[要約] この文書は、特定のサービスやプロトコルに依存せず、時刻情報を表現および交換するためのタイムゾーン情報フォーマット(TZif)を定義しています。このフォーマット用の2つのメディアタイプも定義されています。この文書はRFC 8536を置き換え、廃止します。

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                          A. Olson
Request for Comments: 9636                                              
Obsoletes: 8536                                                P. Eggert
Category: Standards Track                                           UCLA
ISSN: 2070-1721                                             K. Murchison
                                                            October 2024
The Time Zone Information Format (TZif)

This document specifies the Time Zone Information Format (TZif) for representing and exchanging time zone information, independent of any particular service or protocol. Two media types for this format are also defined.


This document replaces and obsoletes RFC 8536.

このドキュメントは、RFC 8536を置き換えて廃止します。

Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

このドキュメントは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)の製品です。IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受けており、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)からの出版が承認されています。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2で入手できます。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9636.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、セクション4.Eで説明されている法的規定のセクション4.Eで説明されており、修正されたBSDライセンスで説明されている保証なしで提供されるように、改訂されたBSDライセンステキストを含める必要があります。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
   2.  Conventions Used in This Document
   3.  The Time Zone Information Format (TZif)
     3.1.  TZif Header
     3.2.  TZif Data Block
     3.3.  TZif Footer
       3.3.1.  All-Year Daylight Saving Time
       3.3.2.  TZ String Extension
   4.  Interoperability Considerations
   5.  Internationalization Considerations
   6.  Use with the Time Zone Data Distribution Service
     6.1.  Truncating TZif Files
     6.2.  Example TZDIST Request for TZif Data
   7.  Security Considerations
   8.  Privacy Considerations
   9.  IANA Considerations
     9.1.  application/tzif
     9.2.  application/tzif-leap
   10. References
     10.1.  Normative References
     10.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Common Interoperability Issues
   Appendix B.  Example TZif Files
     B.1.  Version 1 File Representing UTC (with Leap Seconds)
     B.2.  Version 2 File Representing Pacific/Honolulu
     B.3.  Truncated Version 2 File Representing Pacific/Johnston
     B.4.  Truncated Version 3 File Representing Asia/Jerusalem
     B.5.  Truncated Version 4 File Representing Europe/London
   Appendix C.  Changes from RFC 8536
   Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

Time zone data typically consists of offsets from universal time (UT), daylight saving transition rules, one or more local time designations (acronyms or abbreviations), and optional leap-second adjustments. One such format for conveying this information is iCalendar [RFC5545]. It is a text-based format used by calendaring and scheduling systems.

タイムゾーンデータは通常、ユニバーサル時間(UT)、夏時間の移行ルール、1つ以上の現地時間指定(頭字語または略語)、およびオプションのLEAP秒の調整からのオフセットで構成されています。この情報を伝えるためのそのような形式の1つは、ICALENDAR [RFC5545]です。これは、カレンダーおよびスケジューリングシステムで使用されるテキストベースの形式です。

This document specifies the widely deployed Time Zone Information Format (TZif). It is a binary format used by most UNIX systems to calculate local time. This format was introduced in the 1980s and has evolved since then into multiple upward-compatible versions. There is a wide variety of interoperable software capable of generating and reading files in this format [tz-link].


This specification does not define the source of the data assembled into a TZif file. One such source is the IANA-hosted time zone database [RFC6557].


This document obsoletes [RFC8536], providing editorial improvements, new details, and errata fixes while keeping full compatibility with the interchange format of [RFC8536]. Additionally, a new version of the format is defined. The changes from [RFC8536] are summarized in Appendix C.


2. Conventions Used in This Document
2. このドキュメントで使用されている規則

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

「必須」、「必要」、「必須」、「shall」、「shall」、「suff」、 "not"、 "becommended"、 "becommented"、 "may"、 "optional「このドキュメントでは、BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174]で説明されているように解釈されます。

The following terms are used in this document (see "Time zone and daylight saving time data" [tz-link] for more detailed information about civil timekeeping data and practice):


Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):


The basis for civil time since 1960. It is approximately equal to mean solar time at the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude).


Daylight Saving Time (DST):


The time according to a location's law or practice, when adjusted as necessary from standard time. The adjustment may be positive or negative, and the amount of adjustment may vary depending on the date and time; the TZif format even allows the adjustment to be zero, although this is not common practice.


International Atomic Time (TAI):


The time standard based on atomic clocks since 1972. It is equal to UTC but without leap-second adjustments.


Leap Second:


A one-second adjustment to keep UTC close to mean solar time at the prime meridian (see [ITU-R-TF.460]). Each inserted or deleted leap second occurs at the end of a UTC month, that is, a month using the Gregorian calendar and the UTC timescale.


Leap-Second Correction (LEAPCORR):


The value of "TAI - UTC - 10" for timestamps after the first leap second, and zero for timestamps before that. The expression "TAI - UTC - 10" comes from the fact that TAI - UTC was defined to be 10 just prior to the first leap second in 1972, so clocks with leap seconds have a zero LEAPCORR before the first leap second.

最初の跳躍後のタイムスタンプの「TAI -UTC -10」の値、その前のタイムスタンプの場合はゼロです。「Tai -utc -10」という式は、1972年の最初の跳躍の直前にTai -utcが10と定義されたという事実に由来しているため、跳躍秒の時計は最初の跳躍の前にleapcorrがゼロになります。

Local Time:


Civil time for a particular location. Its offset from universal time can depend on the date and time of day.


POSIX Epoch:


1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, the basis for absolute timestamps in this document.

1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC、このドキュメントの絶対的なタイムスタンプの基礎。

Standard Time:


The time according to a location's law or practice, unadjusted for daylight saving time.


Time Change:


A change to civil timekeeping practice. It occurs when one or more of the following happen simultaneously:


1. a change in UT offset

1. UTオフセットの変更

2. a change in whether daylight saving time is in effect

2. 夏時間が有効かどうかの変化

3. a change in time zone abbreviation

3. タイムゾーンの略語の変更

4. a leap second (i.e., a change in LEAPCORR)

4. 跳躍2秒(つまり、Leapcorrの変化)

Time Zone Data:


The Time Zone Data Distribution Service (TZDIST) [RFC7808] defines "Time zone data" as "data that defines a single time zone, including an identifier, UTC offset values, DST rules, and other information such as time zone abbreviations". The interchange format defined in this document is one such form of time zone data.


Transition Time:


The moment of occurrence of a time change that is not a leap second. It is identified with a signed integer count of UNIX leap time seconds since the POSIX epoch.


Universal Time (UT):


The basis of civil time. This is the principal form of the mean solar time at the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) for timestamps before UTC was introduced in 1960 and is UTC for timestamps thereafter. Although UT is sometimes called "UTC" or "GMT" in other sources, this specification uses the term "UT" to avoid confusion with UTC or with GMT.


UNIX Time:


The time as returned by the time() function provided by the C programming language (see Section 3 of the "System Interfaces" volume of [POSIX]). This is an integer number of seconds since the POSIX epoch, not counting leap seconds. As an extension to POSIX, negative values represent times before the POSIX epoch, using UT.


UNIX Leap Time:


UNIX time plus all preceding leap-second corrections. For example, if the first leap-second record in a TZif file occurs at 1972-06-30 23:59:60 UTC, the UNIX leap time for the timestamp 1972-07-01 00:00:00 UTC would be 78796801, one greater than the UNIX time for the same timestamp. Similarly, if the second leap-second record occurs at 1972-12-31 23:59:60 UTC, it accounts for the first leap second, so the UNIX leap time of 1972-12-31 23:59:60 UTC would be 94694401, and the UNIX leap time of 1973-01-01 00:00:00 UTC would be 94694402. If a TZif file specifies no leap-second records, UNIX leap time is equal to UNIX time.

Unix時間と、すべての前の跳躍秒補正。たとえば、TZIFファイルの最初の跳躍記録が1972-06-30 23:59:60 UTCで発生した場合、タイムスタンプのUNIXの跳躍時間は1972-07-01 00:00:00になります。同じタイムスタンプのUnix時間よりも1つ。同様に、1972-12-31 23:59:60 UTCで2番目の跳躍レコードが発生した場合、最初のリープ2秒を説明するため、1972-12-31 23:59:60のUNIXリープタイムは94694401、および1973-01-01 00:00:00のUnixの跳躍時間は94694402になります。TZIFファイルが跳躍秒のレコードを指定しない場合、UNIXの跳躍時間はUNIX時間に等しくなります。

Wall Time:


Another name for local time; short for "wall-clock time".


3. The Time Zone Information Format (TZif)
3. タイムゾーン情報形式(TZIF)

The Time Zone Information Format begins with a fixed 44-octet version 1 header (Section 3.1) containing a field that specifies the version of the file's format. Readers designed for version N can read version N+1 files without too much trouble; data specific to version N+1 either appears after version N data so that earlier version readers can easily ignore later version data they are not designed for, or it appears as a minor extension to version N that version N readers are likely to tolerate well.


The version 1 header is followed by a variable-length version 1 data block (Section 3.2) containing four-octet (32-bit) transition times and leap-second occurrences. These 32-bit values are limited to representing time changes from 1901-12-13 20:45:52 through 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UT, and the version 1 header and data block are present only for backward compatibility with obsolescent readers, as discussed in "Common Interoperability Issues" (Appendix A).

バージョン1ヘッダーの後には、4オクテット(32ビット)の遷移時間と跳躍秒の発生を含む可変長いバージョン1データブロック(セクション3.2)が続きます。これらの32ビットの値は、1901-12-13 20:45:52から2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTまでの時間の変化を表すことに限定されており、バージョン1のヘッダーとデータブロックは、後方互換性のためにのみ存在します。「一般的な相互運用性の問題」で説明されているように、時代遅れの読者(付録A)。

Version 1 files terminate after the version 1 data block. Files from versions 2 and higher extend the format by appending a second 44-octet version 2+ header, a variable-length version 2+ data block containing eight-octet (64-bit) transition times and leap-second occurrences, and a variable-length footer (Section 3.3). These 64-bit values can represent times approximately 292 billion years into the past or future.

バージョン1ファイルは、バージョン1データブロックの後に終了します。バージョン2以降のファイルは、2番目の44-OCTETバージョン2+ヘッダー、8オクました(64ビット)の遷移時間と跳躍秒の発生を含む可変長いバージョン2+データブロックを追加することにより、フォーマットを拡張します。- 長さフッター(セクション3.3)。これらの64ビットの値は、過去または未来の約2,92億年の時間を表しています。

NOTE: All multi-octet integer values MUST be stored in network octet order format (high-order octet first, otherwise known as big-endian), with all bits significant. Signed integer values MUST be represented using two's complement.


A TZif file is structured as follows:


                        Version 1        Versions 2+
                     +-------------+   +-------------+
                     |  Version 1  |   |  Version 1  |
                     |   Header    |   |   Header    |
                     +-------------+   +-------------+
                     |  Version 1  |   |  Version 1  |
                     |  Data Block |   |  Data Block |
                     +-------------+   +-------------+
                                       |  Version 2+ |
                                       |   Header    |
                                       |  Version 2+ |
                                       |  Data Block |
                                       |   Footer    |

Figure 1: General Format of TZif Files


3.1. TZif Header
3.1. Tzifヘッダー

A TZif header is structured as follows (the lengths of multi-octet fields are shown in parentheses):


       |  magic    (4) |ver|
       |           [unused - reserved for future use] (15)         |
       |  isutcnt  (4) |  isstdcnt (4) |  leapcnt  (4) |
       |  timecnt  (4) |  typecnt  (4) |  charcnt  (4) |

Figure 2: TZif Header


The fields of the header are defined as follows:




The four-octet ASCII [RFC20] sequence "TZif" (0x54 0x5A 0x69 0x66), which identifies the file as utilizing the Time Zone Information Format.

4-OCTET ASCII [RFC20]シーケンス「TZIF」(0x54 0x5A 0x69 0x66)は、タイムゾーン情報形式を使用してファイルを識別します。



An octet identifying the version of the file's format. The value MUST be one of the following:


* NUL (0x00) Version 1 - The file contains only the version 1 header and data block. Version 1 files MUST NOT contain a version 2+ header, data block, or footer.

* NUL(0x00)バージョン1-ファイルには、バージョン1ヘッダーとデータブロックのみが含まれています。バージョン1ファイルには、バージョン2+ヘッダー、データブロック、またはフッターが含まれてはなりません。

* '2' (0x32) Version 2 - The file MUST contain the version 1 header and data block, a version 2+ header and data block, and a footer. The TZ string in the footer (Section 3.3), if non-empty, MUST strictly adhere to the requirements for the TZ environment variable as defined in Section 8.3 of the "Base Definitions" volume of [POSIX] and MUST encode the POSIX portable character set as ASCII. The leap-second records MUST NOT be truncated at the start (Section 6.1) and MUST NOT contain an expiration time.

* '2'(0x32)バージョン2-ファイルには、バージョン1ヘッダーとデータブロック、バージョン2+ヘッダーとデータブロック、およびフッターが含まれている必要があります。フッター内のTZ文字列(セクション3.3)は、空ではない場合、[POSIX]の「ベース定義」ボリュームのセクション8.3で定義されているように、TZ環境変数の要件を厳密に接着する必要があり、POSIXポータブル文字をエンコードする必要があります。ASCIIとして設定します。跳躍秒のレコードは、開始時に切り捨てられてはなりません(セクション6.1)、有効期限を抑えてはなりません。

* '3' (0x33) Version 3 - The file MUST conform to all version 2 requirements, except that any TZ string in the footer (Section 3.3) MAY use the TZ string extension described below (Section 3.3.2).

* '3'(0x33)バージョン3-ファイルはすべてのバージョン2要件に準拠する必要がありますが、フッター内のTZ文字列(セクション3.3)は、以下に説明するTZ文字列拡張機能を使用できます(セクション3.3.2)。

* '4' (0x34) Version 4 - The file MUST conform to all version 3 requirements, except that the leap-second records MAY be truncated at the start and MAY contain an expiration time.

* '4'(0x34)バージョン4-ファイルは、すべてのバージョン3要件に準拠する必要がありますが、左秒のレコードが開始時に切り捨てられ、有効期限が含まれる場合があります。



A four-octet unsigned integer specifying the number of UT/ local indicators contained in the data block -- MUST either be zero or equal to "typecnt".

データブロックに含まれるUT/ローカルインジケーターの数を指定する4オクテットの符号なし整数 - 「typecnt」にゼロまたは等しくなければなりません。



A four-octet unsigned integer specifying the number of standard/wall indicators contained in the data block -- MUST either be zero or equal to "typecnt".

データブロックに含まれる標準/壁インジケーターの数を指定する4オクテットの署名整合体 - 「typecnt」にゼロまたは等しくなければなりません。



A four-octet unsigned integer specifying the number of leap-second records contained in the data block.




A four-octet unsigned integer specifying the number of transition times contained in the data block.




A four-octet unsigned integer specifying the number of local time type records contained in the data block -- MUST NOT be zero. (Although local time type records convey no useful information in files that have non-empty TZ strings but no transitions, at least one such record is nevertheless required because many TZif readers reject files that have zero time types.)




A four-octet unsigned integer specifying the total number of octets used by the set of time zone designations contained in the data block -- MUST NOT be zero. The count includes the trailing NUL (0x00) octet at the end of the last time zone designation.


Although the version 1 and 2+ headers have the same format, magic number, and version fields, their count fields may differ, because the version 1 data can be a subset of the version 2+ data.


3.2. TZif Data Block
3.2. TZIFデータブロック

A TZif data block consists of seven variable-length elements, each of which is a series of items. The number of items in each series is determined by the corresponding count field in the header. The total length of each element is calculated by multiplying the number of items by the size of each item. Therefore, implementations that do not wish to parse or use the version 1 data block can calculate its total length and skip directly to the header of the version 2+ data block.


In the version 1 data block, time values are 32 bits (TIME_SIZE = 4 octets). In the version 2+ data block, present only in version 2 and higher files, time values are 64 bits (TIME_SIZE = 8 octets).

バージョン1のデータブロックでは、時間値は32ビット(time_size = 4オクテット)です。バージョン2以上のバージョンデータブロックでは、バージョン2以下のファイルのみで存在する場合、時間値は64ビット(time_size = 8オクテット)です。

The data block is structured as follows (the lengths of multi-octet fields are shown in parentheses):


        |  transition times          (timecnt x TIME_SIZE)        |
        |  transition types          (timecnt)                    |
        |  local time type records   (typecnt x 6)                |
        |  time zone designations    (charcnt)                    |
        |  leap-second records       (leapcnt x (TIME_SIZE + 4))  |
        |  standard/wall indicators  (isstdcnt)                   |
        |  UT/local indicators       (isutcnt)                    |

Figure 3: TZif Data Block


The elements of the data block are defined as follows:


transition times:


A series of four- or eight-octet UNIX leap time values sorted in strictly ascending order. Each value is used as a transition time at which the rules for computing local time may change. The number of time values is specified by the "timecnt" field in the header. Each time value SHOULD be at least -2^59. (-2^59 is the greatest negated power of 2 that predates the Big Bang, and avoiding earlier timestamps works around known TZif reader bugs relating to outlandishly negative timestamps.)


transition types:


A series of one-octet unsigned integers specifying the type of local time of the corresponding transition time. These values serve as zero-based indices into the array of local time type records. The number of type indices is specified by the "timecnt" field in the header. Each type index MUST be in the range [0, "typecnt" - 1].

対応する遷移時間のローカル時間のタイプを指定する一連の1オクテットの符号なし整数。これらの値は、ローカルタイムタイプレコードの配列にゼロベースのインデックスとして機能します。タイプインデックスの数は、ヘッダーの「TimeCNT」フィールドによって指定されます。各タイプインデックスは範囲[0、 "typecnt" -1]にある必要があります。

local time type records:


A series of six-octet records specifying a local time type. The number of records is specified by the "typecnt" field in the header. Each record has the following format (the lengths of multi-octet fields are shown in parentheses):


|  utoff (4)    |dst|idx|



A four-octet signed integer specifying the number of seconds to be added to UT in order to determine local time. The value MUST NOT be -2^31 and SHOULD be in the range [-89999, 93599] (i.e., its value SHOULD be more than -25 hours and less than 26 hours). Avoiding -2^31 allows 32-bit clients to negate the value without overflow. Restricting it to [-89999, 93599] allows easy support by implementations that already support the POSIX-required range [-24:59:59, 25:59:59].




A one-octet value indicating whether local time should be considered Daylight Saving Time (DST). The value MUST be 0 or 1. A value of one (1) indicates that this type of time is DST. A value of zero (0) indicates that this time type is standard time.




A one-octet unsigned integer specifying a zero-based index into the series of time zone designation octets, thereby selecting a particular designation string. Each index MUST be in the range [0, "charcnt" - 1]; it designates the NUL-terminated string of octets starting at position "idx" in the time zone designations. (This string MAY be empty.) A NUL octet MUST exist in the time zone designations at or after position "idx". If the designation string is "-00", the time type is a placeholder indicating that local time is unspecified.

ゼロベースのインデックスを一連のタイムゾーン指定オクテットに指定する1オクテットの符号なし整数で、特定の指定文字列を選択します。各インデックスは範囲[0、 "charcnt" -1]にある必要があります。タイムゾーンの指定における位置「IDX」から始まるオクテットのヌル終了文字列を指定します。(この文字列は空になる可能性があります。)NULオクテットは、「IDX」の位置以降のタイムゾーンの指定に存在する必要があります。指定文字列が「-00」の場合、時間タイプは現地時間が不特定であることを示すプレースホルダーです。

time zone designations:


A series of octets constituting an array of NUL-terminated (0x00) time zone designation strings. The total number of octets is specified by the "charcnt" field in the header. Two designations MAY overlap if one is a suffix of the other. The character encoding of time zone designation strings is not specified; however, see Section 4 of this document.


leap-second records:


A series of eight- or twelve-octet records specifying the corrections that need to be applied to UTC in order to determine TAI, also known as the leap-second table. The records are sorted by the occurrence time in strictly ascending order. The number of records is specified by the "leapcnt" field in the header. Each record has one of the following structures (the lengths of multi-octet fields are shown in parentheses):


Version 1 Data Block:


|  occur (4)    |  corr (4)     |

version 2+ Data Block:


|  occur (8)                    |  corr (4)     |



A four- or eight-octet UNIX leap time value specifying the time at which a leap-second correction occurs or at which the leap-second table expires. The first value, if present, MUST be non-negative, and each leap second MUST occur at the end of a UTC month.




A four-octet signed integer specifying the value of LEAPCORR on or after the occurrence. If "leapcnt" is zero, LEAPCORR is zero for all timestamps. If "leapcnt" is nonzero, for timestamps before the first occurrence time, LEAPCORR is zero if the first correction is one (1) or minus one (-1) and is unspecified otherwise (which can happen only in files truncated at the start (Section 6.1)).


The first leap second is a positive leap second if and only if its correction is positive. Each correction after the first MUST differ from the previous correction by either one (1) for a positive leap second or minus one (-1) for a negative leap second, except that in version 4 files with two or more leap-second records, the correction value of the last two records MAY be the same, with the occurrence of last record indicating the expiration time of the leap-second table.


The leap-second table expiration time is the time at which the table no longer records the presence or absence of future leap-second corrections, and post-expiration timestamps cannot be accurately calculated. For example, a leap-second table published in January, which predicts the presence or absence of a leap second at June's end, might expire in mid-December because it is not known when the next leap second will occur.


If leap seconds become permanently discontinued, as requested by the General Conference on Weights and Measures [CGPM-2022-R4], leap-second tables published after the discontinuation time SHOULD NOT expire, since they will not be updated in the foreseeable future.


standard/wall indicators:


A series of one-octet values indicating whether the transition times associated with local time types were specified as standard time or wall-clock time. Each value MUST be 0 or 1. A value of one (1) indicates standard time. The value MUST be set to one (1) if the corresponding UT/local indicator is set to one (1). A value of zero (0) indicates wall time. The number of values is specified by the "isstdcnt" field in the header. If "isstdcnt" is zero (0), all transition times associated with local time types are assumed to be specified as wall time.


UT/local indicators:


A series of one-octet values indicating whether the transition times associated with local time types were specified as UT or local time. Each value MUST be 0 or 1. A value of one (1) indicates UT, and the corresponding standard/wall indicator MUST also be set to one (1). A value of zero (0) indicates local time. The number of values is specified by the "isutcnt" field in the header. If "isutcnt" is zero (0), all transition times associated with local time types are assumed to be specified as local time.


The type corresponding to a transition time specifies local time for timestamps starting at the given transition time and continuing up to, but not including, the next transition time. Local time for timestamps before the first transition is specified by the first time type (time type 0). Local time for timestamps on or after the last transition is specified by the TZ string in the footer (Section 3.3) if present and non-empty; otherwise, it is unspecified. If there are no transitions, local time for all timestamps is specified by the TZ string in the footer if present and non-empty; otherwise, it is specified by time type 0. A time type with a designation string of "-00" represents an unspecified local time.


A given pair of standard/wall and UT/local indicators is used to designate whether the corresponding transition time was specified as UT, standard time, or wall-clock time. There are only three combinations of the two indicators, given that the standard/wall value MUST be one (1) if the UT/local value is one (1). This information can be useful if the transition times in a TZif file need to be transformed into transitions appropriate for another time zone (e.g., when calculating transition times for a simple POSIX-like TZ string such as "AKST9AKDT").


In order to eliminate unused space in a TZif file, every nonzero local time type index SHOULD appear at least once in the transition type array. Likewise, every octet in the time zone designations array SHOULD be used by at least one time type record.


3.3. Tzifフッター

The TZif footer is structured as follows (the lengths of multi-octet fields are shown in parentheses):


                      | NL|  TZ string (0...)  |NL |

Figure 4: TZif Footer


The elements of the footer are defined as follows:




An ASCII new line character (0x0A).


TZ string:


A rule for computing local time changes after the last transition time stored in the version 2+ data block. The string is either empty or uses the expanded format of the "TZ" environment variable as defined in Section 8.3 of the "Base Definitions" volume of [POSIX] with ASCII encoding, possibly utilizing the extension described below (Section 3.3.2) in version 3 and higher files. If the string is empty, the corresponding information is not available. If the string is non-empty and one or more transitions appear in the version 2+ data, the string MUST be consistent with the last version 2+ transition. In other words, evaluating the TZ string at the time of the last transition should yield the same time type as was specified in the last transition. The string MUST NOT contain NUL octets or be NUL-terminated, and it SHOULD NOT begin with the ":" (colon) character.


The TZif footer is present only in version 2 and higher files, as the obsolescent version 1 format was designed before the need for a footer was apparent.


3.3.1. All-Year Daylight Saving Time
3.3.1. すべての日光の節約時間

DST is considered to be in effect all year if its UT offset is less than (i.e., west of) that of standard time, and it starts January 1 at 00:00 and ends December 31 at 24:00 minus the difference between standard and daylight saving time, leaving no room for standard time in the calendar. [POSIX] implies but does not explicitly state this, so it is spelled out here for clarity.


Example: XXX3EDT4,0/0,J365/23


This represents a time zone that is perpetually 4 hours west of UT and is abbreviated "EDT". The "XXX" is ignored.


3.3.2. TZ String Extension
3.3.2. TZ文字列拡張機能

The TZ string in a version 3 or higher TZif file MAY use the following extension to POSIX TZ strings. This extension is described using the terminology of Section 8.3 of the "Base Definitions" volume of [POSIX].

バージョン3以下のTZIFファイルのTZ文字列は、次の拡張子を使用してPOSIX TZ文字列を使用できます。この拡張機能は、[POSIX]の「ベース定義」ボリュームのセクション8.3の用語を使用して説明されています。

The hours part of the transition times may be signed and range from -167 through 167 (-167 <= hh <= 167) instead of the POSIX-required unsigned values from 0 through 24.

遷移時間の時間の一部に署名し、0〜24のPOSIXが必要とした符号なしの値の代わりに、-167〜167(-167 <= HH <= 167)の範囲です。

Example: <-03>3<-02>,M3.5.0/-2,M10.5.0/-1

例:<-03> 3 <-02>、M3.5.0/-2、M10.5.0/-1

This represents a time zone that observes daylight saving time from 22:00 on the day before March's last Sunday until 23:00 on the day before October's last Sunday. Standard time is 3 hours west of UT and is abbreviated "-03"; daylight saving time is 2 hours west of UT and is abbreviated "-02".


A TZif file that uses the above extension MUST be designated as version 3 (or higher), even if a future version of POSIX adopts this extension.


4. Interoperability Considerations
4. 相互運用性の考慮事項

The following practices help ensure the interoperability of TZif applications.


* Version 1 files are considered a legacy format and SHOULD NOT be generated, as they do not support transition times after the year 2038.

* バージョン1ファイルはレガシー形式と見なされ、2038年以降の移行時間をサポートしていないため、生成すべきではありません。

* Readers that understand only version 1 MUST ignore any data that extends beyond the calculated end of the version 1 data block.

* バージョン1のみを理解している読者は、バージョン1データブロックの計算された端を超えて拡張されるデータを無視する必要があります。

* Other than version 1, writers SHOULD generate the lowest version number needed by a file's data. This helps interoperability with older readers. For example, a writer SHOULD generate a version 4 file only if its leap-second table either expires or is truncated at the start. Likewise, a writer not generating a version 4 file SHOULD generate a version 3 file only if the TZ string extension is necessary to accurately model transition times.

* バージョン1以外に、ライターはファイルのデータで必要な最低バージョン番号を生成する必要があります。これは、年長の読者との相互運用性に役立ちます。たとえば、ライターは、左秒のテーブルが開始時に切断されるか、切り捨てられている場合にのみ、バージョン4ファイルを生成する必要があります。同様に、バージョン4ファイルを生成しないライターは、トランジション時間を正確にモデル化するためにTZ String拡張機能が必要な場合にのみ、バージョン3ファイルを生成する必要があります。

* To save space, writers of version 2+ files MAY output a placeholder version 1 data block with all counts zero except that "typecnt" and "charcnt" are both one (1). If this is done, obsolescent version-1-only readers MUST interpret these files as lacking time changes and time zone abbreviations.

* スペースを節約するために、バージョン2+ファイルの作家は、「Typecnt」と「charcnt」が両方であることを除いて、すべてのカウントゼロでプレースホルダーバージョン1データブロックを出力する場合があります。これが行われた場合、時代遅れのバージョン1のみの読者は、これらのファイルを時間の変更とタイムゾーンの略語の欠如として解釈する必要があります。

* Unless the version 1 data block is a placeholder, the sequence of timestamps defined by the version 1 header and data block SHOULD be a contiguous sub-sequence of the timestamps defined by the version 2+ header and data block and by the footer. This guideline helps obsolescent version 1 readers agree with current readers about timestamps within the contiguous sub-sequence.

* バージョン1のデータブロックがプレースホルダーでない限り、バージョン1ヘッダーとデータブロックによって定義されるタイムスタンプのシーケンスは、バージョン2+ヘッダーとデータブロック、およびフッターによって定義されるタイムスタンプの連続的なサブシーケンスである必要があります。このガイドラインは、時代遅れのバージョン1の読者が、隣接するサブシーケンス内のタイムスタンプについて現在の読者に同意するのに役立ちます。

* When a TZif file contains a leap-second table expiration time, TZif readers SHOULD either refuse to process post-expiration timestamps or process them as if the expiration time did not exist (possibly with an error indication). This lessens disagreement among implementations when processing far-future timestamps that cannot yet be handled exactly.

* TZIFファイルに跳躍秒のテーブルの有効期限が含まれている場合、TZIFリーダーは、有効期限が存在しないかのように、expiration後のタイムスタンプの処理を拒否するか、それらを処理する必要があります(おそらくエラーの表示がある場合)。これは、まだ正確に処理できない遠い充実したタイムスタンプを処理する際に、実装間の意見の不一致を軽減します。

* Time zone designations MUST consist of at least three (3) and no more than six (6) ASCII characters from the set of alphanumerics, "-", and "+". This is compatible with POSIX requirements for time zone abbreviations.

* タイムゾーンの指定は、少なくとも3つの(3)、およびアルファナメリックのセット、「 - 」、および「+」のASCII文字を6つ以下で構成する必要があります。これは、タイムゾーンの略語のPOSIX要件と互換性があります。

* A reader that encounters a time zone designation containing bytes other than ASCII alphanumerics, "-", and "+" SHOULD act if the designation instead contained a signed numeric string derived from the UT offset, for example, "-10" and "+0530" to indicate 10 hours west and 5.5 hours east of Greenwich, respectively.

* ASCIIアルファナメリック以外のバイトを含むタイムゾーンの指定に遭遇するリーダーは、「 - 」、および「+」が行動する必要があります。0530 "それぞれグリニッジの西10時間と東5.5時間を示します。

* When reading a version 2 or higher file, readers SHOULD ignore the version 1 header and data block except for the purpose of skipping over them. This improves compatibility among readers of non-conforming files where version 2+ data is not upward compatible with version 1.

* バージョン2以下のファイルを読むとき、読者はそれらをスキップする目的を除き、バージョン1ヘッダーとデータブロックを無視する必要があります。これにより、バージョン2+データがバージョン1と上方に互換性がない、不適合ファイルの読者間の互換性が向上します。

* Readers SHOULD calculate the total lengths of the headers and data blocks and check that they all fit within the actual file size, as part of a validity check for the file.

* 読者は、ヘッダーとデータブロックの総長さを計算し、ファイルの有効性チェックの一部として、それらがすべて実際のファイルサイズに収まることを確認する必要があります。

* When a TZif file is used in a MIME message entity, it SHOULD be indicated by one of the following media types:

* TZIFファイルがMIMEメッセージエンティティで使用される場合、次のメディアタイプのいずれかで示される必要があります。

- "application/tzif-leap" (Section 9.2) to indicate that leap-second records are included in the TZif data as necessary (none are necessary if the file is truncated to a range that precedes the first leap second).

- 「アプリケーション/TZIF-LEAP」(セクション9.2)は、必要に応じてLEAP秒のレコードがTZIFデータに含まれていることを示します(ファイルが最初の跳躍の前にある範囲に切り捨てられている場合は必要ありません)。

- "application/tzif" (Section 9.1) to indicate that leap-second records are not included in the TZif data; "leapcnt" in the header(s) MUST be zero (0).

- 「Application/TZIF」(セクション9.1)は、LEAP秒のレコードがTZIFデータに含まれていないことを示しています。ヘッダーの「Leapcnt」はゼロ(0)でなければなりません。

* Common interoperability issues and possible workarounds are described in Appendix A.

* 一般的な相互運用性の問題と可能な回避策については、付録Aで説明します。

5. Internationalization Considerations
5. 国際化の考慮事項

TZif time zone designations contain only ASCII alphanumerics, "-", and "+". Commonly used designations include numeric strings like "-10" and "+0530" for UT offsets and English language abbreviations like "CEST" for Central European Summer Time and "GMT" for Greenwich Mean Time. It is the TZif reader's responsibility to substitute different abbreviations when needed for internationalization, such as substituting "HNC" (l'heure normale du Centre) for "CST" (Central Standard Time) in French-speaking regions. This substitution can be problematic, as abbreviations can be ambiguous; for example, "CST" commonly stands for China Standard Time and Cuba Standard Time as well as Central Standard Time. One approach for addressing this issue can be found in the time zone charts of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) Project [CLDR].

TZIFタイムゾーンの指定には、ASCIIアルファナメリックのみが含まれています。「 - 」、および「+」が含まれています。一般的に使用される指定には、UTオフセットの「-10」や「+0530」などの数値文字列や、中央ヨーロッパの夏の「セスト」やグリニッジ平均時間の「GMT」などの英語の略語が含まれます。フランス語圏の地域の「CST」(中央標準時間)の「HNC」(L'Heure Normale Du Center)を置き換えるなど、国際化に必要な場合にさまざまな略語を置き換えることは、TZIF読者の責任です。略語は曖昧な場合があるため、この代替は問題になる可能性があります。たとえば、「CST」は一般に、中国の標準時間とキューバの標準時間、および中央標準時間を表しています。この問題に対処するための1つのアプローチは、Unicode Common Locale Data Repository(CLDR)Project [CLDR]のタイムゾーンチャートにあります。

Although the original TZif design allowed for any nonzero octets in time zone designations, and it was common practice until the mid-1990s for designations to contain ASCII spaces, designations are now limited to ASCII alphanumerics, "-", and "+" to avoid confusion and to encourage portability to a wide variety of locales.

元のTZIF設計では、タイムゾーンの指定でゼロ以外のオクテットを許可していましたが、ASCIIスペースを含む指定の1990年代半ばまで一般的な慣行でしたが、指定は現在、ASCIIアルファナメリック "に限定されています」と「+」混乱と多種多様な地域への携帯性を促進する。

6. Use with the Time Zone Data Distribution Service
6. タイムゾーンデータ配布サービスで使用します

The Time Zone Data Distribution Service (TZDIST) [RFC7808] is a service that allows reliable, secure, and fast delivery of time zone data and leap-second rules to client systems such as calendaring and scheduling applications or operating systems.


A TZDIST service MAY supply time zone data to clients in the Time Zone Information Format. Such a service MUST indicate that it supports this format by including the media type "application/tzif" (Section 9.1) in its "capabilities" response (Section 5.1 of [RFC7808]). A TZDIST service MAY also include the media type "application/tzif-leap" (Section 9.2) in its "capabilities" response if it is able to generate TZif files containing leap-second records. A TZDIST service MUST NOT advertise the "application/tzif-leap" media type without also advertising "application/tzif".

TZDISTサービスは、タイムゾーン情報形式でタイムゾーンデータをクライアントに提供する場合があります。このようなサービスは、メディアタイプの「アプリケーション/TZIF」(セクション9.1)を「機能」応答([RFC7808]のセクション5.1)に含めることにより、この形式をサポートすることを示す必要があります。TZDISTサービスには、Leap-Second Recordsを含むTZIFファイルを生成できる場合、「Application/Tzif-Leap」(セクション9.2)(セクション9.2)を「機能」応答に含めることもできます。TZDISTサービスは、「アプリケーション/TZIF」を宣伝することなく、「アプリケーション/TZIF-LEAP」メディアタイプを宣伝してはなりません。

TZDIST clients MUST use the HTTP "Accept" header field ([RFC9110], Section 12.5.1) to indicate their preference to receive data in the "application/tzif" and/or "application/tzif-leap" formats.


6.1. Truncating TZif Files
6.1. TZIFファイルの切り捨て

As described in Section 3.9 of [RFC7808], a TZDIST service MAY truncate time zone transition data. A truncated TZif file is valid from its first and up to, but not including, its last version 2+ transition time, if present.


When truncating the start of a TZif file, the service MUST supply in the version 2+ data a first transition time that is the start point of the truncation range. As with untruncated TZif files, time type 0 indicates local time immediately before the start point, and the time type of the first transition indicates local time thereafter. Time type 0 MUST be a placeholder indicating that local time is unspecified, so that the reader is unambiguously informed of truncation at the start.


When truncating the start of a TZif file containing leap-second records, the service MUST keep all leap-second records governing timestamps within the truncation range, even if the first such record precedes the start point of the truncation range. If the truncated leap-second table is non-empty, its first record MUST have a positive correction if and only if it represents a positive leap second.

Leap-Second Recordsを含むTZIFファイルの開始を切り捨てるとき、サービスは、最初のそのような記録が切り捨て範囲の開始点に先行する場合でも、トランケーション範囲内のタイムスタンプを管理するすべての跳躍レコードを維持する必要があります。切り捨てられた跳躍秒のテーブルが空でない場合、正の跳躍を表す場合にのみ、その最初のレコードは正の修正を行う必要があります。

When truncating the end of a TZif file, the service MUST supply in the version 2+ data a last transition time that is the end point of the truncation range and MUST supply an empty TZ string. As with untruncated TZif files with empty TZ strings, a truncated TZif file does not indicate local time after the last transition. To this end, the time type of the last transition MUST be a placeholder indicating that local time is unspecified.


All represented information that falls inside the truncation range MUST be the same as that represented by a corresponding untruncated TZif file.


TZDIST clients SHOULD NOT use a truncated TZif file (as described above) to interpret timestamps outside the truncation time range.


6.2. Example TZDIST Request for TZif Data
6.2. TZIFデータのTZDIST要求の例

In this example, the client checks the server for the available formats and then requests that the time zone with a specific time zone identifier be returned in Time Zone Information Format.


This example presumes that the time zone context path has been discovered (see [RFC7808], Section 4.2.1) to be "/tzdist".


   >> Request <<

   GET /tzdist/capabilities HTTP/1.1
   Host: tz.example.com

   >> Response <<

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2018 14:52:23 GMT
   Content-Type: application/json
   Content-Length: xxxx

     "version": 1,

     "info": {
       "primary-source": "IANA:2018e",
       "formats": [

   >> Request <<

   GET /tzdist/zones/America%2FNew_York HTTP/1.1
   Host: tz.example.com
   Accept: application/tzif

   >> Response <<

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2018 14:52:24 GMT
   Content-Type: application/tzif
   Content-Length: xxxx
   ETag: "123456789-000-111"

   TZif2...[binary data without leap-second records]...
7. Security Considerations
7. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

The Time Zone Information Format contains no executable code, and it does not define any extensible areas that could be used to store such code.


TZif contains counted arrays of data elements. All counts should be checked when processing TZif objects, to guard against references past the end of the object.


TZif provides no confidentiality or integrity protection. Time zone information is normally public and does not call for confidentiality protection. Since time zone information is used in many critical applications, integrity protection may be required and must be provided externally.


As discussed in Section 8 of [RFC7808], transmission of time zone data over an insecure communication channel could result in tampered data, harming calendaring and scheduling operations. As such, TZif data transmitted over a public communications channel MUST be protected with a security layer such as that provided by Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC8446].

[RFC7808]のセクション8で説明したように、安全でない通信チャネル上のタイムゾーンデータの送信により、データが改ざん、カレンダーの害とスケジューリング操作が発生する可能性があります。そのため、Public Communications Channelを介して送信されたTZIFデータは、輸送層セキュリティ(TLS)[RFC8446]によって提供されるようなセキュリティレイヤーで保護する必要があります。

8. Privacy Considerations
8. プライバシーに関する考慮事項

The Time Zone Information Format contains publicly available data, and it does not define any extensible areas that could be used to store private data.


As discussed in Section 9 of [RFC7808], transmission of time zone data over an insecure communications channel could leak the past, current, or future location of a device or user. As such, TZif data transmitted over a public communications channel MUST be protected with a confidentiality layer such as that provided by Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC8446].


9. IANA Considerations
9. IANAの考慮事項

IANA has updated the "Media Types" registry (https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types) as follows.


This document defines two media types [RFC6838] for the exchange of data utilizing the Time Zone Information Format.


9.1. application/tzif
9.1. アプリケーション/TZIF

Type name:




Subtype name:




Required parameters:




Optional parameters:




Encoding considerations:




Security considerations:


See Section 7 of RFC 9636.

RFC 9636のセクション7を参照してください。

Interoperability considerations:


See Section 4 of RFC 9636.

RFC 9636のセクション4を参照してください。

Published specification:


RFC 9636.

RFC 9636。

Applications that use this media type:


This media type is designed for widespread use by applications that need to use or exchange time zone information relative to UNIX time, such as the Time Zone Information Compiler (zic) [ZIC] and the GNU C Library [GNU-C]. The Time Zone Distribution Service [RFC7808] can directly use this media type.

このメディアタイプは、タイムゾーン情報コンパイラ(ZIC)[ZIC]やGNU Cライブラリ[GNU-C]など、UNIX時間と比較してタイムゾーン情報を使用または交換する必要があるアプリケーションで広く使用するように設計されています。タイムゾーン配信サービス[RFC7808]は、このメディアタイプを直接使用できます。

Fragment identifier considerations:




Additional information:


Magic number(s):


The first 4 octets are 0x54, 0x5A, 0x69, 0x66


File extensions(s):




Macintosh file type code(s):




Person & email address to contact for further information:


Time Zone Database mailing list <tz@iana.org>


Intended usage:




Restrictions on usage:






See the "Authors' Addresses" section of RFC 9636.

RFC 9636の「著者のアドレス」セクションを参照してください。

Change controller:

Change Controller:



9.2. application/tzif-leap
9.2. アプリケーション/tzif-leap

Type name:




Subtype name:




Required parameters:




Optional parameters:




Encoding considerations:




Security considerations:


See Section 7 of RFC 9636.

RFC 9636のセクション7を参照してください。

Interoperability considerations:


See Section 4 of RFC 9636.

RFC 9636のセクション4を参照してください。

Published specification:


RFC 9636.

RFC 9636。

Applications that use this media type:


This media type is designed for widespread use by applications that need to use or exchange time zone information relative to UNIX leap time, such as the Time Zone Information Compiler (zic) [ZIC] and the GNU C Library [GNU-C]. The Time Zone Distribution Service [RFC7808] can directly use this media type.

このメディアタイプは、タイムゾーン情報コンパイラ(ZIC)[ZIC]やGNU Cライブラリ[GNU-C]など、UNIXの跳躍時間と比較してタイムゾーン情報を使用または交換する必要があるアプリケーションで広く使用するように設計されています。タイムゾーン配信サービス[RFC7808]は、このメディアタイプを直接使用できます。

Fragment identifier considerations:




Additional information:


Magic number(s):


The first 4 octets are 0x54, 0x5A, 0x69, 0x66


File extensions(s):




Macintosh file type code(s):




Person & email address to contact for further information:


Time Zone Database mailing list <tz@iana.org>


Intended usage:




Restrictions on usage:






See the "Authors' Addresses" section of RFC 9636.

RFC 9636の「著者のアドレス」セクションを参照してください。

Change controller:

Change Controller:



10. References
10. 参考文献
10.1. Normative References
10.1. 引用文献
   [GNU-C]    Free Software Foundation, "The GNU C Library",
              International Telecommunication Union, "Standard-frequency
              and time-signal emissions", ITU-R Recommendation TF.460,
              February 2002, <https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-TF.460/en>.
   [POSIX]    IEEE, "IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Portable
              Operating System Interface (POSIX(TM)) Base
              Specifications, Issue 7", POSIX.1-2017, IEEE
              Std 1003.1-2017, DOI 10.1109/IEEESTD.2018.8277153, January
              2018, <https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/>.
   [RFC20]    Cerf, V., "ASCII format for network interchange", STD 80,
              RFC 20, DOI 10.17487/RFC0020, October 1969,
   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC6838]  Freed, N., Klensin, J., and T. Hansen, "Media Type
              Specifications and Registration Procedures", BCP 13,
              RFC 6838, DOI 10.17487/RFC6838, January 2013,
   [RFC7808]  Douglass, M. and C. Daboo, "Time Zone Data Distribution
              Service", RFC 7808, DOI 10.17487/RFC7808, March 2016,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.
   [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,
   [ZIC]      Kerrisk, M., "zic(8) - Linux manual page",
10.2. Informative References
10.2. 参考引用
              General Conference on Weights and Measures, "Resolution 4
              of the 27th CGPM (2022)", DOI 10.59161/CGPM2022RES4E,
              November 2022,
   [CLDR]     Unicode, Inc., "Unicode CLDR Project",
              "History for tz", commit b5318b5, June 2024,
   [Err6426]  RFC Errata, "Erratum ID 6426", RFC 8536,
   [Err6435]  RFC Errata, "Erratum ID 6435", RFC 8536,
   [Err6757]  RFC Errata, "Erratum ID 6757", RFC 8536,
   [Err7681]  RFC Errata, "Erratum ID 7681", RFC 8536,
   [RFC5545]  Desruisseaux, B., Ed., "Internet Calendaring and
              Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)",
              RFC 5545, DOI 10.17487/RFC5545, September 2009,
   [RFC6557]  Lear, E. and P. Eggert, "Procedures for Maintaining the
              Time Zone Database", BCP 175, RFC 6557,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6557, February 2012,
   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,
   [RFC8536]  Olson, A., Eggert, P., and K. Murchison, "The Time Zone
              Information Format (TZif)", RFC 8536,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8536, February 2019,
   [tz-link]  Eggert, P. and A. Olson, "Time zone and daylight saving
              time data",
Appendix A. Common Interoperability Issues
付録A. 一般的な相互運用性の問題

This section documents common problems in implementing this specification. Most of these are problems in generating TZif files for use by readers conforming to predecessors of this specification [EGGERT-TZ]. The goals of this section are to help:


1. TZif writers output files that avoid common pitfalls in older or buggy TZif readers,

1. TZIFライターは、古いまたはバギーTZIFリーダーの一般的な落とし穴を回避するファイルを出力します。

2. TZif readers avoid common pitfalls when reading files generated by future TZif writers, and

2. TZIFの読者は、将来のTZIFライターによって生成されたファイルを読むとき、一般的な落とし穴を避け、

3. any future specification authors see what sort of problems arise when the TZif format is changed.

3. 将来の仕様著者は、TZIF形式が変更されたときにどのような問題が発生するかを確認します。

When new versions of the TZif format have been defined, a design goal has been that a reader can successfully use a TZif file even if the file is of a later TZif version than what the reader was designed for. When complete compatibility was not achieved, an attempt was made to limit glitches to rarely used timestamps and allow simple partial workarounds in writers designed to generate newer-version data useful even for older-version readers. This section attempts to document these compatibility issues and workarounds as well as other common bugs in readers.


Interoperability problems with TZif include the following:


* Some readers examine only version 1 data. As a partial workaround, a writer can output as much version 1 data as possible. However, a reader should ignore version 1 data and use version 2+ data, even if the reader's timestamps have only 32 bits.

* 一部の読者は、バージョン1のデータのみを調べます。部分的な回避策として、ライターはできるだけ多くのバージョン1データを出力できます。ただし、読者のタイムスタンプに32ビットしかない場合でも、読者はバージョン1のデータを無視し、バージョン2+データを使用する必要があります。

* Some readers designed for version 2 might mishandle timestamps after a version 3 or higher file's last transition, because they cannot parse extensions to POSIX in the TZ-like string. As a partial workaround, a writer can output more transitions than necessary, so that only far-future timestamps are mishandled by version 2 readers.

* バージョン2のために設計された一部の読者は、TZのような文字列のPOSIXへの拡張機能を解析できないため、バージョン3以上のファイルの最後の遷移の後にタイムスタンプを誤っている可能性があります。部分的な回避策として、ライターは必要以上に多くの移行を出力できるため、バージョン2の読者によって遠くのタイムスタンプのみが誤って扱われます。

* Some readers designed for version 2 do not support permanent daylight saving time with transitions after 24:00 -- e.g., a TZ string "EST5EDT,0/0,J365/25" denoting permanent Eastern Daylight Time (-04). As a workaround, a writer can substitute standard time for two time zones east, e.g., "XXX3EDT4,0/0,J365/23" for a time zone with a never-used standard time (XXX, -03) and negative daylight saving time (EDT, -04) all year. Alternatively, as a partial workaround, a writer can substitute standard time for the next time zone east -- e.g., "AST4" for permanent Atlantic Standard Time (-04).

* バージョン2用に設計された一部の読者は、24:00以降の移行時間で永久夏時間をサポートしていません。回避策として、作家は、2回のタイムゾーンイーストの標準時間を代用できます。時間(EDT、-04)一年中。あるいは、部分的な回避策として、作家は次のタイムゾーンイーストの標準時間を置き換えることができます。

* Some readers designed for version 2 or 3 and that require strict conformance to [RFC8536] reject version 4 files whose leap-second tables are truncated at the start or end in expiration times.

* バージョン2または3のために設計された一部の読者は、[RFC8536]への厳格な適合を必要とします。そのバージョン4ファイルは、終了時または終了時にリープセカンドのテーブルが切り捨てられます。

* Some readers ignore the footer and instead predict future timestamps from the time type of the last transition. As a partial workaround, a writer can output more transitions than necessary.

* 一部の読者はフッターを無視し、代わりに最後の移行の時間タイプから将来のタイムスタンプを予測します。部分的な回避策として、ライターは必要以上に多くの遷移を出力できます。

* Some readers do not use time type 0 for timestamps before the first transition, in that they infer a time type using a heuristic that does not always select time type 0. As a partial workaround, a writer can output a placeholder (no-op) first transition at an early time.

* 一部の読者は、最初の遷移前にタイムスタンプにタイムタイプ0を使用しません。これは、常に時間タイプ0を選択するとは限らないヒューリスティックを使用して時間型を推測します。部分回避策として、ライターはプレースホルダー(NO-OP)を出力できます初期の最初の移行。

* Some readers mishandle timestamps before the first transition that has a timestamp that is not less than -2^31. Readers that support only 32-bit timestamps are likely to be more prone to this problem, for example, when they process 64-bit transitions, only some of which are representable in 32 bits. As a partial workaround, a writer can output a placeholder transition at timestamp -2^31.

* 一部の読者は、-2^31以上のタイムスタンプを持つ最初の移行の前にタイムスタンプを誤っています。32ビットのタイムスタンプのみをサポートする読者は、たとえば64ビットの遷移を処理する場合、32ビットで表されるものもある場合など、この問題を引き起こす傾向があります。部分的な回避策として、ライターはタイムスタンプ-2^31でプレースホルダーの移行を出力できます。

* Some readers mishandle a transition if its timestamp has the minimum possible signed 64-bit value. Timestamps less than -2^59 are not recommended.

* 一部の読者は、タイムスタンプに最小限の署名された64ビット値がある場合、移行を誤って扱います。-2^59未満のタイムスタンプは推奨されません。

* Some readers mishandle POSIX-style TZ strings that contain "<" or ">". As a partial workaround, a writer can avoid using "<" or ">" for time zone abbreviations containing only alphabetic characters.

* 一部の読者は、「<」または「>」を含むPosixスタイルのTZ文字列を誤解しています。部分的な回避策として、作家は、アルファベット文字のみを含むタイムゾーンの略語に「<"または「>」を使用することを避けることができます。

* Many readers mishandle time zone abbreviations that contain non-ASCII characters. These characters are not recommended.

* 多くの読者は、非ASCII文字を含むタイムゾーンの略語を誤って模倣しています。これらのキャラクターはお勧めしません。

* Some readers may mishandle time zone abbreviations that contain fewer than 3 or more than 6 characters or that contain ASCII characters other than alphanumerics, "-", and "+". These abbreviations are not recommended.

* 一部の読者は、3人未満または6文字以上を含む、またはアルファナメリック以外のASCII文字を含む「 - 」、および「+」を含むタイムゾーンの略語を誤って覆い隠す場合があります。これらの略語は推奨されません。

* This specification does not dictate how readers should deal with timestamps when local time is unspecified. Common practice is for readers to report UT with designation string "-00". A reader could return an error indication instead.

* この仕様では、現地時間が特定されていないときに、読者がタイムスタンプにどのように対処すべきかを決定するものではありません。一般的な実践は、読者が指定文字列「-00」でUTを報告することです。読者は代わりにエラーの表示を返すことができます。

* Some readers mishandle TZif files that specify daylight saving time UT offsets that are less than the UT offsets for the corresponding standard time. These readers do not support locations like Ireland, which uses the equivalent of the POSIX TZ string "IST-1GMT0,M10.5.0,M3.5.0/1", observing standard time (IST, +01) in summer and daylight saving time (GMT, +00) in winter. As a partial workaround, a writer can output data for the equivalent of the POSIX TZ string "GMT0IST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0", thus swapping standard and daylight saving time. Although this workaround misidentifies which part of the year uses daylight saving time, it records UT offsets and time zone abbreviations correctly.

* 一部の読者は、対応する標準時間のUTオフセットよりも少ない夏時間のUTオフセットを指定するTZIFファイルを誤って誤解しています。これらの読者は、アイルランドのような場所をサポートしていません。アイルランドは、POSIX TZ文字列「IST-1GMT0、M10.5.0、M3.5.0/1」に相当する場所を使用し、夏と夏の節約時間で標準時間(IST、+01)を観察します(GMT、+00)冬。部分的な回避策として、ライターは、POSIX TZ文字列「GMT0IST、M3.5.0/1、M10.5.0」に相当するデータを出力でき、標準と夏時間の節約時間を交換できます。この回避策は、今年の一部が夏時間を使用するかどうかを誤解していますが、UTオフセットとタイムゾーンの略語を正しく記録します。

* Some readers generate ambiguous timestamps for positive leap seconds that occur when the UTC offset is not a multiple of 60 seconds. For example, with UTC offset +01:23:45 and a positive leap second 78796801 (1972-06-30 23:59:60 UTC), some readers will map both 78796800 and 78796801 to 01:23:45 local time the next day instead of mapping the latter to 01:23:46, and they will map 78796815 to 01:23:59 instead of to 01:23:60. This has not yet been a practical problem, since no civil authority has observed such UTC offsets since leap seconds were introduced in 1972.

* 一部の読者は、UTCオフセットが60秒の複数のものではないときに発生する正の跳躍秒のために曖昧なタイムスタンプを生成します。たとえば、UTCオフセット+01:23:45と肯定的な跳躍2番目の78796801(1972-06-30 23:59:60 UTC)では、一部の読者は78796800と78796801から01:23:45ローカル時間の両方をマッピングします。後者を01:23:46にマッピングする代わりに、78796815から01:23:59ではなく01:23:59にマッピングします。1972年に左秒が導入されて以来、このようなUTCオフセットを観察していないため、これはまだ実際的な問題ではありませんでした。

Some interoperability problems are reader bugs that are listed here mostly as warnings to developers of readers.


* Some readers do not support negative timestamps. Developers of distributed applications should keep this in mind if they need to deal with pre-1970 data.

* 一部の読者は、否定的なタイムスタンプをサポートしていません。分散アプリケーションの開発者は、1970以前のデータを処理する必要がある場合は、このことを念頭に置いておく必要があります。

* Some readers mishandle timestamps before the first transition that has a non-negative timestamp. Readers that do not support negative timestamps are likely to be more prone to this problem.

* 一部の読者は、非陰性のタイムスタンプを持つ最初の移行の前にタイムスタンプを誤っています。否定的なタイムスタンプをサポートしていない読者は、この問題を引き起こす傾向があります。

* Some readers mishandle time zone abbreviations like "-08" that contain "+", "-", or digits.

* 一部の読者は、「-08」を含む「-08」、「 - 」、または数字を含む「-08」のようなタイムゾーンを誤って模倣しています。

* Some readers mishandle UT offsets that are out of the conventional range of -12 through +12 hours and so do not support locations like Kiritimati that are outside this range.

* 一部の読者は、-12〜 +12時間の従来の範囲の範囲外であるUTオフセットを誤って誤っているため、この範囲外にあるKiritimatiのような場所をサポートしません。

* Some readers mishandle UT offsets in the range [-3599, -1] seconds from UT because they integer-divide the offset by 3600 to get 0 and then display the hour part as "+00".

* 一部の読者は、UTの範囲[-3599、-1]秒でUTのオフセットを誤って模倣しています。これは、オフセットを3600で整理して0を取得し、「+00」として時間部分を表示するためです。

* Some readers mishandle UT offsets that are not a multiple of one hour, 15 minutes, or 1 minute.

* 一部の読者は、1時間、15分、または1分ではない複数のUTオフセットを誤って誤解しています。

Appendix B. Example TZif Files
付録B. 例tzifファイル

The following sections contain annotated hexadecimal dumps of example TZif files.


These examples should only be considered informative. Although the example data entries are current as of the publication date of this document, the data will likely change in the future as leap seconds are added and changes are made to civil time.


B.1. Version 1 File Representing UTC (with Leap Seconds)
B.1. UTCを表すバージョン1ファイル(跳躍秒)
| File   | Hexadecimal | Record Name /    | Field Value            |
| Offset | Octets      | Field Name       |                        |
| 000    | 54 5a 69 66 | magic            | "TZif"                 |
| 004    | 00          | version          | 0 (1)                  |
| 005    | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00    |                                           |
| 020    | 00 00 00 01 | isutcnt          | 1                      |
| 024    | 00 00 00 01 | isstdcnt         | 1                      |
| 028    | 00 00 00 1b | leapcnt          | 27                     |
| 032    | 00 00 00 00 | timecnt          | 0                      |
| 036    | 00 00 00 01 | typecnt          | 1                      |
| 040    | 00 00 00 04 | charcnt          | 4                      |
|                      | localtimetype[0] |                        |
| 044    | 00 00 00 00 | utoff            | 0 (+00:00)             |
| 048    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 049    | 00          | desigidx         | 0                      |
| 050    | 55 54 43 00 | designations[0]  | "UTC\0"                |
|                      | leapsecond[0]    |                        |
| 054    | 04 b2 58 00 | occurrence       | 78796800               |
|        |             |                  | (1972-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 058    | 00 00 00 01 | correction       | 1                      |
|                      | leapsecond[1]    |                        |
| 062    | 05 a4 ec 01 | occurrence       | 94694401               |
|        |             |                  | (1972-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 066    | 00 00 00 02 | correction       | 2                      |
|                      | leapsecond[2]    |                        |
| 070    | 07 86 1f 82 | occurrence       | 126230402              |
|        |             |                  | (1973-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 074    | 00 00 00 03 | correction       | 3                      |
|                      | leapsecond[3]    |                        |
| 078    | 09 67 53 03 | occurrence       | 157766403              |
|        |             |                  | (1974-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 082    | 00 00 00 04 | correction       | 4                      |
|                      | leapsecond[4]    |                        |
| 086    | 0b 48 86 84 | occurrence       | 189302404              |
|        |             |                  | (1975-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 090    | 00 00 00 05 | correction       | 5                      |
|                      | leapsecond[5]    |                        |
| 094    | 0d 2b 0b 85 | occurrence       | 220924805              |
|        |             |                  | (1976-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 098    | 00 00 00 06 | correction       | 6                      |
|                      | leapsecond[6]    |                        |
| 102    | 0f 0c 3f 06 | occurrence       | 252460806              |
|        |             |                  | (1977-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 106    | 00 00 00 07 | correction       | 7                      |
|                      | leapsecond[7]    |                        |
| 110    | 10 ed 72 87 | occurrence       | 283996807              |
|        |             |                  | (1978-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 114    | 00 00 00 08 | correction       | 8                      |
|                      | leapsecond[8]    |                        |
| 118    | 12 ce a6 08 | occurrence       | 315532808              |
|        |             |                  | (1979-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 122    | 00 00 00 09 | correction       | 9                      |
|                      | leapsecond[9]    |                        |
| 126    | 15 9f ca 89 | occurrence       | 362793609              |
|        |             |                  | (1981-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 130    | 00 00 00 0a | correction       | 10                     |
|                      | leapsecond[10]   |                        |
| 134    | 17 80 fe 0a | occurrence       | 394329610              |
|        |             |                  | (1982-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 138    | 00 00 00 0b | correction       | 11                     |
|                      | leapsecond[11]   |                        |
| 142    | 19 62 31 8b | occurrence       | 425865611              |
|        |             |                  | (1983-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 146    | 00 00 00 0c | correction       | 12                     |
|                      | leapsecond[12]   |                        |
| 150    | 1d 25 ea 0c | occurrence       | 489024012              |
|        |             |                  | (1985-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 154    | 00 00 00 0d | correction       | 13                     |
|                      | leapsecond[13]   |                        |
| 158    | 21 da e5 0d | occurrence       | 567993613              |
|        |             |                  | (1987-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 162    | 00 00 00 0e | correction       | 14                     |
|                      | leapsecond[14]   |                        |
| 166    | 25 9e 9d 8e | occurrence       | 631152014              |
|        |             |                  | (1989-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 170    | 00 00 00 0f | correction       | 15                     |
|                      | leapsecond[15]   |                        |
| 174    | 27 7f d1 0f | occurrence       | 662688015              |
|        |             |                  | (1990-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 178    | 00 00 00 10 | correction       | 16                     |
|                      | leapsecond[16]   |                        |
| 182    | 2a 50 f5 90 | occurrence       | 709948816              |
|        |             |                  | (1992-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 186    | 00 00 00 11 | correction       | 17                     |
|                      | leapsecond[17]   |                        |
| 190    | 2c 32 29 11 | occurrence       | 741484817              |
|        |             |                  | (1993-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 194    | 00 00 00 12 | correction       | 18                     |
|                      | leapsecond[18]   |                        |
| 198    | 2e 13 5c 92 | occurrence       | 773020818              |
|        |             |                  | (1994-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 202    | 00 00 00 13 | correction       | 19                     |
|                      | leapsecond[19]   |                        |
| 206    | 30 e7 24 13 | occurrence       | 820454419              |
|        |             |                  | (1995-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 210    | 00 00 00 14 | correction       | 20                     |
|                      | leapsecond[20]   |                        |
| 214    | 33 b8 48 94 | occurrence       | 867715220              |
|        |             |                  | (1997-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 218    | 00 00 00 15 | correction       | 21                     |
|                      | leapsecond[21]   |                        |
| 222    | 36 8c 10 15 | occurrence       | 915148821              |
|        |             |                  | (1998-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 226    | 00 00 00 16 | correction       | 22                     |
|                      | leapsecond[22]   |                        |
| 230    | 43 b7 1b 96 | occurrence       | 1136073622             |
|        |             |                  | (2005-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 234    | 00 00 00 17 | correction       | 23                     |
|                      | leapsecond[23]   |                        |
| 238    | 49 5c 07 97 | occurrence       | 1230768023             |
|        |             |                  | (2008-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 242    | 00 00 00 18 | correction       | 24                     |
|                      | leapsecond[24]   |                        |
| 246    | 4f ef 93 18 | occurrence       | 1341100824             |
|        |             |                  | (2012-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 250    | 00 00 00 19 | correction       | 25                     |
|                      | leapsecond[25]   |                        |
| 254    | 55 93 2d 99 | occurrence       | 1435708825             |
|        |             |                  | (2015-06-30T23:59:60Z) |
| 258    | 00 00 00 1a | correction       | 26                     |
|                      | leapsecond[26]   |                        |
| 262    | 58 68 46 9a | occurrence       | 1483228826             |
|        |             |                  | (2016-12-31T23:59:60Z) |
| 266    | 00 00 00 1b | correction       | 27                     |
| 270    | 00          | standard/wall[0] | 0 (wall)               |
| 271    | 00          | UT/local[0]      | 0 (local)              |

                              Table 1

To determine TAI corresponding to 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z (UNIX time = 946684800), the following procedure would be followed:

2000-01-01T00:00:00Z(UNIX Time = 946684800)に対応するTAIを決定するには、次の手順に従います。

1. Find the latest leap-second occurrence prior to the time of interest (leapsecond[21]) and note the correction value (LEAPCORR = 22).

1. 関心のある時間(跳躍[21])の前に最新の跳躍秒が発生し、修正値(Leapcorr = 22)に注意してください。

2. Add LEAPCORR + 10 to the time of interest to yield TAI of 2000-01-01T00:00:32.

2. 関心のある時間にLeapcorr + 10を追加して、2000-01-01T00:00:32のTAIを生成します。

B.2. Version 2 File Representing Pacific/Honolulu
B.2. パシフィック/ホノルルを表すバージョン2ファイル
| File   | Hexadecimal | Record Name /    | Field Value            |
| Offset | Octets      | Field Name       |                        |
| 000    | 54 5a 69 66 | magic            | "TZif"                 |
| 004    | 32          | version          | '2' (2)                |
| 005    | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00    |                                           |
| 020    | 00 00 00 06 | isutcnt          | 6                      |
| 024    | 00 00 00 06 | isstdcnt         | 6                      |
| 028    | 00 00 00 00 | leapcnt          | 0                      |
| 032    | 00 00 00 07 | timecnt          | 7                      |
| 036    | 00 00 00 06 | typecnt          | 6                      |
| 040    | 00 00 00 14 | charcnt          | 20                     |
| 044    | 80 00 00 00 | trans time[0]    | -2147483648            |
|        |             |                  | (1901-12-13T20:45:52Z) |
| 048    | bb 05 43 48 | trans time[1]    | -1157283000            |
|        |             |                  | (1933-04-30T12:30:00Z) |
| 052    | bb 21 71 58 | trans time[2]    | -1155436200            |
|        |             |                  | (1933-05-21T21:30:00Z) |
| 056    | cb 89 3d c8 | trans time[3]    | -880198200             |
|        |             |                  | (1942-02-09T12:30:00Z) |
| 060    | d2 23 f4 70 | trans time[4]    | -769395600             |
|        |             |                  | (1945-08-14T23:00:00Z) |
| 064    | d2 61 49 38 | trans time[5]    | -765376200             |
|        |             |                  | (1945-09-30T11:30:00Z) |
| 068    | d5 8d 73 48 | trans time[6]    | -712150200             |
|        |             |                  | (1947-06-08T12:30:00Z) |
| 072    | 01          | trans type[0]    | 1                      |
| 073    | 02          | trans type[1]    | 2                      |
| 074    | 01          | trans type[2]    | 1                      |
| 075    | 03          | trans type[3]    | 3                      |
| 076    | 04          | trans type[4]    | 4                      |
| 077    | 01          | trans type[5]    | 1                      |
| 078    | 05          | trans type[6]    | 5                      |
|                      | localtimetype[0] |                        |
| 079    | ff ff 6c 02 | utoff            | -37886 (-10:31:26)     |
| 083    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 084    | 00          | desigidx         | 0                      |
|                      | localtimetype[1] |                        |
| 085    | ff ff 6c 58 | utoff            | -37800 (-10:30)        |
| 089    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 090    | 04          | desigidx         | 4                      |
|                      | localtimetype[2] |                        |
| 091    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 095    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 096    | 08          | desigidx         | 8                      |
|                      | localtimetype[3] |                        |
| 097    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 101    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 102    | 0c          | desigidx         | 12                     |
|                      | localtimetype[4] |                        |
| 103    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 107    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 108    | 10          | desigidx         | 16                     |
|                      | localtimetype[5] |                        |
| 109    | ff ff 73 60 | utoff            | -36000 (-10:00)        |
| 113    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 114    | 04          | desigidx         | 4                      |
| 115    | 4c 4d 54 00 | designations[0]  | "LMT\0"                |
| 119    | 48 53 54 00 | designations[4]  | "HST\0"                |
| 123    | 48 44 54 00 | designations[8]  | "HDT\0"                |
| 127    | 48 57 54 00 | designations[12] | "HWT\0"                |
| 131    | 48 50 54 00 | designations[16] | "HPT\0"                |
| 135    | 00          | standard/wall[0] | 0 (wall)               |
| 136    | 00          | standard/wall[1] | 0 (wall)               |
| 137    | 00          | standard/wall[2] | 0 (wall)               |
| 138    | 00          | standard/wall[3] | 0 (wall)               |
| 139    | 01          | standard/wall[4] | 1 (standard)           |
| 140    | 00          | standard/wall[5] | 0 (wall)               |
| 141    | 00          | UT/local[0]      | 0 (local)              |
| 142    | 00          | UT/local[1]      | 0 (local)              |
| 143    | 00          | UT/local[2]      | 0 (local)              |
| 144    | 00          | UT/local[3]      | 0 (local)              |
| 145    | 01          | UT/local[4]      | 1 (UT)                 |
| 146    | 00          | UT/local[5]      | 0 (local)              |
| 147    | 54 5a 69 66 | magic            | "TZif"                 |
| 151    | 32          | version          | '2' (2)                |
| 152    | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00    |                                           |
| 167    | 00 00 00 06 | isutcnt          | 6                      |
| 171    | 00 00 00 06 | isstdcnt         | 6                      |
| 175    | 00 00 00 00 | leapcnt          | 0                      |
| 179    | 00 00 00 07 | timecnt          | 7                      |
| 183    | 00 00 00 06 | typecnt          | 6                      |
| 187    | 00 00 00 14 | charcnt          | 20                     |
| 191    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[0]    | -2334101314            |
|        | 74 e0 70 be |                  | (1896-01-13T22:31:26Z) |
| 199    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[1]    | -1157283000            |
|        | bb 05 43 48 |                  | (1933-04-30T12:30:00Z) |
| 207    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[2]    | -1155436200            |
|        | bb 21 71 58 |                  | (1933-05-21T21:30:00Z) |
| 215    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[3]    | -880198200             |
|        | cb 89 3d c8 |                  | (1942-02-09T12:30:00Z) |
| 223    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[4]    | -769395600             |
|        | d2 23 f4 70 |                  | (1945-08-14T23:00:00Z) |
| 231    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[5]    | -765376200             |
|        | d2 61 49 38 |                  | (1945-09-30T11:30:00Z) |
| 239    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[6]    | -712150200             |
|        | d5 8d 73 48 |                  | (1947-06-08T12:30:00Z) |
| 247    | 01          | trans type[0]    | 1                      |
| 248    | 02          | trans type[1]    | 2                      |
| 249    | 01          | trans type[2]    | 1                      |
| 250    | 03          | trans type[3]    | 3                      |
| 251    | 04          | trans type[4]    | 4                      |
| 252    | 01          | trans type[5]    | 1                      |
| 253    | 05          | trans type[6]    | 5                      |
|                      | localtimetype[0] |                        |
| 254    | ff ff 6c 02 | utoff            | -37886 (-10:31:26)     |
| 258    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 259    | 00          | desigidx         | 0                      |
|                      | localtimetype[1] |                        |
| 260    | ff ff 6c 58 | utoff            | -37800 (-10:30)        |
| 264    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 265    | 04          | desigidx         | 4                      |
|                      | localtimetype[2] |                        |
| 266    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 270    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 271    | 08          | desigidx         | 8                      |
|                      | localtimetype[3] |                        |
| 272    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 276    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 277    | 0c          | desigidx         | 12                     |
|                      | localtimetype[4] |                        |
| 278    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 282    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 283    | 10          | desigidx         | 16                     |
|                      | localtimetype[5] |                        |
| 284    | ff ff 73 60 | utoff            | -36000 (-10:00)        |
| 288    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 289    | 04          | desigidx         | 4                      |
| 290    | 4c 4d 54 00 | designations[0]  | "LMT\0"                |
| 294    | 48 53 54 00 | designations[4]  | "HST\0"                |
| 298    | 48 44 54 00 | designations[8]  | "HDT\0"                |
| 302    | 48 57 54 00 | designations[12] | "HWT\0"                |
| 306    | 48 50 54 00 | designations[16] | "HPT\0"                |
| 310    | 00          | standard/wall[0] | 0 (wall)               |
| 311    | 00          | standard/wall[1] | 0 (wall)               |
| 312    | 00          | standard/wall[2] | 0 (wall)               |
| 313    | 00          | standard/wall[3] | 0 (wall)               |
| 314    | 01          | standard/wall[4] | 1 (standard)           |
| 315    | 00          | standard/wall[5] | 0 (wall)               |
| 316    | 00          | UT/local[0]      | 0 (local)              |
| 317    | 00          | UT/local[1]      | 0 (local)              |
| 318    | 00          | UT/local[2]      | 0 (local)              |
| 319    | 00          | UT/local[3]      | 0 (local)              |
| 320    | 01          | UT/local[4]      | 1 (UT)                 |
| 321    | 00          | UT/local[5]      | 0 (local)              |
| 322    | 0a          | NL               | '\n'                   |
| 323    | 48 53 54 31 | TZ string        | "HST10"                |
|        | 30          |                  |                        |
| 328    | 0a          | NL               | '\n'                   |

                              Table 2

To determine the local time in this time zone corresponding to 1933-05-04T12:00:00Z (UNIX time = -1156939200), the following procedure would be followed:

1933-05-04T12:00:00Z(UNIX Time = -1156939200)に対応するこのタイムゾーンの現地時間を決定するには、次の手順に従います。

1. Find the latest time transition prior to the time of interest (trans time[1]).

1. 関心のある時間より前に最新の時間移行を見つけます(トランス時間[1])。

2. Reference the corresponding transition type (trans type[1]) to determine the local time type index (2).

2. 対応する遷移タイプ(トランスタイプ[1])を参照して、ローカルタイムタイプインデックス(2)を決定します。

3. Reference the corresponding local time type (localtimetype[2]) to determine the offset from UTC (-09:30), the daylight saving indicator (1 = yes), and the index into the time zone designation strings (8).

3. 対応するローカルタイムタイプ(LocalTimeType [2])を参照して、UTC(-09:30)、夏時間保存指標(1 =はい)、およびタイムゾーン指定文字列へのインデックス(8)からのオフセットを決定します。

4. Look up the corresponding time zone designation string (designations[8] = "HDT").

4. 対応するタイムゾーン指定文字列(指定[8] = "HDT")を調べます。

5. Add the UTC offset to the time of interest to yield a local daylight saving time of 1933-05-04T02:30:00-09:30 (HDT).

5. UTCオフセットを関心のある時間に追加して、1933-05-04T02:30:00-09:30(HDT)の現地夏時間を生み出します。

To determine the local time in this time zone corresponding to 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z (UNIX time = 1546300800), the following procedure would be followed:

2019-01-01T00:00:00Z(UNIX Time = 1546300800)に対応するこのタイムゾーンの現地時間を決定するには、次の手順に従います。

1. Find the latest time transition prior to the time of interest (there is no such transition).

1. 関心のある時間の前に最新の時間移行を見つけます(そのような移行はありません)。

2. Look up the TZ string in the footer ("HST10"), which indicates that the time zone designation is "HST" year-round and the offset to UTC is 10:00.

2. フッターのTZ文字列( "HST10")を調べます。これは、タイムゾーンの指定が年間「HST」であり、UTCへのオフセットが10:00であることを示しています。

3. Subtract the UTC offset from the time of interest to yield a standard local time of 2018-12-31T14:00:00-10:00 (HST).

3. 2018-12-31T14:00:00-10:00(HST)の標準的な現地時間を生成するために、関心のある時間からUTCオフセットを減算します。

B.3. Truncated Version 2 File Representing Pacific/Johnston
B.3. 太平洋/ジョンストンを表す切り捨てられたバージョン2ファイル

The following TZif file has been truncated to end on 2004-06-161T00:00:00Z (the atoll was abandoned sometime on 2004-06-15).


In this example:


* The version 1 header contains only the required minimum data, which will be ignored by readers.

* バージョン1ヘッダーには、必要な最小データのみが含まれており、読者は無視します。

* The version 2 header leverages the fact that, by specifying 'isutcnt' and 'isstdcnt' as zero, all transition times associated with local time types are assumed to be specified as local wall-clock time (see the definitions of UT/local indicators and standard/wall indicators in Section 3.2).

* バージョン2ヘッダーは、「isutcnt」と「isstdcnt」をゼロとして指定することにより、ローカルタイムタイプに関連するすべての移行時間がローカルウォールクロック時間として指定されると想定されるという事実を活用します(UT/ローカルインジケーターの定義を参照し、セクション3.2の標準/壁インジケーター)。

* The time type of the last transition has designation "-00", indicating that local time is unspecified.

* 最後の遷移の時間タイプには「-00」と指定があり、現地時間が不特定であることを示しています。

* The TZ string is empty, indicating that there are no known future transitions.

* TZ文字列は空で、将来の遷移が既知のものがないことを示しています。

| File   | Hexadecimal | Record Name /    | Field Value            |
| Offset | Octets      | Field Name       |                        |
| 000    | 54 5a 69 66 | magic            | "TZif"                 |
| 004    | 32          | version          | '2' (2)                |
| 005    | 00 00 00 00 |                  |                        |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                  |                        |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                  |                        |
|        | 00 00 00    |                  |                        |
| 020    | 00 00 00 00 | isutcnt          | 0                      |
| 024    | 00 00 00 00 | isstdcnt         | 0                      |
| 028    | 00 00 00 00 | leapcnt          | 0                      |
| 032    | 00 00 00 00 | timecnt          | 0                      |
| 036    | 00 00 00 01 | typecnt          | 1                      |
| 040    | 00 00 00 01 | charcnt          | 1                      |
|                      | localtimetype[0] |                        |
| 044    | 00 00 00 00 | utoff            | 0 (+00:00)             |
| 048    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 049    | 00          | desigidx         | 0                      |
| 050    | 00          | designations[0]  | "\0"                   |
| 051    | 54 5a 69 66 | magic            | "TZif"                 |
| 055    | 32          | version          | '2' (2)                |
| 056    | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00 00 |                                           |
|        | 00 00 00    |                                           |
| 071    | 00 00 00 00 | isutcnt          | 0                      |
| 075    | 00 00 00 00 | isstdcnt         | 0                      |
| 079    | 00 00 00 00 | leapcnt          | 0                      |
| 083    | 00 00 00 08 | timecnt          | 8                      |
| 087    | 00 00 00 07 | typecnt          | 7                      |
| 091    | 00 00 00 18 | charcnt          | 24                     |
| 095    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[0]    | -2334101314            |
|        | 74 e0 70 be |                  | (1896-01-13T22:31:26Z) |
| 103    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[1]    | -1157283000            |
|        | bb 05 43 48 |                  | (1933-04-30T12:30:00Z) |
| 111    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[2]    | -1155436200            |
|        | bb 21 71 58 |                  | (1933-05-21T21:30:00Z) |
| 119    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[3]    | -880198200             |
|        | cb 89 3d c8 |                  | (1942-02-09T12:30:00Z) |
| 127    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[4]    | -769395600             |
|        | d2 23 f4 70 |                  | (1945-08-14T23:00:00Z) |
| 135    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[5]    | -765376200             |
|        | d2 61 49 38 |                  | (1945-09-30T11:30:00Z) |
| 143    | ff ff ff ff | trans time[6]    | -712150200             |
|        | d5 8d 73 48 |                  | (1947-06-08T12:30:00Z) |
| 151    | 00 00 00 00 | trans time[7]    | 1087344000             |
|        | 40 cf 8d 80 |                  | (2004-06-16T00:00:00Z) |
| 159    | 02          | trans type[0]    | 2                      |
| 160    | 03          | trans type[1]    | 3                      |
| 161    | 02          | trans type[2]    | 2                      |
| 162    | 04          | trans type[3]    | 4                      |
| 163    | 05          | trans type[4]    | 5                      |
| 164    | 02          | trans type[5]    | 2                      |
| 165    | 06          | trans type[6]    | 6                      |
| 166    | 01          | trans type[7]    | 1                      |
|                      | localtimetype[0] |                        |
| 167    | ff ff 6c 02 | utoff            | -37886 (-10:31:26)     |
| 171    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 172    | 04          | desigidx         | 4                      |
|                      | localtimetype[1] |                        |
| 173    | 00 00 00 00 | utoff            | 0 (+00:00)             |
| 177    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 178    | 00          | desigidx         | 0                      |
|                      | localtimetype[2] |                        |
| 179    | ff ff 6c 58 | utoff            | -37800 (-10:30)        |
| 183    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 184    | 08          | desigidx         | 8                      |
|                      | localtimetype[3] |                        |
| 185    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 189    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 190    | 0c          | desigidx         | 12                     |
|                      | localtimetype[4] |                        |
| 191    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 195    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 196    | 10          | desigidx         | 16                     |
|                      | localtimetype[5] |                        |
| 197    | ff ff 7a 68 | utoff            | -34200 (-09:30)        |
| 201    | 01          | isdst            | 1 (yes)                |
| 202    | 14          | desigidx         | 20                     |
|                      | localtimetype[6] |                        |
| 203    | ff ff 73 60 | utoff            | -36000 (-10:00)        |
| 207    | 00          | isdst            | 0 (no)                 |
| 208    | 08          | desigidx         | 8                      |
| 209    | 2d 30 30 00 | designations[0]  | "-00\0"                |
| 213    | 4c 4d 54 00 | designations[4]  | "LMT\0"                |
| 217    | 48 53 54 00 | designations[8]  | "HST\0"                |
| 221    | 48 44 54 00 | designations[12] | "HDT\0"                |
| 225    | 48 57 54 00 | designations[16] | "HWT\0"                |
| 229    | 48 50 54 00 | designations[20] | "HPT\0"                |
| 233    | 0a          | NL               | '\n'                   |
| 234    |             | TZ string        | ""                     |
| 234    | 0a          | NL               | '\n'                   |

                              Table 3
B.4. Truncated Version 3 File Representing Asia/Jerusalem
B.4. アジア/エルサレムを表す切り捨てられたバージョン3ファイル

The following TZif file has been truncated to start on 2038-01-01T00:00:00Z.


In this example:


* The start time value cannot be represented using 32 bits, so the version 1 header contains only the required minimum data, which will be ignored by readers.

* 32ビットを使用して開始時間値を表すことはできないため、バージョン1ヘッダーには必要な最小データのみが含まれており、これは読者が無視します。

* The version 3 header leverages the fact that, by specifying 'isutcnt' and 'isstdcnt' as zero, all transition times associated with local time types are assumed to be specified as local wall-clock time (see the definitions of UT/local indicators and standard/wall indicators in Section 3.2).

* バージョン3ヘッダーは、「isutcnt」と「isstdcnt」をゼロとして指定することにより、ローカルタイムタイプに関連するすべての移行時間がローカルウォールクロック時間として指定されると想定されるという事実を活用します(UT/ローカルインジケーターの定義を参照し、セクション3.2の標準/壁インジケーター)。

* Time type 0 has designation "-00", indicating that local time is unspecified prior to the truncation time.

* 時間タイプ0には指定「-00」があり、局所時間が切り捨て時間の前に不明確であることを示しています。

* The TZ string value has been line-wrapped for presentation purposes only.

* TZ文字列値は、プレゼンテーションの目的でのみラインラップされています。

|File  |Hexadecimal|Record Name /   | Field Value                  |
|Offset|Octets     |Field Name      |                              |
|000   |54 5a 69 66|magic           | "TZif"                       |
|004   |33         |version         | '3' (3)                      |
|005   |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00   |                                               |
|020   |00 00 00 00|isutcnt         | 0                            |
|024   |00 00 00 00|isstdcnt        | 0                            |
|028   |00 00 00 00|leapcnt         | 0                            |
|032   |00 00 00 00|timecnt         | 0                            |
|036   |00 00 00 01|typecnt         | 1                            |
|040   |00 00 00 01|charcnt         | 1                            |
|                  |localtimetype[0]|                              |
|044   |00 00 00 00|utoff           | 0 (+00:00)                   |
|048   |00         |isdst           | 0 (no)                       |
|049   |00         |desigidx        | 0                            |
|050   |00         |designations[0] | "\0"                         |
|051   |54 5a 69 66|magic           | "TZif"                       |
|055   |33         |version         | '3' (3)                      |
|056   |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00   |                                               |
|071   |00 00 00 00|isutcnt         | 0                            |
|075   |00 00 00 00|isstdcnt        | 0                            |
|079   |00 00 00 00|leapcnt         | 0                            |
|083   |00 00 00 01|timecnt         | 1                            |
|087   |00 00 00 02|typecnt         | 2                            |
|091   |00 00 00 08|charcnt         | 8                            |
|095   |00 00 00 00|trans time[0]   | 2145916800                   |
|      |7f e8 17 80|                | (2038-01-01T00:00:00Z)       |
|103   |01         |trans type[0]   | 1                            |
|                  |localtimetype[0]|                              |
|104   |00 00 00 00|utoff           | 0 (+00:00)                   |
|108   |00         |isdst           | 0 (no)                       |
|109   |00         |desigidx        | 0                            |
|                  |localtimetype[1]|                              |
|110   |00 00 1c 20|utoff           | 7200 (+02:00)                |
|114   |00         |isdst           | 0 (no)                       |
|115   |04         |desigidx        | 4                            |
|116   |2d 30 30 00|designations[0] | "-00\0"                      |
|120   |49 53 54 00|designations[4] | "IST\0"                      |
|124   |0a         |NL              | '\n'                         |
|125   |49 53 54 2d|TZ string       | "IST-2IDT,M3.4.4/26,M10.5.0" |
|      |32 49 44 54|                |                              |
|      |2c 4d 33 2e|                |                              |
|      |34 2e 34 2f|                |                              |
|      |32 36 2c 4d|                |                              |
|      |31 30 2e 35|                |                              |
|      |2e 30      |                |                              |
|151   |0a         |NL              | '\n'                         |

                              Table 4
B.5. Truncated Version 4 File Representing Europe/London
B.5. ヨーロッパ/ロンドンを表す切り捨てられたバージョン4ファイル

The following TZif file has been truncated to start on 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z.


In this example:


* The version 1 header contains only the required minimum data, which will be ignored by readers.

* バージョン1ヘッダーには、必要な最小データのみが含まれており、読者は無視します。

* The version 4 header leverages the fact that, by specifying 'isutcnt' and 'isstdcnt' as zero, all transition times associated with local time types are assumed to be specified as local wall-clock time (see the definitions of UT/local indicators and standard/wall indicators in Section 3.2).

* バージョン4ヘッダーは、「isutcnt」と「isStdcnt」をゼロとして指定することにより、ローカルタイムタイプに関連するすべての移行時間がローカルウォールクロック時間として指定されると想定されるという事実を活用します(UT/ローカルインジケーターの定義を参照し、セクション3.2の標準/壁インジケーター)。

* Time type 0 has designation "-00", indicating that local time is unspecified prior to the truncation time.

* 時間タイプ0には指定「-00」があり、局所時間が切り捨て時間の前に不明確であることを示しています。

* The first leap-second occurrence is the most recent one prior to the truncation time.

* 最初の跳躍秒は、切り捨ての時間より前の最新のものです。

* The last leap-second correction matches the second-to-last leap-second correction, indicating the expiration time of the leap-second table.

* 最後の跳躍秒の補正は、2番目からラストの跳躍秒の補正と一致し、リープ秒のテーブルの有効期限を示しています。

* The TZ string value has been line-wrapped for presentation purposes only.

* TZ文字列値は、プレゼンテーションの目的でのみラインラップされています。

|File  |Hexadecimal| Record Name /    | Field Value                |
|Offset|Octets     | Field Name       |                            |
|000   |54 5a 69 66| magic            | "TZif"                     |
|004   |34         | version          | '4' (4)                    |
|005   |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00   |                                               |
|020   |00 00 00 00| isutcnt          | 0                          |
|024   |00 00 00 00| isstdcnt         | 0                          |
|028   |00 00 00 00| leapcnt          | 0                          |
|032   |00 00 00 00| timecnt          | 0                          |
|036   |00 00 00 01| typecnt          | 1                          |
|040   |00 00 00 01| charcnt          | 1                          |
|                  | localtimetype[0] |                            |
|044   |00 00 00 00| utoff            | 0 (+00:00)                 |
|048   |00         | isdst            | 0 (no)                     |
|049   |00         | desigidx         | 0                          |
|050   |00         | designations[0]  | "\0"                       |
|051   |54 5a 69 66| magic            | "TZif"                     |
|055   |34         | version          | '4' (4)                    |
|056   |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00 00|                                               |
|      |00 00 00   |                                               |
|071   |00 00 00 00| isutcnt          | 0                          |
|075   |00 00 00 00| isstdcnt         | 0                          |
|079   |00 00 00 02| leapcnt          | 2                          |
|083   |00 00 00 01| timecnt          | 1                          |
|087   |00 00 00 02| typecnt          | 2                          |
|091   |00 00 00 08| charcnt          | 8                          |
|095   |00 00 00 00| trans time[0]    | 1640995227                 |
|      |61 cf 99 9b|                  | (2022-01-01T00:00:27Z)     |
|103   |01         | trans type[0]    | 1                          |
|                  | localtimetype[0] |                            |
|104   |00 00 00 00| utoff            | 0 (+00:00)                 |
|108   |00         | isdst            | 0 (no)                     |
|109   |00         | desigidx         | 0                          |
|                  | localtimetype[1] |                            |
|110   |00 00 00 00| utoff            | 0 (+00:00)                 |
|114   |00         | isdst            | 0 (no)                     |
|115   |04         | desigidx         | 4                          |
|116   |2d 30 30 00| designations[0]  | "-00\0"                    |
|120   |47 4d 54 00| designations[4]  | "GMT\0"                    |
|                  | leapsecond[0]    |                            |
|124   |00 00 00 00| occurrence       | 1483228826                 |
|      |58 68 46 9a|                  | (2016-12-31T23:59:60Z)     |
|132   |00 00 00 1b| correction       | 27                         |
|                  | leapsecond[1]    |                            |
|136   |00 00 00 00| occurrence       | 1719532827                 |
|      |66 7d fd 1b|                  | (2024-06-28T00:00:01Z)     |
|144   |00 00 00 1b| correction       | 27                         |
|148   |0a         | NL               | '\n'                       |
|149   |47 4d 54 30| TZ string        | "GMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0" |
|      |42 53 54 2c|                  |                            |
|      |4d 33 2e 35|                  |                            |
|      |2e 30 2f 31|                  |                            |
|      |2c 4d 31 30|                  |                            |
|      |2e 35 2e 30|                  |                            |
|173   |0a         | NL               | '\n'                       |

                              Table 5
Appendix C. Changes from RFC 8536
付録C. RFC 8536からの変更

* Added definition of Leap Second.

* Leapの定義を2番目に追加しました。

* Added specification of the version 4 format and the optional leap-second table truncation and expiration, along with an example and relevant interoperability considerations.

* バージョン4形式の仕様とオプションのLEAP秒のテーブルの切り捨てと有効期限、および関連する相互運用性の考慮事項が追加されました。

* Documented the longstanding practice that UT with designation string "-00" denotes unspecified local time. Added recommendation that this designation string should be used for timestamps excluded by TZif file truncation.

* 指定文字列「-00」を使用したUTが不特定の現地時間を意味する長年の慣行を文書化しました。この指定文字列は、TZIFファイルの切り捨てによって除外されたタイムスタンプに使用する必要があることを推奨しました。

* Required support in version 2 files for all-year daylight saving time, using POSIX TZ strings with negative DST, as this is not an extension to POSIX (Section 3.3.1).

* これは、POSIXの拡張ではないため、ネガティブDSTのPOSIX TZ文字列を使用して、すべての夏時間のバージョン2ファイルで必要なサポートが必要です(セクション3.3.1)。

* Applied erratum [Err6435].

* 適用されたseratum [err6435]。

* Addressed errata [Err6426], [Err6757], and [Err7681] as well as several other errors in the examples.

* eRRATA [ERR6426]、[ERR6757]、および[ERR7681]、および例の他のいくつかのエラー。

* Added additional interoperability considerations and common issues.

* 追加の相互運用性の考慮事項と一般的な問題を追加しました。

* Added an example of a TZif file truncated at the end (Appendix B.3).

* 最後に切り捨てられたTZIFファイルの例を追加しました(付録B.3)。

* Added informational notes to Appendix B.4.

* 付録B.4に情報ノートを追加しました。

* Miscellaneous editorial changes.

* その他の編集の変更。


The authors thank the following individuals for contributing their ideas and support for writing this specification: Michael Douglass, Ned Freed, Guy Harris, Eliot Lear, Alexey Melnikov, and Tim Parenti.


Authors' Addresses
   Arthur David Olson
   Email: arthurdavidolson@gmail.com
   Paul Eggert
   University of California, Los Angeles
   Email: eggert@cs.ucla.edu
   Kenneth Murchison
   Fastmail US LLC
   Email: murch@fastmailteam.com