[要約] RFC 3188は、国立書誌番号を統一リソース名として使用する方法についての要約です。このRFCの目的は、国立書誌番号を使用してリソースを一意に識別するためのガイドラインを提供することです。

Network Working Group                                          J. Hakala
Request for Comments: 3188                   Helsinki University Library
Category: Informational                                     October 2001

Using National Bibliography Numbers as Uniform Resource Names


Status of this Memo


This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2001)。無断転載を禁じます。



This document discusses how national bibliography numbers (persistent and unique identifiers assigned by the national libraries) can be supported within the URN (Uniform Resource Names) framework and the syntax for URNs defined in RFC 2141. Much of the discussion is based on the ideas expressed in RFC 2288.

このドキュメントでは、National Bibliography Numbers(National Librariesによって割り当てられた永続的かつ一意の識別子)を、RFC 2141で定義されたURN(ユニフォームリソース名)フレームワークおよびurnsの構文内でどのようにサポートできるかについて説明します。議論の多くは、表現されたアイデアに基づいています。RFC 2288で。

1. Introduction
1. はじめに

As part of the validation process for the development of URNs the IETF working group agreed that it is important to demonstrate that the current URN syntax proposal can accommodate existing identifiers from well established namespaces. One such infrastructure for assigning and managing names comes from the bibliographic community. Bibliographic identifiers function as names for objects that exist both in print and, increasingly, in electronic formats. RFC 2288 [Lynch] investigated the feasibility of using three identifiers (ISBN, ISSN and SICI) as URNs.

URNSの開発のための検証プロセスの一環として、IETFワーキンググループは、現在のURN構文提案が確立された名前空間から既存の識別子に対応できることを実証することが重要であることに同意しました。名前を割り当てて管理するためのそのようなインフラストラクチャの1つは、書誌コミュニティからのものです。書誌識別子は、印刷物とますます電子形式の両方に存在するオブジェクトの名前として機能します。RFC 2288 [Lynch]は、3つの識別子(ISBN、ISSN、およびSICI)をURNSとして使用する可能性を調査しました。

This document will analyse the usage of national bibliography numbers (NBNs) as URNs. The need to extend analysis to new identifier systems was briefly discussed in RFC 2288 as well, with the following summary: "The issues involved in supporting those additional identifiers are anticipated to be broadly similar to those involved in supporting ISBNs, ISSNs, and SICIs".

このドキュメントでは、National Bibliography Numbers(NBNS)の使用をurnsとして分析します。新しい識別子システムに分析を拡張する必要性についても、RFC 2288で簡単に説明しました。「これらの追加識別子のサポートに関与する問題は、ISBNS、ISSNS、およびSICISのサポートに関与するものとほぼ類似していると予想されます」。

A registration request for acquiring a Namespace Identifier (NID) "NBN" for national bibliography numbers has been written by the National Library of Finland on the request of the Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) and the Conference of the European National Librarians (CENL). Chapter 5 contains a URN namespace registration request modeled according to the template in RFC 2611.

National Bibliography番号の名前空間識別子(NID)「NBN」を取得するための登録要求は、国立図書館の会議(CDNL)と欧州国立図書館員会議の要請について、フィンランド国立図書館によって書かれています。cenl)。第5章には、RFC 2611のテンプレートに従ってモデル化されたURNネームスペース登録要求が含まれています。

The document at hand is part of a global co-operation of the national libraries to foster identification of electronic documents in general and utilisation of URNs in particular. Some national libraries, including the national libraries of Finland, Norway and Sweden, are already assigning NBN-based URNs for electronic resources.


We have used the URN Namespace Identifier "NBN" for the national bibliographic numbers in examples below.

以下の例では、National Bibliographic NumbersにURNネームスペース識別子「NBN」を使用しました。

2. Identification vs. Resolution
2. 識別対解像度

As a rule the national bibliography numbers identify finite, manageably-sized objects, but these objects may still be large enough that resolution to a hierarchical system is appropriate.


The materials identified by a national bibliography number may exist only in printed or other physical form, not electronically. The best that a resolver will be able to offer in this case is bibliographic data from a national bibliography database, including information about where the physical resource is stored in a national library's holdings.


The URN Framework provides resolution services that may be used to describe any differences between the resource identified by a URN and the resource that would be returned as a result of resolving that URN. However, NBNs will be used for instance to identify resources in digital Web archives created by harvester robot applications. In this case, NBN will identify exactly the resource the user expects to see.

URNフレームワークは、URNによって識別されたリソースとそのurnの解決の結果として返されるリソースの違いを記述するために使用できる解像度サービスを提供します。ただし、NBNは、Harvester Robotアプリケーションによって作成されたデジタルWebアーカイブのリソースを識別するために使用されます。この場合、NBNはユーザーが期待するリソースを正確に識別します。

3. National bibliography numbers
3. 全国参考文献番号
3.1 Overview
3.1 概要

National Bibliography Number (NBN) is a generic name referring to a group of identifier systems utilised by the national libraries and only by them for identification of deposited publications which lack an identifier, or to descriptive metadata (cataloging) that describes the resources. In many countries legal (or voluntary) deposit is being extended to electronic publications.

National Bibliography Number(NBN)は、国立図書館が利用する識別子システムのグループを指す一般的な名前であり、識別子を欠いている堆積した出版物、またはリソースを説明する記述的メタデータ(カタログ)を識別するためのみです。多くの国では、法的(または自発的)預金が電子出版物に拡張されています。

Each national library uses its own NBN strings independently of other national libraries; there is no global authority which controls them. For this reason NBNs are unique only on national level. When used as URNs, NBN strings must be augmented with a controlled prefix such as country code. These prefixes guarantee uniqueness of the NBN-based URNs on the global scale.


NBNs have traditionally been given to documents that do not have a publisher-assigned identifier, but are cataloged to the national bibliography. NBNs can be seen as a fall-back mechanism: if no other, better established identifier such as ISBN can be given, an NBN is assigned. In principle, NBN usage enables identification of any Internet document. Local policies may limit the NBN usage to a much smaller subset of documents.


Some national libraries (e.g., Finland, Norway, Sweden) have established Web-based URN generators, which enable authors and publishers to fetch NBN-based URNs for their network documents. At least national libraries of Sweden and Finland are harvesting and archiving domestic Web documents (and a number of other libraries plan to start this activity), and long-time preservation of these materials requires persistent and unique identification. NBNs can be and are in fact already used as internal identifiers in these Web archives.


Both syntax and scope of NBNs can be decided by each national library independently. Typically, an NBN consist of one or more letters and/or digits. This simple syntax makes NBNs infinitely extensible and very suitable for e.g., naming of the Web documents. For instance the application used by the national library of Finland for Web harvesting creates NBNs which are based on the MD5 checksum of the archived resource.


3.2 F-code
3.2 Fコード

F-code is the NBN used by the National Library of Finland.


F-codes have been used since early 20th century to identify catalogue cards and later MARC records in the national bibliography. In 1998 the national library decided to enable the Finnish authors and publishers to assign F-codes to their Internet documents, if these documents do not qualify for other identifiers such as ISBN. F-codes, embedded into URNs, can be fetched from the URN generator (http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/cgi-bin/urn.pl) developed in co-operation between the national library of Finland and the Lund University library, NETLAB unit. Attached to the generator there is a user guide (http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/meta/URN-opas.html; only in Finnish), which tells the users how to use URNs.


F-codes are also used within the Web harvesting and archiving software (http://www.csc.fi/sovellus/nedlib/), which has been built for the Networked European Deposit Library (NEDLIB) project (see http://www.kb.nl/nedlib). NEDLIB harvester calculates MD5 checksum for each archived resource, and then builds an NBN-based URN from the checksum. The URN serves then as a unique identifier to the archived resource. Traditional identifiers can not be used for this purpose, since there may for instance be several variants of a book which (quite rightly so) all have the same ISBN. Moreover, identifiers embedded into a document do not necessarily belong to the document itself; thus the Web archiving application can not trust the identifiers embedded into the body of the document.

F-Codeは、ネットワーク付き欧州預金図書館(Nedlib)プロジェクト向けに構築されているWeb Harvesting andアーカイブソフトウェア(http://www.csc.fi/sovellus/nedlib/)内でも使用されます(http://を参照してください。www.kb.nl/nedlib)。Nedlib Harvesterは、アーカイブされた各リソースのMD5チェックサムを計算し、チェックサムからNBNベースのurnを構築します。urnは、アーカイブされたリソースのユニークな識別子として機能します。たとえば、すべてが同じISBNを持っている本のいくつかのバリエーションがあるかもしれないので、従来の識別子はこの目的には使用できません。さらに、ドキュメントに埋め込まれた識別子は、必ずしもドキュメント自体に属しているわけではありません。したがって、Webアーカイブアプリケーションは、ドキュメントの本文に埋め込まれた識別子を信頼できません。

The F-code built by the URN generator consist of:


Prefix (for example fe) Year (YYYY; for example 1999) Number (for example 1055)

プレフィックス(たとえば、Fe)年(Yyyy; 1999)番号(たとえば1055)

The generator also adds namespace identifier "NBN" and ISO 3166 country code. Thus a URN based on F-code would in this case be for instance urn:nbn:fi-fe19991055.

ジェネレーターは、名前空間識別子「NBN」およびISO 3166国コードも追加します。したがって、この場合、Fコードに基づくurnは、たとえばurn:nbn:fi-fe19991055です。

URNs created by the Web archiving application have similar overall structure, except that prefix (which may be defined by the operator) is fea and year is not used. An example: urn:nbn:fi-fea-5c5875e6e49ae649cad63e5ee4f6c346.


F-codes never need any special encoding when used as URNs, since they consist of alphanumeric codes only (0-9, a-z). This is often the case for other national libraries' NBN systems as well.


3.3 Encoding Considerations and Lexical Equivalence
3.3 考慮事項と語彙の等価性のエンコード

Embedding NBNs within the URN framework usually presents no particular encoding problems, since all of the characters that can appear in commonly used NBN systems can be expressed in special encoding, as described in RFC 2141 [MOATS].

URNフレームワークにNBNを埋め込むことは、通常使用されるNBNシステムに表示できるすべての文字を、RFC 2141 [MOATS]で説明できるように、特別なエンコードで表現できるため、通常、特定のエンコード問題を提示しません。

When an NBN is used as a URN, the namespace specific string will consist of three parts: prefix, consisting of either a two-letter ISO 3166 country code or other registered string, delimiting character which is either hyphen (-) or colon (:), and NBN string assigned by the national library. Delimiting characters are not lexically equivalent.

NBNがurnとして使用される場合、名前空間固有の文字列は、2文字のISO 3166国コードまたはその他の登録文字列のいずれかで構成される3つの部分で構成されます。)、および国立図書館によって割り当てられたNBN文字列。文字を区切ることは、語彙的に同等ではありません。

Hyphen is always used for separating the prefix and the NBN string.


Colon is used as the delimiting character if and only if a country code-based NBN namespace is split further in smaller sub-namespaces. If there are several national libraries in one country, these libraries can split their national namespace into smaller parts using this method.


A national library may also assign a trusted organisation(s) its own sub-namespace. For instance, the national library of Finland has given Statistics Finland (http://www.stat.fi/index_en.html) a sub-namespace "st" (e.g., urn:nbn:fi:st:). The Finnish Council of State (http://www.vn.fi/vn/english/index.htm) will use sub-namespace "vn" (e.g., urn:nbn:fi:vn).

国立図書館は、信頼できる組織に独自のサブネームスペースを割り当てることもできます。たとえば、フィンランド国立図書館は、フィンランド統計局(http://www.stat.fi/index_en.html)にサブネームススペース「st」(例えば、urn:nbn:fi:st :)。フィンランドの州評議会(http://www.vn.fi/vn/english/index.htm)は、サブネームズスペース "vn"(例えば、urn:nbn:fi:vn)を使用します。

Non-ISO 3166-prefixes, if used, must be registered on the global level. The Library of Congress will maintain the central register of reserved codes. This register will be available to the national libraries and other users in the Web.

非ISO 3166-Prefixesを使用する場合は、グローバルレベルで登録する必要があります。議会図書館は、予約されたコードの中央登録簿を維持します。このレジスタは、Web内の国立図書館や他のユーザーが利用できます。

Sub-namespace codes beneath a country-code-based namespace need to be registered on the national level by the national library which assigned the code. The national register must be available in the Web and should also be linked to the global register maintained by the Library of Congress.


Two-letter codes may not be used as non-ISO prefixes, since all such codes are reserved for existing and possible future ISO country codes. If there are several national libraries in one country who use the same prefix - for instance, a country code -, they need to agree on how to split the namespace between them.


   URN:NBN:<ISO 3166 country code>-<assigned NBN string>
   URN:NBN:<ISO 3166 country code>:<sub-namespace code>-<assigned NBN
   URN:NBN:<non-ISO 3166 prefix>-<assigned NBN string>

Examples: URN:NBN:fi-fe19981001 (A "real" URN assigned by the National Library of Finland).


3.4 Resolution of NBN-based URNs
3.4 NBNベースのurの解像度

The (usually) country code-based prefix part of the URN namespace specific string will provide a guide to where to find a resolution service, and the NBN register will identify the assigning agency. Once the NBN-based URN resolution is in global usage, the number of prefixes will slowly approach and may eventually exceed the number of national libraries.


If NBN assignment for a given country is limited to the national bibliography database, then all NBN-based URNs for that country will be resolved there. In one model these databases contain detailed resource descriptions including URLs, which will point both to the copy of the document in the Internet and to the copy in the national library's (legal) deposit collection. Due to the limitations in the usage of legal deposit documents it is possible that the deposited electronic materials can not be delivered in electronic form outside the premises of the national library.


If it is possible for the authors and publishers to retrieve NBNs to Web documents and there is no obligation to deposit thus identified documents to the national library, URN resolution service is not possible without a national Web index and archive, maintained by the national library or other organisation(s). A Web index/archive will also resolve machine-generated URNs to the archived Web documents.


3.5 Additional considerations
3.5 追加の考慮事項

Guidelines adopted by each national library define when different versions of a work should be assigned the same or differing NBNs. These rules apply only if identifier assignment is done manually. If identifiers are allocated programmatically, the only criteria that can be used is that two documents which are identical on the bit level (have the same MD5 checksum) are deemed identical and should receive the same NBN. The likelihood of this happening to dissimilar documents is about 2^64, according to the RFC 1321.

各国立図書館で採用されているガイドラインでは、さまざまなバージョンの作業が同じまたは異なるNBNを割り当てる必要がある場合を定義します。これらのルールは、識別子割り当てが手動で行われる場合にのみ適用されます。識別子がプログラムで割り当てられている場合、使用できる唯一の基準は、ビットレベルで同一の2つのドキュメント(同じMD5チェックサムを持っている)が同一であると見なされ、同じNBNを受け取る必要があることです。RFC 1321によると、これが異なる文書に起因する可能性は約2^64です。

The rules governing the usage of NBNs are less strict than those specifying the usage of ISBN or other, better established identifiers. Since the NBNs have up to now been given only by the personnel (cataloguers) working in the national libraries, the identifier assignment has in practice been well co-ordinated.


A NBN-based URN will resolve to single instance of the work if identifier assignment has been automatic. Given the nature of NBNs it is also likely that different versions of the same work will receive different NBNs even if the identifier is given manually.


4. Security Considerations
4. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

This document proposes means of encoding several existing bibliographic identifiers within the URN framework. This document does not discuss resolution except at a very generic level; thus questions of secure or authenticated resolution mechanisms are out of scope. It does not address means of validating the integrity or authenticating the source or provenance of URNs that contain bibliographic identifiers. Issues regarding intellectual property rights associated with objects identified by the various bibliographic identifiers are also beyond the scope of this document, as are questions about rights to the databases that might be used to construct resolvers.


5. Namespace registration
5. 名前空間登録

URN Namespace ID Registration for the National Bibliography Number (NBN)

National Bibliography番号(NBN)のurn名空間ID登録

Namespace ID:




This Namespace ID has been in production use in demonstrator systems since summer 1998; thousands of URNs from this namespace have already been delivered in Finland, Sweden and Norway.


Registration Information:


Version: 3 Date: 2001-01-30 The first registration of the NID "NBN" was done via the URN WG in 1998. The second, slightly edited registration request was done in 1999.

バージョン:3日付:2001-01-30 NID「NBN」の最初の登録は、1998年にURN WGを介して行われました。

Declared registrant of the namespace:


Name: Juha Hakala E-mail: juha.hakala@helsinki.fi Affiliation: Helsinki University Library - The National Library of Finland, Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) and Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) Address: P.O.Box 26, 00014 Helsinki University, Finland

名前:Juha Hakalaの電子メール:juha.hakala@helsinki.fi提携:ヘルシンキ大学図書館 - フィンランド国立図書館、欧州国立図書館員会議(CENL)および国立図書館長官会議(CDNL)住所:P.O.Box26 26、00014ヘルシンキ大学、フィンランド

Both CENL and CDNL made decisions to foster the usage of URNs during 1998. The latter organisation has set up a working group for this purpose. One item in the common work plan is utilisation of national bibliography numbers as URNs for identification of grey literature published in the Internet. The NBN namespace will be available for free for all national libraries in the world.


Declaration of syntactic structure: The namespace specific string will consist of three parts:


prefix, consisting of either a two-letter ISO 3166 country code or other registered string and sub-namespace codes,

2文字のISO 3166カントリーコードまたはその他の登録文字列およびサブネームズスペースコードのいずれかで構成されるプレフィックス、

delimiting characters (colon (:), or hyphen (-), and

区切り文字(コロン(:)、またはハイフン( - )、および

NBN string assigned by the national library.


Colon is used as a delimiting character only within the prefix, between ISO 3166 country code and sub-namespace code, which splits the national namespace into smaller parts. This technique can be used when there are several national libraries, which all need their own namespaces, or when the national library allows trusted partners to set up their own sub-namespaces within the national NBN namespace.

コロンは、ISO 3166カントリーコードとサブネームズスペースコードとの間のプレフィックス内でのみ区切り文字として使用されます。この手法は、いくつかの国立図書館がある場合、すべて独自の名前空間が必要な場合、または国立図書館が信頼できるパートナーが国立NBNネームスペース内に独自のサブネームスペースを設定できるようにする場合に使用できます。

Dividing non-ISO 3166-based namespaces further with sub-namespace codes is not allowed.

非ISO 3166ベースの名前空間をサブネームズスペースコードでさらに除算することは許可されていません。

Hyphen is used as a delimiting character between the prefix and the NBN string. Within the NBN string, hyphen can be used for separating different sections of the code from one another.


Non-ISO prefixes used instead of the ISO country code must be registered. A global registry, maintained by the Library of Congress, will be created and made available via the Web. Contact information: nbn.register@loc.gov.us.


All two-letter codes are reserved for existing and possible future ISO country codes and may not be used as non-ISO prefixes.


Sub-namespace codes must be registered on the national level by the national library which assigned the code. The register must be available via the Web, and it should be accessible via the global registry set up by the Library of Congress.




   URN:NBN:<ISO 3166 country code>-<assigned NBN string>
   URN:NBN:<ISO 3166 country code:sub-namespace code>-<assigned NBN
   URN:NBN:<non-ISO 3166 prefix>-<assigned NBN string>



A country code-based URN: URN:NBN:fi-fe19981001 (A URN assigned by the National Library of Finland).


Relevant ancillary documentation:


National Bibliography Number (NBN) is a generic name referring to a group of identifier systems used by the national libraries for identification of deposited publications which lack an identifier, or to descriptive metadata (cataloguing) that describes the resources. Each national library uses its own NBN system independently of other national libraries; there is no global authority which controls syntax of these identifier systems.

National Bibliography Number(NBN)は、識別子を欠く預け入れの出版物の識別のために国立図書館が使用する識別子システムのグループ、またはリソースを説明する記述的メタデータ(カタログ)を指す一般的な名前です。各国立図書館は、他の国立図書館とは無関係に独自のNBNシステムを使用しています。これらの識別子システムの構文を制御するグローバルな権限はありません。

Each national library can decide freely which resources will receive NBNs. These identifiers have traditionally been assigned to documents that do not have a publisher-assigned identifier, but are nevertheless catalogued to the national bibliography. Typically identification of grey publications have largely been dependent on NBNs.


Some national libraries (Finland, Norway, Sweden) have established Web-based URN generators, which enable authors and publishers to fetch NBN-based URNs for their network documents.


Both syntax and scope of NBNs is decided by each national library independently. Typically, a NBN consist of one or more letters and a number.


Identifier uniqueness considerations:


NBN strings assigned by two national libraries may be identical. For this reason usage of a controlled prefix in the namespace specific string is obligatory in order to guarantee global uniqueness of NBN-based URNs.


In the national level, libraries utilise different policies for guaranteeing uniqueness. A national library may automate the delivery of NBN-based URNs. In this case, the NBNs are assigned sequentially by a program (URN generator).


Identifier persistence considerations:


Persistence of the NBNs as identifiers is guaranteed by the persistence of national libraries and information systems, such as national bibliographies, maintained by them. NBNs have been used for several centuries for printed materials. NBN-based identification of electronic documents is a recent practice, but it is likely to continue for a very long time.


Process of identifier assignment:


Assignment of NBN-based URNs is always controlled on national level by the national library / national libraries. The Conference of Directors of National Librarians (CDNL) has established in 1999 a task force, which will co-ordinate the URN usage in all national libraries.

NBNベースのURNの割り当ては、国立図書館 /国立図書館によって常に国家レベルで制御されます。国立図書館員の取締役会(CDNL)は、1999年にタスクフォースを設立しました。これは、すべての国立図書館でのurの使用を調整するものです。

National libraries may choose different strategies in assigning NBN-based URNs. One option is assignment by the library personnel only. This is done when the document is catalogued into the national bibliography. Thus in this case the national bibliography database will serve as the URN resolution service.

国立図書館は、NBNベースのURNを割り当てる際にさまざまな戦略を選択する場合があります。1つのオプションは、図書館担当者のみによる割り当てです。これは、ドキュメントが全国参考文献にカタログ化されたときに行われます。したがって、この場合、National BibliographyデータベースはURN解像度サービスとして機能します。

A national library may also set up a URN generator (generators), and allow publishers and authors to retrieve NBN-based URNs from there. In this case there is no guarantee that the identified resource will ever be catalogued into the national bibliography, and URN resolution is dependent on Web index/archive.


Process for identifier resolution:


URNs based on NBNs will be primarily resolved via the national bibliography databases. In one model these databases contain detailed resource descriptions including URLs, which will point both to the copy of the document in the Internet and to the copy in the national library's (legal) deposit collection. Due to the limitations in the usage of legal deposit documents it is possible that the deposited materials can not be delivered outside the premises of the national library.


For those documents not catalogued into the national bibliography database URN resolution may take place via national or international Web indexes and/or archives. Nordic national libraries have established in autumn 2000 a joint initiative called Nordic Web Archive (NWA), which aims at creating a national Web archive into all Nordic countries. Indexes to these archive systems will be able to act as URN resolution services of any document which a) is or has been available via the Web, and b) had an URN embedded into it.

国家参考文献データベースにカタログ化されていないドキュメントについては、URN解像度は、国内または国際的なWebインデックスおよび/またはアーカイブを介して行われる場合があります。Nordic National Librariesは、2000年秋にNordic Web Archive(NWA)と呼ばれる共同イニシアチブを設立しました。これらのアーカイブシステムのインデックスは、a)a)webを介して利用可能である、またはb)urnを埋め込んだドキュメントのurn解像度サービスとして機能することができます。

Country code and additional sub-namespace information will provide a guide to where to find appropriate resolution services. For instance, if the country code is "fi", the primary resolution service is the national bibliography database. Secondary resolution service is the Web archive.


Generally, there will be one or more resolution services specified for each country, depending on the assignment policy and services of the national library. If NBN assignment is limited to the national bibliography database, then all NBN-based URNs for that country will be resolved there. If the authors and publishers have been allowed to retrieve NBNs to their Web resources, URN resolution services require a national Web archive. If other organisations have been allowed to assign NBNs, they may also set up their own URN resolution services.

一般に、国立図書館の譲渡方針とサービスに応じて、各国に指定された1つ以上の解決サービスがあります。NBNの割り当てがNational Bibliographyデータベースに限定されている場合、その国のすべてのNBNベースのurnsはそこで解決されます。著者と出版社がNBNをWebリソースに取得することを許可されている場合、URN解像度サービスには全国のWebアーカイブが必要です。他の組織がNBNを割り当てることを許可されている場合、彼らは独自のURN解像度サービスを設定することもできます。

Rules for Lexical Equivalence:


None in the global level. Any national library may provide its own rules, on the basis of its NBN syntax.


Conformance with URN Syntax:


All NBNs we know of are ASCII strings consisting of letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9). If NBN contains characters that are reserved in the URN syntax, this data must be presented in hex encoded form as defined in RFC 2141. A national library may limit the full scope of its NBN strings in URN usage in such a way that there are no reserved characters in the URN namespace specific strings.

私たちが知っているすべてのNBNは、文字(A-Z)と数字(0-9)で構成されるASCII文字列です。NBNにurn構文に予約されている文字が含まれている場合、このデータはRFC 2141で定義されているようにHEXエンコード形式で提示する必要があります。urnネームスペース固有の文字列の予約文字。

Validation mechanism:


None specified on the global level. A national library may use NBNs, which contain a checksum and can therefore be validated, but this is for the time being not a common practice.






6. References
6. 参考文献

[Daigle] Daigle, L., van Gulik, D., Iannella, R. and P. Faltstrom, "URN Namespace Definition Mechanisms", RFC 2611, June 1999.

[Daigle] Daigle、L.、van Gulik、D.、Iannella、R。、およびP. Faltstrom、「urn Namepace定義メカニズム」、RFC 2611、1999年6月。

[Lynch] Lynch, C., Preston, C. and R. Daniel, "Using Existing Bibliographic Identifiers as Uniform Resource Names", RFC 2288, February 1998.

[Lynch] Lynch、C.、Preston、C。およびR. Daniel、「既存の書誌識別子をユニフォームリソース名として使用する」、RFC 2288、1998年2月。

[Moats] Moats, R., "URN Syntax", RFC 2141, May 1997.

[Moats] Moats、R。、「urn構文」、RFC 2141、1997年5月。

7. Author's Address
7. 著者の連絡先

Juha Hakala Helsinki University Library - The National Library of Finland P.O. Box 26 FIN-00014 Helsinki University FINLAND

Juha Hakala Helsinki University Library-フィンランド国立図書館P.O.Box 26 Fin-00014 Helsinki University Finland

   EMail: juha.hakala@helsinki.fi
8. 完全な著作権声明

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved.

Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2001)。無断転載を禁じます。

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