[要約] RFC 8610と9165で定義されたCDDLは、CBORやJSONで表現されるプロトコルメッセージやデータ形式の構造を簡単かつ曖昧さのない方法で表現する。この文書は、CDDLのために定義されたABNF文法に関する関連する誤り報告を対処し、その他の小さな修正を行うことでRFC 8610を更新する。

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                        C. Bormann
Request for Comments: 9682                        Universität Bremen TZI
Updates: 8610                                              November 2024
Category: Standards Track                                               
ISSN: 2070-1721
Updates to the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) Grammar

The Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL), as defined in RFCs 8610 and 9165, provides an easy and unambiguous way to express structures for protocol messages and data formats that are represented in Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) or JSON.

RFCS 8610および9165で定義されている簡潔なデータ定義言語(CDDL)は、簡潔なバイナリオブジェクト表現(CBOR)またはJSONで表されるプロトコルメッセージとデータ形式の構造を表現する簡単で明確な方法を提供します。

This document updates RFC 8610 by addressing related errata reports and making other small fixes for the ABNF grammar defined for CDDL.

このドキュメントは、関連するERRATAレポートに対処し、CDDLに定義されたABNF文法の他の小さな修正を行うことにより、RFC 8610を更新します。

Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

このドキュメントは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)の製品です。IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受けており、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)からの出版が承認されています。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2で入手できます。

Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9682.



Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.

著作権(c)2024 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。

This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info)に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、セクション4.Eで説明されている法的規定のセクション4.Eで説明されており、改訂されたBSDライセンスで説明されている保証なしで提供されるように、改訂されたBSDライセンステキストを含める必要があります。

Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Conventions and Definitions
   2.  Clarifications and Changes Based on Errata Reports
     2.1.  Updates to String Literal Grammar
       2.1.1.  Erratum ID 6527 (Text String Literals)
       2.1.2.  Erratum ID 6278 (Consistent String Literals)
       2.1.3.  Addressing Erratum ID 6526 and Erratum ID 6543
     2.2.  Examples Demonstrating the Updated String Syntaxes
   3.  Small Enabling Grammar Changes
     3.1.  Empty Data Models
     3.2.  Non-Literal Tag Numbers and Simple Values
   4.  Security Considerations
   5.  IANA Considerations
   6.  References
     6.1.  Normative References
     6.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Updated Collected ABNF for CDDL
   Appendix B.  Details about Covering Erratum ID 6543
     B.1.  Change Proposed by Erratum ID 6543
     B.2.  No Further Change Needed after Updating String Literal
   Author's Address
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

The Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL), as defined in [RFC8610] and [RFC9165], provides an easy and unambiguous way to express structures for protocol messages and data formats that are represented in CBOR or JSON.


This document updates [RFC8610] by addressing errata reports and making other small fixes for the ABNF grammar defined for CDDL. The body of this document explains and shows motivation for the updates; the updated collected ABNF syntax in Figure 11 in Appendix A replaces the collected ABNF syntax in Appendix B of [RFC8610].


1.1. Conventions and Definitions
1.1. 慣習と定義

The terminology from [RFC8610] applies. The grammar in [RFC8610] is based on ABNF, which is defined in [STD68] and [RFC7405].


2. Clarifications and Changes Based on Errata Reports
2. Errataレポートに基づく説明と変更

A number of errata reports have been made regarding some details of text string and byte string literal syntax: for example, [Err6527] and [Err6543]. These are being addressed in this section, updating details of the ABNF for these literal syntaxes. Also, the changes described in [Err6526] need to be applied (backslashes have been lost during the RFC publication process of Appendix G.2 of [RFC8610], garbling the text explaining backslash escaping).


These changes are intended to mirror the way existing implementations have dealt with the errata reports. This document also uses the opportunity presented by the necessary cleanup of the grammar of string literals for a backward-compatible addition to the syntax for hexadecimal escapes. The latter change is not automatically forward compatible (i.e., CDDL specifications that make use of this syntax do not necessarily work with existing implementations until these are updated, which is recommended by this specification).


2.1. Updates to String Literal Grammar
2.1. 文字通りの文字列の文字列の更新
2.1.1. Erratum ID 6527 (Text String Literals)
2.1.1. Erratum ID 6527(テキスト文字列リテラル)

The ABNF used in [RFC8610] for the content of text string literals is rather permissive:


   ; ABNF from RFC 8610:
   text = %x22 *SCHAR %x22
   SCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / %x80-10FFFD / SESC
   SESC = "\" (%x20-7E / %x80-10FFFD)

Figure 1: Original ABNF from RFC 8610 for Strings with Permissive ABNF for SESC (Which Did Not Allow Hex Escapes)

図1:RFC 8610の元のABNFは、SESCの許容ABNFを備えた文字列(HEXエスケープを許可しませんでした)

This allows almost any non-C0 character to be escaped by a backslash, but critically misses out on the \uXXXX and \uHHHH\uLLLL forms that JSON allows to specify characters in hex (which should apply here according to item 6 of Section 3.1 of [RFC8610]). (Note that CDDL imports from JSON the unwieldy \uHHHH\uLLLL syntax, which represents Unicode code points beyond U+FFFF by making them look like UTF-16 surrogate pairs; CDDL text strings do not use UTF-16 or surrogates.)

これにより、ほぼすべての非C0文字をバックスラッシュによって逃げることができますが、\ uxxxxと\ uhhhhh \ ullllフォームでは、JSONがhexの文字を指定できるようにすることを大いに見逃しています(これは、ここではここに適用されるはずです。[RFC8610])。(cddlはjsonから扱いにくい\ uhhhh \ ullll構文をインポートします。これは、UTF-16サロゲートペアのように見えるようにすることでU+ffffを超えるユニコードコードポイントを表します。CDDLテキスト文字列はUTF-16またはサロゲートを使用しません。)

Both can be solved by updating the SESC rule. This document uses the opportunity to add a popular form of directly specifying characters in strings using hexadecimal escape sequences of the form \u{hex}, where hex is the hexadecimal representation of the Unicode scalar value. The result is the new set of rules defining SESC in Figure 2.

どちらもSESCルールを更新することで解決できます。このドキュメントでは、フォーム\ u {hex}の16進エスケープシーケンスを使用して、文字列に直接指定された文字を直接指定する人気のある形式を追加する機会を使用します。ここで、六角形はユニコードスカラー値の16進表現です。結果は、図2にSESCを定義する新しいルールセットです。

   ; new rules collectively defining SESC:
   SESC = "\" ( %x22 / "/" / "\" /                 ; \" \/ \\
                %x62 / %x66 / %x6E / %x72 / %x74 / ; \b \f \n \r \t
                (%x75 hexchar) )                   ; \uXXXX
   hexchar = "{" (1*"0" [ hexscalar ] / hexscalar) "}" /
             non-surrogate / (high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate)
   non-surrogate = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) /
                   ("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG )
   high-surrogate = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG
   low-surrogate = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG
   hexscalar = "10" 4HEXDIG / HEXDIG1 4HEXDIG
             / non-surrogate / 1*3HEXDIG
   HEXDIG1 = DIGIT1 / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"

Figure 2: Update to String ABNF in Appendix B of [RFC8610]: Allow Hex Escapes


Notes: In ABNF, strings such as "A", "B", etc., are case insensitive, as is intended here. The rules above could have also used %s"b", etc., instead of %x62, but didn't, in order to maximize compatibility with ABNF tools.

注:ABNFでは、「A」、「B」などの文字列は、ここで意図しているように、症例が鈍感です。上記のルールは、ABNFツールとの互換性を最大化するために、%x62ではなく%s "b"なども使用できた可能性があります。

Now that SESC is more restrictively formulated, an update to the BCHAR rule used in the ABNF syntax for byte string literals is also required:


   ; ABNF from RFC 8610:
   bytes = [bsqual] %x27 *BCHAR %x27
   BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFD / SESC / CRLF
   bsqual = "h" / "b64"

Figure 3: ABNF from RFC 8610 for BCHAR

図3:BCHARのRFC 8610からのABNF

With the SESC updated as above, \' is no longer allowed in BCHAR and now needs to be explicitly included there; see Figure 4.

上記のようにSESCが更新された場合、\ 'はBCHARで許可されなくなり、そこに明示的に含まれる必要があります。図4を参照してください。

2.1.2. Erratum ID 6278 (Consistent String Literals)
2.1.2. Erratum ID 6278(一貫した文字列リテラル)

Updating BCHAR also provides an opportunity to address [Err6278], which points to an inconsistency in treating U+007F (DEL) between SCHAR and BCHAR. As U+007F is not printable, including it in a byte string literal is as confusing as for a text string literal; therefore, it should be excluded from BCHAR as it is from SCHAR. The same reasoning also applies to the C1 control characters, so the updated ABNF actually excludes the entire range from U+007F to U+009F. The same reasoning also applies to text in comments (PCHAR). For completeness, all these rules should also explicitly exclude the code points that have been set aside for UTF-16 surrogates.


   ; new rules for SCHAR, BCHAR, and PCHAR:
   SCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC
   BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC / "\'" / CRLF
   PCHAR = %x20-7E / NONASCII
   NONASCII = %xA0-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFD

Figure 4: Update to ABNF in Appendix B of [RFC8610]: BCHAR, SCHAR, and PCHAR


(Note that, apart from addressing the inconsistencies, there is no attempt to further exclude non-printable characters from the ABNF; doing this properly would draw in complexity from the ongoing evolution of the Unicode standard [UNICODE] that is not needed here.)


2.1.3. Addressing Erratum ID 6526 and Erratum ID 6543
2.1.3. Erratum ID 6526およびErratum ID 6543のアドレス指定

The above changes also cover [Err6543] (a proposal to split off qualified byte string literals from UTF-8 byte string literals) and [Err6526] (lost backslashes); see Appendix B for details.


2.2. Examples Demonstrating the Updated String Syntaxes
2.2. 更新された文字列構文を示す例

The CDDL example in Figure 5 demonstrates various escaping techniques now available for (byte and text) strings in CDDL. Obviously, in the literals for a and x, there is no need to escape the second character, an o, as \u{6f}; this is just for demonstration. Similarly, as shown in c and z, there also is no need to escape the "🁳" (DOMINO TILE VERTICAL-02-02, U+1F073) or "⌘" (PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN, U+2318); however, escaping them may be convenient in order to limit the character repertoire of a CDDL file itself to ASCII [STD80].

図5のCDDLの例は、CDDLの(バイトとテキスト)文字列で現在利用可能なさまざまな脱出技術を示しています。明らかに、aとxのリテラルでは、2番目の文字、o、as \ u {6f}を逃れる必要はありません。これはデモンストレーションのためだけです。同様に、CとZに示すように、「🁳」(Domino Tile Vertical-02-02、U+1F073)または「⌘」(関心のある標識の場所、U+2318)から逃げる必要はありません。ただし、CDDLファイル自体の文字レパートリーをASCII [STD80]に制限するために、それらを逃がすことは便利です。

   start = [a, b, c, x, y, z]

   ; "🁳", DOMINO TILE VERTICAL-02-02, and
   ; "⌘", PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN, in a text string:
   a = "D\u{6f}mino's \u{1F073} + \u{2318}"      ; \u{}-escape 3 chars
   b = "Domino's \uD83C\uDC73 + \u2318"          ; escape JSON-like
   c = "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"                          ; unescaped

   ; in a byte string given as text, the ' needs to be escaped:
   x = 'D\u{6f}mino\u{27}s \u{1F073} + \u{2318}' ; \u{}-escape 4 chars
   y = 'Domino\'s \uD83C\uDC73 + \u2318'         ; escape JSON-like
   z = 'Domino\'s 🁳 + ⌘'                         ; escape ' only

Figure 5: Example Text and Byte String Literals with Various Escaping Techniques


In this example, the rules a to c and x to z all produce strings with byte-wise identical content: a to c are text strings and x to z are byte strings. Figure 6 illustrates this by showing the output generated from the start rule in Figure 5, using pretty-printed hexadecimal.

この例では、ルールaからx x zからzはすべて、バイトごとに同一のコンテンツを持つ文字列を生成します。図6は、これを図5の開始ルールから生成した出力を示し、かなり印刷された16進数を使用して示しています。

   86                                      # array(6)
      73                                   # text(19)
         446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"
      73                                   # text(19)
         446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"
      73                                   # text(19)
         446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"
      53                                   # bytes(19)
         446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"
      53                                   # bytes(19)
         446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"
      53                                   # bytes(19)
         446f6d696e6f277320f09f81b3202b20e28c98 # "Domino's 🁳 + ⌘"

Figure 6: Generated CBOR from CDDL Example (Pretty-Printed Hexadecimal)


3. Small Enabling Grammar Changes
3. 文法の変化を可能にします

Each subsection that follows specifies a small change to the grammar that is intended to enable certain kinds of specifications. These changes are backward compatible (i.e., CDDL files that comply with [RFC8610] continue to match the updated grammar) but not necessarily forward compatible (i.e., CDDL specifications that make use of these changes cannot necessarily be processed by existing implementations of [RFC8610]).


3.1. Empty Data Models
3.1. 空のデータモデル

[RFC8610] requires a CDDL file to have at least one rule.


   ; ABNF from RFC 8610:
   cddl = S 1*(rule S)

Figure 7: ABNF from RFC 8610 for Top-Level Rule cddl


This makes sense when the file has to stand alone, as a CDDL data model needs to have at least one rule to provide an entry point (i.e., a start rule).


With CDDL modules [CDDL-MODULES], CDDL files can also include directives, and these might be the source of all the rules that ultimately make up the module created by the file. Any other rule content in the file has to be available for directive processing, making the requirement for at least one rule cumbersome.


Therefore, the present update extends the grammar as in Figure 8 and turns the existence of at least one rule into a semantic constraint, to be fulfilled after processing of all directives.


   ; new top-level rule:
   cddl = S *(rule S)

Figure 8: Update to Top-Level ABNF in Appendices B and C of RFC 8610

図8:RFC 8610の付録BとCのトップレベルABNFの更新

3.2. Non-Literal Tag Numbers and Simple Values
3.2. 非文字のタグ番号と単純な値

The existing ABNF syntax for expressing tags in CDDL is as follows:


   ; extracted from the ABNF in RFC 8610:
   type2 =/ "#" "6" ["." uint] "(" S type S ")"

Figure 9: Original ABNF from RFC 8610 for Tag Syntax

図9:タグ構文のためのRFC 8610からのオリジナルABNF

This means tag numbers can only be given as literal numbers (uints). Some specifications operate on ranges of tag numbers; for example, [RFC9277] has a range of tag numbers 1668546817 (0x63740101) to 1668612095 (0x6374FFFF) to tag specific content formats. This cannot currently be expressed in CDDL. Similar considerations apply to simple values (#7.xx).


This update extends the syntax to the following:


   ; new rules collectively defining the tagged case:
   type2 =/ "#" "6" ["." head-number] "(" S type S ")"
          / "#" "7" ["." head-number]
   head-number = uint / ("<" type ">")

Figure 10: Update to Tag and Simple Value ABNF in Appendices B and C of RFC 8610

図10:RFC 8610の付録BとCのタグとシンプルな値ABNFの更新

For #6, the head-number stands for the tag number. For #7, the head-number stands for the simple value if it is in the ranges 0..23 or 32..255 (as per Section 3.3 of RFC 8949 [STD94], the simple values 24..31 are not used). For 24..31, the head-number stands for the "additional information", e.g., #7.25 or #7.<25> is a float16, etc. (All ranges mentioned here are inclusive.)

#6の場合、ヘッド番号はタグ番号を表します。#7の場合、ヘッドナンバーは範囲0..23または32..255にある場合、単純な値を表します(RFC 8949 [STD94]のセクション3.3に従って、単純な値24..31は使用されません)。24..31の場合、ヘッドナンバーは「追加情報」、例えば#7.25または#7。<25>はFloat16などです(ここに記載されているすべての範囲は包括的です。)

So the above range can be expressed in a CDDL fragment such as:


   ct-tag<content> = #6.<ct-tag-number>(content)
   ct-tag-number = 1668546817..1668612095
   ; or use 0x63740101..0x6374FFFF



1. This syntax reuses the angle bracket syntax for generics; this reuse is innocuous because a generic parameter or argument only ever occurs after a rule name (id), while it occurs after the "." (dot) character here. (Whether there is potential for human confusion can be debated; the above example deliberately uses generics as well.)

1. この構文は、ジェネリックの角度ブラケット構文を再利用します。一般的なパラメーターまたは引数は、ルール名(ID)の後にのみ発生するのに対し、「。」の後に発生するため、この再利用は無害です。(ドット)ここでのキャラクター。(人間の混乱の可能性があるかどうかについて議論することができます。上記の例では、ジェネリックも意図的に使用しています。)

2. The updated ABNF grammar makes it a bit more explicit that the number given after the optional dot is the value of the argument: for tags and simple values, it is not giving the CBOR "additional information”, as it is with other uses of # in CDDL. (Adding this observation to Section 2.2.3 of [RFC8610] is the subject of [Err6575]; it is correctly noted in Section 3.6 of [RFC8610].) In hindsight, maybe a different character than the dot should have been chosen for this special case; however, changing the grammar in the current document would have been too disruptive.

2. 更新されたABNF文法により、オプションのドットの後に与えられた数値が引数の値であることをもう少し明確にします。タグと単純な値については、#の他の用途と同様に、CBORに「追加情報」を与えていません。CDDLでは([RFC8610]のセクション2.2.3にこの観察結果を追加することは、[RFC8610]のセクション3.6で正しく指摘されています。)しかし、この特別なケースに選ばれました。

4. Security Considerations
4. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

The grammar fixes and updates in this document are not believed to create additional security considerations. The security considerations in Section 5 of [RFC8610] apply. Specifically, the potential for confusion is increased in an environment that uses a combination of CDDL tools, some of which have been updated and some of which have not, in particular based on Section 2.


Attackers may want to exploit such potential confusion by crafting CDDL models that are interpreted differently by different parts of a system. There will be a period of transition from the details that the grammar in [RFC8610] handled in a less well-defined way, to the updated grammar defined in the present document. This transition might offer one (but not the only) type of opportunity for the kind of attack that relies on differences between implementations. Implementations that make use of CDDL models operationally already need to ascertain the provenance (and thus authenticity and integrity) and applicability of models they employ. At the time of writing, it is expected that the models will generally be processed by a software developer, within a software development environment. Therefore, developers are advised to treat CDDL models with the same care as any other source code.


5. IANA Considerations
5. IANAの考慮事項

This document has no IANA actions.


6. References
6. 参考文献
6.1. Normative References
6.1. 引用文献
   [RFC8610]  Birkholz, H., Vigano, C., and C. Bormann, "Concise Data
              Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to
              Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and
              JSON Data Structures", RFC 8610, DOI 10.17487/RFC8610,
              June 2019, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8610>.
   [STD68]    Internet Standard 68,
              At the time of writing, this STD comprises the following:

              Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,
   [STD94]    Internet Standard 94,
              At the time of writing, this STD comprises the following:

              Bormann, C. and P. Hoffman, "Concise Binary Object
              Representation (CBOR)", STD 94, RFC 8949,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8949, December 2020,
6.2. Informative References
6.2. 参考引用
              Bormann, C. and B. Moran, "CDDL Module Structure", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules-03,
              1 September 2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/
              Bormann, C., "CBOR Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN)",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-cbor-edn-
              literals-13, 3 November 2024,
   [Err6278]  RFC Errata, Erratum ID 6278, RFC 8610,
   [Err6526]  RFC Errata, Erratum ID 6526, RFC 8610,
   [Err6527]  RFC Errata, Erratum ID 6527, RFC 8610,
   [Err6543]  RFC Errata, Erratum ID 6543, RFC 8610,
   [Err6575]  RFC Errata, Erratum ID 6575, RFC 8610,
   [RFC7405]  Kyzivat, P., "Case-Sensitive String Support in ABNF",
              RFC 7405, DOI 10.17487/RFC7405, December 2014,
   [RFC9165]  Bormann, C., "Additional Control Operators for the Concise
              Data Definition Language (CDDL)", RFC 9165,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9165, December 2021,
   [RFC9277]  Richardson, M. and C. Bormann, "On Stable Storage for
              Items in Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)",
              RFC 9277, DOI 10.17487/RFC9277, August 2022,
   [STD80]    Internet Standard 80,
              At the time of writing, this STD comprises the following:

              Cerf, V., "ASCII format for network interchange", STD 80,
              RFC 20, DOI 10.17487/RFC0020, October 1969,
   [UNICODE]  The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard",
Appendix A. Updated Collected ABNF for CDDL
付録A. CDDLの収集ABNFを更新しました

This appendix is normative.


It provides the full ABNF from [RFC8610] as updated by the present document.


   cddl = S *(rule S)
   rule = typename [genericparm] S assignt S type
        / groupname [genericparm] S assigng S grpent

   typename = id
   groupname = id

   assignt = "=" / "/="
   assigng = "=" / "//="

   genericparm = "<" S id S *("," S id S ) ">"
   genericarg = "<" S type1 S *("," S type1 S ) ">"

   type = type1 *(S "/" S type1)

   type1 = type2 [S (rangeop / ctlop) S type2]
   ; space may be needed before the operator if type2 ends in a name

   type2 = value
         / typename [genericarg]
         / "(" S type S ")"
         / "{" S group S "}"
         / "[" S group S "]"
         / "~" S typename [genericarg]
         / "&" S "(" S group S ")"
         / "&" S groupname [genericarg]
         / "#" "6" ["." head-number] "(" S type S ")"
         / "#" "7" ["." head-number]
         / "#" DIGIT ["." uint]                ; major/ai
         / "#"                                 ; any
   head-number = uint / ("<" type ">")

   rangeop = "..." / ".."

   ctlop = "." id

   group = grpchoice *(S "//" S grpchoice)

   grpchoice = *(grpent optcom)

   grpent = [occur S] [memberkey S] type
          / [occur S] groupname [genericarg]  ; preempted by above
          / [occur S] "(" S group S ")"

   memberkey = type1 S ["^" S] "=>"
             / bareword S ":"
             / value S ":"

   bareword = id

   optcom = S ["," S]

   occur = [uint] "*" [uint]
         / "+"
         / "?"

   uint = DIGIT1 *DIGIT
        / "0x" 1*HEXDIG
        / "0b" 1*BINDIG
        / "0"

   value = number
         / text
         / bytes

   int = ["-"] uint

   ; This is a float if it has fraction or exponent; int otherwise
   number = hexfloat / (int ["." fraction] ["e" exponent ])
   hexfloat = ["-"] "0x" 1*HEXDIG ["." 1*HEXDIG] "p" exponent
   fraction = 1*DIGIT
   exponent = ["+"/"-"] 1*DIGIT

   text = %x22 *SCHAR %x22
   SCHAR = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC

   SESC = "\" ( %x22 / "/" / "\" /                 ; \" \/ \\
                %x62 / %x66 / %x6E / %x72 / %x74 / ; \b \f \n \r \t
                (%x75 hexchar) )                   ; \uXXXX

   hexchar = "{" (1*"0" [ hexscalar ] / hexscalar) "}" /
             non-surrogate / (high-surrogate "\" %x75 low-surrogate)
   non-surrogate = ((DIGIT / "A"/"B"/"C" / "E"/"F") 3HEXDIG) /
                   ("D" %x30-37 2HEXDIG )
   high-surrogate = "D" ("8"/"9"/"A"/"B") 2HEXDIG
   low-surrogate = "D" ("C"/"D"/"E"/"F") 2HEXDIG
   hexscalar = "10" 4HEXDIG / HEXDIG1 4HEXDIG
             / non-surrogate / 1*3HEXDIG

   bytes = [bsqual] %x27 *BCHAR %x27
   BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-7E / NONASCII / SESC / "\'" / CRLF
   bsqual = "h" / "b64"

   id = EALPHA *(*("-" / ".") (EALPHA / DIGIT))
   ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A
   EALPHA = ALPHA / "@" / "_" / "$"
   DIGIT = %x30-39
   DIGIT1 = %x31-39
   HEXDIG = DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
   HEXDIG1 = DIGIT1 / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
   BINDIG = %x30-31

   S = *WS
   WS = SP / NL
   SP = %x20
   PCHAR = %x20-7E / NONASCII
   NONASCII = %xA0-D7FF / %xE000-10FFFD
   CRLF = %x0A / %x0D.0A

Figure 11: ABNF for CDDL as Updated


Appendix B. Details about Covering Erratum ID 6543
付録B. Erratum ID 6543のカバーの詳細

This appendix is informative.


[Err6543] notes that the ABNF used in [RFC8610] for the content of byte string literals lumps together byte strings notated as text with byte strings notated in base16 (hex) or base64 (but see also updated BCHAR rule in Figure 4):


   ; ABNF from RFC 8610:
   bytes = [bsqual] %x27 *BCHAR %x27
   BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFD / SESC / CRLF

Figure 12: Original ABNF from RFC 8610 for BCHAR

図12:BCHARのRFC 8610からの元のABNF

B.1. Change Proposed by Erratum ID 6543
B.1. Erratum ID 6543によって提案された変更

Erratum ID 6543 proposes handling the two cases in separate ABNF rules (where, with an updated SESC, BCHAR obviously needs to be updated as above):

Erratum ID 6543は、別のABNFルールで2つのケースを処理することを提案しています(更新されたSESCを使用すると、BCHARは明らかに上記のように更新する必要があります):

   ; Proposal from Erratum ID 6543:
   bytes = %x27 *BCHAR %x27
         / bsqual %x27 *QCHAR %x27
   BCHAR = %x20-26 / %x28-5B / %x5D-10FFFD / SESC / CRLF
   QCHAR = DIGIT / ALPHA / "+" / "/" / "-" / "_" / "=" / WS

Figure 13: Proposal from Erratum ID 6543 to Split the Byte String Rules

図13:Erratum ID 6543からバイト文字列ルールを分割する提案

This potentially causes a subtle change, which is hidden in the WS rule:


   ; ABNF from RFC 8610:
   WS = SP / NL
   SP = %x20
   PCHAR = %x20-7E / %x80-10FFFD
   CRLF = %x0A / %x0D.0A

Figure 14: ABNF Definition of WS from RFC 8610

図14:RFC 8610からのWSのABNF定義

This allows any non-C0 character in a comment, so this fragment becomes possible:


   foo = h'
      43424F52 ; 'CBOR'
      0A       ; LF, but don't use CR!

The current text is not unambiguously saying whether the three apostrophes need to be escaped with a \ or not, as in:


   foo = h'
      43424F52 ; \'CBOR\'
      0A       ; LF, but don\'t use CR!

... which would be supported by the existing ABNF in [RFC8610].


B.2. No Further Change Needed after Updating String Literal Grammar
B.2. 文字列リテラル文法を更新した後、それ以上の変更は必要ありません

This document takes the simpler approach of leaving the processing of the content of the byte string literal to a semantic step after processing the syntax of the bytes and BCHAR rules, as updated by Figures 2 and 4 in Section 2.1 (updates prompted by the combination of [Err6527] and [Err6278]).


Therefore, the rules in Figure 14 (as updated by Figure 4) are applied to the result of this processing where bsqual is given as h or b64.


Note that this approach also works well with the use of byte strings in Section 3 of [RFC9165]. It does require some care when copying-and-pasting into CDDL models from ABNF that contains single quotes (which may also hide as apostrophes in comments); these need to be escaped or possibly replaced by %x27.


Finally, the approach taken lends support to extending bsqual in CDDL similar to the way this is done for CBOR diagnostic notation in [EDN-LITERALS]. (Note that, at the time of writing, the processing of string literals is quite similar for both CDDL and Extended Diagnostic Notation (EDN), except that CDDL has end-of-line comments that are ";" based and EDN has two comment syntaxes: one in-line "/" based and one end-of-line "#" based.)

最後に、採用されたアプローチは、[EDNリテラル]のCBOR診断表記のためにこれが行われる方法と同様に、CDDLのBSQUALを拡張することをサポートします。(執筆時点で、文字列リテラルの処理は、CDDLと拡張診断表記(EDN)の両方で非常に類似していることに注意してください。構文:1つのインライン "/"ベースと1つの終了 "#"ベース。)


Many thanks go to the submitters of the errata reports addressed in this document. In one of the ensuing discussions, Doug Ewell proposed defining an ABNF rule "NONASCII", of which we have included the essence. Special thanks to the reviewers Marco Tiloca, Christian Amsüss (Shepherd Review and further guidance), Orie Steele (AD Review and further guidance), and Éric Vyncke (detailed IESG review).

このドキュメントで宛てられたErrataレポートの提出者に感謝します。その後の議論の1つで、Doug EwellはABNFルール「Nonsascii」を定義することを提案しました。レビュアーのマルコ・ティロカ、クリスチャン・アムス(シェパード・レビューとさらなるガイダンス)、オリー・スティール(広告レビューとさらなるガイダンス)、エリック・ヴィンケ(詳細なIESGレビュー)に感謝します。

Author's Address
   Carsten Bormann
   Universität Bremen TZI
   Postfach 330440
   D-28359 Bremen
   Phone: +49-421-218-63921
   Email: cabo@tzi.org