[要約] この文書は、ロシアの国家標準GOSTアルゴリズムと共に鍵コンテナ(PFX)を輸送するために「PKCS#12:個人情報交換構文v1.1」(RFC 7292)をどのように使用するかを指定しています。この仕様はIETFの外で開発されました。公開の目的は、GOSTアルゴリズムをサポートしたい相互運用可能な実装を容易にすることです。この文書は、ここで使用されている暗号アルゴリズムのIETFによる承認を意味しません。

Independent Submission                                  E. Karelina, Ed.
Request for Comments: 9548                                      InfoTeCS
Category: Informational                                         May 2024
ISSN: 2070-1721
Generating Transport Key Containers (PFX) Using the GOST Algorithms

This document specifies how to use "PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax v1.1" (RFC 7292) to transport key containers (PFX) for storing keys and certificates in conjunction with the Russian national standard GOST algorithms.

このドキュメントは、「PKCS#12:Personal Information Exchange Syntax v1.1」(RFC 7292)を使用して、ロシアの国家標準GOSTアルゴリズムと併せてキーと証明書を保存するためにキーコンテナ(PFX)を輸送する方法を指定しています。

This specification has been developed outside the IETF. The purpose of publication is to facilitate interoperable implementations that wish to support the GOST algorithms. This document does not imply IETF endorsement of the cryptographic algorithms used here.


Status of This Memo

This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.


This is a contribution to the RFC Series, independently of any other RFC stream. The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at its discretion and makes no statement about its value for implementation or deployment. Documents approved for publication by the RFC Editor are not candidates for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841.

これは、他のRFCストリームとは無関係に、RFCシリーズへの貢献です。RFCエディターは、このドキュメントの裁量でこのドキュメントを公開することを選択しており、実装または展開に対する価値について声明を発表しません。RFCエディターによって公開されることが承認されたドキュメントは、インターネット標準のレベルの候補者ではありません。RFC 7841のセクション2を参照してください。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9548.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
   2.  Conventions Used in This Document
   3.  Basic Terms and Definitions
   4.  PFX
     4.1.  Structure of PFX
     4.2.  AuthenticatedSafe
       4.2.1.  Unencrypted Data
       4.2.2.  Password-Encrypted Data
     4.3.  SafeContents and SafeBag
   5.  GOST R 34.10-2012 Key Representation
     5.1.  Masking GOST R 34.10-2012 Keys
     5.2.  KeyBag Structure for GOST R 34.10-2012 Key
     5.3.  OneAsymmetricKey Structure
     5.4.  EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo Structure for GOST R 34.10-2012 Key
   6.  GOST R 34.10-2012 Certificate Representation
   7.  Security Mechanisms
   8.  Security Considerations
   9.  IANA Considerations
   10. ASN.1 Modules
   11. References
     11.1.  Normative References
     11.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Examples
     A.1.  Test Data
       A.1.1.  Test Certificate
       A.1.2.  Test Key
     A.2.  Example of a PFX with a Password-Protected Key and
           Unencrypted Certificate
       A.2.1.  PFX in BASE64 Format
       A.2.2.  PFX in ASN.1 Format
       A.2.3.  Decrypted Key Value in BASE64 Format
       A.2.4.  Decrypted Key Value in ASN.1 Format
     A.3.  Example of a PFX with a Password-Protected Key and a
           Password-Protected Certificate
       A.3.1.  PFX in BASE64 Format
       A.3.2.  PFX in ASN.1 Format
       A.3.3.  Decrypted Key Value in BASE64 Format
       A.3.4.  Decrypted Key Value in ASN.1 Format
   Author's Address
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

This document provides a specification of the usage of GOST algorithms with PKCS #12 v1.1.

このドキュメントは、PKCS#12 v1.1を使用したGOSTアルゴリズムの使用の仕様を提供します。

PKCS #12 v1.1 describes a syntax for transfer of personal information such as private keys, certificates, and various secrets.

PKCS#12 V1.1は、プライベートキー、証明書、さまざまな秘密などの個人情報を転送するための構文を説明しています。

This memo describes the creation of transport key containers (PFX) for keys and certificates using the GOST R 34.10-2012 algorithm. The GOST R 34.11-2012 algorithm is used to ensure the integrity of PFX.

このメモでは、GOST R 34.10-2012アルゴリズムを使用したキーと証明書のトランスポートキーコンテナ(PFX)の作成について説明しています。GOST R 34.11-2012アルゴリズムを使用して、PFXの整合性を確保します。



This specification is not a standard and does not have IETF community consensus. It makes use of a cryptographic algorithm that is a national standard for Russia. Neither the IETF nor the IRTF has analyzed that algorithm for suitability for any given application, and it may contain either intended or unintended weaknesses.


2. Conventions Used in This Document
2. このドキュメントで使用されている規則

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

「必須」、「必要」、「必須」、「shall」、「shall」、「suff」、 "not"、 "becommended"、 "becommented"、 "may"、 "optional「このドキュメントでは、BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]で説明されているように解釈されます。

3. Basic Terms and Definitions
3. 基本的な用語と定義

Throughout this document, the following notations are used:




a password encoded as a Unicode UTF-8 string

Unicode UTF-8文字列としてエンコードされたパスワード



a random initializing value




the set of byte strings of length s, where s >= 0; the string b = (b_1,...,b_s) belongs to the set V_s if b_1,...,b_s belongs to {0,...,255}

s> = 0の長さsのバイト文字列のセット。文字列b =(b_1、...、b_s)は、b_1、...、b_sが{0、...、255}に属している場合、set v_sに属します。


| a |

the number of components (a length) of the vector A belonging to V_s (if A is an empty string, then |A| = 0)

V_Sに属するベクトルのコンポーネントの数(長さ)(Aが空の文字列の場合、| a | = 0)


a || c

a concatenation of two byte strings A, C from V_s, i.e., a string from V_(|A|+|C|), where the left substring from V_(|A|) is equal to the string A and the right substring from V_(|C|) is equal to the string C: A = (a_1,...,a_(n_1)) in V_(n_1) and C = (c_1,...,c_(n_2)) in V_(n_2), res = (a_1,...,a_(n_1),c_1,...,c_(n_2)) in V_(n_1+n_2)

V_Sからの2つのバイト文字列A、C、つまりV_(| a |+| c |)からの文字列の連結。ここで、V_(| a |)からの左サブストリングは文字列Aと右サブストリングに等しくなります。v_(| c |)は、v_(n_1)およびc =(c_1、...、c_(n_2))の文字列c:a =(a_1、...、a_(n_1))に等しくなります(v_1、...、c_(n_2))n_2)、res =(a_1、...、a_(n_1)、c_1、...、c_(n_2))in v_(n_1+n_2)



a finite prime field represented as a set of q integers {0,1,...,q - 1}, where q > 3 - prime number

Q整数のセットとして表される有限のプライムフィールド{0,1、...、Q -1}、ここでQ> 3-プライム番号

b mod q

b mod q

the minimum non-negative number comparable to b modulo p

b modulo pに匹敵する最小非陰性数



integer INT(b) = b_1 + b_2 * 256 +...+ b_s * 256^(s-1), where b belongs to V_s

integer int(b)= b_1 + b_2 * 256 + ... + b_s * 256^(s-1)、bはv_sに属します

This document uses the following terms and abbreviations:




one or more data elements resulting from the signature process (Clause 3.12 of [ISO14888-1]). Note: The terms "digital signature", "electronic signature", and "electronic digital signature" are considered equivalent in this document.


Signature key


set of private data elements specific to an entity and usable only by this entity in the signature process (Clause 3.13 of [ISO14888-1]). Note: Sometimes called a private key.


Verification key


set of public data elements that is mathematically related to an entity's signature key and is used by the verifier in the verification process (Clause 3.16 of [ISO14888-1]). Note: Sometimes called a public key.




Abstract Syntax Notation One, as defined in [X.680].




Basic Encoding Rules, as defined in [X.690].




Hash-Based Message Authentication Code. A function for calculating a Message Authentication Code (MAC) based on the GOST R 34.11-2012 hash function (see [RFC6986]) with 512-bit output in accordance with [RFC2104].

ハッシュベースのメッセージ認証コード。[RFC2104]に従って512ビット出力を使用して、GOST R 34.11-2012ハッシュ関数([RFC6986]を参照)に基づいて、メッセージ認証コード(MAC)を計算するための関数。

4. PFX
4. PFX

The PFX (see [RFC7292]) is designed for secure storage and data transfer. The scope of this document is to define how PFX is used for private key and certificate protection with a password when GOST R 34.10-2012 is applied.

PFX([RFC7292]を参照)は、安全なストレージとデータ転送用に設計されています。このドキュメントの範囲は、GOST R 34.10-2012が適用されたときに、パスワードを使用してPFXが秘密キーと証明書の保護に使用する方法を定義することです。

4.1. Structure of PFX
4.1. PFXの構造

In accordance with [RFC7292], PFX has the following structure:


       version     INTEGER {v3(3)}(v3,...),
       authSafe    ContentInfo,
       macData     MacData OPTIONAL

The fields of the PFX have the following meanings:


* version is the syntax version number; the only allowed value for this specification is 3.

* バージョンは構文バージョン番号です。この仕様の唯一の許可された値は3です。

* authSafe contains the data of type ContentInfo. In the case of password integrity mode, the authSafe.content field has a Data type value and contains a BER-encoded value of the AuthenticatedSafe structure.

* authsafeには、type contentinfoのデータが含まれています。パスワード整合性モードの場合、AuthSafe.Contentフィールドにはデータ型値があり、認証されたSafe構造のバーエンコード値が含まれています。

* macData has a MacData type; in the case of password integrity mode, the macData field should contain information about the algorithm and parameters for password key generation. Integrity control is ensured by using the HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 algorithm: the macData.mac.digestAlgorithm.algorithm field contains the HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 algorithm identifier (see Section 7). When processing PFX, this field should be checked first.

* MacDataにはMacDataタイプがあります。パスワード整合性モードの場合、MacDataフィールドには、パスワードキー生成のアルゴリズムとパラメーターに関する情報を含める必要があります。HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 ALGORITHM:MACDATA.MAC.DIGESTALGORITHM MALGORITHMフィールドを使用することにより、整合性制御が保証されます。PFXを処理するときは、このフィールドを最初に確認する必要があります。

4.2. AuthenticatedSafe
4.2. AuthenticatedSafe

The AuthenticatedSafe structure is a sequence of ContentInfo values (see [RFC5652]):


   AuthenticatedSafe ::= SEQUENCE OF ContentInfo
      -- Data if unencrypted
      -- EncryptedData if password-encrypted
      -- EnvelopedData if public key-encrypted
4.2.1. Unencrypted Data
4.2.1. 暗号化されていないデータ

If the data is not encrypted, then the content field is the BER-encoded value of the SafeContents structure. The contentType field is set to the id-data type.


4.2.2. Password-Encrypted Data
4.2.2. パスワード暗号化されたデータ

When password integrity mode is used, the data is represented as an EncryptedData structure (see [RFC5652]). The encryption algorithm and parameters have the following values:


   ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE
       encryptionAlgorithmOID  OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
       parameters              PBES2-params

The PBES2-params type is defined in [RFC9337]. The content should be encrypted according to the encryption algorithm in the PBES2 scheme, as described in [RFC9337]. The following identifier MUST be specified in the EncryptedData.EncryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm. encryptionAlgorithmOID field:


       iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549)
       pkcs(1) pkcs-5(5) pbes2(13)

The encrypted content is specified in the EncryptedData.EncryptedContentInfo.encryptedContent field.


4.3. SafeContents and SafeBag
4.3. セーフコンテンツとセーフバッグ

In accordance with [RFC7292], the SafeContents structure is a sequence of SafeBag:


   SafeContents ::= SEQUENCE OF SafeBag



   SafeBag ::= SEQUENCE
       bagId         BAG-TYPE.&id ({PKCS12BagSet})
       bagValue [0]  EXPLICIT BAG-TYPE.&Type({PKCS12BagSet}{@bagId})
       bagAttributes SET OF PKCS12Attribute OPTIONAL

The fields of SafeBag have the following meanings:


* bagId is an object identifier; it defines the type of object.

* BAGIDはオブジェクト識別子です。オブジェクトのタイプを定義します。

* bagValue is the value of an object.

* BagValueはオブジェクトの値です。

* bagAttributes contains the users' names, the key identifiers, and other additional information. This field is optional.

* Bagattributesには、ユーザーの名前、キー識別子、その他の追加情報が含まれています。このフィールドはオプションです。

See [RFC7292], Section 4.2 for the different bag types. This document describes the two object types of the SafeBag structure:


1. pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag

1. pkcs8shroudedkeybag

2. certBag

2. certbag

When password integrity mode is used, the private key has the following structure:


   pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag BAG-TYPE ::=
       PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag IDENTIFIED BY {bagtypes 2}

The bagValue field contains the key and information about the key, in encrypted form, in the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structure.


A certBag contains a certificate of a certain type. Object identifiers are used to distinguish between different certificate types.


   certBag BAG-TYPE ::=
       CertBag IDENTIFIED BY { bagtypes 3 }

If the certificate is not encrypted, the CertBag structure is placed in the Data structure (see [RFC5652]). If the certificate is encrypted, the CertBag structure is placed in the EncryptedData structure (see [RFC5652]).


5. GOST R 34.10-2012 Key Representation
5. GOST R 34.10-2012キー表現

This section describes the GOST R 34.10-2012 private key representation for asymmetric key pairs. Masked keys should be used to ensure that private keys are protected from leaking through side channels when reading and performing operations with keys.

このセクションでは、非対称キーペアのGOST R 34.10-2012秘密キー表現について説明します。マスクキーを使用して、キーを使用して操作を読んで実行するときに、プライベートキーがサイドチャネルを漏れて保護されるようにする必要があります。

5.1. Masking GOST R 34.10-2012 Keys
5.1. マスキングGOST R 34.10-2012キー

The masking algorithm is defined by the basic cryptographic transformation operation of the algorithm: multiplication in the F_q field for GOST R 34.10-2012 keys.

マスキングアルゴリズムは、アルゴリズムの基本的な暗号化変換操作:GOST R 34.10-2012キーのF_Qフィールドの乗算によって定義されます。

Let M_1, M_2, ..., M_k be a sequence of k masks. Let M_i() denote the operation of applying the i-th mask and M_i^-1() denote the operation of removing the i-th mask, 1 <= i <= k. Let K be a key. The masked key K_M is obtained by applying the masking operation k times:


K_M = M_k (...(M_2(M_1(K)...).

k_m = m_k(...(m_2(m_1(k)...))。

Unmasking is performed by applying the removal operation k times, but in reverse order:


K = M_1^-1(...(M_(k-1)^-1(M_k^-1(K_M))...).

k = m_1^-1(...(m_(k-1)^-1(m_k^-1(k_m))...)。

The masked key is represented as the sequence


I = K_M||M_1||M_2||...||M_k.

i = k_m || m_1 || m_2 || ... || m_k。

Let the key K be n bits in length; then, the sequence I is represented in memory as a sequence of (k + 1)*n bits. I is represented in little-endian format. It is possible to use an unmasked private key (i.e., k = 0, K_M = K). For GOST R 34.10-2012 keys, the masking operation is the multiplication of the key by the inverse of the mask: INT(K_M) = INT(K) * INT(M)^-1 mod Q, where the Q value is taken from the key parameters. The operation of removing the mask is the multiplication of the masked key by the mask: INT(K) = INT(K_M) * INT(M) mod Q. The public key is specified by a pair of coordinates (x, y) as defined in GOST R 34.10-2012, presented in the following format:

キーkを長さがnビットにします。次に、シーケンスIは、(k + 1)*nビットのシーケンスとしてメモリで表されます。私はリトルエンディアン形式で表されています。マスクされていない秘密鍵(つまり、k = 0、k_m = k)を使用することが可能です。GOST R 34.10-2012キーの場合、マスキング操作はマスクの逆数によるキーの乗算です:int(k_m)= int(k) * int(m)^-1 mod q、q値が取得されるところ重要なパラメーターから。マスクを取り外す操作は、マスクのマスクキーの乗算です:int(k)= int(k_m) * int(m)mod Q.公開キーは、一対の座標(x、y)によって指定されています。GOST R 34.10-2012で定義され、次の形式で提示されます。

* a public key corresponding to the GOST R 34.10-2012 algorithm with a key length of 256 bits has the GostR3410-2012-256-PublicKey representation. It is specified by a 64-byte string, where the first 32 bytes contain the little-endian representation of the x coordinate and the last 32 bytes contain the little-endian representation of the y coordinate.

* 256ビットのキー長を持つGOST R 34.10-2012アルゴリズムに対応する公開鍵には、GoStr3410-2012-256-Publickey表現があります。これは、最初の32バイトにX座標の小さなエンディアン表現が含まれており、最後の32バイトにはY座標の小さなエンディアン表現が含まれている64バイトの文字列で指定されています。

* a public key corresponding to the GOST R 34.10-2012 algorithm with a key length of 512 bits has the GostR3410-2012-512-PublicKey representation. It is specified by a 128-byte string, where the first 64 bytes contain the little-endian representation of the x coordinate and the last 64 bytes contain the little-endian representation of the y coordinate.

* 512ビットのキー長を持つGOST R 34.10-2012アルゴリズムに対応する公開鍵には、GoStr3410-2012-512-Publickey表現があります。最初の64バイトにはx座標の小さなエンディアン表現が含まれており、最後の64バイトにはy座標の小さなエンディアン表現が含まれている128バイトの文字列で指定されています。

The public keys GostR3410-2012-256-PublicKey and GostR3410-2012-512-PublicKey MUST be DER encoded as an octet string in accordance with Section 4.3 of [RFC9215]:

Public Keys GoStr3410-2012-256-PublickeyおよびGoStr3410-2012-512-Publickeyは、[RFC9215]のセクション4.3に従ってOctet Stringとしてderエンコードする必要があります。

      GostR3410-2012-256-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING (64),
      GostR3410-2012-512-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING (128).
5.2. KeyBag Structure for GOST R 34.10-2012 Key
5.2. GOST R 34.10-2012キーのキーバッグ構造

In accordance with [RFC7292], a KeyBag is defined as information about a private key represented as the PrivateKeyInfo structure:


   KeyBag ::= PrivateKeyInfo

In accordance with [RFC5958], information about a private key is presented in the following form:


   PrivateKeyInfo ::= OneAsymmetricKey
5.3. OneAsymmetricKey Structure
5.3. oneasymmetrickey構造

In accordance with [RFC5958], OneAsymmetricKey has the following structure:


   OneAsymmetricKey::= SEQUENCE
       version                 Version,
       privateKeyAlgorithm     PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
       privateKey              PrivateKey,
       attributes              [0] Attributes OPTIONAL,
       [[2:publicKey           [1] PublicKey OPTIONAL]],
   Version ::= INTEGER { v1(0), v2(1) } (v1, ..., v2)
   PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
   PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING
   PublicKey ::= BIT STRING
   Attributes ::= SET OF Attribute

The fields have the following meanings:


* version identifies the version of OneAsymmetricKey. If publicKey is present, then version is set to 2; else, version is set to 1.

* バージョンoneasymmetrickeyのバージョンを識別します。publicKeyが存在する場合、バージョンは2に設定されます。それ以外の場合、バージョンは1に設定されています。

* privateKeyAlgorithm identifies the private key algorithm and optionally contains parameters associated with the asymmetric key pair. For GOST R 34.10-2012 private keys, the identifiers of the corresponding public keys are used; they are defined in [RFC9215]. The use of identifiers and public key parameters is defined in [RFC9215].

* privateKeyAlgorithmは、秘密キーアルゴリズムを識別し、オプションで非対称キーペアに関連付けられたパラメーターを含みます。GOST R 34.10-2012プライベートキーの場合、対応するパブリックキーの識別子が使用されます。それらは[RFC9215]で定義されています。識別子と公開キーパラメーターの使用は、[RFC9215]で定義されています。

* privateKey is an OCTET STRING that contains the value of the masked private key I.

* PrivateKeyは、マスクされたプライベートキーIの値を含むOctet Stringです。

* attributes are optional. They contain information corresponding to the public key (e.g., certificates).

* 属性はオプションです。それらには、公開鍵(例:証明書)に対応する情報が含まれています。

* publicKey contains the value of the public key GostR3410-2012-256-PublicKey or GostR3410-2012-512-PublicKey encoded in a BIT STRING. This field is optional.

* PublicKeyには、公開キーのGoStr3410-2012-256-PublickeyまたはGoStr3410-2012-512-Publickeyの価値が含まれています。このフィールドはオプションです。

5.4. EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo Structure for GOST R 34.10-2012 Key
5.4. GOST R 34.10-2012キーの暗号化されたPrivateKeyInfo構造

In accordance with [RFC7292], the encrypted information regarding the private key is defined as the PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag structure:


   PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag::= EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo

In accordance with [RFC5958], EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo has the following structure:


   EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE
       encryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier,
       encryptedData       EncryptedData
   EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier
   EncryptedData ::= OCTET STRING

The fields have the following meanings:


* encryptionAlgorithm identifies the algorithm under which the private key information is encrypted. Encryption MUST use the PBES2 scheme. The algorithm and parameters of this scheme are presented in [RFC9337].

* encryptionAlgorithm秘密のキー情報が暗号化されているアルゴリズムを識別します。暗号化はPBES2スキームを使用する必要があります。このスキームのアルゴリズムとパラメーターは[RFC9337]に示されています。

* encryptedData is the DER-encoded PrivateKeyInfo structure.

* encryptedDataは、derエンコードされたprivatekeyinfo構造です。

6. GOST R 34.10-2012 Certificate Representation
6. GOST R 34.10-2012証明書表現

In accordance with [RFC7292], a CertBag is defined as information about a certificate and has the following structure:


   CertBag ::= SEQUENCE
       certId                  BAG-TYPE.&id ({CertTypes}),
       certValue [0] EXPLICIT  BAG-TYPE.&Type ({CertTypes}{@certId})

The fields have the following meanings:


* certId identifies the type of certificate.

* CertIDは証明書の種類を識別します。

* certValue contains the certificate.

* 証明書には証明書が含まれています。

7. Security Mechanisms
7. セキュリティメカニズム

Let the sender and receiver have a previously agreed-upon password P. The sender generates a password key using the PBKDF2 algorithm in accordance with [RFC9337] and uses it to encrypt the transmitted private key. The recipient independently generates a password key using the same PBKDF2 diversification algorithm in accordance with [RFC9337] and uses it to extract the private key from the PFX.

送信者とレシーバーに、以前に合意したパスワードPを持っています。送信者は、[RFC9337]に従ってPBKDF2アルゴリズムを使用してパスワードキーを生成し、それを使用して送信された秘密鍵を暗号化します。受信者は、[RFC9337]に従って同じPBKDF2 Diversificationアルゴリズムを使用してパスワードキーを個別に生成し、PFXから秘密キーを抽出するために使用します。

The same password P is used to encrypt different sections of the PFX using a different random initializing value S with a length of 8 to 32 bytes, where S and P are the input parameters of the PBKDF2 function. The password MUST be encoded as a Unicode UTF-8 string and fed into the PBKDF2 algorithm as a P parameter.

同じパスワードPは、8〜32バイトの長さの異なるランダム初期化値sを使用してPFXの異なるセクションを暗号化するために使用されます。SとPはPBKDF2関数の入力パラメーターです。パスワードは、Unicode UTF-8文字列としてエンコードし、PパラメーターとしてPBKDF2アルゴリズムに供給する必要があります。

The integrity of the PFX is ensured by using the HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 algorithm in accordance with [RFC7836]. To check the integrity of the PFX with the HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 algorithm, the key for this algorithm is also generated by using the PBKDF2 algorithm in accordance with [RFC9337], with the same value for the P parameter and a different initializing value S with a length of 8 to 32 bytes. The dkLen parameter for the PBKDF2 algorithm is set to 96 bytes. The key for the HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 algorithm must be the last 32 bytes of the 96-byte sequence generated by the PBKDF2 algorithm. The PBKDF2 algorithm parameters S and c are saved in the macData.Salt and macData.iterations fields, respectively. The HMAC_GOSTR3411_2012_512 function is calculated from the content field of the authSafe structure field. The authSafe structure field is a PFX structure field. The value of the calculated checksum is saved in the macData.mac.digest field. The macData.mac.digestAlgorithm.algorithm field contains the following algorithm identifier:


   id-tc26-gost3411-12-512 :: =
       iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rosstandart(7) tc26(1)
       algorithms(1) digest(2) gost3411-12-512(3)

The macData.mac.digestAlgorithm.parameters field isn't used and should be omitted.


8. Security Considerations
8. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

The masked keys SHOULD be used to ensure that private keys are protected from leaking through side channels when reading and performing operations with keys. Applications MUST use unique values for ukm and S in the PBKDF2 algorithm. It is RECOMMENDED that parameter S consist of at least 32 octets of pseudorandom data in order to reduce the probability of collisions of keys generated from the same password. The password MUST be encoded as a Unicode UTF-8 string and fed into the PBKDF2 algorithm as a P parameter. For more information, see [RFC9337]. Encryption MUST use the PBES2 scheme to encrypt private keys. Public keys MUST be DER encoded as an octet string in accordance with [RFC9215]. Passwords SHOULD be stored in a secure way. For information on security considerations for generating PFX, see [RFC7292].

マスクされたキーを使用して、キーを使用して操作を読んで実行するときに、プライベートキーがサイドチャネルを漏れて保護されるようにする必要があります。アプリケーションは、PBKDF2アルゴリズムでUKMとSの一意の値を使用する必要があります。同じパスワードから生成されたキーの衝突の可能性を減らすために、パラメーターSが少なくとも32オクテットの擬似ランダムデータで構成することをお勧めします。パスワードは、Unicode UTF-8文字列としてエンコードし、PパラメーターとしてPBKDF2アルゴリズムに供給する必要があります。詳細については、[RFC9337]を参照してください。暗号化は、PBES2スキームを使用してプライベートキーを暗号化する必要があります。[RFC9215]に従って、パブリックキーはオクテット文字列としてエンコードする必要があります。パスワードは安全な方法で保存する必要があります。PFXを生成するためのセキュリティに関する考慮事項については、[RFC7292]を参照してください。

9. IANA Considerations
9. IANAの考慮事項

This document has no IANA actions.


10. ASN.1 Modules
10. ASN.1モジュール
       iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rosstandart(7)
       tc26(1) modules(0) pkcs-12ruSyntax(5)
   FROM GostR3410-2012-PKISyntax
       iso(1) member-body(2) ru(643) rosstandart(7) tc26(1)
       modules(0) gostR3410-2012-PKISyntax(2)
11. References
11. 参考文献
11.1. Normative References
11.1. 引用文献
   [RFC2104]  Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-
              Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2104, February 1997,
   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC5652]  Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)", STD 70,
              RFC 5652, DOI 10.17487/RFC5652, September 2009,
   [RFC5958]  Turner, S., "Asymmetric Key Packages", RFC 5958,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5958, August 2010,
   [RFC6986]  Dolmatov, V., Ed. and A. Degtyarev, "GOST R 34.11-2012:
              Hash Function", RFC 6986, DOI 10.17487/RFC6986, August
              2013, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6986>.
   [RFC7292]  Moriarty, K., Ed., Nystrom, M., Parkinson, S., Rusch, A.,
              and M. Scott, "PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange
              Syntax v1.1", RFC 7292, DOI 10.17487/RFC7292, July 2014,
   [RFC7836]  Smyshlyaev, S., Ed., Alekseev, E., Oshkin, I., Popov, V.,
              Leontiev, S., Podobaev, V., and D. Belyavsky, "Guidelines
              on the Cryptographic Algorithms to Accompany the Usage of
              Standards GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012",
              RFC 7836, DOI 10.17487/RFC7836, March 2016,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
   [RFC9215]  Baryshkov, D., Ed., Nikolaev, V., and A. Chelpanov, "Using
              GOST R 34.10-2012 and GOST R 34.11-2012 Algorithms with
              the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure", RFC 9215,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9215, March 2022,
   [RFC9337]  Karelina, E., Ed., "Generating Password-Based Keys Using
              the GOST Algorithms", RFC 9337, DOI 10.17487/RFC9337,
              December 2022, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9337>.
   [X.680]    ITU-T, "Information Technology - Abstract Syntax Notation
              One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation", ITU-T
              Recommendation X.680, ISO/IEC 8824-1:2021, February 2021,
   [X.690]    ITU-T, "Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules:
              Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical
              Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules
              (DER)", ITU-T Recommendation X.690, ISO/IEC International
              Standard 8825-1:2021, February 2021,
11.2. Informative References
11.2. 参考引用
              ISO/IEC, "Information technology - Security techniques -
              Digital signatures with appendix - Part 1: General", ISO/
              IEC 14888-1, April 2008,
Appendix A. Examples
付録A. 例

This section contains examples of using GOST cryptographic algorithms to create a PFX.


A.1. Test Data
A.1. テストデータ

In all examples, the following data is used.


A.1.1. Test Certificate
A.1.1. テスト証明書

This section contains a test certificate in BASE64 format.


A.1.2. Test Key
A.1.2. テストキー

This section contains test key bytes in hexadecimal.


A.2. Example of a PFX with a Password-Protected Key and Unencrypted Certificate
A.2. パスワードで保護されたキーと暗号化されていない証明書を備えたPFXの例

In this example, the PKCS8SHroudedKeybag structure is used to store the key, which is placed in the Data structure. The certBag structure is used to store the certificate, which is placed in the Data structure. The following password is used to encrypt the key and provide integrity control: "Пароль для PFX". The password is in hexadecimal:



The key encryption algorithm identifier:


A.2.1. PFX in BASE64 Format
A.2.1. Base64形式のPFX
A.2.2. PFX in ASN.1 Format
A.2.2. ASN.1形式のPFX
      0 1323:SEQUENCE:
      4    1: INTEGER: 3
      7 1220: SEQUENCE:
     11    9:  OBJECT IDENTIFIER:data [1.2.840.113549.1.7.1]
     22 1205:  CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
     26 1201:    OCTET STRING:
     30 1197:     SEQUENCE:
     34  716:       SEQUENCE:
     38    9:        OBJECT IDENTIFIER:data [1.2.840.113549.1.7.1]
     49  701:        CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
     53  697:          OCTET STRING:
     57  693:           SEQUENCE:
     61  689:             SEQUENCE:
     65   11:              OBJECT IDENTIFIER:pkcs-12-certBag
            :                               [1.2.840.113549.]
     78  586:              CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
     82  582:                SEQUENCE:
     86   10:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER:x509Certificate
            :                               [1.2.840.113549.]
     98  566:                 CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
    102  562:                   OCTET STRING:
    106  558:                    SEQUENCE:
    110  475:                      SEQUENCE:
    114    3:                       CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
    116    1:                         INTEGER:2
    119    4:                       INTEGER:26000004
    125   10:                       SEQUENCE:
    127    8:                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               [1.2.643.]
    137   56:                       SEQUENCE:
    139   13:                         SET:
    141   11:                          SEQUENCE:
    143    3:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               organizationName []
    148    4:                            PRINTABLE STRING:'TK26'
    154   39:                         SET:
    156   37:                          SEQUENCE:
    158    3:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:commonName
            :                               []
    163   30:                           PRINTABLE STRING:
            :                           'CA TK26: GOST 34.10-12 256-bit'
    195   30:                       SEQUENCE:
    197   13:                         UTC TIME:'010101000000Z'
    212   13:                         UTC TIME:'491231000000Z'
    227   59:                       SEQUENCE:
    229   13:                         SET:
    231   11:                          SEQUENCE:
    233    3:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               organizationName []
    238    4:                            PRINTABLE STRING:'TK26'
    244   42:                         SET:
    246   40:                          SEQUENCE:
    248    3:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:commonName
            :                                              []
    253   33:                            PRINTABLE STRING:
            :                             'ORIGINATOR:
            :                               GOST 34.10-12 512-bit'
    288  160:                       SEQUENCE:
    291   23:                         SEQUENCE:
    293    8:                          OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               [1.2.643.]
    303   11:                          SEQUENCE:
    305    9:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               [1.2.643.]
    316  132:                         BIT STRING UnusedBits:0:
    320  128:                          OCTET STRING:
            :                            B48BB75ABC290E18655C62A
            :                            14FB52D5F50844ECC1D1F60
            :                            04487B4B5C9534696AB7BFA
            :                            B346E5516A9AB3CCEF8ADB5
            :                            2C3A5855F0CFB364AA6B5DD
            :                            937E4ECFC9525BF9F6A0850
            :                            76718A45C81FF4921E3E2BB
            :                            F72BF3EEBF3EE1613412665
            :                            FF13DDA7BF275268EB11AE9
            :                            DE707D7F1B884CB6CF4760B
            :                            9F16F024330D546B881D5EA0CE
    451  135:                       CONTEXT SPECIFIC (3):
    454  132:                         SEQUENCE:
    457   99:                          SEQUENCE:
    459    3:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               authorityKeyIdentifier
            :                               []
    464   92:                            OCTET STRING:
    466   90:                             SEQUENCE:
    468   20:                               CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
            :                                AC6C0E4C4466A24296E2
            :                                9F093B2566F3CBA4532A
    490   60:                               CONTEXT SPECIFIC (1):
    492   58:                                CONTEXT SPECIFIC (4):
    494   56:                                  SEQUENCE:
    496   13:                                   SET:
    498   11:                                     SEQUENCE:
    500    3:                                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                                         organizationName
            :                                         []
    505    4:                                      PRINTABLE STRING:
            :                                       'TK26'
    511   39:                                   SET:
    513   37:                                     SEQUENCE:
    515    3:                                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                                         commonName
            :                                         []
    520   30:                                      PRINTABLE STRING:
            :                                       'CA TK26: GOST '
            :                                       '34.10-12 256-bit'
    552    4:                               CONTEXT SPECIFIC (2):
            :                                018CBA81
    558   29:                          SEQUENCE:
    560    3:                            OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                               subjectKeyIdentifier
            :                               []
    565   22:                            OCTET STRING:
    567   20:                             OCTET STRING:
            :                               7E065709980CAD6B08A8
            :                               57EE7900583AC9D7A0A4
    589   10:                      SEQUENCE:
    591    8:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                        [1.2.643.]
    601   65:                      BIT STRING UnusedBits:0:
            :                       0A5EA9F1D01BA62F4793EDE680CC88D1
            :                       6221D7B22B96B4A9FE607417B67332DF
            :                       17503D43C33DC9AEB9F17979DF32F380
            :                       E4175427D842C8380C5401ACFC870410
    668   84:              SET:
    670   35:                SEQUENCE:
    672    9:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER:localKeyID
            :                       [1.2.840.113549.1.9.21]
    683   22:                 SET:
    685   20:                   OCTET STRING:
            :                    795574F9D4B6E4C20224
            :                    286998673FF00A14C04D
    707   45:                SEQUENCE:
    709    9:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER:friendlyName
            :                       [1.2.840.113549.1.9.20]
    720   32:                 SET:
    722   30:                   BMP STRING:'p12FriendlyName'
    754  473:       SEQUENCE:
    758    9:        OBJECT IDENTIFIER:data [1.2.840.113549.1.7.1]
    769  458:        CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
    773  454:          OCTET STRING:
    777  450:           SEQUENCE:
    781  446:             SEQUENCE:
    785   11:              OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :               pkcs-12-pkcs-8ShroudedKeyBag
            :               [1.2.840.113549.]
    798  343:              CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
    802  339:                SEQUENCE:
    806   89:                 SEQUENCE:
    808    9:                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                    [1.2.840.113549.1.5.13]
    819   76:                   SEQUENCE:
    821   41:                    SEQUENCE:
    823    9:                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                       [1.2.840.113549.1.5.12]
    834   28:                      SEQUENCE:
    836    8:                       OCTET STRING:'A7F837B34CC2E82A'
    846    2:                       INTEGER:2048
    850   12:                       SEQUENCE:
    852    8:                         OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                          [1.2.643.]
    862    0:                         NULL:
    864   31:                    SEQUENCE:
    866    9:                      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
            :                       [1.2.643.]
    877   18:                      SEQUENCE:
    879   16:                       OCTET STRING:
            :                         259ADD960DF68F265B00B3498B2A0973
    897  245:                 OCTET STRING:
            :                   0CCBC469C6DB5913435529D724B5B281
            :                   8ACAA22A5D3A30C0FF61C49C1677E2E1
            :                   4E2CD85E52A88AA423E81696D1D86062
            :                   55855354AF626E273381A71A1106330D
            :                   7B5C4B440264EC692967ED78095B7492
            :                   C2FD2A8FBAB3D8C8A8B43154543D13A1
            :                   6E2B050120D3DFC1C31F50E1D1D2F97F
            :                   A81AE1A3D62EB59B6E05844453A838FC
            :                   A1E03A2D94F177EC040EC22123B1BCB2
            :                   447AB71E06D689AC5046E0217AA1CE9F
            :                   8415198F76FC716F27BBB74DC9D074B5
            :                   A14DEFE58754472CD1774675ED37D89F
            :                   F730B6DE568364E896669954C8BAD489
            :                   309B1EBB67D51A693C398B14D32DF5D2
            :                   7B28A80290E8BB666E6786A3C285BCB0
            :                   5F5DF071F6
   1145   84:              SET:
   1147   35:                SEQUENCE:
   1149    9:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER:localKeyID
            :                   [1.2.840.113549.1.9.21]
   1160   22:                 SET:
   1162   20:                   OCTET STRING:
            :                    795574F9D4B6E4C20224
            :                    286998673FF00A14C04D
   1184   45:                SEQUENCE:
   1186    9:                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER:friendlyName
            :                   [1.2.840.113549.1.9.20]
   1197   32:                 SET:
   1199   30:                   BMP STRING:'p12FriendlyName'
   1231   94: SEQUENCE:
   1233   78:  SEQUENCE:
   1235   10:    SEQUENCE:
   1237    8:     OBJECT IDENTIFIER:[1.2.643.]
   1247   64:    OCTET STRING:
            :     09012B0E22867EE9488613121BB46DCB
            :     D33D98C8DD6815C429145653AC73CD06
            :     EBD10A1443939CE6C624648A279D542A
            :     43AC5C5D1AEFE54165FDC171555087D5
   1313    8:  OCTET STRING:'8544B4EF95A6EB24'
   1323    2:  INTEGER:2048
A.2.3. Decrypted Key Value in BASE64 Format
A.2.3. Base64形式で復号化されたキー値
A.2.4. Decrypted Key Value in ASN.1 Format
A.2.4. asn.1形式で復号化されたキー値
    0 226:SEQUENCE:
    3   1:   INTEGER: 1
    6  23:   SEQUENCE:
    8   8:      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:  [1.2.643.]
   18  11:      SEQUENCE:
   20   9:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER:  [1.2.643.]
   31  64:   OCTET STRING:
         :      116925F9E6E5B075ACF3A48D8112AA4B130E80685BBD1FEE679FD6
         :      59F74D1B56B1BD4C158697172310D9526CD0B8DCEA24192C788EDF
         :      E7F2635F24C5445D5AF9
   97 129:   CONTEXT SPECIFIC (1):
         :      01B48BB75ABC290E18655C62A14FB52D5F50844ECC1D1F6004487B
         :      4B5C9534696AB7BFAB346E5516A9AB3CCEF8ADB52C3A5855F0CFB3
         :      64AA6B5DD937E4ECFC9525BF9F6A085076718A45C81FF4921E3E2B
         :      BF72BF3EEBF3EE1613412665FF13DDA7BF275268EB11AE9DE707D7
         :      F1B884CB6CF4760B9F16F024330D546B881D5EA0CE
A.3. Example of a PFX with a Password-Protected Key and a Password- Protected Certificate
A.3. パスワードで保護されたキーとパスワードを備えたPFXの例 - 保護された証明書

In this example, the PKCS8SHroudedKeybag structure is used to store the key, which is placed in the Data structure (see [RFC5652]). The certBag structure is used to store the certificate, which is placed in the EncryptedData structure (see [RFC5652]). The following password is used to encrypt the key and provide integrity control. The password is in hexadecimal.



The key encryption algorithm identifier:



The certificate encryption algorithm identifier:


A.3.1. PFX in BASE64 Format
A.3.1. Base64形式のPFX
A.3.2. PFX in ASN.1 Format
A.3.2. ASN.1形式のPFX
   0 1420:SEQUENCE:
     4    1:  INTEGER:3
     7 1317:  SEQUENCE:
    11    9:   OBJECT IDENTIFIER:data [1.2.840.113549.1.7.1]
    22 1302:   CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
    26 1298:     OCTET STRING:
    30 1294:      SEQUENCE:
    34  833:        SEQUENCE:
    38    9:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :          encryptedData [1.2.840.113549.1.7.6]
    49  818:         CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
    53  814:           SEQUENCE:
    57    1:            INTEGER:0
    60  807:            SEQUENCE:
    64    9:              OBJECT IDENTIFIER:data [1.2.840.113549.1.7.1]
    75   85:              SEQUENCE:
    77    9:               OBJECT IDENTIFIER:[1.2.840.113549.1.5.13]
    88   72:               SEQUENCE:
    90   41:                 SEQUENCE:
    92    9:                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER:[1.2.840.113549.1.5.12]
   103   28:                  SEQUENCE:
   105    8:                    OCTET STRING:'14B92546B12C068D'
   115    2:                    INTEGER:2048
   119   12:                    SEQUENCE:
   121    8:                     OBJECT IDENTIFIER:[1.2.643.]
   131    0:                     NULL:
   133   27:                 SEQUENCE:
   135    9:                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER:[1.2.643.]
   146   14:                  SEQUENCE:
   148   12:                    OCTET STRING:
           :                     F4793775A82D4B8F3E1BFC7E
   162  705:              CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
           :               618FAB1C4DFAC4EB29BAEE45FF51E586BD7
           :               1FE40B4ED5FAEA3277F57942DF99999383F
           :               05D139D5043E55B9E1DEFD649ACA6BEA1DB
           :               E7B85A58BE9DD11E0961BA03A5FF1B6DA1F
           :               D10075B662B5667FA7025B15BE62BAB34F8
           :               87FF1140BFFD85ABA70F92E61CF2D5B18AC
           :               46A2D0EC1B8176B20D2C004552502D062AB
           :               0B36664AE5588DF9F4624B9C2CCD527702D
           :               56AF04B8FB78D5A4042B03F2DA0987E12E9
           :               69A74110BA5BB6A8AA62227C53C910D24D9
           :               F92B633527ACCD112B3A6C5B5834A300ACD
           :               AADBEFDEB8A863A78069A2F2E8057A963B1
           :               E926AA87479908EF6387848A826CD318695
           :               E1658EBD3D74FE641787BFA31285E061C17
           :               AB101DD43AAD3D369F32334AF2BA8A09AA7
           :               D4ED3C6BCE36FA395BD760C1E8314514339
           :               6E9BC7735789B55BD02AE16EEDF3F51CC43
           :               591CF793A8A314F946680F7EF1931310E44
           :               784146F33A398DBF54D3716E0C567C662E3
           :               F1A528B762709920F98111EE6553F5EFECA
           :               8F316EB06337F05F1847AD64E3F40DA4A23
           :               5414BFBD7860A7DA510CE7B21186CC82EFD
           :               4D1880FADA9975F89237BEE6B08B698332B
           :               9A4B8CF50154F6FFE444FF9CDAE0470EE38
           :               6114512361174F29EFEC37BF1A656AD1965
           :               C7F5F988B0F05D9367F7C249FEAF0A2AAC4
           :               BA28CC23F6C2032954FCCD0330A840A3D8F
           :               7D5461265D8B87EC7D15980C932AFFC14F9
           :               FDEADBA8FA80A96EABF7354C2964CFFC2E2
           :               E31AA04C7B58C3FF9F446D3F3FA5DA74D12
           :               2208FD36237A72DF5475E300739526C55E0
           :               AEFEDDC4B0C60741D74D0A1AC593F21CD8F
           :               74840EC81E3F7A7A56D2AACA7A049BC9936
           :               E175588E33978988F3D2FC753401524872E
           :               39C905D99430FC93512B61DB5D12C3EDCFF
           :               E33B92A5B9E6C021084683AE497B46B893F
           :               EB5B71611744A336501822DEA063A67EC35
           :               35F0CB6CAD133DA4375A765F264FF55F87D
           :               F81F1D641655C6042EEF494C3C419EC5B52
           :               4607B850829F28BD27457DD92B5B233125C
           :               656B555E6E
   871  453:        SEQUENCE:
   875    9:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER:data [1.2.840.113549.1.7.1]
   886  438:         CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
   890  434:           OCTET STRING:
   894  430:            SEQUENCE:
   898  426:              SEQUENCE:
   902   11:               OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :                pkcs-12-pkcs-8ShroudedKeyBag
           :                [1.2.840.113549.]
   915  323:               CONTEXT SPECIFIC (0):
   919  319:                 SEQUENCE:
   923   85:                  SEQUENCE:
   925    9:                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :                     [1.2.840.113549.1.5.13]
   936   72:                    SEQUENCE:
   938   41:                     SEQUENCE:
   940    9:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :                        [1.2.840.113549.1.5.12]
   951   28:                       SEQUENCE:
   953    8:                        OCTET STRING:
           :                          FD04424D0ED6DC2F
   963    2:                        INTEGER:2048
   967   12:                        SEQUENCE:
   969    8:                          OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :                           [1.2.643.]
   979    0:                          NULL:
   981   27:                     SEQUENCE:
   983    9:                       OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :                        [1.2.643.]
   994   14:                       SEQUENCE:
   996   12:                        OCTET STRING:
           :                          F0C52AA00000000000000000
   1010  229:                  OCTET STRING:
           :                    2A8FD988DD10DF2B984C77411E630B3B
           :                    7E864AFF900DAF6C1484FE6A9C38C066
           :                    09FBEA513127EC2EBE59D2F4F0A17D65
           :                    6E82F765FFD5C9810BEFAFD0AEE293A1
           :                    E08097A65721732D1D1A4FCCCC8B4745
           :                    50B9C0ADA74F1C10E24293906F7184B1
           :                    73A03D7A761B6A5F4FBF75083D1BCA44
           :                    E44CC20486115CB9B502B733F64ECA56
           :                    C4C9B8D32316BAFB110BAE4EBF340134
           :                    903ADB2AE74CE9172AE9CE754F182ACE
           :                    7488E9CA667135DBF0E3C6D9C6A4ED45
           :                    50F1098013386AB3D29C070A55942C70
           :                    FD2C86A32CC0761A104AC90C3ABA3225
           :                    96D26CD13F9635D5FF013D852E2D4B15
           :                    24B7F828FD
   1242   84:               SET:
   1244   35:                 SEQUENCE:
   1246    9:                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER:localKeyID
           :                   [1.2.840.113549.1.9.21]
   1257   22:                  SET:
   1259   20:                    OCTET STRING:
           :                      795574F9D4B6E4C20224
           :                      286998673FF00A14C04D
   1281   45:                 SEQUENCE:
   1283    9:                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER:
           :                   friendlyName [1.2.840.113549.1.9.20]
   1294   32:                  SET:
   1296   30:                    BMP STRING:'p12FriendlyName'
   1328   94:  SEQUENCE:
   1330   78:   SEQUENCE:
   1332   10:     SEQUENCE:
   1334    8:      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:[1.2.643.]
   1344   64:     OCTET STRING:
           :      E9E1EDB62665DD9EF474C40F7DC90BB3
           :      42E27CA7105E3A9B0B9B675942AB7716
           :      37B9CEA5B5BA4FFB54E71F579AF66CA9
           :      BC9EC2CEB36ACF4FC8413A878066F388
   1410    8:   OCTET STRING:'C62141F0E888C6D9'
   1420    2:   INTEGER:2048
A.3.3. Decrypted Key Value in BASE64 Format
A.3.3. Base64形式で復号化されたキー値
A.3.4. Decrypted Key Value in ASN.1 Format
A.3.4. asn.1形式で復号化されたキー値
    0 226:SEQUENCE:
    3   1:   INTEGER: 1
    6  23:   SEQUENCE:
    8   8:      OBJECT IDENTIFIER:  [1.2.643.]
   18  11:      SEQUENCE:
   20   9:         OBJECT IDENTIFIER:  [1.2.643.]
   31  64:   OCTET STRING:
         :      116925F9E6E5B075ACF3A48D8112AA4B130E80685BBD1FEE679FD6
         :      59F74D1B56B1BD4C158697172310D9526CD0B8DCEA24192C788EDF
         :      E7F2635F24C5445D5AF9
   97 129:   CONTEXT SPECIFIC (1):
         :      01B48BB75ABC290E18655C62A14FB52D5F50844ECC1D1F6004487B
         :      4B5C9534696AB7BFAB346E5516A9AB3CCEF8ADB52C3A5855F0CFB3
         :      64AA6B5DD937E4ECFC9525BF9F6A085076718A45C81FF4921E3E2B
         :      BF72BF3EEBF3EE1613412665FF13DDA7BF275268EB11AE9DE707D7
         :      F1B884CB6CF4760B9F16F024330D546B881D5EA0CE

The author thanks Potashnikov Alexander, Pianov Semen, and Smyslov Valery for their careful readings and useful comments, and Chelpanov Alexander for his help with the registration of identifiers.

著者は、慎重な測定値と有用なコメントをしてくれたPotashnikov Alexander、Pianov Semen、Smyslov Valeryに感謝します。

Author's Address
   Ekaterina Karelina (editor)
   2B stroenie 1, ul. Otradnaya
   Russian Federation
   Email: Ekaterina.Karelina@infotecs.ru