[要約] RFC 4133は、エンティティMIB(バージョン3)に関する標準仕様です。このRFCの目的は、ネットワークデバイスの物理的な特性や状態を管理するためのデータモデルを提供することです。

Network Working Group                                         A. Bierman
Request for Comments: 4133                                 K. McCloghrie
Obsoletes: 2737                                      Cisco Systems, Inc.
Category: Standards Track                                    August 2005

Entity MIB (Version 3)


Status of This Memo


This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

このドキュメントは、インターネットコミュニティのインターネット標準トラックプロトコルを指定し、改善のための議論と提案を要求します。このプロトコルの標準化状態とステータスについては、「インターネット公式プロトコル標準」(STD 1)の現在のエディションを参照してください。このメモの配布は無制限です。

Copyright Notice


Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2005)。



This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects used for managing multiple logical and physical entities managed by a single SNMP agent. This document specifies version 3 of the Entity MIB, which obsoletes version 2 (RFC 2737).

このメモは、インターネットコミュニティのネットワーク管理プロトコルで使用するための管理情報ベース(MIB)の一部を定義します。特に、単一のSNMPエージェントによって管理される複数の論理および物理エンティティの管理に使用される管理されたオブジェクトについて説明します。このドキュメントは、バージョン2(RFC 2737)を廃止するエンティティMIBのバージョン3を指定します。

Table of Contents


   1. The SNMP Management Framework ...................................3
   2. Overview ........................................................3
      2.1. Terms ......................................................4
      2.2. Relationship to Community Strings ..........................5
      2.3. Relationship to SNMP Contexts ..............................5
      2.4. Relationship to Proxy Mechanisms ...........................6
      2.5. Relationship to a Chassis MIB ..............................6
      2.6. Relationship to the Interfaces MIB .........................6
      2.7. Relationship to the Other MIBs .............................7
      2.8. Relationship to Naming Scopes ..............................7
      2.9. Multiple Instances of the Entity MIB .......................7
      2.10. Re-Configuration of Entities ..............................8
      2.11. Textual Convention Change .................................8
      2.12. MIB Structure .............................................8
            2.12.1. entityPhysical Group ..............................9
            2.12.2. entityLogical Group ..............................11
            2.12.3. entityMapping Group ..............................11
            2.12.4. entityGeneral Group ..............................12
            2.12.5. entityNotifications Group ........................12
      2.13. Multiple Agents ..........................................12
      2.14. Changes Since RFC 2037 ...................................12
            2.14.1. Textual Conventions ..............................12
            2.14.2. New entPhysicalTable Objects .....................13
            2.14.3. New entLogicalTable Objects ......................13
            2.14.4. Bug Fixes ........................................13
      2.15. Changes Since RFC 2737 ...................................13
            2.15.1. Textual Conventions ..............................13
            2.15.2. New Objects ......................................14
            2.15.3. Bug Fixes ........................................14
   3. Definitions ....................................................14
   4. Usage Examples .................................................44
      4.1. Router/Bridge .............................................44
      4.2. Repeaters .................................................50
   5. Security Considerations ........................................57
   6. IANA Considerations ............................................58
   7. Acknowledgements ...............................................59
   8. References .....................................................59
      8.1. Normative References ......................................59
      8.2. Informative References ....................................59
1. The SNMP Management Framework
1. SNMP管理フレームワーク

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

現在のインターネット標準管理フレームワークを説明するドキュメントの詳細な概要については、RFC 3410 [RFC3410]のセクション7を参照してください。

Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580].

管理されたオブジェクトは、管理情報ベースまたはMIBと呼ばれる仮想情報ストアからアクセスされます。MIBオブジェクトは通常、単純なネットワーク管理プロトコル(SNMP)からアクセスされます。MIBのオブジェクトは、管理情報の構造(SMI)で定義されたメカニズムを使用して定義されます。このメモは、STD 58、RFC 2578 [RFC2578]、STD 58、RFC 2579 [RFC2579]およびSTD 58、RFC 2580 [RFC2580]に記載されているSMIV2に準拠したMIBモジュールを指定します。

2. Overview
2. 概要

There is a need for a standardized way of representing a single agent, which supports multiple instances of one MIB. This is presently true for at least 3 standard MIBs, and is likely to become true for more and more MIBs as time passes. For example:


- multiple instances of a bridge supported within a single device that has a single agent;

- 単一のエージェントを持つ単一のデバイス内でサポートされるブリッジの複数のインスタンス。

- multiple repeaters supported by a single agent;

- 単一のエージェントによってサポートされる複数のリピーター。

- multiple OSPF backbone areas, each operating as part of its own Autonomous System, and each identified by the same area-id (e.g.,, supported inside a single router with one agent.

- それぞれが独自の自律システムの一部として動作する複数のOSPFバックボーン領域、およびそれぞれが同じエリアID(など)で識別され、1つのエージェントと単一のルーター内でサポートされています。

The single agent present in each of these cases implies a relationship binds these entities. Effectively, there is some "overall" physical entity which houses the sum of the things managed by that one agent, i.e., there are multiple "logical" entities within a single physical entity. Sometimes, the overall physical entity contains multiple (smaller) physical entities, and each logical entity is associated with a particular physical entity. Sometimes, the overall physical entity is a "compound" of multiple physical entities (e.g., a stack of stackable hubs).


What is needed is a way to determine exactly which logical entities are managed by the agent (with some version of SNMP) in order to communicate with the agent about a particular logical entity. When different logical entities are associated with different physical entities within the overall physical entity, it is also useful to be able to use this information to distinguish between logical entities.


In these situations, there is no need for varbinds for multiple logical entities to be referenced in the same SNMP message (although that might be useful in the future). Rather, it is sufficient, and in some situations preferable, to have the context/community in the message identify the logical entity to which the varbinds apply.


Version 2 of this MIB addresses new requirements, which have emerged since the publication of the first Entity MIB (RFC 2037 [RFC2037]). There is a need for a standardized way of providing non-volatile, administratively-assigned identifiers for physical components represented with the Entity MIB. There is also a need to align the Entity MIB with the SNMPv3 administrative framework (STD 62, RFC 3411 [RFC3411]). Implementation experience has shown that additional physical component attributes are also desirable.

このMIBのバージョン2は、最初のエンティティMIB(RFC 2037 [RFC2037])の公開以来出現している新しい要件に対処しています。エンティティMIBに表される物理コンポーネントの不揮発性の、管理上異割り当て識別子を提供する標準化された方法が必要です。また、エンティティMIBをSNMPV3管理フレームワーク(STD 62、RFC 3411 [RFC3411])に合わせる必要があります。実装の経験により、追加の物理コンポーネント属性も望ましいことが示されています。

Version 3 of this MIB addresses new requirements, which have emerged since the publication of the second Entity MIB (RFC 2737 [RFC2737]). There is a need to identify physical entities that are central processing units (CPUs) and a need to provide a textual convention that identifies an entPhysicalIndex value or zero, where the value zero has application-specific semantics. Two new objects have been added to the entPhysicalTable to identify the manufacturing date and provide additional URIs for a particular physical entity.

このMIBのバージョン3は、2番目のエンティティMIB(RFC 2737 [RFC2737])の公開以来出現している新しい要件に対処しています。中央処理ユニット(CPU)である物理エンティティを特定する必要があり、値ゼロにアプリケーション固有のセマンティクスがあるentphysicalIndex値またはゼロを識別するテキスト条約を提供する必要があります。2つの新しいオブジェクトがEntphysicalTableに追加され、製造日を特定し、特定の物理エンティティに追加のURIを提供しています。

2.1. Terms
2.1. 条項

Some new terms are used throughout this document:


- Naming Scope A "naming scope" represents the set of information that may be potentially accessed through a single SNMP operation. All instances within the naming scope share the same unique identifier space. For SNMPv1, a naming scope is identified by the value of the associated 'entLogicalCommunity' instance. For SNMPv3, the term 'context' is used instead of 'naming scope'. The complete definition of an SNMP context can be found in section 3.3.1 of RFC 3411 [RFC3411].

- 命名範囲「ネーミングスコープ」は、単一のSNMP操作を介してアクセスされる可能性のある情報のセットを表します。命名範囲内のすべてのインスタンスは、同じ一意の識別子スペースを共有します。SNMPV1の場合、ネーミングスコープは、関連する「EntlogicalCommunity」インスタンスの値によって識別されます。SNMPV3の場合、「命名スコープ」ではなく「コンテキスト」という用語が使用されます。SNMPコンテキストの完全な定義は、RFC 3411 [RFC3411]のセクション3.3.1に記載されています。

- Multi-Scoped Object A MIB object, for which identical instance values identify different managed information in different naming scopes, is called a "multi-scoped" MIB object.

- マルチスコープされたオブジェクト同一のインスタンス値が、異なる命名スコープで異なる管理された情報を識別するMIBオブジェクトは、「マルチスコープ」MIBオブジェクトと呼ばれます。

- Single-Scoped Object A MIB object, for which identical instance values identify the same managed information in different naming scopes, is called a "single-scoped" MIB object.

- 単一スコープオブジェクトは、同じインスタンス値が異なる命名スコープで同じ管理情報を識別するMIBオブジェクトは、「単一スコープ付き」MIBオブジェクトと呼ばれます。

- Logical Entity A managed system contains one or more logical entities, each represented by at most one instantiation of each of a particular set of MIB objects. A set of management functions is associated with each logical entity. Examples of logical entities include routers, bridges, print-servers, etc.

- 論理エンティティマネージドシステムには、1つ以上の論理エンティティが含まれており、それぞれがMIBオブジェクトの特定の各セットの最大1つのインスタンス化によって表されます。一連の管理機能は、各論理エンティティに関連付けられています。論理エンティティの例には、ルーター、橋、印刷サーバーなどが含まれます。

- Physical Entity A "physical entity" or "physical component" represents an identifiable physical resource within a managed system. Zero or more logical entities may utilize a physical resource at any given time. Determining which physical components are represented by an agent in the EntPhysicalTable is an implementation-specific matter. Typically, physical resources (e.g., communications ports, backplanes, sensors, daughter-cards, power supplies, the overall chassis), which can be managed via functions associated with one or more logical entities, are included in the MIB.

- 物理エンティティ「物理的エンティティ」または「物理コンポーネント」は、管理されたシステム内の識別可能な物理リソースを表します。ゼロ以上の論理エンティティは、いつでも物理リソースを利用できます。どの物理コンポーネントがentphysicaltableのエージェントによって表されるかを決定することは、実装固有の問題です。通常、物理的なリソース(通信ポート、バックプレーン、センサー、娘カード、電源、全体的なシャーシなど)は、1つ以上の論理エンティティに関連する機能を介して管理できますが、MIBに含まれています。

- Containment Tree Each physical component may be modeled as 'contained' within another physical component. A "containment-tree" is the conceptual sequence of entPhysicalIndex values that uniquely specifies the exact physical location of a physical component within the managed system. It is generated by 'following and recording' each 'entPhysicalContainedIn' instance 'up the tree towards the root', until a value of zero indicating no further containment is found.

- 封じ込めツリー各物理コンポーネントは、別の物理コンポーネント内に「含まれている」ものとしてモデル化される場合があります。「contantment-tree」は、管理されたシステム内の物理コンポーネントの正確な物理的位置を一意に指定するEntphysicalIndex値の概念シーケンスです。ゼロの値がそれ以上の封じ込めが見つからないことを示すゼロの値が見つかっていないまで、それぞれの「entphysicalcontaindedin 'インスタンス」を「root」に「フォローと記録」することによって生成されます。

2.2. Relationship to Community Strings
2.2. コミュニティストリングとの関係

For community-based SNMP, differentiating logical entities is one (but not the only) purpose of the community string (RFC 1157 [RFC1157]). This is accommodated by representing each community string as a logical entity.

コミュニティベースのSNMPの場合、論理エンティティを区別することは、コミュニティ文字列の1つの(ただし唯一ではない)目的です(RFC 1157 [RFC1157])。これは、各コミュニティの文字列を論理的なエンティティとして表現することによって収容されます。

Note that different logical entities may share the same naming scope and, therefore, the same values of entLogicalCommunity. This is possible, providing they have no need for the same instance of a MIB object to represent different managed information.


2.3. Relationship to SNMP Contexts
2.3. SNMPコンテキストとの関係

Version 2 of the Entity MIB contains support for associating SNMPv3 contexts with logical entities. Two new MIB objects, defining an SnmpEngineID and ContextName pair, are used together to identify an SNMP context associated with a logical entity. This context can be used (in conjunction with the entLogicalTAddress and entLogicalTDomain MIB objects) to send SNMPv3 messages on behalf of a particular logical entity.

エンティティMIBのバージョン2には、SNMPV3コンテキストを論理エンティティと関連付けるためのサポートが含まれています。SNMPengineIDとContextNameペアを定義する2つの新しいMIBオブジェクトが、論理エンティティに関連付けられたSNMPコンテキストを識別するために一緒に使用されます。このコンテキストを使用して(EntlogicalTaddressおよびEntlogicaltdomain MIBオブジェクトと組み合わせて)、特定の論理エンティティに代わってSNMPV3メッセージを送信できます。

2.4. Relationship to Proxy Mechanisms
2.4. プロキシメカニズムとの関係

The Entity MIB is designed to allow functional component discovery. The administrative relationships between different logical entities are not visible in any Entity MIB tables. A Network Management System (NMS) cannot determine whether MIB instances in different naming scopes are realized locally or remotely (e.g., via some proxy mechanism) by examining any particular Entity MIB objects.


The management of administrative framework functions is not an explicit goal of the Entity MIB WG at this time. This new area of functionality may be revisited after some operational experience with the Entity MIB is gained.

管理フレームワーク関数の管理は、現時点でのエンティティMIB WGの明示的な目標ではありません。この新しい機能領域は、MIBのエンティティでの運用経験が得られた後に再検討される場合があります。

Note that for community-based versions of SNMP, a network administrator will likely be able to associate community strings with naming scopes that have proprietary mechanisms, as a matter of configuration. There are no mechanisms for managing naming scopes defined in this MIB.


2.5. Relationship to a Chassis MIB
2.5. シャーシ・ミブとの関係

Some readers may recall that a previous IETF working group attempted to define a Chassis MIB. No consensus was reached by that working group, possibly because its scope was too broad. As such, it is not the purpose of this MIB to be a "Chassis MIB replacement", nor is it within the scope of this MIB to contain all the information which might be necessary to manage a "chassis". On the other hand, the entities represented by an implementation of this MIB might well be contained in a chassis.


2.6. Relationship to the Interfaces MIB
2.6. インターフェイスMIBとの関係

The Entity MIB contains a mapping table identifying physical components that have 'external values' (e.g., ifIndex) associated with them within a given naming scope. This table can be used to identify the physical location of each interface in the ifTable (RFC 2863 [RFC2863]). Because ifIndex values in different contexts are not related to one another, the interface to physical component associations are relative to the same logical entity within the agent.

エンティティMIBには、特定の命名範囲内でそれらに関連付けられた「外部値」(例えば、IFINDEX)がある物理コンポーネントを識別するマッピングテーブルが含まれています。このテーブルは、IFTableの各インターフェイスの物理的位置を識別するために使用できます(RFC 2863 [RFC2863])。異なるコンテキストのIFINDEX値は互いに関連していないため、物理コンポーネントの関連性へのインターフェイスは、エージェント内の同じ論理エンティティに関連しています。

The Entity MIB also contains 'entPhysicalName' and 'entPhysicalAlias' objects, which approximate the semantics of the 'ifName' and 'ifAlias' objects (respectively) from the Interfaces MIB [RFC2863], for all types of physical components.

エンティティMIBには、あらゆる種類の物理的成分について、インターフェイスMIB [RFC2863]から「IFName」および「Ifalias」オブジェクトのセマンティクス(それぞれ)のセマンティクスを近似する「entphysicalName」および「entphysicalAlias」オブジェクトも含まれています。

2.7. Relationship to the Other MIBs
2.7. 他のMIBとの関係

The Entity MIB contains a mapping table identifying physical components that have identifiers from other standard MIBs associated with them. For example, this table can be used along with the physical mapping table to identify the physical location of each repeater port in the rptrPortTable, or each interface in the ifTable.


2.8. Relationship to Naming Scopes
2.8. スコープの命名との関係

There is some question as to which MIB objects may be returned within a given naming scope. MIB objects which are not multi-scoped within a managed system are likely to ignore context information in implementation. In such a case, it is likely such objects will be returned in all naming scopes (e.g., not just the 'default' naming scope or the SNMPv3 default context).


For example, a community string used to access the management information for logical device 'bridge2' may allow access to all the non-bridge related objects in the 'default' naming scope, as well as a second instance of the Bridge MIB (RFC 1493 [RFC1493]).

たとえば、論理デバイス「Bridge2」の管理情報にアクセスするために使用されるコミュニティ文字列は、「デフォルト」の命名範囲内のすべての非ブリッジ関連オブジェクトにアクセスできる場合があり、ブリッジMIBの2番目のインスタンス(RFC 1493[RFC1493])。

The isolation of single-scoped MIB objects by the agent is an implementation-specific matter. An agent may wish to limit the objects returned in a particular naming scope to only the multi-scoped objects in that naming scope (e.g., system group and the Bridge MIB). In this case, all single-scoped management information would belong to a common naming scope (e.g., 'default'), which itself may contain some multi-scoped objects (e.g., system group).


2.9. Multiple Instances of the Entity MIB
2.9. エンティティMIBの複数のインスタンス

It is possible that more than one agent may exist in a managed system. In such cases, multiple instances of the Entity MIB (representing the same managed objects) may be available to an NMS.

管理されたシステムに複数のエージェントが存在する可能性があります。このような場合、Entity MIB(同じ管理されたオブジェクトを表す)の複数のインスタンスがNMSで利用可能になる場合があります。

In order to reduce complexity for agent implementation, multiple instances of the Entity MIB are not required to be equivalent or even consistent. An NMS may be able to 'align' instances returned by different agents by examining the columns of each table, but vendor-specific identifiers and (especially) index values are likely to be different. Each agent may be managing different subsets of the entire chassis as well.


When all of a physically-modular device is represented by a single agent, the entry (for which entPhysicalContainedIn has the value zero) would likely have 'chassis' as the value of its entPhysicalClass. Alternatively, for an agent on a module where the agent represents only the physical entities on that module (not those on other modules), the entry (for which entPhysicalContainedIn has the value zero) would likely have 'module' as the value of its entPhysicalClass.


An agent implementation of the entLogicalTable is not required to contain information about logical entities managed primarily by other agents. That is, the entLogicalTAddress and entLogicalTDomain objects in the entLogicalTable are provided to support an historical multiplexing mechanism, not to identify other SNMP agents.


Note that the Entity MIB is a single-scoped MIB, in the event an agent represents the MIB in different naming scopes.


2.10. Re-Configuration of Entities
2.10. エンティティの再構成

Most of the MIB objects defined in this MIB have, at most, a read-only MAX-ACCESS clause. This is a conscious decision by the working group to limit this MIB's scope. The second version of the Entity MIB allows a network administrator to configure some common attributes of physical components.


2.11. Textual Convention Change
2.11. テキスト条約の変更

Version 1 of the Entity MIB contains three MIB objects defined with the (now obsolete) DisplayString textual convention. In version 2 of the Entity MIB, the syntax for these objects has been updated to use the (now preferred) SnmpAdminString textual convention.

Entity MIBのバージョン1には、(現在の)表示テキスト条約で定義された3つのMIBオブジェクトが含まれています。Entity MIBのバージョン2では、これらのオブジェクトの構文が更新され、(現在推奨されている)SNMPADMINSTRINGテキストコンベンションを使用しています。

The working group realizes that this change is not strictly supported by SMIv2. In our judgment, the alternative of deprecating the old objects and defining new objects would have a more adverse impact on backward compatibility and interoperability, given the particular semantics of these objects.


2.12. MIB Structure
2.12. MIB構造

The Entity MIB contains five groups of MIB objects:


- entityPhysical group Describes the physical entities managed by a single agent.

- エンティティフィジカルグループは、単一のエージェントによって管理される物理エンティティについて説明します。

- entityLogical group Describes the logical entities managed by a single agent.

- EntityLogical Groupは、単一のエージェントによって管理される論理エンティティについて説明します。

- entityMapping group Describes the associations between the physical entities, logical entities, interfaces, and non-interface ports managed by a single agent.

- エンティティマッピンググループは、単一のエージェントが管理する物理エンティティ、論理エンティティ、インターフェイス、および非インターフェイスポート間の関連性について説明します。

- entityGeneral group Describes general system attributes shared by potentially all types of entities managed by a single agent.

- EntityGeneral Groupは、単一のエージェントが管理する潜在的にすべてのタイプのエンティティが共有する一般的なシステム属性について説明しています。

- entityNotifications group Contains status indication notifications.

- EntityNotificationsグループには、ステータス表示通知が含まれています。

2.12.1. entityPhysical Group
2.12.1. エンティティフィジカルグループ

This group contains a single table to identify physical system components, called the entPhysicalTable.


The entPhysicalTable contains one row per physical entity, and must always contain at least one row for an "overall" physical entity, which should have an entPhysicalClass value of 'stack(11)', 'chassis(3)' or 'module(9)'.

EntphysicalTableには、物理エンティティごとに1つの行が含まれており、「全体的な」物理エンティティには常に少なくとも1つの行が含まれている必要があります。これには、「スタック(11)」、「シャーシ(3)」、または「モジュール」のentphysicalclass値が必要です。) '。

Each row is indexed by an arbitrary, small integer, and contains a description and type of the physical entity. It also optionally contains the index number of another entPhysicalEntry, indicating a containment relationship between the two.


Version 2 of the Entity MIB provides additional MIB objects for each physical entity. Some common read-only attributes have been added, as well as three writable string objects.


- entPhysicalAlias This string can be used by an NMS as a non-volatile identifier for the physical component. Maintaining a non-volatile string for every physical component represented in the entPhysicalTable can be costly and unnecessary. An agent may algorithmically generate 'entPhysicalAlias' strings for particular entries (e.g., based on the entPhysicalClass value).

- Entphysicaliasこの文字列は、物理コンポーネントの不揮発性識別子としてNMSによって使用できます。EntphysicalTableに表されるすべての物理コンポーネントに不揮発性の文字列を維持することは、費用がかかり、不要です。エージェントは、特定のエントリに対して「entphysicalAlias」文字列をアルゴリズム的に生成する場合があります(例:EntphysicalClass値に基づいて)。

- entPhysicalAssetID This string is provided to store a user-specific asset identifier for removable physical components. In order to reduce the non-volatile storage needed by a particular agent, a network administrator should only assign asset identifiers to physical entities that are field-replaceable (i.e., not permanently contained within another physical entity).

- entphysicalAssetIDこの文字列は、取り外し可能な物理コンポーネントのユーザー固有のアセット識別子を保存するために提供されます。特定のエージェントが必要とする不揮発性ストレージを削減するために、ネットワーク管理者は、フィールド複製可能な物理エンティティ(つまり、別の物理エンティティ内に永続的に含まれていない)の物理エンティティにのみ資産識別子を割り当てる必要があります。

- entPhysicalSerialNum This string is provided to store a vendor-specific serial number string for physical components. This writable object is used when an agent cannot identify the serial numbers of all installed physical entities, and a network administrator wishes to configure the non-volatile serial number strings manually (via an NMS application).

- entphysicalserialnumこの文字列は、物理コンポーネント用のベンダー固有のシリアル番号文字列を保存するために提供されます。この書き込みオブジェクトは、エージェントがインストールされているすべての物理エンティティのシリアル番号を識別できない場合に使用され、ネットワーク管理者は、不揮発性シリアル番号文字列を手動で構成することを希望します(NMSアプリケーションを介して)。

Version 3 of the Entity MIB provides two additional MIB objects for each physical entity:


- entPhysicalMfgDate This object contains the date of manufacturing of the managed entity. If the manufacturing date is unknown or not supported the object is not instantiated. The special value '0000000000000000'H may also be returned in this case.

- entphysicalmfgdateこのオブジェクトには、管理されたエンティティの製造日が含まれています。製造日が不明またはサポートされていない場合、オブジェクトはインスタンス化されていません。この場合、特別な値 '00000000000000'Hも返される場合があります。

- entPhysicalUris This object provides additional identification information about the physical entity.

- entphysicalurisこのオブジェクトは、物理エンティティに関する追加の識別情報を提供します。

This object contains one or more Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and, therefore, the syntax of this object must conform to RFC 3986 [RFC3986] section 2. Uniform Resource Names (URNs), RFC 3406 [RFC3406], are resource identifiers with the specific requirements for enabling location independent identification of a resource, as well as longevity of reference. URNs are part of the larger URI family with the specific goal of providing persistent naming of resources. URI schemes and URN name spaces are registered by IANA (see http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes and http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces).

このオブジェクトには1つ以上の均一なリソース識別子(URI)が含まれているため、このオブジェクトの構文はRFC 3986 [RFC3986]セクション2に準拠する必要があります。リソースの場所の識別を可能にするための特定の要件、および参照の寿命。URNは、リソースの永続的な命名を提供するという特定の目標を持つ、より大きなURIファミリーの一部です。URIスキームとurnネームスペースはIANAによって登録されています(http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemesを参照し、http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespacesを参照)。

For example, the entPhysicalUris object may be used to encode a URI containing a Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) URN for the managed physical entity. The URN name space for CLEIs is defined in [RFC4152], and the CLEI format is defined in [T1.213][T1.213a]. For example, an entPhysicalUris instance may have the value of

たとえば、Entphysicalurisオブジェクトを使用して、管理された物理エンティティの共通言語機器識別子(CLEI)URNを含むURIをエンコードすることができます。CLEISのurn名スペースは[RFC4152]で定義されており、CLEI形式は[T1.213] [T1.213A]で定義されています。たとえば、entphysicalurisインスタンスには



[RFC3986] and [RFC4152] identify this as a URI in the CLEI URN name space. The specific CLEI code, D4CE18B7AA, is based on the example provided in [T1.213a].

[rfc3986]および[rfc4152]は、これをclei urn名空間のURIとして識別します。特定のCLEIコード、D4CE18B7AAは、[T1.213A]で提供される例に基づいています。

Multiple URIs may be present and are separated by white space characters. Leading and trailing white space characters are ignored.


If no additional identification information is known about the physical entity or supported, the object is not instantiated.


2.12.2. entityLogical Group
2.12.2. エンティリロジカルグループ

This group contains a single table to identify logical entities, called the entLogicalTable.


The entLogicalTable contains one row per logical entity. Each row is indexed by an arbitrary, small integer and contains a name, description, and type of the logical entity. It also contains information to allow access to the MIB information for the logical entity. This includes SNMP versions that use a community name (with some form of implied context representation) and SNMP versions that use the SNMP ARCH [RFC3411] method of context identification.

EntlogicalTableには、論理エンティティごとに1つの行が含まれています。各行は、任意の小さな整数によってインデックス化されており、論理エンティティの名前、説明、およびタイプが含まれています。また、論理エンティティのMIB情報へのアクセスを許可する情報も含まれています。これには、コミュニティ名(何らかの形の暗黙のコンテキスト表現を使用)を使用するSNMPバージョンと、コンテキスト識別のSNMP Arch [RFC3411]方法を使用するSNMPバージョンが含まれます。

If an agent represents multiple logical entities with this MIB, then this group must be implemented for all logical entities known to the agent.


If an agent represents a single logical entity, or multiple logical entities within a single naming scope, then implementation of this group may be omitted by the agent.


2.12.3. entityMapping Group
2.12.3. エンティティマッピンググループ

This group contains three tables to identify associations between different system components.


- entLPMappingTable This table contains mappings between entLogicalIndex values (logical entities) and entPhysicalIndex values (the physical components supporting that entity). A logical entity can map to more than one physical component, and more than one logical entity can map to (share) the same physical component. If an agent represents a single logical entity, or multiple logical entities within a single naming scope, then implementation of this table may be omitted by the agent.

- ENTLPMAPPINGTABLEこのテーブルには、EntlogicalIndex値(論理エンティティ)とEntphysicalIndex値(そのエンティティをサポートする物理コンポーネント)の間のマッピングが含まれています。論理エンティティは複数の物理コンポーネントにマッピングでき、複数の論理エンティティが同じ物理コンポーネントを(共有)することができます。エージェントが単一の論理エンティティ、または単一の命名範囲内の複数の論理エンティティを表す場合、このテーブルの実装はエージェントによって省略される場合があります。

- entAliasMappingTable This table contains mappings between entLogicalIndex, entPhysicalIndex pairs, and 'alias' object identifier values. This allows resources managed with other MIBs (e.g., repeater ports, bridge ports, physical and logical interfaces) to be identified in the physical entity hierarchy. Note that each alias identifier is only relevant in a particular naming scope. If an agent represents a single logical entity, or multiple logical entities within a single naming scope, then implementation of this table may be omitted by the agent.

- EntaliasmappingTableこのテーブルには、EntlogicalIndex、EntphysicalIndexペア、および「エイリアス」オブジェクト識別子値の間のマッピングが含まれています。これにより、他のMIBS(例:リピーターポート、ブリッジポート、物理的および論理インターフェイスなど)で管理されたリソースを物理エンティティ階層で識別できます。各エイリアス識別子は、特定の命名範囲にのみ関連することに注意してください。エージェントが単一の論理エンティティ、または単一の命名範囲内の複数の論理エンティティを表す場合、このテーブルの実装はエージェントによって省略される場合があります。

- entPhysicalContainsTable This table contains simple mappings between 'entPhysicalContainedIn' values for each container/'containee' relationship in the managed system. The indexing of this table allows an NMS to quickly discover the 'entPhysicalIndex' values for all children of a given physical entity.

- entphysicalcontainStableこのテーブルには、管理されたシステムの各コンテナ/「containtee」関係の「entphysicalcontainedin」値の間の単純なマッピングが含まれています。このテーブルのインデックス作成により、NMSは特定の物理エンティティのすべての子供の「entphysicalIndex」値をすばやく発見できます。

2.12.4. entityGeneral Group
2.12.4. エンティティジェネラルグループ

This group contains general information relating to the other object groups.


At this time, the entGeneral group contains a single scalar object (entLastChangeTime), which represents the value of sysUptime when any part of the Entity MIB configuration last changed.


2.12.5. entityNotifications Group
2.12.5. EntityNotificationsグループ

This group contains notification definitions relating to the overall status of the Entity MIB instantiation.


2.13. Multiple Agents
2.13. 複数のエージェント

Even though a primary motivation for this MIB is to represent the multiple logical entities supported by a single agent, another motivation is to represent multiple logical entities supported by multiple agents (in the same "overall" physical entity). Indeed, it is implicit in the SNMP architecture that the number of agents is transparent to a network management station.


However, there is no agreement at this time as to the degree of cooperation that should be expected for agent implementations. Therefore, multiple agents within the same managed system are free to implement the Entity MIB independently. (For more information, refer to Section 2.9, "Multiple Instances of the Entity MIB".)


2.14. Changes Since RFC 2037
2.14. RFC 2037以降の変更
2.14.1. Textual Conventions
2.14.1. テキストの慣習

The PhysicalClass TC text has been clarified, and a new enumeration to support 'stackable' components has been added. The SnmpEngineIdOrNone TC has been added to support SNMPv3.

PhysicalClass TCテキストが明確にされており、「スタック可能な」コンポーネントをサポートするための新しい列挙が追加されています。Snmpengineidornone TCが追加され、SNMPV3をサポートしています。

2.14.2. New entPhysicalTable Objects
2.14.2. 新しいEntphysicalTableオブジェクト

The entPhysicalHardwareRev, entPhysicalFirmwareRev, and entPhysicalSoftwareRev objects have been added for revision identification.


The entPhysicalSerialNum, entPhysicalMfgName, entPhysicalModelName, and entPhysicalIsFru objects have been added for better vendor identification for physical components. In the event the agent cannot identify this information, the entPhysicalSerialNum object can be set by a management station.


The entPhysicalAlias and entPhysicalAssetID objects have been added for better user component identification. These objects are intended to be set by a management station and preserved by the agent across restarts.


2.14.3. New entLogicalTable Objects
2.14.3. 新しいEntlogicalTableオブジェクト

The entLogicalContextEngineID and entLogicalContextName objects have been added to provide an SNMP context for SNMPv3 access on behalf of a logical entity.


2.14.4. Bug Fixes
2.14.4. バグの修正

A bug was fixed in the entLogicalCommunity object. The subrange was incorrect (1..255) and is now (0..255). The description clause has also been clarified. This object is now deprecated.


The entLastChangeTime object description has been changed to generalize the events that cause an update to the last change timestamp.


The syntax was changed from DisplayString to SnmpAdminString for the entPhysicalDescr, entPhysicalName, and entLogicalDescr objects.


2.15. Changes Since RFC 2737
2.15. RFC 2737以降の変更
2.15.1. Textual Conventions
2.15.1. テキストの慣習

The PhysicalIndexOrZero TC has been added to allow objects to reference an entPhysicalIndex value or zero. The PhysicalClass TC has been extended to support a new enumeration for central processing units.

PhysicalIndexorzero TCが追加されており、オブジェクトがEntphysicalIndex値またはゼロを参照できるようにしています。PhysicalClass TCは、中央処理ユニットの新しい列挙をサポートするために拡張されています。

2.15.2. New Objects
2.15.2. 新しいオブジェクト

The entPhysicalMfgDate object has been added to the entPhysicalTable to provide the date of manufacturing of the managed entity.


The entPhysicalUris object has been added to the entPhysicalTable to provide additional identification information about the physical entity, such as a Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) URN.


2.15.3. Bug Fixes
2.15.3. バグの修正

The syntax was changed from INTEGER to Integer32 for the entPhysicalParentRelPos, entLogicalIndex, and entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero objects, and from INTEGER to PhysicalIndexOrZero for the entPhysicalContainedIn object.


3. Definitions
3. 定義


インポートモジュールアイデンティティ、オブジェクトタイプ、MIB-2、通知型、integer32 Snmpv2-smi tdomain、taddress、Textual Convention、自律型、Rowpointer、タイムスタンプ、TruthValue、DateAndtime、Object-Groupomes、snmpv2-conf snmpadminstringからのsnmp-framework-mibからの通知-Group;

entityMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200508100000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF ENTMIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " WG E-mail: entmib@ietf.org Mailing list subscription info: http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/entmib

EntityMib Module-Identity Last-Updated "200508100000Z" "organization" ietf entmib Working Group "contact-info" wg e-mail:entmib@ietf.orgメーリングリストサブスクリプション情報:http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/entmib

Andy Bierman ietf@andybierman.com

Andy Bierman ietf@andybierman.com

Keith McCloghrie Cisco Systems Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134

Keith McCloghrie Cisco Systems Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose、CA 95134

+1 408-526-5260 kzm@cisco.com"

1 408-526-5260 kzm@cisco.com "

DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for representing multiple logical entities supported by a single SNMP agent.

説明 "単一のSNMPエージェントによってサポートされている複数の論理エンティティを表すためのMIBモジュール。

Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4133; see the RFC itself for full legal notices."

Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2005)。このMIBモジュールのこのバージョンは、RFC 4133の一部です。完全な法的通知については、RFC自体を参照してください。」

REVISION "200508100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version of Entity MIB (Version 3). This revision obsoletes RFC 2737. Additions: - cpu(12) enumeration added to PhysicalClass TC - DISPLAY-HINT clause to PhysicalIndex TC - PhysicalIndexOrZero TC - entPhysicalMfgDate object - entPhysicalUris object Changes: - entPhysicalContainedIn SYNTAX changed from INTEGER to PhysicalIndexOrZero

リビジョン「200508100000Z」説明「エンティティMIB(バージョン3)の初期バージョン。このリビジョンはRFC 2737を廃止します。オブジェクトの変更:-entphysicalcontaindininの構文は整数から物理的indexorzeroに変更されました

This version published as RFC 4133."


REVISION "199912070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version of Entity MIB (Version 2). This revision obsoletes RFC 2037. This version published as RFC 2737."

リビジョン「199912070000Z」説明「エンティティMIBの初期バージョン(バージョン2)。このリビジョンはRFC 2037を廃止します。

    REVISION        "199610310000Z"
            "Initial version (version 1), published as
             RFC 2037."
    ::= { mib-2 47 }
entityMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 1 }
-- MIB contains four groups
entityPhysical OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 1 }
entityLogical  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 2 }
entityMapping  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 3 }
entityGeneral  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBObjects 4 }
-- Textual Conventions
    DISPLAY-HINT      "d"
    STATUS            current
            "An arbitrary value that uniquely identifies the physical
            entity.  The value should be a small, positive integer.
            Index values for different physical entities are not
            necessarily contiguous."
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
PhysicalIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    DISPLAY-HINT      "d"
    STATUS            current
            "This textual convention is an extension of the
            PhysicalIndex convention, which defines a greater than zero
            value used to identify a physical entity.  This extension
            permits the additional value of zero.  The semantics of the
            value zero are object-specific and must, therefore, be
            defined as part of the description of any object that uses
            this syntax.  Examples of the usage of this extension are
            situations where none or all physical entities need to be
    SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    STATUS            current
            "An enumerated value which provides an indication of the
            general hardware type of a particular physical entity.
            There are no restrictions as to the number of
            entPhysicalEntries of each entPhysicalClass, which must be
            instantiated by an agent.

The enumeration 'other' is applicable if the physical entity class is known, but does not match any of the supported values.


The enumeration 'unknown' is applicable if the physical entity class is unknown to the agent.


The enumeration 'chassis' is applicable if the physical entity class is an overall container for networking equipment. Any class of physical entity, except a stack, may be contained within a chassis; and a chassis may only be contained within a stack.


The enumeration 'backplane' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of device for aggregating and forwarding networking traffic, such as a shared backplane in a modular ethernet switch. Note that an agent may model a backplane as a single physical entity, which is actually implemented as multiple discrete physical components (within a chassis or stack).


The enumeration 'container' is applicable if the physical entity class is capable of containing one or more removable physical entities, possibly of different types. For example, each (empty or full) slot in a chassis will be modeled as a container. Note that all removable physical entities should be modeled within a container entity, such as field-replaceable modules, fans, or power supplies. Note that all known containers should be modeled by the agent, including empty containers.


The enumeration 'powerSupply' is applicable if the physical entity class is a power-supplying component.


The enumeration 'fan' is applicable if the physical entity class is a fan or other heat-reduction component.


The enumeration 'sensor' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of sensor, such as a temperature sensor within a router chassis.


The enumeration 'module' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of self-contained sub-system. If the enumeration 'module' is removable, then it should be modeled within a container entity, otherwise it should be modeled directly within another physical entity (e.g., a chassis or another module).


The enumeration 'port' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of networking port, capable of receiving and/or transmitting networking traffic.


The enumeration 'stack' is applicable if the physical entity class is some sort of super-container (possibly virtual), intended to group together multiple chassis entities. A stack may be realized by a 'virtual' cable, a real interconnect cable, attached to multiple chassis, or may in fact be comprised of multiple interconnect cables. A stack should not be modeled within any other physical entities, but a stack may be contained within another stack. Only chassis entities should be contained within a stack.


            The enumeration 'cpu' is applicable if the physical entity
            class is some sort of central processing unit."
    SYNTAX      INTEGER  {
       container(5),     -- e.g., chassis slot or daughter-card holder
       module(9),        -- e.g., plug-in card or daughter-card
       stack(11),        -- e.g., stack of multiple chassis entities
    STATUS            current
            "A specially formatted SnmpEngineID string for use with the
            Entity MIB.

If an instance of an object of SYNTAX SnmpEngineIdOrNone has a non-zero length, then the object encoding and semantics are defined by the SnmpEngineID textual convention (see STD 62, RFC 3411 [RFC3411]).

構文SNMPENGINEIDORNONEのオブジェクトのインスタンスのインスタンスがゼロ以外の長さを持っている場合、オブジェクトエンコーディングとセマンティクスは、SNMPengineIDテキスト条約によって定義されます(STD 62、RFC 3411 [RFC3411]を参照)。

If an instance of an object of SYNTAX SnmpEngineIdOrNone contains a zero-length string, then no appropriate SnmpEngineID is associated with the logical entity (i.e., SNMPv3 is not supported)." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) -- empty string or SnmpEngineID


--           The Physical Entity Table
entPhysicalTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntPhysicalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "This table contains one row per physical entity.  There is
            always at least one row for an 'overall' physical entity."
    ::= { entityPhysical 1 }

entPhysicalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntPhysicalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular physical entity.

entphysicalEntryオブジェクトタイプ構文entphysicalEntry max-accessアクセス不可能なステータス現在の説明 "特定の物理エンティティに関する情報。

            Each entry provides objects (entPhysicalDescr,
            entPhysicalVendorType, and entPhysicalClass) to help an NMS
            identify and characterize the entry, and objects
            (entPhysicalContainedIn and entPhysicalParentRelPos) to help
            an NMS relate the particular entry to other entries in this
    INDEX   { entPhysicalIndex }
    ::= { entPhysicalTable 1 }
EntPhysicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      entPhysicalIndex          PhysicalIndex,
      entPhysicalDescr          SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalVendorType     AutonomousType,
      entPhysicalContainedIn    PhysicalIndexOrZero,
      entPhysicalClass          PhysicalClass,
      entPhysicalParentRelPos   Integer32,
      entPhysicalName           SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalHardwareRev    SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalFirmwareRev    SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalSoftwareRev    SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalSerialNum      SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalMfgName        SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalModelName      SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalAlias          SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalAssetID        SnmpAdminString,
      entPhysicalIsFRU          TruthValue,
      entPhysicalMfgDate        DateAndTime,
      entPhysicalUris           OCTET STRING



entPhysicalIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "The index for this entry."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 1 }

entPhysicalDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION

entphysicalDescr object-Type構文SNMPADMINSTRING MAX-ACCESS読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明

            "A textual description of physical entity.  This object
            should contain a string that identifies the manufacturer's
            name for the physical entity, and should be set to a
            distinct value for each version or model of the physical
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 2 }

entPhysicalVendorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutonomousType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the vendor-specific hardware type of the physical entity. Note that this is different from the definition of MIB-II's sysObjectID.

entphysicalvendortypeオブジェクトタイプ構文自動化合型最大アクセス読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "ベンダー固有のハードウェアタイプの物理エンティティの指標。これは、MIB-IIのsysobjectidの定義とは異なることに注意してください。

An agent should set this object to an enterprise-specific registration identifier value indicating the specific equipment type in detail. The associated instance of entPhysicalClass is used to indicate the general type of hardware device.


            If no vendor-specific registration identifier exists for
            this physical entity, or the value is unknown by this agent,
            then the value { 0 0 } is returned."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 3 }

entPhysicalContainedIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of entPhysicalIndex for the physical entity which 'contains' this physical entity. A value of zero indicates this physical entity is not contained in any other physical entity. Note that the set of 'containment' relationships define a strict hierarchy; that is, recursion is not allowed.

entphysicalcontainded object-type syntax physicalindexorzero read-access読み取り専用ステータス現在「封じ込め」関係のセットが厳格な階層を定義すること、つまり再帰は許可されていません。

            In the event that a physical entity is contained by more
            than one physical entity (e.g., double-wide modules), this
            object should identify the containing entity with the lowest
            value of entPhysicalIndex."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 4 }

entPhysicalClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the general hardware type of the physical entity.

EntphysicalClassオブジェクトタイプ構文物理クラスMax-Access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "物理エンティティの一般的なハードウェアタイプの指標。

An agent should set this object to the standard enumeration value that most accurately indicates the general class of the physical entity, or the primary class if there is more than one entity.


            If no appropriate standard registration identifier exists
            for this physical entity, then the value 'other(1)' is
            returned.  If the value is unknown by this agent, then the
            value 'unknown(2)' is returned."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 5 }

entPhysicalParentRelPos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of the relative position of this 'child' component among all its 'sibling' components. Sibling components are defined as entPhysicalEntries that share the same instance values of each of the entPhysicalContainedIn and entPhysicalClass objects.


An NMS can use this object to identify the relative ordering for all sibling components of a particular parent (identified by the entPhysicalContainedIn instance in each sibling entry).


If possible, this value should match any external labeling of the physical component. For example, for a container (e.g., card slot) labeled as 'slot #3', entPhysicalParentRelPos should have the value '3'. Note that the entPhysicalEntry for the module plugged in slot 3 should have an entPhysicalParentRelPos value of '1'.


If the physical position of this component does not match any external numbering or clearly visible ordering, then user documentation or other external reference material should be used to determine the parent-relative position. If this is not possible, then the agent should assign a consistent (but possibly arbitrary) ordering to a given set of 'sibling' components, perhaps based on internal representation of the components.


If the agent cannot determine the parent-relative position for some reason, or if the associated value of entPhysicalContainedIn is '0', then the value '-1' is returned. Otherwise, a non-negative integer is returned, indicating the parent-relative position of this physical entity.


Parent-relative ordering normally starts from '1' and continues to 'N', where 'N' represents the highest positioned child entity. However, if the physical entities (e.g., slots) are labeled from a starting position of zero, then the first sibling should be associated with an entPhysicalParentRelPos value of '0'. Note that this ordering may be sparse or dense, depending on agent implementation.


The actual values returned are not globally meaningful, as each 'parent' component may use different numbering algorithms. The ordering is only meaningful among siblings of the same parent component.


            The agent should retain parent-relative position values
            across reboots, either through algorithmic assignment or use
            of non-volatile storage."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 6 }

entPhysicalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual name of the physical entity. The value of this object should be the name of the component as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device's `console'. This might be a text name (e.g., `console') or a simple component number (e.g., port or module number, such as `1'), depending on the physical component naming syntax of the device.

entphysicalNameオブジェクトタイプ構文SNMPADMINSTRING MAX-ACCESS READ-ACCESS READ-ONLYステータス現在デバイスの「コンソール」に入力されました。これは、テキスト名(「コンソール」など)または単純なコンポーネント番号(「1」などのポートまたはモジュール番号など)である可能性があります。デバイス。

If there is no local name, or if this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.


            Note that the value of entPhysicalName for two physical
            entities will be the same in the event that the console
            interface does not distinguish between them, e.g., slot-1
            and the card in slot-1."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 7 }

entPhysicalHardwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific hardware revision string for the physical entity. The preferred value is the hardware revision identifier actually printed on the component itself (if present).

entphysicalhardwarerev object-type sntax snmpadminstring max-access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "物理エンティティのベンダー固有のハードウェアリビジョン文字列。優先値は、実際にコンポーネント自体に印刷されたハードウェアリビジョン識別子です。

Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format, in an implementation-specific manner.


            If no specific hardware revision string is associated with
            the physical component, or if this information is unknown to
            the agent, then this object will contain a zero-length
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 8 }

entPhysicalFirmwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific firmware revision string for the physical entity.

entphysicalfirmwarerev object-type sntax snmpadminstring max-access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "物理エンティティのベンダー固有のファームウェアリビジョン文字列。

Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format, in an implementation-specific manner.


            If no specific firmware programs are associated with the
            physical component, or if this information is unknown to the
            agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 9 }

entPhysicalSoftwareRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific software revision string for the physical entity.

entphysicalsoftwarerev object-type syntax snmpadminstring max-access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "物理エンティティのベンダー固有のソフトウェアリビジョン文字列。

Note that if revision information is stored internally in a non-printable (e.g., binary) format, then the agent must convert such information to a printable format, in an implementation-specific manner.


            If no specific software programs are associated with the
            physical component, or if this information is unknown to the
            agent, then this object will contain a zero-length string."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 10 }

entPhysicalSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific serial number string for the physical entity. The preferred value is the serial number string actually printed on the component itself (if present).

entphysicalSerialnumオブジェクトタイプの構文SNMPADMINSTRING(サイズ(0..32))最大アクセス読み取りワイトステータス現在の説明 "物理エンティティのベンダー固有のシリアル番号文字列。それ自体(存在する場合)。

On the first instantiation of an physical entity, the value of entPhysicalSerialNum associated with that entity is set to the correct vendor-assigned serial number, if this information is available to the agent. If a serial number is unknown or non-existent, the entPhysicalSerialNum will be set to a zero-length string instead.


Note that implementations that can correctly identify the serial numbers of all installed physical entities do not need to provide write access to the entPhysicalSerialNum object. Agents which cannot provide non-volatile storage for the entPhysicalSerialNum strings are not required to implement write access for this object.


Not every physical component will have a serial number, or even need one. Physical entities for which the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)' (e.g., the repeater ports within a repeater module), do not need their own unique serial number. An agent does not have to provide write access for such entities, and may return a zero-length string.


            If write access is implemented for an instance of
            entPhysicalSerialNum, and a value is written into the
            instance, the agent must retain the supplied value in the
            entPhysicalSerialNum instance (associated with the same
            physical entity) for as long as that entity remains
            instantiated.  This includes instantiations across all
            re-initializations/reboots of the network management system,
            including those resulting in a change of the physical
                entity's entPhysicalIndex value."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 11 }

entPhysicalMfgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the manufacturer of this physical component. The preferred value is the manufacturer name string actually printed on the component itself (if present).

entphysicalmfgnameオブジェクトタイプ構文snmpadminstring max-access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "この物理コンポーネントのメーカーの名前。優先値は、実際にコンポーネント自体に印刷されたメーカー名の文字列です(存在する場合)。

Note that comparisons between instances of the entPhysicalModelName, entPhysicalFirmwareRev, entPhysicalSoftwareRev, and the entPhysicalSerialNum objects, are only meaningful amongst entPhysicalEntries with the same value of entPhysicalMfgName.


            If the manufacturer name string associated with the physical
            component is unknown to the agent, then this object will
            contain a zero-length string."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 12 }

entPhysicalModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vendor-specific model name identifier string associated with this physical component. The preferred value is the customer-visible part number, which may be printed on the component itself.

EntphysicalModelNameオブジェクトタイプ構文SNMPADMINSTRING MAX-ACCESS READ-ONLYステータス現在の説明 "この物理コンポーネントに関連付けられたベンダー固有のモデル名識別子文字列。

            If the model name string associated with the physical
            component is unknown to the agent, then this object will
            contain a zero-length string."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 13 }

entPhysicalAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an 'alias' name for the physical entity, as specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile 'handle' for the physical entity.

entphysicalAliasオブジェクトタイプ構文SNMPADMINSTRING(サイズ(0..32))最大アクセス読み取りワイトステータス現在の説明 "このオブジェクトは、ネットワークマネージャーによって指定された物理エンティティの「エイリアス」名であり、非非を提供します物理エンティティの揮発性「ハンドル」。

On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value of entPhysicalAlias associated with that entity is set to the zero-length string. However, the agent may set the value to a locally unique default value, instead of a zero-length string.


            If write access is implemented for an instance of
            entPhysicalAlias, and a value is written into the instance,
            the agent must retain the supplied value in the
            entPhysicalAlias instance (associated with the same physical
            entity) for as long as that entity remains instantiated.
            This includes instantiations across all
            re-initializations/reboots of the network management system,
            including those resulting in a change of the physical
            entity's entPhysicalIndex value."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 14 }

entPhysicalAssetID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a user-assigned asset tracking identifier (as specified by a network manager) for the physical entity, and provides non-volatile storage of this information.

EntphysicalAssetIDオブジェクトタイプ構文SNMPADMINSTRING(サイズ(0..32))MAX-ACCESS READ-WRITEステータス現在の説明 "このオブジェクトは、物理エンティティのユーザーが割り当てられた資産追跡識別子(ネットワークマネージャーが指定)であり、この情報の不揮発性ストレージ。

On the first instantiation of a physical entity, the value of entPhysicalAssetID associated with that entity is set to the zero-length string.


Not every physical component will have an asset tracking identifier, or even need one. Physical entities for which the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)' (e.g., the repeater ports within a repeater module), do not need their own unique asset tracking identifier. An agent does not have to provide write access for such entities, and may instead return a zero-length string.


If write access is implemented for an instance of entPhysicalAssetID, and a value is written into the instance, the agent must retain the supplied value in the entPhysicalAssetID instance (associated with the same physical entity) for as long as that entity remains instantiated. This includes instantiations across all re-initializations/reboots of the network management system, including those resulting in a change of the physical entity's entPhysicalIndex value.


            If no asset tracking information is associated with the
            physical component, then this object will contain a
            zero-length string."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 15 }
    SYNTAX      TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "This object indicates whether or not this physical entity
            is considered a 'field replaceable unit' by the vendor.  If
            this object contains the value 'true(1)' then this
            entPhysicalEntry identifies a field replaceable unit.  For
            all entPhysicalEntries that represent components
            permanently contained within a field replaceable unit, the
            value 'false(2)' should be returned for this object."
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 16 }
entPhysicalMfgDate  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "This object contains the date of manufacturing of the
            managed entity.  If the manufacturing date is unknown or not
            supported, the object is not instantiated.  The special
            value '0000000000000000'H may also be returned in this
    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 17 }

entPhysicalUris OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains additional identification information about the physical entity. The object contains URIs and, therefore, the syntax of this object must conform to RFC 3986, section 2.

Entphysicalurisオブジェクトタイプの構文Octet String Max-Access read-writeステータス現在の説明 "このオブジェクトには物理エンティティに関する追加の識別情報が含まれています。オブジェクトにはurisが含まれているため、このオブジェクトの構文はRFC 3986、セクション2に準拠する必要があります。

Multiple URIs may be present and are separated by white space characters. Leading and trailing white space characters are ignored.


If no additional identification information is known about the physical entity or supported, the object is not instantiated. A zero length octet string may also be returned in this case." REFERENCE "RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, section 2, August 1998."

物理エンティティまたはサポートされている追加の識別情報が知られていない場合、オブジェクトはインスタンス化されていません。この場合、ゼロの長さのオクテット文字列も返される場合があります。「RFC 3986、均一なリソース識別子(URI):ジェネリック構文、セクション2、1998年8月。」

    ::= { entPhysicalEntry 18 }
--           The Logical Entity Table
entLogicalTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntLogicalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "This table contains one row per logical entity.  For agents
            that implement more than one naming scope, at least one
            entry must exist.  Agents which instantiate all MIB objects
            within a single naming scope are not required to implement
            this table."
    ::= { entityLogical 1 }
entLogicalEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      EntLogicalEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "Information about a particular logical entity.  Entities
            may be managed by this agent or other SNMP agents (possibly)
            in the same chassis."
    INDEX       { entLogicalIndex }
    ::= { entLogicalTable 1 }
EntLogicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      entLogicalIndex            Integer32,
      entLogicalDescr            SnmpAdminString,
      entLogicalType             AutonomousType,
      entLogicalCommunity        OCTET STRING,
      entLogicalTAddress         TAddress,
      entLogicalTDomain          TDomain,
      entLogicalContextEngineID  SnmpEngineIdOrNone,
      entLogicalContextName      SnmpAdminString

entLogicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION

EntlogicalIndex Object-Type Syntax Integer32(1..2147483647)最大アクセス非アクセス不可能なステータス現在の説明

            "The value of this object uniquely identifies the logical
            entity.  The value should be a small positive integer; index
            values for different logical entities are not necessarily
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 1 }
entLogicalDescr OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "A textual description of the logical entity.  This object
            should contain a string that identifies the manufacturer's
            name for the logical entity, and should be set to a distinct
            value for each version of the logical entity."
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 2 }
entLogicalType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      AutonomousType
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "An indication of the type of logical entity.  This will
            typically be the OBJECT IDENTIFIER name of the node in the
            SMI's naming hierarchy which represents the major MIB
            module, or the majority of the MIB modules, supported by the
            logical entity.  For example:
               a logical entity of a regular host/router -> mib-2
               a logical entity of a 802.1d bridge -> dot1dBridge
               a logical entity of a 802.3 repeater -> snmpDot3RptrMgmt
            If an appropriate node in the SMI's naming hierarchy cannot
            be identified, the value 'mib-2' should be used."
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 3 }

entLogicalCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C community-string, which can be used to access detailed management information for this logical entity. The agent should allow read access with this community string (to an appropriate subset of all managed objects) and may also return a community string based on the privileges of the request used to read this object. Note that an agent may return a community string with read-only privileges, even if this object is accessed with a read-write community string. However, the agent must take care not to return a community string that allows more privileges than the community string used to access this object.

EntlogicalCommunity Object-Type Syntax Octet String(Size(0..255))Max-Access Read-Only Status Deprecated説明 "SNMPV1またはSNMPV2Cコミュニティストリング。この論理エンティティの詳細な管理情報にアクセスするために使用できます。このコミュニティ文字列(すべての管理されたオブジェクトの適切なサブセットへ)を使用して読み取りアクセスを許可し、このオブジェクトの読み取りに使用されるリクエストの特権に基づいてコミュニティ文字列を返すこともできます。ただし、このオブジェクトに読み取りワイトのコミュニティ文字列でアクセスされている場合でも、特権のみ。ただし、エージェントは、このオブジェクトにアクセスするために使用されるコミュニティ文字列よりも多くの特権を許可するコミュニティ文字列を返さないように注意する必要があります。

A compliant SNMP agent may wish to conserve naming scopes by representing multiple logical entities in a single 'default' naming scope. This is possible when the logical entities, represented by the same value of entLogicalCommunity, have no object instances in common. For example, 'bridge1' and 'repeater1' may be part of the main naming scope, but at least one additional community string is needed to represent 'bridge2' and 'repeater2'.


Logical entities 'bridge1' and 'repeater1' would be represented by sysOREntries associated with the 'default' naming scope.


For agents not accessible via SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C, the value of this object is the empty string. This object may also contain an empty string if a community string has not yet been assigned by the agent, or if no community string with suitable access rights can be returned for a particular SNMP request.


            Note that this object is deprecated.  Agents which implement
            SNMPv3 access should use the entLogicalContextEngineID and
            entLogicalContextName objects to identify the context
            associated with each logical entity.  SNMPv3 agents may
            return a zero-length string for this object, or may continue
            to return a community string (e.g., tri-lingual agent
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 4 }

entLogicalTAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transport service address by which the logical entity receives network management traffic, formatted according to the corresponding value of entLogicalTDomain.

EntlogicalTaddress Object-Type Syntax Taddress Max-Access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "論理エンティティがネットワーク管理トラフィックを受信する輸送サービスアドレスは、Entlogicaltdomainの対応する値に従ってフォーマットされています。

For snmpUDPDomain, a TAddress is 6 octets long: the initial 4 octets contain the IP-address in network-byte order and the last 2 contain the UDP port in network-byte order. Consult 'Transport Mappings for the Simple Network Management Protocol' (STD 62, RFC 3417 [RFC3417]) for further information on snmpUDPDomain."

snmpudpdomainの場合、タドレスの長さは6オクテットです。最初の4オクテットには、ネットワークバイト順序でIPアドレスが含まれ、最後の2はネットワークバイトの順序でUDPポートが含まれています。SnmPudpDomainの詳細については、「Simple Network Management Protocolのトランスポートマッピング」(STD 62、RFC 3417 [RFC3417])を参照してください。

    ::= { entLogicalEntry 5 }
entLogicalTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TDomain
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "Indicates the kind of transport service by which the
            logical entity receives network management traffic.
            Possible values for this object are presently found in the
            Transport Mappings for Simple Network Management Protocol'
            (STD 62, RFC 3417 [RFC3417])."
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 6 }

entLogicalContextEngineID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpEngineIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The authoritative contextEngineID that can be used to send an SNMP message concerning information held by this logical entity, to the address specified by the associated 'entLogicalTAddress/entLogicalTDomain' pair.

EntlogicalContextEngineIDオブジェクトタイプの構文SNMPENGINEIDORNONE MAX-ACCESS読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "この論理エンティティが保持している情報を使用して、関連する「EntlogicalTaddress/Entlogicaltdainペアが指定したアドレスにSNMPメッセージを送信できる権威あるコンテキストエンティネイド。

This object, together with the associated entLogicalContextName object, defines the context associated with a particular logical entity, and allows access to SNMP engines identified by a contextEngineId and contextName pair.


            If no value has been configured by the agent, a zero-length
            string is returned, or the agent may choose not to
            instantiate this object at all."
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 7 }

entLogicalContextName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The contextName that can be used to send an SNMP message concerning information held by this logical entity, to the address specified by the associated 'entLogicalTAddress/entLogicalTDomain' pair.

EntlogicalContextNameオブジェクトタイプの構文SNMPADMINSTRING MAX-ACCESS READ-ONLYステータス現在の説明 "この論理エンティティが保有する情報に関するSNMPメッセージを送信するために使用できるコンテキスト名、関連する「EntlogicalTaddress/Entlogicaltdomainのペアが指定したアドレスに

This object, together with the associated entLogicalContextEngineID object, defines the context associated with a particular logical entity, and allows access to SNMP engines identified by a contextEngineId and contextName pair.


            If no value has been configured by the agent, a zero-length
            string is returned, or the agent may choose not to
            instantiate this object at all."
    ::= { entLogicalEntry 8 }

entLPMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EntLPMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains zero or more rows of logical entity to physical equipment associations. For each logical entity known by this agent, there are zero or more mappings to the physical resources, which are used to realize that logical entity.

EntlpmappingTableオブジェクトタイプENTLPMAPPINGENTRY MAX-ACCESS NOT-ACCESSABLEステータス現在の説明 "このテーブルには、物理機器関連の論理エンティティのゼロ以上の行が含まれています。その論理的エンティティを実現するために使用される物理リソース。

An agent should limit the number and nature of entries in this table such that only meaningful and non-redundant information is returned. For example, in a system that contains a single power supply, mappings between logical entities and the power supply are not useful and should not be included.


Also, only the most appropriate physical component, which is closest to the root of a particular containment tree, should be identified in an entLPMapping entry.


For example, suppose a bridge is realized on a particular module, and all ports on that module are ports on this bridge. A mapping between the bridge and the module would be useful, but additional mappings between the bridge and each of the ports on that module would be redundant (because the entPhysicalContainedIn hierarchy can provide the same information). On the other hand, if more than one bridge were utilizing ports on this module, then mappings between each bridge and the ports it used would be appropriate.


            Also, in the case of a single backplane repeater, a mapping
            for the backplane to the single repeater entity is not
    ::= { entityMapping 1 }
entLPMappingEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      EntLPMappingEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "Information about a particular logical entity to physical
            equipment association.  Note that the nature of the
            association is not specifically identified in this entry.
            It is expected that sufficient information exists in the
            MIBs used to manage a particular logical entity to infer how
            physical component information is utilized."
    INDEX       { entLogicalIndex, entLPPhysicalIndex }
    ::= { entLPMappingTable 1 }
EntLPMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      entLPPhysicalIndex         PhysicalIndex
entLPPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The value of this object identifies the index value of a
            particular entPhysicalEntry associated with the indicated
    ::= { entLPMappingEntry 1 }
-- logical entity/component to alias table
entAliasMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF EntAliasMappingEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "This table contains zero or more rows, representing
            mappings of logical entity and physical component to
            external MIB identifiers.  Each physical port in the system
            may be associated with a mapping to an external identifier,
            which itself is associated with a particular logical
            entity's naming scope.  A 'wildcard' mechanism is provided
            to indicate that an identifier is associated with more than
            one logical entity."
    ::= { entityMapping 2 }

entAliasMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntAliasMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a particular physical equipment, logical entity to external identifier binding. Each logical entity/physical component pair may be associated with one alias mapping. The logical entity index may also be used as a 'wildcard' (refer to the entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero object DESCRIPTION clause for details.)

EntaliaSamappappingEntryオブジェクトタイプの構文entaliasmappingEntry max-accessアクセス不可能なステータス現在の説明 "特定の物理機器に関する情報、論理エンティティから外部識別子結合への情報。各論理エンティティ/物理コンポーネントペアは1つのエイリアスマッピングに関連付けられている場合があります。また、「ワイルドカード」として使用されます(詳細については、EntaliaSlogicalIndexorzero Object ofbect object句を参照してください。)

            Note that only entPhysicalIndex values that represent
            physical ports (i.e., associated entPhysicalClass value is
            'port(10)') are permitted to exist in this table."
    INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero }
    ::= { entAliasMappingTable 1 }
EntAliasMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero        Integer32,
      entAliasMappingIdentifier         RowPointer

entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the logical entity that defines the naming scope for the associated instance of the 'entAliasMappingIdentifier' object.

EntaliaslogicalIndexorzero Object-Type Syntax Integer32(0..2147483647)最大アクセスアクセス不可能なステータス現在の説明 "このオブジェクトの値は、「エンタリアスマスイデニックオブジェクト」の関連するインスタンスのために命名範囲を定義する論理範囲を識別します。

If this object has a non-zero value, then it identifies the logical entity named by the same value of entLogicalIndex.


If this object has a value of zero, then the mapping between the physical component and the alias identifier for this entAliasMapping entry is associated with all unspecified logical entities. That is, a value of zero (the default mapping) identifies any logical entity that does not have an explicit entry in this table for a particular entPhysicalIndex/entAliasMappingIdentifier pair.


For example, to indicate that a particular interface (e.g., physical component 33) is identified by the same value of ifIndex for all logical entities, the following instance might exist:


entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.0 = ifIndex.5

entaliasmappingidentifier.33.0 = ifindex.5

In the event an entPhysicalEntry is associated differently for some logical entities, additional entAliasMapping entries may exist, e.g.:


entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.0 = ifIndex.6 entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.4 = ifIndex.1 entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.5 = ifIndex.1 entAliasMappingIdentifier.33.10 = ifIndex.12

entaliasmappingIdentifier.33.0 = ifindex.6 entaliasmappingidentifier.33.4 = ifindex.1 entaliasmappingidentifier.33.5 = ifindex.1 entaliasmappingidentifier.33.10 = ifindex.122

            Note that entries with non-zero entAliasLogicalIndexOrZero
            index values have precedence over zero-indexed entries.  In
            this example, all logical entities except 4, 5, and 10,
            associate physical entity 33 with ifIndex.6."
    ::= { entAliasMappingEntry 1 }

entAliasMappingIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies a particular conceptual row associated with the indicated entPhysicalIndex and entLogicalIndex pair.

EntaliasmappingIdentifier Object-Type構文rowpointer max-access読み取り専用ステータス現在の説明 "このオブジェクトの値は、示されたentphysicalindexおよびentlogicalindexペアに関連付けられた特定の概念的行を識別します。

Because only physical ports are modeled in this table, only entries that represent interfaces or ports are allowed. If an ifEntry exists on behalf of a particular physical port, then this object should identify the associated 'ifEntry'. For repeater ports, the appropriate row in the 'rptrPortGroupTable' should be identified instead.


For example, suppose a physical port was represented by entPhysicalEntry.3, entLogicalEntry.15 existed for a repeater, and entLogicalEntry.22 existed for a bridge. Then there might be two related instances of entAliasMappingIdentifier: entAliasMappingIdentifier.3.15 == rptrPortGroupIndex.5.2 entAliasMappingIdentifier.3.22 == ifIndex.17 It is possible that other mappings (besides interfaces and repeater ports) may be defined in the future, as required.

たとえば、物理的なポートがentphysicalEntry.3、entlogicalEntry.15がリピーターに存在し、entlogicalentry.22が橋に存在していると仮定します。次に、EntaliasmappingIdentifier.3.15 == rptrportgroupindex.5.2の2つの関連インスタンスがある場合があります。

            Bridge ports are identified by examining the Bridge MIB and
            appropriate ifEntries associated with each 'dot1dBasePort',
            and are thus not represented in this table."
    ::= { entAliasMappingEntry 2 }

-- physical mapping table entPhysicalContainsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EntPhysicalContainsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table that exposes the container/'containee' relationships between physical entities. This table provides all the information found by constructing the virtual containment tree for a given entPhysicalTable, but in a more direct format.

- 物理マッピングテーブルEntphysicalContainStable Object-Type entphysicalContainsEntry Max-Accessはアクセス不可能なステータス現在の説明 "コンテナ/「コンテナ」関係を公開するテーブル/物理エンティティ間の関係を提供します。特定のentphysicaltable用のツリーですが、より直接的な形式です。

            In the event a physical entity is contained by more than one
            other physical entity (e.g., double-wide modules), this
            table should include these additional mappings, which cannot
            be represented in the entPhysicalTable virtual containment
    ::= { entityMapping 3 }
entPhysicalContainsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      EntPhysicalContainsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "A single container/'containee' relationship."
    INDEX       { entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalChildIndex }
    ::= { entPhysicalContainsTable 1 }
EntPhysicalContainsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      entPhysicalChildIndex     PhysicalIndex
entPhysicalChildIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      PhysicalIndex
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
            "The value of entPhysicalIndex for the contained physical
    ::= { entPhysicalContainsEntry 1 }

-- last change time stamp for the whole MIB entLastChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time a conceptual row is created, modified, or deleted in any of these tables: - entPhysicalTable - entLogicalTable - entLPMappingTable - entAliasMappingTable

-MIB ENTLASTCHANGETIMEオブジェクトタイプの構文タイムスタックタイムスタンプMAX-ACCESS READ-ACCESS READ-ACCESS現在の説明 "これらのテーブルのいずれかで作成、変更、または削除されたsysuptimeの値を読む最新のステータスの最大型シンタックスタイムスタンプ: - entphysicalTable -entlogicalTable -entlpMappingTable- entaliaSmappingTable

                    - entPhysicalContainsTable
    ::= { entityGeneral 1 }
-- Entity MIB Trap Definitions
entityMIBTraps      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 2 }
entityMIBTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIBTraps 0 }

entConfigChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entConfigChange notification is generated when the value of entLastChangeTime changes. It can be utilized by an NMS to trigger logical/physical entity table maintenance polls.

entconfigchange通知タイプのステータス現在の説明 "entconfigchange通知は、entlastchangetimeの値が変更されたときに生成されます。NMSによって使用されて、論理/物理エンティティテーブルメンテナンスポールをトリガーすることができます。

An agent should not generate more than one entConfigChange 'notification-event' in a given time interval (five seconds is the suggested default). A 'notification-event' is the transmission of a single trap or inform PDU to a list of notification destinations.


If additional configuration changes occur within the throttling period, then notification-events for these changes should be suppressed by the agent until the current throttling period expires. At the end of a throttling period, one notification-event should be generated if any configuration changes occurred since the start of the throttling period. In such a case, another throttling period is started right away.


            An NMS should periodically check the value of
            entLastChangeTime to detect any missed entConfigChange
            notification-events, e.g., due to throttling or transmission
   ::= { entityMIBTrapPrefix 1 }
-- conformance information
entityConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityMIB 3 }
entityCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityConformance 1 }
entityGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { entityConformance 2 }
-- compliance statements
entityCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS  deprecated
            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement
            version 1 of the Entity MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
    ::= { entityCompliances 1 }
entity2Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS  deprecated
            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement
            version 2 of the Entity MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
        GROUP entityLogical2Group
            "Implementation of this group is not mandatory for agents
            that model all MIB object instances within a single naming

GROUP entityMappingGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of the entPhysicalContainsTable is mandatory for all agents. Implementation of the entLPMappingTable and entAliasMappingTables are not mandatory for agents that model all MIB object instances within a single naming scope.

Group EntityMappingGroupの説明「EntphysicalContainStableの実装はすべてのエージェントに必須です。EntlPMappingTableおよびEntaliasmappingTablesの実装は、すべてのMIBオブジェクトインスタンスを単一のネーミングスコープ内でモデル化するエージェントにとって必須ではありません。

Note that the entAliasMappingTable may be useful for all agents; however, implementation of the entityLogicalGroup or entityLogical2Group is required to support this table."


OBJECT entPhysicalSerialNum MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "Read and write access is not required for agents that cannot identify serial number information for physical entities, and/or cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned serial numbers.

オブジェクトentphysicalserialnum min-accessアクセス不可能な説明「読み取りと書き込みアクセスは、物理エンティティのシリアル番号情報を特定できない、および/またはNMSが割り当てられたシリアル番号に不揮発性ストレージを提供できないエージェントには必要ありません。

Write access is not required for agents that can identify serial number information for physical entities, but cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned serial numbers.


Write access is not required for physical entities for which the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)'."


OBJECT entPhysicalAlias MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is required only if the associated entPhysicalClass value is equal to 'chassis(3)'."

Object entphysicalAlias min-access read-only説明「関連するentphysicalclass値が「シャーシ(3)」に等しい場合にのみ、書き込みアクセスが必要です。」

OBJECT entPhysicalAssetID MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "Read and write access is not required for agents that cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned asset identifiers.

Object entphysicalAssetid min-access説明できない説明 "NMSが割り当てられた資産識別子に不揮発性ストレージを提供できないエージェントには、読み取りと書き込みアクセスは必要ありません。

Write access is not required for physical entities for which the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)'."


        OBJECT entPhysicalClass
            "Implementation of the 'cpu(12)' enumeration is not
    ::= { entityCompliances 2 }
entity3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS  current
            "The compliance statement for SNMP entities that implement
            version 3 of the Entity MIB."
    MODULE  -- this module
        GROUP entityLogical2Group
            "Implementation of this group is not mandatory for agents
            that model all MIB object instances within a single naming

GROUP entityMappingGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of the entPhysicalContainsTable is mandatory for all agents. Implementation of the entLPMappingTable and entAliasMappingTables are not mandatory for agents that model all MIB object instances within a single naming scope.

Group EntityMappingGroupの説明「EntphysicalContainStableの実装はすべてのエージェントに必須です。EntlPMappingTableおよびEntaliasmappingTablesの実装は、すべてのMIBオブジェクトインスタンスを単一のネーミングスコープ内でモデル化するエージェントにとって必須ではありません。

Note that the entAliasMappingTable may be useful for all agents; however, implementation of the entityLogicalGroup or entityLogical2Group is required to support this table."


OBJECT entPhysicalSerialNum MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "Read and write access is not required for agents that cannot identify serial number information for physical entities, and/or cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned serial numbers.

オブジェクトentphysicalserialnum min-accessアクセス不可能な説明「読み取りと書き込みアクセスは、物理エンティティのシリアル番号情報を特定できない、および/またはNMSが割り当てられたシリアル番号に不揮発性ストレージを提供できないエージェントには必要ありません。

Write access is not required for agents that can identify serial number information for physical entities, but cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned serial numbers.


Write access is not required for physical entities for which the associated value of the entPhysicalIsFRU object is equal to 'false(2)'."


OBJECT entPhysicalAlias MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is required only if the associated entPhysicalClass value is equal to 'chassis(3)'."

Object entphysicalAlias min-access read-only説明「関連するentphysicalclass値が「シャーシ(3)」に等しい場合にのみ、書き込みアクセスが必要です。」

OBJECT entPhysicalAssetID MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "Read and write access is not required for agents that cannot provide non-volatile storage for NMS-assigned asset identifiers.

Object entphysicalAssetid min-access説明できない説明 "NMSが割り当てられた資産識別子に不揮発性ストレージを提供できないエージェントには、読み取りと書き込みアクセスは必要ありません。

            Write access is not required for physical entities for which
            the associated value of entPhysicalIsFRU is equal to
    ::= { entityCompliances 3 }
-- MIB groupings
entityPhysicalGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
            "The collection of objects used to represent physical
            system components, for which a single agent provides
            management information."
    ::= { entityGroups 1 }
entityLogicalGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  deprecated
            "The collection of objects used to represent the list of
            logical entities, for which a single agent provides
            management information."
    ::= { entityGroups 2 }
entityMappingGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
            "The collection of objects used to represent the
            associations between multiple logical entities, physical
            components, interfaces, and port identifiers, for which a
            single agent provides management information."
    ::= { entityGroups 3 }
entityGeneralGroup    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
            "The collection of objects used to represent general entity
            information, for which a single agent provides management
    ::= { entityGroups 4 }
entityNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
    NOTIFICATIONS { entConfigChange }
    STATUS        current
            "The collection of notifications used to indicate Entity MIB
            data consistency and general status information."
    ::= { entityGroups 5 }
entityPhysical2Group    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
            "The collection of objects used to represent physical
            system components, for which a single agent provides
            management information.  This group augments the objects
            contained in the entityPhysicalGroup."
    ::= { entityGroups 6 }
entityLogical2Group    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
            "The collection of objects used to represent the
            list of logical entities, for which a single SNMP entity
            provides management information."
    ::= { entityGroups 7 }
entityPhysical3Group    OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
            "The collection of objects used to represent physical
            system components, for which a single agent provides
            management information.  This group augments the objects
            contained in the entityPhysicalGroup."
    ::= { entityGroups 8 }

END4. Usage Examples


The following sections iterate the instance values for two example networking devices. These examples are kept simple to make them more understandable. Auxiliary components such as fans, sensors, empty slots, and sub-modules are not shown, but might be modeled in real implementations.


4.1. Router/Bridge
4.1. ルーター/ブリッジ

The first example is a router containing two slots. Each slot contains a 3 port router/bridge module. Each port is represented in the ifTable. There are two logical instances of OSPF running and two logical bridges:


    Physical entities -- entPhysicalTable:
       1 Field-replaceable physical chassis:
         entPhysicalDescr.1 ==             'Acme Chassis Model 100'
         entPhysicalVendorType.1 ==        acmeProducts.chassisTypes.1
         entPhysicalContainedIn.1 ==       0
         entPhysicalClass.1 ==             chassis(3)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.1 ==      0
         entPhysicalName.1 ==              '100-A'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.1 ==       'A(1.00.02)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.1 ==       ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.1 ==       ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.1 ==         'C100076544'
         entPhysicalMfgName.1 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.1 ==         '100'
         entPhysicalAlias.1 ==             'cl-SJ17-3-006:rack1:rtr-U3'
         entPhysicalAssetID.1 ==           '0007372293'
         entPhysicalIsFRU.1 ==             true(1)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.1 ==           '2002-5-26,13:30:30.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.1 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNME120ARA'
       2 slots within the chassis:
         entPhysicalDescr.2 ==             'Acme Chassis Slot Type AA'
         entPhysicalVendorType.2  ==       acmeProducts.slotTypes.1
         entPhysicalContainedIn.2 ==       1
         entPhysicalClass.2 ==             container(5)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.2 ==      1
         entPhysicalName.2 ==              'S1'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.2 ==       'B(1.00.01)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.2 ==       ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.2 ==       ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.2 ==         ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.2 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.2 ==         'AA'
         entPhysicalAlias.2 ==             ''
             entPhysicalAssetID.2 ==           ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.2 ==             false(2)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.2 ==           '2002-7-26,12:22:12.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.2 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNME123ARA'
         entPhysicalDescr.3 ==             'Acme Chassis Slot Type AA'
         entPhysicalVendorType.3 =         acmeProducts.slotTypes.1
         entPhysicalContainedIn.3 ==       1
         entPhysicalClass.3 ==             container(5)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.3 ==      2
         entPhysicalName.3 ==              'S2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.3 ==       '1.00.07'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.3 ==       ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.3 ==       ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.3 ==         ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.3 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.3 ==         'AA'
         entPhysicalAlias.3 ==             ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.3 ==           ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.3 ==             false(2)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.3 ==           '2002-7-26,12:12:12.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.3 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNME123ARA'
       2 Field-replaceable modules:
       Slot 1 contains a module with 3 ports:
         entPhysicalDescr.4 ==             'Acme Router-100'
         entPhysicalVendorType.4  ==       acmeProducts.moduleTypes.14
         entPhysicalContainedIn.4 ==       2
         entPhysicalClass.4 ==             module(9)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.4 ==      1
         entPhysicalName.4 ==              'M1'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.4 ==       '1.00.07'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.4 ==       '1.4.1'
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.4 ==       'A(1.1)'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.4 ==         'C100087363'
         entPhysicalMfgName.4 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.4 ==         'R100-FE'
         entPhysicalAlias.4 ==             'rtr-U3:m1:SJ17-3-eng'
         entPhysicalAssetID.4 ==           '0007372462'
         entPhysicalIsFRU.4 ==             true(1)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.4 ==           '2003-7-18,13:30:30.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.4 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNRU123CAA'
         entPhysicalDescr.5 ==             'Acme Ethernet-100 Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.5  ==       acmeProducts.portTypes.2
         entPhysicalContainedIn.5 ==       4
         entPhysicalClass.5 ==             port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.5 ==      1
                  entPhysicalName.5 ==              'P1'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.5 ==       'G(1.02)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.5 ==       ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.5 ==       '1.1'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.5 ==         ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.5 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.5 ==         'FE-100'
         entPhysicalAlias.5 ==             ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.5 ==           ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.5 ==             false(2)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.5 ==           '2003-7-18,14:20:22.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.5 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNMES23ARA'
         entPhysicalDescr.6 ==             'Acme Ethernet-100 Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.6  ==       acmeProducts.portTypes.2
         entPhysicalContainedIn.6 ==       4
         entPhysicalClass.6 ==             port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.6 ==      2
         entPhysicalName.6 ==              'P2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.6 ==       'G(1.02)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.6 ==       ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.6 ==       '1.1'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.6 ==         ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.6 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.6 ==         'FE-100'
         entPhysicalAlias.6 ==             ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.6 ==           ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.6 ==             false(2)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.6 ==           '2003-7-19,10:15:15.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.6 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNMES23ARA'
         entPhysicalDescr.7 ==             'Acme Router-100 FDDI-Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.7  ==       acmeProducts.portTypes.3
         entPhysicalContainedIn.7 ==       4
         entPhysicalClass.7 ==             port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.7 ==      3
         entPhysicalName.7 ==              'P3'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.7 ==       'B(1.03)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.7 ==       '2.5.1'
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.7 ==       '2.5F'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.7 ==         ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.7 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.7 ==         'FDDI-100'
         entPhysicalAlias.7 ==             ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.7 ==           ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.7 ==             false(2)
      Slot 2 contains another 3-port module:
         entPhysicalDescr.8 ==             'Acme Router-100 Comm Module'
         entPhysicalVendorType.8  ==       acmeProducts.moduleTypes.15
         entPhysicalContainedIn.8 ==       3
         entPhysicalClass.8 ==             module(9)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.8 ==      1
         entPhysicalName.8 ==              'M2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.8 ==       '2.01.00'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.8 ==       '3.0.7'
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.8 ==       'A(1.2)'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.8 ==         'C100098732'
         entPhysicalMfgName.8 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.8 ==         'C100'
         entPhysicalAlias.8 ==             'rtr-U3:m2:SJ17-2-eng'
         entPhysicalAssetID.8 ==           '0007373982'
         entPhysicalIsFRU.8 ==             true(1)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.8 ==           '2002-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.8 ==              'URN:CLEI:CNRT321MAA'
         entPhysicalDescr.9 ==             'Acme Fddi-100 Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.9 ==        acmeProducts.portTypes.5
         entPhysicalContainedIn.9 ==       8
         entPhysicalClass.9 ==             port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.9 ==      1
         entPhysicalName.9 ==              'FDDI Primary'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.9 ==       'CC(1.07)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.9 ==       '2.0.34'
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.9 ==       '1.1'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.9 ==         ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.9 ==           'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.9 ==         'FDDI-100'
         entPhysicalAlias.9 ==             ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.9 ==           ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.9 ==             false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.10 ==            'Acme Ethernet-100 Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.10 ==       acmeProducts.portTypes.2
         entPhysicalContainedIn.10 ==      8
         entPhysicalClass.10 ==            port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.10 ==     2
         entPhysicalName.10 ==             'Ethernet A'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.10 ==      'G(1.04)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.10 ==      ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.10 ==      '1.3'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.10 ==        ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.10 ==          'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.10 ==        'FE-100'
         entPhysicalAlias.10 ==            ''
                  entPhysicalAssetID.10 ==          ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.10 ==            false(2)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.10 ==          '2002-7-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.10 ==             'URN:CLEI:CNMES23ARA'
         entPhysicalDescr.11 ==            'Acme Ethernet-100 Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.11 ==       acmeProducts.portTypes.2
         entPhysicalContainedIn.11 ==      8
         entPhysicalClass.11 ==            port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.11 ==     3
         entPhysicalName.11 ==             'Ethernet B'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.11 ==      'G(1.04)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.11 ==      ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.11 ==      '1.3'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.11 ==        ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.11 ==          'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.11 ==        'FE-100'
         entPhysicalAlias.11 ==            ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.11 ==          ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.11 ==            false(2)
         entPhysicalMfgDate.11 ==          '2002-8-16,15:35:15.0,-4:0'
         entPhysicalUris.11 ==             'URN:CLEI:CNMES23ARA'
      Logical entities -- entLogicalTable; no SNMPv3 support
       2 OSPF instances:
         entLogicalDescr.1 ==              'Acme OSPF v1.1'
         entLogicalType.1 ==               ospf
         entLogicalCommunity.1 ==          'public-ospf1'
         entLogicalTAddress.1 == 
         entLogicalTDomain.1 ==            snmpUDPDomain
         entLogicalContextEngineID.1 ==    ''
         entLogicalContextName.1 ==        ''
         entLogicalDescr.2 ==              'Acme OSPF v1.1'
         entLogicalType.2 ==               ospf
         entLogicalCommunity.2 ==          'public-ospf2'
         entLogicalTAddress.2 == 
         entLogicalTDomain.2 ==            snmpUDPDomain
         entLogicalContextEngineID.2 ==    ''
         entLogicalContextName.2 ==        ''
       2 logical bridges:
         entLogicalDescr.3 ==              'Acme Bridge v2.1.1'
         entLogicalType.3  ==              dot1dBridge
         entLogicalCommunity.3 ==          'public-bridge1'
         entLogicalTAddress.3 == 
         entLogicalTDomain.3 ==            snmpUDPDomain
         entLogicalContextEngineID.3 ==    ''
                entLogicalContextName.3 ==        ''
         entLogicalDescr.4 ==              'Acme Bridge v2.1.1'
         entLogicalType.4 ==               dot1dBridge
         entLogicalCommunity.4 ==          'public-bridge2'
         entLogicalTAddress.4 == 
         entLogicalTDomain.4 ==            snmpUDPDomain
         entLogicalContextEngineID.4 ==    ''
         entLogicalContextName.4 ==        ''

Logical to Physical Mappings: 1st OSPF instance: uses module 1-port 1 entLPPhysicalIndex.1.5 == 5

論理から物理マッピング:1st OSPFインスタンス:モジュール1-port 1 entlpphysicalIndex.1.5 == 5を使用します

2nd OSPF instance: uses module 2-port 1 entLPPhysicalIndex.2.9 == 9

2番目のOSPFインスタンス:モジュール2ポート1 EntlpphysicalIndex.2.9 == 9を使用します

1st bridge group: uses module 1, all ports


[ed. -- Note that these mappings are included in the table because another logical entity (1st OSPF) utilizes one of the ports. If this were not the case, then a single mapping to the module (e.g., entLPPhysicalIndex.3.4) would be present instead.] entLPPhysicalIndex.3.5 == 5 entLPPhysicalIndex.3.6 == 6 entLPPhysicalIndex.3.7 == 7

[ed。 - 別の論理エンティティ(1st OSPF)がポートの1つを利用しているため、これらのマッピングがテーブルに含まれていることに注意してください。そうでない場合、代わりにモジュールへの単一のマッピング(例:EntlpphysicalIndex.3.4)が存在します。] EntlpphysicalIndex.3.5 == 5 entlpphysicalIndex.3.6 == 6 entlpphysicalindex.3.7 == 7

     2nd bridge group: uses module 2, all ports
         entLPPhysicalIndex.4.9  ==        9
         entLPPhysicalIndex.4.10 ==        10
         entLPPhysicalIndex.4.11 ==        11
   Physical to Logical to MIB Alias Mappings -- entAliasMappingTable:
     Example 1: ifIndex values are global to all logical entities
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.5.0 ==  ifIndex.1
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.6.0 ==  ifIndex.2
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.7.0 ==  ifIndex.3
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.9.0 ==  ifIndex.4
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.10.0 == ifIndex.5
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.11.0 == ifIndex.6
     Example 2: ifIndex values are not shared by all logical entities;
            (Bridge-1 uses ifIndex values 101 - 103 and Bridge-2 uses
   ifIndex values 204-206.)
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.5.0 ==  ifIndex.1
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.5.3 ==  ifIndex.101
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.6.0 ==  ifIndex.2
               entAliasMappingIdentifier.6.3 ==  ifIndex.102
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.7.0 ==  ifIndex.3
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.7.3 ==  ifIndex.103
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.9.0 ==  ifIndex.4
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.9.4 ==  ifIndex.204
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.10.0 == ifIndex.5
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.10.4 == ifIndex.205
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.11.0 == ifIndex.6
            entAliasMappingIdentifier.11.4 == ifIndex.206
   Physical Containment Tree -- entPhysicalContainsTable
     chassis has two containers:
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.2 ==      2
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.3 ==      3

container 1 has a module: entPhysicalChildIndex.2.4 == 4

コンテナ1にはモジュールがあります:entphysicalChildIndex.2.4 == 4

container 2 has a module: entPhysicalChildIndex.3.8 == 8

コンテナ2にはモジュールがあります:EntphysicalChildIndex.3.8 == 8

     module 1 has 3 ports:
         entPhysicalChildIndex.4.5 ==      5
         entPhysicalChildIndex.4.6 ==      6
         entPhysicalChildIndex.4.7 ==      7
     module 2 has 3 ports:
         entPhysicalChildIndex.8.9 ==      9
         entPhysicalChildIndex.8.10 ==     10
         entPhysicalChildIndex.8.11 ==     11
4.2. Repeaters
4.2. リピーター

The second example is a 3-slot Hub with 2 backplane ethernet segments. Slot three is empty, and the remaining slots contain ethernet repeater modules.


Note that this example assumes an older Repeater MIB implementation, (RFC 1516 [RFC1516]) rather than the new Repeater MIB (RFC 2108 [RFC2108]). The new version contains an object called 'rptrPortRptrId', which should be used to identify repeater port groupings, rather than using community strings or contexts.

この例は、新しいリピーターMIB(RFC 2108 [RFC2108])ではなく、古いリピーターMIBの実装(RFC 1516 [RFC1516])を想定していることに注意してください。新しいバージョンには、「rptrportrptrid」と呼ばれるオブジェクトが含まれています。これは、コミュニティの文字列やコンテキストを使用するのではなく、リピーターポートグループを識別するために使用する必要があります。

   Physical entities -- entPhysicalTable:
      1 Field-replaceable physical chassis:
         entPhysicalDescr.1 ==       'Acme Chassis Model 110'
         entPhysicalVendorType.1 ==  acmeProducts.chassisTypes.2
         entPhysicalContainedIn.1 == 0
            entPhysicalClass.1 ==       chassis(3)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.1 ==0
         entPhysicalName.1 ==        '110-B'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.1 == 'A(1.02.00)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.1 == ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.1 == ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.1 ==   'C100079294'
         entPhysicalMfgName.1 ==     'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.1 ==   '110'
         entPhysicalAlias.1 ==       'bldg09:floor1:rptr18:0067eea0229f'
         entPhysicalAssetID.1 ==     '0007386327'
         entPhysicalIsFRU.1 ==       true(1)
      2 Chassis Ethernet Backplanes:
         entPhysicalDescr.2 ==          'Acme Ethernet Backplane Type A'
         entPhysicalVendorType.2 ==     acmeProducts.backplaneTypes.1
         entPhysicalContainedIn.2 ==    1
         entPhysicalClass.2 ==          backplane(4)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.2 ==   1
         entPhysicalName.2 ==           'B1'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.2 ==    'A(2.04.01)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.2 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.2 ==    ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.2 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.2 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.2 ==      'BK-A'
         entPhysicalAlias.2 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.2 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.2 ==          false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.3 ==          'Acme Ethernet Backplane Type A'
         entPhysicalVendorType.3  ==    acmeProducts.backplaneTypes.1
         entPhysicalContainedIn.3 ==    1
         entPhysicalClass.3 ==          backplane(4)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.3 ==   2
         entPhysicalName.3 ==           'B2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.3 ==    'A(2.04.01)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.3 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.3 ==    ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.3 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.3 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.3 ==      'BK-A'
         entPhysicalAlias.3 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.3 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.3 ==          false(2)
      3 slots within the chassis:
         entPhysicalDescr.4 ==          'Acme Hub Slot Type RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.4  ==    acmeProducts.slotTypes.5
         entPhysicalContainedIn.4 ==    1
         entPhysicalClass.4 ==          container(5)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.4 ==   1
         entPhysicalName.4 ==           'Slot 1'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.4 ==    'B(1.00.03)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.4 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.4 ==    ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.4 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.4 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.4 ==      'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.4 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.4 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.4 ==          false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.5 ==          'Acme Hub Slot Type RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.5  ==    acmeProducts.slotTypes.5
         entPhysicalContainedIn.5 ==    1
         entPhysicalClass.5 ==          container(5)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.5 ==   2
         entPhysicalName.5 ==           'Slot 2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.5 ==    'B(1.00.03)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.5 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.5 ==    ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.5 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.5 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.5 ==      'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.5 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.5 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.5 ==          false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.6 ==          'Acme Hub Slot Type RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.6  ==    acmeProducts.slotTypes.5
         entPhysicalContainedIn.6 ==    1
         entPhysicalClass.6 ==          container(5)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.6 ==   3
         entPhysicalName.6 ==           'Slot 3'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.6 ==    'B(1.00.03)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.6 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.6 ==    ''
         entPhysicalSerialNum.6 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.6 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.6 ==      'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.6 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.6 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.6 ==          false(2)
      Slot 1 contains a plug-in module with 4 10-BaseT ports:
         entPhysicalDescr.7  ==         'Acme 10Base-T Module 114'
         entPhysicalVendorType.7 ==     acmeProducts.moduleTypes.32
         entPhysicalContainedIn.7  ==   4
         entPhysicalClass.7 ==          module(9)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.7 ==   1
         entPhysicalName.7 ==           'M1'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.7 ==    'A(1.02.01)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.7 ==    '1.7.2'
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.7 ==    'A(1.5)'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.7 ==      'C100096244'
         entPhysicalMfgName.7 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.7 =       '114'
         entPhysicalAlias.7 ==          'bldg09:floor1:eng'
         entPhysicalAssetID.7 ==        '0007962951'
         entPhysicalIsFRU.7 ==          true(1)
         entPhysicalDescr.8 ==          'Acme 10Base-T Port RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.8 ==     acmeProducts.portTypes.10
         entPhysicalContainedIn.8  ==   7
         entPhysicalClass.8 ==          port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.8 ==   1
         entPhysicalName.8 ==           'Ethernet-A'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.8 ==    'A(1.04F)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.8 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.8 ==    '1.4'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.8 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.8 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.8 ==      'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.8 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.8 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.8 ==          false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.9  ==         'Acme 10Base-T Port RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.9 ==     acmeProducts.portTypes.10
         entPhysicalContainedIn.9 ==    7
         entPhysicalClass.9 ==          port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.9 ==   2
         entPhysicalName.9 ==           'Ethernet-B'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.9 ==    'A(1.04F)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.9 ==    ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.9 ==    '1.4'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.9 ==      ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.9 ==        'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.9 =       'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.9 ==          ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.9 ==        ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.9 ==          false(2)
                  entPhysicalDescr.10 ==         'Acme 10Base-T Port RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.10 ==    acmeProducts.portTypes.10
         entPhysicalContainedIn.10 ==   7
         entPhysicalClass.10 ==         port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.10 ==  3
         entPhysicalName.10 ==          'Ethernet-C'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.10 ==   'B(1.02.07)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.10 ==   ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.10 ==   '1.4'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.10 ==     ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.10 ==       'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.10 ==     'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.10 ==         ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.10 ==       ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.10 ==         false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.11 ==         'Acme 10Base-T Port RB'
         entPhysicalVendorType.11  ==   acmeProducts.portTypes.10
         entPhysicalContainedIn.11 ==   7
         entPhysicalClass.11 ==         port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.11 ==  4
         entPhysicalName.11 ==          'Ethernet-D'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.11 ==   'B(1.02.07)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.11 ==   ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.11 ==   '1.4'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.11 ==     ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.11 ==       'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.11 ==     'RB'
         entPhysicalAlias.11 ==         ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.11 ==       ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.11 ==         false(2)
      Slot 2 contains another ethernet module with 2 ports.
         entPhysicalDescr.12 ==         'Acme 10Base-T Module Model 4'
         entPhysicalVendorType.12 ==    acmeProducts.moduleTypes.30
         entPhysicalContainedIn.12 =    5
         entPhysicalClass.12 ==         module(9)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.12 ==  1
         entPhysicalName.12 ==          'M2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.12 ==   'A(1.01.07)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.12 ==   '1.8.4'
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.12 ==   'A(1.8)'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.12 ==     'C100102384'
         entPhysicalMfgName.12 ==       'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.12 ==     '4'
         entPhysicalAlias.12 ==         'bldg09:floor1:devtest'
         entPhysicalAssetID.12 ==       '0007968462'
         entPhysicalIsFRU.12 ==         true(1)
               entPhysicalDescr.13 ==         'Acme 802.3 AUI Port'
         entPhysicalVendorType.13  ==   acmeProducts.portTypes.11
         entPhysicalContainedIn.13 ==   12
         entPhysicalClass.13 ==         port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.13 ==  1
         entPhysicalName.13 ==          'AUI'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.13 ==   'A(1.06F)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.13 ==   ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.13 ==   '1.5'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.13 ==     ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.13 ==       'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.13 ==     ''
         entPhysicalAlias.13 ==         ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.13 ==       ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.13 ==         false(2)
         entPhysicalDescr.14 ==         'Acme 10Base-T Port RD'
         entPhysicalVendorType.14  ==   acmeProducts.portTypes.14
         entPhysicalContainedIn.14 ==   12
         entPhysicalClass.14 ==         port(10)
         entPhysicalParentRelPos.14 ==  2
         entPhysicalName.14 ==          'E2'
         entPhysicalHardwareRev.14 ==   'B(1.01.02)'
         entPhysicalSoftwareRev.14 ==   ''
         entPhysicalFirmwareRev.14 ==   '2.1'
         entPhysicalSerialNum.14 ==     ''
         entPhysicalMfgName.14 ==       'Acme'
         entPhysicalModelName.14 ==     ''
         entPhysicalAlias.14 ==         ''
         entPhysicalAssetID.14 ==       ''
         entPhysicalIsFRU.14 ==         false(2)
   Logical entities -- entLogicalTable; with SNMPv3 support
      Repeater 1--comprised of any ports attached to backplane 1
         entLogicalDescr.1 ==           'Acme repeater v3.1'
         entLogicalType.1  ==           snmpDot3RptrMgt
         entLogicalCommunity.1          'public-repeater1'
         entLogicalTAddress.1 ==
         entLogicalTDomain.1 ==         snmpUDPDomain
         entLogicalContextEngineID.1 == '80000777017c7d7e7f'H
         entLogicalContextName.1 ==     'repeater1'
      Repeater 2--comprised of any ports attached to backplane 2:
         entLogicalDescr.2 ==           'Acme repeater v3.1'
         entLogicalType.2  ==           snmpDot3RptrMgt
         entLogicalCommunity.2 ==       'public-repeater2'
         entLogicalTAddress.2 ==
         entLogicalTDomain.2 ==         snmpUDPDomain
               entLogicalContextEngineID.2 == '80000777017c7d7e7f'H
         entLogicalContextName.2 ==     'repeater2'

Logical to Physical Mappings -- entLPMappingTable:


repeater1 uses backplane 1, slot 1-ports 1 & 2, slot 2-port 1 [ed. -- Note that a mapping to the module is not included, because this example represents a port-switchable hub. Even though all ports on the module could belong to the same repeater as a matter of configuration, the LP port mappings should not be replaced dynamically with a single mapping for the module (e.g., entLPPhysicalIndex.1.7). If all ports on the module shared a single backplane connection, then a single mapping for the module would be more appropriate.]

Repeater1は、BackPlane 1、Slot 1-Ports 1&2、Slot 2-Port 1を使用します。 - この例はポートスイッチ可能なハブを表しているため、モジュールへのマッピングは含まれていないことに注意してください。モジュール上のすべてのポートは構成の問題と同じリピーターに属している可能性がありますが、LPポートマッピングはモジュールの単一マッピング(EntlpphysicalIndex.1.7など)に動的に置き換えてはなりません。モジュール上のすべてのポートが単一のバックプレーン接続を共有した場合、モジュールの単一のマッピングがより適切になります。]

        entLPPhysicalIndex.1.2 ==       2
        entLPPhysicalIndex.1.8 ==       8
        entLPPhysicalIndex.1.9 ==       9
        entLPPhysicalIndex.1.13 ==      13
     repeater2 uses backplane 2, slot 1-ports 3 & 4, slot 2-port 2
         entLPPhysicalIndex.2.3 ==      3
         entLPPhysicalIndex.2.10 ==     10
         entLPPhysicalIndex.2.11 ==     11
         entLPPhysicalIndex.2.14 ==     14
   Physical to Logical to MIB Alias Mappings -- entAliasMappingTable:
     Repeater Port Identifier values are shared by both repeaters:
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.8.0 ==      rptrPortGroupIndex.1.1
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.9.0 ==      rptrPortGroupIndex.1.2
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.10.0 ==     rptrPortGroupIndex.1.3
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.11.0 ==     rptrPortGroupIndex.1.4
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.13.0 ==     rptrPortGroupIndex.2.1
         entAliasMappingIdentifier.14.0 ==     rptrPortGroupIndex.2.2
   Physical Containment Tree -- entPhysicalContainsTable
     chassis has two backplanes and three containers:
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.2 ==   2
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.3 ==   3
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.4 ==   4
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.5 ==   5
         entPhysicalChildIndex.1.6 ==   6

container 1 has a module: entPhysicalChildIndex.4.7 == 7

コンテナ1にはモジュールがあります:EntphysicalChildIndex.4.7 == 7

container 2 has a module entPhysicalChildIndex.5.12 == 12

コンテナ2には、モジュールEntphysicalChildIndex.5.12 == 12があります

[ed. -- in this example, container 3 is empty.]

[ed。 - この例では、コンテナ3は空です。]

     module 1 has 4 ports:
         entPhysicalChildIndex.7.8 ==   8
         entPhysicalChildIndex.7.9 ==   9
         entPhysicalChildIndex.7.10 ==  10
         entPhysicalChildIndex.7.11 ==  11
     module 2 has 2 ports:
         entPhysicalChildIndex.12.13 == 13
         entPhysicalChildIndex.12.14 == 14
5. Security Considerations
5. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB that have a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations.


There are a number of managed objects in this MIB that may contain sensitive information. These are:


entPhysicalDescr entPhysicalVendorType entPhysicalHardwareRev entPhysicalFirmwareRev entPhysicalSoftwareRev entPhysicalSerialNum entPhysicalMfgName entPhysicalModelName

entphysicalDescr entphysicalvendortype entphysicalhardwarerev entphysicalfirmwarerev entphysicalsoftwarerev entphysicalserialnum entphysicalmfgname entphysicalmodelname

These objects expose information about the physical entities within a managed system, which may be used to identify the vendor, model, and version information of each system component.




This object can allow asset identifiers for various system components to be exposed, in the event this MIB object is actually configured by an NMS application.


entLogicalDescr entLogicalType

entlogicaldescr entlogicalType

These objects expose the type of logical entities present in the managed system.




This object exposes community names associated with particular logical entities within the system.


entLogicalTAddress entLogicalTDomain

entlogicaltaddress entlogicaltdomain

These objects expose network addresses that can be used to communicate with an SNMP agent on behalf of particular logical entities within the system.


entLogicalContextEngineID entLogicalContextName

entlogicalContextEngineID entlogicalContextName

These objects identify the authoritative SNMP engine that contains information on behalf of particular logical entities within the system.


It is thus important to control even GET access to these objects and possibly to even encrypt the values of these object when sending them over the network via SNMP. Not all versions of SNMP provide features for such a secure environment.


SNMPv1 by itself is not a secure environment. Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB.


It is recommended that the implementers consider the security features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework. Specifically, the use of the User-based Security Model RFC 3414 [RFC3414] and the View-based Access Control Model RFC 3415 [RFC3415] is recommended.

実装者は、SNMPV3フレームワークで提供されるセキュリティ機能を考慮することをお勧めします。具体的には、ユーザーベースのセキュリティモデルRFC 3414 [RFC3414]およびビューベースのアクセス制御モデルRFC 3415 [RFC3415]の使用が推奨されます。

It is then a customer/user responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an instance of this MIB, is properly configured to give access to the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.


6. IANA Considerations
6. IANAの考慮事項

The MIB module in this document uses the following IANA-assigned OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers registry:


              Descriptor        OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
              ----------        -----------------------
              entityMIB         { mib-2 47 }
7. Acknowledgements
7. 謝辞

This memo has been produced by the IETF's Entity MIB working group.


8. References
8. 参考文献
8.1. Normative References
8.1. 引用文献

[RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

[RFC2578] McCloghrie、K.、Perkins、D。、およびJ. Schoenwaelder、「管理情報の構造バージョン2(SMIV2)」、STD 58、RFC 2578、1999年4月。

[RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

[RFC2579] McCloghrie、K.、Perkins、D。、およびJ. Schoenwaelder、「SMIV2のテキストコンベンション」、STD 58、RFC 2579、1999年4月。

[RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

[RFC2580] McCloghrie、K.、Perkins、D。、およびJ. Schoenwaelder、「SMIV2の適合ステートメント」、STD 58、RFC 2580、1999年4月。

[RFC3411] Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411, December 2002.

[RFC3411] Harrington、D.、Presuhn、R。、およびB. Wijnen、「単純なネットワーク管理プロトコル(SNMP)管理フレームワークを説明するためのアーキテクチャ」、STD 62、RFC 3411、2002年12月。

[RFC3417] Presuhn, R., "Transport Mappings for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3417, December 2002.

[RFC3417] Presuhn、R。、「シンプルネットワーク管理プロトコル(SNMP)の輸送マッピング」、STD 62、RFC 3417、2002年12月。

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, January 2005.

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee、T.、Fielding、R。、およびL. Masinter、「ユニフォームリソース識別子(URI):ジェネリック構文」、STD 66、RFC 3986、2005年1月。

8.2. Informative References
8.2. 参考引用

[RFC1157] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, May 1990.

[RFC1157] Case、J.、Fedor、M.、Schoffstall、M。、およびJ. Davin、「Simple Network Management Protocol」、STD 15、RFC 1157、1990年5月。

[RFC1493] Decker, E., Langille, P., Rijsinghani, A., and K. McCloghrie, "Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridges", RFC 1493, July 1993.

[RFC1493] Decker、E.、Langille、P.、Rijsinghani、A。、およびK. McCloghrie、「ブリッジの管理オブジェクトの定義」、RFC 1493、1993年7月。

[RFC1516] McMaster, D. and K. McCloghrie, "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater Devices", RFC 1516, September 1993.

[RFC1516] McMaster、D。およびK. McCloghrie、「IEEE 802.3リピーターデバイスの管理されたオブジェクトの定義」、RFC 1516、1993年9月。

[RFC2037] McCloghrie, K. and A. Bierman, "Entity MIB using SMIv2", RFC 2037, October 1996.

[RFC2037] McCloghrie、K。およびA. Bierman、「SMIV2を使用したエンティティMIB」、RFC 2037、1996年10月。

[RFC2108] de Graaf, K., Romascanu, D., McMaster, D., and K. McCloghrie, "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater Devices using SMIv2", RFC 2108, February 1997.

[RFC2108] De Graaf、K.、Romascanu、D.、McMaster、D.、およびK. McCloghrie、「SMIV2を使用したIEEE 802.3リピーターデバイスの管理オブジェクトの定義」、RFC 2108、1997年2月。

[RFC2737] McCloghrie, K. and A. Bierman, "Entity MIB (Version 2)", RFC 2737, December 1999.

[RFC2737] McCloghrie、K。およびA. Bierman、「Entity MIB(バージョン2)」、RFC 2737、1999年12月。

[RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000.

[RFC2863] McCloghrie、K。およびF. Kastenholz、「The Interfaces Group MIB」、RFC 2863、2000年6月。

[RFC3406] Daigle, L., van Gulik, D., Iannella, R., and P. Faltstrom, "Uniform Resource Names (URN) Namespace Definition Mechanisms", BCP 66, RFC 3406, October 2002.

[RFC3406] Daigle、L.、Van Gulik、D.、Iannella、R。、およびP. Faltstrom、「ユニフォームリソース名(URN)名前空間定義メカニズム」、BCP 66、RFC 3406、2002年10月。

[RFC3410] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart, "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

[RFC3410] Case、J.、Mundy、R.、Partain、D。、およびB. Stewart、「インターネット標準管理フレームワークの紹介と適用声明」、RFC 3410、2002年12月。

[RFC3414] Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

[RFC3414] Blumenthal、U.およびB. Wijnen、「単純なネットワーク管理プロトコル(SNMPV3)のバージョン3のユーザーベースのセキュリティモデル(USM)」、STD 62、RFC 3414、2002年12月。

[RFC3415] Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R., and K. McCloghrie, "View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3415, December 2002.

[RFC3415] Wijnen、B.、Presuhn、R。、およびK. McCloghrie、「シンプルネットワーク管理プロトコル(SNMP)のビューベースのアクセス制御モデル(VACM)」、2002年12月、RFC 3415、RFC 3415。

[RFC4152] Tesink, K. and R. Fox, "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the CLEI Code", RFC 4152, August 2005.

[RFC4152] Tesink、K。およびR. Fox、「CLEIコードのユニフォームリソース名(URN)名前空間」、RFC 4152、2005年8月。

[T1.213] ATIS T1.213-2001, "Coded Identification of Equipment Entities in the North American Telecommunications System for Information Exchange", 2001, www.ansi.org.

[T1.213] ATIS T1.213-2001、「情報交換のための北米の電気通信システムの機器エンティティのコード化された識別」、2001年、www.ansi.org。

[T1.213a] ATIS T1.213a, "Supplement to T1.213-2001, Coded Identification of Equipment Entities in the North American Telecommunications System for Information Exchange, to correct the representation of the Basic Code in Figure B.1", 2001, www.ansi.org.

[T1.213A] ATIS T1.213A、 "T1.213-2001の補足、情報交換のための北米電気通信システムの機器エンティティの識別、図B.1"、2001の基本コードの表現を修正するために、www.ansi.org。

Authors' Addresses


Andy Bierman


   EMail: ietf@andybierman.com

Keith McCloghrie Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA

Keith McCloghrie Cisco Systems、Inc。170 West Tasman Drive San Jose、CA 95134 USA

   Phone: +1 408-526-5260
   EMail: kzm@cisco.com

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Copyright(c)The Internet Society(2005)。

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