to any subsequent request.
3. 応答に "public"キャッシュ制御ディレクティブが含まれている場合、後続の要求への応答として返される場合があります。
The Cache-Control general-header field is used to specify directives that MUST be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request/response chain. The directives specify behavior intended to prevent caches from adversely interfering with the request or response. These directives typically override the default caching algorithms. Cache directives are unidirectional in that the presence of a directive in a request does not imply that the same directive is to be given in the response.
Cache-Control general-headerフィールドは、要求/応答チェーンに沿ったすべてのキャッシングメカニズムに従う必要があるディレクティブを指定するために使用されます。ディレクティブは、キャッシュが要求または応答に悪影響を与えることを防ぐための動作を指定します。これらのディレクティブは通常、デフォルトのキャッシュアルゴリズムをオーバーライドします。要求にディレクティブが存在しても、応答で同じディレクティブが指定されることを意味しないという点で、キャッシュディレクティブは単方向です。
Note that HTTP/1.0 caches might not implement Cache-Control and might only implement Pragma: no-cache (see section 14.32).
HTTP / 1.0キャッシュはCache-Controlを実装せず、Pragma:no-cacheのみを実装する場合があることに注意してください(セクション14.32を参照)。
Cache directives MUST be passed through by a proxy or gateway application, regardless of their significance to that application, since the directives might be applicable to all recipients along the request/response chain. It is not possible to specify a cache-directive for a specific cache.
Cache-Control = "Cache-Control" ":" 1#cache-directive
cache-directive = cache-request-directive | cache-response-directive
cache-directive = cache-request-directive | cache-response-directive
cache-request-directive = "no-cache" ; Section 14.9.1 | "no-store" ; Section 14.9.2 | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3, 14.9.4 | "max-stale" [ "=" delta-seconds ] ; Section 14.9.3 | "min-fresh" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3 | "no-transform" ; Section 14.9.5 | "only-if-cached" ; Section 14.9.4 | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6
cache-response-directive = "public" ; Section 14.9.1 | "private" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ] ; Section 14.9.1 | "no-cache" [ "=" <"> 1#field-name <"> ]; Section 14.9.1 | "no-store" ; Section 14.9.2 | "no-transform" ; Section 14.9.5 | "must-revalidate" ; Section 14.9.4 | "proxy-revalidate" ; Section 14.9.4 | "max-age" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3 | "s-maxage" "=" delta-seconds ; Section 14.9.3 | cache-extension ; Section 14.9.6
cache-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
cache-extension = token ["="(token | quoted-string)]
When a directive appears without any 1#field-name parameter, the directive applies to the entire request or response. When such a directive appears with a 1#field-name parameter, it applies only to the named field or fields, and not to the rest of the request or response. This mechanism supports extensibility; implementations of future versions of the HTTP protocol might apply these directives to header fields not defined in HTTP/1.1.
ディレクティブが1#field-nameパラメータなしで表示される場合、ディレクティブはリクエスト全体またはレスポンス全体に適用されます。そのようなディレクティブが1#field-nameパラメーターと共に現れる場合、それは名前付きフィールドにのみ適用され、残りの要求または応答には適用されません。このメカニズムは拡張性をサポートします。 HTTPプロトコルの将来のバージョンの実装では、これらのディレクティブをHTTP / 1.1で定義されていないヘッダーフィールドに適用する可能性があります。
The cache-control directives can be broken down into these general categories:
- Restrictions on what are cacheable; these may only be imposed by the origin server.
- キャッシュ可能なものに関する制限。これらは、オリジンサーバーによってのみ課される場合があります。
- Restrictions on what may be stored by a cache; these may be imposed by either the origin server or the user agent.
- キャッシュに保存できるものに関する制限。これらは、起点サーバーまたはユーザーエージェントによって課せられる場合があります。
- Modifications of the basic expiration mechanism; these may be imposed by either the origin server or the user agent.
- 基本的な有効期限メカニズムの変更;これらは、起点サーバーまたはユーザーエージェントによって課せられる場合があります。
- Controls over cache revalidation and reload; these may only be imposed by a user agent.
- キャッシュの再検証とリロードを制御します。これらは、ユーザーエージェントによってのみ課される場合があります。
- Control over transformation of entities.
- エンティティの変換を制御します。
- Extensions to the caching system.
- キャッシングシステムの拡張。
By default, a response is cacheable if the requirements of the request method, request header fields, and the response status indicate that it is cacheable. Section 13.4 summarizes these defaults for cacheability. The following Cache-Control response directives allow an origin server to override the default cacheability of a response:
public Indicates that the response MAY be cached by any cache, even if it would normally be non-cacheable or cacheable only within a non-shared cache. (See also Authorization, section 14.8, for additional details.)
public通常はキャッシュ不可、または非共有キャッシュ内でのみキャッシュ可能であっても、応答がキャッシュによってキャッシュされる可能性があることを示します。 (詳細については、承認、セクション14.8も参照してください。)
private Indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a single user and MUST NOT be cached by a shared cache. This allows an origin server to state that the specified parts of the response are intended for only one user and are not a valid response for requests by other users. A private (non-shared) cache MAY cache the response.
Note: This usage of the word private only controls where the response may be cached, and cannot ensure the privacy of the message content.
no-cache If the no-cache directive does not specify a field-name, then a cache MUST NOT use the response to satisfy a subsequent request without successful revalidation with the origin server. This allows an origin server to prevent caching even by caches that have been configured to return stale responses to client requests.
no-cache no-cacheディレクティブでフィールド名が指定されていない場合、キャッシュは、オリジンサーバーでの再検証に成功せずに、後続の要求を満たすために応答を使用してはなりません(MUST NOT)。これにより、オリジンサーバーは、クライアント要求に対して古い応答を返すように構成されているキャッシュによっても、キャッシュを防止できます。
If the no-cache directive does specify one or more field-names, then a cache MAY use the response to satisfy a subsequent request, subject to any other restrictions on caching. However, the specified field-name(s) MUST NOT be sent in the response to a subsequent request without successful revalidation with the origin server. This allows an origin server to prevent the re-use of certain header fields in a response, while still allowing caching of the rest of the response.
no-cacheディレクティブが1つ以上のフィールド名を指定している場合、キャッシュは、キャッシングに関する他の制限に従って、後続の要求を満たすために応答を使用できます(MAY)。ただし、指定されたフィールド名は、オリジンサーバーでの再検証に成功せずに、後続の要求への応答で送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。これにより、オリジンサーバーは、応答内の特定のヘッダーフィールドの再利用を防ぎながら、残りの応答のキャッシュを許可できます。
Note: Most HTTP/1.0 caches will not recognize or obey this directive.
注:ほとんどのHTTP / 1.0キャッシュは、このディレクティブを認識または従いません。
no-store The purpose of the no-store directive is to prevent the inadvertent release or retention of sensitive information (for example, on backup tapes). The no-store directive applies to the entire message, and MAY be sent either in a response or in a request. If sent in a request, a cache MUST NOT store any part of either this request or any response to it. If sent in a response, a cache MUST NOT store any part of either this response or the request that elicited it. This directive applies to both non-shared and shared caches. "MUST NOT store" in this context means that the cache MUST NOT intentionally store the information in non-volatile storage, and MUST make a best-effort attempt to remove the information from volatile storage as promptly as possible after forwarding it.
no-store no-storeディレクティブの目的は、機密情報(バックアップテープなど)の不注意によるリリースまたは保持を防ぐことです。 no-storeディレクティブはメッセージ全体に適用され、応答または要求で送信される場合があります。リクエストで送信される場合、キャッシュはこのリクエストまたはリクエストへの応答のいずれの部分も保存してはなりません(MUST NOT)。応答で送信される場合、キャッシュは、この応答またはそれを引き出した要求のいずれの部分も格納してはなりません(MUST NOT)。このディレクティブは、非共有キャッシュと共有キャッシュの両方に適用されます。この場合の「保存しない」とは、キャッシュが情報を意図的に不揮発性ストレージに保存してはならず、情報を転送した後、できるだけ早く揮発性ストレージから情報を削除するよう最善を尽くさなければならないことを意味します。
Even when this directive is associated with a response, users might explicitly store such a response outside of the caching system (e.g., with a "Save As" dialog). History buffers MAY store such responses as part of their normal operation.
The purpose of this directive is to meet the stated requirements of certain users and service authors who are concerned about accidental releases of information via unanticipated accesses to cache data structures. While the use of this directive might improve privacy in some cases, we caution that it is NOT in any way a reliable or sufficient mechanism for ensuring privacy. In particular, malicious or compromised caches might not recognize or obey this directive, and communications networks might be vulnerable to eavesdropping.
The expiration time of an entity MAY be specified by the origin server using the Expires header (see section 14.21). Alternatively, it MAY be specified using the max-age directive in a response. When the max-age cache-control directive is present in a cached response, the response is stale if its current age is greater than the age value given (in seconds) at the time of a new request for that resource. The max-age directive on a response implies that the response is cacheable (i.e., "public") unless some other, more restrictive cache directive is also present.
エンティティの有効期限は、元のサーバーがExpiresヘッダーを使用して指定できます(セクション14.21を参照)。または、応答でmax-ageディレクティブを使用して指定してもよい(MAY)。キャッシュされた応答にmax-age cache-controlディレクティブが存在する場合、現在の経過時間がそのリソースに対する新しいリクエスト時に指定された経過時間(秒単位)より大きい場合、応答は古くなります。応答のmax-ageディレクティブは、他のより制限的なキャッシュディレクティブも存在しない限り、応答がキャッシュ可能(つまり「パブリック」)であることを意味します。
If a response includes both an Expires header and a max-age directive, the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, even if the Expires header is more restrictive. This rule allows an origin server to provide, for a given response, a longer expiration time to an HTTP/1.1 (or later) cache than to an HTTP/1.0 cache. This might be useful if certain HTTP/1.0 caches improperly calculate ages or expiration times, perhaps due to desynchronized clocks.
応答にExpiresヘッダーとmax-ageディレクティブの両方が含まれている場合、Expiresヘッダーの方が制限が厳しい場合でも、max-ageディレクティブはExpiresヘッダーをオーバーライドします。このルールにより、元のサーバーは、特定の応答に対して、HTTP / 1.0キャッシュよりもHTTP / 1.1(またはそれ以降)キャッシュに長い有効期限を提供できます。これは、特定のHTTP / 1.0キャッシュが、おそらく非同期化されたクロックが原因で、経過時間または有効期限を正しく計算しない場合に役立ちます。
Many HTTP/1.0 cache implementations will treat an Expires value that is less than or equal to the response Date value as being equivalent to the Cache-Control response directive "no-cache". If an HTTP/1.1 cache receives such a response, and the response does not include a Cache-Control header field, it SHOULD consider the response to be non-cacheable in order to retain compatibility with HTTP/1.0 servers.
多くのHTTP / 1.0キャッシュ実装は、応答の日付値以下のExpires値を、Cache-Control応答ディレクティブ「no-cache」と同等のものとして扱います。 HTTP / 1.1キャッシュがそのような応答を受信し、その応答にCache-Controlヘッダーフィールドが含まれていない場合、HTTP / 1.0サーバーとの互換性を維持するために、応答をキャッシュ不可と見なすべきです(SHOULD)。
Note: An origin server might wish to use a relatively new HTTP cache control feature, such as the "private" directive, on a network including older caches that do not understand that feature. The origin server will need to combine the new feature with an Expires field whose value is less than or equal to the Date value. This will prevent older caches from improperly caching the response.
s-maxage If a response includes an s-maxage directive, then for a shared cache (but not for a private cache), the maximum age specified by this directive overrides the maximum age specified by either the max-age directive or the Expires header. The s-maxage directive also implies the semantics of the proxy-revalidate directive (see section 14.9.4), i.e., that the shared cache must not use the entry after it becomes stale to respond to a subsequent request without first revalidating it with the origin server. The s-maxage directive is always ignored by a private cache.
s-maxage応答にs-maxageディレクティブが含まれている場合、共有キャッシュ(プライベートキャッシュではない)の場合、このディレクティブで指定された最大経過時間は、max-ageディレクティブまたはExpiresヘッダーで指定された最大経過時間を上書きします。 s-maxageディレクティブは、proxy-revalidateディレクティブ(セクション14.9.4を参照)のセマンティクスも意味します。つまり、共有キャッシュは、古くなってからエントリを使用して、最初にそれを再検証せずに後続のリクエストに応答することはできませんオリジンサーバー。 s-maxageディレクティブは、プライベートキャッシュによって常に無視されます。
Note that most older caches, not compliant with this specification, do not implement any cache-control directives. An origin server wishing to use a cache-control directive that restricts, but does not prevent, caching by an HTTP/1.1-compliant cache MAY exploit the requirement that the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, and the fact that pre-HTTP/1.1-compliant caches do not observe the max-age directive.
この仕様に準拠していない古いキャッシュのほとんどは、キャッシュ制御ディレクティブを実装していません。 HTTP / 1.1準拠のキャッシュによるキャッシュを制限するが防止はしないキャッシュ制御ディレクティブの使用を希望するオリジンサーバーは、max-ageディレクティブがExpiresヘッダーをオーバーライドするという要件、およびHTTPより前の/1.1準拠のキャッシュは、max-ageディレクティブを監視しません。
Other directives allow a user agent to modify the basic expiration mechanism. These directives MAY be specified on a request:
max-age Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response whose age is no greater than the specified time in seconds. Unless max-stale directive is also included, the client is not willing to accept a stale response.
max-ageクライアントが、指定された時間(秒単位)以下の応答をクライアントが受け入れる用意があることを示します。 max-staleディレクティブも含まれていない限り、クライアントは古い応答を受け入れる用意がありません。
min-fresh Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response whose freshness lifetime is no less than its current age plus the specified time in seconds. That is, the client wants a response that will still be fresh for at least the specified number of seconds.
max-stale Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response that has exceeded its expiration time. If max-stale is assigned a value, then the client is willing to accept a response that has exceeded its expiration time by no more than the specified number of seconds. If no value is assigned to max-stale, then the client is willing to accept a stale response of any age.
max-staleクライアントが有効期限を超えた応答を受け入れる用意があることを示します。 max-staleに値が割り当てられている場合、クライアントは、指定された秒数を超えて有効期限を超えた応答を受け入れる用意があります。 max-staleに値が割り当てられていない場合、クライアントは任意の年齢の古い応答を受け入れてもかまいません。
If a cache returns a stale response, either because of a max-stale directive on a request, or because the cache is configured to override the expiration time of a response, the cache MUST attach a Warning header to the stale response, using Warning 110 (Response is stale).
A cache MAY be configured to return stale responses without validation, but only if this does not conflict with any "MUST"-level requirements concerning cache validation (e.g., a "must-revalidate" cache-control directive).
If both the new request and the cached entry include "max-age" directives, then the lesser of the two values is used for determining the freshness of the cached entry for that request.
Sometimes a user agent might want or need to insist that a cache revalidate its cache entry with the origin server (and not just with the next cache along the path to the origin server), or to reload its cache entry from the origin server. End-to-end revalidation might be necessary if either the cache or the origin server has overestimated the expiration time of the cached response. End-to-end reload may be necessary if the cache entry has become corrupted for some reason.
End-to-end revalidation may be requested either when the client does not have its own local cached copy, in which case we call it "unspecified end-to-end revalidation", or when the client does have a local cached copy, in which case we call it "specific end-to-end revalidation."
The client can specify these three kinds of action using Cache-Control request directives:
End-to-end reload The request includes a "no-cache" cache-control directive or, for compatibility with HTTP/1.0 clients, "Pragma: no-cache". Field names MUST NOT be included with the no-cache directive in a request. The server MUST NOT use a cached copy when responding to such a request.
エンドツーエンドのリロードリクエストには「no-cache」キャッシュ制御ディレクティブ、またはHTTP / 1.0クライアントとの互換性のために「Pragma:no-cache」が含まれています。リクエストのno-cacheディレクティブにフィールド名を含めることはできません。サーバーは、そのような要求に応答するときにキャッシュされたコピーを使用してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
Specific end-to-end revalidation The request includes a "max-age=0" cache-control directive, which forces each cache along the path to the origin server to revalidate its own entry, if any, with the next cache or server. The initial request includes a cache-validating conditional with the client's current validator.
特定のエンドツーエンドの再検証リクエストには、「max-age = 0」のキャッシュ制御ディレクティブが含まれています。これにより、オリジンサーバーへのパスに沿った各キャッシュは、次のキャッシュまたはサーバーで独自のエントリを再検証します。最初のリクエストには、クライアントの現在のバリデータを使用した条件付きキャッシュ検証が含まれます。
Unspecified end-to-end revalidation The request includes "max-age=0" cache-control directive, which forces each cache along the path to the origin server to revalidate its own entry, if any, with the next cache or server. The initial request does not include a cache-validating conditional; the first cache along the path (if any) that holds a cache entry for this resource includes a cache-validating conditional with its current validator.
未指定のエンドツーエンドの再検証リクエストには、「max-age = 0」キャッシュ制御ディレクティブが含まれています。これにより、起点サーバーへのパスに沿った各キャッシュは、次のキャッシュまたはサーバーで独自のエントリを再検証します。最初のリクエストには、キャッシュ検証条件が含まれていません。このリソースのキャッシュエントリを保持するパスに沿った最初のキャッシュ(存在する場合)には、現在のバリデータを使用した条件付きキャッシュ検証が含まれます。
max-age When an intermediate cache is forced, by means of a max-age=0 directive, to revalidate its own cache entry, and the client has supplied its own validator in the request, the supplied validator might differ from the validator currently stored with the cache entry. In this case, the cache MAY use either validator in making its own request without affecting semantic transparency.
max-age max-age = 0ディレクティブを使用して中間キャッシュを強制し、独自のキャッシュエントリを再検証し、クライアントがリクエストで独自のバリデーターを提供した場合、提供されたバリデーターは現在保存されているバリデーターと異なる場合があります。キャッシュエントリ。この場合、キャッシュは、セマンティックの透過性に影響を与えずに、独自のリクエストを行う際にいずれかのバリデーターを使用できます。
However, the choice of validator might affect performance. The best approach is for the intermediate cache to use its own validator when making its request. If the server replies with 304 (Not Modified), then the cache can return its now validated copy to the client with a 200 (OK) response. If the server replies with a new entity and cache validator, however, the intermediate cache can compare the returned validator with the one provided in the client's request, using the strong comparison function. If the client's validator is equal to the origin server's, then the intermediate cache simply returns 304 (Not Modified). Otherwise, it returns the new entity with a 200 (OK) response.
ただし、バリデーターの選択はパフォーマンスに影響を与える可能性があります。最善の方法は、中間キャッシュが要求を行うときに独自のバリデーターを使用することです。サーバーが304(変更されていません)で応答した場合、キャッシュは検証されたコピーを200(OK)応答でクライアントに返すことができます。ただし、サーバーが新しいエンティティとキャッシュバリデーターで応答した場合、中間キャッシュは、強力な比較関数を使用して、返されたバリデーターをクライアントのリクエストで提供されたバリデーターと比較できます。クライアントのバリデーターがオリジンサーバーのバリデーターと等しい場合、中間キャッシュは単に304(Not Modified)を返します。それ以外の場合は、200(OK)応答で新しいエンティティを返します。
If a request includes the no-cache directive, it SHOULD NOT include min-fresh, max-stale, or max-age.
only-if-cached In some cases, such as times of extremely poor network connectivity, a client may want a cache to return only those responses that it currently has stored, and not to reload or revalidate with the origin server. To do this, the client may include the only-if-cached directive in a request. If it receives this directive, a cache SHOULD either respond using a cached entry that is consistent with the other constraints of the request, or respond with a 504 (Gateway Timeout) status. However, if a group of caches is being operated as a unified system with good internal connectivity, such a request MAY be forwarded within that group of caches.
must-revalidate Because a cache MAY be configured to ignore a server's specified expiration time, and because a client request MAY include a max-stale directive (which has a similar effect), the protocol also includes a mechanism for the origin server to require revalidation of a cache entry on any subsequent use. When the must-revalidate directive is present in a response received by a cache, that cache MUST NOT use the entry after it becomes stale to respond to a subsequent request without first revalidating it with the origin server. (I.e., the cache MUST do an end-to-end revalidation every time, if, based solely on the origin server's Expires or max-age value, the cached response is stale.)
キャッシュはサーバーの指定された有効期限を無視するように構成されている可能性があり、クライアントのリクエストにはmax-staleディレクティブが含まれている可能性があるため(同様の効果があります)、プロトコルには、元のサーバーが再検証を要求するメカニズムも含まれている可能性があります以降の使用に関するキャッシュエントリの。キャッシュが受信した応答にmust-revalidateディレクティブが存在する場合、そのキャッシュは、古くなってからエントリを使用してはならず、最初にオリジンサーバーで再検証せずに後続のリクエストに応答することはできません。 (つまり、元のサーバーのExpiresまたはmax-age値のみに基づいて、キャッシュされた応答が古くなっている場合、キャッシュは毎回エンドツーエンドの再検証を実行する必要があります。)
The must-revalidate directive is necessary to support reliable operation for certain protocol features. In all circumstances an HTTP/1.1 cache MUST obey the must-revalidate directive; in particular, if the cache cannot reach the origin server for any reason, it MUST generate a 504 (Gateway Timeout) response.
特定のプロトコル機能の信頼できる操作をサポートするには、再検証が必要なディレクティブが必要です。すべての状況で、HTTP / 1.1キャッシュは、再検証が必要なディレクティブに従う必要があります。特に、キャッシュが何らかの理由でオリジンサーバーに到達できない場合は、504(ゲートウェイタイムアウト)応答を生成する必要があります。
Servers SHOULD send the must-revalidate directive if and only if failure to revalidate a request on the entity could result in incorrect operation, such as a silently unexecuted financial transaction. Recipients MUST NOT take any automated action that violates this directive, and MUST NOT automatically provide an unvalidated copy of the entity if revalidation fails.
Although this is not recommended, user agents operating under severe connectivity constraints MAY violate this directive but, if so, MUST explicitly warn the user that an unvalidated response has been provided. The warning MUST be provided on each unvalidated access, and SHOULD require explicit user confirmation.
proxy-revalidate The proxy-revalidate directive has the same meaning as the must-revalidate directive, except that it does not apply to non-shared user agent caches. It can be used on a response to an authenticated request to permit the user's cache to store and later return the response without needing to revalidate it (since it has already been authenticated once by that user), while still requiring proxies that service many users to revalidate each time (in order to make sure that each user has been authenticated). Note that such authenticated responses also need the public cache control directive in order to allow them to be cached at all.
proxy-revalidate proxy-revalidateディレクティブは、非共有のユーザーエージェントキャッシュには適用されないことを除いて、must-revalidateディレクティブと同じ意味です。これは、認証された要求への応答で使用して、ユーザーのキャッシュに保存し、後で再検証する必要なく応答を返すことができます(既にそのユーザーによって一度認証されているため)一方で、多くのユーザーにサービスを提供するプロキシを必要とします毎回再検証します(各ユーザーが認証されていることを確認するため)。そのような認証された応答は、それらをまったくキャッシュできるようにするために、パブリックキャッシュ制御ディレクティブも必要であることに注意してください。
no-transform Implementors of intermediate caches (proxies) have found it useful to convert the media type of certain entity bodies. A non-transparent proxy might, for example, convert between image formats in order to save cache space or to reduce the amount of traffic on a slow link.
Serious operational problems occur, however, when these transformations are applied to entity bodies intended for certain kinds of applications. For example, applications for medical imaging, scientific data analysis and those using end-to-end authentication, all depend on receiving an entity body that is bit for bit identical to the original entity-body.
Therefore, if a message includes the no-transform directive, an intermediate cache or proxy MUST NOT change those headers that are listed in section 13.5.2 as being subject to the no-transform directive. This implies that the cache or proxy MUST NOT change any aspect of the entity-body that is specified by these headers, including the value of the entity-body itself.
したがって、メッセージにno-transformディレクティブが含まれている場合、中間キャッシュまたはプロキシは、セクション13.5.2でno-transformディレクティブの対象としてリストされているヘッダーを変更してはなりません(MUST NOT)。これは、キャッシュまたはプロキシーが、エンティティー本体自体の値を含め、これらのヘッダーで指定されているエンティティー本体の側面を変更してはならないことを意味します。
The Cache-Control header field can be extended through the use of one or more cache-extension tokens, each with an optional assigned value. Informational extensions (those which do not require a change in cache behavior) MAY be added without changing the semantics of other directives. Behavioral extensions are designed to work by acting as modifiers to the existing base of cache directives. Both the new directive and the standard directive are supplied, such that applications which do not understand the new directive will default to the behavior specified by the standard directive, and those that understand the new directive will recognize it as modifying the requirements associated with the standard directive. In this way, extensions to the cache-control directives can be made without requiring changes to the base protocol.
This extension mechanism depends on an HTTP cache obeying all of the cache-control directives defined for its native HTTP-version, obeying certain extensions, and ignoring all directives that it does not understand.
For example, consider a hypothetical new response directive called community which acts as a modifier to the private directive. We define this new directive to mean that, in addition to any non-shared cache, any cache which is shared only by members of the community named within its value may cache the response. An origin server wishing to allow the UCI community to use an otherwise private response in their shared cache(s) could do so by including
たとえば、プライベートディレクティブの修飾子として機能するコミュニティと呼ばれる架空の新しい応答ディレクティブについて考えてみます。この新しいディレクティブを定義して、非共有キャッシュに加えて、その値内で指定されたコミュニティのメンバーのみが共有するキャッシュが応答をキャッシュできることを意味します。 UCIコミュニティが共有キャッシュで他の方法でプライベートな応答を使用できるようにしたいオリジンサーバーは、
Cache-Control: private, community="UCI"
Cache-Control:private、community = "UCI"
A cache seeing this header field will act correctly even if the cache does not understand the community cache-extension, since it will also see and understand the private directive and thus default to the safe behavior.
Unrecognized cache-directives MUST be ignored; it is assumed that any cache-directive likely to be unrecognized by an HTTP/1.1 cache will be combined with standard directives (or the response's default cacheability) such that the cache behavior will remain minimally correct even if the cache does not understand the extension(s).
認識されないキャッシュディレクティブは無視する必要があります。 HTTP / 1.1キャッシュによって認識されない可能性が高いcache-directiveは標準のディレクティブ(または応答のデフォルトのキャッシュ可能性)と組み合わされ、キャッシュが拡張機能を理解していなくても、キャッシュの動作が最小限に留まると想定されています( s)。
The Connection general-header field allows the sender to specify options that are desired for that particular connection and MUST NOT be communicated by proxies over further connections.
The Connection header has the following grammar:
Connection = "Connection" ":" 1#(connection-token) connection-token = token
HTTP/1.1 proxies MUST parse the Connection header field before a message is forwarded and, for each connection-token in this field, remove any header field(s) from the message with the same name as the connection-token. Connection options are signaled by the presence of a connection-token in the Connection header field, not by any corresponding additional header field(s), since the additional header field may not be sent if there are no parameters associated with that connection option.
HTTP / 1.1プロキシは、メッセージが転送される前に接続ヘッダーフィールドを解析し、このフィールドの各接続トークンについて、接続トークンと同じ名前のメッセージからヘッダーフィールドを削除する必要があります。接続オプションは、対応する追加ヘッダーフィールドではなく、接続ヘッダーフィールドに接続トークンが存在することによって通知されます。その接続オプションに関連付けられたパラメーターがない場合、追加ヘッダーフィールドは送信されない可能性があるためです。
Message headers listed in the Connection header MUST NOT include end-to-end headers, such as Cache-Control.
HTTP/1.1 defines the "close" connection option for the sender to signal that the connection will be closed after completion of the response. For example,
HTTP / 1.1は、送信者が応答の完了後に接続が閉じられることを通知するための「閉じる」接続オプションを定義します。例えば、
Connection: close
in either the request or the response header fields indicates that the connection SHOULD NOT be considered `persistent' (section 8.1) after the current request/response is complete.
HTTP/1.1 applications that do not support persistent connections MUST include the "close" connection option in every message.
持続的接続をサポートしないHTTP / 1.1アプリケーションは、すべてのメッセージに「閉じる」接続オプションを含める必要があります。
A system receiving an HTTP/1.0 (or lower-version) message that includes a Connection header MUST, for each connection-token in this field, remove and ignore any header field(s) from the message with the same name as the connection-token. This protects against mistaken forwarding of such header fields by pre-HTTP/1.1 proxies. See section 19.6.2.
接続ヘッダーを含むHTTP / 1.0(またはそれよりも低いバージョン)メッセージを受信するシステムは、このフィールドの各接続トークンについて、接続と同じ名前のメッセージからヘッダーフィールドを削除して無視する必要があります。トークン。これにより、HTTP / 1.1より前のプロキシによるこのようなヘッダーフィールドの誤った転送から保護されます。セクション19.6.2を参照してください。
The Content-Encoding entity-header field is used as a modifier to the media-type. When present, its value indicates what additional content codings have been applied to the entity-body, and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field. Content-Encoding is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of its underlying media type.
Content-Encodingエンティティヘッダーフィールドは、メディアタイプの修飾子として使用されます。存在する場合、その値は、エンティティ本体に適用されている追加のコンテンツコーディングを示します。したがって、Content-Typeヘッダーフィールドによって参照されるメディアタイプを取得するために、どのデコードメカニズムを適用する必要があるかを示します。 Content-Encodingは主に、基になるメディアタイプのIDを失うことなくドキュメントを圧縮できるようにするために使用されます。
Content-Encoding = "Content-Encoding" ":" 1#content-coding
Content codings are defined in section 3.5. An example of its use is
Content-Encoding: gzip
The content-coding is a characteristic of the entity identified by the Request-URI. Typically, the entity-body is stored with this encoding and is only decoded before rendering or analogous usage. However, a non-transparent proxy MAY modify the content-coding if the new coding is known to be acceptable to the recipient, unless the "no-transform" cache-control directive is present in the message.
If the content-coding of an entity is not "identity", then the response MUST include a Content-Encoding entity-header (section 14.11) that lists the non-identity content-coding(s) used.
If the content-coding of an entity in a request message is not acceptable to the origin server, the server SHOULD respond with a status code of 415 (Unsupported Media Type).
If multiple encodings have been applied to an entity, the content codings MUST be listed in the order in which they were applied. Additional information about the encoding parameters MAY be provided by other entity-header fields not defined by this specification.
The Content-Language entity-header field describes the natural language(s) of the intended audience for the enclosed entity. Note that this might not be equivalent to all the languages used within the entity-body.
Content-Language = "Content-Language" ":" 1#language-tag
Language tags are defined in section 3.10. The primary purpose of Content-Language is to allow a user to identify and differentiate entities according to the user's own preferred language. Thus, if the body content is intended only for a Danish-literate audience, the appropriate field is
言語タグはセクション3.10で定義されています。 Content-Languageの主な目的は、ユーザーが自分の優先言語に従ってエンティティを識別および区別できるようにすることです。したがって、本文のコンテンツがデンマーク語の読み書きができる対象者のみを対象としている場合、適切なフィールドは
Content-Language: da
If no Content-Language is specified, the default is that the content is intended for all language audiences. This might mean that the sender does not consider it to be specific to any natural language, or that the sender does not know for which language it is intended.
Multiple languages MAY be listed for content that is intended for multiple audiences. For example, a rendition of the "Treaty of Waitangi," presented simultaneously in the original Maori and English versions, would call for
Content-Language: mi, en
However, just because multiple languages are present within an entity does not mean that it is intended for multiple linguistic audiences. An example would be a beginner's language primer, such as "A First Lesson in Latin," which is clearly intended to be used by an English-literate audience. In this case, the Content-Language would properly only include "en".
Content-Language MAY be applied to any media type -- it is not limited to textual documents.
The Content-Length entity-header field indicates the size of the entity-body, in decimal number of OCTETs, sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the size of the entity-body that would have been sent had the request been a GET.
Content-Length = "Content-Length" ":" 1*DIGIT
An example is
Content-Length: 3495
Applications SHOULD use this field to indicate the transfer-length of the message-body, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section 4.4.
Any Content-Length greater than or equal to zero is a valid value. Section 4.4 describes how to determine the length of a message-body if a Content-Length is not given.
ゼロ以上のContent-Lengthは有効な値です。 4.4節では、Content-Lengthが指定されていない場合にメッセージ本文の長さを決定する方法について説明します。
Note that the meaning of this field is significantly different from the corresponding definition in MIME, where it is an optional field used within the "message/external-body" content-type. In HTTP, it SHOULD be sent whenever the message's length can be determined prior to being transferred, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section 4.4.
このフィールドの意味は、MIMEの対応する定義とは大きく異なります。MIMEでは、「message / external-body」コンテンツタイプ内で使用されるオプションのフィールドです。 HTTPでは、セクション4.4のルールで禁止されていない限り、転送前にメッセージの長さを決定できる場合はいつでも送信する必要があります。
The Content-Location entity-header field MAY be used to supply the resource location for the entity enclosed in the message when that entity is accessible from a location separate from the requested resource's URI. A server SHOULD provide a Content-Location for the variant corresponding to the response entity; especially in the case where a resource has multiple entities associated with it, and those entities actually have separate locations by which they might be individually accessed, the server SHOULD provide a Content-Location for the particular variant which is returned.
Content-Location = "Content-Location" ":" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI )
Content-Location = "Content-Location" ":"(absoluteURI | relativeURI)
The value of Content-Location also defines the base URI for the entity.
The Content-Location value is not a replacement for the original requested URI; it is only a statement of the location of the resource corresponding to this particular entity at the time of the request. Future requests MAY specify the Content-Location URI as the request-URI if the desire is to identify the source of that particular entity.
Content-Location値は、要求された元のURIの代わりにはなりません。これは、リクエスト時のこの特定のエンティティに対応するリソースの場所のステートメントにすぎません。将来のリクエストでは、特定のエンティティのソースを識別したい場合は、Content-Location URIをリクエストURIとして指定できます。
A cache cannot assume that an entity with a Content-Location different from the URI used to retrieve it can be used to respond to later requests on that Content-Location URI. However, the Content-Location can be used to differentiate between multiple entities retrieved from a single requested resource, as described in section 13.6.
キャッシュは、それを取得するために使用されたURIとは異なるContent-Locationを持つエンティティが、そのContent-Location URIに対する以降の要求に応答するために使用できると想定することはできません。ただし、セクション13.6で説明されているように、Content-Locationを使用して、1つの要求されたリソースから取得した複数のエンティティを区別できます。
If the Content-Location is a relative URI, the relative URI is interpreted relative to the Request-URI.
The meaning of the Content-Location header in PUT or POST requests is undefined; servers are free to ignore it in those cases.
The Content-MD5 entity-header field, as defined in RFC 1864 [23], is an MD5 digest of the entity-body for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check (MIC) of the entity-body. (Note: a MIC is good for detecting accidental modification of the entity-body in transit, but is not proof against malicious attacks.)
RFC 1864 [23]で定義されているContent-MD5エンティティヘッダーフィールドは、エンティティボディのエンドツーエンドのメッセージ整合性チェック(MIC)を提供するためのエンティティボディのMD5ダイジェストです。 (注:MICは、送信中のエンティティ本体の偶発的な変更を検出するのに適していますが、悪意のある攻撃に対する証拠ではありません。)
Content-MD5 = "Content-MD5" ":" md5-digest md5-digest = <base64 of 128 bit MD5 digest as per RFC 1864>
The Content-MD5 header field MAY be generated by an origin server or client to function as an integrity check of the entity-body. Only origin servers or clients MAY generate the Content-MD5 header field; proxies and gateways MUST NOT generate it, as this would defeat its value as an end-to-end integrity check. Any recipient of the entity-body, including gateways and proxies, MAY check that the digest value in this header field matches that of the entity-body as received.
The MD5 digest is computed based on the content of the entity-body, including any content-coding that has been applied, but not including any transfer-encoding applied to the message-body. If the message is received with a transfer-encoding, that encoding MUST be removed prior to checking the Content-MD5 value against the received entity.
This has the result that the digest is computed on the octets of the entity-body exactly as, and in the order that, they would be sent if no transfer-encoding were being applied.
HTTP extends RFC 1864 to permit the digest to be computed for MIME composite media-types (e.g., multipart/* and message/rfc822), but this does not change how the digest is computed as defined in the preceding paragraph.
There are several consequences of this. The entity-body for composite types MAY contain many body-parts, each with its own MIME and HTTP headers (including Content-MD5, Content-Transfer-Encoding, and Content-Encoding headers). If a body-part has a Content-Transfer-Encoding or Content-Encoding header, it is assumed that the content of the body-part has had the encoding applied, and the body-part is included in the Content-MD5 digest as is -- i.e., after the application. The Transfer-Encoding header field is not allowed within body-parts.
これにはいくつかの影響があります。複合型のエンティティボディには、それぞれ独自のMIMEおよびHTTPヘッダー(Content-MD5、Content-Transfer-Encoding、およびContent-Encodingヘッダーを含む)を持つ多くのボディパーツを含めることができます(MAY)。 body-partにContent-Transfer-EncodingまたはContent-Encodingヘッダーがある場合、body-partのコンテンツにはエンコーディングが適用されていると見なされ、body-partはそのままContent-MD5ダイジェストに含まれます-つまり、アプリケーションの後。 Transfer-Encodingヘッダーフィールドは、body-parts内では許可されていません。
Conversion of all line breaks to CRLF MUST NOT be done before computing or checking the digest: the line break convention used in the text actually transmitted MUST be left unaltered when computing the digest.
Note: while the definition of Content-MD5 is exactly the same for HTTP as in RFC 1864 for MIME entity-bodies, there are several ways in which the application of Content-MD5 to HTTP entity-bodies differs from its application to MIME entity-bodies. One is that HTTP, unlike MIME, does not use Content-Transfer-Encoding, and does use Transfer-Encoding and Content-Encoding. Another is that HTTP more frequently uses binary content types than MIME, so it is worth noting that, in such cases, the byte order used to compute the digest is the transmission byte order defined for the type. Lastly, HTTP allows transmission of text types with any of several line break conventions and not just the canonical form using CRLF.
注:Content-MD5の定義は、MIMEエンティティ本体のRFC 1864と同様にHTTPでもまったく同じですが、HTTPエンティティ本体へのContent-MD5の適用が、MIMEエンティティへの適用とは異なる方法がいくつかあります。体。 1つは、MIMEとは異なり、HTTPはContent-Transfer-Encodingを使用せず、Transfer-EncodingおよびContent-Encodingを使用することです。もう1つは、HTTPがMIMEよりもバイナリコンテンツタイプをより頻繁に使用することです。そのため、そのような場合、ダイジェストの計算に使用されるバイトオーダーは、タイプに定義された送信バイトオーダーです。最後に、HTTPはCRLFを使用した標準形式だけでなく、いくつかの改行規則のいずれかを使用したテキストタイプの送信を許可します。
The Content-Range entity-header is sent with a partial entity-body to specify where in the full entity-body the partial body should be applied. Range units are defined in section 3.12.
Content-Range = "Content-Range" ":" content-range-spec
Content-Range = "Content-Range" ":" content-range-spec
content-range-spec = byte-content-range-spec byte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP byte-range-resp-spec "/" ( instance-length | "*" )
content-range-spec = byte-content-range-spec byte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP byte-range-resp-spec "/"(instance-length | "*")
byte-range-resp-spec = (first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos) | "*" instance-length = 1*DIGIT
The header SHOULD indicate the total length of the full entity-body, unless this length is unknown or difficult to determine. The asterisk "*" character means that the instance-length is unknown at the time when the response was generated.
Unlike byte-ranges-specifier values (see section 14.35.1), a byte-range-resp-spec MUST only specify one range, and MUST contain absolute byte positions for both the first and last byte of the range.
A byte-content-range-spec with a byte-range-resp-spec whose last-byte-pos value is less than its first-byte-pos value, or whose instance-length value is less than or equal to its last-byte-pos value, is invalid. The recipient of an invalid byte-content-range-spec MUST ignore it and any content transferred along with it.
A server sending a response with status code 416 (Requested range not satisfiable) SHOULD include a Content-Range field with a byte-range-resp-spec of "*". The instance-length specifies the current length of the selected resource. A response with status code 206 (Partial Content) MUST NOT include a Content-Range field with a byte-range-resp-spec of "*".
ステータスコード416(要求された範囲は満足できない)で応答を送信するサーバーは、バイト範囲のresp-specが「*」のContent-Rangeフィールドを含める必要があります(SHOULD)。 instance-lengthは、選択されたリソースの現在の長さを指定します。ステータスコード206(部分的なコンテンツ)の応答には、byte-range-resp-specが "*"のContent-Rangeフィールドを含めることはできません。
Examples of byte-content-range-spec values, assuming that the entity contains a total of 1234 bytes:
. The first 500 bytes: bytes 0-499/1234
。最初の500バイト:バイト0-499 / 1234
. The second 500 bytes: bytes 500-999/1234
。 2番目の500バイト:バイト500-999 / 1234
. All except for the first 500 bytes: bytes 500-1233/1234
。最初の500バイトを除くすべて:バイト500-1233 / 1234
. The last 500 bytes: bytes 734-1233/1234
。最後の500バイト:バイト734-1233 / 1234
When an HTTP message includes the content of a single range (for example, a response to a request for a single range, or to a request for a set of ranges that overlap without any holes), this content is transmitted with a Content-Range header, and a Content-Length header showing the number of bytes actually transferred. For example,
HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 06:25:24 GMT Last-Modified: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 04:58:08 GMT Content-Range: bytes 21010-47021/47022 Content-Length: 26012 Content-Type: image/gif
When an HTTP message includes the content of multiple ranges (for example, a response to a request for multiple non-overlapping ranges), these are transmitted as a multipart message. The multipart media type used for this purpose is "multipart/byteranges" as defined in appendix 19.2. See appendix 19.6.3 for a compatibility issue.
HTTPメッセージに複数の範囲のコンテンツ(たとえば、重複しない複数の範囲に対する要求への応答)が含まれている場合、これらはマルチパートメッセージとして送信されます。この目的で使用されるマルチパートメディアタイプは、付録19.2で定義されている「multipart / byteranges」です。互換性の問題については、付録19.6.3を参照してください。
A response to a request for a single range MUST NOT be sent using the multipart/byteranges media type. A response to a request for multiple ranges, whose result is a single range, MAY be sent as a multipart/byteranges media type with one part. A client that cannot decode a multipart/byteranges message MUST NOT ask for multiple byte-ranges in a single request.
単一の範囲に対する要求への応答は、multipart / byterangesメディアタイプを使用して送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。結果が単一の範囲である複数の範囲に対する要求への応答は、1つの部分を持つmultipart / byterangesメディアタイプとして送信される場合があります。 multipart / byterangesメッセージをデコードできないクライアントは、単一のリクエストで複数のバイト範囲を要求してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
When a client requests multiple byte-ranges in one request, the server SHOULD return them in the order that they appeared in the request.
If the server ignores a byte-range-spec because it is syntactically invalid, the server SHOULD treat the request as if the invalid Range header field did not exist. (Normally, this means return a 200 response containing the full entity).
構文的に無効であるためにサーバーがbyte-range-specを無視する場合、サーバーはリクエストを無効なRangeヘッダーフィールドが存在しないかのように処理する必要があります(SHOULD)。 (通常、これはエンティティ全体を含む200応答を返すことを意味します)。
If the server receives a request (other than one including an If-Range request-header field) with an unsatisfiable Range request-header field (that is, all of whose byte-range-spec values have a first-byte-pos value greater than the current length of the selected resource), it SHOULD return a response code of 416 (Requested range not satisfiable) (section 10.4.17).
Note: clients cannot depend on servers to send a 416 (Requested range not satisfiable) response instead of a 200 (OK) response for an unsatisfiable Range request-header, since not all servers implement this request-header.
The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the media type that would have been sent had the request been a GET.
Content-Type = "Content-Type" ":" media-type
Content-Type = "Content-Type" ":"メディアタイプ
Media types are defined in section 3.7. An example of the field is
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4
Further discussion of methods for identifying the media type of an entity is provided in section 7.2.1.
The Date general-header field represents the date and time at which the message was originated, having the same semantics as orig-date in RFC 822. The field value is an HTTP-date, as described in section 3.3.1; it MUST be sent in RFC 1123 [8]-date format.
Date general-headerフィールドは、メッセージが発信された日時を表し、RFC 822のorig-dateと同じセマンティクスを持っています。フィールド値は、セクション3.3.1で説明されているように、HTTP-dateです。 RFC 1123 [8] -date形式で送信する必要があります。
Date = "Date" ":" HTTP-date
日付= "日付" ":" HTTP日付
An example is
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT
Origin servers MUST include a Date header field in all responses, except in these cases:
1. If the response status code is 100 (Continue) or 101 (Switching Protocols), the response MAY include a Date header field, at the server's option.
1. 応答ステータスコードが100(続行)または101(スイッチングプロトコル)の場合、サーバーのオプションで、応答に日付ヘッダーフィールドを含めることができます(MAY)。
2. If the response status code conveys a server error, e.g. 500 (Internal Server Error) or 503 (Service Unavailable), and it is inconvenient or impossible to generate a valid Date.
2. レスポンスステータスコードがサーバーエラーを伝える場合。 500(内部サーバーエラー)または503(サービスを利用できません)。有効な日付を生成するのは不便または不可能です。
3. If the server does not have a clock that can provide a reasonable approximation of the current time, its responses MUST NOT include a Date header field. In this case, the rules in section 14.18.1 MUST be followed.
3. サーバーに現在の時刻の妥当な概算を提供できるクロックがない場合、その応答には日付ヘッダーフィールドを含めてはなりません(MUST NOT)。この場合、セクション14.18.1のルールに従う必要があります。
A received message that does not have a Date header field MUST be assigned one by the recipient if the message will be cached by that recipient or gatewayed via a protocol which requires a Date. An HTTP implementation without a clock MUST NOT cache responses without revalidating them on every use. An HTTP cache, especially a shared cache, SHOULD use a mechanism, such as NTP [28], to synchronize its clock with a reliable external standard.
メッセージが受信者によってキャッシュされるか、日付を必要とするプロトコルを介してゲートウェイ処理される場合、Dateヘッダーフィールドを持たない受信メッセージは、受信者によって1が割り当てられる必要があります。クロックなしのHTTP実装は、使用するたびに再検証せずに応答をキャッシュしてはなりません(MUST NOT)。 HTTPキャッシュ、特に共有キャッシュは、NTP [28]などのメカニズムを使用して、クロックを信頼できる外部標準と同期させる必要があります(SHOULD)。
Clients SHOULD only send a Date header field in messages that include an entity-body, as in the case of the PUT and POST requests, and even then it is optional. A client without a clock MUST NOT send a Date header field in a request.
The HTTP-date sent in a Date header SHOULD NOT represent a date and time subsequent to the generation of the message. It SHOULD represent the best available approximation of the date and time of message generation, unless the implementation has no means of generating a reasonably accurate date and time. In theory, the date ought to represent the moment just before the entity is generated. In practice, the date can be generated at any time during the message origination without affecting its semantic value.
Dateヘッダーで送信されるHTTP日付は、メッセージの生成後の日付と時刻を表すべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。これは、実装が適度に正確な日付と時刻を生成する手段を持っていない場合を除き、メッセージ生成の日付と時刻の利用可能な最良の概算を表す必要があります。理論的には、日付はエンティティが生成される直前の瞬間を表す必要があります。実際には、日付は、メッセージの生成中にいつでも、そのセマンティック値に影響を与えることなく生成できます。
Some origin server implementations might not have a clock available. An origin server without a clock MUST NOT assign Expires or Last-Modified values to a response, unless these values were associated with the resource by a system or user with a reliable clock. It MAY assign an Expires value that is known, at or before server configuration time, to be in the past (this allows "pre-expiration" of responses without storing separate Expires values for each resource).
元のサーバーの実装によっては、使用可能なクロックがない場合があります。クロックのないオリジンサーバーは、ExpiresまたはLast-Modifiedの値を、信頼できるクロックを持つシステムまたはユーザーがリソースに関連付けていない限り、応答に割り当ててはなりません(MUST NOT)。サーバーの構成時またはそれ以前に、過去であることがわかっているExpires値を割り当てることができます(これにより、リソースごとに個別のExpires値を格納することなく、応答の「事前有効期限」が可能になります)。
The ETag response-header field provides the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant. The headers used with entity tags are described in sections 14.24, 14.26 and 14.44. The entity tag MAY be used for comparison with other entities from the same resource (see section 13.3.3).
ETag = "ETag" ":" entity-tag
ETag = "ETag" ":"エンティティタグ
ETag: "xyzzy" ETag: W/"xyzzy" ETag: ""
ETag: "xyzzy" ETag:W / "xyzzy" ETag: ""
The Expect request-header field is used to indicate that particular server behaviors are required by the client.
Expect = "Expect" ":" 1#expectation
expectation = "100-continue" | expectation-extension expectation-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) *expect-params ] expect-params = ";" token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
A server that does not understand or is unable to comply with any of the expectation values in the Expect field of a request MUST respond with appropriate error status. The server MUST respond with a 417 (Expectation Failed) status if any of the expectations cannot be met or, if there are other problems with the request, some other 4xx status.
This header field is defined with extensible syntax to allow for future extensions. If a server receives a request containing an Expect field that includes an expectation-extension that it does not support, it MUST respond with a 417 (Expectation Failed) status.
このヘッダーフィールドは、将来の拡張に備えて拡張可能な構文で定義されています。サーバーが、サポートしていないExpectation-Extensionを含むExpectフィールドを含むリクエストを受信した場合、サーバーは417(Expectation Failed)ステータスで応答する必要があります。
Comparison of expectation values is case-insensitive for unquoted tokens (including the 100-continue token), and is case-sensitive for quoted-string expectation-extensions.
The Expect mechanism is hop-by-hop: that is, an HTTP/1.1 proxy MUST return a 417 (Expectation Failed) status if it receives a request with an expectation that it cannot meet. However, the Expect request-header itself is end-to-end; it MUST be forwarded if the request is forwarded.
Expectメカニズムはホップバイホップです。つまり、HTTP / 1.1プロキシは、満たすことができないという期待のあるリクエストを受け取った場合、417(Expectedation Failed)ステータスを返さなければなりません(MUST)。ただし、Expectリクエストヘッダー自体はエンドツーエンドです。リクエストが転送される場合は転送する必要があります。
Many older HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 applications do not understand the Expect header.
古いHTTP / 1.0およびHTTP / 1.1アプリケーションの多くは、Expectヘッダーを理解していません。
See section 8.2.3 for the use of the 100 (continue) status.
The Expires entity-header field gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale. A stale cache entry may not normally be returned by a cache (either a proxy cache or a user agent cache) unless it is first validated with the origin server (or with an intermediate cache that has a fresh copy of the entity). See section 13.2 for further discussion of the expiration model.
The presence of an Expires field does not imply that the original resource will change or cease to exist at, before, or after that time.
The format is an absolute date and time as defined by HTTP-date in section 3.3.1; it MUST be in RFC 1123 date format:
形式は、セクション3.3.1のHTTP-dateで定義されている絶対日時です。 RFC 1123の日付形式である必要があります。
Expires = "Expires" ":" HTTP-date
Expires = "Expires" ":" HTTP-date
An example of its use is
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
Note: if a response includes a Cache-Control field with the max-age directive (see section 14.9.3), that directive overrides the Expires field.
HTTP/1.1 clients and caches MUST treat other invalid date formats, especially including the value "0", as in the past (i.e., "already expired").
HTTP / 1.1クライアントとキャッシュは、他の無効な日付形式、特に過去のように値「0」を含む(つまり、「期限切れ」)を扱わなければなりません(MUST)。
To mark a response as "already expired," an origin server sends an Expires date that is equal to the Date header value. (See the rules for expiration calculations in section 13.2.4.)
応答に「期限切れ」というマークを付けるために、オリジンサーバーは、Dateヘッダー値と等しいExpires日付を送信します。 (セクション13.2.4の有効期限計算のルールを参照してください。)
To mark a response as "never expires," an origin server sends an Expires date approximately one year from the time the response is sent. HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD NOT send Expires dates more than one year in the future.
応答に「有効期限なし」のマークを付けるために、オリジンサーバーは、応答が送信されてから約1年後にExpires日付を送信します。 HTTP / 1.1サーバーは、1年以上先のExpires日付を送信すべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。
The presence of an Expires header field with a date value of some time in the future on a response that otherwise would by default be non-cacheable indicates that the response is cacheable, unless indicated otherwise by a Cache-Control header field (section 14.9).
そうでなければデフォルトでキャッシュ不可になる応答に将来の日付値を持つExpiresヘッダーフィールドが存在することは、Cache-Controlヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.9)によって別段の指示がない限り、応答がキャッシュ可能であることを示します。 。
The From request-header field, if given, SHOULD contain an Internet e-mail address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent. The address SHOULD be machine-usable, as defined by "mailbox" in RFC 822 [9] as updated by RFC 1123 [8]:
From request-headerフィールドが指定されている場合、SHOULDには、要求しているユーザーエージェントを制御する人間のユーザーのインターネット電子メールアドレスが含まれている必要があります。 RFC 1123 [8]によって更新されたRFC 822 [9]の「メールボックス」で定義されているように、アドレスはマシンで使用可能である必要があります(SHOULD)。
From = "From" ":" mailbox
From = "From" ":"メールボックス
An example is:
From: webmaster@w3.org
This header field MAY be used for logging purposes and as a means for identifying the source of invalid or unwanted requests. It SHOULD NOT be used as an insecure form of access protection. The interpretation of this field is that the request is being performed on behalf of the person given, who accepts responsibility for the method performed. In particular, robot agents SHOULD include this header so that the person responsible for running the robot can be contacted if problems occur on the receiving end.
The Internet e-mail address in this field MAY be separate from the Internet host which issued the request. For example, when a request is passed through a proxy the original issuer's address SHOULD be used.
The client SHOULD NOT send the From header field without the user's approval, as it might conflict with the user's privacy interests or their site's security policy. It is strongly recommended that the user be able to disable, enable, and modify the value of this field at any time prior to a request.
The Host request-header field specifies the Internet host and port number of the resource being requested, as obtained from the original URI given by the user or referring resource (generally an HTTP URL, as described in section 3.2.2). The Host field value MUST represent the naming authority of the origin server or gateway given by the original URL. This allows the origin server or gateway to differentiate between internally-ambiguous URLs, such as the root "/" URL of a server for multiple host names on a single IP address.
Host request-headerフィールドは、ユーザーまたは参照リソース(セクション3.2.2で説明されているように、通常はHTTP URL)によって与えられた元のURIから取得した、要求されているリソースのインターネットホストとポート番号を指定します。 Hostフィールドの値は、元のURLで指定されたオリジンサーバーまたはゲートウェイの命名機関を表す必要があります。これにより、起点サーバーまたはゲートウェイは、単一のIPアドレス上の複数のホスト名のサーバーのルート「/」URLなど、内部的にあいまいなURLを区別できます。
Host = "Host" ":" host [ ":" port ] ; Section 3.2.2
A "host" without any trailing port information implies the default port for the service requested (e.g., "80" for an HTTP URL). For example, a request on the origin server for <http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/> would properly include:
後続のポート情報のない「ホスト」は、要求されたサービスのデフォルトポートを意味します(たとえば、HTTP URLの場合は「80」)。たとえば、<http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/>に対するオリジンサーバーのリクエストには、適切に次のものが含まれます。
GET /pub/WWW/ HTTP/1.1 Host: www.w3.org
A client MUST include a Host header field in all HTTP/1.1 request messages . If the requested URI does not include an Internet host name for the service being requested, then the Host header field MUST be given with an empty value. An HTTP/1.1 proxy MUST ensure that any request message it forwards does contain an appropriate Host header field that identifies the service being requested by the proxy. All Internet-based HTTP/1.1 servers MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any HTTP/1.1 request message which lacks a Host header field.
クライアントは、すべてのHTTP / 1.1要求メッセージにホストヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります。要求されたURIに、要求されているサービスのインターネットホスト名が含まれていない場合は、Hostヘッダーフィールドに空の値を指定する必要があります。 HTTP / 1.1プロキシは、転送するすべての要求メッセージに、プロキシによって要求されているサービスを識別する適切なホストヘッダーフィールドが含まれていることを確認する必要があります。すべてのインターネットベースのHTTP / 1.1サーバーは、ホストヘッダーフィールドがないHTTP / 1.1要求メッセージに対して400(Bad Request)ステータスコードで応答する必要があります。
See sections 5.2 and for other requirements relating to Host.
The If-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that one of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-Match header field. Entity tags are defined in section 3.11. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also used, on updating requests, to prevent inadvertent modification of the wrong version of a resource. As a special case, the value "*" matches any current entity of the resource.
If-Match = "If-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag )
If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request (without the If-Match header) on that resource, or if "*" is given and any current entity exists for that resource, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-Match header field did not exist.
A server MUST use the strong comparison function (see section 13.3.3) to compare the entity tags in If-Match.
If none of the entity tags match, or if "*" is given and no current entity exists, the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, and MUST return a 412 (Precondition Failed) response. This behavior is most useful when the client wants to prevent an updating method, such as PUT, from modifying a resource that has changed since the client last retrieved it.
一致するエンティティタグがない場合、または「*」が指定されていて現在のエンティティが存在しない場合、サーバーは要求されたメソッドを実行してはならず(MUST NOT)、412(Precondition Failed)応答を返す必要があります。この動作は、クライアントが最後にリソースを取得してから変更されたリソースをPUTなどの更新メソッドが変更できないようにする場合に最も役立ちます。
If the request would, without the If-Match header field, result in anything other than a 2xx or 412 status, then the If-Match header MUST be ignored.
The meaning of "If-Match: *" is that the method SHOULD be performed if the representation selected by the origin server (or by a cache, possibly using the Vary mechanism, see section 14.44) exists, and MUST NOT be performed if the representation does not exist.
A request intended to update a resource (e.g., a PUT) MAY include an If-Match header field to signal that the request method MUST NOT be applied if the entity corresponding to the If-Match value (a single entity tag) is no longer a representation of that resource. This allows the user to indicate that they do not wish the request to be successful if the resource has been changed without their knowledge. Examples:
If-Match: "xyzzy" If-Match: "xyzzy", "r2d2xxxx", "c3piozzzz" If-Match: *
If-Match: "xyzzy" If-Match: "xyzzy"、 "r2d2xxxx"、 "c3piozzzz" If-Match:*
The result of a request having both an If-Match header field and either an If-None-Match or an If-Modified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.
The If-Modified-Since request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional: if the requested variant has not been modified since the time specified in this field, an entity will not be returned from the server; instead, a 304 (not modified) response will be returned without any message-body.
If-Modified-Since = "If-Modified-Since" ":" HTTP-date
If-Modified-Since = "If-Modified-Since" ":" HTTP日付
An example of the field is:
If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT
A GET method with an If-Modified-Since header and no Range header requests that the identified entity be transferred only if it has been modified since the date given by the If-Modified-Since header. The algorithm for determining this includes the following cases:
a) If the request would normally result in anything other than a 200 (OK) status, or if the passed If-Modified-Since date is invalid, the response is exactly the same as for a normal GET. A date which is later than the server's current time is invalid.
a) リクエストが通常200(OK)ステータス以外になる場合、または渡されたIf-Modified-Since日付が無効な場合、応答は通常のGETの場合とまったく同じです。サーバーの現在時刻より後の日付は無効です。
b) If the variant has been modified since the If-Modified-Since date, the response is exactly the same as for a normal GET.
b) If-Modified-Sinceの日付以降にバリアントが変更されている場合、応答は通常のGETの場合とまったく同じです。
c) If the variant has not been modified since a valid If-Modified-Since date, the server SHOULD return a 304 (Not Modified) response.
c) 有効なIf-Modified-Since日付以降にバリアントが変更されていない場合、サーバーは304(Not Modified)応答を返す必要があります(SHOULD)。
The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead.
Note: The Range request-header field modifies the meaning of If-Modified-Since; see section 14.35 for full details.
Note: If-Modified-Since times are interpreted by the server, whose clock might not be synchronized with the client.
Note: When handling an If-Modified-Since header field, some servers will use an exact date comparison function, rather than a less-than function, for deciding whether to send a 304 (Not Modified) response. To get best results when sending an If-Modified-Since header field for cache validation, clients are advised to use the exact date string received in a previous Last-Modified header field whenever possible.
注:一部のサーバーは、If-Modified-Sinceヘッダーフィールドを処理するときに、304(Not Modified)応答を送信するかどうかを決定するために、小なり関数ではなく正確な日付比較関数を使用します。キャッシュ検証のためにIf-Modified-Sinceヘッダーフィールドを送信するときに最良の結果を得るには、クライアントは、可能な限り、前回のLast-Modifiedヘッダーフィールドで受信した正確な日付文字列を使用することをお勧めします。
Note: If a client uses an arbitrary date in the If-Modified-Since header instead of a date taken from the Last-Modified header for the same request, the client should be aware of the fact that this date is interpreted in the server's understanding of time. The client should consider unsynchronized clocks and rounding problems due to the different encodings of time between the client and server. This includes the possibility of race conditions if the document has changed between the time it was first requested and the If-Modified-Since date of a subsequent request, and the possibility of clock-skew-related problems if the If-Modified-Since date is derived from the client's clock without correction to the server's clock. Corrections for different time bases between client and server are at best approximate due to network latency.
The result of a request having both an If-Modified-Since header field and either an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.
The If-None-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-None-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also used to prevent a method (e.g. PUT) from inadvertently modifying an existing resource when the client believes that the resource does not exist.
As a special case, the value "*" matches any current entity of the resource.
If-None-Match = "If-None-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag )
If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request (without the If-None-Match header) on that resource, or if "*" is given and any current entity exists for that resource, then the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, unless required to do so because the resource's modification date fails to match that supplied in an If-Modified-Since header field in the request. Instead, if the request method was GET or HEAD, the server SHOULD respond with a 304 (Not Modified) response, including the cache-related header fields (particularly ETag) of one of the entities that matched. For all other request methods, the server MUST respond with a status of 412 (Precondition Failed).
エンティティタグのいずれかが、そのリソースに対する同様のGETリクエスト(If-None-Matchヘッダーなし)への応答で返されるエンティティのエンティティタグと一致する場合、または「*」が指定されており、現在のそのリソースのエンティティが存在する場合、リソースの変更日がリクエストのIf-Modified-Sinceヘッダーフィールドで提供されたものと一致しないため、サーバーは要求されたメソッドを実行してはなりません(実行する必要がない場合)。代わりに、リクエストメソッドがGETまたはHEADの場合、サーバーは、一致したエンティティのいずれかのキャッシュ関連ヘッダーフィールド(特にETag)を含め、304(Not Modified)レスポンスで応答する必要があります(SHOULD)。他のすべての要求メソッドの場合、サーバーはステータス412(前提条件の失敗)で応答する必要があります。
See section 13.3.3 for rules on how to determine if two entities tags match. The weak comparison function can only be used with GET or HEAD requests.
If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-None-Match header field did not exist, but MUST also ignore any If-Modified-Since header field(s) in the request. That is, if no entity tags match, then the server MUST NOT return a 304 (Not Modified) response.
一致するエンティティタグがない場合、サーバーは、If-None-Matchヘッダーフィールドが存在しないかのように要求されたメソッドを実行できますが、要求内のすべてのIf-Modified-Sinceヘッダーフィールドも無視する必要があります。つまり、一致するエンティティタグがない場合、サーバーは304(Not Modified)応答を返してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
If the request would, without the If-None-Match header field, result in anything other than a 2xx or 304 status, then the If-None-Match header MUST be ignored. (See section 13.3.4 for a discussion of server behavior when both If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match appear in the same request.)
リクエストで、If-None-Matchヘッダーフィールドがないと、2xxまたは304ステータス以外の結果になる場合、If-None-Matchヘッダーは無視する必要があります。 (If-Modified-SinceとIf-None-Matchの両方が同じリクエストに含まれる場合のサーバーの動作については、セクション13.3.4を参照してください。)
The meaning of "If-None-Match: *" is that the method MUST NOT be performed if the representation selected by the origin server (or by a cache, possibly using the Vary mechanism, see section 14.44) exists, and SHOULD be performed if the representation does not exist. This feature is intended to be useful in preventing races between PUT operations.
「If-None-Match:*」の意味は、オリジンサーバー(またはキャッシュ、おそらくVaryメカニズムを使用して、セクション14.44を参照)によって選択された表現が存在する場合、メソッドを実行してはならず(MUST NOT)、実行する必要がある(SHOULD)表現が存在しない場合。この機能は、PUT操作間の競合を防ぐのに役立つことを目的としています。
If-None-Match: "xyzzy" If-None-Match: W/"xyzzy" If-None-Match: "xyzzy", "r2d2xxxx", "c3piozzzz" If-None-Match: W/"xyzzy", W/"r2d2xxxx", W/"c3piozzzz" If-None-Match: *
The result of a request having both an If-None-Match header field and either an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.
If a client has a partial copy of an entity in its cache, and wishes to have an up-to-date copy of the entire entity in its cache, it could use the Range request-header with a conditional GET (using either or both of If-Unmodified-Since and If-Match.) However, if the condition fails because the entity has been modified, the client would then have to make a second request to obtain the entire current entity-body.
The If-Range header allows a client to "short-circuit" the second request. Informally, its meaning is `if the entity is unchanged, send me the part(s) that I am missing; otherwise, send me the entire new entity'.
If-Range = "If-Range" ":" ( entity-tag | HTTP-date )
If-Range = "If-Range" ":"(entity-tag | HTTP-date)
If the client has no entity tag for an entity, but does have a Last-Modified date, it MAY use that date in an If-Range header. (The server can distinguish between a valid HTTP-date and any form of entity-tag by examining no more than two characters.) The If-Range header SHOULD only be used together with a Range header, and MUST be ignored if the request does not include a Range header, or if the server does not support the sub-range operation.
クライアントにエンティティのエンティティタグがなく、Last-Modified日付がある場合、クライアントはその日付をIf-Rangeヘッダーで使用できます(MAY)。 (サーバーは、有効なHTTP日付とエンティティタグの任意の形式を2文字以内で区別することで区別できます。)If-RangeヘッダーはRangeヘッダーと一緒にのみ使用する必要があり(SHOULD)、リクエストがそうである場合は無視する必要があります。 Rangeヘッダーを含めないか、サーバーがサブ範囲操作をサポートしていない場合。
If the entity tag given in the If-Range header matches the current entity tag for the entity, then the server SHOULD provide the specified sub-range of the entity using a 206 (Partial content) response. If the entity tag does not match, then the server SHOULD return the entire entity using a 200 (OK) response.
The If-Unmodified-Since request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. If the requested resource has not been modified since the time specified in this field, the server SHOULD perform the requested operation as if the If-Unmodified-Since header were not present.
If the requested variant has been modified since the specified time, the server MUST NOT perform the requested operation, and MUST return a 412 (Precondition Failed).
要求されたバリアントが指定された時間以降に変更されている場合、サーバーは要求された操作を実行してはならず(MUST NOT)、412(前提条件の失敗)を返さなければなりません(MUST)。
If-Unmodified-Since = "If-Unmodified-Since" ":" HTTP-date
If-Unmodified-Since = "If-Unmodified-Since" ":" HTTP日付
An example of the field is:
If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT
If the request normally (i.e., without the If-Unmodified-Since header) would result in anything other than a 2xx or 412 status, the If-Unmodified-Since header SHOULD be ignored.
If the specified date is invalid, the header is ignored.
The result of a request having both an If-Unmodified-Since header field and either an If-None-Match or an If-Modified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.
The Last-Modified entity-header field indicates the date and time at which the origin server believes the variant was last modified.
Last-Modified = "Last-Modified" ":" HTTP-date
Last-Modified = "Last-Modified" ":" HTTP-date
An example of its use is
Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Nov 1994 12:45:26 GMT
The exact meaning of this header field depends on the implementation of the origin server and the nature of the original resource. For files, it may be just the file system last-modified time. For entities with dynamically included parts, it may be the most recent of the set of last-modify times for its component parts. For database gateways, it may be the last-update time stamp of the record. For virtual objects, it may be the last time the internal state changed.
An origin server MUST NOT send a Last-Modified date which is later than the server's time of message origination. In such cases, where the resource's last modification would indicate some time in the future, the server MUST replace that date with the message origination date.
オリジンサーバーは、サーバーのメッセージ発生時刻より後の最終変更日を送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。そのような場合、リソースの最後の変更が将来のある時点を示す場合、サーバーはその日付をメッセージの開始日で置き換えなければなりません(MUST)。
An origin server SHOULD obtain the Last-Modified value of the entity as close as possible to the time that it generates the Date value of its response. This allows a recipient to make an accurate assessment of the entity's modification time, especially if the entity changes near the time that the response is generated.
HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD send Last-Modified whenever feasible.
HTTP / 1.1サーバーは、可能な限りLast-Modifiedを送信する必要があります(SHOULD)。
The Location response-header field is used to redirect the recipient to a location other than the Request-URI for completion of the request or identification of a new resource. For 201 (Created) responses, the Location is that of the new resource which was created by the request. For 3xx responses, the location SHOULD indicate the server's preferred URI for automatic redirection to the resource. The field value consists of a single absolute URI.
Location応答ヘッダーフィールドは、要求の完了または新しいリソースの識別のために、受信者をRequest-URI以外の場所にリダイレクトするために使用されます。 201(Created)応答の場合、Locationは、要求によって作成された新しいリソースの場所です。 3xx応答の場合、ロケーションは、リソースへの自動リダイレクトのためのサーバーの優先URIを示す必要があります(SHOULD)。フィールド値は、単一の絶対URIで構成されています。
Location = "Location" ":" absoluteURI
場所= "場所" ":"絶対URI
An example is:
Location: http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/People.html
Note: The Content-Location header field (section 14.14) differs from Location in that the Content-Location identifies the original location of the entity enclosed in the request. It is therefore possible for a response to contain header fields for both Location and Content-Location. Also see section 13.10 for cache requirements of some methods.
The Max-Forwards request-header field provides a mechanism with the TRACE (section 9.8) and OPTIONS (section 9.2) methods to limit the number of proxies or gateways that can forward the request to the next inbound server. This can be useful when the client is attempting to trace a request chain which appears to be failing or looping in mid-chain.
Max-Forwards = "Max-Forwards" ":" 1*DIGIT
The Max-Forwards value is a decimal integer indicating the remaining number of times this request message may be forwarded.
Each proxy or gateway recipient of a TRACE or OPTIONS request containing a Max-Forwards header field MUST check and update its value prior to forwarding the request. If the received value is zero (0), the recipient MUST NOT forward the request; instead, it MUST respond as the final recipient. If the received Max-Forwards value is greater than zero, then the forwarded message MUST contain an updated Max-Forwards field with a value decremented by one (1).
Max-Forwardsヘッダーフィールドを含むTRACEまたはOPTIONSリクエストの各プロキシまたはゲートウェイ受信者は、リクエストを転送する前にその値を確認および更新する必要があります。受信した値がゼロ(0)の場合、受信者はリクエストを転送してはなりません(MUST NOT)。代わりに、最終的な受信者として応答する必要があります。受信したMax-Forwards値がゼロより大きい場合、転送されるメッセージには、値が1減少した更新済みのMax-Forwardsフィールドが含まれている必要があります。
The Max-Forwards header field MAY be ignored for all other methods defined by this specification and for any extension methods for which it is not explicitly referred to as part of that method definition.
The Pragma general-header field is used to include implementation-specific directives that might apply to any recipient along the request/response chain. All pragma directives specify optional behavior from the viewpoint of the protocol; however, some systems MAY require that behavior be consistent with the directives.
Pragma general-headerフィールドは、要求/応答チェーンに沿って任意の受信者に適用される可能性がある実装固有のディレクティブを含めるために使用されます。すべてのプラグマディレクティブは、プロトコルの観点からオプションの動作を指定します。ただし、一部のシステムでは、動作がディレクティブと一致している必要がある場合があります。
Pragma = "Pragma" ":" 1#pragma-directive pragma-directive = "no-cache" | extension-pragma extension-pragma = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ]
When the no-cache directive is present in a request message, an application SHOULD forward the request toward the origin server even if it has a cached copy of what is being requested. This pragma directive has the same semantics as the no-cache cache-directive (see section 14.9) and is defined here for backward compatibility with HTTP/1.0. Clients SHOULD include both header fields when a no-cache request is sent to a server not known to be HTTP/1.1 compliant.
no-cacheディレクティブが要求メッセージに存在する場合、アプリケーションは、要求されているもののキャッシュされたコピーがある場合でも、要求をオリジンサーバーに転送する必要があります(SHOULD)。このプラグマディレクティブは、no-cache cache-directive(セクション14.9を参照)と同じセマンティクスを持ち、HTTP / 1.0との下位互換性のためにここで定義されています。 HTTP / 1.1に準拠していないことがわかっているサーバーにキャッシュなしのリクエストが送信される場合、クライアントは両方のヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります(SHOULD)。
Pragma directives MUST be passed through by a proxy or gateway application, regardless of their significance to that application, since the directives might be applicable to all recipients along the request/response chain. It is not possible to specify a pragma for a specific recipient; however, any pragma directive not relevant to a recipient SHOULD be ignored by that recipient.
HTTP/1.1 caches SHOULD treat "Pragma: no-cache" as if the client had sent "Cache-Control: no-cache". No new Pragma directives will be defined in HTTP.
HTTP / 1.1キャッシュは、「プラグマ:no-cache」を、クライアントが「Cache-Control:no-cache」を送信したかのように扱う必要があります(SHOULD)。新しいプラグマディレクティブはHTTPで定義されません。
Note: because the meaning of "Pragma: no-cache as a response header field is not actually specified, it does not provide a reliable replacement for "Cache-Control: no-cache" in a response
The Proxy-Authenticate response-header field MUST be included as part of a 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response. The field value consists of a challenge that indicates the authentication scheme and parameters applicable to the proxy for this Request-URI.
Proxy-Authenticate応答ヘッダーフィールドは、407(Proxy Authentication Required)応答の一部として含まれている必要があります。フィールド値は、このリクエストURIのプロキシに適用可能な認証スキームとパラメータを示すチャレンジで構成されます。
Proxy-Authenticate = "Proxy-Authenticate" ":" 1#challenge
The HTTP access authentication process is described in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43]. Unlike WWW-Authenticate, the Proxy-Authenticate header field applies only to the current connection and SHOULD NOT be passed on to downstream clients. However, an intermediate proxy might need to obtain its own credentials by requesting them from the downstream client, which in some circumstances will appear as if the proxy is forwarding the Proxy-Authenticate header field.
HTTPアクセス認証プロセスは、「HTTP認証:基本およびダイジェストアクセス認証」[43]で説明されています。 WWW-Authenticateとは異なり、Proxy-Authenticateヘッダーフィールドは現在の接続にのみ適用され、ダウンストリームクライアントに渡すべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。ただし、中間プロキシは、ダウンストリームクライアントに要求することで独自の資格情報を取得する必要がある場合があります。これは、プロキシがProxy-Authenticateヘッダーフィールドを転送しているように見える場合があります。
The Proxy-Authorization request-header field allows the client to identify itself (or its user) to a proxy which requires authentication. The Proxy-Authorization field value consists of credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the proxy and/or realm of the resource being requested.
Proxy-Authorizationリクエストヘッダーフィールドを使用すると、クライアントは、認証が必要なプロキシに対して自身(またはそのユーザー)を識別できます。 Proxy-Authorizationフィールドの値は、要求されているリソースのプロキシまたはレルム、あるいはその両方のユーザーエージェントの認証情報を含む資格情報で構成されています。
Proxy-Authorization = "Proxy-Authorization" ":" credentials
Proxy-Authorization = "Proxy-Authorization" ":"資格情報
The HTTP access authentication process is described in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication" [43] . Unlike Authorization, the Proxy-Authorization header field applies only to the next outbound proxy that demanded authentication using the Proxy-Authenticate field. When multiple proxies are used in a chain, the Proxy-Authorization header field is consumed by the first outbound proxy that was expecting to receive credentials. A proxy MAY relay the credentials from the client request to the next proxy if that is the mechanism by which the proxies cooperatively authenticate a given request.
Since all HTTP entities are represented in HTTP messages as sequences of bytes, the concept of a byte range is meaningful for any HTTP entity. (However, not all clients and servers need to support byte-range operations.)
すべてのHTTPエンティティはHTTPメッセージ内でバイトのシーケンスとして表されるため、バイト範囲の概念はどのHTTPエンティティにとっても意味があります。 (ただし、すべてのクライアントとサーバーがバイト範囲操作をサポートする必要があるわけではありません。)
Byte range specifications in HTTP apply to the sequence of bytes in the entity-body (not necessarily the same as the message-body).
A byte range operation MAY specify a single range of bytes, or a set of ranges within a single entity.
ranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier byte-ranges-specifier = bytes-unit "=" byte-range-set byte-range-set = 1#( byte-range-spec | suffix-byte-range-spec ) byte-range-spec = first-byte-pos "-" [last-byte-pos] first-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT last-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT
The first-byte-pos value in a byte-range-spec gives the byte-offset of the first byte in a range. The last-byte-pos value gives the byte-offset of the last byte in the range; that is, the byte positions specified are inclusive. Byte offsets start at zero.
byte-range-specのfirst-byte-pos値は、範囲の最初のバイトのバイトオフセットを示します。 last-byte-pos値は、範囲内の最後のバイトのバイトオフセットを示します。つまり、指定されたバイト位置は包括的です。バイトオフセットはゼロから始まります。
If the last-byte-pos value is present, it MUST be greater than or equal to the first-byte-pos in that byte-range-spec, or the byte-range-spec is syntactically invalid. The recipient of a byte-range-set that includes one or more syntactically invalid byte-range-spec values MUST ignore the header field that includes that byte-range-set.
last-byte-pos値が存在する場合、そのbyte-range-specのfirst-byte-pos以上である必要があります。そうでない場合、byte-range-specは構文的に無効です。 1つ以上の構文的に無効なbyte-range-spec値を含むbyte-range-setの受信者は、そのbyte-range-setを含むヘッダーフィールドを無視する必要があります。
If the last-byte-pos value is absent, or if the value is greater than or equal to the current length of the entity-body, last-byte-pos is taken to be equal to one less than the current length of the entity-body in bytes.
last-byte-pos値が存在しない場合、または値がエンティティー本体の現在の長さ以上である場合、last-byte-posはエンティティーの現在の長さより1少ないと見なされます。 -body(バイト単位)。
By its choice of last-byte-pos, a client can limit the number of bytes retrieved without knowing the size of the entity.
suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length suffix-length = 1*DIGIT
suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length suffix-length = 1 * DIGIT
A suffix-byte-range-spec is used to specify the suffix of the entity-body, of a length given by the suffix-length value. (That is, this form specifies the last N bytes of an entity-body.) If the entity is shorter than the specified suffix-length, the entire entity-body is used.
suffix-byte-range-specは、エンティティ本体の接尾辞を指定するために使用され、長さはsuffix-length値で指定されます。 (つまり、この形式はエンティティ本体の最後のNバイトを指定します。)エンティティが指定されたサフィックス長より短い場合、エンティティ本体全体が使用されます。
If a syntactically valid byte-range-set includes at least one byte-range-spec whose first-byte-pos is less than the current length of the entity-body, or at least one suffix-byte-range-spec with a non-zero suffix-length, then the byte-range-set is satisfiable. Otherwise, the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable. If the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 416 (Requested range not satisfiable). Otherwise, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 206 (Partial Content) containing the satisfiable ranges of the entity-body.
構文的に有効なbyte-range-setに、first-byte-posがエンティティボディの現在の長さより短い少なくとも1つのbyte-range-spec、または非-zero suffix-length、次にバイト範囲セットは満足できます。そうでなければ、バイト範囲セットは満足できません。バイト範囲セットが満足できない場合、サーバーはステータス416(要求された範囲が満足できない)の応答を返す必要があります(SHOULD)。それ以外の場合、サーバーはエンティティ本体の充足可能な範囲を含むステータス206(部分コンテンツ)の応答を返す必要があります(SHOULD)。
Examples of byte-ranges-specifier values (assuming an entity-body of length 10000):
- The first 500 bytes (byte offsets 0-499, inclusive): bytes=0- 499
- 最初の500バイト(バイトオフセット0〜499を含む):バイト= 0〜499
- The second 500 bytes (byte offsets 500-999, inclusive): bytes=500-999
- 2番目の500バイト(バイトオフセット500〜999を含む):バイト= 500〜999
- The final 500 bytes (byte offsets 9500-9999, inclusive): bytes=-500
- 最後の500バイト(バイトオフセット9500〜9999):バイト= -500
- Or bytes=9500-
- またはbytes = 9500-
- The first and last bytes only (bytes 0 and 9999): bytes=0-0,-1
- 最初と最後のバイトのみ(バイト0および9999):バイト= 0-0、-1
- Several legal but not canonical specifications of the second 500 bytes (byte offsets 500-999, inclusive): bytes=500-600,601-999 bytes=500-700,601-999
- 2番目の500バイトの正規ではない正規の仕様(バイトオフセット500〜999を含む):バイト= 500〜600、601〜999バイト= 500〜700、601〜999
HTTP retrieval requests using conditional or unconditional GET methods MAY request one or more sub-ranges of the entity, instead of the entire entity, using the Range request header, which applies to the entity returned as the result of the request:
Range = "Range" ":" ranges-specifier
範囲= "範囲" ":"範囲指定子
A server MAY ignore the Range header. However, HTTP/1.1 origin servers and intermediate caches ought to support byte ranges when possible, since Range supports efficient recovery from partially failed transfers, and supports efficient partial retrieval of large entities.
サーバーはRangeヘッダーを無視してもよい(MAY)。ただし、範囲は部分的に失敗した転送からの効率的な回復をサポートし、大きなエンティティの効率的な部分的な取得をサポートするため、HTTP / 1.1オリジンサーバーと中間キャッシュは、可能な場合はバイト範囲をサポートする必要があります。
If the server supports the Range header and the specified range or ranges are appropriate for the entity:
- The presence of a Range header in an unconditional GET modifies what is returned if the GET is otherwise successful. In other words, the response carries a status code of 206 (Partial Content) instead of 200 (OK).
- 無条件のGETにRangeヘッダーが存在すると、GETが成功した場合に返されるものが変更されます。つまり、応答には200(OK)ではなく206(Partial Content)のステータスコードが含まれます。
- The presence of a Range header in a conditional GET (a request using one or both of If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match, or one or both of If-Unmodified-Since and If-Match) modifies what is returned if the GET is otherwise successful and the condition is true. It does not affect the 304 (Not Modified) response returned if the conditional is false.
- 条件付きGET(If-Modified-SinceとIf-None-Matchの一方または両方、またはIf-Unmodified-SinceとIf-Matchの一方または両方を使用する要求)にRangeヘッダーが存在すると、次の場合に返される内容が変更されますそれ以外の場合、GETは成功し、条件はtrueです。条件がfalseの場合に返される304(Not Modified)応答には影響しません。
In some cases, it might be more appropriate to use the If-Range header (see section 14.27) in addition to the Range header.
If a proxy that supports ranges receives a Range request, forwards the request to an inbound server, and receives an entire entity in reply, it SHOULD only return the requested range to its client. It SHOULD store the entire received response in its cache if that is consistent with its cache allocation policies.
The Referer[sic] request-header field allows the client to specify, for the server's benefit, the address (URI) of the resource from which the Request-URI was obtained (the "referrer", although the header field is misspelled.) The Referer request-header allows a server to generate lists of back-links to resources for interest, logging, optimized caching, etc. It also allows obsolete or mistyped links to be traced for maintenance. The Referer field MUST NOT be sent if the Request-URI was obtained from a source that does not have its own URI, such as input from the user keyboard.
クライアントは、Referer [sic] request-headerフィールドを使用して、サーバーの利点のために、Request-URIの取得元であるリソースのアドレス(URI)を指定できます(ヘッダーフィールドのスペルが間違っていますが、「referrer」)。サーバーは、Refererリクエストヘッダーを使用して、関心のあるリソースへのバックリンク、ロギング、最適化されたキャッシングなどのリストを生成できます。また、メンテナンスのために古いリンクや誤って入力されたリンクをトレースできます。ユーザーキーボードからの入力など、独自のURIを持たないソースからRequest-URIを取得した場合は、Refererフィールドを送信してはなりません(MUST NOT)。
Referer = "Referer" ":" ( absoluteURI | relativeURI )
Referer = "Referer" ":"(absoluteURI | relativeURI)
Referer: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/Overview.html
If the field value is a relative URI, it SHOULD be interpreted relative to the Request-URI. The URI MUST NOT include a fragment. See section 15.1.3 for security considerations.
フィールド値が相対URIの場合、Request-URIを基準として解釈する必要があります(SHOULD)。 URIにフラグメントを含めることはできません。セキュリティに関する考慮事項については、セクション15.1.3を参照してください。
The Retry-After response-header field can be used with a 503 (Service Unavailable) response to indicate how long the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client. This field MAY also be used with any 3xx (Redirection) response to indicate the minimum time the user-agent is asked wait before issuing the redirected request. The value of this field can be either an HTTP-date or an integer number of seconds (in decimal) after the time of the response.
Retry-After応答ヘッダーフィールドを503(Service Unavailable)応答とともに使用して、要求元のクライアントがサービスを利用できないと予想される期間を示すことができます。このフィールドは、リダイレクトされた要求を発行する前にユーザーエージェントが待機するように求められる最小時間を示すために、任意の3xx(リダイレクト)応答とも使用される場合があります。このフィールドの値は、HTTP日付、または応答時間からの秒数(10進数)の整数のいずれかです。
Retry-After = "Retry-After" ":" ( HTTP-date | delta-seconds )
Retry-After = "Retry-After" ":"(HTTP-date | delta-seconds)
Two examples of its use are
Retry-After: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT Retry-After: 120
In the latter example, the delay is 2 minutes.
The Server response-header field contains information about the software used by the origin server to handle the request. The field can contain multiple product tokens (section 3.8) and comments identifying the server and any significant subproducts. The product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application.
Server response-headerフィールドには、要求を処理するために起点サーバーが使用するソフトウェアに関する情報が含まれています。このフィールドには、複数の製品トークン(セクション3.8)およびサーバーと重要なサブ製品を識別するコメントを含めることができます。製品トークンは、アプリケーションを識別するために重要度の高い順にリストされています。
Server = "Server" ":" 1*( product | comment )
Server: CERN/3.0 libwww/2.17
If the response is being forwarded through a proxy, the proxy application MUST NOT modify the Server response-header. Instead, it SHOULD include a Via field (as described in section 14.45).
Note: Revealing the specific software version of the server might allow the server machine to become more vulnerable to attacks against software that is known to contain security holes. Server implementors are encouraged to make this field a configurable option.
The TE request-header field indicates what extension transfer-codings it is willing to accept in the response and whether or not it is willing to accept trailer fields in a chunked transfer-coding. Its value may consist of the keyword "trailers" and/or a comma-separated list of extension transfer-coding names with optional accept parameters (as described in section 3.6).
TE = "TE" ":" #( t-codings ) t-codings = "trailers" | ( transfer-extension [ accept-params ] )
The presence of the keyword "trailers" indicates that the client is willing to accept trailer fields in a chunked transfer-coding, as defined in section 3.6.1. This keyword is reserved for use with transfer-coding values even though it does not itself represent a transfer-coding.
Examples of its use are:
TE: deflate TE: TE: trailers, deflate;q=0.5
The TE header field only applies to the immediate connection. Therefore, the keyword MUST be supplied within a Connection header field (section 14.10) whenever TE is present in an HTTP/1.1 message.
TEヘッダーフィールドは、即時接続にのみ適用されます。したがって、TEがHTTP / 1.1メッセージに存在する場合は常に、キーワードはConnectionヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.10)内に指定する必要があります。
A server tests whether a transfer-coding is acceptable, according to a TE field, using these rules:
1. The "chunked" transfer-coding is always acceptable. If the keyword "trailers" is listed, the client indicates that it is willing to accept trailer fields in the chunked response on behalf of itself and any downstream clients. The implication is that, if given, the client is stating that either all downstream clients are willing to accept trailer fields in the forwarded response, or that it will attempt to buffer the response on behalf of downstream recipients.
1. 「チャンクされた」転送コーディングは常に許容されます。キーワード「予告編」がリストされている場合、クライアントは、自分自身とダウンストリームクライアントに代わってチャンクされた応答の予告フィールドを受け入れる用意があることを示します。つまり、クライアントは、指定された場合、すべてのダウンストリームクライアントが転送された応答のトレーラーフィールドを受け入れる用意があるか、またはダウンストリームの受信者に代わって応答をバッファリングしようとすることを示しています。
Note: HTTP/1.1 does not define any means to limit the size of a chunked response such that a client can be assured of buffering the entire response.
注:HTTP / 1.1では、クライアントが応答全体を確実にバッファリングできるように、チャンク化された応答のサイズを制限する手段を定義していません。
2. If the transfer-coding being tested is one of the transfer-codings listed in the TE field, then it is acceptable unless it is accompanied by a qvalue of 0. (As defined in section 3.9, a qvalue of 0 means "not acceptable.")
2. テストされる転送コーディングがTEフィールドにリストされている転送コーディングの1つである場合、qvalueが0でない限り、それは受け入れられます(セクション3.9で定義されているように、qvalue 0は「受け入れられないことを意味します。 ")
3. If multiple transfer-codings are acceptable, then the acceptable transfer-coding with the highest non-zero qvalue is preferred. The "chunked" transfer-coding always has a qvalue of 1.
3. 複数の転送コーディングが受け入れられる場合、ゼロ以外のqvalueが最も高い受け入れ可能な転送コーディングが優先されます。 「チャンクされた」転送コーディングのqvalueは常に1です。
If the TE field-value is empty or if no TE field is present, the only transfer-coding is "chunked". A message with no transfer-coding is always acceptable.
TEフィールド値が空の場合、またはTEフィールドが存在しない場合、転送コーディングは「チャンク」のみです。 transfer-codingのないメッセージは常に受け入れられます。
The Trailer general field value indicates that the given set of header fields is present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding.
Trailer = "Trailer" ":" 1#field-name
An HTTP/1.1 message SHOULD include a Trailer header field in a message using chunked transfer-coding with a non-empty trailer. Doing so allows the recipient to know which header fields to expect in the trailer.
HTTP / 1.1メッセージは、空でないトレーラーでチャンク転送コーディングを使用して、メッセージにトレーラーヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります(SHOULD)。そうすることで、受信者はトレーラーで予期されるヘッダーフィールドを知ることができます。
If no Trailer header field is present, the trailer SHOULD NOT include any header fields. See section 3.6.1 for restrictions on the use of trailer fields in a "chunked" transfer-coding.
トレーラーヘッダーフィールドが存在しない場合、トレーラーにはヘッダーフィールドを含めないでください。 「チャンク」転送コーディングでのトレーラフィールドの使用に関する制限については、セクション3.6.1を参照してください。
Message header fields listed in the Trailer header field MUST NOT include the following header fields:
. Transfer-Encoding
. Content-Length
. Trailer
The Transfer-Encoding general-header field indicates what (if any) type of transformation has been applied to the message body in order to safely transfer it between the sender and the recipient. This differs from the content-coding in that the transfer-coding is a property of the message, not of the entity.
Transfer-Encoding general-headerフィールドは、送信者と受信者の間でメッセージを安全に転送するために、メッセージ本文に適用された変換のタイプ(存在する場合)を示します。これはcontent-codingとは異なり、転送コーディングはエンティティではなくメッセージのプロパティです。
Transfer-Encoding = "Transfer-Encoding" ":" 1#transfer-coding
Transfer-codings are defined in section 3.6. An example is:
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
If multiple encodings have been applied to an entity, the transfer-codings MUST be listed in the order in which they were applied. Additional information about the encoding parameters MAY be provided by other entity-header fields not defined by this specification.
Many older HTTP/1.0 applications do not understand the Transfer-Encoding header.
古いHTTP / 1.0アプリケーションの多くは、Transfer-Encodingヘッダーを理解していません。
The Upgrade general-header allows the client to specify what additional communication protocols it supports and would like to use if the server finds it appropriate to switch protocols. The server MUST use the Upgrade header field within a 101 (Switching Protocols) response to indicate which protocol(s) are being switched.
Upgrade汎用ヘッダーを使用すると、クライアントは、サポートする追加の通信プロトコルを指定でき、サーバーがプロトコルを切り替えるのに適切であると判断した場合に使用します。サーバーは、101(Switching Protocols)応答内のUpgradeヘッダーフィールドを使用して、切り替えられるプロトコルを示す必要があります。
Upgrade = "Upgrade" ":" 1#product
For example,
Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11
The Upgrade header field is intended to provide a simple mechanism for transition from HTTP/1.1 to some other, incompatible protocol. It does so by allowing the client to advertise its desire to use another protocol, such as a later version of HTTP with a higher major version number, even though the current request has been made using HTTP/1.1. This eases the difficult transition between incompatible protocols by allowing the client to initiate a request in the more commonly supported protocol while indicating to the server that it would like to use a "better" protocol if available (where "better" is determined by the server, possibly according to the nature of the method and/or resource being requested).
Upgradeヘッダーフィールドは、HTTP / 1.1から互換性のない他のプロトコルに移行するための簡単なメカニズムを提供することを目的としています。これは、現在の要求がHTTP / 1.1を使用して行われた場合でも、クライアントが別のプロトコル(メジャーバージョン番号が大きい新しいバージョンのHTTPなど)を使用したいという希望を宣伝できるようにすることで実現します。これにより、クライアントがより一般的にサポートされているプロトコルでリクエストを開始できると同時に、利用可能な場合は「より良い」プロトコルを使用することをサーバーに示します(「より良い」はサーバーによって決定されます)。 、おそらくメソッドやリクエストされているリソースの性質に応じて)。
The Upgrade header field only applies to switching application-layer protocols upon the existing transport-layer connection. Upgrade cannot be used to insist on a protocol change; its acceptance and use by the server is optional. The capabilities and nature of the application-layer communication after the protocol change is entirely dependent upon the new protocol chosen, although the first action after changing the protocol MUST be a response to the initial HTTP request containing the Upgrade header field.
The Upgrade header field only applies to the immediate connection. Therefore, the upgrade keyword MUST be supplied within a Connection header field (section 14.10) whenever Upgrade is present in an HTTP/1.1 message.
Upgradeヘッダーフィールドは、直接接続にのみ適用されます。したがって、アップグレードがHTTP / 1.1メッセージに存在する場合は常に、アップグレードキーワードを接続ヘッダーフィールド(セクション14.10)内に指定する必要があります。
The Upgrade header field cannot be used to indicate a switch to a protocol on a different connection. For that purpose, it is more appropriate to use a 301, 302, 303, or 305 redirection response.
This specification only defines the protocol name "HTTP" for use by the family of Hypertext Transfer Protocols, as defined by the HTTP version rules of section 3.1 and future updates to this specification. Any token can be used as a protocol name; however, it will only be useful if both the client and server associate the name with the same protocol.
The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request. This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations. User agents SHOULD include this field with requests. The field can contain multiple product tokens (section 3.8) and comments identifying the agent and any subproducts which form a significant part of the user agent. By convention, the product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application.
User-Agent = "User-Agent" ":" 1*( product | comment )
User-Agent: CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3
The Vary field value indicates the set of request-header fields that fully determines, while the response is fresh, whether a cache is permitted to use the response to reply to a subsequent request without revalidation. For uncacheable or stale responses, the Vary field value advises the user agent about the criteria that were used to select the representation. A Vary field value of "*" implies that a cache cannot determine from the request headers of a subsequent request whether this response is the appropriate representation. See section 13.6 for use of the Vary header field by caches.
Varyフィールド値は、応答が新しい間、キャッシュが再検証なしで後続の要求に応答するために応答を使用することを許可されるかどうかを完全に決定する一連の要求ヘッダーフィールドを示します。キャッシュ不可または失効した応答の場合、Varyフィールドの値は、表現の選択に使用された基準についてユーザーエージェントにアドバイスします。 「*」のVaryフィールド値は、キャッシュが後続の要求の要求ヘッダーから、この応答が適切な表現であるかどうかを判断できないことを意味します。キャッシュによるVaryヘッダーフィールドの使用については、セクション13.6を参照してください。
Vary = "Vary" ":" ( "*" | 1#field-name )
An HTTP/1.1 server SHOULD include a Vary header field with any cacheable response that is subject to server-driven negotiation. Doing so allows a cache to properly interpret future requests on that resource and informs the user agent about the presence of negotiation on that resource. A server MAY include a Vary header field with a non-cacheable response that is subject to server-driven negotiation, since this might provide the user agent with useful information about the dimensions over which the response varies at the time of the response.
HTTP / 1.1サーバーは、サーバー主導のネゴシエーションの対象となるキャッシュ可能な応答を持つVaryヘッダーフィールドを含める必要があります(SHOULD)。そうすることで、キャッシュはそのリソースに対する将来の要求を適切に解釈し、そのリソースでのネゴシエーションの存在についてユーザーエージェントに通知することができます。サーバーは、サーバー主導のネゴシエーションの対象となる、キャッシュできない応答を持つVaryヘッダーフィールドを含めることができます。これは、応答時に応答が変化するディメンションに関する有用な情報をユーザーエージェントに提供する可能性があるためです。
A Vary field value consisting of a list of field-names signals that the representation selected for the response is based on a selection algorithm which considers ONLY the listed request-header field values in selecting the most appropriate representation. A cache MAY assume that the same selection will be made for future requests with the same values for the listed field names, for the duration of time for which the response is fresh.
The field-names given are not limited to the set of standard request-header fields defined by this specification. Field names are case-insensitive.
A Vary field value of "*" signals that unspecified parameters not limited to the request-headers (e.g., the network address of the client), play a role in the selection of the response representation. The "*" value MUST NOT be generated by a proxy server; it may only be generated by an origin server.
「*」のVaryフィールド値は、リクエストヘッダー(クライアントのネットワークアドレスなど)に限定されない未指定のパラメーターが、応答表現の選択に役割を果たすことを示します。 「*」の値は、プロキシサーバーによって生成されてはいけません。オリジンサーバーによってのみ生成されます。
The Via general-header field MUST be used by gateways and proxies to indicate the intermediate protocols and recipients between the user agent and the server on requests, and between the origin server and the client on responses. It is analogous to the "Received" field of RFC 822 [9] and is intended to be used for tracking message forwards, avoiding request loops, and identifying the protocol capabilities of all senders along the request/response chain.
Via一般ヘッダーフィールドは、リクエストでユーザーエージェントとサーバーの間、および応答でオリジンサーバーとクライアントの間の中間プロトコルと受信者を示すためにゲートウェイとプロキシで使用する必要があります。これはRFC 822 [9]の「Received」フィールドに類似しており、メッセージ転送の追跡、要求ループの回避、および要求/応答チェーンに沿ったすべての送信者のプロトコル機能の識別に使用することを目的としています。
Via = "Via" ":" 1#( received-protocol received-by [ comment ] ) received-protocol = [ protocol-name "/" ] protocol-version protocol-name = token protocol-version = token received-by = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym pseudonym = token
The received-protocol indicates the protocol version of the message received by the server or client along each segment of the request/response chain. The received-protocol version is appended to the Via field value when the message is forwarded so that information about the protocol capabilities of upstream applications remains visible to all recipients.
The protocol-name is optional if and only if it would be "HTTP". The received-by field is normally the host and optional port number of a recipient server or client that subsequently forwarded the message. However, if the real host is considered to be sensitive information, it MAY be replaced by a pseudonym. If the port is not given, it MAY be assumed to be the default port of the received-protocol.
protocol-nameは、 "HTTP"の場合にのみオプションです。 received-byフィールドは通常、その後メッセージを転送した受信者サーバーまたはクライアントのホストおよびオプションのポート番号です。ただし、実際のホストが機密情報であると見なされる場合は、仮名に置き換えることができます。ポートが指定されていない場合、それは受信プロトコルのデフォルトポートであると見なされる場合があります。
Multiple Via field values represents each proxy or gateway that has forwarded the message. Each recipient MUST append its information such that the end result is ordered according to the sequence of forwarding applications.
Comments MAY be used in the Via header field to identify the software of the recipient proxy or gateway, analogous to the User-Agent and Server header fields. However, all comments in the Via field are optional and MAY be removed by any recipient prior to forwarding the message.
For example, a request message could be sent from an HTTP/1.0 user agent to an internal proxy code-named "fred", which uses HTTP/1.1 to forward the request to a public proxy at nowhere.com, which completes the request by forwarding it to the origin server at www.ics.uci.edu. The request received by www.ics.uci.edu would then have the following Via header field:
たとえば、要求メッセージはHTTP / 1.0ユーザーエージェントから "fred"という名前の内部プロキシコードに送信され、HTTP / 1.1を使用して要求をnowhere.comのパブリックプロキシに転送します。 www.ics.uci.eduのオリジンサーバーに転送します。 www.ics.uci.eduが受け取ったリクエストには、次のViaヘッダーフィールドがあります。
Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 nowhere.com (Apache/1.1)
Via:1.0 fred、1.1 nowhere.com(Apache / 1.1)
Proxies and gateways used as a portal through a network firewall SHOULD NOT, by default, forward the names and ports of hosts within the firewall region. This information SHOULD only be propagated if explicitly enabled. If not enabled, the received-by host of any host behind the firewall SHOULD be replaced by an appropriate pseudonym for that host.
ネットワークファイアウォールを介してポータルとして使用されるプロキシとゲートウェイは、デフォルトでは、ファイアウォールリージョン内のホストの名前とポートを転送すべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。この情報は、明示的に有効化されている場合にのみ伝達されるべきです(SHOULD)。有効になっていない場合、ファイアウォールの背後にあるホストの受信ホストは、そのホストの適切な仮名に置き換えられる必要があります(SHOULD)。
For organizations that have strong privacy requirements for hiding internal structures, a proxy MAY combine an ordered subsequence of Via header field entries with identical received-protocol values into a single such entry. For example,
Via: 1.0 ricky, 1.1 ethel, 1.1 fred, 1.0 lucy
Via:1.0 ricky、1.1 ethel、1.1 fred、1.0 lucy
could be collapsed to
Via: 1.0 ricky, 1.1 mertz, 1.0 lucy
Via:1.0 ricky、1.1 mertz、1.0 lucy
Applications SHOULD NOT combine multiple entries unless they are all under the same organizational control and the hosts have already been replaced by pseudonyms. Applications MUST NOT combine entries which have different received-protocol values.
アプリケーションは、それらがすべて同じ組織的な制御下にあり、ホストがすでに仮名に置き換えられていない限り、複数のエントリを組み合わせるべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。アプリケーションは、異なる受信プロトコル値を持つエントリを組み合わせてはなりません(MUST NOT)。
The Warning general-header field is used to carry additional information about the status or transformation of a message which might not be reflected in the message. This information is typically used to warn about a possible lack of semantic transparency from caching operations or transformations applied to the entity body of the message.
Warning headers are sent with responses using:
Warning = "Warning" ":" 1#warning-value
warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text [SP warn-date]
警告値= warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text [SP warn-date]
warn-code = 3DIGIT warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding ; the Warning header, for use in debugging warn-text = quoted-string warn-date = <"> HTTP-date <">
A response MAY carry more than one Warning header.
The warn-text SHOULD be in a natural language and character set that is most likely to be intelligible to the human user receiving the response. This decision MAY be based on any available knowledge, such as the location of the cache or user, the Accept-Language field in a request, the Content-Language field in a response, etc. The default language is English and the default character set is ISO-8859-1.
警告テキストは、応答を受け取る人間のユーザーが理解できる可能性が最も高い自然言語と文字セットである必要があります(SHOULD)。この決定は、キャッシュまたはユーザーの場所、リクエストのAccept-Languageフィールド、レスポンスのContent-Languageフィールドなど、利用可能な知識に基づいている場合があります。デフォルトの言語は英語で、デフォルトの文字セットです。 ISO-8859-1です。
If a character set other than ISO-8859-1 is used, it MUST be encoded in the warn-text using the method described in RFC 2047 [14].
ISO-8859-1以外の文字セットを使用する場合は、RFC 2047 [14]で説明されている方法を使用して、警告テキストでエンコードする必要があります。
Warning headers can in general be applied to any message, however some specific warn-codes are specific to caches and can only be applied to response messages. New Warning headers SHOULD be added after any existing Warning headers. A cache MUST NOT delete any Warning header that it received with a message. However, if a cache successfully validates a cache entry, it SHOULD remove any Warning headers previously attached to that entry except as specified for specific Warning codes. It MUST then add any Warning headers received in the validating response. In other words, Warning headers are those that would be attached to the most recent relevant response.
警告ヘッダーは一般にどのメッセージにも適用できますが、一部の特定の警告コードはキャッシュに固有であり、応答メッセージにのみ適用できます。新しい警告ヘッダーは、既存の警告ヘッダーの後に追加する必要があります。キャッシュは、メッセージとともに受信した警告ヘッダーを削除してはなりません(MUST NOT)。ただし、キャッシュがキャッシュエントリの検証に成功した場合は、特定の警告コードで指定されている場合を除き、そのエントリに以前に付加された警告ヘッダーを削除する必要があります。次に、検証応答で受信した警告ヘッダーを追加する必要があります。つまり、警告ヘッダーは、最新の関連する応答に添付されるヘッダーです。
When multiple Warning headers are attached to a response, the user agent ought to inform the user of as many of them as possible, in the order that they appear in the response. If it is not possible to inform the user of all of the warnings, the user agent SHOULD follow these heuristics:
- Warnings that appear early in the response take priority over those appearing later in the response.
- 応答の早い段階で表示される警告は、応答の後半に表示される警告よりも優先されます。
- Warnings in the user's preferred character set take priority over warnings in other character sets but with identical warn-codes and warn-agents.
- ユーザーの優先文字セットの警告は、他の文字セットの警告よりも優先されますが、警告コードと警告エージェントは同じです。
Systems that generate multiple Warning headers SHOULD order them with this user agent behavior in mind.
Requirements for the behavior of caches with respect to Warnings are stated in section 13.1.2.
This is a list of the currently-defined warn-codes, each with a recommended warn-text in English, and a description of its meaning.
110 Response is stale MUST be included whenever the returned response is stale.
111 Revalidation failed MUST be included if a cache returns a stale response because an attempt to revalidate the response failed, due to an inability to reach the server.
112 Disconnected operation SHOULD be included if the cache is intentionally disconnected from the rest of the network for a period of time.
113 Heuristic expiration MUST be included if the cache heuristically chose a freshness lifetime greater than 24 hours and the response's age is greater than 24 hours.
199 Miscellaneous warning The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to a human user, or logged. A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action, besides presenting the warning to the user.
214 Transformation applied MUST be added by an intermediate cache or proxy if it applies any transformation changing the content-coding (as specified in the Content-Encoding header) or media-type (as specified in the Content-Type header) of the response, or the entity-body of the response, unless this Warning code already appears in the response.
299 Miscellaneous persistent warning The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to a human user, or logged. A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action.
If an implementation sends a message with one or more Warning headers whose version is HTTP/1.0 or lower, then the sender MUST include in each warning-value a warn-date that matches the date in the response.
実装がHTTP / 1.0以下のバージョンの1つ以上の警告ヘッダーを含むメッセージを送信する場合、送信者は各警告値に応答の日付と一致する警告日付を含める必要があります。
If an implementation receives a message with a warning-value that includes a warn-date, and that warn-date is different from the Date value in the response, then that warning-value MUST be deleted from the message before storing, forwarding, or using it. (This prevents bad consequences of naive caching of Warning header fields.) If all of the warning-values are deleted for this reason, the Warning header MUST be deleted as well.
実装がwarn-dateを含むwarning-valueを含むメッセージを受信し、そのwarn-dateが応答のDate値と異なる場合、そのwarning-valueは、保存、転送、または前にメッセージから削除する必要があります。それを使用します。 (これにより、Warningヘッダーフィールドの単純なキャッシュによる悪影響を防ぎます。)この理由ですべてのwarning-valuesが削除された場合、Warningヘッダーも削除する必要があります。
The WWW-Authenticate response-header field MUST be included in 401 (Unauthorized) response messages. The field value consists of at least one challenge that indicates the authentication scheme(s) and parameters applicable to the Request-URI.
WWW-Authenticate = "WWW-Authenticate" ":" 1#challenge