[要約] RFC 8783は、分散型サービス拒否(DDoS)攻撃の脅威情報を共有するためのDOTSデータチャネルの仕様です。このRFCの目的は、DDoS攻撃の検出と防御を改善し、インターネット上のネットワークリソースを保護することです。

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                 M. Boucadair, Ed.
Request for Comments: 8783                                        Orange
Category: Standards Track                                T. Reddy.K, Ed.
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                   McAfee
                                                                May 2020

Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Data Channel Specification

分散型サービス拒否のOpen Threat Signaling(DOTS)データチャネル仕様



The document specifies a Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) data channel used for bulk exchange of data that cannot easily or appropriately communicated through the DOTS signal channel under attack conditions.

この文書は、攻撃条件下でDOTS信号チャネルを介して容易にまたは適切に通信できないデータのバルク交換に使用される分散型サービス拒否のOpen Threat Signaling(DOTS)データチャネルを指定しています。

This is a companion document to "Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification" (RFC 8782).

これは、「分散型サービス拒否のOpen Threat Signaling(DOTS)信号チャネル仕様」(RFC 8782)の関連ドキュメントです。

Status of This Memo


This is an Internet Standards Track document.

これはInternet Standards Trackドキュメントです。

This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

このドキュメントは、IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)の製品です。これは、IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受け、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)による公開が承認されました。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2をご覧ください。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8783.


Copyright Notice


Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2020 IETFトラストおよびドキュメントの作成者として識別された人物。全著作権所有。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

この文書は、BCP 78およびIETF文書に関するIETFトラストの法的規定(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)の対象であり、この文書の発行日に有効です。これらのドキュメントは、このドキュメントに関するあなたの権利と制限を説明しているため、注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、Trust Legal Provisionsのセクション4.eに記載されているSimplified BSD Licenseのテキストが含まれている必要があり、Simplified BSD Licenseに記載されているように保証なしで提供されます。

Table of Contents


   1.  Introduction
   2.  Terminology
   3.  DOTS Data Channel
     3.1.  Design Overview
     3.2.  DOTS Server(s) Discovery
     3.3.  DOTS Gateways
     3.4.  Detecting and Preventing Infinite Loops
     3.5.  Preventing Stale Entries
   4.  DOTS Data Channel YANG Module
     4.1.  Generic Tree Structure
     4.2.  Filtering Fields
     4.3.  YANG Module
   5.  Managing DOTS Clients
     5.1.  Registering DOTS Clients
     5.2.  De-registering DOTS Clients
   6.  Managing DOTS Aliases
     6.1.  Creating Aliases
     6.2.  Retrieving Installed Aliases
     6.3.  Deleting Aliases
   7.  Managing DOTS Filtering Rules
     7.1.  Retrieving DOTS Filtering Capabilities
     7.2.  Installing Filtering Rules
     7.3.  Retrieving Installed Filtering Rules
     7.4.  Removing Filtering Rules
   8.  Operational Considerations
   9.  IANA Considerations
   10. Security Considerations
   11. References
     11.1.  Normative References
     11.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Examples: Filtering Fragments
   Appendix B.  Examples: Filtering TCP Messages
     B.1.  Discard TCP Null Attack
     B.2.  Rate-Limit SYN Flooding
     B.3.  Rate-Limit ACK Flooding
   Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make machines or network resources unavailable to their intended users. In most cases, sufficient scale can be achieved by compromising enough end hosts and using those infected hosts to perpetrate and amplify the attack. The victim of such an attack can be an application server, a router, a firewall, an entire network, etc.


As discussed in [RFC8612], the lack of a common method to coordinate a real-time response among involved actors and network domains inhibits the speed and effectiveness of DDoS attack mitigation. From that standpoint, DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) defines an architecture that allows a DOTS client to send requests to a DOTS server for DDoS attack mitigation [DOTS-ARCH]. The DOTS approach is thus meant to minimize the impact of DDoS attacks, thereby contributing to the enforcement of more efficient defensive if not proactive security strategies. To that aim, DOTS defines two channels: the signal channel and the data channel (Figure 1).

[RFC8612]で説明されているように、関係するアクターとネットワークドメイン間でリアルタイムの応答を調整する一般的な方法がないため、DDoS攻撃の軽減の速度と有効性が阻害されます。その観点から、DDoS Open Threat Signaling(DOTS)は、DOTSクライアントがDDoS攻撃軽減のためにDOTSサーバーにリクエストを送信できるようにするアーキテクチャを定義します[DOTS-ARCH]。したがって、DOTSアプローチは、DDoS攻撃の影響を最小限に抑えることを目的としているため、予防的なセキュリティ戦略ではなくても、より効率的な防御の実施に貢献します。そのために、DOTSは信号チャネルとデータチャネルの2つのチャネルを定義します(図1)。

   +---------------+                                 +---------------+
   |               | <------- Signal Channel ------> |               |
   |  DOTS Client  |                                 |  DOTS Server  |
   |               | <=======  Data Channel  ======> |               |
   +---------------+                                 +---------------+

Figure 1: DOTS Channels


The DOTS signal channel is used to carry information about a device or a network (or a part thereof) that is under a DDoS attack. Such information is sent by a DOTS client to an upstream DOTS server so that appropriate mitigation actions are undertaken on traffic deemed suspicious. The DOTS signal channel is further elaborated in [RFC8782].

DOTS信号チャネルは、DDoS攻撃を受けているデバイスまたはネットワーク(またはその一部)に関する情報を伝送するために使用されます。このような情報はDOTSクライアントから上流のDOTSサーバーに送信されるため、疑わしいと思われるトラフィックに対して適切な緩和アクションが実行されます。 DOTS信号チャネルは、[RFC8782]でさらに詳しく説明されています。

The DOTS data channel is used for infrequent bulk data exchange between DOTS agents to significantly improve the coordination of all the parties involved in the response to the attack. Section 2 of [DOTS-ARCH] mentions that the DOTS data channel is used to perform the following tasks:

DOTSデータチャネルは、攻撃への応答に関与するすべての関係者の調整を大幅に改善するために、DOTSエージェント間の頻繁でないバルクデータ交換に使用されます。 [DOTS-ARCH]のセクション2では、DOTSデータチャネルは次のタスクを実行するために使用されると述べています。

* Creation of aliases for resources for which mitigation may be requested.

* 軽減が要求される可能性のあるリソースのエイリアスの作成。

A DOTS client may submit to its DOTS server a collection of prefixes to which it would like to refer by an alias when requesting mitigation. The DOTS server can respond to this request with either a success or failure response (see Section 2 of [DOTS-ARCH]).

DOTSクライアントは、緩和を要求するときにエイリアスによって参照するプレフィックスのコレクションをそのDOTSサーバーに送信できます。 DOTSサーバーは、このリクエストに成功または失敗の応答で応答できます([DOTS-ARCH]のセクション2を参照)。

Refer to Section 6 for more details.


* Policy management, which enables a DOTS client to request the installation or withdrawal of traffic filters, the dropping or rate-limiting of unwanted traffic, and the permitting of accept-listed traffic. A DOTS client is entitled to instruct filtering rules only on IP resources that belong to its domain.

* DOTSクライアントがトラフィックフィルターのインストールまたは撤回、不要なトラフィックのドロップまたはレート制限、および許可リストに記載されたトラフィックの許可を要求できるようにするポリシー管理。 DOTSクライアントは、そのドメインに属するIPリソースに対してのみフィルタリングルールを指示することができます。

Sample use cases for populating drop- or accept-list filtering rules are detailed hereafter:


- If a network resource (DOTS client) is informed about a potential DDoS attack from a set of IP addresses, the DOTS client informs its servicing DOTS gateway of all suspect IP addresses that need to be drop-listed for further investigation. The DOTS client could also specify a list of protocols and port numbers in the drop-list rule.

- ネットワークリソース(DOTSクライアント)が一連のIPアドレスからの潜在的なDDoS攻撃について通知を受けた場合、DOTSクライアントは、サービスを提供するDOTSゲートウェイに、さらに調査するためにドロップリストに含める必要があるすべての疑わしいIPアドレスを通知します。 DOTSクライアントは、ドロップリストルールでプロトコルとポート番号のリストを指定することもできます。

The DOTS gateway then propagates the drop-listed IP addresses to a DOTS server, which will undertake appropriate actions so that traffic originated by these IP addresses to the target network (specified by the DOTS client) is blocked.


- A network that has partner sites from which only legitimate traffic arrives may want to ensure that the traffic from these sites is not subjected to DDoS attack mitigation. The DOTS client uses the DOTS data channel to convey the accept-listed IP prefixes of the partner sites to its DOTS server.

- 正当なトラフィックのみが到着するパートナーサイトがあるネットワークでは、これらのサイトからのトラフィックがDDoS攻撃の緩和を受けないようにする必要がある場合があります。 DOTSクライアントは、DOTSデータチャネルを使用して、パートナーサイトの許可リストにあるIPプレフィックスをDOTSサーバーに伝達します。

The DOTS server uses this information to accept-list flows originated by such IP prefixes and which reach the network.


Refer to Section 7 for more details.


2. Terminology
2. 用語

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


The reader should be familiar with the terms defined in [RFC8612].


The terminology for describing YANG modules is defined in [RFC7950]. The meaning of the symbols in the tree diagrams is defined in [RFC8340].


This document generalizes the notion of Access Control List (ACL) so that it is not device specific [RFC8519]. As such, this document defines an ACL as an ordered set of rules that is used to filter traffic. Each rule is represented by an Access Control Entry (ACE). ACLs communicated via the DOTS data channel are not bound to a device interface.

このドキュメントでは、デバイス固有ではないように、アクセス制御リスト(ACL)の概念を一般化しています[RFC8519]。そのため、このドキュメントでは、ACLを、トラフィックのフィルタリングに使用される規則の規則的なセットとして定義しています。各ルールは、アクセス制御エントリ(ACE)によって表されます。 DOTSデータチャネルを介して通信されるACLは、デバイスインターフェイスにバインドされていません。

For the sake of simplicity, the examples in this document use "/restconf" as the discovered RESTCONF API root path. Within the examples, many protocol header lines and message-body text are split into multiple lines for display purposes only. When a line ends with backslash ('\') as the last character, the line is wrapped for display purposes. It is to be considered to be joined to the next line by deleting the backslash, the following line break, and the leading whitespace of the next line.

簡単にするために、このドキュメントの例では、検出されたRESTCONF APIルートパスとして「/ restconf」を使用しています。例では、多くのプロトコルヘッダー行とメッセージ本文のテキストが、表示のみを目的として複数行に分割されています。行が最後の文字としてバックスラッシュ( '\')で終わる場合、その行は表示のために折り返されます。バックスラッシュ、次の改行、および次の行の先頭の空白を削除することにより、次の行に結合されていると見なされます。

3. DOTS Data Channel
3. DOTSデータチャネル
3.1. Design Overview
3.1. 設計の概要

Unlike the DOTS signal channel, which must remain operational even when confronted with signal degradation due to packet loss, the DOTS data channel is not expected to be fully operational at all times, especially when a DDoS attack is underway. The requirements for a DOTS data channel protocol are documented in [RFC8612].

パケット損失による信号の劣化に直面した場合でも動作を維持する必要があるDOTS信号チャネルとは異なり、DOTSデータチャネルは、特にDDoS攻撃が進行中の場合、常に完全に動作するとは限りません。 DOTSデータチャネルプロトコルの要件は、[RFC8612]に文書化されています。

This specification does not require an order of DOTS signal and data channel creation nor does it mandate a time interval between them. These considerations are implementation and deployment specific.


As the primary function of the data channel is data exchange, a reliable transport mode is required in order for DOTS agents to detect data delivery success or failure. This document uses RESTCONF [RFC8040] over TLS over TCP as the DOTS data channel protocol. The abstract layering of the DOTS data channel is shown in Figure 2.

データチャネルの主な機能はデータ交換であるため、DOTSエージェントがデータ配信の成功または失敗を検出するには、信頼性の高いトランスポートモードが必要です。このドキュメントでは、DOTSデータチャネルプロトコルとしてRESTCONF [RFC8040] over TLS over TCPを使用しています。図2に、DOTSデータチャネルの抽象的な階層を示します。

                           | DOTS Data Channel |
                           |      RESTCONF     |
                           |        TLS        |
                           |        TCP        |
                           |        IP         |

Figure 2: Abstract Layering of DOTS Data Channel


The HTTP POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods are used to edit data resources represented by DOTS data channel YANG modules. These basic edit operations allow a DOTS client to alter the running configuration of the DOTS data channel. Rules for generating and processing RESTCONF methods are defined in Section 4 of [RFC8040].

HTTP POST、PUT、PATCH、およびDELETEメソッドは、DOTSデータチャネルYANGモジュールによって表されるデータリソースを編集するために使用されます。これらの基本的な編集操作により、DOTSクライアントはDOTSデータチャネルの実行構成を変更できます。 RESTCONFメソッドの生成と処理のルールは、[RFC8040]のセクション4で定義されています。

DOTS data channel configuration information as well as state information can be retrieved with the GET method. An HTTP status-line is returned for each request to report success or failure for RESTCONF operations (Section 5.4 of [RFC8040]). The error-tag provides more information about encountered errors (Section 7 of [RFC8040]).

DOTSデータチャネルの構成情報と状態情報は、GETメソッドを使用して取得できます。 RESTCONF操作の成功または失敗を報告するリクエストごとにHTTPステータス行が返されます([RFC8040]のセクション5.4)。エラータグは、発生したエラーに関する詳細情報を提供します([RFC8040]のセクション7)。

DOTS clients perform the root resource discovery procedure discussed in Section 3.1 of [RFC8040] to determine the root of the RESTCONF API. After discovering the RESTCONF API root, a DOTS client uses this value as the initial part of the path in the request URI in any subsequent request to the DOTS server. The DOTS server may support the retrieval of the YANG modules it supports (Section 3.7 of [RFC8040]). For example, a DOTS client may use RESTCONF to retrieve the vendor-specific YANG modules supported by its DOTS server.

DOTSクライアントは、[RFC8040]のセクション3.1で説明されているルートリソース検出手順を実行して、RESTCONF APIのルートを決定します。 RESTCONF APIルートを検出した後、DOTSクライアントは、この値をDOTSサーバーへの後続のリクエストのリクエストURIのパスの最初の部分として使用します。 DOTSサーバーは、サポートするYANGモジュールの取得をサポートする場合があります([RFC8040]のセクション3.7)。たとえば、DOTSクライアントはRESTCONFを使用して、そのDOTSサーバーでサポートされているベンダー固有のYANGモジュールを取得できます。

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [RFC8259] payloads are used to propagate the DOTS data-channel-specific payload messages that carry request parameters and response information, such as errors. This specification uses the encoding rules defined in [RFC7951] for representing DOTS data channel configuration data using YANG (Section 4) as JSON text.

JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)[RFC8259]ペイロードは、リクエストパラメータとエラーなどの応答情報を運ぶDOTSデータチャネル固有のペイロードメッセージを伝播するために使用されます。この仕様では、[RFC7951]で定義されているエンコードルールを使用して、YANG(セクション4)をJSONテキストとして使用するDOTSデータチャネル構成データを表します。

A DOTS client registers itself with its DOTS server(s) in order to set up DOTS data channel-related configuration data and to receive state data (i.e., non-configuration data) from the DOTS server(s) (Section 5). Mutual authentication considerations are specified in Section 8 of [RFC8782]. The coupling of signal and data channels is discussed in Section 4.4.1 of [RFC8782].


A DOTS client can either maintain a persistent connection or initiate periodic connections with its DOTS server(s). If the DOTS client needs to frequently update the drop-list or accept-list filtering rules or aliases, it maintains a persistent connection with the DOTS server. For example, CAPTCHA and cryptographic puzzles can be used by the mitigation service in the DOTS client domain to determine whether or not the IP address is used for legitimate purpose, and the DOTS client can frequently update the drop-list filtering rules. A persistent connection is also useful if the DOTS client subscribes to event notifications (Section 6.3 of [RFC8040]). Additional considerations related to RESTCONF connection management (including, configuring the connection type or the reconnect strategy) can be found in [RESTCONF-MODELS].

DOTSクライアントは、永続的な接続を維持するか、そのDOTSサーバーとの定期的な接続を開始できます。 DOTSクライアントがドロップリストまたは受け入れリストのフィルタリングルールまたはエイリアスを頻繁に更新する必要がある場合、DOTSサーバーとの永続的な接続を維持します。たとえば、CAPTCHAと暗号化パズルを使用して、DOTSクライアントドメインの軽減サービスでIPアドレスが正当な目的で使用されているかどうかを判断でき、DOTSクライアントはドロップリストフィルタリングルールを頻繁に更新できます。 DOTSクライアントがイベント通知をサブスクライブする場合も、永続的な接続は役立ちます([RFC8040]のセクション6.3)。 RESTCONF接続管理に関連する追加の考慮事項(接続タイプや再接続戦略の構成を含む)は、[RESTCONF-MODELS]にあります。

A single DOTS data channel between DOTS agents can be used to exchange multiple requests and multiple responses. To reduce DOTS client and DOTS server workload, DOTS clients SHOULD reuse the same TLS session. While the communication to the DOTS server is quiescent, the DOTS client MAY probe the server to ensure it has maintained cryptographic state. Such probes can also keep alive firewall and/or NAT bindings. A TLS heartbeat [RFC6520] verifies that the DOTS server still has TLS state by returning a TLS message.

DOTSエージェント間の単一のDOTSデータチャネルを使用して、複数の要求と複数の応答を交換できます。 DOTSクライアントとDOTSサーバーのワークロードを減らすために、DOTSクライアントは同じTLSセッションを再利用する必要があります(SHOULD)。 DOTSサーバーへの通信が休止している間、DOTSクライアントはサーバーをプローブして、暗号化状態を維持していることを確認できます(MAY)。このようなプローブは、ファイアウォールやNATバインディングを存続させることもできます。 TLSハートビート[RFC6520]は、TLSメッセージを返すことにより、DOTSサーバーがまだTLS状態であることを確認します。

A DOTS server may detect conflicting filtering requests from distinct DOTS clients that belong to the same domain. For example, a DOTS client could request to drop-list a prefix by specifying the source prefix, while another DOTS client could request to accept-list that same source prefix, but both having the same destination prefix. DOTS servers SHOULD support a configuration parameter to indicate the behavior to follow when a conflict is detected (e.g., reject all, reject the new request, notify an administrator for validation). Section 7.2 specifies a default behavior when no instruction is supplied to a DOTS server.

DOTSサーバーは、同じドメインに属する個別のDOTSクライアントからの競合するフィルタリング要求を検出する場合があります。たとえば、DOTSクライアントはソースプレフィックスを指定してプレフィックスのドロップリストを要求できますが、別のDOTSクライアントは同じソースプレフィックスを受け入れリストに要求できますが、どちらも同じ宛先プレフィックスを持っています。 DOTSサーバーは、競合が検出されたときに従うべき動作を示す構成パラメーターをサポートする必要があります(たとえば、すべてを拒否する、新しい要求を拒否する、検証のために管理者に通知する)。セクション7.2は、DOTSサーバーに命令が提供されない場合のデフォルトの動作を指定します。

How a DOTS client synchronizes its configuration with the one maintained by its DOTS server(s) is implementation specific. For example:


* A DOTS client can systematically send a GET message before and/or after a configuration change request.

* DOTSクライアントは、構成変更要求の前後に体系的にGETメッセージを送信できます。

* A DOTS client can reestablish the disconnected DOTS session after an attack is mitigated. Then, it sends a GET message before a configuration change request.

* DOTSクライアントは、攻撃が軽減された後、切断されたDOTSセッションを再確立できます。次に、構成変更要求の前にGETメッセージを送信します。

NAT considerations for the DOTS data channel are similar to those discussed in Section 3 of [RFC8782].


The translation of filtering rules instantiated on a DOTS server into network configuration actions is out of scope of this specification.


Some of the fields introduced in Section 4 are also discussed in Sections 5, 6, and 7. These sections are authoritative for these fields.


3.2. DOTS Server(s) Discovery
3.2. DOTSサーバーの検出

This document assumes that DOTS clients are provisioned with the knowledge of how to reach their DOTS server(s), which could occur by a variety of means (e.g., local configuration or dynamic means such as DHCP [DOTS-SERVER-DISC]). The specification of such means are out of scope of this document.

このドキュメントでは、DOTSクライアントが、さまざまな手段(ローカル構成やDHCP [DOTS-SERVER-DISC]などの動的な手段など)で発生する可能性のあるDOTSサーバーに到達する方法に関する知識を備えていることを前提としています。そのような手段の仕様は、このドキュメントの範囲外です。

Likewise, it is out of scope of this document to specify the behavior to be followed by a DOTS client to send DOTS requests when multiple DOTS servers are provisioned (e.g., contact all DOTS servers, select one DOTS server among the list).


3.3. DOTS Gateways
3.3. DOTSゲートウェイ

When a server-domain DOTS gateway is involved in DOTS data channel exchanges, the same considerations for manipulating the 'cdid' (client domain identifier) parameter specified in [RFC8782] MUST be followed by DOTS agents. As a reminder, 'cdid' is meant to assist the DOTS server in enforcing some policies (e.g., limit the number of filtering rules per DOTS client or per DOTS client domain). A loop detection mechanism for DOTS gateways is specified in Section 3.4.

サーバードメインDOTSゲートウェイがDOTSデータチャネル交換に関与している場合、[RFC8782]で指定されている「cdid」(クライアントドメイン識別子)パラメータを操作するための同じ考慮事項の後に、DOTSエージェントが続く必要があります。注意として、「cdid」は、DOTSサーバーが一部のポリシーを実施するのを支援することを目的としています(たとえば、DOTSクライアントごとまたはDOTSクライアントドメインごとのフィルタリングルールの数を制限します)。 DOTSゲートウェイのループ検出メカニズムは、セクション3.4で指定されています。

If a DOTS gateway is involved, the DOTS gateway verifies that the DOTS client is authorized to undertake a data channel action (e.g., instantiate filtering rules). If the DOTS client is authorized, it propagates the rules to the upstream DOTS server. Likewise, the DOTS server verifies that the DOTS gateway is authorized to relay data channel actions. For example, to create or purge filters, a DOTS client sends its request to its DOTS gateway. The DOTS gateway validates the rules in the request and proxies the requests containing the filtering rules to its DOTS server. When the DOTS gateway receives the associated response from the DOTS server, it propagates the response back to the DOTS client.

DOTSゲートウェイが関係している場合、DOTSゲートウェイは、DOTSクライアントがデータチャネルアクション(たとえば、フィルタリングルールのインスタンス化)を実行する権限を持っていることを確認します。 DOTSクライアントが許可されている場合、それはルールを上流のDOTSサーバーに伝搬します。同様に、DOTSサーバーは、DOTSゲートウェイがデータチャネルアクションのリレーを許可されていることを確認します。たとえば、フィルターを作成またはパージするために、DOTSクライアントはその要求をDOTSゲートウェイに送信します。 DOTSゲートウェイは、リクエスト内のルールを検証し、フィルタリングルールを含むリクエストをDOTSサーバーにプロキシします。 DOTSゲートウェイは、DOTSサーバーから関連する応答を受信すると、その応答をDOTSクライアントに伝搬します。

3.4. Detecting and Preventing Infinite Loops
3.4. 無限ループの検出と防止

In order to detect and prevent infinite loops, DOTS gateways MUST support the procedure defined in Section 5.7.1 of [RFC7230]. In particular, each intermediate DOTS gateway MUST check that none of its own information (e.g., server names, literal IP addresses) is present in the Via header field of a DOTS message it receives:


* If it detects that its own information is present in the Via header field, the DOTS gateway MUST NOT forward the DOTS message. Messages that cannot be forwarded because of a loop SHOULD be logged with a "508 Loop Detected" status-line returned to the DOTS peer. The structure of the reported error is depicted in Figure 3.

* それ自体の情報がViaヘッダーフィールドに存在することを検出した場合、DOTSゲートウェイはDOTSメッセージを転送してはなりません(MUST NOT)。ループのために転送できないメッセージは、DOTSピアに返される "508 Loop Detected"ステータス行でログに記録する必要があります(SHOULD)。報告されたエラーの構造を図3に示します。

error-app-tag: loop-detected error-tag: operation-failed error-type: transport, application error-info: <via-header> : A copy of the Via header field when the loop was detected. Description: An infinite loop has been detected when forwarding a requests via a proxy.


Figure 3: Loop Detected Error


It is RECOMMENDED that DOTS clients and gateways support methods to alert administrators about loop errors so that appropriate actions are undertaken.


* Otherwise, the DOTS agent MUST update or insert the Via header field by appending its own information.

* それ以外の場合、DOTSエージェントは独自の情報を追加して、Viaヘッダーフィールドを更新または挿入する必要があります。

Unless configured otherwise, DOTS gateways at the boundaries of a DOTS client domain SHOULD remove the previous Via header field information after checking for a loop before forwarding. This behavior is required for topology hiding purposes but can also serve to minimize potential conflicts that may arise if overlapping information is used in distinct DOTS domains (e.g., private IPv4 addresses, aliases that are not globally unique).


3.5. Preventing Stale Entries
3.5. 古いエントリの防止

In order to avoid stale entries, a lifetime is associated with alias and filtering entries created by DOTS clients. Also, DOTS servers may track the inactivity timeout of DOTS clients to detect stale entries.


4. DOTS Data Channel YANG Module
4. DOTSデータチャネルYANGモジュール
4.1. Generic Tree Structure
4.1. 一般的なツリー構造

The DOTS data channel YANG module 'ietf-dots-data-channel' provides a method for DOTS clients to manage aliases for resources for which mitigation may be requested. Such aliases may be used in subsequent DOTS signal channel exchanges to refer more efficiently to the resources under attack.

DOTSデータチャネルYANGモジュール 'ietf-dots-data-channel'は、軽減が要求される可能性があるリソースのエイリアスをDOTSクライアントが管理する方法を提供します。このようなエイリアスは、攻撃を受けているリソースをより効率的に参照するために、後続のDOTS信号チャネル交換で使用できます。

Note that the full module's tree has been split across several figures to aid the exposition of the various subtrees.


The tree structure for the DOTS alias is depicted in Figure 4.


   module: ietf-dots-data-channel
     +--rw dots-data
        +--rw dots-client* [cuid]
        |  +--rw cuid            string
        |  +--rw cdid?           string
        |  +--rw aliases
        |  |  +--rw alias* [name]
        |  |     +--rw name                 string
        |  |     +--rw target-prefix*       inet:ip-prefix
        |  |     +--rw target-port-range* [lower-port]
        |  |     |  +--rw lower-port    inet:port-number
        |  |     |  +--rw upper-port?   inet:port-number
        |  |     +--rw target-protocol*     uint8
        |  |     +--rw target-fqdn*         inet:domain-name
        |  |     +--rw target-uri*          inet:uri
        |  |     +--ro pending-lifetime?    int32
        |  +--rw acls
        |     ...
        +--ro capabilities

Figure 4: DOTS Alias Subtree


Also, the 'ietf-dots-data-channel' YANG module provides a method for DOTS clients to manage filtering rules. Examples of filtering management in a DOTS context include, but are not limited to:

また、「ietf-dots-data-channel」YANGモジュールは、DOTSクライアントがフィルタリングルールを管理するための方法を提供します。 DOTSコンテキストでのフィルタリング管理の例には、以下が含まれますが、これらに限定されません。

* Drop-list management, which enables a DOTS client to inform a DOTS server about sources from which traffic should be discarded.

* ドロップリスト管理。これにより、DOTSクライアントは、トラフィックを破棄する必要があるソースについてDOTSサーバーに通知できます。

* Accept-list management, which enables a DOTS client to inform a DOTS server about sources from which traffic should always be accepted.

* 受け入れリスト管理。これにより、DOTSクライアントは、トラフィックを常に受け​​入れるべきソースについてDOTSサーバーに通知できます。

* Policy management, which enables a DOTS client to request the installation or withdrawal of traffic filters, the dropping or rate-limiting of unwanted traffic, and the allowance of accept-listed traffic.

* DOTSクライアントがトラフィックフィルターのインストールまたは撤回、不要なトラフィックのドロップまたはレート制限、および許可リストに記載されたトラフィックの許可を要求できるようにするポリシー管理。

The tree structure for the DOTS filtering entries is depicted in Figure 5.


Investigations into the prospect of augmenting 'ietf-access-control-list' to meet DOTS requirements concluded that such a design approach did not support many of the DOTS requirements, for example:


* Retrieve a filtering entry (or all entries) created by a DOTS client.

* DOTSクライアントによって作成されたフィルタリングエントリ(またはすべてのエントリ)を取得します。

* Delete a filtering entry that was instantiated by a DOTS client.

* DOTSクライアントによってインスタンス化されたフィルタリングエントリを削除します。

Accordingly, new DOTS filtering entries (i.e., ACL) are defined that mimic the structure specified in [RFC8519]. Concretely, DOTS agents are assumed to manipulate an ordered list of ACLs; each ACL contains a separately ordered list of ACEs. Each ACE has a group of match and a group of action criteria.


Once all of the ACE entries have been iterated though with no match, then all of the following ACL's ACE entries are iterated through until the first match, at which point the specified action is applied. If there is no match during 'idle' time (i.e., no mitigation is active), then there is no further action to be taken against the packet. If there is no match during active mitigation, then the packet will still be scrubbed by the DDoS mitigator.

一致なしですべてのACEエントリが反復されると、次のACLのすべてのACEエントリが最初の一致まで反復され、その時点で指定されたアクションが適用されます。 「アイドル」時間中に一致がない場合(つまり、軽減がアクティブでない場合)、パケットに対してこれ以上実行するアクションはありません。アクティブな緩和策の実行中に一致しない場合でも、パケットはDDoS緩和策によってスクラブされます。

   module: ietf-dots-data-channel
     +--rw dots-data
        +--rw dots-client* [cuid]
        |  +--rw cuid            string
        |  +--rw cdid?           string
        |  +--rw aliases
        |  |  ...
        |  +--rw acls
        |     +--rw acl* [name]
        |        +--rw name                string
        |        +--rw type?               ietf-acl:acl-type
        |        +--rw activation-type?    activation-type
        |        +--ro pending-lifetime?   int32
        |        +--rw aces
        |           +--rw ace* [name]
        |              +--rw name          string
        |              +--rw matches
        |              |  +--rw (l3)?
        |              |  |  +--:(ipv4)
        |              |  |  |  ...
        |              |  |  +--:(ipv6)
        |              |  |     ...
        |              |  +--rw (l4)?
        |              |     +--:(tcp)
        |              |     |  ...
        |              |     +--:(udp)
        |              |     |  ...
        |              |     +--:(icmp)
        |              |        ...
        |              +--rw actions
        |              |  +--rw forwarding    identityref
        |              |  +--rw rate-limit?   decimal64
        |              +--ro statistics
        |                 +--ro matched-packets?   yang:counter64
        |                 +--ro matched-octets?    yang:counter64
        +--ro capabilities

Figure 5: DOTS ACLs Subtree

図5:DOTS ACLサブツリー

Filtering rules instructed by a DOTS client assume a default direction: the destination is the DOTS client domain.


DOTS forwarding actions can be 'accept' (i.e., accept matching traffic) or 'drop' (i.e., drop matching traffic without sending any ICMP error message). Accepted traffic can be subject to rate-limiting 'rate-limit'. Note that 'reject' action (i.e., drop matching traffic and send an ICMP error message to the source) is not supported in 'ietf-dots-data-channel' because it is not appropriate in the context of DDoS mitigation. Generating ICMP messages to notify of drops when mitigating a DDoS attack will exacerbate the DDoS attack. Furthermore, these ICMP messages will be used by an attacker as an explicit signal that the traffic is being blocked.

DOTS転送アクションは、「受け入れる」(つまり、一致するトラフィックを受け入れる)または「ドロップする」(つまり、ICMPエラーメッセージを送信せずに一致するトラフィックをドロップする)です。受け入れられたトラフィックは、レート制限「レート制限」の対象となる場合があります。 「拒否」アクション(つまり、一致するトラフィックをドロップし、ICMPエラーメッセージをソースに送信する)は、DDoS軽減のコンテキストでは適切でないため、「ietf-dots-data-channel」ではサポートされないことに注意してください。 DDoS攻撃を軽減するときにドロップを通知するICMPメッセージを生成すると、DDoS攻撃が悪化します。さらに、これらのICMPメッセージは、トラフィックがブロックされていることを示す明示的な信号として攻撃者によって使用されます。

4.2. Filtering Fields
4.2. フィールドのフィルタリング

The 'ietf-dots-data-channel' module reuses the packet fields module 'ietf-packet-fields' [RFC8519], which defines matching on fields in the packet including IPv4, IPv6, and transport layer fields. The 'ietf-dots-data-channel' module can be augmented, for example, to support additional protocol-specific matching fields.

「ietf-dots-data-channel」モジュールは、パケットフィールドモジュール「ietf-packet-fields」[RFC8519]を再利用します。これは、IPv4、IPv6、トランスポート層フィールドを含むパケット内のフィールドのマッチングを定義します。 'ietf-dots-data-channel'モジュールは、たとえば、追加のプロトコル固有のマッチングフィールドをサポートするように拡張できます。

This specification defines a new IPv4/IPv6 matching field called 'fragment' to efficiently handle fragment-related filtering rules. Indeed, [RFC8519] does not support such capability for IPv6 but offers a partial support for IPv4 by means of 'flags'. Nevertheless, the use of 'flags' is problematic since it does not allow a bitmask to be defined. For example, setting other bits not covered by the 'flags' filtering clause in a packet will allow that packet to get through (because it won't match the ACE). Examples to illustrate how 'fragment' can be used are provided in Appendix A.

この仕様では、フラグメント関連のフィルタリングルールを効率的に処理するために、「フラグメント」と呼ばれる新しいIPv4 / IPv6マッチングフィールドを定義しています。実際、[RFC8519]はそのようなIPv6の機能をサポートしていませんが、「フラグ」によってIPv4の部分的なサポートを提供しています。それでも、ビットフラグを定義できないため、「フラグ」の使用には問題があります。たとえば、パケット内の「フラグ」フィルタリング句でカバーされていない他のビットを設定すると、そのパケットは通過できます(ACEと一致しないため)。 「フラグメント」の使用方法を示す例は、付録Aにあります。

Figure 6 shows the IPv4 match subtree.


   module: ietf-dots-data-channel
     +--rw dots-data
        +--rw dots-client* [cuid]
        |  ...
        |  +--rw acls
        |     +--rw acl* [name]
        |        ...
        |        +--rw aces
        |           +--rw ace* [name]
        |              +--rw name          string
        |              +--rw matches
        |              |  +--rw (l3)?
        |              |  |  +--:(ipv4)
        |              |  |  |  +--rw ipv4
        |              |  |  |     +--rw dscp?                 inet:dscp
        |              |  |  |     +--rw ecn?                  uint8
        |              |  |  |     +--rw length?               uint16
        |              |  |  |     +--rw ttl?                  uint8
        |              |  |  |     +--rw protocol?             uint8
        |              |  |  |     +--rw ihl?                  uint8
        |              |  |  |     +--rw flags?                bits
        |              |  |  |     +--rw offset?               uint16
        |              |  |  |     +--rw identification?       uint16
        |              |  |  |     +--rw (destination-network)?
        |              |  |  |     |  +--:(destination-ipv4-network)
        |              |  |  |     |     +--rw destination-ipv4-network?
        |              |  |  |     |             inet:ipv4-prefix
        |              |  |  |     +--rw (source-network)?
        |              |  |  |     |  +--:(source-ipv4-network)
        |              |  |  |     |     +--rw source-ipv4-network?
        |              |  |  |     |             inet:ipv4-prefix
        |              |  |  |     +--rw fragment
        |              |  |  |        +--rw operator?        operator
        |              |  |  |        +--rw type        fragment-type
        |              |  |  +--:(ipv6)
        |              |  |     ...
        |              |  +--rw (l4)?
        |              |     ...
        |              +--rw actions
        |              |  ...
        |              +--ro statistics
        |                 ...
        +--ro capabilities

Figure 6: DOTS ACLs Subtree (IPv4 Match)

図6:DOTS ACLサブツリー(IPv4一致)

Figure 7 shows the IPv6 match subtree.


   module: ietf-dots-data-channel
     +--rw dots-data
        +--rw dots-client* [cuid]
        |  ...
        |  +--rw acls
        |     +--rw acl* [name]
        |        ...
        |        +--rw aces
        |           +--rw ace* [name]
        |              +--rw name          string
        |              +--rw matches
        |              |  +--rw (l3)?
        |              |  |  +--:(ipv4)
        |              |  |  |  ...
        |              |  |  +--:(ipv6)
        |              |  |     +--rw ipv6
        |              |  |        +--rw dscp?                 inet:dscp
        |              |  |        +--rw ecn?                  uint8
        |              |  |        +--rw length?               uint16
        |              |  |        +--rw ttl?                  uint8
        |              |  |        +--rw protocol?             uint8
        |              |  |        +--rw (destination-network)?
        |              |  |        |  +--:(destination-ipv6-network)
        |              |  |        |     +--rw destination-ipv6-network?
        |              |  |        |             inet:ipv6-prefix
        |              |  |        +--rw (source-network)?
        |              |  |        |  +--:(source-ipv6-network)
        |              |  |        |     +--rw source-ipv6-network?
        |              |  |        |             inet:ipv6-prefix
        |              |  |        +--rw flow-label?
        |              |  |        |       inet:ipv6-flow-label
        |              |  |        +--rw fragment
        |              |  |           +--rw operator?       operator
        |              |  |           +--rw type       fragment-type
        |              |  +--rw (l4)?
        |              |     ...
        |              +--rw actions
        |              |  ...
        |              +--ro statistics
        |                 ...
        +--ro capabilities

Figure 7: DOTS ACLs Subtree (IPv6 Match)

図7:DOTS ACLサブツリー(IPv6一致)

Figure 8 shows the TCP match subtree. In addition to the fields defined in [RFC8519], this specification defines a new TCP matching field, called 'flags-bitmask', to efficiently handle TCP flags filtering rules. Some examples are provided in Appendix B.

図8は、TCP一致サブツリーを示しています。 [RFC8519]で定義されているフィールドに加えて、この仕様では、TCPフラグフィルタリングルールを効率的に処理するために、「flags-bitmask」と呼ばれる新しいTCPマッチングフィールドを定義しています。いくつかの例を付録Bに示します。

      +--rw matches
      |  +--rw (l3)?
      |  |  ...
      |  +--rw (l4)?
      |     +--:(tcp)
      |     |  +--rw tcp
      |     |     +--rw sequence-number?          uint32
      |     |     +--rw acknowledgement-number?   uint32
      |     |     +--rw data-offset?              uint8
      |     |     +--rw reserved?                 uint8
      |     |     +--rw flags?                    bits
      |     |     +--rw window-size?              uint16
      |     |     +--rw urgent-pointer?           uint16
      |     |     +--rw options?                  binary
      |     |     +--rw flags-bitmask
      |     |     |  +--rw operator?            operator
      |     |     |  +--rw bitmask                uint16
      |     |     +--rw (source-port)?
      |     |     |  +--:(source-port-range-or-operator)
      |     |     |     +--rw source-port-range-or-operator
      |     |     |        +--rw (port-range-or-operator)?
      |     |     |           +--:(range)
      |     |     |           |  +--rw lower-port
      |     |     |           |  |       inet:port-number
      |     |     |           |  +--rw upper-port
      |     |     |           |          inet:port-number
      |     |     |           +--:(operator)
      |     |     |              +--rw operator?
      |     |     |              |       operator
      |     |     |              +--rw port
      |     |     |                      inet:port-number
      |     |     +--rw (destination-port)?
      |     |        +--:(destination-port-range-or-operator)
      |     |           +--rw destination-port-range-or-operator
      |     |              +--rw (port-range-or-operator)?
      |     |                 +--:(range)
      |     |                 |  +--rw lower-port
      |     |                 |  |       inet:port-number
      |     |                 |  +--rw upper-port
      |     |                 |          inet:port-number
      |     |                 +--:(operator)
      |     |                    +--rw operator?
      |     |                    |       operator
      |     |                    +--rw port
      |     |                            inet:port-number
      |     +--:(udp)
      |     |  ...
      |     +--:(icmp)
      |        ...
      +--rw actions
      |  ...

Figure 8: DOTS ACLs Subtree (TCP Match)

図8:DOTS ACLサブツリー(TCP一致)

Figure 9 shows the UDP and ICMP match subtrees. The same structure is used for both ICMP and ICMPv6. The indication whether an ACL is about ICMP or ICMPv6 is governed by the 'l3' match or the ACL type.

図9は、UDPおよびICMP一致サブツリーを示しています。 ICMPとICMPv6の両方に同じ構造が使用されます。 ACLがICMPに関するものかICMPv6に関するものかは、「l3」の一致またはACLタイプによって決定されます。

      +--rw matches
      |  +--rw (l3)?
      |  |  ...
      |  +--rw (l4)?
      |     +--:(tcp)
      |     |  ...
      |     +--:(udp)
      |     |  +--rw udp
      |     |     +--rw length?          uint16
      |     |     +--rw (source-port)?
      |     |     |  +--:(source-port-range-or-operator)
      |     |     |     +--rw source-port-range-or-operator
      |     |     |        +--rw (port-range-or-operator)?
      |     |     |           +--:(range)
      |     |     |           |  +--rw lower-port
      |     |     |           |  |       inet:port-number
      |     |     |           |  +--rw upper-port
      |     |     |           |          inet:port-number
      |     |     |           +--:(operator)
      |     |     |              +--rw operator?
      |     |     |              |       operator
      |     |     |              +--rw port
      |     |     |                      inet:port-number
      |     |     +--rw (destination-port)?
      |     |        +--:(destination-port-range-or-operator)
      |     |           +--rw destination-port-range-or-operator
      |     |              +--rw (port-range-or-operator)?
      |     |                 +--:(range)
      |     |                 |  +--rw lower-port
      |     |                 |  |       inet:port-number
      |     |                 |  +--rw upper-port
      |     |                 |          inet:port-number
      |     |                 +--:(operator)
      |     |                    +--rw operator?
      |     |                    |       operator
      |     |                    +--rw port
      |     |                            inet:port-number
      |     +--:(icmp)
      |        +--rw icmp
      |           +--rw type?             uint8
      |           +--rw code?             uint8
      |           +--rw rest-of-header?   binary
      +--rw actions
      |  ...

Figure 9: DOTS ACLs Subtree (UDP and ICMP Match)

図9:DOTS ACLサブツリー(UDPとICMPの一致)

DOTS implementations MUST support the following matching criteria:


Match based on the IP header (IPv4 and IPv6), match based on the transport header (TCP, UDP, and ICMP), and match based on any combination thereof. The same matching fields are used for both ICMP and ICMPv6.

IPヘッダー(IPv4およびIPv6)に基づくマッチング、トランスポートヘッダー(TCP、UDP、およびICMP)に基づくマッチング、およびそれらの任意の組み合わせに基づくマッチング。 ICMPとICMPv6の両方で同じ照合フィールドが使用されます。

The following match fields MUST be supported by DOTS implementations (Table 1):


       | ACL Match | Mandatory Fields                              |
       | ipv4      | length, protocol, destination-ipv4-network,   |
       |           | source-ipv4-network, and fragment             |
       | ipv6      | length, protocol, destination-ipv6-network,   |
       |           | source-ipv6-network, and fragment             |
       | tcp       | flags-bitmask, source-port-range-or-operator, |
       |           | and destination-port-range-or-operator        |
       | udp       | length, source-port-range-or-operator, and    |
       |           | destination-port-range-or-operator            |
       | icmp      | type and code                                 |

Table 1: Mandatory DOTS Channel Match Fields


Implementations MAY support other filtering match fields and actions. The 'ietf-dots-data-channel' YANG module provides a method for an implementation to expose its filtering capabilities. The tree structure of the 'capabilities' is shown in Figure 10. DOTS clients that support both 'fragment' and 'flags' (or 'flags-bitmask' and 'flags') matching fields MUST NOT set these fields in the same request.

実装は、他のフィルタリング一致フィールドとアクションをサポートする場合があります。 'ietf-dots-data-channel' YANGモジュールは、フィルタリング機能を公開するための実装方法を提供します。 「機能」のツリー構造を図10に示します。「フラグメント」と「フラグ」(または「フラグビットマスク」と「フラグ」)の両方のマッチングフィールドをサポートするDOTSクライアントは、同じリクエストでこれらのフィールドを設定してはなりません。

   module: ietf-dots-data-channel
     +--rw dots-data
        +--ro capabilities
           +--ro address-family*        enumeration
           +--ro forwarding-actions*    identityref
           +--ro rate-limit?            boolean
           +--ro transport-protocols*   uint8
           +--ro ipv4
           |  +--ro dscp?                 boolean
           |  +--ro ecn?                  boolean
           |  +--ro length?               boolean
           |  +--ro ttl?                  boolean
           |  +--ro protocol?             boolean
           |  +--ro ihl?                  boolean
           |  +--ro flags?                boolean
           |  +--ro offset?               boolean
           |  +--ro identification?       boolean
           |  +--ro source-prefix?        boolean
           |  +--ro destination-prefix?   boolean
           |  +--ro fragment?             boolean
           +--ro ipv6
           |  +--ro dscp?                 boolean
           |  +--ro ecn?                  boolean
           |  +--ro length?               boolean
           |  +--ro hoplimit?             boolean
           |  +--ro protocol?             boolean
           |  +--ro destination-prefix?   boolean
           |  +--ro source-prefix?        boolean
           |  +--ro flow-label?           boolean
           |  +--ro fragment?             boolean
           +--ro tcp
           |  +--ro sequence-number?          boolean
           |  +--ro acknowledgement-number?   boolean
           |  +--ro data-offset?              boolean
           |  +--ro reserved?                 boolean
           |  +--ro flags?                    boolean
           |  +--ro window-size?              boolean
           |  +--ro urgent-pointer?           boolean
           |  +--ro options?                  boolean
           |  +--ro flags-bitmask?            boolean
           |  +--ro source-port?              boolean
           |  +--ro destination-port?         boolean
           |  +--ro port-range?               boolean
           +--ro udp
           |  +--ro length?             boolean
           |  +--ro source-port?        boolean
           |  +--ro destination-port?   boolean
           |  +--ro port-range?         boolean
           +--ro icmp
              +--ro type?             boolean
              +--ro code?             boolean
              +--ro rest-of-header?   boolean

Figure 10: Filtering Capabilities Subtree


4.3. YANG Module
4.3. YANGモジュール

This module uses the common YANG types defined in [RFC6991] and types defined in [RFC8519].


   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-dots-data-channel@2020-05-28.yang"
   module ietf-dots-data-channel {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-dots-data-channel";
     prefix data-channel;
     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix inet;
         "Section 4 of RFC 6991";
     import ietf-access-control-list {
       prefix ietf-acl;
         "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                    Control Lists (ACLs)";
     import ietf-packet-fields {
       prefix packet-fields;
         "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                    Control Lists (ACLs)";
       "IETF DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/dots/>
        WG List:  <mailto:dots@ietf.org>
        Editor:  Mohamed Boucadair
        Editor:  Konda, Tirumaleswar Reddy.K
        Author:  Jon Shallow
        Author:  Kaname Nishizuka
        Author:  Liang Xia
        Author:  Prashanth Patil
        Author:  Andrew Mortensen

Author: Nik Teague <mailto:nteague@ironmountain.co.uk>"; description "This module contains YANG definition for configuring aliases for resources and filtering rules using DOTS data channel.

作成者:Nik Teague <mailto:nteague@ironmountain.co.uk> ";説明"このモジュールには、リソースのエイリアスを構成するためのYANG定義と、DOTSデータチャネルを使用したフィルタリングルールが含まれています。

Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors of the code. All rights reserved.

Copyright(c)2020 IETF Trustおよびコードの作成者として識別された人物。全著作権所有。

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info).

ソースおよびバイナリ形式での再配布および使用は、変更の有無にかかわらず、IETFドキュメントに関連するIETFトラストの法的規定のセクション4.cに記載されているSimplified BSD Licenseに準拠し、それに含まれるライセンス条項に従って許可されます( http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)。

This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 8783; see the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

このYANGモジュールのこのバージョンはRFC 8783の一部です。完全な法的通知については、RFC自体を参照してください。 ";

     revision 2020-05-28 {
         "Initial revision.";
         "RFC 8783: Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat
                    Signaling (DOTS) Data Channel Specification";
     typedef activation-type {
       type enumeration {
         enum activate-when-mitigating {
           value 1;
             "The Access Control List (ACL) is installed only when
              a mitigation is active for the DOTS client.";
         enum immediate {
           value 2;
             "The ACL is immediately activated.";
         enum deactivate {
           value 3;
             "The ACL is maintained by the DOTS server, but it is
         "Indicates the activation type of an ACL.";
     typedef operator {
       type bits {
         bit not {
           position 0;
             "If set, logical negation of operation.";
         bit match {
           position 1;
             "Match bit.  This is a bitwise match operation
              defined as '(data & value) == value'.";
         bit any {
           position 3;
             "Any bit.  This is a match on any of the bits in
              bitmask.  It evaluates to 'true' if any of the bits
              in the value mask are set in the data,
              i.e., '(data & value) != 0'.";
         "Specifies how to apply the defined bitmask.
          'any' and 'match' bits must not be set simultaneously.";
     grouping tcp-flags {
       leaf operator {
         type operator;
         default "match";
           "Specifies how to interpret the TCP flags.";
       leaf bitmask {
         type uint16;
         mandatory true;
           "The bitmask matches the last 4 bits of byte 12
            and byte 13 of the TCP header.  For clarity, the 4 bits
            of byte 12 corresponding to the TCP data offset field
            are not included in any matching.";
         "Operations on TCP flags.";
     typedef fragment-type {
       type bits {
         bit df {
           position 0;
             "Don't fragment bit for IPv4.
              Must be set to 0 when it appears in an IPv6 filter.";
         bit isf {
           position 1;
             "Is a fragment.";
         bit ff {
           position 2;
             "First fragment.";
         bit lf {
           position 3;
             "Last fragment.";
         "Different fragment types to match against.";
     grouping target {
         "Specifies the targets of the mitigation request.";
       leaf-list target-prefix {
         type inet:ip-prefix;
           "IPv4 or IPv6 prefix identifying the target.";
       list target-port-range {
         key "lower-port";
           "Port range.  When only lower-port is
            present, it represents a single port number.";
         leaf lower-port {
           type inet:port-number;
           mandatory true;
             "Lower port number of the port range.";
         leaf upper-port {
           type inet:port-number;
           must '. >= ../lower-port' {
               "The upper-port number must be greater than
                or equal to the lower-port number.";
             "Upper port number of the port range.";
       leaf-list target-protocol {
         type uint8;
           "Identifies the target protocol number.
            Values are taken from the IANA protocol registry:
            For example, 6 for TCP or 17 for UDP.";
       leaf-list target-fqdn {
         type inet:domain-name;
           "FQDN identifying the target.";
       leaf-list target-uri {
         type inet:uri;
           "URI identifying the target.";
     grouping fragment-fields {
       leaf operator {
         type operator;
         default "match";
           "Specifies how to interpret the fragment type.";
       leaf type {
         type fragment-type;
         mandatory true;
           "Indicates what fragment type to look for.";
         "Operations on fragment types.";
     grouping aliases {
         "Top-level container for aliases.";
       list alias {
         key "name";
           "List of aliases.";
         leaf name {
           type string;
             "The name of the alias.";
         uses target;
         leaf pending-lifetime {
           type int32;
           units "minutes";
           config false;
             "Indicates the pending validity lifetime of the alias
     grouping ports {
       choice source-port {
         container source-port-range-or-operator {
           uses packet-fields:port-range-or-operator;
             "Source port definition.";
           "Choice of specifying the source port or referring to
            a group of source port numbers.";
       choice destination-port {
         container destination-port-range-or-operator {
           uses packet-fields:port-range-or-operator;
             "Destination port definition.";
           "Choice of specifying a destination port or referring
            to a group of destination port numbers.";
         "Choice of specifying a source or destination port numbers.";
     grouping access-lists {
         "Specifies the ordered set of Access Control Lists.";
       list acl {
         key "name";
         ordered-by user;
           "An ACL is an ordered list of Access Control Entries (ACE).
            Each ACE has a list of match criteria and a list of
         leaf name {
           type string {
             length "1..64";
             "The name of the access list.";
             "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                        Control Lists (ACLs)";
         leaf type {
           type ietf-acl:acl-type;
             "Type of access control list.  Indicates the primary
              intended type of match criteria (e.g., IPv4, IPv6)
              used in the list instance.";
             "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                        Control Lists (ACLs)";
         leaf activation-type {
           type activation-type;
           default "activate-when-mitigating";
             "Indicates the activation type of an ACL.  An ACL can be
              deactivated, installed immediately, or installed when
              a mitigation is active.";
         leaf pending-lifetime {
           type int32;
           units "minutes";
           config false;
             "Indicates the pending validity lifetime of the ACL
         container aces {
             "The Access Control Entries container contains
              a list of ACEs.";
           list ace {
             key "name";
             ordered-by user;
               "List of access list entries.";
             leaf name {
               type string {
                 length "1..64";
                 "A unique name identifying this ACE.";
                 "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                            Control Lists (ACLs)";
             container matches {
                 "The rules in this set determine what fields will be
                  matched upon before any action is taken on them.

If no matches are defined in a particular container, then any packet will match that container.


                  If no matches are specified at all in an ACE, then any
                  packet will match the ACE.";
                 "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                            Control Lists (ACLs)";
               choice l3 {
                 container ipv4 {
                   when "derived-from(../../../../type, "
                      + "'ietf-acl:ipv4-acl-type')";
                   uses packet-fields:acl-ip-header-fields;
                   uses packet-fields:acl-ipv4-header-fields;
                   container fragment {
                       "Indicates how to handle IPv4 fragments.";
                     uses fragment-fields;
                     "Rule set that matches IPv4 header.";
                 container ipv6 {
                   when "derived-from(../../../../type, "
                      + "'ietf-acl:ipv6-acl-type')";
                   uses packet-fields:acl-ip-header-fields;
                   uses packet-fields:acl-ipv6-header-fields;
                   container fragment {
                       "Indicates how to handle IPv6 fragments.";
                     uses fragment-fields;
                     "Rule set that matches IPv6 header.";
                   "Either IPv4 or IPv6.";
               choice l4 {
                 container tcp {
                   uses packet-fields:acl-tcp-header-fields;
                   container flags-bitmask {
                       "Indicates how to handle TCP flags.";
                     uses tcp-flags;
                   uses ports;
                     "Rule set that matches TCP header.";
                 container udp {
                   uses packet-fields:acl-udp-header-fields;
                   uses ports;
                     "Rule set that matches UDP header.";
                 container icmp {
                   uses packet-fields:acl-icmp-header-fields;
                     "Rule set that matches ICMP/ICMPv6 header.";
                   "Can be TCP, UDP, or ICMP/ICMPv6";
             container actions {
                 "Definitions of action for this ACE.";
               leaf forwarding {
                 type identityref {
                   base ietf-acl:forwarding-action;
                 mandatory true;
                   "Specifies the forwarding action per ACE.";
                   "RFC 8519: YANG Data Model for Network Access
                              Control Lists (ACLs)";
               leaf rate-limit {
                 when "../forwarding = 'ietf-acl:accept'" {
                     "Rate-limit is valid only when accept action is
                 type decimal64 {
                   fraction-digits 2;
                 units "bytes per second";
                   "Specifies how to rate-limit the traffic.";
             container statistics {
               config false;
                 "Aggregate statistics.";
               uses ietf-acl:acl-counters;
     container dots-data {
         "Main container for DOTS data channel.";
       list dots-client {
         key "cuid";
           "List of DOTS clients.";
         leaf cuid {
           type string;
             "A unique identifier that is generated by a DOTS client
              to prevent request collisions.";
             "RFC 8782: Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat
                     Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification";
         leaf cdid {
           type string;
             "A client domain identifier conveyed by a
              server-domain DOTS gateway to a remote DOTS server.";
             "RFC 8782: Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat
                     Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification";
         container aliases {
             "Set of aliases that are bound to a DOTS client.";
           uses aliases;
         container acls {
             "Access lists that are bound to a DOTS client.";
           uses access-lists;
       container capabilities {
         config false;
           "Match capabilities";
         leaf-list address-family {
           type enumeration {
             enum ipv4 {
                 "IPv4 is supported.";
             enum ipv6 {
                 "IPv6 is supported.";
             "Indicates the IP address families supported by
              the DOTS server.";
         leaf-list forwarding-actions {
           type identityref {
             base ietf-acl:forwarding-action;
             "Supported forwarding action(s).";
         leaf rate-limit {
           type boolean;
             "Support of rate-limit action.";
         leaf-list transport-protocols {
           type uint8;
             "Upper-layer protocol associated with a filtering rule.
              Values are taken from the IANA protocol registry:
              For example, this field contains 1 for ICMP, 6 for TCP
              17 for UDP, or 58 for ICMPv6.";
         container ipv4 {
             "Indicates IPv4 header fields that are supported to enforce
           leaf dscp {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on Differentiated Services
                Code Point (DSCP).";
           leaf ecn {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on Explicit Congestion
                Notification (ECN).";
           leaf length {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Total Length.";
           leaf ttl {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Time to Live (TTL).";
           leaf protocol {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on protocol field.";
           leaf ihl {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Internet Header
                Length (IHL).";
           leaf flags {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the 'flags'.";
           leaf offset {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the 'offset'.";
           leaf identification {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the 'identification'.";
           leaf source-prefix {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the source prefix.";
           leaf destination-prefix {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the destination prefix.";
           leaf fragment {
             type boolean;
               "Indicates the capability of a DOTS server to
                enforce filters on IPv4 fragments.  That is, the match
                functionality based on the Layer 3 'fragment' clause
                is supported.";
         container ipv6 {
             "Indicates IPv6 header fields that are supported to enforce
           leaf dscp {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on DSCP.";
           leaf ecn {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on ECN.";
           leaf length {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Payload Length.";
           leaf hoplimit {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Hop Limit.";
           leaf protocol {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Next Header field.";
           leaf destination-prefix {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the destination prefix.";
           leaf source-prefix {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the source prefix.";
           leaf flow-label {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the Flow Label.";
           leaf fragment {
             type boolean;
               "Indicates the capability of a DOTS server to
                enforce filters on IPv6 fragments.";
         container tcp {
             "Set of TCP fields that are supported by the DOTS server
              to enforce filters.";
           leaf sequence-number {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP sequence number.";
           leaf acknowledgement-number {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP acknowledgement
           leaf data-offset {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP data-offset.";
           leaf reserved {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP reserved field.";
           leaf flags {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering, as defined in RFC 8519, based
                on the TCP flags.";
           leaf window-size {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP window size.";
           leaf urgent-pointer {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP urgent pointer.";
           leaf options {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP options.";
           leaf flags-bitmask {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the TCP flags bitmask.";
           leaf source-port {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the source port number.";
           leaf destination-port {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the destination port
           leaf port-range {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on a port range.

This includes filtering based on a source port range, destination port range, or both. All operators (i.e, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, equal to, and not equal to) are supported.


                In particular, this means that the implementation
                supports filtering based on
                source-port-range-or-operator and
         container udp {
             "Set of UDP fields that are supported by the DOTS server
              to enforce filters.";
           leaf length {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the UDP length.";
           leaf source-port {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the source port number.";
           leaf destination-port {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the destination port
           leaf port-range {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on a port range.

This includes filtering based on a source port range, destination port range, or both. All operators (i.e, less than or equal, greater than or equal, equal to, and not equal to) are supported.


                In particular, this means that the implementation
                supports filtering based on
                source-port-range-or-operator and
         container icmp {
             "Set of ICMP/ICMPv6 fields that are supported by the DOTS
              server to enforce filters.";
           leaf type {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the ICMP/ICMPv6 type.";
           leaf code {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the ICMP/ICMPv6 code.";
           leaf rest-of-header {
             type boolean;
               "Support of filtering based on the ICMP four-byte
                field / the ICMPv6 message body.";
5. Managing DOTS Clients
5. DOTSクライアントの管理
5.1. Registering DOTS Clients
5.1. DOTSクライアントの登録

In order to make use of the DOTS data channel, a DOTS client MUST register with its DOTS server(s) by creating a DOTS client ('dots-client') resource. To that aim, DOTS clients SHOULD send a POST request (shown in Figure 11).

DOTSデータチャネルを利用するには、DOTSクライアントは、DOTSクライアント( 'dots-client')リソースを作成することにより、そのDOTSサーバーに登録する必要があります。そのために、DOTSクライアントはPOSTリクエストを送信する必要があります(図11を参照)。

    POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data HTTP/1.1
    Host: {host}:{port}
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
      "ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-client": [
          "cuid": "string"

Figure 11: POST to Register Schema


The 'cuid' (client unique identifier) parameter is described below:


cuid: A globally unique identifier that is meant to prevent collisions among DOTS clients. This attribute has the same meaning, syntax, and processing rules as the 'cuid' attribute defined in [RFC8782].

cuid:DOTSクライアント間の衝突を防ぐためのグローバルに一意の識別子。この属性は、[RFC8782]で定義されている 'cuid'属性と同じ意味、構文、および処理規則を持っています。

DOTS clients MUST use the same 'cuid' for both signal and data channels.


This is a mandatory attribute.


In deployments where server-domain DOTS gateways are enabled, identity information about the origin source client domain SHOULD be supplied to the DOTS server. That information is meant to assist the DOTS server to enforce some policies. These policies can be enforced per client, per client domain, or both. Figure 12 shows a schema of a register request relayed by a server-domain DOTS gateway.


    POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data HTTP/1.1
    Host: {host}:{port}
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
      "ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-client": [
          "cuid": "string",
          "cdid": "string"

Figure 12: POST to Register Schema (via a Server-Domain DOTS Gateway)


A server-domain DOTS gateway SHOULD add the following attribute:


cdid: This attribute has the same meaning, syntax, and processing rules as the 'cdid' attribute defined in [RFC8782].

cdid:この属性は、[RFC8782]で定義されている 'cdid'属性と同じ意味、構文、および処理規則を持っています。

In deployments where server-domain DOTS gateways are enabled, 'cdid' does not need to be inserted when relaying DOTS methods to manage aliases (Section 6) or filtering rules (Section 7). DOTS servers are responsible for maintaining the association between 'cdid' and 'cuid' for policy enforcement purposes.

サーバードメインのDOTSゲートウェイが有効になっている展開では、エイリアス(セクション6)またはフィルタリングルール(セクション7)を管理するDOTSメソッドをリレーするときに「cdid」を挿入する必要はありません。 DOTSサーバーは、ポリシー適用のために「cdid」と「cuid」の間の関連付けを維持する責任があります。

This is an optional attribute.


An example request to create a 'dots-client' resource is depicted in Figure 13. This request is relayed by a server-domain DOTS gateway as hinted by the presence of the 'cdid' attribute.


    POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data HTTP/1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
      "ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-client": [
          "cuid": "dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw",
          "cdid": "7eeaf349529eb55ed50113"

Figure 13: POST to Register (DOTS gateway)


As a reminder, DOTS gateways may rewrite the 'cuid' used by peer DOTS clients (Section 4.4.1 of [RFC8782]).


DOTS servers can identify the DOTS client domain using the 'cdid' parameter or using the client's DNS name specified in the Subject Alternative Name extension's dNSName type in the client certificate [RFC6125].


DOTS servers MUST limit the number of 'dots-client' resources to be created by the same DOTS client to 1 per request. Requests with multiple 'dots-client' resources MUST be rejected by DOTS servers. To that aim, the DOTS server MUST rely on the same procedure to unambiguously identify a DOTS client as discussed in Section 4.4.1 of [RFC8782].


The DOTS server indicates the result of processing the POST request using status-line codes. Status codes in the "2xx" range are success, "4xx" codes are some sort of invalid requests and "5xx" codes are returned if the DOTS server has erred or is incapable of accepting the creation of the 'dots-client' resource. In particular,

DOTSサーバーは、ステータス行コードを使用してPOSTリクエストの処理結果を示します。 「2xx」範囲のステータスコードは成功、「4xx」コードはある種の無効なリクエスト、「5xx」コードは、DOTSサーバーにエラーがあるか、「ドットクライアント」リソースの作成を受け入れることができない場合に返されます。特に、

* "201 Created" status-line is returned in the response if the DOTS server has accepted the request.

* DOTSサーバーが要求を受け入れた場合、「201 Created」ステータス行が応答で返されます。

* "400 Bad Request" status-line is returned by the DOTS server if the request does not include a 'cuid' parameter. The error-tag "missing-attribute" is used in this case.

* 「400 Bad Request」ステータス行は、リクエストに「cuid」パラメータが含まれていない場合、DOTSサーバーによって返されます。この場合、エラータグ「missing-attribute」が使用されます。

* "409 Conflict" status-line is returned to the requesting DOTS client if the data resource already exists. The error-tag "resource-denied" is used in this case.

* 「409 Conflict」ステータス行は、データリソースが既に存在する場合、要求元のDOTSクライアントに返されます。この場合、エラータグ「resource-denied」が使用されます。

Once a DOTS client registers itself with a DOTS server, it can create/delete/retrieve aliases (Section 6) and filtering rules (Section 7).


A DOTS client MAY use the PUT request (Section 4.5 of [RFC8040]) to register a DOTS client within the DOTS server. An example is shown in Figure 14.


    PUT /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
        /dots-client=dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw HTTP/1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
      "ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-client": [
          "cuid": "dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw"

Figure 14: PUT to Register


The DOTS gateway that inserted a 'cdid' in a PUT request MUST strip the 'cdid' parameter in the corresponding response before forwarding the response to the DOTS client.


5.2. De-registering DOTS Clients
5.2. DOTSクライアントの登録解除

A DOTS client de-registers from its DOTS server(s) by deleting the 'cuid' resource(s). Resources bound to this DOTS client will be deleted by the DOTS server. An example of a de-register request is shown in Figure 15.


    DELETE /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
           /dots-client=dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw HTTP/1.1
    Host: example.com

Figure 15: De-register a DOTS Client


6. Managing DOTS Aliases
6. DOTSエイリアスの管理

The following subsections define the means for a DOTS client to create aliases (Section 6.1), to retrieve one or a list of aliases (Section 6.2), and to delete an alias (Section 6.3).


6.1. Creating Aliases
6.1. エイリアスの作成

A POST or PUT request is used by a DOTS client to create aliases for resources for which a mitigation may be requested. Such aliases may be used in subsequent DOTS signal channel exchanges to refer more efficiently to the resources under attack.


DOTS clients within the same domain can create different aliases for the same resource.


The structure of POST requests used to create aliases is shown in Figure 16.


    POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /dots-client=cuid HTTP/1.1
    Host: {host}:{port}
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:aliases": {
       "alias": [
           "name": "string",
           "target-prefix": [
           "target-port-range": [
               "lower-port": integer,
               "upper-port": integer
           "target-protocol": [
           "target-fqdn": [
           "target-uri": [

Figure 16: POST to Create Aliases (Request Schema)


The parameters are described below:


name: Name of the alias.


This is a mandatory attribute.


target-prefix: Prefixes are separated by commas. Prefixes are represented using Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632]. As a reminder, the prefix length must be less than or equal to 32 for IPv4 or 128 for IPv6.


The prefix list MUST NOT include broadcast, loopback, or multicast addresses. These addresses are considered as invalid values. In addition, the DOTS server MUST validate that these prefixes are within the scope of the DOTS client domain. Other validation checks may be supported by DOTS servers.


This is an optional attribute.


target-port-range: A range of port numbers.


The port range is defined by two bounds, a lower port number ('lower-port') and an upper port number ('upper-port'). The range is considered to include both the lower and upper bounds.

ポート範囲は、2つの境界、低いポート番号( 'lower-port')と高いポート番号( 'upper-port')で定義されます。範囲には、下限と上限の両方が含まれると見なされます。

When only 'lower-port' is present, it represents a single port number.


For TCP, UDP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) [RFC4960], or Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) [RFC4340], the range of port numbers can be, for example, 1024-65535.


This is an optional attribute.


target-protocol: A list of protocols. Values are taken from the IANA protocol registry [IANA-PROTO].


If 'target-protocol' is not specified, then the request applies to any protocol.


This is an optional attribute.


target-fqdn: A list of Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) identifying resources under attack [RFC8499].


How a name is passed to an underlying name resolution library is implementation and deployment specific. Nevertheless, once the name is resolved into one or multiple IP addresses, DOTS servers MUST apply the same validation checks as those for 'target-prefix'.


The use of FQDNs may be suboptimal because it does not guarantee that the DOTS server will resolve a name to the same IP addresses that the DOTS client does.


This is an optional attribute.


target-uri: A list of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) [RFC3986].

target-uri:Uniform Resource Identifier(URI)のリスト[RFC3986]

The same validation checks used for 'target-fqdn' MUST be followed by DOTS servers to validate a target URI.


This is an optional attribute.


In POST or PUT requests, at least one of the 'target-prefix', 'target-fqdn', or 'target-uri' attributes MUST be present. DOTS agents can safely ignore vendor-specific parameters they don't understand.

POSTまたはPUT要求では、「target-prefix」、「target-fqdn」、または「target-uri」属性の少なくとも1つが存在する必要があります。 DOTSエージェントは、理解できないベンダー固有のパラメーターを無視しても問題ありません。

If more than one 'target-*' scope types (e.g., 'target-prefix' and 'target-fqdn' or 'target-fqdn' and 'target-uri') are included in a POST or PUT request, the DOTS server binds all resulting IP addresses/prefixes to the same resource.

複数の「target- *」スコープタイプ(「target-prefix」と「target-fqdn」または「target-fqdn」と「target-uri」)がPOSTまたはPUTリクエストに含まれている場合、DOTSサーバー結果のすべてのIPアドレス/プレフィックスを同じリソースにバインドします。

Figure 17 shows a POST request to create an alias called "https1" for HTTPS servers with IP addresses 2001:db8:6401::1 and 2001:db8:6401::2 listening on TCP port number 443.

図17は、IPアドレスが2001:db8:6401 :: 1および2001:db8:6401 :: 2でTCPポート番号443をリッスンしているHTTPSサーバー用の「https1」というエイリアスを作成するPOSTリクエストを示しています。

   POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
        /dots-client=dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:aliases": {
       "alias": [
           "name": "https1",
           "target-protocol": [
           "target-prefix": [
           "target-port-range": [
               "lower-port": 443

Figure 17: Example of a POST to Create an Alias


A "201 Created" status-line MUST be returned in the response if the DOTS server has accepted the alias.

DOTSサーバーがエイリアスを受け入れた場合、「201 Created」ステータス行が応答で返される必要があります。

A "409 Conflict" status-line MUST be returned to the requesting DOTS client, if the request is conflicting with an existing alias name. The error-tag "resource-denied" is used in this case.

要求が既存のエイリアス名と競合している場合、「409 Conflict」ステータス行を要求元のDOTSクライアントに返す必要があります。この場合、エラータグ「resource-denied」が使用されます。

If the request is missing a mandatory attribute or it contains an invalid or unknown parameter, a "400 Bad Request" status-line MUST be returned by the DOTS server. The error-tag is set to "missing-attribute", "invalid-value", or "unknown-element" as a function of the encountered error.

リクエストに必須属性がないか、無効または不明なパラメーターが含まれている場合、DOTSサーバーから「400 Bad Request」ステータス行が返される必要があります。エラータグは、発生したエラーの関数として、「missing-attribute」、「invalid-value」、または「unknown-element」に設定されます。

If the request is received via a server-domain DOTS gateway, but the DOTS server does not maintain a 'cdid' for this 'cuid' while a 'cdid' is expected to be supplied, the DOTS server MUST reply with a "403 Forbidden" status-line and the error-tag "access-denied". Upon receipt of this message, the DOTS client MUST register (Section 5).

リクエストがサーバードメインのDOTSゲートウェイを介して受信されたが、「cdid」が提供されることが予期されている一方で、DOTSサーバーがこの「cuid」の「cdid」を維持していない場合、DOTSサーバーは「403 Forbidden "status-line and the error-tag" access-denied "。このメッセージを受信すると、DOTSクライアントは登録する必要があります(セクション5)。

A DOTS client uses the PUT request to modify the aliases in the DOTS server. In particular, a DOTS client MUST update its alias entries upon change of the prefix indicated in the 'target-prefix'.


A DOTS server MUST maintain an alias for at least 10080 minutes (1 week). If no refresh request is seen from the DOTS client, the DOTS server removes expired entries.

DOTSサーバーは、エイリアスを少なくとも10080分間(1週間)維持する必要があります。 DOTSクライアントから更新要求が見られない場合、DOTSサーバーは期限切れのエントリを削除します。

6.2. Retrieving Installed Aliases
6.2. インストールされたエイリアスの取得

A GET request is used to retrieve one or all installed aliases by a DOTS client from a DOTS server (Section 3.3.1 of [RFC8040]). If no 'name' is included in the request, this indicates that the request is about retrieving all aliases instantiated by the DOTS client.


Figure 18 shows an example to retrieve all the aliases that were instantiated by the requesting DOTS client. The "content" query parameter and its permitted values are defined in Section 4.8.1 of [RFC8040].

図18は、要求しているDOTSクライアントによってインスタンス化されたすべてのエイリアスを取得する例を示しています。 「コンテンツ」クエリパラメータとその許可値は、[RFC8040]のセクション4.8.1で定義されています。

     GET /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /aliases?content=all HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com
     Accept: application/yang-data+json

Figure 18: GET to Retrieve All Installed Aliases


Figure 19 shows an example of the response message body that includes all the aliases that are maintained by the DOTS server for the DOTS client identified by the 'cuid' parameter.


     "ietf-dots-data-channel:aliases": {
       "alias": [
           "name": "Server1",
           "target-protocol": [
           "target-prefix": [
           "target-port-range": [
               "lower-port": 443
           "pending-lifetime": 3596
           "name": "Server2",
           "target-protocol": [
           "target-prefix": [
           "target-port-range": [
               "lower-port": 80
           "pending-lifetime": 9869

Figure 19: An Example of a Response Body Listing All Installed Aliases


Figure 20 shows an example of a GET request to retrieve the alias "Server2" that was instantiated by the DOTS client.


     GET /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /aliases/alias=Server2?content=all HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com
     Accept: application/yang-data+json

Figure 20: GET to Retrieve an Alias


If an alias name ('name') is included in the request, but the DOTS server does not find that alias name for this DOTS client in its configuration data, it MUST respond with a "404 Not Found" status-line.

要求にエイリアス名( 'name')が含まれているが、DOTSサーバーがその構成データでこのDOTSクライアントのエイリアス名を見つけられない場合は、「404 Not Found」ステータス行で応答する必要があります。

6.3. Deleting Aliases
6.3. エイリアスの削除

A DELETE request is used to delete an alias maintained by a DOTS server.


If the DOTS server does not find the alias name that was conveyed in the DELETE request in its configuration data for this DOTS client, it MUST respond with a "404 Not Found" status-line.

DOTSサーバーが、このDOTSクライアントの構成データでDELETE要求で伝達されたエイリアス名を見つけられない場合、「404 Not Found」ステータス行で応答する必要があります。

The DOTS server successfully acknowledges a DOTS client's request to remove the alias using "204 No Content" status-line in the response.

DOTSサーバーは、応答で「204 No Content」ステータス行を使用して、エイリアスを削除するDOTSクライアントの要求を正常に確認します。

Figure 21 shows an example of a request to delete an alias.


     DELETE /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
            /aliases/alias=Server1 HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com

Figure 21: Delete an Alias


7. Managing DOTS Filtering Rules
7. DOTSフィルタリングルールの管理

The following subsections define the means for a DOTS client to retrieve DOTS filtering capabilities (Section 7.1), to create filtering rules (Section 7.2), to retrieve active filtering rules (Section 7.3), and to delete a filtering rule (Section 7.4).


7.1. Retrieving DOTS Filtering Capabilities
7.1. DOTSフィルタリング機能の取得

A DOTS client MAY send a GET request to retrieve the filtering capabilities supported by a DOTS server. Figure 22 shows an example of such request.


     GET /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /capabilities HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com
     Accept: application/yang-data+json

Figure 22: GET to Retrieve the Capabilities of a DOTS Server


A DOTS client, which issued a GET request to retrieve the filtering capabilities supported by its DOTS server, SHOULD NOT request filtering actions that are not supported by that DOTS server.

DOTSサーバーでサポートされているフィルタリング機能を取得するためにGETリクエストを発行したDOTSクライアントは、そのDOTSサーバーでサポートされていないフィルタリングアクションをリクエストしてはなりません(SHOULD NOT)。

Figure 23 shows an example of a response body received from a DOTS server which supports:


* IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and ICMPv6 mandatory match criteria listed in Section 4.2.

* セクション4.2にリストされているIPv4、IPv6、TCP、UDP、ICMP、およびICMPv6の必須一致基準。

* 'accept', 'drop', and 'rate-limit' actions.

* 「受け入れ」、「ドロップ」、および「レート制限」アクション。

     "ietf-dots-data-channel:capabilities": {
       "address-family": ["ipv4", "ipv6"],
       "forwarding-actions": ["drop", "accept"],
       "rate-limit": true,
       "transport-protocols": [1, 6, 17, 58],
       "ipv4": {
         "length": true,
         "protocol": true,
         "destination-prefix": true,
         "source-prefix": true,
         "fragment": true
       "ipv6": {
         "length": true,
         "protocol": true,
         "destination-prefix": true,
         "source-prefix": true,
         "fragment": true
       "tcp": {
         "flags-bitmask": true,
         "source-port": true,
         "destination-port": true,
         "port-range": true
       "udp": {
         "length": true,
         "source-port": true,
         "destination-port": true,
         "port-range": true
       "icmp": {
         "type": true,
         "code": true

Figure 23: Reply to a GET Request with Filtering Capabilities (Message Body)


7.2. Installing Filtering Rules
7.2. フィルタリングルールのインストール

A POST or PUT request is used by a DOTS client to communicate filtering rules to a DOTS server.


Figure 24 shows an example of a POST request to block traffic from and destined to Other examples are discussed in Appendix A.

図24は、 / 24から198.51.100.0/24宛てのトラフィックをブロックするPOST要求の例を示しています。その他の例については、付録Aで説明します。

    POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /dots-client=dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw HTTP/1.1
    Host: example.com
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [
           "name": "sample-ipv4-acl",
           "type": "ipv4-acl-type",
           "activation-type": "activate-when-mitigating",
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "rule1",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv4": {
                     "destination-ipv4-network": "",
                     "source-ipv4-network": ""
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "drop"

Figure 24: POST to Install Filtering Rules


The meaning of these parameters is as follows:


name: The name of the access list.


This is a mandatory attribute.


type: Indicates the primary intended type of match criteria (e.g., IPv4, IPv6). It is set to 'ipv4-acl-type' in the example of Figure 24.


This is an optional attribute.


activation-type: Indicates whether an ACL has to be activated (immediately or during mitigation time) or instantiated without being activated (deactivated). Deactivated ACLs can be activated using a variety of means, such as manual configuration on a DOTS server or by using the DOTS data channel.


If this attribute is not provided, the DOTS server MUST use 'activate-when-mitigating' as the default value.


When a mitigation is in progress, the DOTS server MUST only activate 'activate-when-mitigating' filters that are bound to the DOTS client that triggered the mitigation.


This is an optional attribute.


matches: Defines criteria used to identify a flow on which to apply the rule. It can be "l3" (IPv4, IPv6) or "l4" (TCP, UDP, ICMP). The detailed match parameters are specified in Section 4.

一致:ルールを適用するフローを識別するために使用される基準を定義します。 「l3」(IPv4、IPv6)または「l4」(TCP、UDP、ICMP)を使用できます。詳細な一致パラメータは、セクション4で指定されています。

In the example depicted in Figure 24, an IPv4 matching criteria is used.


This is an optional attribute.


destination-ipv4-network: The destination IPv4 prefix. DOTS servers MUST validate that these prefixes are within the scope of the DOTS client domain. Other validation checks may be supported by DOTS servers. If this attribute is not provided, the DOTS server enforces the ACL on any destination IP address that belongs to the DOTS client domain.

destination-ipv4-network:宛先IPv4プレフィックス。 DOTSサーバーは、これらのプレフィックスがDOTSクライアントドメインのスコープ内にあることを検証する必要があります。他の検証チェックがDOTSサーバーでサポートされている場合があります。この属性が指定されていない場合、DOTSサーバーは、DOTSクライアントドメインに属する宛先IPアドレスにACLを適用します。

This is a mandatory attribute in requests with an 'activation-type' set to 'immediate'.


source-ipv4-network: The source IPv4 prefix.


This is an optional attribute.


actions: Actions in the forwarding ACL category can be 'drop' or 'accept'. The 'accept' action is used to accept-list traffic. The "drop" action is used to drop-list traffic.

アクション:転送ACLカテゴリのアクションは、「ドロップ」または「受け入れ」のいずれかです。 「accept」アクションは、トラフィックの受け入れリストに使用されます。 「ドロップ」アクションは、トラフィックをドロップリストするために使用されます。

Accepted traffic may be subject to 'rate-limit'; the allowed traffic rate is represented in bytes per second. This unit is the same as the one used for "traffic-rate" in [RFC5575].


This is a mandatory attribute.


The DOTS server indicates the result of processing the POST request using the status-line. Concretely, a "201 Created" status-line MUST be returned in the response if the DOTS server has accepted the filtering rules. If the request is missing a mandatory attribute or contains an invalid or unknown parameter (e.g., a match field not supported by the DOTS server), a "400 Bad Request" status-line MUST be returned by the DOTS server in the response. The error-tag is set to "missing-attribute", "invalid-value", or "unknown-element" as a function of the encountered error.

DOTSサーバーは、ステータス行を使用してPOSTリクエストを処理した結果を示します。具体的には、DOTSサーバーがフィルタリングルールを受け入れた場合、「201 Created」ステータス行を応答で返す必要があります。リクエストに必須属性がないか、無効または不明なパラメーター(DOTSサーバーでサポートされていない一致フィールドなど)が含まれている場合、「400 Bad Request」ステータス行をDOTSサーバーが応答で返す必要があります。エラータグは、発生したエラーの関数として、「missing-attribute」、「invalid-value」、または「unknown-element」に設定されます。

If the request is received via a server-domain DOTS gateway, but the DOTS server does not maintain a 'cdid' for this 'cuid' while a 'cdid' is expected to be supplied, the DOTS server MUST reply with a "403 Forbidden" status-line and the error-tag "access-denied". Upon receipt of this message, the DOTS client MUST register (Figure 11).

リクエストがサーバードメインのDOTSゲートウェイを介して受信されたが、「cdid」が提供されることが予期されている一方で、DOTSサーバーがこの「cuid」の「cdid」を維持していない場合、DOTSサーバーは「403 Forbidden "status-line and the error-tag" access-denied "。このメッセージを受信すると、DOTSクライアントは登録する必要があります(図11)。

If the request is conflicting with an existing filtering installed by another DOTS client of the domain, absent any local policy, the DOTS server returns a "409 Conflict" status-line to the requesting DOTS client. The error-tag "resource-denied" is used in this case.

リクエストがドメインの別のDOTSクライアントによってインストールされた既存のフィルタリングと競合し、ローカルポリシーがない場合、DOTSサーバーはリクエストしているDOTSクライアントに「409 Conflict」ステータス行を返します。この場合、エラータグ「resource-denied」が使用されます。

The "insert" query parameter (Section 4.8.5 of [RFC8040]) MAY be used to specify how an access control entry is inserted within an ACL and how an ACL is inserted within an ACL set.


The DOTS client uses the PUT request to modify its filtering rules maintained by the DOTS server. In particular, a DOTS client MUST update its filtering entries upon change of the destination prefix. How such change is detected is out of scope.


A DOTS server MUST maintain a filtering rule for at least 10080 minutes (1 week). If no refresh request is seen from the DOTS client, the DOTS server removes expired entries. Typically, a refresh request is a PUT request that echoes the content of a response to a GET request with all of the read-only parameters stripped out (e.g., 'pending-lifetime').

DOTSサーバーは、少なくとも10080分間(1週間)フィルタリングルールを維持する必要があります。 DOTSクライアントから更新要求が見られない場合、DOTSサーバーは期限切れのエントリを削除します。通常、更新リクエストは、GETリクエストへの応答のコンテンツをエコーするPUTリクエストであり、すべての読み取り専用パラメーターが削除されます(たとえば、「pending-lifetime」)。

7.3. Retrieving Installed Filtering Rules
7.3. インストールされているフィルタリングルールの取得

A DOTS client periodically queries its DOTS server to check the counters for installed filtering rules. A GET request is used to retrieve filtering rules from a DOTS server. In order to indicate which type of data is requested in a GET request, the DOTS client sets adequately the "content" query parameter.

DOTSクライアントは、定期的にDOTSサーバーにクエリを実行し、インストールされているフィルタールールのカウンターをチェックします。 GETリクエストは、DOTSサーバーからフィルタリングルールを取得するために使用されます。 GETリクエストで要求されるデータのタイプを示すために、DOTSクライアントは「コンテンツ」クエリパラメータを適切に設定します。

If the DOTS server does not find the access list name conveyed in the GET request in its configuration data for this DOTS client, it responds with a "404 Not Found" status-line.

DOTSサーバーは、GETリクエストで伝えられたアクセスリスト名をこのDOTSクライアントの構成データで見つけられない場合、「404 Not Found」ステータス行で応答します。

In order to illustrate the intended behavior, consider the example depicted in Figure 25. In reference to this example, the DOTS client requests the creation of an immediate ACL called "test-acl-ipv6-udp".


   PUT /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
       /acl=test-acl-ipv6-udp HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [
           "name": "test-acl-ipv6-udp",
           "type": "ipv6-acl-type",
           "activation-type": "immediate",
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "my-test-ace",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv6": {
                     "destination-ipv6-network": "2001:db8:6401::2/127",
                     "source-ipv6-network": "2001:db8:1234::/96",
                     "protocol": 17,
                     "flow-label": 10000
                   "udp": {
                     "source-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "lte",
                       "port": 80
                     "destination-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "neq",
                       "port": 1010
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "accept"

Figure 25: Example of a PUT Request to Create a Filtering


The peer DOTS server follows the procedure specified in Section 7.2 to process the request. We consider in the following that a positive response is sent back to the requesting DOTS client to confirm that the "test-acl-ipv6-udp" ACL is successfully installed by the DOTS server.


The DOTS client can issue a GET request to retrieve all its filtering rules and the number of matches for the installed filtering rules as illustrated in Figure 26. The "content" query parameter is set to 'all'. The message body of the response to this GET request is shown in Figure 27.


     GET /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /acls?content=all HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com
     Accept: application/yang-data+json

Figure 26: Retrieve the Configuration Data and State Data for the Filtering Rules (GET Request)


     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [
           "name": "test-acl-ipv6-udp",
           "type": "ipv6-acl-type",
           "activation-type": "immediate",
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "my-test-ace",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv6": {
                     "destination-ipv6-network": "2001:db8:6401::2/127",
                     "source-ipv6-network": "2001:db8:1234::/96",
                     "protocol": 17,
                     "flow-label": 10000
                   "udp": {
                     "source-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "lte",
                       "port": 80
                     "destination-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "neq",
                       "port": 1010
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "accept"

Figure 27: Retrieve the Configuration Data and State Data for the Filtering Rules (Response Message Body)


Also, a DOTS client can issue a GET request to retrieve only configuration data related to an ACL as shown in Figure 28. It does so by setting the "content" query parameter to 'config'.

また、図28に示すように、DOTSクライアントはGET要求を発行して、ACLに関連する構成データのみを取得できます。そのためには、 "content"クエリパラメーターを 'config'に設定します。

     GET /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /acl=test-acl-ipv6-udp?content=config HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com
     Accept: application/yang-data+json

Figure 28: Retrieve the Configuration Data for a Filtering Rule (GET Request)


A response to this GET request is shown in Figure 29.


     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [
           "name": "test-acl-ipv6-udp",
           "type": "ipv6-acl-type",
           "activation-type": "immediate",
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "my-test-ace",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv6": {
                     "destination-ipv6-network": "2001:db8:6401::2/127",
                     "source-ipv6-network": "2001:db8:1234::/96",
                     "protocol": 17,
                     "flow-label": 10000
                   "udp": {
                     "source-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "lte",
                       "port": 80
                     "destination-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "neq",
                       "port": 1010
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "accept"

Figure 29: Retrieve the Configuration Data for a Filtering Rule (Response Message Body)


A DOTS client can also issue a GET request with a "content" query parameter set to 'non-config' to exclusively retrieve non-configuration data bound to a given ACL as shown in Figure 30. A response to this GET request is shown in Figure 31.


     GET /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
         /acl=test-acl-ipv6-udp?content=non-config HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com
     Accept: application/yang-data+json

Figure 30: Retrieve the Non-Configuration Data for a Filtering Rule (GET Request)


     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls":  {
       "acl": [
           "name": "test-acl-ipv6-udp",
           "pending-lifetime": 8000,
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "my-test-ace"

Figure 31: Retrieve the Non-Configuration Data for a Filtering Rule (Response Message Body)


7.4. Removing Filtering Rules
7.4. Removing Filtering Rules

A DELETE request is used by a DOTS client to delete filtering rules from a DOTS server.


If the DOTS server does not find the access list name carried in the DELETE request in its configuration data for this DOTS client, it MUST respond with a "404 Not Found" status-line. The DOTS server successfully acknowledges a DOTS client's request to withdraw the filtering rules using a "204 No Content" status-line, and removes the filtering rules accordingly.

DOTSサーバーが、このDOTSクライアントの構成データでDELETE要求に含まれるアクセスリスト名を見つけられない場合、「404 Not Found」ステータス行で応答する必要があります。 DOTSサーバーは、「204 No Content」ステータス行を使用してフィルタリングルールを撤回するDOTSクライアントのリクエストを正常に確認し、それに応じてフィルタリングルールを削除します。

Figure 32 shows an example of a request to remove the IPv4 ACL "sample-ipv4-acl" created in Section 7.2.

図32は、セクション7.2で作成されたIPv4 ACL "sample-ipv4-acl"を削除するリクエストの例を示しています。

     DELETE  /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
             /acl=sample-ipv4-acl HTTP/1.1
     Host: example.com

Figure 32: Remove a Filtering Rule (DELETE Request)


Figure 33 shows an example of a response received from the DOTS server to confirm the deletion of "sample-ipv4-acl".


    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
    Server: Apache
    Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 10:05:15 GMT
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: Keep-Alive

Figure 33: Remove a Filtering Rule (Response)


8. Operational Considerations
8. 運用上の考慮事項

The following operational considerations should be taken into account:

The following operational considerations should be taken into account:

* DOTS servers MUST NOT enable both DOTS data channel and direct configuration, to avoid race conditions and inconsistent configurations arising from simultaneous updates from multiple sources.

* DOTSサーバーは、複数のソースからの同時更新から生じる競合状態や一貫性のない構成を避けるために、DOTSデータチャネルと直接構成の両方を有効にしてはなりません(MUST NOT)。

* DOTS agents SHOULD enable the DOTS data channel to configure aliases and ACLs, and only use direct configuration as a stop-gap mechanism to test DOTS signal channel with aliases and ACLs. Further, direct configuration SHOULD only be used when the on-path DOTS agents are within the same domain.

* DOTS agents SHOULD enable the DOTS data channel to configure aliases and ACLs, and only use direct configuration as a stop-gap mechanism to test DOTS signal channel with aliases and ACLs. Further, direct configuration SHOULD only be used when the on-path DOTS agents are within the same domain.

* If a DOTS server has enabled direct configuration, it can reject the DOTS data channel connection using hard ICMP error [RFC1122] or RST (Reset) bit in the TCP header or reject the RESTCONF request using an error response containing a "503 Service Unavailable" status-line.

* DOTSサーバーが直接構成を有効にしている場合、TCPヘッダーのハードICMPエラー[RFC1122]またはRST(リセット)ビットを使用してDOTSデータチャネル接続を拒否するか、「503 Service Unavailable」を含むエラー応答を使用してRESTCONF要求を拒否できます。ステータス行。

9. IANA Considerations
9. IANAに関する考慮事項

IANA has registered the following URI in the "ns" subregistry within the "IETF XML Registry" [RFC3688]:

IANAは、「IETF XMLレジストリ」[RFC3688]内の「ns」サブレジストリに次のURIを登録しました。

   ID:  yang:ietf-dots-data-channel
   URI:  urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-dots-data-channel
   Registrant Contact:  The IESG.
   XML:  N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.
   Reference:  RFC 8783

IANA has registered the following YANG module in the "YANG Module Names" subregistry [RFC7950] within the "YANG Parameters" registry.


   Name:  ietf-dots-data-channel
   Namespace:  urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-dots-data-channel
   Prefix:  data-channel
   Reference:  RFC 8783

This module is not maintained by IANA.


10. Security Considerations
10. Security Considerations

RESTCONF security considerations are discussed in [RFC8040]. In particular, DOTS agents MUST follow the security recommendations in Sections 2 and 12 of [RFC8040]. Also, DOTS agents MUST support the mutual authentication TLS profile discussed in Sections 7.1 and 8 of [RFC8782].


Authenticated encryption MUST be used for data confidentiality and message integrity. The interaction between the DOTS agents requires Transport Layer Security (TLS) with a cipher suite offering confidentiality protection, and the guidance given in [RFC7525] MUST be followed to avoid attacks on TLS.

データの機密性とメッセージの整合性のために、認証された暗号化を使用する必要があります。 DOTSエージェント間の相互作用には、機密保護を提供する暗号スイートを備えたトランスポート層セキュリティ(TLS)が必要です。TLSへの攻撃を回避するには、[RFC7525]で提供されているガイダンスに従う必要があります。

The installation of drop-list or accept-list rules using RESTCONF over TLS reveals the attacker IP addresses and legitimate IP addresses only to the DOTS server trusted by the DOTS client. The secure communication channel between DOTS agents provides privacy and prevents a network eavesdropper from directly gaining access to the drop-listed and accept-listed IP addresses.

TLSを介したRESTCONFを使用してドロップリストまたは受け入れリストのルールをインストールすると、攻撃者のIPアドレスと正当なIPアドレスは、DOTSクライアントが信頼するDOTSサーバーにのみ明らかになります。 DOTSエージェント間の安全な通信チャネルはプライバシーを提供し、ネットワーク盗聴者がドロップリストおよび受け入れリストのIPアドレスに直接アクセスするのを防ぎます。

An attacker may be able to inject RST packets, bogus application segments, etc., regardless of whether TLS authentication is used. Because the application data is TLS protected, this will not result in the application receiving bogus data, but it will constitute a DoS on the connection. This attack can be countered by using TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO) [RFC5925]. If TCP-AO is used, then any bogus packets injected by an attacker will be rejected by the TCP-AO integrity check and therefore will never reach the TLS layer.

攻撃者は、TLS認証が使用されているかどうかに関係なく、RSTパケットや偽のアプリケーションセグメントなどを挿入できる可能性があります。アプリケーションデータはTLSで保護されているため、アプリケーションが偽のデータを受信することはありませんが、接続でDoSを構成します。この攻撃は、TCP認証オプション(TCP-AO)[RFC5925]を使用して対抗できます。 TCP-AOが使用されている場合、攻撃者によって挿入された偽のパケットはTCP-AOの整合性チェックによって拒否されるため、TLSレイヤーに到達することはありません。

In order to prevent leaking internal information outside a client domain, client-side DOTS gateways SHOULD NOT reveal the identity of internal DOTS clients (e.g., source IP address, client's hostname) unless explicitly configured to do so.

クライアントドメインの外部への内部情報の漏洩を防ぐために、クライアント側のDOTSゲートウェイは、明示的に構成されていない限り、内部DOTSクライアントのID(たとえば、送信元IPアドレス、クライアントのホスト名)を明らかにすべきではありません(SHOULD NOT)。

DOTS servers MUST verify that requesting DOTS clients are entitled to enforce filtering rules on a given IP prefix. That is, only filtering rules on IP resources that belong to the DOTS client domain can be authorized by a DOTS server. The exact mechanism for the DOTS servers to validate that the target prefixes are within the scope of the DOTS client domain is deployment specific.

DOTSサーバーは、要求しているDOTSクライアントが特定のIPプレフィックスにフィルタリングルールを適用する資格があることを確認する必要があります。つまり、DOTSサーバーが承認できるのは、DOTSクライアントドメインに属するIPリソースのフィルタリングルールのみです。 DOTSサーバーがターゲットプレフィックスがDOTSクライアントドメインのスコープ内にあることを検証するための正確なメカニズムは、デプロイメント固有です。

Rate-limiting DOTS requests, including those with new 'cuid' values, from the same DOTS client defends against DoS attacks that would result from varying the 'cuid' to exhaust DOTS server resources. Rate-limit policies SHOULD be enforced on DOTS gateways (if deployed) and DOTS servers.


Applying resources quota per DOTS client and/or per DOTS client domain (e.g., limiting the number of aliases and filters to be installed by DOTS clients) prevents DOTS server resources from being aggressively used by some DOTS clients and therefore ensures DDoS mitigation usage fairness. Additionally, DOTS servers may limit the number of DOTS clients that can be enabled per domain.


When FQDNs are used as targets, the DOTS server MUST rely upon DNS privacy enabling protocols (e.g., DNS over TLS [RFC7858] or DNS over HTTPS (DoH) [RFC8484]) to prevent eavesdroppers from possibly identifying the target resources protected by the DDoS mitigation service, and means to ensure the target FQDN resolution is authentic (e.g., DNSSEC [RFC4034]).

When FQDNs are used as targets, the DOTS server MUST rely upon DNS privacy enabling protocols (e.g., DNS over TLS [RFC7858] or DNS over HTTPS (DoH) [RFC8484]) to prevent eavesdroppers from possibly identifying the target resources protected by the DDoS mitigation service, and means to ensure the target FQDN resolution is authentic (e.g., DNSSEC [RFC4034]).

The presence of DOTS gateways may lead to infinite forwarding loops, which is undesirable. To prevent and detect such loops, a mechanism is defined in Section 3.4.


The YANG module specified in this document defines a schema for data that is designed to be accessed via network management protocols such as NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040]. The lowest NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is Secure Shell (SSH) [RFC6242]. The lowest RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is TLS [RFC8446].

このドキュメントで指定されているYANGモジュールは、NETCONF [RFC6241]やRESTCONF [RFC8040]などのネットワーク管理プロトコルを介してアクセスするように設計されたデータのスキーマを定義します。最下位のNETCONFレイヤーはセキュアなトランスポートレイヤーであり、実装に必須のセキュアなトランスポートはセキュアシェル(SSH)です[RFC6242]。最下位のRESTCONFレイヤーはHTTPSであり、実装に必須のセキュアなトランスポートはTLS [RFC8446]です。

The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [RFC8341] provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [RFC8341] provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

There are a number of data nodes defined in this YANG module that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is the default). These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. Write operations (e.g., edit-config) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. The DOTS data channel is responsible for exchanging configuration data that affect traffic filtering during DDoS attack mitigation, in particular. Appropriate security measures are recommended to prevent illegitimate users from invoking DOTS data channel primitives on writable data nodes. Nevertheless, an attacker who can access a DOTS client is technically capable of launching various attacks, such as:

このYANGモジュールには、書き込み可能/作成可能/削除可能なデータノードが多数定義されています(つまり、config true、デフォルトです)。これらのデータノードは、一部のネットワーク環境では機密または脆弱であると見なされる場合があります。適切な保護なしにこれらのデータノードに書き込み操作(edit-configなど)を行うと、ネットワーク操作に悪影響を与える可能性があります。 DOTSデータチャネルは、特にDDoS攻撃の軽減時にトラフィックフィルタリングに影響を与える構成データの交換を担当します。不正なユーザーが書き込み可能なデータノードでDOTSデータチャネルプリミティブを呼び出すことを防ぐために、適切なセキュリティ対策をお勧めします。それでも、DOTSクライアントにアクセスできる攻撃者は、技術的に次のようなさまざまな攻撃を仕掛けることができます。

* Setting an arbitrarily low rate-limit, which may prevent legitimate traffic from being forwarded (rate-limit).

* 任意の低いレート制限を設定します。これにより、正当なトラフィックが転送されなくなる可能性があります(レート制限)。

* Setting an arbitrarily high rate-limit, which may lead to the forwarding of illegitimate DDoS traffic (rate-limit).

* 任意に高いレート制限を設定すると、不正なDDoSトラフィックの転送につながる可能性があります(レート制限)。

* Communicating invalid aliases to the server (alias), which will cause the failure of associating both data and signal channels.

* Communicating invalid aliases to the server (alias), which will cause the failure of associating both data and signal channels.

* Setting invalid ACL entries, which may prevent legitimate traffic from being forwarded. Likewise, invalid ACL entries may lead to forward DDoS traffic.

* 無効なACLエントリを設定すると、正当なトラフィックが転送されなくなる可能性があります。同様に、無効なACLエントリはDDoSトラフィックを転送する可能性があります。

This module reuses YANG structures from [RFC8519], and the security considerations for those nodes continue to apply for this usage.


11. References
11. 参考文献
11.1. Normative References
11.1. 引用文献

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.

[RFC2119] Bradner、S。、「要件レベルを示すためにRFCで使用するキーワード」、BCP 14、RFC 2119、DOI 10.17487 / RFC2119、1997年3月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/ rfc2119>。

[RFC3688] Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688, DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3688>.

[RFC3688] Mealling、M。、「The IETF XML Registry」、BCP 81、RFC 3688、DOI 10.17487 / RFC3688、2004年1月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3688>。

[RFC4632] Fuller, V. and T. Li, "Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan", BCP 122, RFC 4632, DOI 10.17487/RFC4632, August 2006, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4632>.

[RFC4632] Fuller、V。およびT. Li、「Classless Inter-domain Routing(CIDR):the Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan」、BCP 122、RFC 4632、DOI 10.17487 / RFC4632、2006年8月、<https:// www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4632>。

[RFC6125] Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509 (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, DOI 10.17487/RFC6125, March 2011, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6125>.

[RFC6125] Saint-Andre、P。およびJ. Hodges、「トランスポート層セキュリティ(TLS)のコンテキストでX.​​509(PKIX)証明書を使用したインターネット公開鍵インフラストラクチャ内のドメインベースのアプリケーションサービスIDの表現と検証」、 RFC 6125、DOI 10.17487 / RFC6125、2011年3月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6125>。

[RFC6241] Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6241>.

[RFC6241] Enns、R。、編、Bjorklund、M。、編、Schoenwaelder、J。、編、およびA. Bierman、編、「Network Configuration Protocol(NETCONF)」、RFC 6241、DOI 10.17487 / RFC6241、2011年6月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6241>。

[RFC6242] Wasserman, M., "Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)", RFC 6242, DOI 10.17487/RFC6242, June 2011, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6242>.

[RFC6242] Wasserman、M。、「Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure Shell(SSH)」、RFC 6242、DOI 10.17487 / RFC6242、2011年6月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6242>。

[RFC6991] Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., "Common YANG Data Types", RFC 6991, DOI 10.17487/RFC6991, July 2013, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6991>.

[RFC6991] Schoenwaelder、J。、編、「Common YANG Data Types」、RFC 6991、DOI 10.17487 / RFC6991、2013年7月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6991>。

[RFC7230] Fielding, R., Ed. and J. Reschke, Ed., "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing", RFC 7230, DOI 10.17487/RFC7230, June 2014, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7230>.

[RFC7230] Fielding, R., Ed. and J. Reschke, Ed., "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing", RFC 7230, DOI 10.17487/RFC7230, June 2014, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7230>.

[RFC7525] Sheffer, Y., Holz, R., and P. Saint-Andre, "Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)", BCP 195, RFC 7525, DOI 10.17487/RFC7525, May 2015, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7525>.

[RFC7525] Sheffer、Y.、Holz、R。、およびP. Saint-Andre、「Transport Layer Security(TLS)およびDatagram Transport Layer Security(DTLS)の安全な使用に関する推奨事項」、BCP 195、RFC 7525、DOI 10.17487 / RFC7525、2015年5月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7525>。

[RFC7950] Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language", RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7950>.

[RFC7950] Bjorklund、M。、編、「The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language」、RFC 7950、DOI 10.17487 / RFC7950、2016年8月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7950>。

[RFC7951] Lhotka, L., "JSON Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG", RFC 7951, DOI 10.17487/RFC7951, August 2016, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7951>.

[RFC7951] Lhotka、L。、「YANGでモデル化されたデータのJSONエンコーディング」、RFC 7951、DOI 10.17487 / RFC7951、2016年8月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7951>。

[RFC8040] Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8040>.

[RFC8040] Bierman、A.、Bjorklund、M。、およびK. Watsen、「RESTCONFプロトコル」、RFC 8040、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8040、2017年1月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8040 >。

[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.

[RFC8174] Leiba、B。、「RFC 2119キーワードの大文字と小文字のあいまいさ」、BCP 14、RFC 8174、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8174、2017年5月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/ rfc8174>。

[RFC8259] Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259, DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8259>.

[RFC8259]ブレイ、T。、編、「JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)データ交換フォーマット」、STD 90、RFC 8259、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8259、2017年12月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org / info / rfc8259>。

[RFC8341] Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341, DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8341>.

[RFC8341] Bierman、A。およびM. Bjorklund、「Network Configuration Access Control Model」、STD 91、RFC 8341、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8341、2018年3月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8341 >。

[RFC8446] Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8446>.

[RFC8446] Rescorla、E。、「The Transport Layer Security(TLS)Protocol Version 1.3」、RFC 8446、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8446、2018年8月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8446>。

[RFC8519] Jethanandani, M., Agarwal, S., Huang, L., and D. Blair, "YANG Data Model for Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)", RFC 8519, DOI 10.17487/RFC8519, March 2019, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8519>.

[RFC8519] Jethanandani、M.、Agarwal、S.、Huang、L。、およびD. Blair、「YANG Data Model for Network Access Control Lists(ACLs)」、RFC 8519、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8519、2019年3月、<https ://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8519>。

[RFC8782] Reddy.K, T., Ed., Boucadair, M., Ed., Patil, P., Mortensen, A., and N. Teague, "Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification", RFC 8782, DOI 10.17487/RFC8782, May 2020, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8782>.

[RFC8782] Reddy.K、T.、Ed。、Boucadair、M.、Ed。、Patil、P.、Mortensen、A.、and N. Teague、 "Distributed of Service of Open Open Threat Signaling(DOTS)Signalチャンネル仕様」、RFC 8782、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8782、2020年5月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8782>。

11.2. Informative References
11.2. 参考引用

[DOTS-ARCH] Mortensen, A., Reddy.K, T., Andreasen, F., Teague, N., and R. Compton, "Distributed-Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Architecture", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-dots-architecture-18, 6 March 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dots-architecture-18>.


[DOTS-SERVER-DISC] Boucadair, M. and T. Reddy.K, "Distributed-Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Agent Discovery", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-dots-server-discovery-10, 7 February 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dots-server-discovery-10>.

[DOTS-SERVER-DISC] Boucadair, M. and T. Reddy.K, "Distributed-Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Agent Discovery", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-dots-server-discovery-10, 7 February 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dots-server-discovery-10>.

[IANA-PROTO] IANA, "Protocol Numbers", <http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers>.

[IANA-PROTO] IANA、「プロトコル番号」、<http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers>。

[RESTCONF-MODELS] Watsen, K., "RESTCONF Client and Server Models", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server-19, 20 May 2020, <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server-19>.

[RESTCONF-MODELS] Watsen、K。、「RESTCONF Client and Server Models」、Work in Progress、Internet-Draft、draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server-19、2020年5月20日、<https:// tools .ietf.org / html / draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server-19>。

[RFC1122] Braden, R., Ed., "Requirements for Internet Hosts - Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC 1122, DOI 10.17487/RFC1122, October 1989, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1122>.

[RFC1122] Braden、R。、編、「インターネットホストの要件-通信層」、STD 3、RFC 1122、DOI 10.17487 / RFC1122、1989年10月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/ rfc1122>。

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66, RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3986>.

[RFC3986] Berners-Lee、T.、Fielding、R。、およびL. Masinter、「Uniform Resource Identifier(URI):Generic Syntax」、STD 66、RFC 3986、DOI 10.17487 / RFC3986、2005年1月、<https:/ /www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3986>。

[RFC4034] Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S. Rose, "Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions", RFC 4034, DOI 10.17487/RFC4034, March 2005, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4034>.

[RFC4034] Arends、R.、Austein、R.、Larson、M.、Massey、D。、およびS. Rose、「DNS Security Extensionsのリソースレコード」、RFC 4034、DOI 10.17487 / RFC4034、2005年3月、< https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4034>。

[RFC4340] Kohler, E., Handley, M., and S. Floyd, "Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)", RFC 4340, DOI 10.17487/RFC4340, March 2006, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4340>.

[RFC4340] Kohler、E.、Handley、M。、およびS. Floyd、「Datagram Congestion Control Protocol(DCCP)」、RFC 4340、DOI 10.17487 / RFC4340、2006年3月、<https://www.rfc-editor。 org / info / rfc4340>。

[RFC4960] Stewart, R., Ed., "Stream Control Transmission Protocol", RFC 4960, DOI 10.17487/RFC4960, September 2007, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4960>.

[RFC4960] Stewart、R.、Ed。、「Stream Control Transmission Protocol」、RFC 4960、DOI 10.17487 / RFC4960、2007年9月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4960>。

[RFC5575] Marques, P., Sheth, N., Raszuk, R., Greene, B., Mauch, J., and D. McPherson, "Dissemination of Flow Specification Rules", RFC 5575, DOI 10.17487/RFC5575, August 2009, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5575>.

[RFC5575] Marques、P.、Shes、N.、Raszuk、R.、Greene、B.、Mauch、J。、およびD. McPherson、「Dissemination of Flow Specification Rules」、RFC 5575、DOI 10.17487 / RFC5575、August 2009、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5575>。

[RFC5925] Touch, J., Mankin, A., and R. Bonica, "The TCP Authentication Option", RFC 5925, DOI 10.17487/RFC5925, June 2010, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5925>.

[RFC5925] Touch、J.、Mankin、A。、およびR. Bonica、「The TCP Authentication Option」、RFC 5925、DOI 10.17487 / RFC5925、2010年6月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info / rfc5925>。

[RFC6520] Seggelmann, R., Tuexen, M., and M. Williams, "Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Heartbeat Extension", RFC 6520, DOI 10.17487/RFC6520, February 2012, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6520>.

[RFC6520] Seggelmann、R.、Tuexen、M。、およびM. Williams、「Transport Layer Security(TLS)and Datagram Transport Layer Security(DTLS)Heartbeat Extension」、RFC 6520、DOI 10.17487 / RFC6520、2012年2月、<https ://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6520>。

[RFC7858] Hu, Z., Zhu, L., Heidemann, J., Mankin, A., Wessels, D., and P. Hoffman, "Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 7858, DOI 10.17487/RFC7858, May 2016, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7858>.

[RFC7858] Hu, Z., Zhu, L., Heidemann, J., Mankin, A., Wessels, D., and P. Hoffman, "Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS)", RFC 7858, DOI 10.17487/RFC7858, May 2016, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7858>.

[RFC8340] Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams", BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, March 2018, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8340>.

[RFC8340] Bjorklund、M。およびL. Berger、編、「YANG Tree Diagrams」、BCP 215、RFC 8340、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8340、2018年3月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/ rfc8340>。

[RFC8484] Hoffman, P. and P. McManus, "DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH)", RFC 8484, DOI 10.17487/RFC8484, October 2018, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8484>.

[RFC8484] Hoffman、P。およびP. McManus、「HTTPS(DoH)を介したDNSクエリ」、RFC 8484、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8484、2018年10月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8484> 。

[RFC8499] Hoffman, P., Sullivan, A., and K. Fujiwara, "DNS Terminology", BCP 219, RFC 8499, DOI 10.17487/RFC8499, January 2019, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8499>.

[RFC8499]ホフマン、P。、サリバン、A。、およびK.藤原、「DNS用語」、BCP 219、RFC 8499、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8499、2019年1月、<https://www.rfc-editor.org/ info / rfc8499>。

[RFC8612] Mortensen, A., Reddy, T., and R. Moskowitz, "DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Requirements", RFC 8612, DOI 10.17487/RFC8612, May 2019, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8612>.

[RFC8612] Mortensen、A.、Reddy、T。、およびR. Moskowitz、「DDoS Open Threat Signaling(DOTS)Requirements」、RFC 8612、DOI 10.17487 / RFC8612、May 2019、<https://www.rfc-editor .org / info / rfc8612>。

Appendix A. Examples: Filtering Fragments


This specification strongly recommends the use of 'fragment' for handling fragments.


Figure 34 shows the content of the POST request to be issued by a DOTS client to its DOTS server to allow the traffic destined to and UDP port number 53, but to drop all fragmented packets. The following ACEs are defined (in this order):

図34に、DOTSクライアントからDOTSサーバーに発行され、 / 24宛てのトラフィックとUDPポート番号53を許可するが、すべての断片化されたパケットをドロップするPOST要求の内容を示します。以下のACEが(この順序で)定義されています。

* "drop-all-fragments" ACE: discards all fragments.

* "drop-all-fragments" ACE:すべてのフラグメントを破棄します。

* "allow-dns-packets" ACE: accepts DNS packets destined to

* 「allow-dns-packets」ACE:宛てのDNSパケットを受け入れます。

   POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
        /dots-client=dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [
           "name": "dns-fragments",
           "type": "ipv4-acl-type",
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "drop-all-fragments",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv4": {
                     "fragment": {
                       "operator": "match",
                       "type": "isf"
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "drop"
                 "name": "allow-dns-packets",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv4": {
                     "destination-ipv4-network": ""
                   "udp": {
                     "destination-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "eq",
                       "port": 53
                   "actions": {
                     "forwarding": "accept"

Figure 34: Filtering IPv4 Fragmented Packets


Figure 35 shows an example of a POST request issued by a DOTS client to its DOTS server to allow the traffic destined to 2001:db8::/32 and UDP port number 53, but to drop all fragmented packets. The following ACEs are defined (in this order):

Figure 35 shows an example of a POST request issued by a DOTS client to its DOTS server to allow the traffic destined to 2001:db8::/32 and UDP port number 53, but to drop all fragmented packets. The following ACEs are defined (in this order):

* "drop-all-fragments" ACE: discards all fragments (including atomic fragments). That is, IPv6 packets that include a Fragment header (44) are dropped.

* "drop-all-fragments" ACE:すべてのフラグメント(アトミックフラグメントを含む)を破棄します。つまり、フラグメントヘッダー(44)を含むIPv6パケットはドロップされます。

* "allow-dns-packets" ACE: accepts DNS packets destined to 2001:db8::/32.

* 「allow-dns-packets」ACE:2001:db8 :: / 32宛てのDNSパケットを受け入れます。

   POST /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
        /dots-client=dz6pHjaADkaFTbjr0JGBpw HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [
           "name": "dns-fragments",
           "type": "ipv6-acl-type",
           "aces": {
             "ace": [
                 "name": "drop-all-fragments",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv6": {
                     "fragment": {
                       "operator": "match",
                       "type": "isf"
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "drop"
                 "name": "allow-dns-packets",
                 "matches": {
                   "ipv6": {
                     "destination-ipv6-network": "2001:db8::/32"
                   "udp": {
                     "destination-port-range-or-operator": {
                       "operator": "eq",
                       "port": 53
                 "actions": {
                   "forwarding": "accept"

Figure 35: Filtering IPv6 Fragmented Packets


Appendix B. Examples: Filtering TCP Messages


This section provides examples to illustrate TCP-specific filtering based on the flag bits. These examples should not be interpreted as recommended filtering behaviors under specific DDoS attacks.


B.1. Discard TCP Null Attack
B.1. TCP Null攻撃を破棄

Figure 36 shows an example of a DOTS request sent by a DOTS client to install immediately a filter to discard incoming TCP messages having all flags unset. The bitmask can be set to 255 to check against the (CWR, ECE, URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN) flags.


   PUT /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
       /acl=tcp-flags-example HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [{
         "name": "tcp-flags-example",
         "activation-type": "immediate",
         "aces": {
           "ace": [{
             "name": "null-attack",
             "matches": {
               "tcp": {
                 "flags-bitmask": {
                   "operator": "not any",
                   "bitmask": 4095
             "actions": {
               "forwarding": "drop"

Figure 36: Example of a DOTS Request to Deny TCP Null Attack Messages

Figure 36: Example of a DOTS Request to Deny TCP Null Attack Messages

B.2. Rate-Limit SYN Flooding
B.2. レート制限SYNフラッディング

Figure 37 shows an ACL example to rate-limit incoming SYNs during a SYN flood attack.


   PUT /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
       /acl=tcp-flags-example HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [{
         "name": "tcp-flags-example",
         "activation-type": "activate-when-mitigating",
         "aces": {
           "ace": [{
             "name": "rate-limit-syn",
             "matches": {
               "tcp": {
                 "flags-bitmask": {
                   "operator": "match",
                   "bitmask": 2
             "actions": {
               "forwarding": "accept",
               "rate-limit": "20.00"

Figure 37: Example of DOTS Request to Rate-Limit Incoming TCP SYNs

図37:着信TCP SYNをレート制限するDOTS要求の例

B.3. Rate-Limit ACK Flooding
B.3. レート制限ACKフラッディング

Figure 38 shows an ACL example to rate-limit incoming ACKs during an ACK flood attack.


   PUT /restconf/data/ietf-dots-data-channel:dots-data\
       /acl=tcp-flags-example HTTP/1.1
   Host: example.com
   Content-Type: application/yang-data+json
     "ietf-dots-data-channel:acls": {
       "acl": [{
         "name": "tcp-flags-example",
         "type": "ipv4-acl-type",
         "activation-type": "activate-when-mitigating",
         "aces": {
           "ace": [{
             "name": "rate-limit-ack",
             "matches": {
               "tcp": {
                 "flags-bitmask": {
                   "operator": "match",
                   "bitmask": 16
             "actions": {
               "forwarding": "accept",
               "rate-limit": "20.00"

Figure 38: Example of DOTS Request to Rate-Limit Incoming TCP ACKs

図38:着信TCP ACKをレート制限するDOTS要求の例



Thanks to Christian Jacquenet, Roland Dobbins, Roman Danyliw, Ehud Doron, Russ White, Gilbert Clark, Kathleen Moriarty, Nesredien Suleiman, Roni Even, and Brian Trammel for the discussion and comments.

議論とコメントをしてくれたChristian Jacquenet、Roland Dobbins、Roman Danyliw、Ehud Doron、Russ White、Gilbert Clark、Kathleen Moriarty、Nesredien Suleiman、Roni Even、Brian Trammelに感謝します。

The authors would like to give special thanks to Kaname Nishizuka and Jon Shallow for their efforts in implementing the protocol and performing interop testing at IETF Hackathons.

The authors would like to give special thanks to Kaname Nishizuka and Jon Shallow for their efforts in implementing the protocol and performing interop testing at IETF Hackathons.

Many thanks to Benjamin Kaduk for the detailed AD review.

詳細なADレビューを提供してくれたBenjamin Kadukに感謝します。

Thanks to Martin Björklund for the guidance on RESTCONF.

Thanks to Martin Björklund for the guidance on RESTCONF.

Thanks to Alexey Melnikov, Adam Roach, Suresh Krishnan, Mirja Kühlewind, and Warren Kumari for the review.

レビューを提供してくれたAlexey Melnikov、Adam Roach、Suresh Krishnan、MirjaKühlewind、Warren Kumariに感謝します。



The following people contributed substantially to the content of this document and should be considered coauthors:


Kaname Nishizuka NTT Communications GranPark 16F 3-4-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8118 Japan

かなめ にしずか んっt こっむにかちおんs Gらんぱrk 16F 3ー4ー1 しばうら、 みなとーく、 ときょ 108ー8118 じゃぱん

   Email: kaname@nttv6.jp

Liang Xia Huawei 101 Software Avenue, Yuhuatai District Nanjing Jiangsu, 210012 China

l Ian GX IA hu Aは101ソフトウェアアベニュー、Y U Huatai地区NaN京江蘇、210012中国

   Email: frank.xialiang@huawei.com

Prashanth Patil Cisco Systems, Inc.

Prashanth Patil Cisco Systems、Inc.

   Email: praspati@cisco.com

Andrew Mortensen Arbor Networks, Inc. 2727 S. State Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 United States of America

Andrew Mortensen Arbor Networks、Inc. 2727 S. State Street Ann Arbor、Michigan 48104アメリカ合衆国

   Email: andrew@moretension.com

Nik Teague Iron Mountain Data Centers United Kingdom

Nik Teague Iron Mountainデータセンターイギリス

   Email: nteague@ironmountain.co.uk

The following individuals have contributed to this document:


Dan Wing


   Email: dwing-ietf@fuggles.com

Jon Shallow NCC Group


   Email: jon.shallow@nccgroup.com

Authors' Addresses


Mohamed Boucadair (editor) Orange 35000 Rennes France

Mohamed Boucadair(editor)Orange 35000 Rennes France

   Email: mohamed.boucadair@orange.com

Tirumaleswar Reddy.K (editor) McAfee, Inc. Embassy Golf Link Business Park Bangalore 560071 Karnataka India

Tirumaleswar Reddy.K (editor) McAfee, Inc. Embassy Golf Link Business Park Bangalore 560071 Karnataka India

   Email: kondtir@gmail.com