[要約] この文書は、データドキュメンテーションイニシアティブ(DDI)アライアンスが公開する標準に準拠するリソースを識別するために使用されるUniform Resource Names(URNs)のNamespace Identifier(NID)「ddi」について説明しています。DDIアライアンスは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)やインターネット協会(ISOC)とは関係ありません。この独立した提出物は標準ではなく、IETFコミュニティの合意もありません。

Independent Submission                                       J. Wackerow
Request for Comments: 9517                                  DDI Alliance
Category: Informational                                     January 2024
ISSN: 2070-1721
A URN Namespace for the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)

This document describes the Namespace Identifier (NID) "ddi" for Uniform Resource Names (URNs) used to identify resources that conform to the standards published by the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Alliance.

このドキュメントでは、Data Documentation Initiative(DDI)Allianceが公開した標準に準拠するリソースを特定するために使用される、ユニフォームリソース名(URN)の名前空間識別子(NID)「DDI」について説明します。

The DDI Alliance is not affiliated with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) or Internet Society (ISOC). This Independent Submission is not a standard nor does it have IETF community consensus.

DDI Allianceは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)またはインターネットソサエティ(ISOC)と提携していません。この独立した提出は標準ではなく、IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスもありません。

Status of This Memo

This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.


This is a contribution to the RFC Series, independently of any other RFC stream. The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at its discretion and makes no statement about its value for implementation or deployment. Documents approved for publication by the RFC Editor are not candidates for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841.

これは、他のRFCストリームとは無関係に、RFCシリーズへの貢献です。RFCエディターは、このドキュメントの裁量でこのドキュメントを公開することを選択しており、実装または展開に対する価値について声明を発表しません。RFCエディターによって公開されることが承認されたドキュメントは、インターネット標準のレベルの候補者ではありません。RFC 7841のセクション2を参照してください。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9517.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
   2.  Conventions Used in This Document
   3.  Specification
     3.1.  Declaration of Syntactic Structure
       3.1.1.  Description
       3.1.2.  ABNF Grammar
       3.1.3.  Regular Expression
       3.1.4.  Examples of DDI URNs
     3.2.  Relevant Ancillary Documentation
     3.3.  Identifier Uniqueness Considerations
     3.4.  Identifier Persistence Considerations
     3.5.  Process of Identifier Assignment
     3.6.  Process for Identifier Resolution
     3.7.  Rules for Lexical Equivalence
     3.8.  Conformance with URN Syntax
     3.9.  Validation Mechanism
     3.10. Scope
   4.  Namespace Considerations
     4.1.  URN Assignment Procedures
     4.2.  URN Resolution/Delegation
     4.3.  Type of Resources To Be Identified
     4.4.  Type of Services
   5.  Community Considerations
     5.1.  Open Assignment and Use of Identifiers
     5.2.  Open Operation of Resolution Servers
     5.3.  Creation of Software for Service Discovery
   6.  IANA Considerations
   7.  Security Considerations
   8.  References
     8.1.  Normative References
     8.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Example DNS Records
     A.1.  Delegation of the URN Namespace "ddi"
     A.2.  Delegation of DDI Agencies
     A.3.  DDI Services
   Appendix B.  Algorithm for DDI Service Discovery
     B.1.  Application Unique String
     B.2.  First Well Known Rule
     B.3.  Valid Databases
     B.4.  Expected Output
   Author's Address
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

This document registers a formal Namespace Identifier (NID) for URNs associated with DDI resources in accordance with the process defined in [RFC8141].


The DDI Alliance is an international collaboration dedicated to establishing metadata standards and semantic products for describing social science data, data covering human activity, and other data based on observational methods. DDI specifications are free standards that document and manage different stages in the research data lifecycle, such as conceptualization, collection, processing, distribution, discovery, and archiving. Documenting data with DDI facilitates understanding, interpretation, and use -- by people, software systems, and computer networks.

DDI Allianceは、社会科学データ、人間の活動をカバーするデータ、および観察方法に基づいたその他のデータを説明するためのメタデータ標準とセマンティック製品の確立に専念する国際的なコラボレーションです。DDI仕様は、概念化、収集、処理、配布、発見、アーカイブなど、研究データライフサイクルのさまざまな段階を文書化および管理する自由標準です。DDIを使用してデータを文書化することで、人、ソフトウェアシステム、およびコンピューターネットワークによる理解、解釈、および使用が促進されます。

The specifications DDI Codebook [DDI-C] and DDI Lifecycle [DDI-L] are expressed in XML Schema; DDI Extended Knowledge Organization System (XKOS) [DDI-XKOS] in OWL/RDF; Structured Data Transformation Language (SDTL) [DDI-SDTL] in JSON Schema; and the upcoming DDI Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI) in UML. DDI is aligned with other metadata standards like Dublin Core Metadata Initiative [DUBLINC]; Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange [SDMX] for exchanging aggregate data; ISO/ IEC 11179 [IS11179] for building metadata registries, such as question, variable, and concept banks; and ISO 19115 [ISO.19115.2003] for supporting geographic information systems.

仕様DDIコードブック[DDI-C]およびDDIライフサイクル[DDI-L]はXMLスキーマで表されます。ddi拡張ナレッジ組織システム(xkos)[ddi-xkos] fowl/rdf;JSONスキーマの構造化データ変換言語(SDTL)[DDI-SDTL]。UMLの今後のDDIクロスドメイン統合(DDI-CDI)。DDIは、ダブリンコアメタデータイニシアチブ[dublinc]などの他のメタデータ標準と整合しています。集約データを交換するための統計データとメタデータ交換[SDMX]。ISO/ IEC 11179 [IS11179]は、質問、変数、コンセプトバンクなどのメタデータレジストリを構築します。地理情報システムをサポートするためのISO 19115 [ISO.19115.2003]。

DDI URNs support reusability of DDI resources inside a single DDI instance and in a distributed network of DDI instances.

DDI URNSは、単一のDDIインスタンス内およびDDIインスタンスの分散ネットワーク内のDDIリソースの再利用性をサポートしています。

The DDI specification is developed and maintained by the DDI Alliance [DDI-ALL]. The DDI Alliance is a self-sustaining membership organization whose over 40-member institutions have a voice in the development of the DDI specifications. This memo describing the ddi URN is an informational specification. It is not a standard and is not the product of the IETF.

DDI仕様は、DDIアライアンス[DDI-All]によって開発および維持されています。DDI Allianceは、40人以上の機関がDDI仕様の開発に声を上げている自立したメンバーシップ組織です。DDI URNを説明するこのメモは、情報仕様です。それは標準ではなく、IETFの産物でもありません。

2. Conventions Used in This Document
2. このドキュメントで使用されている規則

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

この文書のキーワード "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", および "OPTIONAL" はBCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]で説明されているように、すべて大文字の場合にのみ解釈されます。

In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation only when in ALL CAPS. Lowercase uses of these words are not to be interpreted as carrying [RFC2119] significance.




Data Documentation Initiative. The single term is often used as a synonym for the DDI specification.


DDI agency:


An organization that maintains DDI resources.


3. Specification
3. 仕様

This section provides the information required to register a formal namespace according to the registration procedure defined in [RFC8141]. The URNs conform to the syntax defined in [RFC8141].


3.1. Declaration of Syntactic Structure
3.1. 構文構造の宣言
3.1.1. Description
3.1.1. 説明

The Namespace Specific String (NSS) of all URNs using the "ddi" NID is a globally unique identifier consisting of the DDI agency-identifier (registration authority identifier), the identifier of the DDI resource (data identifier), and the version of the resource (version-identifier) [DDI-ID]. This structure is according to the International Registration Data Identifier (IRDI) defined in "Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR) - Part 6: Registration", Annex A [IS11179].

「DDI」NIDを使用したすべてのURNの名前空間固有の文字列(NSS)は、DDIエージェンシーアイデンティファイア(登録機関識別子)、DDIリソースの識別子(データ識別子)、およびリソース(バージョン-Identifier)[ddi-id]。この構造は、「情報技術 - メタデータレジストリ(MDR) - パート6:登録」で定義されている国際登録データ識別子(IRDI)に従って、付録A [IS11179]。

A description of the DDI resource identification is available in the Identification section of the "DDI Lifecycle 3.3 Technical Guide" [DDI-ID].

DDIリソース識別の説明は、「DDI Lifecycle 3.3テクニカルガイド」[DDI-ID]の識別セクションで入手できます。

The DDI NSS has the following structure:

DDI NSSには次の構造があります。


agency-identifier is the identifier of a DDI agency that maintains DDI resources. This identifier basically follows the rules of reversed domain names and is case insensitive. This way, the DNS resolution of DDI agency-identifiers is supported. The hierarchy of domains descends from the left to the right label in the name; each label to the right specifies a subdivision, or subdomain, of the domain to the left. The left-most label of agency-identifier conveys the top-level domain. It SHALL be a country code corresponding to ISO 3166 alpa-2 codes [ISO3166] or another top-level domain maintained by IANA [TLD]. All two-letter top-level domains are reserved for current and future ISO 3166 codes. Assignment of identifiers for DDI agencies in the requested namespace is managed by the DDI Alliance (see Section 3.5 on "Process of Identifier Assignment"). The next subdomain identifies the agency within that top-level domain. Further optional subdomains can follow. The top-level domain and possible subdomains are separated by the full stop character. The full stop character is not allowed within top-level domain names or subdomain names. The top-level domain and subdomains are composed from the limited set of characters for the preferred form of a DNS label ([RFC1035], Section 2.3.1). The length of the label and the full name are restricted by DNS rules ([RFC2181], Section 11). The agency identifier is case insensitive ([RFC4343], Section 2).

代理店 - IDENTIFIERは、DDIリソースを維持するDDI機関の識別子です。この識別子は基本的に、逆転ドメイン名のルールに従い、症例は鈍感です。このようにして、DDIエージェンシーIDENTIFIERのDNS解像度がサポートされています。ドメインの階層は、名前の左から右のラベルまで下降します。右側の各ラベルは、左側のドメインの区画またはサブドメインを指定します。代理店IDENTIFIERの左のラベルは、トップレベルのドメインを伝えます。ISO 3166 ALPA-2コード[ISO3166]に対応する国コードまたはIANA [TLD]によって維持されている別のトップレベルドメインでなければなりません。すべての2文字のトップレベルドメインは、現在および将来のISO 3166コード用に予約されています。要求された名前空間でのDDI機関の識別子の割り当ては、DDIアライアンスによって管理されます(「識別子割り当てのプロセス」に関するセクション3.5を参照)。次のサブドメインは、そのトップレベルのドメイン内の代理店を識別します。さらにオプションのサブドメインが続くことができます。トップレベルのドメインと可能なサブドメインは、完全な停止文字によって分離されます。フルストップ文字は、トップレベルのドメイン名またはサブドメイン名内では許可されていません。トップレベルのドメインとサブドメインは、DNSラベル([RFC1035]、セクション2.3.1)の好ましい形式の限られた文字セットから構成されています。ラベルの長さとフルネームは、DNSルール([RFC2181]、セクション11)によって制限されています。代理店の識別子は、症例の鈍感です([RFC4343]、セクション2)。

resource-identifier is the identifier of a DDI resource of a DDI agency. The value MUST be unique in the scope of this DDI agency. The resource-identifier is case sensitive.


version-identifier is the version of a DDI resource of a DDI agency. The value MUST be unique in the scope of this resource. The resource version is case sensitive.


3.1.2. ABNF Grammar
3.1.2. ABNF文法

The following syntax specification for the complete URN uses the Augmented Backus-Naur form (ABNF) as described in [RFC5234].


   ; Rules are case sensitive, if not stated otherwise.
   ddi-urn              = urn separator ddi separator ddi-irdi
   ; urn is case insensitive, see [RFC8141].
   urn                  = "urn"
   ; ddi is the URN namespace identifier.
   ; ddi is case insensitive, see [RFC8141], Section 2.1.
   ddi                  = "ddi"
   ; ddi-irdi is the namespace specific string (NSS).
   ; ddi-irdi - international registration data identifier,
   ; see [IS11179] Annex A.2.
   ddi-irdi             = agency-identifier separator
                          resource-identifier separator
   ; agency-identifier is case insensitive, see [RFC4343], Section 2.
   ; For allowed characters, see [RFC1035], Section 2.3.1.
   ; For length restrictions, see [RFC2181], Section 11.
   agency-identifier    = top-level-domain
                            sub-separator ddi-authority-id
                            *(sub-separator ddi-sub-authority-id)
                          ; length limit is 255 characters
                          ; see Section 11 of [RFC2181]
   top-level-domain     = dns-label
   ddi-authority-id     = dns-label
   ddi-sub-authority-id = dns-label
   dns-label            = (ALPHA / DIGIT)
                            [ *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
                              (ALPHA / DIGIT) ]
                          ; length limit is 63 characters
                          ; see Section 11 of [RFC2181]
   resource-identifier  = restricted-string
                          *("/" restricted-string)
   version-identifier   = restricted-string
                          *("/" restricted-string)
   restricted-string    = 1*(unreserved / sub-delims / "@")
   ; Definitions for unreserved and sub-delims from
   ; [RFC3986], Section 2.2.
   unreserved           = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
   sub-delims           = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" /
                          "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
   separator            = ":"
   sub-separator        = "."
   ; ALPHA and DIGIT are actually defined in the ABNF
   ; specification. They are declared here for convenience
   ; purposes.
   ALPHA                = %x41-5A /  ; uppercase letters
                          %x61-7A    ; lowercase letters
   DIGIT                = %x30-39    ; digits

Figure 1: ABNF Grammar


3.1.3. Regular Expression
3.1.3. 正規表現

The used syntax is the XML Schema flavor, which can be easily used in other flavors. These regular expressions implicitly anchor at the head and tail. The following regular expression syntax uses components (component names indicated by angle brackets, i.e. <component>) and is written in free-spacing mode for easier reading (the XML Schema flavor does not support that). Please note that use of multiple quantifiers in regular expressions can result in false outcomes due to so-called greediness. Therefore, there are separate regular expressions for the length restriction and other purposes for the components agency-identifier and dns-label.


   ddi-urn              := [Uu][Rr][Nn] : [Dd][Dd][Ii] :
                             <agency-identifier> :
                             <resource-identifier> :
   agency-identifier    := <top-level-domain> \.
                             (\. <ddi-sub-authority-id>)*
   agency-identifier    := .{1,255}

   top-level-domain     := <dns-label>
   ddi-authority-id     := <dns-label>

   ddi-sub-authority-id := <dns-label>
   dns-label            := [A-Za-z0-9]([-A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9])?

   dns-label            := .{1,63}

   resource-identifier  := <restricted-string>
                           (/ <restricted-string>)*

   version-identifier   := <restricted-string>
                           (/ <restricted-string>)*

   restricted-string    := [A-Za-z0-9-._~!$&'()*+,;=@]+
3.1.4. Examples of DDI URNs
3.1.4. DDI URNの例

The examples are taken from the DDI Lifecycle 3.3 documentation [DDI-ID]. Please note that the resource-identifiers are simplified. In real applications, they are much longer for unique identification purposes. They don't relate to DDI types like the examples might suggest.



Figure 2: URN of a Represented Variable


The DDI represented variable identified by "R-V1" with the version "1" of the DDI agency "ddia1" located in the domain "us" [DDI-EXRV].



Figure 3: URN of a Question Item


The DDI question item identified by "PISA-QS.QI-2" with the version "1" of the DDI agency "ddia1" located in the domain "us" [DDI-EXQU].



Figure 4: URN as Reference to a Controlled Vocabulary


The DDI controlled vocabulary identified by "AggregationMethod" with the version "1.0" in the scope of the DDI agency "ddi" and sub-agency "cv" in the domain "int" [DDI-CVAG].


3.2. Relevant Ancillary Documentation
3.2. 関連する補助文書

An introductory article on DDI can be found at [DDI-INTR].


Information on the DDI specifications (DDI-C, DDI-L, XKOS, Controlled Vocabularies, and SDTL) can be found in the standards section of the DDI Alliance website [DDI-ALL].

DDI仕様に関する情報(DDI-C、DDI-L、XKOS、制御された語彙、およびSDTL)は、DDI Alliance Webサイト[DDI-All]の標準セクションにあります。

Information on domain names can be found in the relevant RFCs.


* For an overview, see [RFC1034].

* 概要については、[RFC1034]を参照してください。

* Regarding case insensitivity, see Section 2.3.3 of [RFC1035].

* 症例の不感性については、[RFC1035]のセクション2.3.3を参照してください。

* Regarding syntax, see the "Lexical grammar" in the "Grammatical Host Table Specification" section of [RFC0952] and Section 2.1 of [RFC1123].

* 構文については、[RFC0952]の「文法ホストテーブル仕様」セクションの[rfc0952]および[rfc1123]のセクション2.1の「語彙文法」を参照してください。

* Regarding size limits, see Section 2.1 of [RFC1123] and Section 2.3.4 of [RFC1035].

* サイズ制限については、[RFC1123]のセクション2.1および[RFC1035]のセクション2.3.4を参照してください。

3.3. Identifier Uniqueness Considerations
3.3. 識別子の一意性に関する考慮事項

Assignment of identifiers for DDI agencies in the requested namespace will be managed by the DDI Alliance, which will ensure that the assigned DDI agency-identifiers are consistent with the directives for unique identification of DDI agencies.


Assignment of URNs for resources of a DDI agency in the requested namespace will be managed by the respective DDI agency, which ensures that the assigned URNs are unique for the scope of the agency.


3.4. Identifier Persistence Considerations
3.4. 識別子の持続性の考慮事項

Persistence of identifiers is dependent upon the suitable delegation of resolution at the level of the DDI agencies and the persistence of DDI agency assignment. The persistence of the referenced resource is also the responsibility of the DDI agency.


3.5. Process of Identifier Assignment
3.5. 識別子割り当てのプロセス

Assignment of identifiers for DDI agencies in the requested namespace is managed by the DDI Alliance. A registry for DDI agency identifiers ensures through an approval process that the syntax of agency-identifiers complies with the associated rules [DDI-REGI].

要求された名前空間でのDDI機関の識別子の割り当ては、DDI Allianceによって管理されます。DDI機関の識別子のレジストリは、承認プロセスを通じて、機関識別子の構文が関連するルール[DDI-REGI]に準拠していることを保証します。

Assignment of URNs for resources of a DDI agency and sub-agencies of a DDI agency in the requested namespace will be managed by the respective DDI agency.


3.6. Process for Identifier Resolution
3.6. 識別子解像度のプロセス

The DDI Alliance promotes a service discovery system for identifying available services connected to DDI agencies using the Domain Name System (DNS). A DNS request for a DDI agency within the domain ddi.urn.arpa is delegated by the DNS servers of the DDI Alliance to the DNS servers of the relevant DDI agency. The response is a list of available DDI services for the agency identifier under which the agency has assigned URNs. The approach is based on the Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) [RFC3401] and especially the straightforward URI-enabled NAPTR (U-NAPTR) [RFC4848].

DDI Allianceは、ドメイン名システム(DNS)を使用してDDI機関に接続された利用可能なサービスを特定するためのサービスディスカバリーシステムを促進します。ドメインDDI.urn.arpa内のDDI機関に対するDNS要求は、DDIアライアンスのDNSサーバーによって、関連するDDI機関のDNSサーバーに委任されます。応答は、機関がurnsを割り当てた機関識別子の利用可能なDDIサービスのリストです。このアプローチは、動的な委任ディスカバリーシステム(DDDS)[RFC3401]、特にSireant WiRI対応NAPTR(U-NAPTR)[RFC4848]に基づいています。

The DDI Alliance is responsible for operating or delegating resolution requests to the resolution servers of the relevant DDI agencies. DDI agencies are responsible for operating or delegating resolution servers for the agency-identifier under which they have assigned URNs.

DDI Allianceは、関連するDDI機関の解決サーバーに解決要求を運用または委任する責任があります。DDI機関は、URNを割り当てた代理店の識別子の解決サーバーを運営または委任する責任があります。

   Client  NS for    NS for           NS for        DDI services
           urn.arpa  ddialliance.org  example1.edu  for us.ddia1
     |       |            |               |              |
   1 |------>|            |               |              |
   2 |       |----------->|               |              |
   3 |                    |-------------->|              |
   4 |<-----------------------------------|              |
   5 |-------------------------------------------------->|
   6 |<--------------------------------------------------|

Figure 5: Sample Sequence Diagram for Receiving a List of DDI Services from the Example DDI agency "ddia1"


1. The name server (NS) of IANA for the domain "urn.arpa." is reached with the request "ddia1.us.ddi.urn.arpa." for the DDI agency "us.ddia1".

1. ドメイン「urn.arpa」のIANAの名前サーバー(NS)。リクエスト「DDIA1.us.ddi.urn.arpa」と到達します。DDIエージェンシー「US.DDIA1」の場合。

2. The request is delegated to the name server for "ddialliance.org".

2. リクエストは、「ddialliance.org」の名前サーバーに委任されます。

3. The request is delegated to the name server for "example1.edu" (domain of the DDI agency "us.ddia1").

3. リクエストは、「Example1.edu」(DDIエージェンシーのドメイン「US.DDIA1」)の名前サーバーに委任されます。

4. The server responds with a list of NAPTR records [RFC3403] pointing to available DDI services for the DDI agency "us.ddia1".

4. サーバーは、DDI機関「US.DDIA1」で利用可能なDDIサービスを指摘するNAPTRレコード[RFC3403]のリストで応答します。

5. The client selects an appropriate DDI service and sends a request for a DDI URN to this service.

5. クライアントは適切なDDIサービスを選択し、このサービスにDDI URNのリクエストを送信します。

6. The DDI service responds, for example, with a DDI object identified by the requested DDI URN.

6. たとえば、DDIサービスは、要求されたDDI URNによって識別されたDDIオブジェクトを使用して応答します。

See Appendix A for examples of name server records.


3.7. Rules for Lexical Equivalence
3.7. 語彙の等価性のルール

The DDI agency-identifier basically follows the rules of domain names. Domain names are case insensitive. Thus, the following portion of the URN is case insensitive for matches:



The remainder of the identifier MUST be considered case sensitive.


3.8. Conformance with URN Syntax
3.8. urn構文への適合

The NSS conforms to the related section in [RFC8141]. It is composed from the limited set of characters for a URN NSS [RFC8141]. Percent-encoding is not used.

NSSは[RFC8141]の関連セクションに準拠しています。これは、urn nss [rfc8141]の限られた文字セットから構成されています。パーセントエンコードは使用されません。

3.9. Validation Mechanism
3.9. 検証メカニズム

The DDI Alliance will promote development of software for validation purposes.

DDI Allianceは、検証目的でソフトウェアの開発を促進します。

3.10. Scope
3.10. 範囲

The scope is global.


4. Namespace Considerations
4. 名前空間の考慮事項

There is no available namespace that will allow one to uniquely identify and access DDI resources.


4.1. URN Assignment Procedures
4.1. urn割り当て手順

See Section 3.5, "Process of Identifier Assignment".


4.2. URN Resolution/Delegation
4.2. urn解像度/委任

See Section 3.6, "Process for Identifier Resolution".


It is RECOMMENDED that sub-agencies for flexible administration be used. For example, delegation of URNs of a sub-agency to different servers would be easily possible.


4.3. Type of Resources To Be Identified
4.3. 識別するリソースのタイプ

The DDI specifications define resources at a granular level, many of which can be identified by a DDI URN.

DDI仕様は、粒状レベルでリソースを定義し、その多くはDDI urnによって識別できます。

4.4. Type of Services
4.4. サービスの種類

Examples of potential services are listed below. The services and appropriate service tags need to be defined in the future. The mentioned service tags are from [RFC2483].


* DDI repository

* DDIリポジトリ

I2R (URI to Resource):

i2r(uri to resource):

given a DDI URN return, one instance of the resource identified by that URN.

DDI URNリターンが与えられた場合、そのurnによって識別されたリソースの1つのインスタンス。

* DDI registry

* DDIレジストリ

I2C (URI to URC, Uniform Resource Characteristics are descriptions of resources):


given a DDI URN return, a description or a summary of that resource.

DDI URNの返品、そのリソースの説明または要約が与えられます。

* DDI URN resolution

* DDI URN解像度

I2L (URI to URL):

i2l(uri to url):

given a DDI URN return, one URL that identifies a location where the identified DDI resource can be found.

DDI URNリターンが与えられた場合、特定されたDDIリソースが見つかる場所を識別する1つのURL。

I2Ls (URI to URLs):


given a DDI URN return, one or more URLs that identify multiple locations of the identified DDI resource.

DDI URNリターンが与えられた場合、識別されたDDIリソースの複数の場所を識別する1つ以上のURL。

5. Community Considerations
5. コミュニティの考慮事項
5.1. Open Assignment and Use of Identifiers
5.1. 識別子のオープン割り当てと使用

DDI agency-identifiers can be registered at the DDI Alliance. The DDI Alliance maintains a registry of the assigned values for the DDI agency-identifier used in the NSS. Information may be obtained from the following address: secretariat@ddialliance.org.

DDI代理店 - IDENTIFIERは、DDI Allianceに登録できます。DDI Allianceは、NSSで使用されるDDIエージェンシー識別子の割り当てられた値のレジストリを維持しています。情報は、次のアドレスから入手できます。Secrecerariat@ddialliance.org。

DDI agencies assign URNs and potential sub-agencies within the scope of the assigned DDI agency-identifiers.


See also Section 3.3 on "Identifier Uniqueness Considerations".


5.2. Open Operation of Resolution Servers
5.2. 解像度サーバーのオープン操作

The DDI Alliance operates publicly accessible name servers for the delegation of DNS requests within the domain ddi.urn.arpa to DNS servers of DDI agencies.

DDI Allianceは、DDI機関のDNSサーバーにDDI.urn.arpa内でDNS要求の委任のために、公開された名前サーバーを運営しています。

5.3. Creation of Software for Service Discovery
5.3. サービス発見のためのソフトウェアの作成

The DDI Alliance promotes software for service discovery for identifying available services connected to DDI agencies using the Domain Name System (DNS). See also Section 3.6 on "Process for Identifier Resolution". A basic resolver library is available [DDI-RESO].

DDI Allianceは、ドメイン名システム(DNS)を使用してDDI機関に接続されている利用可能なサービスを特定するためのサービス発見のためのソフトウェアを宣伝しています。「識別子解像度のプロセス」のセクション3.6も参照してください。基本的なリゾルバーライブラリが利用可能です[DDi-Reso]。

6. IANA Considerations
6. IANAの考慮事項

IANA has updated the "ddi" entry in the "Formal URN Namespaces" registry to reference this specification.


The following NAPTR record for the key "ddi" has been registered in the urn.arpa zone:


      ddi IN NAPTR 100 10 "" "" "" registry.ddialliance.org.

Requests for the domain ddi.urn.arpa are delegated to the name servers of the DDI Alliance.

ドメインDDI.urn.arpaのリクエストは、DDI Allianceの名前サーバーに委任されます。

7. Security Considerations
7. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

URN:DDI identifiers are assigned to resources that are public information; therefore, resolving these identifiers has low security profile.


Registration of DDI agencies is approved by the DDI Alliance. Assignment and resolution of URN:DDI identifiers are controlled by the DDI Alliance and approved DDI agencies. The DDI Alliance SHALL have in place control mechanisms in order to make sure that DDI Agency applications from malicious third parties will not be accepted. URN:DDI resolvers will be protected against eavesdropping and attacks with appropriate tools.

DDI機関の登録は、DDI Allianceによって承認されています。urnの割り当てと解像度:DDI識別子は、DDIアライアンスと承認されたDDI機関によって制御されます。DDIアライアンスは、悪意のある第三者からのDDI機関の申請が受け入れられないことを確認するために、制御メカニズムを実施するものとします。URN:DDIリゾルバーは、適切なツールを使用して盗聴および攻撃から保護されます。

This document introduces no additional technical security considerations beyond those associated with the use and resolution of URNs in general.


The security of the DNS-based resolution of DDI agency-identifiers is only as good as the security of DNS queries in general. A full discussion of the security threats pertaining to DNS and possible solutions can be found in [RFC3833]. Further information on security considerations regarding U-NAPTR can be found in [RFC4848], Section 6. "DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH)" [RFC8484] could be used to increase security by preventing eavesdropping and manipulation of DNS data by machine-in-the-middle attacks. The HTTPS protocol encrypts the data between the DoH client and the DoH-based DNS resolver.

DNSベースのDDIエージェンシーIDENTIFIERSの解決策のセキュリティは、一般的なDNSクエリのセキュリティと同じくらい優れています。DNSと可能な解決策に関連するセキュリティの脅威についての完全な議論は、[RFC3833]に記載されています。U-NAPTRに関するセキュリティに関する考慮事項の詳細については、[RFC4848]、セクション6にあります。 - 中間攻撃。HTTPSプロトコルは、DOHクライアントとDOHベースのDNSリゾルバーの間のデータを暗号化します。

8. References
8. 参考文献
8.1. Normative References
8.1. 引用文献
   [DDI-C]    DDI Alliance, "DDI-Codebook 2.5", 2014,
   [DDI-ID]   DDI Alliance, "Identification", DDI Lifecycle (3.3)
              Technical Guide: General Structures, <https://ddi-
   [DDI-L]    DDI Alliance, "DDI-Lifecycle",
   [DDI-SDTL] DDI Alliance, "SDTL - Structured Data Transformation
              Language - Version 1.0", December 2020,
   [DDI-XKOS] DDI Alliance, "XKOS - Extended Knowledge Organization
              System", <https://ddialliance.org/Specification/RDF/XKOS>.
   [RFC0952]  Harrenstien, K., Stahl, M., and E. Feinler, "DoD Internet
              host table specification", RFC 952, DOI 10.17487/RFC0952,
              October 1985, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc952>.
   [RFC1034]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
              STD 13, RFC 1034, DOI 10.17487/RFC1034, November 1987,
   [RFC1035]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
              specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, DOI 10.17487/RFC1035,
              November 1987, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1035>.
   [RFC1123]  Braden, R., Ed., "Requirements for Internet Hosts -
              Application and Support", STD 3, RFC 1123,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC1123, October 1989,
   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC2181]  Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Clarifications to the DNS
              Specification", RFC 2181, DOI 10.17487/RFC2181, July 1997,
   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,
   [RFC4343]  Eastlake 3rd, D., "Domain Name System (DNS) Case
              Insensitivity Clarification", RFC 4343,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4343, January 2006,
   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,
   [RFC8141]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Klensin, "Uniform Resource Names
              (URNs)", RFC 8141, DOI 10.17487/RFC8141, April 2017,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
   [TLD]      IANA, "Root Zone Database",
8.2. Informative References
8.2. 参考引用
   [ABNF2RS]  "ABNF to REGEX: Regular Expression Generator", October
              2019, <https://www.msweet.org/abnf/>.
   [ABNFGEN]  Degener, J., "abnfgen", <http://www.quut.com/abnfgen/>.
   [ABNFPFE]  IETF, "IETF Author Tools - ABNF Tools",
   [DDI-ALL]  DDI Alliance, "Document, Discover and Interoperate",
   [DDI-CVAG] DDI Alliance, "DDI Controlled Vocabulary for Aggregation
              Method", <https://ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-CV/
   [DDI-EXQU] DDI Alliance, "Questions", DDI Lifecycle 3.3 Technical
              Guide: Examples, <https://ddi-lifecycle-technical-
   [DDI-EXRV] DDI Alliance, "Represented Variable", DDI Lifecycle 3.3
              Technical Guide: Examples, <https://ddi-lifecycle-
   [DDI-INTR] Vardigan, M., Heus, P., and W. Thomas, "Data Documentation
              Initiative: Toward a Standard for the Social Sciences",
              The International Journal of Digital Curation, Issue 1,
              Volume 3, DOI 10.2218/ijdc.v3i1.45, December 2008,
   [DDI-REGI] DDI Alliance, "Welcome to the DDI Registry",
   [DDI-RESO] DDI Alliance, "Tools",
   [DUBLINC]  Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, "Dublin Core",
   [IS11179]  ISO, "Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR) -
              Part 6: Registration", ISO/IEC 11179-6:2023, January 2023,
              ISO, "Geographic information - Metadata", ISO 19115:2003,
   [ISO3166]  ISO, "ISO 3166 Country Codes",
   [RFC2483]  Mealling, M. and R. Daniel, "URI Resolution Services
              Necessary for URN Resolution", RFC 2483,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2483, January 1999,
   [RFC2782]  Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
              specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2782, February 2000,
   [RFC3401]  Mealling, M., "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS)
              Part One: The Comprehensive DDDS", RFC 3401,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3401, October 2002,
   [RFC3402]  Mealling, M., "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS)
              Part Two: The Algorithm", RFC 3402, DOI 10.17487/RFC3402,
              October 2002, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3402>.
   [RFC3403]  Mealling, M., "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS)
              Part Three: The Domain Name System (DNS) Database",
              RFC 3403, DOI 10.17487/RFC3403, October 2002,
   [RFC3833]  Atkins, D. and R. Austein, "Threat Analysis of the Domain
              Name System (DNS)", RFC 3833, DOI 10.17487/RFC3833, August
              2004, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3833>.
   [RFC3958]  Daigle, L. and A. Newton, "Domain-Based Application
              Service Location Using SRV RRs and the Dynamic Delegation
              Discovery Service (DDDS)", RFC 3958, DOI 10.17487/RFC3958,
              January 2005, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3958>.
   [RFC4848]  Daigle, L., "Domain-Based Application Service Location
              Using URIs and the Dynamic Delegation Discovery Service
              (DDDS)", RFC 4848, DOI 10.17487/RFC4848, April 2007,
   [RFC8484]  Hoffman, P. and P. McManus, "DNS Queries over HTTPS
              (DoH)", RFC 8484, DOI 10.17487/RFC8484, October 2018,
   [SDMX]     Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange, "SDMX",
Appendix A. Example DNS Records
付録A. 例DNSレコード

The examples use NAPTR [RFC3403] and SRV [RFC2782] [RFC3958] records. The values for the services and flags fields of the NAPTR records will be determined by the DDI application ([RFC3403], Section 9).

この例では、Naptr [RFC3403]およびSRV [RFC2782] [RFC3958]レコードを使用しています。NAPTRレコードのサービスフィールドとフラグフィールドの値は、DDIアプリケーション([RFC3403]、セクション9)によって決定されます。

For a description of the packet format of NAPTR, see [RFC3403], Section 4.1.


A.1. Delegation of the URN Namespace "ddi"
A.1. urnネームスペース「DDI」の委任

Example records below are defined at a.iana-servers.net and other authoritative name servers for the domain urn.arpa.

以下のレコードの例は、domain urn.arpaのA.iana-servers.netおよびその他の権威ある名前サーバーで定義されています。

The empty flag indicates that the lookup is not terminal and the next probe to DNS is for more NAPTR records where the new domain is "dns.ddialliance.org".


   ; Delegation to name servers of ddialliance.org
   ;           order pref  flag  service  regexp replacement
      IN NAPTR 100   10    ""    ""       ""     dns.ddialliance.org.
A.2. Delegation of DDI Agencies
A.2. DDI機関の委任

Example records below are defined at dns.ddialliance.org for ddi.urn.arpa.


The empty flag indicates that the lookup is not terminal and the next probe to DNS is for more NAPTR records where the new domain is the DNS server of the relevant DDI agency.


   ; Delegation to name servers of subdomains in ddi.urn.arpa, i.e.
   ; DDI agencies.
   ;           order pref  flag  service  regexp replacement
      IN NAPTR 100   10    ""    ""       ""     dns.example1.edu.
      IN NAPTR 100   10    ""    ""       ""     dns.example2.org.
      IN NAPTR 100   10    ""    ""       ""     dns.example3.ac.uk.
A.3. DDI Services
A.3. DDIサービス

Example records below are defined at dns.example2.org for ddi.urn.arpa.


The "u" flag states that the rule is terminal and that the output is a URI that contains the information needed to contact that DDI service. The "s" flag states that the rule is terminal and that the output of the rewrite will be a domain name for which an SRV record SHOULD be queried. See also [RFC4848], Section 4.4.


The service I2R returns one instance of the resource identified by the given URN. That service is a repository of DDI resources available at http://repos.example2.org/I2R/; possibly a REST-based service. The service I2C returns a description of the resource identified by the given URN. That service is a registry of DDI resources available at registry-udp.example2.org port 10060.


U-NAPTR permits regular expressions of a form that does a complete replacement of the matched string with a URI, expressed as a constant string. With this limited form of regular expression ([RFC4848], Section 2.2), applications using NAPTR need not implement full regular expression parsers.


   ;         order pref flag
     IN NAPTR 100  10  "u"  "I2R+http"                   ( ; service
                         "!.*!http://repos.example2.org/I2R/!"; regex
                            .                           ; replacement
     IN NAPTR 100  10  "s"  "I2C+udp"                    ( ; service
                            ""                             ; regex
                            registry._udp.example2.org. ; replacement
   ; all subdomains in ddia2.de.ddi.urn.arpa.
   ;         order pref flag
     IN NAPTR 100  10  "u"  "I2R+http"                   ( ; service
                         "!.*!http://repos.example2.org/I2R/!"; regex
                            .                           ; replacement
     IN NAPTR 100  10  "s"  "I2C+udp"                    ( ; service
                            ""                             ; regex
                            registry._udp.example2.org.; replacement
   ; TTL    class  SRV  priority weight port  targetreplac
     14400  IN     SRV  0        0   10060 registry-udp.example2.org.
Appendix B. Algorithm for DDI Service Discovery
付録B. DDIサービスの発見のためのアルゴリズム

The description is based on the Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) algorithm [RFC3402].


The application selects the appropriate service from the output described below and contacts the service for the given URN.


The process can be optimized by an application cache for the NAPTR records of already requested DDI agencies.


B.1. Application Unique String
B.1. アプリケーション一意の文字列

The Application Unique String is a DDI URN.

アプリケーションの一意の文字列はDDI urnです。

B.2. First Well Known Rule
B.2. 最初によく知られているルール

1. Extracting the characters between the second and third colon (the agency-identifier).

1. 2番目と3番目のコロンの間に文字を抽出します(代理店 - Identifier)。

2. Normalizing case of that string.

2. その文字列の正規化。

3. Reversing the order of the substrings separated by dots.

3. ドットで区切られたサブストリングの順序を逆転させます。

4. Appending the string ".ddi.urn.arpa" to the end to get a domain name.

4. 文字列「.ddi.urn.arpa」を最後まで追加して、ドメイン名を取得します。

B.3. Valid Databases
B.3. 有効なデータベース

The DNS is specified as a DDDS Database for this application, which uses the NAPTR DNS resource records to contain the rewrite rules for service discovery.

DNSは、このアプリケーションのDDDSデータベースとして指定されており、NAPTR DNSリソースレコードを使用して、サービス発見のための書き換えルールを含みます。

The DNS is queried for NAPTR records for the domain name, which is the output of the First Well Known Rule.


B.4. Expected Output
B.4. 予想出力

The expected output is the information necessary to connect to one or more authoritative servers (host, port, protocol, or URL) for an application service within a given DDI agency. The result is a list of terminal NAPTR records pointing to services available for the relevant DDI agency.



Many thanks to Arofan Gregory, Dan Smith, and Wendy Thomas from the DDI Alliance Technical Committee and Peter Koch from DENIC (German Network Information Center) for the discussion and input that led to this document.

DDI Alliance Technical CommitteeのArofan Gregory、Dan Smith、およびWendy Thomasと、この文書につながった議論と入力について、DDI Alliance Technical CommitteeのWendy Thomas(German Network Information Center)のPeter Kochに感謝します。

The following software tools have been helpful in evaluating the ABNF grammar and the regular expressions: an ABNF parser [ABNFPFE], a tool that creates regular expressions from an ABNF grammar [ABNF2RS], and a tool that generates random strings that match an ABNF grammar [ABNFGEN].


Author's Address
   Joachim Wackerow
   c/o The Data Documentation Initiative Alliance (DDI Alliance)
   ICPSR, University of Michigan
   PO Box 1248
   Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248
   United States of America
   Email: joachim.wackerow@posteo.de, secretariat@ddialliance.org
   URI:   ddialliance.org