Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                D. von Oheimb, Ed.
Request for Comments: 9733                                      S. Fries
Category: Standards Track                                   H. Brockhaus
ISSN: 2070-1721                                                  Siemens
                                                              March 2025
BRSKI with Alternative Enrollment (BRSKI-AE)

This document defines enhancements to the Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure (BRSKI) protocol, known as BRSKI with Alternative Enrollment (BRSKI-AE). BRSKI-AE extends BRSKI to support certificate enrollment mechanisms instead of the originally specified use of Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST). It supports certificate enrollment protocols such as the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) that use authenticated self-contained signed objects for certification messages, allowing for flexibility in network device onboarding scenarios. The enhancements address use cases where the existing enrollment mechanism may not be feasible or optimal, providing a framework for integrating suitable alternative enrollment protocols. This document also updates the BRSKI reference architecture to accommodate these alternative methods, ensuring secure and scalable deployment across a range of network environments.


Status of This Memo

This is an Internet Standards Track document.


This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

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Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at



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Table of Contents
   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Supported Scenarios
   2.  Terminology and Abbreviations
   3.  Basic Requirements and Mapping to Solutions
     3.1.  Solution Options for Proof of Possession
     3.2.  Solution Options for Proof of Identity
   4.  Adaptations to BRSKI
     4.1.  Architecture
     4.2.  Message Exchange
       4.2.1.  Pledge - Registrar Discovery
       4.2.2.  Pledge - Registrar - MASA Voucher Exchange
       4.2.3.  Pledge - Registrar - MASA Voucher Status Telemetry
       4.2.4.  Pledge - Registrar - RA/CA Certificate Enrollment
       4.2.5.  Pledge - Registrar Enrollment Status Telemetry
     4.3.  Enhancements to the Endpoint Addressing Scheme of BRSKI
   5.  Instantiation with Existing Enrollment Protocols
     5.1.  BRSKI-CMP: BRSKI-AE Instantiated with CMP
     5.2.  Support of Other Enrollment Protocols
   6.  IANA Considerations
   7.  Security Considerations
   8.  Privacy Considerations
   9.  References
     9.1.  Normative References
     9.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  Application Examples
     A.1.  Rolling Stock
     A.2.  Building Automation
     A.3.  Substation Automation
     A.4.  Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
     A.5.  Infrastructure Isolation Policy
     A.6.  Sites with Insufficient Levels of Operational Security
   Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction
1. はじめに

Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure (BRSKI) [RFC8995] is typically used with Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) [RFC7030] as the enrollment protocol for operator-specific device certificates, employing HTTP over TLS for secure message transfer. BRSKI-AE is a variant using alternative enrollment protocols with authenticated self-contained objects for the device certificate enrollment.


This approach offers several distinct advantages. It allows for the authentication of the origin of requests and responses independently of message transfer mechanisms. This capability facilitates end-to-end authentication (i.e., end-to-end proof of origin) across multiple transport hops and supports the asynchronous operation of certificate enrollment. Consequently, this provides architectural flexibility in determining the location and timing for the ultimate authentication and authorization of certification requests while ensuring that the integrity and authenticity of the enrollment messages are maintained with full cryptographic strength.


This specification carries over the main characteristics of BRSKI, namely:


* The pledge is assumed to have received its Initial Device IDentifier (IDevID) [IEEE_802.1AR-2018] credentials during its manufacturing. It uses them to authenticate itself to the Manufacturer Authorized Signing Authority (MASA) [RFC8995], to the registrar (which is the access point of the target domain), and to possibly further components of the domain where it will be operated.

* 誓約は、製造中に初期デバイス識別子(IDEVID)[IEEE_802.1AR-2018]資格情報を受け取ったと想定されています。それらを使用して、メーカー認定署名機関(MASA)[RFC8995]、レジストラ(ターゲットドメインのアクセスポイント)、および操作のあるドメインのさらなるコンポーネントに自らを認証します。

* The pledge first obtains via the voucher [RFC8366] exchange a trust anchor for authenticating entities in the domain such as the domain registrar.

* 誓約は、最初にバウチャー[RFC8366]を介して、ドメインレジストラなどのドメイン内のエンティティを認証するための信頼アンカーを交換します。

* The pledge then obtains its Locally Significant Device IDentifier (LDevID) [IEEE_802.1AR-2018]. To this end, the pledge generates a private key, called an "LDevID secret". Then, it requests via the domain registrar from the PKI of its new domain a domain-specific device certificate, called an "LDevID certificate". On success, it receives the LDevID certificate along with its certificate chain.

* その後、誓約は、局所的に重要なデバイス識別子(LDEVID)[IEEE_802.1AR-2018]を取得します。この目的のために、誓約は「ldevid Secret」と呼ばれる秘密鍵を生成します。次に、新しいドメインのPKIからドメインレジストラを介して、「LDEVID証明書」と呼ばれるドメイン固有のデバイス証明書を要求します。成功すると、証明書チェーンとともにLDEVID証明書を受け取ります。

The objectives of BRSKI-AE are to enhance BRSKI by enabling LDevID certificate enrollment through the use of an alternative protocol to EST that:


* supports end-to-end authentication over multiple transport hops and

* 複数のトランスポートホップとエンドツーエンド認証をサポートします

* facilitates secure message exchanges over any type of transfer mechanism, including asynchronous delivery.

* 非同期配信を含むあらゆるタイプの転送メカニズムにわたって安全なメッセージ交換を促進します。

It may be observed that the BRSKI voucher exchange between the pledge, registrar, and MASA involves the use of authenticated self-contained objects, which inherently possess these properties.


The existing well-known URI structure used for BRSKI and EST messages is extended by introducing an additional path element that specifies the enrollment protocol being employed.


This specification allows the registrar to offer multiple enrollment protocols, enabling pledges and their developers to select the most appropriate one based on the defined overall approach and specific endpoints.


It may be important to note that [RFC8995] specifies the use of HTTP over TLS, but variations such as Constrained BRSKI [cBRSKI], which uses the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) over DTLS, are possible as well. In this context, "HTTP" and "TLS" are used as references to the most common implementation, though variants using CoAP and/or DTLS are implied where applicable, as the distinctions are not pertinent here.

[RFC8995]はTLSよりもHTTPの使用を指定していることに注意することが重要かもしれませんが、DTLよりも制約されたアプリケーションプロトコル(COAP)を使用する制約付きBrski [Cbrski]などのバリエーションも可能です。この文脈では、「HTTP」と「TLS」が最も一般的な実装への参照として使用されますが、COAPおよび/またはDTLを使用したバリアントは、ここでは区別がないため、該当する場合は暗示されます。

This specification, together with its referenced documents, is sufficient to support BRSKI with the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) [RFC9480] as profiled in the Lightweight CMP Profile (LCMPP) [RFC9483]. Integrating BRSKI with an enrollment protocol or profile other than the LCMPP will necessitate additional IANA registrations, as detailed in this document. Furthermore, additional specifications may be required for the details of the protocol or profile, which fall outside the scope of this document.


1.1. Supported Scenarios
1.1. サポートされているシナリオ

BRSKI-AE is designed for use in scenarios such as the following:


* When pledges and/or the target domain leverage an existing certificate enrollment protocol other than EST, such as CMP.

* 誓約および/またはターゲットドメインが、CMPなどのEST以外の既存の証明書登録プロトコルを活用する場合。

* When the application context precludes the use of EST for certificate enrollment due to factors such as when:

* アプリケーションコンテキストが、次のような要因により、証明書登録にESTの使用を排除する場合:

- The Registration Authority (RA) is not co-located with the registrar and requires end-to-end authentication of requesters, which EST does not support over multiple transport hops.

- 登録機関(RA)はレジストラと共同で開催されておらず、ESTが複数の輸送ホップでサポートしていないリクエスターのエンドツーエンド認証を必要とします。

- The RA or Certification Authority (CA) operator mandates auditable proof of origin for Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs), which cannot be provided by TLS as it only offers transient source authentication.

- RAまたは認証局(CA)オペレーターは、TLSが一時的なソース認証のみを提供するため、TLSが提供することはできない証明書署名リクエスト(CSR)に対して、監査可能な原産地証明を義務付けています。

- Certificates are requested for key types, such as Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) keys, that do not support signing or other single-shot proof-of-possession methods as those described in [RFC6955]. EST, which relies on CSRs in PKCS #10 format [RFC2986], does not accommodate these key types because it necessitates proof-of-possession methods that operate within a single message, whereas proof of possession for KEM keys requires prior receipt of a fresh challenge value.

- [RFC6955]に記載されているように、署名やその他のシングルショットの証明の方法をサポートしていないキーカプセル化メカニズム(KEM)キーなどのキータイプの証明書が要求されます。PKCS#10形式[RFC2986]のCSRSに依存するESTは、単一のメッセージ内で動作するプルーフオブポッセッション方法を必要とするため、これらの重要なタイプに対応していませんが、KEMキーの所有証明には新たなチャレンジ値を事前に受信する必要があります。

- The pledge implementation employs security libraries that do not support EST or uses a TLS library lacking support for the "tls-unique" value [RFC5929], which EST requires for the strong binding of source authentication.

- 誓約の実装では、ESTがソース認証の強力な拘束力を必要とする「TLS-Unique」値[RFC5929]をサポートしていないTLSライブラリをサポートしていない、または使用するセキュリティライブラリを採用しています。

* When full RA functionality is not available on-site within the target domain, and connectivity to an off-site RA may be intermittent or entirely offline.

* ターゲットドメイン内で完全なRA機能がオンサイトで利用できない場合、およびオフサイトRAへの接続は断続的または完全にオフラインである場合があります。

* When authoritative actions by a local RA at the registrar are insufficient for fully and reliably authorizing pledge certification requests, potentially due to a lack of access to necessary data or inadequate security measures, such as the local storage of private keys.

* レジストラのローカルRAによる権威あるアクションが、必要なデータへのアクセスが不足しているため、またはプライベートキーのローカルストレージなどの不十分なセキュリティ対策のために、誓約認証要求を完全かつ確実に許可するには不十分な場合。

Bootstrapping may be managed in various ways depending on the application domain. Appendix A provides illustrative examples from different industrial control system environments and operational contexts that motivate the support of alternative enrollment protocols.


2. Terminology and Abbreviations
2. 用語と略語

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

このドキュメント内のキーワード「MUST」、「MUST NOT」、「REQUIRED」、「SHALL」、「SHALL NOT」、「SHOULD」、「SHOULD NOT」、「RECOMMENDED」、「NOT RECOMMENDED」、「MAY」、および「OPTIONAL」は、ここに示すようにすべて大文字で表示されている場合にのみ、BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] で説明されているように解釈されます。

This document relies on the terminology defined in [RFC8995], [RFC5280], and [IEEE_802.1AR-2018], which is partly repeated here. Several further terms are also described here.


To be independent of the terminology of a specific enrollment protocol, this document utilizes generic terminology regarding PKI management operations.


The following terminology is used in this document:




the time-wise interrupted delivery of messages, here, between a pledge and some backend system (e.g., an RA).


attribute request:


a message requesting content to be included in the certification request.


attribute response:


a message providing the answer to the attribute request.


authenticated self-contained object:


a data structure that is cryptographically bound to the identity of its originator by an attached digital signature on the actual object, using a private key of the originator such as the IDevID secret.

Idevid Secretなどのオリジネーターの秘密鍵を使用して、実際のオブジェクトに添付されたデジタル署名によって、そのオリジネーターのアイデンティティに暗号化されたデータ構造。



the placement of a domain component separately from the domain registrar; it may be on-site or off-site.


CA certs request:


a message requesting CA certificates.


CA certs response:


a message providing the answer to a CA certs request.


certificate confirm:


a message stating to the backend PKI that the requester of a certificate received the new certificate and accepted it.


certification request:


a message requesting a certificate with proof of identity.


certification response:


a message providing the answer to a certification request.


local RA:


the same as LRA.




the locality of a component, service, or functionality (such as RA or CA) that is not at the site of the registrar. This may be a central site or a cloud service, to which connection may be intermittent.




the locality of a component, service, or functionality at the site of the registrar.


PKI/registrar confirm:


an acknowledgment of the PKI on the certificate confirm.




a device that is to be bootstrapped into a target domain. It requests an LDevID using IDevID credentials installed by its manufacturer.




short for domain registrar.




the locality where an entity such as a pledge, registrar, or PKI component is deployed. The target domain may have multiple sites.




the time-wise uninterrupted delivery of messages, here, between a pledge and a registrar or backend system (e.g., the MASA).


target domain:


the domain that a pledge is going to be bootstrapped into.


The following abbreviations are used in this document:




Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure [RFC8995]




BRSKI with Alternative Enrollment. Refers to a variation of BRSKI [RFC8995] in which BRSKI-EST, the enrollment protocol between the pledge and the registrar, is replaced by enrollment protocols that support end-to-end authentication of the pledge to the RA, such as CMP.

代替登録を備えたBrski。誓約とレジストラの間の登録プロトコルであるBrski-estが、CMPなどのRAへの誓約のエンドツーエンド認証をサポートする登録プロトコルに置き換えるBrski [RFC8995]のバリエーションを指します。



Certification Authority




Certificate Management over CMS




Certificate Management Protocol [RFC4210] [RFC9480]

証明書管理プロトコル[RFC4210] [RFC9480]



Cryptographic Message Syntax




Certificate Request Message Format




Certificate Signing Request




Enrollment over Secure Transport [RFC7030]




Initial Device IDentifier (of a pledge, provided by the manufacturer and comprising of a private key and the related X.509 certificate with its chain).




Lightweight CMP Profile [RFC9483]




Locally Significant Device IDentifier (of a pledge, provided by its target domain and comprising of a private key and the related X.509 certificate with its chain).




Local Registration Authority. A subordinate RA that is close to entities being enrolled and separate from a subsequent RA. In BRSKI-AE, it is needed if a backend RA is used; in this case, the LRA is co-located with the registrar.




Manufacturer Authorized Signing Authority. Provides vouchers.




Registration Authority. The PKI component to which a CA typically delegates certificate management functions such as authenticating pledges and performing authorization checks on certification requests.




Simple Certificate Enrolment Protocol


3. Basic Requirements and Mapping to Solutions
3. 基本的な要件とソリューションへのマッピング

Based on the intended target scenarios described in Section 1.1 and the application examples described in Appendix A, the following requirements are derived to support authenticated self-contained objects as containers carrying certification requests.


The following properties are required for a certification request:


* Proof of possession: demonstrates access to the private key corresponding to the public key contained in a certification request. This is typically achieved by a self-signature using the corresponding private key but can also be achieved indirectly; see [RFC4210], Section 4.3.

* 所有証明:認証要求に含まれる公開キーに対応する秘密鍵へのアクセスを示します。これは通常、対応する秘密鍵を使用して自己署名によって達成されますが、間接的に達成することもできます。[RFC4210]、セクション4.3を参照してください。

* Proof of identity (also called "proof of origin"): provides data origin authentication of the certification request. Typically, this is achieved by a signature using the pledge IDevID secret over some data, which needs to include a sufficiently strong identifier of the pledge, such as the device serial number typically included in the subject of the IDevID certificate.

* アイデンティティの証明(「原産地の証明」とも呼ばれます):認証要求のデータ原点認証を提供します。通常、これは、いくつかのデータに対する誓約IDEVIDの秘密を使用して署名によって達成されます。これには、IDEVID証明書の主題に通常含まれるデバイスのシリアル番号など、誓約の十分に強力な識別子を含める必要があります。

The remainder of this section gives a non-exhaustive list of solution examples, based on existing technology described in IETF documents.


3.1. Solution Options for Proof of Possession
3.1. 所有証明のためのソリューションオプション

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) objects are data structures protecting only the integrity of the contained data and providing proof of possession for a (locally generated) private key. Important types of CSR data structures are:


* PKCS #10 [RFC2986]: This very common form of CSR is self-signed to protect its integrity and to prove possession of the private key that corresponds to the public key included in the request.

* PKCS#10 [RFC2986]:CSRのこの非常に一般的な形式は、その完全性を保護し、リクエストに含まれる公開鍵に対応する秘密鍵の所有を証明するために自己署名されています。

* Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF) [RFC4211]: This less common but more general CSR format supports several ways of integrity protection and proof of possession. Typically a self-signature is used, which is generated over (part of) the structure with the private key corresponding to the included public key. CRMF also supports further proof-of-possession methods for types of keys that do not have signing capability. For details, see [RFC4211], Section 4.

* 証明書リクエストメッセージフォーマット(CRMF)[RFC4211]:これはあまり一般的ではないが一般的なCSR形式は、整合性の保護と所持の証明のいくつかの方法をサポートしています。通常、自己署名が使用されます。これは、含まれている公開キーに対応する秘密鍵を持つ構造の上に生成されます。CRMFは、署名機能を持たないキーの種類のさらなるプルーフオブポッセッション方法もサポートしています。詳細については、[RFC4211]、セクション4を参照してください。

It should be noted that the integrity protection of CSRs includes the public key because it is part of the data signed by the corresponding private key. Yet, this signature does not provide data origin authentication, (i.e., proof of identity of the requester) because the key pair involved is new and therefore does not yet have a confirmed identity associated with it.


3.2. Solution Options for Proof of Identity
3.2. アイデンティティの証明のためのソリューションオプション

Binding a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to an existing authenticated credential (which in the BRSKI context is the IDevID certificate) enables proof of origin, which in turn supports an authorization decision on the CSR.


The binding of data origin authentication to the CSR is typically delegated to the protocol used for certificate management. This binding may be achieved through security options in an underlying transport protocol such as TLS if the authorization of the certification request is (sufficiently) done at the next communication hop. Depending on the key type, the binding can also be done in a stronger, transport-independent way by wrapping the CSR with a signature.


This requirement is addressed by existing enrollment protocols in various ways, such as:


* EST [RFC7030] and its variant EST-coaps [RFC9148] utilize PKCS #10 to encode CSRs. While such a CSR has not been designed to include proof of origin, there is a limited, indirect way of binding it to the source authentication of the underlying TLS session. This is achieved by including in the CSR the "tls-unique" value [RFC5929] resulting from the TLS handshake. As this is optionally supported by the EST "/simpleenroll" endpoint used in BRSKI, and the TLS handshake employed in BRSKI includes certificate-based client authentication of the pledge with its IDevID credentials, the proof of pledge identity being an authenticated TLS client can be bound to the CSR.

* EST [RFC7030]とそのバリアントESTコップ[RFC9148]は、PKCS#10を利用してCSRSをエンコードします。このようなCSRは、原点の証明を含めるように設計されていませんが、基礎となるTLSセッションのソース認証に結合する限定的で間接的な方法があります。これは、CSRにTLSの握手に起因する「TLS-Unique」値[RFC5929]を含めることによって達成されます。これはオプションでBRSKIで使用されるEST「/simpleEnroll」エンドポイントによってサポートされているため、BRSKIで採用されているTLSハンドシェイクには、そのIDEVID資格による誓約の証明書ベースのクライアント認証が含まれています。

Yet, this binding is only valid in the context of the TLS session established with the registrar acting as the EST server and typically also as an RA. So even such a cryptographic binding of the authenticated pledge identity to the CSR is not visible nor verifiable to authorization points outside the registrar, such as a (second) RA in the backend. What the registrar needs to do is authenticate and pre-authorize the pledge and indicate this to the (second) RA. This is done by signing the forwarded certification request with its private key and a related certificate that has the id-kp-cmcRA extended key usage attribute.


[RFC7030], Section 2.5 sketches wrapping CSRs formatted per PKCS #10 with a Full PKI Request message sent to the "/fullcmc" endpoint. This would allow for source authentication at the message level, such that the registrar could forward it to external RAs in a meaningful way. This approach is so far not sufficiently described and likely has not been implemented.


* The Simple Certificate Enrolment Protocol (SCEP) [RFC8894] supports using a shared secret (passphrase) or an existing certificate to protect CSRs based on SCEP Secure Message Objects using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) wrapping [RFC5652]. Note that the wrapping using an existing IDevID in SCEP is referred to as "renewal". This way, SCEP does not rely on the security of the underlying message transfer.

* 単純な証明書登録プロトコル(SCEP)[RFC8894]は、共有秘密(パスフレーズ)または既存の証明書を使用して、暗号化メッセージの構文(CMS)ラッピング[RFC5652]を使用してSCEPセキュアメッセージオブジェクトに基づいてCSRを保護することをサポートします。SCEPで既存のIDEVIDを使用したラッピングは「更新」と呼ばれることに注意してください。これにより、SCEPは基礎となるメッセージ転送のセキュリティに依存していません。

* CMP [RFC4210] [RFC9480] supports using a shared secret (passphrase) or an existing certificate, which may be an IDevID credential, to authenticate certification requests via the PKIProtection structure in a PKIMessage. The certification request is typically encoded utilizing CRMF, while PKCS #10 is supported as an alternative. Thus, CMP does not rely on the security of the underlying message transfer.

* CMP [RFC4210] [RFC9480]は、pkimessageのpkip路構造を介して認証要求を認証するために、共有秘密(passphrase)または既存の証明書を使用して、idevid資格である可能性のある既存の証明書を使用してサポートします。認証要求は通常、CRMFを使用してエンコードされますが、PKCS#10は代替としてサポートされています。したがって、CMPは、基礎となるメッセージ転送のセキュリティに依存していません。

* Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) [RFC5272] also supports utilizing a shared secret (passphrase) or an existing certificate to protect certification requests, which can be either in a CRMF or PKCS #10 structure. The proof of identity can be provided as part of a Full CMC Request based on CMS [RFC5652] and signed with an existing IDevID secret. Thus, CMC does not rely on the security of the underlying message transfer.

* CMS(CMC)の証明書管理(CMC)[RFC5272]は、CRMFまたはPKCS#10構造のいずれかである可能性のある認証要求を保護するために、共有秘密(PassPhrase)または既存の証明書を使用することもサポートしています。アイデンティティの証明は、CMS [RFC5652]に基づく完全なCMC要求の一部として提供され、既存のIDEVID秘密で署名できます。したがって、CMCは、基礎となるメッセージ転送のセキュリティに依存していません。

To sum up, EST does not meet the requirements for authenticated self-contained objects, but SCEP, CMP, and CMC do. This document primarily focuses on CMP as it has more industry adoption than CMC and SCEP has issues not detailed here.

要約すると、ESTは認証された自己完結型オブジェクトの要件を満たしていませんが、SCEP、CMP、およびCMC DO。このドキュメントは、CMCやSCEPにはここで詳しく説明されていない問題があるよりも多くの業界採用があるため、主にCMPに焦点を当てています。

4. Adaptations to BRSKI
4. Brskiへの適応

To enable using alternative certificate enrollment protocols supporting end-to-end authentication, asynchronous enrollment, and more general system architectures, BRSKI-AE provides some generalizations on BRSKI [RFC8995]. This way, authenticated self-contained objects such as those described in Section 3 above can be used for certificate enrollment, and RA functionality can be deployed freely in the target domain. Parts of the RA functionality can even be distributed over several nodes.

エンドツーエンド認証、非同期登録、およびより一般的なシステムアーキテクチャをサポートする代替証明書登録プロトコルを使用できるようにするために、BRSKI-AEはBRSKI [RFC8995]に関するいくつかの一般化を提供します。これにより、上記のセクション3で説明されているような認証された自己完結型オブジェクトは、証明書の登録に使用でき、RA機能はターゲットドメインに自由に展開できます。RA機能の一部は、いくつかのノードに分布することもできます。

The enhancements are kept to a minimum to ensure the reuse of already defined architecture elements and interactions. In general, the communication follows the BRSKI model and utilizes the existing BRSKI architecture elements. In particular, the pledge initiates communication with the domain registrar and interacts with the MASA as usual for voucher request and response processing.


4.1. Architecture
4.1. 建築

The key element of BRSKI-AE is that the authorization of a certification request MUST be performed based on an authenticated self-contained object. The certification request is bound in a self-contained way to a proof of origin based on the IDevID credentials. Consequently, the certification request MAY be transferred using any mechanism or protocol. Authentication and authorization of the certification request can be done by the domain registrar and/or by backend domain components. As mentioned in Section 1.1, these components may be offline or off-site. The registrar and other on-site domain components may have no or only temporary (intermittent) connectivity to them.


This leads to generalizations in the placement and enhancements of the logical elements as shown in Figure 1.


      +--------------Drop-Ship--------------| Vendor Service         |
      |                                     +------------------------+
      |                                     | M anufacturer|         |
      |                                     | A uthorized  |Ownership|
      |                                     | S igning     |Tracker  |
      |                                     | A uthority   |         |
      |                                     +--------------+---------+
      |                                                      ^
      |                                                      |
      V                                                      | BRSKI-
   +--------+     .........................................  | MASA
   |        |     .                                       .  |
   |        |     .  +-------+          +--------------+  .  |
   | Pledge |     .  | Join  |          | Domain       |<----+
   |        |<------>| Proxy |<-------->| Registrar    |  .
   |        |     .  |       |          | w/ LRA or RA |  .
   | IDevID |     .  +-------+          +--------------+  .
   |        |   BRSKI-AE over TLS                ^        .
   +--------+   using, e.g., LCMPP               |        .
                  .                              |        .
               on-site (local) domain components |
                                                 | e.g., LCMPP
    . Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)            v              .
    . +---------+     +---------------------------------------+ .
    . |         |<----+   Registration Authority RA           | .
    . |    CA   +---->|   (unless part of Domain Registrar)   | .
    . +---------+     +---------------------------------------+ .
            backend (central or off-site) domain components

Figure 1: Architecture Overview Using Backend PKI Components


The architecture overview in Figure 1 has the same logical elements as BRSKI but with a more flexible placement of the authentication and authorization checks on certification requests. Depending on the application scenario, the registrar MAY still do all of these checks (as is the case in BRSKI) or only do part of them.


The following list describes the on-site components in the target domain of the pledge shown in Figure 1.


* Join Proxy: This has the same requirements as in [RFC8995] (see [RFC8995], Section 4).

* 参加:これは[RFC8995]と同じ要件を持っています([RFC8995]、セクション4を参照)。

* Domain Registrar (including LRA or RA functionality): In BRSKI-AE, the domain registrar has mostly the same functionality as in BRSKI, namely to act as the gatekeeper of the domain for onboarding new devices and to facilitate the communication of pledges with their MASA and the domain PKI. Yet, there are some generalizations and specific requirements:

* ドメインレジストラ(LRAまたはRA機能を含む):BRSKI-AEでは、ドメインレジストラはBRSKIとほとんど同じ機能を持っています。つまり、新しいデバイスをオンボーディングするためのドメインのゲートキーパーとして機能し、MASAおよびドメインPKIとの誓約の通信を促進します。しかし、いくつかの一般化と特定の要件があります。

1. The registrar MUST support at least one certificate enrollment protocol with authenticated self-contained objects for certification requests. To this end, the URI scheme for addressing endpoints at the registrar is generalized (see Section 4.3).

1. レジストラは、認証要求のために認証された自己完結型オブジェクトを使用して、少なくとも1つの証明書登録プロトコルをサポートする必要があります。この目的のために、レジストラでエンドポイントに対処するためのURIスキームが一般化されています(セクション4.3を参照)。

2. Rather than having full RA functionality, the registrar MAY act as a Local Registration Authority (LRA) and delegate part of its involvement in certificate enrollment to a backend RA. In such scenarios, the registrar optionally checks certification requests it receives from pledges and forwards them to the backend RA, which performs the remaining parts of the enrollment request validation and authorization. Note that to this end, the backend RA may need information regarding the authorization of pledges from the registrar or from other sources. On the way back, the registrar forwards responses by the PKI to the pledge on the same channel.

2. レジストラは、完全なRA機能を持つのではなく、ローカル登録機関(LRA)として機能し、証明書登録への関与の一部をバックエンドRAへの関与の一部に委任することができます。このようなシナリオでは、レジストラはオプションで誓約から受け取った認定要求をチェックし、登録要求の検証と承認の残りの部分を実行するバックエンドRAに転送します。この目的のために、バックエンドRAは、レジストラまたは他のソースからの誓約の承認に関する情報が必要になる場合があることに注意してください。帰り道、レジストラは、PKIによる同じチャネルの誓約に応答を転送します。

To support end-to-end authentication of the pledge across the registrar to the backend RA, the certification request signed by the pledge needs to be upheld and forwarded by the registrar. Therefore, for its communication with the PKI, the registrar cannot use an enrollment protocol that is different from the enrollment protocol used between the pledge and the registrar.


3. The use of a certificate enrollment protocol with authenticated self-contained objects gives freedom with how to transfer enrollment messages between the pledge and an RA. BRSKI demands that the RA accept certification requests for LDevIDs only with the consent of the registrar. BRSKI-AE also guarantees this in the case that the RA is not part of the registrar, even if the message exchange with backend systems is unprotected and involves further transport hops. See Section 7 for details on how this can be achieved.

3. 認証された自己完結型オブジェクトを使用した証明書登録プロトコルの使用は、誓約とRAの間に登録メッセージを転送する方法と自由を与えます。BRSKIは、RAがレジストラの同意を得てのみLDEVIDの認証要求を受け入れることを要求します。Brski-aeは、バックエンドシステムとのメッセージ交換が保護されておらず、さらなる輸送ホップを含む場合でも、RAがレジストラの一部ではない場合にこれを保証します。これを達成する方法の詳細については、セクション7を参照してください。

Despite the above generalizations of the enrollment phase, the final step of BRSKI, namely the enrollment status telemetry, is kept as it is.


The following list describes the components provided by the vendor or manufacturer outside the target domain.


* MASA: This has the functionality as described in [RFC8995]. The voucher exchange with the MASA via the domain registrar is performed as described in [RFC8995].

* MASA:これには、[RFC8995]で説明されている機能があります。[RFC8995]に記載されているように、ドメインレジストラを介してMASAとのバウチャー交換が実行されます。

Note: The definition of the interaction with the MASA in Section 5 of [RFC8995] implies that it may be synchronous (using voucher requests with nonces) or asynchronous (using nonceless voucher requests).


* Ownership Tracker: This is as defined in [RFC8995].

* 所有権トラッカー:これは[RFC8995]で定義されています。

The following list describes backend target domain components, which may be located on-site or off-site in the target domain.


* RA: This performs centralized certificate management functions as a PKI for the domain operator. In case these functions are not entirely performed by the domain registrar, it performs the final validation and authorization of certification requests. Otherwise, the RA co-located with the domain registrar directly connects to the CA.

* RA:これにより、ドメイン演算子のPKIとして集中化された証明書管理機能が実行されます。これらの機能がドメインレジストラによって完全に実行されない場合、認定リクエストの最終的な検証と承認を実行します。それ以外の場合、ドメインレジストラと共同住宅がCAに直接接続します。

* CA (also called "domain CA"): This generates domain-specific certificates according to certification requests that have been authenticated and authorized by the registrar and/or an extra RA.

* CA(「ドメインCA」とも呼ばれます):これは、レジストラおよび/または追加のRAによって認証および承認された認証要求に従ってドメイン固有の証明書を生成します。

Based on the diagram in [RFC8995], Section 2.1 and the architectural changes, the original protocol flow is divided into several phases showing commonalities and differences with the original approach as follows.


* Discover: This is mostly as in step (1) of [RFC8995]. For details, see Section 4.2.1.

* 発見:これは主に[RFC8995]のステップ(1)と同じです。詳細については、セクション4.2.1を参照してください。

* Identify: This is the same as in step (2) of [RFC8995].

* 識別:これは[RFC8995]のステップ(2)と同じです。

* Voucher exchange: This is the same as in steps (3) and (4) of [RFC8995].

* バウチャー交換:これは、[RFC8995]の手順(3)および(4)と同じです。

* Voucher status telemetry: This is the same as directly after step (4) in [RFC8995].

* バウチャーステータステレメトリ:これは、[RFC8995]のステップ(4)の直後と同じです。

* Certificate enrollment phase: The use of EST in step (5) is changed to employing a certificate enrollment protocol that uses an authenticated self-contained object for requesting the LDevID certificate.

* 証明書の登録フェーズ:ステップ(5)でのESTの使用は、LDEVID証明書を要求するために認証された自己完結型オブジェクトを使用する証明書登録プロトコルを採用するように変更されます。

It is REQUIRED to use the (D)TLS channel established between the pledge and registrar to transport the certificate enrollment request and response messages. To this end, the enrollment protocol, the pledge, and the registrar need to support the use of this existing channel for certificate enrollment. Due to this architecture, the pledge does not need to establish additional connections for certificate enrollment and the registrar retains full control over the certificate enrollment traffic.


* Enrollment status telemetry: This is the final exchange of step (5) of [RFC8995].

* 登録ステータステレメトリ:これは、[RFC8995]のステップ(5)の最終交換です。

4.2. Message Exchange
4.2. メッセージ交換

The behavior of a pledge described in [RFC8995], Section 2.1 is kept, with one major exception. After finishing the Imprint step (4), the Enroll step (5) MUST be performed with an enrollment protocol utilizing authenticated self-contained objects, as explained in Section 3. Section 5 discusses selected suitable enrollment protocols and applicable options.


An abstract overview of the BRSKI-AE protocol can be found in the graphics on slide 4 of [BRSKI-AE-overview].

Brski-aeプロトコルの抽象的な概要は、[Brski-ae-overview]のSlide 4のグラフィックスに記載されています。

4.2.1. Pledge - Registrar Discovery
4.2.1. 誓約 - レジストラの発見

Discovery as specified in [RFC8995], Section 4 does not support the discovery of registrars with enhanced feature sets. A pledge cannot find out in this way whether discovered registrars support the certificate enrollment protocol it expects, such as CMP.


As a more general solution, the BRSKI discovery mechanism can be extended to provide up-front information on the capabilities of registrars. For further discussion, see [BRSKI-discovery].


In the absence of such a generally applicable solution, BRSKI-AE deployments may use their particular way of doing discovery. Section 5.1 defines a minimalist approach that MAY be used for CMP.


4.2.2. Pledge - Registrar - MASA Voucher Exchange
4.2.2. 誓約 - レジストラ - MASAバウチャー交換

The voucher exchange is performed as specified in [RFC8995].


4.2.3. Pledge - Registrar - MASA Voucher Status Telemetry
4.2.3. 誓約 - レジストラ - MASAバウチャーステータステレメトリ

The voucher status telemetry is performed as specified in [RFC8995], Section 5.7.


4.2.4. Pledge - Registrar - RA/CA Certificate Enrollment
4.2.4. 誓約 - レジストラ - RA/CA証明書の登録

The specification in this section replaces the EST integration for PKI bootstrapping described in [RFC8995], Section 5.9 (while [RFC8995], Section 5.9.4 remains as the final phase; see below).


The certificate enrollment phase may involve the transmission of several messages. Details can depend on the application scenario, the employed enrollment protocol, and other factors.


The only message exchange REQUIRED is for the actual certification request and response. Further message exchanges MAY be performed as needed.


Note: The message exchanges marked OPTIONAL in Figure 2 below cover all those supported by the use of EST in BRSKI. The last OPTIONAL one, namely certificate confirmation, is not supported by EST but by CMP and other enrollment protocols.


   +------+                          +---------+              +--------+
   |Pledge|                          |Domain   |              |Operator|
   |      |                          |Registrar|              |RA/CA   |
   |      |                          |(JRC)    |              |(PKI)   |
   +------+                          +---------+              +--------+
    |                                     |                           |
    |[OPTIONAL request of CA certificates]|                           |
    |------- CA Certs Request (1) ------->|                           |
    |                                     | [OPTIONAL forwarding]     |
    |                                     |--- CA Certs Request ----->|
    |                                     |<-- CA Certs Response -----|
    |<------ CA Certs Response (2) -------|                           |
    |                                     |                           |
    |[OPTIONAL request of attributes      |                           |
    | to include in Certification Request]|                           |
    |------- Attribute Request (3) ------>|                           |
    |                                     | [OPTIONAL forwarding]     |
    |                                     |--- Attribute Request ---->|
    |                                     |<-- Attribute Response ----|
    |<------ Attribute Response (4) ------|                           |
    |                                     |                           |
    |[REQUIRED certification request]     |                           |
    |------- Certification Request (5) -->|                           |
    |                                     | [OPTIONAL forwarding]     |
    |                                     |---Certification Request-->|
    |                                     |<--Certification Resp.  ---|
    |<----- Certification Response (6) ---|                           |
    |                                     |                           |
    |[OPTIONAL certificate confirmation]  |                           |
    |------- Certificate Confirm (7) ---->|                           |
    |                                     | [OPTIONAL forwarding]     |
    |                                     |--- Certificate Confirm--->|
    |                                     |<-- PKI Confirm -----------|
    |<------ PKI/Registrar Confirm (8) ---|                           |

Figure 2: Certificate Enrollment Message Flow


It may be noted that connections between the registrar and the PKI components of the operator (RA, CA, etc.) may be intermittent or offline. Messages should be sent as soon as sufficient transfer capacity is available.


The label '[OPTIONAL forwarding]' in Figure 2 means that on receiving a request message of the given type from a pledge, the registrar MAY answer the request directly. In this case, it MUST authenticate its responses with the same credentials as used for authenticating itself at the TLS level for the voucher exchange. Otherwise, the registrar MUST forward the request to the RA and forward any resulting response back to the pledge.


The decision of whether to forward a request or to answer it directly can depend on various static and dynamic factors. They include the application scenario, the capabilities of the registrar, the capabilities of the local RA possibly co-located with the registrar, the enrollment protocol being used, and the specific contents of the request.


Note that there are several options for how the registrar could be able to directly answer requests for CA certificates or for certification request attributes. It could cache responses obtained from the domain PKI and later use their contents for responding to requests asking for the same data. The contents could also be explicitly provisioned at the registrar.


Further note that certification requests typically need to be handled by the backend PKI, but the registrar can answer them directly with an error response in case it determines that such a request should be rejected, for instance, because it is not properly authenticated or authorized. Also, certificate confirmation messages will usually be forwarded to the backend PKI, but if the registrar knows that they are not needed or wanted there, it can acknowledge such messages directly.


The following list provides an abstract description of the flow depicted in Figure 2.


* CA Certs Request (1): The pledge optionally requests the latest relevant CA certificates. This ensures that the pledge has the complete set of current CA certificates beyond the pinned-domain-cert (which is contained in the voucher and which may be just the domain registrar certificate).

* CA証明書リクエスト(1):誓約はオプションで最新の関連するCA証明書を要求します。これにより、誓約には、ピン留めドメイン洞窟(バウチャーに含まれており、ドメインレジストラ証明書にすぎない場合がある)を超えた現在のCA証明書の完全なセットが保証されます。

* CA Certs Response (2): This MUST contain any intermediate CA certificates that the pledge may need to validate certificates and MAY contain the LDevID trust anchor.

* CA証明書の応答(2):これには、誓約が証明書を検証する必要がある可能性があり、LDEVIDトラストアンカーが含まれる場合がある中間CA証明書を含める必要があります。

* Attribute Request (3): Typically, the automated bootstrapping occurs without local administrative configuration of the pledge. Nevertheless, there are cases in which the pledge may also include additional attributes that are specific to the target domain in the Certification Request (5). To get these attributes in advance, the attribute request may be used.

* 属性要求(3):通常、自動化されたブートストラップは、誓約のローカル管理構成なしで発生します。それにもかかわらず、誓約には、認証要求のターゲットドメインに固有の追加の属性も含まれる場合があります(5)。これらの属性を事前に取得するには、属性要求を使用できます。

* Attribute Response (4): This MUST contain the attributes requested in (3) to be included in the subsequent Certification Request (5).

* 属性応答(4):これには、(3)で要求された属性がその後の認証要求(5)に含まれるように要求されている必要があります。

For example, [RFC8994], Section specifies how the attribute request is used to signal to the pledge the 'acp-node-name' field required for enrollment into an Autonomic Control Plane (ACP) domain.


* Certification Request (5): This MUST contain the authenticated self-contained object ensuring both the proof of possession of the corresponding private key and the proof of identity of the requester.

* 認証要求(5):これには、対応する秘密鍵の所有証明とリクエスターの身元証明の両方を保証する認証された自己完結型オブジェクトが含まれている必要があります。

* Certification Response (6): On success, this MUST contain the requested certificate and MAY include further information, like certificates of intermediate CAs and any additional trust anchors.

* 認定応答(6):成功すると、これには要求された証明書が含まれている必要があり、中間CAの証明書や追加の信頼アンカーなどのさらなる情報を含めることができます。

* Certificate Confirm (7): This is an optional confirmation that is sent after the requested certificate has been received and validated. If sent, it MUST contain a positive or negative confirmation by the pledge to the PKI whether the certificate was successfully enrolled and fits its needs.

* 証明書確認(7):これは、要求された証明書が受信され、検証された後に送信されるオプションの確認です。送信された場合、証明書が正常に登録され、そのニーズに合っているかどうか、PKIに対する誓約による肯定的または否定的な確認が含まれている必要があります。

* PKI/Registrar Confirm (8): This is an acknowledgment by the PKI that MUST be sent on reception of the Certificate Confirm.

* PKI/レジストラ確認(8):これは、証明書確認書の受信時に送信する必要があるPKIによる承認です。

The generic messages described above may be implemented using any certificate enrollment protocol that supports authenticated self-contained objects for the certification request as described in Section 3. Examples are available in Section 5.


Note that the optional certificate confirmation by the pledge to the PKI described above is independent of the mandatory enrollment status telemetry done between the pledge and the registrar in the final phase of BRSKI-AE, which is described next.


4.2.5. Pledge - Registrar Enrollment Status Telemetry
4.2.5. 誓約 - レジストラ登録ステータステレメトリ

The enrollment status telemetry is performed as specified in [RFC8995], Section 5.9.4.


In [RFC8995], this is described as part of the certificate enrollment step, but due to the generalization of the enrollment protocol described in this document, it is regarded as a separate phase here.


4.3. Enhancements to the Endpoint Addressing Scheme of BRSKI
4.3. BRSKIのエンドポイントアドレス指定スキームの拡張

BRSKI-AE extends the addressing scheme outlined in [RFC8995], Section 5 to support alternative enrollment protocols that utilize authenticated, self-contained objects for certification requests (also see Section 5). These extensions are designed to be compatible with existing Registration Authorities (RAs) and Certification Authorities (CAs) that already support such enrollment protocols, enabling their use without requiring any modifications.

BRSKI-AEは、セクション5 [RFC8995]に概説されているアドレス指定スキームを拡張して、認証された自己完結型のオブジェクトを認証要求に使用する代替登録プロトコルをサポートします(セクション5も参照)。これらの拡張機能は、既存の登録当局(RAS)および認定当局(CAS)と互換性があるように設計されており、そのような登録プロトコルを既にサポートしており、変更を必要とせずに使用できます。

The addressing scheme in [RFC8995] for certification requests, related CA certificates, and CSR attributes retrieval functions uses the definition from EST [RFC7030]. An example of simple enrollment is: "/.well-known/est/simpleenroll". This approach is generalized to the following notation: "/.well-known/<enrollment-protocol>/<request>" in which "<enrollment-protocol>" refers to a certificate enrollment protocol. Note that here, enrollment is considered a message sequence that contains at least a certification request and a certification response. The following conventions are used to provide maximal compatibility with BRSKI:

認証要求、関連するCA証明書、およびCSR属性の検索関数の[RFC8995]のアドレス指定スキームは、EST [RFC7030]の定義を使用します。単純な登録の例は、「/.Well-Nownest/SimpleenRoll」です。このアプローチは、次の表記に一般化されています。「/.Well-Nowned/<enrollment-Protocol>/<questocol>」では、「<Enrollment-Protocol>」は証明書登録プロトコルを指します。ここでは、登録は、少なくとも認定リクエストと認証応答を含むメッセージシーケンスと見なされることに注意してください。次の規則は、BRSKIとの最大の互換性を提供するために使用されます。

* "<enrollment-protocol>": This MUST reference the protocol being used. Existing values include 'est' [RFC7030] as in [RFC8995] and 'cmp' as in [RFC9483] and Section 5.1 below. Values for other existing protocols such as CMC and SCEP, as well as newly defined protocols, are outside the scope of this document. For use of the "<enrollment-protocol>" and "<request>" URI components, they would need to be specified in a suitable RFC and placed into the "Well-Known URIs" registry, just as EST in [RFC7030].

* 「<Enrollment-Protocol>」:これは、使用されているプロトコルを参照する必要があります。既存の値には、[RFC8995]のような「EST」[RFC7030]および[RFC9483]および以下のセクション5.1のような「cmp」が含まれます。CMCやSCEPなどの他の既存のプロトコル、および新たに定義されたプロトコルの値は、このドキュメントの範囲外です。「<Enrollment-Protocol>」と「<question>」URIコンポーネントを使用するには、適切なRFCで指定し、[RFC7030]のESTと同様に「よく知られているURIS」レジストリに配置する必要があります。

* "<request>": If present, this path component MUST describe the operation requested depending on the enrollment protocol being used. Enrollment protocols are expected to define their request endpoints, as is done by existing protocols (also see Section 5).

* 「<question>」:存在する場合、このパスコンポーネントは、使用されている登録プロトコルに応じて要求された操作を記述する必要があります。登録プロトコルは、既存のプロトコルによって行われるように、要求エンドポイントを定義することが期待されています(セクション5も参照)。

Well-known URIs for various endpoints on the domain registrar are already defined as part of the base BRSKI specification or indirectly by EST. In addition, alternative enrollment endpoints MAY be supported by the registrar.


A pledge SHOULD use the endpoints defined for the enrollment protocol(s) that it can use. It will recognize whether the protocol it uses and the specific request it wants to perform are understood and supported by the domain registrar. This is done by sending the request to the respective endpoint according to the above addressing scheme and then evaluating the HTTP status code of the response. If the pledge uses endpoints that are not standardized, it risks that the registrar does not recognize a request and thus may reject it even if the registrar supports the intended protocol and operation.


The following list of endpoints provides an illustrative example of a domain registrar supporting several options for EST as well as for CMP to be used in BRSKI-AE. The listing contains the supported endpoints to which the pledge may connect for bootstrapping. This includes the voucher handling as well as the enrollment endpoints. The CMP-related enrollment endpoints are defined as well-known URIs in CMP Updates [RFC9480] and the Lightweight CMP Profile [RFC9483].


* /.well-known/brski/voucherrequest

* /.well-nking/brski/voucherrequest

* /.well-known/brski/voucher_status

* /.well-nking/brski/voucher_status

* /.well-known/brski/enrollstatus

* /.well-known/brski/enrollstatus

* /.well-known/est/cacerts

* /.well-known/est/cacerts

* /.well-known/est/csrattrs

* /.well-known/est/csrattrs

* /.well-known/est/fullcmc


* /.well-known/cmp/getcacerts

* /.well-nking/cmp/getCacerts

* /.well-known/cmp/getcertreqtemplate

* /.well-nking/cmp/getcertreqtemplate

* /.well-known/cmp/initialization

* /.well-known/cmp/initialization

* /.well-known/cmp/pkcs10

* /.well-known/cmp/pkcs10

5. Instantiation with Existing Enrollment Protocols
5. 既存の登録プロトコルへのインスタンス化

This section maps the generic requirements to support proof of possession and proof of identity to selected existing certificate enrollment protocols and specifies further aspects of using such enrollment protocols in BRSKI-AE.


5.1. BRSKI-CMP: BRSKI-AE Instantiated with CMP

In this document, references to CMP follow the Lightweight CMP Profile (LCMPP) from [RFC9483] rather than [RFC4210] and [RFC9480], as the subset of CMP defined in the LCMPP sufficiently meets the required functionality.


Adherence to the LCMPP [RFC9483] is REQUIRED when using CMP. The following specific requirements apply (refer to Figure 2):

CMPを使用する場合、LCMPP [RFC9483]の順守が必要です。次の特定の要件が適用されます(図2を参照):

* The validation of server response messages performed by the CMP client within the pledge MUST be based on the trust anchor established beforehand via the BRSKI voucher, i.e., on the pinned-domain-cert.

* 誓約内でCMPクライアントによって実行されたサーバー応答メッセージの検証は、BRSKIバウチャーを介して、つまりピン留めドメイン洞窟で、事前に確立された信頼アンカーに基づいている必要があります。

Note that the integrity and authenticity checks on the RA/CA by the CMP client can be stronger than for EST because they do not need to be performed hop-by-hop but are usually end-to-end.


* CA Certs Request (1) and Response (2): Requesting CA certificates is OPTIONAL. If supported, it SHALL be implemented as specified in [RFC9483], Section 4.3.1.

* CA証明書リクエスト(1)および応答(2):CA証明書の要求はオプションです。サポートされている場合、[RFC9483]、セクション4.3.1で指定されているように実装されます。

* Attribute Request (3) and Response (4): Requesting certification request attributes is OPTIONAL. If supported, it SHALL be implemented as specified in [RFC9483], Section 4.3.3.

* 属性要求(3)および応答(4):認証要求属性の要求はオプションです。サポートされている場合、[RFC9483]、セクション4.3.3で指定されているように実装されます。

Alternatively, the registrar MAY modify the requested certificate contents as specified in [RFC9483], Section


* Certification Request (5) and Response (6): Certificates SHALL be requested and provided as specified in the LCMPP from [RFC9483], Section 4.1.1 (based on CRMF) or [RFC9483], Section 4.1.4 (based on PKCS #10).

* 認証要求(5)および応答(6):証明書は、[RFC9483]、セクション4.1.1(CRMFに基づく)または[RFC9483]、[RFC9483]、セクション4.1.4(PKCS#10に基づく)のLCMPPで指定されているように要求および提供されます。

Proof of possession SHALL be provided in a manner suitable for the key type. Proof of identity SHALL be provided by signature-based protection of the certification request message as outlined in [RFC9483], Section 3.2 using the IDevID secret.


When the registrar forwards a certification request from the pledge to a backend RA/CA, it is RECOMMENDED that the registrar wraps the original certification request in a nested message signed with its own credentials, as described in [RFC9483], Section This approach explicitly conveys the registrar's consent to the RA while retaining the original certification request with the proof of origin provided by the pledge's signature.


If additional trust anchors beyond the pinned-domain-cert need to be conveyed to the pledge, this SHOULD be done in the 'caPubs' field of the certification response rather than through a CA Certs Response.


* Certificate Confirm (7) and PKI/Registrar Confirm (8): Explicit confirmation of new certificates to the RA/CA MAY be used as specified in [RFC9483], Section 4.1.1.

* 証明書の確認(7)およびPKI/レジストラの確認(8):RA/CAへの新しい証明書の明示的な確認は、[RFC9483]、セクション4.1.1で指定されているように使用できます。

Note that independent of the certificate confirmation within CMP, enrollment status telemetry with the registrar at the BRSKI level will be performed as described in [RFC8995], Section 5.9.4.


* If delayed delivery of CMP messages is needed (e.g., to support enrollment over an asynchronous channel), it SHALL be performed as specified in Sections 4.4 and 5.1.2 of [RFC9483].

* CMPメッセージの遅延配信が必要な場合(例えば、非同期チャネル上の登録をサポートするために)、[RFC9483]のセクション4.4および5.1.2で指定されているように実行するものとします。

The mechanisms for exchanging messages between the registrar and backend PKI components (i.e., RA and/or CA) are outside the scope of this document. CMP's independence from the message transfer mechanism allows for flexibility in choosing the appropriate exchange method based on the application scenario. For the applicable security and privacy considerations, refer to Sections 7 and 8. Further guidance can be found in [RFC9483], Section 6.


BRSKI-AE with CMP can also be combined with Constrained BRSKI [cBRSKI], using CoAP for enrollment message transport as described by CoAP Transfer for CMP [RFC9482]. In such scenarios, the EST-specific parts of [cBRSKI] do not apply.

CMPを使用したBrski-aeは、CMP [RFC9482]のCOAP転送で説明されているように、登録メッセージトランスポートにCOAPを使用して、制約付きBRSKI [CBRSKI]と組み合わせることもできます。このようなシナリオでは、[cbrski]のEST固有の部分は適用されません。

For BRSKI-AE scenarios where a general solution for discovering registrars with CMP support is not available (cf. Section 4.2.1), the following minimalist approach MAY be used: Perform discovery as defined in [RFC8995], Appendix B, but use the service name "brski-reg-cmp" (as defined in Section 6) instead of "brski-registrar" (as defined in [RFC8995], Section 8.6). Note that this approach does not support join proxies.


5.2. Support of Other Enrollment Protocols
5.2. 他の登録プロトコルのサポート

Further instantiations of BRSKI-AE can be done. They are left for future work.


In particular, CMC [RFC5272] (using its in-band source authentication options) and SCEP [RFC8894] (using its 'renewal' option) could be used.

特に、CMC [RFC5272](帯域内のソース認証オプションを使用)およびSCEP [RFC8894](「更新」オプションを使用)を使用できます。

The fullCMC variant of EST sketched in [RFC7030], Section 2.5 might also be used here. For EST-fullCMC, further specification is necessary.


6. IANA Considerations
6. IANAの考慮事項

IANA has registered the following service name in the "Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry" <>.


Service Name:




Transport Protocol(s):






Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure registrar with CMP capabilities according to the Lightweight CMP Profile (LCMPP) [RFC9483]

Lightweight CMPプロファイル(LCMPP)に従って、CMP機能を備えたリモートセキュアーキーインフラストラクチャレジストラ[RFC9483]をブートストラップする




iesg <>




ietf <>



RFC 9733

RFC 9733

Note: We chose the suffix "cmp" here rather than some other abbreviation like "lcmpp" mainly because this document defines the normative CMP instantiation of BRSKI-AE, which implies adherence to the LCMPP is necessary and sufficient.


7. Security Considerations
7. セキュリティに関する考慮事項

The security considerations laid out in [RFC8995], Section 11 apply to the discovery and voucher exchange as well as for the status exchange information.


In particular, even if the registrar delegates part or all of its RA role during certificate enrollment to a separate system, it still must be made sure that the registrar takes part in the decision on accepting or declining a request to join the domain, as required in [RFC8995], Section 5.3. As this also pertains to obtaining a valid domain-specific certificate, it must be made sure that a pledge cannot circumvent the registrar in the decision of whether it is granted an LDevID certificate by the CA. There are various ways to fulfill this, including:


* implicit consent;

* 暗黙の同意;

* the registrar signaling its consent to the RA out-of-band before or during the enrollment phase, for instance, by entering the pledge identity in a database;

* レジストラは、たとえば、データベースに誓約IDを入力することにより、登録段階の前または登録段階の間にRAのアウトオブバンドに同意します。

* the registrar providing its consent using an extra message that is transferred on the same channel as the enrollment messages, possibly in a TLS tunnel; and

* レジストラは、登録メッセージと同じチャネルで、おそらくTLSトンネルで転送される追加のメッセージを使用して同意を提供します。そして

* the registrar explicitly stating its consent by signing the authenticated self-contained certificate enrollment request message in addition to the pledge.

* レジストラは、誓約に加えて、認証された自己完結型証明書登録要求メッセージに署名することにより、その同意を明示的に述べています。

Note: If EST was used, the registrar could give implicit consent on a certification request by forwarding the request to a PKI entity using a connection authenticated with a certificate containing an id-kp-cmcRA extension.


When CMP is used, the security considerations laid out in the LCMPP from [RFC9483] apply.


8. Privacy Considerations
8. プライバシーに関する考慮事項

The privacy considerations laid out in [RFC8995], Section 10 apply as well.


Note that CMP messages themselves are not encrypted. This may give eavesdroppers insight into which devices are bootstrapped into the domain. In turn, this might also be used to selectively block the enrollment of certain devices.


To prevent such issues, the underlying message transport channel can be encrypted. This is already provided by TLS between the pledge and the registrar, and for the onward exchange with backend systems, encryption may need to be added.


9. References
9. 参考文献
9.1. Normative References
9.1. 引用文献
              IEEE, "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
              Networks - Secure Device Identity", IEEE 802.1AR-2018,
              DOI 10.1109/IEEESTD.2018.8423794, August 2018,
   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,
   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,
   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.
   [RFC8995]  Pritikin, M., Richardson, M., Eckert, T., Behringer, M.,
              and K. Watsen, "Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key
              Infrastructure (BRSKI)", RFC 8995, DOI 10.17487/RFC8995,
              May 2021, <>.
   [RFC9483]  Brockhaus, H., von Oheimb, D., and S. Fries, "Lightweight
              Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Profile", RFC 9483,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9483, November 2023,
9.2. Informative References
9.2. 参考引用
              von Oheimb, D., Ed., Fries, S., and H. Brockhaus, "Update
              on BRSKI-AE: Alternative Enrollment Protocols in BRSKI",
              IETF 116 - ANIMA Working Group Presentation, March 2023,
              Eckert, T., Ed. and E. Dijk, "BRSKI discovery and
              variations", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              anima-brski-discovery-05, 21 October 2024,
   [cBRSKI]   Richardson, M., Van der Stok, P., Kampanakis, P., and E.
              Dijk, "Constrained Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key
              Infrastructure (cBRSKI)", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-anima-constrained-voucher-27, 3 March
              2025, <
              International Electrotechnical Commission, "Power systems
              management and associated information exchange - Data and
              communications security - Part 9: Cyber security key
              management for power system equipment", IEC 62351-9:2023,
              June 2023, <>.
              International Organization for Standardization, "Road
              vehicles - Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface - Part
              2: Network and application protocol requirements",
              ISO 15118-2:2014, April 2014,
              North American Electric Reliability Council, "Cyber
              Security - Electronic Security Perimeter", CIP 005-5,
              December 2013.
   [OCPP]     Open Charge Alliance, "Open Charge Point Protocol 2.0.1
              (Draft)", December 2019.
   [RFC2986]  Nystrom, M. and B. Kaliski, "PKCS #10: Certification
              Request Syntax Specification Version 1.7", RFC 2986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2986, November 2000,
   [RFC4210]  Adams, C., Farrell, S., Kause, T., and T. Mononen,
              "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate
              Management Protocol (CMP)", RFC 4210,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4210, September 2005,
   [RFC4211]  Schaad, J., "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
              Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF)", RFC 4211,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4211, September 2005,
   [RFC5272]  Schaad, J. and M. Myers, "Certificate Management over CMS
              (CMC)", RFC 5272, DOI 10.17487/RFC5272, June 2008,
   [RFC5652]  Housley, R., "Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)", STD 70,
              RFC 5652, DOI 10.17487/RFC5652, September 2009,
   [RFC5929]  Altman, J., Williams, N., and L. Zhu, "Channel Bindings
              for TLS", RFC 5929, DOI 10.17487/RFC5929, July 2010,
   [RFC6955]  Schaad, J. and H. Prafullchandra, "Diffie-Hellman Proof-
              of-Possession Algorithms", RFC 6955, DOI 10.17487/RFC6955,
              May 2013, <>.
   [RFC7030]  Pritikin, M., Ed., Yee, P., Ed., and D. Harkins, Ed.,
              "Enrollment over Secure Transport", RFC 7030,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7030, October 2013,
   [RFC8366]  Watsen, K., Richardson, M., Pritikin, M., and T. Eckert,
              "A Voucher Artifact for Bootstrapping Protocols",
              RFC 8366, DOI 10.17487/RFC8366, May 2018,
   [RFC8894]  Gutmann, P., "Simple Certificate Enrolment Protocol",
              RFC 8894, DOI 10.17487/RFC8894, September 2020,
   [RFC8994]  Eckert, T., Ed., Behringer, M., Ed., and S. Bjarnason, "An
              Autonomic Control Plane (ACP)", RFC 8994,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8994, May 2021,
   [RFC9148]  van der Stok, P., Kampanakis, P., Richardson, M., and S.
              Raza, "EST-coaps: Enrollment over Secure Transport with
              the Secure Constrained Application Protocol", RFC 9148,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9148, April 2022,
   [RFC9480]  Brockhaus, H., von Oheimb, D., and J. Gray, "Certificate
              Management Protocol (CMP) Updates", RFC 9480,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9480, November 2023,
   [RFC9482]  Sahni, M., Ed. and S. Tripathi, Ed., "Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP) Transfer for the Certificate
              Management Protocol", RFC 9482, DOI 10.17487/RFC9482,
              November 2023, <>.
              UNISIG, "ERTMS/ETCS On-line Key Management FFFIS", Subset-
              137, Version 1.0.0, December 2015,
Appendix A. Application Examples
付録A. アプリケーションの例

This informative annex provides some details about application examples.


A.1. Rolling Stock
A.1. 車両

Rolling stock or railroad cars contain a variety of sensors, actuators, and controllers. These communicate within the railroad car but also exchange information with other railroad cars of the same train and with track-side equipment and/or possibly with backend systems. These devices are typically unaware of backend system connectivity. Enrolling certificates may be done during maintenance cycles of the railroad car but can already be prepared during operation. Such asynchronous enrollment will include generating certification requests, which are collected and later forwarded for processing whenever the railroad car gets connectivity with the backend PKI of the operator. The authorization of the certification request is then done based on the operator's asset/inventory information in the backend.


UNISIG has included a CMP profile for the enrollment of TLS client and server X.509 certificates of on-board and track-side components in the Subset-137, which specifies the ETRAM/ETCS online key management for train control systems [UNISIG-Subset-137].


A.2. Building Automation
A.2. 建物の自動化

In building automation scenarios, a detached building or the basement of a building may be equipped with sensors, actuators, and controllers that are connected to each other in a local network but with only limited or no connectivity to a central building management system. This problem may occur during installation time but also during operation. In such a situation, a service technician collects the necessary data and transfers it between the local network and the central building management system, e.g., using a laptop or a mobile phone. This data may comprise parameters and settings required in the operational phase of the sensors/actuators, like a component certificate issued by the operator to authenticate against other components and services.


The collected data may be provided by a domain registrar already existing in the local network. In this case, connectivity to the backend PKI may be facilitated by the service technician's laptop. Alternatively, the data can also be collected from the pledges directly and provided to a domain registrar deployed in a different network in preparation for the operational phase. In this case, connectivity to the domain registrar may also be facilitated by the service technician's laptop.


A.3. Substation Automation
A.3. 変電所自動化

In electrical substation automation scenarios, a control center typically hosts PKI services to issue certificates for Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) operated in a substation. Communication between the substation and control center is performed through a proxy/gateway/DMZ, which terminates protocol flows. Note that [NERC-CIP-005-5] requires inspection of protocols at the boundary of a security perimeter (in this case, the substation). In addition, security management in substation automation assumes central support of several enrollment protocols to support the various capabilities of IEDs from different vendors. The IEC standard IEC62351-9 [IEC-62351-9] specifies mandatory support of two enrollment protocols for the infrastructure side, SCEP [RFC8894] and EST [RFC7030], while an IED may support only one of them.

電気変電所の自動化シナリオでは、コントロールセンターは通常、PKIサービスをホストして、変電所で動作するインテリジェント電子デバイス(IED)の証明書を発行します。変電所とコントロールセンター間の通信は、プロキシ/ゲートウェイ/DMZを介して実行され、プロトコルフローを終了します。[NERC-CIP-005-5]では、セキュリティ周辺(この場合は変電所)の境界でプロトコルの検査が必要であることに注意してください。さらに、変電所自動化のセキュリティ管理は、さまざまなベンダーからのIEDのさまざまな機能をサポートするために、いくつかの登録プロトコルの中心的なサポートを想定しています。IEC標準IEC62351-9 [IEC-62351-9]は、インフラストラクチャ側の2つの登録プロトコルの必須サポート、SCEP [RFC8894]およびEST [RFC7030]を指定しますが、IEDはその1つだけをサポートする場合があります。

A.4. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
A.4. 電気自動車充電インフラストラクチャ

For electric vehicle charging infrastructure, protocols have been defined for the interaction between the electric vehicle and the charging point (e.g., ISO 15118-2 [ISO-IEC-15118-2]) as well as between the charging point and the charging point operator (e.g., OCPP [OCPP]). Depending on the authentication model, unilateral or mutual authentication is required. In both cases, the charging point uses an X.509 certificate to authenticate itself in TLS channels between the electric vehicle and the charging point. The management of this certificate depends, among other things, on the selected backend connectivity protocol. In the case of OCPP, this protocol is meant to be the only communication protocol between the charging point and the backend, carrying all information to control the charging operations and maintain the charging point itself. This means that the certificate management needs to be handled in-band of OCPP. This requires the ability to encapsulate the certificate management messages in a transport-independent way. Authenticated self-containment will support this by allowing the transport without a separate enrollment protocol, binding the messages to the identity of the communicating endpoints.

電気自動車充電インフラストラクチャの場合、電気自動車と充電ポイント(例:ISO 15118-2 [ISO-IEC-15118-2])と充電ポイントと充電ポイント演算子の間の相互作用のためにプロトコルが定義されています(例:OCPP [OCPP])。認証モデルに応じて、一方的または相互認証が必要です。どちらの場合も、充電ポイントはX.509証明書を使用して、電気自動車と充電ポイント間のTLSチャネルで認証します。この証明書の管理は、とりわけ選択されたバックエンド接続プロトコルに依存します。OCPPの場合、このプロトコルは、充電ポイントとバックエンドの間の唯一の通信プロトコルであることを意図しており、充電操作を制御し、充電ポイント自体を維持するためにすべての情報を運びます。これは、証明書管理をOCPPのバンド内で処理する必要があることを意味します。これには、トランスポートに依存しない方法で証明書管理メッセージをカプセル化する機能が必要です。認証された自己受胎は、別の登録プロトコルなしでトランスポートを許可し、通信エンドポイントのIDにメッセージを結合することにより、これをサポートします。

A.5. Infrastructure Isolation Policy
A.5. インフラストラクチャ分離ポリシー

The approach described in this section refers to any case in which network infrastructure is normally isolated from the Internet as a matter of policy, most likely for security reasons. In such a case, limited access to external PKI services will be allowed in carefully controlled short periods of time (for example, when a batch of new devices is deployed) and forbidden or prevented at other times.


A.6. Sites with Insufficient Levels of Operational Security
A.6. 運用セキュリティのレベルが不十分なサイト

The RA performing (at least part of) the authorization of a certification request is a critical PKI component and therefore requires higher operational security than components utilizing the issued certificates for their security features. CAs may also demand higher security in the registration procedures from RAs, which domain registrars with co-located RAs may not be able to fulfill. In particular, the CA/Browser forum currently increases the security requirements in the certificate issuance procedures for publicly trusted certificates, i.e., those placed in trust stores of browsers, which may be used to connect with devices in the domain. In case the on-site components of the target domain cannot be operated securely enough for the needs of an RA, this service should be transferred to an off-site backend component that has a sufficient level of security.



We thank Eliot Lear for his contributions as a co-author at an earlier draft stage.

Eliot Learは、以前のドラフト段階で共著者としての貢献に感謝します。

We thank Brian E. Carpenter, Michael Richardson, and Giorgio Romanenghi for their input and discussion on use cases and call flows.


Moreover, we thank Toerless Eckert (document shepherd); Barry Leiba (SECdir review); Mahesh Jethanandani (IETF area director); Meral Shirazipour (Gen-ART reviewer); Reshad Rahman (YANGDOCTORS reviewer); Deb Cooley, Gunter Van de Velde, John Scudder, Murray Kucherawy, Roman Danyliw, and Éric Vyncke (IESG reviewers); Michael Richardson (ANIMA design team member); and Rajeev Ranjan, Rufus Buschart, Andreas Reiter, and Szofia Fazekas-Zisch (Siemens colleagues) for their reviews with suggestions for improvements.

さらに、Toerless Eckert(Document Shepherd)に感謝します。Barry Leiba(Secdir Review);Mahesh Jethanandani(IETFエリアディレクター);Meral Shirazipour(Gen-Art Reviewer);Reshad Rahman(Yangdoctors Reviewer);Deb Cooley、Gunter Van de Velde、John Scudder、Murray Kucherawy、Roman Danyliw、およびEric Vyncke(IESGレビュアー);マイケルリチャードソン(アニマデザインチームメンバー);Rajeev Ranjan、Rufus Buschart、Andreas Reiter、Szofia Fazekas-Zisch(Siemensの同僚)は、改善の提案を受けてレビューをしています。

   Eliot Lear
   Cisco Systems
   Richtistrasse 7
   CH-8304 Wallisellen
   Phone: +41 44 878 9200
Authors' Addresses
   David von Oheimb (editor)
   Siemens AG
   Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
   81739 Munich
   Steffen Fries
   Siemens AG
   Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
   81739 Munich
   Hendrik Brockhaus
   Siemens AG
   Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
   81739 Munich