[要約] RFC 5378は、IETF Trustに寄稿者が提供する権利に関するガイドラインです。その目的は、IETFの成果物を管理し、関連する権利を保護するための枠組みを提供することです。

Network Working Group                                    S. Bradner, Ed.
Request for Comments: 5378                            Harvard University
BCP: 78                                                J. Contreras, Ed.
Obsoletes: 3978, 4748                                         WilmerHale
Updates: 2026                                              November 2008
Category: Best Current Practice

Rights Contributors Provide to the IETF Trust


Status of This Memo


This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (c) 2008 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

Copyright(c)2008 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。全著作権所有。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。



The IETF policies about rights in Contributions to the IETF are designed to ensure that such Contributions can be made available to the IETF and Internet communities while permitting the authors to retain as many rights as possible. This memo details the IETF policies on rights in Contributions to the IETF. It also describes the objectives that the policies are designed to meet. This memo obsoletes RFCs 3978 and 4748 and, with BCP 79 and RFC 5377, replaces Section 10 of RFC 2026.

IETFへの貢献における権利に関するIETFポリシーは、IETFおよびインターネットコミュニティにそのような貢献を利用できるようにするために設計されていますが、著者はできるだけ多くの権利を保持することができます。このメモは、IETFへの貢献における権利に関するIETFポリシーを詳しく説明しています。また、ポリシーが満たすように設計されている目的についても説明しています。このメモは、RFCS 3978および4748を廃止し、BCP 79およびRFC 5377を使用して、RFC 2026のセクション10を置き換えます。

Table of Contents


   1. Definitions .....................................................3
   2. Introduction ....................................................5
      2.1. No Retroactive Effect ......................................5
   3. Exposition of Why These Procedures Are the Way They Are .........6
      3.1. Rights Granted in Contributions ............................6
      3.2. Rights to Use Contributions ................................6
      3.3. Right to Produce Derivative Works ..........................6
      3.4. Rights to Use Trademarks ...................................8
      3.5. Contributions Not Subject to Copyright .....................8
      3.6. Copyright in RFCs ..........................................9
   4. Non-IETF Documents ..............................................9
   5. Rights in Contributions .........................................9
      5.1. General Policy .............................................9
      5.2. Confidentiality Obligations ...............................10
      5.3. Rights Granted by Contributors to the IETF Trust ..........10
      5.4. Sublicenses by the IETF Trust .............................11
      5.5. No Patent License .........................................11
      5.6. Representations and Warranties ............................11
      5.7. No Duty to Publish ........................................12
      5.8. Trademarks ................................................12
      5.9. Copyright in RFCs .........................................12
      5.10. Contributors' Retention of Rights ........................12
   6. Legends, Notices and Other Standardized Text in IETF
      Documents ......................................................13
   7. Security Considerations ........................................13
   8. References .....................................................14
      8.1. Normative References ......................................14
      8.2. Informative References ....................................14
   9. Acknowledgments ................................................15
   10. Changes since RFC 3978 ........................................15
   11. Declaration from the IAB ......................................16
1. Definitions
1. 定義

The following definitions are for terms used in the context of this document. Other terms, including "IESG", "ISOC", "IAB", and "RFC Editor" are defined in [RFC2028].


a. "Contribution": any submission to the IETF intended by the Contributor for publication as all or part of an Internet-Draft or RFC (except for RFC Editor Contributions described in Section 4 below) and any statement made within the context of an IETF activity. Such statements include oral statements in IETF sessions as well as written and electronic communications, made at any time or place, that are addressed to:

a. 「貢献」:インターネットドラフトまたはRFC(以下のセクション4で説明されているRFCエディターの貢献を除く)のすべてまたは一部として出版のための貢献者が意図したIETFへの提出およびIETFアクティビティのコンテキスト内で作成された声明。このような声明には、IETFセッションの口頭声明、および書かれた通信および電子通信が含まれます。

o the IETF plenary session, o any IETF working group or portion thereof, o any Birds of a Feather (BOF) session, o the IESG, or any member thereof on behalf of the IESG, o the IAB, or any member thereof on behalf of the IAB, o any IETF mailing list, including the IETF list itself, any working group or design team list, or any other list functioning under IETF auspices, o the RFC Editor or the Internet-Drafts function (except for RFC Editor Contributions, as described in Section 4 below).

o IETF全体のセッション、o IETFワーキンググループまたはその部分、o IESG、またはIESG、O IAB、またはそのメンバーに代わってIESGまたはそのメンバーの鳥(BOF)セッションの鳥、またはそのメンバーIAB、o IETFリスト自体、ワーキンググループまたはデザインチームリスト、またはIETF Auspicesの下で機能するその他のリスト、o RFCエディターまたはインターネットドラフト機能(RFCエディターの貢献を除く、IETFリスト自体、またはその他のリストを含む任意のIETFメーリングリスト)以下のセクション4で説明します)。

Statements made outside of an IETF session, mailing list, or other function, that are clearly not intended to be input to an IETF activity, group, or function are not IETF Contributions in the context of this document.


b. "Contributor": an individual submitting a Contribution.

b. 「貢献者」:貢献を提出する個人。

c. "Indirect Contributor": any person who has materially or substantially contributed to a Contribution without being personally involved in its submission to the IETF.

c. 「間接的な貢献者」:IETFへの提出に個人的に関与することなく、貢献に実質的または実質的に貢献した人。

d. "Copyright": the legal right granted to an author in a document or other work of authorship under applicable law. A "copyright" is not equivalent to a "right to copy". Rather a copyright encompasses all of the exclusive rights that an author has in a work, such as the rights to copy, publish, distribute and create derivative works of the work. An author often cedes these rights to his or her employer or other parties as a condition of employment or compensation.

d. 「著作権」:該当する法律に基づく文書またはその他の著者作業で著者に付与された法的権利。「著作権」は、「コピーする権利」と同等ではありません。むしろ、著作権には、作品のコピー、発行、配布、および作成の権利など、作品に著者が持っているすべての排他的権利が含まれます。著者はしばしば、雇用主または他の当事者に対するこれらの権利を雇用または補償の条件として譲ります。

e. "IETF": in the context of this document, the IETF includes all individuals who participate in meetings, working groups, mailing lists, functions, and other activities that are organized or initiated by ISOC, the IESG, or the IAB under the general designation of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), but solely to the extent of such participation.

e. 「IETF」:このドキュメントのコンテキストでは、IETFには、会議、ワーキンググループ、メーリングリスト、機能、およびISOC、IESG、または一般的な指定の下でIABによって編成または開始されるその他のアクティビティに参加するすべての個人が含まれます。インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)。

f. "IETF Documents": RFCs and Internet-Drafts that are used in the IETF Standards Process as defined in 1(g). This is identical to the "IETF stream" defined in [RFC4844].

f. 「IETFドキュメント」:1(g)で定義されているIETF標準プロセスで使用されるRFCおよびインターネットドラフト。これは、[RFC4844]で定義されている「IETFストリーム」と同じです。

g. "IETF Standards Process": the activities undertaken by the IETF in any of the settings described in 1(a) above.

g. 「IETF標準プロセス」:上記の1(a)で説明されている設定のいずれかでIETFが実施したアクティビティ。

h. "IETF Trust": a trust established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA, in order to hold and administer intellectual property rights for the benefit of the IETF.

h. 「IETF Trust」:IETFの利益のために知的財産権を保持および管理するために、米国バージニア州の法律の下で設立された信託。

i. "Internet-Draft": temporary documents used in the IETF Standards Process. Internet-Drafts are posted on the IETF web site by the IETF Secretariat. As noted in Section 2.2 of RFC 2026, Internet-Drafts have a nominal maximum lifetime of six months in the IETF Secretariat's public directory.

i. 「インターネットドラフト」:IETF標準プロセスで使用される一時的なドキュメント。インターネットドラフトは、IETF事務局によってIETF Webサイトに掲載されています。RFC 2026のセクション2.2で述べたように、インターネットドラフトは、IETF事務局のパブリックディレクトリで6か月の名目上の最大寿命を持っています。

j. "Legend Instructions": the standardized text that is maintained by the IETF Trust and is included in IETF Documents and the instructions and requirements for including that standardized text in IETF Documents. The text and instructions are posted from time to time at http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info.

j. 「Legend Instructions」:IETF Trustによって維持され、IETFドキュメントとIETFドキュメントにその標準化されたテキストを含めるための指示と要件に含まれる標準化されたテキスト。テキストと指示は、http://trustee.ietf.org/license-infoで随時投稿されています。

k. "RFC": the publication series used by the IETF among others. RFCs are published by the RFC Editor. Although RFCs may be superseded in whole or in part by subsequent RFCs, the text of an RFC is not altered once published in RFC form. (See [RFC2026] Section 2.1.)

k. 「RFC」:とりわけIETFが使用する出版シリーズ。RFCはRFCエディターによって公開されています。RFCは、その後のRFCによって全体または部分的に置き換えられる可能性がありますが、RFCのテキストはRFC形式で公開されても変更されません。([RFC2026]セクション2.1を参照してください。)

l. "Reasonably and personally known": something an individual knows personally or, because of the job the individual holds, would reasonably be expected to know. This wording is used to indicate that an organization cannot purposely keep an individual in the dark about certain information just to avoid the disclosure requirement.

l. 「合理的かつ個人的に知られている」:個人が個人的に知っている、または個人が持っている仕事のために、合理的に知ることが期待されるでしょう。この言葉遣いは、開示要件を回避するためだけに、組織が特定の情報について個人を暗闇に留めることができないことを示すために使用されます。

m. "Non-IETF documents": Internet-Drafts that are submitted to the RFC Editor independently of the IETF Standards Process. (See Section 4.)

m. 「非etfドキュメント」:IETF標準プロセスとは無関係にRFCエディターに提出されたインターネットドラフト。(セクション4を参照)

2. Introduction
2. はじめに

In all matters of copyright and document procedures, the intent is to benefit the Internet community and the public at large, while respecting the legitimate rights of others.


Under the laws of most countries and current international treaties (for example the "Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work" [Berne]), authors obtain numerous rights in the works they produce automatically upon producing them. These rights include copyrights, moral rights, and other rights. In many cases, if the author produces a work within the scope of his or her employment, most of those rights are usually assigned to the employer, either by operation of law or, in many cases, under contract. (The Berne Convention names some rights as "inalienable", which means that the author retains them in all cases.)


In order for Contributions to be used within the IETF Standards Process, including when they are published as Internet-Drafts or RFCs, certain limited rights must be granted to the IETF Trust, which then grants the necessary rights to the IETF. In addition, Contributors must make representations to the IETF Trust and the IETF regarding their ability to grant these rights.


Section 1 provides definitions used in these policies. Sections 3 and 4 of this document explain the rationale for these provisions. Sections 1, 2, 5, and 6 of this document are normative, the other sections are informative. RFC 3979 (BCP 79) [RFC3979] deals with rights, including possible patent rights, in technologies developed or specified as part of the IETF Standards Process. This document is not intended to address those issues. This memo obsoletes RFCs 3978 [RFC3978] and 4748 [RFC4748] and, with RFC 3979 (BCP 79) and [RFC5377], replaces Section 10 of RFC 2026 [RFC2026].

セクション1では、これらのポリシーで使用される定義を示します。このドキュメントのセクション3および4は、これらの規定の理論的根拠を説明しています。このドキュメントのセクション1、2、5、および6は規範的であり、他のセクションは有益です。RFC 3979(BCP 79)[RFC3979]は、IETF標準プロセスの一部として開発または指定されたテクノロジーの特許権を含む権利を扱います。このドキュメントは、これらの問題に対処することを意図したものではありません。このメモは、RFCS 3978 [RFC3978]および4748 [RFC4748]およびRFC 3979(BCP 79)および[RFC5377]を廃止し、RFC 2026 [RFC2026]のセクション10を置き換えます。

This document is not intended as legal advice. Readers are advised to consult their own legal advisors if they would like a legal interpretation of their rights or the rights of the IETF Trust [RFC4371] in any Contributions they make.

この文書は、法的助言として意図されていません。読者は、IETF Trust [RFC4371]の権利または権利の法的解釈が彼らが行うあらゆる貢献において、自分の法律顧問に相談することをお勧めします。

2.1. No Retroactive Effect
2.1. 遡及効果はありません

This memo does not retroactively obtain additional rights from Contributions that predate the date that the IETF Trust announces the adoption of these procedures.


3. Exposition of Why These Procedures Are the Way They Are
3. これらの手順がそれらの方法である理由の説明
3.1. Rights Granted in Contributions
3.1. 寄付で付与された権利

The IETF Trust and the IETF must obtain the right to publish an IETF Contribution as an RFC or an Internet-Draft from the Contributors.


A primary objective of this policy is to obtain from the document authors only the non-exclusive rights that are needed to develop and publish IETF Documents and to use IETF Contributions in the IETF Standards Process and potentially elsewhere.


The authors retain all other rights, but cannot withdraw the above rights from the IETF Trust and the IETF.


It is important to note that under this document, Contributors are required to grant certain rights to the IETF Trust (see Section 5.3.), which holds all IETF-related intellectual property on behalf of the IETF community. The IETF Trust will, in turn, grant a sublicense of these rights to all IETF participants for use in the IETF Standards Process (see Section 5.4.). This sublicense is necessary for the standards development work of the IETF to continue. In addition, the IETF Trust may grant certain other sublicenses of the rights that it is granted under this document. In granting such other sublicenses, the IETF Trust will be guided and bound by documents such as [RFC5377].


3.2. Rights to Use Contributions
3.2. 貢献を使用する権利

It is important that the IETF receive assurances from all Contributors that they have the authority to grant the IETF the rights that they claim to grant because, under the laws of most countries and applicable international treaties, copyright rights come into existence when a work of authorship is created (but see Section 3.5 below regarding public domain documents), and the IETF cannot make use of IETF Contributions if it does not have sufficient rights with respect to these copyright rights. The IETF and its participants would run a greater risk of liability to the owners of these rights without this assurance. To this end, the IETF asks Contributors to give the assurances in Section 5.6 below. These assurances are requested, however, only to the extent of the Contributor's reasonable and personal knowledge. (See Section 1(l).)


3.3. Right to Produce Derivative Works
3.3. デリバティブ作品を生産する権利

The IETF needs to be able to evolve IETF Documents in response to experience gained in the deployment of the technologies described in such IETF Documents, to incorporate developments in research, and to react to changing conditions on the Internet and other IP networks. The IETF may also decide to permit others to develop derivative works based on Contributions. In order to do this, the IETF must be able to produce derivatives of its documents; thus, the IETF must obtain the right from Contributors to produce derivative works. Note that the right to produce translations is required before any Contribution can be published as an RFC, to ensure the widest possible distribution of the material in RFCs. The right to produce derivative works, in addition to translations, is required for all IETF Standards Track documents and for most IETF non-Standards Track documents. There are two exceptions to this requirement: documents describing proprietary technologies and documents that are republications of the work of other standards organizations.


The right to produce derivative works must be granted in order for an IETF working group to accept a Contribution as a working group document or otherwise work on it. For non-working group Contributions where the Contributor requests publication as a Standards Track RFC, the right to produce derivative works must be granted before the IESG will issue an IETF Last Call and, for most non-Standards Track, non-working group Contributions, before the IESG will consider the Internet-Draft for publication. Occasionally a Contributor may not want to grant publication rights or the right to produce derivative works before finding out if a Contribution has been accepted for development in the IETF Standards Process. In these cases, the Contributor may include a limitation on the right to make derivative works in the form specified in the Legend Instructions. A working group can discuss the Contribution with the aim to decide if it should become a working group document, even though the right to produce derivative works or to publish the Contribution as an RFC has not yet been granted. However, if the Contribution is accepted for development, the Contributor must resubmit the Contribution without the limitation notices before a working group can formally adopt the Contribution as a working group document. The IETF Trust may establish different policies for granting sublicenses with respect to different types of Contributions and content within Contributions (such as executable code versus descriptive text or references to third-party materials). The IETF Trust's policies concerning the granting of sublicenses to make derivative works will be guided by RFC [RFC5377].

IETFワーキンググループがワーキンググループのドキュメントとして貢献を受け入れるか、それに取り組むために、デリバティブ作品を作成する権利を認めなければなりません。貢献者が標準トラックRFCとして公開を要求する非労働グループの貢献の場合、IESGがIETFの最後の呼び出しを発行する前に、デリバティブ作品を作成する権利を認めなければなりません。IESGがインターネットドラフトを発行するために検討する前に。貢献者は、IETF標準プロセスの開発のために貢献が受け入れられているかどうかを知る前に、出版権または派生作品を生産する権利を認めたくない場合があります。これらの場合、貢献者は、凡例の指示で指定された形式で派生作業を行う権利の制限を含めることができます。ワーキンググループは、デリバティブ作品を作成する権利やRFCとしての貢献を公開する権利がまだ付与されていない場合でも、ワーキンググループのドキュメントになるべきかどうかを決定する目的で貢献について話し合うことができます。ただし、開発のために貢献が受け入れられた場合、貢献者は、ワーキンググループがワーキンググループドキュメントとして拠出を正式に採用する前に、制限通知なしに拠出を再提出する必要があります。IETF Trustは、さまざまな種類の貢献とコンテンツに関して昇給を付与するためのさまざまなポリシーを確立する場合があります(実行可能コード対記述テキスト、またはサードパーティ資料への参照など)。デリバティブ作品を作成するためのサブライセンスの付与に関するIETFトラストのポリシーは、RFC [RFC5377]によって導かれます。

The IETF has historically encouraged organizations to publish details of their technologies, even when the technologies are proprietary, because understanding how existing technology is being used helps when developing new technology. But organizations that publish information about proprietary technologies are frequently not willing to have the IETF produce revisions of the technologies and then possibly claim that the IETF version is the "new version" of the organization's technology. Organizations that feel this way can specify that a Contribution be published with the other rights granted under this document but may withhold the right to produce derivative works other than translations.


In addition, IETF Documents frequently make normative references to standards or recommendations developed by other standards organizations. Since the publications of some standards organizations are not public documents, it can be quite helpful to the IETF to republish, with the permission of the other standards organization, some of these documents as RFCs so that the IETF community can have open access to them to better understand what they are referring to. In these cases, the RFCs can be published without the right for the IETF to produce derivative works. In both of the above cases, in which the production of derivative works is excluded, the Contributor must include a special legend in the Contribution, as specified in the Legend Instructions, in order to notify IETF participants about this restriction.


3.4. Rights to Use Trademarks
3.4. 商標を使用する権利

Contributors may wish to seek trademark or service mark protection on any terms that are coined or used in their Contributions. The IETF makes no judgment about the validity of any such trademark rights. However, the IETF requires each Contributor, under the licenses described in Section 5.3 below, to grant the IETF Trust a perpetual license to use any such trademarks or service marks solely in exercising rights to reproduce, publish, discuss, and modify the IETF Contribution. This license does not authorize the IETF or others to use any trademark or service mark in connection with any product or service offering.


3.5. 貢献は著作権の対象ではありません

Certain documents, including those produced by the U.S. government and those which are in the public domain, may not be protected by the same copyright and other legal rights as other documents. Nevertheless, we ask each Contributor to grant to the IETF the same rights he or she would grant, and to make the same representations, as though the IETF Contribution were protected by the same legal rights as other documents, and as though the Contributor could be able to grant these rights. We ask for these grants and representations only to the extent that the Contribution may be protected. We believe they are necessary to protect the ISOC, the IETF Trust, the IETF, the IETF Standards Process, and all IETF participants, and because the IETF does not have the resources or wherewithal to make any independent investigation as to the actual proprietary status of any document submitted to it.


3.6. RFCSの著作権

As noted above, Contributors to the IETF (or their employers) retain ownership of the copyright in their Contributions. This includes Internet-Drafts and all other Contributions made within the IETF Standards Process (e.g., via e-mail, oral comment, and otherwise). However, it is important that the IETF (through the IETF Trust) own the copyright in documents that are published as RFCs (other than Informational RFCs and RFCs that are submitted as RFC Editor Contributions). Ownership of the copyright in an RFC does not diminish the Contributors' rights in their underlying contributions, but it does prevent anyone other than the IETF Trust (and its licensees) from republishing or modifying an RFC in RFC format. In this respect, Contributors are treated the same as anybody else: though they may extract and republish their own Contributions without limitation, they may not do so in the RFC format used by the IETF. And while this principle (which is included in Section 5.9 below) may appear to be new to the IETF, it actually reflects historical practice and has been observed for many years through the inclusion of an ISOC or IETF Trust copyright notice on all RFC documents since the publication of RFC 2026.

上記のように、IETF(またはその雇用主)への貢献者は、貢献における著作権の所有権を保持しています。これには、IETF標準プロセス内で行われたインターネットドラフトおよびその他のすべての貢献が含まれます(たとえば、電子メール、口頭コメントなど)。ただし、IETF(IETFトラストを通じて)がRFCSとして公開されているドキュメントの著作権を所有していることが重要です(RFCエディターの寄付として提出された情報RFCおよびRFC以外)。RFCの著作権の所有権は、根本的な貢献における貢献者の権利を減少させるものではありませんが、IETFトラスト(およびそのライセンシー)以外の人がRFC形式でRFCを再発行または変更することを妨げます。この点で、貢献者は他の人と同じように扱われます。彼らは独自の貢献を抽出して再発行することができますが、IETFが使用するRFC形式ではそうしないかもしれません。また、この原則(以下のセクション5.9に含まれています)はIETFに新しいように見えるかもしれませんが、実際には歴史的慣行を反映しており、すべてのRFCドキュメントにISOCまたはIETFトラストの著作権通知を含めることにより、長年にわたって観察されてきました。RFC 2026の出版。

4. Non-IETF Documents
4. 非etfドキュメント

This document only relates to Contributions made as part of the IETF Processes. Other documents that are referred to as Internet-Drafts and RFCs may be submitted to and published by the RFC Editor independently of the IETF Standards Process. Such documents are not covered by this document, unless the controlling entity for that document stream, as described in [RFC4844] chooses to apply these rules. Non-IETF Contributions must be marked appropriately as described in the Legend Instructions. See the RFC Editor web page for information about the policies concerning rights in RFC Editor Documents; for other document streams, the controlling entity must be contacted. See Section 11 for a declaration from the IAB on this matter.


5. Rights in Contributions
5. 貢献の権利
5.1. General Policy
5.1. 一般的なポリシー

By submission of a Contribution, each person actually submitting the Contribution and each named co-Contributor is deemed to have read and understood the rules and requirements set forth in this document. Each Contributor is deemed, by the act of submitting a Contribution, to enter into a legally-binding agreement to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this document.


The Contributor is further deemed to have agreed that he/she has obtained the necessary permissions to enter into such an agreement from any party that the Contributor reasonably and personally knows may have rights in the Contribution, including, but not limited to, the Contributor's sponsor or employer.


No further acknowledgment, signature, or other action is required to bind a Contributor to these terms and conditions. The operation of the IETF and the work conducted by its many participants is dependent on such agreement by each Contributor, and each IETF participant expressly relies on the agreement of each Contributor to the terms and conditions set forth in this document.


5.2. Confidentiality Obligations
5.2. 機密性の義務

No information or document that is subject to any requirement of confidentiality or any restriction on its dissemination may be submitted as a Contribution or otherwise considered in any part of the IETF Standards Process, and there must be no assumption of any confidentiality obligation with respect to any Contribution. Each Contributor agrees that any statement in a Contribution, whether generated automatically or otherwise, that states or implies that the Contribution is confidential or subject to any privilege, can be disregarded for all purposes, and will be of no force or effect.


5.3. Rights Granted by Contributors to the IETF Trust
5.3. IETFトラストへの貢献者によって付与された権利

To the extent that a Contribution or any portion thereof is protected by copyright or other rights of authorship, the Contributor and each named co-Contributor grant a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide, sublicensable right and license to the IETF Trust under all such copyrights and other rights in the Contribution:


a. to copy, publish, display, and distribute the Contribution, in whole or in part,

a. 貢献をコピー、公開、表示、配布するには、全体または部分的に、

b. to prepare translations of the Contribution into languages other than English, in whole or in part, and to copy, publish, display, and distribute such translations or portions thereof,

b. 貢献の翻訳を英語以外の言語への翻訳を全部または一部に準備し、そのような翻訳またはその部分をコピー、公開、表示、および配布するために、

c. to modify or prepare derivative works (in addition to translations) that are based on or incorporate all or part of the Contribution, and to copy, publish, display, and distribute such derivative works, or portions thereof unless explicitly disallowed in the notices contained in a Contribution (in the form specified by the Legend Instructions), and

c. 貢献のすべてまたは一部に基づいている、または組み込まれた派生物の作業(翻訳に加えて)を変更または準備し、そのようなデリバティブ作業、またはその部分をコピー、公開、表示、または配布するために、貢献(伝説の指示によって指定された形式)、および

d. to reproduce any trademarks, service marks, or trade names which are included in the Contribution solely in connection with the reproduction, distribution, or publication of the Contribution and derivative works thereof as permitted by this Section 5.3, provided that when reproducing Contributions, trademark and service mark identifiers used in the Contribution, including TM and (R), will be preserved.

d. このセクション5.3で許可されている貢献およびデリバティブ作業の再現、配布、または出版に関連して貢献に含まれる商標、サービスマーク、または商品名を再現するために、貢献、商標、および商標登録、および繁殖するときに条件で許可されています。TMおよび(R)を含む貢献で使用されるサービスマーク識別子は保持されます。

5.4. Sublicenses by the IETF Trust
5.4. IETFトラストによるサブライセンス

The IETF Trust will sublicense the rights granted to it under Section 5.3 to all IETF participants for use within the IETF Standards Process. This license is expressly granted under a license agreement issued by the IETF Trust, which can be found at http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info.


This license is expressly granted under a license agreement issued by the IETF Trust and must contain a pointer to the full IETF Trust agreement.


In addition, the IETF Trust may grant additional sublicenses of the licenses granted to it hereunder. In doing so, the IETF Trust will comply with the guidance provided under RFC 5377 [RFC5377].

さらに、IETF Trustは、本契約に基づいて付与されたライセンスの追加のサブライセンスを付与する場合があります。そうすることで、IETFトラストは、RFC 5377 [RFC5377]に基づいて提供されるガイダンスに準拠します。

5.5. No Patent License
5.5. 特許免許はありません

The licenses granted in Section 5.3 shall not be deemed to grant any right under any patent, patent application, or other similar intellectual property right disclosed by the Contributor under BCP 79 [RFC3979] or otherwise.

セクション5.3で付与されたライセンスは、BCP 79 [RFC3979]またはその他の貢献者によって開示された権利、またはその他の同様の知的財産に基づいて権利を付与するとみなされません。

5.6. Representations and Warranties
5.6. 表現と保証

With respect to each Contribution, each Contributor represents that, to the best of his or her knowledge and ability:


a. The Contribution properly acknowledges all Contributors, including Indirect Contributors.

a. 貢献は、間接的な貢献者を含むすべての貢献者を適切に認めています。

b. No information in the Contribution is confidential, and the IETF, IETF Trust, ISOC, and its affiliated organizations may freely disclose any information in the Contribution.

b. 貢献の情報は機密であり、IETF、IETF Trust、ISOC、およびその関連組織は、貢献の情報を自由に開示することができます。

c. There are no limits to the Contributor's ability to make the grants, acknowledgments, and agreements herein that are reasonably and personally known to the Contributor.

c. 貢献者に合理的かつ個人的に知られている補助金、謝辞、および契約を行う貢献者の能力に制限はありません。

d. The Contributor has not intentionally included in the Contribution any material that is defamatory or untrue or which is illegal under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Contributor has his or her principal place of business or residence.

d. 貢献者は、貢献者が主要なビジネスまたは居住地を持っている管轄権の法律に基づいて、名誉ation損または真実ではない、または違法である資料を貢献に意図的に含めていません。

e. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and other proprietary names used in the Contribution that are reasonably and personally known to the Contributor are clearly designated as such where reasonable.

e. 貢献者に合理的かつ個人的に知られている貢献で使用されるすべての商標、商品名、サービスマーク、およびその他の独自の名前は、そのように合理的な場合に明確に指定されています。

5.7. No Duty to Publish
5.7. 公開する義務はありません

The Contributor, and each named co-Contributor, acknowledges that the IETF has no duty to publish or otherwise use or disseminate any Contribution. The IETF reserves the right to withdraw or cease using any Contribution that does not comply with the requirements of this Section 5.


5.8. Trademarks
5.8. 商標

Contributors who claim trademark rights in terms used in their IETF Contributions are requested to state specifically what conditions apply to implementers of the technology relative to the use of such trademarks. Such statements should be submitted in the same way as is done for other intellectual property claims. (See [RFC3979] Section 6.)


5.9. RFCSの著作権

Subject to each Contributor's (or its sponsor's) ownership of its underlying Contributions as described in Section 5.6 (which ownership is qualified by the irrevocable licenses granted under Section 5.3), each Contributor hereby acknowledges that the copyright in any RFC in which such Contribution is included, other than an RFC that is an RFC Editor Contribution, shall be owned by the IETF Trust. Such Contributor shall be deemed to assign to the IETF Trust such Contributor's copyright interest in the collective work constituting

セクション5.6(セクション5.3に基づいて付与された取消不能ライセンスによって資格がある)で説明されている基礎となる貢献の各貢献者(またはそのスポンサー)の所有権を条件として、各貢献者は、そのような貢献が含まれているRFCの著作権が含まれていることを認めています。、RFCエディターの貢献であるRFC以外は、IETF Trustが所有するものとします。そのような貢献者は、IETF Trustにそのような貢献者の著作権を構成する集団作業に割り当てるとみなされるものとする

such RFC upon the submission of such RFC for publication, and acknowledges that a copyright notice acknowledging the IETF Trust's ownership of the copyright in such RFC will be included in the published RFC.

このようなRFCが発行するために提出されたこのRFCは、IETF TrustのそのようなRFCの著作権の所有権を認める著作権通知が公開されたRFCに含まれることを認めます。

5.10. Contributors' Retention of Rights
5.10. 貢献者の権利の保持

Although Contributors provide specific rights to the IETF, it is not intended that this should deprive them of their right to exploit their Contributions. To underscore this principle, the IETF Trust is directed to issue a license or assurance to Contributors, which confirms that they may each make use of their Contributions as published in an RFC in any way they wish, subject only to the restriction that no Contributor has the right to represent any document as an RFC, or equivalent of an RFC, if it is not a full and complete copy or translation of the published RFC.


6. Legends, Notices and Other Standardized Text in IETF Documents
6. IETFドキュメントの伝説、通知、その他の標準化されたテキスト

The IETF requires that certain standardized text be reproduced verbatim in certain IETF Documents (including copies, derivative works, and translations of IETF Documents). Some of this standardized text may be mandatory (e.g., copyright notices and disclaimers that must be included in all RFCs) and some may be optional (e.g., limitations on the right to make derivative works). The text itself, as well as the rules that explain when and how it must be used, is contained in the Legend Instructions. The Legend Instructions may be updated from time to time, and the version of the standardized text that must be included in IETF Documents is that which was posted in the Legend Instructions on the date of publication.


The IETF reserves the right to refuse to publish Contributions that do not include the legends and notices required by the Legend Instructions.


It is important to note that each Contributor grants the IETF Trust rights pursuant to this document and the policies described herein. The legends and notices included in certain written Contributions such as Internet-Drafts do not themselves convey any rights. They are simply included to inform the reader (whether or not part of the IETF) about certain legal rights and limitations associated with such documents.


It is also important to note that additional copyright notices are not permitted in IETF Documents except in the case where such document is the product of a joint development effort between the IETF and another standards development organization or is a republication of the work of another standards development organization. Such exceptions must be approved on an individual basis by the IAB.


7. Security Considerations
7. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

This memo relates to the IETF process, not any particular technology. There are security considerations when adopting any technology, but there are no known issues of security with IETF Contribution rights policies.


8. References
8. 参考文献
8.1. Normative References
8.1. 引用文献

[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.

[RFC2026] Bradner、S。、「インターネット標準プロセス - リビジョン3」、BCP 9、RFC 2026、1996年10月。

[RFC2028] Hovey, R. and S. Bradner, "The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards Process", BCP 11, RFC 2028, October 1996.

[RFC2028] Hovey、R。およびS. Bradner、「IETF標準プロセスに関与する組織」、BCP 11、RFC 2028、1996年10月。

[RFC3979] Bradner, S., Ed., "Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology", BCP 79, RFC 3979, March 2005.

[RFC3979] Bradner、S.、ed。、「IETFテクノロジーの知的財産権」、BCP 79、RFC 3979、2005年3月。

[RFC4371] Carpenter, B., Ed., and L. Lynch, Ed., "BCP 101 Update for IPR Trust", BCP 101, RFC 4371, January 2006.

[RFC4371] Carpenter、B.、ed。、およびL. Lynch、ed。、「BCP 101 Update for IPR Trust」、BCP 101、RFC 4371、2006年1月。

8.2. Informative References
8.2. 参考引用

[RFC3978] Bradner, S., Ed., "IETF Rights in Contributions", BCP 78, RFC 3978, March 2005.

[RFC3978] Bradner、S.、ed。、「貢献におけるIETFの権利」、BCP 78、RFC 3978、2005年3月。

[RFC4748] Bradner, S., Ed., "RFC 3978 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust", BCP 78, RFC 4748, October 2006.

[RFC4748] Bradner、S.、ed。、「RFC 3978 IETF Trustの認識への更新」、BCP 78、RFC 4748、2006年10月。

[RFC4844] Daigle, L., Ed., and Internet Architecture Board, "The RFC Series and RFC Editor", RFC 4844, July 2007.

[RFC4844] Daigle、L.、ed。、およびInternet Architecture Board、「The RFC Series and RFC Editor」、RFC 4844、2007年7月。

[RFC5377] Halpern, J., Ed., "Advice to the Trustees of the IETF Trust on Rights to be Granted in IETF Documents", RFC 5377, November 2008.

[RFC5377] Halpern、J.、ed。、「IETF文書で付与される権利に関するIETF信託の受託者へのアドバイス」、RFC 5377、2008年11月。

[Berne] "Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work", http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ip/berne/ trtdocs_wo001.html.

[Berne]「文学的および芸術的作品の保護のためのベルン条約」、http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ip/berne/ trtdocs_wo001.html。

9. Acknowledgments
9. 謝辞

The editors would like to acknowledge the help the IETF IPR Working Group provided during the development of the document.

編集者は、ドキュメントの開発中に提供されたIETF IPRワーキンググループのヘルプを認めたいと考えています。

10. Changes since RFC 3978
10. RFC 3978以降の変更

This document represents a significant reorganization and rewording of RFC 3978, along with a number of substantive changes.

このドキュメントは、RFC 3978の重要な再編成と再編成と、多くの実質的な変更を表しています。

The most basic change is to limit this document to the rights that a Contributor grants to the IETF Trust when making a Contribution. All sublicenses of rights for the use of IETF Documents must be provided by the IETF Trust. (See Section 5.4.)


Material added from RFC 4748 that recognized the IETF Trust.

IETFトラストを認識したRFC 4748から追加されました。

Most of the material relating to RFC Editor documents has been removed since the RFC Editor maintains their own rules and processes for RFC Editor documents. Renamed these documents to "non-IETF documents". Added section 11 from the IAB discussing this topic.


Changes in the definitions section include defining the terms "Contribution", "Indirect Contributor", "Copyright", "IETF Trust", and "Legend Instructions", as well as minor tweaks to some of the other definitions.


The responsibility for the text of notices has been given to the IETF Trust and removed from this document. (See Section 6.)


Clarified that Contributors enter into a legally binding contract when they submit a Contribution. (See Section 5.1.)


The right to produce derivative works provided by the Contributor to the IETF Trust is not limited to being within the IETF Standards Process.


Made it clear that this document does not deal with patent licenses. (See Section 5.5.)


Clarified the ownership of the Copyrights to IETF Documents. (See Section 5.9.)


Clarified the rights retained by authors of IETF Contributions. (See Section 5.10.)


11. Declaration from the IAB
11. IABからの宣言

The IAB discussed the IPR documents during its most recent call. It unanimously decided that the IAB stream is to be covered by the incoming IPR document. It is our understanding that IAB stream documents' IPR are then automatically covered by the outbound rights that the IETF Trust will establish based on the advice in [RFC5377].


We also want to stress that, for any change in the inbound rights for streams other than the IETF and IAB streams, there needs to be a stream-dependent discussion and approval process, as indicated in RFC 4844, "The RFC Series and RFC Editor" [RFC4844], section 4.2.3.

また、IETFおよびIABストリーム以外のストリームのインバウンド権の変更のために、RFC 4844に示されているように、RFCシリーズとRFCエディターに示されているように、ストリーム依存の議論と承認プロセスが必要であることを強調したいと思います。「[RFC4844]、セクション4.2.3。

To that extent, section 4 of the document should explicitly mention that the IRTF, the Independent, and any possible future streams are not covered by the document.


For the IAB,


Olaf Kolkman April 4, 2008

Olaf Kolkman 2008年4月4日

Editors' Addresses


Scott Bradner Harvard University 29 Oxford St. Cambridge MA, 02138 USA

スコットブラッドナーハーバード大学29オックスフォードセントケンブリッジMA、02138 USA

   Phone: +1 617 495 3864
   EMail: sob@harvard.edu

Jorge L. Contreras WilmerHale 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006 USA

ホルヘ・L・コントレラス・ウィルマーヘイル1875ペンシルバニアアベニューNWワシントンDC 20006 USA

   Phone: +1 202 663 6872
   EMail: jorge.contreras@wilmerhale.com