[要約] 多くのインターネット・オブ・シングス(IoT)アプリケーションは、クラウドコンピューティング(つまり、クラウドベースのシステム)では満たせない要件があります。これには、時間の感度、データ量、接続コスト、断続的なサービスへの対応、プライバシー、セキュリティが含まれます。その結果、IoTはインターネットをエッジコンピューティングに向かわせています。この文書は、新興のIoTエッジとその課題の要件を概説しています。今後のThing-to-Thing Research Group(T2TRG)や他のIRTFおよびIETFグループでの議論の共通基盤として、IoTエッジの一般モデルと主要なコンポーネントを提示しています。この文書はIRTF T2TRGの製品です。

Internet Research Task Force (IRTF)                              J. Hong
Request for Comments: 9556                                          ETRI
Category: Informational                                        Y-G. Hong
ISSN: 2070-1721                                       Daejeon University
                                                               X. de Foy
                                        InterDigital Communications, LLC
                                                             M. Kovatsch
                                    Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
                                                             E. Schooler
                                                    University of Oxford
                                                             D. Kutscher
                                                              April 2024
Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Challenges and Functions

Many Internet of Things (IoT) applications have requirements that cannot be satisfied by centralized cloud-based systems (i.e., cloud computing). These include time sensitivity, data volume, connectivity cost, operation in the face of intermittent services, privacy, and security. As a result, IoT is driving the Internet toward edge computing. This document outlines the requirements of the emerging IoT edge and its challenges. It presents a general model and major components of the IoT edge to provide a common basis for future discussions in the Thing-to-Thing Research Group (T2TRG) and other IRTF and IETF groups. This document is a product of the IRTF T2TRG.

多くのモノのインターネット(IoT)アプリケーションには、集中化されたクラウドベースのシステム(つまり、クラウドコンピューティング)では満たすことのできない要件があります。これらには、時間の感度、データ量、接続コスト、断続的なサービスに直面した操作、プライバシー、セキュリティが含まれます。その結果、IoTはインターネットをエッジコンピューティングに向けて推進しています。このドキュメントでは、新興IoTエッジの要件とその課題の概要を説明しています。IoT Edgeの一般的なモデルと主要なコンポーネントを提示して、Thing-to-thing Thiseの研究グループ(T2TRG)およびその他のITFグループおよびIETFグループで将来の議論の共通の基礎を提供します。このドキュメントは、IRTF T2TRGの製品です。

Status of This Memo

This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is published for informational purposes.


This document is a product of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). The IRTF publishes the results of Internet-related research and development activities. These results might not be suitable for deployment. This RFC represents the consensus of the Thing-to-Thing Research Group of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). Documents approved for publication by the IRSG are not candidates for any level of Internet Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841.

このドキュメントは、インターネット研究タスクフォース(IRTF)の製品です。IRTFは、インターネット関連の研究開発活動の結果を公開しています。これらの結果は、展開に適していない場合があります。このRFCは、インターネットリサーチタスクフォース(IRTF)の研究グループのコンセンサスを表しています。IRSGによって公開されたことが承認された文書は、インターネット標準のレベルの候補者ではありません。RFC 7841のセクション2を参照してください。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9556.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
   2.  Background
     2.1.  Internet of Things (IoT)
     2.2.  Cloud Computing
     2.3.  Edge Computing
     2.4.  Examples of IoT Edge Computing Use Cases
   3.  IoT Challenges Leading toward Edge Computing
     3.1.  Time Sensitivity
     3.2.  Connectivity Cost
     3.3.  Resilience to Intermittent Services
     3.4.  Privacy and Security
   4.  IoT Edge Computing Functions
     4.1.  Overview of IoT Edge Computing
     4.2.  General Model
     4.3.  OAM Components
       4.3.1.  Resource Discovery and Authentication
       4.3.2.  Edge Organization and Federation
       4.3.3.  Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
     4.4.  Functional Components
       4.4.1.  In-Network Computation
       4.4.2.  Edge Storage and Caching
       4.4.3.  Communication
     4.5.  Application Components
       4.5.1.  IoT Device Management
       4.5.2.  Data Management and Analytics
     4.6.  Simulation and Emulation Environments
   5.  Security Considerations
   6.  Conclusion
   7.  IANA Considerations
   8.  Informative References
   Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

At the time of writing, many IoT services leverage cloud computing platforms because they provide virtually unlimited storage and processing power. The reliance of IoT on back-end cloud computing provides additional advantages, such as scalability and efficiency. At the time of writing, IoT systems are fairly static with respect to integrating and supporting computation. It is not that there is no computation, but that systems are often limited to static configurations (edge gateways and cloud services).

執筆時点では、多くのIoTサービスがクラウドコンピューティングプラットフォームを活用しています。これは、実質的に無制限のストレージと処理能力を提供するためです。バックエンドクラウドコンピューティングに対するIoTの依存は、スケーラビリティや効率などの追加の利点を提供します。執筆時点では、IoTシステムは、計算の統合とサポートに関してかなり静的です。計算がないということではありませんが、システムは静的構成(Edge Gateways and Cloud Services)に限定されることがよくあります。

However, IoT devices generate large amounts of data at the edges of the network. To meet IoT use case requirements, data is increasingly being stored, processed, analyzed, and acted upon close to the data sources. These requirements include time sensitivity, data volume, connectivity cost, and resiliency in the presence of intermittent connectivity, privacy, and security, which cannot be addressed by centralized cloud computing. A more flexible approach is necessary to address these needs effectively. This involves distributing computing (and storage) and seamlessly integrating it into the edge-cloud continuum. We refer to this integration of edge computing and IoT as "IoT edge computing". This document describes the related background, use cases, challenges, system models, and functional components.


Owing to the dynamic nature of the IoT edge computing landscape, this document does not list existing projects in this field. Section 4.1 presents a high-level overview of the field based on a limited review of standards, research, and open-source and proprietary products in [EDGE-COMPUTING-BACKGROUND].


This document represents the consensus of the Thing-to-Thing Research Group (T2TRG). It has been reviewed extensively by the research group members who are actively involved in the research and development of the technology covered by this document. It is not an IETF product and is not a standard.


2. Background
2. 背景
2.1. Internet of Things (IoT)
2.1. モノのインターネット(IoT)

Since the term "Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999 while working on Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology [Ashton], the concept of IoT has evolved. At the time of writing, it reflects a vision of connecting the physical world to the virtual world of computers using (often wireless) networks over which things can send and receive information without human intervention. Recently, the term has become more literal by connecting things to the Internet and converging on Internet and web technologies.


A "Thing" is a physical item made available in the IoT, thereby enabling digital interaction with the physical world for humans, services, and/or other Things [REST-IOT]. In this document, we will use the term "IoT device" to designate the embedded system attached to the Thing.


Resource-constrained Things, such as sensors, home appliances, and wearable devices, often have limited storage and processing power, which can create challenges with respect to reliability, performance, energy consumption, security, and privacy [Lin]. Some, less-resource-constrained Things, can generate a voluminous amount of data. This range of factors led to IoT designs that integrate Things into larger distributed systems, for example, edge or cloud computing systems.


2.2. Cloud Computing
2.2. クラウドコンピューティング

Cloud computing has been defined in [NIST]:


Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.


The low cost and massive availability of storage and processing power enabled the realization of another computing model in which virtualized resources can be leased in an on-demand fashion and provided as general utilities. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and cloud computing platforms widely adopted this paradigm for delivering services over the Internet, gaining both economical and technical benefits [Botta].


At the time of writing, an unprecedented volume and variety of data is generated by Things, and applications deployed at the network edge consume this data. In this context, cloud-based service models are not suitable for some classes of applications that require very short response times, require access to local personal data, or generate vast amounts of data. These applications may instead leverage edge computing.


2.3. Edge Computing
2.3. エッジコンピューティング

Edge computing, also referred to as "fog computing" in some settings, is a new paradigm in which substantial computing and storage resources are placed at the edge of the Internet, close to mobile devices, sensors, actuators, or machines. Edge computing happens near data sources [Mahadev] as well as close to where decisions are made or where interactions with the physical world take place ("close" here can refer to a distance that is topological, physical, latency-based, etc.). It processes both downstream data (originating from cloud services) and upstream data (originating from end devices or network elements). The term "fog computing" usually represents the notion of multi-tiered edge computing, that is, several layers of compute infrastructure between end devices and cloud services.


An edge device is any computing or networking resource residing between end-device data sources and cloud-based data centers. In edge computing, end devices consume and produce data. At the network edge, devices not only request services and information from the cloud but also handle computing tasks including processing, storing, caching, and load balancing on data sent to and from the cloud [Shi]. This does not preclude end devices from hosting computation themselves, when possible, independently or as part of a distributed edge computing platform.


Several Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) and industry forums have provided definitions of edge and fog computing:


* ISO defines edge computing as a "form of distributed computing in which significant processing and data storage takes place on nodes which are at the edge of the network" [ISO_TR].

* ISOは、エッジコンピューティングを「ネットワークの端にあるノードで重要な処理とデータストレージが行われる分散コンピューティングの形式」[ISO_TR]として定義しています。

* ETSI defines multi-access edge computing as a "system which provides an IT service environment and cloud-computing capabilities at the edge of an access network which contains one or more type of access technology, and in close proximity to its users" [ETSI_MEC_01].

* ETSIは、マルチアクセスエッジコンピューティングを「1つ以上のタイプのアクセステクノロジーを含むアクセスネットワークのエッジで、およびユーザーに近接しているアクセスネットワークのエッジにおけるITサービス環境とクラウドコンピューティング機能を提供するシステム」[ETSI_MEC_01]と定義しています。。

* The Industry IoT Consortium (IIC) (now incorporating what was formerly OpenFog) defines fog computing as "a horizontal, system-level architecture that distributes computing, storage, control and networking functions closer to the users along a cloud-to-thing continuum" [OpenFog].

* 業界IoTコンソーシアム(IIC)(現在は以前のオープンフォグであったものを組み込んでいます)は、霧のコンピューティングを「クラウドツーチングの連続体に沿ってユーザーに近いコンピューティング、ストレージ、コントロール、ネットワーキング機能を配布する水平、システムレベルのアーキテクチャ」と定義しています。[OpenFog]。

Based on these definitions, we can summarize a general philosophy of edge computing as distributing the required functions close to users and data, while the difference to classic local systems is the usage of management and orchestration features adopted from cloud computing.


Actors from various industries approach edge computing using different terms and reference models, although, in practice, these approaches are not incompatible and may integrate with each other:


* The telecommunication industry tends to use a model where edge computing services are deployed over a Network Function Virtualization (NFV) infrastructure, at aggregation points, or in proximity to the user equipment (e.g., gNodeBs) [ETSI_MEC_03].

* 電気通信業界は、ネットワーク機能仮想化(NFV)インフラストラクチャ、集約点、またはユーザー機器(Gnodebsなど)に近い[ETSI_MEC_03]にエッジコンピューティングサービスが展開されるモデルを使用する傾向があります。

* Enterprise and campus solutions often interpret edge computing as an "edge cloud", that is, a smaller data center directly connected to the local network (often referred to as "on-premise").

* エンタープライズとキャンパスのソリューションは、多くの場合、エッジコンピューティングを「エッジクラウド」、つまりローカルネットワークに直接接続する小さなデータセンター(「オンプレミス」と呼ばれることが多い)と解釈されます。

* The automation industry defines the edge as the connection point between IT and Operational Technology (OT). Hence, edge computing sometimes refers to applying IT solutions to OT problems, such as analytics, more-flexible user interfaces, or simply having more computing power than an automation controller.

* 自動化業界は、EdgeをITと運用技術(OT)の間の接続ポイントとして定義しています。したがって、エッジコンピューティングとは、分析、より柔軟性のないユーザーインターフェイス、または自動化コントローラーよりも多くのコンピューティングパワーを持つOT問題にITソリューションを適用することを指す場合があります。

2.4. Examples of IoT Edge Computing Use Cases
2.4. IoTエッジコンピューティングユースケースの例

IoT edge computing can be used in home, industry, grid, healthcare, city, transportation, agriculture, and/or educational scenarios. Here, we discuss only a few examples of such use cases to identify differentiating requirements, providing references to other use cases.


*Smart Factory*


As part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, smart factories run real-time processes based on IT technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data. Even a very small environmental change in a smart factory can lead to a situation in which production efficiency decreases or product quality problems occur. Therefore, simple but time-sensitive processing can be performed at the edge, for example, controlling the temperature and humidity in the factory or operating machines based on the real-time collection of the operational status of each machine. However, data requiring highly precise analysis, such as machine life-cycle management or accident risk prediction, can be transferred to a central data center for processing.

第4産業革命の一環として、Smart Factoriesは、人工知能やビッグデータなどのIT技術に基づいてリアルタイムプロセスを実行しています。スマートファクトリーの非常に小さな環境の変化でさえ、生産効率が低下したり、製品の品質の問題が発生する状況につながる可能性があります。したがって、たとえば、各マシンの運用状態のリアルタイムコレクションに基づいて、工場または操作機の温度と湿度を制御するなど、エッジでシンプルだが時間に敏感な処理を実行できます。ただし、マシンライフサイクル管理や事故リスク予測など、非常に正確な分析を必要とするデータは、処理のために中央データセンターに転送できます。

The use of edge computing in a smart factory [Argungu] can reduce the cost of network and storage resources by reducing the communication load to the central data center or server. It is also possible to improve process efficiency and facility asset productivity through real-time prediction of failures and to reduce the cost of failure through preliminary measures. In the existing manufacturing field, production facilities are manually run according to a program entered in advance; however, edge computing in a smart factory enables tailoring solutions by analyzing data at each production facility and machine level. Digital twins [Jones] of IoT devices have been jointly used with edge computing in industrial IoT scenarios [Chen].


*Smart Grid*


In future smart-city scenarios, the smart grid will be critical in ensuring highly available and efficient energy control in city-wide electricity management [Mehmood]. Edge computing is expected to play a significant role in these systems to improve the transmission efficiency of electricity, to react to and restore power after a disturbance, to reduce operation costs, and to reuse energy effectively since these operations involve local decision-making. In addition, edge computing can help monitor power generation and power demand and make local electrical energy storage decisions in smart grid systems.


*Smart Agriculture*


Smart agriculture integrates information and communication technologies with farming technology. Intelligent farms use IoT technology to measure and analyze parameters, such as the temperature, humidity, sunlight, carbon dioxide, and soil quality, in crop cultivation facilities. Depending on the analysis results, control devices are used to set the environmental parameters to an appropriate state. Remote management is also possible through mobile devices, such as smartphones.

Smart Agricultureは、情報通信技術と農業技術を統合しています。インテリジェントな農場では、IoTテクノロジーを使用して、作物栽培施設で温度、湿度、日光、二酸化炭素、土壌の品質などのパラメーターを測定および分析します。分析結果に応じて、制御デバイスを使用して環境パラメーターを適切な状態に設定します。スマートフォンなどのモバイルデバイスを通じて、リモート管理も可能です。

In existing farms, simple systems, such as management according to temperature and humidity, can be easily and inexpensively implemented using IoT technology [Tanveer]. Field sensors gather data on field and crop condition. This data is then transmitted to cloud servers that process data and recommend actions. The use of edge computing can reduce the volume of back-and-forth data transmissions significantly, resulting in cost and bandwidth savings. Locally generated data can be processed at the edge, and local computing and analytics can drive local actions. With edge computing, it is easy for farmers to select large amounts of data for processing, and data can be analyzed even in remote areas with poor access conditions. Other applications include enabling dashboarding, for example, to visualize the farm status, as well as enhancing Extended Reality (XR) applications that require edge audio and/or video processing. As the number of people working on farming has been decreasing over time, increasing automation enabled by edge computing can be a driving force for future smart agriculture [OGrady].


*Smart Construction*


Safety is critical at construction sites. Every year, many construction workers lose their lives because of falls, collisions, electric shocks, and other accidents [BigRentz]. Therefore, solutions have been developed to improve construction site safety, including the real-time identification of workers, monitoring of equipment location, and predictive accident prevention. To deploy these solutions, many cameras and IoT sensors have been installed on construction sites to measure noise, vibration, gas concentration, etc. Typically, the data generated from these measurements is collected in on-site gateways and sent to remote cloud servers for storage and analysis. Thus, an inspector can check the information stored on the cloud server to investigate an incident. However, this approach can be expensive because of transmission costs (for example, of video streams over a mobile network connection) and because usage fees of private cloud services.


Using edge computing [Yue], data generated at the construction site can be processed and analyzed on an edge server located within or near the site. Only the result of this processing needs to be transferred to a cloud server, thus reducing transmission costs. It is also possible to locally generate warnings to prevent accidents in real time.


*Self-Driving Car*


Edge computing plays a crucial role in safety-focused self-driving car systems [Badjie]. With a multitude of sensors, such as high-resolution cameras, radars, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems, sonar sensors, and GPS systems, autonomous vehicles generate vast amounts of real-time data. Local processing utilizing edge computing nodes allows for efficient collection and analysis of this data to monitor vehicle distances and road conditions and respond promptly to unexpected situations. Roadside computing nodes can also be leveraged to offload tasks when necessary, for example, when the local processing capacity of the car is insufficient because of hardware constraints or a large data volume.


For instance, when the car ahead slows, a self-driving car adjusts its speed to maintain a safe distance, or when a roadside signal changes, it adapts its behavior accordingly. In another example, cars equipped with self-parking features utilize local processing to analyze sensor data, determine suitable parking spots, and execute precise parking maneuvers without relying on external processing or connectivity. It is also possible to use in-cabin cameras coupled with local processing to monitor the driver's attention level and detect signs of drowsiness or distraction. The system can issue warnings or implement preventive measures to ensure driver safety.


Edge computing empowers self-driving cars by enabling real-time processing, reducing latency, enhancing data privacy, and optimizing bandwidth usage. By leveraging local processing capabilities, self-driving cars can make rapid decisions, adapt to changing environments, and ensure safer and more efficient autonomous driving experiences.


*Digital Twin*


A digital twin can simulate different scenarios and predict outcomes based on real-time data collected from the physical environment. This simulation capability empowers proactive maintenance, optimization of operations, and the prediction of potential issues or failures. Decision makers can use digital twins to test and validate different strategies, identify inefficiencies, and optimize performance [CertMagic].


With edge computing, real-time data is collected, processed, and analyzed directly at the edge, allowing for the accurate monitoring and simulation of physical assets. Moreover, edge computing effectively minimizes latency, enabling rapid responses to dynamic conditions as computational resources are brought closer to the physical object. Running digital twin processing at the edge enables organizations to obtain timely insights and make informed decisions that maximize efficiency and performance.


*Other Use Cases*


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems at the edge empower real-time analysis, faster decision-making, reduced latency, improved operational efficiency, and personalized experiences across various industries by bringing AI and ML capabilities closer to edge devices.


In addition, oneM2M has studied several IoT edge computing use cases, which are documented in [oneM2M-TR0001], [oneM2M-TR0018], and [oneM2M-TR0026]. The edge-computing-related requirements raised through the analysis of these use cases are captured in [oneM2M-TS0002].


3. IoT Challenges Leading toward Edge Computing
3. エッジコンピューティングにつながるIoTの課題

This section describes the challenges faced by the IoT that are motivating the adoption of edge computing. These are distinct from the research challenges applicable to IoT edge computing, some of which are mentioned in Section 4.


IoT technology is used with increasingly demanding applications in domains such as industrial, automotive, and healthcare, which leads to new challenges. For example, industrial machines, such as laser cutters, produce over 1 terabyte of data per hour, and similar amounts can be generated in autonomous cars [NVIDIA]. 90% of IoT data is expected to be stored, processed, analyzed, and acted upon close to the source [Kelly], as cloud computing models alone cannot address these new challenges [Chiang].


Below, we discuss IoT use case requirements that are moving cloud capabilities to be more proximate, distributed, and disaggregated.


3.1. Time Sensitivity
3.1. 時間感度

Often, many industrial control systems, such as manufacturing systems, smart grids, and oil and gas systems, require stringent end-to-end latency between the sensor and control nodes. While some IoT applications may require latency below a few tens of milliseconds [Weiner], industrial robots and motion control systems have use cases for cycle times in the order of microseconds [IEC_IEEE_60802]. In some cases, speed-of-light limitations may simply prevent cloud-based solutions; however, this is not the only challenge relative to time sensitivity. Guarantees for bounded latency and jitter ([RFC8578], Section 7) are also important for industrial IoT applications. This means that control packets must arrive with as little variation as possible and within a strict deadline. Given the best-effort characteristics of the Internet, this challenge is virtually impossible to address without using end-to-end guarantees for individual message delivery and continuous data flows.


3.2. Connectivity Cost
3.2. 接続コスト

Some IoT deployments may not face bandwidth constraints when uploading data to the cloud. Theoretically, both 5G and Wi-Fi 6 networks top out at 10 gigabits per second (i.e., 4.5 terabytes per hour), allowing the transfer of large amounts of uplink data. However, the cost of maintaining continuous high-bandwidth connectivity for such usage is unjustifiable and impractical for most IoT applications. In some settings, for example, in aeronautical communication, higher communication costs reduce the amount of data that can be practically uploaded even further. Therefore, minimizing reliance on high-bandwidth connectivity is a requirement; this can be done, for example, by processing data at the edge and deriving summarized or actionable insights that can be transmitted to the cloud.

一部のIoT展開は、クラウドにデータをアップロードする際に帯域幅の制約に直面しない場合があります。理論的には、5GとWi-Fi 6の両方のネットワークが毎秒10ギガビット(つまり、1時間あたり4.5テラバイト)でトップになり、大量のアップリンクデータの転送が可能になります。ただし、このような使用のために継続的な高帯域幅接続を維持するコストは、ほとんどのIoTアプリケーションでは義務がなく、非実用的です。たとえば、一部の設定では、航空通信では、通信コストが高くなると、実際にさらにアップロードできるデータの量が減少します。したがって、高帯域幅の接続への依存を最小限に抑えることは要件です。これは、たとえば、エッジでデータを処理し、クラウドに送信できる要約または実用的な洞察を導き出すことで実行できます。

3.3. Resilience to Intermittent Services
3.3. 断続的なサービスへの回復力

Many IoT devices, such as sensors, actuators, and controllers, have very limited hardware resources and cannot rely solely on their own resources to meet their computing and/or storage needs. They require reliable, uninterrupted, or resilient services to augment their capabilities to fulfill their application tasks. This is difficult and partly impossible to achieve using cloud services for systems such as vehicles, drones, or oil rigs that have intermittent network connectivity. Conversely, a cloud backend might want to access device data even if the device is currently asleep.


3.4. Privacy and Security
3.4. プライバシーとセキュリティ

When IoT services are deployed at home, personal information can be learned from detected usage data. For example, one can extract information about employment, family status, age, and income by analyzing smart meter data [ENERGY]. Policy makers have begun to provide frameworks that limit the usage of personal data and impose strict requirements on data controllers and processors. Data stored indefinitely in the cloud also increases the risk of data leakage, for instance, through attacks on rich targets.


It is often argued that industrial systems do not provide privacy implications, as no personal data is gathered. However, data from such systems is often highly sensitive, as one might be able to infer trade secrets, such as the setup of production lines. Hence, owners of these systems are generally reluctant to upload IoT data to the cloud.


Furthermore, passive observers can perform traffic analysis on device-to-cloud paths. Therefore, hiding traffic patterns associated with sensor networks can be another requirement for edge computing.


4. IoT Edge Computing Functions
4. IoTエッジコンピューティング機能

We first look at the current state of IoT edge computing (Section 4.1) and then define a general system model (Section 4.2). This provides a context for IoT edge computing functions, which are listed in Sections 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5.


4.1. Overview of IoT Edge Computing
4.1. IoTエッジコンピューティングの概要

This section provides an overview of the current (at the time of writing) IoT edge computing field based on a limited review of standards, research, and open-source and proprietary products in [EDGE-COMPUTING-BACKGROUND].


IoT gateways, both open-source (such as EdgeX Foundry or Home Edge) and proprietary products, represent a common class of IoT edge computing products, where the gateway provides a local service on customer premises and is remotely managed through a cloud service. IoT communication protocols are typically used between IoT devices and the gateway, including a Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [RFC7252], Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) [MQTT5], and many specialized IoT protocols (such as Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA) and Data Distribution Service (DDS) in the industrial IoT space), while the gateway communicates with the distant cloud typically using HTTPS. Virtualization platforms enable the deployment of virtual edge computing functions (using Virtual Machines (VMs) and application containers), including IoT gateway software, on servers in the mobile network infrastructure (at base stations and concentration points), edge data centers (in central offices), and regional data centers located near central offices. End devices are envisioned to become computing devices in forward-looking projects but are not commonly used at the time of writing.

IoTゲートウェイは、オープンソース(Edgex FoundryまたはHome Edgeなど)と独自の製品の両方が、IoTエッジコンピューティング製品の共通クラスを表しています。ゲートウェイは、顧客施設でローカルサービスを提供し、クラウドサービスを通じて遠隔管理されています。IoT通信プロトコルは、通常、IoTデバイスとGateway間で使用されます。これには、制約付きアプリケーションプロトコル(COAP)[RFC7252]、メッセージキューイングテレメトリー輸送(MQTT)[MQTT5]、および多くの特殊なIoTプロトコル(オープンプラットフォーム通信統合アーキテクチャ(産業用IoTスペースのData Distribution Service(DDS))。一方、ゲートウェイは通常、HTTPSを使用して遠いクラウドと通信します。仮想化プラットフォームを有効にして、モバイルネットワークインフラストラクチャのサーバー(ベースステーションおよび濃縮ポイント)、エッジデータセンター(中央オフィス内の仮想エッジコンピューティング関数(仮想マシン(VM)およびIoTゲートウェイソフトウェアを含むアプリケーションコンテナを使用)の展開を可能にします。)、および中央のオフィスの近くにある地域のデータセンター。エンドデバイスは、将来の見通しプロジェクトでコンピューティングデバイスになると想定されていますが、執筆時点では一般的には使用されていません。

In addition to open-source and proprietary solutions, a horizontal IoT service layer is standardized by the oneM2M standards body to reduce fragmentation, increase interoperability, and promote reuse in the IoT ecosystem. Furthermore, ETSI Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) developed an IoT API [ETSI_MEC_33] that enables the deployment of heterogeneous IoT platforms and provides a means to configure the various components of an IoT system.

オープンソースおよび独自のソリューションに加えて、断片化を減らし、相互運用性を高め、IoTエコシステムの再利用を促進するために、水平方向のIoTサービスレイヤーがONEM2M標準団体によって標準化されています。さらに、ETSIマルチアクセスエッジコンピューティング(MEC)は、不均一なIoTプラットフォームの展開を可能にし、IoTシステムのさまざまなコンポーネントを構成する手段を提供するIoT API [ETSI_MEC_33]を開発しました。

Physical or virtual IoT gateways can host application programs that are typically built using an SDK to access local services through a programmatic API. Edge cloud system operators host their customers' application VMs or containers on servers located in or near access networks that can implement local edge services. For example, mobile networks can provide edge services for radio network information, location, and bandwidth management.

物理または仮想IoTゲートウェイは、通常、SDKを使用して構築されたアプリケーションプログラムをホストし、プログラムAPIを介してローカルサービスにアクセスできます。Edge Cloud Systemオペレーターは、ローカルエッジサービスを実装できるアクセスネットワークまたはその近くにあるサーバー上の顧客のアプリケーションVMまたはコンテナをホストしています。たとえば、モバイルネットワークは、ラジオネットワーク情報、場所、帯域幅管理にエッジサービスを提供できます。

Resilience in the IoT can entail the ability to operate autonomously in periods of disconnectedness to preserve the integrity and safety of the controlled system, possibly in a degraded mode. IoT devices and gateways are often expected to operate in always-on and unattended modes, using fault detection and unassisted recovery functions.


The life-cycle management of services and applications on physical IoT gateways is generally cloud based. Edge cloud management platforms and products (such as StarlingX, Akraino Edge Stack, or proprietary products from major cloud providers) adapt cloud management technologies (e.g., Kubernetes) to the edge cloud, that is, to smaller, distributed computing devices running outside a controlled data center. Typically, the service and application life cycle is using an NFV-like management and orchestration model.

物理IoTゲートウェイのサービスとアプリケーションのライフサイクル管理は、一般にクラウドベースです。エッジクラウド管理プラットフォームと製品(Starlingx、Akraino Edge Stack、または主要なクラウドプロバイダーからの独自の製品など)は、クラウド管理技術(例:Kubernetes)、つまり、制御されたより小型の分散コンピューティングデバイスに適応しています。データセンター。通常、サービスとアプリケーションのライフサイクルは、NFVのような管理モデルとオーケストレーションモデルを使用しています。

The platform generally enables advertising or consuming services hosted on the platform (e.g., the Mp1 interface in ETSI MEC supports service discovery and communication), and enables communication with local and remote endpoints (e.g., message routing function in IoT gateways). The platform is usually extensible to edge applications because it can advertise a service that other edge applications can consume. The IoT communication services include protocol translation, analytics, and transcoding. Communication between edge computing devices is enabled in tiered or distributed deployments.

一般に、プラットフォームはプラットフォームでホストされている広告または消費サービスを可能にします(ETSI MECのMP1インターフェイスはサービスの発見と通信をサポートします)、ローカルおよびリモートエンドポイント(IoTゲートウェイのメッセージルーティング機能など)との通信を可能にします。プラットフォームは通常、他のエッジアプリケーションが消費できるサービスを宣伝できるため、エッジアプリケーションに拡張可能です。IoT通信サービスには、プロトコル翻訳、分析、およびトランスコーディングが含まれます。エッジコンピューティングデバイス間の通信は、階層化または分散展開で有効になります。

An edge cloud platform may enable pass-through without storage or local storage (e.g., on IoT gateways). Some edge cloud platforms use distributed storage such as that provided by a distributed storage platform (e.g., EdgeFS and Ceph) or, in more experimental settings, by an Information-Centric Networking (ICN) network, for example, systems such as Chipmunk [Chipmunk] and Kua [Kua] have been proposed as distributed information-centric objects stores. External storage, for example, on databases in a distant or local IT cloud, is typically used for filtered data deemed worthy of long-term storage; although, in some cases, it may be for all data, for example, when required for regulatory reasons.

エッジクラウドプラットフォームは、ストレージやローカルストレージ(IoTゲートウェイなど)なしでパススルーを可能にする場合があります。一部のエッジクラウドプラットフォームは、分散ストレージプラットフォーム(EdgeFSやCEPHなど)によって提供されるような分散ストレージを使用します。]そして、Kua [Kua]は、分散された情報中心のオブジェクトストアとして提案されています。たとえば、遠隔またはローカルITクラウドのデータベース上の外部ストレージは、通常、長期ストレージに値するとみなされるフィルタリングされたデータに使用されます。ただし、場合によっては、たとえば、規制上の理由で必要な場合、すべてのデータに対してである場合があります。

Stateful computing is the default on most systems, VMs, and containers. Stateless computing is supported on platforms providing a "serverless computing" service (also known as function-as-a-service, e.g., using stateless containers) or on systems based on named function networking.


In many IoT use cases, a typical network usage pattern is a high-volume uplink with some form of traffic reduction enabled by processing over edge computing devices. Alternatives to traffic reduction include deferred transmission (to off-peak hours or using physical shipping). Downlink traffic includes application control and software updates. Downlink-heavy traffic patterns are not excluded but are more often associated with non-IoT usage (e.g., video Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)).


4.2. General Model
4.2. 一般モデル

Edge computing is expected to play an important role in deploying new IoT services integrated with big data and AI enabled by flexible in-network computing platforms. Although there are many approaches to edge computing, this section lays out an attempt at a general model and lists associated logical functions. In practice, this model can be mapped to different architectures, such as:


* A single IoT gateway, or a hierarchy of IoT gateways, typically connected to the cloud (e.g., to extend the centralized cloud-based management of IoT devices and data to the edge). The IoT gateway plays a common role in providing access to a heterogeneous set of IoT devices and sensors, handling IoT data, and delivering IoT data to its final destination in a cloud network. An IoT gateway requires interactions with the cloud; however, it can also operate independently in a disconnected mode.

* 通常、クラウドに接続されている単一のIoTゲートウェイ、またはIoTゲートウェイの階層(たとえば、IoTデバイスとデータの集中化されたクラウドベースの管理をエッジに拡張するため)。IoTゲートウェイは、IoTデバイスとセンサーの不均一なセットへのアクセスを提供し、IoTデータの取り扱い、クラウドネットワークの最終目的地にIoTデータを配信する上で共通の役割を果たします。IoTゲートウェイには、クラウドとの相互作用が必要です。ただし、切断されたモードで独立して動作することもできます。

* A set of distributed computing nodes, for example, embedded in switches, routers, edge cloud servers, or mobile devices. Some IoT devices have sufficient computing capabilities to participate in such distributed systems owing to advances in hardware technology. In this model, edge computing nodes can collaborate to share resources.

* たとえば、スイッチ、ルーター、エッジクラウドサーバー、またはモバイルデバイスに埋め込まれた分散コンピューティングノードのセット。一部のIoTデバイスには、ハードウェア技術の進歩により、このような分散システムに参加するのに十分なコンピューティング機能があります。このモデルでは、エッジコンピューティングノードがコラボレーションしてリソースを共有できます。

* A hybrid system involving both IoT gateways and supporting functions in distributed computing nodes.

* IoTゲートウェイと分散コンピューティングノードのサポート関数の両方を含むハイブリッドシステム。

In the general model described in Figure 1, the edge computing domain is interconnected with IoT devices (southbound connectivity), possibly with a remote (e.g., cloud) network (northbound connectivity), and with a service operator's system. Edge computing nodes provide multiple logical functions or components that may not be present in a given system. They may be implemented in a centralized or distributed fashion, at the network edge, or through interworking between the edge network and remote cloud networks.


                |   Remote Network    |  +---------------+
                |(e.g., cloud network)|  |   Service     |
                +-----------+---------+  |   Operator    |
                            |            +------+--------+
                            |                   |
             |            Edge Computing Domain             |
             |                                              |
             |   One or more computing nodes                |
             |   (IoT gateway, end devices, switches,       |
             |   routers, mini/micro-data centers, etc.)    |
             |                                              |
             |   OAM Components                             |
             |   - Resource Discovery and Authentication    |
             |   - Edge Organization and Federation         |
             |   - Multi-Tenancy and Isolation              |
             |   - ...                                      |
             |                                              |
             |   Functional Components                      |
             |   - In-Network Computation                   |
             |   - Edge Caching                             |
             |   - Communication                            |
             |   - Other Services                           |
             |   - ...                                      |
             |                                              |
             |   Application Components                     |
             |   - IoT Devices Management                   |
             |   - Data Management and Analytics            |
             |   - ...                                      |
             |                                              |
             +------+--------------+-------- - - - -+- - - -+
                    |              |       |        |       |
                    |              |          +-----+--+
               +----+---+    +-----+--+    |  |Compute |    |
               |  End   |    |  End   | ...   |Node/End|
               |Device 1|    |Device 2| ...|  |Device n|    |
               +--------+    +--------+       +--------+
                                           + - - - - - - - -+

Figure 1: Model of IoT Edge Computing


In the distributed model described in Figure 2, the edge computing domain is composed of IoT edge gateways and IoT devices that are also used as computing nodes. Edge computing domains are connected to a remote (e.g., cloud) network and their respective service operator's system. The computing nodes provide logical functions, for example, as part of distributed machine learning or distributed image processing applications. The processing capabilities in IoT devices are limited; they require the support of other nodes. In a distributed machine learning application, the training process for AI services can be executed at IoT edge gateways or cloud networks, and the prediction (inference) service is executed in the IoT devices. Similarly, in a distributed image processing application, some image processing functions can be executed at the edge or in the cloud. To limit the amount of data to be uploaded to central cloud functions, IoT edge devices may pre-process data.

図2で説明する分散モデルでは、エッジコンピューティングドメインは、コンピューティングノードとしても使用されるIoTエッジゲートウェイとIoTデバイスで構成されています。エッジコンピューティングドメインは、リモート(クラウド)ネットワークとそれぞれのサービスオペレーターのシステムに接続されています。コンピューティングノードは、たとえば分散機械学習または分散画像処理アプリケーションの一部として、論理関数を提供します。IoTデバイスの処理機能は限られています。他のノードのサポートが必要です。分散型機械学習アプリケーションでは、AIサービスのトレーニングプロセスをIoT Edgeゲートウェイまたはクラウドネットワークで実行でき、予測(推論)サービスがIoTデバイスで実行されます。同様に、分散型画像処理アプリケーションでは、一部の画像処理機能をエッジまたはクラウドで実行できます。中央クラウド関数にアップロードするデータの量を制限するために、IoT Edgeデバイスはデータを前処理する場合があります。

             |            Edge Computing Domain             |
             |                                              |
             | +--------+    +--------+        +--------+   |
             | |Compute |    |Compute |        |Compute |   |
             | |Node/End|    |Node/End|  ....  |Node/End|   |
             | |Device 1|    |Device 2|  ....  |Device m|   |
             | +----+---+    +----+---+        +----+---+   |
             |      |             |                 |       |
             |  +---+-------------+-----------------+--+    |
             |  |           IoT Edge Gateway           |    |
             |  +-----------+-------------------+------+    |
             |              |                   |           |
                            |                   |
                +-----------+---------+  +------+-------+
                |   Remote Network    |  |   Service    |
                |(e.g., cloud network)|  |  Operator(s) |
                +-----------+---------+  +------+-------+
                            |                   |
             |              |                   |           |
             |  +-----------+-------------------+------+    |
             |  |           IoT Edge Gateway           |    |
             |  +---+-------------+-----------------+--+    |
             |      |             |                 |       |
             | +----+---+    +----+---+        +----+---+   |
             | |Compute |    |Compute |        |Compute |   |
             | |Node/End|    |Node/End|  ....  |Node/End|   |
             | |Device 1|    |Device 2|  ....  |Device n|   |
             | +--------+    +--------+        +--------+   |
             |                                              |
             |            Edge Computing Domain             |

Figure 2: Example of Machine Learning over a Distributed IoT Edge Computing System


In the following, we enumerate major edge computing domain components. Here, they are loosely organized into Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM); functional; and application components, with the understanding that the distinction between these classes may not always be clear, depending on actual system architectures. Some representative research challenges are associated with those functions. We used input from coauthors, participants of T2TRG meetings, and some comprehensive reviews of the field ([Yousefpour], [Zhang2], and [Khan]).


4.3. OAM Components
4.3. OAMコンポーネント

Edge computing OAM extends beyond the network-related OAM functions listed in [RFC6291]. In addition to infrastructure (network, storage, and computing resources), edge computing systems can also include computing environments (for VMs, software containers, and functions), IoT devices, data, and code.


Operation-related functions include performance monitoring for Service Level Agreement (SLA) measurements, fault management, and provisioning for links, nodes, compute and storage resources, platforms, and services. Administration covers network/compute/ storage resources, platform and service discovery, configuration, and planning. Discovery during normal operation (e.g., discovery of compute or storage nodes by endpoints) is typically not included in OAM; however, in this document, we do not address it separately. Management covers the monitoring and diagnostics of failures, as well as means to minimize their occurrence and take corrective actions. This may include software update management and high service availability through redundancy and multipath communication. Centralized (e.g., Software-Defined Networking (SDN)) and decentralized management systems can be used. Finally, we arbitrarily chose to address data management as an application component; however, in some systems, data management may be considered similar to a network management function.


We further detail a few relevant OAM components.


4.3.1. Resource Discovery and Authentication
4.3.1. リソースの発見と認証

Discovery and authentication may target platforms and infrastructure resources, such as computing, networking, and storage, as well as other resources, such as IoT devices, sensors, data, code units, services, applications, and users interacting with the system. In a broker-based system, an IoT gateway can act as a broker to discover IoT resources. More decentralized solutions can also be used in replacement of or in complement to the broker-based solutions; for example, CoAP enables multicast discovery of an IoT device and CoAP service discovery enables one to obtain a list of resources made available by this device [RFC7252]. For device authentication, current centralized gateway-based systems rely on the installation of a secret on IoT devices and computing devices (e.g., a device certificate stored in a hardware security module or a combination of code and data stored in a trusted execution environment).


Related challenges include:


* Discovery, authentication, and trust establishment between IoT devices, compute nodes, and platforms, with regard to concerns such as mobility, heterogeneous devices and networks, scale, multiple trust domains, constrained devices, anonymity, and traceability.

* モビリティ、異種デバイスとネットワーク、スケール、複数の信頼ドメイン、制約付きデバイス、匿名性、およびトレーサビリティなどの懸念に関して、IoTデバイス、計算ノード、およびプラットフォーム間の発見、認証、および信頼の確立。

* Intermittent connectivity to the Internet, removing the need to rely on a third-party authority [Echeverria].

* インターネットへの断続的な接続性、サードパーティの権限に依存する必要性を削除します[echeverria]。

* Resiliency to failure [Harchol], denial-of-service attacks, and easier physical access for attackers.

* 失敗への回復力[Harchol]、サービス拒否攻撃、および攻撃者の物理的アクセスの容易。

4.3.2. Edge Organization and Federation
4.3.2. エッジ組織とフェデレーション

In a distributed system context, once edge devices have discovered and authenticated each other, they can be organized or self-organized into hierarchies or clusters. The organizational structure may range from centralized to peer-to-peer, or it may be closely tied to other systems. Such groups can also form federations with other edges or with remote clouds.


Related challenges include:


* Support for scaling and enabling fault tolerance or self-healing [Jeong]. In addition to using a hierarchical organization to cope with scaling, another available and possibly complementary mechanism is multicast [RFC7390] [CORE-GROUPCOMM-BIS]. Other approaches include relying on blockchains [Ali].

* スケーリングとフォールトトレランスまたは自己治癒の可能性のサポート[Jeong]。階層組織を使用してスケーリングに対処することに加えて、別の利用可能でおそらく補完的なメカニズムはマルチキャスト[RFC7390] [Core-GroupComm-Bis]です。その他のアプローチには、ブロックチェーン[Ali]に依存することが含まれます。

* Integration of edge computing with virtualized Radio Access Networks (Fog RAN) [SFC-FOG-RAN] and 5G access networks.

* 仮想化されたラジオアクセスネットワーク(FOG RAN)[SFC-Fog-Ran]および5Gアクセスネットワークとのエッジコンピューティングの統合。

* Sharing resources in multi-vendor and multi-operator scenarios to optimize criteria such as profit [Anglano], resource usage, latency, and energy consumption.

* マルチベンダーおよびマルチオペレーターのシナリオでリソースを共有して、利益[Anglano]、リソースの使用、待ち時間、エネルギー消費などの基準を最適化します。

* Capacity planning, placement of infrastructure nodes to minimize delay [Fan], cost, energy, etc.

* 容量計画、インフラストラクチャノードの配置遅延[ファン]、コスト、エネルギーなどを最小限に抑える。

* Incentives for participation, for example, in peer-to-peer federation schemes.

* たとえば、ピアツーピア連合スキームへの参加のインセンティブ。

* Design of federated AI over IoT edge computing systems [Brecko], for example, for anomaly detection.

* 例えば、異常検出のためのIoTエッジコンピューティングシステム[Brecko]上のフェデレートAIの設計。

4.3.3. Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
4.3.3. マルチテナンシーと分離

Some IoT edge computing systems make use of virtualized (compute, storage, and networking) resources to address the need for secure multi-tenancy at the edge. This leads to "edge clouds" that share properties with remote clouds and can reuse some of their ecosystems. Virtualization function management is largely covered by ETSI NFV and MEC standards and recommendations. Projects such as [LFEDGE-EVE] further cover virtualization and its management in distributed edge computing settings.

一部のIoTエッジコンピューティングシステムは、仮想化(計算、ストレージ、ネットワーク)リソースを使用して、エッジで安全なマルチテナンシーの必要性に対処します。これにより、リモートクラウドとプロパティを共有し、エコシステムの一部を再利用できる「エッジクラウド」につながります。仮想化関数管理は、主にETSI NFVおよびMECの標準と推奨事項でカバーされています。[lfedge-eve]などのプロジェクトは、分散エッジコンピューティング設定での仮想化とその管理をさらにカバーします。

Related challenges include:


* Adapting cloud management platforms to the edge to account for its distributed nature, heterogeneity, need for customization, and limited resources (for example, using Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) [Jeffery] or intent-based management mechanisms [Cao]).

* クラウド管理プラットフォームをエッジに適応させるために、分散された性質、不均一性、カスタマイズの必要性、限られたリソース(たとえば、競合のない複製データ型(CRDT)[Jeffery]または意図ベースの管理メカニズムを使用して[CAO]を使用)。

* Minimizing virtual function instantiation time and resource usage.

* 仮想関数のインスタンス化時間とリソースの使用を最小化します。

4.4. Functional Components
4.4. 機能コンポーネント
4.4.1. In-Network Computation
4.4.1. ネットワーク内計算

A core function of IoT edge computing is to enable local computation on a node at the network edge, typically for application-layer processing, such as processing input data from sensors, making local decisions, preprocessing data, and offloading computation on behalf of a device, service, or user. Related functions include orchestrating computation (in a centralized or distributed manner) and managing application life cycles. Support for in-network computation may vary in terms of capability; for example, computing nodes can host virtual machines, software containers, software actors, unikernels running stateful or stateless code, or a rule engine providing an API to register actions in response to conditions (such as an IoT device ID, sensor values to check, thresholds, etc.).

IoT Edgeコンピューティングのコア関数は、センサーからの入力データの処理、ローカル決定、前処理データ、デバイスに代わって計算をオフロードするなど、アプリケーション層処理のために、ネットワークエッジのノードでローカル計算を有効にすることです。、サービス、またはユーザー。関連する機能には、計算の計算(集中または分散の方法で)およびアプリケーションライフサイクルの管理が含まれます。ネットワーク内の計算のサポートは、能力の点で異なる場合があります。たとえば、コンピューティングノードは、仮想マシン、ソフトウェアコンテナ、ソフトウェア俳優、ステートフルまたはステートレスコードを実行するUnikernelをホストできます。または、条件(IoTデバイスID、チェックするセンサー値など、アクションを登録するAPIを提供するルールエンジンがあります。しきい値など)。

Edge offloading includes offloading to and from an IoT device and to and from a network node. [Cloudlets] describes an example of offloading computation from an end device to a network node. In contrast, oneM2M is an example of a system that allows a cloud-based IoT platform to transfer resources and tasks to a target edge node [oneM2M-TR0052]. Once transferred, the edge node can directly support IoT devices that it serves with the service offloaded by the cloud (e.g., group management, location management, etc.).


QoS can be provided in some systems through the combination of network QoS (e.g., traffic engineering or wireless resource scheduling) and compute and storage resource allocations. For example, in some systems, a bandwidth manager service can be exposed to enable allocation of the bandwidth to or from an edge computing application instance.


In-network computation can leverage the underlying services provided using data generated by IoT devices and access networks. Such services include IoT device location, radio network information, bandwidth management, and congestion management (e.g., the congestion management feature of oneM2M [oneM2M-TR0052]).


Related challenges include:


* Computation placement: in a centralized or distributed (e.g., peer-to-peer) manner, selecting an appropriate compute device. The selection is based on available resources, location of data input and data sinks, compute node properties, etc. with varying goals. These goals include end-to-end latency, privacy, high availability, energy conservation, or network efficiency (for example, using load-balancing techniques to avoid congestion).

* 計算配置:適切な計算デバイスを選択して、集中または分散型(ピアツーピア)の方法で。選択は、利用可能なリソース、データ入力およびデータシンクの場所、さまざまな目標を持つコンピューティングノードプロパティなどに基づいています。これらの目標には、エンドツーエンドのレイテンシ、プライバシー、高可用性、省エネルギー、またはネットワーク効率(たとえば、渋滞を避けるために負荷分散技術を使用する)が含まれます。

* Onboarding code on a platform or computing device and invoking remote code execution, possibly as part of a distributed programming model and with respect to similar concerns of latency, privacy, etc. For example, offloading can be included in a vehicular scenario [Grewe]. These operations should deal with heterogeneous compute nodes [Schafer] and may also support end devices, including IoT devices, as compute nodes [Larrea].

* プラットフォームまたはコンピューティングデバイスでのオンボーディングコードと、おそらく分散プログラミングモデルの一部として、およびレイテンシ、プライバシーなどの同様の懸念に関して、リモートコードの実行を呼び出します。たとえば、オフロードは車両のシナリオ[GREWE]に含めることができます。これらの操作は、不均一な計算ノード[schafer]を扱う必要があり、IoTデバイスを含むエンドデバイスをコンピューティングノード[Larrea]としてサポートすることもできます。

* Adapting Quality of Results (QoR) for applications where a perfect result is not necessary [Li].

* 完全な結果が必要ないアプリケーションの結果の品質(QOR)の適応[Li]。

* Assisted or automatic partitioning of code. For example, for application programs [COIN-APPCENTRES] or network programs [REQS-P4COMP].

* コードの支援または自動パーティション化。たとえば、アプリケーションプログラム[Coin-Appcentres]またはネットワークプログラム[Reqs-P4Comp]の場合。

* Supporting computation across trust domains. For example, verifying computation results.

* 信頼ドメイン全体で計算をサポートします。たとえば、計算結果の検証。

* Supporting computation mobility: relocating an instance from one compute node to another while maintaining a given service level; session continuity when communicating with end devices that are mobile, possibly at high speed (e.g., in vehicular scenarios); defining lightweight execution environments for secure code mobility, for example, using WebAssembly [Nieke].

* 計算モビリティのサポート:特定のサービスレベルを維持しながら、あるコンピューティングノードから別のコンピューティングノードにインスタンスを再配置します。セッションの継続性モバイルで、おそらく高速で(たとえば、車両シナリオで)エンドデバイスと通信する場合。たとえば、安全なコードモビリティのための軽量実行環境を定義します。たとえば、WebAssembly [Nieke]を使用します。

* Defining, managing, and verifying SLAs for edge computing systems; pricing is a challenging task.

* エッジコンピューティングシステムのSLAの定義、管理、および検証。価格設定は困難な作業です。

4.4.2. Edge Storage and Caching
4.4.2. エッジストレージとキャッシュ

Local storage or caching enables local data processing (e.g., preprocessing or analysis) as well as delayed data transfer to the cloud or delayed physical shipping. An edge node may offer local data storage (in which persistence is subject to retention policies), caching, or both. Generally, "caching" refers to temporary storage to improve performance without persistence guarantees. An edge-caching component manages data persistence; for example, it schedules the removal of data when it is no longer needed. Other related aspects include the authentication and encryption of data. Edge storage and caching can take the form of a distributed storage system.


Related challenges include:


* Cache and data placement: using cache positioning and data placement strategies to minimize data retrieval delay [Liu] and energy consumption. Caches may be positioned in the access-network infrastructure or on end devices.

* キャッシュとデータの配置:キャッシュポジショニングとデータ配置戦略を使用して、データ検索遅延[LIU]とエネルギー消費を最小限に抑えます。キャッシュは、アクセスネットワークインフラストラクチャまたはエンドデバイスに配置される場合があります。

* Maintaining consistency, freshness, reliability, and privacy of data stored or cached in systems that are distributed, constrained, and dynamic (e.g., due to node mobility, energy-saving regimes, and disruptions) and which can have additional data governance constraints on data storage location. For example, [Mortazavi] describes leveraging a hierarchical storage organization. Freshness-related metrics include the age of information [Yates] that captures the timeliness of information received from a sender (e.g., an IoT device).

* 分散、制約、および動的なシステムに保存またはキャッシュされたデータの一貫性、新鮮さ、信頼性、およびプライバシーを維持します(例えば、ノードモビリティ、省エネ体制、および中断により)、データに関する追加データガバナンスの制約を持つことができます。ストレージの場所。たとえば、[Mortazavi]は、階層ストレージ組織を活用することを説明しています。鮮度関連のメトリックには、送信者(IoTデバイスなど)から受け取った情報の適時性をキャプチャする情報の時代[Yates]が含まれます。

4.4.3. Communication
4.4.3. コミュニケーション

An edge cloud may provide a northbound data plane or management plane interface to a remote network, such as a cloud, home, or enterprise network. This interface does not exist in stand-alone (local-only) scenarios. To support such an interface when it exists, an edge computing component needs to expose an API, deal with authentication and authorization, and support secure communication.


An edge cloud may provide an API or interface to local or mobile users, for example, to provide access to services and applications or to manage data published by local or mobile devices.


Edge computing nodes communicate with IoT devices over a southbound interface, typically for data acquisition and IoT device management.


Communication brokering is a typical function of IoT edge computing that facilitates communication with IoT devices, enables clients to register as recipients for data from devices, forwards traffic to or from IoT devices, enables various data discovery and redistribution patterns (for example, north-south with clouds and east-west with other edge devices [EDGE-DATA-DISCOVERY-OVERVIEW]). Another related aspect is dispatching alerts and notifications to interested consumers both inside and outside the edge computing domain. Protocol translation, analytics, and video transcoding can also be performed when necessary. Communication brokering may be centralized in some systems, for example, using a hub-and-spoke message broker or distributed with message buses, possibly in a layered bus approach. Distributed systems can leverage direct communication between end devices over device-to-device links. A broker can ensure communication reliability and traceability and, in some cases, transaction management.


Related challenges include:


* Defining edge computing abstractions, such as PaaS [Yangui], suitable for users and cloud systems to interact with edge computing systems and dealing with interoperability issues, such as data-model heterogeneity.

* ユーザーやクラウドシステムがエッジコンピューティングシステムと対話し、データモデルの不均一性などの相互運用性の問題に対処するためのユーザーやクラウドシステムに適したエッジコンピューティングの抽象化を定義します。

* Enabling secure and resilient communication between IoT devices and a remote cloud, for example, through multipath support.

* たとえば、MultiPathサポートを通じて、IoTデバイスとリモートクラウド間の安全で回復力のある通信を有効にします。

4.5. Application Components
4.5. アプリケーションコンポーネント

IoT edge computing can host applications, such as those mentioned in Section 2.4. While describing the components of individual applications is out of our scope, some of those applications share similar functions, such as IoT device management and data management, as described below.

IoT Edgeコンピューティングは、セクション2.4に記載されているようなアプリケーションをホストできます。個々のアプリケーションのコンポーネントの説明は範囲外ではありませんが、これらのアプリケーションの一部は、以下で説明するように、IoTデバイス管理やデータ管理などの同様の機能を共有しています。

4.5.1. IoT Device Management
4.5.1. IoTデバイス管理

IoT device management includes managing information regarding IoT devices, including their sensors and how to communicate with them. Edge computing addresses the scalability challenges of a large number of IoT devices by separating the scalability domain into local (e.g., edge) networks and remote networks. For example, in the context of the oneM2M standard, a device management functionality (called "software campaign" in oneM2M) enables the installation, deletion, activation, and deactivation of software functions and services on a potentially large number of edge nodes [oneM2M-TR0052]. Using a dashboard or management software, a service provider issues these requests through an IoT cloud platform supporting the software campaign functionality.

IoTデバイス管理には、センサーやそれらとの通信方法など、IoTデバイスに関する情報の管理が含まれます。エッジコンピューティングは、スケーラビリティドメインをローカル(エッジ)ネットワークとリモートネットワークに分離することにより、多数のIoTデバイスのスケーラビリティの課題に対処します。たとえば、ONEM2M標準のコンテキストでは、デバイス管理機能(ONEM2Mの「ソフトウェアキャンペーン」と呼ばれる)を使用すると、ソフトウェア機能とサービスのインストール、削除、アクティベーション、および潜在的に多数のエッジノード[ONEM2M- - TR0052]。ダッシュボードまたは管理ソフトウェアを使用して、サービスプロバイダーは、ソフトウェアキャンペーン機能をサポートするIoTクラウドプラットフォームを介してこれらの要求を発行します。

The challenges listed in Section 4.3.1 may be applicable to IoT device management as well.


4.5.2. Data Management and Analytics
4.5.2. データ管理と分析

Data storage and processing at the edge are major aspects of IoT edge computing, directly addressing the high-level IoT challenges listed in Section 3. Data analysis, for example, through AI/ML tasks performed at the edge, may benefit from specialized hardware support on the computing nodes.


Related challenges include:


* Addressing concerns regarding resource usage, security, and privacy when sharing, processing, discovering, or managing data: for example, presenting data in views composed of an aggregation of related data [Zhang], protecting data communication between authenticated peers [Basudan], classifying data (e.g., in terms of privacy, importance, and validity), and compressing and encrypting data, for example, using homomorphic encryption to directly process encrypted data [Stanciu].

* データの共有、処理、発見、または管理時のリソースの使用、セキュリティ、プライバシーに関する懸念に対処する:たとえば、関連データの集約[Zhang]で構成されるビューでデータを提示し、認証ピア[Basudan]間のデータ通信の保護、分類データ(たとえば、プライバシー、重要性、妥当性の観点から)、たとえば、同型暗号化を使用して暗号化されたデータ[Stanciu]を直接処理するために、データの圧縮と暗号化。

* Other concerns regarding edge data discovery (e.g., streaming data, metadata, and events) include siloization and lack of standards in edge environments that can be dynamic (e.g., vehicular networks) and heterogeneous [EDGE-DATA-DISCOVERY-OVERVIEW].

* エッジデータの発見に関するその他の懸念(たとえば、ストリーミングデータ、メタデータ、イベント)には、サイロ化やエッジ環境での標準の欠如が含まれます。

* Data-driven programming models [Renart], for example, those that are event based, including handling naming and data abstractions.

* データ駆動型のプログラミングモデル[Renart]、たとえば、命名やデータの抽象化の取り扱いなど、イベントベースのもの。

* Data integration in an environment without data standardization or where different sources use different ontologies [Farnbauer-Schmidt].

* データ標準化のない環境や、異なるソースが異なるオントロジーを使用している場合のデータ統合[Farnbauer-Schmidt]。

* Addressing concerns such as limited resources, privacy, and dynamic and heterogeneous environments to deploy machine learning at the edge: for example, making machine learning more lightweight and distributed (e.g., enabling distributed inference at the edge), supporting shorter training times and simplified models, and supporting models that can be compressed for efficient communication [Murshed].

* 限られたリソース、プライバシー、動的および異種の環境などの懸念に対処するための環境は、機械学習をエッジに展開する:たとえば、機械学習をより軽量で分散(例:エッジでの分散推論を可能にする)、短いトレーニング時間と簡素化されたモデルをサポートする、および効率的な通信のために圧縮できるモデルをサポートします[Murshed]。

* Although edge computing can support IoT services independently of cloud computing, it can also be connected to cloud computing. Thus, the relationship between IoT edge computing and cloud computing, with regard to data management, is another potential challenge [ISO_TR].

* エッジコンピューティングは、クラウドコンピューティングとは無関係にIoTサービスをサポートできますが、クラウドコンピューティングにも接続できます。したがって、データ管理に関するIoTエッジコンピューティングとクラウドコンピューティングの関係は、もう1つの潜在的な課題です[ISO_TR]。

4.6. Simulation and Emulation Environments
4.6. シミュレーション環境とエミュレーション環境

IoT edge computing introduces new challenges to the simulation and emulation tools used by researchers and developers. A varied set of applications, networks, and computing technologies can coexist in a distributed system, making modeling difficult. Scale, mobility, and resource management are additional challenges [SimulatingFog].

IoT Edge Computingは、研究者と開発者が使用するシミュレーションおよびエミュレーションツールに新たな課題を導入します。さまざまなアプリケーション、ネットワーク、およびコンピューティングテクノロジーのセットは、分散システムに共存して、モデリングを困難にします。スケール、モビリティ、およびリソース管理は追加の課題です[SimulatingFog]。

Tools include simulators, where simplified application logic runs on top of a fog network model, and emulators, where actual applications can be deployed, typically in software containers, over a cloud infrastructure (e.g., Docker and Kubernetes) running over a network emulating network edge conditions, such as variable delays, throughput, and mobility events. To gain in scale, emulated and simulated systems can be used together in hybrid federation-based approaches [PseudoDynamicTesting]; whereas to gain in realism, physical devices can be interconnected with emulated systems. Examples of related work and platforms include the publicly accessible MEC sandbox work recently initiated in ETSI [ETSI_Sandbox] and open-source simulators and emulators ([AdvantEDGE] emulator and tools cited in [SimulatingFog]). EdgeNet [Senel] is a globally distributed edge cloud for Internet researchers, which uses nodes contributed by institutions and which is based on Docker for containerization and Kubernetes for deployment and node management.

ツールには、FOGネットワークモデルの上に単純化されたアプリケーションロジックが実行されるシミュレーターや、通常はソフトウェアコンテナに実際のアプリケーションを展開できるエミュレータが含まれます。可変遅延、スループット、モビリティイベントなどの条件。スケールを獲得するために、ハイブリッドフェデレーションベースのアプローチ[擬似力学]でエミュレートおよびシミュレートされたシステムを一緒に使用できます。一方、リアリズムを獲得するために、物理的なデバイスはエミュレートされたシステムと相互接続できます。関連する作業とプラットフォームの例には、最近ETSI [ETSI_SANDBOX]で開始された公開されたMECサンドボックス作業と、[SimulatingFog]で引用された[[Advantedge]エミュレーターとツール))で開始された公開されたMECサンドボックス作業が含まれます。Edgenet [Senel]は、インターネット研究者向けのグローバルに分散されたエッジクラウドであり、機関によって貢献したノードを使用し、コンテナ化用のDockerと展開およびノード管理のためのKubernetesに基づいています。

Digital twins are virtual instances of a physical system (twin) that are continually updated with the latter's performance, maintenance, and health status data throughout the life cycle of the physical system [Madni]. In contrast to an emulation or simulated environment, digital twins, once generated, are maintained in sync by their physical twin, which can be, among many other instances, an IoT device, edge device, or an edge network. The benefits of digital twins go beyond those of emulation and include accelerated business processes, enhanced productivity, and faster innovation with reduced costs [NETWORK-DIGITAL-TWIN-ARCH].


5. Security Considerations
5. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

Privacy and security are drivers of the adoption of edge computing for the IoT (Section 3.4). As discussed in Section 4.3.1, authentication and trust (among computing nodes, management nodes, and end devices) can be challenging as scale, mobility, and heterogeneity increase. The sometimes disconnected nature of edge resources can avoid reliance on third-party authorities. Distributed edge computing is exposed to reliability and denial-of-service attacks. A personal or proprietary IoT data leakage is also a major threat, particularly because of the distributed nature of the systems (Section 4.5.2). Furthermore, blockchain-based distributed IoT edge computing must be designed for privacy, since public blockchain addressing does not guarantee absolute anonymity [Ali].


However, edge computing also offers solutions in the security space: maintaining privacy by computing sensitive data closer to data generators is a major use case for IoT edge computing. An edge cloud can be used to perform actions based on sensitive data or to anonymize or aggregate data prior to transmission to a remote cloud server. Edge computing communication brokering functions can also be used to secure communication between edge and cloud networks.


6. Conclusion
6. 結論

IoT edge computing plays an essential role, complementary to the cloud, in enabling IoT systems in certain situations. In this document, we presented use cases and listed the core challenges faced by the IoT that drive the need for IoT edge computing. Therefore, the first part of this document may help focus future research efforts on the aspects of IoT edge computing where it is most useful. The second part of this document presents a general system model and structured overview of the associated research challenges and related work. The structure, based on the system model, is not meant to be restrictive and exists for the purpose of having a link between individual research areas and where they are applicable in an IoT edge computing system.


7. IANA Considerations
7. IANAの考慮事項

This document has no IANA actions.


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The authors would like to thank Joo-Sang Youn, Akbar Rahman, Michel Roy, Robert Gazda, Rute Sofia, Thomas Fossati, Chonggang Wang, Marie-José Montpetit, Carlos J. Bernardos, Milan Milenkovic, Dale Seed, JaeSeung Song, Roberto Morabito, Carsten Bormann, and Ari Keränen for their valuable comments and suggestions on this document.

著者は、ジュ・サン・ヤング、アクバル・ラーマン、ミシェル・ロイ、ロバート・ガスダ、ルート・ソフィア、トーマス・フォッサティ、チョンガン・ワン、マリー・ジョセ・モンペティット、カルロス・J・バーナルドス、ミラノ・ミレンコヴィッチ、デール・シード、ロベルト・モラビトーの歌に感謝します、Carsten Bormann、およびAriKeränenこの文書に関する貴重なコメントと提案について。

Authors' Addresses
   Jungha Hong
   218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseung-Gu
   Republic of Korea
   Email: jhong@etri.re.kr
   Yong-Geun Hong
   Daejeon University
   62 Daehak-ro, Dong-gu
   Republic of Korea
   Email: yonggeun.hong@gmail.com
   Xavier de Foy
   InterDigital Communications, LLC
   1000 Sherbrooke West
   Montreal  H3A 3G4
   Email: xavier.defoy@interdigital.com
   Matthias Kovatsch
   Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
   Riesstr. 25 C // 3.OG
   80992 Munich
   Email: ietf@kovatsch.net
   Eve Schooler
   University of Oxford
   Parks Road
   OX1 3PJ
   United Kingdom
   Email: eve.schooler@gmail.com
   Dirk Kutscher
   Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
   No.1 Du Xue Rd
   Email: ietf@dkutscher.net