[要約] この文書は、CBOR Object Signing and Encryption(COSE)構造のヘッダーパラメータにCBOR Web Token(CWT)のクレームを含める方法を説明しています。この機能は、暗号化されたCOSE構造やデタッチされた署名を持つCOSE構造でCWTクレームを使用したいアプリケーションの利便性を高めるのに役立ちます。また、復号化前やデタッチされたペイロードを検査せずに一部のクレームを利用したい場合にも役立ちます。別のユースケースとしては、CWTクレームをCWT Claims Setsでないペイロードと一緒に使用することが挙げられます。

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                         T. Looker
Request for Comments: 9597                                         Mattr
Category: Standards Track                                     M.B. Jones
ISSN: 2070-1721                                   Self-Issued Consulting
                                                               June 2024
CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers
COSEヘッダーのCbor Webトークン(CWT)の主張

This document describes how to include CBOR Web Token (CWT) claims in the header parameters of any CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) structure. This functionality helps to facilitate applications that wish to make use of CWT claims in encrypted COSE structures and/or COSE structures featuring detached signatures, while having some of those claims be available before decryption and/ or without inspecting the detached payload. Another use case is using CWT claims with payloads that are not CWT Claims Sets, including payloads that are not CBOR at all.

このドキュメントでは、CBORオブジェクトの署名および暗号化(COSE)構造のヘッダーパラメーターにCBOR Webトークン(CWT)クレームを含める方法について説明します。この機能は、暗号化されたCOSE構造および/または分離された署名を特徴とするCWT請求を使用したいアプリケーションを促進するのに役立ちますが、これらのクレームの一部は、復号化前および/または分離されたペイロードを検査せずに利用できるようにします。別のユースケースは、CBORではないペイロードを含むCWTクレームセットではないペイロードでCWTクレームを使用することです。

Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

このドキュメントは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)の製品です。IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受けており、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)からの出版が承認されています。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2で入手できます。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9597.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、セクション4.Eで説明されている法的規定のセクション4.Eで説明されており、改訂されたBSDライセンスで説明されている保証なしで提供されるように、改訂されたBSDライセンステキストを含める必要があります。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Requirements Terminology
   2.  Representation
   3.  Privacy Considerations
   4.  Security Considerations
   5.  IANA Considerations
   6.  References
     6.1.  Normative References
     6.2.  Informative References
   Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

In some applications of COSE, it is useful to have a standard representation of CWT claims [RFC8392] available in the header parameters. These include encrypted COSE structures, which may or may not be an encrypted CWT, and/or those featuring a detached signature. Another use case is using CWT claims with payloads that are not CWT Claims Sets, including payloads that are not CBOR at all. For instance, an application might want to include an "iss" (issuer) claim in a COSE_Sign1 structure when the payload being signed is a non-CBOR data structure, such as a bitmap image, and the issuer value is used for key discovery.


Section 5.3 of [RFC7519], "JSON Web Token (JWT)", defined a similar mechanism for expressing selected JWT-based claims as JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) header parameters. This JWT feature was motivated by the desire to have certain claims, such as the Issuer value, be visible to software processing the JWT, even though the JWT is encrypted. No corresponding feature was standardized for CWTs, which was an omission that this specification corrects.

[RFC7519]のセクション5.3「JSON Webトークン(JWT)」は、JSONオブジェクトの署名および暗号化(Jose)ヘッダーパラメーターとして選択されたJWTベースのクレームを表現するための同様のメカニズムを定義しました。このJWT機能は、JWTが暗号化されていても、発行者の価値など、発行者の価値などの特定の主張を持ちたいという欲求に動機付けられました。CWTSに対応する機能は標準化されていません。これは、この仕様が修正する省略でした。

Directly including CWT claim values as COSE header parameter values would not work, since there are conflicts between the numeric header parameter assignments and the numeric CWT claim assignments. Instead, this specification defines a single header parameter registered in the IANA "COSE Header Parameters" registry that creates a location to store CWT claims in a COSE header parameter.


This specification does not define how to use CWT claims and their semantics for particular applications, whether they are in the COSE payload or the CWT Claims header parameter, or both. Therefore, understanding how to process the CWT Claims header parameter requires unambiguously knowing the intended interpretation. The necessary information about this MAY come from other header parameters. Unless there already is a natural way of providing this information at an appropriate level of integrity protection and authentication, a RECOMMENDED way to include this information in the COSE structure is use of the "typ" (type) Header Parameter [RFC9596]. Other methods for determining the intended interpretation MAY also be used. Recipients of the CWT Claims header parameter MUST NOT use the information in the CWT Claims header parameter beyond the integrity protection or authentication afforded to the CWT Claims header and the information used to derive its intended interpretation.


1.1. Requirements Terminology
1.1. 要件用語

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

「必須」、「必要」、「必須」、「shall」、「shall」、「suff」、 "not"、 "becommended"、 "becommented"、 "may"、 "optional「このドキュメントでは、BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]で説明されているように解釈されます。

2. Representation
2. 表現

This document defines the following COSE header parameter:


| Name   | Label | Value | Value        | Description   | Reference |
|        |       | Type  | Registry     |               |           |
| CWT    | 15    | map   | map keys in  | Location      | Section 2 |
| Claims |       |       | [CWT.Claims] | for CWT       | of RFC    |
|        |       |       |              | Claims in     | 9597      |
|        |       |       |              | COSE Header   |           |
|        |       |       |              | Parameters    |           |

                               Table 1

The following is a non-normative description for the value type of the CWT claim header parameter using CDDL [RFC8610].

以下は、CDDL [RFC8610]を使用したCWTクレームヘッダーパラメーターの値タイプの非規範的な説明です。

   CWT-Claims = {
    * Claim-Label => any

   Claim-Label = int / text

In cases where CWT claims are present both in the payload and the header of a CWT, an application receiving such a structure MUST verify that their values are identical, unless the application defines other specific processing rules for these claims.


It is RECOMMENDED that the CWT Claims header parameter only be used in a protected header to avoid the contents being malleable. The header parameter MUST only occur once in either the protected or unprotected header of a COSE structure.


The CWT Claims header parameter MAY be used in any COSE object using header parameters, such as COSE_Sign objects. Its use is not restricted to CWTs.


3. Privacy Considerations
3. プライバシーに関する考慮事項

Some of the registered CWT claims may contain privacy-sensitive information. Since CWT claims in COSE headers are not encrypted, when privacy-sensitive information is present in these claims, applications and protocols using them should ensure that these COSE objects are only made visible to parties for which it is appropriate for them to have access to this sensitive information.


4. Security Considerations
4. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

Implementers should also review the security considerations for CWT, which are documented in Section 8 of [RFC8392].


As described in [RFC9052], if the COSE payload is transported separately ("detached content"), then it is the responsibility of the application to ensure that it will be transported without changes.

[RFC 9052]で説明されているように、コードペイロードが個別に輸送される場合(「デタッチされたコンテンツ」)、変更なしで輸送されることを保証するのは、アプリケーションの責任です。

The reason for applications to verify that CWT claims present in both the payload and the header of a CWT are identical, unless they define other specific processing rules for these claims, is to eliminate potential confusion that might arise by having different values for the same claim, which could result in inconsistent processing of such claims.


Processing information in claims prior to validating that their integrity is cryptographically secure can pose security risks. This is true whether the claims are in the payload or a header parameter. Implementers must ensure that any tentative decisions made based on previously unverified information are confirmed once the cryptographic processing has been completed. This includes any information that was used to derive the intended interpretation of the CWT claims parameter.


5. IANA Considerations
5. IANAの考慮事項

IANA has registered the new COSE header parameter "CWT Claims" defined in Table 1 in the "COSE Header Parameters" registry [COSE.HeaderParameters].


6. References
6. 参考文献
6.1. Normative References
6.1. 引用文献
              IANA, "COSE Header Parameters",
              IANA, "CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims",
   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
   [RFC8392]  Jones, M., Wahlstroem, E., Erdtman, S., and H. Tschofenig,
              "CBOR Web Token (CWT)", RFC 8392, DOI 10.17487/RFC8392,
              May 2018, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8392>.
   [RFC9596]  Jones, M.B. and O. Steele, "CBOR Object Signing and
              Encryption (COSE) "typ" (type) Header Parameter",
              RFC 9596, DOI 10.17487/RFC9596, June 2024,
6.2. Informative References
6.2. 参考引用
   [RFC7519]  Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token
              (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015,
   [RFC8610]  Birkholz, H., Vigano, C., and C. Bormann, "Concise Data
              Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to
              Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and
              JSON Data Structures", RFC 8610, DOI 10.17487/RFC8610,
              June 2019, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8610>.
   [RFC9052]  Schaad, J., "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE):
              Structures and Process", STD 96, RFC 9052,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9052, August 2022,

We would like to thank Daisuke Ajitomi, Claudio Allocchio, Carsten Bormann, Laurence Lundblade, Ivaylo Petrov, Ines Robles, Orie Steele, Hannes Tschofenig, Paul Wouters, and Peter Yee for their valuable contributions to this specification.


Authors' Addresses
   Tobias Looker
   Email: tobias.looker@mattr.global
   Michael B. Jones
   Self-Issued Consulting
   Email: michael_b_jones@hotmail.com
   URI:   https://self-issued.info/