[要約] RFC 4104は、PCELS(Policy Core Extension Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Schema)に関するものであり、PCELSの目的は、ポリシー情報を格納し、アクセスするための軽量なディレクトリアクセスプロトコルスキーマを提供することです。

Network Working Group                                       M. Pana, Ed.
Request for Comments: 4104                                      MetaSolv
Updates: 3703                                                   A. Reyes
Category: Standards Track                     Computer Architecture, UPC
                                                                A. Barba
                                                                D. Moron
                                       Technical University of Catalonia
                                                              M. Brunner
                                                               June 2005

Policy Core Extension Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Schema (PCELS)


Status of This Memo


This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

このドキュメントは、インターネットコミュニティのインターネット標準トラックプロトコルを指定し、改善のための議論と提案を要求します。このプロトコルの標準化状態とステータスについては、「インターネット公式プロトコル標準」(STD 1)の現在のエディションを参照してください。このメモの配布は無制限です。

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2005)。



This document defines a number of changes and extensions to the Policy Core Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema (RFC 3703) based on the model extensions defined by the Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions (RFC 3460). These changes and extensions consist of new LDAP object classes and attribute types. Some of the schema items defined in this document re-implement existing concepts in accordance with their new semantics introduced by RFC 3460. The other schema items implement new concepts, not covered by RFC 3703. This document updates RFC 3703.

このドキュメントでは、ポリシーコア情報モデル(PCIM)拡張(RFC 3460)で定義されたモデル拡張機能に基づいて、ポリシーコアライトウェイトディレクトリアクセスプロトコル(LDAP)スキーマ(RFC 3703)への多くの変更と拡張を定義します。これらの変更と拡張機能は、新しいLDAPオブジェクトクラスと属性タイプで構成されています。このドキュメントで定義されているスキーマ項目の一部は、RFC 3460によって導入された新しいセマンティクスに従って既存の概念を再実装します。他のスキーマ項目は、RFC 3703でカバーされていない新しい概念を実装しています。このドキュメントはRFC 3703を更新します。

Table of Contents


   1. Introduction ....................................................3
      1.1. Specification of Requirements ..............................3
   2. Relationship to Other Policy Framework Documents ................3
   3. Inheritance Hierarchy for PCELS .................................4
      4. General Discussion of Mapping the Policy Core
      Information Model ...............................................8
      4.1. Summary of Class Mappings ..................................8
      4.2. Summary of Association Mappings ...........................11
      4.3. Summary of Changes since PCLS .............................13
      4.4. Relationship to PCLS Classes ..............................15
      4.5. Impact on Existing Implementations of the Policy
           Core LDAP Schema ..........................................16
      4.6. The Association of PolicyVariable and PolicyValues ........16
      4.7. The Aggregation of PolicyRules and PolicyGroups in
           PolicySets ................................................17
      4.8. The Aggregation of Actions/Conditions in PolicyRules and
           CompoundActions/CompoundConditions ........................20
   5. Class Definitions ..............................................25
      5.1. The Abstract Class pcelsPolicySet .........................26
      5.2. The Structural Class pcelsPolicySetAssociation ............29
      5.3. The Three Policy Group Classes ............................30
      5.4. The Three Policy Rule Classes .............................31
      5.5. The Structural Class pcelsConditionAssociation ............36
      5.6. The Structural Class pcelsActionAssociation ...............37
      5.7. The Auxiliary Class pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass ..........38
      5.8. The Auxiliary Class pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass ........39
      5.9. The Auxiliary Class pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass ..40
      5.10. The Auxiliary Class pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass ............41
      5.11. The Auxiliary Class pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass ..........42
      5.12. The Abstract Class pcelsVariable .........................43
      5.13. The Auxiliary Class pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass ........44
      5.14. The Auxiliary Class pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass ........46
      5.15. The Subclasses of pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass ..........47
      5.16. The Auxiliary Class pcelsValueAuxClass. ..................54
      5.17. The Subclasses of pcelsValueAuxClass. ....................55
      5.18. The Three Reusable Policy Container Classes ..............60
      5.19. The Structural Class pcelsRoleCollection. ................62
      5.20. The Abstract Class pcelsFilterEntryBase ..................64
      5.21. The Structural Class pcelsIPHeadersFilter ................65
      5.22. The Structural Class pcels8021Filter .....................73
      5.23. The Auxiliary Class pcelsFilterListAuxClass ..............77
      5.24. The Auxiliary Class pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass ..........79
      5.25. The Auxiliary Class pcelsVendorValueAuxClass .............80
   6. Security Considerations ........................................81
   7. IANA Considerations ............................................82
      7.1. Object Identifiers ........................................82
      7.2. Object Identifier Descriptors .............................82
   8. Acknowledgements ...............................................85
   9. Normative References ...........................................85
   10. Informative References ........................................86
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

This document defines a number of changes and extensions to the Policy Core Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema [PCLS] based on the model extensions defined by the Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions [PCIM_EXT]. These changes and extensions consist of new LDAP object classes and attribute types [LDAP]. Some of the schema items defined in this document re-implement existing concepts in accordance with their new semantics introduced by [PCIM_EXT]. The other schema items implement new concepts, not covered by [PCLS]. This document updates RFC 3703 [PCLS].

このドキュメントでは、ポリシーコア情報モデル(PCIM)拡張[PCIM_EXT]によって定義されたモデル拡張機能に基づいて、ポリシーコアライトウェイトディレクトリアクセスプロトコル(LDAP)スキーマ[PCLS]への多くの変更と拡張を定義します。これらの変更と拡張機能は、新しいLDAPオブジェクトクラスと属性タイプ[LDAP]で構成されています。[PCIM_EXT]によって導入された新しいセマンティクスに従って、このドキュメントで定義された既存の概念を再実装するスキーマ項目の一部。他のスキーマ項目は、[PCL]でカバーされていない新しい概念を実装しています。このドキュメントは、RFC 3703 [PCLS]を更新します。

In addition to the concepts defined by [PCIM_EXT], this document introduces two new classes: pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass and pcelsVendorValueAuxClass. These classes provide a standard extension mechanism for vendor-specific policy variables and policy values that have not been specifically modeled.


Within the context of this document, the term "PCELS" (Policy Core Extension LDAP Schema) is used to refer to the LDAP object class, attribute type definitions and the associated recommendations contained in this document.


1.1. Specification of Requirements
1.1. 要件の仕様

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [KEYWORDS].

「必須」、「そうしない」、「必須」、「shall」、「shall "、" ingle "、" should "、" not "、" becommended "、" bay "、および「optional」は、RFC 2119 [キーワード]に記載されているとおりに解釈されます。

2. Relationship to Other Policy Framework Documents
2. 他のポリシーフレームワークドキュメントとの関係

This document contains an LDAP schema mapping for the classes defined in the "Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions" [PCIM_EXT]. The LDAP schema defined in this document is an extension to the "Policy Core Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema" [PCLS], which defines the mapping of the "Policy Core Information Model -- Version 1 Specification" [PCIM] to an LDAP schema.

このドキュメントには、「ポリシーコア情報モデル(PCIM)拡張機能」[PCIM_EXT]で定義されているクラスのLDAPスキーママッピングが含まれています。このドキュメントで定義されているLDAPスキーマは、「ポリシーコア情報モデル - バージョン1仕様」[PCIM]のマッピングを定義する「ポリシーコアライトウェイトディレクトリアクセスプロトコル(LDAP)スキーマ」[PCLS]の拡張です。LDAPスキーマ。

These three documents ([PCIM], [PCIM_EXT] and [PCLS]) are prerequisites for reading and understanding this document.


Other documents may subsequently be produced with mappings of the same model to other storage or transport technologies.


3. Inheritance Hierarchy for PCELS
3. PCELSの継承階層

The object class and attribute type names defined in this document are prefixed 'pcels'.


The diagram below illustrates the combined class hierarchy for the LDAP object classes defined in the following documents:


- The class names prefixed 'pcels' are defined in this document. - The class names prefixed 'pcim' are defined in [PCLS]. - The class names prefixed 'dlm1' are defined in [CIM_LDAP]. - The class named 'top' is defined in [LDAP_SCHEMA].

- 「PCELS」というプレフィックスのクラス名は、このドキュメントで定義されています。 - 「PCIM」に付けられたクラス名は[PCLS]で定義されています。 - 「dlm1」と接頭するクラス名は[cim_ldap]で定義されています。 - 「TOP」という名前のクラスは[LDAP_SCHEMA]で定義されています。

All the new object classes except for pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass and pcelsVendorValueAuxClass, are mapped from concepts defined or modified by [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass and pcelsVendorValueAuxClass classes are not mapped from [PCIM_EXT]. They represent concepts introduced in this document.


      +---dlm1ManagedElement (abstract)
      |   |
      |   +---pcimPolicy (abstract)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsPolicySet (abstract new)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcelsGroup (abstract new)
      |   |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   |   +---pcelsGroupAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   |   +---pcelsGroupInstance (structural new)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcelsRule (abstract new)
      |   |   |       |
      |   |   |       +---pcelsRuleAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |   |       |
      |   |   |       +---pcelsRuleInstance (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimGroup (abstract)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcimGroupAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcimGroupInstance (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRule (abstract)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcimRuleAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcimRuleInstance (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRuleConditionAssociation (structural)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcelsConditionAssociation (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRuleValidityAssociation (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimRuleActionAssociation (structural)
      |   |   |   |
      |   |   |   +---pcelsActionAssociation (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsPolicySetAssociation (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimPolicyInstance (structural)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcimElementAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsRoleCollection (structural new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsFilterEntryBase (abstract new)
      |   |       |
      |   |       +---pcelsIPHeadersFilter (structural new)
      |   |       |
      |   |       +---pcels8021Filter (structural new)
      |   |
      |   +---dlm1ManagedSystemElement (abstract)
      |       |
      |       +---dlm1LogicalElement (abstract)
      |           |
      |           +---dlm1System (abstract)
      |               |
      |               +---dlm1AdminDomain (abstract)
      |                   |
      |                   +---pcimRepository (abstract)
      |                       |
      |                       +---pcimRepositoryAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |                       |
      |                       +---pcimRepositoryInstance (structural)
      |                       |
      |                       +---pcelsReusableContainer (abstract new)
      |                           |
      |                           +---pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass
      |                           |   (auxiliary new)
      |                           |
      |                           +---pcelsReusableContainerInstance
      |                               (structural new)
      +---pcimConditionAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |
      |   +---pcimTPCAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |
      |   +---pcimConditionVendorAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |   |
      |   |   +---pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsFilterListAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      +---pcimActionAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |
      |   +---pcimActionVendorAuxClass (auxiliary)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      +---pcelsVariable (abstract new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSourceIPv4VariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSourceIPv6VariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsDestinationIPv4VariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsDestinationIPv6VariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsFlowIdVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSourceMACVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsDestinationMACVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |       |
      |       +---pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      +---pcelsValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsVendorValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsStringValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      |   |
      |   +---pcelsBooleanValueAuxClass (auxiliary new)
      +---pcimSubtreesPtrAuxClass (auxiliary)
      +---pcimGroupContainmentAuxClass (auxiliary)
      +---pcimRuleContainmentAuxClass (auxiliary)

Figure 1. LDAP Class Inheritance Hierarchy for PCELS

図1. PCELSのLDAPクラス継承階層

4. General Discussion of Mapping the Policy Core Information Model Extensions to LDAP
4. ポリシーコア情報モデルの拡張機能のマッピングに関する一般的な議論

The object classes described in this document contain certain optimizations for a directory that uses LDAP as its access protocol. An example is the use of auxiliary class attachment to LDAP entries for the realization of some of the associations defined in the information model. For instance, the aggregation of a specific SimplePolicyCondition to a reusable PolicyRule [PCIM_EXT] may be realized by attaching a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass to a pcelsRuleInstance entry.


Note that other data stores might need to implement the associations differently.


4.1. Summary of Class Mappings
4.1. クラスマッピングの概要

The classes and their properties defined in the information model [PCIM_EXT] map directly to LDAP object classes and attribute types.


The details of this mapping are discussed case by case in section 5.


| Information Model (PCIM_EXT)  | LDAP Class(es)                       |
| PolicySet                     | pcelsPolicySet                       |
| PolicyGroup                   | pcelsGroup                           |
|                               | pcelsGroupAuxClass                   |
|                               | pcelsGroupInstance                   |
| PolicyRule                    | pcelsRule                            |
|                               | pcelsRuleAuxClass                    |
|                               | pcelsRuleInstance                    |
| SimplePolicyCondition         | pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass         |
| CompoundPolicyCondition       | pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass       |
| CompoundFilterCondition       | pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass |
| SimplePolicyAction            | pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass            |
| CompoundPolicyAction          | pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass          |
| PolicyVariable                | pcelsVariable                        |
| --------------                | pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass          |
| PolicyExplicitVariable        | pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass        |
| PolicyImplicitVariable        | pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass        |
| PolicySourceIPv4Variable      | pcelsSourceIPv4VariableAuxClass      |
| PolicySourceIPv6Variable      | pcelsSourceIPv6VariableAuxClass      |
| PolicyDestinationIPv4Variable | pcelsDestinationIPv4VariableAuxClass |
| PolicyDestinationIPv6Variable | pcelsDestinationIPv6VariableAuxClass |
| PolicySourcePortVariable      | pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass      |
| PolicyDestinationPortVariable | pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass |
| PolicyIPProtocolVariable      | pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass      |
| PolicyIPVersionVariable       | pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass       |
| PolicyIPToSVariable           | pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass           |
| PolicyDSCPVariable            | pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass            |
| PolicyFlowIDVariable          | pcelsFlowIDVariableAuxClass          |
| PolicySourceMACVariable       | pcelsSourceMACVariableAuxClass       |
| PolicyDestinationMACVariable  | pcelsDestinationMACVariableAuxClass  |
| PolicyVLANVariable            | pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass            |
| PolicyCoSVariable             | pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass             |
| PolicyEthertypeVariable       | pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass       |
| PolicySourceSAPVariable       | pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass       |
| PolicyDestinationSAPVariable  | pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass  |
| PolicySNAPOUIVariable         | pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass         |
| PolicySNAPTypeVariable        | pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass        |
| PolicyFlowDirectionVariable   | pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass   |
| PolicyValue                   | pcelsValueAuxClass                   |
| -------------                 | pcelsVendorValueAuxClass             |
| PolicyIPv4AddrValue           | pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass           |
| PolicyIPv6AddrValue           | pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass           |
| PolicyMACAddrValue            | pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass            |
| PolicyStringValue             | pcelsStringValueAuxClass             |
| PolicyBitStringValue          | pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass          |
| PolicyIntegerValue            | pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass            |
| PolicyBooleanValue            | pcelsBooleanValueAuxClass            |
| PolicyRoleCollection          | pcelsRoleCollection                  |
| ReusablePolicyContainer       | pcelsReusableContainer               |
|                               | pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass       |
|                               | pcelsReusableContainerInstance       |
| FilterEntryBase               | pcelsFilterEntryBase                 |
| IPHeadersFilter               | pcelsIPHeadersFilter                 |
| 8021Filter                    | pcels8021Filter                      |
| FilterList                    | pcelsFilterListAuxClass              |

Figure 2. Mapping of Information Model Extension Classes to LDAP

図2. LDAPへの情報モデル拡張クラスのマッピング

The pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass and pcelsVendorValueAuxClass classes are not mapped from [PCIM_EXT]. These classes are introduced in this document as a new extension mechanism for vendor-specific policy variables and values that have not been specifically modeled. Just like for any other schema elements defined in this document or in


[PCLS], a particular submodel schema generally will not need to use vendor specific variable and value classes. Submodel schemas SHOULD apply the recommendations of section 5.10 of [PCIM_EXT] with regards to the supported and unsupported elements.


4.2. Summary of Association Mappings
4.2. アソシエーションマッピングの概要

The associations in the information model map to one or more of the following options:


1. Attributes that reference DNs (Distinguished Names) 2. Directory Information Tree (DIT) containment (i.e., superior-subordinate relationships) in LDAP 3. Auxiliary class attachment 4. Association object classes and attributes that reference DNs

1. DNSを参照する属性(著名な名前)2。LDAP 3のディレクトリ情報ツリー(DIT)封じ込め(すなわち、上位の関係)3.補助クラス添付ファイル4.関連DNSを参照する属性クラスと属性

The details of this mapping are discussed case by case in section 5.


| Information Model Association    | LDAP Attribute/Class              |
| PolicySetComponent               | pcelsPolicySetComponentList in    |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySet and                |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetDN in               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetAsociation          |
| PolicySetInSystem                | DIT Containment and               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetDN in               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetAsociation          |
| PolicyGroupInSystem              | DIT Containment and               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetDN in               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetAsociation          |
| PolicyRuleInSystem               | DIT Containment and               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetDN in               |
|                                  | pcelsPolicySetAsociation          |
| PolicyConditionStructure         | pcimConditionDN in                |
|                                  | pcelsConditionAssociation         |
| PolicyConditionInPolicyRule      | pcelsConditionList in             |
|                                  | pcelsRule and                     |
|                                  | pcimConditionDN in                |
|                                  | pcelsConditionAssociation         |
| PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition | pcelsConditionList in             |
|                                  | pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass    |
|                                  | and pcimConditionDN in            |
|                                  | pcelsConditionAssociation         |
| PolicyActionStructure            | pcimActionDN in                   |
|                                  | pcelsActionAssociation            |
| PolicyActionInPolicyRule         | pcelsActionList in                |
|                                  | pcelsRule and                     |
|                                  | pcimActionDN in                   |
|                                  | pcelsActionAssociation            |
| PolicyActionInPolicyAction       | pcelsActionList in                |
|                                  | pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass       |
|                                  | and pcimActionDN in               |
|                                  | pcelsActionAssociation            |
| PolicyVariableInSimplePolicy     | pcelsVariableDN in                |
| Condition                        | pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass      |
| PolicyValueInSimplePolicy        | pcelsValueDN in                   |
| Condition                        | pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass      |
| PolicyVariableInSimplePolicy     | pcelsVariableDN in                |
| Action                           | pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass         |
| PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction  | pcelsValueDN in                   |
|                                  | pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass         |
| ReusablePolicy                   | DIT containment                   |
| ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable  | pcelsExpectedValueList in         |
|                                  | pcelsVariable                     |
| ContainedDomain                  | DIT containment or                |
|                                  | pcelsReusableContainerList in     |
|                                  | pcelsReusableContainer            |
| EntriesInFilterList              | pcelsFilterEntryList in           |
|                                  | pcelsFilterListAuxClass           |
| ElementInPolicyRoleCollection    | DIT containment or                |
|                                  | pcelsElementList in               |
|                                  | pcelsRoleCollection               |
| PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem     | DIT Containment                   |

Figure 3. Mapping of Information Model Extension Associations to LDAP

図3. LDAPへの情報モデル拡張関連のマッピング

Two [PCIM_EXT] associations are mapped to DIT containment:


- PolicyRoleCollectionInSystem is a weak association and weak associations map well to DIT containment [CIM_LDAP] (without being limited to this mapping). In the absence of additional constraints, DIT containment is chosen here as the optimal association mapping.

- PolicyroleCollectionInsystemは弱い関連性であり、弱い関連付けは封じ込め[CIM_LDAP]に適しています(このマッピングに限定されません)。追加の制約がない場合、DIT封じ込めが最適な関連マッピングとしてここで選択されます。

- ReusablePolicy is mapped to DIT containment for scalability reasons. It is expected that applications will associate a large number of policy instances to a ReusablePolicyContainer and DIT containment is a type of association that scales well.

- ReusablePolicyは、スケーラビリティの理由でDIT封じ込めにマッピングされます。アプリケーションは、多数のポリシーインスタンスを再利用可能なポリシクテイナーに関連付けることが期待され、DIT封じ込めは適切にスケーリングする一種の関連付けです。

4.3. Summary of Changes since PCLS
4.3. PCL以降の変更の概要

This section provides an overview of the changes relative to [PCLS] defined in this document:


1. The concept of a set of policies is introduced by two new object classes: pcelsPolicySet and pcelsPolicySetAssociation. These classes enable the aggregation and relative prioritization of policies (rules and/or groups). The attribute pcelsPriority is used by pcelsPolicySetAssociation instances to indicate the priority of a policy relative to the other policies aggregated by the same set. Applications may use this attribute to apply appropriate ordering to the aggregated policies. This new policy aggregation mechanism provides an alternative to the aggregation mechanism defined by [PCLS] (that defines pcimRuleContainmentAuxClass and/or pcimGroupContainmentAuxClass for attaching components to a pcimGroup).

1. 一連のポリシーの概念は、2つの新しいオブジェクトクラス、Pcelspolicysetとpcelspolicysetasociationによって導入されています。これらのクラスにより、ポリシーの集約と相対的な優先順位付けが可能になります(ルールおよび/またはグループ)。属性PCELSPRIORITYは、PCElspolicysetasociationインスタンスで使用され、同じセットによって集約された他のポリシーに対するポリシーの優先度を示します。アプリケーションは、この属性を使用して、集約されたポリシーに適切な注文を適用する場合があります。この新しいポリシー集約メカニズムは、[PCLS](PCIMRULECONTAINMENTMENTAUXCLASSおよび/またはPCIMGROUPCONTAINMENTMENTMENTMENTMENTMENTCLASSをPCIMGROUPに付着させるためのPCIMRULECONTAINMENTMENTAUXCLASSを定義する)で定義される集約メカニズムの代替を提供します。

2. The attribute pcimRoles defined by [PCLS] is used here by the pcelsPolicySet object class. Thus, the role based policy selection mechanism is extended to all the subclasses of pcelsPolicySet.

2. ここでは、[PCLS]で定義されている属性PCImrolesは、PCELSPolicYSetオブジェクトクラスによって使用されます。したがって、ロールベースのポリシー選択メカニズムは、PCElspolicySetのすべてのサブクラスに拡張されます。

3. A new attribute pcelsDecisionStrategy is added on the pcelsPolicySet class as a mapping from the decision mechanism.

3. 決定メカニズムからのマッピングとして、PCELSPolicySetクラスに新しい属性PCELSDECISIOSSTRATECEが追加されます。

4. A new class pcelsGroup (with two subclasses), implements the modified semantics of the PolicyGroup in accordance with [PCIM_EXT]. This new class inherits from its superclass pcelsPolicySet the ability to aggregate (with relative priority) other policy rules or groups.

4. 新しいクラスのPCELSGROUP(2つのサブクラスを使用)は、[PCIM_EXT]に従ってPolicyGroupの修正されたセマンティクスを実装します。この新しいクラスは、そのスーパークラスのpcelspolicysetから、他のポリシールールまたはグループを集約する能力を(比較的優先します)継承しています。

5. A new class pcelsRule (with two subclasses), implements the modified semantics of the PolicyRule in accordance with [PCIM_EXT]. It does not include an absolute priority attribute, but instances of non-abstract subclasses of pcelsRule can be prioritized relative to each other within a System (behavior inherited from its superclass: pcelsPolicySet). The pcelsRule class also inherits from pcelsPolicySet the ability to aggregate other policy rules or groups, and thus, the ability to construct nested rule structures of arbitrary complexity.

5. 新しいクラスのpcelsrule(2つのサブクラスを使用)は、[PCIM_EXT]に従ってPolicyruleの修正されたセマンティクスを実装します。絶対的な優先度の属性は含まれませんが、PCELSSruleの非抽象サブクラスのインスタンスは、システム内で相互に比較して優先順位を付けることができます(そのスーパークラス:pcelspolicysetから継承された動作)。Pcelsruleクラスは、Pcelspolicysetから他のポリシールールまたはグループを集約する能力を継承しているため、任意の複雑さのネストされたルール構造を構築する能力も継承しています。

6. A new attribute pcelsExecutionStrategy is added to the pcelsRule and pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass classes to allow the specification of the expected behavior in case of multiple actions aggregated by a rule or by a compound action.

6. 新しい属性pcelsexecutionstrategyがpcelsruleおよびpcelscompoundactionauxclassクラスに追加され、ルールまたは複合作用によって集約された複数のアクションの場合に予想される動作の指定を可能にします。

7. Compound Conditions: The pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass class is added in order to map the CompoundPolicyCondition class. A new class, pcelsConditionAssociation is used to aggregate policy conditions in a pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass. The same class is also used to aggregate policy conditions in a pcelsRule.

7. 化合物条件:PCElsCompoundConditionAuxClassクラスが追加され、化合物ポールコンディションクラスをマッピングします。新しいクラスであるPCElsConditionAssociationは、PCElsCompoundConditionAuxclassのポリシー条件を集約するために使用されます。同じクラスは、pcelsruleのポリシー条件を集約するためにも使用されます。

8. Compound Actions: The pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass class is added in order to map the CompoundPolicyAction class. A new class, pcelsActionAssociation is used to aggregate policy actions in a pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass. The same class is also used to aggregate policy actions in a pcelsRule.

8. 複合作用:PCELSCOMPOUNDACTIONAUXCLASSクラスが追加され、CompoundPolicyactionクラスをマッピングします。新しいクラスであるPCElsactionAssociationは、PCElsCompoundactionAuxClassのポリシーアクションを集約するために使用されます。同じクラスは、PCElsruleのポリシーアクションを集約するためにも使用されます。

9. Simple Conditions, Simple Actions, Variables and Values: The simple condition, simple action, variable and value classes defined by [PCIM_EXT] are directly mapped to LDAP object classes. These are: pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass, pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass, pcelsVariable and its subclasses, and pcelsValueAuxClass and its subclasses.

9. 単純な条件、単純なアクション、変数、および値:[PCIM_EXT]で定義された単純な条件、単純なアクション、変数、および値クラスは、LDAPオブジェクトクラスに直接マッピングされます。これらは、pcelssimpleconditionauxclass、pcelssimpleactionauxclass、pcelsvariableおよびそのサブクラス、およびpcelsvalueauxclassとそのサブクラスです。

10. A general extension mechanism is introduced for representing policy variables and values that have not been specifically modeled. The mechanism is intended for vendor-specific extensions.

10. 特別にモデル化されていないポリシー変数と値を表すために、一般的な拡張メカニズムが導入されています。メカニズムは、ベンダー固有の拡張を目的としています。

11. Reusable Policy Repository: A new class (with two subclasses), pcelsReusableContainer is created as a subclass of pcimRepository. While maintaining compatibility with older [PCLS] implementations, the addition of this class acknowledges the intent of [PCIM_EXT] to avoid the potential for confusion with the Policy Framework component named Policy Repository. The new class enables many-to-many associations between reusable policy containers.

11. 再利用可能なポリシーリポジトリ:新しいクラス(2つのサブクラスを備えた)、PCElsReusableContainerは、PCIMREPositoryのサブクラスとして作成されます。古い[PCLS]実装との互換性を維持しながら、このクラスの追加は、[PCIM_EXT]の意図を認めて、ポリシーリポジトリという名前のポリシーフレームワークコンポーネントとの混乱の可能性を回避します。この新しいクラスは、再利用可能な政策コンテナ間の多目的な関連性を可能にします。

12. The ReusablePolicy association defined in [PCIM_EXT] is realized through subordination to an instance of a non-abstract subclass of pcelsReusableContainer. Thus, reusable policy components (groups, rules, conditions, actions, variables and values) may be defined as stand-alone entries or stand-alone groups of related entries subordinated (DIT contained) to a pcelsReusableContainer.

12. [PCIM_EXT]で定義されている再利用可能な協会は、PCELSREUSABLECONTAINERの非アブストラクトサブクラスのインスタンスへの従属を通じて実現されます。したがって、再利用可能なポリシーコンポーネント(グループ、ルール、条件、アクション、変数、および値)は、PCElsReusableContainerに従属(DITが含まれる)関連エントリのスタンドアロンエントリまたはスタンドアロングループとして定義できます。

13. Device level filter classes are added to the schema.

13. デバイスレベルフィルタークラスがスキーマに追加されます。

14. The pcelsRoleCollection class is added to the schema to allow the association of policy roles to resources represented as LDAP entries.

14. PCELSROLECOLLECTIONクラスがスキーマに追加され、ポリシーの役割とLDAPエントリとして表されるリソースとの関連付けが可能になります。

4.4. Relationship to PCLS Classes
4.4. PCLSクラスとの関係

Several [PCLS] classes are used in this document to derive other classes. If a PCELS application requires a functionality provided by any of derived classes, then the [PCLS] class MUST also be supported by PCELS implementations. These classes are:


pcimPolicy pcimRuleConditionAssociation pcimRuleActionAssociation pcimConditionAuxClass pcimActionAuxClass pcimRepository


Other [PCLS] classes are neither derived to nor superseded by classes defined in this document. If a PCELS application requires a functionality provided by any of these classes, then the [PCLS] class SHOULD be used. These classes are:


pcimRuleValidityAssociation pcimTPCAuxClass pcimConditionVendorAuxClass pcimActionVendorAuxClass pcimPolicyInstance pcimElementAuxClass pcimSubtreesPtrAuxClass


Among the classes defined in this document some implement concepts that supersede the concepts implemented by similar [PCLS] classes. PCELS implementations MAY support such [PCLS] classes. These classes are:


pcimGroup and its subclasses pcimRule and its subclasses pcimGroupContainmentAuxClass pcimRuleContainmentAuxClass the subclasses of pcimRepository


4.5. Impact on Existing Implementations of the Policy Core LDAP Schema
4.5. ポリシーコアLDAPスキーマの既存の実装への影響

In general, the intent of PCELS is to extend the functionality offered by the Policy Core LDAP Schema. For the most part, the compatibility with [PCLS] is preserved. The few cases in which compatibility cannot be achieved due to fundamental changes imposed by [PCIM_EXT], are defined here as alternatives to the original implementation.


PCELS does not obsolete nor deprecate the concepts implemented by [PCLS]. The new LDAP schema items are defined in this document in a way that avoids, to the extent possible, interference with the normal operation of a reasonably well-executed implementation of [PCLS]. The intent is to permit at least a harmless coexistence of the two models in the same data repository.


However, it should be noted that the PCELS introduces the following changes that may have an impact on some [PCLS] implementations:


1. Some attributes originally used only by pcimRule or pcimGroup are now also used by classes unknown to [PCLS] implementations (pcelsPolicySet, pcelsRule and pcelsGroup). In particular, the attribute pcimRoles is also used by pcelsPolicySet for role based policy selection.

1. 元々PCIMRULEまたはPCIMGROUPでのみ使用されていたいくつかの属性は、[PCLS]実装(PCELSPolicYSet、PCELSRULE、PCELSGROUP)に不明なクラスでも使用されています。特に、属性PCIMrololsは、PCELSPolicySetによってロールベースのポリシー選択にも使用されます。

2. Condition and action association classes originally used by only pcimRule are now used (through subclasses) by pcelsRule as well.

2. PCIMRULEのみが元々使用していた状態およびアクションアソシエーションクラスは、PCELSRULEによって(サブクラスを介して)使用されています。

3. pcimRepository containers may include entries of types unknown to [PCLS] implementations.

3. PCIMREPOSITORYコンテナには、[PCLS]実装に不明なタイプのエントリが含まれる場合があります。

When the choice exists, PCELS implementations SHOULD support the new schema and MAY also support the one defined by [PCLS]. For example, if PolicyRule support is required, an implementation SHOULD be able to read or read-write (as applicable) pcelsRule entries. The same implementation MAY be able to read or read-write pcimRule.


4.6. The Association of PolicyVariable and PolicyValues to PolicySimpleCondition and PolicySimpleAction
4.6. PolicyVariableとPolicyValuesとPolicySimpleconditionとPolicySimpleactionの関連付け

A PolicySimpleCondition, as well as a PolicySimpleAction, includes a single PolicyValue and a single PolicyVariable. Each of them can be attached or referenced by a DN.


The attachment helps create compact PolicyCondition and PolicyAction definitions that can be efficiently provisioned and retrieved from the repository. On the other hand, referenced PolicyVariables and PolicyValues instances can be reused in the construction of multiple policies and permit an administrative partitioning of the data and policy definitions.


4.7. The Aggregation of PolicyRules and PolicyGroups in PolicySets
4.7. 政策における政策と政策グループの集約

In [PCIM_EXT], the two aggregations PolicyGroupInPolicyGroup and PolicyRuleInPolicyGroup, are combined into a single aggregation PolicySetComponent. This aggregation and the capability of association between a policy and the ReusablePolicyContainer offer new possibilities of reusability. Furthermore, these aggregations introduce new semantics representing the execution of one PolicyRule within the scope of another PolicyRule.


Since PolicySet is defined in [PCIM_EXT], it is mapped in this document to a new class pcelsPolicySet in order to provide an abstraction for a set of policy rules or groups. The aggregation class PolicySetComponent in [PCIM_EXT] is mapped to a multi-value attribute pcelsPolicySetList in the pcelsPolicySet class and the attribute pcelsPolicySetDN in the pcelsPolicySetAssociation. These attributes refer to the nested rules and groups.


It is possible to store a rule/group nested in another rule/group in two ways. The first way is to define the nested rule/group as specific to the nesting rule/group. The second way is to define the nested rules/groups as reusable.


First case: Specific nested sets (rules/groups).


                       |          |
                 +-----|-        -|-----+
                 |     +----------+     |
                 |       *      *       |
                 |       *      *       |
                 |    ****      ****    |
                 |    *            *    |
                 v    *            *    v
               +-----------+   +-----------+
               | SA1+Set1  |   | SA2+Set2  |
               +-----------+   +-----------+
              |LEGEND:                       |
              |  ***** DIT containment       |
              |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
              |  ----> DN reference          |

#: Number. Set#: pcelsRuleAuxClass or pcelsGroupAuxClass auxiliary class. SA#: pcelsPolicySetAssocation structural class.

#: 番号。セット#:PCELSRULEAUXCLASSまたはPCELSGROUPOUXCLASS補助クラス。SA#:pcelspolicysetassocation構造クラス。

Figure 4. Policy Set with Specific Components


The nesting pcelsPolicySet refers to instances of pcelsPolicySetAssociation using the attribute pcelsPolicySetList. These structural association classes are subordinated (DIT contained) to an instance of a non-abstract subclass of pcelsPolicySet and represent the association between the PolicySet and its nested rules/groups. The nested instances of auxiliary subclasses of pcelsPolicySet are attached to the association entries.


Second case: Reusable nested sets (rules/groups).


             +----------+             +-------------+
             |Rule/Group|             | ContainerX  |
           +-|-        -|--+          |             |
           | +----------+  |          +-------------+
           |   *      *    |             *        *
           | ***      **** |             *        *
           | *           * v             *        *
           | *          +---+            *        *
           | *          |SA2|         +-------+   *
           v *          |  -|-------->|S1+Set2|   *
          +---+         +---+         +-------+   *
          |SA1|                               +-------+
          |  -|------------------------------>|S2+Set3|
          +---+                               +-------+
                 |LEGEND:                       |
                 |  ***** DIT containment       |
                 |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                 |  ----> DN reference          |

Set#: pcelsRuleAuxClass or pcelsGroupAuxClass auxiliary class. SA#: PolicySetAssocation structural class. S#: structural class.


Figure 5. Policy Set with Reusable Components


The nesting pcelsPolicySet refers to instances of pcelsPolicySetAssociation using the attribute pcelsPolicySetList. These structural association classes are subordinated (DIT contained) to an instance of a non-abstract subclass of pcelsPolicySet and represent the association between the PolicySet and its nested rules/groups. The reusable rules/groups are instantiated here as auxiliary classes and attached to pcimPolicyInstance entries in the reusable container. Another option is to use the structural subclasses for defining reusable rules/groups. The association classes belonging to a nesting policy set are reference the reusable rules/groups using the attribute pcelsPolicySetDN.


A combination of both specific and reusable components is also allowed for the same policy set.


4.8. The Aggregation of Actions/Conditions in PolicyRules and CompoundActions/CompoundConditions
4.8. 政策および化合物/化合物の条件におけるアクション/条件の集約

[PCIM_EXT] defines two new classes that allow the designer to create more complex conditions and actions. CompoundPolicyCondition and CompoundPolicyAction classes are mapped in this document to pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass and pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass classes that are subclasses of pcimConditionAuxClass/pcimActionAuxClass. The compound conditions/actions defined in [PCIM_EXT] extend the capability of the rule to associate, group and evaluate conditions or execute actions. The conditions/actions are associated to compounds conditions/actions in the same way as they are associated to the rules.


In this section, how to store instances of these classes in an LDAP Directory is explained. As a general rule, specific conditions/actions are subordinated (DIT contained) to the rule or compound condition/action that aggregates them and are attached to association class instances. Reusable conditions/actions are subordinated to pcelsReusableContainer instances and attached to pcimPolicyInstance instances.


The examples below illustrate the four possible cases combining specific/reusable compound/non-compound condition/action. The rule has two compound conditions, each one has two different conditions. The schemes can be extended in order to store actions.


The examples below are based on and extend those illustrated in the section 4.4 of [PCLS].


First case: Specific compound condition/action with specific conditions/actions.


                   +------|     Rule     |------+
                   |      +--------------+      |
                   |           *    *           |
                   |   *********    *********   |
                   v   *                    *   v
                  +---------+          +---------+
                +-| CA1+cc1 |-+      +-| CA2+cc2 |-+
                | +---------+ |      | +---------+ |
                |     * *     |      |     * *     |
                |  **** ****  |      |  **** ****  |
                v  *       *  v      v  *       *  v
               +------+ +------+    +------+ +------+
               |CA3+c1| |CA4+c2|    |CA5+c3| |CA6+c4|
               +------+ +------+    +------+ +------+
                  |LEGEND:                       |
                  |  ***** DIT containment       |
                  |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                  |  ----> DN reference          |

#: Number. CA#: pcelsConditionAssociation structural class. cc#: pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass auxiliary class. c#: subclass of pcimConditionAuxClass.


Figure 6. Specific Compound Conditions with Specific Components


Because the compound conditions/actions are specific to the Rule, They are auxiliary attachments to instances of the structural classes pcelsConditionAssociation or pcelsActionAssociation. These structural classes represent the association between the rule and the compound condition/action. The rule specific conditions/actions are therefore subordinated (DIT contained) to the rule entry.


The conditions/actions are tied to the compound conditions/actions in the same way the compound conditions/actions are tied to rules. Association classes realize the association between the aggregating compound conditions/actions and the specific conditions/actions.


Second case: Rule specific compound conditions/actions with reusable conditions/actions.


           +-------------+                   +---------------+
    +------|     Rule    |-----+             |  ContainerX   |
    |      +-------------+     |             +---------------+
    |           *    *         |              *    *    *   *
    |           *    *         |           ****    *    *   *
    |   *********    ********  |           *       *    *   ********
    |   *                   *  v           *       *    *          *
    |   *               +---------+        *       *    ****       *
    |   *             +-| CA2+cc2 |-+      *       *       *       *
    |   *             | +---------+ |      *       *       *       *
    v   *             |    *  *     |      *       *       *       *
   +---------+        | ****  ****  |      *       *       *       *
 +-| CA1+cc1 |-+      | *        *  v      *       *       *       *
 | +---------+ |      | *     +------+  +-----+    *       *       *
 |    *  *     |      v *     |  CA6 |->|S1+c4|    *       *       *
 | ****  ****  |     +------+ +------+  +-----+ +-----+    *       *
 | *        *  v     |  CA5 |------------------>|S2+c3|    *       *
 | *      +------+   +------+                   +-----+ +-----+    *
 v *      |  CA4 |------------------------------------->|S3+c2|    *
 +------+ +------+                                      +-----+ +-----+
 |  CA3 |------------------------------------------------------>|S4+c1|
 +------+                                                       +-----+
                    |LEGEND:                       |
                    |  ***** DIT containment       |
                    |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                    |  ----> DN reference          |
      #: Number.
      CA#: pcelsConditionAssociation structural class.
      cc#: pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass auxiliary class.
      c#: subclass of pcimConditionAuxClass.
      S#: structural class

Figure 7. Specific Compound Conditions with Reusable Components


This case is similar to the first one. The conditions/actions are reusable and are therefore not attached to the association classes, but rather to structural classes in the reusable container. The association classes tie the conditions/actions in located in a reusable container to their aggregators using DN references.


Third case: Reusable compound condition/action with specific conditions/actions.


        +--------------+                  +--------------+
        |     Rule     |                  |  RepositoryX |
    +---+--------------+----+             +--------------+
    |        *     *        |                  *    *
    |  *******     *******  |           ********    ********
    |  *                 *  v           *                  *
    |  *            +----------+    +---------+            *
    |  *            |   CA2    |--->| S1+cc2  |            *
    |  *            +----------+  +-+---------+-+          *
    |  *                          |     * *     |          *
    |  *                          |  **** ****  |          *
    |  *                          v  *       *  v          *
    |  *                         +------+ +------+         *
    |  *                         |CA5+c3| |CA6+c4|         *
    v  *                         +------+ +------+         *
  +----------+                                          +---------+
  |   CA1    |----------------------------------------->| S2+cc1  |
  +----------+                                        +-+---------+-+
                                                      |     * *     |
                                                      |  **** ****  |
                                                      v  *       *  v
                                                     +------+ +------+
                                                     |CA3+c1| |CA4+c2|
                                                     +------+ +------+
                    |LEGEND:                       |
                    |  ***** DIT containment       |
                    |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                    |  ----> DN reference          |
      #: Number.
      CA#: pcelsConditionAssociation structural class.
      cc#: pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass auxiliary class.
      c#: subclass of pcimConditionAuxClass.
      S#: structural class

Figure 8. Reusable Compound Conditions with Specific Components


Re-usable compound conditions/actions are attached to structural classes and stored in a reusable policy container. They are related to the rule through a DN reference attribute in the association classes.


Specific conditions/actions are attached to association entries and subordinated (DIT contained) to the aggregating compound conditions/actions.


Fourth case: Reusable conditions/actions and compound conditions/actions.


          +------+          +---------------+    +---------------+
    +-----| Rule |-----+    |  ContainerX   |    |  ContainerY   |
    |     +------+     |    +---------------+    +---------------+
    |      *    *      |         *     *           *   *   *   *
    | ******    ****** |       ***     ***       ***   *   *   *****
    | *              * v       *         *       *     *   *       *
    | *          +-------+  +------+     *       *     *   ***     *
    | *          |  CA2  |->|S1+ca1|     *       *     *     *     *
    | *          +-------+  +------+     *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    /  *  *  \    *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    |**   ** |    *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    |*     * v    *       *     *     *     *
    | *                    |*   +---+    *    +-----+  *     *     *
    | *                    |*   |CA6|----*--->|S3+c4|  *     *     *
    | *                    v*   +---+    *    +-----+  *     *     *
    | *                  +---+           *          +-----+  *     *
    | *                  |CA5|-----------*--------->|S4+c3|  *     *
    v *                  +---+           *          +-----+  *     *
  +-------+                           +------+               *     *
  |  CA1  |-------------------------->|S2+cc1|               *     *
  +-------+                           +------+               *     *
                                     /  *  *  \              *     *
                                     | **  ** |              *     *
                                     | *    * v              *     *
                                     | *  +---+           +-----+  *
                                     | *  |CA4|---------->|S5+c2|  *
                                     v *  +---+           +-----+  *
                                    +---+                      +-----+
                                    +---+                      +-----+
                    |LEGEND:                       |
                    |  ***** DIT containment       |
                    |    +   auxiliary attachment  |
                    |  ----> DN reference          |

#: Number. CA#: pcelsConditionAssociation structural class. cc#: pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass auxiliary class.


      c#: subclass of pcimConditionAuxClass.
      S#: structural class

Figure 9. Reusable Compound Conditions with Reusable Components


All the conditions/actions are reusable so they are stored in reusable containers. The figure above illustrates two different reusable policy containers, but the number of containers in the system is decided based on administrative reasons. The conditions, actions, etc. may be stored in the same or different containers with no impact on the policy definition semantics.


5. Class Definitions
5. クラスの定義

The semantics for the policy information classes that are to be mapped directly from the information model to an LDAP representation are detailed in [PCIM_EXT]. Consequently, this document presents only a brief reference to those semantics. The focus here is on the mapping from the information model (which is independent of repository type and access protocol) to a form that can be accessed using LDAP. For various reasons including LDAP specific optimization, this mapping is not always 1:1. Some new classes and attributes (that were not part of [PCIM] or [PCIM_EXT]) needed to be created in order to implement the LDAP mapping. These new LDAP-only classes are fully defined in this document.


The following notes apply to this section in its entirety.


Note 1: The formal language for specifying the classes, attributes, and DIT structure and content rules is that defined in [LDAP_SYNTAX]. In the following definitions, the class and attribute definitions follow [LDAP_SYNTAX] but they are line-wrapped to enhance human readability.


Note 2: Even though not explicitly noted in the following class and attribute definitions, implementations may define DIT structure and content rules where applicable and supported by the underlying LDAP infrastructure. In such cases, the DIT structure rule considerations discussed in section 5 of [PCLS] must be applied to PCELS implementations as well. The reasons and details are presented in [X.501].


Note 3: Wherever possible, an equality, a substrings and an ordering matching rule are defined for a particular attribute. This provides additional implementation flexibility. However, in some cases, the LDAP matching semantics may not cover all the application needs. For instance, different values of pcelsIPv4AddrList may be semantically equivalent. The equality matching rule, caseIgnoreMatch, associated to this attribute type is not suitable for detecting this equivalence. Implementers should not rely solely on LDAP syntaxes and matching rules for being consistent with this specification.


Note 4: The following attribute definitions use only LDAP matching rules and syntax definitions from [LDAP_SYNTAX], [LDAP_SCHEMA] and [LDAP_MATCH]. The corresponding X.500 matching rules are defined in [X.520].


Note 5: Some of the following attribute types MUST conform to additional constraints on various data types (e.g., the only valid values for pcelsDecisionStrategy are 1 and 2). Just like the attribute semantics, the definition of the value structures, valid ranges, etc. is covered by [PCIM_EXT] for the corresponding properties while such constraints are only briefly mentioned in this document. In all cases, if a constraint is violated, the entry SHOULD be treated as invalid and the policy rules or groups that refer to it SHOULD be treated as being disabled, meaning that the execution of such policy rules or groups SHOULD be stopped.


Note 6: Some of the object classes defined in this section cannot or should not be directly instantiated because they are either defined as abstract or do not implement stand-alone semantics (e.g., pcelsValueAuxClass). Regarding instances of objects that inherit from such classes, the text refers to "instances of <class_name>" when in fact the strictly correct expression would be "instances of objects that belong to non-abstract subclasses of <class_name>". The omission is intentional; it makes the text easier to read.


5.1. The Abstract Class pcelsPolicySet
5.1. 抽象クラスpcelspolicyset

The pcelsPolicySet class represents a set of policies with a common decision strategy and a common set of policy roles. This class together with the pcelsPolicySetAssociation class defined in a subsequent section of this document provide sufficient information to allow applications to apply appropriate ordering to a set of policies. The pcelsPolicySet is mapped from the PolicySet class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsPolicySet class is an abstract object class and it is derived from the pcimPolicy class [PCLS].


The pcelsPolicySetList attribute of a pcelsPolicySet instance references subordinated pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries. The aggregated pcelsPolicySet instances are either attached to the pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries as auxiliary object classes or referenced by the pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries using the pcelsPolicySetDN attribute.


The pcelsPolicySet class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsPolicySet' DESC 'Set of policies' SUP pcimPolicy ABSTRACT MAY ( pcelsPolicySetName $ pcelsDecisionStrategy $ pcimRoles $ pcelsPolicySetList ) )

( name 'pcelspolicyset' desc '' sup pcimpolicy abstract abstract(pcelspolicysetname $ pcelsdecisionstrategy $ pcimrolos $ pcelspolicysetlist))

One of the attributes of the pcelsPolicySet class, pcimRoles is defined in the section 5.3 of [PCLS]. In the pcelsPolicySet class the pcimRole attribute preserves its syntax and semantics as defined by [PCLS] and [PCIM].


The pcelsPolicySetName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsPolicySet entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSPolicySetName属性タイプは、PCELSPolicYSetエントリの命名属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsPolicySetName' DESC 'User-friendly name of a policy set' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelspolicysetname' desc ''ポリシーセットのユーザーフレンドリー名 'equality caseignorematchの注文caseignore-orderingmatch substmatch substringsmatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsDecisionStrategy attribute type indicates the evaluation method for the policies aggregated in the policy set. It is mapped from the PolicySet.PolicyDecisionStrategy property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are 1 (FirstMatching) and 2 (AllMatching). If this attribute is missing from a pcelsPolicySet instance, applications MUST assume a FirstMatching decision strategy for the policy set.

PCELSDecisionsTrategy属性タイプは、ポリシーセットに集約されているポリシーの評価方法を示します。PolicySet.PolicyDecisionsTrategyプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、1(最初のマッチング)と2(全マッチング)です。この属性がpcelspolicysetインスタンスから欠落している場合、アプリケーションはポリシーセットの最初の配置決定戦略を想定する必要があります。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDecisionStrategy' DESC 'Evaluation method for the components of a pcelsPolicySet' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )


The pcelsPolicySetList attribute type is used in the realization of the PolicySetComponent association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsPolicySetList attributes are DNs of pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries. In a pcelsPolicySet, the pcelsPolicySetList attribute represents the associations between this policy set and its components.

PCELSPolicySetList属性タイプは、PolicySetComponent Association [PCIM_EXT]の実現に使用されます。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSPolicySetList属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElspolicySetasociationエントリのDNSです。PCElspolicySetでは、PCELSPolicySetList属性は、このポリシーセットとそのコンポーネントとの関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsPolicySetList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )

(名 'pcelspolicysetlist' desc 'Pcelspolicysetasociationエントリの等価のDNSの順序付けられたセットのセット著名なdammematch構文1.

Note: A pcelsPolicySet instance aggregates other pcelsPolicySet instances using pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries (defined in the next section). Applications can sort the components of a pcelsPolicySet using attributes of the pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries. However, implementations should not expect the LDAP data store to provide a useful ordering of the pcelsPolicySetList values in a pcelsPolicySet instance or to return sets of matching pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries in a meaningful order. Instead, applications SHOULD implement their own means for post-retrieval ordering of policy rules/groups based on pcelsPolicySetAssociation.pcelsPriority values.


5.2. The Structural Class pcelsPolicySetAssociation
5.2. 構造クラスpcelspolicysetasociation

The pcelsPolicySetAssociation class is used to associate PolicySet instances [PCIM_EXT] to other entries. pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries are always subordinated to the aggregating entry. When subordinated to an instance of pcelsPolicySet, pcelsPolicySetAssociation realizes a PolicySetComponent association [PCIM_EXT]. When subordinated to an instance of dlm1System [CIM_LDAP], pcelsPolicySetAssociation realizes a PolicySetInSystem association [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSPolicySetasociationクラスは、PolicySetインスタンス[PCIM_EXT]を他のエントリに関連付けるために使用されます。pcelspolicysetasociationエントリは、常に集約エントリに従属します。pcelspolicysetのインスタンスに従属すると、pcelspolicysetasociationはPolicySetComponent Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。dlm1system [cim_ldap]のインスタンスに従属すると、pcelspolicysetasociationはPolicysetinsystem Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。

The pcelsPolicySetAssociation class is a structural object class and it is derived from the pcimPolicy class [PCLS].


The aggregation of a reusable pcelsPolicySet instance is realized via the pcelsPolicySetDN attribute. A non-reusable pcelsPolicySet instance is attached (as auxiliary subclass of pcelsPolicySet) directly to the pcelsPolicySetAssociation entry.


When reading a pcelsPolicySetAssociation instance that has a pcelsPolicySet attached, the attribute pcelsPolicySetDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcelsPolicySetDN value from a pcelsPolicySetAssociation upon attachment of a pcelsPolicySet to the entry.


The pcelsPolicySetAssociation class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsPolicySetAssociation' DESC 'Associates a policy set to an aggregating entry' SUP pcimPolicy STRUCTURAL MUST ( pcelsPriority ) MAY ( pcelsPolicySetName $ pcelsPolicySetDN ) )

(名「Pcelspolicysetasociation 'desc」は、ポリシーを集約エントリに関連付けます。

The pcelsPriority attribute type indicates the priority of a policy set component. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have single values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are non-negative integers. Within the set of pcelsPolicySetAssociation entries directly subordinated to a pcelsPolicySet or a dlm1System [CIM_LDAP], the pcelsPriority values MUST be unique.

PCELSPRIORITY属性タイプは、ポリシーセットコンポーネントの優先度を示します。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性には、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、非陰性整数です。pcelspolicysetasociationエントリのセット内で、pcelspolicysetまたはdlm1system [cim_ldap]に直接従属している場合、pcelspriority値は一意でなければなりません。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsPriority' DESC 'Priority of a component' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

( name name 'pcelspriority' desc 'コンポーネントの優先度'平等項integer-orderingmatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsPolicySetDN attribute type is used in the aggregation of PolicySet instances [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have single values. The only allowed values for pcelsPolicySetDN attributes are DNs of pcelsPolicySet entries.

PCELSPolicySetDN属性タイプは、PolicySetインスタンス[PCIM_EXT]の集約で使用されます。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には、単一の値のみを持つことができます。PCELSPolicySetDN属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCELSPolicYSetエントリのDNSです。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsPolicySetDN' DESC 'DN of a pcelsPolicySet entry' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

( name 'pcelspolicysetdn' desc 'pcelspolicyset entry' equality distinguednamematch Syntax単価)

5.3. The Three Policy Group Classes
5.3. 3つのポリシーグループクラス

The pcelsGroup class is the base class for representing a policy group. It is mapped from the modified PolicyGroup class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsGroup class is derived from the pcelsPolicySet class. To maximize flexibility, the pcelsGroup class is defined as abstract. An auxiliary subclass pcelsGroupAuxClass enables the attachment of a policy group to an existing entry, while a structural subclass pcelsGroupInstance permits the representation of a policy group as a standalone entry.


The pcelsGroup class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsGroup' DESC 'Base class for representing a policy group' SUP pcelsPolicySet ABSTRACT MAY ( pcimGroupName ) ) The pcelsGroupAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsGroupAuxClass' DESC 'Auxiliary class for representing a policy group' SUP pcelsGroup AUXILIARY )

(名「PCELSGROUPONCLASS」ポリシーグループを表現するための補助クラス 'SUP PCELSGROUP Auxiliary)

The pcelsGroupInstance class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsGroupInstance' DESC 'Structural class for representing a policy group' SUP pcelsGroup STRUCTURAL )


The pcimGroupName attribute type used by the pcelsGroup class is defined in the section 5.2 of [PCLS]. In the pcelsGroup object class, this attribute preserves its syntax and semantics as defined by [PCLS] and [PCIM].


Note: PCELS implementations SHOULD support pcelsGroup and its two subclasses and MAY also support pcimGroup and its two subclasses [PCLS]. Applications that choose to support pcelsGroup and its two subclasses MUST use the aggregation mechanism provided by pcelsPolicySetAssociation for aggregating policy groups or policy rules in policy groups represented as instances of pcelsGroup.


5.4. The Three Policy Rule Classes
5.4. 3つのポリシールールクラス

The pcelsRule class is the base class for representing a policy rule. It is mapped from the modified PolicyRule class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsRule class is derived from the pcelsPolicySet class. To maximize flexibility, the pcelsRule class is defined as abstract. An auxiliary subclass pcelsRuleAuxClass enables the attachment of a policy rule to an existing entry, while a structural subclass pcelsRuleInstance permits the representation of a policy rule as a standalone entry.


When reading a pcelsRule instance that has a pcimConditionAuxClass attached, from the policy rule perspective the attribute pcelsConditionList MUST be ignored. For example, if present, the attribute MUST NOT be considered an association between this policy rule and a policy condition. Such situations may occur, for example, when a pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass is attached to a pcelsRule instance.


When reading a pcelsRule instance that has a pcimActionAuxClass attached, from the policy rule perspective the attribute pcelsActionList MUST be ignored. For example, if present, the attribute MUST NOT be considered an association between this policy rule and a policy action. Such situations may occur, for example, when a pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass is attached to a pcelsRule instance.


The pcelsRule class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRule' DESC 'Base class for representing a policy rule' SUP pcelsPolicySet ABSTRACT MAY ( pcimRuleName $ pcimRuleEnabled $ pcimRuleUsage $ pcimRuleMandatory $ pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList $ pcelsConditionListType $ pcelsConditionList $ pcelsActionList $ pcelsSequencedActions $ pcelsExecutionStrategy ) )


The pcelsRuleAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRuleAuxClass' DESC 'Auxiliary class for representing a policy rule' SUP pcelsRule AUXILIARY )

(名「pcelsruleauxclass」ポリシールールを表すための補助クラス 'sup pcelsrule補助剤)

The pcelsRuleInstance class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRuleInstance' DESC 'Structural class for representing a policy rule' SUP pcelsRule STRUCTURAL ) Four of the attributes used by the pcelsRule class are defined in the section 5.3 of [PCLS]. These attributes are: pcimRuleName, pcimRuleEnabled, pcimRuleUsage and pcimRuleMandatory. In the pcelsRule object class, these attributes preserve their syntax and semantics as defined by [PCLS] and [PCIM].

(名「PCELSRULEINSTANCE 'DESC」ポリシールールを表すための構造クラス' SUP PCELSRULE STRUCTURAURAL)PCELSRULEクラスで使用される4つの属性は、[PCLS]のセクション5.3で定義されています。これらの属性は、PCIMRULENAME、PCIMRULEENABLED、PCIMRULEUSAGE、PCIMRULEMANDARYです。PCELSSruleオブジェクトクラスでは、これらの属性は、[PCLS]および[PCIM]で定義されているように、構文とセマンティクスを保存します。

The attributes pcimRuleValidityPeriodList, pcimRuleConditionListType, pcimRuleConditionList, pcimRuleActionList and pcimRuleSequencedActions defined in [PCLS] are not used by pcelsRule. Instead, this class uses the new attributes pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList, pcelsConditionListType, pcelsConditionList, pcelsActionList and pcelsSequencedActions. Except for pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList, the new attributes are also used for similar purpose by either pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass or pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass.


The pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList attribute type is used in the realization of the PolicyRuleValidityPeriod association ([PCIM_EXT] and [PCIM]). This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList attributes are DNs of pcimRuleValidityAssociation entries. In a pcelsRule, the pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList attribute represents the associations between this policy rule and its time period conditions.

PCELSRULEVALIDITIONPERIODLIST属性タイプは、PolicyrulevalidityPeriod Association([PCIM_EXT]および[PCIM])の実現に使用されます。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSRULEVALIDITIONPERIODLIST属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCIMRULEVALISITION ASSOCIATIONエントリのDNSです。PCELSSruleでは、PCELSRULEVALITIDERIDITYPERIODLIST属性は、このポリシールールとその期間条件との関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcimRuleValidityAssociation entries' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )


The pcelsConditionListType attribute type indicates whether the set of aggregated conditions is in disjunctive or conjunctive normal form. It is mapped from the PolicyRule.ConditionListType property [PCIM] (identical to the CompoundPolicyCondition.ConditionListType property defined in [PCIM_EXT]). This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are 1 (Disjunctive) and 2 (Conjunctive). If this attribute is missing from a pcelsRule instance, applications MUST assume that the set of aggregated conditions is in disjunctive normal form.

PCELSCONDITIONLISTTYPE属性タイプは、集約された条件のセットが分離法または接続詞の通常の形であるかどうかを示します。PolicyRule.ConditionListTypeプロパティ[PCIM]([PCIM_EXT]で定義されているCommuntitionListTypeプロパティと同一)からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、1(分離法)と2(接続詞)です。この属性がPCELSSruleインスタンスから欠落している場合、アプリケーションは、集約された条件のセットが分離的な通常の形であると想定する必要があります。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsConditionListType' DESC 'Indicates the type of condition aggregation' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsconditionlisttype 'desc」は、条件集約のタイプを示します'等価項integerorderingmatch構文の順序付け1.単一値))

The pcelsConditionList attribute type is used in the realization of the PolicyConditionStructure association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsConditionList attributes are DNs of pcelsConditionAssociation entries. In a pcelsRule, the pcelsConditionList attribute represents the associations between this policy rule and its conditions.

PCELSConditionList属性タイプは、PolicyConditionStructure Association [PCIM_EXT]の実現に使用されます。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCElsConditionList属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCELSConditionAssociationエントリのDNSです。PCELSSruleでは、PCELSConditionList属性は、このポリシールールとその条件との関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsConditionList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcelsConditionAssociation entries' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )

(名 'pcelsconditionlist' desc 'PcelsConditionAssociationエントリのequality dns of DNS of DNSの順序付けられたセット1.

The pcelsActionList attribute type is used in the realization of the PolicyActionStructure association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsActionList attributes are DNs of pcelsActionAssociation entries. In a pcelsRule, the pcelsActionList attribute represents the associations between this policy rule and its actions.

PCELSACTIONLIST属性タイプは、PolicyActionsTructure Association [PCIM_EXT]の実現に使用されます。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSACTIONLIST属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElsActionAssociationエントリのDNSです。PCELSSruleでは、PCELSACTIONLIST属性は、このポリシールールとそのアクションとの関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsActionList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcelsActionAssociation entries' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX ) The pcelsSequencedActions attribute type indicates whether the ordered execution of actions in an aggregate is Mandatory, Recommended or DontCare. It is mapped from the PolicyRule.SequencedActions property [PCIM] (identical to the CompoundPolicyAction.SequencedActions property defined in [PCIM_EXT]). This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are 1 (Mandatory), 2 (Recommended) and 3 (DontCare). If this attribute is missing from a pcelsRule instance, applications MUST assume that the ordered execution of actions in this rule is not important (DontCare).

(名 'pcelsactionassociationエントリのdnsのdnsの並べ替えられたセットの並べ替えられたdamamematch構文1.属性の種類は、順序のエグエクティブの存在が順番に繰り返されるかどうかを示すかどうかを示す集計は必須、推奨、または除外されません。Policyrule.SequencedActionsプロパティ[PCIM]([PCIM_EXT]で定義されているcommonePolicyaction.secompencedActionsプロパティと同一)からマッピングされます。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、1(必須)、2(推奨)、3(dontcare)です。この属性がpcelsruleインスタンスから欠落している場合、アプリケーションは、このルールでの順序付けられたアクションの実行が重要ではないと想定する必要があります(dontcare)。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSequencedActions' DESC 'Indicates the importance of action sequencing' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「PCELS順序挙上」DESC 'は、アクションシーケンスの重要性を示しています。

The pcelsExecutionStrategy attribute type indicates whether the actions in an aggregate are to be executed until success, all (independent of their outcome) or until failure. It is mapped from the PolicyRule.ExecutionStrategy property [PCIM_EXT] (identical to the CompoundPolicyAction.ExecutionStrategy property). This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are 1 (Do until success), 2 (Do all) and 3 (Do until failure). If this attribute is missing from a pcelsRule instance, applications MUST assume that all the actions are to be executed (Do all).

pcelSexecutionsTrategy属性タイプは、集合体のアクションが成功まで実行されるかどうか、すべて(結果とは無関係)か失敗まで実行されるかを示します。PolicyRule.ExecutionStrategyプロパティ[PCIM_EXT](ComplempolicYaction.ExecutionStrategyプロパティと同一)からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の許可された値のみは、1(成功まで行う)、2(すべてを行う)、3(障害まで行う)です。この属性がpcelsruleインスタンスから欠落している場合、アプリケーションはすべてのアクションが実行されることを想定する必要があります(すべてを実行します)。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsExecutionStrategy' DESC 'Indicates the action execution strategy' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) Note 1: Rule validity periods for an instance of pcelsRule are realized using the attribute pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList and pcimRuleValidityAssociation [PCLS] entries subordinated to the rule.

(名 'pcelsexecutionstrategy' desc 'は、アクション実行戦略'平等を示します。PCELSSruleは、属性PCELSRULEVALITITYPERISTIONLISTおよびPCIMRULEVALISITION ASSOCIATION [PCLS]エントリを使用して実現されます。

If DIT structure rules and name forms are written for a PCELS implementation (as suggested in section 5.5 of [PCLS]), they would require that an instance of the pcimRuleValidityAssociation class have as its superior an instance of the pcelsRule class or, if applicable, an instance of the pcimRule class. Any structure rules and name forms that require an instance of the pcimRuleValidityAssociation class to have as its superior only an instance of the pcimRule class, are in conflict and MUST be removed.

DIT構造ルールと名前フォームがPCELS実装([PCLS]のセクション5.5で示唆されているように)のために記述されている場合、PCIMRULEVALISITIONASOCIATIONクラスのインスタンスがPCELSRULEクラスの優れたインスタンスとして、または該当する場合、pcimruleクラスのインスタンス。PCIMRULEVALISITION ASSOCIATIONクラスのインスタンスを必要とする構造ルールと名前フォームは、PCIMRULEクラスの優れたインスタンスのみを持つために競合しており、削除する必要があります。

Note 2: PCELS implementations SHOULD support pcelsRule and its two subclasses and MAY also support pcimRule and its two subclasses [PCLS]. Applications that choose to support pcelsRule and its two subclasses MUST use the aggregation mechanism provided by pcelsPolicySetAssociation for aggregating policy groups or policy rules in policy rules represented as instances of pcelsRule.


5.5. The Structural Class pcelsConditionAssociation

The pcelsConditionAssociation class is used in the aggregation of PolicyCondition instances [PCIM]. pcelsConditionAssociation entries are always subordinated to the aggregating entry. When subordinated to an instance of pcelsRule, the pcelsConditionAssociation entry realizes the PolicyConditionInPolicyRule association [PCIM_EXT]. When subordinated to an instance of pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass, the pcelsConditionAssociation entry realizes the PolicyConditionInPolicyCondition association [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSConditionAssociationクラスは、PolicyConditionインスタンス[PCIM]の集約で使用されます。PCELSConditionAssociationエントリは、常に集約エントリに従属します。pcelsruleのインスタンスに従属すると、PCELSConditionAssociationエントリはPolicyConditionInpolicyrule Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。PCElsCompoundConditionAuxClassのインスタンスに従属すると、PCELSConditionAssociationエントリはPolicyConditionInPolicyCondition Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。

The pcelsConditionAssociation class is a structural object class and it is derived from the pcimRuleConditionAssociation class [PCLS].


The aggregation of a reusable instance of pcimConditionAuxClass is realized via the pcimConditionDN attribute. A non-reusable instance of pcimConditionAuxClass is attached directly to the pcelsConditionAssociation entry.


When reading a pcelsConditionAssociation entry that has a pcimConditionAuxClass instance attached, the attribute pcimConditionDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcimConditionDN value from a pcelsConditionAssociation upon attachment of a pcimConditionAuxClass to the entry.


The pcelsConditionAssociation class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsConditionAssociation' DESC 'Associates a policy conditions to an aggregating entry' SUP pcimRuleConditionAssociation STRUCTURAL )

( name 'pcelsconditionAssociation' desc 'は、ポリシー条件を集約エントリに関連付けます。

This class extends the semantics of the pcimRuleConditionAssociation object class without using any new attributes. All its attributes are inherited from the pcimRuleConditionAssociation that is defined in section 5.4 of [PCLS].


5.6. The Structural Class pcelsActionAssociation

The pcelsActionAssociation class is used in the aggregation of PolicyAction instances [PCIM]. pcelsActionAssociation entries are always subordinated to the aggregating entry. When subordinated to a pcelsRule instance, the pcelsActionAssociation entry realizes the PolicyActionInPolicyRule association [PCIM_EXT]. When subordinated to an instance of pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass, the pcelsActionAssociation entry realizes the PolicyActionInPolicyAction association [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSACTIONASSOCIATIONクラスは、ポリシーアクセスインスタンス[PCIM]の集約で使用されます。PCELSACTIONASSOCIATIONエントリは、常に集約エントリに従属します。PCELSSruleインスタンスに従属すると、PCELSACTIONASSOCIATIONエントリはPolicyActionInPolicyrule Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。PCElsCompoundactionAuxClassのインスタンスに従属すると、PCElsActionAssociationエントリはPolicyActionInPolicyAction Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。

The pcelsActionAssociation class is a structural object class and it is derived from the pcimRuleActionAssociation class [PCLS].


The aggregation of a reusable instance of pcimActionAuxClass is realized via the pcimActionDN attribute. A non-reusable instance of pcimActionAuxClass is attached directly to the pcelsActionAssociation entry.


When reading a pcelsActionAssociation entry that has a pcimActionAuxClass instance attached, the attribute pcimActionDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcimActionDN value from a pcelsActionAssociation upon attachment of a pcimActionAuxClass to the entry.


The pcelsActionAssociation class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsActionAssociation' DESC 'Associates a policy conditions to an aggregating entry' SUP pcimRuleActionAssociation STRUCTURAL ) This class extends the semantics of the pcimRuleActionAssociation object class without using any new attributes. All its attributes are inherited from the pcimRuleActionAssociation that is defined in section 5.6 of [PCLS].

(名「PCELSACTIONASSOCIATION」DESC 'は、ポリシー条件を集約エントリに関連付けます。そのすべての属性は、[PCLS]のセクション5.6で定義されているPCimruleactionAssociationから継承されます。

5.7. The Auxiliary Class pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass

The pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass class implements a Value matching condition for a Variable. It is mapped from the SimplePolicyCondition class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcimConditionAuxClass class [PCLS].


A reusable variable/value is associated to a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass via the pcelsVariableDN/pcelsValueDN reference from the simple condition instance. A non-reusable variable/value is associated directly as auxiliary object class to the same entry as the pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass instance.

再利用可能な変数/値は、Simple ConditionインスタンスのPCElsvariabledn/Pcelsvaluednリファレンスを介してPCElsSimpleconditionauxclassに関連付けられています。非繰り返しの変数/値は、PCELSSIMPLECONDITIONAUXCLASSインスタンスと同じエントリに補助オブジェクトクラスとして直接関連付けられます。

When reading a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass instance that has an instance of pcelsVariable attached, the attribute pcelsVariableDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcelsVariableDN value from a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass instance upon attachment of a pcelsVariable instance to the same entry.


When reading a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass instance that has an instance of pcelsValue attached, the attribute pcelsValueDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcelsValueDN value from a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass instance upon attachment of a pcelsValue instance to the same entry.


The pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass' DESC 'Value matching condition for a policy variable' SUP pcimConditionAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsVariableDN $ pcelsValueDN ) )

( name name 'pcelssimpleconditionauxclass' desc 'ポリシー変数の条件' sup pcimconditionauxclass補助条件(pcelsvariabledn $ pcelsvaluedn))

The pcelsVariableDN attribute type realizes the PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyCondition association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for pcelsVariableDN attributes are DNs of pcelsVariable entries. In a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass, the pcelsVariableDN attribute represents the association between this simple policy condition and its policy variable.

PCELSVARIABLEDN属性タイプは、PolicyVariaveIaveIninimplePolicycondition Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。PCELSVARIABLEDN属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElsvariableエントリのDNSです。PCELSSIMPLECONDITIONAUXCLASSでは、PCELSVARIABLEDN属性は、この単純なポリシー条件とそのポリシー変数との関連を表しています。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVariableDN' DESC 'DN of a pcelsVariable entry' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

( name name 'pcelsvariabledn' desc 'pcelsvariable enter' equality distinguednamematch Syntax単価)

The pcelsValueDN attribute type realizes the PolicyValueInSimplePolicyCondition association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for pcelsValueDN attributes are DNs of pcelsValueAuxClass entries. In a pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass, the pcelsValueDN attribute represents the association between this simple policy condition and its policy value.

pcelsvaluedn属性タイプは、policyvalueinsimplepolicycondition Association [pcim_ext]を実現します。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。PCElsvaluedn属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElsValueAuxClassエントリのDNSです。pcelssimpleconditionauxclassでは、Pcelsvaluedn属性は、この単純なポリシー条件とそのポリシー値との関連を表しています。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsValueDN' DESC 'DN of a pcelsValueAuxClass entry' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsvaluedn' desc 'dn of a pcelsvalueauxclass enter' equality distinguishednamematch Syntax単価)

Note: An instance of pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass and an instance of pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass MUST NOT be attached to the same entry. Because the two classes use the same mechanisms to associate Variables and Values, this restriction is necessary in order to avoid ambiguities.


5.8. The Auxiliary Class pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass

The pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass class represents a compound policy condition formed by the aggregation of other policy conditions. It is mapped from the CompoundPolicyCondition class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcimConditionAuxClass class [PCLS].


The pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass' DESC 'Boolean combination of simpler conditions' SUP pcimConditionAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsConditionListType $ pcelsConditionList ) )

(名「pcelscompoundconditionauxclass」desc 'boolean sup pcimconditionauxclass auxiliary may(pcelsconditionlisttype $ pcelsconditionlist))))))

If the pcelsConditionListType attribute is missing from a pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass instance, applications MUST assume that the set of aggregated conditions is in disjunctive normal form.


In a pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass instance, the pcelsConditionList attribute represents the associations between this compound policy condition and the compounded conditions.


These attribute types are defined in section 5.4.


Like pcelsRule, instances of pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass use pcelsConditionList values and subordinated pcelsConditionAssociation entries to aggregate policy conditions.


5.9. The Auxiliary Class pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass

The pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass class represents a domain-level filter. It is mapped from the CompoundFilterCondition class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass class.


The pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass' DESC 'A compound condition with mirroring capabilities' SUP pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsIsMirrored ) )

(名 'pcelscompoundfilterconditionauxclass' desc 'ミラーリング機能を備えた複合条件' sup pcelscompoundcontitionauxclass Auxiliary may(pcelsismirrored))

The pcelsIsMirrored attribute type indicates whether the traffic that mirrors the specified filter is to be treated as matching the filter. It is mapped from the CompoundFilterCondition.IsMirrored property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Boolean [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of booleanMatch [LDAP_MATCH].

PCELSISMIRRORED属性タイプは、指定されたフィルターをミラーリングするトラフィックがフィルターに一致するものとして扱われるかどうかを示します。compoundFilterCondition.ismirroredプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、Syntax boolean [ldap_syntax]のものです。booleanmatch [ldap_match]の平等マッチングルールがあります。

Attributes of this type can only have a single value. If this attribute is missing from a pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass instance, applications MUST assume that the filter is not mirrored.


This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIsMirrored' DESC 'Indicates whether the mirrored traffic matches' EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsismirrored 'desc'は、ミラー化されたトラフィックが「等式のブールアンマッチ構文が一致するかどうか」を示します。

5.10. The Auxiliary Class pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass

The pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass class implements the action of assigning a Value to a Variable. It is mapped from the SimplePolicyAction class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcimActionAuxClass class [PCLS].


A reusable variable/value is associated to a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass via the pcelsVariableDN/pcelsValueDN reference from the simple action instance. A non-reusable variable/value is associated directly as auxiliary object class to the same entry as the pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass instance.

再利用可能な変数/値は、Simple ActionインスタンスのPCElsvariaBledn/PCElsValuednリファレンスを介してPCELSSIMPLEACTIONAUCTIONCLASSに関連付けられています。非繰り返しの変数/値は、PCELSSIMPLOCRECTIONAUXCLASSインスタンスと同じエントリに補助オブジェクトクラスとして直接関連付けられます。

When reading a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass instance that has an instance of pcelsVariable attached, the attribute pcelsVariableDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcelsVariableDN value from a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass instance upon attachment of a pcelsVariable instance to the same entry.


When reading a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass instance that has an instance of pcelsValue attached, the attribute pcelsValueDN MUST be ignored. Applications SHOULD remove the pcelsValueDN value from a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass instance upon attachment of a pcelsValue instance to the same entry.


The pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass' DESC 'Value assignment action for a policy variable' SUP pcimActionAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsVariableDN $ pcelsValueDN ) )


In a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass, the pcelsVariableDN attribute represents the association between this simple policy action and its policy variable. It realizes the PolicyVariableInSimplePolicyAction association [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSSIMPLEACTIONAUXCLASSでは、PCELSVARIABLEDN属性は、この単純なポリシーアクションとそのポリシー変数との関連を表しています。PolicyVariaveInsimplePolicyaction Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。

In a pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass, the pcelsValueDN attribute represents the association between this simple policy action and its policy value. It realizes the PolicyValueInSimplePolicyAction association [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSSIMPLEACTIONAUXCLASSでは、PCELSValuedN属性は、この単純なポリシーアクションとそのポリシー値との関連を表しています。PolicyValueInsimplePolicyaction Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。

These attributes are defined in section 5.7.


Note: An instance of pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass and an instance of pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass MUST NOT be attached to the same entry. Because the two classes use the same mechanisms to associate Variables and Values, this restriction is necessary in order to avoid ambiguities.


5.11. The Auxiliary Class pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass

The pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass class represents a compound policy action formed by the aggregation of other policy actions. It is mapped from the CompoundPolicyCondition class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcimActionAuxClass class [PCLS].


The pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass' DESC 'Sequence of actions with specific execution strategy' SUP pcimActionAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsActionList $ pcelsSequencedActions $ pcelsExecutionStrategy ) ) In a pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass instance, the pcelsActionList attribute represents the associations between this policy rule and its actions.


If the pcelsSequencedActions attribute is missing from a pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass instance, applications MUST assume that the ordered execution of actions in this compound policy action is not important (DontCare).


If the pcelsExecutionStrategy attribute is missing from a pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass instance, applications MUST assume that all the actions are to be executed (Do all).


These attribute types are defined in section 5.4.


Like pcelsRule, instances of pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass use pcelsActionList values and subordinated pcelsActionAssociation entries to aggregate policy actions.


5.12. The Abstract Class pcelsVariable
5.12. 抽象クラスのpcelsvariable

The pcelsVariable class is mapped from the PolicyVariable class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsVariable is an abstract object class and it is derived directly from the 'top' object class [LDAP_SCHEMA].


A pcelsVariable instance may be associated to a set of pcelsValueAuxClass instances that represent its expected values. The expected values for a variable may be indicated by:


(1) pcelsExpectedValueList references to reusable instances of pcelsValueAuxClass, or (2) pcelsExpectedValueList references to subordinated non-reusable instances of pcelsValueAuxClass

(1) pcelsexpectedvaluelist pcelsvalueauxclassの再利用可能なインスタンスへの言及、または(2)pcelsvalueauxclassの非委任的でないインスタンスへのpcelsexpectedvaluelistの言及

The pcelsVariable class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVariable' DESC 'Base class for representing a policy variable' SUP top ABSTRACT MAY ( pcelsVariableName $ pcelsExpectedValueList ) )


The pcelsVariableName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsVariable entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSVARIABLENAME属性タイプは、PCElsVariableエントリの命名属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVariableName' DESC 'The user-friendly name of a variable.' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsvariablename' desc '変数のユーザーフレンドリーな名前。

The pcelsExpectedValueList attribute type realizes the ExpectedPolicyValuesForVariable association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsExpectedValueList attributes are DNs of pcelsValueAuxClass entries. In a pcelsVariable, the pcelsExpectedValueList attribute represents the associations between this policy variable and its expected values.

pcelSexpectedValuelist属性タイプは、予想されるpolicyvaluesforvariable Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。pcelSexpectedValuelist属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElsvalueauxClassエントリのDNSです。Pcelsvariableでは、pcelSexpectedValuelist属性は、このポリシー変数とその期待値との関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsExpectedValueList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcelsValueAuxClass entries representing expected values for a policy variable' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )

(名「PcelSexpectedValuelist 'DESC」PCELSVALUOAUXCLASSエントリのDNSのDNSの非注文セット「ポリシー変数」の期待値を表す「等式著名なもの」の構文1.

5.13. The Auxiliary Class pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass
5.13. 補助クラスpcelsexplicitvariableauxclass

The pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass class is mapped from the PolicyExplicitVariable class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcelsVariable class.


The pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Explicitly defined policy variable' SUP pcelsVariable AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsVariableModelClass $ pcelsVariableModelProperty ) )

(名 'pcelsexplicitvariableauxclass' desc '明示的に定義されたポリシー変数' sup pcelsvariable補助マスト(pcelsvariablemdelclass $ pcelsvariablemodelproperty))))

The pcelsVariableModelClass attribute type identifies a [CIM] class whose property is evaluated or set as a variable. It is mapped from the PolicyExplicitVariable.ModelClass property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSVARIABLEMDELCLASS属性タイプは、プロパティが変数として評価または設定された[CIM]クラスを識別します。PolicyExplicitVariable.modelClassプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。caseignorematch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVariableModelClass' DESC 'Identifies a CIM class' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsvariablemdelclass 'desc」' CIMクラス 'caseignorematch構文を識別します1.単一値)

The pcelsVariableModelProperty attribute type identifies the attribute of a [CIM] class, which is evaluated or set as a variable. It is mapped from the PolicyExplicitVariable.ModelProperty property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSVARIABLEMDELPROPERTY属性タイプは、[CIM]クラスの属性を識別します。これは、変数として評価または設定されます。PolicyExplicitVariable.ModelPropertyプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。caseignorematch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVariableModelProperty' DESC 'Identifies the property of a CIM class.' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsvariablemdelproperty' desc '' CIMクラスのプロパティを識別します。

5.14. The Auxiliary Class pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass
5.14. 補助クラスpcelsimplicitvariableauxclass

The pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass class is mapped from the PolicyImplicitVariable class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcelsVariable class.


The pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass class does not represent actual variables; these are introduced by its subclasses. pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass introduces the semantics of being an implicitly defined policy variable and these semantics are inherited by all its subclasses. These semantics include those inherited from pcelsVariable that possibly represent either rule-specific or reusable policy variables.


In order to preserve the ability to represent rule-specific or reusable variables, all the subclasses of pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass MUST also be auxiliary classes.


The pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Implicitly defined policy variable' SUP pcelsVariable AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsExpectedValueTypes ) )

(名 'pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass' desc '暗黙的に定義されたポリシー変数' sup pcelsvariaible auxiliary may(pcelsexpectedvalueetypes))

The pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute type represents the set of policy value types that may be used with this policy variable. It is mapped from the PolicyImplicitVariable.ValueTypes property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values.

pcelSexpectedValueetypes属性タイプは、このポリシー変数で使用できるポリシー値タイプのセットを表します。PolicyImplicitVariable.ValueTypesプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。caseignorematch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsExpectedValueTypes' DESC 'Identifies subclasses of pcelsValueAuxClass by name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX )

(名 'pcelsexpectedValueetypes' desc 'は、equality caseignorematch構文でpcelsvalueauxclassのサブクラスを識別します。

5.15. The Subclasses of pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass
5.15. pcelsimplicitvariableauxclassのサブクラス

The following classes are derived from the pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass class. They are mapped from the corresponding subclasses of the PolicyImplicitVariable class [PCIM_EXT]. All the classes defined below are auxiliary object classes.


Each one of the classes defined in this section introduces specific restrictions for the values of the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute. If this attribute is missing, applications MUST assume that all allowed value types are expected for the policy variable.


Some of these classes have additional restrictions on the actual values of the associated policy value instances (e.g., only integers in the range 0..65535 must be used with a SourcePort variable). The association between a pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass instance and a pcelsValueAuxClass instance that contains values outside the valid range or set for that variable SHOULD be considered invalid. The entry that realizes such association SHOULD be treated as invalid and the policy rules or groups that refer to it SHOULD be treated as being disabled, meaning that the execution of such policy rules or groups SHOULD be stopped.


The pcelsSourceIPv4VariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSourceIPv4VariableAuxClass' DESC 'Source IP v4 address' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelssourceipv4variableauxclass' desc 'source ip v4アドレス' sup pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsSourceIPv4VariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass'.


The pcelsSourceIPv6VariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSourceIPv6VariableAuxClass' DESC 'Source IP v6 address' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY ) In a pcelsSourceIPv6VariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass'.

(名 'pcelssourceipv6variableauxclass' desc 'source ip v6アドレス' sup pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass auxiliary)in pcelssourceipv6variableauxclassインスタンス、PcelesexpectedvalueTectedvalueTectedvalueTypeTypeSipv6の唯一の価値。

The pcelsDestinationIPv4VariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDestinationIPv4VariableAuxClass' DESC 'Destination IP v4 address' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsdestinationipv4variableauxclass' desc '宛先IP V4アドレス' Sup pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsDestinationIPv4VariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass'.


The pcelsDestinationIPv6VariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDestinationIPv6VariableAuxClass' DESC 'Destination IP v6 address' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsdestinationipv6variableauxclass' desc '宛先IP V6アドレス' Sup pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsDestinationIPv6VariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass'.


The pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Source port' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名「pcelssourceportvariableauxclass」desc 'sourceポート' sup pcelsimplicitvariableablaas auxiliary)

In a pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive) SHOULD be used with pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Destination port' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsdestinationportvariableauxclass' desc 'destination port' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive) SHOULD be used with pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass' DESC 'IP protocol number' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsipprotocolvariableauxclass' desc 'ipプロトコル番号' sup pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..255 (inclusive) SHOULD be used with pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass' DESC 'IP version number' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsipversionvariableauxclass' desc 'ipバージョン番号' sup pcelsimplicitvariableablaas auxiliary)

In a pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..15 (inclusive) SHOULD be used with pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass' DESC 'IP ToS octet' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsiptosvariableauxclass' desc 'ip tos octet' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass auxiliary)

In a pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..255 (inclusive) or 8-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass' DESC 'DiffServ code point' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsdscpvariableauxclass' desc 'diffserv code point' sup pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass auxiliary)

In a pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..63 (inclusive) or 6-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsFlowIdVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFlowIdVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Flow Identifier' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsflowidvariableauxclass' desc 'flow識別子' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass auxiliary)

In a pcelsFlowIdVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..1048575 (inclusive) or 20-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsFlowIdVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsSourceMACVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSourceMACVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Source MAC address' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

( name 'pcelssourcemacvariableauxclass' desc 'source macアドレス' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass auxiliary)

In a pcelsSourceMACVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass'.


The pcelsDestinationMACVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDestinationMACVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Destination MAC address' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

( name 'pcelsdestinationmacvariableauxclass' desc '宛先Macアドレス' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsDestinationMACVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass'.


The pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass' DESC 'VLAN' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

( name 'pcelsvlanvariableauxclass' desc 'vlan' sup pcelsimplicitvariableablaas auxiliary)

In a pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..4095 (inclusive) or 12-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Class of service' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名「pcelscosvariableauxclass」desc '' class of of of "pcelsimplicitvariableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..7 (inclusive) or 3-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Ethertype' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsethertypevariableauxclass' desc 'ethertype' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass auxiliary)

In a pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive) or 16-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Source SAP' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelssourcesapvariableauxclass' desc 'sap' sup pcelsimplicitvariableablaas auxiliary)

In a pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..255 (inclusive) or 8-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Destination SAP' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsdestinationsapvariableauxclass' desc 'destination sap' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..255 (inclusive) or 8-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass' DESC 'SNAP OUI' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelssnapouivariableauxclass' desc 'snap oui' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..16777215 (inclusive) or 24-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass' DESC 'SNAP type' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelssnaptypevariableauxclass' desc 'スナップタイプ' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass auxiliary)

In a pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed values for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute are 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' and 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive) or 16-bit bitStrings SHOULD be used with pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass instances.


The pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Flow direction' SUP pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass AUXILIARY )

(名 'pcelsflowdirectionvariableauxclass' desc 'flow direction' sup pcelsimplicitvariableableauxclass Auxiliary)

In a pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass instance, the only allowed value for the pcelsExpectedValueTypes attribute is 'pcelsStringValueAuxClass'. Additionally, only policy values that represent the strings 'IN' and 'OUT' SHOULD be used with pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass instances.


5.16. The Auxiliary Class pcelsValueAuxClass
5.16. 補助クラスpcelsvalueauxclass

The pcelsValueAuxClass class is the base class for representing a policy value. It is mapped from the PolicyValue class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsValueAuxClass is an auxiliary object class and it is derived directly from the 'top' object class [LDAP_SCHEMA].


The pcelsValueAuxClass class does not represent actual values; these are introduced by its subclasses. pcelsValueAuxClass introduces the semantics of being a policy value that are inherited by all its subclasses. Among these semantics are those of representing either rule-specific or reusable policy values.


In order to preserve the ability to represent rule-specific or reusable values, all the subclasses of pcelsValueAuxClass MUST also be auxiliary classes.


The pcelsValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsValueAuxClass' DESC 'Base class for representing a policy value' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsValueName ) )

(名前「pcelsvalueauxclass 'desc」ポリシー値を表すための基本クラス' SUPトップ補助5月(PCELSVALUENAME))

The pcelsValueName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsValueAuxClass entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSValueName属性タイプは、PCElsValueAuxClassエントリの命名属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsValueName' DESC 'The user-friendly name of a value' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsvaluename 'desc」値のユーザーフレンドリーな名前' equality caseignorematchの注文caseignore-orderingmatch substringsubstringsmatch Syntax単一値)

5.17. The Subclasses of pcelsValueAuxClass
5.17. pcelsvalueauxclassのサブクラス

The following classes are derived from the pcelsValueAuxClass class. They are mapped from the corresponding subclasses of the PolicyValue class [PCIM_EXT]. All the classes defined below are auxiliary object classes.


The pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides an unordered set of IPv4 addresses, IPv4 address ranges or hosts. It is mapped from the PolicyIPv4AddrValue class [PCIM_EXT].


The pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides IPv4 addresses' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsIPv4AddrList ) )

(名 'pcelsipv4addrvalueauxclass' desc 'はIPv4アドレスを提供します。

The pcelsIPv4AddrList attribute type represents an unordered set of IPv4 addresses, IPv4 address ranges or hosts. It is mapped from the PolicyIPv4AddrValue.IPv4AddrList property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are strings conforming to any of the formats defined for the IPv4AddrList property [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSIPV4ADDRLIST属性タイプは、IPv4アドレス、IPv4アドレスの範囲、またはホストの順序付けられていないセットを表します。PolicyIpv4AddrValue.ipv4AddrListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、IPv4AddrListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]に対して定義された形式のいずれかに準拠した文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPv4AddrList' DESC 'Unordered set of IPv4 addresses, IPv4 address ranges or hosts' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX )

(名「PCELSIPV4ADDRLIST 'DESC」' UNORDERED IPv4アドレス、IPv4アドレス範囲またはホストの等価ゼイニョレマッチの順序付け順に順調な順位付けの順序付けの順序付けの順序付けのゼンマッチ1.

The pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides an unordered set of IPv6 addresses, IPv6 address ranges or hosts. It is mapped from the PolicyIPv6AddrValue class [PCIM_EXT].


The pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides IPv6 addresses' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsIPv6AddrList ) )

(名 'pcelsipv6addrvalueauxclass' desc 'はIPv6アドレスを提供します。

The pcelsIPv6AddrList attribute type represents an unordered set of IPv6 addresses, IPv6 address ranges or hosts. It is mapped from the PolicyIPv6AddrValue.IPv6AddrList property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are strings conforming to any of the formats defined for the IPv6AddrList property [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSIPV6ADDRLIST属性タイプは、IPv6アドレス、IPv6アドレスの範囲、またはホストの順序付けられていないセットを表します。PolicyIpv6AddrValue.ipv6AddrListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、IPv6AddrListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]に対して定義された形式のいずれかに準拠する文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPv6AddrList' DESC 'Unordered set of IPv6 addresses, IPv6 address ranges or hosts' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) The pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides an unordered set of MAC addresses or MAC address ranges. It is mapped from the PolicyMACAddrValue class [PCIM_EXT].


The pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides MAC addresses' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsMACAddrList ) )

(名「Pcelsmacaddrvalueauxclass」desc 'は、Macアドレスを提供します' Sup pcelsvalueauxclass Auxiliary(pcelsmacaddrlist))

The pcelsMACAddrList attribute type represents an unordered set of MAC addresses or MAC address ranges. It is mapped from the PolicyMACAddrValue.MACAddrList property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are strings conforming to any of the formats defined for the MACAddrList property [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSMACADDRLIST属性タイプは、MACアドレスまたはMACアドレス範囲の順序付けられていないセットを表します。PolicyMacaddrvalue.macaddrlistプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、MacAddrListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]に定義された形式のいずれかに準拠した文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsMACAddrList' DESC 'Unordered set of MAC addresses or MAC address ranges' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX )

(名「Pcelsmacaddrlist 'Desc」' Undorded of MacアドレスまたはMacアドレス範囲の並べ替えセットの等価ゼアリングマッチSubtringmatch Substringsubstringsmatch Syntax

The pcelsStringValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides an unordered set of strings with wildcards. It is mapped from the PolicyStringValue class [PCIM_EXT].


The pcelsStringValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsStringValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides string values' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsStringList )

(名 'pcelsStringValueauxClass' desc 'は文字列値を提供します。



The pcelsStringList attribute type represents an unordered set of strings with wildcards. It is mapped from the PolicyStringValue.StringList property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are strings conforming to the format defined for the StringList property [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSSTRINGLIST属性タイプは、ワイルドカードを備えた順序付けられていない文字列セットを表します。PolicyStringValue.StringListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、StringListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]に対して定義された形式に準拠する文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsStringList' DESC 'Unordered set of strings with wildcards' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX )

(名「PCELSSTRINGLIST」DESC 'ワイルドカードの並べ替えの文字列セットのセットcaseignore -ordering -substmatch substmatchmatch Syntax

The pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides an unordered set of bit strings or bit string ranges. It is mapped from the PolicyBitStringValue class [PCIM_EXT].


The pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides bit strings' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsBitStringList ) )

(名「pcelsbittringvalueauxclass」desc '' suped sup pcelsvalueauxclass Auxiliary Must(pcelsbitstringlist))

The pcelsBitStringList attribute type represents an unordered set of bit strings or bit string ranges. It is mapped from the PolicyBitStringValue.BitStringList property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are strings conforming to any of the formats defined for the BitStringList property [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSBITSTRINGLIST属性タイプは、ビット文字列またはビット文字列範囲の順序付けられていないセットを表します。PolicyBitStringValue.bitStringListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、BitStringListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]に定義された形式のいずれかに準拠した文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsBitStringList' DESC 'Unordered set of bit strings or bit string ranges' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX )

(名「Pcelsbitstringlist」desc 'ビット文字列またはビット文字列範囲の並べ替えられたセットのセット' equality caseignore -orderingmatch substringsubstringsmatch Syntax

The pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides an unordered set of integers or integer ranges. It is mapped from the PolicyIntegerValue class [PCIM_EXT].


The pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides integer values' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsIntegerList ) )

(名「pcelsintegervalueauxclass」desc '' sup sup pcelsvalueauxclass Auxiliary Must(pcelsintegerlist)を提供する)

The pcelsIntegerList attribute type represents an unordered set of integers or integer ranges. It is mapped from the PolicyIntegerValue.IntegerList property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are strings conforming to the format defined for the IntegerList property [PCIM_EXT].

PCELSINTEGERLIST属性タイプは、整数または整数範囲の順序付けられていないセットを表します。PolicyIntegerValue.integerListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、integerListプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]に定義された形式に準拠する文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIntegerList' DESC 'Unordered set of integers or integer ranges' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX ) The pcelsBooleanValueAuxClass class represents a policy value that provides a boolean. It is mapped from the PolicyIntegerValue class [PCIM_EXT].

(名 'pcelsintegerlist' desc '整数の順序付けられていない整数または整数範囲のセットcaseignore -orderingmatch substringsubstringsmatch syntax ua ua ua ua ua ua ua ua ua uaブール。PolicyIntegerValueクラス[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。

The pcelsBooleanValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsBooleanValueAuxClass' DESC 'Provides a boolean value.' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MUST ( pcelsBoolean ) )

(名「pcelsbooleanvalueauxclass」desc 'はブール値を提供します。

The pcelsBoolean attribute type represents a boolean. It is mapped from the PolicyBooleanValue.BooleanValue property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Boolean [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of booleanMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

Pcelsbooleの属性タイプは、ブール値を表します。PolicyBooleanValue.booleanValueプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、Syntax boolean [ldap_syntax]のものです。booleanmatch [ldap_match]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsBoolean' DESC 'Boolean value' EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「Pcelsboolean」desc 'boolean value' equality boole anmatch構文1.単一値)

5.18. The Three Reusable Policy Container Classes
5.18. 3つの再利用可能なポリシーコンテナクラス

The pcelsReusableContainer class represents a container of reusable policy elements. It is mapped from the ReusablePolicyContainer class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsReusableContainer class is derived from the pcimRepository class [PCLS]. To maximize flexibility, the pcelsReusableContainer class is defined as abstract. An auxiliary subclass pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass enables the attachment of a reusable policy container to an existing entry, while a structural subclass pcelsReusableContainerInstance permits the representation of a reusable policy container as a standalone entry.


The elements contained in a reusable policy container are aggregated via subordination to a pcelsReusableContainer instance (DIT containment). A reusable policy container can include the elements of another reusable policy container by aggregating the container itself. This is realized by DIT containment when the policy containers are subordinated to one another, or by reference when the aggregating policy container references the aggregated one using the attribute pcelsReusableContainerList.


The pcelsReusableContainer class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsReusableContainer' DESC 'Container for reusable policy information' SUP pcimRepository ABSTRACT MAY ( pcelsReusableContainerName $ pcelsReusableContainerList ) )

(名「PcelsReusableContainer 'DESC'再利用可能なポリシー情報のコンテナ」sup pcimrepository abstract(pcelsreusablecontainername $ pcelsreusablecontainerlist)))

The pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass ' DESC 'Container for reusable policy information' SUP pcelsReusableContainer AUXILIARY )

(名「PcelsReusableContainerOxclass」再利用可能なポリシー情報のためのdesc 'コンテナ' sup pcelsreusablecontainer Auxiliary)

The pcelsReusableContainerInstance class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsReusableContainerInstance' DESC 'Container for reusable policy information' SUP pcelsReusableContainer STRUCTURAL )


The pcelsReusableContainerName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsReusableContainer entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSREUSABLECONTAINERNAME属性タイプは、PCELSREUSABLECONTAINERエントリの命名属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsReusableContainerName' DESC 'User-friendly name of a reusable policy container' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsreusablecontainername' desc '再利用可能なポリシーコンテナのユーザーフレンドリー名' equignorematchの順序付け順序順に順調なものcaseignoresubstringsmatch syntax single-value)

The pcelsReusableContainerList attribute type realizes the ContainedDomain association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsReusableContainerList attributes are DNs of pcelsReusableContainer entries. In a pcelsReusableContainer, the pcelsReusableContainerList attribute represents the associations between this reusable policy container and others for the purpose of including them as nested containers.

PCELSREUSABLECONTAINERLIST属性タイプは、ContedDomain Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCElsReusableContainerList属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElsReusableContainerエントリのDNSです。pcelsreusablecontainerでは、pcelsreusablecontainerlist属性は、それらをネストされた容器として含める目的で、この再利用可能なポリシーコンテナとその他の関連性を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsReusableContainerList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcelsReusableContainer entries' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )

(名 'pcelsreusablecontainerlist' desc 'pcelsreusablecontainerエントリのdnsの順序付けられていないセット'平等著名なnamematch Syntax

Note: PCELS implementations SHOULD support pcelsReusableContainer and its two subclasses and MAY also support the two subclasses of pcimRepository [PCLS].

注:PCELSの実装は、PCELSREUSABLECONTAINERと2つのサブクラスをサポートし、PCIMREPository [PCLS]の2つのサブクラスもサポートする必要があります。

5.19. The Structural Class pcelsRoleCollection

The pcelsRoleCollection class represents a collection of managed elements that share a common role. It is mapped from the PolicyRoleCollection class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsRoleCollection class is a structural object class and it is derived from the pcimPolicy class [PCLS].


The pcelsRoleCollection class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRoleCollection' DESC 'Collection of managed elements that share a common role' SUP pcimPolicy STRUCTURAL MUST ( pcelsRole ) MAY ( pcelsRoleCollectionName $ pcelsElementList ) ) The pcelsRole attribute type represents the role associated with a collection of managed elements. It is mapped from the PolicyRoleCollection.PolicyRole property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

(名「pcelsrolecollection 'desc」共通の役割を共有する管理要素のコレクション' sup pcimpolicy structural must(pcelsrolecollectionname $ pcelselementlist))pcelsrole属性タイプは、コレクションのコレクションに関連する役割を表します。管理された要素。PolicyroleCollection.Policyroleプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRole' DESC 'String representing a role.' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsrole 'desc'文字列を表す役割」。

The pcelsRoleCollectionName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsRoleCollection entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSROLECOLLECTIONNAME属性タイプは、PCELSROLECOLLECTIONエントリの命名属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsRoleCollectionName' DESC 'User-friendly name of a role collection' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsrolecollectionname' desc ''ロールコレクションのユーザーフレンドリーな名前caseignore-orderingmatch substmatch substmatchmatch Syntax

The pcelsElementList attribute type realizes the ElementInPolicyRoleCollection association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. In a pcelsRoleCollection, the pcelsElementList attribute represents the associations between this role collection and its members.

PCELSELEMENTLIST属性タイプは、ElementInPolicyroleCollection Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSROLECOLLECTIONでは、PCELSELEMENTLIST属性は、このロールコレクションとそのメンバーとの関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsElementList' DESC 'Unordered set of managed elements' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )

(名「pcelselementlist」desc 'マネージドエレメントの並べ替えられたセット'等価違いdammematch構文1.

5.20. The Abstract Class pcelsFilterEntryBase

The pcelsFilterEntryBase class is the base class for defining message or packet filters. It is mapped from the FilterEntryBase class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcelsFilterEntryBase class is an abstract object class and it is derived from the pcimPolicy class [PCLS].


The pcelsFilterEntryBase class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterEntryBase' DESC 'Base class for message or packet filters' SUP pcimPolicy ABSTRACT MAY ( pcelsFilterName $ pcelsFilterIsNegated ) )


The pcelsFilterName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsFilterEntryBase entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSFILTERNAME属性タイプは、PCELSFILTERENTRYBASEエントリのネーミング属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterName' DESC 'User-friendly name of a filter entry' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「Pcelsfiltername 'desc」'フィルターエントリのユーザーフレンドリー名前 'equality caseignorematch ordering caseignore-orderingmatch substmatch substringsmatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsFilterIsNegated attribute type indicates whether the match information specified in a pcelsFilterEntryBase is negated or not.


It is mapped from the FilterEntryBase.IsNegated property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Boolean [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of booleanMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. If this attribute is missing from a pcelsFilterEntryBase instance, applications MUST assume that the filter is not negated.

filterentrybase.isnegatedプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、Syntax boolean [ldap_syntax]のものです。booleanmatch [ldap_match]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。この属性がpcelsfilterentrybaseインスタンスから欠落している場合、アプリケーションはフィルターが無効になっていないと想定する必要があります。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterIsNegated' DESC 'Indicates whether the filter is negated' EQUALITY booleanMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )


5.21. The Structural Class pcelsIPHeadersFilter
5.21. 構造クラスpcelsipheadersfilter

The pcelsIPHeadersFilter class provides the most commonly required attributes for performing filtering on IP, TCP or UDP headers. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter class [PCIM_EXT]. It is a structural object class derived from the pcelsFilterEntryBase class.


The pcelsIPHeadersFilter class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHeadersFilter' DESC 'IP header filter' SUP pcelsFilterEntryBase STRUCTURAL MAY ( pcelsIPHdrVersion $ pcelsIPHdrSourceAddress $ pcelsIPHdrSourceAddressEndOfRange $ pcelsIPHdrSourceMask $ pcelsIPHdrDestAddress $ pcelsIPHdrDestAddressEndOfRange $ pcelsIPHdrDestMask $ pcelsIPHdrProtocolID $ pcelsIPHdrSourcePortStart $ pcelsIPHdrSourcePortEnd $ pcelsIPHdrDestPortStart $ pcelsIPHdrDestPortEnd $ pcelsIPHdrDSCPList $ pcelsIPHdrFlowLabel ) ) Applications MUST assume 'all values' for optional (MAY) attributes not present in a pcelsIPHeadersFilter entry.

(名「Pcelsipheadersfilter 'desc' IPヘッダーフィルター」Sup pcelsfilterentrybase Structural structural(pcelsiphdrversion $ pcelsiphdrsourceaddress $ pcelsiphdrsourceaddressendofrange $ pcelsiphdesddidddidddesdddesddidddesddidddesddiddidddiddiddidddiddiddiddiddiddiddidddessdidddessdidddessdiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddiddidddessiphdes iphdrdestmask $ $ pcelsiphdrprotocolid $ pcelsiphdrsourceportstart $ pcelsiphdrsourceportend $ pcelsiphdrdeststartstart $ pcelsiphdrdestportend $ pcelsiphdrdscplist $ pcelsiphdrflowlabell))アプリケーションは、PCELSIPHEADERSFILTERエントリに存在しないオプション(MAY)属性の「すべての値」を想定する必要があります。

[PCIM_EXT] defines several constraints for the IpHeadersFilter class and its properties. All these constraints (even those that, for brevity, are not reiterated in this document) apply to the pcelsIPHeadersFilter class and its attributes. A pcelsIPHeadersFilter entry that violates any of these constraints SHOULD be treated as invalid and the policy rules or groups associated to this entry SHOULD be treated as being disabled, meaning that the execution of such policy rules or groups SHOULD be stopped.


The pcelsIPHdrVersion attribute type indicates the version of the IP addresses to be filtered on. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrIpVersion property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are 4 and 6.

PCELSIPHDRVERSION属性タイプは、フィルタリングするIPアドレスのバージョンを示します。ipheadersfilter.hdripversionプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は4と6です。

In a pcelsIPHeadersFilter entry, the pcelsIPHdrVersion attribute type determines the size for the IP version dependent attribute values. These attributes are: pcelsIPHdrSourceAddress, pcelsIPHdrSourceAddressEndOfRange, pcelsIPHdrSourceMask, pcelsIPHdrDestAddress, pcelsIPHdrDestAddressEndOfRange and pcelsIPHdrDestMask. Their valid values are as follows: for IPv4: OctetStrings with a size of 4 for IPv6: OctetStrings with a size of 16 or 20


If the pcelsIPHdrVersion attribute is missing from a pcelsFilterEntryBase instance, then the filter does not consider IP version in selecting matching packets. In this case, the IP version dependent attributes (listed above) must not be present in the filter entry.


This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrVersion' DESC 'IP version' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ) The pcelsIPHdrSourceAddress attribute type represents a source IP address. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrSrcAddress property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 4, 16, or 20.

(名「pcelsiphdrversion 'desc」IPバージョン'等価整数項整数順序構文の注文1.単一値)PCELSIPHDRSOURCEADDRESSTRESS属性のタイプは、IPアドレスを表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrsrcaddressプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、4、16、または20のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrSourceAddress' DESC 'Source IP address' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「Pcelsiphdrsourceaddress 'desc」ソースIPアドレス' equality OctetStringMatch Ordering Ordering-OrderingMatch Syntax単一値))

The pcelsIPHdrSourceAddressEndOfRange attribute type represents the end of a range of source IP addresses. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrSrcAddressEndOfRange property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 4, 16, or 20.

PCELSIPHDRSOURCEADDRESSENDOFRANGE属性タイプは、ソースIPアドレスの範囲の終わりを表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrsrcaddressendofrangeプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、4、16、または20のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrSourceAddressEndOfRange' DESC 'End of a range of source IP addresses' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsiphdrsourceaddressendofrange' desc 'ソースIPアドレスの範囲の端の端' equality octetStringmatchmatchの並べ替えoccetstring-orderingmatch Syntax単一バリュー)

The pcelsIPHdrSourceMask attribute type represents the mask to be used in comparing the source IP address. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrSrcMask property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 4, 16, or 20.

PCELSIPHDRSOURCEMASK属性タイプは、ソースIPアドレスの比較に使用するマスクを表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrsrcmaskプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、4、16、または20のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrSourceMask' DESC 'Mask to be used in comparing the source IP address' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「PCELSIPHDRSOURCEMASK 'DESC MASK」ソースIPアドレスの比較に使用する' equality octetStringMatchを注文するOctetString-StringMatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsIPHdrDestAddress attribute type represents a destination IP address. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrDestAddress property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 4, 16, or 20.

PCELSIPHDRDESTADDRESS属性タイプは、宛先IPアドレスを表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrdestaddressプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、4、16、または20のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrDestAddress' DESC 'Destination IP address' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「Pcelsiphdrdestaddress 'desc'宛先IPアドレス」equality OctetStringMatch Ordering OrderString-StringMatch Syntax単一価値))

The pcelsIPHdrDestAddressEndOfRange attribute type represents the end of a range of destination IP addresses. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrDestAddressEndOfRange property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 4, 16, or 20.

PCELSIPHDRDESTADDRESSENDOFRANGE属性タイプは、宛先IPアドレスの範囲の終わりを表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrdestaddressendofrangeプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、4、16、または20のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrDestAddressEndOfRange' DESC 'End of a range of destination IP addresses' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'Pcelsiphdrdestaddressendofrange' desc '宛先IPアドレスの範囲の終わり' equality octetStringmatchの並べ替えoctetString-ordingmatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsIPHdrDestMask attribute type represents a mask to be used in comparing the destination IP address. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrDestMask property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 4, 16, or 20.

PCELSIPHDRDESTMASK属性タイプは、宛先IPアドレスの比較に使用するマスクを表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrdestmaskプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、4、16、または20のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrDestMask' DESC 'Mask to be used in comparing the destination IP address' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'Pcelsiphdrdestmask' desc 'マスク宛先IPアドレスの比較に使用する' equality octetStringmatchの順序付けOctetString-ordingMatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsIPHdrProtocolID attribute type indicates an IP protocol type. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrProtocolID property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..255 (inclusive).

PCELSIPHDRPROTOCOLID属性タイプは、IPプロトコルタイプを示します。ipheadersfilter.hdrprotocolidプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..255(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrProtocolID' DESC 'IP protocol type' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsiphdrprotocolid 'desc' ip protocolタイプ 'equality integermatch順序付け構文の注文1.単一値))

The pcelsIPHdrSourcePortStart attribute type represents the lower end of a range of UDP or TCP source ports. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrSrcPortStart property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive).

PCELSIPHDRSOURCEPORTSTART属性タイプは、UDPまたはTCPソースポートの範囲の下端を表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrsrcportstartプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..65535(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrSourcePortStart' DESC 'Lower end of a range of UDP or TCP source ports' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「PCELSIPHDRSOURCEPORTSTART」DESC 'UDPまたはTCPソースポートの範囲の下端'等価Integerorder-ingmatch Syntax単一値)

The pcelsIPHdrSourcePortEnd attribute type represents the upper end of a range of UDP or TCP source ports. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrSrcPortEnd property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive).

PCELSIPHDRSOURCEPORTEND属性タイプは、UDPまたはTCPソースポートの範囲の上端を表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrsrcportendプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..65535(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrSourcePortEnd' DESC 'Upper end of a range of UDP or TCP source ports' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「Pcelsiphdrsourceportend 'desc」UDPまたはTCPソースポートの範囲の上端の上端'平等

The pcelsIPHdrDestPortStart attribute type represents the lower end of a range of UDP or TCP destination ports. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrDestPortStart property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive).

PCELSIPHDRDESTPORTSTART属性タイプは、UDPまたはTCP宛先ポートの範囲の下端を表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrdestportstartプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..65535(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrDestPortStart' DESC 'Lower end of a range of UDP or TCP destination ports' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'Pcelsiphdrdestportstart' desc 'UDPまたはTCP宛先ポートの範囲の下端'平等

The pcelsIPHdrDestPortEnd attribute type represents the upper end of a range of UDP or TCP destination ports. It is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrDestPortEnd property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive).

PCELSIPHDRDESTPORTEND属性タイプは、UDPまたはTCP宛先ポートの範囲の上端を表します。ipheadersfilter.hdrdestportendプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..65535(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrDestPortEnd' DESC 'Upper end of a range of UDP or TCP destination ports' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'Pcelsiphdrdestportend' desc 'UDPまたはTCP宛先ポートの範囲の上端の上端'平等

The pcelsIPHdrDSCPList attribute type is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrDSCP property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..63 (inclusive).

PCELSIPHDRDSCPLIST属性タイプは、iPheadersFilter.HDRDSCPプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされます。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..63(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrDSCPList' DESC 'DSCP values' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX )

(名「pcelsiphdrdscplist」desc 'dscp値' equality integermatch順序付け整数順序

The pcelsIPHdrFlowLabel attribute type is mapped from the IpHeadersFilter.HdrFlowLabel property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings of size 3 (that is, 24 bits) that contain a Flow Label value in the rightmost 20 bits padded on the left with b'0000'.

pcelsiphdrflowlabel属性タイプは、ipheadersfilter.hdrflowlabelプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされます。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、左側に左側にパッドが付けられた右端20ビットにフローラベル値を含むサイズ3(つまり、24ビット)のオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsIPHdrFlowLabel' DESC 'IP flow label' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE

(名 'pcelsiphdrflowlabel' desc 'ip flow label' equality octetsstringmatch ordering ordering-string-orderingmatchmatch構文1.単一の価値



5.22. The Structural Class pcels8021Filter
5.22. 構造クラスPCELS8021FILTER

The pcels8021Filter class provides 802.1 attributes for performing filtering on 802.1 headers. It is mapped from the 8021Filter class [PCIM_EXT]. The pcels8021Filter class is a structural object class and it is derived from the pcelsFilterEntryBase class.


The pcels8021Filter class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021Filter' DESC '802.1 header filter' SUP pcelsFilterEntryBase STRUCTURAL MAY ( pcels8021HdrSourceMACAddress $ pcels8021HdrSourceMACMask $ pcels8021HdrDestMACAddress $ pcels8021HdrDestMACMask $ pcels8021HdrProtocolID $ pcels8021HdrPriority $ pcels8021HdrVLANID ) )


Applications MUST assume 'all values' for optional (MAY) attributes not present in a pcels8021Filter entry.


[PCIM_EXT] defines several constraints for the 8021Filter class and its properties. All these constraints (even those that, for brevity, are not reiterated in this document) apply to the pcels8021Filter class and its attributes. A pcels8021Filter entry that violates any of these constraints SHOULD be treated as invalid and the policy rules or groups associated to this entry SHOULD be treated as being disabled, meaning that the execution of such policy rules or groups SHOULD be stopped.

[PCIM_EXT] 8021Filterクラスとそのプロパティのいくつかの制約を定義します。これらすべての制約(このドキュメントでは、簡潔さのために繰り返されないものでさえ)がPCELS8021Filterクラスとその属性に適用されます。これらの制約のいずれかに違反するPCELS8021FILTERエントリは無効として扱われるべきであり、このエントリに関連するポリシールールまたはグループは無効として扱われるべきです。つまり、そのようなポリシールールまたはグループの実行を停止する必要があります。

The pcels8021HdrSourceMACAddress attribute type represents a source MAC address. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrSrcMACAddr property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 6.

PCELS8021HDRSOURCEMACADDRESS属性タイプは、ソースMACアドレスを表します。8021Filter.8021HDRSRCMACADDRプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、6のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrSourceMACAddress' DESC 'Source MAC address' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'PCELS8021HDRSOURCEMACADDRESS' DESC 'SOURCEアドレス' Equality OctetStringMatch Order Order Ording-OrderingMatch Syntax単一値))

The pcels8021HdrSourceMACMask attribute type represents the a mask to be used in comparing the source MAC address. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrSrcMACMask property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 6.

PCELS8021HDRSOURCEMACMASK属性タイプは、ソースMACアドレスの比較に使用されるAマスクを表します。8021Filter.8021HDRSRCMACMASKプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、6のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrSourceMACMask' DESC 'Source MAC address mask' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcels8021hdrsourcemacmask' desc '' source macアドレスマスク 'equality octetsstringmatch Order octetstringorderingmatch Syntax単一値)

The pcels8021HdrDestMACAddress attribute type represents a destination MAC address. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrDestMACAddr property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 6.

PCELS8021HDRDESTMACADDRESS属性タイプは、宛先MACアドレスを表します。8021Filter.8021HDRDESTMACADDRプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、6のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrDestMACAddress' DESC 'Destination MAC address' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcels8021hdrdestmacaddress' desc 'desting mac address' equality octetsstringmatch ordering ordering-orderingmatch構文の注文1.単一値))

The pcels8021HdrDestMACMask attribute type represents the a mask to be used in comparing the destination MAC address. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrDestMACMask property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are octet strings with a size of 6.

PCELS8021HDRDESTMACMASK属性タイプは、宛先MACアドレスを比較する際に使用されるAマスクを表します。8021Filter.8021HDRDESTMACMASKプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、6のサイズのオクテット文字列です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrDestMACMask' DESC 'Destination MAC address mask' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'PCELS8021HDRDESTMACMASK' DESC 'DESTENTION MACアドレスマスク' OctetStringMatchの注文OctetStringOrder-Match Syntax単一値))

The pcels8021HdrProtocolID attribute type indicates an Ethernet protocol type. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrProtocolID property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. No order is implied. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..65535 (inclusive).

PCELS8021HDRProtocolid属性タイプは、イーサネットプロトコルタイプを示します。8021Filter.8021HDRProtocolidプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。注文は暗示されていません。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..65535(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrProtocolID' DESC 'Ethernet protocol ID' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX )


The pcels8021HdrPriority attribute type indicates an 802.1Q priority. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrPriorityValue property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. No order is implied. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..7 (inclusive).

PCELS8021HDRPRIORITY属性タイプは、802.1Qの優先度を示します。8021Filter.8021HDRPRIORITYVALUEプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。注文は暗示されていません。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..7(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrPriority' DESC '802.1Q priority' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX )

(名「PCELS8021HDRPRIORITY」DESC '802.1Q PRIORITY' equality integerMatch integerorderingMatch Syntax

The pcels8021HdrVLANID attribute type indicates an 802.1Q VLAN Identifier. It is mapped from the 8021Filter.8021HdrVLANID property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are integers in the range 0..4095 (inclusive).

PCELS8021HDRVLANID属性タイプは、802.1Q VLAN識別子を示します。8021Filter.8021HDRVLANIDプロパティ[PCIM_EXT]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。このタイプの属性の唯一の許可された値は、範囲0..4095(包括的)の整数です。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcels8021HdrVLANID' DESC '802.1Q VLAN ID' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX )

(名 'pcels8021hdrvlanid' desc '802.1q vlan id' equality integermatch整数整数項整数構文1.

5.23. The Auxiliary Class pcelsFilterListAuxClass

The pcelsFilterListAuxClass class represents a collection of device-level filters aggregated in a policy condition. It is mapped from the FilterList class [PCIM_EXT]. pcelsFilterListAuxClass instances can be used as conditions in policy rules or as components in compound conditions. The pcelsFilterListAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcimConditionAuxClass class [PCLS].


The pcelsFilterListAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterListAuxClass' DESC 'Collection of pcelsFilterEntryBase filters' SUP pcimConditionAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsFilterListName $ pcelsFilterDirection $ pcelsFilterEntryList ) )


The pcelsFilterListName attribute type may be used as naming attribute for pcelsFilterListAuxClass entries. This attribute type is of syntax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of caseIgnoreMatch, an ordering matching rule of caseIgnoreOrderingMatch and a substrings matching rule of caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value.

PCELSFILTERLISTNAME属性タイプは、PCElsFilterListauxClassエントリの命名属性として使用できます。この属性タイプは、SynTax Directory String [LDAP_SYNTAX]のものです。CaseignoreMatchの平等マッチングルール、caseignoreOrderingMatchの順序付けのルール、およびcaseignoreOresubstringsmatch [ldap_syntax]のサブストリングマッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterListName' DESC 'User-friendly name of a FilterList' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名 'pcelsfilterlistname' desc ''ユーザーフレンドリーフィルターリストの名前 'equality caseignorematchの注文caseignore-ordermatch substringsubstringsmatch Syntax single-value)

The pcelsFilterDirection attribute type indicates the direction of the packets or messages relative to the interface where the filter is applied. It is mapped from the FilterList.Direction property [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax Integer [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of integerMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX] and an ordering matching rule of integerOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH].

PCELSFILTERDIRECTION属性タイプは、フィルターが適用されるインターフェイスに対するパケットまたはメッセージの方向を示します。filterlist.directionプロパティ[pcim_ext]からマッピングされています。この属性タイプは、構文整数[ldap_syntax]のものです。Integermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールと、integerorderingmatch [ldap_match]の順序付けのルールがあります。

Attributes of this type can only have a single value. The only allowed values for attributes of this type are 0 (NotApplicable), 1 (Input), 2 (Output), 3 (Both) and 4 (Mirrored). If this attribute is missing from a pcelsFilterListAuxClass instance, applications MUST assume that a direction is not applicable.


This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterDirection' DESC 'Direction to which this filter is applied' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「pcelsfilterdirection 'desc'方向このフィルターが適用される方向 'equality integermatchmatchmatch構文の注文1.単一価値))

The pcelsFilterEntryList attribute type realizes the EntriesInFilterList association [PCIM_EXT]. This attribute type is of syntax DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of distinguishedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. The only allowed values for pcelsFilterEntryList attributes are DNs of pcelsFilterEntryBase entries. In a pcelsFilterListAuxClass, the pcelsFilterEntryList attribute represents the associations between this filter collection and its components.

PCELSFILTERENTRYLIST属性タイプは、EntriesInFilterList Association [PCIM_EXT]を実現します。この属性タイプは構文DN [LDAP_SYNTAX]です。DistinguisedNameMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSFILTERENTRYLIST属性の唯一の許可された値は、PCElsFilterEntryBaseエントリのDNSです。PCELSFILTERLISTAUXCLASSでは、PCELSFILTERENTRYLIST属性は、このフィルターコレクションとそのコンポーネントとの関連を表します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsFilterEntryList' DESC 'Unordered set of DNs of pcelsFilterEntryBase entries' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX )

(名「PCELSFILTERENTRYLIST 'DESC」' PCELSFILTERENTRYBASEエントリのDNSのDNSの非注文セット 'Equality DistinguisednameMatch Syntax

The EntrySequence property of the association EntriesInFilterList is restricted to a single value ('0') [PCIM_EXT] which makes it redundant. Therefore, its mapping to an LDAP schema element is unnecessary.

Association EntriesInfilterListのエントリシーケンスプロパティは、単一の値( '0')[pcim_ext]に制限されており、冗長になります。したがって、LDAPスキーマ要素へのマッピングは不要です。

5.24. The Auxiliary Class pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass

The pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass class provides a general extension mechanism for representing policy variables that have not been specifically modeled. Instead, its two properties are used to define the content and format of the variable, as explained below. This class is intended for vendor-specific extensions that are not amenable to using pcelsVariable; standardized extensions SHOULD NOT use this class.


The pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcelsVariable class.


The pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass' DESC 'Defines registered means to describe a policy variable' SUP pcelsVariable AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsVendorVariableData $ pcelsVendorVariableEncoding ) )

(名「pcelsvendorvariableauxclass 'desc' 'ポリシー変数を記述するための登録手段を定義します。

The pcelsVendorVariableData attribute provides a general mechanism for representing policy variables that have not been specifically modeled. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. In pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass instances, the format of the values for attributes of this type is identified by the OID stored in the pcelsVendorVariableEncoding attribute.

PCELSVENDORVARIABLEDATA属性は、特異的にモデル化されていないポリシー変数を表すための一般的なメカニズムを提供します。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSVENDORVARIABLEAUXCLASSインスタンスでは、このタイプの属性の値の形式は、PCELSVENDORVARIABLEENCODING属性に保存されているOIDによって識別されます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVendorVariableData' DESC 'Mechanism for representing variables that have not been specifically modeled' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX )

(名「Pcelsvendorvariabledata 'DESC」メカニズム' equality 'equality octetStringmatchの順序付けの順序付け順に明記されていない変数を表すためのメカニズム

The pcelsVendorVariableEncoding attribute identifies the format for representing policy variables that have not been specifically modeled. This attribute type is of syntax OID [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of objectIdentifierMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. In pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass instances, the pcelsVendorVariableEncoding attribute is used to identify the format and semantics for the pcelsVendorVariableData attribute values.

PCELSVENDORVARIABLEENCODING属性は、具体的にモデル化されていないポリシー変数を表すための形式を識別します。この属性タイプは、構文oid [ldap_syntax]のものです。objectidentifiermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。PCELSVENDORVARIABLEAUXCLASSインスタンスでは、PCELSVENDORVARIABLEENCODING属性を使用して、PCELSVENDORVARIABLEDATA属性値の形式とセマンティクスを識別します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVendorVariableEncoding' DESC 'Identifies the format and semantics for policy variables' EQUALITY objectIdentifierMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「PCELSVENDORVARIABLE ENCODING 'DESC」は、ポリシー変数の「equalityidentidifiermatch構文の形式とセマンティクスを識別します。

5.25. The Auxiliary Class pcelsVendorValueAuxClass
5.25. 補助クラスpcelsvendorvalueauxclass

The pcelsVendorValueAuxClass class provides a general extension mechanism for representing policy values that have not been specifically modeled. Instead, its two properties are used to define the content and format of the policy value, as explained below. This class is intended for vendor-specific extensions that are not amenable to using pcelsValueAuxClass; standardized extensions SHOULD NOT use this class.


The pcelsVendorValueAuxClass class is an auxiliary object class and it is derived from the pcelsValueAuxClass class.


The pcelsVendorValueAuxClass class is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVendorValueAuxClass' DESC 'Defines registered means to describe a policy value' SUP pcelsValueAuxClass AUXILIARY MAY ( pcelsVendorValueData $ pcelsVendorValueEncoding ) )

(名「pcelsvendorvalueauxclass 'desc' 'ポリシー価値を記述するための登録手段を定義するsup pcelsvalueauxclass補助5月(pcelsvendorvaluedata $ pcelsvendorvalueencoding)))))

The pcelsVendorValueData attribute provides a general mechanism for representing policy values that have not been specifically modeled. This attribute type is of syntax OctetString [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of octetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA] and an ordering matching rule of octetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]. Attributes of this type can have multiple values. In pcelsVendorValueAuxClass instances, the format of the values for attributes of this type is identified by the OID stored in the pcelsVendorValueEncoding attribute.

PCELSVENDORVALUEDATA属性は、特異的にモデル化されていないポリシー値を表すための一般的なメカニズムを提供します。この属性タイプは、構文octetString [ldap_syntax]のものです。OctetStringMatch [LDAP_SCHEMA]の平等マッチングルールと、OctetStringOrderingMatch [LDAP_MATCH]の順序付けルールがあります。このタイプの属性には複数の値があります。PCELSVENDORVALUOAUXCLASSインスタンスでは、このタイプの属性の値の形式は、PCELSVENDORVALUEENCODING属性に保存されているOIDによって識別されます。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVendorValueData' DESC 'Mechanism for representing values that have not been specifically modeled' EQUALITY octetStringMatch ORDERING octetStringOrderingMatch SYNTAX )

(名「Pcelsvendorvaluedata 'DESC」メカニズムは、「octetString -orderingMatch Syntaxを並べ替えられていないequality octetStringMatchの構文を明確にモデル化していない値を表現するためのメカニズム」

The pcelsVendorValueEncoding attribute identifies the format for representing policy values that have not been specifically modeled. This attribute type is of syntax OID [LDAP_SYNTAX]. It has an equality matching rule of objectIdentifierMatch [LDAP_SYNTAX]. Attributes of this type can only have a single value. In pcelsVendorVarlueAuxClass instances, the pcelsVendorValueEncoding attribute is used to identify the format and semantics for the pcelsVendorValueData attribute values.

PCELSVENDORVALUEENCODING属性は、特異的にモデル化されていないポリシー値を表すための形式を識別します。この属性タイプは、構文oid [ldap_syntax]のものです。objectidentifiermatch [ldap_syntax]の平等マッチングルールがあります。このタイプの属性は、単一の値のみを持つことができます。PCELSVENDORVARLUEAUXCLASSインスタンスでは、PCELSVENDORVALUEENCODING属性を使用して、PCELSVENDORVALUEDATA属性値の形式とセマンティクスを特定します。

This attribute type is defined as follows:


( NAME 'pcelsVendorValueEncoding' DESC 'Identifies the format and semantics for policy values' EQUALITY objectIdentifierMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )

(名「PCELSVENDORVALUEENCODING 'DESC」は、ポリシー値のフォーマットとセマンティクスを識別します。

6. Security Considerations
6. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

The Policy Core LDAP Schema [PCLS] describes the general security considerations related to the general core policy schema. The extensions defined in this document do not introduce any additional considerations related to security.


7. IANA Considerations
7. IANAの考慮事項

Refer to RFC 3383, "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)" [LDAP-IANA].

RFC 3383、「LightWeight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP)のInternetAsiond Numbers Authority(IANA)の考慮事項」[LDAP-Aiana]を参照してください。

7.1. Object Identifiers
7.1. オブジェクト識別子

The IANA has registered an LDAP Object Identifier for use in this technical specification according to the following template:


Subject: Request for LDAP OID Registration Person & e-mail address to contact for further information: Mircea Pana (mpana@metasolv.com) Specification: RFC 4104 Author/Change Controller: IESG Comments: The assigned OID is used as a base for identifying a number of schema elements defined in this document.

件名:LDAP OID登録担当者のリクエスト担当者と電子メールアドレスを連絡先に詳細については:Mircea Pana(mpana@metasolv.com)仕様:RFC 4104著者/変更コントローラー:IESGコメント:割り当てられたOIDは識別のためのベースとして使用されますこのドキュメントで定義されている多くのスキーマ要素。

IANA has assigned an OID of with the name of pcelsSchema to this registration as recorded in the following registry:



7.2. Object Identifier Descriptors
7.2. オブジェクト識別子記述子

The IANA has registered the LDAP Descriptors used in this technical specification as detailed in the following template:


Subject: Request for LDAP Descriptor Registration Update Descriptor (short name): see comment Object Identifier: see comment Person & e-mail address to contact for further information: Mircea Pana (mpana@metasolv.com) Usage: see comment Specification: RFC 4104 Author/Change Controller: IESG Comments:


The following descriptors have been added:


   NAME                                    Type  OID
   --------------                          ----  ------------
   pcelsPolicySet                           O
   pcelsPolicySetAssociation                O
   pcelsGroup                               O
   pcelsGroupAuxClass                       O
      pcelsGroupInstance                       O
   pcelsRule                                O
   pcelsRuleAuxClass                        O
   pcelsRuleInstance                        O
   pcelsConditionAssociation                O
   pcelsActionAssociation                   O
   pcelsSimpleConditionAuxClass             O
   pcelsCompoundConditionAuxClass           O
   pcelsCompoundFilterConditionAuxClass     O
   pcelsSimpleActionAuxClass                O
   pcelsCompoundActionAuxClass              O
   pcelsVariable                            O
   pcelsExplicitVariableAuxClass            O
   pcelsImplicitVariableAuxClass            O
   pcelsSourceIPv4VariableAuxClass          O
   pcelsSourceIPv6VariableAuxClass          O
   pcelsDestinationIPv4VariableAuxClass     O
   pcelsDestinationIPv6VariableAuxClass     O
   pcelsSourcePortVariableAuxClass          O
   pcelsDestinationPortVariableAuxClass     O
   pcelsIPProtocolVariableAuxClass          O
   pcelsIPVersionVariableAuxClass           O
   pcelsIPToSVariableAuxClass               O
   pcelsDSCPVariableAuxClass                O
   pcelsFlowIdVariableAuxClass              O
   pcelsSourceMACVariableAuxClass           O
   pcelsDestinationMACVariableAuxClass      O
   pcelsVLANVariableAuxClass                O
   pcelsCoSVariableAuxClass                 O
   pcelsEthertypeVariableAuxClass           O
   pcelsSourceSAPVariableAuxClass           O
   pcelsDestinationSAPVariableAuxClass      O
   pcelsSNAPOUIVariableAuxClass             O
   pcelsSNAPTypeVariableAuxClass            O
   pcelsFlowDirectionVariableAuxClass       O
   pcelsValueAuxClass                       O
   pcelsIPv4AddrValueAuxClass               O
   pcelsIPv6AddrValueAuxClass               O
   pcelsMACAddrValueAuxClass                O
   pcelsStringValueAuxClass                 O
   pcelsBitStringValueAuxClass              O
   pcelsIntegerValueAuxClass                O
   pcelsBooleanValueAuxClass                O
   pcelsReusableContainer                   O
   pcelsReusableContainerAuxClass           O
   pcelsReusableContainerInstance           O
   pcelsRoleCollection                      O
   pcelsFilterEntryBase                     O
      pcelsIPHeadersFilter                     O
   pcels8021Filter                          O
   pcelsFilterListAuxClass                  O
   pcelsVendorVariableAuxClass              O
   pcelsVendorValueAuxClass                 O
   pcelsPolicySetName                       A
   pcelsDecisionStrategy                    A
   pcelsPolicySetList                       A
   pcelsPriority                            A
   pcelsPolicySetDN                         A
   pcelsConditionListType                   A
   pcelsConditionList                       A
   pcelsActionList                          A
   pcelsSequencedActions                    A
   pcelsExecutionStrategy                   A
   pcelsVariableDN                          A
   pcelsValueDN                             A
   pcelsIsMirrored                          A
   pcelsVariableName                        A
   pcelsExpectedValueList                   A
   pcelsVariableModelClass                  A
   pcelsVariableModelProperty               A
   pcelsExpectedValueTypes                  A
   pcelsValueName                           A
   pcelsIPv4AddrList                        A
   pcelsIPv6AddrList                        A
   pcelsMACAddrList                         A
   pcelsStringList                          A
   pcelsBitStringList                       A
   pcelsIntegerList                         A
   pcelsBoolean                             A
   pcelsReusableContainerName               A
   pcelsReusableContainerList               A
   pcelsRole                                A
   pcelsRoleCollectionName                  A
   pcelsElementList                         A
   pcelsFilterName                          A
   pcelsFilterIsNegated                     A
   pcelsIPHdrVersion                        A
   pcelsIPHdrSourceAddress                  A
   pcelsIPHdrSourceAddressEndOfRange        A
   pcelsIPHdrSourceMask                     A
   pcelsIPHdrDestAddress                    A
   pcelsIPHdrDestAddressEndOfRange          A
   pcelsIPHdrDestMask                       A
   pcelsIPHdrProtocolID                     A
   pcelsIPHdrSourcePortStart                A
   pcelsIPHdrSourcePortEnd                  A
      pcelsIPHdrDestPortStart                  A
   pcelsIPHdrDestPortEnd                    A
   pcelsIPHdrDSCPList                       A
   pcelsIPHdrFlowLabel                      A
   pcels8021HdrSourceMACAddress             A
   pcels8021HdrSourceMACMask                A
   pcels8021HdrDestMACAddress               A
   pcels8021HdrDestMACMask                  A
   pcels8021HdrProtocolID                   A
   pcels8021HdrPriority                     A
   pcels8021HdrVLANID                       A
   pcelsFilterListName                      A
   pcelsFilterDirection                     A
   pcelsFilterEntryList                     A
   pcelsVendorVariableData                  A
   pcelsVendorVariableEncoding              A
   pcelsVendorValueData                     A
   pcelsVendorValueEncoding                 A
   pcelsRuleValidityPeriodList              A

where Type A is Attribute, Type O is ObjectClass


These assignments are recorded in the following registry:



8. Acknowledgements
8. 謝辞

We would like to thank Kurt Zeilenga, Bert Wijnen, Ryan Moats, John Strassner, David McTavish, Larry Bartz and all the other members of the Policy Framework WG for reviewing this document and making many helpful suggestions and corrections.

Kurt Zeilenga、Bert Wijnen、Ryan Moats、John Strassner、David Mctavish、Larry Bartz、およびこの文書をレビューし、多くの有益な提案と修正を行ってくれたPolicy Framework WGの他のすべてのメンバーに感謝します。

We would also like to thank Joel Halpern (co-chair of the Policy Framework WG) for his support, for bringing this document to the attention of the Policy Framework WG and for moderating the resulting interactions.

また、Joel Halpern(ポリシーフレームワークWGの共同議長)に、この文書をポリシーフレームワークWGの注意を喚起し、結果の相互作用を緩和してくれたことに感謝します。

9. Normative References
9. 引用文献

[KEYWORDS] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[キーワード] Bradner、S。、「要件レベルを示すためにRFCで使用するためのキーワード」、BCP 14、RFC 2119、1997年3月。

[CIM] Distributed Management Task Force, Inc., "Common Information Model (CIM) Specification", Version 2.2, June 14, 1999, http://www.dmtf.org/standards/documents/CIM/DSP0004.pdf

[CIM]分散管理タスクフォース、Inc。、「Common Information Model(CIM)仕様」、バージョン2.2、1999年6月14日、http://www.dmtf.org/standards/documents/cim/dsp0004.pdf

[CIM_LDAP] Distributed Management Task Force, Inc., "DMTF LDAP Schema for the CIM v2.5 Core Information Model", April 15, 2002, http://www.dmtf.org/standards/documents/DEN/DSP0123.pdf

[CIM_LDAP]分散管理タスクフォース、Inc。、「CIM V2.5コア情報モデルのDMTF LDAPスキーマ」、2002年4月15日、http://www.dmtf.org/standards/documents/dden/dsp0123.pdff

[PCIM] Moore, B., Ellesson, E., Strassner, J., and A. Westerinen, "Policy Core Information Model -- Version 1 Specification", RFC 3060, February 2001.

[PCIM] Moore、B.、Ellesson、E.、Strassner、J。、およびA. Westerinen、「ポリシーコア情報モデル - バージョン1仕様」、RFC 3060、2001年2月。

[PCIM_EXT] Moore, B., "Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) Extensions", RFC 3460, January 2003.

[PCIM_EXT] MOORE、B。、「ポリシーコア情報モデル(PCIM)拡張機能」、RFC 3460、2003年1月。

[PCLS] Strassner, J., Moore, B., Moats, R., and E. Ellesson, "Policy Core Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema", RFC 3703, February 2004.

[PCLS] Strassner、J.、Moore、B.、Moats、R。、およびE. Ellesson、「ポリシーコアライトウェイトディレクトリアクセスプロトコル(LDAP)スキーマ」、RFC 3703、2004年2月。

[LDAP] Hodges, J. and R. Morgan, "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical Specification", RFC 3377, September 2002.

[LDAP] Hodges、J。およびR. Morgan、「Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(V3):技術仕様」、RFC 3377、2002年9月。

[LDAP_SYNTAX] Wahl, M., Coulbeck, A., Howes, T., and S. Kille, "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions", RFC 2252, December 1997.

[LDAP_SYNTAX] Wahl、M.、Coulbeck、A.、Howes、T。、およびS. Kille、「Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(V3):属性構文定義」、RFC 2252、1997年12月。

[LDAP_SCHEMA] Wahl, M., "A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3", RFC 2256, December 1997.

[ldap_schema] wahl、M。、 "ldapv3で使用するx.500(96)ユーザースキーマの要約"、RFC 2256、1997年12月。

[LDAP_MATCH] Zeilenga, K., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Additional Matching Rules", RFC 3698, February 2004.

[LDAP_MATCH] Zeilenga、K。、「Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP):追加マッチングルール」、RFC 3698、2004年2月。

[X.501] The Directory: Models. ITU-T Recommendation X.501, 2001.


[X.520] The Directory: Selected Attribute Types. ITU-T Recommendation X.520, 2001.


10. Informative References
10. 参考引用

[LDAP-IANA] Zeilenga, K., "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)", BCP 64, RFC 3383, September 2002.

[LDAP-Aiana] Zeilenga、K。、「Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(IANA)のLightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP)の考慮事項」、BCP 64、RFC 3383、2002年9月。

Authors' Addresses


Mircea Pana MetaSolv Software Inc. 360 Legget Drive Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2K 3N1

Mircea Pana Metasolv Software Inc. 360 Legget Drive Ottawa、オンタリオ州カナダK2K 3N1

   EMail: mpana@metasolv.com

Angelica Reyes Department of Computer Architecture Technical University of Catalonia Campus Castelldefels Spain


   EMail: mreyes@ac.upc.edu

Antoni Barba Technical University of Catalonia Jordi-Girona 1-3 08034 Barcelona Spain

カタロニアのアントニ・バルバ工科大学ヨルディ・ギロナ1-3 08034バルセロナスペイン

   EMail: telabm@mat.upc.es

David Moron Technical University of Catalonia Jordi-Girona 1-3 08034 Barcelona Spain

カタロニアのデビッドモロン工科大学ヨルディギロナ1-3 08034バルセロナスペイン

   EMail: dmor4477@hotmail.com

Marcus Brunner NEC Europe Ltd. Kurfuersten-Anlage 36 D-69115 Heidelberg Germany


   EMail: brunner@netlab.nec.de

Full Copyright Statement


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2005)。

This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.

この文書は、BCP 78に含まれる権利、ライセンス、および制限の対象となり、そこに記載されている場合を除き、著者はすべての権利を保持しています。



Intellectual Property


The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

IETFは、知的財産権またはその他の権利の有効性または範囲に関して、この文書に記載されている技術の実装または使用、またはそのような権利に基づくライセンスがどの程度であるかについての使用に関連すると主張する可能性があるという立場はありません。利用可能になります。また、そのような権利を特定するために独立した努力をしたことも表明していません。RFCドキュメントの権利に関する手順に関する情報は、BCP 78およびBCP 79に記載されています。

Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at http://www.ietf.org/ipr.


The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-ipr@ietf.org.




Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the Internet Society.
