[要約] JSONPathは、与えられたJSON値内からJSON(RFC 8259)の値を選択および抽出するための文字列構文を定義します。

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                   S. Gössner, Ed.
Request for Comments: 9535                       Fachhochschule Dortmund
Category: Standards Track                             G. Normington, Ed.
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                         
                                                         C. Bormann, Ed.
                                                  Universität Bremen TZI
                                                           February 2024
JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON

JSONPath defines a string syntax for selecting and extracting JSON (RFC 8259) values from within a given JSON value.

JSonPathは、特定のJSON値内からJSON(RFC 8259)値を選択および抽出するための文字列構文を定義します。

Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

このドキュメントは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)の製品です。IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受けており、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)からの出版が承認されています。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2で入手できます。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9535.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、セクション4.Eで説明されている法的規定のセクション4.Eで説明されており、改訂されたBSDライセンスで説明されている保証なしで提供されるように、改訂されたBSDライセンステキストを含める必要があります。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Terminology
       1.1.1.  JSON Values as Trees of Nodes
     1.2.  History
     1.3.  JSON Values
     1.4.  Overview of JSONPath Expressions
       1.4.1.  Identifiers
       1.4.2.  Segments
       1.4.3.  Selectors
       1.4.4.  Summary
     1.5.  JSONPath Examples
   2.  JSONPath Syntax and Semantics
     2.1.  Overview
       2.1.1.  Syntax
       2.1.2.  Semantics
       2.1.3.  Example
     2.2.  Root Identifier
       2.2.1.  Syntax
       2.2.2.  Semantics
       2.2.3.  Examples
     2.3.  Selectors
       2.3.1.  Name Selector  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
       2.3.2.  Wildcard Selector  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
       2.3.3.  Index Selector  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
       2.3.4.  Array Slice Selector  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
       2.3.5.  Filter Selector  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
     2.4.  Function Extensions
       2.4.1.  Type System for Function Expressions
       2.4.2.  Type Conversion
       2.4.3.  Well-Typedness of Function Expressions
       2.4.4.  length() Function Extension
       2.4.5.  count() Function Extension
       2.4.6.  match() Function Extension
       2.4.7.  search() Function Extension
       2.4.8.  value() Function Extension
       2.4.9.  Examples
     2.5.  Segments
       2.5.1.  Child Segment  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
       2.5.2.  Descendant Segment  Syntax  Semantics  Examples
     2.6.  Semantics of null
       2.6.1.  Examples
     2.7.  Normalized Paths
       2.7.1.  Examples
   3.  IANA Considerations
     3.1.  Registration of Media Type application/jsonpath
     3.2.  Function Extensions Subregistry
   4.  Security Considerations
     4.1.  Attack Vectors on JSONPath Implementations
     4.2.  Attack Vectors on How JSONPath Queries Are Formed
     4.3.  Attacks on Security Mechanisms That Employ JSONPath
   5.  References
     5.1.  Normative References
     5.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Collected ABNF Grammars
   Appendix B.  Inspired by XPath
     B.1.  JSONPath and XPath
   Appendix C.  JSON Pointer
   Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

JSON [RFC8259] is a popular representation format for structured data values. JSONPath defines a string syntax for selecting and extracting JSON values from within a given JSON value.

JSON [RFC8259]は、構造化されたデータ値に人気のある表現形式です。JSonPathは、特定のJSON値内からJSON値を選択および抽出するための文字列構文を定義します。

In relation to JSON Pointer [RFC6901], JSONPath is not intended as a replacement but as a more powerful companion. See Appendix C.

JSON Pointer [RFC6901]に関連して、JSonPathは代替品としてではなく、より強力な仲間として意図されています。付録Cを参照してください

1.1. Terminology
1.1. 用語

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

この文書のキーワード "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", および "OPTIONAL" はBCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]で説明されているように、すべて大文字の場合にのみ解釈されます。

The grammatical rules in this document are to be interpreted as ABNF, as described in [RFC5234]. ABNF terminal values in this document define Unicode scalar values rather than their UTF-8 encoding. For example, the Unicode PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN (U+2318) would be defined in ABNF as %x2318.

[RFC5234]で説明されているように、このドキュメントの文法規則はABNFと解釈されます。このドキュメントのABNF端子値は、UTF-8エンコーディングではなく、Unicodeスカラー値を定義します。たとえば、Unicode Place of Renticing Sign(U 2318)は、ABNFで%x2318として定義されます。

Functions are referred to using the function name followed by a pair of parentheses, as in fname().


The terminology of [RFC8259] applies except where clarified below. The terms "primitive" and "structured" are used to group different kinds of values as in Section 1 of [RFC8259]. JSON objects and arrays are structured; all other values are primitive. Definitions for "object", "array", "number", and "string" remain unchanged. Importantly, "object" and "array" in particular do not take on a generic meaning, such as they would in a general programming context.


The terminology of [RFC9485] applies.


Additional terms used in this document are defined below.




As per [RFC8259], a data item conforming to the generic data model of JSON, i.e., primitive data (numbers, text strings, and the special values null, true, and false), or structured data (JSON objects and arrays). [RFC8259] focuses on the textual representation of JSON values and does not fully define the value abstraction assumed here.

[RFC8259]によると、JSONの汎用データモデル、つまりプリミティブデータ(数字、テキスト文字列、特別な値null、true、and false)、または構造化データ(JSONオブジェクトと配列)に準拠するデータ項目。[RFC8259]は、JSON値のテキスト表現に焦点を当てており、ここで想定される値の抽象化を完全に定義していません。



A name/value pair in an object. (A member is not itself a value.)




The name (a string) in a name/value pair constituting a member. This is also used in [RFC8259], but that specification does not formally define it. It is included here for completeness.




A value in a JSON array.




An integer that identifies a specific element in an array.




Short name for a JSONPath expression.


Query Argument:


Short name for the value a JSONPath expression is applied to.




The position of a value within the query argument. This can be thought of as a sequence of names and indexes navigating to the value through the objects and arrays in the query argument, with the empty sequence indicating the query argument itself. A location can be represented as a Normalized Path (defined below).




The pair of a value along with its location within the query argument.


Root Node:


The unique node whose value is the entire query argument.


Root Node Identifier:


The expression $, which refers to the root node of the query argument.


Current Node Identifier:


The expression @, which refers to the current node in the context of the evaluation of a filter expression (described later).

式 @は、フィルター式の評価のコンテキストでの現在のノードを指します(後述)。

Children (of a node):


If the node is an array, the nodes of its elements; if the node is an object, the nodes of its member values. If the node is neither an array nor an object, it has no children.


Descendants (of a node):


The children of the node, together with the children of its children, and so forth recursively. More formally, the "descendants" relation between nodes is the transitive closure of the "children" relation.


Depth (of a descendant node within a value):


The number of ancestors of the node within the value. The root node of the value has depth zero, the children of the root node have depth one, their children have depth two, and so forth.




A list of nodes. While a nodelist can be represented in JSON, e.g., as an array, this document does not require or assume any particular representation.




Formal parameter (of a function) that can take a function argument (an actual parameter) in a function expression.


Normalized Path:


A form of JSONPath expression that identifies a node in a value by providing a query that results in exactly that node. Each node in a query argument is identified by exactly one Normalized Path (we say that the Normalized Path is "unique" for that node), and to be a Normalized Path for a specific query argument, the Normalized Path needs to identify exactly one node. This is similar to, but syntactically different from, a JSON Pointer [RFC6901]. Note: This definition is based on the syntactical definition in Section 2.7; JSONPath expressions that identify a node in a value but do not conform to that syntax are not Normalized Paths.


Unicode Scalar Value:


Any Unicode [UNICODE] code point except high-surrogate and low-surrogate code points (in other words, integers in the inclusive base 16 ranges, either 0 to D7FF or E000 to 10FFFF). JSONPath queries are sequences of Unicode scalar values.




One of the constructs that selects children ([<selectors>]) or descendants (..[<selectors>]) of an input value.

入力値の子供([<electors>])または子孫(.. [<electors>])を選択する構造の1つ。



A single item within a segment that takes the input value and produces a nodelist consisting of child nodes of the input value.


Singular Query:


A JSONPath expression built from segments that have been syntactically restricted in a certain way (Section so that, regardless of the input value, the expression produces a nodelist containing at most one node. Note: JSONPath expressions that always produce a singular nodelist but do not conform to the syntax in Section are not singular queries.


1.1.1. JSON Values as Trees of Nodes
1.1.1. JSONはノードの木として値を獲得します

This document models the query argument as a tree of JSON values, each with its own node. A node is either the root node or one of its descendants.


This document models the result of applying a query to the query argument as a nodelist (a list of nodes).


Nodes are the selectable parts of the query argument. The only parts of an object that can be selected by a query are the member values. Member names and members (name/value pairs) cannot be selected. Thus, member values have nodes, but members and member names do not. Similarly, member values are children of an object, but members and member names are not.


1.2. History
1.2. 歴史

This document is based on Stefan Gössner's popular JSONPath proposal (dated 2007-02-21) [JSONPath-orig], builds on the experience from the widespread deployment of its implementations, and provides a normative specification for it.

このドキュメントは、StefanGösnerの人気のJsonPath Proposal(2007-02-21)[JsonPath-Orig]に基づいており、その実装の広範な展開からの経験に基づいており、その規範的な仕様を提供します。

Appendix B describes how JSONPath was inspired by XML's XPath [XPath].

付録Bでは、XMLのXpath [XPath]にJsonPathがどのように触発されたかについて説明しています。

JSONPath was intended as a lightweight companion to JSON implementations in programming languages such as PHP and JavaScript, so instead of defining its own expression language, like XPath did, JSONPath delegated parts of a query to the underlying runtime, e.g., JavaScript's eval() function. As JSONPath was implemented in more environments, JSONPath expressions became decreasingly portable. For example, regular expression processing was often delegated to a convenient regular expression engine.


This document aims to remove such implementation-specific dependencies and serve as a common JSONPath specification that can be used across programming languages and environments. This means that backwards compatibility is not always achieved; a design principle of this document is to go with a "consensus" between implementations even if it is rough, as long as that does not jeopardize the objective of obtaining a usable, stable JSON query language.


The term _JSONPath_ was chosen because of the XPath inspiration and also because the outcome of a query consists of _paths_ identifying nodes in the JSON query argument.


1.3. JSON Values
1.3. JSON値

The JSON value a JSONPath query is applied to is, by definition, a valid JSON value. A JSON value is often constructed by parsing a JSON text.


The parsing of a JSON text into a JSON value and what happens if a JSON text does not represent valid JSON are not defined by this document. Sections 4 and 8 of [RFC8259] identify specific situations that may conform to the grammar for JSON texts but are not interoperable uses of JSON, as they may cause unpredictable behavior. This document does not attempt to define predictable behavior for JSONPath queries in these situations.


Specifically, the "Semantics" subsections of Sections 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.5, and 2.5.2 describe behavior that becomes unpredictable when the JSON value for one of the objects under consideration was constructed out of JSON text that exhibits multiple members for a single object that share the same member name ("duplicate names"; see Section 4 of [RFC8259]). Also, when selecting a child by name (Section 2.3.1) and comparing strings (Section, it is assumed these strings are sequences of Unicode scalar values; the behavior becomes unpredictable if they are not (Section 8.2 of [RFC8259]).

具体的には、セクション2.3.1、2.3.2、2.3.5、および2.5.2の「セマンティクス」サブセクションは、検討中のオブジェクトの1つのJSON値が複数を示すJSONテキストから構築されたときに予測不可能になる動作を説明します同じメンバー名を共有する単一のオブジェクトのメンバー(「Duplicate Name」; [RFC8259]のセクション4を参照)。また、名前で子供を選択し(セクション2.3.1)、文字列を比較する場合(セクション2.、これらの文字列はユニコードスカラー値のシーケンスであると想定されています。動作がそうでない場合、動作は予測不可能になります([RFC8259]のセクション8.2)。

1.4. Overview of JSONPath Expressions
1.4. JSonPath式の概要

A JSONPath expression is applied to a JSON value, known as the query argument. The output is a nodelist.


A JSONPath expression consists of an identifier followed by a series of zero or more segments, each of which contains one or more selectors.


1.4.1. Identifiers
1.4.1. 識別子

The root node identifier $ refers to the root node of the query argument, i.e., to the argument as a whole.


The current node identifier @ refers to the current node in the context of the evaluation of a filter expression (Section 2.3.5).

現在のノード識別子 @は、フィルター式の評価のコンテキストでの現在のノードを指します(セクション2.3.5)。

1.4.2. Segments
1.4.2. セグメント

Segments select children ([<selectors>]) or descendants (..[<selectors>]) of an input value.

セグメントは、入力値の子供([<electors>])または子孫(.. [<selectors>])を選択します。

Segments can use _bracket notation_, for example:

セグメントは_Bracket Notation_を使用できます。


or the more compact _dot notation_, for example:

または、よりコンパクトな_DOT NOTATION_など:


Bracket notation contains one or more (comma-separated) selectors of any kind. Selectors are detailed in the next section.


A JSONPath expression may use a combination of bracket and dot notations.


This document treats the bracket notations as canonical and defines the shorthand dot notation in terms of bracket notation. Examples and descriptions use shorthand where convenient.


1.4.3. Selectors
1.4.3. セレクター

A name selector, e.g., 'name', selects a named child of an object.


An index selector, e.g., 3, selects an indexed child of an array.


In the expression [*], a wildcard * (Section 2.3.2) selects all children of a node, and in the expression ..[*], it selects all descendants of a node.

式[*]では、ワイルドカード*(セクション2.3.2)は、ノードのすべての子供を選択し、式.. [*]では、ノードのすべての子孫を選択します。

An array slice start:end:step (Section 2.3.4) selects a series of elements from an array, giving a start position, an end position, and an optional step value that moves the position from the start to the end.


A filter expression ?<logical-expr> selects certain children of an object or array, as in:


   $.store.book[?@.price < 10].title
1.4.4. Summary
1.4.4. まとめ

Table 1 provides a brief overview of JSONPath syntax.


   | Syntax Element   | Description                                    |
   | $                | root node identifier (Section 2.2)             |
   | @                | current node identifier (Section 2.3.5)        |
   |                  | (valid only within filter selectors)           |
   | [<selectors>]    | child segment (Section 2.5.1): selects         |
   |                  | zero or more children of a node                |
   | .name            | shorthand for ['name']                         |
   | .*               | shorthand for [*]                              |
   | ..[<selectors>]  | descendant segment (Section 2.5.2):            |
   |                  | selects zero or more descendants of a node     |
   | ..name           | shorthand for ..['name']                       |
   | ..*              | shorthand for ..[*]                            |
   | 'name'           | name selector (Section 2.3.1): selects a       |
   |                  | named child of an object                       |
   | *                | wildcard selector (Section 2.3.2): selects     |
   |                  | all children of a node                         |
   | 3                | index selector (Section 2.3.3): selects an     |
   |                  | indexed child of an array (from 0)             |
   | 0:100:5          | array slice selector (Section 2.3.4):          |
   |                  | start:end:step for arrays                      |
   | ?<logical-expr>  | filter selector (Section 2.3.5): selects       |
   |                  | particular children using a logical            |
   |                  | expression                                     |
   | length(@.foo)    | function extension (Section 2.4): invokes      |
   |                  | a function in a filter expression              |

Table 1: Overview of JSONPath Syntax


1.5. JSONPath Examples
1.5. JsonPathの例

This section is informative. It provides examples of JSONPath expressions.


The examples are based on the simple JSON value shown in Figure 1, representing a bookstore (which also has a bicycle).


   { "store": {
       "book": [
         { "category": "reference",
           "author": "Nigel Rees",
           "title": "Sayings of the Century",
           "price": 8.95
         { "category": "fiction",
           "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
           "title": "Sword of Honour",
           "price": 12.99
         { "category": "fiction",
           "author": "Herman Melville",
           "title": "Moby Dick",
           "isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
           "price": 8.99
         { "category": "fiction",
           "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
           "title": "The Lord of the Rings",
           "isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
           "price": 22.99
       "bicycle": {
         "color": "red",
         "price": 399

Figure 1: Example JSON Value


Table 2 shows some JSONPath queries that might be applied to this example and their intended results.


    | JSONPath               | Intended Result                       |
    | $.store.book[*].author | the authors of all books in the store |
    | $..author              | all authors                           |
    | $.store.*              | all things in the store, which are    |
    |                        | some books and a red bicycle          |
    | $.store..price         | the prices of everything in the store |
    | $..book[2]             | the third book                        |
    | $..book[2].author      | the third book's author               |
    | $..book[2].publisher   | empty result: the third book does not |
    |                        | have a "publisher" member             |
    | $..book[-1]            | the last book in order                |
    | $..book[0,1]           | the first two books                   |
    | $..book[:2]            |                                       |
    | $..book[?@.isbn]       | all books with an ISBN number         |
    | $..book[?@.price<10]   | all books cheaper than 10             |
    | $..*                   | all member values and array elements  |
    |                        | contained in the input value          |

Table 2: Example JSONPath Expressions and Their Intended Results When Applied to the Example JSON Value


2. JSONPath Syntax and Semantics
2. jsonpathの構文とセマンティクス
2.1. Overview
2.1. 概要

A JSONPath _expression_ is a string that, when applied to a JSON value (the _query argument_), selects zero or more nodes of the argument and outputs these nodes as a nodelist.

jsonpath _expression_は、json値(_ query argument_)に適用されると、引数のゼロ以上のノードを選択し、これらのノードをノデリストとして出力する文字列です。

A query MUST be encoded using UTF-8. The grammar for queries given in this document assumes that its UTF-8 form is first decoded into Unicode scalar values as described in [RFC3629]; implementation approaches that lead to an equivalent result are possible.


A string to be used as a JSONPath query needs to be _well-formed_ and _valid_. A string is a well-formed JSONPath query if it conforms to the ABNF syntax in this document. A well-formed JSONPath query is valid if it also fulfills both semantic requirements posed by this document, which are as follows:


1. Integer numbers in the JSONPath query that are relevant to the JSONPath processing (e.g., index values and steps) MUST be within the range of exact integer values defined in Internet JSON (I-JSON) (see Section 2.2 of [RFC7493]), namely within the interval [-(2^53)+1, (2^53)-1].

1. JSONPATH処理に関連するJSONPATHクエリの整数数(インデックス値と手順など)は、インターネットJSON(I-JSON)で定義された正確な整数値の範囲内でなければなりません([RFC7493]のセクション2.2を参照)、つまり間隔内[ - (2^53)1、(2^53)-1]。

2. Uses of function extensions MUST be _well-typed_, as described in Section 2.4.3.

2. セクション2.4.3で説明されているように、関数拡張機能の使用は_Well-Tyed_でなければなりません。

A JSONPath implementation MUST raise an error for any query that is not well-formed and valid. The well-formedness and the validity of JSONPath queries are independent of the JSON value the query is applied to. No further errors relating to the well-formedness and the validity of a JSONPath query can be raised during application of the query to a value. This clearly separates well-formedness/ validity errors in the query from mismatches that may actually stem from flaws in the data.


Mismatches between the structure expected by a valid query and the structure found in the data can lead to empty query results, which may be unexpected and indicate bugs in either. JSONPath implementations might therefore want to provide diagnostics to the application developer that aid in finding the cause of empty results.


Obviously, an implementation can still fail when executing a JSONPath query, e.g., because of resource depletion, but this is not modeled in this document. However, the implementation MUST NOT silently malfunction. Specifically, if a valid JSONPath query is evaluated against a structured value whose size is too large to process the query correctly (for instance, requiring the processing of numbers that fall outside the range of exact values), the implementation MUST provide an indication of overflow.


(Readers familiar with the HTTP error model may be reminded of 400 type errors when pondering well-formedness and validity, and they may recognize resource depletion and related errors as comparable to 500 type errors.)


2.1.1. Syntax
2.1.1. 構文

Syntactically, a JSONPath query consists of a root identifier ($), which stands for a nodelist that contains the root node of the query argument, followed by a possibly empty sequence of _segments_.


   jsonpath-query      = root-identifier segments
   segments            = *(S segment)

   B                   = %x20 /    ; Space
                         %x09 /    ; Horizontal tab
                         %x0A /    ; Line feed or New line
                         %x0D      ; Carriage return
   S                   = *B        ; optional blank space

The syntax and semantics of segments are defined in Section 2.5.


2.1.2. Semantics
2.1.2. セマンティクス

In this document, the semantics of a JSONPath query define the required results and do not prescribe the internal workings of an implementation. This document may describe semantics in a procedural step-by-step fashion; however, such descriptions are normative only in the sense that any implementation MUST produce an identical result but not in the sense that implementers are required to use the same algorithms.


The semantics are that a valid query is executed against a value (the _query argument_) and produces a nodelist (i.e., a list of zero or more nodes of the value).

セマンティクスは、有効なクエリが値(_ query argument_)に対して実行され、ノデリスト(つまり、値のゼロ以上のノードのリスト)を生成することです。

The query is a root identifier followed by a sequence of zero or more segments, each of which is applied to the result of the previous root identifier or segment and provides input to the next segment. These results and inputs take the form of nodelists.


The nodelist resulting from the root identifier contains a single node (the query argument). The nodelist resulting from the last segment is presented as the result of the query. Depending on the specific API, it might be presented as an array of the JSON values at the nodes, an array of Normalized Paths referencing the nodes, or both -- or some other representation as desired by the implementation. Note: An empty nodelist is a valid query result.


A segment operates on each of the nodes in its input nodelist in turn, and the resultant nodelists are concatenated in the order of the input nodelist they were derived from to produce the result of the segment. A node may be selected more than once and appears that number of times in the nodelist. Duplicate nodes are not removed.


A syntactically valid segment MUST NOT produce errors when executing the query. This means that some operations that might be considered erroneous, such as using an index lying outside the range of an array, simply result in fewer nodes being selected. (Additional discussion of this property can be found in the introduction of Section 2.1.)


As a consequence of this approach, if any of the segments produces an empty nodelist, then the whole query produces an empty nodelist.


If the semantics of a query give an implementation a choice of producing multiple possible orderings, a particular implementation may produce distinct orderings in successive runs of the query.


2.1.3. Example
2.1.3. 例

Consider this example. With the query argument {"a":[{"b":0},{"b":1},{"c":2}]}, the query $.a[*].b selects the following list of nodes (denoted here by their values): 0, 1.

この例を考えてください。クエリ引数{"a":[{"b":0}、{"b":1}、{"c":2}]}、query $ .a [*]。ノードの(ここでは値で示されています):0、1。

The query consists of $ followed by three segments: .a, [*], and .b.


First, $ produces a nodelist consisting of just the query argument.


Next, .a selects from any object input node and selects the node of any member value of the input node corresponding to the member name "a". The result is again a list containing a single node: [{"b":0},{"b":1},{"c":2}].


Next, [*] selects all the elements from the input array node. The result is a list of three nodes: {"b":0}, {"b":1}, and {"c":2}.


Finally, .b selects from any object input node with a member name b and selects the node of the member value of the input node corresponding to that name. The result is a list containing 0, 1. This is the concatenation of three lists: two of length one containing 0, 1, respectively, and one of length zero.


2.2. Root Identifier
2.2. ルート識別子
2.2.1. Syntax
2.2.1. 構文

Every JSONPath query (except those inside filter expressions; see Section 2.3.5) MUST begin with the root identifier $.


   root-identifier     = "$"
2.2.2. Semantics
2.2.2. セマンティクス

The root identifier $ represents the root node of the query argument and produces a nodelist consisting of that root node.


2.2.3. Examples
2.2.3. 例

Note: In this example and the following examples in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, except for Table 11, we will present a JSON text to show the JSON value used as the query argument to the queries in the examples and then a table with the following columns:


* Query: an example query to be applied to the query argument

* クエリ:クエリ引数に適用されるクエリの例

* Result: the query result as a list of JSON values that were located in the query argument

* 結果:クエリ引数にあるJSON値のリストとしてのクエリ結果

* Result Path: the query result as a list of (normalized) paths into the query argument, giving locations of the JSON values in the previous column

* 結果パス:クエリ引数への(正規化された)パスのリストとしてのクエリ結果。前の列のJSON値の位置を与えます

* Comment: descriptive information

* コメント:記述情報



   {"k": "v"}



             | Query | Result     | Result Path | Comment   |
             |   $   | {"k": "v"} |      $      | Root node |

Table 3: Root Identifier Example


2.3. Selectors
2.3. セレクター

Selectors appear only inside child segments (Section 2.5.1) and descendant segments (Section 2.5.2).


A selector produces a nodelist consisting of zero or more children of the input value.


There are various kinds of selectors that produce children of objects, children of arrays, or children of either objects or arrays.


   selector            = name-selector /
                         wildcard-selector /
                         slice-selector /
                         index-selector /

The syntax and semantics of each kind of selector are defined below.


2.3.1. Name Selector
2.3.1. 名前セレクター Syntax 構文

A name selector '<name>' selects at most one object member value.

name selector '<name>'は、最大1つのオブジェクトメンバー値を選択します。

In contrast to JSON, the JSONPath syntax allows strings to be enclosed in _single_ or _double_ quotes.


   name-selector       = string-literal

   string-literal      = %x22 *double-quoted %x22 /     ; "string"
                         %x27 *single-quoted %x27       ; 'string'

   double-quoted       = unescaped /
                         %x27      /                    ; '
                         ESC %x22  /                    ; \"
                         ESC escapable

   single-quoted       = unescaped /
                         %x22      /                    ; "
                         ESC %x27  /                    ; \'
                         ESC escapable

   ESC                 = %x5C                           ; \ backslash

   unescaped           = %x20-21 /                      ; see RFC 8259
                            ; omit 0x22 "
                         %x23-26 /
                            ; omit 0x27 '
                         %x28-5B /
                            ; omit 0x5C \
                         %x5D-D7FF /
                            ; skip surrogate code points

   escapable           = %x62 / ; b BS backspace U+0008
                         %x66 / ; f FF form feed U+000C
                         %x6E / ; n LF line feed U+000A
                         %x72 / ; r CR carriage return U+000D
                         %x74 / ; t HT horizontal tab U+0009
                         "/"  / ; / slash (solidus) U+002F
                         "\"  / ; \ backslash (reverse solidus) U+005C
                         (%x75 hexchar) ;  uXXXX U+XXXX

   hexchar             = non-surrogate /
                         (high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate)
   non-surrogate       = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) /
                         ("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG )
   high-surrogate      = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG
   low-surrogate       = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG

   HEXDIG              = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"



* Double-quoted strings follow the JSON string syntax (Section 7 of [RFC8259]); single-quoted strings follow an analogous pattern. No attempt was made to improve on this syntax, so if it is desired to escape characters with scalar values above 0xFFFF, such as U+1F041 ("🁁", DOMINO TILE HORIZONTAL-02-02), they need to be represented by a pair of surrogate escapes ("\uD83C\uDC41" in this case).

* 二重引用文字列は、JSON文字列構文([RFC8259]のセクション7)に従います。単一引用文字列は、類似のパターンに従います。この構文を改善する試みは行われなかったので、u 1f041( "🁁"、domino tile horizontal-02-02)など、0xffffを超えるスカラー値を持つ文字を逃がすことが望ましい場合は、ペアで表現する必要があります。代理脱出(この場合は "\ ud83c \ udc41")の脱出。

* Alphabetic characters in quoted strings are case-insensitive in ABNF, so each of the hexadecimal digits within \u escapes (as specified in rules referenced by hexchar) can be either lowercase or uppercase, while the u in \u needs to be lowercase (indicated as %x75).

* 引用された文字列のアルファベット文字はABNFではケース非感受性です。そのため、\ uの脱出内の各六量体数字は(六ヘクサーによって参照されるルールで指定されているように)小文字または大文字のいずれかであり、\ uは小文字を必要とする必要があります(示すものがあります。AS%x75)。 Semantics セマンティクス

A name-selector string MUST be converted to a member name M by removing the surrounding quotes and replacing each escape sequence with its equivalent Unicode character, as shown in Table 4:


   | Escape Sequence | Unicode Character | Description                 |
   |        \b       |       U+0008      | BS backspace                |
   |        \t       |       U+0009      | HT horizontal tab           |
   |        \n       |       U+000A      | LF line feed                |
   |        \f       |       U+000C      | FF form feed                |
   |        \r       |       U+000D      | CR carriage return          |
   |        \"       |       U+0022      | quotation mark              |
   |        \'       |       U+0027      | apostrophe                  |
   |        \/       |       U+002F      | slash (solidus)             |
   |        \\       |       U+005C      | backslash (reverse          |
   |                 |                   | solidus)                    |
   |      \uXXXX     |        see        | hexadecimal escape          |
   |                 |  Section  |                             |

Table 4: Escape Sequence Replacements


Applying the name-selector to an object node selects a member value whose name equals the member name M or selects nothing if there is no such member value. Nothing is selected from a value that is not an object.


Note: Processing the name selector requires comparing the member name string M with member name strings in the JSON to which the selector is being applied. Two strings MUST be considered equal if and only if they are identical sequences of Unicode scalar values. In other words, normalization operations MUST NOT be applied to either the member name string M from the JSONPath or the member name strings in the JSON prior to comparison.

注:名前セレクターを処理するには、メンバー名文字列Mとセレクターが適用されているJSONのメンバー名文字列を比較する必要があります。2つの文字列は、ユニコードスカラー値の同一シーケンスである場合にのみ等しいと見なす必要があります。言い換えれば、比較前に、JSONPATHのメンバー名String MまたはJSONのメンバー名文字列に正規化操作を適用する必要はありません。 Examples 例



     "o": {"j j": {"k.k": 3}},
     "'": {"@": 2}



The examples in Table 5 show the name selector in use by child segments.


    |       Query        |Result |      Result Paths     | Comment    |
    |     $.o['j j']     |{"k.k":|     $['o']['j j']     | Named      |
    |                    |3}     |                       | value in   |
    |                    |       |                       | a nested   |
    |                    |       |                       | object     |
    | $.o['j j']['k.k']  |3      |  $['o']['j j']['k.k'] | Nesting    |
    |                    |       |                       | further    |
    |                    |       |                       | down       |
    | $.o["j j"]["k.k"]  |3      |  $['o']['j j']['k.k'] | Different  |
    |                    |       |                       | delimiter  |
    |                    |       |                       | in the     |
    |                    |       |                       | query,     |
    |                    |       |                       | unchanged  |
    |                    |       |                       | Normalized |
    |                    |       |                       | Path       |
    |    $["'"]["@"]     |2      |      $['\'']['@']     | Unusual    |
    |                    |       |                       | member     |
    |                    |       |                       | names      |

Table 5: Name Selector Examples


2.3.2. Wildcard Selector
2.3.2. ワイルドカードセレクター Syntax 構文

The wildcard selector consists of an asterisk.


   wildcard-selector   = "*" Semantics セマンティクス

A wildcard selector selects the nodes of all children of an object or array. The order in which the children of an object appear in the resultant nodelist is not stipulated, since JSON objects are unordered. Children of an array appear in array order in the resultant nodelist.


Note that the children of an object are its member values, not its member names.


The wildcard selector selects nothing from a primitive JSON value (that is, a number, a string, true, false, or null).

WildCardセレクターは、プリミティブJSON値(つまり、数字、文字列、真、false、またはnull)から何も選択しません。 Examples 例



     "o": {"j": 1, "k": 2},
     "a": [5, 3]



The examples in Table 6 show the wildcard selector in use by a child segment.


          | Query  | Result   |    Result   | Comment           |
          |        |          |    Paths    |                   |
          |  $[*]  | {"j": 1, |    $['o']   | Object values     |
          |        | "k": 2}  |    $['a']   |                   |
          |        | [5, 3]   |             |                   |
          | $.o[*] | 1        | $['o']['j'] | Object values     |
          |        | 2        | $['o']['k'] |                   |
          | $.o[*] | 2        | $['o']['k'] | Alternative       |
          |        | 1        | $['o']['j'] | result            |
          | $.o[*, | 1        | $['o']['j'] | Non-deterministic |
          |   *]   | 2        | $['o']['k'] | ordering          |
          |        | 2        | $['o']['k'] |                   |
          |        | 1        | $['o']['j'] |                   |
          | $.a[*] | 5        |  $['a'][0]  | Array members     |
          |        | 3        |  $['a'][1]  |                   |

Table 6: Wildcard Selector Examples


The example above with the query $.o[*, *] shows that the wildcard selector may produce nodelists in distinct orders each time it appears in the child segment when it is applied to an object node with two or more members (but not when it is applied to object nodes with fewer than two members or to array nodes).

Query $ .o [ *、 *]の上記の例は、ワイルドカードセレクターが2人以上のメンバーを持つオブジェクトノードに適用されるときに、子セグメントに表示されるたびに明確な順序でノデリストを生成する可能性があることを示しています(ただし、2人未満のメンバーまたは配列ノードのオブジェクトノードに適用されます)。

2.3.3. Index Selector
2.3.3. インデックスセレクター Syntax 構文

An index selector <index> matches at most one array element value.


   index-selector      = int                        ; decimal integer

   int                 = "0" /
                         (["-"] DIGIT1 *DIGIT)      ; - optional
   DIGIT1              = %x31-39                    ; 1-9 non-zero digit

Applying the numerical index-selector selects the corresponding element. JSONPath allows it to be negative (see Section


To be valid, the index selector value MUST be in the I-JSON range of exact values (see Section 2.1).




* An index-selector is an integer (in base 10, as in JSON numbers).

* インデックスセレクターは整数です(JSON番号のように、ベース10の)。

* As in JSON numbers, the syntax does not allow octal-like integers with leading zeros, such as 01 or -01.

* JSON数と同様に、構文では、01や-01などの主要なゼロを持つオクタル様整数が許可されていません。 Semantics セマンティクス

A non-negative index-selector applied to an array selects an array element using a zero-based index. For example, the selector 0 selects the first, and the selector 4 selects the fifth element of a sufficiently long array. Nothing is selected, and it is not an error, if the index lies outside the range of the array. Nothing is selected from a value that is not an array.


A negative index-selector counts from the array end backwards, obtaining an equivalent non-negative index-selector by adding the length of the array to the negative index. For example, the selector -1 selects the last, and the selector -2 selects the penultimate element of an array with at least two elements. As with non-negative indexes, it is not an error if such an element does not exist; this simply means that no element is selected.

アレイからの負のインデックスセレクターは逆方向にカウントされ、アレイの長さを負のインデックスに追加することにより、同等の非陰性インデックスセレクターを取得します。たとえば、セレクター-1は最後を選択し、セレクター-2は少なくとも2つの要素を持つ配列の最後から2番目の要素を選択します。非陰性インデックスと同様に、そのような要素が存在しない場合、それはエラーではありません。これは、単に要素が選択されていないことを意味します。 Examples 例






The examples in Table 7 show the index selector in use by a child segment.


    | Query | Result | Result Paths | Comment                        |
    |  $[1] | "b"    |     $[1]     | Element of array               |
    | $[-2] | "a"    |     $[0]     | Element of array, from the end |

Table 7: Index Selector Examples


2.3.4. Array Slice Selector
2.3.4. 配列スライスセレクター Syntax 構文

The array slice selector has the form <start>:<end>:<step>. It matches elements from arrays starting at index <start> and ending at (but not including) <end>, while incrementing by step with a default of 1.


   slice-selector      = [start S] ":" S [end S] [":" [S step ]]

   start               = int       ; included in selection
   end                 = int       ; not included in selection
   step                = int       ; default: 1

The slice selector consists of three optional decimal integers separated by colons. The second colon can be omitted when the third integer is omitted.


To be valid, the integers provided MUST be in the I-JSON range of exact values (see Section 2.1).

有効にするには、提供される整数は正確な値のI-JSON範囲にある必要があります(セクション2.1を参照)。 Semantics セマンティクス

The slice selector was inspired by the slice operator that was proposed for ECMAScript 4 (ES4), which was never released, and that of Python.

スライスセレクターは、ECMAScript 4(ES4)に提案されたスライス演算子に触発されました。 Informal Introduction 非公式の紹介

This section is informative.


Array slicing is inspired by the behavior of the Array.prototype.slice method of the JavaScript language, as defined by the ECMA-262 standard [ECMA-262], with the addition of the step parameter, which is inspired by the Python slice expression.


The array slice expression start:end:step selects elements at indices starting at start, incrementing by step, and ending with end (which is itself excluded). So, for example, the expression 1:3 (where step defaults to 1) selects elements with indices 1 and 2 (in that order), whereas 1:5:2 selects elements with indices 1 and 3.


When step is negative, elements are selected in reverse order. Thus, for example, 5:1:-2 selects elements with indices 5 and 3 (in that order), and ::-1 selects all the elements of an array in reverse order.


When step is 0, no elements are selected. (This is the one case that differs from the behavior of Python, which raises an error in this case.)


The following section specifies the behavior fully, without depending on JavaScript or Python behavior.

次のセクションでは、JavaScriptやPythonの動作に依存することなく、動作を完全に指定します。 Normative Semantics 規範的セマンティクス

A slice expression selects a subset of the elements of the input array in the same order as the array or the reverse order, depending on the sign of the step parameter. It selects no nodes from a node that is not an array.


A slice is defined by the two slice parameters, start and end, and an iteration delta, step. Each of these parameters is optional. In the rest of this section, len denotes the length of the input array.


The default value for step is 1. The default values for start and end depend on the sign of step, as shown in Table 8.


                    | Condition | start   | end      |
                    | step >= 0 | 0       | len      |
                    | step < 0  | len - 1 | -len - 1 |

Table 8: Default Array Slice start and end Values


Slice expression parameters start and end are not directly usable as slice bounds and must first be normalized. Normalization for this purpose is defined as:


   FUNCTION Normalize(i, len):
     IF i >= 0 THEN
       RETURN i
       RETURN len + i
     END IF

The result of the array index expression i applied to an array of length len is the result of the array slicing expression Normalize(i, len):Normalize(i, len)+1:1.


Slice expression parameters start and end are used to derive slice bounds lower and upper. The direction of the iteration, defined by the sign of step, determines which of the parameters is the lower bound and which is the upper bound:


   FUNCTION Bounds(start, end, step, len):
     n_start = Normalize(start, len)
     n_end = Normalize(end, len)

     IF step >= 0 THEN
       lower = MIN(MAX(n_start, 0), len)
       upper = MIN(MAX(n_end, 0), len)
       upper = MIN(MAX(n_start, -1), len-1)
       lower = MIN(MAX(n_end, -1), len-1)
     END IF

     RETURN (lower, upper)

The slice expression selects elements with indices between the lower and upper bounds. In the following pseudocode, a(i) is the i+1th element of the array a (i.e., a(0) is the first element, a(1) the second, and so forth).


   IF step > 0 THEN

     i = lower
     WHILE i < upper:
       SELECT a(i)
       i = i + step

   ELSE if step < 0 THEN

     i = upper
     WHILE lower < i:
       SELECT a(i)
       i = i + step


When step = 0, no elements are selected, and the result array is empty.

step = 0の場合、要素は選択されておらず、結果配列は空です。 Examples 例



   ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]



The examples in Table 9 show the array slice selector in use by a child segment.


                |   Query   | Result | Result | Comment  |
                |           |        | Paths  |          |
                |   $[1:3]  | "b"    |  $[1]  | Slice    |
                |           | "c"    |  $[2]  | with     |
                |           |        |        | default  |
                |           |        |        | step     |
                |   $[5:]   | "f"    |  $[5]  | Slice    |
                |           | "g"    |  $[6]  | with no  |
                |           |        |        | end      |
                |           |        |        | index    |
                |  $[1:5:2] | "b"    |  $[1]  | Slice    |
                |           | "d"    |  $[3]  | with     |
                |           |        |        | step 2   |
                | $[5:1:-2] | "f"    |  $[5]  | Slice    |
                |           | "d"    |  $[3]  | with     |
                |           |        |        | negative |
                |           |        |        | step     |
                |  $[::-1]  | "g"    |  $[6]  | Slice in |
                |           | "f"    |  $[5]  | reverse  |
                |           | "e"    |  $[4]  | order    |
                |           | "d"    |  $[3]  |          |
                |           | "c"    |  $[2]  |          |
                |           | "b"    |  $[1]  |          |
                |           | "a"    |  $[0]  |          |

Table 9: Array Slice Selector Examples


2.3.5. Filter Selector
2.3.5. フィルターセレクター

Filter selectors are used to iterate over the elements or members of structured values, i.e., JSON arrays and objects. The structured values are identified in the nodelist offered by the child or descendant segment using the filter selector.


For each iteration (element/member), a logical expression (the _filter expression_) is evaluated, which decides whether the node of the element/member is selected. (While a logical expression evaluates to what mathematically is a Boolean value, this specification uses the term _logical_ to maintain a distinction from the Boolean values that JSON can represent.)

各反復(要素/メンバー)について、論理式(_Filter Expression_)が評価され、要素/メンバーのノードが選択されているかどうかを決定します。(論理式は数学的にブール値であるものを評価しますが、この仕様は_logical_という用語を使用して、JSONが表すことができるブール値と区別を維持します。)

During the iteration process, the filter expression receives the node of each array element or object member value of the structured value being filtered; this element or member value is then known as the _current node_.

反復プロセス中、フィルター式は、フィルタリングされている構造値の各配列要素またはオブジェクトメンバー値のノードを受信します。この要素またはメンバー値は、_current node_として知られています。

The current node can be used as the start of one or more JSONPath queries in subexpressions of the filter expression, notated via the current-node-identifier @. Each JSONPath query can be used either for testing existence of a result of the query, for obtaining a specific JSON value resulting from that query that can then be used in a comparison, or as a _function argument_.

現在のノードは、現在のnode-identifier @を介して記載されているフィルター式のサブエクスペッションでの1つ以上のjsonpathクエリの開始として使用できます。各JSonPathクエリは、クエリの結果の存在をテストするために、そのクエリから生じる特定のJSON値を取得するために使用できます。そのクエリは、比較で使用できます。

Filter selectors may use function extensions, which are covered in Section 2.4. Within the logical expression for a filter selector, function expressions can be used to operate on nodelists and values. The set of available functions is extensible, with a number of functions predefined (see Section 2.4) and the ability to register further functions provided by the "Function Extensions" subregistry (Section 3.2). When a function is defined, it is given a unique name, and its return value and each of its parameters are given a _declared type_. The type system is limited in scope; its purpose is to express restrictions that, without functions, are implicit in the grammar of filter expressions. The type system also guides conversions (Section 2.4.2) that mimic the way different kinds of expressions are handled in the grammar when function expressions are not in use.

フィルターセレクターは、セクション2.4でカバーされている機能拡張機能を使用する場合があります。フィルターセレクターの論理式内では、関数式を使用してノデリストと値を動作させることができます。利用可能な関数のセットは拡張可能であり、多くの関数が事前に定義されており(セクション2.4を参照)、「関数拡張」サブレジストリ(セクション3.2)によって提供されるさらなる関数を登録する機能があります。関数が定義されると、一意の名前が与えられ、その返品値とそのパラメーターのそれぞれに_declared type_が与えられます。タイプシステムの範囲は制限されています。その目的は、機能がなければ、フィルター式の文法に暗黙的である制限を表現することです。また、タイプシステムは、関数式が使用されていない場合にさまざまな種類の式が文法で処理される方法を模倣する変換(セクション2.4.2)をガイドします。 Syntax 構文

The filter selector has the form ?<logical-expr>.


   filter-selector     = "?" S logical-expr

As the filter expression is composed of constituents free of side effects, the order of evaluation does not need to be (and is not) defined. Similarly, for conjunction (&&) and disjunction (||) (defined later), both a short-circuiting and a fully evaluating implementation will lead to the same result; both implementation strategies are therefore valid.


The current node is accessible via the current node identifier @. This identifier addresses the current node of the filter-selector that is directly enclosing the identifier. Note: Within nested filter-selectors, there is no syntax to address the current node of any other than the directly enclosing filter-selector (i.e., of filter-selectors enclosing the filter-selector that is directly enclosing the identifier).

現在のノードは、現在のノード識別子 @からアクセスできます。この識別子は、識別子を直接囲んでいるフィルターセレクターの現在のノードに対応します。注:ネストされたフィルターセレクター内には、直接囲まれたフィルターセレクター以外の現在のノードに対処する構文はありません(つまり、識別子を直接囲むフィルターセレクターを囲むフィルターセレクター)。

Logical expressions offer the usual Boolean operators (|| for OR, && for AND, and ! for NOT). They have the normal semantics of Boolean algebra and obey its laws (for example, see [BOOLEAN-LAWS]). Parentheses MAY be used within logical-expr for grouping.

論理式は、通常のブールの演算子を提供します(|| for or、&& for、および!for not)。それらは、ブール代数の通常のセマンティクスを持ち、その法則に従います(たとえば、[boolean-laws]を参照)。括弧は、グループ化のために論理expr内で使用できます。

It is not required that logical-expr consist of a parenthesized expression (which was required in [JSONPath-orig]), although it can be, and the semantics are the same as without the parentheses.


   logical-expr        = logical-or-expr
   logical-or-expr     = logical-and-expr *(S "||" S logical-and-expr)
                           ; disjunction
                           ; binds less tightly than conjunction
   logical-and-expr    = basic-expr *(S "&&" S basic-expr)
                           ; conjunction
                           ; binds more tightly than disjunction

   basic-expr          = paren-expr /
                         comparison-expr /

   paren-expr          = [logical-not-op S] "(" S logical-expr S ")"
                                           ; parenthesized expression
   logical-not-op      = "!"               ; logical NOT operator

A test expression either tests the existence of a node designated by an embedded query (see Section or tests the result of a function expression (see Section 2.4). In the latter case, if the function's declared result type is LogicalType (see Section 2.4.1), it tests whether the result is LogicalTrue; if the function's declared result type is NodesType, it tests whether the result is non-empty. If the function's declared result type is ValueType, its use in a test expression is not well-typed (see Section 2.4.3).


   test-expr           = [logical-not-op S]
                         (filter-query / ; existence/non-existence
                          function-expr) ; LogicalType or NodesType
   filter-query        = rel-query / jsonpath-query
   rel-query           = current-node-identifier segments
   current-node-identifier = "@"

Comparison expressions are available for comparisons between primitive values (that is, numbers, strings, true, false, and null). These can be obtained via literal values; singular queries, each of which selects at most one node, the value of which is then used; or function expressions (see Section 2.4) of type ValueType.


   comparison-expr     = comparable S comparison-op S comparable
   literal             = number / string-literal /
                         true / false / null
   comparable          = literal /
                         singular-query / ; singular query value
                         function-expr    ; ValueType
   comparison-op       = "==" / "!=" /
                         "<=" / ">=" /
                         "<"  / ">"

   singular-query      = rel-singular-query / abs-singular-query
   rel-singular-query  = current-node-identifier singular-query-segments
   abs-singular-query  = root-identifier singular-query-segments
   singular-query-segments = *(S (name-segment / index-segment))
   name-segment        = ("[" name-selector "]") /
                         ("." member-name-shorthand)
   index-segment       = "[" index-selector "]"

Literals can be notated in the way that is usual for JSON (with the extension that strings can use single-quote delimiters).


Note: Alphabetic characters in quoted strings are case-insensitive in ABNF, so within a floating point number, the ABNF expression "e" can be either the character 'e' or 'E'.


true, false, and null are lowercase only (case-sensitive).


   number              = (int / "-0") [ frac ] [ exp ] ; decimal number
   frac                = "." 1*DIGIT                  ; decimal fraction
   exp                 = "e" [ "-" / "+" ] 1*DIGIT    ; decimal exponent
   true                = %x74.72.75.65                ; true
   false               = %x66.61.6c.73.65             ; false
   null                = %x6e.75.6c.6c                ; null

Table 10 lists filter expression operators in order of precedence from highest (binds most tightly) to lowest (binds least tightly).


            | Precedence |    Operator type     |    Syntax   |
            |     5      |       Grouping       |    (...)    |
            |            | Function Expressions | _name_(...) |
            |     4      |     Logical NOT      |      !      |
            |     3      |      Relations       |    == !=    |
            |            |                      |  < <= > >=  |
            |     2      |     Logical AND      |      &&     |
            |     1      |      Logical OR      |      ||     |

Table 10: Filter Expression Operator Precedence

表10:フィルター式演算子の優先順位 Semantics セマンティクス

The filter selector works with arrays and objects exclusively. Its result is a list of (_zero_, _one_, _multiple_, or _all_) their array elements or member values, respectively. Applied to a primitive value, it selects nothing (and therefore does not contribute to the result of the filter selector).


In the resultant nodelist, children of an array are ordered by their position in the array. The order in which the children of an object (as opposed to an array) appear in the resultant nodelist is not stipulated, since JSON objects are unordered.

結果のノデリストでは、配列の子供は配列内の位置によって順序付けられます。JSONオブジェクトは順序付けられていないため、結果のノデリストに(アレイとは対照的に)オブジェクトの子供が(配列とは対照的に)表示される順序は規定されていません。 Existence Tests 存在テスト

A query by itself in a logical context is an existence test that yields true if the query selects at least one node and yields false if the query does not select any nodes.


Existence tests differ from comparisons in that:


* They work with arbitrary relative or absolute queries (not just singular queries).

* それらは、任意の相対的または絶対的なクエリ(単数のクエリだけでなく)で動作します。

* They work with queries that select structured values.

* 構造化された値を選択するクエリで動作します。

To examine the value of a node selected by a query, an explicit comparison is necessary. For example, to test whether the node selected by the query @.foo has the value null, use @.foo == null (see Section 2.6) rather than the negated existence test !@.foo (which yields false if @.foo selects a node, regardless of the node's value). Similarly, @.foo == false yields true only if @.foo selects a node and the value of that node is false.

クエリで選択されたノードの値を調べるには、明示的な比較が必要です。たとえば、Query @.fooで選択されたノードに値nullがあるかどうかをテストするには、negated Indess test! @.foo( @.fooの場合にfalseを生成する場合、 @.foo == null(セクション2.6を参照)を使用します(セクション2.6を参照)ノードの値に関係なく、ノードを選択します)。同様に、 @.foo == falseは、 @.fooがノードを選択し、そのノードの値がfalseである場合にのみtrueを生成します。 Comparisons 比較

The comparison operators == and < are defined first, and then these are used to define !=, <=, >, and >=.

比較演算子==および<は最初に定義され、次にこれらは!=、<=、>、および> =を定義するために使用されます。

When either side of a comparison results in an empty nodelist or the special result Nothing (see Section 2.4.1):


* A comparison using the operator == yields true if and only the other side also results in an empty nodelist or the special result Nothing.

* Operator ==を使用した比較は、反対側のみが空のノデリストまたは特別な結果をもたらす場合、真でありません。

* A comparison using the operator < yields false.

* オペレーターを使用した比較<falseを生成します。

When any query or function expression on either side of a comparison results in a nodelist consisting of a single node, that side is replaced by the value of its node and then:


* A comparison using the operator == yields true if and only if the comparison is between:

* Operator ==を使用した比較は、比較が次の場合にのみTRUEを生成します。

- numbers expected to interoperate, as per Section 2.2 of I-JSON [RFC7493], that compare equal using normal mathematical equality,

- I-JSON [RFC7493]のセクション2.2に従って相互運用すると予想される数字は、通常の数学的平等を使用して等しいと比較します。

- numbers, at least one of which is not expected to interoperate as per I-JSON, where the numbers compare equal using an implementation-specific equality,

- 数字、少なくとも1つはI-JSONに従って相互運用するとは予想されていません。この場合、数値は実装固有の平等を使用して等しいと比較されます。

- equal primitive values that are not numbers,

- 数字ではない等しい原始値、

- equal arrays, that is, arrays of the same length where each element of the first array is equal to the corresponding element of the second array, or

- 等しい配列、つまり、最初のアレイの各要素が2番目の配列の対応する要素に等しいのと同じ長さの配列、または

- equal objects with no duplicate names, that is, where:

- 名前が複製されていない等しいオブジェクト、つまり、ここで:

o both objects have the same collection of names (with no duplicates) and

o どちらのオブジェクトにも同じ名前のコレクションがあります(重複はありません)と

o for each of those names, the values associated with the name by the objects are equal.

o これらの名前のそれぞれについて、オブジェクトによって名前に関連付けられた値は等しくなります。

* A comparison using the operator < yields true if and only if the comparison is between values that are both numbers or both strings and that satisfy the comparison:

* Operator <を使用した比較は、数字または両方の文字列であり、比較を満たす値の両方の値の間での場合にのみTRUEを生成します。

- numbers expected to interoperate, as per Section 2.2 of I-JSON [RFC7493], MUST compare using the normal mathematical ordering; numbers not expected to interoperate, as per I-JSON, MAY compare using an implementation-specific ordering,

- I-JSON [RFC7493]のセクション2.2に従って、相互運用すると予想される数値は、通常の数学的順序を使用して比較する必要があります。I-JSONによると、相互運用すると予想されていない数字は、実装固有の順序付けを使用して比較する場合があります。

- the empty string compares less than any non-empty string, and

- 空の文字列は、空でない文字列と比較し、

- a non-empty string compares less than another non-empty string if and only if the first string starts with a lower Unicode scalar value than the second string or if both strings start with the same Unicode scalar value and the remainder of the first string compares less than the remainder of the second string.

- 最初の文字列が2番目の文字列よりも低いUnicodeスカラー値で始まる場合、または両方の文字列が同じUnicodeスカラー値で開始され、最初の文字列の残りが比較される場合にのみ、空でない文字列が別の非空白の文字列よりも少ない場合にのみ比較されます2番目の文字列の残りよりも少ない。

!=, <=, >, and >= are defined in terms of the other comparison operators. For any a and b:

!=、<=、>、および> =は、他の比較演算子に関して定義されます。AおよびBの場合:

* The comparison a != b yields true if and only if a == b yields false.

* 比較a!= bは、a == bがfalseを生成する場合にのみ真であります。

* The comparison a <= b yields true if and only if a < b yields true or a == b yields true.

* A <= bがtrueまたはa == bが真である場合にのみ、比較a <= bはtrueを生成します。

* The comparison a > b yields true if and only if b < a yields true.

* 比較a> bは、b <aが真である場合にのみ真であります。

* The comparison a >= b yields true if and only if b < a yields true or a == b yields true.

* 比較a> = bは、b <aが真であるか、a == bが真である場合にのみ真である。 Examples 例

The first set of examples shows some comparison expressions and their result with a given JSON value as input.




     "obj": {"x": "y"},
     "arr": [2, 3]



       |       Comparison       | Result |        Comment         |
       | $.absent1 == $.absent2 |  true  |    Empty nodelists     |
       | $.absent1 <= $.absent2 |  true  |     == implies <=      |
       |    $.absent == 'g'     | false  |     Empty nodelist     |
       | $.absent1 != $.absent2 | false  |    Empty nodelists     |
       |    $.absent != 'g'     |  true  |     Empty nodelist     |
       |         1 <= 2         |  true  |   Numeric comparison   |
       |         1 > 2          | false  |   Numeric comparison   |
       |       13 == '13'       | false  |     Type mismatch      |
       |       'a' <= 'b'       |  true  |   String comparison    |
       |       'a' > 'b'        | false  |   String comparison    |
       |     $.obj == $.arr     | false  |     Type mismatch      |
       |     $.obj != $.arr     |  true  |     Type mismatch      |
       |     $.obj == $.obj     |  true  |   Object comparison    |
       |     $.obj != $.obj     | false  |   Object comparison    |
       |     $.arr == $.arr     |  true  |    Array comparison    |
       |     $.arr != $.arr     | false  |    Array comparison    |
       |      $.obj == 17       | false  |     Type mismatch      |
       |      $.obj != 17       |  true  |     Type mismatch      |
       |     $.obj <= $.arr     | false  | Objects and arrays do  |
       |                        |        | not offer < comparison |
       |     $.obj < $.arr      | false  | Objects and arrays do  |
       |                        |        | not offer < comparison |
       |     $.obj <= $.obj     |  true  |     == implies <=      |
       |     $.arr <= $.arr     |  true  |     == implies <=      |
       |       1 <= $.arr       | false  | Arrays do not offer <  |
       |                        |        |       comparison       |
       |       1 >= $.arr       | false  | Arrays do not offer <  |
       |                        |        |       comparison       |
       |       1 > $.arr        | false  | Arrays do not offer <  |
       |                        |        |       comparison       |
       |       1 < $.arr        | false  | Arrays do not offer <  |
       |                        |        |       comparison       |
       |      true <= true      |  true  |     == implies <=      |
       |      true > true       | false  | Booleans do not offer  |
       |                        |        |      < comparison      |

Table 11: Comparison Examples


The second set of examples shows some complete JSONPath queries that make use of filter selectors and the results of evaluating these queries on a given JSON value as input. (Note: Two of the queries employ function extensions; please see Sections 2.4.6 and 2.4.7 for details about these.)




     "a": [3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 6,
           {"b": "j"},
           {"b": "k"},
           {"b": {}},
           {"b": "kilo"}
     "o": {"p": 1, "q": 2, "r": 3, "s": 5, "t": {"u": 6}},
     "e": "f"



The examples in Table 12 show the filter selector in use by a child segment.


   |      Query       | Result       |    Result   | Comment           |
   |                  |              |    Paths    |                   |
   |   $.a[?@.b ==    | {"b":        |  $['a'][9]  | Member value      |
   |     'kilo']      | "kilo"}      |             | comparison        |
   |   $.a[?(@.b ==   | {"b":        |  $['a'][9]  | Equivalent query  |
   |     'kilo')]     | "kilo"}      |             | with enclosing    |
   |                  |              |             | parentheses       |
   |   $.a[?@>3.5]    | 5            |  $['a'][1]  | Array value       |
   |                  | 4            |  $['a'][4]  | comparison        |
   |                  | 6            |  $['a'][5]  |                   |
   |    $.a[?@.b]     | {"b": "j"}   |  $['a'][6]  | Array value       |
   |                  | {"b": "k"}   |  $['a'][7]  | existence         |
   |                  | {"b": {}}    |  $['a'][8]  |                   |
   |                  | {"b":        |  $['a'][9]  |                   |
   |                  | "kilo"}      |             |                   |
   |     $[?@.*]      | [3, 5, 1,    |    $['a']   | Existence of non- |
   |                  | 2, 4, 6,     |    $['o']   | singular queries  |
   |                  | {"b": "j"},  |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b": "k"},  |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b": {}},   |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b":        |             |                   |
   |                  | "kilo"}]     |             |                   |
   |                  | {"p": 1,     |             |                   |
   |                  | "q": 2,      |             |                   |
   |                  | "r": 3,      |             |                   |
   |                  | "s": 5,      |             |                   |
   |                  | "t": {"u":   |             |                   |
   |                  | 6}}          |             |                   |
   |   $[?@[?@.b]]    | [3, 5, 1,    |    $['a']   | Nested filters    |
   |                  | 2, 4, 6,     |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b": "j"},  |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b": "k"},  |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b": {}},   |             |                   |
   |                  | {"b":        |             |                   |
   |                  | "kilo"}]     |             |                   |
   | $.o[?@<3, ?@<3]  | 1            | $['o']['p'] | Non-deterministic |
   |                  | 2            | $['o']['q'] | ordering          |
   |                  | 2            | $['o']['q'] |                   |
   |                  | 1            | $['o']['p'] |                   |
   | $.a[?@<2 || @.b  | 1            |  $['a'][2]  | Array value       |
   |     == "k"]      | {"b": "k"}   |  $['a'][7]  | logical OR        |
   | $.a[?match(@.b,  | {"b": "j"}   |  $['a'][6]  | Array value       |
   |     "[jk]")]     | {"b": "k"}   |  $['a'][7]  | regular           |
   |                  |              |             | expression match  |
   | $.a[?search(@.b, | {"b": "j"}   |  $['a'][6]  | Array value       |
   |     "[jk]")]     | {"b": "k"}   |  $['a'][7]  | regular           |
   |                  | {"b":        |  $['a'][9]  | expression search |
   |                  | "kilo"}      |             |                   |
   | $.o[?@>1 && @<4] | 2            | $['o']['q'] | Object value      |
   |                  | 3            | $['o']['r'] | logical AND       |
   | $.o[?@>1 && @<4] | 3            | $['o']['r'] | Alternative       |
   |                  | 2            | $['o']['q'] | result            |
   | $.o[?@.u || @.x] | {"u": 6}     | $['o']['t'] | Object value      |
   |                  |              |             | logical OR        |
   | $.a[?@.b == $.x] | 3            |  $['a'][0]  | Comparison of     |
   |                  | 5            |  $['a'][1]  | queries with no   |
   |                  | 1            |  $['a'][2]  | values            |
   |                  | 2            |  $['a'][3]  |                   |
   |                  | 4            |  $['a'][4]  |                   |
   |                  | 6            |  $['a'][5]  |                   |
   |   $.a[?@ == @]   | 3            |  $['a'][0]  | Comparisons of    |
   |                  | 5            |  $['a'][1]  | primitive and of  |
   |                  | 1            |  $['a'][2]  | structured values |
   |                  | 2            |  $['a'][3]  |                   |
   |                  | 4            |  $['a'][4]  |                   |
   |                  | 6            |  $['a'][5]  |                   |
   |                  | {"b": "j"}   |  $['a'][6]  |                   |
   |                  | {"b": "k"}   |  $['a'][7]  |                   |
   |                  | {"b": {}}    |  $['a'][8]  |                   |
   |                  | {"b":        |  $['a'][9]  |                   |
   |                  | "kilo"}      |             |                   |

Table 12: Filter Selector Examples


The example above with the query $.o[?@<3, ?@<3] shows that a filter selector may produce nodelists in distinct orders each time it appears in the child segment.

Query $ .o [?@<3、?@<3]の上記の例は、フィルターセレクターが子セグメントに表示されるたびに別個の順序でノデリストを生成する可能性があることを示しています。

2.4. Function Extensions
2.4. 関数拡張機能

Beyond the filter expression functionality defined in the preceding subsections, JSONPath defines an extension point that can be used to add filter expression functionality: "Function Extensions".


This section defines the extension point and some function extensions that use this extension point. While these mechanisms are designed to use the extension point, they are an integral part of the JSONPath specification and are expected to be implemented like any other integral part of this specification.


A function extension defines a registered name (see Section 3.2) that can be applied to a sequence of zero or more arguments, producing a result. Each registered function name is unique.


A function extension MUST be defined such that its evaluation is free of side effects, i.e., all possible orders of evaluation and choices of short-circuiting or full evaluation of an expression containing it MUST lead to the same result. (Note: Memoization or logging are not side effects in this sense as they are visible at the implementation level only -- they do not influence the result of the evaluation.)


   function-name       = function-name-first *function-name-char
   function-name-first = LCALPHA
   function-name-char  = function-name-first / "_" / DIGIT
   LCALPHA             = %x61-7A  ; "a".."z"

   function-expr       = function-name "(" S [function-argument
                            *(S "," S function-argument)] S ")"
   function-argument   = literal /
                         filter-query / ; (includes singular-query)
                         logical-expr /

Any function expressions in a query must be well-formed (by conforming to the above ABNF) and well-typed; otherwise, the JSONPath implementation MUST raise an error (see Section 2.1). To define which function expressions are well-typed, a type system is first introduced.


2.4.1. Type System for Function Expressions
2.4.1. 関数式のシステムを入力します

Each parameter and the result of a function extension must have a declared type.


Declared types enable checking a JSONPath query for well-typedness independent of any query argument the JSONPath query is applied to.


Table 13 defines the available types in terms of the instances they contain.


               | Type        | Instances                   |
               | ValueType   | JSON values or Nothing      |
               | LogicalType | LogicalTrue or LogicalFalse |
               | NodesType   | Nodelists                   |

Table 13: Function Extension Type System




* The only instances that can be directly represented in JSONPath syntax are certain JSON values in ValueType expressed as literals (which, in JSONPath, are limited to primitive values).

* JSONPATH構文で直接表現できる唯一のインスタンスは、リテラルとして表されるValuETypeの特定のJSON値です(JSONPATHでは、プリミティブ値に限定されています)。

* The special result Nothing represents the absence of a JSON value and is distinct from any JSON value, including null.

* 特別な結果は、JSON値がないことを表し、NULLを含むJSON値とは異なります。

* LogicalTrue and LogicalFalse are unrelated to the JSON values expressed by the literals true and false.

* LogicalTrueと論理ファルスは、リテラルによって表されるJSON値とは無関係です。

2.4.2. Type Conversion
2.4.2. タイプ変換

Just as queries can be used in logical expressions by testing for the existence of at least one node (Section, a function expression of declared type NodesType can be used as a function argument for a parameter of declared type LogicalType, with the equivalent conversion rule:


* If the nodelist contains one or more nodes, the conversion result is LogicalTrue.

* ノデリストに1つ以上のノードが含まれている場合、変換結果は論理的なものです。

* If the nodelist is empty, the conversion result is LogicalFalse.

* ノデリストが空の場合、変換結果は論理ファルスです。



* Extraction of a value from a nodelist can be performed in several ways, so an implicit conversion from NodesType to ValueType may be surprising and has therefore not been defined.

* ノデリストからの値の抽出はいくつかの方法で実行できます。したがって、NodestypeからValueTypeへの暗黙的な変換は驚くべきものである可能性があるため、定義されていません。

* A function expression with a declared type of NodesType can indirectly be used as an argument for a parameter of declared type ValueType by wrapping the expression in a call to a function extension, such as value() (see Section 2.4.8), that takes a parameter of type NodesType and returns a result of type ValueType.

* 宣言されたタイプのnodestypeを使用した関数式は、value()などの関数拡張機能に式を包むことにより、宣言されたタイプValueTypeのパラメーターの引数として間接的に使用できます(セクション2.4.8を参照)。型nodestypeのパラメーターであり、型ValueTypeの結果を返します。

The well-typedness of function expressions can now be defined in terms of this type system.


2.4.3. Well-Typedness of Function Expressions
2.4.3. 関数式のよくタイプさ

For a function expression to be well-typed:


1. Its declared type must be well-typed in the context in which it occurs.

1. その宣言されたタイプは、それが発生するコンテキストではよくタイプでなければなりません。

1. As per the grammar, a function expression can occur in three different immediate contexts, which lead to the following conditions for well-typedness:

1. 文法によると、関数式は3つの異なる直接的なコンテキストで発生する可能性があります。

As a test-expr in a logical expression:


The function's declared result type is LogicalType or (giving rise to conversion as per Section 2.4.2) NodesType.


As a comparable in a comparison:


The function's declared result type is ValueType.


As a function-argument in another function expression:


The function's declared result type fulfills the following rules for the corresponding parameter of the enclosing function.


2. Its arguments must be well-typed for the declared type of the corresponding parameters.

2. その議論は、対応するパラメーターの宣言されたタイプに対して十分にタイプでなければなりません。

2. The arguments of the function expression are well-typed when each argument of the function can be used for the declared type of the corresponding parameter, according to one of the following conditions:

2. 関数式の引数は、次の条件のいずれかに従って、関数の各引数を対応するパラメーターの宣言されたタイプに使用できる場合、よくタイプされています。

* When the argument is a function expression with the same declared result type as the declared type of the parameter.

* 引数がパラメーターの宣言されたタイプと同じ宣言された結果タイプを持つ関数式である場合。

* When the declared type of the parameter is LogicalType and the argument is one of the following:

* 宣言されたタイプのパラメーターが論理タイプであり、引数が次のいずれかである場合:

- A function expression with declared result type NodesType. In this case, the argument is converted to LogicalType as per Section 2.4.2.

- 宣言された結果型nodestypeを使用した関数式。この場合、引数はセクション2.4.2に従って論理タイプに変換されます。

- A logical-expr that is not a function expression.

- 関数式ではない論理expr。

* When the declared type of the parameter is NodesType and the argument is a query (which includes singular query).

* 宣言されたパラメーターのタイプがnodestypeであり、引数はクエリ(特異クエリを含む)である場合。

* When the declared type of the parameter is ValueType and the argument is one of the following:

* 宣言されたタイプのパラメーターがValuETypeであり、引数が次のいずれかである場合:

- A value expressed as a literal.

- 文字通りとして表される値。

- A singular query. In this case:

- 特異なクエリ。この場合:

o If the query results in a nodelist consisting of a single node, the argument is the value of the node.

o クエリが単一のノードで構成されるノデリストになった場合、引数はノードの値です。

o If the query results in an empty nodelist, the argument is the special result Nothing.

o クエリが空のノデリストになった場合、引数は特別な結果ではありません。

2.4.4. length() Function Extension
2.4.4. 長さ()関数拡張



1. ValueType

1. ValueType



ValueType (unsigned integer or Nothing)


The length() function extension provides a way to compute the length of a value and make that available for further processing in the filter expression:


   $[?length(@.authors) >= 5]

Its only argument is an instance of ValueType (possibly taken from a singular query, as in the example above). The result is also an instance of ValueType: an unsigned integer or the special result Nothing.


* If the argument value is a string, the result is the number of Unicode scalar values in the string.

* 引数値が文字列の場合、結果は文字列内のUnicodeスカラー値の数になります。

* If the argument value is an array, the result is the number of elements in the array.

* 引数値が配列の場合、結果は配列内の要素の数になります。

* If the argument value is an object, the result is the number of members in the object.

* 引数値がオブジェクトである場合、結果はオブジェクト内のメンバーの数になります。

* For any other argument value, the result is the special result Nothing.

* 他の引数値については、結果は特別な結果ではありません。

2.4.5. count() Function Extension
2.4.5. count()関数拡張



1. NodesType

1. nodestype



ValueType (unsigned integer)


The count() function extension provides a way to obtain the number of nodes in a nodelist and make that available for further processing in the filter expression:


   $[?count(@.*.author) >= 5]

Its only argument is a nodelist. The result is a value (an unsigned integer) that gives the number of nodes in the nodelist.




* There is no deduplication of the nodelist.

* ノデリストの重複はありません。

* The number of nodes in the nodelist is counted independent of their values or any children they may have, e.g., the count of a non-empty singular nodelist such as count(@) is always 1.

* ノデリストのノードの数は、その価値や、たとえば、count(@)などの非空白の特異なノデリストのカウントとは無関係にカウントされます。

2.4.6. match() Function Extension
2.4.6. match()関数拡張



1. ValueType (string)

1. ValueType(文字列)

2. ValueType (string conforming to [RFC9485])

2. ValueType([RFC9485]に準拠する文字列)





The match() function extension provides a way to check whether (the entirety of; see Section 2.4.7) a given string matches a given regular expression, which is in the form described in [RFC9485].


   $[?match(@.date, "1974-05-..")]

Its arguments are instances of ValueType (possibly taken from a singular query, as for the first argument in the example above). If the first argument is not a string or the second argument is not a string conforming to [RFC9485], the result is LogicalFalse. Otherwise, the string that is the first argument is matched against the I-Regexp contained in the string that is the second argument; the result is LogicalTrue if the string matches the I-Regexp and is LogicalFalse otherwise.


2.4.7. search() Function Extension
2.4.7. 検索()関数拡張機能



1. ValueType (string)

1. ValueType(文字列)

2. ValueType (string conforming to [RFC9485])

2. ValueType([RFC9485]に準拠する文字列)





The search() function extension provides a way to check whether a given string contains a substring that matches a given regular expression, which is in the form described in [RFC9485].


   $[?search(@.author, "[BR]ob")]

Its arguments are instances of ValueType (possibly taken from a singular query, as for the first argument in the example above). If the first argument is not a string or the second argument is not a string conforming to [RFC9485], the result is LogicalFalse. Otherwise, the string that is the first argument is searched for a substring that matches the I-Regexp contained in the string that is the second argument; the result is LogicalTrue if at least one such substring exists and is LogicalFalse otherwise.


2.4.8. value() Function Extension
2.4.8. value()関数拡張



1. NodesType

1. nodestype





The value() function extension provides a way to convert an instance of NodesType to a value and make that available for further processing in the filter expression:


   $[?value(@..color) == "red"]

Its only argument is an instance of NodesType (possibly taken from a filter-query, as in the example above). The result is an instance of ValueType.


* If the argument contains a single node, the result is the value of the node.

* 引数に単一のノードが含まれている場合、結果はノードの値です。

* If the argument is the empty nodelist or contains multiple nodes, the result is Nothing.

* 引数が空のノデリストであるか、複数のノードが含まれている場合、結果は何もありません。

Note: A singular query may be used anywhere where a ValueType is expected, so there is no need to use the value() function extension with a singular query.


2.4.9. Examples
2.4.9. 例
    |        Query         | Comment                                  |
    |  $[?length(@) < 3]   | well-typed                               |
    | $[?length(@.*) < 3]  | not well-typed since @.* is a non-       |
    |                      | singular query                           |
    | $[?count(@.*) == 1]  | well-typed                               |
    |  $[?count(1) == 1]   | not well-typed since 1 is not a query or |
    |                      | function expression                      |
    |  $[?count(foo(@.*))  | well-typed, where foo() is a function    |
    |        == 1]         | extension with a parameter of type       |
    |                      | NodesType and result type NodesType      |
    | $[?match(@.timezone, | well-typed                               |
    |    'Europe/.*')]     |                                          |
    | $[?match(@.timezone, | not well-typed as LogicalType may not be |
    |   'Europe/.*') ==    | used in comparisons                      |
    |        true]         |                                          |
    |  $[?value(@..color)  | well-typed                               |
    |      == "red"]       |                                          |
    | $[?value(@..color)]  | not well-typed as ValueType may not be   |
    |                      | used in a test expression                |
    |     $[?bar(@.a)]     | well-typed for any function bar() with a |
    |                      | parameter of any declared type and       |
    |                      | result type LogicalType                  |
    |     $[?bnl(@.*)]     | well-typed for any function bnl() with a |
    |                      | parameter of declared type NodesType or  |
    |                      | LogicalType and result type LogicalType  |
    |    $[?blt(1==1)]     | well-typed, where blt() is a function    |
    |                      | with a parameter of declared type        |
    |                      | LogicalType and result type LogicalType  |
    |      $[?blt(1)]      | not well-typed for the same function     |
    |                      | blt(), as 1 is not a query, logical-     |
    |                      | expr, or function expression             |
    |      $[?bal(1)]      | well-typed, where bal() is a function    |
    |                      | with a parameter of declared type        |
    |                      | ValueType and result type LogicalType    |

Table 14: Function Expression Examples


2.5. Segments
2.5. セグメント

For each node in an input nodelist, segments apply one or more selectors to the node and concatenate the results of each selector into per-input-node nodelists, which are then concatenated in the order of the input nodelist to form a single segment result nodelist.


It turns out that the more segments there are in a query, the greater the depth in the input value of the nodes of the resultant nodelist:


* A query with N segments, where N >= 0, produces a nodelist consisting of nodes at depth in the input value of N or greater.

* n> = 0では、n> = 0のnセグメントを使用したクエリは、n以上の入力値の深さのノードで構成されるノデリストを生成します。

* A query with N segments, where N >= 0, all of which are child segments (Section 2.5.1), produces a nodelist consisting of nodes precisely at depth N in the input value.

* n> = 0のnセグメントを使用したクエリは、すべての子セグメント(セクション2.5.1)であり、入力値の深さnでのノードからなるノードから構成されるノデリストを生成します。

There are two kinds of segments: child segments and descendant segments.


   segment             = child-segment / descendant-segment

The syntax and semantics of each kind of segment are defined below.


2.5.1. Child Segment
2.5.1. 子セグメント Syntax 構文

The child segment consists of a non-empty, comma-separated sequence of selectors enclosed in square brackets.


Shorthand notations are also provided for when there is a single wildcard or name selector.


   child-segment       = bracketed-selection /
                          (wildcard-selector /

   bracketed-selection = "[" S selector *(S "," S selector) S "]"

   member-name-shorthand = name-first *name-char
   name-first          = ALPHA /
                         "_"   /
                         %x80-D7FF /
                            ; skip surrogate code points
   name-char           = name-first / DIGIT

   DIGIT               = %x30-39              ; 0-9
   ALPHA               = %x41-5A / %x61-7A    ; A-Z / a-z

.*, a child-segment directly built from a wildcard-selector, is shorthand for [*].


.<member-name>, a child-segment built from a member-name-shorthand, is shorthand for ['<member-name>']. Note: This can only be used with member names that are composed of certain characters, as specified in the ABNF rule member-name-shorthand. Thus, for example, $.foo.bar is shorthand for $['foo']['bar'] (but not for $['foo.bar']).

。<member-name>は、メンバー名のショートンで構築された子セグメントであり、['<member-name>']の速記です。注:これは、ABNF Rule Member-Name-Shorthandで指定されているように、特定の文字で構成されるメンバー名でのみ使用できます。したがって、たとえば、$ .foo.barは$ ['foo'] ['bar']の速記です(ただし、$ ['foo.bar']ではありません)。 Semantics セマンティクス

A child segment contains a sequence of selectors, each of which selects zero or more children of the input value.


Selectors of different kinds may be combined within a single child segment.


For each node in the input nodelist, the resulting nodelist of a child segment is the concatenation of the nodelists from each of its selectors in the order that the selectors appear in the list. Note: Any node matched by more than one selector is kept as many times in the nodelist.


Where a selector can produce a nodelist in more than one possible order, each occurrence of the selector in the child segment may produce a nodelist in a distinct order.


In summary, a child segment drills down one more level into the structure of the input value.

要約すると、子セグメントが入力値の構造にもう1つのレベルを掘り下げます。 Examples 例



   ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]



                 | Query  | Result | Result | Comment    |
                 |        |        | Paths  |            |
                 |  $[0,  | "a"    |  $[0]  | Indices    |
                 |   3]   | "d"    |  $[3]  |            |
                 | $[0:2, | "a"    |  $[0]  | Slice and  |
                 |   5]   | "b"    |  $[1]  | index      |
                 |        | "f"    |  $[5]  |            |
                 |  $[0,  | "a"    |  $[0]  | Duplicated |
                 |   0]   | "a"    |  $[0]  | entries    |

Table 15: Child Segment Examples


2.5.2. Descendant Segment
2.5.2. 子孫セグメント Syntax 構文

The descendant segment consists of a double dot .. followed by a child segment (using bracket notation).


Shorthand notations are also provided that correspond to the shorthand forms of the child segment.


   descendant-segment  = ".." (bracketed-selection /
                               wildcard-selector /

..*, the descendant-segment directly built from a wildcard-selector, is shorthand for ..[*].


..<member-name>, a descendant-segment built from a member-name-shorthand, is shorthand for ..['<member-name>']. Note: As with the similar shorthand of a child-segment, this can only be used with member names that are composed of certain characters, as specified in the ABNF rule member-name-shorthand.

.. <member-name>、メンバー名のショーサンドから構築された子孫セグメントは、.. ['<member-name>']の速記です。注:子セグメントの同様の速記と同様に、これは、ABNFルールメンバーノームショーサンドで指定されているように、特定の文字で構成されるメンバー名でのみ使用できます。

Note: On its own, .. is not a valid segment.

注:それ自体では、..は有効なセグメントではありません。 Semantics セマンティクス

A descendant segment produces zero or more descendants of an input value.


For each node in the input nodelist, a descendant selector visits the input node and each of its descendants such that:


* nodes of any array are visited in array order, and

* 任意の配列のノードは、配列の順序で訪問され、

* nodes are visited before their descendants.

* ノードは子孫の前に訪問されます。

The order in which the children of an object are visited is not stipulated, since JSON objects are unordered.


Suppose the descendant segment is of the form ..[<selectors>] (after converting any shorthand form to bracket notation), and the nodes, in the order visited, are D1, ..., Dn (where n >= 1). Note: D1 is the input value.


For each i such that 1 <= i <= n, the nodelist Ri is defined to be a result of applying the child segment [<selectors>] to the node Di.

1 <= i <= nのようなiの場合、ノデリストRIは、子セグメント[<electors>]をノードdiに適用した結果であると定義されます。

For each node in the input nodelist, the result of the descendant segment is the concatenation of R1, ..., Rn (in that order). These results are then concatenated in input nodelist order to form the result of the segment.


In summary, a descendant segment drills down one or more levels into the structure of each input value.

要約すると、子孫セグメントは、各入力値の構造に1つ以上のレベルを掘削します。 Examples 例



     "o": {"j": 1, "k": 2},
     "a": [5, 3, [{"j": 4}, {"k": 6}]]



(Note that the fourth example can be expressed in two equivalent queries, shown in Table 16 in one table row instead of two almost-identical rows.)


   |  Query   | Result         |    Result Paths   | Comment           |
   |   $..j   | 1              |    $['o']['j']    | Object values     |
   |          | 4              | $['a'][2][0]['j'] |                   |
   |   $..j   | 4              | $['a'][2][0]['j'] | Alternative       |
   |          | 1              |    $['o']['j']    | result            |
   |  $..[0]  | 5              |     $['a'][0]     | Array values      |
   |          | {"j": 4}       |    $['a'][2][0]   |                   |
   |  $..[*]  | {"j": 1,       |       $['o']      | All values        |
   |    or    | "k": 2}        |       $['a']      |                   |
   |   $..*   | [5, 3,         |    $['o']['j']    |                   |
   |          | [{"j": 4},     |    $['o']['k']    |                   |
   |          | {"k": 6}]]     |     $['a'][0]     |                   |
   |          | 1              |     $['a'][1]     |                   |
   |          | 2              |     $['a'][2]     |                   |
   |          | 5              |    $['a'][2][0]   |                   |
   |          | 3              |    $['a'][2][1]   |                   |
   |          | [{"j": 4},     | $['a'][2][0]['j'] |                   |
   |          | {"k": 6}]      | $['a'][2][1]['k'] |                   |
   |          | {"j": 4}       |                   |                   |
   |          | {"k": 6}       |                   |                   |
   |          | 4              |                   |                   |
   |          | 6              |                   |                   |
   |   $..o   | {"j": 1,       |       $['o']      | Input value is    |
   |          | "k": 2}        |                   | visited           |
   | $.o..[*, | 1              |    $['o']['j']    | Non-deterministic |
   |    *]    | 2              |    $['o']['k']    | ordering          |
   |          | 2              |    $['o']['k']    |                   |
   |          | 1              |    $['o']['j']    |                   |
   | $.a..[0, | 5              |     $['a'][0]     | Multiple segments |
   |    1]    | 3              |     $['a'][1]     |                   |
   |          | {"j": 4}       |    $['a'][2][0]   |                   |
   |          | {"k": 6}       |    $['a'][2][1]   |                   |

Table 16: Descendant Segment Examples


Note: The ordering of the results for the $..[*] and $..* examples above is not guaranteed, except that:

注:$ .. [*]および$ ..*の結果の順序付けは、次のことを除いて保証されていません。

* {"j": 1, "k": 2} must appear before 1 and 2,

* {"j":1、 "k":2}は、1と2の前に表示されなければなりません、

* [5, 3, [{"j": 4}, {"k": 6}]] must appear before 5, 3, and [{"j": 4}, {"k": 6}],

* [5、3、[{"j":4}、{"k":6}]]が5、3、および[{"j":4}、{"k":6}]、[{"j":4}、

* 5 must appear before 3, which must appear before [{"j": 4}, {"k": 6}],

* 5は3より前に表示されなければなりません。

* 5 and 3 must appear before {"j": 4}, 4, {"k": 6}, and 6,

* 5と3は{"j":4}、4、{"k":6}、および6の前に表示されなければなりません。

* [{"j": 4}, {"k": 6}] must appear before {"j": 4} and {"k": 6},

* [{"j":4}、{"k":6}]は、{"j":4}および{"k":6}の前に表示されなければなりません。

* {"j": 4} must appear before {"k": 6},

* {"j":4}は{"k":6}の前に表示されなければなりません。

* {"k": 6} must appear before 4, and

* {"k":6}は4前に表示され、

* 4 must appear before 6.

* 4は6より前に表示する必要があります。

The example above with the query $.o..[*, *] shows that a selector may produce nodelists in distinct orders each time it appears in the descendant segment.

Query $ .o .. [ *、 *]の上記の例は、セレクターが子孫セグメントに表示されるたびに別個の順序でノデリストを生成できることを示しています。

The example above with the query $.a..[0, 1] shows that the child segment [0, 1] is applied to each node in turn (rather than the nodes being visited once per selector, which is the case for some JSONPath implementations that do not conform to this specification).

クエリ$ .A .. [0、1]の上記の例は、子セグメント[0、1]が各ノードに適用されることを示しています(セレクターごとに一度訪問されるノードではなく、一部の場合は一部の場合です。この仕様に準拠していないJSONPATHの実装)。

2.6. Semantics of null
2.6. ヌルの意味論

Note: JSON null is treated the same as any other JSON value, i.e., it is not taken to mean "undefined" or "missing".

注:JSON Nullは、他のJSON値と同じように扱われます。つまり、「未定義」または「欠落」を意味するとは見なされません。

2.6.1. Examples
2.6.1. 例



   {"a": null, "b": [null], "c": [{}], "null": 1}



   |      Query      | Result |   Result  | Comment                   |
   |                 |        |   Paths   |                           |
   |       $.a       | null   |   $['a']  | Object value              |
   |      $.a[0]     |        |           | null used as array        |
   |      $.a.d      |        |           | null used as object       |
   |      $.b[0]     | null   | $['b'][0] | Array value               |
   |      $.b[*]     | null   | $['b'][0] | Array value               |
   |     $.b[?@]     | null   | $['b'][0] | Existence                 |
   |  $.b[?@==null]  | null   | $['b'][0] | Comparison                |
   | $.c[?@.d==null] |        |           | Comparison with "missing" |
   |                 |        |           | value                     |
   |      $.null     | 1      | $['null'] | Not JSON null at all,     |
   |                 |        |           | just a member name string |

Table 17: Examples Involving (or Not Involving) null


2.7. Normalized Paths
2.7. 正規化されたパス

A Normalized Path is a unique representation of the location of a node in a value that uniquely identifies the node in the value. Specifically, a Normalized Path is a JSONPath query with restricted syntax (defined below), e.g., $['book'][3], which when applied to the value, results in a nodelist consisting of just the node identified by the Normalized Path. Note: A Normalized Path represents the identity of a node _in a specific value_. There is precisely one Normalized Path identifying any particular node in a value.

正規化されたパスとは、値のノードを一意に識別する値のノードの位置のユニークな表現です。具体的には、正規化されたパスは、制限付き構文(以下に定義)を備えたJSonPathクエリです。。注:正規化されたパスは、Node _in and and value _のIDを表します。値内の特定のノードを識別する正規化されたパスが正確に1つあります。

A nodelist may be represented compactly in JSON as an array of strings, where the strings are Normalized Paths.


Normalized Paths provide a predictable format that simplifies testing and post-processing of nodelists, e.g., to remove duplicate nodes. Normalized Paths are used in this document as result paths in examples.


Normalized Paths use the canonical bracket notation, rather than dot notation.


Single quotes are used in Normalized Paths to delimit string member names. This reduces the number of characters that need escaping when Normalized Paths appear in strings delimited by double quotes, e.g., in JSON texts.


Certain characters are escaped in Normalized Paths in one and only one way; all other characters are unescaped.


Note: Normalized Paths are singular queries, but not all singular queries are Normalized Paths. For example, $[-3] is a singular query but is not a Normalized Path. The Normalized Path equivalent to $[-3] would have an index equal to the array length minus 3. (The array length must be at least 3 if $[-3] is to identify a node.)

注:正規化されたパスは特異なクエリですが、すべての特異なクエリが正規化されたパスではありません。たとえば、$ [3]は特異なクエリですが、正規化されたパスではありません。$ [-3]に相当する正規化されたパスは、アレイの長さをマイナス3に等しいインデックスを持ちます($ [-3]がノードを識別する場合、アレイの長さは少なくとも3でなければなりません。)

   normalized-path      = root-identifier *(normal-index-segment)
   normal-index-segment = "[" normal-selector "]"
   normal-selector      = normal-name-selector / normal-index-selector
   normal-name-selector = %x27 *normal-single-quoted %x27 ; 'string'
   normal-single-quoted = normal-unescaped /
                          ESC normal-escapable
   normal-unescaped     =    ; omit %x0-1F control codes
                          %x20-26 /
                             ; omit 0x27 '
                          %x28-5B /
                             ; omit 0x5C \
                          %x5D-D7FF /
                             ; skip surrogate code points

   normal-escapable     = %x62 / ; b BS backspace U+0008
                          %x66 / ; f FF form feed U+000C
                          %x6E / ; n LF line feed U+000A
                          %x72 / ; r CR carriage return U+000D
                          %x74 / ; t HT horizontal tab U+0009
                          "'" /  ; ' apostrophe U+0027
                          "\" /  ; \ backslash (reverse solidus) U+005C
                          (%x75 normal-hexchar)
                                          ; certain values u00xx U+00XX
   normal-hexchar       = "0" "0"
                             ("0" %x30-37) / ; "00"-"07"
                                ; omit U+0008-U+000A BS HT LF
                             ("0" %x62) /    ; "0b"
                                ; omit U+000C-U+000D FF CR
                             ("0" %x65-66) / ; "0e"-"0f"
                             ("1" normal-HEXDIG)
   normal-HEXDIG        = DIGIT / %x61-66    ; "0"-"9", "a"-"f"
   normal-index-selector = "0" / (DIGIT1 *DIGIT)
                           ; non-negative decimal integer

Since there can only be one Normalized Path identifying a given node, the syntax stipulates which characters are escaped and which are not. So the definition of normal-hexchar is designed for hex escaping of characters that are not straightforwardly printable, for example, U+000B LINE TABULATION, but for which no standard JSON escape, such as \n, is available.

特定のノードを識別する正規化されたパスは1つだけであるため、構文はどの文字が逃げられ、そうでないかを規定しています。したがって、通常のヘクサチャーの定義は、たとえばu 000bラインの集計など、簡単に印刷できない文字を逃れるために設計されていますが、\ nなどの標準のJSONエスケープは利用できません。

2.7.1. Examples
2.7.1. 例
       |     Path    | Normalized Path | Comment                  |
       |     $.a     |      $['a']     | Object value             |
       |     $[1]    |       $[1]      | Array index              |
       |    $[-3]    |       $[2]      | Negative array index for |
       |             |                 | an array of length 5     |
       |  $.a.b[1:2] |  $['a']['b'][1] | Nested structure         |
       | $["\u000B"] |   $['\u000b']   | Unicode escape           |
       | $["\u0061"] |      $['a']     | Unicode character        |

Table 18: Normalized Path Examples


3. IANA Considerations
3. IANAの考慮事項
3.1. Registration of Media Type application/jsonpath
3.1. メディアタイプアプリケーション/JSONPATHの登録

IANA has registered the following media type [RFC6838]:


Type name:




Subtype name:




Required parameters:




Optional parameters:




Encoding considerations:


binary (UTF-8)


Security considerations:


See the Security Considerations section of RFC 9535.

RFC 9535のセキュリティに関する考慮事項セクションを参照してください。

Interoperability considerations:




Published specification:


RFC 9535

RFC 9535

Applications that use this media type:


Applications that need to convey queries in JSON data


Fragment identifier considerations:




Additional information:


Deprecated alias names for this type:




Magic number(s):




File extension(s):




Macintosh file type code(s):




Person & email address to contact for further information:




Intended usage:




Restrictions on usage:







JSonPath WG

Change controller:

Change Controller:



3.2. Function Extensions Subregistry
3.2. 関数拡張サブレジストリ

Per this specification, IANA has created a new "Function Extensions" subregistry in a new "JSONPath" registry. The "Function Extensions" subregistry has the policy "Expert Review" (Section 4.5 of [RFC8126]).


The experts are instructed to be frugal in the allocation of function extension names that are suggestive of generally applicable semantics, keeping them in reserve for functions that are likely to enjoy wide use and can make good use of their conciseness. The expert is also instructed to direct the registrant to provide a specification (Section 4.6 of [RFC8126]) but can make exceptions, for instance, when a specification is not available at the time of registration but is likely forthcoming. If the expert becomes aware of function extensions that are deployed and in use, they may also initiate a registration on their own if they deem such a registration can avert potential future collisions.


Each entry in the subregistry must include the following:


Function Name:


A lowercase ASCII [RFC0020] string that starts with a letter and can contain letters, digits, and underscore characters afterwards ([a-z][_a-z0-9]*). No other entry in the subregistry can have the same function name.

手紙で始まり、その後文字、数字、およびアンダースコア文字を含めることができる小文字ASCII [RFC0020]文字列([a-z] [_ a-z0-9]*)。サブレジストリの他のエントリは同じ関数名を持つことはできません。

Brief description:


A brief description




A comma-separated list of zero or more declared types, one for each of the arguments expected for this function extension




The declared type of the result for this function extension


Change Controller:

Change Controller:

See Section 2.3 of [RFC8126].




A reference document that provides a description of the function extension


The initial entries in this subregistry are listed in Table 19; the entries in the "Change Controller" column all have the value "IETF", and the entries in the "Reference" column all have the value "Section 2.4 of RFC 9535":

このサブレジストリの最初のエントリを表19に示します。「Change Controller」列のエントリにはすべて値「IETF」があり、「リファレンス」列のエントリにはすべてRFC 9535」のセクション2.4があります。

    | Function Name | Brief Description   | Parameters | Result      |
    | length        | length of string,   | ValueType  | ValueType   |
    |               | array, or object    |            |             |
    | count         | size of nodelist    | NodesType  | ValueType   |
    | match         | regular expression  | ValueType, | LogicalType |
    |               | full match          | ValueType  |             |
    | search        | regular expression  | ValueType, | LogicalType |
    |               | substring match     | ValueType  |             |
    | value         | value of the single | NodesType  | ValueType   |
    |               | node in nodelist    |            |             |

Table 19: Initial Entries in the Function Extensions Subregistry


4. Security Considerations
4. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

Security considerations for JSONPath can stem from:


* attack vectors on JSONPath implementations,

* jsonpathの実装でベクトルを攻撃し、

* attack vectors on how JSONPath queries are formed, and

* JsonPathのクエリがどのように形成されるかについてベクターを攻撃し、

* the way JSONPath is used in security-relevant mechanisms.

* JSONPATHがセキュリティ関連のメカニズムで使用される方法。

4.1. Attack Vectors on JSONPath Implementations
4.1. JSonPathの実装でベクターを攻撃します

Historically, JSONPath has often been implemented by feeding parts of the query to an underlying programming language engine, e.g., JavaScript's eval() function. This approach is well known to lead to injection attacks and would require perfect input validation to prevent these attacks (see Section 12 of [RFC8259] for similar considerations for JSON itself). Instead, JSONPath implementations need to implement the entire syntax of the query without relying on the parsers of programming language engines.


Attacks on availability may attempt to trigger unusually expensive runtime performance exhibited by certain implementations in certain cases. (See Section 10 of [RFC8949] for issues in hash-table implementations and Section 8 of [RFC9485] for performance issues in regular expression implementations.) Implementers need to be aware that good average performance is not sufficient as long as an attacker can choose to submit specially crafted JSONPath queries or query arguments that trigger surprisingly high, possibly exponential, CPU usage or, for example, via a naive recursive implementation of the descendant segment, stack overflow. Implementations need to have appropriate resource management to mitigate these attacks.


4.2. Attack Vectors on How JSONPath Queries Are Formed
4.2. JsonPathのクエリの形成方法についてベクターを攻撃します

JSONPath queries are often not static but formed from variables that provide index values, member names, or values to compare with in a filter expression. These variables need to be validated (e.g., only allowing specific constructs such as .name to be formed when the given values allow that) and translated (e.g., by escaping string delimiters). Not performing these validations and translations correctly can lead to unexpected failures, which can lead to availability, confidentiality, and integrity breaches, in particular, if an adversary has control over the values (e.g., by entering them into a web form). The resulting class of attacks, _injections_ (e.g., SQL injections), is consistently found among the top causes of application security vulnerabilities and requires particular attention.


4.3. Attacks on Security Mechanisms That Employ JSONPath
4.3. JSONPATHを使用するセキュリティメカニズムに対する攻撃

Where JSONPath is used as a part of a security mechanism, attackers can attempt to provoke unexpected or unpredictable behavior or take advantage of differences in behavior between JSONPath implementations.


Unexpected or unpredictable behavior can arise from a query argument with certain constructs described as unpredictable by [RFC8259]. Predictable behavior can be expected, except in relation to the ordering of objects, for any query argument conforming with [RFC7493].


Other attacks can target the behavior of underlying technologies, such as UTF-8 (see Section 10 of [RFC3629]) and the Unicode character set.


5. References
5. 参考文献
5.1. Normative References
5.1. 引用文献
   [RFC0020]  Cerf, V., "ASCII format for network interchange", STD 80,
              RFC 20, DOI 10.17487/RFC0020, October 1969,
   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC3629]  Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
              10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, DOI 10.17487/RFC3629, November
              2003, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3629>.
   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,
   [RFC6838]  Freed, N., Klensin, J., and T. Hansen, "Media Type
              Specifications and Registration Procedures", BCP 13,
              RFC 6838, DOI 10.17487/RFC6838, January 2013,
   [RFC7493]  Bray, T., Ed., "The I-JSON Message Format", RFC 7493,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7493, March 2015,
   [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
              Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
              RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
   [RFC8259]  Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
              Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017,
   [RFC9485]  Bormann, C. and T. Bray, "I-Regexp: An Interoperable
              Regular Expression Format", RFC 9485,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9485, October 2023,
   [UNICODE]  The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode® Standard",
              <https://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/>.  At the time
              of writing,
5.2. Informative References
5.2. 参考引用
              "Boolean algebra: Laws", December 2023,
              Burgmer, C., "JSONPath Comparison",
   [E4X]      ISO, "Information technology - ECMAScript for XML (E4X)
              specification", Withdrawn, ISO/IEC 22537:2006, February
              2006, <https://www.iso.org/standard/41002.html>.  An
              equivalent specification, also withdrawn, is available
              from <https://ecma-international.org/publications-and-
              standards/standards/ ecma-357>.
   [ECMA-262] ECMA International, "ECMAScript Language Specification",
              Standard ECMA-262, Third Edition, December 1999,
              Gössner, S., "JSONPath - XPath for JSON", February 2007,
   [RFC6901]  Bryan, P., Ed., Zyp, K., and M. Nottingham, Ed.,
              "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer", RFC 6901,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6901, April 2013,
   [RFC8949]  Bormann, C. and P. Hoffman, "Concise Binary Object
              Representation (CBOR)", STD 94, RFC 8949,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8949, December 2020,
   [SLICE]    "Slice notation", commit 82f95b4, July 2022,
   [XPath]    Berglund, A., Ed., Chamberlin, D., Ed., Simeon, J., Ed.,
              Robie, J., Ed., Fernandez, M., Ed., Kay, M., Ed., and S.
              Boag, Ed., "XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (Second
              Edition)", W3C REC-xpath20-20101214, 14 December 2010,
Appendix A. Collected ABNF Grammars
付録A. 集められたABNF文法

This appendix collects the ABNF grammar from the ABNF passages used throughout the document.


Figure 2 contains the collected ABNF grammar that defines the syntax of a JSONPath query.


   jsonpath-query      = root-identifier segments
   segments            = *(S segment)

   B                   = %x20 /    ; Space
                         %x09 /    ; Horizontal tab
                         %x0A /    ; Line feed or New line
                         %x0D      ; Carriage return
   S                   = *B        ; optional blank space
   root-identifier     = "$"
   selector            = name-selector /
                         wildcard-selector /
                         slice-selector /
                         index-selector /
   name-selector       = string-literal

   string-literal      = %x22 *double-quoted %x22 /     ; "string"
                         %x27 *single-quoted %x27       ; 'string'

   double-quoted       = unescaped /
                         %x27      /                    ; '
                         ESC %x22  /                    ; \"
                         ESC escapable

   single-quoted       = unescaped /
                         %x22      /                    ; "
                         ESC %x27  /                    ; \'
                         ESC escapable

   ESC                 = %x5C                           ; \ backslash

   unescaped           = %x20-21 /                      ; see RFC 8259
                            ; omit 0x22 "
                         %x23-26 /
                            ; omit 0x27 '
                         %x28-5B /
                            ; omit 0x5C \
                         %x5D-D7FF /
                            ; skip surrogate code points

   escapable           = %x62 / ; b BS backspace U+0008
                         %x66 / ; f FF form feed U+000C
                         %x6E / ; n LF line feed U+000A
                         %x72 / ; r CR carriage return U+000D
                         %x74 / ; t HT horizontal tab U+0009
                         "/"  / ; / slash (solidus) U+002F
                         "\"  / ; \ backslash (reverse solidus) U+005C
                         (%x75 hexchar) ;  uXXXX U+XXXX

   hexchar             = non-surrogate /
                         (high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate)
   non-surrogate       = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) /
                         ("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG )
   high-surrogate      = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG
   low-surrogate       = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG

   HEXDIG              = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
   wildcard-selector   = "*"
   index-selector      = int                        ; decimal integer

   int                 = "0" /
                         (["-"] DIGIT1 *DIGIT)      ; - optional
   DIGIT1              = %x31-39                    ; 1-9 non-zero digit
   slice-selector      = [start S] ":" S [end S] [":" [S step ]]

   start               = int       ; included in selection
   end                 = int       ; not included in selection
   step                = int       ; default: 1
   filter-selector     = "?" S logical-expr
   logical-expr        = logical-or-expr
   logical-or-expr     = logical-and-expr *(S "||" S logical-and-expr)
                           ; disjunction
                           ; binds less tightly than conjunction
   logical-and-expr    = basic-expr *(S "&&" S basic-expr)
                           ; conjunction
                           ; binds more tightly than disjunction

   basic-expr          = paren-expr /
                         comparison-expr /

   paren-expr          = [logical-not-op S] "(" S logical-expr S ")"
                                           ; parenthesized expression
   logical-not-op      = "!"               ; logical NOT operator
   test-expr           = [logical-not-op S]
                         (filter-query / ; existence/non-existence
                          function-expr) ; LogicalType or NodesType
   filter-query        = rel-query / jsonpath-query
   rel-query           = current-node-identifier segments
   current-node-identifier = "@"
   comparison-expr     = comparable S comparison-op S comparable
   literal             = number / string-literal /
                         true / false / null
   comparable          = literal /
                         singular-query / ; singular query value
                         function-expr    ; ValueType
   comparison-op       = "==" / "!=" /
                         "<=" / ">=" /
                         "<"  / ">"

   singular-query      = rel-singular-query / abs-singular-query
   rel-singular-query  = current-node-identifier singular-query-segments
   abs-singular-query  = root-identifier singular-query-segments
   singular-query-segments = *(S (name-segment / index-segment))
   name-segment        = ("[" name-selector "]") /
                         ("." member-name-shorthand)
   index-segment       = "[" index-selector "]"
   number              = (int / "-0") [ frac ] [ exp ] ; decimal number
   frac                = "." 1*DIGIT                  ; decimal fraction
   exp                 = "e" [ "-" / "+" ] 1*DIGIT    ; decimal exponent
   true                = %x74.72.75.65                ; true
   false               = %x66.61.6c.73.65             ; false
   null                = %x6e.75.6c.6c                ; null
   function-name       = function-name-first *function-name-char
   function-name-first = LCALPHA
   function-name-char  = function-name-first / "_" / DIGIT
   LCALPHA             = %x61-7A  ; "a".."z"

   function-expr       = function-name "(" S [function-argument
                            *(S "," S function-argument)] S ")"
   function-argument   = literal /
                         filter-query / ; (includes singular-query)
                         logical-expr /
   segment             = child-segment / descendant-segment
   child-segment       = bracketed-selection /
                          (wildcard-selector /

   bracketed-selection = "[" S selector *(S "," S selector) S "]"

   member-name-shorthand = name-first *name-char
   name-first          = ALPHA /
                         "_"   /
                         %x80-D7FF /
                            ; skip surrogate code points
   name-char           = name-first / DIGIT

   DIGIT               = %x30-39              ; 0-9
   ALPHA               = %x41-5A / %x61-7A    ; A-Z / a-z
   descendant-segment  = ".." (bracketed-selection /
                               wildcard-selector /

Figure 2: Collected ABNF of JSONPath Queries


Figure 3 contains the collected ABNF grammar that defines the syntax of a JSONPath Normalized Path while also using the rules root-identifier, ESC, DIGIT, and DIGIT1 from Figure 2.


   normalized-path      = root-identifier *(normal-index-segment)
   normal-index-segment = "[" normal-selector "]"
   normal-selector      = normal-name-selector / normal-index-selector
   normal-name-selector = %x27 *normal-single-quoted %x27 ; 'string'
   normal-single-quoted = normal-unescaped /
                          ESC normal-escapable
   normal-unescaped     =    ; omit %x0-1F control codes
                          %x20-26 /
                             ; omit 0x27 '
                          %x28-5B /
                             ; omit 0x5C \
                          %x5D-D7FF /
                             ; skip surrogate code points

   normal-escapable     = %x62 / ; b BS backspace U+0008
                          %x66 / ; f FF form feed U+000C
                          %x6E / ; n LF line feed U+000A
                          %x72 / ; r CR carriage return U+000D
                          %x74 / ; t HT horizontal tab U+0009
                          "'" /  ; ' apostrophe U+0027
                          "\" /  ; \ backslash (reverse solidus) U+005C
                          (%x75 normal-hexchar)
                                          ; certain values u00xx U+00XX
   normal-hexchar       = "0" "0"
                             ("0" %x30-37) / ; "00"-"07"
                                ; omit U+0008-U+000A BS HT LF
                             ("0" %x62) /    ; "0b"
                                ; omit U+000C-U+000D FF CR
                             ("0" %x65-66) / ; "0e"-"0f"
                             ("1" normal-HEXDIG)
   normal-HEXDIG        = DIGIT / %x61-66    ; "0"-"9", "a"-"f"
   normal-index-selector = "0" / (DIGIT1 *DIGIT)
                           ; non-negative decimal integer

Figure 3: Collected ABNF of JSONPath Normalized Paths


Appendix B. Inspired by XPath
付録B. XPathに触発されました

This appendix is informative.


At the time JSONPath was invented, XML was noted for the availability of powerful tools to analyze, transform, and selectively extract data from XML documents. [XPath] is one of these tools.


In 2007, the need for something solving the same class of problems for the emerging JSON community became apparent, specifically for:


* finding data interactively and extracting them out of JSON values [RFC8259] without special scripting and

* 特別なスクリプトなしでJSON値[RFC8259]からインタラクティブにデータを見つけ、それらを抽出します[RFC8259]

* specifying the relevant parts of the JSON data in a request by a client, so the server can reduce the amount of data in its response, minimizing bandwidth usage.

* クライアントによる要求でJSONデータの関連部分を指定すると、サーバーが応答のデータ量を減らして帯域幅の使用を最小限に抑えることができます。

(Note: XPath has evolved since 2007, and recent versions even nominally support operating inside JSON values. This appendix only discusses the more widely used version of XPath that was available in 2007.)


JSONPath picks up the overall feeling of XPath but maps the concepts to syntax (and partially semantics) that would be familiar to someone using JSON in a dynamic language.


For example, in popular dynamic programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and PHP, the semantics of the XPath expression:



can be realized in the expression:



or in bracket notation:



with the variable x holding the query argument.


The JSONPath language was designed to:


* be naturally based on those language characteristics,

* これらの言語特性に自然に基づいて、

* cover only the most essential parts of XPath 1.0,

* Xpath1.0の最も重要な部分のみをカバーします。

* be lightweight in code size and memory consumption, and

* コードサイズとメモリ消費量の軽量であり、

* be runtime efficient.

* ランタイム効率を上げてください。

B.1. JSONPath and XPath
B.1. JsonpathとXpath

JSONPath expressions apply to JSON values in the same way as XPath expressions are used in combination with an XML document. JSONPath uses $ to refer to the root node of the query argument, similar to XPath's / at the front.

JSONPATH式は、XPATH式がXMLドキュメントと組み合わせて使用されるのと同じ方法でJSON値に適用されます。JSonPathは$を使用して、Xpath / at the Frontと同様に、クエリ引数のルートノードを参照します。

JSONPath expressions move further down the hierarchy using _dot notation_ ($.store.book[0].title) or the _bracket notation_ ($['store']['book'][0]['title']); both replace XPath's / within query expressions, where _dot notation_ serves as a lightweight but limited syntax while _bracket notation_ is a heavyweight but more general syntax.

jsonpath式は、_dot notation_($ .store.book [0] .title)または_bracket notation_($ ['store'] ['book'] [0] ['tittle'])を使用して階層をさらに下に移動します。どちらもXpath /内部のクエリ式を置き換えます。_DOT NOTATION_は軽量であるが限られた構文として機能し、_Bracket Notation_はヘビー級であるがより一般的な構文です。

Both JSONPath and XPath use * for a wildcard. JSONPath's descendant segment notation, starting with .., borrowed from [E4X], is similar to XPath's //. The array slicing construct [start:end:step] is unique to JSONPath, inspired by [SLICE] from ECMASCRIPT 4.

JsonPathとXpathの両方がワイルドカードに使用されます *。Jsonpathの子孫セグメント表記は、[e4x]から借りたものから、xpathの//に似ています。Arrayスライシングコンストラクト[start:end:step]は、ecmascript 4の[スライス]に触発されたjsonpathに固有のものです。

Filter expressions are supported via the syntax ?<logical-expr> as in:


   $.store.book[?@.price < 10].title

Table 20 extends Table 1 by providing a comparison with similar XPath concepts.


    | XPath    | JSONPath         | Description                       |
    | /        | $                | the root XML element              |
    | .        | @                | the current XML element           |
    | /        | . or []          | child operator                    |
    | ..       | n/a              | parent operator                   |
    | //       | ..name,          | descendants (JSONPath borrows     |
    |          | ..[index], ..*,  | this syntax from E4X)             |
    |          | or ..[*]         |                                   |
    | *        | *                | wildcard: All XML elements        |
    |          |                  | regardless of their names         |
    | @        | n/a              | attribute access: JSON values do  |
    |          |                  | not have attributes               |
    | []       | []               | subscript operator used to        |
    |          |                  | iterate over XML element          |
    |          |                  | collections and for predicates    |
    | |        | [,]              | Union operator (results in a      |
    |          |                  | combination of node sets); called |
    |          |                  | list operator in JSONPath, allows |
    |          |                  | combining member names, array     |
    |          |                  | indices, and slices               |
    | n/a      | [start:end:step] | array slice operator borrowed     |
    |          |                  | from ES4                          |
    | []       | ?                | applies a filter (script)         |
    |          |                  | expression                        |
    | seamless | n/a              | expression engine                 |
    | ()       | n/a              | grouping                          |

Table 20: XPath Syntax Compared to JSONPath


For further illustration, Table 21 shows some XPath expressions and their JSONPath equivalents.


   | XPath                 | JSONPath               | Result           |
   | /store/book/author    | $.store.book[*].author | the authors      |
   |                       |                        | of all books     |
   |                       |                        | in the store     |
   | //author              | $..author              | all authors      |
   | /store/*              | $.store.*              | all things in    |
   |                       |                        | store, which     |
   |                       |                        | are some         |
   |                       |                        | books and a      |
   |                       |                        | red bicycle      |
   | /store//price         | $.store..price         | the prices of    |
   |                       |                        | everything in    |
   |                       |                        | the store        |
   | //book[3]             | $..book[2]             | the third        |
   |                       |                        | book             |
   | //book[last()]        | $..book[-1]            | the last book    |
   |                       |                        | in order         |
   | //book[position()<3]  | $..book[0,1]           | the first two    |
   |                       | $..book[:2]            | books            |
   | //book[isbn]          | $..book[?@.isbn]       | filter all       |
   |                       |                        | books with an    |
   |                       |                        | ISBN number      |
   | //book[price<10]      | $..book[?@.price<10]   | filter all       |
   |                       |                        | books cheaper    |
   |                       |                        | than 10          |
   | //*                   | $..*                   | all elements     |
   |                       |                        | in an XML        |
   |                       |                        | document; all    |
   |                       |                        | member values    |
   |                       |                        | and array        |
   |                       |                        | elements         |
   |                       |                        | contained in     |
   |                       |                        | input value      |

Table 21: Example XPath Expressions and Their JSONPath Equivalents


XPath has a lot more functionality (location paths in unabbreviated syntax, operators, and functions) than listed in this comparison. Moreover, there are significant differences in how the subscript operator works in XPath and JSONPath:


* Square brackets in XPath expressions always operate on the _node set_ resulting from the previous path fragment. Indices always start at 1.

* Xpath式の正方形の括弧は、前のパスフラグメントから生じる_node set_で常に動作します。インデックスは常に1から始まります。

* With JSONPath, square brackets operate on each of the nodes in the _nodelist_ resulting from the previous query segment. Array indices always start at 0.

* JSONPATHを使用すると、前のクエリセグメントから生じる_nodelist_の各ノードで四角いブラケットが動作します。配列インデックスは常に0から始まります。

Appendix C. JSON Pointer
付録C. Json Pointer

This appendix is informative.


In relation to JSON Pointer [RFC6901], JSONPath is not intended as a replacement but as a more powerful companion. The purposes of the two standards are different.

JSON Pointer [RFC6901]に関連して、JSonPathは代替品としてではなく、より強力な仲間として意図されています。2つの基準の目的は異なります。

JSON Pointer is for identifying a single value within a JSON value whose structure is known.

JSON Pointerは、構造が既知のJSON値内で単一の値を識別するためのものです。

JSONPath can identify a single value within a JSON value, for example, by using a Normalized Path. But JSONPath is also a query syntax that can be used to search for and extract multiple values from JSON values whose structure is known only in a general way.


A Normalized JSONPath can be converted into a JSON Pointer by converting the syntax, without knowledge of any JSON value. The inverse is not generally true, i.e., a numeric reference token (path component) in a JSON Pointer may identify a member value of an object or an element of an array. For conversion to a JSONPath query, knowledge of the structure of the JSON value is needed to distinguish these cases.



This document is based on Stefan Gössner's original online article defining JSONPath [JSONPath-orig].

このドキュメントは、JsonPath [JSonPath-Orig]を定義するStefanGösnerのオリジナルオンライン記事に基づいています。

The books example was taken from course material that Bielefeld University, Germany used in 2002.


This work is indebted to Christoph Burgmer for the superb JSONPath comparison project [COMPARISON] that details the behavior of over forty JSONPath implementations applied to numerous queries.

この作業は、多数のクエリに適用される40以上のJSONPATH実装の動作を詳述するSuperB JSonPath比較プロジェクト[比較]について、Christoph Burgmerに感謝しています。

   Marko Mikulicic
   InfluxData, Inc.
   Email: mmikulicic@gmail.com
   Edward Surov
   TheSoul Publishing Ltd.
   Email: esurov.tsp@gmail.com
   Greg Dennis
   New Zealand
   Email: gregsdennis@yahoo.com
   URI:   https://github.com/gregsdennis
Authors' Addresses
   Stefan Gössner (editor)
   Fachhochschule Dortmund
   Sonnenstraße 96
   D-44139 Dortmund
   Email: stefan.goessner@fh-dortmund.de
   Glyn Normington (editor)
   United Kingdom
   Email: glyn.normington@gmail.com
   Carsten Bormann (editor)
   Universität Bremen TZI
   Postfach 330440
   D-28359 Bremen
   Phone: +49-421-218-63921
   Email: cabo@tzi.org