Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) J. Daley, Ed. Request for Comments: 9712 S. Turner BCP: 226 IETF Administration LLC Updates: 8718, 8719 January 2025 Category: Best Current Practice ISSN: 2070-1721
Following a review of the IETF meeting venue requirements, this document updates RFC 8718 ("IETF Plenary Meeting Venue Selection Process"), clarifies how the IETF Administration Support Activity (IASA) should interpret some elements of RFC 8718, and specifies a replacement exploratory meeting process, thereby updating RFC 8719 ("High-Level Guidance for the Meeting Policy of the IETF").
IETF会議の会場要件のレビューに続いて、このドキュメントはRFC 8718(「IETF全体会議会場選択プロセス」)を更新し、IETF管理サポート活動(IASA)がRFC 8718のいくつかの要素を解釈する方法を明確にし、交換模索の模索会議を指定することを明確にします。プロセス、それによりRFC 8719(「IETFの会議ポリシーのための高レベルのガイダンス」)を更新します。
This memo documents an Internet Best Current Practice.
This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on BCPs is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.
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1. Introduction 2. Summary of Changes to RFCs 8718 and 8719 3. The Meeting (Rotation) Policy and Exploratory Meetings 3.1. Current Policy 3.2. Discussion 3.3. Resolution: Replacement of the Process for an Exploratory Meeting 4. Hotels and the Facility 4.1. The "One-Roof" Preference 4.1.1. Current Policy 4.1.2. Discussion 4.1.3. Resolution: Clarification of Interpretation 4.2. Number of Rooms Reserved 4.2.1. Current Policy 4.2.2. Discussion 4.2.3. Resolution: Update to RFC 8718 4.3. Overflow Hotels 4.3.1. Current Policy 4.3.2. Discussion 4.3.3. Resolution: Clarification of Interpretation 4.4. Ad Hoc Space including the Lounge and Terminal Room 4.4.1. Current Policy 4.4.2. Discussion 4.4.3. Resolution: Update to RFC 8718 5. IANA Considerations 6. Security Considerations 7. References 7.1. Normative References Contributors Authors' Addresses
IETF meeting venues are researched, negotiated, booked, and managed in accordance with "IETF Plenary Meeting Venue Selection Process" [RFC8718] and "High-Level Guidance for the Meeting Policy of the IETF" [RFC8719]. While these RFCs were published in 2020, the substantive work was completed in 2018, and since then, there have been a number of developments that have affected the efficacy of the current model for IETF meetings.
The IASA has reviewed the venue selection in light of these developments, primarily informed by the staff who work on venue selection, and has identified a number of issues to be addressed by a combination of updates to those RFCs and clarifications of interpretation.
This document makes the following changes to [RFC8718] and [RFC8719]:
1. Updates the meeting (rotation) policy specified in [RFC8719] with a new process for the selection of exploratory meetings.
1. [RFC8719]で指定された会議(ローテーション)ポリシーを、探索会議の選択のための新しいプロセスで更新します。
2. Clarifies the interpretation of "close proximity" as used in [RFC8718].
2. [RFC8718]で使用されている「近接性」の解釈を明確にします。
3. Updates the room block requirement specified in [RFC8718] from "one-third or more of projected meeting attendees" to a more flexible "sufficient rooms to meet the expected demand".
3. [RFC8718]で指定された部屋のブロック要件を、「3分の1以上の投影出席者」から、予想される需要を満たすために、より柔軟な「十分な部屋」に更新します。
4. Clarifies that the IASA should interpret any reference to "Overflow Hotels" in [RFC8718] as an entirely optional feature that the IASA can choose to provide at its own discretion.
4. IASAは、[RFC8718]の「オーバーフローホテル」への言及を、IASAが独自の裁量で提供することを選択できる完全にオプションの機能として解釈する必要があることを明確にします。
5. Updates the ad hoc space specified in various parts of [RFC8718] to better match the community requirements, as expressed in post-meeting surveys.
5. [RFC8718]のさまざまな部分で指定されたアドホックスペースを更新して、ミーティング後の調査で表現されているように、コミュニティの要件をよりよく一致させます。
The current meeting (rotation) policy is set as the "1-1-1-*" policy in [RFC8719]:
[...] the meeting policy (let's call this the "1-1-1" policy) is that meetings should rotate between North America, Europe, and Asia.
[...] the 1-1-1-* meeting policy is a slightly modified version of the aforementioned 1-1-1 meeting policy that allows for additional flexibility in the form of an exploratory meeting (denoted with an "*").
[...] 1-1-1-*会議ポリシーは、探索会議の形で追加の柔軟性を可能にする前述の1-1-1会議ポリシーのわずかに変更されたバージョンです(「*」で示されます)。
Furthermore, Section 4 of [RFC8719] describes the process for agreeing on an exploratory meeting, which includes the requirement for a participant to nominate the city, the community to discuss it, and the IETF chair to determine if there is consensus for the city to be considered suitable.
Community consensus is a very high bar, much higher than is required for a meeting in Asia, Europe, or North America. For those ordinary meetings, the IASA considers community feedback but is ultimately the decision maker and can choose to go ahead with a meeting in a particular city even if there is no community consensus on the suitability of that city for an IETF meeting. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated by the low attendance at some exploratory meetings that community consensus is orthogonal to the viability of meeting in a particular city.
This document replaces Section 4 of [RFC8719] and sets the new process as follows:
Exploratory meetings may be scheduled by the IASA following its normal processes, including those for assessing the suitability of a particular city, consulting with the IETF community, and deferring to the IESG if there is any concern that the core objective from [RFC8718] of 'why we meet' might not be met.
The IASA should ensure that the frequency of exploratory meetings is such that it does not redefine the concept of 'exploratory' and that the distribution of exploratory meetings does not disproportionately impact meetings in the 1-1-1 regions.
[RFC8718] defines "IETF Hotels" as:
One or more hotels, in close proximity to the Facility, where the IETF guest room block allocations are negotiated and where network services managed by the IASA (e.g., the "IETF" SSID) are in use.
It also provides the following important criteria (only listing those directly relevant):
* The IETF Hotels are within close proximity to each other and the Facility.
* IETFホテルは、互いに近くにあり、施設です。
Additionally, [RFC8718] contains this preference:
* We have something of a preference for an IETF meeting to be under "One Roof"; that is, qualified meeting space and guest rooms are available in the same facility.
* IETF会議が「1つの屋根」の下にあることを好むものがあります。つまり、同じ施設で資格のある会議スペースと客室を利用できます。
What happens in practice is that the IASA books a venue that conforms to one of two separate configurations:
1. A "One-Roof" venue of a hotel with the meeting space in the hotel or directly attached.
1. ホテルに会議スペースがある、または直接添付されているホテルの「ワンルーフ」会場。
The advantages of this configuration are:
* With a large enough room block, the meeting space is generally free.
* 十分な大きさの部屋ブロックがあるため、会議スペースは一般的に無料です。
* For those IETF participants (and staff) that normally stay in the IETF hotel, there is a strong sense of community.
* 通常IETFホテルに滞在するIETF参加者(およびスタッフ)には、コミュニティの強い感覚があります。
* It is usually easier and more flexible to work with a single point of contact instead of several (e.g., convention centers have separate contacts for Audio/Visual services, Food/ Beverage services, and meeting space).
* 通常、いくつかのものではなく、単一の連絡先で作業する方が簡単で柔軟です(たとえば、コンベンションセンターには、オーディオ/ビジュアルサービス、食品/飲料サービス、会議スペースのための個別の連絡先があります)。
* It can be much cheaper for the IASA than working with a separate convention center.
* IASAにとって、別のコンベンションセンターで作業するよりもはるかに安い場合があります。
* Group discussions can move more naturally from the Facility to the hotel.
* グループディスカッションは、施設からホテルに自然に移動する可能性があります。
* It is easier to negotiate network changes to the hotel as part of an overall network package.
* ネットワークパッケージ全体の一部として、ホテルへのネットワークの変更を交渉する方が簡単です。
* Someone can walk from their room to the meeting space in a few minutes, staying indoors the whole time.
* 誰かが数分で部屋から会議スペースまで歩いて、ずっと屋内に滞在することができます。
The disadvantages are:
* There are a limited number of hotels (and therefore cities) with large enough meeting space and sufficient rooms.
* 十分な大きさの出会いスペースと十分な部屋を備えたホテル(したがって都市)の数は限られています。
* The room rates at conference hotels are often on the high side, which can be more expensive for IETF participants.
* カンファレンスホテルの客室料金は、多くの場合、高い側にあり、IETF参加者にとってより高価になる可能性があります。
2. A meeting space not co-located with a hotel (normally a convention center) but where there are hotels within a short walk.
2. ホテル(通常はコンベンションセンター)と共同で開催される会議スペースがありますが、散歩中にホテルがあります。
The advantages of this configuration are:
* It makes many more cities available as potential venues.
* 潜在的な会場としてより多くの都市を利用できるようになります。
* It provides more options for local hotels.
* 地元のホテルにもっと多くのオプションを提供します。
* It enables the IASA to negotiate a lower room rate than otherwise as convention centers generally have a range of hotels nearby.
* コンベンションセンターには一般的に近くにあるさまざまなホテルがあるため、IASAはそれ以外の場合よりも低い客室レートを交渉できます。
The disadvantages are:
* Convention centers are much more difficult to negotiate with and are less flexible.
* コンベンションセンターは交渉がはるかに困難であり、柔軟性が低くなります。
* The IASA has to pay for the meeting space.
* IASAは会議スペースの代金を支払わなければなりません。
* For those IETF participants (and staff) that normally stay in the IETF hotel, the sense of community is diminished.
* 通常IETFホテルに滞在するIETF参加者(およびスタッフ)にとって、コミュニティの感覚は減少します。
* The choice of a main hotel and negotiation for the network at that hotel are more complicated.
* メインホテルの選択とそのホテルでのネットワークの交渉は、より複雑です。
To meet in cities that do not have suitable "One-Roof" venues, the IASA needs to work with convention centers. If this approach is not taken, then many cities and potentially some countries will be practically excluded as meeting venues.
It should also be noted that a "One-Roof" venue shifts the costs of the meeting onto participants whereas a convention center shifts the costs onto the IASA.
Despite "One Roof" being expressed as a preference in [RFC8718], there are some in the community who consider it as the only way to meet the requirement for "close proximity".
To address this concern, the IASA should interpret the "close proximity" requirement of [RFC8718] as follows:
Where the meeting space is a convention center or another facility without a directly attached hotel, the "close proximity" requirement for the IETF Hotels should mean that the time it takes to walk from the IETF Hotels to the meeting space should be no longer than ten minutes, and it should be a safe walk including early in the morning and late at night.
It should be noted that Section 3.2.2 of [RFC8718] already uses a walkability test of 5-10 minutes for a similar purpose.
[RFC8718] includes the following requirement as an important criterion:
* The guest rooms at the IETF Hotels are sufficient in number to house one-third or more of the projected meeting attendees.
* IETFホテルの客室は、予想される会議の出席者の3分の1以上を収容するのに十分です。
COVID-driven cancellations and lockdowns have badly affected the hospitality industry overall. Hotels and convention centers are now much more cautious about the terms of their bookings and much less willing to invest in securing a booking, as they aim to protect themselves from any similar sudden loss of income. For example, many hotels are now requiring conference organizers to provide full payment in advance for guest room blocks.
Where the IASA can get a large room block, it is finding that hotels are less willing to provide good discounts, so room pricing is not always on a par with other nearby hotels that have a smaller number of available rooms.
Then there is the impact of the now ubiquitous offering of short-term apartment rental sites. These sites are significant competitors to hotels for traveler accommodation both in price and availability.
The net result is that the IASA is reserving more hotel rooms than are being used, which exposes it to unnecessary risk as they are required to financially guarantee certain levels of occupancy, and this leads to wasted effort.
To address this issue, this document updates Section 3.2.4 of [RFC8718] by replacing the total room block requirement for IETF Hotels from "one-third or more of projected meeting attendees" to a more flexible "sufficient rooms to meet the expected demand".
Section 1 of [RFC8718] defines "Overflow Hotels" as follows:
One or more hotels, usually in close proximity to the Facility, where the IETF has negotiated a group room rate for the purposes of the meeting.
The concept is further expanded in Section 3.2.4 of [RFC8718]:
Overflow Hotels can be placed under contract, within convenient travel time to and from the Facility and at a variety of guest room rates
The IASA has historically contracted with Overflow Hotels including those at other price points from the IETF Hotels. They were very underutilized by attendees, reflecting the general underutilization of IETF contracted room blocks and exposing the IASA to financial risk with little benefit to participants. As a result, the use of Overflow Hotels has reduced, and they are rarely contracted. However, due to the way they are incorporated into [RFC8718], there are still many who believe these are, or should be, a normal feature of IETF meetings.
To address this issue, the IASA should interpret any reference to Overflow Hotels as an entirely optional feature that the IASA can choose to provide at its own discretion.
Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.4 of [RFC8718] include the following requirements as important criteria:
* There are sufficient places (e.g., a mix of hallways, bars, meeting rooms, and restaurants) for people to hold ad hoc conversations and group discussions in the combination of spaces offered by the facilities, hotels, and bars/restaurants in the surrounding area, within walking distance (5-10 minutes).
* 周辺地域の施設、ホテル、バー/レストランが提供するスペースの組み合わせに、人々がアドホックな会話やグループディスカッションを開催するのに十分な場所(廊下、バー、会議室、レストランの混合)があります。、徒歩圏内(5〜10分)。
* At least one IETF Hotel or the Facility has a space for use as a lounge, conducive to planned and ad hoc meetings and chatting, as well as a space for working online. There are tables with seating, convenient for small meetings with laptops. These can be at an open bar or casual restaurant. Preferably the lounge area is centrally located, permitting easy access to participants.
* 少なくとも1つのIETFホテルまたは施設には、ラウンジとして使用するスペースがあり、計画されたアドホックな会議やチャットを助長し、オンラインで働くためのスペースがあります。ラップトップとの小さな会議に便利な座席付きのテーブルがあります。これらは、オープンバーやカジュアルレストランで行うことができます。できればラウンジエリアは中央に位置しており、参加者に簡単にアクセスできます。
While not a formal requirement, a terminal room (described as a dedicated room with extended opening hours beyond the normal hours of IETF meetings), Ethernet connectivity, a printer, and a staffed help desk have been long-standing features of IETF meetings.
Both the lounge and the terminal room are used regularly but lightly, i.e., far below capacity. The reason for this is explained in the feedback to post-meeting surveys: Most participants want an immediately accessible ad hoc meeting space, which is best provided by plenty of hallway seating. The IASA has responded to this feedback by adopting a new practice of bringing in additional in-hallway seating whenever that provided by the venue is insufficient.
Dedicated rooms, such as the lounge or terminal room, or external facilities "within walking distance (5-10 minutes)" are unsuitable for the majority of participant needs, though there remains a need for quiet places to work between sessions.
To address this issue, [RFC8718] is updated as follows:
1. Section 3.2.2 of [RFC8718] is updated so that the entry on ad hoc meeting space (first bullet) now reads:
1. [RFC8718]のセクション3.2.2が更新されるため、アドホックミーティングスペース(最初の弾丸)のエントリが次のようになります。
There are sufficient, easily accessible places within the Facility for people to hold ad hoc conversations and group discussions.
2. Section 3.2.4 of [RFC8718] is updated so that the entry on the lounge (sixth bullet) now reads:
2. [RFC8718]のセクション3.2.4が更新されるため、ラウンジ(6番目の弾丸)のエントリが次のようになります。
There are sufficient places within the Facility suitable for people to work online on their own devices.
This document has no IANA actions.
This document should not affect the security of the Internet.
[RFC8718] Lear, E., Ed., "IETF Plenary Meeting Venue Selection Process", BCP 226, RFC 8718, DOI 10.17487/RFC8718, February 2020, <>.
[RFC8719] Krishnan, S., "High-Level Guidance for the Meeting Policy of the IETF", BCP 226, RFC 8719, DOI 10.17487/RFC8719, February 2020, <>.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this document: Laura Nugent, Stephanie McCammon, Alexa Morris, Greg Wood, Lars Eggert, and Jason Livingood.
この文書への貢献について、次の人々に感謝します:Laura Nugent、Stephanie McCammon、Alexa Morris、Greg Wood、Lars Eggert、Jason Livingood。
Jay Daley (editor) IETF Administration LLC 1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200 Wilmington, DE 19801 United States of America Email:
Sean Turner IETF Administration LLC 1000 N. West Street, Suite 1200 Wilmington, DE 19801 United States of America Email: