[要約] この文書は、IPv4およびIPv6向けのVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol(VRRP)のバージョン3を定義しています。VRRPは、LAN上のVRRPルーターのうちの1つに仮想ルーターの責任を動的に割り当てる選挙プロトコルを指定します。アクティブルーターは、仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv4またはIPv6アドレスを制御し、パケットを転送します。
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) A. Lindem Request for Comments: 9568 LabN Consulting, L.L.C. Obsoletes: 5798 A. Dogra Category: Standards Track Cisco Systems ISSN: 2070-1721 April 2024
This document defines version 3 of the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) for IPv4 and IPv6. It obsoletes RFC 5798, which previously specified VRRP (version 3). RFC 5798 obsoleted RFC 3768, which specified VRRP (version 2) for IPv4. VRRP specifies an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a Virtual Router to one of the VRRP Routers on a LAN. The VRRP Router controlling the IPv4 or IPv6 address(es) associated with a Virtual Router is called the Active Router, and it forwards packets routed to these IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. Active Routers are configured with virtual IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, and Backup Routers infer the address family of the virtual addresses being advertised based on the IP protocol version. Within a VRRP Router, the Virtual Routers in each of the IPv4 and IPv6 address families are independent of one another and always treated as separate Virtual Router instances. The election process provides dynamic failover in the forwarding responsibility should the Active Router become unavailable. For IPv4, the advantage gained from using VRRP is a higher-availability default path without requiring configuration of dynamic routing or router discovery protocols on every end-host. For IPv6, the advantage gained from using VRRP for IPv6 is a quicker switchover to Backup Routers than can be obtained with standard IPv6 Neighbor Discovery mechanisms.
このドキュメントでは、IPv4およびIPv6の仮想ルーター冗長プロトコル(VRRP)のバージョン3を定義しています。以前にVRRP(バージョン3)を指定していたRFC 5798が廃止されました。RFC 5798は、IPv4にVRRP(バージョン2)を指定したRFC 3768を廃止しました。VRRPは、LAN上のVRRPルーターの1つに仮想ルーターの責任を動的に割り当てる選挙プロトコルを指定します。仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv4またはIPv6アドレス(ES)を制御するVRRPルーターは、アクティブルーターと呼ばれ、これらのIPv4またはIPv6アドレスにルーティングされたパケットを転送します。アクティブルーターは仮想IPv4またはIPv6アドレスで構成されており、バックアップルーターは、IPプロトコルバージョンに基づいて宣伝されている仮想アドレスのアドレスファミリを推測します。VRRPルーター内では、IPv4アドレスファミリのそれぞれの仮想ルーターは互いに独立しており、常に別々の仮想ルーターインスタンスとして扱われます。選挙プロセスは、アクティブルーターが利用できなくなった場合に、転送責任の動的フェールオーバーを提供します。IPv4の場合、VRRPを使用することで得られる利点は、すべてのエンドホストで動的ルーティングまたはルーター発見プロトコルの構成を必要とせずに、より高い利用可能性のデフォルトパスです。IPv6の場合、IPv6にVRRPを使用することで得られる利点は、標準のIPv6隣接発見メカニズムで取得できるよりも、バックアップルーターへのより迅速な切り替えです。
This is an Internet Standards Track document.
This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.
このドキュメントは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)の製品です。IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受けており、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)からの出版が承認されています。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2で入手できます。
Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9568.
Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.
著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。
This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.
このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、セクション4.Eで説明されている法的規定のセクション4.Eで説明されており、改訂されたBSDライセンスで説明されている保証なしで提供されるように、改訂されたBSDライセンステキストを含める必要があります。
1. Introduction 1.1. Differences from RFC 5798 1.2. A Note on Terminology 1.3. IPv4 1.4. IPv6 1.5. Requirements Language 1.6. Scope 1.7. Definitions 2. Required Features 2.1. IPvX Address Backup 2.2. Preferred Path Indication 2.3. Minimization of Unnecessary Service Disruptions 2.4. Efficient Operation over Extended LANs 2.5. Sub-second Operation for IPv4 and IPv6 3. VRRP Overview 4. Sample VRRP Networks 4.1. Sample VRRP Network 1 4.2. Sample VRRP Network 2 5. Protocol 5.1. VRRP Packet Format 5.1.1. IPv4 Field Descriptions Source Address Destination Address TTL Protocol 5.1.2. IPv6 Field Descriptions Source Address Destination Address Hop Limit Next Header 5.2. VRRP Field Descriptions 5.2.1. Version 5.2.2. Type 5.2.3. Virtual Rtr ID (VRID) 5.2.4. Priority 5.2.5. IPvX Addr Count 5.2.6. Reserve 5.2.7. Maximum Advertisement Interval (Max Advertise Interval) 5.2.8. Checksum 5.2.9. IPvX Address(es) 6. Protocol State Machine 6.1. Parameters per Virtual Router 6.2. Timers 6.3. State Transition Diagram 6.4. State Descriptions 6.4.1. Initialize 6.4.2. Backup 6.4.3. Active 7. Sending and Receiving VRRP Packets 7.1. Receiving VRRP Packets 7.2. Transmitting VRRP Packets 7.3. Virtual Router MAC Address 7.4. IPv6 Interface Identifiers 8. Operational Issues 8.1. IPv4 8.1.1. ICMP Redirects 8.1.2. Host ARP Requests 8.1.3. Proxy ARP 8.2. IPv6 8.2.1. ICMPv6 Redirects 8.2.2. ND Neighbor Solicitation 8.2.3. Router Advertisements 8.2.4. Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements 8.3. IPvX 8.3.1. Potential Forwarding Loop 8.3.2. Recommendations Regarding Setting Priority Values 8.4. VRRPv3 and VRRPv2 Interoperation 8.4.1. Assumptions 8.4.2. VRRPv3 Support of VRRPv2 Interoperation Interoperation Considerations 9. Security Considerations 10. IANA Considerations 11. References 11.1. Normative References 11.2. Informative References Acknowledgments Authors' Addresses
This document defines version 3 of the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) for IPv4 and IPv6. It obsoletes [RFC5798], which previously specified VRRP (version 3). [RFC5798] obsoleted [RFC3768], which specified VRRP (version 2) for IPv4. VRRP specifies an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a Virtual Router (refer to Section 1.7) to one of the VRRP Routers on a LAN. The VRRP Router controlling the IPv4 or IPv6 address(es) associated with a Virtual Router is called the Active Router, and it forwards packets routed to these IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (except for packets addressed to these addresses as described in Section 8.3.1). VRRP Active Routers are configured with virtual IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, and Backup Routers infer the address family of the virtual addresses being advertised based on the IP protocol version. Within a VRRP Router, the Virtual Routers in each of the IPv4 and IPv6 address families are independent of one another and always treated as separate Virtual Router instances. The election process provides dynamic failover in the forwarding responsibility should the Active Router become unavailable.
VRRP provides a function similar to the proprietary protocols Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) [RFC2281] and IP Standby Protocol [IPSTB].
The following changes have been made from [RFC5798]:
1. The VRRP terminology has been updated to conform to inclusive language guidelines for IETF technologies. The IETF has designated the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) document "Guidance for NIST Staff on Using Inclusive Language in Documentary Standards" [NISTIR8366] for its inclusive language guidelines.
1. VRRP用語は、IETFテクノロジーの包括的な言語ガイドラインに準拠するために更新されました。IETFは、国立標準技術研究所(NIST)ドキュメント「包括的言語ガイドラインのために、「ドキュメンタリー基準で包括的言語を使用するためのNISTスタッフ向けのガイダンス」[Nistir8366]を指定しました。
2. The term for the VRRP Router assuming forwarding responsibility has been changed to "Active Router" to be consistent with IETF inclusive terminology. Additionally, inconsistencies in the terminology of [RFC5798] for both "Active Router" and "Backup Router" were corrected. Additionally, the undesirable term for attracting and dropping unreachable packets has been changed.
2. FOWRONING責任を引き受けるVRRPルーターの用語は、IETF包括的用語と一致するように「アクティブルーター」に変更されました。さらに、「アクティブルーター」と「バックアップルーター」の両方について、[RFC5798]の用語の矛盾が修正されました。さらに、到達不可能なパケットを引き付けて落とすための望ましくない用語が変更されました。
3. Errata pertaining to the state machines in Section 6 were corrected.
3. セクション6の状態マシンに関連するErrataが修正されました。
4. The checksum calculation in Section 5.2.8 has been clarified to specify precisely what is included and that it does not include the pseudo-header for IPv4.
4. セクション5.2.8のチェックサムの計算は、含まれているものとIPv4の擬似ヘッダーが含まれていないことを正確に指定するために明確にされています。
5. When a VRRP advertisement is received from a lower priority VRRP Router, the Active VRRP Router will immediately send a VRRP advertisement to assure learning bridges will bridge the packets to the correct Ethernet segment (refer to Section 6.4.3).
5. VRRP広告が優先度の低いVRRPルーターから受信されると、アクティブなVRRPルーターはすぐにVRRP広告を送信して、学習ブリッジがパケットを正しいイーサネットセグメントに橋渡しすることを保証します(セクション6.4.3を参照)。
6. Appendices describing operation over legacy technologies (Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), Token Ring, and ATM LAN Emulation) were removed.
6. レガシーテクノロジー(ファイバー分散データインターフェイス(FDDI)、トークンリング、およびATM LANエミュレーション)を介した操作を説明する付録が削除されました。
7. A recommendation was added indicating that IPv6 Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements SHOULD be accepted by the Active and Backup Routers (Section 8.2.4).
7. IPV6未承諾の近隣広告は、アクティブルーターとバックアップルーターによって受け入れられるべきであることを示す推奨が追加されました(セクション8.2.4)。
8. Checking that the Maximum Advertisement Intervals match is recommended, although this will not result in the VRRP packet being dropped (Section 7.1).
8. 最大広告間隔が一致することを確認することをお勧めしますが、VRRPパケットがドロップされることはありません(セクション7.1)。
9. Miscellaneous editorial changes were made for readability.
9. 読みやすさのために、その他の編集上の変更が行われました。
10. The IANA Considerations section was augmented to include all the IPv4/IPv6 multicast address allocations and Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) address allocations.
10. IANAの考慮事項セクションは、すべてのIPv4/IPv6マルチキャストアドレスの割り当てとイーサネットメディアアクセス制御(MAC)アドレスの割り当てを含めるように拡張されました。
This document discusses both IPv4 and IPv6 operations, and with respect to the VRRP protocol, many of the descriptions and procedures are common. In this document, it would be less verbose to be able to refer to "IP" to mean either "IPv4 or IPv6". However, historically, the term "IP" often refers to IPv4. For this reason, in this specification, the term "IPvX" (where X is 4 or 6) is introduced to mean either "IPv4" or "IPv6". In this text, where the IP version matters, the appropriate term is used, and the use of the term "IP" is avoided.
There are a number of methods that an IPv4 end-host can use to determine its first-hop router for a particular IPv4 destination. These include running (or snooping) a dynamic routing protocol such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) [RFC2453] or OSPF version 2 [RFC2328], running an ICMP router discovery client [RFC1256], running DHCPv4 [RFC2131], or using a statically configured default route.
IPv4エンドホストが特定のIPv4宛先の最初のホップルーターを決定するために使用できる多くの方法があります。これらには、ルーティング情報プロトコル(RIP)[RFC2453]やOSPFバージョン2 [RFC2328]などの動的なルーティングプロトコルの実行(またはスヌーピング)が含まれ、ICMPルーターディスカバリークライアント[RFC1256]を実行し、DHCPV4 [RFC2131]を実行して、または態度で使用しています。設定されたデフォルトルート。
Running a dynamic routing protocol on every end-host may not be feasible for a number of reasons, including administrative overhead, processing overhead, security issues, or the lack of an implementation for a particular platform. Neighbor or router discovery protocols may require active participation by all hosts on a network, requiring large timer values to reduce protocol overhead associated with the protocol packet processing for each host. This can result in a significant delay in the detection of an unreachable router, and such a delay may introduce unacceptably long periods of unreachability for the default route.
The use of a manually configured default route (either via a static route or DHCPv4) is quite popular since it minimizes configuration and processing overhead on the end-host and is supported by virtually every IPv4 implementation. However, this creates a single point of failure. Loss of the default router results in a catastrophic event, isolating all end-hosts that are unable to detect an available alternate path.
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is designed to eliminate the single point of failure inherent in a network utilizing default routing. VRRP specifies an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a Virtual Router to one of the VRRP Routers on a LAN. The VRRP Router controlling the IPv4 address(es) associated with a Virtual Router is called the Active Router and forwards packets sent to these IPv4 addresses. The election process provides dynamic failover of the forwarding responsibility should the Active Router become unavailable. Any of the Virtual Router's IPv4 addresses on a LAN can then be used as the default first-hop router by end-hosts. The advantage gained from using VRRP is a higher availability default path without requiring configuration of dynamic routing or a router discovery protocol on every end-host.
IPv6 hosts on a LAN will usually learn about one or more default routers by receiving Router Advertisements sent using the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol [RFC4861]. The Router Advertisements are periodically multicast at a rate such that the hosts can take more than 10 seconds to learn the default routers on a LAN. They are not sent frequently enough to rely on the absence of the Router Advertisement to detect router failures.
LANのIPv6ホストは、通常、IPv6 Neighbor Discovery(ND)プロトコル[RFC4861]を使用して送信されるルーター広告を受信することにより、1つ以上のデフォルトルーターについて学習します。ルーターの広告は定期的にマルチキャストであるため、ホストはLANのデフォルトのルーターを学習するために10秒以上かかることがあります。それらは、ルーターの障害を検出するためにルーター広告がないことに依存するほど頻繁に送られていません。
The ND protocol includes a mechanism called Neighbor Unreachability Detection to detect the failure of a neighbor node (router or host) or the forwarding path to a neighbor. This is done by sending unicast ND Neighbor Solicitation messages to the neighbor node. To reduce the overhead of sending Neighbor Solicitations, they are only sent to neighbors to which the node is actively sending traffic and only after there has been no positive indication that the router is up for a period of time. Using the default parameters in ND, it can take a host more than 10 seconds to learn that a router is unreachable before it will switch to another default router. This delay would be very noticeable to users and cause some transport protocol implementations to time out.
NDプロトコルには、近隣ノード(ルーターまたはホスト)の障害または隣人への転送パスの障害を検出するための近隣の到達性検出と呼ばれるメカニズムが含まれています。これは、Unicast nd Neighbor SolicitationメッセージをNeighborノードに送信することによって行われます。隣人の勧誘の送信のオーバーヘッドを減らすために、それらはノードが積極的にトラフィックを送信している隣人にのみ送られ、ルーターが一定期間アップしていることを肯定的な兆候がなかった後にのみです。NDのデフォルトのパラメーターを使用すると、ホストが10秒以上かかると、ルーターが別のデフォルトルーターに切り替える前に到達不可能であることを知ることができます。この遅延は、ユーザーにとって非常に顕著であり、いくつかのトランスポートプロトコルの実装をタイムアウトさせます。
While the Neighbor Unreachability Detection could be made quicker by configuring the timer intervals to be more aggressive (note that the current lower limit for this is 5 seconds), this would have the downside of significantly increasing the overhead of ND traffic, especially when there are many hosts all trying to determine the reachability of one or more routers.
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol for IPv6 provides a much faster switchover to an alternate default router than can be obtained using standard ND procedures. Using VRRP, a Backup Router can take over for a failed default router in around three seconds (using VRRP default parameters). This is done without any interaction with the hosts and a minimum amount of VRRP traffic.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
「必須」、「必要」、「必須」、「shall」、「shall」、「suff」、 "not"、 "becommended"、 "becommented"、 "may"、 "optional「このドキュメントでは、BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]で説明されているように解釈されます。
The remainder of this document describes the features, design goals, and theory of operation of VRRP. The message formats, protocol processing rules, and state machine that guarantee convergence to a single Active Router are presented. Finally, operational issues related to MAC address mapping, handling of ARP messages, generation of ICMP redirect messages, and security issues are addressed.
VRRP Router
A router running the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. It may participate as one or more Virtual Routers.
Virtual Router
An abstract object managed by VRRP that acts as a default router for hosts on a shared LAN. It consists of a Virtual Router Identifier and either a set of associated IPv4 addresses or a set of associated IPv6 addresses across a common LAN. A VRRP Router can serve as a Backup Router for one or more Virtual Routers.
Virtual Router Identifier
An integer value (1-255) identifying an instance of a Virtual Router on a LAN. Also referred by its acronym, VRID.
Virtual Router MAC Address
The multicast Ethernet MAC address used for VRRP advertisements for a VRID. Refer to Section 7.3.
IP Address Owner
The VRRP Router that has the Virtual Router's IPvX address(es) as real interface address(es). This is the router that, when up, will respond to packets addressed to one of these IPvX addresses for ICMP pings, TCP connection requests, etc.
仮想ルーターのIPVXアドレス(ES)を実際のインターフェイスアドレス(ES)として持つVRRPルーター。これは、UPがICMP Ping、TCP接続要求などのこれらのIPVXアドレスのいずれかにアドレス指定されたパケットに応答するルーターです。
Primary IP Address
In IPv4, an IPv4 address selected from the set of real interface addresses. One possible selection algorithm is to always select the first address. In IPv4, VRRP advertisements are always sent using the primary IPv4 address as the source of the IPv4 packet. In IPv6, the link-local address of the interface over which the packet is transmitted is used.
Forwarding Responsibility
The responsibility for forwarding packets sent to the IPvX address(es) associated with the Virtual Router. This includes receiving packets sent to the Virtual Router MAC address, forwarding these packets based on the local Routing Information Base (RIB) / Forwarding Information Base (FIB), answering ARP requests for the IPv4 address(es), and answering ND requests for the IPv6 address(es).
仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPVXアドレス(ES)に送信されるパケットを転送する責任。これには、仮想ルーターMACアドレスに送信されたパケットの受信、ローカルルーティング情報ベース(RIB) /転送情報ベース(FIB)に基づいてこれらのパケットの転送、IPv4アドレスのARP要求への応答、およびIPv6アドレス(ES)。
Active Router
The VRRP Router that is assuming the responsibility of forwarding packets sent to the IPvX address(es) associated with the Virtual Router, answering ARP requests for the IPv4 address(es), and answering ND requests for the IPv6 address(es). Note that if the IPvX address owner is available, then it will always be the Active Router.
Backup Router(s)
The set of VRRP Routers available to assume forwarding responsibility for a Virtual Router should the current Active Router fail.
Drop Route
A route installed in the Routing Information Base (RIB) that will result in traffic with a destination address that matches the route to be dropped.
This section describes the set of features that were considered mandatory and that guided the design of VRRP.
Backup of an IPvX address or addresses is the primary function of VRRP. When providing election of an Active Router and the additional functionality described below, the protocol should strive to:
* minimize the duration of unreachability,
* 到達不能の期間を最小限に抑える、
* minimize the steady-state bandwidth overhead and processing complexity,
* 定常状態の帯域幅のオーバーヘッドを最小限に抑え、複雑さを処理します。
* function over a wide variety of multiaccess LAN technologies capable of supporting IPvX traffic,
* IPVXトラフィックをサポートできる多種多様なマルチケスLANテクノロジーで機能します。
* allow multiple Virtual Routers on a network for load-balancing, and
* ロードバランスのためにネットワーク上の複数の仮想ルーターを許可し、
* support multiple logical IPvX subnets on a single LAN segment.
* 単一のLANセグメントで複数の論理IPVXサブネットをサポートします。
A simple model of Active Router election among a set of redundant routers is to treat each router with equal preference and claim victory after converging to any router as the Active Router. However, there are likely to be many environments where there is a distinct preference (or range of preferences) among the set of redundant routers. For example, this preference may be based upon access link cost or speed, router performance or reliability, or other policy considerations. The protocol should allow the expression of this relative path preference in an intuitive manner and guarantee Active Router convergence to the most preferred Virtual Router currently available.
Once Active Router election has been performed, any unnecessary transition between Active and Backup Routers can result in a disruption of service. The protocol should ensure that, after Active Router election, no state transition is triggered by any Backup Router of equal or lower preference as long as the Active Router continues to function properly.
Some environments may find it beneficial to avoid the state transition triggered when a router that is preferred over the current Active Router becomes available. It may be useful to support an override of the immediate restoration to the preferred path.
Sending IPvX packets, i.e., sending either IPv4 or IPv6, on a multiaccess LAN requires mapping from an IPvX address to a MAC address. The use of the Virtual Router MAC address in an extended LAN employing learning bridges can have a significant effect on the bandwidth overhead of packets sent to the Virtual Router. If the Virtual Router MAC address is never used as the source address in a link-level frame, then the MAC address location is never learned, resulting in flooding of all packets sent to the Virtual Router. To improve the efficiency in this environment, the protocol should do the following:
1. Use the Virtual Router MAC address as the source in a packet sent by the Active Router to trigger MAC learning.
1. Virtual Router Macアドレスを使用して、アクティブルーターから送信されたパケット内のソースとして使用して、MAC学習をトリガーします。
2. Trigger a message immediately after transitioning to the Active Router to update MAC learning.
2. アクティブルーターに移行した直後にメッセージをトリガーして、MAC学習を更新します。
3. Trigger periodic messages from the Active Router to maintain the MAC address cache.
3. アクティブルーターからの定期的なメッセージをトリガーして、MACアドレスキャッシュを維持します。
Sub-second detection of Active Router failure is needed in both IPv4 and IPv6 environments. Earlier work proposed that sub-second operation was for IPv6, and this specification leverages that earlier approach for both IPv4 and IPv6.
One possible problematic scenario that may occur when using a small Advertisement_Interval (refer to Section 6.1) is when a VRRP Router is generating more packets than it can transmit, and a queue builds up on the VRRP Router. When this occurs, it is possible that packets being transmitted onto the VRRP-protected LAN could see a larger queueing delay than the smallest Advertisement_Interval. In this case, the Active_Down_Interval (refer to Section 6.1) may be small enough that normal queuing delays might cause a Backup Router to conclude that the Active Router is down and, hence, promote itself to Active Router. Very shortly afterwards, the delayed VRRP packets from the original Active Router cause the VRRP Router to switch back to Backup Router. Furthermore, this process can repeat many times per second, causing a significant disruption of traffic. To mitigate this problem, giving VRRP packets priority on egress interface queues should be considered. If the Active Router observes that this is occurring, it SHOULD log the problem (subject to rate-limiting).
VRRP specifies an election protocol to provide the Virtual Router function described earlier. All protocol messaging is performed using either IPv4 or IPv6 multicast datagrams. Thus, the protocol can operate over a variety of multiaccess LAN technologies supporting IPvX multicast. Each link of a VRRP Virtual Router has a single well-known MAC address allocated to it. This document currently only details the mapping to networks using an IEEE 802 48-bit MAC address. The Virtual Router MAC address is used as the source in all periodic VRRP messages sent by the Active Router to enable MAC learning by Layer 2 (L2) bridges on an extended LAN.
VRRPは、前述の仮想ルーター機能を提供する選挙プロトコルを指定します。すべてのプロトコルメッセージは、IPv4またはIPv6マルチキャストデータグラムのいずれかを使用して実行されます。したがって、このプロトコルは、IPVXマルチキャストをサポートするさまざまなマルチケスLANテクノロジーで動作できます。VRRP仮想ルーターの各リンクには、それに割り当てられた1つの有名なMacアドレスがあります。現在、このドキュメントは、IEEE 802 48ビットMACアドレスを使用してネットワークへのマッピングのみを詳述しています。仮想ルーターMACアドレスは、アクティブルーターによって送信されたすべての周期的なVRRPメッセージのソースとして使用され、拡張LANのレイヤー2(L2)ブリッジによるMAC学習を可能にします。
A Virtual Router is defined by its Virtual Router Identifier (VRID) and a set of either IPv4 or IPv6 address(es). A VRRP Router may associate a Virtual Router with its real address on an interface. The scope of each Virtual Router is restricted to a single LAN. A VRRP Router may be configured with additional Virtual Router mappings and priority for Virtual Routers it is willing to back up. The mapping between the VRID and its IPvX address(es) must be coordinated among all VRRP Routers on a LAN.
There is no restriction against reusing a VRID with a different address mapping on different LANs, nor is there a restriction against using the same VRID number for a set of IPv4 addresses and a set of IPv6 addresses. However, these are two different Virtual Routers.
To minimize network traffic, only the Active Router for each Virtual Router sends periodic VRRP Advertisement messages. A Backup Router will not attempt to preempt the Active Router unless the Backup Router has a higher priority. This eliminates service disruption unless a more preferred path becomes available. It's also possible to administratively prohibit Active Router preemption attempts. The only exception is that a VRRP Router will always become the Active Router for any Virtual Router associated with address(es) it owns. If the Active Router becomes unavailable, then the highest-priority Backup Router will transition to the Active Router after a short delay, providing a controlled transition of Virtual Router responsibility with minimal service interruption.
The VRRP protocol design provides rapid transition from the Backup Router to the Active Router to minimize service interruption and incorporates optimizations that reduce protocol complexity while guaranteeing controlled Active Router transition for typical operational scenarios. These optimizations result in an election protocol with minimal runtime state requirements, minimal active protocol states, and a single message type and sender. The typical operational scenarios are defined to be two redundant routers and/or distinct path preferences for each router. A side effect when these assumptions are violated, i.e., more than two redundant paths with equal preference, is that duplicate packets may be forwarded for a brief period during Active Router election. However, the typical scenario assumptions are likely to cover the vast majority of deployments, loss of the Active Router is infrequent, and the expected duration for Active Router election convergence is quite small (< 4 seconds when using the default Advertisement_Interval and configurable to < 1/25 second). Thus, the VRRP optimizations represent significant simplifications in the protocol design while incurring an insignificant probability of brief network disruption.
The following figure shows a simple network with two VRRP Routers implementing one Virtual Router.
+-----------+ +-----------+ | Router-1 | | Router-2 | |(AR VRID=1)| |(BR VRID=1)| | | | | VRID=1 +-----------+ +-----------+ IPvX A------>* *<---------IPvX B | | | | -------------+------------+--+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | Default Router | | | | IPvX Addresses ---> (IPvX A) (IPvX A) (IPvX A) (IPvX A) | | | | IPvX H1->* IPvX H2->* IPvX H3->* IPvX H4->* +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ | H1 | | H2 | | H3 | | H4 | +-----+ +-----+ +--+--+ +--+--+ Legend: --+---+---+-- = Ethernet H = Host computer AR = Active Router BR = Backup Router * = IPvX Address: X is 4 everywhere in IPv4 case X is 6 everywhere in IPv6 case (IPvX) = Default Router for hosts
Figure 1: Sample VRRP Network 1
In the IPv4 case, i.e., IPvX is IPv4 everywhere in the figure, each router is permanently assigned an IPv4 address on the LAN interface (Router-1 is assigned IPv4 A and Router-2 is assigned IPv4 B), and each host installs a default route (learned through DHCPv4 or via a configured static route) through one of the routers (in this example, they all use Router-1's IPv4 A).
IPv4の場合、つまり、IPvxは図のどこにでもIPv4です。各ルーターはLANインターフェイス上のIPv4アドレスを永続的に割り当てられます(Router-1にはIPv4 Aが割り当てられ、Router-2にはIPv4 Bが割り当てられます)、各ホストはAをインストールします。デフォルトのルート(DHCPV4または構成された静的ルートを介して学習)の1つを介して(この例では、すべてRouter-1のIPv4 aを使用しています)。
In the IPv6 case, i.e., IPvX is IPv6 everywhere in the figure, each router has its own link-local IPv6 address on the LAN interface and a link-local IPv6 address per VRID that is shared with the other routers that serve the same VRID. Each host learns a default route from Router Advertisements through one of the routers (in this example, they all use Router-1's IPv6 Link-Local A).
In an IPv4 VRRP environment, each router supports reception and transmission for the exact same IPv4 address. Router-1 is said to be the IPv4 address owner of IPv4 A, and Router-2 is the IPv4 address owner of IPv4 B. A Virtual Router is then defined by associating a unique identifier (the VRID) with the address owned by Router-1.
IPv4 VRRP環境では、各ルーターは、まったく同じIPv4アドレスの受信と送信をサポートしています。Router-1はIPv4 AのIPv4アドレス所有者であると言われ、Router-2はIPv4 BのIPv4アドレス所有者です。次に、仮想ルーターは、Router-が所有するアドレスと一意の識別子(VRID)を関連付けることによって定義されます。1。
In an IPv6 VRRP environment, each router will support transmission and reception for the IPv6 addresses associated with the VRID. Router-1 is said to be the IPv6 address owner of IPv6 A, and Router-2 is the IPv6 address owner of IPv6 B. A Virtual Router is then defined by associating a unique identifier (the VRID) with the address owned by Router-1.
IPv6 VRRP環境では、各ルーターはVRIDに関連付けられたIPv6アドレスの送信と受信をサポートします。Router-1はIPv6 AのIPv6アドレス所有者であると言われ、Router-2はIPv6 BのIPv6アドレス所有者です。仮想ルーターは、Router-が所有するアドレスと一意の識別子(VRID)を関連付けることによって定義されます。1。
Finally, in both the IPv4 and IPv6 cases, the VRRP protocol manages Virtual Router failover to a Backup Router.
The IPvX example above shows a Virtual Router configured to cover the IPvX address owned by Router-1 (VRID=1, IPvX_Address=A). When VRRP is enabled on Router-1 for VRID=1, it will assert itself as the Active Router, with priority = 255, since it is the IPvX address owner for the Virtual Router IPvX address. When VRRP is enabled on Router-2 for VRID=1, it will transition to the Backup Router, with priority = 100 (the default priority is 100), since it is not the IPvX address owner. If Router-1 should fail, then the VRRP protocol will transition Router-2 to the Active Router, temporarily taking over forwarding responsibility for IPvX A to provide uninterrupted service to the hosts.
上記のIPVXの例は、Router-1(VRID = 1、IPVX_ADDRESS = A)が所有するIPVXアドレスをカバーするように構成された仮想ルーターを示しています。VRID = 1のRouter-1でVRRPが有効になると、仮想ルーターIPVXアドレスのIPVXアドレス所有者であるため、Priority = 255でアクティブルーターとして自分自身を主張します。VRID = 1のRouter-2でVRRPが有効になると、IPVXアドレスの所有者ではないため、優先度= 100(デフォルトの優先度は100)でバックアップルーターに移行します。Router-1が故障した場合、VRRPプロトコルはRouter-2をアクティブルーターに遷移し、Hostsに中断のないサービスを提供するためにIPVX Aの責任を一時的に継続します。
Note that in both cases in this example, IPvX B is not backed up and it is only used by Router-2 as its interface address. In order to back up IPvX B, a second Virtual Router must be configured. This is shown in the next section.
どちらの場合も、この例では、IPVX Bはバックアップされておらず、Router-2によってインターフェイスアドレスとしてのみ使用されることに注意してください。IPVX Bをバックアップするには、2番目の仮想ルーターを構成する必要があります。これは次のセクションに示されています。
The following figure shows a configuration with two Virtual Routers with the hosts splitting their traffic between them.
+-----------+ +-----------+ | Router-1 | | Router-2 | |(AR VRID=1)| |(BR VRID=1)| |(BR VRID=2)| |(AR VRID=2)| VRID=1 +-----------+ +-----------+ VRID=2 IPvX A ----->* *<---------- IPvX B | | | | ----------+-------------+-+-----------+-----------+-----------+ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | Default Router | | | | IPvX Addresses ---> (IPvX A) (IPvX A) (IPvX B) (IPvX B) | | | | IPvX H1->* IPvX H2->* IPvX H3->* IPvX H4->* +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ | H1 | | H2 | | H3 | | H4 | +-----+ +-----+ +--+--+ +--+--+ Legend: ---+---+---+-- = Ethernet H = Host computer AR = Active Router BR = Backup Router * = IPvX Address: X is 4 everywhere in IPv4 case X is 6 everywhere in IPv6 case (IPvX) = Default Router for hosts
Figure 2: Sample VRRP Network 2
In the IPv4 example above, i.e., IPvX is IPv4 everywhere in the figure, half of the hosts have configured a static default route through Router-1's IPv4 A, and half are using Router-2's IPv4 B. The configuration of Virtual Router VRID=1 is exactly the same as in the first example (see Section 4.1), and a second Virtual Router has been added to cover the IPv4 address owned by Router-2 (VRID=2, IPv4_Address=B). In this case, Router-2 will assert itself as the Active Router for VRID=2, while Router-1 will act as a Backup Router. This scenario demonstrates a deployment providing load-splitting when both routers are available, while providing full redundancy for robustness.
上記のIPv4の例では、つまり、IPvxは図のどこにでもIPv4です。ホストの半分はRouter-1のIPv4 Aを介して静的デフォルトルートを構成し、半分はRouter-2のIPv4を使用しています。1は最初の例(セクション4.1を参照)とまったく同じであり、Router-2が所有するIPv4アドレスをカバーするために2番目の仮想ルーターが追加されています(VRID = 2、IPv4_Address = B)。この場合、Router-2はVRID = 2のアクティブルーターとして自分自身を主張し、Router-1はバックアップルーターとして機能します。このシナリオは、両方のルーターが利用可能なときに負荷分散を提供する展開を示していますが、堅牢性のために完全な冗長性を提供します。
In the IPv6 example above, i.e., IPvX is IPv6 everywhere in the figure, half of the hosts are using a default route through Router-1's IPv6 A, and half are using Router-2's IPv6 B. The configuration of Virtual Router VRID=1 is exactly the same as in the first example (see Section 4.1), and a second Virtual Router has been added to cover the IPv6 address owned by Router-2 (VRID=2, IPv6_Address=B). In this case, Router-2 will assert itself as the Active Router for VRID=2, while Router-1 will act as a Backup Router. This scenario demonstrates a deployment providing load-splitting when both routers are available while providing full redundancy for robustness.
上記のIPv6の例では、つまり、IPvxは図のどこにでもIPv6です。ホストの半分はRouter-1のIPv6 Aを介してデフォルトルートを使用しています。最初の例とまったく同じです(セクション4.1を参照)、Router-2が所有するIPv6アドレス(VRID = 2、IPv6_Address = B)をカバーするために2番目の仮想ルーターが追加されました。この場合、Router-2はVRID = 2のアクティブルーターとして自分自身を主張し、Router-1はバックアップルーターとして機能します。このシナリオは、両方のルーターが利用可能な場合、堅牢性のための完全な冗長性を提供する場合、負荷分散を提供する展開を示しています。
Note that the details of load-balancing are out of scope of this document. However, in a case where the servers need different weights, it may not make sense to rely on Router Advertisements alone to balance the host traffic between the routers [RFC4311].
The purpose of the VRRP Advertisement is to communicate to all VRRP Routers the priority, Maximum Advertisement Interval, and IPvX addresses of the Active Router associated with the VRID.
When VRRP is protecting an IPv4 address, VRRP packets are sent encapsulated in IPv4 packets. They are sent to the IPv4 multicast address assigned to VRRP.
When VRRP is protecting an IPv6 address, VRRP packets are sent encapsulated in IPv6 packets. They are sent to the IPv6 multicast address assigned to VRRP.
This section defines the format of the VRRP packet and the relevant fields in the IPvX header (in conjunction with the address family).
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | IPv4 Fields or IPv6 Fields | ... ... | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Version| Type | Virtual Rtr ID| Priority |IPvX Addr Count| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Reserve| Max Advertise Interval| Checksum | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | + + | IPvX Address(es) | + + + + + + + + | | + + | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
Figure 3: IPv4/IPv6 VRRP Advertisement Packet Format
図3:IPv4/IPv6 VRRP広告パケット形式
This is the primary IPv4 address of the interface from which the packet is being sent.
The IPv4 multicast address as assigned by the IANA for VRRP is:
This is a link-local scope multicast address. Routers MUST NOT forward a datagram with this destination address, regardless of its TTL.
The TTL MUST be set to 255. A VRRP Router receiving a packet with the TTL not equal to 255 MUST discard the packet [RFC5082].
The IPv4 protocol number assigned by the IANA for VRRP is 112 (decimal).
This is the IPv6 link-local address of the interface from which the packet is being sent.
The IPv6 multicast address assigned by the IANA for VRRP is:
This is a link-local scope multicast address. Routers MUST NOT forward a datagram with this destination address, regardless of its Hop Limit.
The Hop Limit MUST be set to 255. A VRRP Router receiving a packet with the Hop Limit not equal to 255 MUST discard the packet [RFC5082].
The IPv6 Next Header protocol assigned by the IANA for VRRP is 112 (decimal).
VRRPにIANAによって割り当てられたIPv6 Nextヘッダープロトコルは112(小数)です。
The Version field specifies the VRRP protocol version of this packet. This document defines version 3.
The Type field specifies the type of this VRRP packet. The only packet type defined in this version of the protocol is:
- 広告
A packet with unknown type MUST be discarded.
The Virtual Rtr ID field identifies the Virtual Router for which this packet is reporting status.
仮想RTR IDフィールドは、このパケットがステータスを報告している仮想ルーターを識別します。
The Priority field specifies sending the VRRP Router's priority for the Virtual Router. Higher values indicate higher priority. This field is an 8-bit unsigned integer field.
The priority value for the VRRP Router that owns the IPvX address associated with the Virtual Router MUST be 255 (decimal).
VRRP Routers backing up a Virtual Router MUST use priority values between 1-254 (decimal). The default priority value for VRRP Routers backing up a Virtual Router is 100 (decimal). Refer to Section 8.3.2 for recommendations on setting the priority.
The priority value zero (0) has special meaning, indicating that the current Active Router has stopped participating in VRRP. This is used to trigger Backup Routers to quickly transition to the Active Router without having to wait for the current Active_Down_Interval (refer to Section 6.1).
The IPvX Addr Count field is the number of either IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses contained in this VRRP advertisement. The minimum value is 1. If the received count is 0, the VRRP advertisement MUST be ignored.
IPVX AddRカウントフィールドは、このVRRP広告に含まれるIPv4アドレスまたはIPv6アドレスのいずれかの数です。最小値は1です。受信カウントが0の場合、VRRP広告は無視する必要があります。
The Reserve field MUST be set to zero on transmission and ignored on reception.
The Max Advertise Interval is a 12-bit field that indicates the time interval (in centiseconds) between advertisements. The default is 100 centiseconds (1 second).
Max Advertise間隔は、広告間の時間間隔(セント秒)を示す12ビットフィールドです。デフォルトは100センチ秒(1秒)です。
Note that higher-priority Active Routers with slower transmission rates than their Backup Routers are unstable. This is because lower-priority Backup Routers configured to faster rates could join the LAN and decide they should be Active Routers before they have heard anything from the higher-priority Active Router with a slower rate. When this happens, it is temporary, i.e., once the lower-priority node does hear from the higher-priority Active Router, it will relinquish Active Router status.
The Checksum field is used to detect data corruption in the VRRP message.
For both the IPv4 and IPv6 address families, the checksum is the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of the VRRP message. For computing the checksum, the Checksum field is set to zero. See [RFC1071] for more details.
For the IPv4 address family, the checksum calculation only includes the VRRP message starting with the Version field and ending after the last IPv4 address (refer to Section 5.2).
For the IPv6 address family, the checksum calculation also includes a prepended "pseudo-header", as defined in Section 8.1 of [RFC8200]. The Next Header field in the "pseudo-header" should be set to 112 (decimal) for VRRP.
This refers to one or more IPvX addresses associated with the Virtual Router. The number of addresses included is specified in the IPvX Addr Count field. These fields are used for troubleshooting misconfigured routers. If more than one address is sent, it is recommended that all routers be configured to send these addresses in the same order to simplify comparisons.
これは、仮想ルーターに関連付けられた1つ以上のIPVXアドレスを指します。含まれるアドレスの数は、IPVX AddRカウントフィールドで指定されています。これらのフィールドは、誤ったルーターのトラブルシューティングに使用されます。複数のアドレスが送信される場合は、比較を簡素化するためにこれらのアドレスを同じ順序で送信するようにすべてのルーターを構成することをお勧めします。
For IPv4 addresses, this refers to one or more IPv4 addresses that are backed up by the Virtual Router.
For IPv6, the first address MUST be the IPv6 link-local address associated with the Virtual Router.
This field contains either one or more IPv4 addresses or one or more IPv6 addresses. The address family of the addresses, IPv4 or IPv6 but not both, MUST be the same as the VRRP packet's IPvX header address family.
Virtual Router Identifier. Configurable value in the range 1-255 (decimal). There is no default.
Priority value to be used by this VRRP Router in Active Router election for this Virtual Router. The value of 255 (decimal) is reserved for the router that owns the IPvX address associated with the Virtual Router. The value of 0 (zero) is reserved for the Active Router to indicate it is relinquishing responsibility for the Virtual Router. The range 1-254 (decimal) is available for VRRP Routers backing up the Virtual Router. Higher values indicate higher priorities. The default value is 100 (decimal).
One or more IPv4 addresses associated with this Virtual Router. Configured list of addresses with no default.
One or more IPv6 addresses associated with this Virtual Router. Configured list of addresses with no default. The first address MUST be the Link-Local address associated with the Virtual Router.
Refer to either the IPv4 or IPv6 address associated with this Virtual Router (see IPv4_Addresses and IPv6_Addresses above).
Time interval between VRRP Advertisements (centiseconds) sent by this Virtual Router. Default is 100 centiseconds (1 second).
Advertisement interval contained in VRRP Advertisements received from the Active Router (in centiseconds). This value is saved by Virtual Routers in the Backup state and used to compute Skew_Time (as specified in Section 8.3.2) and Active_Down_Interval. The initial value is the same as Advertisement_Interval.
Time to skew Active_Down_Interval in centiseconds. Calculated as:
(((256 - Priority) * Active_Adver_Interval) / 256)
(((256-優先) * Active_adver_interval) / 256)
Time interval for the Backup Router to declare the Active Router down (centiseconds). Calculated as:
(3 * Active_Adver_Interval) + Skew_Time
(3 * Active_adver_interval) + skew_time
Controls whether a (starting or restarting) higher-priority Backup Router preempts a lower-priority Active Router. Values are True to allow preemption and False to prohibit preemption. Default is True.
Note: The exception is that the router that owns the IPvX address associated with the Virtual Router always preempts, independent of the setting of this flag.
Controls whether a Virtual Router in Active state will accept packets addressed to the address owner's IPvX address as its own even if it is not the IPvX address owner. The default is False. Deployments that rely on, for example, pinging the address owner's IPvX address may wish to configure Accept_Mode to True.
Note: IPv6 Neighbor Solicitations and Neighbor Advertisements MUST NOT be dropped when Accept_Mode is False.
The MAC address used for the source MAC address in VRRP advertisements and advertised in ARP/ND messages as the MAC address to use for IPvX_Addresses.
Timer that fires when a VRRP Advertisement has not been received for Active_Down_Interval (Backup Routers only).
Timer that fires to trigger transmission of a VRRP Advertisement based on the Advertisement_Interval (Active Routers only).
+---------------+ +--------->| |<-------------+ | | Initialize | | | +------| |----------+ | | | +---------------+ | | | | | | | V V | +---------------+ +---------------+ | |---------------------->| | | Active | | Backup | | |<----------------------| | +---------------+ +---------------+
Figure 4: State Transition Diagram
In the state descriptions below, the state names are identified by {state-name}, and the packets are identified by all-uppercase characters.
A VRRP Router implements an instance of the state machine for each Virtual Router in which it is participating.
The purpose of this state is to wait for a Startup event, that is, an implementation-defined mechanism that initiates the protocol once it has been configured. The configuration mechanism is out of scope for this specification.
If a Startup event is received, then:
* If the Priority = 255, i.e., the router owns the IPvX address(es) associated with the Virtual Router, then:
* 優先度= 255、つまりルーターが仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPVXアドレス(ES)を所有している場合、次のとおりです。
- 広告を送信します
- If the protected IPvX address is an IPv4 address, then:
- 保護されたIPVXアドレスがIPv4アドレスである場合、次のとおりです。
o For each IPv4 address associated with the Virtual Router, broadcast a gratuitous ARP message containing the Virtual Router MAC address and with the target link-layer address set to the Virtual Router MAC address.
o 仮想ルーターに関連付けられた各IPv4アドレスについて、仮想ルーターMACアドレスを含む無償のARPメッセージをブロードキャストし、ターゲットリンクレイヤーアドレスを仮想ルーターMACアドレスに設定します。
- else // IPv6
- else // ipv6
o For each IPv6 address associated with the Virtual Router, send an unsolicited ND Neighbor Advertisement with the Router Flag (R) set, the Solicited Flag (S) clear, the Override flag (O) set, the target address set to the IPv6 address of the Virtual Router, and the target link-layer address set to the Virtual Router MAC address.
o 仮想ルーターに関連付けられた各IPv6アドレスについて、ルーターフラグ(R)セット、勧誘されたフラグ(s)クリア、オーバーライドフラグ(o)セット、ターゲットアドレスセットのIPv6アドレスに設定された[勧誘]フラグ(s)clearで、承認されていないndネイバー広告を送信します。仮想ルーター、および仮想ルーターMACアドレスに設定されたターゲットリンクレイヤーアドレス。
- endif // was protected address IPv4?
- Endif //保護されたものはIPv4をアドレスしましたか?
- Set the Adver_Timer to Advertisement_Interval
- adver_timerをadvertisement_intervalに設定します
- Transition to the {Active} state
- {Active}状態への移行
* else // Router is not the address owner
* else //ルーターはアドレス所有者ではありません
- Set the Active_Adver_Interval to Advertisement_Interval
- Active_adver_intervalをAdvertisement_intervalに設定します
- Set the Active_Down_Timer to Active_Down_Interval
- Active_down_timerをActive_down_intervalに設定します
- Transition to the {Backup} state
- {バックアップ}状態への移行
* endif // was priority 255?
* Endif //優先度255でしたか?
endif // Startup event was received
Endif //起動イベントが受信されました
The purpose of the {Backup} state is to monitor the availability and state of the Active Router. The Solicited-Node multicast address [RFC4291] is referenced in the pseudocode below.
While in the {Backup} state, a VRRP Router MUST do the following:
* If the protected IPvX address is an IPv4 address, then:
* 保護されたIPVXアドレスがIPv4アドレスである場合、次のとおりです。
- It MUST NOT respond to ARP requests for the IPv4 address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv4アドレスのARP要求に応答してはなりません。
* else // protected address is IPv6
* else //保護されたアドレスはIPv6です
- It MUST NOT respond to ND Neighbor Solicitation messages for the IPv6 address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターに関連付けられているIPv6アドレスのND Neighbor Solicitationメッセージに応答しないでください。
- It MUST NOT send ND Router Advertisement messages for the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターにNDルーター広告メッセージを送信してはなりません。
* endif // was protected address IPv4?
* Endif //保護されたものはIPv4をアドレスしましたか?
* It MUST discard packets with a destination link-layer MAC address equal to the Virtual Router MAC address.
* 仮想ルーターMACアドレスに等しい宛先リンク層MACアドレスでパケットを破棄する必要があります。
* It MUST NOT accept packets addressed to the IPvX address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
* 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPVXアドレス(ES)にアドレス指定されたパケットを受け入れてはなりません。
* If a Shutdown event is received, then:
* シャットダウンイベントを受信した場合、
- Cancel the Active_Down_Timer
- Active_down_timerをキャンセルします
- Transition to the {Initialize} state
- {初期化}状態への移行
* endif // Shutdown event received
* Endif // Shutdownイベントが受信されました
* If the Active_Down_Timer fires, then:
* Active_down_timerが発射する場合、
- 広告を送信します
- If the protected IPvX address is an IPv4 address, then:
- 保護されたIPVXアドレスがIPv4アドレスである場合、次のとおりです。
o For each IPv4 address associated with the Virtual Router, broadcast a gratuitous ARP message containing the Virtual Router MAC address and with the target link-layer address set to the Virtual Router MAC address.
o 仮想ルーターに関連付けられた各IPv4アドレスについて、仮想ルーターMACアドレスを含む無償のARPメッセージをブロードキャストし、ターゲットリンクレイヤーアドレスを仮想ルーターMACアドレスに設定します。
- else // IPv6
- else // ipv6
o Compute and join the Solicited-Node multicast address [RFC4291] for the IPv6 address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
o 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv6アドレス(ES)のSolicited-Nodeマルチキャストアドレス[RFC4291]を計算して結合します。
o For each IPv6 address associated with the Virtual Router, send an unsolicited ND Neighbor Advertisement with the Router Flag (R) set, the Solicited Flag (S) clear, the Override flag (O) set, the target address set to the IPv6 address of the Virtual Router, and the target link-layer address set to the Virtual Router MAC address.
o 仮想ルーターに関連付けられた各IPv6アドレスについて、ルーターフラグ(R)セット、勧誘されたフラグ(s)クリア、オーバーライドフラグ(o)セット、ターゲットアドレスセットのIPv6アドレスに設定された[勧誘]フラグ(s)clearで、承認されていないndネイバー広告を送信します。仮想ルーター、および仮想ルーターMACアドレスに設定されたターゲットリンクレイヤーアドレス。
- endif // was protected address IPv4?
- Endif //保護されたものはIPv4をアドレスしましたか?
- Set the Adver_Timer to Advertisement_Interval
- adver_timerをadvertisement_intervalに設定します
- Transition to the {Active} state
- {Active}状態への移行
* endif // Active_Down_Timer fired
* Endif // Active_down_timerが解雇されました
* If an ADVERTISEMENT is received, then:
* 広告が受信された場合、次のとおりです。
- If the Priority in the ADVERTISEMENT is 0, then:
- 広告の優先順位が0の場合、次のとおりです。
o Set the Active_Down_Timer to Skew_Time
o Active_down_timerをskew_timeに設定します
- else // priority non-zero
- else //優先度以外
o If Preempt_Mode is False, or if the Priority in the ADVERTISEMENT is greater than or equal to the local Priority, then:
o preempt_modeがfalseである場合、または広告の優先順位がローカル優先度以上の場合は、次のとおりです。
+ Set the Active_Adver_Interval to the Max Advertise Interval contained in the ADVERTISEMENT
+ Active_adver_intervalをMax Advertiseインターバルに設定します。
+ Recompute the Skew_Time
+ skew_timeを再計算します
+ Recompute the Active_Down_Interval
+ Active_down_intervalを再計算します
+ Set the Active_Down_Timer to Active_Down_Interval
+ Active_down_timerをActive_down_intervalに設定します
o else // preempt was true and priority was less than the local priority
o else //先制は真実であり、優先事項は現地の優先事項よりも少なかった
+ 広告を破棄します
o endif // preempt test
o Endif //プリエンプトテスト
- endif // was priority 0?
- Endif //優先度0でしたか?
* endif // was advertisement received?
* Endif //広告は受け取られましたか?
endwhile // {Backup} state
終了// {バックアップ}状態
While in the {Active} state, the router functions as the forwarding router for the IPvX address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
Note that in the {Active} state, the Preempt_Mode Flag is not considered.
While in the {Active} state, a VRRP Router MUST do the following:
* If the protected IPvX address is an IPv4 address, then:
* 保護されたIPVXアドレスがIPv4アドレスである場合、次のとおりです。
- It MUST respond to ARP requests for the IPv4 address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv4アドレスのARP要求に応答する必要があります。
* else // IPv6
* else // ipv6
- It MUST be a member of the Solicited-Node multicast address for the IPv6 address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv6アドレス(ES)のSolicited-Nodeマルチキャストアドレスのメンバーでなければなりません。
- It MUST respond to ND Neighbor Solicitation messages (with the Router Flag (R) set) for the IPv6 address(es) associated with the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPv6アドレス(ES)のND Neighbor Solicitationメッセージ(ルーターフラグ(R)セット)に応答する必要があります。
- It MUST send ND Router Advertisements for the Virtual Router.
- 仮想ルーターにndルーター広告を送信する必要があります。
- If Accept_Mode is False:
- Accept_modeがfalseの場合:
o It MUST NOT drop IPv6 Neighbor Solicitations and Neighbor Advertisements.
o IPv6 Neighborの勧誘や隣人の広告をドロップしてはなりません。
* endif // IPv4?
* endif // ipv4?
* It MUST forward packets with a destination link-layer MAC address equal to the Virtual Router MAC address.
* 仮想ルーターMACアドレスに等しい宛先リンク層MACアドレスでパケットを転送する必要があります。
* It MUST accept packets addressed to the IPvX address(es) associated with the Virtual Router if it is the IPvX address owner or if Accept_Mode is True. Otherwise, it MUST NOT accept these packets.
* 仮想ルーターに関連付けられたIPVXアドレスにアドレス指定されたパケットを受け入れる必要があります。IPVXアドレスの所有者である場合、またはAccept_Modeがtrueである場合。それ以外の場合は、これらのパケットを受け入れてはなりません。
* If a Shutdown event is received, then:
* シャットダウンイベントを受信した場合、
- Cancel the Adver_Timer
- adver_timerをキャンセルします
- Send an ADVERTISEMENT with Priority = 0
- Priority = 0で広告を送信します
- Transition to the {Initialize} state
- {初期化}状態への移行
* endif // shutdown received
* Endif // Shutdownを受信しました
* If the Adver_Timer fires, then:
* adver_timerが発射する場合、
- 広告を送信します
- Reset the Adver_Timer to Advertisement_Interval
- adver_timerをadvertisement_intervalにリセットします
* endif // advertisement timer fired
* Endif //広告タイマーが解雇されました
* If an ADVERTISEMENT is received, then:
* 広告が受信された場合、次のとおりです。
- If the Priority in the ADVERTISEMENT is 0, then:
- 広告の優先順位が0の場合、次のとおりです。
o 広告を送信します
o Reset the Adver_Timer to Advertisement_Interval
o adver_timerをadvertisement_intervalにリセットします
- else // priority was non-zero
- else //優先度はゼロではありませんでした
o If the Priority in the ADVERTISEMENT is greater than the local Priority or the Priority in the ADVERTISEMENT is equal to the local Priority and the primary IPvX address of the sender is greater than the local primary IPvX address (based on an unsigned integer comparison of the IPvX addresses in network byte order), then:
o 広告の優先順位がローカルの優先度よりも大きい場合、または広告の優先順位がローカル優先順位に等しく、送信者の主要なIPVXアドレスがローカルプライマリIPVXアドレスよりも大きい場合ネットワークバイトの順序でアドレス)、次に:
+ Cancel Adver_Timer
+ Adver_timerをキャンセルします
+ Set the Active_Adver_Interval to the Max Advertise Interval contained in the ADVERTISEMENT
+ Active_adver_intervalをMax Advertiseインターバルに設定します。
+ Recompute the Skew_Time
+ skew_timeを再計算します
+ Recompute the Active_Down_Interval
+ Active_down_intervalを再計算します
+ Set the Active_Down_Timer to Active_Down_Interval
+ Active_down_timerをActive_down_intervalに設定します
+ Transition to the {Backup} state
+ {バックアップ}状態への移行
o else // new Active Router logic
o else //新しいアクティブルーターロジック
+ 広告を破棄します
+ Send an ADVERTISEMENT immediately to assert the {Active} state to the sending VRRP Router and to update any learning bridges with the correct Active VRRP Router path.
+ すぐに広告を送信して、{Active}状態を送信VRRPルーターにアサートし、正しいアクティブVRRPルーターパスで学習ブリッジを更新します。
o endif // new Active Router detected
o Endif //新しいアクティブルーターが検出されました
- endif // was priority zero?
- Endif //優先度はゼロでしたか?
* endif // advert received
* Endif //受信した広告
endwhile // in {Active} state
終了// {Active}状態で
Note: VRRP packets are transmitted with the Virtual Router MAC address as the source MAC address to ensure that learning bridges correctly determine the LAN segment to which the Virtual Router is attached.
The following functions must be performed when a VRRP packet is received:
* If the received packet is an IPv4 packet, then:
* 受信したパケットがIPv4パケットである場合、次のとおりです。
- It MUST verify that the IPv4 TTL is 255.
- IPv4 TTLが255であることを確認する必要があります。
* else // IPv6 VRRP packet received
* else // IPv6 VRRPパケットを受信しました
- It MUST verify that the IPv6 Hop Limit is 255.
- IPv6ホップの制限が255であることを確認する必要があります。
* endif
* endif
* It MUST verify that the VRRP version is 3.
* VRRPバージョンが3であることを確認する必要があります。
* It MUST verify that the VRRP packet type is 1 (ADVERTISEMENT).
* VRRPパケットタイプが1(広告)であることを確認する必要があります。
* It MUST verify that the received packet contains the complete VRRP packet (including fixed fields and the IPvX address).
* 受信したパケットに完全なVRRPパケット(固定フィールドとIPVXアドレスを含む)が含まれていることを確認する必要があります。
* It MUST verify the VRRP checksum.
* VRRPチェックサムを確認する必要があります。
* It MUST verify that the VRID is configured on the receiving interface and the local router is not the IPvX address owner (Priority = 255 (decimal)).
* VRIDが受信インターフェイスで構成されており、ローカルルーターがIPVXアドレスの所有者ではないことを確認する必要があります。
If any one of the above checks fails, the receiver MUST discard the packet, SHOULD log the event (subject to rate-limiting), and MAY indicate via network management that an error occurred.
A receiver SHOULD also verify that the Max Advertise Interval in the received VRRP packet matches the Advertisement_Interval configured for the VRID. Instability can occur with differing intervals (refer to Section 5.2.7). If this check fails, the receiver SHOULD log the event (subject to rate-limiting) and MAY indicate via network management that a misconfiguration was detected.
受信者は、受信したVRRPパケットのMAX Advertise IntervalがVRID用に構成されたAdvertisement_intervalと一致することも確認する必要があります。異なる間隔で不安定性が発生する可能性があります(セクション5.2.7を参照)。このチェックが失敗した場合、受信者はイベントをログ(レート制限の対象)する必要があり、ネットワーク管理を介して誤った構成が検出されたことを示している可能性があります。
A receiver MAY also verify that "IPvX Addr Count" and the list of IPvX address(es) match the IPvX address(es) configured for the VRID. If this check fails, the receiver SHOULD log (subject to rate-limiting) the event and MAY indicate via network management that a misconfiguration was detected.
また、受信者は、「IPVX ADDRカウント」とIPVXアドレスのリストがVRID用に構成されたIPVXアドレス(ES)と一致することを確認することもできます。このチェックが失敗した場合、受信者はイベントをログ(レート制限の対象としている)する必要があり、ネットワーク管理を介して誤った構成が検出されたことを示している可能性があります。
The following operations MUST be performed when transmitting a VRRP packet:
* Fill in the VRRP packet fields with the appropriate Virtual Router configuration state
* 適切な仮想ルーター構成状態でVRRPパケットフィールドに入力します
* Compute the VRRP checksum
* VRRPチェックサムを計算します
* Set the source MAC address to the Virtual Router MAC address
* ソースMACアドレスを仮想ルーターMACアドレスに設定します
* If the protected address is an IPv4 address, then:
* 保護されたアドレスがIPv4アドレスの場合、次のとおりです。
- Set the source IPv4 address to the interface's primary IPv4 address
- ソースIPv4アドレスをインターフェイスのプライマリIPv4アドレスに設定します
* else // IPv6
* else // ipv6
- Set the source IPv6 address to the interface's link-local IPv6 address
- ソースIPv6アドレスをインターフェイスのLink-LocalIPv6アドレスに設定します
* endif
* endif
* Set the IPvX protocol to VRRP
* IPVXプロトコルをVRRPに設定します
* Send the VRRP packet to the VRRP IPvX multicast group
* VRRPパケットをVRRP IPVXマルチキャストグループに送信します
Note: VRRP packets are transmitted with the Virtual Router MAC address as the source MAC address to ensure that learning bridges correctly determine the LAN segment to which the Virtual Router is attached.
The Virtual Router MAC address associated with a Virtual Router is an IEEE 802 MAC address [RFC9542] in the following format:
仮想ルーターに関連付けられた仮想ルーターMACアドレスは、次の形式のIEEE 802 Macアドレス[RFC9542]です。
IPv4 case: 00-00-5E-00-01-{VRID} (in hex, in network byte order)
IPv4ケース:00-00-5E-00-01- {vrid}(ヘックス、ネットワークバイトの順序)
The first three octets are derived from the IANA's Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI). The next two octets (00-01) indicate the address block assigned to the VRRP protocol for the IPv4 protocol. {VRID} is the Virtual Router Identifier. This mapping provides for up to 255 IPv4 VRRP Routers on a LAN.
最初の3つのオクテットは、IANAの組織的にユニークな識別子(OUI)から派生しています。次の2つのオクテット(00-01)は、IPv4プロトコルのVRRPプロトコルに割り当てられたアドレスブロックを示しています。{vrid}は仮想ルーター識別子です。このマッピングは、LAN上の最大255のIPv4 VRRPルーターを提供します。
IPv6 case: 00-00-5E-00-02-{VRID} (in hex, in network byte order)
IPv6ケース:00-00-5E-00-02- {vrid}(ヘックス、ネットワークバイトの順序)
The first three octets are derived from the IANA's OUI. The next two octets (00-02) indicate the address block assigned to the VRRP protocol for the IPv6 protocol. {VRID} is the Virtual Router Identifier. This mapping provides for up to 255 IPv6 VRRP Routers on a LAN.
最初の3つのオクテットは、IANAのOUIから派生しています。次の2つのオクテット(00-02)は、IPv6プロトコルのVRRPプロトコルに割り当てられたアドレスブロックを示しています。{vrid}は仮想ルーター識別子です。このマッピングは、LAN上の最大255のIPv6 VRRPルーターを提供します。
[RFC8064] specifies that [RFC7217] be used as the default scheme for generating a stable address in IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) [RFC4862]. The Virtual Router MAC MUST NOT be used for the Net_Iface parameter used in the Interface Identifier (IID) derivation algorithms in [RFC7217] and [RFC8981].
[RFC8064]は、[RFC7217]がIPv6 StatelessアドレスAutoconfiguration(SLAAC)[RFC4862]で安定したアドレスを生成するためのデフォルトスキームとして使用されることを指定しています。仮想ルーターMACは、[RFC7217]および[RFC8981]のインターフェイス識別子(IID)派生アルゴリズムで使用されるnet_ifaceパラメーターに使用してはなりません。
This VRRP specification describes how to advertise and resolve the VRRP Router's IPv6 link-local address and other associated IPv6 addresses into the Virtual Router MAC address.
ICMP redirects can be used normally when VRRP is running among a group of routers. This allows VRRP to be used in environments where the topology is not symmetric.
The IPv4 source address of an ICMP redirect should be the address that the end-host used when making its next-hop routing decision. If a VRRP Router is acting as the Active Router for Virtual Router(s) containing address(es) it does not own, then it must determine to which Virtual Router the packet was sent when selecting the redirect source address. One method to deduce the Virtual Router used is to examine the destination MAC address in the packet that triggered the redirect.
It may be useful to disable redirects for specific cases where VRRP is being used to load-share traffic among a number of routers in a symmetric topology.
When a host sends an ARP request for one of the Virtual Router IPv4 addresses, the Active Router MUST respond to the ARP request with an ARP response that indicates the Virtual Router MAC address for the Virtual Router. Note that the source address of the Ethernet frame of this ARP response is the physical MAC address of the physical router. The Active Router MUST NOT respond with its physical MAC address in the ARP response. This allows the host to always use the same MAC address, regardless of the current Active Router.
When a VRRP Router restarts or boots, it SHOULD NOT send any ARP messages using its physical MAC address for an IPv4 address for which it is the IPv4 address owner (as defined in Section 1.7), and it should only send ARP messages that include Virtual Router MAC addresses.
This entails the following:
* When configuring an interface, Active Routers SHOULD broadcast a gratuitous ARP message containing the Virtual Router MAC address for each IPv4 address on that interface.
* インターフェイスを構成する場合、アクティブルーターは、そのインターフェイス上の各IPv4アドレスの仮想ルーターMACアドレスを含む無償のARPメッセージをブロードキャストする必要があります。
* At system boot, when initializing interfaces for VRRP operation, gratuitous ARP messages MUST be delayed until both the IPv4 address and the Virtual Router MAC address are configured.
* System Bootでは、VRRP操作のインターフェイスを初期化する場合、IPv4アドレスと仮想ルーターMACアドレスの両方が設定されるまで、無償のARPメッセージを遅延する必要があります。
* When, for example, Secure Shell (SSH) access to a particular VRRP Router is required, an IPv4 address known to belong to that router SHOULD be used.
* たとえば、特定のVRRPルーターへのセキュアシェル(SSH)アクセスが必要な場合、そのルーターに属することが知られているIPv4アドレスを使用する必要があります。
If Proxy ARP is to be used on a VRRP Router, then the VRRP Router MUST advertise the Virtual Router MAC address in the Proxy ARP message. Doing otherwise could cause hosts to learn the real MAC address of the VRRP Router.
ICMPv6 redirects can be used normally when VRRP is running among a group of routers [RFC4443]. This allows VRRP to be used in environments where the topology is not symmetric, e.g., the VRRP Routers do not connect to the same destinations.
The IPv6 source address of an ICMPv6 redirect SHOULD be the address that the end-host used when making its next-hop routing decision. If a VRRP Router is acting as the Active Router for Virtual Router(s) containing address(es) it does not own, then it has to determine to which Virtual Router the packet was sent when selecting the redirect source address. A method to deduce the Virtual Router used is to examine the destination MAC address in the packet that triggered the redirect.
When a host sends an ND Neighbor Solicitation message for a Virtual Router IPv6 address, the Active Router MUST respond to the ND Neighbor Solicitation message with the Virtual Router MAC address for the Virtual Router. The Active Router MUST NOT respond with its physical MAC address. This allows the host to always use the same MAC address, regardless of the current Active Router.
ホストが仮想ルーターIPv6アドレスにND Neighbor Solicitationメッセージを送信する場合、アクティブルーターは、仮想ルーターの仮想ルーターMACアドレスを使用してND Neighbor Solicitationメッセージに応答する必要があります。アクティブルーターは、物理MACアドレスで応答してはなりません。これにより、ホストは現在のアクティブルーターに関係なく、常に同じMACアドレスを使用できます。
When an Active Router sends an ND Neighbor Solicitation message for a host's IPv6 address, the Active Router MUST include the Virtual Router MAC address for the Virtual Router if it sends a source link-layer address option in the Neighbor Solicitation message. It MUST NOT use its physical MAC address in the source link-layer address option.
アクティブなルーターがホストのIPv6アドレスにND Neighbor Solicitationメッセージを送信する場合、アクティブルーターには、近隣の勧誘メッセージにソースリンクレイヤーアドレスオプションを送信する場合、仮想ルーターの仮想ルーターMACアドレスを含める必要があります。Source Link-Layerアドレスオプションで物理MACアドレスを使用しないでください。
When a VRRP Router restarts or boots, it SHOULD NOT send any ND messages with its physical MAC address for the IPv6 address it owns and it should only send ND messages that include Virtual Router MAC addresses.
This entails the following:
* When configuring an interface, Active Routers SHOULD send an unsolicited ND Neighbor Advertisement message containing the Virtual Router MAC address for the IPv6 address on that interface.
* インターフェイスを構成する場合、アクティブなルーターは、そのインターフェイスのIPv6アドレスの仮想ルーターMACアドレスを含む未承諾のND Neighbor Advertisementメッセージを送信する必要があります。
* At system boot, when initializing interfaces for VRRP operation, all ND Router Advertisements, ND Neighbor Advertisements, and ND Neighbor Solicitation messages MUST be delayed until both the IPv6 address and the Virtual Router MAC address are configured.
* System Bootでは、VRRP操作のインターフェイスを初期化するとき、すべてのNDルーター広告、ND Neighbor Advertisements、およびND Neighbor Solicitationメッセージを遅らせる必要があります。IPv6アドレスと仮想ルーターMACアドレスの両方が設定されるまでです。
Note that on a restarting Active Router where the VRRP protected address is an interface address, i.e., the address owner, Duplicate Address Detection may fail, as the Backup Router MAY answer that it owns the address. One solution is to not run Duplicate Address Detection in this case.
When a Backup VRRP Router has become the Active Router for a Virtual Router, it is responsible for sending Router Advertisements for the Virtual Router, as specified in Section 6.4.3. The Backup Routers MUST be configured to send the same Router Advertisement options as the address owner.
Router Advertisement options that advertise special services, e.g., Home Agent Information Option, that are present in the address owner SHOULD NOT be sent by the address owner unless the Backup Routers are prepared to assume these services in full and have a complete and synchronized database for this service.
A VRRP Router acting as either an IPv6 Active Router or Backup Router SHOULD accept Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements and update the corresponding neighbor cache [RFC4861]. Since these are sent to the IPv6 all-nodes multicast address (ff02::1) [RFC4861] or the IPv6 all-routers multicast address (ff02::2), they will be received. Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements are sent both in the case where the link-level addresses change [RFC4861] and for gratuitous neighbor discovery by first-hop routers [RFC9131]. Additional configuration may be required in order for Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements to update the corresponding neighbor cache.
IPv6アクティブルーターまたはバックアップルーターのいずれかとして機能するVRRPルーターは、承認されていないネイバー広告を受け入れ、対応するネイバーキャッシュ[RFC4861]を更新する必要があります。これらはIPv6 All-Nodesマルチキャストアドレス(FF02 :: 1)[RFC4861]またはIPv6 All-Routersマルチキャストアドレス(FF02 :: 2)に送信されるため、受信されます。未承諾の近隣広告は、リンクレベルのアドレスが変更され[RFC4861]、最初のホップルーター[RFC9131]による無償の隣人発見の場合の両方で送信されます。対応する近隣キャッシュを更新するために、承認されていないNeighbor Advertisementsが必要になる場合があります。
If it is not the address owner, a VRRP Router SHOULD NOT forward packets addressed to the IPvX address for which it becomes the Active Router. Forwarding these packets would result in unnecessary traffic. Also, in the case of LANs that receive packets they transmit, this can result in a forwarding loop that is only terminated when the IPvX TTL expires.
アドレス所有者でない場合、VRRPルーターは、アクティブルーターになるIPVXアドレスにアドレス指定されたパケットを転送してはなりません。これらのパケットを転送すると、不必要なトラフィックが発生します。また、送信するパケットを受け取るLANの場合、IPVX TTLの有効期限が切れたときにのみ終了する転送ループになる可能性があります。
One mechanism for VRRP Routers to avoid these forwarding loops is to add/delete a host Drop Route for each non-owned IPvX address when transitioning to/from the Active state.
A priority value of 255 designates a particular router as the "IPvX address owner" for the VRID. VRRP Routers with priority 255 will, as soon as they start up, preempt all lower-priority routers. For a VRID, only a single VRRP Router on the link SHOULD be configured with priority 255. If multiple VRRP Routers advertising priority 255 are detected, the condition SHOULD be logged (subject to rate-limiting). If no VRRP Router has this priority, and preemption is disabled, then no preemption will occur.
In order to avoid two or more Backup Routers simultaneously becoming Active Routers after the previous Active Router fails or is shut down, all Virtual Routers SHOULD be configured with different priorities and with sufficient differences in the priorities so that lower priority Backup Routers do not transition to the Active state before receiving an advertisement from the highest priority Backup Router when it transitions to the Active Router. If multiple VRRP Routers advertising the same priority are detected, this condition MAY be logged as a warning (subject to rate-limiting).
Since the Skew_Time is reduced as the priority is increased, faster convergence can be obtained by using a higher priority for the preferred Backup Router. However, with multiple Backup Routers, the priorities should have sufficient differences, as previously recommended.
1. VRRPv2 and VRRPv3 interoperation is optional.
1. VRRPV2およびVRRPV3の相互操作はオプションです。
2. Mixing VRRPv2 and VRRPv3 should only be done when transitioning from VRRPv2 to VRRPv3. Mixing the two versions should not be considered a permanent solution.
2. Vrrpv2とVrrpv3の混合は、Vrrpv2からVrrpv3への遷移の場合にのみ実行する必要があります。2つのバージョンを混合することは、永続的なソリューションと見なされるべきではありません。
As mentioned above, this support is intended for upgrade scenarios and is NOT RECOMMENDED for permanent deployments.
An implementation MAY implement a configuration flag that tells it to listen for and send both VRRPv2 and VRRPv3 advertisements.
When a Virtual Router is configured this way and is the Active Router, it MUST send both types at the configured rate, even if it is sub-second.
When a Virtual Router is configured this way and is the Backup Router, it MUST time out based on the rate advertised by the Active Router. In the case of a VRRPv2 Active Router, this means it MUST translate the timeout value it receives (in seconds) into centiseconds. Also, a Backup Router SHOULD ignore VRRPv2 advertisements from the current Active Router if it is also receiving VRRPv3 packets from it. It MAY report when a VRRPv3 Active Router is not sending VRRPv2 packets, as this suggests they don't agree on whether they're supporting VRRPv2 interoperation.
仮想ルーターがこの方法で構成され、バックアップルーターである場合、アクティブルーターによって宣伝されたレートに基づいてタイムアウトする必要があります。VRRPV2アクティブルーターの場合、これは(秒単位で)受け取るタイムアウト値をセント秒に変換する必要があることを意味します。また、バックアップルーターは、VRRPV3パケットも受信している場合、現在のアクティブルーターからVRRPV2広告を無視する必要があります。VRRPV3 Active RouterがVRRPV2パケットを送信していない場合、VRRPV2の相互操作をサポートしているかどうかに同意しないことを示唆しているため、報告する場合があります。
See also Section 5.2.7, "Maximum Advertisement Interval (Max Advertise Interval)".
The VRRPv2 Active Router interacting with a sub-second VRRPv3 Backup Router is the most important example of this.
A VRRPv2 implementation SHOULD NOT be given a higher priority than a VRRPv2 or VRRPv3 implementation with which it is interoperating if the VRRPv2 or VRRPv3 router's advertisement rate is sub-second.
It seems possible that a VRRPv3 Active Router sending at centisecond rates could potentially overwhelm a VRRPv2 Backup Router with potentially non-deterministic results.
In this upgrade case, a deployment should initially run the VRRPv3 Active Routers with lower frequencies, e.g., 100 centiseconds, until the VRRPv2 routers are upgraded. Then, once the deployment has verified that VRRPv3 is working properly, the VRRPv2 support may be disabled and the desired sub-second rates may be configured.
VRRP for IPvX does not currently include any type of authentication. Earlier versions of the VRRP specification included several types of authentication, ranging from no authentication to strong authentication. Operational experience and further analysis determined that these did not provide sufficient security to overcome the vulnerability of misconfigured secrets, causing multiple Active Routers to be elected. Due to the nature of the VRRP protocol, even if VRRP messages are cryptographically protected, it does not prevent hostile nodes from behaving as if they are an Active Router, creating multiple Active Routers. Authentication of VRRP messages could have prevented a hostile node from causing all properly functioning routers from going into the Backup state. However, having multiple Active Routers can cause as much disruption as no routers, which authentication cannot prevent. Also, even if a hostile node could not disrupt VRRP, it can disrupt ARP/ND and create the same effect as having all routers go into the Backup state.
Some L2 switches provide the capability to filter out, for example, ARP and/or ND messages from end-hosts on a switch-port basis. This mechanism could also filter VRRP messages from switch ports associated with end-hosts and can be considered for deployments with untrusted hosts.
It should be noted that these attacks are not worse and are a subset of the attacks that any node attached to a LAN can do independently of VRRP. The kind of attacks a malicious node on a LAN can perform include:
* promiscuously receiving packets for any router's MAC address,
* ルーターのMACアドレスのパケットを無差別に受信し、
* sending packets with the router's MAC address as the source MAC address in the L2 header to tell the L2 switches to send packets addressed to the router to the malicious node instead of the router,
* L2ヘッダーのソースMACアドレスとしてルーターのMACアドレスを含むパケットを送信して、L2スイッチにルーターにアドレス指定されたパケットをルーターの代わりに悪意のあるノードに送信するように指示するように指示するために、
* sending redirects to tell hosts to send their traffic somewhere else,
* リダイレクトを送信してホストにトラフィックをどこか別の場所に送信するように伝えると、
* sending unsolicited ND replies,
* 未承諾のND応答を送信し、
* answering ND requests, etc.
* NDリクエストなどに応答します。
All of these can be done independently of implementing VRRP. VRRP does not add to these vulnerabilities, and most of these vulnerabilities are addressed independently, e.g., SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) [RFC3971].
VRRP includes a mechanism (setting IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit to 255 and checking the value on receipt) that protects against VRRP packets being injected from another remote network [RFC5082]. This limits most vulnerabilities to attacks on the local network.
VRRPには、別のリモートネットワーク[RFC5082]から注入されているVRRPパケットから保護するメカニズム(IPv4 TTLまたはIPv6ホップ制限を255に設定し、領収書の値をチェックする)が含まれます。これにより、ローカルネットワークへの攻撃に対するほとんどの脆弱性が制限されます。
VRRP does not provide any confidentiality. Confidentiality is not necessary for the correct operation of VRRP, and there is no information in the VRRP messages that must be kept secret from other nodes on the LAN.
In the context of IPv6 operation, if SEND is deployed, VRRP is compatible with the "trust anchor" and "trust anchor or CGA" modes of SEND [RFC3971]. The SEND configuration needs to give the Active and Backup Routers the same prefix delegation in the certificates so that Active and Backup Routers advertise the same set of subnet prefixes. However, the Active and Backup Routers should have their own key pairs to avoid private key sharing.
Also in the context of IPv6 operation, it is RECOMMENDED that the link-level security guidelines in Section 2.3 of [RFC9099] be followed.
IANA has updated all IANA registry references to [RFC5798] to references to RFC 9568, i.e., this document. The individual IANA references are listed below.
IANAは、[RFC5798]へのすべてのIANAレジストリ参照をRFC 9568への参照、つまりこのドキュメントに更新しました。個々のIANA参照は以下にリストされています。
The value 112 is assigned to VRRP in the "Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers" registry.
In the "Local Network Control Block ( - (224.0.0/24))" registry of the "IPv4 Multicast Address Space Registry" [RFC5771], IANA has assigned the IPv4 multicast address for VRRP.
In the "Link-Local Scope Multicast Addresses" registry of the "IPv6 Multicast Address Space Registry" [RFC3307], IANA has assigned the IPv6 link-local scope multicast address ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:12 for VRRP for IPv6.
In the "IANA MAC ADDRESS BLOCK" registry [RFC9542], IANA has assigned blocks of Ethernet unicast addresses as follows (in hexadecimal):
「IANA MACアドレスブロック」レジストリ[RFC9542]では、IANAは次のようにイーサネットユニキャストアドレスのブロックを割り当てました(16進数)。
+======================+===========================+===========+ | Addresses | Usage | Reference | +======================+===========================+===========+ | 00-01-00 to 00-01-FF | VRRP (Virtual Router | RFC 9568 | | | Redundancy Protocol) | | +----------------------+---------------------------+-----------+ | 00-02-00 to 00-02-FF | VRRP IPv6 (Virtual Router | RFC 9568 | | | Redundancy Protocol IPv6) | | +----------------------+---------------------------+-----------+ Table 1
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.
[RFC3307] Haberman, B., "Allocation Guidelines for IPv6 Multicast Addresses", RFC 3307, DOI 10.17487/RFC3307, August 2002, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3307>.
[RFC4291] Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture", RFC 4291, DOI 10.17487/RFC4291, February 2006, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4291>.
[RFC4443] Conta, A., Deering, S., and M. Gupta, Ed., "Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification", STD 89, RFC 4443, DOI 10.17487/RFC4443, March 2006, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4443>.
[RFC4861] Narten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., and H. Soliman, "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 4861, DOI 10.17487/RFC4861, September 2007, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4861>.
[RFC5082] Gill, V., Heasley, J., Meyer, D., Savola, P., Ed., and C. Pignataro, "The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM)", RFC 5082, DOI 10.17487/RFC5082, October 2007, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5082>.
[RFC5771] Cotton, M., Vegoda, L., and D. Meyer, "IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments", BCP 51, RFC 5771, DOI 10.17487/RFC5771, March 2010, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5771>.
[RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
[RFC8200] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200, DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8200>.
[RFC9542] Eastlake 3rd, D., Abley, J., and Y. Li, "IANA Considerations and IETF Protocol and Documentation Usage for IEEE 802 Parameters", BCP 141, RFC 9542, DOI 10.17487/RFC9542, April 2024, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9542>.
[IPSTB] Higginson, P. and M. Shand, "Development of Router Clusters to Provide Fast Failover in IP Networks", Digital Technical Journal, Volume 9, Number 3, 1997.
[NISTIR8366] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), "Guidance for NIST Staff on Using Inclusive Language in Documentary Standards,", NISTIR 8366, DOI 10.6028/NIST.IR.8366, April 2021, <https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.IR.8366>.
[RFC1071] Braden, R., Borman, D., and C. Partridge, "Computing the Internet checksum", RFC 1071, DOI 10.17487/RFC1071, September 1988, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1071>.
[RFC1256] Deering, S., Ed., "ICMP Router Discovery Messages", RFC 1256, DOI 10.17487/RFC1256, September 1991, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1256>.
[RFC2131] Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC 2131, DOI 10.17487/RFC2131, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2131>.
[RFC2281] Li, T., Cole, B., Morton, P., and D. Li, "Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)", RFC 2281, DOI 10.17487/RFC2281, March 1998, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2281>.
[RFC2328] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, DOI 10.17487/RFC2328, April 1998, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2328>.
[RFC2338] Knight, S., Weaver, D., Whipple, D., Hinden, R., Mitzel, D., Hunt, P., Higginson, P., Shand, M., and A. Lindem, "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol", RFC 2338, DOI 10.17487/RFC2338, April 1998, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2338>.
[RFC2453] Malkin, G., "RIP Version 2", STD 56, RFC 2453, DOI 10.17487/RFC2453, November 1998, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2453>.
[RFC3768] Hinden, R., Ed., "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)", RFC 3768, DOI 10.17487/RFC3768, April 2004, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3768>.
[RFC3971] Arkko, J., Ed., Kempf, J., Zill, B., and P. Nikander, "SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND)", RFC 3971, DOI 10.17487/RFC3971, March 2005, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3971>.
[RFC4311] Hinden, R. and D. Thaler, "IPv6 Host-to-Router Load Sharing", RFC 4311, DOI 10.17487/RFC4311, November 2005, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4311>.
[RFC4862] Thomson, S., Narten, T., and T. Jinmei, "IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration", RFC 4862, DOI 10.17487/RFC4862, September 2007, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc4862>.
[RFC5798] Nadas, S., Ed., "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4 and IPv6", RFC 5798, DOI 10.17487/RFC5798, March 2010, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5798>.
[RFC7217] Gont, F., "A Method for Generating Semantically Opaque Interface Identifiers with IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)", RFC 7217, DOI 10.17487/RFC7217, April 2014, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7217>.
[RFC8064] Gont, F., Cooper, A., Thaler, D., and W. Liu, "Recommendation on Stable IPv6 Interface Identifiers", RFC 8064, DOI 10.17487/RFC8064, February 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8064>.
[RFC8981] Gont, F., Krishnan, S., Narten, T., and R. Draves, "Temporary Address Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6", RFC 8981, DOI 10.17487/RFC8981, February 2021, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8981>.
[RFC9099] Vyncke, É., Chittimaneni, K., Kaeo, M., and E. Rey, "Operational Security Considerations for IPv6 Networks", RFC 9099, DOI 10.17487/RFC9099, August 2021, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9099>.
[RFC9131] Linkova, J., "Gratuitous Neighbor Discovery: Creating Neighbor Cache Entries on First-Hop Routers", RFC 9131, DOI 10.17487/RFC9131, October 2021, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9131>.
[VRRP-IPv6] Hinden, R. and J. Cruz, "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol for IPv6", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-vrrp-ipv6-spec-08, 5 March 2007, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-vrrp- ipv6-spec-08>.
The IPv6 text in this specification is based on [RFC2338]. The authors of [RFC2338] are S. Knight, D. Weaver, D. Whipple, R. Hinden, D. Mitzel, P. Hunt, P. Higginson, M. Shand, and A. Lindem.
この仕様のIPv6テキストは[RFC2338]に基づいています。[RFC2338]の著者は、S。Knight、D。Weaver、D。Whipple、R。Hinden、D。Mitzel、P。Hunt、P。Higginson、M。Shand、およびA. Lindemです。
The authors of [VRRP-IPv6] would also like to thank Erik Nordmark, Thomas Narten, Steve Deering, Radia Perlman, Danny Mitzel, Mukesh Gupta, Don Provan, Mark Hollinger, John Cruz, and Melissa Johnson for their helpful suggestions.
The IPv4 text in this specification is based on [RFC3768]. The authors of that specification would like to thank Glen Zorn, Michael Lane, Clark Bremer, Hal Peterson, Tony Li, Barbara Denny, Joel Halpern, Steve M. Bellovin, Thomas Narten, Rob Montgomery, Rob Coltun, Radia Perlman, Russ Housley, Harald Alvestrand, Ned Freed, Ted Hardie, Bert Wijnen, Bill Fenner, and Alex Zinin for their comments and suggestions.
この仕様のIPv4テキストは[RFC3768]に基づいています。その仕様の著者は、グレン・ゾーン、マイケル・レーン、クラーク・ブレマー、ハル・ピーターソン、トニー・リー、バーバラ・デニー、ジョエル・ハルパーン、スティーブ・M・ベロヴィン、トーマス・ナルテン、ロブ・モンゴメリー、ロブ・コルトゥン、ラジア・ペルマン、ラス・ハウズリー、Harald Alvestrand、Ned Freed、Ted Hardie、Bert Wijnen、Bill Fenner、およびAlex Zininのコメントと提案について。
Thanks to Steve Nadas for his work merging/editing [RFC3768] and [VRRP-IPv6] into the document that eventually became [RFC5798].
Steve Nadasに、最終的に[RFC5798]になったドキュメントに合併/編集[RFC3768]と[VRRP-IPV6]に感謝します。
Thanks to Stewart Bryant, Sasha Vainshtein, Pascal Thubert, Alexander Okonnikov, Ben Niven-Jenkins, Tim Chown, Mališa Vučinić, Russ White, Donald Eastlake, Dave Thaler, Eric Kline, and Vijay Gurbani for comments on the current document (RFC 9568). Thanks to Gyan Mishra, Paul Congdon, and Jon Rosen for discussions related to the removal of legacy technology appendices. Thanks to Dhruv Dhody and Donald Eastlake for comments and suggestions for improving the IANA section. Thanks to Sasha Vainshtein for recommending "Maximum Advertisement Interval" validation. Thanks to Tim Chown and Fernando Gont for discussions and updates related to IPv6 SLAAC.
スチュワート・ブライアント、サーシャ・ヴァインシュタイン、パスカル・ザールバー、アレクサンダー・オコンニコフ、ベン・ニーヴェン・ジェンキンス、ティム・チャウン、マリシャ・ヴィチニッチ、ラス・ホワイト、ドナルド・イーストレイク、デイブ・タラー、エリック・クライン、ヴィジェイ・ガルバニのおかげで、現在の文書(RFC 9568)のコメントについて。Gyan Mishra、Paul Congdon、およびJon Rosenに感謝します。IANAセクションを改善するためのコメントと提案をしてくれたDhruv DhodyとDonald Eastlakeに感謝します。「最大広告間隔」の検証を推奨してくれたSasha Vainshteinに感謝します。IPv6 SLAACに関連するディスカッションと更新について、Tim ChownとFernando Gontに感謝します。
Special thanks to Quentin Armitage for a detailed review and extensive comments on the current document (RFC 9568).
詳細なレビューと現在の文書に関する広範なコメント(RFC 9568)について、クエンティンアーミテージに感謝します。
Acee Lindem LabN Consulting, L.L.C. 301 Midenhall Way Cary, NC 27513 United States of America Email: acee.ietf@gmail.com
Aditya Dogra Cisco Systems Sarjapur Outer Ring Road Bangalore 560103 Karnataka India Email: addogra@cisco.com