ここで取り上げるのは、適量飲酒について否定的な論文・記事の一覧です。 お酒を飲まない理由を説明するための自分用のメモです。 飲酒を推奨する論文は酒造メーカーから多額の研究資金が流れているので信用してはいけない(地球温暖化はないと主張する論文の背後には、石油会社がいるのと同じ構図)。
What this study adds
- Compared with abstinence, moderate alcohol intake is associated with increased risk of adverse brain outcomes and steeper cognitive decline in lexical fluency
- The hippocampus is particularly vulnerable, which has not been previously linked negatively with moderate alcohol use
- No protective effect was found for small amounts of alcohol over abstinence, and previous reports claiming a protective effect of light drinking might have been subject to confounding by associations between increased alcohol and higher social class or IQ
- 禁酒者と比較すると、飲酒は脳機能や言語機能の低下と関連している。
- 海馬は特に脆弱で、これまで飲酒との関連がされていなかった。
- 禁酒者と比較して、少量の飲酒には保護効果がないことがわかった。
海馬は記憶や認知などを司るため、アルコールをよく摂取する人は、長期的に見れば脳の認知機能が低下しやすい。 適度な飲酒量をキープしていた人も海馬の萎縮は免れない。
Is moderate drinking not so good for you after all? (2016)
CBS Newsが書いた記事で、適量飲酒が体に良いとしている87の論文に対してその根拠が疑わしいことを示した研究について、禁酒者バイアス (Abstainer Bias) が含まれていると述べている記事。
"We were able to find every single study ever published linking how much we drink with how long we lived," said lead researcher Tim Stockwell, the director of the University of Victoria's Centre for Addictions Research in British Columbia, Canada.
They found what they call an "abstainer bias" in most of the studies, meaning that when researchers compared moderate drinkers with non-drinkers, the non-drinking group often included people who don't consume alcohol due to other health issues, such as former drinkers who stopped due to poor health. That bias may have made the moderate drinkers – those who downed anywhere from one drink per week to one or two drinks a day – seem healthier by comparison, Stockwell explained.
- カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア大学の中毒研究センター所長の発言より
- 健康上の問題で禁酒している人を禁酒者グループに含めているという禁酒者バイアス(abstainer bias)がこれまでの研究に存在することがわかった。
お酒を飲まない人は、もともと飲まないのか、病気などの理由で飲むのをやめたのかが曖昧であると、禁酒者バイアスが含まれ、統計的因果推論を誤った結果に導いてしまう。 お酒を飲まないと回答した人の中には、健康上の理由でお酒を飲めない人が含まれてしまうため、Jカーブ (お酒を少し飲む人の方が死亡するリスクが低いという結果) ができてしまい、因果の誤謬が発生する。
アルコールや薬物についての査読付き科学雑誌「Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs」に投稿された論文で、適量飲酒が体に良いとしている87の論文を精査したところ、その根拠が疑わしいことを示した研究。
Analyses of higher-quality bias-free studies also failed to find reduced mortality risk for low-volume alcohol drinkers. Risk estimates for occasional drinkers were similar to those for low- and medium-volume drinkers.
Estimates of mortality risk from alcohol are significantly altered by study design and characteristics. Meta-analyses adjusting for these factors find that low-volume alcohol consumption has no net mortality benefit compared with lifetime abstention or occasional drinking.
- 禁酒者バイアスを除いた研究の分析でも、少量の飲酒者の死亡率の低下は見られない。
- 時々飲酒する人の死亡率は、少量と中量の飲酒者の死亡率と類似していた。
- 研究の手法と特性によって、アルコール摂取量による死亡率の推定値は大きく変化する。
- 少量のアルコール摂取は、禁酒者や時々飲酒する人と比較して、死亡率を低下することはない。
Conventional and genetic evidence on alcohol and vascular disease aetiology: a prospective study of 500 000 men and women in China - The Lancet (2019)
Genetic epidemiology shows that the apparently protective effects of moderate alcohol intake against stroke are largely non-causal. Alcohol consumption uniformly increases blood pressure and stroke risk, and appears in this one study to have little net effect on the risk of myocardial infarction.
- アルコールの摂取は血圧と脳卒中のリスクを均一に増加させる
- 遺伝疫学によると、適正飲酒によって脳卒中のリスクが低下することはない
Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (2018)
Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for disease burden worldwide, accounting for nearly 10% of global deaths among populations aged 15–49 years, and poses dire ramifications for future population health in the absence of policy action today. The widely held view of the health benefits of alcohol needs revising, particularly as improved methods and analyses continue to show how much alcohol use contributes to global death and disability. Our results show that the safest level of drinking is none. This level is in conflict with most health guidelines, which espouse health benefits associated with consuming up to two drinks per day. Alcohol use contributes to health loss from many causes and exacts its toll across the lifespan, particularly among men. Policies that focus on reducing population-level consumption will be most effective in reducing the health loss from alcohol use.
- 研究結果では飲酒の最も安全なレベルはないことを示している。
- 飲酒は世界的に見ても病気の危険因子であり、健康の喪失になる。
Alcohol and endogenous aldehydes damage chromosomes and mutate stem cells (2018)
世界で権威のある学術雑誌のひとつ「ネイチャー (Nature) 」に投稿された論文で、アルコール摂取とDNA損傷の関係について調査した研究。
Our study highlights that not being able to process alcohol effectively can lead to an even higher risk of alcohol-related DNA damage and therefore certain cancers.
- アルコールの処理が効率よくできないと、DNAの損傷リスクが高まり、癌につながる。
Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health | Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (2023)
There is a continuum of risk associated with weekly alcohol use where the risk of harm is:
- 0 drinks per week — Not drinking has benefits, such as better health, and better sleep.
- 2 standard drinks or less per week — You are likely to avoid alcohol-related consequences for yourself or others at this level.
- 3–6 standard drinks per week — Your risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer, increases at this level.
- 7 standard drinks or more per week — Your risk of heart disease or stroke increases significantly at this level. Each additional standard drink radically increases the risk of alcohol-related consequences.
Consuming more than 2 standard drinks per occasion is associated with an increased risk of harms to self and others, including injuries and violence. When pregnant or trying to get pregnant, there is no known safe amount of alcohol use. When breastfeeding, not drinking alcohol is safest. No matter where you are on the continuum, for your health, less alcohol is better.