Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) R. Salz Request for Comments: 9748 Akamai Technologies Updates: 5905, 5906, 7821, 7822, 8573 February 2025 Category: Standards Track ISSN: 2070-1721
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Network Time Security (NTS) documents define a number of registries, collectively called the NTP registries.
Some registries are correct, but some include incorrect assignments and some don't follow common practice. For the sake of completeness, this document reviews all NTP and NTS registries, and corrects the registries where necessary.
This document updates RFCs 5905, 5906, 7821, 7822, and 8573.
このドキュメントは、RFCS 5905、5906、7821、7822、および8573を更新します。
This is an Internet Standards Track document.
This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.
このドキュメントは、インターネットエンジニアリングタスクフォース(IETF)の製品です。IETFコミュニティのコンセンサスを表しています。公開レビューを受けており、インターネットエンジニアリングステアリンググループ(IESG)からの出版が承認されています。インターネット標準の詳細については、RFC 7841のセクション2で入手できます。
Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
Copyright (c) 2025 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.
著作権(c)2025 IETF Trustおよび文書著者として特定された人。無断転載を禁じます。
This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.
このドキュメントは、BCP 78およびIETFドキュメント(に関連するIETF Trustの法的規定の対象となります。この文書に関するあなたの権利と制限を説明するので、これらの文書を注意深く確認してください。このドキュメントから抽出されたコードコンポーネントには、セクション4.Eで説明されている法的規定のセクション4.Eで説明されており、改訂されたBSDライセンスで説明されている保証なしで提供されるように、改訂されたBSDライセンステキストを含める必要があります。
1. Introduction 2. Existing Registries 2.1. Reference ID and Kiss-o'-Death Registries 2.2. Extension Field Types 2.3. Network Time Security Registries 3. NTP Registry Updates 3.1. Designated Experts 4. IANA Considerations 4.1. NTP Reference Identifier Codes 4.2. NTP Kiss-o'-Death Codes 4.3. NTP Extension Field Types 5. Security Considerations 6. Normative References Acknowledgements Author's Address
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Network Time Security (NTS) documents define a number of registries, collectively called the NTP registries. The NTP registries can all be found at <> and the NTS registries can all be found at < nts>.
ネットワークタイムプロトコル(NTP)およびネットワークタイムセキュリティ(NTS)ドキュメントは、NTPレジストリと集合的に呼ばれる多くのレジストリを定義しています。NTPレジストリはすべて<>にあり、NTSレジストリはすべて< nts>にあります。
Some registries are correct, but some include incorrect assignments and some don't follow common practice. For the sake of completeness, this document reviews all NTP and NTS registries, and corrects the registries where necessary.
The bulk of this document can be divided into two parts:
* a summary of the relevant registries, including syntax requirements, registration procedures, and the defining documents.
* 構文要件、登録手順、および定義文書など、関連するレジストリの概要。
* a revised format and entries for each registry being modified.
* 変更されている各レジストリの改訂された形式とエントリ。
This section describes the registries and the rules for them. It is intended to be a short summary of the syntax and registration requirements for each registry. The semantics and protocol processing rules for each registry -- that is, how an implementation acts when sending or receiving any of the fields -- are not described here.
[RFC5905] defines two registries: "NTP Reference Identifier Codes" in Section 7.3 and the "NTP Kiss-o'-Death Codes" in Section 7.4. Reference identifiers and kiss codes can be up to four ASCII characters, padded on the right with all-bits-zero if necessary. Entries that start with 0x58, the ASCII letter uppercase X, are reserved for Private or Experimental Use. Both registries are First Come First Served. The registries were created per Section 16 of [RFC5905].
[RFC5905]は、セクション7.3の「NTP参照識別子コード」とセクション7.4の「NTP KISS-O'-DEATHコード」を定義します。参照識別子とKISSコードは、必要に応じて右側に右側に右にパッド入り、最大4つのASCII文字になります。0x58で始まるASCIIレター大文字Xから始まるエントリは、プライベートまたは実験的使用のために予約されています。両方のレジストリが最初に提供されます。レジストリは、[RFC5905]のセクション16に従って作成されました。
Section 7.5 of [RFC5905] defines the on-the-wire format of extension fields but does not create a registry for them.
Section 13 of [RFC5906] mentions the "NTP Extension Field Types" registry, and defines it indirectly by defining 30 extensions (10 each for request, response, and error response). It does not provide a formal definition of the columns in the registry. Section 10 of [RFC5906] splits the Field Type into four subfields, only for use within the Autokey extensions.
[RFC7821] adds a new entry, Checksum Complement, to the "NTP Extension Field Types" registry.
[RFC7822] clarifies the processing rules for Extension Field Types, particularly around the interaction with the Message Authentication Code (MAC) field. NTPv4 packets may contain a MAC that appears where one would expect the next extension field header.
[RFC8573] changes the cryptography used in the MAC field.
[RFC8573] MACフィールドで使用される暗号化を変更します。
[RFC8915] adds four new entries to the "NTP Extension Field Types" registry.
The following problems exist with the current registry:
* Many of the entries in the "NTP Extension Field Types" registry have swapped some of the nibbles; for example, 0x0302 was listed for Cookie Message Request instead of 0x0203. The errors are due to documentation errors with the original implementation of Autokey. This document marks the erroneous values as reserved, in case there is an implementation using the registered values instead of what the original implementation used. Applications that used those values would have realized that they did not interoperate with the dominant (if not only) implementation at the time. Marking the values as reserved ensures that any such applications continue to work as is.
* 「NTP拡張フィールドタイプ」レジストリのエントリの多くは、いくつかのニブルを交換しました。たとえば、0x0203ではなく、Cookieメッセージリクエスト用に0x0302がリストされました。エラーは、Autokeyの元の実装によるドキュメントエラーによるものです。このドキュメントは、元の実装が使用したものではなく登録値を使用して実装がある場合に備えて、誤った値を予約されているとマークします。これらの値を使用したアプリケーションは、その時点での(ただし、ではないにしても)実装と相互運用していないことに気付いたでしょう。予約されている値をマークすると、そのようなアプリケーションがそのまま機能し続けることが保証されます。
* Some values were mistakenly reused.
* いくつかの値は誤って再利用されました。
[RFC8915] defines the NTS protocol. The related registries are listed here for completeness, but there are no changes specified in this document.
[RFC8915] NTSプロトコルを定義します。関連するレジストリは完全性のためにここにリストされていますが、このドキュメントで指定された変更はありません。
In [RFC8915]:
Sections 7.1 through 7.5 (inclusive) added entries to existing registries.
Section 7.6 created the "Network Time Security Key Establishment Record Types" registry that partitions the range into three different registration policies: IETF Review, Specification Required, and Private or Experimental Use.
Section 7.7 created the "Network Time Security Next Protocols" registry that similarly partitions the range.
Section 7.8 created the "Network Time Security Error Codes" and "Network Time Security Warning Codes" registries. Both registries are partitioned the same way.
The following general guidelines apply to the NTP registries:
* A partition of the "NTP Extension Field Types" registry is reserved for Private or Experimental Use.
* 「NTP拡張フィールドタイプ」レジストリのパーティションは、プライベートまたは実験的使用のために予約されています。
* In the "NTP Reference Identifier Codes" and "NTP Kiss-o'-Death Codes" registries, entries with ASCII fields are now limited to uppercase letters or digits. Fields starting with 0x58, the uppercase letter "X", are reserved for Private or Experimental Use.
* 「NTPリファレンス識別子コード」および「NTP Kiss-O'-Deathコード」レジストリでは、ASCIIフィールドのエントリは大文字または数字に限定されています。0x58から始まるフィールド、大文字「x」は、プライベートまたは実験的使用のために予約されています。
* The policy for each registry is now Specification Required, as defined in [RFC8126], Section 4.6.
* [RFC8126]、セクション4.6で定義されているように、各レジストリのポリシーが必要になりました。
The IESG is requested to choose three designated experts (DEs), with approvals from two being required to implement a change. Guidance for the experts is given below.
The DEs should be familiar with [RFC8126], particularly Section 5. As that reference suggests, the DE should ascertain the existence of a suitable specification and verify that it is publicly available. The DE is also expected to check the clarity of purpose and use of the requested code points.
In addition, the DE is expected to be familiar with this document, specifically the history documented here.
Each entry described in the subsections below is intended to completely replace the existing entry with the same name.
The registration procedure has been changed to Specification Required and this document has been added as a reference.
The Note has been changed to read as follows:
Codes beginning with the character "X" are reserved for experimentation and development. IANA cannot assign them.
The columns are defined as follows:
ID (required):
a four-byte value padded on the right with all-bits-zero. Each byte other than padding must be ASCII uppercase letters or digits.
Clock source (required):
a brief text description of the ID.
Reference (required):
the publication defining the ID.
The existing entries are left unchanged.
The registration procedure is changed to Specification Required and this document has been added as a reference.
The Note has been changed to read as follows:
Codes beginning with the character "X" are reserved for experimentation and development. IANA cannot assign them.
The columns are defined as follows:
ID (required):
a four-byte value padded on the right with all-bits-zero. Each byte other than padding must be ASCII uppercase letters or digits.
Meaning source (required):
a brief text description of the ID.
Reference (required):
the publication defining the ID.
The existing entries are left unchanged.
The registration procedure has been changed to Specification Required and [RFC5906] and this document have been added as references.
The following two Notes have been added:
Field Types in the range 0xF000 through 0xFFFF, inclusive, are reserved for experimentation and development. IANA cannot assign them. Both NTS Cookie and Autokey Message Request have the same Field Type; in practice this is not a problem as the field semantics will be determined by other parts of the message.
0xf000から0xffffの範囲のフィールドタイプは、実験と開発のために予約されています。IANAはそれらを割り当てることができません。NTS CookieとAutokeyメッセージ要求の両方が同じフィールドタイプを持っています。実際には、フィールドセマンティクスはメッセージの他の部分によって決定されるため、これは問題ではありません。
The "Reserved for historic reasons" is for differences between the original documentation and implementation of Autokey and marks the erroneous values as reserved, in case there is an implementation that used the registered values instead of what the original implementation used.
The columns are defined as follows:
Field Type (required):
a two-byte value in hexadecimal.
Meaning (required):
a brief text description of the field type.
Reference (required):
the publication defining the field type.
IANA has updated the registry as shown in Table 1.
+===============+====================================+=============+ | Field Type | Meaning | Reference | +===============+====================================+=============+ | 0x0000 | Crypto-NAK; authentication failure | [RFC5905] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0002 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0102 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0104 | Unique Identifier | [RFC8915], | | | | Section 5.3 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0200 | No-Operation Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0201 | Association Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0202 | Certificate Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0203 | Cookie Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0204 | Autokey Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0204 | NTS Cookie | [RFC8915], | | | | Section 5.4 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0205 | Leapseconds Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0206 | Sign Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0207 | IFF Identity Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0208 | GQ Identity Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0209 | MV Identity Message Request | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0302 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0304 | NTS Cookie Placeholder | [RFC8915], | | | | Section 5.5 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0402 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0404 | NTS Authenticator and Encrypted | [RFC8915], | | | Extension Fields | Section 5.6 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0502 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0602 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0702 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0802 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x0902 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x2005 | UDP Checksum Complement | [RFC7821] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8002 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8102 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8200 | No-Operation Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8201 | Association Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8202 | Certificate Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8203 | Cookie Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8204 | Autokey Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8205 | Leapseconds Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8206 | Sign Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8207 | IFF Identity Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8208 | GQ Identity Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8209 | MV Identity Message Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8302 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8402 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8502 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8602 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8702 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8802 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0x8902 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC002 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC102 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC200 | No-Operation Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC201 | Association Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC202 | Certificate Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC203 | Cookie Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC204 | Autokey Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC205 | Leapseconds Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC206 | Sign Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC207 | IFF Identity Message Error | [RFC5906] | | | Response | | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC208 | GQ Identity Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC209 | MV Identity Message Error Response | [RFC5906] | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC302 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC402 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC502 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC602 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC702 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC802 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xC902 | Reserved for historic reasons | RFC 9748 | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ | 0xF000-0xFFFF | Reserved for Private or | RFC 9748 | | | Experimental Use | | +---------------+------------------------------------+-------------+ Table 1
This document adds no new security considerations, as they are defined in the document that defines the extension. See the References column of the appropriate IANA registry.
[RFC5905] Mills, D., Martin, J., Ed., Burbank, J., and W. Kasch, "Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification", RFC 5905, DOI 10.17487/RFC5905, June 2010, <>.
[RFC5906] Haberman, B., Ed. and D. Mills, "Network Time Protocol Version 4: Autokey Specification", RFC 5906, DOI 10.17487/RFC5906, June 2010, <>.
[RFC7821] Mizrahi, T., "UDP Checksum Complement in the Network Time Protocol (NTP)", RFC 7821, DOI 10.17487/RFC7821, March 2016, <>.
[RFC7822] Mizrahi, T. and D. Mayer, "Network Time Protocol Version 4 (NTPv4) Extension Fields", RFC 7822, DOI 10.17487/RFC7822, March 2016, <>.
[RFC8126] Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017, <>.
[RFC8573] Malhotra, A. and S. Goldberg, "Message Authentication Code for the Network Time Protocol", RFC 8573, DOI 10.17487/RFC8573, June 2019, <>.
[RFC8915] Franke, D., Sibold, D., Teichel, K., Dansarie, M., and R. Sundblad, "Network Time Security for the Network Time Protocol", RFC 8915, DOI 10.17487/RFC8915, September 2020, <>.
The members of the NTP Working Group helped a great deal. Notable contributors include:
* Miroslav Lichvar, Red Hat
* Miroslav Lichvar、Red Hat
* Daniel Franke, formerly at Akamai Technologies
* 以前はアカマイテクノロジーズに携わっていたダニエルフランケ
* Danny Mayer, Network Time Foundation
* Danny Mayer、ネットワークタイムファンデーション
* Michelle Cotton, formerly at IANA
* ミシェル・コットン、以前はイアナにいた
* Tamme Dittrich, Tweede Golf
* Tamme Dittrich、Tweede Golf
Rich Salz Akamai Technologies Email: